Share capital of the Company
Share capital of the Company
CORPORATE REPORT 2014 CORPORATE REPORT 2014 _4 TABLE OF CONTENT _5 DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPMENT _06 05 Mission, Vision, Values _28 03 Services Segment _50 Employment _70 V. FINANCIAL DATA _78 I. ABOUT THE COMPANY _16 06 Milestones _30 04 Fuels Segment _56 Relations with employees _72 Profit and loss statement _80 01 Basic data _17 07 Position on the railway market _34 III. GROWTH DIRECTIONS _60 Employee ethics _73 Sales revenues _81 02 Range of operations _20 II. SEGMENTS OF OPERATIONS _36 01 Research and development _61 Safety in the workplace _74 Expenses by type and cash flow _82 02 Factors of development _64 Environmental awareness _76 Cash flow _83 01 Trading and Sales Division 03 PKP Energetyka S.A. place on the market _22 Segment _38 IV. RESPONSIBILITY _68 04 Calculation of tariffs _27 02 Distribution Segment _44 Employees _69 DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPMENT I ABOUT THE COMPANY II SEGMENTS OF OPERATIONS III GROWTH DIRECTIONS IV RESPONSIBILITY V FINANCIAL DATA _06 _16 _36 _60 _68 _78 _6 _7 PKP Energetyka is breaking records each year. In 2014, the company sold over 1 TWh more than in 2013, and its revenues increased significantly and exceeded PLN 4.3 billion. The business perspectives and strategy for 2015 indicate further dynamic development of the company. The company PKP Energetyka conducts diversified operations in many areas based on the sale and distribution of electricity, provision of electricity and fuel sales for railway carriers. The company’s offer is addressed to railway, business and institutional recipients. In terms of the amount of electricity sold, PKP Energetyka ranks 5th in the country and is the only distribution system operator (DSO) having its own distribution network throughout the country. The company is also a leader in the construction, operation and modernisation of the energy infrastructure. In recent years, PKP Energetyka has recorded a significant increase in revenues at a relatively stable level of profitability. Today, the prefix of PKP in the company name may be a bit misleading because only half of its revenues comes from it. Although for years the company has not confined itself only to energy trade and the provision of energy services MULTIFACETED OPERATIONS OF PKP ENERGETYKA DYNAMICS OF GROWTH SALES OF GAS ELECTRICITY FOR BUSINESS FUELS ENERGY 360° POWER ENGINEERING SERVICES ELECTRICITY FOR THE RAILWAY ENERGY DISTRIBUTION _8 to traction (railway) clients, it is the railway past of PKP Energetyka that makes the company have such a strong position among energy companies. Experience gained over the years results in the company coping well in the segment of non-traction clients, too. Approximately half of the revenues come from cooperation with large production facilities, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country. SOURCES OF UNIQUE COMPETENCES Officially, the company PKP Energetyka has been operating since 2001. But it is the employees of Polskie Koleje Państwowe, the company from which PKP Energetyka derives, who launched the historic 600V line between Warsaw - Grodzisk Mazowiecki 88 years earlier. Then those same people 10 years later carried out the electrification of other lines of the Warsaw Railway Junction, which they rebuilt from rubble after the war. They were the ones to perform the electrification of the Polish railway. The company’s history is its undeniable asset. It is hard to imagine a more demanding customer than the Polish railways. Thanks to this work PKP Energetyka was able to create an energy infrastructure on the territory of the entire country and, most importantly, gain important and unique expertise, which today can serve further development. A key competitive advantage of PKP Energetyka today is the nationwide distribution network, which makes it possible to reach clients throughout the country. GUARANTEE OF RAILWAY _9 BEST RELIABILITY INDICES OF POWER SUPPLY EXPERIENCE Currently, PKP Energetyka’s portfolio, in addition to railway companies, includes clients virtually from every industry - from large manufacturing plants, through steel mills and industrial facilities, to office buildings. Large retail chains like Castorama and Carrefour or the largest shopping centres e.g. Złote Tarasy in Warsaw also decide to purchase power from the company. Clients choose to buy electric energy from PKP Energetyka due to not only its competitive prices, but mainly its complex and professional service. Thanks to the distribution network throughout the country, the company not only sells energy to large customers, but in many cases also provides them with the distribution service. Customers often choose PKP Energetyka as a company having the 19,2 4 MINUTES DURING THE YEAR SYSTEM AVERAGE INTERRUPTION DURATION INDEX FOR LONG INTERRUPTIONS PKP ENERGETYKA RWE STOEN OPERATOR TAURON DYSTRYBUCJA ENERGA OPERATOR ENEA OPERATOR PGE DYSTRYBUCJA 19,24 60,78 150,18 198,30 219,43 241,58 PKP ENERGETYKA RWE STOEN OPERATOR TAURON DYSTRYBUCJA ENERGA OPERATOR ENEA OPERATOR PGE DYSTRYBUCJA 0,10 1,29 2,74 3,14 3,21 3,25 PKP ENERGETYKA RWE STOEN OPERATOR ENEA OPERATOR TAURON DYSTRYBUCJA PGE DYSTRYBUCJA ENERGA OPERATOR 0,03 0,44 1,93 3,18 3,51 7,53 SAIDI 0,10 4 FAILURES PER RECIPIENT DURING THE YEAR SYSTEM AVERAGE INTERRUPTION FREQUENCY INDEX FOR LONG INTERRUPTIONS SAIFI 0,03 4 FAILURES PER RECIPIENT DURING THE YEAR SYSTEM AVERAGE INTERRUPTION FREQUENCY INDEX FOR SHORT INTERRUPTIONS MAIFI _10 PRESENCE ON THE GAS MARKET FIRST RECIPIENT OF GAS PURCHASE CONTRACT BY PEC SIEDLCE APPROX. 50 MILLION M3 OF GAS FIRST DUAL FUEL AGREEMENT WITH CHEMICAL COMPANY LUVENA FOR GAS AND ELECTRICITY, DUAL FUEL PACKAGE _11 best reliability indices of energy supply in Poland. The company is the only one on the market having a bilateral power system for distribution grid, in contrast to other energy companies who use one source of power. This advantage affects the reliability of the power system proven by the best reliability SAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFI indices. In addition, in the most sensitive areas of the grid, PKP Energetyka uses not two but as many as three sources of power. YEAR OF THE FUTURE, YEAR OF GROWTH The year 2014 for several reasons was a breakthrough year for the future of the Polish energy market. First of all, there was a further liberalisation of the gas market. From July 2014, PKP Energetyka’s offer also includes it. The company thus joined the group of entities that offer customers gas and electricity in a single package. It was a groundbreaking decision like that of the sale of non-traction energy a decade earlier. However, it is trade in electricity that is still the basis of PKP Energetyka’s operations. With each year the number of its customers is growing. In 2014 the company sold 7.7 TWh of electricity, which represents a significant increase compared to the previous year (6.6 TWh). Constant increasing the sales of energy is made possible by the introduction of the TPA rule (Third Party Access). Since the introduction of this rule in 2004, the company PKP Energetyka saw and made the best use of that opportunity. Today, 77.1% of non-traction energy sold comes from to TPA. Reliable service, continuous monitoring of the network status and quick access to the point of failure are possible thanks to the deployment of nationwide units of the Services Branch (105 sections in the vicinity of 15 facilities, more than 80 network trains and more than 1100 vehicles are stationed there). It is definitely an advantage, not only for railway customers. It is also an area with great potential for development. This allows an abrupt increase of competitive advantage. Another area of the company’s operations is trading in liquid fuels sold to railway diesel locomotives. The company has a network of 18 unmanned fuel stations throughout the country. Owing to the use of advanced technology and information solutions, the locomotives have round-the-clock access to fuel, and the process of refueling takes as short as 15 minutes. Only the German DB Energie can equal the system that PKP Energetyka introduced. THE PEARL OF INVESTMENTS The modernisation of the traction power supply systems (the MUZ project) has been the biggest investment programme since separating from the structures of PKP. The undertaking involves the construction or modernisation of about 100 power supply facilities and aims to enhance the capacity of lines, reduce failures of the grid and distribution devices, adapt the quality parameters of electricity and lines to higher speeds. After modernisation, the power supply system will meet the _12 highest environmental protection requirements. One of the many beneficiaries of the project includes Pendolino trains. Since December 2014, these trains already run at a speed of 200 km/h. Ultimately, the lines modernised by PKP Energetyka will allow Pendolinos these trains to move at a speed of even up to 220 km/h. In the same year, 48 traction substations and section cabins were modernised or built under the MUZ project. Work on the project is on schedule and will be completed in 2015, whereas another 33 built or modernised facilities will be put into operation. Railway infrastructure will be prepared for use over the next few decades for all users of railway lines on routes where work is currently in progress. The company PKP Energetyka will gain further expertise worthy of being offered to the company’s customers in the future. This is a milestone for the whole railway market in Poland. THE GROWTH GENE Growth is a guarantee of success. When speaking about growth, one cannot assume only the recent changes that are taking place in the company nor talk about them without taking into account the people involved in the process. Growth is a process of transformation taking place before our eyes, finally it is events changing in time. Usually history, courage and experience stand behind what is now. PKP Energetyka leaves nothing to chance. As a result, it finds it well practised task to introduce new services, it looks for market niches and competes with experienced players. PKP Energetyka’s acquisition in 2005 of the first non-traction customer for the supply of electricity (brewery in Żywiec) made relevant customers aware that the liberalisation of the electricity market actually gives them a real choice of electricity suppliers. On the other hand, for the other leading energy companies it was a signal that a certain stage had come to an end. The first customer set a new direction for the future of PKP Energetyka but also for the future of the industry. The competences acquired from cooperation with the brewery in Żywiec quickly gained recognition among new incoming customers. At the time, hardly anyone would have expected that after less than 10 years, the company from under the name of PKP would be the fifth player on the market in terms of volume of energy sold. With the number of the new customers, the company’s network assets also grew by including new power lines, traction substations, section cabins, power supply lines, which turned out to be its greatest asset. THE LOCOMOTIVE OF INNOVATION: WE CO-CREATE THE FUTURE PKP Energetyka is the locomotive of innovation. Every day we monitor trends in the global power industry, we study them and look for new opportunities. To ensure further dynamic