21 Knowledge Management Tools and Systems
21 Knowledge Management Tools and Systems
roup- 21 Knowledge Management Tools and Systems Table D-7 contains vendors of and links to Groupware platforrns as weil as e-leaming platforrns. TABLE D-7. Groupware and e-leaming platfonns, vendors and URLs platform platfonn) fonn) Lotus Saba Leaming LeamingSpace Enterprise (eDocent DLS Hyperwave Distance Enterprise E-leaming Leaming (e-leamSuite iLinc (e-leaming platfonn) Blackboard 5 (e-leaming vendor URLa board. corni (DC) (MA) http:// (CA) click2leam, Saba, Redwood Bellevue Shores (WA) NovelI, Docent, many) Centra, ets GmbH, Lexington San Mountain Halblech Jose (CA) View (MA) (Gere-presence, http://www.epresence.coml Blackboard, http://www.blackWestboro Washington (MA) EDT ing.com/ http://www.edtleamLeaming, Phoenix http://www.saba.coml Pathlore, http://www.microsoft.com/ Lotus http://www.lotus.coml http://home.netscape.com/ suitespot/ Microsoft, http://www.pathlore.coml Netscape, (IBM), Columbus iplanet, Redmond Cambridge Palo (OH) (WA) Alto Hyperwave http://www.ets-online.de/ http://www.centra.coml http://www.hyperwave.de/ http://www.novell.com/ http://www.docent.com/ AG, Munich home.click2leam.coml exchange/ TABLE D-7. Groupware and e-Ieaming platforms, vendors and URLs platform vendor URLa SmartForce/Skillsoft GlobaVlntranet leaming management system (e-Ieaming platform) Skillsoft, Nashua (NH) http://www.skillsoft.comJ Teamscape Leaming and Performance Management Enterprise Edition (e-Ieaming platform) Peoplesoft, Pleasanton (CA) http://www.teamscape.comJ THINQ Training Server (eleaming platform) THINQ Leaming Solutions Inc., Baltimore (MD) http://www.thinq.comJ a. All links were checked on 10/15/2003. b. Banyan products are no longer sold, the organization has become e-presence (download date: 10/18/2000). Table D-8 shows an extensive tives. The list contains list of tools and systems to support • tools that provide specialized support für a certain area ofKM visualization; knowledge analysis and mining), • comprehensive • enterprise portals that integrate a number of other tools and systems single point of information and knowledge for knowledge workers. TABLE D-8. KMS supporting (almost) all areas ofKM KM initia- functionality functionality (e.g. and to provide Knowledge management tools and systems, vendors and URLs KM tool/system vendor URL' Answer Garden 2 Mark S. Ackerman http://www.ics. uci.edu/ ~ackerman/pub/96b22/ cscw96.ag2.html Arideon Knowledge Portal (on the basis ofTechKnowledgy; also: leamKnow, processKnow) Arideon AG, Düsseldorf http://www.arideon.de/ produkte/akp.html ARIS for Hyperwave (modeling and configuration tool) IDS Scheer, Saarbrücken http://www.ids-scheer.de/ AskMe Enterprise AskMe Corporation, Bellevue(WA) http://www.askmecorp.comJ Autonomy Active Knowledge, Categorizer, Clusterizer, Portal-in-a-Box, Autonomy Server Autonomy, Inc., San Francisco (CA) http://www.autonomy.comJ a (PA) Canada) .0 nity ar xchange- TABLE D-8. Knowledge management tools and systems, vendors and URLs KM tooVsystem solutions family Information PorCentra Knowledge Server Enterprise Portal vendor URLa & Consulttems.com/ sion.com/ bird.com// Dr. Herterich webfair AG, Munich lose geltech.com/ (CA) viador Inc., Mountainview brio Santa technology, Monica (CA) Santa Clara GroupSystems.com, http://www.groupsysSybase, Emeryville (CA) Tuc(CA) Plumtree (ON, Hummingbird, IBM, Canada) Armonk Software, (NY) North San York http://www.cassiopeia.com/ http://www.backweb.com/ BackWeb Technologies, San http://www.blueanhttp://WW\v.thebrain.com/ TheBrain Blue Angel Technologies, http://www.dhc-gmbh.com/ http://www.viador.com/ http://www.brio.com/ http://www.sybase.com/ http://www.broadviBroadVision, Redwood City http://www.webfair.com/ http://www.plumtree.com/ products/docushare/ Xerox http://www.xerox.com/ Correlate http://www.correlate.com/ http://www.ibm.com/ http://www.empolis.com/ http://www.hummingInc., Empolis San Corporation, GmbH, Francisco Technologies, Gütersloh (CA) StamCassiopeia ByteQuest http://www.opentext.com/ http://www.bytequest.com/ Centra, http://www.centra.com/ Opentext, Lexington Waterloo Technologies AG, Munich (MA) (ON, t) TABLE D-8. Knowledge management tools and systems, vendors and URLs KM tool/system soft.com/ ag.de/ IdeaFisher Onyx Enterprise 2001 InXight Smart Discovery, Intraspect 4 (platform for Livelink Enterprise Suite bird.com/ vendor URLa tions.com/ Comma Soft AG, Bonn IdeaFisher Systems, Inc, AiA Mondeca, inc, Roxboro Paris (France) (Quebec, altavier GmbH, Berlin Canada) Lotus, (MN) Cambridge (MA) http://www.ideafisher.com/ Hyperwave AG, Munich Hummingbird, http://www.commahttp://www.arcplan.de/ North York Lotus tions/portal_ http://www.altavier.de/ http://www.lotus.com/ Net (WA) Onyx