June 2016 - Town of Plainville
Plainville Senior Center , 200 East Street, Plainville CT 06062 Sun 5 Monday 6 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 Zumba Tone GR 10:00 Current Events OS 10:00 Acrylic Painting CR 12:30 Mahjong GA 12:30 Questions for the Social Worker 1:00 All Around FitnessDEMO BR 1:00 Setback GR 1:00 Blood Pressure Tuesday 7. *9:00 Nurse 9:00 The Not So Empty Nest Conference 9:30 Italian (Library) 9:30 Rails to Trails Avon 10:00 Cribbage GA 12:00 Pinochle GA 12:30 Open Circle 1:00 Bridge OS CAFÉ CLOSED NO CW LUNCH NO WALKING NO WII BOWLING NO MORNING BILLIARDS Wednesday Phone 860-747-5728 Thursday Friday Sat 1 FREE SIGN-UP 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Walk at Ragged Mountain 9:30 Quilting CR 10:30 Zumba Gold BR 1:00 iPad Basics GA 1:00 Bingo GR 1:00 Open Painting CR 1:15 Charlemagne C 3:00 Coloring Club GR 3:00 Power Burst BR 2 MEGA SIGN-UP *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Begin Yoga L 9:30 Ceramics CR 10:00 Mexican Train GA 10:30 Beg. Fargo Fit BR 12:00 Pool Tournament 12:30 Pinochle GA 1:00 Scrabble C 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Int Fargo Fit BR 1:00 Knit & Crochet GR 2:30 Band/Dancing BR 3 4 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Int Yoga L 9:15 Choral Group BR 9:30 Mahjong GA 10:00 Canasta CR 10:30 Cardio Step & Abs GR 12:00 Pinochle L 8 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Walk at Walnut Hill Park 9:30 Quilting CR 10:30 Zumba Gold BR 1:00 iPad Basics GA 1:00 Bingo GR 1:00 Open Painting CR 1:15 Charlemagne C 3:00 Coloring Club GR 3:00 Power Burst BR 9 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Begin Yoga L 9:30 Ceramics CR 10:00 Am I In The Hospital or Not GR 10:00 Mexican Train GA 10:30 Beg. Fargo Fit BR 12:00 Pool Tournament 12:30 Pinochle GA 1:00 Scrabble C 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Int Fargo Fit BR 1:00 Knit & Crochet GR 1:00 Blood Pressure 2:30 Band / Dancing BR 10 11 9:00 Walking BR 9:00 Mystic 9:00 Mahjong GA Tour 9:00 Ador-a-Bowl GR 9:00 Int Yoga L 9:15 Shopping Bus 10:00 COA 10:00 Canasta CR 10:30 Cardio Step & Abs GR 12:00 Pinochle L 12 13 9:00 Griswold *9:00 Nurse Museum 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 Zumba Tone GR 10:00 Current Events OS 10:00 Acrylic Painting CR 12:30 Mahjong GA 1:00 All Around Fitness BR 1:00 Setback GR 14 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 Beg Wii Bowling GR 10:00 Ladies Billiards 10:00 Cribbage GA 12:00 Pinochle GA 12:30 Open Circle 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Up-Right and Balanced GR 15 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Walk at Will Warrens Den 9:30 Quilting CR 10:30 Zumba Gold BR 11:00 Blood Pressure 1:00 iPad Basics GA 1:00 Bingo GR 1:00 Open Painting CR 1:15 Charlemagne C 3:00 Coloring Club GR 3:00 Power Burst BR 5:30 Cancer Support Group 16 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Begin Yoga L 9:30 Ceramics CR 10:00 Snappy Seniors L 10:00 Mexican Train OS 10:00 Advanced Directives GR 10:00 Brighter Focus GR 10:30 Beg. Fargo Fit BR 12:00 Pool Tournament 12:30 Pinochle GA 1:00 Scrabble C 1:00 Int Fargo Fit BR 1:00 Knit & Crochet GR 1:00 Bridge OS 2:30 Band / Dancing BR 17 18 9:00 Walking GR 8:15 Swan 9:00 Mahjong GA Lake 9:00 Int Yoga L 10:00 Canasta CR 10:00 Kayak Collinsville 10:30 Cardio Step & Abs GR 11:30 Friends Helping Friends 12:00 Pinochle L 19 20 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 Zumba Tone GR 10:00 Current Events OS 10:00 Acrylic Painting CR 12:30 Questions for the Social Worker 12:30 Mahjong GA 1:00 All Around Fitness BR 1:00 Setback GR 2:30 Chair Yoga BR 21 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 AARP Driving GR 9:30 Rails to Trails Southington 10:00 Caregiving Connections CR 10:00 Ladies Billiards 10:00 Cribbage GA 12:00 Pinochle GA 12:30 Open Circle 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Up-Right and Balanced GR 3:00 LGBT Batting Cages and Mini Golf NO BEG WII BOWLING 22 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Walk in West Hartford 9:30 Quilting CR 10:30 Zumba Gold BR 1:00 Bingo GR 1:00 Open Painting CR 1:15 Charlemagne 2:30 Healthy Eating on a Budget (Big Y) 3:00 Coloring Club GR 3:00 Power Burst BR 23 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Begin Yoga L 9:30 Ceramics CR 10:00 Mexican Train GA 10:30 Medicare Savings Program 10:30 Beg. Fargo Fit BR 12:00 Pool Tournament 12:30 Pinochle GA 1:00 Scrabble C 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Int Fargo Fit BR 1:00 Knit & Crochet GR 2:30 Band / Dancing BR 24 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Mahjong GA 9:00 Int Yoga L 9:15 Shopping Bus 9:30 Big Trips Meeting CR 10:00 Bluff Point Park 10:00 Canasta OS 10:30 Cardio Step & Abs GR 12:00 Pinochle L 26 27 9:00 Stageloft *9:00 Nurse “Spamalot” 9:00 Walking GR 9:30 Zumba Tone GR 10:00 Current Events OS 10:00 Mystic 10:00 Acrylic Painting CR Express 12:30 Mahjong GA 1:00 All Around Fitness BR 1:00 Setback GR 1:00 Blood Pressure 2:30 Chair Yoga BR 28 *9:00 Nurse 9:00Walking GR 9:30 Beg Wii Bowling GR 10:00 Ladies Billiards 10:00 Cribbage GA 12:00 Pinochle GA 12:00 Summer Picnic BR 12:30 Open Circle 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Up-Right and Balanced GR 29 9:00 Walking GR 9:15 Urban Adventure 9:30 Quilting CR 10:30 Zumba Gold BR 1:00 Bingo GR 1:00 Open Painting CR 1:15 Charlemagne C 3:00 Coloring Club GR 3:00 Power Burst BR 30 *9:00 Nurse 9:00 Walking GR 9:00 Begin Yoga L 9:30 Ceramics CR 10:00 Mexican Train GA 10:30 Beg. Fargo Fit BR 11:00 Henri Martin Visit 12:00 Pool Tournament 12:30 Pinochle GA 1:00 Scrabble C 1:00 Bridge OS 1:00 Int Fargo Fit BR 1:00 Knit & Crochet GR 2:30 Band / Dancing BR CAFÉ CLOSED NO CW LUNCH KEY: GR: Green Room, BR: Blue Room GA: Game Room CR: Craft Room C: Café CL: Computer Lab OS: Old Store L: Library LSS: Linden Street School *: By Appointment 25 9:30 Corbin’s Corner 10:00- Current Events: Friendly, lively discussion of current events. Does not meet in July or August! 12:30- Mahjong 1:00- Setback: Pre-register at the weekly tournament. 1:15- Charlemagne Card Game 1:00- Bingo 1:00- Open Painting 3:00– Coloring Club 10:00- Mexican Train 12:00- Pool Tournament 12:30- Pinochle 1:00- Scrabble 2:30- Band and Dancing: Enjoy dancing and socializing with a live band. 9:30- Beginners Wii Bowling 10:00- Ladies Billiards 10:00- Cribbage 12:00- Pinochle 12:30- Open Circle 1:00- Advanced Wii Bowling 1:00- Bridge 9:30- Mahjong 10:00- Canasta 12:00- Pinochle (at the Library) Blood Pressure Clinics Cholesterol Testing With a ten-minute appointment and a few drops of blood from a fingertip, you can know your numbers for total cholesterol, good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose. This form of testing does not require fasting. These numbers, along with a few other risk factors, can help your provider determine your personal cardiovascular risk. The cost is $10.00, payable at the appointment. Call the Senior Center to make an appointment to have your cholesterol tested. Foot Care Regular Foot Care and Diabetic Foot Care The Senior Center offers appointments for regular and diabetic foot care. Foot care is provided by an APRN and includes a foot inspection and nail cutting. Cost is $15.00 and must be paid with exact change or by check only (made out to the Plainville Senior Center) neither the Nurse nor the Senior Center can make change. Please call the Senior Center to make an appointment. Foot care is for Senior Center members only. Monday, June 6, 1:00 - 2:00 (The Pines of Bristol) Thursday, June 9, 1:00 - 2:00 (Hartford Healthcare Senior Services) Wednesday, June 15, 11:00 - 12:00 (The Summit in Plantsville) Monday, June 27, 1:00 - 1:30 (Georgia, Senior Center APRN) Monday, July 11, 1:00 - 2:00 (The Pines of Bristol) Wednesday, July 20, 11:00 - 12:00 (The Summit in Plantsville) Blood Pressure Clinics are for Senior Center members only. Ear Wax Removal Call the Senior Center to make your ear wax removal appointment. At least one week prior to your appointment, you must come into the Senior Center for an instruction sheet explaining the prep procedure and at the same time, pick up the paperwork that must be filled out and brought in at the time of your appointment. At least five days prior to your appointment, you will need to purchase Debrox wax remover or hydrogen peroxide. You will need to lie on your side with your ear up, place 5-10 drops of Debrox wax remover, or fill ear with hydrogen peroxide, and let sit for five minutes. After five minutes, allow to drain out and repeat with other ear. This must be done daily for the five days before your appointment. (Do not count the day of your appointment. So if your appointment is on Wednesday, start with the ear wax prep on Friday.) Do not poke ears with Q-tips! Call the Senior Center for more information. Recycle Your Old Cell Phones! Do you have old cellular phones that you don’t know how to properly dispose of? Keep them out of landfills by donating them to The Plainville Senior Center. The NCOA (National Council on Aging) has partnered with Cellular Recycler to help raise money for Senior Centers all around the USA. The Donation will go directly to benefit our Dial-A-Ride program here at the Senior Center. The donation box is located in the hallway between the main office and billiards room on the table. Please drop ONLY cellular phones in the box! Please no phone chargers or any other type of electronic device. Thank you to all who have donated. The money received from these cellular phones goes to support Dial-a-Ride! Every phone helps, tell your friends and family! Please see Lindsay with any questions. Be on the look out! A member is missing their Easy Spirit, black stretchy sneakers, size 7 1/2 wide. They