Music of Souls


Music of Souls
Music of Souls
J.J. Kendrick
A story of friendship, true love, destiny, and the belief that all souls hold their own music. rev. 3/12/14 •
Music of Souls
Chapter 1
Autumn had begun to creep over New England, promising to transform the landscape
into the backdrop that Jackson Parrish so loved. He sauntered down Main Street, the hint
of a self-satisfied smirk playing across full, pink lips. He reveled in the effect he had on
people. Everyone who passed looked on with awe. At six feet, two inches tall, with a
slim, athletic build, he moved with the grace of a dancer. Jet black hair teased the collar
of the Jon Green bespoke suit he wore like a runway model. His eyes, behind the
Chopard Aviators, were a deep yellow gold. Often, when first meeting a woman, he
would leave the sunglasses on until she regained her composure, then remove them to
watch her unhinge again. He could only be described as a living Adonis–except he wasn’t
exactly alive. Jackson Parrish was 158 years old… and a vampire.
Jackson rounded the corner onto Elm Street toward the Renaissance inspired estate he
currently called home. Before entering, he looked up at the cerulean fall sky once more to
feel the sun. Whenever possible, he stretched his lithe body out like a panther to soak up
the warmth his own blood could not provide. He found it laughable that the living
invented so many myths to create a false sense of security regarding the dark predators.
With a chuckle and a deep breath of crisp, clear air, he mused, today would be perfect,
were it not for the human locked in the basement.
The vampire was returning home after spending the night with a beautiful woman he had
picked up in the bar at a local hotel. Finding women there meant the risk of seeing them
again would be minimal, since they were most likely traveling on business. He possessed
the capability to make victims forget, yet when they were willing participants, as most
were, he enjoyed knowing they remembered their time with him.
Jackson did not feed recklessly like many of his kind. He prided himself on the fact that
he had never killed a human by sucking them dry. Victims were carefully chosen, as if
they were dance partners. Although he could influence them to willingly let him feed by
merely making eye contact, he preferred to seduce his conquests to want him as
desperately as he craved their blood. Jackson considered feeding a sport; one he excelled
at. He often regretted leading women to believe there might be a future as he had this
morning with, What was her name?? Carla? Carrie? Karen? Yes that’s it, Karen. He
made a mental note to send a piece of jewelry to her hotel room to assuage guilt over the
promised phone call that would never happen. In truth, Jackson had never met a female,
human or vampire, who could hold his interest for more than a day or two. In his mind,
women fell into one of two groups: Smart or Fun. The smart ones were much too serious
and the fun ones, well, they were just too stupid.
# Music of Souls
“Sarah, you home?” Jackson called to his housemate and best friend.
Sarah Carrington rounded the corner to the foyer and scowled at him. “Well, the
manwhore returns. Hope she was pretty.”
“Actually, quite beautiful, and very cultured, old money, CEO of some company or other,
blah, blah, blah. Why do they always have to tell me their life story?”
“You are such a pig,” she said, half laughing.
If Jackson was Adonis, then Sarah was Aphrodite. She had long blonde hair like spun
silk, a perfectly proportioned figure and blue-green eyes that made you feel you were
looking into the sea. Like Jackson, she moved with incredible grace, seeming to float
rather than walk.
“Drink?” Jackson had already begun pouring a rare single malt.
“Oh yeah,” she readily responded. They carried their glasses to the overstuffed sofa and
sat facing each other.
“So how did he take it?” asked Jackson.
“Not well.”
“So sorry, luv. Want to talk about it?”
“Maybe once I’m good and drunk.”
“Well then, bottoms up!”
Sarah and Jackson had been 23 and 25 years old respectively, living privileged, English
aristocratic lives when they were abducted and turned into vampires.
The two stayed together through the years, even attempting to be lovers once, though
they quickly realized theirs was a relationship of brother and sister. They depended on
each other, while sharing everything, and owned twelve beautiful estates around the
world. They rotated through the various properties, leaving when the townspeople started
to realize they were not aging. The couple had recently moved back to Fairhaven, in rural
New England, after years away. Jackson was thrilled at the thought of spending a decade
or so at his favorite home, claiming North America to be fresh and new. “I feel more
alive here.” Sarah never understood the appeal, preferring their estates in Europe.
They understood each other in a way no one else ever could. Most vampires lived
solitary, lonely lives. They shared a rare bond, and felt blessed to have each other.
Life was good, except for the fact that they needed human blood to survive. It hadn’t
always been this way, though.
# Music of Souls
Chapter 2
1854 England
Struggling with consciousness, Jackson first noticed the intense burning in his throat. He
felt as if he had swallowed the contents of an ashbin while embers still lived. Once able
to sit upright, the pounding in his head commanded his attention, as well as the bonenumbing chill. These physical discomforts rendered rational thought and remembrance
near impossible.
The reason for the chill became evident as he took in his surroundings. He sat in a stone
cellar, and he was not alone. Cowering in the opposite corner, sat a young lady rocking,
with her face in her hands. She mumbled something he could not understand until he
forced concentration, eventually discerning the thin voice whispering The Lord’s Prayer.
“Pardon me, are you unwell?”
She startled then cowered even deeper into the corner. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“You have my word. I bear no intent to harm you. I only wish to understand what this
place is and how I came to be here.”
The woman relaxed somewhat and lifted her face to appraise Jackson. He paused
momentarily, taking in her beauty. She had eyes the deepest blue-green of the Celtic Sea
and flaxen hair, which although matted and unkempt, promised to shine sun-kissed when
groomed. He surveyed the perfection of her bearing while she spoke.
“I can give no aid on that account, for I have no recollection of how I came to be here,
Jackson crouched in front of her to meet her gaze. “Perhaps we should endeavor to
approach our problem together.”
Either his words or his soothing voice caused the woman to abandon what little selfcontrol she possessed; she threw her arms around him, sobbing. “I am so frightened! Who
would do this to us?”
Although taken aback by such intimacy from a stranger, as well as terrified himself, he
felt an overwhelming need to comfort her. While stroking her hair, he spoke softly, “My
name is Jackson Parrish, and as God is my witness, I will do all in my power to correct
this situation.”
She made no move to release him, “I am Sarah Carrington.”
# Music of Souls
The two sat together comparing their experiences, which were identical. They both
suffered the same physical discomforts, yet did not feel ill. The last memory each held
involved a man with eyes piercing and black as the night sky.
A man opened the metal door and another entered with a tray holding two large, silver
Jackson rose and spoke with authority. “I demand our release immediately, I am a
Parrish! My family will exact vengeance for this violation. Keeping us any longer will
only serve to bring additional retribution.”
The man who opened the door pushed Jackson against the wall, holding him easily. “You
will do as you are told or be destroyed. I can crush you, so mind your tongue and obey or
die. Your family name holds no weight here.”
He returned to his partner, lifted the goblets from the tray, and approached the prisoners.
The aroma from the goblets invaded Jackson’s senses causing the burning in his throat to
intensify, and his jaw to throb with pain. Stricken with horror, he threw himself against
the wall, covering his mouth as his four canine teeth grew into sharp fangs. Sarah
mirrored his shocked countenance.
Their jailer chuckled. “That’s right, you are a vampire, welcome to immortality.” He
handed Jackson a goblet then turned toward Sarah with the other. “Drink up, you will feel
better, then you may wash yourselves and the master will explain your station.”
Jackson held the goblet, mortified, yet he had never felt such a hunger, nay––lust, as he
did for the contents. Although disgusted, he drank the blood ravenously, astounded at
how delicious it tasted. His throat quickly cooled and his head quieted. He could not deny
his foremost reaction was the desire for more.
He looked to Sarah, who had also succumbed to the craving. Once again, she mimicked
his unwelcome feelings perfectly.
The two men herded them to the cellar’s exit as the leader spoke. “My name is Gabriel. I
will be in charge of your initiation. For now, the most important understanding required
is that any attempt to escape these walls will result in your destruction. Do not
underestimate our abilities. Your scent will soon emerge, always revealing your
whereabouts. You may temporarily find a safe distance to travel undetected, but
eventually you will be found and dealt with. You will be allowed to roam freely once
deemed trustworthy and in control of your bloodlust.”
Upon reaching the first floor, Jackson realized they were in a castle. There were people
# Music of Souls
milling about, most appearing as lost and confused as he felt. A distinct fragrance
emanated from them all. He had originally thought the two jailers had bathed in some
costly perfume, but now understood this is what a vampire smelt like. Gabriel led them to
the second floor and to two bed chambers. “You will find more blood, wash basins and
fresh attire inside. I will collect you on the hour for an audience with the master.”
The only sound Sarah had made throughout the ordeal was an occasional sniff, as she
attempted to wipe away the product of her distress with the back of her hand. She turned
to Jackson with pleading eyes as he entered his room.
Hating himself for it, he walked directly to the dresser and drank the entire contents of
the large carafe of blood he found there. The satisfaction and well-being he garnered
frightened him. He held his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes, trying to make sense of
something that defied all logic. How, in God’s name will I ever reconcile this? I am
surely damned. After washing himself, he changed into the waistcoat left on the bed.
A knock at the door disrupted his burgeoning lust for blood. He opened it to confirm his
presumption regarding Sarah’s hair. He longed to run his fingers through it again. The
scent wafting from her now matched the others.
“May I come in? I can’t bear to be alone.”
“Certainly.” He swept his hand to motion her through the doorway, then walked to the
desk and the only chair in the room. He pulled the chair out to offer her, and in doing so
sent it airborne, into the opposite wall, where it splintered into pieces and cracked the
The two stood staring at the wall, shocked. Another bizarre reality to add to their new
lives. Sarah broke the silence with a tenuous giggle that evoked a twisted smile from
Jackson. “It appears vampires possess strength.”
The two sat side by side on the bed, both ignoring the inappropriate behavior. The strict
rules of their noble births seemed irrelevant now. Propriety became trivial when one was
drinking blood; and enjoying it. Sarah held Jackson’s hand as they discussed the reality
of their situation.
Gabriel opened the door without knocking. He pursed his lips at the two newborns. “It is
probably best you two are getting on so well. You will be partners.” He glanced at the
smashed chair. “You will have to be more careful until you are accustomed to your
strength. Now, come along, Master Victor should not be kept waiting.”
They were led to a room with a long table in the center surrounded by chairs. At one end
# Music of Souls
sat a man, in what seemed more like a throne. Two formidable men stood on either side.
He did not offer seats, nor did he stand. Jackson recognized the black eyes as soon as
they were leveled upon him. If death were a color, this would be it. He wanted to scream
at him; to demand an explanation, but understood how fruitless that would be and
measured his best course to remain calm.
Without standing, the man spoke, pointing a long nailed finger. “I am Victor, your creator
and master. My rules are simple; obey me and you will be rewarded. Disobey me and you
will be destroyed. Gabriel will indoctrinate you to our ways, teach you to feed properly.
You are not, under any circumstance to bleed a human dry, at least not yet. It is
imperative, for the time being, that we are discreet, pass through civilization undetected.
We cannot call attention to ourselves until our numbers warrant our attack. Do not feed
on your own until your lust is controlled. Killing one human, before my command, will
bring a death sentence. Stay loyal and I will share my kingdom with you. Defy me, and
you will suffer my wrath.” He waved his hand in dismissal.
Gabriel led them to another room. Immediately upon stepping over the threshold,
Jackson’s sense of smell took over. There were two people present; their scent, although
foreign, smelled deliciously inviting. Jackson moved closer, inhaling deeply, while bitter
tasting saliva collected in his mouth.
Gabriel tapped his arm. “Since you seem most ready, you will be first.” He approached
the woman, who stood in hypnotic nonchalance, and gazed into her eyes. “This handsome
gentleman is going to suck your blood and you will enjoy his attention. Do not be
frightened.” The woman focused on Jackson and smiled.
Her scent became intoxicating as she drew closer, and he could hear the blood rushing
through her veins. Each time she exhaled the scent grew stronger, urging him closer. The
ache returned to his jaw as he swallowed venom, and the fangs painfully emerged.
He turned away in disgust. “I cannot. I am a gentleman. I would rather die than hurt a
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Lucky me, another creature of nobility. How I wish Victor
would choose more randy gents to turn.” He approached Sarah and held her by the throat.
“Very well... feed on that lass, else I shall feed on this one, and I have no need to assure
she survives, nor do I care.”
Sarah’s eyes were wide as saucers and Jackson knew he had no choice. He glanced at the
woman before bowing his head and added pleadingly, “I apologize for what I am about to
do.” He closed his eyes and inched toward her, then turned his head in an unsuccessful
# Music of Souls
attempt to retreat. Losing the battle with his lust, he let out an inhuman growl and bit into
her neck. The first taste of blood sent him into an uncontrollable frenzy. It tasted even
sweeter than that from the carafe. His mind coursed with carnal lust, raw and insatiable.
All concern for the victim vanished as he savagely consumed the life from her.
He felt hands on his shoulders as a voice broke through the madness. “That’s enough.
Jackson pulled the woman even closer and continued the assault until Gabriel ripped him
off her yelling, “I said, that’s enough!”
Coming to his senses, he recoiled and stared at the woman as her own blood streamed
down her neck and across his chin.
Gabriel licked the blood from her neck then held her gaze again, “You will now return
home and forget everything that happened here.” She dropped into a curtsey and left.
He led the remaining man to Sarah. “Your turn, Lass.”
Sarah searched her friend’s eyes, with a tear-stained face. Gabriel laughed. “Why look to
him, he is helpless.” Jackson closed his eyes and nodded to her. When she turned away,
he blocked the view with his hands and prayed she had done the same to avoid witnessing
his savagery.
They were escorted back to their rooms and instructed to stay there until morning, when
lessons would resume.
Jackson asked, “Aren’t we to be fed?”
“You have just been fed.”
“I mean real food, sustenance.”
Gabriel brought his face to within inches of Jackson’s. “Blood is your sustenance.”
Seeing the horror in the young vampire’s eyes, his tone softened and he backed up.
“Partaking human food is now extraneous, yet can still be quite enjoyable. You will find
sleeping to be an unnecessary luxury as well.”
Jackson could not bring himself to return Sarah’s gaze. He had never felt such shame and
self-loathing. He closed the door to his room, and leaning against it, thought, what kind
of monster have I become? He stood at the mirror and gazed upon himself for the first
time since being abducted. His mouth dropped open in wonder as he took in his own
physicality. He recognized himself, yet his reflection was... better. In every sense, better.
His black hair appeared darker, thicker and shone as if coated in oil. His soft brown eyes
# Music of Souls
were now the color of a deep topaz, feline in nature. Even the slightest skin imperfections
had disappeared. He removed his waistcoat and shirt. Every muscle in his chest and
abdomen displayed definition beyond normal. He took his entire body in and thought, I
am a perfect specimen of man, yet inhuman.
After composing himself, he found Sarah’s room and knocked on the door. He could hear
her weeping, so entered and sat next to her on the bed.
“You should have come to me. I did not know you were so distraught.”
“I thought you felt disgust toward me and would turn me away.”
He held her face in his hands. “No, any disgust is toward myself, I could not bear to see it
reflected in your eyes.”
“Stay with me, please?”
“Of course.” The vampires lay on the bed together, Sarah’s head on Jackson’s chest. He
had been with women before, but always those of questionable virtue. He had never
experienced this intimacy with a lady of breeding, and knew that if her family ever
learned of their actions, they would demand restitution for his behavior. In truth, his
intentions were honorable. His feelings towards Sarah resembled those toward his older
sister, Emily, whom he idolized as a caregiver, teacher, and confident.
They were quiet for a time, before Jackson summoned the courage to speak. “Have you
gazed in the mirror since we arrived here?”
“No, I must be a sight.”
“I think you should see.” He rose, held her hand, and led her to the looking glass.
Sarah stood, dumfounded, with a hand touching her cheek. “What happened?”
“Evidently, vampirism enhances physical appearance.”
Sarah and Jackson spent the night becoming acquainted as well as discussing plans for
escape. They discovered that they had led similar lives, both belonging to families of high
standing and wealth.
Sarah felt unsure about running at first, however Jackson held strong to his conviction
that death would be preferable to living as a minion for a madman.
# Music of Souls
Chapter 3
Each day of the following two weeks, Gabriel retrieved the couple, brought them to the
same room, and schooled them in the art of feeding without killing. Jackson began to
accept his fate and found comfort in the fact that none of his victims remembered his
attacks. He had learned under Gabriel’s tutelage how to influence them to forget.
Sarah found her self control quickly, and could retract her fangs of her own accord,
though Jackson still required verbal cues, and at times physical restraint from Gabriel to
stop feeding. They were both becoming accustomed to their superior strength and
heightened senses.
One evening, Jackson heard a coach beneath the window; and upon investigation saw
Victor, his two henchmen, and Gabriel board. As the coach pulled away, he woke Sarah.
They made their way to the entrance, passing three even younger vampires who paid no
Once outside, they headed toward the forest. Jackson said, “I think we should stay away
from populated areas, the forest is our best chance to stay hidden. Are you able to run,
“I think so.”
He held her hand as their pace continued to increase until they were moving at a speed
unheard of in humans. They were deep into the woods in no time, and barely winded. The
sounds and smells of the forest nearly caused them to lose focus and stop running to fully
experience their surroundings. Every sense was intensified and vibrant, yet secondary to
the overwhelming craving for blood.
When Jackson felt they were a safe distance from the castle, they stopped to make plans.
Sarah asked, “How will we feed?”
“I hope we can feed on animals. With our speed, we should be able to run down deer.”
“And what if deer blood doesn’t nourish us?”
“It will… it must.”
They spent four days deep in the forest. The animal’s blood sustained them, yet they were
not thriving. The burning in their throats returned as well as the pounding headaches, but
they remained alive. On the fourth night they sat cross-legged together discussing their
future, or lack thereof. Sarah broke down weeping at the hopelessness, and as much as
# Music of Souls
Jackson desired to comfort her, he could not find the strength. The survival instinct that
had been fueling his resolve melted away and he did something he could not recall ever
doing; he openly wept. The pair sat embraced, grieving their lost lives. They knew, even
if they survived, returning to their families would be unfeasible.
Jackson heard a noise and motioned to Sarah to silence herself. The rustling sound of
nearing footsteps on the forest floor created panic.
He jumped to his feet, pulling her up. “Run!”
They sprinted, only to find the interloper faster. He stood in front of them and shouted, “I
mean you no harm. I am one of yours.”
Sarah and Jackson stayed a safe distance.“You are not here to kill us?”
“What purpose would that serve?”
“Were you not sent by Victor?”
“I know not of Victor, I am Frederick, Frederick Caulder. Why do you fear me? You are
vampires and I do not possess a stake.”
“Pardon me?”
“ A stake, I have no stake. Are you a bit touched about the head, boy?”
“Certainly not, I am well educated.”
“Hmph! Then you should know the only way to destroy a vampire is with a wooden stake
to the heart...unless of course, it is the full moon and you happen upon a werewolf. Then
it is curtains for sure... and much more gruesome.” The man seemed lost in introspection,
as if delivering a soliloquy.
Sarah took a timorous step forward and spilled the details of their plight in one long
ramble, barely stopping for breath.
Frederick appeared to be taken aback both by the story, and the speed at which Sarah
relayed it.
He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Well, it seems you have been through quite an ordeal.
I suggest you accompany me home. We will procure some proper blood, and decide what
to do with you.”
# Music of Souls
“Victor will be searching for us.”
“Not to worry, I will send notice to the Exemplars. Once they are apprised of the situation
and his location, this Victor will be dealt with quickly.”
He shook his head and turned. “Let us walk... The Exemplars rule our kind. They are fair
and wise. This Victor is creating vampires without permission, a crime punishable by
death. Although, I suspect, if he has turned as many humans as it seems, he is too strong
to be destroyed. Our strength increases both with age and with each human we turn. This
madman will be way or another.
My wife, Marie is a nurse, able to obtain blood. You will be well fed. You should not
hunt until this Victor is dealt with.”
“We have been hunting here in the forest.”
The kind man’s face held a hint of sympathy. “I mean people, my boy, people.”
“Is your wife…?”
A soft laugh escaped his throat. “Unable to utter the word, are you? Yes, Marie is a
vampire, been together going on two hundred years now.”
Gabriel had spoken of immortality, but Jackson had not given much thought to it, until
hearing these words. Did he want to live two hundred years? Like this?
They arrived at a small cottage in a clearing. Upon entering, Frederick wrote two notes,
one for the Exemplars, detailing Victor’s location, and one for his wife. He then
instructed his manservant to deliver them.
He clapped his hands together, lifted a decanter of liquor and began pouring. “I am sorry
there is no blood to offer, Marie will bring plenty home upon receiving my message.”
When he began pouring the second glass, both guests said, “None for me, thank you.”
Frederick continued pouring. “This will warm your blood, best get used to the taste. You
will be drinking a lot once you feel the effect.”
With the first sip, heat invaded the newborns’ throats and bellies. It then radiated to the
far reaches of their extremities. They had become accustomed to the constant chill in
# Music of Souls
their bones, yet this newfound warmth elicited a welcome sensation that not only rid the
cold, but also calmed the incessant craving for blood.
Sarah held a hand to her chest. “Oh my, that feels wonderful.”
Frederick found suitable clothing for his guests and in turn, they each retired to the one
bedchamber of the cottage to wash and change.
Marie arrived home with a box containing blood-filled vials. Frederick made
introductions after embracing and kissing his wife. Then the beautiful woman, with soft
almond shaped eyes waved her hand at the box. “Drink children, you must be near
starvation, animal blood is no way to live.” Marie and Frederick consumed two vials
each, leaving the majority, which Sarah and Jackson greedily consumed. The whole time,
Jackson’s eyes moved from one vampire to the other. They seemed so… human.
The foursome sat, drinking whiskey, chatting as any normal adults would. Jackson felt
awed by the love Marie and Frederick shared. They were cultured, not at all savages, and
for the first time since his capture, he held a glimmer of hope that he might find some
semblance of happiness again.
They talked through the night, the hosts educating the new vampires, and the guests
hungry for stories of the couple’s life; stories that would provide comfort during difficult
The manservant returned mid-morning with a letter. A frown rolled over Frederick’s face
as he read, then he slowly folded it. “The Exemplars are demanding an immediate
audience. They have been searching for this Victor for some time now.” The concern on
Frederick’s face gave Jackson pause. He instinctively wished to question the validity of
the Exemplars and their power, yet felt so inadequate in his comprehension that he
decided to trust Frederick implicitly, and prayed the vampire couple’s sincerity was
Their travel lasted well into the evening with limited conversation. Frederick seemed
guarded and pensive. Questions bombarded Jackson’s thoughts, yet he sensed if he were
too bothersome, their chaperone might shut down.
“Where are we going?”
“To the Norwood Catacombs, there is a hidden chamber where the Exemplars meet.”
“How many comprise the group?”
# Music of Souls
“Six reside in London. I do not know how many around the world, hundreds, perhaps
thousands. Legend says they occasionally all meet, I have no knowledge of where or
“How will they deal with Victor?”
“That depends on his strength. If they are unable to destroy him, they will assign soldiers
to shadow his every move to prevent him from creating more vampires.”
“And those he has already created?”
Frederick turned his head away to gaze outside the coach; the rictus on his face explained
his reticence to speak. Jackson leaned forward and touched his knee.
“Are we to be destroyed?”
Sarah gasped and clasped her hands to her chest as Frederick lowered his head. “I pray
they will have mercy on you for your assistance.”
The gravity of the situation encompassed Jackson, his breath became shallow. “And if
they are not prone to mercy?”
“We have no reason to believe they will destroy you. If they do, death will be swift and
The remainder of the trip passed in silence. Jackson held Sarah’s hand as a gesture of
comfort. Their only hope lay in the hands of the Exemplars. No other option existed.
When they arrived at the catacombs, Frederick took the lantern from his manservant and
instructed him to wait. They passed through the tunnels and arrived at a large chamber
where a dais stood on the far wall with six men seated behind it. All the men were
attractive, yet brooding and dark, not unlike Victor. They wore black robes and sat stone
like, until the vampire in the center rose, and motioned for the three to come closer.
His voice echoed a graveled rasp, “Tell us all you know of Victor.”
Jackson spoke, relating all he deemed pertinent. When he finished, the Exemplar
approached them and scrutinized the two young vampires. The seconds ticked as they
braced for the worse. Jackson managed to stand tall and keep eye contact, although, he
was a breath away from begging for their lives.
“We are grateful for your service, you may go. Speak not of this.”
# Music of Souls
As the two stepped back in retreat, Frederick spoke, “Your Excellence, if Victor cannot
be destroyed, he will surely exact vengeance on this pair. I would ask that you bestow
defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack.”
The Exemplar folded his hands, contemplating the request, then turned and walked to the
front of the dais. He conferred with the other five, then left the chamber for a few
moments, returning with a goblet and a knife.
He placed the goblet in front of each vampire, handing them the knife. In turn, all six cut
into the palm of their hands and collected their blood.
Sarah and Jackson were instructed to drink from the goblet.
“With this fortification, Victor will have no power over you. You will be immune to his
Chapter 4
The two vampires sat quietly, drinking, for a long time. Jackson knew Sarah would talk
when she felt ready. For now, words were not necessary. They had played out this scene
many times–way too many for his liking. He hated all this emotional nonsense, and had it
been anyone but Sarah, he would have made a hasty retreat and stayed away until the
waterworks passed.
Sarah was a hopeless romantic, constantly searching for her ‘soul mate’. Jackson had lost
count of the times she found ‘The One’, only to have her heart broken months or years
later. He wished to God she would abandon her search. Seeing her so broken pained him.
Unfortunately, she rarely fell for vampires.
Romantic relationships with humans were fraught with difficulties. The first was to
maintain enough control to avoid crushing them in the heat of passion. Jackson brooded
“It’s like having sex with a butterfly.” Next, the person must accept they are sleeping
with a bloodsucker. Once past that, the last hurdle was the human wanting to be turned.
Sarah usually made her beaus understand that vampirism isn’t all it is cracked up to be,
and she would not wish this life on anyone.
She did get permission to turn a human once, Peter Standish. Jackson would never forget
that bastard. Sarah had fallen in love with him in 1912. Jackson had a bad feeling about
him from the start. He suspected Standish knew Sarah’s secret all along and only used her
to turn him. Standish started begging her shortly after she confessed to being a vampire.
Once she turned him and helped him through the painful first weeks, he abandoned her.
Jackson hunted him down, beat him mercilessly, and then threatened to stake him if he
# Music of Souls
ever went near Sarah again. He would never tell her, but be damned if that son-of-a-bitch
would get away with hurting and using her that way.
Sarah’s Soul Mate Du Jour was Connor Poe, and without having to be told, Jackson
knew the human would be sitting or pacing below them in what could only be described
as a holding cell. They had been in New England for a mere three months, but Sarah had
fallen fast and hard for Connor. She had decided to break the news last night. Jackson felt
she should wait a bit longer, but she was determined. He wanted to stay home in case the
human got out of line, yet Sarah had insisted he leave for the night. “Being stuck here
with one vampire is enough for him to handle.” He left reticently after making her
promise to call if she needed him.
Jackson collected their glasses and poured their fourth drink. He handed Sarah hers, sat
close, and put his arm around her, planting a gentle kiss on her temple. She sat with her
head on his shoulder for a moment then began to weep softly. He offered an Irish linen
handkerchief from his pocket and waited.
“His eyes were wild with fear,” she sniffed, “I couldn’t get him to listen to me. I kept
saying, ‘I would never hurt you, I love you’, but he just kept trying to get away from me,
begging me to let him go. Calling me a monster. He’s never going to accept this.”
Jackson took her face in his hands and found her eyes. “You know this is a huge shock
for him and it’s going to take time for him to adjust. You need to be patient and give him
a little space. Allow him to digest the news.”
“I should have listened to you and waited to tell him.”
He would never say ‘I told you so’ at a time like this. “What the hell do I know? The
bottom line is, if this guy really loves you, he will find it in himself to accept you, fangs
and all.”
Sarah chuckled through her tears. Jackson could always make her laugh regardless of her
“Do you want me to talk to him?”
“Promise you won’t hurt him or influence him?”
He flashed his most sardonic grin. “You’re such a buzz kill. Let me just grab a quick
Jackson returned to the drawing room to find Sarah exactly where he left her. She seemed
so lost his heart ached for her. He bent over and kissed the top of her head. She tilter her
head up and forced a smile. “I like you best in casual clothes, you seem less arrogant.”
What an odd thing to say at a time like this, he thought. She seemed to be grasping for
any distraction to dull the pain. Jackson’s hair was still wet and slicked back. He wore
black jeans, a dark gray Versace silk sport shirt with the cuffs rolled up, and a pair of A.
# Music of Souls
Testoni loafers. “I’m not quite sure what to do with that information, but thanks, I guess.
Anything special you want me to tell him?”
“Not really, just that I love him… and don’t hurt him.”
“Yeah, yeah, quit your nagging.”
As he walked to the door leading to the basement, Sarah called after him, “Thank you.”
“Haven’t done anything yet!”
The ‘holding cell’ was a lavishly appointed 700 square foot room. It contained a sofa,
two wing chairs, a queen size bed, a fully stocked wet bar, kitchenette, bathroom, wide
screen TV, books, and magazines. All the comforts of home, except behind the rich
brocade fabric walls stood twenty-four inches of rebar reinforced concrete and the door
consisted of eight-inch diameter solid steel bars.
The cell was used for two purposes: to give people who had learned Jackson and Sarah’s
secret time to adjust before being set loose or influenced to forget, and to hold newly
turned vampires until they could be trusted to not wipe out the population of a small city.
As he approached the door, Jackson thought about the last time he used this room.
Cassandra Davis was a vampire groupie who desperately wanted to be turned. He agreed,
since she was pretty enough, and he hadn’t turned anyone for decades. The life force
would be welcomed and the Exemplars would grant permission easily. Jackson enjoyed
the surge of power a vampire garnered from turning a human, but having to snack
carefully on one person for days on end, always running the risk of killing them, took all
the fun out of feeding for him. Sarah offered a great deal of help here. She would set up
transfusions if there was danger the human might die, and had to twice for Cassandra.
Sarah rarely fed on humans anymore. Sometime in the 40s she got it in her head that they
were violating people, and developed a guilty conscience. Jackson would argue, “When
all is said and done, if you handle them properly, you know they love it too.”
“That’s just it, we’re handling them, and it feels wrong to me now.” These days, she only
fed on lovers when they had accepted her vampirism and wanted to share that intimacy.
Sarah obtained her blood by paying people to let her draw it the old fashion way. She
would claim to be a research scientist. You hand a bum or junkie $500 for a pint of blood,
they do not ask too many questions. A pint here, a pint there and before you knew it she
had her own little blood bank. She drank blood from a glass, just like scotch.
Jackson would smirk. “Not the same as fresh.”
It took a full two weeks to turn Cassandra and it ended in disaster. Usually, when a
person is turned, he or she is anxious to take off and explore their new power, so you
keep them a while, carefully feeding and teaching them how to control the bloodlust.
Then off the newborn goes to start a life of vampirism, just like a bird leaving the nest.
Unfortunately, Jackson realized too late that Cassandra was a crazy bitch, and needy as
# Music of Souls
hell. She followed him like a lost sheep. In the end, he finally lost her somewhere in
Russia. God! What a pest. The power ended up to be hardly worth the aggravation.
Jackson unlocked the door and stepped into the room. Connor rushed him to get through
the doorway before he could close it. Jackson brushed him aside as if he were a house cat
trying to get out. Without speaking, he went to the bar, poured two drinks, set one down
on the Rococo table in front of the sofa and sat in one of the wing chairs. He took a sip of
his, and motioned with his hand for Connor to sit on the sofa. Connor spoke first, “Are
you here to kill me?”
The vampire shook his head. “If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now. I’m
here to try to talk some sense into you.”
“I promise I won’t tell anyone, just let me go, please, I promise.”
“Jesus! Man-up and stop groveling. I told you I’m not going to kill you!”
“Is Sarah going to kill me?”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “Sarah loves you, why would she kill you?”
“I don’t understand any of this. I feel like I’m in a nightmare. Why am I here?”
“You’re here because Sarah wants to give you some time to calm down and accept
“Accept things! I’ll never accept that monster bitch!”
Before Connor had spat out the itch in bitch, Jackson was across the room and had picked
him up by the throat. He glared at him with his face barely an inch away and hissed,
“Let’s get one thing straight, Skippy, Sarah is the best woman you and I will ever know. I
am here to help you understand her, because, for some unfathomable reason, she cares
about you. I will answer your questions and give you the information you need to get
through this, but if you dare say one more disparaging word about my best friend, this
will not end well for you. Got it?”
Although he was close to passing out from lack of air, Connor rasped, “Got it.”
Dropping him on the sofa, Jackson sat back in his chair and crossed one long leg over the
other knee at the ankle. He held his glass up. “What say we start over again?”
The human righted himself and held his head in both hands, shaking.
Jackson inhaled. “Dude, I really think it would help if you drank that scotch.” He loved
using the vernacular, although it never sounded quite right coming from him. He tried to
hide it, however, if one really listened, they could ascertain that he came from a different
time and place. His voice, in a word, sounded ‘haughty’.
Connor finally made eye contact, and in a thin whisper said, “I’m really scared.”
# Music of Souls
“I get that, but you have my word you will leave this room unscathed within the next day
or two. You need to trust me when I say you have a lot of misinformation about
vampires. The most important thing you need to know is that Sarah has never killed
anyone. She is a kind, gentle soul and would never hurt you.”
“But does she drink blood?”
“Well yes, but you don’t have to kill people to get blood.”
“How does she get it?”
Jackson sighed deeply. “Listen, I do not have the patience to go through vampire 101
with you. You’re going to have to get that from Sarah. Let me ask you a question. How
did you feel about Sarah yesterday?”
“I loved her.”
“Ok, she was a vampire yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. The
only thing that has changed is your knowledge. You fell in love with who she is, not what
she is. She is still that same wonderful person.”
Connor stared straight ahead for a moment, picked up his glass and drained it.
Now we’re getting somewhere, Jackson thought. He got up and poured another.
Connor’s eyes followed him. “You said I will get out of here; what if I don’t accept this?
How can you let me go?”
“If you still want out after you learn all there is to know about Sarah, she will influence
you to forget ever meeting her, and you will go on with your mundane life as if she didn’t
“She can do that?”
“In a heartbeat.”
Jackson groaned, “Again, no patience here.”
“Why didn’t she just do it then, instead of putting me in here?”
“Because she wants to give you some time to figure out that you two can make this
“Do you think it can work?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think. You and Sarah need to make it work and you’re never
going to get there if you don’t talk to her.”
Connor finished his second drink and Jackson could see by the softening around his eyes
that the alcohol had started to work its magic. As he refilled the human’s glass he
continued, “Why don’t you have a few more drinks, make yourself some food; I’m sure
# Music of Souls
Sarah stocked the fridge with all your favorites. Then put a movie in the DVD player and
try to get some sleep. Things will be a bit clearer in the morning. I’ll have Sarah wait
until then to come back down.” He paused at the door for a moment, “You need to
promise me something now. Talk to her… listen to her… do not call her names or scream
at her. If you decide to leave, I will respect that, but be a gentleman about it. Deal?”
Connor met his eyes with grave emotion and barely choked out, “Deal.”
“Good then. I’d hate to have to renege on my promise and kill you.” With that, Jackson
left the room, locking the door behind him while Connor stared after him, mouth agape.
Making his way to the first floor, Jackson noticed he was feeling weary from all this
drama, and also a little hungry. He found Sarah in the drawing room, again, right where
he had left her, despondence across her face. “How is he?”
“As well as can be expected.”
“Do you think he’ll come around?”
“Yeah, I think he might.” Truthfully, Jackson had no idea what the human would do; he
just didn’t have the heart to tell her. He couldn’t even be certain he wanted the guy to
come around. The odds were, he would break her heart at some point, and would it not be
better sooner, rather than later? No one would ever be good enough for Sarah in
Jackson’s eyes, however, as far as boyfriends went, this guy seemed pretty amiable. He
wasn’t too full of himself, and he really did appear to love her. Jackson could see it in his
eyes. Connor was a lawyer, which he considered a real plus. When one had the kind of
wealth the vampires did, there was always need for a lawyer, and having to constantly
dodge questions about how one amassed a fortune at such a young age could be pretty
tough. Jackson was always ready to influence people, yet Sarah insisted they use that as a
last resort.
“I think I’ll go down and talk to him.”
Jackson held his hand up. “Not a good idea. I told him you would be down in the
“Why did you do that? I need to know what he’s thinking.” The whine in her voice made
him cringe.
“Listen, I know I’m not any good at these affairs of the heart, but I am a man, and a man
needs time to sit on things before he figures out where his head is at. You women have to
beat that horse until it either dies or gets up and runs. Men let it rest for a while, then
figure out whether to nurse it back to health or kill it.”
Sarah laughed for the second time today. “What a morbid analogy!” She crossed the
room and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “You know for such a heartless bastard,
you’re pretty smart sometimes.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment on both counts.”
# Music of Souls
Sarah’s face assumed a serious cast as she added, “You’re also my hero.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.”
Sarah went to the pantry to get an IV bag full of blood. The pantry stood hidden behind a
closet near the bar. Walking into it, one would think they had entered a hospital supply
room. There were two refrigerators for holding blood, needles for drawing, IV tubing for
transfusions and a multitude of surgical instruments for removing bullets and knife tips.
Sarah could never understand why; she guessed it was some macho alpha male thing, but
Jackson would occasionally go out looking for trouble. He would find a bar where gangs
hung out and purposely pick a fight with the biggest, most obnoxious member. The whole
gang would end up jumping him and he would beat up each and every one, always
careful to hold back enough so as not to kill anyone. He attested, “They’re a bunch of
bullies. They deserve it.” The upside for him was they never involved the police. The
downside was someone always managed to hit Jackson with a bullet or two or drive a
knife into him, and break the tip off in a bone. Vampires heal very quickly, but any
foreign object had to be removed or it would be a constant irritant. Jackson excised the
vast majority himself. At times he couldn’t reach, and it would be up to Sarah. She hated
it and bitched at him the whole time she dug into his body. He would groan, “I don’t
know what pains me more, the scalpel or your mouth.”
Sarah returned from the pantry and squeezed some blood into a glass. “Want some?”
“Why not?” He figured it would be quite some time before he could get out to hunt. “Any
port in a storm.” He sat back with the glass, smelled the contents, frowned and took a sip.
“Christ, it’s like drinking cheap merlot from a Dixie cup. Really Sarah, can you honestly
say you don’t taste the plastic bag?”
She shrugged. “You get used to it.”
“I think I’d rather starve.” Jackson had developed quite a discerning palate over the years.
He was to blood what an oenophile is to wine. With just a taste, he could tell the blood
type, the person’s sex, what color hair they had, and even whether or not they were
virgins. He mused that a red headed, female, virgin with O negative blood tasted like fine
aged Port. Good luck finding a legitimate virgin in this day though. Jackson had rules
about his victims. He would never feed on a woman under 21 years old. He called
vampires who did ‘pedovamps’. Men were off limits as well. Feeding was so wrapped up
in sexuality for him that men held no appeal.
Sarah tucked her feet beneath her. “On top of everything else I received a letter from the
SEC today. I’m being investigated.”
Jackson pursed his lips. “Yeah, seems about the right timing. Wasn’t the last time five or
six years ago?”
# Music of Souls
“About that. I don’t know why they just can’t leave me alone. I have never done anything
illegal. ‘Insider Trading’ my fannie.”
“Sarah, your stock dealings have outperformed the market every year since 1933, of
course you’re going to be investigated. Just influence the investigators and be done with
it. You really should pick some losers once in a while to skirt suspicion.”
“Why should I have to deliberately lose money? I’m good at spotting trends, so sue me.
You don’t pick losing start-ups to invest in, why aren’t they after you?”
“Because investing in new companies is entirely different than knowing when to buy and
sell a stock. You are a freaking savant when it comes to that. No one should be able to
time the market the way you do. They may try to ban you from day trading given the
current climate. Then what will you do?”
“I’ll deal with that when and if it happens.”
“Fine. Don’t come whining to me if they blacklist you. You’ll have to create a whole new
identity again.”
Sarah stuck her tongue out as she stood to get more blood. “Want a refill?”
Jackson shook his head with disgust. “I’ll pass.”
“Why don’t you go out and hunt?”
“No way, I’m going to stay here with you and wallow in it. It’s fun,” he said with a cocky
“Really, I’m all right, and I thought I would take a long bath and give myself a pedicure.”
Jackson rose and held her hands. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you come with me?
We’ll kick it up old school. Find a hunky tennis pro for you and a mindless, leggy wench
for me. Just what the doctor ordered.” He missed the days when they played wingman for
each other.
Sarah groaned, “Connor’s down there.”
“He’s not going anywhere, come on, it’ll be fun. Pleeeeze?” His fingers were folded in
prayer as he cocked his head, and stuck out his lower lip.
“Just go. If you don’t feed soon, you’ll start getting cranky and I need you happy.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. It will take me at least a couple hours, Go!”
His bloodlust began to build. What an unexpected surprise. “It’s three-thirty; I’ll be gone
two or three hours tops. When I get back, I’ll let you beat me at chess, and we’ll have a
# Music of Souls
nice quiet evening, okay?”
“Sounds great.”
“Promise you won’t go down and see Skippy?”
“Dammit, stop calling him that!” Jackson always picked some condescending nickname
for her beaus. This one had that old money, all-American boy swagger that begged for
something cute.
“Promise me.”
“I promise I won’t see CONNOR!”
“Good, see ya luv,” and he flew out the door.
Chapter 5
Jackson knew he had his work cut out for him in order to be back in less than three hours.
He was very much in the mood for a fun, air headed bimbo after all the drama today, but
that would be near impossible. They were all at their boring 9-5 jobs now. At this time of
day, the best option would be to go to Stanton Street where the expensive boutiques were,
and hope to find a lonely, rich wife getting back at her husband by spending his money. If
need be, he could influence a pretty shop owner and take her in the back room. All would
be said and done within fifteen minutes then, but damn, did he not deserve a little fun
after being the go-to guy for everyone today? He decided if he hadn’t seduced someone
by 4:15, he would enforce Plan B.
Approaching the shopping district, he noticed a series 7 BMW slowing down. The
blinker lit up and the car pulled into a spot. When the driver emerged, he let out a soft
whistle. Bingo. There stood a tall bleached blonde who, Jackson guessed to be in her midforties, but she appeared younger thanks to cosmetic surgery and Pilates. She was dressed
impeccably in Chanel, and definitely had the stringent expression of an ignored wife. He
slid up right behind her before she could duck into a shop. “Excuse me, I’m new in town
and I wonder if you could help me out?” She let out a self-important sigh as she turned;
ready to dismiss the pesky newcomer. Then she saw him. He never tired of the surprise
on people’s faces when they got a good look. Her eyes widened, then ran over him as if
she were appraising a sinful dessert, ready to devour it.
This one’s bold! He thought.
The blonde purred, “Well certainly. What can I do for you?”
