Compliments of - B`nai B`rith International
Compliments of - B`nai B`rith International
'"' ' * i L ' j ™ w " , " w i m u a s u i u I'tmmamm llimh'i UHH.-,::. :.vmibi; *, kkuetkk tXm muett ' inBiIiS^L.LUBuuiiLMiJUUuaiiiimuuuiJiJiiiiiiui.Li.u-uLiJ PREAMBLE to the B'nai B'rith Constitution: "B'nai B'rith has taken upon itself the mission of uniting persons of the Jewish faith in the work of promoting their highest interests and those of humanity; of developing and elevating the mental and moral character of the people of our faith; of inculcating the purest principles of philanthropy, honor and patriotism; of supporting science and art; alleviating the wants of the poor and needy; visiting and caring for the sick; coming to the rescue of victims of persecution; providing for, protecting and assisting the aged, the widow and the orphan on the broadest principles of humanity." In commemoration of the centennial of its Horeb Lodge has caused the publication founding, of this book- let, setting forth its history and the schedule of events to mark the MAIER ZUNDER founder and first president of Horeb Lodge occasion. AFTER one hundred years of continuous service to the Community, it is altogether fitting that a permanent plaque should identify the place where Horeb Lodge held its earliest meetings. building which housed the lodge rooms is still standing on the site, this being the southwest The corner of the intersection of State and Court Streets, and for many years known as the journal and Courier program, on January 16, 1956, and the Building. Sydney Bruskin is the chairman of the dedication following honored guests have been invited: founder of Horeb Lodge; Horeb Lodge; Mrs. Isadore Mrs. Philip Buxbaum, descendant Bear, descendant of Adolph of Maier Zunder, Asher, an early leader of and Mr. Louis M. Rosenbluth, oldest living past president of Horeb Lodge. | i ON THIS SITE WAS H O R E B L O D G E NO. 2 5 JANUARY THIS 20, FOUNDED B'NAI B'RITH II 1856 •w TABLET CENTENNIAL. ERECTED ANNIVERSARY 1956 1 Original Charter of Horeb Lodge I HISTORY by H A R V E Y N. LADIN THE BACKGROUND. The first of the many waves of immigration which brought a measurable number of Jews to New Haven started about 1840. No special reason can be found to explain why they came here, except that New Haven was a port city with a growing industrial future. They came from areas of persecution, seeking that political, economic and religious liberty they read and heard about in the beginning of Jewish cultural enlightenment. The earliest of these immigrants to come to New Haven were from Bavaria, Germany, and some of them soon organized Congregation Mishkan Israel. As other immigrants followed, another group organized as Congregation Mishkan Sholom, and still later ( 1 8 5 5 ) B'nai Sholom was formed. These were all Congregations of Jews from Germany, but they varied in degrees of orthodox observance, probably because of habits acquired in different sections of Germany. Not only were there differences but these groups were mutually hostile to each other. There were no agencies for orienting these Jews to the American scene, or for bringing them together. B'nai B'rith was formed to unite such Jews, and to give them at once a forum, a benefit society, an Americanization program, and an organization which could develop community action. The petty differences which distinguished one group from another were no different in New Haven than they were in New York, Hartford, or anywhere else. B'nai B'rith, with its unifying program, grew quickly all over the country. From 1843 to 1856 twenty-four lodges were organized in the United States with approximately 2500 members. Horeb Lodge was instituted in New Haven on January 20, 1856, and became lodge number 25. THE FIRST PERIOD (German) 1856 to 1881. The formation of Horeb Lodge marked the real beginning of the new life the Jews of New Haven had been seeking in America. Horeb provided the means for them to satisfy their desire to elevate themselves and to become better Americans. Horeb Lodge quickly exerted its influence on its members and also on the entire com munity. The business of the lodge was carried out in German, and the minutes of meetings were recorded in German until 1880. Sick benefits and death benefits were established and were very important in those early years. The programs of affairs were sometimes printed in German and sometimes in English. But the aim was to promote Americanism, and all members agreed that this was the important purpose to be accomplished. The meetings were carried out with ritual, organ music, and full parliamentary procedure. For twenty-five years these meetings were held almost every Sunday evening in the lodge rooms, in the Journal and Courier building, State Street near Court. In these lodge rooms there was maintained, among other things, a large circulating library (1100 volumes in 1877) of books in English and German. The original charter members of Horeb Lodge were selected by the founder, Maier Zunder, on the basis of their social standing in the community. In the few years of their residence in New Haven some had already become affluent. In 1853, Maier Zunder had moved to New Haven from New York, where he had been vice president of Zion Lodge No. 2. He brought with him a high regard for B'nai B'rith and its accomplishments, and he knew it would be good for the Jews of New Haven, too. The community consciousness of Horeb Lodge was evident from its very inception, and has been its principal feature throughout its entire existence. Its purposes were best served when it unified Jews, and this was always the goal. Horeb Lodge immediately became the center of the social and educational life of New Haven. It overcame the barriers of varying synagogue ritual by calling and considering every Jew as a brother Jew. By including all groups, Horeb became the unifying force for fund-raising among Jews for all Jewish and general purposes. Horeb selected its leaders from the very young men in the community. As these men prospered and became active and interested in all community projects, Horeb Lodge became the voice of the Jews of New Haven, and membership in Horeb was a great badge of distinction. Maier Zunder, the founder and first president, became an active officer of the District, and was instrumental in organizing lodges throughout New England. He was in the wholesale grocery and liquor business, and was also an organizer of the National Savings Bank. He was the second president of that bank, serving for twenty-two years. He was also an outstanding member of the New Haven Board of Education and was influential in broadening the curriculum of the schools, previously limited to the three "R"s, to include penmanship, sewing, music, etc. He also battled for the elimination of religion in the schools. He was honored by having a large public school named for him. The high position which Horeb Lodge had attained in New Haven can be seen by the account of its 25th anniversary celebration as reported in the New Haven Register of January 21, 1881. Three full columns on the first page were devoted to describing the festivities and the proceedings, and quoting from the speakers of the day. At this time the membership was fixed at 170, and in the next twenty-five years it was deliberately kept at virtually the same level. THE SECOND PERIOD (Sponsorship) 1882 to 1907. In the second twenty-five years of the lodge's existence Horeb continued to maintain its social position in New Haven and continued its; activities in behalf of the entire community. Larger waves of Jewish immigration, this time from eastern Europe, began in 1882, and the new arrivals in New Haven needed the help of the German Jews who had preceded them to this place. The organized help for widows, orphans, and all other destitute Jews was sponsored or fostered by Horeb Lodge. And Horeb members, who had become imbued with community spirit, and schooled in the lodge rooms, became the leaders of such projects. Some of the national projects of B'nai B'rith were organized in this period, and the philanthropies included establishing hospitals and homes for the aged and for orphans. In 1899 the National Jewish Hospital in Denver was established by B'nai B'rith, and Horeb Lodge contributed to this substantially. Just as the earlier German Jews had brought with them varying synagogue rituals based mainly on different places of origin, so the eastern European Jews had variations too. They formed a dozen different congregations in New Haven because they prayed differently, and they needed a unifying influence for their cooperative participa- THE THIRD PERIOD (Integration and Expansion) 1907 to 1931. In 1904, Horeb Lodge caused the formation of Maier Zunder Lodge, made up mainly of Jews of eastern Europe. The Zunder Lodge was the stepping stone to removing the barrier which separated the German Jews from those of Russia, Poland, Galicia, and Latvia. In 1907, the Zunder Lodge was disbanded and its members taken into Horeb Lodge. This was a merger which marked a milestone in community relations. Membership in Horeb Lodge was still an exclusive prize, but place of origin of the family was no longer a determining factor. The third quarter century of Horeb history may also be described as the Ullman period. Ullmans had been members of the lodge as far back as 1856, and several had been presidents of the lodge. But in the first quarter of the 20th century, the influence of the Ullman brothers (Isaac, Louis, Jacob and Joseph) was undoubtedly the greatest in the community. Between them they virtually dominated the Jewish scene in the business, charitable, civic, religious and political fields. Colonel Isaac and Major Louis Ullman reigned in the political, civic and business areas. Jacob