advanced care -


advanced care -
advanced care
2008 Annual Report
advanced care
To Aultman,
is the culmination of …
Compassionate, dedicated employees
Professional, gifted physicians
Innovative technology
Quality medical care
New products and services
Essential health and wellness education
Committed community outreach
Advanced care, the Aultman way.
enhanced care
advanced care
D E A R F R I E N D O F A U LT M A N :
Few industries change as rapidly as health care. From advances in technology to the launch of new
services, health care is constantly evolving. Aultman delivers advanced care by striking a balance
among innovation, expansion, compassion and personal attention.
Aultman Health Foundation’s 2008 achievements include:
• Improving patient care with services including the Inpatient Palliative Care Unit, a new
language interpretation system, mobile CT/MRI technology, a new bloodmobile, a 16-bed
nursery and a new OB Stat team.
• Receiving full accreditation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) on
AultCare’s Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance product.
• Earning our 13th consecutive “Consumer Choice Award” from National Research Corporation,
along with the 2008 Get With The Guidelines “Triple Gold Recognition” from the American
Heart Association and American Stroke Association.
We encourage you to take time to review our 2008 annual report. You’ll get details on other
2008 accomplishments and enhancements, learn about our community involvement and meet
three Aultman patients who are enjoying healthier, active lives.
Thank you for choosing Aultman as your health care provider. It is our ongoing privilege to care
for you and your loved ones.
Edward J. Roth III
President and CEO
Aultman Health Foundation
Leo E. Doyle
Board of Directors
Health care is constantly changing. While it’s important to invest in
new technology, it is equally essential to provide new services and
programs that meet our patients’ needs.
P atient C are
Aultman Hospital opened a new Inpatient Palliative
Care Unit in October 2008. Palliative medicine
focuses on the many ways advanced or terminal
illnesses affect patients and their families.
clerical staff and volunteers. The team focuses
on patients’ physical comfort, emotional and
psychological health as well as social and spiritual
needs. The staff members also provide support
for patients’ loved ones, improve communication
among the health care team and assist families
with making complex decisions.
The Aultman Palliative Care team includes highly
specialized physicians and nurses, social workers,
physical and occupational therapists, chaplains,
The new inpatient unit offers large patient
rooms, a soothing atmosphere and unlimited
family visitation.
Inpatient Palliative Care Unit
Innovative Care
Quality Care
Expanding Care
Health Plans
The Aultman Foundation
Community Care
Financial Health
Expert Care
Personal Care
Thank You
Board of Directors
Aultman Inpatient
Palliative Care team
Cancer Fitness Program
Aultman Tusc Therapy launched a fitness
program created specifically for cancer
survivors, aimed at helping patients increase
their independence and quality of life. Each
Cancer Fitness Program participant receives a
functional assessment to measure endurance,
balance, flexibility and strength. An exercise
specialist then customizes a fitness program
based on the individual’s goals and needs.
is a recommended decision-to-incision time for
an emergency Caesarean section to take place –
and Aultman currently surpasses that established
response goal. However, the OB Stat Team will
help to further improve the response time. The
team is available 24 hours a day to address the
needs of high-risk patients.
Language Interpreters
The Aultman Birth Center implemented an “OB
Stat Team” in 2008. The team enables the Birth
Center staff to improve the “decision-to-incision
time” for our high-risk patients. Presently, there
To improve communication with the growing
number of culturally diverse patients and family
members, Aultman now offers live video interpreters
for languages including Spanish, Japanese,
Chinese, Russian and American Sign Language.
150 languages are also available through audioonly interpreters.
The interpreters are available through the
Language Access Network’s “My Accessible Real
Time Trusted Interpreter (MARTTI)” system.
Stationary MARTTI units are located in the Aultman
Physician Center, the Admitting Department and
the Emergency Department Triage. A mobile video-
Room Refresh Project
Communication between Language Access Network
interpreters and Aultman is transmitted via a secure,
HIPAA-compliant line to ensure patient privacy.
All calls are documented, allowing Aultman to
monitor call volume and track usage for regulatory
compliance. The video and audio interpreter services
are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Aultman Referral Center provides outreach
services for families of patients transferred to
Aultman for specialized care. Families receive
a facility tour and orientation of Aultman
services. A personalized packet of information
is provided, along with other assistance families
may need. In 2008, the Referral Center staff
supported more than 2,400 families.
Being diagnosed with lung or breast cancer can
feel overwhelming. To help patients understand
their diagnoses and treatment options, the
Aultman Cancer Center offers support through
the patient care coordinator.
OB Stat Team
screen unit can be brought into a patient’s room to
connect to an interpreter within seconds.
Aultman Referral Center
Aultman Cancer Center
Patient Care Coordinator
An oncology nurse with more than a decade
of experience in helping cancer patients, the
coordinator guides patients through their
lung or breast cancer journeys. She provides
information on what to expect before, during and
after surgery – and assists in making referrals
and medical appointments. She works with
primary care physicians, medical and radiation
oncologists, surgeons and pulmonologists to
help patients understand their conditions –
while providing emotional support for patients
and families.
The renovated Memorial 4 North and Memorial 6
East units include new nurses’ stations, physician
charting areas and corridor improvements. All
patient rooms received new lighting and plumbing
fixtures, along with aesthetic improvements.
Other 2008 renovation projects included public
restrooms throughout the hospital and the
Morrow House Auditorium lobby.
In 2007, the Referral Center expanded services
to include support and information for families
of patients transferred from Aultman to tertiarycare facilities outside Stark County. In 2008,
more than 100 families received support and
information prior to patient transfer.
Dialysis Renovation
In March 2008, the Aultman Dialysis Center
on Tuscarawas Street completed an expansion
project that added 12 new dialysis stations to the
unit and aesthetic upgrades to the existing facility.
The 12 additional stations allow the unit to care
for 72 more hemodialysis patients per week. The
home dialysis area was also renovated to include
four larger treatment rooms, which include a
designated home hemodialysis treatment area.
Extended Inpatient Hours at Aultman West
Aultman West added Friday-night coverage to
extend sleep study and surgery capacity, enabling
patients to stay Friday night and leave Saturday
morning. The facility had previously only offered
inpatient overnight stays Monday-Thursday.
T echnology
Mobile Diagnostic Technology at
Aultman Carrollton
CTs and MRIs are now available at Aultman
Carrollton. Through the use of mobile 16-slice CT
and closed MRI equipment, Carrollton-area patients
receive high-quality diagnostic testing with closeto-home convenience.
New CTs at Aultman North and West
Breast Care Center Technologies
Aultman and developed action plans.
The Aultman Breast Care Center, Stark County’s
only breast care “Center of Excellence” designated
by the American College of Radiology, now offers
MRI-guided breast biopsy and MRI computeraided detection (CAD). The MRI-guided technology
gives radiologists another procedure to reach
areas of concern that are not easily accessible
with mammography and ultrasound. Unlike
other facilities where general surgeons handle
the procedures, radiologists perform the MRI
procedures at the Aultman Breast Care Center.
Electronic documentation was successfully
implemented in the critical care nursing units
including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Additional documentation screens were developed
to assist with compliance for Joint Commission
and National Patient Safety Goals and to improve
patient safety. Major projects for the year included
Medication Bar Coding, 2007 Code Upgrade,
Pharmacy expansion and preparation for Clinician
and Physician Order Entry (CPOE).
MRI Breast CAD detects extremely small lesions
that could be missed with mammography and
ultrasound alone. The CAD and MRI-guided tools
make the Aultman Breast Care Center a complete
source for breast diagnostic testing.
Radiology Voice Recognition System
The Aultman Radiology Department implemented
a new “Powerscribe” system in November 2008. The
voice recognition system enables the department to
produce radiology reports faster and more efficiently.
It also permits the referring physicians to treat and/
or diagnose patients faster by quickly providing the
reports in Aultman’s clinical information system.
Since implementing the technology, the Radiology
Department has decreased report turnaround time
from three days to less than 24 hours.
“Wii” for Aultman Woodlawn
Therapy Patients
In 2008, Aultman Woodlawn incorporated the
Nintendo Wii video-game system into therapy
treatment routines. With virtual reality games
such as baseball, boxing and bowling, the system
helps patients reestablish balance, coordination
and strength. Wii therapy has also become
popular among patients for the “fun factor.”
Bedside Registration at Aultman West
Immediate Care
The registration process for Aultman West
immediate care patients has improved with the
implementation of bedside registration. Patients
no longer have to register in the reception area,
as full registration takes place in the private,
immediate care patient rooms.
Aultman Sleep Center Equipment Upgrade
An upgrade of patient monitoring equipment at
the Aultman North Sleep Center was completed in
December 2008. The Aultman West Sleep Center
equipment will be updated in 2009. More than
1,400 patients turned to the Aultman Sleep Center
for sleep studies in 2008.
Pysical Therapist Ken Tass
(left) helps patient Rudolph
Montgomery improve balance
and strength by playing Wii
Clinical Informatics
Aultman North and Aultman West upgraded their
diagnostic equipment to 16-slice CTs at each facility.
The new technology provides improved image
quality and faster scan times.
The 2008 focus was on optimization of
workflow processes and applications within
Aultman’s new clinical information system. A
multidisciplinary team assessed, analyzed and
evaluated current clinical workflow processes at
When I was overweight, I was close to
having diabetes, high blood pressure and
cholesterol problems.
E mbracing a H ealthy L ife s tyle
David Clouse was a self-proclaimed “couch potato”
who loved to eat. When his dad had a heart attack
at age 51 and his mother passed away after weightrelated problems, David knew it was time to take
action. “Before my mom died, she called my brother
and me into her room,” David recalled. “She wanted
us to do something about our weight.”
A few days after David’s mom was buried, he read
about the 2006 “Commit to Be Fit” weight-loss
challenge in the Massillon Independent newspaper.
He applied and became part of the Aultman team.
“My two partners and I chose the Aultman Weight
Management ‘New Direction’ program,” David said.
“I was on an all-liquid diet for 57 days and lost 50
pounds during that time.”
David dropped 92 pounds on the Aultman Weight
Management program, and his health greatly
— David Clouse
improved. “When I was overweight, I was close
to having diabetes, high blood pressure and
cholesterol problems,” he shared. “After losing
weight, my blood pressure decreased from 154/95
to 108/72 – and my cholesterol dropped 90 points.”
A Revolutionary War reenactor, David incorporates
exercise into his regular routine. “I swim, do yoga
and run or bike,” he offered. “In the last two years,
I’ve competed in 37 races including 5k runs, half of
the Akron Marathon and a triathlon.”
Although David still battles the urge to overeat, he
embraces his role as a model of good health. “My
wife eats healthier now. And the guys at work ask
me about healthy foods and exercise equipment,”
he said. “I’m humbled to be an inspiration to
others. My mom would’ve been proud.”
Aultman uses everything from industry awards and accreditations
to patient satisfaction surveys to measure health care quality.
A w ard s and H onor s
Consumer Choice Award
For the 13th consecutive year,
Aultman Hospital earned the
“Consumer Choice Award”
and has been named the Canton-Metro area
and Stark County’s “Most Preferred Hospital for
Overall Quality and Image” by National Research
Corporation (NRC).
Aultman is among 226 hospitals nationwide
identified as having the highest overall quality
and image in their respective metro area by NRC,
a national leader in health care performance
measurement. Aultman is the only hospital in
Stark County to have received the Consumer
Choice Award every year since the award
program was established in 1996.
Get With The Guidelines
Triple Gold Recognition
“Get With The Guidelines” is an award-winning
program from the American Heart Association and
American Stroke Association. The program uses
evidence-based guidelines to improve quality of
care for stroke, coronary artery disease and heart
failure patients.
Aultman Hospital is one of just four hospitals
in the United States to have earned the Get With
The Guidelines “triple gold recognition” for 2008.
Aultman has been recognized for sustained
performance – two or more years of 85 percent
or higher adherence to all performance measures
– in treating coronary artery disease, stroke and
heart failure patients.
Beacon Award for Nursing Excellence
The Medical Intensive Care Unit,
Cardiac Care Unit and Cardiovascular
Surgical Intensive Care Unit nursing
staffs received the Beacon Award for
excellence in intensive care nursing. The award is
presented by the American Association of CriticalCare Nurses to nursing units that meet rigid criteria
for excellence, exhibit high-quality standards and
provide exceptional care for patients and families.
A ccreditation s and
C ommendation s
Chest Pain Center Earns Accreditation
In May 2008, the Aultman Chest Pain Center
received full Cycle II accreditation with Percutaneous
Coronary Interventions (PCI) from the Accreditation
Review Committee. The Chest Pain Center has
demonstrated its expertise and commitment to quality
patient care by meeting or exceeding stringent criteria
and completing on-site evaluations by a review team
from the Society of Chest Pain Centers.
Vascular Lab Accreditation
Get With The Guidelines
Triple Gold Recognition
Ohio Hospital Association’s
Safest Hospital Award
Aultman Hospital was named Ohio Hospital
Association’s safest hospital for 2008. This
year’s participating hospitals were divided into
groups based on number of employees, and
Aultman was placed in the 4,000+ employee
group. The hospital with the lowest injury rate
in each category was honored.
For 55 years, the OHA Statewide Hospital Safety
Campaign has recognized successful hospital
safety programs and superior employee safety
records. The safety awards were created in
1953 by the Ohio Hospital Association and
the Industrial Commission of Ohio to promote
workplace safety.
In 2008, the Aultman Vascular Lab earned
Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation
of Vascular Laboratories accreditation in visceral
(abdominal) vascular exams. Participation in the
accreditation process demonstrates the Aultman
Vascular Lab’s commitment to providing a high
level of patient care and quality and consistent
testing in the diagnosis of vascular disease.
Commission on Cancer Commendation
The Commission on Cancer (CoC) surveyed
Aultman Hospital’s Cancer Program in May
2008. Aultman subsequently received an
approval award for three years with contingency.
