2013–2014 Honor Roll of Donors - St. John`s Northwestern Military


2013–2014 Honor Roll of Donors - St. John`s Northwestern Military
A future worthy of your investment.
2013–2014 Honor Roll of Donors
We give “to support the mission of SJNMA to build
character and leadership in our young men.”
– Donald and Virginia Raths, Parents
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy remains on the forefront of teaching and learning
because of those whose love for our school has moved them to make a gift. The generous support from
our gracious donors is what fuels the success of this great Academy. We acknowledge the more than 800
contributors who have strengthened our position as an exemplary college preparatory school
for young men by making a gift during the fiscal year July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014.
Thank you for investing in the future of our cadets.
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
Thank you for supporting ...
The Year in Giving 2013-2014
Total Dollars
Cadet Phonathon
Annual Fund................$2,420,638
Capital ................................ $105,775
Endowment .................... $111,700
Total ...........................$2,638,113
Received ..............................$78,031
by Constituency
Gross ................................... $221,492
Net .......................................$189,335
The Excalibur
Board of Trustees...................100%
Faculty and Staff.....................100%
Parents of Cadets.................... 41%
Past Faculty/Staff..................... 28%
Parents of Alumni.................. 12%
Contributed Dollars
by Constituency
Foundations, Vendors, Corporations,
Donor Organizations
$111,889 (4.24% )
Board of Trustees
(4.66% )
Parents of Cadets
(8.26 %)
Parents of Alumni
(3.91% )
Faculty and Staff, Friends, Other
$ 88,616 (3.36% )
(75.57% )
I give “because now I realize how much
SJNMA gave to me!”
– Nicholas Mann ’09
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON
a future worthy of your investment.
Honor Roll of Donors
Reflects gifts received during
the fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
The Heritage Society ($25,000 or more)
Bruce J. Adreani S’67 and the Adreani
Family Foundation
Thomas and Helen Armer
Jack and Margaret Beier N’35 †
Bob Bucko S’49 †
Randy Carl S’75
Rick Leone S’75 †
MG Joseph A. Scheinkoenig,
USA (Ret.) †
Floyd A. and Ina Schlossberg S’55
Walter and Kathy Snodell
The Wohlers Family Foundation
I give because “SJMA changed my life.”
– Richard H. Smith S’61
The “H. M.” Founder’s Circle ($10,000-$24,999)
Dr. Crain and Mrs. Maggie Bliwas N’65
Bard and Kathy Boand N’67
George Boomer N’39 †
The Lynde and Harry Bradley
Bob and Nanette Bramlett S’70
Peter and Deborah Flaherty
Mark Harger
Dave and Gloria Hess S’59
Yeun Kun Jung and Kyeong Yae
Margaret O’Malley Davis †
Lucas Kraft ’99
Phyllis Leach
Drs. Bryan and Maura Mazey
Old Boys Alumni Association
Jeanne Safro
Ken and Pat Schneider
Elmer and Muriel Seaman
N’43 †
Victor Trevino S’58
The Ken and Nancy Woodrow
Family Foundation
Joseph and Mary Plese
Dr. Edwin and Mrs. Carla
The Roger & Lilah Stangeland
Foundation, Lilah Stangeland H’99
and Roger Stangeland S’47 †
Montana and Rebecca
Jack and Peggy Sturm S’54
Davidson Society ($5,000-$9,999)
Alliant Energy
Sonny and Jo Astani
Holly Fawley
Andrew J. “Flip” Filipowski S’68
Carl Hendrickson S’70
Merideth Hmura
Tony and Pat Kampling
Richard and Karin Kinzalow
Fred and Teri Leach S’74
John and Kelly Leone
Tom and Amy Marshall
Ellsworth Mills II N’44
Jeffrey and Melissa Peterson
Great care was taken to prepare this Honor Roll. Please accept our apologies for
any errors or omissions and contact Cindy A. Trione, director of donor relations
and special events, with any concerns at (262) 646-7289 or [email protected].
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
Steve and Anne Tews
Carlos Valencia S’72 and
Carlos Valencia, Jr. ’13
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
Thank you for supporting ...
President’s Club ($1,000-$4,999)
David Adams
Dr. Adekunle and Mrs. Victoria
Arthur Albert S’46
Dr. Jack and Mrs. Betty Albert
Humberto and Alicia
William and Julie Alford
Ames Police Benefit Association
Anonymous (3)
Babboni Photography
Robert W. Baird & Co. Foundation,
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Carm Basile
The Alben F. Bates & Clara G. Bates
Ann Bederman
Lou and Sue Boers
Ian Borowski N’71
Rear Adm. Rebecca J. Boyle,
Bill Bratt S’73
David and Judy Carl S’83
Dewey Carl
Bill and Diane Cary S’65
Dr. Eric and Mrs. Marsha Christman
Brendan and Nancy Connelly
The Honorable Joseph Cook
Burt and Pat Corbus S’44
Michael and Deanna Cuttill
Allen Dickson S’38 †
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee,
The Rt. Reverend Steven A. Miller
and Mrs. Cindy Miller
Miguel Espinosa Keefer S’40
Dave and Judi Flegel S’56
Vally Flint
Joe and Linda Giammanco
Frank and Agnes Godchaux
Norm and Polly Godfrey S’45
Douglas and Jane Guffy
Stephen Hale S’61
Wally and Eileen Hankwitz S’63
John and Theresa Harrington N’61
Murray and Mary Belle Harwich
John and Karen Heinz S’70
Mike and Lynn Henn
A. J. Hodges S’62
Mike and Barbara Hoover S’71
William R. and Susan M. Hummel
N’68; H’10
ESCO, Inc.