Jackson removed his sunglasses and drawled, “That remains to be seen, why don’t you
start by directing me to the best shop to find a suit.”
She stood, transfixed on his eyes for a moment, then steadied herself and said, “I’ll do
better than that; I’ll take you there.” This was going to be easier than anticipated.
The two exchanged pleasantries and blatant flirtations as they walked to Chapman’s, an
upscale men’s clothier. Her name was Claudia. Jackson had taken her elbow, mostly to
# Music of Souls
move her along a little faster. The shopkeeper met them at the door with a smile. “How
can I help you?”
“In need of a new suit, sir,” answered Jackson.
“Very good, what size?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure, what do you think?” Most of Jackson’s clothes, especially his suits,
were custom made or straight off the runway from Paris or Milan. He rarely bought
anything except jeans and causal shirts off the rack. The shopkeeper and Claudia both
looked at him quizzically, wondering how a man, so obviously a clotheshorse, did not
know his suit size. Jackson shrugged. “I’m not very good with numbers.”
That produced a laugh from both of them and put the question to rest. “Let’s see,” said
the shopkeeper, “I’d say a 42 long should work.”
“Good then, let’s have at it, chop, chop, in a bit of a hurry here.”
Claudia put on a pout, thinking she had misread Jackson’s intentions for her. He tapped
her gently under the chin. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I have plenty of time for you.” She
smiled and started rifling through the rack of suits. The shopkeeper pulled out a dark blue
Jay Kos and a grey Armani. Claudia chose a black Valentino. “Great.” said Jackson.
“Ring ‘em up.”
“What? All three?”
“Yep, here’s my card.” He held out his American Express. The shopkeeper stood
astounded, holding the two suits. Jackson could see this guy needed some motivation to
move fast. He removed a hundred dollar bill from his money clip and waved it in front of
the shopkeeper’s nose. “This is yours if you get those puppies bagged and ready to go in
under three minutes.” The shopkeeper grabbed the Valentino from Claudia, the credit
card from Jackson, and bolted to the register.
Jackson turned his attention to Claudia, who stood motionless. He snapped his fingers in
front of her eyes. “You okay?”
“Uh, yeah. Don’t you want to try those on?”
He would have loved to watch her ogle him as he strutted for her, but he didn’t have time.
“Not necessary, my tailor is a miracle worker.”
“You just spent upwards of nine-thousand dollars on suits and you don’t want to try them
He leaned in to her, brushed his lips against her ear and whispered, “I’ve got a closet full
of Caracenis and Brionis at home.” He felt her shiver under his lips. Stepping back, he
put on his most, “guilty as charged” smile. She returned the smile, yet still seemed unable
to speak. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, taking her arm again. He dropped the bill on the
counter, pocketed his card, and grabbed the garment bags.
“Come again!” called the shopkeeper behind them.
# Music of Souls
“Well, that was fun,” Claudia said once she had composed herself.
Jackson stopped and gently pushed her against the brick wall they were walking by. He
faced her and moved in close. He heard her sharp intake of breath and crooned, “I’m
thinking we might have a different kind of fun together.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“The Hotel Roseville is only a few blocks, why don’t we go there and I’ll show you just
how much fun I can be. Would you like that?” He had taken a lock of her hair between
his fingers and gently twirled it.
Claudia swallowed hard and whispered, “Oh yes.” She had never met a man so brazen, or
so sexy. Jackson kissed her gently, then took her arm once more. He quickly checked his
Tag Heuer, 4:12, right on schedule.
Luckily, they were the only ones in the lobby, so quickly obtained a room. Jackson asked
for the first floor to avoid a long elevator ride. He held the door open for Claudia and
followed her into the room. Normally, he would have had a bottle of scotch and some ice
sent to the room, but today there was no time. He held her face in his hands and kissed
her again, this time more urgently. He pulled away and gazed into her eyes. She took a
deep breath. “I’ve never done this before.”
Jackson didn’t believe that for a second, but if she wanted to play it that way, fine. He
brushed her hair behind her ear. “I’ll just have to be extra gentle, then, won’t I?” She put
her hands on his chest as he started to kiss her neck. He could feel the blood flowing
through her veins, and hear her heart pound. He located the spot where his fangs would
connect, but first he would rock her world. Leading her to the bed, he slowly and
methodically undressed her. She was already putty in his hands. He privately gloated at
his finesse; I think I’m going to break a record here. Jackson proceeded to pleasure her in
ways she had never experienced, asking nothing of her. When she seemed sufficiently
exhausted, he lay on his back. She nuzzled into his chest and purred, while brushing her
fingers across his chest. “That was amazing…now, what would you like me to do for
“Since you’ve asked. There is something you can do for me, but first I have to tell you a
secret. Can you keep a secret?”
“Of course, this whole day is a secret.”
Jackson brought his lips to her ear. “I’m a vampire and I would very much like to taste
your blood.” His rapacious hunger built as his fangs began their descent.
She laughed softly. “Sure you are, here you go Count Dracula,” and she turned her head
to expose her neck. Jackson barely brushed her neck with his lips, and as she let out a soft
contented sigh, he backed off for just a second to find his mark, then sunk his fangs into
her. She stiffened briefly as she realized what had happened, but before she could even
raise a hand to resist; his venom had produced a surge of euphoria. A wave of
# Music of Souls
unimaginable pleasure coursed through her entire body. She immediately relaxed and
closed her eyes. When he had his fill, he kissed her again and said, “Now, that was
Claudia looked up at him. “Is this a dream?”
“No, this is as real as it gets sweetheart”
Jackson put his index finger on her lips to silence her. “I don’t have time for explanations
today. I have to leave now. Let’s just chalk this up to a pleasant hour with a stranger.”
She sat stunned as he quickly dressed. “You’re just going to leave me here?”
He squatted down beside the bed and held her hands. “There is nothing I would rather do
than stay here enjoying you until the sun comes up, but I have something very important
to do and it can’t wait.”
As he rose and started for the door she asked, “Will I see you again?”
“Probably not, but you will keep our secret, and do you know why?”
“Because, if you don’t, A: your husband will find out you sleep around and B: I will kill
you and every one you tell.” As he left the room he called back, “Charge whatever you
want to the room.” 5:25 Yessss! Sometimes I even amaze myself!
Jackson had gone to town on foot. By the time he chose a car and waited at endless sets
of lights, it would have taken longer to drive than using vampire speed. Heading up the
walk to the mansion, he stopped for a moment to take in the trees that were just beginning
to change color. It was early September, and he felt no more beautiful place existed than
New England in the fall. The golds and reds of the leaves produced a different landscape
each day. He could discern the subtle changes in hue and would walk for hours in the
woods appreciating nature’s rich bounty. Sarah would say, “Seen one orange leaf, seen
‘em all.” No matter where they were living, Jackson always made a trip to New England
during peak foliage. This year and for the next ten to twelve, he would have it all, not just
a week or two in the Berkshires. Between his conquest today and the crisp fall air, he felt
on top of the world. Now if the Sarah/Skippy thing would only resolve itself.
When Jackson entered the house, he glanced at the antique clock on the mantle: two
minutes to six. Ha! He laid the suits across the bar and poured two drinks. Sarah would
surely be down soon. He then sat on the sofa, put his feet up on the overstuffed ottoman
and once again congratulated himself on his prowess.
After a few minutes, he heard Sarah behind him, though something sounded strange. Was
she shuffling? He turned, looking over the back of the sofa and there she stood in a plush
# Music of Souls
white robe with a towel on her head and yes, she definitely had a waddle to her walk.
“What the hell?” He lifted up a bit to see her feet and found the answer. There were foam
toe separators on her bare feet and her toenails were painted a dark crimson.
“You like?” she asked, pointing to her toes.
“My favorite color.” He raised his glass in a mock toast.
Sarah removed the towel from her hair and shook out her locks. Even wet, her hair
cascaded in a full mane that framed her face beautifully. She eyed the garment bags.
“What’s that?”
“Suits? Off the rack?” She unzipped the Valentino.
Holding up the suit, she yelled, “Jackson, you will never wear this!”
“I know. I thought we could try to bribe Skippy with them.”
She threw the suit back on the bar, and glared at him. “You’re such an ass!” The thought
did cross her mind that, although the suits were sub par for Jackson, they were much
nicer than any Connor owned. Maybe if they worked things out, she would take Jackson
up on his offer. He stood a full head taller than Connor, but they probably were close in
size across the chest. Antonio could work his magic and tailor them perfectly. Damn him.
Only Jackson could turn a kindness into an insult.
“I assume you influenced some sweet thing after making her commission quota for the
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I did not influence anyone.”
“So, you gave up on feeding and bought three suits you don’t want?”
She crossed her arms. “Can we please stop playing twenty questions and just tell me what
you’ve been doing for the last two and a half hours?”
Jackson leaned back a little and clasped his hands behind his head. “Well if you must
know, I picked up an attractive, slightly long in the tooth socialite, shopped for suits with
her, brought her to the Roseville and yada, yada, yada. Here I am, well fed and smug as
“No way!”
# Music of Souls
“Yes way, call me Maestro.”
Sarah sat on the sofa, facing him, hugging her knees, careful not to smudge her toes. She
smacked him in the arm. “I want every detail.” She was like a sorority girl ready to dish
with her friends. Jackson began to recount the whole story and with all the “Oh my
Gods!” and “You’re kiddings!” She seemed to be actually enjoying herself. The bonus of
his day helping her out of her funk turned out to be an unexpected surprise. When he
finished his tale, she shook her head. “Unfriggin’ believable.”
He raised an eyebrow and crooned, “Who’s the man…? So, you ready for that chess
“I don’t really feel like chess tonight.”
“Okay, want me to grill up some steaks?”
“No, I don’t feel like eating either.”
Jackson let out an exasperated sigh. “Why don’t you tell me what you would like to do?”
She dropped her gaze and said softly, “What I would really like is for you to play for
“Oh, come on! You cannot be serious. You cry when I play and you’re happy. What are
you trying to do? Put yourself into a full blown depression?” Jackson was right; she could
barely get through five or six measures before the tears started to flow. What he did not
understand was that she found his music to be cathartic.
“Fine, but if you start sounding suicidal, I’m going to slap you around.” They walked to
the music room with Jackson grumbling “glutton for punishment” and “own worst
enemy,” under his breath.
Jackson possessed a true passion for music. He was an accomplished pianist and
composer, although he never published any of his works. He said, “They are mine, they
are personal and I will choose with whom to share them.” Sarah suspected the real reason
to be twofold, one: He did not want his work critiqued by anyone, let alone those
‘jugheads in the modern music industry’ and two: his music held so much rapture,
sadness and longing that anyone listening to it would understand that beneath the snarky
I-don’t-give-a-crap-about-anyone attitude boiled a cauldron of raw emotion. He never
allowed anyone but Sarah to see that side of him, and she often felt sorry for his inability
to let the rest of the world in.
The music room had raised panel cherry walls and a coffered ceiling with intricately
carved beams. There were six large ornate sheet music cabinets along one wall and
comfortable seating for eight, although Sarah was the only audience ever in attendance.
Slightly off center in the room stood a breathtaking, nine-foot, ebony Steinway concert
grand piano. Jackson stood at one of the cabinets and asked, “What’s your pleasure
# Music of Souls
“You pick.”
“Good.” At least that way he could play something upbeat. If she picked, it would be
something melancholy, and in his opinion, that was the last thing she needed now. He
ruffled through some pieces. “Let me see now, something in a major key. Aha, perfect.”
He chose a sprightly sonata in b-flat major.
Four of the music cabinets housed Jackson’s works, the remaining two held other
composers’ music. The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited
time to perfect your abilities and accumulate wealth. He often thought, If Beethoven or
Chopin had centuries to compose music, imagine the treasures we would have.
Jackson had not been composing much lately. When Sarah asked why, he answered, “I
don’t know, I guess I’m running out of things to say.”
Jackson sat at the piano while Sarah found her usual chair, and grabbed a throw pillow to
hug. He made an overtly dramatic flourish with his arms, winked at her and started to
play. His long, thin fingers could span a thirteenth on the keyboard. They danced over the
keys, coaxing beautiful sound from each one. Sarah enjoyed watching him play almost as
much as listening. He truly lost himself in music and the hard mask of self-control gave
way to softening features. The passion welling up in him was palpable. He never cried,
but intense emotion painted his expression. She had given up years ago trying to
convince him to let the rest of the world see that side. The last time she pushed, he had
exploded, “What, so I can be like you? Half the time pining for Miss Wonderful and the
other half whining because she ripped my heart out!”
Sarah shrieked, “Is that really how you see me?”
“Oh God, no! I’m sorry! I love that you are so caring and wear your heart on your sleeve.
You don’t have a cynical bone in your body. I wouldn’t change a thing about you. It’s
just not me. I know you think I have all this longing inside me, but I don’t. I like the way
I live, I’m happy. I don’t want all the difficulties that come with relationships. It’s not
worth it.”
Who knows, she thought. He may be right. She certainly had seen her share of heartache,
but unlike Jackson, she did believe it to be worth it.
Sarah had only seen him cry twice through all the years. The first time, in the forest after
they escaped Victor, when they decided they could never return to their families.
The second time, when his sister Emily died. They had stayed close by their homes,
watching unseen, for a few years, until it became too painful. Jackson was one of four
siblings. He had two brothers and a sister. Emily was seven years older. Although the
Parrishes were a close-knit family, Jackson and Emily shared a special bond. She being
the oldest, and he the youngest. When Jackson came along, Emily decided he would be
her baby and always took care of him. She gave him his love of music and schooled him
in all the proper ways a noble man should behave. One of his favorite memories was
when he would do something un-gentlemanlike, which was often. Emily would
# Music of Souls
reprimand him, “No brother of mine will act like a savage.” She contracted smallpox at
the age of 33. Jackson had only been a vampire for a year. He was devastated. Sarah had
to convince him not to turn Emily. In his heart, he knew she would not have survived the
transformation anyway. Sarah held him while he sobbed uncontrollably. “How can this
be happening? I will never say goodbye to her.” He grieved for years and Sarah worried
for a time that he might find someone to stake him. Were it not for Sarah, he would have.
He lived only so that she would not be alone.
Jackson finished playing and looked up at Sarah. She clapped profusely and shouted,
“Bravo.” Tears streamed down her face, as he knew they would.
He rolled his eyes, and stood. “I need a drink.”
“Here, have a sip of mine. Please play something else?”
I should have known better. She won’t be satisfied until I play something that makes her
want to slit her wrists. He would not deny her when she hurt like this and she knew it.
He’d play all night if need be. He went back to the cabinet and found a concerto in dminor. This ought to do the trick. At the end of this piece, she let out a guttural sob.
He shook his head. “Well, I guess we’re finished here. How ‘bout we go watch
“Beaches” now. That will really get the job done.”
“No, play some more,” she pleaded
“Fine, you pick.” Maybe if he made her choose, she would get it out of her system
sooner. He grabbed the drink out of her hand and finished it. “If I can’t drink, you can’t
She pursed her lips in a pout, and then jumped up to a music cabinet and opened a
drawer. “Where’s that one you gave me for my birthday last year?” Jackson stood and
retrieved the piece. He played on for about an hour. As her eyes began to glass over, he
played softer until she started to nod off.
He quietly stood and cupped her face with his hand. “Time for bed, Princess.”
“Oh, I guess I am a little sleepy.”
“Want me to carry you?”
“No, I can walk.”
He accompanied her to her room, and as she went in asked, “You want me to sit with
“No I think I’ll be able to sleep.”
“Ok, but if not, come and get me.”
“I will”
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“Goodnight then.”
“Night... Jackson?”
“I love you.”
“Love you too, Princess”
Chapter 6
Sarah and Jackson’s bedrooms were at opposite ends of the long hallway. As close as
they were, they liked their privacy, and with their keen hearing, distance was required.
Jackson didn’t concern himself, since he never brought women home. They might get the
wrong idea, or worse yet, come back.
He considered going down to the drawing room for a drink, but decided, he too, felt
quite weary. It had been a long day. I wonder if what’s-her-name from last night is still at
the hotel. Maybe I could rally for a little nightcap after all. Oh crap! He had forgotten to
send her that jewelry. Might as well call it a night.
Jackson had a strange dream. He stood in a forest with a woman, whose face he could not
see. She wore a flowing, diaphanous gown and had long, wavy, bronze colored hair. He
yearned to see her face, but when he approached to make her turn, she disappeared, the
moment they touched. He whirled around and there she would be, just out of reach. This
happened again and again. Every time he moved close enough to see her face, she
vanished. He rarely had dreams, and when he did, they were nice dreams of feeding on
some beautiful woman. This one disturbed him.
He woke at 5:00 a.m., feeling frustrated and confused. He tried to shake the dream off
and go back to sleep, yet couldn’t. Throwing on some jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of Nikes,
he decided to take a walk, but first, he would check on Sarah. The door to her room was
open and the room, empty. “So much for my walk. Damn.” He wanted to listen in when
she talked to Skippy in case he got out of line, so hurried downstairs. He found Sarah in
the kitchen.
He held her shoulders. “You were supposed to come and get me if you couldn’t sleep.”
“It’s morning.”
“Hardly.” Two cups of coffee sat on the counter. “That one for me?” He knew it was
not, but wanted to make her squirm a little for breaking her promise.
“Sure, take it.” She turned to get another from the cupboard.
“He’s probably still sleeping you know.” Jackson knew the odds were that guy hadn’t
slept a wink all night, but he wanted her to wait as long as possible.
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“Then I’ll wait until he wakes up.”
“Why don’t we go for a nice walk first? I’ll try to convert you to a leaf peeper.”
“Jackson, please, I’m going nuts here. I have to see him or I’ll burst.”
“All right, but I’m listening in for a while, until I’m sure he’s not going to be a dick about
“What good will that do?”
“I will stop him.”
She set her jaw and growled, “You are not, under any circumstance, going to touch him!”
He put his hands up in surrender. “Fine, but I’m not going to let him verbally abuse you.
If I can’t beat him, I’ll get you out of there.”
“Whatever!” She knew arguing would be pointless. She poured the coffees and headed to
the door with Jackson behind her. As they descended the stairs, he started humming the
Death March. She had to fight back a chuckle.
The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some
sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol.
Connor had not drank this much since his undergrad days and really felt like shit. He felt
reasonably sure they would not kill him, unless they got their kicks out of seeing people
freak out before murdering them. God, how can she be a murderer? Although he thought
Jackson an obnoxious, self-righteous prick, Connor felt sure he had been truthful about
him being long dead if they were going to kill him.
Connor had been with many women, even lived with one for a year, yet he had never met
anyone he had connected with like Sarah. She was everything he ever dreamed of. Up
until yesterday he thought they would be together forever. He had even gone to check out
rings last week and then she drops that word…
A vampire!
When she first said it, he thought she was joking. Her expression confirmed the truth. She
seemed so distraught, especially when he called her a monster; no way did she want him
dead. You can’t fake that look. She can make me forget her. Do I want to forget her? Am
I willing to give up all we have become to each other? Maybe she can make me forget
she’s a vampire and go back to pretending she’s human. I could live with that, and I
wouldn’t have to lose her. Maybe she can even make me think it is okay for her to be a
vampire. Does she want me to be a vampire? Christ, I’m going to lose my mind!
Jackson held back far enough so Connor would not see him, yet close enough to get into
the room in a hurry. Sarah opened the door and said, “Good-morning.” She closed but did
not lock it. It’s not as if he had a chance of getting by her. Well, thought Jackson, he
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didn’t rush her like he did me. That’s a good sign.
Connor responded with a dejected, “Hi.”
“I brought you some coffee.”
“Thanks. Oh, and thanks for the pot-roast. It was delicious.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” After an awkward moment, she said, “I hope you know that I
would never do anything to hurt you.”
“What do you call deceiving me for two and a half months?”
“I am so sorry about that, but you never would have given me a chance if you knew from
the beginning.”
“Exactly, and I wouldn’t be going through a living hell now, would I?”
“No, but we also wouldn’t have had all the wonderful times either.”
“You mean the lies. None of it was real. You lied to me the whole time. Did you have fun
playing with the weak human?”
Jackson clenched and unclenched his fists. He would not let this go on much longer.
Sarah took on a tone of desperation. “It’s not like that at all. I truly love you. Do you
think I want to be this way?”
“I have no idea what you want.”
“I want you; I want us to be together.”
“Were you born this way?”
“No, someone made me this way, against my will.” Neither of them could bear to say the
word vampire.
“Jackson said you could make me forget about you.”
“If that’s what you want, yes.”
“Can you just make me forget yesterday and today?”
“I can, but I won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I need you to accept what I am if we are to have a future together.”
“Can you make me accept what you are?”
“Yes, but I won’t do that either, for the same reason.”
“So I’ve got two choices, take it or leave it, huh?”
Sarah shrugged. “Well, I guess, but I hope you will at least try for a while.”
“So if I tried for a week or two and then decided I couldn’t handle it, you’d still make me
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“Of course.”
“I would make eye contact with you, and then influence you to do what I want.”
Connor rubbed the back of his neck. “Is that what you did to make me love you? How
can I ever believe anything I feel for you is real?”
Sarah couldn’t hold up any longer. She sobbed, “I would never do that to you. I swear, I
have never used influence on you for any reason, never!”
Jackson had taken a step forward, ready to enter the room, but stopped when Connor’s
voice quieted. “All right, I believe you, please don’t cry.”
They were both quiet for a moment, and then Sarah said, “Will you please give me a
chance to prove that this isn’t as bad as you think.”
“I suppose I could try for a while, but I’m not making any promises.”
“I know. I don’t expect you to.”
“And I have a million questions, you can’t hold anything back, I want the whole truth, no
more lying, ever.”
“I will tell you anything you want to know, and I promise, I will never lie to you about
anything, ever again.” That did it for Jackson. Time for that walk.
He returned a few hours later, made a drink, and went to the kitchen where Sarah had
started making breakfast for Connor. The strain had left her face, so he knew things had
gone well. Connor looked like hell. Jackson patted him on the back, “Rough night, eh
mate?” He stared into his coffee cup and shook his head. “I bet you could use a hair of
the dog.”
“No way, I’m going to do some serious detox.”
“Now see, that’s your first mistake. Do that and you have to start building tolerance all
over again.” He raised his glass to show him and took a sip. Sarah shot him a look that
clearly meant, ‘Back off.’
Connor said, “Jesus, it’s not even nine o’clock yet and you’re drinking. You are a raging
alcoholic, aren’t you?” Sarah laughed out loud.
Jackson had to give the guy a little credit; he must have a pair. He had just insulted a
vampire. Maybe Sarah told him she would protect him, but still it was pretty ballsy.
“Actually, Skippy, I’m quite a mellow alcoholic, not raging at all, lucky for you.”
“Have you ever tried to stop?”
“Now why would I do that? What are the down sides of drinking? Liver damage, heart
# Music of Souls
disease, hangover, right?”
“I guess.”
“Well, you guess correctly, and for you those are nasty, for me, not so much. See, my
organs cannot be damaged and my metabolism processes liquor much faster than yours. I
have to drink a real lot to get a hangover, so, with no downsides and a whole lot of up,
why wouldn’t I drink to my heart’s content, plus it tastes awesome and warms my soul.”
Sarah plated up the eggs. “You don’t want any, do you Jackson.” she said more as a
command than a question.
“Love some.” She narrowed her eyes and practically threw a plate at him. He smiled
broadly and winked. “Well look at us, one big happy family.” Sarah let out a groan and
started eating.
When they had finished their breakfast, Connor said, “Sarah, I’d like to talk to Jackson
alone for a minute if you don’t mind.”
Jackson wondered where he was going with this. Christ, I hope this guy isn’t expecting
some male bonding here.
Sarah seemed confused as well. “Um, yeah okay, I guess.” As she walked out the door
she turned. Connor had his back to the door, but Jackson could see her. She pointed her
index finger at him and mouthed, “Behave!”
“So, Skippy, what’s on your mind?”
“Is there any way I can get you to stop calling me that?”
“Not likely.”
“You really work hard at pissing people off, don’t you?”
“Nah, it’s easy. Now pleasing people, that’s hard.”
Connor pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sarah told me you aren’t really related.”
“That’s right.” They always told people they were brother and sister. No one would
believe two people as attractive as Sarah and Jackson could be in a platonic relationship,
so it kept the neighbors from gossiping.
“She also said you were lovers for a short time many years ago.”
Wow, thought Jackson, She really is going all in with this guy. “Right again.”
“Well, I would like to know what your feelings are for her now.”
“Really?” Jackson actually began to feel a little respect for the guy. The way he looked
him in the eye and tried to act unafraid. Most of Sarah’s boyfriends gave him a wide
# Music of Souls
berth and avoided contact at all cost. None of them had ever dared ask this question. Not
even the vampires.
He leaned toward Connor. “Here’s the thing: You see, I am just too much man for Sarah,
so it didn’t work out.” Connor got up from the table and moved even closer, glaring at
him. Jackson wondered, is this guy actually going to try to hit me? He couldn’t possibly
be that stupid. He didn’t move an inch, but said, “All right, take it easy. I may have
crossed a line there.”
Connor unclenched his fists and backed away. “Would you please be serious for one
minute and answer my question?”
Jackson pursed his lips and tilted his head slightly. “You really do love her, don’t you?”
“More than I ever dreamed possible.”
“Okay, let me see if I can make this clear. Did Sarah tell you how long we have been
living together?”
“So, I think you can understand you really get to know a person in that kind of time,
“We have been through more together than you could possibly imagine, and through it all
Sarah has been my rock, and I hers. I love her more than you ever will. I would lay down
my life for her without a moment’s hesitation. My love for her is not romantic; it is that
of a brother, father and son all wrapped up in one. We only attempted a romantic
relationship because we were both so lonely, life was nearly unbearable. We realized
very quickly we had made a grave mistake, and I don’t even like to think about it. It feels
incestuous to me.” Connor’s face had softened considerably. Jackson arched an eyebrow.
“Are we good here?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Great. I need a refill.” He knew Sarah would be listening in somewhere, and when he
entered the drawing room, he had proof. She sat on the sofa with tears running down her
face, a smile pulled as far as it would go. He shook a long finger at her. “You are a very
naughty girl.”
She brushed off the tears and said, “You like him.”
“I most certainly do not. I’m just feeling magnanimous after my stellar performance with
the socialite.”
“Oh sure.” She knew that wasn’t true. If he didn’t like Connor, his mood wouldn’t have
mattered a bit. He would have yelled something like, “How I feel about Sarah is none of
your goddamn business and if you’re so pathetically insecure maybe you don’t deserve
her!” Sarah almost started to press the issue, but thought better of it. She laughed to
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herself: Not wise to poke the bear.
Connor entered the room and Sarah ran to him, giving him a hug and peck on the lips.
“You all right?”
“Yeah, fine, just really tired.”
“Do you want to take a nap?”
“No, I should get home to shower and change, then head to the office. I missed a
deposition and there’s going to be hell to pay.”
“I’m so sorry, can I help?”
“No, I’ll take care of it, but do you mind if I just go home to sleep afterwards and see you
“Sure, whatever you want.”
Jackson could hear the worry in her voice. Was the human having second thoughts?
Connor must have sensed it as well, because he put his arms around her. “Honest, I just
need to take care of some things and I really need some sleep. I love you, and I will call
tonight, we’ll make plans for tomorrow, okay?”
That seemed to put her at ease. “Okay, I’ll walk you out.” When she returned to the room
she asked, “Do you think he really meant it?”
“Hell yeah, that boy almost punched me for you.”
She sat close and beamed. “I’m soooo happy.”
He put his arm around her shoulder. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Chapter 7
“So, what’s on the agenda today, Princess?” Jackson felt a little disappointed that Connor
left. He had hoped to have the day and night to himself, and now that would be unlikely.
Sarah stood, took his face in her hands, and kissed him on the forehead. “You, sir, are
officially off duty. I’m going shopping, then spending the rest of the day at the spa.
Tonight, I’m going to curl up with a book and wait for Connor to call.”
“You want me to go to the spa with you? I wouldn’t mind a little massage therapy, if you
know what I mean.”
“Absolutely not. You have been playing nursemaid for two days. Make today all about
you, you deserve it.”
He raised an eyebrow. “If you insist.”
As she practically danced out of the room, and up the stairs, she shouted, “Later, Stud.”
He loved seeing her like this. He hoped it would last.
Jackson considered his options for the day. Should I go find a little afternoon delight or
# Music of Souls
kill some time here and wait for tonight? Could do both, but Sarah would call me a
glutton. Definitely still in the mood for a low IQ. Since it was Friday and all the fun ones
would be out drinking after work, he decided to take another walk, then maybe a nap.
He’d hit some local bars later until he found just what he wanted. No settling tonight, he
had all the time in the world.
He took a long, hot shower at 5:00. Then laid out his clothes for the evening and crawled
into bed for a catnap. He planned to head into town about 8:30. Too early and the ladies
would be sober. Too late and they’d be sloppy drunk. The best time to have fun seducing
them was about 9:00-9:30. Just when they were getting a little tipsy and their inhibitions
were taking a walk, but before they were slurring their words. Poor things had command
of so few as it was.
He had nearly nodded off when he heard Sarah come home. He sat up in bed, waiting for
her to come in and show him the shoes she inevitably bought. She definitely carried
shopping bags, but at the top of the stairs, instead of turning right to his room she headed
left to her own. That’s odd. “Hey,” he yelled.
She peeked around his door. “What’s up?”
“I was about to ask you the same question.”
“Nothing, I’m going to take a bath then start my book.”
“Don’t you want to show me your treasures?”
“I told you, today is all about you.” And she skipped away.
Jackson woke with a start at 7:15 pm. He had that damn dream about the bronze haired
nymph again. He dressed and went into Sarah’s room. She was sitting up in bed reading.
“Wanna have a drink with me before I head out?”
“You mad at me?”
She dropped her book and laughed. “What on earth could I possibly be mad at you for?”
“Just making sure. Don’t wait up.”
“Never do.”
Jackson arrived at Poncho’s at 8:30. He had taken out his new Lotus Elise and gone for a
joy ride first. He avidly collected exotic, fast, cars. Each of their homes had large
“stables” (he refused to call them garages, “It’s such an uncivilized word.”) filled with
Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches, along with prototypes that Sarah did not even try
to keep track of.
It was still early, but he would hang back for a bit and check things out thoroughly before
going into action.
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Poncho’s was a staple for the twenty-something crowd. It consisted of a restaurant area, a
large serpentine shaped bar and another room off to the side with two pool tables and a
jukebox. The lighting was sparse, which created an advantage for Jackson. With his
vampire vision, he could see clearly what the other patrons could not. ‘The hunter’s
He sat at the bar, ordered a drink, then swiveled the stool for a better view. There were a
few couples at the bar, nothing interesting. He turned his attention to the pool tables
where two couples were playing and drinking beer. Right in the middle stood a cute little
redhead about to make her shot. Most surely a contender. She was laughing and one of
the guys, probably her boyfriend, had his hand on her ass.
Jackson moved to get a better view. Leaning into the corner, he sized up the situation. He
thought briefly of his dream, but the hair color differed. It was bronze in the dream, not
red, and Freckle’s hair was Irish red. Hopefully, she would be O negative. Definitely not
a virgin, not the way she was grinding up against Joe Jock.
While contemplating whether Freckles would be worth having to influence the other
three or not, Jackson caught sight of someone in his peripheral vision. Hello! A beautiful
woman walking along the bar stared at him. When he focused on her she quickly averted
her eyes. Must be a shy one. Sure didn’t seem it though. This one wasn’t just pretty; she
was downright gorgeous and carried herself with a sartorial elegance. She didn’t seem to
belong here, way too classy. An upscale bar in Manhattan would be a more suitable
environment. She appeared to be in her early thirties, had chestnut brown hair that fell in
soft waves around her shoulders with thin streaks of what looked like fire running
through it. Jackson mused, that must be natural. All those colors didn’t come from a
bottle. She wore a silk blouse, Jimmy Choo’s and a pencil skirt with a slit up the side,
which gave just a glimpse of leg that went on forever. Jackson was most definitely a leg
man. They didn’t have to be particularly long. The shape was the important aspect. This
one had it all. He glanced back at the redhead briefly and thought, she’ll keep. Beauties
like Gams don’t come around very often.
He sidled up behind her as she ordered a drink. “Glenfiddich, neat.”
Oooh, a scotch drinker. You don’t see that too often in women her age. BONUS. “Make
that two, and put it on my tab.”
She barely turned to acknowledge him. “I can buy my own drink, thank you.”
“I’m sure you can, but please allow a gentleman the gesture.” Nothing! No response
whatsoever. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought her a vampire, but she didn’t
smell like one. She smelled human, real human, almost beyond human. It hit him so hard,
he guessed, because she had no cover-up scent on. These days, humans sprayed and
bathed in all kinds of crap to mask their odor. Between the shampoo, perfume, body wash
and all the other scents, a vampire could barely get a whiff of the earthy delicious smell
that was natural. Sometimes he wanted to hose his victims down before feeding. This one
didn’t even seem to have deodorant on. He had to resist the urge to bury his nose in her
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hair right then. “My name’s Jackson, Jackson Parrish.”
“Thank you for the drink, Mr. Parrish.”
“You’re welcome. Please, call me Jackson. And you are?”
She didn’t hesitate a second here, “Not interested.”
Christ, who is this woman? “Well, that’s an unusual name. Your parents must not have
liked you much.” He heard an almost imperceptible chuckle. She really had her guard up,
causing him to wonder if some moron had just dumped her.
Turning to face him, she said, “Look, Mr. Parrish,” and stopped in mid-sentence as their
eyes met.
Jackson felt a jolt go straight through to his core, leaving him breathless. She had the
most beautiful eyes. They were a soft, sable brown with specs of black that seemed to
swirl in motion around her pupils like two tiny solar systems. She broke the gaze first as
he asked, “Did you feel that?”
She had to have. How could she not, and if she really didn’t, she wouldn’t have said,
‘No’. She would have said, ‘feel what?’ This was crazy. He should be controlling this
situation by now; not sitting here trying to figure out what the hell was happening. He
thought about giving up and going back to Freckles, however, he felt much too intrigued
with Gams.
She took a breath. “As I started to say, I would like to be left alone. Why don’t you turn
your attention back to Lucy there? I’m sure you’ll have luck with her.”
It dawned on him that she must have been watching while he appraised the redhead. This
would take some damage control. Jackson decided if things didn’t turn soon he would
have to influence her. He was becoming both frustrated and hungry, and couldn’t
remember ever wanting a woman so fiercely. “She’s not my type. Jealous, are we?”
“Oh, yes sir. I so hope you will sweep me off my feet and take me away from my sad,
lonely life straight to fairy-tale land.”
Smart ass. I like that. He sat on the bar stool next to her. “Do you think maybe we could
start over, with a more civil tone perhaps?”
“Weeeee have started nothing. Is it really impossible for you to believe that a woman
exists who isn’t foaming at the mouth to bed down with you?”
“Actually, yes it is.” He had tired of playing games. It was time to influence her.
She let out a throaty laugh. “Well, at least you’re honest.” Her voice sounded rich, and
full. After he influenced her he would ask her to laugh again…and again.
Jackson needed to make eye contact. “All right, let’s make a deal. Look me straight in the
eye. Shake my hand, introduce yourself and I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want.”
# Music of Souls
“Fine!” She turned and held out her hand. It felt warm, slightly warmer than it should be.
He wondered if she had a fever. “How do you do Jackson? My name is Elisabeth.” She
raised her eyes through dark, full lashes and locked full on to his.
Jackson felt that surge again and almost forgot what he was doing. What the hell is that
about? She didn’t avert her gaze this time. His pupils dilated and transfixed on hers as he
commanded, “You want more than anything to be with me.”
Elisabeth slowly stood, leaned into him with her whole body, put her lips to his ear, and
nibbled softly on his earlobe. The hair on the back of his neck bristled and a shiver
coursed down his spine. No woman had ever elicited a response like that from him. He
felt unsteady and breathless. There was no bloodlust, but rather a longing that gripped
him and clouded his thoughts. She brought her lips to his ear and rasped softly, “I’ll be
dipped in shit before I let a misogynist pig like you lay a hand on me.” By the time
Jackson fully realized what had happened, she had disappeared.
This was impossible! He had influenced her. First, he felt utter confusion, then anger. He
would have that bitch if he had to use brute force. Rage welled up as he went to find her.
He stood in the parking lot searching for her and sniffed the air. She must be in a car. He
waited to hear an engine start, ready to pounce. Nothing. Where could she be? Had he sat
there, astonished, long enough for her to escape? He pounded his fists on the hood of a
car, putting deep dents in the metal. He paced around the parking lot for a few minutes
cursing the first woman to ever deny him, and then stormed back into the bar, grabbed the
red head, forced her to look into his eyes and growled, “You will not scream.” As he
pulled her out of the bar, her eyes wide with fear, the boyfriend tried to stop him. Jackson
flung him against the wall like a rag doll. He raced into the woods with the red head in
tow, then stopped and viciously bit into her neck. This one would not feel euphoria, only
pain and terror. It wasn’t until her body went totally limp in his arms that he realized just
how small she was. He had taken way too much blood. Dear God, he thought, I’ve killed
her. He calmed himself enough to listen for a heartbeat. He found one, but it beat faint
and thready. He threw her over his shoulder, ran to his car, tossed her in, and raced home.
Jackson burst through the door with the girl in his arms screaming, “Sarah! Help! Hurry!”
She ran down the stairs, frightened. When she reached the drawing room, he was laying
the redhead on the sofa.
“My God, what happened?”
“I took too much blood, she’s dying. We need to transfuse her.”
“What…? How?” She could not make sense of this.
“Please, we have to hurry,” Jackson begged.
She snapped out of it and made herself think straight. “What type is she?”
“I don’t know.”
# Music of Souls
“What? How can you not know?” He had nearly drained her of blood, but had been in
such a rage he hadn’t even paid attention. Sarah saw the self-loathing in his eyes, so
didn’t wait for an answer. She put her hand on his arm and said, “We’ll just use O, go
find some in the fridge. I’ll get the IV started.”
He came back with a bag quickly. “Start this and I’ll get some more.” She connected the
bag to the tubing and watched the blood flow down. When the tube filled, she connected
it to the IV in the girl’s arm. The blood started to flow and Jackson took a deep breath.
“I’ll get the rest.”
Sarah stopped him. “We’ve got a while before this one’s empty. Let’s sit for minute.”
“Please, just let me get the blood first, I want it all ready.”
“Okay, go ahead.” He obviously wasn’t thinking rationally. If it helped to get all the
blood now, so be it. Hopefully they would get to use it. She peered down at the girl, so
small and so pale. If she died, Jackson would never forgive himself. How could this have
Jackson stood in front of the open refrigerator, taking out bags one at a time, tasting, then
either putting them back or on the table. When he had five bags of type O, he picked
them up and went back to the drawing room. “This should be enough, shouldn’t it?”
“Plenty.” He stood staring at the girl, grief-stricken. Sarah asked, “What’s her name?”
“I don’t know.”
Tears welled up. She wanted to scream, “You have probably killed this poor girl and you
don’t even know her name?” She turned to Jackson, and could see that his thoughts were
the same, so she put her arms around him. “We’ve done all we can. Now we wait.” She
led him to a chair, and then poured them both drinks. Jackson sat, never taking his eyes
from the bag of blood. He would be ready to change it the instant it emptied.
They sat, waiting for the girl to show signs of life. Sarah silently gave thanks that Connor
had left. He never could have handled this scene. Halfway through the third bag, the girl
let out a soft moan. Jackson jumped up and listened to her heart. “It’s getting stronger. I
think she’ll make it. She can’t see me when she wakes, she’ll freak out. You’re going to
have to influence her to trust me.”
“Then what?”
“I’ll take care of the rest.”
When the girl woke, Jackson went to the kitchen. Sarah made her forget the attack and
think she had an accident. Her name was Lisa. She did not recover enough to move until
3:30a.m. Jackson took her home and influenced her to believe she had left the bar with
him willingly and gone to the casino. As she left the car, he said, “Don’t forget your
winnings” and handed her a wad of thousand dollar bills. She smiled and blew him a kiss.
On the way home, Jackson cursed himself for his lack of self-control. He wanted to curse
# Music of Souls
Elisabeth and blame her for the whole mess, though he knew it was entirely his fault.
How did he let her get under his skin like that? How could he turn into such a monster?
Sarah was waiting when he returned home. As they sat on the sofa, he thought of the girl
lying here just hours before, clinging to life because of him. He put his head in his hands.
Sarah embraced him. “She’s going to be fine, you know that.”
“Yeah, but what if…”
She stopped him? “There is no ‘what if’. She is fine and that’s all there is.”
“Thank you. You saved her.”
“We saved her.”
“Yeah, after I almost killed her.”
“Almost only counts in horseshoes. We need to concentrate on reality, not what could
have been.”
He forced a thin smile. “This is quite a turn around, isn’t it?”
“Never a dull moment in Transylvania,” Sarah quipped. After a prolonged silence, she
hugged him again. “It might help if you talk about it you know.”
“I don’t even know where to start.”
“The beginning is always a good place.”
Jackson slowly went through the whole story with her. There were no ‘OMGs’ or ‘you’re
kiddings’ today. Only quizzical and sad expressions. When he had finished, Sarah waited
a moment then brought her hands together. “What’s done is done. Lisa will be fine and
there is nothing we can do about the past. I think we should concentrate on this Elisabeth.
Something just doesn’t add up here.”
Her cell phone rang. It was Conner. Jackson stood close enough to hear both sides of the
conversation. Connor said he would be by to pick her up in an hour. Sarah said,
“Something’s come up and I need to stay home today. Can I call you later?”
Jackson flapped his arms and mouthed, “Go… Go!”
She shook her head. “I’m fine. Jackson’s had a rough night and I want to make sure he’s
Connor said, “That’s funny. I didn’t think he had rough nights, just gave them.”
Jackson twisted his face in a mock laugh and slapped his knee. Sarah ended the call with,
“Ok I’ll call you later. I love you.” She pointed a finger at Jackson. “Not a word!” He
pretended to zip a zipper across his lips. She took his sarcasm as a sign that he felt better.
He didn’t press her to leave again. He really did need to sort through this with her.
“Are you sure she isn’t a vampire?”
“Positive. She smelled amazingly human, only more so.”
# Music of Souls
“Maybe she has some scent masking thing.”
“What, like a cloaking device? That’s ridiculous. Plus she felt warm, real warm.”
“Oh, yeah. Are you sure you locked eyes with her?”
“Maybe she had some kind of contacts that blocked you.”
“Hmm, do you think? That would account for the specks swirling too, wouldn’t it? And
the incredible color.” Jackson lost concentration in remembering her.
Sarah jumped up and exclaimed, “You have feelings for this woman!”
“What…? No!”
“Yes, you do. Don’t think for a minute you can bullshit me on this.”
Jackson stood without saying a word. He poured another drink, gazed into the glass for a
moment, then guzzled the contents and refilled it. He started for his seat, then turned
around, grabbed the bottle, and brought it with him. Sarah grinned widely.
He snarled at her and sat down.
