Public Programs 2014 - Museum at Eldridge Street


Public Programs 2014 - Museum at Eldridge Street
Annual Report 2014
“This ranks with the historical 19th-century
synagogues of Europe and Israel and is well worth a visit.
Visitors of any religion will find a beautiful
and graceful spiritual space.”
Thanks to reviews like this, the Museum was awarded
a 2014 Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor
Letter from the
Chairman and
Executive Director
2014 was a year of continued growth for the Museum at
Eldridge Street. In June we opened a beautiful, new visitor
center and permanent exhibition on the Museum’s entry level—
the culmination of more than two years of fundraising,
planning and design. Our new center has a profound impact
on how people experience our landmark site and learn about
its history. Now they enter an elegant and inviting admission
area. Our visitors are particularly drawn to the Museum’s new
permanent exhibition which uses artifacts, Yiddish signs,
Judaica, and digital displays to tell the story of the Eldridge
Street Synagogue and the community of Jewish immigrants
who settled on the Lower East Side. If you have not been to
Eldridge Street since the opening of our visitor center, we
invite you to come by this year.
Anna Shneyderman
Cover photo: Peter Aaron/OTTO
Our educational and cultural programs continued to flourish.
In particular we want to share the growth of our adult learning
classes which continue a 127-year tradition of Jewish learning
in our space. Today, if you visit the Museum during a weekday
morning and peek into our Gural-Rabinowitz Family History
Center you will find a group of engaged learners in animated
conversation about Jewish texts and history. But we are home
not just to adult learners. In 2014, 7,500 school-age children
visited the Museum to learn about Jewish holidays, immigrant
history, and architecture and historic preservation.
Our Lost and Found Music series had its most successful year
yet. We presented a dazzling array of Jewish music ranging
from Scottish klezmer to synagogue music of the Baroque
period, from Sephardic music to Hasidic songs. We are
particularly heartened that young musicians who are part of
a movement to revitalize nearly forgotten Jewish musical
traditions see our site as the place to perform. In 2014 four
CD release concerts featuring the music of innovative, young
Jewish musicians took place here. We were also home to
special events like the screening of a deeply moving film by
artist and filmmaker Mark Podwal on his recent Terezin Ghetto
Museum exhibition.
The core experience the Museum offers is our guided tour of
the Eldridge Street Synagogue. Today close to 80% of American
Jews trace their ancestry to the community of Jews who
arrived in America between 1880 and 1924, part of a massive
wave of migration. And yet, as time passes, and the Lower East
Side changes, very few sites remain that mark their journey.
The Eldridge Street Synagogue is one of those places. Here
the Jewish immigrant experience comes to life. We are proud
stewards of this landmark site, and recognize our responsibility
to the public to keep a connection to that history and heritage
alive. In that regard, we want to single out the contributions of
the Museum’s forty volunteer docents. They donate their time
to the museum, share their knowledge and passion, and are
our most gracious ambassadors to the public. If you visit the
Museum, they will share the synagogue’s history with you, but
more than that, they will make you feel at home.
Global events, sadly, have made us aware of the need for
heightened security at our Jewish landmark. Please be assured
that in 2014 we introduced new measures to ensure the safety
of our visitors and staff.
2014 saw the passing of Mildred Caplow, who served on the
Museum’s Board of Directors from 1995 to 2014. We also will
miss the active involvement of Susan Malloy, who passed away
in early 2015. These two remarkable women played a leading
role in the restoration of the Eldridge Street Synagogue and
leave behind a poignant legacy.
We want to thank our colleagues on the Museum’s staff and
board of directors. Their creativity, dedication and talent ensure
that our site will thrive for many years to come. Finally, we want
to thank you, our community of supporters. Your generosity
helps ensure the preservation and continued life of our
American Jewish landmark. You have made this a welcoming
and dynamic space for all.
Michael Weinstein
Bonnie Dimun
Executive Director
photos: Anna Shneyderman
The Museum welcomed 40,000 visitors in 2014,
a 9% increase over last year. Visitors came from throughout
New York City, the nation and the world.
The Museum received rave reviews from visitors:
we were ranked in the top 25 of more than 644 attractions
in New York City by Trip Advisor and received enthusiastic
reviews on-line, in guidebooks, on social media and in our
visitor surveys.
Our new visitor center opened in June 2014, providing a
welcoming, informative and more secure entry experience
for visitors.
Our visitor center’s beautiful new permanent exhibition
features more than 50 artifacts and updated interactive
displays that tell the story of the Eldridge Street Synagogue, its
immigrant founders and our Lower East Side neighborhood.
Our volunteer docents, designated one of the nation’s
Preserve America Stewards by The White House, welcomed
more than 13,000 visitors, and delivered more than 1,000 tours.
The Museum’s competitive internship program received
dozens of applications, and provided eight college and graduate
students with the opportunity to lead tours, assist in our cultural
and educational programs, and conduct archival research.
Our public programs included concerts, talks, family events, and
the popular Egg Rolls and Egg Cream Festival, and were attended
by over 14,000 people.
7,500 school-age children—the highest annual total for
the Museum in its history—visited in 2014 to learn about
Jewish history, holidays and culture.
Kate Milford
Our gala honoring “Champions of the Spirit” Walt “Clyde” Frazier,
Mariano Rivera, Ira Berkow and Art Shamsky raised more than
$450,000 for the Museum.
Are you related?
Check our on-line database of early congregants
to see if your family may have prayed at the
Eldridge Street Synagogue
& Tours
photos: Kate Milford
Immediately facing the viewer upon entering the exhibition is
a large-scale reproduction of the Eldridge Street Synagogue’s
original 1886 architectural rendering, a testament to the
grand vision of the synagogue’s immigrant founders. A nearby
illustrated map shows the immigrant pathway from Eastern
Europe to the Lower East Side and also introduces some of the
congregation’s founding members, including banker Sender
Jarmulowsky, kosher meat makers Isaac and Sarah Gellis,
and mikvah operator Gittel Natelson. The bulk of the exhibit
features artifacts from the Museum’s collection, many on
display for the first time. These include beautiful silver and
velvet Torah dressings as well as more practical objects like
the congregation’s early constitution and a ceramic spittoon.
Restoration artifacts help complete the story, along with
updated digital displays by Potion Design.
Kate Milford
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) provided the initial
$150,000 grant for this project, which then allowed the Museum to raise
matching funds. We are grateful to IMLS and to the following funders:
180 Varick Street Corporation, Susan and Jay Anderson, Bloomberg, The
David Berg Foundation, Inc., Naomi Gat, The David Geffen Foundation,
The Feil Organization, Hyde and Watson Foundation, Blanche and Irving
Laurie Foundation, Inc., Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Inc., Lonnie and Thomas
Schwartz Foundation, Amy and Charles Spielman Family Foundation,
Jane and Frances Stein Foundation, and two anonymous donations.
