Magnolia Manor Chaplains


Magnolia Manor Chaplains
Magnolia Manor
JULY 2010
Communities of Care for Senior Adults
Volume 31, No. 3
Magnolia Manor Chaplains
Providing Spiritual Care
Story on page 4
From the President’s desk
At the midpoint of this year, I still have
some serious concerns about the big
picture of our economy, but honestly, I
cannot do much about that big picture.
What excites me are those things at
Magnolia Manor over which we do have
some control and the new things we are
doing to better serve our residents.
Board of Trustees
Mr. Cecil D. Abarr
Dr. Connie Blanchard
Dr. Hal N. Brady, III
Mr. Jimmie Buchanan
Mr. John P. Gill
Mrs. Ann L. Harris
Mr. Mark D. Johnson
Mr. Wayne Johnson
Mrs. Eloise R. Paschal
Hon. J. Taylor Phillips
Mr. Robert Reinhardt
Mrs. Edie S. Vinson
Mr. George Youmans
Ex Officio Trustees
Rev. Lowrey Brantley
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
Rev. Nathan Godley
Rev. Shane Green
Rev. Marshall Howell
Bishop James King
Rev. Tommy Mason
Rev. Ronnie Wills
Emeritus Trustees
Rev. J. William Dupree
Mr. Will Peterson
Mrs. Betty D. Pope
Mr. J. Hinton Reeves
Dr. A. Jason Shirah
Dr. James T. Trice, Jr.
First of all, we are seeing positive results
from the many difficult decisions made
over the last year and a half. Financials
have improved as a result of strict budget
management measures. It is obvious,
however, that we cannot do all that we
need to do solely through cost controls.
In addition to effective budget management, we are seeing very positive census
results on all the campuses where we
made administrative leadership changes.
While change is never easy, the results we
are seeing reveal the effectiveness of our
current leadership team, and I am proud
of the work the whole team is doing.
Secondly, I am excited about new and
creative measures we are taking to change
the way we offer our services to older adults.
In Buena Vista, we have begun a new Adult
Day Health Program. This program offers
skilled nursing care for seniors Monday
through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00
pm. The program makes use of existing
Magnolia Manor facilities and staff to
support families who need assistance in
caring for an adult loved one but who
are not ready for admission to a nursing
home. This pilot program will be monitored and hopefully implemented at
other campuses.
In Americus and Columbus, we have
remodeled and revamped our physical
Andrea Walker,
Dir. of Donor Communications
2001 S. Lee Street
Americus, GA 31709
(229) 931-5922
[email protected]
rehabilitation programs, grouping residents
with similar short-term rehabilitation
needs and goals together. We have found
the response to this new approach to be
very positive. One of the results has been
a great improvement in Medicare census
in our skilled nursing centers.
One final reason for the positive excitement I feel in what we are doing is our
chaplaincy program. Our chaplaincy
program for residents is unmatched in
its size and in its quality. At the South
“Focus on the Positive!”
Georgia Annual Conference in Tifton,
the introduction of extension ministers
made it obvious that Magnolia Manor
has the greatest personnel commitment
to chaplaincy ministry of any agency in
the conference. In fact, our number
of chaplains exceeds the number of
chaplains appointed to all the other
agencies combined! It speaks not only
to the quality of how we seek to serve
our residents but also to the scale on
which we are working.
In difficult times, it is easy to focus on
the negative and see only the obstacles.
However, our leadership team, our creative
new programs and the excellence of care
given by our staff cause me to focus on the
positive and to see the many opportunities
for Magnolia Manor to expand and enhance
the care we offer to seniors across the state.
I hope this all excites our donor partners,
too. Your continued support is essential
to our ability to take advantage of the
opportunities before us.
Corporate Management
Campus Administration
Mark R. Todd, President & CEO
Hill Fort, Americus
Barbara Mitchell, Buena Vista
Angela Rose, Columbus
Wade Barr, Macon
Teresa Newell, Moultrie
Rich DeLong, Richmond Hill
Dianne Feine, St. Marys
Jackie Crisp, St. Simons Island
Hill Fort, Sr. Vice President for Operations
Jerry Vick, Sr. Vice President for Finance
Robert Beckum, Sr. Vice President for
Church Relations and Development
Diane Wade, Sr. Vice President for Marketing
2 Magnolia Manor |
Mark R. Todd,
Le a g u e
o f
t h e
Good Samaritan
Reverend Robert Beckum,
Sr. Vice President of Church
Relations and Development
The League of the Good Samaritan
is the charitable arm of Magnolia
Manor, the official older adult ministry
of the South Georgia Annual Conference.
Many older adults rely on your
generosity to have the care they
need in their golden years.
The League exists because our founders
promised that no one, having chosen
to come to Magnolia Manor, would
ever have to leave when the ability to
pay for needed care ended.
Because League dollars are awarded
on an individual basis, monies required
vary greatly. Some recipients need
only a few dollars to make ends meet.
Others require a larger award.
Despite the best of plans, sometimes
money runs low. Care costs increase.
The retirement years, instead of being
a reward for years of service to family,
employer and community, can be a
troubling time.
How The League Helps
At these times the League of the Good
Samaritan helps. Residents are asked
to pay all that they can, keeping a
small reserve for personal spending.
Government monies are sought. And
the difference is paid with League dollars.
Where the Money Comes From
Nearly 100 percent of League funds
come from people like you — Good
Samaritans who care about South
Georgia’s older adults — people who
want seniors to have the care they
need, in a comfortable and safe environment filled with Christian values
and good friends.
Shortfalls in the money raised by
the League of the Good Samaritan
must be drawn from the Magnolia
Manor operating budget, diverting
funds from other critical programs.
Where the Money Goes
On average, a single person drawing
from the League requires $810 a month.
Your gift of $35, $50, $100, $2,000 or
more makes a tremendous difference
in the life of an older adult.
If you wish, you can donate to
Magnolia Manor through our secure
website by following three easy steps:
1-Go to
2-Click on Giving.
3-Click on Make a Gift.
Thank you for your gifts
of love and support!
Donations may be made in honor
of or in memory of a special person
or group. Our staff will send a notice
of the gift to the honoree, keeping the
amount private. It’s a thoughtful way
to let your gift give twice.
Answering Christ’s Call
Christ entreated us to love one another
as we love ourselves. Giving to the
League is a good way to give your love.
The parable of the Good Samaritan
outlines a lesson of giving without
reservation. In the parable, the Samaritan
assists the troubled traveler, even paying
for his lodging.
Please join the League of the Good
Samaritan and help pay for the
lodging of one who has traveled
life’s road before you.
Magnolia Manor | 3
Spiritual Care
a t M a g n o l i a Manor
From our very beginning in 1963,
Magnolia Manor has always had a
Methodist minister assigned as a chaplain
for our residents. Mark Todd, President
and CEO of Magnolia Manor, says,
“The chaplains on our staff, and the
services they provide, help to remind us
who we are and what we are all about as
an organization in our care of senior adults.”