Gary and Deborah Jaeger
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Donna
David and Susan Johnson
Deborah Johnson
The Margaret and James C.
Johnson Charitable
Todd and Kristina Johnson N’85
Joseph and Brenda Johnston
SFC Sean Keating, USA (Ret.)
Gregory and LaDawn Kempf
Eric and Christine Kirkhofer
Ed and Anne Klein
Scott Kuechenmeister S’81
Joe and Jamie LaRocca N’69
William and Margarida Laub
Randall and Wendi Lauer
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
Anthony and Joan Lazzara S’48
Edward and Janet Mardigian
Warren and Mary Marik S’63
James Marlas and Marie
Nugent-Head S’55
Lynne McAlevey
Sidney McAlister S’43
Dr. Mart and Mrs. Lindsey
Michael and Brenda McClure
CAPT and Mrs. Jack E. McQueston,
USN (Ret.) S’45
Noel Meyer S’67
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Lotte Meyer
John C. and Jan M. Miller S’62
Jonathan and Mary Miller
Joseph Miller ’11
Kyung Tae Min and Won Ju Choi
Cecile LeBlanc
John Leone
Steve and Joanne Lewandowski
William and Lois Lynch S’48
Jim and Nancy Malik
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Joy Mann
Frank and Susan Morley S’63
Mosaicos, Inc.
George Mosher S’41
Dr. Art and Mrs. Denise Moxon
Gerald and Suzanne Nagel
Peter and Faith Nielsen
Edward and Maria Noble S’46
I give because “SJNMA
was instrumental in the
development of character
and leadership in my son.”
– Douglas Arnold, Parent
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON
a future worthy of your investment.
Dave Oetting S’51
H. S. Oliver, USA (Ret.) S’73
Dave and Cyndi Olsen
Louis and Edna Peyla S’48
Dr. Perry and Mrs. Lynn Phillips
M. Harry Piper † and Wanda L.
Piper S’49 Designated Fund of
the Community Foundation of
Greater Flint
William and Mary Valerie Plaster
Debra Raimondi
Bob and Betty Reeder
John and Ruth Richardson S’66
John Rodas and Lori Kelley
Richard A. Rosenthal, Jr. and
Patricia Deboom
Robert and Michelle Roth S’79
Arturo and Angelica Salas Ortiz
Chuck and Julie Sansone N’58
James and Suzanne Sass
Steven and Dawn Sass
Bob and Judy Schell S’64
John H. and Kathleen H. Schneider
Family Foundation
Joe and Sue Sevenz
MAJ and Mrs. Craig Smith S’76
Gary Smith and Phyllis
Dorota Sniezynski
Suzanne Spanjer
Gerald and Marianne Steele
Tom and Marie Stocks S’69
Beverly Strong
Guanshui Sun and Zhongying
Chris Surville S’82
H. W. Suter Foundation
Wallace and Leonarda Szczekocki
Joseph Tamari
Ricky and Grace Tan ’99
Spencer Tauck and Cynthia
Tyler and Sarah Tobin S’67
John and Kay Trebellas S’55
Greg and Susan Van Praag S’72
Jack and Donna Vanier
Fran Vorys H’87
Richard and Yvonne Voss S’64
Robert and Judy Waller S’46
Walmart Foundation
Jervis and Diana Webb S’60
Cary Wicker ’12
Sally Woock
Weimin Zhuang and Yiqun Li
I give because the Academy “saved my
scholastic career and then saved my son’s.
We were failing out of school, and
St. John’s changed us into top performers.”
– Nils Rosaen S’64
General Roy Farrand Club ($500-$999)
Joe and Kathy Alagna S’65
Jeff and Theresa Ambord
1SG and Mrs. Derek S. Andrasic,
Douglas and Susan Arndt
Willard Askew, Jr. N’67
Jason Babiar S’87
David and Deborah Baltazar
George and Lisa Banuelos
Steve and Stacy Celichowski
David Chapman N’68
Jun Chen and Xuemei Ji
Christ the King Lutheran Church
John and Susan Davis
James and Ann Duggan H’81; H’13
LaVerne and Mary Evans S’47
Everything Summer Camp
Brad and Megan Gapp S’91
Jeffrey and Kimberly Gebhart
Mike and Marissa Gettle
Robert and Barbara Graham
Jay and Dana Grinde
Thomas and Betty Haberkamp
John and Barb Hankwitz S’60
John and Sally Hattenhauer
Jerome “Bud” Hoffberg S’33
Patrick and Nancy Hurst
Butters-Fetting Co., Inc.