Anna Shneyderman
On Thursday, June 12, the Museum at Eldridge Street’s board
members, donors, docents, and other friends celebrated the
opening of our new visitor center. The project completely
transformed the building’s lower level with a new entrance
lobby, admission area and permanent exhibition.
There is nothing more satisfying than discovering old photographs of the synagogue’s earliest congregants or hearing
their stories from current day descendants. That’s why we are
particularly pleased to have updated the exhibition in the
Museum’s Gural-Rabinowitz Family History Center to focus
on family stories as told through oral histories and artifacts—
some newly donated to the Museum’s collection. In 2014,
for the first time we saw the faces of early synagogue leader
David Cohen and mikvah operator Gittel Natelson in
photographs donated by their descendants.
Special thanks to the following for objects donated for our new exhibits: Randy
Anderson, Sarah Andron, Joseph Bachner, Stanley Bergman, Scott Crawford,
Bonnie Dimun, New Era Factory Outlet, Sharon Stein and Ruth Warembud.
The exhibition…is simultaneously dense
with artifacts and relatively small.
That appealing combination means one
can take in the history lesson quickly before
proceeding upstairs to the glorious main
sanctuary, or linger downstairs and pore
over historical documents, architectural
fragments, Yiddish signs, personal effects
and thumbnail biographies of leading
figures in the congregation.”
—DAVID DUNLAP, The New York Times
Sara Lowenburg
& Family
Kate Milford
Every day we are open, our volunteer docents
bring to life the history of the Eldridge Street
Synagogue welcoming visitors from all over
the world. More than 13,000 people took a
tour of the Eldridge Street Synagogue in 2014.
The Museum’s docent program expanded this
year to include forty people, including five
new volunteers who bring a wealth of
knowledge and experience from teaching and
in museums and other non-profit institutions.
The docent program provides a wonderful
community for those contemplating or
entering retirement, young people who seek
to gain museum experience, and those who
want to connect with their Jewish heritage.
Kate Milford
The Museum also offers a growing and
competitive internship program. Interns thrive
in our small museum environment which
provides hands-on experience in all aspects
of non-profit operations, including programs,
education, fundraising, marketing, and social
media. Graduates of our internship program
have gone on to work at some of New York
City’s most exciting cultural institutions,
including the American Folk Art Museum,
Green-Wood Cemetery, Guggenheim Museum,
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, Museum
of Modern Art, and the Tenement Museum.
In 2014 the Museum welcomed eight interns
who came from Baruch College, Brandeis
University, Eugene Lang College the New
School, Grinnell College, Hampshire College,
and Yeshiva University.
Teachers and students can download
pre- and post-visit materials
and other educational resources at
The 2014 reviews are in and more than 1,200 enthusiastic
students agree: our holiday program Celebrate with Us! is fun!
Every year in the winter and spring, Lower East Side school
children flock to Eldridge Street to learn the stories of Hanukkah
and Passover, and to share their own diverse holiday traditions.
For many neighborhood children who have never visited a
synagogue before, stepping inside this glorious sanctuary
draws gasps of appreciation and surprise. One of our most
popular school programs, Celebrate with Us! is designed to
engage students ages four to eleven, and many return year
after year. One second grade teacher wrote after her 2014 visit,
“Students learned about the traditions of Hanukkah.
They were part of the storytelling. They loved the singing and
the doughnuts. It was a fun and educational program.”
Assisted by our own former New York City kid—Museum at
Eldridge Street docent Gil Gordon—families joined us outside
to play all the old favorites.
“Street games were the way a generation of
young people growing up in a crowded urban
environment learned how to be both
competitive and cooperative with one’s peers.
You knew whether you won or lost, and you
would all be back on the street, after school,
eager to play again.”
—GIL GORDON, Museum Docent
In December, families enjoyed a building wide treasure hunt
inspired by When Mindy Saved Hanukkah, a delightful children’s
book that takes place right here in the Eldridge Street
Synagogue. Children and parents explored the sanctuary
as they followed the story, found hidden treasures, made
Hanukkah art, and said a sweet goodbye to 2014 with
chocolate dreidel making.
Kate Milford
Programs about immigration, Jewish culture, synagogue
architecture, and the surprising beauty of mathematics enticed
over 7,500 students to visit Eldridge Street in 2014. 400 of our
youngest visitors joined us for Shapes and Colors, Patterns and
Light, and discovered just how pretty math can be. Adding,
subtracting, and counting their way around the synagogue,
elementary school students identified shapes, found patterns,
and tallied up as many golden stars as they could find.
“My students kept raving about the field trip asking when
they can go back,” one teacher wrote. Eldridge Street educators
continued to work closely with our Teacher Advisory Committee
in 2014 to provide museum programs that enrich the classroom
curriculum and meet the Common Core Standards. Enhancing
our website, we designed downloadable activities for teachers
and students to further encourage the connection between
classroom learning and the museum visit.
The Eldridge Street Synagogue and the history of the Lower
East Side provide endless inspiration for our growing family
programs—up 22% in attendance over last year. In 2014, we
offered original scavenger hunts, neighborhood walking tours,
and a new tradition: old time street games. Stickball, stoop ball,
handball, hit the penny, jump rope, cards, and jacks—you
name it, city kids played it, and last spring so did we!
Anna Shneyderman
Anna Shneyderman
The Museum’s Morris Kaplan Scholar in Residence and Adult
Learning Program continued to grow in 2014 with attendance
at 580 participants. Scholar in Residence Dr. Regina Stein once
again offered popular weekly study classes challenging the
group to ask modern questions about ancient subjects.
A spring class on “The Many Faces of the Torah,” has evolved
into a new regular feature of our adult learning program: a
weekly discussion based on the Torah portion. Urban historian
and Museum docent Barry Feldman led an exploration of
Jewish migration and acclimation in New York and beyond,
including Lower East Side sites important to varied immigrant
groups. In the fall, Barry followed up with a discussion of the
waves of Irish, German, Eastern European, Italian, Hispanic and
Asian immigrants to our constantly changing neighborhood,
enhanced by a walking tour. Hanna Griff-Sleven, the Museum’s
Director of Cultural Programs, guided a workshop in the art of
memoir writing, offering participants the opportunity to
compose a family history. The adult education program will
expand in 2015 to include classes every weekday and during
the evening.