Over the last six years, Todd has made
a major commitment to expanding
chaplaincy services to keep up with
Magnolia Manor’s growth. Currently,
Magnolia Manor has six United Methodist
chaplains (three full-time and three parttime) who care for residents and staff at
all eight campuses of Magnolia Manor.
Rev. Dennis Stalvey is the Senior Chaplain whose task it is to supervise all other
chaplains and oversee the Manor’s program of spiritual care. All full-time chaplains
have completed endorsement training programs and are endorsed by the United
Methodist Church and the American Association of Pastoral Counselors indicating
the chaplaincy program’s commitment to excellence and best practices.
Rev. Joy Wilson, an Assistant Chaplain for the Americus Campus, says that the
relationships with the residents are the greatest rewards of her work. “I love
meeting the residents and doing something to encourage them and strengthen
their faith,” Wilson says. Joy’s mother is a resident at Magnolia Manor and she
says, “I try to care for each resident just as I want my mother cared for.” The
residents all pick up on Joy’s radiance and enthusiasm.
Rev. John Brodess served as the only Magnolia Manor chaplain from 1993 until
his retirement in 2005. Now, in retirement John continues to serve as an Assistant
Chaplain. John says, “I love being able to comfort our residents in times of transition
and in times of grief, and I find it most meaningful to feel that I can contribute
some measure of comfort and faith by my presence with our residents.”
Rev. Cindy Bennett serves as an Assistant Chaplain for the Columbus Campus
of Magnolia Manor. Cindy says, “Ministering with our residents, staff and family
members is a privilege and a daily challenge.” Cindy has served the Columbus
Campus for three years now and feels that it is an honor to represent the
United Methodist Church in such a lifegiving way.
Rev. Madison Morgan is an Assistant Chaplain for the Richmond Hill Campus.
Madison says, “It is a joy to serve senior adults. I enjoy spending time with them
and they help me live a more productive life.” Madison reflected back and said,
“If I had known the joy that I was going to experience in chaplaincy like this, I
would have been doing this a long time ago.”
Rev. James Boyd says, as Assistant Chaplain for St. Simons and St. Marys of
Magnolia Manor, “I have gained fresh insight to the needs and concerns of older
adults and I am grateful to be a part of their lives in this great ministry.” James
has been in the ministry for almost 52 years and he says, “There is just something special about serving older adults.”
Chaplains at Magnolia Manor do not
act alone. All chaplains are part of a team
of staff members working together to
meet the spiritual, social, physical and
emotional needs of our residents. We
are always working, Stalvey said, to
“Help people discover real community.”
4 Magnolia Manor |
Magnolia Manor believes in, “Creating
caring communities for senior adults.”
All chaplains agree that the most meaningful part of their work is the privilege
of participation in a vital residential
community, one that is open, welcoming,
and grounded in faith.
June 6–9, 2010
At right, the ladies from Tifton First UMC graciously serve the crowd Dip-N-Dots for dessert._
Below right, conference attendees enjoy Bar-b-que and live music.
The South Georgia Annual Conference
in Tifton was a great time of fellowship
for United Methodists. The first day
of conference business always ends
with The Methodist Home Bar-b-que
and Magnolia Manor Dip-N-Dots. As
usual the Dip-N-Dots were a huge hit.
Delegates had numerous options
for enhancing efforts for improved
health. Andrea Walker, Director of
Donor Communications, led the largest
of the health emphasis workshops.
Her workshop on better nutrition
was entitled, “Eat Up, Slim Down.”
One emphasis of this year’s
conference was, “A Healthier Me.”
Pictured above, Andrea Walker, Director of Donor Communications, is
ready to lead her nutrition workshop, “Eat Up, Slim Down.”
Robert Beckum greets Frank and Joyce Gordy, delegates from Louisville,
Georgia, as they emerge from Andrea’s workshop with rave reviews.
Pictured above, Magnolia Manor residents Ray and Juanita Wilder
stand with their family after the service recognizing retiring clergy
and clergy with fifty or more years of service.
Rev. Ray Wilder (right) was recognized for fifty-three years as a
member of the annual conference Rev. Bill Strickland (left) retired this
year with thirty-nine years of service.
Magnolia Manor | 5
at Richmond Hill
The Creative Writing Class began
as part of the Renaissance Program at
Magnolia Manor, Richmond Hill in
2005. It proved to be a great success
with residents bringing in poems and
memoirs, sitting down and swapping
stories to their heart’s content.
Stories are shared, writing is read
aloud, and memories become vivid
once again. Joan Smith, a retired
English teacher, facilitates the class
along with her husband, Dan. Below
is a poem written by resident,
Helen Eisenberg.
Lord, Speak to Me
Father God, speak to me what you would say,
Speak not too boldly, less I faint from fear,
Tell me again that you love me,
That to you I am very dear.
Thank you for those words,
So palpable to my spirit.
Now what would you have me do?
Nothing? Did I hear you say “Nothing!”
Pictured left to right, front row: Betty Hudson, Helen Szymd, Miriam
Moore, and Joshua Lee. On the back row: Joan Smith, Bill Moore,
and Joan’s husband, Dan Smith.
Did I hear you say: “Be!”
What shall I be?
“Be like I am.”
You are love, Can I like thee?
Only if you help me can I care.
Can I look into a neighbor’s eyes and care?
What causes that harried look, that evasive eye?
Are your life painful? I pause in prayer.
A son is going off to battle,
A daughter runs away,
A mother’s mind is slipping,
Oh, what can I helpful say?
Our God is all around us.
He whispers low to me.
He puts His arms around you
He says He is a friend to thee.
Creative Writing teacher, Joan Smith, holds a book
written by Joshua Lee.
Instill into my brain, my thoughts, my heart,
Love, sweet kind love, truthful, free.
Unshackle my mind from hatred.
I would love to be like Thee.
— Helen Eisenberg
6 Magnolia Manor |
Residents of Magnolia Manor in
Macon gathered for a special program
on the National Day of Prayer. After
a brief devotion and prayers for our
nation, residents enjoyed a wonderful
musical program performed by members
of the Middle Georgia Home School
Chorus. The chorus, which meets for
practice once a week, provides musical
enrichment for home schooled students
ages 10 to 18
throughout the
Middle Georgia
area. Students
shared both choral numbers
and instrumental performances.
The instrumental performances
included violin, piano and guitar
with several of the students sharing
original compositions.
Above: The Middle Georgia Home School Association Chorus.
Magnolia Manor | 7
Mentoring Students
Residents from Magnolia Manor
South have been enjoying time in the
classroom setting through mentoring
and enriching the academic progress
of Sunset Elementary School students.
Now, nearly three years later, the
volunteer program has become more
rewarding than anyone ever imagined.