“Mayyyybe… she’s your soul-mate and that is why you cannot influence her.”
He flopped his head back. “Kill me now, please. If you’re gonna get all happily-everafter on my ass, I’m outta here.”
“All right, all right, then you tell me. What do you feel about her?”
“I feel like she fucked with my head.”
“Exactly! And why do you think she had that ability? If there wasn’t something special
about her, you would have said, ‘This is not worth the effort’ and moved on. You know
She had a point. He would have liked to think his ego had caused the rage, but he knew it
was something much more complicated. Even while driving the redhead home, he could
not get Elisabeth out of his head. Her eyes, her hair, those legs, the way she moved, her
full, rich voice, but mostly that feeling when their eyes connected. It seemed as if she
could see his soul. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I don’t even know her last name.”
“If it is meant to be, you’ll find her again.”
He scowled at her. “You’re an idiot.”
Jackson felt a little more at ease. He still felt guilt-ridden over the redhead, but comforted
himself by picturing her counting the money, thinking fondly of the great night at the
casino with that sexy guy whose name she couldn’t remember. Her biggest problem now
would be explaining things to her boyfriend, who was probably still nursing his wounds.
# Music of Souls
Chapter 8
It had been five days since Elisabeth. Jackson longed to erase her memory, but thoughts
of her invaded him constantly. These feelings were totally foreign and unwelcome. While
hunting, he compared each victim to her. No one came close. On three occasions, he
merely influenced his victims, quickly fed, and made them forget him. The rest of the
time, he just went through the motions. The fun ones seemed so stupid, they were pitiful
and the smart ones were so tedious, he wanted to scream. His head was not in the game.
How could this woman have so profound an effect in the span of five minutes? Her
essence had gripped him; she haunted him. That damn dream appeared every night as
well. The only relief he found came from composing. If nothing else, all this upheaval
had given him back his musical voice.
He decided to take a walk to Coronet Park and grabbed a bag of bread on his way out for
the ducks. Walking a path that led to the pond, he found the distinct smell of human.
Must be crowded here today. Coming through the clearing to where the park benches
were, he realized there was only one person. Elisabeth sat on a bench with her back to
him. Both her scent and the fire running though her hair were unmistakable. He stopped,
frozen in his tracks, feeling something he had not felt in many, many years–fear.
Although totally unnerved, he knew he could not let himself lose it again, yet had to
speak to her, see if he could figure her out. He noticed she held a sketchpad and was
intently drawing–an artist? He approached, yet not close enough to spook her, and trying
to sound nonchalant said, “Fancy meeting you here.” She quickly closed her sketchbook
and turned to face him with a shocked expression. So much for not spooking her.
“Hello,” she said while clutching her sketchpad as if her life depended on it. He
wondered if she felt as possessive of her art as he did his music.
“Do you mind?” He motioned to the bench next to her.
She shrugged. Spotting the bag, she narrowed her brow. “You don’t strike me as the type
to feed ducks.”
“Oh, I have friends here.” He sat down and ducks started to make their way toward him.
Jackson began tossing pieces of bread. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous.
“I tried to follow you the other night to apologize for my behavior.”
“Really? Do you do that often?”
“No, I don’t.” He inhaled deeply. “The truth is I am very attracted to you and I thought
you shared that attraction. I’m sorry I jumped to that assumption wrongly.”
“Apology accepted. I’m sure you don’t have to deal with rejection very often.”
“Apparently only when it really matters to me.”
Elisabeth blushed and loosened her grip on the sketchpad. “Sidwell.”
“Excuse me?”
# Music of Souls
“My name is Elisabeth Sidwell.”
“Happy to make your acquaintance, Miss Sidwell.” She turned her head with a
questioning expression. He sounded noble, not at all sleazy like the other night. Jackson
wondered what was different about her as well. She seemed much less guarded than
when they met. She had lost that edginess and appeared even more beautiful than he
remembered. After a moment of awkward silence he said, “I’m sure you know what your
name means.”
“Yes I do.”
“And are you?”
She lowered her gaze and blushed even deeper. “Oh no, not at all.” Elisabeth means
‘God’s promise’.
“Maybe you’re not the best judge of that. I’m sure at least two people think you are…
your mother and father.”
“Yeah, there are two.”
“I bet there are a lot more than that.”
Another awkward silence.
Jackson closed his eyes tightly in an attempt to summon courage. “If I promise not to act
like a misogynist pig, would you have dinner with me?”
“I’m not in the market for a relationship. Especially with a womanizer.”
He clutched his chest. “Ouch!”
She laughed that laugh again.
“You have the most wonderful laugh I have ever heard.”
Her lids dropped. “Things would not work out with us for many reasons, so I think we
should quit while we’re ahead.”
Panic set in, and he wanted to beg right there, but knew he needed to get a grip to have
any chance with her. He forced an easy smile. “Come on, one dinner, no expectations.”
She had put her sketchbook down on the bench. Jackson grabbed it and said, “We’ll talk
about your art.”
“Give me that!” Her voice assumed a tone of urgency.
Jackson jumped away as she reached for it. He needed to see this now. Why did she freak
out? So what if it wasn’t any good. He didn’t care; he just wanted to know all he could
about her. As she kept trying to grab the pad, he avoided her reach and flipped through it.
There were a few landscapes that were quite good, then he opened the page to a perfect
likeness of himself. He stared at it incredulously for a moment before turning to her. She
# Music of Souls
kept her head low, avoiding his shocked eyes. “You did feel it.” She remained silent. He
bent down in front of her and held her shoulders. “Look at me. Elisabeth, please.” She
slowly raised her head and met his gaze. “Tell me, do you feel that?”
She barely whispered, “Yes.” Jackson smiled then kissed her. Kissing had always been
merely a means to an end for him, but not with Elisabeth. He felt as if they were melting
in to each other, and rather than anticipating what could come next, he was content to just
stay in this moment. She pulled away. “I can’t do this.”
He felt as if he had been slapped in the face. “What? What do you mean?”
“I told you, I’m not interested in a relationship.”
He wanted to scream; he wasn’t used to women challenging him this way and had no idea
how to turn this around. He ran both hands through his hair, exasperated. “You said you
felt what I felt, and you’re sitting here drawing portraits of me. I can’t get you out of my
head. Don’t you think we owe it to ourselves to figure out what all this means?”
“It couldn’t work.”
“Why not?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Life is complicated; you can’t let it stop you from living.” He couldn’t even begin to
think how she would react to his secret. They were both quiet for a long while. He finally
held her hand and gently kissed her knuckles. “Please, please have dinner with me
tonight. No pressure. We’ll keep it light. Just get to know one another. Please?”
“Do you think you’re capable of that, keeping it light?”
“You have my word.”
“All right then, one dinner.”
Relief washed over him, and he instantly relaxed, hopeful. “Want to take a walk with
“I better be going,”
His heart sunk once again. “Okay, I’ll pick you up at seven then.” She ripped off a piece
of sketch paper and wrote down her address. They touched fingers briefly with the
exchange. He wanted to linger there, feeling her warmth, but she quickly pulled away. He
gave her a half smile. “This wouldn’t be fake now, would it?”
She laughed that laugh again. “Curses, caught in the act.”
He desperately wanted to kiss her, but resisted, sensing the delicate balance between
them. With one misstep he knew she would run like a frightened deer.
She bid him goodbye and walked away.
Jackson stood watching her, filled with emotion he could not define. This woman could
# Music of Souls
bring me to the brink of insanity.
Chapter 9
Sarah was in the kitchen when Jackson returned home. “Get ready to say I told you so.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve just come from the park where I met Elisabeth Sidwell.”
“Oh my God!” She jumped up and down clapping her hands. “I knew it, I knew it.”
“You did not, you wished it.”
“I think you owe me an apology, Mr. Cynic.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry I called you an idiot.”
“What happened?”
“We’re having dinner tonight.”
“Yeah!” She clapped her hands again. “Okay, spill it.”
His face softened as he touched her arm. “Would you mind if I kept this one to myself?”
Jackson always shared his conquests with her. At first she frowned, then broke into a
huge smile and started to sing, “You oo oo love her.”
He dropped his head back and groaned, “I am living with an eternal teenager. God help
me.” She smacked his arm and took off to get ready for Connor’s arrival.
Jackson had a few hours before he needed to shower. He poured a drink and started to
think about how he would feed. The last thing he wanted was to be lusting for blood
while with Elisabeth. He couldn’t even think about feeding on another woman today. He
wanted her, only her. This is going to be tough, he thought as he entered Sarah’s fridge to
get some swill.
When Sarah came downstairs, he was sitting with a drink and a glass of blood. She
mused, “Hmm, slumming it are we?”
She flashed a You-poor-thing look.
“Don’t start with me, Sarah.”
She picked up the glass and held it up. “This seems kind of thin.”
“I cut it with Belvedere, big improvement.”
“You put vodka in your blood?”
“Yeah, try it.”
# Music of Souls
She took a sip, licked her lips, then studied the glass for a moment. “Why didn’t I ever
think of this?”
“Because you, my dear, are a masochist. I have another idea to improve this crap too.”
“Do tell.”
“It doesn’t have to be sterile for us. We can store it in bottles. Transfer it immediately
from the bag to a bottle. That way, no plastic taste.”
Sarah pinched her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger. “That could work.”
“Of course it would.”
“Guess we should start stock piling bottles. Shouldn’t take long the way we drink.” They
both laughed.
Jackson stood with his glasses and a Cheshire cat grin. “I have a date to get ready for.”
Sarah was waiting for Connor when she heard strange noises coming from Jackson’s
room. When she rounded the corner to enter the room she shrieked, “Jesus, it looks like a
bomb went off in here.”
He had what appeared to be every item of clothing he owned strewn around the room. He
stood in the middle with a suit hanger in his hand, and turned to her with a pained
expression. “Help me.”
She had to stifle a laugh. “Okay honey, let’s take a breath here.” She walked over to him
and took the suit. “If you want to impress this woman, show her what’s in here.” She held
her palm to his chest.
Jackson closed his eyes, fearing his heart held nothing Elisabeth would desire. “And if
she doesn’t like what’s in there?”
“She will. If she doesn’t, she’s a fool and doesn’t deserve you.” Sarah had never seen him
like this, never thought she would. She felt thrilled and sorry for him at the same time.
The vampires turned their attention to the door, hearing someone enter the house.
“Upstairs in Jackson’s room, Sweetie. Come on up.” Sarah started to pick up clothes and
put them back in the cavernous, walk-in closet.
Connor stood in the bedroom doorway. “What happened here?”
Jackson glared at him as Sarah said, “Jackson is having a little trouble deciding what to
wear on his date.”
“All these clothes and nothing to wear. Poor guy.”
Sarah stared at him as if to say, are you out of your mind?
Jackson snarled, “You’re one smart ass remark away from a dirt nap, Skippy!”
# Music of Souls
“Um, maybe I should wait downstairs.”
Taking a menacing step toward him, Jackson growled, “You think?”
Sarah knew better than to admonish him for his threat. She made a mental note to have a
talk with Connor about ‘poking the bear’.
She picked out an outfit right down to the shoes. “This will be perfect. She’ll melt when
she sees you.”
Jackson hugged her. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, you need anything else?”
“Got any Valium?”
As he dressed, Jackson couldn’t believe how uncertain he felt. Christ, I’m like a pimplefaced schoolboy on prom night. He checked the mirror one last time and headed for the
stairs. He thought about what car to take. SHIT! Virtually every car he owned confirmed
he was a ‘player’.
The Lovebirds had started a fire and were sitting on the divan in front of it.
“Sarah, can I borrow your Lexus?”
“What? You hate that car.” He called it a ‘geriatric go cart’. She caught herself and
quickly continued, “Sure, let me get the keys.” She found her purse, fished them out and
threw them to him.
As he reached the door she called, “Jackson!”
“You look really hot.”
He grinned. “It pays to have a dresser.”
She snuggled into Connor’s shoulder and said, “I’m so excited for him!”
“Why’s he taking your car?”
“Oh, I guess he thinks she’ll be more comfortable in it.” She knew the real reason.
Jackson stopped by the florist. “I would like something for a special lady. Nothing over
the top, but something different, elegant.”
“What’s your price range?”
“I don’t have one.”
“Oh! In that case, why don’t you tell me a little about her? Does she like roses?”
“I don’t know. She’s very classy and beautiful. I’m not thinking roses, too ordinary for
# Music of Souls
this woman.”
“I think I might have just the thing.” The florist disappeared into the back as Jackson
paced, then returned with a delicate star-shaped orchid. It was pink with white tips, in an
antique brass planter.
Jackson smiled. “Perfect!”
He stood outside Elisabeth’s house for a minute, took a deep breath and rang the bell. She
answered quickly, and gasped upon seeing the orchid. “That is gorgeous, wherever did
you find it?”
“I know a guy.”
“Come in, please.” She took the orchid from him, set it on the coffee table, stood back
and admired it. The whole time, Jackson admired her. Her presence had already served to
calm him. She was stunning, in a deep wine-colored, sleeveless dress that was very
simple, yet flattered every aspect of her figure. A simple choker adorned her neck, a
diamond tennis bracelet her wrist and she wore silver strappy heels he thought he had
seen on Sarah. She noticed him staring at her. “I wasn’t sure what would be appropriate
attire for the restaurant.”
“You’re perfect.”
She dropped her gaze. “Thank you. Let me just get a wrap.” Jackson perused the room. It
was evident that each and every item had been carefully chosen; clearly the home of an
artist. Over the mantle hung a gilt-framed landscape oil; a fall scene that captured all the
colors he so loved. He was admiring it when she returned. “All set,”
“This is beautiful. I don’t see a signature. Do you know who the artist is?” She didn’t
answer. He turned and knew immediately by her blush that she had painted it. “My God,
you’re amazing!”
“That’s one of my favorites.”
“Do you have more here I can see?”
“Maybe some other time. Shouldn’t we be going?”
Jackson wanted to press her, yet thought better of it. “Ok, but I’m going to hold you to
that.” He took her wrap and put it around her, letting his fingers linger briefly on her bare,
warm shoulder. He heard a slight intake of breath and wondered if she felt the same
The restaurant was close by, so the ride there consisted of small talk about the weather,
when peak foliage would be, and how much they both loved New England. Jackson had
chosen a restaurant with a bar area that had dancing. As the maître d’ lead them to their
table, he was acutely aware of the heads turning to watch them. Elisabeth didn’t seem to
notice. Could she possibly be oblivious to how beautiful she is? He had requested a table
in a corner of the room, away from wait staff traffic to and from the kitchen. They
# Music of Souls
ordered drinks and opened their menus. “Anything jumping out at you?” he asked.
“I think I might get the prime rib.”
“Really?” Most women on a first date would order a piece of fish or even a salad and end
up pushing it around their plate. She decided on a big slab of meat. She was surprising
him at almost every turn.
“Why, is that not a good choice here?”
“No, no it’s very good here.” He slapped his menu closed. “Prime rib it is.” They made
small talk, questioning each other about the basics of their lives. She made her living
selling her art and guest lecturing at colleges. She moved here a month ago, so was
unfamiliar with the area. Jackson told her that he and his sister moved back to Fairhaven
three months ago, and their home had been in the family for generations. His story being
that their family dealt in oil and real estate, and he managed some of their holdings.
“So, you’re really wealthy then?”
“Yes, you could say that.” He could tell she wasn’t impressed.
Jackson wanted to ask her so many more personal questions. He wanted to know her
deepest thoughts and feelings. Why she was drawing his likeness in the park, and how
she remembered his every feature after seeing him so briefly in a dark bar. He wanted to
ask what she thought happened every time their eyes met. Most of all, he wanted to tell
her that he had never met a women who affected him the way she did, and he wanted to
spend time with her, lots of time. He had promised to keep tonight light, and would, but it
was killing him. Their food was served and they continued to chat about unimportant
things with awkward silences filling the spaces. Jackson couldn’t take it any longer. “Can
I ask you something?”
“Are you having as much difficulty keeping this night casual as I am?”
She stared down at her plate for what seemed an eternity. She finally lifted her head to
meet his gaze. “I need it to be this way.”
She seemed distressed and softly pleaded, “Please?”
He could see she was ready to come unglued, but why? Was she afraid of being hurt?
Was she involved with another man? He felt torn between wanting to shake her and
scream, ‘Tell me!’ and wanting to take her in his arms to comfort her. He knew he could
do neither, so gently took her hand. “I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is upset you.”
They were quiet for a few minutes. “Would you like dessert?”
“No, I’m full.”
“How about cappuccino or an after dinner drink?”
# Music of Souls
“A glass of port would be nice.”
He ordered two, then stood and said, “Let’s dance while we’re waiting.” The band had
started to play The Way You Look Tonight. He couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate
Elisabeth’s blush rose immediately. “Oh, I’m not a very good dancer.”
He took her hand. “Well, I am. All you have to do is let me lead. Come on, they’re
playing our song.” Once on the dance floor, he stretched his long fingers across the small
of her back and took her hand. He started to glide her across the floor easily. She was
light as a feather and moved freely with him. He pulled her closer and whispered, “Not a
good dancer, my ass.”
She laughed softly. “You’re doing all the work.”
Jackson closed his eyes to fully appreciate her scent. He found something more than what
he remembered. A faint floral smell, however, it couldn’t be perfume. It smelled natural
and so minimal he had to search for it. “What kind of perfume are you wearing, it’s
“I’m not wearing any; most perfumes give me a headache. I only use unscented
“Well you smell delicious.” Without having to look, he knew she would be blushing
again. He was experiencing emotion completely unknown to him. He should be fighting
bloodlust by now, yet it had simply disappeared, replaced by longing for something more,
a yearning to be part of this woman, to be everything to her, and for her. He felt both
enchanted and tortured by the heady mix of Elisabeth Sidwell, “God’s Promise.”
When the song ended they stood motionless. Neither wanted to break their embrace.
Finally Elisabeth said, “Our port is here.” and pulled away. They sat, not speaking, but it
wasn’t awkward any longer. They had made a connection on the dance floor that stayed
with them. When they finished their drinks and were waiting for the check, Jackson
asked, “Why did you lie about dancing?”
“Because I was afraid to get close to you.”
He took her hand. “And are you still afraid to get close to me?”
“Not as much.”
While driving her home Jackson asked if she would take a ride to the Berkshires with him
the following day. “I’ll bring a picnic.”
“Sounds nice.” He knew, as they walked to the door, she wouldn’t ask him in. She said,
“Thank you, I enjoyed tonight very much.”
“Me too. Will it upset you if I kiss you?”
# Music of Souls
She raised her face and kissed him softly, lingering for just a moment. “Goodnight,
Jackson.” She turned and hurried into the house.
Driving home, Jackson felt oddly happy. He should have been feeling frustrated and
confused. However, he was confident that Elisabeth cared for him, and for now, that
would be enough. Patience had never been his strong suit, but he felt certain if he didn’t
give this woman the space she needed, she would be gone.
Sarah heard Jackson come in and jumped out of bed to get a report.
“What are you doing?” Mumbled a waking Connor.
“Jackson’s home. I can’t wait to hear about his date.”
“Sarah, give the guy a break. I’m sure the last thing he wants to do right now is give you
a blow-by-blow description of his date. Come back to bed.”
She almost protested, but remembered this morning’s reticence. “Maybe you’re right.”
Meanwhile, Jackson sat in the drawing room having another blood cocktail waiting for
the onslaught that never came. After about ten minutes, he thought, Maybe she got the
hint this morning, and headed upstairs.
Chapter 10
Sarah heard the piano playing very softly as she started down the stairs to make breakfast.
She stood at the doorway, surprised that Jackson was unaware of her presence.
He jumped and turned toward her, equally amazed that she had snuck up on him. “Hi,
guess I was somewhere else.”
“Hmmm, I wonder where?” It was obvious he was composing; staff paper littered the
piano, and he held a pencil between his teeth. Sarah pointed to the piano. “Apparently
you’ve found something to say.”
A sheepish smile tugged at his lips as he raked his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I
“Have you been at this all night?”
“How was your date?”
“Care to share?” Jackson knew he had to give her something or she would burst, and,
truth be told, he was proud of her for acting so casually when he knew every fiber of her
being wanted to jump up and down screeching, ‘Tell me, tell me!’
He pondered on what information to give, wishing to disclose as little as possible, while
# Music of Souls
satisfying her need for details. “We’re going to the Berkshires for a picnic today.”
“Oooh, how nice.”
“And we danced to ‘The Way You Look Tonight’.”
She put both her hands over her chest and exclaimed, “How romantic!” She waited,
hoping for more. When it didn’t come, she asked, “Want some breakfast? I’m making
“No thanks, but could you do me a huge favor?”
“Sure, what?”
“Make up a picnic basket for me?”
“Of course.” Sarah loved a project; he could see the wheels turning. “What time are you
“About 11:00.”
“Oh, I better get moving.”
As she twirled to leave Jackson asked, “Hey, where were you last night?”
“Connor said to leave you be.” And she skipped off.
Hmm, maybe Skippy’s got more brains than I give him credit for.
Connor came down to the kitchen looking for Sarah. The scene he found certainly had
nothing to do with breakfast. “Um, is there coffee?”
“Oh, Sweetie, I’m sorry, I forgot about breakfast.”
“That’s okay, are we going on a picnic?”
She grabbed his shoulders, gyrated a bit and squealed, “No, Jackson and Elisabeth are.
It’s going to be perfect! I have to be at the market as soon as it opens. Be back soon.” She
kissed him on the cheek and sashayed out the door. Connor shook his head with a half
smile and started to make coffee.
A few minutes later Jackson entered. “Where’s Sarah?”
“Gone to the market.”
“Oh jeez, I’m sorry. I guess you didn’t get your omelet.”
“Don’t sweat it. She’s having a blast.”
“I heard you ran interference for me last night.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
# Music of Souls
Jackson grabbed a cup of coffee and hurried off to shower. Once dressed, he returned to
the kitchen. Sarah sat on the counter with one leg on either side of Connor, kissing him.
Jackson growled, “Get a room, would you?”
Connor quickly pulled away and backed up. Sarah threw her head back laughing.
“Connor, he’s not my father!”
Jackson gave him the, ‘I’m watching you’ hand signal and let out a low chuckle. “This all
set?” He asked, tapping the basket.
“Thanks, you’re a doll.”
As he headed for the door, Sarah called, “Don’t forget tomorrow night’s the full moon.”
“Oh shit. I did forget.”
The two vampires always stayed in the night of the full moon to assure safety from their
mortal enemies; werewolves. They’d make it a game night or sit around getting wasted
on twenty-year old scotch recounting countless, crazy times they had through the years.
Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn’t very well ask her over
and say, “Don’t mind the steel shutters on all the windows.”
Sarah yelled, “Bring Elisabeth for dinner on Saturday. I have to meet her.”
“We’ll see.”
“Don’t give me that. Make it happen.”
Nearing Elisabeth’s house, his anticipation grew. When he rang the bell, she yelled,
“Come in. I’ll be right there.” While waiting, he noticed the orchid had been moved. That
was strange; he thought surely she had liked it. Elisabeth entered the room, and once
again took his breath away. She walked straight to him and kissed him on the cheek.
“How are you today?”
“Great. You?”
“Wonderful. It’s a perfect day for a picnic, don’t you think?”
“Couldn’t be better. Hey, what happened to the orchid?”
“Oh, I moved it.”
“Um, to another room.” She seemed uncomfortable.
“If you don’t like the orchid, it’s okay, my ego isn’t that fragile.”
“Oh no, it’s not that at all!” She hesitated then said, “It’s in my studio; I’m painting it.”
# Music of Souls
“Can I see it?”
“It’s such a beautiful day. Let’s not waste any of it in a stuffy studio.” She had opened the
He arched an eyebrow. “You are very skilled at avoidance, you know.”
“Let’s go. The leaves are waiting for us.”
Jackson drove a Porsche 911 turbo. He chose it mostly for color. It was white, the least
showy. As they approached it, Elisabeth let out a whistle. “Nice wheels.”
He laughed and thought, Guess I could’ve brought the red Testarossa.
“Why are you laughing?”
“You are full of surprises.” Elisabeth wondered whether he meant that she liked cars or
that she could whistle like a guy. He opened the door for her with an appreciative smile.
“Your chariot awaits.”
In the car, she looked a like a kid in a candy store. “I’ve never ridden in a 911 before.”
Her eyes swept over all the gauges on the console. “How fast does it go?”
“Fast enough. Would you like to drive it?”
“Oh, no! I would be too worried I’d hit something.”
Jackson’s smile broadened; he thought how much fun it would be to watch her as she ran
from car to car in his stable ‘oohing’ and ‘ahing’.
“We’ll find an open road for you.”
They chatted comfortably during the ride. No awkwardness existed today. Jackson could
not help but feel she had decided to let her guard down and give him a chance. He hoped
he wouldn’t blow it. “Where are we picnicking?” She asked.
“I thought we would go to Mount Greylock. Someday, when there is a concert, I would
love to take you to Tanglewood. Today, Mount Greylock will be better.” He thought
about how it would feel to sit holding her on the lawn, listening to the Boston Pops. It
suddenly occurred to him that he wasn’t sure if she even liked music. How sad it would
be if she didn’t care about the one thing that defined him. “Do you like classical music?”
“I love all kinds of music.” He held her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
Jackson pulled the car into a spot, stepped out, opened the door for her and grabbed the
basket. He looked down at her feet, and after noting she wore sneakers said, “You up for
a little hike first?”
They walked a path for a while then came to a clearing. “Here we are.”
“Oh, it’s beautiful, you can see forever!”
# Music of Souls
“I don’t know about forever, but you’d be hard pressed to find a better view.” He laid the
blanket out and sat. Elisabeth stood, transfixed on the brilliant vista. The palette before
her encompassed every hue on the color wheel from bright yellow to crimson red. The
bounty of New England’s autumn surrounded them, and the sun reflected off the leaves
as if it were playing with the tone, searching for the perfect combination of pigment. Her
eyes filled with wonder, and her artist’s mind drank in the details of the scene.
Jackson left her to her thoughts for a while, then said, “You want to sit down or shall I
bring your food to you.”
Snapping out of her trance, she laughed. “Sorry, I got lost for a minute.” Jackson felt an
intense wave of emotion. He loved that she appreciated the beauty of this place, and her
laugh warmed him in a way he had never experienced.
“Let’s see what we’ve got here.” He opened the basket. There were linen napkins, two
china plates and champagne flutes on top. “Ah, we’re having champagne.”
Elisabeth peeked in the basket. “Wow, did you pack this?”
“No, Sarah did. Martha Stewart’s got nothing on her.” There were exotic cheeses, a
crusty baguette, hard salami and melon wrapped in prosciutto. A bakery box held four
small French pastries. At the bottom of the basket sat a bottle wrapped in ice. Jackson
unwrapped it and held up the bottle of Cristal.
Elisabeth quipped, “A little over the top for a picnic, wouldn’t you say?”
He rolled his eyes. “Everything Sarah does is over the top. Speaking of Sarah, she wants
you to come for dinner Saturday.”
“Oh, I don’t think so.” He could tell she was thinking, too soon to meet the family.
“She is going to nag me incessantly until she meets you. She may even hunt you down.”
He squinted and folded his hands in prayer. “I implore you, put me out of misery?”
“When you put it that way, how can I refuse?”
“Good then, I’ll pick you up at 6:00.”
“No, I can drive, just text me the address.” He almost protested, but thought she might
want control of when to leave, so let it be.
After eating, they walked some more, holding hands. As Jackson packed up the basket,
Elisabeth stood again admiring the valley. She clearly felt sad to see this day end. He
went to her, held her close, and kissed her temple. “I will bring you back here whenever
you want.”
She smiled up at him warmly. “Thank you for a perfect day.”
“It’s only perfect because I’m with you.” She dropped her gaze and tensed slightly.
Jackson let her go, sensing her discomfort.
As they neared the car, he held the keys up to her. “You drive.”
# Music of Souls
“Oh, no, I couldn’t.”
“Yes you can, and you will. Come on, I’m insured. Can you drive a stick?”
“Then let’s go.” As she started the car, it was plain to see she felt nervous, yet excited. It
took her a few minutes to become accustomed to the gearing, but she was shifting
smoothly much quicker than he expected. He had thought he would be putting a new
clutch in this car next week. “Elisabeth, what kind of car do you drive?”
“A Jaguar XKR-S.”
“WHAT?” He started to laugh hysterically. “You are something else.”
They were mostly quiet on the ride home, both reflecting on how easy it was to be
together, and Jackson enjoyed watching her drive. He wanted to tell her all he felt, but
knew he had pushed a little too far already today. When they walked to her door, she
turned and asked, “Would you like to see my studio?”
Jackson grinned sardonically “Nah, not really interested, maybe some other time.”
She slapped his chest with both hands and laughed, “That’s just mean!”
He took her hands, kissed one and said, “Lead the way, Legs.” The instant the word left
his lips he cursed himself. Elisabeth took a step back and looked at him quizzically. He
grimaced. “I’m sorry, that was rude.” He frantically thought about how to explain his
comment. He couldn’t very well say, ‘I really am that pig you pegged me for, just trying
to hide it from you, babe’.
Elisabeth touched his face. “That’s sweet.”
SWEET? He shook his head wondering if he would ever truly understand this woman.
They walked through to the back of the house. Where most houses would have a deck,
there was a large studio, with professional lighting and lots of glass. “Wow! You must
have had this built.”
“No, an artist lived here previously. I really lucked out; it came on the market right before
I arrived. Almost as if it was meant to be.”
Jackson surveyed the room; there were canvases everywhere. “Where do I start?”
“It’s a bit messy, I’m going through things. I’m having a showing next Friday.”
“You are?”
“Yes, would you like to come?”
“Absolutely.” He started skimming through one stack of oils. “You have a gift.” Seeing
her art touched him deeply. She revealed herself in her work, and he felt an intimacy with
her through her art. After about a half hour of walking around trying to take everything
# Music of Souls
in, Elisabeth said, “Pick one for yourself.”
“Yes, I want you to have one.”
He put a hand through his hair. “Man, I don’t know if I can. They’re all so beautiful, how
can I choose?”
“Would you like the landscape over the mantle?”
He stared incredulously. “No, I couldn’t.”
“Yes you can and you will.”
He smiled at her, understanding her joke. “Really Elisabeth, that’s one of your favorites. I
wouldn’t feel right about it.”
She approached him and held his hands. “There is no greater joy for an artist than to
know their work is in the hands of someone who truly understands it.”
“You are a brilliant artist.” He kissed her gently. Her eyes were warm and inviting, yet
she still pulled away. Damn, why is she so guarded? He felt like they were moving one
step forward, two steps backward.
Something caught his eye in the far corner of the room, the orchid. It sat on a table, and
behind it were two easels and a stool. He nodded at it. “May I?”
“Oh, it’s not done yet, maybe next time.” He walked toward the orchid. “Come on, I’d
love to see the process.” She turned bright red and cringed. Upon reaching the corner, he
discovered why. One of the easels held the painting of the orchid and on the other sat a
sketch of him. It differed from the one from the park. He gazed at her tenderly. “Don’t be
embarrassed, you have no idea how thrilled I am by this.”
“You have very interesting features,” she said, with her eyes at half-mast.
He approached her and lifted her chin. “If I could draw, you would be my favorite
subject.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. He could feel her unease and didn’t want to add to
it. “Let’s go get my landscape off the wall.”
As he headed into Fairhaven carrying the canvas, Jackson realized with a start that he had
not fed all day. Normally he wouldn’t go more than a few hours without thinking about
his next meal, but Elisabeth filled his thoughts so completely, there was no room for
anything else. Suddenly he felt famished.
He propped the canvas on the sofa and stood across from it with his blood cocktail. Sarah
had evidently procured some blood today, because there in the fridge he had found a wine
bottle full. He knew she would want to finish the bags first, but thought, Screw it. It was
my idea and I’m really hungry. He took a sip and found the flavor actually pleasing. He
added a little tequila this time, and the absence of the plastic improved the taste more
# Music of Souls
than he expected.
He was sitting, reveling in the day and enjoying his new art treasure, when he heard
Connor’s car come up the drive. The two came in laughing and teasing each other. Sarah
headed to Jackson and upon seeing the landscape said, “That’s beautiful. Did you get it in
“No, it’s Elisabeth’s.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s the artist, and she gave it to me.”
“Oh my God!” Sarah stood directly in front of it. After a minute she said, “I cannot wait
to meet this woman.”
“Oh yeah, she’s coming for dinner.”
She let out a screech to wake the dead. Connor had gone into the kitchen for a snack and
came running, “What’s the matter?”
Sarah grabbed him, shaking his shoulders. “Elisabeth’s coming for dinner!”
“Jesus Sarah, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” Jackson chuckled. It was fun to see
someone else deal with the adolescent.
She turned her attention back to Jackson. “What shall I make? Maybe a tenderloin. Do
you know if she likes beef?”
Jackson smiled, remembering how she had almost polished off the prime rib. “Oh yeah,
tenderloin will work.”
“I’ll do new potatoes and roasted root vegetables. For dessert, let’s see. Something
decadent and chocolate. What do you think?”
He took her hand and kissed it. “I think whatever you make will be perfect. By the way,
your picnic basket was a big hit.”
Sarah beamed. “It was romantic, wasn’t it?”
“Very.” He waited, expecting the questions to start, but she bit her lip. Skippy must have
read her the riot act. Jackson gave him an appreciative glance and said, “My little girl is
growing up.” Sarah smacked him and headed to the kitchen to plan her menu. The two
men were left alone. After a moment Jackson asked, “How are you doing with the whole
vampire thing?”
“Okay, I guess, it’s still pretty weird though.”
“You know, you will never find a better woman than Sarah.”
“That’s why I’m still here.”
Jackson collected his painting and glass. As he made his way for the stairs, he stopped
and glanced back at Connor. “I think you’re good for her.”
# Music of Souls
He went back and forth with the canvas from his bedroom to the music room, unsure
where to hang it. He finally settled on the mantle across from his bed, deciding to buy
something for the music room on Friday. He sat up in bed a long time picturing Elisabeth
as she created the oil. He thought, this is definitely the right spot for it.
He woke at around 7:00 a.m. from the dream again. What the hell does it mean? And why
doesn’t it ever change?
Jackson found Sarah sitting in the drawing room sipping coffee. “Where’s Skippy?”
“He has an appointment. Would you mind terribly if he joined us tonight?”
The full moon had always been a time that Sarah and Jackson spent together. They cursed
the wolves, but both enjoyed their time being prisoners in their own home.
“No, not at all, I assumed, now that he knows, he’d be here. I planned to work on some
music tonight anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
Sarah felt their relationship changing. She knew it was for the better. Jackson had never
been so happy, and at ease, and she loved Connor with all her heart, yet she was a little
sad, feeling they were growing apart. She smiled, thinking of the many times they played
“Wingman” for each other and all the times he had nursed her through heartache.
That evening, Sarah made a pasta dinner and they all chatted amiably. After dinner,
Connor helped Jackson put up the shutters, then they sat down for a drink. Jackson
started a fire, stood staring into it for a few minutes then said, “I’m going up, goodnight
Connor and Sarah were cuddling in front of the fire. Sarah said, “Listen, can you hear
“Hear what?”
With her sharp hearing, she could make out the piano, but Connor heard nothing. “It’s so
beautiful, almost haunting.”
“What?” Connor turned to Sarah. Her face wet with tears. “Sarah, what’s the matter?”
“He is composing something for Elisabeth.”
Jackson went out for a drive in the morning. He struggled, resisting the temptation to go
to Elisabeth’s. He did call her, nerves plaguing him again. When the call went straight to
voicemail, his heart sank. He left a message, saying he wanted to make sure she got the
# Music of Souls
address and still planned on coming tonight.
When he returned home he could not believe his eyes. The drawing room had crystal
cylinder vases strategically placed all around, filled with large parrot tulips of every
shade. The dining room table was set with a linen tablecloth under a handmade lace
cover, fine china, Waterford crystal and brass chargers. In the middle of the table sat an
exquisite fall floral arrangement. He went into the kitchen where he knew he would find
the culprit. “Really, Sarah? She’s not the queen of England, you know.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “Nope, she’s more important than that.” He threw up his
hands in defeat and disappeared upstairs.
Chapter 11
Elisabeth pulled into the drive at three minutes to six. Jackson felt his pulse quicken.
“She’s here!” Exclaimed Sarah.
Connor grabbed her arm. “Honey, let’s go in the kitchen for a few minutes and not bowl
the poor woman over before she gets in the door.” Jackson was starting to like this guy.
He opened the door before she made it half way up the walk, and as usual she left him
breathless. Approaching, she exclaimed, “What a beautiful estate! I have been by before
and admired it.”
Jackson kissed her and looked out at the blue Jaguar. He repeated her comment about the
Porsche, “Nice wheels.”
She laughed. “Maybe I’ll let you drive it one day.”
Sarah floated into the room as Jackson took Elisabeth’s coat. Connor had lost the battle.
He had evidently decided to hang back a little longer.
“Elisabeth Sidwell… Sarah Carrington.”
“Carrington?” Elisabeth noted the different last name.
Jackson pretended to whisper, but said loud enough for anyone to hear, “Messy divorce.
We don’t talk about it.” Sarah glared at him. She always claimed to be a widow. They
had discussed choosing one surname many years back, but their names were the only
connection that remained to their human lives, so decided against it.
Sarah took her hand. “How do you do. I’m so happy to meet you.”
“Glad to meet you too. Thank you for inviting me to your home.” Elisabeth appraised
Jackson then Sarah. “That is quite a gene pool you two have.”
They all laughed and Jackson said, “Let me get drinks.” The women delved into small
talk, and as Jackson turned, he noticed Connor standing stone still in the middle of the
room, staring at Elisabeth. He brushed by him on his way to the bar and snarled under his
breath, “You better close that mouth before I shove my fist in it.”
Connor jumped. “Sorry.”
# Music of Souls
Jackson smiled to himself. He knew there wasn’t a straight man alive who wouldn’t have
that exact reaction to her. While Jackson made drinks, Sarah introduced Connor who was
thinking, cripes another one. Guess I’m the ugly duckling in this group. Connor Poe was
a handsome man by anyone’s standards, however, the other three were in a league of
their own.
The drinks were passed out and they sat. Sarah was asking Elisabeth about her art when
she stopped mid-sentence, spotting her feet. “Are those the new Zanotti’s?”
“Yes, I’m a bit of a shoeaholic.”
Sarah jumped up, took both her hands and screeched, “Come with me!” As she was
practically being dragged up the stairs, Elisabeth looked back at Jackson. He shrugged as
if to say, “Sorry, I can’t help you.”
Sarah collected shoes as if they were her life’s blood. She owned every designer on the
planet and made Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City look like an amateur. Jackson often
joked that the day would come when she would spend more on a pair of shoes than he did
on a car.
The two men raised their eyebrows in unison. Connor said, “This can’t be good.”
“Jackson, I’m really sorry about before. I have no excuse for my rudeness.”
“Don’t worry about it, I was just busting you. You play chess?”
“You any good?”
“I was on the chess team in college.”
“Great, how about a match while we wait?”
The men moved to the board. Connor asked, “White or black?”
Jackson gave him a ‘Really?’ sneer.
“Right, black it is.”
The women were in Sarah’s shoe closet, which was larger than most bedrooms. She had
it designed to house her collection. There were shelves running across every wall from
floor to eye level. Above each shelf, a hinged, Plexiglas cover kept dust off the shoes.
Sarah had left her door open so Jackson could hear fairly well. There was a lot of
“oohing” and “ahhing.” He heard Sarah screech, “I can’t believe we’re the same size, we
can share!” He had not realized until this moment how important it was that Sarah and
Elisabeth like each other. After a while, the two came downstairs chatting away as if they
had been friends for years. “Why didn’t you guys get started on the appetizers while we
were gone?”
“We waited for you.”
# Music of Souls
“Well, I’ve got to get to the kitchen, eat up.”
Elisabeth started towards her. “Let me help.”
“Absolutely not, you stay here with Jackson. Connor, come help me, please.” He stood
up, bewildered. Sarah never let anyone help her cook. Jackson laughed. He knew she
really wanted to tell him everything she had learned about Elisabeth, which was probably
a great deal. Poor guy.
Elisabeth sat next to Jackson. “She’s so sweet.”
He put his arm around her. “You haven’t seen her bratty side yet.”
“It seems like you two have a great relationship.”
“Yeah, we’ve been through a lot together.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Some other time.”
“I’m really glad I decided to come tonight.”
“So am I.” He kissed her temple.
Connor announced dinner. The conversation flowed freely and it was clear to Jackson
that everyone was enjoying the evening. This felt so different than all the years of just
him and Sarah. Although he wouldn’t have given up those days for anything, he felt this
to be more like a family, closer to what life had been like as a human. He thought of
Emily for a moment. He rarely allowed himself that privilege. It was still painful. She
would have liked Elisabeth as much as Sarah did. Elisabeth must have noticed his
intensity of thought. She was watching him with concern. He smiled at her and took her
When they had finished dinner and were having port back in the drawing room, Jackson
asked, “Now that you’ve seen Sarah’s shoe closet, would you like to see the rest of the
“I hoped you would ask.”
As they walked from room to room, Elisabeth seemed to be more than impressed,
especially at the artwork. “My God, this is better than going to a museum. This must be
generations of collecting.”
“Yes, we are a long line of art lovers.”
When they made their way to Jackson’s room, she immediately noticed her oil. “It looks
better here than on my mantle.”
“First and last thing I see every day.” For a moment, he thought she might cry, so he led
her back into the hallway. “I’ve saved my favorite room for last.”
As he opened the door and she caught a glimpse of the music room, he heard her sharp
# Music of Souls
intake of breath. “Is that a Steinway?”
“Yes it is.” He was about to ask if she played, but she was already appreciating the
ceiling. “My God, that’s hand carved.” She walked to the music cabinets and ran her
hands across the top. “Exquisite.” She turned to Jackson. “I can see why you saved this
for last.”
Sarah was listening downstairs, and when she knew they were in the music room, she
grabbed Connor’s hand. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“We’re going to get Jackson to play for Elisabeth.” The two were at the door and Sarah
crooned, “Jackson promised he would play for us tonight. Wouldn’t you like to hear him
He shot daggers at her as Elisabeth said, “I would love to.”
“Next time.”
Sarah argued, “Oh, come on. The lava cakes won’t be ready for another half hour. We
won’t take no for an answer, will we Connor?”
He looked at Jackson. “Sorry man.” Elisabeth didn’t say a word. She could see Jackson
didn’t want to play, but she really wanted to hear him, had a feeling Sarah would win in
the end.
Sarah and Connor sat down, but Elisabeth stood at the piano. Jackson sat and broke into a
spirited arrangement of “The Entertainer.”
“Come on,” groaned Sarah.
Elisabeth immediately deduced what was going on. She picked up a piece of sheet music
from the stand and could see it required a far greater command of the piano than he was
exhibiting. When he finished, she held the piece up. “Methinks you’re holding out on
He grinned innocently. “Do you play?”
“Not really, just enough to plink out a vocal line.”
“You sing?”
Sarah jumped up. “Yeah! Let’s have a concert!”