Ullman was a prominent attorney, and Joseph Ullman (2nd) became the grand old man of Horeb. He was three times president of the lodge and in 1911 was president of the District. He continued to be the leading spirit of the lodge up to his death in 1944. The greatest wave of Jewish immigration to America (1908-1914) brought thousands of new Jews to New Haven, and Horeb Lodge exerted its influence on their behalf. There were jobs found for them, charities organized for them, and problems solved for them. The general community was not to become burdened with support of Jews. Even those who were in the country only a short time were soon able to join Horeb Lodge. The Lodge was open to all Jews and starting in 1918 the membership increased rapidly. The large increase in membership in this quarter century made possible the large collection of funds and large number of workers for fund raising. This was a period of growing up for the Jewish community, and the start of large contributions to W a r Relief, the Community Chest, the Home for the Aged, and various hospital funds. B'nai B'rith organized the AntiDefamation League in 1913, and to this and other projects Horeb members contributed substantially. In social action projects, Horeb Lodge exerted its efforts to stop or at least delay the closing of the doors to this country by congressional action. Delegations were sent, as well as petitions, to try to stop the ban. Members of Horeb Lodge had fought in the Civil War and the Spanish American War, and many had gone into the service in World War I. In 1919, when the conflict was over, Horeb conducted a victory celebration which was an outstanding event in the community. Honor medals were presented to Horeb service men by Ex-President William Howard Taft at a gigantic banquet held at Hotel Taft. The Horeb Auxiliary was organized in 1923, under the leadership of Rayna Stodel Friedman, wife of Abram Friedman, the most diligent Recording Secretary in Horeb history. This participation by women paralleled the expansion of women's activities in the general community. In the same period the Hillel Foundation was organized, and also the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, first called the A. Z. A. THE FOURTH PERIOD (Community Service) 1931 to 1956. In the last twenty-five years the flexible program of B'nai B'rith expanded just as the needs to be served grew. The depression of the early 1930's brought discrimination in employment practices into the limelight and the A. D. L. started to devote itself to that field promptly. The rise of Hitler with the horrors that followed in Europe, was accompanied by a fear of more anti-semitism in America, and the A. D. L. soon had its key men functioning through the country. Members of Horeb Lodge performed nobly in this project. A resurgence of projects and membership increase accompanied the Second World War period. Horeb Lodge led the community in Red Cross Blood donors, in U. S. O. service, and in War Bond sales. The lodge made the first contribution to start the fund for the relief of the sufferers of the Hartford Circus Fire (1944) and participated in the Adopt-A-Family program to save the remnants of Jews still in Europe after the war. It also helped substantially in the fund raising for the New Haven Jewish Community Center. The B'nai B'rith leaders, aided and encouraged by the members in hundreds of lodges like Horeb, developed a program which led to the American Jewish Conference. With the cooperation of other large national Jewish membership organizations, this Conference and the political action which grew from it was instrumental in stimulating the U. N. to recognize the independence of the State of Israel. B'nai B'rith aid to Israel has continued, of course, in Israel Bond Sales and in substantial contributions. Horeb Lodge and B'nai B'rith grew to eminence as the outstanding Jewish Service Organization because so many men and women devoted themselves to the cause of unity and liberty, and because these purposes were best served by the fraternal spirit of B'nai B'rith. Horeb Lodge stimulated its members to community action by instilling in them the spirit of Brotherly Love, Benevolence and Harmony. APPRAISAL AND OUTLOOK. It is not difficult to evaluate or appraise the first century of Horeb Lodge. It may be described as a period of organizing to unify the Jews of New Haven into a Jewish community. There were other influences, too, of course, but basically Horeb gave the stimulation by encouraging young men to develop themselves. And what of its future and its approach to the goal of unifying Jews? This mission is certainly not yet fully accomplished. However, the future holds promise of approaching the goal. Horeb Lodge is continuing to take in young men, instill in them a strong community spirit, and continuing to encourage their participation in all worthy projects. Now as in the past Horeb members become the most active workers in all community enterprises. Horeb Lodge can look back proudly on one hundred years of service to Jews and to humanity. By remembering the moral purposes for which it was founded it has succeeded in developing and fostering unity, liberty, philanthropy and patriotism among Jews and non-Jews alike. As it stands at the beginning of its second century, it is ready to continue its important role in the life of the Jewish Community of New Haven. Fortified by the principles and ideals which are forged in the past, Horeb Lodge is prepared to go forward. OFFICERS, 1955-1956 President Louis Miller .... . . Mitchel W . Garber Ned Findlinc Harold Switkes Harvey N. Ladin Vice-Presidents Recording Financial Secretary . . . . Hyman H. Haves Secretary Bernard Nitkin Treasurer Inside Guardian Outside Guardian Chaplain Trustees LOUIS MILLER Norman Cohen .. Edward Lettick . . . . . Dr. Jerome Brand Paul Goodwin . . . Henry Calechman Lester L. Hershman David Landow Judge Charles Henchel Herbert Setlow PROGRAM B'NAI B'RITH SABBATH A T T E M P L E M I S H K A N ISRAEL F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 20, 1956 Rabbi Robert E. Goldburg, officiating, assisted by Cantor Harry Sebran Rabbi Ephraim Fishoff, Yale University Hillel Foundation Director, will introduce the guest speaker Dr. Alfred Jospe, National Director of Program and Resources, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, principal speaker Greetings by — Albert Cott, Secretary, New Haven Jewish Community Council — Louis Miller, President of Horeb Lodge Candle Blessing Ceremony — Mrs. Hyman Haves Ushers — Mr. David Landow Mr. Herbert Setlow ]udge Charles Henchel Mr. Sydney Bruskin Mr. Hyuian Haves Mr. Lester Hershman Hostesses for the Reception — Mrs. Edward Mettler, Chairman Mrs. Morton Alpert Mrs. Harvey Bletchman Mrs. Samuel Beresner Mrs. Lester L. Hershman Mrs. David Landow Mrs. Herbert Setlow — Presidents—1856-1885 LIST OF PRESIDENTS 1856 1856 Maier Zunder Julius Waterman 1867 1867 M. Meier Charles J. Metzger 1878 1878 Louis L. Adler Sigmund Hartenstein 1857 1857 B. Friedman Lewis Mayer 1868 1868 M. Schwed Moses Gruenbaum 1879 Leopold Besser 187 9 Adolph Sachs 1858 1858 Jacob Mailhouse Louis Feldman 1869 1869 L. C. Asher N. Goodhart 1880 Lewis Steinert 1859 Sally Cahn 1859 • • • Benjamin Sugenheimer 1870 1870 H. Machol L. H. Friedman 1881 Charles L. Ullman 1882 Seligman Loeb 1860 1860 David Laudenbach Adolph Frank 1871 1871 N. C. Myers I. Rosenberg 1883 William Machol 1884 Andrew Goodman 1861 1861 Meyer Kahn Edward Engel 1872 1872 N. Sonnenberg Seligman Zunder 1885 Max Mailhouse 1886 Samuel Goodman 1862 1862 Herman Levy Paul Weil 1873 1873 Max Adler L. Rosenbluth 1887 Isaac Koch David Strouse J. Oppenheimer Isaac Ullman, Jr. Jacob Hirsh Isaac Strouse 1874 1874 1888 1863 1863 1889 Louis Adler 1864 1864 Julius Tobias Simon Bretzfelder 1875 1875 N. Briggs D. Macbol 1890 Charles Fleischner 1891 Leo H. Herz 1865 1865 Moses Mann Leopold Sternheimer 1876 1876 E. Kleiner Adolph Asher 1892 Harry Asher 1893 Isaac Wolfe 1866 1866 Philip Schoolhofer M. Felsenthal 1877 S. Loeb 1894 Samuel J. Weil 1877 Max Kern 1895 Jacob P. Goodhardt 1896 J. B. Ullman 1897 1917 . . . . Benjamin F. Goldman 1937-38 Robert T. Drazen Benjamin Bretzfelder 1918 Rabbi Louis L. Mann 1938-39 Robert T. Drazen 1898 . . . Joseph H. Ullman, 2nd 1919 Joseph Koletsky 1939-40 Nathan Bassett 1899 Albert Zunder 1920 Joseph Koletsky 1940-41 . . . . Maurice B. Ullman 1900 Herman Kraft 192 1 Meyer Stodel 1941-42 Maurice B. Ullman 1901 Morris Weiss 1922 Dr. Karl Bretzfelder 1942-43 Elliot R. Katz 1902 Isadore Sugenheimer 1903 Philip H. Weil 1924 Manuel Kligerman 1943-44 Israel Aleinikoff 1904 Abram H. Friedman 1925 Robert R. Savitt 1944-45 Harvey N. Ladin 1905 . . . Gustave M. Greenbaum 1926 . . . . Abraham S. Weissman 1945-46 Lester Hershman 1906 Reginald E. Zunder 1927 Abraham S. Ullman 1946-47 Charles Henchel 1907 Joseph H. Ullman, 1st 1928 1908 Samuel Z. Field Andrew N. Friedman Lawrence White 1947-48 Elliot R. Katz 1909 Louis L. Weil 1929 Edward S. Snyder 1948-49 Herbert D. Setlow 1910 Jacob Caplan 1930 . . . Dr. Julius M. Harrison 1949-50 David Landow 1911 Israel Goldstein 1931 Henry Calechman 1950-51 Albert Ginsberg 1912 Louis M. Rosenbluth 1932 Maurice Osber 1951-52 Isadore Kasowitz 1913 Samuel Campner 1933 Benjamin Krevit 1952-53 Charles E. Drazen 1914 Samuel J. White 1953-54 Hyman H. Haves 1915 Robert E. Hymao 1954-55 Paul Goodwin 1955-56 Louis Miller 1916 . . . . Benjamin B. Lubinsky 1923 . . . Joseph H. Ullman, 2nd 1934 . . . Joseph H. Ullman, 2nd 1935 1936 to Mar. 1937 Abraham S. Ullman Philip R. Schiff Abraham Silverman HOREB LODGE No. 25 50 YEAR Hyman Jacobs Moses Mailhouser Louis D. Mann L. M. Rosenbluth 25 YEAR Jacob Aaron Maurice H. Bailey Harry Bawarsky Dr. Karl B. Bretzfelder Henry Calechman Samuel Calechman Albert Chauser Benjamin G. Cohen