Irish Update - Bishop McNamara Catholic School
Irish Update - Bishop McNamara Catholic School
Irish Update For Alumni of St. Patrick, St. Patrick Central and Bishop McNamara Catholic High School VOLUME 30, NO. 1 • NOVEMBER 2011 A message from... Sharon Jackson Dear Friends and Alumni, After twenty-six years, I have retired from Bishop McNamara Catholic High School as Director of Fund Raising and Special Events and Alumni Coordinator. My years at Bishop McNamara have been a blessing in every way. I have loved my job and all the wonderful people I have worked with – faculty and staff, parents and students, alumni and friends. Through the many projects with which I have been associated, friendships have developed that will last for a lifetime. Thank you for all your help in making my years at Mac fruitful and successful. Your very generous support and gracious advice have helped me achieve more than I ever thought possible. As an alum I will always be a part of this wonderful school that has given so much to its families and to the community. I leave my duties as Director of Fund Raising and Special Events in the able hands of Joanne Bracken. Joanne is a McNamara parent who genuinely cares for our school and its success. Jaclyn Dugan-Roof has been hired as Director of Alumni Relations. Jaclyn is a 2000 graduate of Bishop McNamara and will be responsible for everything relating to Irish Alumni as well as the final phases of the Capital Campaign, “Building for our Future”. Thank you so much for all your past support and favors. May God bless you. Sincerely, Sharon Sharon M. Jackson 2011-12 Dates to Remember November 27, 2011 January 29, 2012 February, 2012 March 25, 2012 May 5, 2012 May, 2012 May 27, 2012 July 13, 2012 E-mail: [email protected] Open House to honor Rich Zinanni Father/Son Bag Tournament Phonathon Mother/Daughter Bag Tournament Auction Presentation of Susan Grumish Bradecich Awards Graduation Irish Golf Classic Website: Irish Update 1 Irish Update is published twice yearly by the Irish Alumni Association Phone: (815) 933-7620 Website: UPDATE STAFF Kurt Weigt Principal Jaclyn Dugan-Roof ’00 Director of Alumni Relations OFFICERS Thomas Martin ’77 President Tricia O’Reilly Dotson ’90 Vice President Steve Ortman ’74 Treasurer DIRECTORS Mose Arseneau ’54 Rob Gernon ’98 Lisa Divine Kick ’75 Jenny Keigher Fogel ’90 Chris Swain ’89 Monica Benoit Ruder ’55 Leanne Grise Provost ’94 The Hammes Bookstore is now on-line and even includes alumni spirit wear! All items can be shipped directly to your home! Visit www. and click on Hammes link! 2 Irish Update FROM OUR ALUMNI PRESIDENT Thomas Martin Hello Irish Fans! Hope you all had a great summer. As you all probably know Sharon Jackson has retired after 26 years of hard work and dedication for our Alumni Association. We wish her well. I would also like to welcome Jaclyn Dugan-Roof as our new Director of Alumni Relations. She is a 2000 graduate from our fine school. The Alumni Association has been busy planning The Hall of Honor, the 3rd Annual Father-Son Bag tournament and the 2nd Annual Mother-Daughter Bag tournament. Details will be forthcoming! Just another reminder, due to the huge expense of postage, please let us know if you would rather read the Irish Update on line and not receive a hard copy through the mail. Call the Advancement Office at 815-933-7620. Until next time! Tom Tom Martin ’77 FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Kurt Weigt Dear Alumni: A very important piece of the McNamara puzzle is you and your continued support. Our alumni help insure the future of Mac in numerous ways whether it be giving time, money or simply sharing their own positive McNamara experiences. Many have wonderful stories and memories of their time spent here and we love to hear about it. You know that feeling that you get when you reminisce about the glory days as a student at Mac? That’s because of the McNamara difference. When people ask about the McNamara difference it is very difficult to pinpoint just one thing that makes Mac different. Sure, prayer and uniforms are obvious differences, but there are truly many aspects that separate us from others. One of our biggest differences is our graduates, our alumni. Our mission is to maximize the potential of our students spiritually, morally and intellectually through a community of love. That mission is what makes us different. We’re preparing our students for a bright future and your help makes that possible. Many of you are aware that our newest capital campaign “Building for Our Future” has already been a huge success. With $1.9 million already pledged we’ve now reached out to you, our alumni. We’ve invited you to partner with us over the next several months to help reach our ultimate goal of $2.5 million. If everyone will prayerfully consider a gift I know we will reach that goal. Over the next several months much more work will be done as we try to establish an even stronger foundation for our school’s future. The addition of the tablet program has helped to strengthen our technological and academic landscape as well as our students’ futures. We are now a model for school technology and have hosted multiple schools looking to move forward with a technologically advanced school. We are extremely proud of the work that has been done to keep McNamara a leader in all aspects of school life and the future looks great. Thanks to the Alumni Association, Sharon, Gina, Joanne, and Jaclyn for their efforts to pull off another great Irish Golf Classic. It was nice to see so many of our alumni and we look forward to even more in the coming years. Thank you in advance for your support in the upcoming campaign. Together we will certainly reach all our financial goals. Please embrace our mission for the future. Sincerely, Kurt F. Weigt E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mass of Celebration FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS Jaclyn Dugan-Roof Hello fellow Irish Alumni! I am excited to be a member of the staff at Bishop McNamara Catholic High School and to bring my ideas to help support the future of our