december 2014 - Tayside Flying Club


december 2014 - Tayside Flying Club
December 2014
Merry Christmas
& A Happy New Year !
‘Lang may yer Lum Reek’
You have control….
Drew Dudgeon
Pa ge
The Club will re-open on Saturday 3rd January
The tayside flyer
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
A Merry Christmas to all Flyers
From Tayside Flying Club and Tayside Aviation
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Hi Flyers - a sincere Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all !
Its customary to review where we’ve been this year, what's on over the next few months, and
any plans for the coming year ? So sit back, relax & enjoy the flight....
‘Now is the time’, is not only a classic song from Jimmy James and the Vagabonds but is also
our ‘Call to arms’ for everyone to enjoy what the Flying club has to offer and participate in as
much club activities as you can.
The year has proved to be a fantastic flying weather year, ( for once I hear you say) &
memorable on so many different levels. New club members are enjoying all the benefits it
has to offer, some have attended the Fly-outs for the first time & I’ve received very favourable
feedback as to both the excitement and also the great learning awareness they gained from
such trips. Existing members also enjoy sharing their flights with less experienced or trainee
pilots in their cabin, but can we have more people willing to share? The more people share
their flights then the more of a buzz we’ll create & have a great club atmosphere.
FOR 2015
Did you participate in any Tayside Fly-outs? Did you attend the Fife Open day?
Did you attend the Christmas night out? Or perhaps you attended the airshow at East
Fortune? Or the amazing Edinburgh Tower visit ? Tayside flying club has been involved in all
of the above & actively encourage you to attend these events and enjoy a million miles of fun.
The Flying club has had an amazing year for organised fly-outs, talk nights, a Dundee Open
night consisting of Tower visit - Sim experience & a look around the premises and meet and
greet the Instructors. We also had trips to ATC Tower at Edinburgh airport which we learned
so much from those nice Chaps at Nats who encouraged us to Not be frightened to enter
Edinburgh airspace as they welcome it !
The Fly-outs have been many & the weather has been kind this year. The most memorable
was the first ever fly-out to City of Derry airport in Northern Ireland, These trips are genuinely
fun, challenging and is a great way to meet fellow club members whilst putting all those well
earned skills to the test.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Mother photographed with a young Tommy Cooper
( she was called Agnes then )
The question I get asked most at the flying club is,
“ I didn’t know there were fly-outs” or “I thought the
Fly-outs were only for Tayside flying club members”
The simple answer to the above is, All Fly-outs are
advertised on the notice-board / Email sent to all
members / all events are advertised in the Flyer
and on the Forums section of
If you are learning to fly at Tayside Aviation - then
you are automatically a member of Tayside Flying
club ! Everyone is most welcome to attend all Flying activities at Tayside, whether it be
Fly-outs, Talk nights, Tower visits or Airshows.
January and February - there is a host of talk nights planned for each week. Hosted by Jim
Watt, these training nights are not aimed at testing your knowledge of the air but more to give
you valuable information to enable you to make better decisions & therefore make you a
safer Pilot ! Please let me know if you are attending via the forums section of the website.
Tayside are re-introducing compulsory
Uniform checks for all Instructors.
Three Important things to remember in January.
1. Annual Flying club Membership fee is due.
This fee is for Club membership & Insurance to fly Tayside
aircraft. The fee remains the same whether you join in
January or July
2. Airside Pass Must be worn at all times - you can renew or
ask for a new pass from Bernadette ( Ops Manager ). Two
passport photo’s required - normal fee’s apply.
3. Remember to read & sign the Operations Manual. This is
compulsory for all members of the flying club to do Before
they Fly any Tayside aircraft.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
If you are a new club member, please let yourself be known to me via the forums of if you want to participate in any club events. All events are advertised
on the Flying club notice-board, and also on the forums section of every pilot whether just starting their training or having 10 000 hours in their logbook are all
entitled and welcome to attend....
On a sad note, it is with great regret that I have to inform our membership that Captain Sandy
Torrance passed away recently after a short illness. Sandy was a Tayside Instructor before
becoming a Captain with Loganair, he was also a more than capable Aero’s pilot who
created many stunts that was simply breathtaking. If any of our readers attended the airshow
at Perth airfield a few years ago they would have witnessed Sandy performing many stunts in
a Cessna 152 that was simply breathtaking! Apart from Sandys great skills in the air, he was
also one of the most creative, modest & respected Pilots in Scotland.
