spreadsheets: learn those basic skills now!
spreadsheets: learn those basic skills now!
SPREADSHEETS: LEARN THOSE BASIC SKILLS NOW! Understand the fundamentals of making spreadsheets and formulas. by Mr Hanson 1 A spreadsheet is a program that is used to make calculations. The working area is laid out in a grid format, and is divided into cells. Words, numbers and formulas can be entered into the cells. column formatting tools bold heading row sheet labels list box format for currency formula used here 2 Table of Contents Task No 1 Title Concepts learnt Weekly Pay for Mike’s Motors Multiplying and adding cells Make a simple bar chart Select different parts using the Ctrl key Page no 7 2 Modifying Mike’s Motors Spreadsheet Modifying a sheet Extracting a bar chart 10 3 Captain Snapper Average formulas Extracting a bar chart and line graph 12 4 Betty’s Books Ltd Simple combined formulas Percentages 15 5 Smith’s Electronics Simple combined formulas 16 6 Drink Vending Machine Profits Simple combined formulas 17 7 Mark’s Music Emporium Modifying a sheet Extracting different charts: pie, line, bar 18 -- If Statements in Spreadsheets (12 short tasks) Formulas that make decisions Nested If Statements – making multiple decisions 20 8 Student’s Marks If Statements 27 Extracting graphs 9 Farmer Smith’s Seeds If Statements 28 -- Lookup Tables in Spreadsheets Lookup lists 29 (4 short tasks) 10 Absolute Cell References Making absolute references to lock cells when copying them 35 -- Validation Rules Validation Rules, List Boxes, Error messages 38 11 Expenses Claim Form Validations and List Boxes 41 12 Dog Training Calculator Consolidation of skills 42 13 School Sports Day Drinks Model Consolidation of skills 43 14 Pond Price Calculator Consolidation of skills 44 15 Sandwich Price Calculator Consolidation of skills 46 16 Clean up that pig sty you call a bedroom Consolidation of skills 48 3 FORMULAS OPERATOR MEANING EXAMPLE = Equals: all formulas start with this; or equal to =A3 + Add =A3+B3 - Subtract =A3-B3 * Multiply =A3*B3 / Divide =A3/B3 () Brackets: to indicate what parts of the formula to combine =(A3+B3)*5 > Greater than A3>B3 < Less than A3<B3 >= Greater than or equal to A3>=B3 <= Less than or equal to A3<=B3 <> Not equal to A3<>B3 : Range: between a group of cells A3:B3 , Comma, to combine parts of a formula =sum(A3:A5,B3:B5) ‘ Apostrophe: put in front of a word, or number so that it is not read as a formula or number ‘£5 sum Sum: add up a range of cells =sum(A3:A20) if A condition that will cause a decision to be made =if((B3>10,”pass”,”fail”) countif Counts how many times something appears in a range of cells =countif((B3:B29,”red”) count Counts numbers in a range of cells =count(B3:B20) counta Counts the number of cells that contain a range of defined data =counta(A3:A20) randbetween Generates random numbers in a given range =randbetween(1,100) 4 OPERATOR MEANING EXAMPLE average Works out averages =average(b3:B10) max Finds the largest number in a range of cells =max(b3:b30) min Finds the smallest number in a range of cells =min(b3:b30) mode Finds the most frequently occurring number =mode(b3:b30) median Finds the middle number in a list =median(b3:b30) % Percent =b3*20% iserror Checks for an error, is used with an IF statement =if(iserror(b3*d3),5) vlookup Vertical Lookup: looks up a set of values in a table and gives a result =vlookup(b3,f5:g10,2) hlookup Horizontal Lookup: looks across a set of values in a table and gives a result =hlookup(b3,f5:k6,2) ““ Speech marks: to include text in a formula, combined with IF statements =if(b3>c3,”well done”, “pass”) $ Absolute reference: When preceding cells =$b$3*$d$8 in a formula, the cell reference do not change when the formula is copied. Note that when you type a formula, is does not matter if it is typed in upper or lower case. 5 ERROR MESSAGES If you don’t get the answer in a cell, these error messages might help you to figure out what you have done wrong. MESSAGE IN CELL MEANING ##### The column is not wise enough to display the number. Drag the column to make it wider. # VALUE! The Cell is expected to contain a number, because a formula refers to this cell. # DIV/0! The formula involves a division by 0 or division by a blank cell. # NAME? The formula refers to a range of cells that does not exist. # N/A The formula refers to a cell that does not contain enough information to complete a calculation. # REF? There is an invalid cell reference. # NUM! A number in a calculation is too large or too small. # NULL! A formula refers to an incorrect cell reference. 