school. In July of this year, I was hired on as the Director of Alumni Relations. I grew up in Bradley and graduated from Bishop McNamara Catholic High School in 2000. For the past five years, I worked as the President/CEO of our local chamber of commerce. I feel that my experience with our community and being an Alum will help in building relationships for our school’s advancement and viability into the future. I currently reside in Bradley with my husband Michael and our children Forrest, Nathan and Abigail. I see the largest part of my job being to establish better communication and connection with alumni and to help bring new ideas. I look forward to building a better future for our school and to being a continued part of the McNamara family for years to come. All the best, Jaclyn Dugan-Roof 350 people attended the Mass of Celebration sponsored by the Irish Alumni Association. The Mass is held each year in August right before the annual Huddle Club Scrimmages. Celebrant is Father Tony Nugent, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Bradley, and a 1963 graduate of St. Pat’s Central. Foundation Scholars Each year the Bishop McNamara Foundation Scholar Society awards scholarships to top students. The scholarships are funded by donations from Foundation members. Building For Our Future Bishop McNamara’s capital campaign “Building For Our Future” is well under way, and to date $1.9 has been pledged. Co-chairmen of the campaign are Dr. Kelly O’Connor ’79 and Shawn O’Brien ’84. An extensive feasibility study this summer among more than 200 McNamara parents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff determined that the Campaign should move forward, with a goal of $2.5 million. It was determined that the focus of the campaign should be: Investing in Bishop McNamara’s Future through tuition assistance and faith formation Investing in Bishop McNamara’s Facilities through the construction of a multi-purpose Building that will serve as an auxiliary gym and a fine arts performance center. Investing in Bishop McNamara’s Financial Stability by covering campaign expenses, and repayment of our debt to the Joliet Diocese. We are entering into the Alumni phase of “Building for Our Future”. When you receive Campaign information, we ask that you prayerfully consider what you can contribute to the future of our school. Pledges are payable over a five year period. If you have questions or need more information, please contact either Shawn O’Brien or Dr. Kelly O’Connor, or Jaclyn Dugan-Roof, Campaign Coordinator, at Bishop McNamara. Working together, we can continue our Irish Heritage that began in 1922 at that school on Hickory Street. We need to have the same vision and commitment that those wonderful founders did so long ago. Sincerely, Sharon Soucie Jackson ’56 E-mail: [email protected] Two of this year’s winners are pictured with Principal Kurt Weigt and Foundation President Tim Gernon. They are L to R: Maggie Johnson and Bailey Wedig. Not pictured: Brant Beland and Alexandrea Rashenskas New Hires Joanne Bracken Jaclyn Dugan-Roof Director of Director of Alumni Fundraisers and Relations Special Events Website: Nikki Liptak Administrative Assistant Irish Update 3 C I S S A L C F L IRISH GO The Irish Golf Classic was held Friday, July 8, 2011 at the Kankakee Elks Country Club. It was a fun day for all who attended. Marc Denault & Doug Thompson ’98 Sponsored by the Irish Alumni Association Kim Bovie Bennett ’76, Liz Marczak Madsen ’77 & Taylor Bennett ’06 Donna Douglas, Tricia O’Reilly Dotson ’90, Rhonda LaMore Kinstner ’86 & Julie Mowrey Gonski ’88 Stefanie LaMore Rose ’99 & Sarah Piggush ’99 Neil Piggush ’98, Rob Gernon ’98, Todd Lindsay ’98 & Drew Laurenti ’01 Mary DeCarlo Robbins ’92 & Teresa Longtin Cotter ’92 4 Irish Update Mickey Boudreau ’44, Terry Memenga ’81, Jamie Boyd ’80. Ron Young ’79 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Kurt Belisle ’94 & Bill Smith ’84 Jerry Krieg, Steve Cousins ’87, Rich Zinanni ’65 & Joel Pallissard ’88 Dick Stack ’58, Lee Guimond ’58, David Ayers ’58 Curt Saindon ’83, Joe Mroz, ’89, Jason Gonski ’89, Pat Gonski ’87 & Ron Young ’79 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Irish Update 5 1951 60th Reunion The St. Patrick High School Class of 1951 celebrated their 60th class reunion on September 17, 2011 at the Annual Half Paddy celebration at St. Patrick Church. Pictured are: Left to Right Front Row - Betty Devine, Eva Wischnowski, Bob Lambert, Pat Hunter, Ray Bertrand, Marge Guimond, Darlene Provancal, Marie Ellison. Back Row - Bob Lafontaine, Mary Babicz, Tom Benoit, Jack Collins, Duane McCawley. 1981 20th Reunion The Class of 1981 Reunion was held at the Knights of Columbus on Aug 6, 2011. Top row Left to Right : Julie (Rivard) Memenga, Ed Powell, Terry Memenga. 2nd row: David Deyoung, Amy (Devine) Powell. 3rd row: Heather (Giles) Hauk, Mary McNamara, Lisa (Tobin) Carley, Heinz Schuller, Jeff Chaney. 4th row: Cheryl Denault, Rob Lyons. 5th row: Ken Tousignant, Jackie (Wright) Zamfirov, Jenny (Rivard) Lyons, Kelly (O’Connor) Goldberg. 6th row: Sue (Ligget) Halvorson, Jim Coffey, Julie (Keigher) Lange, Rhonda (Berg) Stevens. 7th row: Brian Miller, Lori (Huot) Madden, Deanne (Dupuis) Young. 