Online Seller Advantage - Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices


Online Seller Advantage - Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Online Seller Advantage
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Valuable Tools for Winning, Retaining, and Renewing Listings
by Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage (OSA) is an exclusive Prudential Real
Estate service offered to Prudential Real Estate sales professionals.
Online Seller Advantage provides sales professionals powerful tools
o Attract listing prospects
o Win listing agreements and contracts
o Service listing customers on a daily basis with valuable information
o Feature listings on Yahoo! Real Estate
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.
Printed: June 2008
Table of Contents
Part I Introduction
1 Getting Started
................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Main Menu -...................................................................................................................................
Part II Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
1 Create a Listing
Presentation Report
2 Requested Listing
Presentation Reports
3 View, Print, Edit
Part III Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
1 My Listings ................................................................................................................................... 29
2 Set Up Seller...................................................................................................................................
3 Manage Pru ...................................................................................................................................
View Pru IDs ..........................................................................................................................................................
Generate Pru ..........................................................................................................................................................
Add an Existing
Release Pru IDs
Reassign Pru..........................................................................................................................................................
Part IV User Profile
1 My Profile ................................................................................................................................... 55
Part V Frequently Asked Questions
1 I've subscribed,
now what do I do?
2 What is a Listing
Presentation Report?
3 How do I create
a report for my listing appointment?
4 I've requested
a report, now what do I do?
5 What do the...................................................................................................................................
numbers on the report mean?
6 When will my
listing information be in OSA?
7 Why does "Address
Not Published" show for my listing address?
8 How do I send
email to my sellers?
9 What is the Listing
Activity email?
10 Can I add more
than one email address to a listing?
11 How do I change
my phone number?
12 How do I change
my email address?
13 What is Online
14 What is a Pru
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
15 How do I use...................................................................................................................................
my Pru ID?
Part VI Document Library
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
The Online Seller Advantage – Valuable New Tools for Winning,
Retaining, and Renewing Listings
Welcome to the Prudential Real Estate Online Seller Advantage (OSA), your tool to help
capture and manage new and existing listing inventory. Use this tool in conjunction with your
existing listing presentation to utilize the Prudential Real Estate Online Advantage to
distinguish yourself from the competition. By delivering all of the service and support you
currently provide along with the Online Seller Advantage, you will set yourself apart from the
Capturing Listings: Use the OSA Listing Presentation Report 15 to illustrate and
differentiate the Online Seller Advantage that you, as a Prudential Real Estate sales
professional, offer above and beyond the competition. Provide an insight of what customers
are looking for along with what type of traffic your seller can expect based on the historical
data only you can provide.
Maintain and Service Listings: Once you have successfully captured the listings, use the
Online Seller Advantage to help communicate and inform your seller 39 about the ongoing
consumer interest in the area and their home. Automatically provide your sellers daily or
weekly activity emails itemizing the interest level of online buyers on their specific property.
The emails provide buyer behavior from all of our websites including those from and Yahoo! Real Estate as well as updates of all property listings in your
seller's area.
Market Listings: Give your listings an advantage. Make your listing properties stand out
and get noticed by buyers driving the neighborhood. Our Yahoo! sign rider for OSA
subscribers includes a unique industry Pru ID that efficiently connects buyer prospects
directly to a full detailed display of your property listing through a Home
and Yahoo! search - a true seller advantage! And you can use the Pru ID for all your
marketing endeavors!
For help setting up your OSA account see Getting Started
How Online Seller Advantage Works
All of the statistical numbers on the Listing Presentation Report and Listing Activity Email
come from data collected from the Online Advantage system. The Online Advantage system
is a combination of websites that a consumer uses to search for homes and is a powerful
back office tool used by Prudential Real Estate eTeams to efficiently manage online
The OSA tool consists of many features, which can function together or separately. OSA
features include:
Pru ID searchable on a Home, Yahoo! search and
Yahoo! Real Estate
Yahoo! Sign Rider available for purchase
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Featured Property Status
Listing Presentation Report
Daily/Weekly Listing Activity Emails
We capture buyer search activity for the past 30 days from the Online Advantage market
areas. The Online Advantage market areas are determined by the service areas defined by
your affiliate. Please note that your company’s Online Advantage service areas may not
cover all of the zip codes in the MLS. In these instances, data may not be available for the
Listing Presentation Report and Listing Activity Email. Therefore, some OSA features may
not be available on all listings. In these situations, you will be able to use other features of
OSA, but some of the aggregated data from buyer searches may not be as powerful as it is
when full data is available. The following are some reasons why Prudential Real Estate may
not have data available for OSA:
There are a limited number of affiliates whose MLS does not currently permit
Prudential Real Estate to obtain property information.
Your broker may be a member of multiple MLSs and the zip code where your
listing resides may fall outside of the MLS that provides data to Prudential Real
Estate. In most cases, these MLSs will not allow us to co-mingle the data.
The zip code where your listing resides is not included in your affiliate’s service
area. In this case, contact your Broker to request that the zip code be added. The
request will be dependent on approval by Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.
The OSA tool provides indicators of what components can be used through the use of red,
yellow and green stoplight icons. For further discussion of the stoplight indicators, see My
Listings 29
Getting Started
What to do First to Set Up OSA...
I have subscribed to OSA, how do I get started?
How to Set Up Your OSA Account
Verify Your Account Settings
From the Main Menu, click: Edit Your Online Seller Advantage Account.
Note: Most of the information contained in this section will be made available for
public viewing, so be sure to list the name, email address and numbers you
want to give your customers. The items on the Account Information, Phone
Numbers, and Agent Photo tabs will print on your Listing Presentation Reports,
in the Listing Activity Email, and be displayed for your listings when using the
Pru ID.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
1. On the Account Information tab, verify that your name, email address,
and office address are correct. Verify default settings, and enter a slogan or
your user name and password for use at the OSA Sign On page. See My
Profile 55 for more information.
2. On the Phone Numbers tab, enter the phone number(s) you want your
customers to use to contact you. (Be sure to click Submit Changes to save.)
You may add up to 4 phone numbers, see Phone Numbers 56 for more
3. On the My Photo tab, you may upload your photo if you wish. There is a
default photo that will appear on your Listing Presentation reports and the
Listing Activity email if you don't have one available. See Upload My Photo
58 for more information.
Attach Your Listings to Your OSA Account
From the Main Menu, click: Send Activity Email to Your Sellers and Manage Pru
1. On the Manage Listings tab, enter either a MLS number or the house
number and street name of one of your listings and click Search. We will
search for that listing and display it and all of the other listings we find for
you. See Identify Listings 38 for more information.
2. Once you are presented with a list of your listings from one or more
MLSs, you will be asked to verify that the listings are yours. To do this, click
the These Are My Listings button. See Manage Listings 38 for more
3. When your listings are attached, you may set up the Listing Activity email
to be sent to yourself and/or your sellers. See Send Seller Email 39 for
more information.
4. Assign or generate Pru IDs for your listings. You can generate a Pru ID
for an individual listing by clicking the Generate Pru ID link for that listing, or
you can generate a bulk amount of Pru IDs at once. See Generate Pru IDs
51 for more information.
Experiment With the Listing Presentation Report
From the Main Menu, click: Create a Listing Presentation Report.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
1. On the Create Report tab, simply fill in the information for existing listings
(to experiment) or for a prospective listing or farm area to get a Listing
Presentation report that will provide you with real numbers from the Online
Advantage 71 system. See Create a Listing Presentation 15 report for more
Navigating Through the Website
There are main navigation items at the top of every page to help you move through the site.
They include:
Clicking on your company logo will take you to the Main Menu from anywhere in the site.
Main Menu
Takes you to the menu. From there, you can go to create a report, see previously
created reports, set up seller email, or administer your account.
Also the Find a Requested Listing Presentation Report link on the main menu, this link
takes you to a list of your reports that have been previously created or requested.
Also the Send Activity Email to Your Sellers link on the main menu, this link takes you to
a list of your current listings in MLS.
Learn More
Opens up this help documentation, specific to the page you are on.
Links Available in the Page Footer
From any page in Online Seller Advantage, you may access the following items:
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Displays training resources and OSA support options.