Indianhead Mountain Resort
Mark and Karen Jordan S’74
John and Judy Jung S’45
Jeff and Ann Knier
Terry Knueppel S’54
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Karen Lambert
Stephen and Karen Leonard
Peter and Deirdre Lies
Lombard Studios, Inc.
Mark and Fredricka Manning
Frank and Denise Manta S’55
Tom and Polly Mauer
Steve and Caroline Mayer
Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Janet McGee
MSI General Corporation
John Mueller S’59
John and Patty Mueller S’81
Larry and Carol Nelson S’65
Rudolph A. Peckinpaugh, Jr. S’72
Catherine Petty
Anh and Mimi Phan
Reflects gifts received during the fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
Thomas and Jennifer Quick
Nils and Betty Rosaen S’64
Lee Ross
Michael Ross
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Nicole Rynearson
Sheila Sheppard
Gary and Sherry Sievewright
Romuald and Caron Slimak
Steven Paul Designs
Joe and Kay Szymanski
Kathryn Tannert
Town Bank
Cary Van Aacken and Linda Ivarson
Patricia Watkins
Yuanqiang Yang and Xuan Chen
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
Thank you for supporting ...
Kemper-DeKoven Club ($250-$499)
John and Donna Adler S’55
Carla Barnes-Tamari
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Susan Bergin
Richard Bohn S’72
H. Peirce and Ann Brawner N’46
Lee and Susan Breitkopf S’73
Walter “Trevor” † and Margaret †
Brown N’39
Tom and Barb Busse N’60
Terry Butz S’60
Victor and Susan Cohn S’61
Joshua C. Cole ‘00
F. J. “Fritzie” Cole-Brown
Oliver and Corenna Cummings
Jim and Joyce Cunningham S’69
Ann Czajka
Fr. Richard Deitch S’58
Fernando Del Bosque Alcala ‘14
Colleen Dolan
Rich and Sue Ellbogen S’68
Eye Candy
Robert and Cathleen Faerber
Patrick Fath and Jodi King Fath
Steve and Roberta Fremgen S’64
Lisa Funk
Thomas and Kathleen Garcea
Robert Greene S’73
Bruce Griffin and Carolyn
Griffin-Pope N’58
Dr. and Mrs. Dean Hagness
Geoff and Wendi Hall
Andy Hillmann
Insight Limousine & Sedan
Deane Jaeger
Dennis and Nancy Jaeger S’59
Waring Jenkins N’52
Philip Johnson S’50
Roman and Mary Kamin H’00
LTC and Mrs. James M. Kebisek,
USA (Ret.) H’08
Richard Koechlein N’58
Don and Peg Koller
Paul and Anitamarie Kopaczewski
Melanie Kowalchuk
James and Janet Kuehn
Charlie and Patricia Lindberg S’64
James Lofy
Eileen Mahon
Bruce McIntyre S’45
Mike and Diamond McKenna
Charles Miller and Susan
Kelly-Miller S’55
Dick and Rosalie Miller S’49
John and Glenda Minniece S’50
Mark Mugerditchian S’91
Brian and Gail Murphy
Evangeline Ndigwe
Joe and Carey Niemczyk H’13
Richard and Denise Nierzwicki
Office Copying Equipment
Deborah Olson
Luis Patinos
Roger Pawsat N’61
Richard Pelletier, Jr. S’70
Keith and Laurie Pitner
Bob and Charlene Popke
Price Engineering Co., Inc.
Bert Risdon, II S’59
COL and Mrs. Robert C. Roehrkasse,
USAF (Ret.) H’07
Kenneth and Pam Roessler
Shawn and Nyia Sallee
William and Elizabeth Savage
George and Carol Schneider S’55
Ann Schoper
Gregory and Gina Somerville
COL and Mrs. Charles B. Thornell, Jr.,
USAR (Ret.) S’66
Eric and Terri Tillich
Mike and Cindy Trione
Alois Vana S’52
Vikas and Rajwant Vohra
John and Joanne Wiechers N’54; H’10
John and Sandi Wietzel S’64
Virginia Wilkie H’87
Dr. Ed and Mrs. Faith Winiecke S’79
Randy and Laura Zakowski
I give “because the school instills
good character in its students.”
– LTC Kenneth Radnitzer, USAR (Ret.) N’44
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON
a future worthy of your investment.
We give “to support a great place.
It turned our boy into a man.”
– Dwight and Sharon Pawlowski, Parents
Beacon Club ($100-$249)
Above All Construction, Inc.
