StyleS CaSheD IN S8 - Cattle Business Weekly
StyleS CaSheD IN S8 - Cattle Business Weekly
South Dakota Angus Directory 1 8 48=0;0<= <96/ =9 #0,5 9= $,8.3 ,8,/, 19; "80 91 =30 79<= /4708<498,6 ->66< @0 3,?0 0?0; -;0/ 4;=3 )= )) & +) & # < ) )) +) 66 91 34< 2;9@=3 8>7-0;< :6>< =30 7,=0;8,6 ;,85 347 48 =30 =9: 91 =30 -;00/ ,< @066 ,< 34< ) 4< ;,85 4< =30 60?06 %$ "'# % !& &+ B% % $ '% % &$""# $ &34< :9@0; 39><0 :0;19;7,8.0 ->66 @,< :>;.3,<0/ -A ;0-< $,8.3 ! 19; 4;=3 )= )) $ +) # < ) )) +) 4< 2;9@=3 8>7-0;< ;,85 347 48 =30 =9: 91 =30 -;00/ %$ %! * & !& B% % $ ) $ & %% # B< ) )) +) "@80/ @4=3 B< $,8.3 $ (48 ,; $,8.3 ! 0 3,< -008 980 91 =30 79<= @4/06A ><0/ ->66< 48 =30 -;00/ 0 4< , 2;0,= .,6?482 0,<0 <4;0 =3,= @466 :>= 2;9@=3 ,8/ =30 ;423= 6995 48=9 34< :;9208A 4< /,>23=0;< ,;0 89@ 48 7,<< :;9/>.=498 30;0 ,= ><3 82>< "?0; /,>23=0;< 3,?0 <964/41A 347 ,< , <4;0 91 1,->69>< 107,60< =3,= ,;0 10;=460 7465 3,;/ ,8/ ,// ?,6>0 =9 0?0;A .,61 +9>; 30;/ 4< 89= .97 :60=0 >8=46 A9> 3,?0 34< 2080=4.< ,= @9;5 19; A9> '% % " ' #$ 2 ( # $ ! $ '" ' " $#"& South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 3 4 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 5 6 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 7 8 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 9 10 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 11 12 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 13 14 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 15 16 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 17 18 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 19 Located: 5 1/2 Miles East and 1 Mile North of Armour, SD If you have any questions or requests please call: Don & Theresa Fink (605) 630-8484 or (605) 779-5341 Herman & Jeanette Fink (605) 779-6321 39923 SD Hwy 44 • Armour, SD 57313-5607 20 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 21 22 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 23 24 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 25 26 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 27 28 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 29 30 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 31 32 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 33 Final Answer • Sure Shot Resume • Wave• Ten X Whispering Wind 48 • Chisum EXT • Dateline • S Summit 1147 CAR Timeline 094 McCoy • Angus Valley • Heisman TC Thunder 805 • Really Windy 4097 #& *!' 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'"-+ 34 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 35 36 South Dakota Angus Directory heD IN S8 S a C S e l y t S 869198 AAA 17 02 Styles Pride P3 Barstow Cash x EPDS BW +1.4 YW +128 WW +74 Milk +25 S CaS StA 17y86l91e 98 MARB +0.37 RE +0.77 $B +147.37 $W +75.14 h R400 e 71B AA Plainview Lassi Barstow Cash x EPDS BW +0.7 38 WW +55 YW +109 Milk +22 RE +0.87 MARB +0.73 $B +144.97 $W +54.55 South Dakota Angus Directory SaV RaNCh KINg 2463 AAA 17318840 • BD: 1/20/2012 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075 SAV 707 RITO 9969 BR POLLY 8077-472 BCC BUSHWACKER 41-93 SAV BLACKCAP MAY 5530 SAV MAY 7238 EPDS BW +2.5 WW +63 YW +110 Milk +24 RE +0.54 MARB -0.05 $B +124.49 $W +54.97 Semen: $25.00 Certificates: $30.00 Box 56 • BrentforD, SD 57429 blstyles • cestyles Bob 605-887-3281 cell 605-290-3324 Chris 605-887-3657 cell 605-887-7000 South Dakota Angus Directory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outh Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 43 44 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 45 46 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 47 48 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 49 1. Amdahl Angus 5. Baker’s Lemar Angus Amdahl, Tim & Marcia 21747 Coyote Ln Piedmont, SD 57769 605-929-3717 [email protected] Baker, Leo & Mike 11440 Angus Lane St. Onge, SD 57779 605-642-5793 2. Anderson Angus Julius, Dave & Carla 329 Line Rd Box Elder, SD 57719 605-545-5862 [email protected] 3. Artz Angus Baxter, Mark 16984 368th Ave Rockham, SD 57470 605-472-3253 Anderson, Jim 46970 252nd St Baltic, SD 57003 605-529-5637 [email protected] 13527 365th Ave. Ipswitch, SD 57451 605-426-6796 4. Assman Land & Cattle Assman, Mike 28636 283rd Ave Mission, SD 57555 605-730-0966 6. Bar J Bar Ranch 7. Baxter Angus 8. Beitelspacher Ranch Beitelspacher, Mark PO Box 391 Bowdle, SD 57428 605-281-1055 !' ( ! ! %) !), !