Edward Cooley Jacob Cooley Joseph Drabkin Jacob Dick Samuel Dryfus Dr. Louis R. Gans Fred Goldbaum Benjamin F. Goldman Nathan Hammerman B. E. Hoffman Jack Horowitz Jacob Horowitz Robert E. Hyman MEMBERS Meyer Stodel Emanuel E. Thalheimei MEMBERS Israel J. Jacobs Joseph N. Jacobs Herbert P. Karlsruher Joseph Keller Arthur Klein Isaac Kopkind Edward I. Krall Harry L. Lavietes Dr. Maxwell Lear Louis Lehman Samuel Lettes Leo Links Martin Merriam Dr. Louis H. Nehum Benjamin Perelmutter Herman T. Perry Jacob Podoloff Daniel Pouzzner Dr. Bernard Rogowski Joseph Sachs Lewis Sagal Isaac Saltzer Robert R. Savitt Meyer Schwartz Samuel Schwartz Phillip R. Shiff Moses J. Slepack Edward S. Snyder Meyer Sokoloff Benjamin Spector Abram Stodel Bane Stock Michael Stone Maurice Stroh Abraham S. Ullman Maurice B. Ullman Dr. Joseph Weiner Abraham S. Weissman Harry Weller Lawrence White Dr. Louis White Dr. Arthur M. Yudkin 100TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE General Chairmen Dinner Dance Chairmen B'nai B'rith Sabbath History and Exhibit Tablet Dedication Publicity journal — Editor Business Manager Treasurer Coordinator Abraham Silverman and Lester L. Hershman David Landow and Herbert Setlow Lester L. Hershman Harvey N. Ladin Sydney Bruskin Eugene Kone Harvey N. Ladin J u dg e Charles Henchel Dr. Jerome Brand Hyman H. Haves PROGRAM CENTENNIAL DINNER DANCE N E W HAVEN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1956 INVOCATION Rabbi Ephraim Fischoff, Director, YaleB'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation WELCOME David Landow DINNER GREETINGS Lester L. Hershman, Chairman, Executive Committee, Conn. Regional Board, A. D. L. Louis Miller, President, Horeb Lodge Samuel Black, Vice-President, Connecticut Valley Council B'nai B'rith Joseph M. Finkle, President, District Grand Lodge No. 1, B'nai B'rith CERTIFICATES TO PAST PRESIDENTS Judge Charles Henchel, President, Connecticut Regional Board, A. D. L. ROLL CALL — 25 YEAR MEMBERS Paul Goodwin CERTIFICATES TO 25 YEAR MEMBERS Lawrence White, Secretary, District Grand Lodge, No. 1, B'nai B'rith ROLL CALL — N E W MEMBERS Mitchel W . Garber INDUCTION CEREMONY INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER Abraham Silverman and Hyman H. Haves, Connecticut Regional Director, A. D. L. Herbert Setlow SPEAKER Judge Samuel Weiss, Court of the Common Pleas, Pittsburgh, Pa., First Vice-President of the Supreme Lodge, B'nai B'rith. BENEDICTION Rabbi Ephraim Fischoff Champagne Cocktail Party — Before and after dinner Dancing After — dinner DINNER-DANCE COMMITTEE GENERAL CHAIRMEN Mr. David Landow and Mr. Herbert Setlow RESERVATIONS Mr. Norman Cohen and Mrs. George Persky D I N N E R REFRESHMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beresner H O S P I T A L I T Y A N D DECORATIONS Mrs. David Landow, Mrs. Phillip Meyerson, and Mrs. Herbert Setlow, Co-chairmen Mrs. Morton Alpert Mrs. Lester Hershman Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. N. Randall Bassett Karl Bretzfelder Herman Copelon Lester Drabkin Charles Drazen Samuel Enson Nicholas Goldberger Paul Goodwin Hyman H. Haves Isadore Kasowitz Harvey N. Ladin Edward Mattler Reuben Moore Robert Savitt Abraham Silverman Irving Small Maurice Stroh Lawrence White MUSIC Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wasserman, Co-chairmen, and Mr. and Mrs. David Saginor I N S T A L L A T I O N — N E W MEMBERS M r . Mitchel W . Garber, Chairman Mr. Ned Findling Mr. Roy Mersky Mr. Paul Goodwin Mr. Hyman H. Haves Mr. Bernard Mattler Mr. Herbert Setlow Mr. Harold Switkes. PROGRAM Mr. Hyman H. Haves AWARDS Mr. Paul Goodwin COCKTAIL HOUR Mr. and Mrs. David Saginor TELEPHONE FAVORS Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mattler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drazen ARRANGEMENTS MARSHAL Mr. Robert Frankes Mr. Harvey N. Ladin Exhibition of Memorabilia at N.H. Jewish Community Center arranged by Harvey N. Ladin. c J l a f i f L i f liiltlultaq, jjio-m t h e jjO-iiauxin^ Qieetin<f& MembeH a n d tybiendl Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baltaxa Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Finman Dr. and Mrs. Francis Barron Dr. and Mrs. Barnett P. Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Batt Mr. and Mrs. Irving Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Batter Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Biller Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fromer Larry Biller Mr. and Mrs. H Galvin Patti Biller Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Gans Sondra Biller Mr. and Mrs. M. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chorney Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Geisinger Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clugman Mr. and Mrs. I. Gershater Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cobden Richard and Susan Gershater Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Murray Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohen Mr. and Mrs. A. Gingold Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Glick Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohn Mr. and Mrs. N. Goldberger Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cott Mr. and Mrs. L. Gorlick Mr. and Mrs. John Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Hyman H. Haves Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickstein Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henchel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drabkin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Drazen Laurie Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Katsoff Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Faiman Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Katz Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fast Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaye Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feinstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ketover Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Klein Mr. and Mrs. Ned Findling Mr. and Mrs. Meyer E. Kogon I <J+afip.if. jjto-m t h e R i i t l t d a y<f Membesib Q>ieetin<f4. a n d tf-itendl m — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Konowitz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nitkin Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Krall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noretsky Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Krass Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Opper Atty. and Mrs. Meyer L. Kravitz Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perkes Mr. and Mrs. Harvey N. Ladin Mr. and Mrs. Milton Potash Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lettes Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lettick Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Irving Levy Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schnur Mr. and Mrs. Leo Links Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Abe William Lippman Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schwartzman Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowenthal Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shindell Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lurier Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Shreiber Mr. and Mrs. Eli Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Herman Socovit Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Markle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sodock Dr. and Mrs. A. Markoff Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Stephson Mr. and Mrs. John Mermin Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Susman Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin Mersky Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sweedler Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meyerson Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Janice Beth Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller Shelley Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Lou Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Moore Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Yudkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zweigbaum Dr. and Mrs. Louis H. Nahum Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Zweigbaum Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zweigbaum COMPLIMENTS HAMILTON'S GIORDANO MISSES' Inc. 975 C A M P B E L L A V E N U E and Opp. W e s t Haven Veterans Hospital CHILDREN'S APPAREL * BROS. MOTORS, WOMEN'S ~ OF P H O N E : W E s t 4-3455 ~ ~k — — Suburban Customers Call Free (Reverse Charges) CONNECTICUT'S NEWEST T E L . : UNiversity 5-0801 — • ~ 980 C H A P E L S T R E E T MAJESTIC d b e S e t o LAUNDRY COMPLIMENTS W. • PILLOW SANITIZING T. • RUG CLEANING One of Connecticut's Laundeieis Largest U N 5 - 0 1 2 3 for service OF GRANT — • and Dry Cleaners Convenient Stores p t y m c u t f i AUTHORIZED DEALER N E W HAVEN • DRY CLEANING - (0. — 2100 D I X W E L L A V E N U E .. . Established Routes Throughout Greater New Haven HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT IN THE PLAZA HAPPY ANNIVERSARY COMPLIMENTS GANT OF NEW HAVEN OF (ASTRO CONVERTIBLES KING OF CONVERTIBLES N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT OUR VERY BEST WISHES FOR ANOTHER 100 YEARS, OUR BEST WISHES TO OUR MANY FRIENDS IN PLUS B'NAI B R I T H — CONN. GROWERS Keep Up The Good Work OUTLET, INC. — • — S T A T E and C H A P E L S T R E E T S N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT CASEY-GESNER EQUIPMENT CORP BEST WISHES BEST WISHES ON YOUR from CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AN OLD FRIEND . . . JOHN U R S IN I THE - • - MARIANI CONSTRUCTION CO., THE INC. • ATLANTIC BONDED WAREHOUSE CORP. 114 F E R R Y STREET N E W