Final Program ASTRO 55TH ANNUAL MEETING Meeting Dates: September 22-25, 2013 • Exhibit Dates: September 22-24, 2013 • Georgia World Congress Center • Atlanta PATIENTS Hope • Guide • Heal Download ASTROmobile The official meeting app. See 17 page for details. ANNUAL MEE TING S C I E N C E B A S E D, PAT I E N T D R I V E N #ASTRO13 ROOM SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Medical centers that never considered proton therapy accessible are now installing single-room configurations of the MEVION S250™ system. Thanks to a radically smaller footprint, lower capital outlay, reduced operating costs, and complete system integration, advanced proton therapy is now available at the press of a button. Welcome to the world of High Energy Cancer Care™... for everyone. Visit us at ASTRO 2013 Booth #1253 LAD130401 Final Program ASTRO 55TH ANNUAL MEETING Meeting Dates: September 22-25, 2013 • Exhibit Dates: September 22-24, 2013 • Georgia World Congress Center • Atlanta PATIENTS Hope • Guide • Heal Download ASTROmobile The official meeting app. See 17 page for details. HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS (ASRT) ANNUAL MEE TING S C I E N C E B A S E D, PAT I E N T D R I V E N ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENTS IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY (ARRO) SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY ADMINISTRATORS (SROA) #ASTRO13 Welcome TO THE 55TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY “Patients: Hope, Guide, Heal” Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, I would like to welcome you to ASTRO’s 55th Annual Meeting. We have developed an exciting program that will provide many opportunities for exchanging scientific information as well as professional networking. The theme this year is “Patients: Hope, Guide, Heal.” Given all of the changes we are facing in health care, I feel that it is extremely important to keep our focus on our patients and the best care we can provide them. With this in mind, the Annual Meeting will provide an array of education on safety, multidisciplinary care, reimbursement, technology assessments and the importance of registries. The Annual Meeting program begins with the Presidential Symposium, “Prostate Cancer: Patient Focused Advances,” on Sunday. Moderated by Deborah A. Kuban, MD, FASTRO, and Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO, the symposium will focus on controversial and cutting-edge issues with a patient-centered view. On Sunday afternoon, guest lecturer Jeff A. Sloan, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., will help us better comprehend the impact of patient-reported outcomes on our ability to improve patient care. Our keynote speakers, Darrell G. Kirch, MD, Otis W. Brawley, MD, and Peter Friedl, MD, PhD, will continue the focus on patients and help push us to better patient care (see page 45 for more details). The Annual Meeting Scientific Committee chairman and vice-chairman Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, and Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, and the Annual Meeting Education Committee chairman and vice-chairman Andrea Ng, MD, and Catherine Park, MD, have put together a fabulous program with 19 panel discussions, 50 educational sessions, 363 oral presentations, 1,460 poster presentations and 144 digital posters in 19 disease site tracks. I invite you to join me in congratulating the 2013 Gold Medalists, Honorary Member and ASTRO Fellows during the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. in the Thomas Murphy Ballroom. These colleagues have impacted us all through their work, and it is a pleasure to recognize their achievements. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with our industry colleagues, who will display the latest developments and technology in cancer treatment in the Exhibit Hall. I hope the Annual Meeting serves as a positive professional and educational experience, and that you are able to enjoy all of the amenities Atlanta has to offer. Sincerely, Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO President, ASTRO Chairman, Annual Meeting Steering Committee 2 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Table of Contents WELCOME TO THE 55TH ANNUAL MEETING 2 Board of Directors Continuing Medical Education Annual Meeting Committee Members Abstract Reviewers Gold Medal and Honorary Member Recipients Fellow Recipients Awards 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 GENERAL INFORMATION ASTROmobile Industry-Expert Theater Industry Satellite Symposia Shuttle Service Georgia World Congress Center Floor Plans 15 17 21 22 26 29 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS eContouring Learning Lab Live Self-Assessment Module (SAM) Sessions Presidential Symposium Meeting Highlights ARRO Program Young Physicians’ Workshop Nurses’ Program International Program ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) Schedule by Day Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 55 57 68 84 105 POSTER PRESENTATIONS 127 INDEXES By Author By Topic 181 190 EXHIBITOR LISTINGS Exhibitor List Exhibitor List by Product/Service Category Exhibit Hall Floor Plan 203 212 216 41 42 44 45 48 50 51 52 54 Board of Directors 2013 Officers and Board of Directors Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO Chairman Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO President Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO President-elect Phillip M. Devlin, MD Secretary/Treasurer Leonard L. Gunderson, MD, MS, FASTRO Immediate Past Chairman Council Chairmen and Vice-chairmen Carol H. Hahn, MD Clinical Affairs and Quality Council Chairman Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO Clinical Affairs and Quality Council Vice-chairman Laura A. Dawson, MD Education Council Chairman Paul M. Harari, MD, FASTRO Education Council Vice-chairman Bharat B. Mittal, MD, FASTRO Government Relations Council Chairman Geraldine M. Jacobson, MD, MBA, MPA Government Relations Council Vice-chairman Najeeb Mohideen, MD Health Policy Council Chairman Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH Health Policy Council Vice-chairman Jacqueline Patricia Williams, PhD, FASTRO Science Council Chairman Mary K. Martel, PhD, FASTRO Science Council Vice-chairman Laura I. Thevenot Chief Executive Officer 4 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Continuing Medical Education NEEDS STATEMENT Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer deaths worldwide are projected to continue to rise to more than 11 million in 2030. Nearly two-thirds of these patients will receive radiation therapy during their illness – most with the intent to cure the cancer. Advances in the applications, technologies and methodologies of radiation oncology continue to evolve rapidly and the delivery of radiation therapy has become more complex, making it imperative that the radiation oncology professional remain current in state-of-the-art techniques. The American Society for Radiation Oncology is committed to providing educational programming that creates a forum for global collaboration on issues in radiation oncology to improve professional practice by increasing their level of knowledge, as required to improve competency in the field of oncology. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES The scientific program will continue to be the ideal platform to bring together clinicians, scientists and researchers from all of the oncologic disciplines to exchange ideas, promote multidisciplinary care and address the educational and professional development interests of our attendees. Scientific and educational sessions will cover specific clinical areas including breast, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecological, head and neck, lymphoma, musculoskeletal, pediatric, sarcoma and thoracic cancers. Radiation biology and radiation physics concepts will also be explored. The 2013 Annual Meeting will focus on patientreported outcomes and patient-centered care. Patient-reported outcomes have become a clear need in terms of understanding exactly what patients experience both during treatment as well as in follow up and in their survivorship. Physicians are well aware that the traditional clinician-reported outcomes of the past underestimate the challenges that patients experience during their treatment and beyond. Therefore, obtaining the “real results” via patientreported outcomes becomes paramount if we want to provide the best care possible. The focus on patientcentered care is just as important as doctor-patient communication and paramount in helping patients make the best decisions for their care. We will continue to emphasize quality and safety issues in the delivery of radiation therapy in the areas of treatment techniques, equipment, terminology and professional responsibilities. At the conclusion of this activity, the learner will be able to: 1. 2. 3. Evaluate methods to provide multidisciplinary care with a focus on improving patient outcomes. Employ quality and safety measures in the delivery of radiation therapy. Summarize the importance of patient-reported outcomes in improving patient care, and apply lessons learned in his/her own practice. ELEMENTS OF COMPETENCE The Annual Meeting program has been designed to narrow the competency gaps of patient care, professionalism, systems-based practice, patient-centered care, medical knowledge, evidence-based practice, evaluation of performance in practice, interpersonal skills and communication, practice-based learning and improvement, utilization of informatics, work in interdisciplinary teams, quality improvement, professional standing and commitment to lifelong learning, 14 of the 15 core competencies embraced by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the Institute of Medicine. TARGET AUDIENCE The Annual Meeting program is intended for all health professionals in the field of oncology, with particular emphasis on radiation oncologists, radiation oncology residents, radiation biologists, radiation physicists, oncological surgeons, medical dosimetrists, radiation therapists, pathologists and radiation oncology nurses. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION PHYSICIANS The American Society for Radiation Oncology is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CREDIT DESIGNATION ASTRO designates this live activity for a maximum of 35 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. PHYSICISTS This activity has been approved for a maximum of 35 credits by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Program. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 5 DOSIMETRISTS This activity has been approved for 31.5 continuing education credits by the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board. NURSES This activity has been submitted to the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) for approval to award contact hours. ONS is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. PROGRAM EVALUATION PROCESS AND CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS You must be a full-conference or one-day only registrant to receive continuing education credits. To receive continuing education credits, you must submit an evaluation indicating the sessions that you attended. All attendees will be able to complete this evaluation online during the meeting or after the conclusion of the meeting. Keep track of the sessions you attended throughout the meeting to save time in the evaluation process. For questions regarding continuing education credits, please visit the CE Central Booth located off the main lobby, Level B, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Visit the CE Central Booth or Cyber Café to complete your online evaluation form and obtain your certificate. The CE Central Booth is located off the main lobby B, and the Cyber Café is located in the Exhibit Hall. You will need your badge number to complete the evaluation form. Please write your badge number here for future reference: Badge #: _________________________________ Any conflicts of interest are resolved prior to participation. In addition to written disclosure, presenters will disclose any vested interest or their intention to discuss off‐label use of pharmaceuticals or devices, if applicable, to the audience at the beginning of their presentation and in accordance with the ACCME standards and the Food and Drug Administration requirements. In an effort to increase transparency and easy access to all disclosures, ASTRO’s Faculty, Committee and Planner disclosure information will be available online for the 2013 Annual Meeting. Go to the ASTRO Annual Meeting Program Web page In addition, disclosure slides will be shown at the beginning of each session and every presenter is also asked to display their disclosure. Disclosure information will not be printed in paper versions of the meeting materials. DISCLAIMER ASTRO is committed to the free exchange of medical education. Inclusion of any presentation in this program, including presentations of off-label uses, does not imply an endorsement by ASTRO of the uses, products or techniques presented. The information contained in this program is current as of August 26, 2013, and is subject to change. Program changes will be provided in an addendum and posted online. Ann Smith, MD ASTRO Fairfax, VA 123456 Your badge number 6 DISCLOSURE OF VESTED INTEREST ASTRO is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. Since our accreditation is important to us, we plan activities that are compliant with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the content or format of CME activities and related materials will promote improvements or quality in health care and not a specific proprietary business interest or commercial bias. Planning Committee members and speakers are required to disclose the existence of any financial or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) or provider(s) of any commercial services discussed in an educational presentation. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2013 Committee Members 2012-2013 Annual Meeting Steering Committee Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, Chairman Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO, Vice-chairman Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Chairman, Scientific Committee Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Vice-chairman, Scientific Committee Andrea K. Ng, MD, MPH, Chairman, Education Committee Catherine C. Park, MD, Vice-chairman, Education Committee Laura A. Dawson, MD, Chairman, Education Council Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO Theodore L. DeWeese, MD, Chairman, Best of ASTRO Chairman, Scientific Committee 2012-2013 Annual Meeting Scientific Committee Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Chairman Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Vice-chairman * May Abdel-Wahab, MD, PhD Ross A. Abrams, MD, FASTRO * Sanjeev Aggarwal, MD Kaled Alektiar, MD * Elizabeth Baldini, MD, MPH Beth Beadle, MD, PhD Ramesh Bilimagga, MD Kevin A. Camphausen, MD Allen Chen, MD Ronald Chen, MD * Julia Compton, MD Louis S. Constine, MD, FASTRO * Shari Damast, MD * Indra Das, PhD, FASTRO Prajnan Das, MD, MS Roy Decker, MD, PhD Jun Deng, PhD Theodore DeWeese, MD Adam Dicker, MD, PhD * Gary Freedman, MD * Laurie Gaspar, MD, MBA, FASTRO * James Hayman, MD * Susan Higgins, MD, MS Salma Jabbour, MD Rojymon Jacob, MD David Jaffray, PhD * Lisa Kachnic, MD Patrick Kupelian, MD * Alexander Lin, MD * Bo Lu, MD, PhD Stephen Thomas Lutz, MD * Anita Mahajan, MD Nina Mayr, MD, FASTRO Robert Miller, MD, MS Rolf-Peter Mueller, MD, PhD Arnold C. Paulino, MD * Kenneth Rosenzweig, MD * Lakshmi Santanam, PhD Ben Slotman, MD, PhD Benjamin Smith, MD * Timothy D. Solberg, PhD Mohan Suntharalingam, MD, MBA Katherine S. Tzou, MD Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, MPH* Stephanie E. Weiss, MD Theodore E. Yaeger, MD Gary Yang, MD * = Track Chairman 2012-2013 Annual Meeting Education Committee Andrea K. Ng, MD, MPH, Chairman Catherine C. Park, MD, Vice-chairman James Balter, PhD Changhu Chen, MD Brian Czito, MD Robert Den, MD B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH Daniel Hamstra, MD, PhD Kun (Kim) Huang, MD Jordan Kharofa, MD Krystyna Kiel, MD Patrick Kupelian, MD Joshua D. Lawson, MD Harvey Mamon, MD, PhD Brian Marples, PhD Loren K. Mell, MD Joanne M. Moar, RN, OCN Arno J. Mundt III, MD, FASTRO Christopher F. Njeh, PhD Baldev Patyal, PhD Narayan Sahoo, PhD Roy B. Tishler, MD, PhD Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, MPH George D. Wilson, PhD Suzanne L. Wolden, MD Min Yao, MD, PhD James Yu, MD ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 7 2013 Abstract Reviewers May Abdel-Wahab Ross Abrams ** Peter Ahn Kevin Albuquerque * Kaled Alektiar ** Berthe Aleman Brian Alexander Ozer Algan Jonathan Ashman Elizabeth Baldini Voichita BarAd Chris Barker Glenn Stuart Bauman Beth Beadle Clair Beard Justin Bekelman * Jennifer Bellon * Stanley Benedict Sushil Beriwal Lawrence Berk Matt Biagioli Ranjit Bindra Sławomir Blamek Jeffrey Bogart James Bonner Kristy Brock Stephen Brown Kevin Camphausen David Carlson Jimmy Caudell A. Bapsi Chakravarthy* Arnab Chakravarti Annie Chan Daniel Chang Eric Chang Ronald Chen ** Aileen Chen Peter Chen Allen Chen Bhisham Chera Indrin Chetty * Steven Chmura Seungtaek Choi Jay Ciezki Deborah Citrin C. Norman Coleman Louis Constine ** Joseph S. Contessa Chris Crane Bouthaina Dabaja * Megan Daly Shari Damast ** Parima Daroui Indra Das Laura Dawson Joseph Deasy Roy Decker Andre Dekker Thomas Delaney John DeMarco Robert Den Jun Deng Adam Dicker ** Thomas Dilling Thomas DiPetrillo Lei Dong Jadranka Dragovic Jason Efstathiou * Hans Eich John Einck Issam El Naqa Rodney Ellis 8 Thank You Mohamed Elshaikh Beth Erickson Suzanne Evans * Liu Fei-Fei Steven Feigenberg Felix Feng * Robert Foote Eric Ford Benedick Fraass Gary Freedman ** Martin Fuss Thomas Galloway Yolanda Garces Adam Garden Laurie Gaspar ** Hiram Gay Daniel Gomez James Gordon Elizabeth Gore Alexander Gottschalk Daila Gridley Katherine Griem Inga Grills Ashleigh Guadagnolo Vishal Gupta Daphne Haas-Kogen Karl Haglund Russell Hales Michele Halyard Daniel Hamstra James Hansen Paul Harari James Hayman ** Mark Henderson Joseph Herman Susan Higgins Ariel Hirsch Sarah Hoffe Brad Hoppe Peter Hoskin David Howell Dimitre Hristov I-Chow Hsu Geoff Hugo Arthur Hung Mark Hurwitz Zain Husain Geoffrey Ibbott Timothy Illidge David Jaffray ** Nora Janjan Ryan Jensen Steve Jiang Candice Johnstone William Jones III Lisa Kachnic Mitchell Kamrava Atif Khan Krystyna Kiel Catherine Kim Christopher King Youlia Kirova Eric Klein Marisa Kollmeier Kevin Kozak David Kozono Daniel Krauss Jon Kruse Greg Kubicek Charles Kunos Patrick Kupelian ** Nadia Laack ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Joshua Lawson Colleen Lawton Quynh Le Larissa Lee Andrew Lee Percy Lee Stanley Liauw Steven Lin Lillie Lin Alexander Lin ** Arthur Liu Daniel Low Andrew Lowy Join Luh Stephen Thomas Lutz ** C. M. Charlie Ma Shannon MacDonald Mitchell Machtay Gig Mageras Anand Mahadevan * Anita Mahajan Raymond Mak Sheida Mani Danielle Margalit Rufus Mark Mary Martel Neil Martin Vivek Mehta Loren Mell Joshua Meyer Michael Milano Robert Miller Drew Moghanaki * Radhe Mohan Jean Moran Sabin Motwani Benjamin Movsas ** Sasa Mutic Ashwatha Narayana Andrea Ng Jatinder Palta Catherine Park Abhijit Patel Shilpen Patel Arnold Paulino ** Todd Pawlicki Christopher Pelloski Mark Phillips Jean-Philippe Pignol Alan Pollack Louis Potters Jean Pouliot Deepak Pradhan Robert Prosnitz Rinaa Punglia Rachel Rabinovitch Abram Recht Andreas Rimner Mark Rivard Mack Roach Kenneth Roberts Cliff Robinson Ken Rosenzweig ** Mihaela Rosu Christian Rube Samel Ryu Lakshmi Santanam Amit Sawant Julie Schwarz David Sebag-Montefiore Suresh Senan Jan Seuntjens to the 2013 Abstract Reviewers Simona Shaitelman Michael Sharpe Xinglei Shen Ke Sheng David Sher Wenyin Shi Timothy Showalter Farzan Siddiqui * Nicole Simone Charles Simone Heath Skinner Ben Slotman BenjaminSmith ** Danny Song William Song Jan-Jakob Sonke Baldassarre Stea Kevin Stephans Jonathan Strauss Erik Sulman Alphonse Taghian Michael Tee Rahul Tendulkar Welela Tereffe Stephanie Terezakis Juliette Thariat Charles Thomas Wade Thorstad Robert Timmerman Roy Tishler Michael Tomblyn Wolfgang Tome Javier Torres-Roca Phuoc Tran Minh-Tam Truong Katherine Tzou Neha Vapiwala Greg Videtic Akila Viswanathan ** Sujay Vora Eleanor Walker Andrew Wang Stephanie Weiss * Maria Werner-Wasik * Julia White Henning Willers Lynn Wilson Karen Winkfield Julia Wong Rebecca Wong John W. Wong Wendy Woodward Ping Xia Ying Xiao Lei Xing Ted Yaeger Di Yan Gary Yang Johnny Yap Catheryn Yashar Fang-Fang Yin Torunn Yock Sue Yom James Yu Jennifer Yu Richard Zellars (Weining) Ken Zhen Key ** Track chairman * Track co-chairman/vice-chairman Gold Medal Recipients The Gold Medal is ASTRO’s highest honor bestowed on revered members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of radiation oncology. 2013 GOLD MEDALISTS AMATO J. GIACCIA, PHD Dr. Giaccia is the Jack, Lulu and Sam Willson Professor of Cancer Biology, associate chairman of the department of radiation oncology and director of the Division of Radiation and Cancer Biology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, Calif. He has made considerable contributions to radiation oncology research on the role of tumor microenvironment in tumor progression and metastasis, specifically tumor hypoxia. RADHE MOHAN, PHD, FASTRO Dr. Mohan is a professor and the Larry and Pat McNeil Chairman in Cancer Research in the department of radiation physics at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. As a medical physicist for 42 years, he has had a major influence on several areas of radiation oncology, including radiation dosimetry, 3-D conformal radiation therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy and ongoing research in proton therapy. PRABHAKAR TRIPURANENI, MD, FASTRO Dr. Tripuraneni serves as the head of the division of radiation oncology at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, Calif., and the chief medical officer of Viewray Inc., in Cleveland. He has impacted the clinical aspect of radiation oncology with his insights in vascular brachytherapy and influenced enhancements to ASTRO, through leadership roles on ASTRO’s Board of Directors and his volunteer work on behalf of ASTRO in areas including practice accreditation, website development and e-learning initiatives. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 9 Honorary Member Recipient Honorary Membership is awarded annually to a distinguished cancer researcher or leader in a discipline other than radiation oncology, radiation physics or radiobiology. 2013 HONORARY MEMBER JEAN OWEN, PHD Dr. Owen is an accomplished researcher with more than 20 years of experience with the American College of Radiology Clinical Research Center, where she served as project director of the ACR Quality Research in Radiation Oncology (QRRO) project, formerly the Patterns of Care Study (PCS). In that role, she was involved in developing detailed clinical performance measures and survey processes to measure quality of care benchmarks in radiation oncology nationwide. Dr. Owen is currently working as an independent health care consultant and is pursuing a graduate certificate in research ethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. 2012 Honorary Member Mark P. Carol, MD 10 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Fellow Recipients The ASTRO Fellows designation honors those who have been an Active or Emeritus Member of ASTRO for at least 15 years, have given the equivalent of 10 years of service to ASTRO and have made significant contributions to the field of radiation oncology. ASTRO PROUDLY RECOGNIZES THE 2013 CLASS OF FELLOWS • Jonathan J. Beitler, MD, MBA, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta • Phillip M. Devlin, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston • Thomas J. Eichler, MD, Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital, Richmond, Va. • Silvia C. Formenti, MD, New York University School of Medicine, New York • Stephen M. Hahn, MD, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia • Geraldine M. Jacobson, MD, MPH, MBA, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va. • Tariq Altaf Mian, PhD, Medical Radiation Physics Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. • Bhudatt R. Paliwal, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. • Seth A. Rosenthal, MD, Radiation Oncology Center and Sutter Cancer Center, Roseville, Calif. • Peter B. Schiff, MD, PhD, New York University School of Medicine, New York Fellows Class of 2012 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 11 Annual Meeting Abstract Awards 2013 ASTRO ANNUAL MEETING AWARD RECIPIENTS RESIDENT CLINICAL/BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCH AWARD Timothy J. Harris, MD, PhD (Radiation and Cancer Biology) Michael R. Folkert, MD, PhD (Radiation Physics) Alireza Fotouhi Ghiam, MD, MSc (Clinical) RESIDENT DIGITAL POSTER RECOGNITION AWARD Daniel Bracey, MD (Radiation and Cancer Biology) Mu-Han Lin, PhD (Radiation Physics) Ann Raldow, MD (Clinical) RESIDENT POSTER VIEWING RECOGNITION AWARD – CLINICAL Emma Holliday, MD (1st place) Naamit Gerber, MD (2nd place) Christine Min, MD (3rd place) RESIDENT POSTER VIEWING RECOGNITION AWARD – RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY Carmen Perez, MD, PhD (1st place) Anthony Apicelli, MD, PhD (2nd place) Youssef Zeidan, MD, PhD (3rd place) RESIDENT POSTER VIEWING RECOGNITION AWARD – RADIATION PHYSICS Junaid Pasha, MD (1st place) Shikui Tang, PhD (2nd place) Charles Wooten, MD (3rd place) BASIC SCIENCE ABSTRACT AWARD – RADIATION PHYSICS Bin Han, PhD Teo Stanescu, PhD Seishin Takao, PhD Eric Williams, PhD Yun Yang, PhD BASIC SCIENCE ABSTRACT AWARD – RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY Anita Aiyer, MS Mekhail Anwar, MD, PhD Michael Spiotto, MD, PhD Gregory Vlacich, MD, PhD Ting Xu, MD ANNUAL MEETING SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT (TRAVEL) AWARD Scott Bratman, MD, PhD Christopher Chapman, MS Avani Dholakia, BS Aaron Falchook, MD Annemarie Fernandes, MD Victor Mangona, MD Ankit Modh, BS David Palma, MD, PhD Anupam Rishi, MD Roshan Sethi, BS Anand Shah, MD Arshin Sheybani, MD Terence Sio, MD, MS Christopher Tinkle, MD, PhD Ralph Vatner, MD, PhD INTERNATIONAL – U.S. ANNUAL MEETING SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT AWARD Antonio Zuliani, MD, PhD, MBA, MS ANNUAL MEETING NURSE ABSTRACT AWARD Jean Hamker, RN 12 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING General Information ASTROmobile – Official Meeting App Shuttle Bus Schedule Georgia World Congress Center Floor Plans General Information INSIDE: General Information 2013 Ambassador Recognition (AS OF AUGUST 26, 2013) ASTRO proudly recognizes our 2013 Corporate Ambassadors for their outstanding year-round leadership and support of radiation oncology. General Information GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER 285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW Atlanta, GA 30313 All activities take place in Buildings A and B at the Georgia World Congress Center unless stated otherwise. All information is current as of August 26, 2013, and is subject to change. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION Registration Hall, Building B Attendee registration counters will be located in Registration Hall in Building B of the Georgia World Congress Center. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION HOURS Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION Registration Hall, Building B Exhibitor registration counters will be located in the Registration Hall in Building B of the Georgia World Congress Center. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION HOURS Thursday, September 19 Friday, September 20 Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. AFFILIATED MEETINGS 37th ASRT RADIATION THERAPY CONFERENCE September 22-24, 2013 Hyatt Regency Atlanta The 37th Annual ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. ASTRO registered attendees may attend ASRT sessions by paying a reduced registration fee of $195. Proof of registration (registration confirmation or badge) is required to receive this reduced rate. If you have not registered to attend the ASRT conference but would like to do so, please register on-site at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. 30TH SROA ANNUAL MEETING September 22-25, 2013 InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta The 30th SROA Annual Meeting will take place at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta. ASTRO registered attendees may attend the SROA general sessions by paying a reduced registration fee of $210. Proof of registration (registration confirmation or badge) is required to receive this reduced rate. If you have not registered to attend the SROA conference but would like to do so, please register on-site at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta. C NNNECT Stop by ASTRO Connect - the new Annual Meeting networking lounge. Main Lobby of Building B, Georgia World Congress Center New in 2013, we are introducing ASTRO Connect, a networking lounge that not only offers charging stations but also is the perfect place to meet up with colleagues, have informal meetings, make new connections within the radiation oncology community and check in on social media sites. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 15 ASTRO CAREER FAIR Room B207, Building B Take advantage of the ASTRO Career Fair to connect with candidates for employment. Equipped with computers and printers for your convenience, the Career Fair is available for employers to conduct interviews with job applicants. Employers and applicants must register through the online ASTRO Career Center in order to schedule interviews at the on-site Career Fair. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, September 22 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 23 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 24 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Private interview rooms are also available. These rooms are ideal if you have multiple interviews to conduct or just need more privacy. A limited number of meeting rooms will be available to rent for three-hour periods Sunday, September 22 through Wednesday, September 25. For more information, contact Todd Karstaedt at toddk@ ASTRO PAC LOUNGE Room B301, Building B ASTRO’s political action committee (PAC) is offering access to an exclusive lounge for all ASTRO members who have donated to the ASTRO PAC in 2013. The PAC lounge will feature Internet access, coffee and beverages, food and a place to rest between sessions. Members who have not made their contribution yet will be able to donate on-site. ASTRO PAC provides ASTRO with the opportunity to more fully participate in government and ensure your voice is heard by key policy makers on Capitol Hill. Be sure to stop by the lounge to get the most recent legislative and election updates. For more information, please email [email protected] or visit ASTROPAC. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, September 23 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Happy Hour and Legislative Issue Forum 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 24 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 16 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING ASTRO RESOURCE CENTER Booth 543, Exhibit Hall, Building B Visit the ASTRO Resource Center in the Exhibit Hall to find out about ASTRO’s products and services. The Resource Center is your one-stop-shop to learn about ASTRO member benefits, including the Radiation Oncology-Incident Learning System (RO-ILS) – the new medical error reporting system, APEX – our new practice accreditation program, educational meetings and webinars, advocacy and much more. ASTRO’s knowledgeable staff will be on hand to answer questions about your membership. Be sure to stop by to have your picture taken and uploaded to ASTRO’s online membership directory on ROhub. The Survivor Circle is also located in the Resource Center. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Interesting Speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 ASTROmobile – Your Annual Meeting Guide ASTROmobile gives you access to the meeting program and the ability to customize your meeting experience with personalized maps and planners. Search sessions by day, track or speaker. Search exhibitors by name, booth number or product/service category. Session and exhibitor details with location maps. Search and view abstracts. Preview general meeting information. Access your “MyPlan” – your personal Annual Meeting schedule. View convention center maps. Take notes on a session or exhibitor and access your notes from your mobile device. Search and exchange messages with colleagues attending the meeting using Find a Friend. Find a Friend is integrated with your “My Plan” on the Online Conference Planner and ASTROmobile. Funded in part by ASTROmobile Login Instructions An account has been created for all registered attendees. Please log in as follows: iPhone Users SmartPhone Users 1. Simply download “ASTROmobile13” from the iTunes store. 1. Go to in your mobile web browser. 2. Log in with the following credentials: 2. Log in with the following credentials: Registration ID: Badge No. Password: Last Name Email ID: Email Address Registration ID: Badge No. Password: Last Name Smartphone users can also access ASTROmobile using a QR Code reader and the QR Code to the right. Login Tips Your badge number is located on the front of your badge. Your email address is the email that you provided at the time of registration. Your last name must exactly match the spelling on your badge. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 17 ATLANTA TOURISM AND CONCIERGE DESK CE CENTRAL Main Lobby, Building B Attendees can stop by the Atlanta tourism and concierge desk located in the Main Lobby of Building B at the Georgia World Congress Center to receive restaurant recommendations, make reservations and receive Atlanta visitor guides, maps, destination information and local directions. Located off Main Lobby, Building B Do you have questions about continuing education or the 2013 changes to the American Board of Radiology (ABR) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program? Staff from ASTRO and the ABR will be on hand during the meeting to answer your individual questions about continuing education and MOC requirements. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BUSINESS CENTER Located off of the Main Lobby, Building B A business center is conveniently located off of the Main Lobby of Building B of the Georgia World Congress Center. The business center offers a variety of services including packing and shipping, sign production, copying and office supplies. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Great Session? Tweet #ASTRO13 18 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING CE Central computer stations provide access for you to: • Complete your continuing education and meeting evaluation. • View/print a session tracking form. • Search abstracts. • Search exhibitors. • Access your Online Conference Planner. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, September 24 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Room B302–B305, Building B ASTRO voting members (Active, Affiliate, Allied and International members) are invited to attend the Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 24, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Leaders of the Society will discuss important topics of interest to ASTRO members. You should not miss this important meeting. Lunch will be served. SEARCHING FOR QUALIFIED RADIATION ONCOLOGY PROFESSIONALS? Find them online on the ASTRO Career Center and in Atlanta at the ASTRO Career Fair It’s easy to find the right talent for your practice when you use the ASTRO Career Center. Advanced features allow you to search our resume database by various criteria including education, title, location and more. Planning to attend the ASTRO Annual Meeting? The ASTRO Career Fair is a perfect opportunity to interview qualified candidates. Employer interview space at the Career Fair is free for ASTRO members with your purchase of an online career center posting. For more information or to purchase a posting, go to R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y C A R E E R C E N T E R JOB SEEKERS Be sure to indicate your availability for an interview at the ASTRO Annual Meeting by selecting the Career Fair option on “MyAccount” in the Career Center. Career Center jobs can also be found on the ASTRO Facebook page and on Twitter. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 19 CYBER CAFÉ FACULTY/VIP OFFICE Booth 126, Exhibit Hall, Building B ASTRO attendees can browse the Internet and check, retrieve and send email messages at the Cyber Café in the Exhibit Hall. Room B401, Building B Faculty members and VIPs should check in at the Faculty/VIP Office, Room B401, to pick up registration materials and receive last-minute updates and program changes. The Faculty/VIP Office is conveniently located next to the Speaker Ready Room. Faculty and VIPs are welcome in the Faculty/VIP Office throughout the meeting. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ELECTRONIC BUSINESS CARD Included with your badge, you will receive an electronic business card equipped with a magnetic strip containing your contact information and other demographic data. This card can be scanned in card readers located in exhibitor booths throughout the Exhibit Hall. Simply give your electronic business card to the exhibitor and your contact information will be recorded for follow-up by the exhibitor. Note: Attendee email addresses will be included in the contact information given to exhibitors unless you indicated to exclude your email at the time of registration. EXHIBIT HALL Halls B1-B3, Building B Learn about the latest products in cancer treatment in the Exhibit Hall. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Note: Presenters of abstracts are not classified as faculty and should follow attendee registration instructions. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FIRST AID 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 20 Faculty members include: • Educational session lecturers. • Panel moderators and presenters. • Scientific session moderators and discussants. • eContouring Learning Lab presenters. • Presidential Symposium lecturers. • Keynote speakers and introducers. • Nursing program speakers. • International Symposium presenters. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING First Aid Office outside Hall B1, Building B First Aid is located outside of Hall B1 between the entrance of Halls B1 and B2 at the Georgia World Congress Center. The first aid phone number is 404-223-4041, or dial ext. 4041 from a house phone. In an emergency, please contact first aid or go to ASTRO Registration and have a staff person contact security. Hours of Operation: Monday, September 16 Tuesday, September 17 Wednesday, September 18 Thursday, September 19 Friday, September 20 Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 Thursday, September 26 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER INFORMATION Main Lobby, Building B The Georgia World Congress Center’s friendly staff can help with convention center brochures and maps. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 Great Session? 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tweet #ASTRO13 INDUSTRY-EXPERT THEATER* Rear of 100 Aisle, Exhibit Hall B1 This activity allows companies to present their noteworthy products and services through a live presentation in the Industry-Expert Theater located in the Exhibit Hall. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Industry-Expert Theater content and views expressed therein are those of the exhibitor and not of ASTRO. *Industry-Expert Theaters are not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Time: 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Accuray: Dynamic Technology in Motion Supported by Accuray Contact: Jim Bilich Phone: 925-348-2082 Box lunch provided Time: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. An In-depth Look at Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) Supported by Bayer HealthCare and Algeta Contact: The Lockwood Group Phone: 203-817-0951 Box lunch provided Monday, September 23 Time: 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Electronic Brachytherapy Utilizing the Xoft® System for the Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Supported by Xoft, A subsidiary of iCAD Inc. Contact: Donna Breault Phone: 978-337-2786 Refreshments provided Tuesday, September 24 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Increasing Quality in Radiation Therapy Supported by ScandiDos Contact: Marni Brown Phone: 608-630-9415 Box lunch provided ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 21 INDUSTRY SATELLITE SYMPOSIA ASTRO has reviewed and approved these symposia as appropriate for presentation. These symposia represent the content and views of the sponsors and are not part of the official ASTRO Annual Meeting. Sunday, September 22, 2013 Monday, September 23, 2013 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. (Registration and dinner begin at 6:00 p.m.) (Registration 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Reception to follow symposium.) Bone-Seeking Radiopharmaceuticals for Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Bone Metastases: Implications of Emerging Data Showing Survival Improvements Omni Hotel at CNN Center, Grand Ballroom E Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Medical Education Resources (MER) and PleXus Communications. MER is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Hope, Guidance and Healing: Necessary Components of Effective Proton Therapy and Clinical Research Piedmont Driving Club 1215 Piedmont Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Accreditation: The University of Florida College of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME Credits: Medical Education Resources designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CME Credits: The University of Florida College of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Target Audience: This activity is intended for radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiation biologists and physicists caring for patients with prostate cancer. This activity is hosted by the University of Florida and is supported by an educational grant from IBA. This activity is hosted by Medical Education Resources and PleXus Communications and is supported by an educational grant from Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc/Algeta U.S. LLC. 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Juniper Room.) Radiotherapy Approaches: Is Genomic Profiling the Answer? Omni Hotel at CNN Center, International Ballroom D Accreditation: EXCEL Continuing Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME Credits: EXCEL Continuing Education designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This activity is hosted by EXCEL Continuing Education and is supported by an educational grant from Genomic Health. 22 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INFORMATION DESKS PARKING Outside of Registration Hall and located off Main Lobby, Building B Have a question? Stop by the Information Desk to get your questions answered. There is self parking available at the Georgia World Congress Center. ASTRO does not validate parking. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LOST AND FOUND Outside of Registration Hall and located off Main Lobby, Building B To report a missing item, to check to see if an item has been turned into security or to turn in a lost item, please stop by one of the Information Desks. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LUNCH VOUCHER Attendees will receive a lunch voucher valued at $10 that can be used at food outlets in the Exhibit Hall only. This voucher is provided to all attendees and exhibitors with their registration materials. Lost vouchers will not be replaced. Self-Parking If you plan on driving to the Georgia World Congress Center, there is self-parking provided in the Red (International) Deck. This parking lot is closest to Buildings A and B where the ASTRO Annual Meeting will be held. This lot is gated with an attendant on duty during all show/event hours. The standard rate for parking is $10, which is subject to change at any time. POSTER VIEWING Hall B4, Building B Poster Set-up: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Poster Viewing Hours: Sunday, September 22 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, September 23 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Poster Viewing Session and Reception 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Authors will be available for Q and A.) Tuesday, September 24 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poster Removal: Tuesday, September 24 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p. m. Important: Posters not removed during this time will be thrown away. LUGGAGE/COAT CHECK Registration Hall, Building B Luggage and coat check will be available at the Georgia World Congress Center for $3 per item. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Posters from the following categories will be displayed: Biology Breast CNS Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Gynecologic Head and Neck Health Services Research History Informatics/Bioinformatics Lung Lymphoma Non-malignant Palliative Care Patient Reported Outcomes Patient Safety Pediatric Physics Sarcoma ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 23 PASSPORT PROGRAM A special thank you to our Survivor Circle Passport Program Participants. Through their generous donations, the Cancer Foundation of Northeast Georgia and the South Georgia Medical Center, Pearlman Cancer Center received grants to help support their initiatives helping Georgia cancer survivors. (As of August 28, 2013) 24 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING POSTER PICK-UP OFFICE: REGISTRANT LOCATOR – FIND-A-FRIEND Room: B215 For those who chose to use the poster printing service, there is a special pickup room located just outside of the poster hall. Please go to Room B215 to pick-up your poster during regular poster set-up hours and poster viewing hours as listed above. Looking to connect with an attendee at the Annual Meeting? You can now use the Find-a-Friend feature with ASTROmobile, the official Annual Meeting app. Find-a-Friend allows you to search for an attendee and send messages while at the Annual Meeting. See page 17 for details. POSTER VIEWING SESSION AND RECEPTION Hall B4, Building B Monday, September 23 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. RADIATION ONCOLOGY INSTITUTE (ROI) BOOTH Located on Level 4, Building B During this reception, poster presenters will be available at their poster to answer questions and explain their research. New this year, there will be a presentation area where poster award winners will provide highlights of their research and be available for questions. The presentation schedule will be available in the poster viewing area. Each full conference attendee, exhibitor and Monday one-day conference attendee will receive one drink ticket that can be used for complimentary beverage at the Poster Viewing Session and Reception on Monday, September 23. After your ticket has been redeemed, drinks are available for purchase. You must be 21 years of age to consume alcoholic beverages. Your drink ticket is included with your badge in your registration materials. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Attendees are invited to visit the Radiation Oncology Institute booth, located on Level 4 in Building B of the Georgia World Congress Center. Learn about ROI’s research initiatives and current projects, including the National Radiation Oncology Registry (NROR), Safety and Quality in IMRT Delivery Accuracy and Best Practices in Toxicity Management. Our mascot, “ROI” the gorilla, will also be on hand for those wishing to accept our Gorilla Challenge. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to show your support of the Institute! Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PRESS ROOM Room B403 and B404, Building B Abstract presenters are encouraged to bring press releases promoting their presentation in Atlanta to the Press Room. For more information about ASTRO’s Press Program and Policies, please contact ASTRO’s Press Office at 703-286-1600 or [email protected]. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 Interesting Speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For Press Room Information and Policies, visit ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 25 Shuttle Service Shuttle Service to the Georgia World Congress Center – Building B (GWCC) Complimentary shuttle service will be provided between the Georgia World Congress Center and official ASTRO hotels. The shuttle drop-off and pick-up locations are located along Andrew Young International Blvd., just outside the Registration Hall at the Georgia World Congress Center. The shuttle schedule is subject to change at any time. Please refer to signs at the convention center, the on-site shuttle flyer and your hotel lobby for the most current information. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.* Sunday, September 22 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.* Monday, September 23 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.* Tuesday, September 24 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.* Wednesday, September 25 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* * Indicates last time buses depart the convention center returning to ASTRO official hotels. Last shuttle departs hotels approximately 60 minutes prior to this last time. HOTELS AND BOARDING LOCATIONS All travel times are approximate depending time of day, day of week and traffic conditions. Route Hotel Boarding Location at Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton Atlanta Downtown At Westin Peachtree Plaza. Hampton Inn and Suites At Westin Peachtree Plaza. 1 2 3 4 Holiday Inn Atlanta Downtown At Westin Peachtree Plaza. Westin Peachtree Plaza Curbside on Spring. Hyatt Regency Atlanta On Baker at Peachtree Street. Courtyard Atlanta Downtown On Ellis at Peachtree Street. Ellis On Ellis at Peachtree Street. Ritz-Carlton Atlanta On Ellis at Peachtree Street. Twelve Hotel Centennial Park Curbside on Spring Street. W Atlanta Downtown Curbside on Spring Street. Sheraton Atlanta Hotel On International at Courtland. Atlanta Marriott Marquis Curbside on Peachtree Center. 5 Approximate one-way travel time Frequency in minutes 7-12 minutes Peak 10-15 Nonpeak 15-20 10-15 minutes 13-17 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-15 minutes Hilton Atlanta Peak 10-15 Nonpeak 15-20 Peak 10-15 Nonpeak 15-20 Peak 10-15 Nonpeak 15-20 Peak 10-15 Nonpeak 15-20 At Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Embassy Suites Atlanta Walk Hotels Glenn Hotel, The No Shuttle Service Hilton Garden Inn Omni Hotel at CNN Center Funded in part by 26 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING SMOKING TECHNOLOGY HELP DESK Georgia World Congress Center is a nonsmoking facility. Located off Main Lobby, Building B Need help using ASTROmobile, the official app for the Annual Meeting? Have questions about the touch screen interactive wayfinder stations that will help you navigate the convention center? Stop by the Technology Help Desk located off the Main Lobby in Building B at the Georgia World Congress Center to get your technology-related questions answered. SPEAKER READY ROOM Room B402, Building B Faculty members and abstract presenters should upload their PowerPoint presentation in advance of their session in order to have it pre-loaded onto the ASTRO conference network. To ensure presentations have been properly uploaded, faculty members and abstract presenters are asked to check in at the Speaker Ready Room to review the information and make any last-minute edits. Speakers should plan to save their presentation on a portable device and bring it to the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours in advance of their presentation or upon arrival at the Georgia World Congress Center. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 Wednesday, September 25 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION Atlanta offers a number of convenient transportation options to help attendees easily get around the city. Airport The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is 11 miles from downtown Atlanta. Board outbound scheduled buses, shared ride and long distance vans, taxis, and hotel and rental car courtesy vans located in the arrival area of each terminal. SURVIVOR CIRCLE ASTRO Resource Center, Booth 543, Exhibit Hall, Building B In 2003, ASTRO created the Survivor Circle as a way to honor cancer survivors. Each year, ASTRO partners with two local patient support organizations and features them at the Survivor Circle at the Annual Meeting. It was our hope that by partnering with local organizations in the cities that host our meeting, we would be able to not only give back to the cities we visit, but also help raise awareness of these important organizations among our members. Through generous donations from exhibitors and attendees, ASTRO raises funds for the two organizations featured in the Survivor Circle. Since its inception, the Survivor Circle has raised more than $250,000 for our partner organizations. Stop by the Survivor Circle, located in Booth 543, to learn more about this year’s Survivor Circle Grant recipients: The Cancer Foundation of Northeast Georgia and the South Georgia Medical Center, Pearlman Cancer Center. Taxi A one-way taxi ride from the airport to downtown is a flat rate of $30, with $2 for each additional passenger. All areas within a 11-mile radius of downtown Atlanta are charged a flat rate of $8, with $2 for each additional passenger. If you are departing to a hotel outside the 11-mile radius of downtown Atlanta your taxi fare will be metered. MARTA MARTA is Atlanta’s public transportation system that provides rail and bus services throughout downtown and to and from the airport. There is a MARTA station connected to the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport located right off of baggage claim. The one-way fare to downtown on MARTA is $2.50 and will get you downtown in 20 minutes. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 27 VIRTUAL MEETING All full conference attendees receive the Virtual Meeting with their registration at no additional cost. With the Virtual Meeting, you can extend your learning experience with access to the 2013 ASTRO sessions long after the meeting is over. You will receive streaming content that has been digitally recorded live and published as audio synchronized to the speaker presentations*. Approximately three weeks after the meeting, full conference attendees will receive an email with a link providing access to the Virtual Meeting. *Presentations are included in the Virtual Meeting as approved per faculty. VIRTUAL POSTERS Hall B4, Building B Computer terminals and seating are available to view the virtual poster displays at your leisure. Correspond with presenters or forward a presentation to a colleague or your home office. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS Complimentary wireless Internet access is provided in all common areas and session rooms throughout the Georgia World Congress Center. Please note that this does not include the Exhibit Hall. Attendees can bring their laptop to check email, complete the evaluation or surf the Internet. Laptops must have a Wi-Fi card to connect. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 28 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Y Shuttle Buss Overall View Building A Level 2 Building B Level 3 Shuttle Drop off Level 5 - General Session Level 1 - Exhibit Hall and Posters Level 4 Building B Y Attendee/Exhibitor Registration and ASTRO Information Booth Level 4, Building A To Omni Hotel Floor Plans ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 29 30 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING b c b c § F § b c Restrooms E § E § Elevator b c E § Escalator b c c § Æb § EXHIBIT HALL Halls B1-B3 c § Æ b Level 1, Building B Æ § Telephone E § E First Aid Exhibit Hall § Posters b c F Æ Æ Concessions § Hall B4 POSTERS b cb cb c § Floor Plans B203 b c E B204 B205 B206 Æ b c Restrooms E Elevator Level 2, Building B b c B202 B207 ASTRO Career Fair Escalator b c § Æ Telephone Exhibit Hall Entrance b c B211 E Æ Concessions Poster Hall Entrance b c B213 Other Session Room E Æ b c E B215 B216 Poster Printing Office Floor Plans ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 31 32 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING ASTRO PAC Lounge Æ B306 b c Restrooms E Elevator Level 3, Building B B301 B302 - 305 Escalator ASTRO Job Interview Rooms B319 B318 B317 B308 B310 E B311 B313 Office/Other Session Room b c Fellows Ready Room Æ Concessions eContouring Learning Lab b c E Floor Plans b c Restrooms E Elevator Level 4, Building B CE Central ASTRO Information and Technology Help Desk Æ B402 Radio Tour Room B411 B401 Escalator ROI Booth Æ Æ Concessions B403 E B404 Office/Other Session Room b c B405 b c B406 Faculty/ VIP Office Press Office Speaker Ready Room Press News Briefing Room E Floor Plans ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 33 34 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING b c Restrooms E Elevator § b c Auditorium Level 4, Building A Y Andrew Young International Boulevard Entrance Y Escalator A412 Y Shuttle Bus East Plaza Entrance Coat Check ASTRO Connect § Telephone A411 Attendee and Exhibitor Registration E ASTRO Information Booth and Housing Desk Hallway to Building B Office/Other Session Room Floor Plans b c Restrooms E Elevator Level 5, Building B Escalator b c ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Session Room General Session Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom 1-3 GENERAL SESSION E Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom 4 b c Floor Plans 35 NOTES 36 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING NOTES ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 37 NOTES 38 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INSIDE: Schedule of Events eContouring Learning Lab Live SAM Sessions Presidential Symposium Meeting Highlights ARRO Program Young Physicians’ Workshop Nurses’ Program International Program Schedule of Events by Day Schedule of Events THE SAFEST WAY TO COMPACT IMPT Proteus®ONE is a compact single-room solution that offers the most advanced treatment modalities in proton therapy. It enhances the patient and staff experience by fostering a soothing environment. Having helped treat over 20 000 patients, IBA, the world’s leading manufacturer in proton therapy, makes this compassionate treatment possible to more patients worldwide. Experience Proteus®ONE at ASTRO | IBA BOOTH #1543 WWW.IBA-PROTEUSONE.COM 6RPHIHDWXUHVDUHXQGHUGHYHORSPHQWDQGZLOOEHVXEMHFWWRUHYLHZE\FRPSHWHQWDXWKRULWLHV)'$1RWL¿HGERGLHVHWDO eContouring Learning Lab These sessions are designed to provide crucial, hands-on education for professionals. Attendees will have an opportunity to discuss issues such as imaging, target delineation, quality assurance and its frequency and achievable accuracy. After the sessions, attendees should be able to: • Identify basic anatomy in the cases presented. • Evaluate normal tissue dose constraints versus target dose objectives. • Demonstrate improvement in contouring skills in the cases presented between pre- and post-activity. • Self-assess where additional contouring skills training may be needed. • Apply newly acquired contouring skills to his/her own practice. Sarah Hoffe, MD, Program Chairman Steven Finkelstein, MD, Program Vice-chairman Room: B308 Schedule Saturday, September 21 Sunday, September 22 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Esophageal Cancers 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lung Cancer Ravi Shridhar, MD, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center Ken Meredith, MD, Moffitt Cancer Center Billy W. Loo, MD, PhD, Stanford University 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Gynecologic Cancers Arno J. Mundt III, MD, FASTRO, University of California San Diego Beth A. Erickson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Lymphoma and Breast Cancer Stephanie Terezakis, MD, Johns Hopkins University Frank Vicini, MD, 21st Century Oncology 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gastrointestinal Cancers (SBRT/Abdominal) Karyn Goodman, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Corinne Winston, MD, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Lung SBRT/Sarcoma Billy W. Loo, MD, PhD, Stanford University Steven Finkelstein, MD, 21st Century Oncology Amalia De Comas, MD, The Core Institute 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Head and Neck Cancers Avraham Eisbruch, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Suresh Mukherji, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Matthew Stenmark, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Prostate Cancers Michael J. Zelefsky, MD, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center Ticketed event/Separate registration required. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 41 Live Self-Assessment Module Sessions Special sessions have been designated as Live SAMs to help physician attendees meet the requirements of the American Board of Radiology’s Maintenance of Certification program. Attendance at the Live SAM sessions is open to the general public, but only Live SAM ticket holders are eligible to earn SA-CME credit. On-site registration is available at the registration desk if seats are still available. How to Participate On-site Live SAM registrants have two ways to participate in a Live SAM: a personal mobile device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) or a paper assessment. All registrants will receive the same assessment and evaluation questions regardless of the method they use to participate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, visit the Live SAM table outside the designated session room. Give your Live SAM ticket to ASTRO staff at the Live SAM table. In return for your ticket, ASTRO staff will give you a two-sided handout. One side of the handout contains the Live SAM Participant Directions for both the paper and mobile options and the other contains the required assessment and evaluation questions for those registrants wishing to use the paper method of participation. Find any available seat in the session room and attend the entire session. At the conclusion of the session, follow the directions to complete the assessment and evaluation questions on paper or via your personal mobile device. Complete the required assessment and evaluation questions. A minimum score of 70 percent must be achieved on the assessment in order to receive credit. ASTRO staff will email you approximately 30 days post-meeting with your individual score and directions on how to print your certificate of completion from the ASTRO website. Live SAM Policy • • • • Live SAM registrants MUST be in the designated Live SAM room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. If you are not in the room at this time, your seat may be given away to another attendee. Registrants interested in using the mobile device option will need to bring their own mobile device and are responsible for ensuring that it is charged and can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or a cellular network connection. No refunds, extensions or substitutions will be made for those registrants who, for any reason, were unable to attend or were tardy for the session. Registrants must earn a minimum score of 70 percent on the assessment to earn credit. Participants who do not earn a minimum of 70 percent on the assessment questions will NOT receive SAM credit and will NOT receive a refund. If you have any questions about the Live SAM sessions, SA-CME requirements or MOC, please visit the CE Central Booth off the Main Lobby, Building B. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 42 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Live SAM Sessions Monday, September 23 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 210: Controversies in the Optimal Management of Regional Nodes Room: B405 Jennifer R. Bellon, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH, Duke University School of Medicine Julie R. Gralow, MD, University of Washington 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Educational Session 214: Laryngeal Preservation in Larynx and Hypopharynx Cancer Room: B405 Robert J. Amdur, MD, University of Florida Christopher Holsinger, MD, Stanford University Quynh-Thu Le, MD, Stanford University Tuesday, September 24 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 301: Controversies on the Role of Radiation Therapy in the Management of Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) Room: B405 Peter M. Mauch, MD, FASTRO, Harvard Medical School Lena Specht, MD, PhD, Rigshopitalet, University of Copenhagen Wednesday, September 25 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 404: Treatment Options for Patients with Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Room: B405 Jeffrey A. Bogart, MD, State University of New York Abraham Lebenthal, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Educational Session 415: Management of High-risk Prostate Cancer (Including Post-operative XRT) Room: B313 Alan Pollack, MD, PhD, University of Miami - Miller School of Medicine Richard K. Valicenti, MD, University of California Davis Medical Center Yoshiya Yamada, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 43 Presidential Symposium “Prostate Cancer: Patient Focused Advances” Sunday, September 22 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | 8:15 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Welcome to Atlanta Walter J. Curran Jr., MD, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta 8:25 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Introduction Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Board of Directors 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Session I Moderators: Deborah A. Kuban, MD, FASTRO, and Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO Speakers: PSA Screening – Freddie Hamdy, MB, ChB, University of Oxford, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom Low Risk Debate – Active Surveillance vs. Treatment – Timothy J. Wilt, MD, MPH, Minneapolis VA Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minneapolis vs. Michael J. Zelefsky, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Quality of Life – Jeff M. Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Break – Exhibit Hall Opens 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Session II Moderators: Deborah A. Kuban, MD, FASTRO, and Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO Speakers: Intermediate-risk Disease Debate – Surgery vs. Radiation – David Dearnaley, MD, Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Marsden Hospital, Surry, United Kingdom vs. Freddie Hamdy, MB, ChB, University of Oxford, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom Fractionation for Organ Confined Disease – Søren M. Bentzen, DSc, PhD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wis. Postoperative Irradiation – Chris Parker, MD, Royal Marsden Hospital, Surrey, United Kingdom 11:30 a.m. - 12:35 p.m. Presidential Symposium – Session III Moderators: Deborah A. Kuban, MD, FASTRO, and Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO Speakers: High-risk/Locally Advanced Disease – Padraig Warde, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario Systemic Agents/Chemotherapy What’s New – Matthew R. Smith, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Radiation for Metastatic Disease Dose/Fractionation and Systemic Agents – Howard M. Sandler, MD, MS, FASTRO, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles Wrap Up – Deborah A. Kuban, MD, FASTRO, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Presidential Symposium – Session IV Patient-reported Outcomes - Making it Real Introduction by: Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Speaker: Jeff A. Sloan, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 44 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Meeting Highlights Monday, September 23 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Featured Lecture – “Patient Safety Organizations: An Overview” * Room: B406 William B. Munier, MD, Director, Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Introduced by: Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Please join us for this timely presentation on patient safety organizations (PSOs). Dr. Munier is the director of the Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, where he is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, which includes the oversight of PSOs. Dr. Munier’s perspective on PSOs is particularly relevant as ASTRO moves to implement a radiation oncology-specific PSO. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Monday, September 23 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address I “Is there Hope for ‘Healing’ Health Care?” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Darrell G. Kirch, MD, President and CEO, Association of American Medical Colleges Introduced by: Theodore L. DeWeese, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Darrell G. Kirch, MD, is president and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), which represents the nation’s medical schools, teaching hospitals and academic societies. A distinguished physician, educator and medical scientist, Dr. Kirch speaks and publishes widely on the need for transformation in the nation’s health care system and how academic medicine can lead that change across medical education, medical research and patient care. Prior to becoming AAMC president in 2006, Dr. Kirch served as the dean and academic health system leader of two institutions, the Medical College of Georgia and the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. He has co-chaired the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the accrediting body for U.S. medical schools, and now serves as a member-at-large of the National Board of Medical Examiners and as chairman of the Department of Veterans Affairs Special Medical Advisory Group. Dr. Kirch also is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. A psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist by training, Dr. Kirch began his career at the National Institute of Mental Health, becoming the acting scientific director in 1993 and receiving the Outstanding Service Medal of the United States Public Health Service. A native of Denver, he earned his BA and MD degrees from the University of Colorado. Great speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 45 Meeting Highlights Monday, September 23 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Presidential Address – “Hope, Faith, Cancer: Keeping Patients First” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Board of Directors Introduced by: J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Monday, September 23 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Featured Lecture – “Update on Self-referral”* Room: B406 James Cosgrove, PhD, Director, U.S. Government Accountability Office Introduced by: Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors At ASTRO’s urging in 2010, Congress requested that the Government Accountability Office, Congress’ investigative arm, report on the clinical and economic impact of self-referral in radiation oncology. Dr. Cosgrove will discuss the radiation oncology report, as well as other GAO reports on self-referral in diagnostic imaging and anatomic pathology. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Tuesday, September 24 9:15 am. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address II “Cancer Survivorship and Quality of Life” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Otis W. Brawley, MD, Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society Introduced by: J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Otis W. Brawley, MD, serves as the chief medical officer and executive vice-president of the American Cancer Society (ACS) and as a professor of hematology, oncology, medicine and epidemiology at Emory University. At the ACS Dr. Brawley is responsible for promoting the goals of cancer prevention, early detection and quality treatment through cancer research and education. He champions efforts to decrease smoking, improve diet, detect cancer at the earliest stage and provide the critical support cancer patients need. He also guides efforts to enhance and focus the research program, upgrade the society’s advocacy capacity and concentrate community cancer control efforts in areas where they will be most effective. Further, as an acknowledged global leader in the field of health disparities research, Dr. Brawley is a key leader in the society’s work to eliminate disparities in access to quality cancer care. 46 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Meeting Highlights Wednesday, September 25 9:15 am. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address III – Steven L. Leibel, MD, Memorial Lecture “Identification and Targeting of Radioresistance Niches” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Peter Friedl, MD, PhD, St. Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, University of Nijmegen, and MD Anderson Cancer Center Introduced by: Catherine C. Park, MD, University of California San Francisco The research activities of Peter Friedl, MD, PhD, aim to identify the mechanisms of immune cell and cancer cell migration, with emphasis on routes, plasticity and outcome of migration in physiological (immune cell migration) and pathological context (cancer invasion and metastasis). Specific mechanisms of interest include the function of cell adhesion receptors (integrins, surface glycans), cell surface proteases (MMPs, MT-MMPs) and microenvironmental signals (tissue microanatomy, hypoxia, nutrient deprivation) and their impact on cancer invasion and metastasis, tissue destruction and anti-tumor immune defense. The findings of his laboratory contributed to establish a classification on different types of cell migration, their main molecular adhesion and protease pathways, and types and mechanisms of plasticity of cell migration. The data show cancer invasion and metastasis as an adaptive process in response to the microenvironment. Current basic themes include the cellular, molecular and physical plasticity of cell migration in leukocytes and cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, Dr. Friedl’s lab monitors the preclinical response to anti-cancer therapy by intravital multiphoton microscopy. The data show the resistance of tumor microniches and highlight strategies to overcome resistance, particularly by combining radiation therapy and molecular therapy targeting integrin adhesion receptors. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 47 ARRO Program Saturday, September 21 ARRO Annual Seminar* 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Room: B313 Refer to page 49 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ARRO Reception STATS 300 Marietta St., N.W. Atlanta, GA 30313 Shuttle service will not be provided to the ARRO Reception. STATS is approximately a 5-minute walk from the Georgia World Congress Center. Sunday, September 22 12:35 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. ARRO Annual Luncheon Room: B313 Guest Speaker: Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors Monday, September 23 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. ARRO Poster Walk with a Professor (Box Lunch) Room: Hall B4 – Poster Lounge 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. How to Review a Scientific Paper Workshop (Box Lunch)* Room: B203 W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Moderator, Duke University Workshop Faculty: Robert J. Amdur, MD, University of Florida Søren M. Bentzen, DSc, PhD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Anthony V. D’Amico, MD, PhD, FASTRO, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Yale University School of Medicine Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO, Massachusetts General Hospital *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Poster Viewing Session and Reception* Meet and Greet – Residents and Medical Students* Room: Hall B4 – Poster Lounge *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Wednesday, September 25 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ARRO Meet the Professor Luncheon Room: B302-B305 48 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Ticketed event/Separate registration required. ARRO Annual Seminar* Saturday, September 21 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Room: B313 This year’s program combines a variety of timely topics for residents at all stages of training. Using the audience interactive system, presentations are intended to facilitate interaction among participants from different communities. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 9:00 a.m. - 9:10 a.m. Opening Remarks – ARRO Executive Committee Jordan Kharofa, MD, ARRO Chairman, Medical College of Wisconsin Seth Miller, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 9:10 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. Global Health Scholar Award Presentations Rachel Jimenez, MD, Harvard University, 2012 recipient - New Delhi, India Sarah Milgrom, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2013 recipient - Dakar, Senegal Youssef Zeidan, MD, PhD, Stanford University, 2013 recipient - Beirut, Lebanon 9:40 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Residency Research Time and Resources: Survey Results Josh Mackenzie, MD, University of Cincinnati 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Legal Aspects of Entering Practice Terry Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute Break 10:50 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Keynote Address: Radiation Oncology: Lessons from the Past to Help Guide Your Future 10:45 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. 11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Break - Box Lunch Fellowships in Radiation Oncology Subhakar Mutyala, MD, Texas A and M College of Medicine Panelists: Brian E. Lally, MD, University of Miami Health System Kunal Saigal, MD, Fellow, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Applying for Jobs: A Panel Discussion Moderator: Lisa A. Kachnic, MD, Boston Medical Center Panelists: Randy Kimple, MD, PhD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Shannon Fogh, MD, University of California San Francisco Larry Daughtery, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville Anmed Ali, MD, Peachtree Radiation Oncology 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Manuscript Writing Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO, Massachusetts General Hospital Katherine Bennett, ASTRO 3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. Radiation Oncology Economics Series: Process of Care, Coding and Reimbursement in Radiation Oncology Najeeb Mohideen, MD, Northwest Community Hospital 4:20 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Professional Evaluation of Radiation Oncology Academic and Private Practices Terry Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 49 Young Physicians’ Workshop* Saturday, September 21 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Room: B216 This workshop will address several key issues facing early career physicians and will provide an open forum for discussion among peers. The educational focus is targeted toward young physicians, less than 10 years in practice. Distinguished faculty will share their experience and insights on several exciting topics. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 1:00 p.m. - 1:05 p.m. Welcome Shilpen Patel, MD, University of Washington 1:05 p.m. - 1:25 p.m. Keeping Your Sword Sharp – How to Stay Abreast of the Latest Developments with a Busy Practice and Life Patty Hardenberg, MD, Vail Valley Medical Center 1:25 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Difficult Conversations with Patients Beth A. Erickson, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin and Akila N. Viswanaknan, MD, MPH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 1:45 p.m. - 2:05 p.m. Negotiating a Contract When You are Established in the Field Terry Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute 2:05 p.m. - 2:25 p.m. Jumping Ship - How to Make the Transition When Changing Jobs Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors 2:25 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Maintenance of Certification - How? What? Where? When? Paul E. Wallner, DO, FASTRO, 21st Century Oncology 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. - 3:20p.m. Getting Involved in Your Specialty or Organized Medicine/Leadership Development Tim R. Williams, MD, FASTRO, Lynn Cancer Institute 3:20 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. Starting Protocols and Getting Funding: The How, When and Where Walter J. Curran Jr., MD, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University 3:40 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Work/Life Balance Leonard L. Gunderson, MD, MS, FASTRO, Immediate Past Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors, and Mayo Clinic Scottsdale 4:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. How to Build a Clinical Practice David C. Beyer, MD, FASTRO, Arizona Oncology Services 4:20 p.m. - 4:40 p.m. Case Presentations Reshma Jagsi, MD, University of Michigan 4:40 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. How to Critique, Write and Review a Scientific Paper W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University Ticketed event/Separate registration required. 50 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Nurses’ Program A ARON The Annual Meeting Nurses’ Committee has designed a program with sessions that are pertinent to radiation oncology nurses. The Nurses’ Luncheon is open to all Annual Meeting nurse registrants, but the option must have been added at the time of registration; therefore, you must have a ticket to attend. Saturday, September 21 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Nurses’ Welcome and Orientation Luncheon Room: B206 Joanne Moar, RN, OCN, Massachusetts General Hospital Cindy Tomlinson, ASTRO’s New Medical Error Reporting Program The Annual Meeting Nurse Abstract Award will be presented during the luncheon. 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. HPV Changing the Paradigm in Head and Neck Cancer Room: B203 Jeanne Parzuchowski, RN, MS, OCN, William Beaumont Hospital 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Wound and Skin Update: What’s Skin Got to Do With It Room: B203 Carole Bauer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, OCN, CWOCN, Karmanos Cancer Center 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Role of the Radiation Oncology Nurse in GI Oncology Room: B203 Gloria Wood, RN, MS, OCN, Moffitt Cancer Center Sunday, September 22 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. RT the Gift That Keeps on Giving Room: B203 Vanna M. Dest, MSN, APRN, BC, AOCN, Hospital of Saint Rafael Pamela Devine, MSN, RN, Philadelphia VA Medical Center 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Geriatric Focus in the Radiation Oncology Setting Room: B203 Diane Cope, PhD, ARNP, Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute Lynn Heup, MSN, BSN, Emory Healthcare 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Integrative Health Modalities Room: B203 Marilyn Haas, PhD, Carepartners Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 51 International Program A series of sessions have been identified throughout the Annual Meeting Program as pertinent to our international attendees. The International Attendee Welcome Breakfast is open to all international attendees, and you must have an international attendee badge holder (black) to be admitted. The Foreign Language Poster Walks are ticketed event; therefore, you must register for them and have a ticket to attend. Sunday, September 22 7:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. International Attendee Welcome Breakfast Room: B302-B305 The International Abstract Award will be presented during the breakfast. 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Best of ESTRO at ASTRO* Room: B213 Moderators: Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors Vincenzo Valentini, MD, President, ESTRO Panelists: Phillip Poortmans, MD, President-elect, ESTRO Tommy Knöös, PhD, Physics Committee Chairman, ESTRO Vincenzo Valentini, MD, President, ESTRO *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Monday, September 23 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Foreign Language Poster Walks Room: Hall B4, Poster Information Desk Foreign Language Poster Walks will be offered in Chinese and Spanish, and will review selected abstracts based on disease site. Please note that this event is open to international attendees only. Please refer to the details below for further information. CHINESE POSTER WALK Faculty: W. Ken Zhen, MD Disease Site: Head and Neck SPANISH POSTER WALK Faculty: Adela Poitevin, MD Disease Site: Breast, CNS and Prostate Connect with Attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 52 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING International Symposium* Wednesday, September 25 1:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Room: B206 *This Symposium is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. International Symposium: Global Health and Radiation Oncology- Part I* Where is the Challenge and What Can We Do? Radiation Oncology in Latin America, India and Africa Moderator: Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington Speakers: Global Health - The Big Picture - Bhadrasain Vikram, MD, National Cancer Institute Latin America - Beatriz Amendola, MD, FASTRO, Innovative Cancer Institute Africa - Terry J. Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute India - Prabhakar Tripuraneni, MD, FASTRO, Scripps Clinic 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. International Symposium II - Global Health and Radiation Oncology Part II: What are the Barriers to Delivery Optimal Therapy? Radiation Oncology in Asia Moderator: Kenneth Shung Hu, MD, Beth Israel Medical Center of New York Speakers: Clinical and Societal Challenges - Mack Roach, MD, University of California San Francisco Infrastructure and Ancillary Services - Cynthia L. Eccles, CMD, RT, BS, University of Oxford, Gray Institute China - Nancy Lee, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center South East Asia - Miriam Calaguas, MD, St. Luke’s Medical Center Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 53 ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) ASTRO’s practice accreditation program highlights the Society’s commitment to safety and quality. The program uses evidence-based guidelines and consensus statements on the practice of radiation oncology to establish standards of performance. ASTRO’s practice accreditation program will provide an objective peer review of essential functions and processes of radiation oncology practices, in addition to an on-site visit from a multidisciplinary team. The practice accreditation program consists of five key areas: patient-centered care, the process of care, the radiation oncology team, safety, and quality management and assurance. Saturday, September 21 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) – Prospective Surveyor Training* Room: B213 This interactive session is designed to provide an overview of the program and guidance on the surveyor’s role. The target audiences for this session are radiation oncologists, physicists and radiation therapists who are interested in becoming surveyors for ASTRO’s practice accreditation program. Participants of this session will be able to: • Discuss the mission, vision and goals of the program. • Discuss the radiation oncology practice accreditation model. • Identify and discuss the program standards. • Identify the steps of the survey process. • Discuss eligibility criteria for surveyors. • Discuss surveyor training requirements. Surveyors must be an ASTRO member; licensed; board certified; experienced (five years); currently practicing and flexible to conduct one survey per quarter. Surveyors cannot conduct radiation oncology surveys for other accrediting bodies while surveying for ASTRO. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Monday, September 23 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) Highlights Luncheon Room: B405 This luncheon is designed to provide highlights of ASTRO’s practice accreditation program. Attend this session and learn about the accreditation process from the perspectives of a radiation oncologist, a physicist and a radiation therapist. Symbol Key: A Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required 54 Connect with attendees. ARON Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tweet #ASTRO13 Schedule of Events Saturday | September 21 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Esophageal Cancers Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ARRO Annual Seminar* Room: B313 Refer to page 49 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Gynecologic Cancers Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Nurses’ Welcome and Orientation Luncheon Room: B206 Refer to page 51 for program schedule. 12:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Nurses’ Program Room: B203 Refer to page 51 for program schedule. 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ASTRO Career Fair Room: B207 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. The New Accreditation System from the ACGME – A Program Director Workshop* Room: B211 This workshop is intended to provide Program Directors a comprehensive overview of the new accreditation system that will be rolled out in July 2014. The workshop will describe the Radiation Oncology Milestones and outline a process for programs to create their own Clinical Competency Committee as required by the ACGME. Additionally the workshop will highlight how to provide learners with effective feedback and useful evaluations. Speakers: W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University Alisa Nagler, JD, EdD, Duke University Robert J. Amdur, MD, University of Florida *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Ticketed Event/Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 55 Saturday | September 21 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) – Prospective Surveyor Training* Room: B213 This session is designed to provide an overview of the program and guidance on the surveyor’s role. The target audiences for this session are radiation oncologists, physicists and radiation therapists who are interested in becoming surveyors for ASTRO’s practice accreditation program. Refer to page 54 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Young Physicians’ Workshop* Room: B216 Refer to page 50 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Lymphoma and Breast Cancer Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Gastrointestinal Cancers (SBRT/Abdominal) Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ARRO Reception – STATS 300 Marietta St., N.W. Atlanta, GA 30313 Shuttle service will not be provided to the ARRO Reception. STATS is approximately a 5-minute walk from the Georgia World Congress Center. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 56 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Sunday | September 22 7:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. International Attendee Welcome Breakfast Room: B302-B305 Open to international attendees. You must have a black badge holder to be admitted. Refer to page 52 for program schedule. 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Lung Cancer Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ASTRO Career Fair Room: B207 8:15 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. Welcome Address* Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Walter J. Curran Jr., MD, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 8:25 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Presidential Symposium – “Prostate Cancer: Patient Focused Advances” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Refer to page 44 for program schedule. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open Room: Halls B1–B3 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poster Viewing Room: Hall B4 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Lung SBRT/Sarcoma Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. Ticketed Event/Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 57 Sunday | September 22 12:35 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. ARRO Annual Luncheon Room: B313 Guest Speaker: Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors 12:35 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Health Policy Socioeconomic Luncheon* 2014 Radiation Oncology Coding and Reimbursement Update Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Box Lunch Provided A preview of the 2014 proposed rule changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System, as well as other payment and coding changes for 2014, will be presented. This update will be followed by a review of the current payment environment, which is dominated by concerns about Medicare spending growth and the instability of the sustainable growth rate (SGR). The session will conclude with a discussion of actions taken by the Medicare agency and private payers to control health care spending and how ASTRO has actively engaged with them and other stakeholders to address these concerns. Moderators: Joel Cherlow, MD, PhD, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Thomas Eichler, MD, Thomas Johns Cancer Center Speakers: David C. Beyer, MD, FASTRO, Arizona Oncology Services Najeeb Mohideen, MD, Northwest Community Hospital *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 12:35 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Financial Planning Luncheon Hosted by the Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI)* Learn how Recent Tax Law Changes and the Health Care Reimbursement Climate Impact your Personal Financial Planning Room: B310 Box Lunch Provided This session will be aimed at educating attendees on the impact of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 and relevant planning topics that may be appropriate given the changes. Concepts such as evaluating current retirement plans and determining whether there may be an opportunity to increase deductible contributions will be explored, as well as tax efficient investment vehicles like Roth IRAs, annuities, municipal bonds and master limited partnerships. Attendees will hear from financial and estate planners who understand what planning and charitable giving strategies are available to benefit them and the tax advantages available to effectively transfer wealth intergenerationally and support organizations like the Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI) that champion their profession. Speakers: Theodore Lawrence, MD, PhD, FASTRO, President, ROI Board of Trustees Russell M. LaGreca and/or James K. Meek, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC James R. Robinson,Esq. Barnes and Thornburg LLP J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 58 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Sunday | September 22 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Scientific Session A – Clinical Trials Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Moderators: Lynn Wilson, Benjamin Movsas 1:45 p.m. Maria Grazia Ghi 4 A Phase II-III Study Comparing Concomitant Chemoradiation Therapy (CRT) vs. Cetuximab/RT (CET/RT) With or Without Induction Docetaxel/Cisplatin/5Fluorouracil (TPF) in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LASCCHN). Efficacy Results of the GSTTC Italian Study (NCT01086826) 1:53 p.m. Michael Folkert 5 Predictive Modeling of Outcomes Following Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer Based on FDG-PET Image Characteristics Resident Clinical/Basic Science Research Award – Radiation Physics 2:01 p.m. Gregory Videtic 6 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) Protocol 0915: A Randomized Phase II Study Comparing Two Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Schedules for Medically Inoperable Patients with Stage I Peripheral Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2:09 p.m. David Palma 7 Predicting Esophagitis After Chemoradiation Therapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of >1000 Patients 2:18 p.m. Antonio Zuliani 8 Efficacy of Concomitant Cisplatin Plus Radiation Therapy and High-dose-rate Brachytherapy vs. Radiotherapy Alone for Stage IIIB Epidermoid Cervical Cancer: A Ten-Year Randomized Controlled Trial International Award Winner 2:26 p.m. Akila Viswanathan 9 A Phase II Study of Postoperative Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) with Concurrent Cisplatin and Bevacizumab (Bev) Followed by Carboplatin and Paclitaxel for Patients with Endometrial Cancer: One-year Results from RTOG 0921 2:34 p.m. Raymond Mailhot Vega 10 Cost Effectiveness of Proton Therapy Compared to Photon Therapy in the Management of Pediatric Medulloblastoma 2:42 p.m. Jan Kriz 11 Relapse Analysis After Radiotherapy of PET-Positive Residual Tumors of Patients with Advanced Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated in the HD15 Trial of the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) 2:50 p.m. Edward Chow 12 Response and Quality of Life (QoL) Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of Single vs. Multiple Fractions (Fx) for Re-Irradiation (RE-RT) of Painful Bone Metastases (PBM): NCIC CTG SC.20 2:58 p.m. Robert Miller LBA2 N08C9 (Alliance) - A Phase III Randomized Study of Sulfasalazine vs. Placebo in the Prevention of Acute Diarrhea in Patients Receiving Pelvic Radiation Therapy 3:06 p.m. Arjun Sahgal LBA3 Individual Patient Data (IPD) Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) Comparing Stereotactic Radiosurgery Alone (SRS) to SRS Plus Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) in Patients with Brain Metastasis ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 59 Sunday | September 22 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Scientific Session B – Breast – Loco-regional Control Room: B302-B305 Moderators: Jennifer Yu, Youlia Kirova 1:45 p.m. Rachel Abrams Rabinovitch 13 Long Term Update of RTOG 0319: A Phase I/II Trial to Evaluate Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3-D CRT) Confined to the Region of the Lumpectomy Cavity for Stage I and II Breast Carcinoma (BrCa) 1:55 p.m. Jessica Wobb 14 Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Provides Equivalent 10-Year Outcomes to Whole Breast Irradiation: A Matched-Pair Analysis 2:05 p.m. Jayant Vaidya 15 Omitting Whole Breast Radiotherapy Did Not Increase Axillary Recurrence in the Targit-a Trial 2:15 p.m. Samuel Shin 16 Analysis of Prone Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation After Breast-Conserving Surgery: 50 Months Follow-Up Results of 200 Patients 2:25 p.m. Atif Khan Discussant 2:35 p.m. Shulian Wang 17 Interim Analysis of 455 Breast Cancer Patients Randomly Treated with Hypofractionated or Conventional Fractionated Radiotherapy After Mastectomy 2:45 p.m. Yu-Chen Tsai 18 Post Mastectomy Radiotherapy Improves Survivals of N1 Breast Cancer Patients 2:55 p.m. Andrea Russo 19 Margin Status and the Risk of Local Recurrence (LR) in Patients with Early-stage Breast Cancer Treated with Breast-Conserving Therapy (BCT) 3:05 p.m. Betro Sadek 20 Higher Boost Dose of Radiation Instead of Mastectomy for Patients with Final Positive/Close Margins After Breast Conserving Therapy 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Scientific Session C – Lung – SBRT Room: B405 Moderators: Megan Daly, Jeffrey Bogart 1:45 p.m. Hiroshi Onishi 21 Japanese Multi-institutional Study of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for More Than 2000 Patients with Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 1:55 p.m. Rikiya Onimaru 22 A Phase I Study of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Peripheral T2N0M0 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study (JCOG0702) Sunday | September 22 2:05 p.m. Richard Hymas 23 A Matched Pair Analysis of Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Lobectomy, Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SBRT) or Wedge Resection 2:15 p.m. Inga Grills Discussant 2:25 p.m. Jeremy Harris 24 Performance of PET in Evaluating Local Recurrence after Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Early Lung Cancer 2:35 p.m. Sarah Mattonen 25 Assessment of Response After Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for Lung Cancer: Can Advanced CT Image Feature Analysis Predict Recurrence? 2:45 p.m. Brandon Mancini 26 PET Predicts Survival Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2:55 p.m. Zachary Kohutek 27 Pre-Treatment SUVmax on [18F]FDG-PET is Associated with Recurrence and Survival After SBRT for Early-stage NSCLC 3:05 p.m. Houda Bahig 28 Tumoricidal Robotic Radiation: 96% 2-Year Disease-Specific Survival Following Cyberknife Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Scientific Session D – Physics – MRI in Radiation Therapy Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: Daniel Low, Carri Glide-Hurst 1:45 p.m. David Jaffray 29 Development of a Novel Platform for MR-guided Radiation Therapy 1:55 p.m. Yanle Hu 30 Image Performance Characterization of an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System 2:05 p.m. Tony Tadic 31 A Novel Harmonic Analysis for Quantifying MRI Performance in MRIgRT 2:15 p.m. Olga Green 32 Realizing the QUANTEC Vision by Applying iWeighted Hybrid Iterative Spiral K-space Encoding Estimation (WHISKEE) to Actual dose (DA) Accumulation via Image Deformation (DAAvID) 2:25 p.m. Louise Murray 33 Isotoxic Simultaneous Integrated Boost to Dominant Intra-prostatic Lesions Using Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 61 Sunday | September 22 2:35 p.m. Timothy Craig 34 A Clinical Process for Imaging, Planning and Delivery of Dose Escalation for Intraprostatic Gross Tumor Volumes 2:45 p.m. Alexander Chin 35 Dosimetric Accuracy of Bulk Density Assignment on MRI for Head and Neck IMRT Treatment Planning 2:55 p.m. Elisabeth Weiss 36 Diffusion-weighted MRI for Response Assessment During Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Scientific Session E – CNS – Glioblastomas and High Grade Gliomas Room: B406 Moderators: Charles Simone, Christina Tsien 1:45 p.m. Frank Saran 37 The Addition of Bevacizumab (BEV) to Temozolomide (TMZ) and Radiotherapy (RT) in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) Improves Progression-free Survival (PFS) Without Adding to RT Toxicity 1:55 p.m. Moses Tam 38 Phase II Trial of Temozolomide Plus Bevacizumab, Lithium and Radiation Treatment for Newly Diagnosed High Grade Gliomas: Interim Analysis 2:05 p.m. Nils Arvold 39 Disconnect Between Recurrence-Free Survival and Overall Survival for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients Receiving Adjuvant Bevacizumab 2:15 p.m. Linda Chen 40 Characterization of Glioblastoma Subventricular Recurrence Patterns 2:25 p.m. Penny Fang 41 Phase I Study of Nelfinavir Concurrent with Temozolomide and Radiation Therapy in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme 2:35 p.m. Daniel Spratt 42 A Validation Study of the Temporal Relation of Post-operative Radiotherapy with Temozolomide for Glioblastoma Multiforme: Is the RTOG RPA Enough? 2:45 p.m. Mekhail Anwar 43 Identifying Voxels at Risk for Progression in GBM Based on Dosimetry, Physiologic and Metabolic MRI Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology 2:55 p.m. Hasan Danish 44 Post-radiation Diffusion MRIs May Distinguish True Progression from Pseudoprogression in GBM Patients 3:05 p.m. 62 Kevin Camphausen ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Discussant Interesting session? Tweet #ASTRO13 Sunday | September 22 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 01 – Physics – Novel Applications Room: A411 Discussants: Kristy Brock, Laurence Court Ruby Meredith 1001 Early Results of Phase I Trial with New Anti-HER-2 Radionuclide Conjugate Diana Shvydka 1002 Design of a Novel Multilayer Detector Based on Thin-Film Cadmium Telluride for High Energy Photon Imaging in Radiation Therapy Applications Rafal Tarnawski 1003 Integration of PET/CT (68) Ga-Dotate for Robotic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning in Meningioma Patients Javad Rahimian 1004 Prediction of Pelvic Lymph Node Involvement in Patients with Prostate Cancer Using an Artificial Neural Network Kristofer Kainz 1005 Deriving a Virtual Respiratory Phase-Specific PET Contour from Free-Breathing PET Using Respiratory Information from 4-D CT Tsuyoshi Takanaka 1006 Breath Holding Volumetric Modulated Radiotherapy Based on Implanted Fiducial Marks Using the Image-guided Radiotherapy System with Fluoroscopic Function Houari Korideck 1007 Dosimetric Verification of the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) Treatment Planning System (TPS) in Mice Bashar Al-Qaisieh 1008 Dosimetry Modeling for Focal LDR Prostate Brachytherapy Wilfred Ngwa 1009 Towards Customizable Radiotherapy Enhancement (CuRE), with Gold Nanoparticles released, in situ, from Gold-loaded Brachytherapy Spacers Mu-Han Lin 1010 Clinical Implementation of a Comprehensive EPID-Based 3-D/4-D Patient Dose Reconstruction Framework for Complex Treatment Validations Resident Digital Poster Discussion Award Shungo Akita 1011 Establishment of an Easy-to-Handle Quality Assurance (QA) Tool Using Plastic Scintillator for Dynamic Parameters of VMAT Xin Ming 1012 Monte Carlo Estimation of Dose to the Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices from a kVCBCT System Used in Image-Guided Radiation Therapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 63 Sunday | September 22 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 02 – GU – Fractionation, Protons, Prognostic Factors and Hormones Room: A412 Discussants: Neil Martin, Mack Roach Michael Weller 1013 Hypofractionated Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: Long Term Outcomes and a Comparison to Standard Dose-escalated RT Nadia Di Muzio 1014 High Dose Moderately Hypofractionated Tomotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Five Year Results James Yu 1015 Stereotactic Radiosurgery versus Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Comparison of Early Toxicity Paul Romesser 1016 Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) Doubling Time at Time of PSA Relapse is an Independent Predictor for Distant Metastasis and Survival After External Beam Radiation Therapy Randal Henderson 1017 Early Gastrointestinal Toxicity Outcomes from a Prospective Trial of Accelerated Hypofractionation with Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Tamara Smith 1018 Grade 3 Genitourinary Toxicities in Men After Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Nancy Mendenhall 1019 Five-year Outcomes of Proton Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer on Three Prospective Trials for Low-, Intermediate- and High-Risk Prostate Cancer Tamim Niazi 1020 Testosterone Breakthrough During Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonist Therapy Impacts Biochemical Disease Progression: Fact or Myth? Jason Hearn 1021 Prostate Cancer in the Era of High-Dose Radiotherapy: Presence of Multiple Intermediate-risk Factors is Not a Valid Surrogate for High-risk Disease Miranda Kim 1022 Defining the Optimal Approach to the Patient with Post-Radiation Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrence Using Outcome Data from a Prospective Randomized Trial Sindy Magnan 1023 Intermittent vs. Continuous Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 64 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Sunday | September 22 William Jackson 1024 Duration of Androgen Deprivation Therapy Influences Outcomes for Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy Following Radical Prostatectomy 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Educational Session 101 – Stem Cells, Bystander and Cell Death Mechanisms Room: B211 Frank Pajonk, MD, PhD, University of California Los Angeles Health System Kevin Prise, PhD, Queen’s University Belfast Paul F. Wilson, PhD, Brookhaven National Labratory 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Educational Session 102 – ASTRO/PROS Session: Current Approaches for Childhood Brain Tumors Room: B206 Daniel A. Hamstra, MD, PhD, University of Michigan Nadia N. Laack, MD, MS, Mayo Clinic Anita Mahajan, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Head and Neck Cancers Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Best of ESTRO at ASTRO* Room: B213 Refer to page 52 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 1:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Nurses’ Program Room: B203 Refer to page 51 for program schedule. 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Presidential Symposium – Session IV Patient-reported Outcomes - Making it Real Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Introduction by: Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Speaker: Jeff A. Sloan, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Ticketed Event/Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 65 Sunday | September 22 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. eContouring Learning Lab – Prostate Cancers Room: B308 Refer to page 41 for program schedule. 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 01 - Optimal Approach to Breast Cancer in Women > 70 Years Old Room: B211 Moderator: Janet Horton, MD, Duke University Medical Center Panelists: Kevin Hughes, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Benjamin Smith, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Hyman Muss, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 02 – Patient-reported Quality of Life Following Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Room: B302-B305 Moderators: Daniel Hamstra, MD, PhD, University of Michigan Martin Sanda, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Panelists: Deborah Watkins Bruner, PhD, RN, Emory University Martin Sanda, MD, Emory University School of Medicine Daniel Hamstra, MD, PhD, University of Michigan Jason Efstathiou, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 03 – Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: Andrea Bezjak, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital Joe Chang, MD, MS, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Panelists: Indrin J. Chetty, PhD, Henry Ford Health System Billy W. Loo, MD, PhD, Stanford University Ben Slotman, MD, PhD, VU University Hospital Center 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 04 – Overcoming the Resistance of Glioblastoma to Conventional Radiation Therapy Room: B216 Moderators: Brian Marples, PhD, William Beaumont Hospital Kevin Camphausen, MD, National Cancer Institute 66 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Sunday | September 22 Panelists: Peter Huber, MD, PhD, KDFZ University Hospital, Germany William Phillips, MD, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio Brian Marples, PhD, William Beaumont Hospital Kevin Camphausen, MD, National Cancer Institute 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 05 – The Role of Radiotherapy in Radical/Adjuvant Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: ASTRO Practice Guideline Evidentiary Base Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderator: George Rodrigues, MD, MSc, London Regional Cancer Program Panelists: Gregory Videtic, MD, Cleveland Clinic Alexander Louie, MD, London Regional Cancer Program Maria Werner-Wasik, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Hak Choy, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center Jeffrey Bogart, MD, State University of New York 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Educational Session 103 – Challenging Cases of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Room: B206 Bouthaina Dabaja, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center David Hodgson, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital Richard T. Hoppe, MD, FASTRO, Stanford University Ann LaCasce, MD, Harvard Medical School Peter Mauch, MD, FASTRO, Harvard Medical School 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Educational Session 104 – Head and Neck Case Presentations Room: B313 Robert Amdur, MD, University of Florida Avraham Eisbruch, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Robert I. Haddad, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Louis B. Harrison, MD, FASTRO, Beth Israel Medical Center Adam Jacobson, MD, Beth Israel Medical Center Great Speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 67 Monday | September 23 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 201 – Clinical Radiobiology of Hypofractionation Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Michael C. Joiner, PhD, Wayne State University Robert D. Timmerman, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 202 – Interstitial Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer: LDR and HDR, Alone and with External Beam Radiotherapy Room: B206 Michael Ghilezan, MD, PhD, Michigan Health Professionals/21st Century Oncology I-Chow J. Hsu, MD, University of California San Francisco Mira Keyes, MD, British Columbia Cancer Agency Al V. Taira, MD, Western Radiation Oncology 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 203 – Updated Roles and Rules for Radiation Therapy of Indolent and Aggressive Lymphomas Room: B216 Andrea K. Ng, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Joachim Yahalom, MD, FASTRO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 204 – Low/High Grade Gliomas – An Update Room: B302-B305 Changhu Chen, MD, University of Toledo Medical Center Daphne Haas-Kogan, MD, University of California San Francisco John P. Kirkpatrick, MD, PhD, Duke University 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 205 – Proton Therapy: Basic Physics and Practice Room: B313 Annelise Giebeler, PhD, Scripps Proton Therapy Center Baldev Patyal, PhD, Loma Linda University Medical Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 206 – Controversies in the Management of Endometrial Cancer Room: B213 Ann H. Klopp, MD, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Catheryn M. Yashar, MD, University of California San Diego 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 207 – Management of Oral Cavity Cancer and Nasopharyngeal Cancer focusing on IMRT and IGRT Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Nancy Lee, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Min Yao, MD, PhD, University Hospitals Case Medical Center 68 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 208 – Evolution of Radiation Oncology: Technology, Techniques and Outcomes Room: B211 George T.Y. Chen, MD, FASTRO, Massachusetts General Hospital Patricia J. Eifel, MD, FASTRO, MD Anderson Cancer Center David A. Larson, MD, PhD, FASTRO, University of California San Francisco Theodore L. Phillips, MD, FASTRO, University of Arizona 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 209 – Advanced Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Using All the Tools (Imaging, Motion Correction and IMRT) Promises and Pitfalls – A Case Based Approach Room: B308 Jeffrey D. Bradley, MD, Washington University School of Medicine Indrin J. Chetty, PhD, Henry Ford Health System James J. Urbanic, MD, Wake Forest University School of Medicine 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 210 – Controversies in the Optimal Management of Regional Nodes Room: B405 Jennifer R. Bellon, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH, Duke University School of Medicine Julie R. Gralow, MD, University of Washington School of Medicine 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ASTRO Career Fair Room: B207 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Featured Lecture- Patient Safety Organizations: An Overview Room: B406 William Munier, MD, Director, Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Refer to page 45 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address I “Is there Hope for ‘Healing’ Health Care?” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Darrell G. Kirch, MD, President and CEO, Association of American Medical Colleges Introduced by: Theodore L. DeWeese, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Refer to page 45 for program schedule. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 69 Monday | September 23 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open Room: Halls B1–B3 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poster Viewing Room: Hall B4 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session F – Biology – DNA Damage and Repair: Novel Biological Principles and Targeted Radiosensitization Strategies Room: B213 Moderators: Phouc Tran, Simon Powell 10:45 a.m. Adam Schmitt 45 Regulation of the DNA Damage Response by an Inducible Long Noncoding RNA 10:55 a.m. Sean Pitroda 46 RPS Predicts DNA Repair Pathway Preference and Cancer Patient Outcome 11:05 a.m. Chen-Pang Soong 47 Development of a Novel Method to Create Double-strand Break Repair Fingerprints Using Next-Generation Sequencing 11:15 a.m. Robert Bristow Discussant 11:25 a.m. Gerben Borst 48 Using BRCA 1/2-Deficient Mouse Mammary Tumors and μIGRT to Investigate Underlying Mechanisms Causing Radioresistance 11:35 a.m. Derek Zachman 49 Endothelial Cells Mitigate DNA Damage and Restore Function in Irradiated Hematopoietic Stem Cells 11:45 a.m. David Kozono 50 Proteasome Inhibitors Block DNA Repair and Radiosensitize Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 11:55 a.m. Ikuno Nishibuchi 51 SUMO E3-ligase Regulates DNA Damage-Dependent Exchange of the Histone Variant H2A.Z-2 12:05 p.m. Hebist Berhane 52 Radiobiologic Differences Between Bone Marrow Stromal and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells from Fanconi Anemia (FancD2-/-) Mice Connect with Attendees. Tweet #ASTRO13 70 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session G – GU – Prostate Cancer: Prognostic Factors, Hormones, Hypofractionation Room: B206 Moderators: May Abdel-Wahab, Ashesh Jani 10:45 a.m. Zachary Zumsteg 53 The Natural History and Patterns of Failure Following Biochemical Relapse in Prostate Cancer (PC) Patients Treated with Dose Escalated External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) 10:55 a.m. Daniel Krauss 54 Inferior Clinical Outcomes for Patients with Positive Post-Radiotherapy Prostate Biopsy: Results from Prospective Randomized Trial RTOG 94-08 11:05 a.m. Mitchell Kamrava 55 Do Targeted Ultrasound/MRI Fusion Biopsies Significantly Change Maximum Prostate Gleason Score Compared with Systematic Biopsies? 11:15 a.m. Nicholas Zaorsky 56 Evaluation of Biologically Equivalent Dose Escalation, Clinical Outcome and Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy: A Meta-Analysis of 12,000 Patients from 40 Institutions 11:25 a.m. Alan Katz 57 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Low-, Intermediate- and High-risk Prostate Cancer: Disease Control and Quality of Life at Six Years 11:35 a.m. Robert Meier 58 Patient-reported Quality of Life Outcomes in Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 11:45 a.m. Joseph Kang 59 Hypofractionated Proton Therapy for Low-risk Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Results of a Phase I/II Study 11:55 a.m. Perakaa Sethukavalan 60 Comparison of Biochemical and Toxicity Outcomes from a Contemporaneous Cohort Study of Low-risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Different Radiation Techniques 12:05 p.m. Amin Mirhadi 61 Effect of Long-term Hormonal Therapy (vs. Short-term Hormonal Therapy): A Secondary Analysis of Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated on RTOG 9202 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session H – GI – SBRT and Hypofractionation Room: B308 Moderators: Sarah Hoffe, Gary Yang 10:45 a.m. Yue Cao 62 Indocyanine Green for Individualized Assessment of Functional Liver Reserve in Patients Undergoing Liver Radiotherapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 71 Monday | September 23 10:55 a.m. Mary Feng 63 A Phase II Trial of Individualized Adaptive Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Patients at High-risk for Liver Damage 11:05 a.m. Foster Lasley 64 Relationship of Hepatic Toxicity to Advancement of Child-Pugh Score and Overall Survival for Patients Treated with SBRT to the Liver 11:15 a.m. Theodore Hong 65 Interobserver Variability in Target Definition for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hcc) with and without Portal Vein Thrombus: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) Hcc Consensus Panel 11:25 a.m. Joseph Herman 66 A Phase II Multi-center Study to Evaluate Gemcitabine and Fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 11:35 a.m. Aaron Wild 67 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Results in Less Severe Treatment-related Lymphopenia Than Conventional Chemoradiation Therapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 11:45 a.m. Chi Lin 68 A Dosimetric Analysis of Duodenal Toxicity After Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer 11:55 a.m. Daniel Chang Discussant 12:05 p.m. Florence Huguet 69 Investigation of Relation of Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance Scores (RTQASc) with Toxicity and Survival in LAP07 Phase III Trial for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma (LAPC) 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session I – GYN – Cervical Cancer Room: B211 Moderators: Charles Kunos, Matt Biagioli 10:45 a.m. Kathy Han 70 Trends in the Utilization of Brachytherapy in Cervical Cancer in the U.S. 10:55 a.m. David Gaffney 71 Consensus Contours for CT vs. MRI in Image-based Brachytherapy for Cervix Cancer to Generate an RTOG Atlas 11:05 a.m. Junzo Chino 72 Vaginal Dose and Toxicity with Image Guided Brachytherapy 11:15 a.m. Beant Gill 73 Clinical Outcomes for 3-D High-dose-rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy with MRI-Based Planning for the Treatment of Cervical Cancer 11:25 a.m. 72 Kaled Alektiar ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Discussant Monday | September 23 11:35 a.m. Eric Leung 74 Neutrophils Modulate Vascular Function in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer and Impair Response to Radiotherapy 11:45 a.m. Nina Mayr 75 Is Cellular Radiosensivity Influenced by Tumor Perfusion Status During Radiation Therapy of Cervical Cancer? 11:55 a.m. Olgun Elicin 76 The Use of 18FDG-PET Standard Uptake Value as a Metabolic Predictor of Bone Marrow Response to Radiation: Impact on Acute and Late Hematological Toxicity in Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with Chemo-radiotherapy 12:05 p.m. Ajeet Gandhi 77 Chronic Gastrointestinal Toxicity in Locally Advanced Carcinoma Cervix Treated with Intensity-modulated vs. Conventional Pelvic Radiotherapy: Results from a Prospective Randomized Study 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session J – Lung – Toxicity and Other Topics Room: B405 Moderators: Yolanda Garces, Andreas Rimner 10:45 a.m. Ankit Modh 78 Survival and Toxicity after Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Central Lung Tumors 10:55 a.m. Stuart Samuels 79 Changes in DLCO Instead of FEV1 During Treatment are Correlated with Post-Treatment Reduction in Pulmonary Function and Toxicity After SBRT or 3-D CRT for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 11:05 a.m. Andrew Aneese 80 Toxicity After Central versus Peripheral Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy (SBRT): A Propensity Score Matched-Pair Analysis 11:15 a.m. Taro Murai 81 Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Using a Radiobiology-based Regimen for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: 5-Year Mature Results 11:25 a.m. Gregory Videtic Discussant 11:35 a.m. Alexandros Papachristofilou 82 Clinical Utilization of Electromagnetic Real-time Lung Tumor Localization During Radiotherapy: A Prospective International Multicenter Study 11:45 a.m. Jean-Claude Rwigema 83 Incidental Mediastinal Dose Does Not Explain Low Mediastinal Nodal Recurrence Rates in Early-stage NSCLC Patients Treated with SBRT 11:55 a.m. Zachary Morris 84 Impact of Contralateral Tumor Nodules on Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A SEER Database Analysis ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 73 Monday | September 23 12:05 p.m. James Urbanic 85 Multiple Courses of Thoracic Radiotherapy (XRT) Using Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) as the First or Second Course of Treatment for Tumors Outside the Original High Dose Region 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session K – Pediatric Brain and Retinoblastoma Room: B406 Moderators: Ashwatha Narayana 10:45 a.m. Jacqueline Emrich 86 Episcleral Plaque Radiotherapy for Retinoblastoma: Treatment and Outcomes 10:55 a.m. Kent Mouw 87 Proton Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Pediatric Retinoblastoma 11:05 a.m. Anita Mahajan Discussant 11:15 a.m. Klaus Müller 88 Role of Craniospinal Radiotherapy in the Management of Recurrent Medulloblastoma - Experiences from the Prospective German HIT-REZ 1997 and 2005 Studies 11:25 a.m. Kristin Redmond 89 Prospective Study of Proton MR Spectroscopy (MRS) and Neuro-psychological Dysfunction Following Cranial Irradiation for Pediatric Malignancies 11:35 a.m. Daniel Indelicato 90 Incidence and Dosimetric Parameters of Brainstem Toxicity Following Proton Therapy 11:45 a.m. Thomas Merchant 91 Longitudinal Models of Cognitive Function in Children with Craniopharyngioma Demonstrate the Effect of Radiation Dose 11:55 a.m. Susan Hiniker 92 Survival and Neurocognitive Outcomes Following Addition of a Cranial or Craniospinal Boost to Total Body Irradiation Prior to Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric Leukemia Patients with CNS Involvement 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session L – Health Services Research Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderators: Samuel Swisher-McClure, Ashleigh Guadagnolo 10:45 a.m. Kristina Maletz 93 Comparison of NCCN and ACR Guidelines Regarding Treatment of Lung, Prostate, and Head and Neck Cancers 10:55 a.m. Barbara Fowble 94 Implementing Patient-oriented Decision Support into Breast Cancer Care 11:05 a.m. Aaron Falchook 95 Multiple Pathology Reviews in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Prevalence of Use in the Medicare Population and Cost Implications 74 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 11:15 a.m. Justin Bekelman 96 Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Radiotherapy: Comparative Effectiveness in Real-world Clinical Practice 11:25 a.m. Lia Halasz 97 Comparative Effectiveness of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) vs. Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT) for Patients with Brain Metastases from Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 11:35 a.m. Anand Shah 98 Cost Effectiveness of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy vs. Surgical Resection for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 11:45 a.m. Michaela Dinan 99 Changes in Radiotherapy, Surgery and Costs for Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer After the Adoption of Positron Emission Tomography, 1998-2005 11:55 a.m. Ruben Carmona 100 Risk Stratification for Non-cancer Mortality in Early-stage Endometrial Cancer 12:05 p.m. James B. Yu Discussant 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Scientific Session M – Best of Physics Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: David Jaffray, Indrin Chetty 10:45 a.m. Jan-Jakob Sonke 101 Improved Modeling of Radiation Pneumonitis Risk in Lung SBRT by Incorporating a Local Dose Effect Relation for Perfusion Reduction 10:55 a.m. Victor Mangona 102 Predictors of Chest Wall and Extrapulmonary Soft Tissue Toxicity After Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy: A Dosimetric Analysis 11:05 a.m. Zhibin Huang 103 Patient Specific TCP Based on the gLQ Model - A Strong Outcome Predictor in Radiation Therapy for Cervical Cancer 11:15 a.m. Teo Stanescu 104 Quantification of Magnetic Field Compatibility of Subcomponents in an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation Physics 11:25 a.m. Reinhard Schulte 105 First Experience with an Experimental Proton CT Scanner 11:35 a.m. Eric Williams 106 Using gEUD to Model Volume Effects for Pneumonitis in Prospective Data from four Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Dose-escalation Trials Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation Physics ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 75 Monday | September 23 11:45 a.m. Per Poulsen 107 Experimentally Validated Simulator of Dynamic MLC Tracking Treatments: A Tool for Tracking QA 11:55 a.m. Annemarie Fernandes 108 Comparative Assessment of Liver Tumor Motion Using CineMRI vs. 4-D CT 12:05 p.m. Ruijiang Li 109 First Clinical Study of On-treatment Volumetric Imaging During Respiratory Gated VMAT 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 03 – CNS – Meningiomas, Gliomas and Metastases Room: A411 Discussants: Paul Brown, Stephanie Weiss Martin Pavelic 1025 Distinguishing Grade I Meningioma from Higher Grade Meningiomas Without Biopsy Steve Braunstein 1026 Benefit of Adjuvant Radiotherapy (RT) in Management of Recurrent Atypical Meningioma (AM) Robert Press 1027 Patterns of Failure for Grade II/III Meningioma Treated with Reduced Margin Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Helen Shih 1028 Mixed Proton and Photon Therapy for Benign Meningiomas: Long Term Results of a Prospective Randomized Dose Escalation Study Ariel Marciscano 1029 Benign Meningiomas with Atypical Features: Correlation of Histopathological Features with Clinical Outcomes Joshua Siglin 1030 Combining Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Bevacizumab for Recurrent High Grade Glioma: Outcomes Analysis George Shenouda 1031 Results of a Phase II Clinical Trial of Neo-Adjuvant Temozolomide (TMZ), Followed by Concurrent TMZ and Hypofractionated Accelerated External Beam Radiotherapy (Ac-EBRT) with Limited Margins, and Adjuvant TMZ for Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Joshua Palmer 1032 Re-resection for Recurrent High Grade Glioma in the Setting of Re-irradiation Kapila Kalakota 1033 Time to Intracranial Failure Following Post-resection Cavity Radiosurgery for Patients with a Single Intracranial Metastasis Jonathan Pai 1034 Brain Metastases and Resection Cavities from Colorectal Carcinoma Treated with Stereotactic Radiosurgery Have Poor Local Control Compared to Non-colorectal Histology 76 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 Jennifer Rosenberg 1035 Factors Influencing Local Control and Survival in Patients Treated with Radiosurgery Following Surgical Resection of CNS Metastases Menachem Yondorf 1036 Resection Cavity Dynamics Following Implantation of Cesium-131 (Cs-131) Brachytherapy for Resection Brain Metastases Based on CT-Planning 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 04 – Sarcoma/Lymphoma Room: A412 Discussants: Jonathan Ashman, Stephanie Terezakis Kyle Denniston 1037 Quantification of the Effect of Arm Position on Normal Tissue Location and Dosimetry in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Bradford Hoppe 1038 Phase II Study of Consolidative Involved-node Proton Therapy in Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma: Early Outcomes Amanda Walker 1039 18F-FDG PET SUV Thresholding for Target Volume Delineation in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma He Wang 1040 Image Guided Radiation Therapy Proves Its Benefit in Detecting the Daily Unpredictable Shape Change of the Stomach, a Study of Patients Treated for Stomach Lymphoma K.Ranh Voong 1041 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Using Butterfly Technique Offers a Dosimetric Advantage to Critical Organs in Young Female Patients with Mediastinal Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Gabriele Reinartz 1042 Contribution of 4-D CT and Listmode-PET-CT for Evaluation of PTV for Whole Stomach Radiation: Inter- and Intra-fractional Gastric Motion During IMRT in Gastric Lymphoma Luke Miller 1043 Mesna-Ifosfamide Doxorubicin Chemoradiotherapy (MAI-XRT) for Large, High Grade Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Reduced Toxicity and Encouraging Early Results Hayashi Kazuhiko 1044 Long-term Results of Intraoperative Extracorporeal Irradiation to the Autogenous Bone Grafts in Primary Bone and Soft Tissue Malignancies Addison Willett 1045 Comparison of HDR Brachytherapy, Orthovoltage X-ray and Electron Beam Radiation in the Treatment of Non-melanoma Skin Cancers: A Single Institution Experience of Individualized Radiation Therapy Andrew Bishop 1046 Head and Neck Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Favorable Outcomes with Radiotherapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 77 Monday | September 23 Alfredo Polo 1047 A Dose-Response Relationship Exists for Soft Tissue Sarcomas of the Extremities Treated with Maximum Surgery and Intraoperative Electron Therapy, with or without External Beam Radiotherapy: Results of a Multicentric Pooled Analysis Aashish Bhatt 1048 Reduction in Wound Complications with Low vs. High Dose Pre-operative Radiotherapy for Sacro-Coccygeal Chordomas 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Educational Session 211 – Difficult Cases in Breast Cancer Room: B313 Thomas A. Buchholz, MD, FASTRO, MD Anderson Cancer Center Jay R. Harris, MD, FASTRO, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Terry Mamounas, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando Julia R. White, MD, The Ohio State University Cancer Center Eric Winer, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Educational Session 212: Overuse, Underuse and Misuse of Radiation Therapy and the Future of Radiation Oncology - Impact on Quality, Payment Reform and Patient Care Announcement of ASTRO’s List for “Choosing Wisely” Initiative Room: B216 Moderator: Bharat B. Mittal, MD, FASTRO, Northwestern University Daniel B. Wolfson, MHSA, ABIM Foundation Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors James Alan Hayman, MD, University of Michigan Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Denver 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Foreign Language Poster Walks Room: Hall B4, Poster Information Desk Refer to page 52 for program schedule. 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. AAWR/ASTRO Luncheon* – A Mentorship Panel for Women in Radiation Oncology Room: B302-B305 Join us for the annual AAWR/ASTRO Luncheon Panel. This diverse panel of accomplished women radiation oncologists will discuss and answer questions on professional advancement in academic and community practice, opportunities and challenges, and involvement in health care politics, for women in radiation oncology. Moderator: Chelsea Pinnix, MD, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Interesting Session? Ticketed Event/Separate registration required 78 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tweet #ASTRO13 Monday | September 23 Panelists: Reshma Jagsi, MD, PhD, University of Michigan Nancy S. Tarbell, MD, FASTRO, Harvard Medical School Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Board of Directors Jacqueline P. Williams PhD, FASTRO, University of Rochester Medical Center Geraldine M Jacobson MD, MPH, MBA, West Virginia University *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. ARRO Poster Walk with a Professor (Box Lunch) Room: Hall B4, Poster Lounge 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. How to Review a Scientific Paper Workshop (Box Lunch) Room: B203 Refer to page 48 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) Highlights Luncheon* Room: B405 Refer to page 54 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education. 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Presidential Address – “Hope, Faith, Cancer: Keeping Patients First” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Colleen A. F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Board of Directors Introduced by: J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Great Speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 79 Monday | September 23 2:00 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. PLENARY SESSION Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Moderators: Theodore DeWeese, Lynn Wilson 2:00 p.m. Thomas Pisansky 1 RTOG 9910: Phase III Trial to Evaluate the Duration of Neoadjuvant Total Androgen Suppression and Radiation Therapy in Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer 2:10 p.m. Daniel Hamstra Discussant 2:15 p.m. Benjamin Movsas 2 Quality of Life Analysis of the Randomized Radiation Dose Escalation NSCLC Trial (RTOG 0617): The Rest of the Story 2:25 p.m. Andrea Bezjak Discussant 2:30 p.m. William Small 3 RTOG 0841: Two Item Questionnaire Effectively Screens for Depression in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy 2:40 p.m Andrew Miller Discussant 2:45 p.m. Vinai Gondi LBA1 Memory Preservation with Conformal Avoidance of the Hippocampus during Whole-Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) for Patients with Brain Metastases: Primary Endpoint Results of RTOG 0933 2:55 p.m. Laurie Gaspar Discussant 3:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ASTRO Guidelines Highlight – The Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy After Prostatectomy: ASTRO/AUA Guideline Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Moderators: Benjamin Movas, Lynn Wilson Presenter: Richard K. Valicenti, MD, University of California Davis Medical Center Discussant: Carol Hahn, MD, Duke University Medical Center 80 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Featured Lecture – “Update on Self-referral*” Room: B406 James Cosgrove, PhD, Director, U.S. Government Accountability Office Introduced by Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Chairman, ASTRO Board of Directors Refer to page 46 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Panel 06 – The Confluence of Radiation and Immunotherapy: From Bench to Bedside and Back Again Room: B211 Moderator: Steven Finkelstein, MD, 21st Century Oncology Panelists: William McBride, DSc, PhD, University of California Los Angeles Health System Sylvia Formenti, MD, NYU School of Medicine Neal Shore, MD, Carolina Urologic Research Center Steven Finkelstein, MD, 21st Century Oncology 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Panel 07 – Bringing Forth Evidence to Put Patients First: How Guidelines will Impact Practice of Radiation Oncology Room: B308 Moderator: Joshua Petit, MD, University of Colorado Health System Panelists: Benjamin Smith, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Carol Hahn, MD, Duke University George Rodrigues, MD, MSc, London Regional Cancer Program William Sause, MD, International Healthcare Radiation Oncology Bryan Loy, MD, MBA, Humana Hospital-Audubon Lee Newcomer, MD, United Healthcare 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Panel 08 – Innovative Clinical Trial Designs* Room: B206 Moderators: Brian Alexander, MD, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center Giovanni Parmigiani, PhD, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center Panelists: Donald Berry, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Michael Krams, MD, Janssen Pharmaceuticals Daniel Normolle, PhD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Lorenzo Trippa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Monday | September 23 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Panel 09 – Fractionated Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: What is the Standard of Care? Room: B313 Moderator: Mark Buyyounouski, MD, MS, Fox Chase Cancer Center Panelists: Eric Hall, DSc, FASTRO, New York Presbyterian Hospital Howard Sandler, MD, MS, FASTRO, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Alan Pollack, MD, PhD, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Panel 10 – Safety First: Using a National Patient Safety Organization to Improve the Quality of Care Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderator: Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Panelists: Eric Ford, PhD, University of Washington Thomas Piotrowski, RN, MSN, Clarity PSO Lawrence Marks, MD, FASTRO, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sasa Mutic, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Educational Session 213 – Integration of Safety in Quality Assurance Programs Room: B216 Benedick A. Fraass, PhD, FASTRO, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Ramon Alfredo C. Siochi, PhD, University of Iowa 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Educational Session 214 – Laryngeal Preservation in Larynx and Hypopharynx Cancer Room: B405 Robert J. Amdur, MD, University of Florida Christopher Holsinger, MD, Stanford University Quynh-Thu Le, MD, Stanford University Connect with attendees. #ASTRO13 82 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Monday | September 23 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Poster Viewing Session and Reception* Room: Hall B4 During this session, poster presenters will be available at their poster to answer questions and explain their research. Again this year there will be a presentation area where poster award winners will provide highlights of their research and be available for questions. The presentation schedule will be available in the poster viewing area. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Meet and Greet - Residents and Medical Students Room: Hall B4, Poster Lounge 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 2013 NCI/ASTRO Diversity Symposium and Reception* – Improving Cancer Care Globally: A Call to Service in Radiation Oncology Room: B203 Members of the National Cancer Institute and Cancer Disparities Research Partnership project invite you to join them for a disconcerting look at disparities in cancer care around the globe. Expert speakers who have completed groundbreaking work to improve the delivery of radiation oncology services in developing nations will share their stories and insights. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Moderator: Bhadrasain Vikram, MD, National Cancer Institute ASTRO-ARRO Resident Experience in the Global Health Scholarship Program Introduction: Bhadrasain Vikram, MD, National Cancer Institute Speaker: Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington Desperate and Disparate in a Time of Many Transitions: Improving Research and Practice in Radiation Oncology Introduction: Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington Speaker: Glenn Jones, MD, Credit Valley Hospital Possible Business Models for Radiation Therapy Facilities in Bangladesh Introduction: Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington Speaker: Richard Love, MD, MS, International Breast Cancer Research Foundation Interesting session? Tweet #ASTRO13 Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 83 Tuesday | September 24 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 301 – Controversies on the Role of Radiation Therapy in the Management of Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) Room: B405 Peter M. Mauch, MD, FASTRO, Harvard Medical School Lena Specht, MD, PhD, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 302 – Oncofertility and Fertility Preservation Treatment: Patient Needs and Opportunities for Radiation Oncologists Room: B206 Clarisa Gracia, MD, University of Pennsylvania Farzan Siddiqui, MD, PhD, Henry Ford Health System William Small, MD, FASTRO, Loyola University Raphael Yechieli, MD, Henry Ford Health System 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 303 – Best Practices in Radiation Oncology Education Room: B213 Robert J. Amdur, MD, University of Florida Joanne Alfieri, MDCM, McGill University Health Centre Junzo P. Chino, MD, Duke University Nicholas DeNunzio, BS, Boston University School of Medicine Eric L. Khoo, MB, ChB, Radiation Oncology Queensland - Toowoomba James D. Mitchell, MD, David Grant Medical Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 304 – Molecular Radiobiology – Concepts and Clinical Applications Room: B203 Anthony Chalmers, MD, PhD, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Brian Marples, PhD, William Beaumont Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 305 – Advanced Treatment Technologies: Design, Control Systems, Commissioning and Clinical Applications Room: B406 James Balter, PhD, University of Michigan Timothy D. Solberg, PhD, University of Pennsylvania Lei Xing, PhD, Stanford University 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 306 – Cervical Cancer Management Room: B211 Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington Medical Center Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 84 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 307 – Esophagus and Gastric Cancer: Contemporary Treatment Approaches Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Michael G. Haddock, MD, Mayo Clinic Harvey J. Mamon, MD, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 308 – External Beam Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Dose, Volume, Fractionation Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Jason A. Efstathiou, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital Eric M. Horwitz, MD, Fox Chase Cancer Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 309 – An Overview of the End-to-End Use of Images for IGRT from Simulation to Treatment – How To Make IGRT better Room: B313 Peter Balter, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Mary Kara Bucci, MD, Anchorage Radiation Therapy Center 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 310 – Management of Adult Sarcoma Room: B216 Elizabeth H. Baldini, MD, MPH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH, MD Anderson Cancer Center 8:00 am. - 6:00 p.m. ASTRO Career Fair Room: B207 9:15 am. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address II “Cancer Survivorship and Quality Of Life” Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Otis W. Brawley, MD, Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society Introduced by: J. Frank Wilson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open Room: Halls B1–B3 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poster Viewing Room: Hall B4 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 85 Tuesday | September 24 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. AWARDS CEREMONY* – Gold Medal, Fellows, Honorary Member and Survivor Circle Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 The Awards Ceremony is held in honor of ASTRO’s 2013 award recipients and Fellows. Show your appreciation for these premier leaders by joining in the celebration of their accomplishments. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Business Meeting Room: B302-B305 ASTRO voting members (Active, Affiliate, Allied and International members) are invited to attend the Business Meeting. Leaders of the Society will discuss important topics of interest to ASTRO members. You should not miss this important meeting. Lunch will be served. 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session N – Breast – Toxicity Room: B313 Moderators: Ozer Algan, Welela Tereffe 1:00 p.m. Jason Ye 110 Breast Cancer (BC), Second Cancer and Cardiac Mortality in Stage T1aN0 Breast Cancer Patients with or without External Beam Radiation Therapy (XRT): NCI SEER Study 1:10 p.m. Jiayi Chen 111 Dosimetric Analysis of Cardiac Substructure Related to Cardiac Safety in Patients with Her-2 Positive Breast Cancer Receiving Concurrent Trastuaumab and Adjuvant Radiotherapy 1:20 p.m. Sagar Patel 112 Protons with Free Breathing vs. Photons with Deep Inspiration Breath Hold in Post-mastectomy Patients: A Dosimetric Comparative Analysis 1:30 p.m. Richard Zellars Discussant 1:40 p.m. Laura Warren 113 Risk of Lymphedema with the Addition of Regional Lymph Node Irradiation for Breast Cancer Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study 1:50 p.m. Tu Dan 114 Cosmetic Outcomes and Quality of Life are Similar in Patients Receiving Breast Conservation vs. Mastectomy: 25 Year Follow-Up of the NCI Randomized Trial 2:00 p.m. Xiaofeng Yang 115 Hypofractionated Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Does Not Increase Cutaneous Toxicity: A Prospective Comparative Study Between Standard and Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Using Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging 2:10 p.m. Alice Ho 116 Pneumonitis Rates Following Comprehensive Nodal Irradiation in Breast Cancer Patients: Results of a Phase I Feasibility Trial of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 86 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 2:20 p.m. Ben Wilkinson 117 Six-year Outcomes for Phase I/II Study Evaluating Hypofractionated Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using a Two-day Dose Schedule 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session O – CNS – Brain Metastases Room: B211 Moderators: Baldassarre Stea, May Tsao 1:00 p.m. George Rodrigues 18 When Should Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) Be Utilized with Stereotactic Radiosurgery to Reduce Regional Failure in the Treatment of Oligometastatic Brain Disease?: Clinical Nomogram and Recursive Partitioning Analysis 1:10 p.m. John Kirkpatrick 119 Early Results of a Randomized Trial to Identify an Optimal PTV in Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Brain Metastases 1:20 p.m. Marina Kushnirsky 120 Brain Metastasis Detection Improved by Time Delayed Contrast Enhanced MRI 1:30 p.m. Christopher Tinkle 121 Lesion Location as a Predictor of Adverse Radiation Effect after Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastasis 1:40 p.m. Kimberley Mak 122 Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Significance of Mutations in EGFR, ALK or KRAS on Radiotherapy Response and Survival 1:50 p.m. Paul Sperduto 123 Secondary Analysis of RTOG 9508, a Phase III Randomized Trial of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT) vs. WBRT Plus Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in Patients with 1-3 Brain Metastases; Post-Stratified by the Graded Prognostic Assessment (GPA) 2:00 p.m. John Lucas 124 A Competing Risk Analysis of Neurologic vs. Non-neurologic Death in Patients Undergoing Radiosurgical Salvage Following Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) Failure: Who Actually Dies of Their Brain Metastases? 2:10 p.m. Tzu-I Jonathan Yang 125 Prognostic Implications of Receptor Status and Extracranial Disease in Patients with Breast Cancer Brain Metastases Treated with Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2:20 p.m. Penny Sneed Discussant ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 87 Tuesday | September 24 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session P – Physics – Dose Effect Relationships Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderators: Lakshmi Santanam, Mary Martel 1:00 p.m. Joel Greenberger 126 Gene Transcript Responses in 10MV Photon at 2400 MU/min Total Body Irradiated C57BL/6NTac Mice Correlate with Increased Survival Compared to the Same TBI Dose Using 6MV Photons or Lower Dose Rates 1:10 p.m. Mark Hallman 127 Dose Conformity Predictors of Symptomatic Toxicity in Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation (SBRT) 1:20 p.m. Ellen Yorke 128 Linear-quadratic Dose Correction for Chest Wall Pain in Thoracic Stereotactic Body Radiation 1:30 p.m. Katharine Aitken 129 Evaluating Small Bowel Dose Volume Tolerance Limits for SBRT Using a Pre-operative Rectal Radiotherapy Model: Are We Setting the Bar Too High? 1:40 p.m. Yelin Suh 130 Duodenal Dose Sparing with Varying Stomach Volume During IG-IMRT Treatment 1:50 p.m. Gunnar Steineck 131 Relationships Between Rectal Dose and Patient-reported Late Gastrointestinal Toxicity after Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy 2:00 p.m. Dawn Owen 132 Cord and Thecal Sac Dosimetric Correlation with Toxicity for Spine SBRT 2:10 p.m. Yun Yang 133 Quantitative Comparison of Knowledge-guided IMRT Planning to Expert Planning for Prostate Cancer Basic Science Abstract Award - Radiation Physics 2:20 p.m. Jun Lian 134 Inter-Technique and Inter-Institutional Modeling of the Dosimetry of Organs-at-Risk in Head and Neck IMRT Plans 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session Q – Head and Neck – Clinical Trials/Target Delineation Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: Allen Chen, Vishal Gupta 1:00 p.m. Phuc Felix Nguyen-Tan 135 A Phase III Trial to Test Accelerated versus Standard Fractionation in Combination with Concurrent Cisplatin for Head and Neck Carcinomas (RTOG 0129): Long Term Report of Efficacy and Toxicity 1:10 p.m. Brian O’Sullivan 136 The Changing Profile of Outcome in Long Term Follow-up of a Randomized Trial for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer 88 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 1:20 p.m. Anupam Rishi 137 Comparison of Concomitant Boost Radiotherapy and Concurrent Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancers - A Phase III Randomized Trial from a Single Institute in India 1:30 p.m. Alexandra Jensen 138 Combined IMRT and C12-Heavy Ion Boost for Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors: COSMIC 1:40 p.m. Lucien Nedzi 139 Toxicity of Continuous Course Re-irradiation Concurrent with Weekly Cisplatinum and Cetuximab for Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Report of a Phase II Trial 1:50 p.m. Adam Garden Discussant 2:00 p.m. Peter Ahn 140 Risk of Lymph Node Metastasis and Nodal Level Involvement Based on Site and Histology in the Paranasal Sinus: A SEER Analysis 2:10 p.m. Michael Gensheimer 141 Safety of Submandibular Gland-Sparing Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer 2:20 p.m. Cornelis Raaijmakers 142 Gross Tumor Volume of Laryngeal/Hypopharyngeal Cancer Delineated on MRI is Doubled Compared to Pathology 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session R – Lymphoma – Radiation Therapy as a Critical Component of Lymphoma Therapy Room: B203 Moderators: Brad Hoppe, Karen Winkfield 1:00 p.m. Carolina Fasola 143 Low-dose Radiotherapy (2 Gy x 2) in the Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Ocular Adnexa 1:10 p.m. Andrea Ng 144 Rates and Durability of Response to Salvage Radiotherapy Among Patients with Refractory or Relapsed Aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 1:20 p.m. Abhishek Solanki 145 Excellent Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Early-stage Nodular Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkins Lymphoma Treated with Radiotherapy 1:30 p.m. Tobin Strom 146 Combining Low-dose External Beam with Radioimmunotherapy for Patients with Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Lymphoma 1:40 p.m. George Mikhaeel Discussant 1:50 p.m. Sewit Teckie 147 Clinical Outcomes and Patterns of Relapse in 300 Patients with Early- and Advanced-Stage Marginal Zone Lymphoma ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 89 Tuesday | September 24 2:00 p.m. Chen Bo 148 Late Relapse in Early-stage Extranodal Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type 2:10 p.m. Gary Walker 149 Controlling Central Nervous System Leukemia: Does the Extent of the Radiation Therapy Field Influence Outcomes? 2:20 p.m. Peter Petersen 150 Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Radiation Therapy Reduces Radiation Dose to the Lungs and Heart in Patients Treated for Mediastinal Hodgkin Lymphoma 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session S – Sarcoma/Cutaneous Tumors Room: B405 Moderators: Jadranka Dragovic 1:00 p.m. Dian Wang 151 Significant Reduction of Radiation Related Morbidities in the Extremity Sarcoma Patients Treated with Image Guided Radiotherapy to Reduced Target Volume: Results of RTOG 0630 1:10 p.m. Kaled Alektiar 152 Local Control Comparison of Conventional and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Primary Soft-Tissue Sarcomas of the Extremity 1:20 p.m. Colleen Dickie 153 Dosimetric Consequences of Tumor Volume Changes During Preoperative IMRT for Lower Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma 1:30 p.m. Falk Roeder 154 Excellent Local Control with IOERT and Postoperative EBRT in High-grade Extremity Sarcoma: Results from a Subgroup Analysis of a Prospective Trial 1:40 p.m. Jianyang Wang 155 Postoperative Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Provided Favorable Local Control in Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Extremities and Trunk 1:50 p.m. Thomas Delaney Discussant 2:00 p.m. Elizabeth Pan 156 Role of Postoperative Radiation (RT) Boost for Soft Tissue Sarcomas with Positive Margins Following Preoperative RT and Resection 2:10 p.m. Ajay Bhatnagar 157 Electronic Brachytherapy for the Treatment of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: Results at Three Years 2:20 p.m. Ulrike Hoeller 158 Treatment Planning for Merkel Cell Carcinoma Based on the Relapse Pattern 90 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session T – Physics – Motion Assessment and Management Room: B406 Moderators: Ying Xiao, Geoffrey Hugo 1:00 p.m. Mario Romano 159 Does Pre-radiation Oxygen Breathing Prolong Deep Inspiration Breath Hold? 1:10 p.m. Derek Tsang 160 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Lorazepam to Reduce Organ Motion in Patients Receiving Upper Abdominal Radiotherapy 1:20 p.m. Seishin Takao 161 Baseline Shift of Intrafractional Lung Tumor Motion in a Real-time Tumor-tracking Radiotherapy Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation Physics 1:30 p.m. Keiichi Harada 162 Can 4-D CT Imaging Predict Lung Motion During Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy? 1:40 p.m. Xiutao Shi 163 Margins Determined Using 4-D CT Often Underestimate Tumor Motion in Thoracic Tumors 1:50 p.m. Samer Salamekh 164 Inter-fraction Tumor Volume Changes During Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2:00 p.m. Katelyn Atkins 165 Interfraction Regional Variation of Tumor Breathing Motion in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) 2:10 p.m. Li-Ming Christine Fang 166 Novel Method of Cardiac Sparing with Deep-inspiration Breath Hold Utilizing Surface Electromagnetic Transponders in Women with Left-sided Breast Cancer 2:20 p.m. Carri Glide-Hurst 167 Intra-fraction Variability and Deformation Quantification for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session U – Peds – Sarcoma and Neuroblastoma Room: B213 Moderators: Daniel Indelicato, Mary McAleer 1:00 p.m. Matthew Krasin 168 Long-term Toxicities of a Prospective Trial Delivering Limited Margin 3-D CRT/IMRT in Children with Rhabdomyosarcoma 1:10 p.m. Henry Mandeville 169 Local Failure in Parameningeal Rhabdomyosarcoma: Does Response to Induction Chemotherapy Matter? 1:20 p.m. William Tong 170 High-dose-rate Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Pediatric Sarcoma: Outcomes, Toxicity and Practice Recommendations ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 91 Tuesday | September 24 1:30 p.m. Timothy Waxweiler 171 Non-rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Children: A Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Analysis 1:40 p.m. Lindsay Brown 172 Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Pediatric Bone Tumors 1:50 p.m. Jaipreet Suri 173 Subsequent Malignancies in Patients with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Treated with Radiotherapy 2:00 p.m. Alexei Polishchuk 174 Predilection for First Relapse in Previous Sites of Bony Disease in Patients with Metastatic High-risk Neuroblastoma 2:10 p.m. Ali Mazloom 175 Radiotherapy to the Primary and Post-induction Chemotherapy MIBG-avid Sites in High-risk Neuroblastoma 2:20 p.m. Natia Esiashvili Discussant 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 05 – Biology Room: A411 Discussants: Robert Den, Henning Willers Nan Bi 1049 Serum MicroRNA Signature Predicts Survival in Patients with Unresectable/Inoperable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiation Therapy Daniel Bracey 1050 The Endogenous Peptide Angiotensin-(1-7) Prevents Radiation-induced Muscle Fibrosis: An In Vivo Murine Model Resident Digital Poster Discussion Award Alexander Stessin 1051 Fty720, Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor Modulator, Attenuates Radiation-induced Neurocognitive Deficits in Young Mice Carmen Perez 1052 Interleukin-7 as a Candidate Agent for Mitigating Radiation-induced Hematologic Injury Sanath Kumar 1053 Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Increases Lethality of Total Body Irradiation Gregory Vlacich 1054 Lrig1 Marks a Basal Subpopulation in the Esophagus Epithelium that Function as Stem Cells Basic Science Abstract Award - Radiation and Cancer Biology 92 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 Phuoc Tran 1055 Twist1 Induces the Step-wise Malignant Progression of Liver Cancer in Transgenic Mice Revealing a Prognostic 19-Gene Signature for Humans Sivarajan Thiruganasambandam 1056 Structure-function Studies of the Phosphorylated bHLH Domain of the Twist1 Oncoprotein for Prostate Cancer Metastasis Amit Maity 1057 Targeting the PI3K/mTOR Pathway Reduces Tumor Hypoxia and Decreases Oxygen Consumption Alan Dal Pra 1058 Metformin and Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy: Improved Outcomes Due to Enhanced Tumor Oxygenation Michael Spiotto 1059 Image Guided Radiotherapy for Mice Developing Autochthonous Human Papillomavirus Head and Neck Tumors Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology Mekhail Anwar 1060 Development of a Real-time Intraoperative Fluorescent Imager for Microscopic Residual Tumor in Breast Cancer Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 06 – GU – Prostate - Novel Approaches, Hormones and Postop Room: A412 Discussants: Drew Moghanaki, Neha Vapiwala Stephen Bravo 1061 Safety and Efficacy of Feraheme as a Lymphatic Contrast Agent Skyler Johnson 1062 Dose to the Inferior Rectum Has the Strongest Association with Patient-reported Bowel Quality of Life (QOL) After External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) for Prostate Cancer Gaurav Shukla 1063 Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion Size is Correlated with Rate of Biochemical Relapse in Patients with High- and Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Kenneth Tokita 1064 Acute Rectal Toxicities for 180 Prostate Carcinoma Patients Administered Spacer Material in Conjunction with Radiation Therapy Olivier Chapet 1065 Hypofractionated Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy with Injection of Hyaluronic Acid for Localized Prostate Cancer: Results of a Phase II study (RPAH1) ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 93 Tuesday | September 24 Warren Foltz 1066 Improved Geometric Performance of Diffusion-weighted Imaging for Prostate Tumor Delineation Using A Readout-segmented Echo-planar-imaging Technique Aaron Wagner 1067 Adjuvant Radiotherapy after Prostatectomy: Have Randomized Clinical Trials Had Any Impact? Sravana Chennupati 1068 Late Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Toxicity and Quality of Life After Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer: Redefining Optimal Rectal DVH parameters for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy David Elliott 1069 Who Needs Adaptive Radiation Therapy When You Can Do Internal Anatomy Positioning?: A Review of Daily Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBDT) Scans to Analyze Geometric Dose Variation Due to Daily Rectal Variation and Distension in Post-prostatectomy Radiation Therapy Christina Son 1070 High-risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Dose Escalated RT: An Analysis of Hormonal Therapy Use and Duration, and Prognostic Implications of PSA Nadir ≤0.2 to Select Men for Short-term Hormonal Therapy Daniel Spratt 1071 Predictors of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer After Definitive Radiotherapy: Impact of Failing Neoadjuvant Androgen Deprivation Therapy Nathan Tonlaar 1072 Use of Weekly Cone Beam CT for Adaptive Radiotherapy Decreases Toxicity for Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with IMRT 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Educational Session 311 – Challenging Lung Cancer Cases Room: B206 Zane Hammoud, MD, Henry Ford Hospital Branislav Jeremic, MD, PhD, Stellenbosch University Corey Langer, MD, University of Pennsylvania Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Henry Ford Health System Kenneth Rosenzweig, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Educational Session 312 – Patients First: Cancer Care from the Patients’ View Room: B216 Tamika Felder, Founder and CEO, Tamika and Friends Inc. Jonny Imerman, Chief Mission Office, Imerman Angels Matthew Zachary, Founder and CEO, Stupid Cancer Raphael Yechieli, MD, Henry Ford Health System Interesting Session? Tweet #ASTRO13 94 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session V – Patient-reported Outcomes – Pelvic Malignancies Room: B405 Moderators: Lawrence Berk, Robert Miller 2:45 p.m. Marie-Adele Kress 176 External Beam Radiotherapy Combined with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Boost: Minimal Impact on Quality of Life with Recovery by Two Years Post-treatment 2:55 p.m. Don Fuller 177 Quality of Life (QOL) Outcomes Through 3 Years After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Early Prostate Cancer, Results from a Multi-institutional Phase II Trial 3:05 p.m. Olusola Obayomi-Davies 178 Preserved Sexual Function After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 3:15 p.m. Andrew Lee 179 Prospective Long-term Patient-Reported Quality of Life After Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer 3:25p.m. Howard Sandler Discussant 3:35 p.m. Kristina Mirabeau-Beale 180 Clinical and Treatment Factors Associated with Vaginal Stenosis After Definitive Chemoradiation for Anal Cancer 3:45 p.m. Karyn Goodman 181 Prospective Study of Vaginal Dilator Use Following Pelvic Radiotherapy for Gastrointestinal Malignancies 3:55 p.m. Surbhi Grover 182 Psychological and Social Work Encounters Predict Higher Patient-reported Functional Quality of Life in Gynecological Cancer Treatment 4:05 p.m. Deborah Watkins-Bruner Discussant 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session W – Lung – Locally Advanced Disease and Other Topics Room: B406 Moderators: Kevin Stephans, Daniel Gomez 2:45 p.m. Sung-Ja Ahn 183 Randomized, Multicenter Phase III Study of Accelerated Fraction with Concomitant Boost to the Gross Tumor Volume Compared with Conventional Fraction in Concurrent Chemoradiation in Patients with Unresectable Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: KROG 0903 2:55 p.m. Feng-Ming Kong 184 A Phase II Trial of Mid-treatment FDG-PET Adaptive, Individualized Radiation Therapy Plus Concurrent Chemotherapy in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 95 Tuesday | September 24 3:05 p.m. Saju Rajan 185 Concurrent Carboplatin, Paclitaxel and Selenomethionine in Combination with Radiation for Patients with Unresectable Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II, Multi-center Trial 3:15 p.m. Maria Werner-Wasik Discussant 3:25 p.m. Ling Li 186 FDG Pulmonary Uptake Changes During and Post-radiotherapy Compared to Pre-treatment in Predicting Radiation Induced Lung Toxicity in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3:35 p.m. Chad Tang 187 Post Radiation White Blood Cell Count is a Novel Marker of Radiation Pneumonitis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3:45 p.m. Brian Lally 188 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Disparities in a Tri-racial/Ethnic Population 3:55 p.m. Suchit Patel 189 A Meta Analysis of the Effect of Post-operative Radiation Therapy (PORT) Using Linear Accelerators on Patients with N2 Lung Cancer 4:05 p.m. Quynh Nguyen 190 Risk Factors Predicting Failure and Survival in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Definitive Dose Escalated Proton Radiation Therapy 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session X – Head and Neck – Outcomes Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: Randall Kimple, Danielle Margalit 2:45 p.m. Nadeem Riaz 191 Multi-institution Analysis of Concurrent Chemo-radiotherapy with Cisplatin (CDDP) vs. Cetuximab (C225) in Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (LA-HNSCC): Can HPV Help Decide Which Agent? 2:55 p.m. Clayton Hess 192 Competing Causes of Death and Medical Comorbidities Among Patients with Human Papillomavirus-Positive vs. Negative Oropharyngeal Carcinoma and Its Impact on Compliance to Radiotherapy 3:05 p.m. Beth Beadle 193 Improved Survival Using IMRT in Head and Neck Cancers: A SEER-Medicare Analysis 3:15 p.m. Matthew Stenmark 194 High Frequency of HPV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) in North American Patients: Association with Poor Prognosis 3:25 p.m. Kenneth Shung Hu 195 Prospective Multidisciplinary Treatment Algorithm for Head and Neck Paragangliomas 3:35 p.m. Gene-Fu Liu 196 Racial Parities in Outcomes after Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer 96 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 3:45 p.m. Moses Tam 197 Long-Term Outcomes of Definitive Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma at a North American Institution 3:55 p.m. Joseph Lee 198 Nasopharynx Carcinoma : Outcomes with Transitioning to IMRT and Chemotherapy 4:05 p.m. Alexander Lin Discussant 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session Y – GU – Bladder, Renal, Adrenal, Testes Room: B213 Moderators: Jason Efstathiou, Javier Torres-Roca 2:45 p.m. Brian Baumann 199 Robust Risk Stratification Model Predicts Local-regional Recurrence After Radical Cystectomy in Different Patient Cohorts 2:55 p.m. Phillip Gray 200 Presentation, Treatment and Outcomes for Bladder Cancer Patients with Non-urothelial Histologies Treated by Radical Cystectomy: Implications for Adjuvant Radiotherapy 3:05 p.m. Shafak Aluwini 201 Bladder Preservation with Brachytherapy, External Beam Radiotherapy and Limited Surgery in Bladder Cancer Patients; Long Term Results 3:15 p.m. Rebecca Clayman 202 Outcomes of Selective Bladder Preservation in the Elderly Treated with Conservative Surgery and Chemoradiation 3:25 p.m. Ferran Ferrer 203 Acute Toxicity Report for Combined Sorafenib and Radiation Treatment in Phase I Multicentric Trial for Conservative Management of Bladder Cancer 3:35 p.m. Libni Eapen Discussant 3:45 p.m. Sean McBride 204 A Phase I Dose Escalation Study of Cyberknife Radiosurgery in Inoperable Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma 3:55 p.m. Aaron Sabolch 205 Improved Local Control with Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Localized Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Case-Matched Retrospective Study 4:05 p.m. Swetha Sridharan 206 Contemporary Management of Stage I and Stage II Seminoma ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 97 Tuesday | September 24 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session Z – GI – Prospective Clinical Trials and Retrospective Correlations Room: B216 Moderators: Ross Abrams, Join Luh 2:45 p.m. Jennifer Wo 207 Mutational Profile of Gastroesophageal Cancer Compared to Gastric and Esophageal Cancers 2:55 p.m. Tracey Schefter 208 A Phase II Study of Neoadjuvant Therapy with Cisplatin, Docetaxel, Panitumumab Plus Radiation Therapy Followed by Surgery in Patients with Locally Advanced Adenocarcinoma of the Distal Esophagus. Results of ACOSOG Z4051 (Alliance) 3:05 p.m. Christine Min 209 Chemo-radiation Therapy vs. Chemotherapy Alone for Gastric Cancer After R0 Surgical Resection: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials 3:15 p.m. Jingya Wang 210 Nomogram Score of Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Predicts for Survival Outcomes in Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated with Definitive Chemoradiation 3:25 p.m. Bapsi Chakravarthy Discussant 3:35 p.m. Avani Dholakia 211 Mapping Patterns of Local Failure Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Cancer: A New Approach to Adjuvant Radiation Fields 3:45 p.m. Pranshu Mohindra 212 Impact of Neoadjuvant Therapy on Peri-operative Morbidity and Mortality After Pancreaticoduodectomy for Pancreatic Cancer 3:55 p.m. Jeff Olsen 213 Sequential Short Course Radiation and FOLFOX as Preoperative Therapy for Rectal Cancer: Favorable LC, PFS and QOL at 2 Years 4:05 p.m. Charles Thomas 214 Phase 2 Timing of Rectal Cancer Response to Chemoradiation: Analysis of Radiotherapy (RT) 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session AA – Palliative/Quality of Life – Quality of Care in Metastatic Cancer Room: B203 Moderators: Tracy Balboni 2:45 p.m. Robert Olson 215 Use of Single Fraction Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases: Population Based Practice Patterns in British Columbia Over a Five Year Period 2:55 p.m. Ehsan Balagamwala 216 Incidence and Risk Factors for Vertebral Compression Fractures from Spine Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy: Results of a Large Institutional Series 98 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 3:05 p.m. David Howell 217 Daily Assessment of Patient Quality of Life During 100 Courses of Radiation: Pain, Anxiety, Distress, Problems or Concerns, and Need to See Physician 3:15 p.m. Luluel Khan 218 Fatigue Scores in Patients with Brain Metastases Receiving Whole Brain Radiotherapy 3:25 p.m. Yolanda Tseng 219 How Radiation Oncologists Evaluate and Incorporate Life Expectancy Estimates into the Palliative Treatment of Cancer Patients: A Survey-Based Study 3:35 p.m. Monica Krishnan 220 The Supportive and Palliative Radiation Oncology Service: The Impact of a Dedicated Service on Palliative Cancer Care 3:45 p.m. Christopher Barker 221 Palliative Local Therapy for Skin Metastases: A Meta-analysis 3:55 p.m. Payal Soni 222 Use of Anticoagulants Predict Late Rectal Bleeding Following Definitive External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 4:05 p.m. Candice Johnstone Discussant 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session BB – Biology – Biomarkers, Detection of Prognosis and Progression Room: B211 Moderators: Fei-Fei Liu, Hiram Gay 2:45 p.m. Scott Bratman 223 Noninvasive and Ultrasensitive Quantitation of Circulating Tumor DNA by Hybrid Capture and Deep Sequencing 2:55 p.m. Sanjay Chandrasekaran 224 Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells of Non-epithelial Origin: A Bench to Bedside Approach 3:05 p.m. Fadlo Khuri Discussant 3:15 p.m. Lauren Colbert 225 Chromodomain-Helicase-DNA-Binding Protein 7 (CHD7), a Novel Gemcitabine Sensitivity Gene, is a Prognostic Biomarker in Patients with Early-stage Resected Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 3:25 p.m. Ting Xu 226 Serum TGF- TGF-β1 and VEGF are Associated with Tumor Burden and Tumor Response on PET to Radio(chemo)therapy in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 99 Tuesday | September 24 3:35 p.m. Nan Bi 227 Serum MicroRNA as a Predictive Marker for Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients with Inoperable/Unresectable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 3:45 p.m. Ting Xu 228 Circulating miR-155 Predicts for Acute Esophageal Toxicity in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Radiation Therapy 3:55 p.m. Jose Bazan 229 Novel Human Radiation Exposure Biomarker Panel Applicable for Patient Triage 4:05 p.m. Yoko Harima 230 Prediction of Outcome for the Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancers After Chemoradiotherapy Using Micro RNA Analysis 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Scientific Session CC – Physics – Response Imaging and Modeling Room: B302-305 Moderators: Jan-Jakob Sonke, Lei Xing 2:45 p.m. Jeho Jeong 231 An Estimation of the Radiotherapy Dose-response Differences between FDG-avid vs. FDG-non-avid Head and Neck Tumors 2:55 p.m. Qiyong Fan 232 Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Metastases Using FDG-PET Emission Guided Radiation Therapy (EGRT) in a Breast Cancer Patient 3:05 p.m. Carryn Anderson 233 Early Analysis of a Phase II Prospective Trial Evaluating Accuracy of Triphasic PET/CT After RT for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3:15 p.m. Lifei Zhang 234 Large Tumor Shrinkage is Preceded by the Appearance of a Cavity Inside the Tumor for NSCLC Patients Treated with Chemo-radiation Therapy 3:25 p.m. Martin King 235 Validation of Image-based Biomarkers for Analyzing Long-term Pulmonary Toxicity After Radiation Therapy 3:35 p.m. Frank Van Den Heuvel 236 Using a Closed Analytical Expression to Determine Biological Effects Depending on Radiation Spectrum and Oxygen Level 3:45 p.m. Gilmer Valdes 237 Derivation of Optimum Biological Parameters for Non-small Cell Lung Tumors with Consideration of Interpatient Heterogeneity 3:55 p.m. Thomas Zilli 238 Salvage Reirradiation for Local Failure of Prostate Cancer After Curative Radiotherapy: Dosimetric and Radiobiological Modeling of Rectal Toxicity 100 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 4:05 p.m. Phillip Prior 239 Modeling Tumor Control Probability Based on Compiled Clinical Data from Radiotherapy for Skin Cancer 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 07 – Health Services Research Room: A411 Discussants: Susan McCloskey, David Sher Kevin Pearlstein 1073 Patient-level Characteristics of Medicare Cancer Patients in the United States, Implications for Treatment and Survivorship Samuel Swisher-McClure 1074 Limited Use of Guideline Concordant External Beam Radiotherapy Dose for Non-metastatic Prostate Cancer in the United States John Byun 1075 Readability Levels of Patient Education Materials in Professional Radiation Oncology Organizations Nataniel Lester-Coll 1076 Stereotactic Radiosurgery vs. Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Whole Brain Radiation Therapy for One to Three Brain Metastases Ann Raldow 1077 The Dissemination of New Technologies and Temporal Trends in Curative Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients with Low Likelihood of Clinical Benefit Resident Digital Poster Discussion Award Mark Mishra 1078 An Evaluation of Worldwide Proton Beam Therapy Clinical Trials Jeffrey Kuremsky 1079 Clinical and Economic Outcomes of Patients with Brain Metastases Based on Whether Metastases are Symptomatic or Not: An Argument for Routine Brain Screening Marsha Laufer 1080 Trends in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Use for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer at National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Centers Ronald Chen 1081 Barriers to Receiving Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer (CaP), Results from the North Carolina Prostate Cancer Comparative Effectiveness and Survivorship Study (NC ProCESS) David Sher 1082 Patient and Institutional Predictors of Trimodality Therapy for Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in the National Cancer Database Daniel Wattson 1083 Low-dose Chest CT for Lung Cancer Screening Among Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors: A Cost Effectiveness Analysis ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 101 Tuesday | September 24 Jacob Shabason 1084 The Role of Shared Decision Making in Patient Experiences in Radiation Oncology 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 08 – Physics – SBRT Outcomes and Particle Therapies Room: A412 Discussants: Sonja Dieterich, Harald Paganetti Jing Wang 1085 Primary Outcomes in Phase II Study of Hypofractionated Patterns by Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) Understanding the Clinical Results from Contemporary Stereotactic Radiotherapy Withdrawn 1086 Withdrawn 1087 Christy Goldsmith 1088 Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to Lymph Node Oligometastases - UK Experience and Clinical Outcome Roi Dagan 1089 Initial Outcomes from the University of Florida Experience with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for Oligometastases Daniel Richter 1090 4-D Treatment Dose Reconstruction for Scanned Ion Beam Therapy Huanmei Wu 1091 An Integrated Image Guided Proton Therapy Monitoring System with Real-time Imaging Processing and Treatment Intervention Maryam Moteabbed 1092 When Does Pencil Beam Scanning Improve the Treatment Outcome of Pediatric Head and Neck/CNS Patients Over Passive Scattered Proton Therapy? Wataru Takahashi 1093 Carbon-Ion Scanning Lung Therapy (with Respiratory-Gated Phase Controlled Rescanning): Simulation Study for 4-D Treatment Planning Jonathan Farr 1094 In Vivo Proton Beam Centroid and Range Uncertainties Determined Empirically from Positron Emission Tomography Due to Single Uniform Field Patient Treatment Activation Jonathan Ashman 1095 Scanning Beam Stereotactic Body Proton Therapy (SBPT) for Pancreatic Cancer: A Dosimetric Feasibility Study Vadim Moskvin 1096 Reduced Secondary Neutrons and Occupational Exposure with Optimization of Beam Shaping Device Material in Proton Therapy 102 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Tuesday | September 24 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Educational Session 313 – Challenging Cases in the Management of Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Prostate Cancer Room: B313 Gerald L. Andriole, MD, Washington University Juanita M. Crook, MD, University of British Columbia Anthony V. D’Amico, MD, PhD, FASTRO, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Thomas Wiegel, MD, University Hospital ulm Michael J. Zelefsky, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Educational Session 314 – Difficult Cases in Vulvar and Vaginal Cancer Room: B206 Patricia J. Eifel, MD, FASTRO, MD Anderson Cancer Center Beth A. Erickson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Michael Frumovitz, MD, MPH, MD Anderson Cancer Center William Small, MD, FASTRO, Loyola University Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 11 – Integrated Urology and Radiation Oncology Practices: An Analysis of the Self-Referral Landscape Room: B216 Moderator: Mitchell Anscher, MD, FASTRO, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Panelists: Jean Mitchell, PhD, Georgetown University Benjamin Falit, MD, JD, Harvard Radiation Oncology Program Michael Kuettel, MD, PhD, MBA, FASTRO, Roswell Park Cancer Institute Paul Wallner, DO, FASTRO, 21st Century Oncology 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 12 – Patient-reported Outcomes: “Hearing the Patient’s Voice” in a User-friendly and Meaningful Way Room: B203 Moderator: Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Henry Ford Health System Panelists: Deborah Watkins Bruner, PhD, RN, Emory University Jeff Sloan, PhD, Mayo Clinic Ronald Chen, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Benjamin Movsas, MD, Henry Ford Health System ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 103 Tuesday | September 24 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 13 – Brachytherapy Fundamentals and Evolving Paradigms Room: B211 Moderator: Robert Cormack, PhD, Harvard Medical School Panelists: Beth A. Erickson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Atif Khan, MD, Cancer Institute of New Jersey Paul Nguyen, MD, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 14 – Medical Error Disclosure in Radiation Oncology Room: B313 Moderator: Suzanne Evans, MD, Yale University Panelists: John Banja, PhD, Emory University Andrew White, MD, University of Washington Medical Center Kristin Hiscutt, Esq., Bendin, Sumrall and Ladner LLC 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Panel 15 – Cancer Genesis, Treatment and Late Effects Across the Age Spectrum Room: B213 Moderator: Louis S. Constine, MD, FASTRO, University of Rochester Medical Center Panelists: Jacqueline Williams, PhD, FASTRO, University of Rochester Medical Center Louis S. Constine, MD, FASTRO, University of Rochester Medical Center Lawrence Marks, MD, FASTRO, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lois Travis, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Educational Session 315 – Practical Use of Image Registration and Data Fusion for Planning, Delivery and Adaptation of Radiation Therapy Room: B302-B305 Kristy K. Brock, PhD, University of Michigan Marc L. Kessler, PhD, University of Michigan Patrick A. Kupelian, MD, University of California Los Angeles Health System 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Educational Session 316 – Challenging Cases in GI Malignancies Room: B206 Prajnan Das, MD, MS, MD Anderson Cancer Center Theodore S. Hong, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital Caio Rocha-Lima, MD, University of Miami Sam S. Yoon, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 104 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 401 – Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Planning and Quality Assurance Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Charles Mayo, PhD, Mayo Clinic Jean M. Moran, PhD, University of Michigan Todd Pawlicki, PhD, University of California San Diego 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 402 – Pediatric Tumors: Update on Neuroblastoma, Wilms Tumor and Retinoblastoma Room: B203 Ranjit S. Bindra, MD, PhD, Yale School of Medicine Christopher Barker, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center John A. Kalapurakal, MD, Northwestern Memorial Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 403 – Advances in Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer Room: B313 Mark K. Buyyounouski, MD, MS, Fox Chase Cancer Center Peter Chung, MB, ChB, Princess Margaret Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 404 – Treatment Option for Patients with Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Room: B405 Jeffrey A. Bogart, MD, State University of New York Abraham Lebenthal, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 405 – Radiation/Chemoradiation and Biological Targeting Room: B213 Robert G. Bristow, MD, PhD, Princess Margaret Hospital George D. Wilson, PhD, William Beaumont Hospital 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 406 – Breast Cancer Management: Early-stage Disease Room: B211 Meena S. Moran, MD, Yale University School of Medicine Julia S. Wong, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 105 Wednesday | September 25 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 407 – Radiation Treatment for Hepatic Tumors: Current Treatment Approaches and Controversies Room: B302-B305 Laura A. Dawson, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Denver 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 408 – Survivorship Issues for Radiation Therapy Patients Room: B406 Ronald C. Chen, MD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Bridget F. Koontz, MD, Duke University Medical Center Deborah Mayer, PhD, RN, UNC School of Medicine Kevin D. Stein, PhD, American Cancer Society 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 409 – Integration of Systemic Treatment with Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer Room: B216 Ezra Cohen, MD, University of Chicago David I. Rosenthal, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Roy B. Tishler, MD, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 410 – Hypofractionation in the Management of CNS Tumors Room: B308 Eric Lin Chang, MD, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Michael T. Milano, MD, PhD, University of Rochester Timothy D. Solberg, PhD, University of Pennsylvania 9:15 am. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address III – Steven L. Leibel, MD Memorial Lecture “Identification and Targeting of Radioresistance Niches“ Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1-3 Peter Friedl, MD, PhD, St. Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, University of Nijmegen; MD Anderson Cancer Center Introduced by: Catherine C. Park, MD, University of California San Francisco Refer to page 47 for details. Great speaker? Tweet #ASTRO13 106 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session DD – Breast – Biology of Breast Cancers Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderators: Simona Shaitelman, John Einck 10:30 a.m. Markus Bredel 240 Deletion of the Tumor Suppressor NFKBIA in Triple-negative Breast Cancer 10:40 a.m. Shreya Prasad 241 Patterns of Failure in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis in 476 women 10:50 a.m. Chi Zhang 242 Triple Negative Breast Cancer is Associated with Higher Rate of Locoregional Recurrence for Patient Achieving Less than a pCR Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiotherapy 11:00 a.m. Tithi Biswas 243 Treatment Related Outcome in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC): A Multi-institutional Retrospective Analysis 11:10 a.m. Wendy Woodward Discussant 11:20 a.m. Corey Speers 244 Identification and Validation of a Radiation Sensitivity Signature in Human Breast Cancer 11:30 a.m. Wil Santivasi 245 Cytosolic Mislocalization of BRCA1 is Associated with Increased Metastatic Risk in Breast Cancer 11:40 a.m. Wendy Woodward 246 Complementing Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence (IBTR) Estimates with the 21-Gene Recurrence Score (RS) in Early-stage, Hormone Receptor Positive, Her2-Normal, Lymph Node-negative Breast Cancers 11:50 a.m. Naresh Jegadeesh 247 21-Gene Recurrence Score Predicts Local Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Mastectomy Alone but Not in Patients Treated with Radiation 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session EE – CNS – Outcomes and Survival Room: B213 Moderators: Ben Slotman, Peter Chen 10:30 a.m. C. Ronald Kersh 248 Re-Irradiation with Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment for Spinal Metastases - Results from an International Multicenter Database 10:40 a.m. Matthias Guckenberger 249 Radiosurgery as Primary Treatment for Vertebral Metastases - Results from an International Multicenter Database 10:50 a.m. Samuel Ryu 250 Neurological Outcome and Survival After Radiosurgery of High-grade Epidural Spinal Cord Compression ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 107 Wednesday | September 25 11:00 a.m. Stephanie E. Combs 251 Multicentric Evaluation of Long-term Outcome After Highly Advanced Single-dose or Fractionated Radiotherapy in Patients with Vestibular Schwanommas - Pooled Results from three Large German Centers 11:10 a.m. Daniel Bernad 252 Analysis of Structural Changes in Hippocampal and Amygdala Volume After Systemic Therapy and Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Patients with Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 11:20 a.m. Frank Giordano 253 Mapping of Brain Metastases to Evaluate the Risk of Hippocampus-sparing Prophylactic and Therapeutic Cranial Irradiation 11:30 a.m. Amol Narang 254 Predictors of High-Grade Histology in Patients with Progressive Low-grade Gliomas: Is Histology Needed to Guide Therapy? 11:40 a.m. John Hardie 255 Factors Contributing to Survival in Patients with Anaplastic Astrocytoma: A Retrospective Study of Patients Treated at One Institution 11:50 a.m. Yuta Shibamoto 256 Analysis of Radiation Therapy in 1,054 Patients with Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) Treated During 1985-2009 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session FF – GU – Prostate Cancer: High Risk, Postop and Metastatic Disease Room: B211 Moderators: Danny Song, James Yu 10:30 a.m. Xavier Maldonado 257 Late Side Effects in Men with Intermediate- and High-risk Prostate Cancer Treated with High-dose Radiotherapy and Androgen Deprivation (DART 01/05): Secondary Endpoints from a Phase III Clinical Trial 10:40 a.m. Alex Gottschalk 258 Outcomes of Hypofractionated SBRT Boost for Intermediate- and High-risk Prostate Cancer: A Single Institutional Prospective Study 10:50 a.m. Patrick Cheung 259 Concomitant Hypofractionated IMRT Boost for High-risk Prostate Cancer: 5 Year Results 11:00 a.m. Mack Roach 260 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 9413: A Randomized Trial Comparing Whole Pelvic Radiotherapy (WPRT) to Prostate Only (PORT); Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy (NHT) to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy (AHT) 11:10 a.m. Paul Nguyen 261 Meta-analysis of Long-term Results of Randomized Trials of the Impact of Adjuvant Radiation on Overall, Metastasis-free, and Biochemical Recurrence-free Survival for pT3N0 or Margin Positive Prostate Cancer 11:20 a.m. John Watkins 262 Demon in the Details: Width of Involved Margin at Prostatectomy Correlates with PSA Control 108 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 11:30 a.m. Monica Shukla 263 Redefining Stage IV Prostate Cancer – Is There a Subset Who May be Cured? 11:40 a.m. Piotr Milecki 264 A Comparison of the Analgesic Effect and Toxicity of 153sm Radioisotope Treatment in Monotherapy and Combined Therapy Including Local External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) Among Metastatic Castrate Resistance Prostate Cancer (MCRPC) Patients with Painful Bone Metastases 11:50 a.m. Jeff Michalski 265 Radium-223 Dichloride (Ra-223) Impact on Skeletal-related Events, External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) and Pain in Patients with Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) with Bone Metastases: Updated Results from the Phase 3 ALSYMPCA Trial 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session GG – Biology – The Interplay Between Radiation and the Immune System Room: B203 Moderators: Christopher Barker, James Hansen 10:30 a.m. Matthew Witek 266 Single Dose Tumor Irradiation Primes the Immune System for Therapeutic Cancer Vaccination 10:40 a.m. Timothy Harris 267 Tumor Vaccination Combined with Radiotherapy Mitigates Development and Progression of Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Studies in an Autochthonous Murine Prostate Cancer Model Resident Clinical/Basic Science Research Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology 10:50 a.m. Timothy Harris 268 Immune Checkpoint Upregulation Following Radiotherapy: Rationale for Combining Radiotherapy with Multiple Immune Checkpoint Blockades 11:00 a.m. Michael Bernstein 269 Radiation Therapy Alters Tumor Cell Phenotypes and Enhances the Immune Response 11:10 a.m. Adam Dicker Discussant 11:20 a.m. Anita Aiyer 270 Preparative Hepatic Irradiation (HIR) for Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)-Derived Hepatocyte-Like Cells (iHep) in Mouse Livers Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation and Cancer Biology 11:30 a.m. Ralph Vatner 271 Novel Combination of Toll-like Receptor (TLR)-7 Agonist Imiquimod and Local Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer Involving the Skin or Chest Wall 11:40 a.m. Arta Monjazeb 272 Combined Radiotherapy and Immunotherapy Using CPG Oligodeoxynucleotides and Indolamine 2,3 Dioxygenase (IDO) Blockade ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 109 Wednesday | September 25 11:50 a.m. Jeremy Price 273 Unraveling the Mechanisms of Langerhans Cell Irradiation Resistance 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session HH – Lung – Biology and Mesothelioma Room: B405 Moderators: Heath Skinner, Roy Decker 10:30 a.m. Steven Lin 274 Circulating Tumor Cells with Markers of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition are Associated with Distant Metastatic Failures in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Definitive Chemoradiation 10:40 a.m. Ronny Kalash 275 Significant Differences in Thoracic Irradiation Induced Pulmonary Gene Transcripts Between Fibrosis-prone C57BL/6 Hnsd Mice and Fibrosis-resistant C3H/Hen Mice 10:50 a.m. Dmitriy Meshkov 276 ATM Gene Variations Predict Differences in Pretreatment Lung Inflammation in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients 11:00 a.m. Lucas Gilbride 277 A Novel Circulating Tumor Cell Assay for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy 11:10 a.m. Michael Epperly 278 Late Pulmonary Fibrotic Phase Specific Homing of Luciferase+ Bone Marrow Stromal Cells to the Irradiated C57bl/6Hnsd Mouse Lung 11:20 a.m. Russell Hales Discussant 11:30 a.m. Marco Trovo 279 Radical Pleurectomy/Decortication Followed by High Dose of Radiation Therapy Delivered with Tomotherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Final Results with Long-term Follow-up 11:40 a.m. Malcolm Feigen 280 Outcomes from Radiation Pneumonectomy for Locally Advanced Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma - High Locoregional Control Rate with Acceptable Toxicity 11:50 a.m. Andreas Rimner 281 Interim Analysis of a Phase II Toxicity Study on Hemithoracic Pleural Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session II – Patient-reported Outcomes – Head/Neck, Thoracic and Breast Cancers Room: B308 Moderators: Aileen Chen, Ronald Chen 10:30 a.m. Kerry Dunn 282 Mometasone Furoate Significantly Reduces Radiation Dermatitis in Patients Undergoing Breast Radiotherapy: A Double-blind Randomized Control Trial in 120 Patients Wednesday | September 25 10:40 a.m. Karna Sura 283 Factors Affecting Breast Cancer Patient Quality of Life in Association with Radiation 10:50 a.m. Michele Halyard Discussant 11:00 a.m. Raimond Wong 284 RTOG 0537 Phase 2/3 Study Comparing Acupuncture-like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (ALTENS) vs. Pilocarpine (PC) in Treating Early Radiation-induced Xerostomia (RIX): Phase 3 Preliminary Analysis 11:10 a.m. G. Gunn 285 Drivers of Patient-reported Symptom Interference During Radiation or Chemoradiation as Detected by the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory – Head and Neck Module 11:20 a.m. Roy Tishler Discussant 11:30 a.m. David Schwartz 286 Repeated Measure Analysis of Dermatitis Symptoms Evolution and Patient-reported Outcome in N06C4: A Phase III Randomized Trial of Mometasone Furoate in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy 11:40 a.m. Abram Recht 287 Esophageal Symptoms Before, During, and One Year After Treatment and Sequencing of Chemotherapy (CT) and Mediastinal Radiation Therapy (MRT) 11:50 a.m. Christine Hill-Kayser 288 Patient-reported Outcomes After Treatment for Lung Cancer 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session JJ – Patient Safety Room: B216 Moderators: James Hayman, Suzanne Evans 10:30 a.m. Brett Cox 289 Prospective Contouring Rounds: A Novel, High-impact Tool for Optimizing Quality Assurance 10:40 a.m. Prithima Mosaly 290 Quantifying the Impact of Cross-coverageon Physicians Workload and Performance During Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning 10:50 a.m. David Hoopes 291 Early Results from the ASTRO Practice Patterns in Peer Review Survey Project 11:00 a.m. Eric Ford Discussant 11:10 a.m. Douglas Rahn 292 A Real-time Safety and Quality Reporting System: Initial Clinical Outcomes and Survey Results 11:20 a.m. Jing Zeng 293 Patient Safety Improvement Related to Repeat Irradiation Identified with Near-miss Incidents Reporting ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 111 Wednesday | September 25 11:30 a.m. Lakshmi Santanam 294 Model for Estimating Severity of Errors in Radiation Therapy 11:40 a.m. Peter Greer 295 Real-time EPID-based Dose Verification System for Detection of Gross Radiation Treatment Delivery Errors 11:50 a.m. Bisham Chera Discussant 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scientific Session KK – Physics – Emerging Observations and Technologies Room: B406 Moderators: Michael Sharpe, Laura Cervino 10:30 a.m. Anna Rodrigues 296 Dynamic Electron Arc Radiotherapy (DEAR): A New Conformal Technique in Delivering Electron Beam Therapy 10:40 a.m. Bin Han 297 Meeting the Challenge of SBRT QA: Development of a High-resolution and High-speed Dosimetry Strategy Basic Science Abstract Award – Radiation Physics 10:50 a.m. Aaron Kusano 298 Measurable Improvements in Patient Safety Culture: A First-year Department Experience with Incident Learning 11:00 a.m. Ke Sheng 299 4π Non-Coplanar SBRT for Centrally Located or Larger Lung Tumors 11:10 a.m. Seungjong Oh 300 Modelling of Anisotropic PTV Margin of Cervix Cancer under Severe Target Deformation and Shrinkage using Deformable Image Registration 11:20 a.m. Dan Ruan 301 Robust Optimization for Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy 11:30 a.m. Lana de Souza-Lawrence 302 A Novel Radio-opaque Hydrogel Marker Can Be Used to Decrease Inter-observer Variability in the Delineation of the Lumpectomy Cavity 11:40 a.m. Rachel Sarabia-Estrada 303 Feasibility Study of Nanoparticle Thermal Therapy in a Model of Spinal 11:50 a.m. Naichang Yu 304 Effect of Patient Breathing on Y90 PET Dosimetry for Y90 Radioembolization of Liver Cancer 112 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 09 – Gastrointestinal Room: A411 Discussants: Christopher Crane, Charles Thomas Rachit Kumar 1097 ALDH-Expressing Cancer Stem Cells are Associated with Inferior Survival in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Treated with Adjuvant Chemoradiation Sarah Fisher 1098 Pro-necrotic Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-Like (MLKL) Protein Expression is a Prognostic Biomarker in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Shawn Shao-Lun Lu 1099 Non-dosimetric Biomarker of Serum Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Change After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Predicts Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Combined Modality Therapy Keisuke Otani 1100 Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy with Gemcitabine for Pancreatic Cancer Encountered Vertebral Compression Fractures: Multivariate Analysis for Its Risk Factors Howard Hsu 1101 Radiation Therapy Improves Survival in Small Cell Rectal Cancer - Analysis of Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Data Xiao Liu 1102 The High Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is an Indicator for Poor Prognosis, Though is a Potential Indicator for Positive Outcome of Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Bassem Zaki 1103 Chromosome Segregation Errors Predict Pathological Response of Rectal Adenocarcinoma to Chemoradiation Michael Rutenberg 1104 A Comparison between Consensus Guidelines Based PTVs and 4-D CT Based PTVs for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: Implications for Therapy Jordan Kharofa 1105 Local Control in Resectable and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer (PCa) Treated with Preoperative Chemoradiation or Chemotherapy Alone Kelly Erickson 1106 Post-Treatment FDG-PET/CT Response is Predictive of Tumor Progression and Survival in Anal Carcinoma Ben Goodman 1107 Survival Efficacy Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Limited Liver Metastases Xiao Liu 1108 Patterns of Recurrence after Radical Esophagectomy and Impact of Postoperative Radiation for Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with pT2-T3N0M0 Disease ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 113 Wednesday | September 25 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 10 – Head and Neck Room: A412 Discussants: Beth Beadle, Annie Chan Yu-Wei Lin 1109 Patterns of Failure After Postoperative Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Locally-advanced Buccal Cancer Christopher Spencer 1110 Reduction in Radiotherapy Volumes for Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Improves Patient-reported Quality of Life Sheela Hanasoge 1111 Predictive Accuracy of CT Imaging for Nodal Extracapsular Extension in Patients with Laryngeal or Oral Cavity Cancer Managed with Initial Surgery Hebist Berhane 1112 Radiosensitivity of Oropharyngeal Mucosa of FancD2-/- Mice Correlates with Novel Gene Expression Response to Head and Neck Irradiation David Louis Schwartz 1113 Metabolic Tumor Volume as a Predictive Imaging Biomarker in Head and Neck Cancer – Pilot Results from RTOG 0522 XiaoShen Wang 1114 Selective Nodal Irradiation by Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Aiming to Reduce Dysphagia and Xerostomia Goupei Zhu 1115 Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Concomitant Chemoradiation vs. Cetuximab with Radiation in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Initial Results of a Randomized Phase II Study Noam VanderWalde 1116 The Effectiveness of Chemoradiation for Head and Neck Cancer in an Older Patient Population Dorothy Gujral 1117 Arterial Stiffness and Elasticity as Markers of Radiation-induced Atherosclerosis Salem Alshehri 1118 Comparison of Palliative Radiotherapy Regimens for Head and Neck Cancer: A Population-based Analysis Dominique Rash 1119 Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Among Patients Treated by Primary Surgery vs. Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced, HPV-Negative Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx Michael Marquardt 1120 Analysis of Pathologic Factors from Surgical Resection Influences Accuracy of 3 Month Post-Radiotherapy FDG PET/CT in Resected Oral Cavity Cancer Patients 114 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Educational Session 411 – Difficult Cases in Cervical Cancer Management Room: B206 Kristin A. Bradley, MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Colleen M. Feltmate, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital David K. Gaffney, MD, PhD, University of Utah Susan Higgins, MD, MS, Yale University Catheryn M. Yashar, MD, University of California San Diego 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Educational Session 412 – Image Guidance in the Treatment Room: Technology and Strategies Room: B313 Jean-Pierre Bissonnette, PhD, Princess Margaret Hospital Larry L. Kestin, MD, Michigan Healthcare Professionals Sasa Mutic, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ARRO Meet the Professor Luncheon Room: B302-B305 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session LL – GU – Prostate Cancer: Translational, Brachytherapy Room: B213 Moderators: Katherine Tzou, Jay Ciezki 1:00 p.m. Alireza Fotouhi Ghiam 305 Genomic Instability in Common Fragile Sites (CFSs) is Associated with Less Favorable Outcome in Patients with Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer (IR-CaP) Resident Clinical/Basic Science Research Award – Clinical 1:10 p.m. Joseph Salama 306 Cell Cycle Progression Score Significantly Predicts PSA Failure After EBRT 1:20 p.m. Felix Feng 307 Validation of a Genomic Classifier that Predicts Metastatic Disease Progression in Men with Biochemical Recurrence Post Radical Prostatectomy 1:30 p.m. Chandan Guha Discussant 1:40 p.m. R. Charles Nichols 308 Serum Testosterone Changes in Patients Treated with Radiotherapy Alone for Prostate Cancer on RTOG 9408 Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 115 Wednesday | September 25 1:50 p.m. Seth Blacksburg 309 Seminal Vesicle Implantation Does Not Significantly Affect Prostate Cancer Treatment Related Outcomes 2:00 p.m. Razvan Galalae 310 Combined High-dose-rate (HDR) Brachytherapy and External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) for Prostate Cancer: 5 and 10 Years Outcomes of Kiel Protocols 1 Versus 2 2:10 p.m. Daniel Spratt 311 Comparison of High-dose IMRT (86.4 Gy) to Combined Brachytherapy Plus IMRT for Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer 2:20 p.m. Matthew Ferris 312 Interim Results of a Prospective Phase II Trial of Pelvic IMRT, Cesium-131 Brachytherapy Boost, Adjuvant Docetaxel Chemotherapy and Long Term Androgen Ablation for Patients with High-risk Prostate Cancer 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session MM – GYN – Endometrial/Vulvar Cancer Room: B211 Moderators: Sushil Beriwal, Sheida Mani 1:00 p.m. Miran Blanchard 313 Lymph Node Positive Endometrial Carcinoma (EC): There is a Role for Vaginal Brachytherapy (VB) 1:10 p.m. Sarah Milgrom 314 Quantifying the Risk of Recurrence and Death in Stage III (FIGO 2009) Endometrial Cancer 1:20 p.m. Jacob Shin 315 Secondary Uterine Corpus Cancer After Prior Pelvic Radiation Therapy is Associated with Worse Survival than Sporadic Secondary Uterine Malignancies: A SEER Population Based Study 1:30 p.m. Eric Xanthopoulos 316 Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in Node Positive Vulvar Cancer 1:40 p.m. Nikhil Thaker 317 Survival Outcomes for Patients with Pelvic Lymph Node Positive Stage IVB Vulvar Cancer: Time To Reconsider the FIGO Staging System? 