2010 - Saint Francis Foundation


2010 - Saint Francis Foundation
2 0 1 0
~ S T. B A S I L
A tree is known by its fruit;
a man by his deeds.
A good deed is never lost;
he who sows courtesy
reaps friendship,
and he who plants kindness
gathers love.
in caring
Honoring a Trauma Warrior
Grateful Patient Letters
Saint Francis FUN-Raisers 2010
Anna’s Angel
Donor Profile – The Triompo Family
Honor Roll of Donors
Our Mission
We are committed to health and healing through excellence,
compassionate care and reverence for the spirituality of each person.
Our Core Values
We honor the worth and dignity of those we serve and with whom we work.
We are faithful, trustworthy and just.
We reach out to the community, especially those most in need.
We encourage initiative, creativity, learning and research.
We care for and strengthen resources entrusted to us.
Saint Francis Care is a healthcare ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford.
Established in 1978, the Saint Francis Foundation
operates exclusively to advance the charitable,
scientific and educational purposes of the Hospital
through relationship building, community visibility
and fundraising.
The Foundation also focuses the efforts of its
volunteers and staff on major gifts and planned
gifts to build Saint Francis’ endowment so that the
hospital can sustain its services to the community
for generations to come.
Table of Contents
President and Chief Executive
Officer’s Letter
Saint Francis Foundation
President’s Letter
Honoring a Trauma Warrior
23 Tributes
Grateful Patient Story —
Paul F. Pendergast
32 The Bishop Tierney Society
2010 Special Events
Third-Party Events
10 Remembering
Saint Francis Care
11 Anna’s Angel
12 Donor Profile —
The Triompo Family
13 Honor Roll of Donors
34 The Valencia Society
36 Corporators
Inside back cover
Foundation Board
As someone blessed to hold an
executive title at Saint Francis,
I am nevertheless profoundly
aware that, as an administrator,
I play a supporting role to the
frontline caregivers who
tirelessly and skillfully serve
our patients each day.
That is why, when I receive letters from grateful patients or their families, I am truly delighted
and indebted because they provide an opportunity to step from behind the scenes and be vividly
immersed in the life-saving benefits of our institution.
These letters, which arrive at my office daily, are truly touching. They reveal with pathos and
compassion the journeys that our patients and families travel as they progress from diagnosis to
treatment to discharge.
As I read these letters, my vicarious joy and deep appreciation for the work of the Saint Francis
family energize me. Healthcare service is never easy, but it is always inspiring.
I hope that you, too, will experience the joys — and, yes, the tears — that I do when I read stories
like the ones presented in this Profiles. They are insights into the soul of this Hospital.
For your interest in and support of our work here at Saint Francis, I thank you. And if there are
ways that we can serve our community still better, please let me know.
Christopher M. Dadlez
As I go about my day,
nothing gives me greater
joy and satisfaction than
sharing with others the
wonderful blessings that
occur frequently at
Saint Francis Hospital
and Medical Center.
I consider it a privilege to share the good news about a new patient care program, a recently
hired physician, new state-of-the art medical equipment or the compassionate care we provide.
I am also honored by the generosity of our donors and volunteers who partner with Saint
Francis to provide world-class care for those in our region.
We are humbled by the hundreds of letters we receive from people who are grateful for the care
they or a family member has received. In this edition of Profiles, we would like to share with
you some of these special letters that acknowledge our physicians, nurses and other staff
members who made a difference in their lives during their time as patients at Saint Francis.
For every letter we receive, there are countless others who are grateful for the superb clinical
care, as well as the kind and caring words of encouragement, provided by the talented staff at
Saint Francis. Many of our most generous donors have personally experienced the miracles
that occur every day. So thankful, in fact, they were motivated to fund programs that offer
hope for others.
At Saint Francis we are proud of our colleagues and are thankful for all the friends and donors
who help us make the extraordinary possible every day. Thank you for believing that all we do
each day, Does Make A Difference!!!
God bless,
Paul F. Pendergast
P.S. Don’t forget to read my own personal
grateful patient story on page 6.
Dr. Anthony S. Morgan, Critical Care Pioneer
his year we are honored to feature
a story about one of Saint Francis’
most beloved and acclaimed trauma
surgeons, Anthony S. Morgan, M.D.
Prior to his retirement in 2008, Dr.
Morgan, known as Tony to all,
touched the lives of thousands of
patients, colleagues and friends.
After more than 24 years of dedicated
service to Saint Francis, we feel
privileged to provide a glimpse into
the life of this extraordinary man.
In 1984, Dr. Morgan
joined the Saint Francis family
as Chief of Trauma Services
and eventually was named
Chairman/Director of the
Department of Surgery; the first
African-American in the state of
Connecticut to hold such a
prestigious position at a major
hospital. As a youth, Dr. Morgan
was raised on the streets of
Philadelphia, so he was no
stranger to trauma. These
experiences made it clear that Tony
had to make changes in his life. He
wanted to help his fellow youth and needed to give back
to those who helped him, so he went to medical school
and became a trauma surgeon.
During his tenure at Saint Francis, Dr. Morgan
played a critical role in securing the Hospital’s
participation in the LifeStar Program. In addition, he
obtained our designation as a Level 1 Trauma Center, was
the first person in Connecticut to introduce the concept of
Above, Dr. Morgan in ED with trauma patient in 1985
just after his arrival at Saint Francis.
Left, Dr. Morgan at his graduation from Villanova
robotic equipment within surgery, and established the
current system of critical care services.
His passion to make the world a better place
extended far beyond the walls of Saint Francis. He was
instrumental in raising awareness and establishing
guidelines for trauma services within Connecticut and for
traumatic brain injury throughout the world. He carried
his passion to Guatemala and Mexico while working with
Heal the Children to provide free
medical care. It wasn’t uncommon
for Dr. Morgan to bring children
back to Saint Francis for care and
treatment. He smiled proudly as he
carried the 1996 Olympic torch; he
was chosen from over 1,000
applicants. He has been a guest at
the White House, has presented to
the World Health Organization and
collaborated with the Centers for
Disease Control.
Dr. Morgan’s accomplishments
all stem from his passion. He
recognized that he had the talent
and tools to save people’s lives and
he did that every day for 24 years.
We are forever grateful that he chose
Saint Francis as his home. He has
and always will bring out what is
best about being a physician and
being a great human being.
We celebrate his life.
Above left, After losing her leg in a car accident, Dr. Morgan returned from Guatemala with
Erika in order to perform surgery and provide a new prosthetic leg.
Above right, poster of Dr. Morgan as Community Torchbearer for 1996 Olympics.
Below, Dr. Morgan in ICU with a trauma patient, 1986.
“I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Morgan for many years at Saint Francis
prior to my retirement. What a talented, humble, and respectful warrior he is.
He did not care if you were a patient or colleague, man or woman, black or white,
rich or poor, friend or foe. He always made time for any human being. He always
used to tell us he credited his mother for his endearing qualities and his success.
His mother must be smiling from heaven, being witness to the wonderful human
being she raised. You are one in a million, now and always.”
In October of 2009 the
keynote lecture was
dedicated to Dr.
Morgan and is now
named, “The Dr.
Anthony Morgan
Lectureship.” The
Seventh Annual Trauma
Symposium will be held in
October at the Jewish
Community Center and will
discuss trauma in the elderly.
I, too, can now call
“grateful” patient.
From Paul F. Pendergast
ot long after losing my second brother over Easter weekend,
I felt compelled to have a thorough physical examination so I could
be assured of living until at least my 70th birthday and hopefully
beyond. I work out almost every day, I do not smoke nor drink
alcohol and watch what I eat. I assumed I was in pretty good shape
and healthy, too, but I wanted to be sure.
Well, never assume — you know
the old adage. Dr. Daniel Diver
found something on my stress test
and before I knew it, I was scheduled
for triple-bypass surgery. The term
“ticking-time-bomb” kept running
through my head, but I knew I was
in good hands with Dr. William
Martinez who would be performing
my surgery.
I cannot speak highly enough
about the care I received from every
person involved in my treatment.
The majority of the staff did not
know I worked for the Saint Francis
team, and I was still treated like a
king. It was extraordinary. This was
my first real experience as a patient at
Saint Francis. Although I know it is
a very special hospital, my experience
just cemented that knowledge.
I am back to work full-time and
happy to be reading these grateful
letters and connecting with the
Hartford community to share all of
the goodness of Saint Francis,
through the grace of God and the
gift of the fine men and women who
work here.
L-R: William Martinez, MD, Paul F. Pendergast, Daniel Diver, MD
myself a
The majority of the staff did
not know I worked for the
Saint Francis team, and I
was still treated like a king.
Hoffman Heart Wish List
Replacement of one Cath Lab
Stereotaxis Odyssey Workstation
Portable Echo Machine
Paint and carpet for Rehab Gym
A laptop for community
65 individual lipid profiles
Portable sound system for stress
reduction sessions
Three computers/printers for the Phillips
Women’s Heart Program office
$1,500 each
Healthy lifestyle tools (pedometers,
stress management CDs, therabands,
measuring cups/spoons)
Saint Francis
Mount Sinai Rehabilitation
Hospital Golf Classic
Monday, May 17, 2010
Blue Fox Run, Avon
Grateful patients: Albert Rosenfield,
Ken Jackson and John Suisman pose
for a picture with Physical Therapist
Thomas Gostyla at the 2009
Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital
Golf Classic Event.
Winners of the morning
tennis session enjoy a
quick photo after receiving
their prizes at the 2009
Swing for Saint Francis
2010 Swing for
Saint Francis
Golf and
Tennis Outing
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Point guard for Oklahoma City Thunder
and former UConn player Kevin Ollie
poses with Hospital President and CEO
Chris Dadlez, Golf Swing Event Chair
Bob Ellis, William Martinez, M.D., Jack
Thayer, M.D., and Foundation President
Paul Pendergast, before the shotgun
afternoon start in 2009.
Tumble Brook Country Club,
2009 Special Events Partner
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Diamond Partner
Hamilton Sundstrand
Murphy Security Service LLC
Platinum Partner
Arrow Prescription Center
BKM Total Office
Centerplan Development
Company, LLC
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Devcon Enterprises, Inc.
Radiology Associates of Hartford
Woodland Anesthesiology
Associates, P.C.
Gold Partner
Associated Construction Co.
Bank of America
Bingham McCutchen, LLP
C. M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Citizens Bank
R. C. Knox and Company, Inc.
Saint Francis HealthCare Partners
TRO Jung Brannen
Silver Partner
AE Design Group,
Architects Engineers
Aetna Ambulance Service
All-Phase Enterprises, Inc.
Ambulance Service of Manchester
Bristol Hospital
Collins Medical Associates 2, P.C.
Connecticut Credit LLC
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
The Hartford Financial
Services Group, Inc
Law Offices of Nair and Levin, P.C.
Otis Elevator Company
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Ryan Business Systems, Inc.
UNICCO Service Company
United Technologies Corporation
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
Wealth Preservation Partners, LLC
Webster Bank
Bronze Partner
All Waste
American Adjustment Bureau
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Carpenter Construction Co., Inc.
Ensign-Bickford Foundation
J.H. Cohn LLP
Maffe Financial Group, Inc.
Prudential Retirement
Willis HRH
Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Golf Classic
Presenting Sponsor — Turner Construction Company
Golf Cart Sponsor — Apple Rehab
Swing for Saint Francis
Presenting Sponsor — Murphy Security Service LLC
Golf Cart Sponsor — Wealth Preservation Partners, LLC
Outing Favor Sponsor — Turner Construction Company
Hole-In-One Sponsor — The Elliott Insurance Group
Primary Event Sponsors:
Connecticut School of Broadcasting
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
Key Event Sponsors
Hartford Courant
Farmington Savings Bank
Raising Events 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Connecticut Convention Center,
Just like a well-orchestrated waltz, Saint
Francis continues to steadily work
towards the future, as MIRACLES
celebrated is 20th Anniversary.
Since the gala’s inception in 1990, this gala, which
has grown every year, is now the biggest in Hartford
with 1,400 tickets sold the last few years.
As we look back over the past 20 years styles
have changed, the venue has changed, but the
dedication and support from our volunteers
and contributors remains steadfast to the
growth and care of our patients.
Thank you to all who have helped make
MIRACLES what it is today, and all who will help
with the future MIRACLES of tomorrow.
A sincere thank-you goes out to all —
volunteers, guests, sponsors, Hospital staff
— and the many others who make
these events possible.
The proceeds allow us to continue to
serve our community with excellence
and compassionate care.
Spudman Charity Open
Third-Party Events are fundraisers coordinated by generous individuals and
organizations in order to raise money for and awareness of Saint Francis Hospital
and Medical Center. We would like to acknowledge those who organized the
following events for their support and thank them for assisting us in our efforts
to provide first-class care and cutting-edge technology to those we serve.
Chip In For A Cure:
Martini Night
Thursday, March 4, 2010
5:30–9:00 p.m.
Union Station Grand Concourse,
Hartford, CT
Foodshare 27th Annual
Walk Against Hunger
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Walk begins at 2:00 p.m.
Bowzer’s Rock N’Roll Party
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Details to come!
4th Annual Benjamin C.
Margolis Wine Tasting and
Silent Auction
Monday, June 7, 2010
6:30–9:00 p.m.
