FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier
FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier
FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier September 2014 Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier In-depth, independent review of the product, plus links to related resources “...the service contains information on around 80 million companies and around 75 million business executives...” © Free Pint Limited 2014 Contents Introduction & Contact Details 4 Sources - Content and Coverage 5 Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help 13 Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing 17 FreePint Buyer’s Guide: Company Information 20 Other Products 22 About the Reviewer 24 ^ Back to Contents | -2- © Free Pint Limited 2014 About this Report Reports FreePint raises the value of information in the enterprise, by publishing articles, reports and resources that support information sources, information technology and information value. A FreePint Subscription provides customers with full access to everything we publish. Customers can share individual articles and reports with anyone at their organisations as part of the terms and conditions of their license. Some license levels also enable customers to place materials on their intranets. To learn more about FreePint, visit Disclaimer FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier (ISBN 978-1-78123169-2) is a FreePint report published by Free Pint Limited. The opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the contributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Except as covered by subscriber or purchaser licence agreement, this publication MAY NOT be copied and/or distributed without the prior written agreement of the publishers. Product names used in this report are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Free Pint Limited disclaims any and all rights in those marks. All rights reserved. This version of the report was published in September 2014 and was accurate as of that date. Contact Information Free Pint Limited 4-6 Station Approach, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2QN, United Kingdom Registered Office: Delaport Coach House, Lamer Lane, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8RQ Registered Number: 3754481 Telephone: 01784 605000 International: +44 1784 605000 Email: [email protected] Web: ^ Back to Contents | -3- © Free Pint Limited 2014 Introduction & Contact Details Introduction: Company and Product LexisNexis Company Dossier is part of a suite of company, executive and industry research services from well-known global information provider LexisNexis. The service contains information on around 80 million companies and around 75 million business executives. It is sold as a standalone solution or as an add-on to the company’s main research services, Nexis and Lexis. Company Dossier is primarily used by researchers and analysts in information-intensive organisations across a wide range of sectors, including banks, insurance companies and professional services firms; media clients are also heavy users. By Chris Porter View author biography A sister product, LexisNexis Prospect Portfolio, serves sales and marketing professionals. Contact Details LexisNexis is a global company with headquarters in the US. LexisNexis 230 Park Avenue, Suite 7 New York, NY 10169 USA Tel: the primary US sales telephone contact is (US) 1-888-285-3947 or 1-888-AT-LEXIS Email: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @LexisNexis Other contact details worldwide can be accessed via This chapter is also published as an article in your FreePint Subscription: LexisNexis Company Dossier (Introduction; Contact Details) Click to login now and read online » ^ Back to Contents | -4- © Free Pint Limited 2014 Sources - Content and Coverage LexisNexis Company Dossier combines proprietary information (especially legal, intellectual property and corporate hierarchy information) with content from a wide range of third-party publishers, including over 60 sources of company, industry and executive information. Additionally the service includes aggregated news from over 26,000 English-language news sources, including titles such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and USA Today. LexisNexis says in total there are around 80 million companies profiled on the service, of which around 32 million are in the US; quoted companies account for around 35,000 of the total and the remainder are privately owned. Figures supplied by the vendor indicated that the countries with the largest volume of country coverage were as follows: Country Companies USA England Italy France Germany Argentina Japan Netherlands China Canada Spain Sweden Brazil Norway Belgium Switzerland Australia Denmark Portugal Russian Federation 32,318,491 4,644,291 4,459,835 4,299,857 3,948,027 3,005,521 2,902,263 2,388,367 1,974,067 1,822,086 1,692,863 1,338,241 873,830 826,436 724,227 618,326 560,750 557,958 548,025 546,116 Numbers, of course, are subject to change as additional information is added to the service and as the corporate world evolves. As is generally the case with company research databases, the vendor combines information from multiple sources into a single “Company Snapshot” display. ^ Back to Contents | -5- © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 Figure 1: Company Snapshot Company Snapshot: the Company Snapshot is headed with brief summary information about the company, augmented for quoted companies with recent stock quotes in graphical form (sourced from SunGard). By scrolling down, the user can see further details such as a business description, yearly financials, top executives and data on the company’s auditor, legal counsel and board of