This increased to a full three-year approval in
early 2009.
Q uality Survey s and
N et w or k s
The CoC is a consortium of professional
organizations dedicated to improving survival
and quality of life for cancer patients through
standard-setting, prevention, research, education
and the monitoring of comprehensive quality
care. Approval by the CoC is granted only to those
facilities that have voluntarily committed to
provide the best in cancer diagnosis and treatment
and are able to comply with established CoC
standards. Aultman Hospital has been designated
as a Comprehensive Community Hospital Cancer
Center with commendation since 1986.
The Aultman Birth Center and Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU) have become one of the 44 OB
and NICU teams participating in the Ohio Perinatal
Quality Collaborative (OPQC).
Aultman Centering Program Achieves
First Site Approval in Ohio
The Aultman Physician Center OB/GYN clinic
offers group meetings where medical checkups
and educational materials are provided for
underinsured or uninsured prenatal patients.
The program, called Centering, helps expectant
mothers better understand prenatal care and
take an active role in their babies’ development.
Centering’s primary goals are to decrease preterm
births and increase the number of prenatal visits.
Aultman is the first facility in Ohio to
receive Official Approval from the Centering
Healthcare Institute (CHI). This approval is
for a two-year period. Site approval means the
Aultman Centering program has demonstrated
commitment to the CenteringPregnancy® model
of care and implemented a program that assures
quality to patients.
Aultman Birth Center and NICU
Participate in State Quality Collaborative
The OPQC is an Ohio-based learning network of
perinatal providers working to improve neonatal
and perinatal outcomes in the state. The Aultman
Hospital Birth Center and Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit were chosen to take part in this initiative, based
on many factors including long-term participation
in the Vermont Oxford Network.
The OPQC’s Birth Center and NICU teams are
focusing on two quality indicators. The NICU
team’s goal is to reduce late onset bloodstream
infections by 50 percent within one year among
infants who are 22-29 weeks gestational age.
The Birth Center team’s goal is to reduce the
number of elective deliveries between 36 and
38.6 weeks gestation by 60 percent within one
year. The overall goal is that this will help to
reduce the number of late preterm births and the
complications associated with these births.
Aultman Birth Center Participates
in CDC Survey
The Aultman Birth Center participated in the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(CDC) first national assessment of Maternity
Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care survey. The
survey rated hospitals for breast-feeding practices
in areas such as patient care, staff education,
discharge support and organizational support for
breast-feeding. The Aultman Birth Center scored
higher than the national, state and comparablesized hospitals’ average composite score.
Q uality in A ction
Improved Door-to-Balloon Time
Door-to-Balloon (D2B) is a quality initiative
launched by the American College of Cardiology,
American Heart Association and U.S. hospitals
that offer emergency angioplasty. The goal of D2B
is for cardiac interventionalists to open a heart
attack patient’s blocked artery (catheterization)
within 90 minutes of hospital arrival.
Aultman improved its D2B time in 2008. The
average median time to catheterization was 78
minutes, eight minutes faster than the previous year.
The percentage of patients treated in less than 90
minutes was 80 percent, up from 63 percent in 2007.
Evidence in Action
Although critical analysis of research is taught in
therapy curricula, it is a skill that requires ongoing
learning and practice to maintain. In 2008, Aultman
Therapy Services, in collaboration with Walsh
University, trained all patient care staff members to
use quality research evidence in their daily practice
to ensure patients are receiving the most up-to-date
and effective treatment techniques. Additionally,
evidence-based practice committees were established
at each Aultman Therapy Services location to provide
guidance to therapists in applying research evidence
to their daily practice decisions.
Patient Satisfaction
to gauge their satisfaction. Patients rate everything
from the timeliness of testing to the quality of care
provided by the medical and nursing staff to the
cleanliness of Aultman facilities. Surveys are mailed
to a random sampling of patients who received
inpatient, outpatient, emergency department,
immediate care and other services. Press Ganey,
which administers Aultman’s surveys, works with
more than 7,000 health care organizations to
measure and improve quality of patient care.
Quality Data Online
In 2008, Aultman added a “Quality and Pricing”
section on the Aultman Web site at www.aultman.
org. The section includes Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) survey information. The HCAHPS
survey is a tool the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) created to standardized
survey and data collection to measure patients’
perspectives on hospital care.
Aultman’s online quality section also includes
information from the CMS “Hospital Compare”
Web site, which includes data on 20 measures
of quality of care in the areas of heart attack,
heart failure, pneumonia and surgical infection
prevention. The goals of Hospital Compare are
to improve the care provided by U.S. hospitals,
while giving health care consumers easy access
to quality information.
Aultman’s Quality and Pricing section also
includes Aultman’s price list for charges including
room and board, emergency department visits,
operating room, physical therapy and other
services. This pricing information help patients
make informed choices about their health care.
Aultman surveys thousands of patients each year
The key to diabetes management
is understanding what you need
to do and why.
E ducation P ut s P atient on the P ath
to I mproved H ealth
65-year-old Dave Popovich had a sedentary job and
thought exercise was as boring as watching paint
dry. Everything changed when he was diagnosed
with Type 2 diabetes in May 2008.
“After I was diagnosed, I wanted to find out what
to do and how to do it,” Dave said. “I didn’t just
want to take medication without learning about
the ‘mechanisms’ involved in diabetes care.”
Dave’s doctor suggested the Aultman Hospital
Diabetes Education Program. Dave and his wife,
Linda, attended two group sessions – along with an
individual session to discuss the dietary component
of managing diabetes. “I was encouraged to write
down what I had been eating,” he said. “At the
individual meeting, we reviewed my food list and
determined where I could improve.”
— Dave Popovich
In the diabetes group class, Dave learned about
carbohydrates, how to eat a balanced diet and
the importance of regular exercise. “The diabetes
education class was extremely helpful,” he said.
“The key to diabetes management is understanding
what you need to do and why.”
Dave has chosen to live healthier. He lost 36
pounds, and his blood sugar level has decreased
with the help of diet, exercise and medication.
He’s also made exercise an important part of his
daily routine, lifting weights three days a week
and riding his stationary bike six days a week.
“Linda is an exercise nut, and I call her my drill
instructor,” Dave joked. “She makes sure I stick
to this regimen. The most important key in this
life-changing challenge has been Linda’s support
and participation. All in all, this is a success story.
I feel great.”
Despite a nationwide decrease in patient volumes, Aultman
Aultman Birth Center
In 2008, specialty physicians and nurse
practitioners from Akron Children’s Hospital
began offering pulmonary and neurology services
on-site at Aultman Hospital’s Pediatric Outpatient
Clinics. General pulmonology services for
infants, children and teens include pulmonary
function tests, allergy skin tests and asthma
education. The neurology clinic team sees
pediatric patients with headaches, epilepsy, seizure
disorders, learning problems, head injuries and
neuromuscular disorders.
experienced volume growth in many areas and expanded services to
improve health care convenience for patients.
Emergency/Trauma Services
The Emergency Department experienced volume
growth in 2008. More than 82,000 patients were
treated, including more than 14,000 pediatric
patients seen in the Children’s Emergency
Department. The patient acuity level increased,
which led to an increase of hospital admissions
through the Emergency Department. While other
emergency departments have had to divert patients
due to overcrowding, Aultman has not turned
patients away. One factor is the added capacity
provided by our 2006 Bedford building expansion.
The Emergency Department continues to
collaborate with the Aultman Heart Center to
improve timeliness of treatment in heart attack
patients. The Emergency Department, along
with the Heart Center, received Chest Pain Center
accreditation by the Society of Chest Pain Centers.
The Aultman Trauma Center received reverification from the American College of Surgeons
as a Level II Trauma Center. This verification is
valid through 2010. The program also experienced
a 4.5 percent increase in trauma patient volume
in 2008.
Aultman Children’s
Emergency Deparmtnet
Aultman Blood Center
In 2008, the Aultman Birth Center added two
birthing suites and a 16-bed nursery. The
additions will help Aultman meet the current
and future needs of Aultman patients. More
than 2,500 babies entered the world in the
Aultman Birth Center in 2008.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Our Level III NICU provided 60 neonatal
transports in 2008. Our Neonatal Transport
Team manages the transport of ill babies from
area hospitals to Aultman for specialized
care. Additionally, our Maternal-Fetal Medicine
specialists accepted close to 90 maternal
transports to our Level III Birth Center in 2008.
The Aultman Blood Center is a not-for-profit,
FDA-registered blood program dedicated to
providing a reliable, high-quality blood supply
for the community. The Aultman Blood Center
collected approximately 15,500 units of blood in
2008 and expanded services with the addition of
a new, larger bloodmobile to the current fleet. The
Aultman Blood Center also began Community
Advisory Boards in Holmes and Tuscarawas
counties. These boards consist of community
leaders who meet semiannually to increase
community awareness and participate in meeting
the community’s blood needs.
Aultman Heart Center
Aultman Center for Pain Management
The Aultman Heart Center opened a fourth
operating room in January 2008, due to increased
open heart surgery and vascular surgery volumes.
In addition, the fourth operating room provides
flexibility by enabling elective cases to remain on
schedule even when emergency cases are added.
The Aultman Center for Pain Management offers
comprehensive services to help patients manage
chronic pain. Services range from spinal cord
stimulation to image-guided nerve blocks to
injection therapy. Acupuncture therapy is also now
available to help patients manage back, arm, leg,
neck and shingles pain.
AultWorks Occupation Medicine is certified by the
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to treat workrelated injuries and illnesses. Services include 24hour drug and alcohol testing, executive health
screenings and industrial safety consulting. In
March 2008, AultWorks opened a new office at
Aultman West to enhance convenience for workers
in Western Stark County. Since the facility’s opening,
more than 1,050 patient visits have been made.
Volume of Heart Lab peripheral interventions such
as stenting, diagnostic studies and angioplasties
grew by 88 percent in 2008. The Heart Center also
experienced 9 percent growth in electrophysiology
procedures such as pacemakers and implantable
cardioverter defibrillators.
Aultman Heart Center and
Stroke Program staff
Approximately 12,000 patients turned to the
Aultman Center for Pain Management in 2008.
Services are available at the pain management
building on Fulton Drive in Canton, along with
Aultman West and Aultman North.
Wound Care Services
Aultman Wound Care Services, which opened in
2006, continues to grow. Wound Care Services
includes two hyperbaric oxygen chambers. The
oxygen-rich environment enables more oxygen
to circulate through patients’ blood and help
heal wounds faster. Adding a second hyperbaric
chamber late in 2007 has enabled the center to
treat more patients.
More than 4,700 patient visits were made to the
center in 2008. The number of hyperbaric oxygen
treatments increased by 45 percent in 2008 as well.
Having a diverse physician panel provides
patients with more choices and ensures that
patients receive services that best fit their
particular needs. Physician specialties includes
orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, vascular
surgery, family practice and podiatry.
Aultman North and Aultman West
In 2008, surgical volume rose at Aultman North
and Aultman West. Total Aultman North surgical
volume increased by 6 percent over the previous
year, particularly in orthopedic surgeries and
gynecological procedures. Aultman West had
a 7 percent rise in total patient volume, mainly
due to increases in pain management volumes.
Aultman Woodlawn
Aultman Woodlawn includes a 60-bed skilled
nursing unit and a 30-bed rehabilitation unit. The
facility is also home to Aultman Hospice, Home
Health Care Services and Grief Services. Hospice and
palliative care volume increased 12 percent over last
year, while home-care services grew 11 percent.
Aultman Woodlawn launched a new service
in 2008 called Aultman Home Safety. An
occupational therapist, who is a certified aging-inplace specialist, visits patients’ homes to assess the
home for safety. The therapist observes patients
doing daily activities and makes suggestions for
home modifications or how they organize things
in their home.
Aultman Grief Services and Hospice offer a
variety of support groups that are held at
Aultman Woodlawn. Six weekly and monthly
groups are offered to persons grieving the loss
of a parent, spouse, child, sibling or any loved
one. The newest group that was added in 2008
is called the Newly Bereaved meeting, to help
educate and comfort people who have had a
loved one die within the past six months or less.
Aultman Weight Management
Aultman Weight Management offers medically
supervised weight-loss programs to help people
lose weight and improve their overall health.
In 2008, client volumes grew nearly 37 percent
over the previous year.
Seasons Café
For the added convenience of Aultman Heart
Center, Birth Center and Emergency Department
visitors and staff, Aultman opened a café in the
Bedford building lobby. The new Seasons Café
offers everything from gourmet coffees and teas to
sandwiches and salads featuring organic produce.
Learning Commission’s evaluation team and
anticipates notice of results from that visit in the
spring of 2009.
With future plans to include other areas of
health sciences study, the college hired a chief
academic officer to drive the establishment and
implementation of the new programs. In support
of increasing educational offerings, the college has
moved forward with plans to fund and develop the
third floor of its facility, which will include stateof-the-art science laboratory amenities. The new
facilities will accompany the already available
computer-controlled mannequins, which provide
lifelike patient scenarios for optimal education.
With more than 500,000 enrollees from 2,000
area businesses, AultCare remains one of
the largest hospital-based preferred provider
organizations in the United States. Through
our board representation by local businesses,
doctors and hospital executives, AultCare
remains focused on meeting and exceeding
customer expectations by partnering with our
In 2008, AultCare’s PPO product received Full
Accreditation from the National Committee
for Quality Assurance (NCQA). We are proud
of the work our employees and providers put
into attainment of this accreditation. Studies
have shown that health plans earning NCQA
Accreditation outperform non-accredited health
plans on every single measure of clinical
quality and member satisfaction. NCQA
Accreditation recognizes the commitment of
our organization to providing quality health
care to our members and demonstrates that
we have successfully incorporated quality
improvements in our processes.
