The Curious Case of the "Chiarito Tabernacle": A New Interpretation
The Curious Case of the "Chiarito Tabernacle": A New Interpretation
The Curious Case of the "Chiarito Tabernacle": A New Interpretation Author(s): Christopher R. Lakey Reviewed work(s): Source: Getty Research Journal, No. 4 (2012), pp. 13-30 Published by: J. Paul Getty Trust Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/02/2013 15:55 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . J. Paul Getty Trust is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Getty Research Journal. This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions The Curious A New Case of the Chiarito Tabernacle: Interpretation R. Lakey Christopher I to Florentine layman, legend,in 1328ChiaritodelVoglia,a wealthy According while to the tomb. a vision of Saint Zenobius sainťs tending experiencedlife-altering cladinwhiteponthenominalfirst Zenobius, appearedto Chiarito bishopofFlorence, himofa lingering throat tifical andblessedhimwitha signofthecross,curing vestments tooka vowofchastity anddevoted hislifetothecareof ailment. Soonthereafter, Chiarito Fiesole.1Perhapsbecause nunsandotherchastewomeninFlorenceandneighboring ofhischaritable nature,Chiaritowaspronetovisionsofthedivine,themostfamous inpaint.Justbeneaththe ofwhichtheFlorentine artistPacinodi Bonaguidarecorded whichdominates ofChrist andtheApostles, thecentral panel majestic gildedgessorelief Tabernacle Pacino three scenes of Museum'sChiarito oftheJ.PaulGetty (fig.1), painted beforea priestandawaiting Communion. Twoofthescenesrepthevisionary kneeling whileinprayer: atthefarleft,a hostsprouting resentvisionsthatChiarito experienced on an at the farright, wheatshaftsis prominently Chiaritoanticipates altar; displayed inflight.2 Inthe thehost,whichPacinoshowsas a homuncular crucified Christ ingesting thehostfrom a priest. thirdscene(betweenthetwovisions),Chiarito receives tothealtarpiece's Theseperipheral scene,locatedin principal episodesarerelated in Pacino a frontal theupperregister. cross-nimbed Christ Here, sculpted form, depicts midairagainsta goldbackground incisedwithgeometric clothed forms. Christ, hovering bookinhislefthandandgreetsbeholders ina ina regalgown,holdsa jewel-encrusted Thirteen goldenraysemanatefromhisnavel: gestureofblessingwithhisright. typical him(sixoneitherside);the twelveraysenterthemouthsoftheApostles whosurround thepicture thirteenth entering spacebelowandintegratraydividesthepanelvertically, ofthis ingwiththehostthatthepriestplacesinChiaritoimouth.Thesubjectmatter Richard wrote the in scholars since Offner first about The scenehasintrigued piece 1947.3 whichOffner identifies as theLastSupper(Communion oftheApostles) upperregister, recentinterpretations thathingeonthegrowing (fig.2),hasbeenthefocusofnumerous ofdevotionalpracticesinthelaterMiddleAges,inparticular Eucharisprivatization In spiteofthisflurry ofattention, tiedevotion.4 scholarshavebeensomewhat muteon the theiconographie between central and the outer and relationship panel panels have notidentified theprogram's targetaudience,whichI suggestwasa groupofreligious R.Lakey Research no.4 (2012): Journal, 13-30©2012Christopher Getty 13 This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions diBonaguida active ca.1302-40). TheChiarito ca.1340s, Tabernacle, (Italian, Fig.i. Pacino gilded x x and on cm 11 V16 Los J. Paul Museum 97.2 28.7 gesso temperapanel, (38У4 in.). Angeles, Getty (85.PB.311) women.5 a number ofobservations theprominent roleofreliByconsidering concerning ofsightandtouchmediated giouswomenintheouterpanelsandtheimportance through theinnovative use ofreliefinthecentralpanel,a morenuancedinterpretation ofthis Inmyview,Pacino'stabernacle a cohesiveargument objectemerges. presents regarding howChiaritoivisionary established him as an of the chaste and experiences exemplar ofnunsandyoungwomen. holylifeanda suitableguardian II Therecanbe no doubtas towhythecentralpanelhasreceivedmoreattention thantheouterwings:thebizarre, andtheesoteric visionary qualityoftheiconography mediumofgildedgessoreliefaredelectablyintriguing to scholarsofmedievaland Renaissanceart,inviting theiranalysisandinterpretation. Themostdifficult motifs tounderstand inthispanelarethegoldenraysissuingfromChrist'snavel.Thereis no knownvisualortextualprecedent forthisimagery, andÖffner theraysarefissuggests usedto imbibethewine/blood ofChristduringcommunion tulae,orliturgical straws, ceremonies.6 Seeninthislight, Pacino'ssymbolic rendering depictstheApostlesusing 14 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions active ca.1302-40). diBonaguida TheChiarito Tabernacle (Italian, (detail showing Fig.2.Pacino ca. and on thelarge central 97.2x28.7cm(38У4x11V16 panel), 1340s, gilded gesso temperapanel, in.). LosAngeles, J.PaulGetty Museum (85.PB.311) Tabernacle 15 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions feedoffChrist'simmaculate instruments toliterally antiqueliturgical body.Sincethe theCommunion oftheApostleshasbeenunderstood as theinstitradition, patristic To takejustoneexample,inSaintAugustine ofHiptutionoftheliturgical Eucharist. ontheGospel thebishopunderstood ofJohn, po's accountofthisepisodeinhisTractates reenacted theinstitutionalization of Christ'ssalvific as symbolically blessing, through theEucharistie rite.7 Forthisreason,traditional ofthis meal,tobe a liturgical depictions totheApostlesfrombehindan altar,as sceneshowChristadministering Communion from the on an earlyByzantine mid-sixth paten century (fig.3),orarounda tableinan iteration oftheLastSupper.8 In thecontextofOffner's thestrange ofPacino'swork iconography argument, a morevernacular andmystical ofthescene,onethatis subcouldsignify interpretation inthe medieval discourses on Eucharistie vision. stantiated Theological developments by thirteenth theFourth LateranCouncil'sdoctrinization ofthedogma century, especially in1264,andthe in1215, thefounding oftheFeastofCorpusChristi oftransubstantiation oftheElevation oftheHost,catalyzed thepopularity ofEucharistie institutionalization Atstakewasaccesstothetransubstantiated of Christ both and devotion.9 body visually Massandconsuming his materially: seeingthehostas