His funeral was well attended by many of his friends and family, but also included at least 22
motorcyclists in his honour. The Tayside Herons provided a final salute by performing a three
aircraft Fly-past. I’d like to extend our deepest sympathy to Sandys family from everyone at
I was asked recently what’s the difference between a Fly-out and a Fly-in ?
A Fly-out is organised by TFC for our members to fly-out to chosen airfields...
A Fly-in is organised by the host airfield where they will advertise the event for us to fly-in.
Watch the forums for the opportunity to attend monthly fly-outs and Fly-ins throughout the
summer months.
We will also be hosting a Dundee Air traffic control tower visit in the Spring, in conjunction
with a meet and greet the Tayside Instructors & view the aircraft fleet / Fly the sim - all in the
same evening. A must attend event for everyone connected with the club.
The upcoming Tayside Talk Nights is a good chance to brush up on topics that you might
need a refresher course on? We all can learn better Nav or RT so why not come along 7
learn something. There is also a chance to have a look inside the Tecnam after each event!
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
As you can see, the Flyer has really took off ( pardon the pun ) its more of a book than a
Newsletter - maybe change the name to the Tayside Novel for next year !
As yet, the snow has not arrived but please read the article on ‘Winter Sky’ as there are many
relevant tips on safety before you decide to fly in such conditions.
Our Fife cousins have always welcomed us to their events, which included Safety & Survival
talk nights by Pilots from Raf Leuchars,
Fife Summer Open day, Curry
evenings, Try flying a different aircraft,
a tasty Christmas dinner at the Tipsy
Nipper. All Fife events are excellent &
advertised on Our website. We always
are given a invitation to attend, & encourage you to do so. Many thanks to
Fife Flying club for always extending a
welcome invitation & for being such
good hosts.
A recent survey Asked about our view on Girls in the Cockpit?
The Tayside Flying club AGM in February would be another good way for you to attend &
voice your opinion for what you want
for the coming year? You may even
want to join the committee ? Or you
may want to just listen... Whatever
path you choose, I hope you can
come & join us & lend a voice in Flying club events. This year was an
active year for activities at the flying
club, we take this opportunity to
welcome you to all future events in
2015, you would have an enjoyable
time - guaranteed. The futures so
bright I gotta wear shades !
May I take this opportunity of
Wishing you all, a Merry Christmas
& safe and Happy Landings in 2015.
You have control….
The Benefits of having close armed support
Drew Dudgeon - Chairman Tayside Flying Club
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The tayside flyer
As voted by the Tayside possie, the person with the most votes for Best Instructor,
most Charisma, best looking, best at landing is;
Not Ali G, not Kenny G, But our very own Oral Majesty – Scotty G !
The Award is given to those who have gone the extra mile, those who Grease
every landing, those who are respected by Cadet and civilian alike, and most
importantly those who can Moonwalk without the aid of Billie Jean accompaniment.
At Work and play - Scotty G will make your day !
Favourite Pastimes: Honing my craft in my home made Sim, & following Celtic Fc.
Favourite Food: ‘I do like some nice Pork Loins’.
Favourite music: Boney M or the Goomebay Dance Band.
1st Record Bought: Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
Favourite Aftershave - Old Spice, The mark of a Man
New Year Resolution: to be Mr Nice guy to my friends & to face life with a smile.
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The tayside flyer
Taysides newest addition to the fleet is a Tecnam P2006 ( G-OTAY)
and now available for IR, Twin Instruction, Multi-crew, Hire or to stand
back and just admire! I’m told she is a very worthy addition to the
fleet and is
economical, efficient, reliable & the envy of all in the
land !
She is a twin engine, four seater, with fully retractable undercarriage
and has a cruise speed of 155 knots with a range of 620 nautical
miles or four and a half hours endurance. She has one of the best
performance records amongst European twin aircraft & the interior is
pretty nifty too. The state of the art glass cockpit would not look out of
place in a much larger commercial aircraft, whilst the ergonomic
positioning of the controls makes this beauty a dream to fly !
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The tayside flyer
All club members are entitled & warmly welcomed to attend all Fly-outs !
The main theory behind the Fly-outs is the challenge to fly to different airfields, with the
added bonus that if three pilots fly a leg each then this makes the trip more affordable
for all attending ! We also welcome student pilots to attend as a passenger, we hope
they can learn invaluable experience by viewing what happens outside of the circuit,
RT & frequency changes & procedural applications at different airfields.
