Renunciations (1828-1912) Online Index
Renunciations (1828-1912) Online Index
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Ackar, Jacob Ackar, John Ackers, Margaret Adam, Susanna Addams, William Ailes, William Albright, Jacob Albright, Jacob Albright, John Albright, Samuel Albright, Thomas J. Alexander, John Alexander, Joseph Alexander, Thomas Allen, Charles Allison, Henry Allys, Franklin H. Alsbach, John Amen, Lorence Ammon, John Ammon, William Anderson, Joseph T. Andes, Christiana Andes, Christiana Andes, Jacob Andes, John Michael Andrews, Francis G. Andrews, Jacob W. Andrews, John H. Andrews, Patterson Ankrim, J. Franklin Ankrim, Samuel Ankrim, Samuel Ankrim, Samuel Appleton, J. B. Armer, Samuel Armstrong, Elisha Armstrong, George Armstrong, Stevenson Armstrong, Thomas Arndt Jr., Jacob Arndt, George Arndt, John Arter, Henry [Susanna] Arters, Robert Atkinson Sr., Robert Year Filed 1854 1861 1871 1862 1852 1866 1856 1856 1856 1853 1875 1878 1835 1871 1839 1842 1868 1848 1829 1873 1863 1854 1868 1870 1850 1852 1853 1845 1860 1830 1857 1839 1845 1849 1876 1869 1848 1830 1859 1859 1832 1859 1849 1850 1856 1839 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Atkinson, Robert Aument, Benjamin Aument, George Aungst, Amos Axe, John Ayle, Jacob Bacher, Christian Bachman Sr., John Bachman, Ann Eliza Bachman, Helen Bachman, Jacob Bachman, Jacob H. Bachman, John Bachman, Peter Bachman, Susanna Backett, James Baer, Emanuel S. Baer, John Bair, Israel B. Bair, Jacob Bair, Jacob Bair, Jacob Bair, Joseph H. Baker, Andrew O. Baker, Frederick D. Baker, George W. Baker, George W. Baker, John Baker, Ludwig Baker, Peter Baker, Valentine Balance, Joseph Balance, Simeon Baldwin, Conrad Baldwin, George W. Balentine, Samuel Balmer, Christian Balmer, Daniel Balmer, David Balmer, Elizabeth Balmer, John Balmer, Martin Balmer, Rachel Balmer, Samuel Balmer, Samuel Barclay, John R. Year Filed 1847 1870 1877 1860 1845 1837 1874 1833 1878 1876 1849 1872 1849 1839 1876 1869 1855 1858 1873 1849 1871 1878 1861 1874 1845 1875 1877 1839 1853 1862 1877 1871 1870 1830 1875 1876 1843 1878 1850 1859 1851 1854 1860 1849 1860 1852 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Bard, Emanuel Bard, George Bard, Michael Bard, Michael Bard, Susanna Bare, Ann Maria Bare, Catharine Bare, Henry Bare, Joel Bare, Martin Barge, George Barnes, James Barnes, James H. Barnett, James Barr, George Barr, Martin Barr, Martin Barr, Theodosia Barrick, G. Washington Bartch, Michael Bassler, Catharine Bassler, Christian Bassler, Jacob Bassler, John Bassler, John Batchelor, Elisha Batten, Amos Baughman, Ann Eliza Baughman, George Baughman, George J. Baughman, Jacob Baughman, Jacob Baum, Magdalena Baum, Magdalena Bauman Jr., Peter Bauman, Abraham Bauman, Harriet A. Bauman, Henry Baumiller, Daniel Baxtresser, John C. Bealor, John Beam, Esther Beam, John Beam, Samuel F. Bear, Andrew Bear, David H. Year Filed 1849 1873 1865 1869 1834 1843 1858 1837 1829 1843 1844 1840 1875 1876 1830 1838 1853 1873 1856 1859 1863 1852 1862 1857 1839 1877 1865 1878 1856 1854 1855 1871 1844 1858 1857 1859 1874 1869 1862 1878 1831 1854 1854 1879 1856 1861 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Bear, George Bear, Henry Bear, Henry Bear, Henry K. Bear, Isaac K. Bear, Israel B. Bear, Jacob Bear, John S. Bear, Martin Beaty, Samuel Bechtel, Christian Beck, Jeremiah Beck, Peter A. Becker, Henry Becker, Henry B. Becker, John Becker, John Beckler, Julius T. Behm, Elias Behm, Jacob Beiler, Joseph Bell, J. Bowman Beltz, John Bender, Adam Bender, George Bender, John Bender, John Bender, Samuel Benedict, Jacob Bennage, John Bennett, Louisa Jane Benson, John Bentz, Samuel Bergdolt, Daniel Bergman, Baltzer Bernhart, Henry K. Besh, John Bettner, Ferdinand Beyer, Isaac L. Bicher, Isaac Bierly, Henry Bingham, Lewis P. Binkley, Benjamin Binkley, Christian Binkley, Christian Binkley, David Year Filed 1857 1834 1856 1846 1858 1873 1867 1831 1841 1845 1865 1841 1874 1844 1868 1847 1870 1875 1877 1847 1857 1863 1838 1833 1829 1830 1833 1846 1853 1859 1872 1871 1850 1851 1831 1872 1855 1870 1852 1855 1872 1861 1878 1875 1876 1845 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Binkly, Benjamin Birkenbine, David Bishop, Jacob Bishop, John C. Bishop, Thomas J. Bitner, Adam Bitner, Daniel Bitner, H. H. Bitner, Jacob Bitner, Jacob Bitzer, Daniel Bitzer, Reuben R. Bixler, Benjamin F. Bixler, Margaret Black, Joseph Bleacher, Benjamin Blizard, D. F. Boges, Thomas M. Boggs, Francis Bogle, George Boley, Edward P. Boley, Philip Bollinger, Abraham W. Bomberger, George H. Bomberger, John Bomberger, John Bomberger, Joseph Book, Eliza Boon, Philip T. Boone, William Henry Borkholder, George Bossler, Samuel Bovine, Elias Bower, Abraham Bower, John Bowermaster, Andrew Bowers, A. J. Bowers, Joseph W. Bowers, Matilda Bowman, Anna Bowman, Elizabeth Bowman, Francis Bowman, Henry Bowman, Jacob Bowman, John Bowman, John Year Filed 1837 1831 1850 1841 1872 1868 1872 1862 1848 1834 1844 1911 1871 1837 1854 1868 1875 1850 1842 1878 1871 1859 1869 1863 1841 1868 1846 1874 1852 1860 1853 1859 1850 1843 1848 1874 1878 1877 1875 1873 1847 1831 1873 1849 1837 1851 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Bowman, Joseph Bowman, Martin Bowmaster, Jacob Boyce, Abner P. Boyd, James Boyd, Joseph S. Boyd, Mary Boyd, S. W. P. Boyd, William C. Boyer, William Boys, James Brackbill, Benjamin Brackbill, Christian Brackbill, Henry Brackbill, John B. Bradhurst, John Bradley, Joseph Brady, Charles Brand, Christian Brandt, Benjamin Brandt, David Brandt, John Brandt, John Brandt, Samuel Brandt, Samuel Breiden, Daniel Breitigam, Paul Bremmer, John Breneman, Abraham Breneman, Abraham Breneman, Benjamin Breneman, Christian Breneman, Christian Breneman, Gideon Breneman, Henry Breneman, Henry Breneman, Henry Breneman, Henry Breneman, John Breneman, John B. Breneman, Joseph Breneman, Magdalana Breneman, Martin Brenise, Caroline Brenizen, Elizabeth Brenneman, Adam Year Filed 1832 1850 1847 1875 1851 1853 1845 1877 1874 1843 1872 1878 1841 1879 1861 1850 1854 1875 1831 1878 1860 1855 1860 1831 1861 1859 1852 1840 1830 1856 1871 1846 1859 1876 1847 1851 1859 1860 1877 1872 1872 1873 1867 1875 1844 1858 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Brenner, Christian Brenner, Christiana Brenner, Emanuel Brenner, Frederick Brenner, George Brenner, Henry Brenner, Jacob Brenner, Philip Bressler, Elizabeth Bretz, Anna M. Bricker, John Bricker, William J. Brighten, David Brinley, William Brinton, Caleb Britz, David Britzius, George Broch, John Peter Brogan, James Brooke, Mark F. Brooks, Amos Brooks, Augustus Brooks, Benjamin Brooks, James Brooks, Samuel Brooks, William Brosey, John M. Brossman, Isaac Brown Sr., George Brown, James Brown, James Brown, John Brown, John Brown, Joseph Brown, Luke Brown, Margaret M. Brown, Samuel Brown, Sarah Brown, Slater Brown, Susanna Brown, William W. Brown, William W. Brubacher, Abraham Brubacher, Christian Brubacher, Christian Brubacher, Christian Year Filed 1848 1846 1879 1833 1837 1830 1876 1841 1853 1842 1844 1855 1848 1852 1851 1857 1831 1831 1844 1872 1870 1861 1876 1852 1839 1877 1879 1862 1848 1853 1857 1839 1843 1878 1834 1911 1872 1876 1855 1874 1855 1859 1860 1833 1853 1843 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Brubacher, Henry Brubacher, Jacob Brubacher, Peter Brubacher, Susanna Brubaker, A. B. Brubaker, Aaron Brubaker, Adam Brubaker, Adam D. Brubaker, Benjamin Brubaker, Benjamin Brubaker, David Brubaker, David B. Brubaker, Francis Brubaker, Henry Brubaker, Jacob Brubaker, Jacob Brubaker, Jacob Brubaker, John Brubaker, John Brubaker, John K. Brubaker, John N. Brubaker, Levi Brubaker, Magdalena Brubaker, Nancy Brubaker, Peter Brubaker, Samuel Brubaker, Susanna Bruckhart Sr., John Bruner, Casper Bruner, Isaac Bruner, Owen Bruner, Peter Brunner, Jacob Bryan, Thomas Bryan, William Bryon, Thomas Bryson, George Buch, Daniel Buchen, Abraham Bucher, Charlotte Bucher, Jacob Buchmeyer, Michael Buchmyer, Henry Buchor, Christian Buchter, John Buchwalter, Jacob Year Filed 1839 1843 1868 1856 1865 1873 1858 1874 1829 1868 1846 1858 1870 1840 1834 1868 1865 1854 1876 1860 1854 1861 1865 1865 1851 1837 1840 1843 1873 1829 1845 1868 1832 1861 1831 1876 1876 1855 1879 1868 1859 1847 1850 1877 1830 1854 