1:50 p.m. Eugene Koay 318 Factors Associated with Long Term Survival in Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy 2:00 p.m. Peyman Kabolizadeh 319 Are RTOG Para-aortic Contouring Guidelines for Pancreatic Neoplasm Applicable to Other Malignancies Assessment of Nodal Distribution in Gynecological Malignancies 2:10 p.m. Takashi Kawanaka 320 Prognostic Significance of UROD Expression on Cervical Cancer with Radiotherapy 2:20 p.m. Julie Greenwalt 321 Outcomes of Definitive Radiation Therapy for Primary Vaginal Carcinoma 116 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session NN – Palliative/Quality of Life – Symptom Management of Primary Cancers Room: B216 Moderators: Anand Mahadevan, Mark Henderson 1:00 p.m. Tahir Mehmood 322 Palliative Quad Shot Radiotherapy in Advanced Oral Cancer 1:10 p.m. Paul Romesser 323 Prospective Dysphagia Quality of Life Scores and Treatment Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients: Is it Time to Reconsider the Prophylactic Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy? 1:20 p.m. Michele Halyard 324 Real-time Assessment of Patient Reported Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy 1:30 p.m. Kenneth Niermann 325 The Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey Version 2.0: Responsiveness to Change Over Time 1:40 p.m. Benjamin Kann 326 Dysphagia and Dose Reduction to Dysphagia/Aspiration-Related Structures (DARS) in Patients Receiving Induction Chemotherapy (IC) Followed by Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy (CCRT) for Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (LASCCHN) 1:50 p.m. Sarah Kerns 327 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies a Region on Chromosome 11q14.3 Associated with Late Rectal Bleeding Following Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2:00 p.m. Terence Sio 328 Initial Quality of Life Deficit in Patient-reported Outcome is Related to Cancer Stage: A Mayo Clinic Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Registry Study 2:10 p.m. William Hall 329 Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes Following Definitive Therapy Compared with Watchful Waiting in Localized Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate: An Analysis of the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Prostate Database 2:20 p.m. Joshua Jones Discussant 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session OO – Physics – Automated Planning for ART Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Moderators: John Wong, Q. Jackie Wu 1:00 p.m. Ergun Ahunbay 330 A Fast Adaptive Replanning Method that Only Requires Target Delineation 1:10 p.m. Xiangrong Qi 331 Real Time Assessment of Dosimetric Variations in Head and Neck Radiotherapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 117 Wednesday | September 25 1:20 p.m. Omar Mahmoud 332 Prospective Pilot Study Assessing the Need for Adaptive Radiotherapy in Unresected Bulky Disease and in Postoperative Head/Neck Cancer Patients 1:30 p.m. Irene Hazell 333 Automatic Planning of Head and Neck Treatment Plans - A Way to Optimize the Plan Quality and Reduce Workload 1:40 p.m. Jessica Schuster 334 Automatic IMRT Treatment Planning Using Templates with Automated Optimization Tuning Methods 1:50 p.m. Joseph Moore 335 Clinical Deployment of Automatic Treatment Planning for Pancreas SBRT Patients 2:00 p.m. An Qin 336 Evaluation of Three IGRT/Adaptive Approaches for Prostate Cancer Treatment 2:10 p.m. Andrew Godley 337 Automatic CBCT-Based Online Adaptive Prostate Therapy 2:20 p.m. Weiguo Lu 338 An Efficient Workflow for Volume Dose Reconstruction and In Vivo Treatment Verification 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session PP – Biology – Targeted Radiosensitizers Room: B203 Moderators: Nicole Simone, Roberto Diaz 1:00 p.m. Henning Willers 339 Identification of Radiosensitizing Targeted Drugs and Associated Genomic Biomarkers by a Cell Line Screening Platform 1:10 p.m. Mohamed Abazeed 340 Integrative Radiogenomic Profiling of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer 1:20 p.m. Ranjit Bindra Discussant 1:30 p.m. Srilakshmi Reddy 341 NQO1-Mediated Synergistic Lethality in Combination with β-lapachone (Tgfβ-lap) and Ionizing Radiation (IR) in Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) 1:40 p.m. Raju Raval 342 Systemic Delivery of Synthesized Aptamer-siRNA Chimeras Results in Prostate-targeted Radiosensitization 1:50 p.m. Shisuo Du 343 Biologically Augmenting Radiation Therapy by Inhibiting Tgfβ; in NSCLC from Molecular to Microenvironment 2:00 p.m. Ilenia Pellicciotta 344 Concomitant Radiotherapy and Tgfβ; Neutralizing Antibodies Alters Tumor Microenvironment and Promotes Tumor Regression 118 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 2:10 p.m. Waleed Arafat 345 Triple Therapy Using Radiotherapy (RT), Temozolamide (TMZ) and TRAIL Agonist (TRA-8) Enhances Cell Killing in Primary Glioma Cancer Stem Cells is Associated with Changes in Distinct Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Cascades Identified through Kinomic Analysis 2:20 p.m. Gregory Gan 346 The Hedgehog Pathway Modulates Radiotherapy Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session QQ – Head and Neck – Toxicity Room: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 4 Moderators: Thomas Galloway, Peter Ahn 1:00 p.m. Jermey Setton 347 A Multi-Institution Pooled Analysis of G-Tube Dependence in Patients with Oropharyngeal Cancer Treated with Definitive IMRT 1:10 p.m. Harry Quon 348 Swallow Function in Patients with Oropharyngeal Sqaumous Cell Carcinomas Treated with Radiotherapy Dose De-escalation (JHU 0988) 1:20 p.m. Chris Terhaard 349 Is Radiosensitivity of Parotid and Submandibular Glands Comparable? 1:30 p.m. Ahmed Chaudhary 350 Dysphagia and Aspiration after Chemoradiotherapy for Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer: A Prospective Study of the Dose Effect Relationship in Accelerated Fractionation by Concomitant Boost with Cisplatin and Cetuximab from the Epic Trial 1:40 p.m. Harvey Quon 351 Impact of Feeding Tubes on Prospective Functional Outcomes in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy 1:50 p.m. Katherine Hutcheson 352 Late Radiation-associated Dysphagia (RAD) and Lower Cranial Neuropathy After Oropharyngeal Radiotherapy: A Case-control Dosimetric Comparison 2:00 p.m. Ramadas Kunnambath 353 Management of Radiation Induced Oral Mucositis with an Herbal Mouthwash 2:10 p.m. Steven Frank 354 Gastrostomy Tubes Decrease by Over 50% with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) During the Treatment of Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients - A Case-control Study 2:20 p.m. Andy Trotti Discussant ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 119 Wednesday | September 25 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Scientific Session RR – Physics – IGRT Process and Technologies Room: B313 Moderators: Gikas Mageras, Michaela Rosu 1:00 p.m. Jonathan Piper 355 A Novel Framework for User-intervened Correction of Deformable Registration 1:10 p.m. Bernard Jones 356 IV Contrast-Enhanced Cone-Beam CT to Enhance Image Guidance for Liver SBRT 1:20 p.m. Daniel Low 357 Improved Imaging Quality for Megavoltage CT on TomoTherapy via a Novel Iterative Reconstruction Method Based on Tensor Framelet 1:30 p.m. Lei Ren 358 A Limited-angle Intrafractional Verification (LIVE) System for Intrafractional Positioning Verification of Lung SBRT Treatment 1:40 p.m. Bowen Meng 359 Non-coplanar Cone Beam CT Reconstruction with Limited Angle of Projections Using Rigid Image Registration Facilitated Prior Image Constrained Compressed Sensing 1:50 p.m. John van Sornsen de Koste 360 Digital Tomosynthesis for Verifying Lung Tumor Position 2:00 p.m. Juan Diego Azcona 361 Three-dimensional Prostate Motion Assessment During VMAT with Cine-Mv Images 2:10 p.m. Russell Kincaid 362 Evaluation of Respiratory Motion-corrected Cone Beam CT in Abdominal Sites: A Prospective Study 2:20 p.m. Stephen Gardner 363 Cone-beam Computed Tomography Contouring Variability on Derivative Contours Generated with an Automated Deformable Registration Workflow for Prostate Cancer 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 11 – Breast Room: A411 Discussants: Reshma Jagsi, Julia Wong Shahed Badiyan 1121 Treatment Efficacy with Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI): Final Analysis of the American Society of Breast Surgeons MammoSite Breast Brachytherapy Registry Trial Sigolene Galland 1122 Long Term Cosmetic Outcomes and Toxicities of Proton Compared to Photon 3-D Conformal Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (3-D APBI) 120 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 Rachel Lei 1123 Disease Control Efficacy of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) Treated with Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Steve Braunstein 1124 Outcome in Women with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) > 4 cm Treated with Breast Conservation Therapy Manjeet Chadha 1125 Frequency of Breast Conserving Therapy Following an Ipsilateral Local Relapse in Patients with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) Treated with Lumpectomy (l) + Radiation Therapy (RT) Sonny Batra 1126 An analysis of Three-dimensional Breast Motion During Normal Respiration: What CTV to PTV Margin is Needed? Nathalie Rochet 1127 Deep Inspiration Breath-hold Technique in Left Sided Breast Cancer Radiotherapy: Evaluating Cardiac Contact Distance as a Predictor of Cardiac Exposure Michelle Gentile 1128 Contouring Guidelines for the Axillary Lymph Nodes for the Delivery of Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer: Validation of the RTOG Breast Cancer Atlas Amany Keruakous 1129 Outcome of Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with Breast Conserving Treatment or Mastectomy and No Post-mastectomy Radiation and with Isolated Tumor Cells Jae Myoung Noh 1130 Is Elective Nodal Irradiation Necessary in Patients with Negative Pathologic Lymph Node Status After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Breast Conserving Surgery for Clinically Stage II-III Breast Cancer? A Multicenter Retrospective Study (KROG 12-05) Andrew Sharabi 1131 Dosimetric Impact and 3-D Non-deformable Modeling of Metallic Breast Expander Ports During Post-mastectomy Radiation Therapy Sanjay Aneja 1132 The Impact of Proximity to Radiation Oncologists and General Surgeons on Receipt of Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Digital Poster Discussion 12 – Lung Room: A412 Discussants: Thomas DiPetrillo, Shilpen Patel John Grecula 1133 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Relationship between Biological Equivalent Dose Based on the Generalized LQ Model and Local Control ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 121 Wednesday | September 25 Jacob Wynne 1134 Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells in Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Carey Myers 1135 Inhibition of Nit1 Decreases Growth of K-Ras-Driven Tumors Yevgeniy Vinogradskiy 1136 Using 4-D CT-based Ventilation Imaging to Evaluate Major Ventilation Defects for Lung Cancer Patients: A Clinical Validation Study Paul Stanton 1137 Prediction of Late Pulmonary Function Reduction and Radiation Induced Toxicity From During RT Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Ravi Parikh 1138 Factors Associated with Survival in Patients with Oligometastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Daniel Gomez 1139 The Influence of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning on Delay in Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Mary Fidler 1140 Association between Trimodality Therapy and Survival in Patients with Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in the National Cancer Database Lisa McGee 1141 Pulmonary Toxicity Following Proton Therapy for Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Bhupesh Parashar 1142 Comparison Of Wedge Resection Versus Wedge Resection Plus Cesium-131 Brachytherapy vs. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy In Management Of Early-stage Lung Cancer Patients That Are Not Candidates For A Standard Lobectomy Kitty Huang 1143 High-risk CT Features for Detection of Local Recurrence after Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Guangying Zhu 1144 A Randomized Phase ll Trial Comparing Weekly Usage And Every Tri-weekly Usage Of Docetaxel And Platinum In Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy For Patients With Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Educational Session 413 – Difficult Cases in CNS Room: B405 Tracy Batchelor, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General Hospital Clark Chen, MD, PhD, University of California San Diego Minesh P. Mehta, MB, ChB, FASTRO, University of Maryland James B. Yu, MD, Yale University School of Medicine 122 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Wednesday | September 25 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Educational Session 414 – Cancer of the Colon, Rectum, Anus Room: B406 Brian Czito, MD, Duke University Medical Center Karyn A. Goodman, MD, MS, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. International Symposium: Global Health and Radiation Oncology — Part I Where is the Challenge and What Can We Do? Radiation Oncology in Latin America, India and Africa Room: B206 Refer to page 53 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for CME credit. 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Panel 16 – Post-mastectomy Radiotherapy After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Update on Indications for Treatment Room: B308 Moderator: Catherine Park, MD, University of California San Francisco Panelists: Barbara Fowble, MD, FASTRO, University of California San Francisco Yunn-Yi Chen, MD, PhD, University of California San Francisco Eleftherios Mamounas, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Orlando Thomas Buchholz, MD, FASTRO, MD Anderson Cancer Center 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Panel 17 – Radiosurgery for Metastases – Improved Patient Care or Unnecessary Cost? Room: B211 Moderator: Carol Hahn, MD, Duke University Medical Center Panelists: Simon Lo, MB, ChB, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Eric Lin Chang, MD, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Carol Hahn, MD, Duke University Medical Center 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Panel 18 – Altering the Metabolic Achilles Heel of Cancer Room: B203 Moderator: Nicole Simone, MD, Jefferson Hospital Panelists: David Gius, MD, PhD, Northwestern Medical School Neil Martin, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital William Dahut, MD, National Cancer Institute ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 123 Wednesday | September 25 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Panel 19 – Payment Reform in Radiation Oncology: The Transition from Resource-based Reimbursement to Value-based Compensation Room: B302-B305 Moderators: Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO, Massachusetts General Hospital Brian Alexander, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Denver Panelists: Benjamin Falit, MD, JD, Harvard Radiation Oncology Program Constantine Mantz, MD, 21st Century Oncology Prajnan Das, MD, MS, MD Anderson Cancer Center Lee Newcomer, MD, United Healthcare Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Denver 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Educational Session 415 – Management of High-risk Prostate Cancer (including postoperative XRT) Room: B313 Alan Pollack, MD, PhD, University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine Richard K. Valicenti, MD, University of Califormia Davis Medical Center Yoshiya Yamada, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Educational Session 416 – Stereotactic Body RT: Clinical, Biological and Physics/QA Update Room: Sidney Marcus Auditorium Roy H. Decker, MD, PhD, Yale University Teamour S. Nurushev, PhD, Henry Ford Health System Jan-Jakob Sonke, PhD, The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI-AVL) 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. International Symposium: Global Health and Radiation Oncology — Part II What are the Barriers to Delivering Optimal Therapy? Radiation Oncology in Asia Room: B206 Refer to page 53 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for CME credit. Symbol Key: A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required 124 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Award Recipient Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required INSIDE: Poster Presentations Poster Viewing Hours Posters are located in Hall B, Building B Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Poster Viewing Session and Reception 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NEW!! Join us during the Reception on Monday for the Poster Award Winner Presentations. Starting at 5:40 p.m. in the Poster Hall Poster Presentations Tuesday, September 24 2013 ANNUAL MEETING SUPPORTERS (AS OF AUGUST 26, 2013) Poster Presentations Special thanks to the following companies for supporting ASTRO’s 55th Annual Meeting with an unrestricted educational grant. & Poster Presentations by Track BREAST CANCER 2001 Naoki Nakamura Fatigue During Breast Radiation Therapy and Its Predictive Factors 2002 Christiane Matuschek Long-term Outcome After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Locally-Advanced Noninflammatory Breast Cancer and Predictive Factors for a Pathologic Complete Remission: Results of a Multivariate Analysis 2003 Eric Mellon Impact of Radiation Treatment Parameters and Adjuvant Systemic Therapy on Cosmetic Outcomes after Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation using 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy Technique 2004 Naoto Shikama Validation of the Utility of Cranio-Caudal Clip Distance (CCD) for Identifying Candidates for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Using 3-dimensional Conformal External Beam Radiotherapy (3D-CRT) 2005 Mayuraa Vaiduriam Dosimetric Comparison Between Electrons And Tangential Photons In Postmastectomy Chest Wall Irradiation 2006 Shariq Khwaja Long-term Cosmesis and Toxicity Profile Following Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI): Final Analysis of the American Society of Breast Surgeons Single Lumen Device Breast Brachytherapy Registry Trial 2007 Naoto Shikama Preliminary Results From a Multi-center Prospective Study (JROSG 05-5) on Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Patients With High-Risk Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) With Involved Margins or Margin Widths Not More Than 1 mm 2008 Jinli Ma A Linac IMRT Technique versus Conventional Technique for Post-mastectomy Irradiation of Chest Wall and Regional Nodes: A Case-Control Study of Acute Toxicities 2009 Ya Zhu Lymphedema After Radical Mastectomy For Breast Cancer In Chinese Women 2010 Nitesh Paryani The Incidence Of Fat Necrosis In Balloon-based Breast Brachytherapy 2011 V. Elayne Arterbery Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation with Electronic Brachytherapy for Treatment of Early Stage Breast Cancer - Short-term Clinical and Cosmetic results 2018 Bree Eaton Long-term Outcomes Following Oncoplastic Reduction Mammaplasty: Implications for Radiation Therapy 2019 Dominihemberg Ferreira Correlation Between Dose in the Hypopharynx and Cervical Esophagus and Odynophagia in Patients Undergoing Regional 3DCRT for Breast Cancer 2020 Jyoti Mayadev The Role of a Post Mastectomy Radiation Boost: Does a Higher Dose Improve Survival? 2021 Julian Jacob Cardiotoxicity of the Association Trastuzumab-Locoregional Breast Radiation Therapy: A Prospective Monocentric Study 2012 Anna Petoukhova Optimal Registration Method of MRI and CT for Delineation in Radiation Therapy Planning of Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Breast Conserving Therapy 2022 Juergen Dunst Adjuvant Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy With Simultaneous Boost After Breast-Conserving Therapy: First Results of a Multicentric Phase 2 Study 2014 Yasuhiro Ogawa PET-CT-guided Non-surgical Chemo-radiosensitization Treatment (KORTUC II) for Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer 2023 Sameer Nath Using Skin Dose Parameters Predicts Low Skin Toxicity in a Phase 2 Trial of Multiple Dwell Position Single Lumen Device Brachytherapy 2015 Pierre-Yves Bondiau Final Result of Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Concomitant With Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer 2024 Yasser Abo-Madyan Cosmetic Outcome of Hypofractionated Breast Cancer Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: A Preliminary Report of a Prospective Trial 2016 Yun Ding Comparative Study On The Displacement Of Surgical Cavity Center Defined Separately By Clips And Seroma Based On 4dct Scan For External-beam Partial Breast Irradiation After Breast Conserving Surgery 2017 Charles Rutter Dosimetric and Clinical Predictors of the Development of Moist Desquamation in Breast Cancer Irradiation 2025 Radhika Sreeraman Preliminary Toxicity Analysis of 3D-Conformal and Intraoperative Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation 2026 Jose Pardo Radiation Recall Dermatitis Development. An Observational Study In 350 Breast Cancer Patients Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 127 2027 Marco Trovo Delivering Adjuvant Radiation Therapy beyond Six Months after Breast-conserving Surgery does not Jeopardize the Loco-regional Control in Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients 2028 Marco Trovo Loco-Regional Failure in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Breast Conserving Therapy: Which Patients Benefit from Supraclavicular Nodal Irradiation? 2029 Sua Yoo Comparison Of Pre-operative Partial Breast Radiosurgery Treatment Techniques: 3D-CRT, Non-coplanar IMRT, Coplanar IMRT, and VMAT 2030 Huma Chaudhry A Prospective Trial of Preoperative Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI): Predictors of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Seroma Formation 2031 Juan Yu A Predictive Clinical Metric to Quantitate Radiation Dose to the Heart and the Left Anterior Descending Artery in Left-sided Breast Cancer Patients 2032 Adam Liss Decline of Cosmetic Outcomes Following Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT): Results of a Single-Institution Prospective Clinical Trial 2033 Tae Ryool Koo Prognostic Value of Nodal Ratio and Ki-67 Expression in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy 2034 Karolien Verhoeven Is There Benefit of Using a Preoperative Computed Tomography to Reduce the Interobserver Variability of the Boost CTV Delineation for Breast Radiation Therapy? 2035 Himanshu Nagar Predictors of All Recurrence for Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Surgery With and Without Radiation Therapy 2036 Thierry Muanza Does the Breast Cancer Molecular Subtype Affect the Post Radiation Therapy Pattern of Recurrence? 2037 Debra Yeboa Impact of the Recession on Radiation Therapy After Lumpectomy for Invasive Breast Cancer 2038 Ronny Kalash Breast Cancer Luminal Status Predicts Survival Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Brain Metastasis 2039 Jeffrey Kuo In-Vivo Dose Measurements in the Post-Mastectomy Irradiation Of a Patient With a Gas-Based Tissue Expander 2040 Adam Ferro Prevention of Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients 2047 Ashraf Youssef Does Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Decreases Scattered Fetal Dose in Pregnant Women as compared to External Beam Radiation? 2048 Masahiro Yoshida Is Re-excision Necessary For Patients With Positive Surgical Margin (0 Mm) Before Post-operative Breast Radiation Therapy? 2049 Adam Reese Marriage is Associated with Choice of Mastectomy in Patients Eligible for Breast Conservation Therapy 2050 Pierfrancesco Franco Hypofractionated Adjuvant Breast Radiation and Simultaneous Integrated Boost Delivered With Static Angle Tomotherapy: A Prospective Phase 2 Trial 2041 Kimberly Thomas Survey on Radiation Practice Patterns Among US Radiation Oncologists for Post-mastectomy Breast Cancer and Reconstruction 2051 Peter Chen Brachytherapy-Based Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Versus Canadian Whole Breast Hypofractionation: A Matched-Pair Analysis of Comparative Effectiveness 2042 Alexander Geng Early Results of a Prospective Cohort Study on Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer at a Single Institution 2052 Olivia Barrett The Influence of Race on Locoregional Recurrence (LRR) in BRCA Mutation-Positive Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients 2043 Catheryn Yashar Outcomes For APBI With Strut-based Brachytherapy: 101 Patients At 4.5 Years Median Follow-up 2053 Monica Shukla Influence of Receptor Status and Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Outcomes of Patients Treated with Mastectomy for Invasive Breast Cancer 2044 Su Jung Shim The Role of Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy(PMRT) in Clinical Stage II-III Breast Cancer Patients With pN0 After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Multicenter, Retrospective Study (KROG 12-05) 2045 Patience Obasaju National Surgical Patterns of Care: Racial Disparities in the Surgical Staging of Women with Breast Cancer 2046 Reshma Jagsi Use of Breast Reconstruction and Early Complication Rates in a Working-Age, Insured, National Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Mastectomy with and without Radiation 2054 Masahiko Oguchi Radiation Therapy For Breast Cancer After Chemotherapy Induced Pneumonitis 2055 Sameer Nath Immediate DIEP Breast Reconstruction and Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy: Clinical Experience at a Tertiary Care Institution 2056 Samuel Marcrom Partial Breast Radiation Using Strut Adjusted Volume Implant: Radiation Necrosis Is Associated With Dosimetric Parameters and Can Induce Biopsy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 128 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2057 Jeffrey Eshleman Retrospective Study of Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence in Patients Undergoing Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Delivered via Balloon Brachytherapy in a Community Hospital 2058 Steven Register Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique in Women with Left Sided Breast Cancer: An Analysis of OAR Sparing 2059 Linda Smith A Comparison of Acute and Subacute Toxicity for High Upper Outer Quadrant Breast Cancers Treated by Whole Breast Irradiation (WBI) Versus Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) 2060 Quan Chen Static Angle Tomotherapy 3DCRT for Accelerated Whole Breast Irradiation With Concomitant Boost 2061 Mina Shenouda Clinical Outcome of Isolate Local-Regional Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients According to their Primary Local Treatment 2062 Sharad Goyal Three-Year Outcomes of a Once-Daily Fractionation Scheme for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Using 3-D Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT) 2063 Allen Li An Analysis of Rapid Review Cases That Failed to Meet the RTOG 1005 Contouring and Dose-Volume Criteria 2064 Bradford Perez Evaluating Radiation Dose to the Heart With Left Whole Breast Radiation Therapy in Prone, Supine Breath-Hold, and Supine FreeBreathing Positions 2065 Janet Horton Preoperative Single-Fraction Partial Breast Radiation Therapy: A Novel Phase 1 Dose-Escalation Protocol and Exploration of Breast Cancer Radiation Response 2066 Qian Zhang Both Anti-HER2 Treatment and Chemotherapy After Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy Improve Survival in Patients With Brain Metastases From HER2-Positive Breast Cancer 2067 Mariam Korah The Impact of Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy in Intermediate Risk Breast Cancer Patients with Limited Axillary Disease 2068 Yu Chen The Impact Of Breast Reconstruction On Post-mastectomy Radiation Therapy 2077 Siavash Atrchian Improvement Of Consistency In Delineating Breast Lumpectomy Cavity Using Surgical Clips 2078 Manjeet Chadha Evaluating a role for Oncotype Dx Breast cancer Assay in the management of Ductal Carcinoma in situ 2079 Olivier Riou Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation With Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Feasibility And Early Clinical Results At The Montpellier Cancer Institute 2080 Julie Bradley Pilot Study of Proton Therapy for Treatment of Regional Lymphatics in Breast Cancer Patients 2069 Jay Reiff Dosimetric Analysis of 1007 Strut-Based APBI Treatments 2070 Nalini Rao Patterns of FDG PET CT use in Breast Cancer and its Impact on Treatment Decisions: Experience from a Developing Country 2071 Gabor Jozsef Tangential Breast Fields Placement: Evaluation of Two Automatic Beam Placement Algorithms 2072 Randi Cohen Adjuvant Radiation Improves Breast Cancer Specific Survival in the Eldest Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients 2073 Mariska Den Hartogh Small Treatment Volumes and a Low Interobserver Variability in Preoperative MRI-guided Target Volume Delineation for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation 2074 Kenneth Merrell A Comparison of Standard Fractionation and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer 2075 Jiho Nam Quantitative Analysis of Lung CT Density Changes in Early Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiation Therapy 2076 Robert Hong Outcomes for APBI with the Strut-Based Brachytherapy Applicator in 430 Patients 2081 Tiffany Chow Radiation-Induced Lung Injury Following Neoadjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy for Locally-Advanced Breast Cancer 2082 Kunal Saigal Traditional Risk Factors For Locoregional Recurrence May Not Be Predictive In Post-Menopausal Women With ER Positive Breast Cancer Treated With Neoadjuvant Therapy 2083 Martin Hinse Achieving a Uniform Breast Junction With the 160 Leaf Multileaf Collimator 2084 Sigolene Galland Long-term Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients With 10 or More Positive Axillary Nodes: Is Conservative Treatment an Optimal Option? 2085 Anneyuko Saito Is Bra Cup Size a Reliable Confounding Factor for the Evaluation of Acute Skin Toxicity Caused by Radiation Therapy in Breast Therapy? 2086 Olga Vujovic The Time Interval From Conservative Breast Surgery To Breast Irradiation In Early Stage Node Negative Breast Cancer: 17-Year Follow-Up Results And Patterns Of Recurrence Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 129 2087 Tian Liu Acute Toxicity Can Be Used to Predict Late Toxicity in Breast-Cancer Radiation Therapy: A Prospective Longitudinal Study With Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging 2088 Niranjan Bhandare A Comparison of the Early Toxicities of a Single Lumen Device and Intraoperative Radiation Therapy 2089 Shariq Khwaja Analysis of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in Young Women 2090 Bethany Anderson Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: Single Institution Experience With Median Follow-up Time of Over 5 Years 2091 Michael Roach Upper Extremity Toxicity with Adjuvant Comprehensive Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer 2092 Victor Pernin Early and Late Toxicity of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Associated With Concurrent Bevacizumab in Patients With Breast Cancer 2093 Michael Roach Early Results of 3D Conformal External Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation 2094 Jayant Vaidya The Lower Non-Breast Cancer Mortality With TARGIT in the TARGITA Trial Could Be a Systemic Effect of TARGIT on Tumor Microenvironment 2097 Peng Zhou Factors Affecting Contra-Lateral Breast Dose in Radiation Therapy of Breast Cancer 2106 Robert Kuske Utility of A Novel 3-D Marker in Postoperative Treatment Planning for Breast Cancer 2098 Fatimah Alfaraj Incidence And Factors Associated With The Development Of Extremity And Truncal Lymphedema In A Prospective Cohort Of Women With Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Receiving Multimodality Therapy 2107 Marcio Fagundes Cardiac-Sparing Postmastectomy Proton Radiation Therapy for Women With Stage III, Loco-Regional, Breast Cancer: A Dosimetric Comparison Study 2099 Matthew C. Bradbury Factors Effecting Breast Reconstruction in Post-Mastectomy Radiation Therapy Patients 2100 David Pearson Dose Modification Factor Analysis of Multi-Lumen Brachytherapy Applicator with Monte Carlo Simulation 2101 Petra Grendarova Low Risk of Locoregional Recurrence in the Absence of Regional Radiation Therapy in Node-Positive Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Chemotherapy, Breast Conserving Surgery, and Adjuvant Breast Radiation Therapy 2102 Shihfan Lai Brain Re-irradiation for Breast Cancer Patients With Brain Metastasis After Whole Brain Radiation Therapy: Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 Status on Clinical Outcome 2103 Sophia EdwardsBennett Is there Justification for the Utilization of IMRT in the Treatment of Early Stage Right Breast Cancer? 2095 Xiao Zhao Acute Radiation Induced Skin Toxicity in Breast Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT): A Dosimetric Analysis 2104 David Horowitz Implications of Prone Versus Supine Positioning on Breast and Target Volume Delineation in Partial Breast Irradiation 2096 Frederik Wenz Local Recurrence and Survival for The German Centers in the TARGIT-A (TARGeted Intraoperative Radiation Therapy - Alone) Trial 2105 Jay Reddy Antiepileptic Drug Use Improves Overall Survival in Breast Cancer Patients With Brain Metastases in the Setting of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 2108 Abhishek Solanki Predictive Model for the Utilization of Radiation Therapy in the Adjuvant Therapy of Women With Breast Cancer Following Breast Conserving Surgery: Results From a National Commercial and Supplemental Medicare Claims Database 2109 Shane Stecklein Utilization and Outcomes of Post-Mastectomy Radiation Therapy for Locally-Advanced Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: A SEER Study 2110 Abhishek Solanki Predictive Factors in the Utilization of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Among Young Women Following Breast Conserving Surgery in the United States: Analysis of a National Commercial and Supplemental Claims Database 2111 John Einck Residual Disease in the Breast or Lymph Nodes Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Results in a High Risk of Locoregional Failure Despite the Use of Radiation Therapy 2112 Lindsay Burt Comparison of Treatments for Breast Cancer Arising after Radiation Treatment for Hodgkin Lymphoma CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 2113 Kazuhiro Miwa Metabolically Positive Lesion Before Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy and Its Impact on Outcome for Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 130 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2114 Christine ChangHalpenny Elderly Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme Treated With Concurrent Temozolomide and Standard Radiation Therapy or Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy With Subset MGMT Analysis 2115 Lawrence Kleinberg Adult Brain Tumor Consortium (ABTC) Prospective Dose Finding Trials Of I-125 Balloon Brachytherapy In Glioblastoma (GBM): The Problems In Trial Design When MRI Treatment Effect And Recurrence Appear Similar 2116 Sridhar Susheela Characterization of Glioblastoma Multiforme Non-Distant Failures After Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Relation to Pre-irradiation Carbon 11-Methionine Positron Emission Tomography 2117 Kiyoshi Nakamatsu High-Dose Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB) Method Combined With Temozolomide (TMZ) For Malignant Gliomas 2118 Steven Oh Reirradiation of Recurrent Gliomas 2119 Jason Ye Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (HFSRT) With Concurrent Chemotherapy (CTX) in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Poor Prognosis GBM: Early Results 2120 Edward Marchan Impact of FACBC PET in Imaging and GTV Design of Cerebral Gliomas 2121 James Cordova The Development of an Unbiased, Semi-automated Method for Perioperative Tumor Volume Measurement Using VelocityAI in Glioblastoma 2122 Lee Jeongshim Re-irradiation for Recurrent Gliomas: Treatment Outcomes and Prognostic Factors 2123 Yujin Lim Hypofractionated Chemoradiation Therapy With Temozolomide for Glioblastoma Patients With Poor Prognostic Features 2125 Haresh Kunhiparambath A Dosimetric Comparison Of VMAT, IMRT and 3DCRT In The Reirradiation Of Recurrent Gliomas 2126 Shravan Kandula Patterns Of Presentation And Failure In Patients With Gliomatosis Cerebri Treated With Partial Brain Radiation Therapy 2127 Sabin Motwani Glioblastoma Multiforme of the Elderly: A Multi-institutional Experience Comparing Conventional Versus Accelerated Radiation Therapy With Concurrent Temozolomide 2128 Dante Amelio Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Vs Intensity-modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) In Low-grade Gliomas: A Dosimetrical Study 2129 Christopher Corso Factors Predicting Survival In Grade I-III Astrocytomas 2130 Menachem Yondorf NTCP Modeling Proves Dose-Escalation (DE) Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (HSRT) a Safe Treatment Option for Patients with Subtotal Resection of WHO Grade II-III Meningioma 2131 Chandler Sours Feasibility Study Testing the Incorporation of Resting State fMRI Data in Radiation Therapy Planning to Limit Dose to Cognitive Function Networks in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors 2132 Weining Zhen MRI Based Volumetric Analysis of Postoperative Disease Progression of Glioblastoma Prior to the Radiation Therapy 2133 Sophie Zerounian Evaluation Of Survival And Prognostic Factors For Elderly Patients Of 65 With Glioblastoma Multiforme 2134 Radka Stoyanova 3D Spectroscopy Evaluation of GBM Treatment Volumes 2135 Ayal Aizer Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Is Associated With Survival Benefit in WHO Grade 3 Astrocytomas But Not Oligodendrogliomas: Results From a Population-Based Study 2136 Stefanie Lazow Temporal Changes in MRI Edema and Resection Cavity Dynamics Subsequent to Implantation of Cesium-131 (Cs-131) Brachytherapy in Patients with Brain Metastases: a Volumetric Analysis from a Prospective Study 2138 Timothy Harris Re-Irradiation for Recurrent Glioma: A Single Institution Review 2139 David Corwin Using A Patient-specific Mathematical Model And A Multi-objective Imrt Optimization Algorithm In Treatment Planning For Human Glioblastoma 2140 Melissa LeMieux Racial Differences in Mortality in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme in the Pre- and Post-Temozolomide Eras 2141 Martha Hosotani Patterns of Failure: Detailed Dosimetric Analysis of Glioblastoma Recurrence in the Era of Modern Chemoradiation Therapy 2142 Erin Murphy Impact of 1p Status and Radiation Therapy Timing on Long-term Outcomes for Adults With Grade 2 Glioma Treated at a Single Institution 2143 Srinivas Chilukuri Is It Time To Revise Imaging Guidelines For Response Assessment After Temoradiation And Surgery For GBM ? Sensitivity, Specificity And Predictive Value Of MR Spectroscopy And Perfusion for the detection of Tumor Progression after temoradiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 131 2144 Elizabeth Kuhn Adverse Toxicity After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Treatment of Meningiomas 2145 Ryan Nowak Factors Associated With Hearing Loss in Patients With Vestibular Schwannomas Treated With Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 2146 Craig Grossman A Population-Based Characterization of Meningiomas in Breast Cancer Patients 2148 Leoncio Arribas Radiosurgery Outcomes In Vestibular Schwannoma: Effect Of New Technologies 2149 Koshi Tatewaki Long-term Outcome of Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannomas 2150 William Wilson Gamma Radiosurgery (GRS) for Acoustic Neuroma: A Single Institution Experience 2151 Emily Tanzler Meningiomas: A Retrospective Outcomes Analysis of the University of Florida Proton Institute Experience 2152 Menachem Yondorf NTCP Modeling of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (HSRT) for Patients with Subtotal Resection (STR) of WHO Grade I Meningioma: A Toxicity-Sparing More Convenient Treatment Method 2153 Nathalie Nguyen Impact of Radiation Therapy on Clinical Outcome of Meningiomas 2154 Jennifer Shah Evaluation of Tumor Expansion Following 3-Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannomas 2155 Yoshimasa Mori Stereotactic Radiosurgery As A Salvage Treatment For Recurrent Skull Base Chordoma After Surgical Resection 2156 Prashant Desai Feasibility Study of Toxicity and Efficacy of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (HFSRT) for Patients With Meningioma Based on NTCP Modeling: Early Clinical Results 2157 Daniel Wattson Outcomes of Proton Radiation Therapy for Patients With Functional Pituitary Adenomas 2158 Rasim Meral Symptomatic Improvement in Patients With Pituitary Adenoma Diagnosed as Acromegaly Versus Cushing’s Disease With Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 2159 Ameen Al-Omair Postoperative Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Patients With Spinal Metastasis: Predictive and Prognostic Factors Analysis 2160 Kosj Yamoah A Pilot Study on Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Residual Setup Errors and Intrafraction Motion using Stereotactic X-ray Image Guidance Verification System 2161 Nehaw Sarmey Adjacent or Same Vertebral Body Retreatment With Repeat SBRT (Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy) Is Safe Despite High Cumulative Dose to the Spinal Cord or Cauda Equina 2166 Maged Ghaly The Role Of Spine Radiosurgery In The Management Paradigm Of Spine Metastases 2167 Sophia Kamran Outcomes of Proton Therapy for the Treatment of Uveal Metastases 2168 Di Zhou 103Pd versus 125I Plaque Radiation Dose to Normal Ocular Structures in the Treatment of 319 Uveal Melanomas 2169 Blake Currier Dosimetric Evaluation of a Shielded Applicator for use with Low Energy High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Treatment of Ocular Melanoma 2170 Jacqueline Esthappan Post-Implant Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Episcleral Plaque Brachytherapy 2171 Anshu Jain Malignant Tumors of the Lacrimal Gland: A SEER Analysis 2172 Malay Rao MRI-Guided Laser Ablation for Post-SRS Locally Recurrent Metastases: Initial Experience and Outcomes 2173 Johnny Kao Pilot Study of Tumor Directed, Scalp Sparing IMRT for Brain Metastases 2162 Maha Jawad A Dosimetric Evaluation of Target Coverage as a Predictor of Local Failure Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spinal Tumors 2174 Arjun Sahgal MRI Perfusion Biomarkers Predicting Early Response for Brain Metastasis Treated With High-Dose Radiation Therapy 2163 Omar Mian Timely Radiosurgery for Spine Metastases per RTOG 0613 Guidelines using a Rapidly Deployable Automated Planning Script (FastPlan) 2175 Kyle Arneson A Phase I Trial of Concurrent Sorafenib and Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Patients with 1-4 Brain Metastases 2164 Eva Christensen Patterns of Failure in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spinal Tumors 2176 Xueying Qiao Whole Brain Radiation Therapy With Local Simultaneous Integrated Boost Conformal Radiation Therapy in the Treatment for Patients With 1-3 Brain Metastases 2165 Chia-Lin Tseng Spinal Cord Tolerance Specific to Re-irradiation Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Following at Least 2 Courses of Prior Radiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 132 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2177 Grant Clark Phase 1 Dose Escalation/ De-escalation Study of Preoperative Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases: Preliminary Acute Toxicity and Dosimetric Analysis 2178 Allan Chen Frame versus Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Drug-Refractory Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia 2179 Taro Murai Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Using Robotic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Large Brain Metastases 2180 Charles Rutter Prognostic Factors in Patients with Brain Metastases at Initial Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis 2181 Steven Lau Clinical Outcomes Of Single Isocenter Frameless Radiosurgery For Multiple Brain Metastases 2183 Isabelle Thibault Local Control, Patterns of Failure, and Vertebral Compression Fracture After Spine Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer 2184 Hong-Yiou Lin Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Renal Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma Brain Metastases-Higher Doses to Treat Melanoma <4ml to Improve Local Control 2185 Henrique Faria Braga Validation Of The Score Index For Radiosurgery (SIR) In Predicting Survival Of Patients With Brain Metastases Submitted To Radiosurgery 2186 Charles Rutter Influence of BRAF and NRAS Mutations on Distant Intracranial Recurrence and Survival in Metastatic Melanoma Following Radiosurgery 2187 Rachel Jimenez The Impact of Different Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Regimens for Brain Metastases on Local Control and Toxicity 2188 Roshan Sethi Proton Radiation Therapy for Pediatric Central Nervous System Ependymoma: Clinical Outcomes for 70 patients 2199 Matthew Johnson Analysis of Risk Factors for Development of Radiation Necrosis Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases 2189 Selvan Rajakesari Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases 2200 Nicholas Zaorsky Treatment Of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations With Stereotactic Radiosurgery Following Embolization 2190 Arie Dosoretz Long-Term Survivors After Treatment of Intracranial Metastases with Radiosurgery 2201 Bhisham Chera Effect of Node and Beam-Reduction Optimization on the Integral Dose to the Brain for Robotic Radiosurgery Brain Cases 2191 Rafael Moleron Emerging Role of Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy in Brain Metastasis Treatment: Single Institution Early Experience 2202 Tamara Santos Predictive Factors For Local Control Of Brain Metastases After Radiosurgery 2192 Julia Compton Total Tumor Volume Predicts Mortality Following Radiosurgery for 5 or More Brain Metastases 2203 David Ly Local Control After Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Brain Metastases (BM) in Melanoma Patients With and Without BRAF Mutation and Treatment 2193 Sara Alcorn A Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Adult and Pediatric Medulloblastoma 2194 Mark McDonald Initial Results of Proton Therapy for Clival Chordoma 2204 Christian Okoye Is Monte Carlo Calculation Necessary in Patients With Thoracic Spinal Tumors Treated With Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)? 2195 Kevin Shiue Lack of Response is a Risk Factor for Radiation Necrosis after Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases 2205 Maria Luisa Figueiredo Focal Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy After Resection of Brain Metastases 2196 Dong-Soo Lee Patterns of Failure Following Multimodal Treatment for Medulloblastoma: A Single Institution Experience with Long-Term Follow-Up 2206 Waleed Mourad Linac-Based SRS Dose-Volume Relationship for Optimal Local Control of Brain Metastases 2197 Wei Heng Kao Whole Brain Radiation Therapy With Simultaneously Integrated Boost for Patients With Multiple Brain Metastases by VMAT 2198 Kyung Hwan Kim Whole Brain Radiation Therapy With Hippocampus-Sparing Simultaneous In-field Boost Using Helical Tomotherapy for Brain Metastases From Lung Adenocarcinoma: Early Volume Response and Dosimetric Evaluation 2207 Guy Savir Experience Using Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery to Treat Large CNS Metastases 2208 Lauren Tait Enhanced Radiographic Response and Re-Treatment Rates Following Whole Brain Irradiation among Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with EGFR Activating Mutations 2209 Haoming Qiu Optimization of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Plans for Brain Metastasis Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 133 GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER 2210 Keiichi Jingu Prognostic Factors for Patients With Loco-Regional Recurrent Esophageal Cancer Who Were Treated With Chemoradiation Therapy: Results of Multivariate Analysis 2211 Chiramana Haritha Quantification of Swallowing-Induced Motion in Esophageal Cancers Using Volume Shuttle Imaging Analysis 2212 Minghuan Li Determine the Involved Lymph Node Station for Cervical and Upper Thoracic Esophageal Carcinoma in Non-surgical Patients -A Data Analysis Based on CT 2213 Minghuan Li Pretreatment CT Perfusion Predicts Early Response of Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma Treated With Chemoradiation Therapy 2214 Ravi Shridhar Survival Impact of Esophagectomy After Chemoradiation for Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus 2215 Chun Han The Application Value Study of Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging(DWI) in Target Volume Determination of Esophageal Carcinoma Treatment using 3DCRT or IMRT 2216 Shuchai Zhu Investigation of Using Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging(DWI) to Evaluate the Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis of Esophageal Carcinoma Treatment using 3DCRT 2217 Lan Wang Prognosis Analysis of Different Site Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Received 3-Dimensional Radiation Therapy 2218 Changsheng Ma Quantitative Study of 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose and 18Ffluorothymidine PET Characteristics in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Staging 134 2219 Keisuke Tamari Impact of Clinical and Dosimetric Factors on Pericardial Effusion in Patients With Stage I Esophageal Cancer Treated With Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy 2228 Jun Wang Overexpression Of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor And Its Clinicopathological Significance: A Meta Analysis Of 1118 Cases With Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2220 Gen Kawaguchi A New Choice of Treatments for Invasive Superficial Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Investigation of Efficacy of Prophylactic Chemoradiation Therapy After Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection 2229 Yuji Murakami Twenty Years Treatment Results Of Radiation Therapy For T1N0M0 Esophageal Cancer 2221 Masakazu Hori Overexpression Of XRCC4 Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome Of Patients With Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated With Definitive Radiation Therapy 2222 Huiming Liu Long-term Outcome of Cf-252 Neutron Intracavitary Brachytherapy Combined With External Beam Radiation Therapy and Concurrent Chemotherapy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2230 Yufeng Cheng Cancer-associated Fibroblasts, a Parameter of the Tumor Microenvironment, is Associated With Poor Prognosis in Esophageal Squamous Cell Cancer After Surgery 2231 Junichi Fukada Symptomatic Pericardial Effusion After Chemoradiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer: A Historical Comparison 2232 Rei Umezawa Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Radiation-induced Myocardial Damage in Patients With Esophageal Cancer 2223 Xin Huang The Negative Expression of Annexin A1 in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma is Association with Poor Outcome 2233 Jun Liang Nimotuzumab Combined With Radiation Therapy on Esophageal Cancer: Preliminary Study of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial 2224 Hunter Boggs Predictors of Pathologic Complete Response Rates in Patients Receiving Trimodality Therapy for Esophageal Cancer 2234 Sagar Patel Small Cell Carcinoma Of The Esophagus: The (SEER) Experience From 2000-2009 2225 Jun Wang Prognostic Analysis In 182 Thoracic Esophageal Carcinoma Patients With Atypical Hyperplasia In Esophageal Stump And Esophageal Stump Cancer After Esophagectomy 2226 Che-yu Hsu Definitive Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy via Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Synchronous Esophageal Cancer in Patients With Head-and-Neck Cancer 2227 Qi Liu Pattern of Failure After Radical Surgery in Patients With Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Implications for Postoperative Radiation Therapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2235 Abraham Wu Generation of Consensus Contour Atlas for Esophageal Cancer IMRT 2236 Miyako Myojin The Common Late Toxicities Observed After Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer 2237 Lotte Lutkenhaus Reduction in Cardiac Volume During Chemoradiation Therapy for Patients With Esophageal Cancer: Magnitude and Possible Implications for Adaptive Radiation Therapy 2238 Hitoshi Ishikawa Preliminary Results of Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Using Proton Beam Therapy for Esophageal Cancer 2239 Wencheng Zhang Postoperative Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Improved Survival of Lymph Node Positive or Stage III Squamous Cell Carcinoma Esophagus 2240 Aditya Juloori Dosimetric Predictors for Nausea and Anorexia in Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation 2241 Faisal Siddiqui Overall Survival Analysis of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy and Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer 2242 Shuchai Zhu Effect Of Rnai Against 53bp1 Gene On Radiosensitivity Of Human Esophageal Carcinoma Eca109 Cell 2243 Christopher Anker The Effect Of Stents On Acute Toxicity In Esophageal Cancer 2244 Kyung Hwan Kim Is Postoperative Radiation Therapy Effective for Patients With Esophageal Cancer?: An 8-Year Follow-up Study 2245 Shaleen Kumar Clinical Target Volumes (CTV) for Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) of Esophagus Treated With Chemoradiation Therapy (CRT) 2246 Yuxin Shen Management of Primary Thoracic Small Cell Esophageal Carcinoma: analysis of 20 consecutive cases 2247 Jiancheng Li Analysis Of Relative Influencing Factors About Recurrence Of Esophageal Carcinoma After Three-field Lymph Node Dissection 2248 Qi Liu Characteristics of Lymph Node Recurrence After Radical Surgery and Their Value in Target Volume Delineation in Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2250 Steven Seyedin Benefit of Adjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy for Gastric Adenocarcinoma: A SEER Population Analysis 2251 Alexander Stessin Does Adjuvant Radiation Benefit Patients with Diffuse Type Gastric Cancer? Results from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Database 2252 Qiwen Li Lymph Node Status as Predictive Factor for Selective Adjuvant Chemoradiation in Patients with Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer with D2 Dissection 2253 NingNing Lu Safety And Clinical Outcome For Phase II Study Of Nimotuzumab And Concurrent Capecitabine And Radiotherapy For Patients With Locally Advanced Inoperable Or Relapsed/ Residual Gastric Cancer 2254 Hua Ren Prospective Efficacy Evaluation Of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy (imrt) Combined With Capecitabine As Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiation In Stage II/III Gastric Cancer 2255 Cem Misirlioglu Adjuvant Radiotherapy For Gastric Carcinoma: 10 Years Follow-up Update Of 244 Cases From A Single Institution 2256 Jennifer Shah Clinical And Dosimetric Predictors Of Peri-operative Pulmonary Complications In Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation 2257 Andre Chen Liver Irradiation Increases Relapse-free Survival In Adjuvant Gastric Cancer Treatment 2258 Rajal Patel A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study of Radiation Therapy Parameters and Outcomes in Patients with Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma 2259 Guichao Li Radiation Induced Liver Injury In Three Dimensional Radiation Therapy (3d-rt) For Postoperative Or Locoregional Recurrent Gastric Cancer: The Risk Factors And Dose Limitation 2260 Ronica Hazariwala Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX and Radiation Therapy Improves Resectability of Pancreas Adenocarcinoma 2261 Eric Mellon Survival Benefits of Adjuvant Radiotherapy and Lymph Node Dissection in Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Surgery and Chemotherapy 2262 Tingyi Xia Dose Escalation to Target Volumes of Helical Tomotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer in the Phase I-II Clinical Trial 2263 Michael Baine Radiation Therapy Improves Survival Outcome in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Comparison of a 15-year institutional experience at the University of Nebraska Medical Center with SEER data 2264 Sophie Cai Long-Term Outcomes and Prognostic Factors for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients Treated with Intraoperative Radiation Therapy 2265 Brandon Mancini Induction FOLFIRINOX Prior to Chemoradiation for Borderline or Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2266 David Sherr Do Socio-Demographic Factors Affect Overall Survival in Patients with Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer? Results of a Secondary Analysis of RTOG Data 2267 Cato Chan Anemia During Radiotherapy Correlates With Outcomes In Pancreatic Cancer 2268 Angelo Tozzi 2249 Ling Yipeng Sbrt In Unresectable Advanced Pattern of Lymph Node Metastases Pancreatic Cancer. Preliminary Results and its Implication in Of A Monoinstitutional Experience Radiotherapeutic Clinical Target Volume in Patients With Upper Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 135 2269 Raphael Yechieli Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Elderly Patients with Medically Inoperable Pancreatic Cancer 2279 Natalie Ausborn 53BP1 Expression is a Modifier of the Prognostic Value of Lymph Node Ratio and CA 19-9 in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 2270 William Hall The Influence of Radiation Therapy Dose Escalation on Overall Survival in Unresectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 2280 Maged Ghaly Duodenal Sparing Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: Technique, Toxicity, and local Response 2271 Lisette Nixon The SCALOP trial Plan Assessment Form (PAF) as a tool for Radiotherapy Trials Quality Assurance (RTTQA) 2272 Aryavarta Kumar Influence of Adjuvant Treatment on Outcomes in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer 2273 Shreya Prasad Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Reduces Gastrointestinal Toxicity in Locally Advanced Pancreas Cancer 2274 Antonino Romeo Hypofractionated Radio-chemotherapy With Gemcitabine Plus Oxaliplatin For Unresectable Nonmetastatic Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2275 Jessica Freilich Outcomes of Adjuvant Radiotherapy and Lymph Node Dissection in Elderly Pancreatic Cancer Patients Treated with Surgery and Chemotherapy 2276 Huma Chaudhry Radiation Therapy in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Favorable Outcomes and Low Toxicity in a Multi-Institutional Experience 2277 Avani Dholakia 18Flurodeoxyglucose-PET Baseline Avidity Predicts for Inferior Outcomes in Patients with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Gemcitabine and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2278 Takero Hirata Dose-volume Analysis For Predicting Histological Effects And Gastrointestinal Complications After Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy For Pancreatic Cancer 2281 Hao Wang Prognostic Factors for Intraoperative 125I Seeds Implantation for Treatment of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma 2282 Reid Thompson Linear Quadratic Extrapolated Dosimetric Analysis of Proton Therapy and IMRT in Unresectable Cancer of the Head of Pancreas: Implications for Dose Escalation 2283 Andre Konski Preliminary Results of a Phase I Study of Hyperfractionated Low-Dose Radiotherapy (RT) as a Chemotherapy sensitizer in Combination With Gemcitabine (G) and Erlobtinib (E) in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2284 John Lukens Acute Toxicity of Proton vs. Photon Chemoradiotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: a Cohort Study 2285 Jennifer Wo Tolerability of Dose Painted Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation to Regions of Vessel Involvement in Borderline or Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2286 Mediha Ahmad Is Ca19-9 Response Following Chemoradiation Therapy For Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer An Early Surrogate For Eventual Survival Outcomes? 2287 Joong Yeol Woo Evaluation Of Dose Summation Method Using Deformable Registration In Adaptive Planning For Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2288 Ajay Patel Postoperative Interval between Surgery and Initiation of Adjuvant Therapy Corresponds to Local Recurrence in Resected Pancreatic Cancer 2289 Abhijeet Bhirud Dosimetric Analysis Of Kidney Toxicity After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Pancreatic Cancer 2290 Kotaro Terashima Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for Patients With Isolated Local Recurrence of Primary Resected Pancreatic Cancer 2291 Sanjay Chandrasekaran Neoadjuvant Therapy for Achieving Margin Negative Resection in Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma 2292 Dandan Zheng Respiratory-Correlated Duodenum Motion and Its Implications in Pancreatic SBRT 2293 David Shultz Ca 19-9 Kinetics Following Radiotherapy Correlate With Outcomes In Patients With Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 2294 Alex Cruz Outcomes And Toxicities In Postoperative Pancreatic Cancer Treated With Chemotherapy And IMRT Vs. 3DCRT 2295 Sonia Skamene Resectability After Concurrent Gemcitabine-based Chemoradiotherapy For Patients With Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2296 Jenny Que The Efficacy of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Unresectable Huge Hepatocellular Carcinoma Not Eligible For Other Local Modalities 2297 Brandon Barney Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy after Other Minimally-Invasive Local Therapies for Liver Tumors 2298 Kyung Su Kim Clinical Characteristics And Prognostic Factors Of Brain Metastases From Hepatocellular Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 136 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2299 Jim Zhong Patterns of failure for Stage I Ampulla of Vater Adenocarcinoma: a Single Institutional Experience 2300 Jinhong Jung Normalization of Alpha-fetoprotein Level in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: A Prognostic Surrogate of Progression and Survival 2301 Marie-Laure Camborde Mean Liver Dose Evaluation By Lyman NTCP Modeling With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy To Minimize Radiation-induced Liver Disease For Inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2302 Alejandra Mendez Romero Inter- and Intra-observer Variability in Daily Tumor Set-up using Contrast-enhanced CT-scans for Patient Positioning during Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Liver Metastases 2303 Erik Lappinen Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) as a Bridge to Orthotropic Liver Transplant (OLT) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): Evaluation of Explant Pathology and the Factors That Predict Outcomes 2304 Seth Blacksburg Combined Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) And Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) For Management Of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2305 Anand Mahadevan Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Unresectable Large and Multiple Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2306 Sang Min Yoon Clinical Outcomes of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Primary or Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2307 Christina Speirs 90Y Microsphere Hepatic Distribution Can Be Evaluated Following Radioembolization With PET/MRI 2309 Hideomi Yamashita Comparison Bwtween Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Liver Metastases And Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2310 Naoko Sanuki Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiation Therapy for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Outcomes in 185 Patients 2311 Toshiyuki Okumura Long-term Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Initially Treated with Definitive Proton Beam Therapy 2312 Seung Won Seol Treatment Outcome of Hepatic Re-irradiation in Patients with HCC 2313 Jun Won Kim Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation in HCC Patients Undergoing Radical Radiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection 2314 Kenneth Merrell An Institutional Review of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Liver Tumors 2315 Katherine Fan Neuroendocrine Tumor Liver Metastases Treated with Yttrium-90 Radioembolization 2316 Jenny Shaffer Predicting Liver Volume Changes After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Liver Tumors 2317 Edward Mannina Role of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as a Bridge to Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. Evaluation of Pathological Response and Outcome: Indiana University Experience 2318 Charles Fang Biliary Stricture After Radiotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2319 Yilin Liu 4D-MRI using Sagittal Acquisition and Body Area as Respiratory Surrogate 2320 Iris Ernst Individualized Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) by Tomotherapy or VMAT in Liver Malignancies - only Rank 3rd after Surgery and Interventional Radiology? 2321 Joseph Evans Safety and LC of Repeat Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2322 May Abdel-Wahab Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence Risk after Primary Treatment using Predictive Nomograms 2323 Claudia Menichelli Sbrt For Crc Liver Metastases: Prognostic Factors Affecting Lc And Os 2324 Saumil Gandhi Development of a Decision Tree Analysis Tool for Optimal Delivery of Liver Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Photons versus Protons 2325 Joseph Waller Outcomes of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2326 Pawel Dyk Analysis Of Abdominal And Chest Wall Toxicity Following Liver SBRT 2327 Navesh Sharma Association Between K-ras Mutation Status And Survival In mCRC Patients Undergoing Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) to the Liver Using Yttrium-90 Coated Resin Microspheres 2329 Tony Wang Selective Internal Radiation Therapy to the Liver: High Tumor Dose and Normal Liver Tolerance 2330 Evan Osmundson Risk of Hepatobiliary Toxicity After SBRT to the Liver for Central Liver Tumors 2331 Martin Fuss Outcomes of Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy (HFxRT) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2308 Atsuya Takeda Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy For Previously Untreated Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinoma In Patients With Liver Disease Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 137 2332 Michael Lock Phase I Study of Image-guided and Radiobiologically-guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Hepatic Lesions 2341 Joo Ho Lee The Influence of the Treatment Response on the Impact of Resection Margin Status after Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Rectal Cancer 2351 Maureen Rolfo Simple Segment IMRT: Dosimetric and Resource Implications of an Innovative Rectal Cancer Technique 2333 Maria Fernanda Diaz Vazquez Clinical Comparison of IMRT With 3D-CRT in Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (LARC) 2342 Ovidiu Marina Whole-Mount Pathologic Evaluation of Specimens Following Preoperative Radiotherapy (RT) for Rectal Cancer Identifies More Lymph Nodes and Greater Tumor (T) Stage 2352 Claudio Sole Presacral Evolutive Events (Soft Tissue Mass) After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation With or Without Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiation Therapy Boost For Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer 2334 Annemarie Fernandes Predicting Outcomes In Locally-advanced Rectal Cancer Using Pretreatment FDG-PET Imaging 2343 Ane Appelt Dose-response Of Acute Bladder Side Effects Of Long-course Preoperative Radiotherapy For Rectal Cancer 2353 Shigeru Yamada Carbon-ion Therapy For Patients With Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer 2335 Yong Cai Clinical Analysis Of Comparing Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy With Fixed Field Dynamic Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy On Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy For Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer 2344 Tzu-I Jonathan Yang Impact of Clinical and Dosimetric Factors on Weekly Toxicity Scores during Pelvic Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer 2354 Jing Jin A Phase I Study Of Postoperative Capecitabine With Concurrent Radiotherapy In Elderly Patients With Rectal Cancer 2345 Albert DeNittis Treatment Of Distal Rectal Cancer With Preoperative Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Combined With Chemotherapy And Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery: 5 Year Results Of 12 Patients 2355 Xin Lei The Combination of 252Cf Neutron Intracavitary Brachytherapy Using Off-Axis 4-Channel Intrarectal Applicators and External Beam Radiation Therapy on Low-Lying Rectal Adenocarcinoma (Phase 2a trial): The 3 Year Result for 118 Patients 2336 Sung Uk Lee Comparison of Two Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy Regimens for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Short-term Tumor Response and Long-term Clinical Outcome of Capecitabine with or without Irinotecan 2337 Evan White Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Anal Canal Cancer: A Large Single-Institution Experience 2338 Daniel Yang Changes In Early And Late Stage Colorectal Cancer Incidence During The Era Of Screening: 1976-2009 2339 Andrzej Wojcieszynski Uncertainty in Rectal Tumor Localization During Preoperative Radiation and the Impact of Distal Tumor Delineation on Normal Tissue Dosimetry 2340 Qin Xiao Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient to Predict Outcome of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Carcinoma 2346 Alexander Falk High-dose Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy as Boost for Anal Canal Carcinoma : Dosimetric Results and Clinical Outcome 2347 Joelle Helou Vaginal Sparing Using A Mold In Anal Cancer Female Patients Treated With Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy: A Dosimetric Feasibility Study 2348 Diana Rothenstein Predictors of Outcome and Toxicities of Definitive Chemoradiation with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Anal Cancer 2349 Susannah Yovino Sparing Circulating Lymphocyte Populations with Endorectal Brachytherapy 2350 Phuong Nguyen Prolonging Surgical Resection after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation for Rectal Cancer Is Associated with Increased Risk of Distant Failure and Decreased Survival 2356 Dolores M. De La Mata Molecular Imaging (FDG-PET/CT) Response to Neoadjuvant Oxaliplatin and Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer as Prognostic Factor in Surveillance 2358 Bindu Manyam The Impact of Radiation Therapy on Locoregional Recurrence (LRR) in Patients with Stage IV Rectal Cancer Treated with Definitive Surgical Resection and Modern Chemotherapy 2359 Jekwon Yeh Primary Adenocarcinoma of the Anal Canal: A Single-Institutional Report on a Rare Malignancy 2360 Hao Li Effects of PET Reconstruction Parameters on Region-of-Interest Contouring by SUV Threshold 2361 Olivier Riou Brachytherapy For Anal Canal Cancer: A Goco Multicenter Study Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 138 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2362 Abdullah Alsuhaibani External Beam Radiotherapy Versus Image-guided High Dose Rate Endorectal Brachytherapy In The Management Of Rectal Cancer A Retrospective Study 2363 Sonny Batra Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy In The Treatment Of Rectal Cancer 2364 Abdullah Alsuhaibani Effect Of Circumferential Resection Margin (crm) On Local Recurrence And Distant Metastases In Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemo-radiation For Rectal Cancer Updated Analysis 2365 Margaret Kozak SMAD4 Inactivation and Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer 2366 May Abdel-Wahab The Impact of Radiation Therapy after Resection on Survival in Squamous and Adenosquamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectum 2367 Min Rex Cheung Racial And Socioeconomic Disparities In Malignant Carcinoid Cancer Cause Specific Survival: An Analysis Of A National Cancer Registry 2368 Jean-Claude Rwigema Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Abdominal and Retroperitoneal Oligometastases 2369 Mira Shah Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Adrenal Metastases GENITOURINARY CANCER 2370 Kara Leonard Effect Of Modern Radiotherapy Techniques On Hematocrit In Patients With Prostate Cancer 2371 Toshio Ohashi Outcomes Following I-125 Prostate Brachytherapy as Monotherapy 2372 Bettina Hentschel Comparison of Intensity Modulated Single Arc Therapy (VMAT) and Standard IMRT: GI and GU Toxicity in the Pelvic Nodal Treatment of High-Risk Prostate Cancer 2373 Ron Allison PSA Nadir Predicts Outcome Following Radiation Therapy for Gleason 8, 9, 10 Prostate Cancer 2383 Jennifer Logan Salvage MR-guided Focal Laser Ablation of Prostate Cancer after Brachytherapy 2374 Bradford Hoppe Comparative Effectiveness Study of Proton Therapy versus IMRT for Definitive Treatment of Prostate Cancer Based on Patient-reported Outcomes 2384 2375 Kasra Badiozamani Does Pd-103 Prostate Brachytherapy Lead to High Rates of Urinary Retention and Morbidity? 