Program PDF - pula
Program PDF - pula
INPC 51 INPC st PULA 2011 51 International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress st June 15-18, 2011 Pula-Croatia South East European Society for Neurology and Psychiatry INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHIATRIC PULA CONGRESSES KURATORIUM SECRETARY GENERAL Vida Demarin, Zagreb HONORARY PRESIDENT Boško Barac, Zagreb H. Bertha, Graz R. Lopašić, Zagreb A. Rosenzweig, Zagreb FOUNDING HONORARY MEMBERS G. Grinschgl, Graz P. Kartin, Ljubljana F. Marguth, München N. Peršić, Zagreb W. Scheid, Köln O. Stochdorf, München D. Fontanari, Veneµzia J. Kugler, München V. Muačević, Zagreb HONORARY MEMBERS F. Gerstenbrand, Vienna G. Huber, Bonn G. Lanner, Klagenfurt Z. Lević, Beograd B. Neundörfer, Erlangen C. M. Poser, Boston Ch. Lerodiakonou, Thessaloniki J. Logothetris, Thessaloniki A. Stammler, Köln BOARD OF TRUSTEES L. Battistin, Padova K. Bechter, Günzburg E. Dimitriou, Thessaloniki G. Gross, Bonn H. P. Kapfhammer, Graz G. E. Klein, Graz S. Loga, Sarajevo K. Niederkorn, Graz T. Pogačnik, Ljubljana T. S. Prevec, Ljubljana Z. Trkanjec, Zagreb E. Uhl, Klagenfurt V. Brinar, Zagreb V. Folnegović - Šmalc, Zagreb V. Kostić, Beograd E. Ott, Graz A. Radoš, Pula L. Vécsei, Szeged B. Barac, Zagreb V. Demarin, Zagreb Lj. Hotujac, Zagreb Z. Lacković, Zagreb G. Pizzolato, Trieste O. Sinanović, Tuzla D. B. Vodušek, Ljubljana SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Z. Ambler, Pilsen S. Butković Soldo, Osijek C. Carollo, Padova R. Fahlbusch, Erlangen H. Katschnig, Wien J. Klosterkötter, Cologne [. Ljubičić, Rijeka H. Sass, Aachen L. Toresini, Portogruaro M. Wender, Poznan LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE D. Breški, Pula D. Janko Labinac, Pula L. Jerin, Pula E. Materljan, Labin L. Peteh Labinac, Pula L. Radolović-Prenc, Pula H. Lechner, Graz J. Ristić, Beograd R. Erkwoh, Erfurt M. Kocmur, Ljubljana L. Tuškan-Mohar, Rijeka D. Marković, Pula F. I. Silconi, Pula Secretary General: Vida Demarin, MD, Ph.D. Fellow of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, FAAN, FAHA, FESO, Dept. of Neurology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, Vinogradska 29, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Phone & Fax: +385 1 3768 282, E-mail: [email protected] Alps Adria Office: Leontino Battistin, MD, Ph.D. Professor of Neurology, Dept of Neurology, University of Padova, Via Giustiniani 5, 35128 Padova, Italy, Phone: +39 049 821 36 00 Fax: +39 049 875 17 70, E-mail: [email protected] Honorary President: Boško Barac, MD, Ph.D. Professor of Neurology (ret), Schools of Medicine, Universities of Zagreb and Osijek, Pantovčak 102, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Phone & Fax: +385 1 48 222 97, E-mail: [email protected] The 51st International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress is held under the High Patronage of the President of Republic of Croatia His Excellency Prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović FUTURE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHIATRIC PULA CONGRESS (INPC): 52nd INPC: June 20-23, 2012 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 17:00-19:00 Headache school How to improve the migraine diagnosis and treatment (Hotel Histria R Cristall Hall) Chairpersons : A. Danilov (Moscow), Vida Demarin (Zagreb) Vida Demarin (Zagreb): Headache in neurological practice A. Danilov (Moscow): The diagnosis and treatment of migraine Sofia Gak (Moscow): Instruments to improve diagnosis and migraine treatment outcome A. Danilov, Oxana Kozub (Moscow): The burden of migraine 17:00-19:00 Workshop R Transcranial brain parenchyma sonography in neurological and psychiatric diseases (Hotel Histria R Hall A) Chairpersons : M. Mijajlović (Belgrade), U. Walter (Rostock), Iris Zavoreo (Zagreb) Iris Zavoreo (Zagreb): Method and validity of transcranial sonography in movement disorders M. Mijajlović (Belgrade): Transcranial sonography in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and atypical Parkinsonian syndromes U. Walter (Rostock): Transcranial sonography of brain parenchyma in neurodegenerative disorders Iris Zavoreo, R. Bene (Zagreb): Transcranial sonography in essential tremor and restless leg syndrome Aleksandra Pavlović (Beograd): Transcranial Sonography in Depression Hands on session Wednesday June 15, 2011 15:00-17:00 15:00-17:00 15:00-17:00 4th International Epilepsy Symposium in