Appendix I
Appendix I
Appendix I - EIA Screening PA file no.: TRK156777 Other reference: EA 00025/14 Project Title: Construction of Greenhouses Including South Facing Integrated Solar Panels Cladding and Construction of a Tool Room, Substation and Underground Water Reservoir Location: Field in Triq Bieb ir-Ruwa, Tal-Ħafa, Fiddien, Rabat, Malta Screening date: November 2014 1. Description of Proposal 1.1 Outline of project/development TRK156777 is a development application which proposes the construction of greenhouses including south facing integrated solar panels cladding and construction of a tool room, substation and underground water reservoir at a field in Triq Bieb ir-Ruwa, Tal-Ħafa, Fiddien, Rabat, Malta. The proposed project comprises a greenhouse complex covering approximately 11,500m², having a maximum height of 3.5m, and a state of the art Solar Farm (SF) of 900kWp (on top of the greenhouse complex) in a plot of arable land. The aim of the proposal is to start producing various kinds of fully organic vegetables/fruits for the local market and potentially for export. Part of the proposal will be gradually changed to aero farming. With this type of farming, the consumption of water is 90% less than today’s traditional farming, and vegetables are fully organic given no pesticides are required. The project will make full use of rainwater harvesting with the capability to produce more water by condensation. Agricultural produce will double through the use of sunlight during the day and LED light during the night. 1.2 Site description and related considerations The site is a trapezium shaped field of arable land measuring circa 230m long and 110m wide and located on a Blue Clay slope at an altitude of 140m above sea level, gently sloping to the east (1:40). The field measures 28,740m². To the north it is bordered by the road leading to Baħrija and lies adjacent to the Fiddien covered water reservoir, while to the south it is bordered by the watercourse of Wied il-Busbies running parallel to the road leading to Mtaħleb. The surrounding land (Figure 1), is currently dominated by agricultural land uses. Most of the agricultural fields are dry land (bali) which are regularly tilled. The site is located Outside Development Zone (ODZ) and within a Level 3 Area of Ecological Importance (AEI) buffer zone of Wied Liemu to Wied taċ-Ċawsli valley system (as per Government Notice 1236 of 2012). The site is already committed for the construction of a 550 meters greenhouse (PA03408/07 - To construct greenhouse and carry out repairs on existing boundary walls and reservoir under greenhouse) as indicated in Figure 5. The site also abuts: (i) to the north - the Chadwick Lakes and part of Mdina Area of High Landscape Value (AHLV) (Government Notice 1236 of 2012); (ii) to the south - a Level 2 Area of Ecological Importance (AEI) - Wied Liemu to Wied taċ-Ċawsli, and a Level 2 Site of Scientific Importance (SSI) for rare species at Wied il-Busbies and Il-Wied tal-Fiddien (both under Government Notice 1236 of 2012). The proposal lies over 1 km from the development zone of Rabat. Figure 1: Aerial image of the site and its surroundings. Figure 2: Aerial image of the site as in 2014. Figure 3: Proposed Block Plan. Figure 4: Proposed 3D-View of the site as seen from the north. Figure 5: Approved Layout of PA03408/07. 2. EIA-relevant history 2.1 Relevant EIA/screening criteria (citations refer to L.N. 114 of 2007, as amended, except where otherwise specified): Schedule 1A Category II Section – Greenhouses or structures to protect crops with an area of more than 1ha. 2.2 Version of documents used for screening: th 1. PDS dated 30 October 2014. 3. Screening Matrix Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered 1 Will construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involve actions which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, landuse, changes in water bodies, etc)? Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify Yes. The proposal has a site area of approximately 28,000sqm, located Outside Development Zone in a plot of arable land currently undeveloped. The proposal seeks the construction of a greenhouse complex of approx. 11500sqm, tool room (approx. 40sqm), substation (approx. 30sqm), two underground water reservoirs Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged given that the use will remain agricultural. In addition, there will be no concrete paving beneath the greenhouses. Concrete will only be used for foundations. Minor excavations and hard surfacing (for ancillary facilities) works are envisaged. Furthermore, part of the site is already committed for the construction of a 550 meters greenhouse (PA03408/07 - PDS Pg. 7, 17, 20, 24 Ques tion Num ber: 2 3 4 Questions to be Considered Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify (approx. 150sqm each), and three parking spaces (approx. 