AUCTION LIST NO.: M-25/2008 Date of Auction : 18.12.2008 Time : 10:30 a.m. Date of Collection by successful bidder : By not later than 4:00 p.m. on 30.12.2008 or otherwise specified. Remark : In case a rainstorm black warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is still hoisted between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., the Auction will be deferred to 10:30 a.m. on the following working day. Notes for Bidders : Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale : Bidders should comply with the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale as stipulated in the Notice of Auction. Inspection & Viewing of Goods : Interested bidders are requested to approach the departments concerned for inspection arrangements in the first place. The names of contacting officers and/or the telephone numbers are provided against the lot numbers. Collection & Removal of Goods : The successful bidders should at their sole cost, provide transportation, labour and necessary equipment required for the collection and removal of the goods (including vehicles, vessels and sampans, etc) from the specified locations against individual lots at the status as they were when the bidders carried out the inspection of goods. For Purchase of Electrical Products : The electrical products are sold as is for scrap purposes only and without any warranties as to their fitness for purpose. Successful bidders are reminded that they are required to comply with the terms of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulations if they attempt to recondition, re-use and/or sell any of these goods in the local market in Hong Kong. Enquiry : In case of further enquiry, the bidders may contact Government Logistics Department on telephone no. 2896 9878 , by fax (no. 2515 9447) or e-mail ([email protected]). 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 2 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1522/2008) Department : WSD (Ref. : (37) in S.O. 243/2008 (1)) DDC Ref. : (25) in WSD/SUP 3-5/2/1 Pt. 7 Location : Wan Po Road Maintenance Yard, TKO Contact Person : Mr. MA Man-yuen at 2152 5634 or Mr. KWONG Ming-cheong at 2152 5634 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-101 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. : 水務署 : 水務署將軍澳環保大道廠房 : 馬先生 / 鄺先生 電話: 2152 5634 / 2152 5634 Unserviceable (不可使用) PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 457MM F/L PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 610MM F/L PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 711MM F/L PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 813MM F/L PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 914MM F/L PIPE MS BITUMEN LINED 1220MM F/L PIPE MS CONCRETE LINED 610MM F/L PIPE DI W/FLEX JT 100MM X 5.5M SUIT CUT PIPE DI W/FLEX JT 250MM X 5.5M SUIT CUT PIPE DI W/FLEX JT 400MM X 5.5M SUIT CUT PIPE DI W/FLEX JT 600MM X 5.5M SUIT CUT BEND DOU SOCKET DI 11-1/4 DEG X 400MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 22-1/2 DEG X 80MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 22-1/2 DEG X 100MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 22-1/2 DEG X 200MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 22-1/2 DEG X 250MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 45 DEG X 80MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 45 DEG X 250MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 90 DEG X 80MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 90 DEG X 200MM BEND DOU SOCKET DI 90 DEG X 300MM COLLAR DUCTILE IRON MECH JOINT 150MM COLLAR DUCTILE IRON MECH JOINT 200MM COLLAR CHANGE DUCTILE IRON 150MM COLLAR CHANGE DUCTILE IRON 200MM PIECE DIST CI DN150 X 450MM LGTH CL25 PIECE FLANGED SOCKET DUCTILE IRON 250MM PIECE CHANGE DOU SPIGOT DUCT IRON 400MM VALVE SLUICE CI HORI 700MM VALVE SLUICE CI HORI 600MM VALVE SLUICE CI HORI 400MM VALVE SLUICE CI VERT 100MM VALVE SLUICE CI VERT 200MM TEE DOU SOCKET FL BRANCH DI 250MMX200MM TEE DOU SOCKET FL BRANCH DI 300MMX150MM 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 軟鋼喉管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 生鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 生鐵閘制–橫身 生鐵閘制–橫身 生鐵閘制–橫身 生鐵閘制–直身 生鐵閘制–直身 球墨鑄鐵管 球墨鑄鐵管 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 9 3 2 2 7 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 6 3 2 10 1 2 No. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 3 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1032/2008) Department : EMSD (Ref. : EMS/W/504) Location : Sai Tso Wan Vehicle Pound Contact Person : Mr. FUNG Kim-ching at 2348 3686 部門 : 機電工程署 地點 : 晒草灣汽車車場 聯絡人 : 馮先生 M-102 1. 電話: 2348 3686 Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Vehicles Vehicle Number: CAM3476 Serial Number: 00015908 (30002905) Manufacturer: Nissan Model: Serena Engine Number: SR20-422863 Chassis Number: ABAC23-00971 舊日產七人房車 1 No. (部) Special Conditions : 1. Motor vehicles are sold as they are and with no warranty that they comply in any respects with the provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and use of vehicles. The successful bidder acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by “M” in the Lot No. of the Auction List are phased out vehicles belonging to Government or subvented public organizations and these vehicles sold by auction may not be registered or licensed for use in Hong Kong under the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Chapter 374 unless the vehicles conform to the emission requirements for newly registered vehicles as stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards)(Emission) Regulations and are repaired, type approved, as required and certified to be roadworthy by the Transport Department at the successful bidder’s expense and in such case unless otherwise specified in the auction list, the successful bidder shall pay the necessary first registration tax, which is to be determined by the Transport Department. For the bidder’s information, the first registration tax is calculated as “C.I.F. value x (1 - depreciation rate) x taxable rate” and is subject to revision. 2. Registration numbers of the vehicles are for identification purposes only and will not be transferred to the successful bidder. 3. Nothing shall be removed from the vehicles by the successful bidder whilst the vehicle remains at the Location. 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 4 Lot No. 批號 M-102 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 4. Motor vehicles are sold with no warranty that they comply in any respects with the provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and use of vehicles. The successful bidder acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by “M” in the Lot No. of the Auction List are confiscated vehicles and these vehicles may be registered and licensed provided the successful bidder is able to satisfy the Commissioner for Transport’s requirements for such registration and licensing, including that all particulars shown on the vehicle should not have been tampered with and that the vehicle in question can pass the required inspection conducted by a Transport Department Vehicle Examination Centre. No warranty is given that the Commissioner for Transport’s approval will be given. The successful bidder is required to register the vehicle in his name to effect the change in ownership or to report destruction of the vehicle together with the necessary documents to the Transport Department in accordance with the Road Traffic (Registration & Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations Chapter 374. 5. Registration numbers of the vehicles are for identification purposes only and may only be transferred to the successful bidder upon the transfer of ownership and the approval of the Commissioner for Transport as specified in Condition 4 above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 特別條款: 車輛是以其現有情況出售,政府不保證拍賣車輛在各方面俱符合每一項有關車 輛構造及使用的法例規定。承購人知道所有開列於拍賣物品清單內而貨號有 "M"記號的車輛乃屬於政府或受資助的公共機構的退役車輛,而根據《道路交通 (車輛登記及領牌)規例》(香港法例第374章)的規定,該等以拍賣方式出售 的車輛將不獲登記或發牌在本港道路上行駛,除非有關車輛符合《空氣污染管制 (車輛設計標準)(廢氣)規例》對新登記車輛有關廢氣排放的規定,並已由承 購人自費進行修理及車輛類型審核,經運輸署證明符合規格及適宜在道路上行 駛。在該等情況下,除非拍賣物品清單另有訂明,否則,承購人必須繳交由運 輸署所定出的車輛首次登記稅,有關稅項是以其“到岸價 ×(1–折舊率)× 稅率” 計算,並會隨時作出修訂。 車輛登記號碼僅為辨認用途,將不轉讓與承購人。 當車輛停泊於指定地點期間,承購人不得移去車輛的任何部分。 政府不保證拍賣車輛在各方面俱符合每一項有關車輛構造及使用的法例規 定。承購人知道所有開列於拍賣物品清單之內而貨號有"M"記號者乃充公車 輛,而該等車輛如能符合運輸署署長規定的登記或領牌條件,可進行登記 或領牌。該等條件包括車輛所示一切資料不得竄改,而有關車輛必須能通 過運輸署驗車中心所進行的檢驗。至於運輸署署長是否會給予有關批准, 政府則不能作出保證。承購人須根據《道路交通(車輛登記及領牌)規例》 (香港法例第374章)的規定,向運輸署提交所需文件,以個人名義辦理車 輛登記,完成過戶手續,或據情向其報告車輛已受損毀。 車輛的登記號碼僅為辨認用途,此登記號碼只可根據上文第4條的規定, 在經運輸署署長批准及辦理車輛過戶手續後,才得轉讓與承購人。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 5 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1739/2008) Department : Dept of Health (Ref. : (19) in DH SSO/3-5/1-6 VII) DH/DDC Ref. : 267/08 Location : Tseung Kwan O Dental Clinic 2/F., Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road Health Centre, 28 Po Ning Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. Contact Person : Miss CHOW (SDSA) at 2191 1060 部門 地點 : 衛生署 : 將軍澳寶寧路28號將軍澳寶寧路健康中心2樓 將軍澳牙科診所 聯絡人 : 周姑娘 電話: 2191 1060 M-103 1. 2. (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Dental Equipment & Instrument 牙科器材及工具 Dental Unit with Accessories 牙機連配件 X-Ray Machine without X-ray Tube Head 牙科X光機但 不包括X光機 球管 1 1 Set. Set. (套) (套) 1 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1739/2008) Department : Dept of Health (Ref. : (19) in DH SSO/3-5/1-6 VII) DH/DDC Ref. : 265/08 Location : Shek Wu Hui Student Health Service Centre 2/F., Shek Wu Hui Jockey Club Clinic, 108 Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. WONG at 2671 1336 部門 : 衛生署 地點 : 新界上水賽馬會道108號石湖墟賽馬會診所2樓 聯絡人 : 黃姑娘 電話: 2671 1336 M-104 1 (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Pharma Refrigerator “Kirsch” 醫藥用雪櫃 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 6 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1817/2008) Department : Dept of Health (Ref. : (36) in DH SSO/3-5/1-6 VII) DH/DDC Ref. : 303/08 Location : School Immunisation Teams, 2/F., 115 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. Holly LI at 2615 8502 部門 : 衛生署 地點 : 新界荃灣青山道115號 2字樓學童免疫注射小組 聯絡人 : 李小姐 電話: 2615 8502 M-105 1. (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Medicine Refrigerator, model Dometic ML405 藥用雪櫃 1 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1846/2008) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (4) in AFCD/DDC/047/08) Location : Keung Shan Management Centre, Milestone 12, Tai O Road, Lantau Contact Person : Mr. WONG Chun-wah at 2985 6483 部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 新界大嶼山羌山郊野公園管理站 聯絡人 : 黃先生 電話: 2985 6483 M-106 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unserviceable (不可使用) Hand pallet truck Rice cooker Power chain saw 'Husqvarna' Radio receiver, AM/FM "Sony" DVD play "Sony" Electric ceiling fan 唧車 電飯煲 電鋸 收音機 DVD機 樓底電風扇 1 1 1 1 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 7 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1828/2008) Department : EMSD (Ref. : EMS/C/427) Location : Energy Efficiency Office, 7/F, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon Contact Person : Ms. Constance NG at 2808 3462 部門 : 機電工程署 地點 : 九龍啟成街3號7樓 聯絡人 : 吳小姐 M-107 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 電話: 2808 3462 Unserviceable (不可使用) Color Photocopier Ricoh Aficio 3006 Color Printer Copier S/N: H01001004336 Photocopier MITA DC-4056 S/N: 37026514 PDA Sony Clie T665 S/N: 7505342 PDA Sony Clie T665 S/N: 7505391 DVD R/RW Plextor PX708A 8X DVD-R S/N: 506092047170 彩色影印機 1 No. (件) 影印機 1 No. (件) 電子手帳 1 No. (件) 電子手帳 1 No. (件) 電腦器材 1 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1954/2008) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (3) in AFCD/DDC/078/08) Location : Engineering Division (HQ), 6/F., 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. SUN Po-fu, SSO/E at 2150 6781 or Mr. CHAN at 2150 6782 部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 九龍長沙灣道303號長沙灣政府合署6樓工程部 聯絡人 : 申先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2150 6781 或 2150 6782 M-108 1. 2. 3. 4. Unserviceable (不可使用) Drafting machine Drafting machine 430 FB PDA S60 Acer 128 MB Memory Stick 繪圖機 繪圖機 電子手帳 記憶咭 3 4 1 1 No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 8 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1938/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(131) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB500/U475/08, EDB502/U477/08 and EDB503/U478/08 Location : Sheung Kwai Chung Government Secondary School, 11 Shek Pai Street, Shek Lai Estate, Sheung Kwai Chung, N.T. Contact Person : Ms LI at 2423 2425 部門 : 教育局 地點 : 新界上葵涌石排街十一號石籬邨上葵涌官立中學 聯絡人 : 李小姐 電話: 2423 2425 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-109 1. Sony Digital Camera MVC-FD92 1.3 MEGA 相機 1 No. (件) 2. Canon Digital Camera Powershop 50-S 相機 1 No. (件) 3. Nikon Coolpix 990 Digital Camera 相機 1 No. (件) 4. Sony WM-GX400 Walkman 隨身聽 1 No. (件) 5. Plain paper copier Model 2540 影印機 1 No. (件) 6. Refrigerator 雪櫃 1 No. (件) 7. Piano Kemble Jubilee, school model upright 鋼琴 1 No. (件) 8. Recorder, cassette, Sony 卡式錄音機 1 No. (件) 9. Xylophone, alto, 19 bars 木琴 1 No. (件) 10. Chime bar, set of 25 bars 樂器 1 No. (件) 11. Drum, 20” bass 鼓 1 No. (件) 12. Hi-Fi component system 音響系統 1 No. (件) 13. Compact Disc player CD機 1 No. (件) 14. Panasonic TC-29P22H TV 電視機 1 No. (件) 15. Sharp VC-SH990W VCR 錄影機 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 9 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1951/2008) Department : Lands Department (File Ref: S149/2008) Location : District Lands Office, Yuen Long 10/F., No. 2 Kiu Lok Square, Yuen Long Contact Person : Miss YU Shuk-cheong at 2443 3495 or Mrs. POON at 2443 3049 部門 地點 : 地政總署 : 元朗橋樂坊2號10樓 聯絡人 : 余淑莊小姐 / 潘太 M-110 1. 2. 3. Unserviceable (不可使用) Paper Shredder 20822 GMC Paper Shredder 2400 light Telephone Answering Machine 電話: 2443 3495 / 2443 3049 碎紙機 小型碎紙機 座枱電話 1 1 77 No. (件) No. (件) Nos. (件) Notes for Auction 1. Interested bidders are requested to approach the department concerned two working days before the auction date for inspection arrangement. 2. Prior to collection, successful bidder is required to contact the representative of department for arrangement. 有關須知 1. 有意競投者欲查看拍賣物品,請在拍賣日兩個工作天前與有關部門聯絡。 2. 取貨前,承購人必須先聯絡有關部門代表安排提貨事宜。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 10 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1964/2008) Department : Marine Dept. (Ref. : (5) in DDC 003/2008) Location : Hydrographic Office, 2/F., Hydro Building, Government Dockyard, Stonecutters Island, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Contact Person : Miss NG at 2504 0711 部門 : 海事處 地點 : 九龍深水埗昂船洲政府船塢海測大樓2樓 聯絡人 : 吳小姐 電話: 2504 0711 M-111 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) Fosa Notebook IBM 2626 Notebook 手提電腦 手提電腦 1 1 Set Set 1 2 No. (件) Nos (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1958/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (20) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/385/08 Location : Sai Kung Police Station, No.1, Po Tung Road, Sai Kung, N.T. Contact Person : SUPPORT SGT SKDIV at 2792 8644 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 新界西貢寶東路1號西貢警署 聯絡人 : 支援警長 電話: 2792 8644 M-112 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) Single GYM JK-A-9980C IVANKO CBPP 20 Kg Machined Calibrated Olympic Plate 20Kg Cast Iron Per Piece 健身器材 鐵餅 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 11 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1913/2008) Department : WSD (Ref. : (51) in S.O. 243/2008 (1)) DDC Ref. : (65) in WSD/SUP 3-5/2/1 Pt. 7 Location : Ngam Tam Mei Lab, ]Ngan Tam Mei WTW, Chuk Yau Road, Yuen Long, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. FUNG Chai-ho at 2482 8389 or Mr. YEUNG Wing-kai at 2482 4758 部門 : 水務署 地點 : 新界元朗牛潭尾竹攸路牛潭尾濾水廠 聯絡人 : 馮先生 / 楊先生 電話: 2482 8389 / 2482 4758 M-113 1. 2. 3. Unserviceable (不可使用) ‘Thermolyne’ Hot Plate Turbidimeter 2100N Meter Model No. 720A ‘Orion’ 失效加熱器 失效混濁度機 失效pH機 4 1 2 Nos. (件) Set (件) Sets (件) 4 1 Nos. Nos. (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2049/2008) Department : CEDD (Ref.: (2) in DDC-39/2008 (U)) Location : Computer Services Unit, 13/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. SIU at Tel No. 2762 5076 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-114 1. 2. :土木工程拓展署 :九龍何文田公主道101號土木工程拓展署大樓13樓 電腦服務組 2762 5076 :蕭先生 電話: Unserviceable (不可使用) Imoega Jaz Zip Drive HP SureStore DLT Autoloader 電腦器材 電腦器材 (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 12 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD Ref.: GR/4/1914/2008) Department : Transport (Ref.: (23) in CT 16/32/3 Pt. VII) Location : Room 4125, 41/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. HO Kin at 2829 5246 部門 : 運輸署 地址 : 香港灣仔入境事務大樓41樓4125室 聯絡人 : 何先生 電話: 2829 5246 M-115 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Unserviceable (不可使用) Compaq Deskpro EP PIII/500 M6400/64M MS 桌面電腦 Chinese Win 98 S/N#7004CV240136 - Intel Pentium III 500 MHz - 64 MB SDRAM - Matrox Millennium G200-SD AGP Grachics Card - 2 PC, 2 ISA and 1 ISA/PCI Shared Slots - 2 Serial Port, 1 ECP Parallet Port, 2 USB Port and 1 PS/2 Mouse Port, Chinese Keyboard & Mouse - Bundled Compaq 3.5” 1.44MB Floppy Drive - Western Digital Compaq Sqare 6.4GB HD - Bundled MS Chinese Win 98 SONY 40x IDE INT CD-Rom W/Audio Cable 光碟機 HP Laser Jet 692C Printer S/N SG7BDID18V 打印機 Ricoh MP7040A ATAP 1/IDE CDRW 燒碟機 HP Laserjet 1100 Printer S/N SGGJ091055 打印機 HP Laserjet 1100 Printer S/N SGGJ093260 打印機 HP Laserjet 6L Printer SJZX064263 打印機 Acer Mate 930 Pentium 166MMX Computer System 桌面電腦 (Tower Case) Intel Pentium 166MMX CPU M/N (A710P022772) 265KB Pipeline Burst Secondary Cache 16MB EDO Memory Onboard Local Bus ATI 64-Bit Graphic Accelerator, 3 PCI Slots, 5 ISA Slots (1 Slot Shared) 3 5.25 + 2 3.25 External Drive Bay 1 3.25 Internal Drive Bay 2 Serical Ports 1 Parallel and 1 PS/2 Port Onboard FDD Controller and IDE HD Controller Chinese Keyboard 中文鍵盤 Seagate ST 32122A 2.1GB Enhanced IDE Hard Dish 硬碟機 Matsushite/Panasonic 1.44MB 3 2.5 Internal Floppy 軟碟機 Drive Computer Table F710 電腦桌 Computer Table F710H 電腦桌 Fujitsu Lifebook S-4562R PIII 700 MHz Notebook 手提電腦 Bundled PHILIPS LCD Monitor 150 B 液晶體顯示器 Box Fan 14” Ocean BS 1468 14寸座地風扇 HR 4332 Philips Air Cleaner 飛利浦 空氣清新機 Sharp ELSIMATE EL-2128R 計算機 1 Set (件) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. Set (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 4 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 1 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) Set (件) 1 2 1 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 13 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD Ref.: GR/4/1914/2008) Department : Transport (Ref.: (23) in CT 16/32/3 Pt. VII) Location : 7/F, Sai Kung Government Offices Contact Person : Mr. CHAN Chak-ming at 2782 7082 部門 :運輸署 地址 :,西貢政府合署7樓 聯絡人 :陳先生 電話: 2782 7082 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-116 1. Philips AD 182 Controller 交通燈控制器 1 No. (件) 交通燈控制器 1 No. (件) 交通燈控制器 2 No. (件) 交通燈控制器 26 No. (件) 交通燈控制器 1 No. (件) 閉路電視制箱 1 No. (件) 交通燈控制器 2 No. (件) (790mm x 345mm x 1320mm) 2. Philips AD 540 Controller (800mm x 475mm x 1240mm) 3. GEC C2000 Controller (620mm x 400mm x 1075mm) 4. Delta 4 Controller (710mm x 430mm x 1285mm) 5. Philips PSC Controller (760mm x 400mm x 1350mm) 6. Philips CCTV Kiosk (605mm x 425mm x 1470mm) 7. Siemens T400 Controller (650mm x 470mm x 1390mm) 8. Traffic Light Parts: 交通燈組件: Red/Yelloe/Green Optical Lens 紅/黃/綠光學透鏡 4952 No. (件) Metallic Optical Reflector 金屬反光罩 4936 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 14 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2033/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (19) in FS/SS 6/4 Pt.5) Location : Hose Store, 3 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Contact Person : Miss SIU at 2750 6995 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-117 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. : 消防處 : 九龍灣臨興街3號消防喉倉 : 蕭小姐 電話: 2750 6995 Unserviceable (不可使用消防零件) 4/D11/399 - FLANGE BOLT NUT 4/D11/1059 - SERVICE KIT 4/D11/1119 - BRAG RACE ONLY-OUTER 4/D11/204 - AXLE SHAFT FLANGE JOINT 4/D11/619 - OIL SEAL 4/D11/953 - REPAIR KIT 4/D11/684 - B. LINING 4/D11/425 - REPAIR KIT 4/D11/994 - REPAIR KIT FOR 'A' VALVE 4/D6/75 - JOINT ADAPTER PLATE 4/D11/164 - OIL SEAL 4/D11/191 - WHEEL NUT RH 4/D11/192 - WHEEL NUT L.H. 4/D11/957 - TWO WAY VALVE 4/D11/1168 - FLASHERSWITCH - INDCTR 4/D11/936 - SLIDING DOG 4/D11/92 - AIR FILTER 4/D11/1167 - SWITCH, LIGHT/WIPER 4/D11/986 - TAB WASHER 4/D11/3 - HUB OIL SEAL 4/D11/63 - FILTER (HYD.) 4/D11/961 - SHAFT SEAL 4/D11/569 - ANGLE DRIVE 4/D11/288 - CRANK PIN SLIDING BLOCK 4/D11/1379 - THRUST BEARING 4/D11/1581 - BRAKE SHOE REAR SET 4/D11/1378 - THRUST BEARING 4/D11/6 - OIL FILTER 4/D11/1113 - NDLE CAGE BRG-CAGEONLY 12 1 5 18 10 2 4 9 1 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 6 1 2 11 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 27 1 NO. KIT NO. NO. NO. KIT NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. SET NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 15 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-117 (Cont’d) 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Description 物品詳情 4/D11/1866 - HOSE, OIL COOLER TO FILTER 4/D11/1948 - CIRCLIP, WIPER, WINDSCREEN 4/D11/940 - REPAIR KIT T30 SP BS 4/D11/1834 - SHIM 0.015", SWIVEL PIN, FRT AXLE 4/D11/1835 - SHIM 0.01", SWIVEL, PIN FRT AXLE. 4/D11/1836 - SHIM 0.005", SWIVEL PIN, FRT AXLE 4/D11/872 - DRIVE SHAFT 4/D11/1840 - FRONT SPRING BRKT, REAR 4/D11/1841 - FRONT SPRING BRACKET, FRONT 4/D11/1594 - HINGE, FRT & RR DOOR, LH 4/D11/1083 - DRIVEN GEAR (23 TEETH), HS PTO 4/D11/1887 - BRACKET, SIDE ENGINE MOUNTING, LH 4/D11/1888 - BRACKET, SIDE ENGINE MOUNTING, RH 4/D11/1911 - SERVICE KIT, GOVERNOR VALVE 4/D11/1612 - PAD, RUBBER 4/D11/1917 - CAP, THRUST 4/D11/1919 - HUB ADJUSTABLE NUT, RH 4/D11/1015 - HUB BEARING, OUTER, RR AXLE 4/D11/1826 - KIT, DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION VALVE, BRAKE 4/D11/1436 - NEEDLE ROLLER BEARING, MAIN SHAFT, PTO 4/D11/1928 - WASHER HUB BEARING FRT AXLE 4/D11/1931 - ELEMENT, SEDIMETER, FUEL 4/D11/1943 - RUBBER BUSH, CAB MOUNTING, FRT BRKT 4/D11/1946 - BRAKE TREADLE SERVICE KIT 4/D11/1476 - BEARING, OUTER, REAR HUB 4/D11/997 - REPAIR KIT FOR MCR VALVE 4/D11/1937 - SEAL, OPERATING SHAFT, BRAKE 4/D11/1439 - BEARING 4/D11/921 - TOP CASING 4/D11/1929 - BEARING SWIVEL PIN, FRT AXLE 4/D6/103 - RING JOINT FOR COVER. ALT:4/D6/92 Quantity 數量 2 18 5 4 NO. NO. KIT NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) 4 NO. (件) 4 NO. (件) 2 2 2 3 3 1 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 NO. (件) 1 20 8 2 4 3 KIT NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 3 NO. (件) 2 5 4 NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) 2 2 6 2 3 1 3 1 SET NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 16 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-117 (Cont’d) 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. Description 物品詳情 4/D11/296 - GLAND BUSH REAR COVER 4/D11/844 - BRAKE VALVE REPAIR KIT 4/D11/1902 - HOSE, FILTER TO GEARBOX 4/D11/1903 - HOSE, GEARBOX TO COOLER 4/D11/1846 - BRACKET, REAR ROAD SPRING 4/D11/1839A - HOSE 4/D11/1055 - SPRING BRAKE ACTUATOR REPAIR KIT 4/D11/1056-KIT,T24 HD SPRING BRAKE,REAR. ALT:D11/764 4/D11/1218 - SLEEVE OIL SEAL 4/D11/1110 - PIN 4/D11/877 - BEARING 4/D11/930 - TRANSMISSION COUPLING KIT 4/D6/92 - RING, JOINT (RUBBER) 4/D6/28 - RING SEALING 4/D11/1844 - BOLT CENTRE, FRONT SPRING 4/D11/765 - OIL SEAL 4/D11/863 - KIT - HAND VALVE. ALT P/N:GA28997 4/D11/1114 - COUPLING 4/D11/1042 - CUP 4/D11/1088 - STOP 4/D11/1082 - STOP 4/D11/964 - SYNCHRO CONE 4/D11/969 - SYNCHRO PIN 4/D11/968 - SLIDING DOGS WITH PIN 4/D11/764 - KIT ALT: 4/D11/1056 4/D11/1562 - BRACKET. 4/D11/1288 - BRAKE HOSE. 4/D11/1043 - SPRING 4/D11/1441 - STEEL BALL, HS PTO 4/D11/1136-DUAL FOOT(FOAT BRAKE REPAIR KIT) ALT P/N:SK2814/1 4/D11/544 - REPAIR KIT 4/PER/450 - CYLINDER HEAD. 4/D10/247 - SOCKET ASSEMBLY R.H. 4/D10/92 - HOSE PRESSURE 4/D10/94 - HOSE PRESSURE Quantity 數量 2 2 1 2 1 8 4 NO. KIT NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 19 NO. (件) 1 6 4 5 43 25 9 6 4 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 3 2 1 11 8 2 2 6 8 8 5 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 6 1 1 4 1 SET NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 17 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2026/2008) Department : C&ED (Ref.: (80) in C&E OFA SO/3-75/1/1 Pt.1) DDC Ref. : 48/2008 Location : C&ED, Sha Tin Vehicle Detention Centre, Area 73, Tai Shui Hang, Sha Tin, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. KWOK or Mr. TING at 2647 1895 部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 沙田馬鞍山大水坑73地段 - 沙田車輛扣留中心 聯絡人 : 郭先生 / 丁先生 電話﹕ 2647 1895 Serviceable / May not function properly – (仍可使用 / 功能或許有損) M-118 1. Acura (A) with 2 ignition keys 本田-私家車 1 No. (輛) - Colour/Class: Green/Private Car - Country of Origin: Japan - Manufacture Year: 2002 - Cylinder Capacity: 3206 c.c. - Chassis No.: 19UUA56802A400079 Note : The first registration tax was not included in the first registration of the above-mentioned vehicles. 備註: 汽車首次登記稅不包括首次登記以上車輛。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 18 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 Special Conditions : The successful bidder of a Government vehicle must apply in accordance with the Road Traffic Ordinance for registration and licensing of the vehicle concerned before it can be used on roads. Successful bidding of the vehicle does not imply that the vehicle can be registered and licensed. To apply for the vehicle registration and the issue of vehicle licence, the successful bidder of the Government vehicle shall arrange the vehicle to be inspected in a Vehicle Examination Centre designated by Transport Department and the vehicle has to pass the vehicle inspection. The successful bidder of the Government vehicle shall submit necessary documents to the Customs and Excise Department (Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration) for tax assessment and shall pay the first registration tax to the Transport Department. Inspection can only be made at the above location between 1430 hours and 1600 hours on Wednesday of the week of public auction. The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of the goods (please contact Mr. K.H. KWOK or Mr. C.Y. TING at telephone no. 2647 1895 to arrange collection respectively). 特別條款: 在拍賣中成功投得政府車輛的人士必須根據(道路交通條例)為有關車輛辦理 登記及領牌,該車輛才可在道路上行駛。成功投得該車輛並不表示該車輛一 定獲得登記及領牌。 為有關車輛辦理登記及領牌,成功投得該車輛的人士必須在自行安排有關車 輛在運輸署指定的驗車中心進行車輛檢驗,車輛並須要在檢驗中合格。 成功投得政府車輛的人士必須前往香港海關(應課稅品科)辦理汽車評稅手續 及向運輸署繳付汽車首次登記稅。 各競投人士只可於拍賣週之星期三下午二時三十分至四時到上述地點查看貨 品。 承購人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知 (請先致電2647 1895) 與郭先生或丁先生聯絡安排取貨。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 19 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2077/2008) Department : Housing (Ref. : (75) in L/M(62) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/04 XV) Location : HM/P(S&M2) – Sun Tin Wai Estate Ref. : HD 778 – HD(H)STW 2/8/10(I) d.d. 25.7.2008 Contact Person : Mr. HO Kin-ming or Mr. LAI Kwok-keung at 2604 6363 部門 : 房屋署 地點 : 貨物存放於新田圍邨 聯絡人 : 何先生或賴先生 電話: 2604 6363 M-119 (Unserviceable – 不可使用) 1. Clock Control Hand Held Department Location Ref. Contact Person : : : : 電子巡邏棒 6 Nos. (支) Housing (Ref. : (65) in L/M(40) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/04 XVI) HM/T(STST) – Chun Shek Estate HD 778 – HD(EM)DTMO/STST/2/7/1/2 d.d. 16.10.2008 Ms. Anita LAI or Ms. HUI Man-lee at 2706 8201 部門 : 房屋署 地點 : 貨物存放於秦石邨 聯絡人 : 賴小姐或許小姐 (Unserviceable – 不可使用) 2. Machine Facsimile Model : Panafax UF-885 Serial No. : 01991100114 3. Paper Shredding Machine Model : Ideal 2400 Serial No. : 2056136 電話: 2706 8201 傳真機 1 No. (部) 碎紙機 1 No. (部) Special Conditions : Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement. 特別條款 : 取貨前,承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 20 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1928/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (138) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-3 VIII) DDC Form Ref. : (135) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-3 Pt. VIII Location : TP/N DSWC, 4/F, Tai Po Complex, 8 Heung Sze Wui Street, Tai Po Market, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. WU at 3183 9365 or Mr. SHE at 3183 9360 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-120 1. 2. : 社會福利署 : 大埔墟鄉事會街8號大埔綜合大樓4樓大埔及北區福利辦事處 : 胡女士 / 施先生 電話: 3183 9365 / 3183 9360 Unserviceable (不可使用) ‘Sharp’ Colour TV-HK system model ‘Sharp’ Video cassette recorder model VC-A525W 電視機 錄影機 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1927/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (18) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 VIII) DDC Form Ref. : (14) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 Pt. 8 Location : Rm. 205, 2/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Mabel LEUNG at 3595 1915 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-121 1. 2. 3. 4. : 社會福利署 : 香港北角渣華道333號北角政府合署2樓205室 : 梁小姐 電話: 3595 1915 Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Toner Cartridge Panasonic UG-3313 Used Toner Cartridge HP 1200 Used Toner Cartridge FujiXerox DocuPrint 340A Used Toner Cartridge Lexmark E312L 已使用完碳粉盒 已使用完碳粉盒 已使用完碳粉盒 已使用完碳粉盒 2 23 7 1 No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 21 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1927/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (18) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 VIII) DDC Form Ref. : (16) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 Pt. 8 Location : Computerised Social Security System Management Section, 5/F., Tai Sang Commercial Building, 24-34 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, H.K Contact Person : Miss Jean TSUI at 2527 5565 / Miss Lisa LEUNG at 2527 6656 部門 : 社會福利署 地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道24-34號大生商業大廈5樓 社會保障電腦系統管理組 聯絡人 : 徐小姐 / 電話: 2527 5565 / 梁小姐 2527 6656 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-122 1. Used Toner Cartridge HP C4092A 已使用完碳粉盒 1 No. (件) 2. Used Toner Cartridge HP C7115A 已使用完碳粉盒 1 No. (件) 3. Used Toner Cartridge HP 92298A 已使用完碳粉盒 8 No. (件) 4. Used Toner Cartridge HP C4150A 已使用完碳粉盒 1 No. (件) 5. Used Toner Cartridge HP Q5949X 已使用完碳粉盒 1 No. (件) 6. Used Toner Cartridge Lexmark 1382925 已使用完碳粉盒 9 No. (件) 7. Used Toner Cartridge Lexmark 12A5845 已使用完碳粉盒 1 No. (件) 8. Used Toner Cartridge Fuji Xerox CT350268 已使用完碳粉盒 2 No. (件) 9. Used Toner Cartridge Fuji Xeroc CT350269 已使用完碳粉盒 3 No. (件) 已使用完碳粉盒 5 No. (件) 10. Used Toner Cartridge Panasonic UG-3313 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 22 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2017/2008) Department : Highways (Ref.: (3) in L/M (31) in HyD S/3-5/18 II) DDC Ref. : Case No. 33/2008 Location : 16/F, Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. CHAN Yuk-choi at 3188 3317 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-123 1. :路政署 :九龍九龍灣宏光道三十九號宏天廣場十六樓 :陳玉材先生 電話: 3188 3317 Unserviceable (不可使用) Empty Toner Cartridge 已使用完碳粉盒 C6578D C4151A 92298X C4150A C4127X C7115A Q2613A C4129X C4149A C4871A C4152A C6657A C6656A CT200191 CT200192 CT200193 CT200194 CT350268 C8551A C8552A C8553A C4811A C4812A C4813A C4844A C4836A C4837A C4838A 106R00652 106R00653 106R00654 106R00655 CWAA0715 3 1 3 1 3 5 12 5 3 2 1 1 1 7 6 5 6 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 23 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2028/2008) Department : LCSD (Ref. : (3) in L/M(3) in LCS 11/HQ 219/00(2)) DDC Ref. : 0041/08 Location : Personnel and General Unit, 7/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, N.T. Contact Person : Ms Candy LI at 2697 0806 部門 地點 : 康樂及文化事務署 : 新界沙田排頭街1-3號康樂及文化事務署總部7樓 人事及總務小組 聯絡人 : 李女士 電話: 2697 0806 M-124 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Empty Toner / Inkjet Cartridge 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 Epson S020189/T051 Epson S020191/T052 Epson 4518 Fuji Xerox CT350485 Fuji Xerox CT350486 Fuji Xerox CT350487 Fuji Xerox CT350488 Fuji Xerox LM 4875001 HP 51645a HP C1823D HP C6578A/D HP C8721W HP C8773W HP C8767W HP C9363W HP C4092A HP C7115A/X HP CB400A HP CB401A HP Q2613A/X HP C4127X HP 92298A/X HP C3903F HP C3906F HP C9720A HP C9721A HP C9722A HP C9723A Lexmark 140198A Ricoh Type 215 Ricoh Type 205 Ricoh Type 105 (Cyan) Ricoh Type 105 (Magenta) Ricoh Type 105 (Yellow) Panafax UG-3313 Panasonic DQTU24D 4 8 1 7 3 4 2 1 6 10 3 1 1 2 4 17 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 12 10 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 24 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1959/2008) Department : RTHK (Ref. : (11) in 02/08 in RTHK 3/8/2002 II) Location : Television House, 1A Broadcast Drive, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr.Thomas WONG at tel. no. 2339 7736 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-125 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. : 香港電台 : 九龍廣播道1號A電視大廈 : 王先生 電話: Unserviceable (不可使用) 29" TV TROLLEY WITH RAIN PROTECTOR (VT0475 VT0476 VT0478) DVD RECORDER (VK0791 VK0792(4) VK0737(2) VK0774(1)) PROFESSIONAL KARAOKE STAND TVS-500 (EF0090) TV STAND (EB0163) POWER SUPPLY UPS (PA0324 PB0108 EA1047) PROJECTOR SCREEN (FE0015) MACHINE SCRIPT PROMPTING SYSTEM PORT 3 (VF0002) FREIGHT CASE Various Sizes (PT0538 PT0548 PT0549 PT0809 ) HI-FI SYSTEM WITH CD PLAYER (AB0411) MOUSE DLT-MS (ED0272) REMOTE KEYBOARD ADAPTER DLT-RKA (ED0273-ED0276 ED0285) DIGITAL COUNTDOWN CLOCK (ET0326 ET0327 ET0328 ET0329 ET0330 ET0331 ET0332 ET0333 ET0334 ET0335 ET0336) CAPTION ROLLER (VF0008) METAL TV STAND 30DM (EB0124) DESK TOP CHARGER (PA0235-PA0241) 2339 7736 29吋電視手推車架 3 No. (件) DVD錄影機 4 No. (件) 專業卡拉OK電視架 1 No. (件) 電視架 後備供電池 1 3 No. (件) No. (件) 投影螢幕 提詞器─字幕提示系統 第三埠 器材搬運箱 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) 4 No. (件) HI-FI 音响組合連CD盤 1 No. (件) 鍵鼠 遙控鍵盤匹配器 1 5 No. (件) No. (件) 數碼倒數計算鐘 11 No. (件) 標題滾軸器 電視用金屬支架 枱上义電器 (在無線對講機用) 倒數計算鐘(回倒) 1 1 7 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 1 No. (件) 38 No. (件) COUNTDOWN CLOCK FLYBACK (ET0126) TV MONITOR various sizes (VJ1077(5) 視訊監視器 VJ0983(1) (4) (6) (7) VJ0514 VJ0545 VJ0546 VJ1010(1) (2) VJ1033(1) (3) (7) VJ0543 VJ0610 VJ1020(6) VJ0851 VJ0852 VJ0854VJ0856 VJ0469-VJ0472 VJ0223 - VJ0227 VJ0234 VJ0492 VJ0497 VJ0611 VJ0466 VJ0467 VJ0870 VJ1036(2) ) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 25 Lot No. 批號 M-125 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Description 物品詳情 TV SET Various Sizes (VJ0138 VJ0558 VJ0502 VJ0506 VJ0881 VJ1022(3) (6) (9) VJ0337 VJ0984(4) (6-10) (12) VJ0986 (2) (3) (5) (6) (9) (11) (12) VJ0985 (1) (2) VJ1023 (1) (2) (4) (6) (8) (10) VJ0400 VJ0246 VJ0579 VJ0580 VJ0318 VJ0321 VJ0402 VJ1037(4) (7) (9) VJ0270 VJ0387 VJ0388 VJ0876 VJ0442 VJ0499 VJ0684 VJ0848 VJ0988 (2) (5) VJ0450 VJ0451 VJ1053(2) VK0497 VJ0614- VJ0618 VJ0857 - VJ0863 VJ0865 VJ0867 VJ0137 VJ0143 VJ0301 VJ0965(2) VJ0882 VJ0877 VJ0878 VJ0547 VJ0689 VJ0690 VJ0426 VJ0427 VJ0620 VJ0518 VJ0526 VJ0529 VJ0530 VJ0533 VJ0534 VJ0535 VJ0539 ) AC/DC COLOUR TV/MONITOR WITH RECHARGABLE (VJ0049 VJ0052) HDD RECORDER (VK0738(1)) VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER VHS (VK0245 VK0251 VK0252 VK0254 VK0736(4) VK0625(2) VH0039 VH0044 VK0315 VK0316 VK0212 VK0551 VK0554 VK0560 VK0562 VK0563 VK0564 VK0568 VK0569 VK0570 VK0571 VK0572 VK0575 VK0098 VK0319 VK0322 VK0323 VK0339 VK0340 VK0341 VK0342 VK0346 VK0347 VK0348 VK0465 VK0466 VK0467 VK0471 VK0475 VK0483 VK0490 VK0493 VK0511 VK0513 VK0514 VK0517 VK0521 VK0522 VK0744(4) VK0085 VK0333 VK0334 VK0335 VK0336 VK0337 VK0338 VK0288 VK0289 VK0290 VK0145 VK0129 ) U-MATIC EDITING CONTROL UNIT (VH0019) U-MATIC PLAYER (VH0018) U-MATIC RECORDER (VH0017) VIDEO DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIER (VG0353 VG0356 VG0357) WINDING UNIT (VT0149) DARK ROOM TIMER (FR0075-FR0078) STUDIO COUNT DOWN CLOCK (ET0232-ET0234) A/V SPLITTER (VG0297 VG0298 VG0299 ) AUDIO-VISUAL SELECTOR (VG0373(1) VH0288(1)) MONITOR FOR MULTI MEDIA RECORDING SYSTEM (VJ0913) Quantity 數量 電視機 91 No. (件) 交流 直流 彩色電視 機及充電池 硬碟錄影機 VHS錄影機 2 No. (件) 1 61 No. (件) No. (件) UMATIC 剪輯控制器 UMATIC放影機 UMATIC錄影機 視訊分線放大器 1 No. (件) 1 1 3 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 錄影帶回帶器 黑房計時器 攝影廠倒數鐘 1 4 3 No. (件) No (件) No (件) 音視分線器 音視選擇器 3 2 No. (件) No. (件) 多媒體錄影系統監視器 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 26 Lot No. 批號 M-125 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Description 物品詳情 TRIPOD SCREEN (FT0494) TRANSPORT CASE FOR VHS CAMERA (VT0193) DIGITAL AUDIO VIDEO PRODUCTION MIXER (VD0010) LASER DISC PLAYER (VH0219) MOVIE CAMERA S-VHS W/10X POWER LENS (VA0038) PRODUCTION /VIDEO MIXER (VD0025 VD0021 ) REMOTE CONTROL PANEL(ET0470-ET0471) LCD TV (VJ1081(5) (6) VJ0947 (1)-(4) ) VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER VHS LCD MONITOR (VK0095) LASER DISC PLAYER KARAOKE (VH0207) LCD MONITOR (VJ1009(2) (4)) HEADPHONE (AM0051) STEREO HEADPHONE (AM0052 AM0100 AM0101 AM0102 AM0104 AM0106 AM0109) DVD PLAYER (VK0627 (3) (4) (6) (9) ) 20W VIDEO LIGHT (VH0270) CASSETTE RECORDER (AB0352 AB0360 AB0539 AB0541 AB0590 AB0881 AB0883 AB1143(4) AB0993 AB0995 AB0996 AB0998 AB0999 AB1000 AB1001 AB1002) BATTERY VIDEO LIGHT (PC0760) CASSETTEE DECK PLAYER (AB1128(1)) CD PLAYER (AF0245 AF0246) DIGITAL VIDEO CASSETTE PLAYER (VK0476) DIGITAL VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER (VK0477 VK0478 VK0730) DVD/VCD PLAYER (VK0629(5)) HI-8 VIDEO CAMERA W/TRIPOD AND CARRYING SONY CASE (VA0133) HIGHBAND U-MATIC VCR (VH0060 VK0309) MICROPHONE (AJ1523) MINI DISC RECORDER (AB0880) RECHARGEABLE BATTERY PACK (PA0182 PA0392 (1) (2) (3))) TIME BASE CORRECTOR (VH0068) Quantity 數量 三腳架投影螢幕 VHS攝影機搬運箱 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) 數碼視訊音訊混合器 1 No. (件) 雷射碟放影機 S-VHS攝錄機 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) 視訊混合器 2 No. (件) 遙控掣面板台 2 No. (件) 液晶電視機 VHS錄影機,連液晶 監視器 雷射碟卡拉OK放影機 6 1 No. (件) No. (件) 1 No. (件) 液晶顯示屏 耳筒 立體聲耳筒 2 1 7 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) DVD放影機 20瓦視訊燈 卡式帶錄音機 4 1 16 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 電池機頭燈 錄音卡式座 CD播音機 數碼播影機(DV) 1 1 2 1 No. No. No. No. DV卡式帶錄影機 3 No. (件) DVD VCD播影機 HI-8攝錄機,三腳 架及機袋 HIGHBAND U-MATIC 錄影機 收音咪 MD錄音機 充電池 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) 2 No. (件) 1 1 4 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 時基校正器 1 No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 27 Lot No. 批號 M-125 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Description 物品詳情 U-MATIC VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER (VH0013 VH0014 VH0015 VH0016 VH0045 VH0046 VH0058 VH0059 VK0079) VCR HI-8 (VK0210) STAINLESS STEEL STANDINIG DISPLAY (EB0284-EB0287) RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER (AB0363 AB0368) TOOLS CASE (PT0811) EXTERNAL TV RECEIVER (EA0934(2) (7) (9)) Quantity 數量 UMATIC錄影機 9 No. (件) HI-8錄影機 不銹鋼指示架 1 4 No. (件) No. (件) 收音卡式錄音機 2 No. (件) 工具箱 外置電視接收器 1 3 No. (件) No. (件) Special Condition: (a) The bidders are advised to inspect the items at 4 Lee Lok Street Ap Lei Chau Hong Kong before submission of bids. For inspection, please contact with Mr. Thomas WONG at tel. no. 2339 7736. (b) It is important for bidders to notice that the date and time for inspection must be arranged by RTHK. Bidders can’t come to Ap Lei Chau Store for inspection at their convenience. For inspection, please contact Mr. Thomas WONG at 2339 7736 for prior registration. (c) The successful bidder must remove all items at site by their own transport and manpower. (d) No warranty of any sort shall be provided on the functionalities or the conditions of the equipment items or on their suitability for any application. The bidders shall rely entirely on their inspection or judgement. No testing of the equipment items will be arranged by RTHK. The listed information is provided for general reference only 特別條款: (a) 在拍賣會舉行之前,競投人士可前往香 港 鴨利洲利樂街4號檢視有關的廢棄物 品。如擬檢視有關貨物,請致電與王先生(電話: 2339 7736) 聯絡。 (b) 重要提示: 往鴨利洲檢視有關廢棄物品的日期和時間,必須由香港電台決定。任 何競投人士不能隨意依照自己的時間去檢視廢棄物品。如擬檢視有關貨物,請致 電與王先生(電話: 2339 7736) 聯絡和登記。 (c) 成 功 競投人士必須負責拆除及提取有關所有物品,而所需費用一切 由成 功 競投 人士支付。 (d) 拍賣的儀器物件並沒有任何功能或狀況的保證 ,及沒有對任何用途的適用性保 證。競投人士應完全依靠自我對儀器物件的視察及判斷。香港電台不會安排儀器 物件的測試。拍賣表上列出的資料祗作為一般參考用途。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 28 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB627/U599/08, EDB668/U639/08, EDB684/U655/08, EDB715/U683/08 Location : Ha Kwai Chung Government Secondary School, 85 Hing Shing Road, Ha Kwai Chung, N.T. Contact Person : Ms Florence SO at 2420 1498 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-126 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. : 教育局 : 新界下葵涌興盛路85號下葵涌官立中學 : 蘇小姐 電話: 2420 1498 Unserviceable (不可使用) Cooker 4 Plates (Electric) Refrigerator Dehumidifier Fax machine Portable Document Camera Aver vision Floor Polisher Microphone Wireless Vacuum cleaner Vacuum cleaner 12" x 8" Surface Plate with cover Cramp Sash 600mm Anvils, Jeweller's Horn 50 lb Plate, Surface 18" x 12" (without leg) Machine Vice Chisel, Square Edge 13mm Chisel, Paring 25mm Mitre Square Chisel Bevel Opee 25mm Trysquare 300mm Hand Drill Hammer, Warrington Plane, Technical Jack Hacksaw Frame Adjustable 9"-12" Micrometer 966 M/50 25-50mm Mike Square 12" Sliding Die Split 1/8" 四頭電爐 雪櫃 抽濕機 傳真機 實物投影機 地板磨光機 無線電耳機 吸塵機 吸塵機 有蓋平面板 鐵夾 鐵鉆 平面板 機械虎鉗 平邊鑿 手削鑿 斜榫尺 斜邊鑿 直角尺 手搖鑽 小鐵鎚 長鉋 弓形鋼鋸框 分厘卡 12"銼 絞牙工具 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 2 1 4 40 4 1 12 4 5 17 40 40 3 2 4 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 29 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-126 (Cont’d) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Description 物品詳情 Hammer Planishing Hammer Raising Creasing Hammer Rule Steel 12" and CM Saw Frame Piercing SawFrame Piercing 1/2 Piat oil-can G-Clamp 4" G-Clamp 6" Cross Pein Hammer, 4 oz Ball Pein Hammer, 4 oz Rivet Set 1/4" Scriber 4 1/2" Cross-out Chisel 1/4" Blade Tinmens' Rivet Set 1/8" Rivet Set 3/16" Nut Spanner 3-9 MM Hand-Taps 3/16 1/8" to 5/8" Collet Chuck Nut Spanner 0-6 BA Riveter Soldering Iron – Straight Machinists' ScrewDriver 10 1/2" overall Vernier Caliper Tap Wrench 1/16" - 1/4" Steel rule 6" Caliper Inside 5" Tinscrips straight 10" Combination Pliers 6" Micrometer 961 MO-25M Soldering Iron – Hatchet Hand-file Smooth 6" Jeweller's Snip 8" Oil can Tinmens' Groove Punches 1/4" Tinmens' Groove Punches 3/16" Tinmens' Groove Punches 1/8" Vise Grip 11 SP Hand-Taps 1/8 Triangular file 6" Quantity 數量 錘光錘 圓頭鐵錘 鐵鉆錘 鋼尺 雕花鋸框 雕花鋸框 油罐 G型夾 G型夾 平頭鐵錘 圓頭鐵錘 鉚釘套裝 劃針 橫切鏨 鉚釘套裝 鉚釘套裝 螺帽扳手 螺絲攻 彈性夾頭 螺帽扳手 鉚釘組 烙鐵 螺絲批 卡尺 絲攻扳手 鋼尺 內卡鉗 直鐵剪 組合鉗 分厘卡 烙鐵 細手銼 鐵剪 油罐 鐵槽衝 鐵槽衝 鐵槽衝 鐵鉗 螺絲攻 三角銼 2 2 2 20 2 5 2 6 6 20 40 2 20 10 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 13 7 8 2 1 1 20 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 20 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. No. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. No. Nos. Nos. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 30 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-126 (Cont’d) 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Description 物品詳情 Hand-file 2-cut 4" Angle Plate 4" x 3" x 3" Tap Wrench 1/4" - 1/2" 10mm x 1.5mm Split Die Stamping Tools (Alphabet) Scissors Tailor 250mm Blunt End Vee Block and Clamp Die Circular Stock 1 5/16 Hand-Taps 1/4 Surface gauge Ball-Peir hammer 2 lb Gramp, Sash 900mm Gramp, Sash 600mm Tweezer Stainless Steel 5" Taps Screwing, Hand Set 5/16" Screwdriver Cabinet 3" Caliper Outside 5" 10 x 1.5 mm Taps Screw Pitch Gauge Wire Gauge Feeler Gauge Spanner Adjustable 10" Pipe-wrench 12" Odd-leg Caliper 5" Engineer try-square 5" Die Cricular 1/4 - 1 3/16 Die Circular 5/16 - 1 5/16 Combination Square Set Tinscrips curved 10" Hand-File 2-cut 8" Hand vice Vise Grip 9 R Spring Dividers 5" Band Wheel (for bandsaw) Power Hand Drill Overhead Projector Portable Tube Bender Hand Shear 8” Anvil 1 1/2 cwr Band Wheel (for bandsaw) Quantity 數量 手銼 角板 絲攻扳手 絞牙工具 衝壓工具 裁縫剪 V形夾 絲模扳手 螺絲攻 劃線規 圓頭鐵錘 長鐵夾 長鐵夾 鐵夾 攻絲套裝 螺絲批 外卡鉗 螺絲攻 螺距弧口鑿 金屬鑿 鑿 扳手 扳手 單腳規 角尺 絞牙工具 絞牙工具 角尺套裝 曲鐵剪 手銼 手鉗 鐵鉗 彈簧分規 帶鋸輪 手電鑽 投影機 手提撓曲機 手動剪 鐵鉆 帶鋸 20 4 6 4 1 6 6 6 4 6 1 5 5 8 4 2 13 4 1 1 3 11 1 8 20 8 8 1 8 40 8 4 22 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. No. No. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. No. No. No. Nos. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 31 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB577/U551/08 Location : Science Education Section , Rm. E232, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. Contact Person : Ms. Gladys CHAN at 3698 3440 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-127 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. : 教育局 : 九龍塘沙福道19號教育局九龍塘教育服務中心 東座2樓232室科學教育組 : 陳小姐 電話: 3698 3440 Unserviceable (不可使用) HP Scanjet 5100 Scanner Microscope Magnetic stiller with hot plate WPA 02 Oxygen meter with analogue meter range 0-100% SAT and 0-30 SAT with 021 charke cell electrode Pasco Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Calculator Based Laboratory w/accessory Palm Vx Casio Organizer E125 HPC 掃描器 顯微鏡 電磁加熱攪拌器 (連熱板) 溶解氧感應感 1 2 1 No. Nos. No. (件) (件) (件) 1 No. (件) 溶解氧傳感器 實驗計算器 電子手帳 電子手帳 2 1 1 1 Nos. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 2 No. Nos. (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB640/U611/08 Location : Fanling Government Primary School, Cheung Wah Estate, Fanling, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. CHEUNG at 2669 2024 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-128 1. 2. : 教育局 : 新界粉嶺祥華邨粉嶺官立小學 : 張小姐 電話: 2669 2024 Unserviceable (不可使用) Image 600 24v/250w overhead projector Sewing Machine, treadle type 投影機 衣車 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 32 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB558/U533/08, EDB664/U635/08 Location : Queen Elizabeth School, 152 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. CHANG and Mr. KWOK at 2380 9621 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-129 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. : 教育局 : 九龍旺角洗衣街152號伊利沙伯中學 : 鄭先生 及 郭先生 電話: 2380 9621 Unserviceable (不可使用) Lathe Drilling Machine TV 21” SONY TV 29” PANASONIC VCR, SHARP VCR, JVC Trolley, for TV set and VCR 車床 鑽床 電視機 電視機 錄影機 錄影機 手推車 1 1 3 5 3 2 4 No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos Nos. Nos. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB525/U500/08 and EDB694/U663/08 Location : Tseung Kwan O Government Primary School, Hau Tak Estate, Area 2, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon. Contact Person : Miss WONG at 2701 2886 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-130 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : 教育局 : 新界將軍澳厚德邨將軍澳官立小學 : 黃小姐 電話: 2701 2886 Unserviceable (不可使用) Refrigerator Vega V-500 Overhead Projector Eiki LCD Video Projector 3M 3820 Projector Trolley TV Trolley 雪櫃 投影機 投影機 投影機 手推車 手推車 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 33 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB642/U613/08 / EDB220/U210/08 (67) in SEK(ST)SE/4III / (3) in SEK(ST)SE/4IV Location : Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (Shatin), Area 92, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. YEUNG at 2641 9777 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-131 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. : 教育局 : 新界沙田馬鞍山92區耀安邨育才中學(沙田) : 楊先生 電話: 2641 9777 Unserviceable (不可使用) Cassette Tape Recorder Headphone CD Player ELKI Sound Slide Projector Slide Projector Cassette Tape 252x Recorder Cassette Deck: Teac Model: W-800R Califone 5230AV Cassette Recorder for Loop System Sony Portable Cassette / CD Player Sony TRV-31E Video JVC Mini HiFi Portable Cassette Philips CD-Portable CD Radio Cassette Recorder Portable OH Projector Polylux 4.3 Desktop OHP Condenser Mic Sony 29” CTV JVC VCR Sony Portable VCD Player Cassette Deck JVC PA Amplifier w/Speaker Selector JVC HR-J777MS VCR Pioneer CT-W106 MT1040HLCD Projector Smarte Vision SMP-32 Visual Presentator ‘TOA’ Handled Wireless Microphone ‘TOA’ Dual-channel Diversity Receiver Frame ‘TOA’ True Diversity Tuner Module 卡式錄音機 頭戴式耳機 光碟播放機 幻燈片投影機 幻燈片投影機 卡式錄音機 卡式錄音機 卡式錄音機 12 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nos. Nos. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 光碟播放機 播影機 迷你音響 卡式機 光碟播放機 收音錄音機 輕提投影機 投影機 咪 電視 錄影機 光碟播放機 卡式機 擴音器 錄影機 雙卡式錄音機 投影機 實物投影機 咪 雙頻道直正分集式 無線話筒系統 調音器 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. No. Nos. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 2 Nos. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 34 Lot No. 批號 M-131 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. ‘TOA’ Tuner Panel Mackie’ 14-channel Audio Mixer JVC VCR KPI-VCD 2699 Philips Cassette Tape Recorder Condenser Mic AIWA CD Radio Cassette Recorder Philips Radio Cassette Recorder ‘TOA’ VHF Receiver WT-4810 ‘TOA’ VHF Headset Wireless Mic. ‘TOA’ 30W PA Amplifier Sanha SH121 Head Mic Slim DVD Player 43. 44. 45. 46. VCR HR-J29 Ear Phone Philips Microphone Ceiling Speaker Quantity 數量 調音器 聲音混合器 錄影機 光碟播放機 雙卡式錄音機 咪 收音錄音機 收音錄音機 接收器 咪 擴音器 咪 數位視訊影碟 播放機 錄影機 耳機 咪高峰 天花喇叭 1 1 1 2 1 25 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 No. No. No. Nos. No. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. No. No. Nos. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 8 2 1 No. Nos. Nos. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nos. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2150/2008) Department : EDB (Ref. : L/M(132) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref. : EDB461/U439/08 and EDB679/U650/08 Location : King’s College, 63A Bonham Road, West Point, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Miss MUI Ka-wai and Mr. Kelvin CHEUNG at 2547 0310 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-132 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. : 教育局 : 香港西環般咸道63號A英皇書院 : 梅小姐 及 張先生 電話: 2547 0310 Unserviceable (不可使用) Cutting Plott Eiki U-7000 Video Projector body Remote Control for item 2 Remote Mouse for item 2 Metal Halide Lamp for item 2 Travel Case for item 2 Motorized Zoom Lens for item 2 Eiki LC-X984A XGA LCD Projector Eiki LC-XNB3 W XGA LCD Projector Nikon 8700 Digital Camera Eiki LCD Projector JVC DVD Player 電腦界紙機 投影機機身 投影機配件 投影機配件 投影機配件 投影機配件 投影機配件 投影機 投影機 相機 投影機 DVD機 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 35 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2152/2008) Department : Housing (Ref. : (66) in L/M(40) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/04 XVI) Location : HM/T(YLG1) – Siu Hong Court(Siu Hong Shopping Centre) Ref. : HD 778 – HD(MB)SH 10/26/1(VI) d.d. 21.10.2008 Contact Person : Mr. LEE Kin-chung at 2442 2461 or Miss Jovy NG at 2465 1156 部門 : 房屋署 地點 : 貨物存放於兆康苑(兆康商場) 聯絡人 : 李先生或吳小姐 電話: 2442 2461/2465 1156 M-133 M-134 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Clock Time for Carpark Radio Portable Transistorised Recorder Time Electric Register Cash Camera Instant “Polaroid” Gate of Carpark (Unserviceable – 不可使用) 1. Transceiver Radio Model : Motorola Radius P110 2. Transceiver Portable Model : Motorola P94YPC2 (a) (b) (a) (b) 停車場咭鐘 手提收音機 打咭鐘 收銀機 即影即有相機 停車場閘機 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. Set 對講機 2 Nos. (部) 對講機 5 Nos. (部) Special Conditions : The bidder must hold a valid Radio Dealers Licence (Unrestricted) issued by the OFTA, as stipulated in the Telecommunication Regulation – Chapter 106 Subsidiary Legislation. Prospective bidders who wish to purchase this lot must provide a duplicate licence copy to the Government Logistics Department, Government Logistics Centre, Storage & Distribution Section, Chai Wan before the auction; otherwise their bid will not be accepted. The goods of item2 must be for export only. 特別條款 : 這批貨品應售予持有有效無線電商牌照(放寬限制)的競投者,而該類牌照 根據香港法例第106章附屬法例(電訊規例)須由電訊管理局發出。有興趣的 競投者,如欲購買這批貨品,須於拍賣會舉行之前向政府物流服務署柴灣政 府物料營運中心總務部提供一份牌照複本,否則其叫價將不獲接納。 項目2的物品必須作出口用途。 Remarks (For Lot Nos. M-133 to M-134) : Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement. 備註 (批號 M-133 至 M-134) : 取貨前,承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。 (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 36 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2112/2008) Department : EPD(Ref.: (2) in EP 103/D1/8 (225-2008) Location : 48/F, Revenue Tower, Wanchai, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. LAU at 2594 6156 部門 : 環境保護署 地點 : 灣仔稅務大樓48樓4834室 聯絡人 : 劉先生 電話: M-135 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Unserviceable (不可使用) Incubator, Labline, #3554-38 Meter, Dissolved Oxygen, ‘YSI’, #5100 Oven, Microwave, “Sharp’R-8R51 Vibrator, Shaking, IKA-VibraxBalance, Electronic, ‘Sartorious’, B3100 Water System, Reagent, ‘Culligan’ AQUA Keyboard Vibrator, Shaking, ‘IKA’ Vibrator, Shaking, ‘IKA’ Hood, Particulate Fume, with base cabinet Shaker, VXR ‘IKA’ Vibrator, Shaking, ‘IKA’ Vibrator, Shaking, ‘IKA’ Shaker, VXR ‘IKA’ Blender, Stomacher, 80ML ‘Seward Medi’ Blender, Stomacher, 400ML ‘Seward Medi’ Homogenizer, Polytron PT3000 Main Control Unit Reco PR502 & RS232 interface 2594 6156 恆溫箱 溶解氧測量儀 微波爐 震盪器 電子磅 水質淨化系統 鍵盤 震盪器 震盪器 通風櫃 震盪器 震盪器 震盪器 震盪器 胃動攪拌器 胃動攪拌器 勻漿器配件 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 勻漿器配件 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 37 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2133/2008) Department : Lands Department (File Ref: S158/2008) Location : Reprographic Section, Rm 2403, 24/F., North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, H.K Contact Person : Mr. AU Chang Wing at 2231 3600 / Mr. NG Tak Sang at 2231 3613 部門 : 地政總署 地點 : 香港北角渣華道333號北角政府合署24樓2403室 聯絡人 : 區燦榮先生 / 電話: 2231 3600 / 吳德生先生 2231 3613 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-136 1. .HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP 51644C 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 2. .HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1806A 原裝空碳粉盒 27 No. (盒) 3. .HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1807A 原裝空碳粉盒 24 No. (盒) 4. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1808A 原裝空碳粉盒 16 No. (盒) 5. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1809A 原裝空碳粉盒 13 No. (盒) 6. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1893A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 7. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1894A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 8. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C1895A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 9. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4800A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 10. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4841A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 11. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4842A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 12. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4843A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 13. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4844A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 14. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4846A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 15. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4847A 原裝空碳粉盒 3 No. (盒) 16. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4848A 原裝空碳粉盒 3 No. (盒) 17. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4871A 原裝空碳粉盒 5 No. (盒) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 38 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-136 18. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4872A 原裝空碳粉盒 5 No. (盒) (Cont’d) 19. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4930A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 20. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4931A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 21. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4932A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 22. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4933A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 23. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4934A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 24. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C4935A 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 25. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP C9453A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 26. HP Empty Ink Cartridge HP Q5949A 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 27. Epson Empty Ink Cartridge T007 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 28. Epson Empty Ink Cartridge T009 原裝空碳粉盒 4 No. (盒) 29. HP Empty Toner Cartridge HP C3606F 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 30. HP Empty Toner Cartridge HP C1429X 原裝空碳粉盒 2 No. (盒) 31. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 12N0768 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 32. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 12N0769 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 33. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 12N0771 原裝空碳粉盒 1 No. (盒) 34. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 1380490 原裝空碳粉盒 10 No. (盒) 35. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 1380491 原裝空碳粉盒 7 No. (盒) 36. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 1380492 原裝空碳粉盒 9 No. (盒) 37. Lexmark Empty Toner Cartridge 1380493 原裝空碳粉盒 11 No. (盒) Notes for Auction 1. Interested bidders are requested to approach the department concerned two working days before the auction date for inspection arrangement. 2. Prior to collection, successful bidder is required to contact the representative of department for arrangement. 有關須知 1. 有意競投者欲查看拍賣物品,請在拍賣日兩個工作天前與有關部門聯絡。 2. 取貨前,承購人必須先聯絡有關部門代表安排提貨事宜。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 39 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2105/2008) Department : Hospital Authority / St. John Hospital (Ref. : (7) in SJH/SUP(S)/B/1 (08-09)) Location : Supplies Department, St. John Hospital, Hospital Road, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms. CHOW at 2981 5701 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-137 1. (a) (b) (a) (b) : 醫院管理局 / 長洲醫院 : 長洲醫院 : 周小姐 電話: 2981 5701 Unserviceable / May not function properly (不可使用 / 功能或許有損) Battery Operated Village Vehicle 電動鄉村車 1 No. (件) Remarks : The successful bidder is required to arrange removal and transportation of all the sold goods on site at his own expenses. For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms. CHOW, Hospital Administrator II at telephone no. 2981 5701 of St. John Hospital, Hospital Road, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong. 備註 : 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院/診所物品及負責支付運輸費用。 如需現場視察,請預先聯絡長洲醫院二級院務主任周小姐,電話2981 5701。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 40 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2092/2008) Department : Hospital Authority (Ref. : BOC 161/08) Location : Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Contact Person : Ms. FONG at 2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 部門 : 醫院管理局 地點 : 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 聯絡人 : 方小姐 / 秦小姐 電話: 2595 5701 / 2595 5006 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-138 1. Beds, Electric 壞電床 9 NO (張) 2. Locker, Bedside 壞床頭櫃 12 NO (個) 3. Refrigerators, Small 壞小型雪櫃 11 NO (個) Remarks : (a) The successful bidder should be responsible for all removal and transportation fees for the above Hospital Items (b) For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms FONG at Tel.2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 for prior arrangement. 注意事項 : (a) 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院物品及負責支付運輸費用。 (b) 如要檢視上述物品,請預先致電 2595 5701 與方小姐或2595 5006與秦小姐預 約。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 41 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2132/2008) Department : Hospital Authority (Ref. : BOC 166/08) Location : Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Contact Person : Ms. FONG at 2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 部門 : 醫院管理局 地點 : 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 聯絡人 : 方小姐 / 秦小姐 電話: 2595 5701 / 2595 5006 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-139 1. Beds, Hospital, Psychiatric 壞精神科病床 26 NO (張) Remarks : (a) The successful bidder should be responsible for all removal and transportation fees for the above Hospital Items (b) For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms FONG at Tel.2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 for prior arrangement. 注意事項 : (a) 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院物品及負責支付運輸費用。 (b) 如要檢視上述物品,請預先致電 2595 5701 與方小姐或2595 5006與秦小姐預 約。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 42 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2116/2008) Department : Hospital Authority (Ref. : BOC 163/08) Location : Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Contact Person : Ms. FONG at 2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 部門 : 醫院管理局 地點 : 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 聯絡人 : 方小姐 / 秦小姐 電話: 2595 5701 / 2595 5006 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-140 1. 2-SEATER SOFA 雙座位沙發 2 NO (張) 2. 4-SEATER ROW CHAIR 4座位排椅 1 NO (張) 3. AMPLIFIER, POWER 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 4. ASPIRATOR, HIGH SUCTION 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 5. BEDSIDE LOCKER 壞床頭櫃 1 NO (個) 6. BRITCHER CAMERA CABLE AND 壞儀器 2 SET (套) COUPLE 7. CABINET, FORM/NOTES, WOODEN 壞牌子櫃 2 NO (個) 8. CAMERA, VIDEO COLOUR 壞儀器 3 NO (支) 9. CAMERAS, FUNDUS, 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 10. CAMERAS, PHOTOGRAPHIC, DIGITAL 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 11. CAMERAS, VIDEO, ENDOSCOPE 壞儀器 4 NO (部) 12. CD PLAYER 壞CD機 1 NO (部) 13. CHAIR, AIR MASSAGE 壞按摩椅 1 NO (部) 14. COMPUTER, DESKTOP 壞電腦 1 NO (部) 15. CONTROL UNIT, CAMERA, 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 16. CONTROL UNIT, STIMULATOR 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 17. DEFIBRILATOR/PACEMAKERS, 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 壞DVD錄影機 1 NO (部) NON-MYDRIATRIC ENDOSCOPE EXTERNAL 18. DIGITIZER/RECORDERS, VIDEO 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 43 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-140 19. DINING CHAIR 壞椅 4 NO (張) (Cont’d) 20. DRILL, AIR, SURGICAL 壞儀器 3 NO (支) 21. DRIP STAND 壞鹽水架 1 NO (支) 22. DVD PLAYER 壞DVD機 1 NO (部) 23. ELECTRICAL THERMOMETER 壞電子探熱針 1 NO (支) 24. ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHS, 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 25. EXERCISERS 壞儀器 3 NO (部) 26. FACSIMILE MACHINE 壞傳真機 2 NO (部) 27. FIBEROPTIC CABLE 壞儀器 1 NO (條) 28. FOLDING CHAIR 壞摺椅 3 NO (張) 29. HEALTHCARE CHAIR 壞健康椅 5 NO (張) 30. INSUFFLATORS 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 31. KICK-STEP 壞腳踏 1 NO (個) 32. LIFTS, PATITENT TRANSFER 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 33. LIGHT SOURCE 壞儀器 1 NO (個) 34. LIGHT SOURCE, FIBEROPTIC 壞儀器 2 NO (個) 35. LITHOTRIPTERS, EXTRACORPOREAL, 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 36. MATTRESS 壞儀器 3 NO (部) 37. MICROWAVE OVEN 壞微波爐 1 NO (個) 38. MIST CAMERA 壞儀器 2 NO (支) 39. MIST CAMERA CABLE 壞儀器 1 NO (條) 40. MONITOR, VIDEO, COLOUR 壞螢光幕 1 NO (個) 41. MONITORS, BEDSIDE, BLOOD 壞儀器 4 NO (部) 42. O2 REGULATOR 壞儀器 1 NO (隻) 43. OFFICE CHAIR 壞辦公椅 1 NO (張) 44. OVERBED TABLE 壞食飯檯 1 NO (張) 45. OXIMETERS, PULSE 壞儀器 3 NO (部) 46. PRINTER, IMPACT 壞點陣式打印機 1 NO (部) 47. PROBES, ULTRASOUND 壞儀器 2 NO (支) MULTICHANNEL, NONINTERPRETIVE PIEZOELECTRIC PRESSURE 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 44 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-140 48. PROJECTOR, SLIDE 壞儀器 1 NO (部) (Cont’d) 49. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 50. PUMP, ALTERNATING-PRESSURE PAD 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 51. REFRIGERATORS, PHARMACY 壞藥雪櫃 1 NO (部) 52. ROTARY CHAIR 壞轉椅 1 NO (張) 53. SHAVER 壞鬚刨 2 NO (個) 54. SLIT LAMPS 壞儀器 2 NO (部) 55. SPHYGMOMANOMETER 壞儀器 1 NO (個) 56. STIMULATOR, SOMATOSENSORY 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 57. TELEVISION SET 壞電視 2 NO (部) 58. TEST TYPE, OPHTHALMIC 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 59. TRANSMITTERS, TELEMETRIC, 壞儀器 1 NO (個) 壞跑步機 3 NO (部) 壞手推車 3 NO (部) 壞掛牆風扇 24 NO (部) 壞掛牆暖管 75 NO (支) 壞輪椅 2 NO (張) 壞白板 7 NO (塊) 壞儀器 1 NO (部) 壞螢光幕 1 NO (個) 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. PHYSIOLOGIC PARAMETERS TREADMILL TROLLEY, GENERAL PURPOSE WALL-MOUNT ELECTRIC FAN WALL-MOUNT WARMER WHEELCHAIR WHITE BOARD WORK SIMULATION SYSTEM MONITOR, COMPUTER Remarks : (a) The successful bidder should be responsible for all removal and transportation fees for the above Hospital Items (b) For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms FONG at Tel.2595 5701 or Ms. CHUN at 2595 5006 for prior arrangement. 注意事項 : (a) 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院物品及負責支付運輸費用。 (b) 如要檢視上述物品,請預先致電 2595 5701 與方小姐或2595 5006與秦小姐預 約。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 45 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2131/2008) Department : Hospital Authority (Ref. : BOC 164/08) Location : Wan Tsui General Out-patient Clinic, G/F, Block 12, Wan Tsui Estate, Chai Wan, HK Contact Person : Ms. SIU at 2897 5110 部門 地點 聯絡人 : 醫院管理局 : 香港柴灣環翠邨12座地下環翠普通科門診診所 : 邵小姐 電話: 2897 5110 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-141 1. RESUSCITATORS, GAS, SHARP 醫療儀器(壞) 1 NO (件) 2. ELECTRIC FAN 電風扇(壞) 1 NO (件) 3. PAPER SHREDDER 碎紙機(壞) 1 NO (件) 4. BODY FAT MONITOR SCALE 脂肪磅(壞) 1 NO (件) 5. KETTLE ELECTRIC 電水煲(壞) 1 NO (件) 6. PORTABLE FLUORESCENT LAMP 電筒(壞) 3 NO (件) 7. COUCH EXAMINATION 木床(破爛) 1 NO (件) 8. CUSHION FOR COUCH EXAMINATION 木床褥(破爛) 1 NO (件) 9. MEDICAL RECORD CABINET 9 DRAWERS 牌板櫃(破爛) 6 NO (件) Remarks : (a) The successful bidder should be responsible for all removal and transportation fees for the above Hospital Items (b) For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms SIU at 2897 5110 for prior arrangement. 注意事項 : (a) 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院物品及負責支付運輸費用。 (b) 如要檢視上述物品,請預先致電2897 5110 與邵小姐預約。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 46 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2131/2008) Department : Hospital Authority (Ref. : BOC 165/08) Location : Chai Wan General Out-patient Clinic, G/F, 1 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, HK Contact Person : Ms. SIU at 2558 8671 部門 地點 聯絡人 : 醫院管理局 : 香港柴灣康民街1號地下柴灣普通科門診診所 : 邵小姐 電話: 2558 8671 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-142 1. DEHUMIDIFIER, ELECTRIC 抽濕機(壞) 4 NO (件) 2. KETTLE, ELECTRIC 電水煲(壞) 1 NO (件) 3. SEALING MACHINE 封膠機(壞) 1 NO (件) 4. BODY FAT MONITOR SCALE 脂肪磅(壞) 1 NO (件) 5. RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER W/ CD 錄音機(壞) 1 NO (件) 6. EXERCISE BICYCLE 運動單車(壞) 1 NO (件) 7. MEDICAL RECORD CABINET 9 DRAWERS 牌板櫃(破爛) 1 NO (件) 8. CALCULATOR 計算機(壞) 1 NO (件) 9. HAND DRYER, ELECTRIC 乾手機 (壞) 1 NO (件) 電鐘(壞) 1 NO (件) 醫療儀器(壞) 1 NO (件) 12. RESUSCITATOR, PULMONARY, MANUAL 醫療儀器(壞) REUSABLE 13. DIAGNOSTIC SET, EENT 醫療儀器(壞) 1 NO (件) 2 NO (件) 14. STETHOSCOPE 1 NO (件) 10. CLOCK, ELECTRIC 11. RESUSCITATORS, GAS, SHARP 醫療儀器(壞) Remarks : (a) The successful bidder should be responsible for all removal and transportation fees for the above Hospital Items (b) For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms SIU at 2558 8671 for prior arrangement. 注意事項 : (a) 承購人須自行搬運以上醫院物品及負責支付運輸費用。 (b) 如要檢視上述物品,請預先致電2558 8671 與邵小姐預約。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 47 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2095/2008) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (5) in AFCD/DDC/066/08) Location : Tai Mei Tuk Management Centre Contact Person : Mr. TSUI Chi-man / Ms. WONG at 2664 4185 部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 新界大尾督郊野公園管理站 聯絡人 : 徐先生 /黃小姐 電話: 2664 4185 M-143 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Unserviceable (不可使用) Drill hand, electric "Makita" Brush Cutter Sandisk-256MB Grinding machine, hand 5" 128MB Memory stick Electric Jig saw Trolley heavy-duty metal with rubber wheels Finishing sander ,SAT180 URN Tea electric Fan Box 12" Fan pedestal 16" Electric kettle 256 USB Flash Disk 手鑽 背草機 記憶咭 手磨機 記憶咭 積疏 手推車 磨機 電水煲 鴻運扇 企扇 電水煲 USB記憶筆 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 1 1 2 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 2 1 1 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2095/2008) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (4) in AFCD/DDC/068/08) Location : Tai Mei Tuk Ranger Office Contact Person : Mr. LEUNG Yiu-sum at 2662 5015 部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 新界 大尾督郊野公園護理組 聯絡人 : 梁先生 電話: 2662 5015 M-144 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Unserviceable (不可使用) Nikon Digital Camera Canon Digital Camera Pentax Digital Camera Canon Digital Camera Casio Digital Camera Portable Sound System Tunners for Portable Sound System Wireless-microphone IC Recorder 數碼相機 數碼相機 數碼相機 數碼相機 數碼相機 流動音響組合 流動音響組合 調諧器 無線咪 錄音器 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 48 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2089/2008) Department : C&ED (File Ref: (63) in C&E PMC CGG/3-5/1 II) DDC Ref. : 49/2008 Location : Customs Office, 1/F, Central Government Pier, No. 32 Man Fai Street, Central Contact Person : Mr. CHAN at 2534 7197 / Mr. LUI at 2534 7181 : 香港海關 部門 : 中環民輝街32號中區政府碼頭1樓海關辦事處 地點 聯絡人 : 陳先生 / 電話: 2534 7197 / 2534 7181 呂先生 M-145 1. 2. (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Drager Breathing Apparatus Drager Cylinder 呼吸器具 氧氣瓶 6 4 Sets (套) Nos. (瓶) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2082/2008) Department : CEDD (Ref.: (2) in DDC-38/2008 (U)) Location : Planning Division, 11/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. LUI at 2762 5374 M-146 1. 2. 部門 地點 : 土木工程拓展署 : 九龍何文田公主道101號土木工程拓展署大樓11樓 聯絡人 規劃部 : 呂先生 電話: 2762 5374 Unserviceable (不可使用) Garmin GPS 12 Personal Navigator Garmin GPS 12XL Personal Navigator 通訊器材 通訊器材 1 2 No. (件) Nos. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 49 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2134/2008) Department : Judiciary (Ref. : (27) in AO/S/166/2/27 X) Location : Supplies Office, LG430, LG4/F, High Court Building., 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Anita TSUI at 2867 4858 部門 : 司法機構 地點 : 香港金鐘道38號高等法院低座4樓LG430室 聯絡人 : 崔小姐 電話: 2867 4858 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-147 1. Cassette Recorder ‘Sony’ TCM-150 卡式錄音機 2 No. (件) 2. Cassette Recorder ‘Panasonic’ RQ-L309 卡式錄音機 1 No. (件) 3. Cassette Recorder Pocket Memo ‘Philips’ 593 微型卡式錄音機 1 No. (件) 4. Cassette Recorder Pocket Memo ‘Philips’ 588 微型卡式錄音機 1 No. (件) 5. Cassette Recorder / CD Player ‘Dynamic’ 卡式錄音機 1 No. (件) 7070A 6. Calculator ‘Casio’ DS-2L 計算機 1 No. (件) 7. Calculator ‘Canon’ BS-102 計算機 1 No. (件) 8. Clock electric 電鐘 3 No. (件) 9. Canofile 510 – Standard EFS Package 電子檔案器 1 No. (件) 10. Diskfile Drive ‘Canon’ 5001S 電子檔案處理機 1 No. (件) 11. Dehumidifier Spot Cooler ‘Sanyo’ SAD-101 抽濕機 1 No. (件) 12. DVD Player ‘Shinco’ DVD-180 DVD播放機 2 No. (件) DVD播放機 2 No. (件) DVD播放機 1 No. (件) DVD播放機 1 No. (件) 自動打孔機 1 No. (件) S/N: 200714305-7A, 200709481-7A, 13. DVD Player ‘JVC’ XV-N332, S/N: 131B5926, 131B5897 14. DVD Player ‘AKIRA’ DVD21028E(TC2) S/N: 04Y054K01000132 15. DVD Player ‘Philips’ 840, S/N: 1A009736500899 16. Eyeletter Automatic ‘Bates’ No. 40 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 50 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-147 17. Fan Pedestal ‘Wahson’ 坐地風扇 1 No. (件) (Cont’d) 18. Kick Step 腳踏 1 No. (件) 19. Magnetic Card Recorder ‘Saho’ EN-1100, 錄磁咭機 1 No. (件) 20. Microwave Oven various models 微波爐 3 No. (件) 21. MSRS Transcription Machine ‘Lanier’ LCT-5 謄寫機 2 No. (件) 手提電話 1 No. (件) 23. Mobile Phone ‘Nokia’ 3330 w/batteries and 手提電話 12 Set (件) S/N: 27078-1 S/N: 234738, 234760 22. Mobile Phone ‘Nokia’ 2100 charger 24. Newspaper Stand steel 報紙鐵架 1 No. (件) 25. Plasma ‘NEC’ PX-42VP3-G, S/N: IY000318A 等離子電視機 1 No. (件) 26. Punch heavy duty ‘Carl’ 120N 打孔機 1 No. (件) 27. Stapler heavy duty ‘Etona’ 260 釘書機 1 No. (件) 28. Television ‘Rasonic’ RA-P14RNS, 電視機 2 No. (件) S/N: 電視機 1 No. (件) S/N: 480097377, 480091010 29. Television ‘Panasonic’ TC-2188, EJ3555524 30. Television ‘Sony’ KV-G21M1, S/N: 1404827 電視機 1 No. (件) 31. VCR ‘Hitachi’ VT-FX768E(AKN), 錄影機 2 No. (件) 錄影機 1 No. (件) 錄影機 2 No. (件) 錄影機 1 No. (件) 35. VCR ‘Pioneer’ CLD-2730K 錄影機 1 No. (件) 36. VCR cum DVD ‘Sharp’ DV-NC-60W, 錄影及DVD機 2 No. (件) 電熱水壼 6 No. (件) S/N: 00617473, 00617401 32. VCR ‘Philips’ VR820/55, S/N: JG010132300829 33. VCR ‘Panasonic’ NV-HD620, S/N: C8KN022224, C8KN00361 34. VCR ‘Hitachi’VT-F88EM(DH) w/karaoke function, S/N: 30802185 S/N: 205714537, 205714517 37. Water Boiler ‘Zojirushi’ various size 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 51 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2059/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (24) in FS/SS 6/4 Pt.5) Location : Fire Services Training School, 123 Fan Kam Road, Pat Heung, Yuen Long, N.T. Contact Person : Duty officer at 2488 1354 部門 地點 : 消防處 : 新界元朗八鄉粉錦公路123號 消防訓練學校 聯絡人 : 值日官 電話: 2488 1354 M-148 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) Panasonic 29” TV Set Model: TC-29 GF10R Serial No.: EE3640433 Panasonic 21” TV Set Model: TC-2188 Serial No.: UD2343681 電視機 1 No. (件) 電視機 1 No. (件) 1 Set (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2055/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (12) in FS/SS 4/4 Pt.8) Location : Sandy Bay Fire Station, 313 Victoria Road, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Contact Person : Duty officer at 2904 9672 部門 地點 : 消防處 : 香港薄扶林域多利道313號 沙灣消防局 聯絡人 : 值日官 電話: 2904 9672 M-149 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Treadmill – Precor C944 Electronic Programmable 跑步機 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 52 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2054/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (11) in FS/SS 4/4 Pt.8) Location : Shun Lee Fire Station, 33 Lee On Road, Shun Lee, Kowloon Contact Person : Duty officer at 2341 9420 部門 : 消防處 地點 : 順利利安道33號順利消防局 聯絡人 : 值日官 電話: 2341 9420 M-150 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) Hitachi 29” TV Set Sharp 29” TV Set 電視機 電視機 1 1 No. No. (件) (件) 1 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2058/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (4) in FS/SS 5/4 Pt.4) Location : Pok Fu Lam Ambulance Depot, 789 Pok Fu Lam Road, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Contact Person : Duty officer at 2551 6000 部門 地點 : 消防處 : 香港薄扶林道789號 薄扶林救護站 聯絡人 : 值日官 電話: M-151 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Stretcher, York IV (Y054 82) 2551 6000 抬牀 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 53 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2087/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (33) in FS/SS 6/4 Pt.5) Location : Spare Parts Store (NT), 1/F, 333 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Contact Person : Ms. LI Mung-lan at 2737 7112 or 2737 7109 部門 : 消防處 地點 : 九龍尖沙咀廣東道333號1樓消防新界零件倉 聯絡人 : 李小姐 電話: 2737 7112 / 2737 7109 M-152 Unserviceable (不可使用) 1. Tyre outer Unserviceable Assorted Size 2. Battery Unserviceable Assorted Size 廢輪呔 廢電池 25 35 Nos. Nos. (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2086/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (32) in FS/SS 6/4 Pt.5) Location : Spare Parts Store (NT) 230 Lai King Hill Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Contact Person : Miss LI Mung-lan at 2737 7112 or 2737 7109 部門 : 消防處 地點 : 新界葵涌荔景山道230號新界零件倉 聯絡人 : 李小姐 電話: 2737 7112 或 2737 7109 M-153 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) Tyre Outer unserviceable assorted size Battery Unserviceable Assorted Size 廢輪呔 廢電池 25 62 Nos. (件) Nos. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 54 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2057/2008) Department : FSD (Ref. (3) in FS/SS 5/4 Pt.4) Location : Tsuen Wan Ambulance Depot, 47-51, Wai Tsuen Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories Contact Person : Duty officer at 2416 7446 部門 : 消防處 地點 : 荃灣蕙荃路47-51號荃灣救護站 聯絡人 : 值日官 電話: 2416 7446 M-154 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Stretcher Trolley, York IV c/w Mattress (Y03681) 抬牀 1 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2103/2008) Department : FEHD (Ref. : (2) in L/M (143) in FEHD S 5/1/08) Location : G/F, 148 Sai Yee Street, Mong Kok Contact Person : Mr. C.M. WU at 2309 2050 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-155 1. 2. : 食物環境衞生署 : 旺角洗衣街148號地下 : 胡先生 Unserviceable (不可使用) Radiator, wall mounted Fan, electric, ceiling 電話: 2309 2050 電暖爐 電風扇 22 6 Nos. (件) Nos. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 55 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2102/2008) Department : Official Receiver's Office (Ref.: (5)1 in GA/31/5 III) Location : 10-12/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. TSE Po Yi, Agnes at 2867 2644 部門 : 破產管理署 地點 : 香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署高座10樓-12樓 聯絡人 : 謝寶儀女士 電話: 2867 2644 Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Empty Toner Cartridge without packing container 已用完原裝油墨盒沒有包裝盒 M-156 1. TONER C3906F FOR HP 5L PRINTER 9 No. (件) 2. TONER C4127X FOR HP 4000/4050 PRINTER 1 No. (件) 3. TONER C4092A FOR HP1100 PRINTER 19 No. (件) 4. TONER C4129X FOR HP 5000 PRINTER 2 No. (件) 5. TONER UG3313 FOR PANAFAX UF770/UF885/UF890 7 No. (件) 6. TONER UG3350 FOR PANAFAX UF585/UF590/UF6100 1 No. (件) 7. TONER C4182X FOR HP 8100 PRINTER 2 No. (件) 8. TONER C7115A FOR HP 1200 PRINTER 15 No. (件) 9. TONER S050087 FOR EPSON EPL5900 PRINTER 7 No. (件) 10. TONER Q2613A FOR HP 1300 PRINTER 31 No. (件) 11. TONER CT350268 FOR FUJIXEROR 240A PRINTER 3 No. (件) 12. TONER Ricoh Type 220 for Ricoh AP410 Printer 1 No. (件) 13. TONER CWAA0649 FOR XEROX DOCUPRINT 203A 9 No. (件) 14. TONER Q2612A FOR HP1022 PRINTER 6 No. (件) 15. PHOTOCONDUCTOR UNIT S051055 FOR EPSON 5 Nos. (件) 6 No. (件) PRINTER EPL5900/6100 PRINTER 16. TONER CWAA0713 FOR XEROX WORKCENTRE 3119 PRINTER 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 56 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2117/2008) Department : Land Registry (Ref.: (198) in LR/HQ/351/28 V) Location : 17/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. Johnny LAM at 2867 8018 部門 : 土地註冊處 地址 : 香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署17樓 聯絡人 : 林先生 電話: 2867 8018 M-157 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (Unserviceable – 不可使用) Used Empty Toner Cartridges for Printers Q5942A Q1388A DP203A Q5949A Q7553A 92298X UG3350 C7115A C3906F Q2612A Q7551A EPL-6200 UG-3313 XEROX 12A7465 C9730A C9731A C9732A C9733A CT350251 Q2610A Lexmark T632 KM 3530 C4092A 已用完碳粉盒 2 15 9 22 29 1 2 6 1 6 3 2 1 1 15 3 4 5 3 1 56 2 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 57 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2118/2008) Department DDC Ref. Location : LCSD (Ref. : ( ) in LCS/FL/4/10/A) : 0043/08 : Fanling Public Library, 2/F, 9 Wo Mun Street, Fanling, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. PANG Lap-pun at 2600 4060 部門 地點 : 康樂及文化事務署 : 新界粉嶺和滿街9號2樓 粉嶺公共圖書館 聯絡人 : 彭立品先生 電話: 2600 4060 M-158 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Empty Toner / Inkjet Cartridge 已使用完鐳射打印機墨盒 HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C6578D HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C6625A HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C51645A HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C6615D HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C6656A HP Inkjet Print Cartridge C6657A HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C4092A HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C4096A HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C4127X HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C4129X HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C8061X HP LaserJet Print Cartridge C7115A Epson Black Ink Cartridge S020187 Epson Black Ink Cartridge S020093 Epson Color Ink Cartridge S020193 Panasonic UG-3350 50 7 21 9 4 1 1 48 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 4 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 58 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2108/2008) Department : HKMA (Ref. : L/M(1) in P1/11 (2008) Pt.6) Location : 2/F, ex-Lingnam Warehouse, Stubbs Road, Hong Kong (Life is not available) Contact Person : Miss Christina LEUNG at 2878 8227 or Miss Georgina FUNG at 2878 1821 部門 : 香港金融管理局 地點 : 香港司徒拔道15號舊領南書院2樓 (沒有貨) 聯絡人 : 梁小姐 或 馮小姐 電話: 2878 8227 或 2878 1821 M-159 1 2 3 4 5 Unserviceable (不可使用) Dictating Machine - Philips LFH670 - Philips LFH555 Micro Transcriber BM805 Microwave - Philco - National Steel Step Ladder Time Recorder 213-LED15 錄音機 2 No. (件) 錄音機 微波爐 1 2 No. (件) No. (件) 鋁梯 打咭機 3 1 No. (件) No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2110/2008) Department : DEVB (Ref. : (37) in DEVB(SS)400/50/3 II) Location : 10th - 13th and 21st floors, Murray Building, Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. Stephen TSANG at 2848 2318 部門 : 發展局 地點 : 香港中環花園道美利大廈10樓至13樓 及 21樓 聯絡人 : 曾明輝先生 電話: 2848 2318 M-160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unserviceable (不可使用) Toner UG3313 for Fax Machine UF770/885 Toner C3900A for LaserJet HP Toner C4129X for LaserJet HP 5000/5100 Toner C7115A for LaserJet HP 1200 Toner Q5949A for HP Laser Jet 1320 Toner Xerox Phaser 3121 Toner Q2612A for LaserJet HP1010/3030 Toner Q2613A for LaserJet HP1300 Toner 14 for HP InkJet (Black) for CP 1160 傳真機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 打印機碳粉 30 1 2 65 100 30 5 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 59 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2123/2008) Department : HAD. (Ref. : HAD233B Case #93c/2008) Location : Tuen Mun District Office, 2/F, Tuen Mun Government Offices, 1 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun, NT Contact Person : Ms. Joyce WONG at 2451 3062 部門 地點 : 民政事務總署 : 新界屯門屯喜路1號屯門政府合署 屯門民政事務處 聯絡人 : 黃小姐 電話: 2451 3062 M-161 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Unserviceable (不可使用) Telephone Set with play Telephone Set Stapler electric Rapid R65 Numbering Machine, Automatic Flash Gun Cooker, Electric, Rice, ‘National’ Hand Dryer Trimmer (Paper Cutter) Loud Hailer, ‘National’ WD-300N Loud Hailer, Tansistor 電話 電話 釘書機 號碼機 閃光燈 電飯煲 乾手機 切紙機 大聲公 大聲公 3 10 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 1 No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2124/2008) Department : HAD. (Ref. : HAD233B Case #96b/2008) Location : Islands District Office, 20/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. William HO at 2852 4320 部門 地點 : 民政事務總署 : 香港中環統一碼頭道38號海港政府大樓20字樓 離島民政事務處 聯絡人 : 何先生 電話: 2852 4320 M-162 1. 2. 3. Unserviceable (不可使用) ‘Brother’ MFC-8840D ‘Nokia’ 6230 mobile phone ‘Canon’ Digixus 40 digital camera 影印機 手提電話 數碼相機 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 60 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2125/2008) Department : HAD. (Ref. : HAD233B Case #94b/2008) Location : Kwai Tsing District Office, Cheung Hang Estate Community Hall, Cheung Hang Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. Michael CHEUNG at 2433 5133 部門 地點 : 民政事務總署 : 新界青衣長亨邨長亨社區會堂 葵青民政事務處 聯絡人 : 張先生 電話: 2433 5133 M-163 1. 2. 3. 4. Unserviceable (不可使用) Slide Projector, portable complete with synchronizer (Kodak) AV275p Ash Stand, dia. 240mm S/S with inner litter bin Exhibition Board 1960mm x 965mm Vaulting Buck 幻燈機 1 No. (件) 煙灰缸 展板 鞍馬 2 8 1 No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) 33 No. (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2137/2008) Department : LCSD (Ref. : 0594/08) Location : Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 3/F, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. CHAN Tak-ming at 2180 8216 / 2180 8266 部門 地點 : 康樂及文化事務署 : 新界沙田文林路1號3樓 香港文化博物館 聯絡人 : 陳德明先生 電話: M-164 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Dehumidifiers 2180 8216 / 2180 8266 抽濕機 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 61 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2129/2008) Department : Treasury (Ref.: (120) in 3/65/29/1 Pt.2) DDC Ref. : 26/2008/09 Location : Room 3014, 30/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Contact Person : Mr. Y.K WONG at 2829 5066 部門 : 庫務署 地點 : 香港灣仔入境大樓30樓3014室 聯絡人 : 黃先生 電話: 2829 5066 M-165 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Unserviceable (不可使用) Calculator Steel Keyboard Drawer Franking Machine Steel Hanger Electric Pencil Sharpener Photocopier Steel Stand for Clothing Tea Urn Barcode Printer Money Detector Punch, Heavy Duty Form Signer Stapler, Heavy Duty Microwave Briefcase Clock Kettle Telex Machine 計算機 鐵托盤 郵票機 鐵架 電鉛筆刨 影印機 鐵衣架 電水煲 條碼印機 照銀紙機 重型打孔機 支票機 重型釘書機 微波爐 皮公事包 電鐘 水煲 電報機 7 10 1 1 9 2 2 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 62 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2130/2008) Department : Marine Dept. (Ref. : (2) in DDC 073/2008) Location : Government Dockyard, Ngong Shung Road, Stonecutters Island, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr.CHING at 2307 3804 or Mr. MAK at 2307 3803 部門 地點 聯絡人 : 海事處 : 九龍深水埗昂船洲昂船路政府船塢 : 程先生 或 電話: 2307 3804 / 麥先生 2307 3803 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-166 1. 2. 3. 4. Diesel Engines Gensets, Various Type Outboard Engines Under 200HP, various Type Batteries, Various Size and Type 內燃機 發電機組件 舷外機 (200匹馬力以下) 舊電池 5 2 21 No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) 262 No. (件) NB: The above items are defective and incomplete parts. 註:以上貨物是殘舊及不完整。 