Summer 2008 - Wing Luke Museum


Summer 2008 - Wing Luke Museum
member’s newsletter | summer 2008
Wing Luke Asian Museum
opens its new home
The new Wing Luke Asian Museum.
“Letter Cloud” art installation by Erin Shie Palmer. Photo by John Pai.
The Wing Luke Asian Museum opens its new permanent home at 719
South King Street in Seattle’s Chinatown/International District after
rehabilitating the historic East Kong Yick Building and transforming a
community with its successful $23.2 million capital campaign.
From its 60,000-square-foot building, the Wing Luke Asian Museum
expands its role as an economic and community resource for a
distinctly diverse neighborhood, as one of Seattle’s historic and creative
treasures, and as a cultural institution of national significance. Spaces
include Honoring Our Journey, Community Portrait Galleries, Historic
Immersion Exhibits, Safeco Insurance Foundation Special Exhibition
Gallery, George Tsutakawa Art Gallery, East and West Lightwells, Tateuchi Story Theatre, KidPLACE, Frank Fujii Youth Space,
Learning Studios, The Marketplace, Community Hall, and the Governor Gary Locke Library and Community Heritage Center.
A national model for community-based exhibition process, upcoming special exhibits
include the Native Hawaiian Community in the Pacific Northwest (Special Exhibition
Gallery, October 2, 2008); Civic Engagement (New Dialogue Initiative, August 19, 2008);
Dance (KidPLACE, August 16, 2008), and Mixed Race/Ethnicity (Community Portrait
Gallery, September 4, 2008). The “George Tsutakawa: The Making of a Fountain,” an
exhibition featuring the fountains, paintings, models and sculptures of the pioneer artist, is
on display through November 2008, in the art gallery bearing his name.
The Wing Luke Asian Museum is open Tuesday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and during free
First Thursday and Third Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. The Museum is closed on Mondays.
General admission is $8, adult (18-61); $6, seniors (62+); $6, students: grades 6 and above;
$5, students: grades K-5; $5, kids ages 5-12; and free for kids under 5. Docent-led education
and neighborhood tours are offered.
The Wing Luke Asian Museum is dedicated to engaging the Asian Pacific American
communities and the public in exploring issues related to the culture, art and history of
Asian Pacific Americans. A Smithsonian Institution affiliate, the Museum was founded in
1966 and celebrates its namesake, Wing Luke, the first Asian Pacific American elected to
public office in the Pacific Northwest. For more information, visit “Sweet Hello” donor art installation by Saya Moriyasu.
Photo by John Pai.
Board of Trustees
Gloria Lung Wakayama, Co–President
Ellen Ferguson, Co–President
Casey Bui, Vice–President
Helen Kay, Secretary
Victor Mizumori, Treasurer
Bruce Brundige
Katherine Cheng
Gemma Valdez Daggatt
Jackie Der
Mimi Gan
Bruce Hayashi
Judd Lee
Patricia Norikane Logerwell
Paul Mar
JoAnn Mills Marshall
Barbara Mizoguchi
Savitha Pathi
Dolores Sibonga
Judy Tobin
Dave C. Williams
Sung Yang
Roldy A. Ablao II • Aimee Aquino •
Joann Natalia Aquino • Janet Aviado •
Russel Bareng • Vivian Chan • David
Chattin-McNichols • Cassie Chinn •
Claire Hyon Cho • Cesar Cueva •
Monica Day • Bob Fisher •
Miya Forrest • Mary Ann Midori
Goto • Joshua Heim • John Hom •
Suzanne Hu • Ammara Hun •
Karen Kajiwara • Polly Kang •
Nam Keo • Eli Kim • Howard King •
Michelle Reiko Kumata • Leo Lam •
Cindy Manabat Lee • Susan Lee •
Jennie Fong Ly • Charlene Mano Shen •
Vi Mar • Jeannette Roden •
Christina Seong • Elizabeth Shaiken •
Amber Strangstalien • Margaret Su •
Beth Takekawa • Angel Taniguchi •
Troy Tsuchikawa • Lisa Wan
Wing Luke Asian Museum
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 623–5124
Summer 2008 Newsletter
Edited by Joann Natalia Aquino
Layout Design by Naomi Mittet
After 42 years of progress, we open the doors to our first
permanent home.
When you enter the light-filled Welcome Hall, with its
immediate pathway to the sky overhead, please remember
the 170 community pioneers who came together in 1910 to
construct this community resource, a hub of business and
home life. We honor all those who lived and worked within
these walls over the past 100 years. And we celebrate the
opportunity to give voice and venue to our communities’
future, sharing with all.
I remember when the Museum Board and staff worked with architect Ken Kubota in
1996 on a Site Feasibility Study. They subsequently knocked on almost every door in the
neighborhood until the opportunity to explore the East Kong Yick building emerged. Twelve
community-based planning studies and 12 years later, we have opened the doors to a new
We are grateful to the community members and leaders who nurtured the Wing Luke Asian
Museum over its 42 years, including the family and friends of City Councilmember Wing
Luke, the community investors who raised the $23.2 million that made possible our new
home, and a brilliant and dedicated project team who surmounted all manner of surprises
and obstacles that a century-old building reveals when you try to coax it into its future. Still
today we feel the presence of our predecessors in this building, and we appreciate our 2005
Blessing Ceremony that sought permission prior to the start of construction.
As we enter the next life phase of the Wing Luke Asian Museum, we are reminded of
the community charge to steward your investment well, and discover routes to financial
sustainability, the topic of much planning over the past 12 years. One of these routes is
establishment of the Wing Luke Asian Museum’s first permanent endowment. We offer our
sympathies to the family of Calvin Lang on his recent passing, and we thank Calvin and his
family for the amazing bequest to the Wing Luke Asian Museum, a substantial beginning
to our first endowment. Mrs. Helen Lang is well known for her participation in Chinese
American community activities as well as museum support both locally and in their longtime home in Kentucky. The Museum Board of Trustees and staff will announce more on our
first endowment campaign in the coming months.
The new Wing Luke Asian Museum offers you a choice of three distinct experiences. You
are welcomed to explore contemporary exhibits and galleries and our new pan-Asian
Pacific American Marketplace, or perhaps to take a walk back in time through a Museum
Historic Immersion Tour, or thirdly to use the Museum as a portal to its neighborhood, the
historic Chinatown/International District – see the neighborhood doors open as you join a
Chinatown Discovery Tour.
Thank you for joining us in our Year of New Beginnings – here we go!
