J. AND hT"WILLIAMS - National Library of New Zealand
J. AND hT"WILLIAMS - National Library of New Zealand
The Vol. lII.—No. 500. TO OTAGO. GLASGOW WESTPORT, THUESDAY, MAY 6, 1869. WESTPORT BUTCHERY, rHIS Liue comprises the undermentioned well-known splendid sbips, one of which leaves Glasgow for Otago direct every month AE! WAR!! WAR!!! y t GLADSTONE BTBEET. Messrs Henderson and Go's Line of Monthly Packets. Under Contract with the Provincial Government, Times. Westport AND SEATON beg DICK return their cordial thanks the inhabitants of Westport and the GREAT to to surrounding districts for the liberal patronage hitherto accorded to them, BOOTS! Declared by PROFESSOR DUPUIS. REDUCTION! To suit the times. Hair-cutting Is. 6d. Peice—Sixpence BOOTS I! BOOTS!!! MESSRS ROBERTS AND SIMPSON, : .... „ HAVING ... ... „ ... ... ... RIMMEB llotol -Tmobai, Tiiuiacri-i-Y, DAT. BIMMEB & Sj_Trrrs A.B.T.C.D. Member of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, Ireland. ACCOUCHEUR, Kennedy Street. T H O R TITT BOOT WAREHOUSE, Gladstone Street, WejtpoH. J. hT "WILLIAMS, AND WHOLESALE AKD EET4 TL DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS, FAMILY AND DISPENSING- CHEMISTS, GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPORT Revcll Street, Howriiw; and at Gveyinoutu and Charleston. Gresson Sheet, Greymouth. For Cash in the Shop. ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, &o. DAWSON WILLIAM Booksellers aud AIH) & NINEPENCE if SONS, Delivered. ESLI E ON S ' WESTPOET BEEWEEY Orders for English Books, Maga- zines, Periodicals, Newspapers, &e., lIOTEL-KEEPEES PA.CKEBS punctually attended to; carefully and first packed despatched by Mails to all parts of India, China, Australia, SJPPLTED & Bi'ov, j's Chlorodvne Langton's Sarsapavillas LEA by AND STO E E PRESCRIPTIONS ooly good Sauce. Wholesale and Retail GROC E B S CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. Wine, Spirit and Provision Merchants, The success of this most delicious GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPOBT, and unrivalled condiment having caused certaiu dealers to apply the And at Mokihinui. name of Worcestershire Sauce "to 1 . SMYTH & CO., their own inferior compounds, the X. public is hereby informed that the only Wine, Spirit, and Provision Merchants, way to secure the genuine is to ask for Lea and Perrins' Sauce, and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, GLADSTONE STREET, labels, stopper, and bottle. Some of the foreign markets bave POWELL AND CO., been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which the name of Lea IMPORTERS, and Perrins bave been forged, L. and Shipping and Commission Agents, P. give notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power of ESPLANADE, WESTPORT. attorney to take proceedings against MILIE AND HUMPHREY, Manufacturers and Vendors of such, or any other imitations by which their 1> IMPORTERS, right may be infriuged. WHOLESALE WINE, SPIRIT AND PROAsk for Lea and Perrins' Sauce, and VISION MERCHANTS, Kennedy street, Westport, and Re veil see Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. street, Hokitika. Wholesale and for Export by the IJ.O'C O N O R Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and i. CRATED WATER AND BJackwell, London, &c.; aud by GroCORDIAL MANUFACTURER, cers aud Oilmen universally. Oil AT THE BEEW L E~~. And to Arrive. Beers, and Spirits, every description, in Glass and Bulk Sugar, Crushed, Lump, Kegs, and Barrels Tea, ex Mary," Chests, *-Chests, and " Boxes Groceries, Provisions, Oilmen's Stores, Consisting of: Almonds, Anchovy Pastes, Arrow— E E T . Quicksilver ; ; ~& Nitric Acid A, Sodium-A malgatn & Murray's, Dioueford's, and Ki use's I'luid Magnesias - m II O S Fanvly Requisite. (/ ALTEE BISHOP, GOODS ' , BEE-' SPLENDID' , M'FARLAND, Kennedy street. Perforated and wire 'gratings. Anti-friction grease and soft soap. Castor, colza, and neatsfoot oil. Paints, oils, and colors. Pitch, tar, oakum, resin, aud cotton waste. Ash oars, 10 to 24 feet. Ladies' and Gents' saddles aud bridles. Dray, harness, and pack saddles. Milner's safes, copying presses. S SEN HARNESS Furnishing ironmongery, splendid assortment. Wharf Street, "Westport. A "WALTER BISHOP, Gladstone Street, "Westport. China, glass, and earthenware. Kerosene lamps, great variety. MAKER, TO LET. , PIRIB. Hemp packing. CO., DUNE D I N AND ADVERTISEMENTS <Sc & SADDLER ; & CO. & IM'PORTERSS, Judson's Dyes 'jL ALCORN G. TURNBULL B. MARTIN AND CO. SocJidmised-QaicksiVer STATIONEI!, ~~R. CHARLES COHEN has been appointed Agent for tbis AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS, EOBEETSON & CO., paper at the Lyell, where Ad vcitise ments and all kinds of Job Work will GLADSTONE STREET, bo taken. WESTPORT, AND STOCK & CATTLE SALESMEN, Letters, parcels, and commissions of all kinds conveyed to and from the PRINCES STREET, AND AUCTIONEERS, Lyell with care and promptitude. CHARLESTON, All letters, parcels, and orders may Respectfully wishes to direct public be left afc BISHOP'S GOEDON AND GOTCH, attention to his well-assorted stock 01 AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS 121 Holborn Hill, London every conceivable article requisito iu Glad ston e-s treet. and at SXDNEX AND MeLBOCRNE. LCORN AND M'FABLAND his A trade. His selection of intimate BOOKS Beg to inserted iu that they have is too numerous to particulariseEnglish, Continental, & American to Newspapers. Newspapers, Periodi- determined give the whole of their cals, Magazines, Books, aad Sta- attention to the Produce and Provision tionery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices. Trade, and are now SELLING OFF Proprietors of Newspapers furnished THEIR STOCK OF DRAPERY, with Paper, Ink, and every requisite comprises every article in daily deIRONMONGERY, AT connected with the printing business. BOOTS, Indents through the Sydney and SUCH PRICES AS WILL EFFECT mand in use. • Added to which is the "WHOLESALE houses, and Commissions WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, Agents—Dalgetty, Eattery, and Co., Melbourne generally, quickly and economically QUICK SALE. CIRCULATING LIBRARY, COMMISSION AGENT, AND The attention of Up-country Storeexecuted. Otaso. IMPORTER, keepers is particularly directed to recently much enlarged. Freeman Street. jour Stock of Crimeans, FlaDnel An inspection is specially invited, Agent for Parker and Garsides far-Shirts (all large sizes), Lambs' . famed Ale. Wool Drawers. Shetland and during this month, to his stock of - W b 'te, &c. ANNETT, English, CelonialVALENTINES. mpde Watertight?, &e, &c. In great variety are, also, kept LONDON & GLASGOW STORE TOYS, LETTS'S DIARIES for 1869, EX MAET, FEOM MELBOTJENE. AND attention is directed to a ALMANACS for 1869, and KYNNERSLEY HOTEL, LIN WOOLS, with Patterns, Needles, parcel of MOKIHINUI. A PICKED STOCK )RIME SALT BUTTER now on and Canvas. >H.C O E band, and which will be sold at Will Arrive Shortly, including the a moderate price for cash, 90 kegs N.B. -Agent for "Westport Times, CIVIL ENGINEER, having been bought prior to the late Grey River Argus, and Hokitiea RIGHT PLUSH fok the CALEDONIAN & ADDISON'S. advance. Land and Mining Surveyor, and FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS, Leader. Always Arriving. Mining Agent, SEASON Shot, caps, wads.and gun furnituro Double and single fowling pieces from £2 to £6. 8.8.H. bar and rod iron. Boiler, plate, sheet, and hoop iron. Tinsmiths' iron, block tin and solder. Charcoal tin plates, 10., IX XX., DX. Lead and gas pipe, Un to 2in. Smiths' bellows, 16 to 40 inches. Do anvils, I2lbs to 4cwt. Stock and dies, f to Hin. Tram wheels, S to 20in. Whim do, Sto 18in. Hoop iron for tram rails, lx-J-. Galvanized corrugated iron, 5 to 9 feet. Painted do, 6, 7, and 8 feet. Corrugated Zinc, Bx3. Ridging, spouting, nails, and washers. Doors and sashes. Carpenters' rim and D. Back locks, 5 to lOin. Carpenters' tools in great variety. Cross-cut and pit saws, 4 to 7 feet. Ewbank's patent nails, If to Gin. Cut nails, floorand finishing brads. V. J. Rubber belting, 3 to Sin. Mustard, variousbrands; Oils, Salad and Castor; and Pickles, Morton's "Whybrow's, Copland's, and Crosse and Blackwell's; Cream of Tartar, Tartaric Acid, Jars and Glass Preserved Fish of all descriptions, Maccaroni, Tapioca, Vermicelli, Matches, "Vestas, Plaids 50's, 100's ISO's, 200's, 250's, 500's, and 1000's Japanned Tins; HoMoway's Pills aud Ointment; Soap Powder; Sauces, assorted and Lea and Perrins Vinegar, Bulk aud Case; Candles, Keiller's Confectionery, &c, Ac. General Goods, Comprising:— Brushes, Broom-heads, &c.; Caustic Soda, Cement, Fishing Liues, Twines (all sorts), Sheet, Plate, Bar, Rod, and Galvanised Iron ; Rivets; Oils, Eaw, Boiled, aud Colza; Turpentine, Paints, Hops and Malt, Woolpacks, Fencing Wire, Brown Paper, Paper Bags, Flour Bags, &c. COMFORTABLE five-roomed THOMAS FIELD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER, KENNEDY STREET, WESTPORT Cottage in Molesworth Street, aud a Shop in Gladstone Street. Apply to MR. TYLER, Sol icitor. CARD. JESSES powder. ro .t, Blue, Capers, Curry Powder, ICCXTBA.'JBIT PTJEPABED. EXPRESS Lyell Township. kegs. Bickford's tape fuse. O Grain glass, rifle and lIF Dried Fruits, &c. BOOKSELLER am " NEW ~~S~~A ON~ "Wines, IMPORTERS, TEETH EXTRACTED. , JOSHUA Bricks arrive:— Ames' and Day's L.H.R.P., and square shovels. Day's, Sanderson, and Ward's D.H'd. shovels. Leyden's strap'd spades and coal shovels. Collins' picks, 3iif to Bfts. Sluice forks, driving picks. Quicksilver, sheet copper, 2 and 4 feet wide. Nitric acid in 7lb bottles. Manilla rope, fin. to Gin. Europe do, fin to sin Hall's blasting powder iu 25ft Nitre Antibilious Pills (own preparation) Unsurpassed as a PALMEESTON STEEET, supply Wholesale Buvers at LOWEST PRICES, aud has in Stock and to Lime, &c.. &c. Sulphur Cream of Tartar FINE HEALTHY VICTORIAN LEECHES. PEEEINS Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce, Declared Connoisseurs to be the BROTHERS, ably enlarged his warehouses t in Kennedy-street, is now propared to Mouldings mCJRNBULL, REEVES, Jayoe's Expectorant PUBLIC NOTICE. TIHE Undersigned, having consider- & Have on Sale— T and G Boards Scantling, all sizes Rough Boards, any length "Wide Ridging Galvanized Iron Tiles Peiumery and Toilet Requisites. THE BOND, Dunediu, March 1, 1569. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cockle's, Holloway's, and Norton's Pills Castor and Olive oils Borax Carbonate of Soda Brewers' Isinglass BoLtling W'"re, &c. Tartaric Acid Townsend's, Acre's, Bristol's, and Eemittance, or reference in London for payment, to accompany all orders. AT AND CONTRACTORS, "Wallabi-street, "Westport, W. SALE Brolen and Fleurey'a Ner\ine IVCOATT. P E, Tasmania, and New Zealand. M.R.C.S., Loud. L.S.A. (Registered.) Medical Officer to the Hospital, &c, WESTPORT. RETAIL & ; 121, Canuon Street, City, London, Eugland. (Established 1509.) )J.B R U E N WHOLESALE SIXPENCE, Newsveoders, FORDER, ROBEKTS AND SIMPSON, ATKINSON, DUTTON & CO., Spit, Westport, SCOTCH PIE HOUSE, And Gresson Street, Greymoutb. Purchases HIDES, SKINS, WOOL, (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand,) Westpokt. and TALLOW at highest value in any number or quantity offered, for cash. CHEAP BREAD! E. P. A. informs whom it may conCHEAP BKEAD!! cern, that he is enabled to offer higher AT TILE rates than any other buyer, without ONLY BAKEEY IN TOWN. loss thereby, having the best markets. WHOLESALE LEATHER jl WEST, GrLADSTONE STEEET, DEALER. is now Selling the Eour-Pouud Loaf at NORTH SPIT, WESTPORT. . WIIOI.OOiI.E Proprietors. IYE FPNorth. UL L BUILDERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT IMPORTERS, Shaving and beg to inform their numerous friends and customers, that they have Is. Shampooing GLADSTONE STREET. Or, all three this day disposed of their premises 2s. Tons Reg. Tons Reg. and the good-will S. T> of their business to and have much in calling the attentiou of storekeepers and pleasure Vicksburg 1240 Caribon 1150 Baths ready at all hours. Orna■.I), the public generally to their splendid new stock of 1140 City of Dunedin1085 Messrs Suisted Brothers, who will in Viola 1000 future carry on the business, and for mental Hair Manufactured to Order. E. P.Bouverie 1000 Peter Denny Ben Lomond ... 