development, the company does its best to keeps pace with modern solutions. Renewable energy can in several years or decades replace the energy from conventional sources. More and more companies in Poland are _13 opting for “green” energy to limit CO2 emissions and protect the environment. Today, more than 11.2% of the electricity sold by PKP Energetyka comes from renewable sources. We are also constantly developing our skills in the field of installation of photovoltaic panels. In the last year panels were installed, among others, on the roof of the modernised traction substation in Świercze, on the roof of a Health Clinic in Rumia, and in Sopot an on-grid installation is being built - an installation connected to the national power grid. In Poland, renewable energy sources meet about 11 percent (data for 2012, source: Eurostat) of the energy demand. The European Union assumes until 2020 a 20 percent share of green energy in its ultimate use until 2020. In 2015, Poland should reach the 15 percent threshold. PKP Energetyka is among those who help achieve this goal. RELIABILITY: WE KEEP WE EXAMINE CUSTOMER NEEDS OF SURVEYED COMPANIES WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE ELECTRICITY AND GAS FROM ONE SUPPLIER 74% OF RESPONDENTS PLAN TO CHANGE THEIR ELECTRICITY SUPPLIER 46% OF RESPONDENTS CONFIRMED THAT THEY HAVE SWITCHED ENERGY SUPPLIERS ONCE ONCE AT LEAST 49% OF RESPONDENTS ARE CONSIDERING CHANGING THEIR GAS SUPPLIER 36% * the survey, carried out in collaboration with the analytical company ARC Rynek i Opinia, was conducted on a sample of 510 companies throughout Poland (including 278 who use gas), employing at least 50 employees _14 _15 TO OUR WORD The key asset of the company is the reliability of the distribution network. This is the result of an elaborate reserve security system that will provide additional security of the customer in case of power failures. Often a customer’s business success relies on the reliability of the supplier. PKP Energetyka records the least interruptions in the supply of electricity to customers among the biggest suppliers in the country. A review of the reliability indices achieved by the company shows that it has the most reliable distribution network in Poland. This strengthens its credibility and provides a high level of security for the operation of business partners. Uninterrupted electricity supply is a very important factor assuring the effective operation of both big business customers (factories, works, foundries, etc.), as well as small businesses. Frequent and long-lasting failures cause tangible financial losses and serious disruptions to the smooth operation of a business. PKP Energetyka’s reliability of supplies is assured by the efficient configuration of the distribution network. Initially it was designed to provide uninterrupted power supply to railways operators. Now, PKP Energetyka uses its infrastructure and experience to supply electricity to business customers. Moreover, it achieves such excellent indices thanks to redundant connections to distribution grids and in many instances through having a third emergency monitors the needs of the consumer in order to meet all the requirements of the market, thus increasing the quality of its offered products and services every year. As a result, it is now the third time that the company has been honoured with the emblem „Cus tomer Friendly Company” awarded for 10 years to companies meeting the highest standards of customer service. AVERAGE DURATION OF ALL INTERRUPTIONS IN ENERGY SUPPLY FOR PKP ENERGETYKA’S CUSTOMERS IS ONLY 113 MINUTES, WHICH GIVES THE COMPANY A BETTER AVERAGE THAN THAT OF EUROPE. RISKS IDENTIFIED: WE WORK WITH PERSPECTIVE PKP Energetyka is trying in advance to identify the potential risks and implement mechanisms to eliminate them. That is why last year the company entered the German EEX. Within a few years it may lead to some integration of electricity transmission systems of the two countries, thereby making energy prices in Germany affect those in Poland. 113 MIN For a modern energy company, like PKP Energetyka, it is also important to create an expertise database not only about the Polish market but also about foreign markets. It will also enable potential price risk management, to which the company may be exposed. MEETING NEEDS: WE LISTEN power supply source. In addition the company provides round-the-clock maintenance services for power equipment. With its Regional Facilities headquartered in 15 biggest Polish cities and several dozen field units located in the regions, service crews can quickly reach every spot in Poland. The foundation for building durable and friendly relations with customers is to understand their specific needs and respond quickly to changing expectations. Each of the current and potential customers can expect a personalised service. PKP Energetyka analyses customers’ needs and matches the offer to their requirements. A study conducted in May, of 2014 by PKP Energetyka shows that business customers expect individual care from the supplier. 63% of respondents confirmed that the best form of communication is direct contact with a company representative. PKP Energetyka has a team of customer service experts who keep track of the customers’ needs, they respond to inquiries and advise them on the selection of optimal solutions. Taking into account the indicators confirming that the network of PKP Energetyka is one of the most reliable, then the quality of energy supply and customer service are the key differentiators on the competitive energy market. The company constantly PKP Energetyka owes its success, i.e. the expanding portfolio of new customers, to competences and knowledge of economic and social realities in every part of Poland. They would not mean much if not for the company’s characteristic growth gene and developed instinct for the pursuit of objectives and beating new records. _16 _17 _20 _23 _26 _27 BASIC DATA RANGE OF OPERATIONS MARKET ENVIRONMENT REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT CALCULATION OF TARIFFS I _28 MISSION, VISION, VALUES _30 MILESTONES _32 PLACE ON THE RAILWAY MARKET INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY _17 01 BASIC DATA THIS MUCH ENERGY WAS SOLD BY PKP ENERGETYKA IN 2014, WHICH PUT IT FIFTH AMONG THE BIGGEST ENERGY COMPANIES IN THE COUNTRY 7,6TWh The company PKP Energetyka conducts multiple operations based on the sale and distribution of electricity, supply of electricity and fuel sales for diesel locomotives. The company’s offer is addressed to railway, business and institutional recipients. In terms of the amount of electricity sold, PKP Energetyka ranks 5th in the country and is the only distribution system operator (DSO) having its own distribution network throughout the country. The company is also a leader in the construction, operation and modernisation of the energy infrastructure. In recent years, PKP Energetyka recorded a significant increase in revenues at a relatively stable level of profi tability. PKP Energetyka is constantly adapting its business strategy to the rapidly changing market and is striving to improve the sales volume. In 2014, sales amounted to 7.6 TWh of electricity (6.6 TWh in 2013). And the forecast for 2015 is as high as 12 TWh. The key value of the company is its employees. PKP Energetyka especially cares to ensure workplace safety in the workplace. In October 2014, the company joined the group of companies that received the title of Green Card for Safe Work Leaders for the years 2015-2016. _18 COMPANY STRUCTURE MANAGEMENT BOARD PKP Energetyka S.A. includes: Electricity Trading Branch Division, dealing with trade in electricity, Electricity Distribution Division, dealing with distribution of electricity, Services Branch, which consists of 15 Regional Facilities providing broad range of power engineering services, _19 SHARE CAPITAL As of the date hereof, i.e. 31 December 2014, the company’s share capital amounts to 844,885,320 PLN and is divided into 84,488,532 shares with a nominal value of 10 PLN each. Changes in the share capital and ownership structure within 2014 are illustrated by the tables below. Sales Division, responsible for offerings, product development and customer service, Fuel Sales Branch, selling liquid fuels, mainly to rail carriers, Headquarters - coordinates the management of the Company. HEADQUARTERS DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TRADING BRANCH FUEL SALES BRANCH SERVICES BRANCH SALES DIVISION 15 FACILITIES Information on concessions and licenses held by the Company to conduct specific activities: a. concession for trading in electricity – granted on 25 July 2001 by the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) no. OEE/297/3158/N/2/2001/ MS, which was amended on 20 April 2009 by decision no. OEE/297A/3158/W/2/2009/P and on 12 May 2010 by decision no. OEE/297-ZTO/3158/W/ 2/2010/ BT, establishing the validity of the concession for the period until 31 December 2030; b. concession for distribution of electricity – granted by the decision of the President of ERO of 25 July 2001 no. PEE/237/3158/ N/2/2001/MS, amended by the decision of the President of ERO of 20 April 2009 no. DEE/237A/3158/W/2/ 2009/PJ and the decision of the President of ERO of 12 May 2010 no. DEE/237- ZTO/3158/W/2/ 2010/BT, establishing the validity of the concession for the period until 31 December 2030; c. concession for trading in liquid fuels – granted by the decision of the President of ERO of 28 April 2010 no. OPC/3158/W/OWA/ 2010/EB, amended by the decisions of the President of ERO: of 9 September 2010 no. OPC/ 3158A/W/ OWA/2010/EB: of 11 October 2010 no. OPC/10095/3158B/ W/OWA/2010/EB; of 1 March 2011 no. OPC/10095C/3158/W/OWA/2011/EB; of 4 May 2011 no. OPC/10095D/3158/W/OWA/2011/EB; of 10 September 2012 no. OPC/10095E/3158/W/OWA/2012/ EB; of 2 October 2012 no. OPC/10095F/3158/W/ OWA/2012/EB; of 19 December 2012 no. OPC/10095G/ 3158/W/OWA/2012/ EB; of 24 January 2013 no. OPC/10095H/3158/W/OWA/ 2013/EB; of 11 March 2013 no. OPC/10095I/3158/W/ OWA/2013/EB; of 26 April 2013 no. OPC/10095J/3158/W/ OWA/2013/EB; of 24 May 2013 no. OPC/10095K/3158/W/ OWA/2013/ EB; of 26 June 2013 no. OPC/10095L/3158/W/ OWA/2013/EB; and of 22 October 2014 no. OPC/10095M/3158/W/OSZ/2014/CK the above mentioned concession was granted for the period until 31 December 2030, for fuel stations at specific locations in the country; d. concession for trading in gaseous fuels – granted by the decision of the President of ERO of 4 September 2013 no. OPG/247/3158/ W/DRG/2013/KL, establishing the validity of the concession for the period from 1 December 2013 until 31 December 2030; e. license to perform railway freight transport services – granted by the decision of the President of the Office for Railway Transport of 4 July 2007 no. WPR/152/2007, for an indefinite period. Share capital of the Company No. Period Amount of the Company’s share capital 1 as at 31.12.2014 r. 844.885.320 zł _20 _21 NORTHERN FACILITY Sopot POMERANIAN FACILITY Szczecin KUJAWY FACILITY Bydgoszcz 02 RANGE OF OPERATIONS EASTERN FACILITY Białystok MASOVIAN FACILITY WESTERN FACILITY Poznań LOWER SILESIAN FACILITY Wrocław ŁÓDŹ FACILITY STAROPOLSKI FACILITY Częstochowa Warszawa Łódź SŁOTWINY FACILITY Słotwiny ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE FACILITY Kielce SILESIAN FACILITY Gliwice UPPER SILESIAN FACILITY Katowice SOUTHERN FACILITY Kraków RANGE OF