All in all its a great day out & a chance to meet fellow club members.
Fly-Outs are usually held once a
month or more frequent in the
Summer months.
They are always advertised in the
Flyer, Dundee clubhouse
Notice-board & a more detailed
description of events are located in
the Forums section of
If you want to attend a Fly-out, please
let me know by posting your intentions
on the forums section of the above
website. & state whether your a Pilot or
We always share costs of Landing
fee’s / lunch etc. But the PIC pays for
the leg they have flown.
Hope to see you at one of the above
Fly-outs !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
The Great Glen - Loch Ness
Ben Nevis
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The tayside flyer
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
As we approach the time of year when your scarf and gloves are being worn, its dark
when you leave and return home from work, & Santa’s Sleigh will grace the night sky.
Its also the perfect time for people who want a fresh challenge to sign up for the Night
Flying course. I’ve received numerous e-mails asking what’s required, how much does it
cost, when does the course commence and do you need to wear Raybans ?
CAA Requirements are listed below:
Cost - £930.00 for 5 hours Night flying / Tuition. ( paid up front )
Course will commence - October / November / December & January 2015
Raybans are not required for Night Flying but essential in the clubhouse or in Tazza. .
Captain Mike Smith ( the Nighthawk) , Dave Marshall and Liam Kelly deliver the course
content and all flying activity, and feedback from previous aviators is that its a ‘must do’ c
experience that sharpens your knowledge and skills of which the instructors deliver an
exceptional wealth of course content .
If you have an EASA pilots licence, you can extend the privileges of your licence by
adding a night rating. This allows you to fly in Visual Flying Rules (VFR) conditions at
night, provided that this rating remains valid and you have met the flying recency
requirements detailed in FCL.060.
If you have an EASA pilot's licence (PPL or LAPL) you can add night ratings to allow you
to fly in visual flight rules (VFR) conditions at night. Night in the UK is from 30 minutes
after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise, but is defined nationally in each ICAO country.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
If you have a LAPL licence you must first have completed the basic instrument flight
training required within the PPL(A) syllabus that was not in your licence. Pilots who have
converted to a LAPL from another licence, other than an NPPL may already have this
training. If you have a LAPL medical certificate it must be endorsed as colour safe in
order to add a night rating.
You'll need to be trained at a RTF (until April 2015) or ATO. The course will include
theory, dual instruction and solo flight time at night.
The night rating is valid for life. But if you want to carry passengers at night the normal
passenger rules of '3 take-off and landings in past 90 days' apply, with the addition that,
unless you have a valid instrument rating, at least one of each must have been at night.
To add night ratings to an aeroplane (A) licence your training will cover:
Theoretical knowledge instruction
5 hours of flight time at night including at least:
3 hours of dual flying instruction
1 hour of cross-country navigation with at least one dual cross-country flight
of at least 50km
5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full-stop landings
If all of the above floats your boat, then call Tayside and book your place on the course.
You can cover all of the syllabus at a time convenient to yourself, within a few weeks or
complete it all in a week for the adventurous ! Count me in !!!!!
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Tayside Talk Nights are Presentation by Jim Watt who's aim isn’t to test your knowledge, but rather
to give you valuable information to enable you to make better decisions and therefore make you a
safer Pilot ! Please attend as many as you possibly can.... You'll enjoy them!
The first Talk night kicks off with, ‘The Effects of Carb Icing’, which has far reaching consequences to
the aviator and aircraft but, there are measures that you can make on the ground that can aid a safer
journey.... Interested ? Then please let me know your coming along, as the decision to host the Talk
nights will be dependant on numbers attending. Please show your support by posting on the Forums.
Whether you are a student or an experienced aviator, please come along.
I'm sure you'll learn so much more than you realised at the effects of Carb icing and what to do in the
event, realising the pending signs could save a Forced Landing and your Life !!!
It would be fantastic to see a High turnout for All of the presentations - so please make it a date in
your diary to attend one or All of the Talk nights, You'll be rewarded with knowledge that will both
boost your confidence & make your decision making more precise !
Check Forums for possible changes in dates or times ( sometimes unforeseen circumstances
means we have to change dates at the last minute.
Here we can see a cross section of Tayside Pilots listening attentively at Jims
talk on ‘What to do in the event of spinning an F16 Jet.’