Attention : The batteries are expected to be re-used directly without going through any treatment/recycling process, otherwise the batteries should have to be handled in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) and the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation. 注意事項: 該些電池應無須經過任何處理 循環再造程序,便可直接再行使用。否則, 須按照香港法例第354章《廢物處置條例》及《廢物處置(化學廢物)(一般)規例》 所訂的方式處理該些電池。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 63 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2138/2008) Department : LCSD (Ref. : LCSD LS(WTS) 1157/07) DDC Ref. : 0044/08 Location : Hill Road Swimming Pool Contact Person : Mr. CHIU or Mr. CHAU at 2350 6173 部門 : 康樂及文化事務署 地點 : 黃大仙龍翔道30號斧山道游泳池 聯絡人 : 趙先生 / 周先生 電話: 2350 6173 M-167 1. 2. 3. 4. Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Empty Toner Cartridge 已用完鐳射打印機墨盒 HP Laserjet C7115A HP Laserjet Q2613A HP Laserjet C4092A Xerox Laser Print Cartridge Phase 3116 4 8 2 1 No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2081/2008) Department : Highways (Ref.: (3) in L/M (34) in HyD S/3-5/18 II) DDC Ref. : Case No. 36/2008 Location : Administration Division, 5/F, Homantin Government Offices, 88 Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon. Contact Person : Miss Agnes WONG at 2762 3332 部門 :路政署 地址 :九龍何文田忠孝街88號何文田政府合署5樓行政部 聯絡人 :黃潔儀女士 電話: 2762 3332 M-168 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Used Empty Toner Cartridges - C7115A for Laserjet 1200 - Q2613A for Laserjet 1300 - Q5949A for Laserjet 1320 - C4129X for Laserjet 5100 - C3909A for Laserjet 8000 - C4092A for Lasejet 3200 - 3428D for Fuji Xerox Printer - Panasonic UG-3313 已使用完碳粉盒 12 13 5 3 2 1 4 15 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 64 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2066/2008) Department : Marine Dept. (Ref. : (2) in DDC 077/2008) Location : Room A206, 2/F., Block A, Government Dockyard, Ngong Shung Road, Stonecutters Island, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. Gordon LEE at 2307 3580 部門 : 海事處 地點 : 九龍深水埗昂船洲昂船路政府船塢A座2樓A206室 聯絡人 : 李先生 電話: 2307 3580 M-169 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Unserviceable (不可使用) Empty Toner Cartridges for Laser Printers (已使用完打印機碳粉盒) HP LaserJet 92298A 1 HP LaserJet 92274A 3 HP LaserJet Q7563A 5 HP LaserJet Q7562A 1 HP LaserJet Q7561A 1 HP LaserJet Q7560A 1 HP LaserJet C7115A 26 HP LaserJet Old Drum C4153A 1 HP LaserJet C4152A 1 HP LaserJet C4096F 7 HP LaserJet C4092A 3 HP LaserJet C3906F 2 HP LaserJet Q2613A 1 HP LaserJet M1120 1 HP LaserJet C4191A 1 HP LaserJet 1300A 1 HP LaserJet C8069A 2 HP LaserJet Q5949A 2 Empty Inkjet Cartridges for Inkjet Printers (已使用完打印機墨水盒) Canon Cartridge 307 Cyan 16 Epson SO50097 1 Epson S051111 6 Epson S050167 6 Lexmark 1382925 4 Fuji Xerox Docu Print C4350 1 Fuji Xerox CT200859 Docu Print C4350 2 Epson T0346, T0342 2 Epson for use with Epson Stylus Pro 9000 1 Epson T5494, T5496 2 Kyocera Mita corporation Item No. 37028010 4 Epson C8500 6 Epson S050098 6 Panasonic UG3309 1 Phaser 7300 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 65 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2080/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (57) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 XI) DDC Form Ref. : (47) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 Pt.11 Location : Clinical Psychology Unit 1, Room 502, 5/F, Nam Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. LEUNG Yuk-kwan at 2707 7667 or Ms. LUI at 2707 7668 部門 : 社會福利署 地點 : 九龍灣臨樂街19號南豐商業中心5樓502室 聯絡人 : 梁先生 / 呂女士 電話: 2707 7667 / 2707 7668 M-170 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unserviceable (不可使用) Sharp DX-V788W CD Player Sharp Video Recorder VT1480D Sharp Video Recorder VT1448M Sony Video Camera: CCD-F350 Panasonic Video Camera: NV-RX7 Panasonic Video Camera: VX33 Sony Video Recorder CD機 聲寶錄像機 聲寶錄像機 新力手提攝錄機 樂聲手提攝錄機 樂聲手提攝錄機 新力錄影機 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 No. No. (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2080/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (57) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 XI) DDC Form Ref. : (54) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 Pt.11 Location : Sau Po Integrated Family Service Centre, Units 121-126, G/F., Sau Ming House, Sau Mau Ping(I) Estate, Kowloon Contact Person : Ms. LAU Mei-kam at 2775 3602 / Ms. CHAN at 2775 3578 部門 地點 : 社會福利署 : 九龍秀茂坪(1)邨秀明樓地下121-126號 秀寶綜合家庭服務中心 聯絡人 : 劉美琴女士 / 陳女士 電話: 2775 3602 / 2775 3578 M-171 1. 2. Unserviceable (不可使用) TV/VCR 2 in 1 ‘Sharp’ JVC Hi Fi 二合一電視錄影機 音響 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 66 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2080/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (57) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 XI) DDC Form Ref. : (52) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 Pt.11 Location : Lam Tin Field Unit, G/F, Ping Mei House, Ping Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. LAM Chi-ching at 2177 8026 or Mr. FUNG Chi-tat at 2177 8016 部門 地點 : 社會福利署 : 九龍藍田平田邨平美樓地下 藍田社會保障辦事處 聯絡人 : 林志清先生 / 馮先生 電話: 2177 8026 / 2177 8016 M-172 1. 2. 3. 4. Unserviceable (不可使用) Stencil Duplicator Water Dispenser ‘EHC’ ‘Panasonic’ TV 21” Video Cassette Recorder ‘Sharp’ 油印機 水機 電視機 錄影機 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2085/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (25) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 IX) DDC Form Ref. : (20) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 Pt.8 Location : Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services Branch, 9/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Contact Person : Miss Patty LI at 2892 5140 or Ms. TSE Sai-lan at 2892 5657 部門 地點 : 社會福利署 : 香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈9樓 康復及醫務社會服務科 聯絡人 : 李麗燕女士 / 謝女士 電話: 2892 5140 / 2892 5657 M-173 1. 2. 3. Unserviceable (不可使用) ‘Nikon’ Coolpix 990 Digital Camera ‘Sharp’ 21” TV with VCSH 990W VCR ‘Panasonic’ NV-S600EN Handycam 相機 21吋電視 手提攝錄機 1 1 1 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 67 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2085/2008) Department : SWD (Ref. : (25) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-1 IX) DDC Form Ref. : (19) in SS/SWD 51/1/2002-2 Pt.8 Location : Eastern and Wan Chai District Social Welfare Office, Room 1101-1104, Stanhope House, 734-738 King's Rd., North Point, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Patsy CHAN at 2561 8365 / Mr. Ricky TSANG at 2562 4733 部門 地點 : 社會福利署 : 香港北角英皇道734-738號樂基中心1101-1104室 東區及灣仔區福利辦事處 聯絡人 : 李麗燕女士 / 謝女士 電話: 2561 8365 / 2562 4733 M-174 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Unserviceable (不可使用) Amcor Recorder Amplifier Handycams Microwave Camera PENTAX Model No. PC-50 Camera PENTAX Model No. 105-R Camera NIKON Model No. L35 Camera RICOH Model No. RT-550 Camera Handycam Panasonic Model No. V10 Canon Model No. 500N Camera Handycam Sharp Model No. 8X Projector Handycam Canon Recorder Video Cam Sony Model No. H18 Mini Hi Fi Sony Model No. 301S Projector Sony Model No. CPJ-D500 Epson Digital Camera Projector Canon Model No. EOS88 Camera Olympus Model No. IS-300QD Camera Canon Model No. IXUS V3 Camera Digital Camorder Handycam Sony DCR-PC3E 清新機 錄音機 音響擴音器 手提攝錄機 微波爐 相機 相機 相機 相機 相機 手提攝錄機 相機 手提攝錄機 投射放影機 手提攝錄機 錄音機 手提攝錄機 微型唱機 投射放影機 數碼相機(連膠盒) 投射放影機 相機 相機 相機 手提攝錄機 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 68 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2084/2008) Department : LCSD (Ref. : 0594/08) Location : Tsuen Wan Town Hall, 72 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan Contact Person : Ms. Natalie CHOW at 2499 3046 部門 : 康樂及文化事務署 地點 : 荃灣大河道72號荃灣大會堂 聯絡人 : 周彩屏女士 電話: M-175 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 2499 3046 Unserviceable Audio Spart Parts (不可使用音響零件) NEVE (CA 64703) Capacitor 470uF 25V NEVE (CA 64701) Capacitor 470uF 25V NEVE (CA 71004) Capacitor 1000uF 25V NEVE (CA 71005) Capacitor 1000uF 16V NEVE (DD 10001) Diode BAX16 NEVE (DD 10401) D1-4 Diode 6F20 NEVE (IC 21000) IC CA3086 NEVE (PV 86001) Mounting Spacer NEVE (TR 12402) BC214KC Transistor NEVE (TR 16401) BC184C Transistor NEVE (CA 70800) Capacitor 15000uF 40V NEVE (FD 10004) Fader 5K ohm NEVE (IN 10303) Inductor Phantom PSU NEVE ( PT 11013) 1K Potentiometer NEVE (PT 45013) 10K/10K Potentiometer NEVE (SR 18200) Switch, rotary 3X23w ELMA 01 (sensitivity switch) NEVE (SW 20000) 1B2P Isostat switch NEVE (SW 20001) 1B4P Isostat switch NEVE (SW 20040) 3B2P Isostat switch NEVE (SW 20060) 4B2P Isostat switch NEVE (TF 10003) V 10468/S Transformer NEVE (TF 10005) 31267/S Transformer NEVE (TF 10009) VT22867 Transformer NEVE (TF 12012) T1751 Transformer NEVE (TF 16000) EM20009 Transformer NEVE (TH 10000) Thermistor 29 10 1 2 4 6 2 2 24 19 2 1 1 2 3 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 69 Lot No. 批號 M-175 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Description 物品詳情 NEVE PCB A2 B462(2) PART NO. PL 10406 NEVE (TR 16201) BC441-6 Transistor NEVE (TF 12201) BC461-6 Transistor NEVE (TF 12601) MJE 371 Transistor NEVE (TF 16601) MJE 521 Transistor Printed Board Amp B640 Printed Board Amp B638 (PL10638) Assembled Printed Board B358 (PL10358) SCR ATES 406454 dd 14000 ZENER IN 5234B DD 16900 TASCAM M-35 (6051604000) Switch, slide, SSB-022 L6 TASCAM M-35 (5296002400) Meter, VU (LED) TASCAM M-35 (6050008300) PCB A. Switch TASCAM M-35 (6042068000) Potentiometer, rotary, 20K ohm, taper C TASCAM M-35 (5283502600) Potentiometer, rotary, 2 gang, taper 16 TASCAM M-35 (6041206000) Potentiometer, linear, 10K ohm, taper A TASCAM M-35 (6051602000) Switch, slide, SSB-023 L9 TASCAM M-35 (6041207000) Potentiometer, linear, 10K ohm X 4 TASCAM M-35 (5147064000) IC, analog HJM 4559D-D TASCAM M-35 (5145071000) Transistor, 2SC-1312-YG TASCAM M-35 (5042536000) Diode, 1S953 TASCAM M-35 (5042213000) Diode, 1N60 ADM (DA) 0-8Pt. No. 1-205-0003 I/P transformer D. AMD POWER Model 55-2020 CH-20 (Power Pack) ADM (da) W-1Pt. No. 1-205-0007 O/P transformer FERROGRAPH RTS-2 (582-035) RV19 2K2 Linear pot OSC PCB fine adj. FERROGRAPH RTS-2 (750-013) SW1 sw. OSC PCB O/P coarse FERROGRAPH RTS-2 (512-005) Meter NAKAMICHI 582 GA01050A R-8L Record head NAKAMICHI 582 OB06143C IC uPC4558C NAKAMICHI 582 OB06143C IC uPD4001C NAKAMICHI 582 OB06146A IC RC4558DD NAKAMICHI 582 OB06178A IC uPD4011C NAKAMICHI 582 OB06200A IC uA7300PC NAKAMICHI 582 OCO 8096C Capstan belt Quantity 數量 1 12 9 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 4 No. (件) 3 No. (件) 3 2 No. No. (件) (件) 12 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 70 Lot No. 批號 M-175 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Description 物品詳情 NAKAMICHI 582 OCO 8137A Control Motor NAKAMICHI 582 OCO 8164E Pressure roller NAKAMICHI 582 OCO 8138A Reel motor PHILIPS LBB 1145/03 Transistor Pluge in PCB PHILIPS 5322 105 14011 Slide Potm. 2K2 Log PHILIPS LBD 8720 Transformer Line Matching PHILIPS 4822 105 10109 Slide Pot PHILIPS 5322-124-70339 Capacitor PHILIPS 5322-140-64021 Output Transformer PHILIPS Diode BY 164 ( 5322 130 32031) PHILIPS Transistor BD 183 (4822 130 44157) PHILIPS 4822 100 10019 Pot Meter PHILIPS 4822 100 100037 Pot Meter PHILIPS 4822 100 10107 PHILIPS 5322-101-84002 Pot Meter PHILIPS 5322-414-64047 Slide Knob PHILIPS 5322 414 64048 Knob PHILIPS 5322-414-64049 Slide Knob PHILIPS Transistor BC 547 (4822 130 44257) PHILIPS 8" Speaker AD80800/MB (4822 240 60139) TEAC C-1 Capstan Motor 71051272 AMPEX ATR-700 (580-153) Transistor 2262-924 NPN AMPEX ATR-700 809-018 Resistor 30 ohm 30H AMPEX ATR-700 809-019 Resistor 100 ohm 30H AMPEX ATR-700 809-020 Resistor 600 ohm 30H AMPEX ATR-700 (809-027) Brake Felt AMPEX 700 809-047 Roller, Pinch AMPEX ATR-700 809-139 Switch Slide AMPEX ATR-700 809-346 Switch Key (PLY, F/F etc) AMPEX ATR-700 809-175 Switch Lever AMPEX ATR-700 809-185 Resistor 100K (Pot) AMPEX ATR-700 809-186 Resistor 50K (Pot) AMPEX ATR-700 809-187 Resistor 50K (Pot) AMPEX ATR-700 809-210 Switch Slide AMPEX ATR-700 809-211 Switch Level AMPEX ATR-700 809-220 Capacitor AMPEX ATR-700 809-221 Transformer OSC AMPEX ATR-700 809-223 Relay 24V AMPEX ATR-700 809-297 Resistor 2K Quantity 數量 1 2 1 4 9 1 2 4 1 6 10 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 50 1 1 4 1 1 2 10 4 2 35 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 71 Lot No. 批號 M-175 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. Description 物品詳情 AMPEX ATR-700 809-298 Resistor 5K AMPEX ATR-700 809-299 Resistor 10K AMPEX ATR-700 809-300 Resistor 50K AMPEX 700 809-302 IC TA7136P AMPEX 700 809-331 Led Indicator AMPEX ATR 700 (4140024-01) VU Meter Record Head 2-T20H 809-127 Reproduce Head 4T-2CH 809-125 Reproduce Head 2T-2CH 809-124 Transistor 2SAB842 809-233 Transistor 2SS1317(R) 809-235 Transistor 2SC1567 809-240 Transistor 2SC1000 809-236 Transistor 2SC828 809-303 Transistor 2SC828A 809-239 Transistor 2SA794 809-232 Transistor 2SD389P 809-238 Brake Band Assemble (L) 809-024 Remote Male Connector 809-326 IC 2N74122 586-911 IC 2N74402N 001-092 AMPEX 700 809-206 Output Transformer Capacitor 7MFD 1.5MFDX2 250V 809-008 Brake Band Assemble (R) 809-025 ALTEC 4" Monitor panel speaker soundolier FC-104 Altec 34726 Voice Coil Diaphram (for 1231 & 1233) INT. Circuit ALTEC 17-01-121528-97 OP-AMP ALTEC Conekit 417-16LF Transistor 2N6421 for Altec AMPEX AG 440 014-781 Transistor MPS-6518 AMPEX AG-440C (4030279-22) Capstan Idler Assy. AMPEX AG-440C(4350184) Tape Guide Assy. AMPEX AG-440C (403145-10) Reel Adaptor AMPEX AG440 581-095 Diode Bridge Assy (Cpstan Servo) AMPEX AG440-C 143-010 Coneector, J12, 1 pin male AMPEX AG440-C 586-698 IC-U6A 9950 Transistor 2N2102 (014-329) Ampex AG-440 Transistor 2N3904 (014-653) Ampex AG-440 Transistor 2N2219A (014-678) Ampex AG-440 Quantity 數量 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 21 10 14 5 11 10 12 16 1 2 15 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 10 5 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 72 Lot No. 批號 M-175 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. Description 物品詳情 AMPEX AG-440 014-882 Transistor MPS-3638A AMPEX AG-440C (580-440) Transistor (MPSA65-5) AMPEX AG-440C (014-794) Transistor, w/hardware AMPEX AG-440C (580-395) Transistor, with hardware (2N5190) AMPEX AG-440C (014-704) Transistor, with hardware (2N398A) AMPEX AG-440C (014-784) Transistor, with hardware (2N4946) AMPEX AG-440C (014-698) Transistor, with hardware (2N3565) AMPEX AG-440C (013-663) Z. Diode (1N967B) AMPEX AG-440C (013-678) Z. Diode (1N4385) AMPEX AG-440C (013-830) Z. Diode (1N966B) AMPEX AG-440C (013-983) Z. Diode (1N752A) AMPEX AG-440C (013-749) Diode (1N3023B) AMPEX AG-440C (013-599) Diode (1N914) AMPEX AG-440C (013-676) Diode (LMAZ-24-OA) AMPEX AG-440C (013-747) Diode (2EZ13, OD5) AMPEX AG-440C 017-122 Crystal AMPEX AG-400 020-144 Relay SPDT AMPEX AG-440 020-897 Relay, SPDT, Reed for (027-778) AMPEX AG-440 (051-952) Choke, 10MH +/- 5% AMPEX AG-440 058-594 Resister 10K AMPEX AG-440 058-888 Variable Resister 100K AMPEX AG-440 043-968 Resistor, WW., 0.25 ohm, 5W, 3% AMPEX AG-440 060-323 Lamp 120V AMPEX AG-440 Lamp for meter (060-489) AMPEX AG-440 090-178 VU Meter AMPEX AG-440 119-249 Switch DPDT AMPEX AG-440 119-250 Switch Push Button AMPEX AG-440 132-335 Lamp Yellow AMPEX AG-440 143-008 Connector, J1, 3 pin male AMPEX AG-440 143-009 Connector, J6, 2 pin male AMPEX AG-440 145-013 Connector male 8 pins (P706) AMPEX AG-440 146-018 Connector, Receptacle AMPEX AG-440C 147-014 Connector, Receptacle, 10 pins male AMPEX AG-440 401-005 Pin Coyter AMPEX AG-440 580-135 Transistor 2N4104 AMPEX AG-440 586-153 IC MC846P AMPEX AG-440 586-283 IC SN7493N AMPEX AG-440 581-264 Isolator, Optical Coupled AMPEX AG-440 586-309 IC-U6A 9601 Quantity 數量 4 2 1 1 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 4 4 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 4 2 2 1 3 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 73 Lot No. 批號 M-175 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. Description 物品詳情 AMPEX AG-440 1228243-01 Power Transformer AMPEX AG-440 586-309 IC-U6A 9601 AMPEX AG-440C (4040414-01) Band Assy. for Brake AMPEX AG-440 (4040965-03) Tape Lift (Left hand) AMPEX AG-440 (4040966-03) Tape Lift (Right hand) AMPEX AG-440 (4041150-01) Idler & Guide Assembly AMPEX AG-440 (4050238-02) Flux Loop AMPEX AG-440 (4050436-01) Safty Switch Assy. AMPEX AG-440C (4050446-02) Head Connector Assy. AMPEX AG-440C (4050723-01) Induction Coil 220uH 5% AMPEX AG-440C (4200121-10) Bushing AMPEX AG-440 (4250198-02) Puck Assy of Capstan idler Assy AMPEX AG-440 (4350094-01) Record Head Assy (2T-stero) AMPEX AG-440 (421-116) Bearing, Ball AMPEX AG-440C (4590043-01) Solenoid (Tape Lifter solenoid assy.) AMPEX AG-440C (4270252-02) Spring, Tape Lifter Return AMPEX AG-440C 4350184-02 Tape Guide Assy. AMPEX AG-440 4520034-01 Resistor Var 25K 1W AMPEX AG-440C 4520145-20 Potentiometer ( Bias) AMPEX AG-440C (037-494) Capacitor, Tantalum, 3.3uF, 35V, 20% AMPEX AG-440 4580123-01 Coil Bias OSC. AMPEX AG-440 4580057-01 Transformer Output AMPEX AG-440C (4590068-01) I/P Transformer (Mike) AMPEX AG-440C 4580200-01 I/P Transformer (Line) AMPEX AG-440 4620053-01 Switch TPDT Toggle (Speed) AMPEX AG440C 4620064-01 Switch Push Button AMPEX AG-440C 4620144-20 Switch PusH Button AMPEX AG-440C 4620144-30 Switch PusH Button AMPEX AG-440C 4930512-01 Sapphire Tape Guide Adj. Tool AMPEX AG-440C 4550147-05 Capacitor 100, 100, 35, 35/50V AMPEX AG-440 4550147-11 Capacitor 250, 750, 250/35V AMPEX AG-440C (4041071-02) Solenoid Assy. (Capstain idler solenoid) AMPEX AG-440 (132-334) Lamp Red REMOTE RECEIVER SENSOR ASSEMBLY FOR ELECTROHOME ECP3500 EXTENDER CORD FOR ELECTROHOME ECP3500 Quantity 數量 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 1 2 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 1 2 1 2 No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 4 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 2 1 No. No. (件) (件) 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 74 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2076/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (1) in CP/SM/RS/228/22 (08) Pt.2) DDC Ref. : DDC/RS/437/08 Location : Kai Tak Operational Base, Room 419, 4/F, 105 Concorde Road, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. LEE Wing-wah at 2860 3518 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 九龍協調道105號4樓419室啟德行動基地 聯絡人 : 李先生 電話: 2860 3518 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-176 1. Surveillance Kit Assorted 爛通訊配件 401 No. (件) 2. Adaptor Assorted 爛插頭 349 No. (件) 3. Amplifier Assorted 爛擴音器 11 No. (件) 4. Antenna Assorted 爛戶外天線 2400 No. (件) 5. Battery Assorted 爛電池 4031 No. (件) 6. Box Assorted 爛盒 9 No. (件) 7. Aluminium Case Assorted 爛鋁箱 1 No. (件) 8. Case Assorted 爛袋 1486 No. (件) 9. Charger Assorted 爛叉電器 382 No. (件) 10. Controller Assorted 爛控制組件 15 No. (件) 11. Control Station Assorted 爛控制組件箱 89 No. (件) 12. Conditioner Assorted 爛放電器 27 No. (件) 13. Control Head Assorted 爛控制組件 2 No. (件) 14. Distribution Unit Assorted 爛分配器 1 No. (件) 15. Carrying Assorted 爛布袋 312 No. (件) 16. Housing Assorted 爛箱 2 No. (件) 17. Interace Assorted 爛中轉器 42 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 75 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-176 18. Keyfill Master Assorted 爛通訊配件 4 No. (件) 19. Keyfill Slave Assorted 爛通訊配件 4 No. (件) 20. Microphone Assorted 爛咪高峰 1,679 No. (件) 21. Pad Mic.Assorted 爛咪帶 1,865 No. (件) 22. Modom Assorted 爛數據器 1 No. (件) 23. Programming Unit Assorted 爛編排器 1 No. (件) 24. Power Supply Assorted 爛電源器 35 No. (件) 25. Detector Assorted 爛偵查器 1 No. (件) 26. Radio Assorted 爛流動無線電收發機 1,793 No. (件) 27. Speaker Assorted 爛揚聲器 40 No. (件) 28. Strap Assorted 爛帶 356 No. (件) 29. Tester Assorted 爛測試器 30 (件) No. Remarks: (a) Inspection of stores on Kowloon side before auction would be arranged on 17.12.2008 at 14:00 - 16:15. (b) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Mr. LEE at 2860 3518 (c) Collection of above store for KTOB after auction should be completed in one day. 備註: (a) 上述物品只可在2008年12月17日下午二時至下午四時十五分提供視察。 (b) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2860 3518與李先生聯絡及安排。 (c) 有關提取上述拍賣物品需於一日內完成。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 76 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2076/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (1) in CP/SM/RS/228/22 (08) Pt.2) DDC Ref. : DDC/RS/437/08 Location : Police Radio Stores, Room 030, 3/F, East Wing, Police HQ Contact Person : Mr. LEE Wing-wah at 2860 3518 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-177 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. : 香港警務處 : 香港灣仔警察總部3樓030室 : 李先生 電話: 2860 3518 Unserviceable (不可使用) Incompleted Radio Equipment, General Accessories & Test Equipment 不完整通訊零件及配件 TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE 'PANASONIC' MICROPHONE CONDENSER SONY TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE PANASONIC PANASONIC TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE PANASONIC TELEPHONE SET KX-T2470B C/ADAPTOR RECORDER TELEPHONE HOPEWELL TELEPHONE 'GOLDSTAR' MODEL WORLD PHONE RESPONSE75 DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE RADIO PORTABLE MOTOROLA TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE ANTENNA FOR ICOM IC-R2 RECEIVER 2A N-CD RECHARGERABLE BATTERY FOR IC-R2 RECEIVER BELT CLIP W/HANDSTRAP FOR IC-R2 RECEIVER NI-CD BATTERY CHARGER FOR ICOM IC-R2 ICOM IC-R2 WIDE BAND MULTI-MODE RECEIVER MANUAL TRANSISTOR HEADER + EARS 26 PCS CLIP MODEM DARLINGTON OUTPUT SWITCH DIP 8 WAY CRYSTAL 4MHZ CPU SCR NO4X8MM POSI PAN RES MTL FLM 5R2 2% 0 RES MTL FLM 470R 2% RES MTL FLM 15K 2% 0 PILLAR HEXAGON RES MTL FLM 39K 2% 0 DIODE BASIC WASHER M3 NORM ST BS THERMISTOR PTC 70C SCREW ST PAN POZI M3 RES MTL FLM 16K 2% 0 DIODE MR751 RES FLM 127K 1% OW25 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 8 3 4 2 1 4 4 5 2 2 3 2 11 1 3 30 2 2 10 2 4 4 69 4 10 4 2 2 NO. NO. NO. NO. SET NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 77 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Description 物品詳情 RES COMPT 100_ 2% SOCKET SCR M3X6 THREADED PZ SCR ST TAP POZI NO. 6 RES 10_ 5% SCR ST PAN POZI M3X8 SCR POST PAN HD M3X1 SMD PACK-DIODE BZX84 RES MTL FLM 220R 2% LINK ASSY RES MTL FLM 150R ±5 RESISTOR 270_ ± RES MTL FLM 11K 2% O I.C. 400 RES MTL FLM 27R 2% 0 TRANSISTOR BFP10N12 LINK CONNECTOR SCR PAN ST 4/40UNCX1 RES MTL FLM 33K 2% 0 FASTENER RES MTL FLM 240R RES MTL FLM 1K5 2% 0 RES MTL FLM 2K2 2% 0 TRANSISTOR BLY87C COIL AIR SPACED 6MM RES MTL FLM 56K 2% 0 SCREW M2.5X8(OU) PL.P.C.B. MTD.HD.2X2 RES MTL FLM 1K 2% 0. RESISTOR 90-9K SCR POST PAN HD M3X2 TRANSISTOR BCX19 TRANSISTOR MMB FU310/TI SCR ST PAN POZI M3X1 RES MTL FLM 10R 2% 0 RES MTL FLM 27K 2% 0 RES 6 PIN SIL 10K 5% SWITCH POOWER C/W BRK RES MTL FLM 1R 2% 0. RES MTL 8K2 2% OW25 RES 150K_ 5% CR25 SCR SLF/TAP POZIM3X6 LOOP 11MM HIGH RES MTL FLM 100K 2% RES MTL FLM 18K 2% 0 DIODE GP RES MTL FLM 12K 2% 0 SCR POZI PAN 6X3/8 SCR ST HEX M3X12 RES MTL 120K 2% OW25 Quantity 數量 2 2 40 10 4 60 24 2 1 8 2 2 2 2 4 3 16 16 6 8 2 4 6 5 2 2 10 4 4 2 10 4 2 10 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 10 2 8 4 2 2 20 10 2 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 78 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. SMD PACK-CAP 6P8 RES 68_ 5% CR25 DIODE BAV70 I.C. SINGLE SUP OP AMP WASHER THERMAL TO-22 RES MTL FLM 110R 2% THERMISTOR PT90C RES M.FLM.75K 2Y OW2 RES MTL FLM 4K7 2% 0 RES MTL 13K 2% OW25 RES MTL FLM 100R 2% RES 82_ 5% CR25 SMD PACK-CAP 56N ±1 RES MTL FLM 82K 2% 0 DIODE BZX70-C27 CHOKE ASSY RES MTL FLM 3K9 2% 0 RESISTOR 12K1 ±1% 10 DIODE BAY 99 RES MTL 10K 2% OW25 RES MTL FLM 2R7 2% 0 DIODE BAW56 COIL CRYSTAL 29700HZ CABLE ASSY RIBBON RES 9 PIN SIL 100K 5 FILTER CRYSTAL RES MTL FLM 47K 2% 0 RES 9 PIN SIL 10K 5% HOLDER CRYSTAL OVEN SCR S/T ST NO.4X1/4" RES COMPT 4K64_ 1 RES MTL FLM 2K7 2% 0 RES MTL FLM 33R 2% 0 RES 100_ 5% TYPE SMD PACK-CAP 4P7 SWITCH 1 POLE 3 WAY SWITCH 1 POLE 2 WAY I.C. LOGIC GATE BUSH INSULATING RETAINER RES 9 PIN SIL 2K2 ± COIL ASSY SMD PACK-DIODE BZX84 CHOKE RF MIIN 4Á7 ±1 RES MTL FLM 68K 2% 0 PILLAR RES COMP 1.8_ 5% WASHER FIBRE M7 CHOKE ASSY Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 2 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 16 20 2 4 2 2 2 2 10 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 20 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 10 2 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 79 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. Description 物品詳情 RES MTL 91K 2% OW25 SCREW POZI M3X5 0 SKT 15 WAY RT ANGLED REGULATOR VOLTAGE THK FLM MODL ASSY ANT SWITCHING TIMER TX & THK FLM CONT SMD PACK-CAP 8P2 RES MTL FLM 24K 2% 0 PCB ASSEMBLY SCREW CAPTIVE LEVER PTT CABLE COMPUTER/RIB MICROPHONE ASSEMBLY HOUSING ASSEMBLY CLIP BELT FOR REMOTE SPEAKER MIC CABLE ADAPTOR RF CABLE METERING P.C.B. PL MTD.HD.2X3 RES M/FLM 150K 2% DU TRANSISTOR BD947 RES MF 8K66 1% OW25 I.C. 304 - NJ8820 P.C.B. ASSY REFERENCE MODULE P.C.B. ASSY VCO MODULE P.C.B. ASSY RF AMP UHF TL I.C. DUAL OP AMP 8 PIN SMD PACK-DIODE BZX84 INDUCTOR CLAMP SOCKET ANTENNA SOCKET 15 WAY DATA DECOUPLING ASS. PWB NUT STL NKL M25 HEX RES 1_ 10% CR25 I.C. 4049B RES MTL FLM 22K 2% 0 RES MTL FLM 3K3 2% 0 PILLAR HEXAGON RES 100K 1% 0.25W M COIL SCR POZI PAN HD M2.5 RES 30 MILLI_ NUT HEX M2.5 RES MTL FLM 620R 2% I.C. QUAD OP AMP 14 PIN COIL AIR SPACED 3MM COIL AIR SPACED 3MM DIODE ZENER 61E32 8.2V ARRESTORS SURGE GDT MICROPHONE UNIT Quantity 數量 2 10 2 87 51 44 2 2 30 30 80 1 30 50 44 6 8 8 2 2 2 5 27 12 12 2 2 2 8 8 9 3 20 2 3 4 2 3 6 4 20 2 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 80 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. Description 物品詳情 ANTENNA (L=750) FOR WM-320 SYNZR VHF MID SPLT CASING PREASSEMBLED (ASCOM) COVER FOR ACCESSORY PLUG LOUDSPEAKER ASCOM CLIP FOR CASING COVER ANT. ROD ASSY BOARD PL/VOTING BOLTS SPKR WING BOARD, DISPLAY PCB ASS'Y CONNECTOR POWER CRYSTAL ASS'Y 21.4 HZ CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP COIL 3.5T COIL 3.5T ORANGE COIL 8.5T WHITE CONN PCB 14 WAY CRYSTAL 4.OOMHZ I.C. MC34064P I.C. CMOS I.C. CMOS 8 BIT ADDR. I.C. MC1458CD I.C. I.C. SERIAL ENCODER I.C. CMOS REM CTR DCR I.C. CMOS OSC/TIMER I.C. MC34002D CONNECTOR ASS'Y I.C. MC145146P1 I.C. SC63599P CONT. VOLT MC3340 COIL FLTR ST BROWN CONTROL HEAD PROM. CAPACITOR 100-20-25V GROMMET INSULATOR HSG. MICROPROCESSOR OSCILL REFERENCE PROM, ERASABLE REG. VOLTAGE SKT PCB 14-WAY SOCKET, COAXIAL I.C. SOCKET 40 PIN I.C. SOCKET 8 PIN TRAN ZENER O/VOLT Quantity 數量 4 46 1 18 20 4 4 3 30 2 16 3 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 4 8 4 6 8 4 10 7 4 8 8 2 4 4 4 20 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 81 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. Description 物品詳情 TSTR MRF559 TSTR POWER MRF654 TSTR M9619 TSTR LP1983 TSTR SILICON NPN TSTR RH LOW PR MMBT TSTR NPN 2SC3606 TSTR NMBT3904 CONTACT DIODE PIN DIODE HOT CARRIER DIODE MBD301 DIODE MMBV109 L23 WIRELESS EARPHONE W/O VOLUME CONTROL ASCOM HELMET KIT COMPLETE SPARE TYPE HCF300 (AUDIO GEAR) AC T/P 220V 47-60HZ DC OUTPUT 24V MODULE RECEIVER CHANNEL SPACING 12.5KHZ MODULE TRANSMITTER DRIVE POWER SUPPLY UNIT MULTIPLE OUTPUT ANALOGUE ASSEMBLY PWB CABLE SPEAKER CABLE POWER INSTALL KIT I/FACE HARDWARE KIT BD MN 403-440 12.5KHZ COVER TOP COVER BOTTOM CHASSIS ASS'Y CHASSIS PA DISPLAY HARDWARE KIT MAN. SYNTRX +UHF CABLE BETWEEN COVERT GEARS & HELMET UNIT WITH HIRO CAPACITOR 33P WEDGE CAPACITOR 1N WEDGE I/C B CAPACITOR 47N 50V CAPACITOR 3Á3 50V ELECT. VERT CAPACITOR 47Á 16V ELECT. VERT CAPACITOR 100Á 16V ELECT. VERT CAPACITOR 220Á 16V ELECT. VERT CAPACITOR 2N2 50V MYLAR 10% VERT MTG CAPACITOR 3N3 50V MYLAR 10% VERT. MTG CAPACITOR 1P8 NPO 50/63V ±0.25P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 2P7 NPO 50/63V ±0.25P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 3P3 NPO 50/63V ±0.5P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 4P7 NPO 50/63V ±0.5P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 6P8 NPO 50/63V ±0.5P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 8P2 N750 50/63V ±0.5P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 10P NPO 50/63V ±0.5P CERAMIC CAPACITOR 12P NPO 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 15P NPO 50/63V 5% CERAMIC Quantity 數量 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 100 16 8 4 4 1 132 2 2 1 2 3 16 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 82 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. Description 物品詳情 CAPACITOR 18P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 22P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 22P N750 5% 50/63V CERAMIC CAPACITOR 27P N150 50/63V 5% CAPACITOR 33P N150 50/63V 5% CAPACITOR 39P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 47P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 56P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 68P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 100P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 120P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC I.C. MLM 324 ESCUTCHEEN 12 FREQ SUBMERSIBLE KIT CONNECTOR RF CIRCULT FLEX CIRCULT FLEX GASKET KNOB SCREW MACHINE CABLE POWER FOR MOBILE RADIO VHF FM TAIT T350 SCREW MACHINE SCREW STUD CAPACITOR 150P N150 50/63V 5% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 220P N750 50/63V 10% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 470P T/C B 50/63V 10% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 1N T/C B 63V 10% CERAMIC CAPACITOR 1N FEED THRU LESS LEAD CERAMIC CAPACITOR 47P N150 5% 50V 1206 CHIP CAPACITOR 100P N150 5% 1206 CHIP CAPACITOR 270P NPO HID 100V 1210 CHIP CAPACITOR 1N T/C B 10% 50V 1260 CHIP CAPACITOR 15P WEDGE CAPACITOR 18P WEDGE CAPACITOR 30P WEDGE 5XW750 HOUSING METAL C/W MOUNTING BRACKET FOR VASCAR3000 I.C. 4081B MC14081BCP SEAL TOP TRIM MICROPHONE LEAD C/W PLUG BOSS ANTENNA CORE MODULE, I.F. AMP MODULE, HP TX PA (VHF BAND) MODULE ANALOGUE LOGIC P.C.B. MODULE VCO VHF A1A2 BAND P.C.B. ASSY LOGIC MODULE V BAND PANEL FRONT-CONTROL MODULE SOCKET FACILITY ASSY Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 25 5 5 8 9 29 31 3 40 40 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 199 31 232 41 92 5 61 5 72 26 30 4 173 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 83 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. Description 物品詳情 ATTENUATOR UNBAL 4DB 500_ ATTENUATOR PAD 8DB ATTENUATOR UNBAL 16DB 600_ COIL RETARD I.C. 4027 MOS I.C. 4022 I.C. 4028 I.C. 4029 I.C. 4040 MOS I.C. I.C. 4049 I.C. MC14081 I.C. 4518 I.C. 40174 I.C. IMOS 4001 I.C. LMOS 4011 I.C. LMOS 4013 I.C. LMOS 4018B I.C. LMOS 4050B I.C. LMOS 4066 I.C. LMOS 4081 I.C. 4047 CRYSTAL 29780HZ DIODE DIODE LOGIC BAT 86 LED QUAD ARRAY-AMB METER RELAY 2 POLE C/O RELAY 1050R 24V 2P C/O RELAY 370_ +10% RESONATOR CER 575KHZ TRANSDUCER BS2740 HOUSING BACK KNOB CHANNEL SELECTOR FOR 152N & 452 NUT BUFFER, UHF (TL BAND) I.C. SL6310, AUDIO AMP. SURFACE MOUNT HOLDER FUSE MODULE RF AMP & MIXER U BAND BATTERY 3V 35MA MODL HP TX PA TP BAND SWITCH ASSY ANTENNA 438-472MHZ C/W WHIP(PFX) P.C.B. ASSY FLEX CONTR SEAL RUBBER TOP TRIM ADAPTOR FOR BATTERY ELIMINATOR BATTERY BACK/HOUSING ELIMINATOR TEST SET PORTABLE CABLE FOR COMPUTER TO CEB CABLE FOR COMPUTER TO CEB Quantity 數量 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 5 2 1 1 12 5 10 1 4 3 2 2 12 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 30 7 47 2 553 113 68 230 46 140 115 6 112 2 2 1 8 8 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 84 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. Description 物品詳情 REMOTE PTT RING SWITCH WITH CURL CORD COLOUR:BLACK IC MK48Z12-20 IC 6805E3 PUSH SWITCH PCB MTG SOCKET COAXIAL SCOKET 10 WAY IRON SOCKET, 6 WAY, RIGHT ANGLE SOCKET 12WAY SOCKET, 15WAY SOCKET, HOUSING 6WAY SOCKET, 16WAY SOCKET 12WAY SOCKET 6 WAY I.C. TDA 1020 I.C. LM339N QUAD VOLTAGE COMPARATOR SP NO. 31.075 IC 74HC595-LOCAL CRYSTAL 5MHZ MICRO CLIP A3M2182 IC MC144111P IC 4060B SCREW COMBI TORX M2.5 X 5 PTT KEY WITH INSERT SWITCHING BOARD, HEAD KEYS BOARD TONE FOR TAIT, RECEIVER MODEL T835-25 EPROM 27512 X 8 BIT FOR CONTROLLER BOARD BOARD CONNECTOR TRANSCRYPT SC20-460 C/W TR10-6520 FOR ASCOM BOARD EPROM (855EPSB ISSUE:B)FOR RX AND EXCITER BOARD AUDIO T700 BOARD DISPLAY T700 TRANSISTOR Q300 MPS2866 BOARD CONTROLLER (PCB P/N CWS92013V02) BOARD DIGITAL I/O BOARD (PCB P/N CWS92016V02) MICROPHONE HOLDER MICROPHONE ISOLATOR, AERIAL FACILITIES BOARD SCRAMBLER MOUNTING TRANSISTOR PWR MOSFET 55OV TO-220 MTP4N50 Q1,Q2 BOARD FOR RX AND EXCITER 830VC1A 1A BOARD FILTER PANEL CONTROL BOARD ENCRYPTION FOR CONSOLE (TRANSCRYPT) KNOB VOLUME CONTROL LINE DRIVER RS485 MODULE TDM-150 CONTROL TDM-M3601G MODULE FACEPLATE - TDM-M360XG/M360XG/M5201G SWITCH CAP 0.7" BLK-2 LED PANEL OVERLAY, PLASTIC MODULE PCB SPEAKER/AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY SWITCH CAP "SEL" (GRN) Quantity 數量 49 5 5 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 8 2 1 1 2 5 17 25 25 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 23 23 1 2 6 1 2 1 2 2 20 2 4 18 2 2 6 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 85 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. Description 物品詳情 SWITCH CAP "XMIT" (RED) SWITCH CAP 0.7" BLK-2 LED ENGRAVING "OFF HOOK" SWITCH CAP 0.7" YEL-2 LED - ENGRAVING "RA>PH" TRANSCRYPT VOICE SCRAMBLER MIC. GOOSENECK FOR CONSOLE SPEAKER TRANSISTOR Q8 2N6080 TRANSISTOR BC557B TRANSISTOR SRFH1001 TRANSISTOR Q9 2N5590 TRANSISTOR Q5 2N6107 TRANSISTOR Q5A C327 TRANSISTOR Q3, Q4 BS170 TRANSISTOR Q4, C547B TRANSISTOR Q352, Q210 BD234 TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER COIL TAIT TRANSISTOR Q303 F247A TRANSISTOR SD1012-9 TRANSISTOR MRF1946A TRANSISTOR MRF630 TRANSISTOR, SD1433 TRANSISTOR SD1488 LED SINGLE O RING 1.78 X 2.57MM CONNECTING ELEMENT CLIP TO CONNECTING ELEMENT CONTACT (ON RF BOARD) TRANSISTOR MPS3646 TRANSISTOR BLU98 TRANSISTOR MPS571 TRANSISTOR MMBFJ310 TRANSISTOR BFR31 TRANSISTOR BSSB3 TRANSISTOR BCW72 TRANSISTOR BCW70 TRANSISTOR BFS19 TRANSISTOR MMBF571 GASKET BEAD, FERRITE, F8, 4X2X5MMM MIXER INDUCTOR 2MH HASSIS, CONTROL HEAD HEADER, 12WAY HEADER, 6WAY HEATSINK A3M2180 LENS LAMP, 6V 50MA LCD DISPLAY 5 DIGIT KNOB Quantity 數量 6 2 4 2 2 5 3 14 5 3 3 8 3 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 106 33 23 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 5 5 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 86 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. Description 物品詳情 KEYPAD KEYPAD BUTTONS DIODE SR2607 6A/30V DIODE 1SS97-2 SCHOTTKY (S) DIODE IN4001 1A/50V DIODE ZENER 5V6 0.4W 2% BZ X 79/85V6 DIODE TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR 16V DIODE MBR20100 20A 100V TO-218 DIODE AUTO INSERT IN4531 S1 DIODE BTV26C 1A/400V FAST SWITCH DIODE BYV28-200 3.5A/200V FAST SWITCH DIODE 6A MR756 DIODE ZENER 11V 0.5W DIODE ZENER 9V1 0.4W BZX79/C9V1 DIODE D105 DIFFUSER LCD DIODE UM9401 RESISTOR 10E 5% RLY1 DZ-SS-112D R3 RESISTOR WIRE WOUND 10E 5W 19 X 2 MM RESISTOR M/F POWER 100E 5% 6W 33 X 9 MM RESISTOR 10E M/F 2.5W 17 X 5 MM CAPACITOR 200V 390UF RELAY RESISTOR VR, 2K2, 6MM RESISTOR, PTC RESISTOR PRESET, 100K RESISTOR PRESET 10K CORD POWER DISPLAY WINDOW FRONT KEYBOARD WITH INSERT PLATE, CONTROL HEAD PLUG 15 WAY PLUG, HOUSING 6WAY PLUG, 16WAY (OLD 6WAY) PLUG, 12WAY PLUG, 6WAY PLUG, COAXIAL, MINIATURE PIN PLUG DUST FILTER FOR MICROPHONE ANTENNA M5 INSERT LINE TERMINAL UNIT (LTU) SWITCH-OVER ANTENNA SWITCH LEVER SCREW CASING M2.5 X 25 TORX ARRESSTOR 'DELTED' ARRESTOR (SURGE SUPPRESSOR) TELEPHONE SET INTERQUARTZ 9838P1 LOUDSPEAKER FOR PHILIPS UHF DIODE SURFACE MOUNTED BAS 16 Quantity 數量 2 10 3 15 12 2 2 2 12 4 4 2 2 2 2 5 3 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 24 24 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 24 25 40 2 15 25 62 2 6 8 5 10 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 87 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. Description 物品詳情 DIODE SURFACE MOUNTED ZENER BZX 84C15 LED RED MOULDING ASSY TOP TRIM FILTER, 'DELTED' HOUSING KIT TRANSISTOR 2N3055 BD121 CASS. WINDOW R 'AIWA' ANTENNA T BAND 405-447MHZ FOR PFX YONG HUI YHD-9716 CAMERA(31C-0514) SKYLIGHT FILTER HOYA 52MM (1B) BATTERY N.C.RECHARGE. FOR RPX150(31B-0276) MANUAL OPERATION INSTRUCTION FOR MX330 EARTIP SILICON REPLACEMENT FOR SK5 LOUDSPEAKER EXTEND ANTENNA FOR RADIOTELEPHONE NEC GC2000 PORTABLE P.C.B. MOUNTING CRADLE FOR MOBILE RADIO VHF FM TAIT MODEL CARD HIGHWAY PULL-UP CARD PIP & TEST TONE CONNECT ALLOTTER LED GREEN COIL RES COMP 47K_ 5% SCR PLASTITE NO. 2X1/4 SWITCH DIAPHRAGM (MO) DISPL LIQUID CRYSTAL (LCD) WINDOW LCD RES 47K_ 5% CR25 SCREW ST PAN POZI M3X28 SCR ST PAN PQZI M3X8 RETAINER COVER ASSY FACILITY SKT MODL HP TX PA (UHF UP BAND) MODULE REFERENCE 8.4MHZ 5PPM RESISTOR 15K_ CR25 5% TRANSISTOR BD436 FUSE 3.15A RES 47K_ 5% CR25 COVER ASSY. FRONT ALUM SHORT EX. ANTENNA ASP1490 FOR MOBILE RADIO VHF/FM TAIT MODEL MODULE CONTROL DUPLEXER(31D-0058) LOCK MOULDING TOP TRIM TRANSISTOR SD1019-5 TIP BIT REPLACEMENT GOOT-OTQ-80RT-B FOR TQ80 ANTENNA FLEXIBLE FAN RPX450 PACKSET EASAPHONE MODEL CSL2365 BATTERY HEAVY DUTY NI-CAD RAPID (31B-0297) CABINET FOR RADIO EQUIPMENT Quantity 數量 2 5 114 2 21 79 2 30 2 5 15 3 418 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 7 85 48 174 101 14 17 264 298 113 73 222 14 27 67 34 159 68 21 5 7 1 32 4 3 14 14 1 3,765 6 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 88 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. Description 物品詳情 TRIPOD ELEVACTOR SONY MODEL VCT20A TESTER BATTERY, FOR G.E. 'PORTA MOBIL II' WORKSHOP CASE CARRYING LEATHER C/W BELT LOOP HOLD DOWN FLAP EXTENDER MIC LOW MODEL 312 MOUNTING FOR CORVETTE TYPE 25S BATTERY NI-CD 4 HRS.(31B-0334) ANTENNA UHF YAGI 1450-1535 MHZ 50TYPE (31A-0375) BATTERY RECHARGEABLE, N.C. 12.5V 650MAH(FOR RPX50) CORD COIL FOR SVA MIC MICROPHONE PAGING C/W ON/OFF SWITCH 'TOA' TESTER BATTERY FOR RPX 50 W/S MADE BATTERY NC FOR 10-8 P/S(31B-0156) POWER SUPPLY REGULATED 13.8VDC 7A MAX FIXED VOLTAG MICROPHONE & SPEAKER EXTERNAL MICROPHONE C/W MIC. HOLDER MODEL 079 ANTENNA A/S APR-153 GLASS 150-174 MHZ(31A-0573) BATTERY NI-CAD RECHARGE.9.6V 599MAH PFX(31B-0312) HOLDER CARRING(31H-0162) HANDSET WITH REST CASE LEATHER BELT HOLDER MICROPHONE/SPEAKER EXTERNAL ANT 156MHZ 1/4WAVE LOW PROFILE TRUNK LTD MOUNTING CASE LEATHER FOR PFX RADIO FOR CRIME WING NETWORK CASE LEATHER CARRYING PR-CCE RADIO SYSTEM PR1405 RX RF TM BAND ITEMS COMMON GREY A/S ON GLASS ANTENNA 150-174MHZ AP153 ANTENNA SR210A 138-174MHZ SINCLAIR SINGLE HALF MOUNTING BRACKET TAPE SHEET 2" WIDE BLACK IN COLOR GENERAL ANTENNA MOBILE ROOF-TOP 162-174MHZ(31A-0318) MICROPHONE C/W CORD MODULE 30W POWER AMPLIFIER MICROPHONE/SPEAKER EXTERNAL FOR 10-8 PACKSET TESTER BATTERY FDOR ITT PACKSET H/M MICROPHONE POWER CABLE & MOUNTING KIT HEADSET BOOM MICROPHONE TYPE RACAL FREEDOM HEADSET WITH VOX UNIT HMC-2 KENWOOD REMOTE INSTALLATION KIT FOR T-700-02 SPEAKER RELAY KIT CAR SPEAKER "PIONEER" MODEL TS-G1010 TAIT T734-11 VHF MOBILE TRANSCEIVER CONTROL LEAD W/T MICROPHONE TAIT T700-81(31C-0503) MODULE PS MODULE PA MODULE EXCITER MODULE TX/RX MONITOR COVERT GEAR FOR MOBILE TRANSCEIVER VHF TAIT T-734MOUNTING KIT REMOTE TAIT T700 MICROPHONE FIST FOR TAIT T700 Quantity 數量 1 8 14 3 5 357 1 72 225 1 12 119 1 29 31 2 95 5 2 2 18 2 105 1 2 6 5 3 13 3 45 8 2 14 5 3 3 6 7 4 4 9 4 4 1 1 1 1 8 19 17 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 89 Lot No. 批號 M-177 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 638. LOUDSPEAKER EXTERNAL WITH MOUNTING FOR MOBILE RADI 639. CONTROL UNIT TRANSPORTABLE CROSSBAND REPEATER 640. SPEAKER FOR CAR FOR MOBILE TRANSCEIVER VHF TAIT T 641. SPEAKER RELAY KIT FOR MOBILE TRANSCEIVER VHF TAIT 642. TIMER AND POWER LINE NOISE FILTER UNIT FOR MOBILE 643. BOARD AUDIO SWITCH (PCB P/N CWS 92096V02) 644. CRT SPARE ASSEMBLY 645. INTERFACE HEADSET JACK 646. ANTENNA MOBILE UHF FOR UHF/VHF CROSSBAND REPEATER 647. HARNESS SHOULDER FOR UHF COVERT PORTABLE RADIOS, A 648. BOX NETWORK SLECTING SIZE: 22CMX12CM 649. HANDSET AND REST ASSEMBLY SEAVOICE 650. ERASER BLUK, BE7H 651. HORN FLARE GREY 652. MICROPHONE FIST FOR PHILIPS MRS MOBILE REPEATER(I 653. CONTROL HEAD ADVANCED FOR MOTOROLA SYNTRX 654. RADIO MOBILE MOTOROLA SYNTRX PLUS 403-440MHZ 655. ABSORBENT MOUNTING TRAY SHOCK FOR FM92 656. MICROPHONE FIST FM92A 657. CHARGER BATTERY, MULTIPLE UNIT 658. SINGLE UNIT BATTERY CHARGER FOR ASCOM SE-140 659. POWER SUPPLY FOR CONSOL (S/N 141180876) 660. INSTALL KIT K5, HANDSFREE 2M 661. INSTALL KIT K6, VOX HANDSFREE 2M 662. INSTALL KIT K7, HANDSFREE 5M 663. INSTALL KIT K8, VOX HANDSFREE 5M 664. INTERFACE HANDSFREE WITH PTT SW 665. CHARGER BATTERY MULTI-UNIT P/N NTN4922A FOR HT800 666. CHARGER SINGLE UNIT FOR HT800 P/N NTN4636A 667. BOARD CPU 668. BOARD DISPLAY DRIVER 669. BOARD MEMORY 670. BOARD DISPLAY - LEFT 671. BOARD DISPLAY - RIGHT 672. BOARD POWER SUPPLY 673. KEY TOP, PUSH BUTTON 674. LED GREEN 675. LED RED 676. LED YELLOW 677. MOMENTARY PUSHBUTTON SWITCH 678. SWITCH PUSH BUTTON 679. SOCKET TYPE SHORTING JUMPER 680. TRANSISTOR NPN POWER 681. PROBE RF HEWLETT PACKARD 11096B 682. CABLE CONTROL FOR MTS2000 683. MICROPHONE FIST WATERPROOF FOR FM1100 684. MICROPHONE FOR SYNTRX RADIO 685. SPEAKER FOR SYNTRX RADIO 686. REMOTE INTERFACE ADAPTOR 687. CASE CARRYING HT800 W/T STRAP&BELT LOOP(31C-0454) Quantity 數量 59 NO. (件) 1 16 9 37 2 2 2 2 37 6 4 1 13 14 1 1 9 31 6 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 5 5 4 11 1 41 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 90 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. Description 物品詳情 IP55 MULTIPURPOSE- 'PILOT' AERIAL DIPOLE AERD150 145-154MHZ ANTENNA TELESCOPIC(31A-0422) LAMP LED OVER DOOR CMD-CG4 BACK BOX FOR CELL INTERCOM STATION SM04-B MICROPHONE W/PRESS TI TALK BUTTON CHARGER BATTERY PYE SINGLE UNIT MODEL BC34 CONVERTER UNIT 24V/12V DC (H/M) CONVERTER 24V DC/12V DC 6A TYPE 27404 HOUSING FOR M/C RADIO FM97 CHARGER BATTERY PYE 10 UNIT MODEL BC29D MICROPHONE FIST FOR FM97 SPEAKER FOR FM97 ANTENNA 400-440 MHZ FOR FM1100(31A-0527) ADAPTOR TRANSPORTABLE FOR FM1100 PANASONIC CAMERA 1/3" CCD COLOUR WV-CP232 HORN/SPEAKER TRUMPET MODEL TC-10Y FOR 'TOA' M/C KIT TRANSPORTABLE (LESS BATTERY) FOR FM1100 TRANSC MICROPHONE FOR GE POWER CALL SIREN (INV/M-141) SIREN ELECTRONIC SIGMA MODEL P100 CONSOLE STANDARD CONTROL FOR PHILIPS UHF/FM FM1100 TRANSCEIVER MOBILE PHILIPS UHF/FM FM1100 400-440MH MICRPHONE FOR PHILIPS UHF/FM FM1100 MOBILE TRANSC GAS1300A SPEECH ENCRYPTION MODULE W/HOUSING LOUDSPEAKER FOR PHILIPS UHFFM/FM1100 MOBILE TRANS ANTENNA VHF YAGI RY204 HORN/SPEAKER FOR MOTOR CYCLE SONY COLOUR VIDEO PROJECTOR VPH-1042QM EPSON PRINTER LQ570 AERIAL FOR COLOR TV PHILIPS LHB 212-65 CABINET STAINLESS STEEL METEL FOR FM1100 CASE CARRYING RKR00080 FOR HOLDING TAIT IN POSITO CABLE EXTENSION WITH HIROSE HR 10 SERIES CONNECTOR STUB MB150 MATCHING ANTENNA COVERY, MOLDED FLEXIBLE FREQ. RANGE 164-17 AUDIO GEARS FOR HELMET C/W LOUDSPEAKER AND MICROPH SWITCH PTT (RS COMPONENT) LOUDSPEAKER ASSEMBLY 3 OHM PYE(31L-0118) MICROPHONE & LEAD ASSEMBLY PYE (INV/M-251) KEY TONE UNIT, W/S MADE SIGNAL DETAINER WORKSHOP MADE ARRESTOR 0-2.5G J01028A002 CHARGER BATTERY RAPID 1 HOUR SINGLE UNIT MX330 TELEPHONE FEATHRE PHONE DX2HK-16TXH-LC2(PPRB) LOUDSPEAKER EXTERNAL MOTOROLA MODEL MBT SN6032A (I LOUDSPEAKER WITH ADAPTER (31L-0129) SPEAKER (INV/S-349) VOICEDUCER PROVISION OF SONIC FOR TCR CABLE AND CONNECTOR EARPIECE EARSHELL TYPE GENERAL ANTENNA BASE STATION 159-174MHZ MODEL 722 Quantity 數量 9 2 5 120 51 15 12 2 1 4 8 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 4 52 3 5 8 5 27 1 61 6 4 1 1 3 4 2 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 10 1 8 1 14 5 6 43 152 1 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 91 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. Description 物品詳情 ANTENNA FOLDED DIPOLE 160MHZ 50 TYPE 7051(31A-0415 ANTENNA YAGI C/W MOUNT ANTENNA VHF S50-A (S50)(31A-0354) ANTENNA WINDOW MOUNT LOW BAND1/2WAVE 40-50MH AP405 ANTENNA VHF VERTICAL DIPOLE FIBREGLASS 155-175MHZ ANTENNA VERTICAL DIPOLE 160-176 MHZ JAYBEAM7500 ANT MAGNET MOUNT UNITY GAIN 1/4 WAVE 147MHZ MODE ANTENNA 1/4 WAVE ASP1492 160MHZ(31A-0443) ANTENNA FOLDED DIPOLE C/W MOUNT ANTENNA YAGI DY202,OPERAT.FREQ.164.700MHZ(31A-0520 ANTENNA YAGI RY202,OPERAT.FREQ.173,700MHZ(31A-0521 ANTENNA WINDOW MOUNT 3DB GAIN 144-174MHZ AP151.3G ANTENNA FOLDED DIPOLE 160MHZ 500HM TYPE 7051 CENTR ANTENNA VHF DISGUISE TYPE ASPS748(31A-0493) AERIAL WITH FEEDER CABLEPLUG & BASE, MODEL ASPC201 ANTENNA ASP1490 F.MOBILE VHF FM TAIT T530(31A-0482 AP152.3 VHF ANTENNA W/RG58 CABLE(31A-0564) ANTENNA CB AEA CM12 45MHZ 48MHZ ANTENNA BASE STATION 148-162MHZ HY-GAIN MODEL 731 ANTENNA DIPOLE VHF SIDE MOUNT AEA S200 CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT Quantity 數量 6 1 1 3 NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 11 2 2 2 4 1 9 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 21 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 92 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-177 (Cont’d) 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. Description 物品詳情 CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT INTEGRAL LOUDSPEAKER FX5000 240V AC MAIN SUPPLY PHILIPS FX5000 RECEIVER STATION 146-174MHZ HEADPHONE FOR 40 CHANNEL RECORDER REELS TAKE UP FOR DICTAPHONE RECORDING TAPE 1" CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT(POWER FAILURE TRANSFER UNIT CASE CARRYING FOR TEST EQUIPMENT'MARCONI' 2955 CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT CARD TELEPHONE CIRCUIT RACK STORAGE FOR PORTABLE RADIO ASCOM HEADSET R120A KEYBOARD ALPHANUMBERICA FOR MANAGER MODE OPERATION MICROPHONE DESK TOP AT29694/11 FOR DS2000 SWITCH, FOOT ADAPTER ASSORTED AMPLIFIER ASSORTED ANTENNA ASSORTED BATTERY ASSORTED BOX ASSORTED CABLEASSORTED CASE ASSORTED CHARGER ASSORTED CLIP ASSORTED CONDITIONER ASSORTED DISTRIBUTER ASSORTED HEAD CONTROL ASSORTED HOUSING ASSORTED KEYFILL ASSORTED MANUAL ASSORTED MICROPHONE ASSORTED MOUNT ASSORTED POWER SUPPLY ASSORTED RADIO ASSORTED SPEAKER ASSORTED STRAP ASSORTED SURVELLIANCE KIT ASSORTED SWITCHASSORTED TESTER ASSORTED PROGRAMME UNIT ASSORTED Quantity 數量 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 2 5 8 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 2 NO. (件) 2 NO. (件) 997 NO. (件) 210 NO. (件) 6,962 NO. (件) 11,083 NO. (件) 461 NO. (件) 3 NO. (件) 80 NO. (件) 1,088 NO. (件) 3,989 NO. (件) 68 NO. (件) 1 NO. (件) 2 NO. (件) 54 NO. (件) 5 NO. (件) 3 NO. (件) 5,229 NO. (件) 3 NO. (件) 5 NO. (件) 5,150 NO. (件) 780 NO. (件) 381 NO. (件) 533 NO. (件) 52 NO. (件) 83 NO. (件) 3 NO. (件) Remarks: For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Mr. LEE at 2860 3518 備註: 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2860 3518與李先生聯絡及安排。