EN 12195-1:2010
EN 12195-1:2010
State of play on national safe loading & cargo securing standards in Europe and work of the UN group of experts on the ILO/IMO/UNECE standard Slagelse, Denmark Slagelse, 6-7 September 2012 Sven SökjerSökjer-Petersen Managing Director MariTerm AB (c) International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2011 Cargo securing in Sweden Agenda: • Short presentation of MariTerm AB • Overview of current regulations • Scientific background to basic cargo securing parameters • Comparison of standards and guidelines for cargo securing • Use of Quick Lashing Guides • Practical tests • Vehicle body structures MariTerm AB MariTerm AB: • An engineering company • Working within the field of transport mainly, with cargo securing for land and sea transports • 7 employees • Independent – privately owned • Established in 1978 MariTerm AB MariTerm is a Swedish company with office in Höganäs in Sweden. MariTerm AB – Cargo securing instructions MariTerm AB – Research projects MariTerm AB Overview of Current Regulations Current regulations Current regulations VDI 2700 Current regulations Securing of wooden box weighing 10 tons Current regulations Securing according to North American Cargo Securement Standard Current regulations Securing according to European Standard 12195-1 12195 (2003) Current regulations IMO/ILO/UN ECE Guidelines for Packing of Cargo Transport Units 1997 (under revision) Model Course 3.18 2001 EU Best Practice Guidelines on Cargo Securing - 2006 Cargo Securing Standard EN 12195-1 Scientific background to basic cargo securing parameters Differences in basic parameters in IMO and CEN 2003 EN 12195-1 (2003) IMO/ILO/UN ECE 0.5 g 1. Static friction factor at top over lashings 0.5 S S TF S TF 2. Total vertical pre-tension from top over lashing: 2 × STF µS 0.7 µ S 3. Sideways acceleration: 0.5 g for sliding and tipping 4. Internal friction between rows are taken into consideration in tipping equation = VDI 2700 (2002) TF 0.5 g for sliding 0.7 g for tipping 4 1. Dynamic friction factor (70% of static friction factor) for all types of securing arrangement 2. Total vertical pre-tension for top over lashings= 1.5 × STF 3. Sideways acceleration: 0.5 × g for sliding (0.5 + 0.2) = 0.7 × g for tipping 4. No instructions for how to consider internal friction between rows in tipping equation. Effect of the differences IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1 (2003) 8 top over lashings 32 top over lashings (One lashing / section) (Four lashings / section) 1. Static or dynamic friction at toptop-over lashings Static or dynamic friction in combination with top over lashing Tests carried out at Holmen Paper in Norrköping 2004-08-30 2004 Accelerations observed at breaking test 14 12 10 8 6 Horiz ontal ac c . 4 V ertic al ac c . 2 0 0 5 10 15 -2 -4 T ime [ s e c . ] 20 25 Results of breaking tests Weight of paper reel: 600 kg Static coefficient of friction: 0.54 Try no. Measured retardation 2 [m/s ] Peak value Mean value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,3 7,7 9,3 8 8,8 8,3 6,76 6,95 6,97 6,96 7,14 7,27 Required pretension with dynamic friction Required pretension with static friction Actual pretension Sliding [kg] [kg] [kg] [mm] 572 608 612 610 644 668 190 215 218 217 240 257 600 600 500 400 300 250 0 0 0 0 0 45 CONCLUSION: Sliding didn’t occurred until the sum of the pre-tension pre on both sides had been reduced to 250 kg. Thus, static friction should be used in combination with top over lashings, when dimensioning cargo securing arrangements. 