Landscape Templates
Landscape Templates
Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 July 2012 Co ntent s t I ntroduc tion t Us in g t What t I nventor y t Concept Landscap e Tow n h o m e Cottage Bu n ga lo w Village Est ate Pa g e 3 t h e “ Flo r ida it t “ Flo r i da t S o u rces is to & Fr ie ndl y ” be “Flor id a ® Patte r n Fr ie n d l y ” B o o k Pa g e 4 ® Pa g e 5 Analysis Fr ien dly ” Ce l e b rat i o n Pa g e 6 D esign s Pa g e 7 - 8 Pa g e 9 - 10 Pa g e 1 1 - 12 Pa g e 1 3 - 14 Pa g e 1 5 - 16 ® Plant List Pa g e 1 7 - 20 Pa g e 2 1 Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 2 July 2012 I nt ro d uc ti o n ® ® The Celebration “Florida Friendly” Pattern Book is designed to familiarize Celebration residents with “Florida Friendly” landscape principles, and to serve as a design guide for a “Florida Friendly” approach to landscape design that meets Celebration landscape requirements for residential landscapes. ® Human activity, such as farming, ranching, animal development, and chemical application has significantly reduced many of the Earth’s native plant communities. The loss of these plant communities has led to species loss and endangered natural habitats, its caused soil erosion, and has reduced the genetic diversity necessary for a stable, balanced ecosystem. While preserving natural stands of native plants is important, you can help reestablish native & low water-use plant communities in your yard and community by choosing to landscape with a “Florida Friendly” approach to your landscape design. Regardless of the scale of the project, you can help conserve water and preserve & protect other natural resources while restoring and celebrating Central Florida’s regional character. ® ® ® Establishing a “Florida Friendly” landscape in your garden usually requires a bit of work. However, once a “Florida Friendly” landscape is designed, installed & maintained according to the nine “Florida Friendly” principles, and plants become established, you will see not only savings in time, energy, and money, but also an aesthetic that is unique to Central Florida. ® Your plan doesn’t have to be elaborate and it can be installed in phases as money and time permit. If you should need assistance, a professional landscape designer or landscape architect with “Florida Friendly” design experience could be employed to help guide you along. Whether it’s incorporating a “Florida Friendly” landscape design into an existing landscape or starting completely from scratch, above all have fun. ® Ce l e b rat i o n ® Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 3 July 2012 Us in g t h e Ce l e bration “Florida t Review the 9 principles of “Florida Friendly” ® Fr i e n d l y ” ® Pat tern B o o k : to familiarize yourself with the overall goals to keep in mind while planning your yard’s landscape layout. t The “Inventory Analysis” page describes the yard characteristics you should consider before you start thinking about what plants go where. t The zone template illustrates what types of plants are suitable for the typical landscape areas that you will define on your plan, based on lot type. t A landscape plan example with a variety of plant options is provided for inspiration and guidance. (Please note that according to Celebration’s landscape standards there is no requirement to follow our suggestions of design for the private zone, i.e the backyard of your lot, but we beleive if you do you won’t regret it.) t Refer to the Celebration “Florida Friendly” ® plant list to select the appropriate plant for your yards unique characteristics. Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 4 July 2012 Wh at i t 1.R i g ht is to P l a nt, b e “Flor ida R ight Fr iendly ” Place ®, T h e N in e P rin cip les This encompasses placing plants that thrive in full sun should be planted in full sun, and vice-versa for plants that do well in the shade. 2.Wate r Ef f icient l y Typically, outdoor water use accounts for up to 50 percent of water consumed by households. You can reduce your outdoor water consumption by taking a few simple steps. So tighten those taps, eliminate those leaks and use water wisely. 