part`s manual
POST HOLE DIGGER EPHD Economy Duty RPHD Regular Duty HPHD Heavy Duty SPHD Super Duty Hydraulic Drive Rev 05-07 Part No. 01430870P PART'S MANUAL An Operator's Manual was shipped with the equipment in the Manual Canister. This Operator's Manual is an integral part of the safe operation of this machine and must be maintained with the unit at all times. READ, UNDERSTAND, and FOLLOW the Safety and Operation Instructions contained in this manual before operating the equipment. If the Operator's Manual is not with the equipment, contact your dealer or Servis-Rhino (800-446-5158) to obtain a Free copy before operating the equipment. RHINO® 1020 S. Sangamon Ave. Gibson City, IL 60936 800-446-5158 Email: [email protected] © 2007 Alamo Group Inc. TO THE OWNER/OPERATOR/DEALER All implements with moving parts are potentially hazardous. There is no substitute for a cautious, safe-minded operator who recognizes the potential hazards and follows reasonable safety practices. The manufacturer has designed this implement to be used with all its safety equipment properly attached to minimize the chance of accidents. BEFORE YOU START!! Read the safety messages on the implement and shown in your manual. Observe the rules of safety and common sense! WARRANTY INFORMATION: Read and understand the complete Warranty Statement found in this Manual. Fill out the Warranty Registration Form in full and return it within 30 Days. Make certain the Serial Number of the Machine is recorded on the Warranty Card and on the Warranty Form that you retain. The use of "will-fit" parts will void your warranty and can cause catastrophic failure with possible injury or death. PARTS SECTION Parts Section – 1 PARTS ORDERING GUIDE The following instructions are offered to help eliminate needless delay and error in processing purchase orders for the equipment in this section. 1. The Parts Section is prepared in logical sequence and grouping of parts that belong to the basic machine featured in this manual. Part Numbers and Descriptions are given to help locate the parts and quantities required. 2. The Purchase Order must include the name and address of the person or organization ordering the parts, who should be charged, and if possible, the serial number of the machine for which the parts are ordered. 3. The Purchase Order must clearly list the quantity of each part, the complete and correct part number (be sure to include all periods), and the basic name of the part. 4. The Manufacturer reserves the right to substitute parts where applicable. 5. Some parts are unlisted items which are special production items not normally stocked and are subject to special handling. Request a quotation for such parts before sending a Purchase Order. 6. The Manufacturer reserves the right to change prices without prior notice. NOTE: Please refer to The Safety Section in the front of this Manual for the proper Part Number when ordering Replacement Safety Decals. For maximum safety and to guarantee optimum product reliability, always use genuine Servis-Rhino Parts. The use of inferior replacement parts may cause premature or catastrophic failure which could result in serious injury or death. Direct any questions regarding parts to: RHINO ® 1020 S. Sangamon Ave. Gibson City, IL 60936 800-446-5158 Email: [email protected] ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 2 PART NAME INDEX AUGER ASSEMBLIES ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 AUGER ASSEMBLIES - EPHD ............................................................................................................................................ 14 BOLT-ON BUCKET MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION) .......................................................................................................... 39 CLAMP MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION).............................................................................................................................. 36 CLUTCH - RADIAL PIN ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 DISPLAY STAND ASSEMBLY (OPTION) Rev 04-06.......................................................................................................... 37 DOWN PRESSURE KIT (EXTRA EQUIPMENT - USED W/SPHD ONLY) Rev 04-06 ....................................................... 31 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - RPHD,HPHD, & SPHD 00768283 Rev 05-04......................................................................... 19 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR BOLT EPHD - S/N 10141 THROUGH 10233.............................................................. 