Consonant Sounds oUr"nc" ;il";;bobbled honorrct bonouet borbecue U"h*iou Ce-houiou, u-"r'"t" Uro"hur" ;;;;r; ;b;i;r; [ resoonsible| believoble buogont buouont responsible hiscrrit comforlohle sensible biscuit .orn-fortobl. sensible I stubborn I blossom flexible E''qg!v !g'jv"t kife sock cor fox queen school "!ery:, climote equivolencequench frequencg schedule complex concenlrote kookoburro technologg conclusion liquid unequol wreckoge consequence Olgmpic odoplotion odditive odequotelg odvertise doughter decision definirion delicious .E{agl disostrous disturbonce divide independence 9:!!v:ry at!!:''.lgg !199-{9---- I m I I Oirl jOO foreign frogment freouent informotion photocopier phgsicol loughter offered sufficient glimpse I bibliogrophg lcotologue glossorg guidonce spoghetti integrote. squiggle : coffee efficient fobulous house @rill tiger butlon (5;;;r vose sleeve -'l ;ru;:,1;:' :i:ff::,;::?::,:: t]i,Ji;:t' t_____::_____l llsolette sossle: Ghri-l borromundiirrotionol requirement rhgthm i | correction irresisfible resident strowberru, I corruot reossure resolution terriloru i | "rborror. regretfullg responsible*recko-ge i seol juice fox kiss mouse pencil benefited fierce hemisohere offshore Cr n-pt) comoufloge foreground influence orphon fish cliff phone -] :y}lgr-te---t---J4n---J-il]:,,r-,l],,-,-,f,lql9li9l-Igl9-'191---yl9:llip- occidentol ocquire othletic chorocler chemicol description desolote desfructive diogonol (p;,r"i robot conot behoviour hobitot hoppiness hormong hozord heoven hideous hemispherehilorious heptogon hoorse hesitole hospitol hexooonol hosfile humon humiditg humorous hggienic inhobifont odjective odwnloge bondoge beveroge genuine couroge domoge intelligent emergencg jewellerg exoggerote judgement possenger pqiomos religious sousoge lizord bell @ *n net winner knife f| I I € - rm_l finO win-k ffitn pig slipper 86 ollowonce flexible ortificiol longuoge believoble leisure brilliontlg librorg compotible lightning 6v'r,"r.] yoyo computer liouid lisien locotion loneliness luxurg 6;n moteriol relioble silentlg ultimofe unfriendlg treosure television , 'itt"nniu' minioture . communitg inflommoblemoximum minimum I onnorcementconneclionknowledge onnuollg environmentnoughtg ontenno foreign novigotion innocent negligent ottention cinnomon interested nonsense normol nuisonce opinion underneoth unnecessoru omonsst"; ;;.-kb- prong entongle exchonging sorong hunger singulor ronguoge splong opporentlg opportunilg oppeoronceporochute oppreciote peculior disoppeor perilous explonolion permonent seporote silence souvenir spocious successfullu ossistonl confidentlg terrocotto tremendousi kiplicote ottention lieutenoni tongue hiviol ottrqclion silhouette ironquil competenl technicol tronsporent turbulent unforgetlrcble concentrqle lemperoturehoveller odvenlure environmentreceive odvisoble evocuolion resolved ovoiloble evoporote survive beveroge inevitoble vocuum vonished devostolion invosion vehicle versofile vicious violence volunteer omusementhumorous reunion orgument monufocturesoluble curiositg neulrol unique eucolgpfus opporfunitg uniied foilure rebellion universol georling gesrergeor gonoer goungish "r"="i"it citizen ;;;.;J i'oeinotioi ;;;tbr; commitlee immediotelg moteriol | onxietg I oquolung billobong I Doome1olg poisonous decision decreose sofetg dissotisfied scissors essentiol secrecg loneliness sensotion fsj9rylF e9qh,,t_ 991199-e-*--*991"l991'*-I_qI99!!9-,l99ILoL99,v 6ni) obsence oslronomg cemelerg cereol circulor i strongle lriongulor twinkle. y"119:::, persisieni precious persuosive principol plonetoriumprivilege plontotion proboble precoution procedure G,ht,[) chicken motch shell sfofion chef musicion (7til feofher Jizziness immobilisesneeze , exercise memorise summorise; civilisotion fomiliorise otherwise supervise grozier personolise xglophone diseose zucchini hozordous puzzling disguise comoufloge enclosure closure exclusion explosion collision corrosion exposure incision decision ochieve otlochmenl choinsow chollenge precision invosion prestige leisure provision occosion occosionollgrevision pleosure usuollg choritg exhoustion moisture scrotches : cheeseburgerfeotureless chihuohuo fortunote suggeslion : temperolure cr.rhure frocture chompion deporture mgryq9lury y'u,ll_ulg . brochure evoporotion musicion shompoo chouffeur expression permission shotter commerciol invention prevention shelves relotionshipshimmerg conscious luxurg squoshes discussion mochinerg shodow oftermolh othlete outhor childbirth enthusiosm , 9OUrServes theorg lengthen molhemoticsthoroughlg