therealpresenceofChristduring Thegrowing ofthevisualization ofthe Communion. importance bodyandbloodduring boththeinstituledtoanabundance ofnewimagesacrossmediathatreflected Eucharist oftherituals, oftheElevation oftheHostintheGetty's tionalcharacter as ina depiction psalterbytheMasteroftheBrusselsInitials(fig.4), andthemore fourteenth-century visionsdepictedinthelowerregister of natureoftherite,as inChiarito's personalized InthewakeofOfïher's recentcommentathecentral interpretation, panelbyPacino.10 havenotedtheconnection between thecentral torsontheChiarito Tabernacle paneland onthevisibleandtheinvisible: Pacinographically inscribed the Eucharistie discourses hasarguedthatthe visibleas thehost.KlausKrüger processofChrist's bodybecoming literalization of the work'siconography transubstantiation becausethefispointstothe tothebodyofChrist. VictorSchmidt as thehost,areconnected Likewise, tulae, doubling betweenEucharistie thatPacino'swork"demonstrates therelationship hasremarked andthedesiretobe granted a visionofChristinyetanother devotion fashion," namely, in inthefigure the the host.11 of homunculus-Christ present ofthesceneofChrist andtheApostles However Ofïher's interpretation ingenious ofreasons.WhileitiscleartheApostles tofully maybe,itisdifficult accept,fora number fromChrist, thepaneldoesnot andChiaritoarereceiving somekindofnourishment in the of the a which sacerdotal Communion undertones depict Apostles,subject weighty - buthecannot theholysustenance aretypically Chiarito receives Communion, present. He wasnota member oftheapostolicpriesthood, andthereadminister Communion. Thereareothersubtle foretheprimary messageofthispanelshouldbe reconsidered.12 the traditional cluesthathavebeenmarginalized interpretation; by theyleadtoa more ofthepatron'spossiblemotivations tothemessageof nuancedunderstanding relating thework.Forone,theApostlesandChiaritoarenottheonlyfigures receiving golden 16 NO.4 (2012) GETTY RESEARCH JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions orSyria) oftheApostles. with Communion ,ca.565-78, (Constantinople Early Byzantine Fig.3.Paten x35cmdiameter inniello, andinscription silver with 3.2cmhigh (1lAx13Vain.).Washrepoussé gilding Oaks andCollection Photo ©Dumbarton OaksResearch D.C.,Dumbarton (Bz.1924.5). Library ington, active TheElevation Host Initials oftheBrussels ,inPsalter 1390-1410). (Italian, ofthe Fig.4.Master x ink cm and on colors, leaf, 23.97 33.02 1389-1404, parchment, tempera gold goldpaint, (Bologna), x fol. J. Paul Museum Los (MS.34, 130) (13 97/16 in.). Angeles, Getty at andothers:someofthefigures a detailoftenoverlooked byOffner raysfromChrist, Abovethem,atthetopofthe thebottomoftheright panelalsoreceivethatdistinction. andpresents a bloodied,crucified Christ Godsitsenthroned panel,a monumental right in ina representation oftheHolyTrinity rendered tothebeholder perspec(MercySeat) withlaymen womenareseatedina crowdinterspersed tive.13 Below,a groupofreligious Theholywomenaremarkedoutfrom to a Dominicanpreacher. andwomenlistening ofgoldenraysmixedwithbloodthatfallfromChrist's therestofthecrowdbystreams thegoldenraystouchtheheadsofonlythesix woundsontotheirheads.Miraculously, behindthepulpit, withdrawn from thetemporality watchesfrom veiledwomen.Chiarito thatthisis oneofhisvisions.14 andithasbeensuggested ofthesermon, Here,ina scene theveiledwomen andnoothers havebeenelectedby ofthePentecost, reminiscent divinelightwere ofthePentecost theGodhead.Representations prominently depicting intheillumination collaborator commonatthistime,exemplified byPacino'ssometime theMasteroftheDominican Effigies (fig.5).15 Tabernacle 17 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions oftheDominican active ca.1325-50). ThePentecost ,inLaudario (Italian, Fig.5.Master Effigies x12V2 ca.1340, andgoldonparchment, cm(i615/i6 43x31.75 (Florence), in.).LosAngeles, tempera J.PaulGetty Museum (ms.8o, verso) 18 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions To understand howthecentralpanelinreliefandthedepictionoftheelection ina newlight.In ofthenunsoperatetogether, thecentralpanelneedstobe considered whatwasthefirstdescription antioftheGetty'stabernacle, theeighteenth-century ofChristas Christus describedthefigure quarianAntonioFrancescoGori(1691-1757) - thatis,cordsorropes.16 Dominus andtheraysofgoldcoming outofhisnavelasfuniculi Gorisawtheobjectplacedonanaltarinthemonastery ofSantaMariaReginaGoeli,the ithas thatChiarito is saidtohavefounded, Augustinián monastery though traditionally beenarguedthatChiarito didnotcommission Gori thisaltarpiece/or themonastery.17 intheGospelof thissceneas rendering aneschatological doctrine interpreted expressed willdraw John whenChrist saidtothecrowd:"AndI,ifI belifted theearth, 12:32, upfrom allthingsto myself."18 ThisepisodetakesplacewellbeforetheLastSupper.Christhas entered andencountered a throng ofpeople,including Gentiles. Jerusalem triumphantly of Justpriortospeaking thosewords,Christ hiseminent deathandjudgment proclaimed theworld.In medieval as Christgatherthisepisodewasinterpreted writing, exegetical theGreat(540-604)glossed Gregory ingtheelecttohiminheaven.Totakeoneexample, "Forinthat thechurch ofConstantinople: theverseas followsina lettertoclericsfrom whichHe saysintheGospel,'WhenI shallbe liftedupfromtheearth,I willdrawallto deathwhohad allthatareelect. Foronecouldnotbe drawntoGodafter Hemeans myself/ himself fromGodbyevilliving."19 separated notas liturthegoldenraysshouldbe understood thislineofthought, Following thedescentofdivine as signsofa typeofelectionthrough butrather gicalinstruments orwisdom:thosewhoknowChristwillbe saved,thosewhodo notwillbe knowledge, inthecentralpanel,byoffering a hierarchy, castintohell.Christestablishes beginning andthen,intheright thento Chiarito, totheApostles, divinewisdomfirst panel,tothe whointurnactsas an forChiarito, nuns.Here,theApostlesactas models,orexemplars, workofartsimilarly forthenuns.Another raysof displays contemporaneous exemplar ina hierarchinotfrom hisnavel)toholypersonages fromChrist(though lightemitting now an altarpiece In thepinnacleoftheTriumph cal manner. Aquinas, ofSaintThomas Traini(fig.6) , toFrancesco attributed