Terms of Use
Displays the current Online Seller Advantage Terms of Use agreement.
Privacy Policy
Displays the current Online Seller Advantage Privacy Policy.
Using the Table Filters
Often, when we display results in a table, we include a filtering capability that is convenient
and easy to use.
How to Filter Records in a Table
The filters are located under the column headings. They are the almond colored boxes
circled below:
To use, just click in the box and type the letters or numbers you want to find. As you type,
the records will filter, and the results will display.
You can filter as many columns at a time as you need to get the results you want. To clear
the filter, just highlight and delete the text you entered, or refresh the page in your browser.
Main Menu - Welcome!
Welcome to Online Seller
This page is the menu for Online
Seller Advantage (OSA). Use this
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
What is a Listing Presentation Report? 64
How do I create a report for my listing appointment?
What is the Listing Activity email? 69
Online Seller Advantage
page to navigate to any of the other
sections of the Website.
Main Menu Options:
Create a Listing Presentation Report
Link opens the Create Report form, where you can enter information regarding the seller
and their property, and request a Listing Presentation report.
What is a Listing Presentation Report?
The Listing Presentation report is a marketing brochure that you can customize for your
prospective listings and sellers. This brochure demonstrates Prudential Real Estate's
industry leading web presence powered by our Web site network and the benefits that are
provided to the seller only when listing with a Prudential Real Estate Network member.
· Your subscription to OSA entitles you to request this marketing brochure for as many
sellers and properties as you wish.
See examples of the brochures:
· Original Listing Presentation Brochure
· Listing Presentation Brochure with Slogan
· Listing Presentation Brochure with Slogan and Map
Find a Requested Listing Presentation Report
Link opens the Requested Reports page where you can see all reports that were
previously created by you or for you.
Send Activity Email to Your Sellers
and Manage Pru IDs
Link opens the Listings page where you can select a property to set up for listing activity
email or assign a Pru ID to your listing.
What is the Listing Activity email?
The Listing Activity email is an informative daily or weekly update that comes from you, to
the seller. It tells them how many times people saw the listing in home clips, looked at the
property details, or added the property to their portfolio in the Online Advantage system.
There are 5 sections to the email your seller can receive. You choose what information you
would like to send, and the frequency. The email comes from you and can contain the
1. The activity summary section tells your seller what activity occurred on your Website with
regard to his listing.
2. The market activity sections are notifications of MLS changes to properties near the
seller's property priced within 20% of the seller's list price (this is the default range). There
are 4 kinds of market activity:
· New Listings - Listings that have come on the market near the seller's property.
· New Photograph Notice - Listings near the seller's property that have new or updated
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
· Status Change Notice - A listing near the seller's property had a status change.
· Price Change Notice - A listing near the seller's property had a price change.
Note: The area used to select listings in the market activity section is based on the
radius selected on the individual email subscriptions you set up. In cases where the
address of your listing cannot be verified, the zip code will be used instead of radius for
the notifications. In markets where the MLS does not provide addresses, the zip code
will be used instead of radius for the notifications.
3. For more specific notifications, use the Advanced Criteria section. There, you may select
which properties your sellers are notified of based on property type, price range, number
of bedrooms, bathrooms, stories, and garage spaces, as well as a square footage range.
Edit Your Seller Advantage Account
You may view or edit your Online Seller Advantage account settings. You may edit your
email address, phone numbers, slogan, and upload your photo.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
Create a Listing Presentation Report
Fill out this form to request a Listing Presentation report. The
report may be created for any property in the Online Advantage
system service area.
Address Verification 20
Tweaking your Report 26
Using Advanced Criteria 17
Create Report Functionality:
Create Report Form (view)
Seller's Name:
Enter the seller first and last name in the 2 boxes provided. The name will be printed on
the Listing Presentation report formatted in the way you type it.
Information Entered Like This:
Prints on the Report Like
Steve Smith
Steve & Jane Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Steve Smith and Jane
Email Address:
Enter the seller's email address if you have it. This is an optional field. The information
will not print on the report.
Note: If you do have the seller's email address on your report, when you get the listing,
and wish to set up the seller activity email, we will fill in the information from your report
for you.
Property Address:
Enter the House Number, Street Name, and any unit numbers. The address verifier
should make corrections such as adding street suffixes and directional indicators.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Address Example:
Enter Like This:
A townhouse or condominium
3275 Montclaire Ct 17C
[Street #] [Street Name] [Unit]
A house with a street name only
In this example, if you take out the
Ct suffix, we cannot verify the
2171 Vision View
[Street #] [Street Name]
A house with a directional and suffix
2608 W Placide Ct
[Street #] [dir] [Street Name]
Enter the city the property is in. If you don't know this, but do know the zip, you do not
have to enter the city.
Select the state from the list. If you know the zip, you do not have to enter the state.
Zip Code:
Enter the zip code of the property. If you don't know the zip code, but have entered the
city and state, you can leave the zip code blank.
Estimated Price of Property:
Enter the price you think the property should list for. This information will not print on
the report, but you must be within reason for the area, or you will not get good results
on your report. See Tweaking Your Report 26 for more information.
LPR Style (templates):
There are 3 Listing Presentation Report styles that you can choose from. Before your
report may be run, you have to select a template. The original report template is
selected by default.
Original: View the Original Report
This Listing Presentation Report contains less personalization.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
Without Map: View the Without Map Report
This Listing Presentation report has your slogan under your contact information
and a new layout.
With Map: View the With Map Report
This Listing Presentation report has your slogan under your contact information
and a new layout, plus, the map pinpoints 10 of the locations closest to your home.
Show Advanced Criteria link: (view)
This toggles the Advanced Criteria section where you may enter more specific
information about the prospective listing to limit the numbers returned on the report.
When selecting or entering advanced criteria ranges for the LPR, think of the way a
buyer looking for a home like the subject property would search. For example, a buyer
may not care if a home is attached or detached as long as other criteria match,
however, they would not be likely to be looking for a piece of land or a 4 bedroom house
in the same price range.
Property Type:
This section lists all of the available property types in the MLS in the property area.
All property types will be selected by default. If you wish to limit the LPR to only
show searches that include a specific property type or types, uncheck the types
you do not wish to count in the results.
Property Type Selection List
What this means on the LPR
This is the default report setting.
Checking all of the property types that
are available in the MLS(s) that the
prospective listing is in will give you
the most number of searches in which
the property would be returned.
Note: In some areas with more than
1 MLS covering the area, there may
appear to be duplicate or redundant
property types. This is due to the
system combining the available
types from all MLS sources.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
The report will only count searches
performed on the site where the
property type(s) selected by the
customer included Single Family.
This means if the customer ran a
search for Single Family and
Townhouse/Condo, the search would
be counted on the report. If the
customer ran a search for
Townhouse/Condo, the search would
not be counted on the report.
List Price:
The price range in the List Price fields will display the values that the LPR uses to
determine if a customer search would have pulled up the subject property. To
adjust the default price range, check the box in front of "override" and type in your
adjusted range.
List Price Values
How the List Price affects the LPR
The default list price range is pre-filled
according to what you have entered in
the Estimated List Price field in the
Create Report section above.
To change the price, check the box to
override the default values. Once you
have done this, changes made to the
values will remain as you entered them
even if you change the estimated price
in the Create Report section.
Increasing the price range will result in
more searches in the last 30 days, for
last week, and for yesterday.
Decreasing the price range will result in
fewer searches in the last 30 days, for
last week, and for yesterday.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Square Feet, Garage Spaces, Stories:
Any of these ranges may be left blank. By using all of the ranges, you may be
discarding legitimate searches of customers that would be interested in the subject
If you wish to restrict a field to a single number, you must enter the number in both
boxes. For example, to only pull customer searches with 2 bedrooms in their
search you would enter it like this:
The default radius for a Listing Appointment Request is .25 mile. The area can be
expanded as needed to provide more results.
Note: In markets where the address is not published, or if you choose Keep This
Address, it is possible that you will get fewer results by using the radius because radius
is determined by the property latitude and longitude.
Request Report Button
Verifies the address entered with USPS address data, and submits your request for
processing. If the address is ambiguous, changes will be suggested on the Address
Verification page.
