Piecuchy – oven-baked pierogi Burmistrza with beef and cranberry New Kraśne with meat and cabbage Rycerskie with meat O kurcze! with minced chicken, cheese and champignons Diabelskie with beef, onion, pepper and pickles (spicy) Kowala with potatoes, onion and bacon Hetmańskie with chicken chunks and spinach Sołtysowe with fried liver, onion and champignons Drwala with minced meat, red beans and cheese Wiejskie with bacon, salami, sausage, ham, leek and black olives Spiżarniane with meat and plum small serving (3 pcs.) large serving (5 pcs.) 18,46 16,46 17,46 19,96 18,46 15,96 18,46 17,96 16,96 17,96 23,96 21,96 21,96 22,96 23,96 20,96 21,96 22,46 21,96 21,96 17,96 21,96 Additional oven-baked pierogi 7,46 Change to rye dough 4,96 Sauces (1 included in price) 50 g garlic, dill, mushroom, tomato mild, tomato spicy, sour cream, tzatziki, fried onion, butter, honey and mustard, pork scratching, bacon and onion topping, blueberry, cranberry, horse radish, chocolate, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, sweet cream additional sauce Pastusze with smoked cheese (recommended with cranberry sauce) Cebrowe with spinach and Favita cheese Izbowe with red lentils, cheese and champignons Zza miedzy wschodniej russian – with potatoes, cottage cheese and onion Grzybobranie with cabbage and mushrooms Leśne runo with a mix of wild mushrooms and with leek Serowe with several types of cheese most popular small serving (3 pcs.) large serving (5 pcs.) 19,96 18,46 14,96 16,46 16,96 20,96 25,96 24,96 21,46 18,96 19,96 20,96 26,96 29,96 Sernikowe with cottage cheese and orange peel New Bajkowe with oatmeal, fudge, raisins and walnuts Smoluchy with milk chocolate Babcine with cottage cheese Ja-Błkowe with fresh apples and cinnamon 2,46 small serving (3 pcs.) large serving (5 pcs.) 15,96 14,96 14,96 15,96 15,96 18,96 18,46 19,96 18,96 18,46 Wielkie Żarcie (Pierogi Feast) a bowl of any oven-baked pierogi of your choice (22 pierogi). Anyone who can eat the whole bowl in less than 38 minutes pays half the price. 79,96 Lepiochy – traditional pierogi Burmistrza with beef and cranberry New Kraśne with meat and cabbage Rycerskie with meat O kurcze! with minced chicken, cheese and champignons Diabelskie with beef, onion, pepper and pickles (spicy) Wiejskie with bacon, salami, sausage, ham, leek and black olives Kowala with potatoes, onion and bacon Spiżarniane with meat and plum small serving (5 pcs.) large serving (9 pcs.) 14,96 14,46 14,96 14,96 18,96 17,96 18,46 18,96 14,96 18,96 15,46 18,96 13,46 14,96 16,96 18,46 Additional traditional pierogi Frying Zza miedzy wschodniej russian – with potatoes, cottage cheese and onion Cebrowe with spinach and Favita cheese Grzybobranie with cabbage and mushrooms Leśniczego with chanterelle and onion (recommended with sour cream and chives) most popular 2,96 Sauces (1 included in price) 50 g garlic, dill, mushroom, tomato mild, tomato spicy, sour cream, tzatziki, fried onion, butter, honey and mustard, pork scratching, bacon and onion topping, blueberry, cranberry, horse radish, chocolate, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, sweet cream additional sauce small serving (5 pcs.) 3,96 2,46 large serving (9 pcs.) 13,96 17,96 14,96 14,46 21,46 18,46 17,96 24,96 Sernikowe with cottage cheese and orange peel New Babcine with cottage cheese Owocowy chruśniak with berries or strawberries Leniuchy cottage cheese pierogi Ja-Błkowe with fresh apples and cinnamon Łaciate with raspberries, white chocolate and mint small serving (5 pcs.) large serving (9 pcs.) 12,96 12,96 11,96 12,96 12,46 13,96 15,96 15,96 14,96 16,96 14,96 17,26 Wielkie Żarcie (Pierogi Feast) a bowl of any traditional pierogi of your choice (50 pierogi). Anyone who can eat the whole bowl in less than 38 minutes pays half the price. 