Texas-Mexico International Border Crossings: Background Information
Texas-Mexico International Border Crossings: Background Information
TEXAS-MEXICO INTERNATIONAL BORDER CROSSINGS BACKGROUND INFORMATION 'Il'l&XAS J]))JEJp> A~ 'll'MIIEN'll' OIF 'll'RANSIPOR 11' A 'll'IlON J]))IlVIlSilON OIF 'll'~ANSIJDOIR{ '11' A 'll'IlON IJl>lLANNilNG II))J&CEMl!$1E~ Il99Il I TEXAS-MEXICO INTERNATIONAL BORDER CROSSINGS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Texas Department of Transportation Division of Transportation Planning December 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 OrganIzatIon 1 Figure 1: Texas-Mexico Border' Crossings 2 Figure 2A: Lower Rio Grande Valley Border Crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 2B: Lower Rio Grande Valley Border Crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 3: Laredo Area Border Crossings 5 Figure 4: El Paso Area Border Crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GATEWAY BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 8 Figure 5: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Gateway Bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 9 Figure 6: Traffic Mix of Gateway Bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 9 B & M BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 10 Figure 7: 24-Hour Traffic Count of B & M Bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 11 Figure 8: Traffic Mix of B & M Bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 11 B & P BRIDGE, PROGRESO-NUEVO PROGRESO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Figure 9: 24-Hour Traffic Count of B & P Bridge, Progreso-Nuevo Progreso 13 Figure 10: Traffic Mix of B & P Bridge, Progreso-Nuevo Progreso 13 HIDALGO-REYNOSA BRIDGE 14 Figure 11: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Hidalgo-Reynosa Bridge 15 Figure 12: Traffic Mix of Hidalgo-Reynosa Bridge 15 I . 16 LOS EBANOS FERRY Figure 13: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Los Ebanos Ferry . 17 Figure 14: Traffic Mix of Los Ebanos Ferry . 17 RIO GRANDE CITY-CAMARGO BRIDGE . 18 Figure 15: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Rio Grande CityCamargo Bridge Figure 16: Traffic Mix of Rio Grande City-Camargo Bridge ROMA-CIUDAD MIGUEL ALEMAN BRIDGE 19 " 19 20 Figure 17: 24-Hour Traffic Count of RomaCiudad Miguel Aleman Bridge 21 Figure 18: Traffic Mix of Roma-Ciudad Miguel Aleman Bridge 21 LAKE FALCON DAM CROSSING 22 Figure 19: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Lake Falcon Dam Crossing 23 Figure 20: Traffic Mix of Lake Falcon Dam Crossing 23 JUAREZ-LINCOLN BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO 24 Figure 21: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo 25 Figure 22: Traffic Mix of Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo 25 CONVENT STREET BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Figure 23: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Convent Street Bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo 27 Figure 24: Traffic Mix of Convent Street Bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo 27 LAREDO-COLOMBIA BRIDGE (Solidarity) 28 11 EAGLE PASS-PIEDRAS NEGRAS BRIDGE 30 Figure 25: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Eagle PassPiedras Negras Bridge 31 Figure 26: Traffic Mix of Eagle Pass-Piedras Negras Bridge 31 DEL RIO-CIUDAD ACUNA BRIDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 Figure 27: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Del Rio-Ciudad Acuna Bridge 33 Figure 28: Traffic Mix of Del Rio-Ciudad Acuna Bridge 33 LAKE AMISTAD DAM CROSSING 34 Figure 29: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Lake Amistad Dam Crossing 35 Figure 30: Traffic Mix of Lake Amistad Dam Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 LA LINDA (BIG BEND) BRIDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Figure 31: 24-Hour Traffic Count of La Linda (Big Bend) Bridge 37 Figure 32: Traffic Mix of La Linda (Big Bend) Bridge 37 38 PRESIDIO-OJINAGA BRIDGE Figure 33: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Presidio-Ojinaga Bridge 39 Figure 34: Traffic Mix of Presidio-Ojinaga Bridge 39 FORT HANCOCK-EL PORVENIR BRIDGE 40 Figure 35: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Fort HancockEI Porvenir Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Figure 36: Traffic Mix of Fort Hancock-EI Porvenir Bridge 41 FABENS-CASETA BRIDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Figure 37: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Fabens-Caseta Bridge 43 Figure 38: Traffic Mix of Fabens-Caseta Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43 111 ZARAGOSA ROAD BRIDGE, YSLETA-ZARAGOSA 44 Figure 39: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Zaragosa Road Bridge, Ysleta-Zaragosa 45 Figure 40: Traffic Mix of Zaragosa Road Bridge, Ysleta-Zaragosa 45 BRIDGE OF THE AMERICAS, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 46 Figure 41: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Bridge of the Americas, El Paso-Ciudad Juarez 47 Figure 42: Traffic Mix of Bridge of the Americas, El Paso-Ciudad Juarez 47 GOOD NEIGHBOR BRIDGE (STANTON ST.), EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ ... 