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Presentation by Jim Watt
 Thursday 22nd January 2015: 6.o0pm
 Dundee Clubhouse
 How to recognise the effects of carb icing
 Everyone Welcome
Thursday 29th January at 6.00 pm - Dundee Clubhouse
Presentation & Video by Jim Watt
Question & Answer session afterwards
Everyone Welcome
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Improve your
Navigation Technique
Thursday 5th February at 6.00 pm
Navigation – the process of controlling the movement of an aircraft from one place
to another. But how is this achieved? How difficult is it ? What do you need to do?
The answers to all of the above will be explained in easy to follow guidelines during
Jim Watts ‘The Art of Nav Presentation‘.
Everyone Welcome to attend from Novice to the more experienced Pilots…
Tayside Flying
Club AGM
Thursday 19th February 2015 @ 6pm
Dundee Clubhouse
Everyone welcome
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The tayside flyer
Thursday 12th February @ 6pm
Presentation & Talk by Jim Watt
‘How RT should be communicated’
Everyone Welcome
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Since the opening of the website we now have a total of 65 website members to date, and
this number is increases throughout the year. The forums section of the website is a hive of
activity and everyone is welcome to participate and get involved with the operation of the
Flying club, its activities and fly-outs - the more involved the merrier.
If you have a burning ambition to fly to the ‘Old man of Hoy’ or fly over to Ireland and want to
attract other club members to share the experience, please feel free to use the forums to
advertise your event.
All events organised by the flying club will be posted on both the Notice board inside the
flying club and also on the forums section of the website. That way we can capture
every ones interest and keep the old communications channels open.
Feel free to come on in and browse the site - the temperature is always warm !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Tayside have installed a Webcam inside the clubhouse. These photo’s
were taken from the webcam - looks pretty good eh !
If your now considering whether to go flying or not due to weather at
Dundee, your only one click of a button away from finding out in real time
what the local weather actually is !
Click on the ‘Webcam’ tab on the Homepage of
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The tayside flyer
Say hello to the Famous 5 who sported these magnificent Christmas
jumpers all in aid of ....... Charity? Fund raising? No - it was all done in aid
of who looked the best Santa Helper !
Do you have a favourite ?
Answers on a postcard & a secret Santa prize for the best caption !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Friday 21st November 2014
Dundee Heritage Trust is an independent charity who’s focus is the
guardianship, preservation & portrayal of Dundee’s heritage in
ways that educate, inspire & enlighten current & future generations
in relation to the RRS Discovery & Museum, and also the Jute
Museum & Verdant works. Each year this very well respected
charity hold a Dinner event to raise money for their cause. This
year the diner event was held in the Apex hotel to raise monies for
the developing environment of the Waterfront as Dundee continues
its renaissance !
Jim & Kate Watt of Tayside Aviation are
keen supporters who appreciate /
contribute to the annual charity event &
very kindly bought a table for ten lucky
Tayside peeps to enjoy the evenings
entertainment + dinner, drinks.
Shaken not Stirred
The Champagne reception ensured a proven
icebreaker & we were all soon discussing the
benefits of Dundee Pilotry from intermediate
level to the more advanced straight and level.
We were then treated to a luscious 4 course
meal with delectable wine accompaniment.
Sol and Lisa look in awe of Jims Charm
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The tayside flyer
A charity auction followed on from the meal with WoW prizes such
as; a Self Catering break in Aviemore with Luxury Hamper, Wine
tasting evening, Wardroom Dinner onboard RRS Discovery ( which
sold for £1400) and the star auction was the once in a lifetime
chance to fly with the Tayside Formation team ‘The Herons’ ! Two
large screens situated at either end of the hall showed video of the
Herons in action showing some splendid formation aerobatics
( watch out Duxford airshow ! )
Before the Champagne Reception
The compulsory ‘Macarena’ as shown by Tayside Dance Troupe
Kate and Mike demonstrating the ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ Dance Routine
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The tayside flyer
Highlight of the evening came in the form of a presentation that I was neither prepared for
nor did I expect. Sergeant Duncan Slater of the RAF Regiment took the floor to deliver
what I can only describe as the best motivational speech I’ve ever heard.