Beth Takekawa
Executive Director
Francis Acacio • Rahell A. • Ethelyn Abellanosa • Kristin Affolter • Amy
Alberts • Raimund Alforque • Linda Ando • James Laurence Ardena •
Vance Bader • Christopher Batalon • Maria Batayola • Kevin Beder • David
Brown • Bruce Brundige • Casey Bui • Lulu Carpenter • Kathy Caubsao
• Cherry Cayabyab • Kaliko Chamberlain • Joy Chan • Donna Chan •
Katherine Cheng • George Cheung • Jerry Chihara • Kathy Chin • May
Ching • Franklin Chinn • Chris Chinn • Hing W. Chinn • Ray Chinn •
Andrew Cho • Iwalani Christian • Bradley Chu • Susanna Chung • Misun
Chung • Dorothy Cordova • Fred Cordova • Ann Coulter • Stan Dahlin •
Kelly Dang • Jane Davenport • Jessica Dayton • Jackie Der • Eydie Detera
• Van Diep • Dara Dong • Mary Downes • Nancy Doyle • Izabel Egglin
Volunteers Ed Suguro, Fumi Kojima and Betty Fujiki
• Lily Eng • Bill C. Eng • Lucia Enriquez • Amanda Kay Erekson • Anne
Ferber • Ellen Ferguson • Nanette Fok • Wing Fong • John Foz • Tracey Fugami • Frank Fujii • Boy Chun Fuk • Jeni Kay Fung • Mimi Gan •
Betty Gharai • Ann Gilbert • Bob Givens • Dave Goedde • Stephen Gomes • Louie Gong • Aaliyah Gupta • Rich Gurtiza • Emily H. • Bob Hasegawa
• Bruce Hayashi • Susan Hayden • Irene Heninger • Meredith Higashi • Gil Hirabayashi • Dale Hom • Faye Hong • Victor Hsieh • Jason Huff •
Candace Inagi • International District Emergency Center • Mary Ishii • Michael Itti • Fatihah J. • Jared Johnson • Barb Jones • Elizabeth Jones • Barbara
Jones • Dr. Kamuela Ka’ahanui Jr. • Moodette Ka’apana • Kalehua Ka’apana • Michael Kan • Kristie Kaneta • Polly Kang • Danny Kaopu’iki • Sujot Kaur
• Helen Kay • Pom Khampradith • Martha Kingsbury • Shinichi Kito • Yuko Kodama • Takeo Kraishi • Shelly Krishnamurty • Susan Kunimatsu •
Colleen Kwan • Annie L. • Joanne L. • Jason L. • Karen L. • Tracy Lai • Christine Lam • Michael Lam • Adam Lee • Kathy Liao • Chakrya Lim • Carmela
Lim • Elana Lim • Betty Lock • Maile Lono • Keana Lono • Steve Lono • Kit Loo • Jocelyn Lui • Gloria Lung Wakayama • Alsyon M. • Donna Ma •
Sharon Maeda • Karen Maeda Allman • Kitty Mahon • Carlyn Mar • Sue Mar • Paul Mar • Luzviminda Marcotte • Vicki Mar-Scroggs • Akemi
Matsumoto • Beverly Mendheim • Joann Mills Marshall • Barbara Mizoguchi • Victor Mizumori • Esther Mumford • Oanh N. • Glen Nakamichi •
Nhien Nguyen • Helen Nicadao • Diane Nichols • Amy Nielsen • Patricia Norikane Logerwell • Iris Okimoto Nielsen • Renato Oliva • Tom Ono •
Savitha Pathi • Annie Penta • Monique Perkins • A.C. Peterson • Quynh Pham • Joel Poncz • Mellisa Ponder • May Praseuth • Lucy Purcell •
Shama Ramzan • Uma Rao • Nicole Robert • Christina Rockrise • Jeannette Roden • Martha Rogers • Maria Root • Mariko Sakai • Joe Sakay •
Meuy Seng Salee • Tazue Sasaki • Bob Scrogg • Ashley Seymour • Pam Seymour • David Seymour • Shang-yen Shen • Ryen Shimizu •
Nadine Shiroma • Sharyne Shiu-Thorton • Katherine Shozawa • Dolores Sibonga • Gail Stringer
• Pen Sugamura • Rich Sugimura • Ed Suguro • Rick Sundberg • Pei Pei Sung • Olivia Taguinod •
Frieda Takamura • Ed Tanaka • Steven Taniguchi • Don Taniguchi • Latana Thaviseth • James To
Judy Tobi • Tran Tran • Kim Truman • Mayumi Tsutakawa • Gerard Tsutakawa • Walt Tuai • Connie
Many volunteer opportunities are
Tupper • Mike Tupper • Elizabeth Umbanhowar • UW Omega Phi Omega • Gemma Valdez Daggatt
available according to your interest.
• Mellisa W. • Hong Wagner • David Wanzy • Elaine Wetterauer • Dave C. Williams • Heidi Wong •
Please contact (206) 623-5124
Judy Wong • Marie Rose Wong • Cheronne Wong • Laura Wong Whitebear • Miriam Works • Paul
ext. 132 for details.
Works • Anne Xuan Clark • Lily Yamamura • Ruri Yampolsky • Andrea Yang • Sung Yang • Kam
Yee • Fred Yee • Larry Yok • Byron Au Yong • Karen Yoshitomi • Michael Yoshitomi • Ying Zhou
Welcome to our newest Board of Trustees member Judd Lee.
Judd is Vice President of Finance at Maveron, a venture capital firm.
Previously he was with Microsoft’s Corporate Strategy and Planning
Group helping build the company’s consolidated multiyear financial
model and strategic plan.
Please welcome 12 new full-time and part-time staff
members added as part of the Museum’s Expansion Staffing Plan.
Roldy Ablao, our new Tour Registrar, is a communications graduate
from the University of Washington where he was active in the Pacific
Islander Student Commission. Roldy has experience in customer
service and retail sales, as well as in political organizing and voter
recruitment. David Chattin-McNichols, our new Information
Technology Specialist, first started at the Museum as a Technology
Assistant. David has returned to Seattle and to the Museum after
completing his computer science degree from the University of
California, Santa Cruz. Eli Kim, our new Marketplace Manager, was
hired several years ago as Technology Assistant. Eli, a graduate of the
University of Washington, has returned to the Museum after gaining
valuable experience in retail sales and management.
We are pleased to introduce our new Interpretive Leads,
Howard King, Jennie Fong Ly, and Vi Mar. Jennie comes to us with
years of experience working in education and social services and has
served as a board member at Kin On Community Health Center. Vi
and Howard, with careers in the travel and engineering industries
respectively, are well known in the community for founding and
operating Chinatown Discovery, Inc. After donating Chinatown
Discovery Tours to the Museum, they have continued to help with
occasional neighborhood tours and now will join Jennie in leading
guided tours in the new Museum.
Welcome to our new Visitor Services Leads, Aimee
Aquino, Miya Forrest, and Susan Lee. Aimee is a graduate from
the University of California, Berkeley where she gained museum
experience working as an exhibit facilitator for the Lawrence Hall
of Science. Miya will graduate this summer from the University of
Washington. She also has been working as Operations Assistant for
[continued on page 7]
All programs are located inside the new Wing Luke Asian Museum unless otherwise noted.
Tickets to programs are limited and can be purchased through the admissions desk.
Saturday, June 21, 1pm-3pm Koi fish kites with Greg Kono
Family Day at the Wing sponsored by
Community Hall | Free
Create flowing koi fish kites with expert Greg Kono. Kono will lead you in creating whimsy
koi kites to fly in the summer sky. Kono, a kite designer and flyer, is affiliated with the Drachen
Foundation, a non-profit corporation devoted to the increase and diffusion of knowledge
about kites worldwide.
photo credit: Greg Kono
Thursday, July 10, 7pm Two films on George Tsutakawa
Tateuchi Story Theatre | $7 adults; $5 artists and seniors
View Remarkable People: George Tsutakawa (circa 1990) by Jean Walkinshaw and Northwest Visionaries (1977) by Ken Levine.