Congregation Beth Israel,
West Hartford, CT
The New England Golf Classic
Presented by: Chip In For A Cure
July 13-18th, 2010
Wintonbury Hills, Bloomfield, CT
A Duramed FUTURES Tour event
with two Pro-Am events
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tunxis Plantation, Farmington, CT
Barbara Gordon’s
Cocktail Party
Thursday, July 15, 2010
West Hartford, CT
12th Annual Paul Karvoski
Memorial Golf Tournament
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Morning Golf, 6:30 a.m. Registration,
Buffet Lunch and Raffle
Blue Fox Run, Avon, CT
For more information on these events or
how to host a third-party event, please
contact Kerry Bannon at 860-714-1575
or [email protected].
“I am grateful for the loving care and concern
bestowed upon my late parents.”
In the world of academia in which I hav
inhabited for more years than I care to
de very
acknowledge, I find this note of gratitu
words to
challenging to compose. I am at a loss for
ng care
express how grateful we are for the lovi
and concern bestowed upon our late par
during their lifetime and as the end drew
ice to
During his more than five decades of serv
the Hartford community, my father Rab
Haskel Lindenthal never ceased to effu
him by the
praise the many courtesies extended to
dical Center
staff of Saint Francis Hospital and Me
as he endeavored to minister to his flock
Rabbi and Mrs. Lindenthal
will we were taught as children
Every form of kindness, charity and good
instrument of the Almighty,
was reflected in our experience with this
l Center. We hope and pray that
the Saint Francis Hospital and Medica
urces to continue doing the work
you will be given the strength and reso
of the Almighty into the indefinite futu
dness to my parents.
Thank you again for extending every kin
Jacob Jay Lindenthal
Dr. Jacob Lindenthal, professor
at University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey,
remembers the kindness bestowed
upon his late parents, Rabbi Haskel
and Naomi Lindenthal by Saint
Francis. In tribute, he will be sharing
his limited edition prints of his
travels around the world to friends
of Saint Francis. For more
information, please contact the
Foundation Office at 860-714-5174.
“I am grateful for the health of my children.”
And I am reminded every day when I look into their eyes, how truly blessed I am.
Having had two healthy children of my own, I struggled with the fact that other
mothers were not as fortunate. I have always believed that the Saint Francis
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a miraculous place where miracles occur
every day. I founded Anna’s Angel to offer love, hope and inspiration
to families waiting to bring their newborn babies home.
Anna’s Angel donates a beautiful 18" guardian angel
necklace to the mothers of the NICU.
This gift is my way of letting families
know that there are people out
there praying for them and
their little angel.
Kelly Landino
NICU Wish List
Kelly Landino and her two daughters,
Anna Marie and Savannah.
Phototherapy Light
(3 needed)
$3,500 each
Infant Warmer
(5 needed)
$14,500 each
Neonatal Physiological Monitor
(30 needed)
$24,000 each
“Today, I received the most beautiful necklace from a dear friend.
The pendant is that of an angel and on the back it reads: ‘God’s angels
will guard you always’ — beside this pendant hangs a letter “K”.
I have been touching it around my neck all day and it provides great
comfort. Thank you all for your continued prayers.”
D O N O R P R O F I L E — T H E T R I O M P O F A M I LY
Still Grateful After
All These Years
The Triompo family at their
daughter’s wedding celebration.
Pictured left to right, Michelle
Triompo, son-in-law Daniel
Galuska, Gina Galuska, Irene and
Joseph Triompo.
Excellence in Nursing
There are three award categories for
Excellence in Nursing:
Advocacy: Awarded to a nurse who has
demonstrated significant work on behalf of a
patient, family, and/or community by assuming a
leadership role to identify and help resolve ethical
and clinical concerns within the clinical setting.
Caring Practices: Awarded to a nurse who has
demonstrated the ability to provide care that is
responsive to the unique needs of the patient and
the family, and which creates an environment that
is compassionate and therapeutic through the
promotion of comfort and avoidance of suffering.
Clinical Practices: Awarded to a nurse who
has demonstrated the ability to integrate active
listening and effective communication with
nursing knowledge, skills and experience to
promote the best possible outcomes for
patients and their families.
We are so grateful for the role
Saint Francis Hospital
and Medical Center has pla
yed in our lives,
beginning with the birth of
our oldest daughter Gina;
followed by Michelle. That
was more than 25 years
ago, and this past summer
we walked our daughter
Gina down the aisle.
Joe and I, along with numero
us family members,
have always been impressed
by the excellent clinical
care provided by the Saint
Francis staff, but it is the
“Caring Hearts, Healing Ha
nds” of the nurses that
have left an indelible mark
on our hearts. We have
chosen to make a financial
donation honoring the
long hours and hard work
that the nurses provide to
make Saint Francis Hospit
al a warm, caring and
healing environment.
During Nurses’ Week, three
special, deserving
nurses will receive a financi
al award for his/her
dedication to their profession
and Saint Francis
Hospital patients.
Irene and Joseph Triompo
This award is generously funded by the Triompo Family. Each award is $1,500
and will be presented during National Nurses Week, May 6–12, 2010.
For nomination information contact Erica Siddell at 860-714-6031.
Honor Roll of Donors
The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those whose
generous support helps to ensure Saint Francis’
continued excellence by providing gifts for new
facilities, state-of-the-art technology and high-quality
programs and services.
Multi-year pledges
The following gifts represent
pledges made in Fiscal Year
2009 and are payable over the
next several years.
$5,000,000 plus
The Women's Auxiliary of Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center
$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella
Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman
Maffe Financial Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips
$100,000 to $249,999
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fichman
R & G Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Robinson
Young Studios
$50,000 to $99,999
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
United Technologies Corporation
The Werth Family Foundation Inc.
$25,000 to $49,999
WellPoint Foundation, Inc.
The following gifts represent cumulative donations (over $100)
from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.
The McGovern Circle
$100,000 or more
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman
Joyce and Andy Mandell
Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation
The Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center
DeSales Roundtable
$50,000 to $99,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trani
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
E. Clayton Gengras Circle
$25,000 to $49,999
The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation
The Bakes Family Foundation
CT Dept. of Public Health & Addiction Services
The Estate of Martha R. Harris
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Murphy Security Service LLC
WellPoint Foundation, Inc.
The Werth Family Foundation Inc.
Catherine Dillon Club
$10,000 to $24,999
AE Design Group, Architects Engineers
Mrs. Marilyn M. Alfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Anderson
Applied Proactive Technologies, Inc.
Arrow Prescription Center
Associated Construction Co.
Bank of America
Bingham McCutchen, LLP
BKM Total Office
C. M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Citizens Bank
Collins Medical Associates 2, P.C.
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Connecticut Credit LLC
Connecticut Joint Replacement Institute
Connecticut School of Broadcasting
CT Brain Tumor Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Dr. and Mrs. Ibrahim M. Daoud
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fichman
Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Goldenberg
Hamilton Sundstrand
The Hoffman Heart and Vascular Institute
Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
R. C. Knox and Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leishman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Meduski
The Mullane Family
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New England Masonry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Pendergast
The Estate of Martha M. Rebmann
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robinson
Kathleen M. Roche, M.S., R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Rosenberg
Ryders Health Management
Saint Francis Department of Surgery
Saint Francis HealthCare Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Shenkman
Shenkman Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
TRO Jung Brannen
Turner Construction Company
Webster Bank Wealth Management
Zachs Family Foundation
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
John O’Flaherty Fellows
$5,000 to $9,999
All Waste
All-Phase Enterprises, Inc.
ALSTOM Power Inc.
Archdiocese of Hartford
Mr. and Mrs. James Balch
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jeffrey Baldwin
Barnes Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Chip In For A Cure
Mr. Jeffrey A. Chitester
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Colon and Rectal Surgeons of Greater Hartford
The Connecticut Hospital Association
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Connecticut Radiation Oncology, P.C.
Connecticut Science Center
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
Kathleen A. DeMatteo
Devcon Enterprises, Inc.
Mrs. Kevin V. Dowling
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation
The Ensworth Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falaguerra
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and Dr. Timothy Machon
ForHealth Technologies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
Guida-Seibert Dairy Company
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
J.H. Cohn LLP
Jerob Enterprises LLC
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Jones Apparel Group
Paul Karvoski Memorial Golf Tournament
Drs. Maureen and Howard Lantner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin
Law Offices of Nair and Levin, P.C.
Levy & Droney, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Drs. Limor and Gregory Makoul
Manafort Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Margolis
Minimally Invasive Surgeons
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Network Interiors Inc.
Mr. Brian E. O’Meara
People’s United Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Private Capital Group, LLC
ProHealth Physicians
Prudential Retirement
R & G Services, LLC
Robinson & Cole LLP
Ryan Business Systems, Inc.
Saint Joseph College
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schneider
Mary and Philip Schulz
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Triompo
UNICCO Service Company
United Technologies Corporation
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van Demark
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
Webster Bank
Willis HRH
Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and Mr. William Vasiliou
Mary Brassill Benefactors
$2,500 to $4,999
Aetna Ambulance Service
Alcohol & Drug Recovery Centers, Inc.
Ambulance Service of Manchester
AmeriChoice by UnitedHealthcare
Benco Dental Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bisson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bolton
Barbara and Richard Booth
Barbara and Michael R. Bourque, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli
Cardinal Health – Pharmacy
Carpenter Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. George T. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Carver
Ms. Sue A. Collins
Connecticut State Building and Construction
Trades Council
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Cote
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Door Security Solutions of New England
Ms. Pamela J. Dowling and
Mr. James T. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Downes, Sr.
Eastern Printing
Enterprise Builders, Inc.
Environmental Management Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feld
Dr. Michael I. Firestone
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr.
Flo-Tech, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Foley
Founders Capital Management, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Freling
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Gabrielle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Getz
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison
Hartford Distributors, Inc.
Hartford Federal Credit Union
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and
Insurance Co.
Healthcare Waste Solutions
Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds
Hughes & Cronin
IBM Corporation
Dr. Pupinder S. Jaswal
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Mrs. Hilla Kaikobad
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. LaBonte
Mrs. Jeanne D. and Mr. John C. Lennhoff
Ms. Kathleen Magowan
Dr. and Mrs. Allan R. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. McIntosh
Dr. and Mrs. Sean McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Mensah
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morrison
NewAlliance Foundation
Dr. Richard M. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newman
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Opticom, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Posteraro, III
Dr. Joseph Sala
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Mr. Scott M. Schooley
Drs. Julia and Howard Shaw
Siegel, O’Connor, O’Donnell & Beck, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith
Sullivan & LeShane, Inc.
Teva Neuroscience
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Twohig
United Way of Central and Northeastern
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Wislo
Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Ziewacz
Sister Jeanne Teresa Visionaries
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Dr. Jonathan H. Abrams and
Dr. Adrienne B. Berke
Aero-Med Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
American Adjustment Bureau
Apple Rehab
ARG Real Estate L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan N. Arnold
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Axsys Technologies, Inc.
Ms. Susan A. Bailey
Drs. Nasima and Saumitra Banerjee
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Barnett
Dr. and Mrs. George Barrows
Ms. Susan D. Bartsch and Mr. Robert A. Mileti
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bellantone
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Bonetti
Boy Scouts of America
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Seth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Daniel P. Callaghan, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Victor E. Camacho
Mr. Jere A. Carangelo
Cardiac & Thoracic Surgical Associates, L.L.C.
Cardiothoracic Surgery, PC
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Carney
Dr. Angelo S. Carrabba and Ms. Jane Formica
Debra Turcotte Carragher
CASE Partners, Inc.
Central Pediatrics
Dr. Gregory Cheron
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Chozick
The Clark Group
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud, Jr.
Connecticut Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Contois
Robert W. Cornell, Ph.D.
Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.
Drs. Mary and Chester Cullen
Robert A. and Deborah H. Cushman
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Geraud Darnis
Mr. Brad Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn K. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis
The Delaney Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. P. Craig Dennen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dionne
Ms. Kara L. Dowling and
Mr. Andrew W. Roraback
Anthony Drapelick
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Egan
Eli Lilly & Company
The Elliott Insurance Group
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Ernst & Young, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Feltman
Mr. Robert B. Ficks, Jr.
Jessica and Michael Fish
Barbara L. Flynn
David G. Freitas, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
General Reinsurance Corporation
Mr. James F. Gentile
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gerber
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Gilead Sciences
Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gleason
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Goldfarb
Dr. Timothy E. Goundrey
Greater Hartford Nephrology
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green
Cheryl and Joseph Grisé
Frances Guinipero
Mary Guinipero
Dr. Kenneth Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Irma and Mort Handel
Martha E. Hartle
Dr. and Mrs. Ali I. Hashmi
Ms. Sharon R. Hennessey and
Mr. Jay Mullarkey
The Hermann Family Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria
Sister Sally M. Hodgdon, C.S.J.
Integrated Mobile
Dr. and Mrs. Phaniraj Iyengar
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis
Jewish Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Josephson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kearns, III
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kimmel
Ms. Doris A. Kinsley
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.
Kitchen + Bath | Design + Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover
Dr. and Mrs. Peter T. Krenicky
Dr. Elinor S. Kron
The Kuhn Family
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. LaBonte
Mr. John Lepore, Jr.