%$ " ' &%% #+ &$ !% )!&% &%% #+ &$' !% ' &* # !(!&% 50 %) %(!)+ &%% #+ &*' !(*$ &%% #+ '!( % South Dakota Angus Directory 9. Black Ink Farms 13. Bunker Cattle Co. Fink, Herman & Don 39923 SD Hwy 44 Armour, SD 57313 605-779-5341 [email protected] Bunker, Brad 716 West Hickory St. Arlington, SD 57212 605-530-6404 10. Blacktop Farms Buseman, Joe & DJ 44869 262nd St Canistota, SD 57012 605-296-3361 Steve & Lori Repenning 41366 258 St Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-0196 11. Borns Angus Borns, Steve 44368 175th St Hazel, SD 57242 605-886-7487 12. Bruns Angus Ranch Bruns, Dan 22843 452nd Ave Madison, SD 57042 605-256-2473 14. Buseman Angus 15. Bush Angus Bush, Jim & Scott 41785 109th St Britton, SD 57340 605-448-5401 16. Bussmus Family Angus Bussmus, Gary 24973 404th Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-3265 PO Box 528 • 1200 East Highway 50 Yankton, South Dakota 57078 SALE SCHEDULE Tuesday Wednesday ))" # Followed by Weigh-Ups ' ))" # Followed by Weigh-Ups FIELD REPRESENTATIVES )) $ ' " ' $ '! ( * $ '# $ $ %*& " ' South Dakota Angus Directory $) %$+ 51 52 South Dakota Angus Directory 17. C & M Cattle 21. DeMers Ranch Tollefson, Chuck 42034 165 St Clark, SD 57225 605-532-3917 DeMers, Ron, Ross & Keith 31846 284th St Colome, SD 57528 605-842-3340 [email protected] 18. Callies Farms Callies Family 43836 235th St Howard, SD 57349 605-772-4888 19. Carter Angus Carter, Dustin 4424 E Main St Vermillion, SD 57069 20. Deep Creek Angus Gabriel, T.J. & Jeanine 20004 Manilla Rd Midland, SD 57552 605-567-3327 South Dakota Angus Directory 22. Dikoff Angus Ranch Dikoff, Rodney & Linda 33781 SD Hwy 20 Onaka, SD 57466 605-447-5851 23. Dockter, Jordan 47576 145th St Milbank, SD 57252 605-432-6225 24. Eagle Pass Ranch Munger, Steve, AJ & Nate 34261 200th St Highmore, SD 57345 605-229-2802 53 25. Edgar Brothers 29. Fox’s Angus Farms 16619 367 St Rockham, SD 57470 605-472-0841 45894 US Hwy 212 Watertown, SD 57201 605-886-6704 26. Edleman Angus 43102 192nd St. Willow Lake, SD 57278 605-881-2419 27. Erdmann Angus Ranch Erdmann, Dan & Anne Jo 10891 361st Ave Leola, SD 57456 605-439-3744 28. Forgey Angus Ranch Forgey, Dan 32766 301st St. Dallas, SD 57529 605-830-5990 [email protected] 54 30. Frei Angus Frei, Lance & Kerri 18505 Grapevine Road Red Owl, SD 57787 605-985-5541 31. Fremark Farms Fremark, Dave & Lori 36470 US Hwy 14 St. Lawrence, SD 57373 32. Fuoss Angus Ranch Fuoss, David 28137 229th Street Draper, SD 57531 605-669-2127 South Dakota Angus Directory 33. Gant Angus & Hereford 37. Hilltop Angus Farm Gant, Mark & Dennis 37195 285th St Geddes, SD 57342 605-337-2340 PO Box 104 Bowdle, SD 57428 605-285-6741 34. Gimbel Angus Ingalls, Hugh & Eleanor 16801 Stoneville Rd Faith, SD 5762 605-748-2277 Gimbel, Delton 19390 350 Ave. Ree Heights, SD 57371 605-943-5529 35. Gimbel, Mandy 19391 349th Ave Ree Heights, SD 57371 605-943-5650 38. Hugh Ingalls Centennial Angus 39. Hyland Angus Hyland, Ricky 22337 455th Ave Ramona, SD 57054 605-480-3154 36. Hart Farms 40. Iron Mountain Cattle Co. Hart, Brad & Kerry 38704 107th St Frederick, SD 57441 605-329-2645 Long, Daniel 16860 Iron Mountain Ln. Belle Fourche, SD 57717 605-892-2039 South Dakota Angus Directory 55 41. Jankord Angus Farms 47. LaGrand Angus Ranch Jankord, Tyler 45942 182nd St Castlewood, SD 57223 Pankratz, Lance 44130 279 St Freeman, SD 57029 605-359-9221 42. Johnson-Rose Angus Ranch Johnson, Stuart P.O. Box 336 Little Eagle, SD 57639 605-845-3221 43. Kopriva Angus Kopriva, Jim & Lee 41577 169th St Raymond, SD 57258 605-532-5689 44. Koupal Angus Koupal, LaVern & Alice 29680 Sunrise St Wagner, SD 57380 605-384-5315 45. Koupals B&B Angus Koupal, Bud & Bernie 40083 300th St. Dante, SD 57329 605-384-3481 46. Kwasniewski, Troy & Mary 47635 184th St. Clear Lake, SD 57226 605-874-2678 56 48. Lau