Friday, July 11, 7pm The Cats of Mirikitani (2008)
Director’s cut screening with special guests,
Jimmy Mirikitani and producer Linda Hattendorf
photo credit: Wing Luke Asian Museum
Tateuchi Story Theatre | $15 regular admission;
$12 members, seniors and artists
Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani is a fiercely independent Japanese American artist
who lost his family and friends to the United States internment camps during
World War II and Hiroshima’s atomic bombings. This film explores how
lasting impacts of war and discrimination can be healed through the power of
art and creativity.
Saturday, July 19, 1pm-3pm Create dream bottles with Romson Regarde Bustillo
Family Day at the Wing sponsored by
Community Hall | Free
Create collages made with recycled bottles with artist Romson Regarde Bustillo. The idea is rooted in the “Jeepney” art of the
Philippines. The images and found objects on a jeepney often reveal the owner’s personal beliefs and dreams of the future.
Wednesday, August 6, 5:30pm until dusk From Hiroshima to Hope
NW shore of Seattle’s Green Lake,
south of the Bathhouse Theater | Free
Participate in this annual event to remember those who perished in the Hiroshima and
photo credit: Dean Wong
Nagasaki atomic bombings and all other victims of war and violence. This family-oriented
program promotes peace and will conclude with the Buddhist Toro Nagashi ceremony, a candle-lit lantern ceremony,
honoring and remembering those who have passed away. This event is organized by a coalition of peace, religious, civil
liberties and cultural heritage organizations. To volunteer, contact: [email protected]
All programs are located inside the new Wing Luke Asian Museum unless otherwise noted.
Tickets to programs are limited and can be purchased through the admissions desk.
Thursday, August 14, 7pm Gallery tour with curator Tracey Fugami
Tsutakawa Art Gallery | $7 adults; $5 members, artists and seniors
Saturday, August 16, 1pm-3pm Paper art with Mizu Sugimura
Family Day at the Wing sponsored by
Community Hall | Free
Join paper collage artist Mizu Sugimura in creating art with paper.
Friday, August 22, 6pm-8pm End of Summer Celebration
Community Hall | Free
Don’t want summer to end? Come spend the last days of your
summer at WLAM. Free hip-hop performances, presented by
TeensWAY and YouthCAN.
Sunday, September 4, 1pm
Candidates Forum, co-sponsored by
ROAR and Hate Free Zone
Community Hall | Free
photo credit: Courtesy of Tsutakawa family
Join Making of a Fountain curator Tracey Fugami on a tour of the gallery.
Tuesday, August 19, 5:30pm Primary Election
and Civic Engagement opening exhibit party
Community Hall | Free
Join us for a non-partisan primary election party
as we celebrate civic engagement.
Thursday, September 11, 7pm Influences of George Tsutakawa
Tateuchi Story Theatre | $7 adults; $5 members, artists and seniors
Guests include author Martha Kingsbury, landscape architect Kenichi
Nakano, and artist and poet Alan Lau. Co-sponsored by 4Culture
Friday, September 19 Time and location to be determined
Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of Washington State Summit
An estimated 5,000 people from across the state will join together and celebrate civic engagement.
Sunday, October 26
Ballot party, co-sponsored by ROAR and Hate Free Zone
Saturday, July 12-Sunday, July 13
Chinatown International District Street Festival
Thursday, October 9, 7pm
Artist Gerard Tsutakawa talks about working with his father
and his work. Tateuchi Story Theatre | $7 adults; $5 members,
artists and seniors
Sunday, July 27
Seafair Chinatown Parade
FREE DAYS General admission is free every First Thursday
& Third Saturday of the month. Extended hours: 10am-8pm.
Saturday, August 9, 16, 23
Night Market
What are you doing this
The Wing Luke Asian Museum is
accepting applications from youth ages
15-19 who want to participate in the
YouthCAN Summer Cultural Arts
The Experience offers a fun and safe
space to explore individual ideas and
identity, exercise creative talents, and
develop community leadership skills
while learning how to design and build
a real exhibit. Fields trips, opportunities
to create original art and community
service throughout the sessions will
give participating youth new insights
into how to be both an artist and a
leader within our dynamic community.
Participating youth will: make new
friends, design & build an exhibit, earn
service learning hours and contribute to
our community in creative ways.
SESSION 1: Developing Exhibits
Interviewing, Gathering Art & Artifacts,
& Storytelling
June 30– July 24, 2pm-5pm, MondayThursday
SESSION 2: Designing Exhibits
Editing, Designing & Building Displays,
Creating Graphics
July 28–Aug 21, 2pm-5pm, MondayThursday
Interested? Contact Joshua Heim,
YouthCAN Coordinator, at jheim@ or (206) 623-5124 ext. 115.
Learn more about the program at:
Displaying Leadership | YouthCAN Fellows Blend Art & Activism
Homelessness. Generational Gaps. Cultural preservation. Poetry in response to youth
violence. These topics are on the minds of Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) youth and
the subject of exhibit proposals being developed by four Seattle high school students who
won the 2007 YouthCAN High School Exhibits Contest.
Last fall, YouthCAN sponsored an Exhibits Contest designed to elicit proposals that speak
to the experiences of APIA youth in our community. To ensure substantive proposals were
submitted, YouthCAN program staff conducted proposal workshops at local high schools and
nearby community-based youth programs including Chief Sealth High School and the WILD
Program at the International District Housing Alliance. From a pool of highly compelling
entries, four YouthCAN Fellows and their proposals were selected based on their youth
relevance, creative promise and leadership potential.
Each Fellow brings a unique point of view about what it means to be a young, creative leader
within our community. They come from Cleveland, Ingraham and Garfield High Schools and
are involved in a host of community service activities that range from on-campus community
building to neighborhood environmental justice. The common thread binding them together
throughout this process is their passion to help the community.
Currently, the YouthCAN Fellows are hard at work further developing their ideas into a
sophisticated exhibit proposal in the tradition of WLAM’s community-based exhibition
model. Besides the paid Fellowship, the Fellows participate in weekly workshops to enhance
their research and leadership skills and develop working relationships with WLAM staff.
They have been required to conduct interviews with other APIA youth to ensure their work is
rooted in the community and meet the current needs of their APIA youth audience.
At the end of the program, the Fellows will have an opportunity to exercise their leadership
skills by selecting among their proposals one project to be fully developed this summer.
Through the YouthCAN Summer Cultural Arts Experience, a new group of youth will be
charged with taking the chosen proposal and do what we do here at the Museum: develop,
design and build a community-based exhibition.
THE PROPOSALS > Michael, Sophomore. Title: Achieving Excellence
What do you picture in this exhibit? “Influential art that inspires youth today and reminds them of their roots as Asian Americans and
to succeed in whatever they put their heart, soul and mind to. I plan to use simple materials to create complex images.”
> Tran, Sophomore.
Title: Asian Voices
Why are you passionate about this topic? “I am aware of the gang fights and violence between Asian American youth who have the
same background and instead of fighting and criticizing each other, I think we can become friends, help each other and improve the
Asian American community.”
YouthCAN, a program of the Wing Luke Asian Museum, connects Asian Pacific American youth (ages 15-19) with their heritage.
Through our High School Exhibits Contest, Summer Cultural Arts Experience and Ambassador Program, the youth learn how to use
advocacy, arts and cultural programming to take action on issues that affect the Asian Pacific American community.
What’s new
at TeensWAY
Workshops with TeensWAY continued
and re-painted with our own unique styles. Recently, we’ve started a
new workshop on writing various fonts with calligraphy pens.