Levenson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. Levy
Mr. Preston D. Liebig
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lipton
Macri Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mara
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
MassMutual Financial Group
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McAvoy
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Mendelsohn
Michael Maglaras & Company
Drs. Margaret and Paul Mitchell
Mr. Peter A. Mobilia
Mrs. Regina A. Moskey
Dr. Michael Moustakakis and
Dr. Emily Daponte
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.
Beth E. Nelson, M.D.
Gail and Tony Newman
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols
Clark E. O’Brien, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Hemant Panchal, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pappalardo
Mrs. Mildred Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Parmeswar
Drs. Jennifer and William Pennoyer
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Perretta
Peter L. Brown Company
Dr. and Mrs. John Polio
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Price
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Reese
Reid and Riege, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Ms. Lynn Rossini and Mr. Dino Carbone
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rowland
Joan and Dennis Rusconi
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sams, Jr.
Dr. Phyllis L. Schatz and Mr. Ray Benzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Ruth A. Schleifer, M.D.
John V. Scholes, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Dr. and Mrs. Upali E. Seneviratne
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Setter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
Dr. Sanjay Sinha
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Slavin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
Sorenson-Pearson Family Foundation
Mark A. Spencer, M.D.
Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Squier
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Stark
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Stohr
Studio 202, Inc.
Mr. Thomas L. Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Suski
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swilling
Ms. Patricia A. Teufel and
Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Thayer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Triompo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Trumble
Mr. Zoltan B. Tuba
University of Hartford
Eric M. van Rooy, M.D.
VanZelm Heywood & Shadford, Inc.
Wachovia Wealth Management
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Wade
Dr. Goolcher J. Wadia and Mr. Jimmy Wadia
Dr. and Mrs. Brett L. Wasserlauf
Jane and Dave Watson
Mr. Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr.
Jessica and Sonny Whelen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Wilson
Elida Witthoeft
Dr. Mark G. Wolf
Woodland Women’s Health Associates
Dr. Roxanne and Mr. Stephen Zarmsky
Dr. Carolyn Zelop and Dr. Edward Grimes
Capital City Club
$500 to $999
Anonymous (3)
The Active Network
Advanced Wheels of Technology, Inc.
AIG Matching Grants Program
AllStar Therapy
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrew, Jr.
Anixter, Inc.
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Armour
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Chris Barber, PA-C
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Bechara Barrak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Barry
Beautiful Skin by Lucy
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Belsky
Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
Ms. Dorothy A. Bieszad
Ms. Jean M. Bieszad
Dr. and Mrs. Syed F. A. Bilgrami
Ms. Patricia A. Biss
Mr. David J. Black
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc
Ms. Susan P. Brant
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Bruttomesso, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byus
Cable Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Calderone
Capital Community College
The Hon. and Mrs. Stephen T. Cassano
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Chagnon
The Sandra and Arnold Chase Family
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Scheuster E. Christie
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Cohen
Community Health Network of
Connecticut, Inc.
The Connecticut Forum
Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Coscarelli
Dr. Linda H. Crabbe and Dr. David Winsemius
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Crowell
Crumbie Law Group, LLC
D & S Communications
Dr. Perry M. Dansky
Dr. and Mrs. John T. DeMaio
Desman Associates
Grateful for the Little Things...
that Make a Big Difference!
Dear Mr. Dadlez,
Please convey our personal
es the
to David Yoczik who operat
mini-cab at Saint Francis.
David takes us to our appoin
within the hospital, and he
always kind, courteous and
Saint Francis is such a fine
and you should be proud of
and all of your staff.
Tom and Elizabeth Fitzpatric
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge L. Diez
Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Diez
Mr. David J. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
Mr. Robert W. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Edmunds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Egan, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Ellis
Ms. Lynne M. Erickson
Facilities Services Group
Mr. Tom Farmer
Robert R. Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flannery
Mr. Terry B. Fletcher
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Fote
Dr. and Mrs. James Frank
Dr. Thomas N. Fromson
Ms. Lee A. Galuska
Katherine and Martin Gavin
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Gerardi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Godburn
Mr. Louis J. Golden and
Ms. Margaret Buchanan
Mr. Barry Goodwill
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
Joe and Linda Greenier
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel
Halloran & Sage
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Hanna
Wish List
Courier Vehicle
700 lb. Stretcher
(2 needed)
$5,000 each
Wheel Chair
(10 needed)
$700 each
The Hartford Courant
Mr. Paul D. Hennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Howe, Jr.
Dr. Mary Beth Janicki and Mr. Neil Rothfarb
The Jenkins Family
John Johnson Art Direction & Design
Marjorie and Patrick Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Jones
Drs. Grace and Peter Judson
Dr. and Mrs. Alois Kallfelz
Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Karanian
Joan and Norman Kayser
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kiely
Reverend Eugene M. Kilbride
Mr. Benjamin D. Kille
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kinsella
Albert Kissling
Judith B. Koseski, R.N.
Dr. Eric M. Kosofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LaCava
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Lachniet
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Dr. and Mrs. Stephan C. Lange
Law Offices of Gerald S. Sack, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Leduc
Sheri Lemieux
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lentini
Dr. and Mrs. Courtland G. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Lewtan
Dr. Laurie A. Loiacono and
Mr. Thomas D. Hayowy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Loiseau
Patricia and Frank Longobardi
Ellen and Michael Madigan
Mr. Mark Mandell
Dr. and Mrs. Iacob Marcovici
Ms. Sharon J. Marosek
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marra
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Marshall, III
Ruthie Bush Mathews
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Matino
Mrs. Josephine Mavromatis
Mrs. Lorraine McCafferty, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. William McDougall
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. McKenna, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McMahon
Dr. Jeffrey S. Menkes
Merck & Company, Inc.
Mrs. Langhorne A. Messenger
MetroHartford Alliance
Valerie Mickewich
Modern Tire of West Hartford, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Monzeglio
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
Mr. James F. Murphy
Jim Murray
Dr. and Mrs. N. Chandra Narayanan
National Cancer Awareness Foundation
The National Collegiate Athletic Association
Ms. Irene O’Connor and Mr. Matt Fleury
Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Dr. Danilo M. Pangilinan
Pedicorp, P.C.
Philips Medical Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Quinn, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Rabbitt
Dr. Susan N. Rabinowe and
Mr. Daniel Rapoport
Surita Rao, M.D.
Mrs. Irving S. Ribicoff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ricciardelli
Coach Jennifer Rizzotti and
Mr. William Sullivan
Emily and Stuart Rosen
Jeanne M. Roush
Mrs. Barbara M. Rowland
Ms. Rene Rutherford
Saint Brigid School
Mr. Robert M. Samuelson
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Mr. Terry N. Shook
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
Kathleen O. Smith
Mr. Robert J. Stratton, Jr.
Ms. Gayle P. Sullivan and Mr. Jerome B. Ray
Maria A. Summa
Mr. Richard Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Taub
Dr. and Mrs. Aneesh V. Tolat
U.S. Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
Vascular Associates of Connecticut, LLC
Manuel L. Vieira
The Village for Families & Children, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Walters
Clarence Welti
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wenker
West Hartford Pediatrics
Mr. Lawrence C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Williard
Mr. Adam D. Winstanley
Ms. Ruth Witthoeft
Mr. Peter P. Wonsewicz
Mrs. Linda P. Woodrow
YMCA of Greater Hartford
Stephen I. Zink, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. ZuWallack
1897 Club
$250 to $499
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Abate
Lois A. Abbiate
American Eagle Federal Credit Union
Asylum Hill Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Atkinson
Laura J. Bailey
Merry Bajana
Mr. Robert E. Cohn and Mrs. Sherry Banks-Cohn
Pamela Bannon
Mr. Wallace Barnes and
The Hon. Barbara H. Franklin
Mrs. Norma L. Barry
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bayer
Ms. Alice A. Belfiore and Mr. Timothy M. Sherry
Donna Benzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Berry
Blakeslee Prestress, Inc.
Ms. Cindy Blasewitz
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben F. Bradford
Loren Brichter and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bullis
The Bushnell
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cannon
Mr. William J. Carson, Jr.
Mrs. Anna E. Clemens
Ms. Cindy A. Climer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Comer
Mrs. Lisa P. Condon
Connecticut Bank and Trust Co.
Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame
Ms. Sally Cooney
Ms. Mally Cox-Chapman and
Dr. James Cox-Chapman
Barbara Crowley, R.N.
Mrs. William M. Cullina
Patricia Daigneault
Reverend Msgr. Charles W. Daly, S.T.L.
Pauline A. Devino
Howard Dickenman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt P. Dickinson
Mr. William T. Doherty
ASL Transportation
Ms. Anne Melissa Dowling and
Mr. John Ritter
Mr. Edgard Dube
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Duff
Dr. and Mrs. Leon DuPlessis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Evangelista
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Farley
Dr. Edwin J. Fierer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Fleming
Pamela Fowler
Mr. Gregory Fox and Ms. Karen Shopis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fox
Reverend Henry C. Frascadore
Mr. David Gagnon
Ms. Marilda L. Gandara
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Garofalo
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Geary, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gendreau
Mr. Lawrence M. Girardin
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Glotzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graczyk
Ms. Amy L. Griffin
Barbara and Bob Griffin
Eunice and Tom Groark
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grozio
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Halligan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hallisey
Mr. Brian J. Hamilla
Robert C. Hartley
Mr. Robert Heckler
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Heidel
Joel K. Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John Holobinko
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hook
Mrs. Joanne K. Hoye
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Hunt
Lorraine R. Hurd
Dr. Carla M. Jacobson-Kiel and
Mr. Lawrence J. Kiel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Johnson
Mr. Joao S. Jorge
Dr. Patricia M. Joyce
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Karl
Ms. Stacy Karpowitz
Mr. Robert Kaufman
Mr. Lafayette Keeney
Lauren B. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Klingman
David and Diane Kumnick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Langer
Edson Lawrence
Mr. Richard W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lester
Mr. Jake Lewtan
Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter Libassi
Louise and Michael Lillpopp
Catherine L. Limansky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg
Ms. Elaine T. Lowengard
Dr. William V. Martinez, Jr.
Ms. Madeline Martino
Representative David McCluskey
Mr. David J. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. George P. McKeon
Dr. Raul Mendelovici and Dr. Pamela Lewis
Dr. Lisa Menillo and Dr. Otto Weis
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Michaud
Carolyn S. Miscia
Sister Judy Mooney
Eileen and Tom Moore
Ms. Carmel A. Motherway
Ms. Diane L. Mulholland
Ms. Maura A. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Necci
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Nigro
Nimco, Inc.
Kathleen and Kevin O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Orientale, Jr.
Mr. Paul S. Pariser
Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N. Pasquale
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pelak
Ms. Catherine E. Petrunti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Picarello
Gilberto E. Ramirez, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Randino
Readco, LLC
Mrs. Eleanor M. Rinaldo
Mr. John C. Roberson
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Rotatori
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rowland
Robert D. Rutstein, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan
Mr. Milton Santiago
Ms. Judith A. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shesler
Sinatro Agency One Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Sinsigalli, Jr.
Sisters of Saint Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sitarz
Mrs. Rose Solomon
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Soucier
Special Olympics Connecticut
David J. Spinelli, D.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix J. Springer
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Stroebel
Mr. George V. Sullivan
Maureen Tiroletto, M.S.N., R.N.
Mr. Scott Trent
Mr. Jason Trombly
Professor William L. Trousdale
Thomas W. Turbiak, M.D.
ValCor Communications
Ms. Sandra L. Vezina
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Walkley
Jayma Waskiel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Wentworth, Jr.
WES-GARDE Components Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wilson, Jr.
Deborah J. Winter
Wm. M. Hotchkiss Company
Mr. Adam Wood
Mr. William E. Woodburn, Jr.
Derrik F. Woodbury, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Aris D. Yannopoulos
Ms. Diane D. Young
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Zimmermann
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Zirn
The Heritage Club
$100 to $249
Anonymous (12)
3M Health Information Systems
Ms. Holly Abery-Wetstone
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Addazio
Mr. and Mrs. Dean T. Affholter
Ms. Margot R. Allison
Mrs. Bernardete N. Amado
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ambrosi
AMR Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fikry F. Andrawes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Annon, Jr.
Helene H. Anthony
Antique Automobile Club of America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Antoniac, Sr.
Jose M. Arias-Camison, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos H. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Arpin
Mr. John F. Ashe
Ms. Aimee Ashton
Associates Federal Credit Union
Ms. Lynne Athas
Avonridge, Inc.
AW Carlson Co, Inc.
AXA Foundation
Most Reverend and Mrs. LeRoy Bailey, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly B. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Balick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Barber
Ms. Pama N. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Barber
Lauretta T. Bartoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Batterson, Jr.
Mrs. Arline J. Baum
Ms. Kimberly M. Beckford
Ann Logan Bedford, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Beeson
Mr. Ian Bell
Rosemary Benoit
Marie L. Benoit-Connors
Dr. and Mrs. Randy D. Berke
Ms. Jean Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Berte
Drs. Smita and Jayant Bhagat
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Birman
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bishop, III
Mrs. Elaine Blasinski
Cindy Blozie
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Blumenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bober, Jr.
