Issue No.PiP 051 (Apr`16 to Jun`16)
Issue No.PiP 051 (Apr`16 to Jun`16)
LQWKLVLVVXH!!! Operation We Clean Up P.1 PESTCRAFT Fourstar Briquets Ad P.3 Bee/Hornet Investigation P.4 Bentz Jaz Ad P.6 Circular Advisory from NEA P.7 WSHC Messages P.11 Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association Asbestos Control in S’pore P.12 April - June 2016 Issue No. Pip 051 Asiatic Agricultural Ad P.14 Pest Summit 2016 P.15 OPERATION WE (PUBLIC HYGIENE COUNCIL & SPMA) CLEAN UP! 8 May 2016, Sunday at Jurong Park Central We would like to thank 53 staffs and family members of the following SPMA members:- Alliance Anticimex Horsburgh Engineering (F.E.) Pte Ltd; Hou Kit Services Pte Ltd; Ikari Services Pte Ltd; Premier Eco-Care Pte Ltd; Sita Anticimex for making this annual event a success! Q:What is ‘Operation WE Clean Up!’ about? A:The Keep Singapore Clean Movement is coordinating ‘Operation WE Clean Up!’, a one-day exercise to involve everyone in Singapore to demonstrate their support for a truly clean Singapore. On Sunday, 8 May this year, people in Singapore are invited to organise or take part in clean-up activities across island wide in a concerted national effort. A:Through Q:Why are we initiating ‘Operation WE Clean Up!’? this one-day exercise, we aim to rally more individuals, schools, institutions and the communities to influence others to Keep Singapore Clean, reinforce the social norm on zero tolerance against littering and to garner support from the Community for Keep Singapore Clean Movement. Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Q:What are the differences between the past ‘Operation WE Clean Ups!’? A:,Q µ2SHUDWLRQ :( &OHDQ 8S¶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« ,Q WKLV ZLOO EH WKH VHFRQG \HDU ZH DUH RUJDQLVLQJ 2SHUDWLRQ :( &OHDQ 8S RQ DQ LVODQG-ZLGH VFDOH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR FOHDQ-XS DFWLYLWLHV ZH DUH LQYLWLQJ RUJDQLVHUV WR LQFRUSRUDWH RWKHUFRPSOHPHQWDU\ DFWLYLWLHV VXFK DV UHF\FOLQJ DQG OHDGLQJ E\ H[DPSOH WR SUDFWLVH WUD\ UHWXUQ DW QHDUE\ IRRG RXWOHWV DIWHU WKHLUDFWLYLW\ Our Achievement for the 90 minutes event :HKDGFROOHFWHGNJRIUXEELVKDQGGHEULVDQGNJRIUHF\FODEOHPDWHULDOV :HORRNIRUWKWRHYHQWDQG\RXUSDUWLFLSDWLRQWRNHHSRXU6LQJDSRUHKRPHOLWWHUIUHH 2 FourStar™ Briquets contain the proven active ingredients Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), combined with patent pending sustained release technology. It provides long term residual control, reduced treatment frequency and saves on application labor cost. DUAL ACTION RELEASE TECHNOLOGY The environmental advantages of active ingredients Bacillus sphaericus and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis are well known, making microbial larvicides the material of choice. To enhance the performance and control duration, FourStar has developed patent pending Dual Action Release technology. This innovative technology regulates the release of microbials to the water surface and throughout the water column as the briquet slowly dissolves. It also protects microbial actives from ultraviolet breakdown until released. MODE OF ACTION Bti and Bsph are naturally occurring soil bacteria that have insecticidal activity on mosquitoes. These bacteria contain protein crystals which, when ingested by mosquito larvae, rupture the gut wall of the larvae, resulting in larval death. To work most effectively, Bsph and Bti must be ingested by 1st through 3rd instar larvae. Microbials do not affect late instar larvae which have stopped actively feeding, pupae or adult mosquitoes. APPLICATION RATES To control mosquito larvae, place one (1) briquet in sites up to 100 square feet of surface area. For larger sites, apply 1 additional briquet for each additional100 square feet of water surface, regardless of water depth. When mosquito populations are high, water is heavily polluted, and/or algae are abundant, double the above application rate. FourStar Bti Briquet 150 Effective against Dengue species which breed in clean water up to 150 days. Contains Bti only NEA Registered for General Use Roof Gutters/ Drains Reservoirs Water Fountains Storm Drains Polluted Waters Unused Pools FourStar Microbial Briquet 90 Effective against Culex & species which breed in polluted water up to 90 days. Contains Bacillus Sphaericus & Bti NEA Registered for General Use Exclusive Distributor: Best Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd 60 Senoko Road, Singapore 758124 Tel: +65 6755 2400 Fax: +65 6752 8809 [email protected] Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 &DVH6WXG\± %HH+RUQHW,QYHVWLJDWLRQ 7KXUVGD\0D\ A pest control officer died after he was attacked by a swarm of furious giant honey bees, which stung him mercilessly over 100 times all over his face and body. 6DPSOHRIDKRUQHWVWLQJ 3UHYHQW0HDVXUH Stay at least 10 metres away from possible nesting site; Don’t walk straight into possible nesting area; Look to check bee/hornet flight paths, if bees/hornets are in ‘frenzy mode’ then wait for them to calm down (< 30 mins) before inspection hive/nest location What is ‘bee in frenzy mode’? i.e. feeding, defending; looking for nesting sites. Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 6LPSOH7LSV 1. Do not apply perfume. 2. Do not run during bee/hornet attack. They will think you are hostile to them. As such, they will chase and attack you. 3. When facing situation of bee/hornet attack, should prone down and cover HEAD without any movement till the bee disperse off. The worst will get a few sting on both hands. Head protection is priority during bee/hornet attack. 4. When the bee/hornet disperse off, move to vehicle for temporary medication Almost all destruction of hornets and and proceed to seek proper medical help. bees are now carried out during the day because of: * Better Personal Protective Equipment. * Better Chemical and Techniques. Newsletter Management Association: Association:April ApriltotoJune June2016 2016 Newsletter of of the Singapore Pest Management Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Schematic plan of low level tank located at ground floor of HDB Schematic plan of low level tank located at basement of Condominium Annex A Annex B Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 Annex C 7.If login is successful, the e-Services Home Page will be displayed. Proceed to click on the “Licence Application” tab. 1.Go to 2.Click on the “Services and Forms” tab - located at the right hand side of the page. 8.You can choose the type of application by clicking on the appropriate hyperlinks from the “Licence Application” drop down list. 3.From the drop down list, select “Licences, Permits & Building Plan Clearances”. 9.Select the type of licence from the list on the screen. 4.From the list of online services, select “Online Application for Vector Control Licences”. The online application is also accessible via 10.Subsequently, you may proceed to submit your details as per indicated fields. 11.For more details, you may wish to refer to the user guide downloadable from the e-Services Login Page. 5.At the e-Services Login Page, click on the “SingPass” icon. 6.If login is unsuccessful, the SingPass Login Screen will be refreshed with an error message. Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 WSHC has a message for all SPMA Members and seek their support 2016: Spread the National WSH Campaign 2016 message “Prevent all injuries. Go home safe and healthy” The Vision Zero movement was launched at the We encourage you to adopt this National Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) year’s Campaign message, campaign last year to bring everyone on board “Prevent all injuries. to embrace a mind-set that all injuries and ill-health at work can be prevented. Go home safe and healthy” Building on the momentum of the Vision Zero for your company’s in-house WSH movement, this year’s National WSH campaign campaigns this year. message “Prevent all injuries. Go home safe and We would also like to seek your support healthy”, focuses on motivating everyone to take to spread this year’s Campaign message action to prevent injuries so that all can go home to your colleagues, business partners safe and healthy. and members. NEA has an urgent message with regards to the first imported case of zika to all SPMA Members: As Zika is transmitted through mainly Aedes *Step up cleaning /flushing of drains and litter Aegypti, we would like to urge agencies to picking. intensify mosquito control efforts in the outbreak *Conduct location. ensure hired *Identity and carry out repair for structural *Immediate activation of outbreak resource plan defects and PCO to conduct 100% inspection of all as soon as possible. Preventive measure such as applying sand granular to premises/assets (trees and vacant land) and prevent mosquito breeding. installation (valves and chambers) in the vicinity *Daily temperature and application of insect demarked by the map within 7 days. repellent for staffs and workers working on *Carry out immediate housekeeping at all construction sites located within the outbreak premises/ construction sites. boundaries and possible isolation of staff and workers down with fever. *Carry out immediate and weekly larviciding to breeding to and diligent in carrying out their work. response measures: all audit cleansing/ pest control operators are vigilant Members or PCO should carry the following destroy/treat weekly habitats/potential breeding habitats. 11 Newsletterof ofthe theSingapore SingaporePest PestManagement ManagementAssociation: Association:April Aprilto toJune June2016 2016 Newsletter 6LPSOH7LSV Development of Asbestos Control in Singapore 1. Do not apply perfume. 