Residents say that their time with the
students are very rewarding. “Seeing
the look on the children’s faces when
we visit is indescribable.” Because the
program has been so successful, visits
have increased from once-a-week to
twice-a-week with each visit lasting
nearly an hour.
Retired mothers and teachers
residing on-campus at Magnolia
Manor South have had the opportunity
to rekindle a deep-rooted passion for
children and learning through this
mentoring program.
Choir Kicks off Tour at Magnolia Manor
Americus First United
Methodist youth choir performed
for the residents at Magnolia
Manor of Americus. The choir
tour began at Magnolia Manor
and then went on to perform
at Calvary Children’s Home
in Atlanta. The choir enjoyed
interacting with the residents
at Magnolia Manor to kick
off their trip.
8 Magnolia Manor |
Mother’s Day May 9
Her touched warmed you....
Her smile chased away your fears....
Her laughter filled your heart...
Mark your caledars!
- Saturday, September 18th @ 9:00 am
- All funds will go to the League of the Good Samaritan to support the residents.
- Contact Andrea Walker @ 229-931-5922
- Friday, October 15th
- All funds will support the Magnolia Manor of Macon.
-Contact Wade Barr @ 478-743-0178
Would you like to receive this
Magnolia Manor Magazine by email?
If so, please send an email to
[email protected]
Magnolia Manor | 9
Spring Time at
St. Simons Magnolia Manor residents
have been beautifying their campus!
The arrival of Spring is always
beautiful in the Golden Isles when the
azaleas burst into bloom and individuals
emerge from their homes to enjoy
the coastal breezes and invigorating
sunshine. Many get involved in this
reawakening by planting seasonal
flowers, fruits, and vegetables, creating
a kaleidoscope of color.
Mr. Shearouse, pictured above with
his daughter Mrs. Pease and Sadie, is
excited about being able to get back
out and “get in the dirt!”
Residents of Magnolia Manor of
St. Simons are certainly no different
as they enjoyed a pre-Easter treat with
the recent blooming of beautiful tulips
planted by the Sea Oats Garden Club.
Club member Sandra Hochwald
commented, “We wanted to provide
an expression of the beauty of the
new season for the Residents and
hardy tulips seemed the appropriate
choice. They’re often seen blooming up
through the snow, a sign of renewed
life after the often bleak days of winter!”
The brilliant canary yellow blooms
offered a stark contrast against the
dark greenery just beginning to regain
its brilliance.
Our sincere thanks goes to Glynn
Landscaping for donating the gravel
and potting soil for the project and to
Ace Hardware who offered their bedding plants at buy-one-get-one-free!
Above, Faye Young, an active member in Magnolia
Manor’s Red Hat Society, also enjoys gardening.
And when all the planting at the Nursing
and Rehab Center was finished, Mrs.
Helen Brinkos, pictured above, took a
seat on a memorial bench, flashed a
huge smile, patted her legs playfully,
and commented, “It’s all just so pretty
out here—and everyone is just so nice!”
Pictured above, to the right, Mr. Claude McGahee, well
known especially in his native McIntosh County for his
green thumb gift, is now totally back in his element.
Preparing the soil and the planting of seeds had to be
“just so” and residents are now anxiously awaiting the
crop of fresh vegetables he is tending.
10 Magnolia Manor |
Pictured above are residents, George Anderson
and Fred Pruitt.
Magnolia Manor
Americus Tea Dance
A group of residents from Magnolia
Manor gathered one afternoon for a
Tea Dance downtown Americus at the
Nancy Jones School of Dance. Nancy
Jones along with Ruth Jones and several
of her friends hosted this lovely event.
The Magnolia Manor residents had
a great time dressing up and showing off
their dancing moves. They danced to
all types of music including fast beat
music, slow, romantic music, and even
the hokey pokey!
Everyone enjoyed finger foods,
socializing, listening to lively music,
and dancing. What a fun way to
bring in the Spring!
Pictured above, Jean & Jim Stimpson
enjoying themselves dancing.
Pictured above are Ruth Jones and Betty Jones.
Pictured above, Betty Pope enjoys a dance with Everett Byrd.
Residents enjoying socializing while having some tea.
Pictured above is the School of Dance owner, Nancy Jones.
Magnolia Manor | 11
April 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010
With grateful appreciation to those who supported our ministry these months.
In Honor of:
Mozelle Brown
Freddie & JoAnn Wheeler
Bernice P. Dowdy
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Perkins
Arthur Herndon, Jr.
Ms. Wynn Herndon
Jeannette Buchen
Ms. Virginia Reitmayer
Emily Dodson Dozier
Billy & Lyn Dozier
Grace Herrington
Ms. Charlotte McCall
Rev. Aubrey & Alice
Sonny & Mary Lynn Shealy
Mrs. Richard Buckley
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Laura Duke
Faye and Lynn Frisbie
Pat Hill
Mrs. Kitty Williams
Mildred Bundrick
Mr. Dean Bundrick
Sue Askerzada
Mr. Russell Cross
Jeanette Casey
Avalon Ladies Bible
Laura Nell Forehand
Mrs. Rhona Smith
Don & Gladys Waller
Becky Hood
Avalon Ladies Bible
Lucile Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Tanner
Rita Hooper
Mr. Paul Higbee Sr.