Duncan Slater comes from the Black Aisle, joined the RAF Regiment and gained
parachute qualification and worked mainly with airborne units. He was assigned to work
in Afghanistan in an area called Babaji
during Operation Panthers Claw. During this
time an I.E.D. ( Improvised Explosive
Device ) blew up Duncans armoured vehicle
and he was thrown 20 feet away. The troops
inside the vehicle managed to get away with
cuts and bruises but, Duncan couldn't feel
his legs. The medical opinion was that the
only unbroken part of his body was his right
arm. After 12 months of rehab Duncan was
given the choice of keeping both his legs but
also having to live with pain / being in a
wheelchair for the rest of his natural.
Or having both legs amputated with a marginal chance he may walk again unaided?
Duncan chose to have his legs amputated & vowed he would walk again ! His road to
recovery is not a normal route, Duncan had to learn to walk again with the aid of
prosthetic legs, plus recover & advance from the emotional scars he had endured. But
this is where Duncan differs from most of us. Not only did he learn to walk again, he also
pushed himself to complete Marathons & also cycled from Lands end to John O Groats
and do charity events to help others. The main achievement being one of the chosen
ones to take part in a walk to the South Pole in the hostile conditions of Antarctica. An
able bodied person would find the gruelling challenge of walking to the South Pole more
than a bridge too far, but Duncan embraced the challenge with great optimism and
maintained that he was not giving up on on the route there. Teams from Britain, America
and Commonwealth competed the race through minus 50 degrees conditions and each
member had to carry his belongings & provisions on their own sleigh. Duncan
commented that he took off his jacket and his body heat made icicles that had to be
hammered off his vest ! Three weeks later all teams managed to cross the line together
as part of an inspired team effort not to win, but the taking part was the most crucial
factor. Prince Harry also completed this event and has become close friends with Duncan
as a result. Duncan claims that Prince Harry wanted to ‘Nick the landmark at the South
Pole but the chains & padlock was the only thing that prevented him from doing so’
We all enjoyed this memorable event but Duncan made a massive impression on me. He
is the most inspired, motivated, talented & positive person I have ever had the pleasure to
meet, he really should be an inspiration to us all !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Sleigh Bells Ring, Are you Listening
On the Apron, Snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, Were happy tonight
Walking in a Tayside Wonderland.
Rancho Pancho Commercial Street Dundee @ 7.30pm :
Mexican Meal then go to a local Ale establishment for tales of Great
Everyone welcome to attend !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Thanks to the 17 people who attended this brilliant Crimbo night out !
Everyone had a super fab time, we enjoyed a fabulous Mexican meal,
were treated to some terrible jokes but we also celebrated Mark
Cuthills birthday, he was suitably presented with a candlelit Birthday
cake, the entire restaurant sang Happy Birthday to him, and he also
received an eyebrow raising cocktail complete with cherry & hanging
monkey, Certainly was a night to remember !!!
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Publication Dates
Chart Name
Current Date
Next Planned Date
1:500,000 Southern England & Wales
03/04/2014 (Edition: 40)
05/03/2015 (Edition: 41)
1:500,000 Northern England & Northern Ireland 29/05/2014 (Edition: 37)
02/04/2015 (Edition: 38)
1:500,000 Scotland
13/11/2014 (Edition: 30)
23/06/2016 (Edition: 31)
1:250,000 Sheet 1 Northern Scotland West
21/08/2014 (Edition: 8)
18/08/2016 (Edition: 9)
1:250,000 Sheet 2 Northern Scotland East
24/07/2014 (Edition: 8)
21/07/2016 (Edition: 9)
1:250,000 Sheet 3 Northern Ireland
25/07/2013 (Edition: 8)
17/09/2015 (Edition: 9)
1:250,000 Sheet 4 The Borders
26/06/2014 (Edition: 9)
26/05/2016 (Edition: 10)
1:250,000 Sheet 5 Central England & Wales
30/05/2013 (Edition: 10)
23/07/2015 (Edition: 11)
1:250,000 Sheet 6 England East
27/06/2013 (Edition: 11)
28/05/2015 (Edition: 12)
1:250,000 Sheet 7 The West & South Wales
22/08/2013 (Edition: 9)
20/08/2015 (Edition: 10)
1:250,000 Sheet 8 England South
01/05/2014 (Edition: 18)
30/04/2015 (Edition: 19)
1:50,000 London Helicopter Routes
18/09/2014 (Edition: 16)
18/08/2016 (Edition: 17)
We all know the importance of having an up to date Chart
accompanying your flight, its also a lagal Requirement too.
Why not buy the latest edition from Tayside Aviation Ops ?