Lynn Adams
Douglas and Marisela Arnold
Herbert and Carol Arnquist
Tim and Patty Ashe S’66
Adolfo Autrey S’61
Elias and Veronica Aziz
Gregory and Rita Barabasz
Joe and Valencia Barlow S’81
Barnes Jewelers
Mike and Anne Barrett N’52
Edward Barry
Edward and Susan Basler N’60
Edwin Bearss S’41
Chad Berndt and Lisa
Ronald and Sally Bloomingdale
James Bouc N’84
Ping Braatz
Merganser Fund (Bradt Family)
Phillip and Kathy Brawner N’49
John and Marilyn Breidster N’60
Dean and Kerrie Brisson S’86
Dennis Brooks
Karen Brooks
Alexander Butterfield S’44
Frank and Diane Calabrese H’14
Bill and Marilyn Campbell S’51
Roberta Carlson
Bob and Pam Chamberlain N’61
Achara Chirathivat
Bruce and Barbara Chrisman
Greg and Mary Christman S’63
ClearWater Outdoor
Paul Clifford
Waukesha County Technical
J. Michael and Mary Crulcich
Glenn Cummins and Rana
Oscar and Elaine Dahl
Rick and Sheri Dana / Spring Green
Kristine Daugherty
The Delafield Hotel
Margaret Dolan
Mike and Laurie Dolan H’84
Tom and Sandy Donaldson
Earth Care Window Treatment
& Design
T. E. (Tim) Everhard S’57
Allen and Jane Favrot S’43
Ed and Trang Fenner S’60
Dr. John Fischer S’89
Rafael Flores and Gloria Chevere
Virginia Foley
Gregg and Judy Foster S’64
Denis Fraser and Linda Manson
Marcus Fruchter and Mitzi Baum
William Garbe S’62
COL and Mrs. Paul Gardetto,
Patrick Geary N’71
Lonney and Jaye Getlin N’63
Girly Stuff by Jackie Hillman
Daniel and Rachel Golla H’09
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Kathryn
Gotthardt S’60
David and Janet Grabacki
Arthur and Jean Graham S’68
John Green S’31
Tom and Nancy Greyslak S’76
John Grimshaw
Karen Gryszkiewicz
William and Caroline Guanell S’55
Frank Habib H’84 and Peggy White
MG Hal E. Hallgren, USA (Ret.) S’43
Lionell and Stephanie Hardy
Thomas and Lisa Hartmann
Donald and Paula Haseltine S’56
Matthew and Lori Hattenhauer
Paul Havel
Matthew and Kathryn Herman
Ted Heyer N’54
Reflects gifts received during the fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
Hilton Garden Inn
Hispania Fusion
Wayne Hochmuth S’50
William Hollatz S’44
Michael and Shelia Holmes
Jim and Kathy Hoover S’76
Francis and Kathleen Hope
Robert Jr. and Susan Hougard S’80
Rong Huang and Xiu Zhang
InStep Running & Walking Centers
Lester and Judith Jacobs
Dr. Janine James Cromwell
Greg and Judy Jansen N’72
COL and Mrs. Eduardo J. Jany N’82
The Jewelry Mechanic, Inc.
David and Patricia Jones N’56
Steve and Cyd Jordan
Len Kafer S’59
Doug and Rosemary Kaploe S’58
Robert Kelly S’67
Bertha Kempf
PNCM and Mrs. Edward M. Koch, Jr.,
USN (Ret.) S’71
Laddie and Judy Korecek S’73
Charles Krametbauer S’78
Ernie and Anita Kurtock S’52
John and Kristin Kutz
Lake Country Cigars
John and Jean Lambert S’63
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
Thank you for supporting ...
Beacon Club ($100-$249) CONTINUED
Lazybones, Inc.
Gary and Patricia Lehman
LT COL and Mrs. Fred Ley
Jon and Jill Loehndorf S’56
Keith and Patricia Lohr S’75
William and Alison Mahoney
John and Judy Marecek
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Andrea
Michael Marshall and Jeanette
Martinizing Cleaners
Denise Mason
James and Joanne McAvoy
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Marta
Rory McVey ’04
Kimberly Metcalf
The James and Estelle Milch S’55
Fund of the Jewish Community
Charles Miller
Kang Min ’14
Edmund Moeller and Betty Harris
Terry and Hallie Moline
The Rt. Rev. James Montgomery
Alan and Chris Moon N’62
Edward and Catherine Moore S’47
Scott Morrison S’72
Bill and Judy Naleid S’63
MAJ and Mrs. Richard H. Nelson,
USA (Ret.) N’69
Lance and Holly Newman
Dr. Donald Nichols
Dr. Robert Nystrom S’40
Albert Olson, Jr. S’51
Esther Omotunde
Thanasak Ophaphaiboon and
Karuna Roesler
Amy Palmer
Dr. Rick and Mrs. Tracy Papandrea
Paul and Julie Payne
Pedal’rs Inn Bed and Breakfast
Fernando Perez
Ann Perrine
Oliver and Susan Perry S’67
Dr. Randy and Mrs. Shelli Peters
Kent and Kimberley Peters S’73
Edward and Nadine Pflueger
Phat Quarters Quilting
Robert and Pamela Pole
Christine Prekezes Vranas
LTC and Mrs. Kenneth Radnitzer,
USAR (Ret.) N’44
BGEN and Mrs. R. S. Raisch
Donald and Virginia Raths
Red Circle Inn and Bistro
Jack Reichert S’55
Matthew Reno S’62
Revere’s Wells Street Tavern
Col. and Mrs. Bert L. Rice, USA (Ret.)