Angus Lau, Joel 39765 277th St Armour, SD 57313 605-779-6071 49. Lewis Angus Lewis, Jesse 5810 Peaceful Pines Black Hawk, SD 57718 605-787-5439 50. Littau Angus Littau, LeRoy & Bob 27969 301st St Winner, SD 57580 605-557-3533 51. Lovejoy/Assman Cattle Co. Lovejoy, Chris 28453 296th Ave Carter, SD 57580 605-208-1357 52. M&E Angus Kroupa, Marvin & Eileen 36023 251st St Kimball, SD 57355 605-778-6346 South Dakota Angus Directory 53. M&J Gaugers Angus Farm 57. Mehlhaf Angus Gauger, Brad 18028 472nd Ave Clear Lake, SD 57226 605-881-8074 Mehlhaf, Dale 43465 283 St Freeman, SD 57029 605-387-5411 54. Ma & Pa Angus 58. Mertens Cattle Co. Mowry, Steve 25402 River Road Presho, SD 57568 605-895-2203 Mertens, Jim 15197 477th Ave. Milbank, SD 57252 605-432-5198 55. Martin Trudeau Insurance 59. Mettler Angus Ray Trudeau 1531 W Elm Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-3106 Mettler, Jerry 28884 480th Ave Canton, SD 57013 605-987-2114 56. McPherson Angus 60. Miller Angus of Draper McPherson, Luke 21073 Star Ranch Road Sturgis, SD 57785 605-347-1726 Miller, Curt 28117 238th St Draper, SD 57531 605-669-2742 South Dakota Angus Directory 57 61. Miller Angus Farms 65. Moore Angus Miller, Don, Greg & Brett 18742 468th Ave Estelline, SD 57234 605-873-2852 Moore, Jerry & Pam 23317 412 Ave Artesian, SD 57314 605-527-2395 62. Mogck & Sons 66. Morse Angus Mogck, Charles 42193 282nd St Olivet, SD 57052 605-583-4385 Morse, Martin & John 23036 449th Ave Madison, SD 57042 605-256-3449 63. Mogck Angus Farms Mogck, David & Justin 1100 N Main St Tripp, SD 57376 605-940-9771 64. Mohnen Angus Mohnen, Steve 25770 370 Ave White Lake, SD 57383 605-249-2719 58 67. Nold Family Angus Nold, Mark & Katie 15207 331st Ave Onaka, SD 57466 605-769-1273 68. Palm Angus Palm, Nathan 18725 472nd Ave Estelline, SD 57234 605-876-2011 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 59 69. Peckenpaugh Angus 73. Ponca Creek Cattle Co. Peckenpaugh, Tony, Matt, & Bob 21722 428th Ave Carthage, SD 57323 605-772-5398 Lillibridge, Tom & Cindy PO Box 168 Bonesteel, SD 57317 605-654-2874 [email protected] 70. Petersek Angus Petersek, Rodney 32554 287th St Colome, SD 57528 605-842-2919 71. Peterson Angus Peterson, Brandon 104 Church St Alcester, SD 57001 605-934-2130 72. Peterson Angus Peterson, Gordon L. 45371 116th St Sisseston, SD 57262 605-698-7876 [email protected] 60 74. Puepke Cattle Company Puepke, Cameron & Amy 40452 250th St Mitchell, SD 57301 605-630-3478 75. R&R Cattle Company Trudeau, Ray & Rhonda 40987 Jefferson Pl. Mitchell, SD 57301 605-770-5170 76. Raven Angus Rod, RJ & Ray 28665 326th Ave Colome, SD 57528 605-842-2153 South Dakota Angus Directory 77. RBM Livestock 81. Rogen Angus Bergh, Ryan & Mike 44226 155th St Florence, SD 57235 605-758-2470 Rogen, Dick, Shally, Andrew & Alex 48274 258th St Brandon, SD 57005 605-582-3630 82. Sandyacres Angus Farm 78. Red Rock Cattle Co. Green, James & Jane 43336 171st St Clark, SD 57225 605-532-5113 [email protected] Heitzman, Calvin & Kim 43013 254th St Spencer, SD 57374 605-246-2472 79. Rekow, Keith 83. Schelske Angus 41811 124th St Langford, SD 57454 605-493-6488 Schelske, Aaron, Adam & Mark 38519 217th St Virgil, SD 57379 605-849-3505 80. Rock Creek Livestock Geppert, Kevin & Helen 25525 406 Ave. Mitchell, SD 57301 605-770-3544 #))'+% 84. Schmidt, Ryan 16935 415th Ave Raymond, SD 57258 605-233-0165 #%'/0#.#" # .)'+% 1))/ 0&#. $# 01.#" /'.#/ 5 # ))3 '+"3 5 '04 '+* (#. 5 $$'!'#+0 5 1+# 1 5 -#2 '+"3 5 '04 '+* (#. 5 '+!) '. ,.01+ 0# ,+ #% '.# South Dakota Angus Directory # ))3 '+"3 5 +0#.-.'