2. Do not run during bee/hornet attack. They will think you are hostile to them. As such, they will chase and attack you. 3. When facing situation of bee/hornet attack, should prone down and cover HEAD without any movement till the bee disperse off. The and worst will get a few sting Asbestos Health Effects on both hands. Head protection is priority Ɣ$VEHVWRVLVDFRQILUPHGKXPDQFDUFLQRJHQ Ɣ([SRVXUHWR DVEHVWRVFDQFDXVHPHVRWKHOLRPDDVEHVWRVLV during bee/hornet attack. DQGOXQJFDQFHU Ɣ/RQJODWHQF\SHULRGW\SLFDOO\-\UV 4. When the bee/hornet disperse off, move to vehicle for temporary medication Almost all destruction of hornets and and proceed to seek proper medical help. bees are now carried out during the day Use of Asbestos because of: * Better Personal Protective Equipment. * Better Chemical and Techniques. 12 Source: Newsletterof ofthe theSingapore SingaporePest PestManagement ManagementAssociation: Association:April Aprilto June2016 2016 Newsletter Association: April totoJune June 2016 Newsletter of the Singapore 6LPSOH7LSV WSH (Asbestos) Regulations Development of Asbestos Control in2014 Singapore Key Requirements: 1. Asbestos Survey to be carried out by a competent person to ascertain the 1. Dopresence not apply perfume. of asbestos. 2. 2. 3. Licensing of contractors carrying out asbestos removal work. DoWritten not run bee/hornet planduring of work to ensure attack. asbestos removal work is carried out Theysafety. will think you are hostile to them. Designated Work Area Proper Decontamination Facilities As such, they will chase and attack you. 4. Removal of ACMs before demolition of building. 5. 3. 6. Technical requirements on asbestos work. When situation of work bee/hornet Trainingfacing for persons carrying out involving asbestos. Negative Pressure Units attack, should prone down and cover Source: HEAD without any movement till the and bee Management of Asbestos Prevention disperse off. Theand worst will get a few sting Asbestos Health Effects Asbestos Management Programme on both hands. Head protection Ɣ$VEHVWRVLVDFRQILUPHGKXPDQFDUFLQRJHQ is priority x Record keeping x Update asbestos register Ɣ([SRVXUHWR DVEHVWRVFDQFDXVHPHVRWKHOLRPDDVEHVWRVLV 1.during Asbestos register attack. bee/hornet DQGOXQJFDQFHU x 2. Information / training Ɣ/RQJODWHQF\SHULRGW\SLFDOO\-\UV x & management plan Awareness Training Inform contractors/ personnel on ACMs 4. When the bee/hornet disperse off, zones with controlled entry x Restricted 3. Isolate / restrict access x Permit-to-work system move to vehicle for temporary medication 0RQLWRULQJ3URJUDPPH and proceed to seek proper Almost all destruction of hornets and Periodic inspection (e.g. every 6 mth or annually) Monitoring exposure level medical help. x x x 5HSRUWLQJ3URFHGXUH Use of Asbestos x bees are now carried out during the day System for reporting damage / deterioration Procedure in place for accidental breakage because of: * Better Personal Protective Equipment. Pest Control Management ƔAccess area above ceiling boards to clear pest. * Better Chemical and Techniques. Ɣ)RJJLQJDURXQGROGKRXVH Patrolling old / vacant buildings Ɣ5LVNDVVHVVPHQWLQFOXGLQJDVEHVWRVKD]DUG Ɣ3RWHQWLDOH[SRVXUHWRDVEHVWRVDURXQGROGEXLOGLQJV Ɣ%URNHQSLHFHVRQWKHJURXQGQHDUEXLOGLQJ 12 13 Source: Source: Distributed Distributed by by Asiatic Asiatic Specialty Specialty Products Products under under Asiatic Asiatic Agricultural Agricultural Industries Industries Pte Pte Ltd Ltd 150 150 GulGul Circle, Circle, Singapore Singapore 629607 629607 | (65) | (65) 6572 6572 4000 4000 | | Main Sponsor: Agro Technic Pte Ltd Pest Summit Partners: Co-sponsors: Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengendalian Hama Indonesia (ASPPHAMI) Pest Control Association of Malaysia (PCAM) Pest Control Association of the Philippines (PCAP) Thailand Pest Management Association (TPMA) Sumitomo Chemical (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd Newsletter of the Singapore Pest Management Association: April to June 2016 REGISTRATION: Early Bird Rates (ends 18 July 2016) Ticket Type Regular Rates USD SGD USD SGD SPMA Members & Partners* 400 560 450 630 Members of Public* 450^ 630^ 500^ 700^ Summit & Exhibition Admission Prevailing special rates offered by respective associations Members of Overseas Partner Associations Exhibition Admission Only (19 and 20 August 2016 - Day 2 and 3) - FREE Admission Free admission (pre-registration required) End Users, Members of Public * Singapore businesses can claim up to 40% cash-pay-out with PIC. (wef 1.8.2016) ^ Please note that all online registration includes a processing fee of SGD$30. Prices reflected does not include the processing fee. To register or for more information, please visit: For enquiries, please contact: Pest Summit 2016 Secretariat Email: [email protected] I Telephone: +65 9421 6900 For more information, please contact: Singapore Pest Management Association Jurong Point Post Office P.O. Box 115 Singapore 916404 Tel: +65 9001 3190 Fax: +65 6565 8197 E-mail: [email protected] 16