2376 Hiromichi Ishiyama A Prospective Quasi-randomized Comparison Of Intraoperatively Built Custom Linked Seeds Vs. Loose Seeds For Prostate Brachytherapy 2377 Toshio Ohashi Preliminary Report of Urinary and Rectal Toxicity Profiles after Permanent Iodine-125 Implant Brachytherapy in Japanese Men: J-POPS Multi-Institutional Cohort Study Eberechukwu Onukwugha Variation in the Length of Radiation Therapy among Men Diagnosed with Incident Metastatic Prostate Cancer 2385 Whoon Kil Patient-reported Hip symptoms following Treatment with Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2386 Jonathan Andrew Haas Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Organ Confined Localized Prostate Cancer 2387 Donald Fuller HDR-like SBRT For Post-radiotherapy Locally Recurrent Prostatic Carcinoma: PSA Response, DFS And Toxicity Assessment 2388 Gaurav Marwaha Gleason Pattern 5: Is Adverse Really Worse? 2378 Xu Tong Real-time Measurement of Prostate Intrafractional Motion during External Beam Radiotherapy 2389 Adam Holtzman Proton Therapy as Salvage Treatment for Local Relapse of Prostate Cancer following Cryosurgery or HIFU 2379 Michael Pinkawa Learning Curve In The Application Of A Hydrogel Spacer To Protect The Rectal Wall During Radiotherapy Of Localized Prostate Cancer 2390 Akane Sekiguchi Eight-Year Experience of Iodine-125 Monotherapy for Japanese Men With Localized Prostate Cancer 2380 Joen Sveistrup Improvement in Toxicity in High Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Image Guided Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy compared to Non-Image Guided Conformal Radiotherapy 2381 John Kalapurakal Improved Biochemical Control (<0.2ng/ml) Following Androgen Deprivation Therapy And Adjuvant Or Salvage Whole Pelvis Radiation Therapy After Prostatectomy 2382 Harold Wallace Transperineal Ultrasound for Image Guidance in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer: A Comparison to Fiducial-Based Imaging 2391 Atsunori Yorozu Dose Escalation Impacts Biochemical Outcomes of Inadequate PSA Nadir during Neoadjuvant Hormone Therapy before Brachytherapy for Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer 2392 Jason Slater The Prognostic Value Of Percentage Of Positive Biopsies, Percentage Of Cancer Volume, And Maximum Involvement Of Biopsy Cores In Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Proton Beam Therapy 2393 Haruo Inokuchi Impact Of Mlc Leaf Width On Incidence Of The Late Rectal Bleeding After Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy For Localized Prostate Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 139 2394 Andrea Lo Prognostic Utility Of The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Value 4-5 Years After 125I Brachytherapy 2395 Shea Wilcox Dose Escalated, Image-guided IMRT And Androgen Deprivation As Treatment For Gleason Pattern 5 Prostate Cancer: Encouraging Results With Modern Techniques 2396 Daniel Krauss Results of Image-Guided, Dose-Escalated Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: 10-Year Results Using an Off-Line, Adaptive Technique 2397 Richard Lee Update of Risk Factors for Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer after Salvage Radiotherapy Post-Radical Prostatectomy 2398 Jeremy Price Predictive Factors And Management Of Rectal Bleeding Side Effects Following Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy 2403 Ajaykumar Patel PSA Half-Life after Salvage Radiation Therapy for Biochemical Failure of Prostate Cancer after Radical Prostatectomy 2404 Jeffrey Kittel A Significant Cause of Variability in Prostate Brachytherapy Outcomes as Demonstrated from a Single Institution Suggesting a Method for Uniform Reporting among Institutions 2405 Dong Wook Nathan Kim Predictors of High Grade Rectal Toxicity Observed in a Phase I/II Trial of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2406 Takashi Hanada Assessment Of Release Criteria For Patients Based On Various Dose Rate Measurements Following 125I Prostate Brachytherapy 2412 Julia Luisa Munoz Garcia Whole Pelvic Radiotherapy versus Prostate Only in Patients with Intermediate, High and Very High Risk Prostate Cancer according NCCN Criteria Treated with Radical Intention: Recap Data Base 2413 Hannah Nguyen Common Errors found in Low Dose Rate (LDR) Prostate Credentialing 2414 Yuting Lin The Non-Gaussian Nature of Prostate Motion Based on Real-Time Intra-fraction Tracking 2415 Michael Hughes The Long Term Effect of Definitive, High-Dose IG-IMRT on Urinary Function in Patients with High AUA Scores Prior to Treatment 2416 Yuting Lin Respiratory Induced Prostate Motion Using Wavelet Decomposition of the Real-time Electromagnetic Tracking Signal 2407 Bryan Macrie Implantation of Row One Needles 1-2mm Anterior to the Posterior Margin of the Prostate Gland Results in Excellent PSA Control and Minimal Rectal Toxicity After I-125 Brachytherapy 2417 Bridget Koontz Image Guidance affects Biochemical Outcome for Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy 2408 Kiyoshi Nakamatsu Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) For High-risk Prostate Cancer: Effects Of Total Dose On Psa Failure 2418 Akihiro Hayashi Dose Volume Histogram Comparison Between Static 5-field IMRT with 18-MX X Rays and Helical Tomotherapy with 6-MX X Rays 2400 Colin Murphy Inflammatory Bowel Disease is not an Absolute Contraindication to Definitive Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2409 Yutaka Shiraishi A Novel Parameter Predicting Grade 2 Rectal Bleeding After I-125 Prostate Brachytherapy Combined With External Beam Radiotherapy 2419 Wu Liu Continuous Threshold-based Monitoring vs. Periodic Surveillance For Prostate Intrafraction Motion Management 2401 Mack Roach Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 9408: A Secondary Analysis Of The Risk Of Death From Second Cancers Comparing Whole Pelvic (WP) Radiotherapy (RT) To Prostate Only (PO) RT & Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy (NHT) + RT To RT Alone 2410 Kentaro Ishii A Treatment Planning and Acute Toxicity of RapidArc in the Treatment of High-risk Prostate Cancer with Whole Pelvic Radiotherapy 2420 Ziad Fawaz Complication Rates in Fiducial Marker Implantation for Prostate Radiation Therapy 2399 Julia Luisa Munoz Garcia Cross-sectional Observational Study About Prevalence Of Metabolic Syndrome And Osteoporosis In Prostate Cancer Treated With Androgen Deprivation Therapy And Their Impact On Quality Of Life (SIMBOSPROST): GICOR Group 2402 Raphael Yechieli Segmental Analysis of Permanent Prostate Implant Dosimetry and Effects on Long-Term Clinical Outcomes 2411 Tomer Heres Perineal Biodegradable Balloon is Effective for both Sparing the Rectum and as a Fiducial Marker in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Mild Hypofractionation 2421 Alex Boychak Phase II study: Feasibility and Acute Toxicity of Dose Escalated Hypofractionated IntensityModulated Radiotherapy with Concurrent Treatment of Pelvic Lymph Nodes in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 140 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2422 Natsuo Tomita Evaluation of Urinary Outcomes by International Prostate Symptom Scores (IPSS) in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Combined with Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2423 Alison Tree Successful Patient Acceptance Of Randomization Within The Pace Study (prostate Advances In Comparative Evidence) 2424 Feliciano Garcia-Vicente Predictors for Late Urinary Toxicity after High-Dose Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer 2432 Jay Ciezki Patterns of Care for the Definitive Management of Prostate Cancer in the U.S. 2433 Tamim Niazi Is Daily orthogonal KvKv images sufficient for Image Guided Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer Patients Post Radical Prostatectomy? Final Analysis of a Pilot Phase II Study 2434 Seth Blacksburg Predicting Long-term Disease State Outcomes in Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiation 2425 Joan Lozano A New Dietary and Laxative Protocol Reduces Rectal Distension and Acute Rectal Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated by Radiotherapy 2435 Angiolo Tagliagambe Phase I study of Stereo-Ablative Radiotherapy with the use of SpaceOAR hydrogel as Definitive Treatment of Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Experience 2426 Nor Shazrina Sulaiman Efficacy of Salvage Radiotherapy in Men with Biochemical Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy: A Comparison with Endocrine Therapy 2436 Mekhail Anwar Hypofractionated SBRT versus Conventionally Fractionated EBRT for Prostate Cancer: Comparison of PSA Slope and Nadir 2427 Viviana Carillo Dosimetric and Clinical Predictors of Acute Urinary Symptoms after Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Cohort Study (DUE-01) 2437 Yuefeng Wang Influence of Vascular Comorbidities and Race on Erectile Dysfunction after Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy 2428 Alfonso Gomez-Iturriaga Multi-institutional outcomes following External Beam Radiation Therapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy in patients with Extreme-Risk Prostate Cancer 2429 William Wilson Re-implantation of Prostate Brachytherapy Seeds for Salvage Therapy: A Single Institution Experience 2430 Zvi Symon Rising Psa Following Prostatic Fossa Only (PFO) Radiotherapy: Technique And Results Of Salvage Pelvic Node Radiation Therapy 2431 Lynn Chang Toxicity And Biochemical Failure Following Image-guided Prostate Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy: Fiducial Markers Versus Electromagnetic Transponders 2438 Kevin Stephans High Risk Prostate Cancer: Radiation or Surgery? 2439 Xiaofeng Yang Integration Of Intra-operative Ultrasound-volume Into CT-based Treatment Planning In Prostate HDR Brachytherapy: A Pilot Study 2440 Charlene Kan A Single Institution Experience with Prostate Interstitial Brachytherapy (1999-2009): Biochemical Outcomes With and Without Molecular Image Guided Dose Escalation 2441 Aparna Surapaneni Radiation Therapy For Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Long Term Results From The Ny Harbor Department Of Veteran’S Administration In The Era Of Dose Escalation 2442 Yeona Cho Is There Benefit of Radiotherapy for Primary Tumor in the Treatment of Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer? 2443 Yu-Wei Lin The Early Result of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Boost for High-risk Localized Prostate Cancer 2444 Mark Gooding Assessment Of Contour Fusion Methods For Auto-contouring Of The Male Pelvis 2445 Almudena Zapatero Reduced Rectal And Urinary Toxicity Following High-Dose Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Using Intra-Prostate Gold Fiducial Markers For Localized Prostate Cancer 2446 Ferran Ferrer Quality of Life Impact of Treatments for Localized Prostate Cancer 2447 Shiho Ayakawa Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Versus Helical Tomotherapy (HT) for Localized Prostate Cancer: Dosimetric Comparison by Using the Identical Prescription Dose to the Prostate 2448 Junsu Park Suggestion for Target Volume in Salvage Radiation Therapy for Locally-Recurrent Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy 2449 Tonnis Nuver HDR Prostate Brachytherapy Based on Registered TRUS and In-Room Cone-Beam CT Images 2450 Edwin Crandley Treatment Related Toxicity Of Radiation Therapy After Radical Prostatectomy (RP): Comparative Effectiveness Of Intensity Modulated (IMRT) Versus Conformal Radiation Therapy (CRT) 2451 Dominika Hempel Testicular Doses In Image-guided Step-and-shoot Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy Of Prostate Cancer Patients Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 141 2452 Brandon Stone Inferior Clinical Outcomes in Intermediate and High Grade Prostate Cancer with Neuroendocrine Differentiation is Not Solely Conferred by Resistance to Androgen Deprivation 2453 Lawrence Scharf Correlation Between Bladder Filling And Changes in IPSS Following High Dose Prostate Radiation Therapy 2454 Manuj Agarwal Concordance of Gleason Score on Biopsy and Prostatectomy in a Contemporary Cohort of U.S. Veterans Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy 2455 Colin Murphy Improved Outcomes in Men Treated with Adjuvant or Early Salvage Post-Prostatectomy IMRT or 3DCRT at a Single Institution 2456 Hiram Gay Evaluation of 3T Pelvic MRI Imaging in Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Post-Prostatectomy IMRT 2457 Yi Le Dynamic Dosimetry Using Ultrasound-Fluoroscopy Registration Identifies Cold Spots Intraoperatively During LDR Prostate Brachytherapy 2458 Akash Parekh Gastrointestinal And Genitourinary Toxicity And Quality Of Life After Post-prostatectomy Radiation Therapy: Are Normal Tissue Dvh Parameters For Intact Prostate Cancer Applicable? 2459 William Jackson Combining Prostate-specific Antigen Nadir And Time To Nadir Allows For Early Identification Of Patients At Highest Risk For Development Of Metastasis And Death Following Salvage Radiation Therapy 2460 Kenshiro Shiraishi Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) in the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer: Initial Experience in 200 Patients 2461 Zachary Nicholas Comparison Of Intra-operative And Post-operative Dosimetric Parameters For The Urethra And Prostate In Patients Undergoing Low-dose-rate Prostate Brachytherapy 142 2462 Tiziana Rancati External Validation of a Model for the Prediction of Radiation-Induced Acute GI Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Patients 2472 Cem Onal Testicular Doses in Prostate Intensity-Modulated and Volumetric-Arc Radiotherapy with Different Energy Levels 2463 Michael Zelefsky Predictors of Post Radiotherapy Hip-Related Toxicity after Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2473 Amarjit Sen Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer: A 3 Way Comparison Between VMAT, Helical Tomotherapy and Robotic Radiosurgery Plans 2464 Dorin Todor Towards A Meaningful Prescription For Focal Treatments In Prostate Brachytherapy 2465 Jesse Alexander Pre-plan Dosimetry As A Predictor Of Change In Urinary Symptoms After 125I Permanent Prostate Implants (PPI) 2466 Qingyang Shang Assessment Of Inter-fractional Seminal Vesicle Motion And Planning Margin Using Daily Diagnostic Quality CT For Prostate Cancer 2467 Edward Obedian The Risk of Urosepsis in Patients Undergoing Fiducial Marker Placement for Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) of Prostate Cancer 2468 Anusha Kalbasi Early Outcomes and Treatment Toxicity of Whole Pelvis Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (WP IMRT) in Node-Positive Prostate Cancer (PCa) 2469 Mark Ashamalla Dosimetric Outcome of LDR Brachytherapy and Influence on Long-Term Tumor Control and Toxicity Outcomes in Patients Treated for Localized Prostate Cancer 2470 Sean McGuire The Association Of Patient, Tumor And Treatment Characteristics With Biochemical Response To Neoadjuvant Androgen Deprivation Therapy In Prostate Cancer Patients 2471 Ross Zeitlin Fiducial Markers, Rectal Saline, and Rectal Balloons as Prostate Localization and Stabilization Strategies in Patients Receiving Proton Therapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2474 Shakir Shakir Migration Evaluation of Gold Markers Implanted in a Prostate Bed for Salvage Focal Irradiation 2475 Benjamin Guix Quality of Life After IMRT or IMRT+ HDR Brachytherapy for Intermediate or High-Risk Prostate Cancer: 8-Year Results of a Prospective Trial 2476 Madeera Kathpal Differences Between Beacon-Localized and Cone-Beam CT (CBCT)-Localized Radiation Therapy to the Prostatic Fossa 2477 Sarah Hegarty Does Post-prostatectomy Radiation Therapy Expose Patients To Higher Complications? A Large Medicare Patient Cohort Study 2478 Nathan Tennyson Short Term Androgen Deprivation Therapy Does Not Cause Long Term Testosterone Suppression Or Increased Acute Side Effects In Patients Treated With Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer 2479 Seungtaek Choi Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Does Not Affect Testosterone Level after Treatment 2480 Ferran Ferrer Early Toxicity Assessment Of Pelvic Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (vmat) With Hypofractionated Simultaneous Integrated Boost To Prostate For High-risk Prostate Cancer 2481 Ragini Sindhwani Quantitative Evaluation Of Neurovascular Bundle Doses In Low-dose-rate Prostate Brachytherapy Using I-125 Seeds 2482 Shruthi Arora Primary Radiation Therapy Is Equivalent To Robotic Prostatectomy Plus Adjuvant Radiation Therapy In Patients With High Risk Prostate Cancer 2491 Oleg Sostin IPSS and SHIM Score Trends in Prostate Cancer Patients after IMRT: Effects of Pretreatment Urinary Function and Electromagnetic Tracking 2502 Skyler Johnson The Interval to Biochemical Failure is Prognostic for Metastasis, Prostate Cancer Specific and Overall Mortality Following Salvage Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2483 Andrew McDonald Psa Response To Neoadjuvant Androgen Deprivation Is An Independent Prognostic Marker And May Identify Patients Who Benefit From Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation 2493 Constantine Mantz Real-Time Target Tracking Prostate SBRT Utilizing Varian Trilogy and the Calypso 4D Localization System: 5-Year Quality of Life and Disease Outcomes 2503 Caspian Oliai Prospective Quality Of Life And Efficacy Of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Salvage For Recurrent Prostate Cancer 2484 Parvesh Kumar Preliminary Results of an On-Going Phase I/II Trial of Tri-Modality Therapy using Hormonal Therapy, Radiation Therapy (RT) and concurrent Docetaxel in Patients with High Risk Pathologic T2-3N0M0 Prostate Cancer 2494 Jay Ciezki Salvage Brachytherapy for Prostate Bed Recurrence following Radical Prostatectomy 2504 Kentaro Nishioka Safety, Stability, and Location of Implantation of Multiple Gold Markers into the Soft Bladder Wall by Rigid Cystoscopy 2495 Takuya Shimizuguchi The Benefit Of IMRT On Rectal Late Toxicity Following Definitive Radiotherapy For Prostate 2505 Julie Jung Kang Definitive Chemoradiation in Bladder Cancer: Whole Bladder vs. Partial Bladder Image-Guided IMRT 2496 Prachi Jain Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Single Institution Experience 2506 Daniel Lindsay Toxicities and Survival of Elderly Patients with Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Treated with Definitive Bladder Preservation Therapy 2485 Stephanie Markovina Risk of Biochemical Failure in Patients with High Risk Prostate Cancer Treated Definitively or Post-operatively With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 2486 Maria Kelly Intraprostatic Placement of Markers and/or Electromagnetic Transponders in the Radiation Oncology Department is Associated with Minimal Morbidity 2487 David Paul D’Souza Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy: Does Real-Time Dynamic Ultrasound Planning with Continuous Feedback Produce Dosimetry Predictive of the Subsequent CT/MRI Dose Distribution? 2488 Kevin Stephens Salvage Radiation Therapy after Post-Prostatectomy Failure: Benefits of Hormonal Therapy and Pelvic Nodal Radiation Are Not Necessarily Limited to “High-Risk” Cases 2489 Akash Parekh No Difference In Late Toxicity With Postoperative Radiation Therapy Following Open Or Robotic Prostatectomy 2490 Matthew Schutzer Simultaneous Integrated Boost for Biochemical Failure after Prostatectomy with a Recurrent Nodule on Multiparametric MRI 2497 Daniel Shasha Very High Potency Preservation Rates in Young Men (< 60) after Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2498 Oren Cahlon Differences in Baseline Patient Characteristics in Patients Receiving Proton Beam Therapy and IMRT for Prostate Cancer 2499 William Hartsell Prostate Size Does Not Correlate With Acute Genitourinary Symptoms In Patients Treated With Proton Beam Therapy 2500 Sarah Grabowski Androgen Deprivation Therapy is Associated with a Significant Change in Prostate Volume Throughout Definitive Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer 2501 Skyler Johnson The Impact Of Anticoagulant Use On Clinical Outcomes In Men Treated With Definitive And Salvage Radiotherapy 2507 E.M. Van der Steen-Banasi Laparoscopic Bladder Implantations In Solitary Bladder Cancer. Inevitable Evolution? 2508 Curtis Bryant Bladder-preservation Therapy for Small Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder 2509 Francesca Caparrotti Conservative Trimodality Treatment For Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Comparative Non-randomized Study Of Two Chemoradiotherapy Schedules 2510 Dayssy Diaz Pardo Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy Improves Survival In Patients With T2b/T3 Invasive Bladder Cancer 2511 Guy Turgeon Hypofractionation IMRT in Combined Modality Treatment for Bladder Preservation in Elderly Patients With Invasive Bladder Cancer 2512 Javier Lopez-Araujo Bladder Preservation using Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Continuous Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 143 2513 William Baquero Is There Still A Role For Postoperative Radiotherapy In High Risk Stage III Renal Cell Carcinoma? A Retrospective Study 2514 Aamer Mahmud Management of Nodes in Patients diagnosed With Penile Cancer Based on Pathologic Indicators 2515 Yohann Rouscoff High-dose Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy For T1-2 Penile Cancer: A Real Alternative 2516 Roger Macklis Comparative Review of Radium Toxicity and Physiology Data Obtained From Historical DOE Archives Analyzed in Reference to Recent Clinical Info For ALSYMPCA HRPC Bone Mets Ra223 Trial 2517 Abhilasha Patel Clinical Outcomes of Primary Urethral Cancer Treated with Multi-Modality Therapy: A Single Institution Experience 2518 Sigolene Galland Multimodality Management In Primary Urethral Cancer: The Role Of Radiation Therapy GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER 2519 Igor Sirak Incidence of Retroperitoneal Failure after Pelvic Chemoradiation in Cervical Carcinoma with Negative PET/CT Staging of Retroperitoneum 2520 Tamer Refaat Two-dimensional Volume Based Pulsed Dose Rate Brachytherapy Boosting with Concurrent Chemoradiation As A Definitive Treatment Modality For Bulky Cervical Cancer 2521 Omar Chibani Heterogeneity Effects on Dose-Volume Parameters used for Planning Gynecologic High-DoseRate Brachytherapy: A retrospective CT-based Monte Carlo study 2522 Guangyu Zhang Adjuvant Pelvic Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Concurrent Docetaxel and Cisplatin Chemotherapy for Postoperative Cervical Cancer With Adverse Risk Factors: A Retrospective Report on Toxicity and Outcomes 2523 Alexander Whitley Effects of Full vs Empty Bladder on Total Equivalent Dose to Organs at Risk in 3D Image-Based Planning of High-Dose-Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer 2524 Yoo Kang Kwak Comparison of IMRT versus Conventional Radiotherapy Concerning Acute Toxicities in Cervical Cancer Treatment 2525 Emily Dunn Risk And Benefit Analysis Of Concurrent Chemoradiation (CRT) Versus Radiotherapy Alone (RT) For Cervical Cancer In Patients Age 60 And Older 2526 Jehee Choi Radiobiological Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Treatments with HDR Brachytherapy 2527 Takahiro Oike Can Combined Intracavitary/ interstitial Approach Be An Alternative To Interstitial Brachytherapy In Computed Tomography-guided Adaptive Brachytherapy For Gynecological Malignancies: A Dosimetric Study 2528 Matthew Chin Outcomes for High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Cervical Cancer 2529 Robert Kim Image-Guided Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer: 3-D Analysis of D2cc and Anatomical Factors Affecting D2cc in OARs 2530 Marie-Anne Froment Evolution of the Incidence Cervical Cancer among Hispanics and Asians in California between 1990 and 2004 2531 Goro Kasuya Geometric Factors Predicting High D2cc Values In Organs At Risk In Patients With Cervical Cancer Treated With Image-guided Brachytherapy 144 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2532 Masaru Wakatsuki Carbon Ion Radiotherapy For Locally Advanced Adenocarcinoma Of The Uterine Cervix 2533 Goura Rath Role Of Pet-ct In Predicting Clinical Outcome In Patients With Recurrent Carcinoma Cervix Following Definitive Radiation Therapy 2534 Jinyi Lang Preliminary Clinical Outcomes and Dosimetry Study on Adaptive IMRT Integrated HDR Brachytherapy in Local Advanced Uterine Cervical Cancer 2535 Dominique Rash Lumbosacral Plexus Dose with High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2536 Yang Bo Dosimetric Comparison Of Volumetric Arc Modulation With Rapidarc And Fixed Field IMRT For Cervix Uteri Radiotherapy 2537 Daisuke Irie Dose Escalation Study of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix 2538 Hilary Bagshaw Patterns of Care with Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer 2539 Mary Dean Outcomes of Cervical Cancer Patients with PET Positive Lymph Node Metastases and Bulky Tumors following PET Guided Intensive Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy 2540 Rafi Kabarriti Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in the Treatment of Intact Cervical Cancer Gives a Low Toxicity Profile 2541 Takashi Uno Failure Pattern in Patients with Intermediate to High Risk Cervical Cancer Treated with Postoperative Chemoradiation Using CT-based Nodal-CTV Delineation 2542 Ravindra Yaparpalvi Contouring and Constraining Bowel on a Full-bladder CT-scan as per RTOG Protocol Guidelines May Not Reflect Bowel Position and Dose Certainty In Gynecological EBRT 2543 Wenjuan Chen Large Tumor Volume Shrinkage For Cervical Cancer During Imrt Treatment 2544 Fumiaki Isohashi Dose-volume Analysis Of Predictors For Gastrointestinal Complications In Patients With Cervical Cancer Treated With Postoperative Pelvic Radiotherapy And Concurrent Nedaplatin-based Chemotherapy 2545 Aki Kanazawa Outcomes of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Cervix 2546 Jenny Ling-Yu Chen Preliminary Clinical Outcomes of Definitive Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer with Fusion of Full and Empty Bladder at Computed Tomography Simulation as Internal Target Volume 2547 Neeta Pandit-Taskar FDG PET Imaging in Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with Chemoradiation Therapy 2548 Lei Ding Volumetric Dose Summation Between Brachytherapy Fractions In Patients Treated For Cervical Cancer: Feasibility Of Using Deformable Registration 2549 Emma Fields Dosimetric Comparison Of Tandem And Ovoids Versus Tandem Alone Intracavitary Applicators For Treatment Of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2550 Craig Baden Institutional Outcomes for Paraaortic Node-Positive Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with a Novel Dynamic Field-Matching Technique 2551 Eva Lee TCP-driven Biological Planning For High-dose Rate Brachytherapy 2552 Nancy El-Bared Robotic Radiosurgery Boost for Cervical Cancer: A Dosimetric Study 2553 Min Rex Cheung African American Race And Low Income Neighborhoods Decreased Cause Specific Survival Of Endometrial Cancer: A Seer Analysis 2554 Himanshu Nagar Administration of Concurrent Vaginal Brachytherapy During Chemotherapy for Treatment of Endometrial Cancer 2555 Audrey Tetreault Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Vaginal Vault Brachytherapy for Stage 1 Papillary Serous or Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer 2556 Sean Szeja Efficacy of Radiotherapy for Stage III-B Endometrial Carcinoma: A SEER Analysis 2557 Sebastia Sabater Reduction Of Rectal Doses By Removal Of Gas In The Rectum During Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy 2558 Rashmi Jadon The Impact of Rectal & Bladder Filling on Internal Target Volume Margins in Postoperative Endometrial & Cervical Cancer Patients 2559 David Guttmann Outcomes of Patients with Carcinosarcoma Treated with Combined External Beam Radiation, Brachytherapy, and Chemotherapy 2560 Christopher Platta Daily Variation in Bladder and Rectal Volume During Post-Operative Whole Pelvic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 2561 Mohamed Elshaikh The Impact of Adjuvant Radiation Treatment on Survival of Patients with High-Risk, Early Stage Endometrial Carcinoma 2562 Shushan Rana The Role Of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy In Patients With Carcinosarcoma Of The Uterus: A Single Institution Analysis 2563 Yuko Kaneyasu Ultrasound Sonographic Guided High-Dose Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Medically Inoperable Uterine Endometrial Cancer 2564 William Magnuson Impact of Adjuvant Pelvic Radiotherapy in Stage I Uterine Sarcoma 2565 Tosol Yu The Role Of Adjuvant Therapy In Uterine Sarcomas After Definitive Surgery 2566 Adam Huddleston Stage III Endometrial Cancer Treated With Consolidative Pelvic Radiation: The Impact of Additional Dose With Vaginal Brachytherapy 2567 Shari Damast 7Gy x 2- An Effective Brachytherapy Regimen for Stage I-II Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma 2568 Robyn Banerjee An Assessment of Organ At Risk Dose and Inter-Fraction Variability Using Four Different Applicators For Intracavitary Gynecologic HDR Brachytherapy 2569 Michael Dominello Predictors of Outcome in Early Stage Papillary Serous and Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer 2570 Jelena Lukovic Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Versus Four-field Box Radiotherapy For Postoperative Gynecologic Cancer: Are They Covering The Same Planning Target Volume Adequately? 2572 Mariwan Baker Three-dimensional Ultrasound Assessment For Inter-fractional Motion Of Uterus 2573 Israel Deutsch Minimal Vaginal Displacement with use of a Rectal Balloon During Pelvic IMRT for Gynecologic Malignancies 2574 Christine ChangHalpenny Early Stage Papillary Serous or Clear Cell Carcinoma Confined to or Involving Endometrial Polyp: Outcomes With and Without Adjuvant Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 145 2576 Neil Desai Patterns Of Relapse In Stage I-II Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma Treated With Adjuvant Intravaginal Radiation (IVRT) 2577 Nikhilesh Patil Image Guided Re-irradiation With High Dose Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy For Locally Recurrent Vaginal Tumors 2578 Sang-June Park Optimal Design and Development of a New Vaginal Multichannel Cylinder Applicator for Gynecologic Brachytherapy 2579 Larissa Lee Salvage Radiotherapy For Recurrent Vulvar SCC: Presentation And Outcome 2580 Sujith Baliga Sterotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Oligo-Metastatic Recurrent Ovarian Cancer 2581 Robert Taylor High Dose Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy for Gynecologic Cancer: Differential Dose Tolerance Between Proximal and Distal Vagina 2582 John Boyle Initial Safety and Feasibility of Dose Escalation Using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost in Patients with Locally Advanced Gynecologic Malignancies 2583 Mazen Mislmani Gastrointestinal Toxicity After Robotic Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) For Treatment Of Metastatic Gynecologic Malignancies 2584 Abhilasha Patel Comparison of Conditional Survival in Patients with Gynecologic Malignancies Treated with Radiation: A Population-based Analysis 2585 Charles Wooten Low Dose Rate (LDR) Interstitial Radiation for Gynecologic Malignancies: A Single Institution Experience 2586 Indranil Mallick Prospective Evaluation Of Dose-volume Parameters Predicting Acute Diarrhea During Pelvic Radiotherapy 146 2587 Xiaofeng Yang Multi-parametric Ultrasound Imaging Of Vaginal Fibrosis Following Radiotherapy For GYN Malignancies 2588 Audrey Roux Inter-Fraction Variation in Cylinder Position and Dosimetry in Vaginal Cuff HDR Brachytherapy 2597 Pinaki Dutta To Evaluate the Role of PET/CT Imaging in the Post-Operative Setting of Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Cancers Prior to Adjuvant Radiation Therapy 2598 Jessika Contreras Limited Neck Volumes in Post-Operative Radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Oral Cavity HEAD AND NECK CANCER 2589 Naoki Kai Assessment of Cervical Nodal-level Involvement in Patients with Advanced Oral Cancer Treated with Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy 2590 Yi-Liang Shen Can The Contralateral Lower Neck Be Spared From Postoperative Radiotherapy For N0-1 Oral Tongue Cancer? 2591 Jean Hamker Supersaturated Calcium Phosphate Rinse on Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Patients Receiving Radiation and/or Chemotherapy 2592 Roshan Prabhu Association of Preoperative Radiographic Nodal Status in Addition to Traditional Pathologic Factors with Outcomes in Patients with Laryngeal or Oral Cavity Cancer Managed with Initial Surgery 2593 Mira Goldberg A Preliminary Series of The Use of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SBRT) In High Risk Head And Neck Cancer 2599 Jae Hong Han The Incidence and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Stage I/II Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity (SCC-OC) Treated with Surgery Alone: Implications for Adjuvant Radiotherapy 2600 Niranjan Bhandare The Effect of Pre-existing Hypertension on Parameters for Radiation-induced Optic Neuropathy 2601 Edwin Boelke Prediction Of Requirement Of Artificial Nutrition By Dosimetric And Clinical Factors In Head And Neck Cancer Patients 2602 Tamer Refaat Whole Field Sequential Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy (s-imrt) For Local-regional Advanced Head-and-neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas 2603 Andy Chen Clinical Outcomes Associated with Evolving Treatment Modalities and Radiation Techniques for Base-of-Tongue Carcinoma 2594 Michael Herman Evidence of Efficacy from Radiation Therapy following Surgery for Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2604 Takeshi Yanagi Usefulness of Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Chemoradiation in the Treatment of Oropharyngeal Carcinoma 2595 Juliette Thariat Proton Therapy In Uveal Melanomas: How Relevant Is It To Spare The Macula When The Optic Disk Is Involved? 2605 Re-I Chin Outcomes of Diabetic Metformin versus Non-Metformin Users with Oropharynx Carcinoma Treated with IMRT 2596 Takamasa Mitsuyoshi Should The Contra-lateral Lower Neck Nodes Be Irradiated In Postoperative Radiotherapy For Tongue Cancer? 2606 Edwin Crandley Analysis Of Treatment Costs And Outcomes With The Addition Of Induction Chemotherapy (IC) To Concurrent Chemoradiation (CRT) For Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC) ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2607 Ben Durkee Adaptive Replanning Does Not Inherently Improve Dose to Pharyngeal Constrictors in Patients with Cancer of the Oropharynx 2608 Rebekah Maymani Unusual Metastatic Follow-Up Seen in HPV Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx Treated with Definitive Therapy 2609 Farzan Siddiqui Oropharyngeal Cancer In Young Adults: An Alarming National Trend 2610 Jeffrey Vainshtein Utility of Post-Chemoradiotherapy FDG-PET/CT Response for Prediction of Locoregional Control in HPVrelated Oropharyngeal Cancer 2611 Jeffrey Vainshtein Molecular Markers and Imaging: Prognostic Implications for HPV-related Oropharyngeal Cancer 2612 Moses Tam Sparing Low-risk Nodes In Node Positive (n+) Oropharyngeal Carcinoma (OPC) Improves Dysphagia Outcomes And Chronic PEG Rates 2613 Moses Tam Sparing Bilateral Ib And Contralateral High Level II Nodes In Node Positive (n+) Oropharyngeal Carcinoma (OPC) Improves Quality Of Life On A Prospective Self-reported Xerostomia Questionnaire 2617 Shahrokh Iganej Triweekly Carboplatin Alone as Concurrent Chemothearpy for Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Treated with Definitive Chemoradiation: Outcomes of 120 Unselected patients and a Comparison to the RTOG 0129 Regimen Results 2618 Umamaheswar Duvvuri Transoral Robotic Surgery And The Cervical Unknown Primary: The Utility Of Discovering Occult Primary Lesions 2619 Junlin Yi Significant Reduction of Salivary Gland Volumes After the first two-week standard fractionation IMRT For Head and Neck Cancer 2620 Wendy Gao Local Recurrence And Progression Is Spatially Correlated With Focal Pretreatment Fmiso Pet Uptake In Head And Neck Scc 2621 Yao Yu T-stage and Presence of Level III-V Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis Predict for Submandibular Nodal Involvement in Patients with Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: Implications for Submandibular Gland-Sparing Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy 2622 Laurence Bernier Regional Outcome In N2-N3 Patients With Head And Neck Carcinoma In Function Of FDG PET/CT Results 2614 Abhinav Dewan A Comparative Dosimetric Analysis By Delivery Of Adaptive Radiotherapy In Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancer 2623 Patrick Richard Incidence and Impact of Dental Amalgam Artifact on Radiotherapy Target Volumes in Oropharyngeal and Oral Cavity Cancer 2615 Tobin Strom Prophylactic PEG Tube Placement Does Not Decrease the Risk of Hospitalization in Patients with Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Chemoradiotherapy 2624 Hasan Husaini Eortc Qol Rating, Performance Status And Oral Outcomes In Head And Neck Cancer Patients Treated With Chemoradiotherapy 2616 Todd Carpenter Prevalence Of Histopathologic Indications For Adjuvant Radiation Following Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) For Oropharyngeal Cancer (OPC) And Its Relation To HPV Status 2625 Susan Guo Patterns of Metastases in Patients with Human Papillomavirus/ p16-Associated (HPV+) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx (SCC-OP) 2626 Murat Surucu Decision Tree Predicting the Tumor Shrinkage for H&N Cancer: Implications for Adaptive Radiotherapy 2627 Patrick Richard Discrepancy Between Three-Dimensional Imaging and Nasoendoscopy Exam for Head and Neck Cancer: Implications for Staging and Radiotherapy Target Delineation 2628 Wei Liu Effectiveness of Robust Optimization in Oropharynx IMPT Planning 2629 Uttam Sinha Effects Of UES Dilatation On Head And Neck Cancer Patients Post Radiotherapy 2630 Wenyong Tan Target Volume And Position Variations During Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy For Patients With Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2631 Su Qiu Re-irradiation Treatment In 168 Cases Recurrent T1-2 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2632 Takeshi Kodaira Clinical Efficacy Of Helical Tomotherapy For Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated With Definite Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy 2633 Julie Greenwalt Primary Radiation Therapy for Adolescent and Young Adult Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer 2634 Brandon Barney External Beam Radiotherapy Followed by Stereotactic Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Primary Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Intracranial Extension 2635 Pin-I Huang Efficacy And Factors Affecting Outcomes Of Re-irradiation Using Conformal Radiotherapy In Patients With Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 147 2636 Sarah Hamilton Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) in British Columbia (BC): a Population Based Comparison of Asian and Non-Asian Patients (pts) 2646 Qichao Zhou Tumor Control Probability After Re-Irradiation Using IntensityModulated Radiotherapy For Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2637 Qi Shi Preliminary Results of 18F-FLT PET and 18F-FDG PET in Evaluating Tumor Proliferation and Metabolism and Predicting Response to Chemoradiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2647 Hassan Iqbal Gemcitabine Cisplatin with Concurrent Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2638 Lin Ma Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Helical Tomotherapy: A Retrospective Study of 190 Cases in China 2639 Tomohiro Matsuura Clinical Outcomes Of Imrt Planned With Or Without Pet/ct Simulation For Patients With Pharyngeal Cancers 2640 Chiahsuan Lai Estimation of Life Expectancy and Quality Adjusted Life Expectancy in Non-metastatic Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Treated by Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy With or Without Chemotherapy 2641 Feng Jin Induction Chrono-chemotherapy Plus Radiotherapy For Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Phase Ii Prospective Randomized Study 2642 Qichao Zhou Radiation-Induced Trismus After Re-Irradiation With IMRT For Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2643 Qin Lin The Value of FDG PET/CT for Early Predicting the Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2644 Qichao Zhou Radiation-Induced Massive Hemorrhage After Re-Irradiation Of Locally Recurred Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2648 Fiori Alite Need for Monte Carlo Treatment Planning in Nasopharyngeal Tumors 2649 Charles Woods Comparison Between IMRT and 3D CRT in Laryngeal Cancer Patients Treated on RTOG 0522 2650 Antonin Levy Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Larynx With Subglottic Extension: Is Larynx Preservation Possible? 2651 Kurt Meyer Patterns of Local Failure in Locally Advanced Larynx and Hypopharynx Cancers 2652 Jeffrey Lemons Can It Stay Or Should It Go? A Comparison Of T4 Laryngeal Cancer Management 2653 Sherry Zhao 3DCRT and IMRT Improve Local Control Versus Opposed Laterals In Early-stage Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Larynx 2654 Jun Won Kim Comparison of Treatment Outcome between Organ-Preserving Chemoradiation and Radical Surgery followed by Radiotherapy in Stage III/ IV Hypopharyngeal Cancer 2655 Newton Hurst Radiographic Evidence of Cartilage Invasion Does Not Predict Outcomes for Patients Treated with Laryngectomy and Adjuvant Chemoradiation versus Organ-Preservation Therapy 2645 Feng Mei Tumor Volume Is An Independent Prognostic Factor For Local Control Of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients Treated With Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy 2656 Jolanta MrochemKwarciak Potential Role Of Albumin And C-reactive Protein As Prognostic Factors For Radiotherapy (RT) In Patients With Head And Neck Cancer (HNC) 2657 Parag Sevak Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for T1 Glottic Cancer: Initial Clinical Outcomes 2658 Michael Scott Toxicities of Radiation Therapy for the Definitive Treatment of Early Stage Glottic Carcinoma Comparing Conventionally and Hypofractionated Regimens 2659 Niranjan Bhandare Voice Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy and Postoperative Radiation Therapy 2660 Vasanthan Sakthivel Comparison Of Biological Based And Physical Based Optimization Algorithm In Treatment Of Hypopharyngeal Tumors using VMAT Technique 2661 Jason Sun Anatomic And Dosimetric Correlation In The Treatment Of Advanced Larynx Cancer - When Is The Brachial Plexus At Risk? 2662 Chunying Shen Outcomes of Primary Mucosal Melanoma Originated from Sinonasal Tract 2663 Kaitlin Christopherson Radiation Therapy for Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma 2664 Justin Peacock Risk of Delayed Lymph Node Metastasis in Cases of Esthesioneuroblastoma With a Clinically N0 Neck 2665 Yukiko Hattori Improved Prognosis of Patients with Nasal N/K T-cell Lymphoma Treated by Chemoradiotherapy 2666 Marcher Thompson A Single Institution’s Experience with Maxillary Sinus Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 148 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2667 Andrea Russo Long Term Outcomes after Proton Beam Therapy for Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2676 Jeanny Kwon Role of Adjuvant Postoperative External Beam Radiotherapy for Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 2668 Makoto Saito Treatment Outcome Of Combined Radiation Therapy And Intra-arterial (IA) Chemotherapy For Advanced Maxillary Sinus Carcinoma 2677 Natasha Townsend When do I Radiate? Age Implications for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Management 2669 Mauricio Gamez Excellent Outcomes and Orbital Preservation for Advanced T4 Sino-Nasal Cancers using Combined Chemotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Surgery 2670 Jeffrey Wu Excellent Long-term Outcomes for Patients with Localized Low/ Intermediate Grade Parotid Cancers with Close/Positive Margins 2671 Xiaofeng Yang Quantitative Ultrasound Evaluation of Post-Radiotherapy Sialadenitis and Fibrosis of the Parotid Glands in Patients following Head-and-Neck Radiotherapy 2672 Cheng-En Hsieh Postoperative Radiotherapy for Salivary Gland Malignancies: Risk Stratification for the Impact of Concurrent Chemotherapy 2673 Aileen Kim Adaptive Treatment Planning with F-18 FDG-PET and CT Scans to Optimize Parotid Sparing in Head and Neck Cancer 2674 Osamu Muraoka Functional Outcomes Of The Facial Nerve After Post Operative Radiation Therapy For High Risk Parotid Gland Malignancies Underwent Radical Surgery With Facial Nerve Resection And Reconstructive Surgery 2675 Nagy Elsayyad Clinico-Epidemiological Characteristics and Patterns of Locoregional Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas (STS) of the Major Salivary Glands: A Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Database Analysis 2678 Juliette Thariat External Beam Radiotherapy Experience In Non-anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, A Rare Cancer Network Study 2679 Katsuyuki Karasawa Radioactive Treatment in Patients with Metastatic Well-differentiated Thyroid Cancer 2680 Vangipuram Shankar Deglutition Induced Dose Deformations In Head And Neck Cancer IMRT Treatments - Volume Shuttle Imaging Analysis 2681 Christiane Matuschek Feasibility Of 6 Months Maintenance Cetuximab After Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiation Plus Cetuximab In Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Head And Neck 2682 Bhishamjit Chera External Beam Radiotherapy is Associated With Increased Variability in Retinal Venous Oxygenation 2683 John Vargo Postoperative Adjuvant Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) ± Cetuximab Following Salvage Surgery in Previously Irradiated Head and Neck Cancer 2684 Dawn Owen Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Head and Neck Malignancies 2685 Yingjie Wang The Inspiring Treatment of Body Gamma Knife for Patients with Pulmonary Metastases Derived From Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2687 Abhishek Solanki Similar Outcomes in Hispanics and Non-Hispanics After Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2688 Abimbola Orisamolu Setup Uncertainty as Determined by Daily Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) for Head and Neck Cancer (HNC): Evaluation of Safety and Implications on Defining Planning Target Volume (PTV) Margins 2689 Vinita Takiar Reirradiation of Head and Neck Cancers: An MD Anderson Update 2690 Marija Popovic Three-Dimensional Rendering of Mandibular Dose Distribution: an Aid in Long-Term Dental Care 2691 Ziwei Wang Prospective Analysis of Measured Oral Mucosal Dose and Oral Mucositis (OM) in Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) Patients During IMRT 2692 Masaru Takagi Treatment Outcomes of Proton or Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2693 Michael Mix Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center Phase II Trial of Selenomethionine as a Modulator of Efficacy and Toxicity of Chemoradiation in Locally-Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2694 Waleed Mourad Lower Cranial Nerves contouring Atlas for Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy 2695 Martin Vallieres FDG-PET Image-derived Features can Determine HPV Status in Head and Neck Cancer 2696 Vinita Takiar Disease Control and Toxicity Outcomes Comparing Ruthenium and Iodine Eye Plaque Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Intraocular Melanoma 2697 Randa Tao Outcomes and Patterns of Recurrence of Orbital Carcinomas Treated with IMRT ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 149 2698 Maria Aguirre Survival Outcomes of Reirradiation with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Recurrent Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2709 Jacob Rasmussen Prognostic Value Of 18FFluorodeoxyglucose SUVmax in Head and Neck Cancer Depends On The Gross Tumor Volume 2699 Kang-Hsing Fan Treatment Result of Advanced Synchronous Head and Neck and Esophageal Cancer 2710 Charlotte Brouwer Differences In Delineation Guidelines For Head & Neck Cancer Result In Inconsistent Dose And Corresponding NTCP-values 2700 Evrim Bayman Patterns of Failure After Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2701 Mark Ranck Improved Local Control In Head And Neck Cancer With Post-Radiotherapy Neck Dissection 2702 Henrique Faria Braga Radiotherapy in Very Advanced and Unresectable Head and Neck Cancer (IVB/IVC): When to Avoid Radical Treatments? 2703 Xiangrong Qi Feasibility of Margin Reduction for Level II and III Planning Target Volume in Head-and-Neck Image Guided Radiotherapy 2704 Nigel Anderson Creating Guidelines for Reactive and Prophylactic Enteral Feeding in Definitive (Chemo) IMRT for Head and Neck Cancer 2705 Jonathan Glanzman Long Term Outcome and Toxicity of Patients With Head and Neck Cancer and Coexisting HIV Infection Treated With Radiation 2706 Azusa Hasegawa Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Adenocarcinoma of the Head-andNeck 2707 Roel Kierkels Optimizing Treatment Plans with Multivariable NTCP Models Reduces Complication Probabilities in Head and Neck Cancer 2708 Daisuke Miyawaki Radiation Induced Hypothyroidism in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Comparison between Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and Radiation Therapy Alone 2711 Richard Cardoso A Retrospective Review of Radiation-Induced Trismus In Head And Neck Cancer: An M.D. Anderson Experience 2712 Lauren Herman Improved Outcomes With Carboplatin-Paclitaxel Compared to Docetaxel-Cisplatin-5-Fluorouracil Induction Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Cancer of the Head and Neck 2713 Christopher Chapman Dose-effect Relationship of MRI Perfusion Changes in the Pharyngeal Constrictors After Head and Neck Radiation Therapy 2714 Bahman Emami NTCP Based Adaptive Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancers: A New Look Into the Old Bottle 2715 Hee Ji Han Outcome Of Dental Implants In Patients With Previous Radiation History To The Head And Neck Area 2716 Charlene Kan Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Allows Better Swallowing Function than Conventional Radiation in Patients with Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) 2717 Jonathan Glanzman Patterns of Local Failure in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancers Treated Using PET-CT Based IMRT Planning: Does Area of Recurrence Correlate With Pre-Radiation PET? 2718 Jihye Cha Cancer Of The External Auditory Canal: Long-term Clinical Outcomes Of T4 Patients Using External-beam Radiotherapy From 1990 To 2012 2719 Cessal Kainickal Phase IIB Randomized Trial Comparing Concurrent Chemoradiation To Six Fractions A Week Accelerated Radiotherapy In Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinomas Of Head And Neck 2720 Nevine Hanna Relationship of Osteoradionecrosis of the Mandible to Radiation Dose, Dmax, and Age in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients 2721 Shinn-yn Lin Comparison of Repositioning Accuracy and Comfort Survey in Two Head Supports Used inside the Same Available Immobilization Systems for Treatment of Head and Neck Target 2722 Andrew Hoover Sensitivity of 3 Month Surveillance PET/CT Imaging Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients Decreases with Increasing Length of Clinical Follow Up 2723 Indranil Mallick The Planning Target Volume Is An Important Predictive Factor For Weight Loss During Curative Head And Neck Cancer Radiotherapy - A Derivation And Validation Study 2724 An Liu Effect Of CT Contrast On Volumetric Arc Therapy Planning For Head And Neck Cancer 2725 Adavikolanu Kesava Ramgopal Comparitive Study Of Response, Toxicity And Quality Of Life In Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancers With Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy With Three Weekly Cisplatin Vs Weekly Cisplatin Regimen 2726 Madhava Kanakamedala Central Necrosis In Lymph Nodes On CT Scan Predicting Extra Capsular Extension In Nodes With Biopsy Proven Head And Neck Malignancies 2727 Madhava Kanakamedala Reirradiation Of Head And Neck Cancers: Volume Reirradiated Predicts For Long Term Complications Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 150 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2728 Shivank Garg Re-irradiation For Second Primary Or Recurrent Cancers Of The Head And Neck: Composite Dosimetric Measures To Evaluate Dose To The Carotid Arteries 2738 Shilpen Patel Primary Tracheal Malignant Neoplasms: a Single Institution Retrospective Analysis of Treatment and Outcomes 2729 Jennifer Logue Comparing Acute Toxicity Outcome of Chemoradiotherapy Regimens in Head and Neck Cancer HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2730 Clementina Ramos Bilateral Neck Irradiation Confers a Higher Risk of Developing Hypothyroidism in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer 2731 Manpreet Tiwana Head and Neck Cancers as Second Primary Following an Index Head and Neck Cancer: Population-Based Outcomes over a 25 Years Period 2732 Jasbir Jaswal Teaching Oncology Residents Anatomy: A Novel, Hands-on Multidisciplinary Teaching Intervention 2733 Pretesh Patel Reduced Volume Irradiation for Head and Neck Cancer of Unknown Primary (HNCUP) 2734 Ava Golchin Reduction In Tumor Volume Following Induction Chemotherapy For Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Head And Neck Improves Parotid Dosimetry 2735 Nataliya Kovalchuk Correlation between Long-Term Outcome and Volumetric Changes in Primary and Nodal Tumors during Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer 2736 Lihong Zhu An Investigation of 125I Seed Permanent Plantation for Recurrent Carcinoma in the Head and Neck after Surgery and External Beam Radiotherapy 2737 Kaleigh Doke Quantitative Effects Of Head And Neck Lymphedema Therapy 2739 Ruben Quek Determinants Of The Combined Use Of External Beam Radiation Therapy And Brachytherapy For Low-risk Localized Prostate Cancer 2740 Andrew Pearce Evaluation of Canada’s First Radiation Oncology Treatment Facility Operated by Telemedicine 2741 Ruben Quek The Role Of The Urologist In Whether Locoregional Prostate Cancer Patients Consult With A Radiation Oncologist 2742 Daniel Chang Factors that Determine Academic versus Private Practice career interest in Radiation Oncology Residents in the United States: Results of a Nationwide Survey 2743 Anand Shah Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Patients’ Willingness to Participate in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Radical Pleurectomy With or Without Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy 2749 Marie Andree Fortin Assessing The Benefits Of Implementing An Oncology Electronic Medical Record In A New Cancer Center 2750 Aidan Leong Integration Of A 3D Virtual Radiotherapy Environment System For Clinical Patient Education 2751 Timothy Robinson Longitudinal Trends In Costs For Palliative Radiation For Metastatic Prostate Cancer 2752 Joshua Elson Risk Of Unplanned Hospitalization During Treatment With Concomitant Radiochemotherapy 2753 David Grew The Impact of Superstorm Sandy on the Care of Radiation Oncology Patients 2754 Benjamin DiPardo Dramatic Variation in the Global Burden of Esophageal Cancer: A Disability-Adjusted Life Years Approach 2755 Nadine Housri Non-white Women Are As Likely As White Women To Receive Hypofractionated Radiotherapy For Breast Cancer, But Less Likely To Enroll In Hypofractionation Clinical Trials 2744 Malcolm Mattes The Evolving Role of Regional Radiation Oncology Societies in Resident Education 2745 Zachary Seymour Interval from Imaging and Treatment in the Radiosurgery Era: How Long is Too Long? 2746 Shayna Rich Offering and Enrolling Patients in Outcomes Tracking or Clinical Trials 2747 Rebecca Clayman Addressing The Growing Cancer Burden In The Wake Of The Aids Epidemic In Botswana: A Collaborative Partnership 2748 Abigail Berman Standardizing the Radiation Oncology Medical Student Elective: A Novel Curriculum and Evaluation of Student Satisfaction 2756 Abhilasha Patel Persistent Disparities in Hispanics with Cervical Cancer in a Major City 2757 Julie Carlson Improving Quality Of Life and Increasing Cost Effectiveness For Cervical Cancer Patients 2758 Rishabh Kapoor Development of the Veteran Health Administration - Radiation Oncology Quality and Safety initiative (VHA-ROQSI) Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 151 2759 Gita Suneja Cancer in Botswana: A Prospective Cohort Study of Cancer Type, Treatment, and Outcomes 2769 Sachin Gulaya Population-based Study Of Comorbidity And Non-cancer Mortality In Head And Neck Cancer 2760 Justin Bekelman The National Radiation Oncology Registry: Approaches to Regulatory Compliance to Promote Wide Participation 2770 Nathan Sheets Two-Year and Lifetime CostEffectiveness of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy versus 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer 2761 Archie Bleyer Breast Cancer Mortality Reduction in the United States between 1969-2009 was Independent of Screening Mammography in the Nine Geographically Disperse SEER Regions: More Evidence for Less Benefit of Screening Mammography 2762 Christina Cramer Decreased Radiation Utilization During The Economic Crisis Of 2008-2009 2763 Ajay Kapur Inter-rater Variability in the Assessment of Skin Reactions in Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy-Impact of Grading Scales 2764 Jason Efstathiou Practice-based Evidence To Evidence-based Practice: Initial Challenges In Building The Nror 2765 Benjamin Mou Effect of Radiation Therapy on Survival in Rectal Cancer Patients in a Canadian Province: A Population-based Analysis 2766 Nitika Thawani Utilization Of Lean Process Improvement During Introduction Of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy And Radiosurgery To Decrease Patient Rescheduling 2767 Nirav Kapadia SBRT And Surgery For Stage I NSCLC are Associated with Comparably Low Rates Of Acute Toxicity 2768 Timothy Showalter Complications of post-prostatectomy radiation therapy for prostate cancer: Outcomes from Longitudinal Health Care Utilization Database of the Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy 2771 Mark Sittig Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Represents a Cost-Effective Modality to Deliver Whole Breast Irradiation: A Toxicity Analysis 2772 Christine Min Whole Brain Radiation Therapy with Stereotactic Radiosurgery Boost versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery Alone for Brain Metastases: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis 2773 Joseph Hodges Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Versus Single-Fraction External Beam Radiation in Painful Vertebral Body Metastases 2774 Jeffrey Vainshtein Collaborative Quality Initiative in the Treatment of Breast and Lung Cancer: An Important Step Toward High Quality Cost-Effective Care 2775 Thomas Lanni Cost Analysis of Alternative Treatment Modalities Utilized in the Management of Early-Stage Testicular Seminoma 2776 Elayne V. Arterbery Total Societal Cost Of Care: Analysis Of Partial Breast With Apbi Or Iort Versus Conventional Versus Accelerated External Beam Regimens For Breast Conservation 2777 Jennifer Dorth A Decision Analysis of Primary Radiotherapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy Versus Radical Prostatectomy for High-Risk Prostate Cancer 2778 Arie Dosoretz Cost-Effectiveness Research and Radiation Oncology: An Analysis of the Published Literature 2779 Heather Curry Utilization of Hypofractionation in an Insured Population 2780 John Greskovich Improving Healthcare Value in Patients with Stage III-IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck (HNSCC): Cost and Outcome Comparison of Two Arms of a Randomized, Phase III Trial of Definitive ChemoRadiation (ChemoRT) 2781 Ewa Szumacher Decisional Support For Women 60 Years And Older During Their Treatment For Stage I And Ii Breast Cancer - Single Institutional Study 2782 Eli Furhang Emergency Preparation For Radiation Oncology: Lessons Learned From A Natural Disaster 2783 Nicolas Goldstein Impact of Expected Survival On Decision Analysis For Single Versus Multiple Fractions of Palliative Radiation For Bone Metastases HISTORY 2784 Emma Holliday Standing on the shoulders of giants: Initial Results from the Radiation Oncology Academic Development and Mentorship Assessment Project (ROADMAP) 2785 Gurleen Dhami Gender Distributions in Radiation Oncology Residency Compared to Other Specialty Residencies: A 20-year Perspective 2786 Ann Morris The Radiation Oncology In-Training Exam: An Appeal for Better Testing 2787 Sudha Amarnath Publication Misrepresentation Among Radiation Oncology Residency Applicants 2788 Christina Chapman United States Radiation Oncology Residency Diversity Over the Past Twenty Years Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 152 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INFORMATICS 3088 Rogier Janssen Development Of A Protocol-Driven Script Content Management System For A Commercial Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System 3089 Faisal Vali A Software Architecture and Application for Reporting on and Analyzing Radiation Plans for Concordance with Ideal Dose Constraints as a Quality Assurance Parameter 3090 Gary Walker Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Study of Atlas-Based Autosegmentation Assisted Radiation Treatment Planning in Head and Neck Cancer 3091 Deshan Yang A Computer Software Tool For Comprehensive Plan Quality Evaluation 3092 Seth Blacksburg Characterizing the Adoption of Automated, Decision-Based Electronic Checklists in a Busy Academic Practice 3093 Seth Blacksburg Improving the Quality and Composition of Electronic Documentation in a Highly Utilized Electronic Medical Record 3094 Yuliang Jiang Normal Tissue Toxicity Criteria in Radiation Therapy 3095 Tobias Fechter Malignant Glioma Delineation in Amino Acid PET-Images Using a 3D Random Walk Approach 3096 Joseph Moore Multi-institutional/technique Dose Comparisons Using Overlap Volume Histograms For Difficulty Normalization 3097 Christine Ball Three Years of RTDS - A British Success Story 3098 Lindsey Appenzoller Applicability of a General Predictive DVH (pDVH) Model to Rare Treatment Sites with No Prior Training Data 2792 Kaori Asai Spontaneous Pneumothorax After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Lung Tumor 3099 Lindsey Appenzoller Efficient Method to Train pDVH Models with Plan Quality Variation Present in the Training Cohort 2793 Yongchun Song Studies On The Mobility Rules Of Lung Tumors And The Influencing Factors 3100 Lulin Yuan Modeling Organs at Risk Dose Sparing in Head and Neck TomoTherapy and IMRT Plans: A Comparison Study 3101 Marc-Andre Renaud WebTPS: A Complete Web Application for Monte Carlo Treatment Plan Recalculation 3102 Mark Izadbakhsh Oncology Information system (OIS): Building a Large Integrated and Centralized Oncology System to Improve Quality and Safety of Patient Care 3103 Michael Fan Design Of A Novel Django Web-based Tool For IMRT/VMAT Treatment Plan Verification And Evaluation 3104 Hao Zhang Prostate Cancer Foci Detection and Aggressiveness Identification Using Multi-parametric MRI/MRS and Supervised Learning 3105 William Yuh Topology of DCE MR Perfusion Pattern within Cervical Cancers during Radiation Therapy 3106 Anil Pyakuryal Clinical Application of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open-Source Software System in Radiation Oncology LUNG CANCER 2790 Amar Kishan Correlation of Clinical and Dosimetric Parameters with Radiographic Lung Injury Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2791 Lin Zhou Radiation Pneumonitis following Simplified Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer 2794 Raymond Mak Outcomes after Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Patients with KRAS-mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2795 Pengyue Shi The Relationship Of Serum Nse Level And Metabolic Tumor Volume Or Total Lesion Glycolysis As Determined By Fdg Pet In Patients With Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer 2796 Suzhen Wang Correlation Of Mediastinal Metastatic Lymph Nodes Displacement With Primary Tumor Displacement And Adjacent Organs Based On 4dct In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2797 Norio Katoh A Retrospective Multicenter Study of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Using a Real-time Tumor-tracking Radiotherapy System for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2798 Aruna Turaka Twice-daily versus Once Daily Radiotherapy in an Unselected Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: “Medicine-Based” Evidence 2799 Maria Werner-Wasik A Phase II Study of Erlotinib (ERL) and Hypofractionated Thoracic Radiotherapy (HRT) in Patients (Pts) with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and Comorbidities 2800 Cameron Swanick Toxicity and Local Control with Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB) Hypofractionated Approach for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2801 Naamit Gerber Brain Metastases in EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer: Is Radiotherapy Necessary? ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 153 2812 Victor Mangona Clinical Outcomes After Central versus Peripheral Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy (SBRT): A Propensity Score Matched-Pair Analysis 2822 Shalini Garg Patterns Of Locoregional Failure In Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Managed With Definitive Chemoradiotherapy 2803 Bing Lu Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy For Stage Iv Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Results Of A Prospective, Single-center Study 2813 Marco Trovo Plasmatic Cytokine Levels in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Definitive Radiation Therapy 2823 Yu Men Clinical Analysis And Role Of Radiotherapy In Combined Small Cell Lung Cancer - A Report Of 44 Patients 2804 Bing Lu The Role Of Thoracic Threedimensional Radiotherapy For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients With Bone Oligometastases 2814 Daniel Arsenault Are Insurance Companies Driving the Decision Making Process for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients? 