1000 Resolute 1000 whom they solicit the support of their Always two hands at work, opposite FASHIONABLE BOOTS. Davie 850 "Wave Queen... SSO customers and friends. The ffm Helenlsee 800 Helen Bums 800 ROYAL, Every article sold at this establishment will be found to combine quality of N. B. —They request that all out- THEATRE 100 Helen Denny... 750 Jane Davie accounts be paid forthwith. Gladstone-street. materml with durability of make. 750 Ancilla 150 standing H. Fleming DICK AND SEATON. Gentlemen's calf and kip "Wellingtons, elastic sides, watertights, Balmoral E. Henderson. 600 Jane Henderson 600 NOTICE. and Blucher boots, heavy-nailed watertights, Wellingtons, and Mayl, 186S. Parties desirous of bringing out nuggets. their friends can secure passages on RETIRED from tbe Ladies' black and bronze kid, cashmere, and Balmoral boots in endless SUISTED BROTHERS, in sucfavorable terms, on application to BAKING BUSINESS, I beg ceeding to the business of Messrs'Dick to return thanks to variety. CAEGILLS & M'LEAN, the public for Children's leather lace-ups, with copper toes, kid and morocco and Seaton, hope that they shall merit Oamaru and Dunedin. boots, in and would beg of them to favors, past a continuance of the support accorded all sizes and qualities, both light and heavy. LIGHTNING LINE op SADDLE to their predecessors, by keeping only confer the same favor on my successors, R. and S have reduced their LEATHER and GRINDERY, &c, to the Messrs DUTTON & CO. meat of the best description, and by undermentioned prices, for cash only:— HACKS. WILLIAM SLOAN. prompt and punctual attention to all Best Wellington Rip orders. Best Stout Sole Leather 1 5 per lb 2 5 per ft AND BAIT STABLES: DUTTON AND CO. LIVERY Middling Substance Sole Pegs SUISTED BROTHERS. 10 the Having purchased above business, South Spit leather Westport 14 "Westport, May 1. Hungarian Nails 1 5 "„ return thanks for past patronage, and Rotten Bow ... All otber Goods five per cent, below the nsual prices. Charleston Main street TO BUTCHERS, Brighton CATTLE IM- hope, by keeping a good article at a price consistent with the price of AND PORTERS, AND OTHERS. KOTE THE AODEES3 flour, to merit a continuance of the Hamilton's Hotel, Cobdeo. AND FORDEB heg to apprise the public that their new ALBEBT CONVEYANCE is uow Running between CHARLESTON and WESTPOBT, for the conveyance of Passengers, Parcels, &c, leaving Charleston every Monday, Wednesday, and Eriday; and returning every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, leaving it available for pleasure parties on Sundays. Parcels and Letters delivered throughout the Charleston and Brighton districts with punctuality, on reasonable terms. Letters and Parcels left at the Post Office Hotel, Westport, or Weitzell's European Hotel, Charleston, will be punctually attended to. Time of starting from Post Office |3 QOBERT GENERAL Charleston Advertisements. m e h I T Y TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT M'FARLANE TTT TTT TTTT STOREKEEPER, TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT CALEDONIAN LEAD, "Wholesale "Wine, Spirit, and Provision Merchant, BAKERY ATTACHED, TTT TTT TTTT TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT Only the choicest brands of Hour used, M A R and the best bread always ready for T IMPORTER. the public. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, N. B. Ironmongery of cveiy des Princes Street, Charleston. P. HENDERSON. cription on hand. (card.) EN T AND C~o7, PROFESSIONAL. Chronometer, "Watch, and Clock Makers (by Special AppointJOHN S. JOHNSTON. ment) to ber Majesty the Queen, and H.R.H. the Pciaee of Wales, nud BARRISTER, Makers of the Great Clock for the SOLICITOR,* NOTARY PUBLIC, House of Parliament. Hunter's Post Office Hotel, Jnviie atteniion to the superior Camp Street, Charleston. workmanship and elegance of tlesd-m Hours of Business from 10 a.m. to of their extensive Stock of Watches 5 p.m. and Dvawing-toom Clocks. ED . MR. Guineas. Ladies' Gold Foreign Walebes 8 Geuls.' do, do, 10 do, Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gold English Lever do., 13 Strong Silver Lever AVatclie3 o Geutlemeu's Gold Compensation Balance do. 40 Silver do. do. 28 Marine Chronometers, 35 Guiueas. Gold and Silver Pocket Chronometei-s, Astronomical, Turret, and Bracket Clocks of every description. An elegant assortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert and Guard Chaius &c. E. Dent and Co., 61, Strand (adjoining -Coutts' Bank); 3-1 and 33, Royal ExenaDge; and at the Clock and Marine Compass Factory, Somerset "Wharf, Strand. Orders sent direct to be accompanied with a remittance. [U NIGER'S POST OFFICE L HOTEL, CHARLESTON. W. H, in returning thanks for past favors, begs to remind his patrons and the public generally that nothing shall be wanting on his part to make his house what a hotel ought to be, viz. a Temporary Home for the Traveller. ' Good Accommodation. Best Brands in Wines, Spirits, &c. Moderate Rates. KELLY'S HOTEL DEHAN ) CHARLESTON. A superior & Billiard Saloon, with one of Alcock's first-class tables. Wines, Spirits, and Liquors of the best, quality. First-class accommodation for Travellers. 2 THE WESTPORT TIMES, MAY 6, 1869 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. BIRTH. doubts that the Buller track was made, At Nelson, on the 27th April, Mrs Luckie, and so far Dr Hector's testimony was of a son. right. However deficient in the exMARRIAGE. At the residence of the bride's father, on ecution of their designs, the Nelson the 18th April, by the Rev. John Crump, Mr Executive who undertook the formaThos. W. Cooper, of Westport, to Harriet Eliza, youngest daughter of Arthur Bradley, tion of the Buller track were certainlywell-intentioned, and for their good farmer, of Stoke. that it should be held on the 24th. On a division the amendment was carried,whereupon Mr O'Conor moved that a committee should be appointed to wait on those having the management of the horse-racing, requesting them to adjourn their meeting to the 25th, in consideration of the priority to which the boatmen were entitled. He desired to see both sports carried out; but thought it undesirable that they should clash in any way. The motion was seconded by Mr Suisted, and, for the purpose stated, as well as for the purpose of collecting subscriptions, the following committee was appointed: Messrs Walter Abernethy, John Reid, Edmond Roche, Monahan, Arnold, Tonks and Hughes Mr Hughes to be treasurer. In the Warden's Court, yesterday, the Warden disposed of eight applications for head-races and dams, one application for a tunnel, and four applications for washing stands and special sites. The tunnelling application by Mullins was for protection for a claim to which his party had been driving for eight months, near Deadman's creek. After driving 1050 feet through very hard and rocky ground, tliey found that they were too high for the lead. They intended to drive another tunnelfor a distance of 1400 or 1500 feet. Protection for ance by the defendant, the action being for the balance of the amount due. The only point of difficulty was the fact that the plaintiff, who was the in a criminal court. Whatever legal CHARLESTON. shape the case might take, the question (feom oub owjf cobbespondent.) was, who stole the amalgam ? There May 3. was not evidence to fix the defendant, HIUII WATER. holder of the bill, had received the bill who denied it. It would be quite a There has been no shipping busiThis Day 5.29 a.m., 553 p.m. after it was dishonored, and after £5 waste of time to go any further with ness transacted during the past week, To-morrow 6.11 a.m., C.35 p.m. was paid to account. It was in order the case. the harbor not being accessible on IMPORTS. to consider this point that he had reMr Tyler said if it had been thought account of the heavy swell which has Per Mary, from Melbourne—B stampheads, served his decision. He had consid- necessary to go on with the case, his prevailed since the late storm. The intentions they deserve credit. As it A. C. Thompson ; 1 ease, Roberts and Simpered the point, and he had no doubt client would have been entirely exon- ketch Constant, from Westport, arrived son 1 cask, 10 was true of the military roads in the 1 case tinware, 3 bdls that there was no defence in the case. erated, and suspicion would have been off the harbor on Saturday, but did not buckets, 2 cases glassware, 3 boxes glass, 1 Westport Highlands of that Scotland, There had been no evidence of any cast on the defendant. enter when signalled, but anchored in case, 4 coils rope, 4 pkgs do, 1 case shovels, 1 Had roads you seen those before they pkge oars, 1 do sculls, 1 box fittings, 2 drums particular agreement between the deMr Pitt objected to any assertion the roadstead until yesterday afterwere made oil, 6 nests tubs, 3 bales buckets, 3 casks, 2 fendant and the drawer of the bill. If of what the defendant might have noon, when she weighed and came THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1869. cases, 8 do axes, 4 do colza oil, 10 bales sheetYou would bless the memory of General there had been any agreement, the done. into harbor. The brings a full general iron, 6 grindstones, 1 bale paper, 1 coil, 1 bale Wade," case would have been different. JudgThe Warden inquired if any wit- cargo, which was discharged on the netting, 1 cask zinc, 12 tue irons, 4 boxes A. visit to the district of the Upper ment for the amount claimed. so it is true that the Buller track made nesses had been subpoenaed to sup- fall of the tide. The Constant will tinplates, 1 case hardware, 1 cask, 1 case, 1 hand-chest and 2 wheels. 1 pair bellows, 4 Buller and the Lyell must reveal much by the Executive of the day was conp port the line of defence which had so leave for Westport this afternoon, is that whatever interesting, trucks, 1 case, 1 canvas bale, 4 bellows, Thos. may be far been taken, regarding the comweather permitting. "WAEDEN'S COTJET. Field; 14 cases, 10 trunks, 3 trusses, 1 pkg the personal proclivities of the visitor, siderably better than none. It was, A meeting was held at the Wellingplainant's character and the credibility boots, Fleming, r'arry, and Murray; 9 pkgs, a indeed, comparatively complete, and, of his evidence. ton hotel on Saturday evening, for the 3 trusses, 3 bales, 7 cases drapery, Fair and or the precise purpose of his lour. If ALLEGED APPEOPEIATION OF AMALMr Tyler said no witnesses had been purpose of presenting a testimonial to M'Coy; 1 case, Southern and Criswiok; 1 he be abroad simply in search of the most certainly, a very expensive work. case, 1 truss, Hardy and Cato; 2 rolls wire But, once having been made, it never GAM. Mr Miall, of the Deep Lead, for his subpoenaed. he will picturesque, certainly be satiscloth, Starch 1 pkge merchandise, 1 case The Warden considered that the de- gallant services in recovering the body On Tuesday, Dr Giles heard, in the boots, 1 truss, Whyte and Pirie; 40 bags fied for, either in boating on the seems to have entered into the calculaWarden's Court, a complaint brought fendant was certainly not justified, of Daniel Sanderson, who was lately flour, West; 30 bales chaff, 2 cases biscuits, tions of the Nelson Government that 1 do gelatine, 3 casks soda, 4 cases pickles, 4 river or travelling by its banks, there by Bartholomew Bruen against Ed- without evidence, in instructing coun- drowned whilst bathing in the Second do jams, 10 bozes maizena, 2 cases sauce, 2 is presented more of the majestic, and such a track should be maintained. ward Duffy. The parties had been sel to make such insinuations as had Bay. The testimonial, a valuable gold cases catsup, 5 do vinegar, 10 casks ale, 20 do Though naturally exposed to unusually not less of the joint than can claim-holders at Addison's Flat, been made against the character of signet ring, is the work of Brown and purely pleasing, beer, 6 boxes tea, 9 cases milk, 2 cases ling, 1 and the complaint was that the defen- the complainant. He would certainly Co. of Hokitika, and bears an approbale piper bags, 1 bale paper, 2 barrels whiting, be seen on any or all of the rivers of destructive influences, a road which cost thousands upon thousands of dant bad, while a co-partner, refused set his face against such a line of priate inscription. Mr Thompson was 2 < asej painkiller, 1 do pills, 6 do starch, 5 do, New Zealand. If he have a taste for had to account for a certain quantity of action. 