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VOLUME 128 n NOVEMBER n 2015 Happenings THE COLONY CLUB We Give Thanks! Happy Birthday! Pauline Hunt (November 6th) Josephine Mahoney (November 8th) Frank Negron (November 8th) Mercedes Sanchez (November 17th) Anthony Moldoff (November 23rd) Daisy Marcotte (November 25th) Micki Dahne (November 27th) November birthdays will be celebrated after dinner on Sunday, November 29th with cake and song. Welcome New Residents! Joyce Smith Rita Bartley LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and for reflecting on all there is to be grateful for. We look forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving shared together with friends and family here at The Colony Club! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH 10:00 a.m. Macy’s Day Parade on the Big Screen 2:00 p.m. Celebrate with Joyce & Joe Musical Entertainment 5:00 p.m. Turkey Feast & Holiday Treats Veterans Day Veterans Day is Wednesday, November 11th. G-d bless those who have served our country! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH AT 2:00 P.M. Special Service for Colony Club’s Veterans presented by VITAS Healthcare The Colony Club Sunrise n 3799 Pine Island Road n Sunrise, Florida 33351 (954) 748-0509 n www.TheColonyClubSunrise.com Assisted Living Facility #07250 The COLONY CLUB Schedule of Events DINING ROOM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks SALON Hair: THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS Professional Manicures: NOVEMBER 6TH & 20TH RELIGIOUS SERVICES Shabbat Services: FRIDAYS Church Services: SUNDAYS LUNCHEON TRIPS WEDNESDAYS SHOPPING EXCURSIONS CELEBRATE the happiness that friends are always giving. Make every day a holiday & celebrate just living. WEDNESDAYS 8:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. 12 NOON – 1:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. THROUGHOUT THE DAY 9:00 A.M. OPENING 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. CHECK CALENDAR CHECK CALENDAR DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS – OUTSIDE BUILDING MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS HEALTH & FITNESS Daily Exercise In-House Doctor Appointments In-House Podiatrist THE CINEMA SATURDAY – THURSDAY Classics, Adventure & New Releases BINGO IN THE ACTIVITY ROOM MOST DAYS ALL DAY CHECK CALENDAR DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED 2nd THURSDAY/MONTH 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. Round About Town Wednesday Luncheons & Shopping This month we will enjoy lunch outings and shopping excursions to local community favorites. See calendar for details and sign up by Monday mornings. We welcome suggestions of restaurants and local venues. November Highlights n n Have fun playing PENNY POKER throughout the month. Be sure to bring your pennies (3/game). Enjoy chatting with friends at our RESIDENT SOCIAL HOURS EVERY SUNDAY, MONDAY AND THURSDAY AT 4:00 P.M. n n n n ZORA TIME EVERY ! NEW MONDAY AT 10:30 A.M. See all the wonderful things Zora the robot can do. n n n n n The stakes will be high at PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT BINGO EVERY MONDAY AT 1:30 P.M. n Be Creative! Take part in ARTS & CRAFTS projects EVERY TUESDAY AT 10:00 A.M. n Join fellow residents for a game of CHESS, DICE OR DOMINOES EVERY TUESDAY AT 3:45 P.M. n PET THERAPY WITH MIKEY AND JILLY will be provided EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 11:00 A.M. Stay in Shape! EXERCISE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 11:00 A.M. n Challenge your brain! Play TRIVIA EVERY THURSDAY AT 10:00 A.M. and WORD GAMES EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:00 A.M. n WINSTON McBEAN will delight us with a variety of songs on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST AT 2:00 P.M. JERRY HEAD performs some classic songs on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH AT 2:00 P.M. Sing along with the SUNRISE SERANADERS on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH AT 10:30 A.M. LARRY STANG will dazzle us on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH AT 2:00 P.M. Celebrate VETERANS DAY with a special service from VITAS on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH AT 2:00 P.M. n NUBERTO for ART CLASS scheduled for TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH AT 10:00 A.M. Our RESIDENT’S COUNCIL MEETING will be held on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH AT 3:00 P.M. It’s important that everyone attend. CAROLYN SMYLIE returns with her sizzling style on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND AT 2:00 P.M. n JOYCE & JOE are here to ! NEW celebrate THANKSGIVING with us with a variety of songs on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 2:00 P.M. n LARRY HINES will get you dancing with his songs on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH AT 2:00 P.M. The Colony Club Welcomes Zora! The Colony Club ‑ November Event Calendar SUN 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends 10:00 Church Service 10:30 News-Chit Chat 2:00 Winston McBean Performs 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie 8 10:00 Church Service 10:30 News-Chit Chat 2:00 Jerry Head Performs 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie 15 10:00 Church Service 10:30 News-Chit Chat 2:00 Larry Stang Performs 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie 22 10:00 Church Service 10:30 News-Chit Chat 2:00 Carolyn Smylie Performs 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie 29 10:00 Church Service 10:30 News-Chit Chat 2:00 Larry Hines Performs 4:00Resident Social Hour 5:30Birthday Dinner & Celebration 6:30Movie MON 2 10:30 Zora Time 1:30Jackpot Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Classic Movie 9 10:30 Zora Time 1:30Jackpot Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Classic Movie 16 10:30 Zora Time 2:00Veterans Day Celebration 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Classic Movie 23 10:30 Zora Time 1:30Jackpot Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Classic Movie TUE Election Day 3 WED 4 10:00 Arts & Crafts 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45Chess, Dice & Dominoes 6:30Movie Night 10:00 Penny Poker 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:00 Pet Therapy w/ Mikey & Jilly 2:00Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 6:30Classic Movie 10 Veterans Day 11 10:00 Arts & Crafts 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45Chess, Dice & Dominoes 6:30Movie Night 17 10:00 Penny Poker 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:00 Pet Therapy w/ Mikey & Jilly 11:30 Lunch Outing** 2:00Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 6:30Classic Movie 18 10:00 Art Class w/Nuberto 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45Chess, Dice & Dominoes 6:30Movie Night 10:00 Penny Poker 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:00 Pet Therapy w/ Mikey & Jilly 2:00Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 6:30Classic Movie 24 25 Full Moon 10:00 Arts & Crafts 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45Chess, Dice & Dominoes 6:30Movie Night 10:00 Penny Poker 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:00 Pet Therapy w/ Mikey & Jilly 11:30 Lunch Outing** 2:00Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 6:30Classic Movie THU 5 10:00 Trivia Games 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45LCR Dice Games & Crossword Puzzles 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie Night 12 10:00 Trivia Games 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45LCR Dice Games & Crossword Puzzles 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie Night 19 10:30 Sunrise Seranaders 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Resident Council 3:45LCR Dice Games & Crossword Puzzles 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie Night 26 Thanksgiving 10:00 Trivia Games 11:15 Exercise 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 3:45LCR Dice Games & Crossword Puzzles 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Movie Night FRI 6 10-5Professional Manicures* 10:00 Word Games 11:00 Exercise 1:30Bingo 4:00 Shabbat 6:30T.V. Time 13 10:00 Word Games 11:00 Exercise 1:30Bingo 4:00 Shabbat 6:30T.V. Time 20 10-5Professional Manicures* 10:00 Word Games 11:00 Exercise 1:30Bingo 4:00 Shabbat 6:30T.V. Time 27 10:00 Word Games 11:00 Exercise 1:30Bingo 4:00 Shabbat 6:30T.V. Time 30 10:30 Zora Time 1:30Jackpot Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00Resident Social Hour 