withLippoMemmi associated traditionally though from hismouth, of issue a in a mandorla sits Christ Rays light against goldbackground.20 receiveon PlatoandAristotle, andothererudite whichtheEvangelists including figures, in whositssquarely ofThomas, encircle themassivefigure theirheads.Theseindividuals ofthisworkisclear, fieldwithanopenbook.Theinterpretation themiddleofthepictorial in1323, receives been canonized had who out: Polzerhaspointed Thomas, as Joseph just and theEvangelists, fromChrist, divinewisdom,intheformofgoldenlight, Aristotle, him.21 locatedbeneath wisdomontoothers deflects hiswritings Plato- andthenthrough inthesourceofreceivedknowledge Thomasreceives Despitekeydifferences Christ's thewordofChrist(verbum divinewisdomthrough body, through ) andChiarito are of both carofactum thewordmadeflesh(verbum est) types knowledge depictedas ofdivinewisdomrelatetothealtarpiece's goldenrays.HowdoesChiaritoireception howChiaritoi littlespeculation Therehasbeensurprisingly concerning production? Tabernacle 19 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ca.1317-56). Traini active ca.1320-65) orLippoMemmi active (Italian, (Italian, Fig.6.Francesco x101V2 TheTriumph Thomas ca.1332-40, onpanel, 375x258cm(147У8 in.). ofSaint Aquinas, tempera Photo: NY Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, Pisa, Resource, Scala/Art Italy. bearson theiconographie oftheentirework;mostscholarshave patronage program focusedtheirattention on thecentralpanelalone.No doubtthedearthofdocuments tothealtarpiece hashindered atcomprehensive andthereare relating attempts analyses, fewindisputable Chiarito andhispatronage factsregarding ofPacino. to his Antonio Maria di in1653,ChiaVincenzo Riconesi According Vita, pennedby ritowasbornintoa family ofgoodfortune andsubstantial meansinPratoaround1300.22 He nevertookpriestly life.After hisvisionofSaintZenobius, vows,butliveda charitable heandhiswife,CostanzaDolcibeni, tooka vowofchastity andbegantooverseethewellof nuns and other women. before he was ofSantaMaria being Long givendirectorship Coeliin1343, heservedastheprincipal eprocuratore Regina representative (governatore ) at themonastery ofSantaMariadelFiore(Fiesole),thehermitage ofSantaCroce(Fiesole), andthemonastery ofSantaMargherita di Cafaggiolo He diedsometime (Florence).23 between1348and1356, mostlikely from anillnessassociated withbubonicplague(Black in1478.Histombrestedunderthehighaltarofthechurch of Death),andwasbeatified SantaMariaReginaCoeli,whichalsohousedsomeofhisrelics. WhenSantaMariaRegina 2O GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Coeliwasfounded, ChiaritoandCostanzabrought theirfamily withthem,alongwith othernunsandvirgins undertheircareinFlorence andFiesole.Thefounding ofthemontookalmosttwoyearsandincludedcomplexnegotiations betweentheconfraterastery of of the of San Michelle and the a convent Convertite, Berteldi, nity Orsanmichele, prior reformed forwhom, thenewmonastic wasbuilt.24 prostitutes complex initially, ofthenew CouldChiaritohavecommissioned thealtarpieceforthefounding theknowndocumentary evidencedoes notpoint afterall?Unfortunately, monastery inthatdirection. EventhoughRiconesidatesChiaritoivisionsofthehostto 1342and hadnotbeenbuiltatthatdate.If inthemonastery, themonastery claimstheyoccurred between sometime Chiaritoivisionsoccurred Oťfneťsdateofaround1340is correct, caredfor in1328and1340.Nevertheless, between theseyearsChiarito hisvowofchastity foranynumber nunsandotherwomen,andthisobjectcouldhavebeencommissioned withhimtoSanta ThathewasabletobringPacino'stabernacle ofmonastic institutions. thatthework'smessage- which MariaReginaCoeliandinstalliton an altarsuggests the audience.Letus consider ata femalereligious directed wastwofold wasoriginally inthemindsof elevatedChiarito Theimagery first partofthemessageatsomelength. with thedivine. had communicated him a who as thewomenbyestablishing visionary intwoways,thereby Pacinodepictedthisdivinecommunication multiple providing Chiaritoivisionsof inthescenesshowing visualaccountsforthenunstocontemplate: Theimportance ofthedivinelight. ofthenuns,andintheform thehostandtheblessing thelaterMiddle withthedivinebecamea populartropeduring oflightincommunicating canmean"enlightened."25 chiarito Ages- and,perhapsnotunimportantly, theabilSaintBonaventure to theFranciscan (1217-74), theologian According likethehost required world thatis,in"createdthings" ityto see Godinthenatural and artofthethirteenth Thisthemeoftenappearedinreligious divineillumination.26 tied ofdevotional a flowering a timewhenItalywitnessed fourteenth centuries, practices toteachothersa spiritual whointended ofindividuals tothemystical path experiences and sermons treatises in vernacular related often their , prothrough example(exempla) functioned theGettyaltarpiece orders.27 oftheMendicant ducedbymembers Similarly, to were Chiaritoi which ormystical as a sermon, treatise, experiences relayed through becauseofhisdivinewisdom. himas a suitableguardian thewomen,establishing whichstrongly thegoldenlight, Ontheright suggests panel,onlythenunsreceive femaleaudience.Theleftpanel ata particular thatthealtarpiece's messagewasdirected this thatsupport thesis.Atthetopoftheleft elements containsadditional iconographie MarTheMystical ofAlexandria, visionofSaintCatherine wing,Pacinopainteda famous withboth Christ andcradling outatthebeholder . Here,Marysitsenthroned, looking riage forherson'shandinmarriage. theVirgin Directly hands,whileCatherine supplicates Pacino to road the on the depicts Calvary, below,ina uniquesceneofChrist blessing Virgin in the his and eminent his toward to his Christ death, turning body opposite left, walking herandthecohortofwomenshe intheeyes,blessing Christlookshismother direction. Inthenext themofwhatliesaheadintheafterlife. leadswithhisright hand,as iftoreassure Tabernacle 21 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions withherheadinclined scene,a highly Crucifixion, distressed, charged Maryisshowndeeply downward andhereyestightly closed:shecannotbearthesightofhersondying onthe cross.Inthecontext ofa female monastic thesepowerful institution, imagesofCatherine ofAlexandria andtheVirgin