48 Figure 43: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Good Neighbor Bridge (Stanton St.), El Paso-Ciudad Juarez 49 Figure 44: Traffic Mix of Good Neighbor Bridge (Stanton St.), El Paso-Ciudad Juarez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 PASO DEL NORTE BRIDGE (SANTA FE ST.), EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 50 Figure 45: 24-Hour Traffic Count of Paso Del Norte Bridge (Santa Fe St.), El Paso-Ciudad Juarez 51 Figure 46: Traffic Mix of Paso Del Norte Bridge (Santa Fe St.), El Paso-Ciudad Juarez 51 Figure 47: Each Border Crossing's Share of Total Automobile Traffic (Inbound and Outbound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 Figure 48: Each Border Crossing's Share of Total Truck Traffic (Inbound and Outbound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Proposed Border Crossings Under Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 57 IV INTRODUCTION The recent dramatic growth in the maquiladora program and the current negotiation of a possible Free Trade Agreement with Mexico has led to increased interest in the status of the international border crossings between Texas and Mexico. The purpose of this report is to present a concise summary of information relative to the border crossings. This information was compiled to aid in analyzing proposals for new or expanded facilities. Included in this report is information on existing border crossings. Also included are proposed border crossings in various stages of development. This report updates the March 1988 Division of Transportation Planning's report of the same title, last revised in January, 1989. ORGANIZATION For simplicity and easy references the report has been organized as follows: -Figures 1 through 4 show the location and name of every existing and some known proposed border crossings. -Pages 8 through 51 pertain to existing border crossings. For each crossmg, from Brownsville to El Paso, the following information is presented: location, number of travel lanes, 1988 and 1991 average daily traffic, ownership, free or toll operation, age, proposed improvements, description, and any pertinent comments. Each crossing is numerically referenced in the above figures. -Figures 5 through 45 (odd numbers only) show an enumeration of trips (inbound and outbound) counted for a single 24-hour weekday period at each border crossing. This 1988 and 1991 data, though not adjusted for seasonal or weekend variation, does provide a reasonable indication of actual and relative usage of each crossing. -Figures 6 through 46 (even numbers only) present the 1988 and 1991 traffic mix for each border crossing. -Figures 47 and 48 show each border crossing's percentage of trips carried by automobiles and trucks. -Page 57 is a list of sources used in preparing this report. 1 See Figure 3 FIGURE 1 TEXAS-MEXICO BORDER CROSSINGS EXISTING @ @ @ @ BORDER CROSSINGS EAGLE PASS-PIEDRAS NEGRAS DEL RIO-CIUDAD ACUNA LAKE AMIST AD DAM LA LINDA Big Bend @) PRESIDO-OJINAGA @ FORT HANDCOCK-EL PORVENIR r 0 L 2 [ill] 780 Zl'OO 17 \ / \ \ CAMERON COUNTY ) (_ _, 2 1 ' r \) FIGURE 2A LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY BORDER CROSSINGS 0~ J EXISTING BORDER CROSSINGS (!) ® ' BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS Gateway Bridge (_ BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS B &M Bridge 24000-1 0 0 0 J 990 Annual Average Daily Traffic SCALE 0 2 STARR I COUNTY I HIDALGO COUNTY I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 28 \ LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY ' BORDER CROSSINGS EXISTING BORDER CROSSINGS @ PROGRESO-NUEVO PROGRESO B & P Bridge © HIDALGO-REYNOSA ® LOS EBANOS FERRY \ " \ 0 0 0 0 0 \- \ ,-1 67\ ~" -) / '- - 10700- 1990 Annual Average ;'~'-(/_;r I ~'1 ,I \j~\ TAMA~LIPAS SCALE 2 4Milea REPUBLIC 'l' ',\ '-- ,I 3 Dally Traffic 0 , '/ OF MEXICO WEBB COUNTY 3~00 /\ \_ ____________ _ L, 0 I -1\ JIM HOGG COUNTY SCALE 0 IOMilH 15 17 FIGURE 3 LAREDO AREA BORDER CROSSINGS EXISTING ® (V @ BORDER CROSSINGS RIO GRANDE CITY-CIUDAD CAMARGO ROMA-CIUDAD MIGUEL ALEMAN LAKE FALCON DAM ® LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO Juarez-Lincoln (Bridge +2) @) LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO Convent Street (Bridge +1) @ LAREDO-COLOMBIA Solidarity Bridge 10900-- 1990 Annual Average 0 Daily Traffic ED 5 27000 490 500 NEW MEXICO 720 930 CHIHlJAHUA .. 1~ I I I I I I I I L__ -, I I I I I I I I \. 