Michael J. and Suzanne S. Bocchini
Susan Boilard
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Boruchov
Mr. and Mrs. Claud D. Bourret
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bouvier
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Brady
Braman Chemical Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. A. Richard Brayer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brazil
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brennan
Mr. Gregory Breslin
Dr. and Mrs. Lee R. Brettman
Ms. Charlotte T. Brick
Lawrence S. Brick, Esq.
Ms. Amy E. Brodeur
Ms. Joan Brodeur
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien A. Brodeur
Ms. Ellen Brown and Mr. Bruce Beatt
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Brown
Ms. Sherry L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Buckingham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Buggy
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Reverend William L. Burns
Mrs. Louis Bussa
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bycenski
Mr. Jeffrey R. Cahoon
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Callahan
Mrs. Georgia Camilleri
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Dr. Ernesto M. Canalis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cantor
Mr. and Mrs. Leeds M. Carluccio
Carmen Anthony Restaurant Group
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Carozza, Sr.
Ralph J. Carpenter, III
Ms. Meaghan Carroll
Kevin, Carolyn, and April Carron
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartun
Mrs. Nancy Casciano
Mr. Michael A. Cascio
Mrs. Jeanne Castoldi
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Cementina
Charter Oak Health Care, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec D. Chesmer
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Chisholm
Catharine Christensen
Lorraine and Paul Christian
Mr. Joseph Ciccaglione
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Cline
Reverend Henry P. Cody
Mr. Paul H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Colbert, Jr.
Celia and Frank Collins
Drs. Felice and Matthew Colliton
Reverend Bradford Colton*
Ms. Maureen H. Connors
Mr. William M. Connors, Jr.
Ms. Mary Cook-Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Colin H. Cooper
Ms. Samara Cooper
Mr. Timothy H. Coppage
Ms. Jennifer L. Corcoran
Mr. Thomas H. Corrigan
Janet and Richard Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Costa, Sr.
Ms. Angela Cotton
Mr. James E. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Courneen
Mr. Thomas W. Covey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cullina
Custom Builder
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cyr
Mr. Gregory C. Dadlez
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr.
Ms. Ann M. Damato
Damato Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Danaher
Beverly Blythe D’Attilio
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Davern
Ms. Nancy B. Daversa
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. DeFrancesco
Mr. and Mrs. William A. DeGrazia
Mr. Eugene A. Dellea
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Deloreto, Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. DeMaio
Dennis PR Group, LLC
Ms. Matilda D’Esopo
Ms. Teresa D’Esopo
Dr. Vincento DiBenedetto
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCicco
Patricia Dijkstra
Mr. John D. DiLaurenzio
Ms. Nancy J. Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco DiTaranto
Ms. Mary-Beth Dobmeier
Mr. Gerald H. Doherty
Alessia C. Donadio, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dowd
Mrs. John J. Downey
Ms. Eileen Doyle and Mr. Paul Langevin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dressler
Mr. Joseph Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Droney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dropick
Drs. Bush, Tandy, & Korus, P.C.
Mr. Robert J. Durbin
Ms. Megan Durning
Mr. and Mrs. F. Owen Eagan
Ms. Hope Eakins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Edwards
Lee and Bill Egan
Ms. Emily J. Eisenlohr
Ms. Amy Eisler
Electric Boat Corporation
Ms. Ellen E. English
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. William Fabian
Ms. Nicole Fafard
Fahey & Landolina Attorneys, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Fanning
Mr and Mrs. Sergei Fedorjaczenko
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferguson
Debra Ferrara
Fidelity Investments Actuarial &
Consulting Service
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Figueroa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fink
First Pioneer Farm Credit
Mrs. Shirley A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Fishman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Fishman
Ms. Christine L. Fitzmaurice
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth H. Flynn
Ms. Ann T. Foley
Foot Prints, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carleton Forbes
Mary-Joan Forstbauer, R.N.
Ms. Carol Fortin
Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fortin, Jr.
Mr. Joseph S. Fowler, III
Ms. Tracy G. Fox
Robin Frankowski
Ms. Lillian B. Frew
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Friel
Ms. Rowena Fuller
Mr. Christopher S. Fuselier
Thomas, Gert and Alesia Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Hrair Gakavian
Mr. Michael P. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gambardella
Mr. and Mrs. Felix M. Garlasco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Garrity
Mrs. Dana M. Garvey
Sharon, Andy and Alex Gavin
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Geary
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gendreau
General Practice & Manual Medicine
Ms. Catherine J. Genova
Dolores and Donatantonio Gerardi
Ms. Frances C. Gesualdi
Mrs. Karen M. Gigliotti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gillen
Ms. Susan L. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Gionfriddo
Ms. Joan Gionfriddo
Ms. Emilee H. Gitberg
Mr. and Mrs. Giulio Giuffrida
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gombatz
Dr. Marvin M. Goodman
Dr. and Mrs. Tilak C. Gooneratne
Mr. John S. Gordon
Ms. Kathleen M. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Gostyla
Mr. Stephen Gough
“I Am Grateful for an Improved Quality of Life.”
ud to say that I am in
At 81 years young, I am pro
years ago, I weighed
the best shape of my life! Ten
climb a flight of stairs.
242 pounds and could barely
from my two buddies
After receiving an invitation
ncis Fitness Center, I
to join them at the Saint Fra
work and determination
realized that through hard
I could regain my life back.
ever, I was still
After losing the weight, how
I consulted with Paul
experiencing knee pain, so
ted bilateral knee
Murray, MD and he sugges
I continued my workout
surgery. After my surgery,
Center under the
at the Saint Francis Rehab
the entire team.
guidance of Bud, Melissa and
teful to Saint
Today I am pain free and gra
quality of my life.
Francis for improving the
Thanks Saint Francis!!!
Herb Fishman
Rehab and Fitness Center Wish List
Wireless microphone system
Flat screen television (2 needed)
$500 each
Spin Bikes (2 needed)
$2,000 each
Elliptical X-Trainer/Treadmill
Delores P. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Greenspoon
Ms. Debra L. Gresh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Grobe
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Grothaus
Gulf Shrimp Co. LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Guyer
Ms. Shirley A. Habermeier
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hafford
Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Hallbach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harding
Mrs. Marjorie R. Harrison
Hartford Rally Inc.
Hastie Fence Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hastings, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Hathorn
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Haught
Mrs. John T. Heagney, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Healey, Sr.
Cathy B. Hebert
Ms. Joan I. Height
Sergia Hernandez-Pena
Mr. Brent Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. David Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Hesse
Ms. Helen S. Hill
Ms. Karen P. Hill
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hilton
Mr. William W. Hodges
Horace W. Porter School
Ms. Eileen S. Horan
Dr. and Mrs. Youssef Horanieh
Mr. Arthur H. House and
Dr. Rita D. Jepsen-House
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Hunt
Mr. Walter J. Hurley, Sr.
Innovative Support Services, Inc.
Mrs. Lisa Irizarry
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Theodore Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Jacobson
Ms. Janine Janaki
Mr. Antonio J. Janeiro
Mr. Joseph Jankowski
Mrs. Lillian M. Jatkevicius
Emmanuel C. Javier, M.D.
Ms. Jennifer K. Jenkins
John & Kelly Hartman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Johnson
Mr. Kevin J. Johnson
Joseph Stafford Associates, Realtors
Karen S. Kaeser
Ms. Elizabeth A. Kaplan
Ms. Rhoda C. Karp
Joan M. Karpuk
Alan Katten
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Kaufman
Mr. Charles B. Kaufmann, III
Mr. Kevin A. Kelliher
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Kelly
Keney Golf Course
Reverend and Mrs. Thomas L. Kidd
Carina and Scott Kieper
Ms. Laurie A. Kimball and Mr. Joel Bogner
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Judith B. Knowlton
Mr. Albee M. Korn
Dr. Paul Korus
Kathleen Kowalsky, R.N.
Mr. Scott M. Kraimer
Marcia and Michael Krinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kuhn
Ms. Stella Kulagowski
Janet Kurtz, C.Ph.T
Mr. Richard F. Lach
Dolores Lahr, C.S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Landrigan
Ms. Susan R. Lanzi
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco V. Laraia, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Later
Latimer Lane School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lautensack
Mary E. Randall, D.M.D.
Jonathan A. Lazzarini, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. William Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lebovitz
Mr. and Mr. Joseph E. Leclerc
Mrs. Joanne C. Lemnios
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lenihan
Mr. Andrew Lennox
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lewtan
Liberty Mutual
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lindley
Ms. Rebecca Lobo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lombard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Lombari
Ms. Ellen W. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Longo
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Ms. Patricia Luczak
Ms. Kathleen Luczyk
Mr. Louis Ludgin
Mr. Stephen M. Lurie
Mr. and Mrs. Sien Van Ly
Ms. Kristen Lynch
The Macdonald Family
Zachary Macinski, M.D.
Mr. James C. Magno
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mahoney
Mr. William E. Mahoney
Mr. William P. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mammano
The Mancini Family
Ms. Helen J. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Harris L. Marcus
Reverend and Mrs. John J. Marschhausen
Mr. Robert B. McCann
Reverend Msgr. John J. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. McCollam
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
Mr. William L. McGaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McGee
Mr. Casey A. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McGowan
Mrs. Sally Ann M. McGurkin
Ms. Hannah McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKeon
Rev. Marcus M. McKinney, D.Min., LPC
McLaughlin & Moran, Inc.
Mrs. Deborah A. McLaughlin
Ms. Jo Ann McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Medeiros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Meier
Ms. Patricia H. Meiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Mellitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Merin
Caroline Merrick
Paul E. Mersereau, Esq.
Metayer Bonding Associates, LLC
Metro Printing, LLC
Ms. Helen C. Meucci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Michalik
Ms. Mary G. Millar
Debra Mlinek
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Monck
Mr. Lenny Montemerlo
Mrs. Carol M. Moore
Mrs. Marie D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morin
Reverend John T. Moskus
Mrs. Constance P. Moulton
Mrs. Merrily G. Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mulpeter
Mr. James Murdock
Miss. Clare T. Murphy
Ann and John Murray
Margaret E. Nagle
Tina and Peter Murphy
The Honorable Denise L. Nappier
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Nassau
Nassau’s Furniture
Mrs. Judith T. Nellen
Ann O. Nelson
Mr. Mark E. Nelson
Mr. Winston A. Nelson
Lawrence J. Neureither, D.D.S.
NewAlliance Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Newman
Mrs. Wanda W. Newman
Mary Ellen and David Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Emil G. Nichols
Ms. Margaret R. Nichols
Ms. Alison Nicklas
Suzanne Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North
The Family of Frederick J. O’Brien, M.D.
Mr. John F. O’Connor
Ms. Maureen O’Connor
Office of State’s Attorney for Baltimore County
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Oleasz
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Malley
Mr. John F. O’Meara
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Oneglia
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Oneto
Ms. Michele O’Reilly
Mrs. Jeanette Orfitelli
Orthopedic Associates of Central Conn., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Osiecki
Ms. Charlotte Taketa and Mr. Matthew O’Toole
Our Lady of Pompeii Church
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
Mr. Joseph L. Pace
Mrs. Maria Pace
Ms. Catherine T. Palmieri
Mr. and Ms. Paul N. Pantelis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Papapietro
Mr. Agisilaos Pappanikou*
Mr. Arthur H. Parent
Pathway to Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Patton
Ms. Judy Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Peebles, Jr.
Mrs. Idalina C. Pereira
Dr. and Mrs. Adolf A. Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Perlmutter
Keren Perlmutter, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Petzold
Monica Peyman
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Mary Agnes Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Piacentini
Mr. Daniel M. Pierce
Mr. Patrick Pietrasz
Mrs. Mary Plikunas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polivy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pomeroy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Powers
Ms. Elaine F. Pratt
Mrs. Evelyn B. Quinn
Zia Rahman, M.D.
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Mr. William Ramos
Ms. Barbara Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Rice
Richard Chevrolet, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Riester
Ms. Lisa A. Rinaldi
Mr. Matthew D. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. James Rivello
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Rixon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo
Mr. Theodore F. Rogers
Ms. Brenda H. Roggeveen
Rogin Nassau LLC
Nellie U. Romaine
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Rosenberg
Mr. Albert Rosenfield
Ann E. Rosetta
Liz Rotavera
Mr. Edward A. Rothman
Ms. Cathy A. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Roy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timur Y. Ruban
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rubbo
Ms. Barbara Rubin
Ms. Eleanor Ruot
Russell Phillips & Associates, LLC
Mrs. Margaret Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ryan
Saint Francis Health Information Management
Saint Francis Hospital Medical and
Dental Staff
Saint Francis Respiratory Care
Mrs. Ruth G. Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Samolyk
Ms. Carole L. Sanborn
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Sanders
Paul E. Santanella
Ed and Mary Jane Santos
Laurinda L. Santos, M.D.
Diane, Seymour, Cheryl, Jeffrey and Lori Sard
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Saulnier
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Sawka
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaechter
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus D. Schleehauf
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schreiber
Attorney Sydney T. Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Schwedel
Cara A. Scotti
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Seatter
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Serow
Ms. Theresa Sesko
Mrs. Peter R. Setaro
Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Shapiro
Ms. Ruth S. Sharaf
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. James Shepley
Steven C. Shifreen, M.D.
