descendants jean gaspard rhein - Rhein And Laeng Of Herrlisheim


descendants jean gaspard rhein - Rhein And Laeng Of Herrlisheim
This Genealogy Report contains information on nine generations of the
descendants of Jean Gaspard Rhein, the Executioner. It provides the opportunity to
view and print the information in a book format. For those of you seeking more
information on the Rheins and related families please refer to the other sections
listed to the left on the web site. Many of these files provide the opportunity to
search for members of Rhein, Laeng and related families, view family and ancestor
trees, etc.
Introduction, Background and Methodolgy............. ..................Pages 1 to 6
Descendants.............................................................................Pages 7 to 59
End Notes ................................................................ .............Pages 59 to 60
Index of Individuals .......................................................... .....Pages 61 to 64
For those of you seeking information subsequent to the ninth generation,
please write to me. I will be pleased to share with you the information
that I have.
Joseph Philip Rhein
Sarasota, Florida
United States of America
May 1, 2011
Descendants of Jean Gaspard Rhein
Generation 1
JEAN GASPARD1 RHEIN was born in 1595 in Saverne, low Alsace, in the jurisdiction of
Hannau-Lichtenberg, the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Holy Roman Empire. He married
CATHERINE NEE UNKNOWN. She was born in 1600 in Saverne, low Alsace, in the jurisdiction of
Hannau-Lichtenberg, the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Holy Roman Empire.
Jean Gaspard: Sex: Male. His religious affiliation was Catholic. He was employed as a
Notes for Jean Gaspard Rhein:
The early Rheins (Reins) were a widespead clan of executioners in low Alsace, in the Kingdom of
Lorraine, and in the Saarland in the Holy Roman Empire in early modern Germany prior to the
Thirty Years War that ended in 1648. The first known in my line is Jean Gaspard Rhein, my 8th
great-grandfather, born 1595 in Savern, low Alsace, in the jurisdiction of Hannau-Lichtenberg, the
House of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Holy Roman Empire. The last Rhein in my direct line that was an
executioner was Francois Rhein, my 4th great-grandfather, born 1722 in Herrlisheim, Province of
Jean Gaspard Rhein was the Executioner and residing in Saverne in 1628 at which time his first
son Wolfgang Rhein was born. He was in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace from 1632 to 1638 when
his other children were born. This information was taken from an entry in, no
documentation presented, and will need to be verified.
The web site lists the number of Rhein executioners in
the following communities as follows; Saverne 30, Otterswiller 2, Strasbourg 1, Herrlisheim 67 and
Hochfelden 1 as well as information on a number of Rhein executioners..
(Notes to File - JP Rhein)
Catherine nee: Sex: Female. Her religious affiliation was Catholic.
Jean Gaspard Rhein and Catherine nee unknown had the following children:
WOLFGANG2 RHEIN was born in 1628 in Saverne, low Alsace, in the jurisdiction of
Hannau-Lichtenberg, the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Holy Roman Empire. He
married NEE UNKNOWN.
JEAN JACQUES RHEIN was born on 30 May 1630 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace. He
married ANNE CATHERINE LOHR in 1675 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. She
was born in 1650 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France.
JEAN MARTIN RHEIN was born on 19 Jan 1632 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace.
Sex: Male.
JEAN GASPARD RHEIN was born on 13 Aug 1633 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace. He
died before 1637.
Sex: Male.
ANNE MARIE RHEIN was born on 15 Feb 1635 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace. She
died on 27 May 1637 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace.
Sex: Female.
JEAN GASPARD RHEIN was born on 18 Jan 1638 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace.
Generation 1 (con't)
Sex: Female.
Generation 2
WOLFGANG2 RHEIN (Jean Gaspard1) was born in 1628 in Saverne, low Alsace, in the jurisdiction of
Hannau-Lichtenberg, the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Holy Roman Empire. He married NEE
Wolfgang: Sex: Male. His religious affiliation was Catholic.
Notes for Wolfgang Rhein:
Wolfgang Rhein, born 1628 is listed in the "Livre d'Or des Families" for Saverne as being later in
Saverne and as having come from nearby Otterswiller, both in low Alsace. "The Burgers Records
for Strasbourg" in the year 1708 lists a Franz Rhein. It states that he is a burgher, that he is
bourgeois, that he is an executioner and that he is the son of Wolfgang Rhein, executioner in
Saverne. Franz was the resident executioner in Strasbourg from 1705 to 1719 and resided in the
parish of St. Johann.
"Dictionnaire Historique et Anecdotique des Bourreaux" by Michel et Danielle DeMores lists, on
page 253, a Franz Reine (Rhein) as born (about 1665) in Homburg and married to Anne Barbe
Bourgard about 1685. Franz is listed as an executioner in Wiebelskirchen in the Saar in 1690. He
was succeeded later by Henry Bourgard (brother of Anne Barbe Bourgard) in 1693. (This differs
from the information on the web site which states that
he was born in Saverne in 1665 and will need to be investigated further. Pending resolution of this,
I have elected to enter his place of birth as Saverne.) Anne Barbe and Henry Bourgard are the
children of Jean Bourgard and Marguerite Herteman. Jean Bourgard was an executioner in
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mine, district of Ribeauville, Province of Alsace in 1684. The first child mentioned
for Franz Rhein and Anne Barbe Bourgard is Joannes Henrich Rhein baptized April 28, 1689 in
"Scharfrichter und Schindersippen", a reconstructed CD, 2001 edition by Dr. Eike Pies, druck &
buch, Michael Ronsberg GbR, Wernerstr. 30, D-42285 Wuppertal, page 556, states, among other
things, that Franz Rein (Rhein) was an executioner in Wiebelskirchen in Ottweiler from 1685 to
1691, that he is married to Anna Barbara Burgard (Bourquette) sister of Johann Henrich Burgard.
"Scharfrichter und Wasenmeister de Amtes Zu Mittelbexbach" by Walter Petro states that
"Following the Thirty Years War that ended in 1648, most villages around Homburg in the Saar
were destroyed and for a long time remained uninhabited. New residents began arriving around
1680 principally from the east of France. In the year 1685 nine families received the right to live
there and their names are listed in the church book of the Catholic parish of Bexbach. Franz Rhein
came around 1691 from Wiebelskirchen where he had been an executioner from 1685 to 1691."
He married Anna Barbara Bourgard (Burchardt, Bourgatz and Bourcquette) about 1685.
When Wolfgang came to Otterswiller and later Saverne in low Alsace is not known.
Wolfgang Rhein had an additional son, Johann Georg Rhein married to Anna Maria Schoufschiren.
He was an executioner in Bexbach in the Saar in 1695 and later an executioner in Kork in the
Lower Palatinate where he succeeded in 1704 Johann Jacob Lohr.
Also there is a possible third son, J. Michael Rhein, who was born in Mittelbexbach about 1668. If
this is correct, then Wolfgang Rhein was in Mittelbexbach in 1668 prior to coming to Otterswiller. J.
Michel Rhein served in an official capacity in Wiebelskirchen from 1701 to 1711 and was the
Godfather for one of Franz Rhein's children in 1695 in Bexbach.
During the period from 1640 to 1740 the villages of Homburg, Wiebelskirchen, Mittelbexbach, and
Bexbach were located in the area of the Saar River in the Holy Roman Empire. This area gained a
Generation 2 (con't)
Bexbach were located in the area of the Saar River in the Holy Roman Empire. This area gained a
wide range of independence but was threatened, however, by the French kings, who sought, from
the 17th century onwards, to incorporate all the territories on the western side of the river Rhine
and repeatedly invaded the area, extending their realm to the Saar River and, under Louis XIV,
established the city and stronghold of Saare-Louis in 1680. Hombourg lies on the Erbach River
northeast of Saarbrucken. It was chartered in 1330 and in 1558. It belonged to the counts of
Hombourg, most of whose territory was divided in 1499 between the houses of
Nassau-Saarbrucken and Pfalz-Zweibrucken.
Later the Saar was part of the Lower Palatinate that included lands on both sides of the middle
Rhine River between its Main and Neckar tributaries. Its capital until the Eighteenth century was
Heidelberg. It became a French province in 1684 under the Truce of Regensburg, but France was
forced to surrender it in 1697 when it again became a part of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1792
to 1815 France again occupied the Saar, together with the entire west bank of the Rhine. With the
final defeat of Napoleon in 1815, France was forced to cede most of the Saar to Prussia, which
area was made part of its Prussian Rhine province. Bexbach is about 4 km southeast of
Wiebelskirchen. Wiebelskirchen is about 2 km north of Neunkirchen and slightly south of Ottweiler
Note the spelling of Homburg located in the Saar and that of Hombourg located in the district of
Forbach in Lorraine. Also note that there is an Ottweiler in the Saar and a Otterswiller, west of
Saverne, in the district of Saverne in low Alsace.
Franz's son, Joannes Martin Rhein, born 1691 in Wiebelskirchen, married to Anne Barbara Lohr,
was an executioner in Herrlisheim in low Alsace from 1709 to 1735, the date of his death. Their
son, Francois Rhein, married second to Catherine Wolff, was an executioner in 1754 in
Sarreguemines, Province of Alsace. Their son, Francois Joseph Rhein married to Catherine
Pfaadt, was a farmer in Herrlisheim.
Executioner or Butcher
The various church records reviewed in the search for Wolfgang Rhein, my 7th great-grandfather,
his son Franz Rhein, my 6th great-grandfather, his son Joannes Martin Rhein, my 5th
great-grandfather, and Francois Rhein, my 4th great-grandfather list their profession in Latin as
"carnifex" which, in broad terms, means executioner. The civil records generally do not mention the
profession or occupation of the individual and the Latin term "carnifex" and "carnarius" or the
German term "scharfrichter" or the French term "bourreau" are usually not found in them. Further
their names are listed as executioner in the publications dealing with executioners.
Reinhard Riepl of Germany to whom I am indebted for his assistance in my research on the early
Rheins and the profession of executioners advised that "Butchers and executioners were not
interrelated. Because, butcher was a "normal" profession ("ehrlich"), executioner and skinner (most
executioners were also skinners, but not all and this does not hold vice versa) was a profession
termed "unehrlich". I am not aware of any cases were somebody was a butcher and an executioner
at the same time. However, this does not exclude necessarily that a butcher became an
executioner (but not vice versa!), but if it really happened, it was definitely a rare exception. As
executioners and skinners were kind of social outcasts, they were forced to marry time and again
among themselves - for centuries. Also the godparents, witnesses, etc. usually came from this
trade (with some exceptions). So when researching executioners, one encounters the same well
known clans time and again."
The executioners were appointed by the landlords or the community. In many instances, skinners
were chosen to do the execution as well as they were usually stronger than the other men of the
community. The executioners had a specific status in the community usually with an appointed
house. The intermarriages of families of executioners were frequent and they often settled from
distant places depending on their nomination or appointment. Also allied with other families of
executioners were some who were surveyors of prisons. The Rheins intermarried with members of
other families of executioners, Black, Bour, Bourgard (Burckhard), Lohr, Grosholtz, Herrmann,
Ostertag, Rauch, Spirckel, Stoeckel, Wees and Wolff.
Generation 2 (con't)
Ostertag, Rauch, Spirckel, Stoeckel, Wees and Wolff.
"Carnifex was the public executioner at Rome. He put slaves and foreigners to death, but no
citizens, who were punished in a manner different from slaves. It is thought by some writers, from a
passage in Plautus (Rud. iii6.19) that the carnifex was anciently keeper of the prison under the
triumviri capitales; but there does not appear sufficient authority for this opinion." (Source - A
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875)
"Carnifex, n. (antiq.) The public executioner at Rome, who executed persons of the lowest rank,
hence an executioner or hangman." (Webster's 1913 Dictionary)
Alsace was part of the Holy Roman Empire at the time of the Protestant Reformation in the early
16th century. After the peace of Augsburg in 1555, the people in each lordship or jurisdiction had to
adpopt the confession of the lord or owner according to the rule "cujus regio, cujus religio". The
"simultaneum", which began in 1687 following the Revocation of the Treaty of Nantes in 1685,
refers to the situation where Catholics and Protestants - Lutheran or Reformed - shared a common
church. It was typically Alsatian.The worships were held at different times, that is, Protestants from
8 to 10 am and Catholics from 10 to 12 am. Usually only the Catholics could use the choir. The
simultaneum was considered by Protestants as an injustice and it gave rise to conflicts and
sometimes riots. Between the 17th century and 1850, the simultaneum was introduced in up to 150
village, mostly in the northern part of Alsace. After 1850 it was surpressed in many places mostly
because Catholic parishes built their own churches, thus avoiding trouble. In 1900 there were
about 100 simltaneous churches in Alsace. (Source - Etienne Herrbach the Alsace-Lorraine list on
Roots Web, May 21, 2006, some excerpts of which were taken form "Histoire des Chretiens
d'Alsace, 1994; B. Vogler, Le Partage de Dieu, Saisons d'Alsace # 102, 1988)
Additional Records Searched
The following additional records were reviewed in the search for information on Wolfgang Rhein
Rein), his forebears, his siblings and his children. The work was done by Marie-Odile Peres of
Strasbourg, France.
Church records of Herrlisheim, Parish St. Arbogast
5 Mi 193 1,2,3,4 and civil records of the same place 5.6
Church records of Gambsheim
5 Mi 150 1,2,3: parish Bienheureuse Vierge Marie
Brumath parish: St. Nazaire et Celse 5 Mi 66
Schiltingheim church records
cath. St. Louis 1,2,3,5 and prot.
Eckbolsheim church records
At. Cyprien 5 Mi 117 1,2,4,6
Saverne: Bienheureuse Vierge Marie
5 Mi 437: 1,2, 10
Otterswiller St. Michel parish
5 mi 367 1,2
Marmoutier St Etienne parish
5 Mi 283 2,4
Strasbourg, all parish churches
St Aureile, St. Guillaume, St Pierre le Jeune, St. Pierre le Vieux, St. Thomas, Temple Neuf,
Reformes, Robertsau
St. Etienne, St. Louis de la Citadelle, St. Louis, St. Pierre le Jeune, St. Pierre le Vieus, Robertsau,
St. Laurent Cathedrale,
St. Marc et St. Pierre le Catholics and protestants index records.
Registres des bourgeois: 3 et 4.
Subsequent to the above searches, a further search was made for Wolfgang Rhein (Rein) and his
children in the following locations, again done by Marie-Odile Peres.
Generation 2 (con't)
Catholic records:
No trace of a marriage of Franz Rhein and Anne Barbe Bourgard - or other spellings - there. No
trace of birth of Anne Barbe Bourgard about 1660-70; she must have been born outside of this city;
her father may have come 1684 to Saint Marie, but is not either found in death records of this
Ribeauville also checked in vain for the same information.
A RHEIN or REIN family is present indeed in Saint Marie but apparently not the same.
Marie Madeleine
22d december 1686
Godfather Nicolas Jacquin, smith and godmother Marie Madeleine La Goutte wife of Joseph
Fondeau, all burghers in Saint Marie.
22 January 1685
4 April 1688
12 August 1699
3 March 1708
15 June 1717
1704 16 june
Charles Rhein senior burgher of Saint Marie and Marguerite, daughter of Claude Aubertin, burgher
1656 16th October
Charles Oswald RHEIN son of Oswald Rhein native of Pont a Mousson (Lorraine) And
-Marie CUIVREY, daughter of Claude Cuivrey in Ste Marie
Witnesses Quirin Gerardin ; Symon Jacquemin ; Jacob Marchal.
All records pertaining to HOMBURG CHURCH RECORDS
Notary records
Justice records
No trace of any RHEIN FAMILY in any of those.
Research archives du Bas Rhin in Strasbourg
Church records: start 1685 ; in those no RHEIN FAMILIES NOTED; also checked:
Local archives (serie 7E Strasbourg) and religious archives (serie 8E Strasbourg) with no results.
But it does not mean that the family was not there before 1685, nor that this was just a time of
Very large series of contracts, inventories, marriage contracts, wills, and all type of sales etc. The
records of SAVERNE town (city) and those of OTTERSWILLER are kept together into the same
bundles; those start in 1600 and count over 300 bundles; there is no index available. Eight bundles
were checked in the period around 1660. No results. Task is disproportionate to the possible
results. No further work done.
Generation 2 (con't)
results. No further work done.
I have elected to translate the Christian name written in Latin into the language of the prevaling
jurisdiction at that time. I have also elected, wherever possible, to enter the full Latin name in a
notation in that individuals file in order to preserve further the record. For example, following the
Thirty Years War that ended in 1648 Alsace and Lorraine were under French jurisdiction and the
names were translated and entered in French. The Saar remained in the Holy Roman Empire and
the names were translated and entered in German. When individuals moved from the Saar to
Alsace the German name was retained, however, any children born in the Alsace or Lorraine
jurisdiction were entered in French. Wolfgang Rhein and his son Franz Rhein are entered with the
German spelling. As Franz's children were born and baptized in the Saar they are entered in
German. For example, Joannes Martin Rhein son of Franz. He was married in Herrlisheim and his
children are entered in French. To the extent that other sources were cited that were written in
French or German those references were maintained in
the language of the written artice and are so recorded in 'The Facts' or 'Notes Section' in the
genealogy records. In some instances in the early generations of the Rheins some of the children
may be listed in German and others in French. Also one generation may be in German and the
following generation in French.
The same procedure was followed in entering the place of birth, baptism marriage and deaththat is
in the name of the jurisdiction that prevailed at that time again.
Prior to 1648, the areas now known as Alsace and Lorraine were part of the Holy Roman Empire.
They became a part of the Kingdom of France in 1648 following the end of the Thirty Years War.
This included, in Alsace, the communities of Brumath, Herrlisheim, Hochfeldern, Saverne and
Otterswiller. I have elected to enter it as France.
Strasbourg was part of the Holy Roman Empire until 1685 when it became a part of the Kingdom of
France. I have elected to enter it as the Holy Roman Empire and France, respectively.
Following the end of the French Revolution (conventionally termed "Revolution of 1789" denoting
the end of the ancien regime in France) it was split into departments and was a part of the Empire
or Republic of France. From that date until the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871 Commune de
Herrrlisheim, was in the Canton of Bischwiler, District of Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin. I have elected to
enter it as Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. From the end of the Franco
Prussian War until 1890, the date my grandparents immigrated to the United States it was
Herlisheim, District of Haguenau, Haguneau, Germany. I have elected to enter it Commune de
Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. (Note to File - JP Rhein)
Generation 2 (con't)
nee: Sex: Female.
Wolfgang Rhein and nee unknown had the following children:
FRANZ3 RHEIN1 was born in 1665 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. He died
after 25 Apr 1735 in Parish of St. Johann, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. He
married ANNA BARBARA BOURGARD, daughter of Jean Bourgard and Marguerite
Herteman. She was born in 1668 in Stollhofen, Rheinmunster, Rastatt, Karlsruhe.
She died after 1746 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`.
CATHARINA RHEIN. She married (1) JEAN VOLLMAR. He was born in 1680 in
Strasbourg, Province of Alsace, France.
Catharina: Sex: Female.
Notes for Catharina Rhein:
A Catharina Rhein was a Godparent at the baptisim of Catharina Rhein, daughter of
Johann Georg Rhein and Anna Maria Schoufschiren in Mittelbexbach on March 30,
1695. There is a remote possibility that she may be a daughter of Wolfgang Rhein
and a sister of Johann George Rhein and I have elected to enter her as such
pending further investigation and follow up.
(Note to File - JP Rhein)
JEAN JACQUES2 RHEIN (Jean Gaspard1) was born on 30 May 1630 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace.
He married ANNE CATHERINE LOHR in 1675 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. She was born
in 1650 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France.
Jean Jacques: Sex: Male. His religious affiliation was Catholic.
Anne Catherine: Sex: Female. Her religious affiliation was Catholic.
Jean Jacques Rhein and Anne Catherine Lohr had the following children:
ANNE MARGUERITE3 RHEIN was born in 1675 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace. She
died on 05 Jun 1747 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Alsace. She married GEORGES
FREDERIC WEES on 24 Jan 1696 in Obernai, Province of Alsace, France. He was
born on 24 Apr 1673 in Obernai, Province of Alsace, France. He died on 19 Dec
1729 in Obernai, Bas-Rhin, France.
Anne Marguerite: Sex: Female.
Generation 2 (con't)
JEAN JACQUES RHEIN was born in 1686 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Province of Alsace,
France. He died on 23 Nov 1766 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. He
married MARIE MADELEINE WEES on 21 Jan 1716 in Obernai, Province of Alsace,
France3, daughter of Matthieu Wees and Marie Madeleine Halter. She was born on
09 Dec 1691 in Obernai, Province of Alsace, France. She died on 20 Apr 1764 in
Saverne, Province of Alsace, France.
ANNE MARIE RHEIN was born on 03 Sep 1690 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
Generation 3
FRANZ3 RHEIN (Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1)1 was born in 1665 in Saverne, Province of Alsace,
France. He died after 25 Apr 1735 in Parish of St. Johann, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. He
married ANNA BARBARA BOURGARD, daughter of Jean Bourgard and Marguerite Herteman. She
was born in 1668 in Stollhofen, Rheinmunster, Rastatt, Karlsruhe. She died after 1746 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`.
Franz: Franz Rhein was employed as a Was succeeded as executioner in Wiebelskirchen by Jean
Franz Rheinnri Bourgard. (Source - Dictionnaire Historique et Anecdotique des Bourreaux, page
253, as reissued by Michel et Danielle DeMorest. Jean Franz Rheinnri is the brother of Anna
Barbara Bourgard. in 1693. He was employed as a Executioner in Schiltach which is located in
present day Baden in Germany. in 1702. Fact 3: 1705 in Applied for office of executioner in
Schirmeck, District of Mossheim, Province of Alsace, France.. He was employed as a Was
executioner in Strasbourg. Resided in the parish of St. Johann. between 1705-1735. He was
employed as a Was an executioner in Strasbourg according to the marriage record of his son
Joannes (Jean) Martin Rhein. on 29 Jan 1709. He lived in Was an executioner residing in
Strasbourg according to the death record of his son, Joannes Martin Rhein in Herrlisheim. in Apr
1735. Sex: Male. His religious affiliation was Catholic. Fact 2: Also listed on some records as
Francois.. Fact 1: According to Dr. Eike Pies he was born in Homburg, the Saar, the Lower
Palatinate. Thjis is in conflict with his place of births as being in Saverne..
