February 12, 2013 Lake Region State College Dining Room
February 12, 2013 Lake Region State College Dining Room
Chuck and Sherry Jerome Endowment The Named Endowment Program is a project of the Community College Foundation which also sponsors the Opportunities Annual Fund Campaign. Established in 1959, the foundation has 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and accepts gifts on behalf of Lake Region State College. Its 27-member board of directors is committed to good stewardship and works hard to direct support to the areas of greatest need. February 12, 2013 Lake Region State College Dining Room Myrna Unger and her kitchen staff for the wonderful meal; Board President Lee Ann Johnston and Vice President Jeff Wahl for serving as emcees for our event; Laurel Goulding, Doreen Hoffman, Dan Johnson, Katie Nettell, Anne Rasmusson, Stephanie Shock, Andy Wakeford, and Erin Wood for introducing us to these deserving students; — Albert Schweitzer — McKenzie Darling, Dianne Gunderson, Joycelyn Hagen, Jolie Johnston, Emily Kingsbury, Aimee Larson, Bobbi Lunday, Dolores Stenseth, and Jim Vilandre for the behind-the-scenes work to help this event run smoothly; the members of the Community College Foundation Board of Directors whose commitment and hard work is in evidence today; Interim President Doug Darling and the students, faculty, and staff represented here, and all who make Lake Region State College a great place for learning; — John D. Rockefeller III — and finally, all of you who have invested in the Named Endowment Program at Lake Region State College. We hope this event has provided proof that your investment was a wise one! — Martin Luther — ake Region State College has been the beneficiary of many very special gifts. The following charitable trusts were established by individuals who recognized the value of a good education and believed in supporting quality community education in the Lake Region. A portion of the earnings from these trusts is used to provide scholarship dollars, ―The Bo brothers, Alf and Rolf, spent most of their lives tending a 1,200-acre farm west of Devils Lake near the Six Mile Bay bridge. Though they had little concern for the domestic side of life, the bachelor brothers ran an efficient farming and ranching operation. Rolf died in 1972, leaving his estate to Alf. With no children as heirs, Alf set up a trust fund through which a gift of $200,000 would provide perpetual support for LRSC and its students. Alf died in 1985 knowing that he had created a wonderful legacy for the benefit of Lake Region students. ―Heritage Hall on Lake Region State College campus is home to a beautiful, antique china desk which belonged to Gustaf and Mildred Thelin. The brother and sister pair owned and very successfully operated a farm three miles east of Devils Lake. Living simply, without the benefit of plumbing or central heating, they managed their farming operation, studied the stock market, and carefully invested their earnings. Although they were notoriously frugal in their personal lives, they were obviously extremely competent in their business acumen. When Gustaf died in 1987, he left a trust of 1.7 million dollars. Seventy-five percent of the trust income is allocated to LRSC with the remainder going to the UND Medical School. Mildred died in 1975 and left her estate of 1.5 million dollars to the Medical School at UND. Gustaf was an avid conservationist. Even during the "dustbowl" years, he continued to plant and tend young trees, especially evergreens. In April of 1990, at the kick-off event for the college's fiftieth anniversary celebration, a campus garden area was dedicated as the Thelin Garden where a tree that had been started as a seedling by Gustaf was planted. Deb Anderson Arne Berg Tammy Fischer Tim Greene Armen Hanson Trish Hanson Kelli Heilman Annette Hofstad Denise Hornstein Chuck Jerome Lee Ann Johnston Brianne Langton Carol Leevers Frank Mack Don McMullen Doug Mohr Vangie Olson Chad Peterson Louise Prozinski Tony Prozinski Fred Rance Chris Schilken Kathy Svidal Brett Travica Jeff Wahl Loydene Wakefield Janet Westlind Kevin Vistad .................................. .............. Immediate Past President Lee Ann Johnston ..........President Jeff Wahl ................ Vice President Chad Peterson ................ Secretary Doug Mohr .................... Treasurer Doug Darling Steve Halldorson Al Freidig Randy Olson Gary Fulsebakke Scott Privratsky Duane Schwab Laurel Goulding ............................ ......................... Executive Director Dianne Gunderson ....................... ................... Research/Publications Corry Kenner ........ Asst. Treasurer Bobbi Lunday ........ Asst. Secretary Katie Mertens ................................ ....................... Events Coordinator Erin Wood . Director of Marketing he following describes the process used by the Community College Foundation at Lake Region State College to set up and steward its Named Endowment Program. The majority of current endowments are used to provide scholarships, but a growing number of individuals are directing their gifts be used to support program enhancement, library services, or other special priorities. A gift of $10,000 or larger is required. Once the funds have been invested for a year, the cash earnings are awarded annually to support the scholarship or project of the donor’s choice. Last year, a $10,000 endowment produced a $500 award which covered nearly 15 percent of a student’s tuition and fees for the year, provided 25 hours of interpreter services for a deaf student, or purchased five literary reference books. The Budget and Investment Committee of the foundation supervises management of endowment funds. Historically, endowed funds have been invested conservatively with an effort to strike a balance between providing spendable dollars and growth for the future. Each named endowment is commemorated with a plaque permanently displayed in Heritage Hall at Lake Region State College. When the endowment supports a scholarship, the name of each awardee is engraved on a plate attached to the plaque, creating a permanent record of recipients. A narrative about the individual or organization for which the endowment is named is also on display and is shared with those who benefit from endowment awards. Donors are asked to help college staff design plaques and prepare narratives. Once each year, the college and foundation host the Named Endowment Recognition Event at which donors and/or family members representing endowments have an opportunity to meet and enjoy a meal with students benefiting from endowments. Students and family members alike enjoy this special interaction. The Community College Foundation is committed to good stewardship of its endowment gifts. The foundation also works hard to keep the memory of the endowment honorees forever a part of the collective history of the college and community. The Named Endowment Program is a project of the Community College Foundation which also sponsors the Opportunities Annual Fund Campaign. Established in 1959, the foundation has 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and accepts gifts on behalf of Lake Region State College. Its 27-member board of directors is committed to good stewardship and works hard to direct support to the areas of greatest need. “Supporting Lake Region State College since 1959” Wood Endowment has been established for Lake Region area students seeking degrees in business or office management. n endowment is a wonderful gift that lasts forever! More than one hundred endowments have been established by individuals or families wishing to support scholarships or programs at Lake Region State College. Each is supported with a gift of at least ten thousand dollars. Only the earnings from these endowments are used to support yearly awards. The following endowments are providing awards for the first time this year: Rachel Kraft lives in Devils Lake with her husband, Mark, earn her teaching degree through Mayville State University. She also serves as a Royal Ambassador and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Hannah McInnes is a 2010 graduate of Jamestown High ―Colleen Rae Bryn left a positive mark in this world. Colleen was born and raised in Devils Lake as the only child of Raymond and Evelyn Bryn. Friends and classmates remember her as a bright and capable woman with a quiet sense of humor. Schoolmate, Irene Glickson Rossman, enjoyed a life-long friendship with Colleen that began in the third grade. Irene has many fond memories of fun times together and Colleen’s great sense of humor. She and other classmates remember Colleen as being extremely bright but always modest about her special gifts. Colleen graduated from Devils Lake High School in 1968 and from the University of North Dakota in 1972 with a degree in education. Searching for her professional niche, she briefly taught school and worked for the FBI. In 1975, she began working as a “temp” at Land O’ Lakes, Inc. based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The company is the second-largest cooperative in the nation and does business in every state and sixty countries. Colleen’s talents were appreciated, and she quickly became an important player in the formation of the International Development Division of Land O’ Lakes, officially launched in 1981. In a memorial in the Land O’ Lakes publication International Outlooks, the editorial staff wrote, “Colleen was our encyclopedia, remembering almost every project the division has undertaken, the people involved, and interesting facts about each project. She also served as our communications specialist, putting final touches on the division’s proposals and other important communications.” The job provided Colleen opportunities to travel to places like Russia and Poland and to host foreign delegations to corporate headquarters. Her quiet tenacity and special intellect were hallmarks of her thirty-five-year career at Land O’ Lakes. Colleen used her free time to maintain linkages with family and friends from Devils Lake and for personal travel adventures. Though her life was cut short by illness, it was a life well lived. Colleen’s parents, Ray and Evelyn Bryn, want this endowed scholarship to serve individuals who, like Colleen, are intellectually curious and eager to find ways to use their education to make the world a little better for all. Errin Ambers graduated from Minnewaukan High School in 2012. Her parents are David and Barbara Ambers of Minnewaukan. Errin is a liberal arts student who plans to ―The Etemad family is rooted in rural North Dakota. Sharon Olson Etemad grew up on a farm near Starkweather with sisters Merle and Nancy and brother Donald. Sharon tells nostalgic stories about childhood adventures with her parents and siblings―getting 4-H projects ready for the fair, working in Quick’s grocery store and creamery, raising chickens for spending money, and her first sewing machine. With an elementary teacher for a mother and a father who was an entrepreneurial farmer, Sharon was prepared to approach the world as an adventurer. Jamestown College opened the doors to a wider world. Equipped with an elementary education degree with minors in English, math, and physical education, Sharon began a life-long career in education. Soon she was married, and she and her husband began a family which grew to include son David and daughters Maryam and Lida. She continued teaching school, earned a masters degree with a specialty in reading from Moorhead State College, and had her first adventure as an administrator serving as the only woman on the school board in Clinton, Iowa. They enjoyed opportunities to live in several communities throughout the country including Moorhead, Minnesota; Clinton and Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Ashland, Kentucky; and Bellevue, Washington. Sharon returned to North Dakota in 1982 and started working at Lake Region State College in a grant-funded position. The family quickly settled into their new hometown. Devils Lake seemed a good fit for the children who took advantage of numerous music, arts, and athletic opportunities. The kids enjoyed school and extracurricular activities, developing many wonderful friendships along the say. All three children completed degrees at North Dakota State University. David and Maryam completed degrees in electrical engineering, with Maryam continuing her studies and earning a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins University. Lida received a Pharm.D. from NDSU and an M.S. in pharmaceutical economics and policy from the University of Southern California. Devils Lake and Lake Region State College proved to be a good fit for Sharon’s skill set. She became a passionate and children McKenna and Mariah. She graduated from Devils Lake High School in 1991 and is presently enrolled in the Administrative Assistant program. School. She presently lives in Devils Lake and is enrolled in the Accounting/Business Administration program. Hannah enjoys doing volunteer work in the community. Her mother is Dianne Bear of Jamestown ND. ―Matthew Wood was an anniversary gift to his parents, arriving on June 20, 1990. From the time he was born, Matthew was the type who never stressed over the little things. He was a laid-back, fun-loving kid who lived in the moment. Matthew participated in football, track, and wrestling at Devils Lake High School. He enjoyed music, choosing viola as his instrument, and sticking with it from fourth grade. He enjoyed the many challenges of the ROTC program and had plans to possibly join the military. Outside of school, Matthew loved the time he spent at East Bay Campground, owned and operated by his parents. It provided an opportunity to develop good work skills and a chance to meet kids from all over the state. A tragic firearms accident ended Matthew’s life September 19, 2006. Matthew’s parents, Bill and Val Wood, and siblings Jessica, Kristin, and Evan searched for a way to bring meaning to their loss. They decided to build a legacy to Matthew’s memory by establishing an endowed scholarship. The Matthew Wood Memorial Scholarship is directed to Devils Lake High School graduates whose interests and aspirations are similar to Matthew’s. Breanna Frelich is the daughter of Mike and Kathy Frelich of Devils Lake. She graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011 and is studying liberal arts courses at LRSC. A 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Rachel Frelich is a freshman liberal arts student and a member of the Lady Royals volleyball team. Her parents are Kathy and Mike Frelich of Devils Lake. Alyson Paige Beckman is the daughter of Candace and Scott Beckman of Beaver Dam WI. She graduated from Beaver Dam High School in 2011. Alyson is a freshman liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She also serves on Student Senate. After graduation, she plans to attend UND to study international marketing. ― Thomas J. Wakefield, a life-long Devils Lake resident, together with two of his children, Mikal and Nicole, died in a tragic automobile accident on January 9, 2005, near St. Cloud, Minnesota. Tom was born to Daniel and Victoria Wakefield in 1945. Shortly afterwards, the family moved to Devils Lake where Tom’s father developed an aviation business. Tom graduated from Devils Lake High School in 1964. A stellar athlete, he earned a full-ride hockey scholarship to Colorado College. He also attended UND. Tom logged many hours as an aerial crop sprayer and a provider of scenic flights over the Lake Region. He married Devils Lake native Loydene Sigette, and they were blessed with three children. Mikal James was born November 1997. He attended College Care for Kids and Prairie View School. Mikal had taken up hockey, which brought a glimmer to his dad’s eyes. Nicole Victoria, an animated three-year-old “daddy’s girl,” was born November 2001. In the months prior to her death, she became excited about playing hockey and was just beginning to learn to skate. She also attended College Care for Kids. Loydene and son Lucas have asked that the annual award from this endowment be awarded to a non-traditional student with one or more children enrolled in the on-campus child care program. Aubree Page arrived at LRSC to enter the Dakota Nursing Program. She graduated from Albert Lea High School, Albert Lea MN, in 2002 and had previously attended cosmetology school. Aubree's parents are Roy and Cheryl Page, Albert Lea MN. ―H. K. (Kent) Wakeford understands the importance of a hard day at work and values good education. He attended his first Named Endowment Recognition Event in 1995 when his son was recognized as a scholarship recipient. After that, Kent was determined to one day set up his own endowment. Two thousand and five marked the first year of the H. K. Wakeford Scholarship endowment. After four years and two tours of duty in Vietnam as a Marine, Kent worked in construction-related jobs and the trucking industry. After many years of