The AulCare
NCQA Accreditation team
Aultman College of Nursing
and Health Sciences
Building on more than 100 years of nursing
education excellence, Aultman College of Nursing
and Health Sciences continued its commitment
to the community and students as significant
milestones in the college’s history were met in
2008. Enrollment continued to grow with 237
students enrolled in the college’s only program of
study – an associate of science degree in nursing.
Aultman College educated a record number of
graduates in 2008, sending more than 90 nursing
professionals to serve our communities.
As anticipated, the college’s nursing program
was granted full initial accreditation from the
National League for Nursing Accreditation
Commission in the spring of 2008. In November,
the college hosted a site visit from the Higher
Student life at Aultman College has experienced
a tremendous increase in the past year, boasting
the development of several new professional,
educational and social organizations such as
the Aultman College Student Nurse Association
(an affiliate of the National Student Nurse
Association) and Men in Nursing as well as
several mentoring groups.
PrimeTime Health Plan
AultCare introduced PrimeTime Health Plan to
the community in 1997. Since its inception,
PrimeTime has grown to become the most
preferred Medicare Advantage health plan in
our five-county market. More than 50 percent
of Medicare Advantage enrollees have chosen
PrimeTime Health Plan to combine their Medicare
benefits with Part D prescription drug coverage.
With more than 19,000 members, PrimeTime
continues the AultCare tradition of providing
high-quality, personalized customer service to
As a community service, PrimeTime is also
very active as an educator to local Medicare
beneficiaries who would like more information
to make informed choices about their Medicare
coverage. PrimeTime’s Medicare educators act
as independent consultants and provide expert
advice to local seniors on Medicare benefits and
how to navigate through hundreds of choices of
medical and pharmacy coverage options.
AultComp MCO
AultComp is a Workers’ Compensation Managed
Care Organization (MCO) that partners with
employers to provide quality care and services
in a cost-effective manner to the injured workers
covered by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ (BWC)
Compensation Health Partnership Program.
AultComp is certified statewide. Specializing in
workers’ compensation medical management,
AultComp remains constantly focused on the
interests and satisfaction of clients and providers.
AultComp was established in 1997 and now
serves more than 7,770 employers in the state
of Ohio. Since 2002, AultComp has been fully
accredited by URAC to perform medical case
management services.
AultComp hosted a visit from the BWC
administrator, chief of medical services and
compliance, and medical director. The visit
consisted of a tour of AultComp, Aultman
Hospital and the College of Nursing. AultComp
is a member of the MCO BWC Business Council
and the MCO League of Ohio.
Looking ahead to 2009, AultComp will be
seeking re-accreditation with URAC to provide
medical case management.
AultOne, AultCare’s individual insurance product,
launched its first marketing campaign in 2008.
We are directing our message to recent graduates,
the self-employed, part-time employees and
early retirees through marketing avenues
including newspaper, radio and billboards. We
also launched the Web
site in 2008, which enables potential members
to compare plan designs, get sample rates and
apply online. AultOne continues to maintain the
exceptional service AultCare’s customers expect,
along with access to the same providers available
to our group members. We will continue to grow
the product to become the premier individual
health insurance plan for the community.
Our Mission: The Aultman Foundation will raise and administer funds
in order to support and promote education and wellness outreach
programming that will improve the health of the community.
In 2008, our first full year of operation, 44 local organizations were awarded
$251,000 in community grants. These organizations are our neighbors
and friends working together, each in their own way, to pursue our goal to
improve the health of our community. Whether it’s Lighthouse Ministries’
Neighborhood-Based After-School Initiative (NASI) providing more than
23,000 nutritious snacks or meals to students in Canton after-school
programs or Project REBUILD that provides CPR and first-aid training to every
student, each program provides a service that helps make our community a
better place to live and raise a family.
A special thanks to all the donors who chose to support The Aultman
Foundation and the Women’s Board of Aultman Hospital in 2008. We truly
appreciate your generosity and unwavering support of our mission and
vision. You will find in this report a complete listing of community grants
provided as well as a list of our donors.
We would like to thank our foundation board members for their dedication
and leadership as well as the grant review committee members for their
research into our funded organizations.
With your support, we can continue to support Aultman and our neighbors
and friends as we “Lead Our Community to Improved Health.”
Chuck ScheurerVicki Haines
ChairmanVice President
Twice each year, The Aultman Foundation accepts grant requests
from 501(c)(3)nonprofit organizations. THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS
• Community Services of Stark County, $6,000
for a school-based wellness initiative
• CYC (Community Recreation Center), $5,000
for Learn to Swim summer program
• American Red Cross Stark County Chapter,
$5,000 for babysitters’ training courses
• North Canton Playhouse, $3,200 for
presentation of six educational prevention
dramas dealing with domestic violence
• Faith in Action of Central Stark County, Inc.,
$5,000 for a health, safety and wellness
program for seniors
• Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health,
$4,000 for The Incredible Years school-age
parent training programs
• Project REBUILD, $5,000 for student CPR
and first aid certification and medical
supplies and support
• Girl Scouts of North East Ohio, $6,000 for
Positive Futures program for teen girls
• Community Care Services, $9,800 for
KidCare America after-school mentoring
• Safe Kids Stark County, $3,500 for childhood
injury prevention seminar for health care
• Deos Destiny Designs, $10,000 for One
Family at a Time life skills and mentoring
• Stark Social Workers’ Network, $10,000 for
respite services
October 2008
• FACES of Stark County, $5,000 for What
About Us advocacy program
• Turning Point of Stark County, $5,000 for
program to address needs of drug/alcohol
addicted females reentering society
• Community Services of Stark County
(formerly Families First), $2,700 for Mother
Mentor program assisting teen mothers
• Urban Ark Ministries, $14,800 to provide
neutral, no- or low-cost supervised visits for
non-custodial parents or family members
• Grace Operations and Development Center,
$7,000 for youth life skills and mentoring
• WATOES – “We are Troubled on Every Side,”
$6,000 for senior outreach programming
• Hammer & Nails, $4,000 for residents with
physical limitations to live independently
• Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc., $8,000
for an independent living program for
children aging out of foster care
• First Mennonite dba Lighthouse Ministries,
$7,000 for healthy snacks for participants
of NASI (Neighborhood-Based After-School
• Mayor’s Literacy Commission, $3,000 for
book fairs for children and adults
• YMCA Big Brothers Big Sisters, $12,000 to
expand the mentoring program
May 2008
• Bolivar Fire Department, $5,000 for Fire
Safety House education program
• Canton Calvary Mission, $5,000 for healthy
meals at Loaves and Fishes Café
• Coming Together Stark County, $6,000 for a
diversity training initiative
• Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland
and East Central Ohio, Inc., $4,500 for
Assistance Dog Scholarship program
• Guardian Support Services Inc., $3,500 for
Volunteer Guardian program
• Hartville Migrant Council, $5,500 for
coordination of a health care program
• J. Babe Stearn Community Center, $13,000
to help establish a Canton Youth Football
• Lighthouse Visions, $4,100 for Gatekeeper
Transitional Life Skills Training program
• Multi-Development Services of Stark County,
$3,500 for SNETII healthy programming
• NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness)
of Tuscarawas County, $1,800 for Family-toFamily education programs
• Neighbors Helping Neighbors, $3,000 for
The Anchor Project for ex-offenders
• Next Step Mentoring, $4,000 for Steps to
Physical Fitness and Health program
• Pathway Caring for Children, $4,000 for
Preparing Foster Children for Life After
Foster Care program
• Personal & Family Counseling Services of
Tuscarawas Valley, $1,300 for Older Adult
Outreach program
• Siffrin, Inc., $2,500 for a physical fitness
program for persons with disabilities
• Stark County Hunger Task Force, $11,000
for food programming assistance for
children and seniors
• Stark County Out of Poverty Partnership,
Inc., $4,000 for Family Economic Success
• The Voyager Program, $7,500 for a teen
violence prevention program
• Urban League of Greater Stark County,
$7,100 for Kid Fit Fitness program
• YMCA of Central Stark County, $4,000 for
CPR/first aid training materials
• YMCA of Western Stark County, $3,700 for
Water Safety Education program
Community Grant
Funding Distribution
2008 Total
Health &
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
Visit for details on how to apply for a grant.
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
The Quentin
Alexander family,
with Ed Roth
(left) and Vicki
Haines (right).
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation is
a charitable trust dedicated to the support and
advancement of health care, primarily in the
greater Cleveland community. The foundation
awards monetary gifts for initiatives designed to
improve health care quality or delivery, programs
that provide access to health care to the underserved
or indigent or medical research. In 2008, the
foundation granted $500,000 to Aultman to benefit
the hospital’s Compassionate Care Center facility,
slated to break ground in 2009.
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation has a
unique tie to Aultman. In January 2008, Aultman
welcomed special visitors: Quentin Alexander, the
great-grandson of Aultman namesake Cornelius
Aultman, along with Mr. Alexander’s wife, Betty,
and daughter, Pam Homsher. Mr. Alexander is the
president of the board of managers of the Elisabeth
Severance Prentiss Foundation.
“Quentin sent a letter to Aultman President Ed Roth,
expressing interest in learning more about us,”
said Vicki Haines, vice president of The Aultman
Foundation. “Ed invited Quentin and his family to
Aultman, and it was a wonderful visit. I love hearing
about family history, so spending time with them was
one of the best experiences I’ve had here at Aultman.”
Like the generations of Aultman family members
who came before, giving back to the community is
important to Quentin and his family. Special thanks to
the Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation for their
generous gift.
Bettie Sponseller Metcalf Memorial
Bettie Sponseller
Robert Metcalf and his late wife, Bettie Sponseller
Metcalf, have long understood the importance of
quality higher education. As such, they established
endowments and trusts at several educational
institutions. “Thirty years ago, we started laying
the groundwork – helping to establish [financial
means] for future students,” explained Mr. Metcalf.
“And when Bettie passed away, giving back in her
name was the first thing I wanted to do.”
Mrs. Sponseller Metcalf was a 1942 graduate of the
Aultman School of Nursing. She spent many years
working in various doctors’ offices and hospitals
before joining her husband’s architectural firm
in Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. Metcalf’s generous
endowment to Aultman College of Nursing and
Health Sciences is “a tribute to Bettie’s past” and a
treasure to the future students of Aultman College.
We are deeply grateful to the following individuals and companies for supporting Aultman in
2008, through the Women’s Board of Aultman Hospital, The Aultman Foundation, Aultman
Hospice, Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Aultman Hospital.
7 Martini Lounge
7th Street Café
A Better Home Health Care-
North, Inc.
A&C Welding, Inc.
AARP Everhard Belden Chapter 4121
Abbott Electric
Abbott Fire and Security
Abbott Nutritionals
Juanita Ables
Mr. & Mrs. Fuad Abraham
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Adamcik
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Adams
Henri S. Adams
Adam’s Men’s Clothier
Carol Addonizio
Adelman’s Truck Parts Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. L. Scott Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gust S. Afentul
Akron Aeros
Akron Zoo
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Albertson
Shirley Albright
Dr. & Mrs. William Alford
Joan A. Aljancic
All Construction Services
Lucille Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C.
Barbara E. Almasy
Suzie Althouse
Nancy Alvarez
Mara C. Aman
Ambulance Associates of Canton
American Aluminum Extrusions of Ohio, LLC
American Cancer Society
Ameriku Ltd.
Nadine Ames
Amgen USA
Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John Andrea
Andreas Furniture Company
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Andrews
Andy’s Parties
Betty Angstadt
Anheuser-Busch Sales of Canton
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Ankeny
Anna’s Deli
Anne-Marie’s Fine Jewelry
Helen M. Antal
Anthony Petitti Garden
Anthony Rossi Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Don Appleby
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Arbogast
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Arbogast
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Arends
Robert L. Arner
Elaine Arntz
Art’s Jewelers
ASC Industries, Inc.
Patricia Ashton
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
AT&T Foundation
Maureen Ater
Atrium OB Gyn, Inc.
Atwood Lake Boats
Aultman Surgery Team
Aultman Engineering & Renovation Services
Aultman Heart Center
Aultman Hospital Gift Shop
Aultman Hospital Medical Staff
Aultman Hospital Memorial 5 South Employees
Aultman Therapy Services
Aultman Women’s Board Quilt Committee
Aultman “Yes, You Can” Team
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
B & G Fireplace and Patio
Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Inc.
Babies R Us #9241
Baby Tyme Furniture
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bacopoulos
Robin Bacopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. John Badarnza Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Bagent
Alice R. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bailey
Glenn Bailey
Gloria J. Baines
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Baird
Cynthia E. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. John Baker
John F. Baker
Marilyn J. Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ball - Henry B. Ball Jewelers
Bally Total Fitness
Carol Bandy
Donna Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Barger
Martin J. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Barnhart
Beth D. Barrineau
Bart Lee Electric, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Barth
Ruth Barth
Dr. Don Bartlette
Mr. David & Dr. Alise Bartley
Carolyn Bartley
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bartos
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Bartsch
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Basbagill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Basham Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Bassetti
Nellie Bassetti
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bauman
Baxter BioScience
Bayer HealthCare
Bead Boutique
Bead Shoppe of Canton
The Bart Beal Family
M. Jeannine Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Beauch
The Beaver Excavating Co.
