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Inside: Marsh flying high 5a Walk of Hope 10a Downtown Garden Party 14a Striking at cancer 1b FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016 The Speaker’s week en d edItion Vol. 15 – No. 33 Visit us on Moving forward Construction of TFN multiuse complex underway Architect Bret Cardinal, at back, and project manager Tom Laronde study the drawings for the new complex on Bear Island. It’ll be built on the site of the former band office and recreation centre. (Staff photo by Diane Johnston) Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter BEAR ISLAND – Construction is now beginning on a new $5.7-million complex that will serve Bear Island residents and visitors alike. Ground was officially broken on the weekend for the Temagami First Nation (TFN) multi-use facility and business centre. The project will have immediate and long-term economic impacts, TFN Chief Arnold Paul told an audience of about 30 July 9. It will “really promote the best interests of the Temagami First Nation,” said David Zimmer, who heads the recently renamed Ontario Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. The T-shaped, 29,000-square-foot complex brings under one roof the TFN’s council chambers and administration as well as office space for business use and economic development. It will offer an interpretive centre, arts centre, library and resource centre. It extends to a gym, including an indoor running track, that will double as a conference centre and banquet room for up to 200 people. A kitchen, change rooms, stage and laundromat are incorporated. HISTORY The project has been in the works about three and a half years, said project manager Tom Laronde, a TFN member who now heads the Four Winds Group of Companies. “It took a little while to get the money in place. It’s not a hold-up, it’s a process,” he told the audience that gathered under a tent behind the Laura McKenzie Learning Centre. FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund each provided $1 million. Minister Zimmer announced that Ontario would contribute an additional $750,000 from the Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program. The balance will come from TFN. Mr. Laronde said construction of the building itself is expected to take up to 14 months, and he was hopeful it would come in under budget. The complex’s architect is Bret Cardinal of Ottawa. In describing the project, he noted that the TFN council chambers would be at the centre of the complex and surrounded by a circular route of artefact displays. “It really sets the tone for the whole building,” he said. Materials from the band office, which was demolished to make way for the new complex, will be incorporated into the interpretive centre. See “Construction” on 9a Steam show recreates pioneer past EARLTON (Staff ) – The past comes to chugging, sputtering, steaming life this weekend outside Earlton. The forty-second annual edition of the Rod Inglis Memorial Earlton Steam and Antique Show runs July 16 and 17. It fields acres of antique machinery, powered by steam or gas, that were used on the farms and fields of the Little Claybelt. Some equipment is more than a century old. But some of the vehicles that will be on display are a little newer – owners of classic cars are also invited to drop in. The show was launched to preserve the area’s pioneer heritage from antique hunters searching for artefacts to take south. There will also be food, music, and household antiques and crafts to peruse on the site, which is located on Andre Boileau’s property south of Brownlee Equipment. Gates open at 9 a.m. each day, and close at 4 p.m. Camping is available at the site. 2011 Can-Am 800 We’ll get you safely to all your summer destinations! 100 Craven Crescent, New Liskeard, ON Phone 705•647•5500 Fax 705•647•4100 with Assante Capital Management Ltd. power steering $7499.99 2011 Can-Am 800 with power steering $7499.99 HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9 to 3 60 Scott St., Box 1648, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 Robert A. Nicholls, CPA, CA, CFP Ivan Dewar [email protected] Erik Nicholls, CFP, B.Sc. (Fin) Financial Peace of Mind Starts at Assante 11 Armstrong St., New Liskeard 705-647-6838 • 1-877-850-6838 60 Scott St., Box 1648, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 [email protected] HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9 to 3 WEEKENDER Page 2a Friday, July 15, 2016 City Bulletin DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS GOODS The following items have been declared surplus and are available for sale SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED NON CERTIFIED AND/OR NON OPERABLE, AS IS, WHERE IS, NO WARRANTIES IMPLIED NOR GIVEN POLICE SERVICES BOARD LOT # 1 Monday, July 18, 2016 – 1:00 P.M. DESCRIPTION 1989 John Deere 310C Backhoe City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury REGULAR COUNCIL The City makes no guarantee of description or any information provided, the onus is on the Bidder to verify descriptions and ensure accuracy. The item may be viewed between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, by calling Mitch Lafreniere at 705-672-3363 ext. 4113. Bid quotation forms are available at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury between the hours of 8:30a.m. and 4:30p.m. or from the Public Works Department, 200 Lakeshore Road, New Liskeard between the hours of 7:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Bid quotation forms may also be obtained on the City of Temiskaming Shores website or by contacting City Hall at 705-672-3363. The bids will close on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 2:00p.m. REMINDER TO TAXPAYERS For inquiries regarding your tax bill, please contact Laura-Lee MacLeod or Julie Gregoire at the Finance Department at 672-3363 or email to lmacleod@ or [email protected] Official Plan Amendment File #: OPA-2016-01 Zoning By-law Amendment File #: ZBA-2016-01(NL) Owner: Manuel DaSilva Agent: Tunnock Consulting Ltd Property: 100 Lakeshore Road North (former École Sacré Coeur) Take notice that, on July 5, 2016, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Temiskaming Shores, passed By-law 2016-116 adopting Amendment No. 1 to the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan, and By-law No. 2016-117 approving a Zoning By-law Amendment as outlined below. Official of Planthe Amendment File #: By-law OPA-2016-01 The purpose Zoning Amendment is to rezone the property from Zoning By-law Amendment File #: ZBA-2016-01(NL) Institutional (S1) Manuel to Apartment Residential Exception 6 (R4-E6) to allow the Owner: DaSilva Agent: Tunnock Consulting Ltd conversion of the existing building on Sacré theCoeur) property into a 40-unit residential Property: 100 Lakeshore Road North (former École apartmentTake building and to Shores, permit a minimum notice that, on July 5,establish 2016, the Councilsite-specific of the Corporation of provisions the City of Temiskaming passed By-law 2016-116 adopting Amendment No. 1 to the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan, and By-law No. front building setback of 4.5m for an accessory gazebo; a minimum building 2016-117 approving a Zoning By-law Amendment as outlined below. setback on the south side of 2.9m (existing); a minimum apartment dwelling unit The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to add a site-specific policy to the Official Plan to permit the 2 conversion of the former institutional on the propertylandscaping to a standalone residential use. of 30%; to recognize area of 37m (398 square feet);building a minimum area of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone be the property from Institutional (S1) to Apartment spaces as that six of The thepurpose required parking spaces shall dedicated as accessible Residential Exception 6 (R4-E6) to allow the conversion of the existing building on the property into a 40-unit defined inresidential the City’s Traffic and Parking andato remove thesetback requirements apartment building and establish site-specificBy-law, provisions to permit minimum front building of 4.5m for an accessory gazebo; a minimum building setback on the south side of 2.9m (existing); a minimum related to apartment the provision of ofplay facilities. square feet); a minimum landscaping area of 30%; to recognize that dwelling unit area 37m (398 231 227 221 217 200 212 213 209 196 193 195 189 The subject property is designated Residential Neighbourhood in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Medium Density Residential The subject property is designated Residential Neighbourhood in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan is zoned Medium Density Residential (R3) Zoning in the Town of New Liskeard Zoning By-law 2233. (R3) inand the Town of New Liskeard By-law 2233. 154 185 175 169 90 167 dd oonn yym DD Ave. McCamus McCamus Ave. 150 144 124 61 54 66 77 70 74 76 Notice of Decision – Requests for copies of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment or notice of adjournment of hearings, if any, must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer at the address below. Additional Information – For more information about this matter, contact the undersigned. Additional information about the proposed minor variance is also available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall or by contacting the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive, PO Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 | Fax: 705-672-2911 [email protected] GET OUTSIDE DAY! Friday, July 15th THE CITY OF TEMISKAMING SHORES WANTS YOU TO FIND THE TIME ON NATIONAL GET OUTSIDE DAY – FRIDAY, JULY 15TH TO GO DOWN TO THE WATERFRONT AND ENJOY YOUR SURROUNDINGS! 