OPERATIONS PKP Energetyka S.A. operates throughout Poland.Our headquarters are located in 15 major Polish cities. In each region we have a dedicated staff to support our Customers. LUBLIN FACILITY Lublin _22 03 PKP ENERGETYKA S.A. PLACE ON THE MARKET _23 3A. MARKET ENVIRONMENT There are four groups that constitute the immediate market environment of the Company PKP Energetyka. These are: domestic electricity producers, entities engaged in the transmission, distribution and sales of energy and selling it to end users, electricity providers, involved in the construction or modernisation of high and very high voltage lines, entities selling fuels for railway operators. ELECTRICITY AND GAS In the electricity segment, a natural direction of PKP Energetyka internationalisation activities within the scope of wholesale are energy markets of the neighbouring countries, in particular that of the Germany, Scandinavian market, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria. In the case of wholesale natural gas, the most natural direction of development is towards Germany (EEX) and the OTC market. Going beyond the Polish electricity market is caused by the forecasts that indicate an increase in the wholesale price of energy from 161.0 PLN/ MWh in 2014 to 235.1 PLN/ MWh in 2020, that is by 46.0%. This would have significant consequences for retail sales. Today, our market is dominated by participants interested in the physical delivery of goods. The share of entities interested in activites for their own needs is low. However, getting out of subsequent production units from ERO compensations system will have a strong and negative impact on the market, and this in turn requires an appropriate response of PKP Energetyka to emerging signs of reduced liquidity. Therefore, it is reasonable to reach out to foreign markets. In the natural gas segment we can talk about the initial development of the gas wholesale market, which main liquidity factor is the stock exchange commitment. Currently, the market is dominated by a single entity – PGNiG. The number of competitors will gradually increase, but PGNiG will remain the leader for a long time. The market is in the early stages of development, that is why its liquidity is very low. _24 DISTRIBUTION SERVICES FUELS PKP Energetyka is the only company in Poland with a distribution network deployed over the whole country. Despite such an extensive network, its technical condition is still very good, which is reflected in the best electricity supply indices (precise data on p. 11). The European Union is planning to make significant investments in the rail segment over the next six years for the purpose of supporting the modernisation and expansion of railway connections on its territory, including Poland. This requires a special focus of the Services Branch on the market of railway infrastructure modernisation, in which it has a significant share in the field of catenary systems modernisation works. EU funds allocated for the development of European railway infrastructure also gives the chance to grow in international markets. The total value of EU expenditure on the expansion and modernisation of railway lines in Poland in the years 2015-2020 is projected at 41.5 billion PLN. This is over two times more than the amount granted in the previous financial perspective. In the non-railway segment significant funds of PSE Operator for the expansion of transmission networks were identified, with a significant level of works directed to external suppliers. This represents a significant potential for the development of the Services Department of PKP Energetyka. The total value of EU expenditure on the expansion and modernisation of distribution and transmission networks in the years 2014-2020 is projected at 10 billion PLN. Moreover, investment plans for OSD and PSE approved by the President of ERO amount to 41.7 billion PLN. Currently on the market there are few companies engaged in the construction or modernisation of HV and LV infrastructure. The German market may be the point of reference for the operation of PKP Energetyka on the market of fuel sales to rail operators. The analysis shows an existing potential for growth of the market of fuels for rail operators in Poland. The projected increase in demand for railway fuels is calculated for the years 2015-2020. The share of PKP Energetyka in the market is estimated at 31.5%. _25 _26 _27 3B. REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT The creation and functioning of efficient and effective laws is important for the operations of PKP Energetyka S.A., in particular when drafts of laws are formulated not only at the national level but also that of the European Union. The operations of PKP Energetyka S.A. are regulated by many laws, supervised by different ministerial departments and central institutions (e.g. The Office for Railway Transport, Energy Regulatory Office). The areas in which the Company operates have recently been going through significant legislative changes (e.g. changes in the functioning of the electricity market), and because the final clear form of these changes is not yet known, great uncertainty is caused by the impact of planned legal changes on the company. Significant factors and risks associated with the regulatory and legal environment: NATIONAL the state’s energy policy, changes in the scope of system services such as: modification of the current system service mechanism, launching the service of Interventional Cold Reserve1, opening new service packages for reducing demands2, amending the Energy Act, in particular the optimization of the support system of renewable energy and support system for cogeneration, as well as other acts, the matter of implementing the directive on Energy Efficiency („EED”) into national law, 1. Group of coal production facilities which due to technical, economic and environmental terms have been foreseen for permanent withdrawal as of 2016. In order to utilize the production capacity of these facilities, a new service was defined called interventional cold reserve, which by the decision of the President of ERO was introduced to the catalogue of system services in the Transmission Grid Operation and Maintenance Manual. 2. Megawatts. 3. SAIDI - system average interruption duration index for long interruptions in electricity supply, indicated in minutes per customer. SAIDI is the coefficient of reliability constituting the sum of the products of durations of power outages (in minutes) and number of recipients exposed to the effects of this interruption during the year, divided by the total number of supported recipients connected to the grid. 4. SAIFI - system average interruption frequency index in the supply of electricity - SAIFI, is the coefficient of reliability constituting the number of recipients exposed to the effects of all breaks during the year, divided by the total number of supported customers. the matter of implementing the qualitative tariff in distribution, which will cause the level of regulated revenues to depend on SAIDI and SAIFI indices. 3 4 FOREIGN work on joining Poland to the market coupling mechanism, i.e. a combination of markets involving national power exchanges and using an algorithm of determining transaction prices that is common to all. The tariff s are calculated according to the guidelines of the Energy Regulatory Office for the calculation of tariff s taking into account the Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy Law (Journal of Laws of 2012 item 1059 as amended): regulation of the Minister of Economy of 18 August 2011 on detailed principles of forming and calculating tariff s and settlements in electricity trading, (Journal of Laws of 2013 item 1200), 04 regulation of the Minister of Economy of 4 May 2007 on detailed conditions for the functioning of the power system (Journal of Laws of 2007, No. 93, item 623, as amended), Act of 29 August 2007 on the rules of covering the costs incurred by producers in connection with the early termination of long-term contracts for the sale of power and electricity (Journal of Laws of 2007, No. 130, item 905, as amended), Information of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 37/2014 of 16 October 2014 on the transition fees for 2015. CALCULATION OF TARRIFFS _28 05 MISSION, VISION, VALUES _29 MISSION The mission of PKP Energetyka S.A. is providing customers with energy products and services of the highest quality. VISION In 2020, PKP Energetyka S.A. will be the business partner of choice for power customers on the railway market and business partners from other markets through fully focusing its resources on customers and their needs, and assuring security and stability of cooperation. VALUES The overriding values followed by PKP Energetyka S.A. and all its employees, supporting the implementation of the company’s vision and achievement of its business goals, are: 1. Customer focus - customers’ needs are a top priority to the company. 2. Security. We guarantee high quality of service, as well as reliability and punctuality of deliveries. 3. Responsibility. We support the growth of our customers and guarantee friendly and professional relations. 4. Partnership. We build our business based on years of relations with contractors. _30 06 MILESTONES _31 DECEMBER 2014 Start of the process of privatisation of PKP Energetyka. An invitation to negotiate for companies interested in acquiring shares of the company PKP Energetyka was published. NOVEMBER 2014 OCTOBER 2014 PKP Energetyka signed the first contract for the sale of energy under the dual fuel offer. Luvena became a customer of the company. Under the agreement, the manufacturer of fertilizers will until the end of 2015 purchase 30 GWh of gas and 15 GWh of electricity. PKP Energetyka began trading on the German energy exchange EEX. The company has 3 brokers with a license to trade on the EEX. Within the framework of the road lighting project in Łódź, PKP Energetyka is modernising 1224 street lights in LED technology on residential streets, as well as 608 sodium lamps on the main streets of the city. The project will be implemented under the programme „Energy efficient street lighting - OWL”. The tender is worth 2.3 million PLN. _32 SEPTEMBER 2014 JULY 2014 The company published the results of studies carried out on a group of 510 companies. The analysis focused on the companies’ expectations of retailers and on market demand for dual fuel, allowing to buy both electricity and natural gas from a single partner. PKP Energetyka’s survey is the first such comprehensive analysis carried out among Polish companies. The results showed that 74% of the companies surveyed opted to receive energy and natural gas from one supplier, and 49% of respondents confirmed that they had changed their energy supplier at least once. The Energy Regulatory Office approved the tariff for trading natural gas for the company, thanks to which as of 1 July PKP Energetyka began sales of the fuel. Thus, the company joined the group of entities which offer their customers natural gas and electricity in a package. JUNE 2014 On the buildings of the facility of PKP Energetyka in Słotwiny were installed photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 140 kW. They provide energy for the facility’s own needs and at the same time are connected to the national distribution network. The investment was financed through the loan granted by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. _33 MAY 2014 The company published data on reliability indices. Another year in a row PKP Energetyka has recorded the least interruptions among the leading energy distributors in Poland. The average of all interruptions in energy supply to customers in 2013 amounted to approx. 