2824 Aidan Cole Impact Of 4-Dimensional CT (4D-CT) On Toxicity, Outcomes And Dose Escalation For Radical Lung Cancer Radiotherapy 2805 Diana Lu Comparison of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy, Adaptive Radiotherapy, Proton Radiotherapy, and Adaptive Proton Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer 2815 Matthew Orton Evaluation of Diabetes as a Risk Factor for the Development of Clinically Symptomatic Pneumonitis Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) 2825 Omar Mahmoud Thoracic-Only Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer: Assessment of the Benefit of Thoracic and Brain Radiotherapy Using the SEER Database 2806 Tetsuo Saito Impact of Respiratory Gating on Tumor Position Variability during Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer 2816 Nicholas Zaorsky Identification Of Kras Mutation In A Patient With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Chemoradiotherapy And Panitumumab: A Possibility To Personalize Cancer Therapy 2826 Richard Cattaneo Differentially Dosed Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Lung Cancer with Limited Nodal Metastasis in Patients Unable to Receive Chemotherapy 2802 Theo Sottero The Role of Radiation and Trimodality Treatment for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma 2807 Huanpeng Qi Comparative Study Of The Position and Volume Of Related Anatomical Structures Between Quiet End-inspiration and End-expiration Three Dimensional CT Assisted With Active Breathing Control and Corresponding Phases in Four Dimensional CT 2817 Joe Chang Clinical Outcome and Toxicity in Central Located Stage I or Isolated Recurrent Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 2808 Jeremy Harris Prognostic Metrics on Serial PET for Lung Tumors Treated with Hypofractionated Radiation 2818 Byounghyuck Kim Factors Associated With Radiation Pneumonitis After Concurrent Chemoradiation For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2809 Steven Lau Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Octogenarians With Early Stage Lung Cancer 2819 Benjamin Hinton SBRT Lung: Fiducial Migration Based on Fiducial Type and Anatomic Location 2810 Michael Milano Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (nsclc) After Breast Cancer (bc): A Population-based Analysis Of Clinicopathologic Features And Overall Survival (os) In 3,529 Women 2820 Wenjue Zhang Thoracic radiation and Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II Trial 2811 Ming Chen A Study of the Correlations Between the Irradiated Dose to Lymph Node Regions and Lymph Node Recurrence When Involved Field Radiotherapy Was Used for Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 154 2821 Zongmei Zhou 4D-CT-based Plan Target Volume Definition In Imrt Of Lung Cancer: Comparison With A Conventional Technique Using General Margins ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2827 Aruna Turaka Effectiveness and Timing of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI) in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (LS-SCLC) Patients: A Single Institution Experience 2828 Shaun Din Brachial Plexopathy After High Dose Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) 2829 Nilan Naik High Local Failure Rates Despite Dose Escalation May Support the Metastatic Self-Seeding Phenomenon in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2830 Ellis Ziel Survival Outcomes in Patients with Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Pemetrexed- vs Non-Pemetrexed-based Chemoradiotherapy 2831 Dhwani Parikh The Role of PET/CT in Radiation Treatment Planning for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Results of a National Survey 2832 Chen Guanhao Variation Of Background Activity Effect Pet-based Gross Tumor Volume In Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: Individual Information Is Needed 2833 Jaehyeon Park Postoperative Radiotherapy For Incompletely-resection Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2834 Wen Feng Patterns of Local-regional Failure in Completely Resected Stage IIIa(N2) Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Implications for Postoperative Radiotherapy Target Volumes 2835 Izumi Tachibana Clinical Results of Definitive Radiation Therapy for Postoperative Loco-regional Recurrence of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2836 Wenyang Liu Functional Avoidance Of Lung In IMRT Plan With SPECT Imaging 2837 Yoshiyuki Shioyama Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Stage I Small-cell Lung Cancer: Clinical outcomes in a Japanese Multi-institutional Retrospective Study 2842 Chisa Hashizume Aggressive Treatment for T1/2N0M1 Lung Cancer (LC) with Metastasis (MET) Only to the Brain: Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Primary Tumor Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) or Surgery for Brain MET 2843 Kruti Patel Addition of 4D CT Simulation Decreases Normal Tissue Irradiation and Target Exclusion Compared to 3D CT Simulation Alone in NSCLC 2844 Hannah Yoon Predictive Factors for Brain Metastases and Relapse and Prognostic Factors for Survival in Stage III-IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2845 Raj Rajpara Increasing Pretreatment Tumor SUVmean is Associated with Local Regional Failure after Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2846 Elisabetta Parisi Tomotherapy In The Treatment Of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma 2838 Lauren Hertan Evolution of and Predictors for Pulmonary Fibrosis Following Definitive Thoracic Radiation Therapy 2847 Stephen Bowen Establishing Dose-volume Associations With Grade 3+ Radiation Pneumonitis Incidence: Implications For VMAT Dose Painting Of Lung Cancer 2839 Zhouguang Hui Postoperative Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Resected Pathological Stage IIIA-N2 Nonsmall-cell Lung Cancer 2848 Nicolas ChristianPhase II Study of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Oligometastatic Non Small Cell Lung Cancer 2840 Takaya Yamamoto Reassessing The Prognostic Value Of The Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (suvmax) In Fdg-pet By Correcting For The Partial Volume Effect And Respiratory Motion Blur In Stage I Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2849 Lu Bing A Prospective Study with Concurrent Chemotherapy and Thoracic Three-dimensional Radiotherapy for Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: The Impact of Response on Survival 2841 Lujun Zhao Is Postoperative Radiotherapy Necessary for Patients With Completely Resected Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis 2850 Entesar Dalah Partial Volume Effect Corrected Metabolically Active Tumor Volume From PET For Early-stage Lung Cancer 2851 Hualei Li Automated Co-segmentation Of Tumor Volume And Metabolic Activity Using PET-CT In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2852 Neil Woody Non Small Cell Lung Cancer With Single Brain Metastasis At Initial Presentation: Patterns Of Failure After Radiosurgery Without Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 2853 Jordan Torok Patterns of Distant Metastases in Surgically Managed Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2854 Stephanie Casey The Impact of Respiratory Gating on Toxicity Outcomes for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer Treated With Radical Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy 2855 Shaun Din Predictive Parameters of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Induced Chest Wall Pain 2856 Yuki Mukai Comparison of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy planning using TomoDirect and TomoHelical methods in locally advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2857 Hong-Qing Zhuang Primarily Analysis Of Radiation Pneumonitis And Its Risk Factors In Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Concurrent Erlotinib And Thoracic Radiotherapy 2858 Lujun Zhao The Efficacy And Safety Of Simultaneous Integrated Boost Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy In Patients With Stage III Small Cell Lung Cancer 2859 Akihiro Haga What Respiratory-Phase CT Is Optimal In Treatment Planning Of Lung Cancer? 2860 Sudha Amarnath Toxicity and Outcomes with the Use of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Lung Cancer: The University of Washington Experience 2861 Zhe Ji Thoracic Re-Irradiation May Be an Option for Recurrent, Metastatic or Secondary Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 155 2862 Lu Bing The Study on Importance of Three-dimensional Radiotherapy For Elderly Patients With Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2863 Isabelle Thibault Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and Pulmonary Metastases: Analysis of Outcomes and Predictive Factors for Local Control 2864 John Varlotto Is N-Level Associated with Local Recurrence in Patients undergoing Surgical Resection of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? 2865 Kotoha Tatekawa Focal Radiotherapy for Pleural Dissemination of Thymic Epithelial Tumors: Excellent Local Control and Favorable Prognosis 2867 Fumiya Baba Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Lung Tumor Position in Respiratory-Gated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Using Fluoroscopy of an On-Board Imager (OBI) System 2868 Daniel Schanne Pulmonary Changes In FDG-PET/CT After Cure Of Small Lung Tumors With Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SBRT): Which Imaging Features Can Be Expected? 2869 Ben Fischer-Valuck Outcomes Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Biopsy Proven Versus Radiographically Diagnosed Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2870 Dean Shumway Assessing The Predictive Value of Cytokine Levels for Radiation-induced Esophagitis In Combination With Clinical and Dosimetric Parameters In Patients Treated for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2871 Anthony Michaud Volumetric Changes in Gross Tumor Volume during Thoracic Radiation Therapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer: Implications for Adaptive Re-Planning 2872 Bradley Stish Patterns of Intrathoracic Recurrence and the Impact of Adjuvant Thoracic Radiation in Patients Undergoing Definitive Resection of Small Cell Lung Cancer 2873 Xiong Wei Improved 5-year Disease FreeSurvival And Distant Metastasis-Free Survival For Patients WithLimitedStage Small Cell Lung Cancer Who Had 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Or PET/CT Before Chemoradiation Therapy 2881 Dmitriy Meshkov Pre-radiotherapy FDG PET Predicts Radiation Pneumonitis In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients 2882 Elizabeth Garay Prognostic Factors For Post-resection Recurrent NSCLC Treated With Definitive Radiotherapy 2883 Allison Ashworth Is There an Oligometastatic State in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)? A Systematic Review of Outcomes and Prognostic Factors 2874 Jonathan Grant Dosimetric Impact Of Induction Chemotherapy On Subsequent Radiation Treatment Planning In Patients With Inoperable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2884 Maria Werner-Wasik Comparison of PET Contouring Methods in Patients with Early Stage Resected Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): A Pathologic-Imaging Correlation 2875 Ritsuko Komaki Duration of Thoracic Radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy is important for the outcome of Patients with Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (L-SCLC) 2885 Syed Haider Correlation of Survival to CBCT-based Tumor Response during Chemoradiation in Patients with Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 2876 Tarun Podder Chest Wall and Rib Irradiation of Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Robotic Radiosurgery SBRT 2877 Leonard Ong Prognostic Value Of Pre And Post-radiotherapy [18F]FDG-PET/CT Metrics In Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 2878 Inga Grills Prospective Phase II Trial of Moderate Dose Image-guided Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Early Stage Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and Pulmonary Metastases with Serial 18FDG-PET Imaging and Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) 2879 Nathan Cannon Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy For Octogenarians With Lung Cancer: A Single Institution Retrospective Review 2880 ChengCheng Fan Risk Factors For Locoregional Recurrence In Patients With Completely Resected N1 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer And Implications For Adjuvant Radiotherapy 2886 Mei Ling Yap Dosimetric Variations To Organs At Risk Based On Serial 4D-CT Scans During Radiotherapy Treatment For Patients With Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2887 Min Li Deformable Registration of Lung Computed Tomography Images Using Biomechanical Model 2888 Nian Xiao Toward Individualized Fractionation Schedule For Lung Cancer Radiotherapy 2889 Yankhua Fan The Dependence of Optimal Fractionation Scheme on Dose Distribution, Tissue Damage Model and Prescription Dose in Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer 2890 Mirjana Josipovic Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Radiotherapy for Advanced Stage Lung Cancer is Feasible and Facilitates Lung Toxicity Reduction 2891 Luis Larrea Experience In Stereotactic Radiotherapy For Lung Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 156 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2892 Scott Lester Salvage Radiation For Mediastinal Relapse After Treatment With Accelerated Hypo-fractionated Radiotherapy (AHRT) Or Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) For Stage I/II NSCLC 2893 Matthew Manning An Overall Survival Comparison of Sub-Lobar Resection with Brachytherapy versus Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2894 Carey Myers Inhibition of Aurora A Increases Sensitivity to Radiotherapy in Selected Lung Cancer Cell Lines 2895 Trevor Lewis Predictors of Symptomatic Radiation Pneumonitis (SRP) in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Hypofractionated Radiotherapy (H-RT) 2896 Carey Myers A Novel Radiation-Induced p53 Mutation is Not Implicated in the Development of Radiation Resistance 2897 Julian Kim Dose Escalated Hypofractionated Intensity Modified Radiation Therapy (IMRT) with Concurrent Chemotherapy for Inoperable or Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2898 Michael Binkley Lung Volume Reduction After Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy of Lung Tumors: Potential Application to Emphysema 2899 Todd Aguilera Novel Imaging Biomarkers In Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 2900 Matthew Schutzer Re-Irradiation for Locally Recurrent Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as Initial or Salvage Treatment 2901 Weijun Chen The Impact of The CT Dataset Used for Dose Accumulation on Target and Normal Tissue Doses in Adaptive Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer 2902 Eric Xanthopoulos Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation In Extensive-stage Small-cell Lung Cancer 2903 Michael Soike Image Guided Radiotherapy Results In Improved Local Control In Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Fractionated Radiotherapy For Stage IIB-IIIB Disease 2904 Megan Daly Does Early Post-Treatment Surveillance Affect Subsequent Management Following SBRT for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? 2905 Ling Li Total Lesion Glycolysis (tlg) At Baseline Fdg-pet/ct May Predict Survival Better Than Maximum Standard Uptake Value (suvmax) In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (nsclc) 2906 Fiori Alite Does Conformality Matter In Evaluating Plans For SBRT For Tumors Of The Lung? 2907 Abdullah Rasheed The Effects of Abdominal Compression on the Motion and Volume of the GTV, Lungs & Heart in Lung Cancer Patients 2908 Jeremy Kilburn Is A Clinical Target Volume (CTV) Necessary In Treatment Of Thoracic Malignancies Treated In The Modern Era Combining 4-D Imaging And Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)? 2909 Nhu Tram Nguyen Pulmonary Function Test and its Predictive Factors in Patients with Lung Malignancies Treated with Stereotactic Radiotherapy: a Retrospective Review from a Single Institution 2910 Katsuyuki Karasawa Three Dimensional Non-coplanar Conformal Radiotherapy with 75Gy/25fr/5w Regimen for the Treatment of Stage I NSCLC - 10-year Experience 2911 Haoming Qiu Esophageal Toxicity in Lung SBRT: When it Happens and How to Prevent it 2912 Mitsuhiko Oguri Influence Of Interstitial Pneumonitis In The Lung On Acute Exacerbation Of Interstitial Pneumonia In The Patients Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Lung Cancers 2913 Katarina Petras Predicting Symptomatic Pneumonitis in Lung SBRT Patients Using Decision Tree Analysis 2914 Shilpen Patel Clinical Outcomes of Radiotherapy for Resected Thymoma 2915 Shilpen Patel Improved Survival with Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Modern Cohort of Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with MRI Brain Imaging 2916 Stefano Arcangeli Is Hypofractionated (Chemo) Radiation Delivered with Helical Tomotherapy a Feasible Option to Escalate the Dose in Locally Advanced Inoperable NSCLC? Results from a Phase II Trial LYMPHOMA 2917 Mehmet Koc 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) As A Prognostic Factor In Adult Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients 2918 Fransisco Mestre Prognostic Value Of Angiogenic And Invasion Markers In Hodgkin Lymphoma 2919 Jianzhong Cao The Efficacy Of Chop Regimen Based Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy In Patients With Nasal Extranodal Natural Killer/ T-cell Lymphoma: A Comparison Among Treatment Modalities 2920 Rahul Parikh Long-term Outcomes and Patterns of Failure in Orbital Lymphoma Treated with Primary Radiotherapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 157 2930 Piera Navarria Low Dose Total Marrow/total Lymphoid Irradiation (tmi/tli) Instead Of Tbi Induce Full Donor Chimerism Before T-replete Haploidentical Transplantation 2940 Yoshiro Matsuo Impact of Symptom Rescue by Fractionated Radiotherapy for Rare Angiogenetic Neoplasm of the Abdomen, Vertebra, and Head and Neck Regions 2922 Xu Li-ming Dosimetric Evaluation And Treatment Outcome Of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy Following Doxorubicin-based Chemotherapy For Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Lymphoma 2931 Reem Ujaimi Pulmonary Toxicity Following Total Body Irradiation for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre (TOHCC) Experience 2941 Arshin Sheybani The Risk of Radiation Induced Malignancy with Heterotopic Ossification Prophylaxis: A Case Control Analysis 2923 Qingfeng Liu Immunophenotypic Analysis And Clinical Heterogeneity In Patients With Extranodal Nasal-type Nk/t-cell Lymphoma Of The Upper Aerodigestive Tract 2932 John Mikell Similar Survival for Patients Undergoing Reduced-Intensity TBI versus Myeloablative TBI as Conditioning for Allogeneic Transplant in Acute Leukemia 2924 Ranh Voong Radiation Therapy is a Very Effective Modality in the Treatment of Mantle Cell Lymphoma, > 80% Complete Disppearance of Disease SIte in Heavily Pretreated Patients 2933 Daniel Kim Late Lung And Thyroid Toxicities From Total Marrow And Lymphoid Irradiation For Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 2925 Emiko Katayama FDG-PET May Be Useful In Radiotherapy For Indolent MALT Lymphoma 2934 Sung-Hsin Kuo Clinicopathologic Features and Responses to Radiotherapy of Granulocytic Sarcoma PALLIATIAVE CARE NON-MALIGNANT DISEASE 2945 Bryan Barriger Poor Performance Status and Transportation Requirements Predict for Failing to Complete a Course of Radiation Therapy 2921 Jessica Freilich Combining Low-Dose Whole Brain Radiation with Radioimmunotherapy for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma 2926 Mustafa Adli 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) As A Prognostic Factor In Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients 2927 Chelsea Pinnix Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy using Frontal Technique with Active Breathing Control in the treatment of Gastric MALT lymphoma: Implications for Normal Tissue Sparing 2928 Samuel Shin Feasibility and Efficacy of Local Radiotherapy with Concurrent Novel Agents in Patients with Multiple Myeloma 2929 Shane Lloyd Acute Treatment Toxicity and the Risk of Infection during Total Skin Electron Beam Therapy for Mycosis Fungoides 158 2935 Waleed Mourad Twenty Five-year Outcome Of Benign Lymphoepithelial Cysts Of The Parotid Glands In Seropositive HIV Patients 2936 Oliver Blanck Cardiac Radiosurgery: Preliminary Results in a Porcine Model and Possible Implications for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation 2937 Juergen Dunst Adjvant HDR-Brachytherapy for Treatment of Recurrent Keloids 2938 Jonathan Glanzman Surgical Resection Followed by High Dose Rate Brachytherapy With Iridium- 192 for Management of Keloids at High Risk for Recurrence 2939 Florence Wright A Renewed Application of Intracoronary Brachytherapy for In-Stent Restenosis at a High-Volume Catheterization Center ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2942 Michele Nedelka Radiotherapy For Early Stage Palmar And Plantar Fibromatosis: A Treatment Option For Patients Who Wish To Avoid Disease Progression And Surgery 2943 Waleed Mourad Clinically Predictive Nomogram for Heterotopic Ossification Following Surgical Repair and Radiotherapy for Displaced Acetabular Fractures 2944 Sara Alcorn Patterns of Fractionation of Palliative Radiotherapy: A Single-Institution Experience 2946 David Wilson A Phase II Pilot Single Arm Prospective Clinical Trial of the STAT RAD Workflow for Osseous Metastases: Preliminary Results 2947 Shane Lloyd Radiation Oncologists’ Attitudes and Intentions Regarding Palliative Radiation Therapy near the End of Life 2948 Jeffrey Friedman From Whole Brain to Hospice: Patterns of Care in Radiation Oncology 2949 Ehsan Balagamwala Which Factors Determine Pain Relief from Spine Radiosurgery in Patients with Spine Metastases? Results from a Large Single Institution Series 2950 Jee Suk Chang FDG-PET As A Predictor Of Outcome Following Radiotherapy For Bone Metastasis In Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2951 Kirtesh Patel Intracranial Control for Adjuvant Whole Brain Radiotherapy Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery Alone for Resected Brain Metastases 2952 Joshua Meyer Pain Palliation Of Bone Metastases Using Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound - Analysis Of Factors Predicting Success 2953 Jinyu Xue Implication of Biological Doses in Whole Brain Radiation and Radiosurgery of Multiple Metastases 2954 Rebecca Wong Palliative Radiation For Spinal Metastases: Does The Presence Of Soft Tissue Disease Affect The Choice Of Treatment Dose And Fractionation? 2955 Isabel Prieto Fentanyl Pectin Nasal Citrate, To Control Breakthrough Pain Provoked By Routine Radiotherapy Procedures And Maneuvers In Advanced Cancer Patients 2956 Alexandra Sherman Does Palliative Radiation Improve Performance Status? 2957 Luis Mariscal Hypo-fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Pelvic or Sacral Recurrence 2958 Diandra Ayala-Peacock Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) and Image-Guided Accelerated Hypofractionated Radiotherapy (IGAHRT) for the Treatment of Oligometastatic Cancers 2959 Shilo Lefresne A Multidisciplinary Rapid Access Clinic - Providing more than just Rapid Access PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES 2960 Winnifred Wong L-lysine In The Treatment Of Oral Mucositis In Head And Neck Cancer Patients - A Pilot Study 2961 David Jung Incidence and Risk Factors for Pain Flare Following Spine Radiosurgery 2962 Dan Ou Magnetic Resonance Sialography to Evaluate Radiation-induced Xerostomia in Patients with Early-stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2963 Jordan Kharofa Patient Reported Outcomes in Patients with Non-Melanomatous Skin Cancers of the Head and Neck (NMSCHN) Treated with Superficial Radiation Therapy 2964 Jessica Zhou The Effect Of Resistance Exercise Training On Health-related Quality Of Life Of Head And Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Definitive Chemoradiation: Results Of A Pilot Study 2965 Malolan Rajagopalan Initial Report of a Prospective Phase II Study Including Patient-Reported Quality of Life Data of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Patients with Oligometastatic Disease 2966 Ashlyn Tom Prevalence of Patient-Reported Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Concordance with Clinician Toxicity Assessments in Radiation Therapy for Anal Cancer 2967 David Nowotnik Results From The Multi-institutional, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial To Assess The Efficacy Of A Mucoadhesive Hydrogel Rinse In Mitigating Oral Mucositis (OM) In Chemoradiation-treated (CRT) Head And Neck Cancer (HNC) Patients 2968 Chika Nwachukwu Health Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Low Grade Glioma 2969 Sheema Chawla Geriatric Assessment In Radiation Oncology Clinic: A Pilot Study 2970 Abhilasha Patel Quality of Life Outcomes in Patients with Prostate Cancer treated with Nodal Irradiation 2971 Chenyang Wang Health State Utilities for Patients Who Underwent Stereotactic Radiosurgery With or Without Whole Brain Radiotherapy 2972 Daniel Bernad Comparison of Bowel and Urinary Function in Rectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Pre-Operative Endorectal Brachytherapy Or External Beam Radiotherapy and Total Mesorectal Excision 2973 Terence Sio Dosimetric Correlate of Cancer and Cardiac-specific Survival in 231 Patients Who Received Both External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 2974 Robert Olson Prospective Evaluation of Unmet Needs of Rural Cancer Survivors: Comparison between Rural Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Communities 2975 Frank Vicini The Use of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy to Monitor Therapeutic Intervention in Patients Treated for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema 2976 Ankit Agarwal Demographic Determinants of Mortality in Prostate Cancer Patients at a Diverse Academic Medical Center 2977 Divya Ahuja Demographic Determinants Of Mortality In Breast Cancer Patients At A Diverse Academic Medical Center 2978 Daniel Simpson Racial Disparity In Consultation, Treatment, And The Impact On Survival In Metastatic Colorectal Cancer ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 159 2979 Sommer Wild Screening Practices And Factors Impacting Screening Uptake In Breast And Prostate Cancer Survivors 2989 Annette Souranis Comparison of Setup Accuracy by Immobilization Type in Image-Guided Lung Radiotherapy PATIENT SAFETY 2990 Jason Molitoris Initial Findings With The Use Of A Novel Performance Metric To Identify Institutional Rates Of Radiation Discontinuation 2980 Yunfeng Cui Credentialing in Hippocampal (HC) Sparing Techniques for RTOG 0933: Quality Assurance (QA) Report 2981 Richard Valicenti Effectiveness Of Hospital-based Incident Reporting And Learning System To Manage Radiation Treatment Errors 2982 Hui Geng The Impact of Thread Effect on Tomotherapy Quality Assurance With Cylindrical Diode Detector Array 2983 Daniel Letourneau Linear Accelerator Performance Monitoring and Improvement using Semi-Automated Testing and Statistical Process Control 2984 Pirus Ghadjar Use Of Eortc Target Definition Guidelines For Dose Intensified Salvage Radiotherapy For Recurrent Prostate Cancer. Results Of The Quality Assurance Program Of The Randomized Trial Sakk 09/10 2985 Wai Wang Lam Quality Assurance of Helical Tomotherapy Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment Using Cylindrical Diode Array System 2986 Tony Quang Privilege and Immunity-An Underutilized Tool in the Quality Improvement Program 2987 Katsunori Yogo Verification Of A Commercial Monte-carlo Electron Dose-calculation Algorithm Under Clinical Use For Treatment Of Breast And Total Scalp Irradiation 2988 Bin Yang A Comparison of the Dosimetric Properties of a Plastic Scintillator-CCD and a Fluorescent Screen-CCD System in QA of Radiotherapy Beams 2991 Lydia Handsfield Pre- And Post-Treatment QA Procedures Proposed To Eliminate Phantom-Based QA On Tomotherapy 2992 Ingrid Marshall HDR Plan Verification Of Source Position And Dose Accuracy Using A Fluence Detector 2993 Marjan Admiraal Enhancing Quality and Safety of VMAT using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 2994 Matthew Nyflot Computerized End-of-planning Checks To Improve Patient Safety Based On One Year Of Near-miss Incident Reporting Data 2995 Tingtian Pang Quality Evaluation of An Automatic VMAT Planning Method For Head And Neck Cancer Cases 2996 Danny Duplan Peer-review Chart Rounds as a Component of the Automated Workflow in a New Department 2997 Alexander Lin Image Approval Rates for Daily Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) in a Large, Academic Group Setting: Variation by Physician Familiarity with the Patient 2998 Rohan Deraniyagala Improving Patient Safety One Error at a Time: Implementing an Electronic Error-reporting System in a Radiation Oncology Clinic 2999 Hamid Ghaffari Assessing Tumor Coverage and Organ-At-Risk Doses during Intra-Fraction Motion via Probability Mass Function of Real-Time Respiratory Trajectories 3000 Katherine Fan Impact of a Single-Day Multidisciplinary Clinic on the Management of Pancreatic Cancer: 3-Year Update 3001 James Lamb Automated Patient Identification and Localization Error Detection Using X-Ray Setup Images 3002 Alexander Markovic Using Multi-Criteria Plan Quality Metrics to Perform an Objective, Retrospective Analysis of Complex Head and Neck Plan Quality Differences Between Different VMAT Vendors 3003 Musaddiq Awan Interdisciplinary Variation in Segmentation of High-Risk Post-Operative Tumor Volumes in the Head and Neck 3004 David Rosenthal A Dosimetric Comparison of Pharyngeal Constrictor Segmentation Methods During Radiation Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer 3005 David Eastham The Impact of Standardized IMRT Templates on Treatment Plan Quality 3006 James Mitchell Prospective Peer Review in a Non-Academic Radiation Oncology 3007 Wanbao Gao Medical Event Threshold for Permanent Brachytherapy Must be Greater Than 20% 3008 Huong Pham Use of the Patient Safety Alert (PSA) System to Improve the Treatment Verification Process 3009 Elayne V. Arterbery Lean Thinking: A Comprehensive Hospital Strategy for Implementing State-of-the-Art Breast Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) in a Community Setting 3010 Neil Martin Development And Implementation Of Customized Software For Physician Peer-review And Clinical Care Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 160 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3011 Steve Braunstein Increasing Compliance With Documentation Using Modern Electronic Health Record Systems Towards Quality Improvement in Radiation Practice Medical Coding 3012 Michael Gensheimer Simple Rule for Prediction of Parotid Gland Sparing Early in the Radiation Treatment Planning Process 3013 Ryan Best Automated Evaluation of Radiation Treatment Plans for Protocol Constraints to Reduce Planning Time 3014 Zachary Lopater Selecting Ideal Patients to Replan - Novel Use of IMRT QA Software Aids in the Decision When to Replan 3015 Pranshu Mohindra Standardized Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Workflow to Allow Adequate Scheduling Notice for Patients Treated at a Busy Academic Radiation Oncology Center: Results of a Pilot Study 3016 Brian E. Butler Standardization and Implementation of IMRT Among Multiple Institutions and Multiple Countries 3017 Srinath Sundararaman Improving Patient Safety in the Radiation Oncology Setting Through Crew Resource Management 3018 Shereef Elnahal Patient Factors that Predict Physician Room Time and Downstream Clinical Encounters in a Pancreatic Multidisciplinary Clinic 3019 Dawn Henrich An Innovative Collaboration And Workflow Management Platform For Surface Electronic Brachytherapy PEDIATRIC CANCER 3020 Rimpa Basu Achari Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy, Volumetric Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy and Helical Tomotherapy for pediatric craniospinal irradiation: Dosimetric analysis of integral dose 3021 Chia-Ho Hua Postoperative Metabolic Abnormality in Craniopharyngioma Patients Before Proton Therapy 3022 Kaitlin Christopherson Factors Impacting Long-term Local Control in Non-Metastatic Medulloblastoma 3023 Andrew Hollander Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS) Proton Therapy in a Fixed Beam Room for Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumors 3024 Benjamin Greenberger Mature Clinical Outcomes of Proton Radiation for Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas 3025 Sean McBride The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HR-QoL) After Proton Radiotherapy for a Pediatric CNS cohort 3026 Noelle Williams Late Effects Following Radiotherapy for Childhood Low-Grade Glioma 3027 Joseph Panoff The Role of Radiation Therapy Technique and Dose for Pediatric Patients with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma 3028 Patrik Brodin Impact of Treatment Margins and Treatment Technique in Hippocampal Sparing Radiotherapy for Pediatric Medulloblastoma 3029 Adam Willson Estimating the Excess Lifetime Risk of Radiation-Induced Secondary Malignancy (SMN) in Pediatric Patients Treated With Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI): Tomotherapy (Tomo) Versus Conventional (Conv) Beams 3030 Joanna Yang Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with Dose-painting: A Brain-sparing Technique for Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors 3031 Ashwin Ram A Prospective Study of Corpus Callosum Regional Volumes and Neurocognitive Outcomes Following Cranial Radiation for Pediatric Brain Malignancies 3032 Reid Thompson A Study Of Dosimetry And Radiation-induced Toxicity In The Developing Dentition Of Pediatric Patients With Head And Neck Cancer 3033 Christine Hill-Kayser Outcomes after Proton Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Cancers of the Head & Neck Region 3034 Matthew Ladra Proton Radiation Therapy for Rhabdomyosarcoma: Preliminary Results From a Multicenter Prospective Study 3035 Amber Orman The Essential Role of External Beam Radiotherapy in the Management of Advanced Stage Retinoblastoma 3036 Atmaram Pai Panandiker Role of Radiotherapy in the Management of Chemorefractory Distant Metastatic Disease in Children with High-Risk Neuroblastoma 3037 Shravan Kandula Outcomes After Definitive Radiation Treatment Of Metastatic Sites In Patients With Stage IV Neuroblastoma 3038 Atmaram Pai Panandiker 4DMRI Provides More Accurate Renal Motion Estimation for IMRT in Young Children 3039 Maja Maraldo Estimated Doses and Late Effects Risks After Involved Node, Involved Field and Mantle Field Treatment for Pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma 3040 Mustafa Adli 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) As A Prognostic Factor In Pediatric Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients 3041 Minh-Phuong Huynh-Le A Comparison of Involved Field Radiation Therapy Treatment Outcomes in Pediatric and Young Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 161 3042 Steven Engel The Role of Low Dose Radiation Therapy in Adolescents/Young Adults with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3043 Melissa LeMieux Decrease in the Incidence of Second Malignancies in Patients with Early Stage Hodgkins Disease Treated in the Modern Radiotherapeutic Era 3044 Omar Gayar Pediatric Head And Neck Carcinoma: Patient Demographics And Treatment Outcomes: A SEER Database Study 3045 Milos Miljkovic The Frequency, Severity, and Duration of Treatment-Related Lymphopenia in Children with Cancer 3046 Stephanie Terezakis Clinical Practice Patterns of Pediatric Image-Guided Radiation Treatment: Results from an International Pediatric Research Consortium 3047 David Barron Radiation-induced Osteochondromas Revisited: A Retrospective Update 3048 David Westerly Proton Energy Requirements for a Dedicated Pediatric Treatment Machine 3053 Jonathan Klein Health Related Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Radiation Therapy With or Without Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review 3054 Christina Son The Impact of Hormonal Therapy on Sexual Quality of Life in Men Receiving Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 3055 Tsz Kin Lee Problems Encountered during Cultural Adaptation of the EPIC Questionnaire for Prostate Cancer into Punjabi and Chinese 3056 Penny Fang High BMI Associated with Worse Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy 3057 Henry Wagner Cancer Treatment Consent Forms Are Still Difficult to Read 3058 Sarah Milgrom The Acute Effects of Pelvic Irradiation on the Adult Uterus by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI 3059 Vipul Nautiyal Assessment Of Salivary Output And Quality Of Life In Patients Of Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancers Treated By Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) QUALITY OF LIFE 3049 Katherine Hutcheson Early Experience with IMPT for the Treatment of Oropharyngeal Tumors: Acute Toxicities and Swallowingrelated Outcomes 3050 Zachary Seymour Toxicity and Quality of Life After Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Low and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer 3051 Yu Tang Quality of Life after Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Anal Cancer 3052 Stephen Lewis An International Survey of Definitive SABR for Extra-cranial Limited Metastases 162 3060 Yoshiya Yamada Clinically Meaningful Improvement In Quality Of Life For Patients Who Have Undergone Stereotactic Radiosurgery For Spinal Metastases 3061 David Randolph Impact of Radiosurgical Management of Geriatric Patients with Brain Metastases: Clinical and Quality of Life Outcomes 3062 Allen Chen Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life after Definitive Chemoradiation for Human Papillomavirus-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer: Implications for Dose De-Escalation 3063 Dustin Boothe Qualitative and Quantitative Distress Assessment of Cancer Patients Using the NCCN Distress Thermometer ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING SARCOMA AND SKIN CANCER 3064 Daniel Adam Jones Management Of Unplanned Excision For Soft-tissue Sarcoma With Pre-operative Radiotherapy Followed By Definitive Resection 3065 John Vargo The Role of Radiation Therapy in Primary and Radiation Induced Angiosarcoma of the Breast: Impact on Patterns of Failure 3066 Hubert Pan Acute Skin Toxicity of Electronic Brachytherapy for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer 3067 Richard Cassidy Function Preservation after Conservative Resection and Radiotherapy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Distal Extremity as Evaluated by the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS) 3068 Michael Scott Radiotherapy for Hemangiopericytoma 3069 Tyler Hollen Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip: A Retrospective Analysis of the University of Florida Experience 3071 Omar Mahmoud Timing of Adjuvant Chemotherapy/ External Beam Radiation Therapy and Its Impact on Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcomas Outcome 3072 Paul Menzel Combined Ipilimumab and Radiotherapy for Metastatic Melanoma 3073 Masaharu Hata Radiation Therapy for Extramammary Paget’s Disease: Treatment Outcomes and Prognostic Factors 3074 Adam Willson Treatment Outcomes and Patterns of Failure for Desmoplastic Melanoma 3075 Alexander Falk Improved Outcomes with Iterative Local Treatments of Oligometastases in Sarcomas: a French Sarcoma Group Study 3076 Daya Nand Sharma Perioperative High-dose-rate Interstitial Brachytherapy in Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcomas 3087 Subhakar Mutyala Clinical outcomes for 3 Dimensional Topographic Applicator Brachytherapy for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer 3077 Young Il Kim Reproducibility Evaluation of Tissue Expander in Patients with Retroperitoneal Sarcomas Treated by Postoperative Radiotherapy RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY 3078 Laura Kollar Solitary Fibrous Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Approach 3107 Steve Braunstein Operational Signaling Pathways in Radiation-Induced Tumors 3079 Keith Cengel External Beam Radiotherapy With Or Without 131I-MIBG Systemic Radiotherapy In The Therapy Of Patients With Malignant Pheochromocytoma And Paraganglioma 3108 Kalash Ronny Significant Epigenetic Changes in Irradiated Lungs of Fibrosis -Prone C57BL/6NHsd Compared to FibrosisResistant C3Hf/Kam Mice 3080 Beatriz Amendola High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy for Facial Non Melanoma Skin Cancer (NMSC) Using Custom Made Molds and a Shortened Fractionation Schedule 3081 Jessica Rooney Local Control and Functional Outcomes of Limb Sparing Multimodality Therapy for Hand and Foot Soft Tissue Sarcoma: The Mayo Clinic Experience 3082 Manpreet Bedi Evaluation of Neoadjuvant Therapy Response in Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI 3083 David Rainey Treatment of Resectable Intrathoracic Sarcomas: A Single Institution Experience Over Twenty Years 3084 Lindsay Warner Prognostic Value Of Tumor Response In Pediatric And Adult Patients With Ewing Sarcoma 3085 Upendra Parvathaneni Non Regional Distant Nodal Metastases in Merkel Cell CarcinomaA Common and Unappreciated Pattern of Failure 3086 Upendra Parvathaneni Novel Single Fraction Radiation Therapy approach on Merkel Cell Carcinoma Metastases - An Update 3116 Ji-Hong Hong Temporal and Spatial Changes of Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs) in the Tumors and Peripheral Blood after High-dose Tumor Irradiation 3117 Mary-Keara Boss Radiation Induces Epithelialmesenchymal Transition In An In Vitro Mammary Carcinoma Tumor Model 3109 Benjamin Greenberger Characterizing Cell-Specific Radiation Sensitization Induced by HDAC Inhibition 3110 ShengJun Ji Radiation-induced Hippocampal Neurogenesis Impairment and Cognitive Deficits Is Associated with Inhibition of BDNF-Trk-B Signaling 3111 Sophia Bornstein Investigation of the Tumor-Initiating Cell Microenvironmental Niche in Recurrent Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using a Novel Microenvironment Microarray Platform 3112 Jiang Ji Ionizing Radiation Induces Cell Cycle G1 Arrest And Tumor Suppressor Gene P16, P21, P27 Expression In Keloid Fibroblasts 3113 Encouse Golden The Immunogenic Signature of Platinum and Radiation 3114 Richard Bakst Are Schwann Cells a Target in Radiation for Perineural Invasion? 3115 Anthony Apicelli Reduced Brain Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (Nf1) Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression Confers Differential Sensitivity To Ionizing Radiation In Vivo 3118 Norma Ybarra In Vitro Analysis of HPV-Dependent Radiosensitivity of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Normal Tissue Cell Lines 3119 Frank Houghton Relative radiosensitivity of Human Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSC) compared to parent fibroblast line and Cells of Differentiated Neural Rosettes 3120 Mahesh Kudrimoti Instantaneous Blood Flow And Oxygenation Changes Noted In Real Time During Radiation Therapy Delivery In Head/neck Squamous Cancers 3121 Sungjune Kim Impact Of Radiation-induced Autophagy On The Efficacy Of Combination Radiotherapy And Immunotherapy 3122 Jin-lu Ma Role Of Hgk In Vasculogenic Mimicry Formation In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3123 Scott Bratman Stromal Contributions To Radiation Resistance Of Breast Cancer Stem Cells 3124 Encouse Golden Radiation Promotes a Dose-Response Induction of Immunogenic Cell Death 3125 Encouse Golden Paclitaxel Enhances the Immunogenic Signature of Radiation 3126 Encouse Golden Circulating HMGB1 Levels Increase in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Treated on a Protocol of Neoadjuvant Paclitaxel and Radiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 163 3127 Carmen Perez Acute Innate Immune Response Profiles Following Cranial Irradiation 3139 Ola Maria Investigation of Stem-like Cells Role in Regional Radiosensitivity of the Lung 3128 Theodore Braun Glucocorticoid Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Is Critical for Cancer and Endotoxin-Induced Cachexia 3140 Ippei Takahashi The Mechanism of A Novel Radioprotector, 8-Quinolinol Derivative KH-3 3129 Kristina Young Improved Efficacy of Radiation in Combination with Systemic Immunomodulatory Therapy in a Syngeneic Mouse Model of Colorectal Cancer 3141 Youssef Zeidan Botulinum Toxin Confers Radioprotection In Murine Salivary Glands 3130 Jin Wang Rad51 In Regulating The Radosensitivity Of Nsclc With Different Egfr Status 3131 Hiroaki Akasaka A Novel Radiosensitizer of the Functional Food Component, Monogalactosyl Diacylglycerol (MGDG) from Spinach, Enhanced the Cytotoxic Effects for the Pancreatic Cancer In Vitro and In Vivo 3132 Tommy Sheu Possible Failure Of The LQ Model With Large Fraction Sizes 3133 Andrea Fontana Proton versus Photon Radiotherapy: Differential Demands on the Biological Level 3134 Samuel Bakhoum A Mitotic Pathway For Radiation-induced Genome Damage 3135 Takeshi Nishioka HIF-1alpha Post Transcriptional mRNA Regulation Under Normoxia: The Significance Of UTRs 3136 Marcher Thompson Screening For BRCA1-pathway Inactivation In Sporadic Breast Cancer Cell Lines 3142 Julie Goff Reduction of Late Pulmonary Fibrosis in Thoracic-Irradiated C57bl/6hnsd Mice by a Water Soluble Radiation Mitigator MMS-350 3143 Hiroshi Igaki Inhibitory Effect Of Radiation-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis By Spironolactone 3144 Michael Epperly MMS350: A Water Soluble Radiation Protector and Mitigator 3145 Nobuhiko Yoshikawa Sivelestat Sodium Hydrate Reduces Radiation-induced Lung Injury in Mice by Inhibiting Neutrophil Elastase 3146 Ryohei Sasaki A Novel method of Radioprotection for the Gastointestinal System: Efficacy of the Reduced form of Coenzyme Q10 3147 Anita Aiyer Human induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Derived Intestinal Organoids (iHIOs) to Screen Radiation Mitigators 3148 Akifumi Miyakawa Applicability of the Linear-quadratic Model to Single and Fractionated Radiotherapy Schedules: An Experimental Study 3137 Ang Qu Direct Effects of 125I Seeds Irradiation on A549 Lung Cancer Cells: G2/M Arrest and Enhanced Cell Death 3149 Hiromitsu Iwata Relative Biological Effectiveness Of Passive-scattering Proton Therapy Using A Range Modulation Wheel At The Nagoya Proton Therapy Center: An in vitro Study With Four Cell Lines 3138 Piotr Widlak Radiotherapy-related Changes in Serum Proteome Patterns Are Affected by Medium Doses of Radiation Delivered to Large Volumes of Normal Tissue 3150 Ken Ando Effective Suppression of Pulmonary Metastasis in Combined Carbon Ion Radiotherapy With Dendritic-cell Immunotherapy in Murine Tumor Models 3151 Robert Stewart A Useful Strategy to Estimate Tolerance Doses for Normal Tissues in Particle Therapy 3152 Hasani Wooten 3D Visualization Of Radiobiological Dose Distributions - A Novel Method For Assessment Of Composite Treatment With Alternate Fractionation Schemes 3153 Masatoshi Hasegawa Cancer Stem Cell Markers and Gene Expression Profiles in Human Brain Tumors Following Carbon Ion Beam Irradiation 3154 Eric Diffenderfer Personalized Space Radiation Dosimetry Using Monte Carlo Simulations Of CT-based Geometries Exposed To Solar Particle Event Radiation. 3155 Koichi Yasuda The Impact of FMISO-PET before treatment in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients 3156 Masayuki Matsuo Hypoxic and Acute Hypoxic intra-tumor mapping by pO2 Imaging 3157 Jaden Evans Cardiac Isodose Distributions and Increases in Focal 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake on Positron Emission Tomography after Thoracic Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 3158 Nils Arvold FMISO-PET as Biomarker of Early Response to Targeted Therapy in EGFR-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 3159 Olga Volotskova Development Of A Novel Optical Imaging Probe For Cancer Detection: X-ray Activated Gold Nanoclusters 3160 Magdalena Bazalova X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) For Highsensitivity Imaging Of Cisplatin Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 164 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3161 Shin-ichiro Masunaga Significance of Daily Fractionated Administration of Wortmannin Combined with Gamma-Ray Irradiation in Terms of Local Tumor Response and Lung Metastatic Potential 3162 In Ah Kim Inhibition of STAT3 Enhances the Radiosensitizing Effect of Temozolomide in Malignant Glioma Cells 3163 Satoshi Harada Nanoparticle Imaging and Treatment for Micrometastasis Using Targeted folate Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis via Radiotherapy 3164 Adam Wolfe Targeting Radiation Resistant Breast Cancer Stem Cells With The Combination Erlotinib And Simvastatin 3165 John Thoms YM155, a novel small-molecule Survivin Suppressant, Combined with Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines 3166 Manish Sethi Nanoparticle Chemosensitization 3167 Brittany Simone Caloric Restriction Coupled with Radiation Increases Overall Survival in a Metastatic Breast Cancer Model 3168 Thierry Muanza EGFR/DNA Targeting Molecule Potentiates Radiation Response in a Murine Breast Cancer Model 3169 Andrew Baschnagel c-Met as a Target for Radiation Enhancement in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas 3170 Javier Maldonado Targeting CD44high/ID1+ Patient Glioma Initiating Cells By TGFβ Receptor I Inhibitor Could Radiosensitize Glioblastoma 3171 Cody Schlaff Radiosensitization Effects of Novel Triple-Inhibitor CUDC-101 in Glioblastoma Multiforme and Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro 3172 Steven Lin High Throughput Clonogenic Survival Screen Identifies Novel Radiation Sensitizers for KRAS Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3173 Yu-Jen Chen Design and Optimization for Combination of 188Re-Liposome and External Beam Radiotherapy against Human Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Xenograft 3174 Nicholas Nickols Radiosensitization By High Affinity Programmable Minor Groove Binders 3175 Naritoshi Mukumoto Normal Tissue Tolerance Of Microplanar Beam X-ray : A Long-term Observation 3176 Hendrick Soh Elevated Serum HGF is Associated with Radioresistance and Local Recurrence in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3177 Monica Kotler Application Of Silicon Nanoparticles (SI-NPs) For Radiation Induced Cytotoxicity Via Generation Of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) 3178 Andre Konski The Mechanism Of Metformin Induced Radiosensitization Of Pancreatic Cancer Cells 3179 Jin Ho Kim Influence Of ATM on DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitor-induced Radiosensitization 3180 Heon Joo Park Metformin Potentiates The Effects Of Radiation On Cancer Cells And Cancer Stem Cells By Activating Ampk 3181 Ahmed Salem High-content, High-Throughput Screening For Novel Double-Strand Break Repair Inhibitors 3184 Bryan Allen Pharmacological Ascorbate Enhances NSCLC Chemo-Radio-Sensitization 3185 Justin Tang Profiling of Sonic Stress Effects on Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer Cells with RNA Sequencing: Implications for Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy 3186 Meng Welliver Protein Arginine Methyltransferase-5 As A Novel Epigenetic Target In Lung Cancer 3187 Mohammad Hedayati Evaluation of Novel DNA Polymerase Beta Inhibitors as Potential Radiosensitizers of Prostate Cancer Cells 3188 France Carrier Investigation of Low Dose Fractionated Radiation Therapy as a Chemopotentiator in Advanced/ Metastatic Gastrointestinal Carcinoma 3189 Austin Kirschner Pim Kinase Inhibitor AZD1208 For Treatment Of c-MYC-driven Prostate Cancer 3190 Adam Smith Preclinical Investigation of a Novel Redox Modulator, Parthenolide, as a Cytotoxic and Potential Radiosensitizing Agent in Glioblastoma Multiforme 3191 Edina Wang Differential Cellular Response To Nanoparticle Docetaxel And Docetaxel At Sub-therapeutic Dose Range 3192 Tatiana Marques Enhanced Radiosensitization by Tumor-Targeting Gold NanoparticlesA Paradigm for Energy Modulated Radiation Therapy (EMRT) 3193 Tim Lautenschlaeger Cilengitide Inhibits Proliferation And Shows Combined Effects With Radiation In Breast Cancer Cell Lines 3182 Ye Yuan EGFR-mediated Nuclear Delivery Improves the Genotoxic Effect of Fe3O4@TiO2 Nanoparticles 3183 Jennifer Yu Thermoradiotherapy Targets Glioblastoma Initiating Cells Through Downregulation of AKT 3194 Harold Swartz Repeated Direct Measurements of Tumor Oxygen to Determine the Therapeutic Potential of Hyperoxic Therapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 165 3195 Aaron Wild Twist1 Overexpression Induces Increased Tumor Cell Aggressiveness and Resistance to Sorafenib in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells 3196 Eleni Liapi Preliminary Assessment Of Nanoparticle-lipiodol Formulation For Image-guided Thermal Therapy In Animal Models Of Liver Cancer 3197 Xin Qian Precise Targeting for Small Animal Study Using An Image-Guided Micro-Irradiation Platform 3198 Marlon Veldwijk A Novel Method for Efficient Transfer of Small Gold Nanoparticles for the Radiosensitization of Cells 3199 Justin Tang Sonic Stress Down-Regulates STAT3 Activation in Prostate Cancer Cells through Cytoskeleton Disruption 3200 Jasmina Cerne Protein Kinase C Inhibitors As Novel Radiosensitizing Agents In The Treatment Of Primary GNAQ Mutant Uveal Melanoma 3201 Zhiyong He A Novel Regulatory Role Of CITED2 In Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Stem Cells And In Modulating The Effect Of HDACi Treatment On NSCLC 3202 Tithi Biswas Enhanced Radiosensitization Of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells By Pemetrexed When Combined With Methoxyamine To Inhibit Base Excision Repair 3203 Almudena Zapatero The Prognostic Value of Expression of HIF1α, Pak-6 and PSMB4, in Intermediate and High Risk Localized Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Androgen Deprivation and Dose Escalation Radiation Therapy 3204 Chiaojung Jillian Tsai Tgf-β1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism At Rs1982073:t869c Is Predictive Of Osteoradionecrosis After Definitive Radiotherapy For Oropharyngeal Carcinoma 3205 Melvin Lee Kiang Chua Comparison Of In Vivo Skin And In Vitro Blood Lymphocyte Models For The Prediction Of Late Normal Tissue Responses In Breast Radiotherapy Patients 3206 Jinyi Lang Expression of mEGFR, pEGFRThr654 and pPKN1Thr774 Predict Response to Chemoradiation and Prognosis in Patients with Cervical Cancer 3207 Timothy Robinson Detection of Novel Hypoxia Induced Changes in Alternative mRNA Processing Associated with Clinical Prognosis in Adenocarcinoma of the Lung 3208 Zhen-Yu Hong An Experimental Model-based Biomarker Exploration Of Radiation-induced Lung Injury In Vivo And In Vitro 3209 Corbin Jacobs Tumor Status of DAB2IP but Not EZH2 Correlates With Biochemical Failure, Castrate Resistance, and Distant Metastases in High-risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Radiation Therapy 3210 William Hall Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 5 (CHD5) is Associated with Improved Overall Survival in Patients Undergoing Adjuvant Therapy for Resected Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 3211 Laurence Court Pre-treatment CT Image Features of the Primary Tumor are a Significant Predictor for Overall Survival in Esophageal Cancer 3212 Andrew Baschnagel Comparison of Gene Expression Profiles of Pre-treatment and Recurrent Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas Treated with Chemoradiation 3213 Erik Sulman A Molecular Signature To Predict Meningioma Recurrence And Progression 3214 Sung-Wei Lee STMN1 Overexpression as a Poor Prognostic Factor in Patients With Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 3215 Yuji Seo Association between LinearQuadratic Model Parameters and Basal Gene Expression Profiles in the NCI-60 Cancer Cell Line Panel 3216 Andrew Trister Gene Expression Changes At Recurrence After Radiation In Patients With High Grade Gliomas Predicts Survival 3217 Mahesh Varia Hypoxia and Differentiation Contrast Between Pimonidazole Binding and CK19 Expression in Tumors Derived from Stratified and Simple Epithelia 3219 Jonathan Pai Plasma SPARC Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Predicts for Progression-Free Survival in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 3220 Krishinima Jeyaseelan Copy Number Variations As Predictors Of Late Toxicities In Prostate Cancer 3221 Krishnan Thirumoorthy Radiation Induced Metabolome Delineates Glioblastoma And Glioblastoma Stem Cell Subtypes And Correlate With Their Relative Radiation Sensitivities 3222 Rachel Jimenez Feasibility of Gene Expression Signature Analysis in Prostate Cancer Biopsy Specimens To Predict Outcomes Following Radiation Therapy RADIATION PHYSICS 3223 Tobias Wissel Skin Thickness Estimation For High Precession Optical Head Tracking During Cranial Radiation Therapy A Simulation Study 3224 Karen Mooney A Population-based Treatment Margin for Respiratory Motion of Lung Tumors 3225 Xiaoli Tang Quantitative Assessment of the Accuracy and Practicality of Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Using Surface Monitoring Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 166 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3226 Bo Zhao Assessment of Breast Motion during Hypofractionated Robotic Radiotherapy 3238 Guang Li Development and Validation of 6-DOF Patient Setup Using 2D Onboard Imaging 3249 Charles Baron The effect of Larynx Motion on Set Up/Delivery Error during Radiation Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer 3227 Hiromitsu Iwata Evaluation of Dose Uncertainty Associated With Real-Time Tracking IMRT Using Robotic Radiosurgery System 3239 Jun Li Evaluation of 4D Cone-beam CT Based Automatic Image Registration for Radiation Treatment of Lung Cancer 3250 Benjamin Cooper A Clinical Planning Tool to Predict Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Maximum Dose Based on Distance to the Tangent Field Edge 3228 Clemens Bos MR Image Guidance of Brachytherapy Needle Placement: Potential of 2D Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging 3240 Brittany Simone Evaluation of Treatment Planning Modalities for Early Stage Left Sided Breast Cancers Reveals Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Comes Out on Top 3251 Victor Gonzalez Impact of Prone vs Supine Positioning on Small Bowel Dose with Pelvic IMRT 3229 Daniel Low A New 4DCT Technique 3241 3230 Wensha Yang Dosimetric Effects of Rotational Uncertainties in Fiducial-based Treatment Setup for Pancreas SBRT 3231 Tracy Bray Prospective Evaluation of Oblique Dual-Energy Imaging in Patients Undergoing Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer 3232 Youngmin Choi Prostate Intrafraction Motion During Image Guided Radiotherapy After Rectal Emptying 3233 Rongmao Li Control of Respiratory Motion by Hypnosis Intervention During Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer 3234 Hsiang-Chi Kuo Tumor Bed Variation During Accelerated Partial Breast Brachytherapy 3235 Nicos Nicolaou Is An Immobilization Device Necessary For Prostate Irradiation, In The Era Of Image Guided Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)? 3236 Xiang Li An Investigation Of Patient-specific Respiratory Motion Effect In Lung CBCT Imaging 3237 Abigail Stockham Inter-Fraction Prostate Motion with Endorectal Balloon Placement Sathiya Narayanan Vatyam Comparison of PTV Margins for Contouring Using MVCBCT and Carbon Target Imaging: A Pilot Study 3242 Itaru Ikeda Relationship Between Intra-fraction Prostate Motion And Rectal Dilatation 3243 Michael Cheung Geometric Accuracy Verification of a Respiratory Gating System Using Gated KV-CBCT and Gated MV-CBCT 3244 Pietro Mancosu Dosimetric Effects Of Involuntary Motion For Total Marrow Irradiation With Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy 3245 Ho Jin Jeong Estimation Of Optimal Margin For Intra-fraction Movements During Frameless Brain Radiosurgery 3246 Lauren Douglass Utility of Remarking Regimens for Improving Setup Accuracy in Definitive Lung Radiotherapy 3247 Tianye Niu Accelerated Barrier Optimization Compressed Sensing (ABOCS) For Ct Reconstruction With Improved Convergence 3248 Tianye Niu Quantitative Cone-beam CT In Radiation Therapy: GPU Implementation And Comprehensive Evaluations On The State-of-the-art On-board Imager 3252 Ruggero Ruggieri Adaptive Re-planning after Five Treatment Fractions in Prostate Patients with Implanted Markers Impacts on Setup Accuracy 3253 Koilpillai Joseph Maria Das Tracking Target Motion during delivery of 3DCRT and IMRT Treatment 3254 Kathryn Turner Breathing Irregularity Induced Uncertainties In Patient Positioning Of Lung Sbrt: An Investigation Based On A Digital Human Phantom 3255 Vorakarn Chanyavanich Optical Imaging for Patient-Specific Treatment Planning and Collision Avoidance 3256 Tom Catron Does Abdominal Compression Through Prone Patient Position Reduce Respiratory Motion In Lung Cancer Radiotherapy? 3257 Matthew Abramowitz Noninvasive Real-time Prostate Tracking Using A Transperineal Ultrasound: A Clinical Trial Comparision to RF Transponders with Visual Confirmation 3258 Alexandra Bourgouin Reducing Radiation Doses Received By Cardiac Devices 3259 Prithima Reddy Mosaly Applying Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to the Analysis of Good Catches in Radiation Oncology Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 167 3260 David Asher Bite Blocks can reduce Setup Uncertainty Related to Weight Loss during Head and Neck IMRT: Preliminary Results of a 3-Modality Image Guidance Protocol 3271 Almut Troeller Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) Modeling of Chronic Hematuria in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy 3261 Lichung Ku Implementing In-room Visual Guidance Using A Digital Projector For Breath-hold Treatment Of Left Breast Cancer 3272 Jiankui Yuan Validation Of A Virtual Source Model For Monte Carlo Simulations Of Tomotherapy 3262 Lonika Majithia Novel Tissue Compensation with Photon Irradiation for Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma with Irregular Surfaces 3263 Paikin Leung Use of Diagnostic Quality CT for Daily Prostate Localization with Soft Tissue Registration 3264 Reshma Munbodh Submillimeter 2D-3D Registration for Brain Radiation Therapy using 3D Cone-beam CT Data and a Single, Limited Field-of-View 2D kV Radiograph 3265 Weihua Mao Real Time 3D Markerless Lung Tumor Tracking 3266 Benjamin Williams Rotational Patient Positioning Corrections for Cervical Spine SBRT; Evaluation of 6DOF Couch Applicability 3267 Madeera Kathpal Inter-Fraction Displacement of Electromagnetic Beacons in Patients Receiving Post-Prostatectomy Radiation Therapy 3268 Karen Mooney An Approximate Entropy-based Method for Prediction of 4D-CT Quality from Respiratory Signals 3269 Tianyu Zhao A Novel Algorithm to Eliminate Motion Artifacts from Thoracic PET Images 3270 Andreas Richter Development of a Voxel Based NTCP Algorithm for Treatment Planning 3273 Dan Liu 18F-FLT Uptake Kinetics In Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Pet Imaging Study 3274 Zhang Quanshi The Preliminary Study for Detecting Hypoxia With PET Imaging In Situ Using 45MV X-ray Photonuclear Reaction 16O(γ , N)15O in Tumor 3275 Christopher Chapman Diffusion Imaging Biomarkers for Predicting Brain Normal Tissue Radiation Necrosis 3276 Maria Carmen De Santis Spectrophotometric Evaluation Of Skin Erythema In Patients Undergoing Breast Irradiation 3277 Hualiang Zhong Can We Use TCP to Predict Tumor Local Control? 3278 An Tai A method to determine Individualized Prescription for Biologically Adaptive Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancer 3279 Alexander Spektor Early Volumetric Response to Preoperative Chemoradiation for Rectal Cancer Predicts for Pathologic Complete Response, Allowing for Selective Treatment Intensification 3280 Naomi Shin Risk of Radiation-Induced Late Effects for Pediatric Patients Receiving Craniospinal Irradiation Comparing 3D-CRT, IMRT, and IMPT 3281 Hualin Zhang Evaluation of Tumor Control Probability of Stereotactic-Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Primary Liver Cancers 3282 Geoffrey Zhang Normalization Of 4D-CT Derived Ventilation Data To Facilitate Intra-patient Comparisons 3283 Reshma Munbodh A Novel Method to Quantify Cell Migration Distance and Determine its Contribution to the Development of Rectal Toxicity after Prostate Radiotherapy 3284 Cungeng Yang Dose Dependent CT Number Changes in Both Tumor And Normal Lung Observed During Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer 3285 Ishmael E. Parsai Dosimetric Analysis of Irregular Surfaces Treated With the Leipzig and Valencia HDR Skin Applicators 3286 Haksoo Kim Case Studies Presenting Dosimetric Uncertainties Using Fuzzy Set Theory 3287 Kristy Brock Biomechanical Modeling of Therapeutic Response in the Liver 3288 Joseph Deasy A New Tumor Control Probability Model Fitted To Head And Neck And Lung Local Control Data And Resulting Implications For The Impact Of Dose Heterogeneity 3289 ChihYao Cheng Radiobiological Impact Of Planning Techniques For Prostate Cancer In Terms Of Tumor Control Probability And Normal Tissue Complication Probability 3290 Yujiro Fujita Interobserver and Intraobserver Variability in Image Registration for Image-Guided Radiotherapy 3291 Kai Yang Treatment Dose Evaluation of IGRT and Adaptive Plan Modifications for Head-and-Neck Cancer Radiation Therapy 3292 Adam Riegel Deformable Image Registration Accuracy in the Head-and-Neck region: Comparison with Interobserver Variation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 168 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3293 Guang Han A Dosimetric Study of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma With or Without Hippocampal Sparing 3294 Yoshiko Doi Functional Image-Guided Radiotherapy Planning in Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Patients with Pulmonary Emphysema 3295 Lili Zhou Accelerating Popular CBCT Reconstruction Algorithms on GPGPU Using OpenCL 3296 Ping Wang Comparative Study Of Tumor Heterogeneity Modeling In [18f]fdg Pet Images 3297 Yuanjie Cao Optimization Of Treatment Planning Parameters Used In Tomotherapy For Prostate Cancer: Using Dosimetric Physical Index And Plan Evaluation Scoring Index 3298 Feng Li Comparison of Gross Target Volumes Based on 3-Dimensional CT, 4Dimensional CT, and Cone Beam CT Images of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3299 Malcolm Mattes A Patient-Specific Approach To Prostate Cancer Contouring Through Assessment of the Overlap Volume Between PTV and OARs 3300 Pengpeng Zhang Incorporating the Prediction of Residual Tumor Location into Prospective Dose Painting for Locally Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 3301 Jian Liang Variation of Parotid Delineation Utilizing Auto-Segmentation Technique 3302 Kyoung-Dal Lim Dose Verification of 2D and 3D Intra-fractional Tumor Motion for Patient Specific Quality Assurance of Respiratory-Gated Radiotherapy 3303 Vladimir Feygelman Dynamic Dose Interplay Does Not Meaningfully Affect Target Dose in VMAT SBRT Treatments 3304 Nobuhide Wakai Impact of Motion Interplay Effect on Step and Shoot IMRT 3316 Angela Mohr Accelerated GPU Based Tomotherapy-Planning 3305 Farzan Siddiqui CT-to-CT Contour Propagation Using Deformable Image Registration For Head And Neck Cancer Radiotherapy: Investigation For Clinical Application 3317 Daniel Yeung A Web Application For The Management Of Clinical Workflow In Image Guided And Adaptive Proton Therapy For Prostate Cancer Treatments 3306 Irina Vergalasova Feasibility Of Using A Fourier Markerless Technique For Clinical 4D-CBCT Reconstruction 3307 Keisuke Usui A Study of 4D CBCT Reconstruction using Detection of the Target Position from 2D Projection Images 3308 Ilker Catan The Evaluation of Rectum Dose Associated by kV-CBCT Imaging in IGRT 3309 Sohyun An Design and Development of a Practical Scatter Correction System in CBCT 3310 Suk Lee Development of Patient Specific 3D Dose Evaluation Solution for Dose Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy 3311 Winky Wing Ki Fung Can Planned Dose Shifting Method Be Used In Place Of Dose Recalculation Method For Dose Evaluation In Adaptive Radiotherapy Of Head And Neck Cancer? 3312 HongSeok Jang Evaluation Novel Look Up Table Method For Mri-based Radiotherapy Treatment Planning 3313 Kyung-Hwan Chang Which Is An Optimal Dosimeter To New Optical CT Scanner (P3DS) Between BANGkitTM And PRESAGETM A Feasibility Study For Brain SRT Case 3314 Chi-Yuan Yeh VMAT Radiation Therapy (VMAT) Versus Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Small-Sized Breast 3315 Jim Tol Towards Automated Treatment Planning: Trade-offs in PTV Homogeneity and OAR Dose in Complex IMRT Plans 3318 Yan Ping Clinical Confirmation of Direct Non-invasive Ultrasonography Respiration Monitoring System in Improving Organ Motion Artifact of 4DCT 3319 Susu Yan A Simulation Study Of Treatment Verification Using On-board Multi-pinhole SPECT 3320 Ellen Day Intrafraction Motion During Lung SBRT: Patient Motion Or Tumor Motion? A Megavoltage Cone Beam CT (MVCB) Study 3321 Zheng Wang A New Algorithm for Tri-modality Image Fusion for Target Delineation in Radiotherapy 3322 David Jaffray Clinical Implementation of Automated Tangential Breast Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 3323 Jing Jing Ye Dosimetric Impact Of Treatment Couch On Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) 3324 Guang-Pei Chen Optimizing Ct Acquisition For Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment Planning And Delivery 3325 Junaid Pasha Deformable Contour Propagation in Adaptive Re-planning for Cancers of the Head and Neck 3326 Gustavo Olivera Adaptive Dose Recalculation And In-vivo Dosimetry As Clinical Tools To Tailor Daily IGRT: Experience After 100,000 Fractions Delivered ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 169 3327 Hun-Joo Shin A Comparison Between Pencil-beam Versus Monte Carlo Calculations In Arc Therapy 3328 Qiao Qiao Changes in the Lumpectomy Cavity from Initial Whole Breast Irradiation to Sequential Boost 3329 Kazuhiro Arai Comparison of Cumulative Dose in the Spinal Cord Using Rigid Registration and Non-rigid Registration for Two-step Adaptive Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer 3330 Siu Keung Chan An Application of Trajectory Log for Volumetric Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy(VIMAT) Plan Quality Assurance in a Digitally Integrated And Controlled Linear Accelerator 3331 Kyoungkeun Jeong CT Image Reconstruction From IMRT Treatment Beam 3332 Yusuke Onozato Evaluation of On-board kV Cone Beam CT-based Dose Calculation Using Deformable Image Registration and Modification of HU Values 3333 Michiel Van den Bosch Optimizing PTV For IMRT Of Cervical Cancer Using Structure-Specific Margins 3334 Ken-Pin Hwang Development Of A Semi-automated Contouring Toolkit For Pelvic Organs On An MR Image Series 3335 Jinkoo Kim A Novel Approach for Establishing Benchmark CBCT/CT Deformable Image Registrations in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy 3336 Jason Pukala Adaptive Radiotherapy Re-planning for Head-and-Neck Cancers and the Dosimetric Benefit to the Parotid Glands 3338 Mark Gooding Multi-center Clinical Assessment Of Dir Atlas-based Auto-contouring 3339 Lulin Yuan Incorporating Tradeoff in Knowledge Modeling of Parotid Dose Sparing in Head and Neck IMRT 3340 Feng Liu Interfraction Relative Volume Changes and Independent Motions between Multiple Targets in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy 3341 Lalit Chaudhari Ideal Input Parameters For Organs at risk On Monte-carlo Optimizer Should It Be DVH Based Or Biologic Based? 