100sqm). To construct greenhouse and carry out repairs on existing boundary walls and reservoir under greenhouse). Will construction or operation of the Project use natural resources such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are nonrenewable or in short supply? Yes. During construction, the proposal will make use of natural resources such as franka stone blocks, land, cement, steel and fuel. During operation, electricity and water will be consumed. All of the above resources are neither renewable nor in such short supply as to be markedly affected by this project per se. Yes Will the Project involve use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials or energy, especially any resources which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health? Will the Project produce solid wastes during construction, operation or decommissioning ? Yes. Fugitive dust emissions during excavation and construction. This may have an impact on the surrounding environment. During operation, given the nature of the proposal (intensive farming within greenhouses) no impacts are envisaged. Yes. Waste is expected to be generated during both construction and operation. Solid waste will be generated during proposed excavation works (for reservoirs). Waste arising during operation is expected to be minimal (repairs of greenhouses – glass/plastic/metal, mobile toilet waste) and may be adequately managed and absorbed into local waste No Unclear Impacts on the land resource are not expected to be significant – reply to question 1 refers. The rest of the resources required for this project per se are also not likely to have a significant impact. Part of the proposal also includes the construction and operation of a state of the art Solar Farm (SF) of 900kWp on top of the greenhouses. The project will make full use of rainwater harvesting with the capability to produce more water by condensation. The PDS also states that the owner also plans to gradually change about 40 % of the effort to aero farming (at a later stage). Yes No Unclear PDS Pg. – 7, 15, 24 PDS Pg. – 33, 36 No, impact is not considered to be significant given the limited ancillary facilities being proposed. Standard mitigation measures for dust control, which is a temporary impact, can be enforced in accordance with the Environmental Management Construction Site Regulations 2007, thus reducing impacts. Yes No Unclear No. Minimal waste is expected to be generated during all stages of the proposal. Furthermore, any other waste during construction shall be adequately managed and absorbed into local waste streams. The soil removed during both excavation works and hard surfacing (including proposed structures), can be reused on site. PDS Pg. – 29 - 30, 33, 36 Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify streams. 5 6 Will the project release pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air? Will the Project cause noise and vibration or release of light, heat, energy or electromagnetic radiation? Yes. Dust emissions may occur during construction phase. Construction vehicles may also generate NOx emissions. During operation: NOx from operational traffic. Yes. Noise and vibration during excavation and construction. During operation, no noise and vibrations are expected to be generated given nature of proposal (agricultural purposes). Light emissions may be generated during night-time for agricultural produce and security lighting. 7 Will the Project lead to risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants onto the ground or into surface waters, Yes. The proposal is located within the Drinking-Water Safeguard Zone as identified by MRA under the Water Policy Framework Regulations (Legal Notice 194 of 2004). Furthermore, the development lies adjacent Yes No Unclear No. During construction, fugitive dust emissions are not considered to be significant given the nature of proposal (minor excavations works). Such impacts are temporary and can be mitigated through the application of mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Management Construction Site Regulations (Legal Notice 295 of 2007). During operation, amount of traffic envisaged is minimal given nature of proposal (intensive farming within greenhouses). Yes No Unclear No. During construction works, noise and vibration impacts are expected to be of minor significance and of a temporary nature. PDS Pg. – 29 - 30, 33, 36 PDS Pg. – 29 - 30, 33, 36 All construction vehicles must be kept in good state of repair, fitted with appropriate acoustic suppression equipment and serviced regularly to minimise exhaust and noise emissions. Standard mitigation measures during construction should be enforced in accordance with the Environmental Management (Construction Site) Regulations, 2007. Light emissions above the current baseline situation may be reduced through minimum security lighting during the night while care should be taken in the choice of luminaries to minimise glare and at the same time prevent the wastage of energy. Furthermore, night-time light for the production of agricultural produce is not expected to be significant given that electricity used will be from the solar panels situated above the greenhouses. Yes No Unclear Since no risks of contamination of land or water are envisaged, no significant impacts are expected. Furthermore, stormwater will be stored into the reservoirs and in case of shortage of PDS Pg. – 7, 15, 29 30, 33, 36 Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered 9 10 11 Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify groundwater, coastal waters or the sea? 8 Identified potential impacts Will there be any risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project which could affect human health or the environment? Will the Project result in social changes for example, in demography, traditional lifestyles, employment? Are there any such factors which should be considered such as the consequential development which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality? Are there any areas on or around the location which are protected under international or national or local legislation for to the watercourse of Wied ilBusbies, and lies adjacent to the Fiddien covered water reservoir. Given the nature of the proposal (greenhouses, organic vegetables/fruits), no contamination to surface waters and groundwater bodies is envisaged. No increase in the risk of accidents is envisaged, other than ‘normal’ occupational risks typically associated with construction activity. No. Considering the scale, nature and location of the project, the proposed development is not expected to lead to significant demographic or social changes. During operation it is being estimated that about 15 workers shall be employed. None that are known of. water, the proposal outlined that it can produce water out of energy through a special industrial dehumidifier. Additionally, the aim of the proposal is to start producing various kinds of fully organic vegetables/fruits for the local market and potentially for export with consumption of water only at max of 10%, of the today’s traditional practice. Yes No Unclear / No significant environmental impacts are envisaged during both construction and operation. Yes No Unclear PDS 30 No significant changes are expected. Yes No Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged, on the understanding that the major structures (greenhouses) proposed development are of a reversible nature. Long-term pressures leading to development of permanent structures on the site in question need to be avoided. Yes. The site is located Outside Development Zone (ODZ) and within a Level 3 Area of Ecological Importance (AEI) buffer zone of Wied Liemu to Wied taċĊawsli valley system (as per Government Notice 1236 of 2012). Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged. Replies to Questions 1 and 7 refer. / Pg. Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered 13 Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify their ecological, landscape, cultural or other value, which could be affected by the project? 12 Identified potential impacts Are there any areas on or around the location which are important or sensitive for reasons of their ecology e.g. wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, the coastal zone, mountains, forests or woodlands, which could be affected by the project? Are there any areas on or around the location which are used by protected, important or sensitive species of fauna or flora e.g. for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration, which could be affected by the project? 1 The site also abuts: (i) the Chadwick Lakes and part of Mdina Area of High Landscape Value (AHLV) (Government Notice 1236 of 2012) to the north, while to (ii) the south a Level 2 Area of Ecological Importance (AEI) Wied Liemu to Wied taċĊawsli, and a Level 2 Site of Scientific Importance (SSI) for rare species at Wied ilBusbies and Il-Wied talFiddien (both under Government Notice 1236 of 2012). Reply to Question 11 refers. Yes No Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged. Replies to Questions 1 and 7 refer. Reply to Question 11 refers. Furthermore, given that the area is surrounded by the above mentioned protected areas, there may be species and habitats which are protected and that could potentially be affected as a result of the proposal through 1 noise, dust and light impacts . Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged. Replies to Questions 1, 5, 6 and 7 refer. No feedback was received during internal consultation on the type of species present in the area. / Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered 14 Are there any inland, coastal, marine or underground waters on or around the location which could be affected by the project? Are there any areas or features of high landscape or scenic value on or around the location which could be effected by the project? Are there any routes or facilities on or around the location which are used by the public for access to recreation or other facilities, which could be affected by the project? 15 16 17 18 19 Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify Are there any transport routes on or around the location which are susceptible to congestion or which cause environmental problems, which could be affected by the project? Is the project in a location where it is likely to be highly visible to many people? Are there any areas or features of historic or cultural importance on or around the location which Yes. Reply to Question 7 refers. Yes No Unclear / Reply to Question 7 refers. Yes. The site also abuts to the north the Chadwick Lakes and part of Mdina Area of High Landscape Value (AHLV) (Government Notice 1236 of 2012). Yes. The proposed site is bordered by the road leading to Baħrija (Triq ta’ Bieb irRuwa) to the north, while to the south it is bordered by the road leading to Mtaħleb. No. The surrounding roads are not subject to congestion. Given the nature (intensive agricultural activities) of the proposal, minimal traffic is expected to be generated during both construction and operation. Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged since the development will be visually mitigated through an effective landscaping scheme which will be introduced around the site’s perimeter (Figures 3-5 above refer). Yes No Unclear / PDS Pg. 17, 21 No significant impacts are envisaged. During both construction and operation, given the nature of the proposal. Minimal traffic is expected to be generated, from which no change in traffic flows is envisaged. Yes No Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged. Yes. The proposal is surrounded by higher ground and therefore highly visible. The area is popular for recreational purposes especially commuters (during weekends) visiting the Baħrija and Mtaħleb areas. Yes No further areas or features of historic or cultural importance on or around the location were identified other than those acknowledged in Question 11. Yes No Unclear / Replies to Questions 1 and 15 refer. No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged especially given that minor excavations and hard surfacing (for ancillary facilities) are being proposed. / Ques tion Num ber: 20 21 22 23 24 Questions to be Considered Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify could be affected by the project? Is the project located in a previously undeveloped area where there will be loss of greenfield land? Yes. The proposal is located Outside Development Zone, in a plot of arable land currently undeveloped land with a site area of approximately 28,000sqm. Yes Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged. Reply to Question 1 refers. Are there existing land uses on or around the location e.g. homes, gardens, other private property, industry, commerce, recreation, public open space, community facilities, agriculture, forestry, tourism, mining or quarrying which could be affected by the project? Are there any plans for future land uses on or around the location which could be affected by the project? Are there any areas on or around the location which are densely populated or built up, which could be affected by the project? Yes. The proposal lies within a rural context surrounded mostly by agricultural fields with the closest built up area being a Category 3 Residential Settlement located over 800 meters from the site. The surrounding area is popular for recreational purposes especially commuters (during weekend) visiting the Baħrija and Mtaħleb areas. Yes No. There are no major future plans for land uses other than those existing in the area. Yes Are there any areas on or around the location which No, none that are known of. No. The proposal lies within a rural context surrounded mostly by agricultural fields, with the closest built up area being a Category 3 Residential Settlement located over 800 meters away from the site. The proposal is also over 1 km from the development zone of Rabat, and therefore it is unlikely to have any effect on such residents given the type and nature of the proposal. No No Unclear / No major significant impacts are envisaged given that the proposal involves the construction of greenhouses which are related to agricultural activity. Furthermore, the development will be visually mitigated through an effective landscaping scheme which will be introduced around the site’s perimeter (Figures 3-5 above refer). No Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged. Yes No Unclear / No significant impacts are envisaged. Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged. / Ques tion Num ber: 25 26 27 Questions to be Considered Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Document reference Briefly describe Briefly justify are occupied by sensitive land uses e.g. hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities which could be affected by the project? Are there any areas on or around the location which contain important, high quality or scarce resources e.g. groundwater, surface waters, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals, which could be affected by the project? Are there any areas on or around the location which have already subject to pollution or environmental damage e.g. where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded, which could be affected by the project? Is the project location susceptible to earthquakes, or subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions e.g. temperature inversions, fogs, severe winds, Yes. Refer to Questions 1 and 7 above. Yes No Unclear / Replies to Questions 1 and 7 refer. No such areas are known of. Yes No Unclear / No significant impacts envisaged, and the proposed development is not expected to introduce major environmental impacts. No. The likelihood of such extreme events in the area can be considered to be minimal. Yes No Unclear No significant impacts are envisaged as a result of the proposed development per se. / Ques tion Num ber: Questions to be Considered Identified potential impacts Is this likely to result in a significant effect? Briefly describe Briefly justify which could cause the project to present environmental problems? Document reference