8th row: Jim Bruno, Joni (Barber) Goudreau, Alex Ramirez, Marian McCabe, Michelle (Gilbert) Morgan. Be sure to visit the “Scheduled Reunions” page under “Alumni” at for all the latest reunion info. 6 Irish Update E-mail: [email protected] Website: Annual Fund Thank you to all the contributors to the 2010-11 Annual Fund/Phonathon. This very successful event provides tuition assistance, and helps balance the school’s regular operating budget. Principal’s Celtic Club Circle $2000 or More $2000 or More $1000 - $1999 Azzarelli, Sam & Jean friend Hoekstra, Jerald & June friend Rose, Edwin & Amy friend Regnier, Celeste friend Tisbo, Thomas & Jeannie friend Verghese, George B. & Philomena friend Jepsen, Dr. Keith 1963 Kelly, Diane 1966 Hogan, Sean 1968 Levinson, Jaclynn Marek 1980 Buck, David & Michelle Heuerman 1983 Draude, Thomas 1958 Ohrt, Michael 1965 Grumish, Jeannine Lambert 1966 Kilbride, Thomas 1971 Mantoan, Joe & Laura Keigher 1971 Langevin, David & Katherin Belluso ‘70 1969 Emerald Society Beaupre, Mark & Nicole Hegg, David Norgaard, Ardelle Smith, Jason & Leslie Rogers, Brian & Margaret LaMarre, Francis Mear, Delbert Sr. Dionne, Robert E. Francis & Sandy Azzarelli ‘59 Girard Miller, Kathleen Flynn Peden, Greeta Granger Barnett, Frances Conroy, Rosann Gorman friend friend friend friend friend 1937 1946 1948 1957 1957 1958 1961 1961 E-mail: [email protected] $500 - $999 Keigher, Timothy 1980 Bell, Sally O’Brien 1983 LaMarre, William 1984 Painter, Jason 1986 Pallissard, Jeffrey 1989 Segneri, Jason & Christine Koch 1990 Wadley, Brian M. 1991 Westerhoff, Jacob 1991 Belisle, Kurt & Stacey Denault ‘97 1994 Beaupre, Barry 1998 Kalecki, Chad 2001 Irish Update Website: 7 Kress, Dr. Gary Pilotte, Gregory Murry, Frank DuFour, Richard Benoit, Mark McGovern, Irene Sukys Weber, James Baron, Dennis Dailey, Christine Wechter, Dave Martin, Thomas Cahill, Margaret Bucher Marsalli, Brian Torstrick, Paul 1963 1964 1964 1965 1968 1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1974 1976 1977 1977 Shamrock Club Green and White Club $250 - $499 Small, Eleanor Johnson, Terry 1964 O’Connor, Kelly 1979 Malpasuto, Robert & Sandy Wakeley, Joseph DeHaan, Patricia Pommier 1965 Fitzpatrick, Robert 1980 LaMotte ‘82 friend Keigher, Jeanne Breault Keigher, John 1965 Clancy, Patricia 1982 Smietanski, Bea friend Baldwin, Patricia Pombert Pries, Connie Norgaard 1965 Gibbs, David M. 1982 John & Linda Burnett friend Berg, Carol Blank Rademacher, Gene J. 1965 Dressel, Erin O’Connor 1982 Tim & Colette Gernon friend Dandurand, Richard Lambert, Ralph 1965 Gubbins, Paul 1982 Ken & Mary Kirstein friend Duax, William Hartnett, Diana Berg 1966 Saindon, Curt & Kathy Mroz ‘86 1983 Dennis & Marsha Lade friend Easterly, Dr. Jean Lucey Nugent, Kevin 1966 O’Brien, Shawn 1984 Messier, Albert friend Grey, Robert Payton, Patricia Sweeney 1966 Berg, Steven 1985 Ciaccio, Barbara Leone 1945 Settles, Rev. Dennis Smith, Mark 1967 LaMontagne, Scott 1987 Stauffenberg, Norma Skeen Crevier, Donald 1947 Rooney, Mary 1967 Chinski, Steven 1987 Bertrand, Madonna Nugent Graveline, Francis 1947 Pastorel, Lloyd Provost, Wendell 1969 Dotson, Tricia A. O’Reilly 1990 Salkeld, William 1948 Roy, Richard Griffith, Thomas 1970 Zediker, John 1990 Mason, Sharon Yonke 1956 Rooney, John & Sandra Schriner ‘59 Murry, William 1972 Hitsch, Michelle Dennison 1990 McClain, Janice Belisle 1957 Magiera, Myron & Lana Leuck ‘61 Martin, William 1973 Sandusky, Patrick 1993 Burns, James 1958 LaMotte, James Lambert, John 1974 Linneman-Bayer, Bridget 1994 Monahan, John 1961 Lane, Madonna Dionne Smith, Cheryl Daily 1976 Smith, Kevin 1996 Woyahn, Michael 1962 Tetrault, David Martin, Tom & Cynthia Azzarelli ‘791977 Brosseau, Barbara 1963 Schultz, Mary Delporte Backas, Julie Menard 1979 Nugent, Anthony 1963 Dunworth, Robert Kilgos, Gary Smith, Rose Mary Donahoe Cannon, Linda Harshbarger, Ellen Bertrand Barnes, Theresa friend McAuliffe, Doris Gerrity 1940 Reising, Patricia Lambert 1950 Vaupel, Dr. Carl & Joy Cassidy ‘60 Bieber, Fred & Oleene friend Sullivan, Thomas E. 1940 Denoyer, Richard 1950 Burge, Kathy Schmidt Burns, Deland & Diana friend Mallaney, James 1941 Dockemeyer, John & Audrey Willette ‘521950 Macaluso, Diane Hartquist Clancy, Marlene friend Billadeau, Edward & Margaret Benoit ‘451942 Orth, William & Rita Bregenzer ‘53 1950 Mazanek, Lorrie Eriksen Frogge, Calvin L. friend Bissonnette, Maynard 1942 Collins, John 1951 Palzer, Richard Krieg, Gerald & Corine friend Guimond, Richard 1942 Hunter, Patricia Morrow 1951 Shear, Joyce Granger MacDonald, Ione friend Loiselle, Richard 1943 LaFontaine, Robert 1951 Thacker, Maryanne LaBeau Mallaney, Lorraine friend Hamann, Rita Brais 1943 Cyrier, Justin 1951 Wilson, Dianna Anderson Martin, Elizabeth friend Cluskey, Phyllis Gadbois 1943 Luby, Margaret Jauron 1952 Huot, Gerald McGuckin, Michael friend Danca, Kathleen Mallaney 1944 Potter, Richard T. 1952 Kost, Dianne Dwyer Milton, Eric & Tina friend McKenna, Marion O’Connor 1945 Lane, John & Pat Jauron ‘54 1953 Marcotte, Thomas Mowrey, Vicki friend Regnier, Jeanne Provancal 1945 Sterr, Robert 1954 Monahan, Jeanne Granger Nugent, Mary friend Mortell, Donald 1945 Donovan, Lawrence 1954 Seamark, Gene O’Brien, Judy friend Marcotte, Thomas 1946 Marsalli, Gerald 1954 Smith, Edward O’Brien, Patrick & Madelyn friend McKenna, Helen Benoit 1946 Arseneau, Mose & Dolores Kilbride 1954 Thaden, Loreen DeCarlo O’Connell, Jim & Sharon friend Strysik, Edward 1946 Huot, Bruce & Pat Kilgos ‘55 1954 Havens, Steve Tiernan, Robert & Marilyn friend Zummer, Anthony 1946 Denault, Vernon 1955 Flageole, George & Suzette Roy ‘61 Gricius, Charles & Lluvia friend Aleshire, Madeline Regnier 1946 Pratt, William 1955 Beck, Diana Danca Keller, Genevieve friend Bisaillon, Richard 1947 Prince, Ann 1955 Bennett, Mary Toune Marcotte, Marlene friend Houde, Richard 1947 Ruder, Monica Benoit 1955 Bertrand, John O’Gorman, Malachy & Alice friend Blanchette, Leon 1948 Sypult, Mary Jane Odette 1955 Drolet, Joseph Tholen, Steve & Nancy friend Carroll, Richard 1948 Wulffe, Marian Monik 1955 Johnson, Donald Doyle, Patricia friend Fortier, James 1948 Laffey, Thomas 1955 LaGesse, Michael Kliest, Ralph & Maureen friend Henneberger, Walter 1948 Canfield, Patricia Taylor 1955 Rose, Marsha Parish Purcell, Shirley friend Benoit, Leonard 1950 Roy, Robert & Shirley Marquart ‘57 1955 Schlenz, Donald Billadeau, Myrl 1935 Kelly, Mary Zwisler 1950 Bergeson, Norman 1956 Piggush, Richard & Judy Ortman ‘64 Guimond, Pearl O’Brien 1940 Berens, Arnold 1950 Royal, Marie Chaney 1956 Boule, Melvin Green and White Club 8 Irish Update E-mail: [email protected] $100 - $249 Website: $100 - $249 Burns, Cheryl 1963 Grizzle, Larry 1956 Hildebrand, Ronald 1963 Laws, Jeff 1956 Kuehne, Georgia Dupuis 1963 Lynch, Patricia Azzarelli 1956 Roy, Joseph 1963 Marko, Fran O’Connor 1957 Sbertoli, Frank 1963 Marquie, Howard 1957 Sullivan, Jim 1963 Smith, Marsha 1957 Bailey, Michael 1963 Wieliczko, Rosemary Sullivan 1957 Ketchum, Nancy Betourne 1963 Wallrich, Michael 1957 Wulff, Andrew & Nancy Schriner ‘64 1963 Raker, Kathleen Keigher 1957 Dandurand, Vincent 1964 Ruder, William 1957 Hansing, David 1964 Hodak, Lawrence & Chris Olsen ‘70 1957 Heinzl, Marianne Whalen 1964 Ciaccio, David 1957 Wanagaitis, William 1964 Gohlke, Reatta Surprenant 1957 Weakley, Theresa LaGesse 1964 Macdonell, Geraldine Bobalik 1957 Staniszeski, Philip & Barbara Lambert ‘651964 Moroney, Carmen Lambert 1957 Paulauskis, Vincent & Sherri Carr ‘81 1964 Nugent, Timothy 1957 Brown, Daniel 1965 Hoke, Kyle 1958 Keliher CSV, Michael 1965 Boisvert, Clifford & Barbara Stajer ‘72 1958 LaBeau, Robert B. 1965 Bourland, Judith Lower 1958 Marquie, Merle 1965 Gianotti, John 1958 Paquette, Mary Mason 1965 Legris, Kathleen Ayers 1959 Burdge, Joyce Piggush 1965 Tramm MD, Jeanne Norgaard 1959 Krall, Mary Jo Scime 1965 Klonowski, Leonard 1959 Hayes, Jack 1965 Foster, Patrick 1959 Roy, James 1965 Messier, Michael & Michelle Bergeron 1959 Seamark, Glenn & Ruth Hiles 1965 Blanchette, Frank 1959 Cahill, John & Cindy Mackin ‘66 1965 Delgado, Nancy Azzarelli 1960 Heiss, Harold & Carole Richard ‘66 1965 Doty, Janice Kercher 1960 Dupuis, Kathy 1966 James, Denise Morgan 1960 Levin, Jeanne Regnier 1966 Lambert, Frank 1960 Mackey, Sandra 1966 Robinson, Jackie Dornburg 1960 McTaggart, Kay Bissonette 1966 Schultz, Kathy Blank 1960 Savoie, Suzanne Benoit 1966 Hult, Dr. Rick E. 1960 Zinanni, Leo 1966 Ohrt, Marquita L. Betourne 1961 Zinanni, Leo 1966 Arrington, John & Kathy Holohan 1961 Phillips, Cynthia Fischer 1966 Surprenant, Susan Regnier 1961 Lambert, Gregory 1966 Keller, Karl & Jacquelyn Martin ‘75 1961 Giroux, Earl & Janet Girard 1966 Allegro, Mario 1961 Blanchette, Lester & Patricia Jenkins ‘67 1966 Benoit, Vince 1961 Brennan, Veronica Faber 1967 Collins, Pat 1961 Keliher, Thomas 1967 Hayes, Christine Benoit 1961 Lear, Mary Jane Evans 1967 Linskey, Terrance 1961 Lyvers, Joseph M. 1967 Lowry, Lynn Bieber 1961 Antosz, Dennis 1968 Rodgers, Janet Rademacher 1962 Cooley, Maryanne Muhlstadt 1968 Dubois, Thomas 1962 Czernik, Phil 1968 Martin, Kim 1962 Kopac, Mary Gianotti 1968 Walsh, Mark 1962 Powles, Stephen 1968 Chaplinski, Patricia Neville 1962 Shule, Margaret Bieber 1968 Decker, Barbara Regnier 1962 Lambert, Charles 1968 Demers, Danny 1962 Cheffer, James & Monica Konrath 1968 Driscoll, Vicky Reising 1962 Mayo, Brian & Debbie Quigley ‘72 1968 Bachand, Steven 1963 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Irish Update 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 9 Green and White Club Stochl, Michele Mason Tutt, Paul 1974 Tully, Denise Hoekstra Miller, Donna Martell 1974 Streicher, Renee Arseneau Longtin, John & Kathy Coyne ‘76 1974 Wertz, Dr. Joseph Holden, Elizabeth L. Black 1975 Gerth, Jim & Lisa Azzarelli Kick, Lisa M. Devine 1975 O’Brien, Scott O’Connor, Kevin 1975 Shirley, Kimberly Stauffenberg Shevitz, Suzanne Randall 1975 Stevens, Ronda Berg Wandless, Claudia L’Ecuyer 1975 Tousignant, Kenneth Schmidt, David 1975 Azzarelli, Gregory Provost, Karl & Beth Olsen 1975 Brosseau, Daniel Vollmer, Michael & Marianne Johnson ‘781975 Garlock, Victoria Michela Olivero, Christine Klodnycky 1976 Jaenicke, Kristina Girard Benoit, Merle 1976 O’Connor, Thomas Friestad, John 1976 Lovell, Patrick & Anita Azzarelli ‘86 Moody, Patrick 1976 Arseneau, Jeff Schulz, Lisa Rehmer 1976 McCawley, Keith A. Bennett, Kimberly Bovie 1976 Salkeld, Dan & Beth Shear ‘86 Granger, Terry & Jacqueline Devine ‘79 1976 Hoekstra, David James, Jeff 1977 Post, Julianne Stauffenberg Korstick, Jayne Azzarelli 1977 Chaney, John Madsen, Elizabeth Marczak 1977 O’Connor, Kathleen E. Tenney, Cynthia Huot 1977 Goldstein, Patricia Purcell Zimmerman, Caroline Reising 1977 Guimond, Christine Scoggin, Mary Buonomo 1977 Hunt, Sean Carr, Janet Billadeau 1977 Munce, Jill Patchett Kelch, David 1978 Vaubel, Dawn Huot Kelch, David 1978 Wakeley, Mary Demers Martin, Patrick 1978 Buser, Lance McCabe, Stephen 1978 Arseneau, Todd Mortell, Michael 1978 Cassidy, Kevin Rogers, Julie Cardosi 1978 Gordon, Brett Bacidore, Kathryn Regnier 1979 Marcotte, Karen L. Poskus, Teresa 1979 Shutter, Shannon Vincent, Susie Travis 1979 Wertz, David Denault, Greg & Tami Piatt ‘80 1979 Jeneary, Michael Slovikoski, David & Linda Henricks ‘80 1979 Netherton, Natalie Nugent Lambert, Edward & Laura VanVoorhis ‘83 1979 Bates, Terry Fons, Lawrence 1980 Rathai, Kenna Beaupre Franco, Scott 1980 Born, Michael H. Panozzo, Todd 1980 Honor Society LaFrance, Loretta Cultra, Judy Devries, Mark & Kay Hayes, Geralyn Lindner, Kay Mickle, J.W. & Linda Wesoloski, Donald & Judy 10 Irish Update $100 - $249 Mroz, Joseph J. 1980 Nelson, Lisa LaMore 1980 Stam, Steve & Lisa Miller 1980 Fritz, Michael & Amy Lindner ‘93 1980 Burger, Laura Blanchette 1980 Fogel, Jennifer Keigher 1981 Hoyer, Sean 1981 Mayer, Scott 1981 Provost, Austin A. 1981 Berg, Karen Keller 1982 Dickenson, Kelly O’Connor 1982 Huot-Coy, Meredith Lynn 1982 Gruber, Michael J. 1982 Olszewski, Karen M. Wesoloski 1982 Rademacher, Matthew E. 1982 Pallissard, Andy & Tyler Provost ‘99 1983 Linneman, Michael 1983 Mroz, Matthew 1983 Ryan, Bernard 1984 Ruder, Christofer 1984 Edwards, Michael & Tera Gerber ‘93 1984 Berg, Timothy 1984 Mills, Heather L. Lagacy 1985 Schreffler, Sean & Virginia Brace 1985 Jeffrey Tjarks 1985 Hansen, Chad 1985 Mancuso, Adam 1985 Brosseau, Ronald & Michelle Mroz 1985 Brack, Tiffany Nugent 1985 Ruder, Adam 1986 Chapman, Kelly DeVries 1987 Gernon, Robert 1987 Piggush, Neil 1987 Nugent, Devin 1987 Nugent, Devin 1987 Piggush, Sarah 1988 Kirstein, Gabriel 1988 Kalecki, Chad 1989 Piggush, Scott & Kim Osenga 1989 Ryan, Mark D. 1989 Up To $99 friend Yates, Thomas friend Bertrand, Ken & Eloise friend Bobalik, George & Mary Ann friend Fisher, Marc & Kris friend Huber, Frederick & Arlene friend Kozuch, Richard & Karen friend Lovell, Paul & Norma Regnier, Sandra friend Schreffler, Bruce & Susan friend Soucie, Sara Beth friend Tezak, Paul & Kathleen friend Wilbur, David & Christine friend Marcotte, Teresa Quigley friend Roat, Honore Farman friend E-mail: [email protected] Honor Society 1989 Bartholic, Geraldine Goodman 1989 Chandler, Anne Farman 1989 LaMontagne, Rita Memenga 1989 Galloway, Patricia Fister 1990 