Computational Mechanics - Boris Jeremic
Computational Mechanics - Boris Jeremic
Bibliography Computational GeoMechanics by: Boris Jeremić Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Davis version: October 17, 2016; 17:26 Bibliography [1] M. A. Crisfield. Consistent schemes for plasticity computation with the Newton Raphson method. Computational Plasticity Models, Software, and Applications, 1:136–160, 1987. [2] S. Sture, K. Runesson, and E. J. Macari-Pasqualino. Analysis and calibration of a three invariant plasticity model for granular materials. Ingenieur Archiv, 59:253–266, 1989. [3] J. Kaspar Willam. Recent issues in computational plasticity. In COMPLAS, pages 1353–1377, 1989. [4] K. Runesson and A. Samuelsson. Aspects on numerical techniques in small deformation plasticity. In G. N. Pande J. Middleton, editor, NUMETA 85 Numerical Methods in Engineering, Theory and Applications, pages 337–347. AA.Balkema., 1985. [5] G. Philip Jr. Hodge. Simple examples of complex phenomena in plasticity. 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