6 TASK 1 – WEEKLY PAY FOR MIKE’S MOTORS Make the above spreadsheet. Make sure the title is bold. Make sure the headings in Row 3 have been underlined. Make sure the columns are wide enough, and that everything is in the same cells as above. Format Columns C & D for currency. Use this formula for cell D4 =b4*c4 D5 to D7 would have the same pattern. Insert a formula for Cell D9 =sum(d4:d7) 7 Your completed sheet should look like this: Now make a graph, following these guidelines: Select Cells A4:A7. Hold down the Control Key (Ctrl) and also select Cells D4:D7. Choose the Chart Wizard icon: Choose Column Chart, and next. Your screen should look like this: 8 Add the entries into the boxes: Chart title: Weekly Pay for Mike’s Motors Category X axis: Name Value Y axis: Amount Leave chart “as object in” to insert into the current sheet: Drag the chart to a nice place below the data. Right click on the “Series 1” box and choose clear to get rid of it because it is not necessary. Your completed sheet should look as cool as this: 9 TASK 2 – MODIFYING MIKE’S MOTORS SPREADSHEET Go back and modify your Mike’s Motors spreadsheet: Delete the graph below it. Add Column E for Deductions, Column F for Net Pay. Format them for currency. Right justify the Column headings for B to F, by using the align right function Yours should now look like the one below: Add a formula for Net Pay for Cell F4. You should be thinking of =d4-e4 Copy the formula down to Cell F7. Make a formula to add up all of the Deductions and Net Pay, for cells E9 and F9. Extract another graph. Your completed graph will show the employee’s name, total pay, deductions and net pay. 10 Your completed sheet and graph should look like the following: Hints: Use the Control Key (Ctrl) to highlight the individual groups of cells that you want. When changing the names of the series labels, you can do this in step 2 (see below): 11 TASK 3 – CAPTAIN SNAPPER Check out Captain Snapper’s sales: What formula would you use to find out the average in Cell F4? The Maths way is to add up all of the items and divide by how many there are. So your formula might be =(b4+b5+b6)/3 This will work. But you could be clever and use an “average” function: =average(b4:b6) Copy and complete the spreadsheet. Right justify the months. Note that when you put in the average formulas, you will have many decimal places. You can remove them by choosing Format Cells Number 0 decimal places. Extract a graph, to show item and monthly average. Your completed graph will look like the following: 12 Now lets make a line graph to display the variations in sales of each item for the months. Select Cells A3 to D8. Choose the Chart Wizard, and Line Graph, as per the diagram below: Choose next. At step 2 you can see the proposed layout: Maybe this is not very clear … 13 You can click to display “Series in Rows”: Now you have to choose which is the most clearest format to display the data. Let’s leave it as “Rows” because you can more clearly see the individual items. Add headings in step 3: Paste the chart into the current sheet. You should now have a finished sheet, similar to that below: Cool! 14 TASK 4 – BETTY’S BOOKS Copy out the sheet below, adjusting the column widths as necessary, and making sure that you have every thing in the same cells. Make sure your have the same underlining, bolds, etc. Format Columns B, D, F, G for currency. Format Column C for percentage. Add the following formulas: • To work out Selling Price = (Cost Price X Mark up) + (Cost Price). So the formula for D3 would be =(b3*c3)+b3. • To work out Total Income would be =Selling Price x Total Income. So the formula for F3 would be =d3*E3 • To work out profit on sales =Total Income – (Cost Price x Number Sold) So the formula for G3 would be =f3-(b3*e3) • You should be able to make formulas for Cells F8 and G8. Fill in the remainder of the formulas and complete the sheet. Extract a graph to match the following: 15 TASK 5 – SMITH’S ELECTRONICS Copy out the sheet below, adjusting the column widths as necessary, and making sure that you have every thing in the same cells. Make sure your have the same formats such as underling, etc. Format column F for percentage, and the appropriate Columns for currency Insert formulas for Columns D, G, H, I, J. Hints: Commission from Sales = Sales x Commission Rate Total Pay = Pay + Commission from Sales Tax = Total Pay x 25% Pay less Tax = Total Pay - Tax Add up the totals for Columns D, G, H, J and put the results in Row 12. Extract a bar chart to show the Employee and their Total Pay. 16 TASK 6 – DRINK VENDING MACHINE PROFITS Copy and complete the sheet to find out how much “sugar water” people are drinking. Formulas for Column G The Cost Prices of the items: Coke, Diet Coke, 7 Up is 28 pence (record as 0.28); the costs of Lilt and Dr Pepper is 30 p, (record as 0.30 and format the cells for currency. The Selling Prices are all 45 pence. The