The Museum’s Morris Kaplan Scholar in Residence program is supported in part
by The Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc. with additional support provided by
the Edouard Foundation, Marta Jo Lawrence, Epstein Teicher Philanthropies,
The Marc Haas Foundation, Inc., The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Leo Rosner
Foundation, Inc., New York State Council on the Arts with the support of
Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and the City
of New York Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York
City Council.
We were the happy hosts for four CD release parties. In the
summer saxophonist Paul Shapiro released Shofarot Verses,
an exciting blend of soul and R&B with the Jewish tradition.
Musicians Remy Yulzari and Nadav Lev took the cover photo for
their new album Azafea at Eldridge Street and came back in
October to celebrate its release with a concert that explored
Sephardic musical traditions that joined jazz, klezmer, classical
and folk. Trumpeter Frank London was their special guest.
December gave us a bounty of new music. Celebrating
twenty years together, Metropolitan Klezmer, led by drummer
Eve Sicular, raised the roof with a rollicking concert celebrating
the launch of their fifth album, “Mazel Means Good Luck.” We
ended the season celebrating a new CD by the new Yiddish Art
Trio, featuring Michael Winograd, Benjy Fox-Rosen and Patrick
Farrell. Their music is a blend of infectious traditional melodies,
new compositions, chamber music arrangements and
wonderful improvisation. The sanctuary danced that night.
Special thanks to our concert sponsors: Helene and Steven Walsey,
Walkers Shortbread, Hanna Griff-Sleven and Paul Sleven, and the Academy
for Jewish Religion.
Anna Shneyderman
Kate Milford
2014 took us to lands near and far, musically at least! We kicked
off the year with Plaid, Baroque and Klezmer, a program that
perfectly personifies our Lost & Found Music series. Musician
and scholar Adrianne Greenbaum researched and performed a
program of baroque gypsy music, tracing musical influences of
the East European Jewish community as they traveled west
from Slovakia to Scotland. She was joined by Michal Alpert,
Christopher Norman and David Greenberg.
Visit a slideshow gallery of our festival at
Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival
8,900 people flocked to the unique slice of
Manhattan where Chinatown meets the Jewish
Lower East Side for our 14th annual Egg Rolls
& Egg Creams Festival on Sunday, June 8. The
synagogue and our block on Eldridge Street were
transformed into a cross-cultural smorgasbord
showcasing the ways Jewish and Chinese cultural
forms are unique and also intertwined. Chinese
opera performers took the stage on the heels of
a boisterous klezmer ensemble; a Hebrew and
Chinese scribe sat side-by-side in the sanctuary;
food demos focused on dumplings and kreplach;
Chinese and Jewish mah jongg players compared
notes on their different traditions; visitors got
mini-Yiddish and Mandarin language lessons, kids
decorated yarmulkes and made Chinese fans;
and all enjoyed delicious kosher egg rolls and
hand-made egg creams.
Our Program Director, Hanna Griff-Sleven,
comments: “Starting at our very first festival
back in 2000, we’ve experienced a deep feeling
of community and joy that emanates from all
the participants and festival goers—this is a
New York Moment.”
photos: Erika Parry
The 2014 Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival was supported in part
by the Manhattan Borough President’s Office Cultural Tourism
Program (The Honorable Gale Brewer), National Endowment
for the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in
Partnership with the New York City Council, NYC & Co
Foundation, and NYC Council District 1 (The Honorable
Margaret Chin), and by the New York State Council on the Arts
with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York
State Legislature. Special thanks to Festival Sponsor National
Trust Insurance Services, LLC, Brooklyn, and to Fox’s U-Bet and
The Brooklyn Seltzer Boys for their kosher food donations.
Public Programs 2014
Plaid, Baroque and Klezmer:
A Jewish Musical Odyssey
March 2
Triangle Fire: A Musical Tribute
with Lisa Gutkin, Pete Rushefsky
and Rémy Yulzari
March 23
D’Var Shira: Music Meets Text at the
Red Sea, Concert and Spoken Word
March 26
Klezmer Travels the World
with the David Glukh Ensemble
May 18
CD Release Concert:
Paul Shapiro’s Shofarot Verses
June 19
Rebetica Greek Music
August 13
The Brothers Nazaroff
September 4
Jewish Baroque Music with
the Concertino New York
Chamber Ensemble
September 21
CD Release Concert: Azafea—
A Spanish Odyssey with
Remy Yulzari and Nadav Lev
October 14
The Singing Table:
Hasidic Songs, Stories and Nosh
October 26
Klezmer Jewels with 12th Night Klezmer
November 23
CD Release Concert:
Metropolitan Klezmer
December 15
CD Release Concert: Yiddish Art Trio
December 21
Martin Luther King Day Family Special
January 20
Lights! Colors! Shadows?
A Ground Hog Day Scavenger Hunt
February 2
Heroes, Villains and Hamentaschen
March 9
Chocolate Plagues & Matzo Madness?
April 6
Go Out and Play! Old Time Games
May 18
All of a Kind Family Walking Tour
July 13
Restoration Exploration
August 10
Chocolate Meltdown
September 21
Incredible Edible Sukkah
October 5
All of a Kind Family Walking Tour
October 19
Election Day Bingo!