“Oh no, I don’t have anything prepared.”
Jackson leaned close to her. “Give it up, Legs.”
She let out an exasperated sigh. “All right, give me a C.” He obliged and she started to
# Music of Souls
sing Happy Birthday. Jackson leaned his elbow on the piano and watched her, fully
amused. He could tell that she too was capable of more. He should have known she could
sing by her full, rich speaking voice. He listened carefully. She sang right in the middle
of every pitch and had a lovely vibrato. He guessed her to be a mezzo-soprano. First
soprano’s voices are usually a bit thinner. She curtseyed as she finished and Sarah
moaned, “You guys are awful.”
Jackson pulled her in by the waist. “Who’s holding out now?”
“Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”
He held her closer and whispered, “We are going to make a date for that when the peanut
gallery isn’t around.”
Elisabeth threw her head back laughing. “You got it, Maestro.”
Sarah continued her protest until Jackson admonished her, “What have we said about
whining in front of company, you know it’s not polite.” Even Connor had to laugh.
She set her mouth in a pout as Connor kissed her hair and led her out of the room. “Let’s
go check on those desserts.”
Elisabeth leaned her elbows on the piano. “So, when are you going to show me what
you’ve really got in those hands?”
Jackson gave her a half grin. “Next week Sarah and Connor are going to his parent’s
house in Maine. I suggest we make a date to meet back here and lay our cards on the
table. No holding back… all in.”
“It’s a date.”
It was midnight when Elisabeth checked the clock. “Oh my gosh, it’s so late. I should be
“You could spend the night,” piped in Sarah. “I’m sure I can fix you up with whatever
you need for clothes.”
“That’s sweet of you, but I really should be going. I need to be up early tomorrow. I have
so much to do for my open house.” She had already invited Sarah and Connor. “I’ve had
a wonderful evening and look forward to seeing you all Friday. Thank you for
Sarah rose and kissed her. “We need to make a date for shoe shopping soon.”
As they walked to her car, Elisabeth said, “I hate to see this night end.”
“If you have a few more minutes, I’d like to show you my stable.”
“You have horses?”
“No.” He leaned in close with a wicked smile. “I have horsepower.”
# Music of Souls
“Ooh, a chill just ran up my spine.”
“Ha! Come with me.”
When he hit the master switch that bathed all the cars at once in light, he turned to watch
her reaction.
She stood motionless for a moment, staring. “I’m speechless.” He took her hand and as
they walked through she said, “I don’t even know what some of these are.”
“That’s because some of them are prototypes.”
“No shit?”
Jackson touched her cheek. “That’s a nasty word coming out of that pretty mouth.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
He laughed loudly. “I’m kidding! I love seeing that side of you.”
As he closed the door, Elisabeth asked, “Are you going to let me drive all those?”
“Well look at you, Miss ‘Oh! I couldn’t. I might hit something.’ Singing a different tune
now, are we?” She covered her eyes with her hands and buried her face in his chest with
a groan. He put his arms around her, “Of course you can drive them, whenever you
want.” As they neared her car Jackson asked, “When can I see you again?”
“I’m afraid not until Friday. I’m straight out getting ready for this.”
“I could help.”
“You would be too much of a distraction.”
He put his hands up. “I promise I’ll be all business.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Wow.” Tucking her hair behind her ear, he murmured, “It’s
going to be a long week.”
“It will go by fast, and after this my schedule is wide open.”
He kissed her and she didn’t pull away this time. They melted into each other as they had
in the park. Jackson brushed her face with the back of his hand. “You make me forget
how to breathe.” She smiled and blushed as he added, “You know, you really could spend
the night and leave early tomorrow.”
“No, I need to go home.”
“Until Friday then.”
Jackson busied himself as best he could during the week. He thought of Elisabeth
# Music of Souls
constantly, having to resist the urge to call her or just show up. On Wednesday, he was in
his music room playing, when Elisabeth called. He answered, “Need a distraction?”
Her laugh warmed him. “No, I called to ask you something.”
“Would you mind coming a little early Friday?”
“How’s now work, early enough?”
“I thought maybe a half hour or so before guests arrive.”
“Sure, is there something you need me to do?”
“Not really, just calm my nerves.”
“I will do everything in my power to help you be the queen of cool.”
“Thank you. Friday, then.”
“I can’t promise I won’t end up on your doorstep before then. This week is becoming
“I miss you too.”
Thursday night, Sarah, Connor, and Jackson were having dinner when Jackson said,
“Sarah, I need you to do something for me tomorrow night.”
“I want you to try to influence Elisabeth.”
“Are you crazy? There is no way on God’s green earth I am going to influence that lovely
woman to do your bidding! You should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Are you done?”
“Quite, you pig.”
“If you had given me a second before ripping me a new one, I would have explained that
I do not want her ‘to do my bidding’ as you so eloquently put it. I simply want to know if
it is she that can’t be influenced or only I that can’t influence her.”
“Oh…sorry. What would I influence her to do?”
“I don’t know, something innocuous like pour a glass of wine and dump it down the sink,
or open and close a window. Just something that will tell us for sure whether it worked or
“Ok, I guess…I still don’t feel right about it though.”
# Music of Souls
“I know. I just have to find out.”
After dinner Sarah said, “I’m going into town to buy a new clutch for tomorrow. Connor
do you want to come?”
“I’ll stay, you up for a game Jackson?”
“Sure.” The two were well-matched opponents and their last game ended in stalemate.
Jackson poured a drink and a glass of blood, then sat at the board.
Connor asked, “Does blood really taste good?”
“Oh, sorry, does this bother you?”
“No, no it’s fine; I just can’t imagine it tasting good.”
“That’s because you are not a vampire.”
“I’ve been thinking about that the last few days.”
“What, being a vampire?”
“What does Sarah say?”
“She doesn’t like to talk about it.”
“I’m sure she has her reasons.”
“What do you think?”
“I think it depends on your reasons.”
“I guess my biggest reason is I don’t want to lose her and let’s face it, when I’m toothless
and bald and she is still as beautiful as today, she’s not going to want me.”
“You’re wrong about that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, unless you screw things up and hurt her, Sarah will stay with you until your last
breath, even if it means changing your diapers.”
“Well, then there’s my biggest reason. I don’t want her to do that. She should be with
someone as young and vibrant as she is.”
“Now, that my friend is a good reason for wanting to turn.”
“So, you think I should?”
“I am not going to touch that one. This is between you and Sarah.” Jackson actually felt
sorry for the guy. His future, as it was, seemed pretty bleak.
“This is not something you need to decide any time soon. Don’t push her on it. Just let
# Music of Souls
her know how you feel.”
“If I really wanted it and she refused, would you do it?”
“Not on your life.”
Chapter 12
Elisabeth opened the door before Jackson had a chance to ring the bell. He announced,
“Valium delivery!”
“Don’t joke. I think I really could use one.” They kissed warmly, not just a hello kiss. A
kiss that said, ‘I have missed you’.
Jackson handed her a box. “For you.”
“Oh my, what did you do?” Inside she found a stunning pair of diamond and ruby drop
earrings. She gasped, “I can’t accept these. This is too much.”
“You can and you will. This is an important night, and I want to mark it as such.”
“They’re so beautiful, thank you.” She took off the pair she was wearing.
“You don’t have to wear them tonight.”
“Oh, yes I do.” She held one up to an ear. “They’re perfect with my dress.” She wore an
ivory A-line dress with shoes to match. The rhinestone earrings she had on were fine, but
the rubies gave a pop of color that complimented the outfit beautifully.
Jackson asked, “So, are there any last minute things you need done?”
“No, the caterers just left.” She took his hand. “Come see the studio and tell me what you
He let out a long whistle at the doorway. “Wow! This is amazing.” The messy studio
from last week had been transformed into a professional art gallery. Pieces were hung on
the walls with down lighting, and brass easels were strategically placed around the room.
Standing partitions broke up areas of the expanse. A bar stood in one corner and a buffet
table in another. “No wonder you were so busy.”
“Do you like it?”
“I love it!” Jackson walked around taking in the art, and searching for three oils he
intended to buy. “Are some of the pieces I saw last week missing?”
“Possibly, I have certain pieces I won’t sell to just anyone. I know it’s crazy, but I like to
know where some things end up.”
“Like my landscape?”
“Not at all crazy, I understand completely.” He wondered what she would think if she
knew he had never tried to publish a single piece of music. He guessed she would
# Music of Souls
understand. “Well then, I need to find new pieces to buy.”
“You are absolutely not going to buy anything!”
“Of course I am.”
“No you are not. This isn’t up for discussion. Tomorrow we’ll find the ones you wanted
and you will take them.”
From the set of her jaw, he sensed she would not move on this. “Why don’t I make you a
“Great, scotch neat please. The bartender should be here any minute.”
She made small adjustments on some easels as he handed her the drink. “I predict tonight
will be a huge success. Cheers.”
The doorbell rang. “That must be the bartender and waitresses.” Jackson stayed back
admiring the artwork for a minute, before following her to the living room.
She was talking to the two waitresses and the bartender when he caught up. “I’m just
going to show them where things are. Would you start the music for me? I’ll be right
back.” Jackson found the sound system and turned it on. She had chosen soft dinner
music. It played through the whole house and the studio. He tinkered with the sound,
making sure it was audible, yet would not interfere with conversation. Elisabeth returned.
“That’s great. Ok, now we wait.” She began wringing her hands.
“I know what will help you relax.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, “Dance
with me, my leggy Siren.”
Elisabeth smiled as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“As am I.” He found a hint of sadness in her eyes. “What’s the matter?”
She shook her head. “Just a little overwhelmed I guess.”
Burying his face in her hair, he inhaled deeply. “There it is.”
“There what is?”
“The scent that makes me weak in the knees.” They danced silently for two songs before
the doorbell was rung by the first guests.
Jackson guessed somewhere around fifty people attended. Elisabeth was in a whirlwind
for the first hour or so. Everyone wanted to meet the artist and discuss the work they were
interested in. Jackson mingled some, but mostly watched her. She acted graciously with
all the guests, yet he could pick up subtle nuances that affirmed whether she was
speaking to someone who genuinely understood art, or a snob who merely bought it to be
in vogue. He found this entirely entertaining, and only approached her once while patrons
were demanding her attention. Some guy, who obviously had more interest in her than
the art, got a little touchy-feely. Elisabeth’s discomfort was evident. Jackson stood close
enough to hear the conversation, and as soon as the moron committed to buy a
# Music of Souls
watercolor; he approached Elisabeth, put his arms around her and said, “Darling, the
caterer needs to see you for a minute. Excuse us would you?” And led her away.
She whispered, “Thank you, that guy is creepy.”
“Want me to rough him up?”
“My hero!”
“At your service.”
A couple approached as Jackson completed his rescue. “Elisabeth, can you tell us about
this oil?” She frowned at Jackson apologetically. He smiled and shooed her away.
Connor and Sarah seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sarah told Jackson she didn’t see
how she would be able to get Elisabeth’s attention long enough to influence her.
“In a while the frenzy will subside, you’ll see.” Once people had their chat with the artist
and had made their selections, they settled in and the atmosphere seemed more like a
party. Jackson was speaking with some rich blowhard when he noticed Elisabeth make
her way to Connor and Sarah. She took Sarah’s hands, probably thanking her for
attending. He watched, but stood too far away to tell if she had the blank stare of
someone being influenced. She dropped Sarah’s hands and looked up, spotting Jackson.
She headed straight for him, so he assumed Sarah hadn’t made contact or was unable to
influence her. She approached him and said, “You are a pompous ass, and not nearly as
good looking as you think.” Then turned and brushed him aside.
Jackson took a step back in shock, then noticed Connor and Sarah across the room
laughing hysterically. Sarah gave him the thumbs up sign.
“Nice.” He flipped her off and followed Elisabeth.
He found her in the kitchen loading clean glasses on trays. Upon seeing him, she said,
“Perfect timing. Could you help me bring these to the bar?”
“Of course.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “I think it’s going well, don’t you?”
“Very much so.” As they walked to the bar, he decided to make sure that the night they
met wasn’t just a fluke. When the trays were stowed he said, “You have something on
your cheek, let me get it. He held her head in his hands, locked eyes with her and
commanded, “Your favorite color is red.”
She frowned. “Whatever made you think that? My favorite color is green.”
“Oh, my mistake, I thought you told me red.” She looked at him bewildered. Thankfully
someone called her away. Jackson stood at the bar lost in thought. So it’s me. What the
hell does that mean? He had been hoping Sarah would be unsuccessful.
The last guest left around 11:00 p.m. “Well, Miss Sidwell, I’d say you’re a big hit with
high society.”
# Music of Souls
“It went exceptionally well, better than I expected. I sold nearly everything and even
contracted four portrait commissions.”
Jackson drew her into an embrace. “Congratulations. You deserve it. Now, let me help
you clean this place up.”
“Oh no, really, all I have to do tonight is put the dishes back in the caterer’s boxes. I
don’t even have to wash them. They’re picking them up at nine tomorrow morning.”
“Then let’s have at it.”
“You’re so sweet. I have to sit for just a minute. My feet are killing me. I stood the whole
evening.” She plopped down on one end of the sofa and took her heels off. Jackson sat
away from her and motioned with his hands to put her feet up. “Oh, that’s heaven,” she
purred, as he massaged her feet and calves. She closed her eyes and rested her head back.
Jackson didn’t speak; he just sat appreciating her expression of pure contentment. It
wasn’t long before her breathing slowed. After making sure she was asleep, he carefully
slid out from under her feet and headed to the studio.
He found the caterer’s boxes and set out collecting all the dishes, glasses and silverware.
The music still played throughout the house, and the studio was far enough away from
the living room so noise wasn’t an issue. When the last box was filled with plates, he
contemplated whether to wake Elisabeth or not. Deciding to leave her be and sneak out,
he checked over the room one last time, and thought, Not bad. Then turned to leave.
Elisabeth leaned in the doorway, arms crossed. Jackson gave a start. That was the second
time this week someone had snuck up on him. “Hey, I was going to let you sleep.”
“I can see that.” She made her way to him and put both hands in his hair. “I think I’ll
keep you.”
“That’s my master plan, ma’am.”
She traced his jaw line from temple to chin with her index finger. “You have the most
beautiful bone structure. Will you sit for me one day?”
“Of course, whenever you like.” He didn’t quite understand why she needed that. It
appeared she already had his likeness dead on. Jackson kissed her, gently at first then
more intensely. She did not pull away tonight, but pressed her body to his and he felt her
pulse quickening. Elisabeth gently grazed his earlobe just as she had that first night. His
body responded exactly as it had then, unsettling him. His voice came out in a raspy
whisper. “The last time you did that, I didn’t much care for what came next.” He thought
of the redhead, but quickly pushed it away.
She brushed her lips up to his ear. “I think tonight’s outcome will be much more to your
Jackson’s desire flamed so intensely, he had to force himself to think straight. This was
more than mere passion, rather a visceral need that threatened to overwhelm him. It was
imperative to maintain enough control to keep from hurting or biting her. Letting her
# Music of Souls
learn his secret this way would be disastrous. He braced himself for the battle with his
fangs and waited for the inevitable pain from fighting to keep them at bay. While kissing
her neck, he realized the fangs had not waged their war. He felt no ache. How can that
be? I have never wanted a woman this much. He touched his canine with his tongue.
Nothing. He pulled away, dumfounded.
She noticed his shocked expression. “Are you all right?”
“I don’t know.” He kissed her again, this time with urgency and let go enough so his
fangs should definitely start their descent. Still nothing! Panic set in, this was impossible.
First he couldn’t influence her, and now his fangs had failed him. His head started to
pound. “I have to go, I’m sorry.”
She stood alone and confused. “What is it, please tell me?” He was gone.
He drove home slowly, trying to understand what had happened. Once the shock wore
off, rational thinking set in and he calmed down, feeling this might be an advantage. He
could take his time before revealing his secret without having to worry about his fangs
popping up. They would never share that intimacy, but he would just have to accept that,
sad as it was. By the time he arrived home, the most pressing problem seemed to be
explaining his bizarre behavior; She must think I’m a lunatic.
Sarah heard Jackson and slowly unfurled herself from a sleeping Connor. She didn’t want
him waking and pressuring her to stay. She couldn’t wait to tell Jackson her news.
Approaching from behind, she noticed a bottle of scotch on the table, along with the two
glasses. This can’t be good, she thought. “You okay?”
“Not sure.” Jackson sat staring straight ahead.
“What’s going on?”
“Apparently I cannot bite Elisabeth.”
“What? You tried to feed on her?”
“No, relax. You know how you need to keep your fangs in check when you’re with
someone and things get steamy?”
“Oh yeah, I hate that, it hurts.”
“Well, no problem here.”
“Yep, they are MIA.”
“Hmm, that’s really strange.”
Jackson finally looked up at her. He took her chin in his hand. “Well, what have we here?
You don’t get that blush from the refrigerated crap.”
# Music of Souls
Sarah grabbed his hand. “That’s what I came down to tell you, but we’ll save it for
another time, let’s get back to your problem.”
“No, it’s not really a problem, and I’d much rather hear your story. At least someone’s
gettin’ some.”
“Are you sure? “
“Positive, let me live vicariously through you.”
“Oh Jackson, it was wonderful. We had such a fun time at Elisabeth’s and when we got
home we had a nightcap and went up to bed and, well, you know...When we were done,
we talked for a while and then he asked me. He said he wanted to share everything with
me and this is part of who I am. He was so loving. I’m in heaven! I have never connected
so completely with anyone before. He felt it too. He couldn’t believe how wonderful it
felt. He said it didn’t even hurt, not for a second.” She was glowing, and talking so fast,
Jackson could barely keep up.
He squeezed her arm. “I’m thrilled for you princess. It seems you finally found your
prince charming.”
Connor appeared at the top of the stairs. “Sarah, you down there?”
“Yes, I’m with Jackson.”
“Hey, Skippy, looking a little peaked there. Don’t forget to take your iron pills.”
Connor frowned at Sarah. “You couldn’t even wait until morning?”
Jackson laughed. “Don’t blame her; I could see it all over her face.”
He sat next to Sarah, giving her a peck on the cheek. “What’s up?”
“Jackson’s fangs aren’t working.”
“Really? Can that happen?”
“Well, it’s just with Elisabeth.”
“Hmm, maybe it’s because she doesn’t know yet and you feel guilty.”
“One night of vamp sex and you’re a friggin’ expert now, huh?”
Sarah broke in, “He might have a point you know.”
“I hardly think that after all this time my fangs have suddenly developed a conscience.”
“Yes, but you’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
“Christ. I don’t know, maybe you’re right. I’m tired of thinking about it. It is what it is
and I’ll just have deal with it.” He was really more concerned about explaining things to
Elisabeth than anything else. Connor started chuckling, and Jackson glared at him. “I’m
glad you find this amusing.”
“No, sorry. I just thought of something else.”
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“Please share, I could use a laugh.”
“I don’t think so. I value my life too much.”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “I won’t kill you, just spit it out.”
“Well, I wonder if they have Viagra for vampires.” Sarah and Connor cracked up. Lucky
for them, Jackson’s cell rang. It was Elisabeth.
He bounded up the stairs to his room as he answered. No way did he want this
conversation overheard. “Hi beautiful.”
“Are you all right? Are you ill?”
“No, not at all, just a little crazy I think.”
“What do you mean?”
He wracked his brain for excuses that would be plausible. “I guess I owe you an
“It’s just that I’m worried about you.”
“No need to worry. I’m fine. Let me see if I can make sense of this for you… I have been
fighting very hard to keep my feelings in check so as not to scare you away. Tonight I
started to lose control, and panicked. I decided to leave before doing something to upset
“Couldn’t you tell I wanted you to stay?”
“I wasn’t sure, thought it might be wishful thinking on my part.”
“Do you want to come back tonight?”
“More than anything.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
He practically flew down the stairs, but didn’t make it out the door before Sarah asked
where he was going.
“I’m gettin’ some, human style.”
She clapped her hands. “Oh, goody!”
Approaching Elisabeth’s house, Jackson felt rattled with uncertainty. He tried to push it
away, but all reason escaped him. No woman had ever affected him this way. There
would be no sport here, no games and certainly no manipulation. He was in a place,
emotionally, that was totally foreign, and he couldn’t begin to predict how this night
would unfold.
When Elisabeth opened the door and he laid eyes on her, all conflicted thoughts were
# Music of Souls
replaced with raw emotion. She was a vision, wearing a pale taupe nightgown with a lace
bodice. Her hair fell softly around her face and she had an ethereal glow about her. When
their eyes met, it was evident she felt uncertain as well. He cupped her face, “You truly
are God’s promise.” She took his hand, kissed his palm, and led him to the bedroom.
The two stood, locked in a deep gaze, fully experiencing what they found in each other’s
eyes. They kissed, and Jackson immediately felt her yield under his embrace. They began
a surreal dance of body and mind that left them both dizzy with passion. It was as if their
bodies were created to be together, not at all unfamiliar, entwined and as one. Elisabeth
felt a safe harbor in his arms, and Jackson wanted to give her every part of himself.
Neither had ever felt so vulnerable, yet they trusted each other completely and without
Jackson understood for the first time in his long life the vast difference between having
sex and making love. When his mind finally began to return to reality, he worried that he
might have hurt her. Being so swept away, he couldn’t be certain if he had been gentle
enough. He looked down at her beneath him and asked, “Did I hurt you?”
She met his eyes with a smile. “Of course not, I’m not made of glass.”
He rolled onto his back pulling her close to his chest. They were quiet for a long time
until Elisabeth propped up on her elbow, tracing his jaw line with her finger. “You are
going to break my heart.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement, as if it were inevitable.
Jackson didn’t respond immediately. He wondered how she could still think that after
what they had just shared.
Searching her eyes, he said, “Then I will surely break my own.” She laid her head back
and after a moment, he felt a teardrop fall onto his chest.
They woke to the doorbell. Elisabeth sat up, “The caterer.”
Jackson started to get up. “I’ll take care of it.”
“No, I have to give them the check. Stay here.” She got out of bed and grabbed her robe.
Jackson took in the beauty of her body with the light of day. She was entirely feminine,
yet each muscle was defined, sinewy. The body of an athlete. She narrowed her eyes
while slipping into her robe. “You’re leering.”
He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned. “Get used to it.” She turned to leave the room and
briefly dropped the robe off one side to flash a bare shoulder. “You’re killing me!” He
shouted after her.
Jackson lay back with his hands behind his head, replaying the night, still hardly
believing it was real. He remembered that he had his dream again, only it was different.
He wasn’t chasing the bronze haired beauty, but running through the woods with her,
laughing. She did turn to him and the face was Elisabeth’s. He closed his eyes, happy that
the disturbing dream had turned into something lovely.
# Music of Souls
He heard the door close, then Elisabeth in the kitchen, making breakfast. He rose, slipped
his pants on and found her at the stove. Embracing her from behind, he untied her robe
and slid his hands around her waist. “Good morning.”
She leaned into him and raised her head slightly. “Good morning to you. Are you
“Not for food.” He brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck.
“Well, I’m starving and if you don’t stop that, I will most certainly ruin these eggs and
have to start over.”
“Very well, I shall squelch my lust until you are nourished.”
“That is very noble of you.”
Jackson took a lock of her hair in his hand, carefully combing through all the colors for
the bronze. There were a few strands here and there, though certainly not enough to
connect to the dream. “Has your hair ever been any other color?”
She turned to face him. “One night and you’re trying to change me already, eh?”
“Oh, God, no! Your hair is the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen. I would beg you not to
change it. I’m just curious. Is it your natural color?”
“Yes, I’ve never colored my hair. It’s the smell thing. Dye gives me a migraine, even if
I’m around someone who has recently used it. Speaking of that, whatever cologne you
wear is wonderful. It doesn’t bother me at all. What is it?”
“Gee, I can’t remember. I’ll have to check.” Jackson never wore cologne. He had no
need. Vampires smelled great to humans. It was part of the hunter’s edge. Lying to her,
even about something this insignificant, felt awful. He knew he couldn’t keep his secret
much longer. She had trusted him so completely, this deception suddenly became
unbearable. Confessing there in her kitchen was not an option, but he needed to have this
behind them, so decided he would tell her as soon as possible.
As they sat with their breakfast he said, “I have some things I need to take care of today.”
He saw the disappointment in her face, and wondered if she had hoped, as he had, that
they would spend a lazy day learning all about each other’s bodies.
“Can you come by for dinner and stay over? Tomorrow we could spend the whole day
together doing whatever you like.”
“That sounds nice. I probably should get things organized around here today anyway.”
Jackson stood up and took her hand. She put her arms around his waist and drew in close.
He whispered into her hair, “It hurts me to leave you.”
“Good. Maybe you won’t do it too often.” They shared a deep kiss and when they parted,
Jackson wasn’t sure he could tear himself away.
# Music of Souls
Elisabeth read his face and smiled. “You better go get dressed.”
She was wiping the table when he returned.
“All set.”
She walked him to the door and kissed him softly. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Until then.”
Chapter 13
Jackson stopped by the art supply store on the way home to purchase supplies for
Elisabeth. He arranged to have them delivered to Fairhaven by 1:00 p.m. If she had to
spend time in the holding room, he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. Maybe
being able to paint or draw would ease her anguish. It was painful to picture her there.
Frightened and confused… Questioning everything about him…Thinking him a monster.
When he arrived home, Jackson was concentrating on all he needed to do and
contemplating how he would break the news to Elisabeth. The distress must have been
apparent on his face, because Sarah stopped abruptly as she glided down the stairs to hear
about his night. “Oh, no!”
He noted her concern. “There are no words for how perfect my night was.”
“Wonderful! Why do you seem so sad?”
“Will you help me get the holding room ready today?”
“Of course.” Tears filled the corners of her eyelids. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait
a bit longer?”
He shook his head slowly. “I just can’t lie to her anymore.”
“I understand.”
Jackson headed to the pantry for some blood. “The bottled stuff is pretty good, huh?”
“Yes.” Sarah lied. She hadn’t tasted it yet. She did want to use the bags first, and if
Jackson hadn’t been in this state, he would be getting a shrill earful for feeding from the
bottles. Now, they would all be saved for him.
“I’ll stock the fridge and change the linens. Anything else you can think of?”
“No. I’m having some art supplies delivered this afternoon.”
“Oh, that will be nice.” Sarah hugged him. “It’s going to be all right. I’ve seen the way
she looks at you. She’ll come around.”
“God, I hope you’re right. Where’s Skippy?”
“Meeting with a client, he’ll be back soon. Are you going to tell her tonight?”
“No, I am thinking tomorrow. She’s coming for dinner and spending the night. I think it
would be better in daylight.” That was only part of the reason. He wanted to have one
# Music of Souls
more night with her innocent of his secret. He feared that, even if she accepted him, she
would never trust him so completely as last night. He sat for a minute staring into his
glass of blood.
Sarah put her hand on his back. “I’ll go to the market now. Be back soon. You okay for a
little bit?”
“Yeah, thanks.” She left him with his thoughts.
Connor arrived just as Jackson was telling himself he had better snap out of it and get
downstairs. They exchanged hellos and Connor asked, “Sarah around?”
“She’s gone to the market, she shouldn’t be long.”
“You all right?”
Jackson looked up from his glass. “I plan to tell Elisabeth that I am a vampire.”
“Oh, man, that’s tough.”
“You know, I could talk to her if you want. Give her the human side.”
“You would do that?”
“Of course, anything I can do to help.”
Jackson stood and held his arm. “Thank you, I think that would be a tremendous help.”
“Sure thing, no problem.”
“How bad was it down there?”
“I’m not going lie to you. I really thought I would lose my mind. The whole thing was a
living nightmare.” Jackson hung his head as Connor patted his back. “Hey, look at me
now though, all adjusted and loving the vamp stuff.”
Jackson forced a thin smile. “Yeah, a few days of hell and now you’re in heaven.”
When Sarah returned with the groceries, she found Jackson in the holding room making
the bed. She placed the bags on the counter. “I said I would do that.”
“I know.”
She approached him and took his hand. “It is going to be all right, you’ll see.”
“I don’t know how you do this.”
“You do it because you have to. Try to keep your mind on the future.”
“What if there is no future?”
# Music of Souls
“You have to believe there is.” Sarah allowed her hope to sink in before continuing. “I
think the best advice I can give, is try to understand that everything she does and says
initially comes from fear and shock. She won’t be thinking rationally at all. Nothing hurts
more than having the person you love call you terrible things and look at you with horror
in their eyes. You have to try to let her work through that, so she can start to think clearly
again. Do not take her words or her fear to heart.”
Connor appeared at the doorway. “A truck just dropped off a shitload or art supplies.”
“Thanks, will you help me bring them down?”
“Yeah, um, how long do you plan on keeping her down here?” Jackson had bought
everything he could think she might want. There were easels, palettes, canvasses of every
size, oils, water colors, sketch pads, pencil sets, brushes, virtually anything an artist
would need. The three brought the supplies down and set them up in one corner of the
“Do you want us to leave or stay?” asked Sarah.
“Stay. Connor has offered to talk to her.”
“That should help. Once she knows he is human she won’t feel so alone.”
Jackson met Elisabeth midway down the walk. She carried an overnight bag and a large
artist’s portfolio. “Let me help you.” He took them from her and bent to kiss her. “What’s
in the portfolio?”
“I tried to guess the pieces you liked, I’m anxious to see if I chose correctly. I also
brought something for Sarah.” They made their way into the house and greeted Sarah and
“Elisabeth brought a present for you Sarah.”
“Oh, I love presents.”
“Don’t get too excited. It’s just something whimsical I painted some time ago. I really
never expected it to hang anywhere, but I think you have the perfect spot for it.” She
unzipped the portfolio and pulled out a large canvas that had hundreds of shoes painted in
oil; every style and color imaginable. “I thought it would fit well in your closet.”
“Oh my God, it’s perfect. I’ll put it on the far wall so you see it when you first walk in.
Thank you so much Elisabeth, I love it!” She hugged and kissed her.
“You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it.”
“Connor, come up with me and let’s see how it will fit.” The couple headed upstairs.
Jackson drew Elisabeth close, burying his nose in her hair. “I’ve missed you.”
“Did you accomplish everything you needed to today?”
# Music of Souls
“Let’s see how I did guessing your choices.” She pulled the other three paintings out, and
to Jackson’s amazement had chosen correctly.
“How did you ever know? I looked at so much that day.”
“I could tell by your face when you saw these.”
“You’re incredible.”
She blushed slightly. “Have you thought about where you want to put them?”
“I’ll hang the spring and winter landscapes in my music room; maybe you can help me
decide where to put the still life.”
“I’d love to.”
Connor and Sarah stood on the landing. “It’s wonderful up there.”
Jackson grabbed the overnight bag. “Let me just run this upstairs, Connor, how about
making drinks for us?”
“Will do.”
He put the bag on the bed and stood staring at it for a moment. The thought of all he
would have to face made him wish they could fast forward a few days. If he only had
some assurance Elisabeth would accept his vampirism. The possibility tonight could be
their last together pained him so deeply he shuddered.
The other three were sitting with their drinks and his sat on the table in front of Elisabeth.
He sat putting his arm around her.
Sarah said, “I thought we would make individual stone pies tonight. Everyone can pick
their own toppings.”
“That sounds fun,” said Elisabeth.
The foursome talked about the showing, making fun of some of the stuffy patrons.
Jackson was thankful Sarah and Connor were there. He wasn’t sure he would be able to
hide his unease alone with Elisabeth. They made the pizzas and brought them into the
drawing room to eat.
Sarah suggested a game of Scrabble after dinner. Jackson welcomed the distraction. He
could pretend to concentrate on the board while his mind clearly drifted somewhere else.
Elisabeth won the game and when they finished Sarah and Connor said goodnight.
“Do you want a glass of port before we go up?”
“No thanks, but you go ahead if you’d like.” He took her hand, and as they climbed the
stairs, Elisabeth asked, “Are you all right?”
“Yes, I’m fine, why?”
# Music of Souls
“You seem far away tonight.”
“I’m sorry, guess I’m just a little tired.”
“Should I go home so you can rest?”
“Oh God, no, I want you here with me, don’t even think about leaving, please.” They had
made their way to his room. Jackson held his hands to her face. “I don’t think I could
bear to lose you.”
“You’re not going to lose me, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.” They kissed tenderly and Jackson began to relax. He let go of all his worries
and immersed himself fully in the moment. He desperately wanted to have this last night
untainted by the truth they would face tomorrow.
Jackson didn’t sleep all night. He was determined not to waste a single minute of his time
with Elisabeth. He watched her sleep, wishing to know her dreams; wondering if he
would ever see her face this serene again.
He left her sleeping and snuck downstairs to make breakfast. Returning with the tray, he
sat on the bed and brushed the hair off her forehead. She woke and smiled. “Good
“Good morning to you. I’ve brought you breakfast.”
“Really? Wow, I feel like royalty.”
“You are the Queen of my heart.” He placed the tray across her lap.
“Where’s yours?”
“I ate downstairs.”
“So, are you going to just sit there and watch me eat?
“At least have some toast or bacon. This is delicious. What kind of cheese did you use in
the omelet?”
“I’m not sure; I found it in the fridge.” He had never seen a woman with an appetite like
hers, yet found it heartwarming for some reason. When she finished, he lifted the tray.
“Now, your majesty, what would you like to do today?”
She tugged on the belt of his robe. “I’d like you to get back in this bed and show me
some reverence.”
“Ahhh. Your wish is my command.” The two spent the next hour playfully enjoying each
other. Jackson longed to make their last few hours of innocence count. “What do you say
# Music of Souls
we take an extremely long shower then go out for a drive, you pick the car?”
“Lead the way my subject.”
As they walked to the stable, Jackson asked, “Any idea what car you want to take?”
“I think maybe the yellow Lamborghini.”
“Ah, the Murciélago, good choice.” He retrieved the keys from the board and tossed
them to her.
“No, you drive; I’ll drive on the way home, okay?”
“Sure. Where would you like to go?”
“Want to go apple picking?”
“Great I know just the place. They have a restaurant. We can have lunch when we’re
When they returned, Elisabeth said, “It’s such a beautiful day. Let’s go to the park and
feed the ducks.”
“All right, let me just run in and get some bread. Wait here.”
Sarah was in the kitchen. “Where’s Elisabeth?”
“Outside. We’re going to Coronet Park.”
“How’s it going?”
“I keep putting it off.”
“You know, you don’t have to do it today.”
He contemplated her words for a moment, then shook his head. “Yes I do. I need this
behind us.”
They walked through the woods arm in arm. When they reached the park, they sat on the
same bench they shared last time. As ducks waddled toward them, Elisabeth chuckled.
“You know, these ducks are the reason I agreed to go out with you.”
“Really? I guess I owe them a lot more than bread then.”
“I thought I had you all figured out, and then you showed up with bread. It just seemed so
sweet. I wanted to know you.”
“I’m happy you changed your mind, and I will be forever grateful to my friends here.”
Walking through the woods near the house, Elisabeth pulled Jackson’s arm. “Are you
ever going to tell me what’s bothering you?” He stopped and closed his eyes. She faced
him and held his hands. “I’m worried about you.”
# Music of Souls
He put his arms around her, held her close and spoke into her hair. “I need to tell you
something that is going to change everything for you, and I am so afraid of losing you, I
just don’t know how.”
Elisabeth pulled back see his eyes; they were tortured. “Trust me.”
He inhaled deeply and his hands started to shake. “I have been keeping something about
myself from you. Please believe that I love you, and I would rather die than hurt you.”
“Of course, I believe you.”
“Do you have any knowledge of the supernatural?”
“Yes, quite a bit actually.”
Jackson gazed into her eyes, trying to convey all his feelings as he said, “I am a
vampire.” He braced himself for the fear or disbelief that did not come. What he found in
her eyes instead was profound sadness.
She touched his face with her hand. “I know.”
Chapter 14
Jackson stood speechless. He had prepared for many scenarios, but this was beyond
anything imagined. “What? How long have you known?”
“Since we met.” Her eyes filled with tears.
“Since we met? Jesus, Elisabeth, I don’t understand. This makes no sense.” She was
crying openly now.
Jackson’s instinct encouraged him to hold her and calm himself enough to calm her. “All
right, please don’t cry.” They stood quietly for a moment. Elisabeth was falling apart, and
he tried desperately to wrap his head around what had happened. She knew! How could
that be, and why did she stay? Wasn’t she scared to be with me? Why is she so upset now,
after spending all this time together while knowing? He finally pulled away slightly to see
her. She looked devastated. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because then I would have had to tell you I am a werewolf.”
He pulled away further. “That’s impossible! Why did you say that?”
She sobbed, “Because it’s true.”
“No, it can’t be! I would have smelled it! You smell nothing like a werewolf!”
“I’m a member of the ruling pack. We don’t smell like others.”
Jackson held her at arm’s length. “Are you telling me you turn into a wolf at the full
moon, and you can kill vampires? A real werewolf?”
# Music of Souls
He dragged both hands through his hair. “This can’t be happening.” He turned away,
wide eyed, his head reeling.
“Please, can we try to talk about this?”
Whirling around to face her, he bellowed, “Talk about this! Are you out of your mind?
How could you do this?”
“I am so sorry; I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”
Jackson picked her up by the throat and slammed her against a tree, “I should kill you
where you stand, you filthy dog!”
“Then do it! Do it now!” She cried. Jackson glared at her for a moment, then dropped her
and ran.
Sarah and Connor were in her room when they heard Jackson burst through the door. “He
must have told her.” They then heard things breaking, being thrown. Sarah wondered
why. Jackson would have no difficulty restraining Elisabeth. Was he allowing her to have
a fit and throw things at him? She worried that Elisabeth might get hurt. Then Jackson
screamed. That wasn’t right. What was going on down there? “Connor, I’m going down,
please stay here. I don’t want you hurt in the crossfire. Promise me you’ll stay.”
“All right.”
When she reached the top of the stairs, Sarah panicked, seeing Jackson alone and in a fit
of rage. My God, did he kill her? She ran downstairs screaming, “Jackson, stop it! What
have you done? Where is Elisabeth?” He had picked up a Tantalus and was about to
smash it on the floor. She grabbed it from him and yelled, “Stop this right now!” He
froze, his face twisted with pain. “What happened? Where is Elisabeth?”
He choked, “She’s a werewolf.” And fell to his knees, weeping.
Sarah was unable to move, unable to believe her ears. She finally dropped to the floor and
put her arms around him. He heaved with painful sobs, rendering speech impossible. She
held him until he quieted, helped him to his feet and then to the sofa. He sat and stared
straight ahead without a word. Sarah had not seen him like this since Emily died. None of
this made sense, yet it had to be true for him to be this distraught. After a while Jackson,
still silent, rose and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?”
“To hunt.”
Sarah put herself between him and the door. “You know you can’t do that right now.”
“Yes I can.”
“Remember Lisa. You need to stay here now.”
# Music of Souls
He clenched his teeth. “Get out of my way, Sarah.”
“I am not going to let you do something you will regret forever. Please, just sit down. I
will get you some blood and a drink.” He glared at her, and for a moment she thought he
might fight her. Then he turned around and sat back down.
Sarah handed him his two glasses. “What happened?”
Staring through her, he took a long drink of scotch. “I told her I am a vampire. She told
me she’s a werewolf.”
“How can that be? She doesn’t even smell like one.”
He waved a listless hand in the air. “She’s a ruling wolf or something; doesn’t smell like
a dog.”
“Oh God, where is she now?”
“I have no idea.”
“How did you leave things with her?”
“She’s a fucking werewolf; there are no things to leave.” Jackson downed his drink,
picked up his glass of blood, went to the bar and grabbed three bottles of scotch.
“Where are you going?”
“Up to my room to drink until I pass out.” Sarah watched him climb the stairs while tears
ran down her face. He seemed so hopeless. She went up to tell Connor what had
happened then back down to the drawing room. Her intention was to stay there to make
sure he did not go out to hunt.
Jackson’s head pounded. He vacillated between disbelief and agony. His gut twisted and
he desired only one thing–escape. He stood, scrutinizing Elisabeth’s painting, wondering
how any of this could be real. The sound of a car door, and then an engine starting jarred
him into realizing Elisabeth must have stayed in the woods all this time. A wave of grief
engulfed him and ripped through to his core, knocking the breath from him. He let out a
primordial scream and threw the glass of blood at the painting with so much force, the
crystal shattered and blood splattered crimson all over the painting and wall. He steadied
himself with his hands on his knees for a moment, panting; then opened a bottle and
started to drink, fast; desperate to find oblivion.
A few hours later, Sarah crept into his room to check on him. He lay passed out on the
bed, two empty bottles on the nightstand and one on the floor. She removed his shoes and
covered him with a blanket. Turning to leave, her hands clasped to her face in horror
upon noticing the painting. She carefully removed it from the wall; she couldn’t let him
wake to this. Stopping at the top of the stairs, she wept silently, wishing to help him, but
having not a clue how. Thinking about all the times he nursed her through heartache, she
now realized how difficult it must have been for him to witness her pain.
# Music of Souls
When Jackson awoke, reality did not hit immediately. He had had his dream, and the
beauty of it lingered. He looked at the wall where Elisabeth’s painting should be and saw
empty space with spattered blood around it. Sarah must have taken it. His head throbbed
and his body ached all over. He lay staring at the ceiling for a time, attempting to push
away the torment; it had gripped him so completely that resistance was futile. He rose
slowly and headed downstairs to find Sarah on the sofa. Jackson didn’t speak, just
staggered to the bar and opened another bottle.
“You know, you can’t just keep drinking until you pass out.”
“Watch me.” He sat down with the bottle, not bothering to use a glass.
She stood in front of him. “I think you should talk to her.”
“Well, you think wrong.”
Connor had started down the stairs. “I’m really sorry Jackson.” The vampire glanced at
him without response. “You know, when I was down in that room losing my mind, you
said something that made me start to see things differently. You said I fell in love with
who Sarah is, not what she is.”
Jackson narrowed his eyes and yelled, “She’s a werewolf!”
“I know, but honestly, I don’t think a vampire finding out he is in love with a werewolf
can be any more earth shattering than a human finding out he’s in love with a vampire.”
“She turns into a fucking wolf and can rip me apart.”
“Yes, once a month. Sarah has fangs and has to be careful not to crush me whenever we
hug 24/7. Sorry, but I think I trump you on the my-girlfriend-can-kill-me front. All I’m
saying, is maybe you should hear her out. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. That
woman is head over heels in love. I can’t believe for a minute she wants to hurt you.”
Jackson stared straight ahead for a moment then, without a word, grabbed another bottle
and skulked upstairs.
Tears were streaming down Sarah’s face as she kissed Connor. “You are the most
wonderful man. I love you with all my heart.”
He held her while she wept, whispering, “He’s going to get through this, just give him
some time.”
“Will you keep an eye on him for a while and call me if he tries to leave.”
“Sure, where are you going?”
“I’m going to see Elisabeth.”
Chapter 15
When Sarah returned, cases of liquor were stacked by the door. Obviously, Jackson had
called for a delivery. She shook her head and asked Connor, “Have you seen him?”