Profit per Can is Sell Price – Cost Price. Make formulas for Total Profit. Extract a meaningful line graph to display the sales for each item over the week. It might look like the following: 17 TASK 7 – MARK’S MUSIC EMPORIUM Follow these instructions to complete the spreadsheet for Mark. • The cost prices of the CDs are: Pop £5, Jazz £4, Jungle £4.50, Techno £4, Classical £3. The selling prices are £8, £6, £7, £7 and £5 respectively. Insert two Columns after “Type” to show this information, so that Cost Price will appear in Column B and Selling Price in Column C (select the column and choose Edit Insert Column). • Enter formulas for Totals and Daily Average. • Add two Columns after Daily Average to show Total Income and Total Profit. The formula for Total Income would be Total Sold x Selling Price. The formula for Total Profit would be Total Income – (Total Sold x Cost Price) • Add sensible colour schemes and formats to highlight parts of the sheet, using these format icons: • Extract these graphs: Pie chart to show the amount of pop CDs sold during the week: This may appear hard to do, but is really quite easy .. do a lot of fiddling with the chart wizard! 18 Line Graph to show the fluctuations in sales for each item for each day of the week: A horizontal bar chart to show the total income (profit) for each type of CD sold: If you can make these, you are starting to show signs of being a guru! 19 IF STATEMENTS IN SPREADSHEETS All formulas get MS Excel to do a calculation. A formula can also include a decision. If a condition is met, then the formula will do something, if not, then it will do something else. For example, if a student has less than 50 out of 100 marks in a test, you can get the spreadsheet to write “fail” in a cell. If the student gets more than 50 marks, then the computer will write “pass” in the cell. The IF function tests the value in a cell and does one thing if the test is true, and another if the test is false. Check out the example: The formula says that if what is in cell B5 is greater than 50, then write in pass, otherwise write in fail. The formula is structured in this way: =IF(logical test, action if true, action if false) =IF ( B5>50, “pass”, “fail” ) Whatever you want to put in the cell is put in “ ”. It can be words or another formula. Use the correct speech marks, which are usually above the 2 key. Now make the sheet yourself and put in the formula. 20 Following are some more examples where IF statements can be used. formulas for the cells, then make the sheets to get some practice. • Plan some If a student scores higher than 70/100, then they get an A. Other wise write pass. The formula would be =if(b3>70,”A”,”pass”) • If the amount of apples in stock falls below 50, then write a message to order some more. If it is more than 50, write OK. The formula would be =if(b3>50,”OK”,”order more”) You could also have the formula another way: =if(b4<50,”order more”,”OK”) • If actual expenses are higher than budgeted expenses, then write a message to say over budget. =if(b3>c3,”yes”<”no”) 21 • If sales are greater than £1000, then give a commission of 5%, otherwise do nothing. • If sales are less than £500 give a £10 bonus, if more than £500 give a £20 bonus. Be careful! You may have to make your formula with 499 instead of 500 so people get the correct bonus. ********* 22 NESTED IF STATEMENTS A nested IF is used when there are more than 2 outcomes. Example: Consider the following students scores: Here are the grade boundaries: Distinction = at least 80/100 Merit = 60/100 Pass = 50 The formula for Cell C3 would be: =if(b3>79,”Distinction”,if(b3>59,”Merit”,if(b3>49,”Pass”))) You can see that we have used 79 instead of 80, so that MS Excel includes 80 in the Distinction grade; 59 instead of 60 and 49 instead of 50. Copy the sheet below, and put the formula in Cell C3. Click and drag the formula down: 23 Yours should look like the following: The Computer will return FALSE if something in a cell does not fit into the rule. We can now modify the formula to say that all grades below 50 are a fail. The new formula for Cell C3 would be: =if(b3>79,”Distinction”,if(b3>59,”Merit”,if(b3>49,”Pass”,”Fail”))) Because all numbers at the end of the decisions are les than 50, the computer will automatically return “Fail”. Now modify the formula and copy it down to Cell C6. Remember: • There is always no spaces in the formula • Every time there is a new IF, a bracket must be opened • For each bracket opened, it must be closed at the end of the formula • A maximum of 7 nests within an IF statement can be created • Be sure to use the correct number: e.g. if a value is 50 or above, you should write >49 to include the value of 50 • Make sure that if working through a list of numbers, they start with the highest first, and then descend in order • If the formula is to find a word, then use = and put the word in “ ”. e.g. =IF(B10=”rain”,”take umbrella”) 24 Make nested IF statements for each of the following situations. Test your formulas by making the spreadsheets. If it is raining take an umbrella, if sunny wear a t-shirt. If it is hot take a drink, if warm take a rest, if cold take a jumper If speeding by less than 10 mph, then £50 fine, less than 20, £100, more than 20, then £200. If the book is overdue by 1 day then 10p, of overdue by 2-6 days then 50p, if 7 days or over then £1. 