1.00 bowling - Charleston Rifle Club
1.00 bowling - Charleston Rifle Club
AUGUST 2010 WWW.CHARLESTONRIFLECLUB.COM Your Email Address We want your email address to create a better method of relaying Information about the club. Please email the club at ere [email protected]. PLEASEInclude your NAME and ADDRESSon the email. ~ ~ IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!!! ANNUAL PRESEASON FOOTBALL PARTY SATURDAY, AUGUST 7,2010 7:00PM CRC LOUNGE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND TEAM SPIRIT BY .. DRESSING IN YOUR TEAM COLORS AND DECORATE YOUR TABLE GO HANAHAN HAWKS HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE, PRO OR ALL THREE JUKEBOX WILL PLAY THE MUSIC YOU CHOOSE FOOTBALL TRIVIA WITH PRIZES. JOIN IN ON THE 4F'S FOOTBALL, FOOD, FUN, FELLOWSHIP BRING A COVERED DISH TO SHARE AND FRIEND AND HAVE A GOOD TIME. The Ladies Auxiliary Summer Dance August 21st. 6:30PM The theme this year will be: "THE TASTE OF THE CRC LADIES AUXILIARY" WITH 6 DIFFERENT FOOD BOOTHS AND A CASH BAR. $10 FOR 6 TICKETS AND $1 FOR TWO ADDITIONAL TICKETS. DANCE TO MUSIC OF MIKE GREENE For more information Call Joan Jones @ 763-3807 $1.00 BOWLING PER GAME AUGUST 16TH TO AUGUST 31 ST. A monthly publication of the Charleston Rifle Club. Submissions for this publication can be sent via email to [email protected] Conies ofthis nublication are available in the lounze or bv visitinz out website at www.charlestonrifleclub.com New Applicants Sponsors Jack Henderson 709-3273 ~~.c::C»~~! New Members Magus Carter 270-2904 Troy Crank 864-6313 Troy Crank 864-6313 James David Williams, SR 2418 Sylvan Shores Dr. Cbarleston, SC29414 t656-9084 L.,,;;..;;.:;-:...;= ...L- .-I President, C,RC, CbarlesOtt 763-8910 Thomas Bowen Thomas Dyas James Jones ZackKing Kevin Lewis Carlton Poulnot William Schneider Wofford Stribling Edward Stroud Joey Varin Barry Whalen Column1 COMMITTEE Column2 , Column3 For 20010-2011 on BUDGET CHARLIE BUILDING JOHN ROBERTSON BOWLING PAUL TEW BY-LAWS JOE WOLFE DOCK KENNY KLINE ENTERTAINMENT GARY LEWIS EXECUTIVE DON SMITH GROUNDS STEVE CAMPBELL MIKE SEXTON KITCHEN RALPH SWINDAL FRIDAY NIGHT SUPPER RALPH SWINDAL MEMBERSHIP STEVE WOOD NOMINATING RICKY HEITERER SOLICITOR , CHAPLIN DAVID SAVAGE ColumnS CELL EMAIL ADDRESS 763-8910 819-6660 762-4698 830-7973 [email protected] 723-7703 851-7421 513-8230 JERRY BARRINEAU GUNSITE Column4 HOME , 553-2304 722-8531 805-5802 571-5719 554-5542 554-5542 277-4359 [email protected] 469-9737 870-9737 514-3212 [email protected] [email protected] 870-2456 eagle [email protected] [email protected] 708-1171 991-2159 991-2159 478-6528 442-4601 [email protected] 693-0574 [email protected] 720-7470 SKIP GOSNELL [email protected] hwolfe [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] stevewood [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] OFFICERS FOR 2010 - 2011 HOME CELL EMAIL ADDRESS 207-7484 819-6660 766-5191 795-9252 514-4027 [email protected] 819-8734 [email protected] PRESIDENT RON REDONDO VICE-PRESIDENT JOHN ROBERTSON TREASURER DEWEY TESKE SECRETARY KIRK STROUD [email protected] [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS THREE YEAR TERM RUDY KROHN JOE WOLFE WALTER TYLEE STEVE WOOD TWO YEAR TERM CHARLIE on BILL STEPHENS DOUG HARDEE ALBERT BROWN ONE YEAR TERM DICK HEITERER HOME CELL EMAIL ADDRESS 554-7637 723-7703 552-3379 277-4359 209-6160 [email protected] 478-6528 HYDRICK RALPH SWINDAL [email protected] stevewood [email protected] HOME CELL EMAIL ADDRESS 763-8910 552-1466 797-0568 722-4633 830-7973 513-7533 297-1989 343-4690 [email protected] HOME CELL EMAIL ADDRESS 795-4350 RICKY HEITERER TOMMY hwolfe [email protected] 769-4877 554-5542 [email protected] [email protected] r [email protected] 