“Just long enough for him to grab one of those.” He pointed at the liquor. “How’d it go
# Music of Souls
with Elisabeth?”
“She’s in pretty bad shape.”
Connor embraced her. “You can’t fix this for them. They have to do it themselves.”
“I know. I just wish I could convince him to talk to her.”
“Give him some time.”
“Would you mind if I went up and sat with him?”
“No, not at all. Maybe I’ll go into the office for a while.”
“I’ll see you later.”
Connor kissed her gently. “Try not to worry too much.”
Squeezing blood from a bag, Sarah noticed none had been taken from the bottles. This
meant Jackson hadn’t fed in 24 hours. She opened a bottle and poured a glass for him.
She found him sitting up in bed staring at the blood-spattered wall. “I see we’ve switched
to bourbon.” A case sat by the door and he drank from a bottle.
“Yes, spice of life and all.”
She handed him the blood. “I thought you could use this, unless you’re trying to starve
Sarah lay on the bed beside him and put her head on his chest. “You smell.”
“I know.” He still had on the same clothes he wore with Elisabeth. They remained quiet
while Jackson drank the blood.
Sarah sighed and tilted her head up to him. “You are so much better at this than me.”
“Better at what?”
“Comforting someone who is hurting.”
“No I’m not, I’ve just had a lot more practice.” They both chuckled.
Sarah could see the rage had left. It had been replaced with profound. “You know, if you
want to hunt, I could play wingman for you.”
He pulled back, surprised. “You’d do that?”
“If you’d like.”
“What about Skippy?”
“He’ll understand.”
“Thank you. That means a lot to me, I don’t feel much like hunting though.”
“So, what is your plan then?”
# Music of Souls
“I plan to put a huge dent in that case of bourbon.”
“I mean long term.”
“Well, I thought maybe I would wait until the next full moon, then find Elisabeth and let
her rip out what’s left of my guts. How’s that sound?”
“That sounds awful!”
“I’m kidding.”
“Well, it’s not funny.”
“Sorry.” He pulled her closer.
Sarah held his hand. “I went to see Elisabeth today.”
“What? Are you crazy?” He pushed her away, and stood.
“Calm down. I needed to get some answers from her.”
“Jesus Sarah, why would you do that without asking me?”
“Because I knew what your answer would be.”
“Goddamn right!” Jackson’s anger stemmed more from the fact that he wanted to ask
about Elisabeth’s frame of mind, rather than from Sarah going behind his back. He
pressed his fingers into his temples.
“Jackson, she’s a mess. She kept telling me how sorry she is for everything.”
“You don’t mean that. She is not guilty of anything more than you.” He sat on the bed,
rubbing his forehead as she continued, “I know she lied, but you did too. You know,
neither of us has ever known a werewolf.”
“There is a very good reason for that.”
“Well, maybe our reason isn’t as good as we think. Humans have many misconceptions
about us. Perhaps we have some about werewolves. What if they’re not all rabid animals
hell bent on killing vampires?” Jackson grabbed the bottle and took a long draw, but did
not respond. “It couldn’t hurt to talk to her. You certainly can’t be any worse off than
He stared ahead for a while then slowly stood. “I need a shower.”
Jackson lingered in the shower; bracing his hands on the wall, letting the water run on the
back of his neck. He felt so empty and drained; he didn’t know what to think. Maybe
Sarah was right and he should give Elisabeth a chance to explain why she let this happen.
Could she possibly believe a vampire and a werewolf could have a relationship? When he
returned to his room, Sarah had finished cleaning up the blood and glass from the wall
and floor. “You didn’t have to do that, Sarah.”
# Music of Souls
“Yes I did.”
Jackson sat in the chair by the window, taking in the landscape. “I don’t know what to do.
Nothing seems right.” The gut wrenching pain left him unable to process any rational
Sarah held his shoulders. “For once in your life, let your heart make a decision. Fight for
your happiness. Go see her, keep an open mind, and focus on what is important.”
He closed his eyes, dropping his head back. “I called her a filthy dog.”
“I know, she told me.”
They heard the front door open. “Miss Sarah, Mr. Jackson, are you home?” Consuelo,
their housekeeper had entered. She and her husband, Marc saw to the day-to-day needs of
Fairhaven. They were unaware that Sarah and Jackson were vampires, although they
suspected things weren’t quite normal around Fairhaven. Neither would ever question nor
gossip about their bosses. They were paid so well, they didn’t need to worry about how to
send their two daughters to college anymore. Sarah and Jackson never treated them like
employees. Sarah always asked about their daughters and sent extravagant gifts home.
Jackson flirted shamelessly with Consuelo, making her feel like a sexy coed instead of a
frumpy, middle-aged housekeeper. Sarah met Consuelo on the stairs and kissed her
cheek. “How are you today?”
“Fine, I thought I would start up stairs today.”
“Jackson is a bit under the weather. Why don’t you skip his room.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Can I do anything for him?”
“No, I’m sure he’ll be fine soon, just needs some rest.”
Consuelo spotted the cased liquor. “Are you having a party?”
“No... um… getting a head start on the Halloween Gala.”
Every year on Halloween, regardless where they were living, the vampires threw an
elaborate party. It would fast become the social event of the year. They invited the whole
town, and the wealthy were asked to dig deep for charity. In America, the proceeds went
to The Red Cross. Jackson felt it poetic justice that their gala should benefit the
organization that supplied blood to the masses.
When Sarah returned to Jackson’s room he still sat at the window. He didn’t have a bottle
in his hands. She took that as a good sign. He gazed out at the trees remembering Mount
Greylock, how mesmerized Elisabeth seemed by the view and how connected he felt to
her then. He didn’t see any way to ever find that emotion again, not now.
“So, feeling any more clear-headed after your shower?”
“Nope.” Sarah sat on the arm of the chair and hugged him. He whispered, “Does she
want to see me?”
# Music of Souls
“Very much, but like you, she doesn’t know how to act. She is blaming this whole thing
on herself. I think she’s wrong; you deceived one another, and you are both going to have
to forgive to have a future.”
“Do you honestly think there is any way we could have a future?”
“All I know is I have never seen two people more in love. To throw that away because of
an accident of circumstance would be a tragedy. I don’t have solutions to make this work.
You’re in uncharted territory there, but I truly believe you owe it to yourselves to at least
try. If you don’t, you will always carry that regret.”
Jackson retrieved another bottle, though he didn’t drink from it. After a while he placed it
on the floor and stood up. “May as well get this over with.”
Sarah kissed him on the cheek. “Listen to your heart.”
On the way out, he met up with Consuelo. “Oh, Mr. Jackson, I hear you’re not feeling
“What? Oh yeah, I need to get some air.” Consuelo looked after him quizzically. That
was the first time he had ever neglected to tell her how ravishing she was.
Jackson drove for a while before heading to Elisabeth’s. He tried to come up with
something to say that made sense, but failed. Listen to my heart? If I listen to my heart I
will be screaming bloody murder.
Chapter 16
By the time he reached Elisabeth’s door, Jackson actually felt nauseated; a feeling he
hadn’t experienced since first being turned into a vampire. The doorbell rang,
unanswered. He wondered if perhaps she was ignoring it and didn’t want to see him. He
walked around the house to check the studio and noticed her car in the driveway.
Coronet Park was half way between their two houses, an easy walk from each. Jackson
decided to take a chance she might be there.
He smelled her before seeing her, God, how can a werewolf smell so damn good. The
ones he had run into over the years smelled awful, like a wet dog. She sat on her hands
staring into the pond. “Hello, Elisabeth.”
She jumped up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you would be here. I’ll leave.”
“No, please. I went by your house and took a chance I might find you here.”
“You went to my house?”
“Yes, my car’s there.”
“Oh.” She sat back down a safe distance away. The two sat stiffly, staring straight ahead.
Elisabeth spoke first, “I am so sorry for all I have put you through. I handled things
poorly. I hope you will believe that I never meant to hurt you.”
“Why did you let this happen, didn’t you know it would end this way?”
# Music of Souls
“I wasn’t thinking very clearly. I convinced myself that maybe things would work out.”
Jackson rubbed his temples. “How? I need you to explain what you were thinking while I
fell in love with you.”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“How about that first night when you could have said, ‘I’m a werewolf, so back off’.”
“I almost did, but when I looked into your eyes, I wanted to stay there. It felt so safe, so
right. I pulled myself together enough to leave, yet I couldn’t let you go. Thoughts of you
crept into my mind at every turn.” She inhaled deeply and waited for some response or
acknowledgement from Jackson. When none came she continued, “I sketched you that
day, not because I wanted to. I had to. I needed something tangible. Something to hold on
to. Then you showed up, feeding the ducks. You were so sincere and kind, I couldn’t say
no to dinner… I had every intention of telling you at my house before we even went out,
then you brought that beautiful orchid and you were such a gentleman. I wanted that one
night with you. I know it was selfish, but I felt emotions I never believed existed and I
didn’t want them to end… Things started to snowball from there. When we were apart, I
would commit to telling you the truth. Each time we met, I couldn’t bring myself to ruin
the happiness. It felt so perfect. When you told me you were a vampire I was wracked
with guilt, you were so brave and I am such a coward.” Tears were running freely down
her face.
Jackson longed to comfort her, yet he couldn’t. His wounds were too raw. He needed
distance in order to maintain control of the emotions thundering through him. “So, you
thought you could make a relationship with a vampire work?”
“And what do you think now?”
“I think I’ve made a mess of things, and don’t know what to do about it.”
“Didn’t you want to kill me that first night; I mean, isn’t it in your nature to kill
“Just because we can kill vampires, doesn’t mean we all want to. You can kill us; do you
go around looking for every opportunity to do so?”
“No, but I try to stay as far away from your kind as I can.”
Elisabeth stood, hugging herself. “I should go.”
“No, wait, please.”
Her voice cracked with the strain, “You have made your feelings clear. There is nothing
else to say.”
“Jesus, how can I have made my feelings clear when I don’t even know what they are.
Please sit down.” She sat, but didn’t speak. Jackson asked, “Did you give any thought to
# Music of Souls
how the relationship would work?”
“Yes, I would have to go away at the full moon.”
“So, separate vacations once a month and all’s well, huh?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say. I cannot change what I am. If you can’t accept
that, there is nothing more to discuss.” She put her face in her hands to hide the despair it
would show.
“Honestly, I don’t know whether I can or not. I still can hardly believe any of this is real.
I expected to be convincing you to accept me today. Instead I’m here trying to figure out
how this could have happened.”
They were still for a long while. Jackson began to feel calmer. Even through the pain,
being with her comforted him. He finally broke the silence, “So, are you some kind of
wolf royalty?”
“Something like that.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“All wolves are governed by the ruling pack into which I was born. We see to it that the
rest of our population behaves within certain guidelines. We do not smell like other
wolves for protection. If vampires can’t smell us they can’t hunt us.”
“You were born a werewolf?”
“All werewolves are born, not turned.”
“How old are you?”
“Pretty old.”
“Define ‘pretty old’.”
“Older than you.”
“Wow, so I’ve been dating a cougar?”
“Cute, but you have the wrong species.” They both produced strained chuckles.
Jackson folded his hands. “I have never told you how old I am.”
“Well judging from your art collection and furnishings at Fairhaven I would guess you’re
about a hundred and fifty years old.”
“Good guess. And you’re older than that?”
“Yes. You know it isn’t polite to ask a lady her age.”
“I guess we can shelve that one for a while. I assume you being so warm is a wolf thing?”
“Yes, my metabolism is a lot faster than a human, so my temperature runs about a
hundred and two degrees.”
# Music of Souls
“That also explains why you eat so much?”
“Okay, and now I know why I couldn’t influence you, vampires cannot influence
werewolves. Wait a minute. Sarah influenced you the night of your showing.”
“Not really.”
“What do you mean?”
Elisabeth shifted slightly. “I knew she wasn’t doing that of her own accord, that you had
put her up to it, so I decided to let her have her fun.”
Jackson laughed. “How did you keep a straight face?”
“It wasn’t easy. I had to turn away pretty quickly. She tilted her head. “Can I ask you a
“How does a hundred-fifty year old vampire know so little about werewolves?”
“I don’t know, guess I never took an interest. All I needed to know was how to stay safe
from them. Do you know much about my kind?”
“Hell yeah. It’s in my job description.”
“Hmm… will you want to kill me when you’re a wolf?”
“I have no control over what I do during the full moon, and after, have no memory of my
time as a wolf, so I can’t answer that.”
“Really? That must be tough.”
“Definitely one of the downsides.”
“Then how do you keep from being obvious to humans?”
“I go to the closest, largest nature preserve that doesn’t allow people in after dusk, and
wait it out.”
“Do all werewolves do that?”
“Most do. Sometimes small groups go rogue, and end up running around populated areas
hurting or killing innocents. That’s why I came here last month, to find a group and deal
with them.”
“And did you?”
“They ran and were last tracked in Canada. We have a group hunting them there.”
“What made you stay?”
“I fell in love with New England.” She turned to look at him for the first time. “And then
I fell in love with you.” Jackson could not bring himself to make eye contact, being
# Music of Souls
certain he would lose it if he did. Elisabeth turned her attention straight ahead again. “I
should be getting home.”
“I’ll walk with you.”
Neither spoke on the way. As they approached Jackson’s car, he said, “I’m going to need
some time to absorb all this before I can even begin to figure out what to do.”
“I know.”
Allowing himself to meet her eyes, he found his anguish reflected back. The desire to
kiss her gripped him, but he had already begun to fall apart, so instead pulled her in close.
Elisabeth started to weep softly, and tears welled in Jackson’s eyes. He whispered into
her hair, “I’m not sure I know how to live without you anymore.” Elisabeth broke the
embrace and walked away without a word. She never looked back.
Tears spilled over his lids as he started the car. Sarah was right about one thing. If they
didn’t try to make this work he would regret it forever.
Jackson drove for a long while. He couldn’t go home and let Sarah and Connor see how
tentative his composure was. He needed time to find some control over his emotions. His
thoughts were scattered and irrational. Connor’s description of being in the holding cell
‘losing his mind and living a nightmare’ accurately described his feelings. At least he
wasn’t locked up somewhere. Suddenly, he found a great deal of empathy for Connor,
and wondered if he could ever be as well adjusted to his situation as the human had
Jackson had not allowed himself to reflect on his relationship with Elisabeth prior to
learning her secret, but now he let the memories rush in and in doing so, found some
peace. He thought about what his world would be like if they ended things. Certainly, he
would never be able to return to his previous lifestyle. Their relationship had changed
him inextricably. She elicited emotions he never felt capable of, never thought existed.
When Jackson returned home, Sarah and Connor were sitting down for dinner. “Just in
time, let me get you a plate.”
“No thanks, I don’t feel like eating.”
“You all right?”
“Yeah, I think I am.” He went to get some blood and a drink, no bottle, just a glass.
“Sarah, what did you do with the painting?”
“I took it to be restored. It will be ready in a few days.”
“Thank you, whatever did you say happened to it?”
“I ended up influencing the guy. I couldn’t come up with an explanation that would keep
him from notifying the police.”
“Yeah, that would be tough. What about the portfolio?”
# Music of Souls
“Oh, I put that in the closet.”
Jackson retrieved it and made for the stairs.
Sarah met him at the base. “Did things go well today?”
“I think so.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, I’m okay, kind of talked out.”
“All right. Let me know if you change your mind.”
“Will do.”
Jackson hung the winter landscape where the fall scene had been, and propped the other
two pieces on the mantel. He sat up in bed admiring them, allowing all the emotion he
originally felt to wash over him. Elisabeth’s art moved him deeply, much as his music
did. He took out his phone and called her.
“Hi... I’m sitting here enjoying the pieces you brought me.”
“Really? Have you hung them?”
“No, not yet. I have all three in my bedroom. They are so beautiful.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you still like them.”
After a prolonged pause, Jackson ran a hand through his hair and inhaled deeply.
“Elisabeth, I have no idea how our relationship will weather this. What I do know is I
can’t lose you. I need you in my life. I will try to do whatever it takes to keep you there.”
“I love you and I know if we both work at it we can get beyond this.”
“Can we spend the day together tomorrow?”
“Oh, I’m guest lecturing at Rhode Island School of Design.”
“What if I came with you, maybe we could go to the beach afterward?”
“You want to attend my lecture?”
“Sure, as long as there won’t be a test.”
“All right, why don’t I pick you up at seven? I already have the things I need in my car.”
“Great, I’ll be ready. Goodnight”
“Sleep well.”
Sarah peeked around the door. “You need anything?”
“No, I’m good, come on in.”
She sat on the bed. “You look exhausted.”
# Music of Souls
“Yeah, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m spending the day with Elisabeth
He met her eyes, then closed his and swallowed hard, fighting back tears. “I can’t lose
her, Sarah.”
She hugged him. “You won’t, I just know it.”
Jackson slept deeply; his dream stayed with him most of the night. The pure joy of it
chased away all his doubts.
Chapter 17
Jackson heard Elisabeth’s car pull up and hurried out to meet her.
She walked around the car and handed him the keys. “If you drive I can work on my
He squeezed her hand and grinned. “What if I hit something?
“Well, you’ll just have to give me my pick of your cars while this one is repaired.”
“Fair enough.” The two exchanged pleasantries, their discomfort apparent. Once they
reached the highway, Elisabeth opened her laptop. Jackson asked, “Do you get nervous
before your lectures?”
“A little, I have been doing this for quite some time though, so it’s fairly routine. Today
I’ll probably be more nervous with you there.”
“I don’t want to upset you. Should I stay out of the lecture hall?”
“No, I’ll be fine, unless you’d rather do something else and meet me later.”
“Actually, I was looking forward to seeing you in action.”
“Then it’s settled.”
They drove in silence while Elisabeth worked on her presentation. When she closed her
laptop, Jackson said, “I thought after, we could head toward the water and find a
restaurant for lunch, then walk the beach if it’s not too cold.”
“Mmm, that sounds wonderful. No need to worry about the temperature. Cold doesn’t
bother me any more than it does you.”
“Huh, I guess I hadn’t thought about that. So you’re able to spend lots of time outside in
the winter?”
“I can cross the frozen tundra.”
Jackson loved being out in the snow, whether skiing or just walking. Thinking about
enjoying winter outdoors with her and not having to worry about her freezing cheered
him. He wondered about the different temperatures of their bodies. She was so warm,
# Music of Souls
holding her felt like being out in the sun. “Does the coldness of my skin bother you?”
She held his hand to her cheek and closed her eyes. “It’s like a cool breeze on a hot
summer day.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Jackson helped set up the presentation on the stage, and then took a seat at the back of the
lecture hall as the students meandered in. The groups of boys stopped upon seeing
Elisabeth and elbowed each other. The girls acted the same way when they spied Jackson.
A group of four coeds sat three rows in front of him whispering about the hot guy, until
one got up the nerve to talk to him. She sat in the seat directly in front of him and turned.
“Hi, I’m Michelle.”
“Hello Michelle, I’m Jackson.” He held out his hand to shake.
“What a great name.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you a student here?”
He grinned thinking how she would react to his true age. “No, I’m with her.” He pointed
to Elisabeth.
“Oh.” Disappointment flashed across her face.
“Lovely to meet you, Michelle. I hope you enjoy the lecture.”
“Yeah, you too.” She returned to her friends who were waiting for a full report, anxious
and hopeful.
Most of the students seemed genuinely interested in Elisabeth’s presentation. Jackson
enjoyed watching her more than anything. She captivated him as she glided across the
stage. Clicking through slides, her commentary sounded dramatic and her gestures
showed excitement for the art. She finished with a question and answer period and there
were quite a few queries that seemed to impress her. The last came from a boy in front.
“Would you have coffee with me?” Laughter and snickering buzzed through the hall.
Elisabeth blushed. “Thank you, but I have a lunch date.” She glanced up to find that date
smiling down at her.
Jackson waited until the hall had almost cleared before making his way to the stage.
Many students stopped to talk and personally thank Ms. Sidwell.
“Did you learn anything?” she asked as he approached.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and rounded his shoulders. “Yah dude, I learned I’m
totally crushing on the professor.”
She chuckled, “Oh, I’m sorry. Fraternizing with students is prohibited.”
Jackson pulled her close. “I guess I’ll just have to quit school then.” He gazed into her
# Music of Souls
eyes and cupped her chin. “You had those kids wrapped around your finger.”
“It went well, didn’t it? It helps that they are all art majors.”
“I think even medical students would have been enthralled by you.”
“And you are completely unbiased?”
“Completely. Did I make you nervous?”
“Surprisingly, no. I enjoyed having you here. I felt you were supporting me.”
“Good, maybe you’ll invite me again.”
“Of course.”
They loaded the car and drove toward the shore. After enjoying a leisurely lunch at a
restaurant on the water, they walked barefoot on the beach holding hands. The discomfort
from earlier in the day seemed to have vanished. Jackson still had many questions, but he
felt they both needed a break from their dilemma. His confidence in finding a way to
make the relationship work grew with each passing moment.
Elisabeth drove home, so Jackson had the opportunity to observe. He tried to visualize
her morphing into a wolf, writhing in pain as she transformed, foaming at the mouth,
snarling. He found it impossible to fathom someone so beautiful becoming something so
ugly. “Is it painful when you turn into a wolf?”
“No… there is some discomfort for a short time, I wouldn’t call it pain. It does take effort
though. I’m usually quite tired the next day.” He remembered that her phone went
straight to voicemail the morning after the full moon. Somehow, that seemed like a
lifetime ago.
As they neared Fairhaven, Jackson asked, “Will you stay for dinner? I’m sure Sarah has
something prepared on the off chance you’ll be there.”
“I’d love to. You know, Sarah was very kind to me. When she showed up at my door, I
thought she came to kill me, but she was so understanding and sympathetic. I will forever
be grateful.”
“Yes, she may be a vampire and she may be a spoiled brat, but she has the purest soul I
have ever known.”
“Does Connor know you’re vampires?”
“Yeah, Sarah recently told him. He’s adjusting well.”
“Hmm, that’s good, they seem well suited.”
Jackson’s jaw tensed. “Elisabeth, I’m sorry for what I said to you in the woods.”
She held his hand. “I know. It’s forgotten.”
They pulled up in front of the house, and Sarah met them at the door. “How did the
lecture go?”
# Music of Souls
Jackson pulled Elisabeth to him and kissed her temple. “She was a big hit.”
She hugged them both. “Are you hungry? There’s chili and homemade sourdough bread
“Thanks, that sounds delicious. Where’s Skippy?”
“He’s at the office; he’ll be here shortly. If you’re not too hungry we could wait and eat
“Sure, let me get drinks.”
The three sat, Sarah inquiring about their day. The irony of having a werewolf in the
house didn’t escape Jackson. He thought about the next full moon and wondered how
they would deal with it.
Connor arrived, sat next to Sarah and kissed her. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, just waiting on you for dinner.”
“Good I’m starving. I skipped lunch today.”
The foursome headed to the kitchen and sat around the table. Jackson was once again
struck by how much like a family it felt.
After dinner they sat in the drawing room, by the fire Jackson had started. Sarah brought
Elisabeth up to speed about the Halloween gala and asked if she would like to help plan
“I’d love to, it sounds fun.”
“Great. I’d like the name of the caterer you used. The food at your open house was
“I’ll get you the number.”
“Would you be willing to carve the pumpkins? I’m sure they would be amazing if you
did them.”
“Of course, I’ll start drawing some ideas right away.”
Sarah beamed. “It’s going to be the best ever!”
“Have you decided on costumes yet?”
“Connor and I are going to be Anthony and Cleopatra. Jackson is a real bore, he’s
Dracula every single year, ughh.”
Elisabeth laughed and arched a brow at him. “Is that so?”
Jackson picked up an apple from the bowl of fruit, tossed it in the air, caught it, then bit
into it. “Mmm, the Macouns are incredible this year. Actually, I was considering a
departure from my usual costume.”
Sarah crossed her arms. “Really? Do tell.”
# Music of Souls
He lay on the sofa with his head in Elisabeth’s lap. “I thought I would go as the big bad
wolf, if you’ll be my little red riding hood? How’s that for irony?”
The other three were silent for a moment while what he said sunk in, then all at once they
started laughing. Elisabeth grabbed the apple and took a bite. “I think that’s perfect.”
They discussed menus and decorating details for a while. Connor yawned, “I’m ready for
bed, you coming Sarah?” They bid them goodnight and climbed the stairs.
Jackson head still rested on Elisabeth’s lap. She put one hand in his hair and combed her
fingers through. He held her wrist. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Yes, of course.”
They walked upstairs hand in hand. When they reached Jackson’s room, Elisabeth
noticed her artwork and asked, “Where’s the fall scene?”
“Jackson closed his eyes and dropped his head back. “It’s being restored.”
She held a hand to her shocked face. “Oh my.”
He apologized and began to explain what happened.
She stopped him. “I don’t need to know this.”
“Are you sure?”
She answered with a warm, full kiss. When they parted, he looked at her oddly. Elisabeth
searched his eyes for the reason. He squinted. “You’re really strong aren’t you?”
She immediately understood where his mind had gone and chuckled wickedly. “Oh
“So… I don’t need to worry about hurting you, do I?” She shook her head with a
knowing smile. He raised both eyebrows with a laconic grin. Elisabeth threw her head
back laughing as he buried his face in her neck. They released the heartache they had
been holding in and were filled with unencumbered passion, melting into each other as
they had the first time, but now neither held any secrets, and neither needed to maintain
As they lay exhausted, locked in each other’s eyes, Jackson drawled, “I am definitely
starting to see some upside to our situation.”
“Indeed, there are a few perks.”
Jackson awoke, famished; he once again had not fed all day. He considered fighting the
hunger, not wanting to disturb Elisabeth who slept soundly with her head on his chest.
Abstaining would make for a long night, so he carefully slid out from under her and crept
Sitting in the oversized chair near the fire with blood cocktail in hand, brand new emotion
# Music of Souls
washed over him. It was intoxicating. The reason Sarah always chased this now made
Elisabeth appeared at the top of the stairs wearing his shirt. She looked incredible. As she
descended, he thought, God, those legs make me dizzy. Climbing on his lap, still sleepy,
she nuzzled into his neck. He slid his arm around her and kissed her head. “I like you in
my shirt.”
She pulled the collar up to her nose and inhaled deeply. “I like me in your shirt too.”
Jackson wondered, could I possibly smell as incredible to her as she does to me? He
considered hiding his blood, but decided there had been enough secrets between them, so
held the glass up. “Do you mind?”
“No, actually I thought you might have gone out hunting.”
“What? You thought I would leave you in my bed and hunt?”
“I don’t know. I know you haven’t fed all day.”
“I haven’t hunted since before the day I met you in the park.”
“Oh my God.” Tears collected on her lashes.
“Why are you crying?”
She touched her cheek to his face. “I am amazed that you would do that for me.”
“It’s not all that hard. Sarah hasn’t had fresh blood in years, that is, up until recently with
“Why haven’t you asked to feed on me?”
“Because I can’t.”
“It’s okay, I want you to.”
He explained the absence of his fangs.
“That’s strange. Do you think it’s psychological or physical?”
“I have no idea.”
“Maybe now that you know I want you to, they’ll work. Here try.” She cocked her head
to expose her neck.
Jackson laughed, “I love that you are so willing, but if my fangs didn’t make an
appearance tonight, I doubt they ever will.” He ran two fingers along a vein in her neck
then kissed it.
She met his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
# Music of Souls
“It’s not your fault.” She seemed so sad for him. He took her face in his hands. “You
fulfill me in so many ways I never dreamed of, this isn’t that big a deal. I would love to
share that intimacy with you, but don’t think for a minute this diminishes my feelings for
you.” They sat quietly, Jackson finishing his blood with her curled up in his lap, and then
he carried her back to bed.
Jackson found Sarah in the kitchen making breakfast. “You guys want waffles?” She
“No thanks, we’re going out for breakfast, just having coffee here.”
“What was all the noise last night? Sounded like you were rearranging furniture.”
He smiled ear-to-ear back at her, as he left the room. “No more butterfly sex for me.”
“What..? Oh my God! You lucky bastard!”
Elisabeth sat up when he brought in the coffee. “Why do I keep waking up alone in this
He laughed and kissed her forehead. “Because you sleep like the dead.” He handed her a
coffee. “I thought we would go out for breakfast, swing by your house so you can change
and pack a bag, then go pumpkin picking. Sound good?”
“Yes, I take it I’m spending the night again?”
“Yep. Sarah and Connor are going to Maine today and we have a date in my music room,
“Oh, is that tonight?”
“Don’t even think about weaseling out of it, Legs.”
“I guess I’ll have to bring some sheet music for you then.”
“Yes, you will.”
Sarah sat in the drawing room sipping coffee when Jackson and Elisabeth were ready to
“Where’s Skippy?”
“He had a few things to do at the office.”
“We’re going to get the pumpkins. How many do you want?”
“Um, thirty should do it.”
Elisabeth gasped, “You want me to carve thirty pumpkins?”
“Well… I suppose you don’t have to carve all of them.”
# Music of Souls
“How are we going to transport thirty pumpkins?”
Jackson offered, “We’ll have a truck deliver them… and I’ll help with the carving.”
Elisabeth perched on the arm of the sofa next to Sarah. “Are you all right?”
She frowned, “What if they hate me?”
“Oh, Sarah!” She leaned over and hugged her. “They’re going to love you just like
everyone does. You are the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met. They would have to
be made of stone to dislike you.”
“Thank you, I’m so nervous.”
“I know. Just be yourself.”
Jackson piped in, “If finding out you’re a vampire didn’t drive Skippy away, I’m sure his
parents’ opinion of you won’t.”
Elisabeth laughed, “You have to admit he has a point.” They all heard Connor’s car pull
Jackson grabbed her bag. “I’ll bring this out for you.”
They said their goodbyes, and then Jackson and Elisabeth walked to the stable. “What do
you want to take today?” He asked.
“I’m thinking something red.”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little more specific.”
“No, just red. You pick the model.”
Jackson chose the Bugatti Veyron. “This is currently my favorite red car.”
They were eating breakfast when Jackson looked up, and to his horror, saw Claudia
walking straight toward them. “Jackson, fancy meeting you here.”
He cursed his luck while muttering a clipped, “Hello.”
Claudia turned to Elisabeth. “Hi, I’m Claudia.”
“Elisabeth.” She extended her hand.
The blonde smiled thinly, keeping her eyes on the vampire. “I helped Jackson pick out
some suits a while back… how did they fit?”
“Lovely. Nice to meet you.” She slid her hand across Jackson’s shoulder. “Don’t be a
stranger now.” And walked out.
Elisabeth pursed her lips. “Don’t you make women you feed on forget you?”
“Not usually.”
“Why not?”
# Music of Souls
Jackson dropped his head and rubbed his forehead for a moment, then looked up at her
grimacing. “Because I am an asshole with an insatiable ego.” Elisabeth raised both
eyebrows and laughed. He shook his head. “I’m glad you find my character flaws
amusing, ‘cuz I have a boat load of them.”
She continued to laugh, “Don’t you worry that news will spread, and the townspeople
will come after you with torches and stakes?”
“Not really, I usually stay away from locals.”
“Okay, I can see you’re uncomfortable talking about this so let’s change the subject.”
“Thank you.”
“Sarah really does want me to carve all those pumpkins, doesn’t she?”
He nodded. “Oh yeah, for sure.”
Chapter 18
Jackson wandered around the studio while waiting for Elisabeth to pack. He stood in
front of a still life, drinking in its beauty. Whenever he saw her art, new feelings
The meeting with Claudia had disturbed him. He didn’t want to keep anything from
Elisabeth, yet felt unable to explain his past. How could he expect her to understand
things he did not understand himself?
When Elisabeth entered the studio with her bag, Jackson took her hand. “I don’t want to
have secrets between us.”
She embraced him at the waist. “You and I have plenty of challenges with our present
and future. The past isn’t important to me.”
“Why are you always so easy on me?”
“Because you are so hard on yourself.”
He found that puzzling, never considering himself to have much of a conscience. Perhaps
when it came to Elisabeth, there existed a higher standard. He kissed her forehead. “I love
“Now that is important.”
At the pumpkin patch, they sipped hot cider while strolling around making their choices
and corralling them together, laughing and enjoying the sunshine. They put aside the
heaviness of their situation and focused on their feelings for each other, living in the
moment. When they had thirty pumpkins, Jackson paid and arranged to have them
delivered to Fairhaven the next morning. Elisabeth grabbed a few and put them in the car.
“We can get a head start on carving today.”
# Music of Souls
Back at Fairhaven they had lunch, then set out gutting the two pumpkins. “Do you know
what these are going to be yet?” Asked Jackson.
“I have a few ideas.” Elisabeth started drawing as Jackson cleaned the seeds to bake
them. She had brought an array of Exacto knives and tiny saws for carving. The table
resembled a surgical tray. She had finished drawing on one and turned it for Jackson to
see. “What do you think?” It was a wolf howling at the full moon.
He chuckled, “Perfect.” Then put his hand on the other pumpkin. “Count Dracula I
“But, of course.”
He bent and kissed her. “Why don’t I start carving that while you draw this one?”
As they cleaned up, Elisabeth broached the subject they had been avoiding. “You know,
the full moon is two days before Halloween this month.”
“Yes, I know.”
“So, I will be gone.”
Jackson took her hands. “I’ve been thinking about that. What if you could stay here?”
“You know that’s impossible.”
“Maybe not. Come with me.” He took her to the holding cell.
“Jesus, what is this?”
“This is where you could stay during the full moon.” He explained the construction of the
room and its purposes.
“I don’t know… what if I got out somehow? I don’t want to risk hurting you.”
“I could have a car waiting by the back door. If it started to seem like you could escape, I
would take off.”
“What if I trash the room, not to mention the house? I think it’s too dangerous.”
“Do you really think you could break out of here?”
Elisabeth scanned the room again. “Probably not, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk. I’ll
only be gone overnight.”
Jackson fell silent for a moment then met her gaze. “I want to see you as a wolf. I have all
these visions in my head. I want to know for better or for worse what the reality is. You
asked me to accept what you are. I need to know what that is if I am to accept it.”
“If I hurt you, I couldn’t live with myself.”
Jackson held her close. “You won’t. I’ll be careful. Besides, we don’t even know if you’ll
want to hurt me. Maybe the wolf you will be as enamored by me as the human you.”
She chuckled, “Sarah and Connor would have to leave.”
# Music of Souls
“Already covered, they’ll go to our ski house in Vermont overnight.” Jackson led her to
sit on the sofa.
She curled her legs under herself, and put her head on his shoulder. “We need to think
about this a while before making a decision.”
“All right.”
Elisabeth pointed to the corner. “Why are all those art supplies over there?”
“I bought them when I thought you would be spending some time down here. I guess we
should take them to your studio.”
“There’s enough stuff there to start a whole new studio.”
“Hey, that’s a great idea. Why don’t we turn the bedroom next to my music room into a
studio for you? It has the bay window, great natural light. What do you think?”
“I think you would need to ask Sarah.”
“Oh, please. She’ll be thrilled.”
“I don’t know, it kind of feels like I would be moving in.”
“I’m not saying you should sell your house, just have another studio here.”
“Let’s see what Sarah has to say first.”
“Fine, but I guarantee she’ll be on board.” They headed upstairs. “What do you feel like
for dinner?”
“Wasn’t there some chili left over?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Let’s see if there’s enough for two.”
“That’s all right, I don’t feel like eating.”
Elisabeth pursed her lips. “What’s it like to not have to eat?
“Well, technically I have to eat, just not food.” He held up his blood cocktail.
When Elisabeth finished dinner, Jackson bowed with a flourish. “And now the moment
of truth is upon us. Where’s your music?”
“I’ll get it, but you are most definitely going first.” She pulled a folder from her bag and
they headed to the music room. Jackson shifted nervously on the piano bench. He longed
to share his music with Elisabeth, yet worried she might not appreciate it; think it boring.
Elisabeth stood at the piano, which did nothing to allay his anxiety. “Don’t you want to
sit down?”
“No, I want to watch those fingers at work.”
Jackson set up the score, took a deep breath and began playing. He relaxed quickly and
lost himself in the music. He didn’t look at Elisabeth until the end of the piece. Another
# Music of Souls
deep breath was necessary to regain his composure.
Elisabeth held his face in her hands. “I can’t find words for how beautiful that was, tender
and haunting all at once. What is that piece?” She turned to the sheet music and saw it
had been written in pencil. “My God, did you write this?” He nodded with a shy smile
she had never seen on him. Elisabeth held the first page in her hand and printed across the
top read, ‘God’s Promise Unfolding’. Her eyes widened with the realization that he wrote
this beautiful composition for her. She broke down and fell into his arms. Jackson held
her without speaking, understanding the depth of her emotion. He felt ecstatic that she
heard in his music what he saw in her art. She lifted her lips to his ear, and through tears,
whispered, “Promise you’ll play for me often.”
“I promise.” They sat embraced on the piano bench for a few minutes more, then Jackson
kissed her temple. “Your turn.”
“Are you kidding? I can’t sing now. My sinuses are all plugged from crying.”
He picked her up, and crooked an eyebrow. “I guess we’ll have to kill some time while
you clear out.” He dropped to his knees on the Oriental rug with her still in his arms.
She giggled, “So this was your plan all along, get me up here and have your way with
me, huh?”
“Oh yeah, baby.” He laid her down and started kissing her neck.
“I bet no woman has ever refused you in here.”
Jackson brushed her face with the back of his hand. “I’ve never brought another woman
to this room.”
“Really?” She started to well up.
He cupped her chin. “Please don’t cry again, we’ll be in here all night.”
“Would that be so bad?”
“Oh, Miss Sidwell, you have me quite smitten.”
She laughed and shook her head.
“What’s so funny?”
“You are such an enigma, one minute all cocky and brash, the next formal and
Jackson grinned wickedly while unbuttoning her blouse. “And now I shall demonstrate
my salacious side.”
Elisabeth lay on her back gazing up at the ceiling. “Just being in this room makes one feel
“Looking at you makes me feel creative.”
# Music of Souls
She took his hand and kissed his palm. “You have magic in these hands.”
“Not really, a hundred years of practice and you would play just as well.”
“Never happen.”
Jackson pulled her on top of him. “Let me be your Svengali. I’ll have you playing
Rachmaninov in a year.”
“Ha, I think I’ll leave the piano to you. Let’s go make some popcorn. I need a snack.”
He tightened his grip around her. “Nice try, Legs. We are not leaving this room until you
“Fine, let’s get this over with.” They dressed and Elisabeth handed him the folder. “I tried
to choose something you would be familiar with.”
Jackson glanced at the sheet music then at her through dark lashes “This is a far cry from
‘Happy Birthday’.” She had selected “Pie Jesu” from Faure’s Requiem, vocally, a very
difficult piece. Jackson was quite familiar with it. In fact, the sheet music was
unnecessary. To sing this, Elisabeth would have had to be classically trained, and she
would need to sing the highest end of her range if she was indeed a mezzo-soprano. He
suddenly felt worried for her. If this was beyond her abilities, it would sound ugly. He
decided that even if she sounded like a cat in heat, he would gush over her with praise.
“You ready?”
Elisabeth seemed to sense his unease. “You’re making me nervous.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to. Let’s both take a breath and we’ll start.”
Jackson quickly realized he needn’t have worried. Elisabeth’s voice sang full and rich.
She was in the middle of every pitch and fully supported each note. She displayed
beautiful intonation and reached the Aflat5 without even a hint of shrillness, sounding
like an angel. She was not merely singing; she was experiencing the music. Deep emotion
flowed across her expression, causing Jackson’s eyes to gloss over. He found her
translation of the piece breathtaking. When she finished, he stood, held her and repeated
her words softly, “Promise you’ll sing for me often.”
“Can I have my popcorn now?”
Chapter 19
Jackson heard the truck carrying the pumpkins pull up. He had given instructions for
them to be left near the back door, so didn’t need to meet them. Elisabeth would not wake
up alone today. He lay on his side watching her sleep, wondering what dreams lived
behind the sweet smile on her face. After a while, she stirred and finally opened her eyes.
“Good morning.”
He kissed her. “I didn’t leave you today.”
“I see. Have you been waiting long?”
# Music of Souls
“Seems like an eternity.”
“You could have woke me, you know.”
He cupped her chin. “I like watching you sleep. Our pumpkins are here.”
“Oh, we should get going then.”
Jackson pulled her close. “Or we could say screw it and stay here all day.”
“You’re incorrigible!” She jumped up and grabbed her robe. “Meet me in the shower,
“Right behind you.”
After breakfast they went outside and stood staring at the pile pumpkins. Jackson shook
his head. “That’s a lot of friggin’ carving there.”
“Yeah, we better get busy.” They each brought two in and began cleaning them out. They
had been at it for a few hours when Connor and Sarah returned home.
Sarah skated into the kitchen, kissing them both, “Hi, look at you busy beavers.”
Jackson grinned. “I take it things went well with the in-laws.”
“Oh, it was wonderful. They are so lovely. They’re coming for Thanksgiving, won’t that
be fun?”
He rolled his eyes. “Can hardly wait.”
Sarah inspected the pumpkins that were finished. “These are beautiful. You are amazing,
Elisabeth. Going to unpack then Connor and I will start bringing decorations down. Be
back soon.”
Elisabeth chuckled, “I swear, there is a breeze when she enters and leaves a room.”
“More like a monsoon.”
Jackson was pulling seeds when he heard Elisabeth, “Ouch. Oh no, I cut myself.” He
looked up and saw her thumb turning crimson with blood. Then he smelled it and had to
steady himself with both hands on the counter. Elisabeth noticed the intensity on his face.
“Wanna taste?”
He backed up, tearing his gaze from her finger. “Are you serious?”
“Of course.”
“No… I don’t think I should.” Before he could protest further, she leaned over and wiped
her thumb on his lower lip, leaving a smear of blood.
Jackson’s face went blank for a second, then he jumped back and frantically wiped his
lip. “Jesus, it burns!”
Elizabeth watched in horror as his lower lip blistered. “Oh my God!”
He touched his lip with his tongue. “Christ, it tastes like battery acid.” The two stood
# Music of Souls
staring at each other. Jackson held Elisabeth’s finger and bellowed, “Sarah, get in here,
Sarah and Connor rushed to the kitchen. “What’s the matter?” Upon seeing the blood, she
shrieked, “Oh no, are you all right?”
The cut had almost closed, though remnants of blood remained. Elisabeth said, “I’m
fine,” while pointing to Jackson.
“What happened to you?”
His lip had started to heal, but there was still evidence of a burn. He held up Elisabeth’s
finger, “THIS happened to me.”
“Her blood did that?”
“Wow, that is really weird.”
“Ya think? I want you to taste it.”
“Are you kidding? I don’t want that on my lip.”
“Just take a drop to your tongue, see if it burns.”
She crunched up her face, then used her index finger to wipe Elisabeth’s thumb. She
touched her finger to the tip of her tongue, tasted, and then licked the rest of the blood
off. “Very sweet, just like you.”
“Son of a bitch!” Jackson slammed his fists on the counter, then began pacing.
Sarah mused, “Maybe the powers that be want to make sure you can’t hurt her.”