November 4
The Great Turkey Scavenger Hunt
November 23
When Mindy Saved Hanukkah
Treasure Hunt
December 14
Klez for Kids with Klezmerfest
December 25
WinterGreen Festival:
A Tu B’Shvat Celebration
January 12
Rugelach Making Workshop
January 14 and February 19
Love & Courtship:
Lower East Side Walking Tour
February 16
Making it New: Contemporary Novelists
and the Jewish Literary Tradition
March 9
Old Recipes for a New Generation
March 10
Passover Nosh & Stroll
April 6
Lower East Side Walking Tour
April 17
Matzo and Macaroons Synagogue Tours
April 17, 18, 20
My Father’s War Book Party
with Alisse Waterston
April 27
Walls and Words: Exhibition
Featuring Artwork by Wallace Berman,
Kon Trubkovich and Tony Lewis
May 6–16
Yiddishe Mamas Mother’s Day
Walking Tour
May 11
Sacred Sites Open House
May 18
Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Festival
June 8
Visitor Center Opening
June 12
World of Our Zaydes Father’s Day
Walking Tour
June 15
Book Launch: New York City
in the Gilded Age with Esther Crain
June 18
Book Launch:
The Acrobat: Selected Poems
of Celia Dropkin
July 16
Lower East Side Walking Tour
July 20, August 17
Love and Courtship Walking Tour
August 10
Screening: All This Has Come Upon Us
with artist Mark Podwal
October 7
Open House New York
October 12
Book Launch: A Question of Tradition:
Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987,
with Kathryn Hallerstein
October 21
People of the Book: A Monthly Book
Club with Dr. Regina Stein
February 3–May 5 (4 sessions)
War and Peace: From the Bible to
Modern Israel with Dr. Regina Stein
March 4–May 6 (8 sessions)
Parashat Hashavuah: Ancient Custom,
New Twist with Dr. Regina Stein
January 9–May 29 (20 sessions)
Ethnicity, Place and Time on the
Lower East Side with Barry Feldman
April 30–May 21 (4 sessions)
Modernity and the Bible
with Dr. Regina Stein
October 21–December 9 (8 sessions)
The Many Faces of the Torah
with Dr. Regina Stein
October 23–December 18 (8 sessions)
Immigrant Communities on the
Lower East Side with Barry Feldman
October 22–November 19 (5 sessions)
Memoir Writing Workshop
with Dr. Hanna Griff-Sleven
November 17–December 8 (4 sessions)
2014 Groups and Visitors
Adat Shalom
Adath Emanu-El
Adath Israel
Bet Torah
Beth El
Beth Emet
Beth Shalom
B’nai Israel
Central Synagogue
Chai Center for Jewish Life
Community Synagogue from Monsey
Congregation Agudas Achim
Congregation Ahavath Sholom
Congregation Beth Or
Congregation Beth Shalom
Congregation B’nai Shalom
Congregation B’nai Tzedek
Congregation Kol Tikvah
Congregation Sons of Israel
Congregation Temple Sinai
Greenwich Reform Synagogue
Kehila Chadassah &
Buber Youth Community
Lakeside Synagogue
Ohab Zedek
Port Washington Temple Youth
at The Community Synagogue
Radlett Reform Synagogue
Rodeph Sholom
Sandi Kupperman Learning Center—
Temple Beth El
Shaaray Tefila
Sinai Free Synagogue
Summit Jewish Community Center
Temple Avodat Shalom
Temple Berith Sholom
Temple Beth Ahm
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Temple Beth Am
Temple Beth David
Temple Beth Israel
Temple Beth Shalom
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Tikvah
Temple Beth Torah
Temple Chayai Shalom
Temple Emanuel
Temple Emanu-El of Closter
Temple Israel of Northern Westchester
Temple Judea of Bucks County
Temple Ner Tamid
Temple Shalom
Temple Sinai of Roslyn
The Santa Monica Synagogue
Town and Village Synagogue
United Synagogue of
Hoboken Learning Center
West London Synagogue
Westchester Reform Temple
Anchor Lutheran School
Bais Frima High School
Bais Yaacov of Passaic
Bais Yaakov D’Gur High School
Bank Street School for Children
Beit Rabban Day School
Berkeley Carroll
Berner Middle School
British International School
of New York
Capitol Hill Day School
Carney High School
Curious Kids
DePaul High School
Dwight School
Earth School
Eastern Middle School
Faith House Manhattan
Friends Seminary
Golda Meir School
Greene Hill School
Growing up Green Charter School
Hebrew Academy of
the Five Towsn and Riverdale
International High School
at LaGuardia Community College
Kadima Day School
Leo Baeck North Campus
Levine Academy
MacDuffie School
Manhattan Country School
Montessori Middle School of Kentucky
Pleasant Grove High School
PS 1
PS 2
PS 19
PS 20
PS 25
PS 42
PS 87
PS 94 – The Spectrum School
PS 102
PS 107Q
PS 110
PS 124
PS 134
PS 137
PS 140
PS 212
PS 361—The Childrens Workshop School
PS 397 Spruce Street School
Queens Metro High School
Ridgewood High School
River Valley High School
Rodeph Sholom School
School for Creative Judaism
Shulamith High School for Girls
Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan
SSDS Greater Hartford
Stuyvesant High School
Susanna E. Heiman Religious School
of Temple B’nai Torah
Tanenbaum CHAT
Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School
Temple Emanu-El Religious School
The Agnes Irwin School
The Brooklyn Latin School
The Town School
Torah Academy of Bergen County
Trevor Day
United Jewish School
Yeshiva Bais Mikroh
Brookdale Community College
Columbia University Institute for the
Study of Human Rights/
Alliance for Historical Dialogue
and Accountability Program
College of Staten Island, CUNY
Corpus Christi College
Eastern Michigan University
LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Macaulay Honors College, CUNY
New York Community College
New York University
Nyack College
Pace University
Pratt Institute
Princeton University Language Project
Queens College—College Now Program
Rutgers University
Touro College
University of Cincinnati
University of Delaware
Yeshiva University
Kate Milford
92nd Street Y
Bernard Betel Centre
Big Apple Lansmann Tours
Bloomingdale Aging In Place
Camp Judea
Central Queens Y
Cuisine Arts LLC
Darkhei Noam
DC 37
Digital Photo Academy
Educational Alliance
Explore New York
Guides Association of New York City
Gilder Lehrman Institute
of American History
Greenwich Village Society
for Historic Preservation
HANAC Ravenswood Senior Center
HASC—The Hebrew Academy
for Special Children
Henry Street Settlement—
Personalized Recovery
Orientated Services
High Mountain Institute Alumni
IOPE—EAST/Go West Tours
JASA—Trump 4 Us
JASA Club 76
JASA Dreiser Senior Center
JCC of Middlesex County
Jewish Family & Children’s Service
of Greater Philadelphia
Jewish Historical Society
of Central Jersey
Jewish Journey Project
Ken Jewish Community Center
Kineret Youth Program
Lions of Judah—UJA Federation
Little Star of Broome Street
Early Childcare Center
Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy
Manhattan Multicultural
Summer Youth Program
MC Productions
Middle Village Adult Center
Moishe House
NYC & Co
Pathways to Graduation
Port Washington Public Library
Raritan Photographic Society
Ray’s Food and Walking Tours
RM Tours
Sandy Pensak Book Club
Self Help Community Services, Inc.
Shalom Brooklyn
Strategic Hebrew
SWAN—Shuang Wen Academy Network
The Flow of History
The Upper Class
Tomorrows Tours
Tours By Design/West Hartford CT
Continuing Education
UFTWF—United Federation
of Teachers Retiree Program
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Village of East Hills
Senior Activities Committee
Walks of New York
Westchester JCC—
Global Jewish Connections
Westchester Senior Group
Yiddish Book Center
Center for Jewish History—
Junior Scholars Program
Jewish Children’s Museum
Long Island Museum
Museum of Chinese in America
Museum of Jewish Heritage
New York Transit Museum
The Rubin Museum
The Tenement Museum
“Central to the Museum’s mission
is a deep respect for those who have contributed
to America’s culture and heritage.”
