January 2016
January 2016
January 2016 ISSUE 27 LaVille Jr-Sr High School Pa r e n t Newsl et t er Junior High Science Fair - February 9-10 Freshman Orientation - February 10 Pro Wrestling King - February 13 Talent Show Tryouts - February 16-17 ASVAB Test - 17 Junior High Dance - February 20 LaVille Jr-Sr High School 1 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits The students in the LVH1 broadcasting class are hard at work preparing for the 51st Annual TCU Bi-County Tournament on January 18th through 23rd at the Junior/Senior High School! If you're interested in watching the games from the Main Gym LIVE online, point your favorite web browser to the Broadcasting youtube page each evening! The link is available on the LaVille facebook and main webpage. In the event that the LaVille baskeball teams will play in the Auxilliary Gym, the games will be recorded and uploaded online after the games conclude. Good luck to our teams, and Go Lancers! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85oinD7iHNHc0C8OkJx1Eg/live LVH1 Broadcasting of morning announcements are now on youtube. Quotables Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?’ Martin Luther King, Jr. https:// www.youtube.com/ channel/ UC85oinD7iHNHc0 C8OkJx1Eg LaVille Jr-Sr High School LaVille Jr-Sr High School now has a facebook page. Like us on facebook today. https://www.facebook.com/lavillehighschool? ref=hl 2 January 2016 ISSUE 27 I n f or m at i on a l Tidbits BOOKSTORE Store hours: Before school 7:45-8:10 a.m. During homeroom 10:00-10:10 a.m. During B lunch 12:05-12:25 p.m. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION The Junior High Vocal Music Department is continuing to participate in the Box Tops For Education Program. We will receive 10 cents for each Box Top we send in. Our Chimes are in dire need of repair and replacement, so the money generated by this will be a great assistance. Thanks to your assistance, we did receive a check for over $135 in December from the box tops collected thus far. Please continue to send them in. Collection boxes are located in the choir room, the main office, and the library. -Mrs. Stout Schools Rule - LaVille Jr-Sr High School http://www.wndu.com/home/headlines/Schools-Rule-LaVille-JrSr-High-School-364652721.html LaVille Jr-Sr High School 3 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits Pre-arranged Absences Register your Martins advantage card with our school code and we will get reward points to redeem school supplies. Register either in the store at Customer Service or online at www.martinssupermarkets.com. Our school code is 4814. Remember: When your son or daughter is absent from school please request homework from the front office. Doing so in advance for pre-arranged absences will help your child to keep from falling behind with their assignments. There is still time to sign up for the 8th grade Washington DC trip. Trip Dates: May 31st - June 4th, 2016 For trip information visit worldstrides.com/signup and sign up for our trip online using Trip ID #118598 For more information contact: Arlene Zarate at [email protected] LaVille Band has a new website www.lavillebands.shutterfly.com LaVille Jr-Sr High School parent committee It’s that time of year when the Junior Class parents need to get together to start talking about AFTER PROM! Someone needs to step forward and head up the parent committee. For further information please contact the high school @ 574-784-3151 and ask for Jodi Kayser. 4 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits The LaVille Chapter of the National Honor Society is collecting pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House.To many, a pop tab is just a piece of aluminum with one purpose – to open a can. But to the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, these teeny tiny pop tabs are a valuable resource. Why? Collected pop tabs are recycled, generating much-needed funds to support the House and the nearly 5,000 families we serve each year. All the money raised through this recycling program goes to the operating expenses of the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana Please help the NHS help the families of sick children in Indiana. There will be collection locations around the school or you can simply save them at home and LaVille Jr-Sr High School 5 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits 1/5/16 Parent/Guardian, Student safety must be the top priority in any school. At LaVille Jr. Sr. High School, we work to create an environment where students can feel safe and free to learn and become involved in the many opportunities offered. We appreciate your support in helping us uphold the rules and policies necessary to create such an environment. One area that the LaVille Jr. Sr. High School administration sees room for improvement are in the hours immediately following the school day and before