23 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR BOLT 00773134 ........................................................................................................... 16 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR PIN EPHD - S/N 10234 AND 10760............................................................................ 22 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY- RADIAL CLUTCH (OPTIONAL) Rev 11-05................................................................................ 20 DRIVELINE ASSY - SHEAR PIN EPHD - S/N 10761-11743 .............................................................................................. 21 DRIVELINE ASSY -HPHD, RPHD,SPHD & EPHD 00768283A Rev 05-07 ...................................................................... 18 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - EPHD .......................................................................................................................................... 28 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC DRIVE Rev 05-05 ................................................................................................. 34 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW 3.5 HD 3.5:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO RPHD & HPHD .................. 24 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW4HD 4:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO SPHD.......................................... 26 HITCH AND BOOM PARTS LIST Rev 04-06 ........................................................................................................................ 4 HYDRAULIC DRIVE ASSEMBLY......................................................................................................................................... 32 SAFETY DECALS................................................................................................................................................................. 40 UNIVERAL CHAIN MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION)............................................................................................................ 38 12 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07............................................................................................................................ 10 15 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07............................................................................................................................ 11 18 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07............................................................................................................................ 12 24 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07............................................................................................................................ 13 6 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07................................................................................................................................ 8 9 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07................................................................................................................................ 9 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 3 HITCH AND BOOM PARTS LIST Rev 04-06 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 4 HITCH AND BOOM PARTS LIST Rev 04-06 ITEM PART NO. RPHD HPHD SPHD EPHD DESCRIPTION 3 4 5 7 8 00000400 01430010 01403020 00015800 01A01010 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 01101280 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 00760700 1 1 1 00770592 00768467 26168 02961255 00769933 4405 00764259 00767039 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 COTTER PIN MOUNTING SHAFT BOLT TOPLOCKNUT, 3/8 NC GUIDING LEVER (N/A FOR 4:1 GEARBOX)(S/N 11158 AND BELOW)(EXTRA EQUIPMENT) GUIDING LEVER (N/A FOR 4:1 GEARBOX)(S/N 11159 AND UP)(EXTRA EQUIPMENT) (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) GUIDING LEVER (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) GUIDE LEVEL DECAL BOOM/CRANE (FOR RPHD) BOOM/CRANE (FOR HPHD & SPHD) BOLT BOLT LOCKWASHER LOCKWASHER FLATWASHER COTTER PIN YOKE PIN - 7-1/8 INCH LONG (SHOWN) YOKE PIN - 5 INCH LONG HITCH FRAME (SHOWN) HITCH FRAME HITCH FRAME (CAT II) HITCH PIN (SHOWN) CAT I & II BUSHING (FOR CAT 1 USE) SHIELD (RPHD S/N 14850 AND UP)(HPHD S/N 14092 AND UP)(SPHD S/N 14444 AND UP) SHIELD (RPHD S/N 11729 AND 14849)(HPHD S/N 11567 AND 14091)(SPHD S/N 11855 AND 14443) SHIELD BRKT PLATE SHIELD BRKT PLATE (EPHD S/N 10142 AND UP) CARRIAGE BOLT PUSH NUT THUMB NUT COTTER PIN CHAIN DANGER: SHIELD MISSING DECAL 8A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 00768161 00767042 01A01100 01A01020 63066100 00755948 00012101 00755954 00011100 00606000 01100020 01100010 01100070 01100030 00766644 01100100 01430140 00770594 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 5 AUGER ASSEMBLIES PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 6 AUGER ASSEMBLIES ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PART NO. ¤ 00767673 00767674 00767675 00767676 00767677 01A01240 01100110 01100130 00764375 00001800 00999418 000245 02957941 01430750 01A0106E 01A0109E 01A0112E 01A0114E 01A0118E 01A0124E ¤ 00767686 00767687 00767806 00767807 01100130 37064H5C 00695100 00764375 00001800 00999418 000245 ¤ 00771166 00771103 00771163 00771097 00771102 02886900 00001800 00748823 00764375 ¤ 01100740 01100760 00768123 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 DESCRIPTION STANDARD AUGER AND PARTS 6 INCH AUGER (USED ON EPHD ONLY) 9 INCH AUGER (USED ON EPHD ONLY) 12 INCH AUGER (USED ON EPHD ONLY) 14 INCH AUGER 18 INCH AUGER 24 INCH AUGER SPIRAL POINT FISHTAIL POINT BOLT NUT BOLT (USED ON 12,14,18 AND 24 INCH AUGERS) BOLT (USED ON 6 INCH AND 9 INCH AUGERS) NUT BOLT 6 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT 9 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT 12 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT 14 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT 18 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT 24 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT BORING HEAD PARTS 9 INCH BORING HEAD AUGER 12 INCH BORING HEAD AUGER TOOTH, BORING HEAD, INNER TOOTH, BORING HEAD, OUTER W/BULGE FISHTAIL POINT BOLT NUT BOLT NUT BOLT BOLT ROCK MOUNTAIN AUGER PARTS 9 INCH ROCKY MTN. 12 INCH ROCKY MTN. TOOTH, 9 INCH AUGER TOOTH, 12 INCH AUGER PILOT BIT BOLT, AUGER TOOTH NUT BOLT BOLT AUGER EXTENSIONS 7 INCH AUGER EXTENSION 14 INCH AUGER EXTENSION SAFETY SHIELD PLASTIC EXTENSION SHIELD PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 7 6 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 5 6 7 8 9 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780367 00999418 00001800 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 3 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 6" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARD SURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARD SURFACED BIT, PILOT(NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 8 9 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 5 6 7 8 9 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780368 00999418 00001800 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 3 7 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 9" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARD SURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARD SURFACED BIT, PILOT (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 9 12 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 1 2 7 9 10 11 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780369 00001800 00999418 00752680 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 7 2 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 12" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 HHCS 1/2-13UNC X 4LG PL5 CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARD SURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARD SURFACED BIT, PILOT (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 10 15 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 1 2 7 9 10 11 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780370 00001800 00999418 00752680 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 8 2 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 15" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 HHCS 1/2-13UNC X 4LG PL5 CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARDSURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARDSURFACED BIT, PILOT (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 11 18 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 1 2 7 9 10 11 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780371 00001800 00999418 00752680 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 9 2 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 18" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 HHCS 1/2-13UNC X 4LG PL5 CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARDSURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARDSURFACED BIT, PILOT (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 12 24 INCH AUGER