—Bonnie Dimun, Executive Director
2014 Gala
photos: Leo Sorel
Jonathan Mechanic, Michael Weinstein, Walt “Clyde” Frazier, Art Shamsky, Ira Berkow, Mariano Rivera, Arlene Goldfarb, Bonnie Dimun
Above: Bonnie Dimun, Walt “Clyde” Frazier
Steven Walsey, Mallory and Elliot Silverstein, Helene Walsey, Romy Silverstein
Jacquelyn Silver, Rhonda Silver, Bob Silver, Debby Klein Batelli, Anne Math
Leading figures from New York City’s business, philanthropic
and sports communities supported the Museum at Eldridge
Street at a gala honoring “Champions of the Spirit” Mariano
Rivera, Walt “Clyde” Frazier, and Art Shamsky, and Pulitzer
Prize-winning sports writer Ira Berkow. The gala took place
on November 3, 2014 at Gotham Hall in New York City, and
included cocktails, dinner and a live and silent auction.
“Central to the Museum’s mission is a deep respect for those
who have contributed to America’s culture and heritage,” said
Museum at Eldridge Street’s Executive Director Bonnie
Dimun.” Our landmark site, the Eldridge Street Synagogue,
stands as a testament to the countless immigrants to
America and the values that they hold dear: respect for
community, religious freedom, and the opportunity to build
better lives for their children and their children’s children.
Our honorees this year serve as models for all Americans.
Their deep commitment to education, to religious freedom,
to philanthropy, and their accomplishments, professionalism
and brilliance on and off the field inspire us all.” The
Museums gala raised $450,000 for our educational and
cultural activities.
Millen Magese, Bonnie Dimun, Walt “Clyde” Frazier,
Michael Weinstein
Abby and Valerie Doneger, Mariano Rivera, Arlene and Morris Goldfarb
From Eva Brune, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Judith Zabar
Preserving and sharing Jewish heritage is at the heart of
the Museum at Eldridge Street’s mission. We’d like to thank
our more than 1,900 donors in 2014 for their $1,164,871 in
gifts which make possible the Museum’s myriad cultural
and educational programs. Of this amount, $96,343 was
contributed by first-time donors to the Museum in 2014:
welcome and thank you!
Ester Fuchs and Daniel Victor
Lori Moore, Jeffrey Wilks, Amy Stein-Milford
Matthew Ezersky, Walt “Clyde” Frazier, Lorinda Ash
Inger and Mark Mirsky
Contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations,
and government sources represent more than 83% of the
Museum’s income. We are grateful to all of our donors for
their commitment to sharing American-Jewish heritage,
maintaining the Museum at Eldridge Street as a site that
examines Jewish life, culture, art, history and literature.
As author Sally Berkovic noted poignantly in a recent article,
“Caring for a synagogue…requires manpower and funds.
A synagogue is known as a Beit Knesset—a house of
gathering for the community—but if there is no community,
then who is it for?” With the support of all of our donors,
the Museum at Eldridge Street is alive with community and
the Eldridge Street Synagogue is a beacon for Jews and
those interested in Jewish heritage.
Each year, the Museum at Eldridge Street hosts a major
fundraising event celebrating a year of accomplishment and
success. Special thanks to thank Gala Co-Chairs Michael
Weinstein and Judy and Stanley Zabar, and the entire Board
of Directors for their leadership in raising $450,000 through
this event in 2014.
We pay respects to long-time donors Miriam Jacobs and Freda R. Resnik, who
each made bequests to the Museum in 2014 as part of our 1887 Society
program. To date, the 1887 Society has received 20 bequests totaling $563,467.
For a complete listing of estate gifts, please see the Donations Page at the end
of this Annual Report.
Roberta Brandes Gratz, Rebecca Gratz
and Steven Sitrin
photos: Leo Sorel
Bonnie Dimun, Ira Berkow,
Steve Greenberg
Jan Jalenak, Marilyn Fleming, Etty Moyal, Suzy Boshwit, Barry Wine
Especially, we would like to thank a major Anonymous donor, The David Berg
Foundation, Epstein Teicher Philanthropies, The Morris and Arlene Goldfarb
Family Foundation, Aaron and Marion Gural Foundation, The Marc Haas
Foundation, The Hyde and Watson Foundation, Blanche and Irving Laurie
Foundation, The Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc., The Lucius N. Littauer
Foundation, Inc., The Leo Rosner Foundation, The Silver Family Foundation,
Valley National Bank, The Weinstein Foundation, and Judy and Stanley Zabar
for their 2014 leadership gifts.
Thank you for your support. To join this community of committed donors,
please contact 212.219.0888 x202 or [email protected].
Anna Shneyderman
Gifts of $25,000–$49,999
The David Berg Foundation, Inc.
Bonnie and Tony Dimun
The Morris and Arlene Goldfarb
Family Foundation
Paula and Jeffrey Gural/
Aaron and Marion Gural Foundation
City of New York Department of Cultural
Affairs in partnership with the New York
City Council/The Honorable Margaret Chin
The Silver Family Foundation
Helene and Steven Walsey
Gifts of $10,000–$24,999
Suzy B. Boshwit
Feil Family Foundation
Jonathan Mechanic/
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc.
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation
Lori and David Moore Family
National Endowment for the Arts
Diane Rosenstein and Paul H. Rich
Leo Rosner Foundation
Stainman Family Foundation Inc.
Untitled, LP
Lise and Jeffrey Wilks Family Foundation
Arnaud Barey
Gifts of $50,000 and over
The Marc Haas Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc.
New York State Council on the Arts with
the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo
and the New York State Legislature
Michael Weinstein/The Weinstein Foundation
Teresa Register
Gifts of $5,000–$9,999
Lorinda Ash
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Sarah and Tal Michael Chitayat
Elias A. Cohen Foundation, Inc.
William and Dewey Edelman Charitable Trust
The Edouard Foundation, Inc.
Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg
Family Foundation
Epstein Teicher Philanthropies
Roberta Brandes Gratz
HUB International Northeast
Samuel and Anna Jacobs Foundation, Inc.
Peter Lee
Eve and Stephen Milstein
NYC & Company Foundation, Inc.
Lonnie and Thomas Schwartz
Charitable Foundation
Spielman Family Foundation
Jane and Frances Stein Foundation
Valley National Bank
Vornado Realty Trust/David Greenbaum
Judith and Stanley Zabar
Gifts of $1,000–$4,999
Nanci and Sammy Aaron
Pamela and Richard Ader
Bergman Family Fund
Edward Blank
The Ernest Bogen Philanthropic Fund
Ira Breite
Melva Venezky Bucksbaum
and Raymond Learsy
Eric Cohler
The Crystal Family Foundation
Ide and David Dangoor
Paula and Brian Daniels
Valerie and Abbey Doneger/
Henry Doneger Associates, Inc.