Polly J. Gladin
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
William Warren Jackson
June Travis & Marsha
Audrey Gray
Wade & Elaine Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Dunn
Thomas Hall
John & Catherine Wells
Mervin Harpe
Ms. Elaine Grant
Ruth Jones
Dr. Kendall &
Dr. Connie Blanchard
Joyce & Jimmie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Nell Harper
Joyce & Bob Smith
Merle Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lee
Nell & Jans Harper
Bob & Joyce Smith
Thelma Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lee
Dorothy V. Harrell
Ms. Faye Beasley
Al Lewis
Ms. Helen Moxley
Doris Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Wren Harris Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Smit
Lila Mae Littleton
Mrs. Constance
Ellen Harris
Allene & Ceegie
All Mothers at Magnolia
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Jarrell
Ms. Montine O’Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Gene
Aubrey Alsobrook
Mr. & Mrs. G. Mayo
Florine Bailey
Linda & Wade Bartlett
Frances Bard
Ms. Karen Bard
Pat Beatty
Mike & Nancy Faust
Florine Beckum
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Rev. Cindy Bennett
Butler UMC
Ms. Lucille Henderson
Striffler-Hamby Mortuary
Summerville UMC
Tifton First UMC
Mrs. Bob Bissell
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Edna Chance
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Mrs. Tom Chance
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Pierce Chapel UMC
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Webb
Martha Cochran
Adam & Andrea Walker
Betty Collins
Phil & Robin Lavender
Marian Conway
Ms. Ann Harris
Frances Crook
Aubrey & Jerry Abbott
Corinne Bolin
Faith Circle - Richland UMC
Mary Crooks
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Jocelyn Boyle
Mrs. Sarah Sherman
Doris W. Daniel
Ms. Kate Noury
Berta Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Bridges
Jack Davidson
Elizabeth H. Bridges
Mrs. Jean Mosely
Jewel Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lee
Rev. John Brodess
Mr. & Mrs. W. Henry
Cobb II
Mother’s Day
Mr. Jimmy Lawhorn
Betty Brown
Ms. Nancy Cotton
Mary DeLong
Richard & Jennifer
Mervin E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Perkins
Polly & Windell Douglas
Ms. Bonnie Rackley
12 Magnolia Manor |
Deborah Hamm
Ms. Eva Hamm
Christine Harshbarger
Sam & Gini Lamback
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Harvard
Rev. & Mrs. Carl Howard
Eleanor Heisler
Paul & Frances Hjort
Mrs. Zee Horner
Employees of Magnolia
Ms. Annie Tripp
Annette & Brian Adler
Tributes continued
Section IV Magnolia
Manor Asst. Living
Mrs. Claire Bedingfield
All Albany First UMC
Magnolia Manor
Mrs. Grace Jones
Don & Mary Dale Kea
All Mothers of Magnolia
Manor Staff
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Magnolia Manor
Switchboard Ladies
Mrs. Lucile Garrison
Ida Mason
Chuck & Jeannette
Carol W. Mathis
Dr. Vance Mathis
Janie E. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Mayer
Annie McInnis
Helen Sellers Circle
Jean McPhaul
Ms. Jan Middlebrooks
Elsie Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hodnett
The Children of Karen
Ms. Karen Mikell
Aunt Montine Moore
Melton Rozier
Randy & Sharon Mosley
Carol & Faith Moore
All Mothers
Ms. Amy Howell
Margie Nesbitt
Ms. Lisa Farnen
Edith Nihiser
Jeff & Sandra Nihiser
Margaret Oliver
Billy & Lyn Dozier
Rev. & Mrs. Tom Oliver’s
60th Anniversary
V.L. & Catherine
Walter Mae Pollock
Bucky & Ann Bliss
Betty Pope
Dr. Kendall &
Dr. Connie Blanchard
Shirley Poss
Jerry & Darlene Lillard
June Powell
Mrs. Nan Powell
Thelma Price
Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Olyra Rainey
Mr. & Mrs. Burton
Elizabeth Richardson
Ms. Frances Harris
Mrs. Charles Roby
Ted & Ann Sidmore
Bill Roquemore’s 104th
Mrs. Lenette Roquemore
Elizabeth Rush
Pat & Jane Brown
Alice Rylander
Mr. Walter Rylander Sr.
Virginia Sewell
Mrs. Lucile Garrison
Mrs. Elton Shauf
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
The Members of Shiloh
Rev. & Mrs. Carl
Jane Short
Adam & Andrea Walker
Diane Smith
Pinson Memorial UMW
Elizabeth Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hodnett
The Spences
Mr. & Mrs. R. Max Sellers
Rev. Dennis Stalvey
Mr. & Mrs. W. Henry
Cobb II
Ms. Donna Franklin
Ulmer & Dorothy Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pool
Betty Story
Mr. & Mrs. Ulmer Stevens
Lola Stubbs
Magnolia Manor South
Mona Sutherland
Helen, Milton, & Haley
Carl Tanner
Al & Gloria Spence
Kitty McCall Williams
Ms. Kay Hipp
Faye Wilson
Mr. Jeff Wilson
Joy Wilson
Ms. Anne Mulkey
Karen Wrenn
Ms. Theodora Nassamer
Ruth B. Tanner
Ms. Lynn Odom
In Memory of:
Mrs. Ben Thornton
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Carolyn Cook Adams
Ms. Becky Brazel
Columbus District United
Methodist Women
Chaplains of Magnolia
Sophronia Adams
Mr. & Mrs. C. Taylor Bone
Charlene Usry
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Mrs. Hiram Usry
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Mrs. Robert Usry
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Margaret J. Allen
Wanda & Larry Lewis
Ms. Hester Price
Lucille Andrews
Ms. Juanita Bowen
Miriam Andrews
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
Leona Vant
Mr. & Mrs. James Flowers
Ida F. Angell
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
May Walker
Patricia & Tom Bass
Jan Ankrum
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jones
Meville F. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lee
Maude Averette
Mr. & Mrs. William
Robert & Hazel Waller
Mrs. Kitty Williams
Miriam H. Watford
Rev. & Mrs. C. Dick Reese
Betsy Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Audrey V. Bailey
Mrs. Dick Haugabook Sr.
James M. Bailey
Mrs. Diana Bailey
Mrs. George Barber
Dr. George Barber
Connie H. Wells
Dr. & Mrs. Roger
Grace Anderson Barlow
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
Lib Wilbanks
Jimmy & Nan Wilbanks
Martha Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Barnes
Rev. Ray & Juanita Wilder
Ms. Barbara McLendon
Betty H. Barr
Shari & Rich Barr
Ann Wilkerson
Mr. & Mrs. John
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wooten
Major Edit I. Bassett
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
Kitty Williams
Scott & Marilyn McCall
Sarah Bauerlin
Ms. Margaret Hauer
Magnolia Manor | 13
Tributes continued
Betty Jo Bearden
Mr. Brian Canady
Irene Boole
Dr. John Boole Jr.
Nonie C. Beasley
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Beasley
Arthur Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Booth
Doris Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Julia E. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Booth
Lillian Bell
Ms. Joanne Mayo
Roy Bickley
Mrs. Evelyn Bickley
Clyde E. Biggs
Mrs. Norma Baldwin
Juanita G. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Black
Dorothy J. Blakely
Susan & Tilman Blakely
Myrtle Blanton
Mrs. Patsy Watson
Paul Bledsoe
Mrs. Dorothy Harper
Gladys S. Bliss
Bucky & Ann Bliss
Eiffie Bone
Mr. & Mrs. C. Taylor Bone
Newt Buchanan
Judge & Mrs. George
James R. Buchanan Sr.
Mrs. Betty Filbey
Sara Buntin
Mrs. Patsy Watson
Lettie Booth
Mrs. Ruby Thaden
Augusta Burdeshaw
Mr. J. H. Burdeshaw
Eva H. Bradford
Mrs. Mary Earle
Mabel Cunningham
Rev. & Mrs. Frank Harris
Wynelle Brazell
Jerry & Hazel Partain
Nan Cain
Mr. Winton Cain
Isabelle Bridges
Donja & Ray Tripp
Millie Clyde Callaway
Mrs. George Carson
Bonnie Brown
Mary & Reggie Comer
Evelyn W. Camp
Mrs. Ann Wilkerson
Irene Brown
Mrs. Helen Farris
Beverly Ann Canter
Jimmie & Joyce Buchanan
Joan Bryant
Ms. Karen Hartin
Betsy Buchanan
Jimmie & Joyce Buchanan
Elizabeth S. Buchanan
Mrs. Betty Filbey
Vivian M. Carden
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Gertrude Carlton
Mrs. Phyllis Johansen
Margaret L. Carney
Al & Aune Clarke
Jack & Marion Miller
Karen & Gary Yawn
Mary Cannon Carpenter
Mrs. Patsy Watson
Jimmie Lou Carson
Lynn Batemann & Ann
Carson Carr
Cliff Carswell Jr.
