July 2006 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1
July 2006 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1
Volume 19, Issue 7 July 2006 Northside Harley News Message from your Director Harley Owners Group INDIANAPOLIS CHAPTER NO. 1, INC CHAPTER #1238 I am pleased to see the continued growth of our Chapter both in total members and members who attend our meetings. With the loss of 4 officers I was very happy to see four members step up to replace them: Barb Wilson, Secretary; Mark Ridgeway, Safety Director; Jason Robertson, Sergeant of Arms; and Mike Salami, Publicity Chair. These new Officers will bring more new thinking to our Officers Core and continued improvement of your Chapter. The Dealership has not requested our help with CycleThang so I might suggest you take advantage in the Charity Rides leaving the Dealership that day. Thanks to all of you that went on the "Mystery Ride" (Beef House). The feedback I have received was very much appreciated. I am looking forward to our riding activities the rest of the season and your preparation. I also look forward to the Brickyard Ride and Conner Prairie. THANKS RUSS. I will see you on the road. Bob Bill. Bowling for MDA On Sunday, July 9th, Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis/HOG Chapter #1 bowled against Harley-Davidson Southside and Westside HOG Chapters to see who could raise the most money for MDA and have the most fun. Northside won the Participation Award for having the most bowlers; Southside won the Best Bowler Award, average of 220; and Westside lost all around. Thanks to Russ, all the HOG Chapter members and the staff at Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis who participated in a victory not only for MDA, but for Northside. Also, thanks to Beth Bey for arranging this fun event and for the prizes, especially the crowns, they were a big hit. BUNS OF THE BRICKYARD RIDE This is the 2nd Annual Buns of the Brickyard Ride, which will follow the August 5th Chapter Meeting. This escorted ride will begin at approximately 9:15 am. The August meeting will begin with breakfast and the meeting at 8:30 am. If you are interested in participating in this ride, please contact Sherri via e-mail: [email protected] or 317.815.2537, so we can purchase advanced tickets. Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis will contribute $5 towards your ticket price, so your cost would be $10 per person. We invite non-HOG Members to participate; however, their ticket price would be $15 per person. We are looking forward to a fun filled day at the track. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Russ - Inside This Issue: CycleThang/Name Tags/Photo Contest/Member News & Notes 6 Director's Comments 1 Chapter Rides and Events/2006 Chapter Sponsor and Officers 7 Bowling for MDA/Buns of the Brickyard Ride 1 New Members/June Birthdays 8 National HOG Rally Story/Photos E-Mail Newsletter Distribution 2 July/Aug/Sept/Oct Event Calendar 9 Loop For Life News 3 Bulletin Board 10 July Meeting Minutes 4 July Meeting Minutes Con’t/ Flash Cadillac Ride with Symphony 11 National HOG Rally Story/Photos (cont) 5 Business Directory 12-13 National HOG Rally The National HOG Rally was held this year in Billings Montana where Sid and Yvonne Lewis, Tom and Donna Ransdale, and Ed and Carolyn James represented Indianapolis Chapter No. 1. Since the ride takes you through South Dakota and Tom and Donna had not been to that part of the country, we took the opportunity to hit all the hot spots along the way, which included Wall Drugs, The Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer State Park, Needles Highway, Devil’s Tower, Iron Mountain Road, Beartooth Pass, and Yellowstone National Park. When it was all said and done, we rode over 4500 miles from June 24th through July 4th, and had more fun than most normal people should be allowed to experience and made enough memories to fill a book. During a little over a week on the road, we