25 If a student is not late do nothing, if late 1 day, give a warning, if late 2 days then detain, if late more than 2 times, then phone home. ********* 26 TASK 8 – STUDENT’S MARKS Check out the incomplete Mark Sheet below: Copy the spreadsheet. Use appropriate formatting to highlight parts of the sheet. Make formulas for Column F and Row 11. Make a “nested if statement” formula to automatically enter the grades in Column G, with the following cut off marks: A B C D F > 75 > 60 > 50 > 40 < 39 Extract a sensible graph or chart to clearly show which student is performing best and in which tests. 27 TASK 9 – FARMER SMITH’S SEEDS Farmer Smith has a system to work out how many packets of seeds to order when he uses them. Unfortunately he forgot to save the formulas he made. Here is the incomplete sheet: Every so often he does a stock count, and enters the amount he has in Column B. He used two groovy formulas to tell him if he has enough seeds in stock, and if the amount of stock falls below a minimum level, it will tell him how many to reorder. • Work out an IF formula for Column C. The words in Column D should read either “Yes” or “No”. You will have to compare the Qty in Stock to the Min Stock Level. • When Farmer Smith needs to re-order seeds, he orders the shortfall and an additional 50 packets. (Hint: If “Yes” appears in Column D, the computer will do a calculation to order the shortfall of seeds plus an additional 50 packets.) • Test that your stock control spreadsheet works by changing the quantities in Column B, and see if you return correct outcomes. Beans Beetroot Carrot Cauliflower Peas Pumpkin Tomato 58 45 100 31 150 51 99 28 LOOKUP TABLES IN SPREADSHEETS IF statements ask the spreadsheet to make a limited set of decisions. These only work for up to 7 decisions, otherwise the formula becomes too unwieldy and messy. The computer can look up a set of values from another table in the worksheet and fill in responses according to the rules in the table. Look at the following example. You could make an IF statement to work through the grades, that would look something like this: =IF(B3>79,"A*",IF(B3>69,"A",IF(B3>64,"B",IF(B3>54,"C",IF(B3>44,"D",IF(B3>39,"E","U")))))) Gag! Of course this is rather confusing and unwieldy! We can make a LOOKUP formula instead. The computer can look at the grades table and match the grades to the scores, and return the matching results. Lookup means what it says: MS Excel will lookup a list and match the items and give the result from the list that you want. 29 The formula is constructed: =VLOOKUP(which cell, location of the lookup table, the column number to return the result) =VLOOKUP( B3, A13:B19, 2 [look in the second column for the thing to write]) =VLOOKUP(B3,A13:B19,2) The computer knows to keep working down the lookup table into it finds a number that fits within the range. E.g. 50 is between 45 and 54 so it will return a D. So the lowest numbers must always be at the top of the list and the highest at the bottom of the list. Copy the spreadsheet. The formulas have been included for Column C. When finished, you should have the same as the results below: Now change the student’s grades, to the following and see if your sheet updates: Al 67; Alan 67; Alain 32; Alaine 45; Alaina 56 30 A barometer is used to forecast the weather. Here are the estimated results for a week: Copy and complete the table including a vlookup for Column C. Hint: The formula for Cell C9 would be =VLOOKUP(B9,A14:B19,2) 31 Write a Lookup formula to automatically enter the weather conditions by looking at the wind description. 32 LOOK UP TABLES IN JOINED SHEETS Usually lookup tables are not in the same sheet as the main sheet because this can become confusing for the user and clutter the screen. One worksheet can have many lookups in it. If this is the case, then it is usual to put the lookup lists in a separate sheet. Then the formula is simply changed to refer to the different location of the lookup lists. Consider the following sheet. When a Surname is entered into Cell B3, vlookups find the results for B4 and B5: The lookup lists are in a separate sheet (Sheet 2) within the workbook: 33 The formulas that were used in Sheet 1 for the Student Results are shown: You can see that Sheet2! Refers that the lookup list is in the second sheet. The exclamation mark (!) is a function that tells the computer to refer to the sheet listed. Make the example, to continue being a vlookup expert. 