directors. Again as is classic in this kind of service, links to the left take the user to more detailed information such as brands, competitors, relevant news, further financials or relevant legal or intellectual property coverage. The level of information available will vary depending on the location of the company and of course whether or not it is publicly quoted. The Morningstar Institutional Database is the main source of quoted-company financial data, though for some countries other providers are also used, such as ICC, Worldscope and Reuters Knowledge Direct. This chapter is also published as an article in your FreePint Subscription: LexisNexis Company Dossier (Sources - Content & Coverage) D&B and LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations are the primary providers for private companies, though again additional detail may be incorporated from other sources such as national chambers of commerce or other locally based information suppliers for instance Creditreform for Germany, FBR Asian Company Profiles for Asia-Pacific, or ICC for the UK. The service seamlessly incorporates more specialised information from other providers where appropriate. Click to login now and read online » ^ Back to Contents | -6- © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 For instance, useful quick summaries of recent merger and acquisition activity can be found from Mergerstat and from the Experian Corpfin database. Analyst reports come from a range of providers including Zachs, ReportLinker and GMI Ratings, intermingled with summaries of key corporate events from S&P Daily News; SWOT analysis of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats may be available from MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor); and for US companies, there are links to regulatory filings from the country’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Legal information is sourced from within LexisNexis, and is focused on recent US, Canadian, UK, Commonwealth and Irish cases. Intellectual property information is also sourced from within LexisNexis, with a focus on recent US, European and Japanese patents, recent US and international trademarks and US copyright. Corporate hierarchy information is also proprietary to LexisNexis, coming from the company’s Corporate Affiliations service. The vendor says this currently covers one million companies and there is a project in hand which aims to expand coverage. While the Company Snapshot initially presents an instant view of a company by pulling together selected data elements from the various sources, it is also possible to click through to the full original records from the various providers, thereby accessing further detail not displayed in the snapshot view. Frequency of Content Updates The vendor provides a useful PDF document setting out how regularly Dossier information sources are updated - see the section “Content Update Frequency for LexisNexis Dossier” at This says, for instance, that Morningstar quoted company financials are updated weekly, D&B private-company information updates are uploaded quarterly and other sources at varying frequencies - typically weekly, monthly or quarterly for directorytype information but as often as daily or intraday for more time-sensitive sources. Users should, of course, expect some elapsed time after a company publishes its financial figures for the relevant information vendor to update its data records, then push the changes through to LexisNexis for uploading. FreePint saw many annual company financials figures which were as up to date as could be expected, though isolated cases were seen where the annual data made available by the provider did not yet reflect the latest numbers obtainable (see below for further examples). Source Content Detail - Company Financials Financial information on quoted companies typically includes a good range of income and balance sheet items plus a quite extensive list of valuation, operation and earnings ratios, with three years of history. The screenshot below gives a sample of as-reported annual income for a US-based quoted company. ^ Back to Contents | -7- © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 Figure 2: Quoted company financials On scrolling down, you may be presented with further information from other sources, depending on data availability - in the case of Microsoft a list of products offered, then information on major shareholders from Gale Group Company Briefs and the Vickers Securities Report, and finally further earnings information from Worldscope International Company Profiles. Currency: a handy drop-down at key points lets you switch the display between US dollars, Australian dollars, British pounds, Canadian dollars, Euros, Japanese yen or the original reported currency, if it is different. Currency conversion rates are loaded to the system once a month and are applied across all years of financial data, so give a nearcurrent view rather than reflecting historical exchange rates. Harder to dig out is data on quoted-company performance by business segment or geographic region; this does not appear to be systematically presented as a separate set of data. The same is true of quarterly company financials. Full company profiles: while the Company Snapshot initially presents an instant view of a company, pulling together key data elements from multiple sources, it is also possible to click through to the full company profile records from the various providers. In digging through these more extensive records, you will sometimes light upon data such as business segment breakdown. For US companies, further levels of detail could also be found by following the left-hand links to the company’s SEC filings. For unquoted companies, LexisNexis says it