He growled, “More like Karma getting back at me for all the years I objectified women.”
Elisabeth stared straight ahead, then picked up her cell phone and walked out of the
kitchen. “I need to make a call.”
Jackson followed her into the drawing room. “Who are you calling?”
She held her hand up as the phone rang. “Sam, hi. It’s Elisabeth.”
The scream that came through made Elisabeth pull the phone away from her ear. The
voice rang deep and sultry with a southern accent. “Girlfriend, how are you? I miss you.”
“I’m well, I miss you too. I’m thinking of coming to see you. There is a situation I need
your help with.”
“What’s going on?”
“It’s kind of complicated. I’ll fill you in when I see you.”
“Oh, no you don’t, you give it up now. I got nothing but time.”
“Well... I have fallen in love with a vampire.”
# Music of Souls
The scream came again, only this time longer. “Holy shit, a vampire? You? Oh girl, isn’t
the vamp sex the best? Remember that Swede vamp I hooked up with in the sixties?
What was his name? Dumb as a brick, but in the bedroom, my God–amaaaaazing!”
Jackson could hear everything and shook his head, laughing.
Elisabeth rolled her eyes. “Sam, please focus. There are some weird things going on with
us and I’m hoping you can help make some sense of them.”
“Like what?”
“Well for starters my blood burns him.”
“Whoa, that is bizarre. You better get your bony ass here pronto, and bring your vamp. I
can’t wait to meet the guy who melted the Ice Queen.”
“All right, I’ll call when we arrive.”
Jackson smirked, “I like her, she’s spunky.”
Elisabeth rolled her eyes again. “You have no idea.”
“So, you want to share what this is all about?”
“That was Samantha Russell. She is my best friend.”
“I take it we’re going on a road trip to… where?”
“New Orleans.”
“Okay, and Samantha Russell can help explain things…why?”
“Because she is a witch.”
“Wow, I’ve never met a witch before. Wait a minute. Samantha? Like Bewitched?”
“Jackson, whatever you do; do not make a joke about that. She hates it and will surely put
a curse on you.”
“What makes you think she can help?”
“If anyone can, she can.”
“All right, I’ll charter a plane for the morning.”
Elisabeth pursed her lips. “Maybe I should go alone.”
“No way. Bewitched wants to meet me, Ice Queen.” She held her face in her hands and
shook her head. Jackson pulled her in by her waist. “I really liked hearing you say you’re
in love with me.”
“You already knew that.”
“Yeah, but hearing you tell someone else felt different. He waved his hand in the air.
“Like it’s out there now.”
She kissed him softly. “You are so romantic sometimes, it is panty dropping.”
# Music of Souls
He pulled back with surprised amusement. “I think I can work with that.”
Jackson chartered a Lear jet for 8:00 a.m. He doubted Samantha would have any
information that would help, but felt they had nothing to lose and was eager to meet
Elisabeth’s best friend.
The foursome returned to the work at hand, although the levity of the day was gone. All
were clearly preoccupied by the strange events. Jackson and Elisabeth worked on the
pumpkins, mostly in silence. Elisabeth put her knife down and touched his hand. “I’m
sorry my blood is toxic to you.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Blame yourself. You think everything wrong with us is your fault, and that is simply not
true.” Elisabeth picked up her knife and started carving again. Jackson could see her
distress, so took the knife from her hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”
They strolled quietly for a while, until Jackson stopped to face her. “I have already told
you that my inability to feed on you does not change how I feel. That is still true. I need
you to believe me.”
“I do believe you. I just feel terrible that you are giving up so much for me. It’s not fair.”
“It’s not that big a deal.”
“You say that now, but what about a year from now?”
“I will feel the same.”
Elisabeth brought her hand to his cheek. “I want you to go out and hunt.”
“So, you’re giving me permission to pick up women and feed on them?”
“Jesus, how can you even think I would want that? Do you honestly believe you mean
that little to me?”
“I don’t want to deny you such a basic need.”
He pulled her close and spoke into her hair, “You are denying me nothing. All I want and
need is right here in my arms.”
“Will you promise me something?”
“If you feel the need to hunt, just do it. Don’t fight your urges for me.”
He closed his eyes and sighed. “I promise.” They stood embraced for a time. Jackson ran
his hand through her hair. “Do you want to tell my why your best friend calls you the Ice
# Music of Souls
“Not really.”
He chuckled, “Given your understanding at breakfast yesterday, I guess I am going to
have to accept that.”
They landed at 10:30 a.m. and arranged the return trip for 8:00 p.m., rented a car and
drove to Samantha’s house. They barely reached the porch when the door flew open and
Sam burst through, arms open wide screeching. She hugged Elisabeth. “It’s so good to
see you.” She spied Jackson and let go. “Well, what have we here?”
“Samantha, this is Jackson.”
Jackson extended his hand. Sam took it and moved in close. “You are one hunk of
He laughed, while kissing her hand. “And you are stunning.”
Samantha stood at 5’10” with caramel colored skin and curly jet-black hair that fell to the
middle of her back. She possessed a regal countenance and carried herself with an easy
grace. Still holding Jackson’s hand, she brought her attention to his palm. “Let’s have a
look… hmm, very loyal... and passionate... Liz, I think you have a keeper here.” She
squinted at Jackson’s face. He gave her an engaging grin and winked, eliciting a sexy
laugh. “Are those contacts?” She asked.
“Holy shit.”
Elisabeth rolled her eyes. “If you’re through ogling him, you think we might go in the
“Oh, sorry. Please, come in.”
As they entered the house, Elisabeth surveyed the living room. “Where’s Nikolai?”
“He’s out back. I thought I’d keep him out until you were settled. He’s not a fan of
“Oh, he’ll be fine. I’m going to get him.” Jackson wasn’t sure what to make of this, but
followed her. She opened the back door and in bounded a large Borzoi who rushed to
Elisabeth and stood on his hind feet, resting his front legs on her shoulders, and then
licked her face. “Hi buddy, I miss you too.” Upon noticing Jackson, the dog dropped to
all fours and approached him slowly. He held out his hand for the dog to sniff, but
Nikolai nuzzled his nose into it instead. Jackson scratched his ear and the dog sat,
enjoying the attention.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” mused Sam. “I have never known that dog to do anything but
growl at vampires.”
# Music of Souls
A smile spread across Elisabeth’s face as Jackson crooned, “Nice dog.” He brought his
attention to Sam. “So, where’s Darren, golfing with Larry Tate?”
Samantha slapped his face gently. “If you weren’t so damn hot I’d make you pay for
that.” Elisabeth had closed her eyes, ready for a tirade. When she opened them,
incredulous that Jackson had gotten away with his joke, he grinned innocently and
Sam put tea on and said, “Let’s sit and see if we can get to the bottom of what is going on
with you two.”
Elisabeth related their story starting with the night they met straight through yesterday.
When she finished, she turned to Jackson. “Did I miss anything?”
He thought about the redhead, but felt too ashamed to mention her, and reasoned it was
not pertinent to the situation. “Just my dream.” He told Sam about the dream and how it
had changed.
“Hmmm, I think the first thing we need to do is see what your blood does to Elisabeth’s.”
She went to a cabinet and returned with a metal tray and a knife. Jackson thought, Does
she want Elisabeth to taste my blood?
“I’m going to have to cut both of you. Who wants to go first?” Jackson held his hand out.
She sliced into his palm and held it over the tray. When she was satisfied with the amount
of blood, she handed him a napkin. Then she turned to Elisabeth and repeated the
process. Elisabeth’s blood was a lighter red, and for a moment the two swirled together in
a dance of sorts, then all of a sudden started to bubble and burst into flame. All three
stood amazed at the sight before them.
Jackson rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger. “That can’t be good.”
Samantha didn’t take her eyes off the flame, “That’s not necessarily true. Fire can be
good or evil, depending on where it comes from.”
“And if it comes from blood?”
“I’m not sure. I feel like I have read something about this.” She went to one of her
bookcases, searching the many leather bound volumes. Elisabeth followed.
Jackson watched the two women for a moment, still dumbstruck. He turned his attention
back to the blood and what he found made his jaw drop. “Uh, ladies, I think you better
take a look at this.” There in the middle of the tray where the blood and fire had been, sat
a brilliant diamond.
The women turned to the table and gasped. Sam finally spoke, “Well that settles that.”
“Settles what?”
“A diamond is the hardest, most resilient, most beautiful gem of all. There is no evil here.
This is all pure and noble. My best guess is that you two are soul-mates, destined to be
together, and you have a higher purpose.”
# Music of Souls
Elisabeth and Jackson still stared at the diamond. At the exact moment they both said,
“We can never tell Sarah.” Then burst into laughter.
Samantha crossed her arms. “What am I missing here?” Elisabeth told her about Sarah
and how they would never hear the end of it if she knew what had happened here.
Jackson asked, “So, do you think my inability to feed on Elisabeth is for her protection?”
“Yes I do. She’s a werewolf and you are a vampire, natural enemies. You could have hurt
her before realizing she is your one true love. Nature found a way to prevent that.”
“And what about her hurting me? If we were to be together at the full moon, do you think
something would prevent her from killing me?” Elisabeth arched her eyebrows in a
warning to Jackson. Sam pursed her lips. “That’s a good question. I’m not sure. I don’t
think I would test that theory, though.”
Jackson picked up the diamond and held it to the light. “I think we just started a mining
Samantha cautioned him, “I would not mess with this. You have no idea what kind of
magic it holds. This should be the first and last diamond you create.”
With a grimace, he dropped it into his pocket. “Fine, but I’m keeping this one.”
Elisabeth shook her head. “You can be such an ass.”
He tried unsuccessfully to appear wounded. “Is that any way to talk to your soul-mate?”
Jackson felt more relief than anything. He had assumed all their problems were payback
for his wayward life. Understanding they were for Elisabeth’s protection comforted him.
He considered the first night they met and how differently it would have played out if he
had caught up to her in the parking lot. The absence of fangs and the battery acid blood
probably would have saved her life.
Elisabeth asked Sam, “What kind of higher purpose are you talking about?”
“Now that is the million dollar question. You’re just going to have to wait and see what
develops. You two are already breaking ground. I am not aware of any coupling between
a werewolf and vampire throughout history. Elisabeth, does your pack know about this
She dropped her eyelids to avoid Jackson’s gaze. “No, I plan to tell them at the Wolf
Moon Festival.”
Sam could see her blunder. “Oops, sorry... so handsome, you’re obviously not feeding on
Liz. Who are you feeding on?”
“No one, I’m drinking bottled blood.”
“Hmm, there’s that loyalty I saw in your palm. Is the bottled stuff any good?”
Jackson felt uncomfortable under both women’s scrutiny. This was not something he
wished to discuss. “It’s fine.”
# Music of Souls
Samantha winked at him. “You know I could offer up a fresh snack. Keep it in the family
so to speak. I’m told I’m quite tasty.”
Elisabeth looked up, ready to say, ‘That’s a great idea.’ She stopped upon seeing
Jackson’s eyes narrowed in warning to leave this alone.
He smiled thinly, still staring at Elisabeth. “That is very gracious of you Samantha, but
completely unnecessary. Thank you anyway.”
“Bummer, I bet your venom is to die for.”
His face softened into a grin, as he crooked a long index finger at her. “You are a very
naughty witch.”
“Ha! You know it. I’m going to take Nikolai for a walk, then we’ll have some lunch. Can
you spend the night?”
“No we’re flying back at eight.”
“That still leaves enough time to have an early dinner on Bourbon Street. You two want
to stay here or walk with us?”
Elisabeth stood up, but Jackson held her arm. “Why don’t we wait here?” She dropped
her lids again.
Samantha put a leash on Nickolai. “All righty then.” As she left the room she turned and
mouthed ‘Sorry’ to her friend.
Jackson stared at Elisabeth, who still avoided eye contact. She quietly said, “I’m sorry, I
wanted to get through the next full moon before telling you.”
“I guess that plan didn’t work. Are you ever going to look at me?” She met his gaze,
biting her lip. Jackson laughed, “You’re like a kid who got caught in the cookie jar.” He
could not be stern with that face. He enveloped her in his arms. “I understand you don’t
want to throw everything at me at once, but you need to explain this now.”
She hugged him tightly and spoke into his chest. “Every year, the full moon in January is
the Wolf Moon and there is a three day festival that all werewolves attend… kind of our
high holiday. I plan to tell my pack about you then.”
“Where is this festival?”
“Of course… and what if your pack isn’t exactly thrilled that you have taken up with a
“I will make them understand.”
He pushed her away to join eyes. “What if you can’t make them understand?”
“I will be ostracized.”
“So, you may have to make a choice between me and your pack, your family?”
# Music of Souls
“I have already made my choice. I choose you, always. They are going to have to respect
Jackson knew this would not be as cut and dried as she made it sound. If she were forced
to make a choice it would be devastating for her. He understood the pain of turning your
back on your family. After all these years, he still held regrets. “I know I can’t do
anything to plead your case, but what if Samantha spoke to them and told them what
happened here. Would they listen to her?”
“I’ve already considered that. Sam is well thought of amongst the pack, and I’m sure she
will help. Hopefully it won’t even come to that.”
Jackson kissed her forehead. “We’ll figure this out somehow.”
Samantha returned. “Everything okay here?”
“Good then. I’ll put the soup on.” They enjoyed lunch with Sam doing most of the
talking. Rapid-fire questions were leveled at Jackson.
Christ, she could give Sarah a run for her money. He thought.
“You understand, I need to know as much as possible about the guy who finally landed
my girl here.”
“I understand. Have you got anything stronger than tea to drink?”
“Oh, sure.” She opened a bottle of Jack Daniels and set out three glasses. “Let’s go sit in
the living room.” Nikolai trotted after them and backed up to the sofa between Jackson
and Elisabeth. By the time they left for Bourbon Street, Sam was a little tipsy. They
chose a restaurant with a bar and music. “Let’s have a few more drinks before dinner.”
Jackson raised an eyebrow. “You sure you want to do that?”
“Absolutely. I’m not driving.” They sat at a table in the bar, and after a few minutes Sam
complained, “What do we have to do to get a drink around here?”
Jackson leaned toward her. “Can’t you just twitch your nose and make them appear?”
She grabbed him by the collar. “Your face will only get you so far with that shit. You
better watch your step.” Jackson put both hands up in surrender and chuckled. She held
her grip on his collar. “I think you owe me a dance for being such a wise-ass.” He looked
at Elisabeth who laughed and shooed them.
Even drunk, Sam was sure footed on the dance floor. In heels, she stood as tall as Jackson
and they made quite a pair. “You know, Liz and I have been friends for a very long time.
I can honestly say she has never even come close to being in love.”
“Is that why you call her the Ice Queen?”
“Precisely. Many a man has tried to break through those walls, but you are the first to
succeed. However did you steal her heart?”
# Music of Souls
“Ah, but you see, she is the one who stole mine.”
“I hope so, cuz if you hurt her, you can be certain I will hurt you. That is a promise.”
Jackson kissed her on the cheek. “I’m glad she has you for a friend.”
Sam pulled away to look at him. “Are there any more like you at home?”
They took Samantha home and asked her to visit soon. The airport was nearby. Elisabeth
had fallen asleep with her head in Jackson’s lap before they even took off.
Jackson ran his fingers through her hair, reflecting on the day and the new challenge they
faced with her pack. The physical ramifications of not feeding for over thirty hours
commanded attention. Bloodlust kicked in, and his head began to pound. He cursed
himself for not packing provisions or even remembering to feed before leaving
Fairhaven. He was unaccustomed to planning ahead and now would pay. The flight
attendant approached and asked, “Can I get you anything?”
“Yes, I am going to need a lot of scotch, please.”
She giggled, thinking him a nervous flier. “Coming right up.” She returned with a bottle
and a glass. Upon seeing Elisabeth sound asleep, she leaned close. “Anything else,
anything at all?”
Jackson heard her heart beating. Venom replaced saliva and his jaw began to ache. He
grabbed her arm, locked eyes with her and rasped through gritted teeth, “You need to stay
away from me.”
She smiled, “Have a nice flight,” and walked away.
Jackson had not been this hungry since first being turned. He began drinking the scotch
fast, hoping to find some reprieve. He put his head back and closed his eyes for a short
time, but the pounding headache and the burning in his throat only intensified. The one
saving grace was that Elisabeth lay sound asleep, unable to witness his distress. They
finally landed and he nudged her awake. “We’re home.”
“Oh my, I guess I was pretty tired.” She smiled, then frowned. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, just anxious to get home.”
She stood. “Jackson, tell me. What is wrong?”
“I’m really hungry.”
“Oh no, you didn’t bring any blood?”
“No.” They hurried to the car.
“Gee, maybe you should have taken Sam up on her offer.”
He closed his eyes tightly. “Not really helping here.”
# Music of Souls
“I’m sorry, that was mean. What can I do?”
Jackson considered running to Fairhaven and having her drive the car, but worried he
might lose it and feed on an unsuspecting pedestrian along the way. “Let’s just get
Elisabeth tried to make small talk, however, Jackson couldn’t think straight. He felt like
he would implode if he didn’t get some blood soon. He pulled up to the front of the house
and ran straight to the fridge. Sarah entered the panty to find him drinking straight from a
“Little hungry are we?”
“You have no idea.”
“How long has it been?”
“Thirty-two hours.”
“Wow, that’s gotta be a record for you. Why didn’t you pack some blood?”
He squinted his eyes with sarcasm. “I don’t know Sarah, thought it might be fun to
torture myself.”
Elisabeth had made her way into the house, “You all right?”
“Yeah.” The pounding started to subside and the blood had soothed his throat somewhat.
He poured a tall glass and headed to the drawing room. Elisabeth and Sarah joined him.
“So,” asked Sarah, “how did it go with the witch?”
They had not discussed what to tell her yet. Since he still wasn’t thinking clearly, Jackson
let Elisabeth field this one. “Well, she wants to do a little research to see if she can find
an explanation.”
“That’s pretty vague. Why do I get the feeling you’re holding something back.”
Elisabeth sighed, “Samantha thinks you may be right about the whole protection thing.”
Sarah jumped up. “I knew it!”
Jackson laid his head back and closed his eyes. He felt in no condition to deal with this.
“Sarah, please, cut me some slack here.”
“All right, I’m going to bed, but this is far from over.”
Elisabeth stood behind the sofa, rubbing Jackson’s shoulders and neck. He moaned
softly, “Thank you, that feels wonderful.”
He woke at 2:30 a.m. Elisabeth had covered him with a blanket and either gone upstairs
or home. Climbing the stairs, he hoped to find her in his bed. She lay there, sound asleep.
He watched for a few minutes, then undressed and joined her. She stirred and cuddled
into him. “Feeling better?”
# Music of Souls
“Much. What were you dreaming about?”
“I don’t remember, why?”
“You were smiling.”
“Then I must have been dreaming of you.” She nuzzled her face into his neck and fell
back asleep. He sighed contentedly as her warmth engulfed him.
Chapter 20
Jackson found the other three in the kitchen. “Morning all.” They sat around the center
island and had obviously eaten breakfast together.
Sarah chirped, “There’s a frittata here. I can heat some up for you.”
“No thanks, just coffee.” He stepped behind Elisabeth’s stool, placed his hands on her
shoulders, and kissed the top of her head.
She turned to him. “We’ve been talking about the full moon.”
“Wow. Sorry I missed that. Anything I should know?”
“Yes, we’ve decided I will be spending the night in your five-star dungeon.”
“Really?” He searched her eyes.
“Yes, you have a right to see me in wolf form.”
Her voice held resolve, but a hint of worry sat on her brow, so he hugged her. “You
won’t regret this.”
“I hope not.”
Sarah broke in, “Elisabeth has been telling us about your visit to New Orleans, as well.”
“Oh, good. That I’m glad I missed. Has the inquisition ended?” Sarah smiled
Connor laughed, stood and kissed Sarah. “I have court; I’ll see you around three.”
“I’ll be here decorating.”
They had accomplished quite a bit the previous day, and Sarah felt comfortable about
being away for the next two days. Connor insisted if they were visiting Vermont, they
would spend two days there. Elisabeth and Jackson had already carved half the
pumpkins, so were confident they would finish in time.
“Sarah, is there something else you want us to do while you’re here? We can finish the
pumpkins after you leave.”
“No, we’re in good shape. I only have to make the pies, but won’t do that till we get
Jackson and Elisabeth resumed carving. Once Sarah left the room, Jackson asked, “What
made you decide to stay?”
# Music of Souls
“I thought about what you said, and you’re right. Please promise me you will be extra
careful, though?”
“I will. How much did you tell Sarah about our trip?”
“Not about the blood. I feel like that should stay between us.”
“Good, I agree.”
“I just told her about the soul-mate thing, and protection. She seemed appeased.”
“You’re very good at handling her, thank you.”
“We haven’t discussed our trip. How are you feeling about all that happened?”
Jackson brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck. “I didn’t need a witch to tell me you
are the love of my life. I already knew that.”
She leaned into him. “Me too, but what about the higher purpose? That has me a little
“Rattled, why?”
“I’m not sure. I feel sort of responsible for something, yet I don’t even know what it is.
Does that make any sense?”
He brought his index finger to his lips. “Hmm... yeah. It’s not like we can do anything
about it, though. Like Sam said, we will have to wait and see what transpires.”
“You’re right. I guess I’m over-thinking things.”
Sarah prepared stuffed crown roast with vegetables and homemade applesauce for dinner.
Jackson joked, “You realize there are only four of us here?”
“I know. I want you to have leftovers. You can slice between the bone and sauté them.”
He rolled his eyes and drawled like a schoolboy, “Thanks Mom. Hey, what would you
think about turning one of the south facing bedrooms into a studio for Elisabeth.”
“Oh, that’s so exciting! Don’t start without me. I want to help decorate. And we already
have all those supplies downstairs. It will be wonderful! The best!”
Jackson gave Elisabeth an ‘I told you so’ smirk, then blew her a kiss.
After dinner, Connor and Sarah said goodnight. “Connor wants to leave at the crack of
Elisabeth and Jackson talked in bed for a long while, both worried that tomorrow might
alter their relationship irrevocably. They were determined to enjoy every minute of
easiness before dealing with the reality of the full moon. Jackson could feel Elisabeth’s
anguish, and tried unsuccessfully to hide his own.
In the morning, they found an envelope on the counter in the kitchen. It was a note from
# Music of Souls
Sarah. “Please stay safe tonight. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to either of you. I
love you both, Sarah.”
The couple spent most of the day quiet, holding each other, staying connected. They went
for a walk after lunch. Nearly all the leaves had fallen off the trees except for the huge
scarlet oak in the back yard. It still held about half of its bright red leaves. Jackson looked
up with a sad expression. “I miss them already.”
Elisabeth hugged his waist. “I know, I do too.”
He cupped her face with his hands. “I love you more than I ever dreamed possible and
nothing will ever change that.”
“We’ll see about that soon enough.”
He tightened his grip slightly. “I need you to believe me. I don’t want you going into that
room doubting my feelings.”
Her eyes filled with tears. “I believe you.” He held her close as she wept softly into his
Jackson grilled steaks for dinner, and when they were through cleaning up, Elisabeth
said, “I better get down there.”
He kissed her forehead. “Let’s go.”
They walked in silence to the holding cell. Jackson unlocked the door and they entered
Elisabeth turned to him. “You have the car by the door?”
“And the keys?” He removed them from his pocket to show her. She picked up the duvet
from the bed and draped it on the sofa, then undressed. “Clothes don’t fare very well
through the transformation.” She wrapped the duvet around herself. “Ready.”
He brushed her hair back. “I love you.”
“I want to hear that tomorrow.”
They kissed deeply and Jackson felt her desperation. He didn’t want to let go, but
Elisabeth pulled away. “You better leave now.” Her expression bore pain.
He locked the door and stood staring at her through the bars. She lay down on the sofa,
and they gazed into each other’s eyes for a while, then Elisabeth turned away. He knew
she was crying, and every fiber of his being yearned to open the door and go to her. He
sat helpless, against the wall with his arms resting on his knees, aching for her; fearful
that tonight would forever change all they had become to each other.
Elisabeth’s body began to move under the duvet, as if she were stretching. Jackson could
# Music of Souls
only see her hair, shortening, then nearly disappearing. A soft moan sounding nothing
like her reached his ears, and then slowly, out from under the cover, emerged a huge wolf
with bronze colored fur.
“I’ll be damned.” The fur was the exact color of Elisabeth’s hair in his dream. Jackson
stood, hardly believing his eyes. She did not writhe in pain, nor snarl, nor foam at the
mouth. This was not a mangy or vicious creature standing before him, but a
breathtakingly beautiful, gigantic wolf. Her fur was lustrous and her nose looked like
black velvet.
She hadn’t noticed Jackson yet, so stretched her front paws out and let out a proud howl.
Sniffing the air, the wolf turned to him, and then trotted to the bars. As he backed away,
they locked eyes. The wolf’s were Elisabeth’s, and he felt the familiar jolt he always had
from her.
She moved close to the bars and sat, never losing his gaze, then tilted her head and let out
a soft whimper. Jackson slowly approached, not sure what to make of this. It was so far
removed from anything he had imagined. He tentatively slipped one hand through the
bars. Elisabeth licked it, then stood, allowing him to pet the side of her head and ear. Her
fur felt incredibly soft, and she smelled the same as her human form.
“Hi there, you’re not so scary.” She cocked her head again, then turned and lumbered to
the sofa, and climbed up on it to lie down.
He watched for a while then said, “If I come in there, you promise not to rip me apart?”
The wolf turned to him and yawned. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”
He opened the door and slowly approached the sofa, then sat at the end, a little away
from the wolf’s head. When she stood, Jackson held his breath, ready to run. Elisabeth
moved close to him and lay down again with her head in his lap. He exhaled and began to
pet her, still amazed at how thick and soft her fur felt. The color seemed to be sun kissed.
He moved his hand down to her chest and could feel her heart thumping. “Unbelievable.”
The wolf’s heartbeat matched the rhythm of Elisabeth’s.
After a while she stood up again, licked Jackson’s face, tickling him with her rough
tongue, and hopped off the sofa. She sat in front of him looking into his eyes. “What?
You want to do something? What do werewolves like to do other than kill vampires? Are
you hungry? Ha, of course you are, you’re always hungry. Let me see what we have
down here. He went to the cabinets. “Not much here, the fridge is empty. Hmm, can I
trust you upstairs? I bet you could really sink your teeth into that pork roast.”
They climbed the stairs to the kitchen together. Jackson retrieved the roast, cut two chops
from it, and held one out to her while sitting on a stool. “Please don’t take my fingers
off.” Her canines were huge. They made his fangs look like milk teeth. She gently bit into
the meat and when she had eaten most of it, pulled the bone from his hand and laid on the
floor chewing on it. When she finished the second chop, she licked her face, cleaning
# Music of Souls
“Now what? I’m guessing you don’t want a glass of port tonight, but believe me, I could
use a drink.” He walked to the drawing room with the wolf close behind. Jackson poured
a drink and some blood, then sat on the sofa. Elisabeth jumped up and put her head in his
lap again. He sat, petting her, thinking how unreal this all seemed, but at the same time
celebrated that they had overcome their most daunting hardship. He looked down and
realized she was sleeping. “You can’t possibly sleep as soundly as you do when you’re
human.” She didn’t move. “ Huh. Wrong again.” After some time, Jackson fell asleep
then woke to his phone. It was Sarah.
“How’s Vermont?”
She whispered, “Never mind that, how are you?”
“I’m fine.”
“Cut the shit, Jackson. I don’t have time for this.”
He laughed, “Well, I’m sitting on the sofa petting a beautiful wolf who is sleeping in my
“I can’t believe it myself. It’s Elisabeth, everything about her except she’s a wolf. Your
pork chops were a big hit, by the way.”
“Oh my God, she’s really on your lap?”
“Yeah, sound asleep. The phone didn’t even wake her.”
“I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, things going well up there?”
“Oh, that is an understatement. I’ll tell you when we get home.”
“Okay, see you.”
Jackson stood up to pour another drink. Elisabeth stirred then lifted her head, watching
him. He sat back down and pet her. She didn’t lay her head down, but nuzzled her nose
into his hand. It not only looked like velvet, it felt like it. He brought his face to her ear
and whispered, “You are beautiful.” She licked his cheek then put her head in his lap
It was near dawn, so he assumed she would morph back soon. He grabbed the blanket
from the back of the sofa and covered her. He must have nodded off again, because when
he opened his eyes, Elisabeth’s human form lay sleeping with her head in his lap.
Running a hand through her hair, he contemplated how to explain all that had happened.
She opened her eyes and smiled at him, then horror washed over her face and she jumped
up. “What am I doing here?”
Jackson wrapped the blanket around her. “You better sit down.”
“No! What the hell happened?”
# Music of Souls
“Your wolf loves me.”
Elisabeth stared at him, wide eyed and shaking. “You let me out of that room?”
“Yes, but only after you assured me I could trust you.”
“What? Are you out of your mind?” She started pacing. “I cannot believe you would act
so irresponsibly. Do you understand what could have happened?”
“You weren’t at all menacing.”
She screamed at him, “You promised you would be careful, you call this careful? What is
wrong with you? Do you have a death wish?”
Jackson had never seen her like this. He wanted to say, you’re scaring me now more than
as a wolf, but thought better of it. “Please, hear me out.”
“There is nothing you can say to justify this. I have nightmares of waking and finding
you dead at my feet, and now you are trying to make them real. How could you do this?”
Jackson attempted to hold her, but she pushed him away and glared at him. “This will
never happen again! You got your wish to see me as a wolf and survived. I will never be
close enough to hurt you at the full moon again.” She turned and stormed away.
Jackson plopped down and put his head in his hands. “Shit.” He sat for a minute trying to
figure out how to fix things, but came up empty. He slunk down to the holding cell to
face the music. Elisabeth was putting her shoes on as he entered. “I’m sorry. Will you
please let me explain?”
Her face was wet with tears. “I could have killed you, don’t you understand that? How
could you risk making me have to live with that?”
Jackson approached her, and she nearly collapsed into his arms. He held her close and
whispered over and over, “I’m sorry.”
After a while she pulled away. “I need a drink.”
“Me too.” They trudged upstairs and Jackson poured tall scotches. They sat on the sofa
without speaking. Jackson finally moved closer and slung his arm around her. “Can you
forgive me?”
She laid her head on his shoulder. “Not yet.”
“You know, you were much more agreeable as a wolf.”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “Damn you. I don’t want to laugh. I’m mad.” He pulled her
closer and kissed her forehead. By the time they finished their drinks, Elisabeth seemed
much calmer.
Jackson touched her cheek. “Can I please tell you about our amazing night and what a
beautiful wolf you are?”
She closed her eyes and sighed, “Okay.”
# Music of Souls
He didn’t leave a single detail out, hoping she would understand how obvious it was that
she would not hurt him. When he finished the tale, he asked, “What do you think?”
She smirked, “I think you need to get a dog.”
“Come on. Won’t you reconsider staying here next month?”
“Not a chance.”
Jackson knew she would not move on this today, but he had a month to convince her, so
let it go. “What do you want to do today?”
“I’m exhausted. I need a nap.”
“All right, you go nap. I’ll finish carving the pumpkins you’ve drawn.”
She kissed him and headed for the stairs.
“Hey Legs?”
“It’s tomorrow and I still love you.”
“I love you too, dumb ass.”
Jackson prepared lunch for Elisabeth and brought a tray up. “Hungry, my Queen?”
He set the tray on the bed and kissed her. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, I can’t believe it’s one o’clock. This looks delicious.”
“Trying to get back on your good side.”
“Hmm, it’s working.”
Elisabeth polished off her lunch quickly, then Jackson removed the tray and asked, “Now
what would you like to do?”
She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. “I want make-up sex.”
He backed up a little and arched his brow. “Wow. Never done that before, but I’m more
than willing to learn.”
“I’m sure you’ll be a pro in no time.” She chuckled and kissed him.
They were still in bed when Sarah and Connor returned. Jackson got up and locked the
door. “Sarah has news; she’ll come barging in here.”
Elisabeth sat up. “Let’s go hear about it.”
Downstairs, Connor opened a bottle of champagne. Elisabeth asked, “What are we
# Music of Souls
Sarah jumped up and down waving her left hand. “We got married!”
“What?” Elisabeth grabbed her hand. “Oh, it’s beautiful, congratulations.”
Jackson had made his way to her. “Congratulations, Princess.” He hugged her and kissed
her cheek.
Sarah gushed, “It was so romantic. There’s no waiting period in Vermont. Connor had it
all planned. He even had a birth certificate for me.”
Connor passed out the champagne, and held up his glass. “To my bride, my one true
Sarah continued her story, turning to Jackson, “The only thing missing… you weren’t
there to give me away.”
He tipped his glass. “Sorry.”
She narrowed her brow at him. “You knew, didn’t you?”
Jackson looked apologetically at Connor who rolled his eyes, and said, “Yes Sarah, he
knew. I asked his permission, and he helped me pick out the rings.”
“That’s so sweet. What would you have done if he said no?”
Jackson broke in, “What makes you think I didn’t?”
Elisabeth slapped his arm. “Stop it.”
As Connor poured more champagne, he said, “So, tell us about your night. How did the
wolf thing go?”
Jackson shifted uncomfortably. “Well, I had a great time, but Elisabeth isn’t too happy
with the outcome.”
Elisabeth sighed, “Jackson behaved very irresponsibly and he is lucky to be sitting here
today.” Everyone remained quiet, not sure how to treat the situation.
“How about we go out dining and dancing tonight to celebrate?” Jackson asked in an
effort to break the tension.
Sarah blew out a breath. “Oh, I’m pooped. I thought we could order Chinese.”
“That’ll work.”
During dinner, they talked mostly about the wedding and tomorrow’s party. Everyone
seemed happy to ignore the discussion about the full moon. Connor and Sarah turned in
The remaining two sat in front of the fire drinking port. Elisabeth asked, “Do you think
Connor will sell his townhouse and move in here full time?”
# Music of Souls
“Yes, I already spoke with him about it. Sarah’s shoes wouldn’t even fit in his place, and
there is no point in them buying something else. We will have to leave in ten years or so
anyway.” He touched noses with her. “Besides, I rather like our little family unit, and the
house certainly is big enough for us all.”
“How do you think he will deal with the age thing?”
“I think he’s hoping Sarah will turn him someday.”
“Will she?”
“Hard to say. The last time she turned a guy he dumped her.”
“That’s awful, Connor would never do that.”
“I don’t think so either, but you never know what vampirism will do to a person. The
power and bloodlust can change you.”
“Did it change you?”
He looked pensive for a moment. “That’s a good question. It was so long ago, I’m not
sure. He pursed his lips and tsked, “Nah, I think I was pretty much a pompous ass as a
human too.”
Elisabeth pinched his cheeks. “But you’re my pompous ass, and I like you that way.”
“Lucky for me.”
“We have yet another upside to our relationship. We don’t have to worry about one of us
“Yeah, speaking of that, are you ever going to tell me how old you are?”
She kissed him sweetly. “Not tonight, let’s go to bed.”
“Ah, my mistress of avoidance.”
Chapter 21
Fairhaven buzzed with a whirlwind of activity by 7:30 a.m. Delivery people scurried
about situating floral arrangements and dry ice. The caterers set up tables, and workers
laid the dance floor. Sarah had asked Elisabeth to help with pies, so they spent the better
part of the day in the kitchen. Jackson set up the bar and Connor played gopher for
everyone. Sarah removed the last batch of pies from the oven at 4:00p.m. then surveyed
the estate, a virtual Fall/Halloween Extravaganza inside and out. “Perfect. Let’s sit down
and relax for a bit before we change.” They congratulated themselves on a job well done.
Elisabeth raised her glass. “To the party planner extraordinaire.”
“Here, here,” added Jackson.
“I couldn’t have done it without my team.”
After showering and dressing, Jackson picked up the wolf’s head from the bed. “This is
going to be a lot more cumbersome than my usual costume.”
# Music of Souls
“That’s because your usual costume isn’t a costume at all.” When he donned the wolf’s
head, she slapped her hands to the sides of her face in mock horror. “My, what big teeth
you have!”
“If only.”
Spinning in a pirouette, Elisabeth asked, “What do you think?” His eyes landed on a
perfect Little Red Riding Hood, right down to the ankle socks and patent leather Mary
Jackson grinned wickedly and caught her by the waist. “I think I’m feeling a bit like a
dirty old man.”
Guests were due to arrive at 7:00. Consuelo, Marc and their daughters showed up at 6:30,
just as the caterers and the band finished setting up. The family theme was Disney
characters. Consuelo and Marc were dressed as Beauty and the Beast and the girls, Ariel
and Cinderella. “We thought we could help with last minute things.”
Sarah kissed them. “You’re so kind. I think we’re in good shape, Jackson, get them
drinks, the bartender should be here soon.”
As he handed Consuelo hers, he gave her a peck on the cheek, “You are one smokin’ hot
Belle.” Then he called to Elisabeth, “Come meet your competition for my affection.”
The gala was well underway by 7:30. Many of the partygoers had been to Elisabeth’s
opening, and wanted to convey how much they were enjoying her artwork. Jackson
noticed the Lothario from the opening dressed as a vampire make a beeline toward
Elisabeth. He set his course to intercept while contemplating breaking his rule about
feeding on men. It might be worth it to humiliate the guy.
The jerk had hold of Elisabeth’s arm. “You simply have to come to my place to see how
perfect the watercolor fits.
Jackson slid both arms around her from behind and pulled her close. “We’d love to.
How’s tomorrow work for you?”
“Uh… I think I have something tomorrow, I’ll have to check.”
“Okay, let me give you my cell number. Call and we’ll set something up. Elisabeth,
Sarah needs to see you, excuse us.” Jackson grumbled as he led her away. “Pretty piss
poor vampire if you ask me.”
“Maybe you should take off that wolf costume and show him how it’s done.” She stopped
and sniffed the air, then gaped at his glass. “Are you drinking real blood?”
He flashed a conspiratorial grin. “Yeah, it looks just like that punch. I figured you and
Sarah would be the only ones to notice.”
Elisabeth narrowed her eyes. “You better stay away from Sarah, she’ll kill you.”
Jackson noticed a woman dressed as Marie Antoinette, staring at him. A hand held mask
# Music of Souls
covered her face. He returned her gaze, hoping she would back off, but she continued to
blatantly stare, then finally dropped the mask. It was Claudia. He quickly turned away.
“What’s the matter?”
“The woman from the diner is here.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Elisabeth held his arm. “What are you going to do?”
“What I should have done the day I fed on her.”
As Jackson approached, Claudia held her mask back to her face. “Hello, Claudia.”
He pulled the mask down, and locked eyes with her. “You don’t know me. We have just
now met for the first time… I’m glad you are enjoying the party. So nice to meet you,
Claudia. If you will excuse me, I’m needed in the kitchen.” As he turned away, he noted
Elisabeth watching, and gave her an exaggerated wink. She shook her head, laughing.
Jackson spoke to the vocalist, then stood at the edge of the dance floor and motioned for
Elisabeth to join him. The band broke into “Hey There Little Red Riding Hood.” He
twirled her around the floor singing the entire song to her, complete with howls.
She seemed more than amused. “You sure know how to impress a girl.”
He pulled her close, murmuring into her hair, “Just so you know, I plan to take those
ankle socks off with my teeth later.” He caught her sharp intake of breath and gave her a
rakish smile as she blushed. When the song ended, she started to pull away, but he
pressed against her. “We’re not done yet, Red.” The band played “Fly Me to The Moon.”
“There you go again, sleazy to romantic in a heartbeat.”
“It’s what you do to me, Legs.”
Elisabeth’s sigh of contentment rippled across the nape of his neck. “Aren’t you going to
sing this one to me?”
“I think not. Sam the Sham is one thing, but I wouldn’t disrespect Frank that way. We’ll
leave the singing to you.”
At midnight, Jackson stood at the top of the stairs and whistled loudly, commanding
attention. “I would like to thank you all for attending our gala this evening. Let me
remind you, the easel set up by the door has a pledge sheet on it. Please give generously
to the American Red Cross. We need to replace the blood we spilled here tonight... I
would like to ask everyone to raise their glass in a toast to my sister and her new
husband, Sarah and Connor; a pair who complement each other perfectly. Sarah, I truly
believe Connor is the Yang to your Yin. I wish you all the happiness you so deserve.” He
# Music of Souls
lifted his glass. “To Sarah and Connor, a match made in heaven.” The crowd erupted in
cheers and applause. Connor tilted his glass to Jackson in a thank you, his other arm
draped around his blubbering bride.
The party broke up around 1:30. Consuelo and her family were the last to leave after
offering to help clean up.
The foursome sat rehashing the highlights of the evening. Elisabeth stood. “I’m going to
get some of that pate, anybody want anything?”
They heard the front door open. “Someone must have forgotten something.” They waited.
“Hello?” Nothing. Jackson headed to the foyer, then stopped abruptly. In walked Victor
with Cassandra Davis close behind.
“Hello, Jackson… Sarah… and what have we here, a human pet? My party invitation
must have been lost in the mail.” Jackson immediately shielded Connor, who was
understandably bewildered. Sarah’s fear rooted her.
Jackson grabbed Connor’s shoulders, held his eyes and ordered, “Get Elisabeth and lock
yourselves in the holding room, now.” Connor obeyed, and as Victor made a move
toward him, Jackson blocked him, allowing the human to scurry to safety.
Victor drawled, “Hmm, seems your pet is important to you… I believe you both know
the lovely Cassandra.” He turned and kissed her passionately. Jackson frantically
searched his mind for ways to lure him away from here. He and Sarah could hold their
own, but Elisabeth would be vulnerable, and Victor could kill Connor without blinking.
Elisabeth strolled in from the kitchen, seemingly oblivious to situation. Jackson turned to
her, panicked. How can she still be up here? She grabbed his hands and squeezed so hard
he almost fell to his knees. “What the hell?”
Her face assumed an expression that he had never witnessed. Her eyes pierced through
him, black as coal; all traces of warmth extinguished. She looked nothing like herself,
almost primal. She growled in a deep, menacing voice. “Relax, I’ve got this.” She then
turned and sauntered towards Victor, not a hint of fear in her carriage “Hello, Victor”
His greeting was returned with a hiss, “Elisabeth!”
Confusion replaced Jackson’s horror. Is Victor scared?
Sarah remained immobile as Elisabeth snarled, “I don’t believe you and your friend were
Victor turned his attention to Jackson, recrimination dripping from his voice. “Are you
aware you have a werewolf in your home?”
Cassandra yelled, “Werewolf!” And lunged at Elisabeth. Before Jackson could reach her,
she had grabbed Cassandra by the throat from mid-air and held her above her head. The
vampire struggled to break free, a blur of flailing limbs. Elisabeth shook her as she spat,
# Music of Souls
“You better put a leash on this one.” With that, she launched Cassandra at Victor so
forcefully he fell back into the wall. The vampire landed in a heap at his feet,
whimpering. Elisabeth continued toward Victor, met him face to face, and growled, “Are
we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
Victor gathered up Cassandra and hurried to the door cursing, then yelled back, “This is
not over!”