By TeensWAY members
Iro Iro
Special exhibition
On display through
August 31, 2008,
in the Frank Fujii
Youth Space
Event Planning
Angel Taniguchi, Museum’s Development Associate, guided us
through our exhibit opening. Angel taught us how to set up technical
work, how to set the tone of our event and different ways to invite
our guests.
Every year at
TeensWAY we create a
one-of-a-kind art project.
This year in particular is
very special. We painted
masterpieces under the
Artwork by Emily H., TeensWAY member.
guidance of accomplished artist and valued community member,
Frank Fujii, which are currently on display at the new Wing Luke
Asian Museum.
Since last October, Frank came to the Museum weekly to
teach us calligraphy and painting.
Frank showed us the process of creating a beautiful
painting. First, we selected a photograph from an array of magazine
images that Frank chose. Then, we sketched out the image with
pencil on a matted board. Next, we filled in our sketches with vibrant
shades of tempura paint. Finally, off to Deng’s Art Studio to frame
and matte the paintings. After the paintings came back, we hung the
paintings on the exhibit walls in the Frank Fujii Youth Space.
Our exhibit is called “Iro Iro,” which means ‘variety’ in
Japanese. We invite you to visit the new Museum and see our own
Public Relations
Joann Natalia Aquino, Museum’s Public Relations and Marketing
Manager, taught us different approaches how to publicize our
opening reception and how to create an appealing brochure to
market our exhibit. Joann gave us ideas about what a reception
should include such as various roles for TeensWAY members, the
types of food we should have and the content of the program.
TeensWAY is an art-based program that strives to engage youths ages
10-16 in Asian Pacific American history, culture and contemporary
issues affecting the community.
Join TeensWAY! For more information, contact Ammara Hun,
TeensWAY Coordinator, at [email protected] or (206) 623-5124
ext. 116. Workshops with TeensWAY
By Annie L. & Melissa W.
Art Workshops
We are very grateful for having Frank Fujii, respected local Asian
Pacific American artist, to teach us about art. For the past few
months, we’ve had lessons every other week about various
painting techniques. We’ve taken a small section of a regular picture
Artist Frank Fujii with TeensWAY members in the Youth Space named in honor of
him. Photo by Russel Bareng.
[Thank You and Welcome continued from page 3]
the International District Housing Alliance. Owner of the Susan Lee Agency since 2006, Susan’s business focuses on sales, marketing and
customer service for personal and commercial lines of insurance.
Welcome also to our new Sales Associates, Amber Strangstalien and Lisa Wan. Amber is an anthropology graduate from the
University of Wisconsin, Madison with a background in retail sales. Recently, Amber has been volunteering in the Museum’s Collections
Department in order to learn more about the museum field. Lisa is pursuing her degree in economics at the University of Washington. Lisa
has both retail and food service experience from such varied entities as Abercrombie and Fitch and Yea’s Wok Restaurant.
And, finally, welcome to our new Librarian, Janet Aviado. After working for several years at the Renton Public Library, Janet
decided to study abroad at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland where she obtained her masters degree in Information and
Library Studies. Janet also holds a Washington State Library Certification.
Thank you to temporary staff member, Sujot Kaur, who filled in as YouthCAN Assistant while Suzanne Hu was studying abroad in
South Africa.
Congratulations to staff members promoted to new positions: Margaret Su, Russel Bareng, Ammara Hun, Cindy Manabat Lee,
Jeannette Roden, and Polly Kang. Thank you to Charlene Mano Shen for serving as Capital Campaign Manager until the completion of the
campaign and for both returning to her Museum roots and stepping up to a new challenge as Education Director.
Our deep condolences to the family of Eydie Calderon Detera, former Museum staff member and dedicated community participant,
on her recent passing.
Sincere Thanks to Our Generous Donors & Members
(Joined as of May 16, 2008)
Charter Patron $125-$249 (continued)
and Bradley Chu • Sen Poy and Wai Fong Chew • Belinda Chin • Herbert F.
Chin and May Chin • Rocky and May Chin • Frank and Ruth Chin • Claire
Hyon Cho and Lucy T.I. Cho • James & Marilyn Chu • Randy Clark and Aya
Hashiguchi Clark • Dow Constantine and Shirley Carlson • Michael A. Craig
• Cesar Cueva • Hon. Frank Cuthbertson and Jackie Beery-Day • Blaine
Dempke and Lorraine Thomas • Larry and Pat Dewey • Gary and Carrie
Dodobara • Jane W. Dowdle • Patrick & Susan Dunn • Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.
Edwards, In Honor of Gov. Gary Locke • Patricia Mac Elveen-Hoehn • Don
S. Fabian • Dr. Mary E. Fischer • Robert and Julianne Fisher • Nanette Fok
and Brad Tong • Beatrice Fong and John Donnelly and family • Jing Fong and
Barry Hoonan and Family • Thelma V. Fong • Alison M. Fujino and Mathew
Sutton • Jeni and Cal Fung • Michael Furuta and Diane Sakai-Furuta • Dan
and Andrea Gallagher, In Memory of Winston Chinn • Weng and Linda
Gavino • Ann de Carteret Gilbert • Marilynn Goo and Michael Sill • David
Pannone and Betsy Graef • Gene Graham, In Memory of Lois Graham •
Mary Gruenewald • Tod R. Hamachek • Ellen and William Hazzard • Lisa
Hoffman and Bill Driscoll • Dale and Rebecca Hom • John Hom • George
and Wanda Hughes • Ammara Hun and Montha Kimso • Christine Hurley
and Marlys Erickson • Rena Ilumin and Thomas Roth • Don W. Joe • Darryl
and Kathleen Johnson • George and Lily Kajiwara • Karen Kajiwara • Richard
S. Kay and Felicia D. Uhden • Louise Kikuchi • Cherry Kinoshita, In Honor
of Ron Chew • Atsuishi Kiuchi, In Memory of John R. Kiuchi • Gary and
Katie Kiyonaga • Penny and David Koyama • Paul and Ludmila Kraabel, In
Memory of Ben Woo • Linda and Joseph Krutenat • George and Linda Lamb,
In Memory of O.J. Nelson • Mrs. H. M. Landberg • Marie Lauritano • Neva
Lee • Cheryll Leo-Gwin • Cecil and Hazel Leung • Milton and Lily Lew •
Larry and Jean Liebman • Nora Liu and Rick Nordby • Merritt and Marsha
Tadano Long, In Memory of Michiko Seki Tadano • Ray and Stella Long
• Toni R. Long • Ronald R. Louie • Pam Lyford • Sharon Maeda • Dr. and
Mrs. William Malcomson, In Honor of John Malcomson • Cindy Manabat
Lee and Adam Lee • Jeni Mar • Matt Martel • Ken Mayeda and Eliane Dao •
Rudolph Mazza • Megan M. Dittamore and Family • Stewart and Elizabeth
Miller • Marjorie Miller • Kabby Mitchell • James Mizuki • Eric Moen •
Max Morgan • Michael Myint • Mira Nakashima • Aki Namioka • Isaac and
Lensey Namioka • Wendy B. Nathan, In Memory of Kritsanalak Nathan •
Lorrin Nelson and Tina Gourd • Barbara Nilson • Rev. Richard T. Nishioka
and Alice Nishioka • Karen S. Nye • Betty H. Odle, In Memory of Wing Luke,
an old college friend • Susan K. Okamoto • Leann Y. Onishi, In Honor of
Kenji and Martha Onishi • Kunio Otani • Jeff and Wendy Peace • Elizabeth
Pelley • Sandra Lynn Perkins and Jeffrey Karl Ochsner • John Pesando • Lin
Poy, In Memory of Alfred F. Poy • Hiep Q. and Caryl K. Quach • David A.