Mrs. Joan Anderson
Mrs. William Anderson
Dr. Sue Bailes
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Dana & Billy Blair
Dwight & Ann Bliss
Jimmie & Joyce Buchanan
Prissy & Ralph Cornwell
Mrs. Anita Dillard
Nell Dorman & Linda
D. Eusner
Harry & Ann Entrekin
Luke & Susan Flatt
Jim & Rosalyn Forsyth
John & Terry Goodrum
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Guth
Allene & Ceegie
Walkers & Talkers meet every Wednesday at 2:30 PM.
Members do not have to “just” walk on Wednesdays but can
walk in their spare time. However, they can log/track their
mileage on a spreadsheet in the Wellness Center.
14 Magnolia Manor |
Tributes continued
Cliff Carswell Jr. continued
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hunter, Jr.
Paul & Nan Jones
Mrs. Betty Jones
Wilma & Melvin
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Mrs. Pam Law
Robin & Frank Lowrey
Mrs. Blanche Palmer
Bob & Lutrelle Perry
Mrs. Lilyann Peterman
Ms. Betty Pope
Mrs. Becky Ray
Dr. Claude Rhyne
Mrs. Betty Robinson
Mrs. Lenette
Ms. Jean Shakelford
Alton & Sally Shell
Charles & Eugenia Smith
Jane & Matt Sullivan
Sumter Bank & Trust
Eunice & Charlie Wall
Mrs. Virginia Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Wheeler
Ms. Fan Wilcox
Mrs. Kitty McCall
Cliff Carswell Jr. continued
Barbara & Hines
Ms. Betty Worthy
Carolyn Carter
Allene & Ceegie
Jessie Carter
Mr. Curtis Carter
Katherine S. Carter
Mrs. Jacquelyn Mullis
Nancy Walker Carter
Mr. G. Robert Carter
Ruth Sego Carter
Mr. G. Robert Carter
Claire Chambless
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Pete Chambless
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Joyce R. Chappell
Mrs. Lenette Roquemore
Nonie Cheek
Ms. Charlice Jones
Annie L. Clark
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Clyde Clark
Ms. Shirley Lashley
Martha Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Geeslin
Robert Douglas Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Arthur H. Clarke Sr.
Ray & Betty Crenshaw
Myrtice Cline
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
J. Preston Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. W. Henry
Cobb II
Rindall & Mamie
Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Hunter Jr.
Mrs. Constance
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Riccardi
Don & Flo Roszelle
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis
Sumter Bank & Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Teaford
J. Preston Cobb continued
Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Thomas Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert
Ruth Cobb
Bud & Anne Cofer
Mary & Reggie Comer
Vera Collins
Helen Durden & Debra
Annie Colquitt
Ms. Clarice Wall
Gertie Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Izell Sills
Frances Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Ms. Carolyn Duggan
James & Barbara Estes
Mrs. Betty Jo Estes
Magnolia Manor on the
Coast Staff
Ms. Juanita Phillips
Saints Sunday School
Ms. Cindy Shultz
Pictured from back to front:
Polly Alexander,
James Wilbanks,
Lib Wilbanks,
Shirley Brake,
and Rita Dupont.
Magnolia Manor | 15
Tributes continued
Allie Mae Cornwell
Prissy & Ralph Cornwell
Elizabeth A. Cook
Ms. Ruth Cook
Levy H. Cook
Ms. Ruth Cook
Mona Coop
Ms. Shirley Lawless
Mae B. Mathis Coppage
Dr. Vance Mathis
Deborah Lynn Cumley
Jimmie & Joyce
Mrs. Pat Hill
Mrs. Mary Mackey
Mrs. Blanche Palmer
Ms. Gloria Poorvin
Julia Davis
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas
Davis Jr.
Mrs. W. P. Deal
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
W. P. Deal
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
Betty Deaver
Mrs. Adrian Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Joe & Jarrett Hooks
Josephine Denton
Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Peacock Jr.
Susie M. Dorsett
Mr. & Mrs. T. Howard
Hilda Featherstone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Featherstone III
Sidney W. Doster
David & Helen Doster
The Family of Ruth
Ms. Ruth Flanders
Bernice Dowdy
Dr. Sue Bailes
Jean Dozier
Mrs. Katherine Dozier
Mrs. Patsy Watson
Nell Saunders Drake
Wallace & Joanne Drake
Christine Duggan
Anchor Sunday School
Class - Warwick UMC
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
Mr. & Mrs. T. D. David
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Neil
Rev. & Mrs. Rick Hamilton
Ms. Joyce Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Presley
Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Webb
Rose Fleishman
Mrs. Sally Schatz
Vernon Fletcher
Dr. & Mrs. Derek McAleer
Mary Forrest
Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Kathleen France
Ms. Pamela France
Eunice Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Marion
Nancy P. Franklin
Ms. Nancy Bailey
Maude Frelhofer
Covenant Sunday
School Class
Mattie Lou Dunmon
Mrs. Pam Law
Nell Froelich
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shaw
Steven Dunn
Carol & Pete Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
Fussel’s Loved Ones
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
C. Tim Dupree
Ray & Betty Crenshaw
Michaela McKay Dupree
Greg & Karen Austin
Dr. & Mrs. Henry
Pamela Garcia
Mrs. Ruth Jones
Gertrude DeVane
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barry
Tim Dupree
Bobby & Marilyn
William V. Gasser
Carol & Pete Moore
Wynand DeWaard
Ms. Hester Price
Mrs. B. L. Durden
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hagen
Virginia Dickens
Mrs. Mamie Sauls
Charles Dykes
Ms. Louise Dykes
Jeri Dickerson
Chuck & Jeannette
Bill English
Mr. & Mrs. Steve English
Doris Deriso
Mrs. Ruth Jones
Helen Dicks
Friendship UMW
Patsy Essick
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Janet M. Doepp
Mr. George Doepp
Lucia Domingos
Mrs. Lucia Chapman
Elizabeth W. Garrett
Mrs. Lilyann Peterman
Mildred C. Gibbs
Ms. Jean Owens
Carol & Maudie Gilbert
Chuck & Jeannette
Inez Goodin
Rindall & Mamie
Sumter Bank & Trust
Carolyn Gregory
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Mrs. Helen Butler
Ms. Hester Price
Lucius Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch
Hunt Jr.
Mamie Griffin
Ms. Jean Griffin
Mrs. Jack Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch
Hunt Jr.