General Information:
The Online Advantage Service Area
The Online Advantage service area is determined by the zip codes your affiliate has
indicated that they are willing to service. Therefore, the Online Advantage service area may
not cover all of the zip codes in the MLS. The zip codes that are not covered will not be
available on your affiliate's Online Advantage Web site for customers to search. In these
instances, customer search data is not available for the Listing Presentation Report and it
cannot be generated.
In some cases your affiliate may not notify us of additional zip codes they service, a zip code
may split into one or more zip codes, or a new zip code may be added that no one is aware
of. If you attempt to create a Listing Presentation Report and receive an error message,
please contact your OSA Manager.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Address Verification
When any changes are suggested for the address you entered, you will be given the
opportunity to accept or reject the changes.
Corrected Address Notification (image)
In most cases, you will have the following 3 options after entering an address with
Edit Address
This button will return you to the Create Report form. From there, you may make
changes to the address you entered, and click Request Report again.
Keep This Address
If you choose Keep This Address, your report will be submitted with the verified address
to ensure accurate data. However, the address will print on your Listing Presentation
report as you typed it.
Accept Updated Address
Accept Updated Address will revise the address that prints on your Listing Presentation
report to what you see in the USPS Updated Address box.
In some cases, you will not be able to click Accept Updated Address. The following
table shows some messages you may see and a suggested solution.
Error Message
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
The address you entered does not seem to exist
on the street you entered.
We were able to verify the street
exists, but the house number is not
listed on that street. Verify that you
entered the house number correctly,
and if so, click "Keep This Address" to
run the report. In some cases,
removing a space in a street name will
allow the address to be verified.
The address you entered could not be verified
because more than one address matched your
entry. Please try to clarify the address by adding a
unit number, or additional distinguishing
We aren't able to return more than
one address. If this message appears,
try adding the suffix to the street
name (Lane, Drive, Court, Circle), or if
there is a unit, condo or suite number,
add it and try again.
We were not able to verify the address you
entered. If you are sure that it's correct, select
"Keep This Address", otherwise select "Edit
The data we have does not contain
this address. Try entering less
information by removing a unit
number, street suffix, or directional; or
removing the ZIP Code; or removing
the city name.
Requested Listing Presentation Reports
Reports that have been requested for you or by you are listed in Editing the Listing Presentation
this table. From this page you can view, edit, or delete a Listing Report
Presentation report.
Requested Reports Functionality:
We have included some uncommon tools to make this report more useful. One of the
newest is automatic filters for each column.
Requested Reports (view)
Sort the Columns
All columns may be sorted by clicking on the column name. Click once to sort
ascending, and again to sort descending.
Filter the Table
The lighter boxes under the column names are column filters. Enter characters into the
filters to display rows with those characters. The display will change as you type.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
How to Use the Requested Reports Filter
The filters are located under the column headings. They are the almond colored boxes
circled below:
To use, just click in the box and type the letters or numbers you want to find. As you type,
the records will filter, and the results will display.
You can filter as many columns at a time as you need to get the results you want. To clear
the filter, just highlight and delete the text you entered, or refresh the page in your browser.
View Deleted Checkbox
Check this box to show your deleted reports along with the rest. A deleted report will
have the word Restore in the action column.
Request Date
Displays the date the report was requested. If you edit your report address or the
estimated list price, the request date will change to the date you edited the report.
Displays the seller name entered on the report.
Displays the address the report was run for.
Displays the current status of the report. When a report displays the status Available,
simply click the word to view the report. Processing reports will change to Available
when they are completed. We refresh the page for you every 10 seconds to let you
know when the report is ready, however, you can refresh the page more often by using
the Refresh feature in your browser.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
View Deleted (Action Column)
Displays the actions you can take on the report. Actions include Edit, Delete and
Restore (for deleted reports).
This action will open the Create Report form with the chosen report information
pre-loaded. For more information on editing reports see: Edit Report 25 .
This action will remove the report from your current view. Reports are not actually
deleted, but Delete will hide reports that you no longer need or want.
This action is only available on a deleted report, and will move the report to the
view you see when the page opens.
OSA Availability
Displays a green or yellow "light" that tells you which features of OSA will be available for
that property.
OSA Availability Indicator
All features of OSA should work with
this property once you list it.
Note: In some areas with more
than 1 MLS covering the area, the
availability stated on the LPR may
be different than on the listing
depending on which MLS you enter
the listing in.
All features of OSA should work with
this property once you list it.
Because it is not in one of the zip
codes your affiliate has indicated as a
service area, the data contained in
the LPR may be different than a
prospective listing that has a green
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
View, Print, Edit Report
This page displays your finished report. You may scroll
and view the whole report, print the report, or email it.
Tweaking Your Report 26
Changing Your Phone Numbers
View, Print, Edit Functionality:
View Report tab
Here, you can view the Listing Presentation report. The report is large, so we have
contained it in a scrollable window.
Scroll Report
To see your entire report, use the scroll bar to the right. Click on it and move the bar up
or down to view sections of the report.
View Marketing Documents
This link opens Learn More where you can view and print various documents about
Print Report (HTML - Draft)
Opens the Listing Presentation report in HTML format. This means the pictures will not
be very crisp and clear when printed.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
Print Report (PDF - Quality)
Opens the Listing Presentation report in a high-resolution format that is optimum for
Note: You will need Adobe Reader 6.0 or newer installed on your computer to be able
to use this function. If you do not have it installed, we have included a link button to
Adobe where you may get a free copy.
Edit Report tab
This function allows you to change the report statistics or seller information.
Seller's Name
Change the first or last name of the seller here to have the report changed immediately.
Email Address
The seller email address can be changed or removed.
Note: The email address is not used at this time, but will be populated later when you
set up seller Listing Activity email.
Property Address
Any changes to the street address will cause the address to be validated again, and the
report will be regenerated.
City, State, Zip
Any changes to the street address will cause the address to be validated again, and the
report will be regenerated.
Estimated Price of Property
Any changes to the estimated price will cause the report to be regenerated.
Note: We use a range of +/- 20% of the Estimated Price to generate a price range for
the report. For more information see What do the numbers on the report mean? 65
Email Report tab
This function allows you to send the report to someone in an email. This is not the daily
Listing Activity email to the sellers.
Recipient Name
Enter the first and last name of the person you wish to send this report.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Email Address
Enter the email address of the person you wish to send this report. Only 1 email
address may be entered at a time.
Enter comments for the recipient of the email. The comments will print in the email.
The counter counts down how many characters you have remaining in your message.
The email message allows you to send a total of 255 characters.
General Information:
Tweaking Your Report
If the report you ran is just not showing the numbers you think it should, there are a few
things to check to make sure you are getting the correct numbers. Below are some
possible reasons the numbers could be off and what effect they have on your report:
1. The address you used is not the verified USPS address
· Check the city name
· Check the zip code
2. The price of the house is too high or low
Note: If you estimate the price of the house too high or low for the area, the report will
not be as accurate. When a search is made in an area or zip code, the price range
determines how many searches are done. For example, you wouldn't search for a
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Secure Listings - Listing Presentation Reports
$100,000 house in an area with only $750,000 houses.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
My Listings
This page shows your listings that are
eligible for seller email. Also, you may
generate, assign, or detach a Pru ID from
one of your listings, and view immediately
whether a listing is set up for seller email.
Setting up seller Listing Activity email 39
Identifying your Listings 38
Managing Pru IDs 46
When will my listing information be in OSA?
My Listings Functionality:
My Listings tab (view)
This tab displays the addresses of all of the listings that are matched to your name. If you
have listings that you do not see on this page, you can find them by going to the Manage
Listings tab and entering the MLS number or address of one of your listings.
Your listings will remain in OSA until they are off the market and the data has been updated
for the MLS your listing is in. If the price or other listing information changes, we will pick up
those changes as well the next time the data is updated from the MLS.
Search for a Property in Your Listings
The search box at the top of your listings page can be used to quickly locate a specific
listing or group.
1. Enter the address, city, state, MLS Number, Pru ID, or seller name of the listing or
group of listings that you want to find in the search box.