0-<' FIGURE 4 EL PASO AREA BORDER CROSSINGS EXISTING BORDER @ @ CROSSINGS FABENS-CASETA 180 YSLETA-ZARAGOSA Zaragosa Road Bridge EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ Bridge Of The Americas esooo-- 1990 Annual Avorage Daily Traffic EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ Good Neighbor Bridge EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ Paso Del Norte Bridge SCALE 0 6 2 4MilH '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. GATEWAY BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS CD 16,000 12,000 t- O 4( 8,000 4,000 0 Total Vehicles 600 C/) ~ () ... t- 500 400 :::J 300 t- 200 c( 100 0 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: There are two bridges at this crossing, one with two lanes for inbound (to U.S.) traffic only and one with two lanes for outbound (to Mexico) traffic only. The bridge owner is Cameron County. One bridge was built in 1968. The age of the other bridge is unknown, although it appears to be at least 50 years old. It is a toll facility. Some facility expansion is planned by the General Services Administration, but this station will not be able to handle very much more traffic. It will be very difficult to have any significant expansion in the future because the surrounding land is fully developed. A proposal to acquire the adjacent Friendship Gardens for expansion is under consideration. The City of Brownsville has offered to sell the site to the General Services Administration. 8 FIGURE 5: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM GATEWAY BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 50.000 45.394 -... 40.000 >- 30.000 G) 20.000 () ;: as t- . 30.166 ·i c a 18.346 ... as G) > 10.000 4( 543 208 0 Pedestrians Autos ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 6: TRAFFIC MIX OF GATEWAY BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 1.4% 3.8% 96.2% 98.6% 14,256 Total Vehicles 1988 D D 15,228 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles. panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 9 B&M BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS @ 10,000 8,281 8,000 t- 6,000 < 4,000 0 2,000 0 Total Vehicles 1,600 1,472 en .:JI:. 0 1,200 tt- 800 .. ::s o OIl( 400 46 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is one of four privately owned bridges (U.S. side) on the Rio Grande. The bridge is actually a railroad bridge that only allows one lane of traffic in each direction. It is closed to traffic when a train crosses. The Government of Mexico has not agreed to the owner's request to build an automobile bridge alongside the existing bridge. The bridge owner is Brownsville & Matamoros Bridge Co. The age of the bridge is unknown. It appears to be at least 50 years old. It is a toll facility. The bridge connects Brownsville, Texas with the City of Matamoros, Mexico. 10 FIGURE 7: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM B&M BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 10,000 r-----I------T------r-------,----~9,'.!..7~3~3 (,) a...s ~236 I- >- ~281 8,000 1------_+_-----r;;.:.;;;.~~~-----_+_--_l'--...,~f....---___1 6,000 t - - - - - - - - - - i f - - - - - - 1 'as +- 5 ,969 1--+-- 6,374 4,497 . c CD 4,000 t - - - - - - - - - - i r - - - ...asCD 2,000 t - - - - - a > c( 406 o W_L-l..-l- 46 Autos Pedestrians ~ ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 8: TRAFFIC MIX OF B&M BRIDGE, BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS 0.6% 24.7% 75.3% 99.4% 8,281 Total Vehicles 1991 5,969 Total Vehicles 1988 o D Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 11 B&P BRIDGE, PROGRESO-NUEVO PROGRESO ® 6,000 5,000 .... 4,000 c( 3,000 C 2,000 1,000 0 5,053 II Em'I •• •• • • I I Total Vehicles 300 en 254 250 ~ () ....... ~ 200 150 .... 100 c( 50 C 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is one of four privately owned bridges (U.S. side) on the Rio Grande. This bridge connects FM 1015 on United States side with the City of Nuevo Progreso in Mexico. The facility was rebuilt in 1983 and will be able to accommodate future expansion as needed, although none is planned at this time. B&P Bridge Co. owns this two-lane bridge. This is a toll facility. 12 FIGURE 9: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM B&P BRIDGE, PROGRESO-NUEVO PROGRESO -... u ...as >- as Q CD 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,832 8,000 8,000 4,965 CJ) as "- 4,098 4,000 CD > -( 2,000 88 254 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 10: TRAFFIC MIX OF B&P BRIDGE, PROGRESO-NUEVO PROGRESO 1.7% 5.8% 98.3% 94.2% 5,053 Total Vehicles 4,352 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 13 HIDALGO-REYNOSA BRIDGE 0 30,000 23,545 25,000 IQ c( 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Total Vehicles 1,000 (/) ~ 800 () ... l~ IQ c( 600 400 200 0 864 iiiii I I I I I I I Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: There are two four-lane bridges, each with one-way traffic. The first four-lane bridge was opened in 1966, replacing a two-lane suspension bridge. The second four-lane bridge was opened in 1988. The two bridges connect the McAllen-Edinburg urbanized area with Reynosa, Mexico. The bridge and border station are in good shape and no expansion is planned at this time. The City of McAllen owns both bridges. This is a toll facility. 14 FIGURE 11: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM HIDALGO-REYNOSA BRIDGE 35,000 -...... () as >as C CD 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 C) as ... 