Notes for Franz Rhein:
Franz was an executioner in Wiebelskirchen (approximately 136 km northwest of Saverne) in
Ottweiler from 1685 to 1691, in Mittelbexbach from 1693 to 1698, both in the Saar in the Holy
Roman Empire, in Schiltach in Baden in 1702 and in Schirmeck in Molsheim in Alsace in 1705 and
the resident executioner in Strasbourg in Alsace from late 1705 to 1719. He resided in the parish of
St. Johann.
The Saar became a French province in 1684 under the Truce of Regensburg, but France was
forced to surrender it in 1697. It remained a part of the Holy Roman Empire until its dissolution in
1806. Franz's son, Joannes Martin Rhein my forebear, was born about 1691 in Wiebelskirchen
prior to the family's move to Bexbach.
Unless otherwise noted, the principal details on Franz Rhein and his wife and children were taken
from "Scharfrichter und Schindersippen" von Dr. Eike Pies, a reconstructed CD, ISBN
3-90132-17-6, 2001 by Edition Dr. Eike Pies im, druck & buch, Michael Ronsberg GbR, Wernest.
30, D-42285 Wuppertal. It lists executioners and their families in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries in:
Baden; Schlitach, and in
Alsace; Asweiler, Bouxwiller, Brumath, Herrlisheim, Hochfelden, Nordhausen, and Strasbourg, and
Lorraine; Bar-le-Duc, Bolchen(Bouley), Courcelles-Chaussy/Bistum/Metz, Falken-berg
(Faulquemont), Filstroff, Metz, Mirecourt, Nancy, Saarabe, St. Avold, and in the
Generation 3 (con't)
Saar; Lauterecken, Lautzkirchen, Maastruicht, Mittelbexbach, Neunkirchen, Ottweiler,
Saarbrucken, St. Johann, Wiebelskirchen.
There are 21 Rhein (Rein) families listed. The entry for Franz Rhein (Rein) appears on page 556.
The entry for Johann Martin Rhein (Rein) appears on page 562. Alsace, Lorraine and the Saar
were all part of the Holy Roman Empire prior to the Thirty Years War that ended in 1648. Following
the war Alsace and Lorraine were awarded to France. The Saar was part of the Lower Palatinate
that included lands on both sides of the middle Rhein River between its Main and Neckar
tributaries. Its capital until the Eighteenth century was Heidelberg.
Franz (Francois) Rhein is listed as an executioner and as "of Strasbourg" on the marriage record of
his son Joannes Martin Rhein to Anna Barbara Lohr on January 29, 1709 in Herrlisheim, daughter
of Johannes Jacob Lohr, an executioner in Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France.
Franz (Francois) Rhein was in Herrlisheim on April 25, 1735 at the burial of his son, Joannes
Martin Rhein, born 1691, and signed the death record as a witness. Assuming that he was born
about 1665, he would have been about 70 years of age at the date of death of his son.
Anne Ursule Rhein, residing in Strasbourg, the daughter of Franz (Francois) Rhein and sister of
Joannes Martin Rhein was in Herrlisheim on March 6, 1725 at the burial of her nephew, Joannes
Theobald Rhein, son of Joannes Martin Rhein and Anne Barbara Lohr. She signed the death
record as a witness.
There is a Johann Jacob Rhein (Rein) an executioner in Otterswiller who came initially to Saverne
in the year 1736. His son, Johann Georg Rhein, born Otterswiller, November 22, 1726 was an
executioner in Otterswiller. Johann Georg's son, Frantz married in Lutzelstein, November 18,
1782, Theresa Bauer, daughter of Peter Bauer an executioner in Petersbach.
The following extracts were translated from German in an article "SCHARFRICHTER UND
to me by Anne B. Poirier of Nancy, Lorraine, France.
'Following the Thirty Years War that ended in 1648, most villages around Homburg in the Saar
were destroyed and for a long time remained uninhabited. New inhabitants began arriving around
1680 principally from the east of France and from the Saar. In the year 1685 nine families received
the right to live there and their names are listed in the church book of the Catholic parish of
Bexbach. Frantz Rein came around 1691 from Wiebelskirchen where he had been an executioner
from 1685 to 1691. Wiebelskirchen is about 2 km north of Neunkirchen and slightly south of
Ottweiler. Bexbach is about 4 km southeast of Wiebelskirchen. He married Anna Barbara Bourgard
(Burckhardt, Bourgatz and Bourcquette). Frantz Rein may have had a brother, Georges Rein, who
was also an executioner and whose name appears on the records in Bexbach in 1695.
The following children of Frantz Rhein and Anna Barbara Bourgard were baptized in Bexbach:
Margaretha Anna Barbara, January 2, 1695. Godparents were Adam Igel and Anna Barbara
Johann Michel (Jean Michel) Rhein, December 18, 1695. Godparents were Johann Michel Rhein
and Johanna Gottbilde. There is a reasonable degree of probability that Johann Michel Rhein, the
Godfather, is a brother of Franz Rhein. This will need to be researched further.
Johann Jakob (Jean Jacob) Rhein, November 16, 1698. Godparents were Jakob Bourcquette and
Anna Barbara Reiter.
Johann Heinrich Rhein, born 1689 in Wiebelskirchen
Daughter Anna Ursula (Anne Ursule) was baptized in Strasbourg on January 13, 1705. This
appears to be the daughter, Anne above, who attended the funeral of her nephew, Joannes
Generation 3 (con't)
appears to be the daughter, Anne above, who attended the funeral of her nephew, Joannes
Theobald Rhein, in Herrlisheim on March 6, 1725.
Daughter Marie Madeleine died in Strasbourg on July 20, 1708. (Place of birth unknown)
Daughter Katharina, date and place of birth unknown, married Michael Vix from Walsolwisheim on
October 16, 1730 in Strasbourg.'
Parishes in Strasbourg in 1757
List of parishes in Strasbourg for which parish registers have survived. It comes from the website of
the Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, Strasbourg:
the « Eglise catholique » is the Catholic Church, whose records are in French, German, and Latin.
It has separate registers by priests for hospices, hospitals, and poor houses (mostly for people who
died there).
The « Eglise réformée » is the Reformed Church (Calvin), whose records will be in French and
The « Evangelische Kirche » is the Lutheran Church, whose records will only be in German.
This list is not complete because some registers were destroyed. For example, it is known many
records of Reformed Churches not consolidated with the central church, as well as those at the
many small Anabaptist Meeting Houses, do not survive.
---------Eglise catholique. Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Laurent (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Louis (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Paroisse de Robertsau (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Etienne (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Marc (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Saint-Louis-de-la-Citadelle (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Hôpital civil de Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Maison de Force (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Hospice des pauvres (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise catholique. Hôpital des pauvres (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin
Eglise catholique. Couvent de Sainte-Madeleine (Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin)
Eglise réformée de Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)
Evangelische Kirche Alt-Sankt-Peter Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche Sankt Wilhelm Straßburg (KrSt. Straßburg)
Evangelische Kirche Sankt Aurelien Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche Sankt Nikolaus Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche Sankt Thomas Straßburg (KrSt. Straßburg)
Evangelische Kirche. Neue Kirche Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche. Jung-Sankt-Peter Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche. Krankenhaus Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche Ruprechtsau (Straßburg)
Evangelische Kirche. Arbeithaus Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche. Armenspital Straßburg
Evangelische Kirche. Blatterhaus Straßburg
Generation 3 (con't)
Anna Barbara: Witness: 24 Aug 1693 in Was Godmother at the baptism of her niece, Anna Maria
Bourgard, daughter of Johann Henrich Bourgard in Ottweiler.. She was also known as Burgard,
Burckhardt, Bougatz,Borgar and Bourcquette. Sex: Female.
Notes for Anna Barbara Bourgard:
Anna Barbara Bourgard (Burgarhin, Burckart) widow was living in Herrlisheim on June 6, 1746 and
was the Godmother at the baptism of Maria Magdalena Rhein, daughter of Joannes Valentin Rhein
and Anna Stoeckel.
Johann Theodor Bourgard, born November 27, 1695, married M. E. Graul in Forbach, Province of
Lorraine, France. Relationship, if any, to Anna Barbara Bourgardt is not known.
Franz Rhein and Anna Barbara Bourgard had the following children:
JOANNES HEINRICH4 RHEIN was born on 29 Apr 1689 in Wiebelskirchen, Ottweiler,
Saar, Lower Palatinate4. He died on 10 Aug 1732 in Nordhouse, Province of
Alsace, France5. He married (1) MARIE JACOBEA RAUCH on 01 May 1713 in
Nordhouse, Province of Alsace, France6. She was born in 1680 in Benfield,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 23 Oct 1749 in Nordhouse, Province of
Alsace, France. He married (2) MARGUERITE PFEIFFER after 1749.
Joannes Heinrich: Joannes Heinrich Rhein was employed as a Was an executioner
Generation 3 (con't)
Joannes Heinrich: Joannes Heinrich Rhein was employed as a Was an executioner
in Nordhouse. Succeeded Jean Martin Rieger, the deceased husband of his wife.
between 1713-1732. Sex: Male. He was baptized in Godparents were Johann
Heinrich Graul, Zweibrucken and Anna Magdalena Welmer (Vollmar),
MARIE CATHERINE RHEIN was born about 1690 in Wiebelskirchen, Ottweiler, Saar,
Lower Paltinate.
JOANNES MARTIN RHEIN was born in 1691 in Wiebelskirchen, Ottweiler, Saar, Lower
Palatinate. He died on 25 Apr 1735 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France7. He married ANNA BARBARA LOHR on 29 Jan 1709 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Johannes Jacob Lohr and
Anna Barbara (nee unknown). She was born in 1690 in Kork, Lower Pallatinate, the
Holy Roman Empire. She died on 24 Nov 1745 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France9.
ANNA MAGDALENA RHEIN was born on 18 Dec 1691 in Wiebelskirchen, Ottweiler,
Saar, Lower Palatinate10. She died on 20 Jul 1708 in Saint Jean, Strasbourg,
Province of Alsace, France.
Fact 1: 20 Jul 1708 in Lists parish of Saint Jean on the death record.. Sex: Female.
She was baptized in Godparents were Johann Jost Lurtz, Wiebelskirchen and Anna
Magdalena Stecher..
MARGARETHA ANNA BARBARA RHEIN was born on 02 Jan 1695 in Mittelbexbach,
Saar, Lower Palatinate, the Holy Roman Empire.
Margaretha Anna Barbara Rhein was baptized on 02 Jan 1695 in Bexbach.
Godparents were Johann Adam Igel, executioner in Bischwiller and husband of Eve
Burckhard and Anna Barbara Reuther.. Sex: Female. Fact 2: Johann Jacob Igel
was a godparent for Catharina Rhein, daughter of Joannes Georg Rhein, brother of
Frantz Rhein.. She was educated "Igel" in French is "Herisson". They were a
widespread skinner clan..
JOANNES MICHAEL RHEIN was born in Dec 1695 in Mittlebexbach, Saar, Lower
Palatinate, the Holy Roman Empire.
Joannes Michael Rhein was baptized on 18 Dec 1695 in Godparents were Jean
Michel Rhein and Johanna Gottbille (Gottbild). There is a high degree of probability
that Jean MIchel Rhein (Johann Michael Rhein) is the son of Wolfgang Rhein.. Sex:
JOHANN JACOB RHEIN was born in Nov 1698 in Mittelbexbach, Saar, Lower
Palatinate, the Holy Roman Empire10.
Johann Jacob Rhein was baptized on 16 Nov 1698 in Bexbach, Witnesses were
Jacob Bourquette (Burgard) and Anna Barbara Reuter (Reiter)6. Sex: Male.
viii. ANNE URSULE RHEIN was born on 13 Jan 1705 in Parish of Saint Johann,
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Anne Ursule Rhein was baptized on 13 Jan 1705 in St. Johann Catholic Parish,
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France Witnesses were Bartholominus Ritter of Bischweiler,
Anna Ursula Kirschmann and Georges Frederic Bourghardt.6. She lived in Resided
in Strasbourg. in 1725. Witness: 06 Mar 1725 in Was in Herrlisheim at the funeral of
her nephew, Joannes Theobald Rhein and was a witness on the parish record of
his death.. Sex: Female.
KATHARINA RHEIN was born in 1707 in Saint Johann, Strasbourg, France. She
married MICHAEL VIX on 16 Oct 1730 in Strasbourg, Province of Alsace, France6.
He was born on 20 Jan 1701 in Waldowisheim, Province of Alsace, France.
Katharina: Sex: Female.
Generation 3 (con't)
Katharina: Sex: Female.
JOHANN GEORG3 RHEIN (Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1)2. He married ANNA MARIA SCHOUFSCHIREN.
Johann Georg: Sex: Male.
Notes for Johann Georg Rhein:
Johann George Rhein was an Executioner in Bexbach in 1695. He was suceeded as Executioner
in Kork in 1704 by Johannes Jacob Lohr. Dr. Eike Pies in his work on executioners states that
Johann Georg Rhein may be the brother of Franz Rhein. I believe there is a reasonable degree of
probability that he is and I have elected to consider him as such.
Johannes Jacob Lohr left Kork and was the Executioner in Herrlisheim in 1708. His daughter, Anna
Barbara Lohr, married Joannes Martin Rhein, son of Franz Rhein, in Herrlisheim on January 29,
1709. An older daughter, Anna Unsula Rhein, maried Johann Michel Rhein in Herrlisheim on June
9, 1704. Johann Michel was an Executioner in Brumath.
(Notes to File - JP Rhein)
Anna Maria: Sex: Female. She was educated Name may have been Thouffehirhen..
Johann Georg Rhein and Anna Maria Schoufschiren had the following child:
CATHARINA4 RHEIN was born on 30 Mar 1695 in Mittelbexbach, Saar, Lower
Palatinate, the Holy Roman Empire.
Catharina Rhein was baptized on 30 Mar 1695 in Mittelbexbach. Godparents were
Johann Jacob Igel and Catharina Rhein. Catharina, the Godparent, may be a sister
of Jean Georg and Franz Rhein. I have elected to enter her as a daughter of
Wolfgang Rhein pending further investigation and follow up.2. Sex: Female.
JEAN JACQUES3 RHEIN (Jean Jacques2, Jean Gaspard1) was born in 1686 in Riedheim, Bouxwiller,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 23 Nov 1766 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. He
married MARIE MADELEINE WEES on 21 Jan 1716 in Obernai, Province of Alsace, France3, daughter
of Matthieu Wees and Marie Madeleine Halter. She was born on 09 Dec 1691 in Obernai, Province
of Alsace, France. She died on 20 Apr 1764 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France.
Jean Jacques: Fact 1: 1736 in Executioner, came to Saverne from Otterswiller.. He was employed
as a Executioner in Otterswiller and Saverne. between 1736-17503. Sex: Male. His religious
affiliation was Catholic.
Marie Madeleine: Sex: Female.
Jean Jacques Rhein and Marie Madeleine Wees had the following children:
JEAN GEORGES4 RHEIN was born on 22 Nov 1726 in Otterswiller, Province of Alsace,
France11. He died on 22 Dec 1800 in Saverne, Bas-Rhin, France. He married MARIE
CATHERINE STOECKEL on 30 Jan 1750 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France. She
was born on 30 Jan 1729 in Surbourg. She died on 20 Jun 1797 in Saverne,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
Generation 4
MARIE CATHERINE4 RHEIN (Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born about 1690 in
Wiebelskirchen, Ottweiler, Saar, Lower Paltinate.
Sex: Female.
Generation 4 (con't)
Marie Catherine Rhein had the following child:
ANNE URSULE5 RHEIN was born on 21 Dec 1712 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
JOANNES MARTIN4 RHEIN (Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born in 1691 in Wiebelskirchen,
Ottweiler, Saar, Lower Palatinate. He died on 25 Apr 1735 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France7. He married ANNA BARBARA LOHR on 29 Jan 1709 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Johannes Jacob Lohr and Anna Barbara (nee unknown).
She was born in 1690 in Kork, Lower Pallatinate, the Holy Roman Empire. She died on 24 Nov
1745 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France9.
Joannes Martin: Joannes Martin Rhein was buried in Apr 1735 in Graveyard, Saint Arbogast,
Commune de Joannes Martin Rheinrrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France7. Fact 1: 15 May 1747 in
Name listed as Joannes Martinus Rein on the marriage record of his son Francois (Franciscus) in
Herrlisheim.. Sex: Male. He was employed as a Executioner in Herrlisheim..
Notes for Joannes Martin Rhein:
Joannes (Jean) Martin Rhein (Rein) and his brother, Valentin Rein "of Hochfelden", sons of
Joannes Martin Rhein and Anne Barbara Lohr, appear as witnesses to the marriage of their
brother, Francois Rhein, to Barbara Kientz in Herrlisheim, Canton of Bischwiller, in 1747. Valentin
Rhein had gone to Hochfelden from Herrlisheim. Hochfelden, Canton of Hochfelden is about 19
miles due west of Herrlisheim.
In the year 1735 the 25th of April died age about 44 years, Joannes Martin Rhein, executioner,
husband of Anna Barbara Lohr, having received the sacraments and extreme unction and was
buried in the graveyard of Herrlisheim in presence of witnesses: Franz (Francois) Rhein
executioner in Strasbourg, Jean Martin Rhein, son of the deceased and Jean Wilhelm Schrimann,
all of them in Herrlisheim, who undersigned with me except the son who declared he could not
write. Signed - Franz Rhein (Rein) (Source - Examination of photocopy of death record, St.
Arbogast, Herrlisheim, from Archives in Strasbourg)
Anna Barbara: Sex: Female. She was also known as Surname as Lohri..
Notes for Anna Barbara Lohr:
My initial research showed that the older sister of Anna Barbara Lohr, Anna Ursule Lohr (Lohri or
Laury), married a Johann Michael Rhein, an Executioner in Brumath, in Herrlisheim on June 9,
1704. While I am of the view that Johann Michael is a descendant of Wolfgang Rhein, given the
close rerlationship between Johann Michael Rhein and Joannes Martin Rhein in Herrlisheim, both
of whom are married to Lohr sisters, I am unable to prove this assertion.
A posting to Geneanet com states that Jean Michel Rhein (Johann Michael Rhein), son of
Wolfgang Rhein was born 1675 in Brumath and baptized a Catholic. That he married Anne Ursule
Lohr (Lohri or Laury) in Herrlisheim on June 9, 1704 in Herrlisheim. I do not believe this is correct
as my research shows that Johann MIchel Rhein, a possible son of Wolfgang Rhein (1) was born
in Mittlebexbach about 1668 (2) was a sponsor in Bexbach in 1695 at the baptism of a son of Franz
Rhein, and (3) served in an offical capacity in Wiebelskirchen during the period 1701 to 1711
during which time the four children of Johann Michael Rhein and Anna Ursula Lohr were born in
Brumath. Further, assuming that Johann Michel Rhein, a son of Wolfgang, was born 1675 in
Brumath, that would place Wolfgang and his wife in Brumath at about that time. There is no
documentation on the web site substantiating this birth and Wolfgang's wife is not mentioned.
Further, I have not been able to place Wolfgang Rhein in Brumath at any time. I have written to the
host of the web site posting but have not had a reply. I will retain this note pending further follow
A Joseph Peter Rhein was born in 1660 in Brumath, Province of Alsace, France. He was
Generation 4 (con't)
executioner in Sarralbe, Province of Lorraine, France, between 1702-1723. He died on 04 Nov
1737 in Sarralbe, Province of Lorraine, France. Sex: Male. He married Anna Maria Bour, daughter
of Johann Jacob Bour and Margaretha Virion. She was born in 1670 in Sarralbe, Province of
Lorraine, France. Name also shown as Baur.
Johann Peter Rhein and Anna Maria Bour were married in 1683 in Saaralbe, Province of Lorraine.
It may be that Joseph Peter Rhein had a brother named Johann Michael Rhein and I have listed it
here for future reference.
(Note to File - JP Rhein)
Witness: 29 Jan 1708 in Louis Noe and Rainald Jung8. Witness: 29 Jan 1709 in Michael Huck son
of Philippe Huck and Marie Barbara Gross. Philippe died January 17, 1709 in Herrlisheim.8. They
obtained a marriage license in Name listed as Joannes Martinus Rain on the marriage document
and the date is January 29, 1709.8.
Joannes Martin Rhein and Anna Barbara Lohr had the following children:
ANNE URSULE5 RHEIN was born on 22 Oct 1709 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 26 Mar 1778 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She married JEAN RAPP on 10 Feb 1733 in Commune
de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France12. He was born in 1710 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France.
Anne Ursule: Sex: Female.
JEAN LOUIS RHEIN was born on 06 Oct 1711 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. He died on 19 Jun 1714 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France7.
Sex: Male.
CATHERINE RHEIN was born on 18 Oct 1713 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. She died on 19 Jun 1714 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France7.
Sex: Female.
ANNE MARIE RHEIN was born on 04 May 1715 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. She died on 19 May 1716 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
JEAN MARTIN RHEIN was born on 13 Apr 1717 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France13. He married MARIE WOLFF on 30 Jan 1742 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France12, daughter of Theobald Wolff and
Catherine Noe. She was born in 1720 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France.
JOANNES VALENTIN RHEIN was born on 17 Dec 1719 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 30 Apr 1771 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He married (1) ANNA MARIA STOECKEL on 14 Sep 1739
in Joannes Valentin Rhein was "of Herrlisheim" on the marriage document..8. She
was born in 1719 in J. George Grosholtz, habitant of Bugenum (Sarre Union)
appears as a witness on the sepulturer (cemetery) record. She is listed as Maria
Anna Stoeckel.. She died on 15 Mar 1758 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. He married (2) MARIA ANNA WEES on 04 Sep 1758 in Hochfelden, Province
of Alsace, France14, daughter of Jean Valentin Wees and Anna Maria Elchinger.
She was born on 14 May 1733 in Riedheim, Alsace, Holy Roman Empie. She died
on 03 May 1779 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
FRANCOIS RHEIN was born on 25 Sep 1722 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France. He married (1) CATHERINE WOLFF on 19 Jan 1750, daughter of
Theobald Wolff and Catherine Noe. She was born about 1730 in Commune de
Generation 4 (con't)
Theobald Wolff and Catherine Noe. She was born about 1730 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He married (2) MARIA BARBARA KIENTZ on
15 May 1747 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of
Jean Kientz and Barbara Huck. She was born in 1725 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 07 Aug 1749 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
viii. JOANNES THEOBALD RHEIN was born on 05 Mar 1725 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 06 Mar 1725 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.7.
Joannes Theobald Rhein was educated Date of death per death record is March 6,
1725. on 06 Mar 1725. Sex: Male.