They have a vast array of Charts, Wings, Books, Nav Aids, Plotters
sunglasses, Hats, Winter warmers & Aviation goodies for sale.
Ask Bernadette to show you what’s on offer.....
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
“Its Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid”
At the time of writing, the snow hasn't arrived as yet, but when Winter arrives
with a vengeance what difference does this make to our flying? Can we fly,
should we fly, is it dangerous to fly? The answer lies with the PIC & the
decision should always be based on safety. Before setting off into the great
blue yonder give some consideration to these points, it may help you to decide
whether to be in the air wishing you were on the ground or on the ground
wishing you were in the air?
When there’s snow & the weathers too bad and you cant see - don't fly !
That’s the easy point made… the rest are common sense & good points in
flight planning & preparation.
Call the airfield before leaving home, if the weathers too bad, it might be
Pre-Flight checks - these are more vital in winter conditions than ever before,
make sure you take your time to complete All checks & watch your footing for
those slips & falls that are so easy to do when completing checks around the
Ice On Prop - Closer Inspection required.
Water in the fuel tanks - always drain fuel from the tanks into a tester tube &
check for water in the tanks. Also check that fuel vents are unblocked.
Ice / Frost / Snow - Must be entirely cleared off the aircraft, especially the
Wings. Ice has a detrimental effect on flight controls which may become very
heavy, or not work at all. Tayside provide de-icing fluid which can assist in
clearing ice, but ensure that you make time to sweep snow off the aircraft &
remove any ice from all area’s / surfaces / vents by any means necessary.
Pitot-Static Systems / Inlets / Vents / elevator controls - ensure that the
pitot & static sources are free of contaminants, any covers removed, Vents and
elevator controls & free of damage, ice, frost & are operational.
Wheels - remove any mud or slush from wheel spats & fairings.
This can create extra weight and cause a ‘braking effect’ on the aircraft.
Battery - Cold freezing conditions can drain a battery, make sure the battery
is both charged & also charging when in use.
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The tayside flyer
Washing the Aircraft - is always a good idea as it takes away any extra
weight caused by mud and slush. But don't wash the aircraft in freezing
temperatures as the water will freeze vital moveable components.
Keep Dry - if you are wet, your body and feet will get very cold when you fly
at altitude, which may result in the early stages of Hypothermia. This isn’t
good when your airborne and you have the unenviable task of making a safe
landing ! Make sure you have dry clothes to change into before flying.
Clear Cabin Windows - always have a clean dry duster handy to clear
windows as warm bodies / damp clothing can create misting on the
windows. Also use the demister on the aircraft to clear windows.
De-Icing systems - depending on what aircraft your using you maybe have
De-icing system installed which should be used to great effect.
Priming - should always be used before engine start but be careful not to
over prime, & ensure the primer is closed after engine start.
Warm up - the aircraft before you commence taxi to the apron. Keep a
regular monitor on T’s & P’s and check Flight controls are operational and
not heavy or sluggish.
Before you leave - Let the Ops desk know where your flying to .. Its safer
to let people know your intended route & destination !
Taxiing - make sure the brakes, steering & flight controls are operational.
Keep a good look-out for ice on the tarmac & don't brake heavily or you may
put the aircraft into an uncontrollable skid. Maintain a vigilant check on the
upper wing surface as snow & ice will substantially reduce lift and increase
weight which is not the best attribute when taking off !
RT - Check with ATC that the runway has been de-iced & usable? Check
en-route that the destination airfield is operational & free from snow / ice…
Take Off - monitor engine gauges, keep an eye open for ice on runway, &
watch out for other aircraft on the taxi way or runway that may be there
unexpectedly through braking issues due to ice problems. During climb out
pay particular attention to temperature gauges.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Departure weather - En route weather - Destination weather - should be
checked and re-checked continually & always have a Plan B as you may have
to Divert to another airfield if the destination cloud base is too low / weather
ahead is too bad to continue your flight.
In Flight Entertainment - should consist of constant cockpit checks of T’s &
P’s, Engine instruments for loss of RPM, Flight Controls being sluggish, & keep
an eye out for ice forming on the wings / aircraft, & keep visual for other Aircraft
Carburettor heat - should
be applied more regularly
during icy conditions. Anyone who attended Jim Watts
presentation will know only
too well the importance of
Carb Icing during Hot or Cold
(see Icing chart )
If induction icing is present
and Carb heat is applied for
20 secs or more, the engine
may continue to run roughly
for a short time as the ice
melts & is ingested.