typically provides one year of financial data where available (though of course in some countries, such as the US and Australia, published financial information on privately held companies is extremely limited). However in some cases, local providers will give more history on private companies. ^ Back to Contents | -8- © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 Example searches: during the review there were some good experiences of searching on company financials, and some more mixed ones. Large- and mid-cap companies from around the world were generally well-covered, but odd exceptions were encountered. For instance, for NASDAQ-listed US-based insurance data company Verisk Analytics, a company with annual revenue of almost USD1.6 billion, very limited financials were found, whereas much smaller Swedish media intelligence vendor Cision, with latest annual revenue of around USD128 million, benefited from three years of detailed history. Searches on small- to mid-cap companies which had gone public over the last year or two in Japan, India and Australia yielded in one case, one year of revenue history; in the second case, records of the company only as a private entity, including alternative records under a previous name which had been changed a couple of years earlier; and in the third case, no record at all. Conversely searches on small to medium-sized privately held subsidiary-branch companies in the Netherlands yielded up to four years of detailed financials, reflecting the vendor’s particular focus on that area; and searches on UK-based private companies gave between one and three years of financials, generally with more data the larger the company. A search on a German quoted company with around USD20 million of annual revenue produced one year of very limited top-level financial data; another on a private German company of similar size brought three years of detailed historical financials. Source Content Detail - News & Analysis LexisNexis Company Dossier offers several options for searching news relating to companies. From the top left of a company snapshot view, a “Current News” link will bring back a list of headlines relating to the company in question. A little further down, the left-hand navigation has an “In The News” section which allows the user to run more specific news-related searches. The news archive available within this context stretches back over two years and focuses on English-language content only. Users can choose from: A pre-built list of “Major Publications” - major newspapers, press releases, magazines, transcripts or legal publications Or they can invoke a “Topic” search, selecting from business activity, corporate structure, financial, legal or marketing and product options Or they can go to the “Region” section, choosing between the five options of United States; Canada, Central America and Latin America; European; Asia and the Pacific Rim; or Middle East and Africa. There is not an option to combine the different kinds of filters at this point or to add other more precise ones, though the user can drill down within the results screen by adding free-text terms to their search. Figure 3 shows “Business Activity” news. ^ Back to Contents | -9- © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 Figure 3: “Business Activity” news While the topic searching options guide users towards some of the major business topic areas, there is no direct equivalent to the “business trigger” or “business signal” event extraction features offered by some other providers. The vendor notes that triggers are available in its solution aimed at sales and marketing professionals, Prospect Portfolio. The company news searching within the company snapshot environment leverages the LexisNexis SmartIndexing Technology categorisation system whenever possible; the vendor tells FreePint that its news indexing system includes codes for several hundred thousand companies. Where a match with a company code is not available, the system will automatically run a free-text search on the company name, restricting it to the headline and lead paragraph of new stories in order to guard against irrelevant results. Those who wish to do more detailed news searching on companies than is possible within this context have the option of going to the main search screen within the core Nexis or Lexis products, where they may also be able to search news content with more advanced search options, such as the ability to search content in multiple languages, depending on their product subscription. They will be able to construct complex searches based on the full range of LexisNexis “SmartIndexing” terms for company, organisation, topic, industry, region and people, as well as further drilling down within their results set, using the most frequently occurring index terms relating to the results. The indexing works across content in English, French and German. ^ Back to Contents | - 10 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 Once the user is within the Dossier area, the top-level link to the main news searching area in Nexis or Lexis is no longer visible, so they need to take an extra step to navigate to the mainstream product. More detail on that functionality can be found in FreePint’s reviews of the full LexisNexis product offerings, such as Product Review of Nexis. Source Content Detail - Executive and Industry Content While the primary focus of this review is on company information, LexisNexis Dossier also includes details on executives and industries. A window towards the right of the main company snapshot gives a list of top executives, with their name and job title and an icon to launch a search for the profile on LinkedIn. There are hyperlinks for each executive’s name; if the user has access