Claudia and Sheldon Hirshon
Sally and Roger Hoffman
J.E. Jones
The Kandell Fund
Alyce and Steven Kaplan
Edwin A. Margolius
Nina Mogilnik
Lawrence Orenstein
Susan and Alan J. Patricof
Randy Polumbo
Marleen Meyers and
Stanley Rogovin
Martin and Florence Rothman
Donor Advised Fund
David L. Schiff
Ira Schulman
The Peter Daniel Seligman
Debra and Gary M. Soffer
Karen Freedman and
Roger Weisberg
Norman I. Weisman
David Wroclawski
Nora and Barry Yood
The Sarah and Harold Zalesch
Fund, Inc.
Sherry Jacobson and
Eugene L. Zuriff
Neil O. Lawner
The Fertel Foundation
Anna and Nathan Flax
Foundation, Inc.
Ester Fuchs and Daniel Victor
Hana L. Fuchs
Naomi Gat
Gary Gershfield
Lyla and Howard Glener
Ellen and Neil Gold
Jennifer F. and Alan S. Goldfarb
Alyssa and Cliff Greenberg
Myrna and Steven D. Greenberg
Jeffrey A. Grossman
Stella and Charles Guttman
Foundation, Inc.
Sandra and Leonard Haiken
Marc Heller/CIT Trade Finance
Becky and Ike Herschkopf
Peter and Stacy Hochfelder
Charitable Foundation
Nathaniel Jacobson
Jewish Community
Youth Foundation
The Katcher Family Foundation
Philip W. Kirsh
Eugene M. Lang
Marcia and Neil Lawner
Dalia and Laurence C. Leeds, Jr.
Leslie and Jim Levy
The Samuel M. Levy
Family Foundation
Robin and Jay L. Lewis
The Malkin Fund, Inc.
The Honorable Gale Brewer/
Manhattan Borough
President’s Office
Steven and Toby Mayer
Charity Fund
Jay Mazur/21st Century ILGWU
Heritage Fund
Lisa and Wayne S. Miller/
G-III Apparel Group
Y.H. Mirzoeff & Sons
Foundation Inc.
National Trust Insurance Services
New York City Department for
the Aging/The Honorable
Donna M. Corrado
Maria and Michael Osheowitz
Maria and Vincent Pascal
Elliott C. Rosch
Philip J. Rosenthal/
Global Coverage, Inc.
Barbara and John Samuelson
Jackie and David Schiro
Jacqueline Schnabel
Harshad Shah/
Leyland Group LLC
Caroline Sheinbaum
Donna and Barry Slotnick
Ashley Steinhart/
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
Laurie and Sy Sternberg
Stoller Family Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
Sun Hill Foundation
Lola and Leonard Tanzer
Judy and Warren Tenney
Michael Tuch Foundation, Inc.
The Eli and Arlene Wachtel
Charitable Foundation
Sharon and Joel Waller
Karen and Rick White
Linda Filer and Bradford Wiley II
Shimon Wolf/Wolf Maryles
& Associates LLC
Ray Kurdziel and Howard Zar
Beth and Scott Zucker
Gifts of $500 and over
Barbra and Frank Arnold
Rene Bloch Foundation
Roberta and Stanley M. Bogen
Irwin A. Cantor Family Fund
Lisa B. and Edmund Cohen
Martin Elias
Donald B. Epstein
David A. Feldman
Glendale Foundation, Inc.
The Goodman Family
Charitable Fund
Sylvia G. Gordon
Anita W. Graber
Jay Bruno and William F. Gratz
Jill and Hank Grishman
Gifts of $250 and over
Hirschel B. Abelson
Anonymous (2)
Joel Barish
Susan and Bruce Berger
Cynthia C. Wainwright
and Stephen Berger
Roberta Berken
Tami and Mark Berman
Catherine Cahill and
William Bernhard
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Berni
Debra and Peter B. Berry
Louis H. Blumengarten
Jenny Carchman and
Seth Bomse
Bobbi and Barry Coller
Raymond Connors
Joan K. Davidson
Essig Enright Family Foundation
Clarice Feinman
Gloria and Stan Fishfader
Vicki Fleisher
The Anne and Gerald Freedman
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Deborah S. Freedman
Gifts of $100 and over
Elie Abemayor
Amy B. Abrahams
Carole and Israel Abramcyk
Arthur S. Abramson
Mindy Lang and Ken Andrusko
Ken Marks/Ann Service
Anonymous (3)
The David Aronow
Foundation Inc.
Roberta Ashkin
Susan and Eric Baelen
Norma and Paul G. Barash
Anita and William Baron
Stanley L. Barrish
Nan Bases
Sandy Beck
Carol and Terry Becker
Carole Behrman
Janine Beichman
Martin M. Bell
Marilyn Belous
Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Rosalie and Larry Berman
Michael Berman
Murray Berman
Lori Zeltser and
Leonard Berman
Arleen Levine Bernstein
and David Bernstein
Gladys B. Bernstein
Frances and Myron Berrick
Debra Berry
Marc E. Berson
Stephen Bigman
Karen and Leslie Blacksburg
Joan and Charles Blanksteen
Joan and David Blitz
Erika Bloomfield
Lois D. Blumenfeld
Bruce Bolter
Amy Boorstein
William S. Boorstein
Harriet Boxer
Tammy Brainin
Norma and Melvin Breite
Betsy Broder
Elaine and Michael Broida
Fran Brooks
Brout Family Fund
Phyllis E. and Irwin L. Browarsky
Barbara Brown
Sandy and Allen Brune
Andrea Burger
David Burgin
Nancy Burstein
Andrew Byrne
Joshua R. Cammaker
Erin Cantor
Jules Chametzky
Jackie Chan-Brown
Bette Cohen
Ruth and Edward Collier
Norah Colton
Barbara Bell Cook
Jeffrey Cosiol
Eileen and Howard Cotton
Esther E. Crain
Barbara and Frederick Cronin
Linda and Teo Dagi
Jessica and Andrew P. Davis
Charles Dimston
Ira Donewitz
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Martin Dvorkin
Barry, Hilit, Tillirose, and
August Edelstein
Howard S. Edelstein
Henry L. Ehrlich
Natalie and Michael Eigen
David Eisenberg
Ann and Howard M. Eisenstodt
Peg Emple
Howard G. Epstein
Asher Etkin
Sharon and Michael Falcone
Georgia Feingold
Edith Gross and Yoseph Feit
Howard Feldman
Alan Ferster
Robert E. Fidoten
Hilda and David Fins
Sheila Fishman
Sander A. Flaum Charitable Trust
Marilyn Fleming
The Forest Family
Foundation, Inc.