79,96 Czeburek kresowy A huge, fried pierogi – from the Eastern Borderlands Greens – salads Greek salad Chicken salad Smoked salmon salad Fried cabbage Side salads mix Side salads: sauerkraut, carrot or celery 300 g 300 g 300 g 100 g 150 g 100 g 18,96 18,96 22,96 5,96 5,96 4,96 Soups Mushroom cream soup with a croissant Borsch with a croissant Tomato cream soup with noodles and cream Żurek sour rye soup most popular O kurcze! with minced chicken, cheese and champignons Diabelski with beef, onion, pepper and pickles (spicy) 24,46 24,46 Grzybobranie with cabbage and mushrooms Zza miedzy wschodniej russian – with potatoes, cottage cheese and onion 22,46 22,46 Variety of dishes Placuchy – potato pancakes Sweet pancakes with sugar Koło Młyńskie two large pancakes with chasseur sauce Starotoruńskie pancakes with Old Toruń sauce (thick, meat based sauce) Additional sauce chasseur, Old Toruń 150 g Additional pancake 300 ml 300 ml 400 ml 9,46 8,96 9,96 400 ml 9,96 serving 4 pcs. 4 pcs. 12,96 18,96 15,96 4,96 4,46 Traditional potato noodles served with cottage cheese or cabbage and bacon and onion topping Traditional potato pierogi with any sauce, bacon and onion topping Pickled cucumbers 50 g Lard 50 g Bread 3 pcs. 13,96 12,96 2,96 3,96 2,96 Sweets Shortcake pierogi small serving (3 pcs.) large serving (5 pcs.) Benedyktyńskie with almond flakes, cherries and chocolate 23,96 28,96 Rajskie with bananas and white chocolate New Piernikowe with gingerbread 23,96 23,96 28,96 28,96 Additional shortcake pierogi 8,96 Desserts Chocolate cake with whipped cream and hot raspberries Baked fruit crumble Hot apple-pie with ice-cream and whipped cream Chocolate vanilla ice-cream with Chocapic, chocolate glaze, walnuts and whipped cream Raspberry, Strawberry vanilla ice-cream with hot fruit and whipped cream Vanilla Ice-cream 1 scoop Whipped cream Ice-cream sauce (chocolate, raspberry, strawberry) 13,46 7,46 9,96 15,96 15,96 3,76 3,26 2,46 most popular Beverages Fresh fruit mix juice 200 ml Fresh orange, grapefruit or carrot juice 200 ml Homemade lemonade pitcher 1,2 l Stewed fruit drink 200 ml/pitcher Ice-tea 350 ml (pineapple-citrus, cranberry-tangerine, bubble gum, mint-citrus, exotic) Teas for cold days and evenings 500 ml (raspberry-strawberry, with mulled wine, cinnamon, citrus, mint-spiced) Smoothies 300 ml (orange-strawberry, berry, spinach) New Ice tea lemon or green 500 ml Ice coffee with vanilla ice-cream Kvass 300 ml/pitcher Buttermilk 300 ml/pitcher 7up 200 ml/500 ml Mirinda 200 ml/500 ml Pepsi 200 ml/500 ml Pepsi light 200 ml/500 ml Podpiwek 300 ml/pitcher 1 l Toma juices, nectars, drinks 200 ml/500 ml Mineral water still or sprinkling 200 ml/500 ml most popular 7,96 10,96 7,96/16,96 6,96/15,96 4,96/7,46 4,96/7,46 4,96/7,46 4,96/7,46 7,96/16,96 4,96/7,46 4,96/7,46 Black or flavoured tea Black or flavoured tea 1 l Black coffee White coffee Espresso Double espresso Cappuccino Latte macchiato Hot chocolate Whipped cream Flavour syrup: amaretto, caramel, gingerbread, vanilla 6,96 13,96 7,46 7,96 6,96 9,96 8,46 9,46 8,96 3,26 3,26 10,96 9,96 14,96 4,96/15,96 9,96 11,96 10,96 Alcohol Grolsch 0,45 l Książęce Czerwony Lager 0,5 l New Książęce Ciemne Łagodne (dark) 0,5 l Książęce Pszeniczne (wheat) 0,5 l Lech Free 0,33 l Lech Premium 0,33 l Pilsner Urquell 0,33 l Redd’s apple with lemon grass, cranberry, pear and chilli Tyskie bottled 0,33 l Tyskie draft 0,3 l/0,5 l Tyskie draft pitcher 1 l Tyskie beer tower 3 l Add raspberry syrup to your beer Sparkling wine Prince de Brabant bottle Semi-dry wine Castillo De Olaya white 150 ml/bottle Semi-dry wine Castillo De Olaya red 150 ml/bottle Dessert wine Estrella pink 150 ml/bottle Dry wine Vernaccia white 150 ml/bottle Dry wine De Murviedro red 150 ml/bottle Spiced wine with orange and ice cubes New Mulled wine with oranges 200 ml Mulled wine no limit for 1 person (only in winter) most popular 69,96 13,96/84,96 13,96/84,96 12,46/69,96 17,46/104,96 17,46/104,96 11,96 11,96 23,96 11,46 10,96 10,96 10,96 7,46 7,46 8,96 7,96 7,46 6,96/8,46 15,96 44,96 1,46 Food can be ordered to go. At request we also prepare catering including any dishes according to your requirements. Information on allergens in our food you can get from manager. All prices are given in PLN and include VAT. If you want to split the bill please notify the waiter about this when ordering. [email protected] tel. +48 56 621 10 46 Do you want to become an owner of a Pierogarnia restaurant? More informaiton is available at our webside in the franchise . You can write to us at [email protected] too. Students are entitled to 11% discount if they present a valid school ID. Discounts available in the restaurant do not add up. The expected waiting time is 27 min. In some cases this time may change: in case of a leap year, new moon, sun in the east or if our grandma has a bad day. If making a reservation for 10 or more persons we usually add 10% of the total price. Restauracje Ewa Podlaszewska Sp.J.