2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report & F O U N DAT I O N A Year In Review Working Together The mission of Sequoia Park Zoo is to inspire wonder, understanding and respect for the natural world by providing fun, rewarding, educational experiences that encourage meaningful connections between animals, humans and our environment. Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation Board of Directors Jeff Lamoree, President Chuck Dominick, Vice President Pat Bitton, Secretary Roy E. Corsetti, Treasurer Linda Jo Alexander Gene Bass Pete Belak Jolene Buck Christi Coffman Denise Davi Louise Jacobson Frank Jager Naomi Johnson Paul McGinty Marci O’Flanagan Donna Pace Sean Stewart Gene Bass, Jeff Lamoree & 64,580 2010 Total Attendance Zoo Member Households 1,527 12,310 Zoo Member Visits Free Visits Through the Zoo 3,335 Economic Assistance Program 1,868 Shop & Eat Passes Issued 1 Cover photo by Amber Neilson Sequoia Park Zoo & Foundation Staff, December 2010 Donna Pace. A cornerstone of our community since 1907, the City of Eureka’s Sequoia Park Zoo has only been in partnership with the Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation since 2004. The City funds the day-today operations of the Zoo (animal care, staffing, medical care & facilities maintenance), while exhibit upgrades, new exhibits, marketing, guest services & membership are made possible by the Foundation. This relationship is a great example of a successful public/private partnership formed for the betterment of our community. 2 Milestones & Improvements Red Panda Exhibit Debuting in July 2010, this exhibit marked the first brand new exhibit for a new species that the Zoo has built since Secrets of the Forest opened in 2005. The exhibit features our shining stars Shifu and Sumo, two Red panda brothers born at the Denver Zoo as part of AZA’s Species Survival Plan program. This exhibit also launches our Asian Forests zone in the southwest section of the Zoo, where the gibbons and other Asian Red panda exhibit, upper viewing station tree-dwelling animals will eventually reside as the master plan moves forward. Broke Ground on a New Exhibit 3 In October, a new walkway was laid that rerouted foot traffic along what seems like a strange detour on the way to the Barnyard. This was in preparation for groundbreaking the new flamingo, cavy and screamer exhibits. Before the autumn rains began, animal care staff carefully relocated 29 flamingoes and 3 screamers to off-exhibit holding quarters. That same day, demolition began on what had been the flamingo (and before that a waterfowl) pond, plus the old wallaby yard, and accompanying pathways Demolition of old flamingo exhibit Milestones & Improvements and hedges. Gone is the overgrown pampas grass, leaking pond and crumbling sidewalks. Animals and staff eagerly await Spring 2011 for the grand opening of these new and improved habitats. Accreditation Sequoia Park Zoo was once again accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums after a yearlong process of application, inspection and a formal hearing in front of the Accreditation Commission in Houston, TX. It was a long and rigorous year of hard work by staff and volunteers, but the Jim Maddy, CEO of AZA, presenting Gretchen Ziegler, Zoo Manager, with the new certificate rewards are plentiful: many new improvements to the facility were made, the Zoo was spiffed up like never before, and overall animal care standards are higher than ever. The Accreditation Commission gave accolades for the progress and improvements that have occurred since the last inspection in 2005, made all the more significant by our zoo’s small size and resource challenges. Axolotl A little known member of the Zoo’s living collection, an albino axolotl, moved back onto exhibit in the keeper kitchen window, after several years of residing off-exhibit. Ivory, the Zoo’s axolotl 4 2010 Members & Donors 5 101 Nail Spa Aalfs, Evans & Company Jan Aaronian & F. W. Frazier Amanda Abbott Susan & Paul Abbott Elisa Abelleira Paul J. & Sarah M. Abernathy Chris Aberson & Nanda Prato Mitra Abidi Audine Abrams & Barry Jacobson Robert & Sarah Acorn Carlos & Jennifer Acosta Emily & Josh Adams Joell Adams Sandra & Dan Adams Ted Adams & Rafael Leon Debra & Curtis Adorni Advanced Display & Signs Airen Broadcasting Company Neil & Holly Aitken Kathy Aker Brad & Carolyn Albee Sue Albert & Janette Heartwood Christine & John Albertini Jesse & Alicia Albritton Anita Alexander & Bode Pfost Michael & Mera Flor Alexander Nanette Alexander All Hits 95.5 Dax & Chani Allen Esther H. & Lowell C. Allen Sigrio & Carrie Allen Linda Jo Alexander Saundra Allman Jerry & Erica Alston Louis & Linda Altic Rich Alvarez & Kym Mullett-Alvarez Shannon & Ted Alves Philip & Tiffany Alway Agustin & Deirdre Amaro Kellie Ames Kent & Kaci Ames David Ammerman Christina Anastasia Pamela & Gary Andersen Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Cheri & Tom Anderson Jason Anderson Judy & Jim Anderson Terry & John Anderson Thomas Anderson Sean Andrasek Christopher Andrews & Alia Piehl Patty Andriese & Rick Alexander Karen Angel & Martin Morgan Matt & Liz Anker Lora & Tom Anthony Anthony Antoville & Anne Conrad-Antoville Jesse & Charlott Apelar Nick Apicello Marcus & Elizabeth Appy Arcata Exchange Lori & Jesse Arias Tim Arias & Shawna Rose Rob & Cherie Arkley Susan Armstrong Chuck Arnold & Debbie Hart Joan Arnold Sally & Phil Arnot Art of Wine Bernadette & Thor Arwood Liz Ashby & Rich Baker Loveta Ashley & Natasha Morris Valerie Atkinson & Greg Mouton David & Sue Ayers Karen & Robert Ayers Leif Ayers & Katherine Hennessy Lisa Ayers & Jeff Kay Donald & Helma Bachman Eva M. Backus Lisa Backus Steve & Cheryl Baer Malissa R. Bailey Mark & Melinda Bailey Rachel & Chris Bailey Lynn Bain Leila Baird & Kai Kahoalii Anthony & Jamie Baker Jeannemarie Baker & Dale Warmuth Marian & John Baker Nancie Baker Chanda Balmaceda Cara Banducci Andrew & Shirley Banks Martha Baratti & Monica McGraw Barbash Family Elizabeth & Paul Bareilles Gerry Barker Marci & Dan Barker Craig & Becky Barnes Annalisa Barnett Julianne Barnum Anne & Phil Barringer Valerie & Larry Barrote Greg Barsanti Ron & Janis Barsanti Tracie & Curtis Barthel Emilia Bartolomeu & Patrick Myers Robert Barton & Christina Perez William Basham III Gene & Rachel Bass Virginia Bass & Matthew Owen Jason & Rebecca Baugh Bayview Motel Baywood Golf & Country Club Karen & Danny Bazzano Blake Beale & Blair Kreuzer Amanda Beam & Kevin Huky Jason & Heather Beam 2010 Members & Donors