McKenna, Robert 1990 DeYoung, Elinor Haake 1990 Papineau, Lorraine Strickland 1990 Rohr-Meehan, Iola 1990 Ortman, Robert & Rita Tyrrell ‘43 1991 Ortman, Richard 1991 White, Ann Marie Richert 1991 Odette, Francis 1992 Boisvert, Alexis 1992 Mansfield, Phyllis Hatting 1992 Boudreau, Francis 1992 Ostrowski, Leonard 1993 Warren, William 1993 Sebastiani, Louis 1993 Gohring, Joan Kraus 1993 Henricks, Ruth Berg 1993 O’Connor, Dale 1994 Schmidt, Mary Adrienne 1994 Grierson, Mary Offenbecher 1994 Cotter, William 1995 DesMarteau, Jacques 1996 Hunter, Maxine Naas 1996 Anthony, Alice Birnfeld 1996 Dawe, Mary Ording 1997 Faille, Richard 1997 Bertrand, Bettyjane Styck 1997 Padwojski, Gwen Brueggert 1998 Petree, Rose Marie Lamie 1998 Malec, Catherine Searle 1999 McCormick, Leta O’Connor 1999 Paton, JoAnne Stoltz 1999 Setticasi, Michael 2000 Riberdy, Ruth Homberg 2001 Eimen, Ronald 2001 Marcotte, Robert 2004 Golding, William Up To $99 Egan, Connie Bernier 1938 Jackson, Carol Warren 1940 Liston, Darlene Cloutier 1940 Hodak, Marilyn Yonke 1941 Burton, Mary Ellen Raiche 1941 Christensen, Jackie Hattenburg 1941 Dedinsky, Carol Boudreau 1941 1941 Provancal, Darlene Regnier Weber, Franklin 1941 Metschuleit, Lucille Ziemer 1942 Gladu, Gerald 1942 Berns, Marie Lanoue 1942 Gregoire, Jeanette Blanchette 1943 Koerner, John 1944 Riberdy, Eugene 1944 Erzinger, Kenneth 1944 Phillips, Patrick 1944 Harris, Matthew 1944 Kirchman, Gerald & Lois Provost ‘52 1945 Savoie, Gerald 1945 Friedewold, Delores Graveline 1945 Gagnon, Richard 1945 Jepsen, James 1945 Morgan, Michael 1946 Neveau, Paul 1946 Draude, Sharon 1946 Serve, Steve 1946 Sprimont, Carol O’Connor 1946 Maier, Mary Sicard 1946 Frechette, Harold 1947 Hoffman, Marie Tetrault 1947 Deatti, John 1947 Dwyer, Terrance 1947 Mulcahy, Thomas 1947 O’Connor, Marjorie Bertrand 1947 Schafer, Richard & Carol Brault 1947 VanDerKarr, Robert & Joan Manau ‘55 1947 Romero, Julie Cotsones 1948 Wright, Joan Gaffney 1948 Caffarelli, Mary Linda Huot 1948 Auberry, Gertrude Beaupre Martin, Rena Lambert 1948 Brosseau, Theodora Kahnt Orth, MaryLou Small 1948 Gadbois, Phillip Denault, Loretta Daily 1948 Kopjo, Barbara Granger Desmarteau, Rita Ortman 1948 Gladu, Annette Weber Kohl, Pat Dowell 1948 Franz, Robert Collins, Doreen Loiselle 1949 friend Hoover, Carol Wheeler Rivard, William 1949 friend Skelly, Richard Boudreau, Edward 1949 friend Brill, John Provancal, James 1949 friend Trudeau, Viator 1949 Monahan, Mary Jo friend Randazzo, Dominic Guimond, Robert L. & Marge Hebert ‘51 1949 1936 Rockert, Janet Grimes Denault, Patricia Uribe 1950 1936 Website: E-mail: [email protected] 1950 Pommier, Glenn 1956 1950 O’Connor, Thomas L. 1956 1950 Volk, James 1956 1950 Walters, Margaret Beaupre 1957 1951 Halbin, Donna Roy 1957 1951 Posing, Patricia Martin 1957 1951 Bisaillon, Sandra Yonke 1957 1951 Chinski, Adeline Fraser 1957 1951 Kern, Jerome 1957 1951 Bock, Carol Nolte 1957 1951 Boudreau, Wayne 1957 1952 Carpenter, Thomas 1957 1952 Cote, Mary Rosendahl 1957 1952 Mathews, James 1957 1952 Blankestyn, Brenda Belden 1957 1952 Denault, Mary Alice Provancal 1957 1952 Francoeur, James 1957 1952 Powers, William & Frances Raspolich ‘61 1957 1952 O’Brien, Elizabeth Birnfeld 1958 1953 Ferris, Joyce LaGesse 1958 1953 LaMontagne, James 1958 1953 Riley, Carol Raiche 1958 1953 Yates, Thomas 1958 1953 Martino, Joseph 1958 1953 Collins, Susan 1958 1953 Deany, Dennis 1958 1953 Devere, Martin 1958 1953 Granger, Donald 1958 1954 Matthews, Frances Rivard 1958 1954 Nataluk, Michael 1958 1954 Ayers, David & Margaret Quigley ‘59 1958 1954 Stack, Richard & Ann Irle ‘59 1958 1954 Deering, Jerline Chaney 1959 1954 McCann, Patrick 1959 1954 Kanoski, Richard 1959 1954 Benoit, Harold 1959 1954 Gee, Donna Born 1959 1955 Gohring, William 1959 1955 Neal, Nancy 1959 1955 Offermann, Sandra Barzantny 1959 1955 Rippon, Martina Panozzo 1959 1955 Wirth, Bonita Henrisey 1959 1955 Kelch, Mary O’Connor 1959 1955 Havens, David 1959 1955 Matthews, Jack 1959 1955 Mower, Joann 1959 1955 Sheehan, Diane Pacauskas 1959 1955 White, Thomas 1959 1955 Reising, James & Nancy Raiche ‘61 1959 1956 Bressner, Frank 1960 1956 Faber, Alice 1960 1956 Boule, Edward 1960 Website: Irish Update 11 Honor Society Up To $99 DeCarlo, Gregory & Mimi Irle Donley, Sandra Beck 1960 Hubert, Thomas Eddleman, Linda Bergeron 1960 Irle, Joyce Lambert Hall, Diane Schlenz 1960 Pietraszewski, Gregory Mackey, Donald 1960 Skube, Dr. Michael McGinnis, Elaine LeBeau 1960 Therien, Kathleen Sweeney O’Connor, Jackie Betourne 1960 Cochran, Michael Riley, Rosaria Costello 1960 Longtin, Michael Trepanier, Judith Skeen 1960 McCall, William & Marilyn Lawless LaMore, Patricia St. Aubin 1960 Walker, Wayne & Carolyn Belisle Sims, Janice Brosseau 1960 Heflin, Gene Carmouche, Marquita Olsen 1960 Holtz, Richard Marcotte, Jerome 1960 Bajt, Joan Wilkerson Gelino, Janice LaFrance 1960 Hanson, Janet Schmidt O’Connor, Len 1960 Mayotte, Steven Hanson, Charles 1960 Stevens, Janice Hamarik Mathews, Jack 1961 Whittington, Rodney Euchner, Ronald 1961 Phillips, Thomas Marek, Joseph 1961 Adame, James Genotte, Victor 1961 Devereaux, Donald Belisle, Sharon Lanoue 1961 Hofmeister, Patricia Gierich Born, Michael 1961 Lambert, Christine Arseneau Bydalek, Dr. David 1961 Michel, Susan Datweiler, Lynda LaMontague 1961 Monahan, Edward Glogowski, Karen Schmidt 1961 Randles, Pamela Palmateer Thompson, Carol 1961 Raspolich, Joyce Vits, Diana Liesenfelt 1961 Shepard, Sandra Mantoan St. Hilaire, Stephen 1961 Surprenant, Paul Jr. Quigley, Richard 1961 Ruder, Suzy Brown Lamb, Barry & Christine McCall ‘62 1961 Schierholz, Orval & Karen Jensen Thomason, Nora Pombert 1962 Wilken, Dan & Karen Neville ‘66 Barbee, Joyce Hamende 1962 Mroz, John & Rita Walsh ‘67 Cote, Marguerite Rivard 1962 Ciaccio, Joseph Blake, Richard 1962 Kenney, Maureen Luehrs Blanchette, Wayne 1962 Bourrell, Marylou Surprenant Curran, Cheryl Prince 1962 DeChenne, Kathleen Carlson Dominick, Joseph 1962 Walker, Pamela Sheehan Granger, Wayne L. 1962 Barney, Mary Pat Taylor Hatley, Carol Borgialli 1962 Lane, Mariann Hildebrand Johnston, Dennis 1962 Longtin, Linda Laurenti, Vicki Veronda 1962 McBarnes, Richard