Full Carb heat should be applied before & during reduced power descents to
prevent venture icing
( caused by the reduced throttle butterfly settings involved ).
Engine warming - should be done periodically with gradual application of
power if the descent is to be a prolonged one.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Navigation - is more than tricky when familiar landmarks are masked by
snow. Although the cockpit workload will be higher than normal, the constant
checking of maps and the relaying position reports is practice of good
airmanship. Also, If you have a GPS use it - better to use available
technology for safety aswell a back up to maps & charts.
Landing - wet surfaces increase the distance of the landing run.
Its therefore beneficial to prepare for the landing set-up configuration and
nail the correct speed to ensure minimum landing distance. If its icy then
once you land its best practice Not to apply full pressure when braking but
better to use intermittent brake pressure. If snow or ice is present on the
runway then consider a Go-around or possibly Divert to another airfield?
Hangers - should be used for aircraft storage if freezing weather is forecast.
If the Hangers are full then use the protective covers provided to put over the
aircraft and use tie downs to secure the aircraft.
Aircraft Kit - each Aircraft has a First aid kit inside, but its also handy to
have warm clothes and a spare mobile phone in the flight bag.
Winter flying is one of the most enjoyable times on the flying calendar &
personally I love to see the landscape in such a different perspective.
Embrace the challenge, be safe & enjoy the flight
Happy Winter flying….
Drew Dudgeon
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Tayside Flying
Club AGM
Thursday 19th February 2015 @ 6pm
Dundee Clubhouse
Everyone welcome
This is Your Flying Club...
If you feel as passionate about it as I do, & you have any points that you
want to raise, any recommendations, any complaints, any proposals,
any praise or maybe you want to join the Committee and have your say ?
Please come along and join us for the Annual General Meeting - its
important as we really want your views & opinions - Everyone Welcome.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
A new committee will be nominated at the Flying Club AGM in February.
If you feel you’d like to contribute your services & time towards making the
Flying club an active force - please let us know at the AGM or beforehand.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Tayside Teds Furthest trip South.
Pictured with Steve Buxton , Radio Officer on the RSS Shackleton
Once you’ve landed back at
Dundee can you please make
sure that the aircraft has
enough fuel for the next flight?
Some peeps are leaving the
tanks on the low side, & this is
causing the next customer to
wait while the aircraft is being
Don’t be Cruel
Remember & Re-Fuel !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
What lurks out of the gloomy shadows on the Tayside apron ?
Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a Spitfire ?
Fuel reimbursement should have always been at the price we pay at Dundee. Our prices
are kept as low as possible because we buy our own fuel and the hourly rate is based on
that . If anyone refuels away from base then the litres are reimbursed at the Dundee rate, &
not necessarily the price the Avgas is bought at, away from base . We are conscious that
this has not always been applied in the past but it does make a difference between the flight
running at a loss rather than a small profit.
On average it might be some 15 to 20% of a difference
All new students will get free access to the online ground school - just send in your e mail
address for access.
Tayside Annual Photo competition : For all flyers who may have taken a stunning snap
whilst out and about - why not send it onto Drew.
The winning entry will receive a VFR 2015 Flight Guide, or if its an outstanding photo then a
special prize will be awarded......
All entries should be sent to: [email protected]
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Check your Oil level before you depart.....
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
An old US Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still
wearing his old USMC flight jacket and ordered a cup
of coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a
young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the
pilot and asked, Are you a real pilot?
He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying
planes, first Stearmans, then the early Grummans...
flew a Wildcat and Corsair in WWII, and later in the
Korean conflict, Banshees and Cougars. I've taught
more than 260 people to fly and given rides to
hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot, and you,
what are you?
She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking
about naked women. As soon as I get up in the
morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I
think about naked women. When I watch TV, I think
about naked women. It seems everything makes me
think of naked women.'
The two sat sipping in silence.
A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the
old pilot and asked:"Are you a real pilot?"
He replied, 'I always thought I was, but I just found
out I'm a lesbian.'
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
A German woman attended Leuchars airshow where she met a Tayside Pilot, had a
whirlwind romance & eventually married the Scotsman from Broughty Ferry;
and they lived happily ever after in his 3 bedroom semi.
The poor lady was not very proficient in
English, but did manage to communicate with
her husband. The real problem arose
whenever she had to shop for groceries.