Notes for Joannes Theobald Rhein:
1725 the 6th of March, died in this place a small infant named Joannes Theobald,
son of Joannes Martin Rhein, executioner, and of Anna Barbara Lohr his wife in
Herrlisheim and was buried in the graveyard here in presence of witnesses:
Joannes Theobald Rhein, executioner in Brumath, and Anne Rhein, sister of the
father of the deceased child, living in the city of Strasbourg, who all marked here.
(Source - Photocopy of death record from, St. Arbogast, the Archives at
JEAN MICHEL RHEIN was born on 26 Apr 1726 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. He died on 25 Jun 1752 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. He married ANNE MARIE BROMEHORST on 25 Oct 1756 in
Lutzelbourg, Province of Lorraine, France. She was born in 1730 in Lutzelbourg,
Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France.
Jean Michel: Sex: Male.
MARIE BARBARA RHEIN was born on 08 Dec 1730 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died before May 1767 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg,
Province of Lorraine, France. She married JEAN GEORGES GROSHOLTZ on 04 Jun
1756 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, son of Jean Michel
Grosholtz and Marguerite Schild. He was born on 30 Oct 1717 in Lutzelbourg,
Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France. He died before 1787 in Lutzelbourg,
Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France.
MARIE CATHERINE RHEIN was born on 28 Feb 1734 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 29 Jun 1734 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
JEAN GEORGES4 RHEIN (Jean Jacques3, Jean Jacques2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 22 Nov 1726
in Otterswiller, Province of Alsace, France11. He died on 22 Dec 1800 in Saverne, Bas-Rhin,
France. He married MARIE CATHERINE STOECKEL on 30 Jan 1750 in Saverne, Province of Alsace,
France. She was born on 30 Jan 1729 in Surbourg. She died on 20 Jun 1797 in Saverne,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Jean Georges: Sex: Male. He was employed as a Executioner in Saverne.11.
Marie Catherine: Sex: Female. She was educated From Surbourg.11.
Jean Georges Rhein and Marie Catherine Stoeckel had the following children:
FRANCOIS5 RHEIN was born on 16 Sep 1752 in Saverne, Province of Alsace,
France15. He died on 13 Aug 1829 in Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France15. He married
MARIE THERESE BAUER on 18 Nov 1782 in Lutzelstein11, daughter of Jean Pierre
Bauer and Suzanne Catherine Herrmann. She was born on 25 May 1759 in
Petersbach, Province of Alsace, France. She died on 14 Apr 1835 in Petersbach,
Generation 4 (con't)
Bas-Rhin, France.
JEAN GEORGES RHEIN was born in 1756. He died in 1825. He married CATHARINA
SCHAFFER. She was born in 1758. She died in 1813.
ANNA CATHERINA RHEIN was born on 27 Jun 1758. She died on 28 Feb 1832. She
married JOHANN JACOB WEIDMANN. He was born in 1749. He died on 24 Feb 1805.
Anna Catherina: Sex: Female.
JOHANN JACOB RHEIN was born on 22 Jul 1760.
Sex: Male.
JEAN PIERRE RHEIN was born in 1768. He died on 20 Oct 1815.
Sex: Male.
FRANCOIS JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 05 Aug 1770. He died on 24 Mar 1850. He
married MADELEINE NEUNER. She was born in 1780.
Francois Joseph: Sex: Male.
Generation 5
JEAN MARTIN5 RHEIN (Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 13 Apr
1717 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France13. He married MARIE WOLFF on 30
Jan 1742 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France12, daughter of Theobald Wolff
and Catherine Noe. She was born in 1720 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace,
Jean Martin: Witness: 25 Apr 1735 in Witness on his father's death certificate in Jean Martin
Rheinrrlisheim.. Sex: Male.
Marie: Marie Wolff was born in 1720. Sex: Female.
Jean Martin Rhein and Marie Wolff had the following children:
JEAN GEORGES6 RHEIN was born on 12 May 1743 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 25 Jun 1752 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Male.
JEAN MARTIN RHEIN was born on 16 Mar 1745 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 29 Sep 1747 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Male.
ELISABETH RHEIN was born on 03 Jul 1749 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France8. She died on 19 Feb 1818 in Brumath, Province of Alsace,
France13. She married JEAN GEORGES GROSHOLTZ on 02 Jul 1770 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He was born in 1750 in Brumath, Province
of Alsace, France13. He died on 14 Feb 1794 in Brumath, Province of Alsace,
APPOLONIA RHEIN was born on 17 Feb 1751 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. She died on 21 Oct 1752 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
ODILE RHEIN was born on 12 Dec 1753 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France. She died on 23 Dec 1791 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France. She married JOSEPH GRUNDLER on 02 Feb 1778 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France12. He was born in 1750 in Commune de
Generation 5 (con't)
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France12. He was born in 1750 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France.
Odile: Sex: Female.
JOANNES VALENTIN5 RHEIN (Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 17
Dec 1719 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He died on 30 Apr 1771 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He married (1) ANNA MARIA STOECKEL on
14 Sep 1739 in Joannes Valentin Rhein was "of Herrlisheim" on the marriage document..8. She
was born in 1719 in J. George Grosholtz, habitant of Bugenum (Sarre Union) appears as a witness
on the sepulturer (cemetery) record. She is listed as Maria Anna Stoeckel.. She died on 15 Mar
1758 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He married (2) MARIA ANNA WEES on 04 Sep
1758 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France14, daughter of Jean Valentin Wees and Anna
Maria Elchinger. She was born on 14 May 1733 in Riedheim, Alsace, Holy Roman Empie. She died
on 03 May 1779 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Joannes Valentin: Sex: Male. He was employed as a Was an executioner in Hochfelden..
Anna Maria (1): Anna Maria Stoeckel was baptized on 05 Feb 1719 in Wilshausen, Canton of
Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. Witnesses were George Fridericus Burck of Weiersheim
and J. George Stuckel of Geispolsheim.. She died in 1758 in J. George Grosholtz, habitant of
Bugenum (Sarre Union) appears as a witness on the sepulturer (cemetery) record. She is listed as
Maria Anna Stoeckel.. Sex: Female.
Witness: 14 Sep 1739 in Witnesses were siblings Catherin Rhein, Maria Barbara Rhein and Jean
Martin Rhein.8. Also Witness: 14 Sep 1739 in Joannes Wilhelm Stokel and Wilhelm Scharmann.
May be the Wilhelm Scharmann who was a witness on the death record of Joannes Martin Rhein
on April 25, 1735 at St. Arbogast in Herrlisheim.. Minister: J. Hoffmann, Rector8.
Joannes Valentin Rhein and Anna Maria Stoeckel had the following children:
FRANCOIS ANTOINE6 RHEIN was born on 04 Jul 1740 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Francois Antoine Rhein was adopted on 04 Jul 1740 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. J Hoffman officiated. Witnesses were Joannes Wilhelm Stoeckel
and Maria Eva Burckart (Burgardin).. Sex: Male.
ANNA CATHERINA RHEIN was born on 05 Jul 1742 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She married JEAN LOUIS RITTER on 07 Apr 1766 in
Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He was born on 28 Mar 1745 in
Gundershoffen, Province of Alsace, France. He died in Dec 1787 in Gundershoffen,
Province of Alsace, France.
JOANNES GEORGES RHEIN was born on 05 Mar 1744 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Joannes Georges Rhein was baptized on 05 Mar 1744 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. Sponsors were Georgius Grosholtz and Maria Barbara Stoeckel..
Sex: Male. He was educated Appears to have died in infancy..
MARIA MAGDALENA RHEIN was born on 29 Jun 1746 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Maria Magdalena Rhein was baptized on 29 Jun 1746 in Godfather was Franciscus
Rhein, son of the late Jean Martin Rhein of Herrlisheim and Anna Barbara
Burgarhin (Burckart) widow living in Herrlisheim. Godmother was Catherina
Stoeckel (Stickelin) daughter of Wilhelm Stoeckel and Eva Burckart (Burgarhin)..
Sex: Female. She was baptized in Is Anna Barbara Burgarhin (Burckart) the widow
of Franz Rhein?.
JOANNES GEORGES RHEIN was born on 18 Apr 1748 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Generation 5 (con't)
Province of Alsace, France.
Joannes Georges Rhein was baptized on 18 Apr 1848 in Godfather was Conrad
Lutz. Godmother was Maria Catharina Rhein.. Sex: Male.
MARIA ELISABETHA RHEIN was born on 04 Aug 1750 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 19 Feb 1818 in Brumath, Bas-Rhin,
France. She married GEORGES JACQUES GROSHOLTZ on 02 Jul 1770 in Commune
de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He was born on 20 Jun 1745 in
Griesheim, the Holy Roman Empire. He died on 14 Feb 1794 in Brumath, Bas-Rhin,
JEAN MICHEL RHEIN was born on 20 Oct 1752 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. He died on 03 May 1779 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace,
Sex: Male.
Maria Anna (2): Sex: Female.
Note To File: Name is listed as Wess on the LeCentre site..
Joannes Valentin Rhein and Maria Anna Wees had the following children:
viii. FRANCOIS PHILIPPE RHEIN was born in 1759 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
Francois Philippe Rhein was baptized on 20 Sep 1759 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. Godfather was Georgius Adam. Godmother was Elizabetha
Bibenville.. Sex: Male.
ARBROGAST RHEIN was born on 19 Jul 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. He married (1) MARIE ANNE HEID on 02 Nov 1790 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Henri Heid and Catherina
Stamm. She was born in 1770 in Memmelshoffen. He married (2) FRANCISCA NOE
on 12 Aug 1794, daughter of Jean Noe and Marie Waechter. She was born in 1764.
FRANCOIS RHEIN was born in 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He
died on 19 Nov 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France. He married
(1) MADELEINE KIENTZ in 1794. She was born in 1771. She died in 1823. He married
(2) MADELINE KIENTZ on 22 May 1794 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France.8, daughter of Jacques Kientz and Madeleine nee unknown. She
was born in 1769 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She
died on 25 Oct 1823 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhein, France.
ANASTASIE RHEIN was born on 26 Dec 1762 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
Anastasie Rhein was baptized on 26 Dec 1762 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. Godfather was Michael Stoffel. Godmother was Brigita Bouffluer.. Sex:
MARIA ANNA RHEIN was born in 1763 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France.
Maria Anna Rhein was baptized on 28 Dec 1763 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. Godfather was Michael Koppel. Godmother was Brigita Bouffluer.. Sex:
xiii. VALENTIN RHEIN was born on 05 Oct 1766 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. He married (1) CATHERINE KIENTZ after 1800. She was born in 1780. He
married (2) FRANCOISE ADAM on 10 Feb 1798 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France, daughter of Georges Adam and Marie Wimmert. She was born in
Valentin: Valentin Rhein was baptized on 10 May 1766 in Hochfelden, Province of
Generation 5 (con't)
Valentin: Valentin Rhein was baptized on 10 May 1766 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. Godfather was Michael Stoffel. Godmother was Elizabetha
Bibenville.. He was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 151 Ottersgass,
Herrlisheim, age, 71, occupation laborer.with his wife Catherine Kientz, age 56..
Sex: Male.
xiv. FRANCOIS JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 01 Feb 1768 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France9. He died on 16 Feb 1830 in Maastricht9. He married MARIA ANNA
RACH (ROCH) on 26 Aug 1794 in Nancy, daughter of Lorenz Rach and Charlotte
Herman. She was born on 22 Feb 1770 in Nancy. She died on 04 Dec 1840 in
Francois Joseph: Sex: Male.
MARIE MADELEINE RHEIN was born on 31 Jan 1770 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She married NICOLAS STEHLI on 13 Jul 1804 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. He was born on 21 Feb 1776 in
Weitbruch, Province of Alsace, France.
FRANCOIS5 RHEIN (Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 25 Sep 1722
in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He married (1) CATHERINE WOLFF on 19
Jan 1750, daughter of Theobald Wolff and Catherine Noe. She was born about 1730 in Commune
de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He married (2) MARIA BARBARA KIENTZ on 15 May
1747 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Jean Kientz and
Barbara Huck. She was born in 1725 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She
died on 07 Aug 1749 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France.
Francois: Francois Rhein was employed as a Executioner in Sarreguemines, Province of Lorraine.
France in 1754. Sex: Male.
Catherine (1): Sex: Female.
Witness: 19 Jan 1750 in Theobaldus Wolff, father of the bride and Martinus Rein (Rhein) brother of
the groom. Date is January 19, 1749.8. They were married on 19 Jan 1750 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France.8.
Francois Rhein and Catherine Wolff had the following children:
FRANCOIS JOSEPH6 RHEIN was born on 10 Mar 1754 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 29 Nov 1819 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France16. He married CATHERINA PFAADT on 22 Oct 1787 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Martin Pfaadt and Catherina
Guhmann. She was born on 19 Mar 1763 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France17. She died on 30 Jan 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
ANTOINE RHEIN was born in Jun 1759 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France. He died on 10 Sep 1763 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Male.
CATHERINE RHEIN was born on 22 Sep 1765 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
FRANCOIS ANTOINE RHEIN was born on 22 Sep 1765 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. He died on 26 Oct 1777.
Sex: Male.
Maria Barbara (2): Sex: Female.
Generation 5 (con't)
Witness: 1747 in Valentin Rein of Hochfelden (Valentinus Rein, "civis in Hofelden") about 19 miles
west of Herrlisheim), and Jean Martin Rein (Joannes Martinus Rein), father of Franciscus. Note
spelling of last name on marriage record.8.
MARIE BARBARA5 RHEIN (Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 08 Dec
1730 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She died before May 1767 in
Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France. She married JEAN GEORGES GROSHOLTZ on
04 Jun 1756 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, son of Jean Michel
Grosholtz and Marguerite Schild. He was born on 30 Oct 1717 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg,
Province of Lorraine, France. He died before 1787 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of
Lorraine, France.
Marie Barbara: Sex: Female.
Jean Georges: Sex: Male. He was employed as a Was an executioner..
Witness: 04 Jun 1756 in Witnesses were Valentine Rhein of Hochfelden and Jean Martin Rhein of
Herrlisheim, brothers of Maria Barbara Rhein.8. Fact 1: 04 Jun 1756 in Marriage document states
that Georgius Grosholtz is widower of the late Catherine Rhein and that he was given dispensation
to marry Maria Barbara Rhein. Reson for the dispensation is not known..
Jean Georges Grosholtz and Marie Barbara Rhein had the following children:
VALENTIN6 GROSHOLTZ was born in 1757 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of
Lorraine, France. He died in 1825 in Tulle. He married ELISABETH BOUR on 17 Jul
1781 in Isming. She was born on 12 Mar 1765 in Isming.
CATHERINE GROSHOLTZ was born about 1758 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province
of Lorraine, France. She married LAURENT DEUTSCH on 10 Jan 1780 in Lutzelbourg,
Saarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France. He was born about 1754.
Catherine: Sex: Female.
JEAN GROSHOLTZ was born in 1762 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of
Lorraine, France. He died on 28 Jun 1848 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
He married CATHERINE RHEIN on 08 May 1787 in Saaralbe, Province of Lorraine.
She was born on 06 Jun 1767 in Sarrable, Province of Lorraine, France. She died
on 14 May 1815 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
FRANCOIS5 RHEIN (Jean Georges4, Jean Jacques3, Jean Jacques2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 16
Sep 1752 in Saverne, Province of Alsace, France15. He died on 13 Aug 1829 in Petersbach,
Bas-Rhin, France15. He married MARIE THERESE BAUER on 18 Nov 1782 in Lutzelstein11, daughter
of Jean Pierre Bauer and Suzanne Catherine Herrmann. She was born on 25 May 1759 in
Petersbach, Province of Alsace, France. She died on 14 Apr 1835 in Petersbach, Bas-Rhin,
Francois: Francois Rhein was employed as a Executioner and veterinary surgeon. in 18123. Sex:
Male. He was educated Also listed as Franz..
Marie Therese: Sex: Female. She was educated Also listed as Bour..
Francois Rhein and Marie Therese Bauer had the following children:
CATHERINE6 REIN was born about 1783 in Weislinger, Province of Alsace, France.
She married JACQUES SCHNEIDER on 25 Nov 1806 in Weislinger, Bas-Rhin, France,
son of Pierre Schneider and Anne Marie Tauffer. He was born on 04 Jun 1784 in
Weislinger, Province of Alsace, France.
ANNE MARIE REIN was born in 1785. She died on 16 Jan 1860 in Petersbach,
Bas-Rhin, France. She married NICOLAS LE CADET UHLI on 06 Jul 1809 in
Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France. He was born in 1785. He died on 09 Aug 1846 in
Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France.
Generation 5 (con't)
Anne Marie: Sex: Female.
THERESE REIN was born on 23 Aug 1789 in Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France. She died
on 19 Jan 1844 in Saint Jean Les Saverne, Bas-Rhin, France. She married
LAURENT ZWIEBEL. He was born on 29 Dec 1791 in Riquerwihr. He died on 23 Jun
1854 in Saint Jean Les Saverne, Bas-Rhin, France.
Therese: Sex: Female.
FRANCOIS REIN3 was born on 21 Apr 1791 in Petersbach, Province of Alsace,
France. He married MARGUERITE GRUMBACH on 17 Mar 1812 in Petersbach,
Province of Alsace, France3. She was born on 04 Sep 1794 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin,
France. She died on 26 Jun 1869.
JACQUES REIN was born on 14 Dec 1798 in Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France. He died
in 1826. He married CHRISTINE FUHRMANN.
Jacques: Sex: Male.
JEAN GEORGES5 RHEIN (Jean Georges4, Jean Jacques3, Jean Jacques2, Jean Gaspard1) was born
in 1756. He died in 1825. He married CATHARINA SCHAFFER. She was born in 1758. She died in
Jean Georges: Sex: Male.
Catharina: Sex: Female.
Jean Georges Rhein and Catharina Schaffer had the following children:
MARIE ANNE6 RHEIN was born on 17 May 1794.
Sex: Female.
CATHERINE JOSEPHINE RHEIN was born on 12 Jul 1795.
Sex: Female.
Generation 6
ELISABETH6 RHEIN (Jean Martin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born
on 03 Jul 1749 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8. She died on 19 Feb
1818 in Brumath, Province of Alsace, France13. She married JEAN GEORGES GROSHOLTZ on 02 Jul
1770 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He was born in 1750 in Brumath,
Province of Alsace, France13. He died on 14 Feb 1794 in Brumath, Province of Alsace, France13.
Elisabeth: Sex: Female.
Notes for Elisabeth Rhein:
She died February 19, 1818 in Brumath, Province of Alsace, France. Jean Georges died February
14, 1794 in Brumath. His occupation is listed as 'Maitre des basses oevuves.
Jean Georges: Sex: Male.
Jean Georges Grosholtz and Elisabeth Rhein had the following children:
ODILE7 GROSHOLTZ was born on 19 Aug 1773 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
MADELEINE GROSHOLTZ was born in 1775 in Brumath, Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
ELIZABETH GROSHOLTZ was born on 10 Mar 1776 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 15 Sep 1777 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Generation 6 (con't)
Province of Alsace, France. She died on 15 Sep 1777 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
ANNA CATHERINA6 RHEIN (Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1)
was born on 05 Jul 1742 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She married
JEAN LOUIS RITTER on 07 Apr 1766 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He was born on 28
Mar 1745 in Gundershoffen, Province of Alsace, France. He died in Dec 1787 in Gundershoffen,
Province of Alsace, France.
Anna Catherina: Anna Catherina Rhein was baptized on 05 Jul 1742 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. Godmother was Anna Ursula Lohr and godfather was Joannes Wilhelm Stoeckel,
executioner in Surbourg.. Sex: Female.
Jean Louis: Jean Louis Ritter was educated Surname also listed as Reuther. in 1742. Sex: Male.
He was employed as a Executioner.
Jean Louis Ritter and Anna Catherina Rhein had the following children:
JEAN LOUIS7 RITTER was born on 27 Jan 1767 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France. He married ANNE MARIE BOUR on 02 Nov 1790 in Insming, Province
of Lorraine, France. She was born about 1769 in Insming, Province of Lorraine,
Jean Louis: Sex: Male.
MARIE CATHERINE RITTER was born on 30 Aug 1768 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
NICOLAS RITTER was born on 01 Jun 1770 in Gundershoffen, Province of Alsace,
Sex: Male.
JACQUES RITTER was born on 01 Jan 1772 in Gundershoffen, Province of Alsace,
Sex: Male.
MARIE ELISABETH RITTER was born on 27 Mar 1773 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
MARIE MARGUERITE RITTER was born on 01 Oct 1775 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
JEAN PIERRE RITTER was born on 10 Nov 1777 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Male.
viii. MARIE MADELEINE RITTER was born on 14 Jun 1779 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
MARIE THERESE RITTER was born on 12 Jun 1781 in Gundershoffen, Province of
Alsace, France.
Sex: Female.
Generation 6 (con't)
Sex: Female.
PIERRE RITTER was born on 03 May 1785 in Gundershoffen, Province of Alsace,
France. He died in 1818 in Epinal. He married MARGUERITE SPIRCKEL in 1812 in
Epinal. She was born in 1790 in Epinal.
Pierre: Sex: Male.
MARIA ELISABETHA6 RHEIN (Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 04 Aug 1750 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She
died on 19 Feb 1818 in Brumath, Bas-Rhin, France. She married GEORGES JACQUES GROSHOLTZ
on 02 Jul 1770 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He was born on 20 Jun
1745 in Griesheim, the Holy Roman Empire. He died on 14 Feb 1794 in Brumath, Bas-Rhin,
Maria Elisabetha: Maria Elisabetha Rhein was baptized on 04 Aug 1750 in Hochfelden, Province of
Alsace, France. Godfather was Joannes Georges Rhein.. Sex: Female.
Georges Jacques: Sex: Male.
Georges Jacques Grosholtz and Maria Elisabetha Rhein had the following child:
MADELEINE7 GROSHOLTZ was born in 1785 in Brumath, Bas-Rhin, France. She
married ALOYS BENOIT DIECHELBORER. He was born on 19 Mar 1786 in Ottersweier.
Madeleine: Sex: Female.
ARBROGAST6 RHEIN (Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was
born on 19 Jul 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He married (1) MARIE ANNE HEID
on 02 Nov 1790 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Henri Heid
and Catherina Stamm. She was born in 1770 in Memmelshoffen. He married (2) FRANCISCA NOE
on 12 Aug 1794, daughter of Jean Noe and Marie Waechter. She was born in 1764.
Arbrogast: Arbrogast Rhein was baptized on 19 Jul 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace,
France. Godfather was Georgius Adam. Godmother was Maria (?).. Sex: Male.
Notes for Arbrogast Rhein:
Unless otherwise noted information on descendants of Arbogaste Rhein was furnished by Eric
Capelle of Lascazeies, France. ( Note to File- JP Rhein)
Marie Anne (1): Sex: Female.