Kevin Bean & Janine Redwine Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria Bear River Casino Adrienne Beardsley Carole Beaton & Will Dvorak Stephanie & John Beauchaine Michael & Angela Beck Erica & Robert Beckerdite Steve & Ellie Beckman Julia Bednar J. Nicholas Behre & Kim Browatzki Belak Construction & Consulting Pete Belak Andrew & Amanda Beld George & Susan Bell Bella Baskets Jack & Pamela Bellah Donna Bellairs & Chris Wineinger Jack Bellinger & Linda Arnold Angelica Belmont & Ricky Ceballos Javier A. Beltran Sarina & Rosamel Benavides-Garb Benbow Inn Julie Benedict Gabe & Lisa Bennett Susan G. Bennett & Patrick S. Hurley Jennifer Benoit Elizabeth Macias & Chris Berg BerGel Construction R. Bergstresser Troy & Catie Bermers Jack Roy Bernstein James & Isobel Berry Mardi Bessellieu & Antony Bessellieu-Hill Shawn Betts Michael Betwy Donald & Allene Biasca Michelle E. Bibby Melody Bigham & Kim Phillips Lynn Bingham Aaron & Joan Binnie Beneficial Biologics Lori Biondini Daniel Birmingham Rene & Santa Birnbaum Levia & Michael Bishop Maud Bishop Tamara & Stephanie Bishop Brick & Fire Bistro Ben Biteman Pat Bitton Kyle Black & Katie Simas Suzanne Camille Blackburn Misha Blacker Cora Blalack Rick & Jody Blanchard Wes Bliven & Beth Eschenbach Maryna & Johanes Blom Trevlene Blood & Christian Shutler Blue Lake Casino Mike Bode Russell & Katy Boham Janelle & Marcei Bohannan Rex Bohn Doug & Cindy Boileau Luke Bongio Andrea & William Bonis M. Colleen Bonner Joe & Cindy Bonomini C.F. & Sherryl Booth Joan A. Booth Melinda Booth Amy T. & Bob E. Borden Cara-Lee & Harmony Borneleit Dan & Anna Bosler Jessica Botsch & Rodney Ferrario Fred & Joyce Bottemiller Richard & Loretta Bourne Original Basket Boutique Jim & Katie Bowie Bill & Betty Bowles Lucia M. Boyer & Aaron Karl Jo & Andy Braden Jesika Bradley & Darren Ghisetti Joan Brady Marian Brady Bonnie Branco Carol & Josh Brannan Susan Brater Julie Brazil Carolyn Brewster Janice & Michelle Briggs Loran Briggs Mary & Brian Briggs Cassie Brilbeck Susan & Jason Brisendine Russ & Pam Britt Lisa Brockoff Sherry & John Broderick Amy & Brian Brodkorb Tom Bronchetti & Margaret Murchie Bob & Allison Bronkall Dave Brose Cindy & Danny Brouillard Bruce & Susan Brower Gailey Browning Alicia & Dylan Brown Candace Brown & Michael Deaton Don & Lynai Brown James & Stephanie Brown Margaret & Larry Brown Nick & Annika Brown Stephen & Lorna Brown Rachel Brownell Juliet & Daniel Brumbaugh Michael Bruner & Lisa Polack Jim & Kelly Bruno Jon & Patty Brunsing Taunya & Eric Brunton Bill & Kellie Bryan Gary & Kathleen Bryson Jolene & James Buck 6 2010 Members & Donors 7 Jeannie & Larry Buerer Mary Bullwinkel Julie Burcell Jane & Robert Burchit Peter Burgess Sallie & Wally Burgh Judy Burke Steve & Sherri Burke Jim Cernohlavek & Susan Burns Burre Center Launderette JoAnne & Jamie Bush Charles Bussman Andy Butch & Susan Vogt Chris & Heather Byfield William & Eunice Cañedo Juan & Linda Cacho Pam & Dennis Cahill Larissa & Lewis Caldwell Gregory & Michelle Callender Jennifer Camp Allan & Jeannie Campbell Stacey Campbell Matt & Alisa Capik Dina & Dino Caraveo Kimberly Carboni-Marini Sarah Carey & Adrian Kavanaugh Anne Carlisle Rosalie Carlson Neal & Barbara Carnam Anthony Carnemolla Carol’s Day Care Gwyneth & Paul Carothers Debbie Carpenter Carrington Co. Harvey & Jeannette Carroll Joseph E. Carroll & Dianne Dufala-Carroll Michael & Becky Carroll David & Marianne Carstensen Christi Carter Gerald L. Carter Ginger Carter Joanne Carter & Megan Nicoll Ron & Kathy Carterby Michele Casale Christina & Bernardino Casarez Alex & Lindley J. Casillas, Jr Brett Shuler Fine Catering Nancy Cavanaugh Jim & Sandi Cearley Debbie & Pedro Cendejas Frank & Libby Cerny Lilly Cervantes Gary & Sharon Chadwick Kelly & Marci Chaffee Christie & Walter Chalton Lyndsey & Ryan Chamberlain Jon & Melinda Chambers Karl & Kathleen Chambers John & Cherie Chandler Marcie Chelgren-Smith & John C. Smith Cher-Ae Heights Casino Elaine & David Cherney Patricia & Jennifer Childress Vicky Childs Tane & Matthew Choate Old Town Coffee & Chocolates Jonathan & Tenille Choi Amy Christensen D. T. Christensen Kathy & Tina Christensen Lynda Christensen Tayler Gene Christensen Christine & Jalmer Berg Foundation Britny Christine Zach Church Talia & Justin Ciarabellini Christine Cierek Martha Clague Stanley Clague Brian & Holly Clancy Charles S. Clark Jr. & Diana L. Clark Donna & Jim Clark Gerald A. Clark Gus Clark Jim & Helen Clark Joseph Clark Terri Clark & Marty Lay Dr. Bill Clawson, Ph.D. Andrea Claypool Clayton Construction Contractors Doug & Bette Clayton Patricia & Charles Clinton Renee & Patrick Cloney Cloney’s Pharmacy, Inc. Humboldt Bay Oyster Co. Coast Central Credit Union Jana Cochrane Christi & Paula Cocks Christiana Coffman Coldwell Banker Cutten Realty Jude Cole John & Jenny Coleman Jerry & Evelyn Colivas Damon J. Collier Jolynn Collings Erika & Greg Collins Joyce & Pat Collins Michelle & John Collins Kristin & Nick Comas Kat Combs Lacey Comer Nick Comer & Victoria Holduer Lorraine & Jace Comfort Western Living Concepts Chelsea Condon Winslow & Caitlin Condon Alexia Coney Kelsey Conger 2010 Members & Donors Heather Conn Cheryl & Jeff Conner Howard & Lauren Connolly Emma & Brian Connors Lisa & Bill Connors Rick Contestabile Carol Conway Lynne Manget Conway & Jeff Conway Kaycee Cook & Michael East Lola Sue Cook Terry R. & Veronica L. Cook Paige Cooke Nathan Cooley & Ande Brown-Cooley Yvonne & George Cooney Catherine & Jeff Coontz Dave Cooper Sherie Cooper Tara & Matt Cooper Frank & Wanda Cope Nathan Copple & Ellen Weiss Michelle Cormier Shirle Cornell Corky & Annie Cornwell Mark Corona Roy & Jamie Corsetti Paulette J. & Eric A.H. Cortez Angelina Cossolotto & Jason Wilson Tiffany & Sean Cotten Jeb & Tess Cotter Aaron Coulter Glenn & Dana Courtney Carole Cox Michael & Shana Cox Nicole Coyne & Ben Secor Tracy & Brandon Craig Karthryn Crane Chris & Elaine Crawford Don & Mercedes Crispin Sue Crivello Jean & Greg Crockett John & Elisabeth Cromwell Janice Crone Michael & Rebecca Crosby Eric Croteau Abe & Rebecca Crow Janice Crowe & Kelly Cawthorn Susan Crowl & Marvin Armes Lori & Mike Crowley Linda & Dennis Crozier Marguerite Crue Emily R. Cruz Linda Anne & Mark Cummings Vivian Cummings & Linda Ocheltree Chloe Cunningham Steven Cunningham Brad & Gretchen Curtice Marjorie Custis Cypress Grove Chevre Paul Dahlen Benjamin Malquist Dale Darla & Jim Dale Danco Property Management Miles Dart Denise Dashah Dean & Debbrah Davenport Ed & Eileen Davenport Alysia & John Davidson Bill