34 ABSOLUTE REFERENCES IN FORMULAS In MS Excel you can copy formulas down through multiple rows and columns and the formula will automatically change relative to the cells. This is called a relative reference. Look at the following basic example: The formula for Cell B4 would be =b2-b3: When you select and copy the formula to the other cells, MS Excel automatically adjusts the cell references so that they are relative to the new cells: The results are then correct for each instance: You can set a formula to contain an absolute reference. This means that wherever the formula is copied, the cell references will not change. Consider the following: The formula for Cell C6 would be =b3*b6 35 If you tried to copy the formula down then there would be errors, because the formula would be automatically changed: This is because MS Excel always assumes you want relative formula references, unless you tell it otherwise. Note the relative formulas that have changed: This problem can be easily fixed by creating an absolute cell reference in the formula. This means that the part of the formula that you do not want to change, will be “locked” when you copy the formula. To insert and absolute reference, simply insert $ signs in the cell, eg $B$3. This tells the computer not to change Cell B3 when the formula is copied. So the new formula for Cell C6 would be: =$B$3*B6 36 When you copy the formula down, it will now be correct for each cell: Note how the formulas have been changed: The reference to Cell B3 has remained the same, but the others have changed relative to their new location. 37 VALIDATION RULES IN SPREADSHEETS A validation rule is used to make sure that data entered into a system fits within defined limits. By doing this errors in data entry can be reduced. Data Menu Validation There are a number of validations that can be set in a spreadsheet. Any value Whole number Decimal List Date Time Text Length Custom any number can be entered no decimals entered numbers less than 1 choose an item from a defined list a date can be entered a time can be entered to set the amount of characters based on a formula When you have decided on the type of data, you can set the rule and the data range. Let’s make a validation rule so that only a whole number between 10 and 50 can be entered into a cell. between a certain range, eg 10 and 50 not between not in the defined range equal to must be a set value not equal to must not equal a set value greater than eg higher than 20 less than eg less than 50 greater than or equal to eg 50 or more less than or equal to eg 30 or less Then you can enter the range between a maximum and minimum: So the rule that has been set for the cell is to only accept a whole number between 10 and 50. 38 You can make a list box so that the user can only choose an item from the list: How do you do it? You have to make the lists first in a separate sheet. Then select the list you have made and label it “day” This is so that the computer knows the list you have made. Go to where you want to put the list, and choose Data Validation. Enter in the name of the list that you just created. You will now have a list box, which will have a little drop down arrow beside it: The Input Message Box allows you to make a prompt so that the person can see what to enter: 39 A sample complete Input Message: The Error Alert Box allows you to give the user a warning when they have typed in an incorrect amount: A sample complete Error Message: Make the above validation rule for yourself. Try these: In cell A1 Make a validation rule to only accept a number greater than 100. In cell A3 Make a rule to only accept a text length between 3 and 6 characters. In cell A5 Make a validation rule to only accept today’s date, and a date up to a week in advance. Hint: =today() =today()+ 40 TASK 11 – EXPENSES CLAIM FORM Study the following Claim Form, which could be put on a spreadsheet. Indicate where validation rules could be included, and what type they may be: How else could you restrict errors in data entry into the Claim Form? Make the sheet and test it with sample data. 41 TASK 12 – MAKE A DOG TRAINING CALCULATOR Champion Dog School has training courses to get evil puppies to obey their masters. The price charged to the owner depends on how many dogs attend each course. The school aims to make a minimum profit of £100 on each course it operates. The maximum number of dogs on