ASSEMBLY Rev 05-07 ITEM 1 2 8 9 10 11 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00780372 00001800 00999418 00752680 02886900 00780374 00780401 00780460 00779803 00780402 00780461 00779803 11 2 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 ASSY, AUGER 24" (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) LOCKNUT TLM 1/2 NC PLB HHCS 1/2-13UNC 3-1/2 PL5 HHCS 1/2-13UNC X 4LG PL5 CARR 1/2-13UNC 1-1/2 PL5 TOOTH, AUGER (40/50) AGGRESSOR HARDSURFACED TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH (NOT SHOWN) BIT, PILOT (TF-350) HARDSURFACED BIT,PILOT (NOT SHOWN) CARBIDE TOOTH PILOT BIT (NOT SHOWN) BIT,STANDARD 2 PT. PILOT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 13 AUGER ASSEMBLIES - EPHD PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 14 AUGER ASSEMBLIES - EPHD ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PART NO. ¤ 00768158 405622 00767039 000245 00001200 4050456 ¤ 00768159 405622 00767039 000245 00001200 3410406 ¤ 00768160 405622 00767039 000245 00001200 3410407 QTY. 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 DESCRIPTION 6 INCH AUGER AUGER, 6 INCH - COMPLETE SPIRAL AUGER TIP - SCREW-IN DECAL, AUGER BOLT NUT 6 INCH CUTTING EDGE KIT - WELD ON 9 INCH AUGER AUGER, 9 INCH - COMPLETE SPIRAL AUGER TIP - SCREW-IN DECAL, AUGER BOLT NUT 9 INCH SERRATED CUTTING EDGE KIT - BOLT ON 12 INCH AUGER AUGER, 12 INCH - COMPLETE SPIRAL AUGER TIP - SCREW-IN DECAL, AUGER BOLT NUT 12 INCH SERRATED CUTTING EDGE KIT - BOLT ON PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 15 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR BOLT 00773134 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 16 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR BOLT 00773134 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 00773134 00773137 00773138 00773139 00773140 00773141 00773142 00773144 00773143 00773145 00773146 00754330 00773147 00773148 00757144 00764386 00773150 00773151 00773135 00773136 01403020 00013901 4407 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY COMPLETE COLLAR YOKE CROSS JOURN SET (15/16 IN DIA.) OUTER YOKE ROLL PIN OUTER TUBE INNER TUBE ROLL PIN INNER YOKE COMPLETE YOKE W/GREASE NIPPLE RETAINING COLLAR, OUTER BOLT RETAINING COLLAR, INNER COMPLETE GUARD COLLAR KIT GREASE FITTING OUTER GUARD HALF INNER GUARD HALF OUTER SHAFT W/GUARDING INNER SHAFT W/GUARDING SHEAR BOLT (USE GRADE 2 ONLY) NUT COTTER PIN PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 17 DRIVELINE ASSY -HPHD, RPHD,SPHD & EPHD 00768283A Rev 05-07 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 00768283A 00764500A 00756231 00759169 00759165 00768312A 00764506 00754330 00764507 00768309 00768306 00768313 00774079 7A61624 000640 5427 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE, SP SER.40 PHD COMPLET COLLAR YOKE CROSS & BEARING KIT SERIES 40 PIN ROLL 8mm X 60mm PIN ROLL INNER TUBE YOKE, 1-1/4 BORE SP‘ COLLAR-INNER-GUARD-RETAINER BOLT, NYLON - SAFETY SHIELD] COLLAR-OUTER-GUARD-RETAINER SHIELD, ASY, CMPLT SHAFT, ASY, OUTER W/SHIELD SHAFT, ASY, INNER W/SHIELD KIT,SLIDE COLLAR REPAIR BOLT HHCS 3/8 NC 3 PL2 LOCKNUT CLM 3/8 NC PLB PIN-ROLL 1/4 X 1-1/2 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 18 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - RPHD,HPHD, & SPHD 00768283 Rev 05-04 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00768283 00768313 001465 00768312 00756231 00768295 00768294 00768293 00770391 00759170 00764507 00764506 00775112 00775113 00754330 00774569 5427 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 DRIVELINE COMPLETE (SHEAR PIN) INNER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY GREASE FITTING SHEAR PIN YOKE CROSS & BEARING ASSEMBLY KIT INNER TUBE ASSEMBLY OUTER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER TUBE ASSEMBLY TWIST COLLAR KIT YOKE ASSEMBLY OUTER TUBE BEARING INNER TUBE BEARING INNER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY LOCKING PIN SHEAR PIN KIT ( 6 PINS & LOCKS) ROLL PIN PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 19 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY- RADIAL CLUTCH (OPTIONAL) Rev 11-05 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 01430890 01430940 01430390 703623W 8959 00775830 00775805 8962 00775831 3216406 1416438 00775829 00775828 00775832 00775808 1416441 00758068 00015800 420814 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY CLUTCH CROSS & BEARING KIT SPRING PIN YOKE INNER TUBE OUTER TUBE YOKE YOKE BEARING RING SCREW IMPLEMENT HALF COMPLETE TRACTOR HALF COMPLETE OUTER SHIELD HALF COMPLETE INNER SHIELD HALF COMPLETE Q.D. KIT (IN ITEM 1) NOT SHOWN HEXB 3/8 NC 2-1/2 PL8 NUT,TOPLOCK 3/8NC PLB ROLL PIN, 1/4 X 1-3/4 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 20 DRIVELINE ASSY - SHEAR PIN EPHD - S/N 10761-11743 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10A 11 12 13 14 00777334 00777360 001465 00768439 00768356 00777361 00777362 00777363 00770391 00768352 00777357 00764506 00777359 00777358 00774569 5427 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE COMPLETE (SHEAR PIN) INNER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY GREASE FITTING SHEAR PIN YOKE CROSS & BEARING ASSEMBLY KIT INNER TUBE ASSEMBLY OUTER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER TUBE ASSEMBLY TWIST COLLAR KIT YOKE ASSEMBLY TUBE BEARING OUTER SHIELD BEARING INNER INNER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY SHEAR PIN KIT (CONTAINS 6 PINS & LOCKS) ROLL PIN PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 21 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR PIN EPHD - S/N 10234 AND 10760 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 00768360A 00768438 001465 00768439 00768356 00768355 00768354 00768353 00770391 00768352 00768363 00768362 00768361 00774569 5427 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE COMPLETE (SHEAR PIN) INNER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY GREASE FITTING SHEAR PIN YOKE CROSS & BEARING ASSEMBLY KIT INNER TUBE ASSEMBLY OUTER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER TUBE ASSEMBLY TWIST COLLAR KIT YOKE ASSEMBLY TUBE BEARING INNER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY SHEAR PIN KIT (CONTAINS 6 PINS & LOCKS) ROLL PIN PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 22 DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY - SHEAR BOLT EPHD - S/N 10141 THROUGH 10233 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 00768360 00768358 001465 00768357 00768356 00768355 00768354 00768353 00770391 00768352 00768363 00768362 00768361 7A61622 00015800 20BH5012 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 DRIVELINE COMPLETE (SHEAR BOLT) INNER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY GREASE FITTING SHEAR BOLT YOKE CROSS & BEARING ASSEMBLY KIT INNER TUBE ASSEMBLY OUTER SHAFT & SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER TUBE ASSEMBLY TWIST COLLAR KIT YOKE ASSEMBLY TUBE BEARING INNER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY OUTER HALF SHIELD ASSEMBLY SHEAR BOLT NUT ROLL PIN PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 23 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW 3.5 HD 3.5:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO RPHD & HPHD PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 24 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW 3.5 HD 3.5:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO RPHD & HPHD ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01431320 00755954 00758659 00749508 01431250 00606000 01431390 01431360 01431370 01431310 01431280 00770827 00564200 01431400 00564800 01431270 00758674 01431330 00755628 00770827 00758667 00758668 01431350 01100550 1 8 8 2 1 2 1 var. var. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 00762815 2 00035900 00011700 00023500 4 4 4 HOUSING LOCKWASHER CAPSCREW PIPE PLUG HANGER SHAFT COTTER PIN HANGER CAP OUTPUT CAP GASKET 0.10 OUTPUT CAP GASKET 0.30 BEARING SPACER RETAINING RING INPUT SEAL (1 PIECE SEAL) SEAL (USE W/SEAL ADAPTER #01431290) 11 TOOTH PINION & SHAFT BALL BEARING RETAINING RING OUTPUT SEAL OUTPUT SHAFT BEARING ASSEMBLY RETAINING RING GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM 0.30 GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM 0.50 OUTPUT GEAR 38 TOOTH RPHD-OUTPUT/AUGER SHIELD S/N 11341-12749 - HPHD-OUTPUT/AUGER SHIELD S/N 11213-12350 RPHD-OUTPUT/AUGER SHIELD S/N 12750 AND ABOVE - HPHD-OUTPUT/ AUGER SHIELD S/N 12351 AND ABOVE CAPSCREW LOCKWASHER FLATWASHER 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 25 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW4HD 4:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO SPHD PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 26 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY WW4HD 4:1 GEAR REDUCTION 1-1/4 SHAFT FOR RHINO SPHD ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 01101250 01431180 00755954 00758659 00749508 01431250 00606000 01431260 01431220 01431230 01431240 01431310 01431280 00770827 01431300 00564800 01431270 00758674 01431190 00769938 01431200 00758660 00758667 00758668 01431210 01100550 00762815 00035900 00011700 00023500 1 8 8 2 1 2 1 var. var. var. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY HOUSING LOCKWASHER CAPSCREW PIPE PLUG HANGER SHAFT COTTER PIN HANGER CAP HANGER CAP GASKET 0.10 HANGER CAP GASKET 0.25 HANGER CAP GASKET 0.50 BEARING SPACER RETAINING RING INPUT SEAL 11 TOOTH PINION & SHAFT BALL BEARING RETAINING RING OUTPUT SEAL OUTPUT SHAFT BEARING,TIMKEN 30210 SPACER,OUTPUT BEARING RETAINING RING GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM 0.12 GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM 0.02 OUTPUT GEAR 44 TOOTH OUTPUT/AUGER SHIELD S/N 11159 - S/N 12820 OUTPUT/AUGER SHIELD S/N 12821 AND ABOVE CAPSCREW LOCKWASHER FLATWASHER PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 27 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - EPHD PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 28 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - EPHD ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 00770816 00770820 00755954 00758659 00749508 01431250 00606000 00770823 00770824 00770825 00770826 01431310 01431280 00770827 00770828 00564800 00770829 00758674 00770830 00769938 00770831 00758660 00758667 00758668 00770822 1 8 8 2 1 2 1 var. var. var. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 var. var. 1 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY HOUSING LOCKWASHER CAPSCREW PIPE PLUG HANGER SHAFT COTTER PIN HANGER CAP HANGER CAP GASKET 0.30 HANGER CAP GASKET 0.25 HANGER CAP GASKET 0.40 BEARING SPACER RETAINING RING INPUT SEAL 11 TOOTH PINION & SHAFT 207K BALL BEARING RETAINING RING OUTPUT SEAL OUTPUT SHAFT TAPERED BEARING ASSEMBLY OUTPUT BEARING SPACER RETAINING RING GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM (0.30) GEAR ADJUSTING SHIM (0.50) 33 TOOTH OUTPUT GEAR PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 29 CLUTCH - RADIAL PIN ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 01430940 1416422 1416444 01431000 1416419 1416418 1416417 0921000470 1 1 1 12 24 24 ref RADIAL PIN CLUTCH ASSY RETAINING RING THRUST RING SEAL RING INNER SPRING OUTER SPRING CAM FLANGE KIT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 30 DOWN PRESSURE KIT (EXTRA EQUIPMENT - USED W/SPHD ONLY) Rev 04-06 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 01A01150 02960460 01430480 61027400 01430500 02221600 01430550 00757290 01100150 01100160 02788400 01100170 00755153 0110019L 0110019R 01100200 02014200 01100180 00757291 00750596 00001800 01100020 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ref DOWN PRESSURE KIT ASSY (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) STRAIGHT ADAPTER RELIEF VALVE ADAPTER HOSE ELBOW CYLINDER SEAL REPAIR KIT (NOT SHOWN) UPPER CLAMP ASSEMBLY LOWER CLAMP ASSEMBLY BOLT GR5 CLEVIS PIN (1 INCH X 3-7/8 INCH) COTTER PIN LEFT CYLINDER SUPPORT RIGHT CYLINDER SUPPORT SPACER BOLT CLEVIS PIN PIPE PLUG BREATHER PLUG NUT YOKE PIN (SPHD ONLY) PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 31 HYDRAULIC DRIVE ASSEMBLY PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 32 HYDRAULIC DRIVE ASSEMBLY ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NO. 07700020 07700021 00749130 00001300 00773920 00011400 03101646 00011100 00762815 00773906 00773410 00773908 00773907 00773922 02905600 00773923 00768031 QTY. DESCRIPTION 2 2 1 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 HYDRAULIC POST HOLE DIGGER - LOW FLOW HYDRAULIC POST HOLE DIGGER - HIGH FLOW BOLT LOCKWASHER BAR SPRING CLIP BOLT LOCKWASHER FLATWASHER SHIELD AUGER GEARBOX AUGER HYDRAULIC DRIVE COUPLING HYDRAULIC PHD MOTOR HYDRAULIC - LOW FLOW - A=7-5/8 MOTOR HYDRAULIC - HIGH FLOW - A=8-3/4 HOSE (PROVIDED W/CHAIN & BUCKET MOUNT OPTION) HOSE (PROVIDED W/3-POINT HITCH KIT OPTION) STRAIGHT ADAPTER (PROVIDED W/ATTACHMENT OPTION) STRAIGHT ADAPTER (TRACTOR END) PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 33 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC DRIVE Rev 05-05 PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 34 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC DRIVE Rev 05-05 ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00773906 00774181 01430030 00774183 01430070 00774184 01430080 01430010 70048 70049 01600020 01600030 01600000 01600010 00774185 00774186 01430120 01430040 01430050 01430060 00774190 00774191 00774192 00000400 00011400 00753642 03101646 00758654 00749508 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 var. var. var. var. var. var. 1 2 4 6 10 1 1 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC DRIVE HOUSING TOP CAP INPUT CAP GEAR, 35 TEETH INPUT PINION, 13 TEETH OUTPUT SHAFT MOUNTING SHAFT BEARING CUP BEARING CONE BEARING CUP BEARING CONE BEARING CUP BEARING CONE INPUT SEAL, 2 LIP OUTPUT SEAL, 2 LIP INPUT GASKET (0.50MM) TOP GASKET (0.10MM) TOP GASKET (0.15MM) TOP GASKET (0.50MM) INPUT GASKET (0.15MM) INPUT GASKET (0.10MM) KEY COTTER PIN BOLT BOLT LOCKWASHER PLUG, VENT PLUG PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 35 CLAMP MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION) ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00773921 00773909 00773920 00773923 02905600 01A01020 00000400 01430010 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 WLDMT. SPRING CLAMP 4 INCH SPRING TENSION BAR SPRING CLIP ST. ADAPTER HOSE BOOM CRANE PIN COTTER MOUNTING SHAFT PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 36 DISPLAY STAND ASSEMBLY (OPTION) Rev 04-06 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 00771973 REF. 00771987 00010600 00767750 00015800 00762815 00011400 10119000 00011700 03101646 00023500 00011100 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 DISPLAY STAND ASSY (WHOLEGOODS ONLY) GEARBOX STAND WLDMT BOLT SUPPORT LEG NUT SHIELD, GEARBOX BOLT (HYDRAULIC PHD) BOLT (REGULAR PHD) LOCKWASHER (REGULAR PHD) LOCKWASHER (HYDRAULIC PHD) FLATWASHER (REGULAR PHD) FLATWASHER (HYDRAULIC PHD) PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 37 UNIVERAL CHAIN MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION) ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 00773911 00773229 00773914 00773913 00773912 00773226 00760266 5JRC1490 00773909 00773922 00773923 00754881 02957941 100761 00768031 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 UNIVERSAL CHAIN MOUNT ASSEMBLY UNIVERSAL BUCKET MOUNT CLEVIS LINK BINDER CHAIN MOUNT YOKE BOLT NUT SPRING HOSE (NOT SHOWN) STRAIGHT ADAPTER (NOT SHOWN) BOLT NUT RING ADAPTER, HYD, (NOT SHOWN) PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 38 BOLT-ON BUCKET MOUNT ASSEMBLY (OPTION) ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 00773910 00773233 00773234 00013300 00001800 00773226 00760266 5JRC1490 00773909 00773922 00773923 00768031 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 UNIVERSAL CHAIN MOUNT ASSEMBLY BOLT-ON MOUNT BOLT-ON MOUNT PLATE BOLT LOCKNUT MOUNT YOKE BOLT NUT SPRING HOSE (NOT SHOWN) STRAIGHT ADAPTER (NOT SHOWN) ADAPTER, HYD, (NOT SHOWN) PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 39 SAFETY DECALS ITEM PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 00776294 00776295 00776296 00776297 00776481 1 1 1 1 1 RPHD DECAL SHEET SPHD DECAL SHEET HPHD DECAL SHEET EPHD DECAL SHEET CANASTER MANUAL DECAL SHEET PHD- EPHD,RPHD,HPHD,SPHD(May-04) -Current Rev 05-07 ©2007 Alamo Group Inc. Parts Section – 40 SERVIS-RHINO LIMITED WARRANTY 1. LIMITED WARRANTIES 1.01.Servis-Rhino warrants for one year from the purchase date to the original non-commercial, governmental, or municipal purchaser (“Purchaser”) and warrants for six months to the original commercial or industrial purchaser (“Purchaser”) that the goods purchased are free from defects in material or workmanship. 1.02.Manufacturer will replace for the Purchaser any part or parts found, upon examination at one of its factories, to be defective under normal use and service due to defects in material or workmanship. 1.03.This limited warranty does not apply to any part of the goods which has been subjected to improper or abnormal use, negligence, alteration, modification, or accident, damaged due to lack of maintenance or use of wrong fuel, oil, or lubricants, or which has served its normal life. This limited warranty does not apply to any part of any internal combustion engine, or expendable items such as blades, shields, guards, or pneumatic tires except as specifically found in your Operator’s Manual. 1.04.Except as provided herein, no employee, agent, Dealer, or other person is authorized to give any warranties of any nature on behalf of Manufacturer. 2. REMEDIES AND PROCEDURES. 2.01.This limited warranty is not effective unless the Purchaser returns the Registration and Warranty Form to Manufacturer within 30 days of purchase. 2.02.Purchaser claims must be made in writing to the Authorized Dealer (“Dealer”) from whom Purchaser purchased the goods or an approved Authorized Dealer (“Dealer”) within 30 days after Purchaser learns of the facts on which the claim is based. 2.03.Purchaser is responsible for returning the goods in question to the Dealer. 2.04.If after examining the goods and/or parts in question, Manufacturer finds them to be defective under normal use and service due to defects in material or workmanship, Manufacturer will: (a) Repair or replace the defective goods or part(s) or (b) Reimburse Purchaser for the cost of the part(s) and reasonable labor charges (as determined by Manufacturer) if Purchaser paid for the repair and/or replacement prior to the final determination of applicability of the warranty by Manufacturer. The choice of remedy shall belong to Manufacturer. 