january 2016
january 2016
X X Orcutt Area Seniors In Service (OASIS) 420 Soares Avenue, Old Orcutt P O Box 2637, Santa Maria, CA 93457 805-937-9750 • Fax: 805-937-0440 Email: [email protected] Website: oasisorcutt.org Twitter: @OasisSeniors Facebook: Luis Oasis Senior Center Tax ID # 77-0058257 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Santa Maria, CA PERMIT NO 241 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED JANUARY 2016 2016 DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM TRY SOMETHING NEW IN 2016 AARP updated and improved its “Safe Driver Course,” the nation’s largest driving refresher course, at the start of the year. The new classes are being offered at the Oasis! Call 937-9750 or leave your name w/receptionist. Cost: AARP members $15.00 Others $20.00 Instructor: Bob Hoffman Items Required: Drivers License, AARP Card (if member), Cash or check paid to the instructor. Mon/Tues, February 8-9, 1-5pm Mon/Tues, April 11-12, 1-5pm Mon/Tues, June 13-14, 1-5pm Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:45—10:30am $5 Per Session Linda Laham Certified Personal Trainer Focus on gentle stretching, core, balance and movements for arthritis. All levels, standing & seated. GOAL: To be out of pain and to feel and look better. Page 2 Monthly Issue 1601 January 2016 Dear Readers: Board of Directors Effective July 1, 2015 President: Rick Velasco Vice President: 1st Loren Gasser 2nd Delores Luis Secretary: Marty McGrath Treasurer: Aubrey Collins Directors: Bob Frias Paul Klock Dave Michels Hugh Rafferty Alexina Tyo The Board of Directors meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:00am! Staff Executive Director: Doug Dougherty Development Director: Kathy Hayes Executive Assistant: Julie A Hall Program Coordinator: Toni Ford “Like” Us on Facebook You can now find us on Facebook and Twitter. Oasis Senior Center OASIS, INC. (Facebook) OasisSeniorCenter (Twitter) Welcome to this edition of the Tradewinds Newsletter. It’s unbelievable that I’m already writing messages for a 2016 audience, so I’ll stay in 2015 for a line or two and reflect on a few things. I have an incredible team around me. And what I mean by team is not just OASIS employees, but it’s the workers from PathPoint and the County’s workforce program. Julie Garcia, from CAC, has to be the top lunch program facilitator in the County. If you ever want to feel good, come grab lunch at the OASIS and she’ll have you feeling like a million bucks. Don’t take my word for it; just ask one of her loyal customers. Our team also includes the incredible donors and foundations that believe in what we are doing and make it all possible. Thank you! The leading and guiding this team is the OASIS Board of Directors. They are incredible. I’ve been around this area for a while now, and I can tell you that the people serving on our Board are second to none. They aren’t here for prestige or recognition. They are here to roll up their sleeves and make OASIS thrive today, and into the future. Believe me when I tell you that we are in good hands. But let me make one thing abundantly clear, this team’s greatest asset is you, the OASIS member. You volunteer over 11,000 hours each year on projects that serve not only this community, but also national projects, and American soldiers in distant countries. OASIS members are a diverse group that makes the Center a vibrant place, where loneliness and intolerance cannot exist. In fact, we are more than just a team. We are a 1,000 plus member family that has accomplished a tremendous amount in its first 30 years, but has even bigger plans for the future. When we work together, OASIS is unstoppable. Before I run out of space, I need to recognize and thank everyone who helped us build