2 do tjbacco, 2 do sauce, 2 do chocolate, 1 do requested to take the chair. The from time was, pounds the of its formacocoa, 2 do mustard, 2 do confectionery, 3 do the study of the natural sciences, he Chairman stated the object of the at £35. amalgam valued tebacjo, 2 do vestas, 40 boxes soap, 6 cases will find, in the diversity of its geolo- tion, left in the rude hands of Nature, thirty days was granted. meeting, and referred in very Mr Pitt, who appeared for the combi ttled fruit, 100 bags flour, 21 kegs nails, instead of being committed to the An adjourned meeting of the members plainant, said the only evidence he QUEEN'S BIRTH-DAY SPORTS. complimentary terms to the gallant Powell end Co 1 cask oil, 1 case sundries, 1 gical formations, in the novelty and conduct of Mr Miall. The ring was do glass, 1 bale paper, 1 do scrim, 1 cask variety of its botany, and probably care of such ordiuary and, in such of the Church of England was held on would be able to adduce would be more then handed to Mr Miall, who reputty, Struthers 56 truck wheels, 21 bars even theEditor of the Westport Times.) (To usual functionaries at the Court for circumstantial than of a cases, House, positive evening, Tuesday as a road charinamong the insignificant represeniion, 10 bales do, IS do sheet iron, 1 case sunchurchwardens and vestry- acter and, although he had subpcanaed Sir.—l have just learnt that two turned thanks to those gentlemen who daes, 13 cases jams, 1 do pepper, I do acid, tatives of its natural history, much by spector or one or two able-bodied the election of the defendant's he brother, for the next twelve months. TheRev. could not committees are appointed to collect had subscribed towards the testimonmen 10 do wine, 7 do jams, 8 do milk, 12 boxes The consewhich he will be interested and in- ditchers and drainers. to expect receive from read the such evidfunds for the him tra, 6 boxes pegs, 4 cases milk, 2 qr-casks having purpose of holding sports ial, and stated that he would always Harvey, who Mr presided, lr.;nly, 1 hhd, 5 qr-casks do, 6 cases bacon, formed. If he be but a practical quence has been that these thousands report for the past year, nominated Mr C. ence a3 he had been called to give. on the Queen's Birth-day—the one for feel happy to render his best services 2 cases handles, 2 do axes, 6 boxes pegs, 3 Batholomew Bruen, the complain- horse-racing and the other for a re- in attempting to save life, and should commonly called a upon thousands of pounds might as Whitefoord as his churchwarden. Mr kegs nails, 1 bale lines, 1 case shovels, 10 qr- mineralogist, have great pleasure in the possession said : The defendant and I were gatta. ant, well have been poured into the Buller digger," he will assuredly discover Tyler proposed a vote of thanks to the outcasks brandy, 30 c isks beer, 25 cases kerosene, of this token of their appreciation of working as mates at Addicommon with other In together many ea;e sub5 boxes blue, 1 blacking, 1 barrel carra- areas of auriferous ground ample as expended upon its banks. Indeed, going officers, and the re-election of Mr son's Flat, in the claim known to do his best for the ways, 1 case 8a t:, 2 bales soda, 2 pockets as scribers I hold that both committees his endeavour as parish churchwarden. Both Winstanley notwithstanding distinguished any recovering of the body of the deceased Younghusband's hops, 4 half-chests tea, 5 barrels currants, 6 enough for the exercise of his skill and claim. "We merge had a should into one or coalesce and motions were carried. The following eases salmon, 5 chests tea, 5 boxes blue, 1 labor for years to come. Or, if he be opinion to the contrary, we may say very good prospect. On the 12th of provide a programme of two days' Daniel Sanderson. A vote of thanks cask ink, 4 kegs peas, 2 cases herrings, 20 do gentlemen were then duly proposed and that such a spectacle of wreck and April, we had nine or ten days' wash- sports, the one day selected for horse- was then given to the chairman, after a representative of the commerce of jams, 20 do milk, 4 sacks peas, 24 cases stout, elected vestrymen:—Messrs A. E. Moore, of the front bags. I proposed racing, and the other day for a regatta, which the meeting separated. 10 do bitter', 1 ci!S.> cigars, 1 do arrowroot, 6 the country, merely to the extent of ruin as is presented by the Buller E. H. Bullen, E. K. Tyler, W. Pitt, A. D. ing do salmon, 5 do bitters, 10 do jams, 70 ba<*s that we should amalgamate it by a and thus avoid the semblance oftwohostrack—at the of its execution a time A s or he Harris. vote of thank to Dobson, will F. slops" groceries, flour, 20 bags maize, Bailie and Humphrey ; selling machine wrought by hand, but Duffy tile parties, while preventing the public THE PROVINCIAL ESTIMATES. 1 qr-cask wine, 1 bale corks, 2 qr-casks rim, discover an increasing, if not yet an sufficiently well-designed work—is not the chairman, unanimously carried, closed proposed it should be wrought by money being uselessly frittered away 50 cases geneva, C do sarsaparilla, 20 do proceedings. to be seen in connection with the road- the wheel, and he had the machine altered by having races and regattas held The following are the estimates of expendibrandy, 6 qr-casks do, D. Leslie; 2 o isks extensive, field for his enterprise. But The late rains have enabled the miners so that that could be done. Duffy on the same day. ture on the South-west Goldfields ofNelson wine, 2bale; buckets, Pain and Southwoi-th ; in whatever character or capacity he making of any goldfield in the colony. in the Upper Buller and Lyell districts to then proposed that while the amalgamis 2 casks wine, 1 case sundrios, 10 do claret, 1 may visit the district, within this I believe our late Sports Committee Province for the current year rather It pitiable to contemplate how much wash up," and within the past few days ator was at package, G. A. Strike; 1 case powder, 1 do work, we should go to promised a day to the lovers of the has money been 1868-69 1869-70 expended, wastefully wide of the range sentimental and the twine, 20 boxes soap, 25 boxes tea, 1 halfsome very fine parcels of gold have been some ground on Dirty Mary's Flat, aquatic, but that the funds fell short. Justice— tieroe tobacco, 2 qr-casks vinegar, 1 case jelly, practical, he cannot fail to return to or to calculate how very little might in from these districts. Above the to which he said hehad'been "laid on" Therefore the promise remains unful- Commissioner and Resident brought 5 do salad oil, 6 do mustard, 4 do salmon, 1 Magistrate of his. I agreed to filled. But I hope that on the coming 700 do cocoa, 17 bags sugar, 5 cases sauce, 1 cask Westport with a strong impression in have kept the work in repair, and have Lyell, the gold got in the Buller terraces is by a towney sugar, 1 do whiting, 1 do soda, 1 case s Its, favor of what may be very foreign to thereby preserved a promising district fine, but heavy. Below, the gold is coarse go with him, and I put the sand into occasion it will be fully accomplished, Three Wardens and Resident 1500 1500 Magistrates 1 cask beans, 5 cases honey, 10 do fruit, 15 and sealey, and in the Lyell itself it is the machine. It was an excellent to the enjoyment of visitors and town- Warden 400 do kerosene, 15 do milk, W. J. Pattersi n 2 the object of his visit, and what may in some degree accessible from its provery considerable sample. The silver, Duffy said, had people, and thereby also encourage an Goldfields Accountant and and A rough nuggetty. port. cases sundries, 1 do jams, 5 half-chests tei. 1 seem as foreign to the subject of these per Clerk to Bench 350 350 proportion of the gold from these districts been used twice before. "We could active, industrious, and deserving body qr-cask vinegar, 5 half chests tea, 4 bags rice, Of course, after all possible injurynot keep the ravelling of the bag out of men—the watermen. Six Clerks 1625 5 do oatmeal, 1 bale paper bags, 1 sack twine sentences—he cannot fail to return seems to find its way to Nelson, though a Three without without 1 do clothes lines, 1 do earl barley, £0 halfbeing imbued with the feeling has been done to the work of their smaller price is there given for it than at losing some of the gold, so A Tradesman. Five (half salaries) boxes soap, 10 boxes do, 1 case barley, 3 qr- which is at we put it into the machine with the present all-prevalent on predecessors, and not before a public Westport. ClericalAssistance (occasional) 150 May 5, 1869. 300 casks brandy, 20 cases kerosene, 6 boxes sand. About five o'clock he and I Four Bailiffs 800 these that A professional sportsman, Mr Jenkins, goldfields—the feeling there outcry the significance of which they bitters, 5 cases milk, 12 boxes tea, 1 qr-cask to the ground which he had spoken got One Bailiff rum, 6 boxes pipes, 2 boxes maizena, 20 cases is a necessity for some sound system were not slow to appreciate, the pre- brought to town yesterday a bird of a rare of, and I prospected it, but I did not Witnesses in Criminal Cases... 