Arbrogast Rhein and Marie Anne Heid had the following children:
ANTOINE7 RHEIN was born in 1788. He married (1) FRANCOISE SATTLER on 18 May
1812 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. She was born on 07 Oct
1784. She died before 1836. He married (2) MARIA ANNA KAUTEL on 25 Oct 1836.
ANNE CATHERINE RHEIN was born in 1791. She died before 1821. She married
ANTOINE ADAM before 1818, son of Jean Adam and Sophie Kuttel. He was born in
ANNE MARIE RHEIN was born in 1792.
Sex: Female.
Francisca (2): Sex: Female.
Arbrogast Rhein and Francisca Noe had the following child:
iv. JACQUES RHEIN was born on 01 Feb 1800. He married (1) ELISABETH HEITZ about
1829. She was born in 1800. He married (2) KATHARINA SATTLER on 21 Jul 1822.
She was born on 23 Apr 1792. She died about 1829.
FRANCOIS6 RHEIN (Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was
born in 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He died on 19 Nov 1831 in Commune de
Generation 6 (con't)
born in 1761 in Hochfelden, Province of Alsace, France. He died on 19 Nov 1831 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France. He married (1) MADELEINE KIENTZ in 1794. She was born in 1771.
She died in 1823. He married (2) MADELINE KIENTZ on 22 May 1794 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Province of Alsace, France.8, daughter of Jacques Kientz and Madeleine nee unknown. She was
born in 1769 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She died on 25 Oct 1823 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhein, France.
Francois: Witness: 19 Nov 1831 in Commune de Francois Rheinrrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France;
Witnesses to Act of Death were Valentine Rhein and Jean Michel Schohn.. He was employed as a
Was a saddler.. Sex: Male.
Notes for Francois Rhein:
Information on this line from Francois Rhein taken from web site (Note to
File - JP Rhein)
Madeleine (1): Sex: Female.
Francois Rhein and Madeleine Kientz had the following child:
CATHERINE7 RHEIN was born on 15 Jan 1810 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France. She died on 30 Mar 1866. She married FERDINAND ACKER on 15
Jul 1835 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France. He was born on 22 Oct
1810 in La Wantzenau, Bas-Rhin, France. He died on 03 Jan 1864 in La
Wantzenau, Bas-Rhin, France.
Catherine: Sex: Female.
Madeline (2): Sex: Female.
Francois Rhein and Madeline Kientz had the following children:
ANTOINE RHEIN was born on 23 Nov 1806 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg,
Bas-Rhein, France. He died in Apr 1864. He married MARIE SALOME LIEBERHERR on
14 Apr 1830 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France, daughter of Jaques
Lieberherr and Salome Redelsper.
CATHERINE RHEIN was born on 26 Dec 1819 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She married FERDINAND ACKER on 15 Jul 1835 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France.
Catherine: Witness: 1819 in Witness to The Act of Birth was Jacques Laeng.8. Sex:
MARIE MADELEINE6 RHEIN (Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 31 Jan 1770 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. She
married NICOLAS STEHLI on 13 Jul 1804 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. He was
born on 21 Feb 1776 in Weitbruch, Province of Alsace, France.
Marie Madeleine: Sex: Female.
Notes for Marie Madeleine Rhein:
Information on Marie Madeleine Rhein and Nicolas Stehli and their descendants was taken from, Eric
Nicolas: Sex: Male.
Nicolas Stehli and Marie Madeleine Rhein had the following children:
MADELEINE7 STEHLY was born in 1803. She died in 1869. She married JEAN CLAUSS
on 29 Jun 1829, son of Jean Clauss and Francoise Hoffer. He was born on 21 Aug
1805. He died on 31 Dec 1847 in Weitbruch, Province of Alsace, France.
Madeleine: Sex: Female.
Generation 6 (con't)
NICOLAS STEHLY was born on 16 Apr 1806 in Weitbruch.
Sex: Male.
MICHAEL STEHLY was born on 13 Apr 1809 in Weitbruch.
Sex: Male.
NICOLAS STEHLY was born on 15 Apr 1811 in Weitbruch.
Sex: Male.
FRANCOIS JOSEPH6 RHEIN (Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was
born on 10 Mar 1754 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He died on 29 Nov
1819 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. He married CATHERINA PFAADT on 22 Oct
1787 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France8, daughter of Martin Pfaadt and
Catherina Guhmann. She was born on 19 Mar 1763 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of
Alsace, France17. She died on 30 Jan 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France7.
Francois Joseph: Francois Joseph Rhein was baptized on 10 Mar 1754 in Commune de Francois
Joseph Rheinrrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France. He was employed as a Farmer in 18178. Sex:
Notes for Francois Joseph Rhein:
The first modern use levée en masse occurred during the French Revolutionary Wars. Under the
Ancien Régime, there had been some conscription (by ballot) to a militia, milice, to supplement the
large standing army in times of war. This had proven unpopular with the peasant communities on
which it fell and was one of their grievances which they expected to be addressed by the French
States-General, when it were convened in 1789 to put the French monarchy on a sounder footing.
When this led instead to the French Revolution, the milice was duly abolished by the National
The progression of the Revolution came to produce friction between France and its European
neighbors, who grew determined to invade France to restore the monarchical regime. War with
Prussia and Austria was declared in April 1792. The invading forces were met in France by a
mixture of what was left of the old professional army and volunteers (it was these, not the levée en
masse, that won the battle of Valmy in September 1792). By March 1793 France was at war with
Austria, Prussia, Spain, Britain, Piedmont and the United Provinces: it was recognised that a
volunteer army could no longer be relied upon, and the National Convention called upon each
French département to supply a quota of recruits (totaling about 300,000); with the means of
selection unspecified. By some accounts, only about half this number appears to have been
actually raised, bringing the army strength up to about 645,000 in mid-1793, and the military
situation continued to worsen (exacerbated by an internal revolt in the Vendée, which was partly
triggered by this re-introduction of conscription).
In response to this, a levée en masse was decreed by the National Convention on 23 August 1793
in ringing terms, beginning:
From this moment until such time as its enemies shall have been driven from the soil of the
Republic, all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies. The young
men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make
tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint; the old men
shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and
preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic.
All unmarried able-bodied men between 18 and 25 were requisitioned with immediate effect for
military service. This significantly increased the number of men in the army, reaching a peak of
about 1,500,000 in September 1794, although the actual fighting strength probably peaked at no
more than 800,000. In addition, as the decree suggests, much of the civilian population was turned
towards supporting the armies through armaments production and other war industries as well as
supplying food and provisions to the front.
Generation 6 (con't)
For all the rhetoric, the levée en masse was not popular; desertion and evasion were high. But the
effort was sufficient to turn the tide of the war, and there was no need for any further conscription
until 1797, when a more systematic system of annual intake was instituted. An effect of the levée
en masse was the creation of the first national army, made of highly motivated citizens defending
their own soil, rather than a force of professional, but often semi-mercenary, armies, as was the
standard practice of the time.
Though not a novel idea—cf. thinkers as diverse as Plato, above and the lawyer and linguist Sir
William Jones (who thought every adult male should be armed with a musket at public
expense)—the actual practice of a levée en masse was rare before the French Revolution. The
levée was a key development in modern warfare and would lead to steadily larger armies with each
successive war - culminating in the enormous bloodbaths of World War I and World War II during
the first half of the 20th century.
Retrieved from ""
Catherina: Catherina Pfaadt was baptized on 19 Mar 1763 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province
of Alsace, France. Fact 1: 1787 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Province of Alsace, France; Surname
listed as Pfaad on the marriage certificate.. Sex: Female.
Witness: 22 Oct 1787 in Other witnesses are Jacobus Gross, Mathias Noe and what appears to be
Joannes Gless.8. Witness: 22 Oct 1787 in Arbogaste Kistler. This is probably the Arbogaste Kistler
married to Rosine Herrmann.8.
Francois Joseph Rhein and Catherina Pfaadt had the following children:
ANTOINE7 RHEIN was born on 29 Jan 1789 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 13 Mar 1837 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
He married MARIE ANNE KISTLER on 24 Sep 1817 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France8, daughter of Arbogast Kistler and Rosine Herrmann. She was
born on 03 Jan 1792 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. She died on
30 Jul 1863 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 12 Feb 1797 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France18. He died on 12 Apr 1868 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
He married MARIE THERESE WOHLFARDT on 14 Feb 1829 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8, daughter of Frederic Wohlfardt and Madeleine
Gross. She was born in 1807 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
VALENTIN6 GROSHOLTZ (Marie Barbara5 Rhein, Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein, Wolfgang2
Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born in 1757 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine,
France. He died in 1825 in Tulle. He married ELISABETH BOUR on 17 Jul 1781 in Isming. She was
born on 12 Mar 1765 in Isming.
Valentin: Sex: Male. He was employed as a Was an executioner..
Elisabeth: Sex: Female.
Valentin Grosholtz and Elisabeth Bour had the following children:
LOUIS7 GROSHOLTZ was born in 1785 in Isming. He died in 1843 in Tarbes. He
married MARIE BORDON in 1815. She was born in 1790 in Tulle.
JEAN GROSHOLTZ was born in 1790 in Insming. He married FRANCOISE DAYDE. She
was born in 1800 in Tulle.
CATHERINE GROSHOLTZ was born in 1795 in Isming. She married RAYMOND
DULAURENT in 1816 in Tulle. He was born in 1790 in Tulle.
JEAN6 GROSHOLTZ (Marie Barbara5 Rhein, Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein, Wolfgang2 Rhein,
Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born in 1762 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France.
Generation 6 (con't)
Rhein) was born in 1762 in Lutzelbourg, Sarrebourg, Province of Lorraine, France.
He died on 28 Jun 1848 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France. He married CATHERINE RHEIN on
08 May 1787 in Saaralbe, Province of Lorraine. She was born on 06 Jun 1767 in Sarrable,
Province of Lorraine, France. She died on 14 May 1815 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
Jean: Sex: Male.
Catherine: Sex: Female.
Jean Grosholtz and Catherine Rhein had the following children:
ELISABETH7 GROSHOLTZ was born on 05 Apr 1788 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
France. She married JOSEPH NACHBRON on 10 Aug 1807 in Sarrable, Moselle,
Lorraine, France. He was born in 1780 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
Elisabeth: Sex: Female.
JEAN GROSHOLTZ was born on 10 Dec 1789 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
Sex: Male.
INFANT GROSHOLTZ was born on 10 Feb 1793 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Unknown.
CATHERINE GROSHOLTZ was born in 1794 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
She married ANDRE WEBER on 20 Feb 1828 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
He was born in 1790 in Welferding, Sarreguemines.
Catherine: Sex: Female.
MARIE ANNE GROSHOLTZ was born on 06 Jan 1799 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Female.
MARIE BARBE GROSHOLTZ was born on 06 Jan 1799 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Female.
ANDRE GROSHOLTZ was born on 02 Oct 1800 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
Sex: Male.
viii. MARIE ANNE GROSHOLTZ was born on 04 Dec 1802 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Female.
JEAN MICHEL GROSHOLTZ was born on 17 Oct 1804 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Male.
CHRISTINE GROSHOLTZ was born on 13 May 1806 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Female.
JEAN JACQUES GROSHOLTZ was born on 18 Aug 1811 in Sarrable, Moselle, Lorraine,
Sex: Male.
CATHERINE6 REIN (Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3 Rhein, Jean Jacques2
Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born about 1783 in Weislinger, Province of Alsace, France. She
Generation 6 (con't)
Rhein, Jean
Rhein) was born about 1783 in Weislinger, Province of Alsace, France. She
married JACQUES SCHNEIDER on 25 Nov 1806 in Weislinger, Bas-Rhin, France, son of Pierre
Schneider and Anne Marie Tauffer. He was born on 04 Jun 1784 in Weislinger, Province of Alsace,
Catherine: Sex: Female.
Jacques: Sex: Male.
Jacques Schneider and Catherine Rein had the following child:
JACQUES7 SCHNEIDER was born on 03 Jul 1809 in Petersbach, Bas-Rhin, France.
He died on 27 Dec 1872 in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. He married ANASTASIE
GERBER on 16 Jun 1835 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. She was born on 09 Jan
1810 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. She died on 25 Jan 1884 in Embermenil.
FRANCOIS6 REIN (Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3 Rhein, Jean Jacques2
Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein)3 was born on 21 Apr 1791 in Petersbach, Province of Alsace,
France. He married MARGUERITE GRUMBACH on 17 Mar 1812 in Petersbach, Province of Alsace,
France3. She was born on 04 Sep 1794 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. She died on 26 Jun 1869.
Francois: Sex: Male.
Marguerite: Sex: Female.
Francois Rein and Marguerite Grumbach had the following child:
PETER7 REIN was born on 21 Apr 1825. He died in 1876. He married MAGDALENA
Generation 7
ANTOINE7 RHEIN (Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born in 1788. He married (1) FRANCOISE SATTLER on 18 May 1812 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. She was born on 07 Oct 1784. She died before 1836. He married
(2) MARIA ANNA KAUTEL on 25 Oct 1836.
Antoine: Sex: Male.
Notes for Antoine Rhein:
In 1836 Antoine Rhein, age, 48, widower, is residing with his daughter, Therese, age 14, at 196
Nachweid, Herrlisheim with Jean Georges Kientz, weaver, and his wife, Scholastique Huck.
Daughter Marie Anne Rhein, age 17, is listed as a servant and is residing with Andre Alt (her
Godfather) and his wife Anne Marie Sattler (probably the sister of Francoise) at 97 Sandgass,
Herrlisheim. (Source - 1836 Census of the Cantons of Bischwiller and Haguenau, Bas-Rhin,
Francoise (1): Sex: Female.
Antoine Rhein and Francoise Sattler had the following children:
GEORGES8 RHEIN was born on 16 Sep 1815 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1815 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Andre Noe, farmer, and Joseph
Noe, farmer.8. Sex: Male.
MARIE ANNE RHEIN was born in 1818 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1818 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jean Baptiste Mockers and Andre
Alt.8. Sex: Female.
Generation 7 (con't)
Alt.8. Sex: Female.
JEAN MICHEL RHEIN was born on 24 Nov 1819 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France8. He married MONICA GRUM on 23 May 1848.
THERESE RHEIN was born in 1822 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
Maria Anna (2): Sex: Female.
ANNE CATHERINE7 RHEIN (Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born in 1791. She died before 1821. She married ANTOINE ADAM before 1818,
son of Jean Adam and Sophie Kuttel. He was born in 1790.
Anne Catherine: Sex: Female.
Antoine: Sex: Male.
Notes for Antoine Adam:
In 1836 Antoine Adam, son of Jean, is residing at 187 Nachtweid, Herrlisheim with his second wife
Francoise Rhein and their five children; Joseph, age 14, Jacques, age 12, Ferdinand, age 10,
Francoise, age 6 and Antoine, age 2. Also residing with the family is Catherine, age 16, the
daughter of Antoine and his first wife, Catherine Rhein. His occupation is listed as daily laborer.
(Source - 1836 Census of the Cantons of Bishwiller and Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, France.)
Antoine Adam and Anne Catherine Rhein had the following child:
CATHERINE8 ADAM was born in 1820 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: Witness to Act of Birth was Jean Baptise Mockers.8. Sex: Female.
JACQUES7 RHEIN (Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 01 Feb 1800. He married (1) ELISABETH HEITZ about 1829. She was born in
1800. He married (2) KATHARINA SATTLER on 21 Jul 1822. She was born on 23 Apr 1792. She died
about 1829.
Jacques: Sex: Male.
Notes for Jacques Rhein:
In 1836 Jacques Rhein, age 37, is residing at 191 Nachtweid, Herrlisheim with his second wife,
Elizabeth Heitz age 37,, his two sons Jacques, age 12, and Ignace, age 10, from his first marriage
to Kathatina Sattler and two daughters Therese, age 3 and Catherine, age 6 months, from his
marriage to Elizabeth Heitz. His occupation is listed as a daily laborer. (Source - 1836 Census of
the Cantons of Bischwiller and Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, France.)
Elisabeth (1): Sex: Female.
Jacques Rhein and Elisabeth Heitz had the following children:
MARIE ANNE8 RHEIN was born on 02 Mar 1830 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
ARBROGAST RHEIN was born on 17 Apr 1832 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
THERESE RHEIN was born on 27 Oct 1833 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She married JOSEPH PFAADT. He was born in 1810 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Straasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Generation 7 (con't)
CATHERINE RHEIN was born in Jan 1836 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Sex: Female.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 06 Mar 1838 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Sex: Male.
GEORGES RHEIN was born on 25 Dec 1840 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Sex: Male.
Katharina (2): Sex: Female.
Jacques Rhein and Katharina Sattler had the following children:
vii. JACQUES RHEIN was born in 1824 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
He married THERESE SCHMITT on 12 Feb 1861.
viii. IGNACE RHEIN was born in 1826 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
ANTOINE7 RHEIN (Francois6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 23 Nov 1806 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhein, France.
He died in Apr 1864. He married MARIE SALOME LIEBERHERR on 14 Apr 1830 in
Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France, daughter of Jaques Lieberherr and Salome Redelsper.
Antoine: Sex: Male.
Marie Salome: Sex: Female.
Antoine Rhein and Marie Salome Lieberherr had the following children:
ANTOINE8 RHEIN was born in 1829 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
SALOME RHEIN was born on 22 Aug 1829 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin,
Sex: Female.
JACQUES RHEIN was born on 02 Nov 1839 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin,
France. He married BARBE KAMMENTHALER on 04 Jul 1864 in
Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France.
ANTOINE7 RHEIN (Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 29 Jan 1789 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. He died on
13 Mar 1837 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. He married MARIE ANNE KISTLER on
24 Sep 1817 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8, daughter of Arbogast Kistler and
Rosine Herrmann. She was born on 03 Jan 1792 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8.
She died on 30 Jul 1863 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Antoine: Antoine Rhein was employed as a Laborer in 18208. Sex: Male.
Notes for Antoine Rhein:
In 1836 Antoine Rhein, age 47, laborer, is residing at 137 Ottersgass, Herrlisheim, with his wife,
Marie Anne Kistler, age 44, and their children; Jacques, age 16, Pierre, age 12, Paul, age 12,
Ambroise, age 5, and Luden, age 2. (Source - 1836 Census of the Cantons of Bischwiller and
Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, France.)
Generation 7 (con't)
Marie Anne: Marie Anne Kistler was baptized on 23 Jan 1792 in Catholic Church at Herrlisheim.
She was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass, Herrlisheim. Age 44.. Sex:
Witness: 24 Sep 1817 in Sebastien Pfaadt, born 17588. Witness: 24 Sep 1817 in Jean Baptiste
Mockers, born 17788. Witness: 24 Sep 1817 in Piere Pfaadt, born 17788. Witness: 24 Sep 1817 in
Mathieu Laeng, born 17878.
Antoine Rhein and Marie Anne Kistler had the following children:
JACQUES8 RHEIN was born on 28 Feb 1820 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 06 Apr 1888 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France16.
He married REGINE KISTLER on 24 Jun 1850 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8, daughter of Daniel Kistler and Catherine Klein. She was born on 28 Apr
1827 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. She died after 1880 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France.
PAUL RHEIN was born on 11 Nov 1823 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France. He died after 1836.
Paul Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass, Paul
Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 12.. Sex: Male.
PIERRE RHEIN was born on 12 Nov 1823 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 24 Sep 1855 in Mobile Hospital of the Army of Orient, 1st
Division, Sebastopol, Crimea (2nd servant, 9th artillery regiment, 1st battery, 1st
Division.)16, 19.
Witness: 1823 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jean Michel Laeng8. He was counted
in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass, Herrlisheim with his family. Age
12.. Sex: Male.
Notes for Pierre Rhein:
Killed during the Crimean War.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Crimean War, (October 1853-February 1856), war fought mainly on the Crimean
Peninsula between the Russians and the British, French, and Ottoman Turkish, with
support, from January 1855, by the army of Sardinia-Piedmont. The war arose from
the conflict of great powers in the Middle East and was more directly caused by
Russian demands to exercise protection over the Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman
sultan. Another major factor was the dispute between Russia and France over the
privileges of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches in the holy places
in Palestine.
Supported by Britain, the Turks took a firm stand against the Russians, who
occupied the Danubian principalities (modern Romania) on the Russo-Turkish
border in July 1853. The British fleet was ordered to Constantinople (Istanbul) on
September 23. On October 4 the Turks declared war on Russia and in the same
month opened an offensive against the Russians in the Danubian principalities.
After the Russian Black Sea fleet destroyed a Turkish squadron at Sinope, on the
Turkish side of the Black Sea, the British and French fleets entered the Black Sea
on Jan. 3, 1854, to protect Turkish transports. On March 28, Britain and France
declared war on Russia. To satisfy Austria and avoid having that country also enter
the war, Russia evacuated the Danubian principalities. Austria occupied them in
August 1854. In September 1854 the allies landed troops in Russian Crimea, on the
north shore of the Black Sea, and began a year-long siege of the Russian fortress
of Sevastopol. Major engagements were fought at the Alma River on September 20,
at Balaklava on October 25, and at Inkerman on November 5. On Jan. 26, 1855,
Sardinia-Piedmont entered the war and sent 10,000 troops. Finally, on Sept. 11,
1855, three days after a successful French assault on the Malakhov, a major
Generation 7 (con't)
1855, three days after a successful French assault on the Malakhov, a major
strongpoint in the Russian defenses, the Russians blew up the forts, sank the ships,
and evacuated Sevastopol. Secondary operations of the war were conducted in the
Caucasus and in the Baltic Sea.
After Austria threatened to join the allies, Russia accepted preliminary peace terms
on Feb. 1, 1856. The Congress of Paris worked out the final settlement from
February 25 to March 30. The resulting Treaty of Paris, signed on March 30, 1856,
guaranteed the integrity of Ottoman Turkey and obliged Russia to surrender
southern Bessarabia, at the mouth of the Danube. The Black Sea was neutralized,
and the Danube River was opened to the shipping of all nations. The Crimean War
was managed and commanded very poorly on both sides. Disease accounted for a
disproportionate number of the approximately 250,000 men lost by each side.
The war did not settle the relations of the powers in eastern Europe. It did awaken
the new Russian emperor Alexander II (who succeeded Nicholas I in March 1855)
to the need to overcome Russia's backwardness in order to compete successfully
with the other European powers. A further result of the war was that Austria, having
sided with Great Britain and France, lost the support of Russia in central European
affairs. Austria became dependent on Britain and France, which failed to support
that country, leading to the Austrian defeats in 1859 and 1866 that, in turn, led to
the unification of Italy and Germany.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 28 Mar 1827 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 22 Sep 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Sex: Male.