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Buckart, Henry M. Buckius Jr., Charles Buckwalter, Abraham Buckwalter, Henry Buckwalter, John Buckwalter, Moses Buckwalter, Seth [Silas] Buffenmeyer, Henry Buhrman, Peter Bull, Coleman J. Bull, Levi G. Bunting, Robert J. Burgin, John L. Burk, Peter Burk, Samuel Burkhart, Christian Burkholder, Abraham Burkholder, Christian Burkholder, Christian Burkholder, David Burkholder, Ferdinand Burkholder, Jacob Burkholder, John Burkman, Thomas Burns, Elizabeth Burns, Henry Burton, Joshua Bushong, Daniel Busser, Elizabeth Buttner, Constantine Buyers, Andrew C. Buyers, Robert P. Byerly, John Byler, Jacob Caldwell, James A. Campbell, David Campbell, J. C. Campbell, John Campbell, John Campbell, John Campbell, Peter Carmany, George Carpenter, Charles Carpenter, Christian Carpenter, David L. Carpenter, Henry Year Filed 1858 1879 1840 1862 1833 1850 1852 1847 1839 1857 1842 1879 1854 1850 1841 1869 1840 1856 1869 1874 1874 1851 1843 1829 1879 1854 1875 1856 1842 1874 1862 1848 1862 1874 1845 1854 1877 1868 1866 1870 1870 1830 1844 1839 1854 1848 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Carpenter, Jane E. Carpenter, Mary Carr, Mary Carroll, Robert Carter, Aaron Carter, Alex F. Carter, Henry Carter, Jerry Caughey, Frances Chamberlin, Mary Chambers, Reuben Champneys, Elizabeth Channel, Joseph Chapman, Samuel Charles Jr., Jacob Charles, Henry Charles, John Charles, Samuel Child, Russel A. Christ, Jacob Christ, John Clair, Jacob Clair, Mary Clair, Mary Clark, John H. Clark, Joseph Clark, Thomas Clarke, John Claus, Bridget Clawgas, Elizabeth Clay, Daniel Clemson, Davis Clendendin, Samuel Clepper, Nicholas Clime, Elias Coble, David Coble, Henry W. Coble, Jacob Cochran, John J. Cogngham, Redmond Coldren Sr., Jacob Coldren, Abraham Coldren, Abraham Coldren, Henrietta Coldren, Isaac Coldren, James Year Filed 1879 1843 1861 1875 1878 1860 1851 1837 1853 1879 1859 1875 1858 1872 1833 1875 1877 1875 1871 1848 1850 1855 1850 1854 1877 1845 1872 1832 1876 1870 1865 1871 1862 1832 1849 1841 1849 1859 1879 1874 1866 1850 1861 1867 1870 1867 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Coldren, John Coleman, James Collins, Cornelius Collins, Jacob Collins, John Colp, George Colt, Catharine Conard, William Conklin, Isaac Conley, Michael Conn, Henry Conn, Philip Connell, Mark Connelly, Jacob Conrad, Abraham Conrad, Benjamin Conrad, Daniel Conrad, James Cook, John J. Cook, Reuben Cooper, George Cooper, Jacob K. Cooper, James Cooper, Jeremiah Cooper, Joseph Cooper, Mary Cooper, Mary Cooper, William Cooper, William Copenhefer, Jacob Copenhefer, John B. Coppis, George Cordes, Francis Cornby, Peter Cornhaus, Jacob Costello, Thomas Coughenour, Henry Coulson, George Cowen, Joseph Cox, George A. Cox, Samuel Cox, Thomas Crall, Elizabeth Cramer, David Cramer, John Crawford, Samuel Year Filed 1876 1831 1871 1851 1877 1830 1875 1870 1875 1874 1848 1870 1861 1870 1841 1855 1857 1858 1857 1879 1854 1879 1846 1841 1877 1832 1839 1842 1851 1851 1853 1861 1860 1844 1842 1876 1848 1838 1842 1871 1842 1850 1875 1854 1842 1861 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Crawford, Theophilus Creamer, Aaron Creamer, David Crist, George Cromwell, John Crouse, Barnhart Crow, James Crow, Peter L. Culbertson, David Cummings, George Curley, Barnabus Curren, James Currey, Robert S. Curry, James Curry, William Dague, Adam Daily, John Dance, Howard Danmyer, George Danner, Adam Danner, Alexander Daum, Jeremiah Daveler, John Daveler, Levi Davis, Catharine Davis, John Davis, John H. Davis, Mary A. Davis, Walter Dean, Benjamin F. Deets, Henry Dehaven, Philip Dehna, Henry Delb, John Delier, Simon Dellet, John Dellinger, Michael Demmy, Jacob Demmy, John Demuth, Andrew E. Demuth, Christopher Dengler, George Dengler, John Denlinger, Henry Denlinger, Martin Dennis, George Year Filed 1872 1878 1852 1849 1834 1857 1855 1846 1837 1867 1852 1868 1832 1857 1841 1830 1874 1873 1861 1841 1872 1877 1855 1870 1860 1829 1877 1872 1854 [1853] 1843 1874 1871 1840 1859 1856 1845 1911 1862 1878 1870 1831 1854 1859 1865 1877 1851 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Derr, Henry Derredinger, John Derrick, Richard Devlin, John Deyer, Edwin G. Deyer, John Dickey, Thomas Dickinson, James P. Diehl, John Diem Jr., John Dietrich, Henry Dietrich, Henry Dietrich, Jacob Dietz, Bernhart Diffenbach, John Diffenbaugh, Catharine Diffenbaugh, Catharine Diffenbaugh, Jacob Diffenderfer, Benjamin Diffenderfer, Henry Diffenderfer, Jacob Diffenderfer, John D. Diffenderfer, Philip Diffenderfer, William Diller, Isaac Diller, Nathaniel Ditaman, Henry Dobbins, Wilson Dochterman, John Doebler, George Doerstler, Jacob M. Doerstler, Michael Dohner, Abraham Dohner, Esther Dohner, Noah Dombach, Martin Donaghy, William Doner, Daniel Donnan, Andrew Donnelly, John Donovan, Barbara Dornes, Martin Dougherty, Patrick Douglas, Robert Douglass, Mary Downey, David Year Filed 1879 1833 1865 1868 1873 1873 1840 1870 1849 1860 1843 1873 1858 1873 1829 1859 1862 1852 1850 1874 1851 1875 1875 1844 1835 1876 1856 1878 1831 1868 1848 1854 1874 1877 1860 1875 1878 1874 1841 1862 1844 1874 1829 1847 1861 1872 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Downey, James Drace, George Drain, John Draucker, Adam Drips, Robert Dritch, John Druckenbroad, Benjamin Druckenbroad, Jacob Drumm, Robert Dubree, Absalom Duchman, Jacob Duffy, Charles Dummy, George Dunkel, John Dutt, George Dyer, Abraham Dysart, John H. Eaby, Jacob Eaby, John Eaby, Samuel Eagan, James Eagle, George Eberly, Daniel Eberly, David Eberly, Henry Eberly, Jacob Eberly, Jacob B. Eberly, John Eberly, John Eberly, Michael Eberly, Susan Eberman, Albert T. Eberman, Annie Eberman, H. C. Eberman, John Ebersole, Benjamin Ebersole, Christian Ebersole, Christian Ebersole, Henry Ebersole, Henry E. [Mary] Ebersole, John Ebersole, John Ebersole, Joseph N. Ebersole, Magdalena Ebersole, Philip Eby Sr., Isaac Year Filed 1849 1879 1840 1855 1851 1873 1863 1870 1856 1859 1831 1850 1838 1859 1869 1853 1862 1842 1847 1833 1834 1838 1851 1856 1879 1858 1862 1830 1860 1876 1850 1867 1870 1876 1854 1832 1854 1858 1848 1861 1848 1861 1867 1841 1861 1850 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Eby, Abraham Eby, Abraham Eby, Amos Eby, Benjamin Eby, Daniel S. Eby, Henry P. Eby, Henry S. Eby, Jacob Eby, Jacob Eby, Joseph C. Eby, Peter Eby, Peter Eby, Samuel Echternach, William Eckert, Catharine Eckert, George Eckert, George Eckert, Martha S. Eckinger, John [Catharine Lords] Eckman, Amos Eckman, Daniel Eckman, Eliza J. Eckman, Harry Eckman, Henry Eckman, Isaac [Evans] Eckman, John Eckman, John Eckman, Joseph Eckman, Martin Eckman, Martin Eckman, Martin Eckman, Rebecca Edler, Fred G. Ehrenfried, Anna Ehrman, Samuel Eichelberger, Catharine Eichelberger, Thomas Eichely, Jacob Eichholtz, Catharine Eichholtz, John Eichler, Abraham Eitenmiller, Peter Elder, Preston B. Elias, Catharine Elliot, Robert Elliot, Thomas Year Filed 1832 1834 1854 1868 1857 1875 1873 1834 1855 1870 1845 1879 1833 1837 1876 1829 1849 1868 1850 1874 1832 1877 1872 1837 1860 1838 1846 1872 1852 1832 1838 1867 1853 1870 1834 1860 1843 1846 1832 1850 1846 1877 1840 1872 1832 1842 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Ellmaker, Elizabeth Ellmaker, Isaac Elsers, George Enck, George K. Enck, John Enck, Samuel Engle, Hiram Engle, John English, Sidwell M. English, William Enterline, George Epler, David Erb, Catharine Erb, Elizabeth Erb, Isaac Erb, John Erb, John W. Erb, Reuben Erisman, Christian Erisman, George Erwin, John Esbenshade, Adam Esbenshade, Henry Esbenshade, John Eschbach, Michael S. Eshbach, Michael Eshleman, Abraham Eshleman, Benjamin Eshleman, Benjamin Eshleman, Benjamin S. Eshleman, Ferree W. Eshleman, Jacob Eshleman, Jacob Eshleman, Joel Eshleman, Joel Eshleman, John Eshleman, John B. Eshleman, Joseph B. Eshleman, Martin Eshleman, Michael Eshleman, Peter Eshleman, Peter Eshleman, Samuel Eshleman, Samuel Eshleman, Samuel Esterly, William Year Filed 1871 1830 1848 1911 1871 1849 1874 1831 1878 1830 1878 1839 1873 1851 1838 1862 1872 1873 1849 1855 1859 1875 1879 1832 1878 1847 1838 1830 1877 1873 1871 1850 1853 1877 1878 1872 1875 1868 1868 1839 1840 1871 1843 1847 1871 1838 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Evans Sr., David Evans, Davis Evans, Isaac