student extracurricular activities begin. A large percentage of our students participate in school sponsored extracurricular activities, making it necessary for many to remain in the building after school dismisses and their activities begin. The problem then becomes, who is supervising these students? The LaVille Jr. Sr. High School administration is taking steps to make sure those that are participating in extracurricular activities will be in a controlled and supervised atmosphere. If your child is involved in after school activities and must stay after school until the activity begins, they will be notified by a coach or club sponsor where to report. This supervision will only be provided for those participating in the after school activities. Students wanting to attend such events without being part of the team or group participating must leave the building at the conclusion of the school day. If they desire to attend an event, transportation back to the school would be required. Again, student safety at LaVille Jr. Sr. High School is of the upmost importance. Taking these additional steps to provide the necessary supervision of students involved in activities after school hours creates a safer environment for our student athletes and those that wish to participate in the many activities offered at LaVille Jr. Sr. High School. We appreciate your support in making this effort a success and continuing to provide a safe environment for our students and your child! If you have questions about these changes, feel free to contact me at 574-784-3151. Sincerely Nathan McKeand Principal AssistantPrincipalAthleticDirector Mr.NathanMcKeandMr.MichaelEdisonMr.WillHostrawser LaVille Jr-Sr High School Union-NorthUnitedSchoolCorporation www.unorth.k12.in.us 6 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits Kaylyn MacKillop, MS,RD,CD,SNS Consulting School Dietitian School Nutrition Specialist Northern Indiana Educational Services Center January & February National Food Days 1/6– Bean Day 1/9– Apricot Day 1/19– Popcorn Day 1/20– Cheese Lover’s Day 1/21– Granola Bar Day 1/24– Peanut Butter Day 1/28– Blueberry Pancake Day 2/4– Homemade Soup Day 2/16– Almond Day 2/21– Biscuits & Gravy Day 2/26– Pistachio Day 2/27– Strawberry Day 2/27– Chili Day Healthier Habits V o l u m e 4 , I s s u e J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 Don’t let Winter Slow you Down It is that time of year again– time to hibernate indoors, eat good food, and wait for winter to pass. If you do just that, you will awake from your winter slumber in March tired, with less energy and probably weighing a few more pounds. Don’t let winter slow you down. Even if you don’t feel like running in the snow, there are plenty of things you can do to stay active. Join a winter sports team or league. Try out some of those workout DVD's you bought but haven’t used yet. Join a local YMCA or fitness center. Walk Turn on some music and dance. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. When watching TV, do push-ups, jumping jacks, or stretches during the commercial breaks. Be creative and move! Food Safety: Wash Your Hands! During the winter season we hear a lot about washing hands to prevent the spread of the flu. Washing your hands is always important, though, especially for food safety. Illness-causing bacteria can survive on hands. If hands are not washed correctly, this bacteria can be spread to food and then to whoever eats the food. So, before you begin working with food wash your hands following these simple steps: 1. Wet your hands with warm running water and apply soap. 2. Rub hands together to LaVille Jr-Sr High School 1 make a lather. Be sure to scrub backs of hands, inbetween fingers, and under fingernails. 3. Continue rubbing for at least 20 seconds. (Hum or sing “Happy Birthday” twice.) 4. Rinse hands under running water. 5. Dry hands using a clean towel or air dry. poultry, seafood, or their juices. After touching garbage. After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. After touching an animal or animal waste. After going to the bathroom. This information is from www.foodsafety.gov/kepp/basics For more information please visit the site. When to Wash Your Hands Before eating food. Before, during, and after preparing food. Before and after treating a cut or wound. Before and after caring for someone who is sick. After handling uncooked eggs, or raw meat, 7 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits Page 2 Start your Day the Right Way– Eat Breakfast If you would like to learn about the USDA’s lunch and breakfast requirements, please visit www.traytalk.org. You have probably heard a million times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, guess what? It is! Kids who eat breakfast… do better in school. have better concentration. ready for school in the morning. If that sounds like you, try eating breakfast