working with his hands, Kent encouraged his children to get a college education so they could find careers using their heads more than their hands. Both of Kent's children, Andy and Sara, became graduates of LRSC. "Education isn't the only thing in life," Kent says. "You need to appreciate the finer things." There are many beautiful things in life, including family, friends, and the fragrance of a rose. Kent has learned later in life to enjoy it and "stop and smell the roses." Heather Carman graduated from Stillwater High School, Stillwater MN, in 1991. She has completed a business degree at the University of Wisconsin but decided on a career change. She is now enrolled in the Dakota Nursing Program. Heather's husband is employed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and they live in Devils Lake. Cole Schwab, a graduate of Devils Lake High School, is studying Peace Officer Training and liberal arts. He plans to transfer to UND to earn a degree in criminal justice. Cole's parents are Rick and Sue Schwab of Devils Lake. ―Affectionately known as "Prof," H. L. Woll was the first instructor at Lake Region State College. He was also the first counselor, registrar, recruiter, financial aid officer, and janitor! Henry Lawrence was born in Edgewood, Illinois, in 1885. He completed eighth grade at the age of eighteen and continued his education, as money permitted, at the University of Illinois. He became a teacher in 1906 and began teaching in country grade schools. Clara Marie Frederickson became his wife in 1918, and together they raised five children. Mr. Woll ultimately earned a Master of Science in Education from the University of North Dakota. The family moved to Devils Lake when Mr. Woll was appointed first dean of Devils Lake Junior College. Prof Woll worked tirelessly to build a strong college for the Lake Region. Established by his descendents, the Woll/Huesgen family, the first Prof Woll scholarship award was made fall 1992. Mark Gutschmidt graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2010. He is a sophomore in the Marketing and Management program. Mark is the son of Paul and Donna Gutschmidt of Devils Lake, ND. ―Albert and Janet were married in 1968 and made their home north of Crary, North Dakota, where they farmed. In 1970, they began custom combining for Janet’s father, Herman Dimmler, and started their own business in 1977. Janet began her teaching career in 1968 at Warwick High School, and in 1969, she was hired to teach at LRSC. Janet served on the Community College Foundation board of directors and was treasurer for many years. In 2001, she was inducted into the LRSC Hall of Fame. Albert and Janet’s family has close ties to the college. Their sons both attended LRSC, and daughter-in-law Erin works as the college’s Director of Marketing. Janet’s teaching career was cut short in 2001 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In March 2005, Janet lost her battle with cancer. The Albert and Janet advocate for the institution and helped it grow and prosper. Sharon’s leadership was recognized in 1984 when the college joined the North Dakota University System as a branch campus of the University of North Dakota and she was appointed executive dean by UND President Thomas J. Clifford. Dr. Clifford challenged her to complete her doctorate, and she continued her studies at the University of North Dakota, earning an Ed.D. in educational administration in 1991. Her continued success helped the college achieve independent campus status in 1999 at which time Sharon was given the title of president. She continued in this role until her retirement in June of 2008. After retirement, Sharon worked part-time as a grant-writer and fund-raiser at the North Dakota Museum of Art in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Sharon’s love for the arts is apparent throughout the campus from the regional original art on the walls of the campus buildings―purchased through an endowment established for her mother―to her leadership in the refurbishing of the Paul Hoghaug Library, the Leevers Welcome Center, and the Robert Fawcett Auditorium, all of which have supported the arts for the Lake Region area. For 26 years, the lives of the Etemad family and Lake Region State College were tightly entwined. The children were frequent visitors to their mother’s workplace and frequent users of campus resources, completing coursework at the college and performing in the auditorium during dance recitals and plays. Music and dance played important roles in the lives of the Etemad children and continue to be valued activities for them as adults. Thus, the Etemad family has requested this endowment be used to support and strengthen music and arts activities at Lake Region State College. ―The Gunnerud-Dietrich American Legion Post 86 of Minnewaukan was established December 14, 1919, primarily by World War I veterans. The name was chosen for two Minnewaukan area residents who died for their country during WWI. Fred W. Dietrich served with Company L, 138th Infantry. He died of wounds received in Meuse, Argonne, France, on September 8, 1918. He is buried in grave 12, row 25, block H of the American Cemetery in France. Menton Gunnerud (sometimes known as Mentor) served with Company F, 157th Infantry. He died of wounds received in September of 1918 in the Argonne Forest in France. He is buried at Big Coulee Cemetery northeast of Minnewaukan. The American Legion is a service organization composed of veterans of US military service which promotes community and youth activities and is an advocate for the needs of veterans. The first project of the post was con- struction of Memorial Hall in Minnewaukan. Due to lack of funds, the project was turned over to the village of Minnewaukan in 1926. The post operated the Roxy Theater in Memorial Hall for many years. The post also sponsored Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and athletic programs such as baseball. The post continues to sponsor students to Boys State and the International Peace Garden Music Camp. There was a need in the mid-1950s for office space for J. Terlecki, MD, and E. O. Yri, DDS. The Legion built a building with medical offices on the upper floor and Legion and Auxiliary meeting rooms in the basement. This building was completed in 1951, and today attorney James P. Wang occupies the upper floor. The post was instrumental in constructing and operating the Minnewaukan swimming pool until costs became too great, and the pool was eventually closed. The post conducts an annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Minnewaukan Cemetery when those who gave their lives for their country are remembered. As a fund-raising effort, the post has been serving breakfasts for the public on the fourth Sunday of each month since April 26, 1987. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 86 of Minnewaukan was organized March 28, 1921, under the auspices of the Gunnerud-Dietrich American Legion post 86. The unit sponsored delegates to Girls State for many years. They also conducted fund-raising activities in support of the community, the VA Hospital in Fargo, the Veterans Home at Lisbon, the International Peace Garden Music Camp, the Bell Tower at the Peace Gardens, the County Christmas Food Basket, and children at the State Hospital in Grafton. The Auxiliary also served dinners following Memorial Day observances for many years. Due to lack of membership, Auxiliary Unit 86 was disbanded in 2012. The Gunnerud-Dietrich American Legion Post 86 established this endowment in 2012, and scholarship awards are made each year to students who are military veterans and their descendents. Kirby Kallenbach is the son of Timothy and Kristin Kallenbach of Maddock ND. He graduated from Maddock High School in 2012 and is enrolled in the Automotive Technician program. ―Delphia was born to Hans and Hilma (Hedlund) Hansen, Danish and Swedish immigrants, on February 21, 1911, at her parents’ home in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Her father was a craftsman and helped to build the community’s library and grand theater. Shortly before Delphia reached school age, her family moved to a homestead in northern Montana. After completing the homestead period, they moved back to Devils Lake where Delphia would spend the rest of her life, becoming a valued member of the community. She graduated from Devils Lake Central High School in 1930 and, after graduation, worked as a dental assistant for Dr. W. C. Follet for nine years. During World War II, she began working as a secretary at the Willard Greenleaf Agency and retired from that position in 1981 when the agency was sold. Delphia married Cecil Halle on June 18, 1944. The newly married couple lived on a farm east of Devils Lake during the summer and moved into Devils Lake for the winter months. They adopted their son, Norman, when he was four years old. Norman served in Vietnam and was later married in California. Sadly, Norman died in 2004. His wife, Marilyn, lives in Rugby, North Dakota. Delphia’s husband, Cecil, died in a tragic automobile accident on August 25, 1962. Delphia was a member of the First Methodist Church where she was a Sunday school teacher and treasurer for years. She was an active member of the United Methodist Women and Marion Circle and was chosen Woman in Mission. Delphia was also involved in Rebekah Lodge, serving as their financial secretary for many years and as Past Noble Grand. Other community involvement included membership with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). She volunteered at the Heartland Care Center feeding residents for over twenty-four years, assisted with bowling at the Good Samaritan Center, and called bingo at the Odd Fellows Home until her eyesight began to fail. Delphia rang the Salvation Army bell for many years outside the Old Main Street Café. After ringing for ten years, she was given her own Salvation Army apron and bell which she used proudly until she was ninety-eight years old. Delphia last rang the Salvation Army bell in 2009. In 1983, she was named a Ramsey County Centennial Queen runner-up and was named an Unsung Hero in 1999. Delphia wanted to do something that would contribute to the community. Determined that kids really do need education, she decided to leave a legacy gift to provide financial help for college students. The Delphia Halle Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an exemplary student attending Lake Region State College. Nicole Avdem graduated from Dakota Prairie High School, Petersburg ND, in 2001. She has completed the Practical Nursing program and is now in the Associate Degree Nurse (RN) program. She presently lives in Devils Lake with her son, Aiden Mudgett. ―Perhaps it was their Welsh heritage, or maybe it was just a way to fight boredom or loneliness while working the fields, but making music was an everyday activity for Lloyd Jones and his family. Lloyd and his brothers often entertained at community gatherings, singing in harmony “barbershop quartet style.” Lloyd’s family farmed in the Webster area, and he attended a country school there until convincing his parents that he should transfer to Devils Lake so he could play in the band. Like Lloyd, Lois Olson Hefti grew up on a farm and began her education in a one-room schoolhouse. But unlike Lloyd, making music was not part of her core. Instead, Lois was music booster and frequently put her talents for organizing activities to work creating opportunities for the community to enjoy music. Lloyd and Lois met during high school in Devils Lake, and both dreamed of pursuing college. Lloyd won a scholarship to the Pasadena Junior College in California to play clarinet/saxophone in the nationally known Bulldog Band. His college experience was interrupted by the draft for World War II. He enlisted in the Army Air Force but eventually was deployed to Ascension Island where recruits with agricultural backgrounds were growing food in hydroponic beds to feed the troops. Lois completed a home economics degree at North Dakota State University and taught school for a short time, but she wanted to help with the war effort. She answered a call for trainees in radio communications but got off the elevator on the wrong floor and was quickly recruited into the air traffic controller program. For the remainder of the war she directed air traffic using signal lamps (light guns) and throat mic’s at William Mitchel Airfield in Chicago. After the war, Lloyd and Lois purchased the Morrison farm on the northern edge of Sweetwater Lake. There they raised three children―Laurel, Lawson and Lee―and operated a diversified farm focused on small grains and livestock, primarily Angus beef cattle. Family and community gatherings nearly always included music. Lloyd and his brothers and a neighbor entertained frequently as the “4-Dads,” and Lloyd was the catalyst for a community men’s chorus that also performed often. Practice sessions filled the Jones home with music and always concluded with a home-baked chocolate cake. Lloyd also was a charter member of the Devils Lake Elks Community Band which provided an opportunity to maintain his instrumental skills. Lloyd died unexpectedly in 1966, and Lois opted to continue to operate the farm despite warnings from “advisors” who thought the task too large for a woman. She was determined to preserve the operation and the farming heritage for her school-age children. Lois proved to be an effective farm operator and eventually transitioned the family farm to her sons. Lois had many interests in addition to farming. Two special concerns were youth and education. Lois impacted the lives of many youth as a 4-H leader (30 years) and Sunday school teacher, and she was a perennial advocate for education. She served on the college’s foundation when plans were made for the current campus (completed in ―Scott Allan Thompson was born in 1957, older brother to Dawn and Todd. Their parents are long-time Devils Lake residents Allan and Evon Thompson. Scott received his education in the Devils Lake public school system and worked during summers at family-owned Devils Lake Glass and Paint. Although he had a quiet nature, Scott had a competitive side and seemed to enjoy "living on the edge." An avid competitor in snowmobile racing, he enjoyed riding motorcycle and hunting and fishing and was also taking flying lessons. He was a junior at Devils Lake High School at the time of his death in September of 1973. This scholarship has been established in Scott's memory by his parents, Allan and Evon. Nikki Ness graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012. She is a freshman liberal arts student planning a career in counseling. Her parents are Bonnie and Dan Ness of Devils Lake. ―Ed Toutges is the kind of home-grown North Dakotan who makes us all proud. A self-made man who began earning his keep at age eight, Ed worked his way from delivery boy to owner of the Johnson Store in Michigan, North Dakota. He retired in 1990 and surprised his employees with an incredible decision ... He gave the store to the three employees who had helped him for many years! "After working for me for so long, they ought to be entitled to something," Toutges declared. He had yet another surprise up his sleeve. Mr. Toutges died in 1996, and his will directed that this endowment be established to provide scholarships each year for students attending LRSC. Kelsey Davis graduated from Litchfield High School, Litchfield ND, in 2010. She is presently enrolled as a sophomore in American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and serves as a Royal Ambassador. Kelsey is the daughter of Don and Jeanette Davis of Litchfield ND. Luke Wolfgang Higginbotham graduated from Dakota Prairie High School in 2011. He is a sophomore in the Accounting/Business Administration program Luke is the son of Jay and Kathleen Gilbertson of Michigan ND. Oluwatobi "Tobi" Shittu is a student from Nigeria who has chosen Lake Region State College to enter the Dakota Nursing Program. A member of Phi Theta Kappa, Tobi plans to graduate with the Associate Degree in Nursing (RN). His goal is to continue his education in the medical field. ―Born and raised in Waterford, Ireland, Angela Brigid Cleary was educated in St. Joseph Schools. In the 1940s, she moved to London. During the infamous air blitz, Angela's sister married a Canadian doctor and sought safety in Winnipeg. Angela soon boarded the last of the "war bride" ships bound for North America. Her plan was to help her sister raise a growing family. Soon she met and married pre-med student and Air Force veteran William Turkula. The young couple settled in Devils Lake where they raised four lively children―Bill, Denise, Louise, and Tom. Angela was a wonderful story-teller, spinning delightful tales about the sea and ships and lighthouse-keepers. The Angela Turkula Memorial Endowment was established by her family, and they have asked that the earnings be used to support a scholarship or an arts-related project. A 2011 graduate