experienced sun, heat, rain, hail, and more sun. The trip started Saturday morning in Brownsburg where we all met for breakfast and I learned that it is possible to put 5.12 gallons of gas in an Ultra and still not run out of gas. We rode to Albert Lea, Minnesota the first day and started the second day in the rain, but the sun came out before we ended up in Rapid City, South Dakota. At each stop for gas, it became a contest to see how much gas Tom needed compared to Sid and me. Much to Tom’s dismay, he generally needed ½ to a full gallon more than Sid and me at each stop. Of course, we did not pick at him about this small issue…yea right! In addition, I tried not to run over him as he tried to get up the mountain roads, which had him wondering even more why his mileage was less than my bike with the big bore kit. It was on the third day that Sid started to learn of his great wisdom (well, maybe Yvonne’s great wisdom) of purchasing an extended warranty for his bike. He developed an oil leak around the push rod seals, but the Rapid City Dealership worked him into an already busy schedule. While they were fixing his problem, Sid rented a bike from them and we spent the afternoon touring the Badlands. He picked up his bike later that day and we spent the next day riding to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and Custer State Park. We experienced incredible scenery and too many buffalo and antelope than you can count on the Wildlife Loop in Custer, and beautiful scenery and twisty roads on Needles Highway. If you have not been to Mount Rushmore National Park and Crazy Horse, you are missing an unbelievable feat of mountain sculpture. (cont’d on page 5) E-mail Distribution of Newsletter Help reduce the cost of the Newsletter. If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail, please send an e-mail along with your first and last name to me at “[email protected]”. Please include “Newsletter” as the subject and we will sign you up to start receiving it with the next newsletter. The “e-mail” version of the newsletter is formatted in Adobe Acrobat, which, if you don’t currently have, the Adobe Acrobat Reader software can be downloaded for free at “ADOBE.COM”. If you request newsletters via e-mail and later decide that you would rather have it mailed to you, simply send an email and we’ll put you back on the mailing list. Please note that as of now the e-mail participation is voluntary and you will continue to receive your paper version of the newsletter unless you specifically request to receive it via e-mail only, which we encourage. You can also access the newsletter at www.hdofindy.com, under HOG. V O LU ME 1 9 , I S S U E 7 Page 2 Don’t forget to pre-register for the 2006 V O LU M E 1 9 , ISS U E 7 Loop for Life @ www.loopforlife.org Page 3 Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 Saturday, July 8, 2006 Chapter Meeting Minutes Submitted by Sherri Hammer Meeting Called to Order Introduction/Welcome of New Members/Guests General Discussion: Thanked Russ and the dealership for breakfast. April Business: • MDA bowl-off between Northside HOG-Southside HOG-Westside HOG on Sunday July 9, 2006 from 5 to 9:00 pm. Cost is $3.00 per person and there is a sign-up sheet posted on the board. • Secretary has resigned, again. Need to consider election of new Secretary by meetings end. No nominations were made. • • Safety Director resigned. Mark Ridgeway was nominated, it was seconded and accepted. Congratulations to Mark and welcome. Publicity Chair has resigned. Mike Salami was nominated, it was seconded and accepted. Congratulations to Mike and welcome. It was stated that no Awards Chair had ever been elected for 2006, but no nominations were made. It was suggested and tabled until next meeting. Assistant Director: • Talked about the ride to Louisville where 13 bikes joined the ride. They had a great time and the food at King Fish Restaurant was excellent. Treasurer: New name tags are in and if you haven’t picked yours up, they are now available. If anyone is interested who hasn’t ordered one, a new list has been started. • It was stated that there was $1,000 in the Charity account and reminder that half of the 50/50 goes into this account. • • Someone asked about ordering chapter shirts. Please put your name on the list and when the minimum is met, then shirts can be ordered. Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis indicated that items for the HOG Chapter will be available soon in the store. It was stated that the patches can be purchased through motorclothes right now. Road Captain: • Russ was thanked again for breakfast and his participation. Make sure everyone has signed up for the ride and appropriate waivers are signed. The route will be 31 – 32 – 63, stop for a late lunch and then return. Ladies of Harley: It was suggested to have bike nights and/or new rider rides. If you are interested in one or both or something else, please let Amy know. • Please don’t forget to sign-up for Ladies of Harley if you haven’t already. There will be some fun and exciting things to do. It is important to remember safety as a rider and a passenger. Remember to wear appropriate clothing just in case the bike goes down. It is important as a passenger to also be appropriately dressed. Also, as a passenger, it is important to be alert and help the rider of upcoming obstacles. • Activities: Upcoming Rides: -Catfish Caper Ride on July 15th, with a continuation ride on July 16th. Again, there will be an overnight stay at Casino Astar…this is a great ride. -Indiana Beach Ride on July 23rd put together by Dee Brown, call Dee at 876-0126 for more information. -Ohio Ride on July 30th, contact Sid @ 442-9763. -National HOG Rally in Tennessee with a continuation ride to Blue Ridge and The Dragon. Remember to contact Sid as soon as possible to RSVP. -Buns of the Brickyard ride after the August 5th Chapter Meeting to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for NASCAR Practice and Qualifying. -11th Annual Loop for Life Ride around I-465 on Saturday, August 19th. Cont’d on Page 11 V O LU ME 1 9 , I S S U E 7 Page 4 National HOG Rally (cont’d from page 2) On Wednesday we were headed to Cody, Wyoming, but about the time we hit Sundance Wyoming, Sid’s bike decided to spew oil all over Yvonne’s jeans, into the breather, and all over the engine. (Note: this problem was not related to the first problem.) The closest dealership was in Gillette. Sid and Yvonne went on the Gillette, and the rest of us continued on to see Devil’s Tower before hooking up with him and Yvonne in Gillette (again, Yvonne reminded Sid of the great wisdom in purchasing the extended warranty). About three hours later we met them at the Dealership where we learned, after quite a bit of coaxing, they agreed to look at his bike, and by early afternoon, we headed to Cody. Unfortunately, about 25 miles later Yvonne had that warm oily feeling on her jeans again and Sid had smoke coming from his exhaust. Obviously, Gillette did not fix the problem. We took it back and received a less than friendly welcome. They basically said they could not get to it for about a week. Consequently, we called Rapid City and they said they would take care of him if we could get it to them. Bright and early the next morning we headed east to Rapid City. We had to stop after each 15-mile stretch to keep Sid’s bike from spewing oil, but we finally made it back to the Rapid City Dealership where they were ready for our arrival. They found the problem, which was not properly fixed in Gillette, and while they were working on his bike Sid rented another bike and we headed out to see more sights, which included Sturgis. I’m not sure, but I believe Yvonne again told Sid about the wisdom of an extended warranty, and I think by now it was more like “I told you so”. All kidding aside, the guys at Rapid City went above and beyond to get Sid’s bike in and out for repairs, and their work was