at school or having quick foods ready to grab in the morning such as the smoothie below. For the best breakfast, try to include foods from 3 or more different food groups have more energy. are less likely to be overweight. If you don’t eat breakfast, you may feel hungry, tired, and cranky during the morning. You might also have a stomachache or headache and may not be able to pay attention to what is going on. One reason for skipping breakfast is going to bed late and getting up late which means rushing around to get Healthier Habits Smoothies, without the Blender Hungry for a smoothie, but don’t have a blender? No problem! Cinnamon Apple Smoothie Ingredients 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt 1/4 cup 100% apple juice, chilled 1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened, chilled 3/4 tsp. cinnamon Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie Ingredients 1/2 cup low-fat, strawberry yogurt 1/4 cup pineapple juice, chilled 1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened, chilled Healthier Habits LaVille Jr-Sr High School Orange Smoothie Ingredients 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt 1/4 cup 100% orange juice, chilled 1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened, chilled Directions 1. Choose smoothie of your choice, and mix all ingredients together well. 2. Drink immediately, or refrigerate. Can be refrigerated overnight if you want to enjoy your smoothie for a quick breakfast. 3. Get creative! Use these recipes as a guide to help you create your own smoothie recipes. All recipes make 1, 8 oz. smoothie. Each smoothie contains 1/2 cup fruit. Recipes adapted from www.generalmillscf.com 8 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Informational Tidbits LaVille Jr-Sr High School 9 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information PE/Health Department 5TIPSTOHELPYOUTOKEEPYOURNEWYEARRESOLUTIONS Takesmallstepsdailytowardsyourgoal Makeaplanandwriteitdown Getsupportfromfamilyandfriends Rewardyourselfwhenintermediategoalsorresolutionsaremet Ifyourgetofftrack,forgiveyourself What’sHappening: JrHighPhysicalEducation: StudentsareassessingtheircurrentBitnesslevelsbyparticipatinginaseriesofBitness testsusingthehealthyBitnesszonestandardssetbyFitnessGramcreatedbytheCooper Institute.7thgradewillbeginateamhandballunitaftertheBitnesstestsarecomplete.8th gradewillbestartingthesemesterwithavolleyballunit. JrHighHealth: 8thGrade-Thisnineweekswearekeepingasleepchart….eachdaythestudentswillkeep trackofwhentheygotobed….gotosleep…..wakeup….getup….andiftheytakeanap. 7thGrade…..ThisnineweekswearedoingBio-RhythmCharts…..Thestudentwillgrade themselveseachdayinfourcategories……Mental…..Social….Physical…..Emotional….a ratingof1-10with10beingthebest. WeightLifting: Thestudentsintheweightliftingclassarelookingtoimproveontheirmaxoutsfromlast semester.Eachdaytheycomeinwithagreatmindsetandworkharduntilthetimeisup. ManyofthemincreasedsigniBicantlyontheirtotalcombinedweightforpowerclean, bench,andsquat,soitwillbefuntoseethemchallengethemselvestoimprovethisnine weeks! 9thPhysicalEducation: WearestillemphasizingBitness,muscularendurance,andmuscularstrengththisquarter. Thefreshmanwillbegoingintotheweightroomonetimeaweekandparticipatingin “WhiteBoardWednesday”,aswell.Theotherthreedaysareforourunitorgames.We arestartingoffthesemesterwithabowlingunitandthenwewillswitchoverto basketballinthenextfewweeks! LaVille Jr-Sr High School 10 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information Mrs. Clussman’s English Classes FALL 2015 POETRY CONTEST W������ A���������� A���� Presented to Laville Jr/Sr High School This award is given to schools whose students’ entries in the poetry contest were of exceptionally high merit. LaVille Jr-Sr High School 11 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information Mrs. Clussman’s English Classes Mrs. Clussman’s 8th Grade Students Win Poetry Contest! Congratulations! The following students have been accepted for publication in Creative Communications Fall 2015 Poetry Anthology. These students must give permission by February 4, 2016 in order to be published. Contact Mrs. Clussman for more information on publication. Abagail Morton Abigail Kurtz Alexis Albarado Alexis Wilfing Allison Thomas Austin Abshire Blake Brady Breanna Daniels Brian Licona Caleb Christy Caleigh Loveless Christy Harville Claire Wright Connor Manges Connor Tillman Connor Wieczorek Doug Cashen Elena Lindke Elizabeth Howard LaVille Jr-Sr High School Emalie Franz Emily Talaga Gabby Figueroa Gabriella Remenih Garrett Weil Haley Ross Hannah Clark Isaiah Herbster Jaden Bunce Jaeden McCorkle Jake Martin Justice Mattice Karly Unruh Katelynn Beam Kayla Dent Kayla Jones Kaylynn Curley Kylee Platz Levi Holderman Lukas Croy Mackenzie Stephenson Maddie Sherk Matt Butler McCynah Lewis Morgan Johnson Natalie Gonzales Nathan Holowatuk Robby Pope Siyara