Rash • Helen Read, In Honor of Michael W. Wilpers • Martha Rogers and
Kevin Fetterly • Frances R. Ross, In Memory of Frank W. Ross • Douglas
Russell • Tsutomu & Yoko Sasaki • Marianne J. Sato • Sonia A. Schmitt •
Barret Seifer • Elizabeth Shaiken • Jim and Jill Shea • Roger Shimomura •
Sondra Shira • Libby Sinclair • Ruth A. Sinton • Yae and Ron Sobie • Carolyn
Staley • Julie K. Stein • Diane Stevens, In Honor of Atsushi and Takako Ue •
Wayne Szydtowski • Eugene Tagawa • Frieda K. Takamura • Bobby and Lily
Takatsuka • Peggy A. Tanemura • Yoshio & Florence Teshima • Andrew
Tsao • Ken and Marcia Usui • Mariana Van Blair • Willem Vanderhoeven
and Sandra S. Kim • Joan C. Waldo • Sid White and Pat Matheny-White •
Eryl Williams • Brian D. Wong and Cindy Gok • Glenn G. Woo • Jack and
Beverley Woo • Richard and Barbara Wortley • Patricia A. Yates
Charter Historymakers Circle $10,000 and above
Frank and Charlene Blethen • Ellen Ferguson • Abraham M. S. Goo • Paul
and Mary Hosoda • Jim Lintott and May Liang • Paul Mar • Milton Wu •
Deehan M. Wyman, In Honor of Ron Chew’s Retirement and Award
Charter Visionary Circle $5,000-$9,999
Beth Takekawa and Tony To • Dean, Gloria, Lindsay and Brady Wakayama
Charter Leadership Circle $ 2,500-$4,999
Mary Ishii • Ken and Nancy Prichard • Bob and Lucy Sato • Rick and Sharon
Sundberg • Thomas Weeks and Deborah Oyer
Charter President’s Circle $1,000-$2,499
Hiram and Helen Akita • Richard and Judith Bressler • William and Dorothy
Chin • Charles and Christina Chinn • Edward and Gladys Chinn • Mayme
Chinn and Dorothy Wright Vaio • Bill C. and Alpha J.M. Eng • Kai and Mari
Eng • Anne Fennessy and David Moseley • E.J. Gong and Susan Byrnes •
Mary Ann Midori Goto • Toshio and Akiko Ito • Julie and Ajay Jindal •
Richard and Helen Kay • Linda Larson and B. Gerald Johnson • Bettie Luke
• Lori Matsukawa and Larry Blackstock • Tomoko, Koji, Mineko & Magumi
Matsuno • Barbara A. Mizoguchi-Asahara and Dave Asahara • Victor and
Stacy Mizumori • Kemi Nakabayashi and Jim Norton • In Memory of John
K. Okada • Carlos and Loretta Orpilla • Nina Odell, Puget Sound Energy •
Sharon Sobie Seymour and David Seymour • PJ Singh and Sujot Chawla •
Donald Sirkin • Grace R. Tazuma and Bruce Brundige • Toshio and Dolly
Tokunaga • Jack Y. Tsuchiya • Ms. Lee Van Divort • Anne and David Wing •
Larry T. Yok
Charter Gallery Supporter $500-$999
Greg Kucera Gallery • Karen Sakuma and Gary Ikeda • Duane and
Rulee Matsuoka Stallmann and Family, In Memory of Takeo and Kazue
Hirotaka Matsuoka • William and Leila Waye • Tony Crowe and Melanie R.
Wojtulewicz, In Memory of Rae and Yutaka Takekawa
Charter Benefactor $250-$499
Eleanor Boba and Alan Humphrey • Butterworth-Arthur A. Chapel •
Johnathan Chinn, In Memory of Jessie Kay Stanley and Arlene Chinn
• Robert W. Connor and Linda Yuu Connor, In Memory of Joseph Yuu
• Gemma, Russ, McKinlay & Kaya Daggatt • Lucia Enriquez • Misun
Chung Gerrick and Christopher Gerrick • James and Yasuko Harris • M.
Sue Holland • Robert and Eileen Iguchi • Barbara Johns • Doug and Barb
Kanaya • Timothy Kim DDS PS • Robert W. Kirk • Austreberta G. Laigo,
In Memory of Val Laigo • Daniel Lee • Desiree and Richard • Leigh, Jr., In
Memory of Ben Woo • Anne Marie MacPherson and Chris Davis • Tamae
Moriyasu and John Olson • James and Patsy Nelson • Barbara Ohnick • Jim,
Lanette, Nathan and Megan Peterson • Alan and Ann Rabinowitz • David
and Catriona Reuther • Jon and Judy Runstad • Schacht Aslani Architects
• Kiri Schultz and Michael Wills • Jack Shannon and Julie O’Niel • Samuel
and Sylvia Shiroyama, In Honor of Sechiko M. Shiroyama • Diane and Rich
Sugimura • Ed T. Suguro • Jean E. Takekawa • Teresa and Wilma Woo, In
Memory of Dan Woo
Charter Family $75-$124
Daniel Adams and Cynthia Toops • Bill and Janette Adamucci • Joseph
Apodaca • Kristin Barsness and Ed Crossan • Eric Benson and Peter Ruskin
• Michael and Lori Bishop • Carolyn Brenner and Julia Brenner-Brewer •
Dawn Brightwell and Kat Brightwell • Bill Broderick • Gail and Dyke Burson
• David Cates • Aldo Chan and George Scarola • Carmen T. Chan, In Honor
of Frank Fujii • Stella Chao and Michael Smyser, In memory of Minc C. Chao
Charter Patron $125-$249
Craig H. Abramson and Nancy L. Abramson • Albert Abuan • Gary and
Grace Anderson • Joann Natalia Aquino • Suzan D. Ballsun • Russel Wi
Bareng • Karuna Berryman • Robert and Mary Bertch • Robert Brown • Bebe
Burns • Glenda Cassutt • Kenyon Chan Shirley Hune • Vivian Chan
Sincere Thanks to Our Generous Donors & Members
Charter Family $75-$124 (continued)
• Evan and Janet Chan • Crispin Chinn and Leah Johnson • James F. J. and
Sue L. Chinn • Jean Cho • Stacy Choi • Sally and Ian Chong • David Chow
• Tai Chung and Raji Venkateswaran • Robert Clark and Amanda Clark •
Larry and Hideko Coghill • Rusty and Fiona Cutner • Gary and Ann Dawson
• Steven and Elizabeth Deutsch, In Honor of Bettie Sing Luke • Dr. Roy
Dombro • Bruce and Dolores Dong and Devon, Peter, Samantha and Timmy
• Cheryl L. Dyer • Ed and Robin Echtle • Bruce Eckfeldt • Lewis and Susan
Edelheit • Ruth and Alvin Eller, In Honor of Ron Chew • Dexter and Alice
Eng, In Memory of Ruth Chin • Kai H. Eng and Nina L. Eng • Mabel L. Eng
• Gary Epstein and Susan Kunimatsu • Rino C. Fedrizzi and Helga E. Smith
• Hwa-Tsun Feng • Robert and Beverly Foley • Nancy and Scott Gilbert •
Ann and Art Gorai, In Honor of Ron Chew • Kenneth Gordon and Jennifer
Brandon • Michelle Grimm • Julia and Michael Herschensohn • Juliane P.
Hill • Robert and Haruko Hiranaka • Henry H. Hirano and Tomi T. Hirano
• Dorothy & Leon Hopper, Jr. • Mamoru and Yasuko Inouye • Francis and
Carol Sue Janes • Cecelia C. Jasper, In Memory of R. H. Jasper • Evan Justin
and Janice Kammert • Maritta Ko • Mits and Lilly Kodama • Yi Jiao Hong
and Antero Koskinen • Kent Koth and Theresa H. Yeh • Tao Kwan-Gett and
Paula Bock • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Laxdall • Paul and Denise Lee • Su Mei
Leow and Bryan Chows • Michelle LeSourd and Cindy Jatul • Carla and Don
Lewis • Drs. Eddie and Natalie Lo • Gary P. Long • Daniel Louis, Esther Louis
and Kimberly Louis • Jennifer, Francis, Yinjin, Zhiyu, and Jiajin Maile • Ray
Manahan and Jeff Eckmann • Daisy Mar, In Memory of Alfred W. Mar •
James Mc Farlane • Lloyd J. Mercer • Geoff Miller and Shirley Bekins • Frank
and Mary Montgomery • Hal and Susan Mozer • Linda Mui and Michael
Hillberg, In Memory of Fung Ping Mui • Mark Muzi and Laurie Boehme
• Walter and Shirley Nakatsukasa • Greg and Sharon Nickels • Deborah
Niedermeyer and Brian Allen • George and Betty Nomura • Charles G.
Nordhoff • Sherrie Nudelman • Marjorie Nugent and Patrick McMonagle •
Chaun and Tess Osburn, In Memory of Kels Osburn • Barbara Parker and
William Nichols • Michael and Susan Peskura • Ellen Phillips-Angeles and
Ranesto Angeles • Chinda Roach and Paul Costello • Margaret Rothchild
• Jill Rullkoetter and William L. Hurley • Audrey Schatz • Linda and Mark
Secord • Robert and Elizabeth Sims • Vivian S. Sohn • Mani Soma • Claude
A. Soudah • Richard C. Sutton • Chris and Michelle Toth • Bing Tso and Janet
Gwilym • Jennifer Lew and Don Vogt • Ray B. and Moira F. Watts •
Kathy and Terry Weaver, In Memory of Adrienne Weaver • Robert O. Wells
and Louisa • Lancaster Wells • Kristoffer Whitters and Timothy J. Whitters •
Melanie Ito and Charles Wilkinson • David I. and Jane C. Williams • Paul and
Jane Woo • Evelyn P. Yenson • Erin Younger and Ed Liebow • Olivia Zapata •
Patricia F. Zeisler
Charter Friend $65-$74 (continued)
Marcado • Erna Lund • Joseph L. Mabel • Molly K. Maeda • Marlene Maeger
• Cathryn M. Majkowski • Victoria and Hummie Mann • Bonnie and David
Marques • Evelyn and Frank McChesney • Susan McCrary • Thistle Press •
Robert Meadows and Janice Ann Potter • Penny L. Miller and David P. Miller
• Shera Mogri and Zoeb Mogri • Carol Mohler • Tak and Kimi Momoda
• Eugene Moy and Susan Fong Sing • Ju Namkung and Zev Handel • Gail
Nomura and Stephen Sumida • Deems and Margaret Okamoto • Michael
and Emily Osburn • Paul Pascal and Naomi B. Pascal • May Pendergrass •
Jennifer Randall • Mr. Charles Redmond and Ms. Katherine Wilber • Margo
Reich and WM Ward • Rollie and Susan C. Roberts • Gayle Rodgers • Dennis
and Sachiko Roden • Martha N. Roe • Harold and Marjean Rubin • Nelly and
Fred Schaffner • Laurel Sercombe • Henry Shenk • Allan Silverthorne • David
and Jannie Spain • Hiroko Spees • Lynn Sullivan • Doug Swanson and Lita del
Rosario-Swanson • Anna Swartz • Bonnie Takasugi • Yukio and Kimi Tazuma
• William Thieleman • Joan and Mortimer Thomas • Phillip Mroz • Havens
and Linda Tipps • Theta Tsu • Lawrence Tsunoda • James Tweedie and Sasha
Welland • Ted Van Velzen • Cathryn Vandenbrink, In Memory of Michael
Fajans • Tad and Fran Wada • Jeffrey H. West • Eugene Wong • Judy Zibbell
Charter National Friend $55-$64
Ethelyn C. Abellanosa • Janet Baba • Melvin E. Calvan • William Eng • Mary
and Michael Heim • Kari and Larry Hofer • Fong Hom and Cort Harrington
• Ronald K. Inouye • Zenobia Lai • Edward and Mayumi Lee • Paul and
Emma Woo Louie • Edward J. Lowe • Louis G. Marsh • Beverly Lang Pierce,
In Memory of Tow G. Lew and June Eng Lew • Amy R. Richter • Barbara C.
Stevenson • Tom and Kiyomi Takekawa • Rosalyn Tonai and Grant Din, In
Honor of Ron Chew • Tony and Teresa Woo • Erika Yelle
Charter Individual $45-$54
David Aggerholm • Karen Maeda Allman • Elizabeth (Betsy) Aoki • George
J. Arakawa • Mary Lea Askelson • Luis Aviado • David W. Barker • Susan J.
Barnes • Frank E. Barth • Faith A. Beatty • Bernice C. Beeman • Tom Bellamy
• Ellen Z. Berg • Chuimei Ho Bronson • Mary Brucker, In Memory of Liem
Tuai • Barbara M. Cannon • Linda S. Capriotti • Alexander Carson, In Honor
of Noriko Kato • Ron Chew • Cassie E. Chinn • Judith M. Chinn • Philippe R.