3.Fe r t il ize App ro p r iate l y Plants have varying nutrient needs, depending on the species, the age of the plant, and location. Supplemental nutrients can be provided to plants by applying fertilizers in the form of composted organic material, packaged fertilizer, or a specific mineral such as iron. 4.M ulc h A mulch layer around trees, shrubs, & planted beds provides many benefits such as: - keeping soil and plant roots warmer in winter & cooler in summer. -giving plant beds a uniform & neat arrangement,also, color & texture compliments plantings. - slowing evaporation and reducing the need to water plants. -improving soil aeration, structure, & drainage through decomposing organic materials. - inhibiting weed germination and growth. - lastly, protecting plant material from trimmers or mowers by providing a barrier. 5.Attra c t Wildlife Bring your yard to life by providing water, food, & shelter for birds, butterflies, and other creatures. 6 . M a n a g e Ya rd Pe sts Re sp o n sib l y The way that you plant & maintain your yard either discourages pests or throws out the welcome mat for them. Keep your plants healthy, conduct regular scouting, be easy on water and fertilizer, & encourage beneficial insects that will help manage the unwanted pests. 7.R ec yc l e Landscape maintenance activities like mowing, pruning, & raking generate yard waste that you can compost or mulch, recycling valuable nutrients. 8.R educe Sto rm - wate r Ru n off Be mindful of the decisions you make in your yard or garden. They can directly influence the health of Florida’s waters by becoming part of the stormwater runoff. These are things like exposed soil, landscape debris, oil, fertilizers, and pesticides that might be apparent in your yard. 9. Pro te c t t h e Wate r fro nt Florida is covered with water and its streams, rivers, lakes, freshwater springs and coastline are all interconnected. Even though you may not live on or nearby a water body, the land you do live on can affect the health and well being of any water source. No matter where you live, surface water that leaves your landscape as runoff, (due to rain or overwatering), will eventually drain into a water body. This, together with any fertilizers and pesticides, can be damaging to Florida waters. ht t p : //f yn. i f a s.uf l.ed u/ homeow n er s/ n i n e_ p r i n c i p les. ht m Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 5 July 2012 I nventor y & An al ysis Begin with the inventory process of your yard. Gather and record data about the physical characteristics of the yard. Note the conditions that make it unique. Locate permanent features and lot characteristics such as the following: -the lot & building dimensions -utilities -hardscapes -water sources -any plants that you want to stay, relocate, or discard -the climate -drainage areas -good and bad views -sun and shady areas You can loosely sketh this information on a plat or plan of your house and lot. This will help you determine the microclimates of your yard, and the goals for planting the yard. Garage When developing your own landscape, keep in mind what the desired aesthetic is, what the structural characteristics of the plants that you choose are, and think about how you will maintain your yard. House S ample North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n An alys i s Pl a n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 6 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® Zone Template: Town h o me The zones indicate the type of plant material suitable to meet Celebration pattern book landscape standards. There are two zones; you may encounter a third zone if your lot has wet areas. Please note the public zone, i.e. the front yard, is required to meet Celebration standards; the private zone or back yard is drawn to be used as an example. Refer to the plant list, pages 12-15, when determining which plant to use for each zone. zone 1: groundcover, property line Zone 1: Front Entries, Patios, Sidewalks, small shrub property line zone 1: groundcover, Walkways, Mailboxes, Utilities small - med shrub zone 2: med-large shrub Zone 2: Walls, Fences, Property lines, zone 2: large zone 1: turf, zone 1: groundcover, Foundations shrub groundcover, small-med shrub small-med shrub House Deck Garage zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: groundcover, small shrub zone 1: turf, groundcover, small- medium shrub zone 2: medium-large shrub zone 1: groundcover, small - medium shrub property line property line zone 2: medium shrub L an d sc ap e Zo n e P l a n North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 7 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® L