were last seen in the Peak Center in a white plastic bag with white and pink socks. Missing sometime between May 18 - May 23. S.E.N.I.O.R. June 2016 Plainville Senior Center Dynamic Past * Vibrant Future Shawn Cohen, Director Ronda Guberman, Assistant Director 200 East Street, Plainville CT 06062 Phone 860-747-5728 Email newsletter inquiries to [email protected] Hours: Monday 9:00 - 6:00 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 – 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. Senior Center Annual Summer Picnic Co-sponsored by the Plainville Lions Club Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 12:00 Noon Cost: $5.00 members; $10.00 non-members. Sign-up between 9:15 - 12:00. Must register by Thursday, June 23. Hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, green salad, macaroni & potato salad, coleslaw, chips, ice cream sundaes. Entertainment by The Elderly Brothers! Long-time popular solo artists, T-Bone Stankus and Brian Gillie have teamed up as the Elderly Brothers, serving up mint-condition “oldies” rock ‘n’ roll with a little lip curl and snake-bite, pushing the envelope of sweet surprise with pitch-perfect harmonies and soulful improvisations as fresh as the originals. Please join us in wishing Ida Dlugolenski a very happy 100th birthday!! Am I In The Hospital or Not? What’s Covered by Insurance? Thursday, June, 9, 10:00am. See page 10 for details. Call the Senior Center to register Medicare Savings Program Thursday, June 23, 10:30 am. Find out how you may be able to add $121.80 back into your Social Security check each month! See page 12 for details. Call the Senior Center to register Living with Spinal Stenosis Thursday, July 14, 10:00 a.m. Learn about the disease, diagnosis and treatment. Sign up begins June 1st. More details in July newsletter. • • • • We’ve Added New Fitness Classes !!! (Please see page 3) All Around Fitness Chair Yoga Up-Right and Balanced Bring It Back LGBT Adults & Allies: Miniature Golf & Batting Cages June 21, 2016 - Sponsored by Moveable Senior Center see page 12 for details! Subsidized Housing Openings 2017 “Big Trips” Meeting Friday, June 24, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Check out page 8 for details about some amazing upcoming trips!! Seniors and Generations (Grand Families) subsidized housing in Hartford has openings, which is very rare. Please contact Julie Cossette at 860-478-8426 or 860-560-5444 for more information. An information packet is available at the Senior Center. Senator Henri Martin Visit Thursday, June 30, 11:00 a.m. Learn about the issues being debated at the State Capitol. Bring your questions and concerns. Advanced Directives: Living Will, Health Care Directives, Power of Attorney Thursday, June 16, 10:00 a.m. Attorney Marilyn Denny, Greater Hartford Legal Aid will review and explain Advance Directives which are simple legal papers that help you control decisions made on your behalf should you become ill or incapacitated. She will take questions during the presentation and will provide documents needed for the preparation and execution of these documents. Once all documents are received and prepared by Greater Hartford Legal Aid, Attorney Denny will schedule appointments (at the Senior Center) at a later date to have documents signed and notarized. Advance Directives include a living will, health care directives and power of attorney. A living will is a declaration of your wish to use or refuse life support systems such as respirators and feeding tubes when you are terminally ill or in a coma. A living will becomes effective only when you are no longer able to communicate your wishes yourself. A health care representative is someone you appoint to make most healthcare decisions on your behalf, including whether to use, withhold, or withdraw life support systems. Your representative can speak to doctors for you only if you are unable to make or communicate decisions yourself. Your representative is supposed to tell the doctor what medical treatment you would have wanted, not what your representative thinks would be best for you. Power of Attorney can help you with your business and personal matters when you become incapacitated. There are two types of Power of Attorney: Durable Power of Attorney which becomes effective immediately and continues after you become incapacitated and Springing Power of Attorney which becomes effective only if and when you become incapacitated. The Program is free and open to the public; please call the Senior Center to register beginning June 1. Special Events -2- June 2016 AARP Smart Driver Course Tuesday, June 21, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Plainville Senior Center This course covers the effects of aging and medications on driving, local hazards, accident prevention measures and more. No written or on-the-road test required. Upon completion of the course, your insurance company must give you a discount of at least 5% on your auto insurance. The cost to take the class is $15.00 for AARP members providing a membership number and $20.00 for all other attendees. Please bring a bag lunch if you wish. The class will be held at the Plainville Senior Center. Sign-up has begun. “Ador-a-Bowl” Basket Making Class Friday, June 10, 9:00 a.m. Debbie, the daughter of one of our members, Bonnie Carilli, will be teaching a small basketry class. Learn to make an “Ador-a-Bowl” Basket in one day! If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at basket making, this is the class for you! The bowl is made with a 5" wood base, using a basic over under weave technique, it is perfect for beginners! The class is limited to 10 people, and the cost is $25.00 per person and it includes all supplies. Sign-up has begun. Dental Clinic July 11, 2016 - July 15, 2016 by appointment NEW DATES: August 24 - August 26, 2016 by appointment Community Health Center, Inc. will provide a dental clinic at the Plainville Senior Center. A registered dental hygienist will provide a dental hygiene exam; dental cleaning, and sealants and x-rays when appropriate. The cost is $30.00 for individuals without insurance. Help in paying for the dental clinic (scholarships) may be available for Plainville individuals over age 60, with a monthly income below $1,429 (single) or $1,928 (married). For scholarship information contact Stephanie or Ronda at the Senior Center. For appointments and information please call Melissa at Community Health Center, 860-983-2990. Funding for scholarships is made possible in part by a grant through the Older Americans Act through the North Central Area Agency on Aging. Norton Park 2016 Summer Concerts 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 7, Plainville Wind Ensemble Tuesday, June 14, Center Stage Jazz Tuesday, June 21, Ken Moor/Original American Folk Rock Tuesday, June 28, Magic Moments 50’s/60’s Music Tuesday, July 5, Nzinga Daughters/Rhythm & Blues Tuesday, July 12, Riverboat Ramblers/Dixieland Jazz Tuesday, July 19, Simply Swing/10 piece Swing Orchestra Tuesday, July 26, 102nd Army Band Connecticut Military Tuesday, August 2, Old Tyme Fiddles Plainville Senior Center At Risk List The Senior Center maintains a list of folks who depend on electricity to maintain optimum health. We refresh this list throughout the year so we can be certain that such folks will be safe during a power outage/weather event. It is everyone's personal responsibility to have a plan in the event of a power outage. We share our At-Risk list with the Plainville Fire and Police Departments to ensure that no one's health is in jeopardy during a weather emergency. Please call the Center at 860-747-5728, if you wish to have your name added to the At-Risk List. Bette and Stephanie are available to help you develop a plan for power outages/ weather emergencies. Billiards Winners April 21: 1st: Tony Lusitani & John Clancy 2nd: Stan Funk & Rich Nordgren April 28: 1st: Stan Funk & Ellen Couture 2nd: Joe Beaudin & Wilson Belanger May 5: 1st: Mike Hermanowski & Tony Lusitani 2nd: Mitch Ziolkowski & Ellen Couture May 12: 1st: Joe St. Pierre & Wilson Belanger 2nd: Ed Zarek & Don Carlson May 16: Setback Winners 1st: Joan Noyes & Adele Mancini 2nd Place Tie: Evelyn Case & Joan Caron; Barbara Cichon & Barbara Kidwell Peaches and the Pit Wii Bowling Winners April 12: 1st: Barb Cichon 2nd: Anne Theriault 3rd: Pat Burris April 19: Plainville (4656) vs. Middlewoods (4037) 1st: Roseanna Garcia 2nd: Donna Lundy 3rd: Barb Cichon April 26: 1st: Roseanna Garcia 2nd: Sally Miller 3rd: Carol Perry May 3: 1st: Roseanna Garcia 2nd: Pat Burris 3rd: Donna Lundy May 11: State Tournament - 7th Place (4565) 1st: Barb Cichon 2nd Tie: Roseanna Garcia & Sally Miller 3rd: Bev Heslin Classes -3- June 2016 Please Note: You can always register for a class, even if the session has begun. We are able to pro-rate classes. • • • Members may sign-up for new classes beginning on Mega Sign-up Day, June 2, between 9:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or between 9:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on any day following. You may also sign-up on Mondays, between 5:00-5:30 p.m. If there is room in a class, non-members may sign-up for classes that allow non-members one-week after member sign-up begins. The Drop-in rate for any of the classes (that allow drop-ins) is $5.00 for Senior Center members and $8.00 for non-members. Financial assistance is available to Plainville Residents (60+) who have difficulty paying for classes. Please see Shawn or Ronda for details. ZUMBA TONE: 9:30 - 10:30 The Zumba Toning Program offers the best of both worlds; the exhilarating experience of Zumba with the benefits of safe and effective strength training. Through dynamic lightweight resistance training and exciting