DOn`T GeT ScammeD - Calgary Residential Rental Association


DOn`T GeT ScammeD - Calgary Residential Rental Association
4653 Macleod Trail S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2G 0A6
Tel: (403) 265-6055 • Fax: (403) 265-9696 •
We continually hear about scammers trying to take advantage of landlords and tenants. You hear about the various scams
through the media (newspapers, television and radio). Sadly we sometimes hear from someone we know who fell victim
to these criminals. We often wonder how it is that despite all the warnings, people still seem to fall victim to these scams.
The answer may lie in the following:
• By nature most of us are law abiding and we trust people.
• Everyone wants to take advantage of a good deal. You just have to be sure that you aren’t being taken advantage of.
Remember, scammers are criminals. They have no ethical principles and no conscience. They’re vultures trying to pick you
clean. They are liars and tricksters, and they prey on other people.
Let’s take a look at a couple of the more common scams that continually make the rounds through our industry.
The Over Payment Scam
This scam targets landlords. A property owner or property
manager advertises a rental property on an internet website.
They provide details of the property, including address, rent
and pictures. A phone number and/or an email address is
usually included in the Ad so potential renters can contact
the landlord. Once the Ad goes online, it is available for
viewing by people all over the world.
Scammers who surf rental housing websites send an e-mail
to the landlord and express interest in renting the apartment
or rental property. The scammer usually indicates that they
are from the United Kingdom or Africa. They go into some
detail to explain why they want to rent the property. Their
email also contains a lot of personal information about
themselves. All of this is intended to create a friendly bond
with the landlord with the hope they can get you interested
in helping them out. Their story goes something like this:
The scammer claims to be a highly educated professional
(engineers, scientists, doctors, etc.). They say they are either
being transferred by their company, or they may just simply
indicate that they wish to relocate to Calgary. Another ploy
used by the scammer is meant to tug at your ‘heart strings’.
The scammer tells the landlord that his wife has just died
and he is left to raise his small children. He wants to start a
new life and his children may, or may not, be coming with
him. The story they use may change but there is a common
theme. In all of these cases the scammer confirms the rent
and security deposit and offers to send a cheque. He then
goes on to explain he has a ‘shipping agent’ who will be
handling his travel arrangements as well as the shipping
arrangements for his belongings. The scammer then states
that he will make the cheque for the rent and security
deposit larger than the landlord is asking for. He requests
that the landlord immediately deposit the cheque and take
the difference between the cheque amount and the total of
the rent and security deposit and then send the difference
to his ‘shipping agent’ by Western Union.
Red Flags
1. In many cases after the scammer contacts the landlord by
email, he asks the landlord to provide information about
the rental property, such as where it is, the amount of
rent and he wants some pictures. All of this information
was in the Ad that the scammer responded to. So why is
the scammer asking for the details? Well, these scammers
respond to so many Ads as they try to defraud and fleece
huge numbers of landlords around the world that they
can’t keep track of all the Ads they have responded to, so
they need the landlord to remind them.
2. In the email exchanges, and there are usually several, the
scammer goes to great lengths to reassure the landlord
of their honesty and sincerity. They quite often try to
reinforce their honesty by using words like ‘trust’ and
(Continued on Page 10)
Keith McMullen
Tim Sommer
With the dawn of a new year upon us, I would like to take a
moment to reflect on 2012 and look forward to 2013.
One of our most important duties is hosting our Annual
General Meeting (AGM). This year the AGM with be held on
Thursday, February 21, 2013 during the monthly luncheon at
the Hotel Blackfoot. We need to elect your Board Directors
and approve our financials and last year’s AGM minutes.
We need your support to ensure we have a quorum and
can conduct business. We are fortunate again this year to
have Tim Sommer back as our Luncheon speaker that day.
Tim will bring us up to date with his “Looking Back...Looking
Forward” - An update on Calgary’s Rental Market
This past year was one in which we saw a changing
marketplace in Calgary. The Alberta economy was ramping
up and doing well, and job growth was on the rise. As a
result many people moved to Alberta from other locales in
anticipation of being able to find employment, or in some
cases better jobs than they were leaving behind.
This in-migration meant that many people would be looking
for a new home. Some would look to purchase as mortgage
rates continued to be low; while others preferred to rent
- good news for our industry. We watched throughout the
year as vacancy levels gradually began to decline and this
trend has continued.
With the decline in vacancies, rents began to slowly inch
upwards. In my conversations with some of the bigger
companies I found that rent increases were generally
modest, in the 3% to 5% range. Unfortunately, we still
continue to hear a few stories where rents have been
increased by what can only be described as a “huge”
amount. Exorbitant rent increases are not helpful and leave
the door open for calls for ‘rent controls”, something that is
as damaging to our industry as the National Energy Program
(NEP) was to the oil industry and the economy. Thankfully,
the majority of landlords are reasonable and responsible
when it comes to managing their business, including the
increasing of rents for their tenants.
The CMHC Rental Market Survey was completed in the fall
of this year and was released on December 13th. We have
posted the Calgary Report on our website,
and I would encourage you to read it if you haven’t already
done so. It provides a great deal of information and you
will undoubtedly find it very useful. It’s a snapshot of the
industry and comments on vacancies and rents in the rental
As I’m sure many of you are witnessing first
hand with your operations, we are in a period
of rapid rent growth. Numerous “blockbuster”
deals occurred in 2012 as result – in fact, the
dollar volume of two portfolio sales in 2012 alone
almost equaled the annual sales activity in dollars
of 2010 and 2011 combined. After several sleepy
post-recession years, Calgary’s apartment market
is very much awake again. The primary factor
driving this activity appears to be low interest
rates, which is fueling the strong desire by the
big national companies to increase their presence
in the west. It’s important to differentiate the
nature of this demand however – it is for BIG. And
Calgary doesn’t often have much for sale that is
BIG, so we end up with two distinct markets – big
and small, separated at about the 100-suite count. Rent growth is not restricted to big buildings
though, and the small building market is witnessing
a similar surge in rents. This should allow the
“private guy” to play in the game too. I sense that
2013 is going to be a busy year, and that we are
going to see more blockbuster trades. Good luck
and best wishes to all for what should prove to be
a dynamic and exciting New Year.
market and includes data from the secondary rental market
(condominium rentals).
The CMHC Rental Market Report supports what we have
noticed in the rental industry. There is reason for optimism
as we move into 2013. Based on the forecast provided by
CMHC at their November Housing Outlook Conference, it’s
expected that vacancies will likely remain close to where
they are now, and may average just slightly lower; and, rents
may edge higher, but only moderately.
By now you will have heard that the City of Calgary plans to
increase property taxes next year by more than 5%. This is
only one cost increase that landlords can expect each year.
Others include insurance costs, utility costs, material and
product costs, and of course labour costs, just to name a
By being reasonable and responsible members in our
industry should enjoy a good 2013.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Director’s Report
Gerry Baxter
The Association has a number of members in the Lethbridge
area. In the spring of 2012 we heard from several members
who said they would like to see something that would help
to bring local area landlords together. The question was,
“could the CRRA help?”
We held several meetings in Lethbridge to determine what
landlords felt were their greatest needs. One of the key
issues identified was that landlords don’t talk to each other.
There was nothing in place to bring them together that
would allow them to network, learn and share information.
It was at these meetings that a small group of people
expressed interest in acting as a steering committee in order
to identify what would benefit landlords in the Lethbridge
area. It was felt that offering educational opportunities
would be a good place to start. They would provide the
vehicle to meet the needs identified by the committee. The
seminars would bring people together for a common cause
and would provide excellent learning opportunities, as well
as enable landlords to get to know each other, network and
share information.
Table of Contents
President’s Message............................................2
Editor’s Notes.......................................................2
In mid October 2012, the CRRA and the Lethbridge steering
committee hosted the first organized seminar for landlords
in Lethbridge and surrounding area. The steering committee
was extremely helpful in notifying their contacts and helping
to get the word out. We were very fortunate to have Trevor
Schulz from Service Alberta deliver his excellent presentation,
“Common Mistakes Made by Landlords and How to Avoid
Them”. More than 50 people registered and attended this
extremely informative seminar. There were a lot of questions
asked by the participants and the feedback was excellent.