2. Click the Find button and the results will appear. The search will check each field
mentioned above and display all listings with your search criteria in one of those fields.
3. To clear the filter and display all listings again, click the Clear button.
Sort Your Listings
The sort links are located under the search filter.
Your listings may be sorted by clicking the desired sort link. Click once to sort ascending
and click again to sort descending.
Listing Information Box
Your listings are displayed in an information box which contains information about a listing
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
as well as the ability to add and edit certain items in your listing. We'll call this a listing clip.
Below, we will go through this listing clip in detail.
Note: Edits made using these tools do not transfer to your listing in the MLS.
This is a listing clip located on the My Listings tab of Send Activity Email to Sellers.
The address of your listing is displayed in this area. In areas where there are more than
one MLS, you may see the same address more than once if your listing is in more than
one MLS.
Why does "Address Not Published" show for my listing address?
In some cases, your listing's MLS does not provide us with complete data, and the data we
are given only has city, state, and ZIP Code in the address elements. Another reason may
be that your MLS allows you to choose not to show the address of your listings on the
Internet, and either you or your broker may have "opted out" from displaying the address.
I want my seller's address to display. How do I fix this?
When your listing falls in this category, you will see the words "Address Not Published" in the
Address area of the property. At the bottom of the listing is the Edit Address button to allow
you to enter the property address.
Click the Edit
Address button
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
A small box will
pop up with a
place to
change any
information in
the address,
city or state.
After entering
the correct
click the
Submit button.
Note: Any
change that
needs to be
made to the
ZIP code
must be
through the
The address
will now
Your corrected address will display on the Pru ID page, the email to your sellers, and the
Online Advantage website.
List Price
The list price of your listing displays in this area. If you wish to use a price range (PVRM
SM), the range will be displayed on your listing.
Prudential Value Range Marketing SM (PVRMSM) is supported by OSA and the Online
Advantage system.
OSA supports (PVRMSM) by providing you the ability to enter the lower price value by
clicking Edit PVRM button at the bottom of the listing clip.
Note: There are some MLSs that support price ranges. If you have entered a low list
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
price in your MLS, the Edit PVRM button will not be available. Changes to the low list
price must be done through the MLS in those cases.
How do I enter a low list price for my listing?
· To add the low price, click the Edit PVRM button. A small window will open.
· Enter the low price and click Save Change. The price range will display on your listing
as shown.
Your (PVRMSM) value range will display on the Pru ID property details page and the
Online Advantage system.
Pru ID
The information displayed in this field will vary depending on the status, amount and
disposition of your Pru IDs. The actions you take on this page all pertain to the listing
clip you selected. See Manage Pru IDs 46 for automatic assignment features and more
Pru ID Options:
Possible States of the Pru ID
Generate Pru ID link
Options and Meanings:
This link will create a Pru ID for the listing you
selected. The link will only appear if you have no
unassigned Pru IDs already available.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Pru ID and Recycle Icon
Drop down list
When a listing has a Pru ID assigned to it, the ID
will display in the column as shown. If you wish to
remove the Pru ID, click on the recycle icon to the
right of the ID (this will not delete your ID).
A drop down list will appear beside all listings
without a Pru ID when you have extra IDs
available (unassigned IDs). The list contains all
available IDs which may be assigned to a listing.
Email sent to (seller)
This area displays a link to "Set up seller email" if the listing does not have any current
subscriptions. Once you set up seller subscriptions, it will display their names.
To view and edit your current seller email subscriptions, click on a seller name. To add a
new subscription, click the Add Seller Email button at the bottom of the listing clip.
The MLS number of your listing displays in this area.
Note: In areas with more than one MLS, it is possible the same listing will be displayed
more than once with different MLS numbers.
Name in MLS
The Listing Agent Name from your MLS displays in this area. All listings on this list must
belong to you, and you must have a valid listing agreement for them. If you find listings
that are not yours, immediately remove them by going to the Manage Listings 38 tab.
OSA Availability
This area displays a green, yellow, or red "light" that tells you which features of OSA are
available for that property.
OSA Availability Indicator
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
All features of OSA will work with this
Note: In some areas with more
than one MLS covering the area,
the availability stated on the same
listing address may be different on
one listing than the other,
depending on which MLS the
listing is in. If you have a choice,
always send Listing Activity email
on Green listings.
· Use of the Pru ID in, Yahoo! Search and
Yahoo! Real Estate will work and
will present your contact
· Listing Presentation report is
· Listing Activity email may be set up
and sent.
· However, a search in the Online
Advantage system will not present
this listing with the Featured
Property logo.
· Use of the Pru ID in, Yahoo! Search and
Yahoo! Real Estate will work and
will present your contact
information unless the property is
commercial or rental.
· Listing Presentation Report cannot
be generated
· Listing Activity Email cannot be
· The listing cannot be searched for
in the Online Advantage system
For more information see How OSA
Works 7 .
Virtual Tours button
The Virtual Tour button opens a pop-up window where you can add or edit a virtual tour
link. The icon changes color depending on the existence of a link. The virtual tour links
entered here are populated throughout the Pru ID pages and the Online Advantage
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Virtual Tour function:
Options and Meanings:
This icon will
appear with a
green house if
there is currently a
virtual tour link
attached to the
listing. Click the
button to view the
Green VT Icon
The icon will
appear with a red
house if there is no
virtual tour link
attached to the
listing. Click the
button to add a
Red VT Icon
You can enter a
link to your virtual
tour. The link is
usually provided to
you by your virtual
tour provider.
Enter the entire link
to ensure it will
work properly.
Edit Map button
The Edit Map button opens the map for the listing. This function allows you to change
the location where your listing appears on the maps in OSA and the Listing Activity
Edit Map function:
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Options and Meanings:
Online Seller Advantage
Click the Edit Map button at the bottom of the
listing clip to display the map for that listing.
Edit Map button
The map is displayed with the listing's current location designated by a house push pin
as shown below.
Change Location
To change the location of your listing, just click on the map in the correct location. When
you click a new spot on the map, a placeholder circle will show you the old location and
the house push pin will show the new location.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
You can use the hybrid or satellite views and zoom in or out to help you pinpoint your
listing's location with the Map, Hyb, and Sat controls on the top left corner of the map.
When you are satisfied with your listing's new location, click the Accept New Listing
Location button at the bottom of the map.
If you want to start over from the original location, click the Reset button.
Note: It will take up to 30 minutes for your map change to filter through all of OSA and
the Online Advantage system.
There are two tools also included to help you locate your listing in the case that the map
location is too far away.
Reposition Map
The Reposition Map link will allow you to type in a nearby address to get closer to your
For example, if you have a listing that is a new home or on a new street, you may find a
map that is far away. But if you happen to know an established address nearby, you can
use the Reposition Map link and enter the address to move the map to the new location.
Then, you can select your listing's location.
When you click the Reposition Map link, a box will appear at the top that you may type
an address into as shown below.
Click the Reposition Map button to move the map to the new location.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Enter Latitude and Longitude
If you want to enter the location of your listing using latitude and longitude coordinates
you can do that by clicking the Enter Latitude/Longitude link.
Click the Go button to reposition the map. To accept the new location click the Accept
New Listing Location button.
Manage Listings tab (view)
If you have listings associated with your name, you will see your name as it is in MLS, with
the associated listings. If not, you will be asked to search for your listings.
Clicking this button will expand or contract the list of your listings.
Name or ID in MLS
This section displays the sales professional's name that the MLS uses to distinguish your
listings from others.
MLS Name
This section displays the name of the MLS.
Clicking Remove From My Listings will disassociate the listings from the selected MLS
from your Online Seller Advantage account.
If you have not associated the listings yet, you will see a button that says: These Are My
Listings. To associate the listings with your account, click that button.
Identifying your listings
The first time you go to Send Activity Email to Sellers, you may be asked to identify your
listings. We attempt to identify them for you when you subscribe, but if we cannot
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
match you with your listings, we will ask you for either a MLS number or the address of
one of your listings.
Search box (view)
Enter the entire* MLS number of one of your listings, and then click Search. Do not add
both MLS Number and Address.