flawless. Gillette, on the other hand, well, that’s all I have to say about that. With the bike problems behind us, we changed plans and headed straight to Billings, Montana early Friday morning. We arrived in Billings in time to get settled in our hotel room and head out for the National Rally. We watched Bubba Blackwell perform, toured some of the vendors, and later that evening attended the opening ceremonies where we heard from the usual contingent of dignitaries (including Willie G.). We ended the evening watching Sugarland (a Country Music Group) perform. Saturday morning we headed out for the day to Beartooth Pass and Yellowstone National Park. Beartooth Pass is an incredibly beautiful area to ride with twisty roads and post card scenery everywhere you look. At the upper elevation of around 11,000 feet we had snow on the sides of the road and stopped near the peak where Carolyn and Yvonne tried to start a snowball fight. After leaving the mountains we headed for Yellowstone National Park where we saw an incredible waterfall and several hot springs and ponds. Yellowstone also brought us the experience with hail. As we rode through a higher elevation of the park we ran into some rain, but it quickly turned to hail. After the hail started, and Sid passed a turn-out, the road quickly turned white with hail and it was like riding in slush. After a little coaxing by Yvonne, Sid stopped at the next turn-out where we sat through the remainder of the hail storm and took a few pictures to capture the moment. From there we headed out of the park and found the road completely removed and gravel in its place. We even followed a water truck out of the park that was coating the gravel and dirt with water to keep the dust down. We rode through Cody Wyoming on our way back to Billings where Tom continued to try and keep up as we rode through more mountains. Unfortunately, Sunday morning meant it was time to head east for home because we all needed to be back to work on Wednesday, which means we had 3 days to get back home from Billings. The ride home was fairly uneventful with the exception of picking on Tom at each gas stop and one small incident with a pheasant. As we headed into our first stop Sunday night in eastern South Dakota and the sun was beginning to drop from the sky, I saw a bird take off from the median and fly in front of Sid. The next thing I saw was an explosion of feathers! I am not kidding, one minute the bird was taking off and the next minute I was riding into a wall of feathers. The bird made it to the other side of the road, but it had to be completely naked by that point in time. Fortunately, Sid had a good grip on the handlebars and other than a couple of feathers stuck to the bike, the passing lamps knocked out of alignment, and a few nerves shaken, everyone was ok and we were back on our way. The last two days of the trip had us continuing to pick at Tom over his gas mileage, and enjoying the last few miles on the road. Tom did also find out that it is possible to put 5.23 gallons of gas in an Ultra and still not run out of gas (just how much gas does an Ultra hold anyway?). We all ended up back home the afternoon of July 4th with memories to last a lifetime, friendships still intact, plenty of pictures to capture the memories, Sid’s bike running good, and looking forward to the next trip. V O LU ME 1 9 , I S S U E 7 Page 5 NAME TAGS If you are interested in ordering a name tag, please call or e-mail Carolyn James (317-462-9558 or [email protected]). The cost is $8.00 and there is a minimum of 12 required to place the order. When Riding...don’t forget to take photos for the PHOTO CONTEST: -Enter as often as you like -Categories: -Indianapolis Chapter #1 Events -Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis Dealership Events -Indiana State HOG Rally -National HOG Rallies -Harley People -Harley’s Out & About -Harley’s & Family -All formats and sizes accepted. -Photo entries become the property of Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1 and may appear in the newsletter, web page, slides shows, and scrap books unless otherwise requested. -Submit photo entries -at meetings to Historian -at dealership to Sherri Hammer -e-mail: Chapter Historian @ [email protected] D Dealership @ [email protected] -Judging by panel at the end of November, 2006. -Awards at Holiday Party in December, 2006. -Questions, contact Lynda Bridges @ H-823-9088 or C-332-7440 V O L U M E 1 9 , I SS U E 7 MEMBER NEWS AND NOTES Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pam Lowe and her family following the loss of Pam's Aunt Francis. Pam had taken care of her Aunt for several years and was very close to her. Flowers were sent on behalf of the Chapter. If you pickup the August copy of American Iron Magazine, you will find a couple of familiar faces inside. Chapter Members, Keith and Barb Parker, traveled to Australia earlier this year with a group from the magazine. The story is in the magazine, but Keith and Barb have several more stories to tell about their adventures, so ask them about the trip next time you see them at a meeting or event. Page 6 CHAPTER RIDES & EVENTS Sid Lewis, Activities Coordinator Please check the Event Schedule for the leave from location and time for the following Chapter rides: July Chapter Rides: 7/15-16/2006 Catfish Caper to West Union, IL & Evansville (overnight stay) 7/23/2006 Indiana Beach Ride to Monticello (Sunday Brunch) 7/30/2006 Grand Lake Ride to Celina, OH. August Chapter Rides: 8/5/2006 Ride to IMS for NASCAR Qualifying/Practice (After the August Chapter Meeting) 8/9/2006 TN. State HOG Rally Ride to Johnson City, TN 8/11-13/2006 Blue Ridge Parkway & The Dragon (continuation of the TN. State HOG Rally Ride) NOTE: If you are planning on participating in the continuation ride to the Blue Ridge Parkway & The Dragon and are not on the list below, please notify me ASAP to enable me to secure enough hotel rooms. (Jim & Dee Brown, Jim & Linda Campbell, Ed & Carolyn James, Carolyn Jeffries, Dean & Melissa Folkening, Dave & Joyce Lusk, Tim & Brenda McNamara, Mike & Donna Robinson, Tom & Donna Ransdell, Ted & Chris Rossell, Ken White) 2006 Chapter Sponsor and Officers Dealer Sponsor SAFETY DIRECTOR - Mark Ridgeway Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis 4146 E. 96th Street • Indpls, IN 46240 (317) 815-1800 • 1 (888) RIDE-123 ROAD CAPTAIN - Steve Hartshorne Russ Dellen Questions/Comments/Suggestions O (317) 815-7040 • C (317) 507-6574 2006 Officers (317) 339-8911; [email protected] (317) 250-8385 SERGEANT AT ARMS - Jason Robertson (317) 462-3964; [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR - Sherri Hammer (317) 815-2537; [email protected] HISTORIAN - Lynda Bridges (317) 823-9088; [email protected] DIRECTOR - Bob Bill (317) 877-0888; [email protected] ACTIVITY CHAIR - Sid Lewis ASST. DIRECTOR - David Bridges PUBLICITY CHAIR - Mike Salami (317) 823-9088; [email protected] TREASURER - Carolyn James (317) 462-9558; [email protected] SECRETARY - Barb Wilson (317) 271-5223; [email protected] V O L U M E 1 9 , I SS U E 7 (317) 442-9763; [email protected] (317) 844-9925; [email protected] CHARITY FUND CHAIR - Dee Brown (317) 576-0126; [email protected] LADIES OF HARLEY - Amy Brockelman (317) 773-0616; [email protected] Page 7 WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Joe Gary Timothy Chuck Steven Guy Paul Mark A. Brian David Thomas Rick Michael Phillip Jerry Avry Basham Bishop Briston Cardenas Carlyle Christensen Christy Collier Dean Ecktman Fishman Flowers, Jr. Garrett Griffith Thomas Bill Barry Mary Jane Levy Charles Jeff Robert Bob Al Peggy S. Randall Donald Paul John V O LU ME 1 9 , I S S U E 7 Larry Tim Jason Doug Joshua Robert Paul Manna John John Roy Robert Rob Gretchen John Anderson Beatty Bernstein Boughton Burroughs Canter Carpenter Dudgeon Durham Eyster Findlay Gardner Grayson Jackson Jenkins Jacobs Johns Krug Lathery Lawson Leisure Lushin MacDonald