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(AZALA3.AZALA)14261 AZALA THREE SL-6201 (FAA) DEPARTURE (RNAV) THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY(HQU) THOMSON, GEORGIA AUGUSTA DEP CON 126.8 270.3 CTAF 122.8 TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: AZALA Rwy 10: Standard. Rwy 28: 200-1 14 or standard with a minimum climb of 235’ per NM to 700, or alternatively, with standard takeoff minimums and a normal 200’ per NM climb gradient, takeoff must occur 17) ( 352 no later than 1900’ prior to DER. NOTE: Radar and GPS required. NOTE: RNAV 1. AMENN NOTE: Do not exceed 230K until advised by ATC. NKLAS TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 10: T-L towers beginning 178’ from DER, 414’ left of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/529’ MSL. Pole and T-L towers beginning 686’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 50’ AGL/553’ MSL. T-L towers beginning 1628’ from DER, left and right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/588’ MSL. Rwy 28: Trees beginning 111’ from DER, 402’ right of centerline, up to 40’ AGL/484’ MSL. Trees beginning 2069’ from DER, 120’ right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/515’ MSL. Trees beginning 2352’ from DER, 299’ left of centerline, up to 60’ AGL/510’ MSL. Trees beginning 1.0 NM from DER, 770’ left of centerline, up to 100’ AGL/629’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RWY 10, 28: Climb on assigned heading for radar vectors to NKLAS. Then on depicted route to AZALA, then fly heading 352, expect radar vectors, thence . . . . . . Maintain altitude assigned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed altitude/flight level within 10 minutes after departure. AZALA THREE DEPARTURE (RNAV) (AZALA3.AZALA)14261 THOMSON, GEORGIA THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 ( 12 ) SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 04 0 NOTE: For prop aircraft during Masters golf tournament week only. (CHATT5.CHATT)16035 SL-6201 (FAA) THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY(HQU) CHATT FIVE DEPARTURE (RNAV) THOMSON, GEORGIA AUGUSTA DEP CON TOP ALTITUDE: GREENSBORO 126.8 270.3 AS ASSIGNED GSO CTAF BY ATC 122.8 AWOS-3 HOGAP 12 0 31 00 04 00 (1 3 47 ) 120.625 * ( 65) 014 1200 0 2400 * NOTE: Radar and GPS required. NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Do not exceed 230K until advised by ATC. NOTE: For turbojet aircraft during Masters golf 30 0 19 0 00 ( 10 ) TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 10: Standard. * Rwy 28: 200-1 14 or standard with a minimum climb of 235’ per NM to 700, or alternatively, with standard takeoff minimums and a normal 200’ per NM climb gradient, takeoff must occur SWANG ( 10 ) * BRDYE 03 2 30 0 20 0 00 no later than 1900’ prior to DER. TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 10:T-L towers beginning 178’ from DER, 414’ left of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/529’ MSL. Pole and T-L towers beginning 686’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 50’ AGL/553’ MSL. T-L towers beginning 1628’ from DER, left and right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/588’ MSL. Rwy 28:Trees beginning 111’ from DER, 402’ right of centerline, up to 40’ AGL/484’ MSL. Trees beginning 2069’ from DER, 120’ right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/515’ MSL. Trees beginning 2352’ from DER, 299’ left of centerline, up to 60’ AGL/510’ MSL. Trees beginning 1.0 NM from DER, 770’ left of centerline, up to 100’ AGL/629’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RWY 10, 28: Climb on assigned heading for radar vectors to BRDYE, then on depicted route to CHATT, thence . . . . . . . . Maintain altitude assigned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed altitude/flight level within 10 minutes after departure. GREENSBORO TRANSITION (CHATT5.GSO): HOGAP TRANSITION (CHATT5.HOGAP): CHATT FIVE DEPARTURE (RNAV) (CHATT5.CHATT)04FEB16 THOMSON, GEORGIA THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 tournament week. CHATT (MISTY5.HADOC)14261 SL-6201 (FAA) THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY(HQU) MISTY FIVE DEPARTURE (RNAV) THOMSON, GEORGIA AUGUSTA DEP CON 126.8 270.3 CTAF 122.8 TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: PMPAS Rwy 10: Standard. Rwy 28: 200-1 14or standard with a minimum climb of 235’ per NM to 700, or alternatively, with standard takeoff minimums and 5 23 ) 8 ( a normal 200’ per NM climb gradient, takeoff must occur no later than 1900’ prior to DER. HARLE 56 V ) 13 ( 56 V ) 12 ( MISTY NOTE: Radar and GPS required. NOTE: RNAV 1. HADOC NOTE: Do not exceed 230K until NOTE: For use during Masters golf tournament week only. TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 10: T-L towers beginning 178’ from DER, 414’ left of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/529’ MSL. Pole and T-L