*Note: If your MLS number begins with one or more zeros (0), do not enter the leading
zeros. Instead, begin with the first number.
Enter the address of one of your listings, and then click Search. If your listing does not
pull up using the full address, you may remove some of the last part of the address, but
include as much information as possible to get the correct listing. Do not add the city,
state, or ZIP Code to the search box.
Note: If you have listings in more than one MLS, you can use the address option to pull
up your listings from every MLS the property is in.
Set Up Seller Email
Adding Additional Seller Email Addresses 69
This table shows a list of all the people who What does the Listing Activity email contain?
are being sent daily activity email about the How does the Advanced Criteria work? 43
Page Functionality:
Seller Email Subscriptions: (view)
Each listing can have multiple email subscriptions. Each email subscription pertains to the
listing it was created for. The subscriptions can be set up to provide different settings for
each email address added. This table displays all of the email addresses subscribed for a
listing, and describes their subscription settings.
Displays the name for the subscription. This name will be in the salutation on the email.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Email Address
Displays the email address subscribed. This is also a link that will open up an email
addressed to this seller.
Displays the chosen radius for the subscription.
Displays the format of the email for this subscription.
Displays the frequency with which the Listing Activity Email is sent to the subscriber.
New Listings
Displays a green check mark if New Listings are a requested section for this
subscription. If there is no check mark, the section is not included in the email.
New Photos
Displays a green check mark if New Photos are a requested section for this subscription.
If there is no check mark, the section is not included in the email.
Status Changes
Displays a green check mark if Status Changes are a requested section for this
subscription. If there is no check mark, the section is not included in the email.
Price Changes
Displays a green check mark if Price Changes are a requested section for this
subscription. If there is no check mark, the section is not included in the email.
View Deleted Checkbox (Actions)
This column contains all of the actions possible for the subscription. Check this box to show
your deleted seller email subscriptions along with the rest.
Click this link to open the selected email subscription where you can change the
current settings.
This will delete the email subscription from the listing. Use caution because this
can not be undone.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Click this link to display a list of all previous email sent to this subscription.
Restore (only shows if subscription is deleted)
Click this link to change a deleted seller email subscription to an active one set to
receive email.
Add New Seller (view)
Use this form to add new email subscriptions to the selected listing. The email may be sent
to as many email addresses as you wish, however you must enter each different email
address on a new "Add New Seller" form.
Seller Name
Enter the first and last name of the seller (subscriber) as you want it to appear on the
Email Address
Enter the email address to send the Listing Activity email to. Please fill out a new form
for each email address.
Copy me on email to seller?
Select Yes, and you will get the same email with the same settings as the seller.
Note: If you select Yes, and have not filled in a name or email address, the system will
automatically enter your name and email address.
Select a radius around the house that will be used to determine area activity. The area
defined by this radius, along with the list price of the property, will be used to determine
which properties the seller will be notified of when changes occur in MLS data.
Email Type
Select Html for a formatted email with photos, and a pleasing layout. If the seller cannot
accept Html email, then choose Text.
Select Daily to send the subscriber (seller) an email every day informing them of the
activity regarding their listing. Select Weekly to send the subscriber a roll-up of the daily
emails. The weekly email is sent every Monday, and it will include the market activity
notices for the entire week.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Listing activity in all sections below contains only activity that falls within 20% above or below
the list price of the property.
New Listings
Select this section to notify the seller of any new listings that fall within the radius you
defined above.
New Photos
Select this section to notify the seller of any listings that have new or added photos and
fall within the radius you defined above.
Status Changes
Select this section to notify the seller of any listings for which the status has changed
and and that fall within the radius you defined above.
Price Changes
Select this section to notify the seller of any listings for which the price has changed and
and that fall within the radius you defined above.
Map and Graphs
The email contains graphs of your listing's activity and a map that displays up to 10 nearby
properties and their location.
Display Yahoo! Map checkbox
Select this box to show the map with nearby properties.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Display Graphs checkbox
Select this box to show the activity on your listing in a graph format as well as text.
Show Advanced Criteria link: (view)
This toggles the Advanced Criteria section where you can filter the notifications of MLS
changes that are sent to your seller by eliminating property types and details that are
not similar to your seller's property. When you first open the Advanced Criteria section
all options will be selected. This is what your seller receives by default.
Property Type:
This section lists all of the available property types in the MLS this property is in.
All property types will be selected by default. To eliminate property types that are
not compatible for your listing, deselect them by clicking the checkbox.
Property Type Selection List
What this means on the Listing
Activity email:
This is the default Listing
Activity email Property Type
setting. This will send
notifications of MLS changed
listings to the seller if they are
in any of the active property
Note: If you have a property
with a red light, check this
list on another listing to see
if the property type is an
active property type on the
Online Advantage system
website. If the property type
is not listed here, contact
your OSA Manager who can
make the request that it be
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
The Listing Activity email will
now only contain listings that
are of the 2 property types
If property types are added,
you must manually add them
to your existing seller email
List Price Range:
This set of fields let you specify the list price range for properties sent to your
seller. If you do not specify a range, we use 20% over and under the list price of
the property. When you first open a new subscription, it will not have a value in the
box. The range is calculated when the email is compiled.
To specify a larger or smaller range, just enter the values in the boxes and click
Note: You can only enter numbers and commas into these boxes, do not enter
letters or any other special characters.
Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Garage Spaces, Stories:
By default, all property details are selected.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
If you wish to only inform your sellers of properties that are comparable to theirs,
uncheck the boxes for the features you do not want the seller to be notified on.
Square Footage:
The square footage range can be used to limit the Listing Activity email to homes
that are similar in size to the seller's home.
Note: You can only enter numbers and commas into these boxes, do not enter
letters or any other special characters.
Saves the subscription information.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Manage Pru IDs
The tools in this section allow you to view IDs that are assigned to
you, assign them to your listings, add IDs to your list by generating
new ones or adding an existing one, print out selected IDs in a list to
take to your printer, and release or reassign your Pru IDs.
View Pru IDs 46
Generate Pru IDs 47
Add an Existing ID 48
Print List of Pru IDs 49
Release Pru IDs 49
Reassign Pru IDs 49
What is a Pru ID?
A Pru ID is a code that you can use to advertise your listing on sign riders or printed
This allows a prospective buyer to go to (Find a Home), Yahoo! Search, or
Yahoo! Real Estate and type in the Pru ID code from the advertisement. When they search,
the property details for your listing will appear, along with your contact information from
OSA. When the buyer wants to request more information, they can simply fill out the
contact form on the property details page, and an email will come directly to you.
Page Functionality:
View or Assign Pru IDs: (View)
The View IDs section allows you to:
· automatically generate and assign IDs to all of your listings with the push of a button
· sort your list of IDs by ID, listing address, or assignment
· assign an ID to a listing
· un-assign an ID from a listing
Auto Assign button
This action will automatically assign any unassigned Pru IDs you currently have to your
listings as well as generate new IDs for remaining listings (if any).
Sort columns on the results table
Column names (headers) on the results table allow you to sort the table by that column.
To sort, click on the column; for a reverse sort, click again.
Pru ID
Displays the Pru ID in the format it must be used through, Yahoo!
Search, or Yahoo! Real Estate.
Assigned to Listing
Displays the address of the listing the Pru ID is assigned to if there is one. If there are
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
listings without Pru IDs assigned, the column will display a drop down list from which
you can choose a listing. If all listings have Pru IDs assigned, the column will be blank.
Displays links depending on the status of the Pru ID:
If the ID is assigned to a listing, the link will be Unassign
If the ID is not currently assigned, and you have listings available, the link will be
If there are more IDs than listings, you will see the words: Not Assigned
Generate Pru IDs: (View)
Even if you do not have current listings, you may create up to 20 Pru IDs that you can save
for later use. This is to allow you to have the IDs printed on sign riders and be comfortable
that they will still be available for your use when you do need them.
Sign riders should be ordered from one of the Prudential Preferred Suppliers sign
companies. You can access the list of Preferred Suppliers by going to PREA Center and
clicking the Suppliers option in the menu on the left of the page. All Preferred Suppliers
have the artwork for the Yahoo! sign riders.
