annunciation - our lady of fatima parish - The Annunciation
annunciation - our lady of fatima parish - The Annunciation
ANNUNCIATION - OUR LADY OF FATIMA PARISH April 17, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm (S), 5:30 pm (N) Sunday 7:30 am (S), 9:00 am (N), 10:00 am (S), 11:00 am (N), 12:00 noon (S), 5:00 pm (S) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:45 am (S), 9:00 am (N), 9:00 am (S) Saturday: 8:30 am (N), 9:00 am (S) Rev. Robert F. Grippo, Pastor Rev. Jean-Marie Vianney Uzabakiriho, Associate Rev. Salvatore Riccardi, C.P., Associate Msgr. John Farley, Weekend Associate Rev. Joseph P. Tierney, Weekend Associate Rev. Joseph Lienhard, S.J., Weekend Associate Deacon Michael J. Fox, Deacon Guy Pellegrini and Deacon Ralph Longo Sr. Catherine Burns, O.P., Pastoral Associate ANNUNCIATION OUR LADY OF FATIMA South Site (S) 470 Westchester Avenue Crestwood, NY 10707 North Site (N) 5 Strathmore Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 RECTORY BULLETIN 470 Westchester Avenue 914-779-7345 Office Manager • Anna Caruso Finance Manager • Mary Fuschetto Parish Secretary • Maryann Caiazzo All articles for Sunday Bulletin must be received at the Rectory no later than 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Please email articles to [email protected]. SCHOOL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 465 Westchester Avenue 914-337-8760 Maureen Noonan, Principal Adele Sinnott, Secretary Mrs. Mary Rose, Director Doreen Napolitano, Coordinator for Children with Special Needs 914-779-2374 MUSIC Director of Music & Choir Director Jennifer Cardoni -914-779-7345 Our Lady of Fatima Organist Dr. Joseph Muscente PARISH MEMBERSHIP PARISH COUNCIL Meetings are held several times per year. Register in Rectory, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm or speak to one of the priests any time. The parents of a child seeking entrance into our school must be officially registered in the parish. HOLY DAYS 7:30 pm (S) Evening before the Holy Day 6:45 am (S), 9:00 am (N), 9:00 am (S), 10:00 am (S), 7:30 pm (N) on the Holy Day Please check the bulletin. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday - 9:30 am -10:30 am (N) First Friday - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (S) MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Tuesdays after the 9:00 am Mass (S) SACRAMENTS CONFESSION Saturday - 4:00 to 5:00 pm (S) & (N) or any time upon request. BAPTISM Baptisms are held on Sundays at 12:30 pm (N) and 1:15 pm (S). All first time parents must attend a Jordan Conference prior to the Baptism. Please arrange for Baptism and Jordan Conference by calling the Rectory as soon as possible. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made ASAP and at least six months before the wedding. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please call Sr. Cathy Burns, O.P. at 914-779-7345 to arrange for Communion in your home. Page Two April 17, 2016 Wedding Banns Sunday, April 17 7:30AM(S) Evelina Runco 9:00AM(N) Danny Smith 10:00AM(S) Thomas Murphy 11:00AM(N) Amedeo Serraino 12:00PM(S) Deceased Members of the Notaro Family 5:00PM(S) Mary McGarry Monday, April 18 6:45AM(S) Richard DeMayo 9:00AM(N) Special Inten on 9:00AM(S) Augus no Morelli Tuesday, April 19 6:45AM(S) Special Inten on 9:00AM(N) Special Inten on 9:00AM(S) Patrick Gaughan Wednesday, April 20 6:45AM(S) Francesca Savoca 9:00AM(N) Francesca Savoca 9:00AM(S) William J. Hill & Grace & Patrick Hill Thursday, April 21 6:45AM(S) Anthony Caringella 9:00AM(N) Yolanda & Ma hew Morda 9:00AM(S) James & Mary Devine Friday, April 22 6:45AM(S) Special Inten on 9:00AM(N) Special Inten on 9:00AM(S) Evelina Runco 2ndTime DominiqueCruz&JeremyCartica BAPTISMS We joyfully welcome these newly Bap zed Babies into our Annuncia on-Our Lady of Fa ma Family: Joshua Nicholas Ca ca Mackay Thomas Raso Prendergast Mia Nicole Aprea REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE LIVING: Lore a Fox Ferraro, Maria Iacovella, Joan Crosby, Brian O’Connor, Chris na Garafolo, Dan Sweeney, Vincent Ingoglia, John Asiedu, Elvira Vairo, Beth Murphy, Joan Ricci, Eileen Treacy, Deacon Jack Kollar, Jennie Czachor, Andrea Mermer, Mark Giorgio, Olga, John and Michael Selca, Pina Lopopolo, Eugenia Filopowski, Madeline O’Brien, Kathleen Burke, Gloria Quinn, Patrick Quinn, William Ranieri, Joan McGowan Zambe , Lou Turchiano, Steve Hanford, Ron Vlasaty, and the sick and the shut-ins of the parish. THE DEAD: Aranka Otvos (mother of Judith Keffas), Andja Lovric (Fr. Ivan’s mother), Adam