Matarelli, John 1962 Meredith, Mary Regnier Miedema, Catherine Sederstrand 1962 Schkerke, Karen Trudeau, Don & Patricia Johnson 1962 Springer, Estelle Kirchman Guimond, Arnold & Kathleen Bunnell ‘81 1962 Wieliczko, Jocelyn Ohrt Joubert, Arnold 1963 Bakstad, Vicki McNash Lamie, Thomas 1963 McGuan, Susan Burt Mulvihill, Stephen 1963 Cerniglia, Georgianna Olesen, Nancy Williams 1963 Clutter, Barbara Richards Powers, Donna Carpenter 1963 Grant, Mary Denys Skeen, Delmar 1963 Kerger, Lynne Hanchett, Catherine Murry 1963 Bieber, James Landry, Ray 1963 12 Irish Update Gierich, Linda 1963 Paschke, John 1964 White, Sharon Raymond 1964 Zeeb, Mary Rose Faber 1964 Hodak, Paula Olsen 1964 Jordan, William 1964 Kessler, Judith Breault 1964 1964 Link, Patricia Soleau Lonergan, Roger 1964 Regnier, Don 1964 Sumrall, Kathleen Haberkorn 1965 Toofan, Caroline Luehrs 1965 Francoeur, Roger 1965 Benoit, Michael 1965 Grise, Tina Guenette 1965 Hebert, Dan 1965 Lagesse, Dotty MacDonald 1965 Rudolf, Dave 1965 Blankenstyn, Mary Regnier 1965 Marcotte, Donna 1965 Gregoire, Darlene Campbell 1965 Lechner, Joyce Marquis 1965 Kernan, Kathy Laffey 1965 Peerbolte, Mary Legris 1965 Petrucci, Kathy Martin 1965 Tiburtini, Mike 1965 Winterroth, Marcia Ayers 1965 Mancuso, Linda Walsh 1965 1965 Scheppler, Carla Golowski Arrington, William 1965 1965 Lipperini, Alfred Fogt, Carmella Raspolich 1965 Jacobs, Cathy Coash 1966 Kane, Joan Sebastiani 1966 King, Joseph 1966 Kohl, Robert 1966 Ward, Connie Henricks 1966 O’Connor, Doris 1966 Austin, Julie Benoit 1966 Donze, Judy Kilbride 1966 Fiffer, Sharon Schmidt 1966 Lambert, Gerald 1966 Memenga, Scott 1966 Poole, Kathie Johnson 1966 Taylor, Richard 1966 Thompson, Jayne Giardina 1966 Palmateer, Ray & Susan Ciaccio 1966 Tjarks, Daniel & Teresa McGrath ‘71 1966 Sloan, Stephen & Carrie Wertz ‘76 1966 Bennett, Sue Frink 1966 Anthony, Thomas 1966 Kennedy-Shepherd, Kathleen 1967 E-mail: [email protected] Honor Society 1967 Kirby, Jerry 1967 Olson, Marcia Thompson 1967 Shea, Kevin 1967 Walsh, Paul 1967 Ely, Diane MacDonald 1967 Brosseau, Gloria Marcotte 1967 Fournier, Monica Major 1967 Klobutcher, Lawrence 1967 LaRocque, Mary Ziemer 1967 Parkinson, Robert 1967 Polarek, Sarah McNulty 1967 Neblock, Cynthia Roy 1968 Aprile, Sam & Denise Depuis 1968 Legris, Joe & Constance Barnhill ‘72 1968 Williams, Pat 1968 Shelly, Janet Blanchette 1968 Betourney, Carol Surprenant 1968 Betourne, Constance Sullivan 1968 Link, Michelle Lambert 1968 McNutt, Patricia McEneany 1968 Poskin, Gary 1968 Albright, Linda Michaud 1968 Dailey, William 1968 Hellmuth, Marcia Balgeman 1968 Wood, James 1968 Spaulding, Debbie Klonowski 1968 Baxter, Jean Raef 1968 Rummelhart, Patricia Deselm 1969 Crabtree, Susan L. 1969 Hardesty, Patrick 1969 Buckner, Chris Lovell 1969 Hebert, Thomas 1969 LeSage, Debbie Golowski 1969 Parker, Julia Denault 1969 Veronda, Bill 1969 McGrath, Helen 1969 Vollmer, Edward 1969 Kingsnorth, Craig & Kathleen Potter ‘74 1969 Fredrickson, Barbara Burns 1969 Loiselle, Amy 1969 LaMontagne, Ramona 1969 Marion, Cindy Pilotte 1969 Murray, Stephanie Grise 1969 Warpet, Claudia Moody 1969 Wood, Debbie Grizzle 1969 Smith, Kathleen Legris 1969 Vazquez, Janet Berns 1969 Rorabaugh, Debra Devine 1969 Court, Kristina Walls 1970 Padwojski, Anne 1970 Payne, Deborah Adame 1970 Kranz, Patricia Website: Up To $99 Jensen, Alan & Amy Gagnier ‘74 1970 Huff, Nancy Berg 1970 Langevin, Stephen 1970 Nelson, Francine Hays 1970 Stephens, Mary Kay Dailey 1970 Filler, Eileen McGovern 1970 Henricks, Kathy 1970 Houser, Lynn Martin 1970 Johnson, Brian 1970 Peterson, Davine Crevier 1970 Winstead, Vicki Albright 1970 1970 Zokal, Patricia McNulty 1970 Alger, Jane Devine Bienias, Ruth Ann Cleary 1970 Regnier, Colleen Worby 1971 Martin, Tim & Christine Azzarelli ‘75 1971 Billadeau, John & Tamara Martin ‘75 1971 Jarvis, Amy Jo Ciaccio 1971 Brosseau, Jeffery A. 1971 DeWerff, Mary Elizabeth Bott 1971 Dupuis, Gary A. 1971 Loiselle, Kevin 1971 Mulcahy, Michael 1971 Bissonette, J. Scott 1971 Schmidt, Richard 1971 Ball, Deborah MacDonald 1972 Brown, Jennifer Ludwig 1972 Anthony, Joseph 1972 Barnard, Marla 1972 Jaenicke, Valerie 1972 Thompson, Jody Memenga 1972 Coleman, Laura Wojnowski 1972 Broadway, Jennifer Martin 1972 Flott, Susan Salkeld 1972 O’Gorman, Patrick 1972 Bohlmann, Kevin 1972 1972 Lipperini, Vincent Gresham, Kim Graveline 1972 Bennett, Patricia Potter 1973 Frazier, Joanne Ciaccio 1973 Glenzinski, Robert P. 1973 Costello, Frank 1973 Fager, Michelle Worby 1973 Fisher, Maria Jonas 1973 Fitzpatrick, Bruce 1973 Glazar, Janet Powers 1973 Roney, Barbara Salkeld 1973 Frechette, Mark 1973 Peerbolte, Judith Blanchette 1973 Sprimont, James 1973 Lergner, Robert & Karleen Kell 1973 1973 Pankau, Mary Jo Deselm E-mail: [email protected] McKenna, Kevin 1973 Herscher, Christine Boone 1974 McCann, Michael 1974 O’Connell, Christine Gregoire 1974 Kolotka, Patricia Mulcahy 1974 Clancy-Hall, Mary 1974 Guertin, William 1974 Lyons, Thomas 1974 Price, Kathleen Ray 1974 Boisvert, Michael & June Birr ‘81 1974 Cyrier, Brian 1974 Letton, Patricia Burns 1974 Brosseau, Joan 1974 Bucher-Santor, Patricia 1974 1974 Clocksin, Thomas Pelletier, Paul 1974 Marcotte, Andre & Melissa Berg ‘85 1974 Fahey, Jolynne Piatt 1975 Struttman, Richard 1975 Deagan, Linda Purcell 1975 Halvorson, Suzanne Liggett 1975 Meeke, Jill Bissonette 1975 Powell, Edward & Amy Devine 1975 Worby, Marian 1975 Zahrobsky, Ronald 1975 Boudreau, Suzanne Memenga 1975 Smith, Veronica Ramirez 1975 Boudreau, Kevin 1976 Bazzoni, Catherine Malooly 1976 Genshaw, Eric 1976 Rieken, Timothy 1976 Berns, Ann Skelly 1976 Howell, Joan Pelletier 1976 Barber, Susan 1976 Greve, Kristine McCawley 1976 Moriarty, Kathleen 1976 Van Mill, Michael 1977 Gile, Carolyn Brill 1977 Ostrowski, Patricia Lagacy 1977 Kerouac, Matthew J. 1977 Koerner, Carolyn Worby 1977 Vickery, Lonny 1977 Angelo, Joseph & Shelly A. Provost ‘86 1977 Bernicky, Dana MacDonald 1977 Scoggin, Annette Re 1978 Godin, Tatia L. Brouillette 1978 Cinnamon, Andrea Athanasopulos 1978 Fasano, Julie Tetrault 1978 Reilly, Anne Stark 1978 1978 Varvel, Tracie Lambert Marcotte, Anthony 1978 Regnier, Edward 1979 Website: Irish Update 