63% OF CANADIANS SPEND TWO HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK DOING RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES OUTDOORS – LEAVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS BEHIND AND APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY OF OUR WATERFRONTS! ENJOY THE HAILEYBURY BEACH AND CAMSELL PLAYGROUND, THE NEW LISKEARD WATERFRONT – ALGONQUIN BEACH PARK, BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTS, BALL DIAMONDS, HORSESHOE PITS, PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, THE MINI-PUTT PARK, TENNIS COURTS AND THE BEAUTIFUL BOARDWALK, STATO TRAIL AND THE MILE LONG SANDY BEACH! PACK A LUNCH OR ENJOY ONE OF THE WATERFRONT CONCESSIONS! PUBLIC PROCLAMATION Resolution No. 2016-376 That Council hereby proclaims the weekend of July 15-17 as the Shanna Larsen Memorial “Team Shan” Weekend in the City of Temiskaming Shores. Provision 67 69 215 217 227 CC r.r. 58 71 88 94 87 122 222 210 116 83 105 100 111 113 115 RRdd .. NN or or th th 130 131 SSt.t. eett rk aark MM 95 99 LLak ak es es hhoo re re 121 130 Agnes Ave. Ave. 218 72 100 101 CCr.r. 113 DDym ym oond nd 244 Davidson St. Davidson St. 248 89 91 LLaa kkee sshh oorere 183 BBro ro ad ad wwoo oodd AAve ve .. 107 68 78 113 119 Broad Broadwood woodAve. Ave. Ave. BroadwoodAve. Broadwood Ave. Broadwood BroadwoodAve. 75 100 RR dd.. NN oorr thth 235 245 DD yymm oonn dd Maple Maple St. St. North North St 82 127 131 BBro ro ad ad wwoo oodd Ave ve .. Zoning By-law 85-27 Subject Property The property is designated Neighbourhood City Schedule “D,” Row 8, Column Residential 2 – Minimum Exterior Side Yard 5m (16’) in the 3m (10’) of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Residential (R) in the Town of Haileybury Zoning The property is designated Residential Neighbourhood in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Residential (R) in the Town of Haileybury Zoning By-law 85-27. By-law 85-27. 82 300 75 76 300 74 71 70 366 370 300 350 362 Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Lakeview Dr. 300 300 345 361 341 337 329 333 325 299 317 66 379 58 55 54 51 50 47 62 299 56 50 46 46 44 GGro ro om om DDr. 38 45 44 37 38 33 36 Public Hearing – You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person to express your views about this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. Failure to Attend Hearing – If you do not attend the hearing it may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings unless you provide written comments regarding the application. 59 78 95 t.t. tt SS kkee aarr MM 105 154 The last date for filing a notice of appeal is August 2, 2016. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the City of Temiskaming Shores, must set out the reasons for the appeal, must note the specific part of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to which the appeal applies, and must be accompanied by the fee required by the Ontario Municipal Board. The proposed Official Plan Amendment is exempt from approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The decision of the Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a notice of appeal. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was adopted or the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. Failure to Attend Hearing – If you do not attend the hearing it may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings unless you provide written comments regarding the application. Place: Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, HaileyburyZoning By-law Subject Provision 85-27 The owners are requesting relief from the provisions of the Town of Haileybury Zoning By-law 85-27 to Property Schedule “D,” Row 8, Column – Minimum permit the construction of a 2 6.1m x 7.3m (20’ x Exterior 24’) detached garage that will be closer to the exterior side lot 5m (16’) 3m (10’) line than is permitted. The following relief is requested: Side Yard Notice of Decision – Requests for copies of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment or notice of adjournment of hearings, if any, must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer at the address below. 55 Only individuals, corporations and/or public bodies may appeal a decision or bylaw of the municipality or planning board to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf. Public Hearing – You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person to express your views about this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. A-2016-06(H) 46 60 73 r. CC 83 116 81 222 228 52 58 65 71 88 .. vvee AA The agent is proposing to sever a 3.6m x 42.6m (12’ x 139.92’) strip from the property at 143 Pine Street West to be added to the adjacent property at 135 Pine Street West. No construction is proposed as a result of this application. 160 166 91 232 242 St. Davidson Davidson St. A public meeting will be held to consider the Consent application: Date: is proposing Wednesday, Julyto 27, 2016 The agent sever a 3.6m x 42.6m (12’ x 139.92’) strip from the Time: p.m. propertyPlace: at 143 1:30 Pine Street West to be added to the adjacent property at 135 Pine Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury Street West. No construction is proposed as a result of this application. 172 210 246 Under Section 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 A public meeting willShores be held to consider the Consent The City of Temiskaming has received the following Consent application: application: B-2016-03(NL) July 27, 2016 Date: File #: Wednesday, Owner: Mary Desjardins Time: Agent: 1:30 p.m. Robert Gavin 143 Pine Street West Place: Property:Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury 174 dd oooo ww ggee eedd WW Committee of Adjustment 178 184 86 Ave. McCamus McCamus Ave. Application for Consent Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing 190 CC r.r. 220 RR dd.. NN oort hh 235 241 222 DD yymm oonn dd 230 234 LLaa kkee sshh oorere 245 242 .. vvee A File #: B-2016-03(NL) Owner: Mary Desjardins Agent: Robert Gavin Property: 143 Pine Street West 246 dd oooo ww ggee eedd WW The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Consent application: six of the required parking spaces shall be dedicated as accessible spaces as defined in the City’s Traffic and Parkingreceived By-law, and to remove the requirements to the notification provision of play facilities. Public input through the related public process was taken into Public input the that public notification was taken intocan consideration and it is noted that consideration andreceived it is through noted certainprocess comments be addressed through the certain comments can be addressed through the site plan control process. Other comments were acknowledged. site plan control process. Other comments were acknowledged. North St. North Maple St. Maple Under Section 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 File #: Owner: Albert and Kathleen Blanchard The owners are requesting relief from the provisions of the Town of Haileybury Agent: Abby Smythe Zoning By-law 85-27333to permit the of a 6.1m x 7.3m (20’ x 24’) detached Property: Lakeview Avenue, Northconstruction Cobalt garage that Awill be closer to the exterior sideapplication: lot line than is permitted. The following public meeting will be held to consider the Minor Variance Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 relief is requested: Time: 1:30 p.m. 380 The purpose of the Official Plan AmendmentNotice is toofadd a site-specific policy to the the Passing of an Official Plan Amendment Official Plan to permit the conversion of the former institutional building on the property and a Zoning By-law Amendment to a standalone residential use. Under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 2 Application for Consent Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Committee of Adjustment Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 Committee of Adjustment Time: 1:30 p.m. Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Place: Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Minor Variance application: South St. South Maple St. Maple In the event of a possible postal strike, please contact the Taxation Department for alternative payment options Under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Application for a Minor Variance A public meeting will be held to consider the Minor Variance application: South St. South Birch Birch St. Taxes can be paid in person at: 325 Farr Drive in Haileybury Notice of the Passing of an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Minor Variance application: File #: A-2016-06(H) Owner: Albert and Kathleen Blanchard Agent: Abby Smythe Property: 333 Lakeview Avenue, North Cobalt St Poplar Poplar St The first installment for the 2016 final tax bill is due: Friday, July 15th City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 South St. South Maple St. Maple 2016 Final Tax Bills have been mailed out. Tuesday, August 2, 2016 – 6:00 P.M. Application for a Minor Variance Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Committee of Adjustment A copy of Amendment No. 1 to the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and By-law No. 2016-117 are available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall. For further information contact the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye, Planner City of Temiskaming Shores PO Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 | Fax: 705-672-2911 Email: [email protected] Temiskaming Shores Public Library TD Summer Reading Club Storytime at Both Branches of the Library The Temiskaming Shores Public Library is pleased to offer a T.D. Summer Reading Club STORY TIME for the first time. This STORY TIME is for children of preschool age right through to 7 year olds accompanied by an adult. Older siblings