Brian and Kim Richert H’14
Gary and Nancy Richert H’02; H’06
The Honorable Margaret Dee
Robert Roselle
Alexander Roth ’11
Renee Rouse
Everett Sandefur
Robert and Bonnie Scheinkoenig
Armond and Janice Schmidt
Frederick and Janet Schmidt
Dirck Schou N’60, HF Coors
Wayne Schreck S’62
Stephanie Schreurs
CAPT Daniel Schwartz ’99
Michael Scukanec N’77
Mary Pat Shandor
1LT and Mrs. Jason L. Sharp,
Daniel Sherwin S’62
John and Pam Simmons S’66
Phil Simrod
Kelly Sly
Richard H. Smith S’61
Sonoma Cellars
Brian and Sandy Staffeldt
Mike Stahl
Tanya Stanfield
Aaron Stanislaw
Jonathan and Camille Stanislaw
William and Margaret Stanislaw
Starfire Jewelry
Staybridge Suites Milwaukee West
Sylvia Stec
Paul and Ann Stephens
Bradley and Marcia Stocks
Lynette Stowell
Stefania Szczekocki
Chris Tan ’99
Clifford and Hope Taylor S’45
Walter and Verna Thompson S’47
Malcolm Thomson S’47
John and Kimberly Thornburg H’03
Don and Bette Timmel
Michael Tobin S’62
Michael J. Toland
Lori Tompkins
LTC Adrian G. Traas, USA (Ret.) S’53
Richard and Mary Trailer S’63
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Barbara Unger
Van Galder Tour & Travel
Janet Vander Vegt
Edgar and Sabrina Voss S’71
The Wall Family
John and Suzanne Wall
Charles and Nancy Wallace
Qian Qian Wang and Bo Seong
Todd and Karen Warnke
Karen Watson
Arthur and Marilyn Weller S’48
John Werner and Amanda Ebert
Werner S’86
Michael Whittaker
Oscar † and Shirley Williams
Bruce Winkler
Stephen and Maggie Young N’45
Michael and Carol Zaruk
Qindian Zheng and Yufang Zhang
Yi Heng Zhuang ’15
ZIN Uncommon California/Italian
Zippy Shell Mobile Storage
We give because “SJNMA is a great
school. What better way to show
that they are doing a great job!”
– Simon and Maricela Estrada, Parents
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON
a future worthy of your investment.
I give “to help the Academy and to
show my support for my old school.”
– Cary Wicker ’12
Friends of the Academy (Gifts to $99)
James Abbs and Roxanne DePaul
Scott and Lynette Ahlgren H’11
Anthony and Katherine Albano
Albrecht Foods, Inc.
Sherman and Diane Allen
Scott and Lori Andersen
Andrew’s Bar & Restaurant
Anonymous (2)
Jorge Arciniegas ’13
Ann Bachmann
Joseph Banyai N’84
Sarah and Andrew Beaumont
Jon Bennett
Bennolli’s Hand Made Pizza
Grant and Beverly Berning N’59
Brittany Blanski
Gene Boley
Donald and Christina Book
Andrew and Cheryl Boone
Curt and Sandy Borgwardt S’63
Drake and Terrianne Bradbury S’78
Beverly Branson
Betty Britton
John Broman S’71
Mark Brown
Rebecca Brumder
Jaime L. Buege
Bertha Bullock
LaRissa Bullock
P. J. and Kathleen Burbach
Amy Butler
Seehon Byun ’19
Andrew Campbell S’82
Kelly Campise S’84
Robert and Sherry Carter S’65
Jeffery and Rebecca Castles
Michael Cerier ’08
Melinda Cheetham
The Chocolate Factory
Chuck Coleman
Susan Collar
Warren Conn S’76
Laura Cook-Barker
Ty Courtney
Charles and Sandra Craig
Brian and Judith Daub
Eric and LaVina David
Chase DeJean ’14
Curtis and Erika DeJean
Delafield Arts Center
Delafield Convenience
Bill Denniston
Michael Devine
Brent and Megan Diderrich
Brian Donaldson
Jacqueline Dunn
David and Stacey Earnest N’85
Robert Edgers N’48
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Priscilla Enwald
Jason Erlick ’00
Simon and Maricela Estrada
Roger and Jean Eull
Jennifer Eversman
Douglas Falkenburg
James Feltes
Debbie Firkus
Fishbone’s Cajun & Creole
Douglas and Libby Fisher
Seth and Noreen Fitter
Tom and Janice Flaherty
Fox Bros. Piggly Wiggly
Fredric Fralick S’44
Adam Frame
John Galley N’58
Capt. Betti Garcia
Karen Gebhart
Gentler Times
Dr. Charles and Mrs. Carolyn Gerwick
Jack Gibbs
William Glidewell and Shelley
Art Goff
Sim and Margareth Gordon S’54
Richard and Sharon Graham
David and Sherri Grotkiewicz
Eric Hafeli
Howard Hall
Richard Hanson N’61
Kristine Harger
Robert Harger ’08
Andy and Jill Harper N’77
Robert Hatch S’40
Haus of Prime Meats, Inc.