andsc ap e Pl an E x ample : Town h o me property line Dwarf Yaupon Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Walter’s Viburnum Yaupon Holly Podocarpus Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Blue Daze Mondo Grass House Podocarpus Saw Palmetto Dwarf Palmetto Yaupon Holly Walter’s Viburnum Lily of the Nile African Iris Purple Coneflower Gulf Muhly Grass Pringles Podocarpus House Elliott’s Lovegrass Florida Gamma Grass Coontie Beautyberry Knockout Rose Darwin’s Blueberry Elliott’s Lovegrass Gulf Muhly Grass Saw Palmetto Purple Coneflower Knockout Rose Flax Lily Salt Marsh CordGrass Gulf Muhly Grass Lily of the Nile property line property line Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Blue Daze Mondo Grass Dwarf Yaupon Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Fakahatchee Grass African Iris Fern Leaf Bamboo Ligustrum Podocarpus Simpson’s Stopper Yaupon Holly Walter’s Viburnum Deck Garage sod Dwarf Yaupon Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Fakahatchee Grass Walter’s Viburnum Yaupon Holly Podocarpus Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Blue Daze Mondo Grass property line Dwarf Yaupon Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Fakahatchee Grass African Iris Saw Palmetto Dwarf Yaupon Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Fakahatchee Grass Walter’s Viburnum Yaupon Holly Podocarpus Saw palmetto North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 8 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® Zone Template: Co t t ag e The zones indicate the type of plant material suitable to meet Celebration pattern book landscape standards. There are two zones; you may encounter a third zone if your lot has wet areas. Please note the public zone, i.e. the front yard, is required to meet Celebration standards; the private zone or back yard is drawn to be used as an example. Refer to the plant list, pages 12-15, when determining which plant to use for each zone. property line Zone 1: Front Entries, Patios, Sidewalks, property line zone 1: groundcover, Walkways, Mailboxes, Utilities small - med shrub zone 1: groundcover, zone 2: small shrub Zone 2: Walls, Fences, Property lines, small-med shrub zone 2: large zone 1: small-med shrub Foundations zone 2: medium shrub shrub House Garage zone 1: groundcover, smallmedium shrub zone 2: medium-large shrub zone 1: groundcover, small - medium shrub property line L a n zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: turf, small- medium shrub property line zone 2: large shrub d sc ap e Zo n e P l a n North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 9 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® L andsc ap e Pl an E x ample property line Beautyberry Knock-out Rose Elliotts Lovegrass Purple Lovegrass Thryallis Knock-out Rose Sand Cordgrass Dwarf Fakahatchee Anise Fakahatchee Dwarf Simpson’s Stopper Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Wax Myrtle Dwarf Yaupon Spider Lily Liriope Wire Grass property line Saw Palmetto Dwarf Palmetto Yaupon Holly Walter’s Viburnum Daylily Sunshine Mimosa Asian Jasmine Perennial Peanut Juniper Blue Daze Afircan Iris Agapanthus Blanketflower North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Co t t ag e Bamboo Ligustrum Podocarpus Simpson’s Stopper Yaupon Holly Walter’s Viburnum Lady Palm Fakahatchee Saw Palmetto Bamboo Firebush Anise Saw Palmetto Coontie : Wire Grass Florida Heather Monkey Grass Pringles Podocarpus Blue Eyed Grass Dwarf Fakahatchee Cast Iron Plant House Fr i e nd l y Tabebuia Drake Elm Crape Myrtle Ligustrum Deck Orange Bird of Paradise Coontie Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Burford’s Dwarf Walter’s Side yard can be mulch access Elliotts Lovegrass Purple Lovegrass Thryallis Knock-out Rose Sand Cordgrass Dwarf Fakahatchee property line property line Garage European Fan Palm Daylily Sunshine Mimosa Asian Jasmine Perennial Peanut Juniper Blue Daze African Iris Agapanthus Blanketflower Bottlebrush Holly Tree Weeping Podocarpus Ligustrum Pat te r n Beautyberry Saw Palmetto Silver Saw Palmetto Cardboard Palm Knock-out Rose B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 0 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® Zone Template: B un g alow The zones indicate the type of plant material suitable to meet Celebration pattern book landscape standards. There are two zones; you