of Valley-Edinburg High School, Sierra Hobbs is a freshman liberal arts student. Her parents are Kelly Hobbs and Vince Johnson. ― Daniel and Victoria earned teaching degrees in Wisconsin and began their careers in rural Wisconsin. They were married in 1941 and moved with their growing family to Devils Lake in 1946. Dan founded Wakefield Flight Service providing crop-spraying and transportation services. Vickie focused her energy on raising their eight children. Vickie and her family established the Daniel and Victoria Wakefield Family Endowment as an investment in the community they love. The Wakefield family recognizes that the path to a good education is often strewn with bumps and potholes. They hope that this scholarship will enable students to "take flight" with their dreams of a great education. A sophomore liberal arts student, Hailey Geibel plans to pursue a career in some area of veterinary work. Hailey graduated from Kidder County-Steele High School in 2011 and is the daughter of Charlotte Beachler of Steele ND. She also serves as a Student Senator. ―The family of James Wakefield established a scholarship in his name. Jim grew up in Devils Lake where he graduated from high school in 1963. He attended Lake Region State College and then transferred to UND where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta, the University Ski Club, and the UND Flying Club. As a member of the Flying Club, Jim was instrumental in the founding of the UND chapter of Alpha Eta Rho, the national honorary society of aviation students. After his graduation, Jim continued to work for his father at Wakefield Flight Service. He died in 1968 of injuries sustained in a crop-spraying accident. The Wakefield family hopes that this scholarship will help energetic students who share Jim's zest for life. ―A farmer first, a soldier second, but always a friend, describes Mike Slag, a young man who worked hard for what he wanted. Born and raised in the Devils Lake area, Mike fell in love with the agricultural world that surrounded him. He helped many farmers around Devils Lake and became a full-time employee at the Byron and Terri Lannoye farm near Penn, North Dakota. He joined the National Guard in 1997 and after September 11, 2001, served his country on active duty with the United States Army Border Patrol. Mike's life was cut short on May 1, 2002, by an automobile accident. His mother Joan, father Jeff, sister Kristy, Byron and Terri Lannoye, many other family members, and friends established this endowment in Mike's memory. Scholarships are awarded to LRSC students interested in agriculture and involved in a military lifestyle. Nicolas Salvaggio was a member of the North Dakota National Guard, being honorably discharged in 2013. He is a sophomore in the Wind Energy Technician program. Nicolas is the son of Sharon and Walt Hollifield of Devils Lake, and Jim Salvaggio of Langdon ND. He was a 2003 graduate of Devils Lake High School and has been active in the Lake Region Curling Club, American Legion, Southgate Fitness Club, and the Eagles Club. ―A tiny woman with a big heart, Debbie Stromme made a huge impact during her too brief life in the Lake Region. For thirty-two years, Debbie was a fixture in the Devils Lake Public School System. More than 1,100 students had the privilege of becoming “kinderbunnies,” building skills to confidently move into first grade. In 1989-1990, her exceptional skill was recognized as she was named Devils Lake Teacher of the Year. When summer arrived, Debbie headed to the swimming pool where she would teach some more. Partnering with her mother, Janice Onerheim, Debbie taught countless numbers of children and adults how to swim. As word spread about the vibrant teacher’s illness, grief filtered across the community. Determined and courageous, Debbie continued to teach until ALS sapped her strength. To honor Debbie, her devoted husband, Craig, her three sons―Justin, Ryan, and Kale―and their families, her extended family, and her many, many friends established an endowed scholarship to honor her memory. Deanna Papachek Anderson is a sophomore liberal arts student and plans to transfer to NDSU next fall to apply to the pharmacy program. Deanna is a graduate of Big Lake High School, Big Lake MN. Her husband is Kevin Anderson, and they have a son , Lance, 15, and daughter, Jaylee 7, who is a student at North Dakota School for the Deaf. ― Purchased in 1942, the little white house at 614 Fifth Street in Devils Lake stood strong, providing shelter and support for four generations of the Lester and Elizabeth Summer family. Married in 1921, the Summers farmed in the St. John and Munich, North Dakota, area while building a family of six children―Verlin, Ralf, Donald, Joann, Burness, and Elaine. As World War II ended, Lester enrolled in barber school, and the family moved to Devils Lake. The family maintained the house which continued to hold memories for many Summer descendants and served as home base for numerous family gatherings. As the family dispersed, it became impractical to look after the house from a distance. A decision was made to “do something special with the little white house that would have pleased both Lester and Elizabeth.” The house was sold, and the proceeds were used to establish the Lester and Elizabeth Summer Family Endowment at LRSC. Brandi Corday graduated in 2011 from North Star High School and is the daughter of Jason and Susan Corday of Cando ND. She is a sophomore working towards an Associate in Applied Science degree and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She also serves on Student Senate. Brandi plans to pursue a career in nursing. ―Born in North Dakota with humble beginnings, Harley and Viola Summers demonstrated the hard work ethic that helped them survive many hard times and enabled them to become highly successful. One of the Lake Region's leading businesses got its start in 1965 in Harley's Blacksmith Shop when Harley purchased the patent for Goebel Brothers truck hoists. That investment was the springboard for a wide variety of agricultural technology innovations. In 1969, Summers Manufacturing, Inc. was born and now has about 100,000 square feet of factory space and 115 employees. Harley and Viola graciously established an endowment to benefit vocational students at LRSC. Sadly, they were involved in a tragic automobile accident shortly before Christmas of 2000. Harley died soon after, and Viola passed away in March. They left behind their legacy, the accomplishment of a man who never moved beyond eighth grade in school and the faithful woman who was always by his side, for better or for worse. The Harley and Viola Summers Toolbox Scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Automotive Technology program. Erik Locken graduated from Devils Lake High School and is enrolled in liberal arts courses at LRSC. Erik's parents are Larry and Terri Locken. 1966). She lobbied for the planting of the shelterbelt that rings the grounds today and insisted that the young trees be properly nurtured. In retirement, Lois maintained her interest in agriculture and volunteered her time and talents to support community projects involving historic preservation, horticulture, and the arts. She especially enjoyed the performing arts pursuits of her grandchildren. In keeping with the interests of Lloyd and Lois Jones, their family endowment will support music opportunities for students at Lake Region State College. James Vilandre returned to his hometown to enroll in the Dakota Nursing Program. Jim is an active volunteer on his church's worship team and also teaches some music classes at LRSC backed by his musical career. He is a graduate of Devils Lake High School, and the campus is glad to welcome his talent and time that he can spare from his busy nursing courses. ― Corry and Kristin Kenner know how to have fun! Throughout the community, they are known as the “go-to” couple for organizing a good time. Very often, the events they plan are parties-with-a-purpose. Corry and Kristin are energetic advocates for many worthy causes in our community. They have planned and hosted events to support health care projects, education, cultural opportunities, historic preservation, and political initiatives. Not all of the entertaining done by the Kenners has a stated agenda. Yet, Corry and Kristin know that holiday parties and other just-for-fun gatherings help to bring people together and that such interactions help to build foundations for future collaborations among their community-minded guests. Professionally, Kristin is a practicing dentist and a tireless advocate for dental health. She was the first woman president of the North Dakota State Dental Association and served on its board of trustees for seven years. She also works with Missions of Mercy to bring free dental clinics to children of the Spirit Lake Nation. Since 19984, Corry has served as vice president for Administrative Services at LRSC and also as assistant treasurer for the Community College Foundation. In this dual role, he is keenly aware of the importance of social gatherings to support fund-raising initiatives and advocacy work. He also knows that resources to support such goaloriented events are hard limited by law and by tight budgets. On countless occasions, Corry and Kristin have opened their home for gatherings to support college projects, and consequently they are aware of the expense involved. The Corry and Kristin Kenner Fun-Raising Endowment will support foundation-sponsored social events designed to raise resources or advocate for support for priority projects of Lake Region State College. ―“Crazy J” seems an unlikely nickname for a guy like Jim Kirk, a quiet, down-to-earth North Dakota farmer. Jim grew up on the family farm in Odessa Township south of Crary, North Dakota, with four siblings. His parents, Laurence and Arlene Kirk, taught their children the value of hard work, but they also encouraged them to follow their passions. Jim’s natural talent for working with engines proved useful when he discovered the thrill of riding dirt bikes and snowmobiles … fast! A sand pit at the farm became a racetrack, and Jim’s fearless riding earned him the name that has stayed with him, Crazy J. After graduating from Crary High School, Jim enrolled in the Automotive Technology program at Lake Region State College in 1976. He appreciated having this wonderful college so near to home. Ready to stretch his wings, Jim then enrolled in the small engines program at North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota. His focus was on gaining the skills he needed to succeed in farming. His parents thought it best if Jim gained experience working for someone else before returning to the farm full-time, so after college, Jim worked in a small engine repair service in Devils Lake. Then, in 1980, he began farming full-time and continued to do so through 2002. Always eager to keep busy, Jim spent winters building houses with his brother-in-law. During one long North Dakota winter, Jim was looking for something fun to do and attended an LRSC basketball game. He quickly became a loyal Royals fan. In 1989, Jim made a pact with himself to attend every game of the season, no matter where. Fortunately, he loves to drive, and following the team provided a destination. One dark, cold night the college’s bus broke down on its way back from Ironwood, Michigan. Jim pulled up behind them, took a look at the problem, and pulled out his coveralls and tool box. He crawled under the bus, fixed the problem, and sent them on their way. After that incident, the coaches decided it only made sense that Jim should drive the bus, and for seventeen years in a row, Jim volunteered as the team’s primary bus driver. He also provided mechanical advice and the “TLC” that kept college buses looking good and running smoothly. When it came time to invest in a motor coach, Jim stepped up and donated the first thousand dollars. Jim is impressed with the hard work and determination shown by the student athletes who put in countless hours practicing and going on road trips and yet manage to keep up with their school work. He felt a named endowment, with preference given to female athletes, would be a nice way to continue to support the college and the student athletes who have given him so much enjoyment through the years. A 2011 graduate of Yucca Valley High School, Tabitha Vigen is a liberal arts students and plays basketball for the Lady Royals. Her parents are Tanya Gruwell and Garrett Gruwell of Yucca Valley CA. ―Harold Robert Sager was a beloved member of the LRSC “family” for 10 years. He befriended students and offered a cheery greeting to all who passed while he was caring for his area of the campus. Sadly, his career at the college was interrupted by his final illness at the age of eighty-three. Prior to the college, Harold worked the “night shift” at the Lake Region Lutheran Home. During the day he worked on the farm of Brad Horne, his brother-in-law. One or two jobs at a time wasn’t enough for Harold; He also cleaned at the Senior Citizens Center. Harold, known to family as “Bob,” was born March 17, 1928, in Rolla, North Dakota, the youngest of ten children of Clyde and Emma Sager. He received his education near St. John, North Dakota, and in 1942 moved with his family to a farm in Ramsey County. Harold married Carolyn Horner in 1959, and they made their home a farm near Starkweather, North Dakota. They farmed and ranched and raised their children, Richard and Wanda, until retiring in 1987. Harold served on the council for the Methodist Church in Starkweather. He was on the Hammer Township Board for over 25 years. He loved to help around the farm and supported his granddaughter’s interest in horses. It was important to him to be in the audience for every school or sporting activity or special event in which his grandchildren participated. The Harold “Bob” Sager scholarship was established by his son, Richard Sager, and family as a tribute to a humble man who lived an exemplary life. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an LRSC student athlete. A 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Rachel Frelich is a freshman liberal arts student and a member of the Lady Royals volleyball team. Her parents are Kathy and Mike Frelich of Devils Lake. ―With this endowment, Wilton and Shirley Webster and their family seek to create a lasting legacy that reflects their strong belief in the value of education. It is an investment in the future of students who share their North Dakota roots. The Webster family has been in the Devils Lake community since 1883. Both Wilton and Shirley were born and raised on farms in the Devils Lake area. Wilton Blake Webster was born in 1930 and raised on a farm east of Churchs Ferry, North Dakota, where he spent almost his entire life. Shirley Ann Tollefson was born in 1932 and raised on a farm southwest of Webster, North Dakota. After one year of college at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks and service in the U.S. Air Force, Wilton returned home to carry on the family farming operation in 1954. That year, he also met and married Shirley Tollefson who had recently graduated as a Registered Nurse from the Deaconess School of Nursing in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Together, they made the farm east of Churchs Ferry their home; and there they raised one daughter, Kay, and four sons, Daniel, Robert, Craig, and Paul. A fifth son, David, died in infancy. All five children attended post-secondary education. After college, the oldest son, Daniel, returned to join in the farming operation while the others pursued other successful lives and careers. In addition to being a successful farmer, Wilton was very active in local and community affairs, serving on the board of directors of the Devils Lake Junior College Development Board, Ramsey County ASCS, Lake Region Credit Union, Devils Lake Farmers Union Oil Company, Coulee Township Board of Supervisors, Churchs Ferry Men’s Club, and the Masonic Lodge. He was a life member of the VFW. Shirley was also active in the community, belonging to numerous clubs over the years. She taught piano to neighbor children and became a certified dental assistant employed in Devils Lake. Wilton and Shirley and their family were all active members of Zion Lutheran Church in Churchs Ferry. Wilton was a prolific reader, and both he and Shirley instilled the importance of education in their children. The family believes that hard-working North Dakota students are deserving of scholarships to help make their dreams come true. With this endowment, they honor that commitment. This quote written by Wilton Webster late in his life is reflective of his views regarding respect for others, equal opportunity for all, and the significance of compromise: “I shall respect my opposition in deference to the possibility that that opposition is correct. If my opposition should see fit to grant me the same respect in deference to that same possibility, then together we have sown the seeds of progress.” Eric Nelson is a freshman liberal arts student. He graduated in 2012 from Devils Lake High School, and his parents are Jodi and Loren Nelson of Devils Lake. Eric's plans are to transfer to NDSU to finish a degree in agriculture business. English. Her career goal is become an editor or publisher. A 2010 graduate of Glenburn High School, Sarah Martinson is the daughter of Audrey and Warren Martinson of Glenburn ND. She is a freshman enrolled in the Simulator Technician program. David Lee Satrom is a freshman in the Law Enforcement program. He graduated from Jamestown High School in 2011, and his parents are Bernie and Dianne Satrom of Jamestown ND. A 2012 graduate of Minnewaukan High School, Latisha Teel is a freshman liberal arts student. Her parents are Carol and Joe Teel of Sheyenne ND. ―Frank and Sylvia Praus and their family established this scholarship in memory of their son Chris who died in a construction accident in 1994. After graduating from Devils Lake High School in 1982, Chris attended LRSC and continued his education at UND, majoring in political science. His goal was to become an attorney. He and his wife Caroline were married in 1992 and had a daughter, Samantha. Scholarships are awarded to part-time, non-traditional students. Lisa Uhlenkamp is a 2009 graduate of Munich High School. She is presently living in Devils Lake and is enrolled in the Accounting/Business Administration program. ―Long-time Devils Lake residents Mike and Dorothy Pung surprised their family in 1998 with a very special Christmas gift. They established this scholarship in honor of their daughters―Kathy Yager Wilhelmi, Susan Hofseth, Becky Pung, and Audrey Borski. The Pung Girls Scholarship benefits students enrolled in the college's Administrative Assistant program. The four Pung daughters have all either graduated from or attended LRSC. Mike and Dorothy are proud of their daughters' achievements and believe their successful life stories are a direct result of their beginnings at Lake Region State College. Annalisa Goodsoldier is a freshman who wishes to earn a degree in business administration. She graduated from Four Winds High School in 2004 and was in the active Army from 2005 to 2010 and has been in the National Guard since then. Annalisa lives in Oberon ND with husband Lane Adams Jr. and daughter Rebecca. ―Michael J. Pung, Jr. was a long-time businessman in the Lake Region community. He and wife Dorothy Scharf were married and arrived in Devils Lake in 1950 where they raised five children. Mike believed the secret to success in business included a good education and a strong work ethic. He confirmed his commitment to education and community by providing all his children the opportunity to obtain a twoor four-year college degree and by establishing the Pung Girls Scholarship in 1997. Mike's children and sister, Patricia Pung, decided to carry on his commitment to education and community by establishing the Michael J. Pung, Jr. Business Scholarship Ashley P. Weston graduated from North Star High School in 2010. Daughter of Penny Weston of Cando ND, Ashley has chosen Accounting/Business Administration as her major. ―The Rotary Club of Devils Lake established this endowment in memory of past and departed Rotarians. It fits nicely with the Rotarian motto, “Service above self.” Rotary Clubs nationwide are committed to community development programs addressing many of today’s most critical issues―hunger, the environment, and literacy. They also focus on young people, promoting high ethical standards and helping young people and others become and remain productive members of society. The scholarship is awarded to exemplary students from the Lake Region area. Laurie Bachmeier, a 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School, is the daughter of Paul and Lois Bachmeier of Devils Lake. Laurie is a sophomore in Early Childhood Education and plans to continue working toward a bachelor's degree in this field. ―Olger Sandven dedicated his life to North Dakota. He served as Deputy Sergeant-At-Arms in the North Dakota House and Chief Sergeant-At-Arms in the Senate. He conducted a one-man campaign to keep North Dakota clean, distributing some three thousand “Pitch In” barrels which he had cleaned and painted himself. For his efforts, Olger received the North Dakota Heritage Award. In spite of, or maybe because of his own formal education’s end at the eighth grade, Olger took great pleasure in investing in students. With brothers Kenneth and Roger, Olger established numerous scholarships at area colleges. Most of these scholarships bear the names of Olger’s parents, K. B. and Elvira Sandven. LRSC encouraged Olger to allow this scholarship to honor his exemplary commitment to education. His brothers agreed, and the first Olger Sandven Scholarship awards were made in 1991 to benefit Benson County students. Miriah Bonnie Thompson is a sophomore liberal arts student. Daughter of Kevin and Robyn Thompson of Minnewaukan ND, Miriah graduated from Minnewaukan High School in 2011. She has been involved with the Horizons Community Program as a community-related activity. ―Travis was born in 1972, the first child of Duane and Louise Pesek. Throughout his years in school, he participated in sports year round. When not involved in track, baseball, football, or basketball, he filled his time with hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, and water skiing. Travis was a liberal arts student at LRSC when he died in a tragic snowmobiling accident in December 1992. At the time, he had been considering a career in banking, similar to his father’s. The LRSC Student Senate, along with friends and members of the Pesek family, established this memorial scholarship as a tribute to Travis. This scholarship is awarded annually to a current-year graduate of Devils Lake High School. Josephine Knowski graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012. She is the daughter of Joseph and Jane Knowski also of Devils Lake. Josephine is a freshman in the Early Childhood Education program and is a member of the Lady Royals volleyball team. ―With dreams about all the things they soon could buy, Darwin Peterson and his younger brother, Ron, didn’t expect their newly acquired paper route to be an educational experience … but their parents did. Margaret and Melvin Peterson were always on the lookout for “teachable” moments, and the paper route was an important part of their strategy. Margaret and Melvin were both actively involved in many community youth organizations. Preparing their children for productive lives was a top priority. Getting a good education was also a top priority. Each of their four children―Darwin, Ron, Keith, and Candace―attended LRSC and continued their education at universities. Margaret (Field) Peterson and Melvin Peterson married in 1941, and Melvin began a life-long career with Farmers Union Insurance. To honor his parents’ legacy and the important life lessons they taught, Darwin and his wife, Joyce, established the Melvin and Margaret Peterson Scholarship Endowment. First priority for awards is given to students who have worked in a nursing home or supportive living facility. Bill Staples is a sophomore in the Dakota Nursing Program. He graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2010. Bill's goal is to be a certified registered nurse anesthetist at St. Alexius Hospital in Bismarck. ―Inez Piltingsrud (Herman/Buttz) began teaching at seventeen years of age in a one-room schoolhouse near Leeds, North Dakota. She later earned a Two-Year Standard Diploma from Minot State Teachers College and a Bachelor of Science in Education from UND. Inez went on to teach full-time in Devils Lake Public Schools from 1963 until 1978 when she retired. She loved teaching and was very proud of her many fine students. She was particularly concerned about encouraging people to enter the professsion of elementary education. Her children―Nancy Clifford, Harley Piltingsrud, and Mark Piltingsrud― established this scholarship as a memorial to their mother’s service to educators and the Devils Lake community. Brooke Leiphon is a 2010 graduate of Devils Lake High School. Daughter of Patrick and Bonnie Leiphon, Devils Lake, Brooke is pursuing her degree in Early Childhood Education and elementary education. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa. ―Dr. Louis and Anita Pine were part of the fabric of the Lake Region for over forty years. Louis practiced medicine as a surgeon and urologist at the Lake Region Clinic. He was vice president of the Community College Foundation at the time of his death in 1997. While Louis wielded the scalpel, Anita "kept her hands busy" creating children's stories, publishing her first manuscript, "The Magic Picture Book," in 1980. Prior to her death in 1992, she continued to publish articles and short stories. Their children―Louis II, Lawrence, Elizabeth, Stephen, Claudia, and Carolyn―along with relatives and friends, established this memorial which is awarded annually to LRSC students who displays skills in writing and the arts. Errin Ambers graduated from Minnewaukan High School in 2012. Her parents are David and Barbara Ambers of Minnewaukan. Errin is a liberal arts student who plans to earn her teaching degree through Mayville State University. She also serves as a Royal Ambassador and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. A 2004 graduate of Red River High School in Grand Forks ND, Matthew Bisenius was a liberal arts student during fall semester. His parents are Laura and Mike Bisenius. Julianna Chenze is the daughter of David and Gloria Chenze from Sheyenne ND. Julianna graduated from New Rockford-Sheyenne High School in 2011 and is in the Dakota Nursing Program. She also serves as a Royal Ambassador. Jenny Legacie graduated from North Star High School in 2011. Her parents are Melonia and Richard Legacie of Cando ND. Jenny plans to earn a degree in Early Childhood Education. Elisabeth Ostrem is a 2012 graduate of North Atlantic Regional High School. Daughter of Mark and Jennifer Ostrem of Rugby ND, Elisabeth plans to pursue a BA degree in ―This endowment was established by an anonymous donor to recognize Dr. Merril Berg for his dynamic leadership as dean and president of the college from 1961 to 1979. Through his innovative ability to find new programs to offer and funds to support them, the college grew from a student body of a little more than one hundred in 1962 to more than six hundred in 1972. Dr. Berg was instrumental in securing funds to finance the building of the present campus, and his influence in the design of the campus―all on one floor and under one roof―reflects his ingenuity as well as his concern for students with disabilities. The Merril and Dorothy Berg Trust provides funds each year to purchase special services or equipment to help students with disabilities achieve educational goals. Funds from the Merril and Dorothy Berg Trust are used to support students with disabilities in earning college degrees at LRSC. In 2011-2013, the funds were used to purchase membership in an organization called Access Text. In 20122013, the fund purchased textbooks to help tutors conducting study groups in the Practical Nursing program. ―The Etemad years were exciting times of growth, new directions, and many challenges. To recognize Sharon’s twenty-five years in leadership roles at LRSC (1982 to 2008), the foundation launched the President Sharon Etemad Legacy Fund. Shortly thereafter, several special friends of the college― Ramsey National Bank and Trust Company, Lynn and Laurie Hoghaug, Vivian Hoghaug, and Dr. Richard Johnson―established a challenge fund stocked with $30,000 to be used as matches for gifts of $250 or greater. During Sharon’s tenure at the college, enrollment grew, new programs were launched, and others were adjusted to meet changing demands. Solutions to infrastructure challenges were found, and the campus evolved into a beautiful learning environment. Sharon was a tireless advocate for LRSC within the university system, in economic development circles, and at the legislature. Each year, earnings from the President Sharon Etemad Legacy Fund will be directed to priorities identified by the college’s president and the foundation’s board of directors. ―Kermit and Glenna Garske are deeply rooted in the greater Lake Region community. Their farming operation included property that was homesteaded in 1882 by Kermit’s grandparents. Kermit took over his parents’ farming operation in 1958 and continued the successful enterprise until retiring in 2004. Glenna spent much of her childhood in Stephen, Minnesota, but graduated from high school in Grafton, North Dakota. After the necessary training, she launched a career as a beautician in Devils Lake and later in her studio on the farm. For many years, Kermit and Glenna participated in the production education services (Farm Management program) offered by LRSC. When they retired from farming, they searched for a way to give back to the community and established an endowment with the Community College Foundation. They request that the funds be used to support an annual production agriculture seminar or to assist young farmers to access educational services designed to help them succeed. ―Fred and Vivian Hoghaug set up this trust in memory of their son Paul who lost his life in a tragic hunting accident when he was only seventeen. Paul was a bright, capable student who enjoyed hunting, fishing, and water skiing. He loved hockey for which he received a varsity letter in high school. He was also a gifted trumpet player in the City Band and a member of St. Olaf Boys’ Choir. Academically Paul was very persistent, receiving accolades for his knowledge of science. Paul lived life to the fullest and was a joy to his parents and a loving brother to siblings Lynn and Linda. The Paul Hoghaug Library Endowment, established in 1966, will forever provide support for the Paul Hoghaug Library. ―Peter and Pamela (Olson) Jerome are life-long members of the Lake Region. They grew up in Devils Lake watching their parents and grandparents find ways to give back to the community. Peter and Pamela have modeled this same service-oriented approach to community-building for their children―Amber, Ashley, and Peter. Together, Peter and Pamela have been energetic supporters of the foundation and its annual Key Event fund-raising effort. Peter served four terms on the foundation board of directors, including two years as its president. Near the end of his second set of terms on the board, Peter and Pamela made the decision to establish an endowment. They visited with the director of the college’s TRiO program who shared her concerns about students who fail to persist because of a variety of insurmountable financial barriers. The college and foundation are excited to accept this unique gift and look forward to using it as the cornerstone for an initiative that helps at-risk students succeed, despite their challenges. Income from this fund has enabled students to persist in college by providing the following: Replacement of textbooks Essential car repair and an engine replacement A month of essential services such as rent, heat, or light Payment of a fee Registration costs A month of childcare Gas to drive to class Financial support so a student could leave a weekend job to help his family These funds address emergency needs of conscientious, hardworking students who are trying to make their lives better through college education. Pete and Pam, through their caring and generous actions, keep dreams alive one student at a time. ―NET, aka Northern Electronic Technologies, Inc., was a Pride of Dakota company, home-grown in Devils Lake. The company built cutting-edge computers and was a leading vendor of hardware, software, and peripherals throughout north central North Dakota. Before it closed in 2000, NET hired many graduates of the Information Technology program at LRSC. To help assure excellence in the Information Technology program, NET sold a computer on behalf of the Community College Foundation each year from 1994 to 1999. The earnings have been pooled in an endowment known as the NET Fund for the Future. An advisory committee for the program meets with faculty to identify projects to fund with endowment earnings. ―In 1998, Keith was honored to be named Male Athlete of the Year by North Dakota Special Olympics, the highest in state-level recognition. He was born in 1968 to parents Regina and Tom. In 1990, he graduated from Devils Lake High School, one of his proudest moments. Some say he is credited for helping to break down barriers for people with disabilities. Keith continues to live and work in Devils Lake. He is a wellrecognized booster for many athletic teams in the community. His parents established this special endowment to thank all the people who have made dreams realities and goals attainable for their son. Earnings from this endowment provide tutors and equipment