Alex Heinz ’06
Joyce Heinzelmann
Reflects gifts received during the fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
Jason and Carol Heise
The Rev. Dr. Charles and
Dr. Jennifer Henery
Judy Hildebrandt
Shelby Hill
Scott Hinsch S’41
Karen Hoffmann
Andrew Hoinacki
Barb Holt
George and Karin Hueneke
Stephanie Ihler
Susan Isotalo
The Rev. Paul and Mrs. Carol
Zhi Jian Jlao ’15
Kelly and Sharon Johnson
Sally Johnson
Robert and Carol Jones
Conrad Jorgensen
Amy Karsten
Jeanette Keim
John and Jeanne Kelleher
Thomas and Sharon Keller S’87
Joseph and Mary Beth Kiefer
Joel Kinzalow ’14
Stephanie Kleifgen
Jacalyn Klinzing
Ann-Christin Kloth
Kevin Koepke ’08
Michael and Julie Koepke
Jerry Kolashinski
Shannon Konen
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
Thank you for supporting ...
Friends of the Academy (Gifts to $99) CONTINUED
Dave and Mary Jo Koppenhofer
Pete and Voula Kouros
John Kozicki
Lands’ End
Kirk Langbehn S’78
Jim and Fran Langerfeld
Miguel and Alma Lastiri
Miguel Lastiri Pellon ’13
Brandon LaVictor
Chuck Lawrence
Clarence and Phyllis LeMar
Clarkson and Nancy Lindley
John Lindt, Jr. S’46
Arnie Lordahl
Jeffrey and Susan Madunich
David and Leslie Mann S’94
Nicholas Mann ’09
Howard and Anne Marco S’46
Jill Mazurek
Donnell and Sandra McGough N’55
Kathleen McNamara
Ashlyn Melendez
Anthony and Stacy Menting
Rev. David and Mrs. Audrey Mills N’48
Robert and Julie Mitchell
David and Judy Moody N’57
Frank Morton S’48
Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Alice Moy
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mueller
Angela Munvez
Alexander Murphy ’13
John and Nancy Murray
David and Hannah Muse
Krayton Nash
Nashotah Clubhouse
Stephen Ndigwe ’14
Mary Nelson
Steven and Laura Novick S’64
Ifeanyi Obi
Marie Obrochta
SFC John S. Ong, USAR (Ret.) N’46
Alois and Sandra Ortler
Dwight and Sharon Pawlowski
Richard and Ruth Pedersen
David and Jessica Pederson
Margaret Pehl
Ginger Peterson
Picnic Basket
Lawrence and Cynthia Planert
Kyle Popke ’08
Nicholas Radulovich
James and Shirley Ramseyer
Audley and Pamela Redwood
David Redwood ’13
Abbie Reetz
Robert and Kerry Reilly
David Reppert S’68
Tom and Gina Resch
Elizabeth Reuter
Tomas and Patricia Reyes
James Richmond
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Joseph Roehrkasse ’13
Todd and Angie Rosch
Merline Rouse
Jose and Julie Rumbaut
Duane and Judy Rutherford
Nicole Rutherford
Erwin and Debra Sadowski
Bill and Stephanie Sanders S’74
MAJ and Mrs. Julius A.
Schallenmuller, USA (Ret.) N’46
Edwin and Jill Scharf
Dr. David Schlaack
Donald Schmid
Gregory and Susan Schmidt H’87
Phillip Schmidt ’14
Sebastian and Lenore Schmidt
Peter Scholz S’55
Clayton and Carol Schott H’99
Fred and Theresa Schumaker
Laurence and Terri Schwartz
CMSgt Steven Schweiss, USAF (Ret.)
Aaron and Melissa Schwind
Scooter & Goose
Rodney Scott
Dr. Pamela Seaman and Mr. John
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Jennifer Seidl
Catherine Shepard
Ken and Tricia Shields S’68
Timothy and Erin Shramek H’12
Perry and Amy Siebers H’97
Charles and Virginia Siffert S’43
Richard and Sharon Slosar
Anthony and Rejeanne Smaniotto
Michael Smaniotto ’09
Jerald Smith S’68
Kip and Marilyn Snudden
Brenda Solis
Bruce Speidel S’63
David and Heidi Stanislaw
Michelle Stoga
Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Peggy Storrs
Veronica Strope
Zhaoyu Sun ’16
William and Mary Swendson
Cheng Thao
John and Sandra Thompson S’71
Carol-Anne Touchberry
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Krystyna Tucci
Deb Turnbull H’12
Valentine Coffee Roasters
Erin Vander Heyden
Jeff Vanthournout
Charles Varellas S’59
Joan Vasquez
Tim Vice
Victory International Fellowship
Christopher Wagner ’13
Richard and Barbara Wagner S’59
Susan Wagner
Richard and Rosalind Wakefield
Thomas Walker S’59
Joseph Waugh ’13
John Weidman
Dr. John and Mrs. Kay Weiler
John Weston S’72
Kathleen White
Lawrence † and Colleen Whittle
COL Alexander Wilson, USMC (Ret.)