Evans, James C. Evans, John Evans, Margaret Evans, Sarah Evans, Thomas Ewing, Abraham F. Eyman, Christian Fagan, Daniel Fairlamb, William Fankhouser, John Farmer, Jacob Fauss, Zachariah Faust, Isaac Fawkes, Samuel Felix, John Felker, Frank Felker, Philip Feltenberger, Henry Feltenberger, Joseph Fenstermacher, Henry Fenstermacher, Jacob Fenstermacher, Jacob [Lovina] Fenstermacher, Philip Feree Sr., Elisha Ferree, David Fetter, George Fetter, Henry Fetter, Moses Fichthorn, Henry Findley, James Findley, John Findley, Uriah Finifrock, Jacob Fink, Christian Finn, John Finzey, Hiram Firestone, Catharine Fisher Sr., Henry [Catharine] Fisher, Christian L. Fisher, Gideon Fisher, Henry Fisher, Jacob Fisher, John H. Year Filed 1862 1828 1849 1853 1848 1852 1879 1847 1853 1852 1875 1850 1852 1851 1855 1847 1867 1862 1846 1848 1847 1858 1842 1840 1855 1829 1832 1834 1848 1856 1872 1852 1860 1858 1877 1854 1857 1831 1871 1869 1871 1855 1871 1879 1838 1876 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Fitzpatrick, Hugh Flanum, Joseph Fleming, James Flick, Christian Flickinger, Henry Flickinger, Richard Flynn, Charles Fogle, Adam Folk, William Foltz, Adam Foltz, George L. Fondersmith, George Fordney, Jacob Fordney, Margaret Fordney, Melchior Foreman, John Forney, Enoch Forney, Greybill B. Forney, William Forrey, Henry Forrey, John Forrey, John Forry, Daniel Foster, Eli Foster, James Fox, Jacob Fraelich, George Fraelich, Henry Fraim, Walter Fralich, Jacob Fralick, Jacob Frank Jr., John Frank, George Frank, John Frank, Michael Frankford, Samuel Frantz, David Frantz, H. L. Frazer, John Fredeck, Andrew Frederick, Christian Freed, Abraham Freeston, John B. Freson, Hezekiah Frey, Abraham Frey, Ann Year Filed 1850 1852 1844 1859 1859 1848 1867 1842 1847 1840 1859 1834 1850 1849 1846 1850 1851 1869 1831 1871 1843 1845 1859 1830 1861 1851 1870 1871 1855 1856 1842 1848 1839 1849 1870 1911 1841 1867 1856 1870 1872 1840 1852 1850 1859 1854 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Frey, Daniel Frey, Frederick Frey, Frederick Frey, Henrietta Frey, Jacob F. Frey, John F. Frey, Joseph Frey, Samuel Freymoyer, Margaret Frick, John Fricker, John George Fritz, John D. Froelich, Samuel Fry, Benjamin M. Fry, Catharine Fry, Daniel Fry, George Fry, George Fry, George H. Fry, Isaac Fry, Israel Fry, Martin Fry, Samuel Fry, Samuel Fry, Samuel H. Frymeyer, Henry Frymoyer, Jacob Fulton, Thomas Funk, Elizabeth Funk, Jacob Funk, Jacob Funk, Martin Funk, Martin Furhman, Joseph Furlow, George Furlow, Henry Futer, Stephen Gabel, Martin Gable, Ann Mary Gable, Thomas S. Gable, William Gackley, Henry Gall, George Gall, Martin Gallagher, James Gallagher, James Year Filed 1873 1831 1832 1875 1873 1867 1854 1846 1869 1873 1844 1875 1850 1860 1847 1874 1840 1847 1879 1862 1872 1849 1853 1868 1860 1856 1848 1830 1875 1838 1870 1837 1856 1861 1844 1869 1873 1837 [1845] 1874 1851 1829 1845 1843 1855 1879 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Galt, William Gamber, Martha Gantz, Elizabeth Gantz, Jacob Gantz, Mary Garber, John Garber, John Garman, Henry Garman, William Gault, Mary Gault, William Gehman, Benjamin Gehman, Magdalene Gehr, Christian Geib, Henry Geib, John Geigley, William Geisel, Jacob Geist, Daniel Geiter, Salome Gelsinger, Daniel Gelsinger, John Gensemer, George Gepford, John Gerber Jr., Andrew Gerber Jr., Peter Gerber, David Gerber, Mary Gerber, Samuel Gerhard, John German Sr., Leonard German, George German, Leonard Gerner, Jacob Gerrett, John Gertzer, Maximillian F. Getz Sr., John Getz, Jacob Gibbel, John Gibbel, Michael W. Gibble, John Gibler, John Gilbert, Benjamin Gilbert, John Gilbert, John Gingerich, David Year Filed 1842 1850 1879 1855 1879 1839 1852 1871 1857 1842 1838 1856 1872 1877 1848 1871 1835 1863 1833 1837 1873 1878 1865 1834 1832 1834 1854 1845 1867 1846 1832 1831 1849 1844 1878 1837 1841 1850 1853 1877 1850 1843 1874 1832 1854 1858 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Gingrich, Joseph Girod, Charles W. Girvin, Daniel Girvin, Isaac Girvin, James Girvin, Mary Gish, Abraham Gish, John Givler, Jacob B. Glasser, Frederick Glatz, Ann Glatz, Catharine Glatz, William Glauner, Mathias Glendening, Leonard Glendenning, William Glick, David L. Glinz, Anna Glondinger, Philip Glosser, Andrew Glouner, Joseph Glouner, Mathias Glouner, Michael Gochenauer, Jacob Gochenauer, Joseph Gochenaur, Fanny Gochenaur, P. H. Gochenour, Benjamin Gockley, Samuel Gockley, Samuel Gocklin, Benjamin Gonder Jr., Joseph Gonder, Barbara Gontner, William Gontor, John Gontor, P. F. Good, Barbara Good, Christian Good, Christian Good, Daniel Good, Israel Good, Jacob Good, Jacob Good, James Good, Jonas Good, Levina Year Filed 1845 1876 1855 1875 1867 1852 1855 1846 1855 1830 1872 1846 1847 1878 1873 1859 1878 1872 1848 1863 1862 1862 1858 1832 1868 1868 1874 1852 1868 1863 1851 1851 1838 1848 1842 1842 1854 1843 1850 1863 1849 1844 1851 1858 1870 1862 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Good, Magdalena Good, Maria Good, Mary Good, Michael Good, Peter Good, Phares Good, Simon Goodyear, William Gorgas, Hannah Gorgas, John Gormly, John Gormly, John Goshen, Richard Goshert, Isaac Goss, Abraham Goss, John Goss, Nathaniel Gossler, Jacob Gotschalk, Joseph Gouchenour, John Grab, Frederick Graff, Daniel E. Graff, Isaac L. Graff, Samuel Graham, John Graham, John Graub, Andrew Gray Sr., Justus Gray, Sarah Graybill, Jacob Graybill, Jacob Graybill, John Graybill, Joseph E. Graybill, Levi Green Sr., John Green, Henry F. Green, Jacob Green, John Green, William Greenawalt, Abraham Greenawalt, Henry Greenleaf, Martin Greider, Christian Greider, Henry Greider, Jacob Greider, Peter G. Year Filed 1875 1850 1875 1855 1850 1862 1875 1829 1871 1871 1870 1829 1852 1849 1875 1852 1859 1842 1875 1850 1876 1852 1852 1853 1875 1876 1857 1833 1855 1850 1878 1849 1871 1877 1876 1861 1838 1831 1852 1840 1867 1876 [1873] 1872 1829 1874 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Greiner, John Greiner, Joseph Gress, Jacob Gress, John Gress, Michael Greybill, Emma V. Grider, Ann Grider, Jacob Griest, Jeremiah Grill, Samuel Grill, William Grim, George S. Grim, Henry Grim, Leonard Grim, Margaret M. Grimes, Elizabeth Grist, George Groff Sr., John Groff, Abraham Groff, Abraham Groff, Barbara Groff, Barbara Groff, Benjamin Groff, Christian F. Groff, David Groff, Isaac W. Groff, Israel W. Groff, Jacob W. Groff, John Groff, Joseph Groff, Martin Groff, Samuel F. Groff, Simon Grogg, Elizabeth Groh, Christian Grosh, David Grosh, Samuel L. Gross, John Gross, Martin Gross, Martin Gross, Wiand Grossman, John Grove Jr., Daniel Grove, Henry Grove, Jacob Grove, John Year Filed 1854 1872 1848 1847 1847 1871 1873 1858 1842 1855 1848 1912 1870 1850 1873 1876 1849 1859 1870 1875 1831 1837 1870 1878 1851 1851 1851 1851 1834 1846 1846 1877 1873 1879 1868 1849 1870 1847 1837 1877 1833 1831 1844 1858 1851 1844 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Grove, Sarah Grubb, Amos Grubb, Curtis W. Grubb, George Grubb, Henry Grubb, Henry Grube, Catharine Grube, Levi Gruner, Barbara Grupy, F. H. Gryder, Thomas M. Gumph, Harrison Gyer, David Gyger, Jesse Haag, Barnhart Habecker, Christian Habecker, Jacob Habecker, John Hackenberger, Peter Hacker, Jacob Hacker, Samuel Hackman, Abner Hackman, Elizabeth Hackman, Jacob Hackman, John Haeffly, Jacob Hagans, William Hagen, Elijah Hagen, Henry B. Hagend, John Hagens, John Hagy, Henry Hagy, Jacob Hahnlen, Leonard Hahnlen, Lewis Haines, Catharine Haines, Fannie Haines, Isaac Haines, Jeremiah B. Haines, Jesse Haines, Lewis Haines, Mark Hains, John Haldeman, Haldeman, Christian Haldeman, Jacob Year Filed 1851 1859 1861 1841 1848 1857 1878 1863 1829 1873 1856 1867 1869 1853 1860 1834 1850 1851 1855 1847 1855 1875 1848 1851 1840 1873 1839 1879 1865 1856 1876 1839 1830 1848 1847 1853 1875 1870 1872 1868 1873 1871 1850 1870 1840 1864 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Haldeman, Rudolph Haldeman, Samuel Hall, Hiram S. Hall, Joseph Hamaker, Christian Hamaker, Jacob Hamaker, John Hamaker, John Hambleton, Mary Hambright, Frederick Hambright, Mary Ann Hamer, John Hamer, Solomon Hamilton, John Hamilton, Joseph Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Robert Hamm, John Hammer, George Hammond, James Hammond, William A. Hamp, John Hane, Catharine