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Shores
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Siegrist
Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Signor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Slane
Mr. James A. Smeallie
Drs. Edward and Margaret Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Sonski
Robert Sorenson, Jr. and Family
Sovereign Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sparks
Specialty Printing, LLC
Ms. Joan D. Speid
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Sponzo
Mrs. Rita M. Spring
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. St. James
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stack
Diane W. Stadmeyer, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Steinbock-Sehr
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stewart
Mr. Richard A. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoltze
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Storrs
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Suisman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Suisman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan
Ms. Sharon SwinBurne
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Szabo
Ms. Grazyna M. Szpakiewicz
Ms. Cara E. Taback
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taback
Ms. Jennifer Tammaro
Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Tanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Anton W. Taschner
Mr. Cosmo J. Tedone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teets
The Lappin Foundation
Jeanine Thibault
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas
Ms. Shirley A. Thomas
Anita and Colby Thresher
Tilcon Connecticut, Inc.
Ms. Susan Tindall
Dr. and Mrs. Dale Toce
Town of Newington
Ms. Millicent H. Treiber
Mr. Frank J. Troiano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Trudeau
Mr. Alan Tuchmann
Ms. Theresa B. Turbie
United Health Group
United Way of Greater New Haven
Uptown Consignment
Mr. and Mrs. Perry S. Ury
Ms. Juana Vazquez
Ms. Pauline H. Vehslage
Verrill Dana LLP
Mr. Steven Vincent
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wallack
Ms. Robyn S. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Warzyski
Marjorie Wasel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wassell
Waterford Group
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wehren
The Weigert Family
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Weinstein
Ms. Linda Weintraub
Ms. Raquel R. Welch
Mrs. Judith B. Welcome
Mr. James F. Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Westgate
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Mr. Todd T. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wielock
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Wilke
Holly A. Wills
Roberta and Bruce Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wilson
Ms. Mary E. Wilson
Mr. Michael R. Wise
Dr. Valerie Wiseman and Mr. Thomas P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Witkowski
Mr. Thomas R. Wojtusik
Mr. Gary T. Wolff
Women’s Health Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner T. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Wood
Worldwide Wines
The Hon. Douglass B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wrobel, Jr.
Mr. Joel B. Wulff
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Yandow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Yungk
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Zachs
Cathy Zampino
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Zanardi
Mr. Robert Zile
Mr. Murray Zinman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Zinzi
Donald and Debra Lyn Zurell
A Tribute Gift to Saint Francis honors the memory of family and friends, and offers a meaningful way
to show appreciation for special people and occasions in our lives. These contributions help us provide
the finest care and lifesaving resources for our patients. The following list represents donations of
$25 or more (due to space limitations) received between October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.
In Memory of:
Sheila L. Abell
Mrs. Catherine Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Birkenruth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brilliant
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Covell
Ms. Teresa Delekta
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gold
Ms. Doris M. McKinney
Rogers Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Slane
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Stearns
Raymond Airoldi
The Army and Navy Club
The Broad Brook Company
Mr. Paul Chicoine
Cusson Automotive, Inc.
Mr. Clinton E. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Lothar B. H. Lenhardt
Mr. Richard E. Thompson
Barbara and Norman Yvon
Robert Alexander
UnitedHealth Group
Bertha Allen
Keney Golf Course
Grace Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dougherty
Giacinto “Jesse” Amata
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gombatz
The Andrew Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrew, Jr.
Amy Angelastro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rubbo
Mary T. Bader
Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio
Florence A. Bagnall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carew
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hickey
Earl E. Baker
Gideon Welles School
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harasyko
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Leary
Elena Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Donofrio
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaRochelle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Logiudice
The Roach Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanstrom
Ms. Ann Stavola
Ms. Barbara Stavola
Town of Newington
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Vieth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wall
Rodney F. Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Buttaro
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Macca
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saindon
Lorraine Biagdon
Ms. Susan F. Roesch
Dorothy and Joseph Blasewitz
Ms. Cindy Blasewitz
Raymond F. Bonczek
Mrs. Julia M. Bonczek
Roger Borders
Drs. Julia and Howard Shaw
Jacqueline Von Daacke Bourn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Arpin
Alice Breen
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Peggy Jane Bruns
Mrs. Catherine M. Murphy
Richard and Mary Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Rita L. Burke
Mary Ellen and David Nichols
Frank W. Bycenski
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bycenski
Morgan I. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Daigle
Carolyn Canter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Michael Carboni
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cosentino
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Piotrkowski
Puhlick & Cartier, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Seatter
Town of Sprague
Twin Hill Farm, LLC
Barbara Ann Carron
The Aero All-Gas Company
Mr. David R. Annelli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bader
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Burnell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Carron, Jr.
Kevin, Carolyn, and April Carron
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Carron, Sr.
Lorraine and Paul Christian
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gardiner
Mrs. Lois J. Glazier
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graczyk
Mr. Gerald J. Lamere
Mrs. Shirley J. Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Morgal
Ms. Rita V. Mudawar
The Ploszay Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Polivy
Mrs. Paula Polivy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polivy
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Polo
Mrs. Anna H. Reale
Ms. Gloria A. Ridel
Robinson & Cole LLP
Mr. Kenneth E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Zakrzewski
Jeffrey T. Carson
Mr. William J. Carson, Jr.
Joy Cascio
Mr. Michael A. Cascio
Raymond P. Castoldi
Mrs. Jeanne Castoldi
Bessie and Thomas Chara
Mr. and Mrs. Ettore C. Raccagni
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Carolyn A. Chudwick
Ms. Lisa Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Enos H. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan N. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ayer, III
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Bielecki
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Buggy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathcart
Mr. Herman R. Charbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Clarke
Steve, Jakab, and Maggie Dunigan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Grandy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Hollister
Mr. Charles B. Kaufmann, III
Anita Janson-Bow
Anna Lecardo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Orenstein
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Thivierge
Donna Twist
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wohler
Richard Clemens
Mrs. Anna E. Clemens
Lois Ann Clynch
Mrs. Catherine J. Lyons
Robert B. Cohen, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. N. Chandra Narayanan
Rosanna Davis
Mr. Brad Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rowland
Camille de Chabert-Ostland
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Jackson
Dr. and Jean G. de Chabert-Ostland
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Jackson
Anthony DeFelice
Ms. Jane LaPoll
John W. DeGrazia
Mr. and Mrs. William A. DeGrazia
Lillian W. Deitch
Mr. Donald K. Deitch
Dolly Ruth Del Greco
Defense Contract Management Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Del Greco
Ms. Mary Everitt
Hamilton Sundstrand
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore B. Villani
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wenzel
Women’s Health Group, LLC
Carmela D’Esopo
Ms. Teresa D’Esopo
Frank DiBella
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Levere
Frances Connors
Saint Francis Respiratory Care
Deborah Ruth Dillon
Ms. Marie A. Camp
Electric Boat Corporation
Edwin B. Costa, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Costa, Sr.
Ahmadou Diop
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
James H. Cote
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Siegrist
Estelle Dobrozensky
Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kessler
Ms. Luz R. Ponce
John J. Cronin
Mr. John F. Ashe
Ms. Gloria H. Campittello
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Cwikla
Ms. Emily J. Eisenlohr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Farr
Ms. Florence T. Kragiel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lau
Mrs. Natalie O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Yungk
William M. Cullina
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cullina
Mrs. William M. Cullina
Kevin V. Dowling, M.D.
Ms. Anne Melissa Dowling and
Mr. John Ritter
Mrs. Kevin V. Dowling
Ms. Kara L. Dowling and
Mr. Andrew W. Roraback
Ms. Pamela J. Dowling and
Mr. James T. Healey, Jr.
John J. Downey
Mrs. John J. Downey
Rena Dube
Mr. Edgard Dube
Liam Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Ethier
Reverend William E. Dudack
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wallack
Peter J. Dalton
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Marilyn R. Egazarian
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baroncini, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Barsamian
Ms. Alice A. Belfiore and
Mr. Timothy M. Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Boyajian
Francine C. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel J. Goldthwaite
Ms. Shirley A. Habermeier
Ms. April Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Hrair Gakavian
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
Ms. Michele O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Signor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Tarka
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkor Tavtigian
Charles Elinskas
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bycenski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Perretta
Bennett I. Enowitch, M.D.
Mrs. Grace L. Bubser
Carney, Roy and Gerrol, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Chisholm
The Cohn Family
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Gerrol
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Goodwin
Joan Guinan
Ms. Janet D. Havican
William S. Lavine, D.M.D.
The Lappin Foundation
The Lawson Family
Kathleen Guinan Mozzochi
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Mucha
Diane, Seymour, Cheryl, Jeffrey and
Lori Sard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Woolsey
Peter C. Farr
Saint Francis Hospital Dept. of Outpatient
Rehab. and Sports Medicine
C. Richard Ficks
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Abate
Carlene, Ronald and Allison Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr.
Mrs. Janet F. Dahill
Ms. Arleen DiFrancesco
Mr. Robert B. Ficks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fracasso
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Gostyla
Halloran & Sage
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Iovene
Ms. Patricia Luczak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prendergast
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smart
Tilcon Connecticut, Inc.
Lisa Ann Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Beattie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fredette
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Sears
Normand R. Gamache
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Chinsky
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cloonan
Ms. Mary Cook-Ferraro
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Garbarino
Ms. Joyce Hardenbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Witkowski
Mrs. Lucille Y. Witkowski
Mr. John E. Zahner
Pauline A. Gamache
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Garbarino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sparks
Ms. Patricia M. Turgeon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Witkowski
Beverly Garen
Ms. Betsy Bennetieri
Mr. and Mrs. Garry B. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Ferman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Flanagan
Ms. Cath Grejdus
Ms. Joan Gronda
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Guyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raulukaitis
The Schiemer Family
Mr. Robert J. Sheridan and
Ms. Katherine T. Drummond
Ms. Connie Stark
Ms. Priscilla Ward
Theodore F. Gawlicki
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Mary and Antonio Gesualdi
Ms. Frances C. Gesualdi
Matthew A. Gfeller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Karen Giannamore
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
Egidio Giarnella, M.D.
Ms. Mary M. Brockman
Companions & Homemakers, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Figueroa
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Ron LeBlanc
Mrs. Anne Manzo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manzo
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Mellitz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Modlesky
Rogin Nassau LLC
Ms. Maria Roja
Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Sage
Saint Francis Hospital Medical and
Dental Staff
Ms. Rosali Sinacore
Ms. Joya L. Stella
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Swenson
John M. Gibbons, Jr., M.D.
Ms. Miriam R. Miller
Dr. Mark G. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Panagakos
Dr. David L. Weil
Mr. William Youngstrom
Sandra “Mammy” Gilbert
The Africano and Frank Families
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Baroli
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hebert
Mr. Kevin J. Johnson
P.J. Lodola & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Masera
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McKeown
Ms. Elizabeth S. McKeown
Ms. Sallie M. Ruffo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sandone
State of Connecticut Department of
The Weigert Family
Lisa Hanrahan
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Wade
Irwin Goldenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Neal Hoffler, Sr.
Mrs. Lillian J. Hoffler
Philip T. Goldenberg, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Robert A. Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Abrams
Mr. Paul H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Davis
Mr. William R. Davis
Mr. Joseph J. DeMaio
Hartford Distributors, Inc.
Hollander Foundation
Law Offices of Gerald S. Sack, LLC
Ms. Linda Gross
Mr. Ira Grococ
Mr. Louis Ludgin
McLaughlin & Moran, Inc.
Ms. Bernadean Miller
Rein's Deli Restaurant
Mr. John R. Rimscha
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Clement F. Sayers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus D. Schleehauf
Siegel, O’Connor, O’Donnell & Beck, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Sierra
Sovereign Bank
Susanne M. Gelb, D.D.S., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Urso
The Urso Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. White
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wolfson
Charles Goncalves
Mrs. Olimpia Goncalves
Anna Rose Gouveia
Mr. Stephen Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Karvoski
Our Lady of Pompeii Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Papapietro
Ms. Nicole Rapp and Mr. Jason Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaw
Mr. Curt R. Talbot
Ms. Kynah Thomas
Thomas W. Grace, M.D.
Dr. Carolyn Zelop and Dr. Edward Grimes
Robert W. Haberern, Sr.
Enfield Builders, Inc.
Ms. Olga K. Haberern
Mr. Raymond M. James
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Jodoin
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Maiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Ogren
Mr. and Mrs. James Viveiros
Ms. Cathy Zampino
Ann Marie Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Callahan
Ms. Helen C. Carle
Ms. Carol Fortin
Mr. and Mrs. William G. King, Jr.
Ms. Madelyn J. Meagher
Ms. Janette Miller
Ms. Pauline M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Novack
Carolyn Harper Proom
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
R. Stanley Harrison
Mrs. Marjorie R. Harrison
Gordon N. Hart
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
William E. Hart, M.D.
Dr. Herbert W. Felsenfeld
Jacqueline M. Heckler
Mr. Joseph M. Ronan
Marilyn Hendel
The West Hartford Democratic Town
Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder
Mr. Frederick Hollfelder
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and
Mr. William Vasiliou
Helen Horan
Ms. Stella Kulagowski
William Jatkevicius, Sr.
Mrs. Lillian M. Jatkevicius
Theresa M. Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. McConnell
Victoria D. Jenkins
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
The Jenkins Family
Doris T. L'’Esperance
Mrs. Jo Ellen Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Peebles, Jr.