442-4601 870-2410 991-2159 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] AUGUST 2010 COLLATION DINNER IS AUGUST 2ND FROM 5:45 PM - 6:45PM. DINNER IS PIZZA & SALAD. SUNDAY 1 MONDAY TUESDAY ~ ~ WEDNESDAY 2 THURSDAY 5 SUMMER LEAGUE TRIVIA •••• -~~NIGHT 8 Club Hours (Summer Hours) Monday & Tuesday 5pm to 9pm Wednesday & Thursday 5pm to lOpm Friday & Saturday 5pm to 12pm Sunday Ipm to 8pm 9 10 BEER if. I 6 RIBEYES SUMMER LEAGUE 12 BOWLING & BURGER SUMMER LEAGUE TRIVIA NIGHT 15 16 17 BEER -: ~ 8 SUMMER LEAGUE 19 BOWLING & BURGER $1 Bowling $1 Bowling $1 Bowling $1 Bowling s= 22 26 23 FRIDAY OR GRILLED CHICKEN SATURDAY 7 ANNUAL PRESEASON FOOTBALL PARTY SOUNDS LIKE FUN 13 NY STRIP OR BLACKENED MAHIMAHI 14 MIKE GREENE 20 PORK CHOPS 21THE JOHN DIXON TASTE OF THE LADIES AUXILIARY DINNER & DANCE 27 RIBEYES 28 $1 Bowling ,1" ( OR KABOBS $] Bowling $1 Bowling 1 Bowling $1 Bowling $1 Bowling $1 Bowling GENE HODGES 29 ***EVERY TUESDAY IS BEER, BOWLING, BURGER & TRIVIA NIGHT 30 $1 BOWLING FROM AUGUST 16TFi TO -'1ST! $1 Bowling $1 Bowling $1 Bow . TRNIA NIGHT IN SEPTEMBER CRC CLOSED SEPTEMBER 61H FOR LABOR DAY COLLATION DINNER WILL BE SEPTEMBER 13TH Ladies, This past year the Auxiliary went through many changes and we will shortly have our new By Laws book completed with the current changes. I would like to thank Yvonne Mills our Past President for a job well done through a difficult year. I would like to congratulate the Ladies Aux.& the CRC Men's new Officers and Board of Directors for 2010-2011. We look forward to a "NEW YEAR" and hope that we will have everyone's cooperation's in making this a great year. Our first fundraiser this year is our annual End of the Summer Dance, Aug.21.This years theme is a "Taste of the CRCLA" with 6 food booths for the cost of $10.00 including 6 food tickets. 'What A Deal" Contact Joan Jones for more information. Our Board and Committee chairpersons look forward to a successful Year. If we can help or assist you in any way please feel free to ask. Again this is a NEW YEAR and 'WE THE LADIES OF THE AUXILIARY Pat Barrineu CRCLA OFFICERS FOR 2010 TO 2011 President- Pat Barrineu -747-3045 V.President- Marie Dupree-Caines - 762-3169 2nd V. President- Anna Brown-722-4633 Secretry- Marilyn Hovis -388-8262 Treasure- Angie Basha - 884-9368 Chaplin- Barbara Vaughn - 873-5701 CARE. " NEWS FROM THE KITCHEN A special THANKS to the Kaye Roberts Cooking Teams and the Spencer Stegall Cooking Teams. Want to join in on a team or form your own? --------------~~------------------~ A Fish Fry Honoring Julian Taylor is planned for October 3rd. More details to follow. r t l.Q) ') t ::..... \ CALL US AT THE CLUB. hank YOU The grounds are looking GREAT! Special thanks to .Jerry and Rae Barrineau, Steve Campbell and his son Sean Campbell for their time and energy. ( Chaplain's Corner '\[email protected] . Please keep in mind the following who are noted on the list of our Chaplain's Members who are sick or have been in the hospital. l.~.). @J Janice Oliver has been ill, Shirley Peeples has had surgery, Charlie Cuzzell is in the hospital, Pat Barrineu's brother is in the hospital, Roger Keeney passed away, Paul White passed away and Mary Tew's father passed away. If you have any news of a member who is ill or has had a death in the family please call the club at 722-4853. For the CRC Ladies Auxiliarv call Barbara Vauzhn at 209-8204. I> ~(? ~-.J~G~i " Co BEE~ BOWLING, & BURGERS EVERY TUESDAY AT THE CRC. WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET 2 GAMES OF BOWLING, RENTAL SHOES, A HAMBURGER PLATE & A BOTTLE OF BEER FOR $10. ONLY ATTHECRCONTUESDAY'S Back By Popular Demand TUESDAY TRIVIA In the Lounge Beginning at 7pm Prizes for Ist, 2nd and 3rd place. Bring