each year for the college's Academic Skills Center. Funds from the Keith Thomas Nistler Endowment are used to support students with disabilities in earning college degrees at LRSC. In 2011-2013, the funds were used to purchase membership in an organization called Access Text. In 20122013, the fund purchased textbooks to help tutors conducting study groups in the Practical Nursing program. ―Elsie Olson was a woman before her time. In days when it was uncommon for a woman to work outside her home, Elsie taught school while she managed her home and children. Elsie began her career in a country school and eventually took a job in Starkweather, teaching grades three through six. Children tried their best to please "Mrs. Olson" because she treated everyone fairly and always made them feel important. Elsie's love of literature, music, and visual arts has impacted her children and grandchildren. She shared her love for reading and writing poetry and for Biblical stories. She tried to engage every child in drawing and painting nature. Every life she touched was enriched. This endowment has been established by Elsie's four children― Merle Freije, Sharon Etemad, Nancy Condit, and Donald Olson. The endowment funds art initiatives at LRSC. ―In 1978, the Shark Building in downtown Devils Lake was given to the Lake Region's community college by Sam and Lorraine Shark. The gift was made in memory of Sam's parents, Herman and Mae Shark, who operated Shark's Men's Store in Devils Lake and were pioneers in retailing concepts. Eventually their four sons― Sam, Saul, Myer, and Leo―and nephew Evan became involved in the business. Additional stores were opened in Minot, Fargo, and Bismarck. The sale of the Shark Building funded an endowment which provides a budget each year to enhance and enrich the learning experience for students enrolled in the Marketing/Management program at LRSC. there will be leaders to face the challenges of the future. The first award was made in 1997. Amanda Medina, Columbus MT, is enrolled in liberal arts with an emphasis on psychology. She graduated from Columbus High School in 2011. Amanda's parents are Raymond Medina (deceased) and Crystal Phillips also of Columbus. ―Myron and Irmy Haugen arrived in Devils Lake in 1968 from Dassel, Minnesota, when Myron’s employer asked him to manage a Devils Lake business. In 1970, Nordic Fiberglass, Inc. began operations and has been manufacturing quality products for the underground electrical industry ever since. The company’s years of experience and commitment to excellence have earned it the reputation as the “go-to” company. Because Nordic Fiberglass has been an integral part of the Devils Lake economy, founders Myron and Irmy Haugen wanted to give back to the community. The Haugens learned of the need for toolboxes in the LRSC Automotive Technology program and decided to establish an endowment to assist students in those fields of study. This gift from Nordic Fiberglass will honor and assist Automotive Technology. Travis Eback is a freshman in Automotive Technology. His parents are Tammy and Wayne Eback of Devils Lake. Travis graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011. After he finishes his auto tech courses he plans to enroll in classes for auto body work. ―As a gesture of good corporate citizenship, the North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC) established an endowment to support educational opportunities for students at Lake Region State College. The NDTC gift is an investment in our community and its students. The Community College Foundation salutes NDTC for this exemplary commitment to education and the future of the Lake Region. Kacy Hettwer is a sophomore liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She plans to enter the Early Childhood Education program. A 2006 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Kacy is the daughter of Marcella Mudgett of Devils Lake. She lives in Devils Lake with husband Nick and children Vincent, Madison, and Makaela. ―This endowment was established by Oehlke sons William and David to promote and further the education of LRSC students. Their parents, Herman and Emma, arrived in Devils Lake in 1947 as the new owners/operators of the Mayer Hotel, restaurant, and tavern. After Herman's death in 1963, Emma, a registered nurse, managed the business with the help of her son, William. Herman and Emma recognized the value of a good education, involvement in community life, and the importance of family. This scholarship will be awarded annually to students pursuing careers in nursing, medicine, fire-fighting, or business. Erin Yri is a 2010 graduate of Maddock High School and a sophomore in Accounting/Business Administration. She has an overall goal in life of managing the resort her family presently owns. Her parents are Jim and Diane Yri of Minnewaukan, ND. ― Music and youth were always top priorities for Arnold and Dorothy Oehlsen. In 1956, after teaching at Wittenberg College in Springfield, Ohio, and the State University of Iowa, Arnold Oehlsen accepted the directorship of the Devils Lake Concert Band. Dorothy continued her career as a seventh-grade English teacher and counselor. Arnold retired in 1969, and Dorothy followed, retiring in 1972. Their son Bob was educated in local schools and attended college in Devils Lake from 1959 to 1961 before matriculating to a state university. After their retirement, the Oehlsens spent much of their time fulfilling a life-long dream to travel extensively. They invested in a charitable remainder trust which provided funding for this scholarship endowment.qqq David Kim graduated from Saipan Southern High School in Saipan, an island of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (an unincorporated territory of the United States). David is a freshman liberal arts student and plans a career as a commercial pilot. —This endowment was established through a joint action of the Benson County Commission, the Lake Region Law Enforcement Center, and the Pascal family to honor the memory of Valence Pascal. On August 16, 1993, Val died of a gunshot wound while performing his duty as a deputy sheriff in Benson County, North Dakota. Valence was born in Williston, North Dakota, in 1967. A military dependent, he lived throughout the United States, graduating from high school in Oklahoma. He entered the US Army in 1987 and completed a tour of duty in Korea before his discharge in 1990. He then enrolled in the Peace Officer Training program, and shortly after his graduating, he was reactivated by the Army to serve in Operation Desert Storm. Upon his return from duty in the Persian Gulf, he was reinstated to a position with the Benson County Sheriff’s Office. Val was the son of Darcie and Robert Pascal of Williston. A 2001 graduate of Griggs County Central High School in Cooperstown ND, Marcus Haaland is enrolled in the Peace Officer Training program. His parents are Kim Hook and Irwin Haaland. Brooke Leiphon is a 2010 graduate of Devils Lake High School. Daughter of Patrick and Bonnie Leiphon, Devils Lake, Brooke is pursuing her degree in Early Childhood Education and elementary education. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa. ―Pat grew up in Devils Lake, taking advantage of many recreational and academic activities available in the community. He completed an AAS degree in Sales and Retailing at Lake Region State College and also served as state president of North Dakota Junior Collegiate DECA. Pat enrolled at UND where he was equally involved in campus and community activities. Pat died on July 4, 1987, after a long bout with cancer. His parents, Karen and Larry Liere, established this scholarship in Pat's memory. It is awarded each spring to a Devils Lake High School graduating senior enrolling at Lake Region State College. Alex Kitchens graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012 and is currently enrolled in liberal arts courses. He is the son of Jeff and Joann Kitchens of Devils Lake. ―Born in April 1918 in Devils Lake, Jim was a three-and-a-halfpound, premature baby. He graduated from Lakota High School in 1936. After attending NDSU, Jim transferred to UND to study medicine and completed his studies at Northwestern University in Chicago. He married Audrey Wells during his residency in Denver, Colorado, and they had seven children―Patter, Kathleen, Tim, Mary, John, Tracy, and Sharon. Jim enlisted in the US Army in 1944, and his 120th Evacuation Hospital was the first to provide treatment to the inmates of Buchenwald Concentration Camp. In 1946, he returned to Devils Lake and began his practice. Dr. Mahoney was a member of the state Senate and president of the OB-GYN Association. He was mayor of Devils Lake from 1978 to 1982. In 1985, Dr. Mahoney married Yvonne McGauley, and they enjoyed nineteen years together, spending many hours playing competitive bridge throughout the nation. Yvonne wanted to honor her husband’s commitment to education and his service to his community. Her gift to establish the Dr. James H. Mahoney endowment will help deserving students reach their education goals. Kristine Hoey is a graduate of Devils Lake High School and resides in Devils Lake with her children Ramsey, Parker, Julian, and Jade. Kristine is enrolled in the Associate Degree Nurse (RN) program. ―Clarence Maxwell was born in 1900 and grew up in the Turtle Mountains. In 1922, he enrolled in Hanson Tractor School in Fargo and worked in construction before becoming a farmhand. He rented his own farmland near Edmore, North Dakota, and married his schooldays sweetheart, Ruth Cahoon. Over the years their family grew to include two sons, Robert and Jerry. In 1944, the Maxwells purchased a lovely farm near Webster, and they continued their farming operation until retiring in 1962. Ruth passed away in 1980, and Clarence died in 1998. In his will, he requested $10,000 of his estate be used to establish this endowment to assist exemplary students. A 2007 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Cody Eckes is a liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. His parents are Rita and Daryl Eckes. ― Theresa was born in 1952 to Floyd and Betty Herda of Devils Lake. She attended St. Mary’s High School and Lake Region Junior College and then moved to Grand Forks to pursue her interest in social work. She graduated in 1974 with a bachelor of arts degree from UND. Theresa returned to UND in 1978 and earned a nursing degree. She began working at United Hospital in Grand Forks and there discovered her love of caring for premature and sick infants. She spent her entire distinguished career nursing in neonatal intensive care units. In college, Theresa met Ian McCaughey and they were married in 1983. Their three children―Keith, Andrew, and Colleen―were the focus of her life. She volunteered at her children’s schools and was always there for their concerts, dance recitals, and sporting events. Theresa’s life took a tragic turn in January 1996 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a brave fight, she succumbed to the disease on October 8, 2002. The Theresa Herda McCaughey Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an exemplary student. Erin Tweed is a sophomore in the Dakota Nursing Program and will graduate as an Associate Degree Nurse (RN) in the spring. She hopes to continue her studies and earn a bachelor of science in nursing with an emphasis on mental health nursing. Erin graduated from high school in 2008 and is a resident of Binford ND. ―Long-time Devils Lake residents Tom and Regina Nistler established this scholarship which is awarded annually to a student enrolled in Marketing/Management. Tom and Regina owned and operated Nistler's Hardware in Devils Lake from 1969 to 1996. "We feel the community has been very good to us, and we wanted to show our gratitude by establishing this scholarship," explained Tom. The Nistlers are confident that Devils Lake has a bright future and expect that many of its future leaders will be graduates of Lake Region State College. Having a college in the community helps to guarantee that ―In 1976, the Devils Lake Branch of the American Association of University Women established a permanent fund at the college when several members, led by the late Grace Togstad, published The Lake Region Guide Book. Profits of two thousand dollars from that enterprise were increased when AAUW member Doris Greenleaf made a gift of five thousand dollars. Every year, the branch sponsors a luncheon/lecture on women’s issues and invests the proceeds in its endowment. The AAUW Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding female student attending LRSC for her second year. Shirley Horn is a sophomore in the Accounting/Business Administration program. Shirley and her mother, Karen Horn, are residents of Edmore ND, and she graduated from AdamsEdmore High School in 2011. Curling is listed as her favorite activity and is a popular sport in that area. ―Harvey Altringer established the Altringer Family Endowment in honor of Dorothy, his beloved wife of sixty-two years, and to remember two special grandchildren, Tracy and Cole Altringer, whose lives were cut short due to serious health issues. Harvey and Dorothy Altringer lived in Devils Lake for more than twenty years and raised ten children―Myrna, Lyle, Larry, Jerry, Robert, Joan, Dick, Allan, Jay, and Steven. They were devoted to their family and did their part to strengthen a variety of family-friendly resources in the community. They strongly encouraged all their kids to make plans to attend college, and eight of the ten completed college degrees. They eventually moved to Minot, where Harvey managed the commissary at the Air Force Base, and later to Henderson, Nevada. But their hearts stayed with the Lake Region community and its families. The Altringer Family Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who faces financial barriers in his or her quest for an education. Jonathan Yauney graduated from Mitchell High School, Mitchell NE, in 2008. He is enrolled in the Wind Energy Technician program, and his parents are Denise Yauney and Joseph Yauney, also of Mitchell. ―In 1947, the Lake Region Clinic began serving the medical needs of the community. In addition to its concerns about the health of its patients, the clinic was also concerned about the health and well-being of the community. Acting on this concern, the clinic established an endowed scholarship to support LRSC students. In 2002, the clinic merged with Altru Health System and was re-named Altru Clinic-Lake Region. Despite the name change, its mission remains the same, and clinic personnel continue to invest in scholarships to help students continue their education which, in turn, makes the Lake Region a better place for us all! Elizabeth Malarkey is a sophomore in the Dakota Nursing Program with a goal of becoming a certified nurse midwife. She graduated from Maple Grove Senior High School in 2005 and is a resident of Devils Lake with husband Paul and children Olivia and Emma. ―Oftentimes, farmers are philosophers. They spend a lot of time by themselves operating equipment, and when things are running smoothly, they have time to think. Rodney Brown is one of those philosopher-farmers, and he’s been thinking about the power of an education. Rodney grew up on the farm near Crary, North Dakota, where he lives today. His mother was a teacher who insisted her boys do their homework; skipping school was not an option. Even when the temperature dipped to thirty below, Rodney walked the three and a half miles to school and back home again. Rodney became a fulltime farmer immediately after high school and learned his trade on the job. His operation included a variety of small grains and a prize herd of purebred Hereford cattle. While he has no regrets about his life choices, Rodney believes that “helping a kid get an education is a good thing to do.” And that is just what the Rodney J. Brown Endowed Scholarship is destined to do. Josie Klein is a freshman American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies student with a goal to become a freelance ASL Interpreter. Josie graduated from Rugby High School in 2011 and is the daughter of Judy and Darwin Klein of Rugby. She has been very active on campus with Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Campus Crusade for Christ, Hands on Campus, ASL Club, and the Playmakers Drama Club. ― The Bundy spirit is alive in North Dakota fields once nurtured by brothers Thomas and Gillmore. Educated in a one-room prairie schoolhouse, Thomas and Gillmore first assumed ownership of their family farm in Benson County during the 1940s. Together with their sister Lena, they provided a tremendous amount of love, nurturing, and assistance to seventeen nieces and nephews who considered it a special treat to visit the farm. Prior to Thomas' death, he requested that a portion of his estate go to LRSC, hoping his investment would help students build brighter futures for agriculture in North Dakota. The scholarship is