Chester Lach
Mr. Richard F. Lach
Andre L. Jenks
Associates Federal Credit Union
Ms. Deborah G. Butt
Mr. William J. Finn
Mr. Andre S. Janet and
Ms. Breeda O’Connor
Ms. Margaret D. Jenks
Ms. Dordre J. Novak
Ms. Virginia O’Shaughnessy
Sheila S. Moses CPA, PC
Ms. Patricia P. Tarca
Bill, Mark and Sarah Landrigan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Landrigan
Cheryl A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Laprise
Eleanor Lemanski
Berkshire Electronics, Inc
Ms. Gerry D. Boulia
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Charamut
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Draghi and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Floyd
Hartford Hospital
Ms. Claire D. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ned H. Kendall
Mrs. Janice M. Koley
Ms. Margaret Matthews
Mechanical Products Company
Office of State Attorney for Baltimore
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Preston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Scudder
Ruth S. Seagren
Mr. Matthew F. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe H. Smith
Robert Sorenson, Jr. and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Voroscak, Ed.D.
WES-GARDE Components Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wood
Phillip Thomas Johnson
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Joan Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chmura
The Connolly Family
Liberty Mutual
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacCatherine
Carole F. Khentigan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Camilli
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Costelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric R. Googel
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Erich R. Ohlendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Perlini
Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson
Town of Newington
Mildred K. Kordys
Mr. Edward P. Kordys
David E. Krattenstein
Shirley A. Fisher
Mr. Stan Gregory and Ms. Meryl R. Cohen
Ms. Mary K. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McNulty, III
Mr. Charles S. Rotenberg
Ms. Susan R. Tigno
Henry J. Kremidas
Mrs. Janet Kremidas
Kate Kuhn Woodbury, M.D.
The Kuhn Family
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
Peter S. Kurtis, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gitlin
Josephine Lane
The Bligh Family
Debra Ferrara
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Payne
William L. Lee
Mr. Carl A. Serra
Ms. Jane L. Venditt
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Walker
Rachel and Raymond Lemrise
Mrs. Marie I. Lemrise
Angelo Lomaglio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hook
Ms. Vivelyn A. Llewellyn
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Payton
Frances S. Ludgin
Mr. Louis Ludgin
Brenda Luther
Mr. James Murdock
Leighton Y. Lyver
Mr. James Lyver
Neide F. Machodo Rodrigues
Mr. Jose C. Rodrigues
Dorothy J. Maloney
Mr. William P. Maloney
Arnold Marcus
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Cohen
Benjamin Margolis
The Margolis Family
Sister Anita Marie
Sister Francis Marie
Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fortin, Jr.
David Martinez
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr. Timothy Machon
Emily Matarangas
AIG Matching Grants Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Meier
Norma Mattala
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schwab
James E. Mattern
Tracy’s Biker Babes
Ann Marie J. McCoy
Ms. Kathleen M. Gorman
Ms. Frances Moore
Marion B. & Joseph P. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Piacentini
Raymell McFadden
Ms. Annette Sanderson
Thomas J. McGarrity
Ms. Matilda D’Esopo
Mrs. Patricia George
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gillespie
Ms. Susan L. Gillespie
Irma and Mort Handel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lobo
Ms. Rebecca Lobo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. John Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Miglizzi
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Norton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Patrick
Philip David, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Rubin
Ms. Bertha B. Sapolis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Schirmacher, Sr.
Francis J. McGurkin
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Mrs. Theresa O’Neil
Lorraine McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh
Faith McMahon
Mr. William E. Mahoney
Rose Mercadante
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Anna Merlo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson
Patrick A. Moore
Ms. Patricia Austin
Ms. Mary-Beth Dobmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Drew R. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gorman
Hartford Firefighters Association
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. McNeish
Mrs. Carol M. Moore
Mrs. Marie D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ozmun
Mrs. Barbara E. Pitkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutkaitis
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomsen
Francis P. Moskey
Mrs. Regina A. Moskey
Edward A. Mull
Ms. Marsha A. Danahy
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Furbush, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. LaRose
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. O’Connor
“I am so grateful to lend
a helping hand.”
After recently losing my beloved wife to cancer, it
became increasingly important for me to provide a
helping hand to others. I chose Saint Francis because of
the loving care they provided for my wife and our family
during her last days.
As I watched cancer take over my wife’s body, I also
witnessed the compassionate care delivered by her nurses,
physicians and the entire staff. My family and I were
surrounded by an atmosphere of compassionate care,
confidence and support.
It is an honor for me to volunteer as a Patient
Advocate for Saint Francis. It fulfills a strong desire for
me to make our community a better place to live and
work, and it also gives me the opportunity to support
others who are going through a difficult time.
Kenneth Miller
Patient Advocate
Muriel Nelson
Mr. Winston A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Newman
Richard W. Nichols
Mr. Chris J. Amorosino
The Brichter Family
Ms. Jane Good
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayhurst
Karen and Todd Langner
Mary E. Randall, D.M.D.
The Mancini Family
Monarch Jewelers LLC
Lawrence J. Neureither, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil G. Nichols
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols
Ms. Margaret R. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Overgaard
Mr. Patrick Pietrasz
Ms. Helen Reison and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Sparveri, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wendell
Frances T. Nolan
Mr. Wayne Nolan
Frederick J. O’Brien, M.D.
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mrs. Constance P. Moulton
The Family of Frederick J. O’Brien, M.D.
Nora E. O’Brien
Ms. Catherine C. Brewer
Catharine Christensen
Ms. Maureen H. Connors
For more information about Volunteer Services, please contact Tobye Karl at 860-714-4278.
Lena P. Oliva
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bober, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Burke
Ms. Corinne R. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Casparino
Eileen and Gerald Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Czaplicki
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kauke
Mr. and Mrs. David A. La Fond
Ms. Elizabeth M. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Erich R. Ohlendorf
Dr. MaryAnn Pilotte and Dr. William Pilotte
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Reale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
Dorothy Oppelt
Ms. Joan Brodeur
Gerta Oppenheimer
Mrs. Ruth O. Shapiro
Joseph M. Orfitelli, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanette Orfitelli
Teresa M. O’Rourke
The Alumni Association of Saint Francis
Hospital School of Nursing
Marzolino M. Pace
Ms. Christine C. Algiere
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cardillo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Carducci
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi F. Ciniglio, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano DiBacco
Family Dental Practice of Newington
Hastie Fence Co., Inc.
I & P Realty, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lindgren
Metayer Bonding Associates, LLC
Mrs. Maria Pace
Ms. Rosaria Pock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lappen
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Milligan
Wendy Pender-Cudlip
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Abrams
John F. Pontillo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowman, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl Bowman
Mr. Antres V. Buford and
Ms. Carol Sweedock
Ms. Antoinette L. Dupont
Ms. Gail F. Giesen
Ms. Joan Gionfriddo
Ms. Deborah L. Pakalnis
Podunk Ridge Condominium Association
Mr. Thomas A. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taback
Judith L. Pendergast
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil
Christine and Oscar Powell
Mrs. Marguerite V. Smolinski
Thomas A. Pendergast
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil
Ruth L. Pulda
The West Hartford Democratic Town
Michael R. Parks
Mrs. Mildred Parks
Marilyn R. Partney
Mrs. Muriel S. Lloyd
Joseph Peraro
Mrs. Rita M. Spring
Viola Peraro
Mrs. Rita M. Spring
Marta R. Perez
Chamberlain School
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Mr. and Mrs. Colin H. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. DeMaio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Diana
Ms. Sarah S. Docal
Hartford Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Levin
Ms. Carmen D. Marino
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick M. Sanzari
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Skripol
The Village for Families & Children, Inc.
Ms. Susan L. Wrubel and
Mr. William R. Ruocchio
Victor E. Perry, Jr.
3M Health Information Systems
Ms. Mariana Carreno
ASL Transportation
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hahn
Ms. Judy Paul
Ms. Jacqueline A. Vece
Jennifer, Hayley and Michaela Petit
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dougherty
Richard “Dixx” W. Pianko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carew
Heather and Brent Edmonds
Ms. Mitzi K. Edmonds
Mr. Frank J. Eichner
Steven Putnam
Ms. Kathleen Ahl
Thomas Michael Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Quinn, Sr.
Carmella G. Quiterio
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Quiterio
Helene Ranard
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard
Ann Marie Revay
Ms. Mary Jean Basileob and
Mr. Daniel C. Solaz
Ms. Victoria Bonelli
The Broad Brook Company
Ms. Lorraine Devanney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Falce
First Pioneer Farm Credit
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Frascarelli
Ms. Barbara T. Hambach
Ms. Cheryl Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hart, Jr.
Ms. Marie Hensel
Ms. Frances Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic La Rosa
Ms. Jacqueline R. Marien
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Muska
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pilch
Ms. Terry Pitts
Ms. Helen Senk
Ms. Brenda Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stolle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Therrien
Charles W. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Emery
Specialty Printing, LLC
Helen D. Rice
Action Packaging Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. Blank
Carol and David Fishman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James A. French
Mr. James Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Woodcock, Jr.
Joel Rosenberg
Mrs. Lisa P. Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Mr. Manuel L. Vieira
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Rosalie M. Rotatori
Eugene S. Rotatori, M.D.
David E. Ruot
Ms. Eleanor Ruot
Lena and David Rusconi
Joan and Dennis Rusconi
Kathy Sabia
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Wade
Jane Saez
Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Berte
Ms. Margaret A. Bill
Ms. Rosanne M. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Charland
Communications & Electronics
Damato Enterprises
Drs. Bush, Tandy, & Korus, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Gannon
Mr. Thomas Giard
Paula S. Gladue,V.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Grubb
Ms. Harriet B. Haslett
Horace W. Porter School
Mr. and Mrs. James T. King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Larson
Ms. Norma Paolini
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Roberts, Jr.
Ms. Mary C. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teets
Anna M. Saulnier
Theda, Sally and William Colby
Mr. Mark J. McInnis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Saulnier
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Scribner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Veilleux
Michael R. Schroll
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Richard Sears
Mr. Lee Allan Tryon
Virginia P. Sebben
Mr. John Dorizzi
Ms. Rowena Fuller
Ms. Catherine J. Genova
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sennett
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Slane
Lucille L. Serruto
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Broadbent
Ms. Rosemary B. Helveston
Ms. Deborah McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Meek
Ms. Carroll A. Rosenbeck
Mr. John S. Serra
Mr. Ronald Sylvestre
Melanie E. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Grothaus
John P. Shea
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Marguerite Shea
Mrs. Helmi R. Pucino
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shea
James L. Sheridan
Mr. James M. Sheridan
Kenny Shew, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rotherforth
Stephen G. Shore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon
Judith Harris Sinai
Dr. Gayle B. Harris and Mr. Moshe Pinchover
Cynthia Smith
Mrs. Angela C. Flammia
Jo-Ann Smith, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Walters
Sylvia I. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Holtz
Stanley Sopel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Anderson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bateman
Bloomfield Senior Golf League
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cardillo
Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Fetzner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gratkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mutschler
Mrs. Marie A. Presbie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Russo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Sonski
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sottile
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Varriale
Patricia R. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin B. Balsley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bell
Ms. Carrie A. Cadwell
Mr. Glenn T. Coppinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Crapuli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Davis
Mrs. Toni-Ann Golec
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Haefs
Ms. Meredith L. Henry
Ms. Carolyn C. Hillier
Mr. and Mrs. Gudmun S. Lovvoll
Ms. Helen J. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. McGonigle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Stewart
Mr. Richard A. Stewart
Mary Ellen Straut
Barnes Group, Inc.
The Sunshine Fund
Ms. Lorraine Dengler
Mr. Robert E. Gridley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morneau
Marie Swider
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Osowiecki
Nancy Ann Tammaro
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ahearn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cocciardi
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Futtner
Mr. Mark F. Futtner
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gesualdi
Ms. Susan R. Lanzi
Manchester Hospital Radiology Department
Ms. Kayla K. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Reichardt
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Reuss
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bisson
Mr. and Mrs. Mario S. Sequenzia
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sposito
Ms. Charlotte Taketa and Mr. Matthew O’Toole
Ms. Jennifer Tammaro
Stephen J. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Curley
Ms. Diane L. DiMauro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DiMauro
Ms. Cynthia Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Kleckner
Meadowview Social Committee
Ms. Helen C. Meucci
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monson
Mr. Peter Papadopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Tomlinson
Mother Valencia
Dolores Lahr, C.S.J.
Yi Walker
Co-workers at the State of Connecticut
Chester Wasileski
Ms. Joan T. Alaimo
Lynne Athas
Ms. Barbara J. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dion
Edgar H. Parkman PTO
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Majer
Hannah McKee
Nassau’s Furniture
The Walsh Family
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Matthew Wehren
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wehren
Edward D. Welcome
Mrs. Judith B. Welcome
Helen Whalen, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Rick
Martin Whitmore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Eaton
Lawrence O. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rollason-Reese
Frances Wonsewicz
Mr. Peter P. Wonsewicz
Robert Tierney
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Dara E. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dumas, Sr.