wouldhavebeenwellreceived. thealtarIndeed,theyconvey ofthedivinewere piece'ssecondmessage:themystical spouseofChristandthemother rolemodelsfemales intheirspiritual couldemulate wouldhavebeendirected lives,which andCostanza, andsustained andEucharistie Christ devotion. byChiarito through Ill oftheiconography ofthecentralpanel,thereis no Despitethisreinterpretation thatChrist's devotionareimportant themesoftheChiadenying bodyandEucharistie ritoTabernacle . Manyvisualreminders ofChrist'ssalvific messageappearprominently all three Pacino three scenes ofCommunion, twobloodthroughout panels: depicted ied Crucifixions, andonelargegildedreliefofChrist'sbody,fromwhichtheApostles andChiarito receivespiritual nourishment. Gori'sJohnanine Following interpretation, evidenceontheimportance ofspiritual nourishment canbe foundjustprior scriptural toJesus'sproclamation theelect.InJohn12:23-25, Jesusconfronts a groupof regarding Gentiles whotraveled fromallovertowitness hispresence, saying: Thehouris come,thattheSonofmanshouldbeglorified. Amen,amenI sayto intotheground alone. die,Itselfremaineth you,unlessthegrainofwheatfalling Butifitdie,itbringeth forth muchfruit. He thatlovethhislifeshallloseit;and hethathateth hislifeinthisworld, ituntolifeeternal. keepeth TheEucharistie themeinthispassagewasevidentto medievalauthors. ThomasAquinas (ca. 1225-74), forexample, understood thepassageas Christcomparing himself toa of wheat because "the reason he came was to refresh andnourish ourspirits, which grain is principally donebybreadmadefromwheat."28 and are Moreover, sight corporeality here:theGentiles traveled toseeJesusintheflesh; thewheat,a symbol andthe important Christ's host,represents physical agentoftheEucharistie body. Whilethesenseofsight wasessential tomedieval Eucharistie inthelater practices MiddleAgesandmetaphysical visionswerecrucialinlegitimizing Chiarito as anexemrelief toemphatically remind beholders ofChrist's plarfornuns,Pacino'suseofsculpted formalized thesethemes. Inthecentral tangible, bodilypresence effectively panel,Pacino a in wit the betweenthesenseofsightand employs cunning mediating relationship touch.Byusinghighreliefto createthetriumphant ofChristandthesupplicatfigure oftheimagetakeson newweight.Nota flat,twoingApostles,thesacralimmediacy dimensional withtruethree-dimensionality anda corimage,reliefendowsthefigures that beholders would feel a desiretotouch:Christ's fleshis palpable.29 poreality strong retains evidenceofphysical Indeed,thetabernacle contactwithitsbeholders. Thefaces ofChrist's tormentors werescratched offofscenesontheleftpanel,anactoficonoclasm evident inChrist HerodandTheFlagellation. Inthecentral clearly Before panel,ina clever 22 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions additionbyan unknown hand,a crouching dragonwaspaintedbehindChiaritoinhis BeatoChiaritoibenevovisionoftheincarnate-host, that,through perhapssuggesting anditsinhabitants wouldbe safefromthetemptathemonastery lenceanddevotion, to worn.Itistempting thecentral tionsoftheoutsideworld.Finally, panelis noticeably touchina heightened stateofdevotion, thatthewearwascausedbybeholders, suggest thereareno conservation reports supporting ingtherelief thoughto myknowledge thishypothesis.30 andtheissuesit Tabernacle theChiarito Whenconsidered as a mixed-media image, devotional within a widercorpusofmedieval raisescanbe contextualized Here, imagery. mediums ofpainttraditional toanobjectthatcombines a "mixed-media image"refers andthusendow enhancea divinefigure's inordertovisibly tangibility ingandsculpture inrelationto thepictorialfield.Theseobjects itwitha senseofphysicalcorporeality withtheLargeEyesmade suchas theMadonna butarenotlimited to,altarpieces include, ofwisandSedessapientiae ofSiena(fig.7); paintedcrucifixes forthecathedral (thrones to containtherealpresenceofa Theseimageswerethought dom);and"relief-icons."31 as a tanorrelationally, either functioning (thatis,as a reliquary) literally holypersonage, ora ofChrist form gibleconduittothedivinebycallingtomindandtosightthematerial ofpainting thespatially Suchmessageswererelayed saint.32 interplay dynamic through ca.1220, the with Madonna active oftheTressa(Italian, Large Eyes, mid-i200s). Fig.7.Master x Museo x У2 26V8 cm on and Siena, Metropolitana. deirOpera wood, 67 47 in.). Italy, (18 tempera gesso NY Photo: Resource, Scala/Art Tabernacle 23 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ofthepicture on andsculpture, thetactileprotrusion plane,andbycapitalizing through intermsofthe theimportant betweentheobject'slocationandfunction relationship in audience.Oftentheseobjectswereplacedon altars,incloseproximity tobeholders, ordertogenerate affective witha tangible senseofdivinepresfigures piety. Byendowing the crucial from the realm to the wasmediated ence, anagogicalstep earthly heavenly Pacino this to affective artistically.33 emphasized relationship inversely spark pietyin theimmaterial beholders: wasmadeemphatically morematerial, tosignify that perhaps, a higher stateofreality couldbe reachedthrough devotion totheGodhead.34 Froma technical howdidPacinocreatethethree-dimensional cenperspective, tralpanel?According toconservators, therearetwopossibilities. Pacinocouldhavebuilt inrelief totheground, upthefigures byapplying gessogrosso(a coarsegypsum) layered onit,coveredtheareastobegildedinbole,a typeofclay,and (a finer gessosottile gypsum) hecouldhavecastthefigures inwaxorgessosottile. When gildedtheforms. Alternatively, thegessomixset,theforms wouldhavebeenaffixed tothepanelwithanother gessomixture.Oncethisapplication the relief would be covered with the bole and hardened, gilded intheconventional way.35 Offner likensthePacinoaltarpiece toimagesthatcombine andsculpture, painting buthedoesnotfleshoutthetopic- henotesonlythatPacinowantedtoreplicate earlier mentions the models,suchas themixed-media objectsdiscussedabove.WhileKrüger he likensitto an imitation oftheworkofa goldsmith, suchas Byzantine relief, icons, andothertypesofimagesinmetal.36 Thesereadings-evenifsomewhat revetments, accurate-arenegative inwhichPacino'srelief evaluations isunderstood as animitative, version of else. when we the natureof cheap