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 93 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/441/08 Location : 3/F, Arsenal House, East Wing, 1 Arsenal Street, Wanchai Contact Person : Ms. TANG at 2398 6353 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 香港灣仔軍器廠街1號警察總部警政大樓東翼3樓 聯絡人 : 鄧小姐 電話: 2398 6353 M-178 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Air Conditioner, window type 冷氣機 2 Nos. (件) Special Conditions: The successful bidder is required to arrange dismantling, removal and transportation of all the sold goods on site at his own expenses. 特別條款: 承購人必須負責拆除及提取有關物品,而所需費用一切由承購人支付。 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/460/08 Location : Lok Ma Chau Police Station, 100 Lok Ma Chau Road, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. LEUNG at 2482 4794 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 落馬洲警署 聯絡人 : 梁先生 M-179 1. Unserviceable (不可使用) Air Conditioner, window type 電話: 2482 4794 冷氣機 2 Nos. Special Conditions: The successful bidder is required to arrange dismantling, removal and transportation of all the sold goods on site at his own expenses. 特別條款: 承購人必須負責拆除及提取有關物品,而所需費用一切由承購人支付。 (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 94 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/458/08 Location : Sha Tau Kok Police Station Contact Person : Support Sgt at 2674 8644 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 沙頭角警署 聯絡人 : 支援警長 電話: 2674 8644 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-180 1. Refrigerator Litres Electric 雪櫃 1 No. (件) 2. Refrigerator Domestic 雪櫃 1 No. (件) 3. Dehumidifiers 除濕機 1 No. (件) 4. Water Heater (Shower) Santew Electric 電熱水爐 2 No. (件) 5. Air Conditioner Window Type 冷氣機 1 No. (件) 6. TV/VCR 2-in-1 ‘Sharp’ with nicam 電視機 2 No. (件) model: VT-GB21W 7. Dryer Hand 乾手機 2 No. (件) 8. Fan Exhaust 450mm dia towngas/L.P.G. 450mm 抽氣扇 1 No. (件) 9. Warmer Electric Coffee 咖啡機電爐 3 No. (件) 10. Sterilizer Electric 衛生巾燃燒機 1 No. (件) 11. Dispenser Water Hot/Cold 座地水向上流 1 No. (件) 冷熱蒸餾水機 12. Refrigerator Litres Towngas/L.P.G. 雪櫃 2 No. (件) 13. Toaster Stainless steel brand ‘Lincat’ Model 多士爐 1 No. (件) 14. Washer ‘Dynamic’ 6900 Cold water pressure 電熱水煲 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 95 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/461/08 Location : Border District, Man Kam To Road, Sha Ling, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. M. C. WONG at 2668 3127 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 新界沙嶺文錦渡路邊界區 聯絡人 : 黃先生 電話: 2668 3127 M-181 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unserviceable (不可使用) Projector Slide ‘Kodak’ Projection Screen Projector Overhead Projector Slide Projector Overhead 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 投影機 錄影機 1 1 No. No. (件) (件) 電視機 電鋸 手提攝錄機 1 1 1 No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) 投影機 投影機 投影機 投影機 投影機 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/469/08 Location : Mongkok Police Station, Room 110, Old Block, 142 Prince Road, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. YU Chiu-keung, SGT 14458 at 2398 6409 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 九龍太子道142號110室旺角警署 聯絡人 : 余先生, 支援警長14458 電話: 2398 6409 M-182 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unserviceable (不可使用) Video Projectors, DLP PLUS-800 VCR ‘Philip’ 6 Head NTSC Playback Model: VR620/55 TV National 21” SAW 20” Gasoline Chain Timber Bear (USA) Video-Camera ‘Panasonic’ Model M9500 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 96 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2083/2008) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (66) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.40) DDC Ref. : DDC/PST/472/08 Location : Yaumatei Police Station, Canteen Contact Person : SA 89977 at 2359 8290 部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 油麻地警署 聯絡人 : 支援警長89977 M-183 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 電話: 2359 8290 Unserviceable (不可使用) Fan 16” in DIA Wall-Mounted Rotary Pedestal 400mm Dia ELE. Ceiling Fan Electric TV Hitachi 21” C-21 TV Philip 21” 21PT 牆扇 風扇 吊扇 電視機 電視機 5 5 3 1 3 No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2016/2008) Department : EMSD (TF) (Ref. : EMS/C/435) Location : Kowloon Hospital Rehabilitation Building , 147A Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kln Contact Person : Mr. LAM Wai-kei at 9138 9989 部門 : 機電工程署 地點 : 九龍醫院康復大樓 九龍旺角亞皆老街147A號 聯絡人 : 林先生 電話: 9138 9989 M-184 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unserviceable (不可使用) Toshiba BD 5120 Standard Plain Paper Photocopiers Terminal HP 700/96 Digital PH Meter ‘Kernco’ PH/MV Simulator ‘Kernco’ Function Generator ‘Philips Model: PM5131 Electrical Safety Tester ‘Rigel’ Model: 244 Safety Tester ‘Biotek’ Model: 601 Pro Test Loop ‘Meguro’ 影印機 1 No. (件) 終端機 數未酸鹼錶 酸鹼及微流產生器 功能發生器 電力測試用具 安全測試器 環路測試工具 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 97 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2126/2008) Department : HAD. (Ref. : HAD233B Case #97/2008) Location : Tai Po District Office, 2/F, Tai Po Government Offices Building, 1 Ting Kok Road, NT Contact Person : Ms. Jessie FUNG at 2654 1167 部門 : 民政事務總署 地點 : 新界大埔汀角路1號大埔政府合署2樓 大埔民政事務處 聯絡人 : 馮小姐 電話: 2654 1167 Unserviceable (不可使用) M-185 1. Mobile Phone “Nokia’ 8250 c/w accessories 手提電話 2 No. (件) 2. Dell CPXJ 650 Notebook Computer 手提電腦 1 No. (件) 3. Laminator, Lamicard 140-A 過膠機 1 No. (件) 4. Laminator, Fuji LPD 2307, S/N: 0013092 過膠機 1 No. (件) 5. Cassette Recorder, SONY TCM-400DV 錄音機 1 No. (件) 6. Cassette Recorder, SONY TCM-40DV 錄音機 5 No. (件) 7. KODAK EasyShare CX6330 Digital Camera 數碼相機 1 No. (件) 8. Camera – Polaroid 相機 2 No. (件) 9. Calculator, Casio 計算機 2 No. (件) 10. ‘Canon’ PowerShot A520 Digital Camera 數碼相機 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 98 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2091/2008) Department : Government Secretariat (Ref.: (145) in CSO/DU/S/1/135/1 II) Location : Supplies Office, Government Secretariat at Room 625, 6/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. CHEUNG Wing-hong at telephone 2810 2515 for collection. 部門 : 政府總部 地點 : 中環雪廠街11號中區政府合署西座6樓625樓 聯絡人 : 張先生 電話: 2810 2515 M-186 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Unserviceable (不可使用) HP toner cartridge C3906F HP toner cartridge C3909A HP toner cartridge C4092A HP toner cartridge C4096A HP toner cartridge C4182X HP toner cartridge C5949A HP toner cartridge C5949X HP toner cartridge C7115A HP toner cartridge Q1338A HP toner cartridge Q2610A HP toner cartridge Q2612A HP toner cartridge Q2613A HP toner cartridge Q3960A HP toner cartridge Q3961A HP toner cartridge Q3962A HP toner cartridge Q3963A HP toner cartridge Q3964A HP toner cartridge Q6511A HP toner cartridge Q7516A HP toner cartridge Q7553A HP toner cartridge C9730A HP toner cartridge C9731A HP toner cartridge C9732A HP toner cartridge C9733A Tektronix toner cartridge # 016-1977-00 Tektronix toner cartridge # 016-1978-00 Tektronix toner cartridge # 016-1979-00 Tektronix toner cartridge # 016-1980-00 Tektronix toner cartridge # 016-1996-00 Tektronix drum cartridge # 133R00670 Panasonic fax toner cartridge UG-3309 Panasonic fax toner cartridge UG-3313 Panasonic fax toner cartridge UG-3350 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 4 1 6 2 5 20 1 66 1 1 6 6 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 6 1 5 19 3 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 99 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2091/2008) Department : Government Secretariat (Ref.: (145) in CSO/DU/S/1/135/1 II) Location : Efficiency Unit at Unit 308 – 312, 3/F, Shui On Centre, 6 – 8 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Please contact Miss Winnie CHEUNG at telephone 2165 7303 for collection. 部門 : 政府總部 地點 : 香港灣仔港灣道6-8號瑞安中心3樓308-312室效率促進組 聯絡人 : 張小姐 電話: 2165 7303 M-187 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unserviceable (不可使用) HP P2015 toner cartridge Q7553A HP 1300 toner cartridge Q2613A Xerox 203A toner cartridge CWAA0649 Xerox Phaser 5500 toner cartridge 113R00668 HP toner cartridge C7115A 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 9 11 10 3 3 No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 17 1 1 4 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2091/2008) Department : Government Secretariat (Ref.: (145) in CSO/DU/S/1/135/1 II) Location : Integrated Call Centre at 7/F, Kowloon Government Offices, 405 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Contact Person : Please contact Miss TAM at telephone 3142 2018. 部門 : 政府總部 地點 : 九龍彌敦道405號九龍政府合署7樓綜合電話查詢中心 聯絡人 : 譚小姐 電話: 3142 2018 M-188 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Unserviceable (不可使用) HP toner cartridge C4092A HP toner cartridge C4129X HP toner cartridge C8550A HP toner cartridge C8552A HP toner cartridge C8562A HP toner cartridge CB435A HP toner cartridge Q1338A HP toner cartridge C5942A HP toner cartridge Q3960A HP toner cartridge Q3962A Panasonic fax toner cartridge UG-3313 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 已使用完碳粉/墨盒 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 100 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2149/2008) Department : LCSD (Ref. : (26) in LCSD LS(KC) 158/355 II) DDC Ref. : 0604/08 Location : Kowloon City District Leisure Services Office, 10/F, To Kwa Wan Market and Government Offices, 165 Ma Tau Wai Road, Kowloon Contact Person : Ms. CHEUNG at 2762 2088 部門 地點 : 康樂及文化事務署 : 九龍馬頭圍道165號土瓜灣市政大廈暨政府合署10樓 九龍城區康樂事務辦事處 聯絡人 : 張小姐 電話: 2762 2088 Unserviceable (不可使用) 1. Phone Mobile Nokia 8250 M-189 諾基亞手提電話 連四個鋰電池 5 No. (件) Attention: If the above telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1)(a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003. 注意事項: 上述電訊器具,如不是作出口營商用途,可根據《電訊(電訊器具)(豁免領牌) 令》第5條(1)(a)(iv)的規定,獲得豁免領牌。 (GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2160/2008) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (4) in AFCD/DDC/093/08) Location : Supplies Section, 5/F., 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Contact Person : Mr. NGAN at 2150 6743 / Ms. Cathy WONG at 2150 6746 部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 九龍長沙灣道303號長沙灣政府合署5樓物料供應組 聯絡人 : 顏先生 或 黃小姐 電話: 2150 6743 / 2150 6746 M-190 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unserviceable (不可使用) Calculator Casio Camera digital Sony DSC-U20 Memory stick 128mb Vaccum cleaner cordless Box fan 12" Zip drive 250MB external 計數機 數碼相機 記憶卡 小型吸塵機 鴻運風扇 抽取式儲存機 2 1 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 101 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/242/2007 Department : Housing (Ref.: L/M (42) to HD(FIB)/S/DISP/03 III) Location : HM/P(Lok Fu) Ref. : HD(MB)LF 2/7/4 (IV) Contact Person : Mr MA / Miss LUK dd. 21.8.2007 at 2336 5144 部門 : 房屋署 地點 : 香港房屋委員會客務中心地下 聯絡人 : 馬先生 / 陸小姐 電話 : 2336 5144 (May not function properly – 功能或許有損) M-601 1. Camera Nikon zoom 500QD 相機 1 No. (部) 2. Pager with Chinese character display 傳呼機 3 Nos. (部) (Unserviceable – 不可使用) 3. Camera instant Polaroid 即影即有相機 2 Nos. (部) 4. Mobile Ericsson GH688 流動電話 1 No. (部) Remarks : Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement. 備註:取貨前,承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 102 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/1894/2008 Department Location : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 M-602 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 (個) 2. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Mars Series Smart High Frequence On 8 Nos. 後備電源 Line UPS Server Rack 3 Nos. 伺服器鐵柜 3. GE Digital Energy USB Card USB咭 11 Nos. (個) 4. GE Digital Energy SNMP Lan Card 網絡咭 18 Nos. (個) 5. 網絡咭 10 Nos. (個) 6. GE Digital Energy SNPM Web Interface Card Optical Fiber Cable 光籤線 50 Nos. (條) 7. Lan Cable (various lengths) 網絡線 95 Nos. (條) 1. Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 103 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1749/2008 Department : ICAC (Ref.: (41) in ICAC 505/7/1 Pt. 19) Location : G/F., Murray Road Carpark building, 2 Murray Road, Central, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. WAN at Tel. No. 2826 3137 部門 :廉政公署 地址 :香港中環美利道 2 號美利道多層停車場大廈地下 聯絡人 :溫先生 電話: 2826 3137 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-603 1. Strongroom Door EMSD no.6323 保險室門 1 No. Remarks: Interested bidders are requested to approach the department concerned 2 working days before the auction date for inspection arrangement. The successful bidder is requested to arrange dismounting, removal and transportation of the sold goods on site at his own expenses. Prior to collection, successful bidder is required to liaise with the contact person for arrangement. 備註: 有意競投者欲查看上列物品,請在拍賣日前2個工作天與有關部門代表聯 絡。承購人必須負責提取及拆卸該批承購物品,而所需費用一切由承購 人支付。取貨前,承購人必須聯絡有關部門代表,安排提貨事宜。 (隻) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 104 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1840/2008 Department : Architectural Services Department (Ref.: (7) in L/M (8) in ASD(HQ)S/8/6/2 VI) DDC Ref. : S001/2008 Location : Architectural Services Department, Building Services Branch, Room 3132, 31/F., Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. S. K. LAU at tel. 2867 3698 or Ms. Selina WONG at tel. 2867 3423 部門 : 建築署屋宇裝備處 地址 : 香港金鐘道六十六號金鐘政府合署三十一樓 聯絡人 : 劉先生 電話: 2867 3698 黃小姐 電話: 2867 3423 Serviceable but may not function properly – 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-604 1. KY 230 Autoclave, sterilizing drying, 220V Single Phase 高温消毒鍋 1 No. (部) 2. Incubator, clear door 0.67 achic feet Capacity 240V 50/60 Hz 細菌培養器 1 No. (部) 3. Enea' Horizontal Autoclave, 20L 高温消毒鍋 1 No. (部) 4. Compact Incubator MEMMert BE200 細菌培養器 1 No. (部) (32 Lit) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 105 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1198/2008 Department : C&SD (Ref.: (62) in CENST/HQGR/3-5/9 Pt.2 07) Location : 16/F., Wanchai Tower. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. TSANG at tel. no. 2582 2137 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-605 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : 政府統計處 : 香港灣仔政府大樓16樓 : 曾先生 電話: 2582 2137 Unserviceable – 不可使用 Pertec Data Entry Systems (資料輸入系統) Data Entry System, comprising • One MC68000 12.5 MHZ CPU • Without Harddrive • One Supervisor Dumb Terminal • One Console Log Printer • One Dot Matrix Printer • One 1600 bpi 9 Track Magnetic Tape Drive • Sixteen M100 Keystations • Uninterruptible Power Supply Data Entry System, comprising • One MC68000 12.5 MHZ CPU • Without Harddrive • One Supervisor Dumb Terminal • One Console Log Printer • One Dot Matrix Printer • One 1600 bpi 9 Track Magnetic Tape Drive • Sixteen M100 Keystations • Uninterruptible Power Supply Data Entry System, comprising • One MC68000 12.5 MHZ CPU • One 1600 bpi 9 Track Magnetic Tape Drive • Two M100 Keystations • Uninterruptible Power Supply Data Entry System, comprising • One MC68000 12.5 MHZ CPU • One M100 Keystation • Uninterruptible Power Supply OCR system, comprising • EasyReader 1720 Model II System • Data Management Unit • Tape Drive • Dot Matrix Printer APC Smart UPS 1000 1 Set (套) 1 Set (套) 1 Set (套) 1 Set (套) 2 Set (套) 1 Pc. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 106 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1837/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (1) in L/M (28) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (41) in FEHD IT 211/29 III Location : For items 1 to 8 and 10 to 24 6/F., Lockhart Road Municipal Service Building, 225 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. For item 9 Tuen Mun Depot, Siu Lang Shui, Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun, N.T. Contact Person : Ms Miranda YUEN / SCOp at 2879 5645 / 2879 5678 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-606 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. : 食物環境衞生署 : 項目1至8 及 10至24 香港灣仔軒尼詩道225號駱克道市政大廈6樓 項目9 新界屯門龍門路小冷水屯門車房 : 袁潔儀小姐 電話: 2879 5645 / 2879 5678 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Table Computer 2 電腦檯 Side Table for 3 Trays 5 側檯 Bookshelf open front 2 書架 w/o back 1200H x 910W x 240D Desk Writing 3’ x 5’ 1 書檯 Carrier File 3 Tier Steel 1 IBM手冊書架 Door Station w/Stainless Cover 1C-JA 2 門鐘 Shelf 1 小書架 Cabinet for Print-out Steel 1450 x 470 x 620 mm 櫃 1 Cabinet Filing steel vertical 4 Drawers 1 四桶櫃 Locker Steel 1790 x 900 x 51mm 1 衣物櫃 Locker 6 Compartment 1 衣物櫃 Clock Wall Battery Quartz 1 掛牆鐘 Support for Tape 6 磁帶架 Table Typing Wooden 1 木製打字檯 Temperature and Humidity Recorder 1 温度記錄儀 Table Console Steel 650 x 600 x 700 mm 1 電腦桌 Wyteboard 3’ x 6’ (92cm x 182cm) 2 白板 Printer Stand – 2’3” x 2’ (68cm x 60cm) 2 打印機檯 Zoom Digital Camera, Olympus 1 數碼相機 64 MB Smartmedia Card, Olympus 1 記憶卡 Digital Camera, Toshiba 2 數碼相機 Smart Media Card 32 MB 2 記憶卡 Wooden Console (Cupboard) 1 顯示屏木櫃 Wooden Trolley 1 有轆木櫃 No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 107 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1838/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (13) in L/M (29) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (123) in FEHD (PIED) 13/31/2 VII Location : (1) 4/F., Whitfield Depot, 11 King Ming Road, H.K. (2) Rm 4419, Queensway Government Offices, H.K. Contact Person : Please contact Ms LAU Lai-sheung / CO(PIED) at 2867 5514 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-607 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. : 食物環境衞生署 : (1) 香港景明道11號威菲路道車房4樓 (2) 金鐘政府合署4419室 : 劉小姐 電話: 2867 5514 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 15” Color Monitor, Philips (CE/AD0373) 2 顯示器 15” Color Monitor, IBM (CE/AD0380) 1 顯示器 15” TFT LCD Monitor, IBM (CE/AD0468) 4 顯示器 17” Color Monitor, Philips (CE/AD0520) 1 顯示器 14” Monitor, IBM (CE/AD0100) 1 顯示器 15” LCD Monitor, Compucon (CE/AD0527) 顯示器 1 Printer Laserjet, HP-1100 (CE/AE0001) 2 印表機 Printer Laserjet HP-1100 (CE/AE0414) 1 印表機 Printer Laserjet HP-1200 (CE/AE0439) 2 印表機 PC Vectra PIII, HP (CE/AH0004) 1 電腦 PC OptiPlex GX110 PIII, Dell 1 電腦 (CE/AH0005) PC NetVista A40, IBM (CE/AH0123) 4 電腦 PC 300GL, IBM (CE/AH0931) 1 電腦 PC NetVista A22P, IBM (CE/AH1137) 1 電腦 Chinese Input Device Pen Power V4.0 2 手寫板 (CE/AG0963) Scanner LS4500AF, Nikon (CE/AF0055) 1 掃瞄器 Digital Science Printer, Kodak (CE/AE0220) 印表機 1 Keyboard & mouse 7 鍵盤及滑鼠 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) No. (件) No. (件) No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 108 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1939/2006 Department : LCSD (Ref.: ( ) in 0895/06) Location : 1/F., Po On Road Municipal Services Building, 325-329 Po On Road, Sham Shui Po. Contact Person : Please contact Ms. WONG Ping-ping/AL(PORPL)2 at tel. no. 2928 7057 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-608 1. 2. 3. 4. :康樂及文化事務署 :深水埗保安道325-329號保安道市政大廈1樓 :王萍萍女士 電話: 2928 7057 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 64MB 100MHz NP SDRAM – IBM 10 記憶體 PC300GL PII 350/64 Lenten Reborn Card Deluxe Version 4 再生咭 Sound Blaster 16 Bit Sound Card 10 音效咭 Matrox G200 8MB PCI Card 4 顯示咭 Nos. (件) Nos. (件) Nos. (件) Nos. (件) GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1912/2008 Department : Water Supplies Department (Ref.: (7) in SO 243/2008(3) T/J(7)) Location : Room 106, WSD M&E Workshop Spares Store, 300 Lung Cheung Road, Kowloon. Contact Person : For enquiry and inspection arrangements, please contact Mr. WAN Kwok-keung, SSS(WW) at tel. no. 2339 3505 : 水務署 部門 : 九龍水務署龍翔道零件倉106室 地點 聯絡人 : 温先生 電話: 2339 3505 Serviceable - 仍可使用 M-609 1. 2. 3. 4. PSU CARD BOARD A100 E01-0004-A I/O CARD BOARD A100 E01-0008-A CPU CARD BOARD A100 E01-0001 FINGER PANEL ASSY A100 01-0049A 電 源電路板 輸出輸入電路板 處理器電路板 面板顯示器 1 1 1 1 No. No. No. No. (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 109 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1931/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (8) in L/M (31) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (38) in FEHD 3/N189/00 IV Location : 4/F., Shek Wu Hui MSB, 13 Chi Cheong Road, Sheung Shui, N.T. Contact Person : Please contact NGAN Ping-chi at 2679 2855 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 上水智昌路13號石湖墟市政大廈4樓 聯絡人 : 顏先生 電話: 2679 2855 M-610 1. 2. 3. 4. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 15” AST Colour Monitor 2 電腦顯示器 (CE/AD0023) 15” Acer Colour Monitor 1 電腦顯示器 (CE/AD0077) 15” IBM Colour Monitor 8 電腦顯示器 (CE/AD0369) 14” SVGA Monitor 1 電腦顯示器 (CE/AD0325) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2012/2008 Department : Office of the Telecommunications Authority (Ref. : L/M (2) in F 3/5/14 pt 11, Ref: DDC 5 / 2008) Location : 29/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Anita LAI at 2961 6711 部門 : 電 訊 管 理 局 地址 : 香 港 灣 仔 皇 后 大 道 東 2 1 3 號 胡 忠 大 廈 2 9 樓 聯絡人 : 黎女士 電話: 2961 6711 M-611 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. May not function properly – 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Filing cabinet with 2-door (Wooden) 兩門木櫃 Office desk, grey 辦公室木枱 (灰色) Paper Shredder 碎紙機 Coffee table 咖啡枱 Partition 間格 Pedestal 小櫃桶 3 1 1 2 1 1 No. No. No. No. No No (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 110 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1682/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (14) in L/M (23) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (59) in FEHD/FS(NT) 4/1 X Location : 2/F., Fa Yuen Street Complex, 123A Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. Contact Person : Please contact Ms LING Fung-yee, SHI(FS)NT1 at 3428 8141 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 九龍旺角花園街123A花園街市政大廈二樓 [FS(NT)] 聯絡人 : 凌女士 電話: 3428 8141 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-612 1. IBM Net Vista A40 PIII 733 128/10 電腦 8 No. (部) 電腦 1 No. (部) 個人電腦 1 No. (部) 連壓縮磁碟機 1 No. (個) 電腦 2 No. (部) 個人電腦 1 No. (部) (CE/AH0001) 2. HP VL400 Vectra PIII 866 MHz Computer (CE/AH0004) 3. IBM A40 Netvista PIII 800 MHz PC (CE/AH0958) Iomega Zip 250 MB Zip Drive (CE/AB3067) 4. HP VL400 Vectra PIII 866 MHz Computer (CE/AH0967) 5. IBM PC 300GL PII 333 (CE/AH1032) 6. IBM PC 300GL PIII 450 個人電腦 2 No. (部) 7. IBM G54 15” Monitor 15吋顯示屏 3 No. (個) 8. Fujitsu S-4546 Lifebook PIII 600 Notebook 手提電腦 Computer 2 No. (部) (CE/AI0003) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 111 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1867/2008 & GR/4/1150/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (14) in L/M (24) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (19) in FEHD AC 102/8 Pt. 29 Location : Systems Unit, Finance and Supplies Division, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, 42/F., Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Miss Mamie KWOK, ACO(S)1 at 2867 5141 (For items 1 to 6) Ms. Joann TANG, CO(OS)2 at 2867 5653 (For items 7 & 8) 部門 地址 : 食物環境衞生署 : 香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署四十二樓 食物環境衞生署財務及物料供應科系統組 聯絡人 : 郭美媚小姐, 電話: 2867 5141 (項目1至6) / 助理文書主任(系統)1 / 2867 5653 鄧小姐 (項目7及8) M-613 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 CMV 15” LCD Monitor 4 CMV 15吋液晶體 (Inventory ref. CE/AD0519) 顯示器 HP LaserJet 5 Printer 1 惠普5印表機 (Inventory ref. CE/AE0016) HP LaserJet 5L Printer 1 惠普5L印表機 (Inventory ref. CE/AE0021) Kingston F/L J4000 8MB EDO RAM 8MB 8MB記憶體 2 (Inventory ref. CE/AB3021) NetVisa Computer PIII733/64 MB RAM / IBM PIII 933電腦 1 10GB HDD (Inventory ref. CE/AH0008) HP e-pc PIII 933, 128MB RAM, 20GB HDD, 惠普PIII 933電腦 1 48X CD-ROM (Inventory ref. CE/AH0093) Pinwriter NEC P6300 Printer and 1 點陣式打印機 Hood Acoustic Inventory Item : CE/AE0339 Feeder Sheet for NEC P6300 1 送紙器 Inventory Item : OE/AI0071 No. (個) No. (部) No. (部) No. (件) Set (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 112 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1905/2008 Department : HAD (Ref.: HAD233B Case # 79a~b/2008) Location : HAD, Kwun Tong District Office, 1/F., Kwun Tong District Branch Offices Building, Tung Yan Street, Kowloon. Contact Person : Mr. C.L. WONG at tel. no. 2171 7456 部門 :民政事務總署 地點 :九龍同仁街觀塘政府合署1樓觀塘民政事務署 聯絡人 :黄先生 電話: 2171 7456 M-614 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Computer(DIY) with Sony 14” CRT Mon. 電腦及顯示器 1 Panasonic KX-FT904 Fax Machine 1 傳真機 Xerox P8EX Printer 1 打印機 Fortress Refrigerator FDG136HGY 1 雪櫃 Panasonic Telephone KX-TCD535 1 電話 Panasonic KX-FT908 Fax Machine 1 傳真機 Panasonic KX-FL503 Fax Machine 1 傳真機 1 Huahan文件釘裝機HBM-32A 文件釘裝機 Passport Hi-Fi System PD250 1 音響組合 Beocom Telephone 2500 1 電話 Samsung Refrigerator RT21M 1 雪櫃 Duplo Paper Folder DF-920 1 摺紙機 Toshiba Refrigerator GR-S15 1 雪櫃 HP Fax Machine OJ4255 1 傳真機 Panasonic PT-LB10SE Portable Project 1 投射機 JWL Auto Cassette Compartment 1 錄音機 No. No. No. No. Set No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Unserviceable – 不可使用 Ricoh Copier 1015 Brother Fax Machine MFC-620CN Brother Fax Machine 2850 151C 15” LCD Mon. Brother Fax Machine 770 HP Deskjet 1220C Printer Epson Photo 1290 Printer Sharp AR5015 Printer No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) 影印機 傳真機 傳真機 顯示器 傳真機 打印機 打印機 打印機 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 113 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1910/2008 Department : HAD (Ref.: HAD233B Case # 88a~c/2008) Location : HAD, Yau Tsim Mong District Office, 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms Grace TONG at tel. no. 2399 2125 部門 地點 :民政事務總署 :油尖旺民政事務處, 香港柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10樓 聯絡人 :唐小姐 電話: 2399 2125 M-615 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Copy Machine (Sharp, AR-M206) 1 影印機 Digital Camera (Brica, 2930) 1 數碼相機 Digital Camera (Canon, Powershot A200) 數碼相機 1 Copy Machine (Sharp, AR-M160) 1 影印機 Digital Camera (Fuji, Finepix A 303 1 數碼相機 3.2M3X) Fax Machine (Murata, Laser 5 in 1) 1 傳真機 Photocopy Machine (Ricoh, FT 2260) 1 影印機 Mobile Phone (Nokia, 8250) 1 流動電話 Video Camera (Sony, DCR-HC40E-S) 1 攝影機 Video Camera (Sony, DSC-PC1000E) 1 攝影機 Mobile Phone (Dopod, c720W) 1 流動電話 Megaphone (CAH, MP-45) 1 咪 Chair 1 椅 Telephone (Toshiba, DK28) 1 電話 Cupboard, wooden 1 櫃 Cupboard (Tall), wooden 1 櫃 Photocopy Machine (Sharp) 1 影印機 Digital Camera (Canon, Powershot A400) 數碼相機 1 Refrigerator (Sharp, SJ-168) 1 雪櫃 Mobile Phone (LG, G8000) 1 流動電話 Photocopy Machine (Ricoh, FT-4015) 1 影印機 Video Camera (Sony, DCR-DVD 908E 1 攝影機 S/N 391450) Computer (HP, A728HK) 1 電腦 PDA (HP, IPAQRZ 171) 1 電子手帳 Computer Pocket (O2, Xda IIs) 1 電子手帳 No. No. No. No. Set (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (部) (個) No. No. No. (部) (部) (部) (張) (部) (個) (個) (部) (部) (個) (部) (部) (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 114 Lot No. 批號 M-615 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 26. 27. 28. Description 物品詳情 Unserviceable – 不可使用 Cordless Phone (Etech 5886 5.8GHZ) Digital Camera (Olympus 500) Computer (Compaq, Presario S6280) Quantity 數量 電話 攝影機 電腦 1 1 1 No. No. No. (部) (部) (部) Attention : If the above telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1)(a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003. 注意事項: 上述電訊器具,如不是作出口營商用途,可根據《電訊(電訊器具)(豁免領 牌)令》第5條(1)(a)(iv)的規定,獲得豁免領牌。 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1962/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (10) in L/M (32) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (5) in FEHD/CFS 1/140/10/2 Pt. II Location : Room 4, Fu Shan Crematorium Staff Quarters, Shatin. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. Jacky NG, AA(CFS)2 at 2867 5230 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 富山火葬場4號房 聯絡人 : 吳先生 電話: 2867 5230 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-616 1. Desk for Workstation, WS(R) 工作間檯 6 No. (件) 工作間檯 2 No. (件) 主檯 1 No. (件) (FU/AI0575) 2. Desk for Workstation, WS(L) (FU/AI0576) 3. M2 Main Desk (Non-inventory Item) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 115 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/1584/2008, GR/4/1754/2008 & GR/4/1776/2008 Department : The Treasury (Ref.: (116) in 3/65/29/1 Pt. 2) Ref. : (85, 105 & 106) in 3/65/29/1 Pt. 2 DDC Ref. : DDC 12/2008/09, 18/2008/09 & 19/2008/09 Location : Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong. (1) Room 2903-05, 29/F. (For item 1) (2) Room 3303, 33/F. (For items 2 to 7) Contact Person : Mr. Robin WONG at 2829 5127 / Mr. Napo LEUNG at 2829 5179 / Ms. S.W. LEE at 2294 2803 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-617 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. :庫務署 :香港灣仔告士打道7號入境大樓 (1) 29字樓2903-05室 (項目1) (2) 33字樓3303室 (項目2至7) :黄先生 / 電話: 2829 5127 / 2829 5179 / 梁先生 / 2294 2803 李小姐 Serviceable – 仍可使用 Steel Cabinet, Fire Proof, Single Swing 防火單門櫃 Door with one set of combination lock and three pcs. Of adjustable shelves Size : W620 X D460 X H1778mm Colour : L. Grey Aluminium tape carrying boxes 鋁箱 Plastic magnetic tape carrying cases 手提式電腦磁帶膠箱 Steel racks for cartridge tape storage 卡帶磁帶鋼架 (62cm x 186cm) Openreel tape stand 圓形磁帶架 Cartridge tape trolleys 卡帶掛帶車 Openreel tape trolley 圓形磁帶掛帶車 (Unserviceable) (不可使用) 2 Nos. (件) 13 Nos. (件) 68 Nos. (件) 50 Nos. (件) 1 No. (件) 3 Nos. (件) 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 116 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1659/2008 Department : LCSD (Ref.: (70) in LCS 1/CS(A) 2231/05) DDC Ref. : 0450/08 Location : 14/F., LCS HQs Bldg., 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, N.T. Contact Person : Please contact Ms Candy NG/ACO(C)F2 at tel. no. 2601 8668 部門 地址 聯絡人 M-618 1. 2. 3. :康樂及文化事務署 :沙田排頭街一至三號康文署總部十四樓 (職系管理及支援組) :吳小姐 電話: 2601 8668 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Keyboard Drawer (Iron) 1 鍵盤鐵架 Heater ‘Comfortec’ 1 暖風機 Clean Air Machine ‘Philips’ Allergis 75 4 空氣清新機 No. (件) No. (件) Nos. (件) GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1995/2008 Department : OGCIO (Ref.: (12) in L/M (04/08) to GCIO/S/7B) Location : Room 104, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms. Tracy T.S. LAU at tel. no. 2294 2407 Mr. Ben C.P. CHEUNG at tel. no.2294 2414 : 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 部門 : 香港灣仔告士打道7號入境事務大樓1樓104A室 地點 聯絡人 : 劉女士 / 張先生 電話: 2294 2407 / 2294 2414 M-619 1. 2. Unserviceable – 不可使用 Screen filter Speaker 螢幕保護屏 喇叭 26 87 Nos. (個) Pairs (對) Special Conditions : Prior arrangement must be made with the contact persons before the inspection of the stores. 特別條款﹕ 如要檢視上述物品,請預先聯絡以上之聯絡人。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 117 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/638/2008 Department : HAD (Ref.: HAD233B Case # 1a~b/2008) Location : HAD, Yuen Long District Office, 13/F., Yuen Long Government Offices, 2 Kiu Lok Square, Yuen Long, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. Angel YEUNG at tel. no. 2475 3808 部門 :民政事務總署 地點 :元朗民政事務處 新界元朗橋樂坊2號元朗政府合署13樓 聯絡人 :楊小姐 電話: 2475 3808 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-620 1. 無線咪 1 No. (件) 2. Megaphone with one handheld wireless, SHOW ERV-68/VXM-286TS, 45W Copier, Panasonic FP7830 影印機 1 No. (件) 3. Fax Machine, Panasonic KX-FL513HK 傳真機 1 No. (件) 4. Mobile Phone, Samsung SGH-E738 流動電話 1 Set (件) 5. Fridge, Sharp SJ15L 雪櫃 1 Set (件) 6. Laser Printer, Lexmark E210 鐳射打印機 1 No. (件) 7. Scanner, Epson Pertection 1650 掃瞄器 1 No. (件) 8. Computer w/o Harddisk 電腦 1 Set (件) 9. Printer, HP Deskjet 3820 1 No. (件) 1 Set (件) 1 Set (件) 12. 打印機 Computer with Monitor and w/o Harddisk, 電腦 HP Pavilion Media Centre PC M7348HK 電腦 Computer without harddisk, HP Pavilion A1048HK Printer, HP PSC2610 打印機 1 No. (件) 13. LCD Monitor VS17 顯示器 1 No. (件) 水煲 1 No. (件) 10. 11. Unserviceable – 不可使用 14. Tea Urn 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 118 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1978/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (10) in L/M (33) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (47) in FEHD 3/NT 295/94 Pt. 8 Location : 4/F., Prosecution Section, Tai Po Complex, 8 Heung Sze Wui Street, Tai Po. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. AU, ACO(P)NT at 3183 9209 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 新界大埔鄉事會街8號大埔綜合大樓4字樓 聯絡人 : 區先生 電話: 3183 9209 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-621 1. Acer CRW -6424 External CR-RW 外置燒碟機 1 No. (件) 硬碟機 1 No. (件) 打印機 1 No. (件) IBM Netvista M41 w/P4 1.5MHz, intel 845 硬碟機 Chipset, 128 MB RAM, 2 RAM Slots, 20GB HDD, 10/100 Ethernet Card 1 No. (件) 手提電腦 1 No. (件) IBM w/TFT, P3 800MHz, 128MB RAM, 手提電腦 20GB HDD, 8XDVD-ROM, X2 Ultra Base Media Slice, 10/100 Ethernet Card 1 No. (件) 1 No. (件) (CE/AB3362) 2. Intel Pentium II PC Acer, AP4100 (CE/AH0218) 3. Printer Laserjet HP 5L (CE/AE0021) 4. (CE/AH0063) 5. Lifebook PIII600 Notebook Computer (CE/AI0003) 6. (CE/AH0064) 7. HP PSC All-in-one Printer HP PSC 1315 二合一掃瞄打印機 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 119 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2120/2008 Department : VTC (Ref.: (65) in EL/TC/7/2/3 (36)) Ref. No. : (71) in EL/TC/8/2 (IX) Location : Vocational Training Council Pokfulam Training Centre Complex, Electrical Industry Traing Centre G/F., 145 Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, H.K. Contact Person : Mr. Edward Chan (SSII) at tel: 2538 2335 部門 : 職業訓練局 地點 : 電機業訓練中心 香港薄扶林道145號 薄扶林訓練中心綜合大樓G樓 聯絡人 : 陳先生 電話: 2538 2335 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-622 1. Laser Printer, HP Laserjet 1100, 列印機 1 Set (部) 列印機 1 Set (部) S/N : SGGJ037854 (S.I.PC/PPK/H1/03) 2. Laser Printer, Multi-function 4 in 1, Samsung SCX-4521X S/N : 8P37BABL700404T (PC/PPK/S1/01) (HW/EP/CE/000072) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 120 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/1981/2008 Department : TELA (Ref.: (25) in TELA ADM 400/8 Pt.5) Location : Room 122-123, 1/F., Wang Cheong Depot, 783 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon Contact Person : Please contact Mr. W.M. LUI at tel. no. 2594 5868 部門 : 影視及娛樂事務管理處 地點 : 九龍荔枝角道783號宏昌大廈1字樓122-123室 聯絡人 : 呂先生 電話: 2594 5868 May not function properly - 功能或許有損 M-623 1. 2. video cassette recorder, Akai, VS-X800EGN-N video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model: HR-J67MS 3. video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model; HR-J727MS 4. video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model: HR-D610EK(H) 5. video cassette recorder, Brand: Mitsurishi, Model: HS-MS10V 6. video cassette recorder, Brand; Panasonic, Model: NV-F115BD 7. video cassette recorder, Brand: Panasonic, Model: NV-F120BD 8. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-K700 (VC-H99) 9. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H99 10. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H96 11. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H97ETN 12. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H100 錄影機 49 Set (部) 錄影機 102 Set (部) 錄影機 12 Set (部) 錄影機 7 Set (部) 錄影機 3 Set (部) 錄影機 21 Set (部) 錄影機 2 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 4 Set (部) 錄影機 3 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 17 Set (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 121 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 M-623 13. DVD player, Brand: Sherwood, Model: TX-1030C DVD機 1 Set (部) (Cont’d) 14. video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model: HR-J97MS 15. video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model: HR-S5000EK 16. video cassette recorder, Brand: Panasonic, Model: NV-F123BD 17. video cassette recorder, Brand: Panasonic, Model: HD670BD 18. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-97ETN 19. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-90ET 20. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-MH300W 21. video cassette recorder, Brand: Hitachi, Model: VT-F787EM 22. video cassette recorder, Brand: JVC, Model: HR-S7600AM 23. video cassette recorder, Brand: Panasonic, Model: NV-G50PX 24. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H86WT 25. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sharp, Model: VC-H93 26. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sony, Model: SLV-X831 27. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sony, Model: SLV-X800MI 28. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sony, Model: SLV-ED7MI 29. video cassette recorder, Brand: Sony, Model: SLV-X842ML 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 5 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 5 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 錄影機 1 Set (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 122 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2039/2008 Department : VTC (Ref.: L/M No. (647) (655) (665) (666) in CW(SS)411& (52) in CW(SS)418) User Ref. : (2) in L/M No. (647) in CW(SS)411 Location : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) LRC, G/F., Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms Eliza KWOK at tel. no. 2595 8422 Ms Michelle LEE at tel. no. 2595 8369 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-624 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. : 職業訓練局 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 郭小姐 李小姐 電話: 2595 8422 2595 8369 Serviceable - 仍可使用 Library Books (Total: 2021 Nos.) – 圖書 FrontPage 98 exam cram / Ed Tittel, Kurt Hudson, and James Michael Stewart. The architecture of computer hardware and systems software : an information technology approach / Irv Englander. Multimedia : computing, communications, and applications / Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 professional step by step / Michael Halvorson. C : how to program / H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel. C pocket book / Conor Sexton. Data structures : a pseudocode approach with C / Richard F. Gilberg, Behrouz A. Forouzan. The craft of C : take-charge programming / [by] Herbert Schildt. Writing applications with Clipper / by Thomas Leylan. COBOL programming : a structured approach / Peter Abel. Comprehensive structured COBOL / James Bradley. Advanced ANSI COBOL with structured programming : for VS COBOL II and microsoft micro focus COBOL / Gary DeWard Brown. User guide to COBOL 85 / P.R. Brown and V. Gwillim. Teach yourself COBOL in 21 days / Mo Budlong. The COBOL Presentation manager programming guide : for OS/2 versions 1.3 and 2.0 / David Dill. Fundamentals of structured COBOL programming / Louis Wolff, Carl Feingold. COBOL : structured programming techniques for solving problems / George C. Fowler. Structured COBOL programming / Robert T. Grauer. 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 123 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Description 物品詳情 COBOL : from micro to mainframe / Robert T. Grauer, Carol Vazquez Villar. COBOL : from micro to mainframe / Robert T. Grauer, Carol Vazquez Villar. Structured programming in COBOL / B.J. Holmes. Comprehensive structured COBOL / L. Wayne Horn, Gary M. Gleason. Programming using the C language / Robert C. Hutchison, Steven B. Just. Cobol 85 for programmers / Jim. Inglis. COBOL / Jean Longhurst, Audrey Longhurst. Structured ANS COBOL / Mike Murach, Paul Noll. Structured ANS COBOL / Mike Murach, Paul Noll. Structured COBOL with business applications / Stanley E. Myers. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with advanced structured COBOL with file processing, structured systems development, and interactive considerations / Lawrence R. Newcomer. Theory and problems of programming with structured COBOL / by Lawrence R. Newcomer, M.S. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with modern structured COBOL / Larry Newcomer. Fundamentals of structured COBOL / Robert C. Nickerson. The COBOL programmers handbook : development standards, program analyses, and model programs / Paul Noll, Mike Murach. Essential COBOL : a first course in structured COBOL (ANSI 1985) / Raymond W. Norman. COBOL for students / Andrew Parkin, Richard Yorke. The new Cobol : an illustrated guide / A. S. Philippakis, Leonard J. Kazmier. Modern COBOL programming / Wilson Price & Jack Olson. Cobol programming : including MS Cobol and Cobol-85 / M K Roy, D Ghosh Dastidar. Structured COBOL : an introduction / Tony Royce. Structured COBOL programming / Nancy Stern, Robert A. Stern. Structured COBOL programming / Nancy Stern, Robert A. Stern. Structured COBOL reference summary. Structured COBOL programming / J. M. Triance. Crystal clear COBOL : introduction to COBOL and structured programming / William H. Trotter, Jr. Problems with computer solutions using structured COBOL / Douglas S. Tung and Lena L. Sham. MVS COBOL application developer's toolbox / Alex Varsegi. COBOL debugging diagnostic manual / Eric Garrigue Vesely. The COBOL companion / Richard Yorke and Mary Spence Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 124 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Description 物品詳情 COBOL II / Harvey Bookman. MVS COBOL II power programmer's desk reference / David Shelby Kirk. COBOL II : quick reference guide / David Shelby Kirk. VSE COBOL II power programmer's desk reference / David Shelby Kirk. On Lisp : advanced techniques for Common Lisp / Paul Graham. Common LISP : a gentle introduction to symbolic computation / David S. Touretzky. Introduction to COMMON LISP / Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya translated by Richard Weyhrauch and Yasuko Kitajima. Cross system product application development / John King. CSP : a developer's guide / Shashi Malik, Henry Yamauchi. Introduction to CSP / Lawrence M. Seldin. Introducing Fortran 90 / Ian Chivers and Jane Sleightholme. Fortran 90 programming / T.M.R. Ellis, Ivor R. Philips, Thomas M. Lahey. FORTRAN : with engineering applications / Elliot B. Koffman, Frank L. Friedman. Fortran 90 for scientists and engineers / Brian D. Hahn. Efficient FORTRAN programming / Anton Kruger. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with Fortran 90 / William E. Mayo, Martin Cwiakala. Fortran 90 / Loren P. Meissner. Fortran 90 / Loren P. Meissner. Fortran for today & tomorrow / Michael H. Pressman. Java Beans developer's reference / Dan Brookshier. The Java developers almanac 1999 / Patrick Chan. Java network programming / Elliotte Rusty Harold. Java network programming / Elliotte Rusty Harold. Essential LISP / John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, Brian J. Reiser. The little LISPer / Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen foreword by Gerald J. Sussman cover illustration by Guy L. Steele, Jr. Introduction to LISP and symbol manipulation / Sharam Hekmatpour. Common LISP / Wade L. Hennessey. LISP : a portable implementation. / Sharam Hekmatpour. LISP, objects, and symbolic programming / Robert R. Kessler with the assistance of Amy R. Petajan. RLISP '88 : an evolutionary approach to program design and reuse / Jed Marti. Parallel Lisp systems : a study of languages and architectures / C.K. Yuen with contributions from M.D. Feng, W.F. Wong, and J.J. Yee. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 125 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Description 物品詳情 Programming paradigms in LISP / Rajeev Sangal. LISP programming / Rajeev Sangal. Making serse of Modula-2 / Eric W. Tatham and Irene Glendinning. An introduction to programming with Modula-2 / Patrick D. Terry. Introduction to Modula-2 / Jim Welsh, John Elder. Modula-3 / Samuel P. Harbison. OCCAM 2 reference manual / INMOS Limited. Programming in Occam 2 / Alan Burns. Programming in occam 2 / Geraint Jones, Michael Goldsmith. P-Prolog : a parallel logic programming language / Rong Yang. Pascal precisely / Judy Bishop. Oh! Pascal! / Doug Cooper. Pascal's triangle : reading, writing, and reasoning about programs / Rick Decker & Stuart Hirshfield. Graphics programming in Turbo Pascal 6.0 / Ben Ezzell. Pascal : an introduction to methodical programming / William Findlay and David A. Watt. Teach yourself-- Pascal / Mark Goodwin. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with PASCAL / Byron S. Gottfried. Introductory Pascal / B.J. Holmes. Pascal Programming / B.J. Holmes. Laboratories for a second course in computer science. ANSI Pascal version / Beverly Jamison, Ingrid Russell, Stephen Snover. Pascal : problem solving and program design / Elliot B. Koffman. Pascal / Elliot B. Koffman. The programming process : an introduction using VDM and Pascal / John T. Latham, Vicky J. Bush, Ian D. Cottam. Pascal with excellence : programming proverbs / Henry F. Ledgard with John Tauer. PASCAL : programming and problem solving / Sanford Leestma, Larry Nyhoff. PASCAL / Samuel L. Marateck. Advanced programming in Pascal with data structures / Larry Nyhoff, Sanford Leestma. Pascal : a new introduction to computer science / Terrence W. Pratt. Data structures : using Pascal / Samuel E. Rhoads, Michael V. Gearen. Data structures : using Pascal / Samuel E. Rhoads, Michael V. Gearen. Programming in Pascal / Douglas F. Riddle. Structures and abstractions : an introduction to computer science with Pascal / William I. Salmon. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 126 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 112. Pascal : an introduction to the art and science of programming / Walter J. Savitch. 113. Fractal programming in Turbo Pascal / Roger T. Stevens. 114. Pascal and algorithms : an introduction to problem solving / Gregory F. Wetzel, William G. Bulgren. 115. Pascal : the software fundamentals of computer science / Richard A. Meyers. 116. Pascal and beyond : data abstraction and data structures using Turbo Pascal / Steve Fisher, Stuart Reges. 117. Handbook of algorithms and data structures : in Pascal and C / G.H. Gonnet, R. Baeza-Yates. 118. Teach yourself-- Pascal / by Mark Goodwin. 119. Data structures and program design in Pascal / Larry Nyhoff, Sanford Leestma. 120. Introduction to algorithms in Pascal / Thomas W. Parsons. 121. Advanced programming and data structures using PASCAL / John H. Riley, Jr. 122. Disciplined programming using Pascal / Samuel E. Rhoads, Michael V. Gearen illustrations by Katie Ralston. 123. Pascal by example : from practice to principle in computer science / Barry A. Burd. 124. PC scheme : user's guide & language reference manual / by Texas Instruments foreward by David H. Bartley ... [et al.]. 125. PostScript language : program design / Adobe Systems Incorporated Glenn C. Reid. 126. Intelligent image processing in Prolog / Bruce G. Batchelor. 127. The implementation of Prolog / Patrice Boizumault co-translated by Ara M. Djamboulian and Jamal Fattouh. 128. Programming in Prolog / W. F. Clocksin, C. S. Mellish. 129. Introduction to programming in Prolog / Danny Crookes. 130. PROLOG for computer science / M.S. Dawe and C.M. Dawe. 131. Prolog : a logical approach / Tony Dodd. 132. Structured systems analysis through Prolog / Terry Goble. 133. Implementations of distributed Prolog / edited by Peter Kacsuk and Michael Wise. 134. Computing with logic : logic programming with Prolog / David Maier, David S. Warren. 135. Prolog. 136. Prolog. 137. Prolog and its applications : a Japanese perspective / edited by Fumio Mizoguchi. 138. Artificial intelligence through Prolog / Neil C. Rowe. 139. Memory performance of prolog architectures / by Evan Tick. 140. Mastering OS/2 REXX / Gabriel F. Gargiulo. 141. The REXX handbook / Gabriel Goldberg, Philip H. Smith, III. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 127 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. Description 物品詳情 Writing OS/2 REXX programs / by Ronny Richardson. Writing VX-REXX programs / Ronny Richardson. A programmer's guide to RPG II and RPG III / Richard D. Gee. RPG II, RPG III, and RPG/400 / by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Hal Goodwin. RPG II and RPG III structured programming. Teach yourself REXX in 21 days / William F. Schindler, Esther Schindler. Inside Smalltalk / Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh. Inside Smalltalk / Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh. Developing visual programming applications using Smalltalk / Michael Linderman. MySQL and Perl for the Web / Paul DuBois. CASE : computer-aided software engineering / T.G. Lewis. PowerBuilder 5 : a developer's guide / David McClanahan. Building distributed applications with ADO / William Martiner, James Falino, David Herion. Software implementation techniques : writing software in OpenVMS, OS/2, UNIX, and Windows NT / Donald Merusi. The handbook of MIS application software testing : methods, techniques, and tools for assuring quality through testing / Daniel J. Mosley. Visual Studio 6 : the complete reference / John Paul Mueller. Introduction to OSF DCE : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. OSF DCE administration reference : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. DCE : a guide to developing portable applications / Michael T. Peterson. Application development using OS/2 REXX / Anthony S.Rudd. Inner loops : a sourcebook for fast 32-bit software development / Rick Booth. PowerBuilder 7 實例領航手册 / 陳俊源 編著. 活用 Delphi 5. 實用秘笈篇 / 陳世明 編著. Delphi in depth / Cary Jensen ... [et al.]. Developing for Microsoft Agent. Delphi 與 RS-232 串列通訊控制 / [范逸之, 陳立元 編著]. Delphi developer's guide / Xavier Pacheco, Steve Teixeira. The unified modeling language user guide / Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson. The unified modeling language user guide / Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson. Developing Microsoft Excel 95 solutions with Visual Basic for applications / Eric Wells. Knowledge engineering / Hojjat Adeli, editor. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 128 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 173. Building hypermedia applications : a software development guide / Gary Thomas Howell. 174. Hypermedia/hypertext and object-oriented databases / edited by Heather Brown. 175. Multimedia interface design / edited by Meera M. Blattner, Roger B. Dannenberg. 176. Multimedia : systems, interaction, and applications / 1st Eurographics Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, April 18/19, 1991 L. Kjelldahl (ed.). 177. Hypertext and hypermedia : theory and applications / Nigel Woodhead. 178. Dynamis HTML : the definitive reference / Danny Goodman. 179. Inside the Microsoft Windows 98 registry / Gunter Born. 180. Special Edition using Microsoft Windows 98 / Ed Bott and Ron Person ... [et al.]. 181. Managing a Microsoft Windows NT network / Microsoft Corporation. 182. Microsoft Win32 programmer's reference. 183. Microsoft Windows 98 resource kit / Microsoft Corporation. 184. Microsoft Windows 98 step by step / Catapult, Inc. 185. Microsoft Windows 98 training kit / Microsoft Corporation. 186. Microsoft Windows 2000 professional step by step 學習敎材 (進階 篇) / ActiveEducation 黃鈴雯, 葉清翠 編譯. 187. Microsoft Windows architecture for developers training. 188. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 security, audit, and control : Microsoft technical reference / James G. Jumes ... [et al.]. 189. Microsoft Windows NT technical support. 190. Microsoft Windows NT server one step at a time / Brian L. Brandt and Mike Nash. 191. Microsoft Windows NT network administration / Microsoft Corporation. 192. Microsoft Windows NT workstation version 4.0 step by step / Catapult. 193. Microsoft Windows NT workstation resource kit / Microsoft Corporation. 194. Operating systems : concepts and design / Milan Milenkovic. 195. VAX/VMS : operating system concepts / David Donald Miller. 196. The SCO performance tuning handbook / Gina Miscovich, David Simons. 197. Operating system AP1 referencce : UNIX SVR4.2 / edited by Lynda Feng. 198. Windows 98 in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference / Tim O'Reilly, Troy Mott & Walter Glenn. 199. Managing UUCP and Usenet / Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino. 200. Client/server programming with OS/2 2.0 / Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 129 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 201. OSF/1 command reference : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. 202. OSF/1 network applications programmer's guide : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. 203. OSF/1 programmer's reference : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. 204. OSF/1 system and network administrator's reference : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. 205. OSF DCE application development reference : revision 1.0 / Open Software Foundation. 206. Networking applications on UNIX System V release 4 / Michael Padovano. 207. Networking applications on UNIX System V release 4 / Michael Padovano. 208. New perspectives on Microsoft Windows 98 : comprehensive / June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Joan Carey. 209. PC-interface administration : UNIX SVR4.2.MP 210. UNIX power tools / Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides and other authors of the Nutshell handbooks, including Linda Mui [et al.]. 211. PenPoint development tools / GO Corporation. 212. Windows 95 system prgoramming secrets / Matt Pietrek. 213. Documented NT server : a start to finish network installation plan / Sue Plumley. 214. Dissecting DOS / Michael Podanoffsky. 215. Multitask Windows NT / Joel Powell. 216. Programmer's guide to Microsoft Windows 95 : key topics on programming for Windows from the Microsoft Windows development team. 217. Programming Windows 95 with MFC / Jeff Prosise. 218. Dynamic data exchange for OS/2 programmers / Glenn Puchtel. 219. UNIX for the MS-DOS user / Kenneth Pugh. 220. UNIX, POSIX, and open systems : the open standards puzzle / John S. Quarterman, Susanne Wilhelm. 221. Open computing guide to UnixWare / Joseph Radin, Levi Reiss and Steven Nameroff 222. UNIX System V network programming / Stephen A. Rago. 223. Readings on Microsoft Windows and WOSA / [Microsoft Corporation]. 224. Designing OS/2 applications / David E. Reich. 225. UNIX communications and networking / by Kevin Reichard and David Burnette. 226. UNIX fundamentals. Unix for DOS and Windows users / by Kevin Reichard. 227. UNIX shareware and freeware / by Kevin Reichard. 228. UNIX in plain English / Kevin Reichard and Eric F. Johnson. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 130 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 229. The UNIX system administrator's guide to X / Eric F. Johnson and Kevin Reichard. 230. Unix system administration guide / Levi Reiss and Joseph Radin. 231. MS-DOS batch file programming / Ronny Richardson. 232. OS/2 batch files to go / Ronnie Richardson. 233. Canned code for DOS and Windows / Steve Rimmer. 234. Windows 95 and NT networking : a guide for professionals / Wayne Robertson, Edward Koop. 235. Just enough DOS / Phillip Robinson. 236. Open computing's best UNIX tips ever / Kenneth H. Rosen, Richard R. Rosinski, and Douglas A. Host. 237. UNIX System V release 4 : an introduction for new and experienced users / Kenneth H. Rosen, Richard R. Rosinski, and James M. Farber. 238. Running Microsoft Works for Windows 95 : in-depth reference and inside tips from the software experts / Neil J. Salkind. 239. Schildt's Windows 95 programming in C and C++ / Herbert Schildt. 240. UNIX systems for modern architectures : symmetric multiprocesssing and caching for kernel programmers / Curt Schimmel. 241. Introduction to UNIX / Mark Schulman. 242. OpenVMS performance management / Joginder Sethi. 243. Inside VMS : the system manager's and system programmer's guide to VMS internals / Wayne Sewell. 244. VAX/VMS : concepts and facilities / Jay Shah. 245. Windows NT security handbook / Tom Sheldon. 246. Network programming in Windows NT / Alok K. Sinha. 247. The VM/ESA user's and applications handbook / Philip H. Smith III, Gabriel Goldberg. 248. Hands-on UNIX : a practical guide with the essentials of coherent / Mark G. Sobell. 249. UNIX network programming / W. Richard Stevens. 250. UNIX network programming / by W. Richard Stevens. 251. 活用 DOS 6.2 : 新增功能篇 / 鄧文淵, 柯志賢 編著. 252. UNIX productivity tools : for teachers, writers, and researchers / Gerald Tan. 253. Teach yourself Windows NT 4 Workstation in 24 hours / Martin Kenley, et al. 254. Using UUCP and Usenet / Grace Todino and Dale Dougherty. 255. Unix System V/386, release 4 : PC-interface administrator's guide. 256. UNIX made easy / Lurnix. 257. UNIX networking / Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood, eds. 258. UNIX System V release 4 system administrator's guide : for Intel processors / Unix System Laboratories. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 131 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 259. UNIX System V print service administration / edited by Sally A. Browning. 260. UNIX system V : understanding ELF object files and debugging tools / edited by Mary Lou Nohr. 261. UNIX System V NFS administration / edited by Debra Herman. 262. UNIX System V release 4 : device driver interface/driver-kernel interface (DDI/DKI) reference manual. 263. UNIX System V, release 4 : network user's and administrator's guide / AT&T. 264. UNIX system V release 4 : programmer's guide : ANSI C and programming support tools / AT&T. 265. UNIX system V, release 4 programmer's guide : character user interface (FMLI and ETI) / AT&T. 266. UNIX system V release 4 : programmer's guide : character user interface (FMLI and ETI) / UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. 267. UNIX System V, release 4 programmer's guide : networking interfaces / AT&T. 268. UNIX system V release 4 : programmer's guide : POSIX conformance / AT&T. 269. UNIX system V, release 4 : programmer's reference manual / AT&T. 270. UNIX System V release 4 system administrator's guide / AT&T. 271. UNIX software development tools : UNIX SVR4.2. 272. UNIX unleashed / Sams Development Team. 273. UNIX : research system 274. UNIX 操作系統設計 / [美] 莫里斯.貝奇 著 陳葆珏 ... [等] 譯. 275. NetWare to Windows NT complete / Arnold Villeneuve, Wayne McKinnon. 276. The Waite Group's UNIX System V primer / Mitchell Waite, Stephen Prata, Donald Martin. 277. The Waite group's UNIX primer plus / Michell Waite, Donald Martin, and Stephen Prata. 278. The Waite Group's UNIX communications and the Internet / Bart Anderson ... [et al.]. 279. Linux programming by example / Kurt Wall. 280. Linux programming by example / Kurt Wall. 281. Solaris 7 reference / Janice Winsor. 282. Running MS-DOS : covers through version 6.0 / Van Wolverton. 283. Programming with POSIX threads / David R. Butenhof. 284. PC tools : the complete reference / Hy Bender [foreword by Corey Smith and Michael Brown]. 285. MS-DOS batch file utilities / Ronny Richardson. 286. Killer DOS utilities / Allen L. Wyatt, Sr. contributing authors, David S. Linthicum ... [et al.]. 287. Windows NT : a practical guide / Arthur D. Tennick. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 132 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 288. Visualization and virtual reality : 3D programming with Visual Basic for Windows / by Lee Adams. 289. Windows wisdom for C and C++ programmers / Leendert Ammeraal. 290. The Windows 3.1 font book / David Angell & Brent Heslop. 291. Windows from the keyboard / Nicholas Baran. 292. UNIX desktop guide to X/Motif / Nabajyoti Barkakati consulting editors, Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood. 293. X Window System programming / Nabajyoti Barkakati. 294. Bean's index to OSF/Motif documentation for application programmers / Gary M.C. Bean. 295. Practical XView programming / Kenneth W. Bibb and Larry Wake. 296. Delphi programming unleashed / Charles Calvert. 297. Windows developer's guide to application design / Jeffrey D. Clark. 298. Windows programmer's guide to OLE/DDE / Jeffrey Clark. 299. Windows hothouse : creating artificial life with Visual C++ / Mark Clarkson. 300. Windows programming powerpack / Jeffrey D. Clark) 301. The technical guide to Windows / Paddy Coleman, Adrian Jonathan Cotterill. 302. Windows API New Testament / Jim Conger. 303. The Windows programming puzzle book / Kim Crouse. 304. An X/Motif programmer's primer / Fintan Culwin. 305. Distributed Window systems : a practical guide to X11 and OpenWindows / Allan Davison ... [et al.]. 306. Programmer's supplement for release 6 of the X Window System, version 11 / edited by Adrian Nye. 307. Advanced Motif programming techniques / Alistair George and Mark Riches. 308. Programming with Motif / Keith D. Gregory. 309. A field guide to Windows icons : an introduction to the commonest icons in North America / Patricia C. Hedtke, John V. Hedtke. 310. XView programming manual / by Dan Heller. 311. Inside Windows 98 / [author and compiler], Jim Boyce. 312. Polishing Windows : how to create toolboxes, status bars, Excel style dialogs, and other professional user interface elements / Dave Jewell. 313. Power programming--Motif / Eric F. Johnson and Kevin Reichard. 314. Windows programmer's guide to DLLs and memory management / Mike Klein. 315. Visual design with OSF/Motif / Shiz Kobara. 316. Photographic imaging techniques in C++ for Windows and Windows NT / Craig A. Lindley. 317. The X window system : a user's guide / Niall Mansfield. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 133 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 318. The joy of X : an overview of the X Window system / Niall Mansfield. 319. Mastering OSF/Motif widgets / Donald L. McMinds. 320. Writing your own OSF/Motif widgets / Donald L. McMinds, Joseph P. Whitty. 321. X window system program design and development / Steven Mikes. 322. Programmer's reference : Microsoft Open Database Connectivity software development kit, version 2.0 : for Microsoft Windows and Windows NT operating systems. 323. The Developer's guide to WinHelp.Exe / by Jim Mischel edited by Jeff Duntemann. 324. Using Windows Sound System 2 / Martin L. Moore, Richard Brown, with assistance from David Wolf. 325. Windows advanced programming design / Peter J. Morris. 326. X window system administrator's guide : for X version 11 / by Linda Mui and Eric Pearce. 327. X user tools / Linda Mui and Valerie Quercia, with other authors including Ian Darwin ... [et al.]. 328. Cross-platform programming for Windows / William H. Murray, Chris H. Pappas. 329. Writing Windows device drivers / Daniel A. Norton. 330. Peter Norton's introduction to computers 331. Peter Norton's introduction to computers 332. Sams teach yourself Windows CE programming in 24 hours / Jason P. Nottingham, Steven Makofsky, Andrew Tucker. 333. Xlib programming manual / by Adrian Nye. 334. OSF/Motif programmer's guide : revision 1.1 / Open Software Foundation. 335. Motif programming in the X Window system environment / William A. Parrette. 336. Windows NT in a nutshell : a desktop quick references for system administrators / by Eric Pearce graphic interface mapping by Chris Reilley and Beverly Murray Scherf. 337. X Window System user's guide / by Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly. 338. X Window System user's guide for XII release 5 / Valerie quer[D[D[D[DґQuercia and Tim O'Reilly. 339. Advanced X Window applications programming / Eric F. Johnson and Kevin Reichard. 340. X Window inside & out / Levi Reiss, Joseph Radin. 341. Advanced Windows / Jeffrey Richter. 342. Byte's windows programmer's cookbook / L. John Ribar. 343. Constructing Windows dialogs / Steve Rimmer. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 134 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 344. X Window System : the complete reference to Xlib, X Protocol, ICCCM, XLFD / Robert W. Scheifler, James Gettys with Jim Flowers, David Rosenthal and contributions from Chuck Adams[et al.]. 345. Windows batch file programming / Namir C. Shammas. 346. X : a guide for users / Jerry D. Smith. 347. Solaris OpenWindows DeskSet reference. 348. The Shell hacker's guide to X and Motif / Alan Southerton. 349. Writing Windows : virtual device drivers / David Thielen and Bryan Woodruff. 350. Using OLE 2.x in application development / John Toohey. 351. Learning Windows programming with virtual reality / Christopher D. Watkins, Russell J. Berube, Jr. 352. OLE 2.0 and DDE distilled : a programmer's crash course / Al Williams. 353. The Windows interface guidelines for software design. 354. X protocol reference manual for version 11 of the X Window System / edited and with an introduction by Adrian Nye. 355. The X Window System in a nutshell : for version 11 Release 4 and Release 5 of the X Window System / edited by Ellie Cutler, Daniel Gilly, and Tim O'Reilly. 356. The X companion CD for R6 : for X Version 11 357. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 358. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 359. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 360. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 361. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 362. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 363. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 364. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 365. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 366. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 367. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 368. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 369. The X resource : a practical journal of the X window system. 370. Xlib by example : X version 11, release 5 / Cui-Qing Yang, Mahir S. Ali. 371. Motif debugging and performance tuning / Douglas A. Young. 372. The X window system : programming and applications with Xt / Douglas A. Young. 373. X window systems : programming and applications with Xt / Douglas A. Young. 374. Microprogrammed systems : an introduction to firmware theory / Daniel Mange translated by Jack Howlett. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 135 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 375. The Strategic procurement of CASE tools / Phil Mair. 376. A guide to Microsoft Office 2000 : troubleshooting and problem solving / Kate Chase. 377. FM8501 : a verified microprocessor / Warren A. Hunt, Jr. 378. Microprocessors and microcomputer technology / T. Hanley. 379. Applied C : the IBM microcomputers / J. Terry Godfrey 380. IBM mainframe programmer's desk reference / V. Mitra Gopaul. 381. IBM mainframes : architecture and design / Nallur Prasad, Jeffrey Savit. 382. UNIX program development for IBM PCs : including OSF/Motif / Thomas Yager. 383. System 370/390 job control language / Gary DeWard Brown. 384. IBM System/370 assembler language programming / Keith H. Nicaise. 385. AS/400 : a practical guide to programming and operations / Donald G. Zeilenga, Donna M. Lenczycki. 386. AS/400 : concepts and facilities / Tony Baritz, David Dunne. 387. AS/400 programming : a practical guide for new users / Bernard Coydon. 388. Navigating the AS/400 : a hands-on guide / John Enck and Michael Ryan. 389. AS/400 Control Language guide / Brian Fu. 390. Using the AS/400 : an introduction / by Patrice Gapen, Catherine Stoughton. 391. Cooperative processing with AS/400 PC support (DOS) / Janice R. Glowacki, Stephen A. Knight, Desiree S. Strom artwork by Jerome R. Donney. 392. IBM AS/400 : a business perspective / Jim Hoskins. 393. Introduction to the AS/400 / Robert W. Janson. 394. The programmer's guide to the AS/400 / Robert W. Janson. 395. PC user's guide to the AS/400 / Bradley Dyck Kliewer, Henry W. Kliewer. 396. AS/400 architecture and application : the database machine / Jill T. Lawrence. 397. IBM's new AS/400 : the second generation / Elinor Pedersen. 398. AS/400 information engineering / John Porter. 399. IBM microcomputer assembly language in 10 programming lessons / Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton. 400. IBM ES/9000 : a business perspective / Jim Hoskins. 401. Crafting C tools for the IBM PCs / Joe Campbell. 402. Programmer's guide to the EGA and VGA cards / Richard F. Ferraro. 403. Structured programming in assembly language for the IBM PC and PS/2 / William C. Runnion. 404. Graphics programming solutions / Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 136 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 405. IBM System/390 : a business perspective / Jim Hoskins. 406. Intel's SL architecture : designing portable applications / Desmond Yuen. 407. Numerical programming the 387, 486, and Pentium / Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton. 408. The Intel 32-bit microprocessors : 80386, 80486, and Pentium / Barry B. Brey. 409. Intel's official guide to 386 computing / Michael Edelhart. 410. Intel386 family binary compatibility specification 2 / Intel Corporation. 411. i386/i486 advanced programming : real mode, protected mode, virtual 8086 mode / Sen-Cuo Ro, Sheau-Chuen Her. 412. The 80386, 80486, and Pentium processor : hardware, software, and interfacing / Walter A. Triebel. 413. 80486 programming / Penn Brumm, Don Brumm, Leo J. Scanlon. 414. The 8051 microcontroller / I. Scott MacKenzie. 415. The 8051 microcontroller / I. Scott MacKenzie. 416. The Intel microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386, and 80486 : architecture, programming, and interfacing / Barry B. Brey. 417. 80286 and 80386 microprocessors : new PC architectures / A.B. Fontaine and F. Barrand translated by A. Rawsthorne. 418. 80386 protected mode programming in C / Len Dorfman. 419. Programming the Intel 80386 / Bud E. Smith, Mark T. Johnson. 420. The 80960 microprocessor architecture 421. The innovative 80x86 architectures / Klaus-Dieter Thies translated by Jack L. Davies. 422. Writing localizable software for the Macintosh / Daniel R. Carter. 423. Everything you wanted to know about the mac / Larry Hanson and the Dieties of Macintosh. 424. Macintosh human interface guidelines / [by Apple Computer, Inc.]. 425. Programming primer for the Macintosh / John May and Judy Whittle. 426. The best Mac tips ever / Steve Michel and Dale Coleman. 427. The Macintosh bible, what do I do now? book / by Charles Rubin. 428. QuickTime Macintosh multimedia / Dan Parks Sydow. 429. Byte's Mac programmer's cookbook / Rob Terrell. 430. Power Macintosh programming starter kit / Tom Thompson. 431. Applied Mac scripting / Tom Trinko. 432. 68000 family Assembly language / Alan Clements. 433. 68000 microcomputer organization and programming / Per Stenstrm. 434. The 68000 microprocessor : hardware and software principles and applications / James L. Antonakos. 435. 68000 assembly language programming and interfacing : a unique approach for the beginner / Ambrose Bo Barry. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 137 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 436. The Motorola microprocessor family : 68000, 68008, 68010, 68020, 68030, and 68040 : programming and interfacing with applications / Barry B. Brey. 437. Microprocessor systems design : 68000 hardware, software, and interfacing / Alan Clements. 438. The Motorola MC68000 microprocessor family : assembly language, interface design, and system design / Thomas L. Harman, David T. Hein. 439. The M68000 microprocessor family : fundamentals of assembly language programming and interface design / Yu-cheng Liu. 440. M68000 family programmer's reference manual 441. High-level programmer's guide to the 68000 / Francis G. McCabe. 442. The 68000 microprocessor family : architecture, programming, and applications / Michael A. Miller. 443. Programming and designing with the 68000 family : including the 68000, the 68010/12, the 68020, and the 68030 / Tibet Mimar. 444. 16/32 bit microprocessors : 68000/68010/68020 software, hardware, and design applications / Wunnava V. Subbarao. 445. The 68000 and 68020 microprocessors : hardware, software, and interfacing techniques / Walter A. Triebel, Avtar Singh. 446. Programming the Motorola 88000 / Michael Tucker & Bruce Coorpender. 447. MC88100 RISC microprocessor user's manual. 448. MC88200 cache/memory management unit user's manual. 449. NeXTSTEP programming : step one, object-oriented applications / Simson L. Garfinkel, Michael K. Mahoney. 450. NeXTSTEP programming : concepts and applications / Alex Duong Nghiem. 451. The complete guide to the NEXTSTEP user environment / Michael B. Shebanek. 452. Neural networks : concepts, applications, and implementations / Paolo Antognetti and Veljko Milutinovic, editors. 453. Neural networks : concepts, applications, and implementations / Paolo Antognetti and Veljko Milutinovic, editors. 454. RISC systems / Daniel Tabak. 455. Outrageous DR DOS batch file programming / Harley Bjelland and Dan Gookin. 456. Batch files and beyond : your path to PC power / Dan Gookin. 457. Enhanced MS-DOS batch file programming / Dan Gookin. 458. Builder Lite : developing dynamic batch files / Ronny Richardson. 459. Batch files to go : a programmer's library / Ronny Richardson. 460. Dr. Batch File's ultimate collection / Ronny Richardson. 461. The ultimate batch file book! / Ronny Richardson. 462. Creating successful bulletin board systems / Alan D. Bryant. 463. Using computer bulletin boards / John Hedtke. 464. BBS secrets / by Ray Werner. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 138 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 465. The BBS construction kit : all the software and expert advice you need to start your own BBS today! / David Wolfe. 466. PowerBuilder : a guide for developing client/server applications / Joseph J. Bambara, Paul R. Allen. 467. Client/server & beyond : strategies for the 21st century / Lisa-Ann L. Barnes, David J. Shimberg foreword by Neil Evans. 468. FoxPro event-driven programming : how to build multi-window applications / Dick Bard. 469. Microsoft Access inside & out / Mary Campbell. 470. Microsoft Access answers : certified tech support / Mary Campbell. 471. High resolution video graphics / Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton. 472. Production/operations management : from the inside out / Roger W. Schmenner. 473. CIMOSA : open system architecture for CIM / ESPRIT Consortium AMICE (eds.) 474. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 475. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 476. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 477. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 478. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 479. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 480. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 481. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy. 482. Basic diemaking / by D. Eugene Ostergaard. 483. Harley Hahn's Internet & Web yellow pages. 484. Fundamentals of polymer processing / Stanley Middleman. 485. Advances in plastics packaging technology / John Briston. 486. Industrial plastics : theory and application / Terry L. Richardson. 487. Product design and testing of polymeric materials / Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff. 488. Plastics handbook / edited by the staff of Modern plastics magazine. 489. Plastics additives handbook : stabilizers, processing aids, plasticizers, fillers, reinforcements, colorants for thermoplastics / edited by R. Gachter and H. Muller associated editor, P.P. Klemchuk with contributions by H. Andreas ... [et al.]. 490. Mold engineering / Herbert Rees. 491. Standards & practices of plastics molders : guidelines for molders and their customers. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 139 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. Description 物品詳情 注塑成型. 1 = Injection monlding. I Polymer extrusion / Chris Rauwendaal. Chilled foods : the state of the art / edited by T.R. Gormley. Frozen food technology / edited by C.P. Mallett. Frozen food technology / edited by C.P. Mallett. Guide to quality management systems for the food industry / Ralph Early. Fats in food products / edited by D.P.J. Moran and K.K. Rajah. Fats in food products / edited by D.P.J. Moran and K.K. Rajah. HPLC in food analysis / edited by R. Macrae. Instrumentation and sensors for the food industry / edited by Erika Kress-Rogers. Physical chemistry of food processes. Physical chemistry of food processes. Physical chemistry of food processes. Physical chemistry of food processes. Total quality assurance / by Wilbur A. Gould and Ronald W. Gould. Unit operations for the food industries / by Wilbur A. Gould. Principles of food sanitation / Norman G. Marriott. Principles of food sanitation / Norman G. Marriott. Principles of food sanitation / Norman G. Marriott. Principles and practices for the safe processing of foods / edited by David A. Shapton, Norah F. Shapton. Principles and practices for the safe processing of foods / edited by David A. Shapton, Norah F. Shapton. Principles and practices for the safe processing of foods / edited by David A. Shapton, Norah F. Shapton. Sanitation in food processing / John Troller. Plastics in food packaging : properties, design, and fabrication / William E. Brown with contributions by Charles R. Finch, Alan Speigel, Jerome H. Heckman. Food packaging and preservation / edited by M. Mathlouthi. Food packaging and preservation / edited by M. Mathlouthi. Packaging foods with plastics / Wilmer A. Jenkins, James P. Harrington. Modified atmosphere packaging of food / editors, B. Ooraikul, M.E. Stiles. A handbook of food packaging / Frank A. Paine and Heather Y. Paine. Principles and applications of modified atmosphere packaging of foods / edited by R.T. Parry. Principles and applications of modified atmosphere packaging of foods / edited by R.T. Parry. Food packaging : principles and practice / Gordon L. Robertson. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 140 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 524. Description 物品詳情 Sugar : science and technology / edited by G. G. Birch and K. J. Parker. 525. Sugar : science and technology / edited by G. G. Birch and K. J. Parker. 526. Chen and Chou cane sugar handbook : a manual for cane sugar manufacturers and their chemists / by James C.P. Chen, Chung-Chi Chou. 527. Starch hydrolysis products : worldwide technology, production, and applications / edited by Fred W. Schenck, Ronald E. Hebeda. 528. Understanding natural flavors / edited by J.R. Piggott and A. Paterson. 529. Understanding natural flavors / edited by J.R. Piggott and A. Paterson. 530. Advances in sweeteners / edited by T.H. Grenby. 531. Handbook of sweeteners / edited by S. Marie and J.R. Piggott. 532. Handbook of sweeteners / edited by S. Marie and J.R. Piggott. 533. Handbook of sweeteners / edited by S. Marie and J.R. Piggott. 534. Natural and synthetic sweet substances / Alzbeta Krutos'kov and Michal Uher. 535. Alternative sweeteners / edited by Lyn O'Brien Nabors, Robert C. Gelardi. 536. Handbook of cereal science and technology / edited by Klaus J. Lorenz, Karel Kulp. 537. Breakfast cereals, and how they are made / edited by Robert B. Fast and Elwood F. Caldwell. 538. Fruit processing / edited by D. Arthey and P.R. Ashurst. 539. The preservation of fruit and vegetable food products / S.D. Holdsworth. 540. Minimally processed refrigerated fruits and vegetables / edited by Robert C. Wiley. 541. Minimally processed refrigerated fruits and vegetables / edited by Robert C. Wiley. 542. Processing fruits : science and technology. 543. Handbook of analysis and quality control for fruit and vegetable products / S. Ranganna. 544. Processed apple products / edited by Donald L. Downing. 545. Legumes : chemistry, technology, and human nutrition / edited by Ruth H. Matthews. 546. Vegetable processing / editors, D. Arthey and C. Dennis. 547. Potato science and technology / G. Lisinska and W. Leszczynski. 548. Food flavourings / edited by P.R. Ashurst. 549. Low-Calorie foods and food ingredients / edited by Riaz Khan. 550. Low-Calorie foods and food ingredients / edited by Riaz Khan. 551. Snack food / edited by R. Gordon Booth. 552. Snack food technology / by Samuel A. Matz. 553. Snack food technology / by Samuel A. Matz. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 141 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. Description 物品詳情 Advances in food colloids / Eric Dickinson and D. Julian McClements. Advances in food colloids / Eric Dickinson and D. Julian McClements. Food gels / edited by Peter Harris. Food gels / edited by Peter Harris. Thickening and gelling agents for food / edited by A. Imeson. Technological advances in improved and alternative sources of lipids / edited by B.S. Kamel and Y.S. Kakuda. Technological advances in improved and alternative sources of lipids / edited by B.S. Kamel and Y.S. Kakuda. Food additives analytical manual : a collection of analytical methods for selected food additives. Technology of reduced-additive foods / edited by Jim Smith. Technology of reduced-additive foods / edited by Jim Smith. Technology of reduced-additive foods / edited by Jim Smith. Natural food colorants / edited by G.A.F. Hendry and J.D. Houghton. Fermented beverage production / edited by A.G.H. Lea and J.R. Piggott. Fermented beverage production / edited by A.G.H. Lea and J.R. Piggott. Fermented beverage production / edited by A.G.H. Lea and J.R. Piggott. Beverages : technology, chemistry and microbiology / Alan H. Varnam and Jane P. Sutherland. Beverages : technology, chemistry and microbiology / Alan H. Varnam and Jane P. Sutherland. The wine & food of Austria / by Giles MacDonogh photographs by Manfred Horvath. The wine atlas of Italy and traveller's guide to the vineyards / by Burton Anderson. Malting and brewing science / D.E. Briggs ... [et al.]. The Science and technology of whiskies / edited by JR Piggott, R Sharp, and REB Duncan. Industrial chocolate manufacture and use / edited by S.T. Beckett. Industrial chocolate manufacture and use / edited by S.T. Beckett. Bailey's Industrial oil and fat products / edited by Daniel Swern authors, Marvin W. Formo ... [et al.]. Deep frying : chemistry, nutrition, and practical applications / editors, Edward G. Perkins, Michael D. Erickson. Food oils and fats : technology, utilization, and nutrition / Harry Lawson. Food oils and fats : technology, utilization, and nutrition / Harry Lawson. Food oils and fats : technology, utilization, and nutrition / Harry Lawson. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 142 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 582. Hydrogenation of fats and oils : theory and practice / H.B.W. Patterson. 583. Proceedings of the World Conference on Lauric Oils : sources, processing, and applications / editor, Thomas H. Applewhite. 