Davidson & Stormy Burnes Joan Davies Crystal & Ed Davis Donald Davis & Janice Murayama John & Cheryle Davis June Gonion Davis Patricia Davis Marla & Chris Daw Kevin Dawson Brad Day Charles & Megan Day Pete & Shelly Day JFC Dayes Nancy Dean Catherine DeBoer Ann Dedrick Jessica & David Dedrick Alan Deems Mary T. & Donald D. DeHennis Soleil Deknatel & Alex Begovic Mike & Jerri Del Grande Erika & Robert Demers Leonard J. Demmer Denise & Molly McNulty Katie & Ben Dens Eureka Police Department Jackie Deuschle & Ray Miller Lenore Dias Arthur Diaz Edward Dickenson, Jr. & Christi Telnes Aleka & Kris Dickerson Beverly Dickerson & Lori Biggin Edgar Dickinson Duke & Ann Diehl David & Carol Dillon Daniel & Linda Dionne Mark & Teah Distefanu Gayla Divinagracia Nichole Doan DocuStation Ann Janette Dodd & Patrick Sparks Doris Doelker & Christina Kuykendall Phil Doerr Beth & Tim Dominick Charles & Nancy Dominick Kathryn Donahue Katie & Chrissi Donnelly Don’s Rent-All Brian & Karen Dorman Penny Dorman Julie Dormani & Marsha Aden-Wansburg Sharon & Richard Doty Sylvia & David Douglas Cheryl & Daniel Dowd 8 2010 Members & Donors 9 Stacy Dowell Ray & Connie Doyle Dan & Jill Driesenga Lisa Drown & Trevor Atkins Christine Ducey & Shahram Abbassi Joe Duckett & Kelli Reese Amy Duerfeldt Eric & Susan Dugan Keeta & Daniel Duke Bonnie Dumond & Stephen Stewart Daniel & Jeannie Duncan Jennifer Duncan & Melissa Ruiz Brian Dunlap & Sarah Tritchler Jay Dunlap & Nette Worthey Carol Dunning Elizabeth Duran Pat DuRant Alef DuRant-Wise Robert & Ellen Durfee Mary Durina Norman & Leslie Dutra Al & Patti Dutton Teresa & Donna Dutton Sally & Chuck Dwelley Jason & Stacey Eads Michael & Katharine Eagan Diane & Michael Eannarino Julie & Robert East Matt & Wendy Eberhardt Loretta & Steve Eckenrodi Dave & Kathy Edmonds Greg Edwards & Katherine Dorsett Jennifer & Charles Edwards Eel River Brewing Company Charly Eitel & Matt Carroll Gene & Diane Eklund Rose Elenbaas & Thomas McCutchen Rhonda Elgin Matthew & Ovieda Elliott Laura Ellis Selicia & David Ellis Greg & Brenda Elvine-Kreis Geri Emberson & Todd Chittenden Joe Emery & Berenice Celaya Andrew & Fiona Endsley Fernbridge Tractor & Equipment Brad & Sharon Erickson Karen Erickson Joe & Nancy Erwin Kerri & Alex Escudero Patric & Lindsey Esh Peter Esko & Marjorie Malcolm Carl & Jaime Esposito Jessica Estes Luke Estes Eureka Boiler Works Eureka Brake & Automotive Inc. Eureka High School Bill & Shar Evans Doris & Pete Evans Dwayne & June Evans Al & Barbara Fagundes Sharon & Steve Falk-Carlsen Jim Falls & Laura McEwen Family Foot Care The Farm Store Christina & Todd Fashant Doris Fearrien Mike & Julie Ann Feddock Elsie & Vincent Feliz Diana Felso Ferndale Veterinary, Inc. Sharon & Frank Ferreira Swen & Colleen Fettermann Annie & Tony Fichera Matthew S. Filar Michelle & Eric Finkle Elan & Greg Firpo Rob Fisher Praxis Fitness John & Helen Fitzhogh David Fix & Jude Power Kelli & Michael Flanagan Nancy Flemming Flying Blue Dog Nursery Jennifer Foesig & Kevin Dinan Mikkel Foisy & Chris Martinez Grady Ford & Cindee Rosenberg John Ford Travis & Renee Ford Dave Foreman Gregg & Elizabeth Foster Caleb Fowler Carrie Fowler Dustin & Melinda Fowler FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company Monica & Jason Francis Gary Frank Amber Franklin Debra & Joe Frazier Joy & Vene Frazier Jim & Kathy Fredrickson Brenda & Tera Fregoso Traci Freitas & Shawn Avila The Freixas Family Freshwater Farms Jon & Michelle Fretland Nancy & Doug Frey Shannon Frizzell & Lynette Ballew Frye’s Care Home Colleen Fugate Richard & Rochelle Fugate David Fuller & Karen Kenfield 2010 Members & Donors Michelle Fuller & Whelan Gilkerson Shirley & Ralph Fullmer Danny Furlong Janel & Elliott Gagnon Jacob Gallagher Leslie Gallagher & Hector Murillo Marilyn Gallagher Joan & Paul Gallegos Monika Gambrell & Babetta Barber Connelly Robert & Linda Garb Peg & Howard Gardner Robert & Nancy Gardner Valerie J. Gardner Garnett Khristy Garrelts & Lance Weber Garden Gate Mark & Suzy Gaxiola Greg & Susan Gehr James & Alison Geist Margot Jarvis Genger J. Dominic & Daneaye Gerace Eric & Michele Gerdes James Gergits Arlene Ghera Jason Ghera Judy Ghera Greg & Karen Gibb Michelle & Freeman Gibbons Randy & Leslie Gibson Jessica Gieder & Matthew McCann Stephen & Alicia Gieder Christine Gierek Kristy Gierek Kurt Gierlich & Laurissa Wieler Asher & Julie Gilbride Shelly Gill Jenni Gillam & June Gleaton John B. & Jeannie M. Gillespie Sandy Gilmore & Heather Rinehart Jessica & Grant Giovannetti Robert Gish & Joan Rainwater-Gish Mary & Linden Glavich Jan Goff Greg Gofford Aaron Gold & Kirstin Hall Glenn G. & Shelle Goldan Lindsay Golden Todd & Jennifer Golder Theresa R. Goldstein Elicia Goldsworthy Dawn Goley Gerardo & Barbarie Gonzalez Veronica Gonzalez & Star Arteaga Lauren Gonzi & Jamie Lusk Robert & Brenna Goodman Jeffrey Goodwin Wendy & Eric Gordon Christine Gorshe Tanya & London Goss Anna & Mark Gower Laurie Graben & Jessie Wheeler JoAnn Graham Darla Granger Janis Grant Elaine C. Gray Graystone Jewelers Green Diamond Resource Company Angela Green Jodie Green Katherine & Garry Green Robert Greenberg Janelle Griffin Tina & Fred Griffith Ashlee & Seth Griggs Tim & Jennifer Grimmett Dennis & Mary Grinsell David Gross & Julie Weeder Andrew Grossman Brian & Lindsey Grossman Peggy Grossman & Shira Wedemeyer Hal & Alice Grotke Amy M. Grubert Andre Guimaraes & Kendra Dwelley Christian Guiulen & Lindsey Larson-Guiulen Micaela Gunther & Carol Hurley Michelle Gurner Jean Guthrie Jessica Guthrie Joel & Heidi Guynup Kitt Haas Darylla Hager & Rick Lermo Yaowaluck & Scott Hagg Matt & Jaime Hague Paul & Yara Hailey Halcyon Inn Jeni & Geoff Hales Alissa Hall Joe & Kate Hall Julie C. & Greg Hall John Halley Stephanie Halley & Jenifer Hight Sarah & Mary Hallowell Gary & Meliss Hallum Bonnie Hamant & Matt Boiman Elizabeth Hamb Jessica Lynne Hamburg Chris Hamer Michael J. & Donna R. Hames Karen & Tim Hammer Andrew Hampton Stephanie & Matt Hampton Richard Hanford & Nancy McQuillan James E. & Linda L. Hanger Kaylie Hanpin 10 2010 Members & Donors Birdie & Jason Hansen Dan & Doreen Hansen Sally & Brian Hansen Rory & JoAnn Hanson Happy Dog Day Care & Boarding Gail H. Harcourt & Peter J. Mateu Tom & Patty Harmon Harvey & Wendy Harper Kelsie Harpin Jemima & Oded Harr Russo Cindy & Zach Harrington Bryan Harris & Lauren Freemantle Mark Harris Rebecca Harris & Ashley White Sevy Harris Judy Harrison Bryan & Shanon Hart Leslie & Cliff Hart Mike & Beverly Hart Bill & Arlene Hartin Debra Hartridge & Ira Blatt Brendan Hartsell & Jamie Kohl Kathryn & Stephen Hartsell Kim Hartsock & Scott Danbrauskas Lonnie Harvey & Katrina Pond Ryan & Jennifer Harvey Nikita Haskell Adele Hassis Martin & Susan Hauan Mary Haverlandt & Cyndy Phillips Colette & Jim Hawkins George & Kathy Hayes Joyce & David Hayes Torrance Haynes HealthSPORT Shannon Heavilin & Beth Heavilin 11 William & Amber Hefner Eric & Kelly Helms The Heirloom Tomatoes William J. & Bee Henderson Everett & Ruth Henkle Betty Hennessy Jesse Henning & Autumn Mize Katherine & Burnette Henry Jonathan David Hernandez Angela Herrera Lauren & Mark Hertz Linda & Sue Hervey Sandy Heston & Justine Graney John Hewston Scott & Kathy Hicks Stephanie & Jeremy Higgins Robert Higgons Anita & Bill Hilfiker Debra L. Hill Marge Hill-Taylor & Richard C. Taylor Audrey A Hinch Janyce & Marc Hinckley Charlotte & Adam Hineman Janet Hines Danille & Aaron Hinrichs Sarah Hinton Sydney Hinton Stephanie & Josh Hiscox Jessica Hobba J. Warren & Lisa Hockaday Lily Hodges Chelsea Hoff & Diane Bent Amber & Christopher Hoffman Steve & Markel Hoffman Jennifer Holcombe Niels Holgersen & Charlotte Holgerson Baylor Michael & Charlotte Holland Philip & Kristi Holland Rich & Carol Holland Daniel & Sarah Holmes Yvonne Jeanne Holmes Larry Holsen & Joann Howell D.D. Holst & Ashley Stodder Clarence Holster Jr. & Jamie Hostler Allie Hostler & Chris Cook Joanel & Edward Hotalen Dennis Houghton & Liz McGee Lee & Chris House Lisa Houseworth James Howard Branden & Jessica Howton Jennifer & David Hoyt Dale & Jan Hubbard Jacqueline Gordon Hubbard & Deanna Gordon Jan & Steve Hubbard Louis Hubbard Brian Hudgens & Christine Damiani Chris & Pam Huffman Helen Hui Jerry Hull & Phylis Geller Jacque Hulsey & Nicole Henry Humboldt Area Foundation Humboldt Association of Realtors Humboldt Audiology Humboldt Investigations & Photocopying Paula Humphrey Melika & Jason Huneke Jan & Howard Hunt Scott & Sandi Hunt Thomas & Chrissy Hunt Carrie & Robert Hurst 2010 Members & Donors Tara Hutcheon & Matt McDonald Robert W. & Kathleen M. Hutchinson Meredith Hyland Jessica Iguess & Justin Crews Hyun Im & Jeffrey Douglas Kristen Ince & Brian Derr Pam Iorg & Kelly Edmondson Ronald D. & Judith E. Irvin Jesse Irwin & Eliza Onate It’s All About The Dogs! Linda & Lois Ives Allison Jackson & Peter Ranken Gary & Maria Jackson Jaime & Bill Jackson Jonathan & Mar-kawshu-wa Jackson Patricia & Rick Jackson Stephanie Jackson Lizzy Jackson-Brown J. Michael Jacob Dotti Jacobs Keith & Helena Jacobsen Louise & Danielle Jacobson Jade Dragon Medical Spa Ann Jadro-Bettiga Frank & Sarah Jager Kristina James Mandi & Nathan James Shana & Kevin Jamison Valle R. Janes Sweet Mama Janisse Dionne Janney Debra Janney-White & Angelica Janney Jerry & Jo Sonja Jansen Eva Janson & Sherman Schapiro James & Laura Jaworski Morgan Jean & Tina Vest Jeanne Gale & Associates Felicia & Marc Jensen Lisa Jensen Jack & Erma Jenson Connor Jepson John & Patricia Jerome Jeff & Stacy Jewell Martha Johansen Robin & Matthew John Naomi Johnson & Earl Jacobs Anthony & Ruth Johnson Beth & Jeff Johnson Carl & Connie Johnson Charlie & Rachel Johnson Elisabeth Johnson Elizabeth Johnson James & Marie Johnson Robert & Mary Johnson Ruth & Anthony Johnson Tracy & Brett Johnson Carroll V. Johnston Gloria Annette Johnston Pete & Jennifer Johnston Connie & Dave Jones David & Erin Jones Mike & Susie Jones Shelley & Mark Jones Tracy Jordan French Shane Joyer Sarah & Casey Judd David & Kathleen Juliano Bonnie & Howard Julien Michael & Alison Jundt Phil & Carol Jurick Philip & Diana Kable Awanna Kalal Rebecca Kalal & Gilbert Yule Dora M. Kaliamos & David Jager Nancy Kampas Jill & Zack Kamrud Andy & Erika Karnitz Stephanie & Jeremiah Kasinger Allan Katz David & Anne Katz Bob & Mary Kay Elena Kay Linda J. & Mike Kearse Kimberly Keisling & Kevin Limberg Karen Kelley Barbara & Katlin Kellogg Carrie & Justin Kelly Julie & Gabriel Kelly Elizabeth Kelsey Kym Kemp & Kevin Church Sam D. Kennedy Hilary & Scott Kerr Robert Kerr Cameron Khaleeli & Katie Pixley Christy & Omar Khattab Bill Kier Jessica & William Kilgore Christine King Sherry King-Constancio Ron & Debbie Kingsley Erin Kingstrom & Amber Flowers Ethel & Keith Kirk Jana L. Kirk-Levine Rich & Elmone Kissling David & Lynn Kitchen Kay Kitchen Julie Kitzerow Laurie Kleefeld & Kristen Ireland Angela Kline Jennifer Kline & Clinton Smitz Chris & Marian Klingenspor Willie & Vicki Knapp Mike & Ann Knight Steve Eric Knight June & Doug Knott Allen Koble & Laurie Freeman Rebecca & Peter Koczko Jared Koons Rebecca Koreen & Donald McKnight Gary & Sandy Korn 12 2010 Members & Donors Ryan Kotterman Kramer Investment Corp. Christopher Kramer Kevin & Jenny Krause Larissa & Jamie Krause Kathleen & Rus Krauss Jill Krenek KSLG Don & Joyce Kudrna Kelsey Kuhn Lynn Rose Kujawa-Seda & David R. Seda John Kulstad & Patricia Thomas Jessalynn Kunkler & Alan Sadler John Kusters David Kuszmar & Jennifer Jenkins Kimberly Kutina Cindy & Guy Kuttner KWPT, The Point Daniel & Elizabeth Kyle Ky’s Hair Designs LeeAnn & Maxine La Faunce Marissa & Michael La Faunce Gerry Lachnicht Conrad Ladner Anthony Lagarda Lagunitas Brewing Co. Howard & Barbara LaHaie Damian & Mandala Lakey Lori Lamar & John Hines Drew Lamberson Betsy Lambert Nancy & Chris Lamont Jeff & Sharon Lamoree Gabriel & Christie Lampro Amy Landing Marilyn & Kenneth Lang Lee Lapham Pamela Largent Kami & Cathy Larripa Hal & Juanita Larson 13 Jake Larson & Brook McCurdy Josh Larson Koa Lavery & Vanessa Vasquez Valerie & Brett LaViqne Jared Lawson Luke Lawson Marcial Lawson Melissa Lawson & Seth Stevens Rob F. & Ann T. Lawson Dianna L. Lee & Brenda Basler Fredrick & Linda Lee Joan & Russ Lee Nancy Lee Teresa Lee & David Wheatley Spencer & Beth Leebolt Ryan Lemons Kent & Suzanne Lende Jeff & Michelle Leonard Julie Lerwill & Michael Fratkin Les Schwab Tires Luke Letlow Sandy & Bernie Levy Jennifer & Ryan Lewelling Gordon & Shelby Lewis Sarah Lewis Robert & Colleen Likens Ranae & Matthew Liles Jack N. Limmer David & Sylvia Lindberg Suzanne Linde Jacob & Clare Linder Beth A. Linderborg Jen Lindsay & Seth Zuckerman Eric Andrew Lindstrom Loretta Linton Jena Lionello & Linda Piehl Sandra Li-Pham & Kien-Quoc Van Pham Bryan & Terri Little Judy & Dude Little Living Education & Arts Foundation Megan S. Llewellyn & Donald E. Good Russ & Berit Locatelli Byrd A. Lochtie Margaret & Andrew LoCicero Melisa & Gene Lodes Jason & Kathleen Long Terry Longcake & Judy Williamson Keryl Lopez Craig Lorenc Mike Lorenz & Tiffany Rittenhouse Brenda & Joshua Lory Lost Coast Brewery Lost Coast Communications