L. Pizzu , Nicholas Balsano, Rosemary Rizzuto, Teresa O’Callaghan, our deceased service Men and Women and the people killed this week all around the world. Saturday, April 23 8:30AM(N) Carmela & Benede o Liosi 9:00AM(S) Anthony Caiazzo 5:00PM(S) Serafina & Anthonio Notaro 5:30PM(N) Michael Queenan Sunday, April 24 7:30AM(S) Anne Mino 9:00AM(N) Theresa Iazze o 10:00AM(S) Teresangela & Domenico DeVita 11:00AM(N) Giuseppe & Domenica Ruta 12:00PM(S) John & Mary Pia 5:00PM(S) Deceased Members of the Neary &Fitzpatrick Family The collec on at Annuncia on for the weekend of 4/10, was $10,286 and 990 adults a ended Mass. The collec on at Our Lady of Fa ma, was $3,991 and 475 adults a ended Mass. Maria Rivera at Our Lady of Fatima Church and is a gift from Enrique Rivera. Used for the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, at the Our Lady of Fatima Church this week, are gifts of Camille Crea in Loving Memory of Patricia Iovanella-Gallo. Page Three Fourth Sunday of Easter When Harry Truman was President of the United States, he came up with this folksy saying: “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”. Obviously he was referring to the pressures of his job and the stresses and strains inflicted on those who worked with him. Since none of us has ever held that high an office and probably never will, we can take Mr. Truman’s advice and stay out of that par cular kitchen. But this does not mean that we can avoid pressure in our own lives. In a very real sense, all of life is a “kitchen”, and sooner or later, we all feel the “heat”. We might as well face that fact and prepare ourselves to deal with the stresses and strains of daily life. No one can avoid them! The only real thing any of us can do is learn to cope with them. So the inevitable ques on is how? How does one make that kind of prepara on? Why is it that some people – and I’m sure you’ve met them – can stand up to life and see it through, while others are defeated by it and give up in despair? In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah draws a contrast between these two kinds of people. One he compares to a bush in the desert and the other to a tree that is planted beside the water. The implica on is that both are in the same general locality and are therefore subjected to the same condi ons of weather and climate. Jeremiah had in mind something more than a study of desert plant life. He was talking about people with two different kinds of faith. The bush is a person who puts his or her trust exclusively in human strength and ability. The tree is a person who puts his or her trust in the Lord. Where is your faith right now? How deep are your roots right now? Do you have access to reserves of power that are greater than your own? The person with a strong faith in God has that kind of reserve. People of great religious faith have heartbreaks, and failures, and disappointments just like everyone else. The difference in the effect is that one has deep roots, while the other does not. One has reserves of grace, while the other does not. A person with a strong faith in God knows that adversity is a part of life; but he or she is not afraid of it, because they know that they can handle it with God’s great grace. So what are you worried about today? The state of the economy, someone is surely worried about his or her health, parents are worried about their children, and young people are worried about their future. This is where the saints have discovered the meaning of a deep faith in God. Listen to these words of the psalmist: “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in distress”. The stresses and strains of life are inevitable. But we can do something be er. We can put our trust in the Lord and become “like a tree planted beside the water that stretches out its roots to the stream”. That kind of faith in God can stand the test of me!! Ministry Corner When I was hungry you gave me to eat … When I was thirsty you gave me to drink … When I was homeless you opened the door … The non-profit Midnight Run is the Ministry for you if you seek to help in these ways. The Runs feed and clothe the homeless of NYC. Volunteers interact with the folks offering smiles and comforting words and/or collect/ organize needed items the day before the run. To learn more contact Gene & Karen McCrory at 914.337.0755 or [email protected]. Text “Midrun” to 84576 to join Midnight Run Where is GOD calling YOU to serve? 