People who attended indicated they would like to have more
seminars as they really liked being able to meet and speak
with other landlords in a friendly, non-competitive learning
Following this seminar almost a dozen people stepped
forward and offered to become part of the steering
committee and help organize future events. Several people
also became new members of the CRRA. A month later, the
first ‘Residential Tenancies in Alberta’ course was held in
Lethbridge. There were 18 people who attended the course,
including folks from Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Pincher
Creek. The feedback was excellent.
The CRRA applauds the efforts of the Lethbridge steering
committee and we look forward to continuing our relationship
with our members from southern Alberta as more courses
and seminars are planned.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Blackfoot Inn
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Executive Director’s Report.................................3
AGM Notice..........................................................3
CMHC Enhancements.........................................5
Welcome New Members - Service Companies...5
1. Call to Order
Residential Tenancies Courses...........................7
2. Approval of the 2012 AGM Minutes
Member & Volunteer Profiles...............................9
Security Depost Interest Rates..........................11
3. Treasurer’s Report
Your Tenant Is Behind In Their Rent?...............12
4. Recognition of Retiring Directors
Energy Star Windows........................................15
5. Election of Directors
Welcome New Members....................................15
Marijuana Grow-Ops..........................................17
6. Adjournment
Service Member Directory.................................22
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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Property Performance Centres
Date: Location: Time: Tuesday, March 12, 2012 Date:
Tuesday, March 12, 2012
Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre Location:
Coast Plaza Hotel
1316 33 Street Northeast, Calgary, AB & Conference Centre
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1316 33 Street Northeast
Calgary, AB
Breakfast with Keynote Speaker 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Luncheon Seminar Swag Bags Breakfast with
Keynote Speaker
Prizes Swag Bags
Check the CRRA website Event Calendar for the Registration Form Prizes
Check the CRRA website Event Calendar
for the Registration Form:
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Enhancements to CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Policies and Products to Facilitate
Energy-Efficient Construction and Retrofits of Multi-Unit Residential Properties
By Yannick Monaghan
CMHC recently introduced enhancements to its multi-unit mortgage loan insurance policies and products which enable
Lenders to offer more financing options for energy-efficient multi-unit rental properties and properties undergoing
energy-efficient retrofits. The enhancements are offered on a two year pilot basis and include:
• B
orrowers may be able to receive instant savings by choosing to receive an up-front premium reduction at
the time of financing.
• F or multi-unit rental properties undergoing energy-efficient retrofits, the level of premium refund is based
on the reduction in energy consumption and the maximum refund increases from 10% to 15%.
• C
MHC energy efficiency incentives are now available for qualifying new construction projects –the building
is required to be the higher of 5% more energy-efficient than if constructed to meet provincial/territorial
requirements (where they exist) or 20% more energy-efficient than if constructed to meet the Model
National Energy Building Code for Buildings (MNECB).
• B
orrowers are now able to use a variety of documents to demonstrate eligibility such as reports prepared
by other government organizations and utility companies that provide grants.
• In addition to heat and hydro, CMHC will now also recognize an estimated reduction in water consumption.
MHC recognizes energy-efficient improvements that have been made within a 12 month period prior to
• C
the current mortgage loan advance.
• C
MHC continues to recognize energy savings for valuation purposes.
When used in conjunction with other energy efficiency incentive programs, these flexibilities will encourage borrowers
to make energy-efficient improvements to their buildings. Building/unit owners and tenants may benefit from reduced
operating costs when energy efficiency measures are implemented and certain energy efficiency initiatives may also
contribute to the prolonged life span of the structure itself.
In addition, we encourage you to leverage the wealth of energy-saving information and ideas on reducing energy
and water consumption in multi-unit residential buildings available on the CMHC website. You can access specific
information at:
CMHC brings a unique combination of proven industry expertise, knowledgeable service and flexible products helping
you focus your time on building greater possibilities.
Yannick Monaghan is CMHC’s Manager of Business Development for multi-unit mortgage loan insurance – Prairie and Territories Region. He
can be reached at (403) 515-2985.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS — Service Companies
24 Hour Property Leasing
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911 Cleaning
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Residential Tenancies in Alberta: A Course That Helps All Landlords
In the early 2000’s we used to receive a lot of calls from our members with questions and seeking assistance dealing with
problems they were having in their tenancies. Many of the issues that landlords faced stemmed from a lack of knowledge
of the laws governing residential tenancies and how to apply the laws in their business.
It became quite apparent that one thing the Association could to meet the needs of landlords was to develop a course that
would focus on best practices and the Residential Tenancies legislation.
We had a pretty good idea about what needed to be addressed in the course. In late 2004, we had a conversation with
the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, and they subsequently and very generously approved a grant for the development
of the course. As a result, we partnered with the Alberta Real Estate Association and they provided a course writer and
curriculum designer.
We were fortunate to have a small group of “content experts” work with us to ensure the information that was being
included in the course was relevant and accurate. One of the things our group recommended was that the course should
be two days in length. Any longer would make it difficult for owners and property managers and their staff to take the time
away from their business.
It took us a while before we were satisfied with the results but finally we had an Instructor’s Guide, a PowerPoint
presentation and two workbooks.
We offered the first course in June 2007, followed by the next one in September. Since then we offered five courses a year
through to the end of 2011. We planned five courses for 2012, but we ended up hold eight. Two of the additional three
courses we held were ‘in-house’ for one of our members who registered over 40 of their staff. The third additional course
was held in Lethbridge and there were eighteen people who registered from the Lethbridge area, as well as Pincher Creek
and Medicine Hat.
Since we began offering the 2-day Residential Tenancies In Alberta course, 500 people have attended. From single unit
holding landlords to seasoned and very experienced property managers and owners, the feedback has always been very
The first day of the course covers getting into the business of becoming a landlord; landlord and tenant rights and
responsibilities; before you rent; and, during the tenancy. It discusses best practices and doing everything right at the
beginning, thereby reducing the potential for conflict and problems and having to take steps to terminate the tenancy.
The second day focuses on managing tenancy problems and ending tenancies. It covers no fault tenancy terminations;
dealing with many of the problems landlords encounter; and, it touches on the options and remedies available to landlords.
In addition, you learn about what notices to use, when to use them and when not; abandonment and abandoned goods;
going to court; the role of the Director of Residential Tenancies; and, offences under the legislation.
If you own or manage residential rental property, this course will benefit you and your staff. Knowledgeable landlords have
fewer problems. They have a good understanding of the Residential Tenancies legislation and they know how to apply it
in their business. They know how to deal with issues before they become problems.
The Association will once again be offering five courses in 2013. The dates are as follows:
• February 8th & 22nd, 2013
• April 12th & 19th, 2013
• June 4th & 11th, 2013
• September 13th & 20th, 2013
• November 15th & 22nd, 2013
The February course is already more than half full. We endeavour to hold the class size to a maximum of 24, so I
encourage you to register early. You can go to the CRRA website and download the registration form for
whichever of these course dates best suits you and fits your schedule.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Member in profile: Steve Richards
Steve was born in Belleville, Ontario
and he grew up in Nepean, which is
adjacent to Ottawa. He received his
formal education here and graduated
from Sir Robert Borden High School.
When he was 20 years old he took a sales position with
an international company. This eventually led to an
opportunity for Steve to own and operate a business
franchise. He says that his business gave him a chance
to move from Ottawa to Winnipeg to Thunder Bay and
finally to Calgary in 1987.
After 20 great years of operating his business, Steve tells
us he was looking for a change, so he sold his company
and joined a good friend as a business partner at Reggin
Technical Services Ltd. He says this has been a great
experience and he just loves what he does. One of the
things he likes the most about his job is that he works
with some of the most talented mechanical trades
people in Calgary, and he has the pleasure of working
with many fantastic property owners and managers.
Steve says that Reggin Technical Services Ltd. has been a
member of the CRRA for about 10 years. Many of their
customers are members and he and his company enjoy
supporting and being involved with the many events and
seminars put on by the CRRA. In fact Steve has provided
very knowledgeable members of his staff to participate
in numerous seminars hosted by the Association. He has
always ensured that Reggin Technical Services Ltd. is a
regular sponsor of CRRA events.
Steve and his family live on an acreage in De Winton. He
and his wife Caroline have two children, Mae and Sean.
Steve says that he and his wife are very fortunate to live
close to their two grandchildren, Gabriel and Oaklee.