something However, recognize innovative therelief andtheprocessbywhichitwasmade,thepatron's motivations behindthecommissionbecomemoreapparent. theoriginal conditions ofthealtarpiece shedsnew Moreover, analyzing viewing on how Pacino's enabled beholders tovisualizethematerialization of light techniques Christ'sbodyandfostered a dynamic between relief and relationship sculpted spectator.Thegoldenrays,Christ, andtheApostlesallpossesscorporeality andprojectfrom thesurface. Pacinodesignedthisworktobe seenfroman obliquelineofsight, Clearly, a beholder andlooking Dominus onanaltar, a poseChiarito by kneeling upattheChristus three in times the center When the is viewed from thiskneeladopts panel. altarpiece theforms becomesmore ingposition, appearmorenaturalandthefigures' materiality thanwhenseenfroma standing andthefigures perceptible position, emergefromthe in a virtual state. From a low giltbackground vantagepoint,thematerialdifferences betweenfigure andsurface becomeevident.37 ThepalpablesenseofChrist's bodyisalso evidentwhentheobjectis litincertainways- eitherbyoblique,naturallighting orby bothofwhicharetypicalinmedievalchurches. Viewedinnaturalraking candlelight, the in relief more and light, figures tactile, theholiestpartsofthiswork-which appear wereconsciously to a tobeholders-lookmore produced relay messageofcorporeality three-dimensional fully (fig.8). 24 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions inrakTabernacle ofrelief diBonaguida active ca.1302-40). TheChiarito (view (Italian, Fig.8.Pacino x x J. У4 11 V16 Los and on cm ca. 97.2 28.7 1340s, in.). (38 Angeles, inglight), gilded gesso temperapanel, PaulGetty Museum (85.PB.311) inthecentralpanelwasa powerful Whatbeholders witnessed image:a divinely fromhisbrutal had of who risen immaculate illuminated, triumphantly figure Christ, forthedying death,a deathdepictedoneachsidepanel.Ifthenunsweretofeelempathy oftheirgloriChristonthecross,theywouldfeelan equalmeasureofelationinfront ousDominus. Fellow NewFaculty Council R.LakeyisanAmerican Societies/Mellon ofLearned Christopher hisPhDinthe intheDepartment ; hereceived Hopkins University ofArtatJohns oftheHistory in2009andholdsanMAinmedieval Berkeley, ofCalifornia, ofartfromtheUniversity history studies Studies, ofToronto. University forMedieval fromtheCentre for andYvonne Szafran Christine Scott I would liketothank Notes AttheGetty, Sciacca, Allan, were Parts ofthis assistance. andbibliographical Pacino andfor about conversations essay photographic inEarly Mod"TheSenses inthepanel Annual Conference Art Association atthe2009College presented to Ladis. I am Andrew in Honor of Conference andthe2010Trecento Culture" andVisual ernArt grateful Tabernacle 25 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions theorganizers andaudience members for their andcomments. thanks aredue helpful questions Special totheanonymous readers for theGetty Research Journal Thisarticle hasbenefited from discusgreatly my sions with E.Jung, L.Kessler, Herbert Aden andTristan Research for this Kumler, Jacqueline Weddigen. article wasgraciously funded andtheAmerican Council ofLearned Societies. byReed College i. OnChiaritoi seeGiusepe Notizie istoriche delle chiese vol.5,DelQuarlife, Richa, Fiorentine, tiere diS.Giovanni Pietro Gaetano Godefroid Henschen etal.,eds., Acta Vivani, 174-98; (Florence: 1757), sanctorum ...Maii, tomus sextus dies XXVIII V.Palmé, XXV, XXVII, XXVI, quocontinentur (Paris: 1866), - 0166D; cols.0161B andScipione dePaoli, "Chiarito diFirenze, inBibliotheca sanctorum beato," (Rome: Istituto XXIIIdellaPontificia Giovanni Universita cols. Since thelate lateranense, 3: 1229-1230. 1963), ninth thebody ofSaint Zenobius hasbeeninterred intheFlorence Chiarito's cathedral, century, though Antonio Maria diVincenzo claimed hewastending tothetomb Riconesi, biographer, seventeenth-century in"ecclesia S.Ioannis." Zenobius's wasthebasilica ofSanLorenzo. Forthecultof previous resting place Saint see Marica Cathedral and Civic Ritual in Late Medieval andRenaissance : Florence Zenobius, Tacconi, TheService Books Maria delFiore Univ. Press, 220-40. ofSanta (Cambridge: Cambridge 2005), 2. Theseepisodes wererecorded, expost inChiarito's Vita. SeeHenschen, Acta sanctofacto, col.0161 D:"Adeo habuit Deus ilium dimittentis se animi ut id rum, famulatum,etiam gratum religiosum voluerit visibiliter demonstrare. cumaliquando ministraret sacrificio visus sunt eisplendiMissae, Ergo dusradius, abHostia 8cpectus suum Itseems tomethat Riconesi sacrosancta, progrediens percutiens." described Chiarito's visions asdepicted Pacino. by ACritical andHistorical section Offner, 3. SeeRichard 3,TheFourCorpus ofFlorentine Painting, teenth vol.5(NewYork: Institute ofFineArts, NewYork Century, 21П22, 132П2, 208П4, 1947), University, ACritical andHistorical section 287;andRichard Offner, 3,TheFourteenth Corpus ofFlorentine Painting, vol.6 (NewYork: Institute ofFine NewYork Arts, Century, 141-48. University, 1956), See À la table du L'Eucharistie chez lesprimitifs 4. Dominique Rigaux, italiens, seigneur: 1250-1497 Klaus "Medium andImagination: Aesthetic ofTrecento Cerf, (Paris: 1989), esp.182-84; Krüger, Aspects Panel inVictor M.Schmidt, Panel Duecento andTrecento ed.,Italian Painting," Painting ofthe (Washington, D.C.:National of Victor M. Painted Panel Art, Schmidt, Piety: Paintings Gallery 2002),57-82; forPersonal Devotion inTuscany, Centro andFrançois "Eucharistie 1250-1400 141-60; (Florence: Di,2005), Boespflug, etTrinité dansl'art medieval d'Occident inNicole Béatrice andDomiBériou, (XIIe-XVe Caseau, siècle)," deVeucharistie dans lesÉglise d'Orient etd'Occident eds., et vol. nique Rigaux, Pratiques (Antiquité Moyen Âge), Institut d'Études 2,Lesreceptions (Paris: Augustiniennes, 2009),1111-67. Baert isanexception. Heressay, "Nourished TheBeatoChiarito 5. Barbara byInwardness: Tabernacle dell'Università diFerrara, Sezione no.4(2007):28-50, ,"Annali studies Pacino's (с.1340) Stona, tabernacle within thebroader theme oflatemedieval female I was made exclusively piety. Unfortunately, aware ofheressay toolatetofully address theargument inmywork. I would liketothank Christine Sciaccafor metoBaerťs alerting piece. 