10,000 CD > c( 5,000 644 864 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 12: TRAFFIC MIX OF IDDALGO-REYNOSA BRIDGE 3.7% 3.7% 96.3% 96.3% 17,495 Total Vehicles 23,545 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 D Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 15 LOS EBANOS FERRY ® 250 216 200 IC 150 c( 100 50 0 Total Vehicles 1.0 0 .oX 0.8 (,) ~ 0.6 lIC 0.4 ~ c( 0.2 0 0 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is a hand-pulled cable ferry capable of carrying not more than 3 vehicles at one time. The ferry is privately owned by the Reyna Estate. The river banks are not improved. The whole operation is very primitive. The border station was built in 1975 and is owned by the government. The land, however, is owned by the ferry owner. It is a toll ferry. 16 FIGURE 13: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM WS EBANOS FERRY 800 -... 723 .() 700 as 600 to- >. 500 .-as 400 Q) 300 507 338 C C) as ... Q) > < 216 216 200 II II 100 o 0 Autos Pedestrians 1988 0 Trucks I Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 01991 FIGURE 14: TRAFFIC MIX OF WS EBANOS FERRY 100% 100% 151 Total Vehicles 218 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 D Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks 17 RIO GRANDE CITY-CAMARGO BRIDGE ® 2,500 2,000 t- 1,500 C < 1,000 500 0 Total Vehicles 50 C/) 40 ~ (J ~ 30 tt- 20 < 10 ~ C 0 42 rI I I I -I 1'1 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This two-lane bridge is one of four privately owned bridges (U.S. side) on the Rio Grande. The bridge was built in 1969. Some facility expansion is planned for U.S. Customs, otherwise this is operating satisfactory. A new bridge at Los Ebanos would adversely affect the traffic at this bridge. The bridge is owned by the Starr-Camargo Bridge Co. The bridge connects Rio Grande City, Texas with the City of Camargo in Mexico. This is a toll facility. 18 FIGURE 15: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM RIO GRANDE CIlY-CAMARGO BRIDGE 2,500 r---------.,r----------.,r-------___.,~-----___.,------......, 39 Autos 42 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other truc ks and buses FIGURE 16: TRAFFIC MIX OF RIO GRANDE CIlY-CAMARGO BRIDGE 2.0% 1.8% 98.0% 98.2% 2,131 Total Vehicles 2,053 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 19 ROMA·CIUDAD MIGUEL ALEMAN BRIDGE 0 5,000 4,385 4,000 t- 3,000 C c( 2,000 1,000 0 Total Vehicles 100 C/) ~ 80 () ...t-:;, t- C c( 80 40 20 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This four-lane bridge, owned by Starr County, was built in 1979. The bridge connects the City of Roma, Texas, with Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. This is a toll facility. 20 FIGURE 17: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM ROMA-CIUDAD MIGUEL ALEMAN BRIDGE 8,000 u 7,000 as ... 6,000 .... .-as- 5,000 4,288 >4,000 C Q) 0) as ... 3,000 2,000 Q) > c( 1,000 73 77 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 18: TRAFFIC MIX OF ROMA-CIUDAD MIGUEL ALEMAN BRIDGE 1.9% 1.8% 98.1% 98.2% 3,820 Total Vehicles 4,365 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 o Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 21 LAKE FALCON DAM CROSSING ® 800 618 800 l- e < 400 200 0 Total Vehicles 18 en ~ (J ... l- 18 15 12 ~ I- e < 9 8 3 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is not a bridge. It is a road built on the top of the dam. The Falcon Dam is owned by the two countries and is under the management of the International Boundary and Water Commission. The facility was built around 1960. This is not a toll facility. 22 FIGURE 19: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM LAKE FALCON DAM CROSSING 700 -.() as f>. 616 600 600 616 500 400 as c 300 CD Cl as 200 CD > c( 100 0 0 10 0 Autos Pedestrians .~ 16 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1 991 FIGURE 20: TRAFFIC MIX OF LAKE FALCON DAM CROSSING 2.7% 2.6% 97.3% 97.4% 369 Total Vehicles 616 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 o Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 23 JUAREZ-LINCOLN BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO (BRIDGE #2) @ 30,000 24,150 25,000 20,000 .... C 15,000 4( 10,000 5,000 0 Total Vehicles 3,000 til 2,500 2,262 ~ u ::::l ....... ....C < 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: The seven-lane bridge was opened for traffic in 1976. Pedestrians are not allowed as the Government of Mexico does not have the appropriate facilities on their side. The City of Laredo owns the bridge. This bridge is sometimes referred to as bridge #2 as the Convent Street Bridge (see page 26) was built first. It is a toll facility. 24 FIGURE 21: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM JUAREZ-LINCOLN BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO 30,000 -....'". (,) .->. '" '..>" 25,000 21,888 20,000 15,000 C Q) C) 10,000 Q) < 5,000 0 0 529 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 22: TRAFFIC MIX OF JUAREZ-LINCOLN BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO 3,5% 9.4% 96.5% 90.6% 15,089 Total Vehicles 24,150 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 25 CONVENT STREET BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO (BRIDGE #1) @ 18,000 (/) 15,000 ~ () ~ .... ....Q ~ < 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 Total Vehicles 2,500 2,000 .... Q < 1,826 1,864 1,500 1,000 500 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This four-lane bridge probably has the oldest border station building in use on the Texas border. The station recently has been remodeled. This is the most popular pedestrian crossing because of its proximity to the downtown shopping areas in Dos Laredos. The City of Laredo owns the bridge. It is a toll facility. The original bridge was destroyed in a flood in 1954. It was rebuilt in 1956. 26 FIGURE 23: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM CONVENT STREET BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO 45,000 42,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 27,355 25,000 20,000 13, 285 12,781 --+-------+- 15,000 10,000 ',' 5,000 ii£J :"', 0 Pedestrians Autos ~ ~ • 1,825 1,864 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 24: TRAFFIC MIX OF CONVENT STREET BRIDGE, LAREDO-NUEVO LAREDO 12.1% 12.7% 87.9% 87.3% 15,110 Total Vehicles 1988 14,645 Tofal Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 27 LAREDO-COLOMBIA BRIDGE @ DESCRIPTION: This eight-lane bridge was just completed in July 1991. There is no traffic data available at this time. The Government of Mexico initiated this bridge in 1987 to permit trucks to bypass the congested Laredo bridges. The bridge is half owned by the City of Laredo and half owned by the Government of Mexico. It is a toll facility. 28 29 EAGLE PASS-PIEDRAS NEGRAS BRIDGE @ 20,000 , . . - - - - - - . . . , 16,000 I- 12,000 Q < 8,000 4,000 o Total Vehicles 600 0 500 ~ () ... l~ 400 300 t- 200 < 100 Q 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is a two-lane bridge in good repair, with some expansion of station facilities being planned. This bridge connects US 57 in the City of Eagle Pass with the City of Piedras Negras in Mexico and it was built in 1976. The City of Eagle Pass owns the bridge. It is a toll facility. 30 FIGURE 25: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM EAGLE PASS-PIEDRAS NEGRAS BRIDGE 20,000 , . . . . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - , . . - u ::: as 16,000 t - - - - - - - I - - 16,002 ----+--------4- . 4) 1--------.....- as ~ > I I I I .11 II II 8,000 t - - - - - - - I - - a 4) 4,000 4( 436 398 o Pedestrians Autos ~ ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 26: TRAFFIC MIX OF EAGLE PASS-PIEDRAS NIEGRAS BRIDGE 2.7% 2.9% 97.3% 97.1% 16,438 Total Vehicles 13.597 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks D .. . as C I lImJl ~ to=>- 12,000 ~ Trucks - All other' trucks and buses 31 DEL RIO-CIUDAD ACUNA BRIDGE @ 8,000 6,615 6,000 .... 0 < 4,000 2,000 0 ~I I I I I Total Vehicles 400 0 .:.: 305 300 () ....... ~ ....0 < 200 100 0 I I Total Trucks I I I ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This four-lane bridge was completed in 1988. The Government of Mexico and The City of Del Rio built the new bridge in anticipation of an increase in commercial traffic. The bridge is located 3/4 of a mile from the border station. The City of Del Rio owns the bridge which connects it with Ciudad Acuna in Mexico. This is a toll facility. 1 32 FIGURE 27: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM DEL RIO-CIUDAD ACUNA BRIDGE 8,000 -... u 7,000 as 8,000 ;;. 8,310 ~ .-as>- •• f 5,000 4,000 Q Q) a as ~ Q) 3,000 2,000 > < 1,000 285 Autos ~ Trucks ~ II II II II II II 305 0 Pedestrians 7,172 Total Vehicles Total Trips Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 28: TRAFFIC MIX OF DEL RIO-CIUDAD ACUNA BRIDGE 5.3% 4.6% 94.7%' 95.4% 5,350 Total Vehicles 1988 8,815 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup truck8 D Trucks - All other trucks and buse8 33 I I I I I I Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks 1991 I LAKE AMISTAD DAM CROSSING @ 200 160 ... 120 4( 80 C 40 0 __ 164 I I I I I I I Total Vehicles 6.0 (/) ~ (,) ~ ... ~ ... C < 5.0 5 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: There is a two-lane road on top of the dam that handles relatively little traffic. Built in 1969, it is located several miles upstream from Del Rio. This is not a toll facility. 34 FIGURE 29: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM LAKE AMISTAD DAM CROSSING 180 -...... () ;;:: CIS >- 164 161 160 164 140 120 100 CIS C 80 Q) a 60 Q) 40 ... CIS > c( 20 0 0 5 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ 3 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 30: TRAFFIC MIX OF LAKE AMISTAD DAM CROSSING 4.0% 1.8% 96.0% 98.2% 124 Total Vehicles 164 Total Vehicles 1991 1988 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 35 LA LINDA (BIG BEND) BRIDGE @) 80 50 ...0 c( 40 30 20 10 0 Total Vehicles 1.0 CI) ~ () 0.8 ~ 0.8 ...... ...0 c( 0.4 0.2 0 0 Total Trucks 01988 1991 DESCRIPTION: This is one of four privately owned bridges (U.S. side) on the Rio Grande. This small facility has relatively little traffic. Traffic was not counted in 1988. The bridge connects the United States with Mexico through FM 2627 and is located in Brewster County, Texas. This is not a toll facility. 36 FIGURE 31: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM LA LINDA (BIG BEND) BRIDGE 70 -... U a...s >- as Q Q) 61 60 50 40 30 C) as ... 20 Q) > 4( 12 10 0 N.A. N.A. Autos Pedestrians D N.A. N.A. Trucks N.A. Total Vehicles Total Trips N.A. - Not Available 1988 Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks 1991 Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 32: TRAFFIC MIX OF LA LINDA (BIG BEND) BRIDGE 0% No Traffic Count 1988 100% 49 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 37 PRESIDIO-OJINAGA BRIDGE @ 3,000 2,500 t- 2,000 ~ 1,500 1,000 500 0 Total Vehicles 100 to ~ .. () 80 ::J eo tt- 40 .: 20 Q 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This is a two-lane bridge built in 1986 that is half owned by the State of Texas and half owned by the Government of Mexico. A new highway was built to the bridge that allows traffic to bypass Presidio. The bridge connects US 67 in Presidio with the City of Ojinaga, Mexico. A toll is collected on the Mexico side of the bridge. 38 FIGURE 33: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM PRESIDIO-OJINAGA BRIDGE 3.000 () ifas 2.500 I- 2.000 .. ~ 0a; Q 1.500 Q) ..as a 1.000 Q) > < 500 97 125 72 42 0 Pedestrians Autos ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 34: TRAFFIC MIX OF PRESIDIO-OJINAGA BRIDGE 3.2% 1.8% 96.8% 98.2% 2,240 Total Vehicles 2.350 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automo biles. panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 39 FORT HANCOCK-EL PORVENIR BRIDGE @ 800 . . . - - - - - - - . 511 500 400 ...0300 -e 200 100 o Totel Vehicles 8 co ..... 8 O 2 ~ e () ;:, 4 t- -e 0 Total Truck. ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This two-lane bridge is owned by the International Boundary and Water Commission. It is a light-duty bridge that connects Fort Hancock, Texas, with £1 Porvenir, Mexico. The bridge was built around 1955. Very little traffic uses this bridge and no expansion is planned. This is not a toll facility. 40 FIGURE 35: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM FORT HANCOCK-EL PORVENIR BRIDGE 600 - 508 (,) 500 as ....... 400 :: ~ .; C & as 300 200 ~ > <l( 100 36 15 6 0 Autos Pedestrians ~ 3 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 36: TRAFFIC MIX OF FORT HANCOCK-EL PORVENIR BRIDGE 1.2% 0.6% 98.8% 99.4% 481 Total Vehicles 511 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 o Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 41 FABENS-CASETA BRIDGE @ 2,500 2,000 I- 1,600 0 < 1,000 600 0 Total Vehicles 20 (I) ~ .. 15 () ;:, II- 10 < 5 0 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This two-lane bridge is owned by the International Boundary and Water Commission. Traffic is increasing because of its proximity to EI PasojCiudad Juarez. The bridge connects FM 1109 in Texas with the community of Caseta, Mexico. It was built around 1955 and will eventually need replacing. This is not a toll facility. 42 FIGURE 37: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM FABENS-CASETA BRIDGE 2,500 -•.. u ;: ~ >. 2,055 2,000 _"1 . II I II I II I 1,500 oil C & 1,000 !Q) > 4( 500 240 131 9 13 0 Pedestrians Autos ~ Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 38: TRAFFIC MIX OF FABENS-CASETA BRIDGE 0.7% 0.7% 99.3% 99.3% 1,340 Total Vehicles 1988 1,924 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 43 ZARAGOSA ROAD BRIDGE, YSLETA-ZARAGOSA @ 12,000 10,000 t- 0 ~ 8,000 8,000 ",000 2,000 0 Total Vehlcl •• .. 00 (0 ~ 300 .. 200 O 100 () 33. :;:, tt~ 0 Total Truck. ~ ~ DESCRIJYfION: There are two four-lane bridges; one is for commercial traffic and one is for noncommercial traffic. The permanent border station facilities are under construction. Current operations are being conducted in temporary buildings. The two bridges are located in £1 Paso County and are half owned by the City of £1 Paso and half owned by the Government of Mexico. These bridges connect Zaragosa Street in £1 Paso with the City of Juarez, Mexico. This toll facility was built in 1990. These new bridges replaced a previous two-lane bridge. 44 FIGURE 39: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM ZARAGOSA ROAD BRIDGE YSLETA-ZARAGOSA 14,000 r----------,r----------,r---------,--------,------...., 12,610 u ...~ ~ 12.000 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - ; 10,000 .--------If-- 'i 8,0001-----------11-- Q) 6,000 1-----------11-- ... 4,000 . - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - 10,186 ---+-------_+_ o a as Q) > -e 2,000 o r--I. 338 Autos Pedestrians ~ ~ 190 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 40: TRAFFIC MIX OF ZARAGOSA ROAD BRIDGE, YSLETA-ZARAGOSA 2.1% 3.2% 96.8% 97.9% 10,504 Total Vehicles 1988 9,036 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 45 BRIDGE OF THE AMERICAS, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ @ 50,000 40,000 ... 30,000 C -e 20,000 10.000 0 Total Vehicles 3,000 (I) 2,500 .:It. () 2,000 ...C 1,500 ......:::t -e 1,000 500 0 2,568 l1li1 •• I Total Trucks •• _ ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This eight-lane bridge is owned by the International Boundary and Water Commission. Loads have been restricted to 20 tons since June 1991. The bridge is rapidly deteriorating and is in need of structural repairs. The bridge was built as a result of the Chamizal Treaty and was opened around 1967. This bridge connects Interstate 10 with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. This is a free facility and is also known as the Cordova bridge. 46 FIGURE 41: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM BRIDGE OF THE AMERICAS, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 50,000 , . . . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - . . . . . , 45,812 u , ::: ..... 40,000 t--------;-':"":"'"':"':"":"'" >- 30,000 t-------+- .. 20,000 \--------+- > 10,000 \--------+- ell ~: II II II II 'ii C 4) a ell 4) c( 1,718 2.559 o~· Autos Pedestrians ~ ~ Trucks '. Total Vehicles FIGURE 42: TRAFFIC MIX OF BRIDGE OF THE AMERICAS, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 4.5% 6.1 CJ6 95.5% 93.9% 37,921 Total Vehicles 41,983 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automo biles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 47 , 0 Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses ; I I I I GOOD NEIGHBOR BRIDGE (STANTON ST.), EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ ® 80000 8,000 ...C 4,000 ~ 2,000 0 -I 8,436 I I I I Total Vehicles 12& 108 C/) .¥ 10& 100 (,) ... 7& ~ 2& ~ ~ ...C 50 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This three-lane bridge is for southbound traffic only into Mexico. The Government of Mexico has proposed allowing two-way traffic during peak periods, but the U.S. is opposed because of inadequate border station facilities. The bridge was rebuilt in 1967 as a result of the Chamizal Treaty. This bridge connects Stanton Street in EI Paso with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The City of EI Paso is the bridge owner. This is a toll facility. It is also known as the "Friendship Bridge." 48 FIGURE 43: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM GOOD NEIGHBOR BRIDGE, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 12.000 r - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - . - 1 1 . 8 5 8 - - - - , --...•... () -' i 10.000 t--------+-------+-------+--------\- 8.000 t---------+-------+-------+--------t- >- Q 8,000 ~ a •... 4,000 > 2,000 ~ ~ 108 o Autos Pedestrians ~ ~ 105 Trucks Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses FIGURE 44: TRAFFIC MIX OF GOOD NEIGHBOR BRIDGE, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 1.6" 1.9" 98.4" 98.1" 8,435 Total Vehicles 1988 5,527 Total Vehicles 1991 Autos - Automo biles. panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 49 PASO DEL NORTE BRIDGE (SANTA FE ST.), EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ @ 15,000 12,000 t- 9,000 C ~ 8,000 3,000 0 Total Vehlcl_ 200 (I) .JlI: 180 180 () :s 120 ~ tt- ao ~ 40 C 0 Total Trucks ~ ~ DESCRIPTION: This four-lane bridge is for non-commercial vehicles traveling north into the U.S. The bridge was rebuilt in 1967 as a result of the Chamizal Treaty. This bridge connects Santa Fe Street in EI Paso with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The City of EI Paso is the bridge owner. This is a toll facility. 50 FIGURE 45: 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FROM PASO DEL NORTE BRIDGE, EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ 45,000 --...... U a1 ~ 40,000 35,000 25,000 20,000 Q) C) 15,000 .. a1 Q) > c( 10,000 160 Pedestrians Autos ~ 50 Trucks . I I I 'I I I I I I II ;,:11 5,000 0 ;~ Total Vehicles Total Trips Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks Trucks - All other trucks and buses 1991 FIGURE 46: TRAFFIC MIX OF PASO DEL NORTE BRIDGE, EL PASO-CIUDAD ,JUAREZ 1.3% 0.4% 98.7% 99.6% 12,582 Total Vehicles 11,625 Total Vehicles 1988 1991 Autos - Automobiles, panel and pickup trucks D Trucks - All other trucks and buses 51 ----i .. I I 30,000 aJ C ... 39,949 t-------____1r__----~____1r__~-~____..,.-____i------____i- FIGURE 47: Each Border Crossing's Share of Total Automobile Tramc (Inbound and Outbound) Paso Del Norte bridge (Santa Fe St.) EI Paso-Cd. Juarez Good Neighbor bridge, (Stanton St.) EI Paso-Cd. Juarez Bridge of the Americas, EI Paso-Cd. Juarez Zaragosa Road bridge, Ysleta-Zaragosa Fabens-Caseta bridge Fort Hancock-EI POIVenir bridge Presidio-Ojinaga bridge La Linda (Big Bend) bridge Lake Amistad Dam crossing Del Rio-Cd. Acuna bridge Eagle Pass-Piedras Negras bridge Convent St. bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Juarez-Lincoln bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Lake Falcon Dam crossing Roma-Cd. Miguel Aleman bridge Rio Grande City-Camargo bridge Los Ebanus ferry Hidalgo-Reynosa bridge B&P bridge, Progreso-Nuevo Progreso B&M bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros Gateway bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% % of Automobiles Automobiles=Autos, panel and pickup trucks fii1988l ~ 0% Note: There is no data for the Colombia bridge 52 FIGURE 48: Each Border Crossing's Share of Total Truck Traffic (Inbound and Outbound) Paso Del Norte bridge (Santa Fe St.) EI Paso-Cd. Juarez Good Neighbor bridge (Stanton St.) EI Paso-Cd. Juarez 27.5" Bridge of the Americas, EI Paso-Cd. Juarez zaragosa Road bridge, Ysleta-zaragosa Fabens-Caseta bridge Fort Hancock-EI Porvenir bridge Presidio-Ojinaga bridge La Linda (Big Bend) bridge Lake Amistad Dam crossing Del Rio-Cd. Acuna bridge Eagle Pass-Piedras Negras bridge Convent St. bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Juarez-Lincoln bridge, Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Lake Falcon Dam crossing Roma-Cd. Miguel Aleman bridge Rio Grande City-Camargo bridge Los Ebanos ferry Hidalgo-Reynosa bridge B&P bridge, Progreso-Nuevo Progreso B&M bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros Gateway bridge, Brownsville-Matamoros 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% % of Trucks ~ ~ 0% Trucks =All other trucks and buses Note: There is no data for the Colombia bridge 53 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%!&'()!*)&+',)%!'-!$-.)-.$/-'++0!1+'-2!&'()!$-!.#)!/*$($-'+3! 44!5"6!7$1*'*0!8$($.$9'.$/-!")':! PROPOSED BORDER CROSSINGS UNDER DEVELOPMENT A. Port of Brownsville Bridge The Brownsville Navigation District/Port of Brownsville is preparing a Presidential Permit application for a four-lane bridge. A road is planned that would link the proposed bridge to the Port of Brownsville. There will also be a separate rail bridge. B. Brownsville Expressway Bridge The City of Brownsville and Cameron County have proposed a bridge that would tie U.S. Highway 77/U.S. Highway 83 directly to Mexico. As currently conceived, U.S. Highway 77/U.S. Highway 83 would be extended to the international bridge. The Presidential Permit has been applied for, but a permit has not been issued yet. The bridge has also been called Los Tomates Bridge. A levee would need to be relocated to allow for additional land at the site for both Mexico and the U.S. The International Bridge and Water Commission has issued an Environmental Assessment. C. Los Indios Bridge This four-lane bridge is currently under construction and will be in operation in Fall 1992. Final diplomatic notes were exchanged in October 1990. The Mexican side of the bridge will be built with private funds from Mexico. The bridge owner is Cameron County. D. Donna Bridge The City of Donna received a Presidential Permit in 1979 for this bridge but it is still in the planning stage at this time. E. Pharr Bridge A Presidential Permit was issued in 1978 to the City of Pharr for a four-to six-lane bridge. U.S. Highway 281 would be expanded to the bridge, but there are several environmental issues to be handled, including the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge which is downstream from the proposed crossing. F. Hidalgo Bridge #2 The Cities of Hidalgo and McAllen have proposed a second crossing near an existing foreign trade zone. The proposed location is dependent on the Government of Mexico constructing a road from the Monterrey/Reynosa Highway to the bridge. 55 G. Mission Bridge A Presidential Permit was issued in 1978 to the City of Mission for a vehicular and railroad bridge. H. Los Ebanos Bridge The Reyna Estate is preparing a Presidential Permit application for a bridge just upstream from the existing ferry service. An issue that remains to be resolved is historical concerns relating to the existing ferry crossing. The Government of Mexico supports the proposed bridge. I. Laredo - Nuevo Laredo Bridge #3 The City of Laredo is preparing a Presidential Permit application for a site upstream of Bridge #1 at Convent Street. The City of Nuevo Laredo supports the proposed bridge. J. Eagle Pass Bridge #2 A Presidential Permit has been applied for by the City of Eagle Pass. The Government of Mexico is currently negotiating with the city to build the bridge one-half mile downstream from the existing bridge. 56 REFERENCES 1. Border Station Task Force Meeting No. 22, May 1, 1991. £1 Paso, Texas. 2. Border Station Task Force Meeting No. 24, May 1, 1991. £1 Paso, Texas. 3. u.S. Border Stations, Southern Border-General Services Administration, Region No. 7, "Summary of Existing and Proposed Border Stations." Planning Staff, Fort Worth, Texas. June, 1991. 4. International Border Crossing Texas and Mexico, "Background Information." Texas Department of Transportation-Division of Transportation Planning. Austin, Texas. January, 1989. 57
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