To make printing easier, go to the Print IDs option in Manage Pru IDs, where you can print
out a page of Pru IDs to take or fax to your printer.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Add an Existing Pru ID to Your List:
This feature is used to identify a Pru ID that you have purchased (like a printed sign rider
from your affiliate) or obtained, and add that ID to your list.
You may also retrieve an ID that you accidentally released as long as it is still available.
How to add a Pru ID
All Pru IDs begin with the letters PRU. This is already entered for you. The rest of the Pru
ID is 5 more characters, of alternating numbers and letters.
Note: The numbers 1 and 0, and letters I and O are excluded from Pru IDs.
When you have your Pru ID filled in, click the Select button.
If you need to start over, use the Clear Entry link.
After you have successfully added your Pru ID, it will be available in your lists for use.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Print Pru IDs:
This feature allows you to print a list of Pru IDs with your name and contact information that
you can take to your printer for sign riders or marketing materials.
Release Pru IDs:
This page allows you to release IDs that you no longer need, are not going to use, or have
given to your affiliate.
Release to Affiliate button
This action is used when you either purchased or received sign riders or printed Pru IDs
from your affiliate and are returning them to the affiliate for redistribution. By releasing
a Pru ID to your affiliate, you reserve the ID so that it can only be used by members of
your affiliate.
Release to System button
This action is used when you do not need a Pru ID any longer. It would normally be an
ID that was used only in flyers or marketing brochures, and not printed on a sign rider.
By releasing a Pru ID to the system, you are allowing it to be generated or used by any
OSA subscriber.
Pru ID
This column displays the Pru IDs that are available to be released. An ID cannot be
released if it is assigned to a listing.
Assigned to Listing
This column is used to show that the Pru IDs shown are not assigned to a listing.
Use the Select check boxes to choose the IDs you want to release.
Reassign IDs:
Use this feature when you sell or transfer an existing, Pru ID (usually printed) to another
sales professional. When you reassign an ID, the ID will be removed from your list, and will
be added to the other sales professional's ID list.
Pru IDs may only be transferred to and used by OSA subscribers.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
View Pru IDs
View or Assign Pru IDs: (View)
The View IDs section allows you to:
· automatically generate and assign IDs to all of your listings with the push of a button
· sort your list of IDs by ID, listing address, or assignment
· assign an ID to a listing
· un-assign an ID from a listing
Auto Assign button
This action will automatically assign any unassigned Pru IDs you currently have to your
listings as well as generate new IDs for remaining listings (if any).
Sort columns on the results table
Column names (headers) on the results table allow you to sort the table by that column.
To sort, click on the column; for a reverse sort, click again.
Pru ID
Displays the Pru ID in the format it must be used through, Yahoo!
Search, or Yahoo! Real Estate.
Assigned to Listing
Displays the address of the listing the Pru ID is assigned to if there is one. If there are
listings without Pru IDs assigned, the column will display a drop down list from which
you can choose a listing. If all listings have Pru IDs assigned, the column will be blank.
Displays links depending on the status of the Pru ID:
If the ID is assigned to a listing, the link will be Unassign
If the ID is not currently assigned, and you have listings available, the link will be
If there are more IDs than listings, you will see the words: Not Assigned
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
Generate Pru IDs
Generate Pru IDs: (View)
Even if you do not have current listings, you may create up to 20 Pru IDs that you can save
for later use. This is to allow you to have the IDs printed on sign riders and be comfortable
that they will still be available for your use when you do need them.
Sign riders should be ordered from one of the Prudential Preferred Suppliers sign
companies. You can access the list of Preferred Suppliers by going to PREA Center and
clicking the Suppliers option in the menu on the left of the page. All Preferred Suppliers
have the artwork for the Yahoo! sign riders.
To make printing easier, go to the Print IDs option in Manage Pru IDs, where you can print
out a page of Pru IDs to take or fax to your printer.
Add an Existing ID
Add an Existing Pru ID to Your List:
This feature is used to identify a Pru ID that you have purchased (like a printed sign rider
from your affiliate) or obtained, and add that ID to your list.
You may also retrieve an ID that you accidentally released as long as it is still available.
How to add a Pru ID
All Pru IDs begin with the letters PRU. This is already entered for you. The rest of the Pru
ID is 5 more characters, of alternating numbers and letters.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Note: The numbers 1 and 0, and letters I and O are excluded from Pru IDs.
When you have your Pru ID filled in, click the Select button.
If you need to start over, use the Clear Entry link.
After you have successfully added your Pru ID, it will be available in your lists for use.
Release Pru IDs
Release Pru IDs:
This page allows you to release IDs that you no longer need, are not going to use, or have
given to your affiliate.
Release to Affiliate button
This action is used when you either purchased or received sign riders or printed Pru IDs
from your affiliate and are returning them to the affiliate for redistribution. By releasing
a Pru ID to your affiliate, you reserve the ID so that it can only be used by members of
your affiliate.
Release to System button
This action is used when you do not need a Pru ID any longer. It would normally be an
ID that was used only in flyers or marketing brochures, and not printed on a sign rider.
By releasing a Pru ID to the system, you are allowing it to be generated or used by any
OSA subscriber.
Pru ID
This column displays the Pru IDs that are available to be released. An ID cannot be
released if it is assigned to a listing.
Assigned to Listing
This column is used to show that the Pru IDs shown are not assigned to a listing.
Use the Select check boxes to choose the IDs you want to release.
Reassign Pru IDs
Reassign IDs:
Use this feature when you sell or transfer an existing, Pru ID (usually printed) to another
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Service Listings - Listing Activity Email
sales professional. When you reassign an ID, the ID will be removed from your list, and will
be added to the other sales professional's ID list.
Pru IDs may only be transferred to and used by OSA subscribers.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
User Profile
User Profile
My Profile
How do I edit my name or email address?
Your Online Seller Advantage account
My affiliate or office is incorrect 55
information is contained in three sections here. How do I change my phone numbers? 57
The sections are separated by tabs.
How do I add new phone numbers? 57
Edit Your Online Seller Advantage Account:
Account Information tab (view)
This tab displays your Online Seller Account information. To make changes, just change the
information and click Submit Changes.
These fields display your first and last name.
Email Address
This is the email address that we use to communicate with you, and it is the address
that will appear on your Listing Presentation report and the Listing Activity email.
This displays your affiliate name. Your affiliate is automatically entered when you come
in through PREA Center, or the Online Buyer Advantage desktop, and must be
changed there to change it in OSA.
This displays your affiliate office address. This is the address that is displayed on your
listings using Pru ID.
How to Change Your Affiliate or Office
If your affiliate or office is incorrect, please contact your OSA Manager to change the
information in the PREA Center.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
After changes have been made, we need to get the new information. To do this, you will
need to close the browser and go back to PREA Center and log in again.
"View more of my listings" button
Use this setting to show or hide the "View more of my listings" button on your Pru ID
Shows this button:
Display Office Address
Use this setting to show or hide your office address on your Pru ID page.
Enter your slogan, motto, or tagline here. This message will display on certain versions
of the LPR.
Phone Numbers tab (view)
Your phone numbers will appear on your Listing Presentation report, and in the daily email
sent to your sellers.
Allows you to identify the phone number type.
Phone Number
Displays the phone numbers associated with your account.
Note: The phone numbers will be saved exactly the way you format them, we will not
modify the style. Since we don't modify style, you should enter all of your phone
numbers in the same way for the best look on your reports.
Sort arrows
If you enter more than one phone number, you will be able to specify which order the
phone numbers display in by using the sort arrows to move the numbers into the correct
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
User Profile
Delete link
Marks the phone number to be deleted.
Add Phone Number link
Adds a new row to the phone number list.
Submit Changes button
Saves any information you changed. The Submit Changes button will be disabled
unless you have made changes.
Editing Phone Numbers
How do I change my phone numbers?
Place cursor in the phone number field you
want to change
Make your changes
Click the Submit Changes button
How do I add new phone numbers?
Click the Add Phone number link, located
under the Phone Numbers table.
Select the type of phone number and type in
the number
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Click the Submit Changes button to save
How do I delete a phone number?
Click the Delete link next to the
phone number you want to delete
This will remove the number from
the display, but it will not be
deleted from your numbers yet.