Elisabeth donned a guilty smile. Her face had already begun softening, and the warm
sienna reclaimed her eyes. The three stood looking at each other, speechless, until
Jackson broke the silence in his best Hispanic accent, “Lucy… you got some splainin’ to
do.” They all cracked up.
Elisabeth hugged him. “Maybe we should sit down and sort through this.”
“Good idea. Sarah, you want to go first, or shall I?”
“Um, you better, I’m not sure I even know what happened here.”
He exhaled a long breath and tapped his index finger on his lips. “Okay, where to start?
How about… why didn’t Victor kill you?”
“Because he can’t.”
Jackson took a step back. “How’s that?”
“I regenerate blood faster than it can be drained.”
He squinted. “You mean to tell me, if I could get my fangs to work, and your blood
didn’t give me third degree burns, I could feed to my heart’s content without hurting
She shifted under his gaze. “Pretty much.”
“Well isn’t that a kick in the ass... all right, let’s move on… how freaking strong are
“Strong enough to put major hurt on Victor.”
“Holy shit. Can you kill him?”
“Not unless I catch him at the full moon.”
“Huh... you seem to know him pretty well, why is that?”
Weariness settled on her brow as she rubbed her eyes. “If you wanted to take over the
world, what would be first on your ‘To Do’ list?”
“What? Oh, of course. Wipe out my only natural enemy.”
“Exactly. Victor is responsible for the deaths of countless werewolves. He and his army
almost decimated our population in the eighteen hundreds... can I ask you a question?”
# Music of Souls
“How do you know him?”
“He turned us.”
“That’s impossible. The Exemplars destroy all his vampires... Oh my God! You’re the
couple responsible for stopping him!”
“How do you know about that?”
“The Exemplars requested our help when Victor went on his rampage. We had a common
goal for once in history... do you know who that bitch with him is?”
Jackson dropped his head back on the sofa. “Oh yeah. That’s Cassandra Davis. I turned
“A woman scorned, I take it?”
“More like crazy, needy bitch, really pissed off.”
Sarah stood. “I better go get Connor.”
Elisabeth said, “I made sure he was safe in the holding cell, and assured him he needn’t
“Thank you.”
Jackson held Sarah’s arm as she turned to leave. “Wait a minute. We need to talk about
something first.” The tears spilling over her lids when she faced him confirmed she knew
what that ‘something’ was. Elisabeth and Jackson hugged her from either side and
Jackson stroked her hair. “We can’t protect him as a human. You know Victor will come
after him at some point... Connor wants this. You will have eternity together.”
The grief in her voice rested heavy on the trio. “I wanted more time like this. We haven’t
even had a honeymoon.”
“He is not Peter Standish. Connor loves you and he always will.”
“Will you get permission for me? I can’t bear to leave him now.”
“Of course. Given the extenuating circumstances, I believe we’ll obtain approval without
an audience. I’ll make some phone calls, but we should get started as soon as possible,
even before we’re granted permission.”
“Okay.” Sarah trudged to the basement, shadowed with trepidation.
Jackson and Elisabeth sat on the sofa. He draped an arm around her. “Hell of a wedding
She stared straight ahead. “That fucking bastard is going to get his someday.”
He pulled back, stunned by her language, then chuckled, “We have found yet another
commonality.” He dropped a light kiss on her temple then sauntered to the bar. “You
# Music of Souls
want port?”
“No, I need scotch.”
“Yeah, me too.”
They sat embraced on the sofa. Sarah and Connor returned after about an hour. Jackson
poured them drinks. Handing Connor his, he asked, “You okay?”
“I don’t know. I thought I wanted this, yet now that I don’t have a choice, I’m not so
“I understand. This isn’t exactly the best way to go about turning, but in the end, I suspect
you will find it to be the right decision.”
“Do you really believe that?”
“Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was
how difficult your death would be for her. I have seen her through some pretty nasty
heartache, but honestly, I’m not confident she could survive losing you, and now she
won’t have to.”
Sarah sniffed, and Conner kissed her forehead. “We’re going to get through this baby,
don’t worry.” He turned his attention back to Jackson. “So how do we start?”
“Well, the first thing we need to address is your job. You’ll need to take a leave of
“I’ll go in and talk to the other partners tomorrow. I guess I could say it’s a medical
“Elisabeth and I will accompany you in case Victor knows more than we think. Sarah can
prepare things here. We should start tomorrow. You okay with that, Sarah?”
She whispered, “Yes.”
Sarah managed to momentarily lift the silent pall suffusing the room. “Jackson, how do
you think Cassandra hooked up with Victor?”
He sighed deeply and shook his head. “Damned if I know. Maybe there’s an ‘I hate
Jackson Parrish’ website out there.”
She chuckled, “Click here if he left you in a hotel room, alone and violated.” The laugh
they shared cemented their solidarity.
Jackson noticed heaviness in Elisabeth’s eyes, so took her hands. “Come on, my beautiful
virago, time for bed.”
“No, I can stay awake.”
Connor stood. “I need some sleep too.”
As they climbed into bed, Jackson arched his brow. “So, you can kick my ass, right?”
# Music of Souls
Elisabeth rubbed her eyes and yawned, “Let’s not go there tonight.”
He pinned her beneath him, holding her arms above her head.
“Come on, I’m too tired for this. Get off me.”
He pulled a wicked, toothy grin. “Make me.”
Her body went totally limp. “I am not going to play this game.”
“Fine, but mark my words. One day you will take me against my will.”
“Ha. For that to happen, you would have to be unwilling.”
Jackson stood, and grabbed his robe. “I’m going to get some blood, you want anything?”
“No thanks.”
He danced out of the room singing, “She’s a Brick House.”
Elisabeth threw a pillow at his head as he ducked through the doorway.
Chapter 22
Jackson heard someone on the stairs at 6:30 and found Sarah in the kitchen starting
coffee. “Did you sleep at all?”
“Everything is going to work out, you’ll see.”
“You don’t know that.”
He held her by the shoulders, his stomach churning from her distress. “Do you believe
Connor loves you?”
“Then things will work out. I know this is not how you planned your life with him, but I
am certain, when all is said and done, you’ll find this to be the best course for you both.”
Connor entered and Sarah hugged and kissed him. “Morning.”
His voice was raspy from his own lack of sleep. “I thought I would head to the office
around eight forty-five.”
Jackson patted his shoulder. “All right. I’m going to make some phone calls. Elisabeth
and I will be ready to go with you.”
Getting permission to turn Connor was simple, just as Jackson had expected. The
Exemplars hated Victor so much, he only needed to speak to one. He was instructed to go
ahead; there was no need to request an audience.
He woke Elisabeth at 7:30 and informed her of the plan.
She glanced at the clock and stretched. “Okay, I’ll be ready.”
# Music of Souls
Jackson had already showered and dressed. “I’ll make you some breakfast while you
“Thank you. How are they this morning?”
“They’ve been better.”
“How tough is this going to be?”
He sat on the bed and held her hand. “The worst part is Sarah doesn’t want it. If she were
turning him willingly, it would be a lot easier for both of them.”
“Will it be painful?”
“Not really. He’ll be in and out of consciousness during the worst of it.”
“My heart aches for them.”
Jackson kissed her forehead. “I know.” He cupped her face and wiped a tear with his
thumb. “You know, I can’t help thinking, if you were human, I would be going through
the very hell Sarah is experiencing right now. I cannot imagine having to make this
She placed her hand over his. “You went through your own hell with me.”
“I guess… but now, knowing you’re safe from Victor, it was well worth it.”
Elisabeth threw her arms around him. “Oh Jackson, I love you so.”
“I love you too, Legs, more than you know.
The drive to Connor’s office passed uncomfortably. They all attempted small talk, but the
tension was palpable. Jackson asked, “What are you going to tell your partners?”
“We decided to say I have cancer and need chemotherapy. They probably won’t ask too
many questions that way.” After parking the car, they marched to the office, Connor
sandwiched between the vampire and the werewolf. He quipped, “So this is what it’s like
to have body guards.”
Sarah was sitting in the drawing room waiting when they returned. “How did it go?”
“Fine, they were very understanding, said to take all the time I need.” He put his hand on
her shoulder. “I’m ready if you are.” Sarah stood and they headed to the holding room,
hand in hand.
Once they were gone, Elisabeth began to pace. “Now what?”
Jackson took her in his arms. “Now, we wait.” She held him tightly, desperate for the
reassurance of his touch. He kissed her forehead. “Let’s go for a walk.”
“What if they need us for something?”
“They won’t for a day or so. Let’s enjoy some fresh air while we can.”
# Music of Souls
When they returned, they busied themselves cleaning up from the party. Jackson had
called Consuelo and told her they had plenty of help, so she needn’t come.
After dinner, he said, “I think I’ll go down and check on them.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I think it will be better if I go alone.”
The door was open; Sarah wouldn’t need to lock it for some time. They were on the sofa,
Connor lying down with his head in her lap. He was still conscious, yet already displayed
a grayish pallor. Sarah wore a pained expression that caused Jackson to cringe. He asked,
“You need anything?”
He poured drinks for them both. She started to refuse, but he insisted, “Don’t be a martyr.
You know you need this.”
She accepted it with a sigh, “You’re right. I guess I am my own worst enemy.”
“How you doing, Skippy?”
He barely lifted his head. “Just peachy.”
Jackson remained long enough to finish his drink, then asked, “Anything I can do?”
“We’re good.”
“All right, I’ll leave you to it then.” He kissed Sarah’s cheek and patted Connor on the
back. “Hang in there buddy. I’ll check back in the morning.”
By day three, Connor had lost consciousness. He had not needed a transfusion, so the
transition was imminent. Jackson and Elisabeth took turns sitting with Sarah; she seemed
to be reconciling herself to their new reality. Jackson seized every opportunity to point
out the upsides, and tried his best to lighten her mood. He understood her anxiety
stemmed mostly from worrying Connor would leave like Standish had.
Elisabeth conducted a lecture on day five, so Jackson did his best to entertain Sarah.
When she returned, she cooked dinner for the three of them. Sarah had not eaten anything
since the party, but they convinced her to join them. The three sat in the kitchenette of the
holding cell since Sarah refused to leave Connor, even for a minute. While eating dessert,
they heard a muffled moan from the bed. They all stared at one another for a moment,
then Sarah went to the fridge for a bottle of blood. She put her hand on Connor’s
forehead. “You better go. He doesn’t want you to see him like this.”
Upstairs, Elisabeth paced. “I wish we could help somehow.”
“Well we can’t, so you might as well relax.”
“Is he going to be like, crazy?”
# Music of Souls
“Yeah, but it won’t last long. Once she gets enough blood in him, he’ll calm down.”
“Can he hurt her?”
He drew her into an embrace. “Do you think I would leave her alone with him if he could
hurt her? She has a hundred and fifty years on him, and she just turned him. He will never
be as strong as she is.”
Jackson left Elisabeth sleeping in the morning. He found Sarah and Connor on the sofa in
the holding cell. She had been letting him feed on her to teach him how to stop. She
hoped he would not feed directly on humans, but he needed to learn how to rein in his
lust, regardless. Vampire blood would not provide nutrition, though feeding on Sarah
created the intimate connection that they both needed now. Connor slept soundly, and
Sarah looked drawn, yet not as tense. “How’s it going?”
“Good, he has incredible self-control. I’m very proud of him.” Connor groaned and
stirred. He turned, spotted Jackson, then stood and walked toward him.
Jackson narrowed his eyes and growled, “Don’t even think it. I’ll squash you like a bug.”
Sarah sighed, “Could you please show a little tolerance?”
“Tolerance, my ass! He’s salivating over my jugular.” Connor recoiled back to Sarah.
She held him, rubbing his back. “I’m going to give him some more blood, then I think
we’ll come upstairs.”
“You trust him?”
“Yeah, I do, and besides we have two vampires and a super werewolf. I think we can
handle a newbie.”
“Good point. Want some breakfast?”
“No, it’ll be a few hours before we come up.”
When Sarah and Connor entered the drawing room, Jackson and Elisabeth were sitting on
the sofa reading. Jackson crooned, “There’s the happy couple.”
Connor immediately approached him. “I’m really sorry about before. I just woke up and
wasn’t thinking clearly.”
Jackson grimaced. “I gave you one pass, but if you ever look at me like lunch again, I’ll
rip those fangs out of your head and shove them so far up your ass they’ll reattach.”
Sarah yelled, “Jackson!” then glared at Elisabeth as if to say, ‘Do something about him’.
Elisabeth turned the page of her magazine. “Don’t look at me. Man’s clearly a
# Music of Souls
Connor interjected, “Sarah, he’s right. I’m pretty grossed out by the whole thing myself.”
“You are going to be a wonderful vampire, not at all sleazy like someone I know.” She
kissed him then scowled at Jackson.
He grinned innocently thinking, Things are going to get back to normal here pretty
Jackson noticed the tremor in Connor’s hands, so poured him a scotch. He handed it to
him. “Now you will understand why we drink so much.” Connor gave him a sheepish
half-smile, then took the glass, shattering it in his hand. Jackson smirked, “Oops, It seems
your strength kicked in.” He and Sarah laughed.
Connor stared at two deep gashes in his palm. “I’m glad you find the fact that I’m going
to need stitches amusing... Holy Shit!” His wounds began to close up before his eyes.
Sarah hugged him. “I’m sorry, sweetie. We’re not laughing at you. We were
remembering when Jackson first discovered his strength. He pulled a chair out and sent it
flying across the room through a wall. Are you all right?”
The newborn continued to gawk at his hand, which had almost fully healed. He glanced
up at Sarah. “I guess this is going to take some getting used to.”
“Come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up. At least it was scotch and not blood.”
Elisabeth and Jackson were sweeping up the glass when she asked, “Will it take long for
him to curb his strength?”
“No, he’ll just have to keep his temper in check for a while until he is used to it. That’s
right, you were born strong, weren’t you?”
“No, my strength grew as I aged.”
“How does that work? You’re not aging now.”
“Yes I am. So are you, just very slowly.”
“What?” Jackson sat down, dumbstruck.
Elisabeth blew out a patronizing breath. “Werewolves age very quickly until puberty,
then the process slows exponentially. By the time we physically reach twenty-five to
thirty years old, we age at about the same rate as vampires.”
“So, you mean in a million years we’ll have gray hair and wrinkles?”
“Yes, if we live that long.”
“Then why is it so rare to see an old vampire?”
“Because they usually tire of living long before they show age and find someone to stake
# Music of Souls
“Huh. You are a wealth of information, Miss Sidwell.”
She held his face in her hands. “And you Mr. Parrish, have been living with your head in
the sand for a hundred-fifty years.”
They both looked up at the same time, hearing a loud racket coming from Sarah’s room.
Elisabeth rushed to the stairs. “Oh, no!”
Jackson grabbed her. “I don’t think you want to go up there. Sounds like Skippy’s trying
out his new vamp skills.”
She narrowed her brow, confused. “What?” Then her eyes widened as she blushed. “Oh
“Why are you blushing?” He pulled her close and grinned wickedly. “Unless you want to
go up and see if we can drown them out.”
She slapped his chest with both hands. “You’re a pig!”
“Oh, sure. Skippy’s up there defiling Sarah and I’m the pig.”
“Yes, and you better not embarrass them when they come down, or you and I won’t be
making noise for quite some time.”
He frowned dejectedly. “That’s harsh.”
Sarah floated down the stairs with Connor in tow. He avoided eye contact with everyone.
Jackson looked up from his newspaper. “Everything okay in paradise?”
Elisabeth shot him a warning stare.
Sarah’s smile spread far as it would go. “Perfect... Jackson, I’m afraid you are going to
have to influence some people for their blood. I didn’t have enough time to plan for the
extra we need.”
Elisabeth piped in, “You can take all you want from me. I know Jackson can’t drink it,
but you two can, and save the rest for him.” Jackson stared at her, slack jawed.
Sarah said, “That would be wonderful, you sure you don’t mind?”
“Of course not. I would offer to let Connor feed on me if I weren’t convinced
Neanderthal here would go postal on us.”
Connor looked at Jackson. “You okay with Sarah drawing her blood?”
Before he could respond, Elisabeth grabbed his chin, squeezed it and turned his face to
her. “Of course he is. Aren’t you darling?” She kissed him quickly. “Good, then that’s
settled. After dinner you can hook me up.” Jackson sat rubbing his jaw wondering what
the hell just happened.
Sarah set Elisabeth up on the sofa and started a line to draw her blood, then she and
Connor went down to clean up the holding cell. Jackson had started a fire and stood with
# Music of Souls
his hands on the mantle, watching the flames. Elisabeth said, “You shouldn’t pout. It’s
not a good look for you.” He turned to her and shook his head. “Come on Jackson, you
know this is the right thing to do. Will you please come here and talk to me?”
He skulked to the sofa, lifted her legs and sat under them. “I understand it’s the right
thing to do, but don’t for a minute expect me to like it.”
“Do you want me to tell Sarah I changed my mind?”
“Maybe you would feel better if you went out and hunted.”
Jackson exploded, “When are you going to get it? I don’t want someone else’s blood. I
want yours!”
She brought his hand to her face. “You know I want that too.”
He glanced at the bag filling with her blood and shook his head again. “I’m going up to
the music room for a while.” He dropped a perfunctory kiss on her cheek and left.
Elisabeth could hear the music playing; it sounded dark and melancholy.
Sarah had shown her how to change the blood bag and left a box of them. When the
couple returned, they heard the music, and Sarah said, “He’s not taking this very well, is
Elisabeth sighed. “He wants us to do this. I think it’s just a bit too much to watch. Maybe
next time we can be more discreet. Not rub his face in it.”
“Do you want to go to him now?”
“No, I think he needs his space. Let’s finish off this box of bags.”
Sarah counted the full bags. “You’ve already drawn six pints?”
“Yeah, it’s going pretty quick.”
“That is an understatement. At this rate we’ll have twelve pints in less than two hours.”
She started transferring the blood to bottles and marking them with Elisabeth’s name,
then poured some into a glass for Connor. “Be careful you don’t break this one.”
Connor glanced sheepishly at Elisabeth. “This feels kind of weird. I think I’ll take it in
the kitchen.”
“Suit yourself. I don’t have a problem with it.”
Once the bags were all filled Sarah removed the needle from Elisabeth’s arm. The wound
closed immediately. “Wow, werewolves heal even faster than vampires.”
Elisabeth stood behind Jackson, and held her hands on his shoulders. He stopped playing,
turned on the piano bench and pulled her close by her waist. She raked both hands
through his hair. “Let’s go make some noise.” He gazed up at her, smiled through the
anguish his eyes betrayed and stood.
# Music of Souls
Chapter 23
Elisabeth woke before Jackson, and decided to bring him breakfast for a change. She
made omelets and brought the tray up. “Rise and shine.”
“Wow, I really slept. Why are you up so early?”
I need to spend a full day in my studio. I’ve been procrastinating way too much lately.”
Jackson sneered. “I am a bad influence, aren’t I?”
Sarah and Connor sat in the drawing room when Elisabeth was ready to leave. “Will you
be back for dinner?” asked Sarah.
“Has Jackson told you his birthday is next week?”
“No, he most definitely has not.”
Jackson closed his eyes and grimaced. “I don’t do birthdays.”
Sarah groaned, “He’s such a pain. The last time I bought him presents, he refused to open
them. They sat on that table for two weeks, then I finally took them to a homeless
shelter.” She swept a hand through the air. “I have given up.”
“Really? And what is it you have against presents?”
“Everything. Opening them while the giver waits to see your reaction. Having to pretend
it’s just what you wanted, when it never is. The whole concept is ridiculous.”
“Well, I guess that makes it easy for us. Can we celebrate?”
“Sure, you and Sarah can cook me a nice dinner and we’ll break out a bottle of Cristal.”
Sarah piped in, “When is your birthday Elisabeth?”
“In May.”
“Hey, how old are you anyway?”
Jackson’s expression morphed from irritated to amused. “Yes Elisabeth, do tell.”
“Pretty old, I have to be going now.”
Sarah stood. “Oh, no you don’t, missy. Come on, fair is fair. You know how old we are.
Fess up.” Jackson chuckled, thinking he should have put Sarah on this from the start.
Elisabeth let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed her forehead. “Fine. I am three hundred
and twelve years old.”
All three dropped their jaws. Jackson recovered first, grabbing her around the waist.
“Doesn’t that make me Jailbait?”
She held her hands over her eyes. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. You will
# Music of Souls
never let me live it down.”
Jackson attempted a serious demeanor, but broke into laughter, “You’re right Granny,
there is no way I can let this go.”
She smacked him, and pointed a finger. “I’m leaving now and I don’t want to hear
another word out of your mouth.”
The day of Jackson’s birthday, Sarah and Elisabeth grocery shopped together. They had
decided on baked stuffed lobster and Crème Brûlée, two of his favorites. When they
returned home Elisabeth said, “I’m afraid we’re going to have to eat early. I’m meeting
someone at eight o’clock tonight for a final sitting. She is going south for the winter, and
tonight is the only time available.” Jackson felt disappointed. He didn’t care much for
birthdays, yet somehow Elisabeth leaving tonight bothered him. She held his hand. “I
thought you could come to my house afterward. It will only take an hour, so about nine?”
“Sure, that’ll be fine.” He had to fight the urge to pout. What am I, five years old? Christ!
The one-week mark of Conner’s new life coincided with Jackson’s birthday. As Sarah
predicted, he possessed incredible self-control. He hadn’t left the house yet, so seemed a
bit stir crazy, but otherwise was adjusting without problems.
Jackson poured two glasses of blood, using a bottle labeled, ‘Elisabeth’ for Connor. He
hated himself for it, yet still felt jealous. He observed the glass for a minute then dipped
his index finger and touched it to his tongue. He scowled at the immediate burn and taste
of acid. “Crap.”
Since learning that Elisabeth regenerated blood faster than it could be drained, he didn’t
buy the protection theory anymore, and was convinced this was some kind of welldeserved penance.
Jackson handed Connor his blood. “I was thinking we could go out for a drink this
afternoon. Just the guys.”
The newborn gaped at him. “Really?” Then he turned his attention to Sarah.
She seemed concerned, yet said, “I think that’s a great idea.”
Connor jumped up, excited. “Let me just run up and change.”
Jackson fixed his eyes on the ceiling, bracing for the lecture about responsibility that was
sure to come from Sarah. “I want you to help him feed on someone.”
He gaped at her, his face a mask of shock. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. He is always going to wonder what it’s like, and I would rather get it
over with.”
He knit his brow. “And if he decides he wants to feed that way? You know that is a very
# Music of Souls
real possibility.”
“I know. I will just have to find a way to deal with it.”
He regarded Sarah then Elisabeth, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t understand you two,
both encouraging your lovers to cheat on you. Why?”
Sarah pinched his cheek. “Because your happiness is more important to us than our own.”
Jackson explained Sarah’s wishes on the way to the bar.
Connor was clearly rattled. “Are you kidding me? I’m not even sure how to influence
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. You just feed, and I’ll make sure you stop.”
“Jesus, I was thrilled to finally get out of the house, now I wish we could just go back. I
don’t think I’m ready for this.”
“Skippy, when you woke up with fangs you were ready for this. This is your nature, you
just don’t know it yet.”
Jackson chose a bar that wouldn’t be too crowded at this hour. The last thing he needed
was Connor losing it from too much human scent his first time out. They sat and ordered
drinks. They had almost finished their drinks when the pretty bartender leaned over, a
little closer than necessary, displaying her ample cleavage. “I’m going on break. Can I
get you two anything before I leave?”
“Sure, another round.” When she returned with the drinks, Jackson made eye contact.
“You are to go out back and wait for me and my friend; you will not be frightened.”
Connor began to rub his temples as she turned away. “I can’t believe this.”
Jackson slapped his hand on the bar. “Better drink up, it’s show time.”
They made their way to the back of the bar where the bartender stood as if waiting for a
bus. Jackson held her arms and locked his gaze. “My friend is going to drink your blood.
It will not hurt. In fact it will be quite pleasant for you. When he is done, you will go
back to work and forget all about us.” He stepped away and held his hand out. “She’s all
Connor approached; Jackson could see he was swallowing venom and his fangs were
emerging. He stood motionless for a while and when Jackson was about to say, “What
are you waiting for?” Connor turned away, disgusted.
“Get her out of here. I can’t do this.”
Jackson stood dumbstruck; amazed the newborn possessed such control. He regained his
composure, leveled his eyes on the girl and said, “You can go now.” He turned back to
Connor. “That was pretty freaking amazing. How did you do it?”
# Music of Souls
“I thought of Sarah… I couldn’t do that to her. It’s just not right. I’ll be fine with bottled
“Well, I give you a lot of credit. You are a better man than I.”
“What do you mean? You can’t even feed on Elisabeth and you’re still not hunting.”
“Yes, but I have had a hundred and fifty-eight years to sow my wild oats.”
“And if you had met her all those years ago, do you think you would have?”
Jackson stared straight ahead for a moment. “Hmm, that’s a damn good question.”
When they returned home, the women were enjoying glasses of wine. Connor rushed
straight to the blood fridge. Sarah ran to him. “Are you okay?”
She turned to Jackson. “How’d it go?”
“It didn’t.”
“What do you mean?”
“I hand delivered a lovely lass to him, and he turned her down flat.”
“What? Why?”
Jackson pinched her cheek and hummed, “Apparently your happiness is more important
to him than his own.”
Sarah fell into Connor’s arms. “Oh, I love you so!”
Jackson walked Elisabeth to her car after his birthday dinner. He held her around her
waist. “I hate to admit it, but I’m kind of bummed that you’re leaving me on my
She touched his face with the back of her hand. “I know, me too. I’ll make it up to you
“Wow. I like the sound of that.” As she drove off, Jackson wondered again about what
Connor said. What if he had met her years ago? Was he just biding his time waiting for
her to come into his life, or did she come into his life when he was finally ready for her?
Jackson arrived at Elisabeth’s a few minutes after 9:00. There was no strange car, so he
assumed the patron had already left. The door was open, so he entered without ringing
the bell. A chair sat in the middle of the living room with a ‘Happy Birthday’ balloon tied
to it. Elisabeth yelled from the kitchen, “Sit down, shut up and keep your hands to
“What the hell?”
She bellowed, “Do it!!”
# Music of Souls
“Fine.” He held his hands up and obeyed.
Her hand appeared at the kitchen doorway holding a remote control. Music began to play,
and with the first chord, Jackson recognized the accompaniment to Etta James’ “At Last.”
When Elisabeth shimmied through the doorway, he gasped. A rhinestone barrette held
her hair in a messy updo. The full-length, sequined halter gown she wore clung to every
curve and sported slits on both sides clear up to the hip. Six inch high strappy heels
adorned her feet. Crimson painted toes and fingernails matched the gown perfectly.
Slithering across the room, she sang in her most sultry voice. She danced around him,
running her hands over him, at times tickling his ear with a sexy whisper. He tried to grab
her once, but the offending hand was swatted away. She straddled the chair as she belted
out the last note. With a husky breath, she dropped to his lap, dove both hands into his
hair and pulled his head back, planting a hard kiss on his lips.
Jackson inhaled deeply. “Now, here’s a present I can’t wait to unwrap.” Elisabeth
blushed causing him to laugh. “You just gave me a lap dance, and my comment is making
you blush?” He picked her up over his shoulder, and carried her fireman style to the
When Elisabeth woke, Jackson was propped on his elbow watching her. “That was the
best birthday ever.”
“I’m glad you liked it.”
He nuzzled her neck with his nose, “You realize you set the bar pretty high for next
“Well, I have a whole year to figure that one out.” Brushing the hair from his forehead,
she asked, “Will you sit for me today?”
They brought a wing chair from the living room into the studio, and Elisabeth positioned
him sitting back with one ankle on the other knee, his hands resting on the arms of the
“Do I have to stay still and quiet?”
“No, just relax. I may ask you to turn your head from time to time. You can talk and
move though.” She set up the easel and went to work. Jackson thoroughly enjoyed
watching her. The way her brow furrowed when she wasn’t pleased with the canvas, then
the expression of satisfaction when her brushes cooperated. She was in another world,
and he had the privilege of viewing her creative juices first hand. He found yet another
appreciation for her.
Elisabeth’s phone rang. “I better get this.” Jackson could hear both sides of the
# Music of Souls
“Elisabeth, it’s Thomas.”
“Hi, how are you?”
“Fine, where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you for days.”
“I’ve been pretty busy. What’s up?”
“Josh and his group lost those rogues in Canada. We have no idea which direction they
headed. Slippery bastards.”
“Oh no.”
“Was there anything hinky in your local papers after the full moon.”
“No, nothing. I’ll do some digging in the surrounding areas.”
“Good. When are you going to show your face around here?”
“I’m not sure. I might not see you until the Wolf Moon Festival.”
“What? I’m just going to have to make a trip to you then.”
“I’m really busy Thomas. I don’t think I can fit a visit in.”
“Fine. I’ll see you in January then, love you.”
“Love you too.”
Jackson tilted his head and pursed his lips. “Do I get to ask who Thomas is, and why he
loves you?”
“Yes. He’s my brother.”
He rested his head on the back of the chair and let out a long sigh. “You know, I feel like
we know each other so well, then something like this happens.”
Elisabeth stood and approached him. “You know the most important things.”
“Really? And how is having a brother not important?”
She held her head down. “I’m sorry. Thomas doesn’t know about you, so I thought it
would be easier all around if….”
Jackson took her hand and pulled her to his lap. “Tell me about your family.”
She wrapped arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. “My mother’s
name is Miriam. My father is Caleb. There’s Thomas, and I had a sister Emily, but she
He pulled away. “Emily? I had a sister Emily.”
“I see you keep secrets too.”
# Music of Souls
“I think there is a bit of a difference. My relatives have been dead for many years. Yours
are alive and well in…?”
“Oregon. That’s quite a commute. How did Emily die?”
“She was murdered.”
Jackson felt her body tense as her face set in anger. It reminded him of Halloween night
and how she had been nearly unrecognizable. He cupped her face with his hands. “Did
Victor kill your sister?”
Tears collected on her lids. “Yes.”
He held her tightly and stroked her hair. “I am so sorry.” The rage and hatred she showed
that night made perfect sense now. He would not ask her to talk about Emily’s death. He
understood the pain it would bring. They sat in silence.
Once Elisabeth had composed herself, she asked, “What else do you want to know?”
Jackson kissed her forehead. “Does anyone in your family know about me?”
“Just my mother.”
“How did she take it?”
“Not well, though she’s starting to come around. She knows I have never been happier.
She paused, collecting her thoughts. “If I can convince her to accept us, she will know
how to deal with my father. My brother is a wild card. I can’t begin to predict how he
will handle it.”
“So, it sounds like the key to our happiness lies with Miriam Sidwell.” He focused
straight ahead, painful memories bombarding him. “I don’t want you to choose between
me and your family.”
“That is something you have no control over. I have already made my choice. My family
and my pack will have to make theirs.”
Chapter 24
Elisabeth didn’t need Jackson to sit any longer, though she wanted to spend more time
working on his portrait. “Why don’t you go back to Fairhaven and I’ll be by in a few
“You sure you don’t want me to wait?”
“No, you’ll distract me.” Jackson glanced at the canvas. He could see emotion in his
expression that he wasn’t aware showed. Elisabeth asked, “You like it?”
“Very much. What are you going to do with it?”
“This is going in my bedroom.”
# Music of Souls
Jackson kissed the top of her head. “See you soon.”
When he returned home, he called Samantha Russell.
“Hey handsome. What’s shakin’?”
“I’m calling to ask a big favor.”
“Change your mind about snacking on me?”
“No, I’m hoping you can arrange a meeting for me with Elisabeth’s mother.”
“Whoa. Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, I need to convince her to accept me.”
“I take it Liz doesn’t know about this plan of yours?”
“Right, and you need to keep it that way.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this Jax. Elisabeth could get really pissed at both of us.”
“I know. I understand if you don’t want to get involved. Maybe you could just give me
her cell number.”
Sam went quiet for a moment. “You know what? The Ice Queen will get over it. I think
your best chance of winning Miriam over is if I talk to her. She loves me. Call me in a
few days.”
“You’re the best, thanks.”
Sam succeeded in convincing Miriam to meet with Jackson. She had been planning to
pay Elisabeth a surprise visit before the November full moon anyway. She insisted on
meeting at a public place, so Jackson suggested a bar near Elisabeth’s house. He arrived a
half hour early and could barely contain his anxiety. When Miriam entered, he
recognized her immediately. She was shorter, yet had the same hair and moved with the
same self-assured serenity as her daughter.
Jackson stood and waved. They shook hands and introduced themselves. As they sat
down Jackson said, “I see where Elisabeth gets her beauty.”
Miriam folded her hands. “Mr. Parrish, you may have won over my daughter and
Samantha with your good looks and schmaltzy charm, but let me assure you, I am not in
the least impressed by your God’s-gift-to-women bullshit.”
Jackson leveled his gaze on her pointedly. “Well, I also see where Elisabeth gets her
scathing wit.” She barely suppressed a smile. He found it both amusing and a bit
disconcerting that both Sidwell women’s initial reaction was to castrate him. The waiter
took their order and Miriam leaned back in her chair.
# Music of Souls
“Why don’t you tell me why you wanted to meet.”
Jackson exhaled. “I don’t want Elisabeth to have to choose between her family and me. I
need your help to make sure she doesn’t have to.”
“Surely you know you will win if it comes to that.”
He shook his head. “If it comes to that no one will win, least of all Elisabeth. I know what
it means to turn your back on your family. I don’t want her to have to live with that
decision. It will devastate her.”
“Then maybe you should do the right thing and leave her.”
“How is that the right thing? Perhaps for you, but do you honestly think it is for
Elisabeth?” When no response was forthcoming, he continued, “If she were to leave me,
it would cause every bit as much pain as leaving my family did. I believe she would feel
the same.”
Miriam appraised him for a moment. “Samantha thinks you two are destined for
“I don’t know about that. There sure are some unexplainable facets to our relationship,
however. Did Elisabeth tell you we spent the last full moon together?”
“What? That’s impossible!”
Jackson shrugged and turned his palms up. “Like I said, unexplainable.”
Miriam leaned in with a furrowed brow, whispering, “You’ve seen her in wolf form?”
Jackson realized that she couldn’t know what Elisabeth looked like as a wolf. Even if
they were together at the full moon, neither would remember. His face softened and his
lips turned up in a half smile. “She is so beautiful; regal, with a brilliant bronze coat. Her
eyes are exactly the same, and so is the rhythm of her heart. It’s surreal.”
The tenderness on Jackson’s face, confirmed his love for her daughter. The emotion in
Miriam’s eyes intensified. “How?”
“Steel bars separated us initially, until it was clear she had no desire to harm me.”
She glanced down, taking a moment to compose herself, and then placed her hand over
Jackson’s. “You will have my support.”
“Thank you. You won’t regret it.”
“I hope not.”
Jackson removed a velvet box from his pocket. “Are you aware of what happened when
Samantha mixed our blood?”
The box held a beautiful diamond ring encircled with deep, ruby baguettes. “This is our
diamond. With your blessing, I plan to ask Elisabeth to marry me.”
# Music of Souls
Miriam could no longer hold her tears. “Take good care of my little girl.”
Jackson stood and hugged her. “Always.”
He suggested, “Why don’t I drive you to Elisabeth’s.”
“I’m exhausted. I would like to go back to the hotel and nap for a bit. You go put that
ring on her finger, and I will come by her house in a few hours.”
Jackson had planned to propose to Elisabeth in Coronet Park after the first snowstorm,
but if Miriam wanted to take part he would not deny her. “All right, I’ll see you later
When he arrived, Elisabeth was just about ready to leave for Fairhaven. She kissed him.
“I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I was in the neighborhood, so...” They sat on the sofa.
“What were you doing?”
“Having a drink with your mother.”
Elisabeth gasped and stood. “What? Mother is here?”
“Yes. She’ll be by in a few hours.”
She glared at him intently. “What did you do?”
He dropped down to one knee, removed the jewelry box from his jacket and opened it. “I
secured her permission to ask for your hand.” Elisabeth’s eyes flitted from Jackson to the
ring then back again. “The jeweler said it is the most perfect diamond he has ever seen.”
She brought both hands to her face, realizing the diamond was theirs and then fell into his
arms. “I love you so much.”
“Can I take that as a yes?”
She kissed his face all over. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
He placed the ring on her finger and they sat holding each other admiring it. “How did
you persuade mother to agree to this.”
“I guess the Sidwell women can’t resist the Parrish charm.”
She frowned at him. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
“There is really nothing to tell. I think your mother already knew the only way you could
truly be happy is if she accepted us. I just helped her to say it out loud.”
Elisabeth met Miriam at the door and threw her arms around her. “Oh, Mother, thank you
so much. You’ve made me so happy.”
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“Congratulations, sweetheart.”
“This is the diamond our blood made. Isn’t it the most romantic thing you have ever
“Yes, I know. It’s beautiful.” Jackson poured champagne and they toasted their
Elisabeth asked, “How do you think father will take the news?”
“Oh, he’ll have a fit or two and try to hand down an edict.” She rolled her eyes. “You
know, when push comes to shove, he cannot deny you anything. We’ll just have to let
him blow off some steam, and then he’ll come around.”
“And how about Thomas?”
“Ha. He’s the last one to sit in judgment after all the crazy things he’s pulled through the
years. What you should be worrying about is the pack. They will be the hard sell.”
“I know, but having the family’s support is more important to me. I’m prepared to leave
the pack if that’s what they decide.” Miriam’s expression showed deep concern, though
she didn’t speak.
Elisabeth suggested they go out to dinner.
Jackson asked, “How long are you here, Mrs. Sidwell?”
“Please, call me Miriam, and I leave the day after tomorrow.”
“Why don’t I leave you two alone so you can catch up? Perhaps you’d like to come to
Fairhaven tomorrow for dinner?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Please, Mother? You have to meet Sarah and Connor.”
Miriam pursed her lips then threw her hands up. “I guess if you can hang around a home
full of vampires, I can.”
Jackson laughed, “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Elisabeth walked him to his car as Miriam watched from the window. They seemed so
easy with each other and she had never seen Elisabeth this happy. Joy seemed to emanate
from her. They had a tough road ahead, yet after talking with Jackson and seeing them
together, she felt hopeful they would overcome the many obstacles they would encounter.
Jackson brushed the back of his hand down Elisabeth’s cheek. “This isn’t exactly how I
planned my proposal, but I think your mother is pleased.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist. “What was your original plan?”
“Coronet Park, after the first Snow.”
“Oh, Jackson, that’s perfect!”
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“You’re perfect. You better get back to your mum.”
She held him tighter. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“As much as it pains me, you should give your mother this time, we have forever.”
Sarah and Connor were discussing whether or not to cancel Thanksgiving with his family
when Jackson returned. Sarah met him at the door. “I’m glad you’re home. We need your
opinion. Do you think Connor’s ready to be around his family?”
“Well, we don’t have to worry about him losing it and feeding on mom.”
Connor grimaced. “That’s not it. I’m afraid they will know something is different about
me and ask a lot of questions. I look so much… um… better.” Connor now belonged in
the same league physically as the other three. “I plan to tell them someday, but I’m not
ready yet.”
“Just tell them the love of a good women has made you a better man all around.”
Sarah kissed Jackson. “You’re so smart.” She turned to Connor. “You are going to have
to see them sometime. I say we get it over with.”
Jackson added, “Worst case scenario is you end up having to influence them.”
“I hadn’t thought of that. Kind of an insurance policy. All right, let’s do it.”
Sarah beamed. “I better start planning my menu, only four days left.”
Jackson touched her arm. “Before you start that, I have invited a dinner guest tomorrow.”
“Really? Who?”
He backed up slightly, bracing for her reaction. “Elisabeth’s mother.”
Her scream caused both men to cover their ears.
“Sarah, I beg of you, please rein in your enthusiasm and keep this dinner simple.”
Connor chortled, “Good luck with that.”
She fisted her hands on her hips. “What? Shall we have hamburgers and hot dogs on the
“No, but maybe you could skip the florist and tone down the table settings.”
“Fine! We’ll go with casual elegance. Although I can’t, for the life of me, understand
why you wouldn’t want to impress her.”
“Thank you.” He headed for the stairs and when he reached the landing stopped, “By the
way, tomorrow’s casual dinner will serve as an engagement party of sorts.”
Sarah tilted her head for a second, gasped, and then used vampire speed to reach him. She
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grabbed his shoulders. “You didn’t!”
“I did.”
She screamed even louder and threw her arms around his neck. Jackson put his index
finger to his ear. “Jesus, it’s a wonder any of us has hearing left.”
Connor had made his way up to them. “Congratulations man.”
The three stood in an embrace, Sarah crying. “We are becoming a real family.”
Chapter 25
Elisabeth and Miriam drove separate cars to Fairhaven. Miriam wanted to return to the
hotel fairly early since she had an early flight. Jackson met them on the walk.
“What a lovely home.”
“Thank you, and welcome. Did you ladies have a nice visit?”
Elisabeth kissed him. “Wonderful. It’s been too long.”
Jackson noted the two cars and held Elisabeth back a bit, whispering, “Does this mean I
won’t have to spend another interminable night in an empty bed?” She smiled and
nodded with a slight blush.
Sarah met them at the door and introduced herself, then turned to Elisabeth and grabbed
her hand, “Ahhhh! It’s gorgeous! Just look at the brilliance!” Jackson wondered if
Elisabeth had made her mother aware that Sarah didn’t know about the diamond. He
caught her attention hoping she would see his concern. She nodded, assuring him. Sarah
introduced Connor then turned her attention back to the ring. “Jackson, which jeweler did
you use? This stone must be near flawless.”
“I went to the diamond district in New York.” It was only a white lie since a jeweler there
had set the stone. He made drinks and they all sat. Sarah wasted no time beginning her
third degree. She asked Elisabeth if she had a date and venue in mind yet. Jackson
interrupted, “We have only been engaged one day. I promise, you will be consulted on
every decision, but we haven’t discussed a single detail yet.”
“Oh, all right.” She turned back to Elisabeth. “Can I go gown shopping with you?”
“Of course. I hope you’ll play both Wedding Planner and Matron of honor.”
Sarah screeched and hugged her. “We are going to have so much fun!”
Miriam smiled, yet displayed a faraway look that seemed odd to Jackson. She was
thinking how much like Emily Sarah seemed. Elisabeth’s little sister would have reacted
exactly the same way to her sister’s engagement. Elisabeth was stoic, always holding her
feelings close; and Emily was the effervescent, impulsive optimist.
Jackson noticed Elisabeth seemed lighter and more at ease than he had ever seen her. He
didn’t realize until now just how heavy her family’s decision had weighed on her. She
was talking with her mother and Sarah, but must have felt his gaze because she peered at
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him quizzically. He winked in answer.
They went in for dinner to find that Sarah had kept to her promise. Everything was
perfect, yet understated. She had prepared tenderloin tips gorgonzola over pasta. Jackson
stood and raised his glass. “Miriam, thank you for joining us this evening. More
importantly, thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself worthy of you
daughter.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “Elisabeth, I used to believe living
an eternity would be more than I could endure. Now, I feel it is not nearly enough time to
spend with you. Let us toast to putting aside prejudice and following our hearts. Cheers.”