Pula How to start seizure treatment (Hotel Histria R Hall B) Chairperson : H. Hećimović (Zagreb) Maja Jurin (Zagreb): Evidence-based treatment of first seizure in children H. Hećimović (Zagreb): Treatment of first seizure in adults d to treat or not? S. Rampp (Erlangen): Neuroimaging and seizures T. Sajko (Zagreb): Pharmacoresistant epilepsies and neurosurgical procedures Satelitski simpozij: Personalizirana medicina R Izazov za zdravstvo i zajednicu / Personalized medicine R The challenge for the health care system and the community d Medicina usmjerena na osobu, a ne samo na bolesnika ili bolest, koja uvažava psihičko, tjelesno, socijalno i duhovno u zdravlju i bolesti te bolesnikov pogled na bolest i kontekst u kojem bolesnik živi (Hotel Histria R Cristall Hall) Chairpersons : Vida Demarin (Zagreb), V. [orđević (Zagreb) V. Dorđević (Zagreb): Homo homini d povijesni razvoj i suvremene spoznaje o odnosu liječnika i bolesnika Vida Demarin (Zagreb): Personalizirana medicina u neurologiji D. Miličić (Zagreb): Personalizirana medicina u kardiologiji R. Ostojić (Zagreb): Personalizirana medicina u gastroenterologiji Marijana Braš (Zagreb): Palijativna medicina danas d primjer razvoja od medicine usmjerene na bolest do medicine usmjerene na osobu Satellite symposium: Tauopaties overlapping syndromes (Hotel Histria R Hall C) Chairpersons : V. Kostić (Belgrade), Elka Stefanova (Belgrade) V. Kostić (Belgrade): Soft overlaps between Progessive Supranuclear Palsy and CorticoBasal Degeneration Elka Stefanova (Belgrade): Soft boundaries between Frontotemporal dementias and atypical parknsonisms M. Filippi, Federica Agosta (Milan): Imaging in atypical parkinsonisms d is it visible? 19:00 ACADEMIC LECTURE: P. Zamboni (Ferrara): Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI); evidences and open questions (Hotel Histria R Congress Hall) Thursday June 16, 2011 09:00-10:00 OPENING CEREMONY 10:00-13:00 MAIN THEME: COGNITIVE PSYCHIATRY, PERSONALITY CHANGES (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : K. Bechter (Günzburg/Ulm), Vera Folnegović Šmalc (Zagreb), H. P. Kapfhammer (Graz) F. Benedetti (Milan): The influence of adverse childhood experiences on brain structure and function in adult psychiatric conditions K. Bechter (Günzburg/Ulm): On a possible causal relationship between arachnoid cysts and personality disorders N. Müller (Munich): Cognitive Performance in Depression: Pathophysiological and therapeutic Considerations H. P. Kapfhammer (Graz): Depression in somatic illnesses-a major challenge to medicine BREAK Vera Folnegović Šmalc, Z. Folnegović (Zagreb): Epidemiology of schizophrenia in Croatia [. Ljubičić (Rijeka): Psychopathy, dissocial personality dissorder, evil: Forensic psychiatric aspects Borjanka Batinić (Beograd): The specificity of cognitive process of anxiety-phobic disorders: implication for diagnosis and psychotherapy 10:00-10:20 10:20-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 12:20-12:40 10:00-18:00 10:00-10:20 10:20-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 Joint meeting of Research Group on Delivery of Neurological Services (RGODNS) of World Federation of Neurology (WFN), Central and Eastern European Stroke Society, Croatian Society for Neurovascular Disorders and INPC: Recent insights in Atrial Fibrillation (Hotel Brioni R Adria Hall) Chairpersons : L. Battistin (Padova), Vida Demarin (Zagreb) L. Battistin (Padova), Vida Demarin (Zagreb): The importance of broadening the knowledge about AF throughout Europe D. Russell (Oslo): Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: Now and the future Tatjana Rundek (Miami): Cardiac sources of brain emboli Bojana Žvan (Ljubljana): Atrial fibrillation and stroke Nada Šternić (Belgrade): Atrial fibrillation - neurological aspects BREAK Ljiljana Bumbaširević (Belgrade): Atrial fibrillation and Stroke: Early Secondary Prevention 12:20-12:40 Jasminka [elilović-Vranić (Sarajevo): Atrial fibrillation in neurologists domain 13:00-14:30 LUNCH 14:30-14:50 15:50-16:10 16:10-16:30 Lidija Tuškan d Mohar (Rijeka): Understanding the standard treatments and the treatment options of AF K. Niederkorn (Graz): AF in acute stroke d data from the Austria Stroke Unit registry BREAK R. Mikulik (Brno): Stroke Services and Public Awareness about Stroke in the Czech Republic M. Žikić (Novi Sad): AF and possibilities of stroke prevention Discussion 16:30-18:00 Round Table R Croatian experience 14:50-15:10 15:10-15:30 15:30-15:50 Chairpersons : Vida Demarin (Zagreb), I. Bielen (Zagreb) The reports from Croatian neurological wards that have participated in the national Atrial Fibrilation Survey 10:00-19:00 10:00-10:25 10:25-10:50 10:50-11:15 11:15-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:25 12:25-12:50 Uloga medicinske sestre u zbrinjavanju bolesnika s multiplom sklerozom / The role of nurse in medical care of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (Hotel Histria R Congress Hall) Chairpersons : Vanja Bašić Kes (Zagreb), Jelena Drulović (Belgrade), Lenka Kopačević (Zagreb) Jelena Drulović (Belgrade): Najnovije spoznaje u liječenju MS-a Vanja Bašić Kes (Zagreb): Kronična cerebrospinalna venska insuficijencija Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) Jasminka Delilović-Vranić (Sarajevo): Multipla skleroza - Ishrana i dodaci Silva Soldo-Butković (Osijek): Neurorehabilitacija oboljelih od MS-a PAUZA Mojca Prusnik (Ljubljana): Uloga medicinske sestre u zbrinjavanju bolesnika s MS-om T. Šaško (Zagreb): Najnovije spoznaje u liječenju multiple skleroze Natalizumabom 13:00-14:30 RUČAK 14:30-16:30 Radionica R Komunikacijske vještine u neurologiji Chairpersons : V. [orđević (Zagreb), Marijana Braš (Zagreb) 16:30-18:00 Okrugli stol R Iskustva medicinskih sestara u zbrinjavanju MS-a Lenka Kopačević (Zagreb), Mojca Prusnik (Ljubljana), Helena Tušar (Ljubljana), Nada Rapaić (Beograd), Milanka Mikšić (Sarajevo), Begšana Raičević (Tuzla), Ljerka Pavković (Lipik), Fatima Barlov (Sarajevo), Štefka Sršen (Maribor), Nada Radovanov (Novi Sad), Vesna Milosavljević (Niš) 18:00-19:00 Radionica R Izazovi i mogućnosti liječenja MS-a Chairpersons : Vanja Bašić Kes (Zagreb), Z. Trkanjec (Zagreb) 10:00-12:30 European Association of Young Neurologists and Trainees (EAYNT) meeting (Hotel Histria R Hall A) Chairpersons : M. Rakuša (Ljubljana), Sandra Morović (Zagreb) Bust up your career. Opportunities for young neurologists. Case presentations Training abroad 15:00-17:00 Poster session R Psychiatry (Hotel Brioni R Brioni Hall) Chairpersons : [. Ljubičić (Rijeka), F. Benedetti (Milan) 11:00-12:30 Tija Žarković Palijan, D. Kovačević, Marina Kovač (Popovača), F. Drevinja (Priština): Algoritam uvjetnog otpusta forenzičkih psihijatrijskih bolesnika P. Filaković, I. Požgain (Osijek): Povreda duševnog integriteta kao posljedica fizičkog nasilja Vesna Šendula-Jengić, Sanja Katalinić (Rab): Reproduktivna prava osoba s mentalnom retardacijom V. Jukić (Zagreb): Edukacija u forenzičkoj psihijatriji D. Kocijan Hercigonja, V. Hercigonja Novković, G. Buljan Flander (Zagreb): Problem manipulacije tijekom vještačenja djece 12:00-13:00 ORPHEUS (Organization for PhD Education for Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System) workshop (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : Z. Lacković (Zagreb), O. Sinanović (Tuzla) Z. Lacković (Zagreb), M. J. Mulvany (Aarhus): ORPHEUS standards for PhD in biomedicine and health sciences PhD candidates and their mentors: Examples of PhD standards in different universities 13:00-14:30 LUNCH 15:00-17:00 Poster session R Neurology (Hotel Brioni R Brioni Hall) Chairpersons : D. Kadojić (Osijek), S. Schippling (Hamburg), Z. Trkanjec (Zagreb) 15:00-17:00 Workshop - Biological mechanisms in severe depression (Hotel Histria R Hall B) Chairperson : K. Bechter (Günzburg) W. P. Kaschka (Weissenau/Ulm): Burnout Syndrome d Psychiatric Diagnosis or (Merely) a Societal Problem? W. P. Kaschka, M. Jandl, J. Steyer, S. Hodgkinson (Weissenau/Ulm): What Does Neuroplasticity Teach Us About Treatment-Resistant Depression? J. Steyer, S. Hodgkinson, W. Kaschka, M. Jandl (Weissenau/Ulm): Heart Rate Deceleration: Marker for Suicide Risk in Major Depressive Disorder? S. Hodgkinson, W. Kaschka (Weissenau/Ulm): A Gastropod Model in Psychiatry: Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Action Selection Friday June 17, 2011 09:00-12:00 09:00-09:20 09:20-09:40 10:00-10:20 10:20-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 09:00-12:00 MAIN THEME: COGNITIVE DISORDERS IN NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : B. Barac (Zagreb), V. S. Kostić (Belgrade), K. Niederkorn (Graz) Z. Lacković (Zagreb): The role of neurotransmitters in the cognitive impairment S. Schippling (Hamburg): Cognitive impairment in MS V. S. Kostić (Belgrade): Cognitive and behavioural aspects of gait Vida Demarin (Zagreb): Stroke and