Lost Whale Bed & Breakfast Inn George Lottritz & Davina Smith Janelle Lotzgesell Norma Loughner Jeannette Lowery June Lowman Mervin & Rebecca Lowry Lindsey & Kyle Lucas Jenney & Mark Lukens Tony & Paula Luna Maria L. Luna-Zuniga Charlene & Ron Lundblade William Lunt Kelly Lusa Mike & Diane Lyell Kevin Lyon Tomire & Josh Lyons-Tinsley Barbara & John Mac Evoy Don & Pamela Mac Millen Joseph & Cissy Macias Kaori & Jeremy Maciel Mad River Brewing Company Barbara Madaras & Jack Phipps 2010 Members & Donors Frances Madrone & Patric Nagle Lisa & Douglas Madsen Kathleen Maguire & Michael Sonn Sherrill Maguire & Emily Petra Kathryn MaguireRobershotte Tiffany & Justin Maher Randy Meryl Mailman Tina & Martin Majer Hilary Manion-Uselton Joanna Marcuz, Au. D Mike & Tara Mari Kathy Marie Debbie Marshall Adrienne Elizabeth & Nathaniel Martin Sharon Martin & Kelly Sjoding Daniel O. Martinez Debbie Martinez Amber Agent-Martinez & Eduardo Martinez Geoffrey & Linda Masaki Floyd & Lisa Mason Stephanie & Robert Mason Amandy & Tobias Massey Marti & Liam Massey David & Karen Mast Audrea & Ryan Masters Julie & John Mastroni Gary Mather Portia & Dean Matheson Amy Mathieson Luke Mathieson Elizabeth & Ryan Mathis Joe & Shayna Matteoli Eleanor Mattingly & Bonnie Stevens AJ & Rena Maveety Barbara Maxon Denise Maxwell & John Lang Jim Maxwell Leonard & Diane May Judith Mayer & Yvonne Everett Kerry & Len Mayer Brittany Mayo-Cote & Braolio Escareno Stephani & Hannah Mayr Toby & Crystal Mays Val & Emily Mazzone Rob & Debbie McBeth Peggy McCaddon, Christy & Katie McCaddon-Wynn Jennifer McCall & Brady Burtchett Melissa McCants The McCarthy Family Dan McClelland & Loene Gossett Dennis & Laurie McCollister James McCue Linda McCuen Kristen & Tim McCutchan Dan & Diana McDonald Jennifer McDonald & Gilberto Loreto Megan & Ryan McDonnell Allen & Debbie McFarland Christina & Bryan McGee Danny McGovern Jon McGowan & Amber Goldsberry Melody McGuire Bobbie McKay & Beth Wingfield Lynn & Mark McKenna Lois McKinney Janae Zolna & Chad McLane Ben McLaughlin & Kelly Neel Heidi & Michael McLaughlin Justin & Leonilda McLaughlin Bill McMillan Alisha McNeese Vicki Ozaki & Duncan McNeill Natalie & Ian McPhillips Elaine Meade Angela & Patrick Meadows Liana Medina Josh Meisel & Mary Vironoche Kathryn Melia & Christopher Bigos Lois & Elaine Mellert Justin & Charmin Melms Melvin F. & Grace McLean Foundation Corinne Mendoza & Joan Binnie Mary & Albert Mendoza Mercer-Fraser Company Teresa D. Merchant Alex Merks Sadie & Jack Merrill Christopher Mettier Roxanne Metz & John Martin Aileen Meyer & Danny Lopez Elisa & Jason Meyer Laura & Fred Meyer Shane Meyer C. Michener Linda C. Miler Renee & Michael Miles Anita Miller Christina A. & John J. Miller Elisa Miller & Greg Griffin Renee & Jason Miller Bryan & Amanda Millerbis Heather & Doug Mills Joyce & Wendy Mills Olivia Mills Silvia & Marilyn Milota Tracy & Hannah Minikel Mike & Jane Minor Stacey & Darby Mintey Miriam & Ian Mion Cindy & Scott Misener Ann & Derrick Misner 14 2010 Members & Donors 15 Yevgeniy & Oksana Misyuk Cynthia & Lorelei Mitchell Robert Mitchell Scott Mitchell & Heather Smith Wally & Sheryl Mitchell Dian & Don Moehnke Cindi & Monty Mola Dorothy & Adam Molofsky Aaron Moncrief & Jeanine CanedoMoncrief Scott & Denise Monday Steve & Aimee Monk Marye Moon Michael Moon & Marion Martinez Sara & Patrick Moon Damien & Barbara Mooney Moonstone Grill David & Jack Moore Elsie Moore Ronald Moore Sue & Jim Moore W. John & Sara Moore Daniel Moors & Lisa Hearron David & Sue Moran Crystal Morgan Earl Morgan Dana Morgan-Piazza Mary & Robert Morones Allison & Laura Morris Beverly A. Morris & Doris Ure Ginger & Trevor Morris James & Sonja Morris Rob Morris Courtney & Connie Morrison Jane Morrison Lisa Morrison Phoebe Morrison Aisha Morton Angela Mowrey Becky Moyle Nathan & Jen Mrotzek Jason & Bonnie Mullaney Kenzie & Michael Mullen The Munoz Family Bonnie & Steve Murphy Cynthia Murphy Finn Murphy Suzanne Murphy & Chanti Jackson Peggy & John Murray Martia & Ken Musante Robert L. Myers Myrtle Avenue Veterniary Hospital Dick & Jeanne Nash Jack & Wynona Nash Josh Nauman Julie Neander & Gordon Leppig Ashley Neddo & Jayson Gillespie John M Neel II & Lisamae K. Neel Bonnie Neely & Terry Farmer Amber Neilson & Michael Robitaille Dana & Jerrie Nelson Denver, Judy & Kristina Nelson Paul Nelson Ralph & Emma Nelson Rosa & Jon Nelson Mike & Tina Nerat Linda & Greg Nesbitt Rene Nesty & Thuja Winifield Martin & Laura Neubert Michelle & Keven Nevil Mike L. Newman News Channel 3 David & Shawna Neyra Loretta & Randy Nickolaus Jeanne Nicolds Amy Nicolson Michelle & Carlton Nielsen Sarah Nieto & Jesse Crosswhite Nilsen Company Nathan & Shelly Nilsen Ryan & Amy Nilsen Shelley Nilson Caroline & Michael Nilsson Burt & Christine Nordstrom Norman’s Dry Cleaning North Coast Co-op North Coast Mercantile North Valley Bank Sid & Diana Noyes Gerard Nunez Jeanette M. Nusbaum Austin Nyberg Kayla Nyberg Regan Nyberg O & M Industries Michele O’Brien & Greg Differding Lawronee O’Connor & Melissa Martini Marci O’Flanagan Chester Ogan Bruce O’Gara Daniel M. & Penne Lee O’Gara Jeremy & Katie Ohlsen Kristina O’Keefe Eric & Kathryn Oldford Kenna Oliphant Dave & Donna Olivieri Alisha Olmo & Luana Penington Edward C. Olsgard & Michele McKeegan Olson Family Joann & Eric Olson John Olson Laura Olson Rusty & Nichole Olson Kimberly & Luke Omey Jeanna L. O’Neale John & Kris Onstine Orr Joseph Ortiz & Trish Gidding-Ortiz Judith & Amayikowan Osadolo Elizabeth Osberger 2010 Members & Donors Bruce Osborne & Rachel Carlson Scott Osborne & Susan Sniado Jordan Packer & Rachel Davis-Packer Shelly & Stamati Panos Rebecca & Mark Pardoe Brandy Parker Deb Parker Heidi & Andy Parker James & Eileen Parker Patricia & Pascal Parker Stephen Parodi & Paula Grobe Parodi Jerry & Betty Partain PartyLite Chloe & Troy Pastori Rick Pastori Omar & May Patino Lisa & Rick Paul Anne Paulet & Elli Bosques Trinh & Brett Pauly Emil & Suzie Pawlus James Paxton & Olivia Legar Susan L. Pederson & Andrea Gerarden Eureka Pediatrics Patricia Pedigo & Heather Stockhoff Pete Pedro Molly Pelley & Crystal Hull Jay Dee Pelren Catherine & Christian Pennington Pepsi Bottling Group Travis Percell Jessica Perez Gene & Claire Perricelli Alfred & Liudmila Pesterov Dannielle & Christian Petersen Don & Yvonne Peterson Jennifer & Ryan Peterson Josh Peterson & Cassie Canagnora Melony & Todd Peterson Preston Peterson Karine Pezeril & Joe Hadley Pfizer Foundation Christopher E. Phelps Vanessa Pickering & Jody Verlinde Mel & Laurin Picl M. & B. Pidgeon