2. PrePre-tension in toptop-over lashings Total pressure from a toptop-over lashing Schematic arrangement for testing the pre--tensioning ability of ratchets pre Pre--tension of a ratchet marked STF = 400 daN Pre Tests carried out in Laholm in Sweden 2004-10-16 2004 Point on the gearwheel 5 4 3 2 1 0 Force on the tensioning side [daN daN] Force on the Relation other side between [daN] forces [%] Total vertical pressure [daN] 0 410 410 350 85 760 1 390 360 92 750 2 385 360 94 745 3 355 355 385 385 108 740 4 525 430 82 955 1 500 440 88 940 2 465 455 98 920 3 450 465 103 915 4 610 520 85 1130 3. Transverse acceleration 0.5, 0.6 or 0.7 g for tipping Side acceleration 0.5 or 0.7 g for tipping Tests carried out at Holmen Paper in Norrköping 2004-08-30 2004 Accelerations observed at turning test T u r nin g te s t n o. 1 12 10 8 S ideway s ac c . V ertic al ac c . 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 T i me [ s e c ] 50 60 70 80 IMO side acceleration 0.5 g friction between piles 130 kg EN side acceleration 0.7 g tensioner on one side 1414 kg 2.27 m 2 Required prepre-tension in top over lashing 2.0 m Results of turning tests Turning tests with the tensioner on the high side Try no. Pretension before test [kg] High side Low side 1 600 390 2 600 390 3 210 110 4 130 100 Pretension after test Peak side acceleration [kg] High side Low side [m/s 2 ] 4.95 4.18 110 170 3.93 90 150 4.06 Comment Tipping of vehicle, no tipping of reels Tipping of vehicle, no tipping of reels Tipping of vehicle, no tipping of reels Tipping of vehicle, no tipping of reels Turning tests with the tensioner on the low side Try no. Pretension before test [kg] High side Low side 5 80 130 Pretension after test Peak side acceleration [kg] High side Low side [m/s 2 ] 60 110 4.06 Comment Tipping of vehicle, no tipping of reels CONCLUSION: A cargo securing arrangement with top-over over lashings, designed in accordance with IMO/ILO/UN ECE Guidelines, provide sufficient safety against tipping, whatever side the tensioning device is applied at and even during extreme vehicle operation. 4. Internal friction between rows Internal friction between rows Round turn lashings to prevent tipping Rubber to avoid sliding Tipping angles for reels Unsecured Tests carried out at SCA in Sundsvall 2004-08-18/19 Round turn lashed Top over lashed Comparison of standards and guidelines Cargo Securing Guidelines and standards for cargo securing • European Best Practice Guidelines on Cargo Securing for Road Transport • IMO/ILO/UN ECE Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (CTU’s) with IMO Model Course 3.18 • Standard EN 1219512195-1 (2003) (Superseded) Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles – Safety – Part 1: Calculation of lashing forces • Revised Standard EN 1219512195-1 (2010) Load restraining on road vehicles – Safety – Part 1: Calculation of securing forces Cargo securing Cargo securing guidelines IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1 12195 EN 12195-1 2001 2003 2010 Superseded by version 2010 Cargo securing Differences in parameters in the guidelines and standards Item Acceleration coefficients (road transport) - Forward - Sliding sideways - Tipping sideways + Direct lashings + Frictional lashings Safety factor in calculations of frictional (top over) lashings - Forward - Sideways and backward * For loop lashing FT=LC/2 IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1:2003 EN 12195-1:2010 cx = 1.0 cy = 0.5 cx = 0.8 cy = 0.5 cx = 0.8 cy = 0.5 cy = 0.5 (FT=LC) cy = 0.5 (FT=STF) cy = 0.7 (FT=LC) cy = 0.7 (FT=STF) cy = 0.6 (FT=LC)* cy = 0.5 (FT=STF) or cy = 0.6 (FT=LC/2) fs = 1.0 fs = 1.0 fs = 1.0 fs = 1.0 fs = 1.25 fs = 1.1 Cargo securing Differences in parameters in the guidelines and standards Item IMO/ILO/UN ECE Friction factor established by friction test - Frictional lashings Static friction µs EN 12195-1:2003 EN 12195-1:2010 µ =µs × 0.925 - Direct lashings Dynamic friction µd = µs × 0.70 Dynamic friction µd = µs × 0.70 Dynamic friction µd = µs × 0.70 Internal friction Included Not included Included Coefficient of transmission (k-factor) k=2 k =1.5 k=2 µ × fµ 0.75 < fµ < 1.0 Cargo securing Differences in parameters in the guidelines and standards Item IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1:2003 EN 12195-1:2010 Some differences in table of friction factors, e.g: - sawn wood against fabric