Steve says that his family is very important to him and he
spends as much time as he can with them. His spare time
finds him out on the links as he loves to golf.
The CRRA really appreciates the contribution that Steve
has made to our members over the years.
VOLUNTEER in profile: jennifer stephen
Jennifer was born in Windsor, Ontario.
She says that when she was three years
old the family moved to England. Her
Mom is English and so Jennifer says she
grew up in England. After completing
her high school education she began
working as a health care aid. She married young and she and
her husband began a family. She tells us that her job gave
her the opportunity to stay at home and raise her children,
which was something she loved and was very grateful for
being able to do. Jennifer returned to Canada in 1998 and
the following year she started a new career as a resident
manager of a downtown high rise, owned by Boardwalk. She
says had never worked in property management before. She
moved to Southern Alberta in 2005 and soon re-married.
She changed companies and began working for Weidner
Investment Services. She is now the Community Director,
Westhaven Estates, which is a Westside apartment and
townhouse community in Lethbridge.
She tells us that she has moved quite a bit since leaving
school. This has really helped her to empathize with anyone
going though the change in housing. As she says “moving is
very stressful!” Last year she went back to school to obtain
her GED, mainly to prove to her kids that you are never
too young to learn! She says there was so much she had
forgotten and it was not as easy as she thought it would be!!
Jennifer says, “for quite a while now, I have been interested
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
in getting together with local Lethbridge and area landlords
to improve the industry from the inside out. I think there is a
great deal we can all learn from each other. When I attended
the RTA course in Calgary, I mentioned to Gerry Baxter that
Lethbridge is sorely lacking in a local voice for the rental
housing community. It was an idea that really seemed to
fit well with the Calgary Residential Rental Association’s
desire to widen their membership. I have been working
with the CRRA and some local landlords and social housing
agency representatives to form a steering committee to get
Lethbridge housing providers more involved in education,
as well as providing an opportunity for fellowship on a local
industry level.”
Jennifer lives in Coaldale, Alberta, which is a town between
Lethbridge and Taber. She lives with her husband Les and
two children, Chloe, who is 15 and Daniel, who is 9. Sharing
their home with them is Cinderellie, a cat that thinks she is
the queen.
Jennifer is a member of the board of directors for the
Coaldale Food Bank. She tells us that she recently joined
the local fish and game/gun club, which helps her to relieve
stress after work.
The CRRA is very grateful to Jennifer for the time and effort
she has devoted to help organize landlords in the Lethbridge
area. Her interest and commitment to helping others in the
industry is very commendable.
(Cover Story... continued from Page 1)
3. The emails in every case contain spelling errors, poor
grammar and punctuation. They don’t read the way we
normally speak – the language is stilted. One of the most
common errors is the use of the word ‘I”. It is always in
lower case and not uppercase. This is not the sign of a highly
educated individual, something they indicate they are.
4. The scammer wants to send a cheque for considerably more
than the landlord requires.
5. The scammer goes to some length to assure the landlord
that the cheque is good.
6. The scammer wants the landlord to deposit the cheque
right away and then send the overpayment to his ‘shipping
7. The cheque arrives and it’s very credible looking.
8. The scammer in most cases wants the money sent as a wire
transfer using Western Union.
Results of the Scam
The Landlord deposits the cheque and sends the money to
the ‘shipping agent’. It may take up to a week for the cheque
to clear your bank and it could possibly take 4-8 weeks to be
processed at the bank upon which the cheque was drawn.
The cheque in most cases turns out to be stolen or it’s a very
good fraudulent document.
The landlord must repay the bank all of the money that was
withdrawn and used as a direct result of cashing the cheque.
The landlord has no tenant and the scammer and their
‘shipping agent’ have disappeared.
How Can You Avoid Being a Victim of the
Over-Payment Scam?
• B
e aware of the Red Flags mentioned above.
• If you identify any of the Red Flags immediately
cease any and all communication with the Scammer,
even if they persist in sending you emails.
• Never, Never, Never send money out of the
country. If you money is gone forever. You
will never get it back.
• Always remember, the local market usually has more
than enough prospective tenants from which to
choose to fill your vacancy.
• Always meet with prospective tenants so you have a
chance to speak directly with them.
• No one should ever get into your property unless
you have performed your due diligence (reference
and credit checks).
• It’s better, and cheaper, to let a rental property sit
empty for a month than to take in a bad tenant or
get fooled and taken in by a Scammer.
10 The Hijacked Advertising Scam
This scam targets tenants, but can also impact landlords. In
this scam, a legitimate property owner or property manager
landlord advertises a rental property on internet website
– with details of the property, including address, rent and
Scammers who surf these websites hijack the legitimate
Ad by copying it, including the pictures, from the legitimate
landlord’s online posting. The scammers then, claiming to be
the landlord, arrange to have the rental property displayed
on another rental website (using a fictitious name) and they
usually only include their e-mail address for contact. The
rental price is generally greatly reduced by the scammer to
make it very appealing, seem like a great deal and create
a sense of urgency to rent (better get it before someone
else does). Because the rental property does exist, the
unsuspecting potential tenants may actually drive by it to see
what it looks like.
Unsuspecting potential tenants see the hijacked Ad and
contact the scammer who they believe to be the landlord.
The scammer then tells the tenant that he is out of the county
(the United Kingdom and Africa see to be the most chosen
locations). This usually results in several e-mail exchanges
between the two parties. The scammer says that he doesn’t
have anyone local to show the property but, if the address
was included in the original ad, the scammer may suggest
that the tenant can drive by and have a look at it. The
scammer e-mails a rental agreement and encourages the
unsuspecting potential tenant to fill it in and email it back.
The unsuspecting potential tenant is instructed to send the
landlord the rent payment (he may ask for several months
rent in advance) and the security deposit using a Western
Union money transfer. The scammer says that once he has the
signed agreement and the rent and security deposit he will
send you the signed rental agreement and the keys.
Red Flags
1. The scammer landlord is out of the country and has no one
locally who can show you the property.
2. The emails sent by the scammer are generally full of
typing and grammatical errors. They don’t read the way
we normally speak – the language is stilted. There is often
a reference to “God” and “trust”.
3. The rent is unusually low for the type of property being
rented (if it seems too good to be true – it usually is).
4. They rental agreements various scammers use may look
and appear different, but they all share some striking
similarities --- for example:
• they don’t contain the legislated wording required
for lease agreements in Alberta
• there are typing and grammatical errors throughout
the document
• t he language is stilted
• there is often a reference to “God” and “trust” in
the document
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
• t hey seek information that is prohibited by law (for
example what is your religion – are you a convicted
felon??? American term).
5. The emails and the lease agreements almost always use
the lower case ‘i’ instead of the capital ‘I’ is almost always
in lower case.
Results of the Scam
The tenant sends the required rent and security deposit.
The lease agreement and the keys never arrive.
Further inquiries reveal that the legitimate landlord has
already rented the unit to a tenant.
You have lost all your money, and you may very well be left
homeless if you have already given notice at your current
address. You may not have enough money to rent a new
The legitimate owner and tenant may be inundated with
calls and visits from people who believe they are or have
already rented the property.
How Can You Avoid Being a Victim of the Hijacked
Advertising Scam?
• B
e aware of the Red Flags mentioned above.
• If you identify any of the Red Flags immediately
cease any and all communication with the Scammer,
even if they persist in sending you emails.
• Don’t rent property unless you have had the chance
to see it, inside and out.
NOTICE: Security Deposit Interest Rate for 2013
Residential Tenancies Act &
Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act
The rate of interest to be paid on tenant security deposits by
landlords, effective January 1, 2013, is 0%. Landlords must pay
interest to their tenants annually at the end of each tenancy year,
unless both parties agree otherwise, in which case the interest
must be compounded annually.
By an Order in Council passed on September 8, 2004, the
Security Deposit Interest Rate Regulation includes a permanent
formula setting the yearly interest rate payable on security
deposits. The annual rate is 3% below the rate of interest that
is in effect on November 1 of the previous year for cashable
one-year guaranteed investment certificates held or offered
by Alberta Treasury Branches Financial (ATB Financial). ATB
Financial’s rate for cashable one-year guaranteed investment
certificates on November 1, 2012 was .90 %.
For more information, contact Service Alberta’s Consumer
Contact Centre in Edmonton at (780) 427-4088 or toll free in
Alberta at 1-877-427-4088.