HAVEN, N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT Sid and Johnny say: If you looked lor 100 years, — • you — COMPLIMENTS OF would never find better buys than at COHEN G & G APPLIANCE CO. & POWELL, INC. 61 O R A N G E S T R E E T LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE MOVING N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT — • — G.E. — ZENITH — PHILCO EMERSON — MOTOROLA STORAGE WAREHOUSE N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT — • — — • — — • — Compliments LEO E. Compliments of BRONSON, of THE INC. VEGGO INSURANCE ADJUSTERS F. LARSEN CO. 434 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut — * — — • — CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 100th ANNIVERSARY IRA V. ELLITHORPE — • CO. — INSURANCE — BONDS — • — 23 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 816 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of G. C. New Haven, Connecticut — • — Compliments AUSTIN F . Compliments — • — H. STETSON W A R D of STEPHAN of THE SEABOARD COAL C0.r INC. of Connecticut — • — New Haven, Connecticut BEST WISHES LESTER H. BRENNER, Inc. from Insurance — Real Estate THE YORK BEAUTY CENTRE Lester H. Brenner . . . Arthur L. Janow Telephone: LOcust 2-6158 865 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut 146 York Street New Haven, Connecticut — • — — • — JOHN OF Best Wishes From ALEXANDER NEW HAVEN, PAT INC. and ALDO — * GOODE DEDOMINICIS — — — THE • THE — WALLACK BROS. F. J. • — DAHILL CO., INC. CO. — Roofing Contractors — — Petroleum Products — — * — New Haven, Connecticut 1401 Chapel Street ~k ; New Haven, Connecticut To All Our Friends: — • — A Happy Anniversary Compliments ORANGE LUMBER — • CO., H. INC. — A. L. New Haven, Connecticut Post Road Orange, Connecticut of — • — MARKER MOTORS, Inc. Compliments of Sales — Service on Cars and Trucks LOUIS WEINSTEIN & CO. Genuine FORD Parts Public Accountants and Auditors 170 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut "See Dave and S a v e " DAVID'S TELEVISION TOWN Sales and Service 250 Grand Avenue, corner Poplar Street Telephone: SPruce 7-1749 Greetings from Sam and the boys at . . . GREENBLATT'S — Men's Clothes — 26 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut 195 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut ARCHITECTURAL TILING & TERRAZO CO., Inc. 690 Boulevard New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of NEW HAVEN PACKING CO., Inc. 1555 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut THE RALPH BLUMBERG COMPANY SUMMIT HOUSE — Insurance — (Greetings from George Carter) 153 Court Street Route 1, Boston Post Road New Haven, Connecticut Branford, Connecticut Compliments of JIM M IE ' S SAVIN ROCK Connecticut's Most Popular Restaurant THE NEW YORK PLUMBING SUPPLIES It's always fun at . . . FLORIO'S COUNTRY HOUSE Foxon Road (Route 80) East Haven, Connecticut Compliments of CO. PET-CAR PRODUCTS, Inc. George and Nathaniel Batter 7 Factory Street 87 Goffe Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut WITH OUR VERY BEST WISHES BEST OF WISHES ON YOUR UNIVERSAL METAL STAMPING ANNIVERSARY CO., INC. — AND ITS SUBSIDIARY • — SHARTENBERG'S THE ADVANCE DOLL & TOY CO. OF ~ • ~ 106 W A T E R WEST HAVEN, NEW BOARD STREET NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT HAVEN AND CARTON BEST WISHES ON YOUR 100th BIRTHDAY COMPANY DESIGNERS and MANUFACTURERS of FOLDING CARTONS and FOLDING BOX BOARD 259 E A S T N E W HAVEN, DALEY & SIBLEY • STREET CONNECTICUT 93 W O O D AVENUE WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT YEAR ALLEYS OF BEST WISHES FROM ACTION THE Come watch us grow! SHINER • all-new escalators • all-new elevators FAMILY • all-new side entrance Bill the Builder — You'll see him and everywhere! THE CONNECTICUT REFINING CO. WEST Compliments — Compliments of KLING BROS. TRUCKING CO., INC. HAVEN, CONN. of COOLEY CHEVROLET CO., INC. * "AMERICA'S BEST SELLING CAR" 1373 Dixwell Avenue — • — New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN Compliments B'NAI B'RITH M. B. FOSTER ELECTRIC CO. — • — VEK of INDUSTRIES - • - Boston Post Road 240 George Street New Haven, Connecticut Orange, Connecticut The Ultimate in Dining B'nai B'rith helps build character . . . MANERO'S W e Help BUILD Greater New Haven OF NEW HAVEN, Inc. YEDLIN FAMOUS STEAK HOUSE Where Excellent Food and Cocktails CONSTRUCTION CO. Are Served in a Different Manner Dinners — Luncheons — Cocktails "Always Bring the Children To POST * ~ Manero's" Catering Facilities for Banquets and Weddings BOSTON ~ RD„ ORANGE, CONN. 204 M A I N S T R E E T EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT P H O N E : SYcamore 9-2301 Happy Anniversary BUCKLEY & — * of Compliments ROMANS — HORNSTEIN & MUTLER — Accountants — 419 First Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut 152 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut TO OUR MANY MANY FRIENDS CARL ROESSLER, INC. WHO HAVE WORKED SO HARD TO MAKE Manufacturers of QUALITY MEAT PRODUCTS ~ • ~ B'NAI B'RITH A WONDERFUL ORGANIZATION, WE OFFER OUR CONGRATULATIONS ALLING PAPER — Look for the Famous "YELLOW TAG" Labels • CO. — 15 E A S T S T R E E T N E W HAVEN CONNECTICUT Best Wishes On Your Happy Anniversary! 100th Anniversary! KEEP UP YOUR IN THE GOOD YEARS TO WORK S. COME BARRY JENNINGS COMPANY HAMDEN CONVALESCENT THE Manufacurers of Venetian Blinds HOSPITAL Aluminum Screens and Storm Sash 380 Treadwell Street — — 142 Nash Street Hamden, Connecticut New Haven 3, Connecticut "Pat" Sends Congratulations Best Wishes and invites you to the WEEPING WILLOWS REGAL DRUG CO. 509 Laurel Street — • East Haven, Connecticut ~ • — ~ 441 Chapel Street Continental Table — Tuesdays New Haven, Connecticut Steak Nights — Thursdays Fondest Greetings on Your HAWKIN'S CONVALESCENT 100th Year HOME AMERICAN Personal Services by BANK Registered Nurses & TRUST — 588 Ocean Avenue On Long Island W e s t Haven, Conn. Sound at Colonial Park • — 215 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut CO. Compliments of E. H. M. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO OUR Compliments of MANY B'NAI B'RITH FRIENDS GINO CORP. NUSTONE SEPTIC TANK CO. HOME OF FAMOUS GINO SAUCE — • — ~ • — 225 Boulevard Boston Post Road Milford, Connecticut PLUMBING — HEATING New Haven, Connecticut JOHN P. HOUSTON AIR CONDITIONING — POWER PIPING Gasoline Equipment Commercial — Industrial — Institutional Installation and Maintenance BUCKINGHAM-ROUTH COMPANY Since 64 Grove Street 1895 New Haven, Connecticut Call LOcust 2-3157 Electric Wiring — General Contracting 48 Wharton Street West Haven, Connecticut HAYDON CO. — Advertising 96 Grove Street — New Haven, Connecticut ARLINE SULLIVAN SLIP COVERS MCDERMOTT DISTRIBUTORS, Samples Shown in Your Home, No Obligation Slip Covers and Drape Center INC. Telephone: MAin 4-7035 550 Whalley Avenue Distributors of SCHLITZ — the beer that made Milwaukee famous — • New Haven, Connecticut ELITE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE 437 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut FRANK'S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. — 129 Congress Avenue 154 W A T E R STREET New Haven, Connecticut FAIN'S N E W HAVEN, C O N N E C T I C U T J E W E L E R S 541 Campbell Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut Congratulations and May Your Next 100 Years Compliments of Be Even Greater GEORGE MENDELSOHN & CO. MR. and MRS. SYDNEY BRUSKIN 956 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut BEST WISHES ALADDIN VENETIAN BLIND CO. Custom Made The Goodwins Venetian Blinds and Window Shades Aluminum Combination Storm Windows EASTERN STEEL & METAL CO. Linoleum and Rubber Tile 11 Shelton Avenue We Are Happy To Be A Part of the 100th Anniversary of B'nai B'rith V I C ' S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 1390 Whalley Avenue Compliments New Haven, Connecticut of NEW HAVEN MATTRESS CO. 191 Lafayette Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut F L E T C H E R ' S TEXACO SERVICE STATION Telephone: W E s t 3-9872 1150 Ocean Avenue W e s t Haven 16, Conn. STERLING & SUSMAN 873 Whalley Avenue — 830 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut T B e i t IfJi&liel a n Jfio-m yo-ut t h e 1 0 0 t l t Jle<j,al AnnUieteaHf Pn.ajjeA6.ian w — ATTY. LESTER H. AARONSON ATTY. MILTON G. HARRISON ATTY. ARTHUR A. ABESHOUSE ATTY. CHARLES HENCHEL ATTY. HERMAN H. ALPERT ATTY. ISRAEL HILLMAN ATTY. I. A. ALPERT ATTY. MORRIS H. ISENSTADT ATTY. HAROLD E. ALPROVIS ATTYS. JACOBS, JACOBS & JACOBS ATTY. RUSSELL H. ATWATER ATTY. LEWIS E. KAPLAN ATTY. N. R. BASSETT ATTY. LEONARD L. LEVY ATTY. MYRON BLUMENTHAL ATTY. GEORGE J. MARGOLES ATTY. J. E. BOVE ATTYS. MARKLE & GREENFIELD ATTY. T. HOLMES BRACKEN ATTY. FRANK S. MEADOW ATTY. GERALD W. BROWNSTEIN ATTY. MORRIS MELNICK ATTY. LEWIS E. CAPLAN ATTY. MARTIN M. MERRIAM ATTY. BENJAMIN M. CHAPNICK ATTY. WALTER MULVIHILL ATTY. EUGENE T. DORSI ATTY. MORRIS RABINOWITZ ATTY. H. L. EMANUELSON, JR. ATTY. JOHN REYNOLDS ATTYS. EVANS & MARKLE ATTY. MILTON RICE ATTY. WALTER G. FARR ATTY. ABRAHAM ROLNICK ATTY. JOHN H. FILER ATTY. SHERMAN ROSENBERG ATTY. JOHN C. FLANAGAN ATTY. THOMAS J. RYAN ATTY. FRANK FLOOD ATTY. JEREMIAH D. SHEA ATTY. LEON GABRIEL ATTY. EDWARD S. SNYDER ATTY. MITCHELL W. GARBER ATTY. HARRY SOHCOT ATTY. ALBERT W. GINSBERG ATTY. HARRY R. SUGARMAN ATTYS. GOLD & GOLD ATTY. IRVING SWEEDLER ATTY. NATHAN GOLDBERG ATTY. ALFRED TOSCANO ATTY. BENJAMIN F. GOLDMAN ATTY. VINCENT VILLANO ATTY. FRED GREENBERG ATTY. JOSEPH WEINER ATTY. SILAS N. GREENBERG ATTY. NORMAN ZOLOT B<§ii IdJibhei, jj/mm a n t h e y a w i 1 0 0 t k M e d i c a l P i a ^ f^liuuttetoA&up l&iott DR. JACK JONATHAN ALBOM DR. PHILIP FIGHTLIN DR. DAVID ALDERMAN DR. PETER W. FISKIO DR. DONALD ALDERMAN DR. RICHARD FRANFORD DR. ANDREW S. ANASTASIO DR. BARNETT P. FREEDMAN DR. LOUIS ANGELL DR. JOSEPH