Karen Wirkus
Wisconsin Indoor Golf Center
Alan and Beverly Wolfe
Eric and Teresa Wozniak
Christopher and Jennifer Wray
Yiqian Zhang ’15
1SG Paul Zimmer, USA (Ret.)
COL Thomas Zimmerman, USA (Ret.)
and Dr. Mary Povolny N’51
Kristina Ann Zufelt
We give “to help boys
learn to be men.”
– William and Alison
Mahoney, Parents
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON
a future worthy of your investment.
Gifts in Honor of
William Abbs ’03
James Feltes
James McClellan ’17
William “Billy” Schardan ’17
James Abbs and Roxanne DePaul
SFC Scott Andersen
Rachel Golla H’09
Dr. Mart and Mrs. Lindsey
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
LaVerne and Mary Evans S’47
Griffin Murphy ’14
1SG Derek S. Andrasic, USAR
The Rev. Michael J. Gray-Fow
Joe Niemczyk H’13
Above All Construction, Inc.
Auntie Dedra
Auntie Veronica
Marie Obrochta
Michelle Stoga
Veronica Strope
Stefania Szczekocki
Wallace and Leonarda Szczekocki
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
Joseph Barnes-Tamari ’16
Carla Barnes-Tamari
Brittany Blanski
Edward Borowski
Ian Borowski N’71
Class of ’99
CAPT Daniel Schwartz ’99
Nicholas Cummings ’16
Oliver and Corenna Cummings
Brian Donaldson
Brendan and Nancy Connelly
James Duggan H’81
Dr. Jack and Mrs. Betty Albert
Ty Courtney
Shelby Hill
Don and Peg Koller
Paul and Anitamarie Kopaczewski
Jill Mazurek
Stuart Edwards
Jeanette Keim
Edward Espinosa S’66
Miguel Espinosa Keefer S’40
Bard and Kathy Boand N’67
Patrick Hurst ’05
Patrick and Nancy Hurst
Brian and Gail Murphy
Peter and Deborah Flaherty
Chase Petty ’16
Gary and Deborah Jaeger
Denise Mason
Catherine Petty
Fred and Theresa Schumaker
Harrison Kampling ’15
Benny Roesler ’14
Kyle Jaeger ’05
Tony and Pat Kampling
SFC Sean Keating, USA (Ret.)
Peter and Deborah Flaherty
LTC James M. Kebisek, USA
(Ret.) H’08
Brendan and Nancy Connelly
Austin Kempf ’14
William Glidewell and Shelley
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
Miguel Lastiri Pellon ’13
Miguel and Alma Lastiri
Nicholas Lies ’14
Peter and Deirdre Lies
Michael Margolis ’12
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Andrea
MAJ Steve Mayer
Peter and Deborah Flaherty
Evangeline Ndigwe
MAJ Fred Schumaker (Ret.)
Denise Mason
Rodney Scott
Thanasak Ophaphaiboon and
Karuna Roesler
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
Joe Sevenz
Timmy Roesler ’16
Peter and Deborah Flaherty
Thanasak Ophaphaiboon and
Karuna Roesler
Tim Shramek
The Reyes Family
SJNMA Facilities
Tomas and Patricia Reyes
Carl and Jerilyn Laurino
Gary Richert H’02
Mike and Laurie Dolan H’84
John Kozicki
Arnie Lordahl
The Roger & Lilah Stangeland
Foundation, Lilah Stangeland
H’99 and Roger Stangeland S’47
Stuart Riepl ’02
The Honorable Margaret Dee
George Roth
Kunal Vohra ’15
Vikas and Rajwant Vohra
Chad Warnke ’17
Todd and Karen Warnke
Jordan Waugh ’16
Chad Berndt and Lisa Waugh-Berndt
Michael Werner ’15
John Werner and Amanda Ebert
Werner S’86
Dr. Edward Winiecke S’79
Faith Winiecke
Gerald and Suzanne Nagel
Patrick and Flora Woock
Jack and Carol Bartingale
Sally Woock
Matching Gifts
Alliant Energy
American Express
Applied Materials
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Constellation Brands, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
The Home Depot Foundation
Merck Company Foundation
The Samuel Roberts Noble
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Reflects gifts received during the fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
THE BEACON | SUPPLEMENT | St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
Thank you for supporting ...
a future worthy of your investment.