190 minutes, which placed the company at the European level. The review of reliability indices achieved by the company show that its network is the most reliable in Poland. APRIL 2014 The first on the new market reference project of modernising stations with a capacity of 110 kV for the company Tauron Dystrybucja in Złotoryja was put into operation. When realising the project, of great use was the experience gained in the works carried out on high-voltage equipment under the programme Modernising Power Systems. FEBRUARY 2014 Operational cooperation was started in the scope of gas trading with GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and a contract for the distribution of this fuel was signed with the Polish Gas Company. This was the next stage that prepared the company to enter the gas market. _34 07 POSITION ON THE RAILWAY MARKET _35 The company PKP Energetyka maintains and modernises the railway energy infrastructure, provides electricity to railway operators, is responsible for powering electric devices related to conducting traffic and safety of traction vehicles on the railway lines. The largest player on the Polish railway market is Grupa PKP established in 2001 as a result of the restructuring of the state-owned enterprise Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish State Railways). The main purpose of these changes was to separate railway transport operations from the management of railway lines and establish independent commercial entities able to provide services not only on the railway market. Grupa PKP combines public service with operations characteristic of the modern enterprise functioning in a market economy. Grupa PKP comprises PKP S.A., i.e. the parent company, and 13 companies providing services on the railway, energy and ICT markets, too. The operations of the group’s companies are supervised and coordinated by PKP S.A. which sets goals for them and ensures that the goals be properly implemented. The mission of Grupa PKP’s companies is building trust and improving the image of the railway, thereby increasing the role of railway transport in Poland to model the modern railways operating in Europe. The companies from Grupa PKP employ a total of nearly 85 housand workers-specialists from the transport, ICT and energy industries and real estate market. In terms of number of employees, Grupa PKP is the second-largest employer in Poland. The group tries its best to fulfill the role of a responsible employer by implementing the principles of corporate governance and quality policy. _36 _38 _44 _50 _56 TRADING SEGMENT AND SALES DIVISION DISTRIBUTION SEGMENT SERVICES SEGMENT FUELS SEGMENT II SEGMENTS OF OPERATIONS _37 _38 01 TRADING SEGMENT AND SALES DIVISION _39 The operations of the Trading Segment includes electricity purchase and sales. In January 2013, the company additionally established Sales Division responsible for acquiring and serving customers and business partners. The segment of electricity trading brings the company approx. alf of its revenues, thereby becoming its core business. The number of customers purchasing electricity from PKP Energetyka increases from year to year, mainly due to the continuous increase in sales of Third Party Access (TPA). As much as 77.1% of the energy sold by the company is in this model. In 2014, the company sold 7.6 TWh of electricity, i.e. by 1 TWh more than in 2013 and by more than 2 TWh than in 2012. STRUCTURE OF THE VOLUME OF ENERGY SOLD TRACTION ENERGY 2,1TWh NON-TRACTION ENERGY 5,5TWh TPA 4,6TWh _40 SALES DIVISION TPA CUSTOMERS INNOVATIONS IN THE SEGMENT The Sales Division, established in January 2013, is rapidly growing. Many contracts for the purchase of electricity is prepared via a structure dedicated to acquiring and serving customers and business partners of PKP Energetyka. Its strength is in the professional consultants available throughout the country. The department is a key initiative of the company in building its position and expansion on the TPA market. In line with the strategy of PKP Energetyka, it will become an effective tool not only in acquiring new customers but also offering them a range of additional services. In addition to selling and distributing electricity and electricity services, as of July 2014, the company’s offer included natural gas. Starting operations in the Third Party Access sales segment aimed to strengthen market position and open up to non-traction customers. A key customer acquired in 2015 in this segment is Energa Operator purchasing energy to cover system losses and its own needs for the OSD operations. Its demand is at the level of 1.6 TWh/year. It is the largest thus far contract in the history of energy sales in PKP Energetyka. The year 2014 was a breakthrough for the Company due to starting to sell natural gas. In addition, a model of dual-fuel purchase was introduced, which involves the sale of electricity and gas in one package. This solution ensures reduction in the cost of media but also in the formalities related to their settlement. One of the many innovations introduced in the company every year is selling so-called „green energy” to customers interested in this product. McDonalds decided to use this system to power its buildings in the country using “green energy” coming from PKP Energetyka. _41 SALES CHANNELS TGE TYPE OF BUSINESS ON EEX Many contracts for the purchase of electricity are concluded via tenders. Therefore, the Company reorganised and strengthened the department responsible for obtaining customers in the framework of public procurement law. Currently, the department has acquired customers even for the year 2018. In 2014, the company launched a partner channel (external sales network) covering the territory of the whole country. It focuses on customers from the segments SOHO (small office/home office) and SME (small and medium enterprise). Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A. (TGE S.A.) - Polish Power Exchange - is one of the key segments of the wholesale electricity market in Poland. In 2014 the share of TGE in the total volume of electricity sales by producers was 54%. Over the last four years, the volume of trading in electricity on all markets operated by TGE S.A. doubled, from just over 81 TWh in 2010 to nearly 187 TWh in 2014, significantly exceeding the size of domestic consumption. Among the participants of trading on TGE S.A. are the biggest national (PGE, Tauron, Enea, Energa) and international (RWE, Vattenfall) energy groups. PKP Energetyka S.A., as one of the fastest growing companies trading in electricity, is gradually increasing its activity on the floors of TGE S.A. On the German EEX, PKP Energetyka trades in the financial futures of Phelix Futures. These are the contracts settled in cash and without physical delivery. Their base product is the index of average price on the Following Day Market on the German power exchange EPEX Spot. In practice, thanks to the contracts Phelix Futures, energy can be traded on the German market without the physical presence. _42 AIM OF BUSINESS ON EEX There are several aims of trading in Phelix Futures contracts on the EEX. Firstly, as in any trading activity, making profits based on: “buy cheap, sell expensive” is what counts. Secondly, through presence on the German energy market, the analytical knowledge base on this market is built. When in the future, by increasing cross-border capacity, the Polish energy market will be more correlated with the German market, purchase decisions in terms of customers’ portfolios on the Polish market will have to take into account the realities on the German market. Thirdly, presence on the EEX will allow the company PKP Energetyka to enter the market of physical energy in Germany, from where energy may also be imported in the future and then, sold by the company to its customers in Poland. _43 GAS The year 2014 is the year in which liberalisation of the natural gas market in Poland progressed. One of the biggest events was separating from the structures of PGNiG S.A. the company PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny, which deals in serving customers consuming up to 25 m3 per year. In addition, an important element in the development of the market in terms of creating competition was the increase in trade on the Polish Power Exchange (TGE). For PKP Energetyka, the year 2014 was the time in which the company began operating on the natural gas market, thus introducing the sale of natural gas to its offer. Before beginning to sell blue fuel to end customers, the company, in order to meet all the formal aspects of the business, signed an agreement with the Distribution System Operator concerning the distribution of natural gas, gained access to the trading platform on the Polish Power Exchange, as well as received the Tariff for trading high methane natural gas, approved by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office. The first contract for the sale of blue fuel was signed by the company in July 2014 with PEC Siedlce. The agreement guarantees the purchase of approx. 50 million m3 of natural gas. An important event was also presenting the first offer of natural gas and electricity in a package, the so-called dual fuel offer. The first offer, under which Luvena, a company producing fertilizers would until the end of 2015 purchase 30 GWh of gas and 15 GWh of electricity, was signed by PKP Energetyka in November 2014. _44 02 DISTRIBUTION SEGMENT _45 One of the biggest competitive advantages of PKP Energetyka S.A. over other electricity suppliers is that the company has its own distribution network throughout the country. In the scope of distribution, the company PKP Energetyka S.A. supports the rail sector and business entities, as well as individual clients throughout the country. Its distribution network is located both in the centers of large cities, and in less urbanised areas with underdeveloped electricity infrastructure. The company is constantly investing in its modernisation and expansion. In 2014, PKP Energetyka S.A. sold 3.34 TWh of distribution services, which represented a decrease of 1.83% compared to sales in 2013. The decline in sales compared to the previous year was caused by a decline in sales of traction electricity distribution service (by 4.88%). At the same time sales of non-traction electricity distribution services (by 4.30%) increased, which is a natural consequence of the activities of the terminal of the Distribution Branch (new recipients generate additional sales). This increase was limited by a drop in the consumption of sales to PKP PLK S.A. (as a result of milder weather conditions in winter period of 2014 compared to the previous year). One of the most important challenges of 2014 was the project RAB (Regulatory Asset Base) related to the valuation of distribution assets, their reva- Sales of electricity distribution services in GWh Description 2013 2014 The volume of electricity distribution services 3398,9 3336,8 Traction energy 2269,5 2158,8 Non-traction energy 1129,4 1178,0 _46 luation for tariff purposes, and to prepare