Masters McMahon Mikesch Mitchell Nance Neal Neal Gino James “Kelly” Kenneth Michael Steve Denny Jon Mike Roy Leon Michael Sandra S. Patricia Tina Larry James "Jim" Thomas Thomas G. Dennis Gregory Chris Scott Rodney R. Jason Richard Scott Jason R. Jeffrey James "Jim" Rick Scott Lawrence Thomas G. Michael Prior Quillen Ransom Reasen, II Robertson Rowley Shaner Smith Thatcher Tice Walker Walton Weiss Wolfe Lenk Johnson Johnston Joseph Kenniff Littrell Loveall Madsen Miedema Mikesch Mordoh O'Shaughnessey Rausch Shelton Stanesa Stockdale Tice Waters Wolfe Zdun Page 8 Event Categories: General Events; HOG Events; HOG Chapter #1 Meetings; Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis Events DATE JULY DAY 2006 Sat Sun Wed 15 16 19 20-23 23 29 DESCRIPTION Catfish Caper (West Union, IL and Evansville) LEAVE FROM/ EVENT LOCATION HD of Indianapolis EVENT TIME 9:00 AM 30 Ken White PHONE # 877-2195 Catfish Caper Continuation Ride National Ride Your Bike to Work Day Sun Indiana Beach Ride (Monticello, IN) Lawrence Co Recreational Park HD of Indianapolis Lv 9:00 AM Dee Brown 876-0126 Sat 5th Annual Janus Ride (Breakfast @ 8:30 am) HD of Indianapolis Lv 10:00 AM Julie 773-8781 Jennifer 408-7415 Beth Bey 815-1800 Lv 1:30 PM Shawn Grass 899-3303 /223-3846 Lv 9:00 AM Sid Lewis 442-9763 8:30 AM 8:30 AM Bob Bill 877-0888 Lv 9:30 AM Beth Bey 815-1800 Thurs-Sun The ABATE Boogie in Lawrence County http://abateofindianaorg/boggie Cheeseburger in Paradise, Wheels in Motion Ride to benefit Rehabilitation Hospital Indiana Southport Road 29-30 CONTACT Sat-Sun CycleThang, a fun-filled weekend of food, drinks, bands & great discounts Sun Indy Metro Fools "Braveheart" Burn Camp Ride (Lunch @ Noon) HD of Indianapolis Grand Lake Ride (Celina, OH) HD of Indianapolis Bob Evan's, 96th Street and Keystone Avenue NASCAR Practice and Qualifying Indianapolis Motor Speedway AUGUST 2006 4-5 5 Fri-Sat Sat HOG Chapter #1 Monthly Meeting (Breakfast @ 8:30 am) HD of Indianapolis Buns of the Brickyard Escorted Ride to Indianapolis Motor Speedway for NASCAR Qualifying/Practice IRP 200 - NASCAR Busch Series 6 7-13 9-13 9 9-20 Sun Mon-Sun Wed-Sun Wed Wed-Sun 19 Sat 20 Sun 27 Sun SEPTEMBER 2006 4 Mon 9 9 10 Sat Sat Sun 11 Mon 16 Sat Brickyard 400 - NASCAR Nextel Cup Series Sturgis Bike Week Tennessee State HOG Rally Pre-Registration Deadline: June 21, 2006 Tennessee State HOG Rally (Johnson City, TN/Blue Ridge Pkwy/The Dragon Indiana State Fair - 150th Anniversary HD of Indianapolis Indianapolis Raceway Park Indianapolis Motor Speedway 8:30 PM 2:30 PM Sturgis, SD www.sturgisrally.net www.tnstatehogrally.com Johnson City, Tennessee McDonalds, I-74 and Post Road Indiana State Fairgrounds Lv 8:30 AM Sid Lewis 442-9763 11th Annual Loop for Life (Registration begins @ 8:30 11:30 AM www.loopforlife.org am) Marion County Fairgrounds Lv 9:30 AM 815-1800 Beth Bey Satellite Ride to the Loop for Life (Breakfast @ 8:30 am) HD of Indianapolis Registration from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Lv 12:30 PM 770-7602 Haulin' for Hoser Ride (Fireman Brian Hosler) HD of Indianapolis Al Wise American Legion Post 64, TBA 685-0342 4th Annual Bikers for Homeless Veterans Charity Ride 601 S. Holt Road Lynda Labor Day HD of Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1 Monthly Meeting (Breakfast @ 8:30 am) HD of Indianapolis Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis Annual Open House HD of Indianapolis Mongo's Ride (Lunch @ Noon) HD of Indianapolis Stone Mug, 6525 N College Ride to Remember Avenue Dallas & Reid Ride for Juvenile (Type 1) Diabetes (Registration begins @ 9:00 am) Closed 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Lv 1:00 PM Bob Bill Beth Bey Matt 877-0888 815-1800 557-0804 7:00 PM Dixie 251-6985 www.dallasandrei Plainfield Eagle Aerie 3207, dsride.org Lv 11:15 AM 445-0623 5556 E US Hwy. 50 OCTOBER 2006 7 9 29 31 Sat Mon Sun Tues HOG Chapter #1 Monthly Meeting (Breakfast @ 8:30 am) HD of Indianapolis Fall Foliage Ride to