DeLaurelle Spencer Tutorow Taylor Garrett Tim Hathaway Trent Brooks Tricia Rensberger Zachary Rutherford Zack Roach Zech Dixon 12 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information Mr. Balmer’s Science Classes ICP Sir Isaac Newton formulated his Laws of Motion in 1666 at the age of 23. He published those Laws twenty years later at the age of 43. His amazing work was done with out computers and modern science. But Newton never was able to calculate or find the Constant of Gravity (G). It took the work of Henry Cavendish in 1798 to find the value of Newton’s Constant. Some awesome Scientific discoveries have been found by Scientists of many years ago. Our ICP class is doing work with Newton’s Laws and Gravity. We used Newton’s equation to calculate the gravitational attraction between two masses. After working these long hand, we then used automatic calculators on the Web to check our work and speed things up a bit. We have calculated the Escape Velocities of every large mass LaVille Jr-Sr High School in our Solar System. We even calculated the Escape Velocity to leave the Solar System. We will be wrapping up our work with Newton and then move on to Simple Machines. Earth Science Our Earth Science is putting the finishing touches on Space. We have looked at several constellations and have seen in our sky some of the same stars we studied in our lessons. The Super Red Giants Betelgeuse and Aldebaran along with Blue Super Giant Rigel are now prime time in our Winter Sky. The Circumpolar Constellations, our constant companions in the night sky, are now much easier to locate. Currently we are getting a big bang out of exploring the formation of our Universe. Of course we are looking at the Big Bang Theory. Seventh Grade Science Our Seventh Grade Science classes are exploring waves. Not the hello waves or flirty waves, but Sound waves, Electromagnetic Waves and Earthquake Waves. We found that a high frequency sound wave will give a higher pitch. The a lower frequency wave will give a lower pitch. Makes sense. In an investigation we found sound waves travel 18 times faster through a solid than through air. Coming soon will be our study of cells. Next up will be leaving the exciting area of Space and coming back down to Earth. We will be investigating Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tectonics, Oh My! 13 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information Mrs. Zarate’s Math Classes TESTS: Students who score poorly on a test are encouraged to retake. This is allowed if the student schedules a time to come in for extra help. Extra help is available most days after school. HOMEWORK: It is important for students to complete all of their homework and test reviews in order to obtain good grades on tests and develop good work habits for the future. I rarely assign more than 30 minutes of homework. If your child is struggling on an assignment, it is not your job to reteach them. If they have tried (not by watching Sponge Bob) then sign off and I will reteach them the following day. Websites: There are some wonderful free sites available for extra practice or for SAT/ACT help. Here are a few of my favorite: Calculus/Precalculus - www.wolframalpha & www.khanacademy.org SAT/ACT practice questions www.khanacademy.org Algebra - www.mathisfun.com If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at [email protected]. LaVille Jr-Sr High School 14 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Classroom Information LaVille Jr-Sr High School 15 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Breakfast Menu LV Jr-Sr High Breakfast LV Jr-Sr High Breakfast News CLOSED Breakfast Prices: Full Pay $1.60 Reduced $.30 Adult $2.35 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Cereal Pop Tart Fruit Juice Milk Milk/Cereal Cereal Juice/Fruit MuffinPop Tart OR Fruit French Toast Sticks Juice Syrup Milk Juice/Fruit Milk CLOSED Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Muffin OR Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit French Toast Sticks Pop Tart OR Syrup Sausage Bagel Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Milk Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Muffin OR Apple Cinnamon French Toast Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Eggstravaganza Cereal Bar Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Egg Sausage Cheese Sandwich Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Cinnamon Roll Muffin OR Apple Frudel OR Icing Dip Apple Cinnamon Juice/Fruit French Toast Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Milk Pop Tart Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Donut Hole OR Maple Mini Pancakes Syrup Juice/Fruit Milk Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Milk/Cereal Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Egg Sausage Muffin Cereal Bar OR Cheese Sandwich OR Apple Cinnamon Eggstravaganza