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 13 Honor Society Houde, David & Elisa Kremer Oosterhoff, Heather Lynn Glenzinski, Douglas Powers Jr., William Zacks, Carrie Cyrier Chinski, John & Paige Skopik ‘88 Beebe, Susan Ray Gregorcvyk, Sherri DeYoung Myers, James A. Mulholland, Raymond Wendlick, Ann Whittington Perry, Renee M. Shenk Kincs, Joseph G. Parsons, Susan M. May Skelly, Ellen S. Wetterling, Ellen M. Menard Deno, Jennifer Wulff Merrick, Joanna Stark Pallissard, Joel Purcell, Christopher A. Swain, Anthony Welch, Randall Gerth, Andrew & Heather Osburn ‘90 Sherwood, Jason Yaniz, Antonio Bergman, Gina A. Grise Dorfler, Jodi Hiles Podowicz, Julie O’Connor Zucker, David Gallagher, Bryan Quick, Kurt Swain, Christopher Joubert, Brad Leahy, Marianne Flynn IRISH Kirchman, Jeremy J. 1985 Cousins, Kenneth 1986 Deno, Jason C. 1986 Singer, Laura 1986 1986 Gelino, Christopher Krause, Michael 1986 Maday, Caroline Klonowski 1987 Enstrom, Kristin Horstmann 1987 Hoskins, Regina M. Provost 1987 Lambert, Todd & Jamie Longtin ‘95 1987 Schingel, Kathryn R. Chinski 1987 Deno, Andrea D. Wulff 1987 Spriggs, Brittany M. 1987 Nugent, Valerie LaMore 1987 Beaupre, Jed Paul 1987 Benoit, Jeffrey M. 1987 Mulholland, Keith T. 1988 Leisure, Kari Beaupre 1988 Kropp, Michelle Benoit 1988 Deno, Aaron 1988 Kostecka, Sunny Boone 1988 1988 Nugent, Keith Brosseau, Ryan 1988 Bayston, Andrew 1989 Blanchette, Joseph 1989 Callis, Sarah Raiche 1989 Harms, Donnie 1989 Kirchner, Anna Klonowski 1989 Way, Jennifer Pommier 1989 Yohnka, William 1989 Schott, Erich & Kimberly Hammond 1989 Strever, Victoria Piggush 1989 Kirsch, Kathleen Hanson 1990 Benoit, Adam 1990 ALUMNI Class of 2011 Up To $99 1990 Dupuis, Nicolette 1995 1990 Hop, Heather Bufford 1995 Ashlee Ann Marie Addison 1990 Fowler, Julie Klonowski 1995 Michael John Allen 1990 Yohnka, Robert 1995 Laura Marie Anderson 1991 Lindner, James 1996 Tyler Jacob Arseneau 1991 Poole, Todd 1996 Phillip Robert Barber 1991 Hamm, Jennifer Earnhart 1996 Collin Patrick Barr 1991 Pitts, Aaron 1996 Benjamin M. Bauer 1991 Allyn, Courtney Boone 1996 Andrew Henry Berens 1991 DeYoung, Jason 1996 Lauren Anita Berghouse Anthony John Bohner II 1992 Hays, Aaron & Karli Jennings ‘98 1996 Jordan Shane Bradford 1992 Andersen, Laura Breault 1997 Theo Darjovan Bradley 1992 Sullivan, Shawn 1997 Brett Andrew Buttle 1992 Yates, Eric 1997 1992 Dowling, Brent 1998Edujaer Calderon James F. Capriotti 1992 Lindsay, Todd 1998 Jessica Marie Clodi 1992 Mickle, David 1998 Christopher Robin Cluver 1993 Niebur, Matthew & Gina Dorn 1998 Nicole Marie Coglianese 1993 Tholen, Cynthia 1999 Justin N. Crawford 1993 Barker, Taryn 1999 Kaitlynn Ann Curwick 1993 Balthazor, Anthony & Alison Wilbur 1999 Aaron Philip DeGroot 1993 Mulholland, Kathleen 2000 Jacob Lee DeVries Taylor Reneé Divit 1994 Dugan-Roof, Jaclyn 2000 Zachary Ray Duffield 1994 Ryan, Maura 2001 Joseph Ryan Dunleavy 1994 Rewerts, Laura Longtin 2001 Sean Patrick Dwyer 1994 Williams, Maxwell 2001 Lauren Danielle Faber 1994 Dupuis, Ryan 2001 Gina Lynn Franco 1994 Gentry, Emily Fisher 2001 Matthew Bret Frazier 1994 Boyd, Austin & Elizabeth Flageole ‘02 2001 Andrew David Froning 1994 Bennett, Blair 2003 Tess Alexsandra Galvan 1994 Bowling, James 2003 Mitchell Scott Gerth 1995 O’Connor, Mallory A. 2004 Abigail Elizabeth Giardina 1995 Sullivan, Kelly A. 2005 Riley T. Gill 1995 Ellen Paige Gilmore Jillian Michelle Glazar ASSOCIATION MISSION STATEMENT The Irish Alumni Association unites more than 7300 alumni of St. Patrick, St. Patrick Bold indicates parent is alumnus. Dillon Briggs Grant Michael Roy Groth Alexandra Marie Hana Brett J. Hansen Austin Alan Herman Donald Hill, Jr. Kara C. Hogan Justin Paul Hunger Hannah Lee Johandes Edward James Jurkovic, Jr. Hailey Mackenzie Kadow Dillon M. Kane Sarah Catherine Kidwell Logan Douglas Kinstner Scott D. Korthals Amanda Marie Krawiec Heidi Ann Kurzejka Tatiana Shakina Kuykendall Aaron Blaise Kyrouac Gabrielle Patricia LaMore Paden E. LaMore Jacob Samuel Landis Melissa Ann LaReau Daniel R. Laurent Lindsey Ann LeBeau Zachary Anthony Lewis Travis Ryan Lord Lauren Christine Ludwig Nicholas Ludwig Luke D. Marcotte Justin R. Marrier John Nicholas Martin Devin Michael Mazur Patrick Robert McClain Macaulay Andrew McClintock Samuel Michael Memenga Krystal Olivia Moore Lissette Christina Munoz Allison Marie Noël Christopher R. Norton Samantha Sohl Ochoa Garrett Brian Offermann Reid M. Olszewski Gabriel Paul Paquette Jacob L. Paquette Micheal Paul Paquette Patricia Ann Powell Mitchell Peter Rose Michael Rosenow Katie Marie Ryan Alexa Beth Salkeld Cody Carlyn Samuelson Belinda C. Schaafsma Alexander Ryan Schwengler Jillian C. Sebastiani Maurice D. Shoemaker Aimee Christine Sims James Michael Slavin Corron R. Smith Jillian Rebecca Snyder Erika Nicole Tatum Jacob D. Thompson Zachary Tyler Triveline Julia Vasquez Kaliegh M. Wheeler Cameron M. Wilcoxon Hannah Caitlin Wiley Tyler William Wilson Abigail Elizabeth Young Rocco Alberto Zinanni Jackson T. Zirkle Central and Bishop McNamara High School. Our mission is to preserve the heritage that shaped our school, to foster the spirit of camaraderie among alumni and to support the mission and development of Bishop McNamara Catholic High School. 14 Irish Update E-mail: [email protected] Website: Matt Frazier ’11 accepts his alumni gift from Alumni Board President Tom Martin ’77. E-mail: [email protected] Irish Alumni Association Treasurer Liz Marczak Madsen ’77 presents Kaliegh Wheeler ’11 with her alumni gift. Website: Irish Update 15 Future Irish Alumni Alex Matthew Mickler was born on February 17, 2011. He is the son of Sarah Piggush ’99 and her husband Patrick Mickler. 