Herb & Sally Pierce Leigh Ann Pierre-Oetker Pierson Building Center Hank & Cathy Ray Pierson John & Deborah Pilgrim Marianne & Kim Pinches Shirley Pinches & Olena Knyazyeva Adam & Mandy Pinkerton Pitlock Family Suzanne Pitt Virginia Plambeck & David Brown Steven Plourde Mr. Rooter Plumbing Bryan Plumley & Kim Floyd Plus Modes Sadie Poehlmann Virgil Pole Jr. Flor & Sam Polly Kaci Poor Sandy & Steven Popko John Porter & Eda Bacrach Beth Powell Emily Powell Glenn K. & Vickie Powell Aubrey & Sean Powers Dena & Shawn Powers Alex & Camellia Preciado Jesse Preciado William Prentice Colleen & Elizabeth Proctor Promises Bridal & Formal Wear Clint & Tori Pruett Dena Pulverman & Mark Pera Linda Puzz Gregory Quast Elizabeth Quesenbery & Jonathan Neikirk Jose Quezada Jennifer Quigley & Tina Vaughan Lori Quillen Joshua & Meghan Quintanilla Melissa & Thomas Quinton Quota Int’l of Eureka Marlene A. Ragan & Timothy H. Brogan Chris & Kirsten Ramey Madeleine Ramos & Join Luh Melanie Ramos Arla Ramsey & Toni Ramos Dianna Ramsey & Jason Smith Ann Marie Rath Barbara Ratzlaff Darci & Danielle Ray Shoshanna Raybin & Bob Pagliuco Abra Rearte Florian & Amy Rebstock Recology Humboldt County Sharon & Jim Redd Tara Redner & Mike Larson Redwood Broadcasting Co., Inc. Scott L. Reed Jessica Reese Kevin Reese Chad & Rosa Regan Nina Reichlin Robbie Reimers Claudia & Laura Reinsmith 16 2010 Members & Donors 17 Beth Reneau & Alan McPherson Kristina Renner & Amanda Barrote Autumn Renshaw Erin Renshaw Anita H. Rest Margaret M. Reuter Bruce Reynolds Charles A. Reynolds Larry & Lorriane Rhoads Kim Rhoads-Brooks & Damon Brooks Greg Rhodes & Claire Stone Terry & Kerry Rhodes Rhododendron Festival Janice & Tim Rice Otto & Cloe Rice Terry Rice Rea T. & William M. Rich William & Kimberly Rich Brooke & Mike Richards Camille & Will Riggs Kriss & Wendy Riggs Rachael & Indicus Riggs Judy Rishel Gleezette Roach April Robbins Marnin Robbins & T. Griffin Debra Roberts Paul Roberts & Hyeseon Choi Erica & Ian Robinson Gary Robinson John Robinson Rachele Robinson Sheila Rocker-Heppe Charlie Rockwood & Ann Liedstrand Olga & Kerry Rod Joaquin & Sheri Rodriguez Kathy Rodriguez Marylee Rohde Jan Roletto Julie & Monte Romo Roots & Shoots Allison Rosati Gabe Rose Lauri Rose & Kira Middleton Natasha Roslosnik Jeff Ross & Kathy Smith Jeremiah Vail Ross Robert J. Ross Janet & Lyle Rosser Victoria Nell Rosser Susan & Dave Rosso Rotary Club of Eureka Andrea & Dan Rotary Stephanie Rotelli Debbie & Kylie Row Jan Rowan & Rhea Houck Dylan Michael Roy Roy’s Club Italian Restaurant Diane Rueber Dion Ruff & Renee Byers Maria Ruiz & Shari Devlin Jody Rundel & Richard Pincsak Francine Rush Kenton Charles Russell Sharon & Stu Russell Casey Russo Rustic West Trading Co. Patrick Rutherford & Anne Seaquist Cynthia Ryan Susan & Thomas Rydz Sacramento Zoo Sacred Grounds Safeway Employees’ Association Dave Salas Kate Salazar Mediha Saliba Sonia & David Samelson David & Jenni San Giovanni Steve Sanches Pedro Vega Sanchez Jr. & Sunntah Martinez-Vega Melissa & Steve Sandeen Darran Sanders Jennifer Sanford & Emily Sommerman Debbie Santos Scott & Kathy Sattler Glenn W. & Janis J. Saunders Jackie & Dave Saunderson Dillon & Cindy Savage Myron & Lisa Savage Save the Redwoods League Alejandra & John Sawatzky Dennis & Victoria Scales Coly & David Scarbrough Zia Schatz Kevin & Catrina Scheffler John & Jessica Schieberl Monica & Leo Schill Nikki & Noah Schiller Dennis Schlotzhauer & Heather NybergSchlotzhauer Schmidbauer Lumber Allan Schmidt Sheila & Earl Schmidt William & Gertrude Schneider Terri L. Scholz & Randy Wilson Jane & Steven Schonfeld Scott Michael Schotl Eric & Brandi Schunneman Lillian L. & John E. Scofield Bill & Sue Scott Brenda Scott & Steve Adams Dennis Fred Scott Donald & Judy Scott Jerry & Mary Scott Wanda & Scott Swanlund North Coast Fire & Security Denise & Justin Seeger Sherry & Scott Seelye Cheryl A. Seidner Greg Seiler & Brigitte Blackman 2010 Members & Donors Bill Seitz Jody & Kim Sekas Paul Senyszyn & Amanda Hennessy Sequoia Humane Society Mary & Molly Severdia Patricia & Linda Seymour Shafer’s Hardware Mary & Andrew Shannon Joan Shapeero Gwen & Mike Shapiro Chip Sharpe & Celestine Armenta David & Elizabeth V. Shaw Jackie Shema Brenda & Julie Sheppard Jillian Sheppard Norman Sherfield & Sarah Whorf Jenny & Frank Sherman Isaac & Trisha Sherrer Megan Shewmaker Alice Shinnick & Linda Johnson Mike & Betty Shirley Robert W. & Shirley J. Shaw SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists Norm & Ginnee Shockley Mary Shumard Annie Sicotte Seema & Huzaifa Siddiqui Leslie & Bruce Silvey Kathie & Betty Simas Jason Simone Michael & Shannon Simoni Linda Sinclair Josh & Rachael Sinning Ben Sipma & Inga Townsend Sisters of the Transfiguration Six Rivers Brewery Skilled Healthcare Aurora Skipper Joshua Skipper Slamkoski Family Ron & Annette Sligh Carol Smallfield & Eve Sotelo Rebecca Smiley & Cody Smith Bruce M. Smith Charline & Trevor Smith Connie Smith & Wallie Fitzpatrick Davina Smith Eleyigth Smith Eric & Lee Anne Smith Florine Smith Harold & Pat Smith Jimmy & Jacque Smith Jodi & Josh Smith Kevin Smith Liz Smith Lucinda & Donald Smith Mollie Smith Roy & Kathleen Smith Seth T. Smith Steven Smith Stephanie Smithson & Steven Schaening Ashley & Jeff Snider Ralph Snipes & Jean Cooke Blair Soffe & Johnna Hanlon Brian Solus & Natalie Giannini Angi & Erik Sorensen Jennifer & Marvin Sorensen Soroptimist of Eureka Xi Chi Kappa Sorority Jacqueline Sounhein Dennis & Joyce Sousa South Fortuna Elementary School Christina & Jonathan Souza Michelle Souza & Karissa Mandile Kori Ann & Edward Sowa Corinne Soyster Anna M. Sparer Lisa Spaugy & Jerry Cross Jonathan & Nicole Speaker Cory & Roxanne Spencer Jean Spinas Billy Sprague & Kelly Klaiber Danielle Sproul Mauro & Katerina Staiano Naomi Elizabeth Stamper TIna & Phil Standish Harry Stangeland Jerry Stanton & Paul Krakow Starbucks Coffee Sara & Peter Starr Joyce Startare Jessica Rae Stauffer John Stefanakis & Holly Glavich Jessica & Henry Steigeiser Charles Stein Nicole Stein Naomi & Sal Steinberg Dr. Shelia Steinberg & Dr. Steve Steinberg Richard Stenger & Gretha Omey Stenger John Stevery Zane & Kerri Steves Ann Stewart Ernest & Kristen Stewart Jocelyn Stewart & Tim Hendrix Rene H. Stewart Sean Stewart & Amber Franklin Amber & Jonathan Stickels Megan & Michael Stobb Candy Stockton & Lars Joreteg Teresa Stodder Kurt & Toni Stoffel Gerg & Meri Storino 18 2010 Members & Donors 19 Jim Storm Richard & Deborah Storre Darryle & Sherrill Story Barbara Stotts & Tahni Campbell