towers beginning 686’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 50’ AGL/553’ MSL. T-L towers beginning 1628’ from DER, left and right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/588’ MSL. Rwy 28: Trees beginning 111’ from DER, 402’ right of centerline, up to 40’ AGL/484’ MSL. Trees beginning 2069’ from DER, 120’ right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/515’ MSL. Trees beginning 2352’ from DER, 299’ left of centerline, up to 60’ AGL/510’ MSL. Trees beginning 1.0 NM from DER, 770’ left of centerline, up to 100’ AGL/629’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RWY 10, 28: Climb on assigned heading for radar vectors to PMPAS. Then on depicted route to HADOC, then fly heading 235, expect radar vectors. Thence . . . . . . Maintain altitude assigned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed altitude/flight level within 10 minutes after departure. MISTY FIVE DEPARTURE (RNAV) (MISTY5.HADOC)14261 THOMSON, GEORGIA THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 advised by ATC. NOTE: For turbojet aircraft only. (NDINA4.NDINA)14261 SL-6201 (FAA) THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY(HQU) NDINA FOUR DEPARTURE (RNAV) THOMSON, GEORGIA AUGUSTA DEP CON 126.8 270.3 CTAF NOTE: Radar and GPS required. 122.8 NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Do not exceed 230K until advised by ATC. NOTE: For prop aircraft during Masters golf tournament week only. TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 10: Standard. Rwy 28: 200-1 14 or standard with a minimum climb of 235’ per NM to 700, or alternatively, with standard takeoff minimums and a normal 200’ per NM climb gradient, takeoff must occur SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 NDINA ANNAN PMPAS 273 ) 0 1 ( ) 1 1 ( TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 10: T-L towers beginning 178’ from DER, 414’ left of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/529’ MSL. Pole and T-L towers beginning 686’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 50’ AGL/553’ MSL. T-L towers beginning 1628’ from DER, left and right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/588’ MSL. Rwy 28: Trees beginning 111’ from DER, 402’ right of centerline, up to 40’ AGL/484’ MSL. Trees beginning 2069’ from DER, 120’ right of centerline, up to 90’ AGL/515’ MSL. Trees beginning 2352’ from DER, 299’ left of centerline, up to 60’ AGL/510’ MSL. Trees beginning 1.0 NM from DER, 770’ left of centerline, up to 100’ AGL/629’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RWY 10, 28: Climb on assigned heading for radar vectors to PMPAS. Then on depicted route to NDINA, then fly heading 273, expect radar vectors, thence . . . . . . Maintain altitude assigned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed altitude/flight level within 10 minutes after departure. NDINA FOUR DEPARTURE (RNAV) (NDINA4.NDINA)14261 THOMSON, GEORGIA THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 no later than 1900’ prior to DER. SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 CTAF 122. 8 TAKEOFFM I NI M UM S: Rwy10: St andar d. Rwy28: 200114 orst andar d wi t h a mi ni mum cl i mb of235’perNM t o 700,oral t er nat i vel y,wi t h st andar dt akeof fmi ni mumsand N a nor mal200’perNM cl i mb gr adi ent ,t akeof fmustoccur SAM M I no l at ert han 1900’pr i ort o DER. BO GI I 10) ( TRPLE 085 11) ( NO TE: Radarand GPS r equi r ed. NO TE: RNAV 1. NO TE: Do notexceed 230K unt i ladvi sed by ATC. TAKEOFFOBSTACLE NOTES: TLt ower sbegi nni ng 1628’f r om DER,l ef tand r i ghtofcent er l i ne,up t o 90’AGL/588’M SL. Rwy28: Tr eesbegi nni ng 111’f r om DER,402’r i ghtofcent er l i ne,up t o 40’AGL/484’M SL. Tr eesbegi nni ng 2069’f r om DER,120’r i ghtofcent er l i ne,up t o 90’AGL/515’M SL. Tr eesbegi nni ng 2352’f r om DER,299’l ef tofcent er l i ne,up t o 60’AGL/510’M SL. Tr eesbegi nni ng 1. 0 NM f r om DER,770’l ef tofcent er l i ne,up t o 100’AGL/629’M SL. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRI PTI ON TAKEOFFRW Y 10,28: Cl i mb on assi gned headi ng f orr adarvect or st o TRPLE,t hen on depi ct ed r out et o SAM M I ,t hen f l yheadi ng 085 , expectr adarvect or s. Thence... ...M ai nt ai n al t i t udeassi gned byATC. Expectcl ear ancet of i l ed al t i t ude/f l i ghtl evelwi t hi n 10 mi nut esaf t erdepar t ur e. SE-4, 13 OCT 2016 to 10 NOV 2016 THOMSON, GEORGIA NO TE:Chartnott o scal e. THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) Pol eand TLt ower sbegi nni ng 686’f r om DER,415’r i ghtofcent er l i ne,up t o 50’AGL/553’M SL. THOMSON, GEORGIA THOMSON-McDUFFIE COUNTY (HQU) Rwy10: TLt ower sbegi nni ng 178’f r om DER,414’l ef tofcent er l i ne,up t o 35’AGL/529’M SL. (SAMMI3.SAMMI)14261 126. 8 270. 3 SAMMI THREE DEPARTURE(RNAV) SL-6201 (FAA) (SAMMI3.SAMMI)14261 SAMMI THREE DEPARTURE (RNAV) AUGUSTA DEP CO N
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