cognitive impairment BREAK R. Schmidt (Graz): Structural MRI d the continuum from normal aging to Alzheimer´s disease U. Groleger (Ljubljana): Ageing between health and illness: myths, reality and future S. Rampp (Erlangen): Cognition in epilepsy d neuroimaging data Round Table: Generics in treatment of epilepsy: pro and contra Chairpersons : M. Kissin (St. Petersbourg), A. Petrukhin (Moscow) (Hotel Histria R Hall A) Satellite symposium: forenzička psihijatrija u građanskim postupcima / Forensic psychiatry in civil cases (Hotel Histria R Hall B) Chairpersons : Vera Folnegović Šmalc (Zagreb), [. Ljubičić (Rijeka) N. Mimica (Zagreb): Informirani pristanak za kliničku studiju oboljelog od Alzheimerove bolesti d forenzički aspekti 15:30-17:00 17:30-19:00 19:00 Teaching course R Arteriovenous Malformations (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : K. Niederkorn (Graz), E. Uhl (Klagenfurt) K. Niederkorn (Graz): Neurological Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment E. Uhl (Klagenfurt): Neurosurgical Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations G. E. Klein (Graz): Neurointerventional Treatment. Satellite symposium R Rare diseases in neurology (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : Vida Demarin (Zagreb), Vanja Bašić Kes (Zagreb), P. Kes (Zagreb) Kuratorium meeting (Hotel Brioni R Venice Hall) Saturday June 18, 2011 09:00-12:30 09:00-09:25 09:25-09:50 09:50-10:15 10:15-10:40 10:40-10:50 10:50-11:15 11:15-11:40 11:40-12:05 12:05-12:30 12:30 JOINT MEETING OF THE PULA CONGRESS WITH ALPS R ADRIA NEUROSCIENCE SECTION: QUALITY OF LIFE IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) Chairpersons : L. Battistin (Padova), Vida Demarin (Zagreb) L. Battistin, F. Piccione (Padova): Vegetative states: present and future E. Uhl (Klagenfurt): Quality of life after hemicraniectomy in malignant MCA infarctions: Neurosurgeons´s view K. Niederkorn (Graz): Quality of life after hemicraniectomy in malignant MCA infarctions: Neurologist’s view O. Sinanović (Tuzla): Cerebrovascular diseases and language disorders BREAK Mira Bučuk, Z. Tomić (Rijeka): Mild cognitive impairment, a transitional zone between normal cognitive function and dementia L. Battistin, Annachiara Cagnin (Padova): New perspectives in the therapeutical approach to Dementias Vanja Bašić Kes (Zagreb): Quality of life in MS Maja Relja (Zagreb): Does Botulinum toxin improve quality of life? Closing ceremony (Hotel Brioni R Karavanke Hall) POSTERS NEUROLOGY 1. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF COPAXONE ON THE LEVEL OF ADHESION MOLECULE EXPRESSION PATTERNS UNDER SHORT- AND LONG-TERM TREATMENT Jörg Kraus, Johann Sellner, Katrin Oppermann, Wolfgang Koczi, Eva-Maria Duerr, Peter Wipfler, Georg Pilz, Wolfgang Hitzl, Shahrzad Afazel, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher, Eugen Trinka, Andrea Harrer Department of Neurology, Paracelsus Medical University, Christian-Doppler-Klinik, Ignaz-Harrer-Str. 79, Salzburg, Austria, E-mail: [email protected] 2. FLOW CYTOMETRY OF NATALIZUMAB BINDING TO IMMUNE CELLS AND ITS POTENTIAL USE FOR MONITORING DISEASE ACTIVITY AND TREATMENT RESPONSE IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Jörg Kraus, Georg Pilz, Max Einhaeupl, Katrin Oppermann, Peter Wipfler, Wolfgang Hitzl, Shahrzad Afazel, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher, Eugen Trinka, Andrea Harrer, Department of Neurology, Paracelsus Medical University, Christian-Doppler-Klinik, Ignaz-Harrer-Str. 79, Salzburg, Austria, E-mail: [email protected] 3. ACUTE PULMONARY EDEMA CAUSED BY A MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS RELAPSE Kraus J, Pilz G, Broussalis E, Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Trinka E, Wipfler P, Department of Neurology, Paracelsus Medical University, Christian-Doppler-Klinik, Ignaz Harrer-Str. 79, Salzburg, Austria, E-mail: [email protected] 4. INTERLEUKIN-17 RECEPTOR IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS TREATED BY INTERFERON -1A. Graz·yna Michaeowska-Wender1,2, Justyna Biernacka-fukanty2, Zofia Lasik2, fukasz Jernas3, Mieczyseaw Wender1, Neuroimmunological Unit 1, Laboratory of Neurogenetics2, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan1, Department of Neurology, Medical University Poznan2,3, Przybyszewskiego 49, Poznan, Poland E-mail: [email protected] 5. TIBIAL NERVE SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED POTENTIALS