Claringbould • Jill Cole • Marie M. Coon • Valerie Costa • Anita Verna Crofts
• Carol Dale • Nikola Davidson • Monica A. Day • Nicholas W. Deppen •
Marjory Devers • Ed Diaz • James Diers • Cynthia Domingo • Israel Donohue
• Robert B. Edgers, In Honor of Sadayuki Habu • Cris Krisologo Elliott •
Susan S. Fenner • Dwight Funai • Pam N. Funai • Victoria Thomas Gentry •
Robert H. Hamatani • Robert Hancheroff • Verda Hansberry • Amy Y. Hara
• H. Deforest Hardinge • Kiku Hayashi • Fumiko Hayashida • Joshua Heim •
Carol Henderson • Jessica L. Herman • Nancy Hevly • Hannah Hirabayashi
• Moselle A. Horiuchi • Mari Horita • Lloyd Hoshide • Suzanne Hu • Dale
R. Hughes • Lisa Ingle • Ann B. Irish • George Iseri • Virginia Israel • Joyce
Ito • Robert Ivie • Anne L. Jacobson • Robert A. Jones • Rajanikant Joshi •
Naomi A. Kaji • Polly Kang • Leslie C. Katsman • Shige Kawano • Nam Keo •
Alice M. King • Teru Kiyohara • Anne Ko • Joan B. Kohl • Jacqueline Kosak •
Michael F. Krawitz • Kikue Kubota • Michelle R. Kumata • Richard Kuniyuki
• Leo Lam • Lee Larson • Grace K. Lee • Alice K. Lee-Eiford, In Memory of
Gloria K. Lee • Audrey E. Lew • Mary Lou Lewis • Annie D. Li • Flora Lim, In
Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kian Lim • Karla Litzenberger • Betty Lock • Thomas
Y. Locke • Sarah M. Loudon • Levin Lynch • Paul Magnano • Ruth Anne
Magruder • Stephanie R. Mano • Charlene Mano Shen • Wendy B. Marlowe,
PhD, ABPP • Terri Mast • Vera Matsumoto, In Memory of Manville Gan •
Sam McDeavitt • James McNett • Margaret Mettert • John Moritsugu • Sylvia
V. Mowery • Lilly Nakano • Gina Nguyen • Ann Nieder • Ms. Jill S. Novik •
Susan Y. Oas • Irene E. Ohashi • Toni D. Okada, In Memory of John I. and
Matsuno Okada • Aiko Okamoto • Mitsuko Otani • Mary Passmore • Ruth
G. Pelz • Pamela Perrott • Judith Peters • Sayuri Rajapakse • Cher Ravagni
• Frank Ray • Madeline A. Renkens • Virginia M. Rice • Wilma Charter
Charter Friend $65-$74
Gale C. Adair • Grace Adriano • Gene M. Ampon and Roger Anderson •
Suzanne Arness • Geri and Jim Baenen • Elizabeth Jallie Bagshaw • Redmond
J. Barnett & Suzanne Wilson Barnett • John Berry • Bob and Berta Beveridge
• Marla Jacobson Blaser • Elizabeth C. Butler, In Memory of Tessa Butler •
Marite M. Butners • BiHoa Caldwell • Emeline Caldwell • Carol H. Cannon
and Henry W. Cannon • Jane L. Caughlan and Charles G. Cooper • John and
Barbara Chattin-McNichols • James and Dorothy Chen • Linda D. Chinn
• Fai Coffin • Sanjay and Jenny Das • Donn Davis • Howard and Barbara
Droker • Jeanne Eaton • Doris Eng • Linda Eng • Julia and Michael Eulenberg
• Mike and Brenda Finkenbinder • Laureen France • Maradel K. Gale •
Arva D. Gray • Shidan Greene • Dory and Ray Hamlyn, In Memory of Dr.
Kazuto and Marji M. Harada • Shuko Y. Hara • Toshio Harada Family • Alan
Hashimoto and Kathleen McKeehan • David Hays and Joan E. Hammond •
Teresa Holt and Joy Schaad • Tom Hom and Mae Rosok • Jim Hopfenbeck
and Alice Dubiel • Julie Y. Hungar • Winston W. Ing • Miriam M. Jue, In
Memory of Ted Wah Jue • Art Kageyama • Etsuko M. Kawaguchi • Mrs. J.
Wm. Keithan • Sharon Kita and Rob Britt • Kathie G. Larson • Alan Lau and
Kazuko Nakane • Phyllis Lee • Ricky L. Leong • Carl Linder and Julieta
Sincere Thanks to Our Generous Donors & Members
Individual $45-$54 (continued)
Richards • Jeannette J. Roden Loo • Anne Roffey • Josephine Root • Laurie
P. Rostholder • Sharon Ruff • George W. Scarola • Donna M. Schubert •
Christina Seong • Juanita A. Shaternick • Shang-yen Shen • Joy R. Shigaki
• Katherine A. Shozawa • Steven D. Smith • Virginia I. Stave • Mona L.
Stefflre • Margaret Su • Lucy Suzuki • Nancy Swigger • W. Richard Takaki •
Angela Taniguchi • Terence M. Tazioli • Judy Teshima • Mie Sie Thompson
• Gail Tremblay • Constance Trowbridge • Laura Tuck • Gordon Umino
• Richard Van Dyk • Eleanor Vandenhuevel • Nancy Vanravenzwaay •
Kathleen Veit • Art Wang • Patti Warashina • Paige Weinheimer • Corrine
Wilkinson • Richard Wilson • Shawn H. Wong • Curtis D. Woo • Darlene
Yamada • Isoko Yoshihara • Roy I. Yotsuuye • Ellen Ziegler
DONORS (1/12/08 – 5/16/08)
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
Herb and Shirley Bridge
John Aslin and Carole Grisham • Jon and Honorable Bobbe Bridge •
Jackie Der and Alan Painter • Mr. William E. Franklin • Mimi and Bill
Gates • Douglas and Patty Mar • Edith Mar • Paul Mar • Linda Mortland •
Spafford Robbins • Herman and Donna Setijono
(Active as of 5/16/08)
Anonymous (WLAM Donation Box) • Helen M. Gamble • Charlene and
Lorin Grinolds • Victor and Stacy Mizumori • Rebecca Parker • Beth
Takekawa and Tony To • Gayle and John Thompson • Judy M. Tobin and
Michael Baker
Visionary Circle $5,000-$9,999
Jon and Mary Shirley
Leadership Circle $2,500-$4,999
Judy M. Tobin and Michael Baker
Virginia and Maile Anderson • Masse and Fay Bloomfield • Michael
Richards and Rita Brogan • The Honorable Dow Constantine • William
Espero • Cheryl and Millison Fambles • Malcom and Karen Harris • Kari
and Larry Hofer • Chin Lin Hua • Leslie Kinkade • Andrei Kreptul •
Amanda and Judd Lee • William and Lilly Lee • Dan Lewis • Nora Liu •
Jerry Martin • Tommer J. Peterson and Betty Jo Flett • Elizabeth J. Roberts
• Stephanie Stebich • Diane and Rich Sugimura • Jean E. Takekawa •
Victoria Terao • Walter and Jean Walkinshaw
President’s Circle $1,000-$2,499
Casey X. Bui • Katherine Cheng and Ron Nelson • Joann M. Marshall •
Dolores Sibonga • Ed Suguro • David, Nancy and Natalie Williams • Sung
Yang and SoYoung Kwon
Patron $100
Calvin and Helen Lang • Christine O’Connor
Friends and Family $50
Pam Alleman • Jarett Antoque • Andelee Baker • Julie Barchek • Charlie
and Kathy Blackman • Hilary Bolles • Martha Bosma • Anna and Mark
Bowman • Frances Chapin • Judy Chen • Sharon Chung • Allison Clay •
Lisa Clayton • Tom and Jean Deguchi • Lloyd Douglas • Diane Duthweiler
• The Ven Lincoln Eng and Mabel Luke Eng • Matthew Eng • Noel Frame
• Rex Gaoaen • Warren Gibbs and Jan Frederick • John and Suzanne
Hansen • Jerry Hauer • June Hayakawa-Fung • Tom and Kay Hirai • Teri A.
Johnson • Shawniene Kaufman • Alessandra Kim • Tamara Lamb • Rosita
Lee • Hannah Love • Mary Malloy • Kelly Mann and John Kenley • Carol
and Dwayne Markham • Karen and Lawrence Matsuda • Paulette Montross
• Thomas and Julie Murfin • Cecelia Neira • Dan Price • Steve Price and
Suze Woolf • Patty Repikoff • Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott Riley • Cassandra S
age • William Shelton • Nadine and Dennis Shiroma • T. Beth Sims and
William Bauer • Sunny Speidel/Underground Tour • Laura Staley • Jan
Tanabe • Sarah Taylor • Huong Tran • Gayle Tsuboi and Jim Kranick • Guy
and Kathryn Kozu Tsutsumoto • Ann Tweedy • Frederick Yee and Clara
Cheung • Shelli Young
Richard W. Alexander • David Buck • Crispin Chinn and Leah Johnson •
Adelaida Corsilles • Alicia and Mark Davis • Robert H. Hamatani • Henry
H. Hirano and Tomi T. Hirano • Teresa Holt and Joy Schaad • George Iseri
• Robert Jarmick and Polly Zetterberg • Patricia Lofstedt • Gary P. Long
• William J. Neville • Allan Panitch • Audrey Schatz • Paul R. Sugawara •
Patsy Yamada • Edward and Aida Yeung • Robin Yip Yim
Tribute Gifts (1/12/08–5/16/08)
In Honor of Frank S. Fujii: May and Hideo Sasaki • In Honor of Irene
Heninger: Sandra Louise Carlson • In Honor of teacher and artist Ron Ho:
Bellevue Art Museum Docents • In Honor of May C. Luke’s 80th Birthday:
Mrs. Louise R. Chinn; Dorothy C. Curtis; Gene Fujita and Kazie Sasaki;
Elsa Going; Jennifer Jenkins and Glenn Norcross; Miriam Jue, Wolf and
Leilani Saar, Laurine Jue, and Steve and Lissa Orr; William and Beth
Kawahara; Milton and Lily Lew; Yalan C. Lew; Katashi Oita and Hana
Kato; Tina Tsui and Kurt Hiroshima • In Honor of Kenji and Martha Onishi:
Leann Y. Onishi • In Honor of Beth Takekawa’s new appointment: Linda
Suyama – Azuma Gallery • In Honor of Chun Lan Ng Woo’s 90th Birthday:
Seattle Chinese Post, Inc.
Individual $30
Allen County Public Library • Carla Hudson • Vi Mar and Howard King •
Richard Kuniyuki • Cynthia Mejia-Giudici
In Memory of Kimi Taguchi Hara: Reiko Taguchi Sumada • In Memory of
Tom Ing: Thomas and Charlene Ko • In Memory of Ted Wah Jue: from his
family • In Memory of Ida O. Lim: Group from Vancouver BC - Bunny and
Hong, Howards and Phylis, Peter and Olynda, Tony and Joyce, Sony, Joe
and Mae; Albert and Mae Mark; Grace R. Tazuma and Bruce Brundige •
In Memory of Pat Uno Noritake: Robert and Marian Ohashi • In Memory of
Henry Ohtani, brother of Betty Shigihara and Tom Ohtani: Bob and Marian
Ohashi • In Memory of Tom Sakai: Sally Tsutsumoto and Katie
Senior $20
Priscilla Chong Jue • Marjorie Levy • Maxine Loo • Joyce K. Nakamura •
Theodor Schuchat • Aurora Valentinetti
Student $20
Tom Kelley
Sincere Thanks to Our Generous Donors & Members
Tribute Gifts (continued)
Matching Gifts
Sakai • In Memory of Sun Fong Tam: Grace R. Tazuma and Bruce
Brundige • In Memory of Wallace Hoye Wong: Herbert Tsuchiya • In
Memory of Ben Woo: Carol A. and John L. Austin; Tim Bradbury; Bick
Wai and Bob Chan; Tom and Dorothy Chin; Vivan, Joe and Ken Chun;
Timothy and Gretchen Clancy; Bill C. and Alpha J. M. Eng; Miyuki
Hanada; Victor Ikeda; Jon Ten Corporation; P. Y. and G. Y. Jone; Miyoko
Kaneta; Richard and Helen Kay; Amie and Bill Komoto; Lorraine
Kuniyuki; Kenneth Lew; Eric Lin, Risa Morimoto, and Sonja Hyon;
Merritt and Marsha Tadano Long; Paul and Emma Woo Louie; LouieMarsh Family Fund; Eric Lubell; Bettie Luke; David T. Ly and Jennie
Fong Ly; Paul Mar; Albert and Mae Mark; Barbara Matsudaira; Fran and
Hero Matsuoka; Hisako Miyake; Diane Morgan; Mutual Fish Co., Inc.;
Mako Nakagawa; Diane Narasaki and James West; Sandra I. Nichols
and Edward J. Nichols; Diana Nunan and Shelton Jann; David and Dina
Okimoto; Osami’s Barber Shop; George Oya; Merry Y. Oya; Patricia Oya;
Progressive Majority; William Vincent Quinn Jr.; Jay and Jane Reich;
Azaria Rousso and Saundra Lee Rousso; Deborah Senn and Rudolph
Bertschi; Beth Takekawa and Tony To; Katsumi and Terrie Tanino;
Takeko Todo; Masako Tomita; Nellie and Ginlin Woo; Teresa and Wilma
Woo; Harry Yoshimura; Joan Kiyo Yoshitomi
Adobe Systems Incorporated • Alaska Airlines • Amgen • Anonymous •
Bank of America • Boeing Employees’ Credit Union • Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation • The Boeing Company • Buck & Gordon LLP • Cingular •
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation • Dorsey & Whitney LLP • Eli Lilly
& Company Foundation, Inc. • Enterprise Rent-A-Car • Freddie Mac
Foundation • Gap Foundation • IBM Corporation • Kemper • KeyBank •
Kresge Foundation • Los Angeles Times • Lynden Incorporated • Macy’s
Northwest, Inc. • Marguerite Casey Foundation • McDonald’s Corporation
• Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. • Microsoft • Nintendo of America,
Inc. • Oracle • PopCap Games Inc. • Puget Sound Energy • RadioShack
• Safeco • Sallie Mae • SBC Communications Inc. • Starbucks Coffee
Company • Sun Microsystems, Inc. • Washington Mutual • Weyerhaeuser
Institutional Support: Corporate, Foundation, & Government Donors
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services • Exemplar Program,
a Program of Americans for the Arts in collaboration with the
LarsonAllen Public Service Group, funded by the Ford Foundation
4Culture • Comcast • Marguerite Casey Foundation
Adobe • ArtsFund • Bank of America • The Boeing Company •
National Endowment for the Arts • Office of Economic Development,
City of Seattle • Washington Civil Liberties Public Education
Program • Washington State Arts Commission
$5,000 - $9,999
Kongsgaard-Goldman Foundation • Lucky Seven Foundation • Office
of Arts & Cultural Affairs, City of Seattle • U.S. Bancorp
$1,000 - $4,999
Little Family Foundation • Motoda Foundation
Thank you to our Grand Opening
Presenting Sponsor: KeyBank
Corporate Sponsor: Washington Mutual
Media Sponsors: The Seattle Times, KOMO TV, KUOW
Friends of the Museum: MARPAC Construction LLC,
Russell Investments, Starbucks, Verizon Wireless,
Wyman Youth Trust
Opening Year Image by: WongDoody
Opening Year Media Sponsor:
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 623-5124
Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm
Monday closed
First Thursday & Third Saturday
of the month, 10am-8pm
Tour info: (206) 623-5124 ext.133
Visit us soon.