6. Offner follows Offner's SeeKrüger, "Medium 141ПЮ. and (1956), Krüger interpretation. were fashioned outofmetal orglassandcovered insilver orgold, 73.Fistulae andoften Imagination," orornamented, insome fashion. Fistula wasoneofmany decorated, names for these instruments. Others include calamus andtutellus. SeeJoseph Daschristliche inseinem Sein und inseiner Braun, EntwickAltargerät Braun Hueber, oftwomeâievaïfistulae. lung (Munich: 247-64, 1932), esp.264,where reproduces drawings Theuseofliturgical straws Communion wasnotcommon the later Middle andtheir during during Ages, inartquite rare. I know ofonly oneinstance where afistula wasdepicted, depiction I have though notseen theoriginal nora reproduction. MiriRubin describes a fourteenth-century Venetian missal inwhich a miniature contains a scene ofCommunion where a priest usesa straw todrink from a chalice: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana III(III)2116, fol.176г. SeeMiri Marciana; Christi: TheEucharist inLate Rubin, Corpus Medieval Culture Univ. For the circumstances of themanuscript's (Cambridge: 72. Cambridge Press, 1991), 26 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions A.Klein, inVenice, inHenry seemost commission, 1200-1400," recently Holger "Refashioning Byzantium andRobert D.C.: S.Nelson, andthe eds.,SanMarco, ofVenice Maguire Byzantium, Myths (Washington, Dumbarton OaksResearch and 200-206. Library Collection), inidem, Saint "Tractate InIohannis 7. See,for 25,chapters 13-14," evangeexample, Augustine, CXXIV ofChrist asmedialium tractatus OnAugustine's 255-57. (Turnhout: 1954), Brepols, interpretation inEarly intheCommunion andRelic :Mediating the Sacred torquapriest seeErik Thun0, Image ofthe Apostles, Art L'Erma di Medieval Bretschneider, 79-83. (Rome: 2002), HalK.M.Collins, andC.Barber, R.S.Nelson, 8. Onthepaten, seemost Image, Holy recently J.PaulGetty Ground : Icons exh. cat.(LosAngeles: lowed Museum, Sinai, 2006),216-17, from Kunst der christlichen the see Gertrude theiconography oftheCommunion Schiller, Ikonographie of Apostles, G. Gütersloher Mohn, 2:38-43. 1983), (Gütersloh: Verlagshaus Christi, 49-82. 9. Rubin, Corpus seeRobert G. theCanonoftheMassonfolio 10. Theminiature 130.Ontheartist, precedes Book intheFrench andHisParticipation inParis: TheMaster oftheBrussels Initials "AnItalian Calkins, Gesta 20,no.1(1981): 223-32. Industry," These Painted andImagination," 11. Krüger, "Medium Schmidt, 158. 73-75; interpretations Piety, inmedieval devotion literature on visual in relation to the the Tabernacle Chiarito growing position safely and works Suzannah See the recent artandonmedieval Biernoff, Sight by generally.especially visuality and Middle Embodiment inthe Macmillan, Hamburger, "Seeing 2002);Jeffery Ages (Hampshire: Palgrave in Art andDevotion," inLateMedieval andtheAuthentication ofVision TheSuspicion ofSight Believing: und realen von mentalen Zum Verhältnis und Wirklichkeit: Alessandra Klaus and Nova, eds., Imagination Krüger andCynthia vonZabern, Neuzeit inderKunst der Bildern Hahn, 2000),47-69; Philipp (Mainz: Verlag frühen the Renaisand inRobert S.Nelson, inMedieval uVisio Dei:Changes ed.,Visuality Before Beyond Visuality," Univ. Saw(Cambridge: sance: asOthers Press, 2000),169-92. Cambridge Seeing andhada family. hewasmarried inhisVita, wasa layman; Chiarito called a clericus 12. Though even in monastic a disclose his documents that are no known there Tomy order, membership knowledge, vows. didnottake andhecertainly atertiary order, priestly called Seat(Gnadenstuhl oftheMercy hasargued that VonSimpson ),sometimes 13. Otto images is crucifixion in which Christ's inHebrews refer tothepassage ofGrace, theThrone 4:16 typologically Inthisrendition, altar. orportable onapropitiatorium, related tosacrifices priest bythehigh performed which andblood, with Christ's beholders andpresents Godsitsinjudgment may gain they through body ad thronum fiducia cum "Adeamus reads: The of time. at the end or graergo passage mercy, forgiveness, with therefore us in auxilio inveniamus et tiautmisericordiam (Let go oportuno" gratiam consequamur inseasonable andfind wemay obtain that ofgrace: tothethrone confidence aid).SeeOtto grace mercy, der Jahrbuch inS.Maria Trinitätsfresko VonMasaccios DieBedeutung "Über VonSimpson, Novella," utilized Pacino that has L. Kessler Herbert 8(1966): Berliner argued Museen, 126-30. recently 119-59, esp. and andtheApostles ofChrist itfrom therelief todistinguish oftheHoly intheimage Trinity perspective to focus was able Pacino Inthisway, visions. lifeandChiarito's ofChrist's scenes theless-illusionistic atthe while ofthealtarpiece, theme totheEucharistie inrelation oftheTrinity onthecentrality attention could a distance and themselves between of the distance beholders time God, same bridge they reminding 10. 86(2011), L.Kessler, SeeHerbert God'smercy. Speculum "Speculum," through only the that notspecify did but she thebloodofChrist, received thecrowd that noticed 14. Baert this wasavision that out.Shealsoargued marked whowere oftheaudience members were theonly nuns ofthepanel close his out of hehasgolden because ofChiarito However, inspection upon eyes. coming rays near in lines black faint The two his out of has no he insituitisclear pigment hiseyes eyes. coming rays aswellason behind lines these onecanfind ofthepulpit; Chiarito, someaspect usedtodefine were just would bedepicted nuns "Nourished SeeBaert, thepulpit's 30.Theissueastowhy byInwardness," steps. Tabernacle 27 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ina crowd ofscholars, andthe toa sermon hasbeenraised (andnotcloistered) listening bya number are that are widows has been monastic Because this However, suggestionthey lodged. they wearing garb. I believe inregard isclearly based onavision ofChiarito's, some artistic license wastaken tothe depiction inmedieval ofa cloistered versus life. thesocial ofnuns andRenaissance public reality Although history Florence isimportant inthis duetospaceI cannot dealextensively with this issue. context, The so-called Master of the Dominican wasPacino's andcollabora15. Effigies contemporary tor. Onhislifeandwork, AdaLabriola, "Alcune