3342 Antonio Damato Planning of MR-Guided Gynecologic Interstitial Brachytherapy Insertions 3343 Umesh Mahantshetty A Prospective Study To Generate Ctv To Itv Margins Using Cone Beam Verification Ct For Pelvic Imrt In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancers 3344 Guozhen Luo Advantages Of Treating Skin Lesions With Vmat Compared To Static Imrt With Multiple Gantry Beams 3345 Mark Gooding Multi-center Assessment Of Auto-contouring Using Deformable Image Registration For Adaptive Therapy 3346 Bernard Lachance Quantifying The Impact Of Introducing Modulated Arc Therapy In The Clinic 3347 Xiaoming Chen CT-MRI Fusion Uncertainty in Prostate Treatment Planning for Different Image Guidance Techniques 3348 Richard Jennelle Evaluation of PTV Margin in the Treatment of Lung Cancer Simulated with 4D CT and Validated with Daily Cone Beam CT Guidance 3337 Colleen Schinkel Dosimetric Effects of Daily Anatomic Variations when Treating High Risk Prostate with Whole Pelvis IMRT using an Adaptive Strategy and Dual-Plan Superposition 3349 Jonathan Piper A Novel Framework for Deformable Registration Evaluation and Quality Assurance 3350 Jonathan Piper Evaluation of Deformable Prostate Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Contouring Methods for Adaptive Radiation Therapy 3351 Yanle Hu Improved Dosimetric Accuracy of Bulk Density Overridden Plans for Prostate Patients using Tissue Population Average Electron Densities Obtained within Radiation Beam Paths 3352 Meredith Semon Adaptive Radiotherapy for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Treatment of Prostate Adenocarcinoma 3353 Scott Hadley Difficulty of Pancreas IGRT using CBCT 3354 Yasushi Ito Dose Reconstruction In Considering Of Respiratory Motion Of The Target Using 4D-CT In VMAT 3355 Joanne Zhung Does Rectal Distention Affect Interfractional Dose To Prostate And Rectum In Prostate IMRT Treatment? Optimizing IGRT Techniques 3356 Yutaka Takahashi Peripheral Dose Heterogeneity Due To The Thread Effect In Total Marrow Irradiation With Helical Tomotherapy 3357 Krishni Wijesooriya Comparison of 3D Dose Delivery Accuracy and Efficiency for VMAT Between 2 Linear Accelerators Using Linac Log Files 3358 Henry Wang The Feasibility of Fully Automating Treatment Planning Process Using Knowledge Based System 3359 Gregory Perkins MRI-based Radiotherapy Planning Of Prostate Cancer: Clinical Feasibility And Assessment Of Dosimetric Accuracy For Different Treatment Techniques Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 170 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3360 Naruemon Tongtip A Dosimetric Study of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) versus Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Cancer Involving Base of Skull 3361 Ravinder Clayton Clinical Impact and Utility of Acuros XB Dose Calculation Algorithm in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3362 Dawn Owen Outcomes and Toxicities of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Non-Spine Osseous Oligometastases 3363 Linda Hong Spine SBRT Plans: Achieving Dose Coverage, Conformity and Dose Fall Off 3365 Piera Navarria Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (sbrt) With Flattening Filter Free (ff f) Mode For Treatment Of Lung Metastases In Oligometastatic Patients 3366 Virag Dandekar Dosimetric Comparison Of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy And Helical Tomotherapy For Spine Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3367 Thomas Kole A Dosimetric Comparison of Hypofractionated Passively-Scattered Proton Radiotherapy and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) in the Definitive Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer 3368 Ruijiang Li Clinical Implementation of Intrafraction CBCT Imaging during Lung Tumor SABR 3371 Hairong Chen An Optical Tracking System for Uveal Melanoma Radiosurgery 3372 Abhilasha Patel Modeling the Loss of Tumor Control Probability (TCP) due to Small Geometrical Deviations of LINAC-based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) 3373 Dae Il Kim Comparison Of Monitoring Unit Efficiency Between With And Without Flattening Filter Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy 3374 Maho Iwana Dose Prescription to 40% to 90% Isodose Lines for the Target in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Tumors: Which Prescription Line Is Optimal? 3375 Siete Koch RapidArc or Multi-Angle Conformal Fields for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 3376 Wen Min Luo A Dosimetric Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy versus Volumetric-modulated Arc Therapy in Radiosurgery for Multiple Intracranial Lesions 3377 Aysen Dizman Re-irradiation with Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 3378 Prashantkumar Shinde Dosimetric Characteristics of Dynamic Micro Multileaf Collimator 3379 Christopher McGuinness Standard Fractionation IMRT With a MLC Equipped Robotic Radiosurgery System 3369 Yasushi Nagata Survey of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Japan 3380 Tae Gyu Kim Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Spine Metastases From Hepatocellular Carcinoma 3370 Long Huang Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Spinal Tumors - Evaluation of Three Treatment Techniques: HybridArc, VMAT and IMRT 3381 Khalil Mahjoubi Preliminary Results Of A Randomized Study Comparing Two Immobilization Systems For Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3382 Mari Tsujii Detectability of the Position of the Diaphragm in the Exhale CBCT for Patient Positioning in Respiratory-Gated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3383 Alejandro Mut Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Lung Cancer And Lung Metastases Using Megavoltage Cone-beam (MVCB) 3384 Lijun Ma Adaptive Treatment Planning And Online Setup Measurements To Guide Decision Of Margin Size For Hypofractionated Intracranial Radiosurgery 3385 Lucas Caussa Linac-based Stereotactic Radiotherapy With Micromultileaf Collimators In The Treatment Of Vestibular Schwannoma: Technique And Preliminary Results 3386 Winnie Li Deriving Planning Target Volume Margins for Intracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy 3387 Heming Zhen Evaluation of Acuros XB for SAbR Planning of Thoracic Spinal Tumors 3388 James Picone A Minimum Tumor To Spinal Cord Distance of 3-4mm Is Needed For Optimal Planning Of Spine SBRT 3389 Gregg Goldin Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early Stage Lung Cancer: Quantifying the Effect of Tracking with Respiratory Motion on Chestwall Dosimetry 3390 Tarek El Kaissi Evaluation of a 3d Pre-treatment Plan Verification Process for Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) Treatments 3391 Nima Nabavizadeh Heterogeneous Dose Prescription for Early Stage Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT): Implications on Dose Gradient Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 171 3392 Haksoo Kim Small Animal Irradiation Using Robotic Radiosurgery and Micro-CT Images 3393 Dustin Boothe The Dosimetric Advantage Of Stereotactic Hypofractionation Over Conventional Radiation For Post-prostatectomy Patients: NTCP Modeling Of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) And Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Treatment Plans 3394 Jingdong Li Evaluation of Dosimetric Accuracy of Small Dynamic MLC Fields Using EPID 3395 Isaac Kaufman Single Fraction Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Spine Metastasis: A Dosimetric Comparison of Multiple Treatment Delivery Systems 3396 Lilie Wang Dosimetric Effect of Onyx Embolization on Radiation Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations With Robotic Radiosurgery: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study 3397 David Shultz The Effect of Arm Position on The Dosimetry of Thoracic Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 3398 Han Liu Analysis of Local Failure of Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3399 Matthew Harkenrider Should We Change Conformality Index Recommendations Based on Tumor Centricity for Lung SBRT? 3400 Shu-Jung Yu Lung Tumor Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy With Individualized Anatomic Optimization 3401 Neil Jenkins Can Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Be Used With Mediastinal Chemoradiation For Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? A Dosimetric Evaluation 172 3402 Witold Matysiak Evaluation Of Geant4 For Experimental Data Quality Assessment In Commissioning Of Treatment Planning System For Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Mode 3403 Shikui Tang A Quantitative Assessment of the Interplay Effect of Prostate Intrafraction Motion in Proton Pencil Beam Scanning 3404 Ted Ling A Dosimetric Comparison of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated by Protons and IMRT 3405 Rui Zhang Prediction of Relative Risks of Radiogenic Second Cancer and Cardiac Toxicity for 17 Pediatric Medulloblastoma Patients Treated With Photon or Proton Craniospinal Irradiation 3406 Wen Hsi Image-Guided Method For TLD-based In-vivo Rectal Dose Verification With Endorectal Balloon In Proton Therapy For Prostate Cancer 3407 Yuanshui Zheng Is Density Override for Fiducial-induced CT Artifacts Necessary in Proton Treatment Planning of Prostate Cancer? 3408 Chin-Cheng Chen A Method For In Vivo Intracavitary Surface Dose Validation Using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (tlds) Applied To Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Protons 3409 Kenneth Merrell Dosimetric Effect of Intra-Treatment Target Volume Reduction in Bulky Head and Neck Cancer with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy 3410 Daniel Sanchez Parcerisa Fast Range Switching Of Passively Scattered Proton Beams Using A Modulation Wheel And Dynamic Beam Current Modulation 3411 Caitlyn Yeager Feasibility of Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy for Base of Skull Chordomas ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3412 Eric Klein Proton Therapy Delivery Uncertainties for Single vs. Multiple Daily Fields 3413 Lilie Lin Proton Beam Versus Photon Beam Dose to the Heart and Left Anterior Descending Artery for Left-Sided Breast Cancer 3414 Yuanshui Zheng Clinical Assessment of a Commercial Patient Positioning & Verification System in Proton Therapy 3415 Sandeep Dhanesar Study of Robustness of Passive Scattering Proton Therapy Plans for Targets in Lung and Comparison with IMRT Plans 3416 Marc-Andre Renaud Pre-calculated Track Monte Carlo using GPGPU 3417 Oren Cahlon Feasibility of Using 3D Uniform Conformal Scanning Proton Beam Therapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Requiring Bilateral Neck Irradiation 3418 Ileana Iftimia Standardized Procedure For Skin HDR Cases Using The Varian Catheter Flap Set 3419 Yun Yang Design Of An Internally Shielded D-shaped Breast Brachytherapy Applicator Using Monte Carlo Methods 3420 Mostafa El-Haddad A Simple Method to Unify Target Volume Delineation and Plan Optimization in Clinical Trials (The Boolean Method) 3421 Kaveh Maghsoudi Dosimetric considerations of Total Body Irradiation 3422 Lukasz Matulewicz Effective and Efficient Technique for Total Marrow Irradiation 3423 Nicole Schadewaldt Artifact Correction on MR-Derived Bulk-Density Maps 3424 Kimiya Noto Comparison Of Dose Delivery Between Original Arc And Split Short Arcs Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy 3425 Huma Chaudhry The Dosimetric Effect of Tumor Size and Position in Prone Radiation Therapy of Breast Using a Novel Stereotactic Breast Irradiation Device 3426 Nathalie Rochet Advances in Whole Abdominal Irradiation: What Protons, VMAT and IMRT using Multicriteria Optimization Can Offer 3427 Cheng Peng Dosimetric Comparison of Robotic Radiosurgery and VMAT for Hypofractionated Prostate Radiation Therapy 3428 Thomas Kole Improved Normal Tissue Sparing and Reduced Treatment Time Using Multileaf Collimator Robotic Radiosurgery Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Compared to Iris Collimator SBRT in Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer 3429 Maria Clara Ferreira Dosimetry of Rhenium-188, Praseodymium-142, and Yttrium-90 using Monte Carlo simulation for application in High Dose Rate Eye Plaque Brachytherapy 3433 Yong Hum Na Efficient VMAT Treatment Plan Optimization Using Non-Uniformly Distributed Control Points 3434 Charles Wooten Permanent Interstitial Radiation with Cs-131 Implants for Gynecologic Malignancies: Analysis and Results of an Initial 13 Applications 3435 Partha Pratim Mohanty Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (vmat) Versus Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (imrt) In Pelvic Malignancies: A Dosimetric Analysis 3436 John Yordy Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SAbR) and Limited Field IMRT Using a Novel Treatment Delivery Platform 3437 Keiichi Nakagawa Accuracy Verification of 4D Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) Based Lung Tumor Registration by Way of In-Treatment 4D CBCT Analysis 3438 Ruijie Yang Feasibility Study Of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy With Constant Dose Rate For Endometrial Cancer 3439 Flemming Kjaer-Kristof Fersen A Combination Of Volumetric Arc Therapy And Tangential Fields In Challenging Breast Cancer Cases 3430 Lei Xing An Adaptive Planning Strategy for Station Parameter Optimized Radiation Therapy (SPORT): Segmentally Boosted VMAT 3440 Liu Zhikai Low Dose Area Constrained Helical Tomotherapy-based Whole Breast Radiotherapy And Dosimetric Comparison With Tangential IMRT 3431 Ying Zhang Are Photons In The Energy Range Of 1-6 Mv A More Optimum Choice Than Higher Energy Photons For Delivering A Conformal Dose Distribution In The Target Volume With Better Quality In Portal Images? 3441 Yu Ra Cho Development of Tissue Equivalent Gel Dosimeter for Clinical Radiotherapy System 3432 Daphne Levin A Dosimetric Comparison Between Volumetric Modulated Arc and 3D Treatment Plans for Synchronous Bilateral Breast Patients 3442 Niraj Mehta Focal Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A Dosimetric Comparison Between Whole and Hemi-Gland Treatment 3444 Zachary Wilson Design, Development, And Characterization Of Small Animal Hemi-brain Irradiator Using 192Ir Hdr Source 3445 Jonathan Thompson Trajectory-based Radiation Therapy With Linear Couch Motion For Extended Spinal Treatments 3446 Lucy Nedialkova Dosimetric Comparison of Cs-131 vs. I-125 Intraoperative Brachytherapy for Patients with Resected Brain Metastasis Renders Cs-131 More Sparing of Normal Brain Tissue - Clinical Relevance for Prevention of Radiation Necrosis From a Prospective Trial 3447 DooKee Cho Optimizing 3D Conformal plans for 4π Non-Coplanar Converging (4PiNC) Beams using a Genetic Algorithm 3448 Evangelos Pappas An Innovative Method For Patient-specific Pre-treatment-planverification (PTPV) In Head & Neck Radiotherapy Treatments: Preliminary Results 3449 Angelica Perez-Andujar Effect of Dose Gradient on the Incident Probability of Brain Metastases in Hippocampal-Sparing Whole Brain Irradiation 3450 Hanako Farol A Dosimetric Feasibility Study using Forward Planning Segmental Field Technique for Stationary Craniospinal and Spinal-sacral Junctions in Craniospinal Axis Irradiation 3451 Andrew Camarata Dosimetric Evaluation Of Single Versus Multi-isocenter Frameless Radiosurgery For Multiple Brain Metastases 3452 William Watkins The Effects Of Interplay On Accumulated Dose In High-dose Rate Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Of Lung Cancer 3443 Lynsey Rice Using 3D Surface Imaging Technology to reduce Cardiac Dose in Left Breast Radiotherapy: Plan comparison of 5 patients Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 173 3453 Frank Rafie Fluctuations of Source Characteristics of Electronic Brachytherapy: The Importance of Quality Assurance 3454 Gwe-Ya Kim VMAT Technique for the Circumferential Treatment of a Limb with Leukemia Cutis 3455 Susan Leuthold 3d Helical Tomotherapy Planning: A Novel Technique With High Conformality And Short Treatment Times 3456 Gregory Warrell Experimental Verification of Thermal Dose Distributions of a Novel Thermo Brachytherapy Seed for LDR Seed Implants 3457 Song Wang 4-Pi Non-Coplanar Converging Beams Yield Superior Therapeutic Ratio than Conventional Coplanar Beams 3458 Bin Wang Beam Selection For MLC-based Robotic Radiotherapy 3459 Shiv Khandelwal Helical 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer 3460 Vishruta Dumane Comparison of VMAT, Partially Wide Tangents and Photon/Electrons for Treatment of Reconstructed Chestwall, Supraclavicular, Axillary and Internal Mammary Nodes Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 174 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2014Meetings A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y F O R R A D I AT I O N O N C O LO G Y Join Us at These Important Radiation Oncology Events MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEAD AND NECK CANCER SYMPOSIUM February 20-22, 2014 JW Marriott Camelback Inn Resort and Spa, Scottsdale, Ariz. SPRING REFRESHER COURSE March 7-9, 2014 The Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans STATE OF THE ART RADIATION THERAPY: Practical Treatment, Biology and Imaging May 16-18, 2014 Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio ASTRO 56TH ANNUAL MEETING September 14-17, 2014 Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco BEST OF ASTRO October 17-18, 2014 Eden Roc Hotel, Miami Beach CHICAGO MULTIDISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM IN THORACIC ONCOLOGY October 31-November 2, 2014 Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Chicago TA R G E T I N G C A N C E R C A R E For more information visit ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 175 NOTES 176 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING NOTES ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 177 NOTES 178 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INSIDE: Index by Author Index by Track Indexes 2014 Call for Abstracts Deadline: February 17, 2014 11:59 p.m. Eastern time 2013 ANNUAL MEETING INDUSTRY PARTNERS (AS OF AUGUST 26, 2013) Special thanks to ASTRO’s 55th Annual Meeting Industry Partners GOLD Indexes SILVER BRONZE CIVCO Medical Solutions Xoft, Inc. COPPER Sun Nuclear Vertual, Ltd. Index by Author (Abstracts only) A Abazeed, Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, May Abdel-Wahab, May Abo-Madyan, Yasser Abramowitz, Matthew Adli, Mustafa Adli, Mustafa Admiraal, Marjan Agarwal, Manuj Agarwal, Ankit Aguilera, Todd Aguirre, Maria Ahmad, Mediha Ahn, Peter Ahn, Sung-Ja Ahuja, Divya Ahunbay, Ergun Aitken, Katharine Aiyer, Anita Aiyer, Anita Aizer, Ayal Akasaka, Hiroaki Akita, Shungo Alcorn, Sara Alcorn, Sara Alektiar, Kaled Alexander, Jesse Alfaraj, Fatimah Alite, Fiori Alite, Fiori Allen, Bryan Allison, Ron Al-Omair, Ameen Al-Qaisieh, Bashar Alshehri, Salem Alsuhaibani, Abdullah Alsuhaibani, Abdullah Aluwini, Shafak Amarnath, Sudha Amarnath, Sudha Amelio, Dante Amendola, Beatriz An, Sohyun Anderson, Bethany Anderson, Carryn Anderson, Nigel Ando, Ken Aneese, Andrew Aneja, Sanjay Anker, Christopher Anwar, Mekhail Anwar, Mekhail Apicelli, Anthony Appelt, Ane Appenzoller, Lindsey Appenzoller, Lindsey 340 2322 2366 2024 3257 2926 3040 2993 2454 2976 2899 2698 2286 140 183 2977 330 129 270 3147 2135 3131 1011 2193 2944 152 2465 2098 2648 2906 3184 2373 2159 1008 1118 2362 2364 201 2787 2860 2128 3080 3309 2090 233 2704 3150 80 1132 2243 43 2436 3115 2343 3098 3099 Arafat, Waleed Arai, Kazuhiro Arcangeli, Stefano Arneson, Kyle Arora, Shruthi Arribas, Leoncio Arsenault, Daniel Arterbery, V. Elayne Arterbery, V. Elayne Arterbery, V. Elayne Arvold, Nils Arvold, Nils Asai, Kaori Ashamalla, Mark Asher, David Ashman, Jonathan Ashworth, Allison Atkins, Katelyn Atrchian, Siavash Ausborn, Natalie Awan, Musaddiq Ayakawa, Shiho Ayala-Peacock, Diandra Azcona, Juan Diego B Baba, Fumiya Baden, Craig Badiozamani, Kasra Badiyan, Shahed Bagshaw, Hilary Bahig, Houda Baine, Michael Baker, Mariwan Bakhoum, Samuel Bakst, Richard Balagamwala, Ehsan Balagamwala, Ehsan Baliga, Sujith Ball, Christine Banerjee, Robyn Baquero, William Barker, Christopher Barney, Brandon Barney, Brandon Baron, Charles Barrett, Olivia Barriger, Bryan Barron, David Baschnagel, Andrew Baschnagel, Andrew Basu Achari, Rimpa Batra, Sonny Batra, Sonny Baumann, Brian Bayman, Evrim Bazalova, Magdalena Bazan, Jose 345 3329 2916 2175 2482 2148 2814 2011 2776 3009 39 3158 2792 2469 3260 1095 2883 165 2077 2279 3003 2447 2958 361 2867 2550 2375 1121 2538 28 2263 2572 3134 3114 2949 216 2580 3097 2568 2513 221 2297 2634 3249 2052 2945 3047 3169 3212 3020 1126 2363 199 2700 3160 229 Beadle, Beth Bedi, Manpreet Bekelman, Justin Bekelman, Justin Berhane, Hebist Berhane, Hebist Berman, Abigail Bernad, Daniel Bernad, Daniel Bernier, Laurence Bernstein, Michael Best, Ryan Bhandare, Niranjan Bhandare, Niranjan Bhandare, Niranjan Bhatnagar, Ajay Bhatt, Aashish Bhirud, Abhijeet Bi, Nan Bi, Nan Bing, Lu Bing, Lu Binkley, Michael Bishop, Andrew Biswas, Tithi Biswas, Tithi Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Blanchard, Miran Blanck, Oliver Bleyer, Archie Bo, Yang Bo, Chen Boelke, Edwin Boggs, Hunter Bondiau, Pierre-Yves Boothe, Dustin Boothe, Dustin Bornstein, Sophia Borst, Gerben Bos, Clemens Boss, Mary-Keara Bourgouin, Alexandra Bowen, Stephen Boychak, Alex Boyle, John Bracey, Daniel Bradbury, C. Matthew Bradley, Julie Bratman, Scott Bratman, Scott Braun, Theodore Braunstein, Steve Braunstein, Steve Braunstein, Steve Braunstein, Steve 193 3082 96 2760 52 1112 2748 252 2972 2622 269 3013 2088 2600 2659 157 1048 2289 227 1049 2849 2862 2898 1046 243 3202 2304 309 2434 3092 3093 313 2936 2761 2536 148 2601 2224 2015 3063 3393 3111 48 3228 3117 3258 2847 2421 2582 1050 2099 2080 223 3123 3128 1124 1026 3011 3107 Bravo, Stephen Bray, Tracy Bredel, Markus Brenner, David Brock, Kristy Brodin, Patrik Brouwer, Charlotte Brown, Lindsay Bryant, Curtis Burt, Lindsay Butler, E. Brian Byun, John C Cahlon, Oren Cahlon, Oren Cai, Sophie Cai, Yong Camarata, Andrew Camborde, Marie-Laure Cannon, Nathan Cao, Yue Cao, Jianzhong Cao, Yuanjie Caparrotti, Francesca Cardoso, Richard Carillo, Viviana Carlson, Julie Carmona, Ruben Carpenter, Todd Carrier, France Casey, Stephanie Cassidy, Richard Catan, Ilker Catron, Tom Cattaneo, Richard Caussa, Lucas Cengel, Keith Cerne, Jasmina Cha, Jihye Chadha, Manjeet Chadha, Manjeet Chan, Cato Chan, Siu Keung Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Chang, Daniel Chang, Jee Suk Chang, Joe Chang, Kyung-Hwan Chang, Lynn Chang-Halpenny, Christine Chang-Halpenny, Christine Chanyavanich, Vorakarn Chapet, Olivier Chapman, Christina Chapman, Christopher Chapman, Christopher ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 1061 3231 240 1087 3287 3028 2710 172 2508 2112 3016 1075 2498 3417 2264 2335 3451 2301 2879 62 2919 3297 2509 2711 2427 2757 100 2616 3188 2854 3067 3308 3256 2826 3385 3079 3200 2718 1125 2078 2267 3330 2291 224 2742 2950 2817 3313 2431 2114 2574 3255 1065 2788 2713 3275 181 Chaudhari, Lalit Chaudhary, Ahmed Chaudhry, Huma Chaudhry, Huma Chaudhry, Huma Chawla, Sheema Chen, Allan Chen, Allen Chen, Andrew Chen, Andy Chen, Chin-Cheng Chen, Guang-Pei Chen, Hairong Chen, Jenny Ling-Yu Chen, Jiayi Chen, Linda Chen, Ming Chen, Peter Chen, Quan Chen, Ronald Chen, Weijun Chen, Wenjuan Chen, Xiaoming Chen, Yu-Jen Chen, Yu Cheng, ChihYao Cheng, Yufeng Chennupati, Sravana Chera, Bhisham Chera, Bhishamjit Cheung, Michael Cheung, Min Rex Cheung, Min Rex Cheung, Patrick Chibani, Omar Chilukuri, Srinivas Chin, Matthew Chin, Re-I Chin, Alexander Chino, Junzo Cho, DooKee Cho, Yeona Cho, Yu Ra Choi, Jehee Choi, Seungtaek Choi, Youngmin Chow, Edward Chow, Tiffany Christensen, Eva Christian, Nicolas Christopherson, Kaitlin Christopherson, Kaitlin Chua, Melvin Lee Kiang Chung, Peter Ciezki, Jay Ciezki, Jay Clark, Grant Clayman, Rebecca Clayman, Rebecca Clayton, Ravinder Cohen, Randi Colbert, Lauren Cole, Aidan Combs, Stephanie E. 182 3341 350 2030 2276 3425 2969 2178 3062 2257 2603 3408 3324 3371 2546 111 40 2811 2051 2060 1081 2901 2543 3347 3173 2068 3289 2230 1068 2201 2682 3243 2367 2553 259 2521 2143 2528 2605 35 72 3447 2442 3441 2526 2479 3232 12 2081 2164 2848 2663 3022 3205 206 2432 2494 2177 202 2747 3361 2072 225 2824 251 Compton, Julia Contreras, Jessika Cooper, Benjamin Cordova, James Corso, Christopher Corwin, David Court, Laurence Cox, Brett Craig, Timothy Cramer, Christina Crandley, Edwin Crandley, Edwin Cruz, Alex Cui, Yunfeng Currier, Blake Curry, Heather D Dagan, Roi Dal Pra, Alan Dalah, Entesar Daly, Megan Damast, Shari Damato, Antonio Dan, Tu Dandekar, Virag Danish, Hasan Day, Ellen De La Mata, M. Dolores De Santis, Maria Carmen De Souza-Lawrence, Lana Dean, Mary Deasy, Joseph Den Hartogh, Mariska DeNittis, Albert Denniston, Kyle Deraniyagala, Rohan Desai, Neil Desai, Prashant Deutsch, Israel Dewan, Abhinav DeWeese, Theodore Dhami, Gurleen Dhanesar, Sandeep Dholakia, Avani Dholakia, Avani Di Muzio, Nadia Diaz Pardo, Dayssy Diaz Vazquez, Maria Fernanda Dickie, Colleen Diffenderfer, Eric Din, Shaun Din, Shaun Dinan, Michaela Ding, Yun Ding, Lei DiPardo, Benjamin Dizman, Aysen Doi, Yoshiko Doke, Kaleigh Dominello, Michael Dorth, Jennifer ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2192 2598 3250 2121 2129 2139 3211 289 34 2762 2450 2606 2294 2980 2169 2779 Dosoretz, Arie Dosoretz, Arie Douglass, Lauren D’Souza, David Paul Du, Shisuo Dumane, Vishruta Dunn, Emily Dunn, Kerry Dunst, Juergen Dunst, Juergen Duplan, Danny 2190 2778 3246 2487 343 3460 2525 282 2022 2937 2996 Durkee, Ben Dutta, Pinaki Duvvuri, Umamaheswar Dyk, Pawel 2607 2597 2618 2326 E 1089 1058 2850 2904 2567 3342 114 3366 44 3320 2356 3276 302 2539 3288 2073 2345 1037 2998 2576 2156 2573 2614 267 2785 3415 211 2277 1014 2510 2333 153 3154 2828 2855 99 2016 2548 2754 3377 3294 2737 2569 2777 Eastham, David 3005 Eaton, Bree 2018 Edwards-Bennett, Sophia 2103 Efstathiou, Jason 2764 Einck, John 2111 El Kaissi, Tarek 3390 El-Bared, Nancy 2552 El-Haddad, Mostafa 3420 Elicin, Olgun 76 Elliott, David 1069 Elnahal, Shereef 3018 Elsayyad, Nagy 2675 Elshaikh, Mohamed 2561 Elson, Joshua 2752 Emami, Bahman 2714 Engel, Steven 3042 Epperly, Michael 278 Epperly, Michael 3144 Erickson, Kelly 1106 Ernst, Iris 2320 Eshleman, Jeffrey 2057 Esthappan, Jacqueline 2170 Evans, Jaden 3157 Evans, Joseph 2321 F Fagundes, Marcio Falchook, Aaron Falk, Alexander Falk, Alexander Fan, ChengCheng Fan, Kang-Hsing Fan, Katherine Fan, Katherine Fan, Michael Fan, Qiyong Fan, Yankhua Fang, Charles Fang, Li-Ming Christine Fang, Penny Fang, Penny Faria Braga, Henrique Faria Braga, Henrique Farol, Hanako Farr, Jonathan Fasola, Carolina 143 Fawaz, Ziad 2420 Fechter, Tobias 3095 Feigen, Malcolm 280 Feng, Felix 307 Feng, Mary 63 Feng, Wen 2834 Fernandes, Annemarie 2334 Fernandes, Annemarie 108 Ferreira, Dominihemberg 2019 Ferreira, Maria Clara 3429 Ferrer, Ferran 203 Ferrer, Ferran 2446 Ferrer, Ferran 2480 Ferris, Matthew 312 Ferro, Adam 2040 Feygelman, Vladimir 3303 Fidler, Mary 1140 Fields, Emma 2549 Figueiredo, Maria Luisa 2205 Fischer-Valuck, Ben 2869 Fisher, Sarah 1098 Folkert, Michael 5 Foltz, Warren 1066 Fontana, Andrea 3133 Fortin, Marie Andree 2749 Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 305 Fowble, Barbara 94 Franco, Pierfrancesco 2050 Frank, Steven 354 Freilich, Jessica 2275 Freilich, Jessica 2921 Friedman, Jeffrey 2948 Froment, Marie-Anne 2530 Fujita, Yujiro 3290 Fukada, Junichi 2231 Fuller, Donald 2387 Fuller, Don 177 Fung, Winky Wing Ki 3311 Furhang, Eli 2782 Fuss, Martin 2331 G 2107 95 2346 3075 2880 2699 2315 3000 3103 232 2889 2318 166 41 3056 2185 2702 3450 1094 Gaffney, David Galalae, Razvan Galland, Sigolene Galland, Sigolene Galland, Sigolene Gamez, Mauricio Gan, Gregory Gandhi, Saumil Gandhi, Ajeet Gao, Wendy Gao, Wanbao Garay, Elizabeth Garcia-Vicente, Feliciano Gardner, Stephen Garg, Shivank Garg, Shalini Gay, Hiram Gayar, Omar Geng, Alexander 71 310 1122 2084 2518 2669 346 2324 77 2620 3007 2882 2424 363 2728 2822 2456 3044 2042 Geng, Hui Gensheimer, Michael Gensheimer, Michael Gentile, Michelle Gerber, Naamit Ghadjar, Pirus Ghaffari, Hamid Ghaly, Maged Ghaly, Maged Ghi, Maria Grazia Gilbride, Lucas Gill, Beant Giordano, Frank Glanzman, Jonathan Glanzman, Jonathan Glanzman, Jonathan Glide-Hurst, Carri Godley, Andrew Goff, Julie Golchin, Ava Goldberg, Mira Golden, Encouse Golden, Encouse Golden, Encouse Golden, Encouse Goldin, Gregg Goldsmith, Christy Goldstein, Nicolas Gomez, Daniel Gomez-Iturriaga, Alfonso Gonzalez, Victor Gooding, Mark Gooding, Mark Gooding, Mark Goodman, Ben Goodman, Karyn Gottschalk, Alex 2982 141 3012 1128 2801 2984 2999 2166 2280 4 277 73 253 2705 2717 2938 167 337 3142 2734 2593 3113 3124 3125 3126 3389 1088 2783 1139 2428 3251 2444 3338 3345 1107 181 258 Goyal, Sharad Grabowski, Sarah Grant, Jonathan Gray, Phillip Grecula, John Green, Olga Greenberger, Benjamin Greenberger, Benjamin Greenberger, Joel Greenwalt, Julie Greenwalt, Julie Greer, Peter Grendarova, Petra Greskovich, John Grew, David Grills, Inga Grossman, Craig Grover, Surbhi Guanhao, Chen Guckenberger, Matthias Guix, Benjamin Gujral, Dorothy Gulaya, Sachin Gunn, Brandon G. Guo, Susan Guttmann, David 2062 2500 2874 200 1133 32 3024 3109 126 321 2633 295 2101 2780 2753 2878 2146 182 2832 249 2475 1117 2769 285 2625 2559 H Haas, Jonathan Andrew Hadley, Scott Haga, Akihiro Haider, Syed Halasz, Lia Hall, William Hall, William Hall, William Hallman, Mark Halyard, Michele Yvette Hamilton, Sarah Hamker, Jean Han, Bin Han, Chun Han, Guang Han, Hee Ji Han, Jae Hong Han, Kathy Hanada, Takashi Hanasoge, Sheela Handsfield, Lydia Hanna, Nevine Harada, Satoshi Harada, Keiichi Hardie, John Harima, Yoko Haritha, Chiramana Harkenrider, Matthew Harris, Timothy Harris, Jeremy Harris, Jeremy Harris, Timothy Hartsell, William Hasegawa, Azusa Hasegawa, Masatoshi Hashizume, Chisa Hata, Masaharu Hattori, Yukiko Hayashi, Akihiro Hazariwala, Ronica Hazell, Irene He, Zhiyong Hearn, Jason Hedayati, Mohammad Hegarty, Sarah Helou, Joelle Hempel, Dominika Henderson, Randal Henrich, Dawn Hentschel, Bettina Heres, Tomer Herman, Joseph Herman, Lauren Hertan, Lauren Herman, Michael Hess, Clayton Hill-Kayser, Christine Hill-Kayser, Christine Hiniker, Susan Hinse, Martin Hinton, Benjamin Hirata, Takero Ho, Alice 2386 3353 2859 2885 97 2270 329 3210 127 324 2636 2591 297 2215 3293 2715 2599 70 2406 1111 2991 2720 3163 162 255 230 2211 3399 2138 24 2808 268 2499 2706 3153 2842 3073 2665 2418 2260 333 3201 1021 3187 2477 2347 2451 1017 3019 2372 2411 66 2712 2838 2594 192 288 3033 92 2083 2819 2278 116 Hodges, Joseph Hoeller, Ulrike Hollander, Andrew Hollen, Tyler Holliday, Emma Holtzman, Adam Hong, Ji-Hong Hong, Linda Hong, Robert Hong, Theodore Hong, Zhen-Yu Hoopes, David Hoover, Andrew Hoppe, Bradford Hoppe, Bradford Hori, Masakazu Horowitz, David Horton, Janet Hosotani, Martha Houghton, Frank Housri, Nadine Howell, David Hsi, Wen Hsieh, Cheng-En Hsu, Che-Yu Hsu, Howard Hu, Kenneth Shung Hu, Yanle Hu, Yanle Hua, Chia-Ho Huang, Kitty Huang, Long Huang, Pin-I Huang, Xin Huang, Zhibin Huddleston, Adam Hughes, Michael Huguet, Florence Hui, Zhouguang Hurst, Newton Husaini, Hasan Hutcheson, Katherine Hutcheson, Katherine Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong Hwang, Ken-Pin Hymas, Richard I Iftimia, Ileana Igaki, Hiroshi Iganej, Shahrokh Ikeda, Itaru Indelicato, Daniel Inokuchi, Haruo Iqbal, Hassan Irie, Daisuke Ishii, Kentaro Ishikawa, Hitoshi Ishiyama, Hiromichi Isohashi, Fumiaki Ito, Yasushi Iwana, Maho 2773 158 3023 3069 2784 2389 3116 3363 2076 65 3208 291 2722 2374 1038 2221 2104 2065 2141 3119 2755 217 3406 2672 2226 1101 195 30 3351 3021 1143 3370 2635 2223 103 2566 2415 69 2839 2655 2624 352 3049 3041 3334 23 3418 3143 2617 3242 90 2393 2647 2537 2410 2238 2376 2544 3354 3374 Iwata, Hiromitsu Iwata, Hiromitsu Izadbakhsh, Mark J Jackson, William Jackson, William Jacob, Julian Jacobs, Corbin Jadon, Rashmi Jaffray, David Jaffray, David Jagsi, Reshma Jain, Anshu Jain, Prachi Jang, HongSeok Janssen, Rogier Jaswal, Jasbir Jawad, Maha Jegadeesh, Naresh Jenkins, Neil Jennelle, Richard Jensen, Alexandra Jeong, Ho jin Jeong, Jeho Jeong, Kyoungkeun Jeongshim, Lee Jeyaseelan, Krishinima Ji, Jiang Ji, ShengJun Ji, Zhe Jiang, Yuliang Jimenez, Rachel Jimenez, Rachel Jin, Jing Jin, Feng Jingu, Keiichi Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Skyler Johnson, Skyler Johnson, Skyler Jones, Bernard Jones, Daniel Adam Josipovic, Mirjana Jozsef, Gabor Juloori, Aditya Jung, Jinhong Jung, David K Kabarriti, Rafi Kabolizadeh, Peyman Kai, Naoki Kainickal, Cessal Kainz, Kristofer Kalakota, Kapila Kalapurakal, John Kalash, Ronny Kalash, Ronny Kalbasi, Anusha Kamran, Sophia ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3149 3227 3102 1024 2459 2021 3209 2558 29 3322 2046 2171 2496 3312 3088 2732 2162 247 3401 3348 138 3245 231 3331 2122 3220 3112 3110 2861 3094 2187 3222 2354 2641 2210 2199 1062 2501 2502 356 3064 2890 2071 2240 2300 2961 2540 319 2589 2719 1005 1033 2381 2038 275 2468 2167 183 Kamrava, Mitchell 55 Kan, Charlene 2440 Kan, Charlene 2716 Kanakamedala, Madhava 2726 Kanakamedala, Madhava 2727 Kanazawa, Aki 2545 Kandula, Shravan 2126 Kandula, Shravan 3037 Kaneyasu, Yuko 2563 Kang, Julie Jung 2505 Kann, Benjamin 326 Kao, Johnny 2173 Kao, Wei Heng 2197 Kapadia, Nirav 2767 Kapoor, Rishabh 2758 Kapur, Ajay 2763 Karasawa, Katsuyuki 2679 Karasawa, Katsuyuki 2910 Kasuya, Goro 2531 Katayama, Emiko 2925 Kathpal, Madeera 2476 Kathpal, Madeera 3267 Katoh, Norio 2797 Katz, Alan 57 Kaufman, Isaac 3395 Kawaguchi, Gen 2220 Kawanaka, Takashi 320 Kazuhiko, Hayashi 1044 Kelly, Maria 2486 Kerns, Sarah 327 Kersh, C. Ronald 248 Keruakous, Amany 1129 Kesava Ramgopal, Adavikolanu 2725 Khan, Luluel 218 Khandelwal, Shiv 3459 Kharofa, Jordan 1105 Kharofa, Jordan 2963 Khwaja, Shariq 2006 Khwaja, Shariq 2089 Kierkels, Roel 2707 Kil, Whoon 2385 Kilburn, Jeremy 2908 Kim, Aileen 2673 Kim, Byounghyuck 2818 Kim, Dae Il 3373 Kim, Daniel 2933 Kim, Dong Wook Nathan 2405 Kim, Gwe-Ya 3454 Kim, Haksoo 3286 Kim, Haksoo 3392 Kim, In Ah 3162 Kim, Jin Ho 3179 Kim, Jinkoo 3335 Kim, Julian 2897 Kim, Jun Won 2313 Kim, Jun Won 2654 Kim, Kyung Hwan 2198 Kim, Kyung Hwan 2244 Kim, Kyung Su 2298 Kim, Miranda 1022 Kim, Robert 2529 Kim, Sungjune 3121 Kim, Tae Gyu 3380 184 Kim, Young Il Kincaid, Russell King, Martin Kirkpatrick, John Kirschner, Austin Kishan, Amar Kittel, Jeffrey Kjaer-Kristoffersen, Flemming Klein, Eric Klein, Jonathan Kleinberg, Lawrence Koay, Eugene Koc, Mehmet Koch, Siete Kodaira, Takeshi Kohutek, Zachary Kole, Thomas Kole, Thomas Kollar, Laura Kollmeier, Marisa Komaki, Ritsuko Kong, Feng-Ming Konski, Andre Konski, Andre Koo, Tae Ryool Koontz, Bridget Korah, Mariam Korideck, Houari Kotler, Monica Kovalchuk, Nataliya Kozak, Margaret Kozono, David Krasin, Matthew Krauss, Daniel Krauss, Daniel Kress, Marie-Adele Krishnan, Monica Kriz, Jan Ku, Lichung Kudrimoti, Mahesh Kuhn, Elizabeth Kumar, Aryavarta Kumar, Rachit Kumar, Sanath Kumar, Shaleen Kumar, Parvesh Kunhiparambath, Haresh Kunnambath, Ramadas Kuo, Hsiang-Chi Kuo, Jeffrey Kuo, SUng-Hsin Kuremsky, Jeffrey Kusano, Aaron Kushnirsky, Marina Kuske, Robert Kwak, Yoo Kang Kwon, Jeanny L Lachance, Bernard Ladra, Matthew Lai, Chiahsuan Lai, Shihfan ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3077 362 235 119 3189 2790 2404 3439 3412 3053 2115 318 2917 3375 2632 27 3367 3428 3078 222 2875 184 2283 3178 2033 2417 2067 1007 3177 2735 2365 50 168 54 2396 176 220 11 3261 3120 2144 2272 1097 1053 2245 2484 2125 353 3234 2039 2934 1079 298 120 2106 2524 2676 3346 3034 2640 2102 Lally, Brian Lam, Wai Wang Lamb, James Lang, Jinyi Lang, Jinyi Lanni, Thomas Lappinen, Erik Larrea, Luis Lasley, Foster Lau, Steven Lau, Steven Laufer, Marsha Lautenschlaeger, Tim Lazow, Stefanie Le, Yi Lee, Andrew Lee, Dong-Soo Lee, Eva Lee, Joo Ho Lee, Joseph Lee, Larissa Lee, Richard Lee, Suk Lee, Sung Uk Lee, Sung-Wei Lee, Tsz Kin Lefresne, Shilo Lei, Rachel Lei, Xin LeMieux, Melissa LeMieux, Melissa Lemons, Jeffrey Leonard, Kara Leong, Aidan Lester, Scott Lester-Coll, Nataniel Letourneau, Daniel Leung, Eric Leung, Paikin Leuthold, Susan Levin, Daphne Levy, Antonin Lewis, Stephen Lewis, Trevor Li, Allen Li, Feng Li, Guang Li, Guichao Li, Hao Li, Hualei Li, Jiancheng Li, Jingdong Li, Jun Li, Ling Li, Ling Li, Min Li, Minghuan Li, Minghuan Li, Qiwen Li, Ruijiang Li, Ruijiang Li, Rongmao Li, Xiang Li, Winnie 188 2985 3001 2534 3206 2775 2303 2891 64 2181 2809 1080 3193 2136 2457 179 2196 2551 2341 198 2579 2397 3310 2336 3214 3055 2959 1123 2355 2140 3043 2652 2370 2750 2892 1076 2983 74 3263 3455 3432 2650 3052 2895 2063 3298 3238 2259 2360 2851 2247 3394 3239 186 2905 2887 2212 2213 2252 3368 109 3233 3236 3386 Lian, Jun Liang, Jun Liang, Jian Liao, Zhongxing Liapi, Eleni Lim, Yujin Lim, Kyoung-Dal Li-Ming, Xu Lin, Alexander Lin, Chi Lin, Hong-Yiou Lin, Lilie Lin, Mu-Han Lin, Qin Lin, Shinn-Yn Lin, Steven Lin, Steven Lin, Yuting Lin, Yuting Lin, Yu-Wei Lin, Yu-Wei Lindsay, Daniel Ling, Ted Liss, Adam Liu, An Liu, Dan Liu, Feng Liu, Gene-Fu Liu, Han Liu, Huiming Liu, Qingfeng Liu, Qi Liu, Qi Liu, Tian Liu, Wei Liu, Wenyang Liu, Wu Liu, Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu, Yilin Lloyd, Shane Lloyd, Shane Lo, Andrea Lock, Michael Logan, Jennifer Logue, Jennifer Lopater, Zachary Lopez-Araujo, Javier Low, Daniel Low, Daniel Lozano, Joan Lu, Bing Lu, Bing Lu, Diana Lu, NingNing Lu, Shawn Shao-Lun Lu, Weiguo Lucas, John Lukens, John Lukovic, Jelena Luo, Guozhen Luo, Wen Min Lutkenhaus, Lotte Ly, David 134 2233 3301 226 3196 2123 3302 2922 2997 68 2184 3413 1010 2643 2721 274 3172 2414 2416 2443 1109 2506 3404 2032 2724 3273 3340 196 3398 2222 2923 2227 2248 2087 2628 2836 2419 1102 1108 2319 2929 2947 2394 2332 2383 2729 3014 2512 357 3229 2425 2803 2804 2805 2253 1099 338 124 2284 2570 3344 3376 2237 2203 M Ma, Changsheng 2218 Ma, Jinli 2008 Ma, Jin-lu 3122 Ma, Lijun 3384 Ma, Lin 2638 Macklis, Roger 2516 Macrie, Bryan 2407 Maghsoudi, Kaveh 3421 Magnan, Sindy 1023 Magnuson, William 2564 Mahadevan, Anand 2305 Mahantshetty, Umesh 3343 Mahjoubi, Khalil 3381 Mahmoud, Omar 2825 Mahmoud, Omar 332 Mahmoud, Omar 3071 Mahmud, Aamer 2514 Mailhot Vega, Raymond 10 Maity, Amit 1057 Majithia, Lonika 3262 Mak, Kimberley 122 Mak, Raymond 2794 Maldonado, Xavier 257 Maldonado, Javier 3170 Maletz, Kristina 93 Mallick, Indranil 2586 Mallick, Indranil 2723 Mancini, Brandon 2265 Mancini, Brandon 26 Mancosu, Pietro 3244 Mandeville, Henry 169 Mangona, Victor 2812 Mangona, Victor 102 Mannina, Edward 2317 Manning, Matthew 2893 Mantz, Constantine 2493 Manyam, Bindu 2358 Mao, Weihua 3265 Maraldo, Maja 3039 Marchan, Edward 2120 Marciscano, Ariel 1029 Marcrom, Samuel 2056 Maria, Ola 3139 Maria Das, Koilpillai Joseph 3253 Marina, Ovidiu 2342 Mariscal, Luis 2957 Markovic, Alexander 3002 Markovina, Stephanie 2485 Marquardt, Michael 1120 Marques, Tatiana 3192 Marshall, Ingrid 2992 Martin, Neil 3010 Marwaha, Gaurav 2388 Masunaga, Shin-ichiro 3161 Matsuo, Yoshiro 2940 Matsuo, Masayuki 3156 Matsuura, Tomohiro 2639 Mattes, Malcolm 2744 Mattes, Malcolm 3299 Mattonen, Sarah 25 Matulewicz, Lukasz 3422 Matuschek, Christiane 2002 Matuschek, Christiane 2681 Matysiak, Witold 3402 Mayadev, Jyoti 2020 Maymani, Rebekah 2608 Mayr, Nina 75 Mazloom, Ali 175 McBride, Sean 204 McBride, Sean 3025 McDonald, Mark 2194 McDonald, Andrew 2483 McGee, Lisa 1141 McGuinness, Christopher 3379 McGuire, Sean 2470 Mehmood, Tahir 322 Mehta, Niraj 3442 Mei, Feng 2645 Meier, Robert 58 Mellon, Eric 2003 Mellon, Eric 2261 Men, Yu 2823 Mendenhall, Nancy 1019 Mendez Romero, Alejandra 2302 Meng, Bowen 359 Menichelli, Claudia 2323 Menzel, Paul 3072 Meral, Rasim 2158 Merchant, Thomas 91 Meredith, Ruby 1001 Merrell, Kenneth 2074 Merrell, Kenneth 2314 Merrell, Kenneth 3409 Meshkov, Dmitriy 276 Meshkov, Dmitriy 2881 Mestre, Francisco 2918 Meyer, Joshua 2952 Meyer, Kurt 2651 Mian, Omar 2163 Michalski, Jeff 265 Michaud, Anthony 2871 Mikell, John 2932 Milano, Michael 2810 Milecki, Piotr 264 Milgrom, Sarah 314 Milgrom, Sarah 3058 Miljkovic, Milos 3045 Miller, Luke 1043 Min, Christine 209 Min, Christine 2772 Ming, Xin 1012 Mirabeau-Beale, Kristina 180 Mirhadi, Amin 61 Mishra, Mark 1078 Misirlioglu, Cem 2255 Mislmani, Mazen 2583 Mitchell, James 3006 Mitsuyoshi, Takamasa 2596 Miwa, Kazuhiro 2113 Mix, Michael 2693 Miyakawa, Akifumi 3148 Miyawaki, Daisuke 2708 Modh, Ankit 78 Mohanty, Partha Pratim 3435 Mohindra, Pranshu 212 Mohindra, Pranshu 3015 Mohr, Angela Moleron, Rafael Molitoris, Jason Monjazeb, Arta Mooney, Karen Mooney, Karen Moore, Joseph Moore, Joseph Mori, Yoshimasa Morris, Ann Morris, Zachary Mosaly, Prithima Reddy Mosaly, Prithima Reddy Moskvin, Vadim Moteabbed, Maryam Motwani, Sabin Mou, Benjamin Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Mouw, Kent Movsas, Benjamin Mrochem-Kwarciak, Jolanta Muanza, Thierry Muanza, Thierry Mukai, Yuki Mukumoto, Naritoshi Müller, Klaus Munbodh, Reshma Munbodh, Reshma Munoz Garcia, Julia Luisa Munoz Garcia, Julia Luisa Murai, Taro Murai, Taro Murakami, Yuji Murphy, Colin Murphy, Colin Murphy, Erin Muraoka, Osamu Murray, Louise Mut, Alejandro Mutyala, Subhakar Myers, Carey Myers, Carey Myers, Carey Myojin, Miyako N 3316 2191 2990 272 3224 3268 3096 335 2155 2786 84 290 3259 1096 1092 2127 2765 2206 2694 2935 2943 87 2 2656 2036 3168 2856 3175 88 3264 3283 2399 2412 2179 81 2229 2400 2455 2142 2674 33 3383 3087 1135 2894 2896 2236 Nath, Sameer Nautiyal, Vipul Navarria, Piera Navarria, Piera Nedelka, Michele Nedialkova, Lucy Nedzi, Lucien Ng, Andrea Nguyen, Hannah Nguyen, Nathalie Nguyen, Nhu Tram Nguyen, Paul Nguyen, Phuong Nguyen, Quynh Nguyen-Tan, Phuc Felix Ngwa, Wilfred Niazi, Tamim Niazi, Tamim Nicholas, Zachary Nichols, R. Charles Nickols, Nicholas Nicolaou, Nicos Niermann, Kenneth Nishibuchi, Ikuno Nishioka, Kentaro Nishioka, Takeshi Niu, Tianye Niu, Tianye Nixon, Lisette Noh, Jae Myoung Noto, Kimiya Nowak, Ryan Nowotnik, David Nuver, Tonnis Nwachukwu, Chika Nyflot, Matthew O 2055 3059 2930 3365 2942 3446 139 144 2413 2153 2909 261 2350 190 135 1009 1020 2433 2461 308 3174 3235 325 51 2504 3135 3247 3248 2271 1130 3424 2145 2967 2449 2968 2994 Obasaju, Patience Obayomi-Davies, Olusola Obedian, Edward Ogawa, Yasuhiro Oguchi, Masahiko Oguri, Mitsuhiko Oh, Steven Oh, Seungjong Ohashi, Toshio Ohashi, Toshio Oike, Takahiro Okoye, Christian Okumura, Toshiyuki Oliai, Caspian Olivera, Gustavo Olsen, Jeff Olson, Robert Olson, Robert Onal, Cem Ong, Leonard Onimaru, Rikiya Onishi, Hiroshi Onozato, Yusuke Onukwugha, Eberechukwu 2045 178 2467 2014 2054 2912 2118 300 2371 2377 2527 2204 2311 2503 3326 213 215 2974 2472 2877 22 21 3332 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 185 Na, Yong Hum Nabavizadeh, Nima Nagar, Himanshu Nagar, Himanshu Nagata, Yasushi Naik, Nilan Nakagawa, Keiichi Nakamatsu, Kiyoshi Nakamatsu, Kiyoshi Nakamura, Naoki Nam, Jiho Narang, Amol Nath, Sameer 3433 3391 2035 2554 3369 2829 3437 2117 2408 2001 2075 254 2023 2384 Orisamolu, Abimbola Orman, Amber Orton, Matthew Osmundson, Evan O’Sullivan, Brian Otani, Keisuke Ou, Dan Owen, Dawn Owen, Dawn Owen, Dawn P 2688 3035 2815 2330 136 1100 2962 2684 132 3362 Pai, Jonathan 1034 Pai, Jonathan 3219 Pai Panandiker, Atmaram 3036 Pai Panandiker, Atmaram 3038 Palma, David 7 Palmer, Joshua 1032 Pan, Elizabeth 156 Pan, Hubert 3066 Pandit-Taskar, Neeta 2547 Pang, Tingtian 2995 Panoff, Joseph 3027 Papachristofilou, Alexandros 82 Pappas, Evangelos 3448 Parashar, Bhupesh 1142 Pardo, Jose 2026 Parekh, Akash 2458 Parekh, Akash 2489 Parikh, Dhwani 2831 Parikh, Rahul 2920 Parikh, Ravi 1138 Parisi, Elisabetta 2846 Park, Catherine 1060 Park, Heon Joo 3180 Park, Jaehyeon 2833 Park, Junsu 2448 Park, Sang-June 2578 Parsai, E. Ishmael 3285 Parvathaneni, Upendra 3085 Parvathaneni, Upendra 3086 Paryani, Nitesh 2010 Pasha, Junaid 3325 Patel, Abhilasha 2517 Patel, Abhilasha 2584 Patel, Abhilasha 3372 Patel, Abhilasha 2756 Patel, Abhilasha 2970 Patel, Ajay 2288 Patel, Ajaykumar 2403 Patel, Kirtesh 2951 Patel, Kruti 2843 Patel, Nisha 86 Patel, Pretesh 2733 Patel, Rajal 2258 Patel, Sagar 112 Patel, Sagar 2234 Patel, Shilpen 2914 Patel, Shilpen 2915 Patel, Shilpen 2738 Patel, Suchit 189 186 Patil, Nikhilesh Pavelic, Martin Peacock, Justin Pearce, Andrew Pearlstein, Kevin Pearson, David Pellicciotta, Ilenia Peng, Cheng Perez, Bradford Perez, Carmen Perez, Carmen Perez-Andujar, Angelica Perkins, Gregory Pernin, Victor Petersen, Peter Petoukhova, Anna Petras, Katarina Pham, Huong Picone, James Ping, Yan Pinkawa, Michael Pinnix, Chelsea Piper, Jonathan Piper, Jonathan Piper, Jonathan Pisansky, Thomas Pitroda, Sean Platta, Christopher Podder, Tarun Polishchuk, Alexei Polo, Alfredo Popovic, Marija Poulsen, Per Prabhu, Roshan Prasad, Shreya Prasad, Shreya Press, Robert Price, Jeremy Price, Jeremy Prieto, Isabel Prior, Phillip Pukala, Jason Pyakuryal, Anil Q Qi, Huanpeng Qi, Xiangrong Qi, Xiangrong Qian, Xin Qiao, Xueying Qiao, Qiao Qin, An Qiu, Haoming Qiu, Haoming Qiu, Su Qu, Ang Quang, Tony Quanshi, Zhang Que, jenny Quek, Ruben Quek, Ruben Quon, Harry Quon, Harvey ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2577 1025 2664 2740 1073 2100 344 3427 2064 1052 3127 3449 3359 2092 150 2012 2913 3008 3388 3318 2379 2927 355 3349 3350 1 46 2560 2876 174 1047 2690 107 2592 241 2273 1027 2398 273 2955 239 3336 3106 2807 2703 331 3197 2176 3328 336 2209 2911 2631 3137 2986 3274 2296 2739 2741 348 351 R Raaijmakers, Cornelis 142 Rabinovitch, Rachel Abrams 13 Rafie, Frank 3453 Rahimian, Javad 1004 Rahn, Douglas 292 Rainey, David 3083 Rajagopalan, Malolan 2965 Rajakesari, Selvan 2189 Rajan, Saju 185 Rajpara, Raj 2845 Raldow, Ann 1077 Ram, Ashwin 3031 Ramos, Clementina 2730 Rana, Shushan 2562 Rancati, Tiziana 2462 Ranck, Mark 2701 Randolph, David 3061 Rao, Nalini 2070 Rao, Malay 2172 Rash, Dominique 2535 Rash, Dominique 1119 Rasheed, Abdullah 2907 Rasmussen, Jacob 2709 Rath, Goura 2533 Raval, Raju 342 Recht, Abram 287 Reddy, Jay 2105 Reddy, Srilakshmi 341 Redmond, Kristin 89 Reese, Adam 2049 Refaat, Tamer 2520 Refaat, Tamer 2602 Register, Steven 2058 Reiff, Jay 2069 Reinartz, Gabriele 1042 Ren, Hua 2254 Ren, Lei 358 Renaud, Marc-Andre 3101 Renaud, Marc-Andre 3416 Riaz, Nadeem 191 Rice, Lynsey 3443 Rich, Shayna 2746 Richard, Patrick 2623 Richard, Patrick 2627 Richter, Daniel 1090 Richter, Andreas 3270 Riegel, Adam 3292 Rimner, Andreas 281 Riou, Olivier 2079 Riou, Olivier 2361 Rishi, Anupam 137 Roach, Mack 260 Roach, Mack 2401 Roach, Michael 2091 Roach, Michael 2093 Robinson, Timothy 2751 Robinson, Timothy 3207 Rochet, Nathalie 1127 Rochet, Nathalie 3426 Rodrigues, George 118 Rodrigues, Anna 296 Roeder, Falk 154 Rolfo, Maureen Romano, Mario Romeo, Antonino Romesser, Paul Romesser, Paul Ronny, Kalash Rooney, Jessica Rosenberg, Jennifer Rosenthal, David Rothenstein, Diana Rouscoff, Yohann Roux, Audrey Ruggieri, Ruggero Russo, Andrea Russo, Andrea Rutenberg, Michael Rutter, Charles Rutter, Charles Rutter, Charles Rwigema, Jean-Claude Rwigema, Jean-Claude Ryu, Samuel S Sabater, Sebastia Sabolch, Aaron Sadek, Betro Sahai, Puja Sahgal, Arjun Saigal, Kunal Saito, Anneyuko Saito, Makoto Saito, Tetsuo Sakthivel, Vasanthan Salama, Joseph Salamekh, Samer Salem, Ahmed Samuels, Stuart Sanchez Parcerisa, Daniel Santanam, Lakshmi Santivasi, Wil Santos, Tamara Sanuki, Naoko Sarabia-Estrada, Rachel Saran, Frank Sarmey, Nehaw Sasaki, Ryohei Savir, Guy Sayre, George Schadewaldt, Nicole Schanne, Daniel Scharf, Lawrence Schefter, Tracey Schinkel, Colleen Schlaff, Cody Schmitt, Adam Schulte, Reinhard Schuster, Jessica Schutzer, Matthew Schutzer, Matthew Schwartz, David Louis Schwartz, David Scott, Michael Scott, Michael Sekiguchi, Akane 2351 159 2274 1016 323 3108 3081 1035 3004 2348 2515 2588 3252 19 2667 1104 2017 2180 2186 2368 83 250 2557 205 20 2789 2174 2082 2085 2668 2806 2660 306 164 3181 79 3410 294 245 2202 2310 303 37 2161 3146 2207 301 3423 2868 2453 208 3337 3171 45 105 334 2490 2900 1113 286 2658 3068 2390 Semon, Meredith Sen, Amarjit Seo, Yuji Seol, Seung Won Sethi, Roshan Sethi, Manish Sethukavalan, Perakaa Setton, Jermey Sevak, Parag Seyedin, Steven Seymour, Zachary Seymour, Zachary Shabason, Jacob Shaffer, Jenny Shah, Anand Shah, Anand Shah, Jennifer Shah, Jennifer Shah, Mira Shakir, Shakir Shang, Qingyang Shankar, Vangipuram Sharabi, Andrew Sharma, Navesh Sharma, Daya Nand Shasha, Daniel Sheets, Nathan Shen, Yuxin Shen, Yi-Liang Shen, Chunying Sheng, Ke Shenouda, Mina Shenouda, George Sher, David Sherman, Alexandra Sherr, David Sheu, Tommy Sheybani, Arshin Shi, Qi Shi, Pengyue Shi, Xiutao Shibamoto, Yuta Shih, Helen Shikama, Naoto Shikama, Naoto Shim, Su Jung Shimizuguchi, Takuya Shin, Samuel Shin, Jacob Shin, Samuel Shin, Naomi Shin, Hun-Joo Shinde, Prashantkumar Shioyama, Yoshiyuki Shiraishi, Yutaka Shiraishi, Kenshiro Shiue, Kevin Showalter, Timothy Shridhar, Ravi Shukla, Monica Shukla, Monica Shukla, Gaurav Shultz, David Shultz, David 3352 2473 3215 2312 2188 3166 60 347 2657 2250 2745 3050 1084 2316 98 2743 2154 2256 2369 2474 2466 2680 1131 2327 3076 2497 2770 2246 2590 2662 299 2061 1031 1082 2956 2266 3132 2941 2637 2795 163 256 1028 2004 2007 2044 2495 16 315 2928 3280 3327 3378 2837 2409 2460 2195 2768 2214 2053 263 1063 2293 3397 Shumway, Dean Shvydka, Diana Siddiqui, Faisal Siddiqui, Farzan Siddiqui, Farzan Siglin, Joshua Simone, Brittany Simone, Brittany Simpson, Daniel Sindhwani, Ragini Sinha, Uttam Sio, Terence Sio, Terence Sirak, Igor Sittig, Mark Skamene, Sonia Slater, Jerry Slater, Jason Small, William Smith, Linda Smith, Tamara Smith, Adam Soh, Hendrick Soike, Michael Solanki, Abhishek Solanki, Abhishek Solanki, Abhishek Solanki, Abhishek Sole, Claudio Son, Christina Son, Christina Song, Yongchun Sonke, Jan-Jakob Soong, Chen-Pang Sostin, Oleg Sottero, Theo Souranis, Annette Sours, Chandler Speers, Corey Speirs, Christina Spektor, Alexander Spencer, Christopher Sperduto, Paul Spiotto, Michael Spratt, Daniel Spratt, Daniel Spratt, Daniel Sreeraman, Radhika Stanescu, Teo Stanton, Paul Stecklein, Shane Steineck, Gunnar Stenmark, Matthew Stephans, Kevin Stephens, Kevin Stessin, Alexander Stessin, Alexander Stewart, Robert Stish, Bradley Stockham, Abigail Stone, Brandon Stoyanova, Radka Strom, Tobin Strom, Tobin 2870 1002 2241 2609 3305 1030 3167 3240 2978 2481 2629 2973 328 2519 2771 2295 59 2392 3 2059 1018 3190 3176 2903 2108 2110 2687 145 2352 1070 3054 2793 101 47 2491 2802 2989 2131 244 2307 3279 1110 123 1059 42 311 1071 2025 104 1137 2109 131 194 2438 2488 2251 1051 3151 2872 3237 2452 2134 2615 146 Suh, Yelin 130 Sulaiman, Nor Shazrina 2426 Sulman, Erik 3213 Sun, Jason 2661 Sundararaman, Srinath 3017 Suneja, Gita 2759 Sura, Karna 283 Surapaneni, Aparna 2441 Suri, Jaipreet 173 Surucu, Murat 2626 Susheela, Sridhar 2116 Sveistrup, Joen 2380 Swanick, Cameron 2800 Swartz, Harold 3194 Swisher-McClure, Samuel 1074 Symon, Zvi 2430 Szeja, Sean 2556 Szumacher, Ewa 2781 T Tachibana, Izumi Tadic, Tony Tagliagambe, Angiolo Tai, An Tait, Lauren Takagi, Masaru Takahashi, Ippei Takahashi, Wataru Takahashi, Yutaka Takanaka, Tsuyoshi Takao, Seishin Takeda, Atsuya Takiar, Vinita Takiar, Vinita Tam, Moses Tam, Moses Tam, Moses Tam, Moses Tamari, Keisuke Tan, Wenyong Tang, Chad Tang, Justin Tang, Justin Tang, Shikui Tang, Xiaoli Tang, Yu Tanzler, Emily Tao, Randa Tarnawski, Rafal Tatekawa, Kotoha Tatewaki, Koshi Taylor, Robert Teckie, Sewit Tennyson, Nathan Terashima, Kotaro Terezakis, Stephanie Terhaard, Chris Tetreault, Audrey Thaker, Nikhil Thariat, Juliette Thariat, Juliette Thawani, Nitika Thibault, Isabelle 2835 31 2435 3278 2208 2692 3140 1093 3356 1006 161 2308 2689 2696 38 197 2612 2613 2219 2630 187 3185 3199 3403 3225 3051 2151 2697 1003 2865 2149 2581 147 2478 2290 3046 349 2555 317 2595 2678 2766 2183 Thibault, Isabelle Thiruganasambandam, Sivarajan Thirumoorthy, Krishnan Thomas, Kimberly Thomas, Charles Thompson, Jonathan Thompson, Marcher Thompson, Marcher Thompson, Reid Thompson, Reid Thoms, John Tinkle, Christopher Tiwana, Manpreet Todor, Dorin Tokita, Kenneth Tol, Jim Tom, Ashlyn Tomita, Natsuo Tong, Xu Tong, William Tongtip, Naruemon Tonlaar, Nathan Torok, Jordan Townsend, Natasha Tozzi, Angelo Tran, Phuoc Tree, Alison Trister, Andrew Troeller, Almut Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Tsai, Chiaojung Jillian Tsai, Yu-Chen Tsang, Derek Tseng, Chia-Lin Tseng, Yolanda Tsujii, Mari Turaka, Aruna Turaka, Aruna Turgeon, Guy Turner, Kathryn U Ujaimi, Reem Umezawa, Rei Uno, Takashi Urbanic, James Usui, Keisuke V Vaiduriam, Mayuraa Vaidya, Jayant Vaidya, Jayant Vainshtein, Jeffrey Vainshtein, Jeffrey Vainshtein, Jeffrey Valdes, Gilmer Vali, Faisal Valicenti, Richard ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2863 1056 3221 2041 214 3445 2666 3136 2282 3032 3165 121 2731 2464 1064 3315 2966 2422 2378 170 3360 1072 2853 2677 2268 1055 2423 3216 3271 2027 2028 279 2813 3204 18 160 2165 219 3382 2798 2827 2511 3254 2931 2232 2541 85 3307 2005 15 2094 2610 2611 2774 237 3089 2981 187 Vallieres, Martin 2695 Van den Bosch, Michiel 3333 Van Den Heuvel, Frank 236 Van der Steen-Banasi, E.M. 2507 Van Sornsen de Koste, John 360 VanderWalde, Noam 1116 Vargo, John 2683 Vargo, John 3065 Varia, Mahesh 3217 Varlotto, John 2864 Vatner, Ralph 271 Vatyam, Sathiya Narayanan 3241 Veldwijk, Marlon 3198 Vergalasova, Irina 3306 Verhoeven, Karolien 2034 Vicini, Frank 2975 Videtic, Gregory 6 Vinogradskiy, Yevgeniy 1136 Viswanathan, Akila 9 Vlacich, Gregory 1054 Volotskova, Olga 3159 Voong, Ranh 1041 Voong, Ranh 2924 Vujovic, Olga 2086 Vuong, Te 2357 W Wagner, Aaron Wagner, Henry Wakai, Nobuhide Wakatsuki, Masaru Walker, Amanda Walker, Gary Walker, Gary Wallace, Harold Waller, Joseph Wang, Bin Wang, Chenyang Wang, Dian Wang, Edina Wang, Hao Wang, He Wang, Henry Wang, Jianyang Wang, Jin Wang, Jing Wang, Jingya Wang, Jun Wang, Jun Wang, Lan Wang, Lilie Wang, Ping Wang, Ricardo Wang, Shulian Wang, Song Wang, Suzhen Wang, Tony Wang, XiaoShen Wang, Yuefeng Wang, Ziwei Wang, Zheng Warner, Lindsay Warrell, Gregory 188 1067 3057 3304 2532 1039 3090 149 2382 2325 3458 2971 151 3191 2281 1040 3358 155 3130 1085 210 2225 2228 2217 3396 3296 2359 17 3457 2796 2329 1114 2437 2691 3321 3084 3456 Warren, Laura Watkins, John Watkins, William Wattson, Daniel Wattson, Daniel Waxweiler, Timothy Wei, Xiong Weiss, Elisabeth Weller, Michael Welliver, Meng Wenz, Frederik Werner-Wasik, Maria Werner-Wasik, Maria Westerly, David White, Evan Whitley, Alexander Widlak, Piotr Wijesooriya, Krishni Wilcox, Shea Wild, Aaron Wild, Sommer Wild, Aaron Wilkinson, Ben Willers, Henning Willett, Addison Williams, Benjamin Williams, Eric Williams, Noelle Willson, Adam Willson, Adam Wilson, David Wilson, William Wilson, William Wilson, Zachary Wissel, Tobias Witek, Matthew Wo, Jennifer Wo, Jennifer Wobb, Jessica Wojcieszynski, Andrzej Wolfe, Adam Wong, Raimond Wong, Rebecca Wong, Winnifred Woo, Joong Yeol Woods, Charles Woodward, Wendy Woody, Neil Wooten, Charles Wooten, Charles Wooten, Hasani Wright, Florence Wu, Abraham Wu, Jeffrey Wu, Huanmei Wynne, Jacob ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 113 262 3452 2157 1083 171 2873 36 1013 3186 2096 2799 2884 3048 2337 2523 3138 3357 2395 67 2979 3195 117 339 1045 3266 106 3026 3029 3074 2946 2150 2429 3444 3223 266 207 2285 14 2339 3164 284 2954 2960 2287 2649 246 2852 2585 3434 3152 2939 2235 2670 1091 1134 X Xanthopoulos, Eric Xanthopoulos, Eric Xia, Tingyi Xiao, Qin Xiao, Nian Xing, Lei Xu, Ting Xue, Jinyu Y Yamada, Shigeru Yamada, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Takaya Yamashita, Hideomi Yamoah, Kosj Yan, Susu Yanagi, Takeshi Yang, Bin Yang, Cungeng Yang, Daniel Yang, Deshan Yang, Joanna Yang, Kai Yang, Ruijie Yang, Tzu-I Jonathan Yang, Tzu-I Jonathan Yang, Wensha Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Yun Yang, Yun Yap, Mei Ling Yaparpalvi, Ravindra Yashar, Catheryn Yasuda, Koichi Ybarra, Norma Ye, Jason Ye, Jason Ye, Jing jing Yeager, Caitlyn Yeboa, Debra Yechieli, Raphael Yechieli, Raphael Yeh, Chi-Yuan Yeung, Daniel Yi, Junlin Yipeng, Ling Yogo, Katsunori Yondorf, Menachem Yondorf, Menachem Yondorf, Menachem Yoo, Sua Yoon, Sang Min Yoon, Hannah Yordy, John Yorke, Ellen Yorozu, Atsunori Yoshida, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Nobuhiko Young, Kristina 316 2902 2262 2340 2888 3430 228 2953 2353 3060 2840 2309 2160 3319 2604 2988 3284 2338 3091 3030 3291 3438 125 2344 3230 115 2439 2587 2671 133 3419 2886 2542 2043 3155 3118 110 2119 3323 3411 2037 2269 2402 3314 3317 2619 2249 2987 1036 2130 2152 2029 2306 2844 3436 128 2391 2048 3145 3129 Youssef, Ashraf Yovino, Susannah Yu, James Yu, Jennifer Yu, Juan Yu, Tosol Yu, Naichang Yu, Shu-Jung Yu, Yao Yuan, Jiankui Yuan, Lulin Yuan, Lulin Yuh, William Yuan, Ye Z Zachman, Derek Zaki, Bassem Zaorsky, Nicholas Zaorsky, Nicholas Zaorsky, Nicholas Zapatero, Almudena Zapatero, Almudena Zeidan, Youssef Zeitlin, Ross Zelefsky, Michael Zeng, Jing Zerounian, Sophie Zhang, Chi Zhang, Geoffrey Zhang, Guangyu Zhang, Hao Zhang, Hualin Zhang, Lifei Zhang, Pengpeng Zhang, Qian Zhang, Rui Zhang, Wencheng Zhang, Wenjue Zhang, Ying Zhao, Bo Zhao, Lujun Zhao, Lujun Zhao, Sherry Zhao, Tianyu Zhao, Xiao Zhen, Heming Zhen, Weining Zheng, Dandan Zheng, Yuanshui Zheng, Yuanshui Zhikai, Liu Zhong, Hualiang Zhong, Jim Zhou, Di Zhou, Jessica Zhou, Lili Zhou, Lin 2047 2349 1015 3183 2031 2565 304 3400 2621 3272 3100 3339 3105 3182 49 1103 2200 56 2816 2445 3203 3141 2471 2463 293 2133 242 3282 2522 3104 3281 234 3300 2066 3405 2239 2820 3431 3226 2841 2858 2653 3269 2095 3387 2132 2292 3407 3414 3440 3277 2299 2168 2964 3295 2791 Zhou, Peng Zhou, Qichao Zhou, Qichao Zhou, Qichao Zhou, Zongmei Zhu, Guangying Zhu, Goupei Zhu, Lihong Zhu, Shuchai Zhu, Shuchai Zhu, Ya Zhuang, Hong-Qing Zhung, Joanne Ziel, Ellis Zilli, Thomas Zuliani, Antonio Zumsteg, Zachary 2097 2642 2644 2646 2821 1144 1115 2736 2216 2242 2009 2857 3355 2830 238 8 53 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 189 Index by Track (Abstracts only) BREAST CANCER Rabinovitch, Rachel Abrams 13 Wobb, Jessica 14 Vaidya, Jayant 15 Shin, Samuel 16 Wang, Shulian 17 Tsai, Yu-Chen 18 Russo, Andrea 19 Sadek, Betro 20 Ye, Jason 110 Chen, Jiayi 111 Patel, Sagar 112 Warren, Laura 113 Dan, Tu 114 Yang, Xiaofeng 115 Ho, Alice 116 Wilkinson, Ben 117 Bredel, Markus 240 Prasad, Shreya 241 Zhang, Chi 242 Biswas, Tithi 243 Speers, Corey 244 Santivasi, Wil 245 Woodward, Wendy 246 Jegadeesh, Naresh 247 Badiyan, Shahed 1121 Galland, Sigolene 1122 Lei, Rachel 1123 Braunstein, Steve 1124 Chadha, Manjeet 1125 Batra, Sonny 1126 Rochet, Nathalie 1127 Gentile, Michelle 1128 Keruakous, Amany 1129 Noh, Jae Myoung 1130 Sharabi, Andrew 1131 Aneja, Sanjay 1132 Nakamura, Naoki 2001 Matuschek, Christiane 2002 Mellon, Eric 2003 Shikama, Naoto 2004 Vaiduriam, Mayuraa 2005 Khwaja, Shariq 2006 Shikama, Naoto 2007 Ma, Jinli 2008 Zhu, Ya 2009 Paryani, Nitesh 2010 Arterbery, V. Elayne 2011 Petoukhova, Anna 2012 Ogawa, Yasuhiro 2014 Bondiau, Pierre-Yves 2015 Ding, Yun 2016 Rutter, Charles 2017 Eaton, Bree 2018 Ferreira, Dominihemberg 2019 Mayadev, Jyoti 2020 Jacob, Julian 2021 Dunst, Juergen 2022 Nath, Sameer 2023 Abo-Madyan, Yasser 2024 190 Sreeraman, Radhika Pardo, Jose Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Yoo, Sua Chaudhry, Huma Yu, Juan Liss, Adam Koo, Tae Ryool Verhoeven, Karolien Nagar, Himanshu Muanza, Thierry Yeboa, Debra Kalash, Ronny Kuo, Jeffrey Ferro, Adam Thomas, Kimberly Geng, Alexander Yashar, Catheryn Shim, Su Jung Obasaju, Patience Jagsi, Reshma Youssef, Ashraf Yoshida, Masahiro Reese, Adam Franco, Pierfrancesco Chen, Peter Barrett, Olivia Shukla, Monica Oguchi, Masahiko Nath, Sameer Marcrom, Samuel Eshleman, Jeffrey Register, Steven Smith, Linda Chen, Quan Shenouda, Mina Goyal, Sharad Li, Allen Perez, Bradford Horton, Janet Zhang, Qian Korah, Mariam Chen, Yu Reiff, Jay Rao, Nalini Jozsef, Gabor Cohen, Randi Den Hartogh, Mariska Merrell, Kenneth Nam, Jiho Hong, Robert Atrchian, Siavash Chadha, Manjeet Riou, Olivier Bradley, Julie Chow, Tiffany Saigal, Kunal Hinse, Martin Galland, Sigolene ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 Saito, Anneyuko 2085 Vujovic, Olga 2086 Liu, Tian 2087 Bhandare, Niranjan 2088 Khwaja, Shariq 2089 Anderson, Bethany 2090 Roach, Michael 2091 Pernin, Victor 2092 Roach, Michael 2093 Vaidya, Jayant 2094 Zhao, Xiao 2095 Wenz, Frederik 2096 Zhou, Peng 2097 Alfaraj, Fatimah 2098 Bradbury, C. Matthew 2099 Pearson, David 2100 Grendarova, Petra 2101 Lai, Shihfan 2102 Edwards-Bennett, Sophia 2103 Horowitz, David 2104 Reddy, Jay 2105 Kuske, Robert 2106 Fagundes, Marcio 2107 Solanki, Abhishek 2108 Stecklein, Shane 2109 Solanki, Abhishek 2110 Einck, John 2111 Burt, Lindsay 2112 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Saran, Frank 37 Tam, Moses 38 Arvold, Nils 39 Chen, Linda 40 Fang, Penny 41 Spratt, Daniel 42 Anwar, Mekhail 43 Danish, Hasan 44 Rodrigues, George 118 Kirkpatrick, John 119 Kushnirsky, Marina 120 Tinkle, Christopher 121 Mak, Kimberley 122 Sperduto, Paul 123 Lucas, John 124 Yang, Tzu-I Jonathan 125 Kersh, C. Ronald 248 Guckenberger, Matthias 249 Ryu, Samuel 250 Combs, Stephanie E. 251 Bernad, Daniel 252 Giordano, Frank 253 Narang, Amol 254 Hardie, John 255 Shibamoto, Yuta 256 Pavelic, Martin 1025 Braunstein, Steve 1026 Press, Robert 1027 Shih, Helen 1028 Marciscano, Ariel 1029 Siglin, Joshua 1030 Shenouda, George 1031 Palmer, Joshua 1032 Kalakota, Kapila 1033 Pai, Jonathan 1034 Rosenberg, Jennifer 1035 Yondorf, Menachem 1036 Miwa, Kazuhiro 2113 Chang-Halpenny, Christine 2114 Kleinberg, Lawrence 2115 Susheela, Sridhar 2116 Nakamatsu, Kiyoshi 2117 Oh, Steven 2118 Ye, Jason 2119 Marchan, Edward 2120 Cordova, James 2121 Jeongshim, Lee 2122 Lim, Yujin 2123 Kunhiparambath, Haresh 2125 Kandula, Shravan 2126 Motwani, Sabin 2127 Amelio, Dante 2128 Corso, Christopher 2129 Yondorf, Menachem 2130 Sours, Chandler 2131 Zhen, Weining 2132 Zerounian, Sophie 2133 Stoyanova, Radka 2134 Aizer, Ayal 2135 Lazow, Stefanie 2136 Harris, Timothy 2138 Corwin, David 2139 LeMieux, Melissa 2140 Hosotani, Martha 2141 Murphy, Erin 2142 Chilukuri, Srinivas 2143 Kuhn, Elizabeth 2144 Nowak, Ryan 2145 Grossman, Craig 2146 Arribas, Leoncio 2148 Tatewaki, Koshi 2149 Wilson, William 2150 Tanzler, Emily 2151 Yondorf, Menachem 2152 Nguyen, Nathalie 2153 Shah, Jennifer 2154 Mori, Yoshimasa 2155 Desai, Prashant 2156 Wattson, Daniel 2157 Meral, Rasim 2158 Al-Omair, Ameen 2159 Yamoah, Kosj 2160 Sarmey, Nehaw 2161 Jawad, Maha 2162 Mian, Omar 2163 Christensen, Eva 2164 Tseng, Chia-Lin 2165 Ghaly, Maged 2166 Kamran, Sophia 2167 Zhou, Di Currier, Blake Esthappan, Jacqueline Jain, Anshu Rao, Malay Kao, Johnny Sahgal, Arjun Arneson, Kyle Qiao, Xueying Clark, Grant Chen, Allan Murai, Taro Rutter, Charles Lau, Steven Thibault, Isabelle Lin, Hong-Yiou Faria Braga, Henrique Rutter, Charles Jimenez, Rachel Sethi, Roshan Rajakesari, Selvan Dosoretz, Arie Moleron, Rafael Compton, Julia Alcorn, Sara McDonald, Mark Shiue, Kevin Lee, Dong-Soo Kao, Wei Heng Kim, Kyung Hwan Johnson, Matthew Zaorsky, Nicholas Chera, Bhisham Santos, Tâmara Ly, David Okoye, Christian Figueiredo, Maria Luisa Mourad, Waleed Savir, Guy Tait, Lauren Qiu, Haoming 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER Cao, Yue 62 Feng, Mary 63 Lasley, Foster 64 Hong, Theodore 65 Herman, Joseph 66 Wild, Aaron 67 Lin, Chi 68 Huguet, Florence 69 Wo, Jennifer 207 Schefter, Tracey 208 Min, Christine 209 Wang, Jingya 210 Dholakia, Avani 211 Mohindra, Pranshu 212 Olsen, Jeff 213 Thomas, Charles 214 Kumar, Rachit 1097 Fisher, Sarah 1098 Lu, Shawn Shao-Lun 1099 Otani, Keisuke 1100 Hsu, Howard Liu, Xiao Zaki, Bassem Rutenberg, Michael Kharofa, Jordan Erickson, Kelly Goodman, Ben Liu, Xiao Jingu, Keiichi Haritha, Chiramana Li, Minghuan Li, Minghuan Shridhar, Ravi Han, Chun Zhu, Shuchai Wang, Lan Ma, Changsheng Tamari, Keisuke Kawaguchi, Gen Hori, Masakazu Liu, Huiming Huang, Xin Boggs, Hunter Wang, Jun Hsu, Che-yu Liu, Qi Wang, Jun Murakami, Yuji Cheng, Yufeng Fukada, Junichi Umezawa, Rei Liang, Jun Patel, Sagar Wu, Abraham Myojin, Miyako Lutkenhaus, Lotte Ishikawa, Hitoshi Zhang, Wencheng Juloori, Aditya Siddiqui, Faisal Zhu, Shuchai Anker, Christopher Kim, Kyung Hwan Kumar, Shaleen Shen, Yuxin Li, Jiancheng Liu, Qi Yipeng, Ling Seyedin, Steven Stessin, Alexander Li, Qiwen Lu, NingNing Ren, Hua Misirlioglu, Cem Shah, Jennifer Chen, Andre Patel, Rajal Li, Guichao Hazariwala, Ronica Mellon, Eric Xia, Tingyi Baine, Michael Cai, Sophie Mancini, Brandon 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 Sherr, David 2266 Chan, Cato 2267 Tozzi, Angelo 2268 Yechieli, Raphael 2269 Hall, William 2270 Nixon, Lisette 2271 Kumar, Aryavarta 2272 Prasad, Shreya 2273 Romeo, Antonino 2274 Freilich, Jessica 2275 Chaudhry, Huma 2276 Dholakia, Avani 2277 Hirata, Takero 2278 Ausborn, Natalie 2279 Ghaly, Maged 2280 Wang, Hao 2281 Thompson, Reid 2282 Konski, Andre 2283 Lukens, John 2284 Wo, Jennifer 2285 Ahmad, Mediha 2286 Woo, Joong Yeol 2287 Patel, Ajay 2288 Bhirud, Abhijeet 2289 Terashima, Kotaro 2290 Chandrasekaran, Sanjay 2291 Zheng, Dandan 2292 Shultz, David 2293 Cruz, Alex 2294 Skamene, Sonia 2295 Que, Jenny 2296 Barney, Brandon 2297 Kim, Kyung Su 2298 Zhong, Jim 2299 Jung, Jinhong 2300 Camborde, Marie-Laure 2301 Mendez Romero, Alejandra 2302 Lappinen, Erik 2303 Blacksburg, Seth 2304 Mahadevan, Anand 2305 Yoon, Sang Min 2306 Speirs, Christina 2307 Takeda, Atsuya 2308 Yamashita, Hideomi 2309 Sanuki, Naoko 2310 Okumura, Toshiyuki 2311 Seol, Seung Won 2312 Kim, Jun Won 2313 Merrell, Kenneth 2314 Fan, Katherine 2315 Shaffer, Jenny 2316 Mannina, Edward 2317 Fang, Charles 2318 Liu, Yilin 2319 Ernst, Iris 2320 Evans, Joseph 2321 Abdel-Wahab, May 2322 Menichelli, Claudia 2323 Gandhi, Saumil 2324 Waller, Joseph 2325 Dyk, Pawel 2326 Sharma, Navesh 2327 Wang, Tony 2329 Osmundson, Evan Fuss, Martin Lock, Michael Diaz Vazquez, Maria Fernanda Fernandes, Annemarie Cai, Yong Lee, Sung Uk White, Evan Yang, Daniel Wojcieszynski, Andrzej Xiao, Qin Lee, Joo Ho Marina, Ovidi Appelt, Ane Yang, Tzu-I Jonathan DeNittis, Albert Falk, Alexander Helou, Joelle Rothenstein, Diana Yovino, Susannah Nguyen, Phuong Rolfo, Maureen Sole, Claudio Yamada, Shigeru Jin, Jing Lei, Xin De La Mata, M. Dolores Vuong, Te Manyam, Bindu Wang, Ricardo Li, Hao Riou, Olivier Alsuhaibani, Abdullah Batra, Sonny Alsuhaibani, Abdullah Kozak, Margaret Abdel-Wahab, May Cheung, Min Rex Rwigema, Jean-Claude Shah, Mira 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 GENITOURINARY CANCER Pisansky, Thomas 1 Zumsteg, Zachary 53 Krauss, Daniel 54 Kamrava, Mitchell 55 Zaorsky, Nicholas 56 Katz, Alan 57 Meier, Robert 58 Slater, Jerry 59 Sethukavalan, Perakaa 60 Mirhadi, Amin 61 Bekelman, Justin 96 Baumann, Brian 199 Gray, Phillip 200 Aluwini, Shafak 201 Clayman, Rebecca 202 Ferrer, Ferran 203 McBride, Sean 204 Sabolch, Aaron 205 Chung, Peter 206 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 191 Maldonado, Xavier Gottschalk, Alex Cheung, Patrick Roach, Mack Nguyen, Paul 257 258 259 260 261 Watkins, John 262 Shukla, Monica 263 Milecki, Piotr 264 Michalski, Jeff 265 Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 305 Salama, Joseph 306 Feng, Felix 307 Nichols, R. Charles 308 Blacksburg, Seth 309 Galalae, Razvan Spratt, Daniel Ferris, Matthew Weller, Michael Di Muzio, Nadia Yu, James Romesser, Paul 310 311 312 1013 1014 1015 1016 Henderson, Randal 1017 Smith, Tamara 1018 Mendenhall, Nancy 1019 Niazi, Tamim 1020 Hearn, Jason 1021 Kim, Miranda 1022 Magnan, Sindy 1023 Jackson, William 1024 Thiruganasambandam, Sivarajan 1056 Bravo, Stephen 1061 Johnson, Skyler 1062 Shukla, Gaurav 1063 Tokita, Kenneth 1064 Chapet, Olivier 1065 Foltz, Warren 1066 Wagner, Aaron 1067 Chennupati, Sravana 1068 Elliott, David 1069 Son, Christina 1070 Spratt, Daniel 1071 Tonlaar, Nathan 1072 Swisher-McClure, Samuel 1074 Leonard, Kara 2370 Ohashi, Toshio 2371 Hentschel, Bettina 2372 Allison, Ron 2373 Hoppe, Bradford 2374 Badiozamani, Kasra 2375 Ishiyama, Hiromichi 2376 Ohashi, Toshio 2377 Tong, Xu 2378 Pinkawa, Michael 2379 Sveistrup, Joen 2380 Kalapurakal, John 2381 Wallace, Harold 2382 Logan, Jennifer 2383 Onukwugha, Eberechukwu 2384 Kil, Whoon 2385 Haas, Jonathan Andrew 2386 Fuller, Donald 2387 Marwaha, Gaurav 2388 192 Holtzman, Adam Sekiguchi, Akane Yorozu, Atsunori Slater, Jason Inokuchi, Haruo Lo, Andrea Wilcox, Shea Krauss, Daniel Lee, Richard Price, Jeremy Munoz Garcia, Julia Luisa 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 Murphy, Colin Roach, Mack Yechieli, Raphael Patel, Ajaykumar Kittel, Jeffrey Kim, Dong Wook Nathan Hanada, Takashi Macrie, Bryan Nakamatsu, Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Yutaka Ishii, Kentaro Heres, Tomer Munoz Garcia, Julia Luisa Nguyen, Hannah Lin, Yuting Hughes, Michael Lin, Yuting Koontz, Bridget Hayashi, Akihiro Liu, Wu Fawaz, Ziad Boychak, Alex Tomita, Natsuo Tree, Alison Garcia-Vicente, Feliciano Lozano, Joan Sulaiman, Nor Shazrina Carillo, Viviana Gomez-Iturriaga, Alfonso Wilson, William Symon, Zvi Chang, Lynn Ciezki, Jay Niazi, Tamim Blacksburg, Seth Tagliagambe, Angiolo Anwar, Mekhail Wang, Yuefeng Stephans, Kevin Yang, Xiaofeng Kan, Charlene Surapaneni, Aparna Cho, Yeona Lin, Yu-Wei Gooding, Mark Zapatero, Almudena 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 Ferrer, Ferran Ayakawa, Shiho Park, Junsu Nuver, Tonnis Crandley, Edwin Hempel, Dominika Stone, Brandon 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Scharf, Lawrence Agarwal, Manuj Murphy, Colin Gay, Hiram Le, Yi Parekh, Akash Jackson, William Shiraishi, Kenshiro Nicholas, Zachary Rancati, Tiziana Zelefsky, Michael Todor, Dorin Alexander, Jesse Shang, Qingyang Obedian, Edward Kalbasi, Anusha Ashamalla, Mark McGuire, Sean Zeitlin, Ross Onal, Cem Sen, Amarjit Shakir, Shakir Guix, Benjamin Kathpal, Madeera Hegarty, Sarah Tennyson, Nathan Choi, Seungtaek Ferrer, Ferran Sindhwani, Ragini Arora, Shruthi McDonald, Andrew Kumar, Parvesh Markovina, Stephanie Kelly, Maria D’Souza, David Paul Stephens, Kevin Parekh, Akash Schutzer, Matthew Sostin, Oleg Mantz, Constantine Ciezki, Jay Shimizuguchi, Takuya Jain, Prachi Shasha, Daniel Cahlon, Oren Hartsell, William Grabowski, Sarah Johnson, Skyler Johnson, Skyler Oliai, Caspian Nishioka, Kentaro Kang, Julie Jung Lindsay, Daniel Van der Steen-Banasi, E.M. Bryant, Curtis Caparrotti, Francesca Diaz Pardo, Dayssy Turgeon, Guy Lopez-Araujo, Javier Baquero, William Mahmud, Aamer Rouscoff, Yohann 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 Macklis, Roger Patel, Abhilasha Galland, Sigolene 2516 2517 2518 GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER Zuliani, Antonio 8 Viswanathan, Akila 9 Han, Kathy 70 Gaffney, David 71 Chino, Junzo 72 Gill, Beant 73 Leung, Eric 74 Mayr, Nina 75 Elicin, Olgun 76 Gandhi, Ajeet 77 Blanchard, Miran 313 Milgrom, Sarah 314 Shin, Jacob 315 Xanthopoulos, Eric 316 Thaker, Nikhil 317 Koay, Eugene 318 Kabolizadeh, Peyman 319 Kawanaka, Takashi 320 Greenwalt, Julie 321 Sirak, Igor 2519 Refaat, Tamer 2520 Chibani, Omar 2521 Zhang, Guangyu 2522 Whitley, Alexander 2523 Kwak, Yoo Kang 2524 Dunn, Emily 2525 Choi, Jehee 2526 Oike, Takahiro 2527 Chin, Matthew 2528 Kim, Robert 2529 Froment, Marie-Anne 2530 Kasuya, Goro 2531 Wakatsuki, Masaru 2532 Rath, Goura 2533 Lang, Jinyi 2534 Rash, Dominique 2535 Bo, Yang 2536 Irie, Daisuke 2537 Bagshaw, Hilary 2538 Dean, Mary 2539 Kabarriti, Rafi 2540 Uno, Takashi 2541 Yaparpalvi, Ravindra 2542 Chen, Wenjuan 2543 Isohashi, Fumiaki 2544 Kanazawa, Aki 2545 Chen, Jenny Ling-Yu 2546 Pandit-Taskar, Neeta 2547 Ding, Lei 2548 Fields, Emma 2549 Baden, Craig 2550 Lee, Eva 2551 El-Bared, Nancy 2552 Cheung, Min Rex 2553 Nagar, Himanshu 2554 Tetreault, Audrey 2555 Szeja, Sean 2556 Sabater, Sebastia Jadon, Rashmi Guttmann, David Platta, Christopher Elshaikh, Mohamed Rana, Shushan Kaneyasu, Yuko Magnuson, William Yu, Tosol Huddleston, Adam Damast, Shari Banerjee, Robyn Dominello, Michael Lukovic, Jelena