the regulatory model for use in calculations of the tariff s in the coming years. This method was accepted by the President of the Energy Regulatory Offi ce and was implemented in the tariff of 2015. Application of this method will bring the company tangible economic benefi ts. This will, above all, signifi cantly increase the profi tability of distribution operations, bringing closer in a period of several years the levels of margins to other ”big” OSD. In 2014, on the basis of agreements for connecting the traction network to the distribution network of the company signed with PKP PLK S.A., as part of the MUZ programme, 43 powering facilities were modernised and built (42 traction substations and 1 section cabin). Total expenditures incurred for the execution of connection investment tasks related to the MUZ programme in 2014 amounted to 311 million PLN. This represents approximately 75% of all expenditures incurred by the company as part of their distribution operations. Within the framework of the project, at the end of 2014, 3624 permits were obtained for using the area for construction purposes. capacity, is PINI UNO POLAND Sp. z o.o. - Food processing plant in Kutno, power connection: 5.8 MW. In 2014, aside from the MUZ programme, also investments related to connecting new entities to the distribution network were carried out, both traction (with a voltage of 3 kV DC), as well as non-traction. They completed seven spectacular connections with a power connection of at least 2 MW. The Services Branch realised investments at a record level in the company’s history of over 400 million PLN. This exceeds three times the average size of investments in the years 2010-2013 and is 56% more than the investments realised in 2013. The two biggest connections are PKP Intercity S.A. - a traction network on the entrance section to Warsaw Technical Maintenance of Pendolino at the station Warszawa Grochów, power connection: 8.6 MW and Uma Investments Sp. z o.o. - The production facility plant in Kutno, power connection: 8.0 MW. In addition, more than 1,400 contracts were signed for connecting new customers to the company’s distribution network. About 50 of them are connections at medium voltage, and 7 are connections for customers with a connection capacity of at least 3 MW. The largest connection of a recipient planned for 2015, taking into account the size of the connection In 2014, the implementation of a project was completed concerning the installation and testing of cross-connection of overhead contact lines on the the CMK railway line. The project aimed at improving power supply parameters on the CMK, in particular strengthening of the power supply system and reducing voltage drops and power losses in the traction network. Test operation confirmed that the use of a cross-connection of overhead contact lines is fully justifi ed and brings tangible benefi ts. After carrying out detailed analyses and observed operation, taking into account the results of completed studies, it was decided to realise the installation of the cross-connection in the target system on the CMK railway line in 2015. _47 NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OWNED BY PKP ENERGETYKA SOPOT SZCZECIN BIAŁYSTOK BYDGOSZCZ POZNAŃ WARSZAWA SŁOTWINY LUBLIN WROCŁAW KIELCE CZĘSTOCHOWA GLIWICE KATOWICE KRAKÓW _48 _49 Distribution assets of the Company as of 31.12.2014 Measurement unit Own Leased Total quantity HV and MV power lines km 13 653 480 14 133 incl. cable lines km 4 417 208 4 625 LV power lines (excluding connections) km 5 490 11 5 501 incl. cable lines km 5 111 11 5 122 Power supply lines and return cables km 1 180 57 1 237 incl. cable lines km 1 018 57 1 075 HV and MV switching stations pcs. 6 482 288 6 770 in this traction substations pcs. 447 13 460 in this sectioning cabins pcs. 346 2 348 in this regional HV / MV switching stations pcs. 6 HV/MV, MV/MV and MV/LV transformers pcs. 8 625 347 8 972 Total power of installed transformers MVA 5 929 284 6 213 Rectifier sets pcs. 984 41 1 025 installed power MW 4 125 214 4 339 7 High-speed circuit-breakers pcs. 3 947 102 4 049 8 Central remote control dispatch centres (NC) pcs. 22 0 22 traction substations controlled from NC pcs. 447 13 460 disconnectors controlled from NC pcs. 9 760 469 10 229 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description 6 _50 03 SERVICES SEGMENT _51 _52 _53 THE MODERNISATION OF THE TRACTION POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS GDYNIA E65 One of the key business areas of PKP Energetyka S.A. are specialised and comprehensive services to maintain the rail infrastructure for the infrastructure manager PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe. The most important of them is the continuous maintenance of catenary devices. This is possible thanks to the optimally distributed executive potential located in the most important railway junctions throughout Poland. READINESS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DIFFICULT TASKS The Services Branch implements its projects effectively and efficiently. Its reliability can be proved by the fast implementation of the project of December 2014, when two days before the first transit of the train ED 250 ”Pendolino” via line E65, the company received an order from the Leader of the Consortium for hanging 1300 m of catenary system on the line E 65 in Jurkowice near Mleczewo. The works along with the organisation of human workforce, equipment and materials were to be completed in just 48 hours. The completion date coincided with a very important event in the history of PKP - commissioning of the E65 line for the first transit of the train „Pendolino”. The works lasted 36 hours without interruption, in difficult weather conditions (low temperature of -2 degrees Celsius and strong winds with freezing drizzle) and included hanging two-line and two-wire networks 440 mm2 in the vicinity of active railway track. The final success of the works resulted from good organisation, expertise of the workers and the best equipment. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION SYSTEMS In June and July 2014, we established three Contractor Qualification Systems, adopted for three years as an initiative of the Services Branch in order to use them for the realisation of investments under the MUZ programme. They are the shortest path selection of contractors for the realisation of electrical structures. POZNAŃ WARSZAWA E59 E65 WROCŁAW Establishing the Systems allows for direct invitations to tender of qualified contractors without having to publish procurement notice. KATOWICE E30 RZESZÓW KRAKÓW _54 SERVICES SALES REVENUES CONSTRUCTION WORKS 295,7MPLN MODERNISATIONS 417,4MPLN Their effect is the possibility to shorten by about 60 days each of the proceedings conducted in accordance with Public Procurement Law. Due to the possibility of using such an action, about 30 cases of the implementation of tasks in the MUZ programme could be accelerated. TECHNOLOGY OF THE FUTURE In 2014, modernisation works of catenary system on railway lines were carried out, in connection with their preparation for „Pendolino” transit launch. The works were performed on lines: no. 1 (Warszawa Centralna - Katowice, sec. Warszawa Włochy – Grodzisk Mazowiecki – MUZ PROJECT - FINAL STATE 1081,8MPLN CATENARY SYSTEM 250,6MPLN 50 track kilometers), no. 4 (Grodzisk Mazowiecki – Zawiercie, st. Szeligi – 10 track kilometers) and no. 61 (Kielce – Fosowskie, sec. Częstochowa – Fosowskie – 97 track kilometers). Success in the realisation of such extensive works accumulated in a short time was possible thanks to the use of one of three trains in Europe for stream replacement of catenary system, owned by PKP Energetyka. Another technological novelty, which increased the efficiency of works more than three times, was developing new technology of application of anti-icing and anti-frost agent on catenary wires. _55 3817 314 PLOTS ACQUIRED ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS OBTAINED TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT 153 638 23 940 M RECTIFIER SETS INSTALLED TRANSFORMERS INSTALLED TOTAL AREA OF BUILT MODERNISED BUILDINGS APPROX 500 OTHER REVENUES 118,0MPLN 2 MUZ - THE LARGEST INVESTMENT PROGRAMME The project of modernisation of the traction power supply systems - MUZ is the largest project implemented by PKP Energetyka, consisting in strengthening the traction power supply systems. The project involves the construction of 31 new and modernisation of 69 existing traction substations and section cabins on seven key railway lines. In addition, it includes the construction of 122 km of 110 kV power supply lines. Thanks to the project MUZ, the company has gained experience in implementing complex projects. 322,1 MW 94 348 KM INCREASE OF TOTAL INSTALLED POWER MODERNISED AND BUILT STRUCTURES OF POWER SUPPLY LINES INSTALLED (FROM 641.8 MW TO 963.9 MW) (TRACTION SUBSTATIONS AND SECTION CABINS) _56 _57 04 FUELS SEGMENT The Fuel Branch is engaged in selling of diesel fuel to locomotives. The company PKP Energetyka has a network of 18 unmanned fuel stations located throughout the country. The scope of the investment works and applied technical and IT solutions makes it the leader among fuel sellers to railway operators in Poland and second in Europe. Only German railway DB Energie have similar technologies on their fuel stations. _58 _59 FUEL SALES VOLUME IN M3 Gdynia +7.1% Suwałki Szczecin Tczew Olsztyn Białystok Czerwieńsk 37 747M 40 435 M 2013 2014 3 Poznań Warszawa Małaszewicze Węgliniec Wrocław Wałbrzych 3 Lublin Tarnowskie Góry Kamieniec Jaworzno Szczakowa Rybnik NETWORK OF UNMANNED FUEL STATIONS FOR RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES In 2014 there was an increase in sales volume in this sector of activity from 37.747 m3 to 40.435 m3 of diesel. Such an increase was obtainable among others by acquiring customers from outside the PKP group. Investments translate directly into increased sales. In 2014, it amounted to 168 million PLN. The company, through implementation of modern technical and IT solutions, offers the carriers 24h access to the filling infrastructure on their stations. Logging into the system and gaining access to the distributor is possible by appropriately personalised and encoded proximity Flota cards. Until now, PKP Energetyka has supplied the carriers with more than 7,700 such cards. Fuel stations equipped with modern devices and solutions can be managed via remote control of devices, realisation of fueling processes and their continuous recording and settlement. The licence of the Energy Regulatory Office of 28 April 2010 granted to PKP Energetyka S.A. for trading in liquid fuels at railway fuel stations is valid until 31 December 2030. The extension of the licence in 2014, allows the company to carry out activities pertaining to trading in liquid fuels also outside PKP Energetyka S.A. fuel station. _60 _61 _61 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT _64 GROWTH FACTORS III GROWTH DIRECTIONS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Rail transport, like every branch of the economy, needs innovation. PKP Energetyka fulfils the requirements of the market by conducting research and development works in this field every year. The most important task that the company managed to accomplish in 2014 was the installation and testing of cross-connection of overhead contact lines of tracks of the CMK