base laminate/plywood - sawn wood against steel sheet - steel crate against fabric base laminate/plywood µ = 0.50 (dry) µ = 0.50 (dry) µ = 0.45 (dry or wet) µ = 0.40 (dry) µ = 0.40 (dry) Not included Not included µ = 0.30 (dry or wet) µ = 0.45 (dry or wet) Verification of the efficiency of securing arrangement by Calculations Static inclining test Calculations Calculations Static inclining test Dynamic driving test (road transport) Lashing protocol Included Not included Included Cargo securing example 1 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding Curtain sided trailer, aluminium floor and strong headboard Wooden boxes H L Length = 13.6 m Height = 2.55 m Breadth = 2.48 m B Web lashings LC = 1 600 daN = 1.6 tonnes = 16 kN STF = 400 daN = 0.4 tonnes = 4 kN Quantity = 8 pieces H × B × L = 2 × 2 × 1.7 m Weight = 3 000 kg/box Total cargo weight: 24.0 tonnes Friction between floor and cargo µ = µstatic = 0.4 Cargo securing example 1 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (6) n≥ EN 12195-1:2010 Equation (10) (c y − c z ⋅ µ d ) m ⋅ g k ⋅ µ d ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT n≥ (c y − c z ⋅ µ ) m ⋅ g 2 µ ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT where where m = 3 tons m = 3 tons g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 cz = 1.0 (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 cz = 1.0 µd = µs × 0.7 = 0.28 (section 6.1) µ = 0.4 (table B.1) k = 1.5 (section 6.2) α = 84.3º FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α = 84.3º (table 2) FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN fs = 1.1 Answer n = 0.9 ⋅ fs n = 3.9 n = 1.02 Cargo securing example 1 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1:203 12195 EN 12195-1:2010 8 top over lashings 32 top over lashings 9 top over lashings (One lashing / section) (Four lashings / section) (with supporting beam) Reasons for the difference: • • • • Static friction µs = 0.4 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.0 • • • • Dynamic friction µd = 0.7 × µs= 0.28 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 1.5 Safety factor fs = 1.0 • • • • Friction factor µ = 0.4 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.1 Cargo securing example 1 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1:2003 12195 EN 12195-1:2010 Rev EN 12195-1 8 top over lashings 32 top over lashings 9 top 16 topover overlashings lashings (One lashing / section) (Four lashings / section) (with beam) (Two supporting lashing / section). Reasons for the difference: • • • • Static friction µs = 0.4 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.0 • • • • Dynamic friction µd = 0.7 × µs= 0.28 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 1.5 Safety factor fs = 1.0 • • • • Friction factor µ = 0.4 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.1 Cargo securing example 2 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping Curtain sided trailer with strong headboard Steel crates Blocking H Side bottom blocking Length = 13.6 m Height = 2.55 m Breadth = 2.48 m Web lashings LC = 1 600 daN = 1.6 tonnes = 16 kN STF = 400 daN = 0.4 tonnes = 4 kN B Quantity = 99 pcs in 11 sections Cargo section dimensions: H × B × L = 2.4 × 2.4 × 1.2 m Weight = 2 000 kg/section Total cargo weight: 22.0 tonnes H/B = (2.4/2.4) =1 Number of rows = 3 Cargo securing example 2 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (11) nFT ≥ EN 12195-1:2010 Equation (16) m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ h − cz ⋅ w) 1 2 (k −1)w ⋅ sinα − (2 − k )h ⋅ cosα n ≥ fs m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ d − c z ⋅ b ) w ⋅ FT ⋅ (sin α + 0 .25 ( N − 1)) where where m = 2 tons/section m = 2 tons/section g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.7 cz = 1.0 g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 or 0.6 cz = 1.0 (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) d = 1.2 b = 0.4 h = 2.4 w = 2.4 k = 1.5 (section 