PGUSD 15-16 Budget Book 05-18-15
PGUSD 15-16 Budget Book 05-18-15
Pacific Grove Unified School District District Budget 2015-16 May 18, 2015 435 Hillcrest Avenue, Pacific Grove, California 93950 - (831) 646-6510 - Pacific Grove Unified School District Table of Contents 1 2 4 13 14 15 16 17 23 25 26 27 28 29 36 37 38 41 44 47 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 School Board and Staff State Budget Budget Summary Budget Detail Categoricals Budget Calendar Enrollment - CBEDS Enrollment - Monthly Enrollment - Ethnicity Staffing - Classification Staffing - Location Staffing - Special Education Class Size Employee List Certificated FTE Matrix Classified FTE Matrix Step and Column 2013-14 Step and Column 2014-15 Step and Column 2015-16 Stipends Health Care Plans Health Care Benefits Health Care Retirees Site Allocations Assessed Valuation Property Tax Property Tax History Pacific Grove Home Values PG Property Tax Bills Measure D Measure A Debt Copiers Contributions to Restricted Programs Mandated Costs Bell Schedules Instructional Minutes Maintenance and Operations Budget15-16 TOC 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 81 82 83 91 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 113 121 124 127 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 Bus Ridership Food Services Free and Reduced Meals Insurance Facilities Use Fees Contacts Bond Oversight Committee Special Education Goals School Districts in Monterey County Site Maps Fund 1 - General Fund Fund 11 - Adult Education Fund 12 - Child Development Fund 13 - Cafeteria Fund Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance Fund 20 - Post Employment Benefits Fund 21 - Building Fund Fund 40 - Capital Outlay Projects Ending Fund Balances Multi-Year Projection Budget Revisions Board Agenda Items - 2012-13 Board Agenda Items - 2013-14 Board Agenda Items - 2014-15 SACS Codes Salary Schedule - Certificated Salary Schedule - Classified Salary Schedule - Management Salary Schedule - Confidential Salary Schedule - Psychologists Salary Schedule - Adult Education Negotiations History Cost of 1.00% History of 1.00% Statutory Benefits Pacific Grove Unified School District Table of Contents - Alphabetical 55 67 121 124 127 76 15 13 113 4 70 14 36 28 37 75 65 64 136 63 29 108 16 23 17 74 71 72 91 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 81 50 49 51 137 Assessed Valuation Bell Schedules Board Agenda Items - 2012-13 Board Agenda Items - 2013-14 Board Agenda Items - 2014-15 Bond Oversight Committee Budget Calendar Budget Detail Budget Revisions Budget Summary Bus Ridership Categoricals Certificated FTE Matrix Class Size Classified FTE Matrix Contacts Contributions to Restricted Programs Copiers Cost of 1.00% Debt Employee List Ending Fund Balances Enrollment - CBEDS Enrollment - Ethnicity Enrollment - Monthly Facilities Use Fees Food Services Free and Reduced Meals Fund 1 - General Fund Fund 11 - Adult Education Fund 12 - Child Development Fund 13 - Cafeteria Fund Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance Fund 20 - Post Employment Benefits Fund 21 - Building Fund Fund 40 - Capital Outlay Projects Goals Health Care Benefits Health Care Costs Health Care Retirees History of 1.00% Budget15-16 TOC-Alpha 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 68 73 69 66 62 60 109 134 58 59 56 57 127 133 128 129 131 130 132 1 82 54 83 78 25 26 27 2 138 38 41 44 47 Instructional Minutes Insurance Maintenance and Operations Mandated Costs Measure A Measure D Multi-Year Projection Negotiations History Pacific Grove Home Values PG Property Tax Bills Property Tax Property Tax History SACS Codes Salary Schedule - Adult Education Salary Schedule - Certificated Salary Schedule - Classified Salary Schedule - Confidential Salary Schedule - Management Salary Schedule - Psychologists School Board and Staff School Districts in Monterey County Site Allocations Site Maps Special Education Staffing - Classification Staffing - Location Staffing - Special Education State Budget Statutory Benefits Step and Column 2013-14 Step and Column 2014-15 Step and Column 2015-16 Stipends Pacific Grove Unified School District School Board and Staff DISTRICT INFORMATION Pacific Grove Unified School District began offering a K-12 educational program beginning with the 1895-96 school year. The District is comprised of an area of approximately 12 square miles serving the City of Pacific Grove and a portion of Pebble Beach. The District currently operates two elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, a continuation high school, an adult education center, and two Before and After School Recreation Centers. GOVERNING BOARD Tony Sollecito President John Thibeau Clerk Bill Phillips Trustee Debbie Crandell Trustee John Paff Trustee ADMINISTRATION Ralph Gomez Porras Rick Miller Billie Mankey Clare Davies Ani Silva Bruce Cates Diane Hobson Matt Kelly Buck Roggeman Linda Williams Sean Roach Jason Tovani Matt Bell Sean Keller Barbara Martinez 2015 2017 2017 2015 2017 Superintendent Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Director II, Human Resources Director, Student Services Director, Curriculum and Special Projects Director, Technology Director, School Nutrition Director, Maintenance and Transportation Principal, Forest Grove Elementary School Principal, Robert H. Down Elementary School Principal, Pacific Grove Middle School Assistant Principal, Pacific Grove Middle School Principal, Pacific Grove High School Assistant Principal, Pacific Grove High School Principal, Pacific Grove Adult School and Community High School ALL EMPLOYEES Adult School Teachers Administration Before and After School Program Campus Supervisors Clerical Confidential Counselors Food Services Health Care Assistants Instructional Assistants Maintenance, Grounds & Custodial Noon Duty Occupational Therapists Psychologists Speech Therapists Teachers & Librarians Technicians (Library, Computer and Career) Total All Employees 12-13 9.76 13.60 4.81 1.63 18.84 5.00 3.50 3.78 13-14 9.75 14.00 4.80 1.63 18.34 5.00 4.00 4.09 18.12 23.28 1.94 0.80 2.50 19.21 21.78 1.98 1.60 2.60 3.70 111.40 7.00 230.87 110.35 6.75 224.66 14-15 9.75 15.00 4.80 1.63 18.44 5.00 4.00 4.09 2.25 21.95 22.75 2.13 0.80 2.60 3.00 113.76 7.00 238.94 15-16 9.75 15.00 4.80 1.63 18.44 5.00 4.00 4.09 2.25 21.95 22.75 2.13 0.80 2.60 3.00 114.76 7.00 239.94 1 Budget15-16 Board 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-30-2015 - Pos01a Pacific Grove Unified School District State Budget for 2015-16 GOVERNOR'S BUDGET PROPOSAL (January 2015) 1 Each January, the Governor issues his Budget Proposal which is the first official announcement of the state budget for the coming fiscal year. 2 COLA - The statutory COLA for 2015-16 is expected to be 1.58%, which is an increase from the prior year's COLA of 0.85%. For PGUSD, this increase will only affect programs such as Special Education. 3 Local Control Funding Formula - The implementation of the LCFF does not affect PGUSD as we are fully funded from local property taxes, and we receive no funding based on the LCFF. Our revenues will fluctuate based upon changes in Property Tax revenues. This is the third year of a seven-year phase in of the LCFF, which will be fully implemented by 2020-21. The new formula will result in the elimination of the old Revenue Limit formula, along with its deficit factor. Because the Governor's proposal provides $4.0 billion to implement the LCFF, districts that are funded by enrollment are expected to receive an additional 8.7% in funding next year. Those districts that have high numbers of English language learners and low income families will receive funding increases greater than 8.7%. 4 Mandated Cost Reimbursement - The state has accrued a debt to school districts totalling $5.4 billion for unreimbursed Mandated Costs. The state's long term plan is to completely pay off this debt by 2017-18. The good news is that while there was no funding for mandated costs in last year's budget, the 2015-16 budget proposal contains $1.1 billion for reimbursements. 5 Cash Deferrals - The proposed budget includes $900 million in funding, which will fully reverse previous cash deferrals that have been imposed over the last several years. This funding does not affect PGUSD. 6 Special Education - The Governor’s budget contains a 1.58% COLA (0.85% last year) for special education and an additional allocation to fund special education ADA growth. A 32-member task force has been established that will focus on the development of specific goals in the areas of teacher preparation, credentialing, professional development, education delivery models, assessment and accountability, early learning and fiscal issues. 7 Common Core Implementation - The Governor did not include any funding for the implementation of Common Core State Standards. But, stay tuned, there is much disussion about adding funding for Common Core. 8 CalSTRS Unfunded Liability - The Governor's proposal notes that the California State Teacher's Retirement System (CalSTRS) faces a growing unfunded liability of $80 billion, and if not corrected, will exhaust its assets within 30 years. To correct this, STRS contibutions from teachers and school districts will increase over the next several years. School districts contributions will increase from 8.25% to 19.10%, covering about 70% of the cost. 9 Prop 39 Clean Energy Jobs Act - The District will receive approximately $106,000 per year over a five-year period for the purpose of creating energy efficiency projects and renewable energy installations. GOVERNOR'S MAY REVISION (May 2015) 1 After months of discussion and debate following the release of his January Proposal, the Governor issues his revised budget proposal, known as the May Revision. This becomes the basis for budget decisions that school districts use to build their budgets for the coming year. 2 Governor's CalSTRS Plan - The Governor proposes a plan to fully fund, over about 30 years, the $74 billion unfunded liability for teacher's pensions. School districts and community college districts would pay about 70% of the costs, with the state paying about 20% and the teachers paying the remaining 10%. School districts currently pay into STRS at a rate of 8.88% of a teacher's salary. This percentage will be ramped up each year and is planned to reach 19.1% in 2020-21. The May Revise contains no changes to this plan. Budget15-16 State Budget 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2 Modified 5-18-2015 - SSC, SFSF, ACSA 3 Common Core Funding - In 2013-14, the state budget included $379,062 in one-time funding to be spent on implementing the new Common Core program. It was hoped that some much needed additional funding would be provided in the May Revision, but there was no mention of it. It is still possible that the legislature may include it in the budget they present to the Governor for signature in June. If not, we will need to allocate a portion of our Mandated Costs reimbursement for this purpose. 4 Mandated Costs Reimbursement - In the May Revise, the Governor increased the $1.1 billion, ($180 per ADA) for one-time funding up to $3.5 billion, ($580 per ADA). This money is expected to be availble to Basic Aid districts as well as LCFF districts. PGUSD will receive about $1,160,000 from this funding. 5 Adult Education - The May Revision includes establishing a base funding level which is calculated on the amount spent from the 2012-13 adult education approtionment. The amount of future funding for Adult Education does not include the recapture of funds through the Fair Share Reduction of $1,060,000. 6 Rainy-Day Fund - An enhanced rainy-day fund including the creation of a Prop 98 reserve, whereby spikes in K-14 funding, produced in years when capital gains revenues exceed 6.5% of total general fund revenue, would be saved for future years when revenues may start to decline. 7 LCFF Implementation - The switch from the Revenue Limit formula to the new LCFF formula, which was expected to take seven years, is now 53% implemented, almost a year ahead of schedule. This was made possible by an additional $2.1 billion added in the May Revise. 8 CTE - The Career Technical Education program received $900 million over three years. Participation requires a district match of 1.0:1 in 2015-16, 1.5:1 in 2016-17 and 2.0:1 in 2017-18. Basic Aid districts will received funding. STATE BUDGET BILL (June 2015) 1 This information will be provided once the State Budget is adoted in late June or early July. 2 CalSTRS Year Employer Pre-Emp Post Emp 2013-14 8.25% 8.00% 8.00% 2014-15 8.88% 8.15% 8.15% 2015-16 10.73% 9.20% 8.56% 2016-17 12.58% 10.25% 9.21% 2017-18 14.43% 10.25% 9.21% 2018-19 16.28% 10.25% 9.21% 2019-20 18.13% 10.25% 9.21% 2020-21 19.10% 10.25% 9.21% After 2020-21, CalSTRS may adjust the employer contribution rate to reflect the contribution required to eliminate the unfunded actuarial obligation. 6 Once the Legislature meets its Constitutional deadline by passing the State Budget bill and it is sent forward to the Governor, there are still trailer bills that are in the process of being finalized. Once these are sent to the Governor, he then has 12 days to either sign, or veto the State Budget. Budget15-16 State Budget 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 3 Modified 5-18-2015 - SSC, SFSF, ACSA Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Summary A - BUDGET CERTIFICATION The Monterey County Office of Education has oversight responsibility for the budgets of school districts that operate within Monterey County. Based on the Monterey County Office of Education's review, this budget reflects a Positive Certification, confirming that the District will be able to meet its financial obligations with a positive ending fund balance, and a positive cash flow for the current year and two subsequent years. B - BUDGET GUIDELINES 1 The District shall continue to offer a full K-12 educational program, distributing financial resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. 2 The District shall attempt to enhance the educational program to the extent permitted by financial resources. 4 The District will continue to fund two high school Advanced Placement sections which were previously state funded. 5 The District will subsidize the Regional Occupation Program (ROP) for expenses beyond received revenues, up to 19 teaching sections, subject to reductions in the state budget. 6 The District will attempt to subsidize the Title I program at 2012-12 staffing levels. 7 Any changes to ongoing programs or services must be Board approved. 8 The District will offer (but not subsidize) the operation of a state-funded preschool program and a Before and After School Recreation Program (BASRP). 9 The District will maintain an Adult Education program that maximises program offerings supported by fees and a pass through of state funding to balance the fund. 10 The District will fund ongoing expenditures using ongoing revenues. C - BUDGET INDICATORS 1 ENROLLMENT - expected to increase by 3 students (0.1%) see page 16 Enrollment 2,500 2,000 1,908 1,805 1,773 1,743 04-05 05-06 06-07 1,675 1,708 1,761 1,821 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 1,934 2,064 2,051 2,015 2,018 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 1,500 1,000 03-04 11-12 After many years of declining enrollment, the Distict began experiencing enrollment growth starting in 2008-09, and grew by an average of 4.5% over the next four years. In 2012-13, enrollment grew by 130 students to 2,064 (up 6.7%). In 2013-14 however, enrollment decreased by 13 students (down 0.6%) and enrollment dropped again in 2014-15 to 2,015 students, a decrease of 36 (down 1.8%). Changes in enrollment occur differently at each site. In 2014-15, Forest Grove increased by 2 students to 460 (up 0.4%), Robert Down decreased by 19 students to 468 (down 3.9%), and the Middle School decreased by 12 students to 472 (down 2.5%). After decreasing in enrollment by 2 students last year, the High School showed an increase of 1 student to 596 (up 0.2%). In the next few years we expect enrollment to flatten out, or to only change by small amounts. These figures come from the CBEDS student counts, taken in October. Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 4 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 2 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE - expected to increase by $838,597 (4.0%) see page 56 Property Tax Revenue 22,000,000 18,000,000 16,683,456 19,157,064 19,114,959 18,878,723 19,064,987 19,407,223 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 20,283,021 20,817,084 21,649,768 17,609,716 14,000,000 10,000,000 06-07 07-08 2013-14 14-15 15-16 As a Basic Aid district, we receive our funding from local property taxes, not from enrollment. After averaging 8.00% increases per year between 2000-01 and 2008-09, property taxes decreased in 2009-10 and 2010-11. Then in 2011-12, property tax revenues increased by $186,264 (up 0.99%). In 2012-13 they increased by $342,236 (up 1.80%), and in 2013-14, they increased by $875,798 (up 4.51%). 3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESTRICTED PROGRAMS - expected to be $5,136,910 see page 65 Contributions to Restricted Programs 6,000,000 5,079,999 4,251,508 4,000,000 5,256,074 5,136,910 5,136,910 13-14 14-15 15-16 4,485,081 4,010,594 3,420,413 2,000,000 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 The General Fund has 14 restricted programs which require a contribution from the unrestricted General Fund to keep them balanced. These programs include: Title I, Title II, Special Education, Transportation, Mainteneance and Operations, EIA, and ROP. General Fund contributions have increased from $3,472,778 in 2007-08 to an estimate of $5,136,910 in the budget year. 4 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) SPENDING - expected to be $510,122 see page 91 Surplus (Deficit) Spending 1,000,000 262,613 11-12 (253,580) (1,000,000) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 (596,103) (510,122) (604,095) (541,491) (870,946) For the budget year, General Fund expenditures are budgeted to exceed revenues, resulting in deficit spending of $510,122. The District experienced deficit spending of $870,946 in 2012-13 had a $262,613 surplus in 2013-14. General Fund unrestricted reserves are used to balance these deficit situations and those reserves have been declining since 2011-12. Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 5 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 5 SALARY SCHEDULE INCREASES - subject to negotiations see page 135 Salary Schedule Increases 8.00% 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 7.00% 3.00% 6.87% 5.31% 2.00% 3.13% 1.00% 2.00% 4.00% 1.10% 2.00% 0.00% 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 1.40% 0.00% 09-10 10-11 0.70% 2.00% 2.25% 2.25% 12-13 13-14 14-15 11-12 Typically, increases to the salary schedules will correlate to increases in revenues, which are driven largely by Property Taxes. Increases in other expenses such as utilities and insurance must be paid from increases in Property Taxes as well. Any changes made to the salary schedules are the result of negotiations. 6 STEP AND COLUMN COSTS - gross step and column costs are $211,1335 - net $68,680 see page 44 Step and Column Costs 160,000 137,714 120,000 73,000 80,000 68,680 31,741 40,000 39,483 10-11 (40,000) 11-12 (13,000) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 As staff moves across the salary schedule each year, the District incurs step and column costs averaging 2.5%. These costs are then reduced whenever a retiree's replacement is paid lower on the salary schedule. With enough retirees, it is possible to realize "negative" step and column costs (a savings) 7 SALARY SCHEDULE BALANCE - 94% Certificated, 84% Classified see page 36 Certificated FTE by Column 100 81.8 75 50 25 1.2 2.0 3.6 I II III 13.3 17.9 IV V 0 VI Classified FTE by Column 100 75 55.7 50 25 2.1 2.7 8.0 9.5 3.6 A B C D E 0 F 94% of Certificated staff and 84% of Classified staff are located on the right side of the Salary Schedule. If the salary schedules were balanced, the District would realize savings of approximately $2,500,000 per year. 6 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 8 UNRESTRICTED RESERVES - expected to be 7.0% see page 91 Unrestricted Reserve Levels 18.4% 20.0% 13.3% 15.0% 12.6% 9.7% 10.0% 7.0% 5.9% 3.6% 5.0% 0.0% 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 As long as the District continues to deficit spend, the unrestricted General Fund reserve levels will continue to decrease. The General Fund had reserves of $4,784,783 (21.7%) in 2010-11. These reserves have decreased each year, down to 9.7% in 2014-15. In addition to the 3.00% required minimum reserve, School Services of California recommends adding 1/3 of the difference between LCFF funding and Basic Aid funding as reserves. 9 CLASS SIZE - expected to decrease to 20.1 to 1 see page 28 Average Class Size - District 25.0 20.1 19.9 20.4 08-09 09-10 10-11 20.0 22.0 21.4 20.9 20.2 20.1 14-15 15-16 15.0 10.0 11-12 12-13 13-14 Because the District hired an additional 1.0 FTE in teaching staff in 2015-16, and seeing enrollment level out, class sizes should slightly decrease compared to the prior year. After reaching class sizes of 22.0 in 2012-13, average class sizes are now expected to be 20.1. 10 TRANSFERS OUT - expected to be $57,126, plus $485,500 for Adult Ed see page 91 Transfers Out of General Fund 750,000 500,000 649,339 712,974 642,922 542,626 557,126 582,126 15-16 16-17 17-18 409,190 250,000 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 The District has made progress in reducing the amounts transferred to other funds by: 1) increasing fees in the BASRP program, 2) operating the Food Services program more efficiently and 3) reducing costs related to the operation of the Adult Education program. 7 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Various D - REVENUES General Fund Revenues 30,000,000 27,717,653 25,813,130 26,000,000 24,041,691 24,255,560 11-12 12-13 26,445,591 26,344,650 14-15 15-16 26,918,419 22,000,000 13-14 16-17 17-18 1 LCFF Sources (8000) - As a Basic Aid district, we receive our funding from local property taxes. Property Tax revenues are expected to increase by 4.0% in the budget year. The state changed the coding of the categorical funds this year. Categoricals are now included in the LCFF Sources. 2 Federal Revenues (8100) - Federal Revenues consist mainly of the Special Education entitlement, but also include No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Vocational Education funding. Federal revenues are expected to increase slightly due to $100,000 in funding for the Medical Administrative Act (MAA). 3 State Revenues (8300) - Due to the shifting of categorical funds to LCFF, revenues from State sources will decrease when compared to the prior year. Lottery revenue will decrease due to the removal of Adult School ADA from the Lottery calculation. 4 Local Revenues (8600) - Local revenues, which include transportation fees, donations, interest income and ROP will continue at prior year levels. Donations are not placed in the budget until they are received, so it appears that revenues have decreased. E - EXPENDITURES Total General Fund Expenditures 25,000,000 20,000,000 19,524,238 18,565,554 20,979,055 19,500,383 21,127,365 21,642,320 22,252,862 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,729,717 5,602,268 6,050,134 6,062,639 5,727,407 5,880,194 6,006,283 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 5,000,000 - 1 Certificated Salaries (1000) - Certificated Salaries will increase due to step and column movement, plus the cost of any additional FTE that are hired. The budget does not reflect any increases to salary schedules, which are subject to negotiations. Administrative personnel will remain at prior year levels. Due to changes in STRS rules, PGTA chose to split their $10,361 Health Care Allowance, with $7,361 placed on the salary schedule. 2 Classified Salaries (2000) - Classified salaries will increase due to net step and column movement, and will increase or decrease based on changes in staffing caused by changes in enrollment. Classified Administrative personnel will be maintained at prior year levels. Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 8 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 3 Benefits (3000) - Employee benefit expenses increase as additional employees are hired, or due to negotiated salary increases, or when rates change. The rates for Health Care plans are budgeted to increase 2%. The Health Care Allowance for PGTA was decreased to $3,000, with the $7,361 balance put on the salary schedule. STRS rates will increase from 8.88% (14-15) to 10.73% (15-16) to 12.58% (16-17) and 14.43% (17-18). 4 Books and Supplies (4000) - Books and supplies include textbooks, reference materials, instructional supplies and noncapitalized equipment (below $5,000). A large portion of each site's Site Allocation is placed into this category. Expenditures for donations are only budgeted once the donations are actully received. The large increase in 14-15 is due to restricted expenditures for Common Core implementation. 5 Services (5000) - Service expense includes items such as travel, conferences, dues, memberships, insurance, utilities, rentals, repairs, consultants and legal costs. Insurance and utility costs are budgeted to increase while the costs of special education services provided by MPUSD and other providers are budgeted to decrease in the budget year. The District has started reducing transportation costs for some special education students by purchasing a new bus and transporting those students ourselves. 6 Capital Outlay (6000) - The Capital Outlay budget is maintained at the prior year's level which has no projected expenditures in excess of the $5,000 threshold. The lease payments on the new bus are included here. 7 Other Outgo (7100) - The County Special Education services costs are budgeted to remain at prior year levels. 8 Indirect Costs (7300) - Indirect Costs are allowable charges to restricted categorical programs and are expected to increase slightly from prior year levels. 9 Ending Fund Balance - The General Fund's ending fund balance is projected to be $2,312,432. This amount is made up of several components including revolving cash, restricted program carryover and the required 3.0% reserve for economic uncertainties. Beginning 2015-16, the Board is required to designate any reserves greater than 3.00%. 10 Subsequent Changes - There are several items that are currently unknown but might require inclusion in the budget after the May Revision and after the budget is adopted in June. These items include: - Common Core expenditures - Salary Increases - Adult Education funding formula - Mandated Costs reimbursement - CTE Funding F - OTHER FUNDS 1 Fund 11 - Adult Education Fund - The Pacific Grove Unified School District Adult Education program provides educational services to community members of all ages. Programs offered include vocational education, high school diploma studies, English language studies, parent education, preschool and classes for senior citizens. Fund 11 - Transfers In From General Fund 1,000,000 629,913 500,000 651,920 580,000 485,500 500,000 525,000 15-16 16-17 17-18 369,995 - 11-12 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 12-13 13-14 14-15 9 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 2 Fund 12 - Child Development Fund - The Child Development Fund is used to account for Federal, State and local revenues and expenses that fund the State Preschool and the Before and After School Recreation Program (BASRP). After years of deficit spending, fees were raised and the program ran a surplus in 2011-12. Fund 12 - Ending Fund Balance 232,638 250,000 200,000 150,000 145,627 100,000 50,000 - 11-12 12-13 280 280 13-14 14-15 14,984 15-16 44,392 29,688 16-17 17-18 3 Fund 13 - Cafeteria Fund - The Cafeteria Fund is used to account for food service revenues and expenditures. Each year, the food service department serves over 100,000 meals to students at the four schools. But, the program is not self-sufficient and requires a transfer from the General Fund. This required transfer has decreased when compared to 2010-11. Fund 13 - Surplus (Deficit) - (50,000) (44,289) (44,404) (37,700) (32,000) (38,000) (60,513) (61,822) (100,000) 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 4 Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance Fund - Deferred Maintenance funds provide for the major repair or replacement of plumbing, electrical, roofing or flooring systems, and Fund 14 is used to account for State and District contributions to deferred maintenance. Fund 14 - Ending Fund Balance 1,200,000 1,000,000 944,568 958,347 883,527 800,000 600,000 463,878 473,250 482,622 491,994 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 400,000 200,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 10 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 5 Fund 20 - Postemployment Benefits Fund - The Post Employement Benefits Fund contains restricted Medi-Gap and Retiree benefits. Per GASB 54 requirements, this fund is considered an extension of the General Fund. Since 2007-08, the General Fund has been contributing $19,426 per year that are being set aside for postemplyment benefit liabilities. Fund 20 - Ending Fund Balance 250,000 216,765 196,739 200,000 176,713 156,687 150,000 136,761 116,929 96,985 100,000 50,000 - 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 6 Fund 21 - Building Fund - The Building Fund accounts separately for the proceeds from the sale of voter approved Measure A and Measure D bonds and may not be used for any purposes other than those for which the bonds were issued. The final draw on Measure D Bonds was made in 2011-12 and the entire $42,000,000 is expected to be spent by the end of 2015-16. 2014-15 was the first year of Measure A, the Ed Tech bond. Fund 21 - Ending Fund Balance 6,000,000 5,512,963 3,558,778 4,000,000 1,949,628 2,000,000 730,364 1,531,224 728,224 31,224 - 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 7 Fund 40 - Special Reserve Fund - The Special Reserve Fund includes revenues from the David Avenue leases, receipts from the Performing Arts Center and facilities fees collected from outside use of facilities. In 2011-12, the Board approved $500,000 towards the construction of the new High School pool. In 2012-13, a new school bus was approved. Fund 40 is also used to help pay for the cost of various other construction projects throughout the District. Fund 40 - Ending Fund Balance 1,500,000 1,298,435 1,200,000 1,177,586 900,000 600,000 548,627 580,975 13-14 14-15 660,975 740,975 820,975 300,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 11 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various 8 All District Funds Ending Fund Balances - This chart shows the total ending fund balances of all of the eight funds that the District operates. The large balance in 2009-10 is mostly due to unspent Measure D funds, which are now close to being fully expended. Because of this, the total ending fund balance amount has been decreasing each year. With Measure A passing, total Ending Fund Balances will show an increase. Ending Fund Balances 20,000,000 15,000,000 12,538,827 9,460,356 10,000,000 6,074,320 5,924,289 4,409,770 5,000,000 4,201,136 3,175,651 11-12 12-13 13-14 G - SCHOOL DISTRICTS IN MONTEREY COUNTY District ADA % Rev Limit Alisal 7,531.30 11.1% $ 37,828,819 Bradley 74.05 0.1% $ 466,453 Carmel 2,145.51 3.2% $ 13,714,230 Prop Tax excess LCFF $ 20,840,386 Chualar 330.21 0.5% $ 1,699,041 Gonzales 2,201.34 3.2% $ 12,708,810 Graves 39.12 0.1% $ 233,619 Greenfield 2,729.59 4.0% $ 13,709,419 King City 2,090.20 3.1% $ 10,554,859 King City Jt Union High 1,753.68 2.6% $ 11,188,911 Lagunita 89.14 0.1% $ 518,026 Mission 115.89 0.2% $ 682,766 Monterey Peninsula 9,976.85 14.7% $ 54,466,421 North Monterey County 4,160.71 6.1% $ 22,983,458 Pacific 13.46 0.0% $ 527,751 Pacific Grove 1,746.25 2.6% $ 11,114,648 Prop Tax excess LCFF $ 6,060,665 Salinas City Elem 7,809.87 11.5% $ 39,520,969 Salinas Union High 12,643.26 18.7% $ 77,001,208 San Antonio 174.02 0.3% $ 1,012,419 San Ardo 107.44 0.2% $ 557,852 San Lucas 55.11 0.1% $ 410,394 Santa Rita 2,900.34 4.3% $ 14,783,745 Soledad 4,361.52 6.4% $ 23,020,997 Spreckels 953.40 1.4% $ 4,786,374 Washington 936.96 1.4% $ 4,766,679 Charters/MCOE/CDS 2,845.96 4.2% 67,785.18 Budget15-16 Summary 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 14-15 15-16 $/ADA 16-17 Budget $ 5,023 $ 64,541,223 $ 6,299 $ 862,666 $ 6,392 $ 42,313,842 $ 9,713 EFB 17-18 ELL % $ 14,500,657 22.5% $ 689,779 80.0% $ 23,858,153 56.4% 5,486 13 135 276 1,113 7 1,811 1,415 $ 5,145 $ 3,603,629 $ 594,831 16.5% $ 5,773 $ 18,377,918 $ 6,782,800 36.9% $ 5,972 $ 288,761 $ 313,278 108.5% $ 5,023 $ 24,581,320 $ 1,935,144 7.9% $ 5,050 $ 17,967,394 $ 4,388,738 24.4% $ 6,380 $ 19,897,458 $ 1,630,821 8.2% $ 5,811 $ 677,026 $ 486,565 71.9% - $ 5,892 $ 1,067,682 $ 251,642 23.6% $ 5,459 $ 93,076,174 $ 27,801,065 29.9% $ 10 3,200 1,731 4 139 5,524 $ 37,697,340 $ 7,018,228 18.6% $ 39,209 $ 699,582 $ 138,680 19.8% $ 6,365 $ 24,345,175 $ 4,857,837 20.0% $ 3,471 $ 5,060 $ 67,731,669 $ 11,525,658 17.0% $ 6,090 $ 117,536,920 $ 23,990,922 20.4% $ 5,818 $ 1,957,056 $ 1,024,739 52.4% $ 5,192 $ 1,353,256 $ 787,356 58.2% $ 7,447 $ 1,062,799 $ 1,001,281 94.2% $ 5,097 $ 20,980,788 $ 4,568,837 21.8% $ 5,278 $ 37,340,960 $ 8,577,635 23.0% $ 5,020 $ 6,303,298 $ 2,149,099 34.1% $ 5,087 $ 7,163,237 $ 1,127,725 15.7% 100.0% % 73% 18% 6% 84% 51% 18% 66% 68% 0% 4,090 3,784 12 99 28 1,243 2,125 100 11 0% 9% 32% 42% 30% 8% 52% 30% 7% 92% 51% 43% 49% 10% 1% 36.7% 12 Modified 5-8-2015 - Various Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Details 1 Categorical Funding 2 Enrollment (CBEDS) 3 Staffing 4 Class Size 5 Step-and-Column Costs 6 Cost of Health Care Plans 7 Site Allocations 2009-10 actual 3,601,259 change 617,210 60 113 130 195.9 196.7 200.2 19.9 20.4 (1.3) 73,000 500.00 291,102 288,259 change 19,114,959 change 10 Mandated Costs 11 Bus Ridership 12 Meals Served 13 Free & Reduced Meals % 14 General Fund Reserve % 15 Surplus (Deficit) Spending 16 Ongoing Salary Increases 0.00% One-time Salary Increases Ending Fund Balances Fund 01 - General Fund 4,143,007 Fund 11 - Adult Education 198,114 Fund 12 - Child Development 112 Fund 13 - Cafeteria Fund 76,818 Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance 831,499 Fund 20 - Post Employment Benefits 57,483 Fund 21 - Building Fund 13,310,155 Fund 40 - Capital Projects 1,107,482 Total Ending Fund Balances 19,724,670 180,456 change 23 24 change Budget15-16 Details 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2,018 (36) 212.0 3 213.0 3.4 4.4 7.4 1.0 22.0 20.9 20.2 20.1 1.0 0.7 (1.1) (86,000) 150,714 (105,973) 493.70 573.67 679.28 -2.0% 16.2% 18.4% (0.6) 39,483 (0.2) 68,680 7,742 29,198 692.87 706.73 2.0% 272,030 12,196 1,190 19,064,987 19,407,223 20,283,021 20,817,084 186,264 342,236 875,798 534,063 832,683 4,010,594 5,079,999 4,485,081 5,256,074 5,136,910 5,136,910 590,182 1,069,405 (594,918) 192,212 188,416 121,364 (29,615) (3,796) (67,052) (14,276) 21,649,768 (119,164) 121,364 - 121,364 - - - 299 288 285 13 96,224 107,209 4,112 14,397 10,985 4,370 4,463 3,958 17.0% 19.7% 20.9% 20.7% 21.4% 21.4% (7) 8 111,579 (11) 116,042 (3) 120,000 17.0% 2.7% 1.2% -0.3% 0.8% 0.0% 21.7% 18.4% 13.3% 12.6% 9.7% 7.0% 3.7% 1,969,764 291 (6,280) 251,475 35 17.9% 298 770,993 121,364 265,750 2.0% 270,840 18,878,723 258,644 31,741 81,827 change 22 (1,933,230) 77,715 change 21 2,015 285 change 20 (334,819) 2015-16 estimate 1,185,769 0.8 73,000 11,756 change 19 2014-15 estimate 3,118,999 250 change 17 (13) 204.6 503.78 (236,236) Contributions to Rest. Programs 3,420,413 2,051 137,714 (2,843) change 438,970 (13,000) 0.8% change 2,064 2013-14 actual 3,453,817 21.4 0.5 - change 18 1,934 (561,208) 197.3 change 9 (642,414) 2012-13 actual 3,014,848 1,821 change Property Tax Revenue 2011-12 actual 3,576,056 1,761 change 8 2010-11 actual 4,218,469 -3.3% -5.0% -2.9% -2.7% (253,580) (870,946) 262,613 (596,103) (510,122) (403,357) (1,819,986) (617,367) 1,133,560 (858,716) 1.40% 1.10% 0.70% 2.00% 2.00% 1,566,407 4,857,837 4,488,171 237,001 43,567 38,919 145,627 3,387,141 232,638 -0.7% 2.25% 2.25% 85,981 NA 3,538,700 2,879,679 78,414 36,371 2,312,432 36,371 280 280 14,984 50,396 8,511 28,937 7,614 6,821 6,821 915,189 944,568 958,347 883,527 463,878 473,250 77,147 96,985 116,929 136,761 156,687 176,713 1,392,459 5,512,963 3,558,778 730,364 1,949,628 728,224 1,124,728 1,298,435 1,177,586 548,627 580,975 660,975 8,693,677 12,538,827 9,460,356 5,924,289 6,074,320 4,409,770 (11,030,993) 3,845,150 (3,078,470) (3,536,067) 13 150,031 (1,664,550) Modified 5-8-2015 - Automatic Update Pacific Grove Unified School District Categoricals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Obj-Res 8181-3310 8290-0000 8290-3010 8290-3550 8290-3710 8290-4035 8290-4036 8290-4201 8311-7090 8311-7230 8550-0000 8560-6300 8560-1100 8590-0000 8590-0000 8590-0060 8590-0080 8590-0120 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 8590-0140 8590-0156 8590-0271 8590-0285 8590-0294 8590-0296 8590-0325 8590-0350 8590-0390 8590-0393 8590-0394 8590-0395 8590-0405 8590-0739 8590-0755 8590-0760 36 37 38 8590-6690 39 Title Special Ed MAA Title I VEA Drug Free Schools Title II Teacher Quality Title II Principal Training Title III Limited English EIA Transportation Mandated Costs Lottery - Rest Lottery - Unrest Oral Health Assessment Core/Supplemental STAR School Counselor CSR 9-12 K-3 Class Size Reduction GATE Instructional Matls PAR CBET Math and Reading Math and Reading Adminstrator Training ROP (CTE) Adult Education Prof Development TIIG SIP School Safety Pupil Retention CAHSEE Art and Music Grant Medical Billing Prop 39 Energy Efficiency TUPE Common Core 2012-13 316,413 13,647 95,910 19,934 1,564 55,047 2,425 19,443 89,015 59,186 89,821 371,256 883 8,623 3,408 62,198 35,166 385,560 10,746 92,682 9,799 2,062 8,017 2,003 2,425 337,540 1,460,707 71,458 74,525 186,475 14,178 3,764 8,279 24,607 3,014,848 2013-14 327,168 101,468 14,284 52,900 3,050 23,312 71,314 119,306 436,720 164 20,805 106,132 652 379,062 3,453,817 2014-15 328,715 54,428 111,317 26,551 52,715 4,193 42,805 86,349 105,091 134,000 93,150 391,230 883 12,536 62,198 35,166 393,057 11,901 92,557 9,799 2,062 10,020 2,425 422,220 1,358,701 71,458 84,407 186,475 27,223 3,764 8,279 24,607 26,639 106,132 2,865 3,118,999 2015-16 334,393 80,000 113,554 27,085 53,797 4,277 43,666 100,000 62,000 258,000 106,132 2,864 1,185,769 Categorical Funding 10-11 11-12 12-13 3,576,056 4,218,469 3,576,056 3,014,848 3,453,817 13-14 3,453,817 14-15 3,118,999 15-16 1,185,769 Total 4,500,000 4,218,469 2010-11 310,493 107,596 17,757 71,470 981 19,733 51,539 284 89,060 57,328 355,998 2011-12 331,093 62,870 107,737 16,042 1,567 56,341 613 7,595 84,958 105,295 33,824 96,073 369,776 3,408 62,313 35,177 240,836 11,905 279,927 15,274 9,802 2,063 8,019 2,004 2,426 389,203 2,025,705 71,480 74,550 29,591 14,186 3,765 8,978 24,634 9,799 2,062 8,017 2,003 2,425 368,758 1,645,598 71,458 74,525 186,475 14,178 3,764 8,279 24,605 4,218,469 3,576,056 62,198 3,014,848 3,000,000 3,118,999 1,185,769 1,500,000 10-11 Budget15-16 Cats 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 11-12 12-13 13-14 14 14-15 15-16 Modified 5-6-2015 - Update Automatic Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Calendar 2014-15 DATE Jul Aug 21 DO Budget Development Business Office Items Property Tax Review Enrollment Review Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Apr-Jun) Gann Limits First Day of School Unaudited Actuals Budget Revision #1 Sep 4 FG Aug 6 Sep 18 RD Oct 2 MS Bus Ridership Review Oct 30 AS Nov 13 HS Facilities Depreciation Schedule Discussion of Funds 01-40 Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jul-Sep) Dec 4 DO First Interim Report Budget Revision #2 Jan 22 Governor's Budget Proposal Enrollment/Staffing Projections Property Tax Review Feb 5 Budget projections and assumptions Mar 5 Budget projections and assumptions Mar 19 Budget projections and assumptions Apr 16 Budget projections and assumptions May 7 Budget Presentation to Board Property Tax Review - Tier III Categoricals Governor's May Revision Presentation of Audit Report 2nd Interim Report Budget Revision #3 Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Oct-Dec) TRAN Resolution Budget Revision #4 Year end budget revision resolution Last Day of School May 29 May 21 Jun 4 Budget Adoption and Public Hearing Budget deadline to Monterey COE Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jan - Mar) 15 Budget15-16 Calendar 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update - as Needed Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - CBEDS 5-year weighted average 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual actual actual actual actual actual actual CBEDS Forest Grove TK K 66 1 67 2 56 3 52 4 63 5 63 Total 367 change 48 Robert Down K 62 1 60 2 60 3 57 4 52 5 58 Total 349 change (6) Middle School 6 124 7 140 8 124 Total 388 change (5) High School 9 145 10 150 11 143 12 147 Total 585 change 1 CHS 19 District 1,708 change 33 % CBEDS 65 60 66 63 66 64 384 17 6.3% 7.7% 15.6% 14.5% 16.7% 15.0% 55 63 69 65 63 58 373 24 0.0% -1.6% 1.8% 2.0% -10.8% -1.7% 131 133 142 406 18 10.7% 6.9% 6.0% -1.3% -1.3% 150 152 145 131 578 (7) 20 1,761 53 0.0% 1.4% -1.4% -7.5% 0.2% 2.0% % -9.1% -1.5% 12.5% 26.9% 1.6% 4.6% 1.6% 15.0% 8.3% 10.5% 11.5% 6.9% 8.3% 7.3% 1.4% 4.6% 4.6% 21.0% 4.8% -3.3% -8.4% -1.2% 3.1% CBEDS 72 70 68 71 67 70 418 34 74 71 66 70 61 66 408 35 126 144 138 408 2 150 137 132 141 560 (18) 27 1,821 60 % 7.7% 13.3% 7.6% 6.3% 6.1% 8.9% 29.1% 4.8% 1.4% -6.2% 4.8% 9.4% 3.3% 9.9% 3.8% 0.5% 0.5% 5.6% -8.7% -13.2% -2.8% -3.1% 3.4% CBEDS 78 72 77 80 80 75 462 44 86 80 79 76 72 62 455 47 150 148 152 450 42 146 151 128 125 550 (10) 17 1,934 113 % CBEDS 74 77 78 81 86 93 489 27 0.0% 10.0% 17.6% 12.7% 11.9% 10.5% 88 86 84 81 78 71 488 33 8.1% 11.3% 15.2% 2.9% 1.6% 11.5% 150 162 157 469 19 10.3% 17.5% 5.6% 10.3% 10.3% 5.8% 0.7% -6.6% -5.3% -1.8% 6.2% 173 155 153 116 597 47 21 2,064 130 % -1.3% 8.3% 5.2% 7.5% 16.3% 5.8% 0.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.6% -1.4% 7.3% 9.5% 8.0% 6.1% 4.2% 4.2% 13.8% 6.2% 1.3% -9.4% 8.5% 6.7% CBEDS 22 64 68 71 67 89 77 458 (31) 70 91 90 72 87 77 487 (1) 174 162 148 484 15 153 167 140 135 595 (2) 27 2,051 (13) % -8.1% -7.8% -14.1% 9.9% -10.5% -6.3% 3.4% 4.7% -14.3% 7.4% -1.3% -0.2% 6.1% 8.0% -8.6% 3.2% 3.2% CBEDS 27 78 64 69 69 75 78 460 2 0.0% -2.8% 11.9% -12.4% 0.4% 76 72 79 85 72 84 468 (19) 153 163 156 472 (12) 2,064 2,051 -9.7% -11.8% -0.3% CBEDS 1.5% -0.6% -3.5% estimate % 160 151 151 134 596 1 19 2,015 (36) -2.5% 2015-16 2.9% -13.2% -5.6% 0.0% -3.4% -3.9% -0.6% -6.3% -3.7% -2.5% -2.5% 8.1% -1.3% -9.6% -4.3% 0.2% -1.8% 27 72 77 66 69 74 74 459 (1) 72 78 72 77 87 71 458 (10) 160 156 162 478 6 165 159 140 140 604 8 18 2,018 3 % -1.5% 3.0% 0.1% 7.2% -0.7% -0.2% 3.2% 0.4% -2.3% 2.2% -0.9% -2.1% -1.1% 2.0% -0.8% 1.3% 1.3% 6.0% -0.8% -7.3% -7.2% Enrollment - CBEDS 2,500 2,000 1,908 1,500 1,805 03-04 1,773 04-05 1,908 05-06 1,805 1,773 1,743 06-07 1,743 1,675 07-08 1,675 1,708 08-09 1,708 1,821 1,761 09-10 10-11 1,761 11-12 1,821 1,934 1,934 12-13 2,064 13-14 14-15 2,015 2,018 15-16 2,051 2,015 12-13 13-14 2,018 1,000 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 Budget15-16 Enroll CBEDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 07-08 08-09 09-10 16 10-11 11-12 14-15 15-16 Update = October 1.4% 0.1% Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2015-16 Registrars are out 6/19 through 7/20 Apr May Forest Grove TK 1.00 14 15 0RD 15FG 14.0 15.0 3.00 41 53 sped=0 13.7 17.7 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total 4.00 76 74 19.0 18.5 3.00 56 55 sped=5 18.7 18.3 3.00 65 65 sped=2 21.7 21.7 3.00 68 69 sped=1 22.7 23.0 3.00 71 72 sped=4 23.7 24.0 20.00 391 403 19.6 20.2 12 12 2.00 Robert Down K 3.00 1 4.00 2 4.00 3 3.00 4 3.00 5 Total 3.00 20.00 Class Size Jul 8/5 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Day sped=0 Class Size SE Jun 32 38 10.7 12.7 78 78 19.5 19.5 71 71 17.8 17.8 82 82 27.3 27.3 77 78 25.7 26.0 68 68 22.7 22.7 408 415 24 - - 24.0 75 - - 25.0 - - 21.3 85 63 - - 21.0 68 - - 22.7 69 - - 23.0 - - 24.3 73 - - 457 - - - 22.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 70 - - 23.3 - - 20.0 80 76 - - 19.0 83 - - 27.7 80 - - 26.7 - - 23.3 70 - - 459 - 156 151 149 140 596 Class Size 18.3 18.3 - - 18.3 Community High School Total CHS 20 20 Total District 1,903 1,922 Prior Year 102 153 Change 1,801 1,769 - - 2,020 - - - - - - - - - - 1,893 2,038 2,041 2,019 2,018 2,016 2,016 2,005 2,015 2,012 2,009 2,004 2,004 (2,012) (2,009) (2,004) (2,004) - 156 151 149 140 596 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 156 151 149 140 596 - - - - High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 32.60 - - - 18.9 - - - - 18.9 18.9 - - - Class Size - - - - 160 153 163 476 - - - - 20.8 160 153 163 476 - - - 20.4 - 23.0 - - Middle School 6 160 7 153 8 163 Total MS 25.16 476 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 (1,893) (2,038) Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM (21) (2,019) (2,018) (2,016) (2,016) (2,005) (2,015) 17 Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2014-15 Registrars are out 6/19 through 7/19 Apr May Jun Jul 8/6 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Forest Grove TK 1.00 12 15 24 29 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 27 26 (Klevan) 9RD 18FG 12.0 15.0 24.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 K 1 1st Day 3.00 47 69 65 67 78 79 78 79 79 79 83 83 84 84 85 sped=0 15.7 23.0 21.7 22.3 26.0 26.3 26.0 26.3 26.3 26.3 27.7 27.7 28.0 28.0 28.3 57 63 64 61 61 61 60 62 63 63 63 63 63 - 19.0 21.0 21.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.0 20.7 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 56 64 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 67 - 18.7 21.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.3 64 69 68 68 67 68 66 67 68 69 69 69 70 - 21.3 23.0 22.7 22.7 22.3 22.7 22.0 22.3 22.7 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.3 68 73 74 69 71 71 70 71 72 72 73 73 72 - 22.7 24.3 24.7 23.0 23.7 23.7 23.3 23.7 24.0 24.0 24.3 24.3 24.0 76 78 76 78 76 74 76 76 77 77 75 75 75 - 25.3 26.0 25.3 26.0 25.3 24.7 25.3 25.3 25.7 25.7 25.0 25.0 25.0 59 84 410 443 455 449 447 447 445 449 458 459 458 459 458 3.1 4.4 21.6 23.3 23.9 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.4 23.6 24.1 24.2 24.1 24.2 24.1 11 12 12 12 14 13 14 13 15 15 15 16 16 3.00 sped=5 2 3.00 sped=2 3 3.00 sped=1 4 3.00 sped=4 5 3.00 sped=4 Total 19.00 Class Size SE 2.00 Robert Down K 3.00 1 2 3 4 5 Total 43 69 72 78 78 75 76 79 79 79 79 77 77 77 77 14.3 23.0 24.0 26.0 26.0 25.0 25.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 Class Size Class Size 72 72 72 72 74 74 74 75 76 76 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.8 19.0 19.0 79 83 84 79 79 81 80 80 80 81 82 81 81 19.8 20.8 21.0 19.8 19.8 20.3 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.3 20.5 20.3 20.3 75 84 85 84 86 82 82 81 82 82 80 80 80 25.0 28.0 28.3 28.0 28.7 27.3 27.3 27.0 27.3 27.3 26.7 26.7 26.7 66 74 75 72 73 71 71 72 74 72 71 70 70 22.0 24.7 25.0 24.0 24.3 23.7 23.7 24.0 24.7 24.0 23.7 23.3 23.3 75 80 81 82 84 87 87 85 86 85 85 85 85 25.0 26.7 27.0 27.3 28.0 29.0 29.0 28.3 28.7 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 69 434 476 479 464 470 472 471 471 475 471 470 469 469 3.5 21.7 23.8 24.0 23.2 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.8 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.5 135 159 146 440 154 166 156 476 151 164 155 470 152 164 155 471 153 163 156 472 155 163 156 474 155 163 159 477 152 163 159 474 153 163 156 472 152 163 156 471 154 165 156 475 153 163 156 472 153 163 157 473 17.5 18.9 18.7 18.7 18.8 18.8 19.0 18.8 18.8 18.7 18.9 18.8 18.8 153 143 156 131 583 168 152 161 132 613 166 151 159 132 608 163 152 156 134 605 160 151 151 134 596 158 149 150 134 591 159 150 150 132 591 154 150 147 128 579 154 149 141 129 573 153 150 141 129 573 151 149 140 129 569 151 149 140 129 569 151 149 140 129 569 17.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.3 18.1 18.1 17.8 17.6 17.6 17.5 17.5 17.5 - - High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 32.60 76 19.0 2.2 - Class Size 77 19.3 43 Middle School 6 7 8 Total MS 25.16 67 16.8 - - - Community High School CHS Total District 102 153 Prior Year Change 102 153 15 18 17 18 19 19 18 19 22 23 22 19 19 1,893 2,038 2,041 2,019 2,018 2,016 2,016 2,005 2,015 2,012 2,009 2,004 2,004 - - 2,043 2,043 2,049 2,058 2,055 2,034 2,037 2,028 2,017 2,011 2,009 1,893 2,038 (2) (24) (31) (42) (39) (29) (22) (16) (8) (7) (5) 18 Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2013-14 Apr Forest Grove TK 1.00 (Klevan) K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Jun Jul 2 3 4 5 Total Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 13 16 18 23 22 22 22 21 21 23 23 23 23 24 24 13.0 16.0 18.0 23.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 21.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 3.00 33 35 43 51 58 58 64 65 69 65 69 68 68 69 69 11.0 11.7 14.3 17.0 19.3 19.3 21.3 21.7 23.0 21.7 23.0 22.7 22.7 23.0 23.0 3.00 69 69 68 68 65 64 65 64 65 66 66 sped=3 23.0 23.0 22.7 22.7 21.7 21.3 21.7 21.3 21.7 22.0 22.0 3.00 68 68 71 71 70 68 70 71 68 68 68 sped=0 22.7 22.7 23.7 23.7 23.3 22.7 23.3 23.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 3.00 66 66 63 66 67 65 69 70 70 72 73 sped=2 22.0 22.0 21.0 22.0 22.3 21.7 23.0 23.3 23.3 24.0 24.3 3.00 85 85 88 87 87 86 85 86 84 85 86 sped=4 28.3 28.3 29.3 29.0 29.0 28.7 28.3 28.7 28.0 28.3 28.7 3.00 71 71 72 72 72 69 69 70 69 69 69 sped=3 23.7 23.7 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 23.3 23.0 23.0 23.0 439 439 448 450 451 440 450 452 447 453 455 23.1 23.1 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.2 23.7 23.8 23.5 23.8 23.9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 19.00 - - - - 1.00 Robert Down K 3.00 1 8/? 1st Day sped=0 Class Size Ratio SE 325 May 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 Class Size Ratio - - - - Middle School 6 7 8 Total MS 25.20 Class Size Ratio - - - - High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 31.20 Class Size Ratio - - Community High School Total CHS Total District Prior Year 43 472 Change (43) (472) 71 71 70 70 69 69 72 73 72 72 72 23.7 23.7 23.3 23.3 23.0 23.0 24.0 24.3 24.0 24.0 24.0 92 92 91 92 94 93 89 88 88 89 89 23.0 23.0 22.8 23.0 23.5 23.3 22.3 22.0 22.0 22.3 22.3 90 90 90 89 89 89 88 88 86 83 83 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.0 22.0 21.5 20.8 20.8 74 74 72 73 72 72 72 71 71 71 71 24.7 24.7 24.0 24.3 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 86 86 87 87 87 88 87 85 85 83 82 28.7 28.7 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.3 29.0 28.3 28.3 27.7 27.3 77 77 77 75 73 73 74 72 71 70 70 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.0 24.3 24.3 24.7 24.0 23.7 23.3 23.3 490 490 487 486 484 484 482 477 473 468 467 24.5 24.5 24.4 24.3 24.2 24.2 24.1 23.9 23.7 23.4 23.4 171 162 146 479 171 162 146 479 174 161 148 483 174 164 149 487 172 164 153 489 171 160 152 483 172 160 155 487 172 158 155 485 173 157 154 484 176 157 152 485 176 157 152 485 19.0 19.0 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.2 19.3 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 152 170 140 134 596 152 170 140 134 596 153 167 139 135 594 154 170 138 135 597 156 166 137 135 594 156 165 136 135 592 150 159 135 134 578 148 156 135 134 573 148 156 135 133 572 147 155 134 133 569 147 155 134 133 569 19.1 19.0 19.1 19.0 19.0 18.5 18.4 18.3 18.2 18.2 - - 19.1 30 30 27 28 27 25 30 31 31 26 23 - - 2,043 2,043 2,049 2,058 2,055 2,034 2,037 2,028 2,017 2,011 2,009 1,826 1,921 2,007 2,009 2,052 2,055 2,041 2,046 2,052 2,042 2,028 2,037 2,037 36 34 3 14 (1,826) (1,921) (3) (12) (15) (14) (11) (26) (28) 19 Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2012-13 Apr May Jun Jul Forest Grove TK K 1 2 3 4 5 Total 2 3 4 5 Total Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 43 50 59 55 65 65 73 73 75 78 80 83 83 84 84 16.7 19.7 18.3 21.7 21.7 24.3 24.3 25.0 26.0 26.7 27.7 27.7 28.0 28.0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 70 72 72 72 77 76 74 72 70 68 67 66 66 23.3 24.0 24.0 24.0 25.7 25.3 24.7 24.0 23.3 22.7 22.3 22.0 22.0 71 72 71 71 74 76 75 74 73 71 71 72 72 23.7 24.0 23.7 23.7 24.7 25.3 25.0 24.7 24.3 23.7 23.7 24.0 24.0 73 74 76 76 76 78 78 78 81 81 71 82 82 24.3 24.7 25.3 25.3 25.3 26.0 26.0 26.0 27.0 27.0 23.7 27.3 27.3 81 82 81 81 82 81 82 80 79 78 77 77 77 27.0 27.3 27.0 27.0 27.3 27.0 27.3 26.7 26.3 26.0 25.7 25.7 25.7 83 85 87 87 90 89 89 88 88 88 87 87 87 27.7 28.3 29.0 29.0 30.0 29.7 29.7 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.0 29.0 29.0 43 50 437 440 452 452 472 473 473 470 471 469 456 468 468 2.4 2.8 24.3 24.4 25.1 25.1 26.2 26.3 26.3 26.1 26.2 26.1 25.3 26.0 26.0 12 12 12 14 15 15 13 14 14 13 13 2.00 Robert Down K 3.00 1 Aug 14.3 3.00 Class Size Ratio Sped 8/? 1st Day 53 33 81 83 83 85 86 84 84 84 83 84 84 84 17.7 11.0 27.0 27.7 27.7 28.3 28.7 28.0 28.0 28.0 27.7 28.0 28.0 28.0 82 84 86 86 86 85 85 83 85 90 90 89 89 89 20.5 21.0 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.3 21.3 20.8 21.3 22.5 22.5 22.3 22.3 22.3 4.00 79 75 82 83 83 81 81 80 80 78 74 76 76 76 26.3 25.0 27.3 27.7 27.7 27.0 27.0 26.7 26.7 26.0 24.7 25.3 25.3 25.3 3.00 78 70 77 82 82 83 81 82 81 82 83 83 83 83 26.0 23.3 25.7 27.3 27.3 27.7 27.0 27.3 27.0 27.3 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 3.00 66 63 70 70 70 74 77 76 80 81 81 81 80 80 22.0 21.0 23.3 23.3 23.3 24.7 25.7 25.3 26.7 27.0 27.0 27.0 26.7 26.7 3.00 64 64 67 68 68 70 70 72 75 78 79 79 79 79 21.3 21.3 22.3 22.7 22.7 23.3 23.3 24.0 25.0 26.0 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 3.00 19.00 - 422 389 463 472 472 478 480 477 485 493 490 492 491 491 22.2 20.5 24.4 24.8 24.8 25.2 25.3 25.1 25.5 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.8 25.8 - 133 141 143 417 133 141 143 417 151 155 156 462 151 155 156 462 150 161 158 469 150 162 157 469 148 160 153 461 149 160 154 463 150 160 154 464 149 159 154 462 149 159 154 462 148 159 155 462 148 159 155 462 Class Size Ratio 17.2 17.2 19.1 19.1 19.4 19.4 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 30.20 161 148 146 113 568 168 153 150 115 586 172 155 151 117 595 172 155 151 117 595 175 155 154 116 600 174 155 154 116 599 174 154 149 116 593 172 155 147 117 591 171 156 144 117 588 169 154 142 117 582 167 153 140 117 577 167 152 140 117 576 167 152 140 117 576 18.8 19.4 19.7 19.7 19.9 19.8 19.6 19.6 19.5 19.3 19.1 19.1 19.1 Class Size Ratio Middle School 6 7 8 Total MS 24.20 - - - Class Size Ratio Community High School Total CHS Total District 43 472 Prior Year 40 53 Change 3 419 15 15 14 16 21 20 22 22 23 25 27 27 27 1,826 1,921 2,007 2,009 2,052 2,055 2,041 2,046 2,052 2,042 2,028 2,037 2,037 66 71 1,921 1,921 1,923 1,933 1,963 1,922 1,938 1,939 1,930 1,939 1,920 1,760 1,850 86 88 129 122 78 124 114 103 98 98 117 20 Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2011-12 Apr May Jun Jul Forest Grove TK K 1 2 3 4 5 Total 8/? Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1st Day 40 53 66 71 77 77 78 78 78 75 75 74 72 72 71 13.3 17.7 22.0 23.7 25.7 25.7 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 24.7 24.0 24.0 23.7 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 Class Size Ratio 70 70 72 73 72 70 72 72 73 74 73 23.3 23.3 24.0 24.3 24.0 23.3 24.0 24.0 24.3 24.7 24.3 77 77 79 78 77 75 78 78 77 77 77 25.7 25.7 26.3 26.0 25.7 25.0 26.0 26.0 25.7 25.7 25.7 80 80 79 78 78 79 81 82 81 82 81 26.7 26.7 26.3 26.0 26.0 26.3 27.0 27.3 27.0 27.3 27.0 80 80 80 79 80 79 82 82 83 85 84 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.3 26.7 26.3 27.3 27.3 27.7 28.3 28.0 75 75 76 75 76 77 78 79 79 79 78 25.0 25.0 25.3 25.0 25.3 25.7 26.0 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.0 40 53 66 71 459 459 464 461 461 455 466 467 465 469 464 2.2 2.9 3.7 3.9 25.5 25.5 25.8 25.6 25.6 25.3 25.9 25.9 25.8 26.1 25.8 Sped Robert Down K 3.00 1 2 3 4 5 Total 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 19.00 - Class Size Ratio - Middle School 6 7 8 Total MS 24.20 Class Size Ratio High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 30.20 Class Size Ratio - - - - - - - - Community High School Total CHS Total District 40 53 Prior Year 27 43 Change 13 10 - - - - 86 86 86 89 88 87 93 93 93 95 94 28.7 28.7 28.7 29.7 29.3 29.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.7 31.3 80 80 80 79 79 78 78 77 75 77 77 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.8 19.8 19.5 19.5 19.3 18.8 19.3 19.3 79 79 79 79 79 78 80 80 78 78 78 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.0 26.7 26.7 26.0 26.0 26.0 73 73 74 76 76 72 72 74 72 72 71 72.0 24.3 24.7 25.3 25.3 24.0 24.0 24.7 24.0 24.0 23.7 72 72 72 73 73 70 70 70 68 69 69 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.3 24.3 23.3 23.3 23.3 22.7 23.0 23.0 64 64 62 62 61 62 62 62 62 62 61 21.3 21.3 20.7 20.7 20.3 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.3 454 454 453 458 456 447 455 456 448 453 450 23.9 23.9 23.8 24.1 24.0 23.5 23.9 24.0 23.6 23.8 23.7 153 144 150 447 153 144 150 447 151 146 152 449 152 148 154 454 154 148 158 460 152 146 154 452 152 148 157 457 151 146 157 454 150 150 157 457 151 150 157 458 149 150 156 455 18.5 18.5 18.6 18.8 19.0 18.7 18.9 18.8 18.9 18.9 18.8 143 149 127 127 546 143 149 127 127 546 142 149 126 125 542 143 148 125 126 542 161 148 146 113 568 147 150 125 128 550 146 148 117 126 537 146 149 116 125 536 145 148 116 125 534 146 148 115 125 534 147 148 115 125 535 18.1 18.1 17.9 17.9 18.8 18.2 17.8 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 15 15 15 18 18 18 23 26 26 25 16 71 1,921 1,921 1,923 1,933 1,963 1,922 1,938 1,939 1,930 1,939 1,920 48 756 1,817 1,815 1,811 1,813 1,818 1,811 1,841 1,841 1,842 1,845 1,831 18 (685) 104 106 112 120 145 111 97 98 88 94 89 66 21 Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment - 2010-11 Apr May Jun Jul Forest Grove TK K 1 2 3 4 5 Total 3.00 2 3 4 5 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 43 48 59 71 71 71 71 72 67 75 75 74 76 75 9.0 14.3 16.0 19.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 24.0 22.3 25.0 25.0 24.7 25.3 25.0 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 17.00 68 71 71 70 71 71 71 72 71 70 71 71 22.7 23.7 23.7 23.3 23.7 23.7 23.7 24.0 23.7 23.3 23.7 23.7 65 68 68 68 68 69 69 71 70 71 72 72 21.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 23.0 23.0 23.7 23.3 23.7 24.0 24.0 68 71 71 71 72 72 71 72 72 74 74 73 22.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 24.0 24.0 23.7 24.0 24.0 24.7 24.7 24.3 61 68 68 67 68 69 69 70 69 69 69 67 24.4 27.2 27.2 26.8 27.2 27.6 27.6 28.0 27.6 27.6 27.6 26.8 66 69 69 70 71 71 70 73 73 71 70 70 26.4 27.6 27.6 28.0 28.4 28.4 28.0 29.2 29.2 28.4 28.0 28.0 27 43 48 387 418 418 417 421 424 417 433 430 429 432 428 1.6 2.5 2.8 22.8 24.6 24.6 24.5 24.8 24.9 24.5 25.5 25.3 25.2 25.4 25.2 2.00 Robert Down K 3.00 1 Aug 27 3.00 Class Size Ratio Sped 8/? 1st Day 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 61 73 73 74 76 76 75 75 76 76 75 75 20.3 24.3 24.3 24.7 25.3 25.3 25.0 25.0 25.3 25.3 25.0 25.0 58 69 68 71 71 69 69 75 76 77 75 75 19.3 23.0 22.7 23.7 23.7 23.0 23.0 25.0 25.3 25.7 25.0 25.0 61 66 66 66 67 66 68 71 71 71 71 70 20.3 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.3 22.0 22.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.3 67 71 71 69 69 69 67 66 68 67 68 68 22.3 23.7 23.7 23.0 23.0 23.0 22.3 22.0 22.7 22.3 22.7 22.7 59 61 61 61 59 58 57 58 63 62 63 64 23.6 24.4 24.4 24.4 23.6 23.2 22.8 23.2 25.2 24.8 25.2 25.6 63 68 67 66 66 67 67 68 69 69 69 68 25.2 27.2 26.8 26.4 26.4 26.8 26.8 27.2 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.2 369 408 406 407 408 405 403 413 423 422 421 420 21.7 24.0 23.9 23.9 24.0 23.8 23.7 24.3 24.9 24.8 24.8 24.7 Middle School 6 7 8 Total MS 24.20 124 144 134 402 124 144 134 402 125 144 135 404 125 146 135 406 126 149 136 411 125 151 136 412 125 153 133 411 127 151 134 412 128 151 136 415 128 152 136 416 127 152 137 416 Class Size Ratio 16.6 16.6 16.7 16.8 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.2 High School 9 10 11 12 Total HS 30.20 148 139 133 142 562 150 139 134 139 562 148 136 132 141 557 148 136 130 140 554 148 137 131 140 556 149 138 131 139 557 151 139 129 138 557 149 137 128 136 550 153 135 127 135 550 155 136 127 134 552 155 136 127 134 552 Class Size Ratio 18.6 18.6 18.4 18.3 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.2 18.2 18.3 18.3 Total 2.50 17.00 Class Size Ratio - - - Community High School Total CHS Total District 27 43 - 48 756 Budget15-16 Enroll Month 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 27 27 26 24 22 22 27 26 26 24 15 1,817 1,815 1,811 1,813 1,818 1,811 1,841 1,841 1,842 1,845 1,831 22 Modified 5-8-2015 - Powerschool Pacific Grove Unified School District Enrollment by Ethnicity Forest Grove American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More None Reported Total FG 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate 0% 56 4 6 208 56 35 365 15% 3 31 1 7 254 25 27 1% Robert Down American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More None Reported Total RD 348 Middle School American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More None Reported Total MS 1 45 2 9 267 49 14 387 High School American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More None Reported Total HS 1% 2% 57% 15% 10% 0% 9% 0% 2% 73% 7% 8% 0% 4 70 8 10 421 61 11 0% 12% 1% 2% 69% 13% 4% 0% 1% 12% 1% 2% 72% 10% 2% 0% 585 53 4 6 215 79 22 5 384 2 39 1 7 261 43 11 8 372 2 45 2 8 277 48 10 12 404 2 65 9 10 401 74 1 13 575 0% 14% 1% 2% 56% 21% 6% 1% 1% 10% 0% 2% 70% 12% 3% 2% 0% 11% 0% 2% 69% 12% 2% 3% 0% 11% 2% 2% 70% 13% Budget15-16 Enroll Ethnicity 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 0% 2% - 0% - 0% 39 4 5 233 102 29 6 418 9% 38 3 9 247 115 37 10 459 8% 2 41 1 7 274 55 20 6 406 1 45 5 9 268 52 16 11 407 4 69 4 14 383 67 5 11 557 1% 1% 56% 24% 7% 1% 0% 10% 0% 2% 67% 14% 5% 1% 0% 11% 1% 2% 66% 13% 4% 3% 1% 12% 1% 3% 69% 12% 1% 2% 4 29 1 8 315 61 27 11 456 2 64 8 12 279 65 13 6 449 5 65 5 10 363 73 13 12 546 23 1% 2% 54% 25% 8% 2% 1% 6% 0% 2% 69% 13% 6% 2% 0% 14% 2% 3% 62% 14% 3% 1% 1% 12% 1% 2% 66% 13% 2% 2% 0% 41 4 8 265 125 38 7 488 4 27 2 8 335 77 23 10 486 1 61 5 13 284 81 11 11 467 5 60 5 16 391 85 20 14 596 8% 1% 2% 54% 26% 8% 1% 1% 6% 0% 2% 69% 16% 5% 2% 0% 13% 1% 3% 61% 17% 2% 2% 1% 10% 1% 3% 66% 14% 3% 2% 1 36 5 4 246 111 50 5 458 3 26 2 10 324 85 28 7 485 1 59 3 14 284 92 15 16 484 3 66 8 14 384 80 23 18 596 0% - 0% - 0% 8% 39 3 5 268 107 44 7 473 8% 39 3 5 268 107 44 7 473 8% 1% 1% 54% 24% 11% 1% 1% 5% 0% 2% 67% 18% 6% 1% 0% 12% 1% 3% 59% 19% 3% 3% 1% 11% 1% 2% 64% 13% 4% 3% 2 27 2 4 326 79 30 1 471 2 54 1 14 278 99 22 6 476 1 70 11 16 362 85 18 7 570 1% 1% 57% 23% 9% 1% 0% 6% 0% 1% 69% 17% 6% 0% 0% 11% 0% 3% 58% 21% 5% 1% 0% 12% 2% 3% 64% 15% 3% 1% 2 27 2 4 326 79 30 1 471 2 54 1 14 278 99 22 6 476 1 70 11 16 362 85 18 7 570 1% 1% 57% 23% 9% 1% 0% 6% 0% 1% 69% 17% 6% 0% 0% 11% 0% 3% 58% 21% 5% 1% 0% 12% 2% 3% 64% 15% 3% 1% Source = Powerschool (Oct) Community High American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More None Reported Total CHS District Total American Indian Asian Pacific Islander African American White Hispanic Two or More Not Reported Total District 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate 0% 1 0% 0% - 3% 1% 0% 0% 19 0% 0% 2 15 3 0% 15 3 0% - 3% 1% 0% 0% 20 0% 0% 2 19 4 0% - 0% - 0% 0% 3% 1% - 0% 2% 1% 0% 1 17 0% - 0% 1 2 1 0% 0% 2 0% 1 12 3 0% 0% 2 27 - - 0% 0% 11 5 1 1 20 2% 1% 0% 0% - - 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 1 1 14 4 3 0% 12 8 2 1 27 0% 1% 0% - 0% - 0% 2% 1% 1% 23 0% 1 1 14 4 3 0% 0% 0% - 0% 0% 2% 1% 1% 0% 23 8 0% 6 0% 7 0% 11 1% 10 0% 9 0% 5 0% 5 0% 203 12% 202 12% 194 11% 196 10% 189 9% 189 9% 190 9% 190 9% 15 1% 16 1% 14 1% 17 1% 18 1% 19 1% 18 1% 18 1% 32 2% 33 2% 37 2% 40 2% 45 2% 42 2% 40 2% 40 2% 1,165 68% 1,169 67% 1,177 65% 1,216 63% 1,286 63% 1,250 61% 1,248 62% 1,248 62% 194 11% 247 14% 280 15% 317 16% 373 18% 376 18% 374 19% 374 19% 87 5% 44 3% 70 4% 90 5% 93 5% 118 6% 117 6% 117 6% 0% 38 2% 36 2% 40 2% 43 2% 47 2% 21 1% 21 1% - 1,704 1,755 1,815 1,927 2,057 2,050 2,013 2,013 Ethnicity 2007-08 through 2015-16 80% 07-08 70% Indian American Asian 60% Pacific Islander 50% African American White 40% Hispanic 30% Two or More Not 20% Reported 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 07-08 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12% 12% 12% 11% 10% 9% 9% 9% 9% 08-09 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 09-10 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 10-11 71% 68% 67% 65% 63% 63% 61% 62% 62% 11% 11% 14% 15% 16% 18% 18% 19% 19% 3% 5% 3% 4% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 0% 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 10% 15-16 0% American Indian Asian Pacific IslanderAfrican American Budget15-16 Enroll Ethnicity 5/18/2015 1:58 PM White 24 Hispanic Two or More Not Reported Source = Powerschool (Oct) Pacific Grove Unified School District Staffing by Classification Fund 1 (Oct) Certificated Regular Ed 0000 Special Ed 6500 Librarians 0000 Counselors 0000 Psychologists 0000 Speech 6500 Total Certificated 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 actual actual actual actual actual estimate 88.55 14.00 1.80 4.30 2.06 110.71 Certificated Management Superintendent 1300 1.00 Principals 1300 4.00 Asst Principals 1300 2.00 Cert Directors 1300 2.00 Safety Coordinator 1300 Total Cert Mgt 9.00 Classified Inst Assistants 2100 Support 2200 Class Mgt 2300 Clerical 2400 Noon Duty 2900 Campus Sups 2900 Occup Ther 2900 Total Classified 71.24 Confidential Payroll/HR 2400 Accounting 2400 Admin Asst 2400 Total Confidential Total District 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 195.95 (2.45) 1.00 0.16 (1.29) - 89.35 14.20 1.80 4.30 2.06 111.71 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 - 2.00 - 1.00 - - (1.32) - - - - 3.64 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 200.16 - - - 3.40 20.62 - 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 196.75 0.44 20.62 25.53 3.00 17.29 1.94 1.63 0.80 70.810 - - (0.80) - - 71.04 (0.80) 9.00 - 2.00 4.10 (2.70) - - - 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 - - (0.03) 93.45 11.50 1.00 3.50 2.50 3.40 115.35 0.80 0.20 (0.20) 0.80 - 25.53 1.00 17.29 1.94 1.63 0.80 (0.23) 3.41 97.00 12.40 1.00 4.00 2.60 3.70 120.70 1.00 4.20 2.00 2.00 0.20 9.40 21.71 24.03 3.00 15.54 1.98 1.63 1.60 69.477 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 204.58 3.55 0.90 0.50 0.10 0.30 5.35 0.20 0.20 0.40 1.09 (1.50) (1.75) 0.03 0.80 (1.33) 4.42 99.66 12.00 1.00 4.00 2.60 3.00 122.26 2.66 (0.40) (0.70) 1.56 1.00 4.20 2.00 2.00 0.20 9.40 23.42 27.25 4.00 16.14 2.13 1.63 0.80 75.365 - 1.72 3.22 1.00 0.60 0.15 (0.80) 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 212.03 5.89 7.45 100.66 12.00 1.00 4.00 2.60 3.00 123.26 1.00 4.20 2.00 2.00 0.20 9.40 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 212.03 203.67 197.27 195.95 196.75 200.16 204.58 212.03 213.03 203.67 200 197.27 195.95 196.75 09-10 10-11 11-12 200.16 213.03 140 Budget15-16 Staffing 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 25 14-15 1.00 - - 204.58 13-14 - 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 213.03 160 12-13 - - 180 08-09 - 23.42 27.25 4.00 16.14 2.13 1.63 0.80 75.365 Staffing 220 1.00 15-16 Modified 5-8-2015 - Pos02a, Gen Fund - 1.00 Pacific Grove Unified School District Staffing by Location - 2014-15 Positions Grounds Maintenance II Maintenance III Maint Foreman Maint Utility Worker Bus Drivers Account Clerk I Admin Sec I Admin Specialist Admin Asst II Admin Asst III Admin Asst IV Campus Supervisor Career Tech Clerk III Comp Tech II Counselor Custodian I Custodian II Director I Director II Fiscal Officer Food Service I Food Service II Food Service III Health Care Asst/Nurse Inst Assistant II Inst Assistant (SIP/PE) Inst Assistant I Library Tech I Library Tech II Library Tech III Librarian Lunch Noon Duty Occup Therapist Office Manager Payroll/Benefits Personnel Specialist Preschool Teacher Principal Asst Principal Psychologist Rec Attendant Rec Coordinator Speech Teacher Supt/Asst Supt Teachers Total District Forest Grove Robert Down Middle School High School Comm High Adult Ed M&O District Transp Office 2.000 2.000 1.500 3.750 0.500 1.000 0.515 0.875 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.875 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.750 0.875 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.500 1.000 1.000 1.625 0.750 1.000 0.875 2.000 2.500 2.000 0.750 2.000 2.000 0.625 1.000 3.300 0.500 1.000 5.200 1.000 1.000 0.156 0.406 0.156 0.406 0.219 1.063 0.750 1.875 3.975 1.461 0.750 1.250 3.271 1.718 0.750 3.000 1.375 0.094 0.938 0.656 1.000 3.000 0.650 0.500 0.250 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.250 1.000 1.250 1.000 0.750 0.800 1.000 0.125 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.600 1.866 0.994 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.994 0.938 1.000 26.000 46.473 25.000 46.157 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.200 0.600 32.600 57.188 2.000 2.825 1.000 2.000 Budget15-16 Staff Site 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 25.160 43.067 26 9.747 16.147 9.750 16.950 Total Staffing 2.000 2.000 1.500 3.750 1.250 2.000 2.000 2.125 1.000 3.000 1.625 0.750 7.065 3.500 4.000 6.000 7.000 5.200 1.000 1.000 0.625 2.813 0.656 3.250 9.125 9.271 3.679 0.250 2.250 0.250 1.000 2.125 0.800 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.600 4.200 2.600 2.860 1.932 3.000 2.000 120.507 238.557 Source = ESC Pos01b Pacific Grove Unified School District Special Ed Staffing Forest Grove Inst Assistants Teachers Speech Occup Therap Total Robert Down Inst Assistants Teachers Speech Occup Therap Total Middle School Inst Assistants Teachers Speech Occup Therap Total High School Inst Assistants Teachers Speech Occup Therap Total CHS/DO Teachers Speech Occup Therap Total Total Inst Assistants Teachers Speech OT Autism: 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual actual actual actual actual actual actual 1.25 1.50 1.00 3.75 1.25 2.50 1.00 0.40 5.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.10 6.35 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.10 6.35 0.50 0.50 (0.50) (0.50) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.40 5.65 1.50 0.40 1.90 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.40 5.65 0.50 0.50 3.00 2.00 0.25 0.10 5.35 (1.00) (1.00) 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.10 6.35 - 8.50 10.00 2.50 0.60 21.60 24 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.40 5.65 3.00 2.00 0.25 0.10 5.35 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.10 6.35 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.60 5.85 - 0.20 0.20 1.25 2.00 1.00 0.60 4.85 - (1.00) 0.20 (0.80) 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.10 6.60 - 1.00 0.25 1.25 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.10 6.60 - 0.25 0.25 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.40 5.65 (0.20) (0.20) 1.25 2.00 1.00 0.60 4.85 - 3.00 4.00 0.50 0.10 7.60 - - 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.10 6.60 - - 8.50 11.00 2.50 1.00 23.00 24 0.30 0.30 - 8.50 11.00 2.50 1.00 23.00 23 1.00 0.40 1.40 - - - 8.50 11.00 3.00 1.40 23.90 34 - 8.50 12.00 3.00 1.20 24.70 34 - 0.50 0.40 0.90 0.40 - - 3.00 4.00 0.50 0.10 7.60 - - 0.80 - 8.50 12.40 3.70 1.40 26.00 34 (0.20) 0.80 - 0.80 0.40 0.70 0.20 1.30 25.00 21.30 21.60 26.00 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 23.90 11-12 12-13 24.70 13-14 14-15 23.00 23.00 21.30 21.60 ### 23.00 23.90 24.70 26.00 26.00 07-08 08-09 09-10 26.00 14-15 - Budget15-16 Sped Staffing 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 27 - - - - 5.00 13-14 - 8.50 12.40 3.70 1.40 26.00 34 10.00 12-13 - - 15.00 11-12 - - 20.00 10-11 - 0.80 Special Ed Staffing 30.00 - - - - 1.00 - - - - 0.40 1.25 2.00 1.40 0.60 5.25 0.80 - - - 0.80 - - - 0.80 - - 0.10 - - - - 0.20 - - - - 3.00 4.00 0.50 0.10 7.60 0.30 1.25 2.60 1.30 0.60 5.75 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.10 6.60 - - 1.25 2.00 1.40 0.60 5.25 (0.40) - - - - 1.25 2.60 1.30 0.60 5.75 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.10 6.60 - - - 1.25 3.00 1.00 0.40 5.65 Source = ESC Pos02a, 6500 3310 - Pacific Grove Unified School District Class Size 2011-12 CBEDS FTE 2012-13 Class CBEDS FTE Size Forest Grove TK K 78 1 72 2 77 3 80 4 80 5 75 Total 462 Robert Down K 86 1 80 2 79 3 76 4 72 5 62 Total 455 2013-14 Class CBEDS FTE 2014-15 Class Size CBEDS FTE Size 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 18.0 26.0 24.0 25.7 26.7 26.7 25.0 25.7 74 77 78 81 86 93 489 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 18.0 24.7 25.7 26.0 27.0 28.7 31.0 27.2 22 64 68 71 67 89 77 458 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.4 18.0 21.5 26.7 26.3 25.3 27.3 26.3 25.3 88 86 84 81 78 71 488 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 19.0 29.3 21.5 28.0 27.0 26.0 23.7 25.7 70 91 90 72 87 77 487 2015-16 (est) Class CBEDS FTE Size Class Size 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 19.0 22.0 21.3 22.7 23.7 22.3 29.7 25.7 24.1 27 78 64 69 69 75 78 460 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 19.0 27.0 26.0 21.3 23.0 23.0 25.0 26.0 24.2 27 72 77 66 69 74 74 459 1.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 20.0 27.0 24.0 19.2 22.0 23.0 24.7 24.8 23.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 20.0 23.3 22.8 22.5 24.0 29.0 25.7 24.4 76 72 79 85 72 84 468 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 20.0 25.3 24.0 19.8 21.3 24.0 28.0 23.4 72 78 72 77 87 71 458 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 20.0 24.0 26.1 18.1 19.3 29.0 23.8 22.9 19.2 153 163 156 472 18.8 160 156 162 478 25.2 19.0 32.6 18.3 165 159 140 140 604 32.6 18.5 2.8 99.6 6.8 20.2 18 2,018 2.8 100.6 6.4 20.1 Elementary Schools shall average 29:1, using Regular Ed teachers only (no PE). Middle School 6 150 7 148 8 152 Total 450 23.0 19.6 150 162 157 469 24.0 19.5 174 162 148 484 25.2 25.2 Middle School shall average 26:1, using Regular Ed teachers (including PE) and Music teachers. High School 9 146 10 151 11 128 12 125 Total 550 29.0 19.0 173 155 153 116 597 30.2 19.8 153 167 140 135 595 31.2 19.1 160 151 151 134 596 High School shall average 28:1, using Regular Ed teachers (including PE) and Music and ROP teachers. Community High School 17 Total District 1,934 1708 85.0 25.0 08-09 20.1 2.5 90.5 6.8 21.4 21 2,064 1761 1821 1934 88.5 89.4 90.5 09-10 10-11 11-12 19.9 20.4 21.4 2.5 93.7 27 2,051 2.8 98.2 9.6 20.9 2064Average 2051 Class 2015 Size2018 - District 93.7 98.2 99.6 100.6 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 22.0 20.9 20.2 20.1 22.0 21.4 20.1 19.9 20.4 08-09 09-10 10-11 20.0 8.4 22.0 19 2,015 20.9 20.2 20.1 14-15 15-16 15.0 10.0 Budget15-16 Class Size 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 11-12 28 12-13 13-14 Update = October Pacific Grove Unified School District Employees - 2014-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name Afifi, Felicia Afifi, Felicia Afifi, Marc Anloff, Carole Asher, Mary Asignacion, Ireneo Atofau, Apelila Baguio, Senen Baker, Larise Baker-Leyva, Laverne Barr, Michael Barr, Monique Barrett, Glynis Bartlett, Emma Batista, Barbara Beck, Sherri Bell, Matthew Bernahl, Nancy Beron, Diane Biggio, Kim Binder, Matthew Bitter, Jodi Bitter, Kathleen Book, Lynn Broz, Catherine Bulich, Nicole Buller, Kathleen Buller, Kathleen Buller, Todd Buller, Todd Cardinalli, Melanie Carter, Rick Casas, John Cassam, Richard Castorina, Fran Castorina, Fran Cates, Bruce Cates-Pegis, Diane Cathey, Paula Chappin, Dennis Chavez, Pedro Chrislock, Pamela Chrislock, Pamela Cina, Beth Clements, Lynn Cochran, Robin Cole, Brenda Cole, Brenda Conneau, Chris Cool, Kelly Title Admin Asst IIB Account Clerk I Teacher Payroll Instructional Assistant Custodian II Clerk III Custodian I Teacher Adult School Teacher Adult School Custodian I Inst Asst-Sped Teacher Instructional Assistant Teacher Adult School Teacher Adult School Principal Fiscal Officer Teacher Presch Teacher Adult School Teacher Science Library Media Tech II Teacher Bus Driver Teacher Adult School Teacher Teacher For Lang Teacher Teacher PE Teacher AVID Teacher Custodian II Teacher Teacher Adult School Food Service I Food Service II Director Ed Tech Clerk III Teacher Adult School Teacher PE Teachers Adult School Inst Asst III Noon Duty 2nd Teacher Teacher Reading Clerk III Inst Asst I Inst Asst III-Title I Inst Asst II-Sped Admin Asst IV Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 0.5000 01 6HS 7200 35 F 228 0.5000 01 6HS 8410 34 F 239 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 24 184 1.0000 01 9DO 6120 6 PR 261 0.3750 01 2RD 1000 30 A 50 1.0000 01 8AS 7800 37 F 261 0.8750 01 5MS 7200 33 F 228 1.0000 01 3FG 7800 36 B 191 0.7667 11 8AS 1035 13 B 87 0.7750 11 8AS various 13 C 87 1.0000 01 5MS 7800 36 F 261 0.7500 01 6HS 3700 31 F 193 1.0000 01 3FG 2100 IV 5 184 0.3750 01 2RD 1000 30 A 53 0.1667 11 8AS 1032 2 A 87 0.2333 11 8AS 1017 13 D 87 1.0000 01 6HS 7200 8 6 220 1.0000 01 0DO 6120 6 1.0000 12 2RD 4910 C 10 0.5625 11 8AS 1035 13 C 87 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 11 184 0.7500 01 5MS 7100 33 C 193 0.5000 01 2RD 1375 IV 8 94 0.7500 01 0DO 7900 38 F 218 0.1500 11 8AS 1034 1 A 87 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 III 6 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 21 184 0.2000 01 6HS 8410 VI 21 184 0.8000 01 6HS 1520 VI 28 184 0.2000 01 6HS 1000 VI 28 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 20 184 1.0000 01 6HS 7800 38 F 261 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 V 36 184 0.1667 11 8AS 1032 1 A 87 0.0938 13 0DO 8200 28 F 172 0.4063 13 0DO 8200 30 F 172 1.0000 01 0DO 1225 2 5 225 0.5000 11 8AS 1034 33 C 146 0.1333 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 1.0000 01 5MS 1520 VI 31 184 0.0333 11 8AS 1018 8 A 87 0.5300 01 2RD 1375 31 F 193 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 31 F 193 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 IV 9 184 1.0000 01 2RD 3200 VI 23 184 0.8750 01 5MS 5300 33 F 228 0.5000 11 8AS 1035 30 F 218 0.2800 01 3FG 1375 31 F 193 0.7500 01 6HS 3700 31 F 193 1.0000 11 8AS 7200 40 F 251 29 261 184 Hours 4.00 4.00 7.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 4.60 4.65 8.00 6.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.40 8.00 8.00 7.00 3.38 7.00 6.00 3.50 6.00 0.90 7.00 7.00 1.40 5.60 1.40 7.00 8.00 7.00 1.00 0.75 3.25 8.00 4.00 0.80 7.00 0.20 4.24 1.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 2.24 6.00 8.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Name Cool, Patrick Coon, Senda Costales, Jo Lynne Cota, Jason D'Amico, Adriana D'Amico, Joseph Da Silva, Maria Da Silva, Nancy DaSilva, Nancy Dacuyan, Juliana Dacuyan, Sydney Dalhamer, Martin Davies, Clare De Marco, Elaine De Tomaso, Margaret Diehl, Cheri Dixon, Roberto Dixon, Roberto Doby, Judith Dorey, Christopher Dorey, Christopher Dougherty, Joann Drucker, Joel Ellis, Greg Ellzey, Suzanne Ellzey, Suzanne Engles, Debra Engles, Denise Erickson, Jennifer Estes, Charlyce Evans, Michelle Fadem, Tanya Faia, Mindy Falknor, Margaret Falknor, Margaret Falknor, Margaret Farmer, Debbie Felthoven, Meg Fletcher, Stacy Fort, Mary Ann Franco, Evelyn Franco, Evelyn Franco, Evelyn Fredrick, Can Freitag, Mandi Frudden, Sonda Frudden, Sonda Fuqua, Jennifer Fuqua, Jennifer Gamble, Brice Gamecho, Diana Gaona, Lauralea Garcia, Susan Gasperson, Jordan Gattis-McBride, A Gaul, Pamela Title Adult School Adult School Teacher Custodian II Teacher Teacher Food Svc II Clerk III Noon Duty Teacher 1st Teacher 4th Teacher Adult School Director of Student Services Teacher Math Teacher 1st Inst Asst II-Sped Inst Asst I - PE Rec Attendant Teacher Adult School Comp Lab Tech II Teacher Food Service II Bus Driver Grounds Instructional Assistant Noon Duty Teacher Kinder Admin Secretary Teacher Admin Asst II Teacher 1st Teacher Adult School Psychologist Inst Asst Title I Inst Asst I Noon Duty Admin Asst II Teacher Adult School Teacher Teacher Inst Asst II Rec Attendant Noon Duty Health Care Asst Supt Secretary Counselor Counselor Rec Attendant Noon Duty Teacher SS Clerk III Teacher Inst Asst II Sped Instructional Assistant Teacher Teacher Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 0.1333 11 8AS 1032 2 A 87 0.0333 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 V 18 184 1.0000 01 5MS 7800 38 F 261 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 V 6 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 V 6 184 0.5313 13 0DO 8200 30 F 193 0.3750 01 3FG 7200 33 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 33 F 193 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 IV 20 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 20 184 0.2667 11 8AS 1017 1 A 87 1.0000 1 0DO 5500 5 5 220 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 20 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 26 184 0.7500 01 5MS 3700 31 D 180 0.7709 01 2RD 1520 31 F 193 0.1250 12 2RD 8300 26 F 193 0.0500 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.8750 01 5MS 1000 33 F 193 0.2000 01 5MS 1000 I 2 184 0.4063 13 0DO 8200 30 F 193 0.7500 01 0DO 7900 38 F 218 1.0000 01 0DO 6250 37 D 146 0.5000 01 3FG 1375 31 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 31 F 193 1.0000 01 3FG 1030 VI 37 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6120 6 0.6000 01 6HS 8410 III 1 184 0.6250 01 7CH 7200 36 F 228 1.0000 01 2RD 1030 VI 19 184 0.1000 11 8AS 1034 1 D 87 0.6000 01 0DO .6 III 12 184 0.3125 01 2RD 1375 31 F 193 0.2500 01 2RD 1000 30 F 193 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 30 F 193 1.0000 01 6HS 5300 35 F 239 0.0667 11 8AS 1018 1 C 87 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 2 184 0.8000 01 5MS 1000 VI 10 184 0.6250 01 3FG 3700 31 F 193 0.2094 12 2RD 8300 26 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 31 F 193 0.7500 01 0DO 1545 37 D 1.0000 01 0DO 6110 5 0.2500 01 2RD 5300 VI 10 194 0.2500 01 3FG 1000 VI 10 194 0.6850 12 2RD 8300 26 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 26 F 193 261 180 261 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 10 184 1.0000 01 6HS 7200 34 F 239 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 9 184 0.6250 01 3FG 3700 31 F 193 0.6500 01 6HS 1520 30 C 185 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 V 17 184 1.0000 01 5MS 2100 VI 10 184 30 Hours 0.80 0.20 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 4.25 3.00 1.00 7.00 7.00 1.60 8.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.17 1.00 0.30 7.00 1.40 3.25 6.00 8.00 4.00 1.00 7.00 8.00 4.20 5.00 7.00 0.60 4.50 2.50 2.00 1.00 8.00 0.40 7.00 5.60 5.00 1.67 1.00 6.00 8.00 1.75 1.75 5.50 1.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 5.00 5.20 7.00 7.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Name Gessaman, Aina Gilmore, Marie Gilroy, Ellen Gordon, Karinne Gordon, Sarah Gottesman, Val Goulet, Linda Grate, Justus Gray, Jeff Griffiths, Lillian Grindol, Diane Gruber, Christine Gruber, Christine Gruber, Christine Gruber, Christine Guidara, Eloise Gutierrez-Alverez, Emily Guttchen, Linda Haggquist, Larry Hall, David Haney, Michelle Hartnett, Danielle Hedlind, Denise Heebink, Marion Himenes, Stacy Hinton, Jennifer Hirst, Barbara Hiserman, Mary Hobson, Dianne Hofer, Jenna Hoffman, David Hoffman, David Hoffman, David Horn, Leslie Horn, Leslie Howell, Robert Hunter, Kathy Hyde, Gregory Ibrahim, Steven Iligan, Rodrigo Jadeja, Resha Jadeja, Resha Jadeja, Resha Johnson, Denise Johnson, Desma Johnson, Desma Jones, David Jones, Linda Jorn, Jaime Karasek, Deanna Keller, Sean Kelly, Matthew Kelly, Matthew Kelly, Matthew Kirshner, Chin King, Leslie Title Teacher Speech Teacher Adult School Instructional Assistant Teacher English Teacher SDC Teacher Adult School Teacher Home Teacher SS Teacher PE Teacher SS Teacher Adult School Clerk III Instructional Assistant Noon Duty Instructional Assistant Teacher Kinder Computer Tech Teacher Adult School Teacher English Teacher Adult School Instructional Assistant Teacher RSP Teacher Music Clerk III Campus Supv Teacher PE Teacher 2nd Teacher 5th Dir Food Service Teacher 6th Teacher Music Teacher Music Teacher Music Inst Asst II-Sped Noon Duty Campus Supv Teacher Kinder Teacher Adult School Teacher 4th Custodian II Instructional Assistant Noon Duty Instructional Assistant Teacher 2nd Teacher For Lang Teacher Teacher 3rd Comp Lab Tech II Instructional Assistant Office Manager Asst Principal HS Teacher ROP Teacher Art Director of M&T Teacher Adult School Psychologist Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 1.0000 01 0DO 2200 VI 19 184 0.0667 11 8AS 1017 1 A 87 0.3750 01 3FG 1000 30 A 54 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 13 184 0.6000 01 3FG 2440 VI 26 184 0.0667 11 8AS 1017 13 C 87 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 29 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 21 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1520 VI 26 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 36 184 0.0167 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.0400 01 3FG 7200 33 F 228 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 D 150 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 33 F 193 0.5000 01 3FG 1000 30 D 193 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 26 184 0.8750 01 6HS 1000 33 D 71 0.0667 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 17 184 0.4000 11 8AS 1032 3 A 87 0.6250 01 3FG 3700 31 C 193 1.0000 01 3FG 2440 VI 11 184 1.0000 01 0DO 1432 V 18 184 0.5000 11 8AS 3821 33 F 251 0.7500 01 6HS 1000 29 F 193 1.0000 01 2RD 1520 VI 22 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1030 III 11 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 30 184 1.0000 13 0DO 8200 4 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 6 184 0.4000 01 6HS 1000 VI 21 184 0.4000 01 6HS 1432 VI 21 184 0.2000 01 6HS 1000 VI 21 184 0.6250 01 2RD 3700 31 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 31 F 193 0.8750 01 6HS 1000 29 F 193 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 10 184 0.0417 11 8AS 1032 3 C 87 220 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 10 184 1.0000 01 5MS 7800 38 F 261 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 C 62 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 C 62 0.3750 01 3FG 1000 30 C 62 1.0000 01 2RD 1030 VI 7 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 15 184 0.1600 01 5MS 1432 VI 15 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1030 V 13 184 0.8750 01 2RD 1000 33 F 193 0.6250 01 5MS 1520 30 C 164 1.0000 01 2RD 7200 39 F 234 1.0000 01 6HS 7200 2 0.6000 01 6HS 8410 VI 20 184 0.4000 01 6HS 1000 VI 20 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6220 4 0.5500 11 8AS 1034 13 C 87 1.0000 01 0DO 5500 III 11 184 31 210 225 Hours 7.25 0.40 3.00 7.00 4.20 0.40 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.10 0.32 1.00 1.00 4.00 7.00 7.00 0.40 7.00 2.40 5.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 2.80 2.80 1.40 5.00 1.00 7.00 7.00 0.25 7.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.12 7.00 7.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 4.20 2.80 8.00 3.30 7.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Name Kinney, Stacy Kirmil, Tammie Kitayama, Audrey Klevan, Norma Knight, Michael Koenig, Elissa Kong, Ivy Kraus, Barbara Kreeger, Kathleen Kumar, Prakash Lackey, Nicholas Lagmay, Dominador Laiolo, Nancy Lawrence, Janie Leach, Jo Ellen Leone, Jeanne Levy, Karen Light, Janet Light, Janet Light, Thomas Lippert, Janis Longueira, Genelle Longueira, Ron Longueira, Ron Lord, Jayne Lozada, Susan Lucido, Jessica Lyon, Linda Maas, Arnold Maas, Michelle Mah, Sylvia Mah, Sylvia Mahaney, Mark Mahaney, Mark Mahaney, Michelle Mahaney, Michelle Mahr, Moria Mankey, Billie Marchese, Deborah Mares, Cherie Mares, Cherie Mares, Cherie Martin, William Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Barbara May, Diane McCarty, Shannon Mein, Rachel Mello, Amanda Mello, Brian Melton, Nancy Michaele, Vivian Miller, Maria Miller, Richard Title Maintenance II Health Care Asst Inst Asst I Teacher Kinder Teacher Teacher Adult School Teacher Math Teacher Adult School Teacher RSP Instructional Assistant Teacher Custodian II Food Service II Counselor Inst Asst Teacher Teacher 4th Career Tech Teacher Adult School Teacher Math Personnel Specialist Food Service I Instructional Assistant Noon Duty Teacher Reading Clerk III Teacher Adult School Food Service III Teacher Adult School Clerk III Inst Asst I Food Service I Transp Bus Utility Worker Instructional Assistant Rec Attendant Teacher 6th Dir Human Res II Office Manager Instructional Assistant Noon Duty Instructional Assistant Teacher Adult School Principal AS Principal CHS Safety Teacher 4th Teacher 3rd Admin Asst IV Teacher Teacher Math Teacher Adult School Teacher RSP Teacher ELD Asst Superintendent Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 1.0000 01 0DO 6220 43 F 261 0.7500 01 0DO 1545 37 C 157 0.5000 01 0DO 1000 30 D 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1030 VI 27 184 1.0000 01 2RD 2100 V 7 184 0.5250 11 8AS 1029 7 A 87 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 10 184 0.2000 11 8AS 1031 3 A 87 1.0000 01 5MS 2100 V 9 184 0.7500 12 2RD 4910 30 F 193 1.0000 01 6HS 2100 VI 8 184 1.0000 01 2RD 7800 37 F 261 0.6250 13 5MS 8200 30 F 193 1.0000 01 5MS 5300 VI 20 194 0.7500 01 5MS 2440 31 E 75 1.0000 01 5MS 2100 VI 6 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 23 184 0.7500 01 6HS 5325 42 B 192 0.1333 11 8AS 1017 11 D 87 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 33 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6130 6 0.1563 13 0DO 8200 28 F 0.2500 01 3FG 1000 31 A 174 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 31 A 174 1.0000 01 0DO 4200 VI 29 184 1.0000 11 8AS 7200 33 F 251 0.0333 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 261 168 0.6563 13 0DO 8200 31 F 193 0.2000 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.8000 11 8AS 1034 34 E 177 0.5000 01 3FG 1000 30 F 193 0.1563 13 0DO 8200 28 F 193 0.2500 01 0DO 2500 38 C 142 0.2500 01 0DO 7800 37 D 142 0.7500 01 5MS 1520 30 C 193 0.2188 01 2RD 8300 30 C 193 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 26 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6130 8 1.0000 01 3FG 7200 39 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 C 163 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 C 163 0.2500 01 3FG 1000 30 C 163 0.1667 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.6000 11 8AS 7200 8 220 0.2000 01 7CH 7200 8 220 0.2000 01 0DO 4969 8 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 28 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 V 11 184 1.0000 01 6HS 7200 40 F 239 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 IV 6 184 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 11 184 0.0333 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 1.0000 01 6HS 2100 VI 14 184 0.5000 01 0DO 1000 VI 11 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6120 3 32 225 220 225 Hours 8.00 6.00 4.00 7.00 7.00 3.15 7.00 1.20 7.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 5.25 7.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 0.80 7.00 8.00 1.25 2.00 1.00 7.00 8.00 0.20 5.25 1.20 6.40 4.00 1.25 2.00 2.00 6.75 1.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.80 1.60 1.60 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 0.20 1.00 3.50 8.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 Name Miller, Vicky Miller, Vicky Milligan, Wendy Minor, Betty Moldenhauer, Dana Molinski, Anthony Morgan, Ronald Chris Morrison, Fran Morrison, Fran Murphy, Dessie Nail, Pamela Nattress, Joan Newman, Mary Lee Nolan-Stewart, J O'Dell, Patricia O'Donnell, Donna Ohsiek, Rebecca Olin, Janine Olney, Elizabeth O'Neill, Melanie Orozco, Oscar Ottmar, Kenneth Overstreet, Ed Paris, Kristin Parker, Carey Parrish Patel, Hetal Paxton, Beverly Payan, Anthony Pechan, Stephanie Penrose, Jennifer Perkins, Jacqueline Perlstein, Stephanie Peterson, Chel Peterson, Chel Petty, Francesca Petty, Francesca Phillips, Claire Pieper, Bonnie Pignatelli, N Pignatelli, N Pinheiro, Debonna Pinheiro, Debonna Pinheiro, Debonna Porras, Ralph Powers, Daniel Powley, Katrina Prasad, Gita Prasad, Nayan Priest, Barbara Prior Moore, Lynn Radley, Linda Radley, Linda Randall, Nathan Reese, Lindsay Renteria, Christina Title Bus Driver Noon Duty Teacher 4th Clerk III Clerk III Maint II Teacher SS Librarian Librarian Teacher Occup Therapist Teacher Adult School Teacher 5th Noon Duty Admin Asst IV Teacher Teacher Teacher For Lang Clerk III Inst Asst II-Sped Custodian II Teacher ROP Custodian Counselor Comp Lab IT I Teacher Adult School Teacher Lib Media Tech II Teacher ROP Teacher 4th-5th Teacher Teacher 1st Teacher 3rd Instructional Assistant Teacher Adult School Rec Attendant Food Teacher Adult School Inst Asst Teacher Teacher Food Service I Rec Attendant Inst Asst Superintendent Teacher SS Nurse Custodian I Custodian I Teacher Music Teacher 1st Rec Attendant Noon Duty Teacher 3rd Clerical Teacher Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 0.7500 01 0DO 2500 38 F 218 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 38 F 193 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 26 184 0.1000 01 3FG 7200 33 F 193 0.5000 01 2RD 7200 33 F 193 1.0000 01 0DO 6220 43 F 261 1.0000 01 6HS 1030 III 13 184 0.2000 01 6HS 7100 IV 2 184 0.8000 01 6HS 7100 IV 2 184 1.0000 01 5MS 1520 VI 13 184 0.8000 01 0DO 2100 8 184 0.1000 11 8AS 1017 13 D 87 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 7 184 0.1250 01 5MS 1000 25 B 93 0.8750 01 5MS 7200 39 F 234 1.0000 01 6HS 1520 II 16 184 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 9 126 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 7 184 0.7500 11 8AS 1034 7 C 20 0.7500 01 5MS 3700 31 F 193 1.0000 01 3FG 7800 37 F 261 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 VI 7 184 1.0000 01 2RD 7800 36 A 122 1.0000 01 6HS 5300 VI 2 194 0.8750 01 3FG 1000 33 F 193 0.1500 11 8AS 1034 8 C 87 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 9 184 0.7500 01 3FG 7100 33 F 193 0.2000 01 6HS 8410 VI 6 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 10 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 V 8 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1030 VI 14 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 13 184 0.4313 01 3FG 1375 31 A 96 0.2000 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.2750 12 0DO 8300 26 D 173 0.4063 13 0DO 8200 30 F 173 0.1333 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 0.7500 01 5MS 3700 31 C 92 0.2000 01 6HS 8410 1 V 184 0.4000 01 6HS 1000 1 V 184 0.2188 13 0DO 8200 30 C 175 0.2750 12 3FG 8300 26 D 170 0.3500 01 3FG 1000 30 C 75 1.0000 01 0DO 6110 6 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 IV 13 184 1.0000 01 0DO 1545 VI 1 184 1.0000 01 6HS 7800 35 F 261 1.0000 01 0DO 7800 36 C 176 1.0000 01 0DO 1432 V 17 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 21 184 0.6250 12 3FG 8300 26 F 193 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 26 F 175 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 IV 6 184 1.0000 01 0DO 5500 40 D 183 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 11 184 33 225 Hours 6.00 1.00 7.00 0.80 4.00 8.00 7.00 1.45 5.80 7.00 6.40 0.60 7.00 1.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 4.50 6.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 0.90 7.00 6.00 1.40 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 3.45 1.20 2.20 3.25 0.80 6.00 1.40 2.80 1.75 2.20 2.55 8.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Name Revelas, Christine Richmond, Sally Riddle, Linda Reidel, May Rivera, Henrietta Rivera, Laura Roach, Sean Roach, Zoe Roach, Zoe Rodewald, Joan Rodewald, Joan Roggeman, Ginny Roggeman, Timothy Rolander, Patricia Roman, Heather Roman, Marlene Rookstool, Dianna Rosen, Dennis Ross, Jennifer Rubin, Fred Rubin, Fred Rubin, Isaac Rugama, Elsa Russell, Cynthia Russell, Dana Sanchez, Maryn Saulovich, Lor Scanlon, Anne Scanlon, Anne Scholis, Carme Schumaker, Mary Sconduto, Martin Selfridge, Katie Selfridge, Travis Sendell, Carol Sendell, Carol Serpa, Kari Shurtz, Kimberly Silva, Ani Silva, Ani Silva, Ani Singh, Cynthia Soria, Miguel Spade, Nancy Stacks, Lisa Steinback, Shane Stejskal, Kristina Stutzman, Jeffrey Sweeney, Krist Tackett, Amy Taguiran, Chry Taschner, Maria Taschner, Maria Taylor, Adrienne Taylor, Adrienne Ternullo, Leslie Title Teacher Kinder Teacher Teacher Adult School Principal Rec Coordinator Speech Therapist Principal Counselor Inst Asst II-Sped Noon Duty Clerk III Principal Counselor Teacher Rec Leader Teacher Eng/Art Teacher Teacher Adult School Teacher ROP Teacher Science Teacher Custodian I Admin Asst III Teacher Adult School Teacher Teacher Adult School Lib Media Tech II Noon Duty Teacher Adult School Teacher RSP Teacher ROP Teacher English Teacher Math Teacher Adult School Teacher Teacher Dir Curriculum Dir Curriculum Dir Curriculum Teacher Adult School Custodian II Teacher 2nd Transp Foreman Teacher SS Teacher 3rd Utility Worker Teacher Speech Therapist Instructional Assistant Food Service II Rec Attendant Inst Asst III Title I Noon Duty Clerk II Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE Fund Site Program Step Col Days 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 25 184 0.6000 01 6HS 1000 VI 1 184 0.1000 11 8AS 1034 13 D 87 1.0000 01 3FG 7200 7 2 88 1.0000 12 2RD 8300 37 F 218 1.0000 01 2RD 2200 VI 9 184 1.0000 01 5MS 7200 4 5 210 0.2500 01 2RD 5300 V 6 184 0.2500 01 3FG 5300 V 6 184 0.6250 01 2RD 3700 31 F 193 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 31 F 193 0.5000 11 8AS 7200 33 D 148 1.0000 01 5MS 7200 4 7 215 1.0000 01 6HS 5300 VI 17 194 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 4 183 0.9375 12 3FG 8300 36 F 218 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 VI 22 184 1.0000 01 5MS 1000 V 2 184 0.9500 11 8AS 1035 13 B 87 0.8000 01 6HS 1000 VI 24 184 0.2000 01 6HS 8410 VI 24 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 IV 3 184 1.0000 01 3FG 7800 36 E 239 1.0000 01 6HS 7200 37 F 239 0.0167 11 8AS 1018 1 A 87 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 9 184 0.1500 11 8AS 1034 7 C 87 0.7500 01 2RD 7100 33 F 193 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 33 F 193 0.0333 11 8AS 87 3 C 87 1.0000 01 5MS 2100 VI 13 184 0.8000 01 6HS 8410 IV 7 184 0.8000 01 6HS 1000 V 13 184 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 IV 14 184 0.0333 11 8AS 1018 12 C 87 0.1667 11 8AS 1031 21 C 87 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 10 184 1.0000 01 7CH 1100 IV 10 184 0.2000 01 0DO 1000 1 4 210 0.3000 01 0DO 1560 1 4 210 0.5000 01 0DO 3435 1 4 210 0.0667 11 8AS 1017 1 A 87 1.0000 01 6HS 7800 40 F 261 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 V 35 184 1.0000 01 0DO 7900 42 F 239 1.0000 01 6HS 1000 IV 8 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 16 184 1.0000 01 0DO 7800 37 F 261 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 9 184 1.0000 01 0DO 2200 VI 3 184 0.7500 01 6HS 3700 31 C 70 0.4063 13 0DO 8200 30 F 193 0.4440 12 3FG 8300 26 F 193 0.6250 01 3FG 1375 31 F 193 0.1250 01 2RD 1000 31 F 193 1.0000 01 0DO 1300 40 F 228 34 Hours 7.00 4.20 0.60 8.00 8.00 7.25 8.00 1.75 1.75 5.00 1.00 4.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.00 7.00 6.70 6.60 1.40 7.00 8.00 8.00 0.10 7.00 0.90 6.00 1.00 0.20 7.00 5.60 5.60 7.00 0.20 1.00 7.00 7.00 1.60 2.40 4.00 0.40 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.25 6.00 3.25 3.55 5.00 1.00 8.00 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 Name Terry, Kelly Thayer, Janet Thomas, Elyse Tonkin, Martha Torres, Efren Tulley, Amy Uppman, Katherine Ushakoff, Shirley Ushakoff, Shirley Ushakoff, Shirley Valdez, Irene Vrijenhoek, Linda Wade, Caroline Wade, Caroline Waznis, Cindy Weber, Sarah Weddington, Laurie Weed, Brian Welch, Nathan West, Leonard Wheeler, Katherine Williams, Gary Williams, Linda Woodyard, Brad Wright, Summer Yant, Kathryn Zanger, Dessie Title Teacher Science Teacher Adult School Accts Payable Clerk Teacher Grounds Teacher Teacher Inst Asst I Lib Media Tech III Lib Media Tech I Teacher Teacher Sped Instructional Assistant Instructional Assistant Health Clerk Teacher Adult School Inst Asst II-Sped Teacher Adult School Teacher Inst Asst I-PE Teacher Teacher Kinder Principal Teacher CHS Teacher Teacher 3rd Psychologist FTE Fund Site 5MS 1000 VI 18 184 0.2000 11 8AS 1031 2 D 87 0.7500 01 0DO 6120 39 F 195 0.8000 01 6HS 8410 VI 10 184 1.0000 01 0DO 6250 37 D 151 0.4000 01 6HS 2440 V 5 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 II 6 126 0.3750 01 3FG 1000 30 F 193 0.2500 01 6HS 7100 37 F 239 0.2500 01 6HS 1000 31 F 239 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 10 184 0.6000 01 6HS 2440 V 19 184 0.5000 01 2RD 1000 30 D 184 0.1250 01 3FG 1000 30 D 61 0.7500 01 0DO 1545 37 B 59 0.2250 11 8AS 1029 1 A 87 0.7500 01 6HS 3700 31 F 193 0.1333 11 8AS 1017 9 D 87 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 I 1 183 0.7500 01 3FG 1520 31 F 193 1.0000 01 5MS 2100 VI 9 184 1.0000 01 2RD 1000 VI 37 184 1.0000 01 2RD 7200 3 8 210 1.0000 01 7CH 1100 VI 31 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 11 184 1.0000 01 3FG 1000 VI 25 184 1.0000 01 0DO 5500 III 14 184 237.30 Budget15-16 Emps 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Program Step Col Days 1.0000 01 Hours 7.00 1.20 6.00 5.60 8.00 2.80 7.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 4.20 4.00 1.00 6.00 1.35 6.00 0.80 7.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 1,755.19 35 Source = ESC Pos07a, Pos03b Pacific Grove Unified School District Certificated FTE Matrix I BA II BA+15 III BA+30 1 1.0 50,536 50,536 54,889 0 2 0.2 0.6 IV BA+45 or MA 58,287 34,972 V BA+60/MA+15 VI BA+75/MS+30/Doc 60,725 0 0.6 62,206 37,324 1.6 62,729 100,366 1.0 51,586 10,317 56,244 0 59,949 0 1.0 62,695 62,695 64,482 64,482 2.0 65,311 130,622 3 52,634 0 57,599 0 61,612 0 1.0 64,663 64,663 66,757 0 1.0 67,893 67,893 4 53,684 0 58,955 0 63,272 0 66,632 0 69,032 0 1.0 70,475 70,475 5 54,732 0 60,311 0 64,935 0 1.0 68,601 68,601 0.4 71,308 28,523 6 55,783 0 61,667 61,667 66,597 66,597 2.0 70,569 141,138 3.5 73,583 257,541 7 56,832 0 63,023 0 68,260 0 1.8 72,539 130,570 1.0 75,858 8 57,881 0 64,379 0 69,922 0 1.5 74,508 111,762 1.0 78,134 1.0 1.0 1.0 73,057 0 1.2 75,638 90,766 75,858 3.0 78,220 234,660 78,134 1.0 80,803 80,803 80,409 80,409 7.0 83,384 583,688 83,746 0 9.1 87,033 792,000 86,303 86,303 6.5 89,648 582,712 88,580 0 90,955 163,719 9 57,881 0 65,733 0 71,584 0 1.0 76,476 76,476 10 58,508 0 66,361 0 74,540 0 1.0 79,739 79,739 11 66,361 0 74,540 74,540 81,757 0 12 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 13 66,361 0 74,540 74,540 1.0 81,757 81,757 14 66,361 0 74,540 0 1.0 81,757 81,757 90,955 15 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 90,955 16 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.8 92,475 0 4.0 95,058 380,232 0 2.0 95,058 190,116 0 1.2 95,058 110,267 90,955 0 1.0 95,058 95,058 93,983 187,966 2.0 98,235 196,470 66,361 66,361 74,540 0 81,757 0 17 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 18 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 2.0 93,983 187,966 1.0 98,235 98,235 19 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 0.6 93,983 56,390 2.0 98,235 196,470 20 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 81,757 93,983 0 4.0 98,235 392,940 21 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 5.2 98,235 510,822 22 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 2.0 101,411 202,822 23 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 2.0 101,411 202,822 24 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 2.0 101,411 202,822 25 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 2.0 104,702 209,404 26 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 6.0 104,702 628,212 27 66,361 0 74,540 0 81,757 0 93,983 0 1.0 107,644 107,644 28 93,983 0 2.0 107,644 215,288 29 93,983 0 2.0 107,644 215,288 30 93,983 0 1.0 107,644 107,644 31 93,983 0 2.0 107,644 215,288 32 93,983 0 33 93,983 0 1.0 2.0 34 1.0 107,644 0 107,644 107,644 0 93,983 0 107,644 35 1.0 93,983 93,983 107,644 0 36 1.0 93,983 93,983 1.0 107,644 107,644 0 2.0 107,644 1,492,580 81.8 37 93,983 1.2 60,853 2.0 128,028 3.6 250,649 13.3 980,915 Note: includes Librarians and Counselors 17.9 128 Total 215,288 7,642,406 119.8 10,555,431 Certificated FTE by Column 100 81.8 I 1.2 75 II 2.0 III 3.6 IV 13.3 V ### VI 81.8 50 25 13.3 1.2 2.0 3.6 I II III 17.9 0 Budget15-16 Cert Matrix 5/18/2015 1:58 PM IV 36 V VI Modified 5-8-2015 - Pos10a FTE,Rate,Total Pacific Grove Unified School District Classified FTE Matrix A FTE B Sal Total FTE C Sal Total FTE Sal D Total FTE Sal E Total FTE Sal F Total FTE Sal Total 20 2,312 0 2,442 0 2,576 0 2,700 0 2,832 0 2,966 0 21 2,379 0 2,503 0 2,632 0 2,764 0 2,905 0 3,042 0 22 2,442 0 2,575 0 2,700 0 2,832 0 2,966 0 3,115 0 23 2,503 0 2,632 0 2,764 0 2,905 0 3,042 0 3,194 0 24 2,575 0 2,700 0 2,832 0 2,966 0 3,115 0 3,291 0 25 2,632 0 2,763 0 2,905 0 3,042 0 3,194 0 3,361 0 26 2,700 0 2,831 619 2,966 0 3,442 7,196 27 2,763 0 2,905 0 3,042 0 28 2,831 0 2,966 0 3,114 0 0.2 0.6 0.2 29 2,905 0 3,042 0 3,194 0 30 2,966 0 3,114 0 3.2 3,291 10,365 1.6 2.1 3,361 7,142 0.8 3,441 0 3,534 4,418 31 3,042 2,072 3,194 0 32 0.7 3,114 0 3,291 0 33 3,194 0 3,361 0 34 35 0.3 36 1.2 1.3 1.4 3,115 1,713 3,291 0 3,194 0 3,361 0 3,291 720 3,442 0 3,361 0 3,533 3,442 5,593 3,623 3,533 2,650 3,623 0 3,719 5,114 0.5 0.3 3,291 0 3,441 0 3,623 0 3,792 0 3,361 1,008 3,533 0 3,720 0 3,900 0 3,441 3,957 1.0 3,623 3,623 37 3,533 0 0.8 3,719 2,789 38 3,623 0 3,792 0 39 3,719 0 3,900 0 40 3,792 0 4,001 41 3,900 0 42 4,001 0 0.8 1.0 3,794 3,794 3,900 0 4,001 4,105 0 4,206 0 4,105 0 4,303 4,206 3,154 4,421 0.5 0.8 3,533 0 0.4 3,623 1,472 0 1.6 3,719 6,044 0 5.2 3,792 19,669 10.2 3,900 39,680 3,719 2,789 3,792 0 3,900 1,950 4,001 0 8.4 4,105 34,439 4,001 1,200 1.5 4,206 6,308 4,105 0 3.1 4,302 13,445 4,001 0 4,206 4,206 1.9 4,420 8,564 4,105 16,419 4,302 0 6.3 4,516 28,222 2,000 4,206 0 4,420 0 5.3 4,631 24,314 0 4,302 0 4,516 0 3.8 4,751 17,816 4,420 4,420 4,631 0 4.0 4,873 19,491 0 4,516 0 4,751 0 0 4,631 0 4,873 0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 4,990 0 5,125 5,125 5,252 5,252 43 4,105 0 4,301 0 4,516 0 4,751 0 4,990 0 44 4,206 0 4,419 0 4,632 0 4,873 0 5,125 0 5,381 0 45 4,301 0 4,516 0 4,751 0 4,990 0 5,252 0 5,499 0 46 4,419 0 4,630 0 4,875 0 5,125 0 47 4,516 0 4,751 0 4,992 0 5,252 0 1.0 5,381 0 5,652 0 5,499 5,499 5,795 0 48 4,630 0 4,873 0 5,126 0 5,381 0 5,652 0 5,937 0 49 4,751 0 4,990 0 5,253 0 5,499 0 5,795 0 6,085 0 50 4,873 0 5,124 0 5,392 0 5,652 0 5,937 0 6,241 0 51 4,990 0 5,251 0 5,500 0 5,795 0 6,085 0 6,391 0 52 5,124 0 5,380 0 5,653 0 5,937 0 6,241 0 6,558 0 53 5,251 0 5,498 0 5,797 0 6,085 0 6,391 0 6,710 0 54 5,380 0 5,651 0 5,938 0 6,241 0 6,558 0 6,892 0 55 5,498 0 5,795 0 6,087 0 6,391 0 6,710 0 7,065 0 56 5,651 0 5,936 0 6,242 0 6,558 0 6,892 0 7,238 0 57 5,794 0 6,084 0 6,392 0 6,710 0 7,067 0 7,407 0 58 5,936 0 6,240 0 6,559 0 6,892 0 7,238 0 7,591 0 59 6,084 0 6,390 0 6,712 0 7,067 0 7,407 0 7,779 0 2.1 7,037 2.7 10,186 8.0 27,719 9.5 36,629 3.6 15,644 Total A 2.13 75 55.7 237,038 81.63 334,254 Classified FTE by Column C D E F B 3 8.03 10 3.55 56 55.7 50 25 2.1 2.7 A B 8.0 9.5 C D 3.6 0 Budget15-16 Class Matrix 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 37 E F Modified 5-8-2015 - Pos10a Pacific Grove Unified School District Step and Column 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Employee Afifi, Marc Barbic, Carole Beverage, Susan Binder, Mathew Bristol, Thomas Brux, Alicia Buller, Kathleen Buller, Todd Bussio, Thomas Cardinalli, Melanie Casas, John Chappin, Dennis Cina, Beth Clements, Lynn Costales, Jo Lynne Cummins, Lydia Dacuyan, Juliana Dacuyan, Sydney De Marco, Elaine De Tomaso, Margaret Diebolt, Elana Dowlen, Lane Engles, Debra Evans, Michelle Faia, Mindy Frudden, Sonda Gamble, Brice Gaul, Pamela Gessaman, Aina Godfrey, Patrick Gordon, Karine Gordon, Sarah Goulet, Linda Grate, Justus Gray, Jeff Griffin, Renate Griffiths, Lillian Guidara, Eloise Haggquist, Larry Hartnett, Danielle Hawes-Griffin, Carol Hedlind, Denise Hinton, Jennifer Hirst, Barbara Hiserman, John Hiserman, Mary Hofer, Jenna Hoffman, David Hollingsworth, Kristen C VI VI VI VI V III V VI III VI V VI II VI V I IV V VI VI VI VI VI VI III VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI IV VI VI VI VI VI V VI III VI VI VI VI V S 22 13 22 9 12 5 19 27 29 18 31 29 7 21 16 7 18 18 18 24 31 25 31 17 10 8 8 9 17 17 11 24 27 19 24 9 31 24 15 9 16 16 20 9 31 28 4 19 7 Budget15-16 S&C 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2012-13 FTE 88,192 1.00 82,235 0.50 88,192 1.00 71,288 1.00 76,161 1.00 53,989 0.50 81,228 1.00 94,038 1.00 62,996 1.00 85,214 1.00 81,228 1.00 94,038 1.00 52,195 1.00 85,214 0.90 78,388 1.00 46,389 1.00 69,763 1.00 81,228 1.00 85,214 1.00 88,192 1.00 94,038 1.00 91,278 0.50 94,038 1.00 85,214 1.00 62,996 0.50 68,867 0.50 68,867 1.00 71,288 1.00 85,214 1.00 85,214 1.00 77,161 1.00 88,192 0.50 94,038 1.00 85,214 1.00 88,192 1.00 64,811 1.00 94,038 1.00 88,192 1.00 82,235 1.00 71,288 1.00 82,235 1.00 78,388 1.00 85,214 1.00 60,223 1.00 94,038 1.00 94,038 1.00 59,183 1.00 85,214 1.00 64,232 1.00 Salary 88,192 41,118 88,192 71,288 76,161 26,995 81,228 94,038 62,996 85,214 81,228 94,038 52,195 76,693 78,388 46,389 69,763 81,228 85,214 88,192 94,038 45,639 94,038 85,214 31,498 34,434 68,867 71,288 85,214 85,214 77,161 44,096 94,038 85,214 88,192 64,811 94,038 88,192 82,235 71,288 82,235 78,388 85,214 60,223 94,038 94,038 59,183 85,214 64,232 38 C VI VI VI VI V III V VI III VI V VI II VI V I IV V VI VI VI VI VI VI III VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI IV VI VI VI VI VI V VI III VI VI VI VI V S 23 14 23 10 13 6 20 28 30 19 32 30 8 22 17 8 19 19 19 25 32 26 32 18 11 9 9 10 18 18 12 25 28 20 25 10 32 25 16 10 17 17 21 10 32 29 5 20 8 2013-14 FTE 88,192 1.00 82,235 0.50 88,192 1.00 74,710 1.00 78,388 1.00 55,547 0.50 81,228 1.00 94,038 1.00 62,996 1.00 85,214 1.00 81,228 1.00 94,038 1.00 53,466 1.00 88,192 0.90 81,228 1.00 47,373 1.00 69,763 1.00 81,228 1.00 85,214 1.00 91,278 1.00 94,038 1.00 91,278 0.50 94,038 1.00 85,214 1.00 62,996 0.50 71,288 0.50 71,288 1.00 74,710 1.00 85,214 1.00 85,214 1.00 79,813 1.00 91,278 0.50 94,038 1.00 85,214 1.00 91,278 1.00 67,869 1.00 94,038 1.00 91,278 1.00 82,235 1.00 74,710 1.00 85,214 1.00 81,228 1.00 85,214 1.00 62,996 1.00 94,038 1.00 94,038 1.00 61,604 1.00 85,214 1.00 66,365 1.00 Salary Increase % 88,192 41,118 88,192 74,710 3,422 78,388 2,227 27,774 779 81,228 94,038 62,996 85,214 81,228 94,038 53,466 1,271 79,373 2,680 81,228 2,840 47,373 984 69,763 81,228 85,214 91,278 3,086 94,038 45,639 94,038 85,214 31,498 35,644 1,211 71,288 2,421 74,710 3,422 85,214 85,214 79,813 2,652 45,639 1,543 94,038 85,214 91,278 3,086 67,869 3,058 94,038 91,278 3,086 82,235 74,710 3,422 85,214 2,979 81,228 2,840 85,214 62,996 2,773 94,038 94,038 61,604 2,421 85,214 66,365 2,133 Update = Feb - Jun 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Employee C IV Hunter, Kathy VI Hurst, Deanne V Ibrahim, Steven VI Johnson, Denise VI Johnson, Desma I Johnson, Jeremy V Jones, David VI Jones, Tiffany VI Keller, Sean VI Kelly, Mathew III King, Leslie VI Klevan, Norma VI Kong, Ivy Kostyshak, Geoffrey VI IV Kreeger, Kathleen VI Lawrence, Janie VI Lehman, Karen V Lemmon, Nancy Levy, Karen VI VI Light, Thomas IV Lightfoot, Heather VI Long, Patricia VI Lord, Jayne VI Mahr, Moira VI May, Diane V McBride, Lisa III McCarty, Shannon VI Mello, Brian VI Michaele, Vivian VI Miller, Maria V Milligan, Wendy III Morgan, Ronald VI Murphy, Dessy VI Newman, Mary Lee O'Donnel-Faia, Donna II V Ohsiek, Rebecca VI Olin, Janine VI Osofsky-Thorpe, Martha III Ottmar, Kenneth I Parsons, Nancy VI Patel, Hetal VI Payan, Anthony VI Pechan, Stephanie V Penrose, Jennifer VI Perkins, Jacqueline Perlstein, Stephanie V IV Powers, Daniel V Priest, Barbara VI Prior Moore, Lynn IV Randall, Nathan VI Renteria, Christina VI Revelas, Christine VI Rolander, Patricia VI Rookstool, Dianna VI Rubin, Fred S 8 17 8 5 13 3 11 11 19 19 9 25 8 31 7 18 16 11 21 31 2 22 27 24 26 15 9 9 12 9 24 11 12 5 14 7 5 13 5 7 8 4 8 6 12 11 11 15 19 4 9 23 15 20 22 Budget15-16 S&C 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2012-13 FTE 62,964 1.00 85,214 1.00 66,365 1.00 61,604 1.00 82,235 1.00 42,454 0.80 74,026 1.00 77,161 1.00 85,214 1.00 85,214 1.00 60,223 0.50 91,278 0.80 68,867 1.00 94,038 1.00 61,118 1.00 85,214 1.00 82,235 1.00 74,026 0.80 85,214 1.00 94,038 1.00 51,887 1.00 88,192 1.20 94,038 1.00 88,192 1.00 91,278 1.00 78,388 1.00 60,223 1.00 71,288 1.00 79,813 1.00 71,288 0.50 81,228 1.00 62,996 1.00 79,813 1.00 61,604 0.50 54,738 1.00 64,232 1.00 61,604 0.60 82,235 0.50 53,989 1.00 46,389 1.00 68,867 1.00 59,183 0.40 68,867 1.00 62,098 1.00 79,813 1.00 74,026 1.00 69,763 1.00 78,388 1.00 85,214 1.00 55,580 1.00 71,288 1.00 88,192 1.00 82,235 1.00 85,214 1.00 88,192 1.00 Salary 62,964 85,214 66,365 61,604 82,235 33,963 74,026 77,161 85,214 85,214 30,112 73,022 68,867 94,038 61,118 85,214 82,235 59,221 85,214 94,038 51,887 105,830 94,038 88,192 91,278 78,388 60,223 71,288 79,813 35,644 81,228 62,996 79,813 30,802 54,738 64,232 36,962 41,118 53,989 46,389 68,867 23,673 68,867 62,098 79,813 74,026 69,763 78,388 85,214 55,580 71,288 88,192 82,235 85,214 88,192 39 C IV VI V VI VI I V VI VI VI III VI VI VI IV VI VI V VI VI IV VI VI VI VI V III VI VI VI V III VI VI II V VI VI III I VI VI VI V VI V IV V VI IV VI VI VI VI VI S 9 18 9 6 14 4 12 12 20 20 10 26 9 32 8 19 17 12 22 32 3 23 28 25 27 16 10 10 13 10 25 12 13 6 15 8 6 14 6 8 9 5 9 7 13 12 12 16 20 5 10 24 16 21 23 2013-14 FTE 64,811 1.00 85,214 1.00 68,499 1.00 64,025 1.00 82,235 1.00 43,438 0.80 76,161 1.00 79,813 1.00 85,214 1.00 85,214 1.00 62,996 0.50 91,278 0.80 71,288 1.00 94,038 1.00 62,964 1.00 85,214 1.00 85,214 1.00 76,161 0.80 88,192 1.00 94,038 1.00 53,733 1.00 88,192 1.20 94,038 1.00 91,278 1.00 94,038 1.00 78,388 1.00 62,996 1.00 71,628 1.00 82,235 1.00 74,710 0.50 81,228 1.00 62,996 1.00 82,235 1.00 64,025 0.50 54,738 1.00 66,365 1.00 64,025 0.60 82,235 0.50 55,547 1.00 47,373 1.00 71,288 1.00 61,604 0.40 71,288 1.00 64,232 1.00 82,235 1.00 76,161 1.00 69,763 1.00 78,388 1.00 85,214 1.00 57,426 1.00 74,710 1.00 88,192 1.00 82,235 1.00 85,214 1.00 88,192 1.00 Salary Increase % 64,811 1,847 85,214 68,499 2,134 64,025 2,421 82,235 34,750 787 76,161 2,135 79,813 2,652 85,214 85,214 31,498 1,387 73,022 71,288 2,421 94,038 62,964 1,846 85,214 85,214 2,979 60,929 1,708 88,192 2,978 94,038 53,733 1,846 105,830 94,038 91,278 3,086 94,038 2,760 78,388 62,996 2,773 71,628 340 82,235 2,422 37,355 1,711 81,228 62,996 82,235 2,422 32,013 1,211 54,738 66,365 2,133 38,415 1,453 41,118 55,547 1,558 47,373 984 71,288 2,421 24,642 968 71,288 2,421 64,232 2,134 82,235 2,422 76,161 2,135 69,763 78,388 85,214 57,426 1,846 74,710 3,422 88,192 82,235 85,214 88,192 Update = Feb - Jun 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 A B 2012-13 Employee C S FTE VI 6 64,025 1.00 Rutledge, Elizabeth 69,763 1.00 Scheuneman, Adrian IV 18 VI 11 77,161 1.00 Schumaker, Mary IV 5 57,426 0.80 Sconduto, Martin V 11 74,026 0.80 Selfridge, Katie IV 12 69,763 1.00 Selfridge, Travis VI 18 85,214 1.00 Shingu, Linda V 31 81,228 1.00 Spade, Nancy IV 6 59,272 1.00 Steinback, Shane VI 14 82,235 1.00 Stejskal, Kristina VI 16 82,235 1.00 Terry, Kelly V 17 81,228 1.00 Vrijenhoek, Linda VI 31 94,038 1.00 Williams, Gary VI 29 84,038 1.00 Woodyard, Brad VI 9 71,288 1.00 Wright, Summer VI 23 88,192 1.00 Yant, Kathryn III 12 62,996 1.00 Zanger, Dessie Total Certificated FTE/Salaries 114.10 Cost of Step Changes (actual) 6 Cost of Column Changes (est) $ 6,638 Total Step and Column Costs - Gross Salary 64,025 69,763 77,161 45,941 59,221 69,763 85,214 81,228 59,272 82,235 82,235 81,228 94,038 94,038 71,288 88,192 62,996 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retiree #1 Retiree #2 Retiree #3 Retiree #4 Retiree #5 Retiree #6 S 18 27 13 27 27 17 85,214 94,038 82,235 94,038 94,038 86,919 S 7 19 12 6 12 13 19 32 7 15 17 18 32 30 10 24 13 2013-14 FTE 66,446 1.00 69,763 1.00 79,813 1.00 59,272 0.80 76,161 0.80 69,763 1.00 85,214 1.00 81,228 1.00 61,118 1.00 82,235 1.00 85,214 1.00 81,228 1.00 94,038 1.00 94,038 1.00 74,710 1.00 88,192 1.00 62,996 1.00 8,761,434 C1 - Retirees C Godfrey VI KostyshakVI Barbic VI Diebolt VI Hisserman VI Hurst VI C VI IV VI IV V IV VI V IV VI VI V VI VI VI VI III FTE 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Salary 85,214 94,038 41,118 94,038 94,038 86,919 5.50 495,365 114.10 C2 - Replacements C S FTE V 7 65,517 1.00 V 5 61,163 1.00 III 5 55,069 0.50 IV 9 66,107 1.00 V 7 65,517 1.00 VI 5 62,836 1.00 Salary Increase % 66,446 2,421 69,763 79,813 2,652 47,418 1,477 60,929 1,708 69,763 85,214 81,228 61,118 1,846 82,235 85,214 2,979 81,228 94,038 94,038 74,710 3,422 88,192 62,996 8,899,960 138,603 39,828 138,603 1.67% 0.48% 178,431 2.15% Salary 65,517 61,163 27,535 66,107 65,517 62,836 7 8 9 10 Total 5.50 - Total Certificated Step and Column Costs - Net 348,675 (146,690) -1.76% 31,741 0.38% note: the net difference between the Retiree FTE (step C1) and the Replacement FTE (step C2) should always be zero Step-and-Column Costs 09-1010-11 11-12 160,000 ### 12-13 13-14 137,714137,714 (13,000) 31,741 120,000 73,000 80,000 31,741 40,000 - 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 (13,000) (40,000) Budget15-16 S&C 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 40 5/18/15 1:44 PM Update = Feb - Jun Pacific Grove Unified School District Step and Column 2014-15 5/18/15 1:44 PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 Employee C VI Afifi, Marc VI Beverage, Susan VI Binder, Mathew Boulware, Michelle III V Bristol, Thomas VI Buller, Kathleen VI Buller, Todd III Bussio, Thomas Cardinalli, Melanie VI V Casas, John VI Chappin, Dennis IV Cina, Beth VI Clements, Lynn Costales, Jo Lynne V I Cummins, Lydia VI D'Amico, Adriana V D'Amico, Joseph IV Dacuyan, Juliana VI Dacuyan, Sydney VI De Marco, Elaine De Tomaso, MargaretVI Dorey, Christopher I VI Dowlen, Lane VI Engles, Debra VI Evans, Michelle III Faia, Mindy VI Fletcher, Stacy VI Fort, Mary Ann VI Frudden, Sonda VI Gamble, Brice VI Gaona, Laurale V Gattis, A VI Gaul, Pamela VI Gessaman, Aina VI Gordon, Karine VI Gordon, Sarah VI Goulet, Linda VI Grate, Justus VI Gray, Jeff VI Griffiths, Lillian VI Guidara, Eloise VI Haggquist, Larry VI Hartnett, Danielle Hawes-Griffin, Carol VI Hawkins, Marquette VI V Hedlind, Denise VI Hinton, Jennifer III Hirst, Barbara VI Hiserman, Mary S 22 23 10 9 13 20 27 30 19 35 30 8 22 17 8 5 5 19 19 19 25 1 26 36 18 11 1 9 9 9 8 16 10 18 12 25 28 20 25 35 25 16 10 17 9 17 21 10 29 Budget15-16 S&C 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2013-14 FTE 89,956 1.00 89,956 1.00 76,204 1.00 61,428 0.20 79,956 1.00 86,918 1.00 95,918 1.00 64,255 1.00 86,918 1.00 82,852 1.00 95,918 1.00 64,224 1.00 89,956 1.00 82,852 1.00 48,321 1.00 62,836 0.40 61,164 1.00 71,158 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 93,104 0.70 41,296 0.20 93,104 0.50 95,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 64,255 0.60 52,958 1.00 72,714 0.80 72,714 0.50 72,714 1.00 70,245 1.00 79,956 1.00 76,204 1.00 86,918 1.00 81,409 1.00 93,104 0.60 95,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 95,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 83,880 1.00 76,204 1.00 86,918 1.00 72,714 1.00 82,852 1.00 86,918 1.00 64,255 1.00 95,918 1.00 Salary 89,956 89,956 76,204 12,286 79,956 86,918 95,918 64,255 86,918 82,852 95,918 64,224 89,956 82,852 48,321 25,134 61,164 71,158 86,918 86,918 65,173 8,259 46,552 95,918 86,918 38,553 52,958 58,171 36,357 72,714 70,245 79,956 76,204 86,918 81,409 55,862 95,918 86,918 93,104 95,918 93,104 83,880 76,204 86,918 72,714 82,852 86,918 64,255 95,918 41 C VI VI VI III V VI VI III VI V VI IV VI V I VI V IV VI VI VI I VI VI VI III VI VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V VI III VI S 23 24 11 10 14 21 28 31 20 36 31 9 23 18 9 6 6 20 20 20 26 2 27 37 19 12 2 10 10 10 9 17 11 19 13 26 29 21 26 36 26 17 11 18 10 18 22 11 30 2014-15 FTE 89,956 1.00 89,956 1.00 78,705 1.00 64,255 0.20 79,956 1.00 86,918 1.00 95,918 1.00 64,255 1.00 86,918 1.00 82,852 1.00 95,918 1.00 66,107 1.00 89,956 1.00 82,852 1.00 48,321 1.00 65,306 0.40 63,340 1.00 71,158 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 93,104 0.70 42,300 0.20 95,918 0.50 95,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 64,255 0.60 55,428 1.00 76,204 0.80 76,204 0.50 72,714 1.00 72,714 1.00 82,852 1.00 78,705 1.00 86,918 1.00 83,880 1.00 93,104 0.60 95,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 95,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 86,918 1.00 78,705 1.00 86,918 1.00 76,204 1.00 82,852 1.00 89,956 1.00 64,255 1.00 95,918 1.00 Salary 89,956 89,956 78,705 12,851 79,956 86,918 95,918 64,255 86,918 82,852 95,918 66,107 89,956 82,852 48,321 26,122 63,340 71,158 86,918 86,918 65,173 8,460 47,959 95,918 86,918 38,553 55,428 60,963 38,102 72,714 72,714 82,852 78,705 86,918 83,880 55,862 95,918 86,918 93,104 95,918 93,104 86,918 78,705 86,918 76,204 82,852 89,956 64,255 95,918 Inc 2,501 565 1,883 988 2,176 201 1,407 2,470 2,792 1,745 2,469 2,896 2,501 2,471 3,038 2,501 3,490 3,038 - % 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.9% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.7% 4.8% 4.8% 0.0% 3.5% 3.6% 3.3% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 3.3% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% Source = Pos03b,PGTA,SalSched99a 5/18/15 1:44 PM 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Employee C VI Hofer, Jenna VI Hoffman, David Hollingsworth, KristenVI V Hunter, Kathy VI Ibrahim, Steven VI Johnson, Denise VI Johnson, Desma I Johnson, Jeremy V Jones, David VI Keller, Sean VI Kelly, Mathew III King, Leslie VI Klevan, Norma VI Kong, Ivy IV Kreeger, Kathleen VI Lawrence, Janie VI Lehman, Karen V Lemmon, Nan VI Leone, Jeanne Levy, Karen VI VI Light, Thomas IV Lightfoot, Heather VI Long, Patricia VI Lord, Jayne VI Mahr, Moira VI May, Diane McCarty, Shannon V VI Mello, Brian VI Michaele, Vivian VI Miller, Maria VI Milligan, Wendy III Morgan, Ronald V Mote, Danielle Newman, Mary Lee VI O'Donnel-Faia, DonnaII VI Ohsiek, Rebecca VI Olin, Janine VI Osofsky-Thorpe, Martha IV Ottmar, Kenneth VI Paris, Kristin VI Patel, Hetal VI Payan, Anthony Pechan, Stephanie VI V Penrose, Jennifer Perkins, Jacqueline VI Perlstein, Stephanie V IV Pettas, Desire IV Powers, Daniel V Priest, Barbara VI Prior Moore, Lynn IV Randall, Nathan Renteria, Christina VI VI Revelas, Christine V Roach, Zoe VI Rolander, Patricia S 5 20 8 9 9 6 14 4 12 20 20 10 26 9 8 19 17 12 5 22 32 3 23 28 25 27 10 10 13 10 25 12 2 6 15 8 6 16 6 1 8 5 9 7 13 12 9 12 16 20 5 10 24 5 16 Budget15-16 S&C 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2013-14 FTE 62,836 1.00 86,918 1.00 70,245 1.00 69,869 1.00 72,714 1.00 65,306 1.00 83,880 1.00 44,307 0.60 77,684 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 64,255 1.00 93,104 1.00 72,714 1.00 64,224 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 77,684 0.40 62,836 1.00 89,956 1.00 95,918 1.00 54,808 1.00 89,956 1.00 95,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 95,918 1.00 73,060 1.00 76,204 1.00 83,880 1.00 76,204 0.50 93,104 1.00 64,255 1.00 54,635 1.00 65,306 0.50 56,432 1.00 70,245 1.00 65,306 1.00 83,880 0.80 60,457 1.00 52,958 1.00 70,245 1.00 62,836 0.20 72,714 1.00 65,516 1.00 83,880 1.00 81,409 1.00 66,107 1.00 71,158 1.00 79,956 1.00 86,918 1.00 58,574 1.00 76,204 1.00 89,956 1.00 61,164 0.50 83,880 1.00 Salary 62,836 86,918 70,245 69,869 72,714 65,306 83,880 26,584 77,684 86,918 86,918 64,255 93,104 72,714 64,224 86,918 86,918 31,074 62,836 89,956 95,918 54,808 89,956 95,918 93,104 95,918 73,060 76,204 83,880 38,102 93,104 64,255 54,635 32,653 56,432 70,245 65,306 67,104 60,457 52,958 70,245 12,567 72,714 65,516 83,880 81,409 66,107 71,158 79,956 86,918 58,574 76,204 89,956 30,582 83,880 42 C VI VI VI V VI VI VI I V VI VI III VI VI IV VI VI V VI VI VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI VI III V VI II VI VI VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI V IV IV V VI IV VI VI V VI S 6 21 9 10 10 7 15 5 13 21 21 11 27 10 9 20 18 13 6 23 33 4 24 29 26 28 11 11 14 11 26 13 3 7 16 9 7 17 7 2 9 6 10 8 14 13 10 13 17 21 6 11 25 6 17 2014-15 FTE 65,306 1.00 86,918 1.00 72,714 1.00 73,060 1.00 76,204 1.00 67,775 1.00 83,880 1.00 45,310 0.60 79,956 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 64,255 1.00 95,918 1.00 76,204 1.00 66,107 1.00 86,918 1.00 86,918 1.00 79,956 0.40 65,306 1.00 89,956 1.00 95,918 1.00 56,691 1.00 89,956 1.00 95,918 1.00 93,104 1.00 95,918 1.00 75,506 1.00 78,705 1.00 83,880 1.00 78,705 0.50 93,104 1.00 64,255 1.00 56,811 1.00 67,775 0.50 56,432 1.00 72,714 1.00 67,775 1.00 86,918 0.80 62,341 1.00 55,428 1.00 72,714 1.00 65,306 0.20 76,204 1.00 67,693 1.00 83,880 1.00 83,880 1.00 69,227 1.00 71,158 1.00 82,852 1.00 86,918 1.00 60,457 1.00 78,705 1.00 93,104 1.00 63,340 0.50 86,918 1.00 Salary 65,306 86,918 72,714 73,060 76,204 67,775 83,880 27,186 79,956 86,918 86,918 64,255 95,918 76,204 66,107 86,918 86,918 31,982 65,306 89,956 95,918 56,691 89,956 95,918 93,104 95,918 75,506 78,705 83,880 39,353 93,104 64,255 56,811 33,888 56,432 72,714 67,775 69,534 62,341 55,428 72,714 13,061 76,204 67,693 83,880 83,880 69,227 71,158 82,852 86,918 60,457 78,705 93,104 31,670 86,918 Inc 2,470 2,469 3,191 3,490 2,469 602 2,272 2,814 3,490 1,883 909 2,470 1,883 2,446 2,501 1,251 2,176 1,235 2,469 2,469 2,430 1,884 2,470 2,469 494 3,490 2,177 2,471 3,120 2,896 1,883 2,501 3,148 1,088 3,038 % 3.9% 0.0% 3.5% 4.6% 4.8% 3.8% 0.0% 2.3% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 4.8% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 2.9% 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 3.3% 0.0% 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 3.8% 0.0% 3.5% 3.8% 3.6% 3.1% 4.7% 3.5% 3.9% 4.8% 3.3% 0.0% 3.0% 4.7% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 3.2% 3.3% 3.5% 3.6% 3.6% Source = Pos03b,PGTA,SalSched99a 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5/18/15 1:44 PM 2013-14 Employee C S FTE 86,918 1.00 Rookstool, Dianna VI 21 VI 23 89,956 1.00 Rubin, Fred IV 2 52,925 1.00 Rubin, Isaac IV 19 71,158 0.80 Scheuneman, Adrian VI 12 81,409 1.00 Schumaker, Mary IV 6 60,457 1.00 Sconduto, Martin V 12 77,684 0.80 Selfridge, Katie IV 13 71,158 1.00 Selfridge, Travis VI 9 72,714 1.00 Serpa, Kari VI 19 86,918 1.00 Shingu, Linda IV 9 66,107 1.00 Shurtz, Kimberly V 34 82,852 1.00 Spade, Nancy IV 7 62,341 1.00 Steinback, Shane VI 15 83,880 1.00 Stejskal, Kristina VI 2 55,428 0.70 Tackett, Amy VI 17 86,918 1.00 Terry, Kelly VI 9 72,714 0.80 Tonkin, Martha V 4 58,987 0.40 Tulley, Amy 5 62,836 1.00 Uppman, Katherine VI VI 9 72,714 1.00 Valdez, Irene V 18 82,852 1.00 Vrijenhoek, Linda VI 9 72,714 1.00 Whittlesey, Susan VI 36 95,918 1.00 Williams, Gary VI 30 95,918 1.00 Woodyard, Brad VI 10 76,204 1.00 Wright, Summer VI 24 89,956 1.00 Yant, Kathryn III 13 64,255 1.00 Zanger, Dessie Total Certificated FTE/Salaries 121.50 Cost of Step Changes (actual) $ 6,638 6 Cost of Column Changes (est) Total Step and Column Costs - Gross C1 - Retirees Col Step Salary FTE VI 17 86,918 1.00 Lehman VI 26 93,104 0.50 Dowlen VI 17 86,918 1.00 Hawes V 13 79,956 1.00 Bristol IV 19 71,158 0.80 Scheuneman VI 23 89,956 1.00 Long III 30 64,225 1.00 Bussio VI 23 89,956 1.00 Beveridge Retiree 7.30 Total Salary 86,918 89,956 52,925 56,926 81,409 60,457 62,147 71,158 72,714 86,918 66,107 82,852 62,341 83,880 38,800 86,918 58,171 23,595 62,836 72,714 82,852 72,714 95,918 95,918 76,204 89,956 64,255 C VI VI IV IV VI IV V IV VI VI IV V IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI V VI VI VI VI VI III S 22 24 3 20 13 7 13 14 10 20 10 35 8 16 3 18 10 5 6 10 19 10 37 31 11 25 14 2014-15 FTE 89,956 1.00 89,956 1.00 54,808 1.00 71,158 0.80 83,880 1.00 62,341 1.00 79,956 0.80 71,158 1.00 76,204 1.00 86,918 1.00 69,227 1.00 82,852 1.00 64,224 1.00 83,880 1.00 57,897 0.70 86,918 1.00 76,204 0.80 61,164 0.40 65,306 1.00 76,204 1.00 82,852 1.00 76,204 1.00 95,918 1.00 95,918 1.00 78,705 1.00 93,104 1.00 64,255 1.00 Salary 89,956 89,956 54,808 56,926 83,880 62,341 63,965 71,158 76,204 86,918 69,227 82,852 64,224 83,880 40,528 86,918 60,963 24,466 65,306 76,204 82,852 76,204 95,918 95,918 78,705 93,104 64,255 Inc 3,038 1,883 2,471 1,884 1,818 3,490 3,120 1,883 1,728 2,792 871 2,470 3,490 3,490 2,501 3,148 - 121.50 9,587,410 159,726 2.15% 0.54% 9,427,767 159,726 39,828 199,554 % 3.5% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 3.0% 3.1% 2.9% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 4.7% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 4.5% 0.0% 4.8% 3.7% 3.9% 4.8% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 3.5% 0.0% 2.68% C2 - Replacements Salary 86,918 46,552 86,918 79,956 56,926 89,956 64,225 89,956 601,407 Col Step IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Salary 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 60,457 FTE 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.30 - Total Certificated Step and Column Costs - Net Salary Savings 60,457 26,461 30,229 16,324 60,457 26,461 60,457 19,499 48,366 8,561 60,457 29,499 60,457 3,768 60,457 29,499 441,336 160,071 (160,071) -2.15% 39,483 0.53% Step and Column Costs 150,000 100,000 09-10 10-11 73,000 73,000 11-12 137,714 12-1313-14 14-15 (13,000) 50,000 # ## 39,483 31,741 39,483 13-14 14-15 - 10-11 (50,000) Budget15-16 S&C 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 11-12 (13,000) 12-13 43 Source = Pos03b,PGTA,SalSched99a Pacific Grove Unified School District Step and Column 2015-16 5/18/15 1:44 PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Employee Afifi, Marc Barrett, Glynis Binder, Mathew Bitter, Kathleen Bulich, Nicole Buller, Kathleen Buller, Todd Cardinalli, Melanie Casas, John Chappin, Dennis Cina, Beth Clements, Lynn Costales, Jo Lynne D'Amico, Adriana D'Amico, Joseph Dacuyan, Juliana Dacuyan, Sydney De Marco, Elaine De Tomaso, Margaret Dorey, Christopher Engles, Debra Evans, Michelle Fletcher, Stacy Fort, Mary Ann Frudden, Sonda Gamble, Brice Gaona, Laurale Gattis, A Gaul, Pamela Gessaman, Aina Gordon, Karinne Gordon, Sarah Goulet, Linda Grate, Justus Gray, Jeff Griffiths, Lillian Guidara, Eloise Haggquist, Larry Hartnett, Danielle Hedlind, Denise Hinton, Jennifer Hirst, Barbara Hiserman, Mary Hofer, Jenna Hoffman, David Hunter, Kathy Ibrahim, Steven Johnson, Denise Johnson, Desma C VI IV VI IV III VI VI VI V VI IV VI V V V IV VI VI VI I VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V VI III VI V VI VI VI VI VI Budget15-16 S&C 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM S 24 5 11 8 6 21 28 20 36 31 9 23 18 6 6 20 20 20 26 2 37 19 2 10 10 10 9 17 11 19 13 26 29 21 26 36 26 17 11 18 22 11 30 6 21 10 10 7 15 2014-15 FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.16 Salary 94,050 61,240 82,287 33,574 59,236 109,049 100,283 90,874 86,622 100,283 69,115 94,050 86,622 65,911 66,222 74,396 90,874 90,874 68,139 8,845 100,283 90,874 57,950 63,738 39,836 79,672 76,023 86,622 82,287 90,874 87,697 97,341 100,283 90,874 97,341 100,283 97,341 90,874 82,287 86,622 94,050 67,179 100,283 66,222 90,874 79,672 79,672 70,859 101,729 44 C VI IV VI IV III VI VI VI V VI IV VI V V V IV VI VI VI I VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V VI III VI V VI VI VI VI VI S 25 6 12 9 7 22 29 21 37 32 10 24 19 7 7 21 21 21 27 3 38 20 3 11 11 11 10 18 12 20 14 27 30 22 27 37 27 18 12 19 23 12 31 7 22 11 11 8 16 2015-16 FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.16 Salary 97,341 63,208 85,114 34,558 60,899 112,860 100,283 90,874 86,622 100,283 72,378 94,050 86,622 68,497 68,497 74,396 90,874 90,874 70,198 9,055 100,283 90,874 60,532 65,830 41,144 82,287 79,672 86,622 85,114 90,874 87,697 100,283 100,283 94,050 100,283 100,283 100,283 90,874 85,114 86,622 94,050 67,179 100,283 68,497 94,050 82,287 82,287 73,442 101,729 Increase 3,291 1,968 2,827 984 1,663 3,811 3,263 2,586 2,275 2,059 210 2,582 2,092 1,308 2,615 3,649 2,827 2,942 3,176 2,942 2,942 2,827 2,275 3,176 2,615 2,615 2,583 - % 3.5% 3.2% 3.4% 2.9% 2.8% 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.7% 0.0% 0.0% 3.9% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 4.5% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 4.8% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 3.5% 3.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 3.5% 3.3% 3.3% 3.6% 0.0% Modified 4/29/15 - Pos16a, PGTA 2014-15 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Employee Jones, David Kelly, Mathew Klevan, Norma Knight, Michal Kong, Ivy Kreeger, Kathleen Lackey, Nicholas Lawrence, Janie Leone, Jeanne Levy, Karen Light, Thomas Lord, Jayne Mahr, Moira May, Diane McCarty, Shannon Mello, Amanda Mello, Brian Michaele, Vivian Miller, Maria Milligan, Wendy Morgan, Ronald Morrison, Frank Murphy, Dessy Newman, Mary Lee O'Donnell, Donna Ohsiek, Rebecca Olin, Janine Ottmar, Kenneth Paris, Kristin Patel, Hetal Payan, Anthony Pechan, Stephanie Penrose, Jennifer Perkins, Jacqueline Perlstein, Stephanie Pignatelli, Natas Powers, Daniel Powley, Katrina Priest, Barbara Prior Moore, Lynn Randall, Nathan Renteria, Christina Revelas, Christine Richmond, Sally Rivera, Laura Roach, Zoe Rolander, Patricia Roman, Heather Rookstool, Dianna Rosen, Dennis Rubin, Fred Rubin, Isaac Sanchez, Maryn Schumaker, Mary C V VI VI V VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V IV VI VI VI VI III IV VI VI II VI VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI V IV VI V VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI V VI IV VI VI Budget15-16 S&C 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM S 13 21 27 7 10 9 8 20 6 23 33 29 26 28 11 4 11 14 11 26 13 2 13 7 16 9 7 7 2 9 6 10 8 14 13 1 13 1 17 21 6 11 25 1 9 6 17 4 22 2 24 3 9 13 FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2015-16 Salary 83,594 90,874 100,283 68,497 79,672 72,642 73,442 90,874 68,277 94,050 100,283 100,283 97,341 100,283 78,942 63,208 82,287 87,697 41,144 97,341 67,179 55,334 87,697 70,859 59,000 76,023 70,859 65,178 57,950 76,023 13,655 79,672 70,773 87,697 87,697 54,845 74,396 55,368 86,622 90,874 63,208 82,287 97,341 33,221 76,023 33,111 90,874 61,548 94,050 57,121 94,050 57,302 76,023 87,697 45 C V VI VI V VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V IV VI VI VI VI III IV VI VI II VI VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI V IV VI V VI IV VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI V VI IV VI VI S 14 22 28 8 11 10 9 21 7 24 34 30 27 29 12 5 12 15 12 27 14 3 14 8 17 10 8 8 3 10 7 11 9 15 14 2 14 2 18 22 7 12 26 2 10 7 18 5 23 3 25 4 10 14 FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Salary 83,594 94,050 100,283 70,773 82,287 76,385 76,023 90,874 70,859 94,050 100,283 100,283 100,283 100,283 81,219 65,178 85,114 87,697 42,557 100,283 67,179 57,302 87,697 73,442 59,000 79,672 73,442 67,147 60,532 79,672 14,172 82,287 73,048 87,697 87,697 57,121 74,396 57,950 86,622 94,050 65,178 85,114 97,341 34,770 79,672 34,249 90,874 65,696 94,050 59,396 97,341 59,271 79,672 87,697 Increase 3,176 2,276 2,615 3,743 2,581 2,582 2,942 2,277 1,970 2,827 1,414 2,942 1,968 2,583 3,649 2,583 1,969 2,582 3,649 516 2,615 2,275 2,276 2,582 3,176 1,970 2,827 1,549 3,649 1,138 4,148 2,275 3,291 1,969 3,649 - % 0.0% 3.5% 0.0% 3.3% 3.3% 5.2% 3.5% 0.0% 3.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 2.9% 3.1% 3.4% 0.0% 3.4% 3.0% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 4.8% 3.6% 3.0% 4.5% 4.8% 3.8% 3.3% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% 4.7% 0.0% 3.5% 3.1% 3.4% 0.0% 4.7% 4.8% 3.4% 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 4.0% 3.5% 3.4% 4.8% 0.0% Modified 4/29/15 - Pos16a, PGTA 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 A B Employee C S IV 7 Sconduto, Martin V 13 Selfridge, Katie IV 14 Selfridge, Travis VI 10 Serpa, Kari IV 10 Shurtz, Kimberly V 35 Spade, Nancy IV 8 Steinback, Shane VI 16 Stejskal, Kristina VI 9 Sweeney, Kristen VI 3 Tackett, Amy VI 18 Terry, Kelly VI 10 Tonkin, Martha V 5 Tulley, Amy II 6 Uppman, Katherine VI 10 Valdez, Irene V 19 Vrijenhoek, Linda VI 9 Wheeler, Katherine VI 37 Williams, Gary VI 31 Woodyard, Brad VI 11 Wright, Summer VI 25 Yant, Kathryn Total Certificated FTE/Salaries Cost of Step Changes (actual) Cost of Column Changes (est) Total Step and Column Costs - Gross C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Retiree Griffiths May Vrijenhoek Hedlind Rubin Retiree Retiree Retiree Retiree Total Retiree ReplacementCol Step VI 37 VI 28 V 19 V 18 VI 24 VI 26 VI 30 2014-15 FTE 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 1.00 0.80 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 118.26 Salary 52,142 66,875 74,396 79,672 72,378 86,622 67,147 87,697 76,023 60,532 90,874 63,738 25,579 52,451 79,672 51,973 76,023 100,283 100,283 82,287 97,341 9,588,833 5 4,000 FTE 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 1.00 - Salary 107,644 107,644 56,390 93,983 101,411 - 4.60 467,072 C IV V IV VI IV V IV VI VI VI VI VI V II VI V VI VI VI VI VI S 8 14 15 11 11 36 9 17 10 4 19 11 6 7 11 20 10 38 32 12 26 2015-16 FTE 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 1.00 0.80 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Salary 53,718 66,875 74,396 82,287 74,396 86,622 69,115 90,874 79,672 63,114 90,874 65,830 26,489 55,662 82,287 51,973 79,672 100,283 100,283 85,114 97,341 9,779,968 191,135 20,000 211,135 118.26 Replacement FTE IV 6 1.00 IV 6 1.00 IV 6 0.60 IV 6 1.00 IV 6 1.00 IV 6 IV 6 - Increase 1,575 2,615 2,018 1,968 3,177 3,649 2,582 2,092 910 3,211 2,615 3,649 2,827 191,224 1.99% 0.21% 2.20% % 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 2.8% 0.0% 2.9% 3.6% 4.8% 4.3% 0.0% 3.3% 3.6% 6.1% 3.3% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% Salary Savings 70,569 37,075 70,569 37,075 42,341 14,048 70,569 23,414 70,569 30,842 - Col Step 4.60 - 324,617 (142,454) 68,680 Total Certificated Step and Column Costs - Net 142,454 -1.49% 0.72% Step and Column Costs 10-11 160,000 11-12 73,000 137,714 (13,000) 12-13 13-14 14-15 ## ## 15-16 39,483 68,680 120,000 80,000 73,000 68,680 31,741 40,000 39,483 10-11 (40,000) Budget15-16 S&C 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 11-12 (13,000) 12-13 13-14 46 14-15 15-16 Modified 4/29/15 - Pos16a, PGTA Pacific Grove Unified School District Stipends High School Sports Stipends Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Athletic Director 15.00% Tier I - Coach 9.00% Football Baseball Track Basketball - Boys Basketball - Girls Wrestling Softball Soccer - Boys Soccer - Girls Volleyball Lacrosse Tier II - Coach 7.00% Golf - Boys Golf - Girls Cross Country Swimming - Boys Swimming - Girls Tennis - Boys Tennis - Girls JV - Coach 6.50% Football - JV Baseball - JV Volleyball Basketball - Boys Basketball - Girls Soccer - Boys Soccer - Girls Softball Lacrosse Asst Coach 6.50% Football Baseball Cross Country Basketball - Boys Basketball - Girls Wrestling Swimming/Diving Track Total High School Sports Stipends Budget15-16 Stipends 5/18/2015 1:58 PM FTE $ Year 1-2 43,175 Year 3-4 7.50% Year 5+ 7.50% 1.00 6,476 6,962 7,484 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 3,886 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,177 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 4,490 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3,022 3,022 3,022 3,022 3,022 3,022 3,022 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,493 3,493 3,493 3,493 3,493 3,493 3,493 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 35.00 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 2,806 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,017 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 3,243 47 Source = Subject to Negotiations 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Middle School Sports Stipends Position Athletic Director 6.40% All MS Coaches 2.80% Volleyball 6 Girls Volleyball 7 Girls Volleyball 8 Girls Volleyball 6 Boys Volleyball 7 Boys Volleyball 8 Boys Soccer - Boys Soccer - Girls Track Cross Country Basketball 6 Boys Basketball 7 Boys Basketball 8 Boys Basketball 6 Girls Basketball 7 Girls Basketball 8 Girls Wrestling Golf Tennis Total Middle School Sports Stipends Year 1-2 43,175 2,763 FTE 1.00 Year 3-4 7.50% 2,970 Year 5+ 7.50% 3,193 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.00 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,209 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 1,397 3,804 2,729 1,174 2,729 3,804 2,729 2,729 2,716 2,716 2,716 4,965 1,727 622 933 1,395 3,100 2,608 2,254 1,066 2,668 8,549 4,089 2,933 1,262 2,933 4,089 2,933 2,933 2,919 2,919 2,919 5,338 1,857 668 1,003 1,499 3,332 2,803 2,423 1,146 2,868 9,190 4,396 3,153 1,357 3,153 4,396 3,153 3,153 3,138 3,138 3,138 5,738 1,996 718 1,078 1,612 3,582 3,014 2,604 1,232 3,083 9,879 Total Additional Stipends 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 21.00 Total All Stipends 73.00 Additional Stipends 55 Special Ed Coordinator 56 HS Musical Adv 57 HS Musical Adv Asst 58 MS Noon Duty 59 District Musical Dir 60 HS Band Orch-Winter 61 HS Band Orch-Spring 62 HS Drama Coach 63 HS Spirit Squad-Fall & Spring 64 Newspaper Advisor 65 HS Yearbook 66 MS Yearbook 67 MS Paper Advisor 68 MS Stage Crew 69 MS Pep Squad 70 MS Student Gov 71 HS AP Stipends 72 HS Intramural Dir 73 Vocal Music Coord 74 Inst'l Music Coord 75 CHS Lead Teacher Budget15-16 Stipends 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 8.81% 6.32% 2.72% 6.32% 8.81% 6.32% 6.32% 6.29% 6.29% 6.29% 11.50% 4.00% 1.44% 2.16% 3.23% 7.18% 6.04% 5.22% 2.47% 6.18% 19.80% 48 Source = Subject to Negotiations Pacific Grove Unified School District Health Care Plans estimate 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 $20 (Opt I) 1 Single 789.48 797.37 1.0% 863.30 8.3% 941.69 9.1% 960.52 2 Emp + 1 1,578.97 1,594.76 1.0% 1,723.36 8.1% 1,879.84 9.1% 1,917.44 3 Family 2,052.66 2,073.19 1.0% 2,239.40 8.0% 2,442.74 9.1% 2,491.59 $25 (Opt III) 4 Single 503.78 493.70 -2.0% 573.67 16.2% 679.28 18.4% 692.87 5 Emp + 1 1,007.56 987.41 -2.0% 1,144.11 15.9% 1,354.74 18.4% 1,381.83 6 Family 1,309.83 1,283.63 -2.0% 1,486.36 15.8% 1,760.00 18.4% 1,795.20 $30 7 Single 645.32 658.23 8 Emp + 1 1,287.00 1,312.74 9 Family 1,672.00 1,705.44 $35 10 Single 628.34 640.91 11 Emp + 1 1,253.14 1,278.20 1,628.00 1,660.56 12 Family $40 13 Single 611.35 623.58 14 Emp + 1 1,219.27 1,243.66 15 Family 1,584.00 1,615.68 $50 16 Single 573.67 585.14 1,144.11 1,166.99 17 Emp + 1 18 Family 1,486.36 1,516.09 $60 19 Single 514.90 525.20 20 Emp + 1 1,026.89 1,047.43 21 Family 1,334.08 1,360.76 note: the rates established for 2014-15 are not sheduled for review until January 1, 2016. Dental Single 55.94 55.94 55.94 55.94 62.00 Emp + 1 102.85 102.85 102.85 102.85 113.00 Family 167.86 167.86 167.86 167.86 185.00 Vision Single 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.33 Emp + 1 20.62 20.62 20.62 20.62 20.62 Family 36.99 36.99 36.99 36.99 36.99 10-11 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 979.73 1,955.79 2,541.42 706.73 1,409.47 1,831.10 671.39 1,338.99 1,739.55 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 653.73 1,303.76 1,693.77 2.0% 636.05 1,268.53 1,647.99 2.0% 596.84 1,190.33 1,546.41 2.0% 535.70 1,068.38 1,387.98 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 63.24 115.26 188.70 12.58 21.03 37.73 Percentage Increase in13-14 Health Care Costs 11-12 12-13 14-15 15-16 0.0% -2.0% 20.0% 2.0% 2015-16 16.2% 18.4% 16.2% 18.4%2.0% 2.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 10-11 -5.0% 2.0% 2.0% 14-15 15-16 0.0% 11-12 -2.0% Budget15-16 Health Plans 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 12-13 13-14 49 Modified 5-6-2015 - Update Jan, 2016 Pacific Grove Unified School District Health Care - Employees Monthly Allowance PPO $20 (opt I) Single Emp+1 Family Total $20 PPO $25 (opt III) Single Emp+1 Family Total $25 PPO $30 Single Emp+1 Family Total $30 PPO $35 Single Emp+1 Family Total $35 PPO $40 Single Emp+1 Family Total $40 PPO $50 Single Emp+1 Family Total $50 PPO $60 Single Emp+1 Family Total $60 Total Medical Dental Single Emp+1 Family Total Dental Vision Single Emp+1 Family Total Vision Total $ 960.52 $ 1,917.44 $ 2,491.59 $ 692.87 $ 1,381.83 $ 1,795.20 $ 658.23 $ 1,312.74 $ 1,705.44 $ 640.91 $ 1,278.20 $ 1,660.56 $ 623.58 $ 1,243.66 $ 1,615.68 $ 585.14 $ 1,166.99 $ 1,516.09 $ 525.20 $ 1,047.43 $ 1,360.76 Yearly $ 11,526 $ 23,009 $ 29,899 $ 8,314 $ 16,582 $ 21,542 $ 7,899 $ 15,753 $ 20,465 $ 7,691 $ 15,338 $ 19,927 $ 7,483 $ 14,924 $ 19,388 $ 7,022 $ 14,004 $ 18,193 $ 6,302 $ 12,569 $ 16,329 Cert Class Mgt Confid AS $ 3,000 $ 6,225 $ 3,872 $ 6,277 ? 10 5 3 18 1 1 2 38 11 24 73 28 2 2 32 $ $ $ 62.00 113.00 185.00 12.33 20.62 36.99 $ $ $ $ $ $ 744 1,356 2,220 148 247 444 Budget15-16 Health Emps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2 - 108,315 116,831 104,371 329,517 $ $ $ $ 30,000 21,225 15,225 66,450 - 73 15 28 116 $ $ $ $ 281,930 193,130 510,993 986,054 $ $ $ $ 325,024 55,599 92,194 472,817 - 1 1 2 4 $ $ $ $ 1,674 12,753 34,059 48,485 $ $ $ $ 6,225 3,000 6,872 16,097 - 1 3 2 6 $ $ $ $ 1,466 33,790 33,853 69,110 $ $ $ $ 6,225 12,225 6,000 24,450 - 2 1 3 6 $ $ $ $ 2,516 11,052 45,939 59,507 $ $ $ $ 12,450 3,872 12,225 28,547 - 19 8 4 31 $ $ $ $ 52,965 80,709 57,547 191,221 $ $ $ $ 80,447 31,322 15,225 126,994 2 $ $ $ $ 6,605 6,605 1,690,499 $ $ $ $ 6,000 6,000 741,355 106 52 45 203 $ $ $ $ 78,864 70,512 99,900 249,276 $ $ $ $ 104 52 37 193 $ 15,388 $ 12,867 $ 16,424 $ 44,678 $ 1,984,453 $ $ $ $ $ 2 4 1 5 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 2 4 2 - - 2 1 2 2 1 3 11 5 3 19 7 2 1 10 1 - 1 1 2 - 2 - - - - 50 10 5 2 57 29 30 116 39 18 10 67 5 3 5 13 4 1 1 1 5 2 60 31 26 117 34 14 8 56 5 4 3 12 4 1 1 2 5 3 50 District $ $ $ $ 3 1 2 6 Employee 12 6 4 22 1 1 1 2 2 120 $ $ $ Total 2 187 - 741,355 Source = ESC Benefit02a Pacific Grove Unified School District Health Care - Retirees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name Bennett, Hillary Grossman, Arlen Root, Gail Meazell, Barbara Phillips, Bill Andersen, Lori Rae Asato, Bev Barrett, Dale Besobrazoff, Alex Clark, Helen Clarke, Pat Debruin, Andre Duke, Marilyn Frazier, Clarence Gomez, Joe Grillo, Mitzie Hobson, Gregg Jacobsen, Toni Koennel, Stephanie LaBlanc, Lois Lenno, Nancy Leon-Guerrero, Julie Miller, Mickie Mitchell, Francis Morgan, Jimmy Notley, Wallace Perryman, Carol Ponsiano, Jacqueline Ramirez, Lillian Riso, Joanne San Antonio, Delores Schrader, Marie Sculley, Cathy Sheffer, Mike Silveria, Rose Sorenson, Bonnie Spangenberg, Maryann Tanaka, Jean Thompson, Alyce Tobias, Vera Tyndall, Larry Urrizola, Loretta White, Barbara Winters, Kathleen Work, Pat Yingling, Linda Freitag, Rhonda Lovelace, Sue Peiffer, Laurel Saxon, Cynthia Budget15-16 Retirees 5/18/2015 1:58 PM DOB Age DOR Dental Vision District Employee 9,019.44 - 9,019.44 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 113.00 20.62 1,603.44 - 1,603.44 1/21/64 51.4 2/1/10 AS 689.62 62.00 - 1/7/49 66.4 6/30/10 AS - 62.00 8/5/49 65.8 9/27/13 AS - 1/1/36 79.4 Board BD 1/5/55 60.4 Board BD 1,795.20 12 Mos 185.00 20.62 24,009.84 4/6/59 56.2 5/2/14 CL - 113.00 20.62 1,603.44 891.96 24,009.84 711.48 2/2/53 62.3 11/2/14 CL 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 3,631.46 5,535.94 4/20/52 63.1 6/30/09 CL 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 6,225.36 2,942.04 2/2/42 73.3 2/2/09 CL - 113.00 20.62 1,603.44 9/6/32 82.8 2/28/94 CL 461.46 62.00 12.33 6,429.48 4/1/34 81.2 6/11/99 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 12/8/45 69.5 2/28/15 CL 50.00 36.99 1,043.88 10/17/45 69.6 6/11/04 CL - 12.33 147.96 1,614.36 150.00 1,603.44 4,815.12 891.96 893.88 147.96 3/23/34 81.2 10/1/97 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 600.00 291.96 4/20/30 85.1 11/30/91 CL 461.46 62.00 12.33 6,429.48 1,345.30 5,084.18 3/31/33 82.2 6/10/88 CL 60.20 62.00 12.33 1,614.36 1,614.36 12/25/37 77.4 12/30/00 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 600.00 891.96 20.62 9,878.88 5,187.80 4,691.08 5/4/52 63.1 5/30/14 CL 689.62 113.00 1/15/49 66.4 1/31/04 CL - 62.00 11/12/32 82.6 6/30/94 CL - 113.00 - 744.00 - 744.00 20.62 1,603.44 - 1,603.44 6/14/44 71.0 6/30/03 CL 50.00 - 20.62 847.44 600.00 11/26/49 65.5 12/31/11 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 297.32 11/6/29 85.6 12/31/91 CL 50.00 62.00 - 1,344.00 11/25/43 71.5 12/8/03 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 7/14/46 68.9 5/30/08 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 1/1/48 67.4 7/31/13 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 247.44 594.64 1,344.00 600.00 891.96 - 891.96 1,491.96 600.00 891.96 600.00 891.96 - 247.44 6/1/46 69.0 11/1/09 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 3/29/32 83.2 6/9/06 CL - - 20.62 247.44 7/8/45 69.9 5/27/11 CL 50.00 113.00 20.62 2,203.44 600.00 8/15/39 75.8 6/30/99 CL 50.00 113.00 20.62 2,203.44 600.00 1,603.44 4/8/33 82.2 6/10/03 CL 461.46 62.00 12.33 6,429.48 1,314.36 5,115.12 9/11/38 76.7 6/25/99 CL - 62.00 20.62 991.44 1/15/52 63.4 3/31/06 CL 689.62 113.00 12.33 9,779.40 12/15/46 68.5 8/18/08 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 3/3/25 90.3 6/3/87 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 4/2/44 71.2 3/31/06 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 600.00 891.96 8/30/42 72.8 12/31/12 CL 50.00 - 12.33 747.96 600.00 147.96 2/14/29 86.3 6/11/93 CL - - 20.62 247.44 - 247.44 1/31/26 89.4 1/30/86 CL - 62.00 12.33 891.96 891.96 9/1/25 89.8 9/4/87 CL 461.46 62.00 12.33 6,429.48 - 6,429.48 12/20/49 65.5 12/31/14 CL 458.54 113.00 20.62 7,105.92 300.00 6,805.92 9/26/44 70.7 9/30/11 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 600.00 891.96 3/3/41 74.3 6/30/00 CL - - 12.33 147.96 - 147.96 3/26/54 61.2 6/5/09 CL 581.89 62.00 12.33 7,874.64 6,225.36 1,649.28 1/1/30 85.4 6/12/86 CL 100.90 62.00 12.33 2,102.76 605.40 1,497.36 3/1/40 75.3 6/5/09 CL 50.00 62.00 12.33 1,491.96 600.00 891.96 7/29/56 58.8 12/30/11 CO - 113.00 20.62 1,603.44 891.96 711.48 10/21/46 68.6 10/31/06 CO 100.00 113.00 12.33 2,703.96 1,200.00 1,503.96 9/14/50 64.7 12/30/12 CO 1,378.58 113.00 20.62 18,146.40 6,277.20 11,869.20 8/29/40 74.8 12/31/05 CO 100.00 62.00 12.33 2,091.96 1,200.00 891.96 51 5,000.00 1,603.44 991.44 4,779.40 - Source =Finance-AR-Customers 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Name Ternullo, Debra Anderson, David Anderson, Kathleen Anton, Jean Ayres, William Battcher, Barbara Belknap, Bruce Billado, Marijon Bliss, Todd Booth, Georgia Briscoe, Stephanie Britton, Jane Brown, Doug Bussio, Tom Butzlaff, Shelby Clark, Judy Costello, James Coulter, Ellen Crivello, Paula Davis, Shirley Dickinson, Barbara Diebolt, Elena Dowlen, Lane Duke, Don Erickson, Susan Faul, Pat Gallaher, Jack Gill, Steve Godfrey, Patrick Hackbert, Richard Haines, Jane Hare, Janice Hawes, Carolyn Hinton, Bette Hiserman, John Holmquist, Jeanne Hopkins, Beth Hurst, Deanne Jackson, Betty Jordan, Jim Jordan, Sandra Kauffman, LaRene Kennedy, Diane Kostyshak, Elizabeth Kostyshak, Geoff Larsen, Lynn Leatham, Jane Lebeck, Barbara Lehman, Karen Lind, Rich Lobay, Betsy Long, Patricia Luce, Don Marraccini, Jim Masten, Mary Masten, Warren Budget15-16 Retirees 5/18/2015 1:58 PM DOB Age DOR Dental Vision 12 Mos District Employee 10/22/52 62.6 12/30/12 CO 1,378.58 113.00 20.62 18,146.40 6,277.20 11,869.20 3/21/49 66.2 5/29/10 CT 689.62 113.00 20.62 9,878.88 2,715.96 7,162.92 9/14/48 66.7 6/9/06 CT 102.00 113.00 20.62 2,827.44 2,115.96 711.48 1/19/45 70.4 6/9/07 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 4/8/39 76.2 6/13/97 CT - 62.00 12.33 891.96 891.96 - 5/12/45 70.1 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/4/37 77.8 6/30/00 CT 102.00 113.00 20.62 2,827.44 2,115.96 711.48 12/19/19 95.5 6/8/84 CT - 62.00 12.33 891.96 6/11/48 67.0 6/5/09 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 9/16/47 67.7 6/6/08 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 3/20/55 60.2 6/30/11 CT 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 9,167.40 - 9/12/45 69.7 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/10/45 69.8 6/28/02 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 3/6/52 63.2 5/30/14 CT 1,378.58 113.00 20.62 18,146.40 8,634.20 9/18/35 79.7 6/30/00 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 3/31/50 65.2 6/1/11 CT 957.27 113.00 20.62 13,090.68 7,204.68 - 891.96 9,512.20 5,886.00 9/21/43 71.7 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 11/23/46 68.5 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 20.62 2,215.44 2,115.96 99.48 2/21/49 66.3 5/29/10 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 8/8/32 82.8 6/12/92 CT - 62.00 12.33 891.96 891.96 11/18/47 67.5 6/11/04 CT 102.00 113.00 20.62 2,827.44 2,115.96 10/25/50 64.6 6/1/13 CT 957.27 62.00 12.33 12,379.20 10,361.04 2,018.16 12/25/53 61.4 6/1/14 CT 1,914.19 113.00 20.62 24,573.72 8,634.20 15,939.52 4/24/44 71.1 6/11/04 CT 102.00 113.00 12.33 2,727.96 2,115.96 612.00 7/25/48 66.9 5/29/10 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 8/25/25 89.8 6/13/85 CT 675.88 62.00 12.33 9,002.52 9,002.52 6/11/27 88.0 10/31/88 CT - 113.00 - 1,356.00 2/15/53 62.3 2/14/08 CT 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 9,167.40 6/19/48 67.0 6/1/13 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 8/11/47 67.8 6/5/09 CT 152.00 185.00 20.62 4,291.44 2,715.96 1,575.48 6,647.14 - 711.48 1,356.00 - 5/8/34 81.1 5/9/89 CT 994.19 62.00 12.33 12,822.24 6,175.10 11/19/45 69.5 6/9/07 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 5/13/46 69.1 6/1/14 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,263.30 452.66 12/4/42 72.5 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 2/25/50 65.3 6/1/13 CT 957.27 62.00 12.33 12,379.20 6,415.59 5,963.61 3/18/32 83.2 6/11/87 CT 294.21 62.00 12.33 4,422.48 4,422.48 12/18/50 64.5 5/26/12 CT 957.27 62.00 12.33 12,379.20 10,361.04 7/31/52 62.8 6/1/13 CT 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 9,167.40 - 2/14/41 74.3 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 9/8/34 80.7 6/16/89 CT 333.56 62.00 12.33 4,894.68 4,894.68 - 8/9/42 72.8 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 11/21/31 83.5 6/30/96 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/25/44 70.8 6/30/96 CT 102.00 113.00 12.33 2,727.96 2,115.96 612.00 11/6/46 68.6 6/9/07 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 3/4/52 63.2 6/1/13 CT 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 9,167.40 - 6/27/49 65.9 6/5/09 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 4/24/46 69.1 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 12/10/36 78.5 6/13/97 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 11/19/50 64.5 6/1/14 CT 957.27 62.00 12.33 12,379.20 8,634.20 3,745.00 7/30/43 71.8 6/11/04 CT 102.00 113.00 20.62 2,827.44 2,115.96 711.48 8/18/45 69.8 6/5/09 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 1/8/53 62.4 6/1/14 CT 957.27 113.00 12.33 12,991.20 8,634.20 4,357.00 10/17/32 82.6 6/16/89 CT 1,025.59 62.00 12.33 13,199.04 6,363.50 6,835.54 8/9/36 78.8 6/30/00 CT 461.46 113.00 12.33 7,041.48 2,115.96 4,925.52 10/14/41 73.6 6/30/02 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 7/28/36 78.9 6/14/91 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 52 2,018.16 - - Source =Finance-AR-Customers 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Name Matsuda, Yo McClure, Philip McCornack, Pat McDonald, Suzanne McLean, Jean Melendez, Miriam Morgan, Ron Muhl, Norman Nattress, Joan Nelson, Don Nine, Susan Osofsky-Thorpe, Miriam Piotrkowski, Nathan Piotrowski, Terri Pratt, Jan Radov, John Rambach, Lynn Rideout, Hugh Rinehart, Mary Beth Santini, Al Schapiro, Karen Schueneman, Adrian Shingu, Linda Smith, Hilma Snow, Karen Speyerer, Susan Steinman, Janise Stemple, Rick Stotz, Gary Taormina, Talma Toscano, Ella Ray Waldin, Patricia White, Linda Wightman, Cheryl Willette, Marilyn Wills, Judy Wolf, Marcie Woolman, Barbara Wynn, Norma Young, Carol Blakley, Robin Cobb, Jay Gallo, Cindy McAweeney, Catherine Nunez, Maria Riedel, Mary Henderson, Gail Herndon, Elaine Heyle, Dolores Howell, Mary Paul, Betty Snyder, Susan Wetle, Gary Wright, Barbara DOB Age DOR Dental Vision 12 Mos District Employee 5/13/36 79.1 6/12/99 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 6/28/45 69.9 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 9/22/25 89.7 6/30/87 CT 675.88 62.00 12.33 9,002.52 12/15/39 75.5 6/30/02 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 6/7/47 68.0 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - - 9,002.52 5/22/32 83.0 2/1/90 CT 702.98 62.00 12.33 9,327.72 6,429.48 11/18/46 68.5 6/11/04 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 2,898.24 - 7/8/48 66.9 5/29/10 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 8/15/34 80.8 6/9/07 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 7/17/26 88.9 6/8/84 CT 279.55 62.00 12.33 4,246.56 4,246.56 - 4/12/47 68.1 6/5/09 CT 152.00 113.00 20.62 3,427.44 2,715.96 711.48 12/15/54 60.5 6/1/14 CT 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 7,639.50 1,527.90 8/3/47 67.8 6/10/05 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 9/28/48 66.7 5/26/11 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,411.96 304.00 12/1/48 66.5 6/6/08 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 11/8/38 76.6 7/3/03 CT 102.00 113.00 12.33 2,727.96 2,115.96 612.00 2,098.26 2,990.22 5/9/33 82.1 6/15/90 CT 349.71 62.00 12.33 5,088.48 2/16/23 92.3 6/30/79 CT - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 4/5/49 66.2 5/27/11 CT - 113.00 - 1,356.00 - 1,356.00 12/30/28 86.4 6/10/87 CT - 62.00 - - 744.00 6/11/47 68.0 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/29/49 65.8 6/1/14 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,263.30 452.66 2,239.38 744.00 1/23/52 63.4 5/30/14 CT 689.62 113.00 20.62 9,878.88 7,639.50 11/16/29 85.6 8/26/86 CT 294.21 62.00 12.33 4,422.48 4,422.48 - 9/11/38 76.7 6/11/04 CT 102.00 113.00 12.33 2,727.96 2,115.96 612.00 9/21/38 76.7 6/11/93 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/22/48 66.8 5/29/10 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 10/29/49 65.6 12/9/06 CT 1,378.58 113.00 20.62 18,146.40 2,960.82 15,185.58 1/22/50 65.4 6/10/05 CT 1,512.84 113.00 20.62 19,757.52 7,874.64 11,882.88 6/24/46 68.9 6/9/06 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 4/4/37 78.2 6/30/00 CT 102.00 113.00 12.33 2,727.96 2,115.96 612.00 11/2/30 84.6 6/12/86 CT 247.13 62.00 12.33 3,857.52 1,482.78 2,374.74 4/11/41 74.2 6/6/08 CT 152.00 113.00 20.62 3,427.44 2,715.96 711.48 12/29/44 70.4 6/7/03 CT 102.00 113.00 20.62 2,827.44 2,115.96 711.48 7/24/44 70.9 6/9/07 CT 152.00 113.00 20.62 3,427.44 2,715.96 711.48 9/24/48 66.7 6/5/09 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 5/23/38 77.0 6/10/94 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 1/27/36 79.4 6/13/97 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 - 8/5/48 66.8 6/9/07 CT 152.00 62.00 12.33 2,715.96 2,715.96 - 5/9/39 76.1 6/30/99 CT 102.00 62.00 12.33 2,115.96 2,115.96 8/11/52 62.8 9/1/11 MG 689.62 62.00 12.33 9,167.40 5,983.56 4/27/37 78.1 6/30/96 MG 100.00 113.00 12.33 2,703.96 2,091.96 612.00 10/9/53 61.6 6/30/14 MG 1,378.58 113.00 20.62 18,146.40 3,549.48 14,596.92 6/9/48 67.0 6/30/11 MG - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 1/6/47 68.4 6/30/07 MG - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 1/19/51 64.4 6/30/11 MG - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 8/9/33 81.8 SU 461.46 62.00 - 6,281.52 - 6,281.52 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 744.00 - 744.00 3,183.84 3/2/48 67.3 9/16/13 SU - 62.00 5/20/20 95.1 SU - 62.00 1/16/18 97.4 6/10/82 SU - 62.00 - 744.00 - 744.00 3/29/26 89.2 SU - 62.00 - 744.00 - 744.00 6/18/25 90.0 SU - 62.00 12.33 891.96 - 891.96 5/9/52 63.1 SU 957.27 62.00 12,231.24 - 12,231.24 7/23/31 83.9 SU Today 5/18/2015 - 62.00 12.33 891.96 45,642 11,721 2,144 714,083 Once the retiree reaches 65, the District will provide $102 (before 7/1/06) or $152 (after 7/1/06) up to age 85. The retiree willRetirees also receive dental and Budget15-16 5/18/2015 1:58vision PM up to age 85. Classified is $50. 53 394,016 55% 891.96 320,068 45% Source =Finance-AR-Customers Pacific Grove Unified School District Site Allocations 2008-09 actual Forest Grove Enrollment (estimate) Allocation Initial Allocation Enrollment (actual) Final Allocation Increase (Decrease) Robert Down Enrollment (estimate) Allocation Initial Allocation Enrollment (actual) Final Allocation Increase (Decrease) Middle School Enrollment (estimate) Allocation Initial Allocation Enrollment (actual) Final Allocation Increase (Decrease) High School Enrollment (estimate) Allocation Initial Allocation Enrollment (actual) Final Allocation Increase (Decrease) Community High School Enrollment (estimate) Allocation Initial Allocation Enrollment (actual) Final Allocation Increase (Decrease) Total Initial Allocations Total Final Allocations Increase (Decrease) Total Enrollment 2009-10 actual 2010-11 actual 2011-12 actual 2012-13 actual $ $ 327 209.52 68,513 $ $ 363 176.27 63,986 $ $ 386 164.49 63,493 $ $ 419 146.18 61,249 $ $ $ $ 68,513 - $ $ 63,986 - $ $ 63,493 - $ $ 61,249 - $ $ $ $ 367 207.10 76,006 $ $ 346 177.25 61,329 $ $ 386 164.49 63,493 $ $ 419 146.18 61,249 $ $ $ $ 76,006 - $ $ 61,329 - $ $ 63,493 - $ $ 61,249 - $ $ $ $ 366 163.24 59,746 $ $ 387 140.35 54,315 $ $ 399 136.85 54,603 $ $ 421 112.06 47,177 $ $ $ $ 59,746 - $ $ 54,315 - $ $ 54,603 - $ $ 47,177 - $ $ 573 $ 201.32 $ 115,356 575 $ 178.43 $ 102,597 $ $ 565 173.27 97,898 $ $ 532 150.42 80,023 $ $ $ 115,356 $ - $ 102,597 $ - $ $ 97,898 - $ $ 80,023 - $ $ $ $ 20 460.87 9,217 $ $ 21 422.61 8,875 $ $ 21 417.72 8,772 $ $ 27 331.29 8,945 $ $ $ $ 9,217 - $ $ 8,875 - $ $ 8,772 - $ $ 8,945 - $ $ $ 328,838 $ 1,653 $ 291,102 $ 1,692 $ 288,259 $ 1,757 $ 258,644 $ 1,818 2013-14 actual 496 130.00 64,480 489 63,570 (910) 486 130.00 63,180 488 63,440 260 455 130.00 59,150 469 60,970 1,820 581 130.00 75,530 597 77,610 2,080 20 250.00 5,000 21 5,250 250 $ 270,840 $ 3,500 2,064 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2014-15 actual 499 130.00 64,870 458 59,540 (5,330) 522 130.00 67,860 487 63,310 (4,550) 513 130.00 66,690 484 62,920 (3,770) 628 130.00 81,640 595 77,350 (4,290) 20 330.00 6,600 27 8,910 2,310 287,660 272,030 (15,630) 2,051 411 130.00 53,380 460 59,800 6,420 $ $ $ $ 437 130.00 56,830 468 60,840 4,011 $ $ $ $ 452 130.00 58,788 472 61,360 2,572 $ $ $ $ 527 130.00 68,558 596 77,480 8,922 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23 330.00 7,590 19 6,270 (1,320) 245,145 265,750 20,605 2,015 2015-16 estimate 428 130.00 55,575 428 55,575 - $ $ $ $ 447 130.00 58,045 447 58,045 - $ $ $ $ 454 130.00 59,033 454 59,033 - $ $ $ $ 561 130.00 72,865 561 72,865 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18 330.00 5,957 18 5,957 251,475 251,475 1,907 Site Allocations 400,000 328,838 300,000 08-09 291,102 328,838 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 288,259 272,030272,030265,750 270,840 270,840 291,102 288,259 265,750 251,475 251,475 258,644 258,644 200,000 100,000 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 Note-Allocations are adjusted at CBEDS. Health Permits & Copier Leases are not included, and SIP and the Site Allocation are now combined. Budget15-16 Site Alloc 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 54 Source = CBEDS Report (October) Pacific Grove Unified School District Assessed Valuation Tax District PG AV 004-000 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 actual actual actual actual actual actual 2,057,713,598 2,124,226,230 2,188,146,284 actual 2,263,184,792 2,354,721,699 Rate 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 9,706,379 9,707,265 9,989,432 10,020,124 10,321,639 10,675,601 11,107,387 500,293 886 282,167 30,692 301,515 353,962 431,786 - 139,605 140,655 143,465 146,331 146,993 AV 004-001 2,117,719,618 Tax Change PG 2,057,901,347 2014-15 - 0.475908 0.475908 0.475908 0.475908 0.475908 Tax Rate 0.475908 - 0.475908 - 664 669 683 696 700 Change - - 664 5 13 14 3 344,648,642 333,672,187 335,488,048 337,539,457 354,478,410 PG AV 357,226,247 004-002 Rate 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 Tax 1,685,061 1,656,858 1,625,732 1,573,955 1,582,521 1,592,197 1,672,099 Change PG AV 004-004 Rate 8,566 9,677 79,902 12,649,147 74,725 12,882,767 11,898,223 10,880,006 13,782,291 13,879,673 15,697,243 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 0.471707 59,667 60,769 56,125 51,322 65,012 65,471 74,045 860 1,102 (4,644) (4,803) 13,690 459 8,574 226,104 203,290 233,510 223,380 228,730 212,140 210,640 0.569710 0.569710 0.569710 0.569710 0.569710 0.569710 0.569710 1,288 1,158 1,330 1,273 1,303 1,209 1,200 Tax Change PG AV 004-005 Rate Tax Change PG AV 004-006 Rate PB AV 102-001 102-003 (51,777) 172 78,262,394 (58) 860,528 30 - (95) - (9) - - 0.480849 0.480849 0.480849 0.480849 0.480849 0.480849 0.480849 1,541,000,521 1,569,963,070 1,492,026,100 1,552,607,843 1,573,600,645 1,652,780,310 1,701,639,870 Rate 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 Tax 6,988,992 7,120,348 6,766,875 7,041,636 7,136,845 7,495,954 7,717,549 346,748 131,356 274,760 95,210 359,108 221,596 AV 2,102,706 2,131,866 1,991,008 1,894,374 2,070,342 2,058,215 2,036,723 Rate 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 0.453536 9,537 9,669 9,030 8,592 9,390 9,335 9,237 347 132 4,046,836,757 4,072,592,073 3,969,517,234 4,023,644,675 4,113,459,805 4,269,800,918 4,428,931,578 18,815,977 18,932,390 18,453,326 18,697,570 19,117,393 19,840,463 20,582,218 928,716 116,413 244,244 419,823 723,070 741,755 Change AV Tax Change Chg % 5.19% 9,361 (639) 798 (438) (479,064) -2.53% 1.32% (55) 2.25% 3.78% 9,361 9,361 Percent Change in Assessed Valuation439,425 424,048 429,831 432,308 8.00% (353,472) 0.62% Parcels 435,060 (97) 3.74% 456,127 6.62% 5.19% 6.00% 4.00% 07-08 2.00% (31,127) (130) 75,918,434 Tax Totals (28,203) 27 Change PB 351,247,339 08-09 6.62% 09-10 5.19% 10-11 0.62% 11-12 -2.53% 12-13 1.32% 1.32% 0.62% 3.78% 2.25% 2.25% 3.74% 13-14 14-15 3.78% 3.74% 0.00% 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 -2.00% -4.00% Budget15-16 AV 5/18/2015 1:58 PM -2.53% 55 Update = August Pacific Grove Unified School District Property Tax Revenue 06-07 07-08 2008-09 July Year-to-Date actual actual actual 180,371 180,371 2009-10 2010-11 actual actual September Year-to-Date November Year-to-Date December Year-to-Date January 4,046,836,757 4,072,592,073 3,969,517,234 4,023,644,675 4,113,459,805 4,269,800,918 4,428,931,578 5.19% 0.62% -2.53% 1.32% 2.25% 3.78% 3.74% 414,681 414,681 10,160,169 10,574,851 -1.19% 288,065 10,989,973 percent change February Year-to-Date 394,697 11,384,670 percent change March Year-to-Date 312,206 11,696,876 percent change April Year-to-Date 7,004,255 18,701,131 percent change May Year-to-Date 210,166 18,911,297 percent change June Year-to-Date 245,767 19,157,064 percent change Total 19,157,064 1,547,348 Prop Tax Change % 8.79% Inc (Dec) AV 4.00% 2015-16 10,574,851 -3.78% 654,685 11,229,535 -1.36% 263,506 11,493,042 -1.74% 7,113,982 18,607,024 -0.50% 322,597 18,929,621 0.10% 185,338 19,114,959 -0.22% 19,114,959 (42,105) -0.22% 442,642 203,410 646,052 10,055,857 10,701,909 percent change Year-to-Date 5.00% 2014-15 309,167 87,757 396,924 10,298,015 10,694,939 -0.08% 235,324 10,930,263 -0.77% 445,020 11,375,283 -0.30% 404,979 11,780,263 0.42% 6,686,251 18,466,514 0.28% 203,386 18,669,900 0.00% 395,087 19,064,987 0.99% 19,064,987 186,264 0.99% 180,371 262,271 442,642 159,786 159,786 237,217 397,003 122,225 186,941 309,167 October Year-to-Date 2013-14 397,003 144,363 541,366 10,162,470 10,703,836 1.22% 311,742 11,015,578 4.17% 394,126 11,409,704 1.60% 320,773 11,730,477 2.07% 6,683,790 18,414,267 -1.04% 255,549 18,669,816 -1.37% 208,907 18,878,723 -1.24% 18,878,723 (236,236) -1.24% 175,899 175,899 238,782 414,681 actual 122,225 122,225 2012-13 actual 31,323 31,323 94,193 125,516 779,423 904,939 10,054,597 10,959,537 2.47% 162,549 11,122,086 1.75% 492,852 11,614,938 2.11% 375,214 11,990,152 1.78% 6,941,147 18,931,299 2.52% 219,514 19,150,812 2.58% 256,411 19,407,223 1.80% 19,407,223 342,236 1.80% August Year-to-Date 2011-12 AV Change % Rev Limit line 24 Excess Prop Tax act/budget 73,572 73,572 73,572 759,221 832,793 10,552,240 11,385,033 3.88% 350,363 11,735,396 5.51% 512,416 12,247,812 5.45% 409,741 12,657,553 5.57% 7,152,350 19,809,903 4.64% 253,210 20,063,112 4.76% 219,909 20,283,021 4.51% 20,283,021 875,798 4.51% estimate 68,361 68,361 68,361 48,234 116,595 11,957,966 12,074,561 6.06% 209,642 12,284,203 4.68% 532,513 12,816,716 4.64% 414,021 13,230,737 4.53% 7,278,329 20,509,066 3.53% 77,114 20,586,180 2.61% 230,904 20,817,084 2.63% 20,817,084 534,063 2.63% 9,876,978 10,354,893 12,040,691 9,188,009 9,052,330 8,242,330 estimate 71,096 71,096 71,096 50,163 121,259 12,436,285 12,557,543 4.00% 218,028 12,775,571 4.00% 553,813 13,329,384 4.00% 430,582 13,759,966 4.00% 7,569,462 21,329,429 4.00% 80,199 21,409,627 4.00% 240,140 21,649,768 4.00% 21,649,768 832,683 4.00% - 0.00% Property Tax Revenue 06-07 07-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 14-15 15-16 25,000,000 19,157,064 19,114,959 18,878,723 19,064,987 19,407,223 20,283,021 20,817,084 21,649,768 20,000,000 16,683,456 19,157,064 19,114,959 18,878,723 19,064,987 19,407,223 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 20,283,021 20,817,084 21,649,768 17,609,716 15,000,000 10,000,000 06-07 07-08 Budget15-16 Prop Tax 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 56 2013-14 14-15 15-16 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05a 8021-48 Pacific Grove Unified School District Property Tax History Year HOX Secured Unsecured Prior Year Total 84-85 3,210,800 85-86 3,523,000 86-87 3,860,500 87-88 4,406,000 88-89 4,869,400 89-90 5,457,000 90-91 6,034,000 91-92 134,718 6,167,292 325,712 244,039 6,871,761 92-93 131,958 -2.0% 6,649,732 7.8% 356,499 9.5% 261,683 7.2% 7,399,872 93-94 125,646 -4.8% 6,653,476 0.1% 353,792 -0.8% 349,608 33.6% 7,482,522 94-95 130,224 3.6% 6,960,118 4.6% 357,838 1.1% 289,150 -17.3% 7,737,330 95-96 130,446 0.2% 7,128,213 2.4% 390,909 9.2% 273,823 -5.3% 7,923,391 96-97 130,461 0.0% 7,409,924 4.0% 411,593 5.3% 287,108 4.9% 8,239,086 97-98 131,415 0.7% 7,818,214 5.5% 434,891 5.7% 181,278 -36.9% 8,565,798 98-99 134,929 2.7% 8,307,234 6.3% 440,253 1.2% 219,090 20.9% 9,101,506 99-00 133,302 -1.2% 8,788,525 5.8% 479,414 8.9% 208,859 -4.7% 9,610,100 00-01 134,735 1.1% 9,669,525 10.0% 496,411 3.5% 201,946 -3.3% 10,502,617 01-02 132,572 -1.6% 10,606,292 9.7% 534,757 7.7% 212,070 5.0% 11,485,691 02-03 123,167 -7.1% 11,439,124 7.9% 557,713 4.3% 215,981 1.8% 12,335,985 03-04 113,172 -8.1% 12,253,118 7.1% 565,362 1.4% 233,270 8.0% 13,164,922 04-05 104,842 -7.4% 13,269,424 8.3% 595,765 5.4% 212,226 -9.0% 14,182,257 05-06 96,338 -8.1% 14,411,895 8.6% 629,229 5.6% 339,536 60.0% 15,476,998 06-07 94,698 -1.7% 15,680,075 8.8% 663,386 5.4% 245,297 -27.8% 16,683,456 07-08 97,833 3.3% 16,268,571 3.8% 672,762 1.4% 570,550 132.6% 17,609,716 08-09 104,127 6.4% 17,213,342 5.8% 794,122 18.0% 1,045,473 83.2% 19,157,064 09-10 112,443 8.0% 17,342,594 0.8% 711,607 -10.4% 948,315 -9.3% 19,114,959 10-11 119,114 5.9% 17,177,418 -1.0% 717,069 0.8% 865,122 -8.8% 18,878,723 11-12 118,109 -0.8% 17,268,519 0.5% 745,040 3.9% 933,319 7.9% 19,064,987 12-13 120,229 1.8% 17,578,507 1.8% 758,414 1.8% 950,073 1.8% 19,407,223 13-14 125,655 4.5% 18,371,779 4.5% 792,640 4.5% 992,947 4.5% 20,283,021 14-15 128,963 2.6% 18,855,518 2.6% 813,510 2.6% 1,019,092 2.6% 20,817,084 15-16 134,122 4.0% 19,609,739 4.0% 846,051 4.0% 1,059,856 4.0% 21,649,767 In August, contact Julie Aquero at [email protected] to get updated Assessed Valuations Property Tax History Increase % Inc 312,200 337,500 545,500 463,400 587,600 577,000 837,761 528,111 82,650 254,808 186,061 315,695 326,712 535,708 508,594 892,517 983,074 850,294 828,937 1,017,335 1,294,741 1,206,458 926,260 1,547,348 (42,105) (236,236) 186,264 342,236 875,798 534,063 832,683 9.72% 9.58% 14.13% 10.52% 12.07% 10.57% 13.88% 7.69% 1.12% 3.41% 2.40% 3.98% 3.97% 6.25% 5.59% 9.29% 9.36% 7.40% 6.72% 7.73% 9.13% 7.80% 5.55% 8.79% -0.22% -1.24% 0.99% 1.80% 4.51% 2.63% 4.00% 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 84- 85- 86- 87- 88- 89- 90- 91- 92- 93- 94- 95- 96- 97- 98- 99- 00- 01- 02- 03- 04- 05- 06- 07- 08- 09- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 1585 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Budget15-16 Prop Tax Hist 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 57 Update = August Pacific Grove Unified School District Pacific Grove Home Values 02-03 556 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 03-04 586 04-05 777 05-06 919 06-07 858 07-08 800 08-09 642 09-10 558 10-11 624 11-12 550 12-13 562 13-14 655 1.4% 1.2% 3.2% 0.3% -1.2% -0.4% -3.7% 0.2% 0.5% -1.1% 1.4% 559 596 796 919 850 795 633 563 619 544 571 664 0.5% 1.7% 2.4% 0.0% -0.9% -0.6% -1.4% 0.9% -0.8% -1.1% 1.6% 1.4% 563 613 816 917 841 784 620 569 613 541 578 671 0.7% 2.9% 2.5% -0.2% -1.1% -1.4% -2.1% 1.1% -1.0% -0.6% 1.2% 1.1% 564 630 831 911 826 790 617 574 605 535 582 678 0.2% 2.8% 1.8% -0.7% -1.8% 0.8% -0.5% 0.9% -1.3% -1.1% 0.7% 1.0% 565 644 848 902 815 788 603 585 599 533 585 687 0.2% 2.2% 2.0% -1.0% -1.3% -0.3% -2.3% 1.9% -1.0% -0.4% 0.5% 1.3% 567 654 860 903 803 775 592 604 594 527 596 699 0.4% 1.6% 1.4% 0.1% -1.5% -1.6% -1.8% 3.2% -0.8% -1.1% 1.9% 1.7% 577 664 864 898 804 759 587 611 587 532 601 707 1.8% 1.5% 0.5% -0.6% 0.1% -2.1% -0.8% 1.2% -1.2% 0.9% 0.8% 1.1% 584 677 865 898 804 740 582 610 585 535 606 1.2% 2.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% -2.5% -0.9% -0.2% -0.3% 0.6% 0.8% 584 693 885 886 807 715 578 608 583 543 615 0.0% 2.4% 2.3% -1.3% 0.4% -3.4% -0.7% -0.3% -0.3% 1.5% 1.5% 579 714 901 886 798 696 568 613 578 545 626 -0.9% 3.0% 1.8% 0.0% -1.1% -2.7% -1.7% 0.8% -0.9% 0.4% 1.8% May 578 735 919 876 797 670 563 623 569 548 637 -0.2% 2.9% 2.0% -1.1% -0.1% -3.7% -0.9% 1.6% -1.6% 0.6% 1.8% Jun 14-15 579 02-03 916 868 803 30.1% 753 21.6% -5.2% -7.5% 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 868,000 579,000 753,000 916,000 834,173 880,486 957,853 1,000,000 557 621 556 554 646 707 0 -16.5% 11.5% -10.5% -0.4% 16.6% 9.4% -100.0% Property Value Index 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 803,000 667,000 557,000 621,000 556,000 554,000 646,000 707,000 955,748 868,000 943,936 953,249 916,000 06-07 07-08 753,000 08-09 750,000 69.41% 579,000 85.52% 95.63% 667 -16.9% 09-10 90.82% 803,000 10-11 11-12 667,000 85.07% 69.97% 557,000 621,000 556,000 554,000 10-11 11-12 646,000 707,000 500,000 250,000 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 12-13 13-14 Properties Sold (% of Total Properties) 01-02 02-03 #### 5.00% 3.74% 4.00% 03-04 04-05 4.55% 4.55% 3.57% 3.74% 05-06 3.22% 3.57% 06-07 2.64% 07-08 2.19% 08-09 2.78% 3.22% 2.64% 3.00% 09-10 3.41% 10-11 3.37% 11-12 12-13 13-14 4.68% 4.66% 4.17%4.17% 4.68% 4.66% 3.41% 3.37% 09-10 10-11 2.78% 2.19% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 Number of parcels= Budget15-16 PG Homes 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 58 08-09 9,361 Avg AV= 11-12 12-13 13-14 456,127 Source = Zillow Property Value Index 02-03 1000 03-04 900 04-05 05-06 800 06-07 700 07-08 600 08-09 09-10 500 10-11 400 11-12 300 12-13 200 13-14 Jul 556 586 777 919 858 800 642 558 624 550 562 655 Aug 559 596 796 919 850 795 633 563 619 544 571 664 Sep 563 613 816 917 841 784 620 569 613 541 578 671 Oct Housing Nov Values Dec - Pacific Jan Grove Feb 564 565 567 577 584 630 644 654 664 677 831 848 860 864 865 911 902 903 898 898 826 815 803 804 804 790 788 775 759 740 617 603 592 587 582 574 585 604 611 610 605 599 594 587 585 535 533 527 532 535 582 585 596 601 606 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 Mar 584 693 885 886 807 715 578 608 583 543 615 Apr 579 714 901 886 798 696 568 613 578 545 626 May 578 735 919 876 797 670 563 623 569 548 637 Jun 579 753 916 868 803 667 557 621 556 554 646 100 0 Budget15-16 PG Homes 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 Source = Zillow Property Value Index Pacific Grove Unified School District PG Property Tax Bills 1 Countywide 1% Rate 2 City of PG Debt 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 (Percent) 1.00% $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $ 7,000 $ 8,000 $ 9,000 0.003% $ 9 $ 12 $ 15 $ 18 $ 21 $ 24 $ 27 3 PGUSD 2006 ABCDE 0.07360% $ 221 $ 294 $ 368 $ 442 $ 515 $ 589 $ 662 4 PGUSD 2014 (Ed Tech) 0.01796% $ 54 $ 72 $ 90 $ 108 $ 126 $ 144 $ 162 0.016% $ 47 $ 63 $ 79 $ 95 $ 111 $ 126 $ 142 5 MP CCD 2013 6 MP Parks $ (Fixed) 23.28 $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 7 MPWMD Water $ 55.34 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 8 CSA74 EMS Amb $ 12.00 $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 Total PGUSD Items PGUSD percent Bond & Parcel Tax Elections: 1 3/1995 Parcel Tax $35/parcel 2 11/1995 Parcel Tax $35/parcel 3 11/1999 GO Bond $ 12,000,000 4 11/2003 Parcel Tax $35/parcel 5 6/2006 GO Bond $ 42,000,000 6 11/2008 Parcel Tax $35/parcel 7 11/2011 Parcel Tax $60/parcel 8 11/2012 Parcel Tax $65/parcel 9 11/2013 Ed Tech GO $ 28,700,000 10 11/2014 Ed Tech GO $ 18,000,000 Budget15-16 Prop Tax Bill 5/18/2015 1:58 PM $ 3,422 $ 275 $ 4,532 $ 5,642 $ 6,753 $ 7,863 $ 8,974 $ 10,084 $ 366 $ 458 $ 549 $ 641 $ 732 $ 824 8.0% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% Term 20 years 20 years 5 years 30 years 5 years 4 years 5 years 25 years 18 years Result Needed 61.50% 66.7% 62.80% 66.7% 77.50% 66.7% 72.50% 66.7% 65.60% 55.0% 76.70% 66.7% 62.40% 66.7% 66.40% 66.7% 52.17% 55.0% 59.79% 55.0% 59 Outcome no no yes yes yes yes no no no yes Title Measure ? Measure ? Measure A Measure A Measure D Measure X Measure ? Measure A Measure G Measure A Votes 6,724 Source = Monterey Co Assessor Pacific Grove Unified School District Measure D - Facilities Bond Project # Budget Forest Grove Furniture and Equipment Playground and Misc Projects (Oct 27) Facility Upgrade Projects Total Forest Grove F-19 Misc Imp F-0 206,543 654,034 1,299,354 2,159,931 206,543 188,626 1,299,354 1,694,523 465,408 465,408 100.0% 28.8% 100.0% 78.5% Robert Down Furniture and Equipment, Playground Window Closure, Dumpsters Projects Window Coverings Total Robert Down RD-43 Misc Imp RD-0 RD-24 315,656 139,792 2,228,983 42,053 2,726,484 223,748 139,792 2,228,983 42,053 2,634,576 91,908 91,908 70.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 96.6% M-5 M-42 M-8 M-3 963,062 22,890 506,962 236,563 895,787 361,570 191,493 1,569,460 3,570,115 8,317,902 963,062 22,890 506,962 236,563 895,787 361,570 191,493 1,569,460 3,570,115 8,317,902 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 59,386 23,144 40,065 253,801 9,522 79,121 482,598 222,071 90,000 1,821,943 10,148,516 6,806,757 129,527 103,000 20,269,451 59,386 23,144 40,065 253,801 9,522 79,121 482,598 222,071 90,000 1,821,943 10,148,516 6,806,757 129,527 103,000 20,269,451 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 15,480 1,014,525 1,030,005 15,480 1,014,525 1,030,005 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Middle School Auditorium Bleachers Track and Field Repair Flooring Replacement Fountain Avenue Furniture and Equipment Outdoor Rec, Basketball Courts Music Room Projects Total Middle School High School Art Room Remodel Digital Music Electrical Upgrades Furniture and Equipment Gym Lighting Music Tech Equipment Parking Lot Pool Repairs Student Union Pool Projects Stadium Walkway Repairs Locker Replacement Total High School Adult School Lighting Improvements, Frontage Projects Total Adult School Budget15-16 Measure D 5/18/2015 1:58 PM M-39 Misc Imp M-4 M-0 H-36 H-35 H-24 H-40 H-32 H-41 H-2 H-15 H-0 H-2 Misc Imp Misc Imp 60 Expended Percent Complete Site-Project Balance Update = Monthly Expended Balance Percent Complete 4,050 16,688 7,664 28,445 2,238 5,625 37,909 812 25,489 750 2,500 132,170 4,050 16,688 7,664 28,445 2,238 5,625 37,909 812 25,489 750 2,500 132,170 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1,953,357 1,509,427 3,462,784 1,953,357 1,509,427 3,462,784 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 39,514 130,459 153,154 2,045,538 147,914 262,873 86,606 1,035,215 3,901,273 39,514 130,459 153,154 2,045,538 147,914 262,873 86,606 1,035,215 3,901,273 - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total All Measure D Projects 42,000,000 41,442,684 557,316 98.7% Summary: Measure D Funding Funding 42,000,000 Budgeted 42,000,000 Unbudgeted - 100.0% Site-Project Community High School Classroom Carpeting Computer Tech Furniture and Equipment Jewelry Counter Lab Station Office Counter Outdoor Area Outdoor Shed Projects Science Room Floor Science Room Sink/Counter Total Community High School District Office/Maintenance Facility District Office Project ($212,121 Fund 40) Maintenance Facility Project Total District Office/Maintenance Project # C-10 C-2 C-1 C-11 C-9 C-5 C-3 C-4 C-0 C-8 C-7 O-1 O-2 District Wide General Administration Costs FG,RD,MS,HS Security Cameras RD,MS,HS Exterior Painting ($7,513 Fund 40) RD,MS,HS Window Replacement Computer Labs and Computer Replacement Landscape Improvements Forest Avenue Crosswalk Network Improvements Total District Wide Budget15-16 Measure D 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 61 Budget Update = Monthly Pacific Grove Unified School District Measure A - Ed Tech Bond Site Purchased: 1 SRI & SMI Curriculum (Scholastic) 2 Projectors (Compview) 3 Tech supplies (Grainger) 4 Headsets for SBAC (Insight) 5 Projector (Compview) 6 Fingerprint Scanner (Biometrics) 7 Replacement CPU (Dell) 8 Chromebooks (HP) 9 Chromebook Cabinets (Datum) 10 Replacement Computers (Dell) 11 Wifi Transmitters (Carousel) 12 Chromebook security carts (Portola) 13 Computer replacements (Dell) 14 Student Union Equipment (Trinity) 15 License for Certify (Certica) 16 School Messenger (Reliance) 17 Ed Tech Survey (DS&C) 18 School Dude Software (School Dude) 19 Ed Tech Financial Advisor (DS&C) 20 Security Camera Project (Trinity) Total Encumbered or Expended Needs List: 21 Forest Grove 22 Robert Down 23 Middle School 24 High School 25 Adult School 26 Community High School 27 District Wide Total Needs List Reserve: 28 Reserve for 2015-16 29 Reserve for 2016-17 30 Other Reserve Total Reserves Total Measure A Summary: Measure A Funding Dist AS Dist Dist HS Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Dist Budgeted 25,815 2,600 559 19,944 1,054 5,585 1,516 463,056 50,839 30,081 42,347 8,752 5,838 5,283 3,055 8,770 20,000 9,424 146,514 220,000 1,071,032 148,135 157,687 156,292 580,592 100,472 24,850 225,336 1,393,364 Encumbered 25,815 22,120 47,935 - Expended Balance 559 19,944 1,054 5,585 1,516 463,056 50,839 42,347 8,752 5,838 5,283 3,055 8,770 20,000 9,424 146,514 1,680 794,216 2,600 30,081 196,200 228,881 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1% 74% - 148,135 157,687 156,292 580,592 100,472 24,850 225,336 1,393,364 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - 100,000 100,000 200,000 75% 1,822,245 30% 100,000 100,000 200,000 2,664,396 Funding 2,327,150 47,935 Percent Complete 794,216 Budgeted 2,664,396 Unbudgeted (337,246) 114% On November 4, 2014, the voters within the Pacific Grove Unified School District approved an $18 million General Obligation Bond, with homeowners paying $17.96 per each $100,000 of Assessed Valuation over 18 years. Of the 6,724 ballots cast, 4,020 voted YES and 2,704 voted NO. The Measure passed with 59.79% of the vote. There are 11,025 registered voters within the District's boundaries, and 6,901 cast a ballot, a 62.59% turnout. 177 voters chose not to cast any vote for Measure A. Budget15-16 Measure A 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 62 Modified 5-14-2015 - Fiscal03a Fund 21 Pacific Grove Unified School District Bonded Debt General Obligation Bonds Election - Series Issuance Amount Maturity Date Balance 6/30/2013 Notes 1 2005 Election - refunding 3,065,000 2029 2,280,000 Refunding On Dec 16, 2005, the District issued $3.065 million of 2005 GO Bonds to refund a portion of the 1999 Series A GO Bond. 2 2006 Election - Series A 6,000,000 2036 5,340,000 Measure D On Mar 21, 2007, the District issued $6.000 million of a $42.0 million GO Bond approved by voters on Jun 6, 2006 by more than 55%. The bonds were issued to repair and renovate schools, and to build new classrooms and educational facilities in the District. 3 2007 Election - refunding 3,035,000 2030 2,925,000 Refunding On Mar 27, 2007, the District issued $3.035 million of 2007 GO Bonds to refund a portion of the 1999 Series B GO Bond. 4 2006 Election - Series B 9,720,000 2037 8,905,000 Measure D On Mar 11, 2008, the District issued $9.720 million of a $42.0 million GO Bond approved by voters on Jun 6, 2006 by more than 55%. The bonds were issued to repair and renovate schools, and to build new classrooms and educational facilities in the District. 5 2006 Election - Series C 9,500,000 2039 9,030,000 Measure D On Apr 8, 2009, the District issued $9.500 million of a $42.0 million GO Bond approved by voters on Jun 6, 2006 by more than 55%. The bonds were issued to repair and renovate schools, and to build new classrooms and educational facilities in the District. 6 2006 Election - Series D 9,000,000 2039 8,625,000 Measure D On Feb 9, 2010, the District issued $9.000 million of a $42.0 million GO Bond approved by voters on Jun 6, 2006 by more than 55%. The bonds were issued to repair and renovate schools, and to build new classrooms and educational facilities in the District. 7 2006 Election - Series E (final) 7,780,000 2026 7,695,000 Measure D On Jul , 2011, the District issued $7.780 million of a $42.0 million GO Bond approved by voters on Jun 6, 2006 by more than 55%. The bonds were issued to repair and renovate schools, and to build new classrooms and educational facilities in the District. 8 2011 - refunding 4,690,000 Premium Total General Obligation Bonds 4,130,000 Refunding 194,201 52,790,000 Other Long-Term Obligations: Compensated Absences Capital Leases Postemployment Benefits 49,124,201 125,036 141,514 843,621 Total District Debt Budget15-16 Debt 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2032 50,234,372 63 Modified 5-8-2015 - Audit Report Pacific Grove Unified School District Copiers Location Model Term Forest Grove 1 MX-623U 7/1/13-6/30/16 Robert Down 1 MX-623U 7/1/13-6/30/16 Middle School 1 MX-753U 7/1/13-6/30/16 High School Adult School 1 MX-753U 7/1/13-6/30/16 1 MX-623U 7/1/13-6/30/16 District Office 1 MX-623U 7/1/13-6/30/16 Maintenance Agreement Cost/Month Limit Overage Lease $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 $ $ 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 137.00 12 1,644.00 30,000 0.0035 959.00 12 $ 11,508.00 per month $ $ $ $ $ 318.59 12 $ 3,823.08 $ District Office 1 MX-620U purchased $ $ Total 7 Total 2013-14 $ 1,911.54 12 $ 22,938.48 Total 2012-13 $ 30,047.52 per month per year $ per year $ 19,488.00 Copiers are leased and maintained through Pete Frick at Tri-County Business Services. The lease is for three years and expires 6/30/2016. Budget15-16 Copiers 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 64 Pacific Grove Unified School District Contributions to Restricted Programs Program Res 2008-09 actual 2009-10 actual 2010-11 actual 2011-12 actual 2012-13 actual 2013-14 actual 2014-15 estimate 2015-16 estimate Hearing Impaired 0000 27,000 27,000 27,000 STAR 0060 1,806 1,806 1,806 MH 9th Grade CSR 0120 110,750 100,000 100,000 GATE 0140 IMFRP 0156 215,257 215,257 215,257 Pupil Retention 0739 47 47 47 K-3 CSR 1300 403,692 96,411 465,626 332,458 386,955 373,122 370,000 370,000 Title I 3010 136,584 143,293 157,172 166,953 192,907 17,580 18,000 18,000 Federal Special Ed 3310 74,857 59,119 71,961 96,972 65,417 41,953 42,000 42,000 Title II 4035 4,257 13,085 15,271 17,793 1,800 1,800 School Safety 0405 4,960 15,787 - - Special Education 6500 2,833,257 136,816 100,277 101,406 107,512 106,934 22,016 2,425,386 2,607,225 Economic Impact Aid 7090 3,439,810 - 2,867,984 3,567,587 3,500,000 3,500,000 28,457 28,000 28,000 6,104 HTS Transportation 7230 64,053 Maintenance & Ops 8150 556,477 431,785 - 143,486 108,547 127,794 154,574 155,000 155,000 453,358 591,651 690,108 676,233 670,000 670,000 ROP 0350 40,811 164,143 200,995 31,711 8,128 8,000 8,000 TOTAL 4,251,508 3,420,413 4,010,594 5,079,999 4,485,081 5,256,074 5,136,910 5,136,910 Change (831,095) 590,182 1,069,405 (594,918) 770,993 (119,164) Percent Change 22.4% -19.5% 17.3% 26.7% -11.7% 17.2% -2.3% 0.0% Many District programs have expenditures that exceed their revenues. When this happens, the District's unrestricted General Fund must contribute funding to balance each program. The list above shows the programs which require a contribution. Contributions to Restricted Programs 6,000,000 4,251,508 4,000,000 08-09 4,251,508 09-10 3,420,413 10-11 11-12 5,079,999 4,010,594 5,079,999 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 5,256,074 5,136,910 5,136,910 4,485,081 5,256,074 5,136,910 5,136,910 4,485,081 4,010,594 3,420,413 2,000,000 08-09 09-10 Budget15-16 Contrib 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 10-11 11-12 65 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 Source = Fiscal02a by 8980 Pacific Grove Unified School District Mandated Costs Mandate Cost Claims 06-07 & Before 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Collective Bargaining 65,735 51,586 27,771 23,470 12,471 Immunization Records 3,687 1,992 2,228 2,152 20,526 9,791 10,031 1,624 1,668 Mandate Costs Notification of Truancy Notification to Teachers 1,929 12-13 Total Claims 4,124 170,386 2,233 12,292 9,313 9,539 9,830 59,717 59,716 1,626 2,323 9,643 8,945 4,560 4,559 2,402 2,631 SARC 1,358 Caregiver Affidavits 1,087 4,194 5,281 5,281 3,814 3,606 8,778 8,778 1,166 1,166 8,124 6,921 30,967 30,967 8,584 6,584 10,518 6,566 8,662 8,662 1,575 1,575 1,166 8,124 Open Meetings Act 12,034 3,833 4,126 School Safety Plans 3,695 2,860 2,029 Immunization Records 1,681 1,703 2,437 Balance Due 185,157 Habitual Truant Standardized Testing 11-12 4,312 1,855 3,032 3,630 2,842 Pupil Promotion-Retention 8,662 Charter Schools 1,575 Fiscal Accountability 5,549 3,475 4,585 4,664 2,486 20,759 15,970 The Stull Act (Evaluations) 63,030 16,919 14,685 10,716 13,962 119,312 106,371 High School Exit Exam 25,682 4,663 7,238 37,583 34,449 4,539 2,238 2,437 9,214 5,388 2,088 11,810 5,599 139,271 660,394 107,689 949,520 612,527 107,689 949,519 3,736 3,736 294,470 294,470 2,569,511 2,465,137 Parent Notification Teacher Notification Grad Reqirements I Grad Reqirements II Grad Reqirements III API Behavioral Intervention Total Claims 3,487 3,718 2,517 660,394 107,689 230,106 123,850 119,649 1,124 1,304 1,308 204,665 16,102 17,049 17,611 18,604 20,439 1,421,764 244,571 220,728 180,456 192,212 188,416 99,435 115,845 121,364 121,364 Note: The Mandated Claim Block Grant would have provided $71,000. The total amount owed is to be paid back by 2017-18. Budget15-16 Mand Costs 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 66 Source = March Report from SIA Pacific Grove Unified School District Bell Schedules Regular Forest Grove Instruction Recess Instruction Lunch/Recess Instruction Recess Instruction Kinder 8:45 10:40 10:55 12:10 12:55 1st-3rd 10:40 10:55 12:10 12:55 2:00 8:45 10:40 10:50 12:10 12:55 1:55 2:05 10:40 10:50 12:10 12:55 1:55 2:05 3:10 8:45 10:20 10:30 12:10 12:55 1:55 2:05 Regular Robert Down Instruction Recess Instruction Lunch/Recess Instruction Recess Instruction Middle School Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Break Period 4 Break Period 5 Lunch Period 6 Period 7 Assembly High School Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Break Period 4 Period 5 Lunch Period 6 Period 7 Kinder 10:20 10:30 12:10 12:55 1:55 2:05 3:10 8:45 9:55 10:05 12:05 12:50 1:55 2:05 Kinder all students 8:45 8:45 12:10 2:00 9:55 10:05 12:05 12:50 1:55 2:05 3:10 8:45 9:45 9:55 11:55 12:25 9:45 9:55 11:55 12:25 1:20 1:30 2:25 7:45 8:34 9:32 10:22 10:39 Regular 8:30 9:28 10:22 10:35 11:29 Thursday 7:45 8:30 8:34 9:18 9:22 10:02 10:02 10:15 10:19 10:59 11:33 12:27 1:16 2:10 12:23 1:12 2:06 3:00 11:03 11:47 12:36 1:20 B Day Tue & Thu 7:25 8:15 8:20 10:05 10:05 10:25 10:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 12:55 2:45 9:45 9:55 11:55 12:25 1:20 11:43 12:32 1:16 2:00 C Day Wed & Fri 7:25 8:15 67 Minimum Day 1st-5th 8:45 9:45 9:55 11:55 12:25 1:20 1:30 Budget15-16 Bell Sched 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Minimum Day 1st-5th Thursday 1st-5th A Day Monday 7:25 8:15 8:20 9:10 9:15 10:05 10:05 10:20 10:25 11:15 11:20 12:10 12:10 12:55 1:00 1:50 1:55 2:45 Thursday 4th-5th 8:20 10:05 10:05 10:20 10:25 12:10 12:10 12:55 1:00 2:45 8:45 9:55 10:05 12:05 12:50 all students 9:55 10:05 12:05 12:50 1:55 Minimum Day 7:45 8:30 8:34 9:08 9:12 9:42 9:46 10:16 10:33 10:16 10:29 11:03 11:07 11:41 11:37 12:11 8:45 9:55 10:05 9:55 10:05 12:10 Assembly 7:45 8:30 8:34 9:18 9:22 10:02 10:02 10:15 10:19 10:59 11:03 11:47 12:36 1:20 2:00 11:43 12:32 1:16 2:00 3:00 Block Day Assembly 7:25 8:20 7:25 8:20 10:05 10:25 12:10 1:00 8:15 10:05 10:20 12:10 12:55 2:45 9:45 10:05 12:30 1:20 8:15 9:45 10:00 11:30 1:15 2:45 Pacific Grove Unified School District Instructional Minutes Grade Level Number 1986-87 1986-87 2008-09 of Days Required Reduced audited 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 audited audited audited audited audited estimate Kindergarten 180 36,000 35,000 43,400 45,500 43,370 42,245 42,245 45,015 45,015 Grade 1 180 50,400 49,000 49,690 54,740 53,935 53,575 53,575 53,695 53,695 Grade 2 180 50,400 49,000 52,990 54,740 53,935 53,575 53,575 53,695 53,695 Grade 3 180 50,400 49,000 52,990 54,740 53,935 53,575 53,575 53,695 53,695 Grade 4 180 54,000 52,500 52,990 54,740 53,935 53,575 53,575 53,695 53,695 Grade 5 180 54,000 52,500 52,990 54,740 53,935 53,575 53,575 53,695 53,695 Grade 6 180 54,000 52,500 55,764 56,384 55,824 55,828 55,828 64,400 64,400 Grade 7 180 54,000 52,500 55,764 56,384 55,824 55,828 55,828 64,400 64,400 Grade 8 180 54,000 52,500 55,764 56,384 55,824 55,828 55,828 64,400 64,400 Grade 9 180 64,800 63,000 67,560 67,640 67,205 65,640 65,640 65,085 65,085 Grade 10 180 64,800 63,000 67,560 67,640 67,205 65,640 65,640 65,085 65,085 Grade 11 180 64,800 63,000 67,560 67,640 67,205 65,640 65,640 65,085 65,085 Grade 12 180 64,800 63,000 67,560 67,640 67,205 65,640 65,640 65,085 65,085 716,400 696,500 742,582 758,912 749,337 740,164 740,164 767,030 767,030 Total Note: School districts (including Basic Aid districts) must maintain their instructional minutes at the reduced 1986-87 level. Budget15-16 Minutes 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 68 Source = District Audit Report Pacific Grove Unified School District Maintenance & Operations 2008-09 actual Budget (Program 7800 Resource 8150): Classified Salaries 766,442 Benefits 345,952 Supplies 107,855 Rentals and Repairs 56,406 Debt Service Total 1,276,655 change (293,757) percent change Work Orders: Forest Grove Robert Down Middle School High School Adult School District Office David Avenue Total change 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual actual actual actual actual estimate 972,887 327,860 95,380 60,339 1,456,465 994,993 350,454 112,407 54,021 9,652 1,521,527 1,097,903 404,520 99,824 70,167 9,652 1,682,067 1,151,060 426,266 134,915 82,591 9,655 1,804,487 1,185,592 439,054 138,962 85,069 9,945 1,858,622 1,209,304 447,835 141,742 86,770 10,144 1,895,794 179,810 65,061 160,540 122,420 54,135 37,172 3.00% -18.7% 14.1% 138 107 186 181 64 14 13 703 188 199 140 186 65 16 20 814 71 percent change 11.2% 4.5% 194 219 180 207 35 35 21 891 10.6% 140 212 179 236 63 38 37 905 111 77 14 15.8% 9.5% 1.6% 2.00% 7.3% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 169 145 127 177 44 15 48 725 174 149 131 182 45 15 49 747 179 154 135 188 47 16 51 769 (180) -19.9% 2.0% 22 22 3.0% 3.0% Work Orders 08-09 1,000 814 800 09-10 703 10-11 905 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 814 891 905 725 747 769 891 703 725 747 769 12-13 13-14 14-15 600 400 200 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 69 Budget15-16 M&O 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = Annually Pacific Grove Unified School District Bus Ridership -1.0% 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 actual actual actual actual actual actual actual actual actual estimate Forest Grove Del Monte Park Pebble Beach Beach Track Total Forest Grove 23 16 6 45 53 12 15 80 72 13 18 103 79 16 19 114 40 27 14 81 37 67 13 117 27 60 20 107 27 59 20 106 7 8 7 58 73 5 5 47 57 10 13 58 81 4 9 40 53 1 9 48 58 1 9 48 57 Robert Down Del Monte Park Pebble Beach Beach Track Total Robert Down 36 43 1 5 62 68 Middle School Del Monte Park Pebble Beach Beach Track Total Middle School 15 15 20 50 16 19 33 68 22 20 29 71 22 25 24 71 16 21 34 71 17 28 35 80 17 32 27 76 17 32 27 75 1 9 23 33 1 14 19 34 5 7 26 38 8 14 34 56 7 17 34 58 2 12 35 49 3 12 32 47 3 12 32 47 46 40 85 171 27 71 50 129 250 79 107 47 131 285 35 114 60 124 298 13 73 78 140 291 (7) 60 116 123 299 8 48 113 127 288 (11) 48 112 126 285 (3) 4.6% -2.3% 2.7% -3.7% -1.0% 135 105 139 122 130 High School Del Monte Park Pebble Beach Beach Track Total High School Total Ridership Del Monte Park Pebble Beach Beach Track Total District Change 171 Percent Change 144 (27) 18.8% 46.2% 14.0% Free Riders -15.8% 71 105 122 percent of total 42% 06-07 171 07-08 144 42% 43% Ridership 08-09 Bus 09-10 10-11 171 250 285 45% 11-12 298 36% 12-13 291 46% 13-14 299 42% 14-15 288 46% 15-16 285 400 300 200 285 298 291 299 288 285 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 250 171 144 171 100 06-07 07-08 08-09 Budget15-16 Bus Riders 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 09-10 70 Update = October Pacific Grove Unified School District Food Services Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources 8000 Federal Revenue 8100 Other State Revenue 8300 Other Local Revenue 8600 Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies 4000 Services & Other 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Other Outgo 7100 Total Expenditures Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In - General Fund 8900 Ending Fund Balance 2007-08 actual 35,068 64,159 6,245 265,971 336,374 190,850 47,359 243,647 6,412 488,268 (151,893) 223,630 106,805 2008-09 actual 106,805 2009-10 actual 89,512 2010-11 actual 76,818 2011-12 actual 50,396 2012-13 actual 73,341 2013-14 actual 28,935 2014-15 estimate (1,578) 176,708 13,499 320,781 510,988 172,000 15,000 330,000 517,000 73,544 10,210 267,593 351,347 98,593 7,186 267,775 373,554 113,312 9,852 266,023 389,187 144,822 12,436 306,631 463,889 168,653 15,136 320,592 504,381 219,800 51,408 221,233 5,199 214,875 51,528 216,296 3,549 226,794 56,118 229,074 3,622 209,886 52,461 257,344 6,020 223,631 56,386 260,782 7,988 497,640 (146,293) 129,000 89,512 486,247 (112,694) 100,000 76,818 515,609 (126,422) 100,000 50,396 525,711 (61,822) 19,937 8,511 548,787 (44,406) 28,935 241,199 52,736 270,784 6,782 571,501 (60,513) 30,000 (1,578) 225,000 57,000 264,000 8,000 554,000 (37,000) 30,000 (8,578) 4.0% Meals Served: Forest Grove 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 31,236 24,909 9,389 21,389 10,428 16,828 1,863 21,680 94,362 116,042 breakfast lunch Robert Down 20,738 26,810 27,616 28,589 29,528 30,446 30,035 17,900 6,607 7,413 4,528 4,654 937 19,337 5,358 7,708 4,981 5,069 763 20,734 5,503 9,426 5,868 7,836 732 19,811 5,238 9,664 7,956 9,470 1,099 20,542 6,589 11,299 11,421 15,352 1,493 24,219 8,636 14,979 11,328 16,023 1,578 23,951 9,028 20,566 10,027 16,181 1,791 12,072 50,705 62,777 11,102 58,924 70,026 12,103 65,612 77,715 14,293 67,534 81,827 19,503 76,721 96,224 21,542 85,667 107,209 20,846 90,733 111,579 breakfast lunch Middle School breakfast lunch High School breakfast lunch CHS breakfast lunch Total Breakfast Total Lunch Total All Meals percent increase 14.0% 11.5% 11.0% 5.3% 17.6% 11.4% 4.1% 4.0% Meals Served 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 62,777 70,026 77,715 81,827 96,224 107,209 111,579 116,042 07-08 150,000 100,000 62,777 70,026 77,715 81,827 09-10 10-11 96,224 107,209 111,579 116,042 12-13 13-14 14-15 50,000 07-08 08-09 Budget15-16 Food Services 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 71 11-12 Update = Annually Pacific Grove Unified School District Free and Reduced Meals 2.0% 2010-11 CBEDS F&RM Forest Grove K 72 1 70 2 68 3 71 4 67 5 70 Total FG 418 Robert Down K 74 1 71 2 66 3 70 4 61 5 66 Total RD 408 Middle School 6 126 7 144 8 138 Total MS 408 High School 9 150 10 135 11 133 12 144 Total HS 562 CHS 9 10 3 11 9 12 13 Total CHS 25 Total 1,821 2011-12 % 16 15 17 15 11 25 99 22.2% 17 6 9 10 8 4 54 23.0% 21.4% 25.0% 21.1% 16.4% 35.7% 23.7% 8.5% 13.6% 14.3% 13.1% 6.1% 13.2% 18 29 18 65 14.3% 24 20 12 26 82 16.0% 20.1% 13.0% 15.9% 14.8% 9.0% 18.1% 14.6% 2012-13 CBEDS F&RM % 78 72 77 80 80 75 462 25 26 17 20 18 22 128 32.1% 86 80 79 76 72 62 455 18 11 11 9 10 10 69 20.9% 150 148 152 450 30 27 30 87 20.0% 146 152 134 135 567 28 25 17 19 89 19.2% 2 3 7 12 100% 385 36.1% 22.1% 25.0% 22.5% 29.3% 27.7% 13.8% 13.9% 11.8% 13.9% 16.1% 15.2% 18.2% 19.7% 19.3% 16.4% 12.7% 14.1% 15.7% 3 6 9 46.2% 36.0% 2 6 11 19 309 17.0% 1,953 0.0% 33.3% percent increase CBEDS F&RM % 71 76 76 78 87 93 481 15 27 21 22 22 24 131 21.1% 86 86 83 83 75 71 484 6 16 15 12 10 12 71 148 160 158 466 39 37 28 104 26.4% 173 157 153 118 601 26 30 24 35 115 15.0% - - 63.2% 1 9 12 22 19.7% 2,054 50.0% 63.6% 09-10 10-11 11-12 11.9% 15.3% 17.0% 12-13 13-14 35.5% 27.6% 28.2% 25.3% 25.8% 27.2% 7.0% 18.6% 18.1% 14.5% 13.3% 16.9% 14.7% 23.1% 17.7% 22.3% 19.1% 15.7% 29.7% 19.1% 4 5 9 44.4% 430 F&RM % 86 68 71 67 89 77 458 26 18 22 22 24 20 132 30.2% 70 91 90 72 87 77 487 14 10 19 16 13 13 85 20.0% 174 162 148 484 34 35 31 100 19.5% 153 167 140 135 595 33 22 17 21 93 21.6% 26.5% 31.0% 32.8% 27.0% 26.0% 28.8% 11.0% 21.1% 22.2% 14.9% 17.1% 17.5% 21.6% 20.9% 20.7% 13.2% 12.1% 15.6% 15.6% CBEDS F&RM % 105 64 69 69 75 78 460 27 18 22 22 24 20 135 25.3% 76 72 79 85 72 84 468 14 10 19 16 13 13 87 18.8% 153 163 156 472 35 36 32 102 22.7% 160 151 151 134 596 34 22 17 21 95 21.0% 5 9 14 41.7% 40.9% 12 15 27 20.9% 2,051 424 41.7% 1.2% - 28.7% 32.5% 32.5% 32.6% 26.2% 29.3% 14.2% 24.5% 19.2% 18.4% 16.0% 18.6% 21.9% 20.3% 21.6% 14.9% 11.5% 16.0% 15.9% ###### 5 9 14 63.8% 51.9% 8 14 22 20.7% 2,018 433 21.4% 60.0% -0.3% 65.6% 64.9% 0.8% 14-15 Free and Reduced Meals Percentage 21.4% 19.7% 20.9% 20.7% 25.0% 19.7% 20.0% 15.3% 15.0% CBEDS 2014-15 0.0% 2.7% 08-09 2013-14 20.9% 20.7% 21.4% 12-13 13-14 14-15 17.0% 11.9% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 08-09 09-10 Budget15-16 F&R Meals 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 10-11 11-12 72 Source = CBEDS and Mealtracker Pacific Grove Unified School District Insurance 2009-10 Liability Insurance 145,893 Monterey & San Benito Counties Property & Liability JPA Keenan and Associates Maria Malone [email protected] Deductible 1,000 COIs [email protected] 1-800-334-6554 Health Care 1,610,940 Montery County Schools Insurance Grouo Roxanne Buckner - Administrative Manager [email protected] 2009-10 Option I 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 142,332 140,895 148,199 157,006 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,135,769 1,080,641 1,059,761 845,640 2010-11 2011-12 797.37 2012-13 863.30 8.27% 1,594.76 1,723.36 2,073.19 2,239.40 493.70 573.67 987.41 1,144.11 1,283.63 1,486.36 8.06% 8.02% Option III 16.20% 15.87% 15.79% EPO 440.29 509.37 15.69% 880.58 1,015.48 1,144.75 1,319.14 15.32% 15.23% 2013-14 863.30 0.00% 1,723.36 0.00% 2,239.40 0.00% 573.67 0.00% 1,144.11 0.00% 1,486.36 0.00% 509.37 0.00% 1,015.48 0.00% 1,319.14 0.00% Workers CompensationMonterey County Schools Workers Compensation JPA Veronica H Makavekas - Executive Diretor [email protected] 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 WC Rate 2.3540 2.0849 2.3478 1.9305 1.8344 1.8571 1.8571 Projected Payroll 14,897,405 15,544,722 16,542,653 70% CL Rate 1.952% $ 2.927 $ 2.870 Manual Premium 290,797 454,994 474,774 Experience Mod Rate 1.118 0.989 1.091 1.258 1.070 Off Balance Factor 0.6515 0.7419 Modified Premium 287,599 372,907 376,891 Offset from Surplus (84,233) Premium 317,408 264,647 263,938 288,674 376,891 Student Accident Insurance Myers, Stevens, Toohey 1-800-827-4695 73 Budget15-16 Insurance 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Pacific Grove Unified School District Facilities Use Fees Pacific Grove 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Facility Site Classrooms Library Library Multipurpose Room* Multipurpose Room* Auditorium Auditorium ** & *** Gymnasium* Gymnasium* Shower Rooms* High School Stadium: Stadium (no lights, w/restrooms) Stadium (with lights, w/restrooms) Track Press Box Concession Building Field House Tennis Courts Swimming Pool Audio Visual Equipment Computer Labs*** Teacher Lounges Kitchen Facilities*** Play Fields Parking Lots Processing Fee Custodial charge per hour All FG,RD MS,HS HS FG,RD RD MS MS HS MS,HS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20 20 45 50 50 30 75 75 75 40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25 25 50 75 75 35 100 100 100 45 HS $ 50 $ 75 HS $ 75 $ 100 HS HS HS HS HS HS All All All All All All All All $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10 50 30 25 50 10 40 15 50 25 20 2 35 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15 75 40 50 75 15 45 20 75 35 30 5 35 2 3 Carmel USD 2 3 4 $ 8 $ 17 $ 33 $ 8 $ 17 $ 33 $ 27 $ 50 $ 32 $ 15 $ 21 $ 5 $ 4 $ 10 $ 22 Salinas UHSD 2 MPUSD 3 2 3 $ 10 $ 27 $ 30 $ 150 $ 99 $ 75 $ 250 $ 65 $ 475 $ 64 $ 128 $ 30 $ 42 $ 60 $ 84 $ $ $ $ 75 75 150 70 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 85 80 95 75 $ 990 $ 650 $ 990 $ 75 $ 125 $ 500 $ 1,500 $ 105 $ 1,125 $ 750 $ 1,750 $ 170 $ 1,750 $ 100 $ 200 $ $ 20 120 $ 70 $ 600 $ 300 $ 40 $ $ 10 $ 8 $ 20 $ 45 $ 60 $ 20 $ 16 $ 20 $ 45 $ 70 $ 40/day $ 5 120 300 500 100 40 $ 170 $ 50 $ $ 100 $ 875 $ 50 $ 27 50 Board Policy 1330 Pacific Grove USD: Group 1 - Organizations or clubs with the purpose to promote youth and District activities. Group 2 - Users not in Group 1, not charging admission or, if a charge, it is for charitable purposes or for District students Group 3 - Users not in Group 1, charging admission, not for charitable purposes & not for the welfare of District students. * Overnight use is charged at 8 hours ** A damage deposit of $1,000 is required for use of the Middle School Auditorium (Performing Arts Center) unless waived by the Superintendent or designee. *** Paid District employee required to be present at user's expense. This applies to using the 1) Middle School Auditorium sound or lighting system and 2) all site cafeterias with kitchen equipment and food preparation. Carmel USD: Group 1 = Civic Center (free use) - District related meetings, school groups, booster clubs, boy/girl scouts, senior citizens Group 2 = Public, non-Commercial Organizations (minimal fee) - city, county state agencies, little league, sports leagues Group 3 = Private Community Organizations (100% fee)-churches, dance groups, private educational, service clubs Group 4 = Commercial (commerical rate) - private dances, dealer's exhibits, sporting shows, commercial sales Budget15-16 Fees 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 74 Modified 5-12-2015 Pacific Grove Unified School District Contacts District Office: FAX Ralph Porras Mandi Freitag Rick Miller Denise Engles Billie Mankey Jan Lippert Matt Kelly Elyse Thomas Nancy Bernahl Diane Hobson Bruce Cates Carole Anloff Clare Davies Lindsey Reese Ani Silva Leslie Ternullo Lisa Stacks Matt Kelly (cell) Forest Grove: FAX Buck Roggeman Deborah Marchese Deborah Marchese Marlene Roman Nancy Parsons Cindy Waznis Bev Paxton Sonda Frudden Aina Gessaman Mindy Faia Danielle Hartnett Jayne Lord Sarah Gordon Oscor Orozco Robert Down: FAX Linda Williams Deanna Karasek Henrietta Rivera Joanne Dougherty Dana Moldenhauer Cindy Waznis Ann Scanlon Dessie Zanger Renate Griffin Carole Barbic Diane Beron Linda Shingu Jennifer Ross 646646646646646646646646646646646646646646646646646646646242646646- 646646646646- 646646- 646646646646646646646646646646646- 6510 Middle School: 6466500 FAX 6466520 Sean Roach 6466510 Patti Odell 6466509 New AP 6466517 6466507 Robin Cochran 6466593 Nancy Laiolo 6466537 Chip Dorey 6466519 Janie Lawrence 6466516 Jason Cota 6466521 Jenna Hofer 6466525 Cindy Waznis 6466515 Linda Goulet 6466523 Jodi Bitter 6466524 Dennis Chappin 6466526 Dessy Murphy 6466508 Dessie Zanger-Joe Martin 6466643 Mary Schumaker 0308 Katie Kreeger 6560 Sue Beveridge 8415 High School: 200 FAX 201 Matt Bell 202 Rachel Mein 6501 Sean Keller 6567 Cynthia Russell 6568 DiAnna Gamecho 204 Ken Ottmar 6528 Chris Morgan 154 David Hoffman 127 Linda Lyon 128 Beth Rutledge 129 Pat Rolander 129 Debby Farmer 205 Donna O'Donnell 6540 Miguel Soria 8414 Kristin Paris 300 Cindy Waznis 300 Ken Ottmar 6548 Carolyn Hawes 131 Leslie King 301 Linda Vrijenhoek 303 Vivian Michaele 112 Miriam Thorpe 140 Fred Rubin 118 Felicia Afifi 119 Community High School: 6547 FAX 220 Brad Woodyard 6583 Charlyce Estes Budget15-16 Contacts 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 75 6568 6652 309 300 308 305 306 338 311 304 334 317 307 332 310 336 335 347 331 330 345 6590 6660 273 208 274 201 211 289 276 204 202 279 278 277 TBD 238 269 212 308 240 210 233 295 301 229 209 6535 8417 6597 6535 Adult School: FAX Barbara Martinez Kelly Cool Ginny Roggeman 646646646646646646646646646- Susan Lozada Marion Heebink Laverne Baker-Leyva Janice Russo Jennifer Ross Kim Biggio Ireneo Asignacion Board of Trustees: [email protected] Sprint Turf Maintenance [email protected] 646-6580 646-6578 646-6426 646-6400 646-6400 646-6420 646-6405 646-6404 646-6501 646-6415 646-6443 646-6683 646-6415 646-6424 MCOE Nancy Kotowski Garry Bousum SELPA City of Pacific Grove Tom Frutchey Don Mothershead Daniel Gho Moe Ammar Construction 755-0300 755-0301 755-0308 784-4231 Chris Barlow - WR&D Insurance Jennifer Lampley - Keenan [email protected] COIs - Francis Freeman [email protected] Legal 649-4642 648-3106 648-3130 648-5722 373-3304 Lozano - Tom or Sarah Monterey Bay Charter School Cassandra First Alarm Acct=12-6555 Tope Tree Service (Andrew) 408-441-0876 646-1501 655-4638 649-1111 373-7765 Modified 5-6-2015 Pacific Grove Unified School District Bond Oversight Committee Because Measure D and Measure A were passed in a 55% vote election, the District must comply with the provisions of Ed Code 15278 required by Proposition 39. These provisions require that the Board appoint an oversight committee composed of a minimum seven (7) members, with membership from each of the following categories: 1 One (1) member active in a business organization located in the District. 2 One (1) member active in a senior citizen's organization. 3 One (1) member active in a taxpayer's association. 4 One (1) member shall be a parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District. 5 One (1) member shall be both a parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District and active in PTA/SSC. 6 Two (2) members of the community at large. Duties: 1 The Committee shall inform the public concerning the District's expenditures of bond proceeds. 2 The Committee may review quarterly expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that (a) bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure; (b) no bond proceeds are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses. 3 The Committee shall present to the Board, in public session, an annual written report which shall include the following: (a) a statement whether the District is in compliance with the requirements of Article XIIIA, Section 1(b)(3) of the California Constitution; and (b) a summary of the Committee's proceedings and activities for the preceeding year. Activities: 1 Receive and review copies of the District's annual independent performance audit and annual independent financial audit, required by Article XIIIA of the California Constitution. 2 Inspect school facilities and grounds for which the bond proceeds have been, or will be expended. 3 Review copies of deferred maintenance proposals or plans developed by the District. 4 Review efforts by the District to maximize bond proceeds by implementing various cost-saving measures. Committee Members: Name 1 Mark Cameron 2 Sam Teel 3 Carl Miller 4 Dana Marshall 5 Brieanne Spears 6 Kathleen Lee 7 Eric Lauritzen 8 Joanne Nolan-Stewart 9 Type 1 3 6 4 4 5 6 5 email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone 373-1241 375-5682 373-1447 601-7543 601-5574 578-0437 759-7301 Chair Vice-Chair 76 Budget15-16 Bond Comm 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = As Needed Pacific Grove Unified School District Measure D - Citizen's Oversight Committee ANNUAL REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY - 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Projects: Window Replacement: RD, MS, HS Exterior Painting: Robert Down, Middle School Flooring Replacement: Middle School Music Room/Auditorium: Middle School Track Renovation: Middle School Stadium and Parking Lot: High School Adult School Projects Community High School Projects Maintenance/Transportation Facility Project Computer Labs and Computer Replacement Locker Replacement: High School Security Cameras: All Sites Administrative Costs District Office Replacement Project Modernization Project: High School Modernization Project: Robert Down Modernization Project: Middle School Pool Replacement: High School Student Union: High School Fountain Avenue Project Fiber Optic Network Improvements Forest Avenue Crosswalk Landscaping Project: Districtwide Lighting Improvements: Adult School Furniture and Equipment: All Schools (Robert Down has balance) Modernization Project: Forest Grove Total Committee Members: Mark Cameron (Chairman) - Business Organization Sam Teel (Vice Chairman) - Taxpayer Organization Dana Moldenhauer - Parent Carl Miller - Community Member Dana Marshall - Parent Brieanne Spears - Parent Kathleen Lee - Parent/PTA/SSC Eric Lauritzen - Community Member Budget $ 2,045,538 $ 153,154 $ 236,563 $ 2,532,522 $ 506,962 $ 6,806,757 $ 1,014,525 $ 132,170 $ 1,509,427 $ 147,914 $ 103,000 $ 130,459 $ 35,734 $ 1,953,357 $ 10,971,874 $ 2,414,538 $ 3,784,498 $ 2,044,014 $ 90,000 $ 895,787 $ 1,035,215 $ 86,606 $ 262,873 $ 15,480 $ 1,133,366 $ 1,957,667 $ 42,000,000 Expended $ 2,045,538 $ 153,154 $ 236,563 $ 2,532,522 $ 506,962 $ 6,806,757 $ 1,014,525 $ 132,170 $ 1,509,427 $ 147,914 $ 103,000 $ 130,459 $ 35,734 $ 1,953,357 $ 10,971,874 $ 2,414,538 $ 3,784,498 $ 2,044,014 $ 90,000 $ 895,787 $ 1,035,215 $ 86,606 $ 262,873 $ 15,480 $ 1,045,662 $ 1,476,452 $ 41,431,081 Status 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 92.3% 75.4% 98.6% Board of Trustees: John Thibeau - President Tony Sollecito - Clerk Bill Phillips - Trustee Debbie Crandell - Trustee John Paff - Trustee Independent Performance Audit for Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12 The Committee received and reviewed the District's Independent Performance Audit on February 28, 2013. The report was prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day and Co, LLP in accordance with the requirement of Proposition 39. The auditor's opinion was that: "...the financial statements …present fairly, in all material respects,the financial position of the Building Fund (Proposition 39) of the Pacific Grove Unified School District at June 30, 2011 (and June 30, 2012) and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America." In conclusion, the Auditor states, "The results of our tests indicated that, in all significant respects, the Pacific Grove Unified School District has properly accounted for the expenditures held in the Building Fund (Proposition 39) and that such expenditures were made for authorized Bond projects." Budget15-16 Bond Comm 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 77 Update = As Needed Letter from the Chair As Chair of the Measure D Citizen's Oversight Committee, I am pleased to issue this Annual Report to the Community. It is the task of the Oversight Committee to review bond expenditures and report to the community on the progress made to fulfill the terms of the bond. This report covers the financial and performance audit for 2010-11 and 2011-12. It also provides information on the status of authorized projects. The Committee anticipates that the Measure D fund will be fully expended by June, 2014. I invite you to stay informed by visiting the District website at and clicking on "Measure D Information and Reports" for ongoing updates on activities and for more information on the various projects. You are also invited to attend the meetings of the Citizens Oversight Committee. Agendas and meeting minutes are posted on the website. For more information, call 831-646-6509. Thank you for your investment in the renovation and upgrades to the schools and support facilities of the Pacific Grove Unified School District. Mark Cameron Citizen's Oversight Committee Chair Budget15-16 Bond Comm 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = As Needed Pacific Grove Unified School District Special Education 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 actual Preschool SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing Preschool Special Ed Students Forest Grove SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing FG Enrollment Special Ed Students Percent Special Ed Robert Down SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing RD Enrollment Special Ed Students Percent Special Ed Middle School SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing MS Enrollment Special Ed Students Percent Special Ed High School SDC (includes CHS 0.20) RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing HS Enrollment (includes CHS) Special Ed Students Percent Special Ed actual actual 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.30 14 0.10 11 1.00 1.00 0.40 2.40 319 47 14.7% actual 2011-12 actual 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual 0.20 0.30 6 0.50 0.50 0.20 1.20 11 0.40 0.60 0.20 1.20 12 0.40 0.60 0.20 1.20 12 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.40 2.90 367 40 10.9% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.90 384 44 11.5% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.90 418 42 10.0% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.60 5.10 462 44 9.5% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.60 5.10 489 44 9.0% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.90 355 44 12.4% 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.40 349 38 10.9% 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.90 373 41 11.0% 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.40 4.90 408 40 9.8% 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.60 4.10 455 42 9.2% 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.60 4.10 488 42 8.6% 1.00 2.00 0.10 0.50 0.10 3.70 393 43 10.9% 1.00 2.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 3.85 388 49 12.6% 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 2.85 406 36 8.9% 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 2.85 408 37 9.1% 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.10 4.10 450 53 11.8% 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.10 4.10 469 53 11.3% 1.20 2.00 0.10 0.50 0.10 3.90 608 51 8.4% 1.20 2.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 4.05 604 58 9.6% 1.20 2.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 4.05 598 53 8.9% 1.20 2.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 4.05 587 57 9.7% 1.20 2.00 0.50 0.50 0.10 4.30 567 61 10.8% 1.20 2.00 0.50 0.50 0.10 4.30 618 61 9.9% 78 Budget15-16 Spec Ed 5/18/2015 1:58 PM budget budget - - 499 499 0.0% 0.0% 522 522 0.0% 0.0% 513 513 0.0% 0.0% 648 648 0.0% 0.0% 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 actual District-Paid SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing District Summary - All Sites SDC RSP Speech Therapist Psychologist Occupational Therapist Total Staffing All Sites Enrollment Special Ed Students Percent Special Ed actual actual actual 2011-12 actual 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual budget budget 4.00 6.00 2.50 1.90 0.60 15.00 4.00 6.00 2.60 1.90 0.60 15.10 5.00 6.00 2.60 2.00 1.20 16.80 6.00 5.00 3.00 2.50 1.20 17.70 6.00 5.00 3.40 2.60 1.60 18.60 6.00 5.00 3.40 2.60 1.60 18.60 - - 8.20 12.00 5.00 3.80 1.20 30.20 1,675 199 11.9% 8.20 12.00 5.20 3.80 1.20 30.40 1,708 196 11.5% 10.20 12.00 5.20 4.00 2.40 33.80 1,761 180 10.2% 12.20 10.00 6.00 5.00 2.40 35.60 1,821 187 10.3% 12.20 10.00 6.80 5.20 3.20 37.40 1,934 212 11.0% 12.20 10.00 6.80 5.20 3.20 37.40 2,064 212 10.3% 2,182 0.0% 2,182 0.0% Special Ed Students 250 200 199 196 07-08 199 150 100 212 187 180 08-09 196 09-10 180 212 10-11 187 11-12 212 12-13 212 50 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 14-15 - - - 13-14 14-15 - 07-08 13-14 - Percent Special Ed 15.0% 11.9% 11.5% 10.0% 11.0% 07-08 10.2%08-09 10.3% 09-10 10-11 11-12 13-14 14-15 10.3% 12-13 11.9% 11.5% 10.2% 10.3% 11.0% 10.3% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13-14 14-15 0.0% 07-08 08-09 09-10 Disabilities Speech and Language Learning Disability Emotionally Disturbed Autism Other Health Impaired Total 51 83 9 13 12 168 10-11 44 70 4 24 22 164 11-12 39 62 6 24 22 153 42 63 4 23 19 151 12-13 53 60 5 34 18 170 57 71 5 34 18 185 61 82 5 33 19 200 61 82 5 33 19 200 Disabilities by Type 100 80 60 82 61 Speech & Language Learning Disability Emotionally Disturbed Autism 61 82 5 33 40 19 33 19 20 - Other Health Impaired 5 Speech & Language Learning Disability Budget15-16 Spec Ed 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Emotionally Disturbed 79 Autism Other Health Impaired 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 actual NPS/NPA The Bay School Ca School for the Deaf Fremont Central Coast Kids Central Coast Learning Aspiranet Tucci MPUSD actual 15 2011-12 actual 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 actual 522,003 MCOE MCOE PG MCOE PG MCOE PG MCOE PG PG MCOE PG MCOE MCOE MCOE MCOE Pupils Aides 8 8-10 8-10 8 8-10 10-12 2 2 2 2-3 2 2 Nonsevere SDC Preschool K-8 9-12 10-12 12 12-15 1-2 1 1 RSP 28 Budget15-16 Spec Ed 5/18/2015 1:58 PM actual 21,210 Transporation (180 + 20 = 200 days) Ione Olson Elementary 1 JC Crumpton Elementary 1 Walter Colton 1 Monterey Adult/ROP 4 Monterey High School 3 Arthur Ingham 1 Gladys Stone 5 Marina del Mar 1 Del Rey Woods Elementary 2 Seaside High School 1 Seaside High School 1 Seaside Middle School 1 Ord Terrace Elementary 1 Monterey Park 1 Boronda Meadows 1 Lincoln School 1 Total 26 Caseloads Guidelines (SSC): Severe SDC Autism Hearing Impaired Multi-Handicapped Ortho Impaired Emotionally Disturbed Developmentally Delayed actual 80 10,591 10,532 10,591 10,532 75,635 75,635 17,662 17,662 17,662 17,662 15,470 15,470 12,224 38,063 17,662 17,662 233,163 12,224 38,063 17,662 17,662 233,163 budget budget Pacific Grove Unified School District Goals 1 x Revise method of calculating Site Allocation and use actual CBEDS to adjust in October 2 x Revise method of calculating SIP Allocation and use actual CBEDS to adjust in October 3 x Eliminate carryover of unspent unrestricted budgets 4 x Simplify the Purchase Order process 5 x Revise the format of Budget Revisions to include all funds and bring them to the Board quarterly 6 x Refurbish and Lease the empty rooms at the David Avenue campus to maximize Fund 40 revenue 7 x Create a comprehensive, easy to read District Budget Book that covers multiple years 8 x Move Athletics accounting back to High School Student Body Accounts 9 x Improve conditions at the JV and Varsity Baseball fields 10 Audit the Property Tax revenue posted by the County Assessor's Office 11 Simplify the Resource-Program codes and clarify who is responsible for each program 12 Install a District-wide wireless system 13 x New Buses for special ed transportation Implement Reconfiguration 14 15 x Replace Pool at High School 16 x Relocate PGUSD State Preschool to David Avenue campus Implement safety list from sites 17 18 x Contract out for E-Rate services 19 Classroom Visits 20 Budget 101 for Board and Staff 21 x Monthly District Office staff meetings 22 23 24 25 81 Budget15-16 Goals 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Pacific Grove Unified School District School Districts in Monterey County District 1 Alisal 2 Bradley 3 Carmel 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ADA 7,531 74 2,146 Prop Tax excess RL Chualar 330 Gonzales 2,201 Graves 39 Greenfield 2,730 King City Union 2,090 King City Jt Union High 1,754 Lagunita 89 Mission Union 116 MPUSD 9,977 No Mont County Unified 4,161 Pacific Unified 13 Pacific Grove 1,746 Prop Tax excess RL Salinas City Elem 7,810 Salinas Union High 12,643 San Antonio 174 San Ardo 107 San Lucas 55 Santa Rita 2,900 Soledad 4,362 Spreckels 953 Washington 937 MCOE 1,100 Charter Schools 1,746 67,785 % Rev Limit 20,840,386 1,699,041 12,708,810 233,619 13,709,419 10,554,859 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $/ADA 5,037 6,740 6,392 9,713 5,145 5,773 5,972 5,023 5,050 518,026 682,766 14.7% $ 54,466,421 6.1% $ 22,983,458 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11.1% $ 37,828,819 0.1% $ 466,453 3.2% $ 13,714,230 0.5% 3.2% 0.1% 4.0% 3.1% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Budget 64,541,223 862,666 42,313,842 EFB $ 14,500,657 $ 689,779 $ 23,858,153 $ $ $ $ $ 3,603,629 18,377,918 288,761 24,581,320 17,967,394 $ $ $ $ $ 5,811 5,892 5,459 5,524 $ $ $ $ 677,026 1,067,682 93,076,174 37,697,340 $ 486,565 $ 251,642 $ 27,801,065 $ 7,018,228 18.6% 1.0% 11.9% 29.5% 40.2% 6,365 3,471 5,060 6,090 5,818 5,192 7,447 5,097 5,278 5,020 5,087 $ 24,345,175 $ 20.0% 8.3% 17.0% 48.7% 25.5% 3.9% 84.3% 52.3% 42.6% 44.9% 4.4% 2.0% 594,831 6,782,800 313,278 1,935,144 4,388,738 % 22.5% 80.0% 56.4% 16.5% 36.9% 108.5% 7.9% 24.4% ELL 69.2% 23.3% 5.9% 5,486 71.0% 44.2% 22.0% 63.0% 52.8% 2.6% 0.1% $ 0.2% $ 71.9% 23.6% 29.9% 0.0% 2.6% $ 11,114,648 11.5% 18.7% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 4.3% 6.4% 1.4% 1.4% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,060,665 39,520,969 77,001,208 1,012,419 557,852 410,394 14,783,745 23,020,997 4,786,374 4,766,679 $ 67,731,669 $ 117,536,920 $ 1,957,056 $ 1,353,256 $ 1,062,799 $ 20,980,788 $ 37,340,960 $ 6,303,298 $ 7,163,237 4,857,837 $ 11,525,658 $ 23,990,922 $ 1,024,739 $ 787,356 $ 1,001,281 $ 4,568,837 $ 8,577,635 $ 2,149,099 $ 1,127,725 20.4% 52.4% 58.2% 94.2% 21.8% 23.0% 34.1% 15.7% 1.6% 2.6% 100% 38.8% Note: this information is from the 2010-11 fiscal year. Budget15-16 Districts 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 82 Source = MCOE Statistical Report Forest Grove Elementary School 3,840 E-4 E-3 E-2 E-1 HP HP HP HP 4,301 R D-4 R FAH D-3 D-2 D-1 FAH FAH FAH 1,440 4,301 R C-4 R FAH 1,600 TK Classroom C-3 C-2 C-1 FAH FAH 4,301 7,120 1,788 K-3 FAH 2,994 Library C B-4 C 1,440 B-3 B-2 B-1 4,062 C C K-1 K-2 3,510 Kitch RR G-3 G-2 G-1 A-4 G-4 G-5 G-6 A-5 Multi-Purpose CC RR Office RR Staff Lounge Congress 1065 Congress Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6560 Built in 1959 - MPR 1961 Classrooms = 28 18.007 Acres 39,257 Square Feet 23 toilets - 4 waterless urinals - 56 sinks 7 Heat Pumps - 27 Forced Air Heaters Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM S E W N 83 Robert Down Elementary School Junipero 13th Spruce 1,440 1,440 C-1 BASRP Music D-1 480 upstairs: PE office, old staff room, counseling room, psychologist office RR 35,199 2,880 18 19 20 Store 10 E-3 17 E-2 GRR 8 BRR E-1 1,452 Co-op Auditorium Library 6 BRR 4,262 RR-B A-2 7 Courtyard Cafeteria 16 A-3 9 Stage 2 4 Office Staff Preschool GRR RR-G A-1 15 13 11 21 3 5 copier Storage downstairs: computer lab, project room, ELD classes, bathroom, storage Pine Street 485 Pine Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6540 Built in 1921-1929 Classrooms = 24 7.938 Acres 47,153 Square Feet 35 toilets - 11 waterless urinals - 67 sinks 5 Heat Pumps - 33 Forced Air Heaters - 2 Air Handlers 84 Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM S W E N Pacific Grove Middle School Sinex 7,101 Arts & Crafts 960 36 38 960 960 37 39 HC HC E Wing E 31 960 E 32 Wood Shop RR Sto CC A Wing 19 spaces E 33 34,950 GRR-L Library 1 Trash Storage 9,705 4/21 Elev D - Gymnasium 3 Office Forest 5 6/22 Fountain Field 7/23 CC Custodial BRR-L Kitchen 8/25 RR 9/24 10/27 7 11/26 spaces HC 12/29 HC 13/28 9,540 Elev Mech 2,912 C-Auditorium Stage Practice Music Room 256 storage 835 Forest Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6568 Built in 1911 and 1948 Hillcrest Ave Classrooms = 27 13.737 Acres 65,136+ Square Feet 33 toilets - 12 waterless urinals - 86 sinks 5 Heat Pumps - 19 Forced Air Heaters - 2 Air Handlers 85 Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM RR N E W S Pacific Grove High School Parking Lot Forest Lodge 5,163 S O-5 6,000 O-4 Tennis Tennis Mini-Gym O-3 1,920 O-2 O-1 9,306 RR 4,680 7,427 N-3 L-1 3,079 Q Gymnasium L-2 R Dance Room 3,248 L-3 L-4 4,622 N-2 Weight Rm K-3 K-4 Room N-1 K-1 P Pool Pool K-2 4,320 4,200 4,200 F-4 E-5 6,885 Lockers I-3 I-2 Stg Library H F-3 960 E-4 Stg Bleachers 18 F-2 I-1 H-1 RR F-1 E-1 4,928 245 Parking Lot 5,520 5,280 5,280 D-5 C-5 B-5 D-4 C-4 B-4 12,690 Storage Kitchen MP-1 D-3 C-3 B-3 D-2 C-2 B-2 D-1 C-1 B-1 A Multi Purpose MP-2 Marquee 615 Sunset Drive Sunset Drive Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6590 Built in 1955-1959, 2011 Classrooms = 43 31.474 Acres 95,338 Square Feet 57 toilets - 30 waterless urinals - 12 showers - 179 sinks 3 Pumps-38 FA Heaters-8 Air Handlers-16 Radiators 86 Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM S W E N Pacific Grove High School - Stadium and Fields Bleachers Dugout Shed Steps Parking Bleachers JV Field Dugout RR FB Storage Batting Cages RR PACIFIC GROVE Asphalt 12x25=300 Scorer's 75x30=2,250 Booth 30 ft 15 ft Batting Bleachers Bleachers Cages Home BB Storage Dugout Bleachers Visitors Dugout Score Varsity Field Don Curley Field Board Congress BREAKERS Soccer Practice Field Concession Stand Sunset Drive S W E N Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 87 Pacific Grove Adult School 960 Pacific Grove Softball Field Meadow Room HC 2,234 1,920 Lighthouse 32 spots 13 Preschool RR RR RR Preschool 12 Plus 3,340 Nurse's 2,400 Annex 11 CC 10 100 PP Playground 210 2,358 80 spots MPR Residential RR Office PP Library 8 17 Mile Ridge 7 Drive Road 6 13,284 CC 5 Office 1 2 3 4 Lighthouse Avenue 1025 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6580 Built in 1948 - 7.177 Acres 25,536 Square Feet 22 toilets - 2 waterless urinals - 29 sinks 1 Heat Pump - 17 Forced 1:58 Air Heaters 88 Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 PM 4A S W E N David Avenue Campus Congress Avenue HC 15 spots E Wing 5,340 8 spots D Wing D4 4,800 E4 Baseball Field PGUSD MBCS E3 Play NMCIS Area E2 D3 15 MBCS spots D2 MBCS MBCS D1 MBCS RR MPR RR Offices 4,335 Forest C Wing 6,768 RR (MBCS) Rd Play B4 MBCS B3 MBCS MBCS C2 Baseball Field Ave MBCS C3 Area David RR (PGUSD) C4 Lodge B Wing B2 MBCS MBCS C1 B1 MBCS MBCS Office 100 ft 9,380 ramp A Wing PGUSD RR 13x19.3 13x27.1 Thorpe RR 251 sf 352 sf Hallway 39' RR CC Cop Room173 CC-Utils Storage sf Office MCOE Office MCOE MCOE CHS 3 CHS 1 HC Parking CHS 2 RR RR RR RR Office CC 1004 David Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6597 CHS - Brad Woodyard - [email protected] - 646-6597 Built in 1951 MBCS - Cassandra - [email protected] - 655-4638 14.004 Acres NMCIS - Steve Brinkman CBO - [email protected] N 30,919 Square Feet Avalon CCLLC - Jennifer D'Attilo - [email protected] - 831-645-7900 29 toilets-9 urinals-53 sinks MCOE - Martina 16 Forced Air Heaters - Radiators (C and E Wings) Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM E S 89 W District Office - Maintenance Yard Sinex 3,500 G Garage 3,000 S Storage 3,000 W Maintenance Workshop H Carmel 40 1,410 Board Room 35.5 H 32 5,640 70.5 H CU 72 District Office 40 110 Hillcrest Avenue 435 Hillcrest Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (831) 646-6510 Built in 2010 Acres 16,550 Square Feet 6 toilets - 1 waterless urinal - 6 sinks 3 Heat Pumps - 1 Furnace Budget15-16 Maps 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 90 Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 1 - General Fund 2011-12 Actual Beginning Fund Balance - Restricted 68,054 Beginning Fund Balance - Unrestricted 4,789,783 Beginning Fund Balance 4,857,837 Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Sources State Sources Local Sources Total Revenues 8000 8100 8300 8600 18,992,015 751,278 2,824,777 1,473,621 24,041,691 percent change Expenditures: Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Services and Other Capital Outlay Other Outgo Total Expenditures -3.0% 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 11,973,558 3,960,209 3,751,315 1,036,377 3,279,892 4,114 289,806 24,295,271 percent change Surplus (Deficit) 2012-13 Actual 11,164 4,418,268 4,429,433 2013-14 Actual 9,233 3,377,908 3,387,141 2014-15 Budget 318,584 3,220,120 3,538,704 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 2,879,679 2,879,679 2,312,432 2,312,432 1,651,211 1,651,211 19,720,016 524,382 2,490,411 1,520,750 24,255,560 20,629,518 522,182 3,077,349 1,584,081 25,813,130 21,938,680 620,724 2,660,143 1,226,045 26,445,591 24,097,116 651,522 792,096 803,916 26,344,650 24,860,238 656,773 597,492 803,916 26,918,419 25,660,525 660,869 592,344 803,916 27,717,653 0.9% 12,659,739 4,216,422 3,641,615 1,081,470 3,234,837 4,113 288,310 25,126,506 6.4% 12,875,372 4,586,236 3,266,328 967,149 3,293,006 16,643 545,782 25,550,516 13,130,294 4,537,193 3,551,609 1,408,252 3,377,635 73,514 963,197 27,041,694 -0.4% 13,381,539 4,561,532 3,880,140 806,810 3,352,632 42,529 829,590 26,854,772 1.8% 13,613,951 4,685,797 4,256,003 808,486 3,286,158 42,529 829,590 27,522,514 3.0% 13,885,938 4,772,547 4,560,088 816,571 3,351,881 42,529 829,590 28,259,145 4.7% 3.4% 5.8% -0.7% 1.8% 2.7% (253,580) (870,946) 262,613 (596,103) (510,122) (604,095) (541,491) (151,919) (50,000) (2,437) (39,191) (43,496) (37,700) (37,700) (37,700) (19,426) (19,426) (19,426) (19,426) (19,426) (19,426) (171,345) 3,387,141 (111,054) 3,538,700 (62,922) 2,879,679 (57,126) 2,312,432 (57,126) 1,651,211 (57,126) 1,052,594 5,000 359,587 5,000 254,525 5,000 424,153 5,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 109,018 790,340 40,000 136,564 807,357 112,833 825,675 40,000 (192,434) 827,389 116,782 (970) 40,000 Transfers In (Out) Fund 11 - Adult Education (76,892) Fund 12 - Child Development Fund 13 - Cafeteria (19,937) Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance Fund 20 - Postemployment Benefits(19,426) Other 168 Net Transfers In (Out) (116,087) Ending Fund Balance 4,488,171 1.7% 2.5% Components of Ending Fund Balance a Nonspendable - Revolving Cash 5,000 b Restricted (categorical carryover) 50,061 c Committed d Assigned Prop Tax Reserve (0.50%) 95,474 Basic Aid Reserve (3.00%) Sick Leave Incentive Reserve 60,000 Deferred Maintenance Reserve 750,392 e 3% Resv for Econ Uncertainties (3%) Unassigned/Unappropriated 3,187,244 subtotal Unrestricted Reserves 4,433,110 Undesignated Resv Percent 18.4% Ending Fund Balance 4,488,171 758,936 2,553,971 3,372,907 13.3% 3,387,141 769,847 2,404,265 3,234,113 12.6% 3,598,700 813,138 1,757,015 2,620,154 9.7% 2,879,679 1,883,279 7.0% 2,312,432 1,613,464 5.9% 1,668,464 1,005,300 3.6% 1,060,300 Contribution to Restricted Programs 5,079,999 4,485,081 4,295,283 4,400,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 5,000 9,233 60,000 60,000 91 849,488 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Revenues - 8000 2011-12 Actual LCFF Sources: 8000 U LCFF - Current Year 8011 (30,233) U Prop 30 EPA (thru 18-19) 8012 U Revenue Limit - Prior Year 8019 646 Prop 30/Rev Limit subtotal (29,587) 8021 120,727 U Home Owners Exemption U Secured Tax Roll 8041 17,664,234 U Unsecured Tax Roll 8042 710,447 U Prior Years Taxes 8043 469,083 U Delinquent Taxes 8048 100,496 Property Tax subtotal 19,064,987 Transfer to Adult Ed (Fund 11) U Transfers to Charter Schools 8096 (43,385) Total Revenue Limit Sources 18,992,015 percent change 0.8% Federal Sources: 8100 R Special Education-per UDC 8180 331,093 U Medical Adm Act (MAA) 8290 62,870 R Title I 3010 107,737 R VEA 3550 16,042 R Drug Free Schools 3710 1,567 R Title II Teacher Quality 4035 56,341 613 R Title II Principal Training 4036 R Title III Immigrant Education 4201 4,744 R Title III Limited English Proficiency 4203 2,851 subtotal Other Federal Revenues 8290 420,185 Total Federal Sources 751,278 percent change 6.3% State Sources: 8300 U EIA 8311 U Transportation 8311 190,253 U Mandated Costs 8550 33,824 96,073 R State Lottery - Restricted8560 8560 369,776 U State Lottery - Unrestricted U Fair Share Contributions0000 (644,494) U Oral Health Assessment 0000 U Core/Supplemental 0000 0080 62,198 U School Counselor Support 0120 U 9-12 Class Size Reduction U K-3 Class Size Reduction 0130 279,927 U GATE 0140 15,274 U Instructional Materials 0156 U Def Maint 0205 U PAR 0271 9,799 U CBET 0285 2,062 U Math and Reading 0294 8,017 U Administrator Training 0325 2,425 U ROP 0350 368,758 U Adult Education 0390 1,645,598 0393 71,458 U Professional Development U TIIG 0394 74,525 U SIP 0395 186,475 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget (24,191) 393,250 369,059 121,600 18,125,665 743,509 308,783 107,666 19,407,223 402,226 402,226 120,614 19,055,007 740,746 259,551 107,103 20,283,021 417,260 15,982 433,242 127,517 20,166,542 801,849 459,789 (56,266) 19,720,016 3.8% (55,729) 20,629,518 4.6% 316,413 13,647 95,910 19,934 1,564 55,047 2,425 7,500 11,943 194,323 524,382 -30.2% 327,168 101,468 14,284 52,900 3,050 2,831 20,482 195,014 522,182 -0.4% 89,015 59,186 89,821 371,256 (923,918) 883 8,623 62,198 35,166 385,560 10,746 92,682 71,314 119,306 436,720 1,797,480 9,799 2,062 8,017 2,425 337,540 1,460,707 71,458 74,525 186,475 92 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 21,555,697 (50,259) 21,938,680 6.3% 2,505,456 417,260 2,922,716 133,893 20,344,919 841,941 482,778 21,803,531 (578,872) (50,259) 24,097,116 9.8% 2,505,456 417,258 2,922,714 138,579 21,056,991 871,409 499,675 22,566,655 (578,872) (50,259) 24,860,238 13.3% 2,505,456 427,712 2,933,168 143,430 21,793,986 901,908 517,164 23,356,487 (578,872) (50,259) 25,660,525 3.2% 328,715 54,428 111,317 26,551 52,715 4,193 16,055 26,750 237,581 620,724 18.9% 331,542 80,000 112,430 26,817 53,264 4,235 27,018 16,216 239,980 651,522 5.0% 334,393 80,000 113,554 27,085 53,797 4,277 27,288 16,378 242,380 656,773 5.8% 336,065 80,000 114,690 27,356 54,335 4,320 27,561 16,542 244,804 660,869 0.6% 100,000 62,000 258,000 - 94,823 62,000 258,000 - 86,349 105,091 134,000 93,150 391,230 (1,266,919) 883 12,536 62,198 35,166 393,057 11,901 92,557 93,372 9,799 2,062 10,020 2,425 422,220 1,358,701 71,458 84,407 186,475 300,000 66,028 248,576 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object 2011-12 Actual State Sources (continued) U School Safety Violence Prevention 0405 14,178 U Pupil Retention 0739 3,764 U CAHSEE 0755 8,279 0760 24,605 U Arts and Music Block Grant R Medical Billing 5640 Prop 39 Energy Efficiency 6230 R Mental Health Sped 6512 R TUPE 6690 R Common Core 7405 subtotal Other State Revenues 8590 2,134,851 Total State Sources 2,824,777 percent change -22.4% Local Sources: 8600 U Parcel Taxes 8621 269,456 U Sale of Equipment 8631 518 U Leases and Rentals 8650 8,012 R Interest - Restricted 8660 (129) U Interest - Unrestricted 8660 10,130 8662 6,857 U Gain or Loss on Investments U Transportation Fees 8675 21,995 8677 LEAs R Interagency Fees between U Other Fees and Contracts 8689 U Local Rev (grants,donations) 8699 367,404 R Transfers-COE Sped 8792 789,379 U Other Transfers In 8799 Total Local Sources 1,473,621 percent change -7.4% Total Revenues - Restricted 1,848,849 Total Revenues - Unrestricted 22,192,842 Total Revenues 24,041,691 percent change -3.0% 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 20,805 106,132 145,877 652 379,062 2,450,008 3,077,349 23.6% 27,223 3,764 8,279 24,607 26,639 106,132 68,496 2,865 1,850,323 2,660,143 -13.6% 106,132 68,496 2,864 177,492 792,096 -70.2% 25,000 17,000 6,406 420,129 757,510 25,000 15,000 6,406 757,510 14,178 3,764 8,279 24,607 (54) 1,881,134 2,490,411 -11.8% 270,405 313 39,644 (29) 41,973 267,824 180 33,419 21,736 29,573 9,464 10,880 6,550 336,815 803,342 6,130 290,284 936,327 1,520,750 3.2% 1,514,621 22,740,939 24,255,560 0.9% 1,584,081 4.2% 1,588,695 24,224,435 25,813,130 6.4% 2015-16 Budget 1,226,045 -22.6% 1,433,956 25,011,635 26,445,591 2.5% 2016-17 Estimate 803,916 -34.4% 1,410,060 24,934,590 26,344,650 -0.4% 2017-18 Estimate 106,132 68,496 2,864 177,492 597,492 -77.5% 106,132 68,496 2,893 177,521 592,344 -0.9% 25,000 15,000 6,406 757,510 803,916 -34.4% 1,411,283 25,507,136 26,918,419 1.8% 25,000 15,000 6,406 757,510 803,916 0.0% 1,415,379 26,302,275 27,717,653 3.0% General Fund Revenues 30,000,000 26,000,000 11-12 24,041,691 24,041,691 24,255,560 11-12 12-13 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 27,717,653 26,918,419 26,445,591 26,344,650 24,255,560 26,445,591 26,344,650 26,918,419 27,717,653 25,813,130 25,813,130 22,000,000 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 Unrestricted Reserve Levels 20.0% 18.4% 11-12 13.3% 15.0% 18.4% 12-13 12.6% 13.3% 10.0% 13-14 14-15 12.6% 9.7% 15-16 9.7% 16-17 7.0% 7.0% 17-18 5.9% 5.9% 5.0% 3.6% 3.6% 0.0% 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 557,126 582,126 Transfers Out of General (includes Fund 11) 1,000,000 500,000 649,339 712,974 642,922 409,190 11-12 409,190 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 12-13 649,339 13-14 13-14 712,974 14-15 93 542,626 14-15 15-16 16-17 642,922 542,626 557,126 15-16 16-17 17-18 582,126 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Certificated Salaries - 1000 2011-12 Actual Teacher Salaries 1100 Restricted 1,209,672 Unrestricted 7,938,223 Total Teacher Salaries 9,147,895 Substitute Teachers 1110 Restricted 24,305 Unrestricted 108,894 Total Substitute Teachers 133,199 Teachers Hourly 1130 Restricted 34,540 Unrestricted 57,164 Total Teachers Hourly 91,705 Teachers Stipends 1160 Restricted Unrestricted 169,793 Total Teachers Stipends 169,793 Pupil Support 1200 Restricted 312,912 Unrestricted 810,974 Total Pupil Support 1,123,886 Pupil Support Hourly 1230 Restricted Unrestricted 1,680 Total Pupil Support Hourly 1,680 Supervisors and Administration Restricted 1300 57,120 Unrestricted 1,246,850 Total Supervisors and Administration 1,303,970 Other Certificated Restricted 1900 Unrestricted 1,430 Total Other Certificated 1,430 Total Restricted 1,638,549 Total Unrestricted 10,335,009 Total Certificated Salaries 11,973,558 percent change 3.3% 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 1,246,904 8,483,593 9,730,497 1,248,080 8,736,535 9,984,615 1,170,146 9,155,104 10,325,250 1,191,163 9,324,636 10,515,799 1,278,670 9,422,545 10,701,215 1,304,244 9,610,996 10,915,239 39,379 172,928 212,308 49,909 131,134 181,043 22,640 120,424 143,063 42,802 111,067 153,869 43,016 111,622 154,638 43,231 112,180 155,412 49,451 87,814 137,265 14,053 47,701 61,754 23,727 75,581 99,308 24,329 49,930 74,259 24,329 49,930 74,259 24,329 49,930 74,259 800 178,383 179,183 24,060 118,530 142,590 16,500 145,992 162,492 31,413 150,712 182,125 31,413 150,712 182,125 31,413 150,712 182,125 326,818 721,399 1,048,217 350,671 760,494 1,111,165 263,012 755,313 1,018,325 268,272 769,778 1,038,050 271,089 777,861 1,048,950 276,511 793,418 1,069,929 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 . 2,652 2,652 . - 58,044 1,290,911 1,348,955 59,547 1,333,905 1,393,452 65,099 1,311,998 1,377,096 66,726 1,346,383 1,413,109 68,394 1,380,043 1,448,437 70,104 1,414,544 1,484,648 662 662 1,721,397 10,938,341 12,659,739 5.7% 754 754 1,746,320 11,129,052 12,875,372 1.7% 1,500 1,500 1,561,123 11,569,170 13,130,294 2.0% 1,068 1,068 1,624,705 11,756,834 13,381,539 1.9% 1,068 1,068 1,716,911 11,897,040 13,613,951 3.7% 1,068 1,068 1,749,831 12,136,107 13,885,938 2.0% Certificated Salaries 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 11,569,170 11-12 10,938,341 12-13 11,129,052 13-14 10,335,009 1,638,549 1,721,397 1,746,320 10,335,009 10,938,341 11,129,052 11,756,834 11,897,040 12,136,107 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 1,561,123 1,624,705 1,716,911 1,749,831 11,569,170 11,756,834 11,897,040 12,136,107 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 1,638,549 1,721,397 1,746,320 1,561,123 1,624,705 1,716,911 1,749,831 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 - Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 94 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Classifed Salaries - 2000 2011-12 Actual Instructional Aides 2000 Restricted 2100 400,832 Unrestricted 301,588 Total Instructional Aides 702,420 Support Salaries Restricted 2200 517,023 Unrestricted 777,792 Total Support Salaries 1,294,816 Support Substitutes Restricted 2210 Unrestricted 25,295 Total Support Substitutes 25,295 Support Overtime Restricted 2250 20,398 Unrestricted 30,867 Total Support Overtime 51,265 Supervisors & Administrators Restricted 2300 Unrestricted 391,302 Total Supervisors & Administrators391,302 Board of Trustees Restricted 2360 Unrestricted 6,720 Total Board of Trustees 6,720 Clerical & Office Restricted 2400 3,247 Unrestricted 1,244,296 Total Clerical & Office 1,247,543 Clerical & Office Hourly/Overtime Restricted 2430 Unrestricted 4,618 Total Clerical & Office Hourly/OT 4,618 Other Classified Salaries Restricted 2900 115,040 Unrestricted 121,192 Total Other Classified Salaries 236,232 Total Restricted 1,056,539 Total Unrestricted 2,903,670 Total Classified Salaries 3,960,209 percent change 6.3% 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget 3,000,000 2017-18 Estimate 382,388 369,963 752,351 345,012 552,230 897,242 324,127 529,512 853,639 321,138 555,661 876,799 367,561 566,774 934,335 374,912 578,110 953,022 540,975 858,787 1,399,763 582,640 969,727 1,552,366 472,196 1,122,519 1,594,715 481,323 1,137,501 1,618,824 490,949 1,160,251 1,651,200 500,768 1,183,456 1,684,224 4,826 26,783 31,609 3,898 28,510 32,409 23,054 23,054 29,056 29,056 29,056 29,056 29,056 29,056 21,494 18,564 40,058 29,249 22,909 52,158 14,658 58,143 72,800 10,237 49,323 59,559 10,237 49,323 59,559 10,237 49,323 59,559 408,226 408,226 433,414 433,414 444,421 444,421 452,800 452,800 461,856 461,856 471,093 471,093 5,640 5,640 7,680 7,680 7,700 7,700 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 3,766 1,304,084 1,307,850 1,288,347 1,288,347 1,233,611 1,233,611 1,264,806 1,264,806 1,290,102 1,290,102 1,315,904 1,315,904 24,544 24,544 23,745 23,745 23,745 23,745 23,745 23,745 27,052 27,052 118,341 125,532 243,873 1,071,790 3,144,631 4,216,422 6.5% 113,609 209,011 322,620 1,074,408 3,511,828 4,586,236 8.8% 80,410 202,299 282,709 891,390 3,645,803 4,537,193 -1.1% 80,410 148,333 228,743 893,108 3,668,424 4,561,532 0.5% Classified Salaries 4,000,000 2016-17 Estimate 3,645,803 11-12 12-13 3,511,828 13-14 3,144,631 1,056,539 1,071,790 1,074,408 2,903,670 2,903,670 3,144,631 3,511,828 3,668,424 14-15 15-16 891,390 893,108 3,645,803 3,668,424 80,410 148,333 228,743 949,157 3,736,640 4,685,797 3.3% 3,736,640 80,410 148,333 228,743 966,327 3,806,219 4,772,547 1.9% 3,806,219 16-17 17-18 949,157 966,327 3,736,640 3,806,219 2,000,000 1,056,539 1,071,790 1,074,408 11-12 12-13 13-14 1,000,000 891,390 893,108 949,157 966,327 - Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 14-15 95 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Employee Benefits - 3000 STRS Restricted Unrestricted Total STRS 3100 2011-12 Actual 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 118,369 988,081 1,106,450 138,940 884,503 1,023,443 153,649 923,592 1,077,240 138,782 980,625 1,119,407 145,822 1,275,193 1,421,015 215,987 1,532,339 1,748,326 252,501 1,751,240 2,003,741 Employee - STRS 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% Employer - STRS 8.25% 8.25% 8.25% 8.88% 10.73% 12.58% 14.43% PERS Restricted Unrestricted Total PERS 3200 185,170 448,591 633,761 192,819 468,735 661,554 108,701 347,772 456,473 97,354 395,112 492,467 94,261 421,251 515,512 100,177 429,084 529,261 101,989 437,074 539,063 Employee - PERS 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% Employer - PERS 10.920% 11.417% 11.417% 11.417% 11.417% 11.417% 11.417% Social Security - Medicare Restricted 3300 Unrestricted Total Social Security - Medicare 105,193 330,278 435,471 105,494 347,029 452,523 Employee - FICA 95,108 369,916 465,024 81,803 381,969 463,772 71,370 390,840 462,210 75,572 396,121 471,693 76,992 403,941 480,934 4.20% 4.20% 4.20% 4.20% 4.20% Employer - FICA 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% Employer/Employee - Medicare 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% Health and Welfare Restricted 3400 Unrestricted Total Health and Welfare SUI Restricted 3500 Unrestricted Total SUI 103,229 977,411 1,080,641 93,515 966,246 1,059,761 89,699 755,941 845,640 75,329 934,761 1,010,091 62,342 952,206 1,014,548 66,013 965,072 1,031,085 67,253 984,125 1,051,378 39,064 191,991 231,054 27,140 136,024 163,165 1,406 7,307 8,713 1,225 8,430 9,655 1,040 8,733 9,773 1,101 8,851 9,952 1,122 9,026 10,148 Employee - SUI 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Employer - SUI 1.61% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% Workers Comp Restricted Unrestricted Total Workers Comp 3600 44,780 219,158 263,938 47,137 234,033 281,170 64,862 333,857 398,719 60,708 379,585 440,293 51,845 389,574 441,419 54,898 394,838 449,736 55,929 402,633 458,562 1.091 1.258 1.070 0.935 0.935 0.935 0.935 Experience Mod Rate Other Benefits Restricted 3900 Unrestricted Total Workers Comp Total Restricted Total Unrestricted Total Employee Benefits percent change 595,805 3,155,510 3,751,315 8.9% 605,045 3,036,570 3,641,615 -2.9% 541 13,978 14,518 513,966 2,752,362 3,266,328 -10.3% 1,091 14,834 15,925 456,293 3,095,316 3,551,609 8.7% 1,655 14,008 15,663 428,335 3,451,805 3,880,140 9.3% 1,752 14,197 15,950 515,501 3,740,502 4,256,003 19.8% 1,785 14,478 16,263 557,571 4,002,517 4,560,088 7.1% Employee Benefits 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 4,002,517 3,740,502 595,805 605,045 513,966 456,2933,451,805 428,335 515,501 557,571 3,155,510 3,095,316 3,036,570 2,752,362 2,752,362 3,155,510 3,036,570 3,095,316 3,451,805 3,740,502 4,002,517 2,000,000 1,000,000 595,805 605,045 513,966 456,293 428,335 515,501 557,571 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 96 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Books and Supplies - 4000 2011-12 Actual Books and Supplies Restricted 4100 95,807 Unrestricted 39,650 Total Books and Supplies 135,457 Books and Reference Materials Restricted 4200 Unrestricted 19,882 Total Books and Reference Materials 19,882 Materials and Supplies Restricted 4300 110,003 Unrestricted 756,871 Total Materials and Supplies 866,873 Noncapitalized Equipment Restricted 4400 3,581 Unrestricted 10,583 Total Noncapitalized Equipment 14,164 Total Restricted 209,391 Total Unrestricted 826,986 Total Books and Supplies 1,036,377 percent change -4.9% 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 89,792 228,269 318,061 87,097 18,414 18,414 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 87,097 227,407 80,658 308,065 66,028 80,658 146,686 66,688 81,465 148,153 67,355 82,279 149,634 - 116,473 116,473 20,921 20,921 21,130 21,130 21,342 21,342 163,681 527,630 691,310 278,342 586,905 865,247 156,902 741,619 898,521 151,424 477,779 629,203 151,424 477,779 629,203 152,938 482,557 635,495 53,686 53,686 253,472 827,997 1,081,470 4.4% 155 14,651 14,806 365,594 601,556 967,149 -10.6% 85,193 85,193 384,309 1,023,942 1,408,252 45.6% 10,000 10,000 217,452 589,358 806,810 -42.7% 10,000 10,000 218,112 590,374 808,486 -42.6% 10,100 10,100 220,293 596,278 816,571 1.0% Books and Supplies 1,200,000 1,000,000 826,986 11-12 209,391 826,986 827,997 12-13 253,472 827,997 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 1,023,942 384,309 365,594 217,452 218,112 601,556 1,023,942 589,358 590,374 17-18 220,293 596,278 800,000 601,556 600,000 365,594 400,000 209,391 589,358 590,374 596,278 384,309 253,472 217,452 218,112 220,293 200,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 97 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Services and Other - 5000 2011-12 Actual Travel and Conferences Restricted 5200 5,317 Unrestricted 27,646 Total Travel and Conferences 32,964 Dues and Memberships Restricted 5300 Unrestricted 12,241 Total Dues and Memberships 12,241 Insurance Restricted 5450 Unrestricted 140,895 Total Insurance 140,895 Utilities Restricted 5500 Unrestricted 482,726 Total Utilities 482,726 Rentals, Leases & Repairs Restricted 5600 89,766 Unrestricted 66,089 Total Rental Leases & Repairs 155,854 Direct Costs Restricted 5710 (19,259) Unrestricted 19,259 Total Direct Costs Professional/Consulting Services Restricted 5800 1,736,777 Unrestricted 670,822 Total Professional/Consulting Services 2,407,599 Communications Restricted 5900 695 Unrestricted 34,403 Total Communications 35,098 Postage Restricted 5930 Unrestricted 12,514 Total Postage 12,514 Total Restricted 1,813,296 Total Unrestricted 1,466,596 Total Services and Other 3,279,892 percent change 4.3% 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 8,409 27,368 35,777 15,439 34,477 49,916 9,293 69,889 79,182 22,340 48,972 71,312 22,563 49,462 72,025 23,015 50,451 73,466 9,373 9,373 17,538 17,538 22,609 22,609 17,898 17,898 18,077 18,077 18,439 18,439 148,199 148,199 157,006 157,006 172,409 172,409 172,409 172,409 174,133 174,133 177,616 177,616 612,145 612,145 735,278 735,278 656,396 656,396 656,396 656,396 662,960 662,960 676,219 676,219 99,440 45,638 145,078 82,863 44,869 127,732 50,539 161,191 211,730 43,594 86,126 129,720 44,030 86,987 131,017 44,911 88,727 133,638 (38,439) 38,439 - (22,889) 22,889 - - - - - 1,480,329 756,134 2,236,463 1,571,169 593,261 2,164,430 1,683,624 493,190 2,176,814 1,603,143 631,445 2,234,588 1,519,174 637,759 2,156,934 1,549,558 650,515 2,200,073 475 34,804 35,279 80 27,780 27,860 751 40,291 41,042 1,531 51,453 52,984 1,546 51,968 53,514 1,577 53,007 54,584 12,522 12,522 1,550,215 1,684,622 3,234,837 -1.4% 13,246 13,246 1,646,663 1,646,343 3,293,006 1.8% 17,453 17,453 1,744,206 1,633,429 3,377,635 2.6% 17,325 17,325 1,670,608 1,682,024 3,352,632 -0.7% 17,498 17,498 1,587,314 1,698,844 3,286,158 -2.7% 17,848 17,848 1,619,060 1,732,821 3,351,881 2.0% Services 2,000,000 1,813,296 1,750,000 1,500,000 1,466,596 1,744,206 14-15 11-12 12-13 13-14 15-16 16-17 17-18 1,732,821 1,698,844 1,684,622 1,682,024 1,670,608 1,646,663 1,646,343 1,633,429 1,813,296 1,550,215 1,646,663 1,744,206 1,670,608 1,587,314 1,619,060 1,619,060 1,587,314 1,550,215 1,466,596 1,684,622 1,646,343 1,633,429 1,682,024 1,698,844 1,732,821 3,279,892 3,234,837 3,293,006 3,377,635 3,352,632 3,286,158 3,351,881 1,250,000 1,000,000 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 98 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Capital Outlay - 6000 2011-12 Actual Capital Outlay Restricted Unrestricted Total Capital Outlay Other Capital Restricted Unrestricted Total Other Capital Total Restricted Total Unrestricted Total Capital Outlay percent change 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2016-17 Estimate 2017-18 Estimate 4,113 4,113 12,529 4,114 16,643 12,529 60,985 73,514 12,529 30,000 42,529 12,529 30,000 42,529 12,529 30,000 42,529 4,114 4,114 0.0% 4,113 4,113 0.0% 12,529 4,114 16,643 304.6% 12,529 60,985 73,514 341.7% 12,529 30,000 42,529 -42.1% 12,529 30,000 42,529 -42.1% 12,529 30,000 42,529 0.0% 30,000 11-12 12-13 4,114 20,000 2015-16 Budget 4,114 4,114 6500 Capital Outlay 25,000 2014-15 Budget 15,000 4,113 12,529 13-14 12,529 4,114 12,529 30,000 30,000 30,000 14-15 15-16 16-17 12,529 12,529 12,529 60,985 30,000 30,000 12,529 12,529 17-18 12,529 30,000 12,529 10,000 4,114 5,000 - 4,113 - - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 4,114 13-14 14-15 99 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Other Outgo - 7000 2011-12 Actual State Special Schools Restricted Unrestricted Total Other Tuition Restricted Unrestricted Total Indirect Costs Restricted Unrestricted Total Indirect Costs Restricted Unrestricted Total Debt Service - Interest Restricted Unrestricted Total Debt Service - Principal Restricted Unrestricted Total Total Restricted Total Unrestricted Total Other Outgo TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 Budget - - 7130 7142 7310 21,210 21,210 26,955 26,955 7,049 7,049 280,616 276,592 560,405 280,616 276,592 125,868 (125,868) - 2017-18 Estimate - - 560,405 912,559 53,000 965,559 798,262 53,000 851,262 798,262 53,000 851,262 798,262 53,000 851,262 117,321 (117,321) - 130,249 (130,249) - 80,918 (80,918) - 82,408 (82,408) - 82,408 (82,408) - 82,408 (82,408) - (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) 9,652 6,435 9,652 6,435 - 19,310 19,310 - - - 7350 7439 2016-17 Estimate - 7600 416,137 (126,330) 289,806 24,295,271 400,348 (112,038) 288,310 25,126,506 690,654 (144,872) 545,782 25,550,516 1,012,787 (49,590) 963,197 27,041,694 880,670 (51,080) 829,590 26,854,772 880,670 (51,080) 829,590 27,522,514 880,670 (51,080) 829,590 28,259,145 Total General Fund Expenditures 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 22,252,862 21,642,320 21,127,365 20,979,055 5,729,717 5,602,268 6,050,134 6,062,639 5,727,407 5,880,194 6,006,283 19,524,238 19,500,383 18,565,554 18,565,554 19,524,238 19,500,383 20,979,055 21,127,365 21,642,320 22,252,862 24,295,271 25,126,506 25,550,516 27,041,694 26,854,772 27,522,514 28,259,145 5,729,717 5,602,268 6,050,134 6,062,639 5,727,407 5,880,194 6,006,283 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 5,000,000 - Surplus (Deficit) Spending 1,000,000 11-12 12-13 262,613 13-14 (253,580) (870,946) 262,613 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 (596,103) (510,122) (604,095) (541,491) 11-12 (253,580) (1,000,000) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 (596,103) (510,122) (604,095) (541,491) (870,946) Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 100 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 11 - Adult Education Fund 2011-12 Actual 288,996 Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues 2012-13 Actual (4,597) 2013-14 Actual - 2014-15 Budget 78,416 2015-16 Budget 36,371 2016-17 Estimate 36,371 2017-18 Estimate 36,371 38,260 477,994 473,064 989,318 59,928 601,920 461,691 1,123,539 51,820 580,000 565,305 1,197,125 53,000 485,500 537,147 1,075,647 54,000 500,000 540,000 1,094,000 55,000 525,000 550,000 1,130,000 644,217 238,896 180,590 39,218 33,720 585,490 277,685 146,062 58,372 27,515 609,231 327,054 168,715 87,433 46,737 466,188 257,573 239,628 67,958 44,300 470,000 260,000 245,000 70,000 49,000 480,000 270,000 255,000 72,000 53,000 1,136,641 1,095,124 1,239,170 1,075,647 1,094,000 1,130,000 8000 8200 8091 8600 55,742 293,103 524,808 873,653 Expenditures: Certificated Salaries 1000 633,357 Classified Salaries 2000 239,069 Employee Benefits 3000 162,661 Books and Supplies 4000 114,225 Services & Other Operating 5000Expenses 46,663 Capital Outlay 6000 Other Outgo 7100 Indirect Costs 7300 Total Expenditures 1,195,975 Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In (Out)- Fund 18900 Ending Fund Balance (322,322) 76,892 43,567 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted - Donations 9740 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned 9780 e) Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 43,567 Ending Fund Balance 43,567 (147,323) 151,919 - - 28,414 50,000 78,414 (42,045) - - - 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 78,414 78,414 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 36,371 Fund 11 accounts for all the transactions related to the District's Adult Education program. The state has changed the way Adult Ed apportionments are accounted for, making it difficult to compare years. Prior to 2008-09, Adult Ed received their apportionment directly from the state. In 2009-10, it became a Transfer-In from the General Fund. Then, in 2011-12, it was not transferred in, but posted from the General Fund into their Other State Revenue line item. 07-08 11-12 ### 1,000,000 Subsidized Programs: High School Diploma (GED) English Language Learners 500,000 Parent's Place 369,995 Parent Participation Older Adult Exercise Fund 11 - Transfers General Fund 12-13 13-14In From 14-15 15-16 369,995 629,913 629,913 651,920 651,920 580,000 16-17 485,500 580,000 500,000 17-18 525,000 485,500 500,000 525,000 15-16 16-17 17-18 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 101 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 12 - Child Development Fund 2011-12 Actual 38,919 2012-13 Actual 145,627 2013-14 Actual 232,638 2014-15 Budget 280 2015-16 Budget 280 2016-17 Estimate 14,984 2017-18 Estimate 29,688 110,370 384,587 494,957 101,722 395,144 496,865 100,323 358,484 458,807 57,688 354,500 412,188 88,675 360,000 448,675 88,675 360,000 448,675 88,675 360,000 448,675 48,131 229,282 87,526 4,978 943 17,323 48,622 240,802 74,758 7,750 2,812 297,188 47,341 225,928 78,557 19,614 3,448 15,629 53,086 219,075 81,138 18,000 1,000 40,000 53,086 219,075 81,138 18,000 1,000 40,000 53,086 219,075 81,138 18,000 1,000 40,000 21,672 409,854 21,671 693,603 21,671 412,188 21,672 433,971 21,672 433,971 21,672 433,971 106,708 87,011 14,704 232,638 280 14,704 14,984 14,704 145,627 (234,795) 2,437 280 29,688 44,392 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted 9740 478 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned 9780 e) Unassigned-Res for Econ 9789 Uncertainties Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 145,149 Ending Fund Balance 145,627 232,641 232,641 280 280 14,984 14,984 29,688 29,688 44,392 44,392 Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources 8000 Federal Revenue 8100 State Revenue (Preschool) 8500 Local Revenue (BASRP)8600 Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries 1000 48,572 Classified Salaries 2000 219,954 Employee Benefits 3000 87,380 Books and Supplies 4000 9,457 Services & Other Operating 5000Expenses1,214 Capital Outlay 6000 Other Outgo 7100 Indirect Costs 7300 21,672 Total Expenditures 388,249 Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In from Fund 018900 Ending Fund Balance - 280 280 Fund 12 accounts for all the transactions related to the State Preschool program and the Before and After School Recreation Program (BASRP). In 2011-12, fees were raised which allowed the Fund to operate at a surplus. In 2013-14, Fund 12 will pay for a new portable classroom to be located at Forest Grove Elementary School. Fund 12 - Ending Fund Balance 232,638 250,000 07-08 11-12 200,000 150,000 145,627 - 145,627 12-13 13-14 232,638 14-15 280 15-16 280 16-17 14,984 17-18 29,688 44,392 100,000 50,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 280 280 13-14 14-15 102 14,984 15-16 29,688 16-17 44,392 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 13 - Cafeteria Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Total Expenditures 2011-12 Actual 50,396 2012-13 Actual 73,341 2013-14 Actual 28,936 2014-15 Budget 7,614 2015-16 Budget 6,821 2016-17 Estimate 6,821 2017-18 Estimate 6,821 144,822 12,436 306,631 463,889 168,653 15,136 320,592 504,382 176,708 13,499 320,781 510,988 170,000 16,000 340,000 526,000 175,000 17,000 350,000 542,000 175,000 17,000 360,000 552,000 175,000 17,000 360,000 552,000 209,886 52,461 257,344 6,020 223,631 56,386 260,782 7,987 241,199 52,736 270,784 6,782 240,453 56,336 260,500 13,000 242,000 62,000 262,700 13,000 242,000 62,000 267,000 13,000 245,000 62,000 270,000 13,000 525,711 548,786 571,501 570,289 579,700 584,000 590,000 (61,822) 19,937 8,511 (44,404) (60,513) 39,191 7,614 (44,289) 43,496 6,821 (37,700) 37,700 6,821 (32,000) 32,000 6,821 (38,000) 38,000 6,821 8,271 17,501 7,614 6,821 6,821 6,821 6,821 3,164 28,937 7,614 0 6,821 0 6,821 0 6,821 0 6,821 8000 8200 8500 8600 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7100 Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In - General Fund 8900 Ending Fund Balance Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Stores 9711 2,419 b) Restricted 9740 c) Committed d) Assigned e) Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 6,092 Ending Fund Balance 8,511 28,937 Fund 13 - Surplus (Deficit) - (50,000) (100,000) (44,289) (44,404) ### (32,000) (38,000) (60,513) (61,822) 07-08 11-12 11-12 (37,700) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 (61,822) (44,404) (60,513) (44,289) (37,700) (32,000) (38,000) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 117,203 14-15 118,375 15-16 17-18 Meals Served 150,000 100,000 96,224 07-08 08-09 62,777 ### 107,209 11-12 96,224 111,579 12-13 107,209 116,042 13-14 111,579 116,042 117,203 119,558 16-17 17-18 118,375 119,558 50,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 103 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 14 - Deferred Maintenance Fund 2011-12 Actual 915,189 2012-13 Actual 944,568 2013-14 Actual 958,347 2014-15 Budget 883,527 2015-16 Budget 463,878 2016-17 Estimate 473,250 2017-18 Estimate 482,622 94,947 6,304 101,251 94,713 4,957 99,670 93,372 3,290 96,662 93,372 6,000 99,372 93,372 6,000 99,372 93,372 6,000 99,372 93,372 6,000 99,372 49,116 22,757 45,067 40,823 30,572 140,910 50,000 469,021 40,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 71,872 85,891 171,482 519,021 90,000 90,000 90,000 Surplus (Deficit) 29,379 Transfers In (Out) - to General 8900 Fund Ending Fund Balance 944,568 13,779 (74,820) (419,649) 9,372 9,372 9,372 958,347 883,527 463,878 473,250 482,622 491,994 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted 9740 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned 9780 e) Unassigned-Reserve for 9789 Econ Uncertainties Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 944,568 Ending Fund Balance 944,568 958,347 958,347 883,527 883,527 463,878 463,878 473,250 473,250 482,622 482,622 491,994 491,994 Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Indirect Costs Total Expenditures 8000 8100 8590 8660 1000 2000 3000 4300 5800 6000 7100 7300 Fund 14 - Ending Fund Balance 1,200,000 1,000,000 958,347 944,568 07-08 11-12 ### 800,000 12-13 883,527 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 944,568 958,347 883,527 463,878 473,250 482,622 491,994 600,000 463,878 473,250 482,622 491,994 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 400,000 200,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 104 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 20 - Postemployment Benefits Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Indirect Costs Total Expenditures 2011-12 Actual 77,147 2012-13 Actual 96,985 2013-14 Actual 116,928 2014-15 Budget 136,761 2015-16 Budget 156,687 2016-17 Estimate 176,713 2017-18 Estimate 196,739 413 413 518 518 407 407 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 - - - - - - - 8000 8100 8300 8600 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7100 7300 Surplus (Deficit) 413 Transfers In (Out) - from General 8900 Fund 19,426 Ending Fund Balance 96,985 518 19,426 116,929 407 19,426 136,761 500 19,426 156,687 600 19,426 176,713 600 19,426 196,739 600 19,426 216,765 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted 9740 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned - Medigap 9780 e) Unassigned-Reserve for 9789 Econ Uncertainties Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 96,985 Ending Fund Balance 96,985 116,929 116,929 136,761 136,761 156,687 156,687 176,713 176,713 196,739 196,739 216,765 216,765 Fund 20 - Ending Fund Balance 250,000 196,739 200,000 07-08 11-12 ### 150,000 96,985 216,765 176,713 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 156,687 96,985 116,929 136,761 156,687 176,713 196,739 216,765 136,761 116,929 This fund includes restricted Post-Retirement (medi Gap) and Retiree benefits. 100,000 50,000 - 11-12 Cert Medi Gap Confid Medi Gap Confid Pre Funding Total 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 105 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 21 - Building Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Indirect Costs Total Expenditures Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In (Out) Ending Fund Balance 2011-12 Actual 1,392,459 2012-13 Actual 5,512,963 2013-14 Actual 3,558,778 2014-15 Budget 730,364 2015-16 Budget 1,949,628 2016-17 Estimate 728,224 2017-18 Estimate 31,224 7,502,961 7,502,961 23,886 23,886 9,261 9,261 2,329,436 2,329,436 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 521,190 17,385 2,843,881 252,385 35,666 1,690,021 101,593 31,805 2,704,276 783,376 210,552 116,244 800,000 700,000 900,000 3,382,456 1,978,072 2,837,675 1,110,172 1,226,405 700,000 900,000 4,120,505 (1,954,186) (2,828,413) 1,219,264 (1,221,405) (697,000) 1,500,000 5,512,963 3,558,778 730,364 1,949,628 728,224 31,224 1,531,224 3,558,778 3,558,778 730,364 730,364 1,949,628 1,949,628 728,224 728,224 31,224 31,224 1,531,224 1,531,224 8000 8100 8300 8600 1000 2000 3000 4400 5800 6000 426,405 7100 7300 8900 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted 9740 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned 9780 e) Unassigned-Reserve for 9789 Econ Uncertainties Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 5,512,963 Ending Fund Balance 5,512,963 Fund 21 accounts for the revenues and expenditures associated with Measure A and Measure D Bonds. Fund 21 - Ending Fund Balance 6,000,000 4,000,000 5,512,963 07-08 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 3,558,778 ### 5,512,963 3,558,778 730,364 1,949,628 728,224 31,224 1,531,224 1,949,628 2,000,000 730,364 1,531,224 728,224 31,224 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13-14 14-15 106 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Fund 40 - Capital Outlay Projects Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenue Limit Sources Federal Revenue Other State Revenue Other Local Revenue Total Revenues 2011-12 Actual 1,124,728 2012-13 Actual 1,298,435 2013-14 Actual 1,177,586 2014-15 Budget 548,627 2015-16 Budget 580,975 2016-17 Estimate 660,975 2017-18 Estimate 740,975 187,032 187,032 244,036 244,036 345,477 345,477 270,000 270,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 4,132 9,193 66,596 125,949 172,341 58,424 51,282 864,730 123,213 54,435 60,005 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 364,886 (120,849) 974,435 (628,958) 237,653 32,347 150,000 80,000 150,000 80,000 150,000 80,000 8000 8100 8300 8600 Expenditures: Certificated Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies 4000 Services 5000 Capital Outlay - Equipment 6000 Other Outgo 7100 Indirect Costs 7300 Total Expenditures Surplus (Deficit) Transfers In (Out) 8900 Ending Fund Balance 13,325 173,707 1,298,435 1,177,586 548,627 580,975 660,975 740,975 820,975 Components of Ending Fund Balance: a) Nonspendable - Revolving 9711 Cash b) Restricted 9740 c) Committed 9750 d) Assigned 9780 e) Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 1,298,435 Ending Fund Balance 1,298,435 1,177,586 1,177,586 548,627 548,627 580,975 580,975 660,975 660,975 740,975 740,975 820,975 820,975 Fund 40 includes revenues collected from David Avenue leases, expenditures authorized by the Board, and maintenance department expenses in excess of the program 6220 allocation. Certain revenues are being set aside for future repair of the High School track ($116,000 in 2015) and the stadium field ($713,000 in 2023). Rents received from the Middle School PAC and the High School stadium are being held in specific improvement accounts. The Board approved $500,000 to help with the cost of construction of the new High School pool. On March 7, 2013 the Board also approved the purchase of new vehicles from Fund 40. Fund 40 - Ending Fund Balance 1,500,000 1,200,000 07-08 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 1,298,435 1,177,586 ### 1,298,435 1,177,586 548,627 580,975 660,975 740,975 820,975 900,000 600,000 548,627 580,975 13-14 14-15 660,975 740,975 820,975 300,000 - 11-12 12-13 Budget15-16 FUNDS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 107 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 5-5-2015 - Fiscal05, Object Pacific Grove Unified School District Ending Fund Balances 2011-12 actual 2012-13 actual 2013-14 actual 2014-15 budget 2015-16 estimate 2016-17 estimate 2017-18 estimate 4,488,171 -7.6% 3,387,141 -24.5% 3,538,700 4.5% 2,879,679 -18.6% 2,312,432 -19.7% 1,651,211 -28.6% 1,052,594 -36.3% 43,567 -81.6% -100.0% 36,371 -53.6% 36,371 0.0% 36,371 0.0% 36,371 0.0% 145,627 274.2% 232,638 59.7% 280 -99.9% 280 0.0% 14,984 5255.6% 29,688 98.1% 44,392 49.5% 8,511 -83.1% 28,937 240.0% 7,614 -73.7% 6,821 -10.4% 6,821 0.0% 6,821 0.0% 6,821 0.0% 944,568 3.2% 958,347 1.5% 883,527 -7.8% 463,878 -47.5% 473,250 2.0% 482,622 2.0% 491,994 1.9% 96,985 25.7% 116,929 20.6% 136,761 17.0% 156,687 14.6% 176,713 12.8% 196,739 11.3% 216,765 10.2% Fund 21 Building Fund 5,512,963 295.9% 3,558,778 -35.4% 730,364 -79.5% 1,949,628 166.9% 728,224 -62.6% 31,224 -95.7% 1,531,224 4804.0% Fund 40 Capital Outlay Fund 1,298,435 15.4% 1,177,586 -9.3% 548,627 -53.4% 580,975 5.9% 660,975 13.8% 740,975 12.1% 820,975 10.8% 12,538,827 3,845,150 44.2% 9,460,356 (3,078,470) -24.6% 5,924,289 (3,536,067) -37.4% 6,074,320 150,031 2.5% 4,409,770 3,175,651 (1,664,550) (1,234,119) -27.4% -28.0% 4,201,136 1,025,485 32.3% Fund 1 General Fund Fund 11 Adult Education Fund 12 Child Development Fund 13 Cafeteria Fund Fund 14 Deferred Maintenance Fund 20 Post Emp Benefits TOTAL change % change 78,414 #DIV/0! Ending Fund Balances 15,000,000 12,538,827 11-12 9,460,356 12,538,827 10,000,000 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 9,460,356 5,924,289 6,074,320 4,409,770 3,175,651 4,201,136 5,924,289 6,074,320 4,409,770 5,000,000 3,175,651 4,201,136 11-12 Budget15-16 EFB 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 12-13 13-14 14-15 108 15-16 16-17 17-18 Modified 4/30/15 - Automatic update Pacific Grove Unified School District Multi-Year Projection 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Budget 2016-17 Assumptions 2017-18 Assumptions Budget Budget Revenue Limit Sources 8011 LCFF - Current Year - 8012 Prop 30 EPA (thru 18-19)417,260 8019 Revenue Limit - Prior Year 15,982 8021 Home Owners Exemption127,517 8041 Secured Tax Roll 2,505,456 417,260 2,505,456 $ 212 1,968 CBEDS 133,893 417,258 2,505,456 $ 212 2,018 CBEDS 427,712 3.50% AV Increase 138,579 3.50% AV Increase 143,430 20,166,542 20,344,919 3.50% AV Increase 21,056,991 3.50% AV Increase 21,793,986 8042 Unsecured Tax Roll 801,849 841,941 3.50% AV Increase 871,409 3.50% AV Increase 901,908 8043 Prior Years Taxes 459,789 482,778 3.50% AV Increase 499,675 3.50% AV Increase 517,164 8048 Delinquent Taxes - 8091 LCFF Transfers - 8096 Revenue Limit State Aid CY (50,259) Total Revenue Limit Sources 21,938,680 - 3.50% AV Increase (578,872) - 3.50% AV Increase - (578,872) (50,259) (578,872) (50,259) 24,097,116 (50,259) 24,860,238 $ change - % change 763,122 25,660,525 3.17% 800,287 3.22% Federal Revenue 8181 Special Education-per UDC 328,715 8290 Medical Adm Act (MAA) 331,542 0.86% COLA 334,393 0.50% COLA 336,065 54,428 80,000 0.00% 80,000 0.00% 80,000 111,317 112,430 1.00% 113,554 1.00% 114,690 26,551 26,817 1.00% 27,085 1.00% 27,356 - - 1.00% - 1.00% - 52,715 53,264 1.00% 53,797 1.00% 54,335 4,193 4,235 1.00% 4,277 1.00% 4,320 16,055 4201 Title III Immigrant Education 27,018 1.00% 27,288 1.00% 27,561 4203 Title III Limited English Proficiency 26,750 16,216 1.00% 16,378 1.00% Total Federal Revenue 620,724 651,522 3020 Title I 355 VEA 3710 Drug Free Schools 4035 Title II Teacher Quality 4036 Title II Principal Training 16,542 656,773 $ change - % change 5,251 660,869 0.81% 4,096 0.62% State Revenue 8311 EIA 8311 Transportation 86,349 - - - 105,091 - - - 8319 State Apportionments - Prior Year 8550 Mandated Costs 134,000 300,000 6300 State Lottery - Restricted 93,150 66,028 1100 State Lottery - Unrestricted 391,230 248,576 8590 Other State Revenues - Restricted - 8590 Fair Share Contributions (1,266,919) - 8590 Oral Health Assessment 8590 Core/Supplemental 8590 STAR $ 47 1,968 CBEDS 100,000 $ 31 2,000 ADA 62,000 $ 129 2,000 ADA 258,000 $ 47 2,018 CBEDS $ 31 2,000 ADA 62,000 $ 129 2,000 ADA 258,000 9.57% 12,407,832 RL 94,823 - - 9.57% 12,407,832 RL 883 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 12,536 - 0.00% - 1.00% - - - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 School Counselor Support 62,198 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 9-12 Class Size Reduction 35,166 - 0.00% - 1.00% - K-3 Class Size Reduction393,057 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 GATE 11,901 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 Instructional Materials 92,557 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 93,372 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 PAR 9,799 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 CBET 2,062 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 10,020 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 2,425 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 422,220 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 1,358,701 - 0.00% - 1.00% - Def Maint 8590 Math and Reading 8590 Administrator Training 8590 ROP 8590 Adult Education Budget15-16 MYP 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 109 Modified 5-5-2015 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Budget 2016-17 Assumptions Budget 2017-18 Assumptions Budget 8590 Professional Development 71,458 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 TIIG 84,407 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 SIP 186,475 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 27,223 8590 School Safety Violence Prevention - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 Pupil Retention 3,764 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 CAHSEE 8,279 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 Arts and Music Block Grant24,607 - 0.00% - 1.00% - 8590 - 0.00% - 1.00% 26,639 8590 Prop 39 Energy Efficiency106,132 Mental Health Sped 8590 TUPE 8590 Common Core Total State Revenue 106,132 0.00% 4 more years 106,132 - 0.00% 3 more years 106,132 68,496 68,496 0.00% 68,496 0.00% 68,496 2,865 2,864 0.00% 2,864 1.00% 2,893 - - 0.00% 2,660,143 0.00% 792,096 - 597,492 $ change - % change (194,604) 592,344 -24.57% (5,148) -0.86% Local Revenue 8621 Parcel Taxes - - - - 8631 Sale of Equipment - - - - 8650 Leases and Rentals - - - - 8660 Interest - Rest - - - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 8660 Interest - Unrest 8662 Gain/Loss on Investments 8675 Transportation Fees 8677 Interagency Fees - - - - 17,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 - - - - 6,406 6,406 6,406 6,406 8699 Other Local Rev - Rest - - 8699 - - 8689 Other Fees & Contracts 8699 Other Local Rev - Unrest 420,129 8792 Tfers of Appor-COE - - 757,510 757,510 757,510 1,226,045 803,916 803,916 26,445,591 26,344,650 8799 Other Transfers In Total Local Revenue - $ change - % change Total Revenues 757,510 - 0.00% - 0.00% 26,918,419 $ change - % change 573,769 Certificated Salaries 803,916 SC&SI $/Avg FTE 2.18% # FTE 1.00 799,234 SC&SI $/Avg FTE 76,500 2.97% # FTE 1100 Teacher Salaries - R 1,170,146 1,191,163 1.05% 1,278,670 2.00% Teacher Salaries - U 9,155,104 9,324,636 1.05% 9,422,545 2.00% 9,610,996 22,640 42,802 0.50% 43,016 0.50% 43,231 Substitute Teachers - U 120,424 111,067 0.50% 111,622 0.50% 112,180 1101 Substitute Teachers - R 75,000 27,717,653 1,304,244 1103 Teachers Hourly - R 23,727 24,329 24,329 24,329 Teachers Hourly - U 75,581 49,930 49,930 49,930 1106 Teachers Stipends - R 16,500 31,413 31,413 31,413 Teachers Stipends - U 145,992 150,712 150,712 150,712 1200 Pupil Support - R 263,012 268,272 1.05% 271,089 2.00% 276,511 Pupil Support - U 755,313 769,778 1.05% 777,861 2.00% 793,418 1203 Pupil Support Hourly - R Pupil Support Hourly - U - - - - 3,260 3,260 3,260 3,260 1300 Supervisors & Admin - R 65,099 66,726 2.50% 68,394 2.50% 70,104 Supervisors & Admin - U1,311,998 1,346,383 2.50% 1,380,043 2.50% 1,414,544 1900 Other Certificated - R Other Certificated - U Restricted - - - - 1,500 1,068 1,068 1,068 1,561,123 1,624,705 1,716,911 1,749,831 11,569,170 11,756,834 11,897,040 12,136,107 Total Certificated Salaries 13,130,294 13,381,539 Unrestricted $ change - % change Budget15-16 MYP 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 13,613,951 232,412 110 1.74% 13,885,938 271,987 Modified 5-5-2015 2.00% 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Budget Classified Salaries 2016-17 Assumptions SC&SI $/FTE Budget # FTE 40,000 1.00 2017-18 Assumptions SC&SI $/FTE Budget # FTE 2100 Instl Aides - Salaries - R 324,127 321,138 2.00% 367,561 2.00% Instl Aides - Salaries - U 529,512 555,661 2.00% 566,774 2.00% 40,800 578,110 374,912 2200 Support Salaries - R 472,196 481,323 2.00% 490,949 2.00% 500,768 Support Salaries - U 1,122,519 1,137,501 2.00% 1,160,251 2.00% 1,183,456 2201 Support Substitutes - R - - - - 23,054 29,056 29,056 29,056 2205 Support Overtime - R 14,658 10,237 10,237 10,237 Support Overtime - U 58,143 49,323 49,323 - - Support Substitutes - U 2300 Supervisors & Admin - R Supervisors & Admin - U 444,421 2306 Sup & Admin - Board - R Sup & Admin - Board - U 452,800 2.00% - 2.00% 461,856 49,323 2.00% - 2.00% 471,093 - - - - 7,700 7,200 7,200 7,200 2400 Clerical & Office Salaries - R Clerical & Office Salaries 1,233,611 -U 2403 Clerical & Office Hrly/OT - R Clerical & Office Hrly/OT - U 24,544 1,264,806 2.00% - 2.00% 1,290,102 2.00% - 2.00% 1,315,904 - - - 23,745 23,745 23,745 R0,410 2900 Other Classified Salaries - 8 80,410 80,410 80,410 Other Classified Salaries -202,299 U 148,333 148,333 148,333 Restricted 891,390 893,108 949,157 966,327 3,645,803 3,668,424 3,736,640 3,806,219 Total Classified Salaries 4,537,193 4,561,532 Unrestricted 4,685,797 $ change - % change 124,265 4,772,547 2.72% 86,750 1.85% Benefits 3101 STRS - R 138,782 145,822 STRS - U 980,625 1,275,193 3201 PERS - R 97,354 94,261 PERS - U 395,112 421,251 3301 SS - Medicare - R 81,803 71,370 SS - Medicare - U 381,969 390,840 12.6% of Cert Salaries 12.9% 215,987 1,532,339 14.4% of Cert Salaries 14.4% 252,501 1,751,240 10.6% of Class Salaries 100,177 10.6% of Class Salaries 101,989 11.5% 429,084 11.5% 437,074 2.8% of Cert+Class Salaries 2.5% 75,572 396,121 403,941 75,329 62,342 Health and Welfare - U 934,761 952,206 3501 SUI - R 1,225 1,040 0.0% of Cert+Class Salaries 1,101 0.0% of Cert+Class Salaries SUI - U 8,430 8,733 0.1% 8,851 0.1% 3601 Workers Comp - R 60,708 51,845 Workers Comp - U 379,585 389,574 2.5% 394,838 2.5% 402,633 1,091 1,655 0.1% 1,752 0.1% 1,785 14,834 14,008 0.1% 14,197 0.1% 456,293 428,335 Other - U Restricted 6.2% 66,013 76,992 2.5% 3401 Health and Welfare - R 3901 Other - R 2.5% of Cert+Class Salaries 2.8% of Cert+Class Salaries 965,072 2.1% of Cert+Class Salaries 54,898 2.5% of Cert+Class Salaries 67,253 6.2% 984,125 1,122 9,026 2.1% of Cert+Class Salaries 55,929 14,478 515,501 557,571 Unrestricted 3,095,316 3,451,805 3,740,502 4,002,517 Total Benefits 3,551,609 3,880,140 4,256,003 4,560,088 $ change - % change 375,863 9.69% 304,085 7.14% Books and Supplies 4100 Books and Supplies - R 227,407 66,028 1.0% 66,688 1.0% 67,355 80,658 80,658 1.0% 81,465 1.0% 82,279 - - 1.0% - 1.0% - 116,473 20,921 1.0% 21,130 1.0% 21,342 4300 Materials and Supplies - R156,902 151,424 0.0% common core gone 151,424 1.0% 152,938 Materials and Supplies - U741,619 477,779 0.0% 477,779 1.0% 482,557 Books and Supplies - U 4200 Books & Ref Matls - R Books & Ref Matls - U 4400 Noncapitalized Equip - R - Noncapitalized Equip - U 85,193 Restricted - 0.0% - 1.0% - 10,000 0.0% 10,000 1.0% 10,100 384,309 217,452 218,112 220,293 1,023,942 589,358 590,374 596,278 Total Books & Supplies1,408,252 806,810 808,486 Unrestricted $ change - % change Budget15-16 MYP 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 1,676 111 0.21% 816,571 8,085 Modified 5-5-2015 1.00% 2014-15 2015-16 Actual Budget 2016-17 Assumptions Budget 2017-18 Assumptions Budget Services and Other 5200 Travel and Conferences - R 9,293 22,340 1.0% 22,563 2.0% 23,015 Travel and Conferences - U69,889 48,972 1.0% 49,462 2.0% 50,451 - 1.0% - 2.0% - 17,898 1.0% 18,077 2.0% 18,439 - 1.0% - 2.0% 5300 Dues and Memberships - R - Dues and Memberships - U22,609 5450 Insurance - R - Insurance - U 172,409 5500 Utilities - R - Utilities - U 172,409 - 1.0% 174,133 1.0% - - 2.0% 177,616 2.0% - 656,396 656,396 1.0% 662,960 2.0% 676,219 5600 Rentals, Leases, Repairs-R50,539 43,594 1.0% 44,030 2.0% 44,911 Rentals, Leases, Repairs-U 161,191 86,126 1.0% 86,987 2.0% 88,727 - 5710 Direct Costs - R - - 1.0% - 2.0% Direct Costs - U - - 1.0% - 2.0% 5800 Prof/Consulting Services1,683,624 -R 1,603,143 1.0% common core gone Prof/Consulting Services -493,190 U 631,445 1.0% - 1,519,174 2.0% 1,549,558 637,759 2.0% 650,515 5900 Communications - R 751 1,531 1.0% 1,546 2.0% 1,577 Communications - U 40,291 51,453 1.0% 51,968 2.0% 53,007 5903 Postage - R - - 1.0% - 2.0% - 17,453 17,325 1.0% 17,498 2.0% 17,848 Restricted 1,744,206 1,670,608 1,587,314 1,619,060 Unrestricted 1,633,429 1,682,024 1,698,844 1,732,821 Total Services & Other 3,377,635 3,352,632 3,286,158 Postage - U $ change - % change (66,474) 6500 Capital Outlay - R 12,529 Capital Outlay - U Total Capital Outlay -1.98% 3,351,881 65,723 2.00% 12,529 12,529 12,529 60,985 30,000 30,000 30,000 73,514 42,529 42,529 42,529 $ change - % change - 0.00% - 0.00% Other Outgo/Ind Costs 7130 State Special Schools - R - - - State Special Schools - U - - - - 7142 Other Tuition - R 912,559 798,262 798,262 798,262 Other Tuition - U 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 80,918 82,408 82,408 82,408 (80,918) (82,408) (82,408) (82,408) 7310 Indirect Costs - R Indirect Costs - U 7350 Indirect Costs - R - - - - (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) 7438 Debt Service - Interest - R 19,310 - - - Debt Service - Interest - U Indirect Costs - U - - - - 7439 Debt Service - Principal - R - - - - Debt Service - Principal - U - - - - 62,922 57,126 57,126 57,126 1,012,787 880,670 880,670 880,670 13,332 6,046 6,046 6,046 1,026,119 886,716 886,716 886,716 27,104,616 26,911,898 Transfers Out Restricted Unrestricted Total Other Outgo $ change - % change Total Expenditures - $ change - % change Surplus (Deficit) 667,742 (659,025) (567,248) $ change - % change Beginning Balance Ending Balance 2,879,679 2,879,679 2,312,432 $ change - % change Budget15-16 MYP 5/18/2015 1:58 PM - 2.48% 0.00% 28,316,271 736,631 2.67% (661,221) (93,973) 3,538,704 0.00% 27,579,640 16.57% (598,617) 62,604 2,312,432 1,651,211 (661,221) 112 -28.59% -9.47% 1,651,211 1,052,594 (598,617) Modified 5-5-2015 -36.25% Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - General Fund 01 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 3,538,701 3 3,538,704 - 3,538,704 3,538,704 3,538,704 21,869,606 182 21,869,788 (49,795) 21,819,993 100,000 21,919,993 51,288 a 540,831 19,984 560,815 1,051 561,866 4,452 566,318 81,044 b 647,362 2,534,708 72,645 2,607,353 2,607,353 11,233 c 2,618,586 d Revenues Revenue Limit Federal Revenues State Revenues 2,537,759 Local Revenues (3,051) - 21,971,281 801,916 35,064 836,980 110,522 947,502 203,446 1,150,948 71,097 25,750,112 52,179 25,802,291 134,423 25,936,714 307,898 26,244,612 214,662 Certificated Salaries 13,258,690 41,000 13,299,690 (229,533) 13,070,157 51,286 13,121,443 6,092 e 13,127,535 58,272 f 4,537,192 (24,754) g 3,551,609 Total Revenues 1,222,045 26,459,274 Expenditures Classified Salaries 4,614,180 4,300 4,618,480 (235,113) 4,383,367 95,553 4,478,920 Benefits 3,491,215 7,515 3,498,730 35,529 3,534,259 42,104 3,576,363 806,495 237,737 1,044,232 143,324 1,187,556 161,300 1,348,856 3,619,241 201,449 3,820,690 (170,788) 3,649,902 (213,211) 3,436,691 Books & Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Indirect Costs 12,529 - 12,529 11,877 24,406 49,108 73,514 636,589 48,524 685,113 234,421 919,534 107,785 1,027,319 (21,672) Total Expenditures (165) 26,417,267 Surplus (Deficit) 540,360 (667,155) Transfers In (Out) (51,926) Ending Fund Balance 2,819,620 - (21,837) 165 (21,672) 26,957,627 (210,118) 26,747,509 (1,155,336) 344,541 (810,795) (51,926) 2,331,442 (64,813) 279,728 (116,739) 2,611,170 293,925 (21,672) 27,041,434 59,395 h (59,056) i (118,625) 2,623,257 3,377,635 - 73,514 (42,450) j 984,869 - (21,672) (2,501) 27,038,933 (796,822) (1,886) 1,408,251 (579,659) 55,702 k (62,923) 2,896,122 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 Restricted Balances 282,224 - 282,224 (37,749) 244,475 - 244,475 - 244,475 Sick Leave Incentive 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 Resv for Econ Uncert 794,076 Unassigned/Unapprop 1,678,320 Ending Fund Balance 2,819,620 16,211 (504,392) (488,181) 810,287 1,173,928 2,331,439 - (4,360) 321,840 279,731 805,927 8,875 814,802 1,495,768 2,611,170 3,212 12,087 1,498,980 2,623,257 (1,746) 274,611 272,865 813,056 1,773,591 2,896,122 to increase budget due to 1) adjustments in prior-year and current-year Education Protection Act of $30,900, 2) MCOE Special Ed program of $30,671 and 3) Charter School In Lieu fee of -$10,283. 81,044 b to increase budget due to 1) coding of Medical Billing Technology of $26,617 and 2) increase in Medical Administration Act revenue of $54,427. 11,233 c to increase budget due to 1) increase from County Sped program of $2,572, 2) coding of Medical Billing Technology, and 3) increase in funding from 2011-12 MAA reimbursement. 71,097 d to increase budget due to 1) donations received of $65,240 and 2) bus passes received of $5,857. 51,288 a 6,092 e to increase budget due to recalculation of expected salaries 58,272 f to increase budget due to recalculation of expected salaries (24,754) g 59,395 h to decrease budget due to recalculation of expected benefits to increase budget due to 1) donations received of $65,240 and 2) transfers between object codes of $-5,845 to decrease budget due to 1) increase in liabilitiy insurance of $12,409, 2) Special Ed transportation due to MCOE of -$58,000, and 3) transfers between object codes of -$13,465. (42,450) j to decrease budget due to 1) reduction of MCOE billback of -$70,412, 2) reduction in number of students in the State Special Schools of -$25,038, and 3) County Special Ed program not in LCFF of $53,000. 55,702 k to increase budget due to elimination of General Fund Contribution to Fund 12 of $55,702 (59,056) i Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 113 Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Adult Ed Fund 11 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget - 78,414 78,414 78,414 78,416 78,416 Revenues Revenue Limit Federal Revenues - - - - 65,000 (14,549) 50,451 1,369 51,820 - - - - - 51,820 - 51,820 - 580,000 State Revenues 580,000 - 580,000 - 580,000 - 580,000 Local Revenues 550,000 5,000 555,000 2,145 557,145 10,000 567,145 1,185,451 3,514 1,188,965 10,000 1,198,965 Total Revenues 1,195,000 (9,549) (1,840) a (1,840) 565,305 1,197,125 Expenditures Certificated Salaries 651,424 - 651,424 (122,716) 528,708 124,473 653,181 Classified Salaries 268,576 15,049 283,625 32,680 316,305 5,509 321,814 (43,950) b 5,240 c 609,231 327,054 Benefits 185,000 (29,698) 155,302 8,420 163,722 2,654 166,376 2,339 d 168,715 (1,840) e 87,433 Books & Supplies 50,000 770 50,770 88 50,858 38,415 89,273 Services 40,000 3,545 43,545 2,690 46,235 502 46,737 - Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - Other Outgo - - - - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 1,195,000 Surplus (Deficit) - Transfers In (Out) - Ending Fund Balance - (10,334) 1,184,666 (78,838) 785 - - 1,105,828 171,553 83,137 - 79,199 - - 161,551 1,277,381 (38,211) (78,416) - - - - 46,737 1,239,170 (42,045) 36,371 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - Donation Carryover - - - - - - - 79,199 79,199 - 79,199 (79,199) - - - 82,353 (82,353) - 36,371 36,371 Unassigned - Ending Fund Balance (1,840) a (43,950) b - 79,199 161,552 36,371 to decrease budget due to refund of Pebble Beach Foundation donation to Parent's Place to decrease budget due to revised estimate for actual salaries 5,240 c to increase budget due to revised estimate for actual salaries 2,339 d to increase budget due to revised estimate for actual benefits (1,840) e - - to decrease budget due to refund of Pebble Beach Foundation donation to Parent's Place 114 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Child Development Fund 12 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 279 1 280 280 280 280 Revenues Revenue Limit - - - - - - - - - Federal Revenues - - - - - - - - - State Revenues 100,000 (24,124) 75,876 - 75,876 - 75,876 Local Revenues 350,000 20,000 370,000 (20,000) 350,000 - 350,000 4,500 450,000 (4,124) 445,876 (20,000) 425,876 - 425,876 (13,688) Total Revenues (18,188) a b 57,688 354,500 412,188 Expenditures Certificated Salaries 50,000 (1,439) 48,561 (1,778) 46,783 - 46,783 210,000 24,656 234,656 (10,848) 223,808 2,168 225,976 Benefits 75,000 4,029 79,029 (451) 78,578 322 78,900 Books & Supplies 18,000 - 18,000 - 18,000 - 18,000 1,614 f 1,000 - 1,000 - 1,000 - 1,000 2,448 g 3,448 40,000 - 40,000 - 40,000 - 40,000 (24,371) h 15,629 Classified Salaries Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Indirect Costs Total Expenditures Surplus (Deficit) 47,341 225,928 (343) e 78,557 19,614 - - - - - - - - - 21,672 - 21,672 - 21,672 - 21,672 415,672 27,246 442,918 (13,077) 429,841 2,490 432,331 (20,142) 412,189 2,958 - Ending Fund Balance c (48) d 21,672 34,328 Transfers In (Out) 558 - 34,607 - 56,779 3,238 (3,965) (6,455) 56,779 56,779 53,094 50,604 (0) (56,779) i 279 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - - - - - - - Restricted - - - - - - - (31,370) 3,237 49,856 53,093 (2,487) 50,606 (50,327) Unassigned 34,607 Ending Fund Balance (18,188) a 4,500 b 34,607 3,237 53,093 279 279 to increase budget due to revised Maximum Reimbursement Allocation to increase budget due to grant donation 558 c to increase budget due to revised estimates for certificated salaries (48) d to increase budget due to revised estimates for classified salaries (343) e 50,606 - to increase budget due to revised estimates for benefits 1,614 f to increase budget due to grant donation 2,448 g to increase budget due to grant donation (24,371) h to decrease budget due to unspent budget amount (56,779) i to decrease budget due to elimination of budgeted transfer in from General Fund 115 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Cafeteria Fund 13 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 24,222 (16,609) - - 7,613 1 7,614 7,614 7,614 Revenues Revenue Limit Federal Revenues - - - 170,000 - 170,000 - 170,000 - 170,000 - State Revenues 16,000 - 16,000 - 16,000 - 16,000 - 16,000 Local Revenues 340,000 - 340,000 - 340,000 - 340,000 - 340,000 526,000 - 526,000 - 526,000 - 526,000 - 526,000 Total Revenues 170,000 Expenditures Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries - - - - - - 225,000 - 225,000 12,485 237,485 1,296 238,781 1,672 a Benefits 60,000 - 60,000 (4,451) 55,549 591 56,140 196 b Supplies 265,000 - 265,000 - 265,000 Services (4,500) 260,500 13,000 240,453 56,336 - 260,500 - 13,000 8,500 - 8,500 - 8,500 4,500 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - Other Outgo - - - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 558,500 Surplus (Deficit) (32,500) Transfers In (Out) 32,500 Ending Fund Balance 24,222 - 558,500 8,034 (32,500) - 32,500 566,534 1,887 (40,534) 8,034 7,613 40,534 568,421 1,868 570,289 (42,421) 1,887 7,614 42,421 (44,289) 1,075 7,614 c 43,496 6,821 Components of Ending Fund Balance Stores 3,813 - 3,813 3,801 7,614 - - - - (16,609) 3,800 (3,800) - Restricted Unassigned 20,409 Ending Fund Balance 24,222 7,613 7,614 1,672 a to increase budget due to actual/encumbered salaries 196 b to decrease budget due to actual/encumbered benefits 1,075 c to increase transfer in due to increased costs 7,613 - 7,613 6,821 - 6,821 116 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Deferred Maintenance Fund 14 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 888,518 (4,991) 883,527 - 883,527 883,527 883,527 Revenues Revenue Limit - - - - - - - - Federal Revenues - - - - - - - - State Revenues 95,000 (1,628) 93,372 - 93,372 93,372 Local Revenues 6,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 6,000 (1,628) 99,372 - 99,372 Total Revenues 101,000 - 99,372 93,372 6,000 - 99,372 Expenditures Certificated Salaries - - - - - - - - - Classified Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - Benefits - - - - - Supplies 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 Services 50,000 - 469,021 419,021 469,021 50,000 50,000 469,021 469,021 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - Other Outgo - - - - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 100,000 Surplus (Deficit) 419,021 1,000 Transfers In (out) - Ending Fund Balance - 889,518 519,021 - 519,021 (419,649) - (419,649) - - 463,878 - - 519,021 - (419,649) - 463,878 - 519,021 (419,649) - 463,878 463,878 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - Resv for Econ Uncertainties Unassigned 889,518 Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (425,640) 889,518 463,878 - 463,878 463,878 463,878 463,878 463,878 463,878 463,878 no budget revisions 117 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Post Emp Benefits Fund 20 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 136,754 - 136,754 7 136,761 136,761 136,761 Revenues Revenue Limit - - - - - - - - Federal Revenues - - - - - - - - State Revenues - - - - - - - - Local Revenues 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 Total Revenues Expenditures Certificated Salaries - - - - - - - - - Classified Salaries - - - - - - - - - Benefits - - - - - - - - - Books & Supplies - - - - - - - - - Services - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - Other Outgo - - - - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures - - - - - - - - Surplus (Deficit) 500 Transfers In (Out) 19,426 Ending Fund Balance 500 - 156,680 19,426 500 - 156,680 500 19,426 19,426 156,687 156,687 500 - 19,426 156,687 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - - - - - - - - Resv for Econ Uncertainties - - - - - - - - Committed - 156,680 Ending Fund Balance - 156,680 156,680 7 156,680 156,687 156,687 156,687 156,687 - 156,687 156,687 no budget revisions 118 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Building Fund 21 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 372,269 358,095 730,364 - 730,364 730,364 730,364 Revenues Revenue Limit - - - - - - - Federal Revenues - - - - - - - - State Revenues - - - - - - - - Local Revenues 1,000 - 1,000 (1,000) - 700,000 700,000 1,629,436 1,000 - 1,000 (1,000) - 700,000 700,000 1,629,436 Total Revenues - a 2,329,436 2,329,436 Expenditures Certificated Salaries - - - - - - - - - Classified Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - Benefits - - - - - Supplies - 32,233 32,233 - 32,233 751,143 783,376 Services - Capital Outlay 233,887 1,210 1,210 47,036 280,923 (233,885) - 1,210 100,880 102,090 47,038 71,456 118,494 108,462 b 210,552 116,244 - - - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 233,887 80,479 (232,887) Transfers In (Out) - Ending Fund Balance 314,366 (233,885) (313,366) - 139,382 - 80,481 923,479 (80,481) - 416,998 - 1,003,960 106,212 (303,960) - 649,883 - 783,376 (2,250) c Other Outgo Surplus (Deficit) - - 1,110,172 1,219,264 - 426,404 1,949,628 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - - - - - - - - Resv for Econ Uncertainties - - - - - - - - Unassigned 139,382 Ending Fund Balance 277,615 139,382 416,997 232,886 416,997 649,883 (223,479) 649,883 1,629,436 a to increase budget due to funding of the Ed Tech Bond and interest income 108,462 b to increase budget due to security camera project and licenses (2,250) c 426,404 426,404 1,523,224 1,949,628 1,949,628 to decrease budget due to creation of budget line items for the Ed Tech Bond 119 Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Budget Revisions - Capital Projects Fund 40 Beginning Balance Original Rev #1 Unaud Rev #2 First Rev #3 Second Rev #4 Final Budget Changes Actuals Changes Interim Changes Interim Changes Budget 548,627 - 548,627 548,628 548,628 548,628 Revenues Revenue Limit - - - - - - - - Federal Revenues - - - - - - - - - - State Revenues - Local Revenues Total Revenues - - - - - 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 - 270,000 Expenditures Certificated Salaries - - - - - - - - - Classified Salaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Books & Supplies Benefits 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 73,213 a 123,213 Services 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 4,435 b 54,435 Capital Outlay 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 10,005 c 60,005 Other Outgo - - - - - - Indirect Costs - - - - - - Total Expenditures 150,000 Surplus (Deficit) 120,000 Transfers In (Out) - Ending Fund Balance - 150,000 - 120,000 - 668,627 - 150,000 - 120,000 - 668,627 - - 668,628 - - - - - - 150,000 87,653 237,653 120,000 (87,653) 32,347 - - 668,628 580,975 Components of Ending Fund Balance Revolving Cash - - - - - - - - Resv for Econ Uncertainties - - - - - - - - Assigned - 668,627 Ending Fund Balance 668,627 668,627 668,628 668,627 668,628 - 668,628 668,628 73,213 a to increase budget for expenditures required to set up the Transition and Preschool Programs 4,435 b to increase budget for lease payment on bus 10,005 c to increase budget due to puchase of Maintenance Dept truck Budget15-16 BR 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 120 (87,653) 580,975 580,975 Modified 4-29-2015 - Accountant Pacific Grove Unified School District Board Agenda Items - 2012-13 Aug 16, 2012 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action x Info x Info DO Donations Out of State Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Apr-Jun) Blach Pool Preconstruction Contract Surplus - HS Pool starting blocks MCSIG Revision to Agreement - Resolution #915 Gann Limits for 2011-12 and 2012-13 - Resolution #916 State Preschool Contract - Resolution #917 Property Tax Revenue Update Enrollment Review Sep 6, 2012 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Info x Info FG Donations Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Contract - PubliConstrucion Law - Cheri Love Unaudited Actuals Report Budget Revision #1 Pool Design, Construction and Lease Lease-Back Update Fund 12 Review Sep 13, 2012 x Consent x Info RD Declaration of Surplus for Butterfly Parade Bus Ridership Oct 4, 2012 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info x Info MS Donations Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Lease-Leaseback Discussion Bus Ridership Nov 1, 2012 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Info x Info x Info AS Donations Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts MOU with NMCIS Lease with MCOE at David Avenue Lease with Central Coast Language & Learning Center Impact of Prop 30 and Measure A Discussion of Transportation Facilities Review of Facilities Depreciation Schedule 121 Budget15-16 Agendas 12-13 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = Monthly Nov 15, 2012 x Consent x Consent x Action x Info x Info HS Rejection of Insurance Claim - Tree Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jul-Sep) Overnight Out of State Field Trip Adult Education Merger with CUSD Field Use Dec 13, 2012 x Roll Call x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Info DO - 5:30 Resolution #919 Authorized Agents to Sign Donations Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts 1st Interim Report Budget Revision #2 Bond Oversight Committee Members Landscaping Project Bid Approval Pool - Lease Leaseback Jan 17, 2013 x Presentation x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info x Info x Info DO Fountain Ave Project - HY Architects Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Governor's Budget Proposal Enrollment-Staffing Report Property Tax Revenue Update Feb 14, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action x Info x Info DO Warrants Donations Insurance Claim Rejection - Lebon Change Orders #1 through #4 Landscaping Project Field Trips Audit Report Robert Down Playground Project SIP Funds Facilities Use Fees Discussion Bus Ridership Mar 7, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action DO Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Oct-Dec) Budget Revision #3 Overnight Field Trips TRAN Resolution #923 2nd Interim Report Bus and Van Purchase Budget15-16 Agendas 12-13 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 122 Update = Monthly Mar 21, 2013 x Action x Action x Info x Info CHS Budget Discussion Pool Contract - Blach (pulled) Transportation Yard Update Retirement Incentive Mar 29, 2013 x Special Apr 17, 2013 x Special DO Closed Session - PGTA Negotiations DO Study Session - Stadium Field Use Apr 18, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action x Action DO Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Surplus Bus #7 Budget Discussion Ed Tech Bond Pool Contract - Blach Measure D Update May 2, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x PH Action x PH Action x Action x Action DO Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Budget Revision #4 PGTA Tentative Agreement Tier III Flexibility Parcel Tax Compliance Resolution Forest Grove Projects May 16, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Presentation x Action x Action x Action x Action x Action x Action DO Revolving Cash Cash Receipts 2013-14 Budget Presentation Approval of Confidential/Classified Salary Agreements Approval of Management Salary Agreement Portable Classroom at Forest Grove - Blach Ed Tech Bond - Survey results/Approval Year-End Budget Transfers Resolution Education Protection Act (EPA) Resolution June 13, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x PH x Presentation x Action x Consent x Action x Consent x Action x Consent DO Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jan-Mar) IOR Contract Surplus - Piano at High School Public Hearing for Adoption of Budget Robert Down playground Adoption of Budget MB Charter School lease for 2013-14 CSEA Salary Agreement GASB 45 Ed Tech Bond Report to Community Measure D Budget15-16 Agendas 12-13 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 123 Update = Monthly Pacific Grove Unified School District Board Agenda Items - 2013-14 Aug 15, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Info x Presentation x Info DO Donations Out of State Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Apr-Jun) Dale Scott contract Gann Limits for 2012-13 and 2013-14 - Resolution #936 State Preschool Contract - Resolution #935 Property Tax Revenue Update Mike Zimmer regarding sidewalks Enrollment Update Sep 5, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Action x Info FG Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Unaudited Actuals Report Facilities Depreciation Schedule Sep 19, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action RD Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Budget Revision #1 Declaration of Surplus for Butterfly Parade Lease Leaseback Blach - MS Gym Floor Oct 3, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Info MS Warrants SRO Contract Bus Ridership Nov 14, 2013 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent AS Donations Out of State Field Trips Cash Receipts Warrants Revolving Cash Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jul - Sep) Nov 21, 2013 HS x Info Discussion Measure G and Measure X Discussion x Info Discussion Facilities Depreciation 124 Budget15-16 Agendas 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Dec 12, 2013 x Roll Call x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent DO Resolution #919 Authorized Agents to Sign Donations Warrants Overnight Activities Revolving Cash Cash Receipts 1st Interim Report Budget Revision #2 Jan 16, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info x Info x Info CHS Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Warrants Revolving Cash Governor's Budget Proposal Enrollment Report Property Tax Revenue Update Feb 13, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Info DO Donations Overnight Activiities Cash Receipts Warrants Revolving Cash Quarterly Treasurers Report (Oct - Dec) Audit Report Budget Discussion (Calendar, Step & Column, Site Allocations) Mar 6, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action DO Out of County Trips Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Contract with AT&T Calnet Contract with AT&T Ethernet TRAN Resolution #939 Budget Revision #3 2nd Interim Report Mar 20, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info DO Out of County Overnight Activities Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Audit Contract Budget Discussion - Budget Indicators Apr 10, 2014 x Consent x Action x Info x Info DO Warrants Approval of Ed Tech Bond Resolution #943 Review of Transportation Measure D Update Budget15-16 Agendas 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 125 May 1, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info/Discuss DO Overnight Activities Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Warrants Budget Revision #4 High School Pool Dedication Plaque May 15, 2014 x Consent x Action x Action DO MB Charter School Lease Contract with Dale Scott and Company Year-End Budget Tranfers Resolution June 3, 2014 DO x Public Hearing Budget Presentation x Public Hearing PGTA Tentative Agreement June 5, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Action x Action x Action x Action x Action x Action x Presentation DO Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Jan-Mar) Bus Lease PGTA Salary Confidential Salary Management Salary Ralph Contract Rick Contract Adoption of Budget Chevron Prop 39 Presentation Budget15-16 Agendas 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 126 Pacific Grove Unified School District Board Agenda Items - 2014-15 Aug 21, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Public Hearing x Action x Action x Info x Info DO Donations Field Trips Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Apr-Jun) Tentative Agreement with CSEA State Preschool Contract - Resolution #948 Gann Limits for 2013-14 and 2014-15 - Resolution #994 Property Tax Revenue Update Enrollment Update Sep 4, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action FG Donations Out of State/Overnight Field Trips Warrants Approval of Tentative Agreement with CSEA Sep 18, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action RD Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Declaration of Surplus for Butterfly Parade Budget Revision #1 Surplus Textbooks Unaudited Actuals Report Oct 2, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Info MS Donations Warrants Bus Ridership Oct 30, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Info Discussion AS Donations Out of State Field Trips Cash Receipts Revolving Cash Contract for Services with David Sonderegger Review of Measure D Projects Nov 13, 2014 x Consent x Consent x Info Discussion HS Acceptance of Donations Warrants Design of Forest Grove front entrance 127 Budget15-16 Agendas 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Modified 5-1-2015 Dec 11, 2014 DO x Roll Call Resolution #919 Authorized Agents to Sign x Consent Donations x Consent Overnight Activities x Consent Cash Receipts x Consent Revolving Cash x Consent Warrants x Consent 1st Interim Report x Consent Budget Revision #2 x Consent Quarterly Treasurers Report (Jul-Sep) x Consent Approval of Bond Oversight Committee member (Joanne Nolan-Stewart) x Action DiscussionResolution #954 Certifying Proceedings of Measure A Bond Election x Action DiscussionResolution #955 Declaring Intention to Reimburse Measure A Expdenditures x Action DiscussionAcceptance of Donation from the Georgia Shetenhelm Trust ($196,430.76) x Info Discussion Sale of Measure A Bonds by Direct Placement Jan 22, 2015 CHS x Consent Donations x Consent Overnight Activities x Consent Cash Receipts x Consent Revolving Cash x Consent Warrants x Action DiscussionAudit Report x Action DiscussionAdopt Resolution #956 for Series A Measure A Bonds x Action DiscussionDirect Placement of Measure A bonds x Action DiscussionBoard Policy and Regulation 5117 Interdistrict Transfers x Info Governor's Budget Proposal x Info Enrollment Report x Info Property Tax Revenue Update Feb 5, 2015 x Consent x Consent x Presentation x Info DO Overnight Activiities Warrants Design of Robert Down lunch area Budget Discussion (Calendar, Step & Column, Site Allocations) Mar 5, 2015 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Action x Info x Info DO Out of County Trips Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Quarterly Treasurer's Report Budget Revision #3 2nd Interim Report AT&T Parking Extracurricular Activities Mar 19, 2015 x Consent x Action Discuss x Action Discuss x Action Discuss DO Overnight Activities GO Bond Refunding Forest Grove entrance presentation TRAN Resolution Budget15-16 Agendas 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 128 Modified 5-1-2015 Apr 16, 2015 x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Consent x Public Hearing x Public Hearing x Action Disc x Action Disc x Action Disc DO Overnight Activities Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations TA for PGTA Salary Split TA for PGTA Retirement Incentive Forest Grove entrance Resolution 959 Refunding GO Bonds A Resolution 960 Refunding GO Bonds B May 7, 2015 x x x x DO Facilities Depreciation Enrollment-Staffing Property Tax Review Budget Revision #4 May 21, 2015 x Consent Action x Action Info Public Hearing DO Quarterly Treasurers Report (Jan-Mar) MB Charter School Lease Year-End Budget Tranfers Resolution Budget Presentation (May Revise and Property Tax info) Public Hearing on Budget June 4, 2015 Consent Action DO June 30, 2015 Consent Action DO Adoption of Budget Budget15-16 Agendas 14-15 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 129 Modified 5-1-2015 Pacific Grove Unified School District Board Agenda Items - 2015-16 Aug ??, 2014 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Public Hearing Action Action Info Info DO Donations Field Trips Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Quarterly Treasurer's Report (Apr-Jun) Tentative Agreement with CSEA State Preschool Contract - Resolution # Gann Limits for 2014-15 and 2015-16 - Resolution #?? Property Tax Revenue Update Enrollment Update Sep ?, 2014 Consent Consent Consent Action FG Donations Out of State/Overnight Field Trips Warrants Sep ??, 2014 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Action RD Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Declaration of Surplus for Butterfly Parade Budget Revision #1 Surplus Textbooks Unaudited Actuals Report Oct ?, 2014 Consent Consent Info MS Donations Warrants Bus Ridership Oct ??, 2014 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Info AS Donations Out of State Field Trips Cash Receipts Revolving Cash Nov ??, 2014 Consent Consent Info HS Acceptance of Donations Warrants Review of Measure D Projects Budget15-16 Agendas 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 130 Modified 5-1-2015 Dec ??, 2014 Roll Call Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Action Action Action Info DO Resolution #?? Authorized Agents to Sign Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Revolving Cash Warrants 1st Interim Report Budget Revision #2 Quarterly Treasurers Report (Jul-Sep) Jan ??, 2015 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Action Action Info Info Info CHS Donations Overnight Activities Cash Receipts Revolving Cash Warrants Audit Report Feb ?, 2015 Consent Consent Presentation Info DO Overnight Activiities Warrants Mar ?, 2015 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Action Info Info DO Out of County Trips Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations Quarterly Treasurer's Report Budget Revision #3 2nd Interim Report Mar ??, 2015 Consent Action Action Action DO Overnight Activities Governor's Budget Proposal Enrollment Report December Property Tax Revenue Update Budget Discussion (Calendar, Step & Column, Site Allocations) Extracurricular Activities TRAN Resolution Budget15-16 Agendas 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 131 Modified 5-1-2015 Apr ??, 2015 Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Public Hearing Public Hearing Action Action Action DO Overnight Activities Warrants Revolving Cash Cash Receipts Donations May ?, 2015 Info Discussion Info Discussion Info Discussion Action DO Facilities Depreciation Enrollment-Staffing April Property Tax Review Budget Revision #4 May ??, 2015 Consent Action Action Info Public Hearing DO Quarterly Treasurers Report (Jan-Mar) MB Charter School Lease Year-End Budget Tranfers Resolution Budget Presentation (May Revise info) Public Hearing on Budget June ?, 2015 Consent Action DO June ??, 2015 Consent Action DO Adoption of Budget Budget15-16 Agendas 15-16 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 132 Modified 5-1-2015 Pacific Grove Unified School District SACS Codes Fund Resource Y Goal Function Object M Site Program xx xxxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx xx xxx xxxx 01 GF 0000 Gen Fund 0 0000 Undistributed 0000 Revenues 1100 Teachers 000 DO 0000 Unspecified 5325 Career 11 AE 0005 Site Alloc 1110 Regular Ed 12 CD 0010 Parcel Tax 1150 Home & Hosp 1000 Instruction 1110 Subs 001 1000 Reg Ed 5400 Pupil S 1110 Sped 1120 Other 002 RD 1030 CSR 13 CF 0023 Class Fees 5410 Pupil H 1155 Music 1120 Sped 1130 Hourly 003 FG 1039 Bas Aid FS 14 DM 0038 Donations 5500 Psych 1156 Band 1130 Sped 1160 Stipends 004 1040 Excess 5555 Board D 20 PR 0060 STAR 1160 PE 1180 Sped NPS 1200 Pupil Support 005 MS 1056 Inst Matls 5560 Sped 21 BF 0080 Supp Sc 1172 Summer Sch 1190 Sped Other 1230 Hourly 006 HS 1100 Alt School 5995 PG Pride 40 CP 0120 CSR 1176 Coaching 2100 Inst S 1300 Admin 007 CHS 1160 County 5996 HS 0140 GATE 1189 ESL 2130 Curric Dev 1900 Other 008 AS 6100 Dist Ad 0156 Inst Matls 3200 Continuation 2140 Inst S 2100 Instr Aides 1230 Home/Hosp 6110 Dist Ad 0271 PD 3550 District Comm 2420 Inst M 2200 Support 1300 GATE 0285 CBET 5001 Sped 2700 School Admin 2210 Subs 1350 Enrich After 6130 Dist Ad 0294 SD Math 5750 Sped 3110 Counselors 2250 OT 1375 Dist Inter 6150 Dist Ad 0296 SD Teach 5770 Sped 3120 Psychologist 2300 Admin 1400 Science 6160 Facilities 0325 SD Admin 7110 Nonagency Ed 3130 Attendance 2360 Trustees 1432 Music 6220 Plant M 2400 Clerical 1520 PE 6230 Comput 0350 ROC/P 3140 Health Serv 1225 Comp Tech 6120 Dist Ad 0390 Adult Ed 3150 Speech Path 2430 Hourly/OT 1550 Oral Health 6235 Attend 0393 PD 3160 Pupil Testing 2900 Other 1560 Curriculum 6240 Audio V 6250 Grounds 0394 TIIG 3600 Pupil Transp 3110 STRS 1570 Common C 0395 Sch/Lib 3900 Other Services 3210 PERS 1645 Summer S 7000 Instruct 0405 Safety 4000 Ancillary 3310 SS-Medicare 1650 SRO 7100 Instruct 0739 Pupil Ret 4200 School Spons 3410 H&W 2100 RSP 7105 Beg Te 0755 CAHSEE 7110 Board 3510 SUI 2200 DIS 7110 SD 0760 Arts/Music 7150 Supt 3610 WC 2300 NPS 7200 Sch Adm 1100 Lottery 7190 Ext Financ 4100 Textbooks 2350 NPA 7280 Donat 1300 CSR 7200 Other Genl 4200 Ref Materials 2375 Private Cont 7300 Recycl 1400 EPA 7210 Genl Admin 4300 Matls/Supplies 2400 Program Sp 7310 Counsel 3010 Title I 7300 Fiscal Services 4400 NonCap Equip 2440 SDC 3310 Sped 7400 Personnel/HR 5200 Travel/Conf 2460 Hearing Imp 7400 Spec Pro 3550 Voc Prog 7350 MS Math 7500 Central Suppt 5300 Dues/Membs 2475 MPUSD 4035 Title II 7550 Printing/Public 5450 Insurance 2500 Sped Transp 7800 Plant Op 4036 Title II 8110 Maintenance 5500 Utilities 2645 Sped Summ 7900 Transpo 4201 Title III 8200 Operations 5600 Rentals/Reprs 2900 Medi Cal Ad 7950 Bus Rep 4203 Title III 8400 Other Plant 5710 Dir Costs 3100 Voc Ed 8000 Athletics 6300 Lottery 9100 Debt Service 5800 Prof/Consult 3200 Title I 8100 Ret Bene 6500 Sped 9200 Transfers 5900 Communic 3403 Title III 8410 ROP 6690 TUPE 9300 Interfund Trans 5930 Postage 3435 Title II 7235 Transport 3436 Admin T 7405 Common C 3700 Sped 8150 RR&M 4200 EIA 4300 Ed Tech 4401 PAR 4600 SIP 4920 10th Gr Cou 4947 STAR 4948 Staff Dev 4949 CAHSEE 4969 Sch Safety 5300 Guidance Budget15-16 SACS 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 127 7420 Chapma Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Certificated BA I 43,175 50,536 44,225 51,586 45,273 52,634 46,323 53,684 47,371 54,732 48,422 55,783 49,471 56,832 50,520 57,881 50,520 57,881 51,147 58,508 BA+15 II 47,528 54,889 48,883 56,244 50,238 57,599 51,594 58,955 52,950 60,311 54,306 61,667 55,662 63,023 57,018 64,379 58,372 65,733 59,000 66,361 BA+30 III 50,926 58,287 52,588 59,949 54,251 61,612 55,911 63,272 57,574 64,935 59,236 66,597 60,899 68,260 62,561 69,922 64,223 71,584 67,179 74,540 BA+45 or MA IV 53,364 60,725 55,334 62,695 57,302 64,663 59,271 66,632 61,240 68,601 63,208 70,569 65,178 72,539 67,147 74,508 69,115 76,476 72,378 79,739 74,396 81,757 BA+60/MA+15 V 54,845 62,206 57,121 64,482 59,396 66,757 61,671 69,032 63,947 71,308 66,222 73,583 68,497 75,858 70,773 78,134 73,048 80,409 76,385 83,746 78,942 86,303 81,219 88,580 83,594 90,955 83,594 90,955 83,594 90,955 83,594 90,955 86,622 93,983 BA+75/MS+30/DR VI 55,368 62,729 57,950 65,311 60,532 67,893 63,114 70,475 65,696 73,057 68,277 75,638 70,859 78,220 73,442 80,803 76,023 83,384 79,672 87,033 82,287 89,648 85,114 92,475 87,697 95,058 87,697 95,058 87,697 95,058 87,697 95,058 90,874 98,235 90,874 98,235 90,874 98,235 90,874 98,235 90,874 98,235 94,050 101,411 94,050 101,411 94,050 101,411 97,341 104,702 97,341 104,702 100,283 107,644 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Longevity: $600 stipend after year 10, which is included in the salary schedule and subject to COLA $750 additional stipend at years 20-24, years 25-29 and year 30 and above. (Not subject to COLA) Stipends are based on initial salary placement plus accumulated years of satisfactory service thereafter. Masters-Doctorate Stipend: $1,500 stipend for a Masters Degree or Doctorate Degree Health Care Allowance: $10,361 ($3,000 starting April, 2015.) History: 2003-04 Increase of 2.53% effective 7/1/2003 (3.13% Total Compensation) 2004-05 Increase of 2.41% effective 7/1/2004 (5.31% Total Compensation) 2005-06 Increase of 4.00% effective 7/1/2005 (7.00% Total Compensation) 2006-07 Increase of 5.43% effective 7/1/2006 (6.87% Total Compensation) 2007-08 Increase of 3.42% effective 7/1/2007 (4.00% Total Compensation) 2008-09 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2008 (2.00% Total Compensation) 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 Increase In-Lieu up to $10,361 effective 7/1/2010 (1.40% Total Compensation) 1.10% One-time 2011-12 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2011 (0.70% Total Compensation) 2012-13 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2012 (1 addtl work day=184), and a 2.00% one-time payment. 2013-14 Increase of 2.25% 2014-15 Increase of 2.25% - $7,361 was added to each cell on the salary schedule Budget15-16 SS-Cert 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 128 Source = ESCAPE SalSched99a Cert Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Classified A C B D E F G 10 H 15 I 20 J 25 20 2,312 13.34 2,442 14.09 2,576 14.86 2,700 15.58 2,832 16.34 2,966 17.11 3,055 3,147 3,241 3,338 21 2,379 13.72 2,503 14.44 2,632 15.18 2,764 15.95 2,905 16.76 3,042 17.55 3,133 3,227 3,324 3,423 22 2,442 14.09 2,575 14.86 2,700 15.58 2,832 16.34 2,966 17.11 3,115 17.97 3,209 3,305 3,404 3,506 23 2,503 14.44 2,632 15.18 2,764 15.95 2,905 16.76 3,042 17.55 3,194 18.43 3,290 3,388 3,490 3,595 24 2,575 14.86 2,700 15.58 2,832 16.34 2,966 17.11 3,115 17.97 3,291 18.98 3,389 3,491 3,596 3,704 25 2,632 15.18 2,763 15.94 2,905 16.76 3,042 17.55 3,194 18.43 3,361 19.39 3,462 3,566 3,673 3,783 26 2,700 15.58 2,831 16.34 2,966 17.11 3,115 17.97 3,291 18.98 3,442 19.86 3,545 3,651 3,761 3,874 27 2,763 15.94 2,905 16.76 3,042 17.55 3,194 18.43 3,361 19.39 3,533 20.38 3,639 3,748 3,861 3,977 28 2,831 16.34 2,966 17.11 3,114 17.97 3,291 18.98 3,442 19.86 3,623 20.90 3,731 3,843 3,958 4,077 29 2,905 16.76 3,042 17.55 3,194 18.43 3,361 19.39 3,533 20.38 3,719 21.46 3,831 3,946 4,064 4,186 30 2,966 17.11 3,114 17.97 3,291 18.98 3,442 19.86 3,623 20.90 3,792 21.88 3,905 4,023 4,143 4,268 31 3,042 17.55 3,194 18.43 3,361 19.39 3,533 20.38 3,719 21.46 3,900 22.50 4,017 4,137 4,262 4,389 32 3,114 17.97 3,291 18.98 3,441 19.85 3,623 20.90 3,792 21.88 4,001 23.08 4,121 4,244 4,372 4,503 33 3,194 18.43 3,361 19.39 3,534 20.39 3,719 21.46 3,900 22.50 4,105 23.68 4,228 4,355 4,485 4,620 34 3,291 18.98 3,441 19.85 3,623 20.90 3,792 21.88 4,001 23.08 4,206 24.26 4,332 4,462 4,596 4,734 35 3,361 19.39 3,533 20.38 3,720 21.46 3,900 22.50 4,105 23.68 4,302 24.82 4,431 4,564 4,701 4,842 36 3,441 19.85 3,623 20.90 3,794 21.89 4,001 23.08 4,206 24.26 4,420 25.50 4,553 4,689 4,830 4,975 37 3,533 20.38 3,719 21.46 3,900 22.50 4,105 23.68 4,302 24.82 4,516 26.05 4,651 4,791 4,934 5,082 38 3,623 20.90 3,792 21.88 4,001 23.08 4,206 24.26 4,420 25.50 4,631 26.72 4,770 4,913 5,061 5,212 39 3,719 21.46 3,900 22.50 4,105 23.68 4,302 24.82 4,516 26.05 4,751 27.41 4,893 5,040 5,191 5,347 40 3,792 21.88 4,001 23.08 4,206 24.26 4,420 25.50 4,631 26.72 4,873 28.11 5,019 5,170 5,325 5,484 41 3,900 22.50 4,105 23.68 4,303 24.83 4,516 26.05 4,751 27.41 4,990 28.79 5,140 5,294 5,453 5,617 42 4,001 23.08 4,206 24.26 4,421 25.51 4,631 26.72 4,873 28.11 5,125 29.57 5,279 5,437 5,600 5,768 43 4,105 23.68 4,301 24.82 4,516 26.05 4,751 27.41 4,990 28.79 5,252 30.30 5,410 5,572 5,739 5,911 44 4,206 24.26 4,419 25.49 4,632 26.72 4,873 28.11 5,125 29.57 5,381 31.05 5,543 5,709 5,880 6,057 45 4,301 24.82 4,516 26.05 4,751 27.41 4,990 28.79 5,252 30.30 5,499 31.73 5,664 5,834 6,009 6,189 46 4,419 25.49 4,630 26.71 4,875 28.12 5,125 29.57 5,381 31.05 5,652 32.61 5,822 5,997 6,176 6,362 47 4,516 26.05 4,751 27.41 4,992 28.80 5,252 30.30 5,499 31.73 5,795 33.43 5,969 6,148 6,333 6,523 48 4,630 26.71 4,873 28.11 5,126 29.57 5,381 31.05 5,652 32.61 5,937 34.25 6,115 6,299 6,488 6,682 49 4,751 27.41 4,990 28.79 5,253 30.31 5,499 31.73 5,795 33.43 6,085 35.11 6,268 6,456 6,649 6,849 50 4,873 28.11 5,124 29.56 5,392 31.11 5,652 32.61 5,937 34.25 6,241 36.00 6,428 6,621 6,819 7,024 51 4,990 28.79 5,251 30.29 5,500 31.73 5,795 33.43 6,085 35.11 6,391 36.87 6,583 6,780 6,984 7,193 52 5,124 29.56 5,380 31.04 5,653 32.62 5,937 34.25 6,241 36.00 6,558 37.84 6,755 6,957 7,166 7,381 53 5,251 30.29 5,498 31.72 5,797 33.45 6,085 35.11 6,391 36.87 6,710 38.71 6,912 7,119 7,333 7,553 54 5,380 31.04 5,651 32.60 5,938 34.26 6,241 36.00 6,558 37.84 6,892 39.76 7,099 7,312 7,531 7,757 55 5,498 31.72 5,795 33.43 6,087 35.12 6,391 36.87 6,710 38.71 7,065 40.76 7,277 7,496 7,721 7,952 56 5,651 32.60 5,936 34.25 6,242 36.01 6,558 37.84 6,892 39.76 7,238 41.76 7,455 7,679 7,909 8,146 57 5,794 33.43 6,084 35.10 6,392 36.88 6,710 38.71 7,067 40.77 7,407 42.73 7,629 7,858 8,094 8,337 58 5,936 34.25 6,240 36.00 6,559 37.84 6,892 39.76 7,238 41.76 7,591 43.79 7,818 8,053 8,295 8,543 59 6,084 35.10 6,390 36.87 6,712 38.73 7,067 40.77 7,407 42.73 7,779 44.88 8,012 8,253 8,500 8,755 History: 2006-07 Increase of 5.00% effective 7/1/2006 (6.87% Total Compensation) 2007-08 Increase of 3.69% effective 7/1/2007 (4.00% Total Compensation) 2008-09 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2008 (2.00% Total Compensation) 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 Increase of 1.40% effective 7/1/2010 (1.40% Total Compensation) 1.10% one-time 2011-12 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2011 (0.70% Total Compensation) 2012-13 Increase of 1.45% effective 7/1/2012 (1.45% Total Compensation) 2.00% one-time (7.00% emps pay PERS) 2013-14 Increase of 2.50% effective 7/1/2013 2014-15 Increase of 2.50% effective 7/1/2014 Budget15-16 SS-Class 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 129 Modified 4-30-2015 - SalSched99a Class Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Asst Principal HS and MS 1 114,462 Director of Curriculum/Spec Projects 114,462 Director of Student Services 114,462 117,323 117,323 117,323 120,183 120,183 120,183 123,048 123,048 123,048 125,910 125,910 125,910 128,769 128,769 128,769 131,626 131,626 131,626 135,575 135,575 135,575 Asst Principal Adult School 2 113,530 116,367 119,204 122,047 124,885 126,834 130,555 134,472 Principal - Elementary 3 116,621 119,541 122,456 125,369 128,284 131,201 134,230 138,141 Principal - Middle School 4 120,425 123,435 126,447 129,457 132,469 135,477 138,488 142,644 Principal - Adult School 5 121,686 124,727 127,773 130,809 133,854 136,896 139,934 144,135 Principal - High School 6 130,032 133,287 126,532 139,790 143,034 146,287 149,537 154,023 CERTIFICATED MANAGEMENT CLASSIFIED MANAGEMENT Director - Nutrition 1 76,200 79,485 82,767 86,051 89,336 92,620 95,904 99,190 Director - Information Tech 2 97,008 98,016 99,036 100,065 101,108 102,159 103,220 104,294 Director II - Human Resources 3 122,476 125,535 128,596 131,660 134,723 137,783 140,840 145,065 Longevity: A longevity increase of 2.50% of salary will be granted after completion of 10, 12 and 15 years of service in a management capacity in PGUSD. Doctorate stipend of 3.02% of Step 1 of Asst Principal's salary. Each member of Management will have ACSA dues paid. Health Care Allowance: $3,872.21 In addition to other compensation, each full-time management employee who is enrolled in the District's medical dental and vision insurance plans shall have their annual compensation increased by the amount of this payment. The payment shall be made in equal installments over the normal monthly payroll. Eligible part-time employees shall receive a proportional share of the in-lieu payment subject to enrollment in the insurance plans. History: 2005-06 Increase of 7.00% effective 7/1/2005 (7.00% Total Compensation) 2006-07 Increase of 6.87% effective 7/1/2006 (6.87% Total Compensation) 2007-08 Increase of 4.00% effective 7/1/2007 (4.00% Total Compensation) 2008-09 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2008 (2.00% Total Compensation) 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 Increase of 1.40% effective 7/1/2010 (1.40% Total Compensation) 1.10% one-time 2011-12 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2011 (0.70% Total Compensation) 2012-13 Increase of 1.45% effective 7/1/2012 (1.45% Total Compensation) 2.00% one-time 2013-14 Budget15-16 SS-Mgt 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 130 Source = ESCAPE SalSched99a Mgt Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Confidential 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fiscal Officer AC 59,728 62,602 65,290 68,765 72,074 75,540 Administrative Secretary AS 55,053 57,700 60,181 63,384 66,433 69,628 Business Services (innactive) BS 47,959 50,266 52,683 55,217 57,873 60,656 Executive Assistant EA 59,769 62,644 65,655 68,813 72,124 75,594 Personnel Specialist HR 50,867 53,309 55,868 58,549 61,360 64,305 Payroll PR 52,836 55,377 58,040 60,832 63,757 66,824 Longevity: Longevity increase of 3.00% is granted for 10, 15, 20, & 25 years. Longevity granted on anniversary date. Health Care Allowance: $6,277.24 History: 2005-06 Increase of 2.50% effective 7/1/2005 (7.00% Total Compensation) 2006-07 Increase of 5.68% effective 7/1/2006 (6.87% Total Compensation) 2007-08 Increase of 3.49% effective 7/1/2007 (4.00% Total Compensation) 2008-09 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2008 (2.00% Total Compensation) 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 Increase of 1.40% effective 7/1/2010 (1.40% Total Compensation) 1.10% one-time 2011-12 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2011 (0.70% Total Compensation) 2012-13 Increase of 1.45% effective 7/1/2012 (1.45% Total Compensation) 2.00% one-time. Exec Asst & Admin Sec I were increased 10.0%. 2013-14 Effective July 1, 2013 salaries were increased 7.00% and employees will pay their own PERS contributions 2013-14 Budget15-16 SS-Confid 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 131 Source = ESCAPE SalSched99a Conf Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Psychologists I BA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 78,579 81,601 84,192 87,214 90,237 92,827 95,849 98,439 101,463 102,089 102,089 102,089 102,089 102,089 102,089 102,089 102,089 II BA+15 85,940 88,962 91,553 94,575 97,598 100,188 103,210 105,800 108,824 109,450 109,450 109,450 109,450 109,450 109,450 109,450 109,450 81,601 84,192 87,214 90,237 92,827 95,849 98,439 101,463 104,484 105,111 105,111 105,111 105,111 105,111 105,111 105,111 105,111 III BA + 30 88,962 91,553 94,575 97,598 100,188 103,210 105,800 108,824 111,845 112,472 112,472 112,472 112,472 112,472 112,472 112,472 112,472 84,192 87,214 90,237 92,827 95,849 98,439 101,463 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 107,074 91,553 94,575 97,598 100,188 103,210 105,800 108,824 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 114,435 Longevity: $600 stipend after year 10, which is included in the salary schedule and subject to COLA $750 additional stipend at years 20-24, years 25-29 and year 30 and above. (Not subject to COLA) Stipends are based on initial salary placement plus accumulated years of satisfactory service thereafter. Masters-Doctorate Stipend: $1,500 stipend for a Masters Degree or Doctorate Degree History: 2003-04 Increase of 2.53% effective 7/1/2003 (3.13% Total Compensation) 2004-05 Increase of 2.41% effective 7/1/2004 (5.31% Total Compensation) 2005-06 Increase of 4.00% effective 7/1/2005 (7.00% Total Compensation) 2006-07 Increase of 5.43% effective 7/1/2006 (6.87% Total Compensation) 2007-08 Increase of 3.42% effective 7/1/2007 (4.00% Total Compensation) 2008-09 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2008 (2.00% Total Compensation) 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 Increase HCA up to $10,361 effective 7/1/2010 (1.40% Total Compensation) 1.10% One-time 2011-12 Increase of 0.70% effective 7/1/2011 (0.70% Total Compensation) 2012-13 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2012 (1 addtl work day=184), and a 2.00% one-time payment. 2013-14 Increase of 2.25% 2014-15 Increase of 2.25% - $7,361 was added to each cell on the salary schedule Added $7,361 to each cell effective April, 2015 Budget15-16 SS-Psych 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 132 Souce = ESCAPE SalSched99a Psy Pacific Grove Unified School District Salary Schedule - Adult Education A B C D 1 27.36 27.76 28.18 28.60 2 28.34 28.76 29.19 29.63 3 28.76 29.19 29.63 30.07 4 29.19 29.63 30.07 30.53 5 29.63 30.07 30.53 30.99 6 30.07 30.53 30.99 31.44 7 30.53 30.99 31.44 31.92 8 30.99 31.44 31.92 32.40 9 31.92 32.40 32.88 10 32.40 32.88 33.38 11 32.88 33.38 33.88 12 33.38 33.88 34.38 13 33.88 34.38 34.91 Between all steps is 1.50% Between all columns is 1.50% Step movement is based on length of service - one step is equal to 600 hours of service. Column movement is based on credential, then degree Step movement is effective July 1st each year based on length of service (hours) Column movement shall occur for any specific pay period only for teachers providing evidence by at least 30 days prior to the closing date of the pay period of changes in credential or advanced degree status. Maximum of one step movement and one column movement per year. Adult School annual computation for STRS rate x 1,560 = Annual. History: 2007-08 Increase of 2.00% effective 7/1/2007 2008-09 No increase for 7/1/2009 2009-10 No increase for 7/1/2009 2010-11 No increase for 7/1/2009 2011-12 Increase of 4.00% effective 7/1/2011 2012-13 No increase 2013-14 2014-15 Budget15-16 SS-AE 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 133 Source = ESCAPE SalSched99a Adlt Pacific Grove Unified School District Negotiations History PGTA 91-92 4.69% 92-93 2.74% 93-94 94-95 95-96 1.92% 3.23% 2.73% 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 3.21% 2.65% 3.95% 1.41% 3.17% 3.87% 2.00% Total Comp 2.70% 6.19% 7.03% 4.40% 9.10% 7.50% 2.41% 4.37% 3.94% 1.24% 0.73% 5.50% 5.97% 4.00% 2.00% 0.50% 4.50% 3.85% 8.35% 4.56% 10.23% 7.14% 11.26% 03-04 04-05 1.80% 2.41% 3.13% 5.31% 05-06 4.23% 7.00% 06-07 5.92% 6.87% 07-08 4.53% 4.00% 08-09 5.66% 2.00% 09-10 10-11 4.25% -0.39% 0.00% 1.40% 1.10% Year 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 State COLA 6.19% 5.49% 2.54% 4.10% 4.64% 4.76% Salary Sched 2.70% 6.19% 7.03% 4.40% 9.10% 5.40% 2.41% One-time 3.94% One-time 0.70% One-time 5.97% 4.00% 2.00% One-time 4.50% 3.85% 6.08% 3.81% 8.98% 6.54% 4.76% Total Comp Other 2.27% 0.75% 1.25% 0.60% 1.00% 2.75% 2.75% 2.53% 0.60% 2.41% 1.02% 0.58% 0.90% 0.40% 4.00% 1.70% 0.20% 0.60% 0.50% 0.14% 0.73% 5.97% 4.00% 2.00% 0.50% 4.50% 3.85% 8.35% 4.56% 10.23% 7.14% 11.26% 2.00% 5,615 6,729 2,440 3.13% 5.31% 3.13% 5.31% 7,866 7.00% 5.36% 1.64% 8,565 3,377 8,822 3,377 9,653 4,274 6.87% 5.00% 1.87% 4.00% 3.69% 0.31% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.40% 1.40% 1.10% One-time 0.00% 0.00% In-lieu $48.21/mo In-lieu & Dep $104.28 In-lieu $ In-lieu $ In-lieu $ In-lieu $ Dependant $ Add steps V13,VI17&22 In-lieu $ In-lieu $ Dependant $ add step VI-25 add step V-17 add 1 day In-lieu $ Dependant add step VI-27 add MA/PhD Medi-Gap to $104 add 1 day In-lieu $ Dependant $ In-lieu $ Dependant $ In-lieu $ Dependant $ 5.43% 0.99% 0.45% 3.42% 0.33% 0.25% 0.70% 1.00% 0.30% 0.00% 0.00% 1.40% In-lieu One-time Budget15-16 Negotiations 5/18/2015 1:58 PM CSEA Salary Sched Other 134 $ 3,927 4,386 4,709 5,379 2,000 10,361 9.26% Year 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 PGTA State Total Salary COLA Comp Sched Other 2.24% 0.70% 0.70% 3.17% 2.00% 1.45% plus 0.55% for one extra work day 2.00% One-time 1.565% 2.25% plus 80% of any increase in Prop Tax > 5.00% 0.850% 2.25% plus 80% of any increase in Prop Tax > 5.00% CSEA Total Salary Comp Sched Other 0.70% 0.70% 0.00% 1.45% 2.00% One-time 2.50% 2.50% Salary Schedule Increases 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 8.00% 3.13% 5.31% 7.00% 6.87% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 1.40% 1.10% 7.00% 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 0.70% 2.00% 2.25% 2.25% 2.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 7.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 6.87% 5.31% 3.13% 5.31% 7.00% 6.87% 4.00% 13-14 ######## ######## 18,755,157 19,685,082 20,517,775 2.00% 20,727,936 ######## ######## 20,630,673 1.10% 21,653,591 22,569,553 22,800,730 0.70% 2.00% 288,829 1.40% 151,575 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 398,208 2.00% - 07-08 08-09 0.00% 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 Budget15-16 Negotiations 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 135 1.40% 0.00% 09-10 10-11 0.70% 11-12 2.25% 2.00% 451,391 2.25% 2.25% 12-13 13-14 14-15 513,016 Pacific Grove Unified School District 1.00% Calculation 2013-14 Increase PGTA: 2.25% Teachers Salaries 1100 Teachers Stipends 1160 Support Salaries 1200 Fund 11 Cert Salaries Fund 12 Cert Salaries Total Salaries STRS 8.25% 3100 Medicare 1.45% 3300 Unemp Insurance 1.10% 3500 Workers Comp 1.8571% 3600 Total Statutory Benefits 12.66% Total Salaries and Benefits CSEA: 2.50% Instructional Aides Support Salaries Clerical and Office Less: Confidential Emps Fund 11 Class Salaries Fund 12 Class Salaries Fund 13 Class Salaries Total Salaries PERS 11.442% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.05% Total Salaries and Benefits Confidential: 2.50% Clerical and Office Total Salaries PERS 11.442% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.05% Total Salaries and Benefits 2100 2200 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 Management: 2.25% Sups & Admin - Cert 1300 Sups & Admin - Class 2300 Total Salaries Certificated Benefits 12.66% Classified Benefits 22.05% Total Statutory Benefits Total Salaries and Benefits Total All Salaries & Benefits Budget15-16 1% 13-14 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 2013-14 Budget Unrest Restricted Total 8,736,535 1,248,080 9,984,615 118,530 24,060 142,590 760,494 350,671 1,111,165 585,490 585,490 48,622 48,622 10,249,670 1,622,811 11,872,481 845,598 133,882 979,480 148,620 23,531 172,151 112,746 17,851 130,597 190,347 30,137 220,484 1,297,311 205,401 1,502,712 11,546,981 1,828,212 13,375,193 Unrest Restricted 552,230 345,012 969,727 582,640 1,288,347 (460,000) 277,685 240,802 241,199 3,109,991 927,651 355,845 106,142 192,819 57,514 45,095 13,451 34,210 10,204 57,756 17,227 685,725 204,539 3,795,715 1,132,190 Unrest 460,000 460,000 52,633 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 101,426 561,426 Restricted Unrest 1,333,905 433,414 1,767,319 168,834 95,564 264,398 2,031,717 17,935,839 Restricted 59,547 59,547 7,537 7,537 67,084 3,027,486 136 - - Cost of Increase Unrest Restricted 196,572 28,082 2,667 541 17,111 7,890 13,174 1,094 230,618 36,513 19,026 3,012 3,344 529 2,537 402 4,283 678 29,189 4,622 259,807 41,135 Total 224,654 3,208 25,001 13,174 1,094 267,131 22,038 3,873 2,938 4,961 33,811 300,942 Total 897,242 1,552,366 1,288,347 (460,000) 277,685 240,802 241,199 4,037,642 461,987 250,334 58,546 44,414 74,983 890,264 4,927,906 Unrest Restricted 13,806 8,625 24,243 14,566 32,209 (11,500) 6,942 6,020 6,030 77,750 23,191 8,896 2,654 4,820 1,438 1,127 336 855 255 1,444 431 17,143 5,113 94,893 28,305 Total 22,431 38,809 32,209 (11,500) 6,942 6,020 6,030 100,941 11,550 6,258 1,464 1,110 1,875 22,257 123,198 Total 460,000 460,000 52,633 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 101,426 561,426 Unrest Restricted 11,500 11,500 1,316 713 167 127 214 2,536 14,036 - Total 11,500 11,500 1,316 713 167 127 214 2,536 14,036 Total 1,393,452 433,414 1,826,866 176,371 95,564 271,935 2,098,801 20,963,325 Unrest Restricted 30,013 1,340 9,752 39,765 1,340 3,799 170 2,150 5,949 170 45,714 1,509 414,449 70,949 Total 31,353 9,752 41,104 3,968 2,150 6,119 47,223 485,398 Update = January Pacific Grove Unified School District 1.00% Calculation 2014-15 Increase PGTA: 2.25% Teachers Salaries 1100 Teachers Stipends 1160 Support Salaries 1200 Fund 11 Cert Salaries Fund 12 Cert Salaries Total Salaries STRS 8.88% 3100 Medicare 1.45% 3300 Unemp Insurance 1.10% 3500 Workers Comp 1.8571% 3600 Total Statutory Benefits 13.29% Total Salaries and Benefits CSEA: 2.50% Instructional Aides Support Salaries Clerical and Office Less: Confidential Emps Fund 11 Class Salaries Fund 12 Class Salaries Fund 13 Class Salaries Total Salaries PERS 11.442% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.05% Total Salaries and Benefits Confidential: 2.50% Clerical and Office Total Salaries PERS 11.442% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.05% Total Salaries and Benefits 2100 2200 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 Management: 2.25% Sups & Admin - Cert 1300 Sups & Admin - Class 2300 Total Salaries Certificated Benefits 13.29% Classified Benefits 22.05% Total Statutory Benefits Total Salaries and Benefits Total All Salaries & Benefits 2014-15 Budget Unrest Restricted Total 9,155,104 1,170,146 10,325,250 145,992 16,500 162,492 755,313 263,012 1,018,325 609,231 609,231 47,341 47,341 10,712,980 1,449,658 12,162,638 951,313 128,730 1,080,042 155,338 21,020 176,358 117,843 15,946 133,789 198,951 26,922 225,872 1,423,444 192,618 1,616,062 12,136,424 1,642,276 13,778,700 Unrest Restricted 529,512 345,012 1,122,519 582,640 1,233,611 (460,000) 327,054 225,928 240,453 3,219,076 927,651 368,327 106,142 199,583 57,514 46,677 13,451 35,410 10,204 59,781 17,227 709,777 204,539 3,928,854 1,132,190 Unrest 460,000 460,000 52,633 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 101,426 561,426 Restricted Unrest 1,311,998 444,421 1,756,419 174,326 97,991 272,317 2,028,736 18,655,440 Restricted 59,547 59,547 7,912 7,912 67,459 2,841,925 136 - - Cost of Increase Unrest Restricted 205,990 26,328 3,285 371 16,995 5,918 13,708 1,065 241,042 32,617 21,405 2,896 3,495 473 2,651 359 4,476 606 32,027 4,334 273,070 36,951 Total 232,318 3,656 22,912 13,708 1,065 273,659 24,301 3,968 3,010 5,082 36,361 310,021 Total 874,523 1,705,159 1,233,611 (460,000) 327,054 225,928 240,453 4,146,728 474,469 257,097 60,128 45,614 77,009 914,316 5,061,044 Unrest Restricted 13,238 8,625 28,063 14,566 30,840 (11,500) 8,176 5,648 6,011 80,477 23,191 9,208 2,654 4,990 1,438 1,167 336 885 255 1,495 431 17,744 5,113 98,221 28,305 Total 21,863 42,629 30,840 (11,500) 8,176 5,648 6,011 103,668 11,862 6,427 1,503 1,140 1,925 22,858 126,526 Total 460,000 460,000 52,633 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 101,426 561,426 Unrest Restricted 11,500 11,500 1,316 713 167 127 214 2,536 14,036 - Total 11,500 11,500 1,316 713 167 127 214 2,536 14,036 Total 1,371,544 444,421 1,815,965 182,238 97,991 280,229 2,096,195 21,497,364 Unrest Restricted 29,520 1,340 9,999 39,519 1,340 3,922 178 2,205 6,127 178 45,647 1,518 430,973 66,774 Total 30,860 9,999 40,859 4,100 2,205 6,305 47,164 497,747 Pacific Grove Unified School District 1.00% Calculation 2015-16 Increase PGTA: 1.00% Teachers Salaries 1100 Teachers Stipends 1160 Support Salaries 1200 Fund 11 Cert Salaries Fund 12 Cert Salaries Total Salaries STRS 10.73% 3100 Medicare 1.45% 3300 Unemp Insurance 1.10% 3500 Workers Comp 1.8571% 3600 Total Statutory Benefits 15.14% Total Salaries and Benefits CSEA: 1.00% Instructional Aides Support Salaries Clerical and Office Less: Confidential Emps Fund 11 Class Salaries Fund 12 Class Salaries Fund 13 Class Salaries Total Salaries PERS 11.847% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.45% Total Salaries and Benefits Confidential: 1.00% Clerical and Office Total Salaries PERS 11.847% Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% Unemp Insurance 1.10% Workers Comp 1.8571% Total Statutory Benefits 22.45% Total Salaries and Benefits 2100 2200 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 2400 3200 3300 3300 3500 3600 Management: 1.00% Sups & Admin - Cert 1300 Sups & Admin - Class 2300 Total Salaries Certificated Benefits 15.14% Classified Benefits 22.45% Total Statutory Benefits Total Salaries and Benefits Total All Salaries & Benefits 2015-16 Budget Unrest Restricted Total 9,324,636 1,191,163 10,515,799 150,712 31,413 182,125 769,778 268,272 1,038,050 466,188 466,188 53,086 53,086 10,764,400 1,490,848 12,255,248 1,155,020 159,968 1,314,988 156,084 21,617 177,701 118,408 16,399 134,808 199,906 27,687 227,592 1,629,418 225,671 1,855,089 12,393,818 1,716,519 14,110,337 Unrest Restricted 555,661 321,138 1,137,501 481,323 1,264,806 (460,000) 257,573 219,075 242,000 3,216,616 802,461 381,072 95,068 199,430 49,753 46,641 11,636 35,383 8,827 59,736 14,903 722,262 180,185 3,938,878 982,646 Unrest 460,000 460,000 54,496 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 103,289 563,289 Restricted Unrest 1,346,383 452,800 1,799,183 203,803 101,672 305,476 2,104,659 19,000,643 Restricted 66,726 66,726 10,100 10,100 76,826 2,775,992 136 - - Cost of Increase Unrest Restricted 93,246 11,912 1,507 314 7,698 2,683 4,662 531 107,644 14,908 11,550 1,600 1,561 216 1,184 164 1,999 277 16,294 2,257 123,938 17,165 Total 105,158 1,821 10,381 4,662 531 122,552 13,150 1,777 1,348 2,276 18,551 141,103 Total 876,799 1,618,824 1,264,806 (460,000) 257,573 219,075 242,000 4,019,077 476,140 249,183 58,277 44,210 74,638 902,448 4,921,525 Unrest Restricted 5,557 3,211 11,375 4,813 12,648 (4,600) 2,576 2,191 2,420 32,166 8,025 3,811 951 1,994 498 466 116 354 88 597 149 7,223 1,802 39,389 9,826 Total 8,768 16,188 12,648 (4,600) 2,576 2,191 2,420 40,191 4,761 2,492 583 442 746 9,024 49,215 Total 460,000 460,000 54,496 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 103,289 563,289 Unrest Restricted 4,600 4,600 545 285 67 51 85 1,033 5,633 - Total 4,600 4,600 545 285 67 51 85 1,033 5,633 Total 1,413,109 452,800 1,865,909 213,904 101,672 315,576 2,181,485 21,776,635 Unrest Restricted 13,464 667 4,528 17,992 667 2,038 101 1,017 3,055 101 21,047 768 190,006 27,760 Total 14,131 4,528 18,659 2,139 1,017 3,156 21,815 217,766 Pacific Grove Unified School District 1.00% History PGTA: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Teachers Salaries 1100 8,786,890 9,147,895 9,730,497 9,984,615 Teachers Stipends 1160 173,330 169,793 179,183 142,590 Support Salaries 1200 1,081,903 1,123,886 1,048,217 1,111,165 Fund 11 Certificated Salaries 679,335 633,357 644,217 585,490 Fund 12 Certificated Salaries 46,753 48,572 48,131 48,622 Total Salaries 10,768,210 11,123,503 11,650,245 11,872,481 STRS 3100 956,217 987,767 1,034,542 979,480 Medicare 3300 156,139 161,291 168,929 172,151 Unemployment Insurance 3500 118,450 122,359 128,153 130,597 Workers Compensation 3600 199,976 206,575 216,357 220,484 Total Statutory Benefits 1,430,783 1,477,991 1,547,980 1,502,712 Total Salaries and Benefits 12,198,993 12,601,494 13,198,224 13,375,193 1% of PGTA Salaries and Benefits 121,990 126,015 131,982 133,752 CSEA: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Instructional Aides 2100 674,193 702,420 752,351 897,242 Support Salaries 2200 1,288,805 1,294,816 1,399,763 1,552,366 Clerical and Office 2400 1,222,842 1,247,543 1,307,850 1,288,347 Less: Confidential Emps (430,000) (440,000) (450,000) (460,000) Fund 11 Classified Salaries 245,592 239,069 238,896 277,685 Fund 12 Classified Salaries 234,008 219,954 229,282 240,802 Fund 13 Classified Salaries 226,794 209,886 223,631 241,199 Total Salaries 3,462,234 3,473,688 3,701,772 4,037,642 PERS 3200 410,171 411,528 438,549 461,987 Social Security 3300 214,658 215,369 229,510 250,334 Medicare 3300 50,202 50,368 53,676 58,546 Unemployment Insurance 3500 38,085 38,211 40,719 44,414 Workers Compensation 3600 64,297 64,510 68,746 74,983 Total Statutory Benefits 777,413 779,985 831,200 890,264 Total Salaries and Benefits 4,239,647 4,253,674 4,532,972 4,927,906 1% of CSEA Salaries and Benefits 42,396 42,537 45,330 49,279 Confidential: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Clerical and Office 2400 430,000 440,000 450,000 460,000 PERS 3200 50,942 52,127 53,312 52,633 Social Security 3300 26,660 27,280 27,900 28,520 Medicare 3300 6,235 6,380 6,525 6,670 Unemployment Insurance 3500 4,730 4,840 4,950 5,060 Workers Compensation 3600 7,986 8,171 8,357 8,543 Total Statutory Benefits 96,553 98,798 101,043 101,426 Total Salaries and Benefits 526,553 538,798 551,043 561,426 1% of Mgt Salaries and Benefits 5,266 5,388 5,510 5,614 Management: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Supervisors & Admin - Certificated 1300 1,295,175 1,303,970 1,348,955 1,393,452 Supervisors & Admin - Classified2300 350,446 391,302 408,226 433,414 Total Salaries 1,645,621 1,695,271 1,757,181 1,826,866 Certificated Benefits 218,655 225,252 233,478 176,371 Classified Benefits 369,509 380,658 394,559 95,564 Total Statutory Benefits 588,165 605,910 628,038 271,935 Total Salaries and Benefits 2,233,786 2,301,182 2,385,219 2,098,801 1% of Mgt Salaries and Benefits 22,338 23,012 23,852 20,988 Total All Salaries & Benefits 19,198,978 19,695,147 20,667,458 20,963,325 1% of Total Salaries and Benefits 191,990 196,951 206,675 209,633 Budget15-16 1% History 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 137 2014-15 10,325,250 162,492 1,018,325 609,231 47,341 12,162,638 1,080,042 176,358 133,789 225,872 1,616,062 13,778,700 2015-16 10,515,799 182,125 1,038,050 466,188 53,086 12,255,248 1,314,988 177,701 134,808 227,592 1,855,089 14,110,337 137,787 141,103 2014-15 874,523 1,705,159 1,233,611 (460,000) 327,054 225,928 240,453 4,146,728 474,469 257,097 60,128 45,614 77,009 914,316 5,061,044 2015-16 876,799 1,618,824 1,264,806 (460,000) 257,573 219,075 242,000 4,019,077 476,140 249,183 58,277 44,210 74,638 902,448 4,921,525 50,610 49,215 2014-15 460,000 52,633 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 101,426 561,426 2015-16 460,000 54,496 28,520 6,670 5,060 8,543 103,289 563,289 5,614 5,633 2014-15 1,371,544 444,421 1,815,965 182,238 97,991 280,229 2,096,195 2015-16 1,413,109 452,800 1,865,909 213,904 101,672 315,576 2,181,485 20,962 21,815 21,497,364 21,776,635 214,974 217,766 Source = PY 1% Schedules Pacific Grove Unified School District Statutory Benefits 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 CERTIFICATED Employee Costs STRS (Classic member) STRS (New member) FICA (SS) Medicare Unemp Insurance State Disability Insurance Workers Comp Total Employee Costs 8.00% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 16.65% 8.00% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 16.65% 8.15% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 16.80% 9.20% 8.56% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 0.90% 0.00% 17.430% CERTIFICATED Employer Costs STRS (Classic member) STRS (New member) FICA (SS) Medicare Unemp Insurance State Disability Insurance Workers Comp Total Employer Costs 8.25% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 1.10% 0.00% 1.8571% 18.857% 8.25% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 1.10% 0.00% 1.8571% 18.857% 8.88% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 1.10% 0.00% 1.8751% 19.505% 10.73% 10.73% 6.20% 1.45% 0.05% 0.00% 1.8751% 20.305% CLASSIFIED Employee Costs PERS (Classic members) PERS (new members) FICA (SS) Medicare Unemp Insurance State Disability Insurance Workers Comp Total Employee Costs 7.00% 0.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 15.65% 7.00% 6.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 21.65% 7.00% 6.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 21.65% 7.00% 6.00% 6.20% 1.45% 0.00% 0.90% 0.00% 15.050% CLASSIFIED Employer Costs PERS (Classic members) PERS (new members) FICA (SS) Medicare Unemp Insurance State Disability Insurance Workers Comp Total Employer Costs 11.417% 0.000% 6.20% 1.45% 1.10% 0.00% 1.857% 22.024% 11.442% 11.442% 6.20% 1.45% 1.10% 0.00% 1.875% 33.509% 11.442% 11.442% 6.20% 1.45% 0.05% 0.00% 1.875% 32.459% 11.847% 11.847% 6.20% 1.45% 0.05% 0.00% 1.875% 21.422% Budget15-16 Stat Benefits 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 138 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 12.58% 12.58% 14.43% 14.43% 16.28% 16.28% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.580% 14.430% 16.280% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% Modified 5-8-2015 - MCOE Bulletin LAST PAGE Pacific Grove Unified School District Transportation 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 actual Budget: Home-to-School Revenue 119,540 Local Fees 10,199 Gen Fund Contribution 60,590 Total Revenue 190,329 125,337 48,528 21,052 (18,262) 13,675 Total Expenses 190,329 127,767 9,866 63,495 201,128 133,600 55,283 16,428 (49,717) 9,069 164,663 2010-11 actual 110,646 12,355 123,001 137,092 49,396 20,618 (58,098) 3,829 152,838 284 16,224 143,486 159,994 131,916 49,047 31,806 (48,529) 2,382 166,623 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 actual budget estimate 102,424 13,000 110,642 226,066 127,012 50,267 30,270 10,613 7,905 226,067 105,000 14,000 111,066 230,066 102,000 13,000 111,066 226,066 - - 160 138 298 186 105 291 - Employees: 1 Stacks, Lisa 2 Drucker, Joel 3 Book, Lynn 4 Miller, Vickie Fees Paid 1st $100, 2nd $50 ($150), 3rd free ($150) 100 Free Qualifies for Free or Reduced Meal program 71 Total 171 145 105 250 163 122 285 Other Districts MPUSD $200, $160 ($360), $120 ($480) Carmel $200, $200 ($400), $100 ($500) Vehicles: Bus #1 - 1997 Bus #2 - 2002 Bus #3 - 2012 Bus #4 - 2009 Bus #5 - 1999 Bus #6 - 1999 Bus #7 - 2013 Bus #8 - 2014 Passengers 72 84 24 12 (+2 wc) 48 84 18 (=2 wc) 78 Mileage 64,925 95,495 8,140 84,278 83,158 124,606 12,520 5,000 Condition Good Good Excellent Good Poor (no trade in value) Good Excellent Excellent 70 Budget15-16 Transport 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = Annually Pacific Grove Unified School District Special Ed Transportation Costs 2006-07 Parents/MCOE/NPS Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Central Coast MCOE Total Parents/MCOE/NPS MCOE Billback Students Miles Total MCOE Billback PGUSD Employee Cost Total Special Ed Costs Change from Prior Year - - 2007-08 - - 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 14,323 1,508 22,041 824 16,871 898 1,509 12,435 1,164 3,996 1,200 7,790 - 23,621 22,865 28,867 48,145 55,028 100,224 174,047 199 51 2,907 3,950 370 138,938 146,415 43,057 44,131 294 780 11.50 243.00 110,977 11.50 253.50 132,476 13.18 348.51 146,142 7.09 173.27 90,683 6.73 156.13 100,123 3.73 88.14 58,077 4.05 78.12 59,373 3.75 75.60 61,653 39,176 39,474 42,793 40,699 41,968 41,252 44,214 93,487 150,153 171,950 212,556 154,247 190,236 273,376 250,002 199,271 7,624 21,797 40,606 35,989 83,140 (58,309) (23,374) (50,731) 71 Budget15-16 Transport 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Update = Annually Pacific Grove Unified School District Extracurricular Activities Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Footbal Volleyball Cross Country Boys Basketball Girls Soccer Girls Golf Cheerleading Dance Team Boys Soccer Girls Basketball Wrestling Softball Baseball Boys Golf Lacrosse Boys Tennis Girls Tennis Chess Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes Knitting Club Tomadachi Club My Life My Strength National Honor Society National Honor Art Club Science Club Operation Yellow Ribbon Gay-Straight Alliance Natural High Club PG Players (musical) Play Production (drama) Model UN Digital Arts Club Funding Futures Music/Concert Band/Orchestra Students 79 28 40 36 22 11 12 25 36 22 20 13 19 8 18 8 waiting for info 8 12 2 5 10 10 50 15 15 5 6 15 20 20 8 12 8 334 Funding $/Student $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,247.27 4,193.13 4,555.00 3,079.55 5,447.33 1,935.81 4,198.92 2,469.53 4,038.71 3,020.00 3,200.00 8,653.08 5,255.82 800.00 1,848.46 1,574.91 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 180.35 149.75 113.88 85.54 247.61 175.98 349.91 98.78 112.19 137.27 160.00 665.62 276.62 100.00 102.69 196.86 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 80.72 1,500.00 2,000.00 232.75 2,000.00 5,000.00 114.00 372,877.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8.07 30.00 133.33 46.55 100.00 250.00 14.25 1,116.40 Pacific Grove Unified School District Facilities - Forest Grove Elementary Unit Exterior: Asphalt Concrete Decks Fencing Field Fire Alarm Irrigation Landscape Signs MPR/Kitchen Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint-Int Paint-Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Administration Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows A 4-5 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Qty Cost sf sf sf lf sf ea sf sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea 4,062 4,062 12 24 4,062 272 3 25 3,264 2,720 6 4,062 3,510 3,510 15 20 3,510 240 3 20 2,880 2,400 3 3,510 54 1,788 1,788 4 20 1,788 175 1 8 2,100 1,750 1 1,788 16 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr TC / Life Reserve Need AC x RL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,723 4,440 960 18,441 2,720 15,000 5,000 6,528 27,200 3,000 40,620 - 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 38 23 8 15 8 11 8 5 23 23 15 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Good 218 89 32 1,229 91 1,000 333 653 2,720 100 1,354 - 6,542 3,330 720 9,221 1,360 7,500 3,750 4,896 13,600 2,250 30,465 - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,538 5,550 800 15,935 2,400 15,000 4,000 5,760 24,000 1,500 35,100 5,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 188 111 27 1,062 80 1,000 267 576 2,400 50 1,170 180 3,769 2,775 400 7,968 1,200 7,500 2,000 2,880 12,000 750 17,550 2,700 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,840 1,480 800 8,118 1,750 5,000 1,600 4,200 17,500 500 17,880 1,600 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 96 30 27 541 58 333 107 420 1,750 17 596 53 1,920 740 400 4,059 875 2,500 800 2,100 8,750 250 8,940 800 91 FOREST GROVE Unit B 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows C 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows D 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows E 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (HP) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 4,301 4,301 11 8 4,301 321 4 20 3,852 3,210 5 4,301 84 4,301 4,301 11 8 4,301 321 4 20 3,852 3,210 18 4,301 84 4,301 4,301 11 8 4,301 321 4 20 3,852 3,210 17 4,301 84 3,840 3,840 5 8 3,840 272 4 12 3,264 2,720 4 3,840 8 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,236 4,070 320 19,527 3,210 20,000 4,000 7,704 32,100 2,500 43,010 8,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 11 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 231 81 11 1,302 107 1,333 267 770 3,210 83 1,434 280 4,618 2,035 160 14,645 1,605 10,000 2,000 3,852 16,050 1,250 21,505 4,200 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,236 4,070 320 19,527 3,210 20,000 4,000 7,704 32,100 9,000 43,010 8,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 231 81 11 1,302 107 1,333 267 770 3,210 300 1,434 280 4,618 2,035 160 9,763 1,605 10,000 2,000 3,852 16,050 4,500 21,505 4,200 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,236 4,070 320 19,527 3,210 20,000 4,000 7,704 32,100 8,500 43,010 8,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 231 81 11 1,302 107 1,333 267 770 3,210 283 1,434 280 4,618 2,035 160 9,763 1,605 10,000 2,000 3,852 16,050 4,250 21,505 4,200 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,246 1,850 320 17,434 2,720 20,000 2,400 6,528 27,200 2,000 38,400 800 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 206 37 11 1,162 91 1,333 160 653 2,720 67 1,280 27 4,123 925 160 8,717 1,360 10,000 1,200 3,264 13,600 1,000 19,200 400 92 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr FOREST GROVE Unit Qty Library 1,600 Ceiling sf 1,600 Doors ea 2 Electrical ea 5 Flooring sf 1,600 Gutters lf 160 HVAC (HP) ea 2 Lighting ea 10 Paint - Int sf 1,920 Paint - Ext sf 1,600 Plumbing ea 1 Roof sf 1,600 Windows ea 10 G 1-6 7,120 Ceiling sf 7,120 Doors ea 16 Electrical ea 8 Flooring sf 7,120 Gutters lf 360 HVAC (FAH) ea 6 Lighting ea 18 Paint - Int sf 4,320 Paint - Ext sf 3,600 Plumbing ea 12 Roof sf 7,120 Windows ea 78 K 1-2 2,994 Ceiling sf 2,994 Doors ea 9 Electrical ea 8 Flooring sf 2,994 Gutters lf 240 HVAC (FAH) ea 2 Lighting ea 4 Paint - Int sf 2,880 Paint - Ext sf 2,400 Plumbing ea 7 Roof sf 2,994 Windows ea 40 K-3 1,440 Ceiling sf 1,440 Doors ea 4 Electrical ea 8 Flooring sf 1,440 Gutters lf 152 HVAC (HP) ea 1 Lighting ea 4 Paint - Int sf 1,824 Paint - Ext sf 1,520 Plumbing ea 5 Roof sf 1,440 Windows ea 15 TOTAL FOREST GROVE 39,257 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,436 740 200 7,264 1,600 10,000 2,000 3,840 16,000 500 16,000 1,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 38 23 8 23 8 8 5 5 15 23 15 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 86 15 7 484 53 667 133 384 1,600 17 533 33 2,577 555 150 3,632 1,200 5,000 1,000 1,920 8,000 250 12,000 500 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15,290 5,920 320 32,325 3,600 30,000 3,600 8,640 36,000 6,000 71,200 7,800 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 13 15 8 23 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Poor Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 382 118 11 2,155 120 2,000 240 864 3,600 200 2,373 260 7,645 1,480 160 16,162 2,700 15,000 1,800 4,320 18,000 3,000 35,600 3,900 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,430 3,330 320 13,593 2,400 10,000 800 5,760 24,000 3,500 29,940 4,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 15 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 161 67 11 906 80 667 53 576 2,400 117 998 133 3,215 1,665 160 6,796 1,200 5,000 400 2,880 12,000 1,750 14,970 2,000 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ 3,092 $ 1,480 $ 320 $ 6,538 $ 1,520 $ 5,000 $ 800 $ 3,648 $ 15,200 $ 2,500 $ 14,400 $ 1,500 $ 1,365,857 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 8 23 8 8 5 5 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Good Good Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 77 30 11 436 51 333 53 365 1,520 83 480 50 80,441 1,546 740 160 3,269 1,140 2,500 400 1,824 7,600 1,250 7,200 750 710,422 $ 93 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr $ Facilities - Robert Down Elementary Unit Exterior: Asphalt sf Concrete sf Decks sf Fencing lf Field sf Fire Alarm ea Irrigation sf Landscape sf Signs ea Office/Lobby/Halls Doors ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Roof sf Windows ea Room 20 (Copier) Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 11 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Library Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Qty 35,199 50 5,000 765 25 40 2,000 7,650 35,199 93 260 260 1 4 260 3 312 16 671 671 1 4 671 12 805 43 1,629 1,629 2 4 1,629 27 1,955 20 Cost Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Life Rem Condition Reserve Need - $ 370 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,500 22,700 7,650 125,000 8,000 4,000 76,500 351,990 9,300 50 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 38 11 23 11 11 8 10 23 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Very Good Excellent 370 1,513 255 8,333 533 400 7,650 11,733 310 13,875 17,025 5,738 93,750 6,000 3,000 76,500 263,993 9,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 558 370 160 1,179 600 623 1,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 14 7 5 79 40 62 53 418 278 120 884 450 467 1,200 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,441 370 160 3,045 2,400 1,610 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 36 7 5 203 160 161 143 1,080 278 120 2,284 1,800 1,207 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,499 740 160 7,396 5,400 3,910 2,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 87 15 5 493 360 391 67 2,624 555 120 5,547 4,050 2,932 1,500 94 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr - ROBERT DOWN Unit Room 13 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 15 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Boy's Restroom Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 16 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Girls's Restroom Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Cafeteria Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Qty 682 682 1 4 682 12 819 43 691 691 1 4 691 12 829 43 150 150 1 4 150 4 180 11 24 720 720 2 4 720 12 864 37 150 150 1 4 150 4 180 8 30 3,185 3,185 9 10 3,185 15 3,822 112 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,465 370 160 3,097 2,400 1,637 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 37 7 5 206 160 164 143 1,099 278 120 2,323 1,800 1,228 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,484 370 160 3,137 2,400 1,658 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 37 7 5 209 160 166 143 1,113 278 120 2,353 1,800 1,244 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 322 370 160 681 800 360 5,500 2,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 8 7 5 45 53 36 183 80 242 278 120 511 600 270 4,125 1,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,546 740 160 3,269 2,400 1,728 3,700 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 39 15 5 218 160 173 123 1,160 555 120 2,451 1,800 1,296 2,775 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 322 370 160 681 800 360 4,000 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good 8 7 5 45 53 36 133 100 242 278 120 511 600 270 3,000 1,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,840 3,330 400 14,461 3,000 7,644 11,200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 95 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 171 67 13 964 200 764 373 5,130 2,498 300 10,846 2,250 5,733 8,400 ROBERT DOWN Unit Room 17 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room 18 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room 19 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room 20 (Speech) Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Ottertorium Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room 2 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea 583 sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea Qty 718 718 2 4 718 12 862 37 821 821 1 6 821 12 986 40 755 755 1 6 755 12 906 40 995 995 5 8 995 14 1,194 55 4,414 4,414 10 12 4,414 40 5,296 75 792 792 1 4 792 12 950 43 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,542 740 160 3,261 2,400 1,724 3,700 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 39 15 5 217 160 172 123 1,157 555 120 2,446 1,800 1,293 2,775 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,764 370 240 3,730 2,400 1,972 4,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 44 7 8 249 160 197 133 1,323 278 180 2,797 1,800 1,479 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,622 370 240 3,429 2,400 1,813 4,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 41 7 8 229 160 181 133 1,216 278 180 2,572 1,800 1,359 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,137 1,850 320 4,518 2,800 2,388 5,500 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 5 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good 53 37 11 301 187 239 183 1,603 1,388 240 3,388 2,100 1,194 4,125 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,478 3,700 480 20,037 8,000 10,592 7,500 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 237 74 16 1,336 533 1,059 250 7,108 2,775 360 15,028 6,000 7,944 5,625 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,701 370 160 3,596 2,400 1,901 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 96 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 43 7 5 240 160 190 143 1,276 278 120 2,697 1,800 1,426 3,225 ROBERT DOWN Unit Conference Room Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 3 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 4 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 5 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 6 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 7 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Qty 252 252 4 4 252 4 302 3 16 691 691 1 4 691 12 829 43 713 713 1 4 713 12 855 43 693 693 3 4 693 12 832 43 740 740 1 4 740 12 887 1 43 731 731 3 4 731 12 877 43 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 541 1,480 160 1,144 800 605 1,500 1,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 14 30 5 76 53 60 50 53 406 1,110 120 858 600 454 1,125 1,200 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,484 370 160 3,138 2,400 1,659 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 37 7 5 209 160 166 143 1,113 278 120 2,353 1,800 1,244 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,530 370 160 3,235 2,400 1,710 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 38 7 5 216 160 171 143 1,148 278 120 2,426 1,800 1,283 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,488 1,110 160 3,146 2,400 1,663 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 37 22 5 210 160 166 143 1,116 833 120 2,360 1,800 1,247 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,588 370 160 3,357 2,400 1,775 500 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 40 7 5 224 160 177 17 143 1,191 278 120 2,518 1,800 1,331 375 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,570 1,110 160 3,319 2,400 1,754 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 97 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 39 22 5 221 160 175 143 1,177 833 120 2,489 1,800 1,316 3,225 ROBERT DOWN Unit Room 8 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 9 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room 10 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Upstairs Staff Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Upstairs Office 1 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Upstairs Office 2 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Qty 714 714 2 4 714 12 857 40 748 748 2 4 748 12 898 43 641 641 1 4 641 14 770 1 46 580 580 2 4 580 4 695 18 164 164 1 4 164 1 197 1 2 168 168 1 4 168 1 201 2 1 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,533 740 160 3,242 2,400 1,714 4,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 38 15 5 216 160 171 133 1,150 555 120 2,431 1,800 1,285 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,607 740 160 3,396 2,400 1,796 4,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 0 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 3 Very Good 40 15 5 226 160 180 143 1,205 555 120 2,547 1,800 1,347 3,225 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,377 370 160 2,911 2,800 1,539 500 4,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 34 7 5 194 187 154 17 153 1,033 278 120 2,183 2,100 1,154 375 3,450 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,244 740 160 2,631 800 1,391 1,800 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 23 4 4 5 0 23 3 2 3 1 1 2 Very Good Good Very Good Poor Poor Good 31 15 5 175 53 139 60 933 370 120 658 200 695 1,350 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 353 370 160 746 200 394 500 200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 23 8 11 5 15 23 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Very Good 9 7 5 50 13 39 17 7 176 185 120 373 150 197 250 150 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 361 370 160 762 200 403 1,000 100 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 98 30 25 23 8 8 8 15 23 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good 9 7 5 51 13 40 33 3 270 185 120 381 100 302 500 75 3 Very Good ROBERT DOWN Unit Room A1 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room A2 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Room A3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Kinder Hallway Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 1-3 Gutters HVAC (FAH) Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Room E1 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea lf ea sf ea sf sf ea ea sf ea sf ea ea Qty 960 960 2 6 960 12 1,152 1 64 960 960 2 6 960 12 1,152 1 64 960 960 2 6 960 12 1,152 1 64 7 8 32 4,262 323 3 3,230 10 4,262 917 917 2 8 917 12 1,100 1 2 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,062 740 240 4,358 2,400 2,304 500 6,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 52 15 8 291 160 230 17 213 1,546 555 180 3,269 1,800 1,728 375 4,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,062 740 240 4,358 2,400 2,304 500 6,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 52 15 8 291 160 230 17 213 1,546 555 180 3,269 1,800 1,728 375 4,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,062 740 240 4,358 2,400 2,304 500 6,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 52 15 8 291 160 230 17 213 1,546 555 180 3,269 1,800 1,728 375 4,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,590 1,600 3,200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 52 107 107 1,943 1,200 2,400 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ $ $ $ $ 3,230 15,000 32,300 5,000 42,620 30 15 10 30 30 23 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 108 1,000 3,230 167 1,421 2,423 11,250 24,225 3,750 31,965 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,968 740 320 4,161 2,400 2,200 500 200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 49 15 11 277 160 220 17 7 1,476 555 240 3,121 1,800 1,650 375 150 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 99 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr ROBERT DOWN Unit Room E2 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea Room E3 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea E 1-3 Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Co-op Preschool Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Music Room Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Qty 917 917 2 8 917 12 1,100 1 2 917 917 2 8 917 12 1,100 1 2 2,880 224 3 2,240 3 2,880 1,452 1,452 6 16 1,452 204 1 12 2,442 2,035 7 1,452 18 1,440 1,440 3 8 1,440 152 1 16 1,824 1,520 3 1,440 3 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,968 740 320 4,161 2,400 2,200 500 200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 49 15 11 277 160 220 17 7 1,476 555 240 3,121 1,800 1,650 375 150 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,968 740 320 4,161 2,400 2,200 500 200 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 49 15 11 277 160 220 17 7 1,476 555 240 3,121 1,800 1,650 375 150 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ $ $ $ $ 2,240 15,000 22,400 1,500 28,800 30 15 10 30 30 23 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 75 1,000 2,240 50 960 1,680 11,250 16,800 1,125 21,600 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,118 2,220 640 6,592 2,035 5,000 2,400 4,884 20,350 3,500 14,520 1,800 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 38 23 11 23 11 11 8 8 23 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 78 44 21 439 68 333 160 488 2,035 117 484 60 2,339 1,665 480 4,944 1,526 3,750 1,800 3,663 15,263 2,625 10,890 1,350 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,092 1,110 320 6,538 1,520 5,000 3,200 3,648 15,200 1,500 14,400 300 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 38 23 11 23 11 11 8 8 23 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 77 22 11 436 51 333 213 365 1,520 50 480 10 2,319 833 240 4,903 1,140 3,750 2,400 2,736 11,400 1,125 10,800 225 100 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr ROBERT DOWN Unit Downstairs Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Plumbing ea Windows ea BASRP & RR Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea TOTAL ROBERT DOWN Qty - - 1,920 1,920 5 8 1,920 176 1 10 2,112 1,760 8 1,920 6 Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 4,123 $ 1,850 $ 320 $ 8,717 $ 1,760 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,224 $ 17,600 $ 4,000 $ 19,200 $ 600 $ 1,506,511 Life Rem Condition 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 Reserve Need 30 38 23 11 23 11 11 8 8 15 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good $ 101 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr 103 37 11 581 59 333 133 422 1,760 133 640 20 81,644 - $ 3,092 1,388 240 6,538 1,320 3,750 1,500 3,168 13,200 2,000 14,400 450 1,145,564 Facilities - Middle School Unit Exterior Asphalt sf Concrete sf Decks sf Fencing lf Field sf Fire Alarm ea Irrigation sf Landscape sf Signs ea A - Main Building Gutters NA HVAC ea Paint - Ext sf Roof sf A1 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A5 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Qty Cost Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,950 7 34,950 797 797 1 8 797 12 1,036 36 532 532 1 8 532 8 691 30 1,358 1,358 3 30 1,358 12 1,765 7 23 1,080 1,080 3 30 1,080 20 1,404 7 30 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need - $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 10 $ 10 $ $ $ $ 35,000 349,500 30 15 10 30 30 15 10 30 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 2,333 11,650 35,000 349,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,711 370 320 3,617 2,400 2,072 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent 43 7 11 241 160 207 120 1,283 278 240 2,713 1,800 1,554 3,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,142 370 320 2,413 1,600 1,382 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 23 11 11 5 23 30 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Excellent 29 7 11 161 107 138 100 571 185 240 1,810 1,200 691 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,915 1,110 1,200 6,163 2,400 3,530 3,500 2,300 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 8 11 8 30 30 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Excellent 73 22 40 411 160 353 117 77 2,187 833 900 3,082 1,800 2,647 3,500 2,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,319 1,110 1,200 4,903 4,000 2,808 3,500 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 102 30 38 23 8 11 8 23 30 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent 58 22 40 327 267 281 117 100 1,739 833 900 2,452 3,000 2,106 2,625 3,000 MIDDLE SCHOOL Unit A6 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A7 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Conference Room Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 10 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 11 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 12 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Qty 887 887 1 8 887 16 1,153 1 30 1,080 1,080 3 30 1,080 14 1,404 7 45 729 729 4 20 729 18 948 1 18 677 677 1 10 677 12 880 30 966 966 2 14 966 16 1,255 9 36 664 664 2 10 664 18 863 30 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,905 370 320 4,026 3,200 2,306 500 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 23 11 11 8 23 30 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent 48 7 11 268 213 231 17 100 1,428 185 240 3,020 2,400 1,729 375 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,319 1,110 1,200 4,903 2,800 2,808 3,500 4,500 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 50 23 8 11 10 23 30 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 4 Very Good Excellent Very Good Good Very Good Excellent Very Good Excellent 58 22 40 327 187 281 117 150 1,739 1,110 900 2,452 2,100 2,808 2,625 4,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,566 1,480 800 3,310 3,600 1,895 500 1,800 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 39 30 27 221 240 190 17 60 1,174 1,110 600 2,482 2,700 1,422 375 1,350 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,453 370 400 3,073 2,400 1,760 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 15 11 8 5 0 30 3 2 2 3 2 2 Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Good 4 Excellent 36 7 13 205 160 176 100 1,090 185 200 2,305 1,200 880 3,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,074 740 560 4,384 3,200 2,511 4,500 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 15 15 8 23 30 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Excellent Very Good Very Good Excellent 52 15 19 292 213 251 150 120 1,555 555 420 4,384 3,200 1,883 3,375 3,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,425 740 400 3,013 3,600 1,726 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 103 30 25 15 11 8 5 0 30 3 2 2 3 2 2 Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Good 36 15 13 201 240 173 100 1,069 370 200 2,260 1,800 863 3,000 4 Excellent MIDDLE SCHOOL Unit A 13 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Library Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Office Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 21 Comp Lab Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 22 Comp Lab Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Teachers Lounge Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Qty 981 981 2 10 981 21 1,275 60 2,628 2,628 5 28 2,628 36 3,416 1 90 1,431 1,431 8 24 1,431 20 1,860 77 865 865 1 30 865 18 1,124 46 780 780 1 30 780 18 1,014 36 782 782 1 8 782 18 1,017 1 36 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,106 740 400 4,451 4,200 2,549 6,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 15 15 15 8 0 30 3 3 2 4 4 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,644 1,850 1,120 11,931 7,200 6,833 500 9,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,073 2,960 960 6,497 4,000 3,721 7,700 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 Very Good Very Good Good Excellent Excellent Very Good Contrib/Yr Reserve Need 4 Excellent 53 15 13 297 280 255 200 1,579 555 200 4,451 4,200 1,912 6,000 30 25 15 11 8 8 30 30 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Excellent Excellent 141 37 37 795 480 683 17 300 4,233 925 560 8,948 3,600 5,125 500 9,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 15 11 11 8 0 30 3 2 2 3 3 3 Very Good Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 77 59 32 433 267 372 257 2,305 1,480 480 4,873 3,000 2,790 7,700 1,857 370 1,200 3,925 3,600 2,248 4,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 23 11 11 8 0 30 2 2 3 3 3 3 46 7 40 262 240 225 153 928 185 900 2,944 2,700 1,686 4,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,675 370 1,200 3,541 3,600 2,028 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 23 11 11 8 0 30 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 Excellent 42 7 40 236 240 203 120 1,256 185 900 2,656 2,700 1,521 3,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,679 370 320 3,551 3,600 2,033 500 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 104 30 25 15 11 8 8 23 30 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 42 7 11 237 240 203 17 120 1,260 185 160 2,663 1,800 1,525 375 3,600 4 Excellent Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 4 Excellent Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Excellent MIDDLE SCHOOL Unit A 24 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 25 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 26 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 27 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 28 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows A 29 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Qty 772 772 1 10 772 18 1,003 36 721 721 1 12 721 12 938 30 1,010 1,010 1 12 1,010 16 1,313 54 728 728 1 10 728 10 946 30 760 760 1 10 760 10 988 36 708 708 1 10 708 12 920 30 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,657 370 400 3,504 3,600 2,007 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 15 11 8 8 0 30 3 2 2 3 2 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,549 370 480 3,275 2,400 1,876 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 15 11 8 5 0 30 2 2 2 3 2 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,169 370 480 4,585 3,200 2,626 5,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 25 15 11 8 8 0 30 3 2 2 3 2 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,562 370 400 3,303 2,000 1,892 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 15 11 8 8 0 30 2 2 2 3 2 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,631 370 400 3,449 2,000 1,975 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 15 11 11 8 0 30 2 2 2 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,520 370 400 3,214 2,400 1,841 3,000 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 105 30 25 15 11 8 8 0 30 3 2 2 3 2 3 Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good 4 Excellent Good Good Good Very Good Good Good 4 Excellent Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good 4 Excellent Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good 4 Excellent Good Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 4 Excellent Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Very Good 4 Excellent Contrib/Yr Reserve Need 41 7 13 234 240 201 120 1,243 185 200 2,628 1,800 1,505 3,600 39 7 16 218 160 188 100 775 185 240 2,456 1,200 938 3,000 54 7 16 306 213 263 180 1,626 185 240 3,438 1,600 1,969 5,400 39 7 13 220 133 189 100 781 185 200 2,477 1,000 1,419 3,000 41 7 13 230 133 198 120 816 185 200 2,587 1,500 1,481 3,600 38 7 13 214 160 184 100 1,140 185 200 2,411 1,200 1,381 3,000 MIDDLE SCHOOL Unit Gym Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (AH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Kitchen Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (AH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Portables 36-39 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (HP) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Auditorium Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 9,705 9,705 13 24 9,705 404 1 20 4,842 4,035 8 9,705 4 20 88 1 15 1,056 880 5 15 3,840 3,840 4 32 3,840 360 4 48 4,320 3,600 3,840 24 9,540 9,540 20 20 9,540 449 1 20 5,382 4,485 1 9,540 30 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,841 4,810 960 44,061 4,035 5,000 4,000 9,684 40,350 4,000 97,050 - 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 521 96 32 2,937 135 333 267 968 4,035 133 3,235 - 20,841 4,810 960 44,061 4,035 5,000 4,000 9,684 40,350 4,000 97,050 - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,480 800 880 5,000 3,000 2,112 8,800 2,500 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent - 29 333 200 211 880 83 50 1,480 800 880 5,000 3,000 2,112 8,800 2,500 1,500 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,246 1,480 1,280 17,434 3,600 20,000 9,600 8,640 36,000 38,400 2,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 23 15 30 15 15 10 10 0 30 30 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 206 30 43 1,162 120 1,333 640 864 3,600 1,280 80 8,246 1,480 960 17,434 3,600 20,000 9,600 8,640 36,000 38,400 2,400 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,487 7,400 800 43,312 4,485 5,000 4,000 10,764 44,850 500 95,400 3,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 25 15 8 30 0 0 0 10 8 30 0 3 2 2 2 4 512 148 27 2,887 150 333 267 1,076 4,485 17 3,180 100 15,365 3,700 400 21,656 4,485 44,850 125 95,400 - 106 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr 4 Excellent 4 Excellent Very Good Good Good Good Excellent 4 Excellent 1 Poor 4 Excellent 30 27 - MIDDLE SCHOOL Unit Music Room Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea E 31-33 Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Paint - Ext sf Roof sf E 31 Woodshop Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows E 32 Art Room Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows E 33 Art Room Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Lighting Paint - Int Plumbing Windows Field Restroom Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf TOTAL MIDDLE SCHOOL Qty 2,912 2,912 2 8 2,912 216 1 4 2,592 2,160 1 2,912 15 7,101 371 4 3,710 7,101 6 25 20 1 48 2 8 30 4 36 6 8 42 6 24 256 2 2 256 4 360 300 6 256 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,254 740 320 13,220 2,160 5,000 800 5,184 21,600 500 29,120 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 156 15 11 881 72 333 53 518 2,160 17 971 50 6,254 740 320 13,220 2,160 5,000 800 5,184 21,600 500 29,120 1,500 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 10 $ 10 $ $ $ $ 3,710 20,000 37,100 71,010 30 15 10 30 23 11 8 23 3 3 3 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good 124 1,333 3,710 2,367 2,783 15,000 27,825 53,258 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,220 1,000 4,000 500 4,800 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 25 23 11 8 5 30 15 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Excellent Good - 1,110 750 2,000 500 2,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 740 320 6,000 2,000 3,600 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 20 38 23 11 11 8 23 23 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 370 40 4.54 200 2 500 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,220 320 8,400 3,000 2,400 40 50 30 15 15 10 30 30 30 38 23 11 11 8 15 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Good $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 370 40 4.54 200 2 10 500 10 $ 740 50 $ 80 30 $ 1,162 15 $ 800 15 $ 720 10 $ 3,000 10 $ 3,000 30 $ 2,560 30 $ 1,704,679 107 50 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 44 33 267 17 160 - 555 240 4,500 1,500 2,700 15 11 400 67 120 - 560 100 80 1,665 240 6,300 1,500 1,200 15 3 77 53 72 300 100 85 88,379 740 80 1,162 800 720 3,000 3,000 2,560 1,471,758 44 11 $ $ Facilities - High School Unit Exterior: Asphalt sf Concrete sf Decks sf Fencing lf Fields-Baseball sf Stadium sf Fields-Upper sf Fire Alarm ea Irrigation sf Landscape sf Signs ea A Wing 1-3 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (Radiator) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea B Wing 1-5 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (AH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea C Wing 1-5 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (AH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Qty 4,928 4,928 2 8 4,928 408 1 4 4,896 4,080 1 4,928 15 5,280 5,280 2 8 5,280 412 5 4 4,944 4,120 15 5,280 15 5,280 5,280 2 8 5,280 412 3 4 4,944 4,120 36 5,280 15 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,583 740 320 22,373 4,080 5,000 800 9,792 40,800 500 49,280 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 265 15 11 1,492 136 333 53 979 4,080 17 1,643 50 5,291 370 240 11,187 3,060 2,500 600 4,896 20,400 250 36,960 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,339 740 320 23,971 4,120 25,000 800 9,888 41,200 7,500 52,800 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 283 15 11 1,598 137 1,667 53 989 4,120 250 1,760 50 5,669 370 240 11,986 3,090 12,500 600 4,944 20,600 3,750 39,600 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,339 740 320 23,971 4,120 15,000 800 9,888 41,200 18,000 52,800 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 108 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 283 15 11 1,598 137 1,000 53 989 4,120 600 1,760 50 5,669 370 240 11,986 3,090 7,500 600 4,944 20,600 9,000 39,600 750 HIGH SCHOOL Unit D Wing 1-5 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows E Wing 1-3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows F Wing 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Library Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 5,520 5,520 2 8 5,520 412 3 4 4,944 4,120 59 5,520 15 4,200 4,200 2 8 4,200 340 3 4 4,080 3,400 5 4,200 15 4,200 4,200 2 8 4,200 340 4 4 4,080 3,400 7 4,200 15 6,885 6,885 2 8 6,885 369 2 4 4,428 3,690 2 6,885 15 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,854 740 320 25,061 4,120 15,000 800 9,888 41,200 29,500 55,200 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 296 15 11 1,671 137 1,000 53 989 4,120 983 1,840 50 5,927 370 240 12,530 3,090 7,500 600 4,944 20,600 14,750 41,400 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,020 740 320 19,068 3,400 15,000 800 8,160 34,000 2,500 42,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 225 15 11 1,271 113 1,000 53 816 3,400 83 1,400 50 4,510 370 240 9,534 2,550 7,500 600 4,080 17,000 1,250 31,500 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,020 740 320 19,068 3,400 20,000 800 8,160 34,000 3,500 42,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 225 15 11 1,271 113 1,333 53 816 3,400 117 1,400 50 4,510 370 240 9,534 2,550 10,000 600 4,080 17,000 1,750 31,500 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,786 740 320 31,258 3,690 10,000 800 8,856 36,900 1,000 68,850 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 370 15 11 2,084 123 667 53 886 3,690 33 2,295 50 7,393 370 240 15,629 2,768 5,000 600 4,428 18,450 500 51,638 750 109 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr HIGH SCHOOL Unit I 1-3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows K 1-4 and L 1-4 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows N 1-3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows O 1-5 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (HP/FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 4,320 4,320 2 8 4,320 348 2 4 4,176 3,480 12 4,320 15 7,427 7,427 2 8 7,427 408 8 4 4,896 4,080 6 7,427 15 4,680 4,680 2 8 4,680 370 2 4 4,440 3,700 4 4,680 15 7,920 7,920 2 8 7,920 692 3 4 8,304 6,920 14 7,920 15 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,277 740 320 19,613 3,480 10,000 800 8,352 34,800 6,000 43,200 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 232 15 11 1,308 116 667 53 835 3,480 200 1,440 50 4,639 370 240 9,806 2,610 5,000 600 4,176 17,400 3,000 32,400 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15,949 740 320 33,719 4,080 40,000 800 9,792 40,800 3,000 74,270 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 399 15 11 2,248 136 2,667 53 979 4,080 100 2,476 50 7,975 370 240 16,859 3,060 20,000 600 4,896 20,400 1,500 55,703 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,050 740 320 21,247 3,700 10,000 800 8,880 37,000 2,000 46,800 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 251 15 11 1,416 123 667 53 888 3,700 67 1,560 50 5,025 370 240 10,624 2,775 5,000 600 4,440 18,500 1,000 35,100 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 17,008 740 320 35,957 6,920 15,000 800 16,608 69,200 7,000 79,200 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 425 15 11 2,397 231 1,000 53 1,661 6,920 233 2,640 50 8,504 370 240 17,978 5,190 7,500 600 8,304 34,600 3,500 59,400 750 110 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr HIGH SCHOOL Unit Gym Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Locker Rooms Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Weight Room Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Pool Ticket Booth Dance Room (R) Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 9,306 9,306 2 8 9,306 386 4 4 4,632 3,860 12 9,306 15 4,622 4,622 2 8 4,622 297 1 4 3,564 2,970 24 4,622 15 3,248 3,248 2 8 3,248 232 1 4 2,784 2,320 3,248 15 sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea 3,079 3,079 2 8 3,079 200 1 4 2,400 2,000 11 3,079 15 sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Contrib/Yr Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19,985 740 320 42,249 3,860 20,000 800 9,264 38,600 6,000 93,060 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 38 23 11 23 11 11 5 8 23 15 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good 500 15 11 2,817 129 1,333 53 926 3,860 200 3,102 50 14,988 555 240 31,687 2,895 15,000 600 4,632 28,950 4,500 46,530 1,125 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,926 740 320 20,984 2,970 5,000 800 7,128 29,700 12,000 46,220 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 248 15 11 1,399 99 333 53 713 2,970 400 1,541 50 9,926 740 320 20,984 2,970 5,000 800 7,128 29,700 12,000 46,220 1,500 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ 6,975 $ 740 $ 320 $ 14,746 $ 2,320 $ 5,000 $ 800 $ 5,568 $ 23,200 $ $ 32,480 $ 1,500 $ 1,850,000 $ - 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 50 40 30 38 23 11 23 11 11 8 8 23 23 23 50 40 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Excellent 174 15 11 983 77 333 53 557 2,320 1,083 50 37,000 - 5,231 555 240 11,059 1,740 3,750 600 4,176 17,400 24,360 1,125 1,850,000 - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 111 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 165 15 11 932 67 333 53 480 2,000 183 1,026 50 6,612 740 320 13,979 2,000 5,000 800 4,800 20,000 5,500 30,790 1,500 6,612 740 320 13,979 2,000 5,000 800 4,800 20,000 5,500 30,790 1,500 HIGH SCHOOL Unit Mini-Gym (S) Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea MPR/Kitchen Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Portable (18) Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Old Concess/Storage Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Qty 5,163 5,163 2 8 5,163 200 2 4 2,400 2,000 1 5,163 15 12,690 12,690 2 8 12,690 607 4 4 7,284 6,070 16 12,690 15 960 960 2 8 960 128 1 4 1,536 1,280 960 15 500 500 2 8 500 4 12 500 - Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,088 740 320 23,440 2,000 10,000 800 4,800 20,000 500 51,630 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 277 15 11 1,563 67 667 53 480 2,000 17 1,721 50 11,088 740 320 23,440 2,000 10,000 800 4,800 20,000 500 51,630 1,500 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 27,252 740 320 57,613 6,070 20,000 800 14,568 60,700 8,000 126,900 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 681 15 11 3,841 202 1,333 53 1,457 6,070 267 4,230 50 13,626 370 240 28,806 4,553 10,000 600 7,284 30,350 4,000 95,175 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,062 740 320 4,358 1,280 5,000 800 3,072 12,800 9,600 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 8 23 8 11 5 5 15 23 15 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Good 52 15 11 291 43 333 53 307 1,280 320 50 1,031 370 240 2,179 960 2,500 600 1,536 6,400 7,200 750 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,074 740 320 2,270 800 6,000 5,000 - 27 15 11 151 53 200 167 - 268 370 160 568 400 1,500 5,000 - 40 10 1 Poor 50 25 2 Good 30 15 2 Good 15 4 1 Poor 30 15 2 Good 15 3.75 1 Poor 15 8 2 Good 10 3 1 Poor 10 3 1 Poor 30 8 1 Poor 30 30 4 Excellent 30 7.5 1 Poor 112 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr HIGH SCHOOL Unit New Concession Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Fieldhouse Home Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Fieldhouse Visitor Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL Qty Cost 2 8 4 19 15 10 8 4 8 15 2 8 4 9 15 Total Cost Life Rem Condition $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 740 320 800 9,500 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,700 320 800 4,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ 740 $ 320 $ $ $ $ 800 $ $ $ 4,500 $ $ 1,500 $ 4,863,275 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 113 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr Reserve Need - 740 320 800 9,500 1,500 15 11 53 317 50 - 3,700 320 800 4,000 1,500 74 11 53 133 50 15 11 53 150 50 $ 213,715 $ 740 320 800 4,500 1,500 3,809,800 Facilities - Adult School Unit Exterior: Asphalt Concrete Decks Fencing Field Fire Alarm Irrigation Landscape Signs Main Building: Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Room 1 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Room 2 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Qty Cost sf sf sf lf sf ea sf sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,284 13,284 10 50 13,284 710 7 20 8,514 7,095 25 13,284 80 926 926 2 8 926 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 926 15 914 914 2 8 914 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 914 15 Life Rem Condition Reserve Need - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 28,527 3,700 2,000 60,309 7,095 35,000 4,000 17,028 70,950 12,500 132,840 8,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 15 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Excellent Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 713 74 67 4,021 237 2,333 267 1,703 7,095 417 4,428 267 14,264 1,850 1,000 60,309 3,548 8,750 2,000 8,514 17,738 6,250 66,420 2,000 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,989 740 320 4,205 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 9,263 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 50 15 11 280 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 309 50 995 370 160 1,051 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 4,632 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,963 740 320 4,150 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 9,142 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 49 15 11 277 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 305 50 982 370 160 1,038 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 4,571 375 114 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr ADULT SCHOOL Unit Room 3 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Room 4 & 4A Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Room 5 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Room 6 Ceiling Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea Qty 899 899 2 8 899 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 899 15 2 8 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 15 908 908 2 8 908 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 908 15 762 762 2 8 762 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 762 15 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,931 740 320 4,081 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 8,990 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 48 15 11 272 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 300 50 965 370 160 1,020 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 4,495 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 740 320 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor - 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 50 370 160 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,950 740 320 4,123 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 9,081 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 49 15 11 275 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 303 50 975 370 160 1,031 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 4,541 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,636 740 320 3,459 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 7,618 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 41 15 11 231 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 254 50 818 370 160 865 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 3,809 375 115 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr 15 11 - ADULT SCHOOL Unit Room 7 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Room 8 PP Library Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea MPR Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Rooms 10 & 11 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Qty 676 676 2 8 676 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 676 15 2 8 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 15 2,358 2,358 2 8 2,358 203 2 4 2,436 2,030 2 2,358 15 2,400 2,400 2 8 2,400 220 2 4 2,640 2,200 5 2,400 15 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,451 740 320 3,067 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 6,756 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 36 15 11 204 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 225 50 725 370 160 767 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 3,378 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 740 320 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor - 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 50 370 160 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,064 740 320 10,705 2,030 10,000 800 4,872 20,300 1,000 23,580 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 127 15 11 714 68 667 53 487 2,030 33 786 50 2,532 370 160 2,676 1,015 2,500 400 2,436 5,075 500 11,790 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,154 740 320 10,896 2,200 10,000 800 5,280 22,000 2,500 24,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 129 15 11 726 73 667 53 528 2,200 83 800 50 2,577 370 160 2,724 1,100 2,500 400 2,640 5,500 1,250 12,000 375 116 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr 15 11 - ADULT SCHOOL Unit Rooms 12 & 13 Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Meadow Room Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Preschool Rooms Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Nurse's Annex Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea TOTAL ADULT SCHOOL Qty 1,920 1,920 2 8 1,920 188 2 4 2,256 1,880 4 1,920 15 960 960 2 8 960 210 1 4 2,520 2,100 2 960 15 2,234 2,234 2 8 2,234 210 2 4 2,520 2,100 10 2,234 15 3,340 3,340 2 8 3,340 306 2 20 3,672 3,060 6 3,340 15 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,123 740 320 8,717 1,880 10,000 800 4,512 18,800 2,000 19,200 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 103 15 11 581 63 667 53 451 1,880 67 640 50 2,062 370 160 2,179 940 2,500 400 2,256 4,700 1,000 9,600 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,062 740 320 4,358 2,100 5,000 800 5,040 21,000 1,000 9,600 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 52 15 11 291 70 333 53 504 2,100 33 320 50 1,031 370 160 1,090 1,050 1,250 400 2,520 5,250 500 4,800 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,798 740 320 10,142 2,100 10,000 800 5,040 21,000 5,000 22,340 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 4 15 4 8 5 3 15 15 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Good Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Good Good Poor 120 15 11 676 70 667 53 504 2,100 167 745 50 2,399 370 160 2,536 1,050 2,500 400 2,520 5,250 2,500 11,170 375 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ 7,173 $ 740 $ 320 $ 15,164 $ 3,060 $ 10,000 $ 4,000 $ 7,344 $ 30,600 $ 3,000 $ 33,400 $ 1,500 $ 1,291,795 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable Unusable $ 117 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr 76,401 $ 469,938 Facilities - David Avenue Unit Exterior: Asphalt Concrete Decks Fencing Field Fire Alarm Irrigation Landscape Signs A Wing Ceiling (13ft) Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows B Wing Ceiling (13ft) Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters HVAC (FAH) Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows C Wing Ceiling (13ft) Doors Electrical Flooring Gutters Boiler Lighting Paint - Int Paint - Ext Plumbing Roof Windows Qty Cost sf sf sf lf sf ea sf sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea sf ea ea sf lf ea ea sf sf ea sf ea 9,380 9,380 20 50 9,380 432 5 80 5,184 4,320 35 9,380 210 6,768 6,768 15 30 6,768 508 4 60 6,096 5,080 18 6,768 381 4,335 4,335 15 30 4,335 323 1 20 3,876 3,230 25 4,335 104 Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,144 7,400 2,000 42,585 4,320 25,000 16,000 10,368 43,200 17,500 93,800 21,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 30 25 23 15 15 11 15 10 3 30 15 30 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 1 4 2 4 Very Good Good Very Good Excellent Good Very Good Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Good Excellent 504 148 67 2,839 144 1,667 1,067 1,037 4,320 583 3,127 700 15,108 3,700 1,500 42,585 2,160 18,750 16,000 10,368 10,800 17,500 46,900 21,000 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,534 5,550 1,200 30,727 5,080 20,000 12,000 12,192 50,800 9,000 67,680 38,100 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 15 15 15 4 11 8 3 23 15 23 2 2 2 4 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 Good Good Good Excellent Good Poor Very Good Very Good Poor Very Good Good Very Good 363 111 40 2,048 169 1,333 800 1,219 5,080 300 2,256 1,270 7,267 2,775 600 30,727 2,540 5,000 9,000 9,144 12,700 6,750 33,840 28,575 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,309 5,550 1,200 19,681 3,230 5,000 4,000 7,752 32,300 12,500 43,350 10,400 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 23 15 15 4 11 8 3 23 15 23 2 2 3 4 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 Good Good Very Good Excellent Good Poor Very Good Very Good Poor Very Good Good Very Good 233 111 40 1,312 108 333 267 775 3,230 417 1,445 347 4,655 2,775 900 19,681 1,615 1,250 3,000 5,814 8,075 9,375 21,675 7,800 118 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr DAVID AVENUE Unit D Wing Ceiling (13ft) sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea E Wing Ceiling (13ft) sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea TOTAL DAVID AVE Qty 4,800 4,800 15 30 4,800 381 5 20 4,572 3,810 5 4,800 100 5,340 5,340 15 30 5,340 428 2 20 5,130 4,275 8 5,340 100 Cost Total Cost Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,308 5,550 1,200 21,792 3,810 25,000 4,000 9,144 38,100 2,500 48,000 10,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 30 15 15 4 15 10 3 15 15 30 2 2 4 4 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 Good Good Excellent Excellent Good Poor Excellent Excellent Poor Good Good Excellent 258 111 40 1,453 127 1,667 267 914 3,810 83 1,600 333 5,154 2,775 1,200 21,792 1,905 6,250 4,000 9,144 9,525 1,250 24,000 10,000 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ 11,468 $ 5,550 $ 1,200 $ 24,244 $ 4,275 $ 10,000 $ 4,000 $ 10,260 $ 42,750 $ 4,000 $ 53,400 $ 10,000 $ 1,085,002 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 20 25 30 15 15 4 15 10 3 15 15 30 2 2 4 4 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 Good Good Excellent Excellent Good Poor Excellent Excellent Poor Good Good Excellent 287 111 40 1,616 143 667 267 1,026 4,275 133 1,780 333 61,149 5,734 2,775 1,200 24,244 2,138 2,500 4,000 10,260 10,688 2,000 26,700 10,000 641,136 $ 119 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr $ Facilities - District Office/Maintenance Unit Exterior: Asphalt sf Concrete sf Decks sf Fencing lf Field sf Fire Alarm ea Irrigation sf Landscape sf Signs ea District Office Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (HP) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Workshop Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC (FAH) ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Storage Building: Ceiling sf Doors ea Electrical ea Flooring sf Gutters lf HVAC ea Lighting ea Paint - Int sf Paint - Ext sf Plumbing ea Roof sf Windows ea Qty 7,050 7,050 40 50 7,050 435 3 50 5,220 4,350 10 7,050 30 3,000 3,000 2 8 3,000 400 1 20 4,800 4,000 3 3,000 15 3,000 3,000 2 8 3,000 400 20 4,800 4,000 1 3,000 15 Cost Total Cost $ $ $ NA $ NA $ $ $ $ - Life Rem Condition Reserve Need $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15,140 14,800 2,000 32,007 4,350 15,000 10,000 10,440 43,500 5,000 70,500 3,000 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 378 296 67 2,134 145 1,000 667 1,044 4,350 167 2,350 100 15,140 14,800 2,000 32,007 4,350 15,000 10,000 10,440 43,500 5,000 70,500 3,000 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,443 740 320 13,620 4,000 5,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 1,500 30,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 161 15 11 908 133 333 267 960 4,000 50 1,000 50 6,443 740 320 13,620 4,000 5,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 1,500 30,000 1,500 $ 2 $ 370 $ 40 $ 4.54 $ 10 $ 5,000 $ 200 $ 2 $ 10 $ 500 $ 10 $ 100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,443 740 320 13,620 4,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 500 30,000 1,500 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 40 50 30 15 30 0 15 10 10 30 30 30 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 4 4 4 4 4 4 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 161 15 11 908 133 267 960 4,000 17 1,000 50 6,443 740 320 13,620 4,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 500 30,000 1,500 120 Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM Contrib/Yr DISTRICT OFFICE - MAINTENANCE YARD Unit Qty Cost Garage: 3,500 Ceiling sf 3,500 $ 2 Doors ea 2 $ 370 Electrical ea 8 $ 40 Flooring sf 3,500 $ 4.54 Gutters lf 400 $ 10 HVAC ea $ 5,000 Lighting ea 20 $ 200 Paint - Int sf 4,800 $ 2 Paint - Ext sf 4,000 $ 10 Plumbing ea $ 500 Roof sf 3,500 $ 10 Windows ea 15 $ 100 TOTAL DISTRICT OFFICE-MAINTENANCE Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,516 740 320 15,890 4,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 35,000 1,500 571,748 Life Rem Condition 40 50 30 15 30 15 15 10 10 30 30 30 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 4 Excellent 4 Excellent 4 Excellent 4 Excellent 4 Excellent 188 15 11 1,059 133 267 960 4,000 1,167 50 35,956 Contrib/Yr $ 1,365,857 $ 1,506,511 $ 1,704,679 $ 4,863,275 $ 1,291,795 $ 1,085,002 $ 571,748 $ 12,388,867 $ 80,441 $ 81,644 $ 88,379 $ 213,715 $ 76,401 $ 61,149 $ 35,956 $ 637,685 Excellent Very Good Good Poor Unusable Budget15-16 Deprec 5/18/2015 1:58 PM 4 4 4 4 4 $ Total Cost ALL SITES: Forest Grove Robert Down Middle School High School Adult School David Avenue District Office/Maintenance TOTAL PGUSD 40 50 30 15 30 0 15 10 10 0 30 30 Contrib/Yr 121 Reserve Need $ 7,516 740 320 15,890 4,000 4,000 9,600 40,000 35,000 1,500 571,748 Reserve Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 710,422 1,145,564 1,471,758 3,809,800 469,938 641,136 571,748 8,820,367 Pacific Grove Unified School District AB 1200 PGTA Certificated Beginning End Date of Board action 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 6/13/2014 CSEA Classified 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 6/13/2014 Proposed Change in Compensation A 1 Salary Schedule 4,037,642 2 Other Compensation Description 3 Statutory Benefits (STRS PERS FICA 77,750 77,750 77,750 1.93% 1.89% 1.85% 23,191 2.00% one-time off the sal sch 13,375,193 4 Health/Welfare Plans 5 Total Compensation (1 thru 4) 6 Step and Column 7 Total # of Employees 8 Total Comp avg per Employee 9 What was the negotiated percentage increase approved? 2.00% one-time and 1.45% ongoing 10 What was the negotiated percentage increase? Ongoing One-time Ongoing x One-time x No No 12 Were there any additional steps, columns or ranges added to the schedules? No No 13 Please include comments and explanations as necessary. 14 Does the bargaining unit have a negotiated cap for Health and Welfare benefits? Yes x No Yes x No If yes, describe the cap $6,225 per year allowance for Health Care 11 Are there reopeners? B Proposed negotiated changes in non-compensation items (class size, staff development, prep time, staffing ratios) None C What are the specific impacts (pos or neg) on instructional and support programs to accommodate the settlement? None D E F G 1 2 3 H Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Operating Budget Unrestricted General Fund Latest Adjust Other Total Budget Budget Revenue Limit Sources ######### 19,720,016 Remaining Revenues 3,020,923 3,020,923 TOTAL UNREST REVS ######### 22,740,939 Latest Budget 19,720,016 3,020,923 22,740,939 Cert Salaries Class Salaries Benefits Books and Supplies Services Capital Outlay Other Outgo Direct Support TOTAL UNREST EXP 10,938,341 3,144,631 3,036,570 827,997 1,684,622 4,113 (112,038) #REF! #REF! ######### 3,144,631 3,036,570 827,997 1,684,622 4,113 (112,038) #REF! #REF! Surplus (Deficit) #REF! Transfers In (171,345) Transfers Out Contributions (4,146,988) CURRENT YEAR INC (DEC) #REF! Unrest Beginning Fund Balance 4,418,268 PY Audit Adjustments CY Unrest Ending Fund Balance #REF! COMPONENTS of EFB Reserved Amounts Res for EU Designated Amounts Unapprop Amount #REF! - 10,938,341 3,411,762 3,337,512 827,997 1,684,622 4,113 (112,038) #REF! #REF! - #REF! (171,345) (4,146,988) #REF! 267,131 300,942 568,073 (568,073) (568,073) Adjust - Other - Total Budget 19,720,016 3,020,923 22,740,939 - 10,938,341 3,245,572 3,159,768 827,997 1,684,622 4,113 (112,038) #REF! #REF! - #REF! (171,345) (4,146,988) #REF! 100,941 123,198 224,139 #REF! (224,139) (171,345) (4,146,988) #REF! (224,139) 4,418,268 - - #REF! #REF! #REF! 14,233 758,936 184,441 #REF! Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Restricted Operating Budget Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Combined Operating Budget Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Adult Ed Budget Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Child Dev Budget Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Cafeteria Budget 4,418,268 (224,139) (224,139) - #REF! - 14,233 758,936 184,441 #REF! Impact of Proposed Agreement on Current Year Other Budgets Impact of Proposed Agreement on Subsequent Years Unrestricted Fund I 2012-13 2013-14 Impact of Proposed Agreement on Unrestricted Reserves J 1 2 3 4 5 6 K Salary Notification Requirement (Revenue Limit Districts) L Certification #1 Assumptions M Certification #2 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
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