R. FRIEDLER DR. HAROLD S. APPELL DR. A. W. GABRILE DR. MAX L. BERLOWE DR. J. GIANFORTE DR. IRVING BERMAN DR. HARRY GORFIEN DR. EDWARD BOCK DR. HERMAN C. KLINE DR. JOHN A. BODIE DRS. ALVIN <5, MORTON LAZAROFF DR. CHARLES BOVE DR. MAXWELL LEAR DR. SAMUEL BRAFFMAN DR. JULIUS LEVINE DR. H. H. BRODSKY DR. JOHN O'NEILL DR. EDWARD BROWNSTEIN DR. MEYER SAMSON — Optometrist DR. SHEPARD N. COHEN DR. HERMAN A. SCOTT DR. MARVIN L. COUSINS DR. I. E. SEICOL DR. HERMAN S. CUTLER DR. SAMUEL R. SHERMAN DR. H. LINCOLN DUNN DR. JOSEPH E. WENZEL DR. M. BRUCE EGALKA DR. LOUIS WHITE DR. EDWARD EUSTACE DR. FRED ZAFF Compliments Compliments of YALE SURGICAL COMPANY of WILLIAM L. DeSENTI Distributor of U.S. Motors 1104 Grand Avenue (10 steps from State) 865 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut T R E A D E A S Y COMPLIMENTS ALUMINUM OF for SMELTERS, W O M E N Make Walking A Pleasure — INC. VOLIN — • — 31-33 V I N E NEW H A V E N 6, KOMIS MILLER New Haven, Connecticut CONNECTICUT • SHOP 4 Doors from Chapel Street W. B. S T A N L E Y — Asphalt Telephone: MAin 4-7941 ~ — 174 Temple Street 1517 Paving — Telephone: LOcust 2-8581 ~ Compliments * SHOE L. STREET P.O. B O X SHOES ~ of • — Compliments AR'S FAIR HAVEN FURNITURE & MILLER & of CO., APPLIANCE CO., Inc. 401 George Street New Haven, Connecticut — • — New Haven, Connecticut ~ * ~ Compliments N . of THE I. H. ALDERMAN FAMILY 186 Goffe Terrace New Haven, Connecticut H & H HOME EQUIPMENT CO., Inc. Distributors I. Chanowitz of Aluminum Window Products 232 Legion Avenue, N e w Haven K A H N M E A T and P O U L T R Y 2 Arch Street INC. MARKET New Haven, Connecticut N.Y. KOSHER CUT RATE MEAT MARKET. Inc. 99 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut JOHN J. D O N O V A N — Insurance 108 Temple Street •— SAN REMO RESTAURANT New Haven, Connecticut 206 Cove Street JIM C O E R ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION Kelsey and Main W e s t Haven, Connecticut A. ALPERT 60 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Morris Cove BANQUETS — PARTIES — WEDDINGS N. Y. FLOOR SHOW EVERY SATURDAY Under New Ownership Phone: HObart 7-0159 JOHNSTONE WELDING COMPANY 636 Quinnipiac Avenue — • — New Haven, Connecticut ALLIED DISTRIBUTORS Compliments 472 State Street of New Haven, Connecticut KIRCALDIE, RANDALL & McNAB 216 Crown Street A FRIEND New Haven, Connecticut - C R A M P T O N ' S • — 508 State Street New Haven, Connecticut H U M M E L B R O T H E R S 708 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut MORELLI GREENHOUSES & FLOWER SHOP W e s t Haven, Connecticut CAFE OF of Compliments 171 Elm Street COMPLIMENTS MAE (OLEMAN SULLIVAN 1166 Chapel Street CATERER New Haven, Connecticut COSMO FOOD PRODUCTS - * - 27 Leete Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut BEN-BERNIE SHOP — Tobacconists Church and Crown Streets — New Haven, Connecticut Exclusive Kosher Catering Compliments — • "Take A Coffee Break Often" of ~ J. J. MCDONNELL COFFEE CO. 139 Meadow Street CONNECTICUT CONTAINER CORP. J. New Haven, Connecticut CUNNINGHAM & SON, Inc. Oi'er 100 Years of Service Compliments WELLER'S FUNERAL HOME, Inc. 425 George Street Awnings — Flags — Tents 44-46 Hotchkiss Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYDNE THE CATERER Kosher Catering Exclusively HARRY A. ALPERT, Inc. Sid and Mary Gurian 29 Norton Street FRANK CAMA Office: 349 Front Avenue, W e s t Haven, Connecticut No Job 193 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Land Clearing — Excavating Anywhere — Any Time Too WEst Small or Too Large 4 - 0 6 0 6 If No Answer, Call W E s t 4-2144 Compliments New Haven, Connecticut "Everybody Knows Pete" PETE'S AUTO & APPLIANCE CO. 29 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut (A Full Block from Temple to Congress) — Every Inch Loaded With Values — of HAPPY CENTENNIAL "BUNNY" HORTON, Proprietor of HOTEL TALMADGE (formerly Nellie Green's) Short Beach Road from IRVING'S VARIETY STORE 250 Legion Avenue (corner Orchard Street) East Haven, Connecticut JAMES CHARLES TRADING CO. New and Used Office and Industrial Equipment 319 York Street West Haven, Connecticut of New Haven, Connecticut J. JOHNSON & SONS, Inc. "The — Live Store" Exclusive Clothiers — Men's — Boy's — Women's — Misses 85 Church Street — New Haven 226 Main Street — East Haven Compliments JACK of Compliments HALPRIN of FRANK X. HALD, Inc. 675 State Street 370 Davenport Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut GO BY CAB — CALL . . . Compliments Y E L L O W CAB New Haven, Connecticut Compliments BLUE RIBBON FROZEN FOOD, Inc. 72 Sherman Avenue Phone: LOcust 2-4123 67 Putnam Street of New Haven, Connecticut of Compliments EUNICE BEAUTY SALON BELFORD & of BELFORD 15 Hawthorne Street 868 Chapel Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Best Wishes From Best CONNECTICUT HEAT & FUEL CO. Wishes LOE W'S From Your THEATERS Telephone: SPruce 7-4451 324 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut P O L I and C O L L E G E For A Good Time . . . Anytime . . . visit TOM'S Merwin Avenue Compliments of BEECHER & BENNETT, Inc. VILLA ROSA Woodmont, Connecticut NATIONAL FILTER MEDIA CORP. 1717 Dixwell Avenue 100 Broadway New Haven, Connecticut Happy Anniversary From MISS LORETTA VERDI 703 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut [ Compliments GEORGE & of HARRY'S ;nDipauuo^) 'U3AEJ_J sfiBmaaijQ }33J}S A[I3AE^ gg yooft-yejg 'sBuisog 3)3jouo^j paxij/q-fipea^j )ssx 'sPl3ld 'suoifvpunofj 0W3WY 'suoijeaeDxg — sjopDjjuoQ jniauaQ — •3UI 'SNOS "9 3 3 1 S 3 2 V I S 381 Temple Street "M New Haven, Connecticut -0 9S6I Telephone: LOcust 2-2741 m i Compliments FL A K S' KOSHER CATERERS of CHAMBRELLI BROS. 200-204 Greenwich Avenue 301 Orchard Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of SOMERS PONTIAC, Inc. D'ANDREA'S 3-ACRES DRIVE IN 250 Whalley Avenue Whalley Avenue at the Parkway New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of ELI MOORE, Inc. Compliments of THE WILLIAM T. BEAZLEY CO. 986 Chapel Street — New Haven, Connecticut 70 Elm Street Hamden Plaza — Hamden, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of V. TENEDINE & SONS, Inc. — • of TREMONT MOTOR COURT 400 Derby Avenue — North Haven, Connecticut Compliments Compliments of HERMAN ALPERT & CO. Wholesale Meats and Provisions 209-211 State Street New Haven, Connecticut W e s t Haven, Connecticut ~ • Compliments — of MR. and MRS. ROBERT E. HYMAN Compliments of Compliments ART'S M O T T - M O H R "Always A Treat" SERVICE 6 Fountain Street (at Whalley) CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. FOX'S DELICATESSEN of New Haven, Connecticut D. W. VAN DOREN — Artesian Wells — Commercial — Industrial — Residential 125 Legion Avenue 356 State Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments North Haven, Connecticut Compliments of of NEW HAVEN AMBULANCE SERVICE ATLAS MOVING & STORAGE 217-19 Greenwich Avenue 17 Wood Street New Haven, Connecticut W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments YALE of WILBERT-BURIAL VAULT CO., Inc. ~ • Are Still Eligible For Co-op Membership Save 10% Or More On Your Purchases ~ Orange, Connecticut PAYNE ALUMNI & LANE YALE CO-OP Compliments of — Printers — TEMPLE LUGGAGE SHOP, Inc. 16 Grove Street 172 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven 10, Connecticut Compliments of Compliments of HAMDEN SHOP OF JENKINS, Inc. MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME Hotel T a f t Building F R A N K M. B E I S L E R , JR. New Haven, Connecticut BEST WISHES from AL LESTER HERSHMAN 1730 State Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments CONOR A TULA of JAMES V. URSINI CO. Plumbing — Heating TIONS GRODD'S PREMIER ROOFING CO. Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors david dean smith, jr. — Music Dealers — 262 Elm Street Automatic Sprinklers New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut TEMPLE THE JOHN J. CORBETT PRESS MOVIE & CAMERA SERVICE Letterpress and Offset Lithography Temple Street, corner George — Printeis of this Program — Phone: SPruce 7-6291 New Haven, Connecticut BEST OF WISHES THE PECK BINDERY, Inc. 273 State Street New Haven, Connecticut EDWARD GRANFIELD, Inc. Stationery and Office Equipment 184-186 Crown Street New Haven, Connecticut BEST WISHES New Haven, Connecticut L. CIERCIELLI & SON, Inc. GENOVESE & MASSARO, Inc. Trucking and Crane Service 862 State Street 1717 State Street New Haven, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut Phone: MAin 4-1930 R. L. DANIELS Specializing in Septic Tank and Cess Pool Service CENTRAL - MOTORS * — 568 Chapel Street Also Landscaping 65 Bristol Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut N. & B. SOSENSKY — Hardware — GRAND LIGHT & SUPPLY CO. Best Wishes from Jimmy and Mai 246 Dixwell Avenue 833 State Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut COLONIAL THE HOUSE INTERSTATE MANUFACTURING Weddings — Private Parties CORP. 2389 Dixwell Avenue Orange, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut Compliments BEST WISHES ON YOUR of 100th ANNIVERSARY DAVID CASHER SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. 