may encounter a third zone if your lot has wet areas. Please note the public zone, i.e. the front yard, is required to meet Celebration standards; the private zone or back yard is drawn to be used as an example. Refer to the plant list, pages 12-15, when determining which plant to use for each zone. Zone 1: Front Entries, Patios, Sidewalks, Walkways, Mailboxes, Utilities Zone 2: Walls, Fences, Property lines, Foundations property line zone 2: med-large shrub zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub property line zone 1: small - med shrub zone 2: med-large shrub zone 2: small-med shrub Garage House zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub Patio zone 2: small-med shrub zone 1: groundcover, mulch property line zone 2: large shrub zone 1: small- medium shrub property line North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a zone 1: turf, groundcover, small-med shrub zone 2: med-large shrub L an d sc ap e Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n Zo n e P l a n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 1 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Coontie Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Walter’s Dwarf Fakahatchee Pringles Podocarpus Dwarf Burford Dwarf Wax Myrtle Fri e ndly ” L andsc ap e ® Asian Jasmine Pl an E x ample property line Mondo Grass Bugelflower Blue Eyed Grass Spider Lily Sideyard- Mulch Access Cast Iron Plant Wire Grass Florida Heather Monkey Grass Society Garlic Cross Vine Coral Honeysuckle Confederate Jasmine Trumpet Vine House Cast Iron Plant Holly Fern Lady Palm Fakahatchee Sabal Minor property line Coontie Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Walter’s Dwarf Fakahatchee Pringles Podocarpus Dwarf Burford Dwarf Wax Myrtle North B un g alow Dwarf Schellings Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Fakahatchee Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Walter’s Pringles Podocarpus Podocarpus Loropetalum Anise Firebush Yaupon Beautyberry Knock-out Rose Saw Palmetto Firebush : Bamboo Yaupon Ligustrum Wax Myrtle Podocarpus Walter’s Viburnum Agapanthus African Iris Blanketflower Purple Coneflower Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Perennial Peanut Juniper property line Tabebuia Yaupon Holly Weeping Yaupon Simpson’s Stopper Garage Orange Bird of Paradise Beautyberry Knock-out Rose Cardboard Palm Patio sod Vegetable Garden Blanketflower Agapanthus African Iris Purple Coneflower Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Perennial Peanut Sideyard-Mulch Access Bamboo Yaupon Ligustrum Wax Myrtle Podocarpus Walter’s Viburnum Ce l e b rat i o n Coontie Pringles Podocarpus Dwarf Fakahatchee Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Walter’s Fl o r i d a Gulf Muhly Grass Sand Cordgrass Cross Vine Flax Lily Trumpet Vine Coral Honeysuckle Dwarf Fakahatchee Dwarf Yaupon Pringles Podocarpus property line Dwarf Walter’s Coontie Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n Saw Palmetto Fakahatchee Silver Saw Palmetto Sabal Minor Bottlebrush Magnolia Tree Drake Elm B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 2 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® Zone Template: Villag e The zones indicate the type of plant material suitable to meet Celebration pattern book landscape standards. There are two zones; you may encounter a third zone if your lot has wet areas. Please note the public zone, i.e. the front yard, is required to meet Celebration standards; the private zone or back yard is drawn to be used as an example. Refer to the plant list, pages 12-15, when determining which plant to use for each zone. zone 1: turf Zone 1: Front Entries, Patios, Sidewalks, property line zone 1: groundcover, property line Walkways, Mailboxes, Utilities mulch zone 2: med-large shrub zone 2: med-large shrub Zone 2: Walls, Fences, Property lines, zone 1: groundcover, Foundations zone 2: small-med shrub small-med shrub House zone 2: small-med shrub zone 2: small-med shrub Garage zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub zone 2: small-med shrub zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub property line North Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: groundcover property line Fr i e nd l y L an d sc ap e Pat te r n Zo n e P l a n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 3 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® L andsc ap e Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Blue Daze Juniper Pl an E x ample Asian Jasmine Mondo Grass Bugleflower Blue Eyed Grass Sideyard-Mulch Access Pringles Podocarpus Coontie Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Fakahatchee Dwarf Yaupon House Elliott’s Lovegrass Purple Lovegrass Beautyberry Yaupon Coontie Saw Palmetto Knock-out Rose Fakahatchee Simpson’s Stopper Firebush Burford’s Holly Yaupon Walter’s Viburnum Yaupon Tree Tabebuia Weeping Yaupon Crape Myrtle Ligustrum Drake Elm Weeping Podocarpus East Palatka Holly Bottlebrush North Ce l e b rat i o n Cast Iron Plant Dwarf Firebush Fakahatchee Lady Palm Indian Hawthorne Bamboo Ligustrum Podocarpus Simpson’s Stopper Yaupon Holly Walter’s Viburnum Simpson’s Stopper House Walter’s Viburnum Burford’s Holly Yaupon Anise Ligustrum Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Burford’s Holly Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Wax Myrtle Pringles Podocarpus Coontie Agapanthus Blanketflower Daylily Sideyard-Mulch Access Fl o r i d a : Villag e Fireworks Goldenrod Gulf Muhly Grass Sand Cordgrass African Iris Fr i e nd l y Daylily Sunshine Mimosa Asian Jasmine Perennial Peanut Blue Daze African Iris property line sod Chinese Fan Palm Pigmy Date Palm Sabal Palm White Bird Phoenix Palm Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Wax Myrtle Coontie Pat te r n property line B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 4 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Fri e ndly ” ® Zone Template: E st ate The zones indicate the type of plant material suitable to meet Celebration pattern book landscape standards. There are two zones; you may encounter a third zone if your lot has wet areas. Please note the public zone, i.e. the front yard, is required to meet Celebration standards; the private zone or back yard is drawn to be used as an example. Refer to the plant list, pages 12-15, when determining which plant to use for each zone. zone 1: groundcover, zone 2: med-large shrub property line Zone 1: Front Entries, Patios, Sidewalks, small-med shrub Walkways, Mailboxes, Utilities Zone 2: Walls, Fences, Property lines, Foundations zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: turf zone 2: medium shrub zone 1: small shrub zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub House zone 2: medium shrub zone 2: mediumlarge shrub zone 1: groundcover, small-med shrub zone 2: med-large shrub property line zone 1: groundcover, small shrub Garage Deck property line zone 2: medium shrub zone 2: large shrub L a n d s c a p e Zo n e P l a n North property line Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 5 July 2012 “ Fl o r i d a Cast Iron Dwarf Firebush Anise Saw Palmetto Fakahatchee Grass Accent Garden (Knock-out Roses Cast Iron Dwarf Firebush Anise Pringles Podocarpus Saw Palmetto Coontie Fakahatchee Grass Fri e ndly ” ® L andsc ap e Bottlebrush Holly Podocarpus Pl an E x ample Cross Vine Trumpet Vine : E st ate Eastern Red Cedar Southern Red Cedar Ligustrum Saw Palmetto Elliotts Lovegrass Purple Lovegrass Orange Bird of Paradise Dwarf Fakahatchee Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Yaupon Fakahatchee Grass Button Bush Firebush Loropetalum Yaupon Eastern Red Cedar Southern Red Cedar Ligustrum Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Shore Juniper Periwinkle Fakahatchee Grass Button Bush Yaupon Ligustrum Saw Palmetto Dwarf Simposon’s Stopper Elliott’s Lovegrass Gulf Muhly Grass Saw Palmetto Dwarf Firebush Dwarf Burfor’s Holy Dwarf Yaupon Dwarf Wax Myrtle Pringles Podocarpus Dwarf Walter’s Viburnum property line Beautyberry Coontie Sand Cordgrass Fakahatchee Grass Sod Ce l e b rat i o n Fl o r i d a Vegetable Garden Bamboo Yaupon Ligustrum Podocarpus Pineapple Guava Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Blueshore Juniper property line Perennial Peanut Asian Jasmine Sunshine Mimosa Shore juniper Beautyberry Fakahatchee Grass Sand cordgrass Coontie North Tabebulia Drake Elm Bottlebrush Fakahatchee Grass Carboard Plant Coontie Saw Palmetto Orange Bird of Paradise Fr i e nd l y Pat te r n B ook Celebration, Florida p age 1 6 July 2012 Ce l e b rat i o n “ Fl orida Friendly ” &HOHEUDWLRQ)ORULGD)ULHQGO\0DVWHU3ODQW/LVW =RQH)URQW(QWULHV3DWLRV6LGHZDONV:DONZD\V0DLOER[HV8WLOLWLHV 3ODQW&DWHJRU\ 6PDOO7UHHV %RWDQLFDO1DPH &RPPRQ1DPH ® P lant L ist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