200 150 geneva, 10 do brandy, 19 boxes candles, 3 NELSON PROVINCIAL Stationery, printing, adverof local self-government. Though it sent Executive make a demonstration description which his dog had caught for find the "color." On returning he cases oysters, 1 do pickles, 1 case mustard, 2 tising, and contingencies 1225 1000 him on the Fairdown swamp, to the north went to COUNCIL. do salad oil, 1 do colza oil, 4 boxes raisins, 6 may seem a descent from the sublime of their, at least, having a the machine, and, on coming desire, of Westport. It is a handsome bird of Police cases old torn, 17 bags sugar, Stitt Bros.; 20 told me it was all right. He stopcasks beer, 5 chests tea, 20 half-chests do, 1 to the ridiculous to say so—he cannot figuratively and literally, to mend brown and white plumage, standing about back, 300 300 Sub-Inspector of Police ped with me that night till a quarter case tapioco, 4 qr-casks rum, 10 oases hock, fail to return without feeling that the their PROVINCIAL COUNCIL BILL. Four Sergeants, at 14s. 6d. ways." They enter into one two feet high, and measuring upwards of past twelve. At eight o'clock next aiem per 20 half-chests tea, 6 cases absynth, 2 do cat- worst feature of the district is ions The Provincial Solicitor, in moving the magnificent contract costing £l9B three feet from tip to tip of its wings. All morning he called me, and we went to sup, 20 kegs nails, Smyth and Co.; IGI bars Two Sergeants, at 13s. 6d. iron, 9 bales do, 19 bars steel, F. Pow; 1 fact of its affairs being administered sterling, and they make overtures for the information that we can get as to its the machine, which we found working. the first reading of this bill, said: It Two Sergeants (half year) 325 had been observed that the bale, Rowlands ; 20 eases hrms, 5 change is that it is mio" Two Detectives starch, by the existing name a or something On 511 opening it and examining the conExecutive at Nelson. as many as seven more ! They do this similar that in sound. By the same Detective, at 13s. 6d. per diem 5 barrels currants, 5 cases vinegar, W. J. would not reduce the exmaterially to it dog, tents, occurred to me that the sand To illustrate this it is not necessary conveniently for closing the mouths Patterson ; 1 case chocolate, 5 cases fine salt, Two Senior Constables, at 13s. which is a descendant of the celebrated was of a different kind, and on empty- penditure, and at first sight this might 10 half-chests tea, 1 case tobacc, 3 cases at present to refer to the loss and in- of irate Councillors 6d. per diem 492 to be the case appear from the "West but there was breed French," belonging to Mr Mickey ing it out, I found it was tail sand, and salmon, 1 half-tierce tobacco, 40 boxes soap, 5 Five Mounted Constables, at convenience which are inflicted on not a doubt a material reduction in the not Coast, cases vinegar, 1 do ginger, A'co.'n and M'Farif very conveniently for any quail and other birds have been lately I found no trace of the bagging. I 13s. per diem 1186 land 2 pocketshops, 4 cases bitters, 1 qr-cask miners by the absence of any local consideration Constables, at connected with the caught, in considerable numbers, in the found the silver was also different expenditure would result, for there Three Mounted (id. per diem sherry, 4 qr-casks port, 8 qr-casks brandy, U. would be less time the dislis. in occupied silver—not so much worked as the Leslie 1 case, 5 boxes glass, 1 bale paper, 1 authority other than that which is reactual execution of the contracts ; but swamp. Two Senior Constables, at 13s. other. Duffy said that a man named cussion of subjects, the sittings would box varnish, Struthers; 1 cask currants, 55 presented by the Warden's Court at it is to be hoped that the West Coast per diem 474 number, and the total Swede and Sailor Billy bags salt, 50 cases H brandy, 8 half-barrels Eight Constables, lst-class, at must have be reduced in It is not to Westport. necessary thereby dimembers of the Council would will expenses not be either deterred, 12s. 6d. per diem apples, 6 cases salmon, 6 boxes maizena, G stolen the amalgum. I charged Duffy 1809 THE SETTLEMENT OF GOLDcases and half col oil, 1 tank malt, 4 qr-casks late upon the utter absence of interest with stealing the gold in the machine, be lessened. Another point regard- Six Constables, 2nd-class, lis. by any imaginary insignificance of the FIELDS. 6d. per diem 1247 sherry, 4 cases soap, 30 casks Tennant's ale, by the Government in undertakings as only he and I knew about it. I did ing the saving of expenditure was that, or of subject, by any excuses economy, 136 bales chaff, 30 bags do, Spence Bros, and if the number were not reduced it Eight Constables, at lis. per not take it. To the best of knowmy diem Co.; 1 case, 1 parcel, 1 case tobacco, A. Horn; which would be easy of accomplishfrom insisting upon both an early exTHE PRIZE ESSAYS. 1 bale corks, G. A. Strike; 1 case, T. Price ; ledge, there would be amalgum in the would require to be increased by add- Two Constables (half year) 245 ment, if they were only officially en- penditure in the reconstruction of the ing some more West Coast members ; Accoutrements and travelling 30 bags maize, Powell and Co.; 8 casks, 1 machine to the value of about £35. for the Council remained as it was box, 1 cask paint, 1 do oil, 4 drums oil, 1 couraged undertakings which, once road, and attention in the future to its {BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.) if 1000 expenses 450 By Mr Tyler, who appeared for the of prisoners and case sundries, 2 do axes, 1 do acid, 1 bdle executed, would ensure the extension maintenance. They may reasonably defendant: I repeat that I did not at present the West Coast would have Conveyance lunatics 200 shovels, 1 bottle quicksilver, 1 case, 2 cases 100 to additional representation. (from our own correspondent.) take the amalgam. I have been dig- a claim and promote the permanency of the add, as a suggestion to Mr Curtis in shoves, order. and saddlery 600 600 The proposed reduction in his opinion Forage for about ging 270 years, part Contingencies... district as a goldfield. These are in connection with his promise of attenten of the 220 "Wellington, Wednesday. time in Victoria. I was at "Wood's removed this claim; for while the Gaols The examiners appointed to award The weather has for the past three days themselves circumstances which, no tion to the subject of Separation in the Point and Matlock, while there, and I other districts were reduced by one Gaoler, Westport 275 275 continued so stormy that steamboat traffic doubt, seriously militate against the House of Representatives, that if a the Government prizes to the success- have been at Fox's and Jones's, on third in their representatives, the Senior Warder, Westport, at along the coast has been entirely interrupted. 12s. 6d 226 200 There have been no departures or arrivals at interests of the community by whom the Commission be appointed to canvass ful essayists on the subject of the this coast. I have never been charged West Coast remained unaltered. Leave was given, and the bill was Warder, Westport, at lis. 6d. 207 182 the southern ports, and the Bruce has re- Lyell district is, in spite of such dis- the question of Nelson versus local with anything. I was never taxed gosettlement of have Rations for given with robbing a goldfields," prisoners, Westin and read a first time. mained in the Buller, waiting for the weather German at Matlock of brought port and the surf to moderate. The Charles advantages, being now developed. But vernment, it would be expedient that their award. 912 460 On Wednesday, the following reply £23. I was never suspected of burn226 Gaoler, Charleston, at 12s. 6d. 226 Edward left Nelson on Monday, but the it may be enough at present, in illusthe Commissioners should travel the The prizes are awarded to Mr Eyton, ing a house down at Jones's. I never to the Superintendent's speech was Rations for prisoners, Charlesweather lws been too severe to permit of even tration of the neglect of the Nelson Buller track. If they might feel ton 474 her making the passage. was suspected of stealing £ls at brought up, but was not discussed The Provincial Council beg to thank Gaoler, Brighton,at 12s. 6d.... 226 Government, and of the necessity for themselves emboldened to make Mr Auckland Mr Hutton, Auckland Fox's. I never was accused of steal- your Honor for your opening speech. Rations for prisoners, and Mr Gillon, Wellington. ing a single shilling. These are DufThe Council are gratified at the satisfac(BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.) some change being either forced or Curtis the medium of any further sug296 Brighton slanders. The two first are strongly geological. fy's It is false that, on com- tion expressed by Ms Eoyal Highness the Rations for prisoners, Charlesto quote the disgraceful con- gestion, they might propose that it solicited, ARRIVALS. to the Coast Duke of and his ing Edinburgh Excellency the I did not pay my ton and Brighton 300 ■ Nelson. Hay 3 —Airedale, from the dition of disrepair in which any would be well to leave to the inGovernor at thereception accorded to them Rations for prisoners, Cobden... 118 225 passage, and left my consist- by north. traveller who is either disposed or dividual discretion of the honorable RESIDENT MAGISTRATE COURT. ing of nothing but luggage, the Province of Nelson. Blankets, tools, clothing, &c.... 336 435 of parcels stones. The 4—Airedale, WBEHNGTON.—May from Council regret to observe that the of prisoners, HoThe captain whom I came with, (Cap- actual receipts of revenue for the year have Maintenance Picton; Gothenburg, from Lyttelton; Phoebe, compelled to walk the distance between gentlemen the experiment of embarkitika 600 200 tain M'Phaiden) is here now, and can fallen so far short of the sum estimated, from Lyttelton. Westport and the Lyell will find that rassing themselves, during the per"Wednesday, May 5. Land and Public Works Lyttelton.—May 4 Wellington, from accept the explanations, as to a that to and prove they be false. Duffy told me once but now worthless work J. expensive (Before Giles, Esq., E.M.) Kaikouras. formance of the journey, with the con400 that a friend of his, Hussy, had told him large part of the deficiency, given by your District Engineer Thomson Scott was charged with Surveyor —the Buller track. 350 a fifty of flour." veyance of that on the ground we prospected Honor in the address. DEPARTURES. Engineer and SurIn the face of such, a diminished revenue, It was only the other day that we Seriously, it is only by such a personal stealing a pair of trousers, the property there was twelve-months' work. I do Nblson.—May 3—Charles Edward, for veyor (including expenses) the Council concur in the wisdom of the read a recommendation by Dr Hector visit that anyone can convince himself of the Government, and some pairs of not recollect of Duffy asking me to go course adopted by your Honor, in staying Assistant Surveyor Westport Airedale, forPicton. 300 socks, the property of J. M'Guire, and look at the Wellington.—May 4—Storm Bird, for to the Government of another Proamalgamator. He the cessation of all public worts, excepting Three Surveyors (£3OO, .£275, Picton of the utter state of atrophy into which gaoler. Scott had been a prisoner in Gothenburg,' for Nelson ; H.M.S. those for which had engagements already .£275) Challenger, for Auckland H.M.S. Blanche, vince that it should adopt the plan of public works have been allowed to Westport gaol. When he was about told me he was going to look at it, been entered into. Draughtsman 160 150 and afterwards told me it was all right. for Auckland; Airedale, for Lyttelton. 1000 Any retrenchments that your Honor Labor, tents, and sundries 850 the Nelson Government—the plan of drift in these parts of Nelson Pro- to be discharged, his swag was searched When we examined it deems it Overseer of Works 300 together, necessary to make, consistent with 300 and it was found to contain a pair of forming tracks along the banks of vince. it was I who said that either he the efficient performance of the public Two Foremen of Works 500 rESTPOET and CHAELESTON trousers, unbranded to the belonging principal rivers. It was only recently or I had taken the gold. I have not service, will receive the cordial support of Harbors gaol, and some socks, the private prop- been Council. joed in Addison's Flat since this tbat we had the opinion of Dr Griles 300 Harbor Master, Westport 300 erty of M'Guire. His The Mr statement Council to find that much _ regret TELEGEAPH LINE OF so A meeting called for the purpose of pro192 Charleston 192 that the much heard-of and heartily moting a regatta on the Queen's Birthday- was that he had found the articles. the gold was stolen. It is not the dissatisfaction has arisen on the West belief that it was I who stole the gold. Coast, and hope that measures may be 96 Brighton He had at one time abused track the banks of the found a of along pair was held, on Tuesday evening, at the EmMohikinui 96 COACHES, Eobert Duffy : I am eleven years of taken in the present session to remove just 96 96 Grey (half)... Buller was by no means so bad as it pire Hotel. There were about twenty trousers when out at work, but they age. I am a brother of the defendant. causes of complaint. At the same time they 350 were an Boat's 350 Crew, Westport old and it was the pair, evi- My brother and Bruen of the determinationof your Honor approve Will leave the Empire Hotel for was called. With such expressions of gentlemen present. Mr James Milne was were working to 192 192 dence of Mr M'Guire that he had suboppose in the General Assembly any Signalman, Charleston as follows:—■ 6° Brighton opinion, though they were the opinions in the chair. The desirability of a regatta stituted the old pair for a new pair, together. I heard of amalgam being dismemberment of the Province. held 96 was 96 being Grey (half) but stolen. After it admitted, generally was stolen, Bruen Saturday 6.0 a.m. With reference to the Brunner Coalmine, ofgentlemen probably better acquainted which he put in his swag. there was some discussion as to whether it asked me whether I was with Ned or as it appears that, under the present term Charitable— Sunday 6.30 a.m. The prisoner's statement was that Ben—my with other arts than that of practical should be held on of lease offered by the Provincial Govern7.0 a.m. the 24th or 25th instant. the case had brothers—when they were ment, 900 Monday Westport, in aid of Hospital... 