Landlords and tenants can use the security deposit interest
calculator to determine the amount of interest that is owed
based on the regulated interest rates. The calculator can be
found by visiting the Landlord and Tenant page on Service
Alberta’s website at
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
• I f there is an address, drive by the property and have
a look at it from the outside. If it looks like someone
is living there, knock on the door and confirm the
information the landlord has given you.
• In some cases there is a ‘For Sale’ on the property.
In this case if the property is occupied, knock on the
door and confirm the information you have been
given. If the property is unoccupied, call the real
estate agent who is listing the property. Their name
and contact number will be on the ‘For Sale’ sign.
• Most landlords who are renting their property
want to meet with their prospective tenants – we
always caution landlords not to rent to unseen and
un-screened tenants, and tenants should be aware
of who they are renting from. Most landlords will
do credit and reference checks on their prospective
• If the landlord is out of the city they quite often
have a local property management company or
other licensed person (realtor) looking after their
• Never, Never, Never send money out of the
country. If you money is gone forever. You
will never get it back. You work hard for your money.
Hang on to it until you are sure of what you are
doing and what you are getting.
ost of these scams pertain to houses.
• M
Prior to 1982
January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1983
January 1,1984 to February 28, 1987
March 1, 1987 to January 31, 1993
February 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994
July 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994
January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995
January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996
January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1998
January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999
January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000
January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001
January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2006
January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007
January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008
January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013
Interest Rate
(per Annum basis)
You can calculate the interest rate owing on Security Deposits here:
Your Tenant Is Behind
In Their Rent —
What Now??
By Patricia Wilson
As a Landlord in the Province of Alberta you have two main options available to you when you find yourselves with a tenant
who is behind, or in arrears, with respect to their rent. The first option is to obtain an Order for Possession allowing you to
have the tenant(s) removed from your rental premises. Civil Enforcement Agencies in Alberta conducted over 1,300 Orders
for Possession last year alone. While this method is very useful in dealing with a delinquent tenant, it provides no relief with
respect to your outstanding rent.
This brings us to the second option – Conducting a Landlord Distress Seizure. Section 105 of the Civil Enforcement Act of
Alberta allows a Landlord to instruct a Civil Enforcement Agency to conduct a “Distress Seizure” against a tenant’s personal
property in an effort to collect rent that is in arrears. In other words, with the assistance of a Civil Enforcement Agency, you
can seize and sell the personal property of your tenant, to recoup your rental arrears.
To determine which of these options is best for your particular situation you should ask yourself the following question:
What is my objective? Is it more important to get this tenant out of my premises or is more important to recover my rental
If you are more concerned about getting your tenant out of your property, due to concerns over damages, belligerent or
abusive behavior, or habitually late or non-existent rental payments, an Order for Possession is probably your best option. If
your objective is to recover your rental arrears; because this is a good tenant who just fell behind in their rent, or because
it is important to receive your arrears before you take any further action with respect to terminating your relationship with
this tenant, then a Landlord Distress Seizure is the option to consider.
Conducting a Landlord Distress Seizure
Now that you have decided to proceed with a Landlord Distress Seizure you probably have a few more questions – like:
How do I get this process started? What does the Bailiff actually do? How much does this cost? Who pays the Bailiff’s bill?
And most importantly, when do I get paid my rental arrears?
The Landlord Distress procedure is actually quite straight forward. You will need to provide some basic information to the
Civil Enforcement Agency of your choice and you will need to answer a few simple questions. You will need to provide your
tenant’s name and the address of the rental property and a statement detailing your rental arrears. Most agencies will
also ask for a copy of your lease agreement or some other proof of your landlord/tenant relationship. If you are aware of
specific goods you would like seized, a car, a recreational vehicle, etc., please include this information in your instructions to
the agency.
The Agency should then ask you a couple simple questions: have you already served your tenant with a termination notice;
and if so, has this notice expired? These two questions are vital to your ability to conduct a Landlord Distress Seizure. If you
have already served your tenant with an Eviction or Termination Notice and it has expired – you no longer have a ‘Landlord
/Tenant Relationship’ and therefore you no longer have the right to distress for rent. If this is the situation you find yourself
in, your agency should discuss the option of you obtaining a judgment against the debtor to enable a Writ of Enforcement
If you have served an Eviction Notice/Termination Notice and it has not expired – you can proceed with your Landlord
Distress Seizure. Your Civil Enforcement Agency should ask you to complete a letter of instruction. Upon completion of
the letter of instruction and the submission of the required retainer, the agency will conduct a Distribution Seizure Search
12 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
against the debtor and Motor Vehicle Searches or Serial Number
Collateral Searches if applicable – thereby providing you with
information pertaining to any other parties who may have
an interest or claim to the debtor’s goods or vehicles. Once
these searches are completed and you have received the
information pertaining to the same, a bailiff will be assigned
the file and will proceed to the rental address to conduct the
When a Bailiff arrives at the rental location their first
objective should be to work with the debtor to obtain full
payment of the rental arrears and the civil enforcement
costs. This enables the landlord to recover their arrears
quickly and without incurring any additional costs. If the
debtor is unable or unwilling to provide this payment,
then the Bailiff will proceed to seize. The Bailiff will make
every effort to seize enough goods to cover the rental
arrears and the civil enforcement costs incurred. Goods
to be seized must be located at or on the rental location. If your tenants
vehicle is located on the street in front of the rental location it cannot be seized.
Under the regulations contained within the Civil Enforcement Act, a bailiff cannot enter residential premises without
the permission of a resident of the premises over the age of 18. They cannot enter an attached garage without the
same permission. Civil Enforcement Bailiffs are trained to work with the tenants in such a manner as to obtain entrance
whenever possible. Unfortunately there are circumstances where a Bailiff is denied entrance and therefore is unable to
seize goods within the premises. In these circumstance a break and enter order will be required.
The Civil Enforcement Regulations also deem certain goods as exempt from a Landlord Distress Seizure. These goods are as
follows: clothing for the tenant and their dependents valued up to $4,000, specific household furnishings and appliances
valued up to $1,000, items required for the tenant to earn their income (tools etc.) valued up to $10,000. These exemptions
are automatic and must be adhered to by the bailiff. All other goods belonging to the tenant are eligible for seizure and
If the Bailiff does not receive settlement and the Bailiff must conduct a seizure the Landlord will need to determine what
the Bailiff is to do with the seized goods. Should they be removed from the tenant’s possession and put in storage to await
sale? Should the goods be left in the tenant’s possession on a Bailee’s Undertaking? It is important to note that a Landlord
cannot take possession of the goods nor can the Bailiff give them the goods in lieu of their rental arrears. Goods under
seizure must be sold by the Civil Enforcement Agency. It is important to recognize that if you decide to remove the goods
to secured storage to await sale – the cost of the removal and the costs of the storage will be your responsibility, until such
a time as the goods are sold. If you decide to leave the goods with the tenant, the tenant will be required to sign a Bailee’s
Undertaking agreeing to keep the seized goods in good condition, not to sell or dispose of the goods and to turn the goods
over to the Civil Enforcement Agency upon demand.
A tenant has the right to object to the seizure of their goods within 15 days of being served the seizure documents. If a
tenant objects to the seizure, you will be required to obtain legal counsel and obtain an order from the Court of Queen’s
Bench before these goods can be sold. A Bailee’s Undertaking is a very useful tool when you believe the tenant might
object to the seizure or if you believe the tenant will work with you to make payment arrangements. With a Bailee’s
Undertaking you will not be responsible for storage costs while the objection is being heard in court. If you believe the
goods are in jeopardy of disappearing, or if you believe the tenant has no intention of settling, you may wish to instruct the
agency to remove the goods at the time of seizure.
Sale of Seized Goods / Payment of Costs and Rental Arrears
Once the objection period has expired the Civil Enforcement Agency should contact you for further instructions pertaining
to the sale of the seized goods. Civil Enforcement Agencies are required to conduct the sale of seized goods in a
commercially reasonable manner. The most common methods of sale are: public auction, private sale to a third party or
to the Landlord, private sale by tender. The Civil Enforcement Agency should review these three options with you and the
requirements for the same before proceeding to sale.