your team or join one here. Everyone bring a dish to share! Bowling News Bowling League Information Very Important! The league organizational meeting will be held Sunday, August 22 at 3:00 PM in the large hall. At this meeting the leagues will set their league rules for the 2010-2011 season. All returning bowlers as well as anyone interested in joining a league should be at this meeting. For new bowlers, no experience is necessary, just a desire to have some fun and join fellow club members in a wonderful sport. Our league season will be as follows: Monday and Tuesday will be Men. Wednesday will be the Ladies Auxiliary League. Thursday will be a Mixed League (2 men and 2 women per team). Sunday will be the Sunday Social Couples/Trios League. This league will be a short season league and will run no more than 16 weeks and will have 2 or 3 to a team depending on participation. Sign-up sheets for new bowlers will be in the bowling center. Please make plans to join us. Monitor Fundraising Thanks to a wonderful turnout for the Johnny Cash and Friends Variety Show we are able to purchase and install the last 4 monitors for the scoring system. All the monitors should be changed out by the start of the bowling season. We will then work on adding 3 TV s to the rear wall of the center which will replace the TV s perched on the lockers. Along with the monitor replacement an additional small project to add a sound system to the center will be completed. A stereo received, 5 disc CD changed and 4 Bose speakers are being installed so bowlers can have some music while they bowl during open play. Group parties will now be a little livelier. Johnny Cash and Friends Variety Show All I can say is, Wow, what a night. We recently had Johnny Cash and Friends in the large hall to do a show to help raise funds for the bowling center. The dinner show was a complete success. It was a sell out and sadly we had to turn people away. Pat Barrineau put together a wonderful spaghetti dinner and we provided a lot of help during the preparation and serving. A huge thank you goes out to Dolly and Bob Young, Joan and Jonsey Jones, Dolly and Carlton Killion, Dorie and Dewey Teske, Rae Barrineau and to my wonderful wife Mary. If! forgot anyone I do apologize. The show was fantastic and we had visits from Johnny Cash along with June Carter Cash, Loretta Lynn, Louis Armstrong, Garth Brooks, Patsy Cline, Nancy Sinatra and Dolly Parton. Elvis was also in the building and did a wonderful set and Marilyn Monroe wowed the crowd and melted the men's hearts as she did her set which included a special Happy Birthday song to Carlton Killion. Whew! Is all I can say. Thank you for the tremendous support. Bowling Center Ads Please come advertise your business with us. For a very small cost you can get you name out to hunderds each month. So far we have had 4 businesses activate their accounts and I anticipate more soon to come. Thanks to RTR Trucking, B&R Motors, Driggers Small Engine Repair and Williams and Walsh Law for being the first to step forward. Please support these advertisers. Other events Tuesday nights is Burgers, Beer & bowling. For $10.00 you can get 2 games of bowling, shoes, a hamburger plate and a bottle of beer. This is a great way to spend an evening and very affordable. Saturday night brings out the colored pins. Come on down on Saturday nights and try to win free games and bar tabs. Get a group together and spend a cool evening in the bowling center where we keep it 69 degrees. Information is posted in the bowling center. THANK YOU to all for the wonderful support of the bowling center. If there is anything we can do to make your visit more enjoyable please let us know. Sincerely, P::m1 Tew