Brown County Columbus Day HD of Indianapolis 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Bob Bill Carolyn James 877-0888 462-9558 Daylight Savings Time ends Halloween V O LU M E 1 9 , ISS U E 7 Page 9 Bulletin Board For Sale: Vance and Hines Big Shot Longs, in box, used 30 days, like new with extra baffles. Cost $649; sell for $450. Call George Watts @ 317-570-0476 For Sale: 2001 Custom built Harley, '01/"88" engine, Thunder River Softail frame, 230 rear tire, Vance and Hines Pro pipes, stretch tanks, Jesse James rear fender, La Pera buddy seat, 1,100 miles, black, paid 23+K; sell for $14,000. Barry Jeffries (317) 838-8389 For Sale: Genuine Harley Davidson sheepskin seat cover for Ultra Classic, includes backrest cover and rain cover. Used for 2 months on bike with very little riding. Combination new was $252; asking $200. For Sale: 1997 Electra Glide Classic, Tour Pack, “Live to Ride” Mirrors & Tank Caps. Many chrome extras. 30k Miles. Call Larry Bradbury @ 317-545-4935. $15,000. For Sale: Pearl White Shoei Helmet, TZ-1 Full Face, Snell Approved, Like new condition, XXL. $79. Charlie Demler, 317-848-7612 For Sale: 2003 Heritage takeoff and near new parts for sale. HD custom paint EFI tank, front fender and rear fender, black w/ghost flames new in Fall of 2003, $600 w/trade or $950 wo/trade. Saddleman Classic Explorer seat, like new $250. Top end solo seat w/flames $125. New chrome swing arm $275. Front & rear highway bars $100 each. Exhaust $75. Steve (317) 996-2113 For Sale: 2003 HD Ultra Classic—100th Anniversary—Black/Silver—One Owner—30,000 miles—$4,500 in extra chrome. Asking $17,500 Call 317.835.7882 to make an appointment For Sale: 2001 US Cargo Trailer (18’ Toy Hauler). 8 x 10 garage will haul 2 motorcycles; 8 x 8 living quarters, includes a full kitchen and bath; dining area; sleeps 3; cable and phone ready; airconditioning and microwave; new tires with a spare; electric brakes; tow bar; sway bar; excellent condition. Asking $12,000 If interested call Fred or Rose @ 765-386-2061 Also included: Detachable quick release windshield, all take off parts still on hand; service, parts, owners manufals, catalogs; cleaning supplies, oil filter tool (required for self service), lift adapters (you can have to lift too); HD riding jacket/chaps ($600 retail alone). $18,020 new $2,000+ in upgrades for $15,000 (part receipts on file) Call James Croucher at 317-753-5198 Call Tony at 317-422-1175 or 317-402-7942 For Sale: Red 2001 Yamaha V-Star Classic 600. 4,000 miles, leather saddle bags. Runs great. $3,900; OBO 848-7612 after 5:30. Newsletter Editor: Sherri Hammer 317.815.2537 •[email protected] For Sale: The “Gambler” saddle by Corbin – (#275) Fits 84-89 Softail. Color is tan faux-ostrich. Used less than 100 miles. Paid $329, plus shipping; now $200 firm. Please call Michael Chappell at (317) 849-5050 For Sale: ‘96 Sportster - 1200 XLH Gray/Black, 7,900 miles with windshield and backrest, asking $8,000. Call 335-2978 @ Home or 335-2978 @ Work For Sale: Best Offer: 4 foot x 3 foot chest freezer. Works well. Call Tony 765-437-4030 For Sale: 2002 Ultra Classic Luxury Red, all Chrome, Heated Grips, ABSOLUTELY NEW CONDITION, $16,500. Call Morrie Fishburn @ 317-507-7837 or [email protected] Place your for sale items here for free, but please tell the Newsletter Editor if something has sold, thanks. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 7 Page 10 Chapter Meeting Minutes Con’t from Page 4 Dealership: • MDA bowl-off between Northside HOG-Southside HOG-Westside HOG on Sunday July 9, 2006 from 5 to 9:00 pm. Cost is $3.00 per person and there is a sign-up sheet. Let’s go kick some you know what! • 2nd Annual Buns of the Brickyard ride. It will leave H-D of Indianapolis at approximately 9:15 am with an escorted ride to the track. The meeting will begin at 8:30 am with breakfast. Please remember to sign-up in advance by contacting Sherri at [email protected] or 317.815.2537. H-D of Indianapolis will pay $5 