and perform on our Parade of Lights float on December 5 th. What a project! Toni came up with a wonderful design and if you haven’t seen the video of what it looked like on TV, it’s on the front page of our website and on our Facebook account. We received several donations and volunteer hours to keep the costs down. Those donors include: Don Ward, Farm Supply, Quinn Rentals, Paul Enstad (from the Old Orcutt 76 station), Raina Chambers, Donna Wolcott, Ruthie and Jim Wasylewski, Jean Nelson, Ellie Plummer, Sharon Eames, Toni Ford, Garry Alisio, Nick Sanders, Yolanda Coria, June Padilla, Paula Faes, Judy Richmond, Lois Pauley, Marty Stokes, Keith Roy, John Archuleta, Tara Hoffman, Julie Hall, Cheryl Lawrence, Bev Hoebel, Linda Burrola, Ted Prichard, Greg Gentile, Ernie Sloan, Rey Borunda, Marty McGrath, Bob Bullock, Jean McIlvanie, Christie Johnson, and Renee Osting. Thank you!!! Happy 2016!!! Doug YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD GETS YOU DISCOUNTS WITH THESE LOCAL MERCHANTS! Business Offering to OASIS Members Blakeslee & Blakeslee 1 hour complimentary consultation for Financial planning Jack's Restaurant Victorian Stained Glass 10% off meal 10% off on all items except teaching or custom windows Glitter Kat Glitter Tattoos $20 off a Glitter Kat Party Trattoria Uliveto 10% off lunch bill Tuesday through Friday Old Town Market 10% off all fresh food such as deli, produce and meats. Old Town Hair Company $5.00 off first time customers BIRTHDAYS! Last Name FirstName BMonth BDate Hohe, Paul Huizenga, Louise Jan 1 Abeloe, Charlene Galvin, Vickie Jan 2 Kennison, Joleen Nelson, David Jan 2 Weyant, Chuck Jan 2 Gans-Smith, Susan Jan 3 Cohen, Linda Jones, Blair Jan 4 Maynes, Audrey Pauley, Lois Jan 4 Frost, Kitty Kawaguchi, Helen Jan 5 Kuo, Morgan Lopez, Nancy Jan 5 Jan 5 McCullah, Carol Santana, Martha Van Note, Georgelyn Jan 6 Pearson, Dianne Roberts, Marian Jan 7 Stokes, Clyde Webb, Betty Jan 7 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Webb, Betty Botz, Susan Camacho, Ruben Hesson, Al Garcia, Julie Shibata, Gene Gregor, Carol Evey, Georgia Hoxie, Steve Jan 11 Marquez, Russ Myers, Denise Jan 11 Benninger, Dena Goodwell, Mary Jan 12 Van Belleghem, Bert Jan 12 Adams, David Jan 13 Jan 13 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 19 Miller, Gary Miller, Suzanne Anderson, Rodger Douglass, Darrell Jones, Bill Schmidt, Nancy Evans, Inese Gleason, Gladys Gonzales, Pete Cattaneo, Lynda Connors, Sylvia Pregozen, Herbert Carraway, Frank Herman, Jeane Jan 20 Maidment, Bill McManus, Mary Jan 20 Anderson, Catherine Prince, Monika Jan 21 Carmichael, Ross Heinzler, Bob Jan 22 Jan 22 Niles, Donna Hunter, Mickie Mackey, Beverly Jan 24 McILvanie, Jean Miller, Arleen Jan 24 DiNapoli, Anita Stoore, William Jan 25 Casillas-Siemsen, Lisa Landers, Don Jan 26 Martin, Earlene Wynkoop, Laura Jan 26 Brannon, Judy Farrell, Richard Jan 28 Jacobs, Jean Luis, Delores Jan 28 Jan 28 Powell, Carol Hall, Julie Hartung, Ann Jan 29 Mucci, Myrna Nold, Sheila Jan 29 Jan 29 Rodriguez, Frank Burchett, Chester Fisher, Sally Jan 30 Guffey, Wesley Kai, Euguene Jan 30 Jan Jan 30 31 Newman, Freddie Kuhr, Edie MEMBERS PAGE Page 3 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Carl Abeloe, Charlene Abeloe, Rosemarie Bullock, Twyla Bohl, Brenda Brownlee, Debra Collingwood, Irene Delgadillo, Don Eames, Ann Hartung, Jack Kennedy, Gertie Krinkle, Annette Levinson, Gay Linz, Marijane MarshallAurelie Metcalf, Abel Partida, Mary Partida, Tom Ponto, Kathleen Poteat, Kathy Puckett, Jean Rigsby, Eileen Trujillo, Catherine Welt, Roger Welt, Laura Wynkoop OASIS Donations OPERATIONS: Golden State Water Company In Memory of John Rafferty - Rick & Marty Velasco 2015 Year end Appeal Donors will be listed in the next