awarded annually to students who show academic promise and a desire to further their careers in agriculture. Ariel Kraft is a sophomore Accounting/Business Administration student. She graduated in 2011 from Devils Lake High School and earned her Automotive Technician degree in 2012. Her parents are Eugene and Loretta Kraft of Devils Lake. ―A strong belief in education helped to bring Willis and Pat together. The two led separate lives for many years, each connecting with the college in a different way. Willis often hauled tractors to the diesel shop where students did needed repairs, while Pat worked to acquire her GED at the Adult Learning Center. Thanks to a square dancing group, the Prairie Partners, which also met on campus, the two were brought together and married October 4, 1980. Pat's seven children became "their" children. Sadly, Willis died in 2005, but he and Pat always strongly encouraged others to "get schooling" after high school. This scholarship is awarded annually to students enrolled in a career and technical program at LRSC. Ian Coenen is a sophomore enrolled in the Law Enforcement program. He graduated from Dakota Prairie High School in 2011, and his parents are Robert and Lynda Coenen of Warwick ND. ―Dedicated Lake Region State College employees have established a scholarship fund to help their own family members attend LRSC. Contributions are collected through voluntary payroll deductions, direct gifts, and purchases made every Friday for the Denim Day program. Recipients must display evidence of initiative and goal-setting skills. Campus employees are continuing their gift-giving to ensure access to quality education for their most valuable assets ... their kin. Laurie Bachmeier, a 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School, is the daughter of Paul and Lois Bachmeier of Devils Lake. Laurie is a sophomore in Early Childhood Education and plans to continue working toward a bachelor's degree in this field. A 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Christopher Fixen is a freshman liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. His parents are Randy and Ahna Fixen. He plans to continue his education in the field of biology. Mark Gutschmidt graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2010. He is a sophomore in the Marketing and Management program. Mark is the son of Paul and Donna Gutschmidt of Devils Lake ND. Alex Herman is the son of Curt and Janet Herman of Tolna ND. A 2011 graduate of Dakota Prairie High School, he assisted in coaching and officiating in youth activities and is now a member of the Royals men’s basketball team. Alex is enrolled in liberal arts courses and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. He plans to earn an elementary education degree. Alex Kitchens graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012 and is currently enrolled in liberal arts courses. He is the son of Jeff and Joann Kitchens of Devils Lake. Caitlin Lunday is a sophomore liberal arts student with plans to earn a doctorate in chemistry. Her overall goal is to become a chemical engineer. Caitlin has three sisters, and her mother is Bobbi Lunday who serves as the president's assistant. Caitlin serves as a Royal Ambassador and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. A 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Kimberly Soper is the daughter of Ron and Roberta Soper of Webster ND. She is a freshman in Accounting/Business Administration. ―AAI Engineering Support, Inc. was a key partner with LRSC in establishment of its Simulator Technology program in 1989. This public-private partnership involved creating curriculum, acquiring simulator assets from government agencies, and identifying and selecting instructors. In 1998, AAI Engineering Support, Inc. strengthened its support for the program with a commitment to build a sizable endowment to provide scholarships for students enrolling in the program. This endowment is named for Edwin L. Carpenter who enjoyed a distinguished career in naval aviation as a carrier-qualified pilot of over fifteen types of aircraft. Mr. Carpenter joined AAI Corporation in 1961 and was instrumental in founding AAI Engineering Support, Inc. He is survived by his wife Florence, son Kevin, and daughter Karen C. Buck. A 2004 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Erick Althoff is enrolled in the Simulator Technician program. His parents are Mary Willert and Dale Althoff. Trevor Knudson graduated from Dakota Prairie High School in 2006. He is a freshman in the Simulator Technician program, and his parents are Shawn and Candace Knudson of Esmond ND. ―Having assisted farmers with financing needs since 1940, a credit union recognizes the many challenges they face. Citizens Community Credit Union also recognizes the strong role that experience, hard work, and knowledge play in achieving financial success. Education is an extremely important will to assure perpetual support for Lake Region State College students. Lake Region State College uses funds from the Florence Lake Trust to provide full-tuition scholarships for recent high school graduates who have developed strong leadership skills and achieved excellent scores on the ACT test or similar benchmark. These prestigious awards are known as the Florence Lake Presidential Scholarships. A 2011 graduate of Grand Forks Central High School, Myron W. Danielson is the son of Lisa Lundsten and Ray Danielson of Grand Forks ND. Myron is presently enrolled in the Automotive Technician program. Caitlin Lunday is a sophomore liberal arts student with plans to earn a doctorate in chemistry. Her overall goal is to become a chemical engineer. Caitlin has three sisters, and her mother is Bobbi Lunday who serves as the president's assistant. Caitlin serves as a Royal Ambassador and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. Molly Nienhuis is a freshman pursuing a career in health care, either physical therapy or laboratory technology. She graduated from Springvale Christian Academy in Owossa, Michigan, in 2012. Molly is the daughter of Ron and Lori Nienhuis of Lawton ND. She serves as a Royal Ambassador and Student Senator and is a member of the Lady Royals volleyball team. A 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Kenneth Olson is enrolled in the Fitness Trainer Technician program. He has plans to transfer to North Dakota State University for their program in exercise science. Kenny lives in Devils Lake and has been a volunteer for flag football in the school system and also for the Relay For Life event. ― Cynthia was born May 31, 1966, to long-time Edmore, North Dakota, residents Raymond and Idella Kuchar. She attended Edmore Public School and received a business administration degree from UND. In 1991, she married Devils Lake native Todd LaMotte. Cynthia and Todd made their home in Devils Lake. Their young marriage was interrupted by a serious illness. Multiple sclerosis took Cindy's life in 1995. Cindy's husband and family decided to establish the Cynthia Kuchar LaMotte Memorial Endowment to benefit students from the Edmore region who wish to further their educations at LRSC. A 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Sadie Hefta is a freshman liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Her parents are Cheryl and Arlynn Hefta of Devils Lake. ―Beatrice Larson was a life-long educator in the Lake Region who spent untold hours working to make sure her students received only the best. She began her teaching career in a country school north of Devils Lake and later taught history at Devils Lake High School. Through a summer program she earned a Master's Degree in Library Science which prepared her to work as librarian for the Carnegie Public Library. Beatrice concluded her career at the college's library, retiring in 1973. This endowed scholarship was established by Ms. Larson's nieces and nephews as a loving tribute, and it is awarded annually to an exemplary student attending LRSC. Jayme Duciaume, daughter of Brenda and David Duciaume, graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011. Jayme is pursuing an associate in arts degree and serves as a Royal Ambassador. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. After graduation, she plans to study psychology or criminal justice at UND. ―The Leevers family has a long history in the Devils Lake region. Norm Leevers immigrated to the United States from England as a child and grew up working in grocery stores in Minneapolis. In 1938, he purchased a small grocery in Devils Lake and, soon after, married his sweetheart, Marjorie McCabe. Together they built a family and a business. Today, there are seven Leevers Foods, Inc. stores in North Dakota― Devils Lake, Rolla, Langdon, Cavalier, Rugby, Valley City, and Jamestown. Norm and Marge would be pleased with the corporation’s growth and the fact that the business remains rooted in North Dakota and in family hands. Their son, Bob, with his wife Carol raised their family in Devils Lake. Today, Bob serves as president of Leevers Foods, and their children, Jamie and Beth, are owners and work in corporate leadership roles. Norm Leevers often said, “I wanted to go to college so bad I could taste it!” Each year, students who are also Leevers employees receive awards from the Leevers Family Endowment, helping to make their college dreams come true. Devin Hoffarth is a sophomore in the Accounting/Business Administration program and a Royal Ambassador. He graduated from Langdon High School in 2011. Devin's parents, Don and Ronda Hoffarth, reside in Langdon ND. A 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Brianna Leiphon is a freshman liberal arts student and a Royal Ambassador. She plans to continue her studies and become a physical therapist. Brianna is the daughter of Pat and Bonnie Leiphon. Kristen Eichelberger lives at Lakota ND with her husband Tim and two children. She graduated from Tolna High School in 1989 and is enrolled in the Practical Nurse program. Kristen plans to complete the Associate Degree Nurse (RN) program. She is busy with her studies and school activities for her children. ―Jay and Jeanne Klemetsrud are both strongly rooted in the Lake Region. Jeanne’s parents, John and June (Webster) Litzinger, were raised in farming families near Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. Jay’s parents, Neil and Shirley Jean (Sibley) Klemetsrud, also shared a Lake Region heritage. Jay and Jeanne were married during their college years at UND. Shortly after graduating, they loaded a van and spent three months touring the United States and Canada. That experience sealed their decision to settle into the community where they had been raised. They hand-crafted their first home on the shores of Devils Lake where they raised their four children―Scott, Jeffrey, Eric, and Jennifer. This endowment honors Jay and Jeanne’s parents and their life-long commitment to the Lake Region. The scholarship, given annually, is also in recognition of Klemetsrud’s Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning. Sarah Schafer graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012. She is the daughter of Mark and Debra Schafer, and her plans include pursuing a degree in criminal justice. She is a member of the Lady Royals basketball team, and she would also like to continue her basketball career. ―Todd Anthony Kraft was born on March 13, 1964, to Ray and Christine Kraft of Devils Lake, the fourth of five sons. After graduating from high school, he joined the United States Marine Corps. He was stationed at Camp Le Jeune, North Carolina, and then shipped out aboard the USS Manitowoc. Todd was killed in action in Lebanon in December of 1983 while serving on a peace-keeping mission. His family, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, and Ramsey National Bank and Trust Company established this scholarship. A Todd A. Kraft Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually, with preference given to persons honorably discharged from military service. Brandon Clouse is a 2012 graduate of Devils Lake High School and is pursuing a degree in Accounting/Business Administration. Brandon is the son of Phillip and Michelle Clouse of Devils Lake. Amanda Kraft is enrolled in liberal art courses with the intention to transfer to a four year college and complete a major in Business. Amanda lives in Devils Lake with her guardians, Paulette and Palmer Odden. She graduated from Minnewaukan High School in 2011 and receives Post-911 GI benefits. ―Clarence and Agnes Laber were educators to the core. They both earned teaching degrees at Valley City State University. Clarence entered college after his World War II service in the Philippines. He majored in science and played on the football team. Agnes earned her teaching degree and had her eye on that handsome football player, but she didn’t really meet him until they found themselves teaching together in the Cathay, North Dakota, school system. They moved to Devils Lake in 1960. Clarence taught at the public high school until he joined the college staff full-time in 1966. His career there extended until 1988 during which time he held many key roles. He even filled in as president during the 1975-76 school year. As children arrived, Agnes directed her teaching skills to the private kindergarten she operated in their home. Clarence and Agnes’ eight children and their families joined forces to launch this scholarship and honor their parents’ life-long commitment to education. Lindsey Norvold graduated from Bemidji High School in 2010. Lindsey is working toward degrees in Early Childhood Education and American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies. She is the daughter of Dan and Stacy Norvold of Bemidji MN. ―As a group, North Dakotans tend to be a bit "tight-fisted" when it comes to passing out compliments and kudos. We think about the things others do that we admire, but finding just the right words to tell them is often a tall order ... Too tall! William (Bill) Wakefield found an innovative solution. Growing up as a backdoor neighbor to Gwenn and Izzy LaFleur, Bill developed an admiration for the "only other guy in town who got up as early as the Wakefield family of pilots.” Bill Wakefield established this scholarship and asked that it be named for Izzy and Gwenn LaFleur. The LaFleurs were surprised and honored by this request. Happily, they accepted. The first scholarship award was made in 1997. Kyle Robbins' parents are Dale and Lila Robbins of Devils Lake, and he graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011. Kyle assisted in coaching youth hockey while in school. He is enrolled in the Fitness Trainer Technician program and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. He plans to transfer to NDSU for an exercise science degree. ―Florence Lake was a wonderful friend to Lake Region State College, and we were saddened by her passing in December of 1991. Florence was an educator, and throughout her life she demonstrated her care and concern for students. She made plans through her factor in attaining the high level of expertise a farmer or rancher needs to succeed in today's challenging environment. Having worked with the Farm Management program from a banking perspective, the credit union was aware of the program’s excellent leaders and very high value to participants. Citizens Community Credit Union is proud to have the opportunity to support the program in its mission to assist area farmers and ranchers. Brenden Laugsand is a sophomore in the Farm Management program. He earned a degree in Automotive Technology from LRSC in 2002. Brenden graduated in 2000 from Devils Lake High School, and his mother is Roxanne Laugsand. ―Cliff Clemenson was a man with a special interest in education and students. As owner of Clemenson Construction Company in the mid-forties, he hired several graduates of the Lake Region college’s carpentry program. For his summer crews, he sought young men eager to learn carpentry skills and earn college tuition. These apprentices appreciated the personal interest he took in their educational goals. Cliff eventually caught the eye of college administrators, and in 1969, he accepted a faculty position in the college’s carpentry and cabinet-making program, a position he held until he retired in 1980. His wife Ann established this fund as a loving tribute to his memory. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing a trades program degree. Andrew Zimmerman is a sophomore in the Automotive Technician program. He graduated from high school in 2011 and lives in Devils Lake with wife Jessica and son Landon. ―A bright and energetic leader, Tom Cranna was admired by all. Born and raised in Devils Lake, Tom excelled in school and other activities. He attended Dartmouth College and entered the US Marine Corps after graduation. His Vietnam tour as a naval aviator was cut short when he was wounded in 1966. After an honorable discharge, Tom was reunited with his wife and pursued his dream to become an attorney. He graduated magna cum laude with the University of Minnesota class of 1969. On October 17, 1969, the day he was admitted to the Minnesota Bar Association, Tom died unexpectedly of a cerebral hemorrhage. He left a young family which included wife Barbara, daughter Cathleen, and twin sons Mike and Mark. Clifford "Scotty" and Anna Cranna established this scholarship in memory of their son Tom to encourage future Devils Lake High School graduates to pursue college education and put their special talents to good use. Caitlin Lunday is a sophomore liberal arts student with plans to earn a doctorate in chemistry. Her overall goal is to become a chemical engineer. Caitlin has three sisters, and her mother is Bobbi Lunday who serves as the president's assistant. Caitlin serves as a Royal Ambassador and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. ―It all began back in 1884 when Crary School was nothing more than an old store building on the north side of Crary. That building was destroyed by fire in 1907 and replaced with a four-room building. When that building was also destroyed by fire, the present building was constructed with a gym added in the early fifties. Two all-school reunions have been held. The first, in 1990, was very successful. The second, in July 1995, left money which was invested, and the earnings were divided among students who would have graduated from Crary School. With no more students meeting these criteria, the reunion committee put the remaining dollars to good use by opening an endowment for area students, the Crary All-School Reunion Endowment. Patrick Hanson is a sophomore Automotive Technology and liberal arts student. He graduated from Lakota High School, Lakota ND, and his parents are Kevin and Lynette Hanson of Brocket ND. ―Ilean Cutler-Maetzold and her husband Dick Maetzold appreciated their own educational opportunities and stressed the importance of a good education to their children. Now they are doing what they can to open education’s doors for others. Ilean earned her registered nurse degree from St. Luke’s School of Nursing, Fargo, and Cook County Hospital in Chicago. She married Lee Cutler, who attended LRSC before moving to Fargo for college and to launch his successful career in the insurance industry. Lee died in 1973, and Ilean took over her husband’s insurance agency and opened an office in Devils Lake. Dick Maetzold grew up and farmed near Devils Lake. After military service, he completed a degree at North Dakota State University in Fargo. He and Jeanne, his first wife, raised five children and were very active in the community. Jeanne died unexpectedly in 1974. Ilean Culter and Dick Maetzold were married in 1977. They make their home in Fargo, but remain very interested in and supportive of the Lake Region. The Cutler-Maetzold scholarship will be awarded annually to a student whose goal is to become a registered nurse. Jamie MacDonald graduated from Cando High School in 2008 and is now enrolled in the Associate Degree Nurse program. She will graduate in the spring. Jamie lives in Cando ND with her two children, Mylee and Mia. Her mother is Linda Johnston, also of Cando. —Duane and Shirley Darling and their family have been closely linked to LRSC for three generations. Duane Darling attended LRSC when it was called the “junior college.” Their children each made their own connections with the college—their son, Dan, as a dual-credit math teacher; their daughter, Denise, as a student; and their son, Doug, first as an instructor and currently as interim president. Doug’s wife Teresa is also linked to the institution as an instructor in the English department. Now, third-generation Darlings, DJ (Doug’s son) and Trevor (Dan’s son), have been students through the Dual Credit program. Duane’s life work and his passion was teaching youth. For nearly forty years he served North Dakota schools as teacher and/or superintendent. Lessons about the importance of education were part of family discussions over the dinner table. The family launched this endowment in early 2010. Shirley’s untimely death in December 2010 make the scholarship a fitting legacy for a woman who was always so passionate about the importance of a good education. The Darling Family scholarship is awarded annually to a student linked to the Leeds ND area, the community the family claims as its home base. Students preparing for a career in education will also be given priority consideration. Ashley Foss is a sophomore liberal arts student planning to transfer to Moorhead State for a bachelor's degree in elementary education. She is also a member of Student Senate. Ashley is the daughter of Scott and Vicki Foss of Maddock ND and graduated from Maddock High School in 2011. ―This endowment was established by Herman and Margaret Dimmler's family. Herman was born in Germany and at the age of sixteen came to America. In 1937, he married Margaret C. Peters, daughter of immigrant parents. Together they purchased a farm north of Crary, and through hard work and skillful management became prominent farmers. They had five children—Gerald, Harold (deceased 1979), Judy Thompson, James, and Janet Wood (deceased in 2005). Janet was an assistant professor of Business Education at LRSC from 1969 to 2001. In 1981, Herman died at the age of 73, and Margaret passed away in 1996 at the age of 79. The first award was made in 1997. Jace Greene is a freshman in business courses and liberal arts. He plans to transfer to UND to earn a degree in accounting. Jace is the son of Tim and Jeanne Greene of Devils Lake and graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2012. Dawn Putney currently lives in Devils Lake and is pursuing an Administrative Assistant degree. She graduated from Bisbee High School in 1997. Dawn is the daughter of Peter and Beverly Cose of Karlsruhe ND. ―This endowment has been established in memory of former LRSC student Brian Duchscherer. A native of Michigan, North Dakoata, Brian was the son of Carl and Rosemarie Duchscherer. He graduated from Lakota High School in 1994 and joined the National Guard. Basic training took him to Kentucky and Maryland after which he returned to North Dakota and enrolled in the Simulator Technology program. Brian died tragically in a vehicle accident on April 14, 1996. His family and friends established this endowment as a tribute to a young man who displayed kindness, warmth, and generosity to everyone he met. The scholarship is awarded annually to a Nelson County student attending LRSC. ―With a vision for the future, Aurelie and her family have established a scholarship which they hope will carry forward the Jerome legacy. As a family and a business, the Jeromes believe it is important to re-invest in community. Arthur Jerome, the first proprietor of Jerome Wholesale Candy Company, began distributing beer in 1933. In 1972, the company became Jerome Wholesale, Inc. Arthur's son Bill headed the business until his retirement in 1985 when sons Pete and Chuck assumed ownership. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student athlete. Jordan Snyder is a 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School and is enrolled in Accounting/Business Administration. He is a Royals men's basketball player, and his parents are Dale and Marie Snyder of Devils Lake. Alex Herman is the son of Curt and Janet Herman of Tolna ND. A 2011 graduate of Dakota Prairie High School, he assisted in coaching and officiating in youth activities and is now a member of the Royals men’s basketball team. Alex is enrolled in liberal arts courses and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. He plans to earn an elementary education degree. ―Clarence Erlandson brought his family to Devils Lake in 1953 when he became junior high principal for the public school. Six years later, he was appointed superintendent for the district. In this role, he managed all the district’s secondary schools and the college, as well. In 1966, he helped guide the college out of the old Pershing Building and into a beautiful, new campus. Clarence and Ruth raised a family of four― Michael, Marilyn, Linda, and Kathleen―who benefited from the quality education they received in Devils Lake. They followed their father's example and achieved educational goals of their own. Ruth Erlandson established this endowment which will forever assist students faced with financial barriers. ―Born on Valentine's Day, Leonard Johnson always had a big heart for family and community, but most of all he loved farming, working side by side with his father and brother Earl from an early age. He and Earl were mainstays in a quartet which sang at Trinity-Bergen Lutheran Church in Starkweather. Leonard also sang in the church choir, directing or accompanying when need be. Leonard was married to Janice Appelquist from 1963 until her death in 1971. When Leonard died, Earl presented a gift to establish an endowment in Leonard's name. Fourteen months after Leonard died, Earl also died, drawing to a close the Johnson brothers' farming legacy. The Johnson family also included four sisters―Lilah, Alpha, Evelyn, and Lillian. Joseph L. Gilliland, Jr graduated from Vinton County High School, McArthur OH, in 1987. He lives in Cando with his wife, Lisa, one son, and four stepdaughters. Joseph is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and is pursuing courses with a history/ political science degree as his goal. He enjoys volunteering at the Lake Region Heritage Center and Fort Totten State Historic Site. Megan Gangl is the daughter of Jodi and Alfred Gangl of Devils Lake. She graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011. Megan is a sophomore enrolled in liberal arts courses, and she plans to pursue a career as a social worker . ―Dr. R. Donald and Isabel McBane have established a scholarship in memory of Isabel's brother, Bruce. A true westerner, Bruce met all manner of people easily. His hard work, practiced approach, unassuming manner, and integrity assured his success. He completed a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan in 1946, financing his own education. Eventually he was appointed Vice President of Engineering for the Canadian International Power Company. The endowment awards a scholarship annually to an LRSC student intending to pursue an engineering career. Devin Hoffarth is a sophomore in the Accounting/Business Administration program. He is also Royal Ambassador and president of Student Senate. He graduated from Langdon High School in 2011. Devin's parents, Don and Ronda Hoffarth, reside in Langdon ND. —Murray and his college sweetheart, Beth Rogers, were married in 1943. Murray had graduated from Nebraska State Teachers College with a degree in physics. That same year, he joined the Army and served forty-one months in the medical corps caring for casualties. Upon his return, ready for a new adventure, Murray and Beth purchased the Dakota Trading Post at Fort Totten, North Dakota, and operated it from 1953 to 1972. Murray also served as Fort Totten’s postmaster for twenty-eight years. Murray and Beth became acquainted with nearly everyone in the region. Their customers were their friends. The four Johnson children―Richard, Roger, Kathryn, and Robert―helped with Trading Post operations and made lifelong friendships with the tribal children who frequented the store. Murray and Beth modeled deep respect for tribal traditions and for their Native American friends while concurrently cultivating friendships with people from all walks of life. The Murray and Beth Johnson Nursing Scholarship is a fitting legacy for a life well lived. Earnings from this endowment support scholarships for students enrolled in the Dakota Nursing Program at Lake Region State College. A 2006 graduate of North Central Barnes High School, Natosha Ebertz is a sophomore in the Dakota Nursing program. She is married to John Ebertz, and they live at Michigan ND with their two children, Brianna and John Jr. ―Pat Kavanaugh, an Irish son of the soil, was born in the Lake Region and devoted his life to farming. He learned to farm with horse-drawn equipment and was well respected for his skill with horses, but he was also interested in learning new techniques. He attended “Agricultural College,” now NDSU. After a tour with the US Navy, he returned to Devils Lake and by the 1950s was farming full-time. In 1943, Pat married Fay Foster who died giving birth to daughter Suzanne in 1947. He later married Joyce Nicholson with whom he shared twenty years of warm companionship. Pat died in October of 1993. It is hoped that recipients will follow Patrick's lead and help to build a stronger agriculture community for the Lake Region. Ashley Utgaard graduated from Sidney High School, Sidey MT, in 2012 and is pursuing degrees in Early Childhood Education and American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies. Her parents are Ron and Sheri Utgaard of Sidney MT. ―Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year, but the occasion holds a different meaning for Jim Kienast whose wife Shirley passed away from cancer shortly before Valentine's Day in 1994. Shirley could be found behind the scenes in many youth-related groups. She worked hard to launch the "Caught You!" concept in place throughout the Devils Lake school district, recognizing students for thoughtful behavior. Jim and daughter Kristi established this endowment as a tribute to a wife and mother, their valentine, whom they loved very much. The scholarship is awarded annually to an exemplary LRSC student. scholarships for students enrolled in the Wind Energy Technician program. Samuel Fox is a 2011 graduate of Wing High School, and his parents are James and Jeanette Fox also of Wing ND. Samuel is enrolled in the Wind Energy Technician program. Luke Schill graduated from Langdon Area High School in 2011. Son of Dennis and Diane Schill of Hannah ND, Luke is enrolled in the Wind Energy Technician program. ―Born and raised in Devils Lake, Tom Herda began his college studies at Lake Region Junior College. In 1971, he earned a teaching degree from Minot State College and began a career as a respected teacher and coach. He and wife Barbara lived in several communities before finally settling in Lakota where his love for educating the minds and bodies of youngsters was ever present. Their family included two children, Heather and Matthew. Tom died suddenly on November 10, 1995, of a heart attack while hunting with his son. Tom's family and supporters established this endowment in his memory. The Thomas F. Herda Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a Lady Royals basketball player. Jonie Wipf graduated from Bowdle High School in Bowdle SD, in 2012, and is the daughter of Johnny and JoAnn Wipf. She is enrolled in the Dakota Nursing Program and also plays basketball for the Lady Royals. ―Born and raised in Devils Lake, Kathy began piano lessons at a very young age. By the time she graduated from high school, she was a very accomplished pianist. She married Lamont Heustis in 1976 and enjoyed giving piano lessons and gardening. She loved her family and friends and especially her family’s cabin at Wood Lake. Kathy died in an auto accident in Devils Lake in July of 1983. At the time of her death she was employed by Ramsey National Bank and Trust Company. Her husband and Ramsey National Bank and Trust provided funds to establish this memorial endowment. Kathy was the daughter of Kay Heit and Larry Heit, both deceased. Scholarship preference is given to students with demonstrated interest in and aptitude for music. Brent Voeller is the son of Randy and Lisa Voeller of Minot ND. Brent is a sophomore in the Wind Energy Technician program. He graduated from Minot High School in 2009. ―Jim and June Huesgen were life-long residents of the Lake Region, owning and operating Huesgen's Jewelry in Devils Lake. They raised seven children and placed high value on religion, family, education, and community. After Jim's death in 1989, June invested her energies in the work of the Community College Foundation. She had a personal connection with the college through her father, H. L. "Prof" Woll, who was appointed to the first full-time position at the college. The Endowed Scholarship Program was a pet project of June's. The Huesgen Family Scholarship benefits students in pursuit of education and success. Heather Vondal is a sophomore liberal arts student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She plans to transferr to the UND School of Law. She graduated from Langdon Area High School in 2011, and her parents are Jay and Sherry Vondal of Langdon ND. ―Mr. Hyland was born and reared in Iowa, but as a young man he chose to settle and make his home in North Dakota. He was a wellknown auctioneer throughout the northwest and acquired large farming interests in Ramsey County. His distinguished political career began in 1910 when he was elected to the House of Representatives from Ramsey County. He was later elected to the Senate, served as Lieutenant Governor, and ran for Governor in 1932. Mr. Hyland died in 1934. His wife Florence left instructions that a portion of her estate be used to fund a scholarship in her husband's name. The Frank Hyland Memorial Scholarship was established in 1974 and was the foundation's first endowed scholarship. Erica Aufforth is a 2011 graduate of North Star High School in Cando ND. Her parents are Kurt and Janine Aufforth. Erica is enrolled in the liberal arts transfer program and will attend either Bismarck State College or Moorhead State University in the fall. Erica is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa. ―Janice Orness and her husband Stan owned and operated Greater Dakota Homes in Devils Lake and other housing dealerships throughout North Dakota. She was also involved with their collector car business, Greater Dakota Classics and Black Magic Rod and Custom, and was a driving force behind the annual Devils Run Car Show. Janice died of cancer in April 2003, and her family worked together to fund J.A.N.S. (Jan's Annual Nursing Scholarship) in her memory. Janice appreciated the wonderful nursing care she received while she courageously fought her battle with cancer, so the family chose to have the scholarship focus on students entering the nursing profession. The scholarship is awarded annually during the Devils Run Car Show. Meghan Carew completed her Practical Nurse courses in the spring of 2012 and is now a sophomore in the Associate Degree Nurse (RN) program. Meghan is a 2009 graduate of Devils Lake High School and the daughter of Mark and Julie Carew of Devils Lake. Mark Steven Mudra, son of Robert and Dena Oliver, graduated from Rugby High School in 2011. He works at the college and Bell Drug and does tutoring in middle school math. Steve is enrolled in liberal arts and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. He plans to transfer to North Dakota State University to pursue a degree in pharmacy. ―For eighty years, at least one, and often several Doctors Fawcett provided medical care in the Lake Region. Dr. William Crozier Fawcett settled into the role of country doctor in Starkweather in 1901. He and wife Edith Magwood Fawcett raised four sons―John, Newton, Donald, and Robert― who all became doctors and practiced in the Lake Region. The Fawcett Family Practice eventually became the Lake Region Clinic. Robert Fawcett, the youngest son, and his wife Margaret established this scholarship in 1993 to honor the Fawcett family legacy. Matthew Erickson graduated from Langdon Area High School in 2011 and is currently enrolled as a sophomore in Law Enforcement. A member of Phi Theta Kappa, Matthew is the son of Dean and Bonita Erickson of Langdon ND. ―Frank (Francis) and Helen Foughty met on the campus of UND and were married in Washington DC in 1944, shortly before Frank left for duty with the US Marine Corps. He returned to UND and earned his juris doctorate in 1949. Helen received her business degree in 1946. The Foughtys then moved to Devils Lake where Frank opened his law practice and Helen taught college courses. Together they raised five children― Chaun, Maureen White Eagle, Donovan, Eileen Tabert, and Judd. Frank died in 2005 after practicing law for fiftyone years. Youngest son Judd, an LRSC graduate, died in 1995. Frank and Helen’s children and grandchildren all have had some connection to LRSC as students, graduates, or teachers. The Foughty Family scholarship is awarded annually to an exemplary student. Brooke Peltier has been a member of the National Guard since 2008. A 2000 graduate of Sheyenne High School, Brooke lives in Devils Lake. She is studying Accounting/ Business Administration. ―Gate City Bank has been a member of the Lake Region’s business community since 1923. Its downtown Devils Lake location is one of thirtytwo offices located in nineteen communities throughout North Dakota and Minnesota. Gate City Bank works hard to live its mission, helping to build “a better way of life” in each service community. The company overview explains, “Serving our customers and connecting with our communities have remained constant cornerstones of our mission.” Gate City Bank has worked hard to treat customers right and be a bank that can be trusted. In an effort to strengthen educational opportunities for Lake Region area students and support Lake Region State College, Gate City Bank established this endowed scholarship. It provides a scholarship each year for a Lake Region area student enrolling at LRSC. Kelley Olson graduated from Devils Lake High School in 2011. Daughter of Charles and Barbara Olson, Kelly is a liberal arts student and plans to continue her studies at UND with the overall goal of becoming a physical therapist with a focus on pediatrics. ―Arlo Gebhard grew up on the Dakota prairies near Casselton, North Dakota. His eventual bride, Ella Widiger, was raised near Fessenden, North Dakota. Ella and Arlo were married in July 1950 and joined Arlo's family in the Cass County farming operation. In 1956, both accepted jobs with the ASCS (Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service) in Fessenden. Arlo was hired by the Devils Lake ASCS Office in 1959, and the Gebhard family planted deep roots in their new community and raised three children. Ella later launched the All-Risk Crop Insurance Company. Their interest in youth and their ties to farming were the keys to Ella's decision to establish the Arlo Gebhard Memorial Endowment. Each year, LRSC students with ties to production agriculture receive scholarship awards. Reston Westemeier graduated from Bisbee High School in 2008 and is still a resident of Bisbee. He is enrolled in the Farm Management program. Reston's parents are Karen and Dana Westemeier of Bisbee. ―Gerrells Sports Center was opened in 1946 by C. E. “Hoopty” Gerrells. Hoopty’s son, Jay, came into the business in the early 1950s, and today, Gerrells Sports Center is a leading business in Devils Lake. Jay attended LRSC from 1947 to 1949, married Mavis Garske in 1950, and entered the US Army. Jay and Mavis’s children―Scott Gerrells, Judy Gerrells and Lorrie Pescion―followed Jay’s path and attended LRSC, and grandchildren Robyn and Cody Gerrells and Preston Steward are the most recent alumni. Jay eventually sold Gerrells to his partners, and today, the store is owned by their son, Scott Gerrells. The Jay and Mavis Gerrells Endowment supports student athletes at LRSC by awarding academic scholarships to Royals basketball players. Corley Berkner is an LRSC freshman from Milbank, South Dakota. She graduated from Milbank High School, and her parents are Charles and Shelly Berkner of Milbank. Corley was enrolled in Early Childhood Education during fall semester and was a Lady Royals basketball player. ―Doris Greenleaf was an uncommon woman; a journalist, an independent thinker, a feminist before the word had meaning. She was also a mother of four daughters, a wife, and a doting grandmother. Doris grew up in Minnesota with deep Swedish roots. She appreciated this heritage and enjoyed committing immigrant stories told at family gatherings to writing. Her writing skills were strengthened in the journal-ism program at the University of Minnesota as well as through reporter experiences for several newspapers. When she settled in Devils Lake with husband Willard and her young family, she wrote special assignments for the Devils Lake Journal. She devoted many years to volunteer public relations for LRSC, Devils Lake Public Schools, and other organizations. Doris had a strong moral compass and used her writing skills to advocate for social justice. The endowed scholarship established in her name by her family will serve students who are pursuing an education and an opportunity to use their talents well. A 2004 graduate of West Ottawa High School in Holland MI, Joni Keuvelaar is enrolled in the Dakota Nursing Program. Her parents are Kathleen Appledorn and Leon Keuvelaar. ― Susan was born in 1955, grew up in Devils Lake, and attended LRSC part-time during her senior year in high school. Her successful studies enabled her to complete a baccalaureate program in music at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, in three years. Susan went on to earn a masters degree in voice performance from the University of Maryland. Studies at the American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria, further perfected her performance skills. Susan sang with opera companies in New York, Milwaukee, and Washington DC. She and husband Bradley Holtz had one child, Zachery, before Susan died in 1987. Susan's parents, Doris and Willard Greenleaf, established this scholarship in 1988. It is awarded annually to a secondyear liberal arts student who demonstrates exemplary scholarship and academic ability. McKenzie Darling graduated from Langdon Area High School in 2011. She is presently enrolled in Early Childhood Education and serves as a Royal Ambassador. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Student Senate. McKenzie is the daughter of Keith and Bonnie Girodat of Langdon. ―Don Grinolds served for eleven years as Academic Outreach Officer for the LRSC program at the Grand Forks Air Force Base. Well-respected for his responsiveness to student needs, Don is remembered as the director who offered classes in the middle of the night, at the bottom of a missile silo, in the deserts of Kuwait ... whenever and wherever students gathered. Don died in August 1998. Earlier in the year he had proudly accepted the Outstanding Military Educator of the Year Award from the University Continuing Education Association. Don’s wife Janis died in 2011. He is survived by five sons―Delaney, Donald, Shawn, Kriss, and Erik. Don's family and friends established this endowment to provide assistance to GFAFB students who enroll in the LRSC Outreach Program. Benjamin Lofgren is enrolled at the Grand Forks Air Force Base campus. He graduated from Grand Forks Central High School in 2011, and his parents are Richard and Christine Lofgren, Grand Forks ND. ―John believed that education and a good work ethic were important keys to success. After graduating from Devils Lake High School in 1961, John enlisted in the US Army and served for three years. He then returned to Lake Region State College, completed an Associate in Arts degree, and transferred to UND where he earned a degree in business administration. Throughout, John exhibited a powerful work ethic. He married Sally Claridge in 1968. They moved “home” to Devils Lake in 1972 where John worked for Ramsey National Bank and Trust Company. By this time, their family had grown to include two daughters, Michelle and Dyana. When John died of cancer in 1990, his family, friends, and associates established this endowment to support educational opportunities for Lake Region area students. Preference is given to students pursuing careers in banking/finance or business. Jordan Snyder is a member of the Royals men's basketball team. His parents are Dale and Marie Snyder of Devils Lake. Jordan is a 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School and is enrolled in Accounting/Business Administration. ―Everett was born in Devils Lake in 1937 and graduated from New Rockford High School. Following a tour with the US Marines, he returned to the area where he ran a service station and farmed with his father. He married Patricia Titsworth in 1958, and together they raised their children, Jerome, Glenn, Eugene, and Belinda. Everett encouraged his family to keep their options open and never be afraid to try something new. He lived his philosophy as he alternately farmed, barbered, established two businesses, and worked as a peace officer and trucker. This scholarship was established by Everett's wife Patricia after his death in a bicycling accident in 1989. Recipients are selected based on need and demonstrated effort to build new career options for themselves through education. ― Rudolph was born and raised on the prairies of North Dakota, and farming was his life-long passion. Anne Moen immigrated from Ringebu, Norway to live in the Starkweather, North Dakota, area. They met at a Sons of Norway dance and married and settled in Towner County. Through the years, they expanded their farming operation and raised their family of three daughters. Rudolph and Anne always emphasized the importance of education. Books, magazines, and newspapers were read daily. College and/or further education were expected paths for their daughters. This scholarship was established by the three daughters of C. Rudolph and Anne Hanson―Rubie (Donald) Brintnell, of Devils Lake; Joan (Pastor Gerald) Check, of Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin; and Clarine (Dale) Anderson, of Starkweather― as a loving tribute to their parents and to the importance their parents always placed on education. Zachary Hultstrand is a freshman from Langdon ND enrolled in the Automotive Technician program. A 2010 high school graduate, his mother is Vicki Gol from Bismarck ND. Kelly Opp is a sophomore in the Dakota Nursing Program. Kelly is a 2003 graduate of Carrington High School and presently lives in Devils Lake. ―Walter and Helen Hanson were both born and raised in the Lake Region. They married in 1948 and had two children, Armen and Connie Lou. Making their home west of Devils Lake, they farmed and raised cattle. Helen enjoyed working as a farm wife and mother. Walter served on the Federal Land Bank and Devils Lake Farmers Union Elevator boards and led 4-H groups for many years. Walter and Helen were both active at the Senior Citizen Center and enjoyed delivering meals to their home-bound friends. The Hansons assumed their children would attend college, and both did. When the Lake Region college opened its new campus in 1966, Armen was one of its first students. He earned a twoyear degree. Connie Lou also graduated from college and farms with her husband near Fessenden, North Dakota. Walter and Helen established this endowment to provide scholarships for agricultural students. James Nienhuis, son of Jamie and David Nienhuis of Lawton ND, graduated from Adams-Edmore High School in 2011. He is a sophomore in the Automotive Technician program. ―Albert Berness farmed in the Brocket, North Dakota, area and lived a frugal and fairly isolated life. He was born in 1911, the youngest of six children, one of whom was Agnes (Hastad). Albert eventually took over the family farm, managing it in the style used by his parents for so many years. Albert valued education, and he left instructions that a portion of his estate be used to provide scholarships for Lake Region State College students and that the scholarship be named for his sister. Agnes graduated from Brocket High School and attended college in Mayville. She eventually became a schoolteacher and taught in several North Dakota schools before she married Louis Hastad and settled in Brocket where she taught for many years. After Louis’ death, she moved to Devils Lake and continued teaching. Albert undoubtedly appreciated the impact his sister had on so many youngsters throughout her teaching career. A 2011 graduate of Devils Lake High School, Britnie Desjarlais is a liberal arts student. Her parents are Debbie and Joe Stroble. ―Rodger and Connie Haugen moved to Devils Lake in 1984 and fell in love with the community. Both had North Dakota roots, and they met at Minot State University. After working and living in Williston and Minot, Rodger and Connie purchased the Gilbertson-Gloger Funeral Home in Devils Lake. The business grew, re-located to a new facility, and expanded with the purchase of the Burke Funeral Home. In January 2007, Connie died, leaving Rodger and three children―Jeff, Allison (Kyle) Ternes, and Daniel. Allison and Jeff both attended LRSC, providing the family firsthand experience with the benefits of a hometown college. The endowment Rodger and Connie established is used to assist students who will put the support to good use. Natasha Norton graduated from Carrington High School in 2010. Daughter of Amy Pruett, Natasha was an active volunteer with church brunches in her hometown. Natasha is a sophomore pursuing an AAS in Medical Administrative Assistant. ―When he was eleven years old, Greg Haugen’s family moved to Devils Lake, and his parents, Myron and Irmy, established the Nordic Fiberglass Company. Greg was very interested in the family business and focused his energies on developing skills that would strengthen the business. He studied drafting at Lake Region State College and later transferred to a university to study engineering. In 1986, Nordic Fiberglass moved its headquarters to Warren, Minnesota, but a significant operation remained in Devils Lake. Greg managed the Devils Lake plant for a year and then also moved to Warren. The Haugen family dream to have their son play a leadership role in Nordic Fiberglass was shattered in April of 1989 when Greg died in a tragic accident. In 2008, they established an endowed scholarship in Greg’s name and requested that this gift be used to provide