1200 been got up against taking the gold, no company has undertaken to work 1650 roadmaking, the Nelson Executive, no Mr Trimble, Mr Seaton, Mr Campbell, and him. 7.30 a.m. and I said No and 1500 Grey, Tuesday Hands were getting short in walked on. the mine, the Council wish that some mo- Charleston 750 900 He did not ask me if I dification may be made, to induce the prodoubt, laid the flattering unction to others represented that the preparations the gaol, and Wednesday. 8.0 a.m. 230 Mr M'Guire did not Brighton, 8.30 a.m. Thursday their souls that they had realised all for a race-meeting on the 24th had been so want to lose anybody. He had an op- knew who had taken the gold, and I fitable working of this valuable property, Maintenance of Destitute Poor 711 300 300 did not say that I did know. and also that the Government will not lose Friday 9.0 a.m. reasonable expectations of them by far advanced that it was certain to take portunity of earning a few pounds, to *Pnblic Works of the of the development This concluded the evidence in sup- sight equally W. E. VEALE, valuable coal at Westport. having done their duty. But, without place, and that it would be fatal to the take himself out of the colony, and port of the complaint. 5050 Buller Vallev Roads 3000 of both sports if they were to be "here they were, chaining him Agent. The Council observe with satisfaction Grey up 4500 9350 saying anything as to the contrary success The Warden considered that it was that Mr John Morrison has received full Coast Road held on the same day. They urged also again." 3300 to go further into the instruction on the subject of the Nelson, BranchRoad New Diggings, 3000 NO. M U N E O, testimony of the soles of those who that the ra^e-meeting was entitled to prior to TheMagistratesentenced the prison- unnecessary case. There Railway, was no to and Cobden and 2000 Westport, now have to evidence entrust and 2000 Contingencies travel this I particular consideration, as it had already been re- er, who is an old offender, to three able to that the uncertainty on this question which Streets andLocal Improvement AUCTIONEEE, track, very considerable allowance solvedupon. Mr O'Conor, Mr Phillips, and months' hard labor, and warned him takenhim say that the defendanthad has hitherto may be 1250 prevailed shortly Harbors and Signal Stations 1000 the amalgam. Molesworth Street. brought to an issue. must be made in the adoption or the others considered that the boating interest that if he were again brought up on a 1950 Buildings, repairs, and fittings 2000 Pitt Mr urged that, it being simply The very important matter of the care, Removing Rock, Charleston SALES OF PEODUCE GEO- application of these two opinions. Dr was entitled to some consideration, in con- similar charge, he would be sent for a civil prosecution, the Magistrate maintenance, and education of the destitute Harbor sequence of the previously pro- trial before the Supreme Court. might call upon the defendant to rebut Children and orphans of the Province, and Brunner Coalmine CEEIES, FTTENITTJEE AND Hector obviously spoke from past ex- mised having been regatta postponed. Mr Seaton, ciyil cases. the therein a, prima facie case. adopted by your course Honor, and Giles STTNDEIES, Dr perience, spoke from an seconded by Mr Neill, proposed that the The Magistrate gave judgment in the full concurrence of this Council. *The total proposed expenditure on The Warden did not think that there hasThe SAIIIEDAI experience which, to say the least, was regatta should be held on the 25th. Mr the civil case of Organ v. Ellis. This other subjects alluded to in your EVEET the South-west Goldflelds, for was prima facie case. He thought Honor's address due £25,000 will in course receive 1868-69 At 2 o'clock, at the Eooms. it was partial, if recent. No one Phillips, seconded by Mr Cato> proposed was an action brought on an accept- he would require aa clear evidence as the best attention of the Provincial Council. £29,100 Ditto for 1869-70 WESTPOBT. ... The ; Times. " ; ; ; i—. ; ; ; " " : " £ " £ " ; „ } ... „ ... — " ... ... ... ... ... ... " &> ... ... ; " ; ... ... ; ... " ... ... " ... ... ... ••■ ... ... — ... ... ... ... ... — " : ... ... ... ; ... ; — — " „ „ ; ; : ... ... — " " ... „ „ „ ... „ ... ~ „ „ „ ... ... ... „ „ ... ... " " " " ... „ ~ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ ... ... ... — „ „ ... & THE WESTPORT TIMES, MAY 6. 1869 THE SEPARATION PETITION. CONVENT LIFE.—CURIOUS 3 M.F..1.0.0.F. CASE. NOW OPEN, FLEMING, PARRY, AND MURRAY i (From the Nelson Colonist.) FOE A FEW WEEKS ONLY. s LOYAL "WESTPORT LODGE. Criticism might be applied to the When the English mail left, the Superintendent's office, somewhat undignified, not to say in- Court of Queen's Bench was occupied LL the Brethren of the above Nelson, April 19th, 1869. ONDON POETEAIT EOOMS, judicious, nature of the attack of the with a case that at first excited the Order are particularly requested ' Superintendent on the West Coast attention of the nation, but has from attend at half-past 7 p.m., THIS at will RENDERS be received this petition for separation. To descend the monotonous squalor of its details EVENING-. ,MoLESWOETH SITEET, office, and at the Engineer's to the minute details of misrepresen- long since ceased to interest any body Business of Importance. West-port, for the office, improving Westport. tation and misquotation which it is but the court, the counsel, the un(By Order) Lowee Bulleb Valley Road, (in said marks the petition, might be very fortunate jury, and the parties. The A. BROWN, Per. Sec. seven contracts,) until Thursday, 13th Carde de Visite and other Portraits, well for a newspaper article, or for a trial is called Saurin v. Starr." The May. representative of the Superintendent case is a Eoman Catholic one, and the A GRAND FREE BALL taken in the Newest Style of the Art. Also, to same date, for certain Adand Executive in Council; but in an plaintiff is a nun. The defendant is ditions to West.po.bt Gaol. opening speech it was small and un- the mother superior of a convent at Will be given dignified. If such little personal Hull. The complaint is that Miss Plans and Specifications may be AgbomVjews op Westpogt, 2s.Each. matters could not be entrusted to the Saurin, having incurred the displeasure seen at this office, and at the Enmembers of the Executive, what are of her superior, was subjected to such TO-MORROW EVENING, gineer's office, Westport. Portraits fitted in Brooches, Lockets, those members in the Council for a fearful and protracted series of ALFRED GREENFIELD, Rings, and Studs. Had such, almost scolding, defence of petty persecutions, penances, insults, Provincial Secretary. himself been attempted at one of those and outrages, that her health was inTHOS. PRICE, astonishing conceptions,—the annual jured, and that these were part of a Photographer. TENDERS. THE his Honor HIBERNIA meetings (laboring HOTEL, to public conspiracy drive her from the N.B.—lnstructions given in the Art. under some grotesque nightmare as to sacred convent. The answer is that ' ABE NOW SHOWING THEIB, i _ ..v. SECOND S HIPM E " OF THE SEASON'S GOODS, CONSISTING OF: 30 CASES AND 1 PACKAGE, ? what constitutionalism meant) promised to hold, but never yet has held, it might have been in somewhat better taste. As it was, it should have been left to the representatives of the Government in the Council, and not have been paraded as the backbone of the opening speech. (From the Examiner.') The reference made by the Superintendent to the West Coast memorial for separation will be anything but palatable to the authors of that movement. On giving the memorial a cursory glance we detected several mis-statements which we considered might have been the result of ignorance, but we were not prepared for the palpable mis-statements and misrepresentations spoken of by the Superintendent, and which, like "all attempts of the kind, must injure the Miss Saurin is a wilful, worldly, disEsplanade. r ■ {ENDEBS for the supply of Fasedifying," imperfect young person _L cines and Posts will be received who revolted from the abject submisup to 4 p.m. on THURSDAY the 6th WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, sion which she had vowed to practice of May. and that she exaggerates much what she had undergone, but that much of Gladstone Street, Westport. Specifications to be seen at the Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. District it was necessary to tame her proud Engineer's Office, Westport. spirit, and make her truly pious. A. DUDLEY DOBSON, The details are afflictingly paltry, and Ladies by invitation. J. B. ia in receipt by every mail of whichever way the verdict goes, it is District Engineer, the newest patterns in Jewelry and convent clear that life in the present JOHN SHERLOCK. Watches by the best makers. day must be a wretched business, fit GILES TERRACE. j "Watches repaired, and Jewelry made only for the smallest-minded women. TEAM TO WANGANUI, WELMiss Saurin claims heavy damages. r fl ENDEBS wanted for the supply- to order. J I The verdict was not given in time to LINGTON, LYTTELTON, & -IJL ing 700 Props and 350 Capbe forwarded by the mail, but Sir ISONT G- E N pieces. Tenders to be sent in before Alexander Cockburn has intimated DTJNEDIN. 