Gifts in Memory of
Joseph Anstett S’51
James Julien S’51
Jeffrey Manson ’98
Walter R. Schell
Bill and Marilyn Campbell S’51
Jacqueline Lepeterson
Bob and Judy Schell S’64
Joseph Benton S’48
MSG Harold W. Keene,
USAR (Ret.)
Denis Fraser and Linda Manson
Mark Hoffman
Dr. Phil and Mrs. Joyce Hoffman
Wisconsin Physicians Service
Neil Branson, Jr. N’51
CAPT Daniel Schwartz ’99
Laurence and Terri Schwartz
Jerome Kraft
Lucas Kraft ’99
Thomas Bulger S’51
Dean Lamperis N’71
Bill and Marilyn Campbell S’51
Ian Borowski N’71
Class of ’99, Fallen Classmates
MAJ Edison B. Lerch S’19
Charles Jenkins N’46
Curt and Sandy Borgwardt S’63
Rich and Sue Ellbogen S’68
LaVerne and Mary Evans S’47
Daniel and Rachel Golla H’09
Thomas and Betty Haberkamp
Joyce Heinzelmann
Judy Hildebrandt
Karen Hoffmann
Stephanie Ihler
Sally Johnson
LTC and Mrs. James M. Kebisek,
USA (Ret.) H’08
Don and Peg Koller
Paul and Anitamarie Kopaczewski
Melanie Kowalchuk
Joe and Carey Niemczyk H’13
Fernando Perez
Gary and Nancy Richert H’02; H’06
Richard A. Rosenthal, Jr. and Patricia
Timothy and Erin Shramek H’12
Mike and Cindy Trione
John and Suzanne Wall
John and Sandi Wietzel S’64
Waring Jenkins N’52
Chris “Bubba” Madding S’91
Harlan W. Johnson
Old Boys Alumni Association
Roger and Jean Eull
David and Susan Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Larry Malyj S’57
Richard Collins S’61
John C. and Jan M. Miller S’62
Nason and Becky Cottington
S’21; H’81
Robert and Sherry Carter S’65
John Davis S1889
Margaret O’Malley Davis †
Robert Davis S’25
Margaret O’Malley Davis †
Robert Eckardt S’50
Robert Eckardt
Ramon Espinosa Keefer S’31
Miguel Espinosa Keefer S’40
Ned Fasel ’09
Holly Fawley
Karen Wirkus
Robert Jason Gore ’00
Ames Police Benefit Association
Philip Johnson S’50
PFC Michael J. Metcalf, USA ’08
Kimberly Metcalf
Beverly Hart Branson
Lucas Kraft ’99
Bruce McGlasson S’49
Cheryl Mugerditchian
Mark Mugerditchian S’91
William Murphy S’37
Margaret Pehl
Mr. Lee A. Nelson N’52
Waring Jenkins N’52
LTC Sam C. Oliver, USMC (Ret.)
H. S. Oliver, USA (Ret.) S’73
MGEN Ralph H. Spanjer, USMC
(Ret.) H’96
Tom and Sandy Donaldson
Suzanne Spanjer
COL Alexander Wilson, USMC (Ret.)
Russell E. Strong S’57
Beverly Strong
Kenneth H. Suter S’38
H. W. Suter Foundation
Paul Tannert S’12
Kathryn Tannert
LTC Herbert A. Trapp, USAF
(Ret.) S’37
Amy Palmer
Adolfo Autrey S’61
Dr. Eric and Mrs. Marsha Christman
William Garbe S’62
Joseph and Brenda Johnston S’60
John C. and Jan M. Miller S’62
Matthew Reno S’62
Wayne Schreck S’62
Michael Tobin S’62
Willis Pearson S’29
Harry Vorys S’43
Stephen Oliver S’72
H. S. Oliver, USA (Ret.) S’73
Olukayode S. Omotunde, MD
Esther Omotunde
Briggs Palmer S’46
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Nicole Rynearson
Rudolph Peckinpaugh, Sr. S’43
Rudolph A. Peckinpaugh, Jr. S’72
The Rev. Paul A. Perrine, Jr. S’52
Ann Perrine
Eric Peters S’95
Brian and Judith Daub
William Savage S’31
Frederick and Janet Schmidt
John Weston S’72
Walter Terry Watkins S’64
Patricia Watkins
Maynard White, Jr. S’26
Kathleen White
Dr. Ronald Wiedenhoeft S’54
Dennis and Nancy Jaeger S’59
William and Elizabeth Savage
John Schaupp S’40
Nannette Schaupp
Oksana Mostowycz
† Deceased
Heritage Society Member
Leaders Circle Member
I give because the Academy gave me “some of my
best memories and certainly the best preparation.
It is what made my career a success!”
–COL Eduardo J. Jany N’82
Thank you for investing in the future of our cadets.
2013 - 2014 REPORT TO DONORS
St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy | SUPPLEMENT | THE BEACON

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