Juice/Fruit French Toast Cereal Bar Milk Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit CLOSED Enter Other Information Here OR Biscuit & Gravy Juice/Fruit Milk/Cereal Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Sausage Bagel Juice/Fruit Milk Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Donut Hole OR Maple Mini Pancakes Syrup Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Muffin OR Apple Cinnamon French Toast Juice/Fruit Milk Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Donut Hole OR Sausage Gravy Pizza Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Bar Cereal Breakfast Burrito OR Juice/Fruit Eggstravaganza Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Maple Wrap Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Muffin OR Sausage Bagel Juice/Fruit Sausage Milk Cereal Bar Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Milk Muffin OR French Toast Sticks Syrup Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Milk Cinnamon Roll Milk/Cereal OR Juice/Fruit Apple Frudel Donut Icing OR Dip Breakfast Pizza Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Milk Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Cherry Frudel Icing Dip Juice/Fruit Milk CLOSED Br Fu Re Ad HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome Back! You MUST choose a fruit or juice with your Milk/Cereal Milk/Cereal meal. Juice/Fruit Donut Hole OR Gravy Pizza Juice/Fruit Milk W Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Maple Wrap Juice/Fruit Milk Yo fru m * menu subject to change *This institution is an equal Milk/Cereal Milk/Cereal opportunity provider Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit Pop Tart Muffin OR OR Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Breakfast Burrito Sausage Bagel Pop Tart Juice/Fruit Juice/Fruit OR Mini Maple Wraps Milk Milk Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Biscuit & Gravy Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Muffin OR French Toast Sticks Syrup Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Cherry Frudel Icing Dip Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Cereal Bar OR Eggstravaganza Cereal Bar Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Donut OR Breakfast Pizza Juice/Fruit Milk Milk/Cereal Juice/Fruit Pop Tart OR Mini Maple Wraps Juice/Fruit Milk *m *Th opp Enter Other Information Here menu subject to change USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer LaVille Jr-Sr High School 16 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Lunch Menu LV Jr-Sr High Lunch LV Jr-Sr High Lunch News CLOSED HAPPY NEW YEAR! Chicken Patty Broccoli Carrots Sun Chips Peaches Milk Lancer Bowl Popcorn Chicken Mashed/Gravy Corn/Cheese Roll/Butter Mandarin Oranges Milk Ravioli Peas Green Beans Garlic Bread Pears Milk Cheese Burger for Lunch Chicken Patty Breakfast Fries Apple Cinnamon Red Bean Salad Broccoli French Toast Pineapple Carrots Sausage Patties Milk Hash Browns Sun Chips Yogurt Peaches Mandarin Oranges Milk Milk Pizza Lancer Bowl Side Salad Popcorn Chicken Corn Chocolate Pudding Mashed/Gravy Applesauce Corn/Cheese Milk Roll/Butter Mandarin Oranges Pasta/Meat Milk Sause CLOSED Pork Tenderloin Sweet Potato Fries Broccoli Applesauce Milk Cheese Burger Fries Red Bean Salad Meat Ball SubPineapple California Blend Milk Peas Sun Chips Peaches Milk Breakfast for Lunch Apple Cinnamon French Toast Sausage Philly Patties Chicken/Noodles Beef Steak Mashed Potatoes w/ Cheese Sauce Hash Browns Corn Broccoli Yogurt Peas Roll/butter Mandarin Oranges Mandarin Oranges Cinnamon Pears Milk Milk Milk CLOSED Enter Other Information Here Carrots Peas Bosco Stick Peaches Milk Pork Tenderloin Sweet Potato Fries Broccoli Applesauce Milk Pulled Pork BBQ Baked Beans California Blend Ranch Doritos Applesauce Milk Calzone Corn Carrots Fruit Slushy Pineapple Milk Lunch Prices: Full Pay $2.40 Reduced $.40 Adult $3.35 CLOSED Welcome Back! Lu Fu Re Ad HAPPY NEW YEAR! Please do NOT deposit money during lunch time. Turn it into the Country Baked Steak Asian Express Ravioli Pulled Pork BBQ office by 10:30 AM. Calzone Mashed/Gravy Mandarin Orange Chicken Corn Green Beans Peas Carrots/Celery Baked Beans Thank You! Roll/Butter Egg Roll Green Beans Peaches Garlic MilkBread Pears Milk Soft Shell Tacos Refried Beans Corn Tostito’s/Salsa Mandarin Oranges Milk Pizza Side Salad Corn Chocolate Pudding Popcorn Chicken Salad Assorted Toppings Applesauce Muffin Cottage Cheese Milk Mandarin Oranges Milk Pasta/Meat Sause Carrots Peas Bosco Stick Peaches Milk W California Blend Carrots Ranch Doritos Fruit Slushy Applesauce Pineapple Fresh Fruit Every Day! Milk Milk Fortune Cookie Pineapple Milk Lancer Basket Chicken Tenders Fries/Gravy Green Beans Garlic Toast Pineapple Country Milk Pl m tim of Th You MUST choose a fruit or vegetable with your meal! Baked Steak Asian Express Mashed/Gravy Mandarin Orange Chicken *menu subject to