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here - Rotary Patong
 The Rotary Club of Patong Beach History 2015/16 President Walter Wyler Vice President
Dr Peter Harris Secretary PP David W. Arell
District Governor 3330
Theeranun Wonglaw Officers President Walter Wyler Vice‐President Dr Peter Harris (Bruce Conrad until end of December) Secretary PP David W. Arell Treasurer Alastair Carthew President Elect Richard Jones President Nominee Andy Becker (Donald McCulloch July‐Aug and Peter Laser Aug‐Dec) Immediate Past President Bradley E. Kenny († 11.12.2015) Committee Chairs Service Project Committee Dr Peter Harris Membership Committee PP Best, Phuwanai Wanamakok Foundation PP Sam Fauma Fundraiser Martin Quirke Administration Alastair Carthew Rotary Club of Patong Beach ‐ Annual Report 2 Sub‐Committee Chairs Sergeant at Arms Stewart Petersen Public Relation Able Wannamakok Bulletin Denis Carpenter Local Fundraiser / Fellowship PP O.B. Wetzell Rotary Club of Patong Beach ‐ Annual Report 3 President’s Report (submitted by President Walter Wyler) How quickly the year has flown. At this time last year it was all planning and organising and looking forward and now it is time to look back on the achievements of our club over that year. I think we can look back with considerable pride. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve the Rotary Club of Patong Beach as President for 2015/16. I would like to thank every member for their support, enthusiasm and participation in our meetings and activities throughout the year. For the work and achievements of this year, Rotary International has awarded our club with an RI Presidential Citation. Our theme this year was – “Be a Gift to the World”. I want to take just a short time to reflect on how we have achieved that. We built communities through our community service activities with the Ban Ya Learning Centre for the 3rd continuous year. Right now we are in the application process for a Global Grant for Ban Ya which would allow us to support that Learning Centre for another 2 years. We donated lifesaving equipment to the ambulance of Patong Hospital which we donated 10 years ago and we conducted some smaller projects like participating in the Kids Day Out, etc. We built our Rotary community through joint meetings and projects with our fellow local clubs of Rotary Club of Andaman – not forgetting District Conference and District Assembly and District training days. We also stabilised the financial situation of our admin funds. I’m happy to hand over to incoming President Richard a financially healthy club. With our fundraisers and donations we accumulated almost 2 million Baht for charity projects. Also the 10 year‐long Tsunami scholarship program was continued with currently 76 kids in that program. We laughed and bonded our way through fund raising events, from the monthly dinners‐out, weekly meetings and the Christmas party. However, we haven’t performed well in an important goal set at the beginning of year – getting more female members. This task has to be handed over to the incoming board as I believe our club needs not only more members but also more female members. We also had two sad events with the demise of two members. On August 2 our Charter President, Paiboon Upatising passed away and on December 11 IPP Brad Kenny passed away. Our club always shall remember these two members and the great work they contributed to the club. I wish your incoming President Richard my best wishes and hope that he has as much enjoyment from his term as I did. Secretary Report (submitted by PP David Arell) We refer to the attached comprehensive secretary report Rotary Club of Patong Beach ‐ Annual Report 4 Financial Report (submitted by Treasurer Alastair Carthew) Our club account finances are in good shape for this year, with balances at THB 1’857.95 on the admin account and THB 338'902.43 on the charity account. A comprehensive financial report and profit & loss statement of our club finances is attached. Service Community Report (submitted by Service Project Chair VP Dr Peter Harris) Following a successful decade after the Tsunami the CSP sought to reposition itself for the future by engaging members in suggesting projects, establishing a working committee,formalising processes and ensuring projects are long term sustainable,Patong Beach focused and in accord with District and Rotary International objectives. The year was set with a resolution supporting “Coastal Sustainability and Coral Reef Restoration". The club as an English language club acknowledges the generosity of overseas clubs, the extensive networks developed by the bulletin, the high level of visits to our club and the regular attendance of club members to overseas clubs .As a small club with different levels of interest and expertise the challenge remains on how to remain a catalyst for change and.We will seek to create a new young enthusiastic energized group of members that will revitalize the club for the next decade. To be effective we need to gain more Thai members or work with Thai colleagues and friends to ensure we effectively communicate our project activities Education remains a key priority. The BanYa Literacy and Learning Center has been a major commitment This center established by the Good Shepherd Foundation to create a safe healthy learning environment for Myanmar children living in squalid and social risky circumstance has been supported by our club this year (June 30th 2016 840,000Bht and the donations of overseas clubs for Library Resources (Tokushima South and Hokkaido). Water, Sanitation and Clean Drinking Water to 5 Patong Schools is a major project. Global Grants have been submitted. The Tsunami Scholarship Fund has supported over 300 students to allow them to comlplete their education to the end of secondary school. This year (with help from Songkram Kongmuang (Jimmie)) we have personally met with every student and their families. The local administrators have provided excellent local support. There are currently 88 students in the program. An international appeal to strengthen the funding base will be launched in the New Year. Associated activities include the organizing of the very successful Xmas luncheon the Costa Victoria for the BanYa Learning Centre and Happy Home. Contacts have been made with the Prince of Songkla University and the Briish Internationa School. The club supported a shared dental mission with the Newport Beach Rotary Club (California), Ayuda a voluntary dental organisation and the Patong Hospital. Some 50 dentists and dental students working with the Patong Hospital staff treated 400 children and community members The club refurbished the emergency ambulance which had previously been donated by the club to the Patong hospital. The club has attended several meeting of local green clubs and various seminars on waste management. The Club hosted the formation of the Patong Green Club. The club has been successful in the past and has had a very successful year because of the energy of its members and the ability to develop, maintain and communicate its projects remains the organization challenge Rotary Club of Patong Beach ‐ Annual Report 5 Administration Committee Report (submitted by Administration Committee Chair Alastair Carthew) Public Relations Membership started with Able, Alastair and Pui. Able dropped out and Vasilis replaced her. Current membership Vasilis (chair) Alastair. Good relations were maintained with local media. Media coverage increased across mainstream media, FB, on our website and in the Bulletin. Vasilis wants to use social media more to spread the word. Bulletin The Bulletin was faithfully produced every week by Denis. Some revamp of its layout is planned. Members need to read it every week to find out what’s going on. Speakers In the 2015‐2016 June to June year we had 18 outside speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds. Sergeant‐at‐Arms Stewart did a good and conscientious job as Sergeant‐at‐Arms. IT The new website is working well with many helpful features. More members need to use it. Dinner’s Out Heidi arranged 12 dinners out. Rotary Club of Patong Beach ‐ Annual Report 6 A Pictorial Year Review
We come to the end of another Rotary Year -here are some of the events
Thank you to all who provided photos of the year…. It is very much appreciated -Ed Denis
Dinner Out – Many Happy Nights
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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Christmas Party @ Holiday Inn
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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FUNd raising
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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Rotary District Events
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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Service Projects - Giving back to the community
Patong Beach Green Club
Surin Beach Clean up
Rohingya support
Ban Ya kid’s day out Costa Cruise
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
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Rotary Club of Yakushima South - Japan visit Ban Ya Learning Centre
Kid’s Day Nai Harn
Ban Ya Visit
Home & Life
Kho Lao
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Phuket Thailand Chartered 5th September 2001
Child Watch
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