newsletter. Thank you! IN KIND DONATION: Garry Alisio, Matthew Braucher THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Sending encouraging thoughts and well wishes to David Adams, Toni Ford, Bill Garden, Doff Garden, Joleen Kennison, Stella Lansden, Elaine Martin and anyone else not feeling up to par! Page 4 CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES OASIS TRAVEL and THEATER Page 5 Colorado Rockies National Parks &Historical Trains June 24-July 2, 2016 Highlights… Denver, Rocky Mountain, Grand Junction, Arches, Canyonlands, Colorado National Monument, Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, Mesa Verde, Pike’s Peak Cog Railway, Garden of the Gods SANTA MARIA VALLEY KIWANIS SANTA MARIA CIVIC THEATRE BUYOUT PLAY: Relatively Speaking DATE: SUNDAY, February 21, 2016 TIME: 1:30PM Wine & Hors d'oeuver will be served. Relatively Speaking Written by Alan Ayckbourn Directed by Alan Foster Young Greg follows his girlfriend Ginny to a country house hoping to meet her parents and to ask for her hand in marriage. But, the middle-aged couple who live there are not who he thinks they are, and the mistaken identities soon get out of hand in this hilarious comedy by British master Alan Ayckbourn. JANUARY 2016 Page 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday M= Main Hall R= Rostien Hall H= Heck Hall L=Library K=Kitchen 420 Soares Ave. Orcutt, CA 937-9750 Open 8:00-4:00 Night Classes: 6:30-9pm Friday Saturday 1 2 CLOSED FL=Front Lawn WP=West Porch EP=East Porch 7-845pm Narcotics Anon H 4 8-930 NO Senior Exercise M 830-1130 HAM Radio R 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1030 BINGO M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Bridge M 4:00 LPAG Board Mtg H 600 Men’s Step Study H 600 MIT Traffic School R 630-8 Line Dancing M 730-9 Narcotics Anon H 5 830-930 Yoga M 9-12 Card Making R 9-1 Reflexology H 945-1030 Tai Chi M 10:30 Games M 1130 CAC Lunch M 1-4 Creative Art Ex M 130 Talk Tuesday H 630-730 Alanon R 6 8-930 NO Senior Exercise M 930-1230 Knitting R 930 Hike WP 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1030 Louie Watch Battery 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1130 Ukulele Class M 100-300 Ukulele Band M 2-330 Bereave Support H 600 Caregiver Support H 600 MIT Traffic School R 7 830-930 Yoga M 945-1030 Tai Chi M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1:00 Pressure Points M 1:00 Photoshop Workshop R 1-2 Friendship Club H 600 Intro to Chinese H 630 Dance with Lee Ann M 630 Hula Dance R 8 8-930 NO Senior ExerciseM 9-12 Ceramics R 9-12 Painters H 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Hand & Foot M 1-330 Mah Jongg H 1-3:30 Silversmith R 600 LPAG 600 Alanon-H 9 8—10 PANCAKE BREAKFAST M 11 8-930 Senior Exercise M 830-1130 HAM Radio R 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1000 Farmer’s Market FL 1030 BINGO M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Bridge M 100 NEW Camera Club R 600 MIT Traffic School R 600 Men’s Step Study H 630-8 Line Dancing M 730-9 Narcotics Anon H 12 830-930 Yoga M 9-1 Card Making R 9-1 Reflexology H 945-1030 Tai Chi M 10:30 Games M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1-4 Creative Art Ex M 130-330 Cheers! H 630-730 Alanon R 630 Soccer Meeting H 7:00 Orcutt Mineral Society M 13 8-930 Senior Exercise M 930 Knitting R 945 Arthritis Exercise M 10:00 Kincares H 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1130 Ukulele Class M 100-300 Ukulele Band M 2-330 Bereave Support H 600 MIT Traffic School R 14 830-930 Yoga M 900 Board Meeting R 945-1030 Tai Chi M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1:00 Pickled Beets M 1:00 Photoshop Workshop R 1-2 Friendship Club H 6:00 Chinese Language & Culture H 630 Dance with