584. Handbook of compressed gases / Compressed Gas Association. 585. Fundamentals of ceramics / Michel W. Barsoum. 586. Ceramic injection molding / Beebhas C. Mutsuddy and Renee G. Ford. 587. Analytical chemistry of synthetic colorants / edited by A.T. Peters and H.S. Freeman. 588. Introduction to surfactant analysis / edited by D.C. Cullum. 589. Handbook of surfactants / M.R. Porter. 590. Polymer processing / D.H. Morton-Jones. 591. Polymer processing / D.H. Morton-Jones. 592. Polymer blends and alloys / edited by M.J. Folkes and P.S. Hope. 593. Handbook of plastics, elastomers, and composites / Charles A. Harper, editor-in-chief. 594. Handbook of plastics, elastomers, and composites / Charles A. Harper, editor-in-chief. 595. Handbook of polymer synthesis / edited by Hans R. Kricheldorf. 596. Handbook of polymer synthesis / edited by Hans R. Kricheldorf. 597. Composite materials technology : processes and properties / P.K. Mallick, S. Newman, eds. with contributions from G.B. Chapman ... [et al.]. 598. The photographer's pocket manual : essential techniques for the photographer on the move / John Garrett. 599. Technology of paper recycling / edited by R.W.J. 600. How products are made : an illustrated guide to products manufacturing / Neil Schlager, editor. 601. Fabric manufacture : a handbook / Alan Newton. 602. Production and operations management : manufacturing and services / James B. Dilworth. 603. Production and operations management : manufacturing and services / James B. Dilworth. 604. Production and operations management : manufacturing and services / James B. Dilworth. 605. Fundamentals of production/operations management / William A. Ruth, Harold E. Fearon, C. David Wieters. 606. CEDAC : a tool for continuous systematic improvement / Ryuji Fukuda. 607. Principles of operations management / R.L. Galloway. 608. Management of advanced manufacturing technology : strategy, organization, and innovation / Donald Gerwin and Harvey Kolodny. 609. Managing an effective operation / Paul Graves and Eddie Fowler. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 143 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 610. Just-in-time manufacturing : a practical approach / Arnaldo Hernandez. 611. Manufacturing strategy : text and cases / Terry Hill. 612. Manufacturing strategy : text and cases / Terry Hill. 613. Production/operations management : text and cases / Terry Hill. 614. IE for the shop floor. 615. Operations research in production planning, scheduling, and inventory control / [by] Lynwood A. Johnson [and] Douglas C. Montgomery. 616. Operations research in production planning, scheduling, and inventory control / [by] Lynwood A. Johnson [and] Douglas C. Montgomery. 617. Implementing optimised production technology (implementing OPT) / Kevin Johnson. 618. Just-in-time manufacture / edited by Prof. C. A. Voss 619. Manufacturing technology / Stanley A. Komacek, Ann E. Lawson, Andrew C. Horton. 620. Engineers in business : the principles of management and product design / Mike Lanigan. 621. Engineering design for process facilities / Scott Mansfield. 622. Engineering design for process facilities / Scott Mansfield. 623. Manufacturing excellence in global markets / edited by W. Eversheim ... [et al.]. 624. Manufacturing organization and management / Harold T. Amrine ... [et al.]. 625. The management of operations : a conceptual emphasis / Jack R. Meredith. 626. The management of operations : a conceptual emphasis / Jack R. Meredith. 627. Mixed-model production / edited by Esme McTighe translated by Michael Kelsey. 628. Mixed-model production / edited by Esme McTighe translated by Michael Kelsey. 629. Mixed-model production / edited by Esme McTighe translated by Michael Kelsey. 630. Toyota production system : an integrated approach to just-in-time / Yasuhiro Monden. 631. Production and operations analysis / Steven Nahmias. 632. Production and operations analysis / Steven Nahmias. 633. The plant operations handbook : a tactical guide to everyday management / Gerhard J. Plenert. 634. Production handbook. 635. Principles of operations management : building and managing world class operations / Barry Render, Jay Heizer. 636. Principles of operations management : building and managing world class operations / Barry Render, Jay Heizer. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 144 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 637. Production and operations management : focusing on quality and competitiveness / Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor III. 638. Production and operations management : focusing on quality and competitiveness / Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor III. 639. Topics in just-in-time management / by Marc J. Schniederjans. 640. Topics in just-in-time management / by Marc J. Schniederjans. 641. High performance manufacturing : global perspectives / Roger G. Schroeder and Barbara B. Flynn. 642. High performance manufacturing : global perspectives / Roger G. Schroeder and Barbara B. Flynn. 643. Modern approaches to manufacturing improvement : the Shingo system / Shigeo Shingo Alan Robinson, editor-in-chief foreword by Norman Bodek. 644. Managing production and operations / Martin K. Starr. 645. Production/operations management / William J. Stevenson. 646. The improvement book : creating the problem-free workplace / Tomo Sugiyama foreword by Norman Bodek edited by Japan Management Association. 647. Intelligent manufacturing / Lynn Underwood. 648. Intelligent manufacturing / Lynn Underwood. 649. Intelligent manufacturing / Lynn Underwood. 650. Optimization of manufacturing system design = Optimaliseren van het ontwerp van productiesystemen / Mario van Vliet. 651. Integrated production and inventory management : revitalizing the manufacturing enterprise / Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark. 652. An introduction to operations management / C.D.J. Waters. 653. Managing innovative projects / Alan Webb. 654. Managing innovative projects / Alan Webb. 655. Managing the process, the people, and yourself : a primer for operations management / Joseph G. Werner. 656. Production and operations management : principles and techniques / Ray Wild. 657. Manufacturing systems / by R. Thomas Wright. 658. Advanced CAD/CAM systems : state-of-the-art and future trends in feature technology / edited by R. Soenen and G.J. Olling. 659. Advances in factories of the future, CIM and robotics / edited by Michel Cotsaftis, Franois Vernadat. 660. Artificial intelligence in optimal design and manufacturing / Zuomin Dong, editor. 661. Artificial intelligence in optimal design and manufacturing / Zuomin Dong, editor. 662. Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems / Ronald G. Askin, Charles R. Standridge. 663. Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems / Ronald G. Askin, Charles R. Standridge. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 145 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 664. Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems / Ronald G. Askin, Charles R. Standridge. 665. Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems / Ronald G. Askin, Charles R. Standridge. 666. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 667. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 668. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 669. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 670. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 671. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 672. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 673. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 674. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 675. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 676. Computer integrated manufacturing / Robert U. Ayres. 677. Computer-integrated design and manufacturing / David D. Bedworth, Mark R. Henderson, Philip M. Wolfe. 678. Computer-integrated design and manufacturing / David D. Bedworth, Mark R. Henderson, Philip M. Wolfe. 679. Computer-integrated design and manufacturing / David D. Bedworth, Mark R. Henderson, Philip M. Wolfe. 680. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 681. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 682. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 683. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 684. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 685. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 686. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 687. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 688. Computer-aided manufacturing / Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Hsu-Pin Wang. 689. Manufacturing databases and computer integrated systems / Dimitris N. Chorafas. 690. Manufacturing databases and computer integrated systems / Dimitris N. Chorafas. 691. CIMOSA : open system architecture for CIM / ESPRIT Consortium AMICE (eds.) Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 146 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 692. CIMOSA : open system architecture for CIM / ESPRIT Consortium AMICE (eds.) 693. Computer integrated manufacturing : a total company competitive strategy / [edited by] Alan Weatherall. 694. Computer integrated manufacturing : a total company competitive strategy / [edited by] Alan Weatherall. 695. Computer applications in shaping & forming of materials / edited by Mahmond Y. Demeri. 696. Applying AutoSketch : a step-by-step approach for AutoSketch 3.0 / Wayne J. Elinger, John J. Horstketter. 697. CAD/CAM : computer-aided design and manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover, Emory W. Zimmers. 698. CAD/CAM : computer-aided design and manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover, Emory W. Zimmers. 699. Making CADCAM work / Richard Halton. 700. Handbook of flexible manufacturing systems / edited by Nand K. Jha. 701. Integrating manufacturing engineering systems / Don Rivers Holt. 702. Human-intelligence-based manufacturing / edited by Y. Ito. 703. IMPPACT reference model : an approach to integrated product and process modelling for discrete parts manufacturing / W.F. Gielingh, A.K. Suhm, (eds.) with contributions by Michael Bohms ... [et al.]. 704. Integration and management of technology for manufacturing / edited by E.H. Robson, H.M. Ryan, and D. Wilcock. 705. Integration of robots into CIM / edited by R. Bernhardt ... [et al.]. 706. Integration of robots into CIM / edited by R. Bernhardt ... [et al.]. 707. CAD/CAM, robotics, and factories of the future '90 : 5th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) proceedings / Suren N. Dwivedi, Alok K. Verma, John E. Sneckenberger, editors. 708. CAD/CAM, robotics, and factories of the future '90 : 5th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) proceedings / Suren N. Dwivedi, Alok K. Verma, John E. Sneckenberger, editors. 709. CAD/CAM, robotics, and factories of the future '90 : 5th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) proceedings / Suren N. Dwivedi, Alok K. Verma, John E. Sneckenberger, editors. 710. CAD/CAM, robotics, and factories of the future '90 : 5th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) proceedings / Suren N. Dwivedi, Alok K. Verma, John E. Sneckenberger, editors. 711. CAD/CAM, robotics, and factories of the future '90 : 5th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) proceedings / Suren N. Dwivedi, Alok K. Verma, John E. Sneckenberger, editors. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 147 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 712. Rapid prototyping & manufacturing : fundamentals of stereolithography / Paul F. Jacobs, principal author [with] David T. Reid. 713. Rapid prototyping & manufacturing : fundamentals of stereolithography / Paul F. Jacobs, principal author [with] David T. Reid. 714. Flexible manufacturing : benefits for the low-inventory factory / John E. Lenz. 715. Manufacturing, automation systems and CIM factories / edited by K. Asai and S. Takashima technical editor, P.R. Edwards. 716. Manufacturing, automation systems and CIM factories / edited by K. Asai and S. Takashima technical editor, P.R. Edwards. 717. Manufacturing automation at the crossroads : standardization in CIM software / edited by Louis-Frangois Pau and Jan-Olaf Willums. 718. CADCAM : from principles to practice / Chris McMahon, Jimmie Browne. 719. CADCAM : from principles to practice / Chris McMahon, Jimmie Browne. 720. CADCAM : from principles to practice / Chris McMahon, Jimmie Browne. 721. Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes / D.A. Bradley ... [et. al.]. 722. Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes / D.A. Bradley ... [et. al.]. 723. Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes / D.A. Bradley ... [et. al.]. 724. Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes / D.A. Bradley ... [et. al.]. 725. CIM systems : an introduction to computer-integrated manufacturing / F.H. Mitchell, Jr. 726. CIM systems : an introduction to computer-integrated manufacturing / F.H. Mitchell, Jr. 727. CIM systems : an introduction to computer-integrated manufacturing / F.H. Mitchell, Jr. 728. Interconnected manufacturing systems : the problems of advanced manufacturing / H. Nicholson. 729. Object-oriented software for manufacturing systems / edited by S. Adiga. 730. Object-oriented software for manufacturing systems / edited by S. Adiga. 731. Flexible manufacturing / David J. Parrish. 732. Flexible manufacturing / David J. Parrish. 733. Communication networks for manufacturing / Juan R. Pimentel. 734. Communication networks for manufacturing / Juan R. Pimentel. 735. Communication networks for manufacturing / Juan R. Pimentel. 736. Integrated distributed intelligent systems in manufacturing / Ming Rao, Qun Wang and Jianzhong Cha. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 148 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 737. Integrated distributed intelligent systems in manufacturing / Ming Rao, Qun Wang and Jianzhong Cha. 738. Computer networks for world class CIM systems / Paul G. Ranky. 739. Rapid prototyping systems : fast track to product realization : a compilation of papers from Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing '93 740. A Reference model for computer integrated manufacturing (CIM] : a description from the viewpoint of industrial automation / prepared by CIM Reference Model Committee, International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems edited by Theodore J. Williams. 741. Computer integrated manufacturing and engineering / U. Rembold, B.O. Nnaji, A. Storr. 742. Computer integrated manufacturing and engineering / U. Rembold, B.O. Nnaji, A. Storr. 743. Selection and evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies / Matthew J. Liberatore (ed.). 744. Parametric and feature-based CAD/CAM : concepts, techniques, and applications / Jami J. Shah, Martti Mantyla. 745. Systems approach to computer-integrated design and manufacturing / Nanua Singh. 746. A systems approach to AMT deployment / edited by D.R. Towill and J.E. Cherrington. 747. Computer-integrated manufacturing handbook / Eric Teicholz, Joel N. Orr. 748. Optimal design of flexible manufacturing systems / Ulrich A.W. Tetzlaff. 749. Computers in manufacturing / David A. Turbide. 750. MAP and TOP communications : standards and applications / A. Valenzano, C. Demartini, L. Ciminiera. 751. MAP and TOP communications : standards and applications / A. Valenzano, C. Demartini, L. Ciminiera. 752. Performance modeling of automated manufacturing systems / N. Viswanadham, Y. Narahari. 753. Performance modeling of automated manufacturing systems / N. Viswanadham, Y. Narahari. 754. CIM : principles of computer-integrated manufacturing / Jean-Baptiste Waldner translated by W.J. Duffin. 755. Manufacturing systems : an introduction to the technologies / D.J. Williams. 756. Designing parts with SolidWorks / Roy Wysack. 757. An introduction to 3D AutoCAD / A. Yarwood. 758. Computerized manufacturing process planning systems / Hong-chao Zhang and Leo Alting. 759. Computerized manufacturing process planning systems / Hong-chao Zhang and Leo Alting. 760. The CADCAM process / Barry Hawkes. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 149 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 761. Information and collaboration models of integration / edited by Shimon Y. Nof. 762. Manufacturing systems redesign : creating the integrated manufacturing environment / David O'Sullivan. 763. Computer-integrated manufacturing / James A. Rehg. 764. Computer-integrated manufacturing / James A. Rehg. 765. Computer-integrated manufacturing / James A. Rehg. 766. Computer-integrated manufacturing / James A. Rehg. 767. Stepping up to ISO 14000 : integrating environmental quality with ISO 9000 and TQM / Subhash C. Puri publisher's message by Norman Bodek. 768. 為中小型企業建立及推行 ISO 14001 環境管理體系. 769. Factory information systems : design and implementation for CIM management and control / John Gaylord. 770. Shop floor control systems : from design to implementation / A. Bauer ... [et al.]. 771. Shop floor control systems : from design to implementation / A. Bauer ... [et al.]. 772. The manufacturing advantage : achieving competitive manufacturing operations / Nigel Slack. 773. Fundamentals of industrial quality control / Lawrence Aft. 774. Dr. Deming : the American who taught the Japanese about quality / Rafael Aguayo. 775. The manager's guide to ISO 9000 / Kenneth L. Arnold. 776. The manager's guide to ISO 9000 / Kenneth L. Arnold. 777. Principles of quality control / Jerry Banks. 778. Principles of quality control / Jerry Banks. 779. Competitive product development : a quality approach to succeeding in the '90s and beyond / by Rudolph G. Boznak with Audrey K. Decker. 780. Competitive product development : a quality approach to succeeding in the '90s and beyond / by Rudolph G. Boznak with Audrey K. Decker. 781. Principles of quality costs : principles, implementation, and use / Jack Campanella. 782. Industrial quality control / Harvey C. Charbonneau, Gordon L. Webster. 783. Total quality : a user's guide for implementation / Dan Ciampa. 784. Quality manager's complete guide to ISO 9000 / Richard Barrett Clements. 785. Quality manager's complete guide to ISO 9000 / Richard Barrett Clements. 786. A guidebook to ISO 9000 and ANSI/ASQC Q90 / Ronald J. Cottman. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 150 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 787. Statistical quality design and control : contemporary concepts and methods / Richard E. DeVor, Tsong-how Chang, John W. Sutherland. 788. Statistical quality design and control : contemporary concepts and methods / Richard E. DeVor, Tsong-how Chang, John W. Sutherland. 789. Thinking about quality : progress, wisdom, and Deming philosophy / Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford-Mason. 790. Quality engineering statistics / Robert A. Dovich. 791. Total quality control / A.V. Feigenbaum. 792. Total quality control / A.V. Feigenbaum. 793. Total quality control / A.V. Feigenbaum. 794. Basic quality improvement / Susan M. Garrity. 795. Basic quality improvement / Susan M. Garrity. 796. Gower handbook of quality management / edited by Dennis Lock. 797. The Assurance sciences : an introduction to quality control and reliability 798. ISO 9000 quality systems handbook / David Hoyle. 799. ISO 9000 quality systems handbook / David Hoyle. 800. Total quality management handbook / John L. Hradesky. 801. Total quality management handbook / John L. Hradesky. 802. Introduction to quality : control, assurance, and management / Gregory B. Hutchins. 803. ISO 9000 : handbook of quality standards and compliance. 804. ISO 9000 : meeting the new international standards / Perry L. Johnson. 805. ISO 9000 : meeting the new international standards / Perry L. Johnson. 806. ISO 9000 : meeting the new international standards / Perry L. Johnson. 807. ISO 9000 : meeting the new international standards / Perry L. Johnson. 808. Buying quality : how purchasing, quality control, and suppliers work together / Ross H. Johnson, Richard T. Weber. 809. Juran on leadership for quality : an executive handbook / J.M. Juran. 810. Quality planning and analysis : from product development through use / J.M. Juran, Frank M. Gryna. 811. Quality planning and analysis : from product development through use / J.M. Juran, Frank M. Gryna. 812. Quality planning and analysis : from product development through use / J.M. Juran, Frank M. Gryna. 813. Juran's quality control handbook / J.M. Juran, editor-in-chief, Frank M. Gryna, associate editor. 814. Creating quality : concepts, systems, strategies, and tools / William J. Kolarik. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 151 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 815. Creating quality : concepts, systems, strategies, and tools / William J. Kolarik. 816. Designing for quality : an introduction to the best of Taguchi and western methods of statistical experimental design / Robert H. Lochner, Joseph E. Matar. 817. Management for quality improvement : the seven new QC tools / edited by Shigeru Mizuno foreword by Norman Bodek. 818. Manufacturing development applications : guidelines for attaining quality and productivity / Andre McHose. 819. TQM in new product manufacturing / H.G. Menon. 820. Statistical quality control for manufacturing managers / William S. Messina. 821. The quality audit : a management evaluation tool / Charles A. Mills sponsored by American Society for Quality Control, Quality Audit Technical Committee. 822. The quality audit : a management evaluation tool / Charles A. Mills sponsored by American Society for Quality Control, Quality Audit Technical Committee. 823. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement / Amitava Mitra. 824. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement / Amitava Mitra. 825. Improving quality through planned experimentation / Ronald D. Moen, Thomas W. Nolan, Lloyd P. Provost. 826. Introduction to statistical quality control / Douglas C. Montgomery. 827. Sensory evaluation in quality control / Alejandra M. Munoz, Gail Vance Civille, B. Thomas Carr. 828. Standards, conformity assessment, and trade into the 21st century / International Standards, Conformity Assessment, and U.S. Trade Policy Project Committee, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, National Research Council. 829. Total quality management : the route to improving performance / John S. Oakland. 830. Total quality management : the route to improving performance / John S. Oakland. 831. Total quality management : the route to improving performance / John S. Oakland. 832. Total quality management : text with cases / John S. Oakland, Leslie J. Porter. 833. ISO 9000 / Brian Rothery. 834. ISO 9000 / Brian Rothery. 835. ISO 9000 / Brian Rothery. 836. A primer on the Taguchi method / Ranjit K. Roy. 837. The quality master plan : a quality strategy for business leadership / J.P. Russell. 838. Statistical quality control with microcomputer applications / Larry E. Shirland. 839. Integrated process management : a quality model / Roger Slater. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 152 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 840. Statistical process control in automated manufacturing / edited by J. Bert Keats, Norma Faris Hubele. 841. An approach to quality improvement that works / A. Donald Stratton. 842. Quality engineering in production systems / Genichi Taguchi, Elsayed A. Elsayed, Thomas C. Hsiang. 843. Automating quality systems : a guide to the design and implementation of automated quality systems in manufacturing / J.D.T. Tannock. 844. The Management of quality and its control / Charles S. Tapiero. 845. A beginner's guide to quality in manufacturing / Michael Tedaldi, Fred Scaglione, Vincent Russotti. 846. A beginner's guide to quality in manufacturing / Michael Tedaldi, Fred Scaglione, Vincent Russotti. 847. A quality technology primer for managers / Joseph R. Tunner. 848. A quality technology primer for managers / Joseph R. Tunner. 849. Winning with quality : applying quality principles in product development / John W. Wesner, Jeffrey M. Hiatt, David C. Trimble. 850. Winning with quality : applying quality principles in product development / John W. Wesner, Jeffrey M. Hiatt, David C. Trimble. 851. Industry's guide to ISO 9000 / Adedeji Bodunde Badiru. 852. Creating and assuring quality / Richard Barrett Clements. 853. The no-nonsense guide to achieving ISO 9000 registration / Robert J. Craig. 854. ISO 9000 : achieving compliance and certification / Maureen A. Dalfonso. 855. ISO 9000 : a comprehensive guide to registration, audit guidelines, and successful certification / Greg Hutchins. 856. ISO 9000 : preparing for registration / James L. Lamprecht. 857. ISO 9000 : preparing for registration / James L. Lamprecht. 858. ISO 9000 : preparing for registration / James L. Lamprecht. 859. Statistical methods of quality assurance / H.J. Mittag and H. Rinne. 860. Randall's practical guide to ISO 9000 : implementation, registration, and beyond / Richard C. Randall. 861. Randall's practical guide to ISO 9000 : implementation, registration, and beyond / Richard C. Randall. 862. Randall's practical guide to ISO 9000 : implementation, registration, and beyond / Richard C. Randall. 863. The team approach to quality / Karl A. Shilliff, Paul J. Motiska. 864. Quality assurance : the route to efficiency and competitiveness / Lionel Stebbing. 865. Quality assurance : the route to efficiency and competitiveness / Lionel Stebbing. 866. Quality assurance : the route to efficiency and competitiveness / Lionel Stebbing. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 153 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 867. The Quality system development handbook with ISO 9002 / P.S. Wilton. 868. Global management of quality assurance systems / Walter Willborn, T.C. Edwin Cheng. 869. Real-time statistical process control / Paul C. Badavas. 870. Real-time statistical process control / Paul C. Badavas. 871. Process control : structures and applications / Jens G. Balchen, Kenneth I. Mumme. 872. Data acquisition and process control with the M68HC11 microcontroller / Frederick F. Driscoll, Robert F. Coughlin, Robert S. Villanucci. 873. Data acquisition and process control with the M68HC11 microcontroller / Frederick F. Driscoll, Robert F. Coughlin, Robert S. Villanucci. 874. Data acquisition and process control with the M68HC11 microcontroller / Frederick F. Driscoll, Robert F. Coughlin, Robert S. Villanucci. 875. SPC for practitioners : special cases and continuous processes / Gary Fellers. 876. Automated process control systems : concepts and hardware / Ronald P. Hunter. 877. In-process measurement and control / edited by Stephan D. Murphy. 878. Instrument engineers' handbook : process control / Bela G. Liptak, editor-in-chief. 879. Expert systems in process control / Fran Jovic. 880. Process control systems : principles of design, operation, and interfacing / Fran Jovic. English language edition consultant, R.M. Henry. 881. Process control systems : principles of design, operation, and interfacing / Fran Jovic. English language edition consultant, R.M. Henry. 882. Tools of total quality : an introduction to statistical process control / P. Lyonnet English translation by Jack Howlett. 883. Tools of total quality : an introduction to statistical process control / P. Lyonnet English translation by Jack Howlett. 884. Industrial control handbook / E.A. Parr. 885. SPC for the rest of us : a personal path to statistical process control / Hy Pitt. 886. Process/industrial instruments and controls handbook / Douglas M. Considine, editor. 887. Process/industrial instruments and controls handbook / Douglas M. Considine, editor. 888. Process/industrial instruments and controls handbook / Douglas M. Considine, editor. 889. AI in process control / Michael Stock. 890. Statistical process control for quality improvement / James R. Thompson, Jacek Koronacki. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 154 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 891. Statistical process control for quality improvement / James R. Thompson, Jacek Koronacki. 892. Statistical process control for quality improvement / James R. Thompson, Jacek Koronacki. 893. Statistical process control : theory and practice / G. Barrie Wetherill, Don W. Brown. 894. Statistical process control : theory and practice / G. Barrie Wetherill, Don W. Brown. 895. The design of the factory with a future / J.T. Black. 896. Just-in-time quality : a practical approach / Arnaldo Hernandez. 897. Statistical process control : a practical guide / John S. Oakland and Roy F. Followell. 898. Statistical process control : a practical guide / John S. Oakland and Roy F. Followell. 899. Statistical process control : a practical guide / John S. Oakland and Roy F. Followell. 900. A study of the Toyota production system from an industrial engineering viewpoint / Shigeo Shingo newly translated by Andrew P. Dillon with a foreword by Norman Bodek. 901. Load-oriented manufacturing control / Hans-Peter Wiendahl. 902. Heuristic scheduling systems : with applications to production systems and project management / Thomas E. Morton and David W. Pentico. 903. Scheduling : theory, algorithms, and systems / Michael Pinedo. 904. Industrial scheduling / Dileep R. Sule. 905. Scheduling theory. Single-stage systems / by V.S. Tanaev, V.S. Gordon, and Y.M. Shafransky. 906. Sensors and control systems in manufacturing / Sabrie Soloman. 907. Inventory management demystified / Anthony Dear. 908. Inventory management demystified / Anthony Dear. 909. Inventory control and management / C.D.J. Waters. 910. Introduction to materials management / J.R. Tony Arnold. 911. Integrated materials management / R.J. Carter, P. Price. 912. Business logistics / Nicholas A. Glaskowsky, Jr., Donald R. Hudson, Robert M. Ivie. 913. Total materials management : the frontier for maximizing profit in the 1990s / Eugene L. Magad, John M. Amos. 914. Material flow systems in manufacturing / edited by J.M.A. Tanchoco. 915. Handbook of material and capacity requirements planning / Howard W. Oden, Gary A. Langenwalter, Raymond A. Lucier. 916. Jelen's cost and optimization engineering / edited by Kenneth K. Humphreys. 917. Design to cost / Jack V. Michaels, William P. Wood. 918. Continuous improvement in operations : a systematic approach to waste reduction / Alan Robinson, ed. foreword by Norman Bodek. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 155 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 919. Concurrent engineering : contemporary issues and modern design tools / edited by H.R. Parsaei and W.G. Sullivan. 920. Concurrent engineering : contemporary issues and modern design tools / edited by H.R. Parsaei and W.G. Sullivan. 921. Reengineering : leveraging the power of integrated product development / V. Daniel Hunt. 922. Product design review : a method for error-free product development / compiled by Takashi Ichida edited by Edward C. Voigt. 923. Industrial design in engineering : a marriage of techniques / edited by Charles H. Flurscheim. 924. Reliability and life testing handbook / Dimitri Kececioglu. 925. Reliability and life testing handbook / Dimitri Kececioglu. 926. Practical reliability engineering / Patrick D.T. O'Connor. 927. Practical reliability engineering / Patrick D.T. O'Connor. 928. Practical reliability engineering / Patrick D. T. O'Connor, with David Newton, Richard Bromley. 929. Planning for CAD systems / Chris Austin. 930. CE, concurrent engineering : the product development environment for the 1990s / Donald E. Carter, Barbara Stilwell Baker. 931. CE, concurrent engineering : the product development environment for the 1990s / Donald E. Carter, Barbara Stilwell Baker. 932. The automated factory handbook : technology and management / David I. Cleland, Bopaya Bidanda. 933. Quality function deployment : how to make QFD work for you / Lou Cohen. 934. Quality function deployment : how to make QFD work for you / Lou Cohen. 935. Concurrent engineering : automation, tools, and techniques / edited by Andrew Kusiak. 936. Computer control of flexible manufacturing systems : research and development / edited by Sanjay B. Joshi and Jeffrey S. Smith. 937. Computer control of flexible manufacturing systems : research and development / edited by Sanjay B. Joshi and Jeffrey S. Smith. 938. Concurrent engineering : concepts, implementation and practice / edited by Chanan S. Syan and Unny Menon. 939. Knowledge-based systems in manufacturing / edited by Andrew Kusiak. 940. Production & inventory management / Donald W. Fogarty, John H. Blackstone, Thomas R. Hoffmann. 941. Manufacturing information systems : implementation planning / Robert A. Gessner. 942. Concurrent engineering : methodology and applications / edited by Peihua Gu, Andrew Kusiak. 943. Intelligent manufacturing planning / P. Gu and D.H. Norrie. 944. Principles of process planning : a logical approach / Gideon Halevi and Roland D. Weill. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 156 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 945. Principles of process planning : a logical approach / Gideon Halevi and Roland D. Weill. 946. Handbook of expert systems applications in manufacturing : structures and rules / edited by A. Mital and S. Anand. 947. Handbook of expert systems applications in manufacturing : structures and rules / edited by A. Mital and S. Anand. 948. Handbook of expert systems applications in manufacturing : structures and rules / edited by A. Mital and S. Anand. 949. Technician manufacturing technology IV / M. Haslehurst. 950. Concurrent engineering : shortening lead times, raising quality, and lowering costs / John R. Hartley publisher's message by Norman Bodek. 951. Manufacturing systems engineering : a unified approach to manufacturing technology and production management / K. Hitomi. 952. 7th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering : Cookeville, TN, USA, August 13-14, 1991 / edited by V.C. Venkatesh and J.A. McGeough. 953. Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian. 954. Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian. 955. Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian. 956. Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian. 957. Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian. 958. Agile manufacturing : forging new frontiers / Paul T. Kidd. 959. Manufacturing engineering : principles for optimization / Daniel T. Koenig. 960. Manufacturing engineering : principles for optimization / Daniel T. Koenig. 961. Production technology / Stanley A. Komacek. 962. Computer control of manufacturing systems / Yoram Koren. 963. MRP II standard system : a handbook for manufacturing software survival / Darryl V. Landvater and Christopher D. Gray. 964. Manufacturing engineering : economics and processes / Kenneth C. Ludema, Robert M. Caddell, Anthony G. Atkins. 965. MRPII : integrating the business : a practical guide for managers / Martyn Luscombe. 966. MRPII : integrating the business : a practical guide for managers / Martyn Luscombe. 967. MRPII : integrating the business : a practical guide for managers / Martyn Luscombe. 968. Manufacturing excellence : the competitive edge / edited by T. Pfeifer ... [et al.]. 969. Concurrent engineering design : integrating the best practices for process improvement / by Landon C.G. Miller. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 157 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 970. Advances in manufacturing technology VIII : proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Loughborough University of Technology, 5-7 September 1994 / edited by Keith Case and Steven T. Newman. 971. Computer-automated process planning for world-class manufacturing / James Nolen. 972. Queueing theory in manufacturing systems analysis & design / H.T. Papadopoulos, C. Heavey, and J. Browne. 973. Queueing theory in manufacturing systems analysis & design / H.T. Papadopoulos, C. Heavey, and J. Browne. 974. Handbook of MRP II and JIT : strategies for total manufacturing control / John N. Petroff. 975. Concurrent engineering fundamentals / Biren Prasad. 976. Product development and production engineering in manufacturing industries / edited by Claude Foulard. 977. Principles of engineering manufacturing / Stewart C. Black ... [et al.]. 978. Manufacturing planning systems / Bill Scott. 979. Engineering information management systems : beyond CAD/CAM, to concurrent engineering support / John Stark. 980. Engineering information management systems : beyond CAD/CAM, to concurrent engineering support / John Stark. 981. Tool and manufacturing engineers handbook : a reference book for manufacturing engineers, managers, and technicians / Thomas J. Drozda, Charles Wick, editors. 982. Tool and manufacturing engineers handbook : a reference book for manufacturing engineers, managers, and technicians / Thomas J. Drozda, Charles Wick, editors. 983. Tool and manufacturing engineers handbook : a reference book for manufacturing engineers, managers, and technicians / Thomas J. Drozda, Charles Wick, editors. 984. Implementing concurrent project management / Quentin C. Turtle. 985. Implementing concurrent project management / Quentin C. Turtle. 986. Planning for factory automation : a management guide to world-class manufacturing / Peter G. Vanderspek. 987. Better products faster : a practical guide to knowledge-based systems for manufacturers / William H. VerDuin. 988. Manufacturing planning and control systems / Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark. 989. MRP II : making it happen : the implementers' guide to success with manufacturing resource planning / Thomas F. Wallace foreword by Walter E. Goddard. 990. Transformation of science and technology into productive power : proceedings of the XIth International Conference on Production Research, August 18-23, 1991, Hefei, Anhui, China. Supplement / editor, Li Ming. 991. Integrative facilities management / John M. Burnham. 992. Facilities planning / James A. Tompkins ... [et al.]. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 158 Lot No. 批號 M-624 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. Description 物品詳情 Facilities planning / James A. Tompkins ... [et al.]. Facility management technology : lessons from the U.S. and Japan / Eric Teicholz, Takehiko Ikeda. Facilities planning / James A. Tompkins, John A. White. Plant layout and flow improvement / Jay Cedarleaf. Facility layout and location : an analytical approach / Richard L. Francis, Leon F. McGinnis, Jr., John A. White. Facility layout and location : an analytical approach / Richard L. Francis, Leon F. McGinnis, Jr., John A. White. Facility layout and location : an analytical approach / Richard L. Francis, Leon F. McGinnis, Jr., John A. White. Plant layout and material handling / Fred E. Meyers. CAD method for industrial Assembly : concurrent design of products, equipment, and control systems / edited by A. Delchambre. Assembly line design : methodology and applications / We-Min Chow. Computer-aided assembly planning / A. Delchambre. Computer-aided assembly planning / A. Delchambre. Storage and supply of materials : inbound logistics for commerce, industry and public undertakings / David Jessop, Alex Morrison. Storage and supply of materials : inbound logistics for commerce, industry and public undertakings / David Jessop, Alex Morrison. Manufacturing processes / B.H. Amstead, Phillip F. Ostwald, Myron L. Begeman. The Brandon guide to custom processing and packaging services : a comprehensive directory to over 300 custom processing and packaging firms in the U.S. and Canada. Automated fabrication : improving productivity in manufacturing / Marshall Burns. Instrumentation and automation for manufacturing : an overview for manufacturing students, supervisors, and managers / Jack W. Chaplin. Materials and processes in manufacturing / E. Paul DeGarmo, J. Temple Black, Ronald A. Kohser. Materials and processes in manufacturing / E. Paul DeGarmo, J. T. Black, Ronald A. Kohser. Activities manufacturing : a basic text / James F. Fales and Gregg J. Mervich. Manufacturing processes for technology / William O. Fellers, William W. Hunt. Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover. Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover. Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 159 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1018. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. Description 物品詳情 Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing / Mikell P. Groover. Handbook of design, manufacturing, and automation / edited by Richard C. Dorf and Andrew Kusiak. Handbook of design, manufacturing, and automation / edited by Richard C. Dorf and Andrew Kusiak. Manufacturing technology / M. Haslehurst. Manufacturing technology / M. Haslehurst. Manufacturing technology / M. Haslehurst. Manufacturing processes for engineering materials / Serope Kalpakjian. Manufacturing processes for engineering materials / Serope Kalpakjian. Manufacturing : a basic text / James F. Fales ... [et al.]. Manufacturing simulation : a new tool for robotics, FMS, and industrial process design / Richard K. Miller. Manufacturing simulation : a new tool for robotics, FMS, and industrial process design / Richard K. Miller. Introduction to manufacturing processes / John A. Schey. Introduction to manufacturing processes / John A. Schey. Energy-beam processing of materials : advanced manufacturing using various energy sources / Norio Taniguchi with contributions by Masayuki Ikeda, Iwao Miyamoto, Toshiyuki Miyazaki. Simulation in manufacturing / Norman Thomson. Microcomputer applications in manufacturing / A. Galip Ulsoy, Warren R. DeVries. Microcomputer applications in manufacturing / A. Galip Ulsoy, Warren R. DeVries. Empirical production analysis and optimal technological choice for economists : a dynamic programming approach / Judy A. Whitehead. Processes of manufacturing / R. Thomas Wright. Advances in feature based manufacturing / edited by Jami J. Shah, Martti Mantyla, Dana S. Nau. The new manufacturing. Manufacturing systems : theory and practice / George Chryssolouris. Manufacturing systems : theory and practice / George Chryssolouris. Manufacturing systems : theory and practice / George Chryssolouris. Standard handbook of plant engineering / Robert C. Rosaler, editor in chief. Standard handbook of plant engineering / Robert C. Rosaler, editor in chief. Standard handbook of plant engineering / Robert C. Rosaler, editor in chief. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 160 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1045. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1058. 1059. 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1073. 1074. Description 物品詳情 Standard handbook of plant engineering / Robert C. Rosaler, editor in chief. Warehouse distribution and operations handbook / David E. Mulcahy. Warehouse distribution and operations handbook / David E. Mulcahy. Physical testing of rubber / R.P. Brown. Robots and manufacturing automation / C. Ray Asfahl. Robots and manufacturing automation / C. Ray Asfahl. Robots and manufacturing automation / C. Ray Asfahl. Robot applications design manual / Jon Hoshizaki, Emily Bopp. Industrial robotics / Gordon M. Mair. Industrial robotics / Gordon M. Mair. Industrial robot handbook / by Richard K. Miller. Industrial robot handbook / by Richard K. Miller. Theory of automatic robot assembly and programming / Bartholomew O. Nnaji. Planned maintenance for productivity and energy conservation / John W. Criswell. A practical guide to maintenance engineering / C.L. Dunlop. Training for TPM : a manufacturing success story / edited by Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation and Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. Equipment planning for TPM : maintenance prevention design / Fumio Gotoh. Maintenance planning : methods and mathematics / P. Lyonnet English translation by Jack Howlett. Maintenance planning : methods and mathematics / P. Lyonnet English translation by Jack Howlett. Maintenance engineering handbook / Lindley R. Higgins, editor in chief Dale P. Brautigam, associate editor, R. Keith Mobley. Maintenance engineering handbook / Lindley R. Higgins, editor in chief Dale P. Brautigam, associate editor, R. Keith Mobley. Maintenance computerization handbook / by K.L. Petrocelly. Reliability-centered maintenance / Anthony M. Smith. Inspection and training for TPM / Terry Wireman. Total productive maintenance : an American approach / Terry Wireman. Handbook of package engineering / Joseph F. Hanlon. Packaging design : graphics, materials, technology / Steven Sonsino. Butchering, processing and preservation of meat Flavor of meat and meat products / edited by Fereidoon Shahidi. Meat handbook / Albert Levie. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 161 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1075. 1076. 1077. 1078. 1079. 1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. 1100. 1101. Description 物品詳情 Robotics in meat, fish and poultry processing / edited by K. Khodabandehloo. Utilization of microorganisms in meat processing : a handbook for meat plant operators / Jim Bacus. Manual on meat cold store operation and management / by G. Cano-Munoz. The manual of manufacturing meat quality / compiled at the Leatherhead Food RA by P.N. Church and J.M. Wood. The manual of manufacturing meat quality / compiled at the Leatherhead Food RA by P.N. Church and J.M. Wood. Small-scale poultry processing / by D. Silverside, M. Jones. Processed meats / A.M. Pearson and F.W. Tauber. Processed meats / A.M. Pearson and F.W. Tauber. Meat hygiene / J.F. Gracey, D.S. Collins, R.J. Huey. Practical meat inspection / Andrew Wilson. Practical meat inspection / Andrew Wilson. Wilson's practical meat inspection / Andrew Wilson. Wilson's practical meat inspection / Andrew Wilson. The Packaging user's handbook / edited by F.A. Paine. NUMIFORM 89 : numerical methods in industrial forming processes : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Fort Collins, Colorado, 26-30 June 1989 / edited by E.G. Thompson ... [et al.]. Manufacturing processes and materials for engineers / Lawrence E. Doyle. Metal forming handbook / Schuler GmbH. Manufacturing processes : metals / H. C. Kazanas, Lyman Hannah. Handbook of metal forming / editor, Kurt Lange coeditors, Klaus Pohlandt ... [et al.]. Handbook of metal forming / editor, Kurt Lange coeditors, Klaus Pohlandt ... [et al.]. Metalforming design handbook : cost effective design principles / Dayton Rogers Manufacturing Co. Metalforming design handbook : cost effective design principles / Dayton Rogers Manufacturing Co. Metalworking science and engineering / Edward M. Mielnik. Metal forming : mechanics and metallurgy / William F. Hosford and Robert M. Caddell. Metal forming : mechanics and metallurgy / William F. Hosford and Robert M. Caddell. Technology of cereals : an introduction for students of food science and agriculture / N.L. Kent. The chemistry and technology of cereals as food and feed / by Samuel A. Matz. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 162 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1102. 1103. 1104. 1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. 1112. 1113. 1114. 1115. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1119. 1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 1124. 1125. 1126. 1127. Description 物品詳情 Rice science and technology / edited by Wayne E. Marshall, James I. Wadsworth. Metallurgy of welding / J.F. Lancaster. Welding technology today : principles and practices / Craig Stinchcomb. Sheet metal welding code : superseding D9. 1-84. Health and safety in welding and allied processes / edited by Nigel C. Balchin and Harvey R. Castner. McGraw-Hill's certified quality engineer examination guide / Jagdish Vani. Development of quality improvement programme for the mould and die industry : ISO 9000 quality system reference document for the mould and die industry / [Prepared by Hong Kong Productivity Council and Hong Kong Mould and Die Council]. Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Injection molding video program Hot isostatic processing / H.V. Atkinson and B.A. Rickinson. Numerical methods for simulation of industrial metal forming processes : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, November 8-13, 1992 / sponsored by the Computers in Engineering Division and the Applied Mechanics Division, ASME edited by M.J. Saran ... [et al.]. Sheet metal technology / Richard S. Budzik, George Kuprianczyk, George mata. Techniques of pressworking sheet metal : an engineering approach to die design Working sheet metal / by David J. Gingery. 精密金屬衝壓部件技術手册 / 編輯, 呂新榮 ... [等] = Industrial standards handbook for precision sheet metal components / editors, Sun-Wing Lui. 精密金屬衝壓部件技術手册 / 編輯, 呂新榮 ... [等] = Industrial standards handbook for precision sheet metal components / editors, Sun-Wing Lui. Handbook of fabrication processes / O.D. Lascoe. Sheet metal / Leo A. Meyer. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 163 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143. 1144. 1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. Description 物品詳情 Sheet Metal and Stamping Symposium / sponsored by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International) and North American Deep Drawing Research Group (NADDRG). Sheet metal cutting : collected articles and technical papers / edited by A. Nickel. 五金片材深壓延技術手册 = Technical handbook for deep drawing of sheet metal components / 編輯, 李利民 ... [等]. 五金片材深壓延技術手册 = Technical handbook for deep drawing of sheet metal components / 編輯, 李利民 ... [等]. Theory and practice of deep drawing / V.A. Zharkov. Computer aided design guidelines : for developing and transferring metalformed part designs. Computer aided design guidelines : for developing and transferring metalformed part designs. Computer aided design guidelines : for developing and transferring metalformed part designs. Computer aided design guidelines : for developing and transferring metalformed part designs. Pressworking aids for designers and diemakers / by Daniel B. Dallas. Die design handbook / David A. Smith, editor Ramon Bakerjian, staff editor. Leading-edge manufacturing strategies : for themetalforming industry / Presented at Metalform '95, March 12-15, 1995, Chicago, Illinois. Cost estimating for metal stampers and fabricators / by J.E. Nicks edited by A. Boeselager. Die design fundamentals / J.R. Paquin and R.E. Crowley. Die design fundamentals / J.R. Paquin and R.E. Crowley. Die design fundamentals / J.R. Paquin and R.E. Crowley. Progressive dies : principles and practices of design and construction. Progressive dies : principles and practices of design and construction. Progressive dies : principles and practices of design and construction. Sheet metal punching : collected articles and technical papers / edited by A. Boeselager. Fundamentals of pressworking / David Alkire Smith. Fundamentals of pressworking / David Alkire Smith. Fundamentals of pressworking / David Alkire Smith. Quick die change / by David A. Smith. Extrusion casting / by Vladimir M. Plyatskii translated by R. E. Hammond. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 164 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1169. 1170. 1171. 1172. 1173. 1174. 1175. 1176. Description 物品詳情 An introductory guide to valve selection : isolation, check, and diverter valves for the energy, process, oil, and gas industries / E. Smith and B.E. Vivian. Handbook of heat treatment of steels / K.H. Prabhudev. Fabrication methods for precision optics / Hank H. Karow. Surface mount technology with fine pitch components : the manufacturing issues / Hans Danielsson. Surface mount technology with fine pitch components : the manufacturing issues / Hans Danielsson. Surface mount technology with fine pitch components : the manufacturing issues / Hans Danielsson. Handbook of metal treatments and testing / by Robert B. Ross. The art of diamond cutting / by Basil Watermeyer, Sofus S. Michelsen. Manufacturing processes : woods / Gerald D. Cheek consulting editor, H. C. Kazanas. Objects and images : studies in design and advertising / edited by Susann Vihma. Operations strategy : text and cases / David A. Garvin. Just in time / David Hutchins. Operations management : principles and practice / by Anne Tomes and Mike Hayes. CIM handbook : the opportunities for rationalisation opened up by the acquisition and integration of computer automation / edited by M. Mesina, Wilfried J. Bartz, Elmar Wippler translated by Adrian Morris for M.J. Shields. CAD/CAM/CAE systems : justification, implementation, productivity measurement / Mark E. Coticchia, George W. Crawford, Edward J. Preston. CAD/CAM/CAE systems : justification, implementation, productivity measurement / Mark E. Coticchia, George W. Crawford, Edward J. Preston. Fundamentals of computer-integrated manufacturing / Arthur L. Foston, Carolena L. Smith, Tony Au. Fundamentals of computer-integrated manufacturing / Arthur L. Foston, Carolena L. Smith, Tony Au. Fundamentals of computer-integrated manufacturing / Arthur L. Foston, Carolena L. Smith, Tony Au. Flexible manufacturing cells and systems / William W. Luggen. Flexible manufacturing cells and systems / William W. Luggen. Flexible manufacturing systems : the technology and management / Reza A. Maleki. Flexible manufacturing systems : the technology and management / Reza A. Maleki. Flexible manufacturing systems : the technology and management / Reza A. Maleki. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 165 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. 1196. 1197. 1198. 1199. 1200. 1201. Description 物品詳情 CIM interfaces : concepts, standards and problems of interfaces in computer integrated manufacturing / B. Scholz-Reiter translated by Christoph Trring technical advice by Eoin Molloy. CIM interfaces : concepts, standards and problems of interfaces in computer integrated manufacturing / B. Scholz-Reiter translated by Christoph Trring technical advice by Eoin Molloy. CIM interfaces : concepts, standards and problems of interfaces in computer integrated manufacturing / B. Scholz-Reiter translated by Christoph Trring technical advice by Eoin Molloy. Computer graphics for CAD/CAM systems / Jack E. Zecher. CAD/CAM theory and practice / Ibrahim Zeid. A practical guide to statistical quality improvement : opening up the statistical toolbox / Michael R. Beauregard, Raymond J. Mikulak, Barbara A. Olson. Quality costing / Barrie G. Dale and James J. Plunkett. Quality costing / Barrie G. Dale and James J. Plunkett. Quality control, reliability, and engineering design / Balbir S. Dhillon. Quality control and industrial statistics / Acheson J. Duncan. Quality control and industrial statistics / Acheson J. Duncan. Implementing quality through BS5750 (ISO9000) / Peter Jackson and David Ashton. Process management : methods for improving products and service / Eugene H. Melan. Process management : methods for improving products and service / Eugene H. Melan. Process management : methods for improving products and service / Eugene H. Melan. Total quality : an executive's guide for the 1990s / the Ernst & Young Quality Improvement Consulting Group. Total quality : an executive's guide for the 1990s / the Ernst & Young Quality Improvement Consulting Group. Managing the metrology system : an important element of total quality management / C. Robert Pennella. Flow measurement / Bela G. Liptak, editor-in-chief. The just-in-time breakthrough : implementing the new manufacturing basics / Edward J. Hay. Principles of inventory and materials management / Richard J. Tersine. Materials management handbook / T.H. Allegri. Artificial intelligence applications in manufacturing / A. (Fazel) Famili, Dana S. Nau & Steven H. Kim, editors. Expert systems applications in engineering and manufacturing / Adedeji B. Badiru. Expert systems in manufacturing / Dimitris N. Chorafas with forewords by Steven R. Belmont and Toshiro Terano. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 166 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1202. 1203. 1204. 1205. 1206. 1207. 1208. 1209. 1210. 1211. 1212. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1216. 1217. 1218. 1219. 1220. 1221. 1222. 1223. 1224. 1225. 1226. 1227. Description 物品詳情 The Competitive edge : research priorities for U.S. manufacturing / Committee on Analysis of Research Directions and Needs in U.S. Manufacturing [and] Manufacturing Studies Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council. Manufacturing systems engineering / Stanley B. Gershwin. Handbook of expert systems in manufacturing / Rex Maus, Jessica Keyes, editors. Intelligent design and manufacturing / edited by Andrew Kusiak. Intelligent design and manufacturing / edited by Andrew Kusiak. Intelligent manufacturing systems / Andrew Kusiak. Moving a design into production / AT&T. Integrated process design and development / Dan L. Shunk. Manufacturing systems design and analysis / B. Wu. Manufacturing facilities : location, planning, and design / D.R. Sule. Manufacturing facilities : location, planning, and design / D.R. Sule. Assembly automation and product design / Geoffrey Boothroyd. Progress in material handling and logistics / Material Handling Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology [editors, John A. White, Ira W. Pence]. Progress in material handling and logistics / Material Handling Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology [editors, John A. White, Ira W. Pence]. Progress in material handling and logistics / Material Handling Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology [editors, John A. White, Ira W. Pence]. Manufacturing engineering processes / Leo Alting English version edited by Geoffrey Boothroyd. Modern manufacturing processes / James Brown. Laser applications for mechanical industry / edited by S. Martellucci, A.N. Chester, A.M. Scheggi. Processes and materials of manufacture / Roy A. Lindberg. Processes and materials of manufacture / Roy A. Lindberg. Manufacturing processes / Arthur D. Roberts, Samuel C. Lapidge. Thermomechanical aspects of manufacturing and materials processing / edited by R.K. Shah ... [et al.]. Fundamental principles of manufacturing processes / by Robert H. Todd and Dell K. Allen, and Leo Alting. Dynamic factory automation : creating flexible systems for competitive manufacturing / Alastair Ross. TPM for workshop leaders / Kunio Shirose publisher's message by Norman Bodek. TPM implementation : a Japanese approach / Masaji Tajiri, Fumio Gotoh. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 167 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1228. 1229. 1230. 1231. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1236. 1237. 1238. 1239. 1240. 1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1246. 1247. 1248. 1249. 1250. 1251. 1252. 1253. 1254. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. 1260. 1261. 1262. 1263. 1264. 1265. 1266. Description 物品詳情 Laser heating of metals / A.M. Prokhorov ... [et al.]. Finite-element plasticity and metalforming analysis / G.W. Rowe [et al.]. The science and practice of welding / A.C. Davies. The science and practice of welding / A.C. Davies. Design and technology / Colin Caborn, Ian Mould and John Cave. Basic woodworking techniques : 18 joinery projects to sharpen your hand and power tool skills / Dick Burrows. Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 168 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1275. 1276. 1277. 1278. 1279. 1280. 1281. 1282. 1283. 1284. 1285. 1286. 1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1305. 1306. Description 物品詳情 Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 169 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324. 1325. 1326. 1327. 1328. 1329. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1335. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1340. Description 物品詳情 Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Basic soldering for electronics Soldering in electronics assembly / Mike Judd and Keith Brindley. The complete book of soft furnishings : upholstery, curtains & blinds, cushions & covers / Dorothy Gates, Eileen Kittier, Sue Locke. Solders and soldering : materials, design, production, and analysis for reliable bonding / Howard H. Manko. Encyclopedia of associations. 地圖王 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong map. 地圖王 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong map. 2001 香港全境多功能街道圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong city guide / [編繪 : 萬里編圖組 編輯 : 林叢] 2001 香港全境多功能街道圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong city guide / [編繪 : 萬里編圖組 編輯 : 林叢] 2002 香港全境多功能街道圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong city guide / [編繪, 萬里編圖組 編輯, 林叢]. 2002 香港全境多功能街道圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong city guide / [編繪, 萬里編圖組 編輯, 林叢]. 香港街道地方指南 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong guidebook. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 170 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1341. 1342. 1343. 1344. 1345. 1346. 1347. 1348. 1349. 1350. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1354. 1355. 1356. 1357. 1358. 1359. 1360. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. 1365. 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. Description 物品詳情 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. 香港街道大廈詳圖 [cartographic material] = Hong Kong directory. The CD-ROM directory ... with multimedia CDs. The CD-ROM directory ... with multimedia CDs. Directory of Hong Kong industries. Dun's guides : registry of Hong Kong traders. Working holidays 1993 / compiled and edited by the Print, Marketing & IT Unit, Central Bureau for Educational Visits & Exchanges. Cassell careers encyclopedia / [edited by] Audrey Segal, Katherine Lea. Who knows what : the essential business resource book / Daniel Starer. Who knows what : the essential business resource book / Daniel Starer. The marketing dictionary / Norman A. Hart, John Stapleton. Purchasing and supply management. Purchasing and supply management. Purchasing and supply management. Purchasing and supply management. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 171 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1371. 1372. 1373. 1374. 1375. 1376. 1377. 1378. 1379. 1380. 1381. 1382. 1383. 1384. 1385. 1386. 1387. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1392. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1396. 1397. 1398. Description 物品詳情 Salesplanner, 50 forms for systematic sales management / Marketing Improvements Ltd. 英漢會計詞匯 = Glossary of accounting terms. The Hong Kong securities industry / edited by Leslie S.F. Young & Raymond C.P. Chiang. Dictionary of finance and investment terms / John Downes, Jordan Elliot Goodman. Encyclopedia of banking & finance / [edited by] Glenn G. Munn, F.L. Garcia, Charles J. Woelfel. Dictionary of banking / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of banking / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of banking / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of investing / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of investing / Jerry M. Rosenberg. The encyclopedia of technical market indicators / Robert W. Colby and Thomas A. Meyers. The Irwin investor's handbook. Directory of social services = [She hui fu li fu wu tsung lan] / compiled by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Directory of social services = [She hui fu li fu wu tsung lan] / compiled by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The International directory of government. The International directory of government. 英、法、漢國際法辭典 = English French Chinese dictionary of international law / 金光明 , 李啓鵬合編 The English-Chinese glossary of legal terms = 英漢法律詞彙. China's top 200. China's top 200. Kemp & Kemp the quantum of damages in personal injury and fatal accident claims / by David A. McI. Kemp Scottish editor, Malcolm G. Thomson assistant editors, Thomas H. Keith ... [et al.]. Kemp & Kemp the quantum of damages in personal injury and fatal accident claims / by David A. McI. Kemp Scottish editor, Malcolm G. Thomson assistant editors, Thomas H. Keith ... [et al.]. Kemp & Kemp the quantum of damages in personal injury and fatal accident claims / by David A. McI. Kemp Scottish editor, Malcolm G. Thomson assistant editors, Thomas H. Keith ... [et al.]. Regulated chemicals directory / compiled by ChemADVISOR, Inc. The Ernst & Young tax guide / by Ernst & Young. Eurodirectory : a guide to public and private sector contacts in the European Community / edited by Jack Butler compiler Ian Tait. A guide to pollution control legislation affecting manufacturing industries = 影響製造業的污染管制法例指南. The gender gap in higher education / edited by Suzanne Stiver Lie, Lynda Malik and Duncan Harris. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 172 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406. 1407. 1408. 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1419. 1420. 1421. 1422. 1423. 1424. 1425. 1426. 1427. 1428. 1429. Description 物品詳情 Accredited institutions of postsecondary education, programs, candidates. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. National faculty directory / data compiled by CMG Information Services. British education guide = 英國敎育及留學指南. Degree course guides. Degree course offers / by Brian Heap. Degree course offers / by Brian Heap. Degree course offers / by Brian Heap. Degree course offers / by Brian Heap. Degree course offers / by Brian Heap. Directory of higher education. Education guide : directory of members of the Education Counselling Service / The British Council. Education year book. Graduate studies. Which degree. Which degree. Which degree. Which degree. Which university ... : universities, colleges / [compiled by] Tony Allan. Japanese colleges and universities. American universities and colleges. American universities and colleges. American universities and colleges. The Careers counsellor's job book and further and higher education guide / Careers Research and Advisory Centre. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 173 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1430. 1431. 1432. 1433. 1434. 1435. 1436. 1437. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443. 1444. 1445. 1446. 1447. 1448. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453. 1454. 1455. 1456. 1457. 1458. 1459. 1460. Description 物品詳情 AV market place. Media review digest. Multimedia and videodisc compendium : for education and training. Goldmine : finding free and low-cost resources for teaching / compiler, David Brown. Directory of highter education institutions in the European Community = Repertoire des etablissements d'enseignement superieur dans la Communante Europeenne / prepared for the Commission of the European Communities by Erasmus Burean. 美國 229 國家級大學指南 = America's top 229 universities / 夏里巴 著. Educational rankings annual. Educational rankings annual. Educational rankings annual. Free money for college / Laurie Blum. Free money for foreign study : a guide to more than 1,000 grants and scholarships for study abroad / Laurie Blum. The Grants register. Awards for postgraduate study at Commonwealth universities. Awards for postgraduate study at Commonwealth universities. Awards for postgraduate study at Commonwealth universities. The College handbook. University entrance : the official guide. Academic programmes guide = 在港修讀海外課程指南 / [edited by] Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation. How to choose your degree course : a survey of degree courses in British Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges 1990-1991 / by Brian Heap. International guide to qualifications in education / the British Council, National Academic Recognition Information Centre. Directory of further education. Directory of further education. An A-Z of careers and jobs / edited by Diane Burston. Internships : a directory for career-finders / Sara D. Gilbert. Internships : a directory for career-finders / Sara D. Gilbert. National anthems of the world / edited by W.L. Reed and M.J. Bristow. Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics / Jack C. Richards, John Platt, Heidi Platt. Introducing Phonetics / Peter Roach. Introducing Phonetics / Peter Roach. The Cambridge encyclopedia of language / David Crystal. Introducing linguistics / David Crystal. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 174 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1461. 1462. 1463. 1464. 1465. 1466. 1467. 1468. 1469. 1470. 1471. 1472. 1473. 1474. 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1486. 1487. 1488. Description 物品詳情 Introducing linguistics / David Crystal. Introducing linguistics / David Crystal. Introducing linguistics / David Crystal. Introducing language and mind / Jean Aitchison. The encyclopedia of television, cable, and video / by Robert M. and Maxine K. Reed. The encyclopedia of television, cable, and video / by Robert M. and Maxine K. Reed. Communication skills / Wendy Carter. Communication skills / Wendy Carter. The Concise Oxford dictionary of quotations / edited by Elizabeth Knowles. Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature / John Bartlett Justin Kaplan, general editor. The Oxford dictionary of humorous quotations / edited by Ned Sherrin. Cassell dictionary of cynical quotations / [compiled by] Jonathon Green. The Oxford companion to English literature / edited by Margaret Drabble. Public & private science : the King George III collection / Alan Q. Morton & Jane A. Wess. Scientific and technical organizations and agencies directory. Scientific and technical organizations and agencies directory. Directory of accredited laboratories in Hong Kong. Directory of accredited laboratories in Hong Kong. Directory of accredited laboratories in Hong Kong. Elementary statistics tables / Henry R. Neave. Elementary statistics tables / Henry R. Neave. Systems development management. IEEE standard glossary of software engineering terminology / sponsor, Software Coordinating Committee of the Computer Society of the IEEE. IEEE standard glossary of software engineering terminology / sponsor, Software Coordinating Committee of the Computer Society of the IEEE. 電腦辭典 / 李牧華編著 Monitor 解讀小百科 : 螢幕, 環境, 電磁場, 術語. Dictionary of information technology / Dennis Longley and Michael Shain. 朗文 - 清華英漢電腦詞彙 (Lang wen ching hua ying han tien nao tzu hui) = Longman - Tsinghua English-Chinese dictionary of computer terms / 審訂, 謝清俊. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 175 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1489. 1490. 1491. 1492. 1493. 1494. 1495. 1496. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1500. 1501. 1502. 1503. 1504. 1505. 1506. 1507. 1508. 1509. 1510. 1511. 1512. Description 物品詳情 朗文 - 清華英漢電腦詞彙 (Lang wen ching hua ying han tien nao tzu hui) = Longman - Tsinghua English-Chinese dictionary of computer terms / 審訂, 謝清俊. 朗文 - 清華英漢電腦詞彙 (Lang wen ching hua ying han tien nao tzu hui) = Longman - Tsinghua English-Chinese dictionary of computer terms / 審訂, 謝清俊. Macmillan encyclopedia of computers / Gary G. Bitter, editor in chief. Macmillan encyclopedia of computers / Gary G. Bitter, editor in chief. Macmillan encyclopedia of computers / Gary G. Bitter, editor in chief. Macmillan encyclopedia of computers / Gary G. Bitter, editor in chief. Breaking through technical jargon : a dictionary of computer and automation acronyms / Mark S. Merkow. Microsoft Press computer dictionary. Prentice Hall's illustrated dictionary of computing / J. Nader. Que's computer user's dictionary / by Bryan Pfaffenberger revised by Judy Petersen. Que's computer user's dictionary / by Bryan Pfaffenberger revised by Judy Petersen. Business dictionary of computers / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Business dictionary of computers / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of computers, information processing, and telecommunications / Jerry M. Rosenberg. McGraw-Hill dictionary of information technology and computer acronyms, initials, and abbreviations / Jerry M. Rosenberg. Dictionary of computing Dictionary of computing The computer and information science and technology abbreviations and acronyms dictionary / David W. South. The computer and information science and technology abbreviations and acronyms dictionary / David W. South. The large print computer dictionary / Donald D. Spencer. Acronyms and abbreviations of computer technology and telecommunications / compiled by David Tavaglione. Acronyms and abbreviations of computer technology and telecommunications / compiled by David Tavaglione. 最新計算機雙解詞典 / Dan Gookin, Wally Wang, Chris Van Buren 著 陸震綸 ... [等]譯. Webster's new world dictionary of computer terms / compiled by Donald Spencer. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 176 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522. 1523. 1524. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1531. 1532. 1533. 1534. 1535. 1536. Description 物品詳情 Dictionary of data processing : including applications in industry, administration, and business = Worterbuch der Datenverarbeitung : mit Anwendungsgebieten in Industrie, Verwaltung, und Wirtschaft = Dictionnaire du traitement des donnees : et de son application dans l'industrie, l'administration, et l'economie / by Alfred Wittmann and Joel Klos. Computer professional's dictionary / Allen L. Wyatt. Computerised reservations system words & phrases / by graeme Robert. The Penguin dictionary of information technology and computer science / Tony Gunton. The multimedia and cd-rom directory. The multimedia and cd-rom directory. Workgroup computing series. Desktop applications. Workgroup computing series. Information delivery / Datapro. Workgroup computing series. Multimedia solutions / Datapro. Workgroup computing series. Peripherals. Workgroup computing series. Systems. Workgroup computing series. Systems software (OS/NOS/GUI). The software encyclopedia. The software encyclopedia. Concise encyclopedia of software engineering / editors, Derrick Morris, Boris Tamm. Encyclopedia of software engineering / John J. Marciniak, editor-in-chief. Encyclopedia of software engineering / John J. Marciniak, editor-in-chief. Software engineering. Software engineer's reference book / edited by John A. McDermid. Workgroup computing series. Development tools. IEEE standard for Microprocessor Operating System Interfaces (MOSI) / sponsor, Technical Committee on Microcomputers and Microprocessors [i.e. Microprocessors and Microcomputers] of the IEEE Computer Society. IEEE standard for Microprocessor Operating System Interfaces (MOSI) / sponsor, Technical Committee on Microcomputers and Microprocessors [i.e. Microprocessors and Microcomputers] of the IEEE Computer Society. IEEE standard for Microprocessor Operating System Interfaces (MOSI) / sponsor, Technical Committee on Microcomputers and Microprocessors [i.e. Microprocessors and Microcomputers] of the IEEE Computer Society. IEEE trial-use standard for computing system tool interconnections/ sponsor, Standards Coordinating Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 177 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1537. 1538. 1539. 1540. 1541. 1542. 1543. 1544. 1545. 1546. 1547. 1548. 1549. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553. 1554. 1555. 1556. 1557. 1558. 1559. Description 物品詳情 IEEE trial-use standard for computing system tool interconnections/ sponsor, Standards Coordinating Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. UNIX system V commands : programmers' rapid reference / Baird Peterson. UNIX System V libraries : programmer's rapid reference / Baird Peterson. The UNIX and X command compendium : a dictionary for high level computing / Alan Southerton, Edwin C. Perkins. The UNIX and X command compendium : a dictionary for high level computing / Alan Southerton, Edwin C. Perkins. The UNIX and X command compendium : a dictionary for high level computing / Alan Southerton, Edwin C. Perkins. IEEE standard for a software quality metrics methodology / sponsor, Software Engineering Standards Subcommittee of the Technical Committee on Software Engineering of the IEEE Computer Society. IEEE standard for a software quality metrics methodology / sponsor, Software Engineering Standards Subcommittee of the Technical Committee on Software Engineering of the IEEE Computer Society. Workgroup computing series. Distributed databases. The Encyclopedia of physics / edited by Robert M. Besancon. 中國大百科全書 : 物理學 II Manual for pharmacy technicians. Bailliere's comprehensive veterinary dictionary / D.C. Blood & Virginia P. Studdert anatomical tables by John Grandage consultants John H. Arundel ... [et al.]. Bailliere's comprehensive veterinary dictionary / D.C. Blood & Virginia P. Studdert anatomical tables by John Grandage consultants John H. Arundel ... [et al.]. The McGraw-Hill recycling handbook / Herbert F. Lund, editor in chief. The McGraw-Hill recycling handbook / Herbert F. Lund, editor in chief. Transportation noise reference book / edited by P.M. Nelson. 125th anniversary of the Hong Kong Fire Services, 1868-1993 = 香港消防處一百二十五周年紀念 / [Hong Kong Fire Services]. Machinery's handbook / by Erik Oberg, Franklin D. Jones, Holbrook L. Horton and Henry H. Ruffel Robert E. Green, editor. Machinery's handbook / by Erik Oberg, Franklin D. Jones, Holbrook L. Horton and Henry H. Ruffel Robert E. Green, editor. Mechanical engineers's handbook Mechanical engineers's handbook Mechanical engineer's handbook / edited by Myer Kutz. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 178 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563. 1564. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1568. 1569. 1570. 1571. 1572. 1573. 1574. 1575. 1576. 1577. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1581. 1582. 1583. 1584. Description 物品詳情 Marks' standard handbook for mechanical engineers / revised by a staff of specialists editors, Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister. Marks' standard handbook for mechanical engineers / revised by a staff of specialists editors, Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister. Marks' standard handbook for mechanical engineers / revised by a staff of specialists editors, Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister. Dudley's gear handbook. Encyclopedic dictionary of gears and gearing / David W. South, Richard H. Ewert. 日英中電腦名詞辭典 / 徐尤青, 張劍青, 苗永興, 石啓耀合編 英日漢微電腦辭典 = English Japanese Chinese dictionary of microcomputer / 李肖平 , 劉白仁編著 Concise international encyclopedia of robotics : applications and automation / Richard C. Dorf, editor-in-chief Shimon Y. Nof, consulting editor. Essential circuits reference guide / John Markus, Charles Weston. Desktop encyclopedia of telecommunications / Nathan J. Muller. Data communications & networking dictionary / T.D. Pardoe and R.P. Wenig. Wide area communications / Datapro. Managing LANs. Managing LANs. LAN times : encyclopedia of networking / Tom Sheldon. Data communications gigabit Ethernet handbook / Stephen Saunders. The Internet yellow pages / Harley Hahn and Rick Stout. The Internet yellow pages / Harley Hahn and Rick Stout. Internet : mailing lists / edited by Edward T.L. Hardie, Vivian Neou. Reference data for engineers : radio, electronics, computer, and communications. McGraw-Hill dictionary of electronics and computer technology / Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief. McGraw-Hill dictionary of electronics and computer technology / Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief. Encyclopedia of electronic circuits / Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets. Encyclopedia of electronic circuits / Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets. Encyclopedia of electronic circuits / Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 179 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1585. 1586. 1587. 1588. 1589. 1590. 1591. 1592. 1593. 1594. 1595. 1596. 1597. 1598. 1599. 1600. 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. 1605. 1606. 1607. 1608. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. Description 物品詳情 Encyclopedia of electronic circuits / Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets. Encyclopedia of electronic circuits / Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets. McGraw-Hill circuit encyclopedia and troubleshooting guide / John D. Lenk. The handbook for microcomputer technicians / Peter N. Bernstock. Integrated circuits. Memory. Integrated circuits. Memory. Integrated circuits. Memory. Integrated circuits. Microprocessors. Microprocessors. Microprocessors. Microprocessors. Smart Cards : bibliography and information pack / Chris Jaisingh and Paula Fountain. McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of electronics and computers / Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief. McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of electronics and computers / Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief. Booklist's guide to the year's best books : definitive reviews of over 1,000 fiction & nonfiction titles in all fields / edited by Bill Ott. American reference books annual. American reference books annual. American reference books annual. American reference books annual. American reference books annual. CD-ROM superguide / Mike Langberg. Blueprint electronic publishing glossary / Michael Card, Tony Feldman. Facts & figures / Commentary by Julie Schwerin edited & published by TFPL Publishing. Average prices of British academic books. Average prices of USA academic books. Cassell & the Publishers Association directory of publishing. United Kingdom, Commonwealth and overseas. Cassell & the Publishers Association directory of publishing. United Kingdom, Commonwealth and overseas. The guide to book publishers 1999 : the complete guide to book publishers in the UK & Ireland. Words on cassette. The Directory of business studies resources Information industry directory. Information industry directory. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 180 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1617. 1618. 1619. 1620. 1621. 1622. 1623. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. Description 物品詳情 Information industry directory. Modem USA : low cost and free online sources for information, databases, and electronic bulletin boards via personal computer and modem in 50 states and Washington, DC / Lynne Motley. Current serials received / British Library Lending Division. Current serials received / British Library Lending Division. Current serials received / British Library Lending Division. Current serials received / British Library Lending Division. China media directory. Harvard Business School core collection : an author, title, and subject guide. The Bowker annual : library and book trade almanac / editor, Catherine Barr, Dave Bogart. The Bowker annual : library and book trade almanac / editor, Catherine Barr, Dave Bogart. The Bowker annual : library and book trade almanac / editor, Catherine Barr, Dave Bogart. Directory of library and information organizations in the United Kingdom / compiled by Peter Dale. Library and information services in Hong Kong / compiled and edited by Kan Lai-bing, Angela S.W. Yan, Grace H.L. Chu. 中學學位分配辦法正式調查報告. 一九九五年七月至一九九八年六月報告 / 中國香港大學敎育資 助委員會 =Report for July 1995 to June 1998 /University Grants Committee of Hong Kong, China. 香港特別行政區根據消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約第 18 條提 交的第一次報告 = Initial report on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Manpower survey report on the mass media = 大眾傳播業 ... 人力 調查報告 / by the Journalism Training Board of the Vocational Training Council. Fodor's Euro Disney. Fodor's93 Japan / [editor, Paula Consolo] Fodor's93 Montreal & Quebec City. Fodor's93 The South / [editor, Andrew Collins]. Fodor's 93 Disney World & the Orlando area / [editor: Alison Hoffman] The Philippines / Evelyn Peplow photography by Alain Evrard. Birnbaum's South America. Karakoram Highway, the high road to China, a travel survival kit / John King. A guide to the palace hotels of India / Cheryl Bentley. Shanghai / Lynn Pan, May Holdsworth and Jill Hunt. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 181 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1653. 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1666. 1667. 1668. 1669. 1670. Description 物品詳情 South Africa, Lesotho & Swaziland, a travel survival kit / Richard Everist, Jon Murray. Maldives & islands of the East Indian Ocean / Mark Balla, Bob Willox. Pakistan : a travel survial kit / John King, David St. Vincent. Pakistan : a travel survial kit / John King, David St. Vincent. Poland, a travel survival kit / Krzysztof Dydynski. Myanmar (Burma), a travel survival kit / Joe Cummings, Tony Wheeler. Seoul : city guide / Chris Taylor. Melbourne city guide / [by] Mark Armstrong. Rarotonga & the Cook Islands : a travel survival kit / Tony Wheeler, Nancy Keller. Micronesia : a travel survival kit / Glenda Bendure, Ned Friary. Morocco, Algeria & Tunisia : a travel survival kit / Geoff Crowther, Hugh Finlay. West Africa: a travel survival kit / Alex Newton. Zimbabwe, Botswana & Namibia / [Deanna Swaney, Myra Shackley]. New Zealand : a travel survival kit / Tony Wheeler, Nancy Keller, Jeff Williams. La ruta maya : Yucatan, Guatemala & Belize : a travel survival kit / Tom Brosnahan. South America on a shoestring / Wayne Bernhardson ... [et al.] Manila / photographs by George C. Tapan, Emil V. Davocol text by Elizabeth V. Reyes. Sydney : city guide / Barbara Whiter. Vietnam / created and directed Hans Hofer edited by Helen West photography by Tim Page and others editorial director: Geoffrey Eu. Singapore / created and directed by Hans Hofer. South Africa / edited by Johannes Haape editorial director, Brian Bell created and directed by Hans Hofer. New Zealand / edited by Gordon McLauchlan photographed by Max Lawrence created and directed by Hans Johannes Hofer updated by Annette Seear. Taiwan / written by Daniel P. Reid edited by Paul Zach updated by Russ McClay. Moscow / Project editor, William Klein. Portugal / edited by Alison Friesinger Hill created and directed by Hans Johannes Hoefer photography by Tony Aruzza. South America / directed and designed by Hans Hofer edited and produced by Tony Perrottet principal photography by Eduardo Gil. Southeast Asia / created and directed by Hans Hofer edited by Joseph R. Yogerst editorial director, Geoffrey Eu. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 182 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1691. 1692. 1693. 1694. 1695. 1696. 1697. 1698. 1699. 1700. 1701. 1702. Description 物品詳情 Europe by train / Katie Wood and George McDonald. Peru : a travel survival kit / Rob Rachowiecki. Solomon Islands : a travel survival kit / David Harcombe. Culture shock! Philippines / Alfredo and Grace Roces. Sri Lanka : a travel survival kit / John Noble, Susan Forsyth, Tony Wheeler. Hawaii / text by Arnold Schuchter. India / text by Hugh & Coller Gantzor ... [et al.]. Western Himalaya / edited by Manjulika Dubey and Toby Sinclair photography by R.K. Gaur, Toby Sinclair, Joanna van Gruisen and others executive director : Bikram Grewal editorial director Geoffrey Eu created and directed by Hans Hofer. Denmark / edited by Doreen Taylor-Wilkie editorial director, Brian Bell created and directed by Hans Hofer. The Caribbean Islands : endless geographical diversity / by Thomas D. Boswell and Dennis Conway. 加拿大 / 主編 : 黃仲正 譯者 : 吳寶珊 ... [等] Argentina / Ethel Caro Gofen. Iran / Vijeya Rajendra and Gisela Kaplan. Mexico / Mary Jo Reilly. Mongolia : a travel survival kit / Robert Storey. Vanuatu : a travel survival kit / David Harcombe. A traveller's companion to Central Asia / Kathleen Hopkirk. 西班牙 / 主編 : 黃仲正 譯者 : 余欲弟, 王同禹. 夏威夷 / 主編, 黃仲正 譯者, 蔡雪玲 [等] 英國 / 主編, 黃仲正 譯者, 朱孟勳 澳洲 / 主編, 黃仲正 譯者, 傅成馨 [等] Scandinavia : Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland / Jules Brown and Mick Sinclair. Fiji : a travel survival kit / Rob Kay. Costa Rica : a travel survival kit / Rob Rachowiecki. Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles : a travel survival kit / Robert Strauss, Deanna Swaney. Egypt & the Sudan : a travel survival kit / Scott Wayne, Damien Simonis. Central Africa : a travel survival kit / Alex Newton. Insight guides: Philippines. Insight guides: Australia / edited by David McGonigal and John Borthwick. Bangkok : city guide / Joe Cummings. Insight guides : Hawaii / produced and edited by Leonard Lueras. Insight guides : East Asia. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 183 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1703. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1729. 1730. Description 物品詳情 Hungary / Written and researched by Dan Richardson and Charles Hebbert, with additional contributions by Jill Denton, Simon Broughton and Dan Landin. Hawaii / photography by Frank Salmoiraghi, text by Jocelyn Fujii, edited and designed by Leonard Lueras. Discover Germany / Jack Altman. Discover Spain / Ken Bernstein and Paul Murphy. Kathmandu / photographs by Dominie Sansoni, text by Jim Goodman, designed by Leonard Lueras. Hong Kong and Macau / written and researched by Jules Brown and Helen Lee, with additional contributions by Michael Mackey and Mark Harris. Cyprus : the rough guide / researched and written by Marc Dubin. Kenya Poland / Written and researched by Mark Salter and Gordon Mclachlan. St. Petersburg / written and researched by Rob Humphreys and Dan Richardson. Venice / Alta Macadam. South west France : aquitaine Dordogne to the Pyrenees / Francis Woodman. Virago women's guide to New York / Josie Barnard. India / Radhika Srinivasan. Culture shock! India / Gitanjali Kolanad. Venezuela / edited by Tony Perrottet principal photography by Eduardo Gil managing editor, Andrew Eames created and directed by Hans Hofer. Czech & Slovak republics / edited by Alfred Horn. Vancouver / created and directed by Hans Hofer edited by John Wilcock photography by Stuart Dee managing editor, Martha Ellen Zenfell editorial director, Brian Bell. Fodor's Budapest. New Zealand handbook / Jane King. Beijingwalks / Don J. Cohn and Zhang Jingqing. Victoria : Australia guide / Mark Armstrong. The Baltic States / edited by Roger Williams. Southeast Asia wildlife. Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay : a travel survival kit / Wayne Bernhardson, Maria Massolo. Maverick guide to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia / Len Rutledge. Brazil : a travel survival kit / Andrew Draffen, Robert Strauss, Deanna Swaney. Country houses of England / Geoffrey Tyack and Steven Brindle, atlas and plans by John Flower. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 184 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735. 1736. 1737. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. Description 物品詳情 Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : the Carolinas & Georgia / by Dale Northrup. The Unofficial guide to Atlanta / Fred Brown, Bob Sehlinger with Terrell Vermont and Richard Gincel. Frommer's New York State : comprehensive travel guide / by Darwin Porter. People to people : Lithuania /Latvia /Estonia / edited by Jim Haynes. Fodor's Korea. Fodor's South-East Asia. The Berlitz travellers guide to the Caribbean / Alan Tucker (ed.) Athens and the Classical sites / Sevan Nisanyan. Venice / Sheila Hale. New York / by Rena Bulkin. Singapore & Bangkok / Fred S. Armentrout. Discover Florida / Eric and Ruth Bailey. Discover California / Pam Cary. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. New York State. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : Orlando. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Honolulu & Oahu. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Florida. Finland : a travel survival kit / Markus Lehtipuu, Virpi Makela. San Francisco / written and presented by Ann cherian. Brussels / written and presented by George McDonald. Boston and New England / Herbert Bailey Livesey. Central America : a Lonely Planet shoestring guide / Tom Brosnahan ... [et al.]. East Africa : a travel survival kit / Geoff Crowther, Hugh Finlay. Chile & Easter Island : a travel survival kit / Wayne Bernhardson. Megalopolis : Washington, D.C., to Boston / by John R. Borchert. Morocco / Jane Holliday Guide to Southern African Safari Lodges : private lodges, rest camps, bush camps, country hotels / Peter Joyce. Colombia : a travel survival kit / Krzysztof Dydynski. New Caledonia : a travel survial kit / Laurie Fullerton, Leanne Logan, Geert Cole. Banladesh : a travel survival kit / Jon Murray. Kenya : a travel survival kit / Hugh Finlay, Geoff Crowther. Alaska : a travel survival kit / Jim DuFresne. Rome and environs / Alta Macadam atlas, maps and plans by John Flower. Yangtze! Yangtze! / Dai Qing, translated by Nancy Liu ... [et al.], edited by Patricia Adams and John Thibodeau. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 185 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. Description 物品詳情 I love Boston guide / Marilyn J. Appleberg illustrations by Albert Pfeiffer. I love Los Angeles guide / edited by Marilyn J. Appleberg text by Yvette Lodge and Francis Morgan illustrations by Albert Pfeiffer. 菲律賓 / [周永傑] The Vietnam guidebook with Angkor Wat / Barbara Cohen foreword by Fredric M. Kaplan. Australia's major cities / Tony Duboudin and Brian Courtis. North African handbook : with Andalucia-Moorish Southern Spain / editors, Anne and Keith McLachlan. Japan. The Unofficial guide to Las Vegas. Frommer's budget travel guide. Europe ... on $ ... a day. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Germany. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. France. 澳洲, 紐西蘭 / 霍瑞姿, 程小寧 合著. Exploring the islands of Indonesia : travelers' experiences off the beaten path / Annabel Sutton. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Japan. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Vancouver & Victoria. Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur / Louise Nicholson photographs by Steve Vidler original illustrations by Mohan Lal Soni. Brazil on your own / Arnold Greenberg. The maldives / Kirsten Ellis photography by Dominic Sansoni. Australia / Carl Robinson photography by Bill Bachman. The war of the fists : popular culture and public violence in late Renaissance Venice / Robert C. Davis. New Guinea : journey into the Stone Age / text and photographs by Kal Muller edited by David Pickell. The Silk road / Judy Bonavia Photography by Jacky Yip. From different shores : perspectives on race and ethnicity in America / edited by Ronald Takaki. Sumatra / edited by Eric M. Oey. Pakistan / Isobel Shaw photography by Photobank. Tibet / Elisabeth B. Booz. Yunnan / Patrick R. Booz. 越南, 緬甸, 老撾, 柬埔寨 / 賀湧亭 著 非洲 = Africa. 美國東部與中南部 = Eastern and middle southern United States. 夏威夷, 南太平洋 = Hawaii, South Pacific Ocean. Moscow and the golden ring / Masha Nordbye photography by Patricia Lanza. Portugal / Julia Wilkinson photography by Steve Vidler. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 186 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. Description 物品詳情 Xian / Simon Holledge photography by Jacky Yip revised by William Lindesay and Wu Qi. Taiwan / Paul Mooney photography by Nigel Hicks. Fodor's the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg. Fodor's Thailand. Fodor's Singapore. Fodor's Portugal. 英國 = United Kingdom. Australia : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit. 秋冬自助遊日本 / 魏裕梅 著. Tonga : a travel survival kit / Deanna Swaney. Fodor's ... Austria. Fodor's ... Australia & New Zealand. Fodor's ... Bermuda. Fodor's ... Canada. Fodor's ... Europe. Fodor's ... Germany. Fodor's ... Great Britain. Fodor's ... Las Vegas, Reno, Tahoe. Fodor's ... Los Angeles. Fodor's ... Miami & the Keys. Fodor's ... New Zealand. Fodor's ... Scandinavia. Fodor's ... San Francisco. Fodor's ... Spain. California on the loose, with Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. Let's go. The budget guide to Israel and Egypt / written by Harvard Student Agencies, Inc. Fodor's ... pocket Paris. Fodor's ... pocket Washington, D.C. Fodor's ... Walt Disney World and the Orlando area. Let's go. The budget guide to Europe / written by Let's Go, Inc. Let's go. The budget guide to USA & Canada / written by Let's Go, Inc. On the loose in Mexico / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. Pacific Northwest & Alaska on the loose / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 187 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. Description 物品詳情 Germany & Austria on the loose / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. Europe on the loose / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. France on the loose / written by Berkeley students in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of California. Let's go. The budget guide to Spain & Portugal / written by Let's Go, Inc. Let's go. The budget guide to Eastern Europe / written by Let's Go, Inc. Fodor's ... Paris. Fodor's ... New Orleans. Fodor's ... Hong Kong. Fodor's ... Hawaii. Fodor's ... California. Fodor's ... Caribbean. Fodor's ... Chicago. Fodor's ... Boston. Fodor's ... Arizona. Fodor's ... Switzerland / Nancy Coons. Fodor's ... Scotland. Munich and surroundings 美國西部 = Western United States Papua New Guinea : a travel survival kit / Tony Wheeler, Jon Murray. Vienna / main contributor, Stephen Brook. Passport's illustrated travel guide to Belgium / from Thomas Cook [written by George McDonald original photography by Alex Kouprianoff]. Shri Lanka / Gillian Wright, photography by Dominic Sansoni. Caribbean Islands handbook , with Bermuda and Bahamas. South American handbook. Mexico & Central American handbook. Let's go. The budget guide to Britain & Ireland. Let's go. The budget guide to France. Let's go. The budget guide to Italy. Let's go. The budget guide to Washington, D.C. Let's go. The budget guide to Paris / written by Let's Go, Inc. Let's go. The budget guide to Germany / written by Let's Go, Inc. Let's go. The budget guide to Thailand / written by Let's Go, Inc. Let's go. The budget guide to Austria and Switzerland / written by Let's Go, Inc. Quantity 數量 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 188 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. Description 物品詳情 Let's go. The budget guide to Ireland / written by Let's Go, Inc. East African handbook : with Mauritius, Madagascar and Seychelles. India handbook : with Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. San Francisco & Northern California. Dominica : Isle of adventure / Lennox Honychurch. Prague, Czech Republic. Discover Ireland / Martin Gostelow. Wales / John Tomes. Tramping in New Zealand : a Lonely Planet walking guide / Jim DuFresne, Jeff Williams. Time out Prague guide / edited and designed by Time Out Magazine Ltd. Montreal / [written by Alice Klement photography by Jonathan Wenk ... et al.]. Mexico City / [written by Margaret King]. Jamaica / [written by Sonia Gordon]. Florida Keys / [written by Joann Biondi]. Bahamas / [written by Deby Nash]. Atlanta / [written by Elizabeth Boleman-Herring]. Belize / edited by Tony Perrottet main photography by Darrell Jones and Tony Rath additional photography, James Strachan and Tony Perrottet. Moscow and St. Petersburg / Rose Baring. The Caribbean / James Henderson. Bermuda / [written by David F. Raine]. London / written and researched by Rob Humphreys with additional accounts by Guy Barefoot ... [et al.]. South Carolina / Henry Leifermann photography by Eric Horan. Fodor's pocket Jamaica. Manhattan / Gil Reavill and Jean Zimmerman photography by Michael Yamashita. Fodor's Israel. Fodor's Greece. Fodor's Eastern Europe. Fodor's Toronto / by Allan Gould. Fodor's Maui / Linda Kephart. Washington / Contributions by Daniel Jack Chasan, Matthew Chasan, and John Doerper photography by Bruce Hands. Hollywood and the best of Los Angeles / Gil Reavill photographs by Mark S. Wexler. San Francisco and the Bay Area / Barry Parr photographs by Michael Yamashita. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 189 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. Description 物品詳情 Zimbabwe / Paul Tingay. Malaysia / [Karl-Heinz Reger, Albrecht G. Schaefer, Gerd Simon]. Hungary / [Amalia Morgenstern ... et al.]. China / [Engelbert Altenburger ... et al.]. Sweden / Mary Alderton. Milan and the lakes / [Jack Altman]. Atlanta / edited and produced by Martha Ellen Zenfell photography by Bob Krist. Cuba / edited and Tony Perrottet and Joann Biondi photography by Eduardo Gil ... [et al.]. US national parks east / edited by John Gattuso managing editor, Martha Ellen Zenfell. US national parks west / edited by John Gattuso managing editor, Martha Ellen Zenfell. Edinburgh / edited by Brian Bell photography by Douglas Corrance. Puerto Rico / [written by Larry Luxner]. Canton, Guangzhou & surroundings / [written by Michel Gelenine]. British Columbia, Vancouver / [written by Joel W. Rogers]. Toronto / [written by Joanna Ebbutt]. Quebec / [written by Alice Klement]. South Africa / Peter Joyce. Australia / Bruce Elder. Ireland / [original text : Ken Bernstein additional text : Hugh Oram, Sinead Doody]. Venice / [Paul Murphy]. Dublin / [Jack Messenger and Brigitte Lee]. Copenhagen / [Vernon Leonard]. Florence / [Neil Wilson]. Kenya / Dave and Val Richards. Los Angeles / [Donna Dailey]. Namibia / Bill & Andrea Revilio. Sweden / Doreen Taylor-Wilkie. Western Germany / James Bentley Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei / written and researched by Charles de Ledesma, Mark Lewis and Pauline Savage. Brazil : the rough guide / written and researched by David Cleary ... [et al.] additional updates by Claudia Erthal and George Meszaros. East of Bali : from Lombok to Timor / text and photographs by Kal Muller edited by David Pickell. Guatemala, Belize & Yucatan : La Ruta Maya / Tom Brosnahan. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 190 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. Description 物品詳情 Turkey / Bernard Mc Donagh atlas, maps and plans by John Flower Beijing / [text : Don Cohn ... [et al.] editors : Cherry Barnett and John Oliver]. Sydney : a Lonely Planet city guide / Jon Murray. Jamaica : a visitor's guide / Harry S. Pariser. Baja California : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Wayne Bernhardson, Scott Wayne. Spectrum guide to Maldives Fodor's pocket Puerto Rico / [editor, Melanie A. Roth]. Visitor's guide, Switzerland / John Marshall. Southern Caribbean Michael's Frankfurt / Managing editor : Michael Shichor series editor : Amir Shichor. Michael's Florence / Managing editor : Michael Shichor series editor : Amir Shichor. Hawaii : a travel survival kit / Glenda Bendure, Ned Friary. Indonesia. Mexico / John Noble ... [et al.]. 西藏 . 青海 / 賀湧亭. Java : garden of the East / edited by Eric Oey. Underwater Indonesia : a guide to the world's greatest diving / Kal Muller edited by David Pickell. Honolulu : a lonely planet city guide / Glenda Bendure, Ned Friary. Vienna / Mark Honan. Korea / Robert Storey, Geoff Crowther. Morocco / Damien Simonis, Geoff Crowther. The villages of England / Richard Muir. Texas / Dick J. Reavis photography by Will Van Overbeek. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : San Francisco '95 / by Dan Levine. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : Washington, D.C. '95 / by Rena Bulkin. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide. Colorado North Africa / Damien Simonis ... [et al.]. Western Australia / Jeff Williams. Africa : a Lonely Planet shoestring guide / Geoff Crowther ... [et al.]. Britain : a Lonley Planet travel survival kit / Richard Everist, Bryn Thomas, Tony Wheeler. Jakarta : a Lonely Planet city guide / Peter Turner. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : Minneapolis & St. Paul / by Lucille Johnsen Stelling, assisted by Del Stelling. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 191 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985. 1986. 1987. 1988. 1989. Description 物品詳情 Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : Boston '95 / by Alexandra Rich. Frommer's comprehensive travel guide : Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs / by Don and Barbara Laine. Bail / edited by Eric Oey. The unofficial guide to Miami and the Florida Keys / Bob Sehlinger, Joe Surkiewicz. National Geographic's guide to the national parks of the United States. Central Europe : a lonely planet shoestring guide / Steve Fallon ... [et al.]. South-east Asia : a Lonely Planet shoestring guide / Peter Turner ... [et al.]. India & Bangladesh : a lonely planet travel atlas / [research, Hugh Finlay]. Eastern Caribbean : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Glenda Bendure, Ned Friary. New South Wales & the ACT : a Lonely Planet Australia guide / Jon Murray. Australia / Michael Ivory. London / Christopher Catling. Britain / Tim Locke. Indonesia / Debbie Martyr. Malaysia / Helen Oon. Singapore / Helen Oon. Western Europe / Susan Griffith, Victoria Pybus & David Woodworth. Essential Scotland / by Barnaby Rogerson. Fodor's affordable London Paris : the rough guide / written and researched by Kate Baillie and Tim Salmon with additional research by Sharon Clay. Passport to Ireland : 1996 guide Islands of Australia's Great Barrier Reef : a Lonely Planet Australia guide / Tony Wheeler, Mark Armstrong. Fodor's affordable Europe. Guide to Lebanon / Lynda Keen. The mobil illustrated guide to New Zealand / Diana & Jeremy Pope photographed by Martin Barriball. South America : a Lonely Planet shoestring guide / James Lyon ... [et al.]. Mediterranean Europe on a shoestring. Arab Gulf States : Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates / Gordon Robison. Bolivia : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Deanna Swaney, Robert Strauss. Laos : a lonely planet travel atlas. Quantity 數量 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 192 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 M-624 (Cont’d) 1990. 1991. 1992. 1993. 1994. 1995. 1996. 1997. 1998. 1999. 2000. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. Description 物品詳情 Cambodia : a lonely planet travel survival kit. Canada : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Mark Lightbody [et al.]. Central Europe on a shoestring. Cuba : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / David Stanley. Eastern Europe on a shoestring. Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Rob Rachowiecki. Egypt : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Leanne Logan ... [et al.]. France : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit. Indian Himalaya : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Michelle Coxall, Paul Greenway. Israel & the Palestinian territories : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Andrew Humphreys, Neil Tilbury. Istanbul : a lonely planet city guide / Tom Brosnahan. Jordan & Syria : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit. Nepal : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Hugh Finlay, Richard Everist, Tony Wheeler. Rajasthan : a lonely planet travel survival kit / Michelle Coxall, Sarina Singh. Florence / [written by Christopher Catling]. Scandinavian & Baltic Europe on a shoestring / Glenda Bendure ... [et al.] Singapore : a Lonely Planet city guide / Peter Turner, Tony Wheeler. Sri Lanka : a Lonely Planet travel survival kit / Christine Niven, John Noble, Susan Forsyth, Tony Wheeler. Tahiti & French Polynesia : a lonely planet travel survival kit / Tony Wheeler, Jean-Bernard Carillet. Western Europe on a shoestring. Seoul : a Lonely Planet city guide / Robert Storey. The Sai Kung Peninsula. Lantau Island. The Columbus city guide : Europe / design, layout and production by Space DPS Ltd. 到東京逛街 / 劉文雯, 黃筱威 著. Guide to cultural tourism in South Africa / Sue Derwent. Philippines / Lily Rose R. Tope. Japan / Rex Shelley. India / Toby Sinclair. Macau / Shann Davies photography by Richard Dobson. North-East Asia on a shoestring / Robert Storey ... [et al.]. The real guide. Hungary / written and researched by Dan Richardson and Charles Hebbert with additional contributions by Jill Denton, Simon Broughton, and Dan Landin. Quantity 數量 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 1 Bk Bk (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 193 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2039/2008 Department User Ref. Location Contact Person 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-625 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. : VTC (Ref.: L/M No. (647) (655) (665) (666) in CW(SS)411& (52) in CW(SS)418) : (2) in L/M No. (655) in CW(SS)411 : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) AS Dept, 3/F., Rm A302, Administration Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. : Ms April NG at tel. no. 2595 8210 Ms Michelle LEE at tel. no. 2595 8369 : 職業訓練局 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 吳小姐 李小姐 電話: 2595 8210 2595 8369 Serviceable - 仍可使用 Books (Total: 44 Nos.) – 圖書 南京大屠殺 - 1991 水滸 : 上冊 - 1973 水滸 : 下冊 - 1973 西遊記 : 上冊 - 1973 西遊記 : 中冊 - 1973 西遊記 : 下冊 - 1973 三國演義 - 1973 Births and Deaths registration Ordinance: cap 174 - 1995 生死登記條例 BTEC National Courses--Building Studies, Civil Engineering Studies and Construction - 1995 BTEC National Programmes: Building Services Engineering (BTEC) - 1995 Buildings Ordinance cap. 123 - 1995 Dogs and Cat Ordinance : cap 167 - 1995 Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance : cap 59 - 1995 Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance : cap I - 1994 釋義及通則條例 Legal Supplement No.1 To The Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May, 1997 Legal Supplement No.2 To The Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May, 1997 Legal Supplement No.3 To The Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May, 1997 1997 年民航(修訂)條例草案 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 194 Lot No. 批號 M-625 (Cont’d) Item No. 項目 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 Legal Supplement No. 5 To the Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May, 1997 Legal System in Hong Kong (include 13 Related Documents) 1991 香港法律制度 Magistrates Ordinance : cap 227 - 1995 裁判官條例 Prevention of cruelty to animals Ordinance cap. 169 - 1995 Public Health (animals and birds) Ordinance : cap 139 - 1994 Quarantine & Prevention of disease Ordinance : cap 141 - 1994 Supplement No.6 To The Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May, 1997 The Hong Kong Government Gazette 23 May,1997 香港政府憲報 Waste Disposal Ordinance : cap 354 - 1990 廢物處置條例 Water Pollution Control Ord. cap 358 - 1995 香港街道地方指南 98 - 1998 倚天中文學習與使用 Law in Hong Kong : an introduction - 1986 烹飪理論 - 1987 Introduction to computer-aided drafting - 1987 The Birdwatcher - 1976 IBM PC FORTRAN 77 程式設計 - 1974 Methods of colour specification (中文書) 顏色的表示方法 - 1997 Slaughterhouses (Urban Council) By Laws 屠房(市政局)附例 1996 Radiation (Control of Radioactive Substances) Regulations - 1996 Radiation (Control of Irradiating Apparatus) Regulations - 1996 Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations - 1996 食物及藥物(成分組合及標籤規例) PC Programmer's HandBook - 1994 Computer methods for engineering - 1998 Design CAD inside & out - 1992 Factories & Industrial Undertakings Ordinance - 1990 工廠及工業經營條例 Occupational Safety & Health Ordinance - 1990 職業安全及健康條例 Typewriter, Electronic, PANASONIC KX-E7000 Table, Typing, Steel, Size: 41cm(D) x 70cm(H) x 52cm(W) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 Bk (本) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) 1 1 1 1 Bk Bk Bk Bk (本) (本) (本) (本) 1 Bk (本) 電動打字機 1 No. (部) 打字機枱 1 No. (張) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 195 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2039/2008 Department : VTC (Ref.: L/M No. (647) (655) (665) (666) in CW(SS)411 & (52) in CW(SS)418) User Ref. : (2) in L/M No. (52) in CW(SS)418 Location : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) CS, 2/F., Rm 216A, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms Christina CHOY at 2595 8346 / Ms Michelle LEE at 2595 8369 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-626 1. : 職業訓練局 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 蔡小姐 / 李小姐 Unserviceable – 不可使用 Digital Duplicator "RISO" RN-2550, S/N: 85820001 with Automatic Document Feeder and Key Card Counter User Ref. Location Contact Person 地點 聯絡人 2. 3. 地點 聯絡人 6. 數碼速印機 電話: 1 Set (部) 1 No. (部) 2595 8408 / 2595 8373 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Printer EPSON LQ-1070 打印機 S/N 49R0003962 Inv Ref: CW/CC/CE/001865 Printer Laserjet HP6L with 1MB Ram 打印機 S/N JPYV014372, JPZT015531 & JPZT015602 Inv Ref: CW/CC/CE/001878, 1881 & 87 Contact Person 5. 2595 8346 / 2595 8369 : (2) in L/M No. (665) in CW(SS)411 : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) CC, Rm 333, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. : Mr. YIU at 2595 8408 / Miss LAM at 2595 8373 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 姚先生/ 林小姐 User Ref. Location 4. 電話: 3 Nos. (部) : (2) in L/M No. (666) in CW(SS)411 : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) ETU, Rm 112, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. : Mr. Simon LI at 2595 8394 / Miss LAM at 2595 8373 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 李先生 / 林小姐 電話: 2595 8394 / 2595 8373 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Cassette Deck Tape 'JVC' TD-W216BK 錄音機 Inv Ref: CW/ET/AE/000192 Cassette Deck Tape 'JVC' TD-W254BK 錄音機 Inv Ref: CW/ET/AE/000108-115 錄音機 Cassette Deck Tape 'SHAPE' WF-A50Z 1 Set (部) 8 Set (部) 5 Set (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 196 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2069/2008 Department : VTC (Ref.: L/M No. (591) (592) in CW(SS)412 & (667) in CW(SS)411) User Ref. : (2) in L/M No. (591) in CW(SS)412 Location : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) BA, 4/F., Rm 433, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Jackson LAU at 2595 2517 / Ms Michelle LEE at 2595 8369 : 職業訓練局 部門 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 地點 聯絡人 : 劉先生 / 電話: 2595 2517 / 2595 8369 李小姐 Unserviceable – 不可使用 Hiclass 教學廣播系統 M-627 1. HiClass II Repeater, HC-IK-271 Inv Ref.: BA/M/13C/10 or CW/BA/CE/000370 1 Set (件) 2. Multimedia & Language Teaching System :HiClass II System for Teacher Station HC-IK-1600TE Inv Ref.: BA/M/13C/2 or CW/BA/CE/000368 1 Set (件) 3. Wireless Remote Controller for Hiclass II Control Panel, HC-IK-580-RC Inv Ref.: BA/M/13C/4 or CW/BA/CE/000369 1 Set (件) 4. Multimedia & Language Teaching, Student Station Kit, HiClass II, IK-2000SP Inv Ref.: BA/M/13C/15 or CW/BA/CE/000344 - 367 24 Set (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 197 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/2069/2008 Department : VTC (Ref.: L/M No. (591) (592) in CW(SS)412 & (667) in CW(SS)411) User Ref. : (2) in L/M No. (592) in CW(SS)412 Location : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) LRC, G/F., Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms Eliza KWOK at 2595 8422 / Ms Michelle LEE at 2595 8369 部門 : 職業訓練局 地點 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 : 郭小姐 / 李小姐 聯絡人 電話: 2595 8422 / 2595 8369 Unserviceable – 不可使用 M-627 (Cont’d) 5. 6. Projector Slide “Telex” Caramate 4494 Inventory Ref : LIB/P/16C/21 or CW/LR/AE/000055 System, Reading, OCE Card, Model : CR50M20 Inventory Ref : LIB/S/19D/09 or CW/LR/OE/000003 User Ref. Location Contact Person 投影機 1 Set (件) Flexic Card 影印 機唯讀儲值咭 1 Set (件) : (2) in L/M No. (667) in CW(SS)411 : Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) CS, 2/F., Rm 216A, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. : Miss Christina CHOY at 2595 8346 / Ms Michelle LEE at 2595 8369 地點 : 香港柴灣盛泰道三十號 聯絡人 : 蔡小姐 / 李小姐 電話: 2595 8346 / 2595 8369 Serviceable –仍可使用 7. L-shaped Desk, Size: 181mm(W) x 178mm (D) x 75mm (H) (Serviceable) L型寫字枱 (仍可使用) 1 No. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 198 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/1241/2008 Department : Labour Department (Ref.: (6) in L/M No. (55) to LD SR/3-5/1 (2008-09)) Location : Careers and Employment Agencies Division, Labour Department, 12/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Miss Jackie CHAN at 2852 3538 Ms Jade WONG at 2852 3521 : 勞工處 : 勞工處擇業及職業介紹所事務科 中環統一碼頭道38號海港政府大樓12樓 聯絡人 : 陳小姐 或 電話: 2852 3538 或 2852 3521 黄女士 部門 地點 M-628 1. 2. Serviceable - 仍可使用 Risograph RP3700W Digital Duplicator with 數碼油印機 A3 Drum RP Black Ink (HD) S-4386 for Riso Digital 油墨 Duplicator RP-3700 1 No. (部) 5 Nos. (支) Location : Development Division, Labour Department, Room 1521, 15/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Ms TAM Kit-yuk at 2852 4024 Ms Rebecca LI at 2854 4078 : 勞工處發展科 中環統一碼頭道38號海港政府大樓15樓1521室 聯絡人 : 譚女士 或 電話: 2852 4024 或 2854 4078 李女士 地點 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unserviceable – 不可使用 Attalus Photo Laminator 1300PH CD/Cassette/Radio Nikon Zoom 500QD Camera W/Lens Canon Digital Camera IXUS 400 Sony Int IDE CDRW 24rw, 10w, 40xr HP Scanjet 6300C colour scanner 過膠機 收音/卡式機 相機 相機 光碟燒錄機 掃描器 1 No. (部) 1 No. (部) 1 No. (部) 1 No. (部) 4 Nos. (部) 2 Nos. (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 199 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1893/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (14) in L/M (25) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (93) in FEHD/COS/3 6/722/1 V (94) in FEHD/COS/3 6/722/1 V Location : Room 4435, 44/F., Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Please contact LEUNG Kwok-fai, SCO(COS)Atg. at 2867 5722 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署四十四樓 聯絡人 : 梁國輝,署理高級 電話: 2867 5722 文書主任(服務條件) M-629 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 1. Noise Defender for Computer Printer 1 噪音防禦盒 Box-001 Type (AV/AF0253) 2. Viewsonic VP 150M 15” LCD Monitor 液晶體彩色顯示器 1 (CE/AD0458) 3. 15” TFT LCD Monitor 液晶體彩色顯示器 1 (CE/AD0477) 4. SAMTRON SC-428 SVGA Color 14” 1 彩色顯示器 Monitor (CE/AD0516) 5. HP 1100 Laserjet Printer 1 雷射打印機 (CE/AE0001) 6. Printer Dot-Matrix 1 點陣式打印機 (CE/AE0013) 7. IBM PS/Value Point Di 6384F3K-3.5” & 5” 電腦 1 FDD 80486 SX25MHz $MB RAM – 120MB HDD (CE/AH0497) 8. IBM Netvista M42 w/P4 1.8Ghz, 256MB 1 電腦 RAM, 40GB HDD (CE/AH1061) 9. Personal Computer, Vectra PIII 866MHz 2 電腦 with 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD (CE/AH1195) 1 10. Personal Computer, Net Vista A40 w/PIII 電腦 733 MHz, with 256MB RAM, 40 GB HDD (CE/AH1196) 1 11. Feeder Cut Sheet for Pinwriter NEC P3900 紙張盛載器 (OE/AI0027) 12. Chair Computer Deep Red (FU/AG0726) 3 電腦椅 No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (個) No. (張) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 200 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1582/2008 Department/ : Education Bureau (Ref.: L/M(133) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref : EDB269/S15/08 Division / Quality Assurance Division / Section Inspection Section Location : Room 3221, 32/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Contact Officer : Miss MING at 3540 6954 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-630 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. :教育局 :香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈32樓3221室 :明小姐 電話:3540 6954 Serviceable but may not function properly – 仍可使用但功能或許有損 IBM ThinkPad 390E C366 64MB 6 手提電腦 Fujitsu Lifebook C6632 PIII, 1GHz 1 手提電腦 IBM PC300 PL P-II 400 with IBM G54 15” 電腦連配件 1 Monitor Ricoh IS450D Scanner 1 掃描器 HSM Paper Shredder, Strip 3 碎紙機 Nos. (件) No. (件) Set (件) No. (件) Nos (件) GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1582/2008 Department/ : Education Bureau (Ref.: L/M(133) to FIN/S/G15(16)) DDC Ref : EDB345/S18/08 Location : Tuen Mun Government Primary School Siu Hong Court, Tuen Mun, N.T. Contact Officer : Mr. WU at 2465 1662 部門 地點 聯絡人 M-631 1. 2. :教育局 :屯門官立小學 新界屯門兆康苑 :胡先生 電話:2465 1662 Serviceable but may not function properly – 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Steel Desk 36 x 24” 62 鋼寫字枱 Wood Top Steel Desk 48 x 24” 2 木面鋼寫字枱 Nos. (件) Nos. (件) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 201 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD File Ref.: GR/4/1994/2008 Department : FEHD (Ref.: (12) in L/M (26) in FEHD S 5/2/08) Ref. : (34) in FEHD SSP(EH) 158/43 IV Location : 9/F., Un Chau Street Municipal Services Building, 59-63 Un Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Contact Person : Please contact Ms. MO at 2748 6940 部門 : 食物環境衞生署 地址 : 深水埗元州街市政大樓9樓 聯絡人 : 巫小姐 電話: 2748 6940 M-632 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Serviceable but may not function properly – 仍可使用但功能或許有損 HP VL400 Vectra PIII866MHz Computer 1 個人電腦 System (CE/AH0004) IBM PC 300GL PIII 450 64/6400 6 個人電腦 (CA/AH0938) HP VL400 Vectra PIII 866MHz Computer 個人電腦 3 System (CE/AH0967) IBM Net Vista A40 PIII 733 128/10 13 個人電腦 (CE/AH0001) IBM Net Vista M41 6792-KHM w/P4 1 個人電腦 1.5GHz, 128 MB RAM, 20GB HDD, 10/100 Ethernet Card, 48X CD ROM (CE/AH0097) IBM Net Vista M41 6792-KHM w/P4 1 個人電腦 1.5GHz, 128MB RAM, 20GB HDD, 10/100 Ethernet Card, 48X CD-ROM (CE/AH1111) 14” SVGA colour monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: HP (CE/AD0062) 14” color monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: Compaq (CE/AD 0359) 15” monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: IBM (CE/AD 0369) IBM G54 15” monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 3 Brand: IBM (CE/AD 0337) Monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: IBM (CE/AD 0157) 14” SVGA colour display 1024i 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: HP (CE/AD 0127) 15” CRT monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: Compaq (CE/AD 0501) Display Monitor 電腦顯像管顯示器 1 Brand: HP (CE/AD 0334) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (部) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) No. (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 202 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 M-633 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 1. Amplifier 1 擴音器 2. DVD Recorder, Panasonic 1 記錄器 3. Label Machine 1 標籤計算機 4. Mobile phone, BlackBerry 8707 1 行動電話 5. Mobile Phone, Nokia 3 行動電話 6. Network Hub - various brand 11 電腦網絡推進器 7. Printer, HP Laserjet 1320 10 電腦印字機 8. Printer, Lexmark 3 電腦印字機 9. Projector, Panasonic 2 投射器 10. Toner (new), Lexmark 3 調色劑 No. No. No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 Attention : If the above telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1)(a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003. 注意事項: 上述電訊器具,如不是作出口營商用途,可根據《電訊(電訊器具)(豁免領 牌)令》第5條(1)(a)(iv)的規定,獲得豁免領牌。 (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 203 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 M-634 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 External DVD-ROM 電腦零件 1 HardDisk, Various brand 電腦硬碟 13 Monitor, Dell 電腦屏幕 2 Dell 17"LCD Monitor 電腦屏幕 2 Philips 17"LCD MONITOR 電腦屏幕 1 WorkStation, Dell 電腦 4 WorkStation, IBM 電腦 4 WorkStation, Lenovo 電腦 2 PenPower 手寫板 6 No. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 204 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 M-635 1. Firewall, Netscreen25 防火牆 2 Nos. (個) 2. IBM System Storage, EXP 400 電腦零件 1 No. (個) 3. Server - various IBM model 伺服器 12 Nos. (個) 4. Server Rack 伺服器柜 5 Nos. (個) 5. Switch, Aten KVM Switch 轉轍器 1 No. (個) 6. Switch, Cisco 轉轍器 4 Nos. (個) 7. UPS - APC 後備電池 5 Nos. (個) Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. (3) All Goods will only be released 1 week after 15-Jan 2009 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (3) 全部的貨物於 2009 年 1 月 15 日後,一星期內提貨 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 205 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 M-636 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 1. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 15 Nos. 電腦印字機 Printer, HP 2. Printer, Lexmark 電腦印字機 3 Nos. (個) 3. Fax Machine, Panasonic UF 6100 傳真機 3 Nos. (個) 4. Monitor, 15"LCD w/Notebook keyboard drawer 電腦屏幕 2 Nos. (個) 5. Philips 17"LCD MONITOR 電腦屏幕 1 No. (個) 6. Photocopier, Panasonic DP-262 影印機 1 No. (個) Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. (3) All Goods will only be released 1 week after 15-Jan 2009 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (3) 全部的貨物於2009 年 1 月 15 日後,一星期內提貨 (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 206 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 M-637 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 1. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Executive Chair with Mesh Backrest 2 Nos. 行政人員辦公室椅 (張) 2. Executive chair - leather 行政人員辦公室椅 3 Nos. (張) 3. Modular Conference Table 會議枱 5 Nos. (張) 4. Office Rack 辦公室文件架 18 Nos. (個) 5. Oval Table (Rosewood) 行政人員會議枱 1 No. (張) 6. Pedestal (2-Drawers, Rosewood) 行政人員辦公室抽櫃 2 Nos. (個) 7. Main Desk (Large, Rosewood) 行政人員辦公室枱 1 No. (張) Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. (3) All Goods will only be released 1 week after 15-Jan 2009 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (3) 全部的貨物於 2009 年 1 月 15 日後,一星期內提貨 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 207 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 M-638 Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 2 重型穿孔機 1. 2-Hole Heavy Duty Punch 4 蒸餾水機 2. Drinking Water Dispenser 2 電捲筆刀 3. Electric Pencil Sharpener 2 重型釘書機 4. Heavy Duty Staplers 1 鑰匙箱 5. Key Box (Grey) 3 微波爐 6. Microwave Oven 3 碎紙機 7. Paper Shredder 2 書籍裝訂機 8. Plastic Comb Binding Machine 4 電冰箱 9. Refrigerator 2 熱水器 10. Water Boiler Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) (個) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 208 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 聯絡人 : 王女士 M-639 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 1. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Computer Table (Beige) 2 Nos. 電腦枱 (張) 2. Folding Chair (Black) 摺椅 1 No. (張) 3. Folding Table (Grey) 摺枱 1 No. (張) 4. Keyboard Drawer 鍵盤架 3 Nos. (個) 5. Left-shape Desk, Beige, Left 行政人員辦公室枱 4 Nos. (張) 6. Lower Book Case (Beige) 低書架 2 Nos. (個) 7. Main Desk (M2) / Side Return (S1-Left) 主枱+側枱 18 Nos. (張) 8. Main Desk (M2) without side return 主枱 3 Nos. (張) 9. Side Table (Beige) 側枱 1 No. (張) Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. (3) All Goods will only be released 1 week after 15-Jan 2009 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (3) 全部的貨物於 2009 年 1 月 15 日後,一星期內提貨。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST M-25/2008 - 209 Lot No. 批號 Item No. 項目 Description 物品詳情 Quantity 數量 GLD Ref.: GR/4/2165/2008 Department : Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited Location : G/F, 98 Caroline Hill Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Contact Person : Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 部門 : 第29屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司 地點 : 香港銅鑼灣加路連山道98號 電話: 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 聯絡人 : 王女士 M-640 1. Serviceable but may not function properly - 仍可使用但功能或許有損 Partition 150*150cm 1 No. 隔牆 (張) 2. Pedestal (2-Drawers, Beige) 辦公室抽櫃 18 Nos. (個) 3. Printer Rack (Beige) 打印機枱 3 Nos. (張) 4. Roller-Shutter Cabinet 文件柜 2 Nos. (個) 5. Sliding Door High Steel Cabinet 文件柜 11 Nos. (個) 6. Sliding Door Low Steel Cabinet 低文件柜 2 Nos. (個) 7. Folding Table - various type 摺枱 3 Nos. (張) 8. Swivel Chair - Brick Red with Armrest 辦公室椅 17 Nos. (張) Remarks: (1) Date of inspection : 17/12/2008 (Wed) 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (2) For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Ms. Wong at 2915 0461 / 6738 9329. (3) All Goods will only be released 1 week after 15-Jan 2009 備註: (1) 上述物品將在2008年12月17日上午十一時至十二提供視察。 (2) 如要視察或提取上述物品,請預先致電 2915 0461 / 6738 9329 與王女 士 聯絡及安排。 (3) 全部的貨物於 2009 年 1 月 15 日後,一星期內提貨。 - E N D -
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