IN MONITORING THE COURSE OF MULITPLE SCLEROSIS Ana Ćurković, Ana Repić-Buličić, Marino Marčić, Mario Mihalj, Marina Titlić, Klinika za neurologiju, Klinički bolnički centar Split, Spinčićeva 1, Split, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 6. PHARMACOECONOMIC MODELLING OF ALZHEIMER`S DISEASE R ASSESSMENT OF MEMANTINE IN TREATING MODERATE TO SEVERE ALZHEIMER PATIENTS Vanesa Benković, Ninoslav Mimica, Ranko Stevanović, Croatian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics, Croatian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics, Drage Stipca 10, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 7. ALZHEIMER`S DISEASE R RESOURCE PROVIDING AND ECONOMICS FOR ENSURING CARE OF PATIENTS IN PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Ranko Stevanović, Vanesa Benković, Croatian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics, Croatian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics, Drage Stipca 10, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] 8. EXTRACRANIAL CAROTID ARTERY DISSECTION Lazarova Snezana, Milanovska Marija, Ilija Zdravkov, University Clinic of Neurology-Skopje, Clinic of Neurology-Skopje, ul. Vodnjanska br.17, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, E-mail: [email protected] 9. EFFECT OF THE DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION ON THE REGIONAL SEROTONIN SYNTHESIS IN PARKINSON PATIENTS: POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY STUDY Dikšić, Y. Sakai, M. Panisset, A. Sadikot, Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, 3801 University St., Montreal, H3A2B4, Canada, E-mail: [email protected] 10. COGNITIVE DISORDERS IN CHILDREN WITH HEARING LOSS CONNECTED WITH OTITIS MEDIA WITH EFFUSION Jadranka Handžić, Broz Fraitag Jasenka, Radić Božo, Department for Ear,Nose and Throath, Division for Audiology, University Hospital Center “Zagreb”and Medical School, Šalata 4, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] 11. ASSOCIATION OF COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT AND DECLINE WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE IN PATIENTS WITH DOMINANT CAROTID ARTERY DISEASE Bonifacic D, Tuskan-Mohar L, Strenja-Linic I, Legac M, Jurjevic A., Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Krešimirova 42, Rijeka, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 12. CLINICAL SPECTRUM OF NEUROLUES IN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC MORBIDITY IN BJELOVAR COUNTY, CROATIA, FROM 1931 TO 1940 Vrabec-Matković D1, Šklebar D2, Dorić A3, 1 Special Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Varaždinske Toplice, Croatia, 2 Department of Neurology, General Hospital, Bjelovar, Croatia, 3 Immunological Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 13. CAMPTOCORMIA R CASE REPORT Vrabec-Matković D1, Šklebar D2, 1 Special Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Varaždinske Toplice, Croatia 2 Department of Neurology, General Hospital, Bjelovar, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 14. COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL IMPAIRMENTS IN NEUROREHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Vrabec-Matković D1, Pahić R1, Pahić T2, 1 Special Medical Rehabilitation Hospital Varaždinske Toplice, Croatia, 2 Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 15. SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF NEWLY DIAGNOSED MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Šabanagić-Hajrić Selma, Subašić Nihada, Ljubica Todorović, Lelilović-Vranić Jasminka, Azra Alajbegović Department of Neurology, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, Bolnicka 25, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] 16. PARTIAL SUBCLAVIAN STEAL IN A PATIENT WITH SUBCLAVIAN ARcTERY ANOMALY AND VACTERL SYNDROME R CASE REPORT Budinevic Hrvoje, Sarcevic Katarina, Bielen Ivan, Department of neurology, University Hospital Sveti Duh, Sveti Duh 64, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 17. THROMBOLYSIS IN A YOUNG STROKE PATIENT WITH GORLIN GOLTZ SYNDROME AND 4G/4G HOMOZYGOTE FOR PAI-1 GENE - CASE REPORT Budincevic Hrvoje, Sarcevic Katarina, Bielen Ivan. Department of neurology, University Hospital Sveti Duh, Sveti Duh 64, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 18. WRITING FROM UNCONSCIOUSNESS Dragan Aksentijevic, Medical, ENOC, UAE, Dubai, UAE, E-mail: [email protected] 19. RISK FACTORS FOR CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES COULD BE RISK FACTORS FOR ALZHEIMER DISEASE Tomić Z, Sonnenschein I, Bučuk M, Jurjević A, Department of Neurology, Clinical hospital center Rijeka, Krešimirova 42, Rijeka, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 20. FIVE-YEAR FOLLOW-UP OF A CHINESE PATIENT WITH OPIATE DRUG PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE AFTER TREATMENTS WITH DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION: CASE REPORT Ping Zheng, Jiwen Xu, Guisong Wang, Neurosurgey, Shanghai Pudong New area People’s Hospital, 490, South Chuanhuan Road, Shangahi, China, E-mail: [email protected] 21. PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF HYPERCORTISOLEMIA IN THE STROKE PATIENTS Jančić Ervin (1), Vrane Višnja (2), Dujmenović Nataša (1), Miholović Vesna (1), Papić Sanja (1), Božić Jasna (1) Maradin Miljenka (2) Vrdoljak-Gudasić Jelena (2), (1) Dpt of Neurology, General hospital Karlovac (2), Dpt of Laboratory diagnostics, General hospital Karlovac, General hospital Karlovac, A. Stampara 3, Karlovac, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 22. FREQUENCY OF ALEXIA, AGRAPHIA AND ACALCULIA IN ACUTE STROKE Sanela Zukić, Mirjana Vidović, Osman Sinanović, Kata Imamović, Department of Neurology, University Clinical Centar Tuzla, Trnovac b.b. Tuzla Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] 23. CORRELATION OF INTERNAL CAROTID STENOSIS AND LACUNAR BRAIN INFARCT Prunk Drmić A, Tuškan-Mohar L, Strenja-Linić I, Bonifačić D, Legac M, Dobrila I., Department of Neurology, University Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Krešimirova 42, Rijeka, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 24. PATIENT WITH CATAMENIAL EPILEPSY Valbona Govori, Vranica S,Shatri N, Sheholli, Drevinja F, Sereqi V, Neurology, UNIVERSITY CLINICAL CENTER OF KOSOVA, RRETHI I SPITALIT P.N. PRISHTINA, KOSOVA, E-mail: [email protected] 25. ASSESSMENT OF DEPRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY USING QUESTIONNAIRE FORM BD-II Sušak R, Bielen I, Čandrlić M, Jurić S, Planjar-Prvan M, Dogan D, Vladetić M, Butković-Soldo S, Clinic for Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center, Huttlerova 4, Osijek, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 26. CASE PRESENTATION: THE COEXISTENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOMATIC FACTORS IN A PATIENT WITH PAROXYSMAL DYSKINESIA Sajin Valeria, Guranda Catalina, Pavlic Gabriela, Department of Neurology, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Korolenco str, 2, Chisinau, Moldova, E-mail: [email protected] 27. PREVALENCE AND CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADACHES IN ADOLESCENTS IN CROATIA Vuković Cvetković V, Plavec D**, Strineka M, Bene R, Lovrenčić-Huzjan A, Budišić M, Demarin V. *Department of Neurology, University Hospital Sestre milosrdnice“, Zagreb, Croatia, ****Childrens Hospital Srebrnjak, Research Department, Zagreb, Croatia, *University Hospital Sestre milosrdnice, ** Research Department, E-mail: [email protected] 28. SUBACUTE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY - A CASE REPORT Ivana Hegedus, Renata Susak, Jasna Hanizjar Berlancic, University Hospital in Osijek, Department Neurology, E-mail: [email protected] 29. CEREBRAL AND SYSTEMIC ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH MIGRAINE Marjan Zaletel, Jan Kobal, Bojana Žvan, Department of Vascular Neurology, Ljubljana University Clinical Centre, E-mail: [email protected] 30. APHASIA IN PATIENTS WITH ISCHEMIC STROKE Kadojić Dragutin (1), Rostohar Bijelić Bibijana (2), Radanović Ružica (1), Porobić Mirko (1), Rimac Julija (1), (1) Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Osijek, (2) Scientific Research Unit, University Hospital Centre Osijek, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] 31. ACUTE CEREBROVASCULAR INCIDENT CAUSED BY SEPTIC EMBOLI: A CASE REPORT Sonja Antić, Vesna Vargek-Solter, Zlatko Trkanjec, Sandra Morović, Tomislav Breitenfeld, Višnja Supanc, Davor Jurišić, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Reference Center for Neurovascular Disorders and Reference Center for Headache of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 32. ROLE OF DRUG TREATMENT AND COMBINED PHYSICAL THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC PAIN I N LUMBOSACRAL REGION Iris Zavoreo, Vanja Bašić Kes, Lejla Ćorić, Sara