each course is 15. There are generally 5 sessions in a course. The expenses are: Dog trainer: £20 a session plus £1.10 for each dog Cleaner: £6 a session Collars: £1.10 each, one for each dog at the start of the course Rewards: £1.30 a bag, one used for each session Administration: £10 for each course If the cost for each dog will be more than £100 to attend the course, then the course may be cancelled because it is too expensive. Your model should be able to highlight this and give a warning message. Requirements of the calculator • • • • • • • There should be a place to enter how many dogs are on the course Each expense item must be easily changeable The number of sessions for the course may change, to this number must be easily changeable, and the formulas automatically update The maximum number of dogs must not exceed 15, set a function to prevent this The system must be easy to use and understand The system must clearly show the price to be charged for each dog The system must show whether a course should proceed or not Hint You may have to use “if statements” Testing You will have to test your solution with manual calculations. ***** 42 TASK 13 – SCHOOL SPORTS DAY DRINKS MODEL Flunky School is having a Sports Day and they want you to produce a model that they can use to predict what is the best price to charge for hot and cold drinks on the day. The school does not want to make a profit nor loss. They pledge that the price of a hot drink will be either 55p or 60p and the cost of a cold drink will be not more than 60p. The sale of drinks has to cover the costs of Sports Day. These are the cost of printing the programmes (£175), the hire of the PA system (£110), and overtime for the caretaker (£27.50). The cost to the school to make a hot drink is 15p and to buy cans of cold drinks is 25p each. These are the expenses. However, they will receive £80 sponsorship from Sainsbury’s and £50 from the Ice cream van that will be on site. These are the incomes. The Science Department has data on typical drinks consumption depending on the type of day. Type of Day Expected drinks to sell Hot day Warm day Mild day Cool day Cold day 50 hot 150 hot 225 hot 325 hot 375 hot 600 cold 400 cold 275 cold 175 cold 100 cold For each of the five weather conditions separately, you have to use to model to show them what to charge for hot and cold drinks so that they make a minimum profit. You can test to see if your model works by entering the following data from last year: Last year the weather was warm and they sold 150 hot drinks and 400 cold drinks. If they had charged 60p for hot drinks and 54p for cold drinks, then they would have made a £1 profit. If they had charged 53p for cold drinks then they would have made a loss of £3. So if you calculations using this data come up with the same profit and loss answers, then you know that your model works. Plan the layout of your model first. 43 TASK 14 – POND PRICE CALCULATOR The Wilted Flower Garden Centre sells parts to make garden ponds. The bigger the pond that the customer wants, then the more plastic under liner and decorative plants will be needed. There are rules for working out how much of each item to buy and the size of the plastic pond liners needed. These things are needed to have a complete pond: plastic liner; plastic under liner; underwater plant bunches; decorative plant packs; water lily; fountain. When the customer tells the pond man the measurements of the pond, then the spreadsheet should automatically work out the liner measurements, plant quantities and total cost of the pond. Item Formula Length of liner =(2.5 x depth) + length of pond Width of liner =(2.5 x depth) + width of pond Under liner same formulas as above Underwater plant bunches =(length of liner x width of liner x 5 Number of decorative =(length of liner + width of liner) x 2 plant packs Water lily =quantity wants x cost Fountain =quantity needed x cost Cost £4.40 per sq metre 90p per sq metre 50p each £3.50 each pack £8.50 £55 Notes 5 bunches of underwater plants are needed for every square metre of pond liner. They only sell whole bunches, so the formula will include an =ROUNDUP function in it to round up the number of bunches to a whole number. For decorative plant packs around the edge of the pond, they allow 1 pack per metre around the edge of the pond. So this formula will also contain an =ROUNDUP function to make the total required a whole number. 