towards your ticket for each HOG Member, so your cost will be $10. Non-members are welcome, but their ticket price will be $15. • Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30th H-D of Indianapolis is bringing back CycleThang. There will be food, music, fun and a bike show. The bike show will be held on Sunday with a Best in Show worth $500. There will be other classes as well with cash prizes, so you don’t want to miss the fun. • Saturday, August 26th there will be a Flash Cadillac Ride to Conner Prairie. The cost will be $20 per person, which includes the ride with police escort, parking, special seating and more. If interested, please contact Sherri at 815-2537 or [email protected]. More information will become available. In addition to the ride this year, there will be more rides and special offers in 2007. • Thanks to Jerry and Dan Jenn for all their past support and participation in the HOG Chapter. It is our hope that they will be back at some point in the future, but best wishes to them for now. • Steve and several other management staff members are going to the Harley-Davidson Convention in San Diego and will be back with some great stuff for 2007. Also, the store will soon have a HOG Chapter section to purchase HOG items. Don’t forget to buy your 50/50 tickets. Other: • It was brought up that the Sergeant at Arms also resigned. Jason Robertson was nominated, it was seconded and accepted. Congratulations Jason and welcome. • Barb Wilson was nominated for Secretary, it was seconded and accepted. Congratulations to Barb and welcome. It was applauded that all officer positions were again filled. Thank you to everyone. Charity: • $121.00 total for 50/50 and the winner: Tom Scott. • Other H-D Gift Certificate Winners: -John Pope -Tom Ransdell -John Rousall -Jeff Boelke Meeting adjourned. Rock ‘Til You Drop with Flash Cadillac Here is an invitation that you will not want to pass up: Join us for an escorted ride to Conner Prairie for Flash Cadillac. Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Symphony are teaming up to invite you to an escorted ride, VIP parking and seating, a night fun and music. These rock ‘n’ rollers appeared in the legendary file American Graffiti. Revisit all the big hits from the 50’s and 60’s. Tickets are $20 per person. Bring your Motorcycle, blankets, chairs (if you can strap them on), food and drink of your choice or purchase at the Conner Prairie concessions and don’t forget your dancing shoes! This is an invitation to our Chapter, we will hold our allotment of tickets until the Chapter meeting on August 5th. Sign up today with Sherri Hammer at [email protected] or call 317-815-2537. Also, don’t forget CYCLE THANG that will be held on Saturday and Sunday July 29th and 30th. Fun and Music, Great Food, a Bike Show on Sunday with Best in Class of $500, Special Deals on Genuine H-D Merchandise and much more. If you have a question or suggestions: please e-mail: [email protected] or call 507-6574. V O L U M E 1 9 , I SS U E 7 Page 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY V O LU ME 1 9 , I S S U E 7 Page 12 Advertise here for 12 months for only $5.00 per month. Call Janie Klank 317-506-0958 or e-mail: [email protected] VO LU ME 19, ISSU E 7 Page 13 Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 Newsletter Editor PO Box 80448 Indianapolis, IN 46280-0448 DEALERSHIP NEWS *Don’t forget about your 15% discount provided to all HOG Chapter #1 members. This discount is offered any time you are in the store. You may be asked to show a valid local membership card to obtain the discount. ***Special Note*** Please do not park in the Service Lane (against building) during meetings, event rides, and activities. This is for the Service Department and the customers waiting to be served for Bike Service. NEXT MEETING: Saturday, August 5, 2006 at the Harley-Davidson Dealership 8:30 am (Note different time) Breakfast @ 8:30 am
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