2301 Dixwell Avenue and FAMILY Hamden, Connecticut Compliments of Compliments THE L. R. BROWN MANUFACTURING CO. of ABELSON ELECTRIC CO., Inc. 386 Sherman Avenue 133 Mill River Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments FOREST HILLS GUEST HOME of EASTERN LIQUOR CO., Inc. 462 Derby Avenue 6 East Pearl Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments New Haven, Connecticut HAPPY ANNIVERSARY of LOUIS H. WEINER CO., Inc. STATE BEEF 944 State Street CO. Distributors of AMALIE — the "Oilier Oil" 318 Crown Street New Haven, Connecticut | J. GOLDBERG & SONS — • — — Glass — BEST WISHES TO H O R E B 523 State Street L O D G E from New Haven, Connecticut C. A. STONEHILL, INC. MUNSON AUTO BODY WORKS, Inc. — • — 35 Elm Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut GENERAL BAKING COMPANY 149 York Street New Haven 2, Connecticut SHINDELL SIGNS — • — Neon and Commercial Signs NOW YOU CAN BUY 649 Winchester Avenue New Haven, Connecticut GROSSINGER RYE AND PUMPERNICKLE AT YOUR FAVORITE FOOD STORE DOYLE'S CUSTOM CLEANERS Compliments of Incorporated Telephone: FUlton 7-3677 203 Alden Avenue A WEST HAVEN FRIEND New Haven, Connecticut McKESSON & ROBBINS INCORPORATED — Drug Division — New Haven, Connecticut Season's Greetings To Our Friends and D . A . Customers LONG — General Agent — Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association United Benefit Life Insurance Company 70 Elm Street New Haven, Connecticut GIORDANO'S WESTVILLE ELECTRIC CO. 89-91 Goffe Street A. L. & P. MOTORS, Inc. "Home of Low Mileage Used Cars" 279 Derby Avenue, opp. Yale Baseball Field New Haven, Connecticut W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments F. REHBEIN FLOWER SHOP of 505 Howard Avenue A F R I E N D New Haven. Connecticut STAGE DOOR GRILLE Compliments of 47 College Street New Haven, Connecticut A FRIEND LINDEN CONVALESCENT HOME 83 Main Street — • East Haven, Connecticut — Compliments o[ Compliments A of FRIEND FRANKIE & JOHNNIE'S RESTAURANT A FRIEND 222 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut — • — — THE WAYSIDE FLOWERS • — 725 Orange Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut COMPLIMENTS Compliments A OF of FRIEND A FRIEND PHYLLIS' RESTAURANT ~ • ~ 12 Rock Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut — * — I BAILEY'S KOSHER MEAT MARKET M O R R I S New Haven, Connecticut ANTHONY'S — YOUR HAIR STYLIST W A T S T E I N — Orchestras — 340 Whalley Avenue 23 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut HI-GRADE MEAT MARKET 25 Whitney Avenue 185 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments NEW YORK SMOKED FISH CO. 353 Greenwich Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments HARRY SKOLNICK & SONS 1860 Boulevard New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of EDER ALPERT CONSTRUCTION CO. Country Court — Woodbridge Compliments New Haven, Connecticut Compliments FARMS of DAVID'S BUS SERVICE 27 W e s t Read Street Northford, Connecticut Compliments EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. of NEW YORK CARD <S PAPER CO. OF IOWA 120 Church Street of B R O S . 216 Chapel Street of RESTLAND of New Haven, Connecticut E. BORGENICHT & CO. 90 State Street New Haven, Connecticut THE REFINISHING SHOP 55 Minor Street 624 Middletown Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut S M O L E N ' S , Inc. ELM C I T Y S A L E S 652 Grand Avenue 174 Scranton Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut PAUL W. HESSELMEYER DONALD'S OPEN AIR MARKET — Insurance 865 Chapel Street 72 Kimberly Avenue — New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments G I M B E L 165 Whalley Avenue S . of M O T O R S New Haven, Connecticut M A J U S K Y — Electrical 98 James Street Contracting — New Haven, Connecticut P. ROSENBERG & SON SAL'S BEAUTY SALON 286 Dixwell Avenue 371 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut DAN'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE THE BREAKERS CONVALESCENT HOME 19 Wilson Street 307 Beach Street New Haven, Connecticut W e s t Haven, Connecticut DAVIS STREET FOOD SHOP 17 Davis Street 452 Forbes Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments A. ALEXANDER BROGAN & SON H. — Real of ARMSTRONG TIRE DISTRIBUTORS B U M S T E A D Estate and Insurance 22 Broad Street New Haven, Connecticut •— KAHAN WOOL GRADING ELM CITY REALTY CO. 224 Commerce Street 488 State Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments S A M U E L 75 Whitney Avenue Compliments o[ Y A F F E New Haven, Connecticut KEN'S of AWNING 39 Arizin Street CO. New Haven, Connecticut NATIONAL THEATER SUPPLY BROWN STONE HOUSE 122 Meadow Street 2365 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut Compliments THOMPSON SALVAGE CO. 189 Thompson Street New Haven, Connecticut B R A D L E Y of P A I N T E R S 23 Winnett Street Hamden, Connecticut UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE 157 Church Street 127 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut LYNBROOK BEVERAGES RELIABLE 5c & 10c STORE 192 Commerce Street 811 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments L E W I S 43 Southwest Drive B R O W N 2111 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut Compliments HARRY 102 Judson Avenue ERNIE'S AUTO BODY WORKS of of Compliments CAPLAN of MR. and MRS. DAVID DOFF New Haven, Connecticut FRANK FURSTENBERGER D. & A. RESTAURANT 760 Pine Rock Avenue 446 Chapel Street Hamden, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut J O S E P H E L I A S NEW HAVEN NOVELTY CO. 117 Washington Avenue 151 Truman Street North Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut NATHAN — Jewelry PEARLIN and Luggage 137 Orange Street EDWARD'S KIDDIE KORNER — 886 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Westville, Connecticut ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIO OF NEW HAVEN 1044 Chapel Street of ROSITANI'S BAKERY, Inc. CENTURY PHARMACY 267 Church Street 341 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of New Haven, Connecticut KLIGER'S SHOES & DRY GOODS ALPERT. HEIBERGER & MIREL 865 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments "Mickey" Kliger 1235 Chapel Street Great Stores in Greater New Haven, Connecticut GOLDFARB ELECTRICAL CO. of B E S S E - R I C H E Y Three of MR. and MRS. P. J. VILLANO New Haven, Connecticut Compliments Compliments 7A]/2 Hudson Street New New Haven, Connecticut Haven NEW HAVEN CARPENTER & CABINET SHOP, PAST PRESIDENT BENJAMIN BRETZFELDER Inc. 190-02 Goffe Street New Haven, Connecticut BERMAN PHARMACY D'ANDREA'S RINGSIDE 139 Legion Avenue Bob Stutzman New Haven, Connecticut 21 Broadway New Haven, Connecticut CLUGMAN BROKERAGE CO. MICKEY'S SUPER SERVICE 111 South Orange Street 1172 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of HAMDEN AUTO PARTS YORK & OAK PHARMACY 263 Oak Street ESTHER Lingerie •— Blouses 938 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut LEVIN •— Robes — Accessories New Haven, Connecticut Jimmy Alfano, 815 .Dixwell Avenue 59 Center Street HAROLD — Interior 316 Elm Street of Insurance •— New Haven, Connecticut 101 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments .— New Haven, Connecticut of FRANK'S BARBER SHOP 185 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments HOLMGREN Decorating Hamden, Connecticut AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. V. F. McNEIL & CO., Inc. — All Forms Prop. of JULIUS BRONSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 113 Mo wry Street North Haven, Connecticut ART MILLINERY SHOPPE KELLER'S, Inc. 51 College Street 783 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments JAINCHILL MILLINERY of 940 Chapel Street THE GILTEX MANUFACTURING CO. New Haven, Connecticut JOSEPH A. ALPERT LUBIN OFFICE FURNITURE CO., Inc. 60 Legion Avenue 281 State Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of ONE HOUR DRY CLEANERS, Inc. ARMOND McCOY -— Public Accountant 1321 Whalley Avenue — New Haven, Connecticut 3 JUDGES, Inc. Compliments 1600 Whalley Avenue MILTON New Haven, Connecticut of A X E L R O D New Haven, Connecticut MONTANO BROS. Compliments of 27 Congress Avenue FARMERS' POULTRY New Haven, Connecticut W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments of Compliments NEW YORK BAGEL BAKERY VOGUE FABRICS, Inc. The Lender Family New Haven, Connecticut KLIGER'S DEPARTMENT STORE, Inc. .— Open Sundays 134 Legion Avenue Compliments of P. DIANA & SONS — Phone: MAin 4-7902 ROSNER'S GRAND SUPERMARKET, of - I C E - Inc. M I N I N B E R G ' S 684-88 Grand Avenue 359 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut GREENBERG BROS. D. N. UPHOLSTERY SHOP 900 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut PAIER SCHOOL OF APPLIED ART 1172 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut MILLER'S CLOTHES — Custom Built Furniture 192 Hazel Street NO ONE KICKS — New Haven, Connecticut WHO COMES GLIC 349 Whalley Avenue TO K'S New Haven, Connecticut E N S O N ' S . Inc. 751 Grand Avenue 18 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut THE FELMONT SHOP Complete Apparel for the Lady 179 Crown Street RADIN in Waiting New Haven, Connecticut SHERWOOD DISTRIBUTORS Bonded Dealers SIMON J. ALDERMAN New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of M. FINKEL & SON Florence Jacobsen Trucking New Haven, Connecticut and Rigging THE M. H. DAVIDSON CO. of — Printers •— THE ELM CITY RUBBER CO. of Li't Skipper C.P.A. 42 Church Street E S T H E R ' S Manufacturers Poultry New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven, Connecticut Compliments in Live 295 Legion Avenue 226-28 Congress Avenue 164 Temple Street B R O S . Baby Products PASCALE'S ESSO SERVICE 654 Orchard Street New Haven, Connecticut B E L L I N - P O W E L L 775 Whalley Avenue 25 Columbus Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut FRED HANEY'S RADIATOR REPAIR SHOP CITY SERVICE DRY CLEANERS 118 Gregory Street Telephone: SPruce 6-8733 Fred Haney 231 Portsea Street Compliments New Haven, Connecticut P A T R I C I A ' S of WEST HAVEN TRUCKING CO. 18 Whalley Avenue 435 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut GARFIELD & CROWELL H. & H. AUTO BODY <5 RADIATOR WORKS 362 Campbell Avenue 851 Dixwell Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut WILLCOX PHOTO ENGRAVING CO., Inc. THE LOMAS & NETTLETON CO. 364 Orange Street 175 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut F. & S. CONSTRUCTION CO. LINCOLN FURNITURE CO. 39 Marshall Street David and Bernard Gollinger W e s t Haven, Connecticut ALBERT