AMBROISE RHEIN was born in 1828 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
He died on 25 May 1830 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
AMBROISE RHEIN was born on 31 Mar 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France16. He died on 06 Dec 191216. He married (1) CATHERINE KORMANN. He
married (2) ANASTASE NOE.
LUDEN RHEIN was born on 10 Feb 1834 in Commune de Herrlsiheim, Strasbourg,
Bas-Rhin, France8. He died on 30 Jul 186316.
Luden Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass,
Luden Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 2.. Sex: Male.
viii. GEORGES RHEIN was born on 04 Mar 1837 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1837 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jacques Kientz and Jean Michel
Gross.8. Sex: Male.
ELIZABETH RHEIN was born on 22 Apr 1838 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1838 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jacques Kientz.8. Sex: Female.
CATHERINE RHEIN was born on 02 Jun 1841 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1841 in Witness to Act of Birth was Andre Schaffer.8. Sex: Female.
JOSEPH7 RHEIN (Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1)
was born on 12 Feb 1797 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France18. He died on 12 Apr
Generation 7 (con't)
was born on 12 Feb 1797 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France18. He died on 12 Apr
1868 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. He married MARIE THERESE WOHLFARDT on
14 Feb 1829 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8, daughter of Frederic Wohlfardt and
Madeleine Gross. She was born in 1807 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Joseph: Joseph Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 72 Mutternsteg, Joseph
Rheinrrlisheim with wife Marie Therese and family. Was a Cordonnier.. Sex: Male.
Notes for Joseph Rhein:
In 1836 Joseph Rhein, age 39, occupation shoe maker, is residing at 72 Mutternsteg, Herrlisheim,
with his wife, Therese Wohlfardt, age 28, and their children; Edmond, age 6 and Edouard, age 1.
(Source - 1836 Census of the Cantons of Bischwiller and Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, France.)
Marie Therese: Sex: Female.
Joseph Rhein and Marie Therese Wohlfardt had the following children:
EDMOND8 RHEIN was born on 24 Nov 1829 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 05 Feb 190916. He married MARIE ANNE GLESS on 20 Nov 1860
in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
EDOUARD RHEIN was born in 1835 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8.
He died on 12 Apr 186816.
Edouard Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 72 Mutternsteg,
Edouard Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 1.. Sex: Male. He was educated
Appears to have died in infancy..
PHILOMENA RHEIN was born on 23 Jan 1840 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She died on 31 Oct 1903 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France16.
She married ??? KOERPER.
Philomena: Witness: 1840 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jean Baptiste Mockers.8.
Sex: Female.
??? RHEIN was born on 08 Mar 1842 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1842 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jacques Gross.8. He was educated
Could not read handwriting. Christian name looks like "Ilatiler".. Sex: Unknown.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born in 1851 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8.
Joseph Rhein immigrated to There was a Joseph Rhein, born 1852 in France, who
arrived Port of New York October 17, 1872 from Havre via Lodon. I have listed it
here for future reference. (Note to File - JP Rhein) in 1872. Sex: Male.
VENERANDE RHEIN was born on 04 Oct 1844 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France. She died on 28 Mar 1934 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`.
She married ALEX GROSS on 07 May 1870 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France, son of Benoit Gross and Catherine Naas. He was born on 25 May 1837 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. He died on 05 Mar 1909 in Commune
de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany.
LOUIS7 GROSHOLTZ (Valentin6, Marie Barbara5 Rhein, Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein,
Wolfgang2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born in 1785 in Isming. He died in 1843 in Tarbes.
He married MARIE BORDON in 1815. She was born in 1790 in Tulle.
Louis: Sex: Male.
Marie: Sex: Female.
Louis Grosholtz and Marie Bordon had the following children:
Generation 7 (con't)
JEAN SIMON8 GROSHOLTZ was born in 1815 in Tulle. He died in 1844.
Sex: Male.
JEAN EMILE GROSHOLTZ was born in 1826 in Tarbes. He died in 1871 in Paris,
Sex: Male.
JEAN7 GROSHOLTZ (Valentin6, Marie Barbara5 Rhein, Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein,
Wolfgang2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born in 1790 in Insming. He married FRANCOISE
DAYDE. She was born in 1800 in Tulle.
Jean: Sex: Male.
Francoise: Sex: Female.
Jean Grosholtz and Francoise Dayde had the following children:
JEAN NICOLAS8 GROSHOLTZ was born in 1819 in Tarbes. He married (1) MARIE
DULAURENT. She was born in 1820 in Tulle. He married (2) MARIE DULAURENT in
1845 in Tulle, daughter of Raymond Dulaurent and Catherine Grosholtz. She was
born in 1820 in Tulle.
Jean Nicolas: Sex: Male.
GUERCHOUX in 1843 in Tulle. He was born in 1811 in Firenze, Italy.
Grosholtz Marguerie: Sex: Female.
CATHERINE7 GROSHOLTZ (Valentin6, Marie Barbara5 Rhein, Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein,
Wolfgang2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born in 1795 in Isming. She married RAYMOND
DULAURENT in 1816 in Tulle. He was born in 1790 in Tulle.
Catherine: Sex: Female.
Raymond: Sex: Male.
Raymond Dulaurent and Catherine Grosholtz had the following child:
MARIE DULAURENT was born in 1820 in Tulle. She married JEAN NICOLAS
GROSHOLTZ in 1845 in Tulle, son of Jean Grosholtz and Francoise Dayde. He was
born in 1819 in Tarbes.
Marie: Sex: Female.
JACQUES7 SCHNEIDER (Catherine6 Rein, Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3
Rhein, Jean Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 03 Jul 1809 in Petersbach,
Bas-Rhin, France. He died on 27 Dec 1872 in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. He married ANASTASIE
GERBER on 16 Jun 1835 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. She was born on 09 Jan 1810 in Durstel,
Bas-Rhin, France. She died on 25 Jan 1884 in Embermenil.
Jacques: Sex: Male.
Anastasie: Sex: Female.
Jacques Schneider and Anastasie Gerber had the following children:
JACQUES8 SCHNEIDER was born on 13 Nov 1836 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
GEORGE SCHNEIDER was born on 03 Jan 1838 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
Generation 7 (con't)
Sex: Male.
PIERRE SCHNEIDER was born on 07 Aug 1842 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. He died
on 05 Jan 1915 in Lyon, France. He married (1) JOSEPHINE MASSON on 25 Sep
1867 in Embermenil. She was born on 07 Oct 1839 in Embermenil. She died on 13
Jan 1885 in Baccarat. He married (2) MARGUERITE SCHAEFFER on 24 Apr 1890 in
Baccarat. She was born on 16 Mar 1853 in Sarraltroff. She died in Baccarat.
MARIE SCHNEIDER was born on 01 Aug 1844 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
GEORGE SCHNEIDER was born on 20 Jun 1846 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
MARGUERITE SCHNEIDER was born on 20 Jun 1846 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
MARIE ANNE SCHNEIDER was born on 20 Jun 1846 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
viii. CATHERINE SCHNEIDER was born on 21 Feb 1848 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Female.
GEORGE SCHNEIDER was born on 09 Jun 1850 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
CHRETIEN SCHNEIDER was born on 14 Mar 1852 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
CHRETIEN SCHNEIDER was born on 19 Jun 1853 in Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France.
Sex: Male.
PETER7 REIN (Francois6, Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3 Rhein, Jean
Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 21 Apr 1825. He died in 1876. He married
Peter: Sex: Male.
Magdalena: Sex: Female.
Peter Rein and Magdalena Koening had the following child:
JACOB PETER8 REIN was born on 31 Jan 1855.
Generation 8
JEAN MICHEL8 RHEIN (Antoine7, Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3,
Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 24 Nov 1819 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He married MONICA GRUM on 23 May 1848.
Jean Michel: Sex: Male.
Monica: Sex: Female.
Jean Michel Rhein and Monica Grum had the following child:
Georges: Sex: Male.
Generation 8 (con't)
THERESE8 RHEIN (Jacques7, Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born on 27 Oct 1833 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. She
married JOSEPH PFAADT. He was born in 1810 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Straasbourg,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Therese: Sex: Female.
Joseph: Sex: Male.
Joseph Pfaadt and Therese Rhein had the following children:
ROSALIE9 PFAADT was born on 11 Apr 1856 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1856 in Witness to Act of Birth was George Adam.8. She was educated
May have died in infancy.. Sex: Female.
JACQUES PFAADT was born on 09 Jul 1858 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1858 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jean George Adam, mason, and
Louis Pfaadt, pensioneer.8. He was educated Twin. Sex: Male.
MARC PFAADT was born on 09 Jul 1858.
Sex: Male. He was educated Twin.
LOUIS PFAADT was born on 16 Feb 1863 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1863 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jean George Adam and Louis
Pfaadt.8. Sex: Male.
ROSALIE PFAADT was born on 30 May 1864 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1864 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jean George Adam and Jacques
Kientz.8. Sex: Female.
JACQUES8 RHEIN (Jacques7, Arbrogast6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born in 1824 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. He married
THERESE SCHMITT on 12 Feb 1861.
Jacques: Jacques Rhein was born in 1824. Sex: Male.
Therese: Sex: Female.
Jacques Rhein and Therese Schmitt had the following child:
IGNATZ9 RHEIN. He married MARIA ANNA ??ING on 22 Nov 1886.
Ignatz: Sex: Male.
JACQUES8 RHEIN (Antoine7, Francois6, Joannes Valentin5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born on 02 Nov 1839 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France. He
married BARBE KAMMENTHALER on 04 Jul 1864 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin, France.
Jacques: Sex: Male.
Barbe: Sex: Female.
Jacques Rhein and Barbe Kammenthaler had the following child:
ELIZABETH9 RHEIN was born on 26 Mar 1871 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Bas-Rhin,
France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. She died in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines,
Bas-Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. She married ERNEST MULLER on
Generation 8 (con't)
Bas-Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. She married ERNEST MULLER on
05 Feb 1894 in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany.
Elizabeth: Sex: Female.
JACQUES8 RHEIN (Antoine7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born on 28 Feb 1820 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. He
died on 06 Apr 1888 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France16. He married REGINE KISTLER
on 24 Jun 1850 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8, daughter of Daniel Kistler and
Catherine Klein. She was born on 28 Apr 1827 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8.
She died after 1880 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France.
Jacques: Jacques Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass, Jacques
Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 16.. Sex: Male. He was employed as a Weaver. Fact 1: Death
certificate of his son, Joseph Rhein, gives his Christian name as Jacob and states that he was born
in Lorraine. I suspect that Louise Laeng Rhein gave his birthplace as Alsace-Lorraine but the
individual completing the form elected to enter Lorrain.
Notes for Jacques Rhein:
The legal age of majority in France was set in 1803 at 21 years (lowered in 1974 to 18 years).
However, there was an exception in the case of marriage: a man younger than 25 (and a woman
younger than 21) needed the consent of their parents in order to marry. If there was disagreement
between the parents, it was sufficient to have consent of the father. If one parent was dead or
incapable of indicating consent, the consent of the remaining parent was sufficient. If both parents
were dead or incapable of indicating consent, the grandparents took their place.
Even after having reached 25 (21 for women) it was still required for the prospective bride and
groom to make a formal, respectful request to their parents for their counsel regarding the marriage
-- this was necessary until the groom had reached 30 and the bride 25. If the parents were
opposed to the marriage, this formal request was required to be repeated two more times, once a
month. One month after a third unsuccessful request the marriage could go ahead.
And even after a prospective groom had reached 30 he was still required to make this formal
request to his parents. In the event of an objection on the part of his parents he could go ahead
with the marriage one month later.
If the parents and grandparents were all dead or all incapable of indicating consent, it was
necessary for anyone younger than 21 to obtain consent of the conseil de famille.
There were stiff penalties for civil officials who didn't enforce these regulations.
The conseil de famille was composed of a justice of the peace and six blood relatives or relatives
by marriage, half from the father's
side and half from the mother's side. (There were more complex regulations for the composition of
the group, but this is the basic idea.)
"Son Tuteur", means the groom's guardian, usually appointed to that position by the groom's father
just prior to his death, or by the groom's mother after her husband's death, or by the grandparents,
or by the conseil de famille.
This is all from Le Code Civil (also known as the Code NapolTon), the body of French civil law first
promulgated in 1803.
(Source - Robert Behra)
Generation 8 (con't)
Regine: Witness: 1827 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jean George Laeng born 1782.8. She was
educated Christian name appear as Regina on the death certificate of her son Joseph Rhein in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. in 19277. Sex: Female.
Witness: 24 Jun 1850 in Witnesses to the Act of Marriage were Joseph Rhein, age 49, Jacques
Gross age 33 and Thiebaud Schohn age 63.8. Fact 1: 24 Jun 1850 in Act of Marriage signed by
Mathieu Schohn acting on behalf of Le Maire..8.
Jacques Rhein and Regine Kistler had the following children:
ANASTASE9 RHEIN was born on 10 Mar 1851 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She died on 24 Mar 1851 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1851 in Witness to Act of Birth Jacques Gross.8. She was educated
Mother's christian name appears as Reine on Act of Birth. in 18518. Sex: Female.
ROSALIE RHEIN was born on 16 Jan 1853 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1853 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Antoine Gross and Jacques Alt.8.
She was educated Mother's christian name appears as Reine on the Act of Birth. in
18538. Sex: Female.
MARIE RHEIN was born on 17 May 1855 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She died on 25 May 1855 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1855 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Charles Mockers and Jean George
Adam.8. Sex: Female.
ANTOINE RHEIN was born on 02 Apr 1856 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 29 Sep 191916.
Witness: 1856 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Charles Mockers and Jean George
Adam.8. He was educated Mother's christian name appears as Reine on the Act of
Birth. in 18568. Sex: Male.
THERESA RHEIN was born on 17 Feb 1858 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She died on 09 Apr 1858 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1858 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Louis Pfaadt and George Adam.8.
She was educated Mother's christian name appears as Reine on the Act of Birth. in
18588. Sex: Female.
THERESA RHEIN was born in Feb 1859 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. She died on 22 Jun 1859 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Sex: Female.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 20 Apr 1860 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 13 Nov 1865 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Witness: 1860 in Witness to Act of Birth was Joseph Werner.8. He was educated
Mother's christian name appears as Reine on the Act of Birth. in 18608. Sex: Male.
viii. PIERRE RHEIN was born on 11 Aug 1862 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 19 Mar 1929 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
He married THERESE BECKER on 01 Mar 1886 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France16, daughter of Thibaud Becker and Marie Anne Fritsch. She was
born on 14 Jan 1865 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. She died on
10 Nov 1932 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Generation 8 (con't)
FELIX RHEIN was born on 03 Mar 1864 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 08 Feb 1865 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Witness: 1864 in Witness to Act of Birth was Jean Michel Pfaadt.8. Fact 2: 1864 in
Christian name may be Felica. Handwriting difficult to read.. He was educated
Mother's christian name appears as Reine on the Act of Birth. in 18648. Sex: Male.
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 13 Apr 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg,
Bas-Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany8. He died on 19 Mar 1927 in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7. He married LOUISE LAENG on 03 May
1890 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France8, daughter of Alexandre Laeng
and Francoise Pfaadt. She was born on 15 May 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany20. She died on 11
Dec 1954 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7.
AMBROISE8 RHEIN (Antoine7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born on 31 Mar 1831 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. He
died on 06 Dec 191216. He married (1) CATHERINE KORMANN. He married (2) ANASTASE NOE.
Ambroise: Ambroise Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 137 Ottergass,
Ambroise Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 5.. Sex: Male.
Catherine (1): Sex: Female.
Anastase (2): Sex: Female.
Ambroise Rhein and Anastase Noe had the following child:
CAROLINE9 RHEIN was born on 07 Mar 1858 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France`. She married FELIX HEITZ, son of Amand Heitz and Madeleine Pfaadt. He
was born on 09 Sep 1850 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Caroline: Sex: Female.
EDMOND8 RHEIN (Joseph7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2, Jean
Gaspard1) was born on 24 Nov 1829 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France8. He died on
05 Feb 190916. He married MARIE ANNE GLESS on 20 Nov 1860 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France.
Edmond: Edmond Rhein was counted in the census in 1836 in Resided at 72 Mutternsteg, Edmond
Rheinrrlisheim with his family. Age 6.. Sex: Male.
Marie Anne: Sex: Female.
Edmond Rhein and Marie Anne Gless had the following children:
EDMOND9 RHEIN was born on 08 Sep 1861 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1861 in Witness to Act of Birth was Joseph Pfaadt.8. He was educated
Appears to have died in infancy.. Sex: Male.
EDMOND RHEIN was born on 14 Jan 1864 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1864 in Witness to Act of Birth was Alex Noe.8. Sex: Male.
AUGUSTE RHEIN was born on 18 Aug 1867 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Witness: 1876 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Michel Schiff and Benoit Fitz.8.
Sex: Male.
Generation 8 (con't)
VENERANDE8 RHEIN (Joseph7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3, Wolfgang2,
Jean Gaspard1) was born on 04 Oct 1844 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. She
died on 28 Mar 1934 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`. She married ALEX GROSS on
07 May 1870 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France, son of Benoit Gross and Catherine
Naas. He was born on 25 May 1837 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France. He died on 05
Mar 1909 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany.
Venerande: Sex: Female.
Alex: Sex: Male. He was employed as a Labourer.
Alex Gross and Venerande Rhein had the following child:
ALOYSE9 GROSS was born on 19 Oct 1881 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. He died on 12 Sep 1962 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Bas-Rhin, France`. He married BARBE PFAADT on 14 Oct 1907 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, daughter of Charles Pfaadt and Marie
Justine Alt. She was born on 25 Feb 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France`. She died on 25 Sep 1965 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`.
PIERRE8 SCHNEIDER (Jacques7, Catherine6 Rein, Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean
Jacques3 Rhein, Jean Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 07 Aug 1842 in
Durstel, Bas-Rhin, France. He died on 05 Jan 1915 in Lyon, France. He married (1) JOSEPHINE
MASSON on 25 Sep 1867 in Embermenil. She was born on 07 Oct 1839 in Embermenil. She died
on 13 Jan 1885 in Baccarat. He married (2) MARGUERITE SCHAEFFER on 24 Apr 1890 in Baccarat.
She was born on 16 Mar 1853 in Sarraltroff. She died in Baccarat.
Pierre: Sex: Male.
Josephine (1): Sex: Female.
Pierre Schneider and Josephine Masson had the following children:
JOSEPHINE ANASTASIE9 SCHNEIDER was born in Oct 1868 in Embermenil. She died
on 10 Feb 1869 in Embermenil.
Sex: Female.
JOSEPHINE ADELPHINE SCHNEIDER was born on 27 Oct 1869 in Embermenil. She
died on 22 Nov 1869 in Embermenil.
Sex: Female.
PIERRE ALPHONSE SCHNEIDER was born on 30 Dec 1871 in Embermenil. He died on
15 Apr 1950 in Baccarat. He married MARIE GERMAINE MATHIUE on 27 Feb 1897 in
Sainte Barbe. She was born on 04 Apr 1872 in Sainte Barbe. She died on 03 Feb
1940 in Baccarat.
PROSPER ARTHUR SCHNEIDER was born on 09 Mar 1873 in Embermenil. He died on
20 Apr 1895 in Alexandria, Indiana.
Prosper Arthur Schneider was educated See scrapbook for details of army and
police records regarding military service. in 1892. Sex: Male.
JOSEPH AUGUST SCHNEIDER was born on 11 Nov 1874 in Embermenil. He died on
19 Feb 1876 in Embermenil.
Sex: Male.
JACQUES ALDOPHE SCHNEIDER was born on 29 Dec 1875 in Embermenil.
Sex: Male.
JOSEPH AUGUSTE SCHNEIDER was born on 31 Jul 1877 in Embermenil.
Sex: Male.
Generation 8 (con't)
Sex: Male.
viii. AIME LOUIS SCHNEIDER was born on 28 Apr 1879 in Embermenil. He died on 30 Mar
1963 in Essey-les-Nancy. He married MARIE CATHERINE VINTZ on 08 Jun 1907.
Aime Louis: Sex: Male.
ANASTASIE LEONIE SCHNEIDER was born in 1884 in Embermenil.
Sex: Female.
Marguerite (2): Sex: Female.
JACOB PETER8 REIN (Peter7, Francois6, Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3
Rhein, Jean Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 31 Jan 1855.
Sex: Male.
Jacob Peter Rein had the following child:
EDWARD MICHAEL9 REIN was born on 08 Aug 1885. He died on 09 Mar 1969.
Generation 9
PIERRE9 RHEIN (Jacques8, Antoine7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3,
Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 11 Aug 1862 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France8. He died on 19 Mar 1929 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. He married
THERESE BECKER on 01 Mar 1886 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16, daughter of
Thibaud Becker and Marie Anne Fritsch. She was born on 14 Jan 1865 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16. She died on 10 Nov 1932 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
Pierre: Witness: 1862 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were Jean George Adam and Louis Pfaadt.8. He
was educated Mother's christian name was Reine on the Act of Birth. in 18628. Witness: 03 May
1890 in Was a witness at the wedding of Joseph Rhein to Louise Laeng in Herrlisheim.8. Sex:
Therese: Sex: Female.
Pierre Rhein and Therese Becker had the following children:
MARIE10 RHEIN16 was born in 1886. She married JEAN MARTY.
Marie: Sex: Female.
MARIE LOUISE RHEIN was born on 03 Nov 1887 in Commune de Herrlisheim,
Alsace-Lorraine, Germany16. She died on 04 Aug 1965 in Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France16. She married (1) CHARLES LAENG on 11 Jun 1914 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany16, son of Mathieu Laeng and Madeline
Keith. He was born on 10 Jun 1879 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine,
Germany16. He died on 02 Aug 191516. She married (2) JOSEPH KIEFFER on 30 Jul
1919 in Bischeim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Marie Louise: Sex: Female.
ANGELE RHEIN16 was born in 1893. She married ??? DELDEMME.
Angele: Sex: Female.
CHARLES RHEIN16 was born in 1895. He died in 1944 in Forbach. He married ???
Charles: Sex: Male.
MATHILDE RHEIN16 was born on 06 Jun 1896. She died in Apr 1971. She married
JOSEPH WENGER on 09 Nov 1943 in Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Generation 9 (con't)
JOSEPH WENGER on 09 Nov 1943 in Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France16.
Mathilde: Sex: Female.
JOSEPH RHEIN16 was born in 1899. He died in 1950 in Paris, France. He married
Joseph: Sex: Male.
EUGENE RHEIN16 was born about 1900.
Sex: Male.
viii. PAUL RHEIN16 was born in 1904. He married BERTHE STADELMANN.