44 You can use the following data to test your system. If your model comes up with the same calculations, then you know that yours works. Mrs Smith wants a pond 2m x 1.5m and 1m deep. Cost will be: Liner length =(2.5 x 1) + 2 Liner width =(2.5 x 1) + 1.5 Liner size =4.5m x 4m 4.5m 4m 18m2 Cost of pond liner =£4.40 x 18 Cost of under liner =90p x 18 Underwater plant bunches =5 x 18 x 50p Decorative plant packs =(4.5 + 4) x 2 x £3.50 Water lily Fountain £79.20 £16.20 £45 £59.50 £8.50 £55 Total cost £263.40 Of course, you should plan your spreadsheet model carefully first. Problems to solve: 1. Mr Mullet wants a pond 3m x 2m. How deep can he have this pond, if he wants to keep the price under £300? 2. What is the biggest pond that Mr Fish can have if he has £1000 to spend. Assume the maximum depth is 2m. 3. Mrs Tadpole wants a pond 5m x 3m and 1.5m deep. How much will it cost her? 45 TASK15 – SANDWICH PRICE CALCULATOR Philip J Fry has a sandwich shop and wants to automatically work out the prices to sell his sandwiches for. Each sandwich is made up of a number of things: Bread or roll Butter or low fat spread Filling/s A container to put it in Following is a list of the fillings that he uses: Item Cost Cheese Tomato Chicken Ham Salad – mixed Salmon Sweetcorn salad Mayonnaise Pickle Butter Low fat spread Tuna Bread Roll Container of a pack £4.50 £1.60 £4.95 £4.90 £4.50 £3.95 £3.75 £2.75 £2.75 £1.05 £1.40 £3.50 £0.36 £0.40 £0.05 No of portions 25 20 20 20 40 15 35 40 50 35 70 20 24 12 1 Cost per portion 18p Fry wants a profit of £1 for each sandwich he sells. So you will have to work out the cost price of making a sandwich according to the ingredients, and add on the profit amount, to get the price that he will sell the sandwich for. Fry wants you to round up the price of each sandwich to the nearest 10p. Fry says that a cheese and tomato sandwich with bread, low fat spread, packaging and profit should be sold for £1.40 Work out how Fry calculated this. Then work out the cost of making a ham, cheese and pickle roll, and what price it should be sold for. You have to build a spreadsheet for Fry that will automatically work out the price to sell a sandwich for. 46 Requirements of the calculator • • • • • • • • • • • • • The system must be easy to use and understand Must be able to choose the fillings to use Must be able to include any number of fillings Must allow for bread or roll Must have butter or low fat spread It must be easy to change the cost of the fillings It must be possible to add new fillings The profit added must be £1 The places to enter the choices of fillings must be clear The answer must stand out The answer must be correct Each sandwich must go in a container Must give a price rounded up to the nearest 10p Hints Use colour coding on parts of your sheet You will have to make a formula that will do rounding up. Planning It is important that you properly plan your spreadsheet first on a grid. Include these things on your plan: Locations of all information in the cells Colour scheme and highlights, if any Formulas used and what they do Cell formats, such as bold, currency Testing You will have to check that your calculator works by comparing its results against manual calculations for those two sandwiches mentioned. 47 TASK 16 CLEAN UP THAT PIG STY YOU CALL A BEDROOM! Lenny is tired of his mother having a go at him for having such a messy bedroom, that he has decided to investigate the costs of redecorating and purchasing new furniture for his room. Lenny has a budget of £500, that he received from helping a granny cross the street. Lenny wants you to help him make a spreadsheet so that he can work out how far his money will go. His room dimensions are 5 m wide, 4 m long, and 2.5 m high. You need to know this to work out the area of the room for when he is calculating the cost of wallpaper or paint. You model should be able to be adapted by anyone, for any size room. The following items may be required: Paint: Wallpaper: Carpet tiles: A one litre tin will cover 10 square meters 75 cm wide and in 5 metre lengths 50 square cm each Your spreadsheet should be able to work out the quantity of each item that is needed for any size room. There should also be a space to enter the cost price of each item. Other items to go into the bedroom: TV £75 Video £50 Wardrobe £100 Desk £50 Curtains £25 Bed £100 Tools, eg brushes, screws, hammer £25 Paint costs £5 a tin, wallpaper £3 a roll and carpet tiles 50p each. Your spreadsheet will be able to figure out the total costs for decorating the bedroom and be able to work out if he has enough money. All figures will be easily changeable so the model will work with any dimensions and requests. A sample layout is on the next page. 48 49 This Booklet is Copyright by the author, Mr B J Hanson, 2006. This booklet may be used by individuals for educational purposes. To reproduce as a class or school resource, please contact the author for permission. Tasks 12 -15 are modified from AQA 3527 ICT coursework projects 2002-2005. Visit: www.mrhanson.org 50