to an add-on Executive Dossier subscription, they will then be taken to a deeper executive profile, though otherwise they will receive an error message explaining that this area of the product is not available within their subscription plan. The hyperlinks to LinkedIn generally worked well, in almost all cases tested going straight to the correct profile. No links were found to other social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter. A “Download Table” link just below the list allows the user to export the list to a spreadsheet application; the exported table will in some cases also contain email addresses for the executives concerned. Additionally in the left-hand navigation of the company snapshot page, there are options to view a list of executive and professional contacts at the company. These contacts may include telephone numbers (both switchboard and direct dial if available) as well as email addresses. LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations, D&B Professional Contacts and NetProspex are the primary sources of executive contact information. As FreePint has remarked in reviews of other services of this nature, information on the contacts associated with a company is a notoriously difficult thing to get right and to maintain in a timely manner. On random sampling, some good current coverage was found, though some names listed had in fact moved on from the companies concerned. Those who subscribe to the Executive Dossier add-on also benefit from additional screening functionality, allowing them to create very targeted executive lists based for instance on particular job profiles in a defined set of regions or even particular cities. The Prospect Portfolio variant of the service, aimed at sales and marketing professionals, also contains tools to help users to import leads and prospects into CRM applications, as well as the business trigger alerts mentioned earlier. For those who subscribe to the Industry Dossier add-on; additional industry information and search capabilities are available, via an “Industry” tab in the top-level navigation bar. ^ Back to Contents | - 11 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Sources - Content and Coverage | September 2014 To search for an industry, the user can enter a full or partial text string in a search box, insert a two- to four-digit SIC code or browse an SIC industry hierarchy - with the usual limitations of SIC in terms of granularity and responsiveness to the changing industrial world. Once they have selected their industry, they will see an industry overview description and below it a list of top companies which the system sees as grouped within that industry by sales. Figure 4: Industry overview By scrolling down, the user will also see a set of ratio components for the list of companies, and share price and trading volume charts. A “Recent News” link to the top left brings back a list of latest news headlines for the industry, with the ability to search within the results using free text, as in a company snapshot. A “Reports” button also provides access to industry profile reports. As in other products of this type, the industry snapshots available are for fairly highlevel industry classifications, so the level of usefulness will vary depending how specific your industry interest is. The range of reports found was not wide, and several were unexpectedly country-specific rather than global in nature. FreePint’s View: Sources ü Wide range of company-related information sources ü Extensive collection of licensed news sources ü ü Large number of companies covered ü Easy access to additional details from underlying company data sources Easy-to-use tools for switching currency units û Limited/uneven depth of financial history for some quoted and unquoted companies. ^ Back to Contents | - 12 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help Technology The LexisNexis Dossier suite is built using the company’s proprietary technology. The product has been on the market for over a decade and has a common look and feel with the core LexisNexis research products. As a general observation, the user interface does the job, though the overall look and feel are not as fresh as in some other services on the market. Search and User Interactions The main starting point for a search in Company Dossier is the “Find a Company” tab. At its simplest, the user can just enter a free-text search string and hit the search button; or they can very easily refine the search at this point, using other supported options including ticker symbol, D&B DUNS number, geographic location and/or type of company, picking from the options shown below. Figure 5: Finding a company On clicking the “Find” button, the searcher is presented with the three most likely matches, plus an indication of the total number of possible matches and an option to view a list of all of them. Once the user clicks on a company name, the snapshot for that company is displayed. If the system contains only one match for the user’s search string, then the snapshot record for that company is displayed immediately. ^ Back to Contents | - 13 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help | September 2014 Alternatively, the user can start with the “Create a Company List” tab - especially useful for the creation of sales or marketing prospect lists. This provides additional screening options, notably the ability to filter by company revenue or employee numbers, by industry (both SIC and NAICS systems are supported), by postal or ZIP code, or by free text against elements such as business description, executive name, brands and products or competitors among other options. Figure 6: Creating a list The wide range of filtering options allows you to build a very