(continued on Page 21)
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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14 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
ENERGY STAR Windows Guarantee Energy Efficiency
By Everett Fradsham, All Weather Windows Renovations
Heating a multi-family building can be a costly endeavour. Windows and doors can be a major source of heat loss
in Canadian homes, so it’s a good idea to keep energy efficiency in mind when buying new or replacement units.
Inefficient windows and doors not only waste energy and money, they also increase your tenant’s comfort, cut down
noise levels from outside the building, and have less condensation in cold weather than standard products.
Windows and Doors that bear the ENERGY STAR® symbol have been proven to meet the program’s strict
performance requirements for energy efficiency, which include independent testing of the unit’s thermal
performance. For building owners this is a virtual guarantee (assuming proper installation) of energy and cost
savings, increased comfort and reduced exterior noise.
In addition to selecting products that offer a high insulation value, be sure that the installation is done professionally.
Poor installation can completely offset any benefits you might expect from an energy-efficient window or sliding
glass door, and could even end up costing you money in the long run.
Everett Fradsham is a Project Specialist with All Weather Windows Renovations. He can be reached at the following e-mail
address: [email protected]
WELCOME NEW Owners & Managers
Basel Abou Laban
Steve Henrich
Pincher Creek Foundation
Mian Masood Ahmad
Lindsay & Shane Herbert
Rachelle Pinnow & Matt Hassall
Alana Arthur
Deanna Hoffart
Salimah Pirbhai
Wale Balogun
Dorothy Honeysett & Jim McNeil
Jeff Plante
Shelley & Richard Bischke
Steve Jakubec
Power Properties Ltd.
Hernandez & Marietta Buenaventura
John Jersz
Igor Pruteanu
Terri Canmore
Jeff Jordan
Murray Rundle
Jason Caplette
Rob & Kamaljit Manhas
James Sardachuk
Phoebe Chung
Ian Kelly
Don & Leslie Sawchenko
Garry Schock
Sharon Cleland
Joan & Allan Kovacik
Copperwood Management Ltd. – Kelly Janzen
Una Krstic - Remax
Pamela Sheahan
Tom Davis & Diane Livingstone
Karim Lalani
Stan & Tracy Siudy
Sherrie Day & Sharon Udy
Lethbridge Housing Authority
Erika Somerville & Anita Mitzner
Das Inc. - Kris Nordal
Melvin Long - Lethbridge
Cara Moser
Bill Dowhaluk
Glen McIntosh - McIntosh Holdings Ltd.
Rod Squance & Karen Lee
Darcy Fabbro
Rahim, Karim & Mansurali Murji
Colleen Sullivan
Brian & Jackie Faber
Tyler Martineau - Lethbridge
Marlene Taylor
Ben Falconer
Olga & Jorge Mate
Michael Teasdale
Natalie Fosty - RDL Investments Ltd.
Lynne Mayhew
Clifton Thornton
Jackie Gemmill
Mark & Heather McMillen
Gabor Timis
Audrey & Victor Gonzalez
Jean & Allan Minchau
Marilise Turnbull
Maxine Grant - Lethbridge
Louesta Moonie Roberts & Charles Roberts
Rose Vas
Peter Greenaway
Karl & Susan Mueller - Lethbridge
Xiaodu (Dulles) Wang
Mark & Jane Hagel/ Heather White
Ray O’Neil
Claudia, Chase and Curtis Westersund
Pam Hartman
Devon Osecki & Heather Rogan
Sue Williams
Shawna Henderson
Eric Palmiere
Dariusz Witukiewicz
Ivy Heng
Noreen & Michael Park
Jon Wong
Phil Heninger – Lethbridge
David Perez
Hiro Yoshizumi
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
(Alberta Landlord Evictions Company) And
Provincial Court $579.00 • Queen’s Bench $750.00
(includes all disbursements)
Allied Civil Enforcement Agency Inc. will affect seizure against tenants
under the correct conditions this will cost the landlord nothing.
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your Writ of Possession
ALEC represents Landlords who are being sued or need to sue.
Provincial Court limit has increased to $25,000.00.
For free advice call John Shortridge
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e:mail [email protected]
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T: 403.299.1031 | F: 403.266.5177 | TF: 1.800.661.9897
[email protected]
Our Community Partners:
Calgary Residential Rental Association
Canadian Condominium Association Southern Alberta Chapter
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A proud member of the Southern Alberta business community since 1948
16 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Marijuana Grow-Ops
A Landlord’s Worst and Most Costly Nightmare
On December 6th, the CRRA hosted a Special Morning Seminar that focussed on Marijuana Grow Ops. We don’t
normally hold any events in December, but due to the number of Grow-ops found in rental properties, and given the
number of questions we receive about what happens when a Grow-op is found and what the impact is on the rental
property owner, we felt this seminar was timely.
We were very fortunate to have the following people join us and share their knowledge and expertise in dealing with
Marijuana Grow Ops, based on the hundreds that they have attended and dismantled.
Staff Sergeant Tom Hanson from the Calgary Police Service Drug Unit;
Vicki Wearmouth and Daria Romanish, Executive Officers, Public Health Inspectors, Alberta Health Services;
Wayne Brown, Team Leader, Coordinated Safety Response Team, City of Calgary;
Christopher Souster, LLB, a sole proprietor lawyer at Souster Law.
Each speaker made a presentation during the morning and the seminar concluded with our panel of experts fielding
questions from the audience.
The information that was shared with us was both interesting and very informative. It was also extremely frightening
when we watched the video and looked at the pictures taken inside some of the Grow-op homes. The damage is
unbelievable from: mold; to holes cut in stairs; to holes cut in the floor; to other holes cut though the foundation;
to sweating houses where the gyproc was ruined and the siding was stained and ruined. The problems caused
by condensation in some cases literally destroy the home. The illegal tampering with the electrical panel and the
installation of large amounts of additional wiring and other electrical equipment by who knows who, and with what if
any knowledge or skill, is frightening beyond belief. These places are at best fire traps.
Now just imagine if this describes your rental property after the tenants have left. What will you do?
We learned that a grow-op can be up and running within 36 hours of a tenant signing the lease and moving in.
Depending on the size of the grow-op and the way these criminals set up their grow-op, the first crop can be harvested
in three months and additional crops can be harvested each month thereafter. Once discovered, a considerable
number of resources are activated, including many area of the Police Service, Public Health Inspectors, the Coordinated
Safety Response Team, City of Calgary and involves three building inspectors.
When a grow-op is confirmed it must be dismantled. The Public Health Inspector posts an “Unfit for Human
Habitation” notice on the property. Once the on-sight investigation is complete the Coordinated Safety Response Team
usually fences the property and places a large “Do Not Enter” placard on the fence to prevent unauthorized entry.
Because of the significant presence of mold and chemicals used in the grow-op, and booby-traps designed to inflict
injury or death, these places pose a very significant health risk and safety risk.
Some people have said that if they found a Grow-op on their property they would not report it and just fix the place up
and repaint. The reason they say is because of the high cost of properly remediating the property to a point where it is
safe and no longer poses a health and safety risk. In addition to the remediation costs, the rental property will be out
of commission meaning there is no rent coming in, so your revenue dries up. All the while you still have a mortgage to
pay, as well as property taxes, and there may be other costs. And, the chances are most likely that your insurance will
not cover the damage.
We learned about the remediation process and once it was explained, it was easy to understand why the cost to
remediate a property was so expensive. In some cases, depending on the extent of the Grow-op and the length of
(continued on Page 19)
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
(Grow-Ops... continued from Page 17)
time it was in place, the cost might only be in the low tens of thousands of dollars. In more severe cases it could run
into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, or perhaps even result in the building having to be demolished.
I believe Christopher Souster quickly put the notion of not reporting a Grow-op to rest. While he indicated that
it was an ethical decision that the property owner must make. He did outline the liabilities and risks that face
landlords and property owners and based on his comments and the legal ramifications it’s simply not worth the risk
to keep quiet. Remember, even if you believe that you can repair the property and then sell or re-rent it without
notifying the authorities, there are likely neighbours who either know or suspect that there was a Grow-op on your
property and you can bet the new tenant or purchaser will hear about it. Then your legal troubles really begin.
Grow-ops have been found in apartments, townhouses, condos, houses, and on acreages. No rental property is
Fortunately, there are some things that landlords can do to reduce the likelihood that their property will be used as
a Grow-op.