Stephanie Timolat
Mr. and Mrs. E. Frederick Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Richard T. Wozniak
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Barbati
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Benanti
Mr. and Mrs. Pietro A. Campelli
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ledder
Mr. James C. Magno
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Brian Tracy
Ms. Lillian B. Frew
Arleen Trent
Mr. Kevin A. Kelliher
Mr. Scott Trent
James E. Trombly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grant
Mr. Jason Trombly
The Turbie Family
Ms. Theresa B. Turbie
Joseph Hainog Wu
Ms. Brenda B. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Marinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Swan, Jr.
Dr. David L. Weil
Mary Louise Zarfos
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bongo
Ms. Karen Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Christman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Daley
Ms. Patricia Daragan and
Mr. Michael Axelrod
Ms. Judith E. Dawe and
Mr. Edward J. Stankewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dionne
Ms. Hope Eakins
Ms. Kimberly Fischburg
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr.
Thomas, Gert and Alesia Gagnon
Ms. Gina Garreffi
Mr. and Mrs. Giulio Giuffrida
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. William Harris
Ms. Mary Jane Helveston
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder
Dr. and Mrs. Youssef Horanieh
Ms. Ann C. Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Miles
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Morgen
Tina and Peter Murphy
Ms. Kathleen M. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Osiecki
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Puffer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Record
Ms. Ethel W. Rider
Ms. Eleanor G. Rogerson
Saint Francis Department of Surgery
Saint Francis Hospital Medical
and Dental Staff
Saint Francis Radiology and Breast
Center Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sakelakos
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schreiber
Ms. Darlene A. Schreiner
Ms. Helen S. Siena
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad E. Swanson
Ms. Linda Talbott
Dr. Rozann F. Venti and Mr. Gary Edwards
Ms. Judith W. Vinoski
Joseph B. Weissberg, M.D.
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Zanardi
Ms. Maryann R. Zawilinski
Raymond Zielinski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Blackmore
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Bonfanti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. DeChand
Mrs. Jennifer Frese-Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hogue
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mihm
Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Seitelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Staron, Jr.
Mr. Brad Venuti
Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Venuti
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Wilson
Elizabeth L. Zile
Mr. Robert Zile
In Honor of:
Jeffrey August
Mr. and Mrs. William H. August, Jr.
Jeff Baldwin’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. George Nurisso
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Olson
Ms. Millicent H. Treiber
John F. Barry
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Aubrey and Marie Bashaw’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ms. Christine M. Franzosa
George J. Baylock
Mrs. Carol M. Welch
Gloria J. Beckford
Ms. Kimberly Beckford
Ellison Berns, M.D.
Ann E. Rosetta
Syed F. A. Bilgrami, M.D.
Ms. Cara E. Taback
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taback
Patricia A. Biss
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Michael R. Bourque, M.D.
Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
C.B. Richard Ellis - N.E. Partners, Inc.
Antique Automobile Club of America
Connor C. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Cain
Beverly Canevari
Ms. Ruth L. Lewis
Robert D. Chamberlain, Jr., M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Birman
Russell A. Ciafone, M.D.
Ann E. Rosetta
Bernard A. Clark, III, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Patrick Corcoran, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Birman
Angelo Criscionie
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bushong
George R. Dalton, M.D.
Mrs. Norma L. Barry
Mr. Bernard A. Batycki
Ms. Catherine C. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Case
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Ms. Maureen H. Connors
Ms. Gertrude Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dana
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Desrosier
Dr. Vincento DiBenedetto
Ms. Joan M. Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Leon DuPlessis
Mr. and Mrs. F. Owen Eagan
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Geary
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hallisey
Mrs. John T. Heagney, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jamison
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Ms. Joan Larkins
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Leary
Ms. Nancy H. McCarthy
Mrs. Barbara F. Morkan
Gail and Tony Newman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newman
The Family of Frederick J. O’Brien, M.D.
Mrs. Mary Ellen O’Connor
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Perretta
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Rotatori
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Skehan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Sponzo
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stack
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Wade
Mrs. Kenneth H. White
Mrs. Barbara Zajac
Hema de Silva, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Duff
Daniel J. Diver, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin
Lisa Fritch, M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Birman
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Gitberg’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ms. Gayla S. Berry and Mr. Kerim P. May
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Berry
Ms. Lauren B. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William Fabian
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finerman
Sharon, Andy and Alex Gavin
Ms. Emilee H. Gitberg
Ms. Jennifer K. Jenkins
Ms. Rhoda C. Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Litke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Litke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Litke
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. London
Ms. Phyllis Margolin and Mr. Mike Michelson
Mr. and Mrs. David Merin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Merin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nathan
Dr. and Mrs. Adolf A. Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Perlmutter
Keren Perlmutter, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perlmutter
Mrs. Thelma Ratner
Ms. Michele B. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Serow
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shesler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Smith
Mr. Stuart S. Sobel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swilling
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Viner
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Wood
Kara Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Grillo
Michael Hilliard
In appreciation of running for the Cure
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Brad Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Evangelista
The Hoffman Heart and Vascular Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chenail
Kathleen A. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Long
Frank P. Longobardi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Evangelista
Bernard Lurie
Mr. Stephen M. Lurie
Valerie Marchand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hilliard
William T. Marshall, III, D.O.
Robert W. Cornell, Ph.D.
Allan R. Mayer, D.O.
Elida Witthoeft
Ruth Witthoeft
Ann O. Nelson, R.N.
Ms. Rosa O’Brien
Beth E. Nelson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly
Carolyn Olivieri
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Day
Dr. and Mrs. P. Craig Dennen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferrini
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hess
Latimer Lane School
Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Martensen
Ms. Deborah J. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wassell
Dominick N. Pasquale, M.D.
Mrs. Teresa C. O’Neil
Gerald J. Klimkiewicz
Ms. Aimee Ashton
Paul F. Pendergast
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartun
Saint Francis Foundation Team
Deborah Ann Konopka
Mrs. Marie D. Moore
John Polio, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Batterson, Jr.
Birthday of Elinor S. Kron, M.D.
Joyce Cohen
Ruth Jacobson
Phyllis Magolin
Eileen Marholin
Flora-Lou Sherman
Carol McCrann Proom
Mr. Donald J. McCrann, Jr., M.D.
Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing,
Class of 1960
Ann Logan Bedford, R.N.
J. David Schnatz, M.D.
Asylum Hill Congregational Church
Faith Shores
Ms. Melissa F. Dorfman
Ms. Patricia Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ouellette
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Shores
Ms. Sarah K. Torrence
Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly
Sister Dennis Marie Sullivan, C.S.J.
Mr. Thomas L. Sullivan
Daniel Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Taub
Peter J. Tutschka, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Garofalo
Drs. Edward and Margaret Smith
Mr. William E. Woodburn, Jr.
Kim Ullman
Studio 202, Inc.
Amanda Walton
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
Ruth Witthoeft
Elida Witthoeft
Kristen A. Zarfos, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Thomas
Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Price
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Wendy and Ed LaMontagne
Brenda and Thomas Kidd
Haley Leishman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pelak
Jake Lewtan
Ms. Samara Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Steinbock-Sehr
In appreciation of care received by
Martin Lisitano
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lisitano
You must give some time to your fellow men.
Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others —
something for which you get no pay
but the privilege of doing it.
~ ALBERT SCHWEITZER (1875 - 1965)
The BishopTierneySociety
We are honored to share with you the establishment of the The Bishop Tierney
Society at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. The Society recognizes
leaders within our community whose especially generous annual appeal gifts
help support the Mission of Saint Francis.
In 1897, Bishop Michael Tierney founded Saint Francis as the first
Catholic hospital in Connecticut. Bishop Tierney garnered support from
philanthropists, convinced local physicians to lend their names and talents,
and then called upon the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambéry to establish
this new hospital to serve the poor.
We have come a long way in the past 113 years. In fact, Saint Francis is
now the largest Catholic hospital in New England, as well as one of the most
highly regarded medical facilities in the Northeast. We believe Bishop Tierney
would be proud of our many accomplishments.
I would like to personally thank those who have made a leadership gift to this
very special Society. The support that you provide will have an immeasurable impact
in our community and will allow us to offer our patients the highest-quality healthcare,
state-of-the-art technology and the finest physicians in the region. Thank you once again for
your unwavering devotion to Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center.
Howard W. Orr
Honorary Chairperson, The Bishop Tierney Society
Individuals and
The McGovern Circle
$100,000 or more
Joyce and Andy Mandell
DeSales Roundtable
$50,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fichman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Maffe
Joyce and Andy Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trani
E. Clayton Gengras Circle
$25,000 to $49,999
The Bakes Family
Catherine Dillon Club
$10,000 to $24,999
Mrs. Marilyn M. Alfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Ibrahim M. Daoud
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Goldenberg
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leishman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Meduski
The Mullane Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Pendergast
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Shenkman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Zachs
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Zachs
John O’Flaherty Fellows
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. James Balch
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jeffrey Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Mr. Jeffrey A. Chitester
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Kathleen A. DeMatteo
Mrs. Kevin V. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falaguerra
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr. Timothy Machon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Drs. Maureen and Howard Lantner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Drs. Limor and Gregory Makoul
The Manafort Family
Mr. Brian E. O’Meara
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Kathleen M. Roche, M.S., R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schneider
Mary and Philip J. Schulz
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van Demark
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Walton
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and
Mr. William Vasiliou
Mary Brassill Benefactors
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bisson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bolton
Barbara and Richard Booth
Barbara and Michael R. Bourque, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Ms. Sue A. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Cote
Ms. Pamela J. Dowling and
Mr. James T. Healey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
Gabrielle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Mrs. Hilla Kaikobad
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. LaBonte
Mrs. Jeanne D. and
Mr. John C. Lennhoff
Ms. Kathleen Magowan
Dr. and Mrs. Allan R. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. McIntosh
Dr. and Mrs. Sean McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Mensah
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newman
Richard M. Newman, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F.
Posteraro, III
Joseph Sala, D.O.
Mr. Scott M. Schooley
Drs. Julia and Howard Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Triompo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Twohig
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Wislo
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Ziewacz
Sister Jeanne Teresa
$1,000 to $2,499
Dr. Jonathan H. Abrams and
Dr. Adrienne B. Berke
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan N. Arnold
Ms. Susan A. Bailey
Drs. Nasima and Saumitra Banerjee
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Barnett
Dr. and Mrs. George Barrows
Ms. Susan D. Bartsch and
Mr. Robert A. Mileti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bellantone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Seth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Daniel P. Callaghan, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Victor E. Camacho
Mr. Jere A. Carangelo
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone
Debra Turcotte Carragher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Carver
Gregory Cheron, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Chozik
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Contois
Robert W. Cornell, Ph.D.
Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin,
Drs. Mary and Chester Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mr. Brad Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn K. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Dr. and Mrs. P. Craig Dennen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dionne
Ms. Kara L. Dowling and
Mr. Andrew W. Roraback
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Downes, Sr.
Mr. Anthony L. Drapelick
Ms. Patricia A. Teufel and
Mr. Thomas M. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Egan
Mr. Robert B. Ficks, Jr.
Jessica and Michael Fish
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr.
Barbara L. Flynn
David G. Freitas, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Mr. James F. Gentile
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gerber
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gleason
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Goldfarb
Timothy E. Goundrey, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green
Cheryl and Joseph Grisé
Ms. Frances Guinipero
Ms. Mary Guinipero
Kenneth Gutierrez, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Irma and Mort Handel
Martha E. Hartle
Dr. and Mrs. Ali I. Hashmi
Ms. Sharon R. Hennessey and
Mr. Jay Mullarkey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria
Sister Sally M. Hodgdon, C.S.J.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Josephson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kearns, III
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kimmel
Ms. Doris A. Kinsley
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover
Elinor S. Kron, M.D.
Mr. John Lepore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. Levy
Mr. Preston D. Liebig
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lipton
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick
Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Mendelsohn
Mr. Peter A. Mobilia
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Mrs. Regina A. Moskey
Dr. Michael Moustakakis and
Dr. Emily Daponte
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.
Beth E. Nelson, M.D.
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols
Clark E. O’Brien, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Dr. Hemant Panchal
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pappalardo
Mrs. Mildred Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Parmeswar
Drs. Jennifer and William Pennoyer
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Perretta
Dr. and Mrs. John Polio
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Price
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Ms. Lynn Rossini and
Mr. Dino Carbone
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rowland
Joan and Dennis Rusconi
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Dr. Phyllis L. Schatz and
Mr. Ray Benzinger
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Ruth A. Schleifer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Dr. and Mrs. Upali E. Seneviratne
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Setter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
Sanjay Sinha, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Slavin, Jr.
Mark A. Spencer, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Squier
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Stark
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Stohr
Corporations and
Sisters of Saint Joseph of
Chambéry Circle
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Applied Proactive Technologies, Inc.
Baldwin Family Foundation
The Beatrice Fox Auerbach
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Chip In For A Cure
The Clark Group
Connecticut Association of
Nurse Anesthetists
Connecticut Credit LLC
CT Brain Tumor Alliance
The Delaney Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
The Ensworth Charitable
General Reinsurance
Hartford Distributors, Inc.
Hartford Foundation for Public
The Hermann Family Charitable
Maximilian E. & Marion O.
Hoffman Foundation
Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder
Foundation, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Jewish Community Foundation
Jones Apparel Group
Mr. Thomas L. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swilling
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Thayer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Mr. Zoltan B. Tuba
Eric M. van Rooy, M.D.