19th Annual Penny Social Glitz & Glam Raffle Extravaganza The Penny Social is in need of raffle prizes such as gi cards or cash dona ons, which can be dropped off at the Rectory in envelopes marked ‘Penny Social’ (please also include your name and address). Please consider solici ng the businesses you frequent for gi cards or consider chipping in with a group of friends and purchasing a gi card to your favorite stores. We cannot do it without all of you!! For more informa on please call Rosemary Borges at 914-646-0597. Page Four April 17, 2016 Sunday, April 17 (S) 10:00AM - Girl Scout Sunday Mass - Church (N)12:15PM - 1:45PM - Faith Study Program - Lower Mtg Rm (S) 6:00 - 8:00PM - Youth Ministry Mtg - Parish Room Monday, April 18 (S) 8:00AM - 2:00PM - Special - Parish Room (S) 4:15PM - 6:00PM - SOLOS - Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 4:00PM – A er School Ac vi es – Gym (S) 2:45PM – 4:15PM – Scou ng – Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 9:00PM – Scou ng – Convent Rm 1 & 2 (S) 7:30PM - 9:00PM - AA – Parish Room Tuesday, April 19 (S) 9:30AM – Miraculous Medal Novena – Church (N) 9:30AM – Centering Prayer Group – Church (S) 2:45PM – 4:00PM – A er School Ac vi es – Gym (S) 7:00PM - Parish Council Mee ng - Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 6:00PM – Scou ng – Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 9:00PM – Scou ng – Convent Rm 1 & 2 Wednesday, April 20 (N) 9:30AM – Rosary – Church (S) 1:00PM – 4:00PM – Bridge – Parish Room (S) 3:15PM – 8:30PM - Religious Ed Program – School (S) 2:45PM – 9:00PM – Scou ng – Convent Rm 1 & 2 (S) 4:15PM – 6:00PM – Scou ng – Parish Room Thursday, April 21 (S) 9:30AM - 11:00AM - Park Bench - Parish Room (S) 1:00PM - 4:00 PM – 60+ Plus Club - Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 4:00PM – A er School Ac vi es – Gym (S) 2:45PM – 9:00PM – Scou ng – Convent Rm 1 & 2 (S) 4:15PM – 6:00PM – Scou ng – Parish Room Friday, April 22 (S) 9:30AM - 11:00AM - Park Bench - Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 4:00PM – A er School Ac vi es – Gym (S) 2:45PM – 6:00PM – Scou ng – Parish Room (S) 2:45PM – 9:00PM – Scou ng – Convent Rm 1 & 2 Saturday, April 23 (S) 11:30AM - 12:30PM - AA – Parish Room (S) 8:00PM - Men’s Club Mass-n-Meal - Gym (N&S) - 4:00PM - 5:00PM – Confession Wedding Anniversary Masses The Annuncia on-Our Lady of Fa ma Parish Celebra ons for the 25th, 50th and 60th Wedding Anniversary Couples will be held Saturday, May 21st, at the 5:00PM Mass at Annuncia on Church and on June 25th at the 5:30PM mass at Our Lady of Fa ma Church. There will be a recep on following the Masses. Please call the Rectory at 779-7345 no later than May 2nd to make a reserva on and # of family members a ending. 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass at St. Patrick’s Couples celebra ng their 50th Wedding Anniversary any me during 2016 are invited to a end the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25th at 1:30 pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2:00 pm. Pre-registra on is required. Please contact the rectory at 779-7345 for more informa on or to register. The closing date to register for the Mass is Tuesday, May 24th, 2016. Page Five April 17, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Religious Ed Bulle n No ces for Sunday, April 17th Family Mass The 3rd graders are par cipa ng as readers at our 10AM Family Mass next week. First Communion Prac ce for Religious Ed families is scheduled for BOTH Tuesday, April 26 and Monday, May 2 from 6:30-7:30PM in Annuncia on Church. Both the 2nd grader and a parent or responsible adult should a end. If you are unable to a end, please contact Mary Rose at mary.rose@annuncia on-fa or 779-2374. Shopping at Stew Leonard’s during this busy spring season? You can purchase gift cards and earn money for our school! The Annuncia on Home School Associa on is once again selling gi cards to Stew Leonard’s. Stock up now for all your Mother’s Day, Communion, and Confirma on purchases! For each gi card you purchase, Annuncia on School receives up to 10% of the total we purchase as a group, and you get the full value of the gi card. It really is as easy as that! If you wish to order one or more gi cards, please complete the bo om por on of this flyer and return it to the rectory with a check payable to Annuncia on Home School Associa on, in an envelope marked “Stew Leonard’s Gi Cards.” All gi card orders MUST be returned by Thursday, April 28th and will be available for pick up at the rectory on Monday, May 2nd. Please call Suzie Marley at 914-337-0337 if you have any ques ons. Thank you to all the families who have par cipated in the past! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name _________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Email Address __________________________________ Stew Leonard’s Gift Cards: $100 minimum per card, up to $500 on a card. Total amount: $___________ All on one card OR Number of $100 cards __________ School News Congratula ons to our 8th grade students who par cipated in the televised Mass! You can see the mass on Sunday, April 17th on TV or you can watch it at Martha & Mary Network All ladies of the parish are invited to an A ernoon of Reflec on sponsored by the Martha & Mary Network, given by Msgr. John Farley, to be held Thursday, April 21st, from 1-3 pm at Blessed Sacrament Monastery in Scarsdale (86 Dromore Road, off Central Ave, near Greenburgh Nature Center). The a ernoon will include a talk, quiet me for prayer, exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament, and will conclude with Benedic on, followed by refreshments. Car pooling is available, as space is limited. To RSVP or for more informa on, please call Pa y Gast 914-723-0489. Please respond by April 18th. Prayerfully Consider Your Sacrifice The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal serves many diverse communi es across our 10 coun es. As Disciples of Christ, we are called to share our gi s with our brothers and sisters. Even small sacrifices can make a big impact. Please answer the call and make your commitment today. Suggested Total Pledge 5 Monthly Payments of Daily Sacrifice of $500 $250 $150 $100 $100 $50 $30 $20 $3 $2 $1 $.66 YOUR GIFT HELPS SUPPORT: 90,000 RELIGIOUS ED STUDENTS, 16,583 CONFIRMATIONS, 3,509 MARRIAGES, 194 RETIRED DIOCESAN PRIESTS, 97 SEMINARIANS, 12 OFFICES AND MINISTRIES TO MAKE AN ONLINE GIFT, VISIT Save the Date: Men’s Retreat Annuncia on-Our Lady of Fa ma Parish April 29th & 30th, 2016 Father, Husband, Leader, Coach, Man of Faith How do they fit together? To be held at the Maryknoll Seminary in Ossining, NY – just a 25 minute drive north! This one night retreat at the Seminary will begin with registra on/check-in and dinner on Friday evening at 5:00PM and conclude at 5:00PM Saturday – so you can be home for dinner with the family. On Sunday, Fr. Grippo has invited the men and their families to a end the 10:00AM Family Mass at Annuncia on - to conclude this important weekend with a light family brunch a er the Mass. Join us for good food, in a beau ful loca on with great conversa on and inspira onal talks by Fr. Donal O’Keefe, LC. Fr Donal is currently based in Rye, NY and has led retreats for both men and women in many different countries. He will bring his Irish sense of humor with him! This event is sponsored by the Men’s Club, the Holy Name Society, the Blessed Mother Council of the Knights of Columbus, the Parish CYO Board and the Family Faith Forma on Ministry. A retreat dona on of $95 per person will cover all expenses including food, lodging, and the retreat leader. To register; contact Tony MacDonnell at 914 471 2084 or email [email protected]. “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 GRASSY SPRAIN PHARMACY ALL MEDICARE Open 7 Days - Free Delivery PLANS HONORED All Drug Plans Honored Real Estate Services 337-7888 JOSEPH ARCIDIACONO 133 Parkway Road, Bronxville, NY COMPLETE Landscaping Design/Maintenance Railroad Ties · Masonry Work Water Drainage · Excavation Family Plots & Individual Graves Available · Also Available ... 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[email protected] · 75 BROOK STREET · SCARSDALE, NY 10583 · 914-472-5113 CRESTWOOD TAXI John Soliman Financial Planning Specialist First Vice President Financial Advisor 2000 Westchester Ave. Purchase, NY 10577 It’s all about service For All Your Real Estate Needs Maria O. Roman Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Office: 914.425.5047 · Cell: 914-433-6375 Fax: 914-963-2279 [email protected] · 733 YONKERS AVENUE · YONKERS, NY 10704 914-225-4883 [email protected] ©2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC89754106/14 CRESTWOOD TAXI 914-961-4900 914-961-2424 914-961-3300 Airport Service Local & Long Distance Service Accounts Welcome Limousine Service Available 24-Hour Service Available Established 1898 Dr. C. A. Orlando Podiatrist - Foot Specialist Complete Family Foot Care MEDICAL/SURGICAL FOOT CARE 683-6177 111 NORTH CENTRAL AVE., STE. 231 · HARTSDALE Edwin L. Bennett Funeral Homes Thomas DiCarlo • Douglas A. 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