Paul: Sex: Male.
JACQUES RHEIN16 was born in 1908. He died on 20 Apr 1944 in Paris, France.
Sex: Male.
JOSEPH9 RHEIN (Jacques8, Antoine7, Francois Joseph6, Francois5, Joannes Martin4, Franz3,
Wolfgang2, Jean Gaspard1) was born on 13 Apr 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg,
Bas-Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine, Germany8. He died on 19 Mar 1927 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7. He married LOUISE LAENG on 03 May 1890 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas Rhin, France8, daughter of Alexandre Laeng and Francoise Pfaadt. She was born
on 15 May 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France, later Alsace-Lorraine,
Germany20. She died on 11 Dec 1954 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7.
Joseph: Fact 1: 1866 in Commune de Joseph Rheinrrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France; Mother's Christian
name appears as Reine on the Act of Birth.. Witness: 1866 in Witnesses to Act of Birth were
Jacques Kientz, hostlier, and Dominique Henninger, labourer.8. He immigrated to Immigrated to
United States of America settling in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. in 1890. He
immigrated to Departed Herrlisheim for the United States the day following their wedding. on 04
May 1890. He was naturalized on 11 Jul 1894 in In the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny
County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania declared his intention to become a citizen of the United
States.8. He lived in 3931 Howley Avenue, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. in 1898
(Residence Joseph Rhein and Louise Laeng)8. He was naturalized on 26 Jan 1898 in Admitted as
a Citizen of the United States in Western District of Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Resided at 3931 Howley Avenue, 16th Ward, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Was a
native of Germany and a subject of the Emperor of Germany.8. He was naturalized on 26 Jan 1898
in Witness was John (Frisch?).. He lived in 16th Ward, 3931 Cabinet Alley, Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania (Dwelling number 58, Family number 73) Rented. in 1900. He was employed
as a Day laborer in 1900. He was counted in the census in 1900 in List number of children as four
and number living as two.. He was counted in the census in 1910 in Lists number of children as
seven and number living as three.. He lived in 211 37th Street, Ward 6, Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania. on 28 Apr 1910. He lived in 4007 Mintwood Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania after 1911. Time Line: 1915 in The population of the United States was 100
million, median age was 24.1, and the percentage of foreign born was 15%.. He lived in 4007
Mifflin (later changed to Mintwood) Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania in 1920. He
was employed as a Janitor (school) at St. Augustine Parish, 35th Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania) in 1920. He was buried on 23 Mar 1927 in St. Augustine Cemetery, Shaler
Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7. Sex: Male.
Notes for Joseph Rhein:
Education in Alsace-Lorraine
An ordinance, dated 18 April, 1871, and issued by Count von Bismarck-Bohlen, Governor-General
of Alsace, obliges every child, on reaching the age of six, to attend either a public or a private
school, unless equivalent provision shall be made in the family itself. School attendance continues
to be obligatory until the final examination, which, for boys, takes place at the age of fourteen, for
Generation 9 (con't)
girls at thirteen. The law of 12 February placed all lower and higher education under the
supervision and control of the State authorities. "In all schools," so runs the ordinance of the
Imperial Statthalter (Governor), dated 16 November, 1887 "religion, morality, respect for the State
and the laws shall be inculcated by means of teaching and education." The normal curriculum of
elementary schools comprises religion, German, arithmetic, geometry, drawing, history, geography,
natural history, natural science, singing, carpentry, and feminine handicrafts. The following are
charged with the local supervision of each elementary school: the burgomaster, the Catholic priest,
the Protestant pastor, the delegate of the Jewish religion and, in parishes of more than 2,000 souls,
one or more residents appointed thereto by the President of the district. The clergy are especially
charged with the supervision of the religious instruction given by the teachers in the schools; they
have, besides, the right of entering the schools at all times. The greater number of public
elementary schools are denominational. Most of the masters are laymen; most of the mistresses,
sisters of some teaching order. These communities, whose members teach in public, State, and
municipal schools, also maintain private elementary, intermediate, and higher girls' schools.
(Source - Catholic Encyclopedia
Joseph Rhein and Louise Laeng arrived Port of New York on May 20, 1890 from Le Havre on La
Champagne, L. Boyer as Ship's Master. Joseph is passenger number 808, farmer, and Louise
(surname spelled Lang) is passenger number 197, no occupation, travelling 3rd class. I am unable
to explain as to why her maiden name is listed on the ship's manifest, other than possibly she
obtained her authorization to immigrate prior to the date of their marriage. (Source - Examination
of copy of the ship manifest, New York Passenger Lists, 1851-1891, microfilm roll 548, List number
The ship La Champagne was a 7,087 gross ton vessel, length 493.4 ft x beam 51.8 ft, two funnels,
four masts, single screw and a speed of 17 knots. Accommodation for 390 - 1st, 65 - 2nd and 600
3rd class passengers. Built by COT, St. Nazaire, she was launched for Compagnie Generale
Transatlantique (French Lines) on May 15, 1885. Her maiden voyage started on May 22, 1886
when she left Havre for New York. On August 7, 1887 she collided with and sank the French ship
Ville de Rio Janeiro, sustaining serious damage herself. Rebuilt in 1896 with two masts, new
engines and her 3rd class accommodations increased to 1,500. On February 17, 1898 she
fractured her propeller shaft and drifted until February 23rd, when she was sighted by the Warren
Liner Roman who towed her to Halifax. Her last Le Havre to New York sailing started on January
21, 1905 and she was then transferred to the Mexican service. She resumed Havre - New York for
two round voyages in March and April 1906 and then returned to the Mexico service. In 1913 she
was transferred to St. Nazaire - Panama sailings and on May 28, 1915 stranded at St. Nazaire and
broke her back. (Source - North Atlantic Seaway by N. R. P. Bonsor, volume 2, page 656)
The Certificate of Death for Joseph Rhein lists his father as Jacob Rhein and his mother as Regina
Kistler. It states that Joseph was born in Lorraine. I suspect that Louise Laeng Rhein gave his
place of birth as Alsace-Lorraine, which is the way she always described where they were from in
Germany, and the person completing the death certificate elected to enter only Lorraine. (Note to
File - JP Rhein)
Served with the German Army in the German Territories in Africa between 1884 and 1890. I do not
know in which of the Territories he may have been during this period. Extracts from various articles
state that Germany came late to its colonial empire, acquiring Toga, Cameroon, German East
Africa (present-day Tanzania) and German Southwest Africa (present-day Namibia) by 1885. The
Berlin Conference, called in 1884 by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, established African
colonial boundaries. This empire would last only 35 years, until the end of World War I
(1914-1918). (Note to File - JP Rhein)
Joseph Rhein and Louise Laeng Rhein were parishioners of St. Augustine Catholic Church, 37th
Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 9 (con't)
Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
"St. Augustine was founded in 1863 as a German ethnic parish. The origin of the parish can
actually be traced to the year 1854. Germans had been settling in Lawrenceville for a number of
years. They attended St. Philomena to attend Mass and sent their children to school at either St.
Philomena or the English school at St. Mary. Concerned with the distance that the children had to
walk to attend St. Philomena, local Catholics in cooperation with the Redemptorist Fathers at St.
Philomena established a school in a Lawrenceville home. As the number of children attending the
school increased, the school was moved to an unused storeroom and later to a community hall.
The school's first few years were unsettled. Various teachers came and went and the school
discontinued operations for a brief period. Eventually, local German Catholics decided that the only
way to have an effective school was to establish a parish to oversee it. In 1860, a meeting was held
to take steps to establish a parish and school. In April of 1860, land was purchased for a parish.
Assisting in the development of the new parish was Fr. George Kircher, who had been appointed
pastor of Holy Trinity in the Hill District in 1860. In 1861, he began working with the German
Catholics in Lawrenceville to establish an independent parish. In that year, the bishop granted
permission to build a church for the Germans in Lawrenceville. However, they first built a school
which was dedicated on December 15, 1861. Beginning on February 2, 1862, Mass was
celebrated in the school.
On June 22, 1862 the cornerstone of the new church was laid. In December of that year a resident
pastor was assigned to the parish. The completed church was dedicated on November 26, 1863.
By the end of the century, this church needed extensive repair and renovation. Rather than expend
money on the existing building, the parish decided to build a new church. The cornerstone of the
new church was laid on October 29, 1899 and the completed church was dedicated on May 21,
1901. The old church was renovated and turned into a parish hall. Part of the tower was removed
and the transepts were closed with a wall, This building was eventually tom down in 1955.
Beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, people began moving from the city. By the 1990's
Lawrenceville could no longer sustain the number of existing churches. In 1993, St. Augustine was
merged with three other parishes to form the new Our Lady of the Angels parish. St. Augustine
church remains open and serves the new parish." (Souce - Diocese of Pittsburgh)
"As far back as 1854, a little school for German children of the neighborhood was being maintained
in the home of Franz Xavier Helbling opposite the Allegheny Cemetery on Butler Street. Gradually
the people interested organized St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church and built a little
schoolhouse on the hillside of Thirty-seventh Street. The building served as a church also from its
completion in 1862 until the fall of 1863 when a church was completed on Butler Street between
Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Streets. The school was enlarged by digging out beneath it and
making it a two story building. Until 1874 the parish was in charge of a Capuchin monk. In that
year other members of the order arrived and established St. Augustine Monastery, which is the
mother house of the St. Augustine Capuchin Province of Pennsylvania. There is also a convent in
connection with the church." (Source - Volume 2, Pittsburgh of Today, Its Resources and People,
by Frank C. Harper, New York, The American Historical Society, Inc., 1931-1932)
"About 1897 or 1898 there came to Pittsburgh a young man, John T. Comes who was given the
commission of preparing drawings for a new church for St. Augustine Parish, Thirty-seventh Street.
The completion of St. Augustine's Church in 1901 marked a new era in the history of ecclesiastical
arts in the diocese. It was acclaimed as a masterpiece." (Source - Catholic Pittsburgh's One
Hundred Years, Published under the patronage of His Excellency the Most Reverend Hugh C.
Boyle, Loyola University Press, Chicago, Ill., 1943)
St. Augustine (Lawrenceville, PA) Parish History
Generation 9 (con't)
HISTORY OF ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH, Lawrenceville, Pa., 1863 -- 1988
(Extracted from St. Augustine Parish 125th Anniversary Book, 1863-1988)
Lawrenceville could boast of only one landmark in 1860. That was the arsenal built as a result
of the war of 1812. Other than that, nothing stood out in Lawrenceville. Seventy new houses went
up in the district in 1860, and Butler Street was paved, but the biggest thing that happened in
Lawrenceville that year was a meeting. The Catholic leaders of the area had been meeting off and
on for several years trying to establish a school for their children. Every time a teacher had to
resign or a bigger classroom was needed, the people got together to work out their problem. But in
1860 the meeting was more important than usual. What the people wanted was a bigger school.
And this time their plans included a church. They drew up the Society of German Catholics of
Lawrenceville. With the spirit of Captain Lawrence who died ordering his men: "Don't give up the
ship," the people living in the Borough named after him were going to move ahead against all
Along with loans, the committee sponsored one picnic after another to raise funds for building. As
plans congealed they obtained a German-speaking priest to say Mass for them regularly. Father
George Kircher now became the organizer of the parish. First the school went up. While the church
was under construction services were held in the school. The first Mass in the school took place on
February 2, 1862, with Vespers in the afternoon. Father Kircher had Charles Bartberger sketch the
plans for the church September 29, 1861. The committee approved the plans the next month. At
that same meeting Mr. Landelin Vogel suggested that the parish should select St. Augustine as its
patron. The reason for the choice was not any special devotion to the saint, but rather a way of
expressing recognition to Mr. Augustine Hoeveler, the leading organizer of Catholic activities in
Lawrenceville. Right from the start, the parish was blessed with strong leaders.
In other ways the parish was still very small. At the same meeting in which the patron was chosen,
the members of the building association made a pledge of paying ten cents monthly to the church
fund. By piling up their dimes, the parishioners eventually raised the twelve thousand dollars
needed to build the first St. Augustine Church. The cornerstone was laid June 22, 1862. Even
before the church was under roof, in December of 1862, Bishop Domenec appointed Father Franz
Schmidt as the first resident pastor of the parish. In less than a year he had to resign because of
bad health. Father John Nepomucene Tamchina, a missionary Capuchin, assumed the
responsibilities of pastor just two months before the dedication of the new church.
Bishop Domenec blessed the church Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1863. Religious
organizations from Pittsburgh and Allegheny marched in procession. The new church could seat
650. Its 150 foot tower faced Butler Street. It was of red brick Romanesque in style, a hundred feet
long. Lawrenceville had a new landmark. During the next ten years the parish was busy paying off
its debts. The biggest achievement of those ten years was the establishment of the means to keep
the parish thriving for the future. Father Tamchina secured Sisters for the school. From the
founding of the school in 1854 lay teachers conducted the classes. For one reason or another a
new teacher had to be found each September. The perennial problem sometimes led to hasty
decisions and poorly qualified teachers. But Father Tamchina resolved the difficulty in 1871. The
Sisters of St. Francis were just eight blocks away. After they opened St. Francis Hospital in 1566
they began to accept teaching assignments in the German parishes. November 8, 1871 the Sisters
took over the responsibilities of St. Augustine School. This was the kind of addition which was
more important than a new building. The Catholic of that age were convinced that Sisters were the
best teachers in the world. According to the chronicler, even the children rejoiced. The parish took
on its first Franciscanism. Just two years later, 1873, the Franciscan influence became an intimate
feature of the parish. The Capuchin Fathers were invited to the parish November 7, 1873. They
came from Germany. Bismarck was suppressing Religious Orders as part of his program to
nationalize the state. The Capuchins were told to prepare to leave.
While the Capuchins were being expelled from Bavaria, Bishop Domenec was searching for
German-speaking priests for his parishes. The
persecution in Germany became a blessing for Pittsburgh.
Father Hyacinth Epp, O.F.M.
Cap., assumed the pastorate of St. Augustine's April 19,1874. From then on the parish reflected
Generation 9 (con't)
Cap., assumed the pastorate of St. Augustine's April 19,1874. From then on the parish reflected
the atmosphere of a monastery parish. Devotions and societies were those of the Capuchins. St.
Augustine's was no longer an ordinary parish. Connected to it was the headquarters of a new
province of Capuchins. This would set the decisions for parishes in a dozen states where the
members of the province would minister. Less than a month after he became pastor, Fr. Hyacinth
established the Third Order of St. Francis in the parish. The parish intensified its Franciscan flavor.
Up till then Third Order members who migrated from Germany retained their devotion to St.
Francis, but now it was organized into a thriving fraternity. From the opening date the monthly
meetings went on to the present. The only change made was that of language, for, originally, the
sermons at the monthly meetings were in German.
Along with the spiritual growth of the parish, Father Hyacinth had to keep pace with the increase in
members. Hundreds of families had to
relocate when the Union Depot was built by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Many of the families moved
to Lawrenceville, with the result that St. Augustine Church had to be expanded. A hundred-foot
transept was added in 1874, according to plans drawn by Brother Eleutherius, one of the
Capuchins who arrived with Father Hyacinth. At the time of enlarging the church, Brother also
carved the main altar, the pulpit and the communion rail. After the remodeling, "St. Augustine's was
considered one of the finest churches in Pittsburgh." It seated a thousand. Brother Eleutherius
planned to carve five altars in all, but he died before completing the task. He was a victim of
smallpox June 18, 1877. Brother was the first of the Capuchins to be buried from St. Augustine's.
He was thirty-eight years old. Another interesting friar of those early days was Father Maurice
Greck, 0. F.M. Cap. Father Maurice had been an officer in the German army. He became the
second Capuchin pastor of St. Augustine's.
In July, 1877, striking railroad employees led a riot in Lawrenceville. The militia tried to restore
order but the mob forced the soldiers to retreat. In the attempt one of the soldiers was wounded in
front of St. Augustine's Church. The Fathers immediately slipped him through the church into the
monastery, where they gave him first aid and sent him to St. Francis Hospital. In the meantime the
rioters tried to force their way into the monastery to capture the soldier. It was at that point that
Father Maurice relied on his training as an officer. He just stood in the doorway with an air of
authority and ordered the rioters away. They left without further protest.
By 1888 the growing population of Lawrenceville made a new school necessary for the parish.
Father Maurice was again pastor at the time. Each wage earner pledged fifteen dollars. March
3,1889, Bishop Phelan of Pittsburgh blessed the new school. The twelve-room building cost
forty-five thousand dollars. Typical of the spirit of St. Augustine's, the school was one of the best
equipped in the city. Newspaper clippings of the day referred to it as one of the most modern
schools in western Pennsylvania. In addition to all the subjects taught in the public school, the
parish school conducted extra classes in the German language, and, of course, courses in religion.
During that same year a new monastery and rectory was completed, the present quarters of the
Capuchins. The third floor of the present building was added in 1905. Ten years after the
monastery was built the existing convent was completed. The parish constantly demonstrated a
thriving growth.
The present church came not so much from the need of expansion, but because the old church
needed extensive repairs. Father Charles Speckert, O.F.M. Cap., the pastor, called on Mrs. Mary
Regina Frauenheim and her daughter Miss Rose, to ask for a substantial contribution for the
renovation of the church. The Frauenheim family had been bountiful toward the parish in the past.
The pastor was hoping that they would now pay for windows for the remodeling of the church. The
ladies quietly objected that such an old building was not
really worth expensive windows. Father Charles teasingly remarked that if the good ladies were
willing to donate the small sum of fifty thousand dollars then he would do more than renovate; he
could build a new, more beautiful church. It seemed almost a joke at the time. The debt in the
parish was already thirty thousand dollars. But the Frauenheims did not take it as a joke. They
asked for time to think about it. Mr. Aloysius Frauenheim called on Father Charles a few days later
to pledge the fifty thousand dollars. With such generosity among the parishioners, the pastor could
hardly refuse. Sixteen houses were cleared from the site where the church now stands. The
Generation 9 (con't)
hardly refuse. Sixteen houses were cleared from the site where the church now stands. The
property alone absorbed the generous donation, costing more than forty-eight thousand dollars.
Since the project came so spontaneously, no one really had an idea of what kind of church to build.
So they looked around, trying to find something they would like. One of the friars in the monastery
came across a picture of St. Benno's Church in Munich. It immediately caught the pastor's fancy.
That was it, Mr. John T. Comes used the picture for a model in sketching the new church. The
plans looked good, but the lowest bid looked forbidding. With a dept of thirty thousand dollars
hanging over the parish, contractors were asking another one hundred thousand for the new
church. The Frauenheim
family relieved the situation by donating another fifty thousand dollars.
Five thousand people attended the cornerstone laying ceremony. The parishioners' interest ran
high all through the construction of the
church. They seemed to count the layers of vitrified brick as the masons laid the walls. Layer after
layer carried the walls to the climax of a
dome ninety-two feet from the floor of the church. The towers went on for fifty feet more, twin arms
raised in prayer, reaching a hundred and
forty-eight feet over Lawrenceville. When the towers extended their full salute to God, the last
stone in place, the people and clergy dedicated their church May 12, 1901. A procession from the
old church carried the Blessed Sacrament over a flower strewn path to the new tabernacle. As the
procession moved out from the church the bells clanged their farewell. Just as the last clang of the
smaller bells faded the deep, musical bells of the new church welcomed the procession to the
bigger, more beautiful house of God. Just eleven years later Father Ignatius Weisbruch, 0. F.M.
Cap., paid off the last portion of the building debt. The date can hardly seem very remote to older
parishioners who can still remember Fr. Ignatius.
Throughout the history of St. Augustine's the main theme which arises most often is change and
the ability and adaptability of the physical
structures as well as the parishioners to accept these changes. With the promulgation of the
Apostolic Instruction, Custas Fidei, in April 1969, and Immensae Cartitatis on January 23, 1973, lay
persons were given permission to distribute communion both during Mass and outside Mass. On
December 1, 1974, the first Parish Council was installed with the concept of finding an effective
way of participation by the entire Christian community in the mission of the Church. Today the
Parish Council is now called the Council of Ministries and is comprised of many dedicated people
who help keep the St. Augustine Community unified and filled with spiritual values. The roots of St.
Augustine's had been firmly planted a long time ago by many dedicated people who believed the
Catholic faith was the center of their lives. These values have remained constant. Once again the
parishioners have been asked to contribute to the renovation of St. Augustine Church. In this the
125th anniversary of St. Augustine Parish, we have again seen the generosity and unselfishness of
the parishioners who made many sacrifices to fortify, maintain and preserve our structure for
another 100 years as well as the faith values which the Church symbolizes.
On October 23, 1958, the official celebration of the 125th anniversary occurred rededicating our
church, our Parish, and ourselves to
God for now and for the future. There was a Liturgy of Thanksgiving at 11 am, celebrated by
Bishop Donald W. Wuerl, followed by an informal reception in the Parish Hall for the entire parish
family. The unity and Christian love for one another are typical qualities of the Augustine
community and can be summed up by a quote of St. Augustine himself: "The Kingdom of Heaven
requires no other price than yourself, the value of it is yourself; give YOURSELF to it and you shall
have it."
(This history was taken in part from the St. Augustine Tour Book and from previous anniversary
Souvenir Books.)
Ruling Favors a 10-Inch Citizen of France
Published: June 9, 2011
Generation 9 (con't)
A Great Hamster of Alsace in a breeding center in Hunawihr, eastern France
The European hamster in grass.
The Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the European Union’s highest court, ruled Thursday that
France had failed to protect the Great Hamster of Alsace, sometimes known as the European
hamster, the last wild hamster species in Western Europe. If France does not adjust its agricultural
and urbanization policies sufficiently to protect it, the court said, the government will be subject to
fines of as much as $24.6 million.
The Great Hamster, which can grow up to 10 inches long, has a brown-and-white face, white paws
and a black belly. There are thought to be about 800 left in France, with burrows in Alsace along
the Rhine. That is an improvement: the number had dropped to fewer than 200 four years ago,
according to figures from the European Commission, which brought the lawsuit in 2009.
The Great Hamster likes grass and crops like alfalfa, but these have largely been replaced by corn,
which is not ripe in the spring when the hamster awakens from six months of hibernation, eager to
eat and mate. It must make longer and more hazardous journeys as its grazing area shrinks
because of new highways and housing developments.
“Protection measures for the Great Hamster put in place by France were insufficient” in 2008 “to
ensure the strict protection of the species” in accordance with European law, the court ruled. The
hamster has been protected legally since 1993, and while it is prevalent in Eastern Europe and
Central Asia, it is thought to exist in Western Europe only in Alsace.