Hanum, Magdalena Harar, Joseph Harding, Jacob Harlan, Benjamin Harlen, George Harley, William Harman, Daniel Harman, Samuel Harmony, Samuel Harner, George Harnish, Christian Harnish, Henry Harnish, Jacob Harnish, John Harnish, John Harnish, John Harnish, Martin Harris, Freany Harris, Thomas Harris, William Harris, William G. Harry, John Harry, Mary Year Filed 1843 1841 1875 1855 1851 1871 1848 1863 1876 1847 1873 1851 1862 1829 1878 1847 1876 1848 1867 1877 1861 1851 1830 1852 1851 1850 1840 1879 1832 1844 1832 1860 1859 1869 1830 1829 1838 1847 1875 1841 1858 1829 1834 1867 1870 1871 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Harsh, Christian Harsh, Jacob Hart, Anna Catharine Hart, George Hart, Joseph Hartenstine, Peter Harter, Ann Maria Harter, John Harting, Jacob Harting, Jeremiah Hartman, Henry Hartman, Henry Hartman, John Hartman, John Hartman, Lewis Harvy, Phineus Hasselbach, Henry Hassler, George Hasson, Mary Hastings, Stephen Hastman, Hannah Hathorne, William Hatz, Abraham Hatz, Samuel Hauck, Henry Hawk, John Hawn, Michael Hays, Ellen Heagy, Jacob Hebble, Peter Hedger, Robert Hehnlen, Lewis Hehnlen, Lewis Heidlebaugh, Mary Heiney, Samuel Heinitsch, W. E. Heiser, Susanna Heisey Jr., John Heisey, Ann Heisey, Daniel Heisey, Henry Heisey, Joseph Heisy, Peter Helfenstein, Elizabeth Heller, John Hellinger, Daniel Year Filed 1851 1849 1877 1839 1877 1829 1863 1848 1852 1869 1853 1879 1831 1870 1875 1854 1849 1853 1856 1832 1861 1850 1862 1862 1871 1858 1859 1839 1868 1851 1841 1849 1857 1878 1871 1867 1868 1844 1852 1877 1843 1843 1863 1871 1859 1872 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Helm Jr., John Helm, John Helman, Jacob Heltz, Nancy Hember, David Henderson, Daniel Hendrickson, Okey Henly, John Henney, Philip Henrich, Hannah Henry, John Hensel, Christopher Hensel, John Hensel, John H. Henselman, Elias H. Hept, George Herchelroad, Michael Herchelroth, John Hernley, John Herr, Abraham Herr, Abraham Herr, Abraham Herr, Adam Herr, Benjamin Herr, Benjamin Herr, Benjamin Herr, Christian Herr, Christian B. Herr, Christian E. Herr, Christian S. Herr, David Herr, Emanuel Herr, Enos B. Herr, Francis Herr, Henry R. Herr, Jacob Herr, John Herr, John Herr, John Herr, John G. Herr, John S. Herr, John S. Herr, Solomon Herr, Sue B. Herr, Susan Hersh, Amos Year Filed 1831 1830 1878 1843 1876 1847 1841 1847 1876 1873 1875 1846 1840 1879 1869 1840 1854 1853 1842 1851 1851 1879 1831 1834 1848 1879 1834 1847 1872 1853 1873 1839 1869 1838 1863 1871 1847 1848 1854 1876 1871 1873 1868 1875 1874 1856 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Hersh, Martin Hershberger, Magdalena Hershberger, Samuel Hershey, Abraham Hershey, Abraham Hershey, Abraham Hershey, Andrew Hershey, Anna Hershey, Christian Hershey, Elizabeth Hershey, Isaac Hershey, Isaac Hershey, John Hershey, John Hershey, John Hershey, Maria Hershey, Samuel Hertzler, Daniel Hertzler, Jacob Hertzler, John Hertzog, Peter Herzog, Jacob Hess, Abraham Hess, Amos Hess, Ann Hess, Anna Hess, C. H. Hess, Christian Hess, Christian Hess, Daniel Hess, David Hess, David Hess, George Hess, Jacob Hess, John Hess, John Hess, John B. Hess, John R. Hess, Martin Hess, Nancy Hesslet, James Hewes, Joseph Hibshman, John P. Hiestand Sr., Peter Hiestand, Benjamin G. Hiestand, Catharine Year Filed 1840 1840 1872 1839 1844 1863 1840 1875 1834 1868 1854 1860 1848 1831 1869 1838 1873 1875 1848 1837 1831 1858 1855 1851 1830 1844 1873 1870 1850 1840 1834 1839 1837 1859 1831 1843 1878 1879 1843 1875 1872 1841 1874 1846 1875 1877 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Hiestand, Peter High, David Hill, John Hiller, John Hills, Gilbert Hilt, Elizabeth Himes, John Hindman, John C. Hinkle, Elizabeth Hinkle, John Hipple, William [Mary] Hoak, Jacob Hoar, Adam Hoar, James Hoar, Jonas Hoar, Jonathan Hoch, Jonathan Hoerner, Andrew Hoffer, Emanuel Hoffman, A. F. Hoffman, Daniel Hoffman, Elizabeth Hoffman, Henry Hoffman, Henry C. Hoffman, Jacob Hoffman, Jacob Hoffman, John Hoffman, John Hoffman, John Hoffman, John Hoffman, Joseph Hoffman, Nicholas Hoffman, Philip Hoffman, Samuel J. Hoffman, Susan Hogendobler, Samuel Hoke, Andrew Hoke, John Holl Sr., John Holl, George Holl, John Holl, Levi Hollinger, Elias Hollinger, Jacob Homsher, Benjamin Homsher, David Year Filed 1846 1860 1875 1878 1850 1874 1866 1862 1869 1839 1871 1831 1871 1859 1841 1850 1879 1847 1842 1867 1833 1862 1841 1873 1837 1842 1829 1842 1867 1863 1853 1855 1831 1868 1862 1865 1829 1840 1867 1862 1829 1869 1868 1854 1852 1844 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Hoopes, Anne Hoover Jr., David Hoover, Abraham Hoover, Catharine Hoover, Daniel Hoover, David Hoover, George Hoover, Isaac Hoover, Jacob [Catharine] Hoover, John Hoover, Joseph Hoover, Joseph Hoover, Joseph Hopkins, H. H. Hopkins, James Hopton, Susan Hornberger, Susanna Hornberger, William Horner, Joseph Horst Jr., John Horst, Daniel Horst, Jacob Horst, Jacob Y. Horst, John Horst, John Y. Horst, Michael Horstman, Henry Hossler, Daniel Hostetter, Abraham Hostetter, Christian Hostetter, Daniel Hostetter, David Hostetter, Henry Hostetter, Jacob Hostetter, John F. Hostetter, Ulrich Hougentobler, John Housekeeper, Philip Housel, Lydia Howard, Caroline Howells, Morgan Howry, John Huber, Abraham Huber, Benjamin Huber, Christian Huber, David Year Filed 1859 1847 1854 1845 1851 1876 1849 1853 1858 1843 1834 1847 1848 1863 1834 1875 1842 1873 1847 1852 1854 1856 1867 1854 1871 1835 [1845] 1847 1834 1862 1875 1872 1856 1853 1867 1866 1839 1842 1845 1871 1876 1829 1858 1853 1854 1832 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Huber, Henry Huber, Jacob Huber, Jacob Huber, John Hubley, Mary Hudders, John Hudders, John Huffnagle, Michael Huhn, Jacob Hull, Benjamin F. Hull, David G. Hummel, John Hummer, Abraham Hummer, Christian Hummer, John Hummer, John Hummer, John Hunsberger, John Hunsecker, Benjamin Hunsecker, David Hunsicker Jr., Samuel Hunter, William Huppe, Christian Hurst, Henry Hutchinson, Charles Hutton, Reuben Iidenmiller, Peter Illig, George Illig, Maria Illig, Samuel Immel, Elizabeth Irvin, William Irwin, Isaac Isenberger, Jacob Jackson, Ann Jackson, Hugh C. Jackson, J. Morris Jackson, L. H. Jackson, Leavia H. Jackson, Mary Jackson, Mary Jacobs, Coleman R. Jacobs, Edward Jason, Ephraim Jefferies, Mary Jeffries, Joseph Year Filed 1830 1834 1858 1861 1829 1850 1858 1844 1856 1866 1878 1873 1846 1832 1847 1850 1874 1851 1862 1876 1829 1828 1857 1840 1869 1845 1877 1830 1849 1855 1871 1851 1831 1874 1850 1839 1877 1849 1863 1873 1873 1833 1832 1861 1831 1833 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Jenkins, David Jenkins, Elijah Jenkins, Isaac Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, William Jenkins, William Johns Jr., Abraham Johns, Abraham Johns, John Johns, Peter Johns, Phebe Johnson, Baker Johnson, Benjamin F. Johnson, Charles M. Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Guy Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Henry W. Johnson, Isaac Johnson, James Johnson, John J. Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Samuel A. Johnson, Samuel A. Johnson, Thomas Johnstin, Francis Johnston, John H. Jones, Asa Jones, Benjamin Jones, Charles Jones, Jacob Jones, Joseph L. Jones, Polly Jordan, John F. Jordan, Thomas R. Judy, John Judy, Mary Judy, Michael Kabal, Michael Kaempf, John M. Kagereise, Michael Kahler, Henry C. Kaho, Patrick Kapp, John P. Kappis, Abraham Kauffman Sr., John Year Filed 1850 1852 1865 1848 1834 1879 1829 1848 1865 1837 1868 1851 1874 1864 1847 1831 1844 1873 1875 1876 1854 1861 1839 1846 1850 1850 1862 1849 1860 1857 1840 1876 1838 1863 1850 1877 1876 1832 1869 1875 1829 1874 1874 1863 1829 1879 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Kauffman, Abraham Kauffman, Abraham Kauffman, Andrew M. Kauffman, Benjamin Kauffman, David Kauffman, Francis X. Kauffman, Henry Kauffman, Henry Kauffman, Henry Kauffman, Henry H. Kauffman, Isaac Kauffman, Jacob F. Kauffman, John Kauffman, John Kauffman, John Kauffman, Michael Kauffman, Michael Kauffman, Michael Kauffman, Tobias Kaylor, Ephraim Keechler, Catharine Keemer, Amos Keen, Joshua Keener, Adam Keener, George Keener, John Keener, John G. Keeports, Daniel Kegereis, A. Kegerise, Henry Kegerreis, Christian Keifer, Moses Keihl, George Keller, Andrew