Dr. Goolcher J. Wadia and
Mr. Jimmy Wadia
Dr. and Mrs. Brett L. Wasserlauf
Jane and Dave Watson
Mr. Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr.
Jessica and Sonny Whelen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Wilson
Ms. Elida S. Witthoeft
Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Wolf
Mark G. Wolf, M.D.
Dr. Roxanne and
Mr. Stephen Zarmsky
Dr. Carolyn Zelop and
Dr. Edward Grimes
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Levenson Foundation
Maffe Financial Group, Inc.
Manafort Family Foundation
Andrew J. and Joyce D.
Mandell Family Foundation
MassMutual Financial Group
Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation
National Multiple Sclerosis
NewAlliance Foundation
People's United Bank
R & G Services, LLC
Radiology Associates of
Ryders Health Management
Shenkman Capital
Management, Inc.
C. M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Sorenson-Pearson Family
Studio 202, Inc.
United Technologies Corporation
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
WellPoint Foundation, Inc.
The Werth Family Foundation Inc.
Woodland Anesthesiology
Associates, P.C.
The Women's Auxiliary of
Saint Francis Hospital
Young Studios
Zachs Family Foundation
Building on a Legacy of Quality Care
Building on a legacy of quality care is about people giving to people — the gift
of skilled and healing hands partnered with the gift of care and compassion
(often in times of people’s greatest need). Since the establishment of The
Valencia Society in 1997 we have honored those whose estate and financial
plans include a gift to Saint Francis in support of top-quality medical care for
themselves, their families, their neighbors and others in our region; and
increasingly from beyond our region.
This year, Saint Francis has launched an important initiative which will
focus on the growth of our Valencia Society to 500 strong by 2012. We are
proud to recognize those who have already made their intentions known,
and would like to encourage others to consider a lasting gift. For what you
have done, and for what you might consider...
we thank you.
The 11th Annual Valencia Society Reception was held at the beautiful home
of Chris & Eileen Dadlez on October 21st.
Pictured at right, Dr. Tom Godar, retired physician, and Carol Proom, Foundation Board
Member and below, Christopher M. Dadlez, President & CEO – Saint Francis, Dan
O’Connell, Hospital and Foundation Board Member and Lynn Rossini, Foundation
Director of Giving Programs and Stewardship.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley F. Alfeld
Anonymous (10)
Anonymous (In Honor of Sister Mary Assisium)
Anonymous (In Honor of the Perkins Family)
Dr. Albin S. Anderson*
Melanie and Thomas O. Barnes
George H. Barrows, M.D.
Donna and Robert Batch
Ms. Antoinette M. Benevento*
The Hon. and Mrs. William C. Bieluch
Mrs. Judy Birdsey
Robert J. Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Boardman
Boccaccio Family Trust
Mr. Richard H. Booth
Miss Dorothy A. Brickett
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Burns
Arthur P. and Mariko F. Byrne
Elizabeth A. Callahan *
Ms. Mildred L. Cannon*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey
Miss Mary G. Carroll *
Howard and Sue Carver
Linda and Bill Caval
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Ms. Myrtle M. Clabby *
Mr. William J. Clifford*
Ms. Esta E. Cohen*
Ms. Merna Cohen*
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Dr. Morris N. Cohen* Trust
Mr. and Mrs.* Henry N. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Comey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Cosgrove *
Mr. William J. Crocker *
Mr.* and Mrs. George S. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Curran
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Curran
Miss Mary E. Curtin*
Mr. Lemuel Rodney Custis*
Christopher and Eileen Dadlez
Reverend Leo J. Daily*
Reverend Monsignor Charles W. Daly
Mr. Edward G. Damm *
Mr. Geraud M. H. Darnis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Deck
Mr. James M. Demund *
Dr. and Mrs. David D'Eramo
Drs. Hema and Paula deSilva
Mr. Joseph F. DeVito *
Ms. Bertha Diem*
Miss Marylou Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Diver
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Driscoll
Ms. Bertha Edlin*
Ms. Ida Ertman*
Mr. Lucian M. Euliano* and
Dorothy Cataldi Euliano*
Mr. John J. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ferrante
Mr. Robert J. Fiondella
Mr. Robert W. Fiondella
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Reverend Henry C. Frascadore
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
Karen and Michael Gigliotti
Ms. Angela L. Gionfriddo*
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Harry E. Godfarb*
Mary Ann Goodman*
Victor and Geraldine* Greenberg
Amy L. Griffin
Catherine Guethlein*
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Ms. Mary Ann Hanley
Mrs. Martha R. Harris*
Harold L. and Ethel B. Hart*
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Hart *
Noreen and Clark Hendley
Ms. Anne N. Heneghan*
Mr. Guy B. Holt*
Edward W.* and Elaine C. Hudson
Jane Hudson
Ann Hudson North
Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc.
Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc.,
Administrative Staff:
Brian D. Flaxman, R.N., BSN
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman
Nancy J. Tantalo-McGuire, R.N.
Michael J. Wilbur
James E. Wrinn, M.S.
Miss Joan E. Hunt
Mr. Charles Janis*
Mrs. Alice C. Jarvis*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Reverend Monsignor Charles B. Johnson
Dr. Edward S. Johnson
Samuel J. Kaprove*
Paul Karvoski Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kayser
Mr. William J. Kelley*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kerwin, Jr.
Dr. Rolf W. and Mrs. Beverly C. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Krapek
Ms. Libby S. Krasnow*
Mr. Raymond LaFontaine*
Mr. Albert Landa
Mr. Ronald F. LaPensée
Mrs. Irene Lavell*
Mrs. Martha Weinman Lear
Sheri Lemieux
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg
Mrs. Matilda Lindstadt*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long
John R. Longo
Anthony Mackay-Morgan, M.D. and
Linda Mackay
Marita Malone, M.D.
Mrs. Grace S. Martin*
Peter and Nicole McAvoy
Mr. Thomas E. McBride*
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
Mr. E. Merritt McDonough, Sr.
Miss Mary K. McKone
Mr. John M. McNally*
Ms. Lois S. Miller*
Mrs. Madeline Ann Milligan
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell, Jr.*
In memory of Mary Mitchell
Ruth Ann Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Muccio*
Mr. and Mrs.* Denis F. Mullane
Mr. Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.
Michael F. Mulpeter
Ms. Catherine F. Mulrain*
Miss Mary V. Munger*
Ms. Catherine R. Muska*
Ms. Jenny Myler
Mrs. Mary Jayne Naparkowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Marion K. and Thomas B. O’Connor*
Mrs. Lena P. Oliva*
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
The Honorable* and Mrs. William A. O’Neill
Mr. Howard W. Orr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
Mr. Fred T. Panagrosso*
Mrs. Jean W. Pappas*
Mr. George A. Patterson*
Paul F. and Linda S. Pendergast
Mr. James G. Pettit*
Mrs. Josephine M. Picone
Ms. Ruth B. Post*
Mrs. Carol M. Proom
Dr. and Mrs. Ganson Purcell, Jr.
Ms. Martha M. Rebmann*
Mr. Stephen F. Richards*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Rockwell
Miss Anna Roderick
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Mr. Donald Ruffkess
Mr. William C. Russell*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sarubbi*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Philip and Mary Schulz
Mrs. Pauline H. Schwind*
Margaret C. Servick*
Anna M. Shea
Ms. Lillian Shea*
Madeline R. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor M. Smith*
Lt. Gail and Mrs. Harriet* Smith
In memory of Jay Ross C. Smith
Mr. Richard L. Smith*
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Solan, Jr.
Mr. Louis M. Solomon*
Ms. Elisabeth G. Spellacy*
Mr. Joseph S. Stackpole*
Ms. Gladys Stoll*
Mrs. Carolyn Robb Storrs
Mr. Edward A. Suisman*
Dr.* and Mrs. Vincent J. Turco*
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
Thomas R. Trumble
Ms. Phyllis L. Van Horn *
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pierre van Rooy
Rozann F. Venti, M.D.
Ms. Evelyn Veroff *
Patricia A. Walsh*
Doris J. Watson*
Peter P. White, M.D. and
Attorney Sandra Sherlock-White
Ms. Mary Jane Williams*
John T. Winters, M.D.*
The Women's Auxiliary of Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center
Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
Ms. Mary A. Zakrzewski*
Pictured from left to right and representing the 2014 Class of Corporators:
Back row: William McDougall, Sister Dolores Lahr, C.S.J., Franca C. Gabrielle, James L. Bond, Susan
Shimkus Lemkuil, Anthony M. Costanzo, Jr. Front row: Jane E. Carroll, Janet Keefe Leishman, Shari Phillips
Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center Corporators
Throughout the storied history of Saint Francis, the Hospital has relied
upon the talent and resources of our community to advance its mission of
providing skilled and compassionate care. To fulfill its mission, the
Hospital has depended on its medical professionals, administrators, staff
and key volunteers, or individuals we call Corporators.
Corporators play a vital role for the Hospital and they act as:
• Goodwill ambassadors — our “eyes and ears” in the community,
for both good reports and ways the Hospital can improve
• Fund Development Donors/Volunteers
• Volunteers in the Hospital
• Special Event Attendees/Volunteers
• Advocates for ad hoc legislative/community issues
affecting the Hospital and healthcare
Corporators are valued friends of the Hospital and distinguished members
of the community who are invited to represent Saint Francis and become
knowledgeable about the Hospital and the issues it will inevitably face in
the years ahead.
They are invited to our annual meeting and special programs, and they
receive periodic mailings to keep them informed of up-to-date
developments at the Hospital.
An invitation to join the Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center's
Board of Corporators is a reflection of the esteem in which the invitee is
held, not only by the Hospital, but also by the community at large.
We welcome them and look forward to working with them over the next
five years.
The 2014 Class of Corporators
Stephen J. Benedetto
James L. Bond
Dino T. Carbone
Jane E. Carroll
Sue A. Collins
Anthony M. Costanzo, Jr.
Douglas E. Cote
Hema N. de Silva, M.D.
Bruce E. Douglas, Ph.D.
Richard A. Fichman, M.D.
Tracy G. Fox
Franca C. Gabrielle
Nathan Grube
Robert J. Krug, M.D.
Sister Dolores Lahr, C.S.J.
David J. Leishman
Janet Keefe Leishman
Susan Shimkus Lemkuil
James A. Manafort, Jr.
Nancy C. Manafort
Jay Margnelli
William McDougall
Jay Mullarkey
Daniel J. Orlovksy
Paul F. Pendergast
Shari Phillips
Jennifer Rizzotti
Rosalind E. Shenkman
Arthur L. Spada, Judge, retired
Saint Francis Foundation
Board of Directors 2010
W. Ray Allen
Reverend Leroy Bailey, Jr.
Richard M. Barry
Robert D. Batch
Anthony J. Campanelli
Angelo S. Carrabba, M.D.
Ranjana Chawla
Sue A. Collins
Anthony M. Costanzo
Douglas E. Cote
Christopher M. Dadlez **
Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Brad Davis
Scott K. Davis
Hema N. de Silva, M.D.
David J. Dixon
Richard A. Fichman, M.D.
Robert W. Fiondella
Mary G. Flaherty
Barbara L. Flynn
Edward Gales
Lisa Gerrol
Robert J. Gfeller, M.D.
Elliot A. Ginsberg
Mary A. Glassman
Barbara C. Gordon
John A. Green
James T. Healey, Jr.
Sharon R. Hennessey
Kevin T. Henry
Kiran Jain
Ronald D. Jarvis
Jay F. Kearns
Peter G. Kelly, Esq.
Karl J. Krapek
Scott A. LaBonte
David A. Lentini
Most Reverend
Henry J. Mansell, D.D.
Vice Chairman
Peter G. Kelly, Esq.
Vice Chairman
Daniel P. O’Connell
Paul F. Pendergast
John A. Green
Assistant Treasurer and
Chief Financial Officer
Steven H. Rosenberg
Barbara L. Flynn
Saint Francis Hospital
Foundation Board
Meeting Dates
April 21, 2010
July 21, 2010
October 20, 2010
January 12, 2011
All meetings will take place
in Conference Room A
at 95 Woodland Street
(8:00 AM – 9:30 AM).
Robert M. Levin, Esq.
Frank P. Longobardi
Bret H. Maffett
Most Reverend
Henry J. Mansell, D.D. **
Robert W. McAllister, M.D.
Joe K. Mensah
Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.
Jay Mullarkey
Janet M. Newman **
Daniel P. O’Connell
Irene O'Connor
Kevin J. Ollie
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Daniel J. Orlovsky
Howard W. Orr
Paul F. Pendergast
Shari Phillips
Carol M. Proom
Jennifer Rizzotti
Curtis D. Robinson
Kathleen M. Roche
Dennis J. Rusconi
Edward A. Santos
Susan M. Scherer
Howard A. Shaw, M.D.
J. Brian Smith
Harold A. Smullen
Joseph J. Spalluto
Jeffrey Steinberg, M.D.
Reverend Erica A. Thompson
Irene M. Triompo
Thomas R. Trumble
Eric M. Zachs
Kristen A. Zarfos, M.D.
* *Ex Officio
Saint Francis Foundation
95 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 714-4900
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
114 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 714-4000
(800) 993-4312
We ought to think
that we are one of
the leaves of a tree,
and the tree is
all humanity.
We cannot live
without the others,
without the tree.