2.05.Purchaser is responsible for any labor charges exceeding a reasonable amount as determined by Manufacturer and for returning the goods to the Dealer, whether or not the claim is approved. Purchaser is responsible for the transportation cost for the goods or part(s) from the Dealer to the designated factory. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 3.01.MANUFACTURER DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS (EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN) AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 3.02.MANUFACTURER MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE DESIGN, CAPABILITY, CAPACITY, OR SUITABILITY FOR USE OF THE GOODS. 3.03.EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS, OR DAMAGE CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY THE GOODS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR OPERATION OF THE GOODS OR ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. NOT WITHSTANDING THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND WARRANTIES, MANUFACTURER’S LIABILITY HEREUNDER FOR DAMAGES INCURRED BY PURCHASER OR OTHERS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS. 3.04.NO ACTION ARISING OUT OF ANY CLAIMED BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR TRANSACTIONS UNDER THIS WARRANTY MAY BE BROUGHT MORE THAN TWO (2) YEARS AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION HAS OCCURRED. 4. MISCELLANEOUS. 4.01.Proper Venue for any lawsuits arising from or related to this limited warranty shall be only in Guadalupe County, Texas. 4.02.Manufacturer may waive compliance with any of the terms of this limited warranty, but no waiver of any terms shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other term. 4.03.If any provision of this limited warranty shall violate any applicable law and is held to be unenforceable, then the invalidity of such provision shall not invalidate any other provisions herein. 4.04.Applicable law may provide rights and benefits to purchaser in addition to those provided herein. KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS ATTENTION: Purchaser should fill in the blanks below for his reference when buying repair parts and/or for proper machine identification when applying for warranty. Servis-Rhino Implement Model _______________________________ Serial Number ________________________________ Date Purchased __________________________________________ Dealer ______________________________________ ATTENTION: READ YOUR OPERATOR'S MANUAL RHINO® 1020 S. Sangamon Ave. Gibson City, IL 60936 800-446-5158 Email: [email protected] R TO THE OWNER/OPERATOR/DEALER To keep your implement running efficiently and safely, read your manual thoroughly and follow these directions and the Safety Messages in this Manual. The Table of Contents clearly identifies each section where you can easily find the information you need. The OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT (1928.51 Subpart C) makes these minimum safety requirements of tractor operators: REQUIRED OF THE OWNER: 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide a Roll-Over-Protective Structure that meets the requirements of this Standard; and Provide Seatbelts that meet the requirements of this paragraph of this Standard and SAE J4C; and Ensure that each employee uses such Seatbelt while the tractor is moving; and Ensure that each employee tightens the Seatbelt sufficiently to confine the employee to the protected area provided by the ROPS. REQUIRED OF THE OPERATOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Securely fasten seatbelt if the tractor has a ROPS. Where possible, avoid operating the tractor near ditches, embankments, and holes. Reduce speed when turning, crossing slopes, and on rough, slick, or muddy surfaces. Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation. Watch where you are going - especially at row ends, on roads, and around trees. Do not permit others to ride. Operate the tractor smoothly - no jerky turns, starts, or stops. Hitch only to the drawbar and hitch points recommended by the tractor manufacturer. When the tractor is stopped, set brakes securely and use park lock, if available. Keep children away from danger all day, every day... Equip tractors with rollover protection (ROPS) and keep all machinery guards in place... Please work, drive, play and live each day with care and concern for your safety and that of your family and fellow citizens. Post Hole Digger Printed U.S.A. PL 05/04 P/N 01430870P
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