Click the Submit Changes button
to save
My Photo tab (view)
The photo you upload here will be displayed on the Pru ID property details page, the Listing
Presentation report, and the Listing Activity email. When choosing a photo, the best choice
is a high resolution, portrait oriented, head shot. The photo should be at least 432 pixels
wide by 540 pixels tall to avoid a grainy appearance on the PDF version of the Listing
Presentation report.
File upload button
Use the Browse button or type in a file name to upload your photo.
Reset Photo link
This link will restore the default yard sign photo and remove any photos you have
Submit Changes button
Saves any information you changed. The Submit Changes button will be disabled
unless you have made changes.
Listings Distribution tab
If your broker allows the sales professionals to control distribution of their listings to
participating members of our Web site network, the listings distribution tab will appear.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
User Profile
The Sales Professional can click on the Listings Distribution tab to choose whether or
not their listings will be distributed to participating
members of our Web site network.
If the Affiliate Selection is "true", then your broker is sending all listings to the Web site
network partner. If the Affiliate Selection is "false", that means your broker is not
sending any of the listings. The Sales Professional then has the option of sending their
own listings to the Web site network partner.
Under the Opt In column, “true” means that you want to send your listings to that
partner. The option “false” means that you do not want your listings to be sent to that
partner. One reason you might not want your listings to be sent via our system is
because you already have a contract with that partner. The option “affiliate” means
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
that your selection will be whatever your affiliate has chosen.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
I've subscribed, now what do I do?
Listing Presentation Report
What is a Listing Presentation Report?
How do I create a report for my listing presentation?
I've requested a report, now what do I do?
What do the numbers on the report mean?
Managing My Listings
When will my listing information be in OSA?
Why does "Address Not Published" show for my listing address?
What is a Pru ID?
How do I use my Pru ID?
Daily Listing Activity Email
How do I send email to my sellers?
What is the Listing Activity email?
What does the email to my sellers contain?
Can I add more than one email address to a listing?
Pru IDs and Yahoo! Search
What is a Pru ID?
How do I use my Pru ID?
My Account
How do I change my email address?
Phone Numbers
How do I change my phone number?
The Online Advantage system
What is the Online Advantage?
I've subscribed, now what do I do?
I have subscribed to OSA, how do I get started?
How to Set Up Your OSA Account
Verify Your Account Settings
From the Main Menu, click: Edit Your Online Seller Advantage Account.
Note: Most of the information contained in this section will be made available for
public viewing, so be sure to list the name, email address and numbers you
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Frequently Asked Questions
want to give your customers. The items on the Account Information, Phone
Numbers, and Agent Photo tabs will print on your Listing Presentation Reports,
in the Listing Activity Email, and be displayed for your listings when using the
Pru ID.
1. On the Account Information tab, verify that your name, email address,
and office address are correct. Verify default settings, and enter a slogan or
your user name and password for use at the OSA Sign On page. See My
Profile 55 for more information.
2. On the Phone Numbers tab, enter the phone number(s) you want your
customers to use to contact you. (Be sure to click Submit Changes to save.)
You may add up to 4 phone numbers, see Phone Numbers 56 for more
3. On the My Photo tab, you may upload your photo if you wish. There is a
default photo that will appear on your Listing Presentation reports and the
Listing Activity email if you don't have one available. See Upload My Photo
58 for more information.
Attach Your Listings to Your OSA Account
From the Main Menu, click: Send Activity Email to Your Sellers and Manage Pru
1. On the Manage Listings tab, enter either a MLS number or the house
number and street name of one of your listings and click Search. We will
search for that listing and display it and all of the other listings we find for
you. See Identify Listings 38 for more information.
2. Once you are presented with a list of your listings from one or more
MLSs, you will be asked to verify that the listings are yours. To do this, click
the These Are My Listings button. See Manage Listings 38 for more
3. When your listings are attached, you may set up the Listing Activity email
to be sent to yourself and/or your sellers. See Send Seller Email 39 for
more information.
4. Assign or generate Pru IDs for your listings. You can generate a Pru ID
for an individual listing by clicking the Generate Pru ID link for that listing, or
you can generate a bulk amount of Pru IDs at once. See Generate Pru IDs
51 for more information.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Experiment With the Listing Presentation Report
From the Main Menu, click: Create a Listing Presentation Report.
1. On the Create Report tab, simply fill in the information for existing listings
(to experiment) or for a prospective listing or farm area to get a Listing
Presentation report that will provide you with real numbers from the Online
Advantage 71 system. See Create a Listing Presentation 15 report for more
What is a Listing Presentation Report?
What is a Listing Presentation Report?
The Listing Presentation report is a marketing brochure that you can customize for your
prospective listings and sellers. This brochure demonstrates Prudential Real Estate's
industry leading web presence powered by our Web site network and the benefits that are
provided to the seller only when listing with a Prudential Real Estate Network member.
· Your subscription to OSA entitles you to request this marketing brochure for as many
sellers and properties as you wish.
See examples of the brochures:
· Original Listing Presentation Brochure
· Listing Presentation Brochure with Slogan
· Listing Presentation Brochure with Slogan and Map
How do I create a report for my listing appointment?
How do I create a report for my listing appointment?
1. Simply fill out the request form on the Create a Listing Presentation Report page, and
click Request Report.
I've requested a report, now what do I do?
I requested a report, now what do I do?
After you request a report, your request will be moved to the Requested Listing Presentation
Reports page. This page simply allows you to see a list of requested reports and their
· When the report is ready to view and print, you will receive an email notification. To see
the completed report, follow the link in the email or click the Find a Requested Listing
Presentation Reports link.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the numbers on the report mean?
What do the numbers on the report mean?
All of the statistical numbers on the Listing Presentation report come from the Online
Advantage 71 system. They are not numbers from the MLS, they are all related to the
Online Advantage system and the activity of it's users.
Unsurpassed Web Presence Section
This section contains information about the Online Advantage system as a whole. The
references here are nationwide totals of users and their activity.
Prudential Real Estate has
developed a large web of
real estate Websites with
listing information for most
of the United States. With
this infrastructure in place,
we added 2 major lead
sources in
and Yahoo! Real Estate.
Your affiliate is a member of
Online Advantage.
Customers searching in
Yahoo! Real Estate, or
(Find a Home) in your area
may end up on Online
Listing data is updated
constantly for Online
Advantage, sometimes as
often as once an hour.
Online Advantage offers
customers a convenient and
consistent way, nationwide,
to search for, view
information, keep notes, and
get numerous alerts for MLS
listing activity.
Nationwide, Online
Advantage has over three
million registered buyers, with
even more unregistered users
searching in IDX.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Current Real Estate Activity Section
The numbers in this section are specific to the address you entered to create the report.*
This is the number of registered
buyers in the market this property is
This is how many total IDX and VOW
searches were performed in the last 30
days, in the property price range. (We
count searches within 20% over and
under the Estimated List Price.)
The first number is how many buyers
have saved searches, and have
requested New Listing Alerts specific to
this property. The second number is
the number of buyers with properties
in their portfolio located in a .25 mile
radius around this property. The third
number is the number of listings
located in a .25 mile radius around
this property*.
This is how many searches were done
yesterday for a home in the zip code.
This is how many searches were done
last week for a home in the zip code.
This is how many searches were done
in the last 30 days for a home in the zip
* In cases where the address you entered cannot be verified, but you choose Keep This
Address, the zip code will be used instead of radius for the calculations. In markets where
the MLS does not provide addresses, the report will be based on zip code instead of radius
for the calculations.
A "market" is comprised of a list of ZIP Codes clustered in a specific geographical area. The
boundaries of a market are not limited to, but typically fall within the boundaries of a specific
MLS or multiple MLSs.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Frequently Asked Questions
When will my listing information be in OSA?
When will my listing information be in OSA?
When you add a listing or update your listing information in your MLS, it is not immediately
available in OSA. This is due to the fact that the listing data for OSA is transferred from your
MLS on a schedule that is determined by the size of the market, the restrictions from the
MLS, and the amount of data to transfer.