Mr. & Mrs. John Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Beck
Eileen Beckert
Amanda Beckert
Ray J. Bednarczyk
The Belden Brick Company
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Belden
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Belden
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Belden Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Belford
Mr. Charles Bell & Mrs. Barbara Bjornstad
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Bellone
Mr. & Mrs. John Bender
Isabel Benington
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Bennell
Mr. & Mrs. D. Gene Bennett
Donna J. Bennett
Dr. Robert Benson
The Berbari Family
Elsie Berger
Gail Berger
Rosemarie Bernosky
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Bestic
Lucille Beswick
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Betro
Cynthia I. Bianco
Mr. & Mrs. Asa L. Bibbee
Big City Chophouse
Alfretta B. Bigler
Mr. & Mrs. John Bint
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Birkbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar G. Birkerts
Mr. & Mrs. David Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Bittler
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Bitzel
Ann D. Black Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Black
Mr. & Mrs. Lanny R. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Black
Black McCuskey
Blackberry Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. Grover Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Blake
Margie Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Blakney
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blandford
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Blass
Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Blind
Rebecca Block
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blyer
Hortense B. Bobbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bockius
Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Boda Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bodnar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bodnar
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Boggs
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Booker
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Booth
Lauren Borak - Tony Donahue Hair Design
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Borden
Richard E. Bordner
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bork
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Borland
Dr. & Mrs. Dean Borth
George A. Botchvaroff
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Boughton
A Bouquet Florist
Alex Bourlas
Sue C. Bourquin
The Bowdil Company
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bowe
Mr. & Mrs. David Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. James Bower
Joyce A. Bowers
Joyce A. Bowman
Diana L. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Boyd
Nancy J. Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Steve G. Bozeka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bracken
Dr. Timothy S. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Brahler
Judith F. Branch
Dr. & Mrs. David Brandau
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bray
Brechbuhler Scales, Inc.
Breezeborn Art and Jewelry
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bresson
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bretean
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bricker
Beverly J. Bridger
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Marjorie W. Brock
Brookside Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brost
Mr. & Mrs. Everett L. Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Brothers
Doris I. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Brown
Jeannine F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Brown
Bruner-Cox LLP
Lilly Brunoni
Ruth Anne Firm Bruzzese
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Buban
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Bucci
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Buch
Buckeye Career Center
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Margaret Buell
Mr. & Mrs. William Burkhardt
Ethel M. Burks
Jo Burnosky
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Burnosky
Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Burt
Martha Busto
Karen D. Butera
Mr. & Mrs. David Butz
Paul D. Byers
John A. Cable Foundation
The Cake Lady
Pamela S. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson M. Caley
Peggy Callan
Mr. & Mrs. William Callison
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Campf
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Campitelli
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Candage
Canton AEP Employees Club
Canton Aultman Emergency Physicians, Inc.
Canton Ballet
Canton Chair Rental
Members of Canton Chamber of Commerce
Canton Cut Stone LLC
Canton Floors Inc. dba CFI Interiors
Canton Legends
Canton Museum of Art
Canton Ophthalmology Associates
Canton Palace Theatre
Canton South Community Mens Club Inc.
Canton Symphony Orchestra
Canton Urology Assoc., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Capes
Capestrain Jewelers
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cardinal
Cardiovascular Consultants, Inc.
Career Marketplace, Inc.
Susan Cargill
Beverly J. Carlsen
Carnes Office Supply
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Carpenter
Carruth Studio
Caruso and Company Fine Jewelers
Casa Suenos
Virginia Casady
Dr. Donald Case
Evan Case
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Case
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Casey
Casey’s Countryside Furniture
Cathy Cowgill Flowers
Cat’s Meow Village
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Caudill
Kathryn Cavalier
Center Ice Sports Complex
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chaney
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Changet
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Changet
Mr. & Mrs. Budd Chapman
Charity School of Kendal
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Charleston
Cheese ‘N’ Crackers Deli
Chemetall Oakite
Chez-Del Interiors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Chicky
Jesse Childers
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Chiofolo
Mr. & Mrs. Julius P. Chirumbolo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Iqbal Choudhry
Julie A. Christ
Cicchini Enterprises - McDonald’s
Charlene Clamp
Mr. & Mrs. E. Joseph Clancy
Linda R. Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Clapper
Clarendon Elementary
Carolyn J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Clark
Darlynn S. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Clark
Irene T. Clark
Clay’s Park Resort
Clearmount Elementary
Clearwater Park
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Cleaver
The Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Trunk, Belden Village
Cleveland Zoological Society
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Clevenger Jr.
Ann Clipson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Clugston
Kathleen Clunk
Helen D. Cochrane
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cockroft
Helen Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Colette
Cathy A. Colley
Combi Packaging Systems LLC
ComDoc, Inc.
Perri-Anne Concialdi
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Conlan
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Hudson Conley
Jeff Conley
Theodore Conley
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Connelly
Delores P. Conner
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc.
Janice Contie
Mary Lou Conversino
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cook
Jonathan Cooks
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Cooley
Coon Restoration and Sealants, Inc.
Mary E. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cooper
Core Essentials Pilates Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Corse
Cottage Draperies and Interiors
Dianne Cottrill
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cracknell
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Ponce
Craig Personal Jewelers
Creative Catering
Creative Financial Services
Richard E. Croasdaile
Mr. & Mrs. John Crofford
Jules R. Croft
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Croft
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Croghan
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Cronebach
Nancy A. Cross
Nancy L. Cross
Rebecca J. Crowl
Rebecca S. Cseak
Nancy C. Cuartas
William T. Cumler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. James Curts
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Cush
Custom Fireplace Shop
Robin L. Cutcher
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cybulskis
Cyrus Custom Framing
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Daane
Dan West Interior Design, Inc.
Janice Danner
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Danner
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Daugherty
Michael L. Daugherty
Anna Louise Davenport
Davenport United Methodist Women
Paul & Carol David Foundation
Davies Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Harley W. Day
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Day
Day Ketterer Ltd.
Albert De Armitt Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Dechiara
Mary L. Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Deckman
Patricia A. Dedent
Valerie Degenhard
Judith DeGreef
Ardis DeHoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DeHoff
Robert G. Delap
Debra DelCorso
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dellapina
Rita P. Demarco
Joseph Rodriguez Jr.
Patricia A. Demario
Eric DeMatteis
Lucille Vaughn DeMatteis
William C. Demos
Nan DeMuesy
Mr. Stephen Denning
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Dennis
Denver Area Council #61
Department of Health and Human Services
Esther Derossi
Desert Inn Restaurant
Steve Deuble
The Deuble Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Devies
Dey, LP.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiAntonio
Dickenson Stained Glass Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Dickerhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Dicks
Diebold, Inc.
John W. Dietrick
Mr. & Mrs. Greg DiNarda
Mr. & Mrs. David DiPietro
Sandra K. DiPietro
Dr. & Mrs. Robert DiSimone
Joseph J. Dluzyn
Judith Doebereiner
Bill Domer
Nancy R. Dominick
Robin Donald
Angela Donnenwirth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Donnenwirth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Donze
Dr. & Mrs. Milan Dopirak
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dorland
Ruth Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Downerd
Mr. & Mrs. Veryle R. Draime
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Draper
Dream - A Unique Salon and Boutique - Jennifer Tan
Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Drenta
Eric Dublikar
Maureen Dudley
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Dulik
Shirley Dungan
Taylor Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie T. Durr
Dutch Girl Cleaners
Louise W. Dykes
Mr. & Mrs. John Easterday
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Eberle
Jean Eckinger
Sue B. Eckstein
Sara J. Eddins
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Edmunds
Ronald D. Edris
Educational Concepts Group, LLC
Edward Jones
Judith M. Edwards
Tina M. Efinger
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Efremoff
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ehret
Margaret Eisenbrei
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Eisenbrei
Eli Lilly and Company
Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. H. Roger Ellis
John R. Ellsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Elsasser
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Elton II
Emerald Environmental Services, Inc.
Kenneth P. English
Shannon English Murray
Enviroscapes - Mr. & Mrs. Todd Pugh
Bill Epps
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Erb
Ernie’s Bicycle Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ernst
Barbara A. Esber and Family
Dr. & Mrs. Jorge Esguerra
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Espinosa
Shirley Essig
Barbara Etzold
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Evanich, DVM
Carol L. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Evans
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Mary L. Evans Early Childhood Center
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Evans
Nancy J. Evans
Norma Evans
Sally Evans
Everhard Products, Inc.
Donald E. Everhart
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ewing
F W Adams Amvets Post 124
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice S. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fairless
Fairways of North Canton
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Falvo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Farelli
Beverly S. Farmer
Faux Illusions - Debbie Chiappini
Jane B. Fawcett
Larry Feely
Brittany J. Fehlman
Mr. & Mrs. Dane Ficco
June E. Fiddler
Diana E. Fife
Mr. & Mrs. George Film
Mr. & Mrs. David Finley
First Assembly of God
FirstMerit Bank
Mr. & Dr. Jack Fisher
Jeanine Fisher
Margaret A. Fisher
Fisher Foods and The Fisher Family
Susan E. Fitch
Fitness Quest
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Fleischman
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Fleishour
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flood
The Flour Girls
Fore S. Clothiers
Forged Accents and Kepcor, Inc.
Fort Laurens American Legion
Post 190
Ann Marie Fortenbacher
Mr. & Mrs. John Foutch
Fowler and Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Frajdonberg
Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. France Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Frank
Margaret E. Frantz
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Frazier
Fred Olivieri Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Freday
Joan Frey
Friday Night Men’s Meeting on the Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Friedl
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Friedman
Lynne M. Frieg
Frontier Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fry Jr. and Family
Fuji Medical Systems
The Furbay Electric Supply Company - Tim and Jean Furbay
Gabe’s Meat and Deli, Inc.
Carolyn Galayda
Judge James S. Gallas
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gallina
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Gardner
Lois M. Garris
Nancy Gartner
Gasser Fine Jewelers
Lois Gassman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Gault
Mary L. Gaumer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Gehner
Karyn Geissinger
Randy S. Geitgey
Donna Jean Geitgey
Val Gemma
Genomic Health, Inc.
Corrine George
Mary E. George
Georgio’s Grille
Loretta A. Gephart
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Gerber
Anne R. Gergel
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gersman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Gesenhues
Dr. & Mrs. James Gesiotto
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Getz
Sharon J. Geyer
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Giammarco
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Giammarco
Dianne J. Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan R. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gimigliano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Gipperich Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Girt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Glazer
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus F. Godoy
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Goehring
Karla M. Golub-Sodnicar
Joe Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Clair Good
Shirley S. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gotschall
Jean Gotchall
Mr. & Mrs. David Grabowsky
Sara Grader
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Grainger
Mr. & Mrs. Victor G. Gramoy
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gray
Great Lakes Cheese Co., Inc.
Mary M. Green
Green Thumb Nursery, Inc.
Helen Greenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. T. Matthew Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. T. Raymond Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. T. Stephen Gregory
Gregory Family Foundation
Gregory Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gribbin
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Griff
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. James Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grischow
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Grischow
Dr. Jessy W. Grizzle
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Gronlund
Mr. & Mrs. Eldy Gross
Sheri L. Grunwald
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Guardado
Rhyllis Guist
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gunther
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haas
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Haban
John R. Hadden
Pearl Haefka
Drs. Tim & Brenda Hagen
Ardella E. Hager
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Haidet’s Auto Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Haines
The Hair Shoppe and Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Mike E. Hall
Ruth Hallett Shook
Gretchen Halter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Halter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hamilton
Susan Hamilton
Virginia L. Hamilton
Hamlets II Condominium Association
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hammond
Hammond Construction
Kathryn Hamsher
Sally Handrych
Mr. & Mrs. Robb Hankins
Dorothy Hanlon
Dawn E. Hanna
Hannan and Associates
Rachel E. Harbold
Jay Hardman
Sheila R. Hare
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Harnish
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Harold
Mr. Matthew Harper & Mrs. Mara Aman
Margaret (Cookie) M. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Harris
Harter Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hartley
Donna J. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. David Hartung
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Hartung
Hartville Chocolate Factory
Hartville Hardware
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Hasapis
Hasenstab Architects, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Hauser
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Haut
Wilson O. Hawk
Tina M. Hawthorne
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Hayes
J.G. Haymond
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hays
Virginia L. Hazard
Headliner’s Salon and Day Spa
Hearinc., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Heck
Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Heckman
Mr. & Mrs. Kedron Heckner
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hein
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Heller Jr.
Kristin K. Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Hale Hemenway
Dorothy Hendershot
Jerald A. Henderson
Marjorie J. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Erick Hendrickson
Hendrickson Trailer Suspension Systems
Cindy Henry
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Herbert Jr.
Andrea Herbst
Heritage Golf Shots
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hertzog
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Hetrick
Mr. & Mrs. Willie J. Hickman
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Hill
Hills and Dales Vision, Inc. - Kelly and Ronia Shaheen
Hilscher-Clarke Electric Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Himes
Velva J. Hinderks
Don Hinerman
Betty Jo Hirschfield Louik
Mr. & Mrs. Phil K. Hissner
Alex M. Hoce
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoffman
Isabel E. Hoge
Gerry J. Hoggard
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Holben
Mary E. Holland
Holland America Cruise Line
Rhea O. Hollar
Esther J. Hollinger
Betty Hoopes
Colleen S. Hoosier
Judy Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Matt J. Hoover
Thomas H. Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hoover
The Hoover Foundation
Harley C. & Mary Hoover Price Foundation
Hoover High School Key Club
Hoover Historical Center
Carmela (Pat) Hope
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Horning
Mr. & Mrs. James Hosenbackez
Adey Hostetler, LMT, Reiki Master
Housos Window Creations
Ruth J. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Howes
H-P Products, Inc.
Linda J. Hudas Family and Friends
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Huffman
David J. Humbel
Patricia A. Humbert
Rita Humbert
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hummel
Drs. John & Gerri Humphrey
Monica Humrighouse
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Hunkler
Joyce Hunt
Huntington Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Terry M. Huret
Donald Hurless
Jane Hursh
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Hussar
Mr. & Mrs. Guido Ianni
IBEW Local Union #1413
IBEW Local Union #306
IBEW Local Union #540
Ruth H. Iles
Incognito Portrait Design
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Inman
M. Charles Innis
Innis Maggiore
International Union of Operating Engineers
Invisible Fence of Canton, Inc.
Sandra L. Ionno
Island Oasis
Italo’s Pizza Shop
James A. Ivan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ivan
Ellamae Iversen
N. Elaine Ives
Dr. Bernadette F. Jabour
Barbara L. Jackson
Brenda Jackson
Jackson High School Key Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce S. Jaffe
Dan Jagunic
Christine James
Deborah James
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Janowicz
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Jaquay
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Jaquillard
J-Bar Custom Drapery
Mr. & Mrs. James Jeffries
Eugene B. Jester
J-L-S Hair Studio
Joe Pileggi’s Food & Catering - Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pileggi
John Anderson Flower Shops
Johnnies Bakery of Canton, Inc.
Johnny-Apple Cheese Place
Barbara A. Johns
John’s Bar and Grille
David W. Johnson - Spread Eagle Tavern and Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Johnson
Judith A. Johnson
Judith E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Russell Johnson
Susan Johnson
Bobbie Johnsten Valentine
Mary Joliat
Patricia A. Joliat
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jolliff
Tim Jolliff
Marilyn Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jones
Joseph A. Jeffries Co., Inc.
David H. Judy
Pearl Jzwicker
Peter J. Kacarab
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Kackley and Family
KAG Disbursement
Charles R. Kail
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kaiser
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Kamen
Kame’s Sports
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kanam
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kandel
Anne Karatjas
Irene Karavas
Mary E. Karcher
Shannon Karcher
The Karcher Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kardohely
Josette Kark, JK. Designs
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie K. Kattman
Janice Kattouf
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kattouf
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kaufman
Frankie Kaye, Artist
Father Robert W. Kaylor
Carol A. Kazelman
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Kee
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Keener
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keeney
Elizabeth Keeper
Dr. & Mrs. George Kefalas
Betty Kegelmyer
Sharon E. Keister
Kempthorn Motors, Inc.
Kendall House, Inc. dba Kentucky Fried Chicken
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne L. Kendle
Esther Kendle
Kathleen A. Kennedy
Linda A. Kennedy
Denise G. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kessel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Khouri
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Kibler
Martha Kidder
Sandra Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Kiefer
A. Darlene Kieffer
Stella J. Kiko
Russ Kiko Associates Inc.
Kiko Meats
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kilduff
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Kilkenny
Kim Anderson Interior Design, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. King
Marilou King
Mr. & Mrs. Vern A. King
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Kinsley
Shirley A. Kissner
Kitchens and More, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kittredge R. Klapp
Dr. & Mrs. George Kmetz
Jodi Knapik
Marian Knauf
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Knoch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Knoebel
Beulah Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kohmann
Dr. & Mrs. Khalil Korkor
Bradford Korzen
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kostenjak
Mr. & Mrs. George Koutras
Barbara A. Kovarik
Joseph P. Krach
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Kracker
Mr. & Mrs. Derald H. Kraft
Jody Kraft
Marilyn E. Krahling
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kraus
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krew
Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Kristoff
Dr. JoAnn Krivetzky
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Krueger
Krugliak, Wilkins, Giriffiths & Dougherty, LPA
Walter E. Kumpf
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuntz
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kuska
La De Da
Joann Labriola
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lair
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Laird
Donna M. Lake
Lake Cable Nursery
Lake Forest Graduate School of Management
Lake Local Schools Administrative Office
Lake View Golf
June Lamielle
Mr. & Mrs. Frances LaMorto
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lamp
Landmark Disposal
James M. Lang
Nicholas J. Lanzalotta
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Lanzalotta
Laser Quest, Canton
Doris Latino
Laubacher Upholstery
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lauby
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Lauk
Laura of Pembroke
Laurie Lewis Interior Design
Anna Laursen
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. James Lawrence
Lazar’s Art Gallery & Creative Framing
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Leaman
Mr. & Mrs. James Leath
Lebanon Valley College
Lee Spencer Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Leetch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Leggett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leibensperger
Mr. & Mrs. George Lemon
William Lemmon
Lemon Leaf Catering
Nancy L. Lenarz
Lela H. Lengacher
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Lenhart
Linda Lenz
Leonard Insurance Services
Frances Lescallett
The Lettershop
Levin Furniture
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lewis
The Life Family
Lighting By Design
Mr. & Mrs. Merle E. Lilley
Lincolnshire Resident’s Club
Ralph B. Lind
Carolyn S. Lindenberger
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lindesmith
Mr. & Mrs. Guy D. Lindsey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Linerode
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Linxweiler
Frona A. Liston
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Little
Connie L. Little, RN
Jeanne Livengood
Pamela S. Llik
Mary Lockshin
Logan Sports, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lombardi
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Lombardi
Helen M. Lonce
Glenna J. Long
Longaberger Basket Company
Sonya R. Loomis
Beth A. Loriot
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lott
Louisville Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. J. Eugene Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice C. Luke
Pearl Lundgren
Mr. & Mrs. William Luntz
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent O. Lupe
Nancy L. Luther
Mr. & Mrs. James Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip E. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Lyons
Mary Lou Machamer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Macleod
Mr. & Mrs. Harry MacNealy
Drs. Elbert and Martha Magoon
Bette Maier
Kelly Mallen
Malone College
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mangino
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Manini
Ellen Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mann
Mr. & Mrs. David Manns
Marian Manns
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Manns
Tiffany Manos - Grecian Delights
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Manos
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Manuszak
The March of Dimes
Dr. & Mrs. Rogelio G. Marcial
Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Marcus
Mr. & Mrs. James Mardis
Marie Anderson Massotherapy
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin G. Markley
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Black
The Nancy Markley Fund
Norma J. Marks
Marquis Orthopedic
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Marran
Tiffany Marsh
V.R. Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Martino
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Marvin
Dr. & Mrs. Grant Mason
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Massarelli
Sherry Massie
Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce
Massillon First Church of the Nazarene
Dorothy Mast
Dena F. Mastrangelo
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Materna
Mathie Supply, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell Matronia
Kacie Mayle
Judith K. McClune
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCabe
Beverly A. McCall
Mr. & Mrs. David McCauley
Dr. Laurie K. McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon McCauley
Dr. & Mrs. Brian McClain
Norma L. McClain
Patricia L. McClellan
R. Chris McConkey
Esther E. McCormick
Carol Y. McCray
Mary L. McCullough
William McDonald
Duane McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. McDonald
A. Jane McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGrew
Mr. & Mrs. Howard McGuirk
Mr. & Mrs. Angus McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt A. McKee
McKinley Eagles REAC Friends and Officers
McKinley Grand Hotel
Cindy McKnight
Mr. & Mrs. Dean L. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. McNamee
Iva I. McParlane
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McPeek
Mr. & Mrs. David McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McQueen
Dr. & Mrs. John R. McVey
Linda McWilliams
The Medicine Shoppe
Jose Medina & Associates
Meese Family Rev Living Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Vinayak Mehta
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Meine
Jennifer Melegari
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Mellion
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meltzer
Carol A. Menon
Mr. & Dr. Matthew L. Mercer
Audrey W. Merle
Mr. & Mrs. George Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Merriman III
Larry A. Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Merryman
Lori L. Mertes, MD
Roslyn E. Messerly
Robert C. Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Metro
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Mihal
Irene Mihaly
Mill Middle Special Education Team
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. J. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Miller
Patricia Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Rick D. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Miller
Roberta Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Miller
Susan S. Miller
Miller’s Greenhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Milligan
Mr. & Mrs. George Millovich Jr. and Family
Minerva Middle School Sixth Grade Teaching Staff
Minerva United Methodist Church
Mr. & Mrs. David Misbrener
Barbara A. Moery
Louise M. Moffat
Mohican Resort and Conference Center
Darlene R. Mohler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mokodean
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Mollet III
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Monbeck
Gina Monsanty
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Moore
Sherry L. Mordecai
Paulette Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Morley
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Morley Sr.
Morningstar Hematology Oncology Associates, Inc.
Morris Office Environments
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Morrison
Lou Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Tod Morrow
Kay Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Burr J. Mosher Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Mossgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Muckley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Muhleman
Mulligan’s Pub
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murray
Margo J. Musser
Ann L. Myer Brokaw
Rodney L. Napier
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Nash
Dr. & Mrs. Eyad Nashawati
Cynthia Natalie
National City Bank
Nationwide Insurance
Nature Stone
Betty Naus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Naus
Nautica Queen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Maurer
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Neuro Muscular Therapy Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Newburn Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newlon
Mr. & Mrs. Luther G. Newsom
Julie Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nichols
Eleanor J. Nicholson
Nick Changet Jr. Jewelers, Inc.
Noah’s Bark Canine Adventures
Marie Nordstrom
Joan Noretto
North American Galvanizing and Coatings, Inc.
North Canton Medical Foundation
North Canton Playhouse
North Canton Repair
North Canton Skate Center
North Canton Veterinary Clinic
Mr. & Mrs. E. V. Notareschi
Ann Notturno
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Novak
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Novelli
Oak Shadows Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Oaks
Judith A. Oberlin
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Oberly
Gail, Bob and Maria Obermiller
Christina O’Connor, DDS
Off The Cuff Designs
Janet Ogden West
The Ohio Automobile Club
Ohio Eye Alliance, Inc.
Ohio Retina Associates
Old Carolina Barbecue Co.
Angela Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Fermin Olivera
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Olivieri
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Olivieri
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Olivieri
Amy Olson
Omni Orthopaedics
Dr. & Mrs. Marino Ong
Allison M. Oprandi, MD
Order of the Eastern Star Legacy Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Reilly
M. Dian Ornowski
Ortho Biotech
OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Ott
Robert C. Ott
Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Otterbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Otto
Tammy Owens
The Owens Group
Jami Oyer
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Oyler
Pace-Sankar Landscaping, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Paddock
Geneva Paige
Sue Palaski
Connie J. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Palombo
Dr. & Mrs. George Papacostas
Paper Daisy - Beth Fuciu
The Paper Lady
Joan E. Parcell
Park Centre Lanes
Cathy A. Parker
Parkridge Homeowners Association
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Parks
Juanita K. Parks
Parkway Honda
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Parr
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Parrish
Party for a Living
Past Angel Auction Chairs
Dilip Patel
Isabel Patron
Amy B. Patton
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl G. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. S. Glen Paulsen
Sally Paumier
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Paxos
Pearls by SzENT MIHALY
Vivian R. Peckinpaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Pederzolli
Peffer Gallery
Claire L. Pennell-Hall
Mr. & Mrs. James Pennetti
Eileen Pennisi
Pepsi Americas - Massillon
Meg Peretzky
Perinatal and Pediatric Services, Inc.
Peggy J. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Perlog
Melissa Perrone
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Persinski
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Pete
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Petersen
Susan L. Peterson
Joan M. Petko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Petraroli
Mr. & Mrs. Gino R. Petrivelli
Eileen A. Petrovic
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pfeil
Pfizer Inc.
Philip J. DeMario Moving & Storage, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pigza
Karen Pillion
Patty Pilz
Mr. & Mrs. James Pilz
Pine Tree Barn
Lorretta L. Pirolozzi
Players Guild Theatre
Betty M. Pleva
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Pocza
Mr. & Mrs. Todd L. Polen
Sandra L. Pollock
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Pontrich
Kimberly E. Poorman
Celeste Popa
Helen E. Popa
Dolores Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Porter
Marilyn Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Don Postiy
Ruth Postlethwiat
Stacey Powell
Jane M. Pownell Erwin
PPI Graphics
Preceptor Delta Beta Sorority of Beta Sigma Phi
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Pressley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Preston
Luke and Bonnie Price - Gymnastics of Ohio
Molly Price
Laura Prince
Greg Proffitt
Promway Kennels
Pro-Tech Sealing/Restoration
Pro-Tech Security
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pryce
Reggie Pryear
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Psolla
Pulmonary Physicians
Teresa J. Purses
Lois A. Puskarich
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Putman
Quailcrest Farm
Margaret Ann Queen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Quesnel
Quest Recovery & Prevention Services
Mr. & Mrs. David Quiggin
Elizabeth A. Quilter
R.W. Sidley, Inc.
Cindy Radalia
Joyce Radalia
Radiology Associates of Canton, Inc.
Shelley Ramey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Ramold
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ramphal
Frank Ranalli
Ada C. and Helen J. Rank Charitable Trust
Ravana Industries
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Ravine
Mr. & Mrs. William Rearick
Red Carpet Car Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Reed
Mr. & Mrs. John Reed
Joyce M. Reese
Margaret K. Reese
Nancy Reese
Reflections Artistic Salon
Congressman and Mrs. Ralph Regula
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Regula
Susan Reinglass
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Remark
Mr. & Mrs. David Renkert
Thomas A. Rennecker Fund
The Repository
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Rex
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph W. Rex
Rose M. Rhoades
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Rice
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rice
Patricia Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rice
Rice’s Nursery
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Ridgway
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Riley and Family
Ringling Museum of Art
Lynn Rininger
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ripich
Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Ritchie
Norma J. Ritz
Debbie Ritz
Matt Ritzert
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Robbins
Robert Bosch LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Urgelle Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Robertson
Robertson Heating Supply Co.
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Robeson
Diane R. Robinson
Diane Robison
Sandra K. Robson
Dorothy M. Roby
Betsy Rogers
The Gordon Rogers Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rogers
Rogers Photography
Dr. Cynthia Rohrbough
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roland
Rolling Green Golf Course
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeastern Ohio, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ronning
Ron’s Workingman’s Store
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rose
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Rosedale Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Leon Rosenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Arnie Rosenblatt
Marie A. Rosia
Mr. & Mrs. John Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ross
Ruth L. Ross and Family
Rossi Pasta
Donna Rossiter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Roth III
Dr. & Mrs. Allen Rovner
Royal Car Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Royer
John C. Rubis
Steve Rudner
The Ruhlin Group
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rummins
Edwin D. Rupinski
Joan Rupp
Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Rush
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Rusnak
Karen Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John Russell
Patty Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell J. Rycus
S.A. Comunale Co. Inc
SADD - Perry High School
Mr. & Mrs. George Saimes
Saks Fifth Avenue
Myrtle Salle
Salon Kisha
Betty J. Sampsel
Lucia Sampsel
Ruth Sampson
Sam’s Club Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Samsa
The Sanctuary Golf Club
Sand Rock Mineral Water Co.
Stephanie Sanda - Silpada Designs
Dr. & Mrs. Aqueel Sandhu
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sands
Sandy’s Landscaping
Sanese Services, Inc.
Cheryl M. Sanko
Sanofi Aventis
Sauder Elementary School
Nancy A. Saulnier
Betty Saunier
Patsy Saurer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Saurers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sausman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Savastano
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Saylor
Carol A. Scarpino
Mr. & Mrs. Duane B. Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Schaffner
Mr. & Mrs. David Schauer
Mr. Thomas A. Schauer and Schauer Family Trust
Scheeser Buckley Mayfield, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John Scheetz
William R. Schellhase
Kathy Schen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schervish
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scheurer
Beverly S. Schick
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Schiltz
Eva E. Schiltz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Schirack
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schlabach
Violet Schlarb
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Schleich
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schleichert
Mr. & Mrs. David Schlemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Schnee
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Schneider
Karen E. Schneider
Walter C. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Schoelles
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schoeppner
Schoner Chevrolet, Inc. - Dorothy Hanlon, Mark and Beth Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schooley
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Schotts
Scott Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. J. John Schubach
Janet K. Schueler
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schulman
Emma L. Schumacher
Nancy Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. William Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Schummer
Darlene Schuring
Dr. & Mrs. John Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schwing
Teresa Schwing
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Scott
Scott Talbot Salon Spa
Julian C. Scruggs & Company
Good Search
Judy Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Seeton
Jennie Self
Senior Singles Davenport
United Methodist Church
Irene Sepos
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Serapiglia
Ellen E. Serban
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
Shady Hollow Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Emery J. Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Shaffer
Dr. & Mrs. Zaheer Shah
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Shaheen
Peggy L. Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Shambaugh
Shared Blessings
Shared Services Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Shelton
Jeanette C. Sheneman
Mr. & Mrs. Dean F. Shepherd
Susan B. Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Shepler
Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Sherhag II
Greg Shetler
Harriette M. Shew
Jill A. Shiflett
Shirtz and More of Stark County
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Shope
Harriet E. Shreve
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shrock
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Shumick and Family
Bonnie A. Siber
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sibila
Amelia T. Sickafoose
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sicker
Mr. & Mrs. R. John Sidey
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Siegenthaler
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Sievert
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Simmons
Jimmy A. Simodi
L. Cheryl Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Singer
Mr. & Mrs. John Sirpilla
Sirpilla RV
Julia A. Sisco
Dr. & Mrs. Richard V. Skibbens
SKTK Treats
Mr. & Mrs. John Skurek
Skyland Pines Golf Club and Events Center
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Slack
Sliman’s Printery
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Slutz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Smart
Mr. & Mrs. David Smetana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smethers
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Smith
Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smith
Mr. & Mrs. D. Smith
Elaine K. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle S. Smith
Marjory Smith
Melissa M. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Smith
Priscilla Smith
Mr. & Mrs. G. Philip Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly R. Snyder Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Soldatis
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Soliday
Harvey Soliday and Family
Solmet Technologies
Sharon Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Sorenson
Virginia P. Sorg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Souers
Southwest Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Dudley
Sparkling Clean and More
Mr. & Mrs. William Sparks
Spectrum Orthopaedics, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean A. Speedy
Spencer’s Towing Mix Bowling League
Spilios Candy Co.
Anna J. Spitz
Vera Sponseller
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart L. Sprandel
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spreng
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spring
Mr. & Mrs. George Springer
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.
Linda St. Jean
Dorothy J. Stadelman
Kortnie N. Stahler
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Stands
Evelyn I. Stark
Stark County Women’s Clinic, Inc.
Stark Medical Specialties, Inc.
Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority
Stark State College Continuing Education
Ronald W. Staudt
Janet Stayer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Steele
Kerrie M. Steepleton
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Steepleton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stein
Clara E. Steinbach
Jane A. Steiner
Frances A. Stentz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sterling
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Sterling
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Sterrett
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Stewart
Angie Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Stimmel
Stock Property
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stockburger
Doris Stocker
Nikki M. Stoffer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Storch
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stough
Linda K. Straka
Kathryn M. Strang
Carol Strater
Mr. & Mrs. John Strayer
Andonette L. Strazza
Alan Strickling
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Strmac
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Strohmenger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Strouble
Evelyn L. Stuart
Tonya Stuck
Janice Stuckey
Studio Arts and Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Stuhldreher
Mr. & Mrs. Danny A. Sturia
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Suarez
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Suciu
Sue Stewart “Let It Shine Personal Training”
Sugarbush Kennels
Dr. & Mrs. John Suglio
Superior Dairy
Surgical Associates of Canton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Sutara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Svec
Kerry J. Swanson
George R. Swanson
Dr. & Mrs. J. C. Tabet
Mr. & Mrs. E. Taflan
Taggarts Ice Cream
Tam-O-Shanter Golf Course
Betty Tavel
Annette Taylor
Barbara Taylor
Joyce A. Teeple
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Telenko
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Teluk
Terry Horner Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Teynor
The Akron Big Band
Mr. & Mrs. David Thiel
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Ed M. Thompson
Marilyn M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Barrie Thorp
Thorson Baker and Associates, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. John Thottam
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Tietze
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Tietze
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Tillis
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Timken
The Timken Company
The Timken Family Charitable Trust
Tammy Tolbert
Clara S. Toledano
Mr. & Mrs. Sanders S. Toma
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy F. Toms
Karen A. Toohey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Toot Jr.
J. W. Topoleski
Torresen Marine, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Tournoux
Tri-County Hematology and Oncology Assoc.
Martha J. Tripi
Trirosis of Stark County, Ohio
Tropical Sno Distributors of Ohio
Steven J. Troup
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Trudeau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Trudeau
Trumpet in the Land and The White Savage - Outdoor Dramas
TSA Thoracic Surgical Associates, Inc.
Alane Tucker - Heirloom Santas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Tucker
Julie K. Tudor
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tursky
Tuscarawas County Firefighters Association
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Unckrich
Union Metal Corporation - Darryl J. Dillenback
United Glass and Panel System, Inc.
United Grinding and Machine Co.
United Transportation Union
United Way of Greater Stark County
University of Maine Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology
Suzette Unkefer
Anna M. Untch Stanek
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Valdiserri
Mr. & Mrs. James Van Etten
Mr. & Mrs. Joe VanBuskirk
Mr. & Mrs. David L. VanDyke
Rebecca VanVoorhis
Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Vassallo
Christine F. Vaughn
Velocity, Inc.
Paul Venditti
Viking Community Animal Hospital
Village Cleaners
Villas At Burnham Hills
Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Villono
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Violand
Dr. & Mrs. James Violet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vitale
Mr. & Ms. Christopher P. Vogelsang
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Vogt Jr.
Connie Voican
Voices of Canton
Angie Volpe
W. T. Schoeppner Construction Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Cedric Waggoner
Waggoner Chocolates
Carolyn Wagner
S. David Wagner Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wakser
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil E. Walker
Deborah L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Walker
Dr. & Mrs. William Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. W.D. Wallick
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Walsh
Walsh University
Walt Disney World Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Walters
Margaret I. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Walters
P. Dean Waltman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Waltz
Shirley Warburton
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Warburton
Warstler Bros. Landscaping, Inc.
Patricia Waseity
Mim Washburn
Suellen C. Wassem
Waterloo OAPSE Local #575
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Watkins
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Watson
Richard Wayne
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Wearstler
Jennifer Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Weber
Janice M. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webster
Drs. Mark Weiner and Amy Lakritz
Joann Weinland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Weisgarber
Jenna Lou Weitzel
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Welker
Mr. & Mrs. Vail S. Welker
Mr. & Mrs. William Welker
Jane Wells
Kathleen C. Wells
Sandra K. Welsch
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Welshenbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Welshenbaugh
The Welty Building Company - Don Taylor and Patrick Oaks
Wenger Excavating - Northstar Asphalt - Howard Wenger
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wengerd
Katherine M. Wenski
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Werner
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Werner
Linda A. Wernet
Mr. & Mrs. John Werren
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Werstler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles West
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Westover
Jo Ann K. Westphal
Whisler Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken White
Mr. & Mrs. Ray White
Margaret A. Whiteford
Nancy L. Whitman
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Whittier
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wiggins
Wildlife Garden
The Wilds
Mr. & Mrs. F. Stuart Wilkins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Willey
William S. Alford, DO, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Williams
Susan J. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John Williamson
Wilmont/Sanz, Incorporated
Dr. & Mrs. James Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Wilson
Sharon S. (Barber) Wilson
Beatrice G. Wimmer
Windmill Lakes Golf Club
Window Genie
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Winland
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Winther
Paula W. Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Wise
Mr. & Mrs. W. Witham
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Witmer
Dr. Steve Wogaman
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wonsick
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Wood
Workforce Initiative Association
Mr. & Mrs. Philip K. Works
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Worstell
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton H. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wright
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg A. Wuchter
Mary B. Wuestenfeld
Jeanne Wuske
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yadrnak
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ybarra
Betty J. Yelverton
Marjorie Yockey
Glenda J. Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Yoder
M.D. Yoder
Martin D. Yoder Livestock Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Yost
Young Chef’s Academy
Peg Zeis
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Zellers
Myrna Zerbe
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Zeschin
Linda Ziccardi
Kris Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Zimmer Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Zimmermann
Zion United Church of Christ
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Zittnan
The Zoar Tavern and Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Zolciak
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Zorko
Dr. & Mrs. Jamie Zucker
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence V. Zufall
Carol Zunic
Pat Zurick
David Zurinsky
We apologize if we’ve
made any omissions or
errors. Please contact The
Aultman Foundation at
330-363-4908, so we can
update our records.
Light Up a Life Memory Tree
The Women’s Board of Aultman Hospital and
The Aultman Foundation teamed up to offer
the community a unique way to honor or
memorialize loved ones during the holiday
season with the second annual “Light Up a Life
Memory Tree” program. For a $10 donation,
honorees’ names were displayed throughout
Aultman Hospital and Aultman Woodlawn
during the holidays. A tree light-up event was
held Dec. 3 in the Bedford building lobby, with
more than 125 people in attendance. The Light
Up a Life fundraiser generated nearly $7,000 for
the Compassionate Care Center.
A ultman
V olunteer Service s
Pastoral Care Department
In 2008, Pastoral Care continued its mission
to spiritually and emotionally support the
patients, families and staff of all faiths and
denominations at Aultman. Four clergy advisory
committee meetings were held, in addition to
Happy Tails
four clergy breakfast programs. Topics included
critical care, bioethics, organ donation and
hospice services.
Our Volunteers
More than 650 hospital volunteers donated their
time and talent to Aultman Health Foundation
in 2008, contributing over 70,000 hours in more
than 50 departments including the Gift Shop,
Central Service, Surgery, Emergency Department,
Radiology and Security. Oltie Pickens of Magnolia
was named Volunteer of the Year. In addition, the
Volunteer Program welcomed seven new Happy
Tails handler/dog teams.
Women ’ s B oard of
A ultman H o s pital
Angel Auction
Care Connection
The Women’s Board of Aultman Hospital
hosted NBC Correspondent Chris Hansen and
Massillon Police Detective Bobby Grizzard on
Sept. 25, 2008. More than 1,200 individuals
attended the free Care Connection program,
which focused on Internet safety and how to
keep our children safe and community free
from online criminal predators.
The 2008 Angel Auction, “Passport to Paradise:
A Caribbean Fantasy,” raised more than
$430,000. More than 400 unique items and
services were auctioned including a farewell
tour of Washington, D.C. with Congressman
Ralph Regula, a South Dakota Pheasant Hunt
and a Sunfish Sailboat. All proceeds benefit the
Women’s Board’s current pledge of $3 million to
the Compassionate Care Center.
Women’s Board
Executive Committee
— Shannon
E arly D etection Save s L ive s
Thanks to a problem detected through the Aultman
Cancer Center’s free screening program, Shannon
Gardner got the care she needed before a health scare
turned into a nightmare.
The Aultman Cancer Center hosts a free Cancer
Screening Day each year for members of the community
who may not have regular access to medical care.
Colon, prostate, breast, lung, cervical and skin cancer
screenings are available, and attendees also learn
about cancer risks and early detection.
“My mom found out about Cancer Screening Day
online and told me about it,” Shannon said. “I went
in 2007 and only had the breast exam. In 2008, when
I found out about the other tests that were available, I
signed up for five screenings.”
It’s a good thing she did. Shannon’s cervical screening
showed the presence of abnormal cells. Further testing
revealed that the cells were precancerous and needed
surgically removed. “I’m really glad they found the
problem early because the cells would’ve gotten worse
in time,” Shannon said. “I had same-day surgery, and
everything is fine now. I just have to go back to the
doctor every six months for checkups.”
Shannon is grateful for programs such as Cancer
Screening Day. “I’m a single mom, and I don’t have
health insurance,” she shared. “It’s a good thing I had
the tests done at Cancer Screening Day. Otherwise,
I probably wouldn’t have gone to the doctor on my
C ommunity C are
C ommunity C are
Aultman cares for members of the community. That is why we invest
in organizations that improve the quality of life for area residents,
provide a variety of health screenings and educational opportunities
and support economic development.
C ommunity E ducation
heart disease. Aultman employees dressed in red
to raise awareness for heart disease.
Heart Awareness
The Aultman Heart Center held “Wear Red Day”
on Feb. 1, 2008. More than 400 Aultman visitors
and employees had their blood pressure checked
and learned about their personal risk factors for
The following day, Aultman hosted a women-only
heart event for the community. The free “Go Red
in Your Own Fashion” event was held at Malone
College. More than 250 women enjoyed a hearthealthy lunch, fashion show and tips on heart
disease prevention.
Aultman Heart
Center “Wear
Red Day”
Health Talks
The Health Talk speaker series features physicians
and other health care professionals who educate
the community on a variety of medical topics. In
2008, Health Talk topics ranged from peripheral
vascular disease to fibromyalgia to weight
management motivation. A total of 106 Health
Talks were held, with more than 3,000 people
taking advantage of the free presentations.
Sharon Lane Health Information Center
Located off the Aultman Hospital lobby, the
Sharon Lane Health Information Center offers
health resources such as books, journals, DVDs,
anatomical models and Internet sites. Health
education specialists are on hand to help visitors
research specific health topics. More than 6,500
people used Sharon Lane Health Information
Center resources in 2008.
H ealth Screening s
HeartAware is an online personal health risk
questionnaire that helps people determine their risk
of heart disease. After completing the assessment,
participants receive immediate, personalized
reports that indicate their overall risk of developing
cardiovascular disease as well as ways to reduce it.
Individuals who meet certain clinical criteria are
given the opportunity to meet with an Aultman
Heart Center clinician for a free, no-cost, noobligation consultation. This follow-up assessment
includes blood pressure, cholesterol, blood
sugar and body mass index checks, along with a
family history review. At-risk participants receive
recommendations on improving their health.
In 2008, the HeartAware online assessment
drew more than 4,000 hits. Nearly 200 people
took advantage of the follow-up screening.
2008 Cancer Screening Day
The Aultman Cancer Center hosts a free Cancer
Screening Day each year. The goal is to reach
community members who might not have access
to medical care. Area residents receive lung,
colon, prostate, breast, cervical and skin cancer
screenings – along with information on cancer
risks and early detection. The 2008 Cancer
Screening Day, which was held April 5, drew 162
patients who received a total of 395 screenings.
Diabetes Health Fair
The Aultman Diabetes Education Department held
a community diabetes health fair Aug. 27. Free
blood pressure and blood glucose screenings were
given. Information, presentations and exhibits
on new products were available for people with
all forms of the disease – pre-diabetes, Type 1,
Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Physicians and a
dietitian were also on hand to answer questions.
The free event drew approximately 200 attendees.
Arthritis Expo
Aultman Therapy Services co-sponsored the
second annual Arthritis Expo with the Arthritis
Foundation at the Kent State University Stark
Campus. The Sept. 23 event featured speakers
including a rheumatologist, an orthopedic
surgeon, a physical therapist, a pharmacist
and a dietician to educate attendees on how
best to prevent, manage and treat arthritis
symptoms. Attendees also had the opportunity
to view exhibits and speak to staff members
about Aultman and other vendor services that
may be helpful to those living with arthritis and
C ommunity C are
other related conditions. The event closed with
an exercise session conducted by an Arthritis
Foundation certified instructor.
Seniors’ Day at the Hall of Fame
Nearly 1,600 people ages 55 and older
attended Seniors’ Day at the Pro Football Hall
of Fame. Aultman Health Foundation offered
free cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar
screenings – along with risk assessments for
diabetes, breast cancer and heart disease.
Representatives from nearly 20 Aultman
departments were on hand for a health fair and
fitness demonstration.
C ommunity I nvolvement
United Way Annual Campaign and
Day of Caring
Aultman’s Exploring Leaders group participated
in the Sept. 9, 2008 United Way Day of Caring
event. A total of 18 Aultman employees volunteered
at the Community Services of Stark County’s Family
Living Center in Massillon. The group painted
several rooms, hallways and doors; installed
shoe molding in the board room and second
floor hallway; and folded, sorted and cleaned the
clothing room.
financial services, child care, breast-feeding,
beauty, nutrition and more. Two fashion shows
were held, with guest host Sharon Hargrove,
wife of former Cleveland Indians manager Mike
Hargrove. Approximately 250 parents-to-be and
their families attended the free event.
Hammer & Nails
On May 3, Aultman
participated in
Hammer & Nails’
annual “Hands
and Hearts Working
Together” event.
Aultman volunteers
replaced the porch floor and painted the
exterior of a disabled Canton homeowner.
The Adopt-A-Need program provides support
for six local organizations that do not receive
government or United Way support. Each month,
more than 450 Aultman employees donate baby
necessities, personal care items and cleaning
supplies. In 2008, donations totaled 27,848
items to help people in need.
Safety First Bike Safety Program
Minority Health Awareness Dinner
Meals on Wheels
During the 2007-2008 school year, Aultman
Health Foundation employees taught bicycle
safety at every first-grade class in Stark County.
Each student received a bicycle helmet to
keep, along with a safety workbook. Aultman
employees taught 254 classes and distributed
approximately 5,400 bike helmets to the students.
Again in 2008, Aultman Health Foundation made
a significant contribution to the United Way
of Greater Stark County’s annual fundraising
campaign. Aultman employees and physicians
donated $480,922 – while Aultman Health
Foundation’s corporate contribution brought
the total donation to more than $846,000.
C ommunity C are
The Aultman Cancer Center and Stark County
Minority Health Coalition sponsored a free
Minority Health Dinner April 3, 2008 at
the Canton Metropolitan Center. More than
300 members of the community attended
the free event, which included dinner and a
presentation on total body wellness by Dr.
Baruch Ben-Yehudah.
Aultman once again teamed up with Meals on
Wheels of Stark and Wayne Counties during
“Health Care Heroes for Nutrition” month in
January 2008. More than 100 Aultman Health
Foundation employees assisted with meal
deliveries to homebound people in our community.
2008 Baby Fair
Aultman was the main sponsor of the April 19
Baby Fair, held at The Fairways in North Canton.
Representatives from the Aultman Birth Center,
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Maternal-Fetal
Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Education Center,
Child Life Services and the “Yes, You Can” program
The event featured information on health and
wellness, massage and chiropractic therapy,
All-Pro Dad & Kids Experience
Aultman sponsored the first “All-Pro Dad & Kids
Experience” held June 14, 2008 at the Pro Football
Hall of Fame and Fawcett Stadium. The event
featured fatherhood tips and encouraged dads
to participate in special activities with their kids
while rotating through football-themed learning
stations located around the field. Approximately
1,200 fathers and children attended.
C ommunity C are
Family Impact Day
A day for families brought together approximately
3,000 people, hundreds of volunteers and dozens
of local agencies to educate the community. July
19, 2008 marked the Turnaround Community
Outreach fifth annual Family Impact Day, which
was held at the Canton Civic Center. In addition
to a special visit from Aultman Immediate
Care’s favorite patient, Freddie LeFever, Aultman
provided blood pressure and body mass index
screenings. Aultman representatives were on
hand to provide information on everything from
patient outreach services to asthma education.
Prostate Screenings for Former NFL Players
Aultman Hospital, the American Urological
Association Foundation and the NFL Player
Care Foundation kicked off a research project
focused on prostate health among retired NFL
players. The initiative will use data collected
from prostate health screenings provided to NFL
alumni in cities nationwide to assess prostate
health among this population. Willie Lanier
Jr., Bobby Bell Sr. and Ernie Kellermann were
among more than a dozen NFL alumni to receive
prostate screenings at Aultman Aug. 2, 2008.
Fundraising Walks
Aultman employees put on their walking shoes in
2008 to support health-related causes. Aultman had a
total of 12 teams that rallied for cancer sufferers in the
Canton and Massillon Relay for Life events. The teams
raised $19,648 for the American Cancer Society,
in addition to Aultman’s corporate sponsorship.
More than 500 Aultman Health Foundation
employees and loved ones participated in the annual
Heart Walk in September. The Aultman participants
raised $30,000 for the American Heart Association.
C ommunity C are
strangulation through Trauma’s “Risk Watch”
program. Fall prevention programs for more
than 200 seniors were also held.
Look Good, Feel Better Open House
Nearly 150 Aultman employees and family
members participated in the 2008 Making Strides
Against Breast Cancer Walk. These individuals
and teams raised a total of $9,836 to help fight
the battle against breast cancer, in addition to
Aultman’s flagship sponsorship dollars.
A total of 149 Aultman walkers participated in
the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk
to Cure Diabetes. The Aultman groups raised more
than $5,500 for diabetes research.
The Aultman Infusion Therapy Department
promoted breast cancer awareness with a “Look
Good, Feel Better” open house Oct. 14, 2008.
Approximate 70 people attended the event to
learn about the free program, which is provided
in collaboration with the Cosmetic, Toiletry and
Fragrance Association Foundation and the National
Cosmetology Association. Participants in the Look
Good, Feel Better program are each given a makeup
kit that contains more than $300 in cosmetics.
Specially trained, licensed cosmetologists help
patients apply the makeup to help cover the effects
of chemotherapy. Infusion Therapy also has a wig
bank that provides free wigs to anyone in need.
2008 Neighborhood Cleanup Day
Aultman Weight Management and Aultman West
staff are providing the guidance, knowledge and
experience for the Aultman team to succeed in the
third annual “Get Fit, Stark!” weight-loss challenge
against teams from Mercy and Affinity. Each team’s
fitness journey is chronicled in the Massillon
Independent newspaper. The collective goal of the
five-person Aultman team is to lose 300 pounds.
Through the “Think First” program, nearly 3,000
high-school sophomores learned about brain
and spinal-cord injuries resulting from risky
behavior. Nearly 100 first-grade students learned
about the dangers of choking, suffocation and
The Aultman Cancer Center hosted the seventh
annual Clinical Trials Appreciation Dinner for
clinical trials participants and their guests. The 2008
event was held Oct. 21, and 129 people attended.
Entertainment was provided by comedian, juggler
and cancer survivor Scott Burton.
Used Computer Drive
The Aultman Community Relations Department
organized its first used computer drive for the
Goodwill Industries ComputersAgain program.
Approximately 76 Aultman Health Foundation
employees donated their computer equipment,
along with equipment surpluses provided by
AultCare and Aultman Property Management. A
total of 100 hard drives, 97 monitors and 42
printers/scanners were collected.
Hall of Fame Parade Float
“Get Fit, Stark!” Challenge
Trauma Outreach Programs Promote Safety
Clinical Trials Appreciation Dinner
Aultman and AultCare sponsored a float in the
2008 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement
Festival Parade. The float featured an animated
train and carried seven employees who received
special awards for their hard work and dedication.
The float’s theme was “Aultman and AultCare: On
Track to Improved Health.” It received the HOF
Board of Trustees Award for Best Originality.
Wonderful Week of Giving
Approximately 50 Aultman employees and family
members volunteered for the second annual
Neighborhood Cleanup Day. Volunteers at the April
19 event picked up trash and cleaned up the Aultman
neighborhood. Students, staff members and families
from St. Joseph’s School also joined the effort by
sprucing up the north side of Tuscarawas Street.
The Aultman Blood Center celebrated Thanksgiving
by donating $10 to the Akron Canton Regional
Foodbank for every blood donation given during
the Wonderful Week of Giving. The blood center
collected 247 good blood units during the 2008
promotion, resulting in a $2,470 donation to the
food bank.
C ommunity C are
Student P rogram s
Science Camp
Jackson High School, Fairless Middle School,
Souers Middle School and Perry High School.
The students were grieving the loss of a parent,
sibling, grandparent, friend or other loved ones.
Ohio Reads
Each school year, Aultman partners with Cedar
Elementary School to provide volunteers for
the Ohio Reads program. In 2008, a total of
22 Aultman employees mentored students and
helped the children improve their reading skills.
Junior Achievement
More than 120 Aultman Health Foundation
employees participated in JA’s bowling fundraiser
in February 2008. The participants raised $6,500
to provide JA programs to area students. Aultman
volunteers also teach JA programs in local schools
throughout the school year, including the “JA in a
Day” event at Cedar Elementary School.
The students, faculty and staff at Aultman
College of Nursing and Health Sciences support
the community through various service-learning
projects. In the summer of 2008, several faculty
and staff members participated in a joint effort
with the Canton Local School District, hosting
and facilitating a summer science camp for
children through grade six. The students
participated in hands-on learning experiences
such as building an ecosystem, making “slime”
and designing tie-dyed T-shirts.
Grief Support Groups
In 2008, Aultman Grief Services provided grief
group support to more than 30 children in
E ducational O pportunitie s
Aultman Career Academy
The Aultman Career Academy celebrated its sixth
anniversary in 2008. Junior and senior students
from Canton South, Fairless, Jackson, Louisville,
Massillon, Minerva, North Canton and Sandy
Valley come to Aultman four days a week to
gain first-hand knowledge of health care fields.
The students participate in clinical rotations
including those such as the Aultman Emergency
Department, Aultman satellite facilities, the
Aultman Birth Center and various nursing units,
in addition to learning about non-clinical areas
such as corporate communications and finance.
C ommunity C are
Shadowing and Clinical Internships
One-day shadowing opportunities are now
being offered once a month to people interested
in learning about health care fields at Aultman.
Those eligible for the program include high school
juniors and seniors, college students and people
exploring other career opportunities.
Aultman also offers clinical internships to
undergraduate or graduate students who are
fulfilling required hours for their school programs.
Hundreds of students each year spend time
learning and developing their clinical skills at the
Aultman facilities.
The process for how students may register and
apply for both shadowing and clinical internships
can be found on the Aultman Web site.
Aultman Funds Scholarships at
Local Universities
Aultman’s major source of future employees
such as nurses and allied health professionals
will come from local colleges and universities.
Therefore, Aultman is investing in the future by
funding six endowed scholarship programs at
Stark County institutions.
Each facility – Aultman College of Nursing and
Health Sciences, Kent State University (Stark
Campus), Malone University, Mount Union
College, Stark State College and Walsh University
– will receive $30,000 to provide scholarships
for Aultman-designated needs such as nursing,
medical records and physical therapy. Candidates
for the scholarships must be Stark County
residents in financial need who are able to
maintain 3.0 grade-point averages or higher.
Aultman supports nonprofit organizations that promote health, education,
economic development, the arts and
diversity. Organizations that received
financial support and in-kind donations
from Aultman in 2008 included:
Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
Arts in Stark
Canton Symphony Orchestra
Canton Community Clinic
Domestic Violence Project
Early Childhood Resource Center
Greater Stark County Urban
J. Babe Stearn Community Center
J.R. Coleman Family Services
Junior Achievement of East Central
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Local Chambers of Commerce
Multicultural Diversity Business
Pegasus Farm
Safe Kids Coalition
Turnaround Community Outreach
United Way of Greater Stark County
Wilderness Center
Aultman’s responsibility as a not-for-profit hospital is to provide
high-quality medical care for everyone in need, regardless of a
patient’s ability to pay for the services.
Charity Care
Each year, Aultman Hospital provides a significant
amount of the area’s total care for patients having
no private or government health insurance and
no significant level of income. In 2008, Aultman
cared for uninsured patients at a total of $19.8
million in charges and a cost of $10 million.
Unpaid Cost of Public Programs
In addition to providing care for patients with no
insurance, Aultman also serves thousands of patients
covered by programs such as Medicaid. Payments
from these federally funded programs do not always
cover the total cost of the service. In 2008, Aultman
provided services to Medicaid patients resulting in
$9.2 million in unreimbursed cost.
Financial Impact on the Community
In 2008, Aultman Health Foundation employees
paid $4.2 million in local income taxes. In addition,
the Aultman organization and employees supported
local nonprofit organizations, schools, churches
and civic clubs through financial contributions and
In 2008, Aultman Health Foundation and
AultCare provided more than $1.5 million in
corporate contributions such as cash and inkind donations to organizations that improve the
health and stability of our community.
Medical Education
Aultman Residents
The residency programs offered at Aultman
Hospital are Family Medicine, Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Radiology, Transitional Residency
and Osteopathic Family Medicine and an
Osteopathic Rotating Internship. The Internal
Medicine residency is offered in partnership with
another area hospital. All residency programs
are fully accredited.
The residents of Aultman’s teaching programs
provide high-quality care to underinsured and
uninsured patients. In 2008, approximately
4,500 patients were cared for as inpatients at
Aultman Hospital – while 41,000 visits were
made to the outpatient centers staffed by resident
physicians and teaching attending physicians.
Medical Research
In 2008, 24 residents graduated from Aultman
programs. Of these, seven physicians joined
the active medical staff at Aultman. We also have
325 medical students from Northeastern Ohio
Universities Colleges of Medicine (NEOUCOM)
and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
(LECOM) receiving clinical training with our
resident and attending physicians.
The Clinical Research Department at Aultman
supports medical staff members, nurses and
residents who perform research at Aultman. In
2008, a total of 66 new research studies launched
– and there are currently more than 250 active
studies under way.
expert C are
E ducational P rogram s
Continuing Medical Education
In 2008, Aultman offered 55 continuing
medical education programs. Approximately
1,000 physicians participated. In addition, three
faculty development programs were offered
– including a series of four interdisciplinary
sessions on “Writing for Publication.” Annual Cancer Conference
Aultman Hospital’s Cancer Program presented
its Eighth Annual Cancer Conference Sept. 26-27,
2008. The conference showcased 13 physicians
from around the country speaking on new
developments in cancer research and treatment
of genitourinary malignancies, hepatocellular
carcinoma, lung cancer and breast cancer.
Perinatal Symposium
The Aultman Women and Children’s Services
program held the Fourth Annual Perinatal
Symposium Nov. 7, 2008. Topics concerned
high-risk maternal and newborn care, with
experts from the University of Pittsburgh,
University of Pennsylvania, West Pennsylvania
Hospital and Aultman Hospital presenting.
Breakout sessions on a variety of topics were
also available. A total of 133 physicians, nurses
and medical professionals attended.
Wound Care Symposium
Aultman Wound Care Services held its first
wound care symposium in October 2008. Dr.
Terry Treadwell, medical director of the Institute
for Advanced Wound Care in Montgomery, Ala.
and the medical editor of Wounds magazine,
presented “The Future of Wound Care.” More
than 45 physicians, nurses and residents
attended the symposium.
A ultman M anagement
Service s O rgani z ation
Aultman MSO provides services to area physicians
to improve the “health” of physician practices.
MSO offers information technology, accounts
receivable management, medical coding and
compliance and consulting to practices in
Aultman’s five-county service region.
Aultman MSO has grown steadily over the past
five years. With more than 80 practices and 200
physicians, Aultman MSO contributes to the
financial stability of more than 25 percent of
private practices in our market.
expert C are
P hy s ician A chievement s
Medical Staff President’s Leadership
Award – Robert W. Sabota, M.D.
Dr. Sabota received the 2008 Medical Staff
President’s Leadership Award for his vital roles
as internal medicine performance improvement
chairman and key faculty in the Aultman
Internal Medicine Residency Program. Dr.
Sabota has been actively involved in medical
staff operations since joining the staff in
1996 and was recently named the department
chairman of internal medicine, beginning his
three-year term in 2009.
Golden Apple – Todd A. Meyerhoefer, M.D.
The 2008 Golden Apple
Award was presented to
Dr. Meyerhoefer for his
on Aultman’s medical
staff as well as his new
role in the Medical Affairs
Office as medical director of special projects.
Since joining the Aultman medical staff in
1991, Dr. Meyerhoefer has held such medical
staff leadership positions as surgery department
chairman, operating room committee chairman,
surgery department prerformance improvement
chairman, trauma program director and medical
staff president-elect.
Dr. Robert Sabota receives
the Medical Staff President’s
Leadership award from
Dr. Timothy Hagen.
With rapidly changing technology, Aultman
MSO has partnered with Allscripts Software
Solutions to provide Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) for our area physicians at an affordable
cost. This new technology not only improves the
efficiency in a medical practice but also ensures
quality and accurate care to local patients.
Together, Aultman MSO and the physician
community have and will continue to work to
improve patient care for our local residents. This
will ultimately contribute for Aultman’s mission
to lead our community to improved health.
expert C are
Patients who come to Aultman may not remember every detail
about their medical procedures or treatment. However, the
Aultman Medical Policy Board
Aultman Clinical Department Chairmen
David S. Currier, M.D.
akhil saklecha, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
timothy l. hagen, d.o.
Medical Staff President
leaves lasting impressions.
E mployee A w ard s
You Make a Difference Award Winners
Aultman Health Foundation has multiple award
programs to recognize our top performers.
Ben Arbuckle
JoAnne Barson
Mary Bealer
Donna King
Jamie Lambert
Tim Larson
Leonard Brown
Larry Burwell
Anthony Chapman
Carole Carpathios
Gail Carroll
Shelly Fogle
Shehab Hassanien
Amanda Haupt
Mark Huebner
Ray Johnstone
Kelvin Miles
Joe Morris
Samantha Mueller
Greg Ray
Penny Schonauer
Jennifer Stevens
Cheryl White
Carmen Wilhite
Connie Winkler
You Make a Difference
You Make a Difference awards are presented
to hard-working employees who go “above
and beyond” to satisfy patients and internal
kevin f. dieter, M.D.
Family Medicine
todd a meyerhoefer, M.D.
personal and compassionate care they receive from our employees
luis j. martino, M.D.
Internal Medicine
william r. wallace, M.D.
Immediate Past President
joann krivetzky, M.D.
rajnikant v. oza, M.D.
michael e. mccabe, M.D.
michael a. rich, M.D.
steven f. sands, M.D.
mark a. weiner, M.D.
You Make a Difference
Employee of the Year
Larry Burwell
anthony j. degenhard, d.o.
barry s. rose, M.D.
Credentials Committee Chairman
susan e. mercer, M.D.
Performance Improvement
Prabhcharan p. gill, M.D.
Medical Education and
Research Committee Chairman
P E R S O N A L C are
P E R S O N A L C are
E mployee H ealth and
E ducation
Rising Star Awards
Aultman Health Foundation’s Rising Stars are
employees with less than five years of service who
are dedicated and have advancement potential.
The 2008 Rising Star award winners are (left
to right): Angela Datkuliak, Vince Logozzo,
Monika Tornero, Emily Yoder, Leslee Dennis,
Stacie Howard-Carpenter, Timmi Jo Brendle, Kerri
Samblanet, Shawn Matheny and Anne Porter.
Emily Addessi is not pictured.
Bee Healthy
2008 Rising Star Award Winners
Golden Apple Awards
Golden Apple winners are conscientious
employees who exceed expectations and represent
Aultman in a positive manner. The 2008 Golden
Apple winners are (left to right): Angela Deems,
Steve Hanson, Beth Taylor, Kim Rolli, Joe Kaiser,
Mary Amos, Jennifer Roth, Cindy Bardwell,
Sharon Hoover, Theresa Preziosio and Jennifer
Matthews. Mary Kousagan is not pictured.
With the introduction of a new employee wellness
program, Bee Healthy, Aultman is helping
employees become more aware of their health and
achieve their desired wellness goals. Bee Healthy
participants were challenged with a task checklist
that included an annual physical with their
primary care physician, an age/gender-appropriate
screening and various wellness-related education
classes. Promoting whole-person wellness, the
program also encouraged employees to volunteer
in the community and participate in Aultman
outreach programs.
The program produced a marked increase in
participation of wellness-related activities. Prior to
the implementation of Bee Healthy, an average of
10 percent of employees participated in the annual
wellness fairs. The 2008 employee wellness fairs
reported nearly 25 percent participation among
In addition to investing in employee wellness
initiatives, Aultman Health Foundation also
devoted resources to employee education and
leadership opportunities in 2008.
AultWay Customer Service Education
The AultWay program featured video scenarios
and group discussions to help Aultman
employees hone their customer service skills. All
new and current employees participated in the
two-part educational sessions in 2008. The goal
of AultWay education is to make every Aultman
experience a positive one for patients, visitors
and internal customers.
2008 Golden Apple Award Winners
Points of Caring Award
Aultman Central Service
The Points of Caring program recognizes Aultman
nurses who exemplify caring and compassion
toward patients, commitment to the nursing
profession, clinical excellence and community
involvement. The 2008 honorees are:
•Carol Angello, BSN, RNC, ICCE, Women and
Children’s Services
Carol Angello
Patsy Lewis
•Patsy Lewis, BSN, RN, CNOR, Operating
Room unit director
•Sally Paumier, RN, MA, LPC, Intensive Care
Unit liaison
•Judy Werstler, MSN, RN, PCCN, stroke
program coordinator
•Neal Roberts, student, Aultman College of
Nursing and Health Sciences
Sally Paumier
Judy Werstler
Neal Roberts
P E R S O N A L C are
Exploring Leaders Program
Aultman launched a new Exploring Leaders
educational program in 2008. The goal of the
yearlong program is to identify and develop future
Aultman Health Foundation leaders. Internally,
program participants meet with experts in finance,
human resources and other areas; receive Aultman
facility tours including the satellite buildings;
and participate in an AultCare sales call or
manager shadowing. External opportunities
include building project management skills
and conflict resolution abilities. Nearly two
dozen employees participated in the inaugural
Exploring Leaders program.
O ur M ilitary H eroe s
We salute our employees who served on
active military duty in 2008. Thank you
for bravely serving our country and
protecting our freedom.
Lisa Covington
Lisa is a staff RN in the operating room. She
is a captain in the Army Reserves – the 848th
Forward Surgical Team that is currently serving
at Camp Delta in Iraq. Lisa hopes to return to
the United States in the spring of 2009.
John Milburn
John is a registered nurse on Memorial 6
South. A master sergeant in the Army Reserves,
John is currently serving his second tour of
duty in the Middle East. He is a member of the
848th Forward Surgical Team serving at Camp
Delta in Iraq.
Michelle Scott
Michelle is an Aultman Security Services officer
and a military police officer in the Ohio Army
National Guard. Michelle recently returned to
the United States after a yearlong tour of duty
in Afghanistan.
Derek Seavers
Derek is an operating room process tech at
Aultman West. He is a sergeant in the Army
National Guard, currently serving in Iraq.
Brian Swearingen
Brian is the security coordinator at Aultman.
He is a military police officer in the Ohio
Army National Guard. He was deployed to
Iraq in 2008.
thank you
Leo E. Doyle
Charles B. Scheurer
T. Stephen Gregory
Edward J. Roth III Timothy L. Hagen D.O. Todd A. Meyerhoefer, M.D.
Vice Chairperson Second Vice Chairperson President and CEO Medical Staff President Medical Staff President-Elect
William S. Alford, D.O.
David W. Bartley II
William H. Belden Jr.
Barbara Hammontree
Paul R. Bishop
Sheila Markley Black
Theodore V. Boyd
Stephen G. Deuble
Darryl J. Dillenback
Milan R. Dopirak, M.D.
Glenn A. Eisenberg
David M. Findley
Jeffrey A. Fisher
Norman J. Gaynor III
Patricia A. Grischow
Rick L. Haines
Joseph R. Halter Jr.
Michael E. Hanke
John B. Humphrey Jr.,
Douglas A. Jones
James E. Knisely
George W. Lemon
Gene E. Little
Ronald R. Lyons
Harry C.C. MacNealy
Steven Oakland
Christopher E. Remark
Victor B. Schantz
Marc L. Schneider
Louis G. Shaheen, M.D.
Douglas J. Sibila
John A. Sirpilla
Vicky L. Sterling
R. Clint Zollinger
Judy A. Scheurer
Lisa J. Warburton-Gregory
Vice President
2008 was a year of significant accomplishments for the
Aultman Health Foundation family.
Thank you to …
O ur P atient s and O ur C ommunity
We’re humbled by your ongoing loyalty and commitment to Aultman.
O ur E mployee s
Whether you directly care for patients or work behind the scenes to ensure Aultman
runs smoothly, you positively impact our organization.
O ur P hy s ician s
We all benefit from your knowledge and expertise; support of medical education and
research; and dedication to continuous improvement.
Women ’ s B oard M ember s
Your financial support enables us to enhance the services Aultman provides for
patients and visitors.
B oard of D irector s
Your leadership guides Aultman Health Foundation to keep our organization strong
and financially stable.
• 2600 Sixth Street S.W. / Canton, OH 44710
• Phone: 330-452-9911 /
w w w. a u l t m a n . o r g