After dinner Elisabeth asked Jackson to show her mother the rest of the house.”
“Certainly, let me get after dinner drinks and the tour will begin.”
Miriam seemed as impressed by the artwork and decor as Elisabeth had been. Jackson
asked, “Are you an artist?”
“No, Elisabeth gets that from her father.” When they entered Jackson’s bedroom, she
noticed the landscape and smiled. “I wondered where that went. I couldn’t imagine her
selling it.” Jackson then led her to the music room. “Oh my goodness. This is wonderful.
Elisabeth tells me you are quite an accomplished musician.”
“Do you play?”
“Yes, I do.”
He held his hand out inviting her to sit at the piano. “So, Elisabeth gets her musical talent
from you.”
“Maybe next time we’ll both play. Jackson, there is something I want to discuss with you.
Something Elisabeth wouldn’t want me to share, but I believe you need to know.” He
shut the door to avoid being overheard. Miriam said, “I’m sure you are aware that
Elisabeth has special gifts.”
“You mean her strength, and her ability to regenerate blood so fast?”
“Don’t all of the ruling pack have those abilities?”
“No, the only thing we all possess is scent.” Some of us have superior strength, but
Elisabeth and her father are the only two who can regenerate blood immediately. You
must understand how important that is?”
“Of course.”
“Elisabeth has been under pressure from the pack long before meeting you. She is
expected to carry on our bloodline. They will not accept her marrying someone who
cannot procreate.”
Jackson always knew having children was impossible for him, so rarely thought about it.
He smiled, thinking what a wonderful mother Elisabeth would be, yet he could never give
# Music of Souls
that to her. Sadness threatened to overwhelm him. If she wanted a child, how could he
deny her? After an uncomfortable moment, Jackson asked, “If Elisabeth was to have a
child with someone the pack chose, would they allow us to raise it?”
Miriam gasped in disbelief. “Are you saying you would raise another man’s child?”
“I would raise Elisabeth’s child. I would insist the father be nothing but a sperm donor.”
“My daughter is a lucky woman.”
“Do you think that would satisfy the pack?”
“It might.”
They rejoined the group as Sarah passed out dessert and coffee. “Just in time.”
Jackson sat and draped his arm around Elisabeth. She searched his eyes for a reason
behind the distress they revealed. He brushed the hair off her face and turned his attention
to his dessert.
Miriam left at ten. As she thanked Jackson and Sarah she said, “I never dreamed I would
enjoy myself so much in a room full of vampires. Tonight has been an education for me.
One I will relate to my pack.”
The vampires sat with their blood and Elisabeth poured another glass of port. Sarah said,
“Your mother is lovely Elisabeth. You must be thrilled she’s come around to your side.”
“Yes, it means a lot to me.”
Jackson finished his blood. “Let’s go up. Goodnight.”
When they entered his room, Elisabeth held Jackson’s arms. “What did mother say to
upset you?”
“She told me you are expected to have children.”
Elisabeth closed her eyes in dismay. “That is nothing you need to be concerned about.”
“How can you say that? I don’t want to deny you motherhood.”
She put her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him in to touch noses. “If I
can’t have children with you, I don’t want them. I’m not even sure I would want a child
even then.”
“The pack is all about my gift, and trying to duplicate it. That is not a good enough
reason for me to bring a child into the world.”
“Your mother thinks the pack would accept us if you agreed to have a child, and we
could raise it.”
Elisabeth gasped. “My mother asked you to agree to me having another man’s child?
“No, it wasn’t like that at all. It was my idea.”
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Her face softened immediately, and she held her cheek to his. “You are so wonderful. I
love that you would do that for me, but this is not something we need to deal with, at
least not now. Can we please enjoy our engagement for a while without any
“You promise to tell me if your maternal instinct kicks in?”
“I promise”
He brushed his lips across her ear. “Let’s consummate our engagement.”
Chapter 26
The day before Thanksgiving, Sarah assigned everyone their duties. Connor mostly
paced, nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He entered the dining room
where Jackson stood polishing silver and Elisabeth made up floral arrangements. “What
if I need blood in the middle of dinner?”
Jackson grinned, “With a little advanced planning, I think you will avoid that scenario.”
“I just know my mother is going to notice how different I look.”
“Even if she does, she is not going to think it’s because you’re a vampire. If anything, she
might think you had plastic surgery to be on the same playing field as Sarah.” He grinned
at the perplexity across Connor’s face. “You better calm down, or else your appearance is
going to be the least of your worries. She may well think you’ve gone mad.”
“Shit, you’re right. I am so screwed.” He trudged back into the kitchen.
Elisabeth chuckled, “You think he’s going to make it?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing, this is going to be fun to watch.”
Upon hearing a truck pull up, Elisabeth jumped. “It’s here. I’ll run up and get the box.”
Sarah entered the dining room. “A truck just pulled up. What could that be?”
“You need to go back to the kitchen with Skippy until I come and get you.”
“Because if you don’t, you will ruin your wedding present.”
“Oh, how exciting!” She hurried back yelling, “Connor, we have a wedding gift!”
Jackson and Elisabeth led the newlyweds outside as Jackson explained, “This is a little
late. We were a bit preoccupied with turning Skippy and all.”
A red McLaren Spyder with a huge white bow on top sat in front of the house. “Oh my
God!” Exclaimed Sarah. “Connor look!”
Connor stood astonished. Jackson handed him the keys. “Like it?”
“Like it? This is my dream car!” He rushed to the driver’s side and slid in. “I can’t
believe this.” Sarah opened the passenger door, and found a beautifully wrapped shoebox
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on the seat.
Elisabeth said, “The car is more for Connor, so we decided to get you a little something
of your own.
“Yeah!” She opened the box, and gasped, “These are gorgeous!”
“They’re by an up-and-coming designer from Milan. They’re one of a kind.”
Sarah threw her arms around her. “I love them!”
Connor had come back around and hugged them both. “Thank you, this is incredible!”
“Take her out for a spin.”
The newlyweds climbed into the car, and sped off. Jackson snaked his arm around
Elisabeth. “I think the kids are pleased.”
Connor’s parents and sister arrived at 11:30 a.m., and planned to spend the night. Sarah
greeted them and made introductions. Connor’s 22 year old sister Deborah immediately
displayed her attraction to Jackson. She never even glanced at Elisabeth as she shook her
hand. It didn’t take Connor’s mother long to tell him he seemed different.
Sarah gushed, “We went to the most amazing Spa. I feel like we are positively glowing.”
That seemed to appease her and calmed Connor somewhat. “Why don’t we grab your
bags and I’ll show you to your rooms while Connor and Jackson make drinks.”
As the family climbed the stairs with Sarah, Jackson said, “I can take care of this, perhaps
you should see to a drink of a different kind for yourself.”
“Oh, right.” Connor stumbled off to the pantry.
Dinner passed with a good share of awkwardness. Jackson kept filling Connor’s wine
glass, yet he still appeared shaken. Mrs. Poe registered a few quizzical glances, but didn’t
ask any more questions. Deborah spent most of dinner staring blatantly at Jackson, vying
for his attention whenever possible. He had grown accustomed to women acting this way,
yet today, in this atmosphere, it made him uncomfortable. Elisabeth seemed amused by
the whole scene.
Connor had decided not to tell his parents about their marriage. It was just too much for
him to deal with all at once. He would tell them on the phone in a few weeks. Sarah had
pouted for a bit about not being able to wear her rings, but recovered quickly.
After dinner, Jackson and Elisabeth insisted they clear and make coffee while Connor and
Sarah visited with his family.
In the kitchen Elisabeth teased, “Seems you have an admirer out there.”
Jackson grumbled, “More like a stalker.”
“Want me to rough her up for you?”
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“Would you please?”
She pinched his cheek, “It must be such a burden to be so gorgeous.”
“You know better than I.”
Jackson and Elisabeth left the party for a walk to Coronet Park. Jackson squeezed her
hand and broached the subject they had been avoiding. “The full moon is in six days.”
“I’m aware.”
“Can we talk about it?”
“There is nothing to talk about.” She wouldn’t face him.
“Come on, Legs. That’s not fair. Can’t we at least discuss it?”
She finally turned to him, and by the set of her jaw he knew he was fighting a losing
battle. “What isn’t fair, is you expecting me to risk your life because you think it is fun to
hang out with a werewolf.”
He sighed and closed his eyes. “It’s more than that. I feel a different connection with you
as a wolf. There’s something pure and special about it. Being together just felt right and
I’m sure you felt it, too… the thought of being away from you pains me.”
“I am not willing to risk the consequences if you’re wrong. Just because things went well
last month doesn’t guarantee they will this month.”
He shook his head slowly. “Where will you go?”
“Away. I’ll return as soon as possible.” She hugged him. “Leaving you hurts me, too.”
Jackson went downstairs for some blood at 2:00 a.m. The sadness of never seeing
Elisabeth as a wolf again hung over him. Her reasoning made sense, and he knew he
needed to accept her decision, but had yet to find a way.
He heard someone on the stairs and turned to find Connor’s sister descending. She wore a
nightgown that was a bit too sheer not to be covered by a robe. Crap! He thought. This I
do not need. He quickly finished his blood, went to the bar, and poured scotch in the glass
to hide the remnants.
Deborah cooed, “Pour me one too, please.”
He obliged and handed it to her. “I was just on my way back up. Goodnight.”
“Oh, please sit with me. I hate to drink alone.”
Jackson reluctantly perched himself on the edge of the sofa. “Cheers.” He quickly
regretted sitting there rather than a chair.
She sat next to him, a little too close. “Where’s your girlfriend?”
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“Sleeping, and she is my fiancée.”
“I guess we’re just a couple of insomniacs, huh?”
Jackson didn’t respond until she put her fingers in his hair. He grabbed her wrist, about to
give her a lecture on appropriate behavior, but instead said, “Screw it” and locked eyes
with her. “You do not find me the least bit attractive. I remind you of your father. From
this moment on, you will not put out until the fourth date. You are very tired and want to
go to bed.” He turned away and said, “Goodnight, Deborah.”
“Night, Jackson. Thanks for the drink.” When she reached the top of the stairs she said
goodnight again.
Sarah stood next to her. “Goodnight, Deborah.”
She joined Jackson and sat with her head on his shoulder. “I’m proud of you. You have
truly become the noble man I always knew you were.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Does Skippy know his sister’s a slut?”
“Yes, and he is going to be thrilled she won’t be anymore.”
Sarah prepared an elaborate breakfast in the morning. They all chatted comfortably, and
Mrs. Poe seemed to have let go of her suspicions about Connor. Deborah acted the
perfect lady, never once leering at Jackson. Elisabeth noticed the abrupt change and
suspected Jackson had something to do with it. While helping Sarah prepare mimosas in
the kitchen, she said, “I’m afraid Jackson may have messed with Deborah’s head.”
Sarah related whole story, ending with, “Never thought I’d see the day that man would
have a moral compass, let alone be one.” The two were still laughing when they returned
to the dining room, and somehow Jackson knew he was the reason. He squinted
accusingly at Elisabeth. She blew him a kiss and glided back to the kitchen with her tray.
The Poes left at around noon and Connor immediately collapsed on the sofa. “I am so
glad that is over.”
The other three laughed and Jackson offered, “Don’t forget Christmas is coming.”
Connor groaned, “At least my mother finally stopped looking at me like I had two
Chapter 27
The following day, Sarah and Elisabeth went to work on the studio with a vengeance.
Sarah was determined to finish it before Elisabeth left for the full moon. “You’ll have
something special to come back to.”
The room was smaller than her studio at home, yet Elisabeth felt it was more inspiring,
with the coffered ceiling and wainscoting. The men brought all the supplies up from the
basement. They finished one day before the full moon, and all stood admiring their
# Music of Souls
accomplishment as Elisabeth said, “I’m going to do some great work here. I can feel it.”
Sarah jumped up and down, clapping. “I can’t wait!”
That evening, Jackson and Elisabeth stayed up late as they had for the previous full
moon, neither wanting to waste precious time together sleeping. Jackson almost pressed
her to stay again, but did not wish their night to be ruined by an argument. After
Elisabeth fell asleep, he watched her for a long while before nodding off.
When he woke, he was alone. As he rose to find Elisabeth, he noticed her engagement
ring on the nightstand with a note under it. Keep this safe for me until I return. I love you,
E. While placing the ring on the top of his index finger, a wave of profound sadness
washed over him.
Sarah made an early dinner, and the three vampires prepared for the full moon. The mood
was heavy. Jackson wore his unease like a veil.
Connor suggested a chess match. When they were about half way through the game he
asked, “Do you think she will ever agree to stay for the full moon again?”
“No. She can’t understand how sure I was she wouldn’t hurt me. She thinks she is some
kind of vicious animal. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
“Hmm. Too bad you didn’t videotape her, so she could see for herself.”
“Hindsight’s 20/20, Skippy.”
Sleep escaped Jackson. He had become so accustomed to Elisabeth’s warmth, the bed
only served to spotlight the cold vacancy. He spent some time in the music room, but was
unable to concentrate, so ended up downstairs at 2:30 a.m., wondering where she could
be and whether or not she felt lonely. This night could not end soon enough; everything
about it unsettled him. Handling this month after month seemed an insurmountable task.
He almost nodded off, but a noise outside alerted him. It was coming from the door, and
sounded like scratching. He peeked through the sidelight then gasped in disbelief.
Elisabeth, in wolf form, stood scratching at the door, whimpering. Jackson opened the
door; the wolf lumbered in and collapsed at his feet. She was panting heavily and her
heart beat erratically. He sat on the floor with her, but could discern neither what was
wrong, nor how to help.
He called for Sarah, who quickly appeared at the top of the stairs with Connor. Upon
seeing the wolf, they both stopped abruptly. Jackson pleaded, “It’s Elisabeth. Something
is wrong. Help.” Sarah turned to Connor with fear-filled eyes. He took her hand and they
started down the stairs together, approaching the wolf with reticence. Jackson was patting
her, her heart rate had become more regular and the panting subsided.
Sarah and Connor stood above, gawking at her with a mix of terror and awe. “She’s so
# Music of Souls
As Connor headed back to the stairs, Sarah questioned where he was going.
“To get the video camera.”
Jackson ran both his hands through her fur, checking for injury. “I think she might just be
Sarah crouched to the floor and timidly put her hand into Elisabeth’s fur. “Oh, my God.
This is incredible.”
Connor returned and began videotaping the scene.
“Maybe we should get her some water.” Sarah hurried to kitchen and returned with a
bowl. She put it in front of Elisabeth, and with some effort, the wolf rose to drink from it.
“She seems to be hurting. I wonder how far she came.”
After she finished drinking, she approached Jackson, licked his face, and put her head in
his lap. He patted her with both hands. “Are you feeling a little better now?” She nuzzled
her nose into his hand. He smiled at Sarah who was staring, slack jawed. “Isn’t she
amazing?” Sarah nodded, speechless. After a while Jackson said, “I think I’ll get her
something to eat.”
Sarah stood. “You stay with her, I’ll get something.”
She returned with two raw steaks on a metal platter.”
“Raw? That’s kind of gross, isn’t it?”
His grimace produced a chuckle from Sarah. “Says the man who drinks human blood.
She’s a wolf. I bet she prefers them raw.” She placed the platter in front of Elisabeth,
whose nose already sniffed the air. She devoured the steaks.
“Hmm, I guess you’re right,” mused Jackson.
The wolf licked her muzzle then approached Sarah and sat in front of her staring. The
vampire stood frozen, fear returning to her eyes. Jackson grinned. “I think she is trying to
tell you she won’t hurt you.”
Sarah slowly bent and pet her. “Hi, Elisabeth, remember me?”
The wolf then walked to Connor and repeated her actions. Connor still held the camera,
recording the action. “She has to believe you when she sees this, Jackson.”
They all moved to the drawing room. Elisabeth struggled to climb onto the sofa. Once
there, she dropped her head to Jackson’s lap and quickly fell asleep.
The three vampires sat quietly, occasionally shaking their heads in disbelief. When dawn
neared, Jackson said, “I think I’ll take her upstairs. I’m going to have some explaining to
He carried the sleeping wolf upstairs, placed her on the bed, and then pulled a chair up to
# Music of Souls
He watched in amazement as she morphed. The transformation was quick and smooth,
not at all violent. Once back in human form, she stretched, then groaned. She did not
wake, but obviously still hurt from whatever transpired the previous night. He held her
hand, noting that she felt warmer than usual. When she opened her eyes she smiled, then
took in her surroundings and tried to sit up. “Ow! Why do I hurt?”
“That is a very good question.”
She glared at him. “How did you find me?”
He put his hands up and leaned backed. “I didn’t find you. You found me.”
“What?” she stared at him incredulously, and tried to sit up again. “Shit! Why am I so
sore? Jackson, what happened?”
He sat on the bed, holding her hand to his cheek. “You showed up at the door at around
three-thirty this morning exhausted and hurting.”
Elisabeth stared straight ahead with wide eyes for a long while. She finally turned to him
and whispered, “I was nearly two hundred and fifty miles away.”
“Well… guess that explains why you’re sore. Jesus, how fast can you run?”
“I don’t know. What happened when I got here?”
“First you collapsed. Then you had some water, a few steaks, then held court with Sarah
and Connor.”
She brought her hands to her forehead. “This is all so inscrutable. I don’t know what to
make of it. My head is reeling.”
Jackson embraced her and stroked her hair as she began to weep. “I think you need some
rest to recover from last night. I suggest we concentrate on you feeling better before
trying to figure this out.”
She sniffed, “You’re right. I’m so tired I can’t even think straight. I must have a fever.
I’m burning up.”
Jackson quickly disrobed. “Full size ice pack coming right up.” He climbed into the bed
and spooned with her. “How’s that?”
“Mmm, better.” She pulled his arm tighter around her and held his cool hand to her neck.
“Will you stay with me?”
He nuzzled into her hair. “Always.”
Jackson thought she had fallen asleep when she said, “Thank you for not saying I told
you so.”
“I’m much too happy to gloat.”
He held her the whole time she slept. She didn’t move for four hours, yet her body slowly
returned to its normal temperature. When she finally woke, she stretched then turned to
# Music of Souls
him. He brushed the hair off her face. “Feeling better?”
“Want me to get you something to eat?”
“No, I’ll get up and go down with you. As they were leaving the room, Jackson stopped
at his dresser and retrieved the ring from the top drawer. He held her hand and returned it
to its proper place. Elisabeth hugged his waist. “Thank you.”
When they entered the kitchen, Sarah ran to Elisabeth and drew her into a bear hug. “You
are the most beautiful wolf! What a night we had. Are you okay?”
“Yes, thank you. I’m fine. I guess everybody knows what happened last night, but me.”
“Not for long.” The video camera sat on the counter, and as Sarah made up a plate for
Elisabeth, Jackson grabbed it. “Skippy recorded you.”
She stood up in shock. “Oh my God!”
Jackson turned the camera on and stood beside her. She put her shaking hand over it. “I
don’t think I’m ready for this. Can we wait a bit?”
“Sure, whenever you’re ready.”
Connor led Sarah out of the kitchen. “Let’s give them a minute.”
Elisabeth focused on her plate as she ate. Jackson touched her shoulder. “Are you all
“I’m really afraid to see that.”
“Because then it will all be real.”
He held her face in his hands, searching her eyes. “Maybe the reality is a lot better than
what you imagine.”
“What if it’s worse?”
“You are free to do whatever you want with that video, but I swear to you, there is
nothing on it you should be afraid of.”
After a prolonged moment, she inhaled deeply. “Let’s do it then.”
Jackson turned the camera on, placed it in front of her and stood behind her with his
hands on her shoulders, feeling tension in them. They watched in silence, and when it
was over, she turned to him whispering, “I’m not a monster.”
He wiped her tears with his thumbs and kissed her forehead. “Not in the least.”
“All these years I thought I was a vicious killer.”
Jackson couldn’t help but bring his lips to her ear. “I told you so.” She slapped his chest
and laughed through her tears.
# Music of Souls
They joined Sarah and Connor in the drawing room and related how far Elisabeth had
run. Sarah gasped, “Wow, I guess that will be the last time you try to stay away, huh?”
Jackson wore a wide grin as Elisabeth said, “I don’t know what I will do about the Wolf
Moon Festival. I need to be there.”
“Maybe you should take me with you?”
She glared at him. “You are insane!”
“I’m not saying right into the Festival. What if I was close by, so you could get to me
“The problem with that is, if I can get to you easily, so can all the other wolves.” She held
her hand to her chin. “Perhaps I could go for the festivities then come back here before
the full moon. I’ll talk to my mother and see if she has any ideas. We have another month
to figure it out.”
Sarah moved to sit next to Elisabeth. “Can we talk wedding plans now?”
“Sure, that will be a pleasant distraction.”
Jackson rolled his eyes as Sarah grabbed a pad of paper and donned her director’s face.
“Okay, first things first. We need a date.”
“I’ve been giving that some thought. Fall would be lovely–October. Maybe have the
ceremony at Mount Greylock, and the reception here. What do you think Jackson?”
He smiled warmly. “I think that is perfect.”
Sarah scrunched up her face as if she smelled something rancid. “Really? You want to get
married outside? On a mountain?” The other three all raised their eyebrows at her. She
quickly said, “Right, not my wedding, whatever you guys want.”
All four laughed and Connor quipped, “You need to make that your mantra darling.”
Once they had settled on October 12th for the wedding, and decided to use the same
caterer they used for the Halloween gala, Elisabeth suggested they give it a rest until after
Connor had decided to tell his parents they were going away for the holiday and
Elisabeth didn’t want to deal with any family issues on her first Christmas with Jackson.
It would just be the four of them, and they all seemed pleased by that. Jackson worried
Elisabeth would miss her family, but she assured him that Christmas was not nearly as
important as The Wolf Moon.
Chapter 28
Life at Fairhaven settled into a comfortable routine. Fall gave way to winter, turning the
air cold and arid. Jackson and Elisabeth spent many evenings outdoors lying on the frigid
ground, stargazing, pointing out the constellations, and anticipating the occasional falling
star. Elisabeth would close her eyes to make a wish. Jackson always pulled her closer and
# Music of Souls
crooned, “I already have all I could ever wish for, and more than I deserve, right here.”
Connor had sold his condo, but Elisabeth still owned her home. She preferred her studio
at Fairhaven, and did most of her artwork there; it simply could not fit all her work.
Jackson had decided to build a gallery on the grounds, and although she protested, he
knew she would be thrilled with it.
The two shared their music with each other often. He played all his most personal
compositions, and continued to create new works inspired by her. When singing,
Elisabeth chose music that expressed her feelings for Jackson. His favorites were “In His
Eyes” from Jekyll and Hyde and “Chase the Clouds Away” by Chuck Mangione. He
asked her to sing them often. They would entertain Connor and Sarah occasionally, yet,
when doing so, always chose less personal music. Neither wished to share their special
songs with anyone else.
One night after dinner Sarah asked them to perform. Upon entering the music room, she
grabbed her throw pillow, sat in her usual chair and cooed, “Pleeeeze do that one about
the clouds, the one you always lock the door for?”
Jackson squinted at her. “You know that isn’t going to happen.”
She folded her arms in protest. “It isn’t fair. You guys come up here and play all these
beautiful songs. We can barely hear them. Then when we’re here, you play stuff that
doesn’t mean anything to anyone, right Connor?”
He held his hands up. “Leave me out of this. I don’t care what they play.” He enjoyed
listening, though music did not feed his soul as it did the other three.
Sarah slumped deeper into her chair with her arms still folded. “It’s not fair!”
Jackson rose from the piano and whispered to Elisabeth, “I’m going to take care of this
once and for all.”
She touched his arm and cautioned him with her eyes. He squatted down in front of Sarah
with his hands on either side of her. “Some songs are very personal for us and we choose
not to share them with anyone. You need to respect that, because the next time you throw
one of your petulant hissy fits, I swear to God, I will install so much sound proofing in
this room, you will never hear another note.” Sarah sat up taller in her chair and tried to
kick him. Jackson deflected her foot inches away from its mark. “Whoa, that’s not very
Connor stood, shocked and embarrassed. “Sarah! I can’t believe you did that!” She
pushed herself back and stuck her tongue out at Jackson.
He chuckled as he sauntered back to the piano. “So, what’s it gonna be, The Carpenters
or Taylor Swift?”
Elisabeth held her head in her hands, slowly shaking it. She looked up and said, “Sarah, I
think I can find something that will satisfy you.” She opened the antique music cabinet
Jackson had purchased for her, and brought a piece to him. It was “Angel” by Sarah
# Music of Souls
The simplicity of vocal sheet music encouraged Jackson to improvise a great deal. He
was so tuned in to Elisabeth’s voice, that just by scanning a piece of music, he knew
where to change the composition to compliment her, and where to back off to let her
shine. She sang directly to Sarah and the tears started to flow quickly.
At the end of the song, Sarah jumped up and hugged her. “Can that be my special song?”
“Of course it can, we will play it whenever you like.” She glanced over Sarah’s shoulder
at Jackson who gave her an appreciative wink.
After breaking Sarah’s embrace, she asked, “You love music so much, why don’t you
sing or play an instrument?”
Jackson groaned, “Because she has the attention span of a gnat.” He had tried to teach her
to play the piano many times through the years, but she always became bored within a
week or so of practice and gave up. The last time she asked, he tossed a theory book at
her. “Get through that and we’ll talk.”
Elisabeth was setting up to work in her studio as Jackson stood in the doorway, arms
crossed, watching her. She had her iPod on, singing “All I Want To Do” by Sugarland.
Her hips swayed in rhythm as she positioned her easel and paints. She was oblivious to
him observing her with unmitigated admiration.
She jumped upon noticing him and removed the headphones. “How long have you been
standing there?”
His mask of veneration slowly turned into a licentious grin. “Long enough to be
thoroughly turned on.” He moved in and pulled her close. “I’m thinking Daisy Duke
outfit, and that song for my Christmas lap dance.”
She smirked up at him. “You are insatiable.”
“If memory serves, you were the insatiable one this morning.” She blushed and lowered
her lids.
Jackson pulled her chin up, and kissed her gently. He loved the way she could be wanton
and sensual one minute, then bashful and demure the next. “And you call me an enigma.”
She put her hands on his chest and giggled, “I have work to do, you need to stop
distracting me.” A second easel stood with five photographs of a male adolescent.
“Wow, that is one homely kid.”
She grumbled, “You’re telling me.”
“You know, you’re not exactly a starving artist. I think you can pick your projects.”
“I know. I like a challenge once in a while.”
# Music of Souls
“Well, you certainly have one on your hands with this. I’m going to work on some music,
how long do you plan to be here?”
“Just a few hours, but then I’m going to shop for a Christmas present for Samantha.”
“Want me to go with you?”
“No, why don’t I meet you back here around four and we’ll go out for dinner later.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He kissed her again, and as he left the room, turned and pointed to
the canvas. “Good luck with that.”
Elisabeth left for Stanton Street at around 2:30. She noticed a large truck as she parked.
Tables with designer shoes on them stood beside the truck. She hurried to admire them
when a man came out of the truck. “I have a lot more in here.”
“Really?” She climbed into the truck to find shoes everywhere. “My Goodness.” She
pulled her phone out to call Sarah. On the second ring, something sharp pierced the back
of her neck and everything went black.
Jackson had lost track of time. He found Elisabeth’s studio vacant at 4:30. He spotted the
canvas and smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. She had somehow found the most
attractive features in the boy. The portrait still looked like the child, yet he was almost
He checked the bedroom before going downstairs.
Sarah sat in the drawing room reading. “Have you seen Elisabeth?”
“No, I had a dropped call from her earlier, but when I called back it went straight to voice
“Huh, she was supposed to be back at four.” Jackson called and got her voice mail as
well. “Hey, where are you? Let me know if you want to meet in town instead of here.”
Connor had started back at the office and returned home from court. “Hi guys, what’s
up?” He sat next to Sarah, planting a kiss on her forehead.
Jackson said, “Elisabeth and I are going out to dinner if you want to join us.”
“Sounds good to me, what do you think, Sarah?”
“Sure, where are you going?”
“We can decide when Elisabeth gets home.”
She still hadn’t returned by 5:15. Jackson called again. When the phone went straight to
# Music of Souls
voice mail, he hung up without leaving a message. “Where the hell is she? It isn’t like her
to be so late and not call.”
Sarah said, “She probably lost track of time and is in a dead zone.”
His phone finally rang at 5:30. Jackson answered, “Where are you?”
“I am with your werewolf girlfriend. She is indisposed at the moment.”
His face went white. “Victor!”
Sarah and Connor heard the conversation and both stared at him. He began to pace,
nearly screaming into the phone, “Where is she?”
Victor’s sinister laugh cut through him. “Why Jackson, you sound positively desperate.
That pleases me.” Jackson shook violently, desperate to summon self-control, while
every part of him yearned to cry out with the utter horror coursing through his mind.
Victor continued with a sadistic chuckle, “I am going to tell you where she is; first some
ground rules. You are to bring Sarah and that human pet with you. If you neglect to do
so, we will be gone before you arrive. I have eyes on you, so do not try to cross me. You
won’t be given another chance to find her.”
Jackson’s voice chafed, barely recognizable, “Let me speak to her.”
“You are in no position to be making demands; besides, Elisabeth doesn’t feel like
talking right now. She has a bit too much Diprivan in her system.”
He closed his eyes tightly and swallowed around the lump in his throat. “If you hurt her, I
swear I will find a way to kill you.”
Victor’s smug laugh stole Jackson’s breath, “So touching. These feelings you have for a
werewolf. Does love really conquer all? I think not. We will find out when you come to
the abandoned warehouse on Mill Street, won’t we?” The phone went dead.
Jackson marched toward the door, his face twisted with pain and fear.
Connor held his arm. “Wait, I think we need a plan.”
“I can’t ask you to come with me.” His voice cracked and he nearly broke down.
“You don’t have to ask. We’re coming.”
“It would be suicide for you. You’re not strong enough.”
“I’m stronger than you think.” Connor glanced at Sarah.
She moved forward and held Jackson’s other arm. “We didn’t want to upset you, but
Elisabeth’s blood has strengthened both of us. Connor is much stronger than he should
Jackson winced as if the pain would paralyze him. “Let’s go.”
He drove Sarah’s car. Connor sat in the passenger seat and Sarah in the back.
# Music of Souls
Connor offered a plan. “Victor will know I’ve been turned by my scent, but he will
expect me to be weak. We can use that. I won’t show my strength until I have to, or it
works to our advantage. He can’t kill Elisabeth, right?”
Jackson shook his head. “He shouldn’t be able to, I don’t know for sure.”
Sarah leaned forward. “He can’t. We have to believe that.”
“Then what is his end game?” asked Connor.
“He is insane and he despises us.” Connor’s level-headedness helped Jackson to think
more rationally. Victor wanted them all there for a reason. He couldn’t hope to
overpower them all at once. Would he try to drug them as he had Elisabeth? Was the
warehouse booby-trapped? Victor was crazy, not stupid. The three vampires would be
walking in without a clue as to what they would face, yet they had no choice. Jackson
considered calling Miriam, but there simply wasn’t enough time. She and her pack were
too far away. He wondered if other werewolves lived in the area, however, if he called
her and there weren’t any close enough to help, she would be upset needlessly. Thoughts
cut across his mind like razors.
He parked the car near the door to the warehouse, and the three entered without speaking.
The warehouse was lit, but metal-framed partitions covered in sheeting formed a maze.
Jackson began ripping down the sheets and knocking over the partitions as he yelled for
Elisabeth. There was no response. He could smell her, so raced toward her scent. All
three smelled vampires. Sarah whispered, “He’s not alone.” They finally reached the end
of the maze where they all gasped. There were no less than fifteen vampires along with
Victor, Cassandra, and Peter Standish. In the middle, Elisabeth sat in a metal chair, barely
conscious. Large chains cemented into the floor covered her. An IV in her arm dripped a
constant dose of powerful anesthetic.
Jackson screamed, “Elisabeth!” and ran toward her. Six vampires intercepted him. Five
more grabbed Sarah, and two held Connor. Jackson continued to scream Elisabeth’s
name with abject terror as she struggled to raise her head.
She met his eyes and rasped, “Run,” Jackson and Sarah both battled to break free, while
Connor fought to remain calm. He was terrified, yet knew he must hide his strength if
they were to have any chance.
Victor approached Jackson and yelled, “Shut up!”
Jackson screamed, “Fuck you!” and spat at him, then began to produce primal sounds.
Sneering at Jackson in disgust, Victor stood in front of Elisabeth and began hitting her,
first with open hand and then backhand, sending her head flailing from side to side. He
hissed, “I will stop when you have silenced yourselves.”
Sarah immediately ceased thrashing, but Jackson’s control took longer. He finally
screamed, “All right! Stop!” and went completely rigid.
Victor backhanded Elisabeth one last time and growled, “That’s more like it.” He turned
# Music of Souls
his attention back to Jackson and held his hands out. “As you can see, there is more than
one way to build an army. You would be surprised how many frustrated vampires exist,
searching for someone to give them a better life. I should really be thanking you, Jackson,
for leading me to the lovely Elisabeth. Although she has been somewhat elusive, she will
now serve my purpose twofold. She has brought you here, and even though I cannot
destroy you traitors, others can.” Cassandra stood next to him glaring at Jackson. Victor
put his arm around her. “Patience Love.” He glanced back to Elisabeth. “Your dog may
be indestructible, but I have enough drugs to keep her like that for a month. Once I have
disposed of you two and your newborn, I shall lure her pack here a few at a time and
destroy them all. You see, you have merely delayed my rule. I believe we all know I was
destined to prevail.”
One of the vampires holding Sarah was Peter Standish. He ran a finger along her jaw line.
“I had forgotten just how beautiful you are.” Sarah growled and jerked her face away.
Standish laughed, “Still as feisty as ever. I have to admit, I have thought of you many
times over the years, probably would have hooked up with you again if it were not for
Jackson’s threats. Tell me, are you still all doe-eyed and searching for happily-ever-after,
or have you come to your senses?” He glanced at Connor who barely contained his rage.
“Is this one a temporary diversion?” Sarah shared a fearful gaze with Connor. “Oh, so
you are still naive enough to hope he’ll stick around. When will you ever learn?”
Sarah glared at him and yelled, “Go to hell, you pig!”
“Ha, still living in fairy-tale land, I see. What a pity, all that beauty and hot sex wasted.”
Connor clenched his fists and ground his teeth in an effort to keep from showing his
strength. Standish grabbed Sarah’s chin. “Victor has promised I will be the one to stake
you. Now that I see you again, I think we should have some fun first.”
She spit at his face and snarled, “I’d happily die rather than let you touch me.”
Victor waved his hand in the air. “Enough!” He approached Jackson, his face inches
away. “I think you will be the first to die, pretty boy.”
Cassandra sidled up behind him whining, “Victor, you promised I could stake him.”
He rolled his eyes at Jackson and muttered, “She is such a pest, no wonder you dumped
Elisabeth and Connor were both out of Victor’s line of sight. Connor assumed his best
course would be to remove the IV from Elisabeth’s arm, and saw this as his opportunity.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she
would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option. He used all his
strength to easily overpower the two vampires holding him. He was at Elisabeth’s side
before anyone realized, and tore the needle from her arm. He broke two of the chains
holding her before four vampires attacked him.
Taking in the scene, Victor pushed Cassandra toward Jackson bellowing, “Take him!” He
then hurried to Elisabeth who was already sitting up straight. Her face contorted with
# Music of Souls
rage, and her eyes blackened. As Victor moved toward her, she caught sight of Cassandra
attacking Jackson, ripping into his neck with her fangs while he screamed, “Get off me,
you bitch!”
Victor grabbed the IV and Elisabeth’s wrist. She easily severed the chains holding her
other arm and caught him by the neck. He fumbled with the IV for a moment, but failed
to find a vein with her gripping his throat. Elisabeth let out a fierce growl and morphed
into a wolf.
The werewolf either slipped through or broke the remaining chains. This animal held no
resemblance to the docile creature the vampires knew. She bared her teeth and growled
viciously. Victor yelled, “It can’t be!” He tried to run, but she pounced and clamped onto
his neck with her huge fangs. Within seconds, she had decapitated him and sent the
disembodied head soaring across the room.
The vampires holding Sarah and Connor scattered. Cassandra’s group had not seen
Elisabeth yet. One of them caught sight of her and screamed, “Werewolf!” as he ran.
Cassandra fled with the others, but not before driving a stake into Jackson. He lay
motionless on the ground.
The werewolf jumped to Jackson’s body and pulled the stake from his chest with her
teeth. She nudged him with her nose then licked his face, her demeanor shifting to the
gentle wolf he knew. She sat, lifted her muzzle to the sky, and let out a mournful, grief
stricken howl that stabbed both Sarah and Connor through to their core. As they
approached Jackson’s body, Sarah sobbed uncontrollably. The wolf looked up at them,
then lay on the floor with her head on Jackson’s chest, whimpering.
Her body began to morph back to human form, so Connor grabbed a sheet and wrapped it
around her. Elisabeth rose to her knees and gazed at Jackson, then to Sarah and Connor,
shaking her head. “No, no, please, no!” She collapsed onto Jackson. “You can’t leave me,
you can’t, please!” She lay with her hands and head across his chest heaving painful,
soul-shattering sobs. Connor and Sarah sat on the floor, helpless to comfort her. All three
mourned as they hovered over Jackson’s lifeless body. Elisabeth knelt again and touched
her left hand to his face. “My ring. I have to find my ring, it’s all I have left.”
Connor held her shoulders. “I’ll find it. You stay here.”
Sitting cross-legged, Elisabeth held Jackson’s hand in her lap, gazing at his face. “We
have to take him home.”
“We will,” said Connor returning with ring.
She stood and put it on. “Let’s go.”
Connor moved to pick up Jackson, but she stopped him. “Let me.” She gently lifted him,
as if he were a sleeping child, and carried him to the car.
# Music of Souls
Chapter 29
No one spoke on the way home; the only sound, weeping from the two women. Elisabeth
sat with Jackson’s head in her lap, her tears dropping on his face. Connor wished he
could comfort the women, yet knew if he tried to speak, he would break down.
Elisabeth laid Jackson’s body on the sofa and knelt next to him. She placed one hand in
his hair and the other on his chest. “We should bury him under the scarlet oak. He will
have a blanket of red each fall.”
Sarah wailed, “Oh, he would love that.”
With her lips touching his ear, Elisabeth whispered, “I don’t know how to live without
you.” She laid her head on his chest and wept. Connor held Sarah, her face buried in his
chest. Any attempt at comfort was out of reach. Grief threatened to consume them, and
there would be no reprieve from their anguish.
Elisabeth lifted her head. “I think I heard...” She placed her head back on his chest. “I
hear a heartbeat. Sarah, listen.” Sarah looked sympathetically at her, assuming she was
imagining things.
Connor went wide-eyed. “His eyes just twitched.”
“Jackson, wake up! Open your eyes! Wake up!” She squeezed both his hands, and felt
pressure from his.
He was still for another moment then his lids opened. He looked around using only his
eyes, then slowly sat up, staring straight ahead. “I’m freaking Lazarus.” The other three
stood in amazed silence. Jackson eyed Elisabeth. “What’s with the toga?” She laughed
then collapsed onto him sobbing. His arms enveloped her. “What happened after that
bitch staked me?” Elisabeth continued to cry. Grief had overwhelmed her so completely,
it was like a bad dream she could not shake off.
Connor began to recount the story until Jackson stopped him. “Wait. How did she morph
into a wolf, it’s not even close to a full moon?” Connor shrugged and Jackson put his
hand on Elisabeth’s head. “Can you turn into a wolf whenever you want?”
She shook her head. “I’ve heard of wolves morphing in dire situations, but always
thought they were just stories. I remember thinking over and over that I couldn’t allow
him to kill someone I love again, and when Connor removed the IV, I went insane with
Jackson raised his eyebrows. “You killed Victor. You’re my hero.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and started crying again. “I never thought I would
see that smile or feel your hands on me again.”
Sarah sat on the other side of Jackson hugging him. “The defenses the Exemplars gave us
must work for anyone trying to kill us.”
# Music of Souls
“You think so?”
“I don’t know how else to explain this.”
“Hmm, maybe since Victor was behind it, it didn’t work.”
Sarah kissed his cheek. “It doesn’t matter why, you are alive.”
Jackson stood and shook Connor’s hand. “Thank you for keeping a clear head. You saved
her.” They all sat pondering the strange events. Jackson asked, “What’s this about
Elisabeth’s blood making you two stronger?”
The other three looked at each other hoping someone would take the lead. Connor finally
did. “Sarah noticed it a little while ago. We didn’t think it would serve any purpose to tell
“How strong?”
Sarah pursed her lips. “Well, certainly not as strong as Elisabeth. Connor isn’t nearly as
strong as we are, though he is much stronger than a newborn should be.”
“And you?”
She avoided his gaze. “Pretty strong, probably stronger than you now.”
“Wonderful. Me and Skippy, the weaklings.”
Elisabeth put her hands on either side of his face. “How do you feel?”
He patted his chest a few times. “Great. A little tingly, like my senses are heightened
somehow.” He felt the tips of his fingers with his thumbs. “Kind of super-sensitive all
over.” He leered at Elisabeth, arched his eyebrows with a lascivious grin, then stretched
with great exaggeration. “All this resurrection is exhausting, I need a nap.” He stood and
took Elisabeth’s hand. “Come tuck me in, my Greek goddess.” By the time they reached
the stairs, Elisabeth’s face colored beet red and she avoided Sarah and Connor’s amused
When they neared the bed, Elisabeth squinted. “Maybe you really should rest. You have
been through quite an ordeal.”
Jackson pulled her to him by the tie in the sheet still wore. “No way. I can’t wait to try
out my new Spidey Senses.”
She touched noses with him. “You better not die on me again.”
He kissed her passionately, and she went breathless in his embrace. He pulled back
abruptly with shocked eyes. Elisabeth held his face. “Oh no. What’s wrong?” He
answered with a grin that allowed her to see his fangs. She touched one with her index
finger. “Oh my. What if my blood burns you?”
“I don’t care. I’ll heal.” Elisabeth turned her head to expose her neck. He kissed her first,
enjoying the feel of her blood coursing beneath his lips, then, as his fangs breached her
skin, he braced for the burning that never came. He tasted only ambrosia, sweet beyond
# Music of Souls
imagination. Their connection blossomed immediately as they savored each other’s
intense pleasure. Communicating love in a way neither had ever experienced, they
converged in an esoteric dance in which the world fell away. Jackson drank deeply and
enjoyed his venom coursing through Elisabeth, eliciting wave after wave of euphoria.
When he began to retract his fangs, she held his head closer, not willing to break the bond
they had waited so long to share. He ceased drinking, but still allowed venom to flow
freely until she finally loosened her grip, exhausted. Gazing into her eyes he found his
destiny. “Now, we are truly one.”