OSA updating schedules are no longer than 24 hours, and most are shorter. However,
there is often a variable time period that the MLS takes to put your listing information into the
data feed it sends to us. Once we receive the listing information from your MLS, we put the
data into the IDX and VOW systems that allow your listing to be displayed and searched for.
In most cases if you enter a listing, or update the information on your listing, it should show
up within 48 hours. If you do not see your listing or updates after this time period, please
contact your OSA Manager.
When you enter a new listing and it becomes available in OSA, you will receive an email if
you have your name associated with your listings. The email contains a link directly into
OSA where you can set up your seller's subscription to Listing Activity Email.
Why does "Address Not Published" show for my listing address?
Why does "Address Not Published" show for my listing address?
In some cases, your listing's MLS does not provide us with complete data, and the data we
are given only has city, state, and ZIP Code in the address elements. Another reason may
be that your MLS allows you to choose not to show the address of your listings on the
Internet, and either you or your broker may have "opted out" from displaying the address.
I want my seller's address to display. How do I fix this?
When your listing falls in this category, you will see the words "Address Not Published" in the
Address area of the property. At the bottom of the listing is the Edit Address button to allow
you to enter the property address.
Click the Edit
Address button
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
A small box will
pop up with a
place to
change any
information in
the address,
city or state.
After entering
the correct
click the
Submit button.
Note: Any
change that
needs to be
made to the
ZIP code
must be
through the
The address
will now
Your corrected address will display on the Pru ID page, the email to your sellers, and the
Online Advantage website.
How do I send email to my sellers?
How do I send Listing Activity email to my sellers?
Once your listing is in MLS, your subscription entitles you to send the seller daily or weekly
activity email. To set up the seller email subscriptions, see Set Up Seller Email 39 .
Note: All of your listings with yellow or green "lights" are eligible for listing activity email.
You do not have to have run a report for the email to be set up.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Listing Activity email?
What is the Listing Activity email?
The Listing Activity email is an informative daily or weekly update that comes from you, to
the seller. It tells them how many times people saw the listing in home clips, looked at the
property details, or added the property to their portfolio in the Online Advantage system.
There are 5 sections to the email your seller can receive. You choose what information you
would like to send, and the frequency. The email comes from you and can contain the
1. The activity summary section tells your seller what activity occurred on your Website with
regard to his listing.
2. The market activity sections are notifications of MLS changes to properties near the
seller's property priced within 20% of the seller's list price (this is the default range). There
are 4 kinds of market activity:
· New Listings - Listings that have come on the market near the seller's property.
· New Photograph Notice - Listings near the seller's property that have new or updated
· Status Change Notice - A listing near the seller's property had a status change.
· Price Change Notice - A listing near the seller's property had a price change.
Note: The area used to select listings in the market activity section is based on the
radius selected on the individual email subscriptions you set up. In cases where the
address of your listing cannot be verified, the zip code will be used instead of radius for
the notifications. In markets where the MLS does not provide addresses, the zip code
will be used instead of radius for the notifications.
3. For more specific notifications, use the Advanced Criteria section. There, you may select
which properties your sellers are notified of based on property type, price range, number
of bedrooms, bathrooms, stories, and garage spaces, as well as a square footage range.
Can I add more than one email address to a listing?
Can I add more than one email address to a listing?
Yes, you may add as many email addresses as you wish, however, all unique email
addresses must be set up individually.
How to add additional seller email subscriptions
To add another seller email address go to the My Listings tab, and click on the Add Seller
Email button.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
This will open the Add New Seller page for the listing you chose.
Then, just fill out the form for the additional subscription.
How do I change my phone number?
How do I change my phone numbers?
Place cursor in the phone number field you
want to change
Make your changes
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the Submit Changes button
How do I change my email address?
How do I change my email address?
Go to the Edit Your Seller Advantage account page where you will see your account
information. Make any desired changes to your email address and click Submit Changes.
What is Online Advantage?
What is Online Advantage (formerly The Platform)?
The Online Advantage is an online real estate technology solution that aggregates all
available real estate listings obtained from local MLSs and makes these listings available
through, Yahoo! Real Estate and a Prudential Real Estate Network
member’s local website. It is a national lead generation and management solution that
provides the technology needed to generate leads and incubate prospects to closed
The Online Advantage technology provides an incredible advantage to Prudential Real
Estate brokers and sales professionals. The Online Advantage technology gives increased
access to consumers who are searching for homes in Prudential Real Estate Affiliate
markets as well as increased exposure to Affiliate listings. With this built-in lead generation
solution, the Affiliate will provide value to their sales professionals via an intrinsic recruiting
and retention tool. Sales professionals will benefit by receiving incremental leads through
the Online Advantage and having a back-end Intranet site, the Online Advantage Desktop,
to help manage customers throughout the life of the sales cycle of buying a home -- thus
making the sales professional more productive and more efficient. The Online Advantage
also gives consumers an Internet site for accessing real estate information, including
enhanced tools such as the ability to create a personalized portfolio that provides updates
on new listings and price changes.
What is a Pru ID?
What is a Pru ID?
A Pru ID is a code that you can use to advertise your listing on sign riders or printed
This allows a prospective buyer to go to (Find a Home), Yahoo! Search, or
Yahoo! Real Estate and type in the Pru ID code from the advertisement. When they search,
the property details for your listing will appear, along with your contact information from
OSA. When the buyer wants to request more information, they can simply fill out the
contact form on the property details page, and an email will come directly to you.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
How do I use my Pru ID?
How do I use my Pru ID?
Your OSA subscription entitles you to directly connect your listing's details and your contact
information to customers.
To use your Pru ID, go to and then click on "Find a Home". Enter a
complete Pru ID that you have previously assigned to one of your listings. In addition you
can enter the Pru ID in Yahoo! or Yahoo! Real Estate and click Search.
The property details for your listing will be displayed, as well as your contact information.
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
Online Seller Advantage
Document Library
The documents below are available for you to view, download and print at your convenience.
Documents will be added and updated as new features are made available, so check back
often for new or updated documents.
Listing Presentation Report
Sample Listing Presentation Report (.pdf
Listing Presentation Report (.pdf)
Sample Listing Presentation Report (.jpg
Listing Presentation Report (.jpg)
Listing Activity Email
Sample Email to OSA Customers
Listing Activity Email
Seller Marketing Brochure
Seller's advantage when using an OSA agent
Seller Marketing Brochure
Sales Professional Advantage
Benefits of OSA to sales professionals
Benefits of OSA - sales professional.pdf
Learn More
Printable version of this documentation
Learn More (.pdf)
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
-AAccount 55
Activity Email 39
Add ID 48, 51
Add My Listings 38
Add Phone Number 56, 57, 58
Add Subscription 41
Address 20
Address Verification 20
Advanced Criteria 43
-HHeader 8, 10
How OSA Works
-IID list
-CChange Affiliate 55
Change Email 55
Change Name 55
Change Phone Number
Create Report 11, 15
Generate ID 47, 51
Generate Pru ID 47, 51
Get Pru ID 47, 51
Give ID Away 49, 52
46, 50
-L57, 70
Link Virtual Tour 34
Listing Presentation 24
Listing Presentation Report
Daily Email 39
Delete Phone Number
Main Menu 11
Market Area 7
Marketing Documents
Masthead 10
MLS Listings 29
My Listings 29
56, 58
-EEdit Account 55
Edit Phone Number 56, 57, 58, 70
Edit Report 25
Eligible Listings 29
Email Report 25
-FFilter 11
Find ID 48, 51
Find Listings 38
Find My Listings 38
Footer 8
-NNavigation 8, 10
New ID 48, 51
-PPhone Numbers 55, 56, 58
Print list of Pru IDs 49
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company
11, 74
Online Seller Advantage
Print Pru ID
Print Report
Pru ID 29
-RReassign Pru ID 49, 52
Release Pru ID 49, 52
Requested Reports 11, 21
-SSeller Benefits 74
Seller Email 39
Service Area 7, 15
Sign Riders 49
-TThe Platform
-UUSPS Verification
-VValidate 20
View Pru ID 46, 50
View Report 24
Virtual Tour 34
-WWrong Affiliate
© 2008 Prudential Real Estate Services Company