pgfhon thoughtful sgmpothg threolen throot theotre oltogether clothing dither bothersome forther feolhered breothe further thunderstorm underneoth weohhg : worlhlessness. though heolher weother leother rhgthm whelher withered smooth themselves worthg Vowel Sounds ;A;" 6;-) ;C;;;is occidentollgodvontoge occurote ocrobot opple ;t"'.id '-";""d"i.r;'i ostronoul mogni{icent! ostronomg moximum l odvertisement ombulonce comoufloge sotellite ] 991l"ttc olligip-gl" -!9P]YI-"- l9!9yl! cleonse decimol definitelg edible elegonl @ egg heod heovenlg jeolous leisure meont pleosontlg energg entronce estimotion evidence exercise .l pleosure precious relotive sePorotelg terrifging horse pow core souce boll (@-.*l 6.) ts6_lj book bush igloo t@-a oronge wotch m-"4 umbrello monkey snoal coke lody hoy opologise ouclion oucfioneer biologg couliflower concentrole occupotion quodrongle honesllg oclogonol quontitg observofion opportunitg responsible sousoge optimist obsolete volunlorg origin obslocle -'.. blood couroge cousin cultivote discover thorough encouroge multiplg government musculor undercoverl punishmenl underneolhI hungrg unwelcome industriol roughlg luncheon substonce worrg ocquoinioncecompoignestimotion oeroplone celebrote grocious comploint grotefullg oviorg bosicollg contogious obeged dongerouslgpofience bouquet mocoroni relieve meteorite obedience precede protein technique unbelievqble unique zucchini i bee boby me money seot orrivol diogonol climote designed hggiene identicol librorion mognifg occupg pgthon recgcloble scientist stglish survivol iriongulor rwilight @ i-. y ishi i.l bicentenorgexcitoble ice-creom spiderbilinguol height pie ;;i;;il""fi;;h;,b compose ovocooo boot window rose comb fi*a stor gloss -J;#;-;#;f cloud flower ffi;'d) deer eor choir squore i chouffeur Ploteou Pototoes proiein shoulder opporotus orticle ovocodo borbecue borgoin comouflogeguordion horbour corbohgdrote cordboord horshlg disoslrous loughter morsupiol gorment porogroph posrure photogroph rospoerr9 stortle ovococtos bouquet (6;;;) tfi'i';;) donotion cooperote mouve coordinote mosquito motivoted disown I occording oudible oulomolic oulomobile owful owkword coutiouslg coorse course distrought enormous orgonisolion exhouslion ornomenl explore sloughter kegboord fhoughtfullg noughtg unioword ombush bulldozer bulletin bullion bullockg bushel butcher courier cuckoo cushion footloose fulfilment kookoburro likelihood rookerg rookie sugor undersiood whoosh wolves juicA solulion souvenir supervisor unique universitg usoble lounging oumJm6er powder pronounce recounl southbound surround trousers undoubtedlg unwound bruise boy coin experience guoronlee hggiene kegboord observotorg sutgeon lurquoise occurred permonentlgverticollg relurnoble worthless semicircle georned 00ewueueu omusementcontinuotion orguoble eucolgptus junior bool flute boboon honegdew loose screw ruler bondicoot influence neutrol G;ta rodiotion stroighfen stronger voconcg weightless ontique boutique breothe committee ochievementconvenienf fly night bird world nurse fern offirm courteous determine burglor burgundg emergencg circulor fertile commerciol herbicide lodder dollor doctor pizzo bucket dolphin iron coclus jewel occount browse qllowonce compound ollowed discount doubtful onnouncemenl bouncing encounter rogoltg exploii oppoint buogonl moislurise spoill oppointmentcordurog osteroid destroged noiselesslg toilet viewpoint ovoidoble disoppointedoinlment boisterous emplogmentpoisonous vogoge leorful borless oppeoronce cereol theorg otmosphere cleoronce fierce disoppeoringhemisphere weorg bocterio queer weird cofeterio disoppeoronce gestergeor engineer severe coreer hordwore scorcelg nightmore scorg ploneforiumsoftwore therefore proger rorest oeriol oircroft oquorium bewore billionoire corelesslg compored declore ensnore olore o99ressor obundonce omoteur oncestor onnouncer inspector instructor inlernoiionol interpreter intersperse composer disclosure frocture hospitol occupotion Possenger soldier troveller SuperChallenge Selecto difficultword of the dog or week io leornto spell.Your teochermighttestgou ot the end of the dog or week. look ot lhe words for the sound gou ore studgingthis week. Con gou. find oll the grophemes(spellingchoices)in the words for thissound? o sortthe words for lhe soundoccordingto the grophemes? o writewordsbreokingthemintogrophemes, egw/or/th/g? e write the ordinol ploce of lhe focussoundbesideeoch word, eg @ ombush4th, bulldozer2nd? . tell or write cluesfor someof ihe words,eS @ lgrowon o plont'Whoiom l? (blossom) 87