Make sure you do your due diligence with prospective new tenants. This includes using good application forms and
checking references (employment, current landlords and one or two previous landlords), and making sure you do
credit checks.
Advise prospective tenants that you make frequent inspections of the property, but at irregular intervals and usually
every couple of months. The purpose of the inspections is to check for the state of repairs in order to ensure the
property is being well maintained and that it’s functioning properly for your tenant. Because it takes about three
months to harvest a marijuana crop, your frequent inspections will in all probability increase the risk of being caught
to someone who wants to start a Grow-op. Remember, when you are making your inspection, check everywhere,
including the attic, if there is one. In one case at a townhouse complex, the tenant dismantled the Grow-op and
moved all the plants in their pots, and the lighting from the basement into the attic after the landlord issued a 24hour Notice to Enter. The Grow-op was put back together following the inspection by the landlord.
Here are some of the telltale signs that may indicate that a property may be used as a grow-op, as provided by the
Vicki Wearmouth and Daria Romanish during their presentation.
4 Snow melting off the roof or from around the foundation when other properties are snow covered
4 Staining down the exterior siding
4 The residence appears to be unlived in
4 Residents are seldom seen, as they come and go at odd hours
4 Windows remain covered at all times.
4 Heavy condensation on windows
4 Strange odors coming from the property (pungent of skunk type odor)
4 Humming noises
4 Discarded equipment
4 No garbage or recycle bin use
The CRRA extends its sincere appreciation to each of our presenters. They did a great job and thanks to
them, we are better able to protect ourselves from the devastation that a Marijuana Grow-op can inflict on
our property and our pocketbook.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
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(Tenant Rent... continued from Page 13)
Once a sale method has been determined, the agency will serve the tenant and any other creditors with an interest in
the goods a Civil Enforcement Sale Notice. Upon the expiry of the required waiting period of 15 days, the agency will
conduct the sale on your behalf. The agency will receive the sales proceeds and will issue the bill of sale for the goods.
The agency is now required to distribute the sales proceeds as follows: first to the costs incurred in the civil
enforcement action, second to any priority claimants and/or the instructing parties’ rental arrears, thirdly to another
eligible creditor(s). It is important to remember that the costs incurred in completing a Landlord Distress seizure are
the responsibility of the landlord until such a time as the goods are sold. Any shortcomings from the sale remain the
responsibility of the landlord.
In closing I would like to remind you that a Landlord’s Distress Seizure can be conducted as soon as your tenant is in
arrears for rent. They do not have to be in arrears three months or even three days, if their rent is due on the first day
of the month and it is not paid, you can seize on the second day of the month. It is very important to remember that
allowing your tenant to carry their arrears ahead month after month is a generous practice; unfortunately this can
create a situation where it becomes almost impossible for your tenant to ever catch these arrears up.
Patricia Wilson is the Director of Civil Enforcement with Consolidated Civil Enforcement.
If you have any questions on the above noted article or would like further information
on Landlord Distress Seizure actions you can reach Patricia at (403) 668-8804 or
(780) 448-5833 ext. 8804.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Service Member Directory
Accounting & Bookkeeping
Dorward & Company LLP
Stephen Johnson
PH: 403-983-7211 FAX: 403-983-7212
Calgary Herald
Sherry McKinley
215 - 16 St SE T2P 0W8
235-7207.Fax: 235-8694
Ruby Jeaurond
Suite 109 120 – 2 Avenue
Airdrie T4B 3N2
912-0102 Fax: 912-0953
Metro News
Warren Smith
120, 3030 3 Avenue NE T2A 6T7
Places4Rent, Inc.
The Rent Board of Canada
Brent Daviduck
#246, 4819C – 48 Ave
Red Deer AB T4N 3T2
403-347-7388 Fax : 403-347-7153
Cindy Ridley
#348, 14032 23 Ave
Edmonton AB T6R 3L6
Leo Racioppo
783 McTavish Rd NE T2E 7G6
Darren Paddock
98 Discover Ridge Gardens SW T3H 5L7
283-9907 Fax: 866-259-2984
Rent Spot
Craig Bedard
7412 5 Street SW T2V 1B1
703-3987 Online Advertising
Ryan Schwerdtner
1128 Dundas St E. Unit 218
Toronto ON M4M 1R9
877-843-9487 Fax: 416-465-7218
Wall2Wall Media
Carolyn Porteous
Renters Guide Edmonton/Calgary
Home Décor & Renovation Guide
Tel: 780-668-3570 Fax: 780-417-0973
Bio Sweep Alberta
Andrew Holden
37 Arbour Ridge Park NW T3G 4C4
DF Technical & Consulting Services Ltd.
Dennis French
152, 1500 - 14th Street SW T3C 1C9­­
403-554-5040 Fax: 403-609-2503
Environmental Air Cleaning Ltd.
Tom Charlton
5543 1A Street SW T2H 0E6­­
253-3112 Fax: 686-2822
Mold Plus Ltd.
Bret Mckay
10 Ranchers Place T1S 0G5
22 Appliances/Coin Laundry/
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3851 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
243-6662 Fax: 243-9368
Castle Appliance Service Ltd.
Wayne Barritt
Bay 18, 3220 – 5 Ave NE T2A 5N1
250-9592 Fax: 291-4972
Coast Wholesale Appliances
James Johnson
10 2151 32nd Street NE
717-0548 Fax: 717-2584
Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Candace Duchscher
3048 - 9 St SE T2G 3B9
287-2562 Fax: 243-7256
Phelps Smart Laundry
Jiubasco Padoani
Bay 112, 2880 – 45 Ave SE T2B 3M1
236-3200 Fax: 252-7449
Trail Appliances
Joel Wasnidge
6880 – 11 St SE T2H 2T9
605-2775 Fax: 250-2895
Appraisers/Tax Appeals &
City of Calgary
Jim Toogood
PO Box 2100, Stn “M” T2P 2M5
268-5819 Fax: 268-5424
Linnel Taylor Lipman Appraisers
Terry Taylor
#802 - 1039-17Ave SW T2T 0B2
Bailiff / Legal Services
Alberta Landlord Evictions Company
John Shortridge
126 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
560-9406 Fax: 274-7403
Consolidated Civil Enforcement
Sabrina Wilson
403-668-8813 FX: 403-262-8801
#200, 807 Manning Road NE
Calgary Alberta T2E 7M8
Kahane Law Office
Jeff Kahane
7309 Flint Road SE T2H 1G3
Landlord 911
Melissa Costea
126, 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
259-0029 Fax: 215-5776
Private Home Management
Jai Schullen
Serv-It Bailiff Services Inc.
Brad Longeway
#111, 2719 – 7 Ave NE T2A 2L9
244-4782 Fax : 244-9804
Torry Lewis Abells LLP
James Possin
#110 Chancery Court - #220 4 Street S
Lethbridge T1J 4J7
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Christopher Burns
CVC Market Point
Alex Tye
900 645 – 7 Ave SW T2P 4G8
539-4789 Fax: 262-9520
First National Financial LP
Troy Barker
120, 326 - 11 Ave SW T2R 0C5
261-5589 Fax : 265-3519
Peoples Trust Co.
Dennis Aitken
955 808-4 Ave SW T2P 3E8
205-8203 Fax: 266-5002
Royal LePage Benchmark
Tim Crough
#110 - 7220 Fisher Street SE T2H 2H8
Henrik Jensen
Suite 3950, 700 2nd St SW T2P 2W2
299-6399 Fax: 221-6414
William J. Rhind & Associates Ltd.
Stephen A. Tomchishin, CMA
455 Marsh Rd. NE T2E 5B2
287-9140 Fax: 287-9133
Bathroom Renovations
Don Waldorf
PH: 403-230-4663
Bay #2, 507 35th Avenue NE T2E 2K9
Bathtub Refinishing
Covenant Restorations Ltd.
Erin Rollock or Dave Freeman
307 151 East Lake Blvd. T4A 2G1
912-1212 Fax 912-0790
Blinds/Window Coverings
Blinds 2000 Manufacturing Ltd.
Lara Wiebe
PH: 403-287-8264
#140, 2770 107 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3R7
Abdul Durdu
5836 Burbank Rd SE T2H 1Z3
301-0016 Fax: 301-0018
Fitz Flooring Ltd.