line. In order to improve power supply parameters on railway line no. 4, which is a part of the European transport corridor E65 a, in Poland known as the Central Railway Route (CMK), a development in places which need strengthening of the supply system was planned - between traction substations and section cabins - cross-connections of overhead contact lines. Cross-connection is a set of devices, in which apart from one or two high-speed circuit-breakers, the primary component is the automation that ensures cooperation with neighbouring structures, traction substation and section cabin, which task is to limit the voltage drops and power losses in the catenary system. In view of the fact that such connections are not used in Poland, it was necessary to develop the design of such a connection. After developing technical documentation and building the device in the catenary system, short-circuit tests were performed and analysis of correct selectivity of outages, which allowed the engagement of the device to test operation under real conditions. Test operation confirmed that the use of a cross-connection of overhead contact lines was fully justified and brought tangible benefits. _62 _63 All projects important for the company’s development and the development of railway transport in Poland, carried out in 2014: 01 02 03 04 05 INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF CROSS-CONNECTION OF OVERHEAD CONTACT LINES OF TRACKS TESTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A RESERVE SYSTEM OF REMOTE CONTROL USING GSM COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT OF NEW COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL FOR REMOTE CONTROL OF POWER SUPPLY STRUCTURES DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING THE MANNER OF WORK OF A NEUTRAL POINT OF SN NETWORKS POWERED FROM TRACTION SUBSTATIONS AND HV/MV STATIONS ACQUIRING THE STUDY ENTITLED: ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITY OF IMPLEMENTING THE SYSTEM OF BRAKE ENERGY REGENERATION IN ELECTRIC RAIL TRACTION UNITS The scope of the task included the installation and carrying out of a supervised operation of a technical solution which is significant from the view point of view of the modernisation of the power supply system modernization of traction of major railway lines - expected to be used in situations when the infrastructure manager should not give its approval for increasing cross-section of traction network or in cases when the construction of new traction substations should not be implemented due to lack of funds or lack of operational and economic justification. The scope of the task included testing the possibility of implementation of the solution significant from the point of view of reliability and safety of functioning of the remote control system of power supply structures. The scope of the task included establishment of the relevant parameters of remote control systems of power supply structures within the works aimed at their modernisation and adaptation to standards and technical level of systems used by other OSD. The scope of the task included establishment of rules regarding the selection of technical solutions in relation to 110 kV/ MV stations constructed by the Company as part of the modernisation of the traction power supply systems (currently mainly on lines: E-65, E-30). The study summarises and organises important features of the existing solutions in the scope of energy regeneration (recovery) from a technical and economic point of view and formulates guidelines about the type of regenerative system and location - the most appropriate to implement a pilot solution, together with the determination of operational tests. This task forms the basis (resource of necessary knowledge) to properly analyse the technical and economic rationality of the possible installation of a prototype solution able to function in the distribution network of the company. This issue is significant in the context of cooperation of MV networks supplying traction substations and non-traction loads with HV/MV stations of other OSD, mainly from the viewpoint of ensuring an appropriate level of shock protection. _64 _65 GROWTH FACTORS The most important factors aff ecting the conditions of the Company’s operation on the electricity market: • the possession of licences granted by the Energy Regulatory Offi ce (ERO) for trading and distribution of electricity throughout the country, • the possession of unique devices designed to convert AC energy into energy with parameters characteristic for electric traction power supply system in Poland (3 kV DC), • the process of gradual liberalisation of rules for access of European operators to railway infrastructure in Poland, creating prospects for new entities performing transport services using electric traction, • the possession of distribution devices located along the railway lines throughout the country, including in urban areas located near train stations, as well as in areas with underdeveloped public electrical power infrastructure, which determines the attractiveness of the implementation of connecting new electricity recipients (mainly customers outside of the railway market) to the company’s network in many such locations, • the size of investments of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. for the modernisation of railway lines within the modernisation and expansion of electric traction power supply systems, • the economic development of areas along the railway lines, primarily in the centres of large cities and in suburban areas, where structures such as warehouses, hypermarkets, production facilities, businesses are built and will be built, and where residential housing will be developed, • the use of Third Party Access - TPA. The most important factors aff ecting the conditions of the company’s operation on the electricity services market are: • the possession of network train bases, located throughout the country, along all electrifi ed railway lines. This means high availability in the case of failure of devices (this feature of the company’s off er is unique on the Polish market). At the same time there is a possibility of using this potential also to carry out the restoration and modernisation works of the catenary devices, which provides great fl exibility in the scope of disposition and utilisation of productive capacity, • the possession of modern equipment used to perform modernisation works using pipelined technology of catenary system exchange, • the company’s experience in playing the role of a leader in consortia carrying out com- prehensive modernisation works of railway infrastructure. Activity in this area is treated primarily as activity supporting the sales of electricity services provided by the organisational units of the company, • the company gaining competence in the scope of construction and modernisation of electricity infrastructure up to HV voltage level, for OSP and OSD. _66 Since 01.09.2010, the company has conducted licensed business of selling diesel to internal combustion traction units. The company launched 18 unmanned stations, thereby gaining a signifi cant share of the market for the supply of liquid fuels to internal combustion rail traction units. Since 1 July 2014, the company has been conducting licensed operations in the scope of natural gas sales. At the end of 2014, the owner of the company, PKP S.A., began the process of privatisation. Individual relationships with the customers is an important advantage but also the value of the company. Each is treated individually, both in terms of business demonstrated by customised off ers but also in personal terms shown in the approach to the customers. This, in turn, can be perfectly seen on the example of the individual service model and building a relationship with the customers. This value is confirmed by the results of a study conducted by PKP Energetyka together with one of the big research companies which shows that 63% of respondents are satisfi ed with such a model of cooperation. _67 PKP ENERGETYKA S.A. STRATEGY FOR THE YEARS 2015-2020 The superior strategic objective of the company in 2020 is the realisation of the vision of the company with a simultaneous increase in the EBITDA margin achieved. The vision of the company has been defined as: In 2020, the company PKP Energetyka will be the business partner of choice for power customers on the railway market and customers from other markets through fully focusing of resources on customer needs, and assuring security and stability of cooperation. The main actions to ensure the realisation of this strategic objective are: • realisation of intensive investment projects in assets engaged in conducting distribution activities, • increasing the volume of elec- tricity sales while maintaining adequate levels of profitability, • strengthening the company’s position on the electricity services market in the presently operated segments and diversification of the range of services provided, • further optimisation of the business model and cost structure of the company, • ensuring full concentration of all the resources of the company on the customers and their needs. _68 _69 _70 _72 _73 _74 _76 EMPLOYEES EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE ETHICS SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IV RESPONSIBILITY _69 EMPLOYEES The company PKP Energetyka S.A. employs over seven thousand employees. Among them are skilled electricians, engineers and experts in many fields. Thanks to the specialised staff, the company can realise large contracts and provide complex energy services. PKP Energetyka S.A. strives to constantly improve the competences of its employees and the comfort of their work. NEW TRAINING POLICY In 2014, PKP Energetyka S.A. developed a new training policy with its main pillar being the focus on current business tasks and the related competences required and the measurement of training effectiveness. OBJECTIVES OF NEW TRAINING POLICY: supporting the implementation of the strategic objectives of the company by investing in human capital development, good position preparation and investing in the growth potential of the employees to create so-called „surplus education”, providing capital of employees prepared to implement key tasks of the company, improvement of qualifications in the context of the anticipated organisational and technological changes, increasing flexibility and versatility of the employees, development of efficiency-oriented work culture and knowledge sharing. _70 COMPANY SOCIAL BENEFITS FUNDS ARE CHANNELLED FOR: support for employees in a difficult financial situation, funding of holidays, sanatorium treatment, trips for groups of employees, holidays for children and teenagers, funding of sporting activities, cultural and educational events and tickets for cultural events, financial aid in the form of cash or vouchers, returnable loans, housing loans. EMPLOYMENT COMPANY SOCIAL BENEFITS FUND The company has the Company Social Benefits Fund (CSBF). Terms and conditions of using the benefits under the fund are determined by the applicable regulations agreed with the social partners. FRIENDLY RECRUITMENT The company has a document entitled ”Principles of policy of personnel selection for PKP Energetyka S.A.”, which sets out the principles of recruitment and selection and hiring employees. A complementation of this document