16 Irish Update Josephine “Josie” Pearl Erickson was born April 8, 2011. She is the daughter of Tiffany Shear Erickson ’92 and her husband Lucas. Josey Aron Schumacher was born on May 5, 2010. He is the son of Grant Schumacher ’92 and Becky Schroeder ’92. Sharon Jackson Retirement Party The Irish Alumni Association hosted a retirement open house for Sharon Jackson on August 13 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Special guests included Sharon’s four sons and daughter-in-law, Eddie Jackson ’87, Michael Jackson ’90, Bryan ’91 and Jenn Wieliczko ’92 Jackson and Daniel Jackson ’95. Alumni president Tom Martin ’77 gave a speech, Todd Arseneau ’86 presented a gift and Natalie Nugent Netherton ’88 brought special friend and entertainer “Karnak the Magnificent” (Ken Klipp). It was a wonderful evening of honoring Sharon. Thank you to the Alumni Board and everyone who contributed, came out or sent well wishes. Isabella Mae Durham was born December 23, 2010 and is the daughter of Elizabeth Hall Durham ’96 and her husband Scott. Hadley Elizabeth Rose was born February 9, 2011. She is the daughter of Stefanie LaMore Rose ’99 and her husband Josh. Is there a new baby in your family? E-mail Nikki Liptak at [email protected] and we’ll send you a bib. Photograph your child /grandchild in the bib, send it back to us and we’ll be happy to run the photo in the next issue of the Irish Update! E-mail: [email protected] Website: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Irish Update 17 Contributors IRISH UPDATE Thank you to everyone who contributed to help defray the $6000 cost of printing and mailing each issue of the Irish Update. Elizabeth Bovie-Martin Elinor Haake DeYoung 1941 Jeanne Provancal Regnier 1945 Susan Marlaire Cotter 1945 Joan Cleary Scanlon 1947 Charles Gagnon 1949 Robert L. and Marge Hebert 1951 Guimond 1949 Zeph & Joan Lambert Benoit 1952 Rose Mary Gulczynski Devine 1955 Michael Bailey 1963 David and Margie Reynolds 1965 Anderson 1965 Michael Ohrt 1965 Thomas Ohrt 1968 Colleen O'Connor Jackson 1976 Patrick Martin 1978 Michael Lambert 1978 the new band director is looking for a sousaphone. If you can help, please give the school a call and let them know. A l u m News & 1945 - Don Mortell is proud of 1970 - Chris Olsen Hodak wrote the Bishop McNamara academics, athletics book “Enter Love” that is a current musiand all alumni. God Bless Bishop Mac. cal showing through October 16 with the Quest Theater Group at the Blue Theatre 1963 - Michael Bailey has retired in Chicago. Mac alum Charlie Worth ’02 from baseball and football officiating is also involved with the music. and is looking forward to total retirement in the near future. He and his wife Lana 1985 - Sean Hunt is living outside of live in Texas and have three children. Vegas and working on a Flogging Molly Tour of China set for 2012. 1966 - Kathy Carlson DeChenne is taking care of her mother who, at 90, is 2000 - Dr. Blake Randles DC, has still very independent and healthy. joined Hoffman Chiropractic Neurology. These friends and alumni gather weekly for dinner. Here they are pictured at a Pool Party at Todd Arseneau’s Home which they purchased at the 2011 Mac Auction. L ro R: Doug Gallois ’65, Rich Zinanni ’65, Barb Johnson, Cherie Prince Curran ’62, Merle Marquie ’65, Joclyn Gallois, Rita Walsh Mroz ’67, Kenny Johnson ’65, John Mroz ’65 & Jane Zinanni. 18 Irish Update E-mail: [email protected] Rest In Peace Friend Friend Friend 1942 1951 1953 1955 1957 1976 Sherwood Adame Cecile Enright Fr. Tom Langenfeld, CSV Elaine Mayo Gerald Gladu Gerald LaRocque Mary Jane Studer Tyrell Suprenant David Kennedy n i Notes The office is located in Bourbonnais where he is practicing with Dr. Matthew Hoffman. Dr. Randles holds a bachelor’s degree in Radiologic Science from SIU and a doctorate in Chiropractics from Palmer University. Robert C. Beland III has been promoted to corporal for the United States Marine Corps. He is stationed at Naval Air Station joint reserve base Carswell Field, Ft. Worth, TX. Update On-line: Help us save money! If you are willing to read the Update on-line (where it is always posted under “Alumni” at bishopmac. com) please let us know that we can take you off the mailing list! Website: Congratulations to Football Coach Rich Zinanni ‘65 on his storied career and accomplishments. Rich reached his 300th career win Friday, October 14, 2011 with a victory over Leo. Rich became only the 5th coach in the history of the state of Illinois to reach this milestone. There will be an open house on Sunday, November 27, 2011 on the campus of BMCHS. Information will be posted on the Mac website. Please reach out to all of your teammates and football alumni and share this special event with a special person and coach. Coach Rich Zinanni Facts About Rich: Photos by WAYBA Rich graduated from Bishop McNamara High School in 1965. He is in his 37th year as head coach and Athletic Director. He has been at Mac a total of 42 years. Rich’s career record is 301 wins and 111 losses. Rich has won 4 IHSA state championships and has been the runner up 3 more times. He was inducted into the Illinois High School Coaches Hall of Fame in 1995. He was inducted into Chicago Catholic Coaches Hall of Fame in 1998. He was awarded the Tony Lawless Award as coach of the year in the Chicago Catholic League in 1995 and 2010. He was the Midwest National Federation high school coach of the year in 1997. Rich coached in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio, Texas in 2002. He coached in the Illinois Shrine All-Star game 6 times and as head coach twice. s n o i t a l u t a Congr Rich! E-mail: [email protected] Website: Irish Update 19 Are you following us on Facebook? Our fan page is Bishop McNamara Catholic High School Alumni “Like” us! Irish Alumni Questionnaire Thank you to all the Irish Alumni who send information for the Irish Update. Please return this questionnaire to: Bishop McNamara Catholic High School, 550 W. Brookmont Blvd., Kankakee, IL 60901 or email Jaclyn Dugan-Roof at [email protected] Name__________________________________________________________ Information for the Irish Update:___________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Website_ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Spouse_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Children________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Bishop McNamara Catholic High School 550 West Brookmont Kankakee, Illinois 60901 20 Irish Update E-mail: [email protected] Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 13 Kankakee, IL Website: