Principal`s Page
Principal`s Page
Viking News CERRO VILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 Principal’s Page Lisa Ogan, Principal FEBRUARY CALENDAR 3rd ‐ Late Start (9:25 a.m.) 10th ‐ Late Start (9:25 a.m.) 6th Grade parent night 7 p.m. in auditorium 12th ‐ Lincoln’s Birthday (NO SCHOOL) 15th ‐ Washington’s Birthday (NO SCHOOL) Band parade in Indio 17th ‐ Late Start (9:25 a.m.) 18th ‐ Student Goals & Success (SGS)/Student‐led conference 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 19th ‐ Minimum Day (12:05 p.m. Dismissal) 23rd ‐ Band, Orchestra, and Drum Line Pictures 24th ‐ Late Start (9:25 a.m.) Welcome to a New Year! Gree ngs, Viking Parents, Students and Community, Welcome to 2016! We began the year with our first Spirit Assembly on January 15th. The event was an excellent way to celebrate our accomplishments thus far and renew our goals for second trimester! Cerro Villa has so much to celebrate and be thankful for. We would like to take this opportunity to express our apprecia on for your con nued support as we work together to make 2016 as successful as possible for your student. Go Vikings! Pictures from Spirit Assembly: STEM lab car races Marching Band and Color Guard performing Fashion Design Class showcased “Snowflake Dresses” at the assembly, too! MUSIC CONCERTS Both of our music programs had amazing performances just before winter break. Thank you Mrs. Dianne Hannah, our instrumental teacher, and Ms. Stacy Oh, our choir teacher, for your direc on and leadership. We are quite proud of the accomplishments of the students in these programs and we are looking forward to the spring performances. VIKING NEWS 2 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Students involved in the Science Olympiad Team have been working diligently under the direc on of Mrs. Jenny Wong with the assistance of Mrs. Liisa Buchness and Ms. Andrea Sender! So far there have been three all‐day prac ce events in prepara on for the final event in March. Most recently the team picked up two 1st place medals‐‐a first for the season! Currently, a total of 37 medals have been awarded this season to CV! We wish them well and celebrate with them as students have already medaled on their prac ce days! Way to go Vikings! CERRO VILLA’S STEM LAB IS TOP 10 IN THE NATION! We are very proud of our STEM lab under the direc on of Mr. Dan Baker. Students have shared their excitement and interest in learning by exploring the 18 modules possible in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathema cs) lab. Cerro Villa has become a model site for demonstra ng the explora on and exposure to college and career pathways through STEM. Be sure to take a look and visit our classroom during Open House on May 19. You may find the ar cle men oned on the front page of our district’s website listed under “Latest News.” VILLA PARK ROTARY GRANTS Cerro Villa is extremely apprecia ve of the generosity of its community! Villa Park Rotary graciously bestowed grants to many of our teachers to help with learning materials in the classroom. Pictured are Ms. Stacy Baird (science) and Mrs. Jenny Wong (science). Mrs. Ashlie Hallenbeck (PE/Science) and Mr. Bernard Tayag (CVTV) also received grants to assist in the classroom. Thank you! VIKING NEWS 3 CARS IN SCIENCE Eighth grade students have been busy construc ng vehicles that are able to transport an egg (passenger) using an energy source that is not motorized. Students have been very crea ve and, at the same me, very engaged in the process. Ms. Tomkinson illustra ng one of the many vehicles tested WASC SURVEY We are proud to share that WASC, the Western Associa on of Schools and Colleges Commission has presented Cerro Villa with accredita on as of May 2014. Part of our con nual review process is the ongoing communica on with you, our parents and community. Please consider taking the WASC survey for us. We truly want to hear from you. As with our district LCFF survey, your input is cri cal to us. Please note that every survey is read and will be u lized. Both surveys may be found on labelled bu ons on our school website for ease in comple on. Your par cipa on is greatly appreciated. VIKING NEWS 4 AFTER SCHOOL MATH HELP Students who need some extra help are encouraged and always welcome to go a er school each Tuesday and Thursday to the Synergy Center (library) from 2:45‐ 3:45 where a math teacher and peer tutors are available to assist! Please u lize this opportunity! VIKINGS HELPING VIKINGS Thank you to our wonderful PFSO and especially Mrs. Sdrales for coordina ng assistance in the form of baskets containing food and other items to some of our Viking families. These generous acts of giving were shared before the Thanksgiving and winter break. FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION Sec on 5 of Ar cle IX of the California Cons tu on guarantees students a “free and appropriate public educa on.” The State Supreme Court concluded in the 1984 case of Hartzell v. Connell, “that all educa onal ac vi es carried on by public school districts, extracurricular as well as curricular, must be without cost to the students who par cipate in such ac vi es.” This same ruling found that “mandatory fees for par cipa ng in such extra‐curricular ac vi es as drama, music, and athle c compe on were illegal under the State cons tu on.” Furthermore, the State Supreme Court also rejected the argument that “fees could be charged as long as the district waived fees for students who were financially unable to pay.” I would like to assure you that Cerro Villa Middle School does not engage in a “pay for play.” Thank you for your con nued support as we begin the 2016 year! Sincerely, Lisa Ogan Cerro Villa PFSO now has a Facebook page, find us on the link below h ps:// **REMEMBER - EVERY WEDNESDAY IS NOW A "LATE START" DAY WITH SCHOOL STARTING AT 9:25AM!!** VIKING NEWS 5 VIKING NEWS 6 GET INVOLVED BY JOINING A CLUB OR GROUP ! Please note that students must have at least a 2.0 to participate in any extracurricular activity, some clubs/ groups may require higher. Check with contact person if you have missed a start date. Club/Group name: ASB Officers Contact person: Ms. Hedspeth Who can be involved? To be eligible students must complete an ASB officer application. Students must demonstrate acceptable academic and citizenship success, defined as a 3.0 G.P.A. with no D's or F's and no N's or U's in Citizenship What it's about? Cerro Villa ASB Leadership Program is an eighth grade elective class that serves the school as the student council, providing representation and activities for the entire student body. When does your club start? Students are elected at the end of their 7th grade year and serve their position during their 8th grade year. They will meet for a Leadership Camp during the summer. How do students join? Students who qualify will run for office and will be elected by the 7th graders. Club/Group name: Intramural Tournaments/After School Sports Contact person: Mr. Pedersen and Mr. Hempel Who can be involved? CV students with a 2.0 GPA or higher. What it's about? Skill development and team play during lunch and afterschool When does your club start? Coed activity with each tournament lasting 6 weeks Flag Football; Basketball; Track; Volleyball; Soccer and possibly others How do students join? Sign up in P.E or after school Club/Group name: Honor Society Contact person: Mrs. Buchness, Ms. Sender and Mr. Tanenbaum Who can be involved? Students who have a 3.5 GPA; No N’s or U’s in citizenship. What it's about? Academic excellence and community service. When does your club start? Students who qualify are notified each trimester beginning with 8th grade in August/ September and 7th grade 2nd trimester. How do students join? Students receive an invitation letter. They remain eligible if they retain a 3.2 GPA and have no N’s or U’s. Students are required to complete and return their service hours by the designated date to remain an active eligible member. Club/Group name: German Club Contact person: Ms. Grueder Who can be involved? German students and any student interested in the German culture. What it's about? Exploring the German culture, Oktoberfest, holiday celebrations, foods, and much more. When does your club start? September How do students join? Attend meeting in September and sign up. VIKING 7 NEWS Club/Group name: French Club Contact person: Mrs. Marx Who can be involved? French students (and any student interested in the French culture if space available). What it's about? Exploring the French culture, holiday celebrations, foods, and much more. When does your club start? September How do students join? Attend meeting in September and sign up. Club/Group name: Science Olympiad Contact person: Mrs. Wong Who can be involved? Students with a strong interest in science, engineering, technology, or math and can work in a team atmosphere. When does your club start? September/October What it’s about? Competing in knowledge of Science. Students study challenging science topics to compete with other middle schools in the ultimate science competition. For more information, visit How do students join? Attend orientation meeting at the end of September and complete an application indicating your event interests. Club/Group name: FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Contact person: Ms. Fox Who can be involved? 8th grade students What it's about? Getting students interested in learning about preparing for careers in business and business related fields. We focus on small business and entrepreneur experiences. When does your club start? September How do students join? Attend meeting in September and sign up. Club/Group name: The Chronicles of Yarnia - Crochet Club Contact person: Ms. Tomkinson Who can be involved? CV students with a 2.0 GPA or higher. What it's about? Crochet is the process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread using a crochet hook. When does your club start? September, Tuesdays after school. * * * WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS FOR THE CROCHET CLUB, THAT CAN COME IN AND HELP TEACH THE CRAFT, especially the double crochet stitch. We are making scarves, and want to donate our crafts to the local homeless shelter.* * * E-mail Ms. Tomkinson at [email protected] or call (714)997-6251 and leave her a message if you can volunteer to help. VIKING 8 NEWS Monday, March 14th is Pi day (the celebration of the number Pi, which starts with 3.14...). During CVs 3rd annual Pi Day we will once again serve students some delicious apple, pumpkin, or cherry pie after they learn a little more about the number. If you are interested in helping pick up pies, cut and serve pies, or clean-up, please email Katie Marx at [email protected] with your preference. We are looking for help from: 7:15 am = Pie drop-off at auditorium (pick up from Smart and Final the day before) 7:30-10:00= Serve/cut pies 9:45-12:00= serve/cut pies 11:45- 2:00= serve/cut pies 1:45-2:45= clean-up Box Tops For Education This year, our school will be participating in the Box Tops for Education™ program. My name is Danielle Matthews, Cerro Villa’s new Library Media Specialist (LMS), and I’m thrilled to be the Box Tops Coordinator for Cerro Villa Middle School. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. This school year, our school’s earnings goal is $1,000! To help our school, just look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school. I have a collections basket here with me in the synergy center (library). For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupon offers and recipes and learn about extra ways for our school to earn. I hope you’re excited for everything we can do this year with Box Tops! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (714) 997-6023. I’m here to make our school’s Box Tops for Education program a huge success this year. Thanks for your help! 9 VIKING NEWS 10 VIKING NEWS 11 VIKING NEWS Notes from the Instrumental Music Department : Band, Orchestra & Drumline We are busy getting ready for the Indio Parade on Feb. 15th. Last year we marched with the high school as part of their group, this year we will be representing Cerro Villa. After the Indio parade, we will be preparing for our concerts at Knott's Berry Farm on March 22nd. We are in the process of purchasing our own equipment such as the drums, flags and other small parts such as a baton for the drum major, and mallets for the drums. The next big object will be a new banner. All donations are appreciated. Dianne Hannah Instrumental Director 12 VIKING NEWS Cerro Villa PFSO Meetings Please sit in at a meeting to see what we're all about - it's a great way to get involved in your child's school! Meetings are held at 9:30am in the Cerro Villa Library, generally on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Our meetings this year will be held on the following dates: February 10, 2016 March 9, 2016 April 13, 2016 May 11, 2016 June 2016 (CV PFSO's Year End Breakfast, date TBA) PFSO needs your help! Your minimum donation of $10 goes to the Parent Faculty Student Organization. We help assist with many programs around the school, including dances, Student of the Month, Honor Society, and the 8th grade Promotion Party. Without your support, these events will NOT be possible. The PFSO also supports the Cerro Villa faculty and staff in acquiring items they need for their classrooms in order to enhance our children’s educational experiences. Please turn in your donation with the completed form (see next page or click link below) to the front office. Thank you for supporting Cerro Villa’s PFSO! GO VIKINGS! The Fifth Annual Dad's Club Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 3, 2016 at Oak Creek. Last year the Tournament raised over $15,000 for local schools. Interested Golfers and Sponsor's should contact me at [email protected] or my office 714-744-1411 or cell 714-313-7338. More details in the coming weeks. Ed Carter 13 VIKING NEWS Dear 8th grade parents, Your child’s time at Cerro Villa Middle School will be over before you know it! A committee of volunteers is currently organizing an event to celebrate their promotion to ninth grade, but is in need of support and help from parents. This celebration is the biggest event of the year, and is supported entirely by parent donations. The success of the event depends on the generosity of each and every one of you. Even though the party will be held in June, we are asking for donations now so that we can be sure to get decorations, prizes, and rentals reserved early before options become limited or unavailable. Please complete the bottom of this form and return it to Student Services along with your donation by February 10, 2016. Checks should be made payable to “CVMS PFSO”. We also accept corporate sponsorships, so if you own a business or if you are affiliated with a company that is interested in donating, we welcome any help offered. Remember, this party is intended to be a gift from all parents to all 8th graders as a reward for their accomplishments during middle school. We appreciate your donations and support! Thank you, Laura Johnson, Lynn O’Dea & Dana Reed 8th grade promotion party co-chairs -------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: ______________________________________Student:______________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________ I would like to make a monetary donation! $10 $25 14 VIKING NEWS $50 $100 _______other 15 VIKING NEWS Did you know that you can earn FREE MONEY for Cerro Villa Middle School? It is SO EASY! By shopping from these favorite stores, Cerro Villa Middle School can earn a percentage of your purchase total! Simply follow the link to these participating store websites. Create a rewards card account, if you aren't currently registered. Once your account is registered, designate Cerro Villa Middle School as your organization of choice. AMAZON: Bookmark the link below in your internet browser to enter the Amazon website. Use this web address every time you shop! Don't forget to send the link to all your friends and family! Once you enter the Amazon website using this link, the site will appear as it normally does. *The web address MUST contain the characters that follow the ".com" in order for Amazon to recognize our school and track our earnings. RALPH'S: Log in to your Ralph's rewards card account, scroll down to Community Rewards and designate Cerro Villa Middle School (Organization # 90109) TARGET RED CARD: Visit the Target REDcard website, sign up for a Target REDcard, if you don't already have one. Log into your account and designate Cerro Villa Middle School (ID# 34019) as your “Take Charge of Education” school of choice. FRESH & EASY: Pick-up a Friends card from your local Fresh & Easy store, create an account at and link your Friends card. Sign up at and designate Cerro Villa Middle School as your school of choice. (Designate up to 3 schools!) OFFICE DEPOT: Online or shop in-store and give the cashier our school ID# 70016296 COKE REWARDS: Entering the codes found on the packaging of your favorite Coca-Cola brands. Codes are located under caps, inside the tear-off on 12-packs and on multi-pack wraps. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your day to help Cerro Villa Middle School earn FREE MONEY! 16 VIKING NEWS 17 VIKING NEWS Thank you to our sponsors! VIKING SPORTS Currently we have 3 sports: soccer, football, and track and field. Our After School Sports Club, is trying to raise money to go towards jerseys. As of now our players have to wear their PE uniforms, we are trying to put on a school wide fundraiser towards the end of February and we would love donations to help this cause. Please contact me at [email protected] Thank you, Ben Hempel PE Teacher Head Coach, Football & Track Check us out on the web! 18 VIKING NEWS