is the published and applied procedure ”Recruitment of employees”. Internal recruitment takes precedence over external. During recruitment, apart from the classic interview, among others the following may be used: competency interview, psychometric tests, testing of competence using the AC method, carried out by _71 persons with appropriate qualifications, knowledge and skills tests. Recruitment meetings are conducted by the recruitment committee consisting of at least two people being the authorised employee of the Human Resources Management Office and the future superior. MODERN HR TOOL Since the end of September 2014, HR portal has been operating at PKP Energetyka. It is an integrated system that is used to support employee service through the computerisation of certain processes. HR portal accelerates and simplifies the processes that previously were implemented by the circulation of paper documents and other unconnected systems. All employees with a company domain account who work on business computer connected to the corporate domain have access to the portal. Number of employees Employment 2013 2014 7 286 7 192 7 285 7 189 Average employment In job positions As of 31 December In persons NEW COLLECTIVE LABOUR AGREEMENT The New Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) for employees of PKP Energetyka has been in force since the beginning of 2014. It was created as a result of an agreement with the social partners, under which a new remuneration policy was developed. The regulations apply to mutual respect for the principles of equal opportunities of employees, including in particular the principles of remuneration, consistent with the type and quality of work. In addition, it provides for the possibility of training, raising qualifi cations and promotion, as well as stability of employment. It also ensures that the working conditions are free from any discriminatory actions. _72 _73 RELATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES To ensure the best possible conditions and comfort of people working in the company, PKP Energetyka cares about the efficient flow of information between its departments and regional locations. Among the tools and channels of internal communication, which are used in the company are: information boards, the company bulletin ”Dobra Energia” (Good Energy), newsletters, mailing, daily press services with current information from the market. COMPANY BULLETIN The bulletin ”Dobra Energia”, which is the most important tool of communication, contributes to raising awareness of employees about the company and its activities. Thanks to „Dobra Energia”, the company employees are informed about the latest internal news. This communication applies not only to employees but also managers. It is a communication between management and employees, but also between employees from different departments and different locations. The bulletin publishes news about the activities of the company, information on its current operational activities and investments, organisational office messages regarding changes to the legal acts of the company and new regulations, content related to the working environment, but also texts aiming to promote workplace integration and to encourage the employees to share their passions and interests. SPORTS EVENTS The company also uses sports events as a tool for integration. In 2014 the company conducted survey on the forms of physical activity preferred by employees. 40% of respondents replied that they were interested in playing football. The report of this study initiated the preparation and carrying out a pilot project in this regard - “Kolej na sport” (Time for Sport), which took place at the Łódź Facility. Within the project, the company provided workers, among others, with sports clothes for the game and enabled regular workouts at the sports hall. In addition to the sports programme, employees who purchase a monthly subscription on preferential terms, can regularly enjoy sports activities of various types throughout the country. EMPLOYEE ETHICS The Code of Ethics of Grupa PKP is a key element of the project under the name “Zareaguj” (Respond), which aims at establishing a comprehensive ethics programme in the PKP Group. The Code of Ethics adopted by the company is a set of desired organisation rules and standards of conduct, based on the ethical value system. The document specifies the behaviour within the organisation, as well as relations with key stakeholder groups, customers and partners, local community and competition. An additional element of the Code is internal anti-fraud policy and anti-mobbing policy adopted in accordance with the expectations of workers. ETHICS REPRESENTATIVE PKP Energetyka S.A. appointed the Ethics Representative, who promotes ethical behaviour and actively represents the company and its values also in the external environment, e.g. in the Ethics Committee of Grupa PKP and the Working Group of the Coalition of Ethics Representatives within the Programme Business and Human Rights 2014-2020 appointed at the UN Global Compact. LEADER OF VALUES In addition, from among the employees have been selected Leaders of Values dedicated to helping other workers in the interpretation of the provisions of the Code and related documents, as well as to supporting the communication activities or ethics trainings directed to the employees. Ethics Representative along with Leaders of Values and Secretary form the Ethics Commission promoting desired behaviours and norms based on the ethical value system. ANTI-MOBBING ACTIONS Within the development of ethical actions, Anti-mobbing Commission has been established to take responsibility for, among others,: providing explanations and answering the concerns of employees, conducting investigations, as well as communication and preventive activities in its operations. The works of the Ethics Committee are led by the Ethics Representative. The company’s employees have a number of choices for contacting the Ethics Representative, various committees or Leaders of Values, both anonymously and in a fully explicit way. _74 SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Concerned about the work environment, PKP Energetyka maintains a high level of safety of their employees. Providing services to the public, the company wishes to implement them in a manner safe for health and life, and in doing so it also prevents potential emergency and accident events. To avoid electric shocks, PKP Energetyka uses all the required and available protections. The employees of our Company performing their daily duties are equipped with the necessary safety equipment and devices limiting the exposure to injuries and accidents, and protecting their health and life. Since 2004, the company has been exercising the Integrated System of Management of Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection. _75 IMPROVEMENT OF SOLUTIONS GREEN CARD OF A LEADER Working in PKP Energetyka, especially in positions related to the modernisation and repair of network and network trains, is distinguished by a large indicator of threats, more than in positions in other industries. In October 2014, PKP Energetyka joined the group of companies that received the title of Green Card for Safe Work Leaders for the years 2015-2016. The Leader Title is awarded by the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB). Threats of accidents result mainly from working on equipment of high, medium and low voltage, working on catenary devices under mechanical tension, which when broken, can cause shock and/or fall from a height, working at height with electrical equipment, working on working platforms of network trains in motion, working on active tracks, working at night and in diffi cult weather conditions. The purpose of the Leaders Forum is to build institutional, partnership contacts between its members, as well as employers and employees who are shaping the working conditions with the use of achievements of science and technology, especially developed by CIOP-PIB. It is worth noting that among the preventive actions in 2014, employee trainings were completed. 200 employees were trained in the scope of first aid, 400 employees were trained in the scope of working at height. Also trainings in building and commissioning of scaff oldings were conducted (120 employees were trained). Continuous monitoring and identifi cation of emerging risks are necessary. Sometimes it is only necessary to look at a diff erent angle on the things already known. In terms of health and safety at work, we all agree - these issues have the highest priority for PKP Energetyka. _76 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS OF PKP ENERGETYKA EMPLOYEES In 2014, in order to improve environmental awareness, PKP Energetyka organised trainings for employees, which included the scope of environmental protection. Their aim was to raise awareness of the impact of the work on nature and indicate ways of behaviour in an emergency or potential emergency situations that could cause permanent damage to the environment in the context of the executed work. In 2014 we updated the study entitled ”Evaluation of buildings and electrical devices of PKP Energetyka S.A. in terms of the presence of asbestos”, which includes, among others, asbestos removal schedule for the years 2014-2030. According to it, the complete removal of asbestos present in products and electrical equipment is scheduled until 31 December 2030. Its quantity is constantly monitored _77 through supervision of the environmental factor M-ZOŚ-D (ratio of removed asbestos to the total amount of asbestos). In order for the plan of removal until 2030 to be successful, this ratio should not be less than 6% per year. In 2014 PKP Energetyka decommissioned 66.05 Mg of products and 2.79 Mg of electrical equipment containing asbestos. This high level (68.84 Mg) of withdrawn asbestos contributed to the achievement of a record M-ZOŚ-D index value at a level of almost 17% (16.8%). The company has a certificate of environmental management system according to the standard PN-EN ISO 14001:2005. The environmental management system is implemented within the framework of the Integrated Management System. Once a year the company conducts an external audit, which confirms the compliance of the environmental management system with the standard. In addition, every year, internal audits are carried out within the framework of the Integrated Management System, as well as environmental reviews. They are aimed to check whether the legal provisions and procedures for the environmental protection are followed by individual organisational and manufacturing units of the company. The size of the expenditure incurred on fixed assets in the scope of environ- mental protection amounted in 2014 to 5,625,000.00 PLN. These funds were earmarked for investments related to the modernisation and thermal modernisation of the company’s buildings, investments in construction and modernisation of devices related to the water supply and sewerage facilities of the company, investment in the photovoltaic installation on the company building and to continuation of investments from previous years, among others improvement of the rainwater drainage capacity from paved areas of the company, thermal modernisation of buildings, modernisation of boiler rooms and construction of other structures of similar use. The