Keller, Daniel Keller, Eve Keller, George Keller, Henry H. Keller, Jacob Keller, John Keller, John A. Keller, Samuel Kelly, Michael Kemerer, John Kemerer, Peter Kemper Sr., David Year Filed 1867 1873 1838 1873 1846 1852 1847 1863 1863 1862 1857 1874 1829 1829 1833 1850 1856 1862 1873 1876 1862 1876 1877 1856 1856 1870 1911 1847 1855 1865 1859 1847 1849 1862 1862 1862 1875 1854 1871 1850 1856 1858 1861 1854 1837 1854 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Kemper, Catharine Kemper, David Kemper, Dietrich W. Kemper, Henry Kemper, Henry Kendig, Abraham Kendig, Adam C. Kendig, Christian Kendig, George Kendig, John Kendig, Michael Kensel, Mauris W. Kent, Daniel Keplinger, Leonard Kepner, Josiah Kepple, Henry Kerchner, David Kern, Henry Kerns, Eli Kessler, Adam Kessler, Jacob Ketzer, George Kidder, John Kiechler, Catharine Kiefer, Godfrey Kilcheffer, Christian Killian, Carter Killian, Henry L. Killian, Jacob Killian, Rudolph Killian, Samuel S. Killian, Zacharius Killough, Hannah Kimble, John Kindig, Daniel Kindig, Henry B. Kindig, John Kindig, Martin Kindig, Martin Kindig, Mary King, David King, David King, David King, George King, Isabella F. King, Lewis Year Filed 1878 1911 1840 1860 1860 1850 1878 1872 1850 1849 1843 1840 1851 1838 1863 1857 1865 1845 1848 1876 1854 1829 1854 1862 1852 1847 1839 1859 1839 1878 1858 1875 1860 1848 1848 1854 1844 1846 1849 1872 1839 1861 1872 1834 1871 1851 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name King, Samuel King, Vincent Kinkead, John Kinney, Abraham M. Kinsey, Abel Kinzer, Christian Kinzer, William P. Kirk, Deborah B. Kirk, John Kissick, John M. Klapp, Henry Klauser, Peter Klauser, Simon N. Kline, Abraham Kline, George Kline, Henry N. Kline, Jacob Kline, John Kline, William Kling, Anna Kling, Isaac Kling, John Kling, John B. Kling, Leah Klingler, John D. Klug, Ann Caroline Klugh, Frederick H. Kneier, Jacob Koch, Adam Kochel, Jacob Kochel, Jacob Koerper, Godlib Koffroth, John Kolb, Christian Koser, David Kraatz, Jonathan Kraft, George Krantz, John Kready, George Kready, John Kreamer, William Kreider, Barbara Kreider, Barbara Kreider, Benjamin F. Kreider, Cornelius Kreider, Elizabeth Year Filed 1833 1877 1871 1831 1852 1876 1846 1879 1878 1843 1847 1857 1869 1862 1872 1859 1860 1861 1851 1852 1848 1847 1870 1857 1873 1837 1852 1857 1862 1851 1871 1843 1861 1874 1849 1877 1854 1854 1869 1851 1850 1851 1863 1873 1875 1847 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Kreider, Elizabeth Kreider, George Kreider, George Kreider, Henry Kreider, Jacob Kreider, John Kreider, John D. Kreider, M. H. Kreider, Martin M. Kreider, Tobias Kreiter, David Kremer, Jacob Krick, William M. Krider, Michael Kroll, Nicholas Krouse, John Krow, James Krug, Elizabeth Krug, Esther Krug, Henry Krug, Peter Kuhn, Frederick Kuhns, John Kummer, John G. Kuntz, Isaac Kurtz, Abraham Kurtz, Amos Kurtz, Catharine Kurtz, Christian Kurtz, Christian Kurtz, Daniel Kurtz, Elizabeth Kurtz, Jacob Kurtz, Jacob Kurtz, John Kurtz, John Kurtz, John K. Kurtz, Samuel E. Kuster, Ann Kuster, Michael Labazius, Mary Ann Lafferty, William Laird, John Lais, Christian Lambert, Mary Lamborn, Smedley Year Filed 1879 1849 1869 1856 1845 1851 1857 1869 1856 1847 1854 1847 1879 1830 1834 1849 1855 1875 1879 1848 1868 1835 1855 1846 1843 1846 1878 1869 1852 1867 1840 1855 1848 1832 1831 1871 1861 1877 1856 1831 1871 1861 1849 1857 1842 1851 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Lamp, Henry Landers, George Landis, Abraham Landis, Abraham Landis, Anna Landis, B. G. Landis, Benjamin Landis, Christian Landis, Eli Landis, Emanuel Landis, John Landis, John Landis, John L. Landis, Joseph S. Landis, Maria Landis, Solomon Lane, G. Taylor Lane, G. Taylor Langan, Ellen Lantz, Amos Lapp, John Lausch, Levi Laush, Henry Laush, John Laverty, Robert Lavery, George S. Lawrence, Lewis Lawshey, Jacob Lead, Allen Lead, George Lead, Israel Leader, Joshua Leaman, Abraham Leaman, Joseph Leaman, Samuel L. Leary, Edward Leber, Henry Lechler, Catharine Leckey, John Leddy, John Leech, Ann Leed, John Leed, Mary Leek, John Lefever, Abraham Lefever, Levi Year Filed 1841 1848 1843 1871 1849 1863 1829 1872 1875 1874 1850 1877 1872 1870 1839 1875 1863 1863 1874 1850 1832 1866 1856 1859 1863 1849 1857 1848 1847 1833 1839 1863 1839 1857 1873 1876 1877 1854 1832 1839 1876 1867 1876 1851 1875 1879 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Lefever, Meshach Leffler, John Lehman, Charles Lehman, Isaac Lehman, John Lehman, John Lehman, Peter Lehn, Henry Lehr, Jacob Leib Jr., Christian Leib Sr., John Leib, Abraham Leib, Christian Leib, Christian Leib, Mary Leib, Mary Leibly, Jacob Leidigh, Jonathan Lein, Maria Leisey, Benjamin Leisey, Joseph Leister, Thomas Lenhart, Philip Leoser, Joseph Lessley Sr., Jacob Lewis, Abraham Lewis, Eugene Lewis, George W. Libhart, Henry Lichtenberger, Adam Lichty, David Lied, George Lied, Peter Light, Lewis Lightner, John Lindeman, John Lindemuth, Susanna Lindesmith, George Lindsay, Samuel Lindsay, Sarah Lines, John Linkey, Henry Lintner, John Linville, John Liphart, Michael Lipman, Sally Year Filed 1874 1834 1860 1872 1851 1874 1843 1875 1830 1844 1830 1851 1842 1843 1870 1871 1855 1869 1853 1878 1869 1850 1840 1841 1874 1864 1875 1849 1866 1858 1838 1838 1829 1831 1848 1847 1866 1874 1876 1863 1845 1874 1840 1875 1875 1861 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Lipp, Christopher Lively, Andrew Livingston, William Lloyd, Elizabeth Lloyd, George C. Lloyd, William Lockard, John Lockard, Samuel F. Loncommer, Christian Loney, Benjamin Long, Abraham Long, Abraham K. Long, Anna Long, David Long, Emanuel Long, Emma J. Long, Hugh H. Long, John Long, John Long, John Long, Jonas Long, Joseph Long, William Longenecker, Christian Longenecker, Christian B. Longenecker, David Longenecker, Jacob Longenecker, Jacob D. Longenecker, John C. Longenecker, Peter Lordney, Jacob Lorentz, Frederick Loughrey, Samuel Lovett, William Lovingden, Sandress Lowe, Jacob Lowry, Anna Luckey, John W. Lupold, John Lupold, John Luther, Christian Lutz, Catharine Lutz, Daniel Lutz, George M. Lutz, John Lutz, Philip Year Filed 1842 1844 1842 1850 1847 1829 1854 1852 1876 1847 1849 1843 1871 1860 1849 1876 1875 1844 1849 1856 1841 1852 1859 1856 1879 1863 1834 1870 1853 1848 1870 1855 1846 1875 1843 1869 1872 1875 1853 1843 1832 1852 1873 1868 1832 1876 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Lutz, Sophia Lutz, William Lyle, Dorothea Lyne, Henry Lyons, Jacob C. Lytle, James Mack, Ann Madlem, William Maharny, Samuel Mailley, Charles E. Malone, Dennis Malone, John Maloney, Jane Maloney, Samuel Manning, Joseph Margen, Joseph S. Markley, Charles Markley, George Markley, Jacob Markley, John Martin, Benjamin W. Martin, Catharine Martin, David Martin, David H. Martin, David S. Martin, Henry K. Martin, Isaac H. Martin, Isaac W. Martin, Jacob Martin, John Martin, John Martin, Margaret Martin, Martha Martin, Mary Martin, Michael Martin, Moses Martin, Samuel Martin, Samuel N. Martin, William Martin, William Mason, Rebecca Mast, Catharine Mast, Jacob K. Masterson, Samuel J. Mathiot, John Mathiot, John Year Filed 1872 1829 1867 1853 1859 1849 1877 1850 1843 1879 1832 1875 1874 1861 1850 1850 1829 1849 1829 1875 1872 1876 1876 1850 1877 1856 1879 1879 1877 1844 1847 1879 1842 1863 1855 1856 1867 1871 1841 1876 1874 1871 1858 1851 1848 1876 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Mathiot, William Mathiot, William Matter, Adam Matthews, John Maurer, Peter Maxfield, Amos Maxwell, John May, Michael W. Mayer, Christian Mayer, Isaac Mayer, Martin Mayer, Nathaniel McAnally, Mary McCallister, Jacob McCallister, Samuel McCally, John McCandle, Rachael McCardel, William McCardle, John W. McCardle, Sarah McCaskey, John McCaslin, Thomas McClelland, George S. McClenagan, Robert McClenegan, James McCloskey, Richard McCloud, Jeremiah McCohn, David McCord, William McCorkle, Hugh McCowan, Robert McCreary, Elizabeth McCullon, William McCullough, William McElroy, Thomas McElwain, Wiliam McEntire, Eliza McFan, Elizabeth McGinnes, James McGowan, Jane McGrann, Mathew McGrann, Michael McGrann, Richard McGuigan, Francis McIlvaine, James McIntire, Hannah Year Filed 1854 1877 1849 1858 1848 1854 1830 1851 1842 1861 1874 1874 1852 1856 1863 1870 1872 1829 1852 1874 1859 1865 1852 1859 1872 1847 1875 1872 1871 1847 1846 1865 1837 1832 1866 1876 1853 1872 1832 1879 1845 1878 1858 1848 1873 1865 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name McKee, Ellen McKeever, Hugh McKim, James McKissick, James C. McKissick, Mary McLane, James McLaughlin, Joseph McMullen, Ann McMullen, Leah McNeal, Neal McPherson, John McQuate, Maria McVey, Jacob Meck Jr., George N. Meese, George Mehaffey, Ann Mehaffey, James Meily, Jacob Mellinger, Ann Mellinger, Edward Mellinger, Jacob Mellinger, John Mellinger, Samuel Menaugh Sr., James Mengle, George Mentzer, Jacob Mentzer, Levi Merian, Bernard Merpert, Rosanna Messenger, Martin Messner, Isaac Messner, Jacob Metz, Ann Metzgar, Adam Metzger, Ann Metzger, Michael Metzler, Henry Meyer, Mary Meyer, Philip B. Meyers, Isaac Meyers, Jacob Meyers, John Meylin, Martin Mickey, Christian Miller Sr., Abraham Miller Sr., Benjamin Year Filed 1868 1858 1841 1853 1850 1841 1860 1857 1871 1846 1859 1876 1848 1856 1874 1843 1871 1844 1871 1870 1830 1837 1830 1867 1863 1835 1875 1841 1854 1829 1851 1872 1859 1850 1874 1845 1857 1833 1873 1837 1842 1841 1839 1843 1829 1830 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Miller, Adam Miller, Amos Miller, Andrew Miller, Andrew S. Miller, Benjamin B. Miller, Catharine Miller, Cyrus Miller, Edward Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Emma E. Miller, Frederick Miller, George Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Miller, Herionemus Miller, Isaac Miller, Jacob Miller, Jacob Miller, Jacob Miller, Jacob Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John B. Miller, Josiah Miller, Martin Miller, Martin Miller, Martin Miller, Peter Miller, Rudolph Miller, Samuel Miller, Samuel Miller, Sarah Miller, Tobias Miller, William Miller, William Miller, William Milner, Samuel Miner, Peter Year Filed 1847 1868 1860 1862 1871 1846 1852 1873 1842 1852 1854 1873 1873 1862 1840 1877 1872 1879 1834 1868 1842 1856 1872 1874 1840 1854 1859 1867 1875 1875 1872 1878 1842 1867 1863 1830 1839 1847 1862 1851 1843 1839 1850 1872 1852 1832 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Minnich, Anna Minnich, Mary Minnich, Susan Mishler, Benjamin Moderwell, Adam P. Mohler, John Mohler, Reuben Mohn, Henry Mohn, William Montgomery, Samuel Mooney, Daniel Mooney, Daniel Mooney, David Mooney, George Moore, Ephraim Moore, George Moore, Jacob Moore, John Moore, Robert Moore, Samuel B. Moore, Samuel P. Moore, Thomas H. Moore, Zachariah Morenzy, Catharine R. Morris, John Morrison Sr., Alexander Morrison, Alex Morrison, James Morrison, Joseph Morrison, Samuel Morton, William Moser, Christian Moss, John Moss, John Moss, John Motter, Margaret Mourer, Jacob L. Mowrer, Christiana Moyer, Frederick Moyer, George Muckle, Eve Muecke, Michael Mulgren, Francis Mull, Jacob Mullen, William A. Mullen, William A. Year Filed 1861 1862 1849 1876 1853 1851 1875 1865 1862 1874 1868 1879 1874 1829 1859 1850 1848 1838 1833 1834 1834 1875 1829 1876 1865 1852 1852 1860 1840 1849 1855 1872 1851 1859 1872 1851 1859 1850 1842 1862 1850 1840 1848 1855 1874 1874 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Mumma, Jonas Mundorf, Isaac Murphey, John Murphey, Thomas Murr, George Murray, Jacob Musselman, Abraham Musselman, Christian Musselman, David Musselman, Fanny Musselman, Henry [John Brubaker] Musselman, Jacob Musselman, Jacob Musselman, John Musselman, John Musselman, Samuel Musser, Henry Musser, Jacob Musser, John Musser, John S. Musser, Sebastian G. Mussleman, John Myers, Daniel Myers, E. J. Myers, George Myers, Henry Myers, Henry Myers, Jacob Myers, John Myers, John S. Myers, Wendell Myers, William Mylin, Christian Mylin, Henry S. Mylin, John Nagel, Henry Nagle, Charles Nagle, John Nagle, Joseph Nauman, Charles Nauman, Daniel Nauman, Samuel Neaveling, Jacob Neff, Benjamin Neff, Elizabeth Neff, Henry Year Filed 1878 1859 1847 1854 1879 1852 1854 1851 1848 1869 1847 1840 1860 1831 1851 1876 1846 1832 1856 1873 1861 1868 1853 1879 1870 1849 1878 1840 1860 1875 1865 1839 1839 1878 1857 1846 1832 1878 1870 1855 1876 1861 1863 1879 1863 1854 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Neff, Jacob K. Neff, John Neidich, Michael Neiper, James Nelson, Elizabeth Nelson, James Neninger, George Nesinger, John Nestleroth, Israel Netzly, Henry Newcomer, Elizabeth Newcomer, Nancy Newhauser, John Newman, John Newswanger, Christian Newswanger, Isaac Newswanger, Joseph Nicholas, William Niefer, Henry Nieman, Solomon Niesley, Joseph B. Niesley, Martin Nissley, Christian Nissley, Joseph L. Nissley, Martin Nissley, Peter B. Nissly, Daniel Nissly, Henry Nixon, Joseph Noble, H. F. Nolt, Joseph Nolt, Moses Nuding, David D. Nuding, Elizabeth Null, Jacob Oatman, Jacob Oatman, Mary E. Ober, Henry Ober, Henry Ober, Henry Oberholtzer, Daniel W. Oberholtzer, Isaac Oberholtzer, Samuel Oberlin, Michael O'Brien, Thomas O'Bryan, Bernard Year Filed 1845 1865 1830 1844 1876 1832 1869 1874 1833 1856 1857 1875 1878 1850 1846 1858 1856 1855 1873 1869 1857 1833 1849 1861 1838 1869 1867 1869 1869 1875 1848 1877 1876 1877 1849 1867 1871 1838 1839 1843 1875 1861 1854 1854 1839 1878 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Ochs, Jacob O'Donnell, Daniel Oldweiler, Elizabeth Oldwiler, Philip Ori, John Oster, William Otto, Jacob Overholser, Daniel Overholser, Isaac Palm, Jacob Pancake, Jacob Pannabecker, Jesse Park, John Parmer, Isaac Parmer, Solomon Parry, Leneca Parry, Samuel Patterson, James R. Patterson, Thomas Patton, Thomas H. Paul, John George Pearl, Thomas Peck, Nicholas Peck, Peter Peifer, Joseph Peifer, Martin Peiffer, John Peirce, George Pence, George Pence, Henry S. Pennell, William W. Pennock, Enos Pennock, Hadley Pennock, William Pennypacker, James Perkins, John M. Peterman, Jacob Peters, Anna Peticoffer, John Petre, George Pfautz, Daniel H. Pfeiffer, Charles F. Pfund, John Adam Pheneger, Peter Philips, Henry Philips, Joseph Year Filed 1833 1872 1832 1876 1829 1872 1875 1875 1875 1875 1862 1872 1848 1878 1860 1848 1879 1874 1853 1844 1840 1831 1833 1853 1846 1831 1860 1879 1851 1878 1848 1876 1858 1847 1853 1867 1834 1875 1845 1838 1859 1867 1847 1876 1868 1857 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Philips, Joseph Phillips, C. S. Phillips, Henry Phipps, Mary Pickel, George H. Pickel, William Pickle, George Pinkerton, Henry Plank Sr., Nicholas Plank, John Plank, John Plank, Samuel Plasterer, Magdalena Pleam, Christian Poke, John L. Porter Sr., Cyrus Poteet, John Potts, Jacob Potts, Samuel Powel, Emanuel Powl, Josiah Prassen, Thomas Price, Andrew Price, Smith Price, Sophia Price, William P. Prickler, Henry Prigg, S. T. Pusey, John Pyfer, Catharine Pyle, Alfred Pyle, John Quaintance, Benomi Quigley, George Quinby, Aaron Quinn, Arthur Rabold, Samuel Rahton, Paul Ralson, Samuel Ramsay, Samuel M. Ramsey, Isaac Ranck, Adam Ranck, Isaac Ranck, Michael Ranck, Peter Ranck, William E. Year Filed 1865 1849 1849 1851 1869 1861 1850 1837 1859 1844 1858 1844 1854 1877 1879 1873 1854 1856 1829 1851 1878 1849 1862 1852 1861 1839 1837 1859 1864 1877 1855 1840 1855 1849 1849 1877 1856 1838 1838 1851 1847 1874 1875 1871 1859 1869 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Rank, John Rankin, James Rathfon Sr., Jacob Rathfon, Elizabeth Rathfon, John Rathvon, Horace Ratzinger, Nicholas Raub, Jacob Raub, John K. Raub, Jonas W. Raudenbaugh, William Rawlins, Morgan Rea, Chandler H. Rea, Eber A. Rea, John Rea, S. Ream, Henry Redcay, John Redsecker, Isaac Reed, James Reed, Peter Reem, Samuel Rees, John Adam Reese, Abner Reese, Annie M. Reese, Benjamin Reese, Catharine Reese, George Reese, William Reesor, John Rehrer, Ludwig Reidabaugh Sr., John Reidenbaugh, Catharine Reiff Jr., Joseph Reiff, Abraham Reifsnyder, Thomas H. Reigart, Daniel Reigart, Elizabeth Reigart, Philip W. Reinert, Catharine Reinhold, Benjamin Reinhold, Jacob Reist, Abraham H. Reist, Jacob Reist, Simon S. Reiter, Abraham Year Filed 1848 1830 1829 1850 1832 1868 1872 1832 1867 1866 1829 1832 1876 1875 1874 1874 1840 1873 1853 1863 1850 1851 1860 1857 1871 1845 1830 1846 1839 1850 1846 1833 1855 1853 1874 1877 1831 1871 1833 1831 1868 1855 1847 1872 1861 1876 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Reitzel, Philip Remly, John F. Reninger, Isaac Resh, Jacob Resh, Jacob G. Resh, Veronica Ressler, Ephraim Ressler, Isaac Retzer, Daniel Reynold, Samuel Reynolds, David M. Reynolds, Isaac Reynolds, Isaac Reynolds, Jane Reynolds, Reuben Reynolds, Vincent Rhea, John Rhoads, Martin Richards, Hannah Richardson, Juliann Richfield, Levi Richwine, Samuel Rigby, Jared Rigg, John M. Rigler, Barbara Rinehart, David Rinehart, Michael Ringwalt, Jacob Ringwalt, Mary Rissel, Jacob Risser, Samuel Ritchie, William Ritter, Catharine Ritz Sr., Jacob Ritz, Daniel Ritz, Henry Ritz, Joseph Ritz, Michael Roadaker, John Roath, J. S. Robeson, Andrew Robinson, Ephraim Robinson, Hugh Robinson, John Robinson, Josiah Robinson, Robert Year Filed 1848 1863 1876 1853 1873 1852 1853 1865 1872 1855 1867 1834 1871 1872 1834 1875 1856 1856 1878 1879 1858 1860 1863 1874 1874 1860 1868 1838 1831 1829 1869 1841 1855 1858 1855 1853 1853 1853 1849 1879 1862 1839 1831 1879 1854 1834 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Robinson, William P. Roether, Daniel Rogers, Evan Rogers, Leo Rogers, Samuel Rogers, William Rogers, William Rogers, William Rohrer, Abraham Rohrer, Barbara Rohrer, Christian Rohrer, Daniel Rohrer, Henry Roland, J. F. Roland, John Roland, John Roop, John Rost, John Roth, Jacob Roth, John Rowinsky, Daniel Roy, John Royer, Christian Royer, Elizabeth Royer, John Royer, Samuel Rubert, William Ruck, John Rudy, Daniel Rudy, Daniel Rudy, Henry Rudy, John Ruhl, Henry Rummel, Daniel Rupley, John Rupp, John Rupp, John W. Rush, Jacob E. Rush, Jacob G. Rush, John Russel, John Russel, John N. Russel, William Russell, Thomas Ruth, Benual Ruth, George Year Filed 1873 1862 1858 1855 1854 1860 1860 1860 1833 1847 1843 1854 1852 1852 1830 1874 1859 1863 1862 1859 1874 1859 1839 1879 1870 1877 1869 1839 1847 1873 1850 1846 1875 1855 1834 1852 1869 1875 1872 1831 1840 1876 1840 1873 1856 1867 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Ruth, John L. Ruth, Peter Ruth, Samuel Ruth, Sarah Rutt, George Rutt, Jacob Rutter, Anderson Rutter, Eli Ryan, John Sahm, Benjamin Sahm, George Sahm, Susanna Sallsbury, Thomas Sample, Nathaniel Sampson, William Sandoe, David Sandoe, Elizabeth Sandoe, Jacob Sauders, Jacob Sauer, Philip Sausman, John Sawyer, John Saylor, Rachel Saylor, Thomas Scheing, Jacob Schell, Charlotte Schenk, David Schertz, Joseph Schlot, Henry Schlott, John Schlott, Samuel Schlotte, John Schmaling, George Schmaling, Jacob Schmuck, Susanna Schnader, D. W. Schnader, George Schnader, Jacob Schneader, Elizabeth Schneder, Elizabeth Schneder, Valentine Schneerer, John Schneitman, Frederick Schock, Jacob Schon, John Schopp, Jacob Year Filed 1879 1843 1871 1875 1867 1842 1851 1879 1853 1841 1833 1875 1857 1834 1873 1829 1873 1854 1837 1831 1854 1868 1841 1870 1832 1879 1841 1848 1839 1848 1849 1851 1850 1860 1862 1868 [1845] 1862 1850 1852 1860 1829 1876 1874 1854 1862 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Schupp, Esther Schwan, Martin Schwandener, Adam Schwartz, John Schweinhart, John Scott, William Seadauler, Ann Sehner, Christian Seibert, Henry Seibert, William Seichrist, Jacob Seifried, Frederika Seitz, David Seitz, John Seldomridge, Christiana Seldomridge, Samuel Sensenich, Christian W. Sensenig, Christian Sensenig, John Sensenig, John Sentman, Robert Sentzel, John Seymore, John Shaar, Adam B. Shade, Samuel Shaeffer, John Shaeffer, Samuel Shaines, Ann Shallenberger, Henry Shank, Eli W. Shank, Joseph B. Sharer, John Sharp, Samuel Shartzer, Samuel Shaub, George Shaub, Henry Shaub, Henry Shaub, Jacob Shaub, John Shaub, Martin Shaub, Peter Sheaffer, Bair Sheaffer, Cyrus Sheaffer, George Sheaffer, Isaac Sheaffer, Jacob Year Filed 1855 1847 1860 1878 1829 1861 1850 1879 1845 1860 1839 1877 1858 1848 1849 1857 1859 1863 1829 1856 1869 1860 1853 1876 1857 1866 1840 1875 1834 1872 1878 1843 1854 1869 1855 1838 1877 1832 1848 1847 1864 1874 1829 1841 1842 1833 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Sheaffer, Jacob Sheaffer, Jacob Shealer, Jacob Shearer, Jacob Sheirich, Henry Sheirich, Jacob Shellenberger, Barbara Shellenberger, George Shellenberger, John Shelly, Jacob Shenck, Barbara Shenck, Henry Shenck, Jacob Shenck, Jacob Shenck, Jacob Shenck, Michael Shenk, Abraham Shenk, George Shenk, Jacob Shenk, John Shenk, John Shenk, John S. Shenk, Joseph Shenk, Mary Shenk, Michael Shenk, Michael Shenk, Susanna Shenk, William Sherbahn, Mary Sherbahn, Zachariah Sherer, Elizabeth Sherer, Samuel Sherp, George Sherp, Joel Shertz, Theophilus Shertzer, Philip Sherzer, Christian Shetz, Jacob Shickly, George Shields, Hamilton Shiffer, Elizabeth Shiffer, Jacob S. Shiffer, John Shiffner, Elizabeth Shimp, Andrew Shimp, David Year Filed 1832 1845 1851 1840 1833 1869 1878 1863 1879 1848 1863 1863 1833 1833 1852 1854 1841 1859 1842 1857 1860 1839 1866 1863 1838 1849 1847 1870 1877 1853 1857 1870 1850 1855 1857 1873 1843 1871 1831 1854 1853 1871 1860 1871 1850 1830 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Shimp, George Shimp, George Shindel, Michael W. Shindle, Joseph Shinton, George Shires, Abraham Shirk Sr., David Shirk, Jacob Shirk, John Shirk, John Shirk, John W. Shirk, Joseph Shirk, Peter Shirk, Peter Shirk, William Shitz, John Shoaff, Abraham Shock, Sebastian Shoff, David Shoff, Frederick Shoff, Frederick Shoff, Henry Shoff, Jacob Sholl, Christian Sholl, Jacobina Shookers, Susanna Shope, Christian Shoule, John Showalter, Abraham Showalter, Jesse Shrader, Edward Shreiner, Daniel Shreiner, George Shreiner, Henry Shreiner, Isaac Shreiner, Jacob Shreiner, John Shriner, Rachel Shroll, Elizabeth Shue, John Shultz, Christian Shumacher, Frederick Shumacher, William Shuman, Jacob Shuman, Jacob G. Shuman, John W. Year Filed 1871 1871 1878 1860 1871 1876 1878 1839 1832 1839 1873 1859 1845 1874 1862 1860 1829 1839 1876 1843 1851 1830 1876 1830 1872 1872 1845 1840 1833 1862 1857 1879 1849 1852 1876 1855 1848 1844 1873 1850 1876 1831 1848 1837 1858 1859 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Shup, George [Maria] Shup, Jacob Shute Sr., Andrew Shute, Susanna Shutter, Joseph Sides, Catharine Sieber, Rudolph Siegler, Magdalena Siegrist, Christian Simmons, George Simmons, James Simmons, Mary A. Simmons, Robert Simpson, John Singer, Jacob Single, John Skiles, George H. Skiles, James C. Skiles, John C. Slater, Mary Ann Slaymaker, Amos Slaymaker, Henry Slaymaker, Margaret Slaymaker, Samuel Slick, Jacob Smedley, Mary Ann Smedley, Thomas Smeltz, Andrew Smith, Adam Smith, Benjamin Smith, Christian Smith, Daniel Smith, David Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Howard P. Smith, Jacob Smith, Jacob Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Peter Smith, Jonathan Smith, Justina Smith, Martin Smith, Mary Smith, William Year Filed 1862 1849 1829 1847 1838 1833 1853 1879 1845 1876 1874 1867 1846 1850 1873 1875 1854 1853 1865 1879 1831 1844 1867 1830 1840 1854 1854 [1855] 1861 1856 1845 1835 1870 1849 1859 1872 1855 1877 1838 1848 1849 1860 1873 1843 1859 1837 1830 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Smith, William Smith, William B. Smithson, George W. Smuck, George Snavely, David Snavely, Elizabeth Snavely, Henry Snavely, Martin Sneader, Isaac Sneader, Jacob Sneath, Michael Snyder, Christian Snyder, Elizabeth Snyder, George Snyder, Henry Snyder, Henry Snyder, Henry Snyder, Henry Snyder, Henry R. Snyder, Israel Snyder, Jacob Snyder, Jacob Snyder, John Snyder, John Snyder, John Snyder, Leonard Snyder, Maria Amelia Snyder, Michael Snyder, Samuel Snyder, Simon Sollenberger, John Souders, Michael G. Spahr, Henry Spangler, John Spangler, William Spatz, Jacob Spear, Robert Speck, Adam Spence, John Spencer, Seth P. Spering, Edmund Spickler Sr., John Spiehlman, Henry Spieling, Sophia Sponhower, Magdalena Spotts, George Year Filed 1853 1862 1858 1863 1873 1876 1840 1877 1844 1840 1861 1876 1862 1846 1851 1868 1870 1874 1866 1874 1856 1870 1841 1849 1870 1870 1843 1861 1877 1854 1847 1877 1846 1841 1849 1855 1850 1831 1862 1861 1875 1834 1862 1873 1870 1857 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Spotts, John Sprats, Robert Sprecher, Jonathan Spring, Samuel Sproat, John Sprout, Robert Sprout, William Stackhouse, James Stamm, Elizabeth Stamm, Frederick Stamm, Henry Stamm, John Stanger, Elizabeth Starck, Samuel Stark, John Stark, John Stauffer, Daniel Stauffer, David Stauffer, Emanuel Stauffer, George W. Stauffer, Jacob Stauffer, John Stauffer, Jonathan Stauffer, Peter Stauffer, Samuel Steacy, George W. Steele, John J. Steffe, Henry Steffy, Elias Steffy, Levi S. Stehman, Jacob Stein, Samuel Steiner, Levi Steinmetz, Adam Stemen, John Sternman, Anne Sterret, Anthony Stevenson, Thomas Stevenson, William Stibgen, John Stickel, Elizabeth Stief, Isaac Stief, Michael Stirk, Robert Stively, Jacob Stiver, Harriet Year Filed 1856 1854 1848 1834 1845 1848 1879 1850 1868 1839 1866 1832 1874 1832 1838 1845 1855 1862 1877 1866 1844 1849 1874 1878 1876 1868 1834 1859 1868 1869 1837 1860 1878 1838 1829 1873 1862 1856 1857 1852 1872 1876 1871 1853 1865 1868 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Stober, Samuel Stober, Samuel Stober, Samuel Stock Sr., Jacob Stohler, Sarah Stolen, Jacob Stoltzfus, Samuel Stone, Isabella Stone, Laura Stoner Jr., Abraham Stoner, Abraham L. Stoner, Christian Stoner, Christian Stoner, Emanuel Stoner, Henry Stoner, Isaac F. Stoner, Isaac L. Stoner, Jacob Stoner, John Stoner, Kate Stoner, Susan Stoneroads, George Stonerode, Thomas Stortz, Martin Stouder, Jonas Stouffer, Jonas Stoughton, Augustus Stover, John Streaper, William Strebig, Elizabeth Streibig, John L. Strickler, Abraham Strickler, Henry H. Strohl, Allen Strunk, John Stubbs, Daniel Stubbs, Thomas Stutenroth, Jacob Styer, Frederick Suessault, Benjamin C. Sultzbach, William H. Summy, Allen Summy, Christian Summy, Jacob Sutton, Joel Swan, Rudolph Year Filed 1845 1869 1875 1858 1875 1837 1871 1879 1879 1859 1865 1832 1844 1870 1842 1874 1875 1844 1863 1877 1850 1842 1830 1850 1851 1842 1832 1839 1846 1867 1862 1830 1841 1863 1875 1848 1842 1854 1840 1876 1871 1856 1843 1845 1862 1850 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Swartley, Benjamin Swartz, Benjamin Swartz, Christian Swartz, John Swartz, John Sweeney, Daniel Sweeney, James Sweigart, Cyrus Sweigart, George Sweigart, John Sweigart, Martin Sweigart, Samuel Swigart, John Swigart, Margaret Swigart, Martin Swigert, Peter Swisher Jr., Henry Swope, Levi Swords, Thomas Tanger Jr., John Tanger, Andrew Tate, William Taylor, Francis Taylor, John Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Wesley Terry, Anthony Thomas, Adam Thomas, Ann Thomas, Christian Thomas, Eli H. Thomas, Henry Thomas, Jacob Thompson, Charlotte Thompson, James Tillinghast, Elizabeth H. Tombo, William Tomlinson, George Trago, Elizabeth Traup, Christian Trimble, Elizabeth Jane Trimble, James Trimble, Robert Trimble, William Trissler, David Trost, Frederick Year Filed 1873 1863 1868 1838 1870 1875 1833 1879 1878 1870 1838 1876 1870 1876 1865 1842 1839 1851 1849 1830 1872 1847 1853 1851 1840 1869 1861 1877 1842 1842 1830 1878 1830 1876 1842 1859 1858 1840 1852 1874 1872 1856 1857 1848 1857 1861 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Trout, John R. Tshudy, R. R. Tshudy, Wendel Tweed, Jesse Twinwit, Robert Urban, George Urban, John Urban, Lewis Urban, Lewis Urich, William Van Patten, Philip S. Varly, Sophia Veazey, Thomas W. Vincent, Patrick Vogelman, Catharine Vogelsong, Jacob Vogelsong, Jacob Von Neida, Philip Vorhees, John Wade, John Walk, Dietar Walk, Rosina Walker, Asahel Walker, James Walker, James Walker, Thomas Wallace, John M. Waller, David Waller, John M. Walter, Catharine Walter, Christian Walter, Henry Walter, Jacob Walter, Jacob Walter, John Nicholas Walter, Joseph Walter, Maria Walton Sr., Amos Walton, Asa Waltz, John Philip Wanner, Barbara Wanner, Christian Wanner, Daniel Wanner, Mary Wanner, Peter Wanner, Tobias Year Filed 1854 1878 1873 1859 1877 1844 1839 1829 1856 1847 1848 1838 1844 1838 1872 1842 1844 1847 1856 1869 1851 1872 1856 1849 1850 1867 1874 1843 1854 1874 1874 1873 1854 1856 1837 1857 1872 1879 1851 1860 1861 1878 1873 1870 1860 1847 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Ward, Nicholas H. Warden, James Warfel, Abraham Warfel, George Warfel, Jacob Warren, Isaac Watson, Joseph Watson, Joseph Way, George Way, John L. Way, Michael Weaver, Bear Weaver, Daniel Weaver, David Weaver, David Weaver, George Weaver, Henry Weaver, Isaac S. Weaver, Jacob B. Weaver, John Weaver, John Weaver, John Weaver, John Weaver, John Weaver, Jonathan Weaver, Joseph Weaver, Samuel Weaver, Samuel E. Webb, Ezekial Weber, Ann Weber, Jonas Weber, Mary Webster, Ann Wechter, Henry G. Wechter, William Wehner, Adam Weick, John Adam Weidler Sr., John Weidler, David Weidler, Isaac Weidman, John Weidman, Samuel Weidman, Sarah Weigel, Jacob Weigle, A. H. Wein, George Year Filed 1834 1855 1843 1833 1861 1879 1870 1870 1853 1856 1839 1853 1848 1844 1848 1832 1851 1876 1847 1843 1847 1847 1849 1849 1849 1852 1840 1866 1843 1861 1855 1872 1877 1874 1849 1873 1841 1853 1855 1877 1849 1839 1868 1867 1879 1834 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Weinhold, Moses Weinhold, Peter Weinhold, William Weit, Peter Weitzel, Elias Welchans, Joseph Weller, Henry Weller, Peter Welsh, Ann Welsh, Thomas Wenditz, Christian Wenger Jr., Abrahm Wenger, John Wenger, Michael Wenger, Michael Wentling, George Werner, Joseph Werntz, Joseph Wertz, Henry Wertz, Jacob Wertz, John White Jr., John White, Henry White, James White, Peter White, Thomas Whitehill, D. C. Whitehill, George S. Whiteside, John Whiteside, John Whiteside, William Whitestick, Henry Whitson, Mercer Wicks, Edward Widmyer, Joseph Wien, John Wien, Maria Wiggins, Caleb Wike Sr., George Wike, Barbara Wike, Samuel Wiker Jr., Daniel Wiker, George Wilkey, Samuel Will, Emanuel Will, Emanuel Year Filed 1874 1870 1845 1876 1862 1876 1847 1872 1847 1863 1829 1844 1870 1847 1858 1848 1859 1852 1876 1869 1879 1829 1855 1863 1878 1852 1862 1833 1873 1877 1852 1852 1862 1840 1860 1833 1872 1876 1832 1839 1879 1875 1852 1857 1862 1871 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Will, Samuel Williams, Emanuel Williams, Jacob Williams, John Williamson, John Wilson, Alexander Wilson, James Wilson, Jane Wilson, John Wilson, Oliver R. Wimer, Michael Wimmel, Joseph Windbigler, Henry Wineour, George Wirth, Henry Wise, Christopher Wise, Jacob Wise, Philip Wisler, George Wissler, Christian Wissler, Jacob Wissler, Jacob Wissler, Lewis Withers, Michael Witmer, Abraham B. Witmer, Benjamin H. Witmer, Christian Witmer, Daniel Witmer, Daniel Witmer, Henry B. Witmer, John Witmer, John Witmer, John L. Witmer, John W. Witmer, Martin Witmoyer, David Witmyer, Joseph Witthower, Frederic Witwer, Benjamin Wolf, George Wolf, Jacob Wolgemuth, Mary Wonderly, Joseph Wood, John Wood, Sarah B. Wood, Thomas Year Filed 1853 1851 1863 1879 1847 1868 1855 1873 1846 1846 1831 1838 1833 1848 1849 1831 1878 1831 1841 1878 1854 1878 1852 1873 1857 1876 1854 1830 1831 1871 1849 1857 1862 1869 1851 1851 1851 1862 1877 1859 1831 1856 1849 1839 1875 1877 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Woods, James Woodworth, Ira Woomert, John Worden, Robert Worth, William C. Wright, Catharine G. Wright, Elizabeth Wright, Robert Wyman, John Yeager, Conrad Yeager, Ehrhard Yeakel, George Yoder, James Yohn, Abraham Yohn, Jacob Yohn, Peter Young, Jacob Young, James Yountz, Jacob Yundt, Andrew Yundt, Archibald Yundt, Levi H. Yundt, Wellington Zarcher, George Zartman, John Zecher, Lewis Zeigler, Frederick Zeigler, Henry Zell, George W. Zell, Jacob Zeller, Andrew Zellers, Ephraim Zellers, John Zercher, Christian Zercher, Emanuel Zercher, John Zercher, John J. Zercher, Michael Zerfass, Elizabeth Zerfass, Samuel Zerfass, Samuel Zern, Catharine Zern, John Ziegler, Leonard Zimmerman, Andrew Zimmerman, C. T. Year Filed 1847 1841 1879 1838 1874 1874 1874 1844 1856 1875 1829 1837 1868 1842 1879 1863 1845 1843 1873 1841 1838 1858 1874 1837 1860 1877 1842 1859 1879 1849 1875 1859 1855 1838 1849 1874 1863 1869 1861 1843 1872 1861 1844 1858 1832 1872 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Renunciation Index 1828-1912 Transcribed from records within the Lancaster County Archives Collection Decedent Name Zimmerman, Christian Zimmerman, Christian Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, Joseph Zittle, Cyrus Zittle, Daniel Zittle, Hettie Zook, Jacob Zook, Noah K. Zuck, Adam Zug, John Year Filed 1847 1870 1839 1857 1872 1873 1874 1863 1879 1851 1877 Notes Lancaster County Archives 150 North Queen Street Suite #10 Lancaster, PA 17603 For copies of entire record email: [email protected]
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