Charles A. Forma
Jane Frank
Edith and Sol Freedman
Joe-Tom Easley and
Peter Freiberg
Lisa Friedlander
Ephraim Garber
Sarah A. Gelber
Rabbi David Gelfand/
Temple Israel of NYC
Martin R. Geller
Laura Gerchik
Adelle Gersten
The Honorable
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Randy Globus
Monica Gold
Stacey and Jeff Goldfarb
Arlene Goldman
Lucy Goldman Fund of the JCF
Rachel Goldman
Linda J. and Richard A. Goldstein
Stuart Goldstein
Gilbert Gordon
Paul Gordon
Paul Gordoy
Gail P. and Edward G. Green
Paul Greenberg
The Burton G. and Anne C.
Greenblatt Foundation, Inc.
Ira J. Greenblatt
Dena and Abraham Greenstein
Laurel and Steven Griff
Melanie H. Grisham
Barbara Grodd
Doris Ruth and Alan Groh
Paul L. Gross
Mark A. Grossbard
Philip J. Hahn Foundation
The Hammerman
Charitable Trust
Sarah and Joel L. Handelman
David J. Hellerstein
Dave Henig
The Herman Family
Eugene Gannon
Maralyn Friedman
Phyllis H. and
Seymour Gartenberg
GE Foundation
Michael Giordano/
Paper Enterprises
The Jane and Lawrence Gould
Charitable Fund
Susan Steinhauser and
Daniel Greenberg
Judy and Stuart Hershon
David Himelberg Foundation
Judy D. and Zachary I. Hodes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horowitz
Janice and Lewis Kampel
Nora and Steven Kandel
Sivia Kaye Charitable Gift Fund
Penny M. and David J. Klein
William Klein
Joann and Robert Todd Lang
Ann and Melvin J. Levy
Tina Lubin
Cabot Marks
Joanna Mastroianni
Faith Menken
Matthew and Amy Stein Milford
Nina Allyn Moinester
Laurence J. Murphy
Saul Raw
Sheila and Lester Robbins
Philanthropic Fund
Melvin K. Roseman
Murray Rosen
Sheri and James Rosenfeld
Bonnie and Mordechai Rozanski
Esther Samet
Susan and Norman Schulman
Esther Esh Sternberg Foundation
Alisse Waterston
Dr. Harold S. Yood
The Gellin Zalaznick
Foundation Inc.
Nitai Klein
Ralph Hillman
Shelly Hirsch
Bernice and Jack S. Hoffinger
Hollander Foundation
Allan A. Horland
Paula and Kenneth Horn
Allisse Waterston and
Howard Horowitz
Robert Vincent Huber
Mrs. Taube Import
Rose and Michael Jacobsohn
Cara and Leonard Kagan
Frances A. and Kenneth M. Kahn
Bernard Kalb
Barbara and Steven Kantor
Rita and Henry Kaplan
Karasik Family Fund of the JCF
Barbara S. Karlin
Stanley Katz
Alyce H. Kaufman
Robert A. Kavesh
Betty and Howard Kerpen
Marc Klapholz
Carol Klein
Patti and Harvey Klein
Roberta and Melvyn Klein
Patricia Klemz
Lynn and Morris Kletzkin
Janet T. Klion
Vivian and Stuart Koenig
Ella Kohn
Carol and Elliott Kominsky
Sevilla and Aaron H. Kommel
Judith and Martin Konikoff
Eli Kopelman
Marc Korashan
Claire and Richard Korn
Roberta Koza
Benjamin Kracauer/Archimuse
Barbara and Seymour Krasner
Alan C. Krieger
Carol H. and Robert D. Krinsky
Naomi and Paul Kronish
David F. Kuck
Jonathan Myles Kushner
Ruth Laibson
Berton M. Lapidus
Linda and Sherwin Lener
Sondra S. and Stanley A. Leon
Donald Levin
Linda Levitt
The Lorber Foundation
Fern and Lew Lowenfels
Bonnie and Lloyd Lowinger
Renee Luebke
Morris Mansfield
Claire and Edward Margolies
Jacob Margolies
Lori Zabar and Mark Mariscal
Bernard Martin
Silvia Marx
Anne and Stephen Math
Rita and Robert Matthews
Richard E. McGrath
Carole and David Metzger
Timothy L. Michel
Paula Michtom
Susan and Allan Miller
Jennie Parnes Miller
Sandra Milles
Inger and Mark Mirsky
Maxine L. Myers
Ruth Nadel
Anne and Victor S. Navasky
Susan Negro
Winifred G. and Gustave Newman
Steven A. Okin
Philip Oppenheimer
Harry Otterman
Sylvia Parnes
Michael Paston
Joan Lee and Richard Perfit
Cheryl and Lloyd Pine
Ros and Michael Plosker
Steven Pollack
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Pollen
Lauren K. Popkoff
Sidney Lee Posel
Betsy Posner
Susan and Gerald Post
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
LaVerne L. Prager
Rabbi Marshal and Laurie Press
Preston Family Trust
Cynthia Rawitch
Elizabeth and Eugene Renkin
Fred M. Richman
Stephen L. Richmond
Gail R. Gremse and David S. Rose
Kelly A. Rosen
Gay Rosenberg
Leona Z. Rosenberg
Barbara Minakakis and
Marian Rosenberg
Monroe H. Rosner
Lori L. Cohen and
Christopher H. Rothko
Martha and John M. Rozett
Jill Sacks
Greer Rivlin Saltzman
Jane and Martin Salwen
Jill W. and Lawrence Sandberg
Nicholas Santora
Michael Sarver
Charlotte Barnard and
Robert Sawyer
Howard Schain
Annette Sally Schecter
Eugene Schiller
Gloria, Dorothy and
David Schulberg
Helen Schulberg
Jeffrey Schulberg
Harvey Schulman
Harvey Schussler
Rise Schwab
Daniel Schwartz
Elliot Schwartz
Ethan, Julie Bookbinder,
and Jon Schwartz
Hermine M. Seidenberg
Jay W. Seligman
Teresa Taylor and Art Shamsky
Lina Ann Shane
Nancy Rubenstein and
Robert Y. Shapiro
Michael L. and
Vivien Brodkin Shelanski
Mr. and Mrs. Dror D. Shnayer
Rhonda and David Siegel
Sharon and Jeffrey R. Silver
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Silver
Vivian and Meyer Silver
Elliot Silverstein
Allen J. Simonson
Susan and Gary Singer
Barrett N. Sinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siskin
Tzvi Sitzer
Douglas A. Skolnick
Stella Skura
Hanna Griff Sleven
and Paul Sleven
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J. Small
Mardi and David T. Smith
Joannie C. and James C. Smith
Willard J. Smith
SO Charitable Trust
Carol and Steven Sokol
Laurence T. Sorkin
Katherine Sperling
Allla Spiegel
Henry M. Spinelli
Dr. and Mrs. Morton E. Spitzer
Regina Stein
Sharon L. Stein
Melvin A. Stein
Sylvia and David Steiner
Charitable Trust
Gary Steinkohl