may want to read on their own or use a public access computer while their younger siblings enjoy STORY TIME. This program will run on Wednesdays from 11:15 a.m. until noon Haileybury Branch: July 6th, 20th, August 3rd, 17th New Liskeard Branch: July 13th, 27th, August 10th, 24th Drop in to join in the fun or contact us for more information. Call 705-647-4215 or email us at [email protected] Additional Information – For more information about this matter, contact the undersigned. Additional information about the proposed minor variance is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall or by contacting the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive PO Box 2050 Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 Fax: 705-672-2911 [email protected] Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following application to amend the Zoning By-law: File #: Owner: Agent: Property: ZBA-2016-02(D) Ken Brownlee and Sons Equipment Corp. Jeff Celentano MCIP, RPP 437099 Hawn Drive, Dymond Industrial Parkm m m A public hearing will be held to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment application: m m m Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. m M Place: Council Chambers at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury m The application proposes a site-specific amendment to add sales and m m service of recreational equipment, a retail store, a merchandise service m m shop, agricultural equipment sales and service, and a business office as m permitted uses on the property. m m m m m m The property is designated Employment Areas in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and Industrial (M2) in the m mis Zoned Manufacturing m m M of Dymond MZoning By-law m 984. Township Concours de lecture estivale Concours de lecture à la bibliothèque publique de Temiskaming Shores pour les jeunes de 5 à 18 ans! Pour chaque 10 livres français lus de la bibliothèque vous recevrez un prix! À partir du 1er juillet au 31 août 2016. Veuillez prendre votre feuillet pour y inscrire les titres et les auteurs des livres lus. Donc, lisez et gagnez! 705-647-4215 ou [email protected] Livres SURPRISE durant l’été pour les adultes Livres SURPRISE durant l’été à la succursale de New Liskeard. Juillet et août 2016 Choisissez votre livre SURPRISE des paniers de la section française au premier étage et lisez! Écrivez vos commentaires si vous désirez! (Ils se trouvent dans le livre). Rapportez vos livres SURPRISE et nous partagerons vos opinions sans hésiter! Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo—Go Wild with the Library at Riverside Place! Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo will be visiting as part of the Library’s TD Summer Reading Program theme of Wild! Date: Thursday, July 14 Time: From 9:30-11:30 Where: Riverside Place in New Liskeard Come out to see some wild critters with the library staff! For more information, call 705-647-4215. TD Summer Reading Program Craft Sessions at Both Branches of the Library Join us for the Wild About Reading craft sessions for the TD Summer Reading Program. Children aged 5-10 years old are invited to come to the story and craft sessions in July and August in both branches. Sessions run from 1:00-2:30 on the following dates: Haileybury Branch: Saturday, July 16 and Saturday, August 13 New Liskeard Branch: Saturday, July 30 and Saturday, August 27 Get Wild about Reading! For more information, contact us at the library: Haileybury Branch 705-672-3707, New Liskeard Branch 705-647-4215 To register or for more information about any of the Library’s programs, call 705-647-4215 or 705-672-3707, see our facebook page, email NewLiskeard@ or [email protected] , visit our website at www. , or visit your Library Branch! Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal presentation to express support of, or opposition to, this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the City prior to the hearing. For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, contact the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye Planner City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive PO Box 2050 Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 Fax: 705-672-2911 [email protected] For More Information Call (705) 672-3363 Write to The City of Temiskaming Shores, P.O. Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 or Visit our Website: Fines, bans follow hunting offences TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff/Special) – Three London area men have been fined and banned from hunting for a year after pleading guilty to offences related to illegal black bear hunting. The incident occurred north of Temagami in September 2014, and was heard June 23 by Justice of the Peace Eileen Walker in Haileybury. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry reports that an investigation began after staff located bear baits and off-road vehicle tracks behind a locked gate on the Red Squirrel access road. The ministry said they found that two men from Dutton and Wallacetown had used ramps to get their off-road vehicle over the gate and into an area where motorized access is prohibited. They accessed the former’s remote hunt camp and placed bear baits in the area. The Wallacetown man subsequently harvested a bear. He was fined $1,000 for trespassing for the purpose of hunting and $200 for failing to submit a mandatory 2014 black bear hunt questionnaire. The Dutton man was fined $1,000 for trespassing for the purpose of hunting and $200 for possession two slot-sized walleye discovered at one of the bait sites. A third man, from Rodney, was fined $1,000 for possessing an illegally killed black bear and $200 for making a false statement in his mandatory hunt questionnaire. WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 3a BEARING WITNESS As if on cue, a bear was recently spotted as it slowly made its way across the entrance to the landfill on the Lake Temagami Access Road. Bears are frequently seen in the area – as evidenced by the sign. (Staff photo by Diane Johnston) All three were also banned from hunting for one year in Wildlife Management Unit 40, where the offences occurred. INCIDENT In an unrelated incident, three men from the New Liskeard area and a fourth from Ottawa were fined a total of $3,000 in connection with an illegal moose hunt. The offence dates back to October 2012, when the ministry says conservation officers checked the hunting party at their hunt camp in the Kenabeek area. The ministry said the group had three cow moose validation tags but no licence for a bull moose. When a bull moose was found, the ministry said the men reported it had been shot by a member of their party who was exercising his aboriginal right to hunt. The ministry said its investigation found that the moose had been shot by one of the four men. UPCOMING TOWN HALL MEETING ASSEMBLÉE PUBLIQUE À VENIR TEMISKAMING SHORES TOWN HALL MEETING CANADA POST REVIEW ASSEMBLÉE PUBLIQUE DE TEMISKAMING SHORES EXAMEN DE POSTES CANADA DATE: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 TIME: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM LOCATION: Temiskaming Shores City Hall 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury, ON HAVE YOUR SAY! Visit Anthony R Anthony Rota ota DATE: Le mardi 19 juillet 2016 TIME: de 18h30 à 20h00 LOCATION: Hôtel de ville de Temiskaming Shores 325, promenade Farr Haileybury (Ontario) DONNEZ VOTRE AVIS! Visitez Member Member of Parliament / Député Nipissing-‐Timiskaming Timiskaming . Each of the four men was fined $750 for possessing an illegally killed bull moose. The case was heard June 23 in Haileybury by Justice of the Peace Walker. CONSTITUENCY OFFICE / BUREAU DE CIRCONSCRIPTION . 112 ouest av. Whitewood Ave. West, Box / C.P. 158, New Liskeard, ON P0J1P0 Member of Parliament / Député Nipissing-‐Timiskaming Tel. 705-647-6262 or 1-800-461-1394 . . Fax: 705-647-6299 . [email protected] Anthony Rota WEEKENDER Page 4a Friday, July 15, 2016 ontario community newspapers association General Manager - Lois Perry Editor - Gordon Brock In Memory of Dave Armstrong TEMISKAMING PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED 18 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 580, New Liskeard, Ont. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-647-6791 Fax: 705-647-9669 [email protected] We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Authorized as publications mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa, Number 8154 Member Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Canadian Community Newspapers Association. The publisher reserves the right to restrict all ads to their proper classifications, and to edit or reject any copy. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted other than in clear writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. The advertiser agrees that the publisher will not be liable for damage arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All claims or errors in advertisements must be received by the publisher within 30 days after first publication. The contents of the Weekender are protected by Copyright registered with the Copyright Office at Ottawa. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the President. Hold the love ” I didn’t fall down in love, I rose in it. ” At the family cottage Sue Nielsen Toni Morrison They say a child’s coffin is the heaviest. I can well imagine the meaning behind that statement. My mother lost six children after I was born. She lost two daughters that each lived for a week or two before passing away. I recall her speaking about this to us as children and I know it weighed heavy on her, the loss of her children. She would tell us that our sisters were buried in the Silverland Cemetery while tears formed in her eyes. The loss of a child is a wound that never fully heals and the cliché ‘time heals’ is far from the truth. I like the quote, ”Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” I was on reporting duty last week and it was my job to cover the One Foot Forward series of events held to honour the memory of toddler Greyson Zubyck. But on another level, I was on duty as a mother, as a community member and someone who values life, love and compassion. I can only imagine the range of emotions that John and Shelly Zubyck must have been feeling in their hearts as the day played out. I don’t recall ever hearing such a raw, heart-rending message like the one Shelly delivered during the dinner/silent auction. The Zubycks are moving one foot forward at a time as Shelly said but they will proudly carry their son with them every step of the way. I don’t believe everything hap- pens for a reason either. Sometimes the most horrible things happen to the most amazing, incredible people. There are no guarantees in this life, things happen out of the blue. Your loved one can be with you one minute and gone the next. That is the reality of life on this earth. When my mother died I felt something had been taken away from me and I recall driving past the cemetery on my way to work thinking she doesn’t belong in that place, she belongs at home with her children, her friends and family. I wanted to run to that place and bring her home. The mind wants to believe what it will. When someone loses a loved one it is a chance to open your heart as wide as possible and walk beside that person until they are able to breathe, think and function again. Maybe a young couple sees their child in every good deed and compassionate action shown to them? I spoke with my friend Charlie Fortin during the dinner and he said he had lost his 16-year-old daughter Lise in a car accident. He understood what the Zubycks were going through. Thank you Charlie for that special moment. As we float along this river of life each loss is different, a sibling, a spouse, a child, a pet or friend, there’s one constant— you hold the love close, oh so close. Editorial Daily need Summer’s here and the living is easy. Except for a growing number of people who access food banks in our region and beyond. While most of us enjoy a shopping trip to the grocery store to purchase a juicy steak, salads, drinks and the like, there are those among us who can only dream of that luxury. The need for food never stops, hunger is a daily issue faced by people in this region (children, adults and seniors) and the food banks that serve them. While the cost of living rises, the poor among us are left to manage at the doors of a food bank. The government of Ontario has said it has created a poverty reduction strategy but we can only wonder what areas it seems to address. The poverty reduction strategy aims to increase the minimum wage, create jobs and employment, provide school nutrition programs and add extra programs for families along with more affordable housing options. While the heads of large government corporations make millions in salaries and bonuses, the poor of this province and, in particular, Northern Ontario wait for the rubber to meet the road in terms of poverty reduction. Anyone who pays a hydro bill, puts gas in their car or pays rent will know how much disposable income they have left over at the end of the month for food. Food bank volunteers see up close and personal the devastation poverty can have on people and they are the kind-hearted souls who step forward to manage the need for food in South Temiskaming. Generally speaking, we talk about food banks and the issue of hunger around the time our two community food bank drives take place - just prior to Easter weekend and then in the fall. But people go hungry every day in this region and food banks are not fair weather operations that shut their doors just because summer comes along. Please be generous and donate to your local food bank and thank you! 18 Wellington St., South New Liskeard 705-647-6791 Fax 705-647-9669 Lois Perry General Manager ext. 224 Alan Roy Assistant Sales Manager ext. 225 Brenda Craik Denise Williams ext. 232 ext. 231 Sales Rep. a ds @ no r t hern o n t a ri o . ca Sales Rep. Kelly Ouimet Gordon Brock Diane Johnston Steven Larocque Sue Nielsen Darlene Wroe ext. 248 ext. 239 ext. 241 ext. 240 ext. 246 ext. 242 Sales Co-ord. Editor Reporter [email protected] Reporter Reporter Reporter Marsh flying high with programming help Friday, July 15, 2016 Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter HILLIARDTON – New technology and new help on the ground will improve educational programs and bird data collection at the Hilliardton marsh. Thanks to donors, the Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Centre has the assistance of an intern for six months. Intern Sidney Coll, who took in the spring programs at the marsh, will review programming over the summer, explained Dalas Forget, the marsh’s executive director. She’ll work on expanding and improving the marsh’s educational programs, for both school groups and the public, related to wetlands and the birds that depend on them. A $12,000 grant from Colleges and Institutes Canada (CIC) is helping to fund her position. CIC is a national organization representing publicly funded colleges, institutes, college-type schools in Quebec, and polytechnical schools. The marsh was also awarded a $2,500 community action grant from the RBC Blue Water Project to help fund the intern’s position. The corporate program supports water protection programs in Canada as well as the U.S., Australia, United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Malaysia. The money for the Hilliardton marsh was raised in part at an annual barbecue sponsored by the New Liskeard RBC branch, said branch manager Jeff Laferriere. Part of Ms. Coll’s work on the marsh’s educational programming, meanwhile, will incorporate the latest addition to the site. The marsh has installed a 68-foot Motus telemetry tower at a temporary location a short walk from its education and bird banding centre. TOWER The tower, which resembles an old-style television antenna, is actually part of a hemispheric tracking system for migratory birds. High-flying birds can now be identified even if they don’t drop by the marsh. The tower is equipped with receivers that can detect tracking devices on even the tiniest of birds, at a distance of some 20 kilometres. The tower at the Hilliardton marsh is the only one located between James Bay and Georgian Bay. While birds migrate from the Hudson Bay region to southern Ontario, Mr. Forget said their specific routes haven’t been mapped. When the tower goes live in time for the fall migration, he said the marsh will collect “some new information that’s never been known.” WEEKENDER Page 5a Ray's Berry Farm Ray Raspberries Fresh or frozen Sold by the 6 quart Pick for us or buy from us Reserve now 705-672-5597 In Memoriam July 13th 2010 In loving memory of Rhodes Grenville Boothby He is gone but not forgotten and as dawns another day. In our lonely hours of thinking. Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness still come over us. But as dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking. Thoughts of him are always near. Lovingly remembered by his wife Isabelle & Family Four years have passed since your journey They say it’s a beautiful journey from the old world to the new, some day I’ll Dalas Forget, executive director of the Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Centre, left, receives a $2,500 cheque awarded to the Centre from RBC branch manager Jeff Laferriere, right. This funding helps the Centre hire an intern, Sidney Coll, middle, and to improve education programming. Visible in the background is the new MOTUS tower used to track local bird migration. (Photo by Darien Sauve) BIG REPRESENTATION. Evans, Bragagnolo & Sullivan LLP has joined forces with Lanthier Mann Law Firm, increasing the capacity and range of legal services in Cochrane and surrounding community. Evans, Bragagnolo & Sullivan is one of the most experienced full-service law firms in the region, with a near 70-year history of dedication, success, and outstanding client representation. We are delighted to put down roots and expand access to outstanding legal services in the community. What can you expect? The same great service and representation, backed by a larger team. Questions? Walk-ins are welcome and the coffee is free. Find out more about us: Legal Excellence. Northern Values. make that journey which will lead me straight to you, and when I reach that garden in which there is no pain I’ll put my arms around you and never part again. With Love, Michael Page 6a WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 CELEBRATING SENIORS Temiskaming Lodge celebrated Seniors Month recently with an open house and special activities. Pictured here enjoying the outdoor setting behind the longterm care home in Haileybury are (standing from left): James “Kye” Palmer, co-director of care Marilea Ross, resident and family services coordinator Angela Douglass, Lely Dell, Violet “Ann” Carter, administrator Francine Gosselin, activity co-ordinator Lindsay Bourassa, and George Dodds. Seated in front are Florence Johnston and William “Rodney” Peters. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) Tour plotting crops info TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – A caravan of agricultural expertise is pulling into Temiskaming later this month. Five provincial crops specialists will take part in the annual summer crop tour July 21. Temiskaming is the fourth stop on a tour that sees the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs group also visit Manitoulin, Algoma, Sudbury and Verner. On board will be Joanna Follings, cereals specialist; Jake Munroe, soil fertility specialist; Ben Rosser, corn industry program lead; Meghan Moran, canola and ed- E R A C CAR Y R O T C DIRE FAST, Our body shop can quickly give your insurance adjuster an accurate estimate of the cost to repair your vehicle. And once we get approval, we’ll proceed as fast as possible to make your car like new again...using genuine GM parts. M R I F ESTIMATES The Collision Centre 238 Armstrong Centre, P.O. Box 100, New Liskeard ON P0J 1P0 Telephone: 1-705-647-2031 • Fax 1-705-647-9817 Email: [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE 24 RORK E AV E., H AILEYBURY 705-672-29 29 Authorized & Certified deAler Motor Vehicle Inspection Starters Brakes Alternators Suspension Electronic Diagnostic Rustproofing Fuel Injection Service Exhaust Tune Ups Oil Change & Lube ible bean specialist, and Thomas Ferguson, forage and grazier specialist. The annual district tour is organized by the Temiskaming Crops Coalition. The day begins at Koch Farms in Earlton, where visitors will board buses at 10:30 a.m. First stop is Grant Farms in Harley for lunch and a tour of the farm plots. (An open house continues at Grant’s until 3p.m.) The tour then moves on to field crop plots at the New Liskeard Agricultural Research Farm, dinner is back at Koch Farms, and the twilight part of the tour begins at 6:30 p.m. YARD SALE SPECIAL 19 $ 99 PRICE INCLUDES INSERTION IN BOTH SPEAKER AND WEEKENDER HARD COPY & ONLINE SO L A E C I R P S: E D U L C N I ELLOW Y T H G I R B OONS L L A B & SIGNS CALL TODAY! 705•647•6791 or drop in to: 18 Wellington St. South, New Liskeard, ON or go to our website: Friday, July 15, 2016 Spring Fling flaunts seniors’ info Page 7a The sad tale of Mrs. Lucky and the slipand-trip hazards in the bathroom was told by Marcella Rivard, left, and Eleanor Katona, at the Spring Fling. (Staff photo by Diane Johnston) TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – A full house turned out for seniors’ information at Spring Fling number six. The annual event at Riverside Place in New Liskeard drew 200 seniors and presenters June 15. They heard from experts on power of attorney and occupational therapy, took in exercise classes, and learned about Temiskaming Shores’ age friendly planning exercise. The mood was lightened by skits on seniors’ issues, staged by the Temiskaming Rising Stars and its francophone counterpart, L’étoile de la sagesse Témiskaming. Almost a dozen information booths, inside and outside, profiled programs, services and businesses geared to seniors’ needs. It was sponsored by the Timiskaming Elder Abuse Task Force, the Timiskaming Injury Prevention Older Adult Committee and the Stay on Your Feet initiative. It was the final of three sessions held in the district, following events in Englehart and Kirkland Lake. ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD NOTICE ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. BOWMAN’S BERRY PATCH STRAWBERRIES WEEKENDER Ontario Power Generation Inc. has applied to raise its payment amounts. Learn more. Have your say. PICK YOUR OWN OR HAVE THEM FRESH PICKED FOR YOU Located at 211259 Garden Road in Hilliard Twp. Turn right off Highway 11 at the Thornloe Crossroads corner then follow signs For information about picking times or to place a fresh picked order call Ontario Power Generation Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board with a plan to increase the amount it charges for the output of its nuclear generating facilities and most of its hydroelectric generating facilities in each of the five years beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2021. If the Ontario Energy Board approved the application as filed, Ontario Power Generation has calculated that the monthly bill for the typical residential customer using 750 kWh of electricity per month would change by the following amounts: 2017 -$1.29 Matt & Elaine Bowman 705-563-8444 Temagami Family Health Team Submitted by Ellen Ibey Be Safe in the Sun One of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or UV rays. Did you know that ultraviolet rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes? Most cases of skin cancer are preventable. You can reduce your risk of getting skin cancer by taking some simple but important steps. To avoid the harmful effects of UV rays, everyone should: • Select shaded areas for outdoor activities. • Wear a broad-brimmed hat and clothing with a tight weave, including a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, if you have to be in the sun for long periods of time. • Use a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15. Make sure it has both UVAand UVB protection.Apply to exposed skin 15 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun, and re-apply 15 to 30 minutes after sun exposure begins. You should also re-apply sunscreen after vigorous activity that could remove the product, such as swimming, toweling or excessive sweating and rubbing. • Avoid overexposing yourself to the sun without protection, especially between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. • Certain medications can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. Consult your health care provider if you have questions about your medication. Remember that babies and children are at greater risk than adults because of their more sensitive skin. Talk to your health care provider about any changes to your skin like: • a birthmark or a mole that changes shape, colour, size or surface • any new growth on your skin – pale, pearly nodules that may grow larger and crust, or red, scaly, sharply defined patches • any sore that doesn’t heal • any patch of skin that bleeds, oozes, swells, itches or becomes red and bumpy Preventative Health Care – the Easiest Way to Protect Your Future! 17 O’Connor Drive, P.O. Box 98, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 Tel: 705.569.3244 Fax: 705.569.2610 2018 $1.73 2019 $1.07 2020 $1.86 2021 $1.89 Other customers, including businesses, will be affected as well. THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IS HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will hold a public hearing to consider Ontario Power Generation’s request. We will question the company on its case for a payment amount increase. We will also hear questions and arguments from individuals and from groups that represent consumers of electricity. At the end of this hearing, the OEB will decide what, if any, increase will be allowed. If Ontario Power Generation’s application is approved, the OEB’s subsequent review in the years 2018 through 2021 may be limited to applying a formula that is tied to inflation and to ensuring certain annual adjustments are made in accordance with the approved payment amount plan. You may not receive further notice of those adjustments. The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost. BE INFORMED AND HAVE YOUR SAY You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the process: • You can review Ontario Power Generation’s application on the OEB’s website now. • You can file a letter with your comments, which will be considered during the hearing. • You can become an active participant (called an intervenor). Apply by July 26, 2016 or the hearing will go ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of the proceeding. • At the end of the process, you can review the OEB’s decision and its reasons on our website. LEARN MORE The payment amounts relate to generation from Ontario Power Generation’s nuclear facilities and most of its hydroelectric facilities. They make up part of the Electricity line - one of the five line items on your bill. Our file number for this case is EB-2016-0152. To learn more about this hearing, find instructions on how to file letters or become an intervenor, or to access any document related to this case please select the file number EB-2016-0152 from the list on the OEB website: You can also phone our Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727 with any questions. ORAL VS. WRITTEN HEARINGS There are two types of OEB hearings – oral and written. The OEB will determine later in the process whether to hold an oral or a written hearing in this case. If you think an oral hearing is needed, you can write to the OEB to explain why by July 26, 2016. PRIVACY If you write a letter of comment, your name and the content of your letter or the documents you file with the OEB will be put on the public record and the OEB website. However, your personal telephone number, home address and email address will be removed. If you are a business, all your information will remain public. If you apply to become an intervenor, all information will be public. This payment amount hearing will be held under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998 c.15 (Schedule B). Ontario Energy Commission de l’énergie Board de l’Ontario Page 8a WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 *Independently owned and operated. Eveline R. Gauvreau Ltd.* - Brokerage, 19 Paget Street South New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Phone: (705) 647 8148 Maiden Bay Camp Rd., Lorrain Valley, $699,900 MLS# 161624 28 Acres on Lake Temiskaming. Sandy beach and beautiful shores lines away, not to mention the beautifully sheltered bay protecting you from cross lake winds! 6 Individual cottages with propane refrigerators, ovens and lights, all wired for generator use. Also includes a main house lived in by owners which could also be rented out. Artesian well, approved septic. More than half the shoreline remains to be developed. Includes a long list of chattels from BBQs, generators, boats and motors, Kubota back hoe to name a few. Great fishing and hunting at your doorsteps presents a once in a lifetime opportunity! 495 Helmer Pedersen Dr., MLS# 161059 Energy efficient Guildcrest home - Forfeit HST credit to builder and further reduce price by $20,000 on closing (approx.)! 3 Beds + 2 baths (master on-suite). 18x24 Attached garage. Beautiful open kitchen and dining room with maple cabinets and hardwood floors. Basement has roughed-in bath, bedroom, rec. room, laundry and utility rooms. 924031 North Quarry Rd., Harley Twp. $339,000 MLS# 161781 Custom maple kitchen! Large dining and living room areas. 3 Bedrooms and two beautifully renovated washrooms with modern accents. Heated garage and a detached garage for the rest of your toys as well as a large 19x28 deck to enjoy beautiful sunsets! Costly interlocking stone driveway. Country living on paved road...1.62 Acres...a must see! Large Size Your Living! - Evanturel Twp. 99840 Highway 11, $385,000 MLS# 160576 Well built 4 beds + 3 bath. Just over 1 year old with 22x26 detached garage, 24x25 attached heated garage and a 9x11 shed. Master bed with on-suite & w/in closet. ALL the bells and whistles!! Central air, central vac., full finished basement with huge closets and mini-bar cabinets! Must be seen... 333116 Highway 11, Evanturel Twp, now $299,900 3,400 Square Feet! 5 Bedroom home w ith 3 full baths and 30x30 attached garage! Beautiful custom kitchen. Large deck...and more! 565 Helmer Pedersen Dr. $269,000 MLS# 160600 2+2 Beds, 1.5 baths. Full fenced back yard with above ground pool. Spray foam insulated basement. Central air, attached garage and more! 71 Eighth Ave., Englehart $139,900 MLS# 161490 3 Beds, 1 bath. Bright, clean, well kept with many updates including electrical, flooring and kitchen. Priced to sell! 145 Caroline Court - New Liskeard 145 Caroline Crt., $240,000 MLS#161079 3+1 Beds, 2 baths. Large 24x30 heated garage. Full finished basement. Updated flooring throughout main floor. Very well maintained! Cheap utilities!! arge 44 x 2 lot, 24x24 garage! 25 Wideman Ave, Charlton - $170,000 MLS# 160023 - 1,100 square feet 2+1 Beds, 10x44 rear deck, large master bedroom with patio door, 24x24 heated & wired garage! Private backyard overlooks a ravine and woodland trails. Home heated with pellet wood stove. A stone’s throw from Long Lake. Priced to sell! - New Liskeard 54 Lakeshore Rd., $99,900 MLS#161625 3 Beds, 1.5 baths. 1,360 square feet. H/E furnace 2008. Updated electrical panel. Updated plumbing throughout. Central location. Rear lane access/ parking. Priced to sell! Original hard wood floors in living room. Could use some TLC, solid bones. 25 Concession St., Charlton - $149,900 - MLS # 161492 2+1 Beds, 1 bath, Open concept kitchen, dining and living room. Large master bedroom. Beautifully manicured yard with plenty of room for all your toys! WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 9a WEDO THAT ! $ 9.95 each Officials from four governments were on hand for the official construction start of Temagami First Nation’s $5.7-million multi-use facility and business centre. From left were Darlene Bowen, constituency assistant for MPP John Vanthof; Denise Deschamps, initiatives officer with FedNor; Temagami Mayor Lorie Hunter; Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota; TFN Chief Arnold Paul; David Zimmer, Ontario’s minister of indigenous relations and reconciliation, and TFN Second Chief Joe Katt. (Staff photo by Diane Johnston) Construction of TFN multi-use complex underway Continued from A Front Solar panels will be located on the building’s roof and geothermal heating will be installed. Local materials will be used in the construction, to both support the local economy and ease future maintenance, he said. When the project was first proposed, TFN Second Chief Joe Katt said some people had suggested waiting until the community had secured a larger land base. But those efforts have been ongoing for decades, he said. Instead, he said the TFN opted for “little steps” as it continues to work towards a larger base. The community’s youth need to know, he said, “that people in government have their interests at heart.” CONGRATULATIONS The new complex is “an exciting step, not only for the people of Bear Island but also for the Lake Temagami community and the entire municipality,” said Temagami Mayor Lorie Hunter. Like the improvements at the Temagami waterfront and landings, she said the new centre “is another great example of our communities moving forward.” She said the municipality and Temagami aboriginal communities enjoy a “special relationship.” “We have a number of issues in common – caring for our seniors and elders as they age and having the resources to be able to keep them in our communities. “We share infrastructure – roads, dumps and landings – and I also think we share a number of the same goals, like seeing our communities thrive and prosper, our young people educated and able to find employment.” She said they’re stronger when they work together, and pointed to the development of a partnership in a sustainable forestry licence and the potential for seniors’ housing. In a statement read at the sod-turning, TimiskamingCochrane MPP John Vanthof described Temagami as “one of the most recognizable names in this province.” “It has a mystical aura that people equate with ancient pines, clean water and the stroke of a canoe paddle. “Temagami is that and so much more. “We owe a great debt to the Temagami First Nation for their ongoing commitment to the preservation of this region, a task that hasn’t always been easy.” The state-of-the-art complex “marks a new chapter in the prosperous future” of the TFN, he said. ELDERS’ COMPLEX A second development, meanwhile, will also begin construction this summer. Land has been cleared for an elders’ complex offering 10 two-bedroom units. The housing component of the $1.3 million project will be funded by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Chief Paul said. He said the TFN is contributing about 40 per cent of the ALSO AVAILABLE IN LONG SLEEVE Includes heat seal logo in one location. Minimum of 6. total budget for a central common area and offices. Social gatherings can take place in the common area, he said, while home and health care workers will be able to use the offices. In the future, he said the development may offer assisted living services. He said the TFN’s population is growing, but it too has an increasing number of seniors. “We’re addressing it now,” he said. It’s also working with the municipality of Temagami on efforts to increase seniors’ housing on the mainland. WE WILL MATCH Anyone’s PRICE! SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions CONTACT YOUR SALES REP OR AMY: (705) 647-6791 ext. 229 Email: [email protected] EMERGENCY LOANS EMERGENCY loANS FOR HOMEOWNERS! FoR HoMEowNERS! 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As of June 1, 2016 OAC Based on 5 year term & 35 Year Amortization As of June 1, 2016 OAC Based on 5 year term & 35 Year Amortization My lost on hisour job. We fellThbehind on our mortgage. “My husband lost his job.husband We fell behind mortgage. e bank was seizing our home.The I stillbank can’t believe that you gave us an emergency mortgage with no proofcan’t of income. Youthat saved ourgave homeus & an gaveemergency us extra cash to get by was seizing our home. I still believe you nds another job. Th anks Expert Mortgage!” C.S. us extra cash mortgageuntil withhe nofiproof of income. You saved our home & gave to get by until he finds another job. Thanks Expert Mortgage! C.S. Call Manny Johar 7 DAYS A WEEK Call Manny Johar 7 DAYS A WEEK 1-888-646-7596 or Mortgage Agent Mortgage Agent Ask him about COMMERCIAL – FARM – CONSTRUCTION loans! 1-888-646-7596 or Manny Johar is Ontario's SUPERSTAR! Ask him about COMMERCIALMortgage - FARM - CONSTRUCTION loans! Manny Johar is Ontario’s Mortgage SUPERSTAR! Page 10a WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 Youth walkers from the Attawapiskat First Nation were walking along Highway 11 south of New Liskeard recently as part of a Walk of Hope campaign to raise awareness of youth suicide in Indigenous communities. From the left are Sarah Ann Hookimaw, Remi Nakogee and Clayten Koostachin. (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen) Walk of hope Indigenous youth walk through Temiskaming raising awareness Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter FREE FREE FREE 2nd Annual Cell & Social Directory features mobile phone numbers and other ways of staying social. But you need to hurry to be included! Once this form is complete: Email to: ads@northern If you would like to have your name, mobile phone number and icons of your social media preferences published, fill out this form Your Name: ________________________________ Your Mobile #: ______________________________ Drop it off at 18 Wellington St. New Liskeard Do you text? Circle Y or N Please circle any of the following which you subscribe to (optional) Mail to: Speaker, Box 580, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 your personal website (optional) Fax to: 705.647.9669 By signing this form, you declare you are not representing any individual other than yourself: (signature) Parent/Guardian signature if under 16 years: SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions OR submit your info online at (signature) PLEASE SUBMIT BY JULY 22ND DISTRICT — It is rare indeed to find a youth that hasn’t tried to commit suicide in Attawapiskat and other Northern Indigenous communities. Fourteen youth walkers from the Attawapiskat First Nation and other James Bay coastal communities set out from Cochrane, Ontario June 7 on a month-long walking journey hoping to raise awareness of youth suicide in Indigenous communities. The journey, dubbed the “Walk of Hope”, was created in the wake of the recent suicide crisis where several Attawapiskat youth had taken their own lives or attempted suicide. The walk is 560 kilometres in length and each day the youth walk for about five hours or cover a distance of 30 kilometres per day with one day of rest per week. They passed through Temiskaming Shores Sunday, June 19 on their way to their final destination, Niagara Falls. While in Temiskaming Shores the youth walkers visited the Shannen Koostachin memorial statue along the shores of Lake Temiskaming and participated in a welcoming drumming ceremony at the New Liskeard Keeper’s of the Circle centre. Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus met with the walkers while they visited the region. “I was so inspired by these youth to take on such a monu- mental walk. We are seeing Indigenous youth from across northern Canada take a stand and in dark times they are making a positive difference,” he said in a telephone interview from his home near Cobalt. Once they arrive in Niagara Falls on July 9 they will be attending a youth summit followed by an Assembly of First Nation Chiefs meeting. CONCERNS The youth plan to present their concerns to the chiefs when they arrive. “The goal of our walk is to raise awareness of the conditions that First Nations children live in and to hopefully see action to help youth,” said walker Remi Nakogee just south of New Liskeard on Highway 11 Sunday, June 19. Youth walker Sarah Ann Hookimaw said, “My brother and niece committed suicide and we need to raise awareness and so we walk for them.” The youth walkers say young people in their communities are facing insurmountable challenges and they need hope. Along the journey the youth are receiving sponsorship from various First Nation groups for accommodations and meals and De Beers Canada, which operates a diamond mine near Attawapiskat, has agreed to sponsor the youth. “We find the walking good, it is a bit hot,” said walker Clayten Koostachin. “Thanks to Timiskaming First Nation for sponsoring our stay last night.” LEGAL REPRESENTATION before WSIB BEAUDOIN BOUCHER Barristers & Solicitors Stephen Beaudoin Dominique Boucher Cochrane, Ontario FREE LEGAL ADVICE (bilingual service) Call (705) 272-4346 Friday, July 15, 2016 WEEKENDER Page 11a as “local” as it gets! GARDEN CENTRE LOCAL ART Perennials • Trees • Shrubs Bedding Plants • Raised Beds Flower Pots & Plants Wood Carvings Driftwood Decor Hand-Painted Decor Handmade Decor CUSTOM WOOD FUNITURE LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES Soil & Mulch • Decorative Stone Concrete Products • Pond Supplies • Garden Tools & Products SHEDS & SAUNAS Yes! You heard right - we carry sod! Leis LANDSCAPING YARD 705-648-0194 OPEN 7 DAYS/WEEK – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 998063 Highway 11 North, New Liskeard at the Northern Feed location OPEN NOW ‘TIL OCTOBER 31st! WEEKENDER Page 12a Friday, July 15, 2016 e h T Ask Selected 100% Cotton Fabrics 50% Off Large Variety Available Love your summer W Highway 65 East (Quebec Hwy) Turn Right on Ball’s Road, New Liskeard | 705-647-0081 MINNOWS GAS LEECHES WORMS BAIT WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF OUTBOARDS, Spring! INBOARDS AND PWC 705-647-0010 FROZEN SUCKERS SHINERS ORE! & SO MUCH M W at erf ro n t M arin a,1 W h it ew o o d A v e. , N ew L is k eard Where Dream Kitchens Come True! 102 - 10th Street, Earlton • (705) 563-2048 • A day on the lake? Make it Great! North Cobalt & Englehart Ice, Snacks, Gas & More! SAVE SALE URR ENDS Y% SOON ! to 10 ! Storew STINSON & SON LTD. Haileybury #DDIY don’T do iT YourseLf 50 Flooring 10 Sale Enjoy summer - leave the Renos The Windows & Doors Experts % Financing Options Available!! to SAV H W.O. 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CARPET SF HARDWOOD HARDWOOD % 3 3 44 10 from $4.79 to $4.99/sf 4 3 Gluedown ON Select floors #DDIY Locksolid from $ 59 $4.99 to$$5.29/sf 99 Flooring 3 3 3 3 Storewide Adura TruTile and TruPlank Leave it to the experts. % SOD! to Leis Sale SOMEWHERE SAFE You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that CARPET combines beauty, durability, stain resistance and affordability. NOW! $ CARPET SF HARDWOOD MATERIALS ONLY SOMEWHERE SAFE DEMING MATERIALS ONLY SOMEWHERE SAFE DEMING Makethat your home special from the upupwith You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that Make your home special fromfloor the floor withrich rich You’ll love this comfortable loose texture DEMING combines beauty, durability, Sweetgum hardwood available 4 color choices. combines beauty,from durability, resistance Sweetgum hardwood available in 4incolor choices. Make your home special the floorstain up with rich stain resistance and affordability. LUXURY VINYL TILE and affordability. Sweetgum hardwood available in 4 color choices. NOW! $ SOMEPLACE SECRET $ 09 09 49 until July 31st! 49 $ $ 49 NOW! NOW! NOW! AQUASTONE SF SF NOW! MATERIALS ONLY This carpet features exceptional softness and SF Bring home the warmth and character ofSF MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY hardwood in a floor that’s made for the MATERIALS way you ONLY a SF ultimate strength. Superior durability withSF CARPET LUXURY VINYL TILE MATERIALS ONLY pleasant, live. Floating.. MATERIALS ONLYluxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. CARPET *At participating SOMEPLACE SECRET AQUASTONE stores only; not all products available at all locations. LUXURY VINYL TILE Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for ty $ 09 NOW! CARPET don’T do iT YourseLf Great selection of annuals, perennials, trees & shrubs. Save time. Save Sa vemoney. on: CARPET SOMEPLACE SECRET * This carpet features exceptional softness and promotional Bring home the warmth and character offers and are not validof on previous purchases. hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. live. Floating.. LUXURY VINYL TILE SECRET SOMEPLACE Featuring AQUASTONE SF This carpet features exceptional softness and ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. NOW! AQUASTONE This carpet features exceptional softness and Bring home the warmth and character of hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you ultimate strength. Superior NOW!durability with a NOW! Bring home the warmth character of in 6 colors. pleasant, luxuriousand touch. Available live. Floating..MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY SF hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you SF MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY live. Floating.. NOW! NOW! $ 59 3 3 reg. $4.99/sf $ 3 SF MATERIALS ONLY 99 399 $ SF NOW! $ ON SelectNOW!floors $ 59 99 on sale at $3.59/sf SF SF $ 59 MATERIALS ONLY SF MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY Save on: Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! CARPET HARDWOOD Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! Leave it to CARPET the experts.Save on: Hardwood • Luxury SOMEWHERE SAFEVinylDEMING HARDWOOD 705-648-0194 • Carpet • Tile and more! Save on: Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile LANDSCAPING YARD You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that Make your home special from the floor up with rich *At participating stores only; not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers and are not valid on previous purchases. ©2016 Carpet One Floor & Home . All Rights Reserved. See store for details. combines beauty, durability, stain resistance Sweetgum hardwood available in 4 color choices. ® 998063 Highway 11 North, New Liskeard at the Northern Feed location SOMEWHERE SAFE † 3 3 6 W h i t e w o o and d affordability. A v e . W . a t th e tra c k s NOW! $ NOW! $ 705-647-7600 | 1-8 77-2 499 4-2 700 09 GREAT SALE STARTING JUNE 1ST TO JULY 31ST 3 4 DEMING SF SF *At participating stores only; not all products available atstores all locations. Photos foravailable illustrative only. Not responsible for typographical errors.for Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer be combined with other discounts ordiscounts or *At participating only; not all products at allpurposes locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible typographical errors. Offer endscannot 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other promotional offers and are not validpromotional on previous purchases. Floor & ©2016 HomeCarpet . All Rights Reserved. SeeRights storeReserved. for details. offers and are not©2016 valid onCarpet previousOne purchases. One Floor & Home . All See store for details. You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that combines beauty, durability, stain resistance ® MATERIALS ONLY ® † † Make your home special from the floor up with rich CARPET LUXURY VINYL TILE Sweetgum available in 4 color choices. SOMEPLACE SECRET hardwood AQUASTONE MATERIALS ONLY *At participating stores only; not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers and are not valid on previous purchases. ©2016 Carpet One Floor & Home . All Rights Reserved. See store for details. ® This carpet features exceptional softness and ultimate strength. Superior durability with a † Bring home the warmth and character of hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you ©2016 Carpet One Flo Experts .................................................................................................. Engineered and tested in the toughest environments, Husqvarna products are powerful, ergonomic and packed with innovation, so no matter what challenge you’re Model 128C up against, you’re always ready. With great bonus offers during Husqvarna Days, there’s never been a better time to shop your local Husqvarna dealer and save. Offer ends June 30, 2016. WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 13a $229.99 Husqvarna Lawnmowers 100 SERIES TRIMMER starting at $349.99 starting at .................................. ......................................................... WITH PURCHASE OF ANY Husqvarna 435-16 Reg. $389.99 NOW ONLY $311.99 STARTING AT $179.99 Learn more from those who have the answers! BONUS 100 SERIES r WITH BOATS & MOTORCYCLES! OFFER Husqvarna 445-18 Reg. $479.99 NOW ONLY $383.96 Husqvarna 455-18 PETE’S 3 HOT BUYS SMALL ENGINES Reg. $599.99 NOW ONLY $479.99 Sale prices until June 30, 2016. 