Christine Coker Griggs
GA-AG Insurance Agency
Mrs. Lillie Mae Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert
Anne Proctor Gross
Mr. & Mrs. William Gay
Chris & Ed Guerry
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Anne Sheffield Hale
Dana & Billy Blair
Jimmie & Joyce Buchanan
Glenna Patricia Halpain
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Ron & Joyce Gregory
Annie E. Halstead
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
Colonel (Ret.) Charles E.
Mrs. Charles Hamilton
Edna R. Hamm
Mrs. E. T. Wilcher
Edwin Wayne Hammond
Dr. Mary Heritage
Rev. Harold Hankins
V. L. & Catherine
Mary Harden
Mr. & Mrs. John
Cordell Jr.
Erin Wills Chance Evans
Mrs. Erianne Thornton
Debbie Goodman
Dr. & Mrs. Derek
Edna Mae Harris
Norman & Mamie
W. K. Farris Jr.
Mrs. Helen Farris
Hazel B. Greene
Mrs. Pete McMillon
Maud Bennett Harris
Rev. & Mrs. Frank Harris
16 Magnolia Manor |
Tributes continued
Thurrell Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Steve
Mr. Vivien Harrop
Mr. Peter Edwards
William P. Harter
Richard & Trisha
Pauline Hartin
Ms. Karen Hartin
Marie L. Hartless
Ms. Gail Bullington
Lynn Harvey
Kathy & Donny Courson
Tilly Hauberry
Mrs. Doris Batts
Elizabeth F. Haugabook
Mrs. Dick Haugabook Sr.
Jimmie Lee Herndon
Mr. Arthur Herndon Jr.
Merritt Bell Hertwig
Mrs. Betty Hilburn
Magnolia Manor Friends
of Vespers
Ms. Trudie Sessions
Sallie Hester
Ms. Celia Farley-Hudnall
Helen Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Clarabel Gattis Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Pye
Ruth V. Horn
Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges
Leila House
Mr. & Mrs. Marion
Elbert & Mary Howard
Mr. Woody Beck & Ms.
Ginger Davis-Beck
Ms. Carol Riles
Mary & E. K. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Mary Belcher Howard
Mrs. Eleanor Walton
Marjo Hughes
Mr. Harold Hughes
Dalton Hunnicutt
Nina & Dean Terrell
Stella Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Gordon Hunter
Mrs. Ann Davis
Hazel Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. William
Grace D. Irons
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
J. D. & Nora Ivey
Chuck & Jeannette
Billy Jackson
Derek & Charlene
Mr. & Mrs. Garnett
Hodges & Lawana
Wyatt Johnson
Ms. Mary Deane Smith
Biddie Rufulyn Matthews
Ms. Nancy Andison
Biddie Rufulyn Matthews
Jones continued
Greg & Karen Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Beard
Joyce & Jimmie Buchanan
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Harry & Ann Entrekin
Joe & Jarrett Hooks
Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Hunter Jr.
Kay & Charles Reeves
Celeste & Bob Stewart
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Teaford
Burton & Elaine Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Thomas Jr.
Ty & Carla Turner
Eleanor Murphy Jones
Mrs. Rosalind Lipscomb
Marjorie Jones
Judge & Mrs. George
Mrs. Adrian Dudley
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Teaford
Martha Jones
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
All Walkers & Talkers members who
have reached 5 miles or more receive
a t-shirt which reads, “I belong to
the Magnolia Manor 5 Mile Club”,
which is a great incentive to stay
active in the club.
Pictured above left to right, proudly modelling their shirts are Joan Clark, Shirley Brake, and Mary DeLong.
Magnolia Manor | 17
Tributes continued
Pauline W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Mayer
Wilma Jones
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Mary & Reggie Comer
Mrs. Lenette Roquemore
Evelyn Justice
Aaron & Elaine Phillips
Mr. Kenneth Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Keen Sr.
Mr. O. C. Keen Jr.
Beatrice Kelley
Ms. Montine O’Quinn
Mildred & B. Frank
Carol G. Smith
Georgia R. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Black
Ilene Kent
Mrs. Lola Stubbs
Iran L. Kern
Mrs. Jacquelyn Mullis
Jeane King
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Jeane King continued
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis
Jane R. Kipp
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Mary Kitchens
Mr. & Mrs. William
Eugenia Laing
Ty & Carla Turner
Nina Lamb
Sumter Bank & Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Lamback Sr.
Sam & Gini Lamback
Calvin H. Lanning
Richard & Trisha Lanning
Evelyn Large
Mary & Reggie Comer
Annie Kate Lawhorn
Mr. Jimmy Lawhorn
Clyde E. Lawhorn
Mr. Jimmy Lawhorn
Ruth Lesher
Ms. Theresa Craft
Walkers and Talkers currently has 19
members who meet each Wednesday.
To the right are several members
eagerly posing for a photo after one
of their walks.
Pictured from left to right: Lib Wilbanks, James Wilbanks,
Joan Clark, Rita Dupont, Shirley Brake, and Mary DeLong.
18 Magnolia Manor |
Pauline Long
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shaw
Onie C. Looney
Ms. Betty Thacker
Yona Bell Lott
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Lott
Gerry Lundeen
Mike & Joe McPherson
Claud R. Lundry
Mrs. Ann Wilkerson
Doris & Chuck Lyda
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Woods
Dr. Robert Lynn
Aubrey & Alice Alsobrook
Mrs. Joan Anderson
Dr. Sue Bailes
Mrs. Evelyn Bickley
Jimmie & Joyce Buchanan
Mrs. Nancy Carlan
Mr. & Mrs. John
Cordell Jr.
Max & Lois DeVane
Harry & Ann Entrekin
Ms. Frances Feagin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ron & Joyce Gregory
Dr. Robert Lynn continued
Mrs. Mary Harbuck
Allene & Ceegie
Helen & Tom Hawkins
Ken & Elaine Henderson
Gladys Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Hunter Jr.
Carolyn & Frank Joiner
Mrs. Betty Jones
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Mrs. Pam Law
Robin & Frank Lowrey
Carter & Martha
Mrs. Mary Laura Martin
Bill & Linda McGowan
Middle Flint Area Council
on Aging
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mrs. Blanche Palmer
Frank & Susan Patton
Bob & Lutrelle Perry
Mrs. Lilyann Peterman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pool
Ms. Betty Pope
Mrs. Becky Ray
Dr. Claude Rhyne
Tributes continued
Dr. Robert Lynn continued
Mrs. Jean Roark
Mrs. Betty Robinson
Alice & Walter Rylander
Roland & June Satterfield
Charles & Eugenia Smith
Jean & Jim Stimpson
Margie & Bobby Strange
Jane & Matt Sullivan
Ms. Martha Tudor
Ms. Rosa Vining
Eunice & Charlie Wall
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Waller
Mrs. Virginia Watson
Ms. Fan Wilcox
Rev. & Mrs. W. Raymond
Mrs. Kitty Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Broadus
Ms. Betty Worthy
Dot Martin
Hazel & Harry Lee Couch
John T. Mitchell
Nina & Dean Terrell
Truitt Martin Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Robert Mock
Mr. & Mrs. Ron
Nancy (Annie) Mason
Mrs. Jane Mason
Leolene Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Tate
Shelton S. Mackey, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John
Cordell Jr.