/# 61 85. Shiloh Angus Farm 89. Soulek Angus Goodroad, Darryl 47634 187th St Brandt, SD 57218 605-874-2980 Soulek, Joseph & Michelle 35566 257th St Kimball, SD 57355 605-778-6767 86. SJ Dowling Farms Partenership 90. Stark Angus Dowling, Scott & Janet 23547 281St Ave Draper, SD 57531 605-222-2478 Stark, Jason & Christina PO Box 21 Utica, SD 57067 605-760-3823 87. Sleepy Hollow Farm 91. Styles Angus Johnson, Mark & Jeanne 46473 289th St Centerville, SD 57014 605-563-2875 Styles, Bob & Chris PO Box 56 Brentford, SD 57429 605-887-3281 88. Solsaa Angus Farm Eric Solsaa 45417 186th St Hayti, SD 57241 605-237-0984 62 92. Thomas Ranch Thomas, Troy & VeaBea 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 605-973-2448 South Dakota Angus Directory 93. Totton Angus 97. Wicks Angus Totten, Charles & Tanya 34655 240th St Chamberlain, SD 57325 605-734-0349 Wicks, Scott 41639 186th St Carpenter, SD 57322 605-352-9802 94. Tri-State Livestock News Wilkinson, Bill, Mary, Dan & Mark 20143 440th Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249 605-847-4102 1501 5th Ave Suite 101 Belle Fourche, SD 57717 95. Varilek Angus Varilek, Mick & Lynn 29208 374th Ave Geddes, SD 57342 605-337-2261 96. Weishaar, Seth & Nicole 11639 Snoma Rd Belle Fourche, SD 57717 605-892-2640 South Dakota Angus Directory 98. Wilkinson Ranch Inc. 99. Fawcett's Elm Creek Ranch Fawcett, Daniel 21115 344th Ave Ree Heights, SD 57371 605-870-6172 Want to become a member? Send $80 for dues to Aaron Schelske, Treasurer 38519 217th St., Virgil SD 57379 63 Oct. 10 -17, 2015 - Northern International Livestock Expo, MetraPark, Billings, MT Jan. 29 - Feb. 7, 2016 - Black Hills Stock Show, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD Oct. 21 - Nov. 1, 2015 - American Royal, American Royal Complex, Kansas City, MO Feb. 9-13, 2016 - Watertown Winter Farm Show, Codington Co. Extension Complex, Watertown, SD Jan. 9-24, 2016 - National Western Stock Show, National Western Complex, Denver, CO Jan. 27-29, 2016 - Sioux Falls Farm Show, WH Lyons Fairgrounds, Sioux Falls, SD 64 South Dakota Angus Directory Publish Dates: Sept. 2, 2015 Jan. 27, 2016 Mar. 2, 2016 Aug. 31, 2016 South Dakota Angus Directory Ad Deadlines: Aug. 21, 2015 Jan. 15, 2016 Feb. 19, 2016 Aug. 19, 2016 65 SD Angus Tour Registration Before Sept. 1 - $75/couple • $50/single After Sept. 1 - $100/couple • $75/single (Includes meals, bus and Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center) Mail your name and address along with your payment to: TJ Gabriel, 23940 200th Street Midland, SD 57552 605-280-3069 • [email protected] 66 Wed., September 30, 2015 Trade Show SD Angus Association’s Banquet & Annual Meeting Elite Angus Female Sale Showcasing these Cattlemen: Deep Creek Angus Ranch Miller Angus of Draper Slovek Ranch Eagle Pass Ranch Thomas Ranch Fuoss Angus Ranch Ma & Pa Angus Trans Ova-Yackley Division South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 67 68 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 69 70 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 71 72 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 73 South Dakota Angus Directory 75 76 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 77 78 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 79 80 South Dakota Angus Directory Accelerated Genetics ....................................68 Amdahl Angus & Hereford ............................20 American Angus Hall of Fame ........................35 Angus Journal ..............................................21 Baker LeMar Angus Ranch ............................24 Baxter Angus Farm........................................62 Beitelspacher Ranch......................................64 Black Ink Farms ............................................20 Borns Angus..................................................22 Bruns Angus....................................................8 Bunker Cattle Co. ..........................................31 Buseman Angus ............................................69 Bush Angus ....................................................2 Bussmus Family Angus ..................................31 C&B Operations ............................................70 Callies Angus ................................................25 Carter, Dustin................................................52 Cattle Business Weekly ..................................80 Cattle Visions ................................................56 Conover Auction............................................23 Dan Koupal Auction Service ..........................51 Deep Creek Angus Ranch ................................9 