Baker, Mariwan Deutsch, Israel Chang-Halpenny, Christine Desai, Neil Patil, Nikhilesh Park, Sang-June Lee, Larissa Baliga, Sujith Taylor, Robert Boyle, John Mislmani, Mazen Patel, Abhilasha Wooten, Charles Mallick, Indranil Yang, Xiaofeng Roux, Audrey 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2572 2573 2574 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 HEAD AND NECK CANCER Ghi, Maria Grazia 4 Berhane, Hebist 52 Nguyen-Tan, Phuc Felix 135 O’Sullivan, Brian 136 Rishi, Anupam 137 Jensen, Alexandra 138 Nedzi, Lucien 139 Ahn, Peter 140 Gensheimer, Michael 141 Raaijmakers, Cornelis 142 Riaz, Nadeem 191 Hess, Clayton 192 Beadle, Beth 193 Stenmark, Matthew 194 Hu, Kenneth Shung 195 Liu, Gene-Fu 196 Tam, Moses 197 Lee, Joseph 198 Setton, Jermey 347 Quon, Harry 348 Terhaard, Chris 349 Chaudhary, Ahmed 350 Quon, Harvey 351 Hutcheson, Katherine 352 Kunnambath, Ramadas 353 Frank, Steven 354 Lin, Yu-Wei 1109 Spencer, Christopher 1110 Hanasoge, Sheela 1111 Berhane, Hebist 1112 Schwartz, David Louis 1113 Wang, XiaoShen Zhu, Goupei VanderWalde, Noam Gujral, Dorothy Alshehri, Salem Rash, Dominique Kai, Naoki Shen, Yi-Liang Hamker, Jean Prabhu, Roshan Goldberg, Mira Herman, Michael Thariat, Juliette Mitsuyoshi, Takamasa Dutta, Pinaki Contreras, Jessika Han, Jae Hong Bhandare, Niranjan Boelke, Edwin Refaat, Tamer Chen, Andy Yanagi, Takeshi Chin, Re-I Crandley, Edwin Durkee, Ben Maymani, Rebekah Siddiqui, Farzan Vainshtein, Jeffrey Vainshtein, Jeffrey Tam, Moses Tam, Moses Dewan, Abhinav Strom, Tobin Carpenter, Todd Iganej, Shahrokh Duvvuri, Umamaheswar Yi, Junlin Gao, Wendy Yu, Yao Bernier, Laurence Richard, Patrick Husaini, Hasan Guo, Susan Surucu, Murat Richard, Patrick Liu, Wei Sinha, Uttam Tan, Wenyong Qiu, Su Kodaira, Takeshi Greenwalt, Julie Barney, Brandon Huang, Pin-I Hamilton, Sarah Shi, Qi Ma, Lin Matsuura, Tomohiro Lai, Chiahsuan Jin, Feng Zhou, Qichao Lin, Qin Zhou, Qichao Mei, Feng Zhou, Qichao 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 Iqbal, Hassan Alite, Fiori Woods, Charles Levy, Antonin Meyer, Kurt Lemons, Jeffrey Zhao, Sherry Kim, Jun Won Hurst, Newton Mrochem-Kwarciak, Jolanta Sevak, Parag Scott, Michael Bhandare, Niranjan Sakthivel, Vasanthan Sun, Jason Shen, Chunying Christopherson, Kaitlin Peacock, Justin Hattori, Yukiko Thompson, Marcher Russo, Andrea Saito, Makoto Gamez, Mauricio Wu, Jeffrey Yang, Xiaofeng Hsieh, Cheng-En Kim, Aileen Muraoka, Osamu Elsayyad, Nagy Kwon, Jeanny Townsend, Natasha Thariat, Juliette Karasawa, Katsuyuki Shankar, Vangipuram Matuschek, Christiane Chera, Bhishamjit Vargo, John Owen, Dawn Wang, Yingjie Solanki, Abhishek Orisamolu, Abimbola Takiar, Vinita Popovic, Marija Wang, Ziwei Takagi, Masaru Mix, Michael Mourad, Waleed Vallieres, Martin Takiar, Vinita Tao, Randa Aguirre, Maria Fan, Kang-Hsing Bayman, Evrim Ranck, Mark Faria Braga, Henrique Qi, Xiangrong Anderson, Nigel Glanzman, Jonathan Hasegawa, Azusa Kierkels, Roel Miyawaki, Daisuke Rasmussen, Jacob Brouwer, Charlotte 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 Cardoso, Richard Herman, Lauren Chapman, Christopher Emami, Bahman Han, Hee Ji Kan, Charlene Glanzman, Jonathan Cha, Jihye Kainickal, Cessal Hanna, Nevine Lin, Shinn-yn Hoover, Andrew Mallick, Indranil Liu, An Kesava Ramgopal, Adavikolanu Kanakamedala, Madhava Kanakamedala, Madhava Garg, Shivank Logue, Jennifer Ramos, Clementina Tiwana, Manpreet Jaswal, Jasbir Patel, Pretesh Golchin, Ava Kovalchuk, Nataliya Zhu, Lihong Doke, Kaleigh Patel, Shilpen 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH Maletz, Kristina 93 Fowble, Barbara 94 Falchook, Aaron 95 Halasz, Lia 97 Shah, Anand 98 Dinan, Michaela 99 Carmona, Ruben 100 Pearlstein, Kevin 1073 Byun, John 1075 Lester-Coll, Nataniel 1076 Raldow, Ann 1077 Mishra, Mark 1078 Kuremsky, Jeffrey 1079 Laufer, Marsha 1080 Chen, Ronald 1081 Sher, David 1082 Shabason, Jacob 1084 Parikh, Ravi 1138 Quek, Ruben 2739 Pearce, Andrew 2740 Quek, Ruben 2741 Chang, Daniel 2742 Shah, Anand 2743 Mattes, Malcolm 2744 Seymour, Zachary 2745 Rich, Shayna 2746 Clayman, Rebecca 2747 Berman, Abigail 2748 Fortin, Marie Andree 2749 Leong, Aidan 2750 Robinson, Timothy 2751 Elson, Joshua 2752 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 193 Grew, David DiPardo, Benjamin Housri, Nadine Patel, Abhilasha Carlson, Julie Kapoor, Rishabh Suneja, Gita Bekelman, Justin Bleyer, Archie Cramer, Christina Kapur, Ajay Efstathiou, Jason Mou, Benjamin Thawani, Nitika Kapadia, Nirav Showalter, Timothy Gulaya, Sachin Sheets, Nathan Sittig, Mark Min, Christine Hodges, Joseph Vainshtein, Jeffrey Lanni, Thomas Arterbery, V. Elayne Dorth, Jennifer Dosoretz, Arie Curry, Heather Greskovich, John Szumacher, Ewa Furhang, Eli Goldstein, Nicolas 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 HISTORY Holliday, Emma Dhami, Gurleen Morris, Ann Amarnath, Sudha Chapman, Christina 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 INFORMATICS Janssen, R. Vali, Faisal Walker, Gary Yang, Deshan Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Jiang, Yuliang Fechter, Tobias Moore, Joseph Ball, Christine Appenzoller, Lindsey Appenzoller, Lindsey Yuan, Lulin Renaud, Marc-Andre Izadbakhsh, Mark Fan, Michael Zhang, Hao Yuh, William Pyakuryal, Anil 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 194 LUNG CANCER Videtic, Gregory 6 Palma, David 7 Onishi, Hiroshi 21 Onimaru, Rikiya 22 Hymas, Richard 23 Harris, Jeremy 24 Mattonen, Sarah 25 Mancini, Brandon 26 Kohutek, Zachary 27 Modh, Ankit 78 Samuels, Stuart 79 Aneese, Andrew 80 Murai, Taro 81 Papachristofilou, Alexandros 82 Rwigema, Jean-Claude 83 Morris, Zachary 84 Urbanic, James 85 Ahn, Sung-Ja 183 Kong, Feng-Ming 184 Rajan, Saju 185 Li, Ling 186 Tang, Chad 187 Lally, Brian 188 Patel, Suchit 189 Nguyen, Quynh 190 Lin, Steven 274 Kalash, Ronny 275 Meshkov, Dmitriy 276 Gilbride, Lucas 277 Epperly, Michael 278 Trovo, Marco 279 Feigen, Malcolm 280 Rimner, Andreas 281 Grecula, John 1133 Wynne, Jacob 1134 Myers, Carey 1135 Vinogradskiy, Yevgeniy 1136 Stanton, Paul 1137 Gomez, Daniel 1139 Fidler, Mary 1140 McGee, Lisa 1141 Parashar, Bhupesh 1142 Huang, Kitty 1143 Zhu, Guangying 1144 Sahai, Puja 2789 Kishan, Amar 2790 Zhou, Lin 2791 Asai, Kaori 2792 Song, Yongchun 2793 Mak, Raymond 2794 Shi, Pengyue 2795 Wang, Suzhen 2796 Katoh, Norio 2797 Turaka, Aruna 2798 Werner-Wasik, Maria 2799 Swanick, Cameron 2800 Gerber, Naamit 2801 Sottero, Theo 2802 Lu, Bing 2803 Lu, Bing 2804 Lu, Diana 2805 Saito, Tetsuo 2806 Qi, Huanpeng 2807 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Harris, Jeremy Lau, Steven Milano, Michael Chen, Ming Mangona, Victor Trovo, Marco Arsenault, Daniel Orton, Matthew Zaorsky, Nicholas Chang, Joe Kim, Byounghyuck Hinton, Benjamin Zhang, Wenjue Zhou, Zongmei Garg, Shalini Men, Yu Cole, Aidan Mahmoud, Omar Cattaneo, Richard Turaka, Aruna Din, Shaun Naik, Nilan Ziel, Ellis Parikh, Dhwani Guanhao, Chen Park, Jaehyeon Feng, Wen Tachibana, Izumi Liu, Wenyang Shioyama, Yoshiyuki Hertan, Lauren Hui, Zhouguang Yamamoto, Takaya Zhao, Lujun Hashizume, Chisa Patel, Kruti Yoon, Hannah Rajpara, Raj Parisi, Elisabetta Bowen, Stephen Christian, Nicolas Bing, Lu Dalah, Entesar Li, Hualei Woody, Neil Torok, Jordan Casey, Stephanie Din, Shaun Mukai, Yuki Zhuang, Hong-Qing Zhao, Lujun Haga, Akihiro Amarnath, Sudha Ji, Zhe Bing, Lu Thibault, Isabelle Varlotto, John Tatekawa, Kotoha Baba, Fumiya Schanne, Daniel Fischer-Valuck, Ben Shumway, Dean Michaud, Anthony Stish, Bradley 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 Wei, Xiong Grant, Jonathan Komaki, Ritsuko Podder, Tarun Ong, Leonard Grills, Inga Cannon, Nathan Fan, ChengCheng Meshkov, Dmitriy Garay, Elizabeth Ashworth, Allison Werner-Wasik, Maria Haider, Syed Yap, Mei Ling Li, Min Xiao, Nian Fan, Yankhua Josipovic, Mirjana Larrea, Luis Lester, Scott Manning, Matthew Myers, Carey Lewis, Trevor Myers, Carey Kim, Julian Binkley, Michael Aguilera, Todd Schutzer, Matthew Chen, Weijun Xanthopoulos, Eric Soike, Michael Daly, Megan Li, Ling Alite, Fiori Rasheed, Abdullah Kilburn, Jeremy Nguyen, Nhu Tram Karasawa, Katsuyuki Qiu, Haoming Oguri, Mitsuhiko Petras, Katarina Patel, Shilpen Patel, Shilpen Arcangeli, Stefano 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 LYMPHOMA Kriz, Jan Fasola, Carolina Ng, Andrea Solanki, Abhishek Strom, Tobin Teckie, Sewit Bo, Chen Walker, Gary Petersen, Peter Denniston, Kyle Hoppe, Bradford Walker, Amanda Wang, He Voong, K.Ranh Reinartz, Gabriele Wattson, Daniel Koc, Mehmet 11 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1083 2917 Mestre, Francisco Cao, Jianzhong Parikh, Rahul Freilich, Jessica Li-ming, Xu Liu, Qingfeng Voong, Ranh Katayama, Emiko Adli, Mustafa Pinnix, Chelsea Shin, Samuel Lloyd, Shane Navarria, Piera Ujaimi, Reem Mikell, John Kim, Daniel Kuo, SUng-Hsin 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 NONMALIGNANT DISEASE Mourad, Waleed 2935 Blanck, Oliver 2936 Dunst, Juergen 2937 Glanzman, Jonathan 2938 Wright, Florence 2939 Matsuo, Yoshiro 2940 Sheybani, Arshin 2941 Nedelka, Michele 2942 Mourad, Waleed 2943 PALLIATIVE CARE Olson, Robert Khan, Luluel Tseng, Yolanda Krishnan, Monica Barker, Christopher Mehmood, Tahir Alcorn, Sara Barriger, Bryan Wilson, David Lloyd, Shane Friedman, Jeffrey Balagamwala, Ehsan Chang, Jee Suk Patel, Kirtesh Meyer, Joshua Xue, Jinyu Wong, Rebecca Prieto, Isabel Sherman, Alexandra Mariscal, Luis Ayala-Peacock, Diandra Lefresne, Shilo PATIENT REPORTED OUTCOMES Small, William Obayomi-Davies, Olusola Lee, Andrew Mirabeau-Beale, Kristina 215 218 219 220 221 322 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 3 178 179 180 Goodman, Karyn Grover, Surbhi Sura, Karna Wong, Raimond Gunn, Brandon G. Schwartz, David Recht, Abram Hill-Kayser, Christine Wong, Winnifred Jung, David Ou, Dan Kharofa, Jordan Zhou, Jessica Rajagopalan, Malolan Tom, Ashlyn Nowotnik, David Nwachukwu, Chika Chawla, Sheema Patel, Abhilasha Wang, Chenyang Bernad, Daniel Sio, Terence Olson, Robert Vicini, Frank Agarwal, Ankit Ahuja, Divya Simpson, Daniel Wild, Sommer 181 182 283 284 285 286 287 288 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 PATIENT SAFETY Cox, Brett Mosaly, Prithima Reddy Hoopes, David Rahn, Douglas Zeng, Jing Santanam, Lakshmi Greer, Peter Cui, Yunfeng Valicenti, Richard Geng, Hui Letourneau, Daniel Ghadjar, Pirus Lam, Wai Wang Quang, Tony Yogo, Katsunori Yang, Bin Souranis, Annette Molitoris, Jason Handsfield, Lydia Marshall, Ingrid Admiraal, Marjan Nyflot, Matthew Pang, Tingtian Duplan, Danny Lin, Alexander Deraniyagala, Rohan Ghaffari, Hamid Fan, Katherine Lamb, James Markovic, Alexander Awan, Musaddiq Rosenthal, David Eastham, David 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 Mitchell, James Gao, Wanbao Pham, Huong Arterbery, V. Elayne Martin, Neil Braunstein, Steve Gensheimer, Michael Best, Ryan Lopater, Zachary Mohindra, Pranshu Butler, Brian E. Sundararaman, Srinath Elnahal, Shereef Henrich, Dawn PEDIATRIC CANCER Mailhot Vega, Raymond Patel, Nisha Mouw, Kent Müller, Klaus Redmond, Kristin Indelicato, Daniel Merchant, Thomas Hiniker, Susan Krasin, Matthew Mandeville, Henry Tong, William Waxweiler, Timothy Brown, Lindsay Suri, Jaipreet Polishchuk, Alexei Mazloom, Ali Basu Achari, Rimpa Hua, Chia-Ho Christopherson, Kaitlin Hollander, Andrew Greenberger, Benjamin McBride, Sean Williams, Noelle Panoff, Joseph Brodin, Patrik Willson, Adam Yang, Joanna Ram, Ashwin Thompson, Reid Hill-Kayser, Christine Ladra, Matthew Orman, Amber Pai Panandiker, Atmaram Kandula, Shravan Pai Panandiker, Atmaram Maraldo, Maja Adli, Mustafa Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong Engel, Steven LeMieux, Melissa Gayar, Omar Miljkovic, Milos Terezakis, Stephanie Barron, David Westerly, David 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 10 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 QUALITY OF LIFE Movsas, Benjamin Chow, Edward Kress, Marie-Adele Fuller, Don Balagamwala, Ehsan Howell, David Kollmeier, Marisa Dunn, Kerry Romesser, Paul Halyard, Michele Yvette Niermann, Kenneth Kann, Benjamin Kerns, Sarah Sio, Terence Hall, William Hutcheson, Katherine Seymour, Zachary Tang, Yu Lewis, Stephen Klein, Jonathan Son, Christina Lee, Tsz Kin Fang, Penny Wagner, Henry Milgrom, Sarah Nautiyal, Vipul Yamada, Yoshiya Randolph, David Chen, Allen Boothe, Dustin 2 12 176 177 216 217 222 282 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY Schmitt, Adam Pitroda, Sean Soong, Chen-Pang Borst, Gerben Zachman, Derek Kozono, David Nishibuchi, Ikuno Bratman, Scott Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Colbert, Lauren Liao, Zhongxing Bi, Nan Xu, Ting Bazan, Jose Harima, Yoko Witek, Matthew DeWeese, Theodore Harris, Timothy Bernstein, Michael Aiyer, Anita Vatner, Ralph Monjazeb, Arta Price, Jeremy Willers, Henning Abazeed, Mohamed Reddy, Srilakshmi Raval, Raju Du, Shisuo Pellicciotta, Ilenia ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 339 340 341 342 343 344 195 Arafat, Waleed Gan, Gregory Bi, Nan Bracey, Daniel Stessin, Alexander Perez, Carmen Kumar, Sanath Vlacich, Gregory Tran, Phuoc Maity, Amit Dal Pra, Alan Spiotto, Michael Park, Catherine Braunstein, Steve Ronny, Kalash Greenberger, Benjamin Ji, ShengJun Bornstein, Sophia Ji, Jiang Golden, Encouse Bakst, Richard Apicelli, Anthony Hong, Ji-Hong Boss, Mary-Keara Ybarra, Norma Houghton, Frank Kudrimoti, Mahesh Kim, Sungjune Ma, Jin-lu Bratman, Scott Golden, Encouse Golden, Encouse Golden, Encouse Perez, Carmen Braun, Theodore Young, Kristina Wang, Jin Akasaka, Hiroaki Sheu, Tommy Fontana, Andrea Bakhoum, Samuel Nishioka, Takeshi Thompson, Marcher Qu, Ang Widlak, Piotr Maria, Ola Takahashi, Ippei Zeidan, Youssef Goff, Julie Igaki, Hiroshi Epperly, Michael Yoshikawa, Nobuhiko Sasaki, Ryohei Aiyer, Anita Miyakawa, Akifumi Iwata, Hiromitsu Ando, Ken Stewart, Robert Wooten, Hasani Hasegawa, Masatoshi Diffenderfer, Eric Yasuda, Koichi Matsuo, Masayuki Evans, Jaden 196 345 346 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1057 1058 1059 1060 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 Arvold, Nils Volotskova, Olga Bazalova, Magdalena Masunaga, Shin-ichiro Kim, In Ah Harada, Satoshi Wolfe, Adam Thoms, John Sethi, Manish Simone, Brittany Muanza, Thierry Baschnagel, Andrew Maldonado, Javier Schlaff, Cody Lin, Steven Chen, Yu-Jen Nickols, Nicholas Mukumoto, Naritoshi Soh, Hendrick Kotler, Monica Konski, Andre Kim, Jin Ho Park, Heon Joo Salem, Ahmed Yuan, Ye Yu, Jennifer Allen, Bryan Tang, Justin Welliver, Meng Hedayati, Mohammad Carrier, France Kirschner, Austin Smith, Adam Wang, Edina Marques, Tatiana Lautenschlaeger, Tim Swartz, Harold Wild, Aaron Liapi, Eleni Qian, Xin Veldwijk, Marlon Tang, Justin Cerne, Jasmina He, Zhiyong Biswas, Tithi Zapatero, Almudena Tsai, Chiaojung Jillian Chua, Melvin Lee Kiang Lang, Jinyi Robinson, Timothy Hong, Zhen-Yu Jacobs, Corbin Hall, William Court, Laurence Baschnagel, Andrew Sulman, Erik Lee, Sung-Wei Seo, Yuji Trister, Andrew Varia, Mahesh Pai, Jonathan Jeyaseelan, Krishinima Thirumoorthy, Krishnan Jimenez, Rachel ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3219 3220 3221 3222 RADIATION AND CANCER PHYSICS Folkert, Michael Bahig, Houda Jaffray, David Hu, Yanle Tadic, Tony Green, Olga Murray, Louise Craig, Timothy Chin, Alexander Weiss, Elisabeth Sonke, Jan-Jakob Mangona, Victor Huang, Zhibin Stanescu, Teo Schulte, Reinhard Williams, Eric Poulsen, Per Fernandes, Annemarie Li, Ruijiang Greenberger, Joel Hallman, Mark Yorke, Ellen Aitken, Katharine Suh, Yelin Steineck, Gunnar Owen, Dawn Yang, Yun Lian, Jun Romano, Mario Tsang, Derek Takao, Seishin Harada, Keiichi Shi, Xiutao Salamekh, Samer Atkins, Katelyn Fang, Li-Ming Christine Glide-Hurst, Carri Jeong, Jeho Fan, Qiyong Anderson, Carryn Zhang, Lifei King, Martin Van Den Heuvel, Frank Valdes, Gilmer Zilli, Thomas Prior, Phillip Rodrigues, Anna Han, Bin Kusano, Aaron Sheng, Ke Oh, Seungjong Sayre, George De Souza-Lawrence, Lana Sarabia-Estrada, Rachel Yu, Naichang Ahunbay, Ergun Qi, Xiangrong Mahmoud, Omar Hazell, Irene Schuster, Jessica Moore, Joseph Qin, An 5 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 Godley, Andrew 337 Lu, Weiguo 338 Piper, Jonathan 355 Jones, Bernard 356 Low, Daniel 357 Ren, Lei 358 Meng, Bowen 359 Van Sornsen de Koste, John 360 Azcona, Juan Diego 361 Kincaid, Russell 362 Gardner, Stephen 363 Meredith, Ruby 1001 Shvydka, Diana 1002 Tarnawski, Rafal 1003 Rahimian, Javad 1004 Kainz, Kristofer 1005 Takanaka, Tsuyoshi 1006 Korideck, Houari 1007 Al-Qaisieh, Bashar 1008 Ngwa, Wilfred 1009 Lin, Mu-Han 1010 Akita, Shungo 1011 Ming, Xin 1012 Wang, Jing 1085 Goldsmith, Christy 1088 Dagan, Roi 1089 Richter, Daniel 1090 Wu, Huanmei 1091 Moteabbed, Maryam 1092 Takahashi, Wataru 1093 Farr, Jonathan 1094 Ashman, Jonathan 1095 Moskvin, Vadim 1096 Marquardt, Michael 1120 Wissel, Tobias 3223 Mooney, Karen 3224 Tang, Xiaoli 3225 Zhao, Bo 3226 Iwata, Hiromitsu 3227 Bos, Clemens 3228 Low, Daniel 3229 Yang, Wensha 3230 Bray, Tracy 3231 Choi, Youngmin 3232 Li, Rongmao 3233 Kuo, Hsiang-Chi 3234 Nicolaou, Nicos 3235 Li, Xiang 3236 Stockham, Abigail 3237 Li, Guang 3238 Li, Jun 3239 Simone, Brittany 3240 Vatyam, Sathiya Narayanan 3241 Ikeda, Itaru 3242 Cheung, Michael 3243 Mancosu, Pietro 3244 Jeong, Ho jin 3245 Douglass, Lauren 3246 Niu, Tianye 3247 Niu, Tianye 3248 Baron, Charles 3249 Cooper, Benjamin 3250 Gonzalez, Victor 3251 Ruggieri, Ruggero 3252 Maria Das, Koilpillai Joseph 3253 Turner, Kathryn 3254 Chanyavanich, Vorakarn 3255 Catron, Tom 3256 Abramowitz, Matthew 3257 Bourgouin, Alexandra 3258 Mosaly, Prithima Reddy 3259 Asher, David 3260 Ku, Lichung 3261 Majithia, Lonika 3262 Leung, Paikin 3263 Munbodh, Reshma 3264 Mao, Weihua 3265 Williams, Benjamin 3266 Kathpal, Madeera 3267 Mooney, Karen 3268 Zhao, Tianyu 3269 Richter, Andreas 3270 Troeller, Almut 3271 Yuan, Jiankui 3272 Liu, Dan 3273 Quanshi, Zhang 3274 Chapman, Christopher 3275 De Santis, Maria Carmen 3276 Zhong, Hualiang 3277 Tai, An 3278 Spektor, Alexander 3279 Shin, Naomi 3280 Zhang, Hualin 3281 Zhang, Geoffrey 3282 Munbodh, Reshma 3283 Yang, Cungeng 3284 Parsai, E. Ishmael 3285 Kim, Haksoo 3286 Brock, Kristy 3287 Deasy, Joseph 3288 Cheng, ChihYao 3289 Fujita, Yujiro 3290 Yang, Kai 3291 Riegel, Adam 3292 Han, Guang 3293 Doi, Yoshiko 3294 Zhou, Lili 3295 Wang, Ping 3296 Cao, Yuanjie 3297 Li, Feng 3298 Mattes, Malcolm 3299 Zhang, Pengpeng 3300 Liang, Jian 3301 Lim, Kyoung-Dal 3302 Feygelman, Vladimir 3303 Wakai, Nobuhide 3304 Siddiqui, Farzan 3305 Vergalasova, Irina 3306 Usui, Keisuke 3307 Catan, Ilker 3308 An, Sohyun 3309 Lee, Suk 3310 Fung, Winky Wing Ki 3311 Jang, HongSeok 3312 Chang, Kyung-Hwan 3313 Yeh, Chi-Yuan 3314 Tol, Jim 3315 Mohr, Angela 3316 Yeung, Daniel Ping, Yan Yan, Susu Day, Ellen Wang, Zheng Jaffray, David Ye, Jing Jing Chen, Guang-Pei Pasha, Junaid Olivera, Gustavo Shin, Hun-Joo Qiao, Qiao Arai, Kazuhiro Chan, Siu Keung Jeong, Kyoungkeun Onozato, Yusuke Van den Bosch, Michiel Hwang, Ken-Pin Kim, Jinkoo Pukala, Jason Schinkel, Colleen Gooding, Mark Yuan, Lulin Liu, Feng Chaudhari, Lalit Damato, Antonio Mahantshetty, Umesh Luo, Guozhen Gooding, Mark Lachance, Bernard Chen, Xiaoming Jennelle, Richard Piper, Jonathan Piper, Jonathan Hu, Yanle Semon, Meredith Hadley, Scott Ito, Yasushi Zhung, Joanne Takahashi, Yutaka Wijesooriya, Krishni Wang, Henry Perkins, Gregory Tongtip, Naruemon Clayton, Ravinder Owen, Dawn Hong, Linda Navarria, Piera Dandekar, Virag Kole, Thomas Li, Ruijiang Nagata, Yasushi Huang, Long Chen, Hairong Patel, Abhilasha Kim, Dae Il Iwana, Maho Koch, Siete Luo, Wen Min Dizman, Aysen Shinde, Prashantkumar McGuinness, Christopher Kim, Tae Gyu Mahjoubi, Khalil 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 Tsujii, Mari Mut, Alejandro Ma, Lijun Caussa, Lucas Li, Winnie Zhen, Heming Picone, James Goldin, Gregg El Kaissi, Tarek Nabavizadeh, Nima Kim, Haksoo Boothe, Dustin Li, Jingdong Kaufman, Isaac Wang, Lilie Shultz, David Liu, Han Harkenrider, Matthew Yu, Shu-Jung Jenkins, Neil Matysiak, Witold Tang, Shikui Ling, Ted Zhang, Rui Hsi, Wen Zheng, Yuanshui Chen, Chin-Cheng Merrell, Kenneth Sanchez Parcerisa, Daniel Yeager, Caitlyn Klein, Eric Lin, Lilie Zheng, Yuanshui Dhanesar, Sandeep Renaud, Marc-Andre Cahlon, Oren Iftimia, Ileana 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 Thompson, Jonathan Nedialkova, Lucy Cho, DooKee Pappas, Evangelos Perez-Andujar, Angelica Farol, Hanako Camarata, Andrew Watkins, William Rafie, Frank Kim, Gwe-Ya Leuthold, Susan Warrell, Gregory Wang, Song Wang, Bin Khandelwal, Shiv Dumane, Vishruta Yang, Yun El-Haddad, Mostafa Maghsoudi, Kaveh Matulewicz, Lukasz Schadewaldt, Nicole Noto, Kimiya Chaudhry, Huma Rochet, Nathalie Peng, Cheng Kole, Thomas Ferreira, Maria Clara Xing, Lei Zhang, Ying Levin, Daphne Na, Yong Hum Wooten, Charles Mohanty, P.P. Yordy, John Nakagawa, Keiichi Yang, Ruijie Kjaer-Kristoffersen, Flemming Zhikai, Liu Cho, Yu Ra Mehta, Niraj Rice, Lynsey Wilson, Zachary 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 Cassidy, Richard Scott, Michael Hollen, Tyler Mahmoud, Omar Menzel, Paul Hata, Masaharu Willson, Adam Falk, Alexander Sharma, Daya Nand Kim, Young Il Kollar, Laura Cengel, Keith Amendola, Beatriz Rooney, Jessica Bedi, Manpreet Rainey, David Warner, Lindsay Parvathaneni, Upendra Parvathaneni, Upendra Mutyala, Subhakar 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 SARCOMA AND CUTANEOUS TUMORS Wang, Dian 151 Alektiar, Kaled 152 Dickie, Colleen 153 Roeder, Falk 154 Wang, Jianyang 155 Pan, Elizabeth 156 Bhatnagar, Ajay 157 Hoeller, Ulrike 158 Miller, Luke 1043 Kazuhiko, Hayashi 1044 Willett, Addison 1045 Bishop, Andrew 1046 Polo, Alfredo 1047 Bhatt, Aashish 1048 Jones, Daniel Adam 3064 Vargo, John 3065 Pan, Hubert 3066 3067 3068 3069 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 197 NOTES 198 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING NOTES ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 199 NOTES 200 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INSIDE: Exhibitor Lists Exhibitor Lists by Product/Service Floor Plan INDUSTRY-EXPERT THEATER* Rear of 100 Aisle, Exhibit Hall B1 This activity allows companies to present their noteworthy products and services through a live presentation in the Industry-Expert Theater located in the Exhibit Hall. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Industry-Expert Theater content and views expressed therein are those of the exhibitor and not of ASTRO. *Industry-Expert Theaters are not accredited for continuing medical education credits. Sunday, September 22 Monday, September 23 Time: 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Accuray: Dynamic Technology in Motion Supported by Accuray Contact: Jim Bilich Phone: 925-348-2082 Box lunch provided Time: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. An In-depth Look at Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) Supported by Bayer HealthCare and Algeta Contact: The Lockwood Group Phone: 203-817-0951 Box lunch provided Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Increasing Quality in Radiation Therapy Supported by ScandiDos Contact: Marni Brown Phone: 608-630-9415 Box lunch provided Exhibitor Time: 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Electronic Brachytherapy Utilizing the Xoft® System for the Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Supported by Xoft, A subsidiary of iCAD Inc. Contact: Donna Breault Phone: 978-337-2786 Refreshments provided Exhibitor Exhibitor List (as of August 27, 2013) EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# .decimal 121 Central Park Place Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 800-255-1613 Email: [email protected] Website: 1659 Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. 823 23355 L & N Turnpike, Building F West Point, KY 40177 Phone: 502-922-3009 Email: [email protected] Website: American College of Radiology 1891 Preston White Drive Reston, VA 20191 Phone: 703-648-8900 Email: [email protected] Website: 413 21st Century Oncology 2270 Colonial Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33907 Phone: 239-931-7333 Email: [email protected] Website: R 757 Aktina Medical Corporation 360 North Route 9W Congers, NY 10920 Phone: 845-268-0101 R 2233 American Medical Accounting and Consulting 2864 Johnson Ferry Boulevard, Suite 150 Marietta, GA 30062 Phone: 770-693-6031 Email: [email protected] Website: 1022 Algeta 210 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 617-225-2301 Email: [email protected] Website: 554 American Radium Society 11300 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Phone: 310-437-0581 Email: [email protected] Website: 616 Alliance Oncology 100 Bayview Circle, Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: 949-242-5497 Email: [email protected] Website: R 712 515 Alphatron Linac 3870-B Longview Drive Douglasville, GA 30135 Phone: 678-838-3737 Email: [email protected] Website: 2526 American Society of Radiologic Technologists 15000 Central Avenue SE Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909 Phone: 505-298-4500 Email: [email protected] Website: 2755 American Association of Medical Dosimetrists 2201 Cooperative Way, Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 Phone: 703-677-8071 Email: [email protected] Website: R 432 Anzai Medical Co. Ltd. 3-6-25 Nishi-ShinagawaShinagawa-ku Tokyo, 141-0033 Japan Phone: 81-337-791-611 Email: [email protected] Website: 2732 American Chillers and Cooling Tower Systems Inc. 15 Rest Master Lane North Augusta, SC 29860 Phone: 803-278-1463 Email: [email protected] Website: 522 AQUILAB Parc Eurasante, 250 rue Salvador Allende Loos Les Lille, 59120 France Phone: 00-333-696-1515-1 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1621 American College of Radiation Oncology 5272 River Bend, Suite 630 Bethesda, MD 20816 Phone: 301-718-6533 Email: [email protected] Website: 241 architection 425 W. Market Street Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: 502-561-1024 Email: [email protected] Website: R A2J Laser Technology 1535 Parc d’Activité des Vallières, 5 allée des Rousselets Thorigny sur Marne, 77 77400 France Phone: +33-(0)1-60-94-22-99 Email: [email protected] Website: Acceletronics 602 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 Phone: 800-543-5144 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1913 AccuBoost 1 Industrial Way Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Phone: 978-649-0007 Email: [email protected] Website: R 243 Accuray Inc. 1310 Chesapeake Terrace Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Phone: 408-716-4600 Email: [email protected] Website: R A 1842 LEGEND A P G S Ambassador Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing B C Corporate members in bold. ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 203 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# ASCO 2318 Mill Road, Suite 800 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 888-282-2552 Email: [email protected] Website: 733 ASTRO Resource Center 543 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 500 Fairfax, VA 22031 Phone: 703-502-1550 Email: [email protected] Website: Augmenix 204 2nd Avenue, Lower Level Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: 781-895-3235 Email: [email protected] Website: 343 Azimuth Therapy 68 B Amal Street Petach Tikva, 49513 Israel Phone: 97-2-3-92-781-11 Email: [email protected] Website: 327 Bayer HealthCare 6 West Belt Wayne, NJ 07470 Phone: 973-305-5000 Email: [email protected] Website: A 554 Best Medical International Inc. 7643 Fullerton Road Springfield, VA 22153 Phone: 703-451-2378 Website: R 2261, 2715, 2819 LEGEND A Ambassador P Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor G S Bronze Sponsor Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing Corporate Corporate members members inin bold. bold. B EXHIBITOR NAME Biocompatibles Inc. 926 115 Hurley Road, Building 3 Oxford, CT 06478 Phone: 203-262-4198 Email: [email protected] Website: R EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH Gartenstrasse 11 Reutlingen, 72764 Germany Phone: 49-7121-930-721-0 Email: [email protected] Website: 2853 C&G Technologies 6209 Gheens Mill Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Phone: 812-280-0048 Email: [email protected] Website: 519 C.R. Bard Inc. 8195 Industrial Boulevard Covington, GA 30014 Phone: 770-784-6223 Email: [email protected] Website: 2030 Cancer CarePoint Inc. 17 Executive Park Drive, Suite 520 Atlanta, GA 30329 Phone: 800-998-5859 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1722 Cancer Treatment Centers of America 2610 Sheridan Road Zion, IL 60099 Phone: 847-746-4441 Email: [email protected] Website: 2712 Cangene Corporation 920 Cassatt Road, Suite 100 Berwyn, PA 19312 Phone: 215-778-4743 Email: [email protected] Website: 2112 Bionix Radiation Therapy 5154 Enterprise Boulevard Toledo, OH 43612 Phone: 419-727-8421, ext. 262 Email: [email protected] Website: 1653 BK Medical Systems 8 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 978-326-1300 Email: [email protected] Website: 918 Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. 3555 N. W. 58th Street, Suite 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Phone: 405-917-0500 Email: [email protected] Website: R 820 Boiron 6 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073-3267 Phone: 610-325-7464 Website: 2613 Brainlab 3 Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 400 Westchester, IL 60154 Phone: 708-409-1343 Email: [email protected] Website: A R 1243 Bristol-Myers Squibb P.O. Box 4500 Princeton, NJ 08543 Phone: 609-897-2000 Email: [email protected] Website: 1635 Carbon Medical Technologies 1290 Hammond Road St. Paul, MN 55110 Phone: 651-653-8512 Email: [email protected] Website: 2716 BSD Medical 2188 W. 2200 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: 801-972-5555 Website: 2852 Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. 5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: 925-557-4100 Email: [email protected] Website: R 627 C 204 BOOTH# ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING EXHIBITOR NAME CDR Systems Inc. #33, 235105 Wrangler Drive, SE Calgary, AB T1X 0K3 Canada Phone: 403-850-7035 Email: [email protected] Website: R Cemar Electro Inc. 1370 55th Avenue Lachine, QC H8T 3J8 Canada Phone: 514-631-5807 Email: [email protected] Website: BOOTH# 613 514 Churchill Consulting Inc. 384 Route 148 Killingworth, CT 06419 Phone: 860-663-5630 Email: [email protected] Website: R 920 Cianna Medical 6 Journey, Suite 125 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone: 949-360-0059 Email: [email protected] Website: 542 CIRS 2428 Almeda Avenue, Suite 316 Norfolk, VA 23513 Phone: 757-855-2765 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2219 CivaTech Oncology 104 T W Alexander Drive, #4 Res Triangle Park, NC 27709 Phone: 919-314-5515 Website: 2929 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1401 8th Street SE Orange City, IA 51041 Phone: 712-737-8688 Email: [email protected] Website: B R 1826 Cold Shot Chillers 14020 Interdrive West Houston, TX 77032 Phone: 281-227-8400 Email: [email protected] Website: R 417 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# CompHealth 6440 South Millrock Drive, Suite 175 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Phone: 800-453-3030 Email: [email protected] Website: 2515 Computerized Radiation Scanners Inc. 140 Sopwith Drive Vero Beach, FL 32968 Phone: 772-562-0405 Email: [email protected] Website: 717 C-RAD Inc. 70 SE 4th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 561-742-9260 Email: [email protected] Website: 661 Cura Medical Technologies 23 Rancho Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone: 949-716-2447 2714 CYRPA America LLC 6725 Mesa Ridge Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92121 455 D3 Oncology Solutions 5750 Centre Avenue, Suite 500 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Phone: 412-365-0719 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1023 Dara BioSciences 8601 Six Forks Road, Suite 160 Raleigh, NC 27615 Phone: 919-861-0236 1020 Demos Medical Publishing 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 Phone: 212-683-0072, ext. 217 Website: 513 Desert Harvest 20070 Roaming Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80908 Phone: 719-592-0223 2450 DIACOR 2550 Decker Lake Boulevard West Valley, UT 84119 Phone: 763-227-2256 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2034 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# DOSIsoft 45-47 Avenue Carnot Cachan, 94230 France Phone: 33-141-242-626 2612 Dynasource LLC 7362 Futures Drive, Suite 15 Orlando, FL 32819 Phone: 407-792-8490 Email: [email protected] 2428 e+CancerCare 104 Woodmont Boulevard, Suite 500 Nashville, TN 37205 Phone: 615-467-7407 Email: [email protected] Website: 2113 e2v 520 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-592-6050 Email: [email protected] Website: 2528 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Robert-Rössle-Strasse 10 Berlin, 13125 Germany Phone: 49-30-94-10-84-272 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1758 Elekta 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Suite 50 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone: 770-670-2592 Email: [email protected] Website: A R 942 ELSEVIER 1600 JFK Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 702-260-4628 Website: 1617 Equal-Estro Inc. Place de l’Alama 3 Brussels, 1200 Belgium Phone: +32-277-681-59 Email: [email protected] Website: R 245 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 205 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Equicare Health Inc. 2653 201-2020 Yukon Street Vancouver, BC V5Y 3N8 Canada Phone: 604-398-2956 Email: [email protected] Website: Everson Tesla Inc. 615 Daniels Road Nazareth, PA 18064 Phone: 610-216-6279 Email: [email protected] Website: 1120 Focal Therapeutics 4370 Alpine Road, Suite 101 Portola Valley, CA 94028 Phone: 949-521-4949 423 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 8794 Avalon Street Alta Loma, CA 91701 Phone: 909-980-6229 Email: [email protected] Website: 719 Gammex Inc. 7600 Discovery Drive Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608-828-7000 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1435 GE Healthcare P.O. Box 414 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Phone: 262-544-3011 Website: 2242 GeneDx Inc. 207 Perry Parkway Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: 800-229-5227, ext. 8205 Website: 416 LEGEND A Ambassador P Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor G S Bronze Sponsor C Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing Corporate Corporatemembers membersininbold. bold. B 206 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Genomic Health Inc. 1817 301 Penobscot Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 866-662-6897 Email: [email protected] Website: Hitachi Aloka Medical 10 Fairfield Boulevard Wallingford, CT 06492 Phone: 800-872-5652 Email: [email protected] Website: 2421 GMV Soluciones Globales Internet S.A.U Isaac Newton, 11 Tres Cantos, MADRID 28760 Spain Phone: 34-918-072-100 Email: [email protected] Website: Hitachi America Ltd. 50 Prospect Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-524-6654 Email: [email protected] Website: 2520 Hologic Inc. 35 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: 781-999-7300 Website: S 734 HyperDrive Medical 1110 Sunset Drive Salt Spring Island, British Columbia V8K1E6 Canada Email: [email protected] Website: 563 IBA SA Chemin du Cyclotron, 3 ES1 Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348 Belgium Phone: 32-470-048-622 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1543 921 422 Gold Anchor 622 Vassvagen 21 Huddinge, 14139 Sweden Phone: 46-706-105-411 Email: [email protected] Website: R Guangzhou Renfu Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2514 No. 2 Zhiye RD Dalong Street, Panyu Guangzhou, Guangdong 511450 China Phone: 86-203-839-1508 Email: [email protected] Website: Healthcare Administrative Partners 112 Chesley Drive Media, PA 19063 Phone: 610-892-8889 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2353 Healthcare Global Enterprises #8, P Kalinga Rao Road, Tower IV, HCG, Sampaniramnagar Bangalore, Karnataka 560027 India Phone: 91-804-020-6058 Website: 426 Imaging Technology News 3030 West Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: 847-391-1000 Email: [email protected] Website: 420 Heritage Capital Group 4811 Beach Boulevard, Suite 300 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone: 904-394-3525 Website: 334 ImpediMed Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 125 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 877-247-0111 Email: [email protected] Website: R INSYS Therapeutics Inc. 10220 S. 51st Street Chandler, AZ 85224 Phone: 602-910-2617, ext. 9020 1916 Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. 710 Cromwell Drive, Suite A Greenville, NC 27858 Phone: 866-437-6372 Email: [email protected] Website: 2420 Integrated Oncology Network 2865 E. Coast Hwy, Suite 210 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone: 949-933-8800 Website: 2843 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# IntraOp Medical 570 Del Rey Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: 408-636-1020 Website: 821 IOP Publishing 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 929 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-627-0880 Email: [email protected] Website: 418 IOS Consultants LLC 2422 7770 West Chester Road, Suite 150 West Chester, OH 45069 Phone: 888-870-1780 Email: [email protected] Website Iron Medical Systems Inc. 3104 E. Camelback Road, #562 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-343-6440 Email: [email protected] Website: 428 IsoAid 7824 Clark Moody Boulevard Port Richey, FL 34668 Phone: 727-207-5973 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2427 IsoRay Medical Inc. 350 Hills Street, Suite 106 Richland, WA 99354 Phone: 509-375-1202 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2736 James L. Davis 13521 Walsingham Road Largo, FL 33774 Phone: 727-596-0408 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1017 Klarity 80 Westgate Drive Newark, OH 43055 Phone: 740-788-8107 Email: [email protected] Website: 2343 Kobold P.O. Box 1994 Veradale, WA 99037 Phone: 509-703-5090 2352 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME Kyoto Kagaku Co. Ltd. 3109 Lomita Boulevard Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: 310-325-8860 Email: [email protected] Website: 523 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-521-8300 Email: [email protected] Website: 1716 Landauer Inc. 2 Science Road Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone: 877-476-8433 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2333 2655 Northwinds Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30009-2280 Phone: 770-643-5559 Email: [email protected] Website: 729 LAP of America LLC 2142 161 Commerce Road, Suite 3 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: 561-416-9250 Email: [email protected] Website: R MACROMEDICS BV Kouwe Hoek 18 Waddinxveen, 2741 PX Netherlands Phone: 31-018-238-9777 Website: 447 Math Resolutions LLC 5975 Gales Lane Columbia, MD 21045 Website: 335 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 4-5-1, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku Osaka, 532-0011 Japan Phone: +81-6-6886-7351 Email: [email protected] Website: 2454 McKesson Specialty Health 10101 Woodloch Forest The Woodlands, TX 77380 Phone: 832-601-6208 Email: [email protected] 2513 Leoni CIA Cable Systems S.A.S. 1663 1, Ave Louis Pasteur, Zone Industrielle de Gellainville Gellainville, 28630 France Phone: 0033-237333204 Email: [email protected] Website: Liberty Medical Inc. 22135 Davis Drive, #112 Sterling, VA 20164 Phone: 888-257-2408 R 2448 LifeLine Software Inc. 2407 Pemberton Place Austin, TX 78703 Phone: 866-592-1343 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2743 LinaTech LLC 1294 Kifer Road, Suite 705 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: 408-733-2051 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1762 Linbeck Group LLC 3900 EssexSuite 1200 Houston, TX 77027 Phone: 713-621-2350 2955 BOOTH# medPhoton GMBH 2853 Muellner Hauptstrasse 48 Salzburg 5020 Austria Phone: +43-662-4482-3928 Email: [email protected] Medspira LLC 2718 Summer Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-789-0013 Website: 521 Mevion Medical Systems 300 Foster Street Littleton, MA 01460 Phone: 978-540-1500 Email: [email protected] Website: G R 1253 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 207 EXHIBITOR NAME Miaderm Radiation Relief at Aiden Industries LLC 2412 Calle San Miguel Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: 617-461-5959 Email: [email protected] Website: R BOOTH# 443 Mick Radio Nuclear-Instruments Inc. 521 Homestead Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Phone: 914-667-3999 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1334 Micropos Medical AB Stena Center 1 Gothenburg, 41292 Sweden Phone: +46-31-772-80-99 Email: [email protected] Website: R 559 MIM Software 25800 Science Park Drive, Suite 180 Cleveland, OH 44122 Phone: 216-455-0600 Email: [email protected] Website: 433 Ministry Health Care 2426 900 Illinois Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 Phone: 715-342-7772 Email: [email protected] Website: Mirada Medical Oxford Centre for Innovation, New Road Oxford, OX1 1BY United Kingdom Phone: 44-(0)-1865-261-410 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2733 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Mission Search 2203 N. Lois Avenue, Suite 1225 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 813-870-9500 Email: [email protected] Website: 715 NELCO 2 Burlington Woods Drive, Suite 300 Burlington, MA 01803 Phone: 781-933-1940 Website: R 2026 Network Imaging System 8100-C Arrowridge Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: 704-619-0290 517 Neurologica 14 Electronics Avenue Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: 978-564-8533 Website: 249 Novocure 1500 Broadway, 29th Floor New York, NY 10036 Website: 2615 Mitsubishi Electric 2934 3124 Fox Creek Drive Danville, CA 94506 Phone: 925-890-8935 Email: [email protected] Website: Mobius Medical Systems 906 Hutchins Street Houston, TX 77003 Phone: 713-234-0123 Email: [email protected] Website: 2519 Modus Medical Devices Inc. 1570 North Routledge Park London, ON N6H 5L6 Canada Phone: 519-438-2409 Email: [email protected] Website: 2633 MPM Medical Inc. 2301 Crown Court Irving, TX 75038 Phone: 972-893-4090 Email: [email protected] Website: R 819 MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 1601 SW 89th Street, E-100 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Phone: 405-680-5222 Email: [email protected] Website: 633 Multidata Systems International Corp. 10816 Indian Head Industrial Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63132 Phone: 314-968-6880 Website: 1235 Myriad Genetic Laboratories 320 Wakara Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Phone: 801-584-3535 Email: [email protected] Website: 331 OiService CT & MR 2349 64 Union Way Vacaville, CA 95687 Phone: 888-673-5151 Email: [email protected] Website: LEGEND A P G S Ambassador Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing Corporate Corporatemembers membersininbold. bold. B C 208 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Oncolink-University of Pennsylvania 1021 Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine 3400 Civic Center Boulevard Radiation Oncology Admin Offices, Suite 2338 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-349-8895 Email: [email protected] Website: Oncology Services International 400 Rella Boulevard, Suite 123 Montebello, NY 10901 Phone: 845-357-6560 Email: [email protected] Website: R 727 Oncology Systems Limited 14 Longbow Professional Centre Shrewsbury, SY1 3GZ United Kingdom Phone: +44-(0)1743-462694 Email: [email protected] Website: 763 Orfit Industries America 350 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 101 Jericho, NY 11753 Phone: 516-935-8500 Email: [email protected] Website: 2543 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# P-Cure Ltd. 500 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL 60015 Phone: 847-874-7771 Email: [email protected] Website: 2554 Perioperative Services LLC 111 Continental Drive, Suite 412 Newark, DE 19713 Phone: 302-709-4502 445 Phantom Laboratory P.O. Box 511 Salem, NY 12865 Phone: 518-692-1190 Email: [email protected] Website: 917 Philips Healthcare 3000 Minuteman Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone: 800-229-6417 Website: A 1832 Pioneer Bioscience Publishing Company 3/F, 1st Building, Le Su Science Park, 1526, Chunbo Rd., Binjiang District Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310052 China Phone: +86-571-28182610 Email: [email protected] Website: 516 Pitts Little Corp. 2711 Alton Road Birmingham, AL 35210 Phone: 205-833-5911 Email: [email protected] Website: 1116 Precise Construction Inc. 5026 Trenton Street Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: 813-241-2403, ext. 20 Website: 2318 Precision X-Ray 15 Commerce Drive, Unit 1 North Branford, CT 06471 Phone: 203-484-2011 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2751 Progenics Pharmaceuticals 777 Old Saw Mill River Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-789-2800 332 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME ProNova Solutions 1450 Dowell Springs Boulevard, Suite 230 Knoxville, TN 37909 Phone: 865-684-2616 1863 Radiation Business Solutions 1044 Jackson Felts Road Joelton, TN 37080 Phone: 615-746-4711 Email: [email protected] Website: 923 ProTom International Inc. 1100 Parker Square, Suite 230 Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: 972-410-3551 Email: [email protected] Website: R 1561 Radiation Oncology Resources P.O. Box 76 Goshen, IN 46527 Phone: 574-364-2474 Email: [email protected] Website: R 721 Prowess Inc. 1844 Clayton Road Concord, CA 94520 Phone: 925-356-0360 Email: [email protected] Website: 2135 816 PTW 205 Park Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-827-3181 Email: [email protected] Website: 2435 Radiation Products Design Inc. 5218 Barthel Industrial Drive Albertville, MN 55301 Phone: 763-497-2071 Email: [email protected] Website: R 618 Qfix 440 Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 Phone: 800-526-5247, ext. 713 Website: R 1627 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 1818 Market Street, Suite 1600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-717-0843 Email: [email protected] Website: 2443 QLRAD Inc. 80 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 2000 Miami, FL 33130 Phone: 770-335-5601 Email: [email protected] Website: 412 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 5065 List Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919-3321 Phone: 719-590-1077 Email: [email protected] Website: 751 RAD Technology Medical Systems 20801 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 403 Aventura, FL 33180 Phone: 305-898-2544 Email: [email protected] Website: 743 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 6725 Mesa Ridge Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 858-454-8100 Email: [email protected] Website: 827 RadiaDyne 3801 Kirby Drive, Suite 710 Houston, TX 77098 Phone: 713-807-9100 Website: 2213 RADMAX Ltd. 3304 S. Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 Tyler, TX 75701 Phone: 903-531-2371 Email: [email protected] Website: R RaySearch Laboratories AB 150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1950 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 877-778-3849 Email: [email protected] Website: 1453 Radia-Guard 419 Erin Drive, Suite 5 Knoxville, TN 37919 Phone: 866-400-8080 R 512 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING BOOTH# 209 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Remetronix 2190 N.W. Reserve Park Trace Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986 Phone: 800-875-0856 Website: 453 Revenue Cycle Inc. 1817 West Braker Lane, Building F, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758 Phone: 512-583-2000 Email: [email protected] Website: R 612 RS&A Inc. 465 Forum Parkway Rural Hall, NC 27045 Phone: 336-969-0583 Email: [email protected] Website: 442 S+S Par Scientific 10625 Telge Road Houston, TX 77095 Phone: 281-815-1300 Email: [email protected] Website: 1118 ScandiDos Uppsala Science Park Uppsala, SE-751 83 Sweden Phone: 46-018-472-3030 Email: [email protected] Website: 653 Sensus Healthcare 851 Broken Sound Parkway, #215 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Phone: 800-324-9890 Email: [email protected] Website: R 427 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 No.7 Taimei Road, Zibo New & Hi - Tech Zone Shandong, 255086 China Phone: 86-533-358-7719 Email: [email protected] Website: Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. 4620 S. Coach Drive Tucson, AZ 85714 Phone: 520-917-0661 Email: [email protected] Website: R 210 1135 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 51 Valley Stream Parkway Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 610-448-4252 Website: A R 929 Sky Factory 801 N. 18th Street, P.O. 1177 Fairfield, IA 52556 Phone: 641-472-1747 Email: [email protected] Website: 732 SonaCare Medical LLC 801 E. Morehead Street, Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 704-817-1170 Website: 2850 Sordina IORT Technologies S.p.A 14530 Falling Waters Drive Jacksonville, FL 32258 353 SPEC MED 113 Teal Street St. Rose, LA 70087 Phone: 504-464-9471 Website: 2452 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc. 11500 S. Eastern Avenue, #240 Henderson, NV 89052 Phone: 702-835-6300 Email: [email protected] Website: R 546 Springer 233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013 Phone: 212-460-1500 Email: [email protected] Website: 1016 Standard Imaging 833 3120 Deming Way Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 800-261-4446 Email: [email protected] Website: R Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 2553 Think Park Tower 1-1, Osaki 2-chome, Shinagawa Tokyo, 141-6025 Japan Phone: 61-079-167-16 Email: [email protected] Website: ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Sun Nuclear Corporation 3275 Suntree Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32940 Phone: 321-259-6862, ext. 275 Email: [email protected] Website: C R 2116 superDimension Inc. 161 Cheshire Lane, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 763-210-4013 Email: [email protected] Website: 434 Suremark Company 4645 Industrial Street, 2C Simi Valley, CA 93063 Phone: 800-406-3399 Email: [email protected] Website: 430 Teva CNS 41 Moores Road Frazer, PA 19355 Phone: 610-786-7213 Email: [email protected] Website: 2827 The Red Journal/Practical Radiation Oncology 1619 1600 JFK Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 702-260-4628 Website: Theragenics Corporation 5203 Bristol Industrial Way Buford, GA 30518 Phone: 770-271-0233 Email: [email protected] Website: R 2527 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. No. 11 Yongchang North Road, BDA Beijing, P.R.C. 10076 China Phone: 86-106-788-5599, ext. 398 Email: [email protected] Website: 2160 Toshiba Medical Systems 2441 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780-7043 Phone: 714-669-4190 Email: [email protected] Website: 227 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# TRG Oncology Equipment 5318 E. 2nd Street, #682 Long Beach, CA 90803 Phone: 949-622-0022 Website: R 1122 Vision RT Ltd. Dove House, Arcadia Avenue London, UK N3 2JU United Kingdom Phone: 00-44-771-432-7781 Email: [email protected] Website: 2227 Xoft 101 Nicholson Lane San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-493-1500 Email: [email protected] Website: B R 2449 Universal Health Network 32 Broadway Hornell, NY 14843 Website: 735 VisionTree Software Inc. 8885 Rio San Diego Drive, #220 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: 619-295-2800 Website: 446 619 Vantage Oncology 1500 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 400 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Phone: 310-335-4074 Website: 2313 Xstrahl Ltd. 480 Brogdon Road, Suite 100 Suwanee, GA 30024 Phone: 678-482-6800 Email: [email protected] Website: S VOA Associates 722 12th Street N.W., Suite 100 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-822-8227 Email: [email protected] Website: 620 Water-Jel Technologies 50 Broad Street Carlstadt, NJ 07072 Phone: 201-507-8300 Email: [email protected] Website: R 336 Varian Medical Systems 3100 Hansen Way Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-424-5927 Email: [email protected] Website: A R Velocity Medical Solutions 1350 Spring Street, Suite 275 Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-907-1705 Email: [email protected] Website: 1115, 1335 1461 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance Inc. 2455 733 Marquette Avenue, N9306-070, 7th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 612-667-1674 Email: [email protected] Website: Veritas Medical Solutions 2150 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 210 Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 888-242-6760 Email: [email protected] Website: R Vertual Ltd. Logistics Institute Hull, UK HU6 7RX United Kingdom Phone: 44-148-234-7572 Email: [email protected] Website: C 1263 ViewRay Inc. 2 Thermo Fisher Way Oakwood Village, OH 44146 Phone: 408-368-2244 Email: [email protected] Website: S R 2126 Wiley 350 Main Street Malden, MA 02148 Phone: 781-388-8313 Email: [email protected] Website: 415 Willmed Corporation 51 Valley Stream Parkway Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 821-051-9084, ext. 41 658 Xecan 275 Grove Street, Building 2, Suite 400 Newton, MA 02466 Phone: 617-686-9953 731 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 211 Exhibitor Listing by Product/Service ACCELERATOR Acceletronics 1913 Dynasource LLC 2428 Hitachi America Ltd. 2520 IBA SA 1543 LAP of America LLC 2142 Mevion Medical Systems 1253 Mitsubishi Electric 2934 Oncology Services International 727 ProTom International Inc. 1561 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 751 RS&A Inc. 442 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. 1135 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 2553 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2160 TRG Oncology Equipment 1122 Varian Medical Systems 1115, 1335 BRACHYTHERAPY 21st Century Oncology 757 AccuBoost 243 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 Biocompatibles Inc. 926 BK Medical Systems 918 BSD Medical 2852 C.R. Bard Inc. 2030 Cianna Medical 542 CIRS 2219 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1826 DIACOR 2034 Dynasource LLC 2428 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG 1758 Hologic Inc. 734 IsoAid 2427 IsoRay Medical Inc. 2736 LifeLine Software Inc. 2743 Mick Radio Nuclear-Instruments Inc. 1334 MIM Software 433 MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 633 Prowess Inc. 2135 PTW 2435 QLRAD Inc. 412 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 SPEC MED 2452 Standard Imaging 833 Theragenics Corporation 2527 Varian Medical Systems 1115, 1335 Xoft 2449 DOSIMETRY/DETECTORS Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 Equal-Estro Inc. 245 Gammex Inc 1435 IBA SA 1543 Micropos Medical AB 559 Multidata Systems International Corp. 1235 Phantom Laboratory 917 PTW 2435 QLRAD Inc. 412 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 2443 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Standard Imaging 833 212 Sun Nuclear Corporation Varian Medical Systems 2116 1115, 1335 ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. Churchill Consulting Inc. Elekta Equal-Estro Inc. Equicare Health Inc. Healthcare Administrative Partners Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Varian Medical Systems VisionTree Software Inc. 820 920 942 245 2653 2353 929 1115, 1335 446 FACILITY CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. architection IBA SA James L. Davis NELCO Precise Construction Inc. RAD Technology Medical Systems Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Sky Factory Veritas Medical Solutions 823 1621 1543 1017 2026 2318 743 1135 732 2150 FINANCIAL SERVICES Alliance Oncology Churchill Consulting Inc. Radiation Business Solutions Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Wells Fargo Equipment Finance Inc. 712 920 923 929 2455 IMAGING PRODUCTS Acceletronics 1913 AQUILAB 2732 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 BK Medical Systems 918 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2853 C&G Technologies 519 C-RAD Inc. 661 Gammex Inc 1435 GE Healthcare 2242 Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. 2420 Hitachi Aloka Medical 2421 Kyoto Kagaku Co. Ltd 523 MIM Software 433 OiService CT & MR 2349 Oncology Systems Limited 763 P-Cure Ltd. 2554 Phantom Laboratory 917 Philips Healthcare 1832 PTW 2435 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 751 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2160 Toshiba Medical Systems 227 Velocity Medical Solutions 1461 Vision RT Ltd. 2227 Xoft 2449 Xstrahl Ltd. 619 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. MIM Software MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems Philips Healthcare Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Varian Medical Systems Velocity Medical Solutions VisionTree Software Inc. 820 2420 433 633 1832 929 1115, 1335 1461 446 MEDICAL DEVICE .decimal 1659 A2J Laser Technology 1535 AccuBoost 243 Accuray Inc. 1842 Augmenix 343 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 Biocompatibles Inc. 926 BK Medical Systems 918 C&G Technologies 519 Carbon Medical Technologies 2716 Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. 627 DIACOR 2034 e2v 2528 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG 1758 Elekta 942 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 719 Gammex Inc 1435 GE Healthcare 2242 Gold Anchor 622 Hitachi Aloka Medical 2421 Hitachi America Ltd. 2520 Hologic Inc. 734 ImpediMed Inc. 420 IsoRay Medical Inc. 2736 Klarity 2343 LinaTech LLC 1762 Medspira LLC 521 Mevion Medical Systems 1253 Mick Radio Nuclear-Instruments Inc. 1334 Micropos Medical AB 559 MIM Software 433 OiService CT & MR 2349 Oncology Services International 727 P-Cure Ltd. 2554 Philips Healthcare 1832 ProTom International Inc. 1561 Qfix 1627 QLRAD Inc. 412 RS&A Inc. 442 S+S Par Scientific 1118 Sensus Healthcare 427 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 SPEC MED 2452 Standard Imaging 833 Sun Nuclear Corporation 2116 superDimension Inc. 434 Theragenics Corporation 2527 Toshiba Medical Systems 227 Varian Medical Systems 1115, 1335 ViewRay Inc. 2126 Vision RT Ltd. 2227 Xstrahl Ltd. 619 OTHER Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. Alphatron Linac American College of Radiation Oncology American Radium Society BSD Medical CDR Systems Inc. CIVCO Medical Solutions Cold Shot Chillers Foss Therapy Services Inc. Gammex Inc Healthcare Administrative Partners ImpediMed Inc. Iron Medical Systems Inc. Landauer Inc. MIM Software Myriad Genetic Laboratories Oncology Services International Radiation Therapy Oncology Group RADMAX Ltd. Revenue Cycle Inc. RS&A Inc. Sky Factory Vertual Ltd. VOA Associates Water-Jel Technologies 823 2526 241 616 2852 613 1826 417 719 1435 2353 420 428 2333 433 331 727 618 827 612 442 732 1263 620 336 PATIENT HANDLING/POSITIONING A2J Laser Technology 1535 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 Bionix Radiation Therapy 1653 Brainlab 1243 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2853 CDR Systems Inc. 613 Cemar Electro Inc. 514 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1826 C-RAD Inc. 661 DIACOR 2034 Elekta 942 Equicare Health Inc. 2653 Gold Anchor 622 Guangzhou Renfu Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2514 Klarity 2343 LAP of America LLC 2142 Leoni CIA Cable Systems S.A.S. 1663 Micropos Medical AB 559 Philips Healthcare 1832 Qfix 1627 QLRAD Inc. 412 S+S Par Scientific 1118 Vision RT Ltd. 2227 PHARMACEUTICAL Bayer HealthCare 554 Bristol-Myers Squibb 1635 Cangene Corporation 2112 Miaderm Radiation Relief at Aiden Industries LLC 443 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc. 546 Teva CNS 2827 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 21st Century Oncology Alliance Oncology e+CancerCare Healthcare Administrative Partners Mission Search Radiation Business Solutions VisionTree Software Inc. 757 712 2113 2353 715 923 446 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY American Association of Medical Dosimetrists American College of Radiology American College of Radiation Oncology American Radium Society American Society of Radiologic Technologists ASTRO Resource Center 432 413 241 616 515 543 PUBLISHER Demos Medical Publishing ELSEVIER Imaging Technology News IOP Publishing Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pioneer Bioscience Publishing Company Springer The Red Journal/Practical Radiation Oncology Wiley 513 1617 921 418 1716 516 1016 1619 315 QUALITY ASSURANCE American College of Radiation Oncology American College of Radiology AQUILAB Churchill Consulting Inc. CIRS CIVCO Medical Solutions Computerized Radiation Scanners Inc. D3 Oncology Solutions Dynasource LLC Equal-Estro Inc. Foss Therapy Services Inc. Gammex Inc Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. IBA SA LifeLine Software Inc. Mick Radio Nuclear-Instruments Inc. Micropos Medical AB Modus Medical Devices Inc. MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems Multidata Systems International Corp. Phantom Laboratory PTW Radiation Oncology Resources Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT ScandiDos Sun Nuclear Corporation 241 413 2732 920 2219 1826 717 1023 2428 245 719 1435 2420 1543 2743 1334 559 2633 633 1235 917 2435 721 618 2443 653 2116 RADIATION PROTECTION/SHIELDING Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. architection Augmenix James L. Davis NELCO Pitts Little Corp. PTW Radiation Products Design Inc. Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Veritas Medical Solutions 823 1621 343 1017 2026 1116 2435 816 1135 929 2150 RADIATION THERAPY 21st Century Oncology A2J Laser Technology Acceletronics AccuBoost Accuray Inc. Alliance Oncology American College of Radiology 757 1535 1913 243 1842 712 413 Anzai Medical Co. Ltd. 2755 Augmenix 343 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 Biocompatibles Inc. 926 Bionix Radiation Therapy 1653 Brainlab 1243 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2853 Carbon Medical Technologies 2716 CDR Systems Inc. 613 Cianna Medical 542 CIRS 2219 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1826 Computerized Radiation Scanners Inc. 717 C-RAD Inc. 661 e2v 2528 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG 1758 Elekta 942 Equal-Estro Inc. 245 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 719 GMV Soluciones Globales Internet S.A.U 422 Gold Anchor 622 Guangzhou Renfu Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2514 Hologic Inc. 734 HyperDrive Medical 563 IBA SA 1543 IsoAid 2427 IsoRay Medical Inc. 2736 Klarity 2343 Landauer Inc. 2333 LAP of America LLC 2142 LifeLine Software Inc. 2743 MASEP Infini Medical Science Technology Development Co. Ltd. 135 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 2454 Medspira LLC 521 Mevion Medical Systems 1253 Miaderm Radiation Relief at Aiden Industries LLC 443 Micropos Medical AB 559 MIM Software 433 Mirada Medical 2733 Mitsubishi Electric 2934 Modus Medical Devices Inc. 2633 MPM Medical Inc. 819 MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 633 OiService CT & MR 2349 Oncolink-University of Pennsylvania 1021 Oncology Services International 727 Oncology Systems Limited 763 Oncure Medical Corp. 421 Orfit Industries America 2543 P-Cure Ltd. 2554 Phantom Laboratory 917 Philips Healthcare 1832 Precision X-Ray 2751 PTW 2435 Qfix 1627 QLRAD Inc. 412 RadiaDyne 2213 Radiation Products Design Inc. 816 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 618 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 2443 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 751 RaySearch Laboratories AB 1453 RS&A Inc. 442 S+S Par Scientific 1118 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 Standard Imaging 833 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 2553 Sun Nuclear Corporation 2116 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 213 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. TRG Oncology Equipment Varian Medical Systems Vertual Ltd. ViewRay Inc. Xoft Xstrahl Ltd. 2160 1122 1115, 1335 1263 2126 2449 619 RADIOISOTOPE SOURCE MANUFACTURER IBA SA IsoAid Theragenics Corporation 1543 2427 2527 SEARCH FIRM/STAFFING/RECRUITMENT Cancer CarePoint Inc. Cancer Treatment Centers of America CompHealth Landauer Inc. Ministry Health Care Mission Search 1722 2712 2515 2333 729 2426 715 TREATMENT ACCESSORIES Alphatron Linac 2526 Best Medical International Inc. 2261, 2715, 2819 BSD Medical 2852 CDR Systems Inc. 613 Dynasource LLC 2428 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG 1758 Guangzhou Renfu Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2514 Hitachi America Ltd. 2520 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 2454 Medspira LLC 521 Miaderm Radiation Relief at Aiden Industries LLC 443 MIM Software 433 QLRAD Inc. 412 Radiation Products Design Inc. 816 RS&A Inc. 442 S+S Par Scientific 1118 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 Sky Factory 732 Suremark Company 430 TREATMENT PLANNING Accuray Inc. AQUILAB Best Medical International Inc. Brainlab Cangene Corporation Carbon Medical Technologies CIRS CIVCO Medical Solutions D3 Oncology Solutions Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Elekta Equicare Health Inc. 214 GE Healthcare 2242 GMV Soluciones Globales Internet S.A.U 422 HyperDrive Medical 563 LinaTech LLC 1762 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 2454 Medspira LLC 521 MIM Software 433 Mirada Medical 2733 Mission Search 715 Mitsubishi Electric 2934 OiService CT & MR 2349 Oncolink-University of Pennsylvania 1021 Oncology Systems Limited 763 Phantom Laboratory 917 Philips Healthcare 1832 Precision X-Ray 2751 Prowess Inc. 2135 Radiation Oncology Resources 721 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 751 RaySearch Laboratories AB 1453 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2627 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 929 Toshiba Medical Systems 227 Varian Medical Systems 1115, 1335 Velocity Medical Solutions 1461 ViewRay Inc. 2126 1842 2732 2261, 2715, 2819 1243 2112 2716 2219 1826 1023 1758 942 2653 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Stop by the ASTRO Resource Center Booth #543 LEARN ABOUT ASTRO’S NEWEST PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. 2013 S UR CIRCLVIVOR E VISIT THE RESOURCE CENTER TO: Stop b y the S urvivo Resou r Circle rce Cen in the ter. Me Surviv et this or Circ y ear’s le A ward w the 20 inner a 13 Sur nd vivor C recipie ircle G nts. Plu rant s, don’t off you forget r stam to drop ped Pa chance ssport to win for a great p rizes. • Receive training on the ROhub, ASTRO’s exclusive online community. • Have your photo taken for the ASTRO member directory. • Learn about APEx, ASTRO’s new practice accreditation program. • Pick up information on the latest changes to the MOC process. • Ask about RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System, ASTRO’s new patient safety organization. • Get information on the 2013 ASTRO PQRIwizard, the online tool that reduces the burden of PQRS reporting. • Pick up free patient brochures and browse our patient website • Purchase the ASTRO/ACR Guide to Radiation Oncology Coding supplement and multi-year Web subscription. • Apply online for ASTRO membership. • Search for job openings and job seekers on the ASTRO Career Center site. • Get your questions answered by ASTRO’s knowledgeable staff. ANNUAL MEE TING S C I E N C E B A S E D, PAT I E N T D R I V E N NOTES Mark Your Calendars! A S T R O 56 T H A N N UA L M E E T I N G TARGETING CANCER: Technology Biology Meeting Dates: September 14 -17, 2014 • Exhibit Dates: September 14 -16, 2014 • Moscone Center • San Francisco Call for abstracts site opens: December 17, 2013 Closes: February 17, 2014 TA R G E T I N G C A N C E R CAR E 2013 ASTRO Annual Meeting | Georgia World Meeting Dates: September 22-25, 2013 Exhibition Dates: September 22-24, 2013 218 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING Congress Center | Halls B1 - B4 EXHIBIT H ALL HOUR S :00 p.m. :00 a.m. – 5 Sunday: 10 5:00 p.m. 0:00 a.m. – Monday: 1 5:00 p.m. 0:00 a.m. – Tuesday: 1 ASTRO 2013 / 55TH ANNUAL MEE TING 219 Thank you Recognizing ASTRO’s 2013 Corporate Members .decimal 21st Century Oncology Acceletronics/Rad Parts Accuray Incorporated Advanced Particle Therapy a-fabco Inc. Aktina Medical Corporation Alliance Oncology AMAC Amgen Inc. architection PLLC Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals The Bergendahl Institute LLC Biocompatibles Inc. Bionix Radiation Therapy Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. Brainlab AG Bristol-Myers Squibb C. R. Bard Inc. Cancer CarePoint Inc. Cangene Corporation Cianna Medical CivaTech Oncology Inc. CIVCO Medical Solutions CompHealth Locum Tenens D3 Radiation Planning Diacor Inc. Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG ELEKTA Equicare Health Inc. Gammex Inc. Genomic Health Inc. Gold Anchor (Naslund Medical) Healthcare Administrative Partners Hologic Inc. IBA InSightec IntraOp Medical Corporation IsoRay Medical Inc. James L. Davis Inc. Klarity Medical Products, LLC Landauer Inc. LAP of America LLC Mevion Medical Systems Mick Radio-Nuclear Instruments, Inc. MIM Software Inc. Mirada Medical Mobius Medical Systems LP Modus Medical Devices Inc. MRP Inc. NELCO New Bedford Corporation Oncology Services International Oncology Systems Limited Oncure Medical Corporation Philips Healthcare Pitts Little Corp. ProNova Solutions ProTom International Inc. Prowess Inc. PTW Qfix RAD Technology Medical Systems Radiation Business Solutions Radiation Oncology Resources Radiation Products Design Inc. Radiological Imaging Technology (RIT) Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. RADMAX Ltd. RaySearch Laboratories, AB RC Billing Revenue Cycle Inc. ScandiDos AB Sensus Healthcare Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Siemens Healthcare Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Standard Imaging Sun Nuclear Corporation Theragenics Corporation TRG Oncology Equipment Vantage Oncology Varian Medical Systems Veritas Medical Solutions Vertual Ltd. ViewRay Inc. Vision RT VisionTree Weatherby Healthcare Xoft Inc. Xstrahl Ltd. CO R P O R AT E M E M B E R
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