5 o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, May that he shall ask the jury, first, Btb, addressed Bbown & Pabty, to whether there was a conspiracy to Oxlet's Stobe, where specifications TAILOR AND CLOTHIER drive out the peccant nun by the can be seen. mode she describes, or, secondly, to do so by submitting, as it is alleged was The fast and favorite screw steamer DISTRICT COURT OF WESTcause they were intended to serve. Gladstone Stbeet, LAND NORTH, done, false charges against her to the BEAUTIFUL STAB, Westport. bishop. But if, on the whole, the Wm. Hepburn, Commander, In Bankruptcy. jury find thatthe superior and her assistTHE SUTHERLAND DIGGINGS. ants acted honestly, Westport. according to their Will be despatched for the above ports, In re WILLIAM LUKE, of Giles Terrace, Miner, and In re ARTHUR lights, they are not to give the plainNot only did the London Times send tiff a verdict merely because common O H N On or about I O'NEIL, ofisWaite's Pakihis, Miner. M'KINLE Y, a special correspondent to the lately- sense revolts at the convent hereby given that system. TAILOE, discovered diggings in Sutherlandshire the first meeting of creditors apbut the Inverness and Caithness Mblesworth Street, pointed in the above estates were, in The value of parsimonious economy For freight or passage apply to papers have now their columns reconsequence of their being no Credit, Has just received a fresh consigngularly occupied with mining re- received a fitting illustration the ors in attendance, this day respectively ment E. P. HOUGHTON, of Bliss's Tweeds, also Scotch ports from correspondents on the spot. other day in Castlemaine. A farmer to the twelfth day of May adjourned Tweeds (most suitable for Eiding From all parts, by land and sea, adven- in the neighbourhood had, for reasons Agent, on board. and at eleven o'clock forenoon inst., turers, male and female—usually very best known to himself, stopped his at the office of the Clerk of the above Pants and Trousers), Cloths, and Silk Mixtures, and is now able to O SHIPPERS OF GOODS TO Court. verdant diggers—were visiting the paper." The day after he sold a Dated this sth May 1869. execute all orders entrusted to his Kildonan and other burns" or parcel of 500 bushels of wheat to a CHARLESTON. care, on the shortest notice. creeks in which gold had been found, miller in town for 4s Id per bushel. In re GEORGE HALLER, of Westbut the winter weather of January and His chagrin may be conceived when a Tobacconist. port, February was thinning their numbers, day or two after he discovered that is hereby given that the The Ketch and few were making more than the the market price was 5s Id, a fact Fit Guaranteed. above Court did this day appoint most trifling wages. People still con- which he might have known had he a public sitting of the said Court to be ALTEE BISHOP, tinued to scratch" the bed and continued to take in the local paper. held at the Court House, Westport, Will continue to trade regularly at eleven o'clock forenoon, on Tuesday f bauks of the river, but arrangements He had lost L25 by his economy. BOOKSELLER When the Bangitoto was off HoMtika on between Westport and Charleston. ■were being made with the Crown by the first day of June next ensuing, for AND STATIONER, which the Duke of Sutherland might her last trip from Melbourne,it became known the above named Bankrupt to pass his allow the terraces to be tested. The that Thatcher was on board. The West Coast last examination and make application AUSTRALIAN EXPEESS, Times then made some remarks as to the For freight, apply to the Master John 0' Groat Journal of February watch affair" being the probable reason, for his discharge, at which time and Gladstone Street, Westport, wby he would nnt. land thero. These re28th reports:— place the said Bankrupt intends to On Board. marks having by our last we mentioned that the been read Thatcher, In Mr AND apply for an order of discharge. Dated rush to Kildonan Burn was subsiding, he has forwarded to the Times a letter in this sth May 1869. Princes Street, Charleston, which he that such is an erroneous imstates of the banks the auriferous portions EDWARD K. TYLER, pression, and that he intends to the Has just received a splendid assorthaving been nearly exhausted, and Coast after visiting Auckland returning Solicitor for the above named Bankand the Thames, is that hereby given home ment of BEELIN WOOLS. quite disap- believing he will have "as warm a reception many parties going rupts. THOMAS J. JONES of the pointed. It was also noticed that gold as in days of yore." The Orawaiti, has applied, under TO LET, in small quantity bad been found on Goldfields Act 1866," for authority to the banks of a tributary of the river |HE HARP AND SHAMROCK THE CETJi SE OF THE GALATEA. PUBLIC NOTICE. construct a Wire Bridge Suspension Brora. This week the diggers have HOTEL, Gladstone Street, opabove the Lyell Junction, from a point Sole Agent for Westport Times" mostly gone to the Seisgill burn, the Camp, and KIRKWOOD'S posite Lyell GREAT SALE. the the Township, CLEARING-OUT rcross nea.* about four miles above the Kildonan and Grey Weekly Argus." Freeman Street. Apply to STORE, Buller River to the Buller Road. join burn in the same strath. There the Advertisements Received, JAMES A. M. TURNER, SATURDAY, MAT 8, Also protection for sis months during particles of gold are generally rounder Niagara and other Hotel. construction, against any and larger than they were in the At 2 o'clock. CIRCULATING LIBEAEY. bridge or ferry within five miles on Kildonan burn, where the gold was each side of the work. The IMPIEE proposed TO BE RAFFLED. HOTEL generally found in small thin flakes. In consequence of the expiry of the tolls proposed are : —Passengers each, The gold of the Seisgill burn is deLease of Premises. Is 2s 2s and GLADSTONE ; Horses, Cattle, STREET, Dray the Hibernian Hotel, Esplanade, scribed occurring in particles varying one Horse, 3s; Sheep and Pigs, each one of Grover and Baker's Best in size from that of a pin's head to WESTPOET. U O M O 4d. NR SEWING that of a pea, and some small nuggets MACHINES. Forty public sell at the auctiou, will by & Members at 10s. each. To be thrown W. H. PITT, have been got weighing from two Solicitors for the Applicant. for on the evening of Friday the 7th MESSES. TONKS AND HUGHES pennyweights to a quarter of a ounce. Mart, Molesworth street, at 2 o'clock, the whole of the the 1869. | rooms, goods in inst. Westport, May 3, There are flying rumours almost every respectfully inform the Public that they have just completed day of fabulous nuggets being found, including One Thirston's best London-made one especially which is said to be as EXTENSIVE ALTEEATIONS with BILLIARD TABLE, big as a hen's egg, to weigh 41bs., and new Cloth and Furniture in the above Hotel, affording an addito be worth £2OO. These stories are complete. tional number ofbedrooms and other only received by the credulous. TEA, COFFEE The average number of diggers duraccommodation. WINES SUGAR, ing the past week has been about 100 THE NEW MASONIC HALL OILMEN'S STORES LEVEES WILL BE HELD AT per day. Green hands are generally recently added to the other buildings is POTATOES, CHAFF unsuccessful, but old hands, first-class FURNITURE, and SUNDRIES worthy of the attention of profesworkers, have been making from 4s to IRONMONGERY, &c, &c, sionals and others, being the most 10s, and even as high as 15s some 4 CHESTS of DRAWERS. days. A number of parties have come suitable Hall in town for PerforDaily, during the current month, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. to Helmsdale, to buy the gold from No reserve. mances, Balls, Banquets, Public Meetthe diggers, who receive readily £4 JNO. MUNEO, ings, and all other public purposes. For Occasions the Popular Suits are made to measure at per ounce for the proceeds of their Auctioneer. The Table, under the immediate work. 'Gold bought here' is already supervision of the Proprietors, is to be seen in blazing capitals in sevePRELIMINARY NOTICE. supplied with every delicacy the ral of the shop-windows. Few of the diggers are inclined to sell under £4 From their New Stock of Fashionable Clothes. When his Royal Highness was market affords. RACES. in Melbourne recently, the tradesmen were very busy making up Alcock's best Billiard Tables an ounce, and small nuggets which WESTPORT clothing for One of carefully attended to. hring fancy prices are much in deColonial Ales brewed expressly. BIRTH DAY, mand. WHYTE AND PIEIE. 24th May. A party of returned Californian and Night Watchman on the premises. Australian diggers have been busy This Princely Stock having arrived, visitors can invest to great pecuniary TRIAL STAKES. 'prospecting' in tbe immediate neighand comfort. advantage personal COBB'S BOOKING OFFICE. borhood of Helmsdale for some days PURSE. Eemarkably enough, lack. On the banks of the river im- PUBLICANS' and the DUKE'S VISIT and Whyte Pirie's G-EEAT mediately above and below tbe bridge TROTTING MATCH. PLUSH SCHEME have been contemporary, and the miners having so loyally ODDFELLOWo' HOTEL, there have been scores of people at Gladstone Street, and enthusiastically embraced it, more orders for the BIQ-HT SOET have work opening the rock and washing G. CLAEK Pbopeietob, been placed. CONSOLATION STAKES. out the clay and gravel from the (Late of the Caledonian.) fissures. All these have found the The 17s 6d BLANKETS a~e already causing excitement. Winter being a HURRY SCURRY. usual golden particles, but in very trying time for HATS, care has been taken to secure a large stock of very to inform his friends and small quantities. A few specks have the public that he has rebeen found among the rocks skirting Further particulars in future adremoved to the above Hotel, and tbe shore to the east of Helmsdale. vertisement, those who may favour him with their JAMES SIMPSON, It is thus ascertained that tbe whole Those expecting to pay high prices for Winter Underclothing will be patronage may depend on meeting Sec, Pro. Tern. course of the river is more or less with every accommodation. agreeably surprised at WHYTE AND PIEIE'S auriferous, at least below the two Only the best Wines, Spirits, and and Seisgill tributaries, theKildonan Beer in the ißarket kept on the preLOW EXTEEMELY burns, in whicb the gold is found in tbe greatest abundance. "Keep your feet warm by putting them into WHTTE AND PIEIE'S Bands of diggers continue to arrive THISTLE LODGE OF WESTPORT. All old friends are requested to give Woollen Socks, and their Melbourne and Sydney made Watertights," is an at and return from the diggings. DurNo. 483. S.C. him a call. ing the past few days tbey have been advice which ought to be in every Doctor's mouth. principally parties from tbe Eeay ICTORIA HOTEL. Waterproof Clothing, Flannels, Carpets, Eugs, Sheetings, Counterpanes, district and from Caithness, wbo Oake their way across the hills, when I the above Lodge will be held at Table Covers, Ticking, Hessian, China Matting, Long Cloths, Glass Cloths JOHN DEAGHICAVICH, tbe public road does not lie in the the Masonic Hall, TO-MORROW Towels, &c, are offered at Proprietor. shortest direction. Last Saturday EVENING, at 8 o'clock. J. D. having opened the above hotel will be night the streets of Helmsdale preany of his friends. to see happy of the R. W.M. By order TheBar is supplied with the choicestbrands sented a very animated appearance of wines, spirits, and malt liquors. E. H. BULLEN, from the number of diggers who came A good Billiard Room is attached to the UNDER REGULAR PRICES. to dispose of their week's earnings. Secretary. hotel. EX "MART," PKOM MELBOURNE, AflD AIOITITIM TO £2009 17s. 91 " " " The following list comprises a few of the leading lines Moires Antiques, in all Colors Wincey, Aberdeen and Saxony Camlets, Plain and Shot Poplinettes, do do Brocades Figured Japs, , French Repps. &c, &c, &c. I , NOTICE Just received a BEAUTIFUL lot of ALL-WOOL and CLAN TARTAN DOUBLE-WIDTH PL AlDS—remarkable for QUALITY and CHEAPNESS. Also Flannels, Saxony and Welsh, in all the Newest COLORS. Attention is particularly directed to our NEW STOCK of MILLINERY, and MORE ESPECIALLY to 61 DOZEN OF LADIES', MAIDS', CHILDREN'S, AND INFANTS' HATS, " bought at a very LOW figure, and to be SOLD at " NOTICE " : Silks—Black, Plain, and Fancy j — UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES: We would also draw attention to our New Stock of Geelong and Sydney Tweeds Colonial Coats " NOTICE Colonial Trousers Colonial Trousers and Vesta Colonial Crimeans Colonial " " Undershirts White and Shetland Ribbed Drawers. 39 Pair White BLANKETS, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve-fourths. " ; JN . ; AT ARRIVAL OF THE DUKE OF EOS^BORQH. WESTPOET HOUSE, WHTTE <Sc PIBIE'S, 27 do Scarlet do do do do do do 97 do do do do do do do do do and ten-fourths. do Blue 45 do Grey These Grey Blankets are very suitable for SAVING GOLD, and CHEAP. PLUSH ! Short Hair for Addison's and Long Hair for SUBSTANTIAL BUILD. PEICES. WESTPORT HOUSE, Caledonian. Just to hand a Splendid Assorted Stock of Men's Watertights and Colonial Shooting Boots Men's Elastic Sides Men's Lace-ups Ladies' Elastic Sides, Kid Ladies' Elastic Sides, Cashmere Ladies' Elastic Sides, White Kid and Marcella Ladies' Slippers, Fur, Carpet, and Kid Men's Slippers, Canvas, Carpet, and Leather Children's Boots, all sizes and kinds. AN EAELY INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK IS REQUESTED, QUEEN'S BEGS PLUSH"!!! PLUSH!! FLEMING, PARRY, & MURRAY, DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS & BOOT IMPORTERS, GLADSTONE HOUSE, WESTPORT, GLADSTONE HOUSE, COAL STREET, CHARLESTON. 4 THE WESTPORT TIMES, MAY 6, 1869. T>OST-OFFICE HOTEL SMYEK'S WESTPORT, (Nearest to all Public Buildings.) MELBOURNE HOTEL, Charleston. Office of Cobb & Co. R A MWA Y HOTEL AMERICAN BOWLING SALOON COLONIST, MoLESWOBTH STREET. Quarter. A Summary foe England published Colonial Ales on T°p. "ESSES SHAW, SAVILLE, CO'S PASSENGERS LINE PACKETS . & of FEOM Nelson. mHE TT7 ESTPOET rrnMES one mile north of Westport—a pleasant walk from town. A Coach Euns between this Hotel and town daily when weather is favorable and inducement offers. The Best Selection of Liquors always on hand. Paddocks for Grazing Sheep. THOS. JONES, Proprietor. on >RINCE OF WALES SPANISH GLADSTONE STEEET, WESTPOET. Cafe and Billiard Saloon, Private ITTLE GREY HOTEL. Gladstone Steeet, Westpoet. PRIETIIG EXECUTED ON THE SHOE'; *! NOI«.CE, ST Gladstone Street. FOR SALE, OR TO LET, CASINO DE VENISE, MODERATE Freeman street, Westport. Apply on the premises, or to rHE PRICES JOHN BRENT, DAVID EMANUEL, Little Grey Hotel. Having recently made extensive alteHIE Undersigned is NOW LANDrations and improvements to his Hotel, IN G, per Mary and late arrivals, has now rendered it as complete and from Melbourne and Duuedin, an ascomfortable a house as there is in town sortment of Smith and Wellstood's Cooking In the Laeue Room: attached. Heating Stoves Skittles, Boxing Gloyes, Foils Consistingandof— Single Sticks, and all appliances beEconomist, TrafFord, and Princess Ranges longing to a GYMNASIUM. Empress, Victoress, and Countess Cooking Stoves LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Paragon and Excelsior Heating Stoves Yards for Packers' Horses. Stove and Fire Bricks Avery's Platform Weighing MaJones' Orawaito Coach leaves every chines, to weigh 4, 5, G, 7, and Sunday afternoon. 8 cwt. Counter and Gold Scales, Agate HOTEL, AND FRENCH RESTAURANT, 'one Steeet. JOHN DERUNGS respectfully acquaints thepublic that hehas removed to the opposite side of Gladstone Street, having secured the large and convenient Hotel, THE IMPERIAL, so well known and centrally situated; and he trusts, by a continuance of attention to the wishes and comforts of his friends and the public generally, to merit a continuance of that support and patronage hitherto so liberally accorded him. Board, 30s per week. Breakfast,ls6d;Dinner 2s; Supper Is 6d JOHN DERUNGS, Proprietor. SLAP BANG! HERE WE ARE AGAIN!! REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF DRINKS, To suit the Times. GEORGE NICHOLAS Begs to inform the public that he has reduced the price of all liquors to SIXPENCE. Wines and Spirits of the first quality. THE BOATMANS' ARMS HOTEL, Gladstone Street. FOR SALE. THE SHIP AND CASTLE HOTEL, Wharf Street, Westport. Proprietress being about to X leave the Coast, begs to draw the attention of the public to the Sale of this SUITABLE AND CENTRAL f Balance Salter's Circular Balance, 2-Mbs. to 4001bs Kerosene Counter Stoves Portland Cement, Plaster of Paris House Bells and Furniture complete American Geard Meat-cutters Williams' Sausage Fillers Knives, Choppers, and Saws Colonial Ovens, Common and Best American Sack Trucks Do Churns Milk Dishes, 18 and 20in. Do Skimmers and Strainers Butter Beaters and Prints Flat Camp Kettles, nests, 1 to 12 quarts Round, Oval, and Square Baking Dishes Cast-iron Pestles and Mortars Lon-hooped Tin Buckets Strong Glasgow Buckets Plain and Moulded Panel Doors Glazed Sashes, Bxlo to 12xlS Assortment of Johnston's Cutlery, Consisting of:— Knives, Forks, and Carvers Ivory-handled Dinner and Desert Knives Bread Knives and Platters Oyster and Glaziers' Knives Sheath and Pocket Knives Razors, Fleams, and Clipping Scissors Paper-hangers', CJECULAES, Glasses, &c. headaches, bile, and lowness . loss op appetite, of spibits. These pills require no interruption of business or pleasure, they act mildly on the bowels, strengthen the stomach, and promote a healthy action of the liver, whereby they purify the blood, cleanse the skin, brace the nerves, and invigorate the whole system. They effect a truly wonderful change in the debilitated constitution, they create a healthy appetite, correct indigestion, remove bile, giddiness, headaches, and palpitation of the as DEBILITY. In eases of debility, languor, aad nervousness generated by excess of any kiud, whether mental or physical, the effect of these pills is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from the system the morbid cause of disease; re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, brace the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back the frame to its pristine health and vigour. They increase the appetite, while they secure perfect digestion to all ordinary food, and release the invalid from restraint in diet. A WOED TO FEMALES. There are two periods, especially in woman's life, which require for safe passage, judgment and attention. Irregularity is apt at those critical times to take place, and to lay the foundation of future disease. These pills, safe in action, and effective in result, should be taken at certain periods, and the issue will be marvellous both to the young and middle aged. They pre- be without them. ... COUGHS, COLDS, AND ASTHMAS. Buchan's Domestic Medicine Eurther List in future Advertisement. Manuel for Midwives Colenso's Arithmetic The Home Nurse Chambers's Mathemathics Manual of Commerce Kinglake's History of Crimean "War Caron's French Grammer Macauley's History of England Henderson's Universal Trade ReckEssays oner Italy under Victor Emanuel The Rebellion in America Byron's Eastern Ta^s Social Life Among the Chinese Smiles's Self Help Lives of English Highwaymen Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress Lectures on Sculpture Goldsmith's Works "White's Selborne Jessie Arabian Nights Pictorial Handbook of Geography Gil Bias Tasso, by "Wiffin Don Quixote Krummacher's Parables How to manage Small Earms Stuart's Antiquities of Athens Gold Ready Reckoners Ninevah and Its Palace 9 Extraordinary Men, and their Boyhood Longfellow's Prose "Works Nicolini's History of the Jesuits Combe's Constitution of Man "Walton's Complete Angler Baron Munchausen Evening Sacrifice Craven's Young Sportsman China—Pictorial, Descriptive, and Penny Readings in Prose and Terse Historical. Rabelai's Works Bechstein's Cage Birds and Sweet Nories' Epitome of Navigation Warblers Robinson's Practical Book-k Redding on Wines Marryat's Universal Code of Walker's Manly Exercises. The First Year of the 1 Half-yearly and Yearly Volumns America of the London Journal, Reynold's The Ingoldsby Legends Miscellany, Cassel's Magazine, Temple The Last Woe, by Cumming Bar, Belgravia, Churchman's MagaPetrearch's, Sonnet Life zine, Argosy, Good Words, English Holbin's Dance of Death Woman's Domestic Magazine, All the Cruickshank's Three Discourses Discou Year Round, Bow Bells, Sunday at The Economic and Coinpre' Comprehensive Home, and the Quiver. English Dictionary Pottery and Porcelain Griset's Grotesques, by Tom Hood Gammer Grethel's Fairy Tales Chitty's Forms Renan's Life of Jesus Rouse's Practical Man Taylor's Californian Life Weller's English and French DicElia and Eliana, by C. Lamb tionary Enquire Within upon Everything Graglias's Italian and English The Practical Poultry Keeper Chambers's Latin The Heptameron of Margaret Queen Spanish and English of Navarre Webster's, Walker's, and Johnson's Memoirs of Count Grammont English Dictionaries Count Hamilton's Fairy Tales Cookery Books, by different Authors Mossman's Heroes of Discovery Irish National School Books, full Baxter's Coining Wonders supplies The Old Picture Bible Soug Books Slang Dictionary Letter-Writers, by differeut Authors „ " " Standard Heciler by Oarpeuter Public Life of Macauley Scottish Life and Character The Interview History of Ploying Cards Gymnastic Exercises, by Howard Popular Readings in Prose and Verse Quizzology of the British Drama NEWSPAPERS. Forplaces within the colony, the Australian Colonies, and the United Kingdom, via Suez and Southampton, are chargeable with a rate of one penny. Newspapers for the United Kingdom, via Panama or Suez, one penny; and Marseilles threepence each. In consequence of- newspapers beinir fre quently posted in packages of more than oDe number, the same are detained at the Chief I ost-oifiee, and attention is called to the fol. lowing postal regulation Newspapers for transmission within the colony shall be posted in single numbers, so : " put up that the date of publication may be readily seen. Packages of newspapers consisting of more than one number shall be treated as bookpackages. POST OFFICE SAVINGS' __ „ „ „<? - - possits. 6. Money may be deposited by or on behalf of minors. Depositors over seven years of age are treated as persons of full age, but minors under seven years of age cannot withdraw their deposits until they have reached the age of seven. " 7. Applications to the Chief Office in each Province on business of Post Office Savings Banks, and the replies sent thereto are free fron. caarge or postage. "HEELER'S Uand-Booko on Croquet, Swimming, Skating, Gymnastics, Chess, Whist, Billiards, Bagatelle, Draughts, Backgammon, Cricket, Rowing and Sailing, Card-playing. Riding and driving, Archery, Fencing, Broad-Sword, and Manual Exerciscse &c Poetical works of Shakespeare, Byron, Moore, Scott, Burns, Longfellow, Milton, Pope, Crabbe, Herbert. Royal Dream-Book and FortuneTellers Children's Picture and Story-Books Primers, &c. Maps and Atlases Catholic Prayer Books and Bibles English Church Services, Pray Books and Bibles—an assortment which has no superior in New Zealand Wesleyan Hymnbooks Scottish Psalmody The book of Psalms and Sacred Harmonies t -Li Leech's Pictures from Punch The Musical Bijon, a Library of ■»,!--_•_ XT Vocal Music—with words The Book of English Glees Sheet Music Boosey's and Chappell's Musical publications Pianoforte, Violin, Harmonium, Flute, and Concertina Music and Instructors—various authors and pubUshers Vocal Instructors Novels, by most of the Standard Authors, in Great Variety—to be sold Cheap 1 ™ 1 -jt » : AND EVERY FANCY Debility TYPE, Dropsy Suitable for Dysentery Erysipelas Female Irregu larities Fevers of all kinds Fits Gont DESCRIPTION Head-ache Indigestion Evil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Tic-Douloureux Tumours Ulcers Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness, from whatever cause &e., &c. *#*There is considerable saving JOB ; PRINTING. by taking the large sizes. N.D.