John Fitzsimmons
201, 1610 37 Street SW T3C 3P1
246-1477 Fax: 246-0137
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
243-6662 Fax: 243-9368
Building Materials
Rona Inc.
Paul O’Connor
90 Crowfoot Way NW
Calgary Alberta T3G 4C8
464-1640 Fax: 219-5824
Action Cabinets
Rahma Diamande
972 - 72 Ave NE T2E 8V9
403 532 9721 Fax: 532-9726
Carpet Cleaning/Services
Green Ingenuity
Bob Keast
#3, 603 77 Ave SE T2H 2B9
243-8420 Fax: 720-5924
Gus Restoration Calgary Inc.
Michael Newton
Bay #2, 6303 Burbank Road SE T2H 2E1
Magiclean Cleaning Services
1700 – 10 Ave SW T3C 0J8
229-3323 Fax: 291-0553
ProStar Cleaning & Restoration
Jodi Scarlett
#15 – 2916 5th Ave NE T2A 6K4
Red Dot Services Inc.
Chris Wardrop
Bay #2, 6303 Burbank Road SE T2H 2E1
ServiceMaster of Calgary
Jay LaPlante
403-287-7700 Fax: 403-536-4556
920 – 26 St NE T2A 2M4
Cleaning Services
911 Cleaning
Calvin Onuoha
[email protected]
Green Seal Cleaning Company
Brian Crothers
PH: 403-874-2468
#2, 1911 25A Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T3E 1Y6
Top 2 Bottom Green Cleaning Services Inc.
Natalie Holroyd
#207, 607 69 Ave SW T2V 0P1
Turtledove Cleaning Services
Alaba Onitiri
159 - 919 Centre Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
243-6662 Fax: 243-9368
Executive Mat & Janitorial Supply
Jason Side
#6, 115 28th Street SE
Janico Cleaning Solutions
Mark Sedlak
#149, 3901-54 Avenue NE
PH: 403-280-5033
Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning
Jay Strauss
36 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N5
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
Communications/TV Service/
TELUS Home Solutions
Darren Meek
5, 411 – 1 St SE T2G 4Y5
530-4702 Fax : 269-1197
Consumer Protection
Better Business Bureau
Nancy Brown
350 7330 Fisher St. SE T2H 2H8
531-8791 Fax: 640-2514
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
242-1861 Fax: 225-9550
Jonco Building Repair & Services
Nick Nicholson
#3, 2235 30th Ave NE
National Construction Design
Joe Pagano
Ph: (800) 500-7155
Fax: (905) 625-9815
[email protected]
The Pascoal Group
John Pascoal
Ph: (403) 245-9153
Fax: (905) 625-5351
[email protected]
Landlord 911
Melissa Costea
126, 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
259-0029 Fax: 215-5776
Rent Check Credit Bureau
109, 120 – 2 Ave NE T4B 2N2
(403) 945-2011, 1-800-661-7312
Fax : (403) 945-2012, 1-800-871-3380
TVS Tenant Verification Service Inc.
Marv Steier
First On Site Restorations LP
Ian Newman
3016 21 St NE T2E 6Z2
520-7778 Fax: 520-7779
Gus Restoration Calgary Inc.
Michael Newton
Bay #2, 6303 Burbank Road SE T2H 2E1
Magiclean Cleaning
1700 - 10 Ave SW T3C 0J8
229-3323 Fax: 228-2499
ProStar Cleaning & Restoration
Jodi Scarlett
15- 2916 5th Ave NE T2A 6K4
234-7827 Fax: 204-1375
Red Dot Services Inc.
Chris Wardrop
Bay #2, 6303 Burbank Road SE T2H 2E1
ServiceMaster of Calgary
Jay LaPlante
920 – 26 St NE T2A 2M4
287-7700 Fax : 536-4556
Bar Electric
Bruce Crawford
Cougar Technical Services Ltd.
Rod Stagg
2435 81 Street SW T3H 3V8
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
287-2540 Fax: 287-2519
Tracy Mamer
403-216-5750 FX: 403-216-5755
209, 264 Midpark Way SE T2K 1J6
Energy Management/Energy
Access Gas Services
Allison Passas
403-234-8787 ext. 227
Building Technologies Inc.
Christian Findt
19825 Stony Plain Rd. T5S 2Y4
Edmonton AB
780-702-1602 Fax: 780-484-9412
Jo-Ann Visser
PH: 403-514-3382
PO Box 2900 STN M, Calgary, AB T2P 4S7
Parsons Brinckerhoff Halsall Inc.
Chris Love
900 5940 Macleod Trail SW T2H 2G4
255-7946 Fax : 255-7996
City Wide Excavating & Paving
Trymer Morrow
104 Lake Crimson Close SE T2J 3K7
Fire Safety
Fahrenheit 451 Fire & Security
Randy Brown
1229 Millview Rd SW T2Y 3Y7
256-6622 Fax: 256-6331
Lawrence Bunyan
B17 6020 - 2 St SE T2H 2L8
873-1091 Fax: 873-1092
Dave Chapman
431 Manitou Rd SE T2G 4C2
287-3202 Fax: 243-6966
Sprouse Fire & Safety
Perry Richelhoff
1323 - 9 Ave SE T2G 0T2
265-3891 Fax: 237-7861
Fitz Flooring Ltd.
John Fitzsimmons
201, 1610 37 street SW T3C 3P1
246-1477 Fax: 246-0137
iSO Canada Ltd.
Scott Berry
Unit H, 7003 5th Street SE
KBM Commercial Floor Coverings Inc.
Michael Kulyk
1260 - 26 Ave SE T2G 5S2
Kraus - Floors with More
Val Kilback
#116, 7139 - 44 Street SE T2C 4E9
National Construction Design
Joe Pagano
Ph: (800) 500-7155
Fax: (905) 625-9815
[email protected]
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013
The Pascoal Group
John Pascoal
Ph: (403) 245-9153
Fax: (905) 625-5351
[email protected]
Universal Flooring Systems
Susan Shipley
1, 1820 - 30 Ave NE T2E 7M5
250-3900 Fax: 250-3939
Graffiti Removal
Goodbye Graffiti
Andrea Gittel
PH: 403-287-2796
1155 Bay G, 44th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 4X4
Jonco Building Repair & Services
Nick Nicholson
#3, 2235 30th Ave NE
LT Framing & Renovations Corp.
Valerie McQuaid
509 Edinburgh Road W
Lethbridge T1J 5A8
That Handy Guy
John Ashton
132 Templeby Place NE T1Y 5G9
BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc.
Eddie Fung
#200, 1167 Kensington Crescent NW T2N 1X7
Canada ICI Capital (CGY) Corp.
Yvan Repka
1630, 717 - 7th Avenue SW T2P-0Z3
297-9320 Fax: 297-9325
Renfrew Insurance Ltd.
Bill Jeffray
300, 334 11th Ave SE T2G 0Y2
299-1002 Fax: 266-5177
Dane Gordon
PH: 403-702-3662
Suite 228, 1500 - 14th Street SW T3C 1C9
Snow Removal
Avalanche Property Services
Warren Yost
Great Escapes Landscaping Ltd.
Chantel Naves
Green Drop Sustainable Landscapes
Brad Hamilton
1230 Meridian RD NE T2A 2N9
207-7503 Fax: 265-2299
High View Services
Colin Moore
Bay 15 6991 48 St S.E
(403) 236-4428 Fax: (403) 236-8801
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
243-6662 Fax: 243-9368
RnR Lockworks Ltd.
Bob Hopkins
PH: 403-479-6161
Hank’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd.
Terry Froese
121 Discovery Place SW T3H 4N5
259-0049 Fax: 217-9725
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
287-2540 Fax : 287-2519
Ease Management Inc.
Jeff Kok
overhead doors
Creative Door Services Ltd.
John Silcox
#8, 3740 - 27 St. NE T1Y 5E2
291-2375 Fax: 291-4969
Benjamin Moore Calgary North
Alex Cheslock
920 Northmount Drive NW T2L 0A9
289-6227 Fax: 289-6223
Big Al’s Texturing & Drywall
Bay 113 1324 - 44 Ave NE T2E 6L6
210-1352 Fax: 210-1867
MV Painting
Victor Mansilla
National Construction Design
Joe Pagano
Ph: (800) 500-7155
Fax: (905) 625-9815
[email protected]
Pascoal Painting & Decorating (2004)
John Pascoal
Ph: (403) 245-9153
Fax: (905) 625-5351
[email protected]
parkade resurfacing
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
403-242-1861 Fax: 403-225-9550
Parking Lot & Parkade Cleaning
Elite Sweep
Bruce Theunissen
206 35th Avenue NE
PH: 403-616-0975
pest control
Cal-Rid Exterminators Inc.