Drnasin, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center „Sestre milosrdnice“, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 33. CORRELATION OF DRUG TREATMENT VERSUS ACUPUNCTURE IN PATIENTS WITH TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA Vanja Bašić Kes, Iris Zavoreo, Sara Drnasin, Lejla Ćorić, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 34. BLINK REFLEX AS AN ADDITIONAL CRITERIA IN DIAGNOSTICS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lidija Dezmalj Grbelja, Ivan Mikula , Snjezana Miskov, Jelena Bosnjak, Sandra Morovic, Zlatko Trkanjec, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, 1 Poliklinika Medikol, Vocarska cesta 106, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 35. OXIDATIVE STATUS AND SUBCLINICAL MARKERS OF VESSEL WALL DISFUNCTION Iris Zavoreo, Sandra Morović, Lejla Ćorić, Vanja Bašić Kes, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 36. CYP2D6 ALLELE POLYMORPHISM: RISK FACTOR FOR PARKINSON DISEASE? Lisak Marijana1, Štefanović Mario2, Raphael Bene1, Trkanjec Zlatko1, Demarin Vida1 1 University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia 2 University Department for Chemistry, University Clinical Centre Sestre milosrdnice, Vinogradska cesta 29, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 37. BASILAR IMPRESSION AS A POSSIBLE RARE CAUSE OF CEREBELLAR STROKE R A CASE REPORT Marina Roje Bedeković, Vesna Vargek Solter, Tomislav Breitenfeld, Višnja Supanc, Mislav Budišić, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 38. KLIPPEL R FEIL SYNDROME R A RARE CAUSE OF TORTICOLIS R A CASE REPORT Marina Roje Bedeković, Marijana Bosnar Puretić, Vesna Šerić, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 39. BLOOD FLOW VELOCITY IN MEDIAL CEREBRAL ARTERY DURING MOTOR IMAGERY, ACTION OBSERVATION AND MIRROR VISUAL FEEDBACK OF OWN MOVEMENT: A TRANS CRANIAL DOPPLER STUDY Raphael Bene, Zlatko Trkanjec, Dražen Ažman, Maja Strineka, Arijana Lovrenćić-Huzjan, Mislav Budišić, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] 40. TRANSCRANIAL SONOGRAPHY OF THE RAPHE NUCLEI IN DEMENTIA Raphael Béné, Irena Martinić Popović, Mislav Budišić, Zlatko Trkanjec, Maja Strineka, Arijana LovrenčićHuzjan, Vida Demarin, University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 41. CAROTID ARTERY STIFFNESS IN TYPE 2 DIABETES PATIENTS Maja Strineka1, Mario Šekerija2, Sandra Morović1, Sanja Štrbe1, Iris Zavoreo1, Vida Demarin1 1 University Department of Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Referral Center for Neurovascular Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Referral Center for Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia 2Croatian Institute for Public Health, E-mail: [email protected] 42. DIOSESASES MIMICKIN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND ASSOCIATE DISORDERS Radolovic Prenc L, Sepcic J, Markovic D, Silconi FI, Grbin M., General Hospital Pula, Department of Neurology, Pula, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] POSTERS PSYCHIATRY 45. SELF-ESTEEM R THE MAIN FACTOR OF PERSONALITY STRUCTURE Josipa Sanja Gruden Pokupec, Zdenka Gruden, University Dental Clinic, Zagreb, Hrgovići 61, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] 46. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONS AND INSIGHT Vladimir Gruden, Vladimir Gruden jr., Experta - Business School, Nalješkovićeva 21, Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] 47. CONECTION BETWEEN PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT OF CHILDREN AND THEIR AGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Gordana Lastrić, Sabaheta Duranović, Psychiatric Service, Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Crkvice 67, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] 48. EFFICACY OF COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY IN OCD, A COMPARISON WITH DRUG THERAPY THROUGH CHANGES IN THE SPECT Cristina Garcia Blanco, Olga Sobrino Cabra, Julio Martinez Arraiz, USM Puertollano, Gerencia de área de Puertollano, Av. Primero de Mayo 32, Puertollano- Ciudad Real, Spain, E-mail: [email protected] 49. KNOWLEDGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE / FOREIGN LENGUAGES Eduard Pavlovic, Marija Vucic Peitl, Vjekoslav Peitl, Psychiatric Clinic in Rijeka, KBC Rijeka, Cambierieva 17/7, Rijeka, Croatia, E-mail: [email protected] 50. GENETIC CHANGES ON BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER- SPECIFICS OF GENETIC VARIANTS ON PATIENTS WITH BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER AND THEIR RELATIVES IN COMPARISON WITH THE NORMAL POPULATION Reininghaus Bernd, Reininghaus Eva , Hecht Karen, Stebbegg Bernadette, Windpassinger Christian, Petek Erwin, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 31, Graz, Austria, E-mail: [email protected] 51. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AND IMPULSIVITY Oon-Seng Tan, Psychological Studies, Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore, Singapore, E-mail: [email protected] 43. ADULT ADHD; THE HIDDEN PUZZLE Mohamed M Abdel-Fattah, Psychiatry, Lions Gate Hospital, University of British Columbia, 1431 Chartwell Drive, West Vancouver, BC, V7S 2R7, Canada, E-mail: [email protected] 52. TIME-DEPENDENT EFFECTS OF RISPERIDONE ON HIPPOCAMPAL NEUROGENESIS IN THE POLY I:C MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Yael Piontkewitz, Hans-Gert Bernstein, Ina Weiner , Gerburg Keilhoff, Tel Aviv University, Department of Psychology, E-mail: [email protected] 44. WAR-RELATED THE ENDURING PERSONALITY CHANGE (F62.0), QUALITY OF LIFE AND DEPRESSION M. Stojakovic, B. Stojakovic, S. Medenica, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University in Banjaluka, Banjaluka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Clinic for Psychiatry, Clinical Center Banjaluka, Banjaluka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] 53. 15 YEAR AMNESTIC GAP - FROM A CRISIS OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA Tomislav Peharda 1, Mauricio Juričić 2, Ivica Šajn3, General hospital Pula, Pula, Croatia, 1,3 Psychiatry Unit, General Hospital Pula, 2 Neurology Unit, General Hospital Pula All lectures and posters will be published in a supplement of Acta Clinica Croatica, electronic edition. POSTERS PRESENTATIONS Psychiatry: Neurology: Thursday, June 16, 15-17h (Hotel Brioni) Friday, June 17, 15-17h (Hotel Brioni). One of the authors must be available during that time because there will be poster guided tour and chairpersons will select the best poster in neurology and in psychiatry. The best poster in neurology and in psychiatry section will receive City of Graz Best Poster Award of 500 Euros each. Poster dimensions are 90 (width) x 120 (height) cm. Posters can be mounted from 9:00 Thursday, June 16 and can stay exibited until 19:00 Friday, June 17, 2011 CONGRES VENUE Hotel Brioni & Hotel Histria, Punta Verudela, Pula, Croatia OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language is English. REGISTRATION FEES Participants / Sudionici 300 € / 2250 kn Students* / Studenti 150 € / 1120 kn Accompanying persons / Pridružene osobe 70 € / 520 kn VAT (23%) is not included in the Registration Fees ACCOMMODATION Arenaturist Splitska 1, 52100 Pula, Croatia Tel +385 52 52 9438 Fax +385 52 52 9401 e-mail: [email protected] SOCIAL PROGRAM Wednesday, June 15, 2011 20:00 Welcome reception and The Concert performed by eminent Istrian artists: Mila Soldatić & Bruno Krajcar (Hotel Histria) Thursday, June 16, 2011 20:30 Istrian eno-gastronomy evening: Selected Istrian wine, olive oil and Istrian cattle meat R “boškarin” (Hotel Histria) Friday, June 17, 2011 20:30 Gala Dinner (Hotel Brioni) Registration fee includes: Scientific Sessions, Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception, Conference bag, Final program and CD with abstracts, Certificate of Attendance, Gala Dinner Accompanying persons’ fees includes: Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner Payment by bank transfer: (€): Zagrebačka banka ,Trg bana Jelačića 10, Zagreb, Croatia, Acc. name.: Society for Neuropsychiatry, Zagreb, Nova Ves 65a; Acc. No 2100353476; IBAN HR7323600001101996074; Swift Code: ZABAHR2X (Notification: 51st INPC) (HRK): Udruga za neuropsihijatriju, Zagreb, Nova Ves 65a (OIB 67398382285); Broj računa: Zagrebačka banka 2360000-1101996074 (Napomena: za 51. INPC) On-site payment will be accepted and should be made by cash CONGRESS WEBSITE 51st International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress (INPC) is organized by: UNP, Nova Ves 65a 10000 Zagreb, Croatia e-mail: [email protected] SPONSORS We would like to express our gratitude to all institutions and companies who made the 51st International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress possible: Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske Grad Zagreb Olympus d.o.o. ZM - Montag d.o.o.