changeCarrots/Celery Green Beans Roll/Butter Egg Roll Pizza *This institution is an equal Side Salad Peaches Fortune Cookie opportunity provider Baby Carrots Milk Pineapple Sherbet Milk Milk Soft Shell Tacos Refried Beans Corn Tostito’s/Salsa Mandarin Oranges Milk Fr Lancer Basket Chicken Tenders Fries/Gravy Green Beans Garlic Toast Pineapple Milk Yo fru yo *m Meat Ball Sub California Blend Peas Sun Chips Peaches Milk Chicken/Noodles Mashed Potatoes Corn Roll/butter Mandarin Oranges Milk Philly Beef Steak w/ Cheese Sauce Broccoli Peas Cinnamon Pears Milk Popcorn Chicken Salad Assorted Toppings Muffin Cottage Cheese Mandarin Oranges Milk Pizza Side Salad Baby Carrots Sherbet Milk *Th op Enter Other Information Here LaVille Jr-Sr High School menu subject to change USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer 17 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Special Events There is still time to sign up for the 8th grade Washington DC trip. Trip Dates: May 31st - June 4th, 2016 For trip information visit worldstrides.com/signup and sign up for our trip online using Trip ID #118598 For more information contact: Arlene Zarate at [email protected] LaVille Jr-Sr High School 18 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Special Events The 2015-16 LaVille Jr.-Sr. High School Talent Show Application Form This year, the LaVille Jr.-Sr. High School Art and Earth Clubs and the Junior High Student Council will be sponsoring this years fourth annual talent show. The talent show will take place on Friday, April 1, 2016 during school in the gymnasium. There will be cash prizes of $10, $25, $50, $75 and $100 for the top five acts of the competition as well as raffle prizes being given out for ticket holders. All acts will be scored by a panel of judges. The acts may include any of the following: singing, dancing, playing an instrument, performing in a band or any other approved talent you may have. All participants must be current LaVille students, grades 7th through 12th. All students in the talent show must purchase a $2 ticket for entry into the show. There will be a required try-out and a rehearsal for the talent show. All acts must be approved by the administration. Songs will need to have the words printed up with the lyrics. Inappropriate language or content will not be allowed. There will be practices for all acts in January and February on the cafeteria stage directly after school. Please fill out the following application and submit this paper to Mrs. Lymburner or Mr. Melton by January 29th, 2016. Thank you! LaVille Jr-Sr High School 19 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Special Events LaVille Jr-Sr High School 20 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Experience Lakeville LaVille Jr-Sr High School 21 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Quote Corner “I just wanted to thank all of you that were involved with the WNDU Schools Rule segment. It was a great success and it was great to see so many students arrive at the school early this morning with such positive school spirit. For those of you that did not have a chance to be here, you can go to WNDU’s website and see what took place.” -Michael Edison Quotes on this page are restricted to positive words shared about LaVille. All quotes are to be a positive reflection of our students, parents, teachers, or LaVille in general. If you would like your thoughts to be published on our Quote Corner page, please email me at [email protected] LaVille Jr-Sr High School 22 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Club Information T WO WAYS TO ORDER : RECOGNITION ADS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE Is your student graduating this year? Did they accomplish a goal? Do they just deserve some public appreciation? If so, then be sure to order your recognition ad soon! Space is limited and will fill up fast. 1/8 = $20 ¼ = $30 ½ = $55 FULL PAGE = $100 Get an order form from the office or order online. 2016 Yearbook is produced by the Blazon Staff LaVille Jr-Sr High School 23 January 2016 ISSUE 27 Club Information The Fellowship of Christian Students is a student lead prayer group and is open to any student who would like to attend. This group prays for the safety and protection for our schools, students, and staff. The Fellowship of Christian Students Time: 7:15 a.m. When: Every Friday Where: Mr. Balmer’s classroom We also have a group of teachers who meet to pray, this is lead by area pastors. All are invited to attend this group, teachers, parents, grandparents, or any other person interested. Staff Prayer Group Time: 7:30 a.m. When: Every Friday Where: High School Media Center As we watch the violence and problems plaguing our Nation and World, we have people at LaVille who are praying for God’s protection of our school grounds, our people, and all who enter our schools. LaVille Jr-Sr High School 24