focused search, quickly and easily. After this step, the user is prompted to specify which elements they would like to include in their results list - for instance, they may choose to see the web address, email address and phone number but not the fax number, or the sales & revenue numbers and market capitalisation but not the EPS growth figure. While the company screening search can generate results sets containing up to 100,000 records, downloads are limited to 3,000 records at a time. Multiple downloads can be performed to obtain lists with more than 3,000 records. A search option which impressed FreePint is the “Compare Companies” feature. Here you can select up to five companies, by entering either a company name or stock exchange ticker code; when you click on a “Compare” button, you then see side-by^ Back to Contents | - 14 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help | September 2014 side data for each company relating to its income statement, assets and liabilities as well as a ratio analysis. The system automatically calculates the percentage difference between the numbers for the first company you select and the ones you wish to compare it with. Note that the data is presented in numeric form only, as is generally the case in the service; an export-ready graphical display of the key data could be illuminating here as at other points, though you can of course export the data into a spreadsheet program and then generate your own charts using the standard functionality of that application. Outputs and Alerts LexisNexis Company Dossier has several useful output options. Links enabling you to print, download or email selected articles or reports are conveniently to hand at the top right of each screen, with various formatting options including the ability to include a cover page or add a brief note. When viewing multi-year, multi-column financials for a company, it is possible to select and copy the data and paste it easily into a spreadsheet. There are also many points where links are provided to help you download tabular information into spreadsheet format - for instance in the sections for yearly financials, top executives and executive changes on the company snapshot page. The “Custom Report” tool, available low down in the left-hand navigation bar, has very extensive options to help you specify exactly what items you would like to appear in your company reports. Figure 7: The “Custom Report” tool ^ Back to Contents | - 15 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help | September 2014 There are plentiful points within the product where you can save a search, after which it becomes available on a “Saved Searches” sub-tab under the “My Research” tab at the top of the screen; that area also has a handy history page, showing your last 100 searches, so that you can easily re-run them or save them for future use. There are no alerting options within the Company Dossier area of the service; the vendor says that users typically take advantage of the alerting options available within the Nexis and Lexis product areas. Special Software Functionality One special feature worth noting is the ability to integrate information directly into an intranet, portal, wiki, email, document or other internal application by pasting in an HTML link. LexisNexis says that any authorised Dossier user in your organisation will then see the content displayed in context, wherever you have published the content. The reports update automatically, always providing the most recent information available. This feature is known as LexisNexis Dossier Publishing Manager, and is available as a subscription add-on. There is also a neat feature to allow the user to import lists of companies or executives into the service, using ticker symbols in a comma-separated values (CSV) format. This is handy if you already have lists of companies you are tracking, and want a quick way of recreating those lists within Company Dossier without manually adding them one by one Administration and Support User preference information is accessed from a “Preferences” tab at the top of the page. Here you can choose to show only headquarter locations in your search results, limit your results to a particular country or region or a particular company type, will determine whether to show current news in the company snapshot view. Each product screen has a “help” questionmark icon to the top right, giving contextsensitive help tips as well as links to an index of help topics and to a LexisNexis Dossier tutorial; a “Contact” link both here and at the bottom of each screen provides a US customer helpdesk telephone number (FreePint was trialling the product through a US contact). While there are no other customer service options indicated within the product, LexisNexis is very much a global vendor and its region-specific sites indicate many further support options such as local phone numbers, email addresses, online forms and web chat. FreePint’s View: Technology This chapter is also published as an article in your FreePint Subscription: LexisNexis Company Dossier (Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help) ü Easy filtering to create custom company lists ü Good range of export options, including custom report formats ü Option to integrate current data directly into intranets, CRM etc Click to login now and read online » ^ Back to Contents | - 16 - û More focused drill-down into companyrelated news requires switching to the LexisNexis/ research product û No alerting options specific to changes in company data û Interface could benefit from more graphical representations of data. © Free Pint Limited 2014 Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing Purchasing and Value LexisNexis says that Company Dossier and