subvene inc. - Elizabeth Heikkila


subvene inc. - Elizabeth Heikkila
Our Team
Our Vision
The mission of Subvene Inc. is to make a
positive, life long difference in the lives of
children with physical and cognitive
challenges and their families through service,
leadership, and a genuine heart.
Our Mission
The mission of Subvene Inc. is to make a
positive, life long difference in the lives of
children with physical and cognitive
challenges and their families through service,
leadership, and a genuine heart.
Nathan Marion
Nate is a freshman at North Dakota State
University and is majoring in Business
Administration. He has a passion for
youth ministry, graphic design, and
Elizabeth Heikkila
Elizabeth is a freshman at North Dakota
State University. She is currently pursuing
a degree in Business Management with an
emphasis in Human Resources and a
minor is Psychology. In her free time she
enjoys being outside, swimming and
spending quality time with her friends and
Kaitlyn Klose
Kaitlyn is a freshman at North Dakota
State University. She is currently studying
accounting. When she finds time, she
enjoys spending time with her friends and
family and dancing.
Benjamin Vogeler
Ben is a freshman at North Dakota State
University. He currently is study
accounting. Ben enjoys the outdoors,
hunting, fishing, swimming, and
Garrett Query
Garret is a freshman at North Dakota
State University. He is studying finance.
Garret enjoys hunting, fishing, cooking,
and football.
Our Partnership
Maecenas non dolor. Vivamus id dui. Donec imperdiet dui at lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse consequat nisl ut pede. Vestibulum nonummy
dui quis risus. Cras eget arcu. Quisque quam orci, elementum sit amet, semper ac, vehicula ut,
urna. orbi nec lacus. Phasellus non pede. Fusce risus pede, condimentum quis, faucibus non,
lobortis id, nisl. Sed ultricies posuere massa. Maecenas tortor. Nam ultricies urna auctor urna.
Aenean congue congue orci. Duis commodo luctus orci. Vivamus nisi orci, tristique vitae,
faucibus nec, iaculis vitae, dolor. Nunc at erat.
Ensuring Ethical Conduct
What We Value
Optimism - The overall disposition of
team members to exceed high
standards and to face every trial with
a positive attitude.
Integrity - The willingness of all team
members to adhere to moral and
ethical principles to set a new
standard of professionalism in
Excellence - The ability of team
members to surpass expectations,
perform efficiently, and inspire
others in the process.
Professionalism - The characteristic of
each team member to handle
himself or herself in a professional
manner, exemplify leadership, and
apply they specialized education he
or she has received.
Duis facilisis. Nullam nunc risus,
vehicula sit amet, placerat vel, elementum
a, nisl. Nulla tempus luctus orci. Donec
condimentum porta lorem. Etiam semper
felis ut massa suscipit facilisis. Fusce quis
nunc. Ut aliquet auctor est. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus
et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Quisque congue cursus arcu. In magna
libero, egestas vel, tempus eu, suscipit in,
metus. Mauris tortor felis, imperdiet vel,
vestibulum sit amet, tempus a, lorem.
Nam commodo aliquet risus. Nulla
vehicula, magna in adipiscing ornare,
sem massa volutpat justo, sed accumsan
enim quam tincidunt est. Fusce pede
tortor, adipiscing eu, dictum ac, varius
sed, nulla.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora
torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
How We Operate
1. Punctuality is expected. If a team
member must be late for an engagement, it
is their responsibility to contact Elizabeth
30 minutes prior to the engagement
2. Communication is vital. Each team
member is expected to communicate
3.Each team member is asked to put forth
his or her best effort on any and every task
the take on.
4. When making decisions, the team will go
with the general consensus of all members
5. Before any single item is handed, two
members of the team must approve and
initial/sign the document.
6. If a conflict arises the team will adjourn,
clear their minds, and come back ready to
discuss the disagreement with open minds.
7. Monthly meetings will be held for the
sole purpose of providing team and
individual feedback