1800F w/ Cobra Pipes and Fi2000
1800F w/ Cobra Pipes and Fi2000
I_]ONDAVTX1SOOF oE V-Twttl KABooM irs 110 cuBIC TNCHES pushingit, Honda'sVTX1800Fmovesdown the road quite smartly,thank you. But you know how we motorcyclistsare when it comesto performance: Enoughis...well, neverenough.We alwaysyearnfor more expense,easy especiallyifgetting it involvesreasonable installationand immediateresults.So,when we decided to give our testVTX-F a bit moreurge.we took a route thai promisedto deliverthoseeasy,immediateresults.We swappedthe stock exhaustfor one that breathesa little more freeiy,andcoercedthe fuel-injectionsysteminto beingmore generouswith its distributionof deaddinosaurs. Fortunately,we were ableto obtainthe equipmentneeded for both tasksfrom the samesource:CobraEngineertng (7 14I 692-8 |80; www.cobrausa.com).At the time,-Cobrawas the only companyselling an aftermarketexhaustfor the F($579)'which feature modelVTX: the drag-styleSpeedsters that full-lengthheatshieldsanda cleverlyhiddencrossover connectsthe two pipesright at the front ofthe straightsections.We alsosnaggedoneof Cobra'sFi2000Digital Fuel ($200)tojuice up the Honda'sEFI. Processors and lnstallationof thesepieceswas straightforward The entirestockexhaustcameoff as a absentany surprises. unit in iessthanfive minutes,andboltingup the Speedsters requiredj ust short of a half-hour-much of which was spent fiddling with the hoseclampsthat hold the heatshields in place.Installingthe Fi2000is anotherno-brainerthat n.rostpeopleshouldbe ableto accomplishin minutes.It involvesvelcroingthe unit to the top of the EFI blackbox underthe seat,andconnectingfour wiresusingthe provided F12000box is unobtrusive,fits easryunderthe seat SpeedsterpiPesare availablein three aptly namedstyres; the Slashdowns (seen here),the longer Longsand the shorterShorts. / ,, ,1". Scotchlokconnectors. We werepleasantlysur100 prisedat the results.Stock, 90 the F-modelchurnedout 83.5 80 70 horsepowerat 5 100rpm and 60 97.0foot-poundsoftorque at 50 3700.The pipe andFi2000 z 40 u bumpedthosenumbersuP to 88.6hp at 4900 and 104.1 $ c n of6 ft.-1b.at 3400-increases ," E and 8 percent,respectivelY. o o From idle to around2700 2 3 4 5 6 RPMx1000 rpm, the torquecurve didn't 83.5@ 5100RPM -'--slocK g7,0@3700RPM changemuch; in fact, between 2000and2700,1fwasa foot88.6 @ 4900 RPM ^^--. uuum i04.7 @ 34oo RPM pound or threelower. DesPite that, throttle responseright off idle was noticeablymorecrisp,andthe torquelncrease from 2700up to redlinewas significantlygreaterthanstock. Indeed,at around4100rpm, the torqueoutputwas almost 9 ft.-lb. higher. We per-eivedthe biggestimprovementwhen rolling the throttleopenat 3000rpm and above,andwhenrunningup the throughthe gearswide-open.In thcsecircumstances, noticeablyharderandwas much more VTX accelerated willing to rev. And becauseboth the horsepowerandtorque peaksoccurredat slightly lower rpm, that addedperformancewasmoreeasilyaccessible. Creditmuchof this improvementto the crossoverin the would likely have exhaustsystem.Without it, the Speedsters behavedlike most other straightpipesand pokeda sizable hole in the powerband,probablyin that 2000-to-2700-tpm range.But the crossovergiveseachcylinder'sexhaustpulses accessto thetotalvolumeof bothpipes,broadeningthe system'seffectivetuningrange.So,it allowsthe pipesto be tunedfor higher-rpmperformancewithout greatlypenal- videdby the Fi2000.When checkedwith an exhaust-gasanalyzer,the modified VTX maintaineda near-idealair-fuelratio of all theway i" ,-'r-1" between74.2:1to 14.5:l throughthe rpm range,whereasin stock form, it wasmuch leanerat low andmid three rpm. The Fi2000incorporates richening screwsunder its flip-uP lid, but the mixture was PerfectlY dialed-in as delivered, so we neverhad to touch them. F o r j u s t o v e r $ 7 5 0 ,t h e n , practically anyonecan bump the performanceof their VTX1800F enoughto get rewardingresults.All they need are a few basrc tools and a burning destrefor M more kaboom. ':.: ''1'"':" "" "" "' ' i w.cyclewotld.com
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