Farmers have generally considered the hamster to be a farmyard pest, and before it was protected
they flooded its burrows and used poison and traps to kill it.
Jean-Paul Burget, president of Sauvegarde Faune Sauvage, or Safeguard Wildlife, in Wittenheim,
in Alsace, said in a telephone interview that “we are very happy,” and that “European rules must be
followed.” France “now must work to raise the population of hamsters up to 1,500,” which would be
enough to preserve the species, he said, and the prefecture of Alsace “must stop some
urbanization projects and restore” older agreements to grow certain cereals that hamsters eat.
Mr. Burget’s association filed an initial complaint to the European Commission on behalf of the
Great Hamster in 2006.
The court did, however, reject the commission’s complaint about the use of nitrates, on the
grounds that the plaintiff had failed to demonstrate “to the requisite legal standard” a link between
the use of nitrates in agriculture and the “deterioration or destruction of the breeding sites or resting
places of the European hamster.”
The chief of staff for Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, France’s minister of ecology, sustainable
development, transport and housing, said Thursday evening that Ms. Kosciusko-Morizet would
make no comment on the ruling.
Louise: Witness: 1866 in Benjamin Laeng, age 40, a weaver, listed as Premier Temoin on the Act
of Birth. Constate Joseph Schohn.20. Witness: 1866 in Michel Schiff, age 50, a field worker, listed
as Second Temoin on the Act of Birth.20. She was educated Emigrated to United States of
America. in 1890. She was counted in the census in 1910 in Number of children 7, living 3. Have
accounted for three of the children who died in infancy. The fourth may have been baptized shortly
after birth at home and then died in infancy. No church record available when baptized at home..
Fact 2: 18 Jan 1937 in Application for a Social Security Number for Joseph Peter Rhein lists her
Generation 9 (con't)
Fact 2: 18 Jan 1937 in Application for a Social Security Number for Joseph Peter Rhein lists her
maiden name as Laeng, however, a number of records in the United States show her maiden
name as Lang.8. She was buried on 14 Dec 1954 in St. Augustine Cemetery, Shaler Township,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania7. Sex: Female.
Notes for Louise Laeng:
Louise Laeng and Joseph Rhein were married in St. Arbogast Roman Catholic Church of May 3,
St. Arbogast has been claimed as a native of Scotland, but this is owing to a misunderstanding of
the name "Scotia", which until late in the Middle Ages really meant Ireland. He flourished about the
middle of the seventh century. Leaving Ireland, as so many other missionaries had done, he settled
as a hermit in a German forest, and then proceeded to Alsace, where his real name, Arascach,
was changed to Arbogast. This change of name was owing to the difficulty experienced by
foreigners in pronouncing Irish Christian names; thus it is that Moengal, Maelmaedhog, Cellach,
Gillaisu, Gilla in Coimded, Tuathal, and Arascach were respectively transformed into Marcellus,
Malachy, Gall, Gelasius, Germanus, Tutilo, and Arbogast. St. Arbogast found a warm friend in King
Dagobert II of Austrasia, who had been educated at Slane, in Meath, in Ireland, and was restored
to his kingdom on the demise of King Childeric II. Monstrelet authenticates the story of King
Dagobert in Ireland; and the royal exile naturally fled to Slane in order to be under the ægis of the
Ard-Righ (HighKing) of Ireland, at Tara. On Dagobert's accession to the throne of Austrasia,
Arbogast was appointed Bishop of Strasburg, and was famed for sanctity and miracles. It is related
that the Irish saint raised to life Dagobert's son, who had been killed by a fall from his horse. St.
Arbogast died in 678, and, at his own special request, was buried on the side of a mountain, here
only malefactors were interred. The site of his burial was subsequently deemed suitable for a
church. He is commemorated 21 July. (Source- Catholic Encyclopedia - New Advert)
I believe the Alexander Laeng married to a Louise, listed in the 1900 Federal Census in the 12
Ward, Louisville, Kentucky, enumerated on June 7, 1900, is the Alexandre Laeng, son of
Alexandre Laeng and Francoise Pfaadt of Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany married to
Louise Metz. He is the brother of Louise Laeng, married to Joseph Rhein, who immigrated to the
United States in 1890 and settled in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
The census data for 1900 states that Alexander was born in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. Wife is
Louise, born 1863, in Alsace-Lorraine. Married 12 years. This would make the date of their
marriage 1888 at which time Alexander would have been 28 years of age. Children, all born in the
United States, are Mary born 1888, Elizabeth born September 1890, and Louis born November
In the 1910 Census all of the above are listed except wife Louise.
Alexander Laeng is listed in the 1920 Federal Census in the 21st Precinct, Louisville, Jefferson
County, Kentucky, enumerated on January 14, 1920. His age is 60 (born 1860) in Alsace-Lorraine,
France, immigrated 1888, occupation is a glass blower. He has a daughter, age 31 (born 1889). It
was not uncommon for the immigrants from Alsace to list Alsace-Lorraine, Germany as their place
of birth in any census taken prior to the First World War and their place of birth as Alsace-Lorraine,
France, following the war.
Alexander Laeng died March 7, 1928 (age 67) and Louis C. Laeng January 20, 1993 (age 99) and
his wife, Florence A. Laeng who died July 15, 1994 (age 100). All deaths were in Jefferson
County, Kentucky. (Source - Commonwealth of Kentucky, health Data Branch, Division of
Epidemiolgy and Health Planning, comp. Kentucky Death Index)
Louis C. Laeng, son of Alexander is listed in the 1920 Federal Census, enumerated January 14
and 15, 1920, residing at Ormsby Street, 2nd Ward, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky with his
wife, Florence, born in Kentucky, his son Louis, age 17, born 1903 in Kentucky. Mary Asford,
mother-in-law, age 62 (born 1858) in Kentucky. Her parents were born in Ireland.
Social Security records lists Louis C. Laeng's date of birth as November 21, 1893 and his date of
Generation 9 (con't)
Social Security records lists Louis C. Laeng's date of birth as November 21, 1893 and his date of
death as January 20, 1993 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.
There is a high degree of probability that the above Alexander Laeng is the son of Alexandre
Laeng and Francoise Pfaadt of Herrlisheim and the brother of Louise Laeng, married to Joseph
Rhein. Accordingly, I have entered it here. (Note to File - JP Rhein)
Due to the close relationship between Louisa Laeng Rhein of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania and the Gless family who resided on a garden farm in Shaler Township, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania from about 1890 to 1952, I have tentatively attached Rosalie Adam, born
about 1815 to 1825 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France (later
Alsace-Lorraine, Germany), a daughter of Jean George Adam and Catherine Laeng, as being
married to Joseph Gless, pending further investigation. Antoine Mertzin was a witness at the Act of
Birth for Adelina Gless, born October 1870 in Commune de Herrlisheim, daughter of Jacques
Gless and Josephine George. Angela Mertzin was a sponsor at the baptism of Rosa Rhein,
daughter of Joseph Rhein and Louise Laeng Rhein, at St. Augustine Church, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, on May 17, 1891. John Schohn, from Alsace-Lorraine, who lived in Sharpsburg,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania during the period 1920 to 1940 was a friend of both the Rheins
and the Glesses. A Jean Michel Schohn was a witness at the Act of Birth for Francoise Gless,
Commune de Herrlisheim, July 1841, daughter of John Michel Gless and Adele Schmitt. (Note to
File - JPRhein)
Witness: 03 May 1890 in Peter Rhein uncle of the bridegroom and Alexander Laeng, father of the
bride.8. Fact 1:.
Joseph Rhein and Louise Laeng had the following children:
ROSA ANGELA10 RHEIN was born on 13 May 1891 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania21. She died before 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Rosa Angela Rhein was baptized on 17 May 1891 in St. Augustine Church,
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Wintesses21. She was baptized on 17
May 1891 in Reverend Father Gregorius Maria, OM Cap., officiated at the
baptism.21. She was baptized on 17 May 1891 in Name on baptismal record is
Rosam Angelam Rhein.21. She was baptized on 17 May 1891 in Sponsers Marcus
Laeng and Angela Mertzin.21. Sex: Female. Fact1: Died in infancy..
JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 10 Jul 1893 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania21. He died before 1895 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Joseph Rhein was baptized on 23 Jul 1893 in St. Augustine Church, Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania21. He was baptized on 23 Jul 1893 in Reverend
Father Paulus, OM Cap., officiated at the baptism.21. He was baptized on 23 Jul
1893 in Name on baptismal record is Josephum Rhein.21. He was baptized on 23
Jul 1893 in Witnesses Joseph and Maria Centner.21. Sex: Male. Fact1: Died in
JOSEPH PETER RHEIN was born on 16 Mar 1895 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania21. He died on 11 Feb 1965 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married MABEL FLORENCE MCKINNEY on 06 Aug 1924 in St.
Augustine Roman Catholic Church, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania8,
daughter of John Henry McKinney and Rosa Linda Stewart. She was born on 29
May 1901 in Sligo, Clarion County, Pennsylvania22. She died on 07 Apr 1996 in
Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida.
Joseph Peter: Joseph Peter Rhein was baptized on 31 Mar 1895 in St. Augustine
Church, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania21. He was baptized on 31 Mar
1895 in Reverend Father Gregorius Maria, OM Cap., officiated at the baptism.21. He
was baptized on 31 Mar 1895 in Name on baptismal record in Latin is Josephum
Generation 9 (con't)
was baptized on 31 Mar 1895 in Name on baptismal record in Latin is Josephum
Petrum Rhein.21. He was baptized on 31 Mar 1895 in Witnesses Peter Centner and
Emma Pfeil.21. He served in the military on 27 Aug 1917 (Called for Military Service
of the United States (Examination of Notice of Certification dated August 28, 1917)).
He served in the military in 1918 (The 80th Division at full strength when it sailed for
France totalled 23,000 men. It was constituted August 5, 1917 and inacivated at
Camp Lee, Virginia on June 26, 1919.). He served in the military on 31 May 1918
(Arrived in France as Ordnance Sergeant with Ordance Company of 320th Infantry
Regiment of the 160th Infantry Brigade of the 80th (Blue Ridge) Division.). He
served in the military on 12 Sep 1918 (Assisted the Second Cavalry Division of the
French Second Colonial Corps in pushing the enemy on the western face of the St.
Mihiel salient.). He served in the military on 25 Sep 1918 (Fought at Bethincourt in
the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.). He served in the military on 07 Oct 1918 (Fought at
Nantillois in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.). He served in the military on 30 Oct
1918 (Fought at St. Julvin-St. Georges in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.). Time
Line: 11 Nov 1918 in World War I ends at 11 AM.. He served in the military on 01
Dec 1918 (Authorized to wear War Service Chervon.). He served in the military on
28 Feb 1919 (Went on two weeks leave to visit Lyon, France.). He served in the
military on 20 May 1919 (Departed Brest, France for New York City on the U.S.S.
Mobile (formerly Steamship Cleveland of the Hamburg American Line) arriving May
30th.). He was employed as a Insurance Agent in 192022. He served in the military
on 01 Jan 1925 (Received $1,577.00 pursuant to World War Adjusted
Compensation Act (Examination of Adjusted Service Certificate)). He was employed
as a Part owner of Art Building Specialty Company, Pittsburgh. between 1925-1960.
He was buried in Feb 1965 in St. Augustine Cemetery, Shaler Township, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania. Sex: Male.
Notes for Joseph Peter Rhein:
August 26, 1918
My Dear Brothers,
I hope you are as well and happy as I am. Things here are fine. Will have many
interesting stories to tell you when I see you again. I hope it will not be too long a
while. I hope work and study is agreeing with you two and that you may do your
best until I come back. The weather here is very nice and the place where I am at is
one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
Wishing you the best of success. I am with love.
Your brother,
Joseph P. Rhein
Ord. Sgt.
320th Infantry Regiment of the 80th Division
France 1918
On the night of October 7th, the Regiment, with the First Battalion in front,
took over the right half of a new Divisional Sector north of Montfaucon, and at
three-thirty on the afternoon of October 9th, started to attack in the Bois des Ogons
under cover of a creeping barrage.
Heavy machine gun resistance was encountered, but by morning the
battalion had advanced two kilometers through difficult woods and reached the road
running from Cunel to Brieulles. Concentrations of machine gun fire from all
directions and of artillery fire, especially from batteries across the river, caused the
battalion to entrench and to employ flanking and infiltrating tactics.
The attack was continued the following morning in the wake of a rolling
Generation 9 (con't)
The attack was continued the following morning in the wake of a rolling
barrage, but nothing in the way of artillery preparation seemed to interfere with the
effectiveness of the German machine gun. It's fire from all angles was terrific and,
though two companies were able to reach a small trench system some three
hundred yards in advance of the road, they were later withdrawn under cover of the
woods to avoid useless exposure.
On the morning of October 11th, the attempt was made again, and this time
an advance of another kilometer was made and maintained in the face of a most
determined resistance. That night, after fifty-five hours of almost constant fighting in
an area drenched with gas and shelled by high explosives, the Regiment was
relieved by troops of the Fifth Division and routed via Montfaucon and Avocourt to a
bivouac area in the Foret De Hesse. A line drawn from Montfaucon north through
Nantillois to Ancreville represents the general direction taken by the 320th Infantry
in what may be designated, from the Regimental standpoint, as the Nantillois Phase
of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
After several rainy days in the woods, the troops embussed and were taken
to billets in an area just south of the Argonne Forest. Here, with Regimental
Headquarters, Headquarters Company and Machine Gun and the Third at
Passavant, the men obtained baths, various items of new clothing, rest, and, what
seemed the most to be desired, freedom from the ominous hum and burst of shells.
The change was not for long, however, and on October 27th, the Regiment
marched to the western approach of Triaucourt and there embussed in French
camions for the Neuvilly area. The debussing took place at le Neufour, in the
Argonne Forest, followed by a five kilometer march to bivouac in the. woods at la
The Regiment remained there under ideal weather conditions until the night
of October 30th, when it marched via le Four de Paris, la Barricade, Chatel
Chehery, Fleville to support position southeast of St. Juvin in the Department of
Ardennes. On the night of October 31st, the Eightieth Division relieved the
Eighty-Second, and the Third Battalion formed along the St. Juvin-St. Georges
Road in preparation for an attack at dawn.
The barrage which opened at three-thirty a. M., was immediately followed
by a destructive enemy counter-barrage placed along the St. Juvin-St. Georges
Road. The battalion jumped off at five-forty-two a. M., meeting intense machine gun
fire from the very start. The German position on the far side of a ravine (aux
Pierres), with an unbroken field of fire, seemed impregnable. The fighting was of the
most desperate order during the morning but the enemy's resistance was slowly but
surely broken down. Further artillery support was given that night and, upon
continuing the attack at five-fifteen a. M., November 2nd, the Regiment made
steady progress until relieved that morning. This day of November 1st marked the
last of heavy fighting for the Division and, in fact, for substantially the entire First
American Army. When that day was over, the march to the Rhine had actually
begun. The Infantry, thereafter, could not keep pace with the retreating enemy and
his rearguard action was but feebly maintained during the following days that
proved to be the last of the war.
The Regiment, after relief, continued the march forward through Imecourt,
Sivry, Buzancy, to a bivouac area in a woods twenty-five kilometers due south of
historic Sedan.
On November 8th, it began a march southward which developed into a two
hundred kilometer tramp through a half dozen Departments to a southern training
area. The line of march went through Marcq, Bois d'Apremont (Department of
Ardennes), les Islettes (Meuse), Verrieres, Givry-en Argonne (Marne), Revigny,
Baudonvilliers (Meuse), Villiersaux Bois, Dommartin, St. Pierre (Haute-Marne),
Fontette, les Riceys (Aube) to a training area in the Department of Cote D'Or.
(Source - 320th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division, McGraw-Phillips Printing
Generation 9 (con't)
(Source - 320th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division, McGraw-Phillips Printing
Company, Inc., New York City.)
During the few months that the 320th Infantry Regiment fought in France in the late
summer and fall of 1918 they suffered the following killed in action or died of
Field Officers
Headquarters Company
Machine Gun Company
Medical Detachment
Company A
Company B
Company C
Company D
Company E
Company F
Company G
Company H
Company I
Company K
Company L
Company M
FRANCE, Ilth November, 1918.
No. 19
The 80th Division only moves FORWARD.
It not only moves forward against the Enemy, but it moves forward in the estimation
of all who are capable of judging its courage, its fighting and its many qualities.
In the operations for the period November Ist-5th, the Division moved forward
fifteen and five eighths miles in an air line.
It always led.
It captured two Huns for every man wounded.
It captured one machine gun for every man wounded.
It captured one cannon for every ten men wounded, besides large quantities of
munitions and other stores.
It accomplished these results, of vast importance to the success of the general
operation, with a far smaller percentage of casualties than any other Division
It has learned by hard training and experience.
The appreciation of the Corps and Army Commanders is expressed in the following:
Generation 9 (con't)
Telegram from the Commanding General, First Army:
"The Army Commander desires that you inform the Commander of the 80th Division
of the Army Commander's appreciation of his excellent work during the battle of
today. He desires that you have this information sent to all organizations of that
Division as far as may be practicable this night. He fully realizes the striking blow
your Division has delivered to the enemy this date."
Telegram from the Commanding General, First Army Corps:
"The Corps Commander is particularly pleased with the persistent, intelligent work
accomplished by your Division today. He is further desirous that his congratulations
and appreciation reach General LLOYD M. BRETT, commanding your Brigade,
which has bome the brunt of the burden."
Letter from the Commanding General, First 4rmy Corps:
"The Corps Commander desires that you be informed, and that those under your
command be informed, that in addition to other well deserved commendations
received from the Army Commander and the Corps Commander, he wishes to
express his particular gratification and appreciation of the work of your Division from
the time it has entered under his command."
It is necessarily a great honor to be allowed to command an organization which
earns such commendation.
It is likewise a great honor to belong to such an organization.
1 do not know what the future has in store for us. If it be war, we must and shall
sustain our honor and our reputation by giving our best to complete the salvation of
our Country.
If it be peace, we must and shall maintain our reputation and the honor of our
Division and the Army, as soldiers of the greatest country on earth, and as
right-minded, self respecting men.
The 80th Division only moves FORWARD.
A. CRONKHITE, Major General.
(Source - 320th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division, McGraw Phillips Printing
Company, Inc., New York City)
The World War I Meuse-Argonne American Cenetery and Memorial is located east
of the village of Romagne-sons-Montfaucon (Meuse), France and about twenty-six
miles northwest of Verdun. Meuse-Argonne, covering one hundred and thirty acres,
holds the largest number of American Dead in Europe, a total of 14,246. Most of
those buried here gave their lives during the Meuse Argonne Offensive in World
War I. The immense array of headstones rises in rectangular rows upwards beyond
a wide central pool to the chapel which crowns a ridge. A beautiful bronze screen
separates the chapel foyer from the rows upward beyond a wide central pool to the
chapel which crowns a ridge.
American Expeditionary Forces
80th Division
Nickname - "Blue Ridge" Division.
Generation 9 (con't)
National Army Division established by the War Department on 5 Aug 17 to be
established at Camp Lee, VA. Draftees were from Pennsylvania, Virginia and West
Virginia. Movement overseas commenced on 17 May 18 and was completed by 9
Primary Units
159th Infantry Brigade:
317th Infantry Regiment
318th Infantry Regiment
313th Machine Gun Battalion
160th Infantry Brigade:
319th Infantry Regiment
320th Infantry Regiment
315th Machine Gun Battalion
155th Field Artillery Brigade:
313th Field Artillery Regiment (75mm)
314th Field Artillery Regiment (75mm)
315th Field Artillery Regiment (155mm)
305th Trench Mortar Battery
Divisional Troops:
314th Machine Gun Battalion
305th Engineer Regiment
305th Field Signal Battalion
305th Train Headquarters and MP
305th Ammunition Train
305th Supply Train
305th Engineer Train
305th Sanitary Train (Ambulance Companies & Field Hospitals 317, 318, 319, 320)
Campaign Participation
Campaign Streamers (most units):
Somme Offensive
155th Field Artillery Brigade & 305th Ammunition Train: Meuse-Argonne only
U. S. Victory Medal Clasps:
Defensive Sector
"The commander of the American Expeditionary Force, General John I. Pershing,
fixed the Army division at 979 officers, 27,082 men (about 40,000 all told), including
support personnel. Pershing created this division - which was more than twice the
size of its European counterpart - to acheive a capacity for sustained battle which
would ensure that American divisions would not falter short of their objectives as
British and French divisions so often had done. A division with fewer but larger
regiments would facilitate a more reasonable span of control and battle momentum.
Similar to - albeit larger than - early European "square designs, the American
square division consisted of two infantry brigades of two regiments each, one field
artillery brigade (two 75-mm regiments, one 155-mm regiment) an engineer
regiment, a machine gun battalion, a signal battalion, and division supply, and
sanitary trains. Each regiment had the strength of 112 officers and 3,720 men
Generation 9 (con't)
sanitary trains. Each regiment had the strength of 112 officers and 3,720 men
formed into three battalions and one machine gun company. Each battalion
consisted of four companies of six officers and 250 men each." (Source - The U.S.
Army in the Twentieth Century)
ALOYSIUS RALPH RHEIN was born on 01 Feb 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania23. He died in Jun 1978 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania23. He married STELLA L. RITZEL, daughter of Edward J. Ritzel and
Elizabeth nee unknown. She was born on 06 Mar 1907 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania24. She died in Aug 1980 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Aloysius Ralph: Aloysius Ralph Rhein was baptized on 11 Feb 1900 in St.
Augustine Church, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania8. He was baptized
on 11 Feb 1900 in Reverend Father Gregorius Maria, OM Cap., officiated at the
baptism.21. He was baptized on 11 Feb 1900 in Name on baptismal record is
Aloysium Raphaelem Rhein.8. He was baptized on 11 Feb 1900 in Witnesses
Marcus Laeng and Margaret Centner.8. He was employed as a Laborer in Steel Mill
in 192022. His Social Security Number was Social Security #: 190-05-3152 after
193723. His Social Security Number was State of issue: PA after 193723. His Social
Security Number was Last residence: PA 15201 after 193723. Sex: Male.
Notes for Aloysius Ralph Rhein:
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S.,
Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 28,
1997, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Rhein, Aloysius
Birth date: Feb 1, 1900
Death date: Jun 1978
Social Security #: 190-05-3152
Last residence: PA 15201
State of issue: PA
INFANT RHEIN was born after 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
He died before 1910 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Sex: Unknown.