883265 Hwy. 65 East, New Liskeard, ON ........................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................. ON-SITE LICENSED MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC We Balance And Install Motorcycle Tires Bring yours in or Buy from us! .......................................................... D hundred dollar rebate on select riding lawnmowers, there’s never been a better time to get legendary Husqvarna performance and innovation for less. Offer ends June 12, 2016. For a limited time when you 705-647-0004 battery-powered For ALL your Officepurchase Suppliesany& Janitorial needs Husqvarna product, get a Bonus Husqvarna battery FREE. SINCE 2011 Offer ends June 30, 2016. BATTERY SERIES Visit our website at 0% FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS O.A.C. www.Temiskamingoffi for next day pick up ! For ALL PETE’S your Office Supplies SMALL & Janitorial needs ENGINES Monday 705-647-0004 to Friday 12 to 4pm 883265 Hwy. 65 East, New Liskeard, ON For ALL your Office Supplies & Janitorial needs SINCE 2011 for flyer specials & place your order 88 Lakeshore Rd. North, New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-628-2828 SINCE 2011 TheVisitbest. Straitup. our website at Visit our website at www.Temiskamingoffi Framing for• fl yer specials & place your order for flyer specials & place your order • Drywall forfornext nextday daypick pick up !! MondaytotoFriday Friday 12 12 to 4pm 4pm •Monday Plaster 88 Lakeshore Rd. North, 88 Lakeshore Rd. North, • Decking New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-628-2828 705-628-2828 • RoofiPhone: ng • And more... 705.648.4884 19 years experience [email protected] find us on facebook Our commitment is to a it from the ground, up. PA R T S & A C C E S S O R I E S 60 Scott St., Box 1648, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 [email protected] 88 12th Street, Earlton (705) 650-1156 Serving Temiskaming Shores, Kirkland Lake & Beyond! Walmart 2011 CAN-AM 800 WITH POWER STEERING Craven Dr. 7499.99 e k La P A R 60 T S Scott & St., A CBox C E1648, S S O R I E S Elk $ NEW ADDRESS! 95 CRAVEN Dr. FREE INSTALLATION ON WIPERS 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 E INSTALLATION ON WIPERS [email protected] HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9 to 3 Yes! n and see the helpful t 58 Armstrong street us at (705) 647-7023 We do Screen Door Repairs! Come in and see the helpful staff at 58 Armstrong street or call us at (705) 647-7023 NEW LISKEARD • [email protected] (705) 647-2079 Wh ite wo od Av e . North Bay Chartrand’s Independent Grocer Page 14a WEEKENDER A garden party among flowers and friends Friday, July 15, 2016 Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter Elizabeth Bishop and Cal Knight are pictured here with some of the garden posts, decorated by area artists, which will be auctioned off at the Temiskaming Art Gallery garden party Saturday, July 16. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) HUDSON TOWNSHIP -- The sweeping gardens of Joanne Smith of Hudson Township will be the scene of a garden party in the style of the popular television series Downton Abbey this Saturday, July 16. The Temiskaming Art Gallery (TAG) fundraiser event will offer area residents and visitors an opportunity to immerse themselves in the ambience of an early twentieth century garden party where they can enjoy a summer afternoon among the flowers and friends. As part of the garden party, there will also be an auction of a selection of garden posts created by several area artists including Maureen Steward, Lionel Venne, Cal Knight, Joe Ann Cleroux, Sue Cavanagh, Réjeanne Massie, and Amber Elliott. Over 20 four-by-four decorative posts of varying sizes will be auctioned off, with funds raised going toward the financial support of art exhibitions at the gallery, as well as support of tours of the gallery exhibits by students of area schools. Garden posts are often seen in Florida, says organizing committee member Elizabeth Bishop. Along with door prizes at the garden party, there will also be a photo booth so that guests can pose for a picture by which to remember the event. Guests will also be served champagne and strawberries, ice tea, lemonade, and gourmet dainties. People are encouraged to dress up in the style of Downton Abbey which represents the era of 1912 to 1939 in England, said Ms. Bishop. Even a fancy hat and a favourite summer outfit will help guests get into the mood of a garden party. People are encouraged to fill a car with friends and come for an enjoyable afternoon from 2 to 4:30 p.m, she said. Maps to Mrs. Smith’s home are printed on each ticket. Tickets can be purchased from TAG board members and various local stores in Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard. There will be no garden tour this year, and the organizing party has been preparing this garden party in its stead. ATTENTION AFFORDABLE FRUITS CUSTOMERS (formerly “Fruit Days”) We plan to have fresh Aarron Diamond Peaches and Early Golden Plums at the RIVERSIDE FARMERS’ MARKET on July 23, 2016 TO ORDER # 2s F OR CANNING CALL: 705-676-69 26 or 705-563-239 7 BEF ORE 6 PM J ULY 18, 2016 #1s will be available. No Sunday calls. 3 months $27.25 6 months $44.00 1 year $67.00 Savard & Area Fire Dept. 705-544-8797 Arts & ENTERTAINMENT ACROSS 1. Decades 5. Chime 9. Luxury hotel 12. Skip 13. Car part 14. Corn piece 15. Shortest skirt type 16. Tiniest 18. Look steadily 20. Average: hyph. 21. False front 23. Singe 27. Stylish 30. Workbench clamp 32. Limo, e.g. 33. Brunch dish 35. Small amount 37. Business note 38. Type of exercise 40. Gibbon or gorilla, e.g. 41. Winter school closer 42. Although 43. Subsides 46. African mammal, for short 51. Pleads 55. Person, place, or thing 56. “____ Are There” 57. On the water 58. Ripped 59. Breakfast item 60. Eccentric person 61. Mineral-bearing rocks DOWN 1. Male turkeys 2. Radiate 3. 1492 vessel 4. Move slightly 5. Sidekick 6. Has being 7. Choir voice 8. Leases 9. Examine 10. Dads 11. Paintings, e.g. 17. Certain train 19. Roof projection 22. Salt Lake ____ 24. Grass-skirt dance 25. At the summit of 26. Heavy twine 27. Some parents 28. Indication of future events 29. Audition tape 31. Border 34. Bring down 36. Declaration 39. Pearl source 44. Legume 45. Foundation 47. Dividing preposition 48. Meager 49. Absolute 50. Wallet stuffers 51. Spud bud 52. Yuletide drink 53. Pull 54. Glum CROSSWORD ANSWERS ON 4B Page 15a CHEAP Weekly Prize Giveaways, including Cash Prizes 40 Wellington St. S New Liskeard Draft & Shooters *1oz Specialty Shots Valid photo ID required *10oz Draft Glass O f cou rs e, y ou can d o i t , Cap ri corn. I t ’ s not a m at t er of “ i f ” b u t “ w hy . ” W hy s hou l d y ou hel p t hem i f t hey aren’ t w i l l i ng t o hel p t hem s el v es ? W hy i nd eed ! Dream on, A q u ari u s . T hi s i s not t he f i rs t t i m e y ou hav e as ked , and i t w i l l not b e t he l as t . K eep at i t , and ev ent u al l y , y ou w i l l g et w hat y ou are af t er. F reaky occu rrences t ake p l ace al l w eek l ong . E as y , P i s ces . T hey are m ere coi nci d ences . A f u rry f ri end rem i nd s y ou t here i s m ore t o l i f e t han w ork. December 22 - January 20 February 18 February 19 March 20 Y i kes , A ri es . Y ou g o ov erb oard at w ork, and t al k b eg i ns . R i s e ab ov e i t . Y ou ’ v e g ot m ore i m p ort ant m at t ers t o at t end t o, i n p art i cu l ar a p roj ect t hat hi t s a s nag . CLUES WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016 O op s , T au ru s . G l i t ches p op u p al l arou nd , and i t ’ s u p t o y ou t o g et t o t he b ot t om of t hi ng s . Be caref u l . T here cou l d b e m ore t han one s ou rce at f au l t . A g g rav at i on hi t s an al l - t i m e hi g h at hom e, and y ou m u s t p l an s om et hi ng f u n t o d o t o b reak t he t ens i on. L ook t o a y ou ng s t er f or i d eas , G em i ni . P rai s e com es f or a p roj ect w el l d one. Cel eb rat e w i t h y ou r cl os es t f ri end s , L eo. A b u s i nes s card p oi nt s y ou i n a new d i rect i on. A n ap p oi nt m ent i s cancel l ed . F ranknes s i s not y ou r s t y l e, b u t f or a l ov ed one, i t i s t he onl y w ay t o g o. G i v e i t t o t hem s t rai g ht , V i rg o, el s e t hey w i l l not hear one t hi ng y ou s ay . March 21 April 19 Craz i er not i ons had b een had , Cancer. G o w i t h i t . I t w i l l t u rn ou t g reat . A hob b y b eg i ns t o g et cos t l y . L ook f or w ay s t o cu t b ack, ev en i f i t m eans s econd hand . June 22 July 22 September 22 L i s t en cl os el y , L i b ra. S om eone i s t ry i ng t o g et y ou r at t ent i on. A s eni or cou l d u s e a b i g b oos t . Do w hat y ou can. A d ead l i ne i s ex t end ed . T hi nk b ef ore y ou act , S corp i o. T hi ng s are d ef i ni t el y not as t hey ap p ear. Du t i es are reas s i g ned at w ork, and y ou end u p w i t h a f ew new t as ks . September 23 - October 23 November 21 Chang e i s i n t he ai r. A d ap t , S ag i t t ari u s . R es i s t i ng w i l l onl y m ake l i f e hard er. A p art y i nv i t e l i f t s s p i ri t s at hom e and g et s ev ery one i n t he ri g ht f ram e of m i nd . November 22 December 21 NITELY 7:30 G MATINEES DAILY AT 2PM! CLOSED ON MONDAY $5.00 dea every ls day NITELY G some scary scenes 7:30 705-647-5363 Page 16a WEEKENDER Friday, July 15, 2016
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