L. PORTO & SON — Funeral 374 Grand Avenue Homes — 128 Washington Avenue 493 State Street MARCUS FURNITURE CO. Complete New Haven, Connecticut Home 844 Grand Avenue RALPH ABATO PLUMBING CO., Inc. 87 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Furniture New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of MR. and MRS. HAROLD ALPERT 144 Oberlin Road Hamden, Connecticut Happy Birthday — * from — SETARO HAPPY ANNIVERSARY D. 1. CHAPMAN, MOTORS, INC. — • — Your HUDSON Dealer INC. 305 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 7 HOWE STREET THE N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT CHATFIELD - * PAPER CO. — * — - 239 State Street New Haven, Connecticut ~ • - POWSNER AUTO METAL WORKS, INC. WHALLEY GLASS - • - AUTO BODY WORK — PAINTING 33-39 S P E R R Y STREET N E W HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 157 Whalley Avenue New Haven 11, Connecticut CO. CLORMAN'S DELICATESSEN ASHLEY SHIRT CORPORATION 345 Whalley Avenue Makers of High Grade Shirts New Haven, Connecticut Branford, Connecticut JOSEPH COHN <S SON Painting and Decorating Contractors — • — LEO F. CAPRONI 220 Whalley Avenue ~ New Haven, Connecticut • — HAMILTON AUTO GLASS CO. Phone: LOcust 2-1658 AUTO SEAT RITE Custom Automotive Re-Upholstery Rear 502 Orchard Street New Haven, Connecticut — * Safety Channels and Regulators For All Cars and Trucks 91 Hamilton Street New Haven, Connecticut Telephone: SPruce.6-6826 JAMES D. KAUFFMAN, Inc. — Compliments Plate and Window Glass — Auto Glass o[ — Realtors and Insurors — E. M. — Greetings • 152 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut — and Best Wishes THE CORINTHIAN CO. ECONOMY ICE CO. Makers of Fine Living Room Furniture Baldarelli Bros. 134 Haven Street 60 Bradley Street New Haven, Connecticut — • — HINCKS BROS. & CO., Inc. New Haven, Connecticut ANDERSON'S ESSO SERVICE Derby Avenue and Forest Road West Haven, Connecticut — * — — * — H A L S E Y CO. YALE AUTO PARTS 61 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Used Cars and Parts THE STANDARD CLEANING AND DYEING 350 Boulevard CO. 245 George Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut EMBASSY LUNCHEONETTE WHITE'S HARDWARE 96 Elm Street 149 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut C & C MOTOR SALES A. EUGENE DEL GREGO 501 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Insuror — Realtor Phones: LOcust 2-0008 — CHestnut 8-4632 185 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut Telephone: STate 7-1433 DR. S H A L E T T ' S Dry Cleaners — 284 Blake Street — Launderers From 426 Whalley Avenue — Tel.: S T 7-1215 1836 Whitney Avenue — Tel.: A T 8-1758 KAYSEY'S RESTAURANT 92 College Street Freezers - Chest 1313-1315 State St., New Haven, Conn. — of Fuel and Range Oils — Oil Burners — Phones: UN 5-5101 - U N 5-5102 101-119 Silver St. Distributors GERSON N. DAVIS — Pianoi Tuning >—• ROSE ABATE DRESS SHOPPE 956 Chapel Street, Room 212 Free Dresses Elevator Service New Haven, Connecticut Tiles, Carpet, Floors, Walls, 357 State Street New Haven, Conn. HARRINGTON, Printing .— Office Inc. Equipment Telephone 8-0189 GEORGE C. LANE & CO., Inc. 70 College Street New Haven, Connecticut M O E ' S AUTO BODY SHOP AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL New Haven, Connecticut Counter — Quality W o r k — EDW. H. THEROUX & CO. 125 Goffe Street Delivery STRAND COMPANY Linoleum, Stationery 214 Winthrop Avenue - Misses' - Junior STate 7-2337 AND FRESH EGGS 178 Liberty Street BERKSHIRE ICE AND FUEL Women's Equipment PACELLI'S LIVE POULTRY MARKET New Haven, Connecticut Tel.: MAin 4-7350 and Upright — Commercial — Ice Cubers — Bus. U N 5-4075 — Res.: S P 7-2411 S A M U E L ' S Shoes "Advertising Specialties With Lasting Appeal" Howard Theatre Building New Haven, Connecticut Phone: UNiversity 5-5389 A. A. A. HOME FREEZER PACKERS New Haven, Connecticut •— Fine Veterinarian DEE ENTERPRISES OF NEW HAVEN DUCHESS BEAUTY SALONS 151 Temple Street J O N A S New Haven Small Animal Hospital New Haven, Connecticut Greetings S . New Haven, Connecticut Go-mpAimenti — o-j w DuVAL'S RESTAURANT NEW HAVEN CLEANERS ACME FURNITURE CO., Inc. HOTEL NATIONAL NEW HAVEN CASH REGISTER CO. GRAND AVE. 5c & 10c STORE DAVIS DENTAL LABORATORY IRVING'S 5c & 10c STORE RUTH GREEN DRESS SHOP CHESTER CLOTHES KLAYNA'S KOSHER DELICATESSEN LIPTON SILK & CURTAIN SHOP GOLD'S DAIRY EAST HAVEN MUSIC CENTER WASHINGTON UPHOLSTERING CO. ORCHARD PHARMACY HARRY BORNER CAMERA REPAIRS EDMOND'S TOGGERY SHOP, Inc. MIRIAM S. SCHWARTZ DOBELSTEIN BROS. SERVICE STA. B. PERELMUTTER, Clothier E. Z. LAUNDROMAT MILTON AXELROD FERRENCE HEALTH INSTITUTE MYERS BROS. KOSHER MEAT MKT. ANTHONY'S RADIO & TV SERVICING HENRY H. HOROWITZ KOSHER MEAT MARKET MODERN EQUIPMENT CORP. S. H. MOORE — Florists TICOTSKY'S BAKERY MYER'S KOSHER BUTCHER SHOP ALEX PERMANENT WAVE CENTER MARTIN COHEN ROBERT FRIEDLAND BOBBIE'S APIZZA FEDERAL HATTERS KIDDY LANE, East Haven GOLDEN'S LIVE POULTRY WEBER'S PHOTO SUPPLIES BEAUTY NOOK BEAUTY SALON MR. and MRS. ARTHUR BROWN McDERMOTT'S SUPER SERVICE STA. SHEMITZ ELECTRIC CO. ASSOC. GEN'L. CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA i Go-m<p.liment6. — o-jj • - SEABOARD STEEL CO., Inc. FAY-MIN DRESS SHOP VINCENT RADIO CO. ELM HAVEN HARDWARE CO. FAIR-BANKS CLEANERS N. E. GENERAL CONTRACTING CO. EUDOWE PHARM. & CLINICAL LAB. LEADER MANUFACTURING CO., Inc. faiman agency HENRY'S AUTO PARTS ANDRE'S Parisienne Beauty Salon FRANK DeLEONE MUSIC STORE ELECTRA LIGHTING CO. THE H. F. & M. TOOL CO. LADD'S RESTAURANT RUFUS DARROW ELM CITY PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. MEDNICK'S GIFT SHOP PITNEY-BOWES, Inc. HARRY M. ANTONIO HODES BROS. DAVIDSON EQUIPMENT CO. MARRA'S RESTAURANT STILLMAN & RICE HASTING'S DRUG STORE OCKERT INSURANCE AGENCY ED'S LUNCHEONETTE SISK BROS. WEST HAVEN SHEET METAL CO. PALACE LAUNDRY EDGEWOOD BEAUTY SALON SIMONE'S COMMERCIAL PHOTO B. B. ADLER THE CHAUSER CANDY CO. PATRY & CARR GURLAND HARDWARE C. W. LAUNDRY ARAKELIAN RUG CO. RED'S NEWS STAND THE NATIONAL FILTER MEDIA CORP. KATHLEEN L. DELANEY EVA GANDELMAN LETTER SERVICE MISS JANET MARLIN BILTMORE CLEANERS THE ELM CITY BEAUTY ACADEMY, Inc. AMMERMAN'S FURNITURE COMPANY 136 Temple Street 911-917 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut CASHER BROS., Inc. THE STANDARD PAINT & WALL PAPER Wholesale Distributors — Automobile Body Supplies — 49 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut CORP. 250-252 Congress Avenue THE RUSCO WINDOW CO. ROTHE'S ELECTRIC SHOP (Div. Bartlett-Brainard Co.) Combination Doors, Windows and Jalousies 560 Orchard Street Tel.: U N 5-4187 New Haven 767 State Street New Haven, Connecticut MODERN APIZZA PLACE Nicholas Nuzzo, 874 State Street W. T. GRANT CO. 828 Chapel Street Prop. Tel.: S P 6-5306 New Haven, Connecticut New Haven BLUE JAY CLEANERS & DYERS, Inc. 57 Broadway DAVE FLORIO'S EXPRESS All Goods 61 Adeline Street — In Transit New Haven, Connecticut CO. 16 Hill Street DARLING JUVENILE FURNITURE — Carriages, Cribs, 60 Church Street Toys LEACH THE GEORGE GORDON FRUIT & PRODUCE Service Insured of Compliments New Haven, Connecticut — Dependable New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut MANTILIA MOTORS, Inc. — 355 Campbell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut West Haven, Connecticut WHALLEY LIQUOR SHOP HAMDEN AUTO & CYCLE CENTRE 1144 Whalley Avenue 1194 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut DAVENPORT PHOTO SHOP GENERAL DIAPER SERVICE 1182 Chapel Street Post Road New Haven, Connecticut Orange, Connecticut DARBY & SON, Inc. 156 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut ACME AUTO TOP, Inc. "New Haven's Oldest Auto 123 Edgewood Avenue With Best Wishes M. MARGARET van der BOON Henry Aldi, Reg. 427 Whalley Avenue Pharm. New Haven, Connecticut Firm'' New Haven, Connecticut V A T S K E — Public Accountant Liberty Building ALDI DRUG CO. A. Top and Scat Cover — New Haven, Connecticut CORSO AUTO BODY WORKS 835 Woodward Avenue New Haven, Connecticut KAHN BROS. 38 George Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of OLMER BROS. — BAKERS 205 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut FREEDMAN'S BAKERY THE M. H. ALDERMAN FURNITURE CO. 709 Congress Avenue 165 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments ITALIAN-AMERICAN BAKERY of THE ELM CITY CONSTRUCTION CO. Hamden, Connecticut 142 Wooster Street New Haven, Connecticut MODEL FAMILY LAUNDRIES, Inc. 103-109 Hallock Avenue New Haven, Connecticut S. LEVINE AUTO PARTS 155 Day Street Compliments CARL R. BLANCHARD, JR. I l l Whitney Avenue MEYERS & SCHWARZ New Haven, Connecticut PRINTERS TROUBLE SHOOTER Printing New Haven, Connecticut of Machinery and P. O. Box 1737 Equipment New Haven, Connecticut B & M TRUCKING COMPANY 210-212 Davenport Avenue 71 Franklin Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut UNIVERSAL WATCH HOSPITAL JOSEPH GOLDEN INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. 