Keith Petrie
2508 – 76 Ave SE T2C 0H5
233-0646 Fax : 236-1528
Japco Pest Control Ltd.
John Patton
1550 246 Stewart Green SW T2N 3C8
242-2467 Fax: 949-4986
Peregrine General Pest Control Inc.
Nicholas Holland
PO Box 89019
829-6619 Fax : 452-9068
We Kill Bed Bugs Ltd.
Steve Stein
PH: 403-764-4964
[email protected]
Commercial Mechanical Services
Gary McLeod
Suite 4038, 614-33 Heritage Meadows SE
T2H 3B8
219-110 Fax: 219-1011
Cougar Technical Services Ltd.
Rod Stagg
2435 81 Street SW T3H 3V8
Hank’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd.
Terry Froese
259-0049 Fax: 217-9725
Phase Canada Inc.
John Kyselka
7919 Huntington Road NE
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
287-2540 Fax : 287-2519
RPR Industries
Remi Paradis
552 – 42 Ave SE T2G 1Y6
243-7740 Fax : 243-7520
The Drain Doctor
Bill Treherne
Box 5842, Stn “A” T2H 1Y3
243-3490 Fax: 243-3498
Property Assistant Services
24 Hour Property Leasing
Rafal Kaczmarek
PH: 403-472-5151
FX: 587-352-8884
#301, 5819-2 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2H 0H2
Efficient Property Assistants
Laura Atherton
Real Estate Brokers
Colliers International
Eric Horvath
1000, 335 – 8 Ave SW T2P 1C9
215-7257 Fax: 265-6495
Cushman & Wakefield LePage
Tim Sommer
1730, 111 – 5 Ave SW T2P 3Y6
261-1188 Fax : 264-2053
Realty Edge Group Inc.
Elaine Krug and Richard Young
511, 55 Arbour Grove Close NW
T3G 4K3 252-4549
CVC Market Point
Linda Hill
900 645 – 7 Ave SW T2P 4G8
539-4798 Fax: 262-9520
Realty Advisors
CIR Realty
Betty Anne Tarini
RE/MAX Realty
John William Wade
The Real Estate Company Ltd.
Prem S. Dave
PH: 403-568-3515 FAX: 403-366-3763
Bonus Products
& Services
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
287-2540 Fax : 287-2519
All Weather Windows
David Cree
Bay 4 3900 - 106th Avenue SE T2C 5B6
720-8055 Fax: 720-0084
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
242-1861 Fax: 225-9550
Economy Glass/Superior
Paint & Body Service
Glenda Geisler
101 17 Avenue SW T2S 0A1
228-6961 Fax: 228-7954
Greg Martineau Projects
Greg Martineau
#5 - 2816 - 21 ST NE T2E 6Z2
250-8201 Fax : 250-8285
Jo-Co Interiors Limited
Mike Gilhooly
PH: 403-815-7302 FAX: 403-313-1223
Lux Windows and Glass Ltd.
Norma Ambrogiano
6875 – 9 St NE T2E 8R9
276-7770 Fax: 276-7792
National Construction Design
Joe Pagano
Ph: (800) 500-7155
Fax: (905) 625-9815
[email protected]
S.I.S. Supply Install Services Ltd.
Jody Roberts
3517 64 Avenue SE T2C 1N3
604-1334 Fax: 604-1337
The Pascoal Group
John Pascoal
Ph: (403) 245-9153
Fax: (905) 625-5351
[email protected]
Window Works Inc.
Robyn Carrier
101 1915 - 27 Ave NE T2E 7E4
Claw Construction & Coverings
Peter Gerrard
903-4555 Varsity Ln NW T3A 2V6
969-2439 Fax: 284-2204
Goodmen Roofing (Calgary) Ltd.
Rob Christensen
#1-43 East Lake Crescent
Airdrie T4A 2H5
948-4433 Fax: 948-4481
Peddie Roofing & Waterproofing
Ken Cotterill
3352 - 46 Ave SE T2B 3J2
273-7000 Fax: 273-7701
Renaissance Roofing & Siding
Roger Leslie
408 Douglasbank Court SE T2Z 1X1
Ferocious Grape
Kim Chernow
833 - 10th Ave SW
PH: 403 457-0099
Royal Roofing Ltd.
Ilia Pengu
#218 - 2 3012 17Ave SE T2A 0P9
(403) 248-6397 Fax : (403) 248-6300
United Roofing Inc.
Patrick Genest
1010-8th Ave NE T2E 0S3
Economy Glass - Superior Paint & Body
Glenda Geisler
101 - 17th Avenue SW T2S 0A1
PH: 403-228-6961 FX: 403-228-7954
Lux Windows and Glass Ltd.
Norma Ambrogiano
2620 Centre Ave NE T2A 2L3
276-7770 Fax: 276-7792
RPR Industries
Remi Paradis
552 – 42 Ave SE T2G 1Y6
243-7740 Fax : 243-7520
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SET2G 5N6
287-2540 Fax : 287-2519
societies, housing
Accessible Housing Society
Alana Healy/Robyn Jackson
103, 2003 – 14 St NW T2M 3N4
282-1872 Fax: 284-0304
Canadian Mortgage & Housing
Richard Cho
1000 - 7th Ave SW, Suite 200 T2P 5L5
403- 515-2996
Calgary Alpha House
Adam Melnyk
203 15th Ave SE T2G 1G4
403-234-7388 ext 129
Calgary Homeless Foundation
Martina Jileckova
308, 925 7th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 1A5
CUPS Community Health Centre
Mike Harvey
128 – 7 Ave SE T2G 0H5
221-8789 Fax: 221-8791
Horizon Housing Society
Louise Fisher
400, 105 - 12th Avenue SE
PH: 403-297-1746 FAX: 403-297-1403
Inn from the Cold
Trevor Loria
#106, 110 - 11Ave SE T2G 0X5
The Mustard Seed
Feven Gebremicael
7025 44th Street SE
Universal Rehabilitation Service Agency
Pam McGladdery
PH: 403-272-7722 FX: 403-273-7852
808 Manning Road NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7N8
James Auto Body
Bay 5, 3601 19th Street NE
PH: 403-291-3552
Stenia Health
Kelsey Andries
[email protected]
PH: 403-238-0001
Revive Pipe Restoration Inc.
Brendan MacFarlane
217 Arbour Grove Close NW T3G 4J4
Stucco, Parging & Acrylic
Architectural Moldings
Brown & Finish Acrylics Ltd.
Rob Harrison
PH: 403-279-7207 FAX: 279-7297
National Construction Design
Joe Pagano
Ph: (800) 500-7155
Fax: (905) 625-9815
[email protected]
The Pascoal Group
John Pascoal
Ph: (403) 245-9153
Fax: (905) 625-5351
[email protected]
BFI Canada Inc.
Cora Dawson
5566 - 54 Ave SE T2C 3A5
236-3883 Fax: 720-0515
City of Calgary Wate & Recycling
Phillipa Wagner
Waste Diversion Specialist
PO Box 2100, Stn M, #27 T2P 2M5
268-8478 Fax: 268-8481
Harvest Recycling
Peter Ogundimu
100, 111 5 Ave SW, Unit 273 T2P 3Y6
Outta Site Trash Removal
Keith Barnaec
Suite 615, 440-10816 Macleod Trail South
[email protected]
Waste Solutions Group
Rob Perry
3600, 19th Street NE, Unit 8 T2E 6V2
WAter Conservation
ExactET Systems Inc.
Bill Poole
Suite 278, 339 - 50 Ave SE T2G 2B3
City of Calgary Waterworks Division
Aaron Boulton-Chaykowski
Location 433
2100 Stn M T2P 2M5
268-5247 Fax: 268-5709
Enercare Connections Inc.
Rob Filyk
235 Slopeview Drive T3H 4G6
ExactET Systems Inc.
Bob Poole
Suite 278, 339 50 Ave SE T2G 2B3
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Winter 2013