LOUISA MARIA RHEIN was born on 19 Aug 1902 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania21. She died before 1910 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Louisa Maria Rhein was baptized on 31 Aug 1902 in St. Augustine Church,
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania8. She was baptized on 31 Aug 1902 in
Reverend Father Augustin M., OM Cap., officiated at the baptism.. She was
baptized on 31 Aug 1902 in Name on baptismal record is Louisam Mariam Rhein8.
She was baptized on 31 Aug 1902 in Witnesses Carl Geiss and Maria Centner8.
Sex: Female. Fact1: Died in infancy..
ANTHONY JOSEPH RHEIN was born on 14 Jul 1905 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania25. He died on 08 Dec 1982 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania25. He married (1) ELIZABETH ANNA WALTERS on 19 Aug 1931 in St.
Generation 9 (con't)
He married (1) ELIZABETH ANNA WALTERS on 19 Aug 1931 in St.
Augustine Roman Catholic Church, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
She was born in 1909 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania26. She died in
1943 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) WINIFRED
REGINA SMITH on 03 Oct 1945 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania,
daughter of Daniel J. Smith and Rosalia M. Kress. She was born on 28 Sep 1912 in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1996 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Anthony Joseph: Anthony Joseph Rhein was baptized on 23 Jul 1905 in St.
Augustine Church, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Father Ernest,
O.M. Cap., Assistant Pastor. Sponsors, Anton Metzler, age 36 and his wife, Agnes
Metzler, age 39. They resided on Thirthy Eight Street in the 15th Ward.8. He was
employed as a Office Boy - Law Office in 192022. He was buried in Dec 1982 in St.
Augustine Cemetery, Shaler Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Sex:
Male. He was educated Last residence: PA 15224 (4007 Mintwood Street)25.
Notes for Anthony Joseph Rhein:
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S.,
Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 28,
1997, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Rhein, Anthony
Birth date: Jul 14, 1905
Death date: Dec 1982
Social Security #: 209-05-4322
Last residence: PA 15224
State of issue: PA
ALOYSE9 GROSS (Venerande8 Rhein, Joseph7 Rhein, Francois Joseph6 Rhein, Francois5 Rhein,
Joannes Martin4 Rhein, Franz3 Rhein, Wolfgang2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 19
Oct 1881 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. He died on 12 Sep 1962 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`. He married BARBE PFAADT on 14 Oct 1907 in
Commune de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, daughter of Charles Pfaadt and Marie
Justine Alt. She was born on 25 Feb 1866 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`. She
died on 25 Sep 1965 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`.
Aloyse: Sex: Male.
Barbe: Sex: Female.
Aloyse Gross and Barbe Pfaadt had the following child:
MARIE10 GROSS was born on 15 May 1920 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin,
France. She married CHARLES SATTLER on 14 Jun 1946 in Commune de
Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France`, son of Jean Baptiste Sattler and Marie Catherine
Lang. He was born on 17 Apr 1913 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Alsace-Lorraine,
Germany. He died on 09 Dec 1983 in Commune de Herrlisheim, Bas-Rhin, France.
Marie: Sex: Female.
PIERRE ALPHONSE9 SCHNEIDER (Pierre8, Jacques7, Catherine6 Rein, Francois5 Rhein, Jean
Georges4 Rhein, Jean Jacques3 Rhein, Jean Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on
30 Dec 1871 in Embermenil. He died on 15 Apr 1950 in Baccarat. He married MARIE GERMAINE
MATHIUE on 27 Feb 1897 in Sainte Barbe. She was born on 04 Apr 1872 in Sainte Barbe. She died
on 03 Feb 1940 in Baccarat.
Pierre Alphonse: Sex: Male.
Generation 9 (con't)
Marie Germaine: Sex: Female.
Pierre Alphonse Schneider and Marie Germaine Mathiue had the following children:
PIERRE BERNARD10 SCHNEIDER was born on 31 Dec 1897 in Baccarat. He died on 20
Oct 1973 in La Ferte sous Jouarre. He married GERMAINE MEIGNEN on 28 Aug 1919
in La Ferte sous Jouarre. She was born on 07 Nov 1899 in Sainte Aulde. She died
on 28 May 1996 in La Ferte sous Jouarre.
Pierre Bernard: Sex: Male.
MARIE AURELIE SCHNEIDER was born on 09 Mar 1900 in Baccarat.
Sex: Female.
JOSEPHINE ROSE SCHNEIDER was born on 16 Nov 1903 in Baccarat. She died on 12
Aug 1967 in Baccarat. She married LOUIS CONTAL.
Josephine Rose: Sex: Female.
EMMANUEL MARIE JOSEPH SCHNEIDER was born on 25 Feb 1910 in Baccarat. He
Emmanuel Marie Joseph: Sex: Male.
Sex: Female.
EDWARD MICHAEL9 REIN (Jacob Peter8, Peter7, Francois6, Francois5 Rhein, Jean Georges4 Rhein,
Jean Jacques3 Rhein, Jean Jacques2 Rhein, Jean Gaspard1 Rhein) was born on 08 Aug 1885. He
died on 09 Mar 1969.
Sex: Male.
Edward Michael Rein had the following child:
EDWARD MELVIN10 REIN was born on 25 Jul 1914. He died on 25 Apr 2000.
Sex: Male.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, ISBN 3-930132-17-7 (Reconstructed CD of
original work), Herrmann/420.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, a reconstructed CD, ISBN 3-930132-17-7,
2001 Edition, druck und buch, Wuppertal., 558.
Article sur les bourreaux, BCGA, a paraitre.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, ISBN 3-930132-17-7 (Reconstructed CD of
original work), Pies/533.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, a reconstructed CD, ISBN 3-930132-17-7,
2001 Edition, druck und buch, Wuppertal., 562.
Reinhard Riepl/Pies II/529.
Examination of copy of Certificate of Death or Register listing record of death or from inscription
taken from gravesite marker.
Examination of copy of applicable document, Birth Certificate, Copy of The Act of Birth, Marriage
License, Register listing marriage date, etc.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, a reconstructed CD, ISBN 3-930132-17-7,
2001 Edition, druck und buch, Wuppertal.
Scharfrichter und Schindersippen von Dr. Eike Pies, ISBN 3-930132-17-7 (Reconstructed CD of
original work), Pies/529.
Archives at Strasbourg, France. List of family of J. Jacob Rein under caption Rein on page 375.
Le Centre Department d'Historie des Familles, France (web site).
Sources (con't)
GeneaNet - Family Tree of kleio - Nicolas Ghersi.
GeneaNet-Genealogical family tree of mek.
Information furnished by Valerie Wenger Kastner, Rountzenheim, France.
Examination of copy of applicable document, Birth Certificate, Copy of The Act of Birth, Marriage
License, Register listing marriage date, etc., Derived from information on The Act of Birth of
Information furnished by Valerie Wenger Kastner, Rountzenheim, France., The date of birth was
obtained from the Archives at Strasbourg.
Herrlisheim un village de traditions tournee vers l'Europe.
Examination of Copy of Birth Certificate, Copy of Baptismal Certificate or applicable Register
listing such information.
Extracted from the Archives and Records Center of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, North Craig Street,
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
1920 United States Census.
Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security
Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 28, 1997, Internal Ref.
Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security
Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 28, 1997, Internal Ref.
Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security
Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 28, 1997, Internal Ref.
1930 Federal Census for Pennsylvania.
Index of Individuals
(nee unknown), Anna Barbara: 12,14
(Roch), Maria Anna Rach: 20
??ing, Maria Anna: 37
Acker, Ferdinand (1810): 25
Acker, Ferdinand (2): 25
Adam, Antoine: 24,30
Adam, Catherine: 30
Adam, Francoise: 19
Adam, Georges: 19
Adam, Jean: 24,30
Alt, Marie Justine: 41,58
Bauer, Jean Pierre: 16,21
Bauer, Marie Therese: 16,21
Becker, Therese: 39,42
Becker, Thibaud: 39,42
Bordon, Marie: 27,34
Bour, Anne Marie: 23
Bour, Elisabeth: 21,27
Bourgard, Anna Barbara: 7,8,11
Bourgard, Jean: 7,8
Bromehorst, Anne Marie: 16
Clauss, Jean (1769): 25
Clauss, Jean (1805): 25
Contal, Louis: 59
Dayde, Francoise: 27,35
Deldemme, ???: 42
Deutsch, Laurent: 21
Diechelborer, Aloys Benoit: 24
Dulaurent, Marie (1820): 35
Dulaurent, Marie (1820): 35
Dulaurent, Raymond: 27,35
Elchinger, Anna Maria: 15,18
Fritsch, Marie Anne: 39,42
Fuhrmann, Christine: 22
Grosholtz, Jean (1762): 27,28
Grosholtz, Jean (1789): 28
Grosholtz, Jean (1790): 35
Grosholtz, Jean Emile: 35
Grosholtz, Jean Georges (1717): 16,21
Grosholtz, Jean Georges (1750): 17,22
Grosholtz, Jean Jacques: 28
Grosholtz, Jean Michel (1688): 16,21
Grosholtz, Jean Michel (1804): 28
Grosholtz, Jean Nicolas: 35
Grosholtz, Jean Simon: 35
Grosholtz, Louis: 34
Grosholtz, Madeleine (1775): 22
Grosholtz, Madeleine (1785): 24
Grosholtz, Marie Anne (1799): 28
Grosholtz, Marie Anne (1802): 28
Grosholtz, Marie Barbe: 28
Grosholtz, Odile: 22
Grosholtz, Valentin: 27
Gross, Alex: 34,41
Gross, Aloyse: 58
Gross, Benoit: 34,41
Gross, Madeleine: 27,33,34
Gross, Marie: 58
Grum, Monica: 30,36
Grumbach, Marguerite: 22,29
Grundler, Joseph: 17
Guerchoux, Romain: 35
Guhmann, Catherina: 20,26
Halter, Marie Madeleine: 8,13
Heid, Henri: 19,24
Heid, Marie Anne: 19,24
Heitz, Amand: 40
Heitz, Elisabeth: 24,30
Heitz, Felix: 40
Herman, Charlotte: 20
Herrmann, Rosine: 27,31
Herrmann, Suzanne Catherine: 16,21
Herteman, Marguerite: 7,8
Hocher, Rosalie: 36
Hoffer, Francoise: 25
Huck, Barbara: 15,16,20
Kammenthaler, Barbe: 31,37
Kautel, Maria Anna: 24,29,30
Keith, Madeline: 42
Kieffer, Joseph: 42
Kientz, Catherine: 19
Kientz, Jacques: 19,24,25
Kientz, Jean: 15,16,20
Kientz, Madeleine: 19,24,25
Kientz, Madeline: 19,24,25
Kientz, Maria Barbara: 15,16,20,21
Kistler, Arbogast: 27,31
Kistler, Daniel: 32,38
Gerber, Anastasie: 29,35
Gless, Marie Anne: 34,40
Grosholtz, Andre: 28
Grosholtz, Catherine (1758): 21
Grosholtz, Catherine (1794): 28
Grosholtz, Catherine (1795): 35
Grosholtz, Christine: 28
Grosholtz, Elisabeth: 28
Grosholtz, Elizabeth: 22,23
Grosholtz, Georges Jacques: 19,24
Grosholtz, Infant: 28
Index of Individuals
Kistler, Marie Anne: 27,31,32
Kistler, Regine: 32,38,39
Klein, Catherine: 32,38
Koening, Magdalena: 29,36
Koerper, ???: 34
Kormann, Catherine: 33,40
Kress, Rosalia M.: 57,58
Kuttel, Sophie: 24,30
Redelsper, Salome: 25,31
Rein, Anne Marie: 21
Rein, Catherine: 28,29
Rein, Edward Melvin: 59
Rein, Edward Michael: 59
Rein, Francois: 29
Rein, Jacob Peter: 42
Rein, Jacques: 22
Rein, Peter: 36
Rein, Therese: 22
Rhein, ???: 34
Rhein, Aloysius Ralph: 57
Rhein, Ambroise (1828): 33
Rhein, Ambroise (1831): 40
Rhein, Anastase: 39
Rhein, Anastasie: 19
Rhein, Angele: 42
Rhein, Anna Catherina (1742): 23
Rhein, Anna Catherina (1758): 17
Rhein, Anna Magdalena: 12
Rhein, Anne Catherine: 30
Rhein, Anne Marguerite: 7
Rhein, Anne Marie (1635): 1
Rhein, Anne Marie (1690): 8
Rhein, Anne Marie (1715): 15
Rhein, Anne Marie (1792): 24
Rhein, Anne Ursule (1705): 12
Rhein, Anne Ursule (1709): 15
Rhein, Anne Ursule (1712): 14
Rhein, Anthony Joseph: 57,58
Rhein, Antoine (1759): 20
Rhein, Antoine (1788): 29
Rhein, Antoine (1789): 31,32
Rhein, Antoine (1806): 31
Rhein, Antoine (1829): 31
Rhein, Antoine (1856): 39
Rhein, Appolonia: 17
Rhein, Arbrogast (1761): 24
Rhein, Arbrogast (1832): 30
Rhein, Auguste: 40
Rhein, Caroline: 40
Rhein, Catharina (1): 7
Rhein, Catharina (1695): 13
Rhein, Catherine (1): 13
Rhein, Catherine (1713): 15
Rhein, Catherine (1765): 20
Rhein, Catherine (1767): 21,27,28
Rhein, Catherine (1810): 25
Rhein, Catherine (1819): 25
Rhein, Catherine (1836): 31
Rhein, Catherine (1841): 33
Rhein, Catherine Josephine: 22
Rhein, Charles: 42
Rhein, Edmond (1829): 40
Rhein, Edmond (1861): 40
Rhein, Edmond (1864): 40
Laeng, Alexandre: 40,43
Laeng, Charles: 42
Laeng, Louise: 40,43,49,51
Laeng, Mathieu: 42
Lang, Marie Catherine: 58
Lieberherr, Jaques: 25,31
Lieberherr, Marie Salome: 25,31
Lohr, Anna Barbara: 12,14,15
Lohr, Anne Catherine: 1,7
Lohr, Johannes Jacob: 12,14
Marianne, Grosholtz Marguerie: 35
Marty, Jean: 42
Masson, Josephine: 36,41
Mathiue, Marie Germaine: 41,58,59
McKinney, John Henry: 51
McKinney, Mabel Florence: 51
Meignen, Germaine: 59
Muller, Ernest: 37,38
Naas, Catherine: 34,41
Nachbron, Joseph: 28
Neuner, Madeleine: 17
Noe, Anastase: 33,40
Noe, Catherine: 15,16,17,20
Noe, Francisca: 19,24
Noe, Jean: 19,24
Pfaadt, Barbe: 41,58
Pfaadt, Catherina: 20,26,27
Pfaadt, Charles: 41,58
Pfaadt, Francoise: 40,43
Pfaadt, Jacques: 37
Pfaadt, Joseph: 30,37
Pfaadt, Louis: 37
Pfaadt, Madeleine: 40
Pfaadt, Marc: 37
Pfaadt, Martin: 20,26
Pfaadt, Rosalie (1856): 37
Pfaadt, Rosalie (1864): 37
Pfeiffer, Marguerite: 11
Philipps, ???: 42
Rach, Lorenz: 20
Rapp, Jean: 15
Rauch, Marie Jacobea: 11
Index of Individuals
Rhein, Edouard: 34
Rhein, Elisabeth: 22
Rhein, Elizabeth (1838): 33
Rhein, Elizabeth (1871): 37,38
Rhein, Eugene: 43
Rhein, Felix: 40
Rhein, Francois (1722): 20
Rhein, Francois (1752): 21
Rhein, Francois (1761): 24,25
Rhein, Francois Antoine (1740): 18
Rhein, Francois Antoine (1765): 20
Rhein, Francois Joseph (1754): 26,27
Rhein, Francois Joseph (1768): 20
Rhein, Francois Joseph (1770): 17
Rhein, Francois Philippe: 19
Rhein, Franz: 8,11
Rhein, Georges (1815): 29
Rhein, Georges (1837): 33
Rhein, Georges (1840): 31
Rhein, Georges (4): 36
Rhein, Ignace: 31
Rhein, Ignatz: 37
Rhein, Infant: 57
Rhein, Jacques (1800): 30,31
Rhein, Jacques (1820): 38,39
Rhein, Jacques (1824): 37
Rhein, Jacques (1839): 37
Rhein, Jacques (1908): 43
Rhein, Jean Gaspard (1595): 1
Rhein, Jean Gaspard (1633): 1
Rhein, Jean Gaspard (1638): 1,2
Rhein, Jean Georges (1726): 16
Rhein, Jean Georges (1743): 17
Rhein, Jean Georges (1756): 22
Rhein, Jean Jacques (1630): 7
Rhein, Jean Jacques (1686): 13
Rhein, Jean Louis: 15
Rhein, Jean Martin (1632): 1
Rhein, Jean Martin (1717): 17
Rhein, Jean Martin (1745): 17
Rhein, Jean Michel (1726): 16
Rhein, Jean Michel (1752): 19
Rhein, Jean Michel (1819): 36
Rhein, Jean Pierre: 17
Rhein, Joannes Georges (1744): 18
Rhein, Joannes Georges (1748): 18,19
Rhein, Joannes Heinrich: 11
Rhein, Joannes Martin: 14,15
Rhein, Joannes Michael: 12
Rhein, Joannes Theobald: 16
Rhein, Joannes Valentin: 18,19
Rhein, Johann Georg: 13
Rhein, Johann Jacob (1698): 12
Rhein, Johann Jacob (1760): 17
Rhein, Joseph (1797): 33,34
Rhein, Joseph (1827): 33
Rhein, Joseph (1838): 31
Rhein, Joseph (1851): 34
Rhein, Joseph (1860): 39
Rhein, Joseph (1866): 43,51
Rhein, Joseph (1893): 51
Rhein, Joseph (1899): 43
Rhein, Joseph Peter: 51
Rhein, Katharina: 12
Rhein, Louisa Maria: 57
Rhein, Luden: 33
Rhein, Margaretha Anna Barbara: 12
Rhein, Maria Anna: 19
Rhein, Maria Elisabetha: 24
Rhein, Maria Magdalena: 18
Rhein, Marie (1855): 39
Rhein, Marie (1886): 42
Rhein, Marie Anne (1794): 22
Rhein, Marie Anne (1818): 29
Rhein, Marie Anne (1830): 30
Rhein, Marie Barbara: 21
Rhein, Marie Catherine (1690): 13,14
Rhein, Marie Catherine (1734): 16
Rhein, Marie Louise: 42
Rhein, Marie Madeleine: 25
Rhein, Mathilde: 42,43
Rhein, Odile: 17
Rhein, Paul (1823): 32
Rhein, Paul (1904): 43
Rhein, Philomena: 34
Rhein, Pierre (1823): 32
Rhein, Pierre (1862): 42
Rhein, Rosa Angela: 51
Rhein, Rosalie: 39
Rhein, Salome: 31
Rhein, Theresa (1858): 39
Rhein, Theresa (1859): 39
Rhein, Therese (1822): 30
Rhein, Therese (1833): 37
Rhein, Valentin: 19
Rhein, Venerande: 41
Rhein, Wolfgang: 2,7
Ritter, Jacques: 23
Ritter, Jean Louis (1745): 18,23
Ritter, Jean Louis (1767): 23
Ritter, Jean Pierre: 23
Ritter, Marie Catherine: 23
Ritter, Marie Elisabeth: 23
Ritter, Marie Madeleine: 23
Ritter, Marie Marguerite: 23
Ritter, Marie Therese: 23
Ritter, Nicolas: 23
Ritter, Pierre: 24
Ritzel, Edward J.: 57
Ritzel, Stella L.: 57
Sattler, Charles: 58
Index of Individuals
Sattler, Francoise: 24,29
Sattler, Jean Baptiste: 58
Sattler, Katharina: 24,30,31
Schaeffer, Marguerite: 36,41,42
Schaffer, Catharina: 17,22
Schiff, Catherine: 43
Schild, Marguerite: 16,21
Schmitt, Therese: 31,37
Schneider, Aime Louis: 42
Schneider, Anastasie Leonie: 42
Schneider, Catherine: 36
Schneider, Chretien (1852): 36
Schneider, Chretien (1853): 36
Schneider, Emmanuel Marie Joseph: 59
Schneider, George (1838): 35,36
Schneider, George (1846): 36
Schneider, George (1850): 36
Schneider, Jacques (1784): 21,28,29
Schneider, Jacques (1809): 35
Schneider, Jacques (1836): 35
Schneider, Jacques Aldophe: 41
Schneider, Joseph August: 41
Schneider, Joseph Auguste: 41,42
Schneider, Josephine Adelphine: 41
Schneider, Josephine Anastasie: 41
Schneider, Josephine Rose: 59
Schneider, Marguerite: 36
Schneider, Marie: 36
Schneider, Marie Anne: 36
Schneider, Marie Aurelie: 59
Schneider, Mariette Alphonsine: 59
Schneider, Pierre (1757): 21,28,29
Schneider, Pierre (1842): 41
Schneider, Pierre Alphonse: 58,59
Schneider, Pierre Bernard: 59
Schneider, Prosper Arthur: 41
Schoufschiren, Anna Maria: 7,13
Smith, Daniel J.: 57,58
Smith, Winifred Regina: 57,58
Spirckel, Marguerite: 24
Stadelmann, Berthe: 43
Stamm, Catherina: 19,24
Stehli, Nicolas: 20,25
Stehly, Madeleine: 25
Stehly, Michael: 26
Stehly, Nicolas (1806): 26
Stehly, Nicolas (1811): 26
Stewart, Rosa Linda: 51
Stoeckel, Anna Maria: 15,18
Stoeckel, Marie Catherine: 13,16
unknown, Madeleine nee: 19,24,25
unknown, nee: 1,2,7
unknown, Simone nee: 59
Vintz, Marie Catherine: 42
Vix, Michael: 12
Vollmar, Jean: 7
Waechter, Marie: 19,24
Walters, Elizabeth Anna: 57,58
Weber, Andre: 28
Wees, Georges Frederic: 7
Wees, Jean Valentin: 15,18
Wees, Maria Anna: 15,18,19
Wees, Marie Madeleine: 8,13
Wees, Matthieu: 8,13
Weidmann, Johann Jacob: 17
Wenger, Joseph: 42,43
Wimmert, Marie: 19
Wohlfardt, Frederic: 27,33,34
Wohlfardt, Marie Therese: 27,33,34
Wolff, Catherine: 15,16,20
Wolff, Marie: 15,17
Wolff, Theobald: 15,16,17,20
Zwiebel, Laurent: 22
Tauffer, Anne Marie: 21,28,29
Uhli, Nicolas le cadet: 21
unknown, Catherine nee: 1
unknown, Elizabeth nee: 57