One day, she went to the butcher counter and
wanted to buy chicken legs. She didn't know
how to put forward her request; so in
desperation, she clucked like a chicken and
lifted up her skirt to show her thighs.
Her butcher got the message and gave her the
chicken legs.
Next day she needed to get chicken breasts,
again she didn't know how to say it, so she
clucked like a chicken and unbuttoned her
blouse to show the butcher her breasts. The
butcher understood again and gave her some chicken breasts.
On the 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. Unable to think of a
way to communicate this, she brought her husband to the Butcher shop...
(Please scroll down.)
What were you Thinking?
Her husband speaks English...hellooo!
I worry about you Sometimes!
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Wings and Things
W h a t ’ s b e e n G o i n g o n
T a y s i d e A v i a t i o n /
i n o r A r o u n d
C l u b h o u s e
TFC Website - We current have 65 members signed up / Registered to
the site out of a possible 130. So to all of those who are too shy, come on
in the waters lovely .....
Calling All Students - If you are a new student then please come along to
the student training nights. There isn't Beyonce music or a pound a pint,
but it's your chance to meet other members and learn ‘how it should be
done’ from organised presentations about flying.
Out of Hours Permits - Have been bought for Highlands and Islands &
Argyll and Bute Airfields. This really opens up Scotland for Tayside Aircraft,
so if you fancy travelling a bit further and experiencing some fantastic
locations - then the skies the limit - enjoy !
Airside: There is now a Security requirement from the Airport Manager to
have Photo I.D. authority to be airside. Tayside will issue each member an
Airside I.D. Card, lanyard and a plastic holder for a £5. Remember the
next time your at the club to give Bernadette two Passport Sized Photos of
yourself and she’ll add it to the I.D. Card which you’ must wear at all times.
Aircraft Folders - If you take an aircraft for a land away remember and
take the appropriate Aircraft Folder with you. If your flying around the local
area then put the Aircraft folder on the Top shelf before you leave - and
then put it in the bottom shelf when you return. This way Operations will
know whether your Aircraft is in the air or on the ground?
We are encountering a situation where people are who are not authorised to are deferring aircraft
It is clearly stated in the operations manual of Tayside Aviation that: "all aircraft defects must be
recorded on the daily technical log in the line under 'defect' as they arise, this automatically makes the
aircraft unserviceable. All defects thus noted must be immediately referred to the Duty Engineer/Duty
Instructor and only the Duty Engineer/Instructor can decide when a defect can be deferred."
So, if you find a defect always let the Duty Instructor know and write it in the "defect or nil" column,
then sign the post flight signature column (if PIC). No action should be taken by anyone other than Duty
Instructor/Engineer; nothing should be written in the "Defect Action" column.
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Wings and Things
W h a t ’ s b e e n G o i n g o n
T a y s i d e A v i a t i o n /
i n o r A r o u n d
C l u b h o u s e
If you attend any of the Talk Nights you can have an inside viewing of the new Tecnam
Tayside are about to launch the Degree programme in association with Middlesex
University and Loganair. The first course starts in January 12th and is a three year
program ending with a job with Loganair. This gives student status to candidates on the
modular ATPL course and provides funding towards the cost of obtaining a commercial
pilot licence. This is a huge step forward in pilot training and Tayside are the only
school in the UK offering this modular fixed wing program
Instructor News: Neil Houghton has now been placed on the Dornier 328 as a first
officer with Loganair. Andrew Rumbles joins Loganair on the SAAB 2000 and
Jori Dinsdale and Lauri Laitinden have just completed the SAAB 340 course in
Sweden. Jori and Lauri will rejoin Tayside awaiting a position with loganair.
We would like to Welcome Ian Weinstien, who will rejoin Tayside as an ME IR
Instructor from 10th January 2015.
The Dundee clubhouse is looking all fine and dandy - beautiful new carpet ( remember
and wipe your feet before you enter the premises) and a spanking new Booking–out
area.... All mod cons for us fine Aviators !
Pa ge
The tayside flyer
Membership Fee’s are now Due.
Make sure your flying is current ( 6 week rule applies )
Make sure you read, understand and sign the flying Order book
Make sure you have a current Airside Pass
Can All PPL’s produce ALL their documents to the Ops desk prior to
being allowed to hire any aircraft.
Lots planned for next year - really hope you can come along & enjoy the events !
You have control……
Drew Dudgeon