Lee Ann M 630 Hula Dance R 15 8-930 Senior Exercise M 9-12 Ceramics R 9-12 Painters H 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Hand & Foot M 1-3:30 Silversmith R 600 Alanon H 16 7-845pm Narcotics Anon H 19 830-930 Yoga M 9-1 Card Making R 9-1 Reflexology H 945-1030 Tai Chi M 10:30 Games M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1-4 Creative Art Ex M 130-Talk Tuesday H 630-730 Alanon R 630 Gardeners M 20 Rostien Unavailable 8-930 Senior Exercise M 930 Knitting H 945 Arthritis Exercise M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1130 Ukulele Class M 100-300 Ukulele Band M 2-330 Bereave Support H 600 MIT Traffic School H 21 830-930 Yoga M 930-1130 Commodities R 945-1030 Tai Chi M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1-3:30 New To Medicare M 1-2 Friendship Club H 600 Chinese Language and Culture H 630 Dance with Lee Ann M 630 Hula Dance R 22 8-930 Senior Exercise M 9-12 Ceramics R 9-12 Painters H 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Hand & Foot M 1-330 Mah Jongg H 1-3:30 Silversmith R 600 LPAG 600 Alanon-H 23 7-845pm Narcotics Anon H 26 830-930 Yoga M 9-12 Card Making R 9-1 Reflexology H 945-1030 Tai Chi M 10:30 Games M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1-4 Creative Art Ex M 130 CHEERS! H 630-730 Alanon R 630 Orchid Society M 27 8-930 Senior Exercise M 930 Knitting R 945 Arthritis Exercise M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1130 Ukulele Class M 100-300 Ukulele Band M 2-330 Bereave Support H 600 MIT Traffic School R 28 830-930 Yoga M 945-1030 Tai Chi M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1:00 FREE PHONES M 1:00 Photoshop Workshop R 1-2 Friendship Club H 630 Dance with Lee Ann M 600 Chinese Language and Culture H 630 Hula Dance R 29 8-930 Senior Exercise M 9-12 Ceramics R 9-12 Painters H 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1130-1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Hand & Foot M 1-3:30 Silversmith R 1:00-3:30MahJong H 600 Alanon H 30 7-845pm Narcotics Anon H 18 CLOSED 25 8-930 Senior Exercise M 830-1130 HAM Radio R 945-1030 Arthritis Ex M 1030 BINGO M 1130 –1230 CAC Lunch M 1230-4 Bridge M 600 MIT Traffic School R 600 Men’s Step Study H 630-8 Line Dancing M 730-9 Narcotics Anon H 9-500 MIT Traffic Schl H 7-845pm Narcotics Anon H Community Action Commission Nutrition Services Program Senior Lunch Menu: January 2016 Page 7 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Lunch is served Monday - Friday at 11:30am. Suggested donation is $3.00 for those 60 and over. Please make lunch reservations 24 hours in advance. Reservations for Monday need to be made the prior Friday. CALL: CAC at 925-3010 to make your reservation. These Meals are made primarily from scratch. Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables are served to ensure that we influence good eating habits and provide the best nutrition possible. The only canned fruits and vegetables used are pineapple, mandarin oranges, and tomato sauce. The breads and pastas are whole grain and the rice we use is brown rice. We are dedicated to providing healthy and good tasting foods to our clients. We have quarterly menu conferences at which we take comments from our clients and use them to make improvements to the seasonal cycles. If you have any input, comments, compliments or suggestions, please give them to your staff contact so that they can bring the information to us at the next menu conference. Thank you! Enjoy! BINGO MONDAYS LOTERIA TUESDAYS! The CAC Lunch Bunch plays Bingo every Monday and Loteria every Tuesday at 10:30am! Come join us for an upbeat game, followed by a hot delicious meal and great company! SMAT (928-5624) provides transportation to and from the Luis Oasis Senior Center for $1.25 each way. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1-Jan HAPPY NEW YEAR 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan ROSEMARY CHICKEN LIMA BEANS CARROTS WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE ORANGE CHILI CON CARNE GREEN BEANS GREEN SALAD CORNBREAD/PROMISE BANANA CHICKEN CORDON BLEU MASHED POTATOES/GRAVY BRUSSEL SPROUTS WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE FRUIT MIX BEEF STEW BROCCOLI CORNBREAD/PROMISE APPLE MILK MILK MILK MILK TURKEY BURGER WW BUN BURGER SIDES CAL BLEND VEGGIES LT. MAYO ORANGE MILK 11-Jan SAN FRAN CHICKEN SPINACH SLICED CARROTS WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE ORANGE MILK 12-Jan MACARONI & BEEF/TURKEY CAULIFLOWER GREEN SALAD BANANA MILK 13-Jan HAWAIIAN CHICKEN BROCCOLI/LF CHEESE YELLOW SQUASH WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE APPLESAUCE MILK 14-Jan SPAGHETTI MEAT SAUCE ITALIAN VEGETABLES BRUSSEL SPROUTS APPLE MILK 15-Jan CHICKEN POZOLE POZOLE MIX PINTO BEANS WW TORTILLA ORANGE MILK 18-Jan 19-Jan BEEF STIR-FRY STIR-FRY VEGETABLES WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE ORANGE 20-Jan CHICKEN FAJITA WW TORTILLA FAJITA BLEND VEGETABLES APPLESAUCE MILK MILK 21-Jan CARNITAS WW TORTILLA PINTO BEANS ZUCCHINI APPLE MILK 22-Jan MEATLOAF MASHED POTATOES/GRAVY BRUSSEL SPROUTS WG BISCUIT ORANGE MILK 25-Jan BBQ CHICKEN SWEET POTATO/PROMISE GREEN BEANS WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE ORANGE 26-Jan BEEF TACOS PINTO BEANS BROCCOLI WW TORTILLA BANANA 27-Jan BAKED PARMESAN FISH SACANDINA VEGGIES WW DINNER ROLL/PROMISE CAULIFLOWER APPLESAUCE 28-Jan CHICKEN FIDEO BRUSSEL SPROUTS CARROTS APPLE 29-Jan PORK LOIN SWEET POTATO GREEN BEANS WG BISCUIT/PROMISE ORANGE MILK MILK TARTAR SAUCE MILK MILK MILK HOLIDAY Page 8 AT THE OASIS & IN THE COMMUNITY Scarlet Ladies of the Oasis Congratulations Bridge Winners! Pancake Breakfast Saturday January 9, 2016 8:00 - 10:00am For inquiries, call our new Queen, Diana Dodos (268-8288) LOCATION: Shaws 714 S Broadway OASIS MEMBER: $5.00 Adult $3.00 Child NON-MEMBER: $7.00 Adult Join Jody and the gang as they cook your pancake, sausage, and eggs breakfast! DATE: Tuesday, Jan 5, 2016 DECEMBER 2015 Ralph Wengler, Heddy Heeger, Illa Mae Lohr, Olive Houston, Ginny Rosebrock,Adeline Hupp, Susie Stoakes Oasis Bridge Players meet every Monday, 12:00 - 4:00pm TIME: 11:30AM RSVP: Mickie Hunter 937-5490 MONDAY NIGHTS: 6:30~LINE DANCE THURSDAY NIGHTS: 6:30~COUNTRY THURSDAY NIGHTS: 6:30~HULA HUMOR, HELP AND COMMUNITY Page 9 "The Old Days" Grandpa was telling his young grandson what life was like when he was a boy. "In the winter we’d ice skate on our pond. In the summer we could swim in the pond, and pick berries in the woods. We’d swing on an old tire my dad hung from a tree on a rope. And we had a pony we rode all over the farm." The little boy was amazed, and sat silently for a minute. Finally he said, "Granddad, I wish I'd gotten to know you a lot sooner!" "The Wedding" George and Edith had been high school sweethearts 50 years ago, but had gone their separate ways after graduation. Then, two years ago, their paths crossed again, and they began seeing each other regularly. With age 75 just around the corner, they decided life was too short, and they might as well spend the rest of their lives together. Excited about their decision to marry, they went for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and found themselves in front of a drugstore. George said, "Let’s go in. I have an idea." Addressing the man behind the counter, George: "Do you sell heart medications?" Pharmacist: "Of course." George: "What about medications for rheumatism, osteoporosis and arthritis?" Pharmacist: "All kinds." George: "How about waterproof furniture pads and Depends?" Pharmacist: "Yes, sir." George: "Hearing aids, denture supplies and reading glasses?" Pharmacist: "Yes." George: "What about eye drops, sleeping pills, Geritol, Preparation-H and Ex-Lax?" Pharmacist: "Absolutely." George: "You sell wheelchairs, walkers and canes?" Pharmacist: "Yes, indeed. But why all these questions?" George smiled, glanced shyly at Edith and replied, "We’ve decided to get married and we’re considering you for our bridal registry." STILL NEED HELP! MONTHLY COMMODITIES NEED VOLUNTEERS WHO CAN HELP UNLOAD PALLETS AND ASSIST CARRYING BAGS TO CLIENTS’ VEHICLES. THIS IS PHYSICALLY DEMANDING, BUT SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME - ONCE A MONTH. TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE CALL THE OASIS AT SATURDAY FEB 27th 1:30PM PCPA MARIAN THEATER Make checks payable to: Irene Voysey 3603 Les Maisons Dr Orcutt CA 93455 Senior Tickets: $27.00 Student Tickets: $19.00 934-2511 RSVP BY: JANUARY 28, 2016 937-9750 Page 10 Page 11 Jeannie Bassett-Lambert Jeannie Bassett-Lambert Monday Tuesday Wednesday Realtor Realtor Thursday BRE#01360443 BRE#01360443 Friday 3-Aug Aug 204 E. Enos Drive 204 E. Enos Drive Santa Maria, CA 93454 4-Aug 5-Aug 6Santa Maria, CA 93454 Office (805) 310-5800 7-Aug Office (805) 310-5800 Cell (805) 714-6444 Cell (80%) 714-6444 [email protected] (805) 937-1245 [email protected] Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated BAKED CHICKEN Gentle Journey Handyman Service “Treating your home as gently as our own” Specializing in Small Jobs Fence Repair, Pressure Washing Call for a Free Estimate Jules Sherman (805) 934-8111 Not a Licensed Contractor R. Marquez Plumbing Give Russ A Call (805) 878-9667 Senior Discount OASIS MEMBER ORCUTT 100 E. Clark Avenue Orcutt, CA 93455 (805) 937-5340 Joni Gray FOR SALE [email protected] 195 S. BROADWAY, Ste. 210 ORCUTT, CA 93455-4626 805/937-2624 (OFFICE) 805/937-4298 (HOME) FAX 805/361-0357 BEAUTIFUL OAK ROLLTOP DESK $175.00 OBO CALL DEBBIE: 805-314-7832 Come Live With Us Comfortable, Safe, Secure Assisted Living 24 Hour Assisted Living with Lots of Tender Loving Care Alzheimer & dementia Care Delicious Meals and Snacks Beauty & Barber Services Planned Activities Lovely Patio and garden We now have vacancies in our newly remodeled rooms. Hillview Residence Your Home with a Heart 937-2360 or 937-5117 3705 Hillview Road · Santa Maria · Lic #421704099 FREE REFRIGERATOR 14C FT SEARS—FREEZER ON TOP GOOD SHAPE CALL: JOANNA MILLER 934-5153 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! CALL JULIE @ 937-9750 TO PUT YOUR AD IN THIS NEWSLETTER FOR SALE CRAFTSMAN GAS POWERED EDGER YARD MACHINES GAS POWERED WEEKWACKER/TRIMMER $50.00 $50.00 CALL: 937-0271 LEAVE MESSAGE ADS Got something to sell? Want to find an item? Only Oasis Members can place ads in the Tradewinds. Up to10 words for $3.00 with a limit of 20 words per ad. Deadline for submissions: 15th of each month GOLD JEWELRY REPAIR WHILE YOU WAIT CALL LOUIS: (805) 314-1484 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE Tradewinds Staff: Julie A Hall & Toni Ford Folding & Mailing: Darlene Becktel, Catalina Cavalli, Bill Corning, Ellie Grimm, Joyce Harmel, Diane Jones, Madeline Martini, Kate Pierce, Terry Quist, Nancy Schmidt, Janet Sobottka, Ginnie Volovick Errors Notice: Oasis members and employees strive for accuracy in the production of this newsletter, but cannot be held liable for claims, errors, or omissions that result from publication or advertisements. PLEASE HELP US REDUCE NATURAL RESOURCES AND COSTS BY CHOOSING TO RECEIVE YOUR NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL. CALL OR STOP BY THE OASIS OFFICE AND PROVIDE US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.