Dikoff Angus Ranch ........................................1 DV Auction, Justin Dikoff ..............................63 Eagle Pass Ranch ..........................................84 Edgar Brothers ............................................IFC Erdmann Angus Ranch ..................................11 Forgey Angus Ranch ......................................28 Fox Angus Farms ............................................6 Frei Angus ....................................................20 Frey Livestock Sales & Service ........................65 Gant Angus ..................................................53 Genex Dakota Sire Service ............................33 Gimbel Family Cattle ....................................56 Hart Angus Farms............................................7 Hilltop Angus Farm........................................52 Hugh Ingalls Centennial Angus ......................59 Hyland Angus................................................17 Iron Mountain Cattle Co.................................54 J&R Feeds......................................................71 Johnson-Rose Angus Ranch ..........................72 Keith Rekow Family ......................................57 Kopriva Angus ..............................................34 Koupal Angus & Koupal's B&B Angus ........44-45 Kwasniewski Angus ......................................34 LaGrand Angus Ranch....................................22 Lewis Bros. Angus..........................................60 Littau Angus ................................................61 Ma & Pa Angus ..............................................12 Martin-Trudeau Insurance ........................46-47 McPherson Angus..........................................58 Mehlhaf Angus..............................................58 Mertens Cattle Co. ........................................74 Millborn Seeds ..............................................29 Miller Angus Farms of Estelline ......................13 Miller Angus of Draper ..................................83 Mogck & Sons Angus of Olivet ..................36-37 Mogck Angus Farms ....................................IBC Mohnen Angus ........................................40-41 Moore Angus ................................................30 Neogen ........................................................16 Nold Family Angus ........................................25 Northwest Vet & Supply ................................73 Palm Angus ..................................................32 Peterson Angus ........................................42-43 Raven Angus ................................................14 RBM Livestock ..............................................15 Rogen Angus ................................................30 Rossow Angus Ranch ....................................75 RPI Promotions ..............................................5 Rural Mfg. Co., Inc. ........................................24 Schelske Angus Cattle....................................76 Solsaa Angus/Jankord Angus Farm ................78 Soulek Angus ................................................82 Stockmen's Livestock ....................................51 Styles Angus ............................................38-39 Thomas Ranch ..............................................BC Totton Angus ................................................63 Tri-State Livestock News ................................67 Tri-State Neighbor ........................................27 Varilek Angus..................................................3 Weishaar, Seth ..............................................26 Western Ag Reporter ....................................55 Wicks Angus..................................................50 Wilkinson Angus ..........................................79 Zoetis............................................................77 Directory designed & printed by The Cattle Business Weekly • 605-859-2022 • South Dakota Angus Directory 81 82 South Dakota Angus Directory South Dakota Angus Directory 83 84 South Dakota Angus Directory