international rhythms, Zumba Toning classes help participants build muscle strength, increase bone density, improve mobility, posture and coordination. Instructor: Amy Gray. 8 Weeks, June 6 - August 1 (no class 7/4) $24.00 members, $48.00 non-members. Sign-up has begun. ACRYLIC PAINTING (BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE): 10:00 – 12:00 You will learn methods to overcome the challenges of the medium, plus some special techniques. A supply list will be given to you at registration. If you’re not sure if this class is for you, we provide beginner kits which include some paints, canvas’ and drawing pads. Scholarships are also available through the generosity of the Plainville Amateur Art Group, call Ronda for information. Instructor: Abbe Wade. May 2 – July 11 (no class 7/4) $24.00 members; $48.00 non-members. Sign-up has begun. NEW CLASS!! ALL AROUND FITNESS: FREE DEMO: Monday, June 6, 1:00 p.m. Sign up for the Demo June 1. Class will be held from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Great ALL AROUND workout targeting the cardiovascular and muscular system. The low impact aerobics segment will be 25 minutes in a circuit fashion (led by the instructor), followed by a 15 minutes muscular conditioning segment which will work all the major muscle groups with light weights and or Dyna bands and end up with 10 minutes of abdominal and back exercises in a chair. All levels of fitness are welcomed. NEW SESSION: 6Weeks, June 13 - July 25 (no class 7/4), $18.00 members; $36.00 non-members. Sign-up begins June 2. Instructor: Eileen Cyr. Chair Yoga: 2:30 - 3:30 Each class includes stretching to improve flexibility, simple exercises to improve balance and strength, and breathing and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve concentration. Classes will focus on decreasing the risks of falls and injury and encouraging physical activity outside of class. 6-Weeks, June 20 – August 1 (no class 7/4) , Free, limited to 15 participants. Instructor: Elizabeth Hill. Sign-up has begun. ITALIAN: 9:30 – 10:30 Current Session ends June 7. UP-RIGHT AND BALANCED: 1:00 - 2:00 This class is ideal for individuals who want to improve strength, balance, coordination and agility! If you’ve had a joint replacement, have arthritis, fear of falling, dizziness, or are unsteady, then this class is perfect for you! Each class participant will receive a pre and post balance screening to determine your level of balance and a graduation gift at the end of the session! 7-Weeks, June 14 - August 2 (no class 7/5). No fee, limited to 12 students. Sign-up has begun. BRING IT BACK: 10:00 - 11:00 Does your back hurt when you stand in line at a retail or grocery store? Do you know your posture could be better but you don’t know what to do to improve it? Then this class is for you. Learn specific back stretches and unique complementary strengthening exercises developed by a well-known Physical Therapist that will put a little bit more “space” in your spine and strength in your Core (no it is not just your abdomen). Learn strategies for protecting your back during Activities of Daily Living. This class is taught by Janice Freeman, an experienced and Certified Group Exercise Instructor and Personal Trainer, who holds an Advanced Certificate in Back Health. This class is appropriate for all levels of fitness, but you must be able to get onto a mat without assistance. The class is limited to 10 participants and available on a first come, first serve basis. NEW SESSION: 8 Weeks, July 12 – August 30, $24.00 members only. Sign-up begins June 2. QUILTING: 9:30 – 11:30 Beginners are always welcome to the class. Beginners will learn proper rotary cutting and sewing techniques. Class participants also work on the annual Senior Center quilt that is raffled during the Holiday Fair, if they wish, or they may work on their own projects. Classes are on-going, $2.00 per class when attendees are not working on the quilt. Instructor: Karen Kebinger. Call the Senior Center if you would like to join the class. ZUMBA GOLD: 10:30 - 11:30 This is a series of fitness programs specifically designed to take the exciting Latin and International dance rhythms created in the original ZUMBA and adjust it to accommodate participants of all ages and fitness levels. Instructor: Amy Gray. 8 Weeks, June 1 - July 20. Members $24.00 Non –Members $48.00. Sign-up has begun. Classes, Computer Classes -4- June 2016 POWER BURST: 3:00 - 3:45 (Current session ends June 29) This circuit training exercise program, made up of 6 -10 “stations”, is a great way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. At each station a special exercise is done for 1-2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes of walking or marching in place. Instructor: Ann Fargo. NEW SESSION: 4 weeks, July 13 - August 3 , $8.00 members only. Sign-up begins June 2. CERAMICS: 9:30 - 11:30 Members only. Current session ends June 30. Instructor: Gloria Cerniglia. Learn how to choose a piece of green ware, clean it, paint it and glaze it. Beginners welcome! Students are responsible for their own green ware, brushes and specialty supplies. Class fee includes instruction, glazes and firing. NEW SESSION: 8-Weeks, July 7 - August 25, $32.00 Members only. Sign-up begins June 2. BEGINNER’S YOGA FOR EVERY BODY: This class is held at the Plainville Public Library at 9:00 a.m. and is designed for individuals who are new to yoga. Through yoga, we will improve the health of our bodies and also cultivate an inner peace. Tim Molnar, our certified yoga instructor, has practiced yoga since 2003 and has shared his passion for yoga since 2011. 8 -Weeks, May 12 - June 30. $24.00 members only. Sign-up has begun. BEGINNERS FARGO’S FUNCTIONAL FITNESS: 10:30 – 11:30 Instructor Ann Fargo teaches this popular exercise class designed to build fitness for everyday life. Gentle exercises in these classes are designed to improve muscle strength, muscle endurance, body balance, flexibility, agility and vitality. 6-Weeks, May 26 - June 30, $12.00 members only. Sign-up has begun. INTERMEDIATE FARGO’S FUNCTIONAL FITNESS: 1:00 – 2:00 Instructor Ann Fargo teaches this popular exercise class designed to build fitness for everyday life. Gentle exercises in these classes are designed to improve muscle strength, muscle endurance, body balance, flexibility, agility and vitality. 6-Weeks, May 26 - June 30, $12.00 members only. Sign-up has begun. KNITTING & CROCHET: 1:00 – 3:00 Instructor Evelyn Morin. Finish an old project that’s been hanging around in your closet or start something new! 8-Weeks, May 26 - July 14, $16.00 members, $32.00 non-members. Signup has begun. INTERMEDIATE YOGA FOR EVERY BODY: This class is held at the Plainville Public Library at 9:00 a.m. and is designed for individuals who have been practicing yoga for one year or more. Through yoga, we will improve the health of our bodies and also cultivate an inner peace. Tim Molnar, our certified yoga instructor, has practiced yoga since 2003 and has shared his passion for yoga since 2011. 8-Weeks, May 27 - July 15, $24.00 members only. Sign-up has begun. CARDIO STEP & ABS: 10:30 - 11:30 Instructor: Eileen Cyr. Step up your work-out with a 45 minute step/low impact aerobic interval workout to the oldies. Intervals of 3 minutes of low impact aerobics and 2 minutes of step (total of 5 intervals). You can do the step portion without a step if you prefer. Includes 15 minutes of abdominal exercise at the end of each class (standing, sitting or on a mat). Current Session Ends June 3. 8-Weeks, June 10 July 29, $24.00 members, $48.00 non-members. Sign-up has begun. iPad Basics Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Instructor: Evelyn Morin. Learn all the basics of your new IPad in this fun and informative class. Learn its main components including the keyboard, internet, camera and basic apps and its intermediate functions such as sending emails, music and using social media sites like Facebook. Limited to 8 participants. You must own or borrow an IPad and bring it to class with you. 5-Weeks, May 18 June 15, cost is $25.00 for members and non-members, plus the cost of a textbook. Sign-up has begun. Healthy Eating on a Budget Wednesday, June 22 at 2:30pm Presented by : Kittie Spedding, MS, RD, CDN. In-store Consulting Dietitian Big Y Foods Nutritionist. Healthy eating doesn't have to cost more. Learn tips to keep your food bill down while planning out nutritious meals. This class will be held at the Plainville Big Y and transportation will be available. Please call the Senior Center to register and to let us know if you need a ride. This is a free event and space is limited to 10 people. Sign up begins June 1. (There will be no trip in July) Tuesday, June 14 at Foxwoods. Depart OLM at 8:00 a.m., return to Plainville approximately 5:15 p.m. Cost is $25.00, promo package included. Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - Coins and Claws - Abbott’s Lobster in the Rough, Noank, CT. Cost is $63.00. Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - Friday, August 12, 2016 - Saratoga & Lake George Getaway. Prices for the 2016 up-coming trips will be determined at a later date, unless already stated. PLEASE NOTE: AARP Trips are NOT sponsored by the Plainville Senior Center, therefore, you cannot sign-up or pay for them at the Center. You must call Sally for more information and to sign-up at 860-747-1732. Outdoor Adventure, AARP Trips -5- June 2016 Please Note: All participants of any Outdoor Adventure activity must register in advance (by calling or stopping by the Center) even if payment is not due until the day of the event. Programs may get cancelled if we do not have enough participants registered in advance. We also need to give an accurate roster to the group leader. ♦ Tuesday, June 7, 9:30 a.m. Avon, CT to Peachberry Yogurt Meet at trail head in Avon, CT at the intersection of Rt. 202 and 44, bring money for frozen yogurt ♦ Tuesday, June 21, 9:30 a.m. Southington, CT to Cheshire, CT Meet at Southington trail head on Mill Street ♦ Tuesday, July 19, 9:30 a.m. Collinsville, CT to Canton, CT Meet at Depot Parking lot in Collinsville Instructor: Ann Fargo: All bicycle rides are on paved rails to trails paths. Directions to trail heads will be provided. Dress for the weather, have bike in good working conditions, helmets required. Bring water bottles and light snacks. We ride for approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours at a comfortable pace. Cost is $3.00 per ride, due to Ann on the day of the trip. Sign-up begins June 1. ♦ Wednesday, June 1, 9:00 a.m. Ragged Mountain Adventurous walk in the woods. Recommended only for members who exercise regularly and are familiar with the challenges of rigorous walks in the woods. View panoramic views of Central Connecticut. Sign-up has begun. Sign-up for the following walks begins June 1! ♦ Wednesday, June 8, 9:00 a.m. Walnut Hill Park, New Britain, CT 45-minute - 1 hour walk over gently paved trail, great for beginners ♦ Wednesday, June 15, 9:00 a.m. Will Warrens Den 1 1/2 hour, 3 mile, moderate walk with a couple of challenges along the way ♦ Wednesday, June 22, 9:00 a.m. West Hartford Reservoir, CT 1 hour walk, over gently paved and forest trails Instructor: Ann Fargo: All Wednesday walks are a great way to enjoy outdoors in Connecticut. Please read each description carefully as they are graded by difficulty level. Directions to trails will be available at sign-up. Dress for the weather and wear good shoes/boots. Please bring a water bottle, bug spray, and sun protection. Homemade treats are provided by the leader. Cost is $3.00 per walk due to Ann on the day of the trip. Sign-up begins June 1. Kayak Farmington River, Collinsville, CT Friday, June 17, 10:00 a.m. Instructor: Ann Fargo. Meet at Collinsville Canoe and Kayak in Collinsville, CT at 10:00 a.m. Rentals start at 10:15 a.m. and include Kayak, Paddle and Life Jacket. Please wear clothes that can get wet. Changing rooms and bathroom facilities are available. Sun protection and water bottles are highly recommended. Homemade snacks will be provided by the leader. Beginners are welcome! Rental rates due on the day of the event are: $20.00 for Kayak, $25.00 for Stand up Paddle Boards; please indicate preference at registration. Cost is $3.00 due to Ann on the day of the trip. Sign-up begins June 1. Bluff Point State Park in Groton, CT Friday, June 24, Bus leaves from Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. Returns approximately 4:00pm. Instructor: Ann Fargo Enjoy a coastal walk for 1 1/2 miles on gravel roads to the shore. We will picnic on the rocks (bring your own lunch), then explore and swim for about an hour. We will walk 1 1/2 miles back to the bus and on to Dairy Queen before heading home. Cost: $12.00 due at the time of registration. Sign-up begins June 2. Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Outdoor Adventure Club with the Ultimate Outdoor Adventure! Something for EVERYONE!! Date: Wednesday, July 13th Cost: $5.00 + $20.00 for kayak rental or $25.00 SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board) rental. Pay rental fee at Collinsville Canoe & Kayak. Sign up begins: June 2 Choose your adventure and let us know your preference when you register: Bike-Kayak-Lunch-Bike: Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Depot Station parking lot in Unionville and bike on the rails to trails to Collinsville Canoe and Kayak. Rent a kayak and paddle the Farmington River for 1 hour and bicycle back to Collinsville. The bike ride is about 45 – 60 minutes EACH way. Bike trip led by Ann Fargo. Walk-Kayak-Lunch-Walk: Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the parking lot of Collinsville Canoe and Kayak and walk a total of 1 hour (roundtrip) along the rails to trails. When you return to Collinsville, you’ll hop into a kayak and paddle the Farmington River for 1 hour. Walk led by Eileen Cyr. Or … if you prefer to just bike or walk with the group into Collinsville and relax along the river (without going kayaking), you can do that! Please meet at the designated parking areas listed above. Or … if you prefer to drive your car and meet at Collinsville Canoe and Kayak and paddle along the Farmington River for an hour with the group, you can do that!! Everyone should bring a lunch in a light back pack along with plenty of water or have lunch at LaSalle Market & Deli in the Center of Collinsville. Dress for the weather, sunscreen and bug spray recommended. See Urban Adventure Page 6 Quick Trips & Saturday Shopping Bus -6- June 2016 Urban Adventure: Ride the CT FastTrak Bus to Hartford & Historical Walking Tour of Downtown Hartford Wednesday, June 29, 9:15 a.m. Leader: Eileen Cyr. Meet up at the Plainville Library Bus Stop at 9:15 a.m. and ride the new FastTrak bus to Union Station in Hartford. View the historical landmarks in Hartford, with Hartford Historian, Wendy Pawlak. Riverfront Plaza and more. Lunch (on your own) at the Kitchen Café located in the Hartford Public Library. Cost is $5.00 due at registration. Bus transportation will be $1.50 due at the time you get onto the bus (please use exact change in the form of dollar bills and U.S. Coins for the bus only - $0.75 each way) The bus will depart the library bus stop at exactly 9:30 a.m. so get there early! Return to Plainville at approximately 4:00 p.m. Please park at the Plainville Library side parking lot and walk to the Bus Stop. Sign-up begins June 2. These trips are curb-to-curb services. Plainville residents who do not drive can be picked-up and dropped-off at home. Those who drive will be picked up at the Senior Center or OLM, depending on the day/time of the trip. We use our Dial-A-Ride Bus or school buses that can be handicapped accessible with wheelchair lifts, but passengers must be able to get to and from the bus on their own. If a wheelchair lift is needed, let us know at sign-up. Trip Guidelines 1. After signing up, if you cancel please be aware that we do not offer refunds for trips costing $5.00 or less, due to the high cost of processing checks and accounting. We will process refunds if we cancel the trip. 2. If you are ill and unable to attend, please call the Senior Center (860-747-5728) when it is open or call Ceal DiFrancesco after hours (860-747-1927). 3. You should be at the departure point at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled leaving time. The bus will not wait for late comers. 4. We need at least ten participants in order to run a trip. If there are not enough people, we will have to cancel...so, please encourage your friends to join you. (Non-members may sign up one week after members sign-up, if space is available.) Historic Harbor Tour of Mystic aboard The Mystic Express Saturday, June 11 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The trip is full, please sign the waiting list. See itinerary and new trip below, June 26. A Celebration of the Gardens: Blooms with a View, Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme Sunday, June 12, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is the perfect time to view the beautiful spring gardens, as well as stunning flower arrangements by 15 floral artists interpreting works of art in the exhibition The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement. You will spend the day walking through both the Museum and the gardens, as well as time to enjoy lunch at Café Flo, located on the veranda overlooking the Lieutenant River. $5.00 for transportation is due at registration. Admission to the Museum is $8 payable when you arrive. Cost of lunch is on your own. Senior Center pick-up first at 9:00 a.m., then home pick-ups for those who do not drive. The bus will leave the Museum at 3:00 p.m. Sign-up has begun. Corbin’s Corner Shopping Center Lunch at Olive Garden, West Hartford Saturday, June 25 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Enjoy a day shopping at Corbin’s Corner Shopping Center, followed by lunch on your own, at the Olive Garden. $5.00 for transportation should be given to Jean Kelly the day of the trip. Bus will pick up first at the Senior Center at 9:30 a.m., followed by home pick-ups for those who do not drive. Return to Plainville at about 3:00 p.m. Call the Senior Center to sign up beginning June 1. Historic Harbor Tour of Mystic aboard The Mystic Express Sunday, June 26, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. All aboard the Mystic Express, a U.S. Coast Guard inspected sight-seeing boat for a 40-minute narrated tour! You’ll see and hear all about historic Mystic. This trip is accessible for people with canes or walkers. The special pre-season cost of the narrated boat tour is $15 payable when you board. The cost of lunch is on your own. Senior Center pick-up first at 10:00 a.m., then home pick-ups for those who do not drive. Following the boat tour, our DAR bus will drop you off either in downtown Mystic or take you to Olde Mistick Village for shopping and lunch. The bus will leave for Plainville by 4:00 p.m. $5.00 for transportation is due at registration. Sign-up has begun. In order to ride the Friday Shopping Bus you must be a member of the Plainville Senior Center or a Plainville resident over 60 or a Plainville resident of any age who is disabled. • • June 10 ShopRite, Southington 9:15 a.m.—12:15 p.m. June 24 Price Chopper, Southington 9:15 a.m.—12:15 p.m. Sign-up begins on June 1. Call the Senior Center before 11:00 a.m. on the Wednesday before the Shopping Bus date to add your name to the pick-up list. Current Trips -7- June 2016 ►►Important Trip Information:◄◄ • Sign-up: Trip sign-ups take place Monday – Friday, between 9:15 a.m.—12:00 noon and Mondays from 5:00-5:30 p.m. One day a month we also offer Mega Sign-up Day. This month it is June 2, and we will accept sign-ups all day between 9:15 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Payment is due at the time of sign up. If you wish to line up before the Senior Center opens, line up at the back door with the ramp. (Not on the Stillwell Drive side.) • Open to the public: Trips are open to the public 7 days after member sign-up unless otherwise stated. • Cancellations: Call the Senior Center immediately so we can try and find a replacement for you from our waiting list. If you must cancel the night before or the morning of the trip, please call Ceal DiFrancesco at (860) 747-1927 that evening or before 9:00 a.m. the day of the trip. Ceal will have the waiting list and will try to fill your seat, but she should only be called if the Center is closed. You may also call the Center after 9:00 a.m. and alert us so we can try to get a refund for you. We must pay for any number that we guarantee to the tour companies. We will always attempt to get a refund, and whatever we are refunded, it will be passed on to you. If trip insurance is included in the trip cost, please refer to the specific coverage offered. Most cover all costs if the cancellation is due to illness, but others may cover a variety of additional reasons. • Overnight parking: Overnight parking is allowed at Our Lady of Mercy Church at your own risk, but is not recommended. There is no overnight parking at the Senior Center. We suggest that you have someone drop you off and pick you up or have someone come and get your car after the trip has left and bring it back on the day of return. • Medical ID cards: Medical ID Cards must be shown to the bus captain. If you don’t have a card or you need a new one, please stop by the Senior Center or get one from the bus captain. • Disclaimer: The Plainville Senior Center is not responsible in whole or in part to the trip participants for any loss, damage, injury or financial loss whatsoever, to persons or property however caused during or in connection with any trip. Parking is at your own risk. • Before boarding the bus, get your seat assignment from the bus captain. *****Remember, be at your departure location 15 minutes prior to our departure time in order to board the bus. We will not wait for late comers.***** Leaving on a Trip this month?! Make sure to check your departure time and location below! American Ballet Theatre - “Swan Lake” at the Lincoln Center, Saturday, June 18, 2016, 8:15 a.m. Depart the Plainville Senior Center at 8:15 a.m., return approximately 8:30 p.m. When printed, there were two seats available. Stageloft Theater Sturbridge, MA Presents “Spamalot” ~ Sunday, June 26, 2016, 9:00 a.m. Enjoy a Sunday Matinee! Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, SPAMALOT retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Enjoy a delicious lunch at the Salem Cross Inn with your choice of Old-Fashion Chicken Pot Pie or Fresh Baked Boston Scrod. Depart the Plainville Senior Center at 9:00 a.m., and return at approximately 6:30 p.m. Space is limited to 25 people. $80.00 per person. Please include your meal selection at registration. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public. Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island – July 2 – 9, 2016 Fully escorted tour of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island! 7-Nights Hotel Accommodations, 11 meals, 2 lobster dinners, DeMillo’s floating restaurant, and tickets to the 2016 Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. Tour the Citadel Fortress Museums, FDR’s summer cottage, Anne of Green Gables, Halifax City, Saint John, New Brunswick, Boothbay Harbor, Digby, Campobello Island, Magnetic Hill and the ferry port of Caribou. $1,667.00 double, $2,292.00 single, $1,617.00 triple. Insurance is available. Itineraries are available, there was space at the time of printing. Please call Tours of Distinction to register, 860-627-0199. Open to the public. All You Can Eat Lobster and Entertainment Show - Tuesday, July 12 Depart from Our Lady of Mercy (OLM) at 10:15 a.m. for The Delaney House, Holyoke, MA. Return at approximately 4:30 p.m. The cost is $94.00 per person. The trip is full, please sign the waiting list. Thomaston Opera House - “Billy Elliot” The Musical, Sunday, July 17, 2016, 10:00 a.m. Depart the Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. for the Thomaston Opera House. Enjoy reserved orchestra seats for a musical about the life of 11-year-old Billy Elliot and how it is forever changed one day when he stumbles upon a ballet class during his weekly boxing lesson. Enjoy a pre-show lunch at Black Rock Tavern, Thomaston, CT of Chicken Francais or Baked Scrod. Return to Plainville at approximately 5:30 p.m. The cost is $80.00 per person. Please provide meal choice when registering. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public, invite your friends. Long Island Sound Lighthouse Cruise, Sunday, August 14, 2016, 10:00 a.m. Depart the Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. Enjoy a two hour narrated tour aboard a comfortable high-speed Sea Jet catamaran. You will be able to view 8 lighthouses, 2 forts and more. Feel free to bring lunch or a snack with you, or you may also purchase from the onboard snack bar. After the cruise, enjoy an early bird dinner at Go Fish. Choose one of the following entrees: Baked Atlantic Cod, Grilled Fillet of Salmon or Pan Roasted Breast of Chicken. After dinner, spend some free-time in Mystic Village. Return at approximately 8:30 p.m. Please include your meal selection at registration. The cost is $97.00 per person. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public, invite your friends. Montreal and Quebec, August 28—31, 2016, 6:30 a.m. A four-day, three-night journey through the St. Lawrence River Valley and the cities of Montreal & Quebec City, Canada. Return to Plainville at approximately 8:00 p.m. Each person going to Canada must have a valid Passport. The trip is full, please sign the waiting list. Strawberry Fields: The Beatles Tribute Show, The Aqua Turf Club Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Enjoy a Magical Mystery Tour as they play songs off the Beatles first four albums from the 60’s. In 2005, this Band played at Shea Stadium for a 40th Anniversary of The Fab Four’s historic concert!! Space is limited to 25 people for this drive on your own event. Enjoy donuts and coffee, a glass of beer or wine, Baked Ham, Chicken Francais and all the trimmings. The cost is $42.00 per person. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public, invite your friends. Trips, Announcements -8- June 2016 FYI: Reserve Lists for all trips including Quick Trips. When you sign a Reserve List for a trip that is filled, we will ask whether or not you are a member. If there is a cancellation, we will always sign-up members from the reserve list first! Members who sign the reserve list and want to bring a non-member friend should be aware that since we will always sign-up members first, we will skip over the nonmembers until all members have been contacted. Long Island & The Hamptons - September 15 - 16, 2016 Depart from OLM at 7:15 a.m. for a beautiful 2-day, 1-night motor-coach trip to ‘The Hamptons’! Tour Old Westbury Gardens to visit the former home of John S. Phipps and his family. Enjoy some free time in Greenport, followed by dinner over-looking Long Island Sound. Following breakfast the next morning, meet the local historian and hear history, stories, sights and gossip of ‘The Hamptons’. The trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the eastern end of Long Island, Montauk Point. Return at approximately 8:30 p.m. $349.00 double, $469.00 single, and $315.00 triple. A $50.00 deposit is due at registration. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public. Myrtle Beach, S.C., Charleston - October 16 - 22, 2016 Depart OLM at 7:00 a.m. for the Holiday Inn of Fredericksburg, Virginia then on to Myrtle Beach the next day. Relax during a four-night stay at The Sea Watch Resort. Enjoy 6 breakfasts, 4 dinners and 2 shows! Take a history tour, a walking tour, a Creek Cruise on a Pontoon Boat, play golf, tour The Battery, Marion Square, the College of the Citadel and many Ante Bellum homes. On the last day enjoy lunch (on your own) at popular Mastoris Restaurant in New Jersey, you will return home at approximately 7:00 p.m. $1,115.00 double, $1,415.00 single, and $1,045.00 triple. Insurance is available. A $100.00 deposit is due at registration. Sign-up has begun and is open to the public. Lake George Luncheon Cruise Saturday, August 20, 7:00 a.m. Depart the Senior Center at 7:00 a.m. and enjoy a 2-hour luncheon cruise aboard the Lac du Saint Sacrement, the largest cruise ship on Lake George. Our Captain will share information on the lake’s geology, ecology, environment and history. While cruising we’ll have a lunch buffet in the elegant dining room. While onboard there is live entertainment for your listening and dancing pleasure. Following the cruise, spend time in Lake George Village, the heart of this resort area. Return to Plainville approximately 8:00 p.m. The cost is $90.00 per person, space is limited to 20 participants. Sign-up begins June 2. Green Mountain Flyer Railroad - Fall Foliage Tour Thursday, September 29, 9:15 a.m. Depart OLM at 9:15 a.m. for the Green Mountain Flyer! All aboard for a delightful 2-hour roundtrip ride along the Connecticut and Williams Rivers between Chester Depot and Ludlow, Vermont. Relax and experience a narrated journey into Vermont’s rich history and scenic splendor on fully restored vintage passenger trains. Enjoy a classic New England feast of Roast Turkey Dinner and New England Clam Chowder at Chandler’s Tavern located at Yankee Candle in Deerfield, MA. Return to Plainville approximately 8:00 p.m. The cost is $95.00 per person, space is limited to 25 participants. Sign-up begins June 2. The Plainville Senior Center Invites you to Attend the 2017 “Big Trips” Meeting 2017 “Big Trips” meeting on June 24 at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Three fully escorted trips we will be offering in 2017 are: • Canadian Rockies and Vancouver, BC by Train and Bus - September 2 - 8, 2017 - $200.00 Early Bird discount if you sign up by September 30. • Cuba Cruise with shore excursions included - March 17 - 24, 2017: “See Cuba before there is a Starbucks on every corner.” Fly to Jamaica, cruise from Jamaica to Cuba - $100.00 Early Bird discount if you sign up by August 15. • Wonders of Italy including Rome, Sorrento, Capri, Amalfi Coast, Tuscany, Florence, Chianti, Pisa, San Gimignano - April 25, 2017 - May 5, 2017 - $100.00 Early Bird discount if you sign up by August 15. The trips and trip meeting are open to the public, invite your friends to join you. Complete itineraries are available at the Senior Center. More details will be available at the meeting. In addition, if you attend the “Big Trips” meeting on June 24, you are eligible for an additional $50.00 per person discount when you sign up! Call the Plainville Senior Center to sign-up for the “Big Trips” meeting so we can plan for treats. November 12: Intrepid November 16: Saturday Night Fever - Westchester December 4: Holiday Sparkle in the Big Apple Mega Sign-Up, Announcements, PEAK -9- June 2016 On Mega Sign-up Day, June 2, you can sign up for paid trips, classes and activities from 9:15 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. On all other days, paid sign-ups take place from 9:15 a.m.-12:00 noon and Monday evenings, 5:00-5:30 p.m. Please make arrangements to be here during the hours that we offer sign-ups. We will not take money any other time. If you cannot be here yourself, you may send money in with someone else. If you have any questions about our policy, please feel free to ask. THE SUGGESTION BOX Drop your suggestions in our box either signed or unsigned. If you need an answer to a question, please leave a name or number. The box is located at the giveaway area, near the public computers. Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed! Call the Senior Center, 860-747-5728 if you are interested in volunteering. As we mentioned, we will have larger print copies available. If anyone would like one, please let us know if you want it mailed or if you will pick it up at the center. We will also try to space the newsletter differently in July for easier reading. Let us know if you like it! The Senior Center Needs Sympathy, Get Well and Thinking of You Cards We send cheer, get well and sympathy cards to our members who could use a lift of their spirits. If you are interested in donating these cards, please bring them to the Senior Center’s front desk. We would really appreciate it. At this time we cannot use blank cards, holiday cards, etc. A special thank you to Carol Perry who is in charge of this program. If you know someone who needs a card, please let us know! Thank you for helping bring sunshine to someone in need! SENIOR CENTER DISPLAY CASE Stop by and check out the beautiful displays this month! We’ve got Jeanne Raducha displaying her Rag Dolls and Janice Czerepuszko displaying her porcelain dolls. Do you have a collection, hobby or artwork you would like to put on display for all Senior Center members to see, for example; teapots, figurines? If so, make a reservation for our display case. Stop by the front desk to sign up or see Ronda with any questions you may have. Calling All Plainville Senior Center Idols Are you a closet singer and would like to express yourself with other people? Well, we have a program for you!!! FLASH MOB singing! A FLASH MOB is a group of people that meet in a public place for the purpose of entertaining others for a short period of time. It is a surprise and puts smiles on the faces of people that are there. Go to YouTube and type in Flash Mob Vocals. You’ll see a variety of them. We have been rehearsing at the Bristol Senior Center on Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. The song we are rehearsing for the mall is, “We Are The World” by Michael Jackson. Everyone gets a CD of the song so you can practice at home or play it in your car. At the local venues, we sing songs like God Bless America, My Country Tis of Thee, Yankee Doodle Dandy and When Johnny Comes Marking Home to name a few. It was so much fun to see the smiles when we sang. There are 10 other senior centers involved in this, and we will be performing at a mall around Connecticut sometime in the fall or winter. For more information, you can contact Eileen Cyr at 860-329-1825. Hours Are you a member? Did you receive your new PEAK Center Scan Card? If not, please Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Fridays: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. check at Front Desk or see Ronda. Cardiovascular Equipment Nustep: This is our most popular piece of equipment. The NuStep is a seated “stair stepper” which offers a complete upper and lower body cardiovascular workout. Treadmills: You can walk at your own pace. The incline can be adjusted for a more resistant workout, as though you are walking up and down hills. Recumbent Bicycle: Ride in comfort … there is a back to the seat for full support! Elliptical Cross trainer: Low-impact total body workout. Weight Training - Seven pieces of upper and lower body strength training equipment including: * Chest Press * Leg Press * Tricep Press * Row * Seated Leg Curl * Leg Extension * Abdominal Stop by the front desk for a membership packet that includes a medical approval form Membership rates: $9.00 for 1 month, $40.00 for 6 months and $60.00 for one year. A one-time registration fee of $25.00 (cardio & weights), or $8.00 (cardio only), $17.00 (weights only), is charged at the time of your initial training. Donations /New Members -10- June 2016 When you bring donations into the Senior Center, our volunteer receptionist needs to know your name and what you are donating so that we may list your name in the Newsletter. (If you wish to have your donation remain anonymous, please tell that to the receptionist). We do our best not to leave any donor’s name off the list, but if we do, please let us know so we can include it in the next Newsletter. GENERAL DONATIONS: April 20 - May 18 Ann Aliano, Jeannine Ball, Leona Bisson, Kathleen Bott, Pat Cancelli, Beverly Case, Evelyn Case, Sally Cobrain, Circle Group, Linda Hill, Lois & Ron Jablonski, Betty Kirch, Carol Loiselle, Marlene Maglio, Ann Maltais, Methodist Church, Ann Moore, New Britain Symphony, Joan Osak, Marie Ragaglia, Lois Schmidt, Sandy Therrien, Toffolon School (Miss Limberger’s Class), Diane Voitkevics, Helen Webb, Cindi Whitham, Several Anonymous Donations MEMORIAL DONATIONS: The Senior Center has a Memorial Fund for people wishing to make a donation in memory of a friend or relative. Checks may be made out to the Plainville Senior Center. The deceased person’s name will be listed in the Memorial Book displayed in our lounge, along with the donor’s name. Memorial donations are used to enhance the operation of the Senior Center. In Memory of John A. Martin: Fran Martin Dial-A-Ride: Lee Ann Korus, Fran Martin, Anonymous donation DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO COULD USE SOME CHEER? Please let us know if someone is hospitalized, sick, convalescing or has lost a loved one. We have no other way of knowing. The cheer cards mean SO much to our members and it also helps us to keep our files updated. Contact the Senior Center at 860-747-5728. When you give a name, please let us know if the person should receive a cheer card or a sympathy card. A special thank you to Carol Perry for handling our cheer report. CHEER REPORT: April 1 - May 12 CHEER CARDS: Morris Brousseau, Jack Cassidy, Marcia Chapman, Beatrice & Roland Dumont, William Johnson, John Lanzl, George Moxley, Mary Needham, Sharon Simpson, Andrew Soltis, Helen Webb, Anita Willequer SYMPATHY CARDS: Alcide Ayotte, Family of Douglas Blankenship, Family of Polly Camerato, Shirley Cavaliere, Family of Lincoln Charette, Family of Dorothy Grant, Family of John Lanzl, Family of Ira Lockhart, Family of Angie Montanile, Gertrude Ouellette, Family of Jan Pekala, Howard Philbrick, Rose & Joe Plourde, Family of Elsie Rinheart, Winthop Thurlow, Family of Joseph Truszkowski, Family of Christie Wall NEW MEMBERS: April 1 - April 30 Judith Anderson, Richard Boccia, Emily DiBenedetto, Valerie Liistro, Ronald Manyak, Barbara Martin, Shirley Pomoranski, Joseph Robar, Marianne Rose, Ellen Thomas, Richard Thomas, Barbara Westerberg Try Transit Week June 6 - 10, 2016 Learning how to use public transportation can be a vital asset to become more independent and also have the availability to connect with activities in the community. This June 6-10, 2016, Greater Hartford Transit District (the “District”) will be hosting “Try Transit Week” to give our ADA riders an opportunity to experience the fixed route public transit service (CTtransit) under the direction of a professional travel trainer. “Try Transit Week” will begin with a free “Public Transportation 101” class which will be offered on June 6 from 9:00 a.m. at One Union Place, Hartford. “Try Transit Week” will also take place at the New Britain Senior Center at 55 Pearl Street, New Britain (Specific dates and times to be announced). To register, please contact Ms. Mary Rosenbaur, The Kennedy Center’s ADA Transit Coordinator, at (203) 365-8522, ext. 322. Am I In The Hospital or Not? Thursday, June 9, 10:00 a.m. Chris Babina, RN, BSN, ACM, Director of Medical Management at Bristol Hospital will be presenting a free presentation on hospital stays at the Plainville Senior Center on June 9. The presentation will attempt to reduce any confusion surrounding what it means to be in the hospital as an outpatient or as an outpatient with observation services, or as an inpatient. Ms. Babina will also provide a general overview of what various insurances do and do not cover, such as hospital services, nursing home and home health care. Participants will also learn about their rights as a hospital patient. To register for this free presentation, please call the Plainville Senior Center at (860) 747-5728. Support Groups, Tip of the Month -11- June 2016 CAREGIVING CONNECTIONS Tuesday, June 21st, 10:00 a.m. “Life is the balance of holding on and letting go.” Rumi Join your fellow caregivers before the summer recess! We have journeyed together since September learning about one another’s challenges and successes… sharing both tears and laughter! Come share tips and ideas as we continue to provide care while not neglecting ourselves! Caregivers from area towns are welcome. Call Bette at the Center with any questions or concerns. QUESTIONS FOR THE SOCIAL WORKER Mondays, June 6 and June 20 12:30-1:30 p.m. Do you have questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Part D, Medicare Savings Program or Housing Options? Maybe you have questions about where to find Alzheimer’s help in the community, Caregiving, Homecare, etc. Just stop by Stephanie’s office to have an individual chat with her. Please note: this program is for Plainville residents only. No preregistration necessary. No question is too small! SNAPPY SENIORS Thursday, June 16, 2016, 10:00 a.m. at the Plainville Public Library This is the last meeting of the season. Be prepared to share some of your photos with the group. We will decide the direction to go for next season. Meetings will resume in September on the third Thursday of the month. Have a great summer and take lots of pictures! THE ART OF AGING Five members of the Snappy Seniors Camera Club have entered their artwork in the "Art of Aging" contest being held at the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut in New Haven. The entrants are John Clancy, Peggy Clancy, Judy Humphrey, Gene Kelsey, and Fred Peterson who entered two paintings besides his photography. Together the Snappy Seniors entered a total of 18 works of art which will be on display at AOASCC, 1 Long Wharf Drive in New Haven until the end of June. For more information contact Sue Hamilton at 203-785-8533 Ext 3166 or visit the website: www.aoascc.org. PLAINVILLE VETERANS’ COMMISSION The Plainville Veterans’ Commission invites all veterans to visit its facilities at the Plainville Town Hall, to determine eligibility for assistance. The Commission meets every Monday evening in the employees’ lounge, third floor of the Municipal Center for one hour beginning at 6:30 p.m. Please bring your discharge (DD 214) or active duty documents, that will enable the commission to determine eligibility. All information is maintained in strict confidentiality. For additional information or questions, please call David Dudek, 860-747-8947. BRIGHTER FOCUS Thursday, June 16th, 10:00 a.m. “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames”. Rumi Come join your friends as we gather for the final meeting before our summer recess. We will continue to explore and share opportunities to enrich our lives as we embrace our journeys! Call Bette at the Center with any questions or concerns. FRIENDS HELPING FRIENDS Third Friday of Every Month at 11:30 a.m. Friday, June 17, at Great Taste 597 West Main Street, New Britain The Plainville Senior Center has the perfect solution for those who like to eat out at a restaurant, but do not like to eat alone. The Friends Helping Friends group is made up of single, divorced and widowed seniors. They meet for lunch at a local restaurant on the third Friday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Sign-up at the front desk begins June 1. The “Not So” Empty Nest Tuesday, June 7, 9:00 a.m. This annual conference provides a unique opportunity to provide information and resources for grandparents as well as to celebrate and recognize the struggles, joys and commitment that is made. Listen to representatives from Wheeler Clinic about challenges involved with raising healthy children in today’s demanding world; gather important information on helpful resources during “Resource Boulevard” before lunch; and listen to reflections from grandchildren. Please call the Senior Center to register by June 1. *Funding for this program is made possible in part by the Older Americans Act through the North Central Area Agency on Aging. Living with Cancer Support Group Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month 5:30—7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Hospital of Central Connecticut at New Britain General. This support group is a free service open to anyone living with cancer and their loved ones and friends. The Living with Cancer Support Group is facilitated by Sarah Beham and Reverend William Baumgartner (a member of our Committee on Aging for many years). The meeting is held at the New Cancer Center on 183 North Mountain Rd in New Britain, just past the Department of Motor Vehicles. For more information please call Sarah Beham at 860-696-4891. Community Events, What Don’t You Hear -12- June 2016 Plainville Senior Center Hosts - LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Adults & Allies Miniature Golf and Batting Cages, June 21, 2016 (Rain date: June 27) 3:00 p.m. - Meet at Plainville Senior Center for refreshments and meeting new friends or; 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - Meet at Hidden Valley Miniature Golf & Batting Cages, 2060 West Street, Southington, CT (almost across the street from ESPN). You are invited to join LGBT Adults and Allies from around the state to a Moveable Senior Center recreational event at Hidden Valley Miniature Golf & Batting Cages in Southington. Each person can play 18 holes of mini golf and two rounds of batting practice (protective head gear and bats are provided, but bring your own if you wish). Also included: your choice of burger, cheeseburger, grilled cheese, hot dog or chicken nuggets with fries and a soft drink. Cookies will be served at 6:00 p.m., feel free to bring other desserts to share. Hidden Valley has a lovely picnic area with a waterfall and pond to just sit, enjoy the view, play cards and socialize. Although it is not handicapped accessible for wheelchairs, those with canes can enter at the level of the cages and should be able to navigate the steps at each mini golf hole and access the picnic area. A moderate amount of walking is required. Sign-up by calling the Senior Center at 860-747-5728 so that we can reserve a space, and plan for food. Last minute attendees will be accommodated, if possible. **If anyone prefers, there are a number of restaurants in the area or continue the fun at Lake Compounce (on your own). LGBT Event - Avon Senior Center on Thursday, June 9. Flyers available at the Senior Center. These events are sponsored by CCCI as part of “Getting it Right: creating an LGBT responsive Organization” a project funded by the John H. & Ethel G. Noble Charitable Trust. Renters Rebate Program The Town of Plainville Assessor’s Office has announced that it will begin to make appointments to take applications for the Renters Rebate Program for the elderly and disabled renters beginning May 25, 2016. Income requirements for the Renters Rebate: are for single people $35,200 and married couples $42,900. One qualification for the above renter’s benefits is: Applicants must have been 65 years old prior to December 31, 2015, or have a 100 percent disability rating from the Social Security Administration, and must have been a resident of Connecticut for any one year. A complete list of requirements, and list of items needed for an appointment are available at Senior Center front desk. You must call the Assessor’s Office for an appointment at 860-793-0221, ext. 244. New 2016 Income Limits for Medicare Savings Program (MSP) The new income limits for the Medicare Savings Program have been announced. • QMB (Q01) Single $2,088.90/mo. Couples $2,816.85/mo. • SLMB (Q03) Single $2,286.90/mo. Couples $3,083.85/mo. • ALMB (Q04) Single $2,435.40/mo. Couples $3,284.10/mo. There is no asset limit. There is no charge for any of the benefits provided by this program. You may also qualify for additional benefits under this program. Income includes Social Security, pensions, disability benefits, wages, alimony, rental income, and interest and dividends. Call Stephanie or Bette for an appointment to discuss your eligibility. The Medicare Savings Programs Thursday, June 23, 10:30 a.m. The State Department on Aging, Access Independence and State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), have partnered together to benefit Connecticut’s Seniors! On June 23, Shayla Del Giudice, Independent Living Advocate will be at the Plainville Senior Center to discuss Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA). Under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, states received funding to help Medicare beneficiaries apply for Medicare Part D Extra Help/Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). This could add $121.80 back into your Social Security check each month; help pay Medicare Part “D” premium and deductible; as well as help pay doctor and lab co-pays. The presentation is free. To register please call the Plainville Senior Center at (860) 747-5728. The Art of Experience - 9th Annual Connecticut Senior Juried Art Show It’s time again for seniors ages 70 plus to participate in the Annual Connecticut Senior Juried Art Show. The show will be held at the Pomperaug Woods in Southbury, Connecticut in September. Pomperaug Woods is accepting entrants for this exhibit, which will include categories in: Painting, Drawing, Photography and Sculpture. The Award winning artwork will be on exhibit at the Mattatuck Museum in Waterbury, Connecticut from October 2 through November 6. Not only is the Mattatuck Museum committed to fostering strong relationships with our community, it is also a vibrant destination inspiring visitors from New England and beyond. To enter, artists will need to send a photograph of their work along with an entry for each submission by Friday, June 24. Entry forms are available at the Senior Center Front Desk, or they can be downloaded from the Pomperaug Woods website: www.pomperaugwoods.com. Food Network, Transportation Info -13- June 2016 Check Out Our June Café Specials The Café will be closed June 7th and June 28th. • • • • June 8 - Grilled Cheese: Ham and cheddar cheese with red pepper jelly June 14 & 15 - Power Salad: baby kale, spinach, strawberries, sunflower seeds, blue cheese June 21 & 22 - Grilled chicken, pesto and provolone Panini June 29 - Hot Dogs Check out our Center Café, open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., featuring a variety of made-to-order fresh salads, grilled Panini, sandwiches and weekly specials. The Center Café is open to the public. Invite your friends and family to enjoy our selection of wholesome, handcrafted foods that are sure to wow your taste buds! DIAL-A-RIDE, (860) 589-6968 Monday 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Dial-a-Ride can provide transportation to medical and social service appointments, and to visit loved ones in nursing homes in Plainville, Bristol, New Britain, Southington, Farmington and the Newington VA Hospital. It will also take you to any destination in Plainville. The Dial-a-Ride drivers cannot assist passengers in or out of their homes or into the building at their destination. In addition, the drivers cannot help with groceries or packages or help you walk. However, the bus is wheelchair equipped. Reservations should be made one week ahead for medical or social service appointments and two days in advance for all other errands. A donation of $1.00 for each way is suggested, but not required. Need a Ride? Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Paratransit Service Adds More Hours and Service on Sunday! The ADA Paratransit ride service travels anywhere for any reason to Avon, Berlin, Bloomfield, Bristol, Cromwell, East Hartford, Ellington, Farmington, Glastonbury, Hartford, Manchester, Meriden, Middletown, New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Rocky Hill, South Windsor, Tolland, Vernon/Rockville, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor and Windsor Locks. Plainville hours, except for major holidays, Monday-Friday, 5:45 a.m. -midnight, Saturdays, 6:15 a.m.midnight and Sundays, 7:40 a.m.-7:00p.m. Some of these hours may change, dependent on ridership usage of the CT Transit buses. ADA can transport you to many more towns and many more hours than our Dial-A-Ride service. Each ride is just $3 and discount ticket books can be purchased at Stop and Shop. A driver can assist you door-todoor. There is a wheelchair lift if needed. Reservations may be made a week before and up until a day ahead of time. A personal care assistant can accompany you for free if approved. There is a phone reminder service and a Smartphone mobile app if you would like to use this. How to Apply: The application process is now part of the Greater Hartford Transit District. You can also call the Senior Center (860-747-5728) for an appointment with one of our social workers who can assist with the online application process. We also have copies of the application here at the Center. An application can be sent to you by calling 860-247-5329 x3086 or x3100. The same number can be called to get an updated ID number if you are already an ADA Paratransit rider. After the online or paper application is submitted, the next step is to call 860-247-5329 ext. 3086 or ext. 3100 for a face-to-face interview. A medical form will be sent to your doctor if needed. The entire process generally takes 4 weeks. Even if you don’t see a need now, it is good to get an application approved for the future. For any complaints or issues, please call Customer Service at 860-724-5340 ext. 9. Rides are reserved by calling 860-724-5340 x1, 7 days a week, 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. So give it a try, broaden your horizons, go shopping, visit a friend. Sunday’s service can take you to church or schedule a medical appointment to a destination not covered by Dial-A-Ride. If you have any questions or problems with ADA service, please call Margaret at (860-247-5329 ext 3043). Still have Questions about our transportation services? Call Bette or Stephanie at 860-747-5728. S.E.N.I.O.R. INDEX AARP Smart Driver 2 AARP Trips 4 ADA Transportation 13 Ador-A-Bowl Basket Making 2 Advanced Directives 1 Am I In The Hospital or Not? 1, 10 Art of Experience 12 At Risk List 2 Billiards Winners/Tournaments 2 Bi-Lingual Volunteers 14 Blood Pressure *BC Bowling League 14 Brighter Focus 11 Café Schedule 13 Calling All Plainville Idols 9 Caregiving Connections 11 Cheer Report 10 Cholesterol *BC Choral Group 14 Computer Classes 4 Congregate Meal Program 14 Craft Classes 3, 4 Daily Activities BC Dial-A-Ride 13 Dental Clinic 2 Donations 10 Ear Wax Removal *BC Fitness Classes 3, 4 Foot Care *BC Friday Shopping Bus 6 Friends Helping Friends 11 General Volunteer Meeting 14 Greeting Cards Needed 9 Happy Birthday Greeting 1 Healthy Eating 4 Italian Class 3 LGBT Event 12 Lions Club Picnic 1 Living with Spinal Stenosis 1 Living with Cancer Support 11 Meals on Wheels Volunteers 9 Medicare Savings Program 1, 12 Mega Sign-Up Day 9 New Members 10 Norton Park Concerts 2 “Not So” Empty Nest 11 Nurse Information *BC Outdoor Adventure 5 PEAK Fitness Center 9 Plainville Library News 14 Plainville Veterans’ Comm. 11 Questions for the Social Worker 11 Quick Trips 6 Recycle Cell Phones *BC Renters Rebate Program 12 Reserve Lists 8 Saturday Shopping Bus 6 Senator Henri Martin Visit 1 Senior Center Display Case 9 Setback Winners 2 Snappy Seniors 11 Subsidized Housing Openings 1 Suggestion Box 9 Transportation 13 Trips 7, 8 Try Transit Week 10 Ultimate Adventure 5 Upcoming Trips 8 Urban Adventure 6 Vietnam Traveling Wall 14 Watercolor Raffle 14 Wii Tournament/Winners 2 *BC = Back of Calendar. -14- LAST PAGE June 2016 Choral Group Please note the Choral Group’s next rehearsal date is: June 3, 2016 at 9:15 a.m. Watercolor Painting Raffle Beautiful watercolor painting by Ellen Couture, entitled “Sunset at the Beach” will be raffled at the Summer Picnic on June 28th. The painting is on display at the Senior Center. All proceeds benefit Dial-a-Ride. General Volunteer Meeting There will be no meeting in June. • • • • • • Volunteers Needed!! Contact Toni, Volunteer Coordinator, if interested. Café: Looking for someone to run the dishwasher for the Center Café or to be a café volunteer floater. Foreign Language Instructor and/or Interpreter: Are you fluent in French, Polish or Spanish etc?? If so, please let us know if you could help teach a class or with interpreting. Plainville Library News ~ June 2016 Adult Coloring: Drop-in at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 16. Colored pencils, markers and coloring pages will be provided. Coloring will be held in the Peter F. Chase Auditorium. June Movies: The June monthly movie will be shown on Thursday, June 9th at 1:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 25th at 1:30 p.m. in the Peter F. Chase Auditorium at the Plainville Library. Joy staring Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, and Isabella Rossellini. The movie is a story of a family across four generations, centered on the girl who becomes the woman (Jennifer Lawrence) who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Facing betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, Joy becomes a true boss of family and enterprise. It is rated PG-13 and runs 2 hours and 4 minutes. The Great Movies Roadshow: Michael Hill will be hosting a film screening and Q&A of Citizen Kane in the Peter F. Chase Auditorium at the Plainville Library on June 1, 6:30 p.m. It is rated PG and runs 119 minutes. Volunteer Opportunities: The Children’s Department is looking for volunteers to come to help keep the room looking it’s best by tidying items on the shelves and in the room; reading book labels on shelves to make sure they’re in the proper order; and to help pass out free lunches to children from June 20 - August 19, 11:30 - 1:00. Please stop by the Children’s Department for more information. Vietnam Traveling Wall of Honor In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, the city of Bristol and area Veterans groups are hosting the Vietnam Traveling Wall of Honor at Memorial Boulevard in Bristol. The Wall will be available for viewing June 9 through June 12, 24 hours a day with guards posted. Maps and event schedules are available at the Senior Center. CONGREGATE MEAL PROGRAM: June 2016 Please stop by the kitchen to pick up the June calendar. Reservations for a meal must be made at least one day ahead by calling the kitchen at 860-747-5728 between 10:15 a.m. and 12:00 noon. A suggested donation is $2.50.
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