Mrs. Adrian Dudley
Mrs. Pat Hill
Wilma & Melvin
Mrs. Jean Mackey
Mrs. Blanche Palmer
Mrs. Elestine Pope
Mr. Don Whitaker
Ruth McClain
Mr. & Mrs. Steve
Alpha Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton
Mrs. Gladys Pitts
James D. Maffett
Mr. & Mrs. James
Maffett Jr.
Ruth Haugabook Maffett
Mr. & Mrs. James
Maffett Jr.
Katie Sue Malone
Dr. Mary Heritage
Charlie Marchant
Mrs. Lucile Garrison
Vida T. Markette
Ms. Ann Foley
Tom Marshall
Judge & Mrs. George
Diana Martin
Mr. Floyd Martin
Thelma Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Carroll Herbert Mathis
Dr. Vance Mathis
Elizabeth Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
Bill McCall
Ms. Kay Hipp
Mary Ellen McDuffie
Ms. Nancy Andison
Anne McInnis
Magnolia Manor on the
Coast Staff
Ms. Cindy Shultz
William McKinley
Magnolia Manor Friends
of Vespers
Minnie Mae McLain
Mr. & Mrs. Wren
Harris Jr.
Riley McMath
Rindall & Mamie
Ms. Clarice Wall
Faye McQuirter
Dr. & Mrs. James Trice Jr.
Willie Belle Merritt
Ms. Lisa Farnen
Laura Courson Ray Miles
Mr. & Mrs. William
Bill Miller
Ms. Anita Rundle
Churchill Elementary
Mary I. Miller
Mrs. Anne Colston
Justin Clark Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Mary Ellen Jordan
Marvin & Jo Brownlee
Ms. Ellita Ellington
Gloria & Wayne League
Ms. Janette McGaughey
Lana & Billy Norris
Mrs. Donna Phillips
Ms. Sandra Rives
R. Lamar Moore
The Perry Mullis Family
Frances Guerry Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
All Mothers
Ms. Amy Howell
Our Mothers
Keystone Sunday School
Mrs. Marguerite Wood
Mr. & Mrs. James
Patterson Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Waller
Betty Clanton Moyd
Buzzy & Harriet Smith
Lilie Murdock
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Ragan
Mary Allom Niblack
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Ms. Betty Pope
Ms. Anita Rundle
Mrs. Zoe Duke
Grace B. Nimmo
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
Mrs. Herbert Norris
Mrs. Lenette
Opal Odom
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
The Honorable Judge
Wilbur Owens
Mr. & Mrs. G. Mayo
Mrs. Doris Batts
Sara Parker
Mr. Jerry Parker
The Parents of Del &
Nan Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Del Parrish
Mary J. Paschal
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Paschal
Ruth T. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Thomas Jr.
Beulah Patton
Mr. & Mrs. Ulmer
Kathryn Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Ardis Bennett
Georgene Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds
Pauline Payne
Vivian, Ricky, & Tim
Matthew & Gladys
Mr. Matthew Murray III
Ruth Lewis Peacock
Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Peacock Jr.
Zelma D. Neill
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Ruth B. Peed
Mr. William Peed
Helen Holmes Neilson
Covenant Sunday
School Class
Grace E. Pelski
Dr. Dwight D. &
Suzanne G. Irons
Mary C. Nelson
Ms. Janet Scales
Cleo Jones Pierce
Wallace & Joanne Drake
Johnny Niblack
Ms. Anita Rundle
Dot B. Fuller Price
Mrs. Jo Ann Marsh
Magnolia Manor | 19
Tributes continued
Ella Bowman Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. William Gay
Ruth Scruggs
Ms. Dorothy Yarbrough
Doris H. Reese
Rev. & Mrs. C. Dick
Kathleen Moore Sellers
Rev. & Mrs. Ramus
Della Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. James
Robert M. Seymour
Ms. Lynn Mashburn
Mrs. W. H. Roberts
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
W. H. Roberts
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
William T. Roberts
Mrs. Rosa Roberts
Doris F. Robinson
Aubrey & Alice
Dr. Sue Bailes
Shari & Rich Barr
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Beckum
Sammy & Sibyl Bledsoe
Dot & David Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Coogle
Ms. Sara Devaughn
Billy & Lyn Dozier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fear
The John Felton Family
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Frances & Woodrow
Sylvia & Charles Hogg
Rev. & Mrs. Marshall
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Jimmy, Betsy, & Bart
Ms. Juanita Riddle
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis Stalvey
Wesley SS Class
Rev. & Mrs. W. Raymond
Pearl Sadler
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Manoll
Pearl G. & William R.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sadler
Richard Sartain
Glenda & Bill Kipp
Mary Jo & Roy Peacock
Hugh Shearouse
Mrs. Esteese Shearouse
Sam & Mary Shearouse
Mrs. Mary Cook
Ruth Sheppard
Ms. Janice Sheppard
M. L. Shiver
Newton UMC
Carol Simmons
Allene & Ceegie
Sumter Bank & Trust
Evelyn Smith continued
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby
Strange Sr.
Ms. Clarice Wall
Gladys Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Alice R. Smith
Mrs. Lenette Roquemore
Martha Stalvey
Rose P. Stapleton
Mrs. Kathleen Littlefield
Rubye Stephens
Mrs. T. E. Newell
Elizabeth Stewart
Mrs. Betty Shattles
Ralph Douglas Stewart
Mrs. Betty Shattles
Chloe Singletary
Mrs. Nina King
Mabel Stinson
Jerry & Hazel Partain
Carrie Singleton
Dr. & Mrs. James
Trice Jr.
Mary Stohsahl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mrs. Betty Hewitt
Billy & Mary Smith
Chuck & Jeannette
Catherine Smith
Bill & Mary Claire Reeves
Estelle Smith
Ms. Traci Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby
Strange Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. James H.
Ms. Nancy Burgin
Dr. & Mrs. Russell
Ms. Nancy Burgin
Joyce Thomas
Dot & David Clements
Margaret C. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Thomas Jr.
Ansley Trawick
Friendship UMW
Margaret & Ike
Dan & Sandra Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James T.
Trice Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. James
Trice Jr.