http:www.onyx.com/ Interconomy (MA) Perceptions, (IBM), Software, km! Cambridge Bellevue Inc., Paderbom Edina knowledgepark http://www.opentext.com/ vale http://www.inxight.com/ Verano, http://www.verano.com/ zapwerk Open (CA) Text, Sunnyvale AG, Waterloo Hamburg AG, (CA) Munich (ON, http://www.hyperwave.de/ http://www.hummingArcplan, http://www.mondeca.com/ http://www.a-i-a.com/ (ON, Canada) Langenfeld Computer http://www.ca.com/soluhttp://www.intraspect.com/ Intraspect, ontoprise http://www.ontoprise.de/ http://www.interconomy.de/ http://www.netpercepGmbH, Associates, Brisbane Karlsruhe (CA) Islanhttp://www.knowledgeparkhttp://www.zapwerk.com/ InXight Software, Sunny- TABLE D-8. Knowledge management tools and systems, vendors and URLs KM tool/system Portal Server RetrievalWare SERware (SERkmware, vendor URLa Wied ware/ altavier GmbH, Berlin WeTellYou.com AG, Zurich Oracle, Redwood Shores Generation21, Golden (CO) bec, Tibco, Canada) Palo Alto (CA) Convera, Vienna SAP, Schema, Walldorf Nümberg Verity, USU http://www.usu.de/ AG, Inc., Möglingen Sunnyvale (CA) prise.coml burg Wincite Vignette Systems, Corporation, Chicago Aushttp://www.gen21.com/ zapwerk Tomoye, AG, Gatineau Hamburg (Quehttp://www.pavone.de/ (CA) SER Sun http://www.participate.coml Pavone Microsystems, Systems AG, Paderbom AG, Neustadt/ Inc., Entrieva, iplanet, Readware, Palo Reston Gainesville Alto (VA) (CA) (FL) http://www.convera.coml http://www.verity.coml http://www.gaussinterhttp://www.wincite.coml Gauss http://www.vignette.coml Interprise Hamhttp://www.wetellyou.coml http://www.tomoye.com/ http://inhouse.zapnet.de/ http://www.oracle.de/ participate.com, http://www.ontopia.net! Ontopia AS, Oslo Chicago (Norway) http://www.ser.de/ http://wwws.sun.comlsofthttp://www.tibco.coml http://www.readware.coml http://www.entrieva.coml http://www.iplanet.coml http://www.altavier.de/ http://www.schema.de/ http://www.sap.coml a. All links were checked on 10/15/2003. enc- Table D-9 lists general pies far tools supporting TABLE D-9. Intranet specific tools that were mentioned in the book as exam- KM functions. Intranet tools mentioned in the book, vendors and URLs Intranet tool point video conferencing) Personal Majordomo (mailing SpinChat Brain (chat tool) list vendor URL3 FirstVirtual Communicahttp://www.polycom.coml services http://obs.oneview.de/ (CA) Spin, http://www.spin.de/ VocalTec, http://www.microsoft.coml http://www.vocaltec.coml majordomo/ Microsoft, Regensburg GmbH, Herzliya Redmond (Israel) (WA)& Polycom, TheBrain http://www.thebrain.coml Pleasanton Technologies, (CA) http://www.Isoft.coml ton proc/ http://www.fvc.coml tions, Shareware, L-Soft, http (DC) ://www.cren.net!listSanta Landover Mountainview ClaraCologne (MD) (CA) oneview internet systems http://www.greatcircle.coml CREN/Listproc, Washing- windows/netmeeting/ a. All links were checked on 10/15/2003. Table D-IQ shows examples for document which can be seen as an important technological TABLE D-IO. and content predecessor management systems to many KMS. Examples for document management systems (DMS) and content management systems (CMS), vendors and URLs DMS or CMS vendor URL3 avisma (CMS) b-wise GmbH, Karisruhe http://www.b-wise.de/ produkt! BASIS (DMS) Open Text, Waterloo (ON, Canada) http://www.opentext.coml basis/ TABLE D-IO. Examples for document management systems (DMS) and content management systems (CMS), vendors and URLs Tomorrow turn. corni Focus Technolovendor URL3 ven.com/ Documentum, Pleasanton (CA) burg prise.coml gies Microsoft, GmbH, Redmond Munich (WA) altavier FileNET, Interwoven, Pironet AG, GmbH, Costa Cologne Sunnyvale Mesa Berlin (CA) http://www.documenbird.comlproducts/drnl http://www.gaussinterGauss http://www.tomorrowInterprise AG, HamHummingbird, focus-technologies.de/ http://www.microsoft.com/ North York http://www.infosquare.coml http://www.saperion.coml http://www.pironetInfo Saperion http://www.stellent.coml Convera, http://www.filenet.coml http://www.altavier.de/ http://www.interwohttp://www.convera.coml Stellent, sqare, Eden AG, Vienna Santa Berlin Prairie Clara (VA) (MN) (CA) http://www.humming- DMS or CMS ndh.coml TeamSite (CMS) cmserver/ a. All links were checked on 10/15/2003. Table D-ll shows examples für intelligent search & retrieval systems based on CBR technology which are also a technological root ofKMS. TABLE D-l1. that are Examples for case-based reasoning (CBR) sysems, vendors and URLs CBR system vendor URL3 CBR works (now: empolis orenge) tec:inno, (now: Empolis GmbH, Gütersloh) http://www.empolis.de/ Advisor, Commerce Kaidara, Palo Alto (CA) http://www.kaidara.coml ReCali ISoft, Gif-sur- Yvette (France) http://www.isoft.fr/ --a. All links were checked olll0/15/2003.
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