Sandy L. Stern
William H. Strange
Marilyn and Alan Tannenbaum
Ziv Tavor
Susan W. Tofias
Deborah S. and Michael Troner
Paul Tuchman
Tuchman, Korngold, Weiss,
Lippman & Gelles
Ruth and Stuart Turner
Marcia F. and Richard S. Volpert
Eileen Wilk Walsh
Marian M. Warden Fund
Ira Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wasserman
Beth Berman Wechsler
Beverly Weinstein
Max Weintraub
Elaine and Robert D. Weiss
Amy and Robert J. Weller
Penny and Ted Williams
David A. and Shoshanna
Wingate Foundation
Lewis Wirshba
Janine B. Yamamoto
Martin Zeiger
Meyer Zinn
Heddy J. Zirin
Penni S. Zola
1887 Society
Estate of Leona K. Adler
Estate of Lucie Blau
Estate of David J. Fox
Estate of Rose Freeman
Estate of Blanche K. Goldberg
Estate of Fanny Goldfarb
Estate of Samuel N. Goldstein
Estate of Peryl Gottesman
Julius W. Graber Memorial Fund
Estate of Lillian Gross
Estate of Stella Freeman Harmon
Estate of Miriam Jacobs
Estate of Louis Katzowitz
Estate of Emma Landau
Estate of Elaine Lowell/
Lowell Trust
Estate of Selma Merkin
Estate of Harriet Messinger
Estate of Beatrice Palestin
Estate of Freda R. Resnik
Estate of Ada Rovinsky
Estate of Matilda Gross Scheiner
Estate of Meyer Smolen
Estate of Elvira and Herbert Weller
Estate of Zelda W. Werner
Estate of Alexander Wincberg
Public Support
The Honorable Margaret Chin/
New York City Council
Institute for Museum and
Library Services
The Honorable Scott Stringer/
Manhattan Borough
President’s Office
National Endowment for the Arts
New York City Department
for the Aging
New York City Department of
Cultural Affairs in partnership
with the New York City Council
New York State Council on the
Arts with the support of
Governor Andrew Cuomo and
the New York State Legislature
New York State Assembly/
The Honorable Sheldon Silver
New York State Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic
How You
Can Help
Kate Milford
Erika Parry
Your tax-deductible contribution supports the care and
maintenance of the Eldridge Street Synagogue, a National
Historic Landmark, and cultural and educational programs
for people of all backgrounds. Special opportunities include
gifts to honor or memorialize loved ones, our Glass Block
Dedication Tribute Wall permanent naming opportunities,
and our 1887 Society planned giving program.
Learn more: 212.219.0888 x202
or email [email protected]
Become a docent and share the story of our landmark building
with people from around the world. Join our student internship
program and be a part of the day-to-day operations of one of
New York City’s leading Jewish museums.
Learn more: 212.219.0302 x5
or email [email protected]
Celebrate your lifecycle event, family reunion or important
occasion at our magnificent National Historic Landmark.
Learn more: 212.219.0888 x204
or email [email protected]
Bring your friends, family, colleagues and out-of-town visitors.
Recommend a group visit to your house of worship, club,
community center or school.
Learn more: 212.219.0302 x5
or email [email protected]
Neil O. Lawner
Michael Weinstein, Chairman
Bonnie Dimun, Executive Director
Lorinda Ash, President
Amy Stein-Milford, Deputy Director
Kenneth L. Stein, Vice President
Eva Bruné, Vice President
for Institutional Advancement
Roberta Berken
Master Docent
Harriet Benjamin
Mara Bernstein
Melvyn Birnbaum
Bette Cohen
Clarice Feinman
Barry Feldman
Jane Frank
Naomi Gat
Lyla Glener
Rochelle Goldstein
Gil Gordon
Anita Graber
Barbara Greenberg
Lee Greenberg
Anna Hessa
Barbara Horn
Leah Horowitz
Jan Kampel
Herb Kass
Linda Katz
Sandra Kleinhandler
Jenna Kronenberg
Roberta Koza
Patti Myers
Liz Offenbach
Seth Offenbach
Gitty Prus
Paul Rich, Treasurer
Mark Mirsk, Secretary
Roberta Brandes Gratz, Founder
and President Emeritus
Lisa M. Africk
Suzy Boshwit
Mildred Caplow*
Eric Cohler
Ester R. Fuchs
Arlene Goldfarb
Jeffrey R. Gural
Arthur Korant
Jonathan L. Mechanic
David Moore
Richard Rabinowitz
Rhonda Silver
David Sitzer
Michele Cohn Tocci
Tai Chin Tung
Steven Walsey
Jeffrey S. Wilks
Howard Zar
Hanna Griff-Sleven
Director of Cultural Programs
and Internships
Judy Greenspan
Director of Education
Nancy Johnson, Archivist
Rachel Serkin
Education Associate
Sharon Stein
Visitor Services Associate
Walter Hernandez
Building Maintenance
Oscar Perez, Building Manager
Taylor Baker
Brandeis University
Alexandra Bonds
Meredith Carroll
Grinnell College
Rebecca Galpern
Baruch College
Luna Goldberg
Hampshire College
Sarah Hong
Eugene Lang College/
The New School
Anna Shneyderman
Eugene Lang College/
The New School
Ellie Schwartz
Yeshiva University
Laszlo Regos
Courtney Byrne-Mitchell
Director of Visitor Services
Shelley Rones
Joan Rosenblatt
Janis Ruden
Amy Salant
Erynn Sarno
Mitchell Schecter
Joyce Shenker
David Silver
Maxine Simson
Susan Slater
Esta Stein
Miryam Wasserman
Sylvia Weiner
Zoe Yates
Barry Yood
Henry Zimring
Erika Parry
The Museum at Eldridge Street, a non-sectarian cultural organization in Lower Manhattan, is preserving and interpreting the historic
1887 Eldridge Street Synagogue, a magnificent National Historic Landmark that re-opened in December 2007 after an extensive,
$20 million restoration. Since then, more than 260,000 people from around the world have participated in tours, cultural events,
exhibits and educational programs that present the history and heritage of this historic house of worship and the Jewish immigrant
community of the Lower East Side.