Stephen A. Strawn Kaye Strickland & Lori Davenport Johnathan Stuart Anthony Stubbs Hanna Sturtz Michael Suggs Karen & Ken Suiker Sarah & Adam Sullens Dennis & Cindy Sullivan Jennifer L. & John J. Sullivan Kenny Sullivan & Kate Murphy Sullivan Laura & Patrick Sullivan Daniel & Heather Summers The Sun Valley Group Jens Sund & Kim Thomas Linda Sundberg Pat & Gary Sundquist Tami & Ashley Sundquist Sunny Brae Animal Clinic Jamie & Mike Sutter Shellee & Eric Sutton Patsy & Sherwood Svarvari Cheryl Svehla Scott Sway & Sai Zhang Allison Sweeten Mary Swensen Neva & Dan Swensen O’Rourk & Linda Swinney Tammy Sylvest & Kathy McNamara Jennifer Taft & Thomas Hovie Marion & John Taijala Scott & Alison Talbott Eric Tallman Kim & Si Talty Becky & Herb Tanenhaus Sarah Tanveer Neil & Judi Tarpey Dennis & Cindy Taylor Phil & Nancy Taylor Tawnya Taylor Victor Taylor Ami & Audrey Tehrani Marco Tellez Jo Tennyson Dolores Terry David Tharp Jamila Tharp & Michelle Hasting Dennis Therry Janeé Thill Hayden Thomas Connie Thompson Joshua Thompson Ray & Darline Thompson Timothy Thompson Tim Thornton & Kathy Marks George Tidwell & Shirley Bass William Tillitt & Angela Johnston Marvin Timbol Times-Standard Doris J. Timm Julie Timmons Dale & Joy Timpany Ken & Maria Tinkham Kristi Todd & Rafael Urbina Martha Tomini & Joanne Parkhurst Lee & Pat Tomosini Debbie & Mark Topping Matt & Tami Toste Michele Tourné & Asa Stockton Teresa Tovar & Helen McCarthy Carol Townsend & Ann Townsend Carolyn & Curt Traina Aadam & Tamara Trask Verne & Paula Trinoskey Laura & Rich Trygar Brad Tucker D.D.S. & Garrison Tucker D.D.S. Robert Tucker Roy & Marilyn Tucker Godfrey & Marguerite Tudor-Matthews Bob Tuel & Frank Duncan M. & J. Tully Jennifer & Linda Turley Ron & Jan Turner Natalie & Sam Turner Nicole & Brian Turpin Tuxedo Den Jean & Richard Twiddy Glen Twombly & Sandy Sweitzer Ukiah Brewing Company Lee & Cathy Ulansey Andrew & Carol Unsinger Mrs. Ann Upjohn Urology Associates Tyler Vack & Thao Le Khac Vaissade Mortgage Tom & Jane Vallee Dave & Deedee Vallerga Paul Valley Carolyn Van Aalst Heidi & Charly Van Buskirk Lisa & Morgan Van Doorn Mike Van Duzer & Leslie Pace Caitlin Van Emmerik Elizabeth Van Mantgem Gordon & Michael Van Zee Scott Vance Mary VanCott Denise Vanden Bos Meredith & Eric VandenBranden Kelly Vane Holly Vannoy Fernando & Alana Varela 2010 Members & Donors Alice Vasterling Paulette & Joe Vecchio Vellutini Baking Company Nick Venema & Thelma McFarland Jon, Eileen & Ocoee Verbeck Vern’s Furniture Alice & Scott Vesterling Holly & Ron Vetter Vichy Springs Resort Victorian Village Inn Richard & Niki Vige Danny & Rikki Vigil Kathryn & Andrew Vilha David Cuauhtemoc & Rebecca Villasenor David & Jenjira Villec Charlotte A Viredaz Robin L. Visser Visual Concepts Daniel & Dana Vit Marci & Craig Vizenor Kevin & Cheryl Voorhees Linda Vosburg & Daniel Osborne Chanda & Rob Vukonich W.N. Tetrault Co., Inc. Catherine & Beverly Wachel Lynn Wachter Ryan Wada Maren & Todd Wagner Mary Wakeman Jim & Sharyl Walker Sara & Devin Walker Teresa Walker & Brett Born Toby & Amy Walker Kathryn & Jonanthan Walkley Shannon & Jolyon Walkley Ashley Wall Barbara Wallace Jerry Lee Wallace & Michelle McCallWallace Keith Wallace & Judy Bonds Wendie & Tom Wallace Heidi & Kelly Walsh Lawrence Walsh Wendy & Ansel Walter Monica & Rachel Walters Adam Wanden & Rose Anothony Jenifer & Darren Ward Colin Wardman Jill Wardynski Bill Warf Elizabeth Warner & Kathleen Nesselhauf John Warren Lisa Warren Dylan & Jemima Waste Clintina Waters Watson Law Office Sarah & Steve Watson Scott J. & Angie Weaver Alene & Ronnie Webb Emily Webb Victoria & John Webb Ginger & Michael Weber Terry & Anna Weeks Matthew & Denise Weems Howard & Cheryl Welch Mica J. Welch & Courtney Hall Lonnie Wellman Kurt & Cynthia Werner Jamye & Rebecca Weseloh Beverly & Harold Westman Tom & Anna Westman Rena Weston Kelli Wheat Kathy Wheeler & James Ramkins Frank & Judy White Jesse J. White Natasha & Daniel White Vickie White & Hollie White Sellars Victoria White & Victoria Light Michaele Whiteley Gretchen Whitmer Bobbi & Kris Wibbenhorst Albert Wichkam Wesley & Jan Wieman Kathleen & David Wiens Caitlin Wik Richard F. & Lois C. Wild Wildberries Marketplace Sarah Wilerding Richard Will Beal & Mary Willcutt Ken & Diane Williams Melissa Williams Rebecca Williams & Kay Burgess Scott Russell Williams Sean & Caroline Williams Sean David Williams Tod Williams & Gwen Erickson Heather & Michael Williamson Marie & Dax Williamson Roberta & Norman Williston Barbara Wilson Kelda & Dave Wilson Leta Wilson Mari Wilson Penelope Wilson Ron & Betty Wilson Tonya Fedrick Wilson Sarah Wilwerding Wine Spot Elizabeth Wing Jamie Wingo & Wes Johnson Carolyn Winston-Doble Robert & Diana Witte Jon & Gretchen Woessner Lindy & Mary Wolf Beverley Wolfe & Ron Garrido Candida Wolff Vodden Linda & Mark Wolgemuth 20 2010 Members & Donors 21 Elaine Mu & Jason Wolven Jodi & Eric Wolven Richard & Cheryl Wolven Brett Wonenberg & Karisa Elloway Deborah & Michael Wood Genie G. Wood & James Myers Denise & Ken Woods Gary & Nancy Woods Jason Woodward Maggie J. Wortman & Michael P. Acosta Darlene Wright Sherry Wright Susan & Jeremy Wright Thomas & Sharalee Wrigley Matthew Yadley & Tracy Morgan Pa Yang & John Thao Carolyn K. & Michael Yanke Stephanie Yantzer & Pablo Midence Brenda & Megan Yarnall Idyath & Michael Yassemi Amanda Ybarra Malinda Yellon David York Tiffany & Bryan Yost Bruce A. Young Vikki Young & Bob Clark Helny M. Younger Dr. Robin Zagone & Dr. Megan Smith-Zagone Aimee & Cienna Zambo Carl & Belinda Zander Melissa Zarp & Nate Howe Vicki Zeitlin Liang Zhang Gretchen Ziegler Karen Zimbelman & Bella Waters Stephanie Zwald Brenda Zwiefelhofer Cherie Zygaczenko Jude Zyskowski 2010 Event Sponsors Platinum Tamarin Silver Flamingo Bronze Bear Copper Cavy Friend of the Zoo Red panda, Shifu, enjoys a bamboo snack 22 Volunteering at the Zoo 7,289 hours were volunteered to further Sequoia Park Zoo’s mission during 2010. Efforts include: Sequoia Park Zoo City of Eureka Zoo Budget Fiscal Year 09-10 ,,Zoo Crew ,,Board of Directors ,,Community Service Projects ,,Event/Gift Shop Volunteers ,,Youth Assistant Keepers ,,Spiff Up the Zoo Animal Care Operations Education Total Budget: $617,704 No capital improvement funding due to budget cuts Conservation Clockwise from above: Cindy Hardi helps “spiff up” the Zoo; Member Howard Welch repairs the roof of the Fairy House; Roots & Shoots plants their 1,000th tree-this one in the Red panda exhibit Special Project Contributors 23 Brayden Allen Ford Memorial