6.2) FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kn α = 90º w = 0.8 FT = STF or LC/2 ≈ 4 kN or 8kN N =3 fs = 1.1 α = 90º Answer n = 0.9/section n = 5.4/section n = 0.9/section Cargo securing example 2 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping IMO/ILO/UN ECE EN 12195-1:2003 12195 EN 12195-1:2010 11 top over lashings 66 top over lashings 11 top over lashings (One lashing / section) (Six lashings / section) (One lashing / section) Reasons for the difference: • • • • • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.0 Internal friction considered • • • • • Acceleration factor cy = 0.7 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 1.5 Safety factor fs = 1.0 No instructions for internal friction • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 or cy = 0.6 • Lashing force FT = STF or FT = 0.5 × LC • K-factor k = 2 • Safety factor fs = 1.1 • Internal friction considered Cargo securing example 3 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding and tipping Curtain sided trailer with strong headboard Paper reels H2 H1 B1 One layer Length = 13.6 m Height = 2.55 m Breadth = 2.48 m Web lashings LC = 1 600 daN = 1.6 tonnes = 16 kN STF = 400 daN = 0.4 tonnes = 4 kN • • • • • • • • B2 Two layers Quantity = 36 reels in 12 sections H × B = 1.3 × 1.1 m / reel Weight = 650 kg / reel Total cargo weight: 23.4 tonnes H1/B1= (1.3/2.2) ≈ 0.6 H2/B2= (2.6/2.2) ≈ 1.2 Number of rows = 2 Static friction between floor and reel and between reels, µstatic = 0.5 • Friction factor = 0.46 (0.5 × 0.925) Cargo securing example 3 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (6) n≥ (c y − c z ⋅ µ d ) m ⋅ g k ⋅ µ d ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT where EN 12195-1:2010 Equation (10) n≥ where (c y − c z ⋅ µ ) m ⋅ g 2 µ ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT ⋅ fs m1 = 1.3 tons (one layer) m1 = 1.3 tons (one layer) m2 = 2.6 tons (two layers) m 2 = 2.6 tons (two layers) g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) µd = µs × 0.7 = 0.35 (section 6.1) µ = 0.46 (Annex B) k = 1.5 (section 6.2) α1 = 85.6º FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α1 = 85.6º FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α2 = 87.8º fs = 1.1 α2 = 87.8º Answer No sliding n1 = 0.91/section n2 = 1.82/section n1 = 0.16/section n2 = 0.31/section Cargo securing example 3 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping – one layer IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2010 EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (11) Equation (16) m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ h − cz ⋅ w) 1 nFT ≥ 2 (k − 1)w ⋅ sin α − (2 − k )h ⋅ cosα n≥ m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ d − c z ⋅ b ) w ⋅ FT ⋅ (sin α + 0 . 25 ( N − 1)) where where m = 1.3 tons/section m = 1.3 tons/section g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.7 g cz = 1.0 g g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g or 0.6g cy = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) d = 0.65 b = 0.55 h = 1.3 w = 1.1 (section 6.2) k = 1.5 FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α = 85.6º w = 1.1 FT = STF or LC/2 ≈ 4 kN or 8 kN N=2 fs = 1.1 α = 85.6º Answer No tipping No tipping No tipping ⋅ fs Cargo securing example 3 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping – two layers IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2010 EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (11) Equation (16) m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ h − cz ⋅ w) 1 nFT ≥ 2 (k −1)w ⋅ sinα − (2 − k )h ⋅ cosα n≥ m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ d − c z ⋅ b ) w ⋅ FT ⋅ (sin α + 0 .25 ( N − 1)) where where m = 2.6 tons/section m = 2.6 tons/section g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.7 g cz = 1.0 g g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g or 0.6g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) d = 1.3 b = 0.55 h = 2.6 w = 1.1 k = 1.5 (section 6.2) FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α = 87.8º w = 1.1 FT = STF or LC/2 ≈ 4 kN or 8 kN N=2 fs = 1.1 α = 87.8º Answer n2 = 0.5/section n2 = 4.6/section n2 = 0.7/section ⋅ fs Cargo securing example 3 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding and tipping IMO/ILO/UN ECE 9 top over lashings (One lashing / 4 tonnes of cargo to prevent tipping and wandering) EN 12195-1:2003 12195 EN 12195-1:2010 36 top over lashings 10 top over lashings (five lashings/section when loaded in two layers to prevent sliding and tipping, and one lashing/section when loaded in one layer to prevent sliding) (five lashings / six sections loaded in two layers to prevent tipping, and one lashing / 1-2 sections of cargo loaded in one layer to prevent sliding) Reasons for the difference: • Static friction µs = 0.5 • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 • Lashing force FT = STF • K-factor k = 2 • Safety factor fs = 1.0 • Internal friction considered • Dynamic friction µd = 0.7×µs= 0.35 • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 (sliding) and cy = 0.7 (tipping) • Lashing force FT = STF • K-factor k = 1.5 • Safety factor fs = 1.0 • No instructions for internal friction • Friction factor µ = 0.46 • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 or cy = 0.6 • Lashing force FT = STF or FT = 0.5 × LC • K-factor k = 2 • Safety factor fs= 1.1 • Internal friction considered Cargo securing example 4 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding and tipping Truck with plyfa floor Heat exchanger with steel feet H h l b L B Length = 8. m Height = 2.55 m Breadth = 2.48 m Breadth between lashing points = 2.36 m Web lashings LC = 1 600 daN = 1.6 tonnes = 16 kN STF = 400 daN = 0.4 tonnes = 4 kN • The heat exchanger is blocked in forward direction. • H × B × L = 2.0 × 0.9 × 2.1 m • Centre of gravity: h × b × l = 1.35 × 0.45 × 1.05 m • Weight = 2000 kg = 2 tonnes • h/b= (1.35/0.45) = 3.0 • Number of rows = 1 • Static friction µstatic = 0.4 and friction factor µ = 0.45 Cargo securing example 4 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (10) Equation (6) n≥ EN 12195-1:2010 (c y − c z ⋅ µ d ) m ⋅ g k ⋅ µ d ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT n≥ (c y − c z ⋅ µ ) m ⋅ g 2 µ ⋅ sin α ⋅ FT where where m = 2 tons m = 2 tons g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) (table 2) g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g cz = 1.0 g µd = µs × 0.7 = 0.28 (section 6.1) µ = 0.45 (Annex B) k = 1.5 (section 6.2) α = 70º FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN α = 70º FT = 0.4 ton ≈ 4 kN fs = 1.1 Answer n = 0.6 ⋅ fs n = 2.7 n = 0.3 (table 2) Cargo securing example 4 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways tipping IMO/ILO/UN ECE EU Best Practice Guidelines Cargo Securing (p.108) EN 12195-1:2010 EN 12195-1:2003 12195 Equation (11) modified for centre of gravity off centre nFT ≥ where m⋅ g(cy ⋅ d −cz ⋅b) (k −1)w⋅sinα −(2− k)h⋅ cosα Equation (16) n≥ m ⋅ g (c y ⋅ d − c z ⋅ b ) w ⋅ FT ⋅ (sin α + 0 . 25 ( N − 1)) where m = 2 tons/section m = 2 tons g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.7 g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) (table 2) g = 9.81 m/s2 cy = 0.5 g or 0.6g cz = 1.0 g (table 2) d = 1.35 d = 1.35 b = 0.45 b = 0.45 w = 0.9 h = 2.0 FT = STF or LC/2 = 4 kN or 6.5kN w = 0.9 N=2 k = 1.5 (section 6.2) FT = 0.4 ton = 4 kN fs = 1.1 α = 70º α = 70º Answer n = 1.25 (table 2) n = 30.0 n = 1.9 ⋅ fs Cargo securing example 4 Required number of top-over over lashings to prevent sideways sliding and tipping IMO/ILO/UN ECE 2 top over lashings EN 12195-1:2003 12195 30 top over lashings EN 12195-1:2010 2 top over lashings Reasons for the difference: • • • • • Static friction µs = 0.4 Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 Lashing force FT = STF K-factor k = 2 Safety factor fs = 1.0 • Dynamic friction µd = 0.7 × µs= 0.28 • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 (sliding) and cy = 0.7 (tipping) • Lashing force FT = STF • K-factor 1.5 • Safety factor fs = 1.0 • Friction factor µ = 0.45 • Acceleration factor cy = 0.5 or cy = 0.6 • Lashing force FT = STF or FT = 0.5 × LC • K-factor k = 2 • Safety factor fs = 1.1 Cargo securing according to IMO Weight of box 2 ton Cargo securing according to EN 2003 Weight of box 2 ton Cargo securing according to EN 2010 Weight of box 2 ton Cargo securing according to EN 2003 www.tis-gdv.de Photo of the month for January 2009 Weight of beams 24 ton Cargo securing level SAFE RATIONAL RATIONAL! SAFEAND IS ENOUGH! ENOUGH EN 1219512195-1 IMO/ILO/UN ECE 2003 EN 1219512195-1 2010 Cargo securing Comparison between the different guidelines for road transport Number of Top-Over lashings to prevent sliding Sideways IMO/ILO/ 12195-1 µ 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70 0,75 Forward 12195-1 IMO/ILO/ 12195-1 Backwards 12195-1 IMO/ILO/ 12195-1 12195-1 UN ECE 2003 2010 UN ECE 2003 2010 UN ECE 2003 2010 100% 204% 110% 100% 200% 99% 100% 204% 110% 100% 212% 110% 100% 204% 97% 100% 212% 110% 100% 223% 110% 100% 208% 96% 100% 223% 110% 100% 237% 110% 100% 212% 94% 100% 237% 110% 100% 256% 110% 100% 217% 92% 100% 256% 110% 100% 286% 110% 100% 223% 89% 100% 286% 110% 100% 335% 110% 100% 229% 87% 100% 335% 110% 100% 434% 110% 100% 237% 83% 100% 434% 110% 100% 730% 110% 100% 246% 80% 100% 730% 110% 100% 256% 75% 100% 270% 69% 100% 286% 63% 100% 307% 54% 100% 335% 42% 100% 375% 25% No sliding No sliding Level of cargo securing Applicable for top-over top lashings EN 1219512195-1 (2003) VDI 2700 part 2 – German national standard EN 1219512195-1 (2010) IMO Model Course 3.18 – Swedish rules No cargo securing Level of cargo securing Applicable for top-over top lashings EN 1219512195-1 (2003) VDI 2700 part 2:2002 – German national standard EN 1219512195-1 (2010) IMO Model Course 3.18 – Swedish rules No cargo securing Quick Lashing Guides MariTerm AB – in House Training Volvo CE in Arvika MariTerm AB – Cargo securing training Cargo securing training in Pusan for IMO (International Maritime Organisation) Cargo securing – Quick Lashing Guides Cargo securing inspections in Sweden Cargo securing is inspected against the Quick Lashing Guide Cargo securing – Quick Lashing Guides Practical tests Practical tests Dynamic driving tests carried out by DEKRA Practical inclination tests Theory behind the tests Basic design requirement: S = m (ah - µ × av ) Practical inclination test: S = m (sin α - µ × cos α) The support S shall be equal in basic design and test and thus: m (ah - µ × av ) = m (sin α - µ × cos α) Practical inclination tests Practical tests Practical tests can be worked out for determining the coefficient of friction for different types of combined materials, in purpose of controlling the function of the lashing arrangement. Sideways Functionality of lashing arrangement 70 60 7 6 3 α Inclination α [°] 50 5 2 40 4 1 Road, the Baltic Sea 2 The North Sea 3 Unrestricted area Forwards and backwards 4 The Baltic Sea 20 5 The North Sea 10 6 Unrestricted area 0 7 Forwards road transport 8 Backwards road transport 30 1+8 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 aktuell friktionskoefficient, Current coefficient of friction,µµ 0,8 0,9 1 Practical inclination tests Practical tests in longitudinal and transverse direction with a truck crane loaded onto a container flat rack for road and sea transport Practical inclination tests Practical tests with chemicals in bags Practical inclination tests Practical tests lengthways and sideways with a Volvo XC 90 Vehicle body structures Cargo Transport Units Different types of vehicle body structures Open type Box type Cover stake type Curtainsider Box type with side doors Curtainsiders Cargo shifting in curtainsiders Curtainsiders Marking according to EN 12642 Curtainsiders Curtainsiders Curtainsiders Thanks for your attention! www.mariterm.se
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