Mrs. H. C. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. James Turpin
Mrs. A. B. Turpin
Mr. & Mrs. James Turpin
Avis Y. Varnadoe
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley
Bessie H. Vaughan
Mrs. Ernestine Moore
Sally Summerford
Mrs. Joe Walker Meadows
Bettie Vick
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Boley
Annie L. Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Merle Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gainey
Estelle & Hoke Smith
Dan & Sandra Smith
Ossie Lee Swann
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Sweat
Evelyn Smith
Greg & Karen Austin
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Ms. Marsha Deriso
Mary & Franklin Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Hulme
Wilma & Melvin
Loveard & Dorothy
Bill & Mary Claire Reeves
Carl & Lauren Ryals
Dan & Sandra Smith
Buzzy & Harriet Smith
Annie Laura Sweat
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sears
20 Magnolia Manor |
Dorothy L. Thomas
Mr. John Thomas III
Carl Tanner
Bonnie & Jerrell Tanner
Susan Barron Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Tate
Mary Tatum
Mr. & Mrs. William Pilcher
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Sumner
Charles S. Taylor
The Staff of Trinity
Elsebeth Tesso
Mrs. Mariana H. Gober
Rosie Lee Wade
Ms. Sara Johnson
Blair Walker
Greg & Karen Austin
Judge & Mrs. George
Mrs. Lenette
Henry S. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lee
The Mother of Norma
Mrs. Norma Walters
Jeanette B. Walton
Mrs. Eleanor Walton
Marjorie Warko
Ms. Nancy Schroeder
Tributes continued
Julia Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lehman
Bill Williams
Ms. Kay Hipp
Lois Wilson
Ms. Anita Rundle
Billy Webb
Mrs. Adrian Dudley
Blanche R. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James
Maffett Jr.
Teri Wilson
Ms. Clarice Wall
Helen Weil
Mr. Alan Weil
Marthalyn L. Wetzel
Billy & Lyn Dozier
Katherine R. Whidbee
Chuck & Kay Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. Talley
Hodges & Lawana
Lucy Whittington
Mr. & Mrs. C. Roland
Carol Jane Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Roger
Charles E. Williams
Dr. Patricia Williams
Dorothy H. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Grace Williford
Newton UMC
Slade Willingham
Ms. Thornton
Sara Womack
Mary & Reggie Comer
Ms. Mary Marshall
Ms. Barbara Simpson
Burton & Elaine
Mercedes Youmans
V. L. & Catherine
Gary V. Young
Laverne Carter, Rick &
Joy Carter
Luella Zimmerman
Jimmie & Joyce
Athalaine Wommack
Mrs. Mary Brasington
Mary Willis Wood
Dr. Vance Mathis
Joyce & W. H. Youmans
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy
The following residents passed away from
April 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010
Will Adkins
Elizabeth Garrett
Evelyn Justice
James Royal
Hugh Carden
Retha Golden
James Lewis
Eunice Simmons
Alma Carter
Christine Griggs
Robert Lynn
Evelyn Smith
Mary Chappell
Martha Hakala
Shelton Mackey
Richard Spancake
John P. Cobb
Rosa Hall
Franzen Mann
Mary Ruth Storey
Allie Mae Cornwell
Mary Hardin
Virginia McCord
Ray Tyner
Christine Duggan
Merritt Hertwig
William Miller
Ida Wright
Faye Ellis
Aggie Holt
Doris Robinson
Marjorie Wright
Edward Faircloth
Birdia Jones
Chester Rogers
Magnolia Manor | 21
NOMADS Serving
at Richmond Hill
Each year the Magnolia Manor
Campus inRichmond Hill has been
fortunate enough to acquire some of
the most skilled volunteers through a
Christian ministry known as NOMADS
which stands for Nomads On a Mission
Active in Divine Service. NOMADS
is a mission outreach ministry of the
United Methodist Church through
the General Board of Global Ministries.
The NOMADS program offers persons
with recreational vehicles the opportunity to share their time and skills in
United Methodist projects, including
churches, camps, mission agencies,
disaster areas and local neighborhoods.
Four couples, Lee & Bill Miller, Robbie & Ted Johndrow, Donna & Don
Hoff, and Joyce & David Mills along
with Robert Smith made up the team
of NOMADS selected to help the
Richmond Hill campus. Administrator, Rich DeLong along with his staff
and the residents look forward to
this group coming each year not only
because of what they do, but because
of who they are.
“The NOMADS not only bring their
skilled hands and hearts of labor to
Magnolia Manor each year…. they
continue to foster a caring relationship
with both our staff and residents.
It’s really not about the ‘free work’
that they provide — it’s more about
making a connection with people
and a positive change in the lives of
many for His sake, and in His name,”
says Rich DeLong.
Among the tasks accomplished were
painting apartments, replacing ceiling tiles, repairing potholes in the
parking lot, and striping the parking
lots. “The list goes on and on… the
NOMADS get more done in 3 weeks
than we could in an entire year,” says
Jennifer Franks.
Pictured on this page: NOMADS in action working hard at the Richmond Hill Magnolia Manor campus.
22 Magnolia Manor |
Americus Residents Help
Every second Saturday in May,
letter carriers in more than 10,000
cities and towns across America
deliver much more than mail when
they walk and drive along their postal
routes. They also collect the goodness
and compassion of their postal
customers who participate in the NALC
Stamp Out Hunger National Food
Drive — the largest one-day food drive
in the nation and probably the world.
Led by letter carriers represented
by the National Association of Letter
Carriers (AFLCIO), with the help
of rural letter carriers, other postal
employees and numerous volunteers,
the drive has resulted in delivery of
nearly one billion pounds of donations
to community food banks and pantries
over the past 17 years.
Carriers collect non-perishable food
donations left by mailboxes and in
post offices and deliver them to local
community food banks, pantries and
shelters. Nearly 1,500 local NALC
branches in all 50 states are involved
in the drive.
Many Magnolia Manor residents
from the Americus campus have saved
canned goods to be able to “give back”
to others they say. It is really neat to
see the residents coming together to
contribute to a good cause such as
this food drive.
Pictured above is resident Kathleen
Pope, who contributed to this food drive.
The mail carrier, Gloria Harltley,
for the Magnolia Manor of Americus
says, “Every year, the Magnolia Manor
independent residents are major
participants in the USPS Stamp Out
Hunger food drive.” Gloria’s route
gets the most donations in town, and
our residents are a big part of that.
She had already emptied her truck
once, and it was filled up again just
from her stop at the Manor. She said,
“It’s so much fun coming here— it’s
like an Easter egg hunt… I love to see
people blessing other people.”
Food being loaded on the dock at the post office
Magnolia Manor | 23
Magnolia Manor
U.S. Postage
Macon GA
Permit No. 417
2001 South Lee St.
Americus GA 31709
of St.Marys
Afternoon Tea
Ne w
P iano
St. Marys’ ladies enjoy an afternoon
tea party on May 1st at Magnolia Manor.
The ladies enjoyed socializing, sipping fine teas,
and dressing up in their best hats and gloves.
Pictured above is Ms. Jeannette Cirillo
and her granddaughters-in-law,
Ms. Jade Delany and Ms. Amber Storie.
Above, Ms. Robin Cross (left) and Ms. Eloise Thompson
(right) are enjoying a cup of tea together.
St. Marys’ residents enjoy playing the new
piano donated in memory of Ms. Verna
Czekanski, a generous supporter of
Magnolia Manor.