fiorentina see,most recently, proposte perlaminiatura delTrecento," Arte Cristiana Laurence Kanter etal.,Painting andIllumination inEarly 93(2005):14-26; Renaissance York: Museum of Florence, Art, 1300-1450 56-83. (New Metropolitan 1994), 16. Antonio Francesco Thesaurus Veterum Gori, Albizzini, 3:200: Diptychorum (Florence: 1759), "Insuperiore statChristus rotundo nimbo асradiato, ornato dextera benediDominus, gemmato capite, sinistra vero suiLibrum esttunica Amictus &pallio: atexeiusumbilico duodecim cens, Evangelii praefert. tenues funiculi egrediuntur." Miklòs Boskovits that thealtarpiece either wasusedbyChiarito himself 17. Forexample, argues orwascommissioned foranother institution because itlacks reference totheAugusanyiconographie tinián order. SeeRichard Offner etal.,ACritical andHistorical ,section 3,The Corpus ofFlorentine Painting Fourteenth vol. The Painters the Miniaturist ed. Miklòs Boskovits Istituto , 9, Century of Tendency, (Florence: distoria dell'arte, 49П167. 1984), 18. TheVulgate reads: "etegosiexaltatus fuero a terra omnia traham admeipsum." SeeGori's Thesaurus Veterum "Sedulus ac Pictor illud forsitan Gori, explanation, 3:200: Diptychorum, pius exprimerevoluit, Christus Dominus Cum exaltus a terra crucis noster, quodoresuodixit fuero (hocestinlingo utSS.Patres omnia traham admeipsum." suspensus, interpretantur) theGreat, inASelect 19. Gregory 9,Epistle 15," "Chapter Register ofEpistles, Library ofNicene andPost-Nicene ser. vol. Leo the the Pt. ed. andCharles Lett Fathers,2, 12, Great; GregoryGreat,1, J.Barmby Feltoe York: Literature (New TheChristian 216-17. 1895), Company, 20. Serena forone,hasrecently calledthisattribution intoquestion, that Romano, arguing Memmi the See Serena "Il Trionfo di S. Tommaso in S. Caterina Lippo Romano, painted altarpiece. likely a Pisa," inAngiola Maria Romanini andAntonio Arte d'Occidente: Temi eMetodi; Studi inoronore Cadei, eds., diAngiola Maria 2vols.(Rome: Sintesi SeealsoKatherine H. Romanini, informazione, 2:901-11. 1999), asAction andPassion intheThirteenth andFourteenth inJeffrey Tachau, "Seeing Centuries," Hamburger andAnne-Marie Art andTheological inthe Middle Bouché, eds.,TheMind's Eye: Argument Ages (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2006),344-45. 21. Thealtarpiece wasmade for theDominican church ofSanta Caterina inPisa, where itstill stands. Polzer dates thework toaround See"The'Triumph ofThomas' inSanta Panel Pisa: 1323. Caterina, and des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz : 1 would Date," like to Meaning Mitteilungen 37(1993)29-70. thank Herbert Kessler for me to this alerting image. 22. There isnoprecise dateforhisbirth; most sources thathewasbornaround agree 1300, hecould have beenborn earlier. Forbibliographic accounts ofhislife, seenote1. though seeespecially Notizie andS.G.C.,"Unmonastero 23. Onthispoint, di Richa, istoriche, 188-89, Suore in Via San Gallo Bollettino Storico Agostiniane (1348-1786)," 13(1924): Agostiniano 15-20. ofthefounding ofthemonastery, seeRicha, Notizie 24. Forthehistory and istoriche, 188-189, S.G.C.,"Unmonastero," Themonastery waslocated on105viaSanGallo;thebuilding now 15-20. houses a conservatory. Inaddition toChiarito's tomb andrelics, Santa Maria Coeliwashome toa Regina miraculous Crucifixion andanexvoto ofLorenzo it wasknown asIIChiarito, after itsfounder. de'Medici; "Documenti febbraio See,forexample, diStato inArnaldo 31-1552 25,"Archivio (Florence), published della a Firenze D'Addario, Pubblicazioni ed.,Aspetti archivi di Controriforma (Roma: Stato, degli 1972), Thedocument states dipochhi anni dall'altro 391-98. delle monache diSanta Maria "seguito (1370) Regina 28 GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Coelorum 62nel1552), detto anche diChiarito dalnome delfondatote, messer Chiarito del (50nel1552, Thisisrepeated inmany ofthedocuments tothemonastery; Francesco see,for Voglia." example, relating e memorie della città di Iscrizioni Firenze Arnaldo ed., Forni, 250. Bigazzi, (Florence: 1886), liketothank Joanna Cannon for meoftheimportance ofChiarito's name 25. I would reminding inthis context. Medieval 26. Onthis seeespecially Bernard "How McGinn, Shaped topic, Augustine Mysticism," theformano. 1 1-26. to Studies McGinn Here, importance Augustinián 37, (2006): explains Augustine's In in in life. tionofBonaveture's oftheroledivine illumination thought, especiallyterms playedspiritual Bonaventure believed that inDeum intoGod"), theItinerarium mentis as"TheSoul's (translated Journey to disin or we receive this to the six of contemplation speculation light stages "bypraying way[according Medieval cern thesteps oftheascent toGod";seeMcGinn, "HowAugustine 17-18. Shaped Mysticism," andhistheological wasextremely themid-fourteenth Bonaventure arguments popular during century a panel oftheTree inart.Pacino, for were often (mid-i300s), ofLife example, produced painting depicted Vita. Bonaventurae See S. after Bonaventure's treatise nowintheAccademia, Florence, Lignum popular ForEnglish S.Bonaventure, 10vols.(Quaracchi, translations, Omnia, 1882-1902). Collegium Opera Italy: theTree the : TheSoul's into Bonaventure seeSaint Francis, God, Bonaventure, Life ofSaint ofLife, Journey Paulist trans. Ewert Cousins Press, 1978). (NewYork: "HowAugustine toMcGinn, ishow, meinthiscontext interests Shaped 27. What according ofthedivine: with accounts ofdirect others a mystic Medieval visions, experiences provides Mysticism," from Domenico Cavalca animportant andsoon.In1333, Pisa) preacher (a Dominican mystic, raptures, to raise for audiences in vernacular de Croce the and wrote thetreatises lay Specchio de'peccatiSpecchio in Florence works were illumination. These divine to God their minds precisely popular very through up R. seeDaniel OnCavalca, tothecareofwomen. hislife anddevote tohave hisvisions when Chiarito began andDominican World Florence : TheSocial inMedieval (Athens, Lesnick, Spirituality ofFranciscan Preaching The Heart' and Sins: of the "'Motions Carla ofGeorgia Ga.:Univ. 101; Press, Specchio 1989), Casagrande, and Culture Evil: The Vices In the Garden in Richard Domenico Newhauser, ed., OP," Cavalca, of