69 Center Street 125 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of SUPERIOR PAPER PRODUCTS CO., Inc. SAMUEL M. OPPER CO. 16 Elm Street New Haven, Connecticut 1 8 3 ^ - 1 8 7 South Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut BAR-CRAFT ELECTRIC CO., Inc. KRAVITZ DEPARTMENT STORE 571 State Street 35 Kimberly Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut ALEX'S SERVICE STATION 371 Derby Avenue New Haven, Connecticut F A B I A N , Inc. Compliments of CHAS. P. MONTANO & SON 607 Campbell Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut JAMES — HAIRSTYLIST 96 Congress Avenue 869 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut UNEEDA SALES COMPANY SCHWARTZMAN BROS., Inc. 143 Wooster Street New Haven, Connecticut 999 Grand Avenue (corner State Street) Compliments A. R. WEBBER & CO., Inc. of BEAVER HILL PHARMACY 42-i Howard Avenue Sid Highkin New Haven, Connecticut LICHTENSTEIN COMPANY — MONUMENTS 100 Legion Avenue HY'S A P P E T I Z E R S 362 Whalley Avenue ~ New Haven, Connecticut ELM CITY CORNICE & ROOFING WORKS New Haven, Connecticut G O D F R E Y & BRILL Michael Voloshin Congress and Howard Avenues New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut ANDERSON'S OPTICIANS FLEXER'S PHARMACY 35 Elm Street 1147 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut THE MARCUS PAPER CO. M A R I - A N N S H O P 335 W e s t Portsea Street 6 Willard Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut BRANDFON Imported MOTORS Cars — Sales and STate 7-5085 COLUMBIA MATTRESS CO. Mattresses — Pillows — 800 Chapel Street Director of Hillel GOMPERTZ BROS, and FRIEDLER, Inc. — Printers 39 Artizan Street HARRY'S SHOE STORE at Yale 159 Washington Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 247 Legion Avenue New Haven, Connecticut W. K. English, Colonial Reproductions Fine Furniture — Country New Haven, Connecticut G A R A G E Truck" New Haven, Connecticut Store Race Brook Road Prices Orange, Connecticut Compliments LEON 1243 State Street "Rent an Avis Car or Men New Haven, Connecticut AAA RADIO & TV TECHNICIANS 260 Crown Street for KAPLAN'S FRUITS and VEGETABLES of THE N. KIRSCHNER CO. L A W L O R ' S Shoes 37 Church Street F I S C H O F F Foundation — New Haven, Connecticut Florsheim New Haven, Connecticut Compliments New Haven, Connecticut Quilts New Haven, Connecticut COURTESY DRUG STORE EPHRAIM 169 Legion Avenue Service 127 Fitch Street, New Haven 15, Conn. 126 Columbus Avenue SASLOW'S LEGION AVE. FISH MARKET 66 Commerce Street F O R E M O S T of P R E S S New Haven, Connecticut F O O D S 109 Washington Avenue New Haven, Connecticut WEYLER'S CHILDREN SHOP 565 Campbell Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments M . Compliments WILLIAMS & COMPANY 525 Orange Avenue POST of W e s t Haven, Connecticut ROAD B A E R 62 Franklin Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut JUEL-BE GIFT NOOK THE Compliments of SAVIN ROCK LIQUOR STORE 938 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut 96 Campbell Avenue of W e s t Haven, Connecticut NORTON P O D E L L ' S 229 Commerce Street MARKET 399 Orange Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of New Haven, Connecticut PHARMACY A. J. Matloff, Reg. 2 Norton Street Pharm. (corner Derby Avenue) THE BROWN PAPER BOX CO. S. RUSSOTA & SON, Inc. 221 W e s t W a t e r Street 2607 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Hamden, Connecticut E L A I N E ' S , DEL Inc. K. BRODNER & SONS, Inc. 813 Chapel Street 500-512 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut M O N I C O H A T T E R 952 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut GREENBERG & RHEIN Compliments AMOS SUN-RIDGE SERVICE STATION 195 Washington Avenue NORTH'S INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. Established 1843 242 Orange Street B. KOCHAN & COMPANY 137 State Street New Haven, Connecticut Manufacturers New Haven, Connecticut of OVERALLS, PANTS, Compliments SHIRTS of NATHAN N. VISHNO & CO. 185 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments EMPIRE AUTO BODY, Inc. 221 Lafayette Street New Haven, Connecticut M. SETLOW & SON, Inc. 5 Jones Hill Road West Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut 116 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut H E W I T T YALE NECKWEAR COMPANY New Haven, Connecticut F. M. LIQUOR STORE G. 205 Church Street — Insurance •— 42 Church Street of C . 80 York Street of R A U S C H S O N S New Haven, Connecticut KENT, CHIZZICK & SAUL BELL & GOSSETT CO. 746 Chapel Street 1767 Whalley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Woodbridge, Connecticut Compliments AMERICAN REFRACTORIES & CRUCIBLE of CORP. CHESTER B. GOLDSTONE 39 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut 345 Washington Avenue Compliments ARCH PRESERVER SHOE AGENCY New Haven, Connecticut 216 Crown Street C L E A N E R S Hamden, Connecticut HARRY'S LIQUOR STORE of HARRY H. HENDLER 129 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut BUREAU'S GARAGE 295 Blake Street 151 Dewitt Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut C O L L E G E SPA HAIG BROS. — RUG CLEANERS 69 College Street 703 Orchard Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of ROCKLEN, 540 Main Street Compliments Inc. W e s t Haven, Connecticut Compliments J O S E P H of BLUE JAY LAUNDRY, Inc. 21 Olive Street New Haven, Connecticut THE BOTTLE SHOP of N. RICE New Haven, Connecticut ARTHUR DIBBLE CO. 486 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut F E N M O R E HATS 14 Tour Avenue 1002 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut ROCCO MONDO <S SONS WEST SHORE ELECTRIC CO. Boston Post Road 34 Lincoln Street Orange, Connecticut West Haven, Connecticut NATIONAL PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 1633 State Street New Haven, Connecticut 1 New Haven, Connecticut Compliments 1957 Whitney Avenue 60 Peck Street of FINSMITH, BRODNER & CO. 156 Temple Street TED'S North Haven, Connecticut Compliments ROBERT 101 Whitney Avenue of BRODIE New Haven, Connecticut KRAMER IRON WORKS TEMPLE HAT SHOP 400 Morse Street 73 Temple Street Hamden, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut THE GAY SHOP POSENER'S INSURANCE CO. 622 Washington Avenue 185 Church Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut SCARPO'S AUTO BODY SHOP DePALMA'S GARAGE 405 Treadwell Street 194 Shelton Avenue Hamden, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut SAM'S FLORIST SHOP CESTARO CONSTRUCTION CO. 555 Grand Avenue 307 Humphrey Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut of Compliments CLARK'S HOUSE CLEANING 52 Bristol Street New Haven, Connecticut ROLAND T. WARNER CO. 1 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut WALLACE METAL PRODUCTS 2259 State Street Hamden, Connecticut Compliments of BLUE CO. New Haven, Connecticut EDGEWOOD LUNCHEONETTE 89 Howe Street New Haven, Connecticut TIVOLI RESTAURANT Compliments RICE of AMITY ELECTRONICS 311 Orchard Street New Haven, Connecticut P. PRINT 649 State Street New Haven, Connecticut J A M E S of Compliments J. M. ZEMPSKY & CO. 153 Court Street of Compliments Amity Road Bethany, Connecticut UMBERTO PICCOLO & CO. 299 Washington Avenue 198 South Orange Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of SEABOARD STEEL CO., Inc. 12 Fair Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments ELIAS of S I L V E R M A N 135 Scranton Street New Haven, Connecticut ELM CITY PHOTO COMPANY BON-TON RESTAURANT 19 Frank Street 303 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments BOTWINIK 333 Welton Street of Hamden, Connecticut Compliments S A M U E L LUNT, BALZER & WATERS BROS. of E P S T E I N 163 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments M A U R I C E 152 Orange Street of FURS New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of Compliments MAX'S DEPARTMENT STORE 1311 State Street STANDARD FURNITURE COMPANY 118-120-122 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments EDGEWOOD TAILORS of JACOBSON ELECTRIC CO., Inc. 102 Chapel Street of 229 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut MADISON FUR SHOP PRODUCE PACKING COMPANY 78-82 Commerce Street 157 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut SAMUEL'S SHOES, Inc. B & M M O T O R S 151 Temple Street 183 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments of Compliments Your VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 350 George Street APPLEBAUM & SCHWARTZ Ladies' New Haven, Connecticut Compliments 1943 State Street Hamden, Connecticut frank's liquor stores of B O H A N - L A N D O R F 971 Campbell Avenue W e s t Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Compliments THE STAR PAPER COMPANY New Haven, Connecticut Compliments 15 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut SAM New Haven, Connecticut THE CONNECTICUT BAR & RESTAURANT of SUPPLIES COMPANY THE AMERLING COMPANY 203 Henry Street of FLEISCHMAN'S SHOES (The Star Drug Rack Service Div.) 17-19 Prout Street of FARBER'S PHARMACY New Haven, Connecticut Compliments Ready-To-Wear Compliments of H. BIXON & SONS 325 Boulevard of 207-215 Meadow Street New Haven, Connecticut Compliments P O L L A C K of 394 George Street MR. and MRS. HERBERT OLIN New Haven, Connecticut and Family MASTRIANI'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION LILLIAN C. ARMSTRONG Corner Campbell Avenue and Noble Street W e s t Haven, Connecticut L O O K F O R W A R D T O 200 C R A M P T O N ' S Jack Senderoff YEARS Public Stenographer 205 Church Street — Mimeographing Tel.: SPruce 6-0065 New Haven HARRY A. ALPERT, Inc. Hardware 193 Legion Avenue — Paints — Housewares New Haven, Connecticut Petro Oil Burners • Fuel Oils Compliments of Worthington Air Conditioners HENRY'S SERVICE STATION Phone: SPruce 7-4451 CONNECTICUT and FUEL HEAT CO. 324 Congress Avenue Compliments New Haven W e s t Haven, Connecticut of Compliments CHAPEL LIQUOR SHOP, Inc. A — • — New Haven, Connecticut J. R. J. of FRIEND 1128 Chapel Street Compliments A. 361 Campbell Avenue of Compliments MONGILLO of — Plumbing Contractors — A HAMDEN FRIEND 928 Grand Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Compliments oi OUR MANY FRIENDS GatUfiatulatio-nA, att Ijo-ub 100tU ^csmSmM&tkf CROWN AMUSEMENT CO., Inc. - 170 NEW • - CROWN STREET HAVEN, CONN. THE JOHN J. C O R B E T T PRESS, N e w H a v e n , Conn, asgjgfo NEW HAVEN'S NEWEST EATING PLACE CHICKEN RANCH Specializing in The Mcst in SOUTHERN FRIED FRENCH FRIED POTATOES HOT BUNS _ L | K p L^ ^ r u A CHICKEN CHILDREN'S PORTIONS 55c ALSO A VARIETY OF MEAT SANDWICHES • SODA FOUNTAIN • Orders Put Up To Take Out Minimum Delivery 10 Ordezs 323 WHALLEY AVENUE at Carmel Street Phone: SPruce 6-8363 • PARKING •