associated products from the Dossier product suite can help users to: Prepare for meetings with prospects and clients Identify and pre-qualify potential customers based on specific criteria including industry, sales, geographic location, earnings and position titles Explore competitors Research industries and executives. It says Company Dossier is also a natural add-on for those who are already using its main research databases, and who also want additional company information coverage. LexisNexis also says a significant benefit of Company Dossier is time-saving for researchers, due to the way that it brings together relevant information from multiple sources within a single context. Initial product research found that users were previously doing as many as 70 different searches to find the content that is now brought together in a company snapshot view. Product Maturity and Development Plan The LexisNexis Company Dossier product is a well-established one, having been on the market for over a decade. The vendor says it is nevertheless continuing to work on enhancements. For instance, it is looking at ways to expand coverage of regulatory filings beyond the current USspecific focus on the SEC. Generally it is looking at increasing its emphasis on non-US information, for instance working on enhancements to coverage of companies in emerging markets. It is also aiming to increase the number of companies covered by its proprietary Corporate Affiliations database. (Find out more in FreePint’s 2014 review of Corporate Affiliations.) The vendor says it is also listening to its users regarding feature enhancements, for example by making it easier to restrict default searches to a particular country or region. Pricing LexisNexis Company Dossier pricing is on a per-user basis, with discounts for larger numbers of users. In common with other similar vendors, LexisNexis declined to disclose actual price points. The service is generally sold as an add-on to one of the core LexisNexis research products. ^ Back to Contents | - 17 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing | September 2014 A lower-cost variant, Company Dossier Snapshot (PDF), is available which provides only the data within the company snapshot. This is sold at a significant discount, due to the much more limited information available. Company Dossier is offered as a global package, without regional sub-sets; while historically LexisNexis has offered some country-specific versions, notably for the Netherlands and Germany, it is now moving towards a single offering on a common platform. The Executive Dossier and Industry Dossier components are optional add-ons, as is the module to enable integration with intranets and other internal systems. LexisNexis Prospect Portfolio, aimed at sales and marketing professionals, is sold as a standalone product. Competition and Alternative Offerings LexisNexis regards its integration of company profile data with very extensive licensed news content as a key differentiator against most of the other providers in this space. This case could certainly be argued in comparing it with a Bureau van Dijk, Hoover’s or Avention (formerly OneSource) service - though it should be noted that both Hoover’s (through its integration of content from FirstRain)and Avention (through in-house development) have made notable moves in recent years to improve the coverage and display of their company-focused news content. The Dow Jones Factiva service provides LexisNexis Company Dossier with the most obvious competition on the company data/news integration front, notably covering more content languages and providing access to Dow Jones and Reuters financial newswire content (only available to LexisNexis customers at law firms). Dow Jones has made steps to improve the integration of company data and news within Factiva, as well as providing various ways of quickly drilling down within company-related news. The Companies & Executives area of Factiva will be the subject of a separate FreePint product review. LexisNexis says that its inclusion of its proprietary legal, intellectual property and Corporate Affiliations data is a unique differentiator. Another argument to note in its favour is the very large number of companies which it claims to cover - far more than you would find, for instance, in the Companies & Executives component of Dow Jones Factiva or in a country-specific variant of Bureau van Dijk. Conversely the Factiva Companies & Executives area, Avention and BvD would all offer strong competition to LexisNexis Company Dossier if the user is interested in deep company financials, going back over several years. FreePint’s View: Value As FreePint has previously noted in other reviews of company information providers, different vendors have different strengths in this area. ^ Back to Contents | - 18 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing | September 2014 In FreePint’s view, LexisNexis Company Dossier is worth considering as a company information source for users who are: Interested in wide-ranging coverage of companies around the world Looking for extensive news coverage as well (and are prepared to spend some time digging into that news) Not focused on deep historical financials (or happy to obtain them from other sources, such as free or low-cost company filings services) It is also particularly worth considering for those seeking coverage of companies in the Netherlands, where it has extensive coverage. Those who also need to look more deeply into legal and intellectual property issues may also be particularly attracted to the Company Dossier service, provided that their areas of geographic interest match with the LexisNexis coverage areas. This chapter is also published as an article in your FreePint Subscription: LexisNexis Company Dossier (Value Competitors, Development & Pricing) Click to login now and read online » ^ Back to Contents | - 19 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 FreePint Buyer’s Guide Ready to research products and services that will help your organisation find company information? Start here. From the FreePint Buyer’s Guide, in the Company information category: Featured Featured Arachnys Compliance Catalyst Arachnys is a subscription-delivered, web-based research service with a focus on helping organisations to undertake risk and compliance checks in emerging markets. Data is based on open source information enhanced through smart technology and covers extensive local language resources. Customised analysis for risk assessment and documentation for on-boarding and AML processes. Our new Compliance Catalyst has been created to help you get to the ‘compliance critical data’ in our global information solution, Orbis, quickly and easily - and to help you on-board new customers more efficiently. Read more Featured Featured LexisNexis Bridger Insight XG Avention for Research LexisNexis® Bridger Insight™ XG strengthens compliance by keeping you in front of evolving global regulations. Using a single interface, the solution delivers rapid screening by leveraging a best-in-class matching algorithm and access to the latest global watchlists. Avention for Research: With Avention you can purpose Big Data with timeliness and precision to uncover insights and ideas for increased confidence in your decision-making. Only Avention can provide you the ability to search the explosion of data and relate it to the businesses, people and topics you care about so you can dig deeper to uncover opportunities for prospecting and partnering. Featured Read more LexisNexis SmartWatch Anticipate and manage supplier risk, minimise supply chain disruptions, prevent litigation and protect your reputation. LexisNexis® SmartWatchSM is a visual dashboard and alerting tool that leverages a wide range of market intelligence you won’t find on the open Web. Featured Avention for Sales Avention for Sales: Avention harnesses the power of Big Data for identifying more targeted prospects and knowing when to engage for more effective selling. Only Avention can provide you with the ability to search Big Data, relate it to the businesses, people and topics you care about, and help you uncover the best insights and opportunities to grow your business and outcompete your competition. Featured Nexis Nexis draws on an extensive database of online news and business information to deliver relevant information to users through a variety of platforms, including Nexis, Nexis Direct, Nexis Analytics, and Nexis Publisher. Read more Use the FreePint Buyer’s Guide to find products by vendor, category, or run a search. ^ Back to Contents | - 20 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 LexisNexis Company Dossier FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier | September 2014 Featured Featured iSell Orbis OneSource iSell transforms sales by understanding the ideal targets for each sales professional and then continuously delivering the most timely and relevant opportunities personalized by their profile. With iSell, sales professionals can focus their efforts where there is the greatest opportunity, resulting in greater revenue and improved sales productivity. Orbis contains comprehensive information on companies worldwide. You can use it to research individual companies, search for companies by profile and create your own analyses. Read more Featured Featured Mint Global PharmaCircle Providing information on companies across the globe with a streamlined interface, Mint Global is ideal for quick look ups and company-wide desktop access. PharmaCircle™ is an online resource for professionals in the biopharmaceutical industry. It provides both information and analysis on all aspects of the research-based and generic biopharmaceutical business with global coverage of research, development, regulatory, clinical, and business activities. You can use it to research individual companies, find companies with specific profiles and analyse individual and groups of companies. Mint Global is easy to use and helps you navigate company information quickly and easily. Read more Read more Other products in this category include: Featured Academic Search R&D Alacra Connections Alacra Current Awareness Alacra Pulse Audit + Compliance Benchmark Bloomberg Law BMO BoardEx Boardroom Insiders Business Owner Background Report Business Profile Report Business Source Corporate Plus Capital IQ Platform CatalystTracker CEIC Data Company Analysis Company Check Company Intelligence Company Watch Corporate Linkage Cortera PULSE Country-Check Credit Catalyst CRUSH Report M3 Database CRUSH Reports Custom Data Solutions D&B FATCA D&B Onboard D&B Supplier Risk Manager D&B360 Datamyne Dealreporter DealWatch Debtwire Decisioning as a Service DNBi NewsEdge v8 Real-time News NewsEdge v8 streams real-time scrolling news and alerts rapidly and efficiently to the desktop. When the speed of information matters, professionals use NewsEdge v8 to stay on top of the companies and industries they monitor each day. Filtered news is delivered into the product with near-zero latency and highly customized functionality allows its users to be notified when news breaks. Read more Featured Enterprise Really simple information solutions to meet the needs of your users where they work. NewsEdge Enterprise brings a business relevant content catalog, comprehensive proprietary taxonomies, graduated search tools and information sharing capabilities right to your fingertips. Dow Jones Anti-Corruption Dow Jones Companies & Executives Dow Jones Risk & Compliance Dow Jones