de'peccatiby inArrigo works arepublished Cavalca's inthe Middle Levasti, ed., PIMS, 2005),128-45. (Toronto: Ages edelTrecento Mistici delDuecento Rizzoli, 1935). (Milan: lectura S.Ioannis 28. Thomas (Rome: 12,Lectio 4,"inidem, evangelium Super Aquinas, "Caput Nisigranum dico vobis ideo vere et adfructificandum, Taurini, 307."Dicit egoveniutsemen 1952), ergo: converfructus nisiegomoriar, solum interram mortuum frumenti cadens idest, manet, fuerit, ipsum et ut reficeret hoc venit ad se frumenti Ideoautem nonsequetur. sionsgentium quia comparat, grano frumenti." efficit hocautem mentes humanas: sustentaret praecipue panis the between toplay work inapainted oftheuseofrelief uptherelationship 29. Another example now oftheAnnunciation Martini's inSimone canbefound andrealpresence incarnation 1333 altarpiece the in raised MARIA" are "AVE words in which the Sant'Asano relief, intheUffizi making altarpiece) (the out 2 for Reader like to thank I would substance. atangible, word pointing Anonymous corporeal literally this comparison. itwithtoverify isnoway there ofscholars; hasbeenraised however, 30. Thisissue bya number if not was as divine the to touch the desire In some outa conservation cases, important, more report. inmedieval andsight touch between On the divine. see the to thedesire than relationship important, Notes andtheVisionary: onthe "TheTactile E.Jung, seetheimportant essay byJacqueline sculpture, inColum intheMedieval ed.,Looking Hourihane, PlaceofSculpture Beyond: Imagination," Religious Art 8c of of Christian Index Art and Medieval in Art, and Dept. Dreams, Insights (Princeton: Visions, History Princeton 203-40. 2010), University, Archaeology, Altar VanOs,Sienese seeHenk Pieces, 1215-1460 Egbert (Groningen: 31. OntheSiena altarpiece, Princeton Wisdom The Throne llene see For Sedes 1:11-20. (Princeton: of Forsyth, Forsten, sapientae, 1988), Tabernacle 29 LakeyTheChiarito This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Univ. disculture medioevali Press, De'Maffei, ed.,Mostra , 1972)andFernanda lignee Edizioni dell'Ente Manifestazioni For"relief seeBissera TheSensual Milanesi, icons," Pentcheva, 1957). Icon: Ritual and the Senses in Park: State Univ. , , Press, Space Byzantium (University Pennsylvania 2010). ofthis, seeCoppo diMarcovaldo, andChild Maria ,inSanta 32. For justoneinstance Virgin MagFlorence half ofthethirteenth Thepolychromed heads ofMary andChrist (second giore, century). project from thepanel. Thefigures aremade from andcontained a cavity intheir heads that held strongly plaster relics blood and a of the true See Marco "The and Use Ciatti, Typology, (Christ's piece cross). Meaning, of SomePanel from theDuecento andTrecento," inVictor M.Schmidt, Panel ed.,Italian Paintings Painting Duecento andTrecento D.C.:National ofArt, Forthe useofrelief 24-26. ofthe (Washington, 2002), Gallery inpainting thisperiod, seeLarsJones's "Visio Divina? Donor andRepresentations during essay, Figures ofImagistic Devotion: TheCopy ofthe"Virgin ofBagnolo' intheMuseo delDuomo, Florence," dell'Opera inVictor M.Schmidt, Panel Duecento andTrecento D.C.:National ed.,Italian Painting ofthe (Washington, ofArt, Jones makes similar interms ofabeholder's relation toanimage 31-55. 2002), Gallery arguments inrelief versus oneinpainting andprovides anexcellent the argument regardingphilological relationship ofrevelata torilievata inItalian devotional texts. (andrilievo) "Asisolated within thechurch, closetotheworship33. Onthispoint, Forsyth argued: effigies like in his own environmental both human and inform, the size, him/her per, sharing space, yet god-like austere must have an excellent for thetransition from [Sedes figures sapientae sculptures] provided bridge toabstraction." Throne 10. reality Forsyth, ofWisdom, hasargued that Jan vanEyck andRogier vanderWey34. Hamburger painters fifteenth-century denthought ofmedieval as a "frame of in reference" their that re-created natusculpture paintings highly ralistic of human bodiessometimes bodies that were because depictions literally sculptedsculpture "hada higher claim onreality thana mere SeeHamburger, andBelieving," A picture." 51-55. "Seeing decade Pacino made a similar statement the between earlier, and regardingrelationship sculpture paintinthisinstance wasthemedium tocommunicate a higher state of ing-though sculpture parexcellence made a hedoesnotfocus onthemedium ofrelief inpassreality. Krüger similar argument, though except SeeKrüger, "Medium andImagination," ing. 73-74. relief II 35. Similar techniques regarding ingessoandwaxaredescribed Cennini, byCennino Libro ed. Daniel V. Haven: Yale Univ. andinthetwelfth-century dell'Arte, Press, Thompson (New 1932) =Dediversis work TheVarious Arts ed.andtrans. C.R.Dodwell Clarenartibus, byTheophilus, (Oxford: Ontheconservation ofthePacino seeArie don,1986). and ColoWaller, altarpiece, "PigmentsOrganic rants: TwoCaseStudies," inTonnie Bakkenist etal.,eds.,Early Italian and Painting TechniquesAnalysis Conservation toYvonne conservator (Maastricht: Institute, Limburg 73-74. 1997), Szafran, According ofpaintings attheJ.PaulGetty thisobject willundergo further tests foranupcoming exhibiMuseum, tion. Szafran alsoindicated that thegilded ofthepanel have been some parts might highlighted by type ofenamel. I would liketothank herimmensely for hertime, for herhelpinsorting issues ofthe through work's andfor metoread anearly draft ofa 2009conservation conservation, at allowing report presented theNational London. SeeYvonne Szafran etal.,"Painting onParchment andPanel: Gallery, Exploration ofPacino diBonaguida's inMarika OldMaster and ed.,Studying Technique," Spring, Paintings: Technology Practice (London: 8-14. Archetype, 2011), "Medium andImagination," 36. Offner 141; (1956), Krüger, 73. tonotetheoptical illusions thisproduces: 37. Itisimportant thepanel from in seeing directly front orfrom faraway flattens theforms andthey become lessnaturalistic totheeye.Thispheoptically nomenon insculpture hasa long history. ЗО GETTY RESEARCH NO.4 (2012) JOURNAL, This content downloaded on Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:55:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions