media pack 2016 - digitalstudioindia
media pack 2016 - digitalstudioindia
MEDIA PACK 2016 WPP license no. MR/TECH/WPP-82/North/2015 License to post without prepayment Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Published by ITP Publishing India Total number of pages 64 Vol. 7 | Issue 9 | September 2015 | ` 50 WPP license no. MR/TECH/WPP-82/North/2015 License to post without prepayment Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Published by ITP Publishing India Total number of pages 102 WPP license no. MR/TECH/WPP-82/North/2015 License to post without prepayment Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Total number of pages 52 Vol. 7 | Issue 10 | October 2015 | ` 50 Published by ITP Publishing India BROADCAST TECHNOLOGY FILMMAKING PUSH TOWARDS UHD FREEDOM TO SWITCH FROM LIVE TO VOD Vol. 7 | Issue 11 | November 2015 | ` 50 VIRTUAL REALITY REVIEW SATELLITE STEREO CONVERSION OF A MARVEL SUPERHER0 BI SHOW 2015 REVIEW BROADCAST IBC SHOW 2015 FIGHT AGAINST PIRACY IN THE SPOTLIGHT HOCUS THE CITY OF BIKES IS ALL SET TO HOST IBC 2015, ONE OF THE BIGGEST INNOVATIONS IN THE BUSINESS OF CONTENT; GO AHEAD FOCUS! RIDE THE NEW WAVE LEADING CASE STUDIES FROM ACROSS THE WORLD THAT ARE GRABBING HEADLINES AND RAISING THE BAR FOR THE INDUSTRY BI SHOW 2015 IS SET TO SHOWCASE THE LATEST TECHNOLOGICAL MARVELS THAT ARE CHANGING THE WAY TV SHOWS AND FILMS ARE PRODUCED 7 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y S P E C I A L WPP license no. MR/TECH/WPP-82/North/2015 License to post without prepayment Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Published by ITP Publishing India Total number of pages 52 Vol. 7 | Issue 12 | December 2015 | ` 50 Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Published by ITP Publishing India Total number of pages 52 Vol. 8 | Issue 1 | January 2016 | ` 50 PRO SOUND WPP license no. MR/TECH/WPP-82/North/2016 License to post without prepayment Postal Registration No. MCN/99/2015-2017 Published on 3rd of every month. Posting date: 5th & 6th of every month, Posted at Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai-400001 Registered with Registrar of Newspapers under RNI No. MAHENG/2009/33418 Total number of pages 52 Vol. 8 | Issue 2 | February 2016 | ` 50 Published by ITP Publishing India SPECIAL REPORT ROCK BOTTOM WITH BON JOVI PRODUCTION WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE THOUGHT FOR FOOD SANJEEV KAPOOR, FOUNDER & DIRECTOR OF FOODFOOD CHANNEL, IS REDEFINING HOW FOOD CONTENT IS CONSUMED IN INDIA OLD GUARD, NEW ORDER HOW TOP TECHNOLOGY HEADS OF TELEVISION ARE ENGAGING MODERN MAM SYSTEMS TO STIR THE WORLD OF NEWS AND ENTERTAINMENT THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW HOW PFT’S RAMKI SANKARANARAYANAN COMPLETELY DISRUPTED THE BROADCAST AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY AS WE KNEW IT “Digital Studio is compelling and well-written. Love your magazine.” “Your cover stories are really whacky. I enjoy reading your magazine.” “You should be appreciated for initiating such a novel concept of honouring film technicians.” ASHUTOSH GOWARIKAR Leading film director RESUL POOKUTTY Oscar-winner and sound designer K RAMCHANDRA BABU President, Indian Society of Cinematographers ABOUT DIGITAL STUDIO Digital Studio is a must-have trade publication with a focus on broadcast and film production technologies in India. Published by ITP Publishing India, the monthly magazine has been at the forefront of chronicling the digital revolution in Indian media and entertainment industry. The magazine focuses on present-day broadcast engineers and film technicians involved in steering the industry from an analogue to a digital era of MAGAZINE HIGHLIGHTS media technologies, besides developing newer platforms of infotainment. The magazine documents the progress in digital production through breaking news, insightful interviews, noteworthy opinions and analytical features. The brand is presently powered by a guild of seasoned reporters and research analysts, who cull out crucial news information, research studies, market insights and underlying industry trends to help industry decision-makers make better decisions. mmend readers reco • 93% of our sions. ci de nditure capital expe our r fe re s reader • 58% of our business ng ki ta re fo magazine be decisions. rectly readers are di • 80% of our ses. ha rc pu e th involved with trade a d te si vi not • 26% have 18 months. show in last r copy; e readers pe • 2.1 Averag READER PROFILE* Editor - 8% Graphics/Animation Engineer - 8% READERSHIP BY JOB TITLE DoP - 7% CIO/CTO/ IT Manager 9% Systems Intergrator - 2% 42% Senior management 27% Technical management 14% System design/ R&D 5% Creative management 12% Others Filmmaker - 6% Production Director/ Creative Director/ Programme Director - 11% Others - 4% DI-Colourists - 5% READERSHIP BY ACTIVITY Producer/Executive Producer - 5% 26% Networks and stations 25% Video and post production 23% Manufacturers/distributors/SIs 15% Engineering/ technical 7% Telecoms/ Govt broadcast Engineering Director/ Technical Director - 11% Lighting Engineer - 6% Sound/Audio Technician - 6% CEO/SVP/GM - 12% ADVERTISING RATES AND SIZES POSITION SPECIFICATIONS US$ Inside regular full page 205 x 275 mm 3,500 Full page, first RH 205 x 275 mm 4,000 Double Spread 410 x 275 mm 5,500 Central Double Spread 410 x 275 mm 6,150 Inside front Cover – Single 205 x 275 mm 6,150 Inside front Cover – Double 410 x 275 mm 8,150 Inside Back Cover 205 x 275 mm 5,500 Outside Back Cover 205 x 275 mm 7,150 * (publisher’s own data) PRODUCTION INFORMATION POSITION TRIM (WxH, mm) BLEED (WxH, mm) Non-bleed (WxH, mm) DPS 410 x 275 420 x 285 400 x 265 Full page 205 x 275 215 x 285 195 x 265 Half page horizontal 180 x 110 N/A N/A Half page spread 360 x 110 N/A N/A Half page vertical 88.5 x 225 N/A N/A Quarter page 90 x 110 N/A N/A ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS Half page 180 x 110 mm 2,050 Artwork Format – EPS/PDF Creatives – high resolution (300 dpi) Quarter page 90 x 110 mm 1,400 Colour Format - CMYK Artwork deadline – 25th of the previous month DS E-NEWSLETTER 2016 EDITORIAL CALENDAR JANUARY Camera lenses BES Show 2016 Preview Broadcast technology outlook APRIL Media Asset Management NAB 2016 Show Preview Newsroom technology JULY CGI and VFX DS HOT 100 Broadcast Storage OCTOBER DS Anniversary Special Broadcast India 2016 Preview Broadcast Archiving FEBRUARY Digital cinematography BES Show 2016 Wrap Up Cloud services in broadcast MAY Colour Grading NAB 2016 Wrap Up Broadcast Lighting AUGUST Digital Cameras Special IBC 2016 Product Preview Loudness Control NOVEMBER Teleports Broadcast India 2016 Wrap Up Content Delivery Networks MARCH Editing and Finishing CABSAT 2016 Preview Audio for Broadcast JUNE Film Sound Design Broadcast Asia 2016 Preview IP Broadcast SEPTEMBER Cloud Production IBC 2016 Show Issue OTT/ Multiscreen Technology DECEMBER Film Restoration Camera Recorders Quality Control in Broadcast EXCLUSIVE SHOWCASE BES EXPO 2016 India’s biggest broadcast technology show Broadcast Engineering Society Expo will be held between January 15 and 17 in New Delhi. The core theme of the show in 2016 will be future media ecosystems and the opportunities it offers broadcasters. The special feature scheduled will have an exhaustive coverage of conferences including interviews with some of the topmost broadcast engineers and executives, who will share will share their views on the emerging media technologies that will change the course of TV viewing and radio listening in India. NAB SHOW 2016 NAB Show, organised by National Association of Broadcasters, will be held between April 11 and 15, 2016, in Las Vegas. The exhaustive feature will include a low-down on all top technologies showcased at the event. As part of our exhaustive coverage, we intend to launch a buzzword barometer that tracks key technologies trending at the event. Last year, the catchphrases at the show were cloud, 4K, HEVC and touchscreen. Watch out for this exclusive presentation of revolutionary ideas that will redefine the consumer electronics universe next year. IBC SHOW 2016 By now, the digital media industry has come to acknowledge that there is no better symposium than the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) Leadership Summit, a discussion forum driven by the CEOs of top broadcasting studios and production facilities of the world. It’s here that the CEOs deliberate on the feasibility of futuristic technologies and find answers to the some of the practical challenges threatening the broadcasting space. So do you really need to retune your strategy for the connected era? Check this in-depth coverage on IBC Show 2016. This premier annual event will be held between September 10 and 15 in