6:30Classic Movie *Professional Manicures are scheduled by appointment. **Sign up for all special outings by Monday of that week. Times and Activities may vary due to interest. SAT 7 10:00 Free Play 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00 Cards & Dominoes 6:30Classic Movie 14 10:00 Free Play 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00 Cards & Dominoes 6:30Classic Movie 21 10:00 Free Play 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00 Cards & Dominoes 6:30Classic Movie 28 10:00 Free Play 1:30Bingo 3:00Snacks & Drinks 4:00 Cards & Dominoes 6:30Classic Movie November ‑ SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR RESIDENTS WITH MEMORY IMPAIRMENT SUN 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends 11:00 Exercise 12:00 Math Games 2:00Winston McBean Performs 4:00Snacks 4:15Movie Time 8 11:00 Exercise 12:00 Math Games 2:00Jerry Head Performs 4:00Snacks 4:15Movie Time 15 11:00 Exercise 12:00 Math Games 2:00 Jerry Stang Performs 4:00Snacks 4:15Movie Time 22 11:00 Exercise 12:00 Math Games 2:00 Carolyn Smylie Performs 4:00Snacks 4:15Movie Time 29 11:00 Exercise 12:00 Math Games 2:00Larry Hines Performs 4:00Snacks 4:15Movie Time MON 2 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Pretty Nails 2:30Rest & Relaxation 3:00Trivia 9 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Pretty Nails 2:30Rest & Relaxation 3:00Trivia 16 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Pretty Nails 2:30Rest & Relaxation 3:00Trivia 23 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Pretty Nails 2:30Rest & Relaxation 3:00Trivia 30 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Pretty Nails 2:30Rest & Relaxation 3:00Trivia TUE Election Day 3 WED 4 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Faces & Places 12:30 World History 3:00Ring Toss 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 11:00 Let’s Play Ball! 12:00 Bean Bag Toss 3:00Dancing & Sing-a-long 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 10 Veterans Day 11 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Faces & Places 12:30 World History 3:00Ring Toss 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 17 11:00 Let’s Play Ball! 12:00 Bean Bag Toss 3:00Dancing & Sing-a-long 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 18 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Faces & Places 12:30 World History 3:00Ring Toss 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 11:00 Art Class w/Nuberto 12:00 Bean Bag Toss 3:00Dancing & Sing-a-long 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 24 25 Full Moon 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 11:30 Faces & Places 12:30 World History 3:00Ring Toss 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 11:00 Let’s Play Ball! 12:00 Bean Bag Toss 3:00Dancing & Sing-a-long 4:00Snacks & Movie Time THU 5 11:00 Zora Time 11:30 Exercise & Ballgames 12:00 Arts & Crafts 3:00Pottery 4:00Rest & Relaxation 12 11:00 Zora Time 11:30 Exercise & Ballgames 12:00 Arts & Crafts 3:00Pottery 4:00Rest & Relaxation 19 11:00 Zora Time 11:30 Exercise & Ballgames 12:00 Arts & Crafts 3:00Resident Council 4:00Rest & Relaxation 26 Thanksgiving 11:00 Zora Time 11:30 Exercise & Ballgames 12:00 Arts & Crafts 3:00Pottery 4:00Rest & Relaxation FRI 6 10:30 Jaime Danger Performs 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 12:00 Sing a Long 2:30Conversational Cards 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 13 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 12:00 Sing a Long 2:30Conversational Cards 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 20 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 12:00 Sing a Long 2:30Conversational Cards 4:00Snacks & Movie Time 27 11:00 Exercise with Genesis Rehab 12:00 Sing a Long 2:30Conversational Cards 4:00Snacks & Movie Time SAT 7 11:00 Breaking News! 11:30 Exercise 12:00 Name That Object 2:00Jaime Danger Performs 2:30Dance Time 4:00Rest & Relaxation 14 11:00 Breaking News! 11:30 Exercise 12:00 Name That Object 3:00Paul Harris Entertains 4:00Rest & Relaxation 21 11:00 Breaking News! 11:30 Exercise 12:00 Name That Object 2:30Dance Time 3:00Merry Melodies 4:00Rest & Relaxation 28 11:00 Breaking News! 11:30 Exercise 12:00 Name That Object 2:30Dance Time 4:00Rest & Relaxation