Fund Christine & Jalmer Berg Foundation Humboldt Area Foundation Humboldt Sponsors Robert L. Richards Memorial Fund Rotary Club of Eureka Save the Redwoods League In addition to long-standing conservation efforts, in 2010 Sequoia Park Zoo added these new programs: International Red Panda Day: 1,086 people celebrated on Nov. 13! Sequoia Park Zoo donated $650 to the Red Panda Network-enough to fund an employee for a season of Red panda population monitoring in Nepal. World Oceans Week: In honor of AZA’s sponsored World Oceans Day, the Zoo provided water pollution prevention demonstrations to over 300 visiting students during the week of June 7-11. No Palm Oil Campaign: Harvesting palm oil has a negative impact on wildlife and is found in many foods we eat daily. This keeper-led program offers an animalfriendly buying guide. Red Panda Rangers at IRPD 24 Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation Statement of Activities Revenue & Support As of December 31, 2010 Café, Catering & Gift Shop Contributed Support Special Events Membership Dues Birthday Parties & Rentals Interest Income Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2010 ASSETS Cash Prepaids Inventories Deposits Property & Equipment, Net of Depr. TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Charge Accounts Accrued Payroll Taxes Accrued Sales Tax Total Liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 25 $ $ $ $ CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures $ Red Panda Exhibit Flamingo Remodel Discovery Cart Aviary Remodel $ 268,369 1,617 28,454 3,269 75,522 374,231 REVENUE & SUPPORT Café, Catering & Gift Shop Contributed Support Special Events Membership Dues Birthday Parties & Rentals Other Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENSES Café & Gift Shop Fundraising Special Events Marketing & Promotion Animal & Education Membership Zoo Expenses General & Administrative In-kind Accounting Services Exhibits & Assets Donated to the City of Eureka-Zoo Total Expenses Increase in Net Assets $ $ 178,028 151,951 141,497 56,617 9,060 831 2,094 540,078 180,876 52,733 101,032 27,572 25,642 13,748 3,187 20,543 24,990 163,697 614,020 (73,942) $163,697 Spent on Zoo Improvement Projects in 2010 Expenses 2,398 2,887 2,986 8,271 120,846 245,114 365,960 374,231 715 54,647 48,534 1,681 180 105,757 Café, Catering & Gift Shop Fundraising Special Events Marketing & Promotion Animal & Education Membership Zoo Expenses In-kind Accounting Services General & Administrative Exhibits & Assets Donated to Zoo 26 Animal Accomplishments Red pandas – This species was a first for Sequoia Park Zoo and therefore a first for animal care staff at the Zoo, so we had a lot to learn. Luckily the zoo community offers a wealth of support and information, with husbandry manuals, veterinary advisors, and a keeper workshop at the Cincinnati Zoo that our Red panda Shifu; photo: Matthew Filar own Zoo Keeper Kelsey Kuhn attended. In spite of a rough start as the runt of the litter, Shifu, along with his brother Sumo, have thrived here at Sequoia Park Zoo. 27 Flamingo chick – After a two-year hiatus, our flock got serious about nesting and produced several nests and eggs, keeping staff busy with observations. When an egg was laid, it was pulled and placed in an incubator to keep it safe from predators. Of the 12 eggs produced, only one was fertile. A day after its first vocalizations were heard inside the shell, keepers returned it to an occupied nest, removing the “dummy” egg. A healthy chick was hatched! Even though the pair was inexperienced and a bit surprised to hear the egg talking back, they did a great job protecting and feeding the chick. It was another successful learning experience for all; this female flamingo chick is the 29th member of our growing flock. Our flamingo chick sticks close to mom Animal Collection Additions Acquired two new female Guira cuckoos from Houston Zoo for companionship to our single female Received two Red panda brothers born at Denver Zoo for our new exhibit Added a new Madagascar giant hissing cockroach colony for our Education programs Introduced a male Raven that was permanently injured in the wild and rescued by Humboldt Wildlife Care Center to our existing two females One Chilean flamingo was hatched with help from keeper staff and successfully reared by foster parents in our flock A hatchling Rubber boa donated from Coyote Point Museum was added to enhance our educational opportunities with these fascinating native snakes Our elderly Coast giant salamander passed away from natural causes after living at the zoo for more than eighteen years Sally, Coast giant salamander Animal Collection Type Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Invertebrates Fish No. Species 19 21 7 3 6 1 No. Individuals 50 76 13 3 40,050 7 28 1,845 EduCation Number of youth inspired by education programs offered at Sequoia Park Zoo. 2011 Event Calendar April 24 May 21 August 13 October 30 Egg-stravaganza Brew at the Zoo Zootini Boo at the Zoo Summer Concert Series June 18, July 9, July 23, August 6 Our camps for kids served over 180 youth ages 5-12. Zootini Over 1,600 people came through the front gates on school field trips. By providing an outdoor classroom, the Zoo complements science curriculum, thereby enhancing student learning. Zoo & Foundation Staff City Staff Education to inspire conservation action! This hands-on program allowed 21 youth to serve, learn and get dirty. Together they worked over 900 hours! 29 Amber Agent-Martinez Amanda Auston Camden Bruner Matthew Christianson Natalie Clark Vanessa Halley Valerie Henderson Kathleen Juliano Jennifer Kennedy Kelsey Kuhn Damaris McClelland Nicole Nagel Amber Neilson Elisa Phillips Lucinda Smith Barbara Stewart Janeé Thill Laura Turk Anders Wirth Gretchen Ziegler Foundation Staff Office Melinda Booth Kate JamisonAlward Becky Koreen Megan Stobb Meagan Tatum Gary Diekow Zach Ehrhardt CJ Haines Jenny Nicholson Harry Stangeland Janeé Thill Carly Van Hoose Gift Shop Arlene Ghera Joann Nord Zoo Cafe Geri Bass Jack Blessing Mai Cheng White-handed gibbons 30 Nonprofit Org. US Postage PAID Eureka, CA Permit No. 9 Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation P.O. Box 123 Cutten, CA 95534 www.SequoiaParkZoo.net CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Coming in 2011 Our Patagonian cavies’ home is getting a makeover. Look for a new Flamingo, Cavy & Crested screamer exhibit this spring. And, if we’re lucky, cavy babies!
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