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder, are affixed to each Box, REMEMBER AT MUNSON'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY. j All the Journals and Works of Fiction by the Standard Authors. M IT N S O IT ADVERTISING AGENCY, DUNEDIN. R. T. WHEELER, Advertising and General Commission Agent and Collector, Stafford-street, Dunedin. _ Agent for Westport Times, Hokitika Leader, Dunstan Times, Hawke's Bay Daily Times, Lyttelton Times, Nelson Mail, Nelson Examiner, Oamaru Times, Southland Times, Tuapeka Press, Tuapeka Times, Timaru Herald, Panama Star and Herald, Wikouaiti Herald, Wakatip Mail, West Coast Times, Wairarapa Mercury, Taranaki Herald. R. T. Wheeler, Land Agent. Crown Grants Uplifted and Registered. Land bought and sold. Waste Land Sales Attended. Advances on Laud, &c, negotiated. Note the address : WHEELER'S ADVERTISING AGENCY, Stafford Street, Dunedin. "WESTPORT TIMES" DAILY EXPRESS TO CALEDONIAN GERMAN, AND GILES' TEERACES. TT xMILLER leaves the "Times" -*"*-• office for the above every Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday morning, at 5 a.m., arriving at 8 a.m., conveying letters, parcels, &c. Any letters, messages, or parcels, left at the "Times" office, will be attended to. NOTICE. ; » BANK The New Zealand Gazette, of March 25th publishes the following regulations fof the banks as above newly established at Cluist church, Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, Timaru, Akraoa Ilokitika, Greymouth, Waimate, Westport. and Charleston. 1. Interest at he rate of 5 per cent, per annum is given on suras less than £2OO ; at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum on sums over £SOO ; and in the same proportion for any shorter time on every complete £1 deposited, provided that no interest be allowed on more than £-500. 2. Depositors in the Post Office Saving g Banks have direct Government Security for the prompt repayment of their money. 3. A depositor in any one of the Post Office Banks can continue his deposits at any other of such Banks, and can withdraw his money at that Post Office Bank which is most convenient to him. 4. The strictest secresy is observed witl respect to the names of depositors in Post Office Banks, and the amounts of their de- No medicine will cure colds so quickly as these Pills, when of long duration or settled on the chest, or even though PROGRAMMES. it has assumed the first stage of asthma, they may be relied ou as a certain and never failing cure, particularly if the Architecture by Ashphitill Ointment be well rubbed into tbe Caveler's Gothic Architecture cbest and throat night and morning. Nature and Art Illustrated If this catch the eye of any asthmatical Hogarth's Works Illustrated POSTERS & HANDBILLS. person so bad as even not able to lie Diamonds and Precious Stones down in bed, let him well use these Brindley and the Early Engineers, two preparations for only a week and by Smiles the result will be marvellous. Glimpses of Real Life, Theatrical BLOOD TO THE HEAD.—DISEASES OF and Bohemian THE HEAET. The Vicarious Sacrifice RECEIPT BOOKS, More persons die suddenly from The British Pharmacopea diseases of the heart than the unlearnLawrie's Interest Table ed suppose : in snch complaints, tbe High Rate CHEQUE BOOKS, bowels should always be kept well Household and Domestic Economy "iu", "to-„„i.„ t_..:„ n open, as also where there is a tendency Miscellaneous Works of Irvin of blood to the head. These celebraThe Early Years of the Prince DELIVERY BOOKS, ted Pills purify the blood in an extra- Consort4. ordinary noanuer, and shonld be taken Bunyan's Holy War, Illustrated in copious doses when such sympSmith's Wealth of Nations tom's occur, takiug care not to English Statesmen, by Kebble overload the stomach, by this means Dick's English Drama is quickly averted. Bulwer's Dramatic Works BOOKS & PAMPHLETS all danger childben's complaints. Union Tune Book It is not generally known, but such Mawes" Every Man His Own is the fact, that children require medi- Gardener Correctly and neatly printed. cine oftener than their parents. Bell's Modern Speaker Threefourths of the children die before Hill's Oratorical Trainer tbey attain the age of eight years. Curran's, Plunket's, Grattan's, Let mothers then be wise and give to Shiel's, and Burke's Speeches their children small doses of these Emmerson's Complete Works invaluable Pills ODce or twice every Eccehomo STATIONERY. EVERY DESCRIPTION OP week, in such quantity as act Freedom may and Slavery in America Account Books, Large and Small, gently upon the system twice in tbe The Search after Livingston in all the different Bindings twenty-four hours. For infants a Pill Albert, Queen's, Note, Letter, FoolsEvening Sacrifice PRINTING IN may be crushed and given as a powder The Book of Familiar Quotations Cap, Demy, and Post Papers, Hand in a little water. Tbe gross humours The Wine and Spirit Merchant's; and Machine made that are constantly floating about in Envelopes, Fancy, Mourning, ComGOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, the blood of children, forerunners of so Companion The Life of Stonewall Jackson mercial, Legal, Ofilcial Cream, Blue, many complaints, will thus be expelled, The Habits of Good Society Cloth-lined and Plain and the lives of thousands saved and Maunder's Treasury of the Bible Copying Presses, letter and foolspreserved to tbeir parents. Botany cap sizes; Artists' Materials, Customs The Adviser Forms. Hollowafs Pills are the best remedy How to Brew Good Beer Bills Payable and Receivable, Promknown in the loorld for the following Telemanque issory notes and Acceptance forms, diseases Engineer's Field Book Elastic Bands, assorted sizes, Slates Ague Inflammation Chambers' Mathematical Tables and Pencils, Steel Pens, Pocket-books Asoroat Jaundice The Temple Anecdotes and Purses, Card Cases, Violin Strings Bailius Complaints Liver ComI ■ Chambers' Book-keeping, Single and and Furniture, Marking and Writing Blotches on the plaints Lumbago Skin Double. Inks, Blue, Black, and Red, &c, &c. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Bowel Complaints Piles Tate's Geometry English, Irish, Scotch, and American Colics Kkeumatism Algebra Chambers' Newspapers and Periodicals by every noof the Retention of Constipati French Grammers mail. For Terms of Subscription Bowells Urine Commercial Tables Apply to Munson, Stationer. Scrofula, or King's Consumption PEOSPECTUESS, and Tailors' Scissors 10 Casks and Crates Earthenware, China, and Glass, Consisting of:— Plates and Dishes Cups aud Saucers, Bowls, Mugs, Bar Jugs Chamber Sets, Basins and Ewers Dinner Sets, Butter Dishes Cream-ewers, and Milk Jugs in PLAIN Glass and China Stone Filters, Bread Pans Flowerpots, Pickle Jars, Teapots A splendid assortment of cut and pressed Tumblers Wine, Champagne, and Claret THOMAS FIELD, HOTEL, with its LARGE ACCOMMODATION and numerous IMPORTER OF BRITISH AND conveniences. AMERICAN HARDWARE, Apply to Mrs SAVAGE. KENNEDY STREET, On the Premises, WESTPOET. OLLOWAT'S PILLS. vent nervousness, hysterics, dropsy, and a host of similar serious disorders, by expelling all impurities from the system, therefore none should never . ALLIANCE HEALTH EOE A SHILLING. WEAKNESS AND EVEEY DESCBTPTiON OP JOB ... : yrsMSOWs. RESTAURANT, (Opposite the Camp.) ... > heart. HOTEL Sitting-rooms, Bed-rooms, &c. Board and Lodgings £2 a week. The best brands of Liquors or.u/ kept. Meals on Melbourne principle, from 25., or 30s. per week. Good Beds, and every attention paid to parties visiting this hotel. PARER & ARENAS, Pbopeietoes, The table will be found replete with all the delicacies of the season, and at moderate charges. MOLESWORTH STEEET, Proprietor. rr\ II E AL B 10 N II O TE L, Gladstone Steeet (Late G. White's), JAMES MILNE, Peopeietob. OFFICE, hire. JOSEPH TRIMBLE, L, MUNSON, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER- J. ... NATH. EDTVATtDS AND CO., PRINTING THE NEW POSTAGE RATES. BEGS rates. This Hotel is picturesquely situated, SINGING AND DANCING EVERY EVENING, Commencing at Eight o'clock. The grounds adjoining suitable Choicest Brands of Liquors only kept. for Picnic parties. Splendid Band in attendance. A days boating can always be had on Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses the Orawaiti Piiver. SALE. " Tbe undersigned, agents for the above LiDe of Ships, are prepared to make arrangements with settlers wbo may w<sh to b'ing thel"? friends from England to this Colony, and to receive Whiskeys only, guarantees for payment of passage "Bell's Life," and other London, money upon arrival, at very reduced ROYAL. THEATRE Gladstone Steeet. OUT STREET, LONDON TO NEW ZEALAND. \RAWAITI BRIDGE HOTEL, Birmingham, and Colonial Papers. CLEARING I.—Town Lettes. Posted at any within the colony from delivery at or f.'om such Post-office Not exceeding half-an-ounce Onepeunv Exceeding half-an-ounce but not "Westport. exceeding ohe ounce Twopence For every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce "ANTED know u every descripTwopence. 11. Country Letters. Posted at any Post-office within GLADSTONE WESTPOKT. the colony tion of JOB-PEINTING done at for delivery at or from any other Post-offica within the same province— to thank the inhabitants of Westport and the surrounding Not exceeding half-an-ounce the WESTPOET TIMES OEEICE Twopeuce. districts for their past patronage, and at the same tune to inform them Exceeding lialf-an-ounee but not that he intends to relinquish business in Westport, having purchased New Preexceeding one ounce Fourpence Hokitiki and Nelson Pbices. mises in Hokitika, where he will recommence business on the Ist of July For every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce & Fourpence G. TUBNBULL & CO., next, and in consequence of large shipments of Books and Stationery 111-—lnterpkovincial Letters coming to hand, direct from the Publishers and Manufacturers from Lon Posted at any Post-office within the colon} don and Glasgow, he is determined to Sell his present Stock of BOOKS for delivery at or from any Post-office in ar STATIONERY at REDUCED PRICES to ensure a speedy sale. other province witliin the colony IMPOETEES AND GENEEAL andThe following is a condensed -list of Books and Stationery at present in Not exceeding half an ounce, Threepence. stock, which are now offered for the first time on the Coast at cost price, Exceeding half-an-ounce but not MEECHANTS, exceeding one omi. e Sixpence and which offers a rare opportunity for Merchants, Storekeepers, and all parFor every ounce or fraction of an ties to a of Books and supply procure Stationery DUN ED I N. ounce over one ounce Sixpenca } Office, "Wajatea-sxeeet, Nelson T : oest SOMNEE, EOEGE r AEOHITECT, BUILDEB, AND CONTEACTOE, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. MOLESWOETH SIBEET, Sdescbiptions, in advance, 7s Cd per every mooth. The Proprietors beg to draw the atThe onlyHcuse in town for Genuine tention of Travellers and others to the unequalled accommodation at each cf Cocktails, Gbs Slings, or Mjnx the above four spacious and comfortable hotels, and to assure them that no exertions will be spared by them to maintain the high character they luve Bowls, Is per Game, or for the hitherto enioved. GILMER BROTHERS, Proprietors. 11HE PUBLISHED AT NELSON EYEKY HAMILTON'S HOTEL, COBDEN. Liverv Stables and Horses for Hire. SWEENEY'S HOTEL, Greyrnoutb, adjacent to the Wharf. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. DOLLMAN, NEWS THOMAS AGENT, Pbinces Stbeet, Charleston, has been appointed agent for this paper at Charleston. Advertisements and all kinds of job work received. Copies of the paper can be obtained at Thomas Dollman's News Agency. REID & CO. "ARRY News Agent, WAITE'S PAKIHI, SMART, Has been appointed Agent for this paper, at Addison's Plat. REID & CO. NOTICE. Hi E. 11. BULLEN is our authorised AGENT to receive Advertisements and Collect Accounts on behalf of the Westpobt Times REID CO. _ & ? IMPOETEE OF BOOKS AND STATIONEEY, GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPORT. N.B.—ALL BOOKS NOT IN STOCK PROMPTLY PROCURED. Printed and Published every Tuesday, and Saturday by JohJ TYBBBUiiWallabi-streetjior the Proprietor*, EEn> and Co., at the Westport Tnrel Office. Molesworth-street. Westport, Province of Nelson, New Zealand.—Thursday, May 6, 1869. Thursday,
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