Amsterdam. INDUSTRY OUTLOOK THE BIG PICTURE Today, India’s M&E industry reaches 161 million TV households, close to 2000 multiplexes, 214 million internet users out of which 130 million are mobile internet users – platforms will be transformational catalysts and drive change in the Indian digital media industry. The film industry recorded a double digit growth with multiple movies scoring big on box office collections. Approximately 90-95 per cent movie screens are now digitized in the country, with a shift in focus to tier II and III cities. The television industry, on the other hand, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16 per cent over 2013-18, to reach INR 885 billion in 2018. Aided by digitisation and the consequent increase in Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), the share of subscription revenue to the total industry revenue is expected to increase from 67 per cent in 2013 to 71 per cent in 2018. COMING SOON: JULY 2016 DS Hot 100 2016 is an insightful listing of top production executives, technicians and technologists in the entertainment business who created headlines this year and changed the face of show business. The categories included in the list: movie production, direction, cinematography, movie editing, sound engineering, digital intermediate and colour grading, TV content production, TV broadcasting, animation and visual effects and system integration. This special edition offers an excellent opportunity for technology providers to associate with the biggest names in their respective businesses. The special issue not only puts together the technologies used in some of their greatest works that year but also reveals the future projects of these famed technicians. ADVERTISING Bibhor Srivastava Group publishing director M: +91 9323252340 M: +91 98204 39239 E-mail: [email protected] Manoj Sawalani Director T: +91 22 6154 6030 M:+91 9820 176965 Email: [email protected] EDITORIAL DUCER FILM PRO N MS DEVG AJAYTOR, AJAY DEVGN FFIL ational e a sens s guy mad dangerou a tall dark performing a 1991, also Back in r screen ence but the silve the audi plit debut into wowed iconic leg-s nte not only ies. His l Aur Kaa stunt that emporar s in Phoo his cont ered motorbike larity that gath shocked zooming er. of popu e care atop two wav a long film him on in show 25-yearcruised on with out of his been e to reck hits in 23 ucer has n is a nam as a prod Ajay Devg that Ajay evolution n movies , and his have been business In the seve sed exciting. date, three rns relea equally uced till ham Retu . Ffilms prod Devgn r hits. 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Mur has loca . y ai who ever Munnabh scene, grapher, Daro. cinemato Lage Raho ect Mohenjo says the Idiots, and ming proj ding 3 r’s upco 31 hits inclu 2015 Gowarike JULY DIO | Ashutosh TAL STU CK MUR ALEEDH DIGI www.digitalst www.digitalst 2015 | 30 JULY STU DIGITAL DIO DOWNLOAD YOUR DIGITAL COPY FROM INDIA MAGAZINES Digital Studio India (English) [email protected], [email protected] Download Media Pack Current Issue The statistics on India’s entertainment and media industry speak for themselves - in 2007 the market registered a 19% compound annual growth rate, and is expected to reach the US$18 billion by 2010. Simply put; there has never been a better time for suppliers to the digital production and broadcast industry to enter the market. With Digital Studio’s compelling mix of industry news, on-location features, case studies, product showcases and reviews, the magazine provides a comprehensive monthly round-up of the latest developments driving the industry. Digital Studio provides industry professionals with an insight into the latest technological developments and market trends set to impact the way they do business. By ensuring the highest quality editorial content and providing the best possible news and information resource, in addition to technical analysis from experts in the field, Digital Studio is set to become a must-read for the industry’s key decision makers, while delivering the ideal platform for companies looking to promote their products and services to industry professionals. For more information click here to download the Media Pack NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE ON DOWNLOAD YOUR DIGITAL ISSUE TODAY Go to Apple App Store or Google Play and search for Digital Studio