complete removal of asbestos present in products and electrical equipment is scheduled to be finished until 31 December 2030. _78 _80 _81 _82 _83 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT SALES REVENUES EXPENSES BY TYPE AND CASH FLOW CASH FLOW _79 FINANCIAL DATA 2014 The year 2014 was characterised by a constant tendency of increase in revenues compared to previous years. The past 14 years of the company’s business indicates constantly improving financial results. Since 2002, sales revenues have been steadily increasing. In 2002, they amounted to 1.4 billion, and in 2014 as much as 4.3 billion. These data leave no doubt that the company increases the number of its customers each year and reaches to more and more satisfied consumers of electricity and energy services. FINANCES _80 _81 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT SALES REVENUES The previous year was characterised by a constant tendency of increase in revenues compared to previous years. In relation to the year 2013, sales net revenues grew by as much as 811,255 thousand PLN. The increase in sales revenues of 811,255 thousand PLN constitutes a 23% increase in relation to the previous year. It was mainly influenced by the revenues from electricity trading, which increased from 1,723,652 thousand PLN in 2013 to 2,190,002 thousand PLN in 2014. This represents 27% growth. Moreover, the company has recorded the largest increase in revenues in the services sector, it amounted to as much as 36%. tPLN Sales net revenues and equivalent, including: 2013* 2014 3 505 632 4 316 888 2014 2013* tPLN Change 2014/2013 Dynamics 2014/2013 Change Plan Implementation Plan Implementation value (%) value (%) 3 532 331 3 505 632 3 607 009 4 316 888 811 255 23,1% 709 879 19,7% 3 391 999 4 238 686 Sales net revenues and equivalent, including: 113 634 78 202 2 344 987 2 534 570 2 375 527 3 038 275 503 705 19,9% 662 748 27,9% Other operating revenues 35 822 42 021 Electricity and distribution service, including: Other operating expenses 37 763 55 285 Electricity distribution 811 704 810 918 877 601 848 273 37 355 4,6% -29 328 -3,3% 111 693 64 937 1 533 283 1 723 652 1 497 926 2 190 002 466 350 27,1% 692 076 46,2% Financial revenues 18 625 16 416 Services 740 308 773 817 996 646 1 056 869 283 052 36,6% 60 223 6,0% Financial costs 17 175 17 932 Sales of fuel 175 557 165 931 181 911 168 226 2 295 1,4% -13 685 -7,5% 113 143 63 422 Cost of production for own needs 271 478 31 314 52 925 53 567 22 253 71,1% 642 1,2% 0 0 0 -49 -49 - -49 - Operating expenses Profit (loss) on sales Profit (loss) from operations Profit (loss) from business Result of extraordinary events Electricity trade Change of state of products Gross profit (loss) Income tax Other obligatory profit decrease (loss increase) Net profit (loss) 113 143 63 422 23 183 14 683 0 0 89 960 48 739 *data for 2013 adjusted according to the change in accounting policy in the financial year *data for 2013 adjusted according to the change in accounting policy in the financial year Sales revenues 2014 % 2013* % 4 316 888 100% 3 505 632 100% 848 273 20% 810 918 23% Electricity trade 2 190 002 51% 1 723 652 49% Services 1 056 869 24% 773 817 22% Sales of fuel 168 226 4% 165 931 5% Cost of production for own needs 53 567 1% 31 314 1% Sales net revenues Electricity distribution SALES REVENUES 2013 3,5 BIL PLN 2014 4,3 BIL PLN *data for 2013 adjusted according to the change in accounting policy in the financial year _82 _83 CASH FLOW The financial data presented in this section are based on the Report of the Management Board of the Company PKP ENERGETYKA S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw for the financial year 2014. Cash flows from operational activities tPLN EXPENSES BY TYPE AND CASH FLOW 2013 2014 Net profit (loss) 89 960 48 739 Total adjustments 31 589 229 649 Net cash flows from operational activities 121 549 278 388 2013 2014 250 4 285 Expenses -276 178 -450 741 Net cash flows from investing activities -275 928 -446 456 2013 2014 Cash flows from investing activities tPLN Inflows Expenses by type and cash flow 2012 2013 2013 after adjustments 2014 Depreciation 79 737 79 588 79 588 91 378 Use of materials and energy 307 347 442 079 256 461 330 806 Outsourced services 680 761 749 861 749 861 928 028 Inflows 403 855 465 511 Taxes and fees 26 202 25 617 25 617 28 480 Expenses -285 968 -184 210 Remuneration 358 463 379 585 379 585 400 366 Net cash flows from financial activities 117 888 281 302 Social security and other benefits 96 595 88 379 90 603 98 330 Total net cash flows -36 491 113 234 Other expenses 9 502 10 874 10 874 12 781 Balance-sheet change in cash -36 254 113 234 1 560 287 1 799 409 1 799 409 2 348 517 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 158 457 122 203 3 118 895 3 575 393 3 391 999 4 238 686 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 122 203 235 437 tPLN The value of sold goods and materials Total operating expenses Cash flows from financial activities tPLN _84 HEADQUARTERS SALES REGIONS PKP Energetyka S.A. with its seat in Warsaw 00-681 Warsaw ul. Hoża 63/67 Administrative Office of the Management Board phone: +48 (22) 391 90 00 fax: +48 (22) 474 14 79 [email protected] Masovian Sales Region ul. Sławińska 7/9 01-218 Warsaw phone: +48 (22) 474 55 02 [email protected] Upper Silesian Sales Region ul. Damrota 8 40-022 Katowice phone: +48 (32) 714 35 41 [email protected] Łódzki Sales Region ul. Tuwima 28 90-002 Łódź phone: +48 (42) 205 56 65 [email protected] Kujawy Sales Region ul. Zygmunta Augusta 7 85-082 Bydgoszcz phone: +48 (52) 518 52 75 [email protected] Eastern Sales Region ul. Hetmańska 103 15-727 Białystok phone: +48 (85) 673 12 96 [email protected] Northern Sales Region ul. Jana z Kolna 29 81-859 Sopot phone: +48 (58) 742 02 02 w. 300 [email protected] Świętokrzyskie Sales Region ul. Paderewskiego 43/45 25-502 Kielce phone: +48 (41) 278 34 31 [email protected] Lower Silesian Sales Region Biuro we Wrocławiu ul. Joannitów 13 50-525 Wrocław phone: + 48 (71) 717 15 46 [email protected] Lublin Sales Region ul. Okopowa 5 20-022 Lublin phone: +48 (81) 472 17 44 [email protected] Southern Sales Region Biuro w Krakowie ul. Kamienna 14 31-403 Kraków phone: +48 (12) 351 59 40 [email protected] CONTACT DETAILS Southern Sales Region Biuro w Rzeszowie ul. Stefana Batorego 26 35-005 Rzeszów phone: +48 (17) 711 13 58 [email protected] Staropolski Sales Region ul. Rejtana 41/43 42-207 Częstochowa phone: +48 (34) 376 14 66 [email protected] Silesian Sales Region ul. Powolnego 1 45-078 Opole phone: +48 (77) 55 415 61 [email protected] Lower Silesian Sales Region Biuro w Wałbrzychu ul. Armii Krajowej 1B 58-302 Wałbrzych phone: +48 (74) 637 46 38 [email protected] Western Sales Region Biuro w Poznaniu ul. Kolejowa 4a 60-715 Poznań phone: +48 (61) 633 54 74 [email protected] Western Sales Region Biuro w Zielonej Górze ul. Dworcowa 4a 65-018 Zielona Góra phone: +48 (68) 419 24 72 [email protected] Pomeranian Sales Region ul. Hetmana Stefana Czarnieckiego 8 70-221 Szczecin [email protected] _85 DISTRIBUTION REGIONS FACILITIES Masovian Distribution Region ul. Sławińska 7/9 01-218 Warszawa phone: +48 (22) 392 46 91 fax: +48 (22) 392 46 92 [email protected] Silesian Distribution Region ul. Zabrska 41 44-100 Gliwice phone: +48 (32) 719 44 92 fax: +48 (32) 719 48 74 [email protected] Łódź Distribution Region ul. Tuwima 28 90-002 Łódź phone: +48 (42) 205 53 78 fax: +48 (42) 205 57 30 [email protected] Upper Silesian Distribution Region ul. Damrota 8 40-022 Katowice phone: +48 (32) 714 35 47 fax: +48 (32) 714 35 46 [email protected] Eastern Distribution Region ul. Składowa 59 08-110 Siedlce phone: +48 (25) 746 33 79 fax: +48 (25) 746 33 72 [email protected] Kujawy Distribution Region ul. Żeglarska 2 85-519 Bydgoszcz phone: +48 (52) 518 33 74 fax: +48 (52) 518 13 74 [email protected] Świętokrzyskie Distribution Region ul. Paderewskiego 43/45 25-507 Kielce phone: +48 (41) 278 34 98 fax: +48 (41) 278 35 21 [email protected] Northern Distribution Region ul. Dworcowa 5 14-200 Iława phone: +48 (89) 674 84 10 w. 10 fax: +48 (89) 677 32 52 [email protected] Lublin Distribution Region ul. Okopowa 5 20-022 Lublin phone: +48 (81) 472 17 63 fax: +48 (81) 472 54 99 [email protected] Lower Silesian Distribution Region ul. Paczkowska 26 50-503 Wrocław phone: +48 (71) 717 55 03 fax: +48 (71) 717 55 03 [email protected] Southern Distribution Region Kamienna 14 31-403 Kraków phone: +48 (12) 393 19 00 w. 150 fax: +48 (12) 393 19 00 w. 105 [email protected] Western Distribution Region ul. Kolejowa 4a 60-715 Poznań phone: +48 (61) 633 54 73 fax: +48 (61) 633 54 73 [email protected] Staropolski Distribution Region Spichrzowa 11 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski phone: +48 (62) 724 34 70 fax: +48 (62) 724 15 34 [email protected] Pomeranian Distribution Region ul. Hetmana Stefana Czarnieckiego 8F 70-221 Szczecin phone: +48 (91) 471 53 35 fax: +48 (91) 471 56 92 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Masovian Facility ul. Sławińska 7/9 01-218 Warszawa phone: +48 (22) 474 54 70 fax: +48 (22) 474 55 30 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Łódź Facility ul. Tuwima 28 90-002 Łódź phone: +48 (42) 205 53 75 fax: +48 (42) 205 56 70 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Eastern Facility ul. Hetmańska 103 15-727 Białystok phone: +48 (85) 652 62 70 tel./fax: +48 (85) 652 00 20 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Świętokrzyskie Facility ul. Paderewskiego 43/45 25-502 Kielce phone: +48 (41) 278 34 20 fax: +48 (41) 345 61 53 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Lublin Facility ul. Okopowa 5 20-022 Lublin phone: +48 (81) 472 11 01 fax: +48 (81) 472 54 99 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Southern Facility ul. Kamienna 14 31-403 Kraków phone: +48 (12) 351 59 00 fax: +48 (12) 351 59 05 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Staropolski Facility ul. Rejtana 41/43 42-207 Częstochowa phone: +48 (34) 324 95 67 fax: +48 (34) 323 65 36 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Silesian Facility ul. Zabrska 41, 44-100 Gliwice phone: +48 (32) 719 44 70 fax: +48 (32) 719 43 92 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Upper Silesian Facility ul. Damrota 8, 40-022 Katowice phone: +48 (32) 714 35 00 fax: +48 (32) 714 35 05 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Kujawy Facility ul. Zygmunta Augusta 7 85-082 Bydgoszcz phone: +48 (52) 518 33 70 fax: +48 (52) 518 33 76 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Northern Facility ul. Jana z Kolna 29, 81-859 Sopot phone: +48 (58) 742 02 02 sekretariat fax: +48 (58) 721 37 19 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Lower Silesian Facility ul. Joannitów 13, 50-525 Wrocław phone: +48 (71) 717 56 96 fax: +48 (71) 717 53 55 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Western Facility ul. Kolejowa 4a, 60-715 Poznań phone: +48 (61) 633 54 71 fax: +48 (61) 633 54 06 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Pomeranian Facility ul. Czarnieckiego 8, 70-221 Szczecin phone: +48 (91) 471 14 71 fax: +48 (91) 471 58 14 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. Energy Works Facility Słotwiny, 95-040 Koluszki phone./fax: +48 (44) 714 16 92 [email protected] PKP Energetyka S.A. with its seat in Warsaw ul. Hoża 63/67 00-681 Warsaw Administrative Office of the Management Board phone: +48 (22) 391 90 00 fax: +48 (22) 474 14 79 [email protected]