Watchlist EMIS (Emerging Markets Information Service) EMIS Compliance EMIS Corporate Financial Times Corporate FINTEL Business Analyzer Enterprise FINTEL Business Analyzer Professional FINTEL Business Scorecard FINTEL Industry Metrics Reports FirstRain Business Monitoring Engine HighBeam Business Hoover’s IDU AML (Anti-Money Laundering) IDU KYC (Know Your Customer) IDU Sanction - PEP and Sanction Checks IFIS (Islamic Finance Information Service) Industry Almanac and Online Research Center InfoArmy Inform Direct Intelligence Plaza Intelliscore Plus J.D. Power Key Business Ratios on the Web Law360 Leadership Lists and Datafeeds Leadership Online Directories Leadership Profiles on Demand Loan Connector M & A Analysis Market Branch Analysis Market Insight Marketsensus Mergent Archives Mergent Intellect Mergent MDDI Mergermarket Morningstar Direct News and Alerts PI Private Company Data PlacementTracker Platts Plunkett Research Online RDC AML EDGE RDC AMLxp RDC GRID RDC Risk Check RDC Vendor Protect S&P Capital IQ S&P Dow Jones Indices SECAnalyzer SeeNews Silobreaker Premium Skyminder Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services ThomsonOne Tools and Analytics World-M World-ZL ZoomInfo Pro Learn more » Read more View all products in this category » Use the FreePint Buyer’s Guide to find products by vendor, category, or run a search. ^ Back to Contents | - 21 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 Other Products The following products reviewed by FreePint may provide comparable coverage: Your FreePint Subscription covers all content we publish, including the archive. Simply click a link and log in to MyFreePint to access the full report. Content was accurate as of the date of publication (listed). Product Review of Avention Review published June 2014: ü ü Wide range of company-related information sources ü ü ü Clear, crisp layout ü Innovative technology, especially for quickly searching across multiple content types Excellent level of detail and deep history for quoted-company financials Easy-to-use tools for switching display units Access to full-text PDF for quoted-company annual and interim reports and selected UK Companies House documents ü ü ü Extensive change notification options ü Provides a secure environment (utilises SAS 70 Type II certification) û û Limited financial history for many unquoted companies Useful exporting capabilities 24/7 access ensures data can be processed quickly & effectively to retain its value English-language-only news content. Product Review of Review published December 2012: ü Vast global news database of 36,000 sources from 200 countries going back up to 50 years ü Comprehensive search, alert, distribution and storage options ü ü Extensive training options ü û û û Needs of informational professionals and general users are neatly met by having two search options Source rating tool hidden Training materials not easy to locate at time of review but matter is being addressed Quotes function does not seem to have a look up table for company codes at first glance but in fact there is a symbol lookup tool on the Quotes page. iPad application and mobile versions available Log in to your MyFreePint Account to access past reports covered by your subscription: Visit to log in. Contact [email protected] for further information or assistance. ^ Back to Contents | - 22 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 Other Products FreePint Report: Product Review of LexisNexis Company Dossier | September 2014 Product Review of BvD Mint Review published October 2012: ü ü ü ü ü Clean and simple, uncluttered user interface û Copyright warning appears every time you inadvertently right click on a page. (This can be disabled once the trial period is over and a licence is purchased). û More context-sensitive help on Boolean searching would be welcome, along with a description of exactly which search fields are affected. Very intuitive to use Good range of search and viewing options Good range of output options Quick and easy viewing of search results displayed as dashboard (‘Segmintation’). BvD has clearly invested a great deal into creating Mint, and it shows. I don’t know of any other product that offers the same level of flexibility with this amount of data. It’s the combination of detail, power, flexibility and ease of use which combine to make it a very impressive product indeed. Log in to your MyFreePint Account to access past reports covered by your subscription: Visit to log in. Contact [email protected] for further information or assistance. ^ Back to Contents | - 23 - © Free Pint Limited 2014 About the Reviewer Chris Porter is director of Porter Walford Consulting, an organisation which specialises in market research, market size and share and competitor analysis relating to the information industry. Clients include some of the world’s leading information-intensive companies. Chris is the co-author of a forthcoming report on global market size and share for Media Intelligence information and software services. Chris previously worked for Dow Jones, Factiva and Reuters, analysing B2B and consumer information markets worldwide. Expertise includes corporate and legal, risk and compliance, financial and business and public relations and corporate communications markets. Share this report You can share individual reports and articles with anyone in your organisation, as part of your FreePint Subscription. This PDF report can be emailed to anyone in your organisation but may only be placed on your intranet or other collaborative workspace if your license level allows. If you have questions about your license level, please contact [email protected]. ^ Back to Contents | - 24 - © Free Pint Limited 2014
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